#It's v v rough idea but it at least gives me some sort of direction
selvepnea · 1 year
I can't believe how much thought I'm putting into the idea of going to canada for collage
0 notes
jungkxook · 4 years
—moonstruck. (m)
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⟶ pairing: taehyung x reader
⟶ genre: werewolf!taehyung au / arranged marriage au / smut with a sprinkle of fluff
⟶ words: 7,421
⟶ rating: 18+
⟶ summary: in hindsight, being friends with a pack of werewolves and, thus, suddenly being thrown into a world of supernatural furries and other inhuman beings isn’t something you would recommend but it was too late to back out now, especially when you consider the fact that apparently you’re now being “hunted” and the only way to save you is to be mated with taehyung. whatever that means.
⟶ warnings: multiple smut scenes, first time (virgin!taehyung), clumsy sex, soft and gentle sex, sort of rough sex, all the sex, cunnilingus, riding, hair pulling, knotting, buckets of cum, biting kink, slight impregnation kink, unprotected sex, creampie
⟶ disclaimer: first fic back after a long hiatus and i’m suddenly v nervous to post this!! also this is shamelessly and 100% inspired by an episode of the show outlander (to be exact, the wedding episode). i couldn’t help myself!! 
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“Are you serious right now?”
In hindsight, being friends with a pack of werewolves and, thus, suddenly being thrown into a world of supernatural furries and other inhuman beings isn’t something you would recommend but it was too late to back out now, especially when you consider the fact that apparently you’re now being “hunted.” Whatever that means.
Had you heard yourself speak a year ago before meeting Taehyung and having your life turned upside down, you would have surely thought you were insane, and you would have definitely thought Taehyung is insane, and the rest of his friends who are, subsequently, now yours ━ each of whom are all currently splayed out before you in Namjoon’s spacious country-side home with similar grave looks staring back at you.
“Dead serious,” Hoseok takes the liberty of breaking the odd silence saturating the kitchen. He’s made it a point to be on time for once, which you consider great and all if it wasn’t basically to dispute your current death sentence. “Always thought Jaebum’s pack were sons of bitches ━ glad to know it’s still true.”
“Hoseok,” Yoongi scolds. “Be a little more compassionate.”
“Am I wrong?” Hoseok refutes.
From off to the side, Jimin pushes himself forward with a frustrated groan, shaking his head. “Tae, I told you this was a dumb fucking idea ━ bringing Y/N into the pack━”
“I didn’t think this would happen,” Taehyung protests hotly. He’s leaning against the wall somewhere behind you, arms crossed over his chest and a deep frown darkening his face.
“How could you not think this would happen?” Jungkook retorts bitterly.
“Shut up, Jungkook.”
“She’s a human,” Jungkook says. “Jaebum wants her gone, but if he were to get his hands on her, then who knows what could happen━”
“I said shut up, Jungkook,” Taehyung snarls, an odd vehement tone dripping from his every word that is out of the place for the usually tranquil boy. Jungkook’s mouth clamps shut at once, though you suspect it’s not to do with defeat more so than because he’s the newest addition to the pack and, while Namjoon is their leader (or Alpha, as you’ve heard being thrown around before), Taehyung was something of a second-in-command. You could only imagine the consequences of crossing either Namjoon or Taehyung within the pack.
“Hold on a second,” You try to sputter for air, lungs wheezing. Your mind has since been spinning, struggling to keep up. At first you thought they were joking when they had told you, but now you were beginning to understand the severity at the very least. “I’m being hunted? Why?”
Now, Namjoon looks from Taehyung, then to you, and back again. Taehyung hesitates to answer at first, and Jungkook scowls. “Well, tell her, Tae. You dragged her into this mess. She deserves to hear it from you.”
As you twist in your seat to look up at Taehyung, your eyes locking briefly with his, the boy grimaces and then has to look away. He takes a deep breath before responding. “Okay, look. You know that pack I told you about? Jaebum’s?”
You nod, though the memory is vague. You’ve heard the name in passing before, but you could only gather that there was some sort of animosity between his and Taehyung’s pack.
“He found out about you, and I don’t know how,” Taehyung explains. “And now he wants you gone, and he’ll do anything to see it through.”
You blink once, dumbfounded. Terrified, even. Taehyung can certainly hear it in your voice and it makes him flinch again, as if being striked across the face. “Why?”
“Because you’re not one of us,” Taehyung says. “Because you’re human. When I first told you about us, I was risking everything. It’s uncommon for one of us to bring a human into the pack just because, and often even frowned upon. There’s a fear you’ll expose us to the human world or the hunters. Jaebum’s threatening to start war if we don’t deal with this situation ourselves.”
It’s only then that the dread begins to creep upon you, chilling you to the bone. “Deal with it… how?”
“The ultimatum is either kill you ourselves, or give you over to Jaebum to deal with, as a sort of peace offering,” Namjoon says carefully.
“Which probably also results in death,” Hoseok points out morbidly.
Jin scoffs. “Or worse.”
“Is there any option that doesn’t result in death?” You ask warily. At this, the group falls silent once more.
“Well, there is one.” Namjoon glances fleetingly around at his brethren, then sighs. “You become one of us.”
“I━” You stammer, face suddenly hot. “You mean, like, a werewolf?”
“I mean, a wedding.”
“A wedding?” You gasp. “How is that going to save me?”
“Not a wedding like you think,” Namjoon says. “More of a bonding. A handfasting. Right now, as a human, you’re vulnerable and exposed. We have no claim over you. But if you become one of us ━ without being turned ━ then Jaebum shouldn’t be able to touch you.”
Slowly, you begin to piece together the fragment of your dilemma. “Marry who?”
A beat of silence passes amongst the group in which time you spot Namjoon nod in the direction of Taehyung’s figure beyond you, a wordless yet clear gesture. Suddenly, a stubborn warmth of a blush pinches at your cheeks. You wonder if they can notice, if Taehyung can notice. You start, “Taehyung━?”
“He offered to be the one,” Namjoon says. “And Jaebum knows Taehyung’s role in the pack. If he knows you’re mated to Tae, Jaebum would be absolutely insane to try and come for you. It’s the only way, Y/N, and it ensures your safety.”
“Marrying Taehyung?” You ask shrilly, voice dangerously thin. “How is marrying Taehyung going to ensure my safety?”
“It’s not just a marriage,” Jimin explains.
But of course you already know this, werewolf laws a strange and intricate jumble of rules that you’ve long since grown accustomed to. When he speaks next, you already know it’s much more than a marriage; and, when he speaks next, you fear you’ve already had your fate decided for you.
“It’s not just a marriage,” Namjoon repeats, matter-of-fact, “because we’re making you Taehyung’s mate.”
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“You didn’t have to do this.”
You try not to think about it. Admittedly, marrying your friend who you have only known for a year isn’t something you had been expecting. But, as Namjoon had explained it, it wasn’t necessarily a legal unification between you and Taehyung, though you suppose it’s as valid now as any marriage with the ritualistic handfasting ceremony making it official. That, and you favoured living to see another day instead of becoming a werewolf’s next meal or ripped to shreds by one.
Only a day after your conversation with the boys of Taehyung’s pack, you’ve come to your ultimate decision which has led you to where you are now, returning to Namjoon’s home for a wedding. Your wedding. You hadn’t very long to decide your own fate anyway, with the boys grimly warning you it was now or never. But you trust them, despite this crazed ludicrous situation you find yourself in ━ and you trust Taehyung more than anything, your friendship with him having quickly blossomed into something so sincerely profound over the year that you’ve known him.
If you’re being honest, Namjoon’s pack had at least made an effort for the occasion because despite how unconventional it is, it was still a celebration. A celebration for your marriage, and a celebration for their hopeful victory over Jaebum. Still, the underlying threat of the evening remains, made more prevalent by the fact that it was required to invite at least another pack (of which you’ve met the leader, Jisoo, a handful of times before) as witnesses. It’s a simple ceremony too, quaint and cute if you weren’t clinging to life. You had made it a point to dress up, digging a pretty white dress from the depths of your closet with flowing butterfly-like sleeves; Taehyung had forgone a suit but was still handsomely dressed too, leaving you to feel like less of an idiot. Namjoon had officiated it, standing before you and Taehyung as you held one another’s hand, wrapped delicately in ribbon, listening to the vows being proclaimed that talked about true love, and the passion and yearning involved.
When the handfasting finally draws to a close, you’re shoved into a room alone with Taehyung for a moment of privacy by Hoseok, who can be heard quipping wolfishly, “Get it over with quick!” before vanishing behind the closed door. You wager he’s left to join with the rest of the festivities outside where, no doubt, every werewolf is currently drinking themselves blind.
Finally alone with Taehyung, a saturated silence fills the air that has you wringing your hands anxiously in front of you. You sit on the edge of the bed in the center of the room. “What other choice was there, Tae?”
Taehyung takes a moment to respond, and even he knows the thought is a useless one when it crosses his mind before voicing it aloud. “We could have ran away.”
“How far would we get?” You sigh. Still, the sorrow earnest in his voice and riddling his face is enough to make you look up at him sympathetically. “I’m no use to you if Jaebum or someone worse finds us by ourselves. Besides, the boys need you.”
“No, you need me,” Taehyung insists. “Jungkook’s right. I dragged you and the pack into this mess. It’s my responsibility to fix this.”
He drags his feet towards the bed, then flops down onto his back on the mattress. A troubled groan punctuates the air, and you sneak a glance behind you to see him rubbing warily at his eyes.
You decide now would be the best time to ask the one question that has been on your mind since the night before when you were sitting in Namjoon’s kitchen to discuss Jaebum’s scorn. “Is that why… Is that why you offered to be my mate?”
“Yes,” Taehyung admits meekly. “Sort of. Think we’d all rather it be me than Joon, anyway.”
You don’t argue with this. The reasons as to why it had to be Taehyung satisfied you well enough. That, and aside from having befriended the pack over the months, you’re much closer to Taehyung than you are with the others.
“So…” You trail off, clearing your throat. At this point, you’re simply speaking for the sake of filling the void. “What now?”
Taehyung shrugs. He looks around the room. “Nothing.”
“Well, what did Hoseok mean just now? Get what over with?”
“Erm━” Taehyung opens his mouth, as if preparing to explain, then decides otherwise. “It’s nothing.”
“Taehyung, we literally just got married and you’re already keeping secrets from me,” You retort. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” he insists. “It’s just that… Well…” He sits up from the bed, meeting your curious gaze. “This was essentially a mating, and every mating needs to be seen through to the end to be considered valid. The pack can tell when it’s… uh… done.”
Now it hits you. It’s the way he awkwardly trails off, hand ruffling through his long locks, that has you immediately understanding what he’s trying to imply. You gawk upward at him. “Are you asking me to sleep with you?”
Suddenly, Taehyung looks flustered and he shakes his head frantically. “I mean, they expect it, but I would never force it on you.” Then, he straightens up, as if captivated by a newfound confidence. The smallest of smirks dances upon his lips that you don’t miss. “Besides, I never said it had to be between you and me. As long as they can sense it, I’d say your hand would do just fine instead ━ but you have all night for that.”
“Oh my god.”
The smirk widens into a devious look now. “You said you wanted honesty.”
As he dissolves into a fit of stifled chuckles, you scowl but you wager it’s mostly an attempt to hide the frazzled look on your face. Then, hurrying to change the topic, ask, “Is every mating like that then?”
“Yeah,” Taehyung admits. “If two mates want to stay together forever, they complete the process with marking, usually by a bite. It strengthens the mating bond.”
Taehyung notices you squirm in your spot, crossing your knee over the other and squeezing your thighs together. He can sense you’re uncomfortable, understandably with your current situation, but can’t quite pinpoint what else seems to make you sit so rigidly.
“What was it like for you?” He decides to ask. “The handfasting?”
The question takes you by surprise, though his sincere intrigue makes you smile smally to yourself. “I’ve never experienced anything like that before, but it was… It was nice.” You think back to nearly an hour ago, and the way Taehyung had looked standing before you. While you were marrying him out of necessity, there was something candidly beautiful about the entire ceremony. At the very least, you were glad it had been with Taehyung of all people. “Can I be honest with you, Tae?”
“Of course,” Taehyung says. “At this point, you can pretty much tell me anything. Don’t think anything’s as shocking as coming out as a werewolf.”
An innocent giggle bubbles at your throat. Suddenly, you look sheepish. “I might have had one too many glasses of wine before coming.”
“Ah.” Despite the interested hum of noise, he looks genuinely entertained. “So you’re drunk?”
“Not quite. Pleasantly buzzed,” You say. “Well, can you blame me? The occasion called for it considering a bunch of wolves want to kill me and I’m being arranged into a marriage.”
“So you don’t remember anything about your own wedding?”
You pull a face, though Taehyung gathers it’s because of the blunt mention of the word. “I do. Just… not all of it. Some things are clearer than others, but I think that’s mostly because I was nervous.”
“I remember every moment,” Taehyung muses thoughtfully. “I remember seeing you there, in your dress, and everything felt right despite it all.” His stare hardens in that moment, as if probed by the harsh reminder of the reasoning behind the night in the first place. “You know I’ll do anything to keep you safe, right? We haven’t had time to sit back and talk it over but you really do mean the world to me.”
A muffled groan eclipses your lips. You dig the heels of your palms against your eyes as you bemoan, “Don’t say those kinds of things, Tae.”
“Because… Because…” Your eyes shoot open, though suddenly you refuse to meet his curious wandering gaze.
But Taehyung doesn’t even need you to finish your thought. You wonder if it’s one of the many keen abilities possessed by these shapeshifters or if it’s simply a Taehyung thing, being that he’s quickly become one of your closest friends over the year that you’ve known him.  
“You’re still nervous,” he hums as delicately as possible. It’s not an accusation, but a simple fact of the matter. He pushes himself to sit on the edge of the bed beside you, leaving an appropriate amount of space between the two of you. “Are you nervous because of me?”
“That’s a lie,” Taehyung snorts. When you don’t respond immediately, a small inkling of a doubt makes him question apprehensively, “Are you scared of me then? I wouldn’t blame you, especially after everything that’s been going on━”
“What?” You finally turn to look at him, a look of incredulousness contorting your face. “No! No, I’m not scared of you, Tae. I could never be scared of you.” You don’t dare turn to face him, instead keeping your eyes fixed on your hands as you continue. “You make me nervous, but not in a bad way. Does that make any sense?”
“Yeah. Yeah, it does.” When you chance a look at him, you find him smiling softly to himself. “It’s the same way I felt when I saw you earlier tonight.”
Your heart quickens in pace against your chest, and you’re almost positive he can surely hear it. Now, you finally lift your timid stare to meet his pensive look, and you have to bite back the smile that threatens to form on your face. He looks distracted, though not in a way where his mind is elsewhere entirely; instead, he seems besotted, dark eyes shimmering gently, and there’s a palpable shift of energy in the atmosphere.
Without even realizing it, the pair of you begin to gravitate towards one another, leaning in close enough to shorten the distance between the two of you. You pause, lingering near enough to feel his warm breath fanning against your neck. He can’t help himself, and reaches out with his hand to brush his fingers along your shoulder to the base of your throat, sending chills down your spine. His hand comes to rest against your neck, fingers stretching outward to cradle the back of your head. He guides you toward him this time, closer and closer.
“Taehyung…” You whisper.
He stops at once, clamps his mouth shut and squeezes his eyes closed. His restraint seems to be not without labour, judging by the sobering small shake of his head, and the way he leans his forehead against yours, tendons in his jaw fluttering as he clenches his teeth. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t.”
“I want you to.”
He’s startled when you’re the one that moves first, catching his lips onto yours. He’s unmoving at first, basking in the feel and taste of your mouth smoothing over his. It’s slow, steady, but then he’s craning his neck to deepen the kiss and something feverish overtakes the both of you. You clamber onto his lap at once, swinging one leg over his and settling back onto him, your dress bunching up at your thighs. He’s taken aback for a moment, though his hands instinctively come to grip at your waist and you try not to focus on how large and warm they feel, burning against the material of your dress. In fact, every inch of him radiates a thermal energy that is both comforting and excites you. You chase his lips, yearning for another kiss, but he hesitates at the last moment, jerking his head away. He doesn’t move very far at first, then he drops his head into the crook of your neck. His nose burrows against the base of your throat, his lips brushing against your skin as he moves along your neck to your shoulder, then back again. You can tell he’s holding himself back, not quite allowing himself to enjoy this. To enjoy you.
“You said we have all night, didn’t you?” You rasp. “So why not start now?”
“I also said it didn’t have to be between you and me if you didn’t want it to be.” Taehyung finds his voice at long last, however hoarse it may be. You’re already driving him crazy, just by your smell alone. “Are you sure? You said you wanted honesty, so be honest with me, Y/N. Don’t just say it’s because it has to be done. I don’t want you to regret anything.”
“Well, don’t you want this?” You question.
“Fuck, yes.” He groans against your neck. Something feral seems to stir within him, and you can feel his canines bare against your skin. “But only if you do.”
You aren’t quite sure what seems to possess you all of a sudden. He’s intoxicating, you think. Your hands tug at his hair now, desperation wearing your own voice thin. “Yes, Tae. Please. I want you inside me so badly.”
Finally, he presses his mouth against your throat, tonguing hot open-mouthed kisses there. His grip tightens around your waist, tugging you harder against him, and the feeling of him growing harder against your inner thigh in a matter of seconds has you both enraptured by a newfound heated ferocity.
Grasping at a moment of clarity, you ask meekly, “Isn’t this your first time?”
“Is it that obvious?”
You want to tell him anything but, the way his hands and lips move across you an indicator of that. “I thought you wolves are all about sex. Don’t you, like, go into heat or something?”
It’s a feeble attempt at a snarky joke, judging by the way your lips unfurl into a languid smirk. “Typically. But I never wanted sex for the sake of fucking. The boys make fun of me all the time for it.”
You snicker, but the delightful noise is lost in a simper as he continues to kiss upward to the underside of your jaw. He grips tightly at your waist and moves, shifting the two of you around, until your back is splayed out on the edge of the bed and he’s hovering directly over you.
“Taehyung…” He grunts in response, though you don’t blame him for not responding. The way his cock bulges against your core now, the way you press your hips up into his instinctively, is enough to drive you insane, let alone the boy. Still, you manage to rasp, “Tae, just don’t bite me. Promise me.”
“I won’t,” he assures, though now he certainly seems preoccupied. He inhales deeply, nostrils flaring, and whines aloud, “God, I can already smell you. So fucking good.”
His head falls into the crook of your neck as his hips dig harshly into yours in a way that makes you aware of what his words seem to mean. Slick arousal already begins to form between your legs, pooling into a mess on your underwear that has you squirming beneath him. The thought of him being able to smell you makes your face heat, but he doesn’t seem to notice. He kisses down to your collarbones, then, without warning, flips you over at once. Rough hands grasp at your waist, pulling you to your knees and your ass off the edge of the bed. As he fumbles to tear your panties from your hips, then lifts the skirt of your dress up with one hand, he hurries to undo his belt and the button of his pants with the other.
“Wait, Tae━” You gasp. Before he can push himself into you, you heave yourself up with your hands and twist just enough to place your palm above his waist on his abdomen, stopping him in his place. “What are you doing?”
“What’s wrong?” he asks, brows creasing with concern. “Isn’t this how it’s done? I’m not totally helpless.”
You bite back your abrupt grin, swallowing your amusement when you realize he’s genuinely confused. It’s hard to grasp how he can look so innocent even despite his leaking cock still in his hand. “Well, yeah, but not always.”
“I just thought it was like how dogs go at it, y’know?” Taehyung says. “The guys all seem to say so anyway.”
You can’t help it now when this newfound information has you keeling over with laughter. You’re fortunate he doesn’t seem offended by your delight, instead grinning sheepishly to himself as he watches you wipe tears away from your eyes.
“What?” he asks promptly, and then as if to nudge you back to reality, tightens his grip on your waist and yanks you towards him gingerly. Pressing his front flush against your back, he catches your ear lobe between his teeth and nibbles on it.
“Then I feel sorry for their mates,” You manage to choke out. “It’s not bad, but I want to be able to see you the first time around. It’s better that way. More intimate.”
You squirm out from beneath him, turning to face him properly. Still sprawled out before him, you prop yourself up on your elbow and then reach out with your other hand to grab at his face and pull him down to you.
“Noted,” he hums into your mouth. “Anything else I should know?”
“Nothing that I can think of at the moment,” You admit, though maybe that’s simply because your mind is spinning at the sight of his length.
He’s much, much bigger than you imagined, tip irritated and swollen red already, glistening with precum as he swipes his palm over himself a handful of times. You hike your dress up further around your waist as he guides himself towards you.
“Stop me if it hurts,” he says.
You nod, though you trust him well enough to know he’ll treat you right in the best way possible. As he pushes the tip of his length against your folds and into you, your reactions are almost immediate. He ceases above you, face scrunching up at the feeling of your slickness around him. You notice his furrowed brows, the way he bares his teeth. A guttural growl sounds deep within his chest that has you shuddering in anticipation.
“Oh, fuck,” he moans. “You’re so fucking wet. You take me so well, baby. I don’t think I’ll last long.”
“Don’t care,” You whimper. “Just wanna feel you.”
He pushes himself in further, slowly and carefully, inch-by-inch, in just a way that has the both of you feeling how he stretches you open every single step of the way. You wonder how much further you can go until he’s stopping, bottoming out within you. He sputters for air, collapsing against your chest entirely as you fall back onto the bed. He waits just enough for you to adjust to the girth of his weight in you, then rolls his hips into yours. Then again, and again, until he’s grinding into you with such measured and deep strokes that you melt beneath him entirely. You kick your legs up to wrap around his waist, head lolling back at the feeling of his mouth sucking against your throat.
“I’m gonna━” His voice splinters off then into an abrupt cry. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum━”
He’s quick to dissolve into shambles, grunting and moaning every time you clench around him and every thrust of his hips. Just when you think you’ve lost yourself to the moment, he cums much faster than you thought and entirely unexpected for him too, in hot waves that have you still writhing beneath him. When he’s spent, his weight falls slack against you, crushing you beneath him but in a comforting manner. It’s silently peaceful for a few moments as he settles, heart thundering in his chest and against yours. Your fingers smooth over his sweaty long locks, scratching at his head. Then━
“That was terrible, wasn’t it?” he mutters wretchedly.
“Not terrible,” You confess. “What was that? Three minutes, top? For your first time, I’m honestly surprised you lasted more than a minute.”
“Fuck off.” His fingers poke at your sides teasingly as you burst out into laughter. He lifts his head to meet yours, perhaps a little embarrassed. “Don’t tell the guys. They’ll never let me live it down.”
“Doesn’t matter,” You hum, tracing your finger down to his lips. “We can practice whenever you want. I’ll make you into a lover so good, you’ll want me to brag to them.”
“Practice, huh?” His eyes sparkle mischievously. He pulls himself from your core and you hiss at the sudden loss, tugging at his chest as if to keep him close to you but he seems to have other plans. “Why stop now?”
You watch him curiously. “Easy there, boy. Don’t wear yourself out.”
“Well, I have to make it up to you,” he points out. “Especially on your wedding night. It’s only fair. What kind of lousy mate would I be to call it a night without having you cum on my face?”
“Romantic.” You roll your eyes but you marvel at the way you had shuddered at the word only moments ago and now, under such a different circumstance, the way he utters it makes your heart flutter in your chest. “Is this the first time you’ve eaten a girl out?”
“I said I was a virgin,” he says. Your eyes stay trained on the boy as he shifts himself further down your body to wedge himself between your thighs, throwing one leg over his shoulder. He kisses at your navel, then down to your core. He takes his time as he reaches out with his fingers to swipe at your folds, admiring the way his cum leaks from you; then, with his forefinger, he wipes at a stray bead of his arousal and pushes it back into your cunt slowly. The simple action is enough to have your back arching off the bed, hands flying out to brace yourself by gripping at his hair. “I never said I didn’t know how to please a woman elsewhere.”
“Enlighten me.”
He sinks lower to your core and out of sight, leaving hot open mouthed kisses along the way. His finger never once leaves its spot within you, and instead is joined by another that spreads you wide in absence of his cock.
“Do you know how hard it is to focus on anything other than your beautiful cunt?” he asks, voice low and sultry. “From the moment I could smell you, I wanted a taste.”
His tongue probes against your clit, the wet muscle a sudden startle that has you slackening against him. He flicks it back and forth, mouth wrapping around the bundle of nerves and sucking hard. A moan threatens to fall from your lips but an intrusive thought crossing your mind has you swallowing it with much difficulty.
“Can’t the boys hear us from down there?” You ask. You wonder how the celebration for your “wedding” has unfolded over the night without you or Taehyung there, or if they even notice your prolonged absence.
“No.” His voice is a deep mumble, rattling you from your core outward. “We learn how to tune out sounds nearby unless we really want to pay attention. The new ones struggle a bit, though.”
He curls his fingers inside you, stretching them upward. You pant, “Isn’t Jungkook still new?”
You can feel his smirk unfurling against you even before he pokes his head up to look at you with devious, hooded eyes. “Yeah, well, it’s a bit of a hazing process.”
You hardly have time to register the thought, though it doesn’t matter much. You’re far too overwhelmed by the way Taehyung is making you feel to even care. He drops his mouth from your clit to your folds, tongue swirling against your aching core. He laps at your cunt like a mangy dog as his fingers continue to work within you. The further he burrows into you, the harder his nose digs against your clit and sends you over the edge. You try to hold on just a little longer but your core is already achingly sensitive from when his length had made it home.
“Cum for me,” he murmurs. “Don’t hold back, baby. Let me taste you.”
Fingers twisting in his hair, he growls roughly against you, basking in the way you mewl and moan his name. Time seems to blur and, before you know it, you’ve reached your high. You’re embarrassingly wet, soaking his chin and nose which glistens with a mixture of yours and his arousal. Taehyung doesn’t hold back, instead licking you clean of every last drop, a muffled moan of content emitting from him.
“So good,” he says. “All mine.”
When he finally pulls away from you, he licks at his lips as if not quite finished with your every taste. From where he sits, you’re an entire mess, brows scrunched in concentration, teeth tugging at your lower lip. Needy hands yank at his hair and he obliges, kissing his way up your body to meet your mouth. His tongue pokes through to lav at your lips and wedges itself beyond, and you suck delightfully at the taste of you and him mingling on it. His own hands caress your body, bringing you back down from your high gradually but you can still feel his straining dick against your thigh and it invigorates you even further despite the beginning hints of exhaustion starting to creep upon you.
“Want more,” Taehyung growls with a newfound intensity, catching you off guard. “Need your cunt. M’gonna make it mine. Need to make you mine. Gonna fill you with my cum till you’re bursting with my pups, how does that sound?”
Mind spinning, you nod eagerly at the thought. Your words form in the shape of a moan. “Yes, please.”
“Gotta get this dress off first,” he mutters, greedy palms wandering up beneath the hem of your dress.
You scurry to obey, helping him slide the dress off your arms and toss it away on the floor. He’s more than pleased to see that you had decided to forgo wearing a bra earlier in the day, and reaches out at once to grasp at your perked breasts in his large palm. He buries his face into your chest, catching one of your nipples between his teeth. He busies himself by marking your chest red with small nibbles until you grow impatient, tugging at the shirt he’s still wearing. He’s quick to oblige, shedding himself of his clothes; then, his nails are digging viciously into your hips as he flips the two of you over with incredible ease.
“Sit on my cock,” he snarls into your ear. “Need to feel you again.”
Legs weak from your past orgasm and the huskiness of his voice, you sidle onto his lap, tossing one thigh over his. He sits up to join you and helps push himself past your folds, though you finish by settling back on his length carefully until you’re filled to the brim. Despite already knowing what to expect from the first time around, you still shudder at the feeling, mouth unhinging as you roll your hips leisurely against his. He hardly strays from your body, instead continuing to kiss between the valley of your breasts and up to the underside of your jaw and back again. Fingers poke and prod at your body as they follow his lips, then grasp at your ass to push you closer to him each time you grind against him.
Just when you begin grinding against him in a new angle that makes you moan into his ear, a sudden noise startles the both of you but only just. It takes you both a moment to register it’s the sound of knocking on the other side of the bedroom door (that you can’t remember if Taehyung had locked, because you certainly hadn’t), followed by Jimin’s familiar voice. “Joon said he wanted us to check in on you!”
Taehyung immediately groans into your neck out of frustration, though you suspect it’s because your pace starts to stutter and not because of his bothersome friends.
“Taehyung,” You bite at your lip in an attempt to hide your moans. You tug at his hair, as if to portray what your words fail to do, but he can hear it plainly riddling your voice. The concern, and the sudden shyness, as if fearing Jimin may walk in. But part of you is thrilled at the thought, and judging by the way your unabashed cry of glee slips from your lips without much hiding is proof of that. “Oh, Tae━”
“Shit,” Taehyung’s muffled grunts of pleasure and the way his hips continue to dig into yours to meet your efforts makes you aware Jimin is the least of his current troubles. “Fucking hell━ Don’t stop.”
“Are you guys okay in there?” Now comes Hoseok’s voice, a little faint but undeniably there. Can they hear you? Do they care? They must know what’s happening beyond the door.
“They’re doing it on purpose. Fucking idiots,” Taehyung snarls as he slams his hips up into yours. A contented whimper falls from your mouth, and you cling to him tighter as you quicken your pace. Taehyung grabs at your chin, forcing you to keep your eyes fixed on him despite wandering to the door. “Look at you fucking yourself on me still even with them listening. Such a good girl, huh? So desperate for my cock, aren’t you? Gonna breed so well.”
You think Hoseok and Jimin give up and leave at some point, though you don’t recall when. Instead, in the next moment, something primitive seems to awaken in Taehyung once more and he’s shoving you onto your back on the bed. Kneeling before you, he pummels his hips into yours again and again until you’re only crying his name.
“Mine. All mine,” he growls. “Wanna feel you cum on my cock.”
So wearied from your first high, you tumble easily to your second, coming undone in a matter of seconds, spurred on by the lewd wet noises of his length thrusting into you.
“That’s it, baby,” he mutters, basking in the sound of your moans. “Fuck━ Let them all know who you belong to━”
But just when you think Taehyung has reached his own orgasm ━ sputtering for air and crescendoing in moans of your names, panting hot breath into your ear as he leans against your chest ━ he doesn’t. His thrusts become desperate and sloppy, bordering on frantic, that the soreness between your legs begins to burn. It’s an amalgamation of stubborn yet bearable pain and something harshly pleasant that has your head lolling back.
“What’s wrong?” You moan, blindly tugging at his hair. “Taehyung?”
“I can’t━” He cries out. “I can’t━ I’m so fucking hard, it hurts. I don’t know what’s wrong━”
Confused yet too tired to keep up, you reach out to smooth your fingers across his back. “It’s okay. Just let go, baby. Cum for me, Tae. Please.”
“I’m trying,” he chokes out. “I just can’t━”
Your mind works in a haze to understand what’s happening, but through it all you’re able to discern one reasonable thought. What had Taehyung said about matings and bonds? Aside from the obvious of sleeping with a mate, he had said that typically certain bonds require marking. But he had also said that marking proved to be almost irreversible, resulting in a connection so close that a pair of mates would be together forever. It was a troublesome concept to think about, especially when considering you didn’t think you were a fit match for Taehyung if only because you’re human.
But is that what he needed? The physical strain he puts himself under now to reach his high is almost unbearable to watch. So, you settle on a whim of a decision and conclude that you won’t think of any consequences until after the fact, only wanting to see the poor boy in relief.
“Tae,” You whisper. “What if you bite me?”
“I won’t,” Taehyung says through gritted teeth. His pace has slowed as he slumps against your chest in nearing defeat. “You told me not to.”
“I don’t care,” You retort. “Just bite me.”
He hesitates, lifting his gaze to look at you. When he sees your earnest zeal, he grimaces as if despising that this is his only option. Still, the look of relief that crosses his face is undeniably there. He presses his mouth against your throat, lips brushing faintly against your flesh as he grazes the smooth expanse for a spot, sharp canines poking against you. You brace yourself for the bite, though the pain isn’t as bad as you had thought. A sharp jolt runs down your spine as he sinks his teeth into your skin, and his reaction is immediate, crumbling into pitiful moans of glory.
“Fuck!” he wails. With one final slam of his hips into yours, he finally reaches his high and it’s unlike anything you have felt before. As if he begins to swell within you, his length pulsates as he cums in you to the point where you can’t help but feel so full. It overflows and leaks from your core and onto the sheets, a sticky mess that lingers even long after he’s done. Your mouth pops open at the foreign feeling, whimpering his name.
“I’m sorry,” he flinches. “I’m sorry, does it hurt?”
“No,” You manage to say. “It just… It feels so good━”
He sluggishly rides out the rest of his high until you both physically can’t take anymore. When he hears you hiss his name in a soft reminder, he apologizes once more. Then, as the room falls oddly silent, he slumps against you. He lavs his tongue over the fresh mark on your neck, the gentle motion alleviating the sting left behind. As Taehyung settles finally, he shifts his head to look up at you. You note the faint yellow hue lingering in his eyes, fading now.
“I’m sorry,” he says again. “We might have to stay like this for a while.”
“Can’t say I’m mad about that,” You croon sleepily. “You better draw me a bath after this.”
He laughs, rubbing gentle circles against your hips. “Of course. I’ll do anything for you.”
You believe him wholeheartedly when he says it, smiling against his mouth when he leans in for a kiss. His tender wandering hands over your body does wonders in calming your shrill heart, the stretch between your legs, and the bite on your neck. He nuzzles his face into your collarbones, the tip of his nose tickling against you. As your fingers rake through his hair and scratch at his head, he mewls in content.
“Is it always like that?” You ask through a stifled yawn. “You had so much energy, I could barely keep up.”
“No,” he admits groggily. “It’s only like that when you’re mated with someone.”
“What does that even mean anyway?” You ask. “To be mated with someone?”
“Well, it’s━ It’s not really a conscious decision. It sort of just happens,” Taehyung says. “It’s a connection. You gravitate towards one another. You can’t live without the other. We call it imprinting. Sometimes you’re mated to a person who doesn’t even want you, but those are rare instances.”
“So we’re the exception?”
“I thought we were,” Taehyung trails off now. He finally lifts his head to look at you, perhaps a little embarrassed. “I━ Well━ All of this, and especially the bite, doesn’t just happen ━ and definitely not with humans.”
“Oh.” You blush now, face warming under the boy’s introspective stare. “So you’re saying we’re…”
“I always thought there was a connection, but I didn’t think it meant this,” Taehyung murmurs to himself. “As crazy as it sounds, I think we were meant to be.”
“So the bite…”
You don’t finish your thought, instead already having pieced it together in your mind. It does sound crazy, but even you have felt it before. A strange connection to Taehyung, far more exceptional than simply having feelings for him. And the bite is what draws it all together, proving his point and your previous speculations about some sort of affection between the two of you.  
“Are you starting to regret this now?” Taehyung asks sheepishly, a weak attempt at a joke to what he had asked you earlier in the night.  
He braces himself, as if waiting for your outburst of annoyance or anger. To push him off of you and leave forever. But you do neither, instead reaching out to grasp at his face in both of your hands. You delicately lift his head, meeting his docile stare, entirely and utterly bewitched by him.
“No,” You say earnestly. “I couldn’t have asked for a better night.” A smile forms on his face, innocent and ardent in nature. “I’m just wondering how I’ll hide the mark.”
“I think there’s little to hide now after tonight,” Taehyung grins wolfishly. “Especially with the boys.” 
He quivers with laughter at the sight of your scowling face and fingers poking at his sides. As he settles, he leans into your ear to hum, “I’ll make it up to you. Everything. Jaebum, the bite, the boys. But I think you should rest now. We’ll deal with all of that later.”
You don’t argue with that. You’ve already begun to fight the beginnings of sleep, eyelids drooping and itching with a need to just close them ━ and with Taehyung’s arms wrapped around you, his body emitting a pleasurable heat, you decide there’s no place else you’d rather be, moonstruck and in love.
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⟶ All rights reserved to © jungkxook. I do not allow reposting, translating, or any sort of modifying and reuploading of my work.
⟶ Feedback is always appreciated!
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
It’s always shoot to kill - Bucky Barnes x Reader x Steve Rogers smut
The one where Steve wants to watch Bucky fucking you, knowing that he’ll never be able to do it again
Warnings: dubcon in double instance, neither the reader or Bucky are completely on board with this, p in v, oral sex (f), lots of pining from Bucky, jealousy and possessiveness from Steve, voyeurism, kind of cuckolding too
A/N: I’d like to thank the amazing @angrybirdcr​ for reading this and giving me suggestions to make the story better for y’all! I had the best time brainstorming with Marie and I’m so happy I get to call her a friend now! To see more of the dynamic between those three, check out the other one-shots I have about them!
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Steve’s P.O.V.
“Take off all your clothes, I don’t want him undressing you.” She looked hesitant again, the pretty little flower. Kinda like that day, so many months ago, when I dragged Bucky to watch us fucking so he would stop pining for her.
It didn’t work. I still caught him looking at her with wishful eyes, whenever he thought I was too busy to notice. 
I always noticed it. I always did, because my mind, my heart and my gaze seemed to follow her, regardless of how important any of my royal tasks could be. A part of me was always with her, and that part didn’t like that James obviously felt for her the same way that I did.
So I devised a plan. If forcing him to watch me fuck her wasn’t enough, maybe I could let him do it once, just once. That way, maybe, his infatuation would disappear, but even if it didn’t, knowing what it was like to have her and never be able to do it again would certainly kill him inside.
“Now, pretend I’m not even here,” I said, letting myself fall back against the same chair my brother had occupied that night, so many months ago. There was something particularly interesting about being in this position, watching someone that gave me so much jealousy at last have his way with my woman.
It felt almost freeing, somehow. Seeing my worst nightmare play out, knowing I was in control of it. Knowing it was only happening because of me, and I could put an end to it at any time.
I watched as Bucky seemed to hesitate, like he didn’t know where to start, or didn’t actually believe he could reach out and touch her. She seemed just as hesitant, fidgeting under his stare as she fought against the instinct to cover her own body.
“Go on,” I directed, waving towards her. “Tell her how she looks. Do I really have to teach you how to treat a lady?” His jaw clenched at that, clearly offended at my insinuation. “You’ve been wondering what she hides under those dresses all this time. There she is. At least look at her properly.”
I watched as he slowly came to terms with the reality of the situation. His posture changed, he stood up straighter, and now the way he towered over my wife almost seemed threatening.
He started from her feet, eyes slowly traveling up, briefly stopping on her breasts before they reached her face. “You’re so beautiful.” Words so simple, I’d said them thousands of times before. But hearing them now, coming from another pair of lips, had me gripping the arms of my chair.
I didn’t like the way he looked at her. Like she was something precious, something breakable. I knew she wasn’t - I’d been rough with her before and all she ever did was cry out in ecstasy.
She nodded once, like she didn’t know how to respond, eyes unwilling to leave his when he reached out to hold her jaw, but then she averted her gaze in an almost embarrassed manner, suddenly remembering what to say. “Thank you. You’re too kind.”
It almost had me chuckling, if it weren’t for how his hand slowly dropped down, caressing the skin as it went. I watched as it ran over her collarbones before his finger rubbed on a nipple. I saw how she trembled but still tried to control her reactions.
He was hypnotized by then. I knew it, it was obvious by the darkness that had taken over his usually blue hues and the way he licked his lips before he leaned down and used them to engulf one of my wife’s nipples.
Instinctively, she offered her chest to him but tried to keep her gasp of surprise or desire in. Such a good little wife. My perfect queen.
She went willingly when he pushed her down on the bed, eyes burning with passion as he took in the image before him. “Did you ever think you’d have her spread out for you like that?” My voice resonated through the room, but instead of breaking him from his reverie, he didn’t seem to mind it at all. It was like all that mattered to him was her.
Still, he answered me. “No.” There was so much emotion in that simple word, so much hidden just underneath the surface, it had me readjusting myself in the chair, almost considering leaping across the room and prying him away from her.
But then he fell to his knees before her. “My queen,” he said, looking up from under his eyelashes. “Can I be so lucky as to taste you?” A pang of desire ran through my body as I watched her stutter out an acceptance.
And then he was between her thighs. I couldn’t see him through the barrier of her legs, but their sounds and movements told the story of what he was doing. Bringing pleasure to my love.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I didn’t know what to do. How should I behave? At the first touch of James’ tongue on my lower lips, a strangled gasp escaped me, and my hands flew up to find some sort of support on the sheets behind me. God, this was torture, even if I wasn’t the one who was being punished.
I almost closed my eyes to relish in the pleasure I was feeling. His touch was so different from Steve’s - softer and slower, even though there was desperation there.
But then I remembered what was actually happening and I snapped them open, turning my head to look at my husband’s watchful gaze. Unsurprisingly, I found him staring at us with those piercing eyes, his attention never wavering from James and me, but what was astounding was that he didn’t look angry or possessive.
Not at all. There was not an ounce of irritation in his beautiful features, just clear focus as he watched me unfold before his eyes, by the hands of his brother, that now roamed my body.
“Put her on top,” came his voice, clear as day and startling the man between my legs, who seemed to have forgotten about our audience. His head whipped up to see how I felt about my husband’s order, and that’s when I saw it.
His attentive blue eyes, usually so clear, had become dark as night. It was like he was a different person altogether. I could no longer recognize the sweet and caring man I’d once called my best friend…
… but then again, it’d been so long since I’d been close to him in any way.
“What are you waiting for?” My husband’s voice broke me out of my shock, but before I could fully recover, two strong hands had found a new resting spot on my hips as James easily manhandled me into a new position - on my hands and knees, over him.
The weight of his cock, fully erect against the inside of my thigh, sent a thrill through me that I had never anticipated feeling in his hands.
“Go on.” It was like he was waiting for the order because just as soon as Steve’s words disappeared in the air between us, he aligned his member and started to force me down on it. A gasp escaped me, and I had to hold myself against his chest to keep myself up.
Having James inside of me was a completely different experience than when Steve made love to me. Where Steve was long, James was thicker, stretching me in a way I’d never experienced before.
After the first plunge, it was clear that the man inside of me got carried away. He controlled my movements with iron fingers that pressed my flesh so tightly I was sure it’d be hurting for days after.
I could say the same about my insides. He didn’t show any mercy - in fact, I barely even recognized him and this animalistic side he was exposing as he fucked me, eyes keeping my own gaze captive as he grunted and panted underneath me like a man on a mission, if that mission was to ruin me.
“I want to hear you declare your love for her,” came Steve’s voice once again, breaking me out of whatever hypnosis James was performing. “Tell her everything. This is the only time you’ll be able to say how you really feel.”
The pain in his blue eyes was overwhelming. I felt tears rise up in my own eyes, threatening to spill and fall on his face, showing him just how confused I was about this entire situation.
Just who was Steve trying to hurt here?
“I-I’ve always wanted this. You have no idea just how much.” And in the way his voice cracked, I saw it. I saw just how badly he’d craved me, how hard he had tried to hold back from me.
“No one can ever come close to the space I’ve relinquished to you in my heart,” he said, barely over a whisper, and yet I felt like he shouted it at me, the way his hips rose growing quicker and rougher, and I bounced in his arms as he rammed into me. “And it will always be yours,” he assured me, prompting the tears to fall from my eyes, slowly trailing down my cheeks. “My heart will forever belong to you.”
I covered my hand as a sob almost escaped me, but maybe it was a moan, I couldn’t tell. All I knew was that he kept fucking up into me and I couldn’t hold it in much longer, couldn’t pretend I didn’t feel anything while my best friend was inside of me.
But when my moans broke free, my husband didn’t seem to mind. He actually leaned closer, resting his elbows on his thighs as he ordered, “She can get louder. Do it properly.”
And suddenly my world turned upside down because in a simple movement I was the one on the bed and James was hovering over me, never leaving my tight channel. His fingers found my nub, and he massaged it with an eagerness that showed me he wanted me to cum just as badly as I did.
“Cum for him, my queen. Show him how beautiful you are when you’re reaching your high.” It was Steve’s order that brought me to my release, my hands flying up to find a hold on James’ shoulder as I struggled to breathe or even think.
It felt like I was falling from the highest mountain without ever actually touching the ground. When I finally managed to focus again, it was through slowly realizing the way James’ cock was still dragging against my walls. 
I opened my eyes to find him with eyebrows furrowed and sweat sticking strands of his hair on his forehead, his arms trembling on each side of my head. He was desperately trying to hold on just a little longer, and that broke my heart.
I couldn’t close my eyes as he slowly but surely lost the battle against his body, hips quickening before they stopped altogether, and just before he pulled away, he whispered, “I love you,” giving me one last, chaste kiss on the lips.
I could still taste myself in them.
Steve’s stare was heavy on us as James slowly dressed. I wondered what was going on in my husband’s head. Did he think his plan had worked or had he realized it was a mistake all along?
It seemed like the King’s mind still hadn’t been made, as he stopped his brother just before he could leave. “Are you still in love with her?”
James let the question sit on each of our hearts and minds before he gave his answer. “Now more than ever.”
I couldn’t help but notice that he was still hard when my husband kicked him out of the room before turning around to see me, wrecked and dirty, all thanks to another man’s work.
“I hope you’re ready,” he warned, and I already knew I wasn’t. “I can’t wait to fuck his sloppy seconds.”
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kuroopaisen · 4 years
tiny love || v
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➵ as tooru’s younger sister, falling in love with iwaizumi hajime was easy. iwaizumi ultimately decided to rebuff you. but that was a year ago - things are different now. and you have other things to worry about. things like moving halfway across the world for university; and moving in with the very boy who’d broken your heart. 
warnings: f!reader
wc: 4.3k
m.list | ch. 4 ↞ ch. 5↠ ch. 6
Life moved too quickly.
That was the only logical conclusion you could come to after the past few weeks. One minute you’re finding out you’ve got a scholarship to a university overseas, the next you’re spending as much time with your friends as you can without burning out, and then suddenly you’re standing at the airport, suitcase in hand and loved ones lined up in front of you like this is some fantasy RPG and you’re about to go into the final battle.
Your family had said goodbye before, but that didn’t seem to make it any easier. You’re the youngest, after all. The baby.
“Remember to call if you need anything, okay?” Your mother said, smoothing a hand over your hair.
“I know, mum,” you smiled. “I love you.”
She sighed, pulling you into a hug. She said nothing more, letting the slight tremble in her arms say all that was in her heart.
Your father was next, ruffling your hair with a certain melancholy. “Be good, you hear?” He chastised. “Don’t talk to boys.”
You rolled your eyes, grinning. “Dad…”
“I’m just saying, there are more important things to focus on,” he nodded sagely. “And don’t go causing any trouble.”
“I won’t,” you nodded. “Promise.”
Kaori was next, a certain mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Send me a photo of every pigeon you come across,” Kaori said.
You grinned at her. “Really?”
“Mhm,” she nodded. “That way I’ll know you’re alive every day.”
You stuck your tongue out at her. “That’s a terrible plan.”
“Is it so wrong for me to want to check up on my little sister?” She teased. “I just want to make sure you won’t forget about me.”
“I won’t,” you laughed. “I’m sure you won’t let me.”
“Too right,” she grinned.
She gave you one good, tight hug. She, more than anyone else in your family, seemed to be the best at swallowing this whole situation. It was a relief to know that someone would be there to console your parents.
Finally, Amaya. She pouted at you, pulling you into a rough hug.
“Don’t forget to text me, okay?” Amaya mumbled, her arms tight around her shoulders. “Or I’ll knife you.”
“I know,” you chuckled, squeezing your grip on her waist. “I’ll keep you updated on everything, don’t worry.”
“You better,” she huffed, pulling away slowly.
Once, you might’ve dreamed of going to the same university together. But life had a funny way of taking your plans and crumbling them to dust in the palm of its hand.
But you were sure that no matter what, your friendship would hold steadfast. Amaya wasn’t the type of person to let things die so easily.
You couldn’t delay any longer.
As you walked through the gate, you wondered if Tooru had felt like this. If he’d been hounded by this unrelenting fear, doubt, and anxiety. If he’d also felt like throwing up. If he had, he’d covered it up well.
That thought didn’t do much to quell the lurching in your stomach.
Tokyo had once felt unbelievably far away. But California? That was a different beast.
✧ ✧ ✧
After a twenty-hour plane ride and two stop offs later, you’d come to the conclusion that airports, in fact, were the most unholy places known to man. Whose fault was it that airports were labyrinthine hellholes which were impossible to navigate?
By the grace of God, or perhaps as an apology for the godforsaken pilgrimage that was your flight, you managed to find the luggage pickup area with relative ease. By the time you managed to haul your suitcase off the baggage carousel you were ready to take a nap for the next three months.
You sighed, looking up at the clock hung high on the wall. 5:21 AM. Ew.
You felt a touch of pity for all the workers rostered on at such an ungodly hour.
Oh, and whoever was responsible for escorting you to your new ‘home’.
As you trundled through that godforsaken place, suitcase trailing behind you and carry-on slung over your shoulder, you were too tired to think and too tired to worry about who might be waiting for you.
That clawing anxiety had gripped you for the first hour or so of your flight, but it’d been completely replaced with other worries.
There’s only fiberglass separating you and an absurdly high fall… what happens if the plane goes down? What happens if one of the wings caught fire? What if one of the doors inexplicably ripped off mid-flight and sucked you out through a vacuum?
Regardless, you’d landed with your soul very much attached to your body – although that in itself presented you with a host of new problems.
You glared at the signs pointing in every conceivable direction, praying that your English was good enough to decrypt this mess for you.
Arrivals. That sounded right.
You dragged your feet in that direction with a big yawn, decorum be damned.
A thin crowd was gathered at the gate, waiting to greet the ragtag group of travellers who filtered through. Mothers, daughters, beloved friends, lovers…
You scanned the crowd with narrowed eyes and the hope that you’d catch sight of some familiarity.
There was your name on a placard, written in hiragana.
And holding it…
Iwaizumi Hajime. He was glancing around the airport, seemingly a little bleary-eyed.
Your flight-or-fight response was well and truly activated. Had he really shown up at the airport at five in the morning just to pick you up?
Oh no. Oh God. That’s… not what you were expecting. Sure, you’d been told you’d be “picked up” from the airport, but you’d just expected some taxi service or something. Your mum had sorted that all out anyway – she’d insisted that you let her do that, at least, to give her some peace of mind.  
But she hadn’t told you it would be Iwaizumi picking you up. Were you supposed to have assumed that? Fuck.
With the inside of your cheek trapped between your teeth and a sinking feeling in your gut, you dragged yourself towards him.
Each step you took towards him just seemed to make him look even hotter. He was wearing a loose white shirt, but you could tell that he was built. Even more built than he’d been when he left. He hadn’t done his hair in that spiky Godzilla style he used to, and it’s longer than when you’d last seen him. He’s gotten a tan, too – an unfairly flattering golden tan.
And he was wearing a pair of fucking grey sweatpants.
I’m going to die, you thought. It’s official. I am the world’s biggest idiot, and Iwaizumi Hajime will be the cause of my death via cardiac arrest.
Was it too presumptuous to text your family your goodbyes?
He caught sight of you.
You made eye contact for the first time in a year.
What do I do? Your thought, cursing yourself out for being so… so like this.
But Iwaizumi just waved at you with a small smile on his face.
You closed the distance between the two of you with trepidation, scouring your mind for what to say to him.
Hi? How are you? It’s good to see you?
None of those felt quite right. You were much too tired for this. And he was much too hot—
“Hey,” he smiled, dropping his hand to his side.
“Hi,” you nodded, resisting the urge to bow. Should you bow? He is your senior… but this isn’t Japan. But that didn’t change the rules of etiquette, did it?  
“I can carry that, if you need,” he said, nodding towards your luggage.
Under normal circumstances, you probably would have refused on the basis of pride alone. But you’d just flown halfway around the world, and you were doing your best not to drool at the bloody Adonis standing before you.
“Thanks,” you mumbled, handing him your carry-on. You managed to finish the hand off without your fingers brushing, much to your relief.
Iwaizumi observed you for a second, a touch of concern in his eyes. “You okay?”
“Just tired,” you smiled at him weakly. Surprisingly, it wasn’t a lie.
“Understandably,” he chuckled, pulling a set of keys out of his pocket.
You frowned as he jangled them around one finger. “You drive?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “I got my license back in Japan. Managed to transfer it over.”
“Huh,” you said. When had he learned to drive? That’d been happening right next door and you’d had no idea?  
“You ready?” He asked, looking at you over his shoulder as he turned around.
You nodded, tugging on the handle on your suitcase.
The two of you made your way to his car, which turned out to be a dingy-looking thing cobbled together with dull navy metal and rubber.
You said nothing as you packed the luggage into the boot, Iwaizumi doing most of the grunt work. Part of you felt bad, but you knew full-well that he had more strength in his right middle finger than you could ever dream of having.
He strolled around to your side of the car before you had time to remember which side of the road Americans drove on.
“Here you go,” he said. The asshole just had to open your door for you too, didn’t he?
You nodded your thanks, settling into your seat with a little more frustration than feasible.
He’d slipped into the driver’s seat as you finished buckling yourself in, and before you had time to take much of anything in, he was backing out of his parking lot.
You watched him from the corner of your eye.
He looked so… casual, doing this. The Iwaizumi you knew had never been behind the wheel of a car. And yet now, he’s moving like it’s second nature.
How much had you missed? So much must’ve happened while you were out of contact.
“Hey, uh… Iwaizumi?” You mumbled, clenching your fists in your lap.
“Thanks for picking me up,” you said, chewing on your cheek. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“No problem,” he chuckled.
You felt like you should say something else. But you’re weren’t sure what. He seemed relatively calm, given the situation. Saying the wrong thing could potentially fuck that up.
“How was your flight?” He asked, gently making his way through the car park.
“Uh…” Was there a polite word for ‘awful’? “It was fine.” You shrugged. “I made it here in one piece, so…”
Iwaizumi chuckled. The sound made your stomach flip.
You leant back in your chair, closing your eyes with a sigh. You didn’t know how far away your apartment was. Fifteen minutes? Ten? An hour?
Your brain reeled with potential small-talk topics. There might be a lot of time to fill.
“Take a nap if you need to,” Iwaizumi said.
“Thanks,” you hummed.
Maybe he was aware that he was giving you an out. Maybe he had no idea.
But you were more than happy to take it regardless.
✧ ✧ ✧
A pre-made bed was waiting for you in your room. You blinked at it a few times, the brain-fog of a long flight still clouding your mind.
“I hope you don’t mind,” Iwaizumi said, leaning against your doorframe. “I just got you some sheets because I didn’t think you’ have the energy to sort all that out today.”
You’re going to cry. Cry, and then die.
“Do you need help unpacking?” He asked.
You turned around sharply at those words, waving your hands about. “Oh no, no… I’m fine.”
He looked at you for a moment longer, as if he was appraising you. He simply nodded. “Well, call out if you need me.”
“Yep!” You offered him an unbearably stretched smile.
“Alright,” he said. With that, he was gone.
You sighed, turning to your suitcase. It was laid on the floor, unopened.
Shit. This really was a big move, wasn’t it?
And, you’d moved in with Iwaizumi. Something you’d never expected – not like this, anyway.
Shaking that thought out of your head, you kneeled in front of your suitcase. Something about it felt more reverent than it had any right to. You unzipped it slowly, pushing back the battered red lid to reveal your belongings.
You bit the inside of your cheek, starting with the first layer. You’d packed your pyjamas on the top – a move you’d like to thank younger you for.
As you placed it in your lap, you gazed at the rest of your belongings crammed into your suitcase.
You hadn’t brought all that much. Mostly clothes that you thought would be appropriate for the Californian weather, a few knick-knacks and keepsakes that you felt particularly attached to, a handful of your favourite books, your polaroid camera…
So much had been left behind. You didn’t mind that, for the most part; but it still felt like you were abandoning a part of yourself. Everything you’d accumulated over the past nineteen years, just…
Maybe your parents would hold onto all your things. But it wouldn’t be remiss for them to throw them away.
It’s all just part of growing up. That’s what you told yourself – you had to change, move on and get over it.
If Tooru could do it, you could to. You had to.  
But now it felt like his shadow was hanging over you darker than ever. Part of your own journey had been dictated by him; if he hadn’t recommended you live with Iwaizumi, where would you be?
What was Iwaizumi even like now? Was he a good person? He’d been very nice and polite ever since you’d seen him at the airport, but…
Was he trying to be warm? Or was he keeping you at an arm’s length? Could your ‘friendship’ ever recover from… that?
You swallowed, running a hand over one of your dresses.
Honestly, you just wanted to go to sleep.
You didn’t want to leave the room because that meant you might bump into Iwaizumi. You didn’t want to unpack because you had the sneaking suspicion that it was going to make you feel like crying. You didn’t want to call anyone because you knew you didn’t have the energy to do so.
There was only one thing to do, then.
You managed to drag yourself towards your bed, hoisting yourself onto it with a grunt. You curled up on top of the sheets, wrapping your arms around your knees.
The ache in your eyes didn’t subside as your closed them, but there was nothing else to do.
Attempting to rest was better than nothing.
✧ ✧ ✧
A knock on your door.
You bolted upright, startled out of your uneasy slumber.
“Hey.” Iwaizumi’s voice was distant but distinctive.
“Hm?” You didn’t trust your own voice to hold up.
“You okay?”
You bit your lip. “Uh, yeah. I’m fine.”
It wasn’t your best lie,
A long pause followed.
“No, you’re not.” His voice was soft, gentle. Not like what you’d expected.
Although, you weren’t even sure what that was.
“Can I come in?” He asked.
“Uh…” You swallowed roughly, crossing your legs. “Yeah. Sure.”
He needed no more prompting, letting himself in and leaning himself against the wall.
There was good distance between the two of you. You’re grateful for it.
“What’s wrong?” He looked genuinely concerned. Why, you didn’t know.
Nor did you know if you should actually tell him. There was admittedly no reason to; at this point in your life, he was just a roommate.
“It’s just…” You sighed, your mouth moving before your brain. “It’s a big move, you know? I don’t think I’m ready for it.”
You’d had this conversation over and over again, both with Tooru and with Amaya. I’m not ready. I’m not ready. I’m not ready. It was the one thought you couldn’t escape, no matter how hard you tried to justify this whole thing to yourself.
“You’re more ready than you know,” he said softly. “You’re here, aren’t you?”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “I guess…”
“It’s not easy, but you can do it.” His tone was resolute, not harsh but firm. It almost makes you feel like he’s right. Almost.
“And…” He swallowed, his gaze flicking to the ground. “I’ll look out for you. You’re not alone.”
You weren’t quite sure what those words made you feel.
“Thank you, Iwaizumi.” Your voice is quiet enough to go unheard, but he smiled. It was only a little smile – one someone who hadn’t known him for so long might’ve missed – but it was genuine. You couldn’t tell if that was a good omen or a grim portent.
“You shouldn’t be thinking about this tonight,” he nodded, standing up straight. “You’re already exhausted, so you’ll only make it harder for yourself.”
You pouted at him, much to your own surprise. Unfortunately, he was right.
“Give me a moment,” he said suddenly, disappearing.
You sighed, lying back on your bed and closing your eyes.
It felt like you’d entered the Twilight Zone.
Maybe things would improve when you started uni. Then you’d have something else to think about that wasn’t just ‘oh God, I moved in with Iwaizumi Hajime and that was stupid, dumb, and a colossal mistake.’
Your instincts were begging you to book a flight and go straight home to Japan. Surely, you might be able to get into some university – sure, you missed the entrance exams, but perhaps…
Were you already chickening out? Tooru had moved halfway across the world entirely on his own, but he’d never once thought about turning back. And yet here you were, lying in your bed feeling like you were about to disintegrate just because your roommate happened to be someone you used to have feelings for.
God, that was pathetic. It was only day one.
“Here you go.”
You flinched, sitting up suddenly.
Iwaizumi stood at the side of your bed, holding a mug out to you. You hadn’t even heard him come in.
“Oh, thanks,” you nodded. As you took it from him, you peeked at the tea bag.
Your favourite. He’d made you your favourite tea. You took a tentative sip.
“I hope you still like it that way,” he said, a touch of pink to his cheeks.
It reminded you of winter back home.
“I do.” You looked up at him, giving him a genuine smile.
He smiled right back, his face softening in that rare but stunning way you remembered.
You were a little proud of yourself for keeping it together.
“I, ah…” Iwaizumi cleared his throat, taking a few slow steps away from the bed. “I’m going to go to bed. I’ve got practice early tomorrow, so…”
You nodded.
As you watched him leave, closing your bedroom door on the way, you wondered if you should’ve asked him what his training was for.
But you just sipped your tea.
This really was going to be difficult, wasn’t it?
✧ ✧ ✧
By the time you woke up in the morning, Iwaizumi was out. That was something of a relief. Iwaizumi not being around meant you could explore the apartment without the fear of bumping into him.
So, you took the opportunity, sneaking out of your room and taking stock of the layout of your apartment. Two bedrooms, one bathroom, a living room attached to a kitchen… it wasn’t big, but you weren’t about to complain.
It’s quite a change from the family home you grew up in, but the change is a little exciting. It’s certainly liveable, and you know your parents are grateful for the fact rent was affordable enough.
The apartment was well-tended and clean. You weren’t sure if he’d cleaned it up before you’d arrived – which wasn’t unlikely – or if he usually kept it this neat – which also wasn’t unlikely.
A few photos hung on the wall, some with people you knew, some you didn’t. There were a few photos of the Seijoh team, exhibiting various degrees of chaos. Some others included people that you recognized as his friends from high school, and there were several of himself, Tooru, Hanamaki and Matsukawa. 
Other photos were a total mystery, though. Probably friends from university, a mix of men and women you didn’t recognize.
You didn’t let yourself look at them for too long; your mind was concocting too many questions, too many narratives that made your gut feel all funny.
The only other thing of particular interest was the television and the DVD stand next to it, stuffed full of both Japanese and English movies. Most people streamed these days, but Iwaizumi had always been a bit of a traditionalist when it came to technology.
Regardless, the small size of the apartment meant there wasn’t all that much to explore.
You slunk back to your room after a close inspection of the bathroom, which you decreed as ‘clean enough’.
By the time you passed through the threshold of your room, a quiet blanket of exhaustion settling over you. Jetlag really was a piece of shit.
You tossed yourself on your bed, staring up at the ceiling.
Maybe you could call someone. But you weren’t sure how the time zones lined up. Your parents wouldn’t be happy with you if you woke them up at some ungodly hour, and Kaori needed the rest. Amaya might be up, but you didn’t want to stress her out…
Tooru was an option. He wasn’t that far away in the grand scheme of things, and he might’ve been able to offer some advice…
But he was probably busy. And you’d already bothered him enough.
God, why were you so frustrated? Was it exhaustion? Anxiety? How difficult it was to wrap your head around the situation? You just wanted to sleep for a week.
Before you knew it, your eyes fluttered closed, and you drifted into an uneasy nap.
✧ ✧ ✧
A firm, steady knock cut through your barely conscious mind.
You blinked rapidly, frowning. Shit, did you have another nap? That better not become a habit.
With a groan (and a great deal of strain) you managed to get off your bed, dragging yourself to your door.
You opened it with trepidation.
Iwaizumi stood on the other side with a glass of water in one hand and a bowl of yakisoba with chopsticks poking out of it in the other.
“Uh,” he cleared his throat, eyes flicking to the ground, “you didn’t come out to eat, and I didn’t see any dishes in the sink, so…”
“Ah,” you swallowed. “Right.”
You hadn’t eaten yet. All day.
“Thanks,” you nodded, taking the bowl from him. To his credit, it looked good; plenty of vegetables, and nothing seemed to be burnt. That might be a low bar, but you digressed.
“Would you like to eat at the table?” He asked.
You resisted the urge to stare at him.
Eat at the table? Like… like… a family? Did roommates do that?
“Sure,” you nodded. You’re not really sure why – some fear of hurting his feelings, probably.
But you tottered after him, hoping to God that your stomach would settle enough to allow you to eat.
Iwaizumi settled himself down at the table, his seat already prepared with a glass of water, a bowl, and a pair of chopsticks.
He set the glass of water in his hand down opposite from him, in what seemed to be your designated spot.
You slipped yourself into the seat, taking note of just how uncomfortable it was. Affordability over comfort – a student mantra, apparently.
“How was practice?” You asked. You just wanted to fill the silence. Once upon a time, silence between the two of you wouldn’t have made you feel like crawling out of your own skin.
“It was good,” he nodded. He didn’t seem like he was trying to be terse of anything – Iwaizumi was just a man of succinct, short sentences.
“I’m assuming it’s volleyball?”
He chuckled. “Yeah.”
You took a small bite of your yakisoba. It reminded you of home. “Are you still a wing spiker?” You asked.
“Mhm,” Iwaizumi nodded. “Although there’s a fair bit of competition for the spot.”
“Really?” You asked. You couldn’t imagine a volleyball team where Iwaizumi wasn’t heralded as a magnificent player.
“A lotta guys wanna be the ace,” he grinned.
You smiled. That made sense.
Silence fell over the two of you for a moment as you both focused on your meals. Your appetite was voracious, now – you hadn’t even realised how hungry you were until you’d started eating.
“Did you leave the apartment today?” Iwaizumi asked, making you jump.
“Ah, no,” you shook your head. “I was worried about getting lost.”
Another silence settled over you, a more pensive expression taking over Iwaizumi’s face.
He was completely unreadable. Probably because you knew nothing about him. Not anymore.
“Would you like me to show you around tomorrow?” He asked.
You blinked at him, completely blindsided.
“We could get lunch,” he offered.
You stared at him for a long moment, trying to process the muddle of feelings inside you.
What on earth was going on? Perhaps he was just reaching out a friendly hand. And, chances were, he felt some kind of duty to protect you.
“Sure,” you smiled. “Sounds great.”
You weren’t stupid enough to push away the only ally you had in this strange new world. Hopefully, other friends would come. But for now, it was just you and Iwaizumi in this little apartment, trying to make this arrangement work.
You had to make it work.
You’d find a way.
✧ ✧ ✧
a/n: aaaa thank you for your support so far! sorry this one’s a bit choppy, but i think you’ll enjoy chapter 6 (i hope sfdlkdfj)
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pbelfz · 4 years
His | 2 |
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Pairing: Yandere Bakugou x Reader Chapter Title: Home Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 Story Masterlist Summary:  You're a petty villain, and your new villain-career is forced to an immediate halt when none other than Ground Zero captures you. He's convinced that you're in need of his help to change your tainted lifestyle, and you're not going to tell him otherwise. WARNINGS: ABUSE, INJURIES
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Ground Zero’s grip on (Y/n)’s wrists twisted, shifting his hold on her and placing her back in the locked position she was previously, holding her arms together behind her with one hand. She felt Ground Zero’s weight shift as he reached for his belt once more. The clang of metal was behind her and immediately knew she was being detained. The gravel felt rough against her chin as she grimaced, looking forward at the dark alley her and the hero were alone in. She felt like freedom was just a few more paces away — maybe if she had been faster, or just had a quirk…!
Who was she kidding.
Ground Zero was not known for his mercy. He was not known for his compassion. He was not known for his gracious nature.
He was known for his ruthlessness. He was known for his hostility. He was known as the symbol of strength, and by God, did it show by just how bruising his grip was on her arms.
The next thing (Y/n) felt was cold metal squeezing tightly around her arms. While she hollered in pain, she quickly realized that these weren’t conventional handcuffs. Perhaps ones that only heroes use? She had no idea, she hadn’t been in business with her team long enough to know the ins and outs of the villain world. From what (Y/n) could feel, the metal felt like multiple simple bands clasping her limbs together all the way down her arms. She didn’t feel or hear Ground Zero messing with a lock of some sort, so she can only assume the metal was magnetic — and very strongly, at that. Her circulation was very quickly being cut off, and that certainly didn’t help with her wrist injury. Her whimpering was getting on the explosion hero’s nerves.
“Will you quit your fucking whining?” He yanked her up by her hair to a standing position. She couldn’t reach up to pull her hair out of his grip due to the metal binding her, and so she settled on doing the one thing she knew she could do — cry more. That was the only thing he seemed to respond to, after all. Her face was scuffed and bruised beyond belief, her tears stinging her cuts along her cheek. She couldn’t stand to her full height due to her injured ankle, which was finally starting present itself as a problem, seeing as though her adrenaline was leaving her bloodstream. She was beginning to mentally separate herself from the situation, which became increasingly difficult to do as she stared directly up at Ground Zero’s piercing gaze.
This was when she realized just how small and insignificant he must see her as. He stared down at her through his mask, her hair still wrapped in his gloved hand, almost lifting her like a puppet on a string. Her sobbing slowly began to dissipate, seeing as though she was not getting a reaction out of him anymore. The only thing she received was a silent, disapproving stare. Almost like he was mocking her. He had to have been, right? What was all of this for, otherwise? Her scalp was beginning to go numb. Her once vibrant crying was dwindled down to soft hiccups, as she stared up at Ground Zero, scared stiff of what his next move possibly was.
“Now,” he began once the hiccups were few and far in between, his voice quieter than before but no less threatening. “There’s not gonna be another peep out of you until we’re home.” It wasn’t a request. It wasn’t even a humble demand.
It was an order.
One whose message came across perfectly without the need for yelling or curses. He stared down at (Y/n)’s wide, watery eyes, waiting for a response. How does he think she could respond like this? He twisted his wrist slightly to tighten his grip on her hair, and (Y/n)’s face scrunched up at the sheer pain that surged through her scalp. She found it in her to nod to the best of her abilities. It wasn’t graceful in the slightest or even on her own volition. But it was either what Ground Zero had planned for her or prison. Neither option sounded desirable, and she’d much rather him just end her life now.
But, he’s not the merciful hero.
He’s the barbaric one.
He released her hair, letting the girl fall to her knees on the hard pavement. With her arms restrained behind her back, she had a distinct lack of balance, so she fell forward, her face hitting Ground Zero’s thigh. He knelt down and lifted her over his shoulder with one arm. Detonating a continuous explosion, the pair was propelled roughly upward into the sky, causing (Y/n)’s stomach to drop from the gravity difference. (Y/n)’s face paled as she felt her upper body dangle over his shoulder looking behind them — and underneath them. If she was going to pass out, now’s probably the time to do so. She felt her stomach lurch with each turn Ground Zero made, and each time he landed to get a better hold on her, her insides and injuries would ache from the air pressure.
Please let his place be close, please let his place be close…
(Y/n) didn’t think she could hold it.
Ground Zero managed to land on a building’s balcony relatively softly — or at least, not as rough as usual. (Y/n) didn’t have to open her eyes to know that they were on the top floor. She kept her eyes squeezed shut, hoping the ‘flight’ was over, but Ground Zero kept his hold on her. The sound of jingling keys came before anything else. (Y/n) couldn’t hold it anymore.
She spewed vomit down Ground Zero’s back.
He visibly tensed underneath her, and his posture straightened. His eyes shifted to look at (Y/n)’s reflection in the glass of the door, but the only part of her that was visible were her rear and legs. He clenched his jaw and slammed open the sliding door to his penthouse.
Not even stepping inside his bedroom, he took (Y/n) off his shoulder and threw her onto the ground. She landed with a loud thud. “What,” he glowered down at her restrained form, “the fuck did you just do?!”
(Y/n) looked like she was about to start crying again, and she tried to scoot away from him the best she could without her arms.
“Don’t you dare get that shit on my carpet,” Ground Zero threatened, easily pulling her up to a sitting position. “What are you, a fucking baby?” He knelt down, twisting his face up at the sight of some leftover vomit on the side of her face. It took everything in (Y/n) to look Ground Zero directly in the face right now in this state and not let a tear slip.
Instead, she glared.
Ground Zero didn’t seem to like that.
His gloved palm came down on her cheek — hard.
(Y/n)’s head snapped in the direction Ground Zero smacked her, her vision turning into only little specks of color. Her head hung there for a moment, either from shock or pain or both. Ground Zero didn’t wait around to find out. He took this time to pull out an extra set of metal restraints from his belt and use them as attachments to the ones already on (Y/n). He easily dragged her dazed body over to his king-sized bed and hooked the extra restraints around the bottom bed pole. (Y/n), who was finally beginning to get feeling back in her jaw, looked up senselessly at his towering figure.
She’s giving up her fight. It’s not worth it.
Right when she thought he was about to attack her again, he turned away and headed toward the balcony doors. “I’m heading to the agency to finish my job for the day. And to get them to clean up the shit you put on me!” He shouted over his shoulder. “If you’re not here by the time I get back, I’ll fucking go out and find you again myself.” Once on the balcony, he made sure to close and lock the door tight before he bent down and placed his arms underneath him. (Y/n) flinched when he detonated his explosions, but he was gone when she opened her eyes.
She wasted no time in trying to wriggle out of her restraints.
She let out a sob, as the pain in her broken wrist was shooting up her arm each time she shifted. The metal did little to nullify her injuries, and if anything, it was accentuating them. Ground Zero had to have put them this tight on purpose, knowing she was too beat up to fight now. If she continued trying to get out of the strong magnetic grip, it would not be in her favor. There’s no guarantee she’d even be able to get out of these, but trying to do so would only leave her with worse injuries than she already has. Her wrist is already broken, and she can’t move her ankle. She tried to pull her arms apart once more, and the pole of Ground Zero’s bed was digging uncomfortably into her back. Her actions ceased when there was another audible crack from her already-broken wrist.
(Y/n) screamed, howling out tears as the pain became unbearable. She didn’t know for how long she cried, but she immediately stopped when she heard the balcony’s sliding doors unlock. She couldn’t imagine how pitiful she looked, gazing up at the man with fear-stricken, watery eyes.
Ground Zero didn’t look like Ground Zero anymore. He looked like a normal 28-year-old. However, his face was still the same — furrowed brows and an obvious bad attitude. He had changed out of his hero costume while at his agency, and he now adorned a simple pair of black sweatpants and a black v-neck shirt.
(Y/n) watched his body language. It was much less hostile than before, and she carefully watched him as he closed the sliding door behind him. Not slamming it, but closing it like a regular person would. He made eye contact with her before walking over to where she was restrained on the floor. He knelt down to her height, looking her over before speaking, “I’ll tend to your wounds.”
(Y/n) thought she heard him wrong. Ground Zero, offering to help her, the villain? This couldn’t be right.
“You try anything funny, and I’ll break your other wrist,” he threatened lowly. He carefully reached behind (Y/n), not removing his eyes from her form while he worked on unlocking the metal, making sure to notice any slight difference in her posture, behavior, anything. Surprisingly, there was none. (Y/n) knew to pick her battles wisely, and right now, she couldn’t win this one. Ground Zero, even though he was kneeling down to her height, still towered over her. He was years ahead of her in muscularity, making her build look pathetic in comparison. Especially with her injuries.
He was so close to her right now, she could feel his breath against her ear. He was unlocking both the restraints keeping her to the bed, as well as the ones keeping her arms together. His hands moved down to undo the second lock, and (Y/n) was getting overwhelmed by their proximity. Are bodies always this warm? She shifted slightly away from him, and Ground Zero halted his actions and looked at her from the corner of his eye.
“Do you wanna fucking stay like this, then?” He said to her, the vibrations in his voice seeming so much more noticeable due to how close he was. His breath was hot against her ear, but (Y/n) found it in her to reply to her captor.
She shook her head quickly, “No, Groun—!” He cut her off.
“Then stay fucking still. I’ll leave you right here if I want,” he mumbled, as he resumed unlocking the remaining restraints. (Y/n) wished she got a look at how exactly he was unlocking them, but she was too afraid to turn her head and look. She was too afraid to move anything at the moment.
Once the restraints were off, (Y/n) quickly came to the realization that she couldn’t feel her arms. Even the ache from her wrist seemed like just a distant ache. They fell beside her like lifeless sacs, heavy with sand. Ground Zero didn’t waste any time in picking her up, not letting her enjoy the feeling of her unbound arms; he didn’t want her to get used to the feeling of freedom. He lifted her easily, carrying her bridal-style to his bathroom. He set her down on the toilet and began rummaging for his first-aid supplies.
(Y/n) took this time to look around at her surroundings. It was an expensive bathroom — no, expensive penthouse bathroom — with white marble decorating a majority of the room’s setup. While it surely cost a fortune, it was cold and stale. It lacked a sense of familiarity and warmth.
Ground Zero slammed a box full of first-aid on the counter next to her, and he knelt down in front of her once more, which actually brought him to her height. He reached his hand out, silently telling her to give him her wrist. She managed to lift her arm and place her wrist in his palm, the numb feeling beginning to go away and be replaced by pain once more. Ground Zero gently turned her wrist in his hand, examining the damage. (Y/n) winced and let out a yelp. Suddenly, the hero glared back up at her.
“You tried to get out of the restraints, didn’t you?”
(Y/n)’s stomach dropped. Ground Zero stared at her before sighing disapprovingly. He handed her a washcloth, “Bite into this.” (Y/n) did as she was told.
Ground Zero took her wrist and snapped it back into place, causing (Y/n) to almost instantly black out from the pain that shot up her arm. She began sobbing violently, the rag still between her teeth. The hero took out a few bandages and began wrapping (Y/n)’s wrist tightly, all while the girl bawled above him. He was getting tired of hearing her crying…
He took the rag out of her mouth, and she sniffled. The pain in her wrist was pulsating, but the bandages were keeping it in place now to prevent further damage. Ground Zero moved to tend to her ankle next, and (Y/n) feared that it would meet the same fate as her wrist. However, her ankle was only sprained. Swollen immensely, but only sprained.
As he was wrapping a bandage around her ankle and placing ice between the wraps, he spoke. “Now, what do you say to someone whose just helped you?” He wasn’t looking at her, which was a good thing because (Y/n)’s face might have gotten her hit again.
Is he mocking her right now?
She felt him slightly squeeze her swollen ankle, causing pain to shoot up her calf. She answered almost automatically, “T-Thank you, Ground Zero.”
Ground Zero’s face twisted, as he continued wrapping her ankle.
“Call me Katsuki.”
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loves124 · 3 years
Neighbor’s ch.1
Warning: language (sorry if it bothers you all but I usually sing like a sailor and tried holding back a bit more this chapter but there are still some word in here.)
Kinda fluff?
If there are any errors or mistakes please don’t hesitate to let me know :)
Also don’t hesitate to give me some fresh ideas
Thank you,
Love you,
(Shouta Aizawa x fem!reader)
It's been a long day for you. As soon as you walked out the door this morning, anything and everything has been going wrong. You were running late and had to skip breakfast, you missed your train, you got scolded by your boss for showing up late, and you even grabbed your least favorite pair of socks. They have a little nub in the corner that always feels super weird on your foot and makes you feel uncomfortable in your body. As the day progressed, nothing got better. You just wanted to come home and cry on your couch while watching Ghibli movies and eating a pint of ice cream for dinner.
You could feel the familiar lump in your throat forming, and your eyes were stinging from holding back your tears. Today was just so frustrating, and all you wanted was for it to be over. The more you thought about it, the heavier your emotion was. Thank God that your shift was finally over with. Looking at the time, you saw that it was 7:30 and you needed to hurry to catch the last train home.
As you headed home, you could feel your feet dragging behind you, sniffling and letting some tears fall. You finally reach your complex and continue walking to your apartment door.
A man is standing by the railing near your apartment door. He has a cigarette hanging from his lips. Taking a second to lean away from the railing, he pulls a hairband from his wrist and gathers his long ebony hair pulling it back into a messy bun. He looks a little disheveled: wearing some black slacks to pair with his black V-neck shirt.
You can see some cardboard boxes packed around him as well. It takes you a second to realize that the apartment next to yours has been vacant for weeks now. Mrs. Honda, your landlady, might've finally found an occupant.
Great. Your first impression to your neighbor is going to be when you're a total mess. That's just fan-fucking-tastic.
You try to compose yourself as you make your way closer to your apartment, and it isn't working too well. The man picks up your movement and gives you a gaze as he flicks the built-up ashes of the end of his cigarette.
You give a bit of a nod and mumble a quiet hello as you make your way closer to your apartment. You fumble through your purse, trying to find your key card for your door. Huffing in frustration, you realize that you most likely locked it in your apartment. 'This day just can't get any better,' you think to yourself.
You dig through your purse and grab your wallet, pulling out a dunking donuts gift card. You attempt to fiddle it in-between your door and the frame. You were struggling as you fiddled with the handle of the door. You are just about to try and kick down the door before a voice interrupts you.
"Aren't burglars supposed to be good at picking locks?"
You look over to see the man leaning back on the rail, amused at your feeble attempt to break into your own apartment.
Flustered, you stumble to find your words. "Ah well, you see... this is actually my apartment. I just locked my card inside. I was running late this morning and didn't have time for breakfast. And breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it probably is a reason why I forgot my card. And my boss didn't make it any better by being such an asshole-" you glance at the man again and compose yourself. "I'm so sorry. You don't need to know all that. It's just been a long day," you sigh.
"Hey, I get it. It's been similar for me. I usually don't smoke, but it's been a bit of a rough day, so I thought I deserved a bit of a break," he signals to the cigarette intertwined between his fingers.
"I would offer you one, but I take you as the type who doesn't smoke."
"After the day I had, I am very tempted for any sort of relief" you sigh and drop your bag, joining him over by the railing.
Lazily putting the cigarette back in-between his lips, he extends his hand out to you. "Shouta Aizawa, I guess I'm your new neighbor."
You reciprocate and put your tiny hand in his "(F/N L/N, it's nice to meet you. Sorry, you had to see me when I'm such a mess."
"If this is you when you're a mess, I'd love to see how you are normally," he says.
Both you and Aizawa chit chat a bit before a gust of wind flows by you, making you shiver and cover your arms to receive it a bit. I guess he picks up on it because he offers you to come inside his apartment for a cup of tea.
"If that makes you uncomfortable, though, you are more than free to refuse. I won't take any offense," Aizawa says as he stubs out the remains of his cigarette into the ashtray he has sitting on a cardboard box.
"I'll take you up on your offer" you smile. "Just to let you know, though, I judge harshly when it comes to people's tea-making abilities."
"noted," he chuckles as he holds the door open for you with one arm while holding the box in the other.
You both chat for hours. Talking about anything and everything, you learned that he is a teacher at UA. Commending him at his accomplishment for having a job at such a prestigious school, but he doesn't seem to be interested in his accomplishment. Even with all of the talking, he seems like he isn't too interested in talking about his own life but more interested in finding more information about yours.
It's sweet, but you would like to know more about the man in front of you. You are surprised with how comfortable you are with him. He is a little intimidating. He's got this dark and broody sort of personality, and that's disregarding his looks. This man is the definition of sexy.
You are just admiring him and all of his details while he is sipping on the chamomile tea he made for you both. You notice the scar that's on his left cheekbone, and you're tempted to run your fingers across it. He also had some pretty prominent eye bags. You usually think eye bags are unattractive. That's ever since you developed some from working overtime at your job. Waking up and seeing the dark circles under your eye made you feel so insecure. Looking at Aizawa though, you can't help but find them beautiful. They add to his charm a bit, and you realize he most likely has them from putting in so much effort into his work. His dedication is more than admirable.
You take your time basking in him, thinking to yourself, "why is he so goddamn pretty?"
Only to realize that his expression changes, and you just said that out loud. Flustered, you try and explain yourself, "Sorry, I just- I didn't- God, this is embarrassing."
He grins. "Never would have thought I would be described as 'pretty. Usually, I get 'jaded' or 'dull.'"
"Really?" you say, shocked. "But you're so handsome?"
"With these dry eyes, thanks, but I don't need any pity compliments" you go to defend yourself but are interrupted by him.
"speaking of dry eyes," he rummages through his pockets. "Where did I put them?" he questions before picking up a box and setting it on the counter, rummaging through it.
"What are you looking for?" you question.
"Just eye drops, I get some pretty mean dry eye, so I usually have some on hand," he huffs.
"Well, I don't think you are going to find them in there," you nervously laugh.
"Why not? I'm pretty sure I put them in here."
"Do you... um usually put your eye drops in with uh- your butt plugs?" you question
"My what?" he stares incredulously, and you respond by pointing to the scribbled sharpie written on the side of the box. He flips the box around to see written in big bold letters' Aizawa's Butt Plugs FRAGILE'.
"Hizashi," he quietly sighs while pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Hey, it's totally okay. I don't kink shame here. I would just say its a little unsanitary to put your eye drops with-"
"I don't have but plugs," he quickly says. "I have never once owned but plugs; it's just my coworker is a piece of shit and doesn't know how to stay out of someone else's stuff."
"I like his humor. Seems like my kind of person," you chuckle.
"You would eat your words if you met him in person. He is kind of a loud person," he sighs as he continues to dig through the box. "Finally," he puffs as he pulls out a small little bottle. Unscrewing the top, he attempts to drop some in his eyes but misses.
Some mumbled swears later, and you offer, "Would you like some help?"
"only if you're comfortable though," you add on.
"Could you? I can usually get it first try since I do it so often" he hands you the tiny bottle. You look around and move to sit on the counter, waving him over to come in-between your legs. You cup his face as if it were a natural thing you would do on a day-to-day basis without even thinking. You have your thumb laying on his cheekbone, and you drag it over his scar, feeling some of the grooves and divots within it. He leans a bit into your hand as you caress the scar, but you realize you are getting a little carried away and continue. Dropping a couple of drops in each eye, he sighs in relief.
"Thanks," he says with a smile. You both look into each other's eyes before you cough and look over at the time to see it is already 1 am. He follows your gaze.
"Wow, have we really been talking that long?" you question. "I've probably more than overstayed my welcome" with a laugh, you hop off the counter and stand under his gaze. "Thank you so much for listening to me and being such a wonderful host. I should probably head back over though" you point to the direction of your apartment. "You might if I use your balcony to hop on over?" You ask.
"Sure," he breaks from his trance. Leading you to the balcony, you throw your bag over the railing to your side and follow in suit. He gives his hand and aids you over the railing to your side.
With a thankful smile, you give a quick thanks and goodnight. But before you go in, they capture your attention once again.
Rubbing his hand on the back of his neck, he says, "just so you know, you're welcome here anytime you get locked out again, or even if you don't get locked out."
You smile. "I'll take you up on that, but you might get tired of me pretty fast." You open the back door and make your way into your apartment, but before you close the door, you hear him say
"I doubt it."
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enchantcdstories · 3 years
The Strength Within Her
Words: 2774
Tags: Pure fluff! Some swearing! 
A/N: Here’s the Brendan/Theo fic! I tried my best to fix their ending but its a little all over the place. 
Find it on A03
V watched as Theo slumped into the plastic chair, her head in her hands after having been just told that her best friend in the whole world was gone. Something ate away at V’s stomach, the gut feeling in the back of her head gnawing at her. Do something. Fix this. V tugged at her hair, taking a few steps away to think. Think, think, think.
She could buy the vending machine, sure, she had the eddies for it. V sighed. She couldn’t fix Brendan. She couldn’t fix that kind of machinery. V stopped, realization hitting her like Jackie’s ARCH bike when she called it and wasn’t paying attention. Viktor. That man could fix anything right?
“Hey...Theo? I’ll uh.. See you around okay? Call me if you need anything?” V said, turning to face the woman. She tried not to make direct eye contact, Theo’s face just looked so sad. The girl nodded, sinking her head back into her hands as V turned away.
Pulling up Viktor’s number onto her interface, V thumbed quietly with the zipper on her jacket- waiting for the ripperdoc himself to pick up.
“V! What’s up? Everything good? The engram treating you okay?” Viktor’s voice sounded concerned and almost preoccupied at the same time. V bit at her lip, looking back in the direction of Theo as she walked to where her car was.
“I’m good, I mean..about as good as I can get with an engram taking over my brain..listen, do you know anything about uh...vending machines?” V asked nervously, this whole idea sounding stupid. The silence on Viktor’s end wasn’t any more reassuring.
“Vending machines?” His voice was full of confusion and apprehension.
“Yeah..there’s.. a S.C.S.M that..got a firmware wipe and...look it’s really tough to explain, but do you think you could help me out?” V sounded more like a child begging for parental help than a young woman at this point. The sound of metal clanging made V wince, tempted to hang up and forget this whole crazy idea. Viktor sighed.
“I mean...I know fuck all about vending machines but a firmware revert shouldn’t be too hard?....Do I dare ask what this is all for?” V sighed herself and mentally checked to see how many eddies she still had left.
“It’s a long story, I can pay ya. Meet me at the maintenance point by Megabuilding H8 in an hour?” V said, covering her eyes as she squinted over to the direction of the shop that held Brendan. Viktor confirmed, muttering about her owning him anyways and hung up. V waited for Johnny to show up, complain about this getting in the way of his plan and it was all a waste of time. V secretly thought that He felt something for that vending machine too.
“I’m sorry...how much for the fucker?” V said, leaning on the counter of the gonk that ran the maintenance point. “We aren’t even gonna like… take him anywhere special. We’re just gonna move him back to his original spot.” The man on the other side of the counter crossed his arms.
“You heard me. You wanna change him and shit? Lord knows what fucking else? You gotta pay.” V put her head on the counter, stressed and feeling her vision starting to glitch out from the chip that was shoved into her brain. The gonk spoke again as if he felt something for this whole situation.
“Look, if it makes you feel better, I’ll throw the papers in. Legally the hunk of junk will be yours.” V groaned again. Gods that was a lot of eddies. That could pay for the ankle upgrades she’d be saving for. She’d barely have enough left over to throw something Vik’s way. Still, the look on Theo’s face when she was away from Brendan…
“Fine...here..Just, give me the papers.” V said, exasperated as she extended her hand out, transferring the eddies. The man held the papers out, some sort of legal form that was like transferring the ownership of a car. ‘I could have bought a new car with that money’, V thought. She snatched the papers up, folding them and walking over to where a powered down Brendan sat. The man wheeled a dolly over, jamming the edge of it under the S.C.S.M. V could hear Viktor outside the shop, talking on his phone to a client or something. The moment Viktor laid eyes on the machine, V could see the light just fade from them- wondering what V got him into.
“Okay so back up, hang on- We’re doing this for a girl? Is she in love with the thing? Is that legal?” Viktor said, a screwdriver in his mouth and he worked to pry the back panel of Brendan off. V had explained the whole situation to him, but clearly, Vik was bit out of the loop on the whole ‘super-smart AI vending machines’.
“I mean, all I heard was that he was her best friend...and the look on her face! I couldn’t just do nothing.” V shrugged, leaning against the wall as she watched Viktor work. Johnny had glitched over in the corner and was smoking a cigarette, keeping to himself. Viktor chuckled.
“Always the people pleaser, eh V?” He said, dropping the back panel on the floor and peering inside. V just rolled her eyes, picking at something on her boot. Viktor grunted as he sat up, looking over his tools and grunting.
“Can you like… fix him?” V asked. She wondered if she just paid a good stack of Eddies for something that could be pawned off for spare parts. Maybe she could just..give Theo his faceplate and call it good?
“Well I’ve reversed firmware’s before, but this might take a little longer. I’m no miracle worker.” Viktor looked over to V, his voice giving her a hint of reassurance. V scoffed. “You’ve fixed me up plenty of times, even if I do got a shelf life that’s worse than milk’s.” She tried to lighten the mood, but the look on Viktor’s face didn’t look like it helped. “What I’m saying is, if anyone can do it, it’s you. Probably. I think the guy at the shop only knew how to update firmware.” V said, trying to cover up her fuck up. “And imagine the look on Theo’s face when she see’s her best friend is back!” V chirped, her voice a faux cheery tone. Even Johnny winced at that, giving a thumbs down. V flipped him off.
Viktor brought over some little machine, pulling the cord from a little compartment on it and plugging it into Brendan. V leaned her head back against the wall, her mind wandering back to Theo’s heartbroken face. That poor girl’s face was ingrained in her brain.
“Chick had a rough life. She pack-bonded to that heap of metal. Don’t blame her one bit.” Johnny’s voice filled V’s head as he walked over, flicking his cigarette to the floor and watching as it flickered away into a million little pixels.
“She said something about a breakup, right? Or at least a tough relationship..” V said, internally to her engram. Johnny moved so he was sitting down next to her, elbow propped up on his knee.
“She’s got a sentient vending machine, you got a biochip of a super famous rockstar in your head. We all need our comfort objects, huh?” Johnny said, moving his elbow as if he was gonna elbow her ribs. V felt nothing but was somehow still annoyed.
At some point, as Viktor worked on Brendan, V fell asleep. It felt like it was the first time V had fallen asleep in days, sudden exhaustion kicking in. Viktor noticed a couple of hours ago, but chose to let her sleep anyways. The poor girl looked beat. Viktor finally wheeled away from the machine, having screwed the back panel in tightly and pulling out the electrical cord for the machine.
“Hey V, ‘bout to power this thing up, you wanna wake up?” Vik called, startling the merc awake. V groaned, rubbing at her eyes. Johnny was nowhere in sight, but Viktor was looking at her expectantly.
“What? Yeah, yeah I’m up. Plug ‘im in.” She said, moving to stand in front of the towering S.C.S.M. The vending machine lit up Vik’s entire shop, the pink of Brendan’s ‘clothes’ casting a deeper shade of pink across the walls.
“V! Boy am I glad to see you!” Brendan chirped, his eyes shifting left and right. V smiled, the same old Brendan was back.
“Hey bud, glad to see you too.” “What did I miss while I was gone? Any important drink orders I should remember?” Brendan said, his screen flickering just ever so slightly. V shook her head, glancing at Viktor. The man seemed just more confused, but sat back down on his chair.
“Nah, nothing like that. You were barely out for a day. Theo’s missing you something fierce though.” She said, hoping he still remembered her.
“Theo! Is she okay? Where is she? I hope she’s okay.” If a S.C.S.M could wag it’s tail like a puppy, Brendan would be doing that right about now.
“Relax, she’s fine. I kinda….told her that you were gone and she, well she took it pretty hard. Got the best ripperdoc in town to fix you up though. How do you uh...feel? Can you feel?” She added the last part under her breath. Brendan was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking.
“I would like to see Theo. I think I feel fine!” The machine said to her. V patted Brendan on the main screen...face-thing before moving over to Viktor. She extended her hand to him, intending to transfer some eddies to him.
“Thanks again, Vik, I know I keep saying I owe ya but this time...I really do owe ya. I got about...5k Eddies left, I hope that covers it.” She said, internally preparing to be broke for the next couple of days. Vik shook his head.
“Keep ‘em.”
Viktor shook his head again. “Keep ‘em. You get to haul the thing back to Japantown though. I ain’t gonna help you with that.”
Theo’s world felt...empty. Just the night before she had broken up her relationship, on the advice of Brendan of course. He helped her through so many rough patches and then this morning he was just….gone. She felt so powerless. The maintenance workers wouldn’t listen to her… she tried everything! Theo sat in one of the plastic chairs just in the first level of the megabuilding. Her apartment was a few floors up, she even remembers how she met Brendan. The one day she wanted a coffee from a vending machine and the S.C.S.M greeted her and asked if she was okay.
The rest was history.
He was so sweet, so caring. Knew exactly what to say when Theo struggled. Her daily routine revolved itself around Brendan now. Now? He was gone. Physically no, he wouldn’t be gone. The machine would be there still. But Brendan? His personality? Would be gone.
It was like a void in her heart, something in her life that was missing. She broke off her relationship and now with Brendan gone? Who did she have? Theo took a cigarette out of her pocket, sparking up the lighter and inhaling deeply. She wouldn’t cry over a stupid machine, yet here she was- tears threatening to spill.
Theo sat there for hours, watching the world go by as she sat in her little chair and smoked. She barely moved, barely felt. The sun eventually rose to it’s highest peak in the sky before falling back down. Night City falling under a blanket of colder temperatures as darkness fell. Theo stood up eventually. Her bones and muscles ached as she moved for the first time. She found her way to her apartment- purely on autopilot now.
Her apartment was cold, lonely, empty. It had been for a while, she realized, but now it felt more so. Theo was just about to head to bed when she heard a commotion out in the hall. Normally, especially in good old megabuilding H8, that wasn’t any cause for concern. The voice sounded oddly familiar though.
“..V?” Theo mumbled, getting up from her spot on the couch. She pressed the button for the door to slide open. V was there, standing in the hallway looking sweaty and exhausted.
And so was Brendan.
Theo leaned against the doorframe, confusion washing over her face.
“Hey uh...so listen, its a long story- but do you have space in your apartment? I was gonna put him back in his normal spot but...I’d hate to see him get vandalized or some shit.” V said, leaning an elbow on the dolly that was wedged under the S.C.S.M. Theo didn’t know what to say, merely opening her mouth like a fish. She merely moved out of the way as V struggled to haul the giant machine through the door.
“Vik fixed him up, just gotta plug him in and he’s good as new.” V said, grunting as she heaved the machine to Theo’s living room. He was angled awkwardly so he faced Theo’s bed, but no one cared at that point. She merely scurried out of the way, watching dumbly as V set Brendan down.
“He...I don’t...understand..” She said, unable to form words. V waved a hand, the cord flopping about. Theo reached for the cord, knowing where the only remaining outlet in her apartment was and plugging the machine in. Instantly her apartment was lit up with an otherworldly glow.
“That was some nap!.... Where am I?” Brendan chimed. V had leaned against the wall, watching as Theo moved to face Brendan. “Brendan?”
“Theo! Boy am I glad to see you! I missed you!” Tears pricked at Theo’s eyes. Happy ones this time. She looked over to V, rushing forward and gripping her in a bone shattering hug.
“Oh V… thank you, thank you so much!” She said, grinning up at her ‘friend’. V shrugged, not making eye contact.
“ was nothing, oh uh...here.” She said, taking the papers from her pants pocket. “He’s yours now, I guess? Your own personal uh..vending machine.” She shrugged. Theo just stared at the papers. She turned to Brendan, throwing her arms across the wide electronic.
“Oh gods I’ve missed you, B. I was so worried. They took you away I just...V tried to get you back and when she told me they wiped you… I thought… I’d never-” Theo was openly crying now, still clutching Brendan.
“It’s okay Theo, you’re strong, I believed in you all along. Am I in your apartment? You told me so much about your apartment!” Brendan chirped, his voice sounding more bubbly than usual. Theo nodded, a half sob half laugh escaping her lips.
“It is, you’re here and...you’re mine now! You don’t have to stay down on the street anymore.. No one’s gonna vandalize you!” Theo’s voice went on, about how much fun they would have now that Theo didn’t have to worry about him anymore. V rubbed the back of her neck, feeling like an intruder now.
“I’ll leave you guys to it, I guess. I’ll come visit at some point?” V didn’t know why she asked that, when she knew herself that her time was limited. Maybe Johnny would visit for her. Theo looked and nodded, before turning back to talk to her best friend. V let herself out quietly.
It was dark now when V exited the megabuilding, her own stomach rumbling for some of the local food that filled the air’s scent. The entire day had been just a rollercoaster of emotions. She leaned down to light a smoke, one of the ones Johnny had begged her to smoke originally.
“Nothing like a happy ending, huh?” Johnny said, phasing next to her as she walked to her car. V said shrugged.
“I don’t get one, might as well give her one. She can go off and live her happy life with her vending machine. I got...a computer chip in my head that makes me smoke.” She shrugged. Johnny laughed.
“You got me. Ain’t that enough?” He said, referring to his whole body. V rolled her eyes.
“Well, out of all the engrams in the world, I’m glad I got Johnny fuckin’ Silverhand.”
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KISS v. Phantom
Pairing: Jess Mariano x Original Character (Ella Stevens)
Warnings: major discussion of parent death, general angst but some fluff, plentiful pop culture references
Word Count: 4.9K
Summary: College decisions are released, and Ella gets another chance to practice her spontaneity. 
Awakening on the Gilmore couch, Ella squeezed her eyes tightly shut against the morning light. Of course Dean had chosen to break up with Rory the first day of spring break, upon hearing about her acceptance to Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. After her shift, Ella had rushed over and been a shoulder for Rory to cry on, along with Lane. Buckets of cookie dough ice cream sat empty on the coffee table, tissues strewn around, and Ella’s makeup had been smeared around her face in her sleep. She was alone. At some point, Rory had gone to bed, she supposed, and Lorelai would be upstairs. Glancing down at her watch, she swore under her breath. It was half past eight; she was meant to be at the diner thirty minutes earlier.
Slapping lightly at her own cheeks, she spread her eyes wide. Taking in a deep breath, she hoisted herself up off the couch and tugged on her shoes, then grabbed her bag by the door. She almost forgot to say goodbye, her hand on the doorknob, before she ran back through the kitchen and into Rory’s bedroom. Rory’s back was to the door, asleep on her side. Ella placed a hand on her shoulder and shook slightly.
“Hey, Ror? I gotta go to work. See you later when you get your coffee, alright?” Ella whispered, watching Rory stir.
Rory grunted some sort of sleepy response.
Smirking, Ella ran back out the door and left the house. The late March morning was dewy and almost too fresh as she raced across town. Her boots were nearly slipping off her feet, her hair flying loose behind her. As she passed the gazebo, she ran nearly straight into Kirk, who had recently taken over as mailman. The most inconvenient time of the century, he’d ended up mixing up several peoples’ college acceptance (or rejection) letters. Though she knew she was late for work, she couldn’t help the slightly sick excitement in her stomach.
“Kirk!” she shouted as he tried to pass her. “Could you give me my mail, please?”
He faced her with a stony expression. “How many times do we have to go over this, Ella? I’m not permitted to give you your mail unless we’re standing on the address property.”
Crossing her arms, she looked down at her shoes and shook her head. Breathing out a frustrated sigh, she put a polite smile on her face. “Kirk, please. Just this once. Please do me this favor.”
Kirk blinked at her, unrelenting.
“Four rhubarb pies,” she wagered, narrowing her eyes at him.
He was silent for a moment, looking like one of the Village People in his mailman getup. She wondered how many of his clothes were regular and how many were various uniforms. “Six pies. By next weekend.”
“Deal,” she smiled, putting a hand out for him to shake.
He shook back, then shuffled through the many envelopes in his huge satchel. Fighting the urge to tap her foot, she watched him for what felt like an eternity. A throb was just beginning to form behind her eyes when he finally pulled out an envelope. A grin came to her face as she saw the return address.
“Thank you!” she chirped, immediately off again in the direction of the diner.
“Six rhubarb pies by next Saturday!” Kirk yelled after her, then went on ambling through town.
She felt a bit like Charlie with his golden ticket, despite having no idea what the content of the envelope would entail. It was the difference between a two-year degree and a four-year degree, community college and a public university. She didn’t really care much either way, but Southern Connecticut State was her top choice. Realistically, she wasn’t excited for the results, she was only excited for the suspense to end. Her dimples shone on her freckled cheeks as she made it through the front door of the diner, the bell above jingling happily. The diner was relatively packed, and she was reminded again how late she was. Luke’s face was stony and gruff, and Jess smirked over at her.
“Rough morning, Stevens?” he asked, taking in her smudged mascara and wild hair.
Ella rolled her eyes playfully and came around the counter after hanging her belongings, the envelope in one fist. But she had trouble getting out all the information between breathless panting. “I got the letter!”
“Southern Connecticut State?” Jess asked, eyebrows raising and smile turning genuine.
Swallowing dryly, she nodded, holding it up for him to see.
“You didn’t open it yet?” he asked in surprise.
“Been a busy morning, jackass,” she said, shaking her head at herself. As she prepared to rip it open, Luke came over from the register and cut the moment short.
“What time were you supposed to be here, Ella? The same time for the last three years? Is it eight-thirty?” he said, voice laced with anger and sarcasm. “Oh, right, it’s eight o’clock. Every single Saturday for the past three years!”
Face falling, Ella nodded along. “Luke, I’m sorry. I had to chase Kirk down for my Southern Connecticut State letter. And I spent all night with Rory. Dean broke up with her after she got into Harvard and-”
“What?” Luke interrupted. “The bag boy broke up with her?”
“Yesterday, but-”
Before she could even finish the sentence, Luke was calling back an order to Caesar for chocolate chip pancakes, breathing huffy and frustrated. He rambled on about how much he hated Dean, how he would never be allowed back in the diner, and other such dramatic threats. Watching with brows furrowed, Jess and Ella eventually locked eyes again.
“Should I wait for him to calm down?” she asked Jess, looking back down at the envelope.
Jess shook his head. “Could take years. I’d go for it if I were you.”
“I don’t think you could handle being me.”
“You opening it or not?”
Nodding slowly, she took in a deep breath and ripped it open. She took out the crisp sheet of white paper, text in dark ink and signed at the bottom, her heart in her throat.
Ella began reading aloud, Jess standing across from her expectantly. The other patrons in the diner were more or less completely enraptured by Luke’s tantrum.
“Dear Miss Stevens, I am pleased to congratulate you on your acceptance-”
“You did it! You’re in!” Jess cut her off, gesturing excitedly as he spoke. It was odd to see him so earnest in his emotion, especially standing behind the counter at the diner.
A slow smile spread on her lips, as she stared almost blankly at the words before her. “Yeah. Yeah, I did.”
Eventually, she folded the letter back up and looked up at him. He had to stop himself from tilting his head at the expression on her face, almost false in its happiness. The smile didn’t reach her hazel eyes.
“Congrats, Stevens,” he said, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
She didn’t even blush like she normally would, instead only wrapping her arms around his neck. After holding him in a tight embrace for a moment, she cleared her throat and pulled away, an artificial smile still present.
“Thanks,” she said, putting all the contents back into the envelope and sighing softly, all at once acutely aware of the environment around her. “I guess I should get to work.”
“Yeah, sure,” he muttered, confusion painting his face. Before she went to put the letter back in her bag, he brought a gentle hand to her arm. “Are you okay?”
“I always am.”
.   .   .
A long day of comforting Rory, serving coffee, and dealing with the flurry of townie activity brought Ella to the bridge. She held a copy of Little Women in her lap, the book she’d read probably hundreds of times before. Eyes roaming over the words, she could practically hear her mother’s voice. Soft and sweet, and always passive. Her voice always made Ella feel so simply safe. She could smell the Pond’s Cold Cream her mother had once worn. Crickets sang around her, spring finally having sprung. The air was cool but humid, charged with the possibility of rain.
Sat trying to read, she couldn’t help the tears that spotted the pages. She’d tried going home after her shift, but felt too antsy inside her own tiny room. Knowing she’d be bound to live there for at least a couple more years. And she took the book from the top drawer of her dresser, telling Fiona nothing more than that she was going out, and she wouldn’t be back for dinner. The moon had risen between the clouds. A pit of dread had been sitting in her stomach almost all day, since she’d opened the letter. For just a moment, she had been happy, relieved to have gotten into her top choice, but then the reality hit. It was real. College. Living at home. She wiped at her cheeks, sniffling. So much work, and she still felt so far away from anything resembling her goals. No matter how hard she tried to concentrate, the tears blurred her vision. Blowing out a shaky breath, she turned the page.
“Hey, Daria,” she heard to her left. Startling, she snapped the book shut and blinked quickly. With the back of her hand, she wiped away the tears which had spilled over once again.
“James Dean,” she sighed, not having to look over to recognize him. “Sneaking up on people, again, huh?”
Shrugging off the bite in her voice, he came to sit down next to her, close enough for their shoulders to brush against each other. Luckily, she didn’t flinch away from his touch as he’d been half-expecting her to. Clearing her throat, she swallowed down her flush and hoped he couldn’t see the shine in her hazel eyes.
“Thought I’d find you here,” he drawled, looking over the lake. “You seemed quiet today. And you rushed out right after your shift. Are you feeling okay?”
Uttering a bitter scoff, Ella let a smirk cross her face. “Yeah. I’m great. I’m going to Southern Connecticut State, after all.”
“Yes. You are,” he said flatly, wondering what could be bothering her. “And?”
“I don’t wanna talk, Jess,” she snapped, shaking her head at herself. More tears welled up in her eyes, and she looked away from him, tossing her book to the side in slight anger.
“Okay,” he nodded. And he sat beside her, saying nothing, listening to the sounds of nighttime and watching the lake.
Then, after a long silence, Ella glanced over at the book, back at the water: “My mom used to read Little Women to me. Before bed. And then I read it over and over. Even before she died, I was just always...I was always reading it. I don’t know why.”
Jess wasn’t lost on the shakiness in her voice. “Huh.”
“Yeah. And she…” she paused to sigh, shaking her head again. She stared down at her lap, wringing her hands together anxiously. “She lived here her whole life. She was a great mom and everything but...she would just lie down and take it. Anything. Life would come at her and s-she was...sweet and kind...but she just never…”
“Bit back?” Jess ventured quietly, watching at the way her face contorted in the moonlight. He could see her fighting back the sobs, silent tears falling down her face in streaks.
Ella nodded sadly. “Exactly. I love her so much. But I don’t wanna be her. I don’t wanna be stuck here my whole life.”
“You won’t be, Eleanor,” he said, starting to understand, trying to catch her gaze. She simply refused to make eye contact with him.
She gave a humorless chuckle. “That’s what Lorelai said. But no one really knows anything, do they? I think they’re just lucky. Lorelai and Rory. And I’m not Rory. I’ll never be Rory.”
“What do you mean?” he chimed in, running a hand up and down her back, remembering how her touch had felt the night he cut his hand.
“They think things can work out,” she continued. “I mean...fuck. Rory got into Harvard and Princeton and Yale. And her grandparents are basically a bottomless pit of money. She could have anything she wants. And instead she spends the whole day crying over her dumbass boyfriend. And everyone just drops everything to make her feel better.”
Brows knitted together, he nodded slightly. Jess thought back to the morning, Luke’s tirade about Dean while Ella held her future between her fingers.
She spoke through gritted teeth as angry tears kept rolling down her face. “And I hate being jealous of her. I mean...she’s one of my best friends. And I don’t mean she doesn’t have problems. I don’t want a pity party. Of course she has problems! I mean...her dad wasn't in her life for so long. But...he came back, y’know? He came back for her. And everyone in this town loves her. Sometimes, it’s like she lives in a different world. Where everything gets fixed with coffee and sugar and her grandparents’ money.”
Speaking with her hands, she tilted her head and looked up at the sky. Maybe in an effort to dry her eyes against the breeze. She cleared her throat, hoping her voice wouldn’t sound so wobbly. Embarrassment burned in her stomach, but she couldn’t help as the words poured straight from her mind to her mouth.
“And she gets to go wherever she wants. She gets everything she wants. And she gets Lorelai. She gets a mom who she’s best friends with, who would never leave her. And my mom…”
“She didn’t wanna leave you,” Jess said firmly.
Heaving a big sigh, she swallowed thickly. “She didn’t want to. But she did. She was...um...born with this heart thing? And one night it just...got her. I went to bed one night with a mom and I woke up without one. Just like that.”
“Jesus,” he muttered. Though his family wasn’t exactly a greeting card situation, he couldn’t imagine losing his whole world forever, literally overnight.
“Yeah,” she sighed, voice exhausted. “And I didn’t cry at the funeral, but sometimes alone...I’ll get upset about it and I’ll think: ‘Okay, this is the last time. Just be sad about it one more time and your heart won’t be broken anymore. This is the last time.’ But it never is. It always comes back. I think I’ll always...have a piece missing, I guess. And today...it just came back. Because everyone was there for Rory about Harvard and Yale and Dean. Lorelai stayed up almost all night with us last night. And I haven’t talked to my mom since I was fourteen. I’ll never talk to her again.
“And now...my dad can’t even look at me. Not exactly like he was such an involved father before. But every time he looks at me, all he can see is her. I just...I just look so much like her. It’s not like I could blame him. I wouldn’t wanna have a doppelganger of my dead wife living in my house either.”
“Well, you didn’t ask for a Freaky Friday situation,” he said.
It earned him a small giggle, and he flashed her a tiny smile.
“It’s not your fault, Eleanor.”
“I know,” she nodded, then took in a big breath. “Fuck. And here I said I didn’t wanna talk. I’m sorry...I didn’t mean to tell you all that. And I know everyone has problems. I’m not special or anything. Lots of people have dead parents. But..no one talks about it. Not in Stars Hollow. Everything just needs to be happy here, but everything reminds me of her. No one...no one ever talks about her. I’m sorry, Jess, I don’t mean to-”
“There’s nothing for you to be sorry over,” he told her, shaking his head.
She chuckled weakly, wiping at her nose. “And I hate crying.”
“I know.”
“Especially in front of people.”
“I know,” he repeated softly, finally locking eyes with her. His mouth was set in a thin line. All the things he wanted to say were stuck in his throat. Instead, he only listened. She needed to talk about it. She needed someone who wouldn’t brush it off, who wouldn’t get uncomfortable. Who would just hear her.
“But I just can’t stop crying,” she admitted, her voice breaking.
She put her hands over her face in shame and guilt, weeping quietly. Each time she got upset about her mother, she reminded herself of how much worse it could be. From what little she knew, she could gather Jess had never even met his father. She couldn’t blame Jess if he just walked away, or yelled at her for taking what she had for granted. At least she had two parents for as long as she did. It was a vicious cycle in her head, making her dizzy.
Jess felt his heart do a twist as she crumpled, and acted only on instinct. He enveloped her in his arms and her head went to his shoulder, wetting his jacket. Rubbing circles over her back, Jess held her against the chilly wind.
“You wanna push me in the lake?” he asked, breaking the silence. “It’s cathartic, I hear. Might make you feel better.”
Ella uttered a watery laugh. “No, but thank you for the offer.”
.   .   .
Blondie blasted through her speakers, and she huffed at herself as she tried to finish her makeup. She was having trouble making her eyeliner work, eventually deciding to just smudge it out, falling back on grunge as she usually did. Getting up to grab her boots, she gasped audibly when she heard a knock on the window. Rationally, she knew it was Jess. Who else regularly climbed through her window? But, still, in the back of her mind, she worried about hypothetical murderers. Occasional viewings of Dateline did nothing to subdue her mistrust of the world at large. Taking a boot in her hand by the laces, she walked over, ready to fend off a potential assailant. Her shoulders relaxed when she pushed the curtains back and Jess stood out in the gloomy morning with a smug smirk.
The window screeched as she opened it, and she leaned out with a grin. “Did Luke send you to avoid a do-over of yesterday? Because, by my clock, I’m not late for another forty-five minutes.”
Jess shook his head. “Good guess, but no. Are you, by any chance, still practicing your spontaneity?”
She furrowed her brows. “Occasionally. But, today, diner duty calls.”
“Actually, I got us both the day off.”
“What?” she asked, chuckling through her words. “Fuck off.”
“So eloquent, Daria. But I’m serious. We’re on spring break, so I switched with Guillermo for Tuesday.”
“Right, but hate to break it to you, I’m the other half of this duo. And I’m Luke’s favorite waitress, as we know. It’s my natural charm, of course,” she quipped, forearms resting on the window sill.
“Told him you had a migraine last night. He figured you’d need rest,” Jess explained, shrugging.
Ella shook her head in disbelief, smile turning to a smirk. “Migraine being code for major meltdown?”
She scoffed. “Really? We’re both off?”
“Really,” he said, shaking his head at her suspicion. “Free as birds. You need some notarized documentation?”
Snickering, she shook her head and glanced over her shoulder. “Well, did you have any particular plans in mind? Or was this just spontaneity for the sake of it?”
“Well, last time you were in New York, you didn’t get the full experience. Thought maybe we could go to the Met, Miss O’Keefe?” Jess shifted his weight on his feet, a familiar uncertainty welling in his stomach. “I brought my car. We’ll be back before anyone will suspect where we went.”
Ella shook her head again in pleasant shock, giggling slightly. “If you can promise me no felony charges?”
“Misdemeanor at most,” he said, chuckling.
“Alright,” she said, stepping into her boots. “Let me just grab my jacket. You’re the fucking best, Mariano.”
.   .   .
Jess raised an eyebrow and looked over at her as she shuffled through the center console of his car, searching for a CD. She’d been exploring the selection. They didn’t often need a car, and when they did, Ella was always driving. She just preferred to be behind the wheel, and also, more importantly, his car was pretty much a death trap. But he’d insisted on driving to New York, paying for the gas himself. Face falling, he saw the Phantom of the Opera soundtrack in her hands. As a native New Yorker, he’d had Broadway shoved in his face his whole life. It wasn’t his fault if some of it stuck. He kept it in the car with various other road trip music, away from his uncle’s wandering eyes. He’d forgotten it was in there, along with a couple other soundtracks, from both movies and musicals.
A flush crept up the back of his neck. “Oh, that’s my mom’s.”
“Bullshit,” she laughed, immediately going to pop it in the CD player. She shook her head slightly as the first piano chords came through the speakers. “You like musicals, huh?”
“No. Jumping to conclusions much, Nancy Drew?”
“C’mon, Jess, I know a swan beaked you in the eye, I know you work at Walmart, it’s cool if you’re a theater geek,” she said, shrugging with a wide smile. “I mean, I like Phantom of the Opera too. It’s got a ghost, sort of. That’s all I can ask for.”
Sighing heavily, Jess bit his bottom lip. “My mom had a bunch of soundtracks in her car when I was younger. Hers were eight-tracks, but whoever had this car before me put in a CD player. I just...carried on the tradition.”
“Whatever, tough guy,” she teased. “Is there a home video of little Jess singing along out there somewhere?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Methinks the man doth protest too much.”
He rolled his eyes. “KISS t-shirt. Need I say more?”
“Touché,” she said, eyes lingering on him playfully for just a moment longer as the music started up.
Fighting off the urge to sing along, she watched Jess’s eyes, trained on the road. They’d been driving around an hour, good natured arguments over movies and music, through the misty morning air. The highway was largely empty, Sunday morning drivers at church or sleeping in. Ella almost couldn’t believe she was bound for a place dedicated to master works of art. She was about to see Van Gogh with her own eyes. The thought alone was enough to make her heart skip happily.
She shifted a little in her seat and her fingers went to clutch at her necklace. “Thanks for listening last night. I’m sorry I was such a freak about everything.”
Jess sighed through his nose. “No reason to be sorry. I get it.”
“You don’t need to be nice about it,” she continued, pursing her lips.
“What are you talking about? I’m always an angel,” he scoffed, a wicked sparkle in his brown eyes. When she looked unamused, he shook his head a little. “Eleanor, it’s fine. There is nothing for you to be sorry over.”
“And you don’t pity your sad sack girlfriend?”
He scoffed. “My girlfriend’s a badass artist. She doesn’t need my pity.”
“Very true,” she nodded, leaning over to kiss his cheek. “Seriously Jess, thank you. I can’t believe you’re taking me to the Met.”
He shrugged, nonchalant. “I don’t do things I don’t wanna do.”
.   .   .
Standing before Van Gogh’s “Flowering Orchard,” Ella felt a foreign lightness spread throughout her being. She had so many favorites, many of which she’d seen in the last few hours. Monet, O’Keefe, Picasso. But there was something about Van Gogh which always stuck out to her, a perspective so different from her own. She who saw everything with a hidden darkness, an ulterior motive. So rarely did she work in lively color. Ella couldn’t even fathom seeing such a vibrance in what was so often a gloomy world. It took her breath away to see the piece in person, the canvas Van Gogh himself had touched. She could feel her heart reaching out to the painting, a connection to the past. It was what she loved most about art, writing, music. Impersonal love letters sent out to the public, from creator to creation to audience.
Ella didn’t even startle as Jess’s arms laced around her waist, and she leaned back against him. “Hey, James Dean.”
He smirked. “Hey Daria, hate to break it to you, but we should go if we wanna be back before they call the FBI on us crazy kids.”
Clicking her tongue in disappointment, she looked down at the watch on his wrist and nodded. “One more minute.”
“If you insist.”
She chuckled. “Can you imagine seeing the world this way?”
“What do you mean?” he asked, voice in hushed tones with other viewers milling about near them. But, with his arms around her, Ella so calm and in her element, it felt like a private world. Where parents didn’t break promises and eyes didn’t pass premature judgement.
“Just…” she began, pausing to gather her thoughts, “he could see things with so much color and life and...I could never look at things this way. Maybe I’d be a better artist if I wasn’t such a cynic.”
“Oh, I think cynicism is a benefit in all areas of life,” he said.
“You sure about that, Nietzche?”
“Way I see it, there’s cynicism or there’s cutting off your own ear.”
She scoffed. “No middle ground?”
Jess shook his head. “No one becomes an artist unless they have to.”
“Deep, but not yours. That’s from White Oleander, thief,” she said, a smug smirk on her face.
“The point still stands, no matter the origin.”
“I know, but...it must have been so intense for him to live that way. To...I don’t know. I wonder if the torture is worth it to be such a genius,” she thought aloud, a wistful glaze in her eyes.
Biting his lip, Jess’s smirk grew. Despite how much Ella told him the only reason for her perfect grades was her insane work ethic and stellar organizational skills, he knew it wasn’t true. She was smart in ways she didn’t ever acknowledge, thought about things in ways which would never even occur to him. Of course he could see the beauty in all the art they’d encountered, and in the painting in front of him, but she could feel it, the way he felt the words in his books. And she could look at poetry and music as a linguistic collage, art in itself. It never surprised him how fond she was of modernism. Her mind was something he could never quite grasp, a complexity he could only admire. She would always be smarter. His heart felt so full, watching her watch the painting, he almost felt silly. Each day he got more sure. It was love he felt for her.
.   .   .
Reddish brake lights glowed against the dark highway. Ella could still taste the salt on her lips from the street food they’d had for both lunch and dinner. The windows of the rusty, screeching car were cracked slightly open, letting in the fresh, chilly spring air. Her blonde waves blew back from her face as the CD ran out. Without a word, she ejected the disk, put it back in its case, and started shuffling through the other albums.
“Jesus, Mariano, how have you never told me you like Rocky Horror?”
He sighed but didn’t have time to retort before she pointed a finger at him.
“We are going to a screening at some point. And I, of course, will be dressing up,” she said with a smile, not even looking over at him as she found a new CD. Looking over, he saw a flash of red and black on the case as she opened it up. He couldn’t hide his tiny grin as he turned back to the road.
“As long as I don’t have to,” he shrugged, heart fluttering in his chest with pleasant excitement as she put the disk in.
Ella reached her arm over and placed a gentle hand on the back of his neck, leaning deeper into her seat. Shivers went down Jess’s spine at her touch, and the opening chords of “Untitled” by Interpol. Neither of them said a word, but the soft smile never left Ella’s face. She remembered his hands on her waist the first time they kissed, the warm tingling in the pit of her stomach. Notes in books and drunken evenings, stitches and pianos, paintings and shoulders to cry on. Ella glanced over at him, could see the lights of the nighttime reflected in his brown eyes, and felt as she never thought she would. So strangely whole.
“Yeah, honey?”
The words almost left her lips, she could taste them on her tongue, but she bit them back as her heart began racing. Instead, she breathed in, fresh air and the smell of pine.
“Do you wish your angel of music would hide no longer?” she teased.
He rolled his eyes and his voice held no emotion as he spoke. “I don’t know, Stevens, do you wanna rock and roll all night? And party every day?”
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darknytemare · 4 years
No Words pt 7
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BTS - V Imagine - Tall Girl - Interracial - FILTHY [HOLY WATER REQUIRED]
A/N - I blame these g’damned gifs for this whole chapter. I normally choose images to help represent a mood or something. I found these and the whole damn thing just...ran off without me. Either way, it’s still a mess. Thank you for loving it still. 
The Maknae was flustered as he burned miles on the treadmill. The trainer turned the speed up a few more notches. Jeongguk was so lost in his thoughts? He barely registered he was getting closer to max speed. It was easy to let the body do what it needed to when he spaced out. It was like a weird auto-pilot, the trainer knew that far away gaze. It was the best time to really push the maknae to his limits. 
“You what, Jeongguk? You what..?” Tae leaned in with a baritone growl.
Ki-Nam knew that Jeongguk was preoccupied with something. They had gone through this whole scenario many times, over many years. If Gguk had a problem he couldn’t talk out? He’d work it out - hard. The maknae’s brow furrowed, Ki-Nam turned the speed up another notch. He felt bad, honestly. Watching the main vocal sweat out his troubles in such a rough fashion. But, everyone knew that Gguk still had some troubles when it came to his emotions. They laughed over a session, a few years ago, saying it was akin to meditation. A really, really, rough and vigorous meditation.
It has been one month since they had a bit of a break. The holidays were closing in on them again. That time of the year always seemed to do something to him. He didn’t understand why. He couldn’t put his finger on it. 
No, that was a lie. He didn’t want to put his finger on it. 
“I don’t know, Taehyung!” A hissing whisper turned to the elder. Jeongguk’s tongue poked at the side of his cheek as his leg began to vibrate. “I don’t fucking know.” Tae scoffed as he gave the maknae a once over.
Jeongguk felt his heart beating a race in his chest. The sweat finally started to burn his eyes, he blinked it away rapidly. Why didn’t he want to touch it? Because it would change things. What was wrong with change? It took time to get used to new things. So what? Who cared? It was safer than the alternative right?
She was safer than the alternative. Right? 
“I do.” Tae continued his stroll toward the end of the hall. “I knew some time ago.” Was that a warning? 
“Fuck?!” Jeongguk was at a break-neck run when Ki-Nam turned the dial to MAX. Yes, that’s fine. He needed this run, he wanted to run! But, from what? What was he running from? It hurt. His body hurt and his lungs burned.
“OK! Ok!” Ki-Nam saw the focus slip and turned the speed down to a light jog. “Alright, breathe it out. Breathe it out.” He handed the maknae an electrolyte replacement as the jog turned into a brisk walk. Jeongguk felt a towel land over his head, snapping him from the recesses of his mind. “Man, I don’t know what you’ve got going on in your head? But, it’s been a while since you’ve maxed the treadmill.” Ki-Nam crossed his arms watching the Maknae slow to a stop. He brushed the towel over his sweat-ladened hair.
Jeongguk watched as Tae disappeared down the hall - their eyes meeting one last time as he disappeared around a corner. 
“Hyung,” Gguk panted heavily while bracing his hands on the arm of the treadmill. “..can you be in love with two people at the same time?” Ki-Nam blinked at Gguk with a soft whistle. The maknae groaned while rubbing his hair vigorously.
“Absolutely.” Ki-Nam’s straight, unflinching answer made the maknae look from under his towel. The, slightly, older man arched a brow. “What? Did you think I was going to say no?” He chuckled as Gguk gave him a sheepish look.
“Gguk-ah, you can’t help who or how many people stir your heart.” Ki-Nam shrugged as if it was common knowledge. “Granted, it’s not exactly acceptable to everyone. But,” He clapped a hand on the maknae’s moist shirt covered shoulder. “...everyone doesn’t know what makes you happy. Look at the world we live in, Jeongguk-ah. People exist in many forms. Don’t you think it’s only reasonable that love does as well?” 
Jeongguk blinked wide and Ki-Nam smiled giving him a soft shake. “For as many combinations in the world, that a person can exist? So too does love, Gguk-ah. Only you know the combination that’s right for you.” There was a stern set to the trainer’s face suddenly. “Regardless of the form that combination takes? You fight for your own happiness, whatever it may be. And also, be careful.” The trainer pushed his index finger into the maknae’s pectoral. Right above the quivering beat of his heart. “While it’s true love is fickle, sometimes she can be impatient.” 
The maknae frowned, trying to ponder the meaning. Ki-Nam didn’t waste that time leading him on. He got straight to the point. “Love can be a once in a lifetime thing, Gguk-ah. She can decorate the table. She can wear a pretty dress. She can paint you a picture worth a thousand words. But, if you’re too busy to turn your head in her direction? She leaves you.”
Jeongguk’s eyes went wide as a thought unburied itself from the tunnels of his mind. Christmas time.
“...and she may leave you for a good while before trying again.”  It was so easy to just text them, and know they would be there. 
“...and if you miss the opportunity too many times?”
Taehyung..cried. He remembered it so vividly now. Just when he thought that she understood. Just when he knew she felt the same? She was gone. She stopped answering their messages, then her phone no longer took them. He was so concerned about Taehyung. They did what they always had to - they picked up and moved along.
How could she do that to Tae? How could she do that to Taeyung? How could do that to him? To him? 
“She may never come back around again.” Ki-Nam finally finished as the light seemed to flare in the maknae’s eyes. As if a realization slammed into him. How could she do that to him? Jeongguk’s tongue prodded at the corner of his cheek. Ah, that’s what it was. It wasn’t just him -Taehyung.
It was also him - Jeongguk. How could she do that...to them?
Ki-Nam didn’t press, but he knew that look. A smirk lifted the corner of his mouth as Jeongguk nodded to himself, resolute. “You good?” The trainer asked the maknae with a fire burning in his eyes.
“Yeah, hyung, I am.” The maknae bowed to his trainer, tossing the towel back atop his head as he made for his room and a shower. He looked deep in thought as he took the stairs two by two. He didn’t want to bother with the elevator, not with all the thoughts still jumbled in his brain. He knew his feelings for Taehyung - that was sort of a given. But, he will admit he noticed a change when she was around. 
He thought to indulge Taehyung on his fixation with the foreigner. They would only be around for just a bit of time, so what could it hurt? He opened the door to his floor and shuffled to his room.
It hurt a lot, actually.
His brow furrowed as he rolled back the reel of memories. She didn’t want to really get close to them - that much was apparent. She almost reminded him of himself in the beginning. Waiting until everyone else was out of the room or the way before eating or showering. There were differences between them that could make things difficult. But, Tae being Tae didn’t care. They watched her butt heads, clash ideas, and disagree with senior staff. It didn’t always work out to her benefit, but she stayed true in that she wanted to speak her mind. She always took it constructively, at least, when they disagreed with what she presented. 
But, she had always mentioned she appreciated the ‘why?’. She appreciated that they tore her ideas up and presented the pros, cons, and protocols as a rebuttal. You couldn’t help but respect that. Just as they had come to respect that she wanted to be wrong - so she could develop stronger ideas. Most people would become resentful and frustrated at repeated ‘no’. But, not her - no. She studied refusals and prepared herself for a stronger showing at the next juncture.
But, not her - no. She studied refusals and prepared herself for a stronger showing at the next juncture.
Jeongguk felt himself sag as he entered his room. The bed looked inviting but he knew he needed to shower. The last bit of willpower left was exerted to undress and press himself into the hot spray. The water cascaded over his body as it protested his earlier mistreatment. His hand braced against the wall as his eyes closed.
How could she do that to him?
...there was no singing coming from that room. Jeongguk excused himself to go to the bathroom. He could hear all the off-key singing, but he couldn’t hear her voice. The water echoed a weird silence underneath the noise. He stepped out of the bathroom turning back toward the raucous bunch at the grill tables. He turned toward that corner where the karaoke room was. He bit into the meat of his cheek as he made his way down the hall. 
He was turning the corner when he heard it. A loud thump that made him rush to the door. It was concern that brought him, but when he peeked into that little window? What he saw made his skin flush as he pressed himself against the wall. He could feel that fire creeping along his skin and settling in his face. Even though all his blood immediately ran toward his dick. It was dark back there, the burn of the karaoke screen and mini-lights provided enough light for him to see it.
To see her, crouched in front of Tae with her face against his stomach. Tae with his hand between his teeth somewhere between insanity and ecstasy.
He should have forgotten it. He should have left. He was turning to leave, he shouldn’t see this. But she pulled Tae across the room to the couch. He was off-side so he could see everything. Why was he so aroused?! He couldn’t really hear what they were saying. 
But when Tae grabbed handfuls of her hair and pushed his cock into her mouth - and didn’t stop until she was pressed against his stomach again? Jeongguk had to suppress his moans as he reached into his pants.  
Tae got louder as he moved closer to orgasm. Gguk knew the signs. The muscle tick in the jaw, the way his body bows backward. He watched Tae use her, trying to shove himself inside of her. 
How?! How could he have caught up so quickly? 
“Mmm. Mhm, mhm, just like...t-that..”
Jeongguk felt his stomach twist and knot.
“Ah-f-fuck. Fuck...fuck…”
He felt his balls draw tight as lightning coursed through his body.
“F-fuck, gonna come...gonna come….gonna -Ah!?” 
And then he…
“Fuck?!” Gguk had spaced out thinking back on catching her and Tae. He wound up working himself back up, and as the water turned cold - the orgasm knotted his muscles. One hand tight around the base of his dick as he dropped to a knee. 
He was in love with her, too. It wasn’t just Tae that was hurt by that spontaneous disappearance. He was too. He was also him. He was hurt. He was mad. He tried to play it off, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t play it off anymore. His body lurched as he kept the iron grip on his throbbing erection.
Why was he being so stupid? What did it matter?! Tae loved her. Tae knew he loved her. It wasn’t a threat he lobbed at Jeongguk that night. It wasn’t a warning. It was a fucking realization. The truth of it had his eyes rolling back in his skull. As he finally took that chance and let himself think back. 
Back to that Christmas. 
Back to that kitchen.
Back to her apartment.
Back to when she was sandwiched between them. He thought…
The sounds they made together with a reckless abandon that night. 
He thought… He remembered….he felt….
...the sound of her voice “Come for me.” She moaned. 
Jeongguk cried out as let himself go. His back hit the tiled wall. He exploded, thick ropes of cum shooting skyward and against his abdomen as he fought for air. He reached out shaking hands to bat the nozzle to stop the water beating down on his skull.  He sank down on his side as his cock twitched and spasmed even though there was no liquid left to sputter.
Cold. He was fucking freezing when he snapped to twenty minutes later. The heel of his palm dug into his eye socket. “Mphffucking hell…” He pushed himself to stand, turning on the water again. The hot water not wasted as he showered and tended to his sore muscles.
He exited the shower, toweling his hair, frowning at the now swollen bowl of ramen that had been waiting for him. He ate it anyway, greedily sucking down the noodles and broth. He dug around in the fridge for leftover chicken and an apple. 
He saw his phone on the table and narrowed his eyes. Gguk stormed over to the table, snatched up the cellphone and sent off a rapid-fire text.
   Ggukie: Hyung…
Taehyung grunted as he felt around for his phone. Trying not to spill the glass of water, he fumbled before pulling the phone to his face. He spied the time.
                                                 4:30 am
“What the hell?” A deep rumble of sound as he responded.
   Hyungie: Gguk-ah, it’s late? Early? You ok?
Tae fumbled for the glasses he kept nearby, his vision sleep-blurred. The glasses were pulled right back off as he read the next text.
   Ggukie: I can’t, Tae. I can’t do this anymore.
   Hyungie: Can’t do what, Jeongguk?
   Ggukie: Pretend. 
Taehyung smoothed the hair back from his face as he watched the chat bubble dot away for the next response. His phone pinged with a received message.
   Ggukie: I knew it, too. Back then, I knew it. We need to talk.
The Visual felt the smirk curving his mouth as he tossed the phone on the bed beside him. He stretched his arms upward as he fired off a reply. He rubbed his hands together as he got out of bed.
   Hyungie: Let’s have breakfast, Gguk-ah. 
Taehyung knew he didn’t need to wait for a reply. He slipped on his robe, popped into his tata slippers, and grabbed his phone. He couldn’t help the pep in his step as he made his way down to the maknae’s room.
Taehyung had a hunch. He didn’t know what got Jeongguk to ponder the situation deeper? But, he was glad he did. 
Because now? Now the real work could start. 
Now they could plan ahead. Because they had about three and a half weeks before Christmas. A little over a month until the New Year. 
And it looks like neither of them had any intentions of letting her sneak through their fingers this year.
Tae raised his hand to knock on a door that quickly opened before he could. A fiery-eyed Jeongguk, clad in black shirt and sweats, stepped aside to let him.
It has now been 121 days post kiss.
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skvaderarts · 4 years
AP Chapter Fifteen: Lessons
Masterlist can be found Here! Thanks!
Chapter Fifteen: Lessons
Note: Ah yes. Here I am starting work on this chapter at 7:03 am after spacing out for about eight hours. How does that even happen?! Like, how do you daydream for that long and not think about anything?! GAH! As a result of that and a looming delivery from IKEA today (I get to put together furniture, yay!) This will be a shorter chapter than the last one, but the next one will be normal 3k+ length. Thanks for your understanding and feedback, and sorry about that! Life is wild right now.
With every passing moment, the sun seemed to grow brighter as it's scorching rays cut a swath through the atmosphere and scorched the earth below. Heat was one of those things that was difficult to escape, even in the cooler parts of the world like where they currently were. The region was going through an unprecedented heat wave, so being indoors with air conditioning was the best way to spend your day. But the beach was a close second. Cool water lapped up against the sandy edges of the embankment, washing all manner of shells, pebbles, and seaweed up against the sandy outcropping. It was as if the sandy shores of the local beach were a filter for the water itself, pulling away any impurities and debre. In all honesty, it wasn't all that far-fetched of an idea. Nature works in mysterious ways, after all.
As the sun reached its peak in the sky above them, the children retreated to the shallows in search of entertainment and comfort, all the while being watched over by their adoptive father. Carlo was unable to swim, so he settled for dipping his toes in the water and building a simply dreadful sandcastle; one that Nero felt compelled to praise out of his obligations as a father. He knew he was trying quite hard with his little bucket and pale to make something worth wild, but he hadn't arrived at his destination quite yet. Perhaps in time the small child would hone his skills and create something that met his exacting standards, but for now, it was just a lump of dirt that wouldn't stand up straight due to the fact that Carlo didn't understand the concept of lifting the bucket straight up instead of pulling it sideways. Honestly, it was quite charming.
Nero scoffed in amusement as he watched the tiny curly haired boy struggle, making an effort not to laugh at him. He looked about two seconds from bashing the lumpy structure down with his tiny shovel. Just then, a stray wave washed in, soaking the poor boy and completely flattening the source of his frustration. He went wide eyes and pouted, clearly disproportionately disappointed. It hadn't been great, but it had been his. And now it was gone forever, along with any aspirations of becoming an architect in the future. Truly a tragedy the world would never recover from.
Clearly aware that his youngest child needed his assistance, Nero crossed the few feet that separated them and scooped up the squirming child, hauling him back towards the dryer part of the sand where he was sitting. Nero didn't mind the head that much, so he had plopped down just ten short feet away from the water's edge. It gave the children more than enough room to play, but assured his ability to gain access to them in an emergency. Once Carlo had been plopped down onto the sand gain, Nero borrowed his little bucket and demonstrated the proper sand castle making technique. After packing sand into the bucket, he turned it upside down and then lifted it up at the correct angle, making sure to do so at a speed that the young boy could comprehend.
"You have to lift it straight up like this," Nero said, sitting down on the sand and demonstrating the proper speed, angle, and hand movement required. He couldn't help but laugh to himself slightly at how small the bucket was in his hands compared to Carlo's." Here, let me see your hands.
Understanding the fact that guiding him through the process might be more efficient, Nero waited for his son's small hands to grasp the bucket before covering them with his own and guiding him through the process. Carlo giggles as the bucket lifts to reveal an intact sand mound. As far as the little boy was concerned, this was magic, plain and simple. Was Nero some sort of wizard?
Arriving right on time, V carefully made his way past the pair, stopping for a moment to take in the scene before him. He stared, and eyebrow raising as he tried to comprehend what his younger brother was doing. Nero glanced in his direction, suddenly very aware of how silly he probably looked holding Carlo's tiny arms up in the air with a bucket in his grasp as the child giggled crazily. V probably thought he'd lost his mind. But, to his surprise, V shot him a genuinely pleased half smile, closing his eyes for a moment. The young summoner nodded in approval before sparing Carlo a gentle wave. He then turned his attention back to walking steadily on the shifting sands that threatened to buckle around him. 
V's balance was unsteady at the best of times, but sand was another whole level of hazard for him. He was actually slightly anxious. While he was sure he wouldn't harm himself if he fell on such a soft surface, he would look totally helpless and clumsy, especially since the children were getting around just fine. He didn't want the other's to worry about him. He wanted Nero to spend time with his children. This was the first time he'd ever seen him have so much fun with them. He liked seeing them all together like this. Perhaps knowing that the little ones had something he never had the chance to brought him some sort of satisfaction. Despite never having one, family was something he cherished. Nero and Kyrie had given the children the chance that no one had given him, and he admired them for that.
For a moment, a part of him wondered if he would ever take on such a role.
It was very unlikely, but he would entertain the idea. Maybe it would be…
It was best not to dwell on aspirations and desires he could act upon, at least not for the moment. He would revisit this later, when he was in the proper mindset. For now, he was going to sit down and rest. Walking across that short segment of sand had been strangely tiring to him. At times, he was subtly reminded that he wasn't exactly himself yet. He had only been back about two weeks. According to Magnolia, it could be upwards of a month or two before he was back to the condition he'd been in before the Redgrave incident. The way he felt most days made him open to adding another month to that estimate. He'd always been quick to physically recover, but slow to regain his energy. Thankfully he didn't use very much of it. But being so profoundly drained for extended periods of time wasn't something he wanted to grow accustomed to. Living in a state of constant borderline exhausting was not how he planned to carry out his existence. But for now, he had no choice but to take it easy. It wasn't like he was going to go swimming after all…
No way in hell was he going in the water.
A moment later, Vergil arrived, somehow just as steady on sand as he was on every other surface. Maybe that was the product of spending so much of his time in rough terrain, or just Vergil's general level of grace and coordination. It was hard to say. But it was strange to see someone traverse such a shifty surface with little to no effort. The older devil slayer glanced in the direction of his youngest son, seemingly noting that he was attempting to demonstrate how to build a sand castle to the young boy. Vergil folded his arms loosely around his chest, giving Nero a curious but almost amused look. Nero raised an eyebrow, half expecting Vergil to say something unapologetic or disapproving. But he didn't. There wasn't a hint of irritation or disappointment in his demeanor. In a way, he almost seemed to like what Nero was doing, at least from what he could tell. He simply schoffed softly and turned towards V, tossing him his shoulder bag.
Clearly taken off guard by this due to the fact that he was in the process of sitting down, V caught it but stumbled back and flopped onto his back uselessly. He let out a discontent sigh and huffed, obviously not pleased that he was now covered in sand. He pushed the bag to the side and sat up slowly, brushing himself off. He flicked the fine sand particles out of his hair and then turned his attention to the bag, unzipping it and unpacking it. Nero and Vergil watched in silent confusion as he somehow produced a full sized beach towel and a large standing umbrella from within the confines of the bag. He stuck the shade casting device in the sand and unrolled the towel, opting to sit on it. He then produced a pillow and a book, taking the time to place it so that he could lay on it by propping his elbows up on the sand facing the water. Once in the correct position, he opened the book and presumably began reading it, only to stop a short moment later when he felt the collective eyes of everyone present on him. He shot his brother and father a baffled look, genuinely unsure of how he managed to garner their attention in the first place.
"You both look at me as though you've never seen a beach umbrella before." V said quietly. He wasn't sure what they wanted from him, but he found their confusion as confusing as they probably found whatever he'd done confusing.
Nero glanced between Vergil and V, Opening his mouth and holding out his index finger as though he was going to point and ask something, but then closing his mouth and lowering his hand at the last moment. The umbrella made perfect sense, but how he had managed to get all of that into such a snug bad sure as hell didn't. Vergil looked down for a moment and chuckled to himself under his breath, repressing the ruge to roll his eyes as he shook his head slightly. "I suppose that explains why that bag weighs more than you do wet. Am I to take it that you don't exactly enjoy the heat, then?"
The youngest of the trio of descendants snickered. What the fuck?
V nodded, waving passively." My complection and the sun have long since been bitter enemies, but the umbrella is a new addition. I discovered it while I was out with Nico yesterday." He glanced around in the general direction of the beach, obviously searching for something he didn't see." Where is everyone else? I could've sworn Dante was here just a moment ago."
To the surprise of basically everyone present, Carlo stood up and pointed towards the water where the other children were playing. Sure enough, his two older brothers were in the process of trying to drown the youngest Son of Sparda. Nero shook his head, unsure of how he felt about that, but willing to let them continue for the time being considering what Dante had recently done to him. He was still a little wet. The small child then stood up and toddled over to Vergil, tugging on the cuff of his sleeve. Only Vergil would wear what was basically a dress shirt to the beach. It was as close to "casual" as he was ever going to get. And it had to be blue. That was non negotiable.
"Grandpa! I miss you!" The little child said as he hugged his leg, jumping up and down in excitement.
Vergil could literally feel himself age about fifteen years from that statement alone. He suddenly felt the age he actually was for once and felt a profound desire to be somewhere else. This child was his grandchild, wasn't he. How in the hell had that happened?! He hesitantly patted the small child on the head, clearly uncomfortable with his entire existence in that moment. "... Yes… thank you, child."
As it stood, the girls had yet to return from their shopping trip. Some sort of snack vendor had passed by a short while ago, so everyone had opted to grab something. Nero had joined V under the umbrella after succeeding defeat right after that. While he didn't sunburn nearly as easily as his pale complexioned older sibling, he still didn't tan. And to top it off, Kyrie had used all of the sun screen on the children before they'd left the hotel. Staying in the shade was probably a good idea, at least for now.
"So… are we going to discuss the ulterior motive behind why you decided to buy a giant bucket and fill it with water when no one was looking, Nero? Or were you hoping to catch me unawares?" V said casually as he sipped the drink he'd acquired. Raspberry iced tea was literally never a bad choice.
Nero laughed at the statement. "Nope, were just going to throw this on Vergil when he's not looking. I'm pretty sure he's just staring off into space right now. Might be our best bet."
V shot him a slightly wide eyed look, clearly disturbed by the prospect of the plan he'd somehow been included in without his express permission. "... Has the salt water short circuited your brain, or do you just possess a death wish?" V said breathlessly in a hushed tone. He spoke as though he were trying to persuade someone to reconsider a sueside mission." He will not take that well."
The younger of the two shrugged, indifferent. " I mean, he can't kill us both, can he? He's never gonna see it coming. I'm going for it."
With that, Nero jumped up and grabbed the large bucket of water, making his way across the sand. V carefully stood up and made his way across the sand behind him, not entirely sure as to what he intended to do in this situation. To some degree, he actually wanted to help Nero with his plan. But the sensible side of his subconscious couldn't help but inform him that this was a lousy idea liable to get them both murdered in front of Nero's children. Nero noticed that he was pursuing him and stopped, waiting for him to catch up. V had practically sprinted after him, and was clearly out of breath and off balance.
"W-what are you hoping to achieve by doing this?" He asked, taking a few deep breaths as he attempted to steady himself.
Nero stuck the other end of the huge bucket out to him as if offering it to him. "Nothing, V. I'm just fucking with him. Live a little. Or can you not lift the bucket? Because-"
V held his hand up, shushing him. He then gave him an unreadable look before closing his eyes and sighing. A wicked smirk passed across his face as he shook his head and opened his eyes slowly, grasping the other end of the handle. Yes. They were absolutely going to die here. But at least it would be for something stupid. He'd always figured that would be how he went. Pointlessly as a direct result of his own stupidity and hubris.
The pair quietly and slowly closed the distance between themselves and Vergil. He was sitting no further than five feet from the shoreline, seemingly daydreaming or dozing off. It was honestly hard to tell. He'd been like that for a while, more than likely thinking about something originally, but now content to allow his mind to wander. It seemed like he was actually trying to relax for once. It was strange to see Vergil so quiet and at ease.
And then they tipped the bucket and a wall of cold salt water slammed into the back of him.
Practically Instantaneously, the entire atmosphere around him became electrified as he went from a sitting to standing position to fast for their eyes to detect. He faced them, radiating what could only be described as the white hot intensity of a thousand suns. V visibly paled and a look of immediate regret passed across Nero's face as they faced down their father. He was really starting to wish he'd taken V's advice and sat his ass down on the beach towel under the umbrella where he was safe. Now his children were going to have to watch him get mamed and possibly murdered. Again.
In an action that only intensified the nauseous feeling in the pit of V's stomach, Vergil actually laughed. V had no idea that his father was capable of even doing that, and the fact that he honestly couldn't tell if he found what they'd done funny or if he was planning to break every bone in his body made every millisecond physically painful. Vergil reached out and rested a hand on each of their shoulders, still laughing while facing down at the ground. It was at this point that the two of them shared a tentative glance at one another, considering the option of sharing their final goodbyes. Yea. Vergil was one hundred percent about to disembowel them.
Before either of them could blink, Nero went flying back across the sand, smacking his head against the umbrella stand about fifteen feet away. He considered getting up, but decided that laying there and playing dead might actually be a good idea for once. After all, the last time Vergil had thrown him across a room, he'd sat up only to find himself short an arm. Yes, his head did feel like a raging hornet's nest and his back felt like he'd just been waxed with sandpaper, but he still had all of his limbs. That was an improvement. 
V watched the scene unfold, trying to regester how Vergil had done that with one hand and silently hoping that he didn't decide to repeat it on him. He was a lot less… resistant to damage than Nero was. He could practically feel his shoulder dislocating just thinking about it. For a brief moment, he and Vergil shared eye contact and Vergil gave him an almost sarcastically reassuring pat on his shoulder, squeezing slightly but not in any way that he found harmful. The oldest Son of Sparda then turned his attention in the opposite direction as if something had caught his eye before nonchalantly shoving V in the direction of the water. He lurched to the side and violently spiraled towards the shoreline, yelping in a combination of terror and surprise as he slammed face first into the water with an impact velocity that would have made a speedboat green with envy and a car accident seem mild. All the air left his lungs as he sank beneath the waves about ten feet off shore, having been launched a good fifteen feet effortlessly. Vergil then smirked in satisfaction as he walked in the direction of his perplexed twin. It seemed that the others had just returned. After taking a few steps in their direction, he stopped. A thought had just occurred to him in that moment.
Why hadn't V gotten up yet?
… Oh no.
And it didn't end up shorter after all! Funny how that works sometimes! I fell asleep, woke up, and got this taken care of. Kinda happy with myself right now. Can't wait to see you next Wednesday for chapter sixteen. Looks like Nero is in for quite the surprise. Also, your comments cracked me up and made my whole day. Let's just hope Vergil doesn't come to regret what he just did. They should have seen that coming though. Don't poke a sleeping tiger lol! Also my dumb ass has been using HTML instead rich text on A03 this whole fucking time! Guess I know why italics and bold hasn't been working well now! FFS!
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janamelie · 5 years
LGBT+ Characters
What This Isn’t
A claim of “proof” of the sexuality and / or gender identity of any of these characters.  We don’t need that or anything else to “justify” shipping.
What This Is
A reference post to collate instances in canon which could indicate LGBT+ characters.  In the case of regulars, I won’t include every instance as it would simply take too long.
As I was saying… :p
Honestly, Rimmer is so obviously LGBT+ to me that I don’t know where to start.  How about his reaction to Ace in “Dimension Jump”?
RIMMER: "Commander Rimmer!" I ask you.  "Ace!" Barf city.  I bet you anything he wears women's underwear.  They're all the same, this type, you know, Hurly-burly, rough-n-tumble macho marines in public, and behind closed doors he'll be parading up and down in taffeta ballgowns, drinking mint juleps, whipping the houseboy.
KRYTEN: Sir, he's you!  It's just that your lives diverged at a certain point in time.
RIMMER: Yes, I went into the gents and he went the other way.
KRYTEN: I assume, sir, you are making fatuous references to his sexuality.  If I may point out, if --
Or how about Low Rimmer?  Surely Rob and Doug could have got their point across a little less graphically?
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Or if you prefer something less rapey, this passage from “IWCD”.  Unlike the show, Rob and Doug had more time and leeway to explore the characters and this is what they chose to include for Rimmer:
“Rimmer began to regret his outburst. He didn’t like to see his other self upset, and he even contemplated briefly going up to him and giving him a manly embrace. But in a brief moment of homosexual panic, he thought his double might get the wrong idea. Not that he would, of course, because he was him and he knew for a fact he wasn’t that way sexually tilted; so obviously his double wasn’t and obviously his double would know that he wasn’t either, and it was simply a manly embrace meant in a sort of mano a mano kind of way…Perhaps he was tired…Two or three days in bed and he’d be his old self again…Who cared if his copy saw it as a sign of weakness? He’d suggest it anyway.” Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers, Grant/Naylor, pg 233.
And this from the end of the “Better Than Life” novel, when Holly - whose IQ has been restored - comes up with a way to bring Lister back from the dead (no, not as a hologram):
“Rimmer stood in the hatchway and his face yielded to a grin, which in turn gave way to laughter.  Not his normal hollow braying empty laughter, this was an altogether different noise.  This was a noise his vocal cords had never been called on to make before.
It was the laughter of joy.”
Better Than Life, Grant/Naylor, pg 218.
I know some fans read Rimmer as asexual and you can certainly make an argument for that, most obviously in “Marooned” where he describes his younger self as not “particularly highly sexed”.  Of course, that wouldn’t preclude him also being homoromantic or biromantic.
No-one’s denying Lister’s obvious attraction to and affection for women, but that doesn’t mean that he can’t be bisexual or pansexual.  In fact, his “I’m not gay!” protestations in “Duct Soup” is a fairly common way for people attracted to more than one gender to describe themselves if they don’t feel comfortable using labels.  Given that he was talking to Chloe!Kochanski to whom he’s attracted, it makes sense that he’d prevaricate like this.
And then of course, in the very next episode “Blue”, he dreams about kissing Rimmer.  It’s not only the fact of this, it’s the subsequent scene drawing a direct comparison between him missing Rimmer and Kochanski missing her Dave - her boyfriend.  And despite the ending of this episode, when Lister actually meets Rimmer again, he’s delighted.  Until he realises it’s not HIS Rimmer and even so, he gets used to nano-Rimmer and they eventually become quite chummy.
Not forgetting the chemistry between him and Ace, of course.
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I know he's a mechanoid, but no-one has any problem reading his relationship with Mechanoid - and later Blob - Camille as romantic and Camille literally says herself that both she and her husband Hector are actually androgynous, which makes Kryten - at the very least - panromantic.
And that’s before we get to his very obvious love for Lister which he states himself in “Back In The Red”.
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Holly was actually conceived as a female character and became male due to Norman Lovett’s original casting.  Sources: “Stasis Leaked” by Smegazine writer Jane Killick and “The Unofficial Red Dwarf Programme Guide” by Smegazine writers Chris Howarth and Steve Lyons.
With Hattie’s replacement casting and later Norman’s return, Rob and Doug may not have intended to create a trans or genderfluid character, but that’s what they ended up doing.
Holly is also bisexual - male Holly was attracted to Hilly and female Holly to Ace.
George McIntyre
It was actually Rob and Doug’s audio commentary on the pilot version of “The End” on “The Bodysnatcher Collection” which alerted me to this possibility.  I know it’s a stretch but I’m including it precisely because I’m indifferent to George as a character and it makes no difference to me whether someone believes this one or not.
During George’s speech at his “Welcome back” party, he says “I don’t want you to think of me as someone who’s dead, more as someone who’s no longer a threat to your marriages - I think Joe knows what I’m talking about!”
We see a man and a woman laughing and the woman playfully pokes the man in the arm.  He stops laughing and looks a bit sheepish.
Rob and Doug comment confusedly to the effect of “Shouldn’t it be the other way round?  This is one of the things we had no control over at this stage.”
Come on, Rob and Doug.  Not only does this scene appear intact in the final televised version of “The End”, you also included extra background on George in “Infinity Welcomes Careful Drivers”, showing the events leading up to his death.  Unlike the hologram he replaces, Frank Saunders, there is no mention of George having a wife or indeed any partner, so as far I’m concerned, we shippers can read whatever we choose into this scene.  We would regardless, but the way canon leaves it is particularly open-ended.
Deb Lister and Arlene Rimmer (“Parallel Universe”)
See previous entries.  If their male counterparts are LGBT+ then so are they, plus I always got that vibe from the performances anyway.
Yes, everyone uses female pronouns for her as that’s how she presents to the crew, but she says herself: “We’re androgynous, but I suppose you could call [Hector] my husband.”
Noel Coward Waxdroid (“Meltdown”)
Mr Coward was gay in real life and his fictional incarnation here greets Rimmer with “Delighted to meet you, dear boy!”  I rest my case.
Nirvanah Crane
And arguably the entire crew of the Holoship according to her speech: “It's a ship regulation that we all have sexual congress at least twice a day.  It's a health rule … Here it is considered the height of bad manners to refuse an offer of sexual coupling … We are holograms.  There is no risk of disease or pregnancy.  That is why in our society we only believe in sex -- constant, guilt-free sex.”
Does that sound as though they’re fussy about the genders of their partners?  It certainly doesn’t to me.  So:
Captain Hercule Platini
Commander Randy Navarro
Commander Natalina Pushkin
Commander Binks
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Sam Murray
From the Series V DVD booklet:
“Briefly revived in “Holoship”, it came as a surprise that Sam was male.  In the original pilot script - and Series 1′s deleted funeral scene - deceased crew member “Sam Murray” is said to be dating “Rick Thesen”.  Possibly Red Dwarf’s first gay couple?”
Cop (“Back To Reality”)
I’m sure it wasn’t written as such and maybe he didn’t intend to, but the way Lenny Von Dohlen plays his character’s reaction to the Voter Colonel just pings my gaydar.
Frank Todhunter (“The End”)
I know the conversation in “Duct Soup” (which also includes a reference to a gay crew member nicknamed “Bent Bob” *cringe*) where Kochanski tells Lister that the Todhunter in her dimension was gay is played off as something she made up to take Lister’s mind off his claustrophobia, but she never actually says as much.  There’s nothing to say that at least part of what she was saying wasn’t true.
Ackerman (Series VIII)
In the Series VIII DVD documentary, actor Graham McTavish says he was playing Ackerman as someone who enjoys sex with women “or at a pinch, men dressed as women”.  So onto this list he goes.
Big Meat (“Only The Good”)
I don’t blame you if you’ve blocked this one out as I find the scene almost unwatchable, but he’s the big prisoner who takes to the idea of being Cat’s “bitch” unexpectedly quickly.
Katerina Bartikovsky (“Back To Earth”)
Credit to @clueingforbeggs for noticing that in “Pete Part 1” Ackerman claims to have been “having jiggy-jiggy with the Science Officer’s wife” and connecting that with Katerina being a Science Officer.  There’s nothing to say that the Joy Squid didn’t conjure up the image of an actual crew member.
But maybe the ship has more than one Science Officer?  Well, the way it’s said makes it sound as though there is only one but in “Holoship” Kryten gives Rimmer a mind patch from two officers, one of whom is Science Officer Buchan.  There is no mention of Buchan’s gender so who’s to say they aren’t also female?
Begg Chief (“Entangled”)
“We prefer the ship of green.  And the sexy light man with the lady legs so long and luscious!”
Chancellor Wednesday (“The Beginning”)
Actor Alex Hardy says in Series X DVD doc “We’re Smegged” that he was playing the relationship between his character and Dominator Zlurth with a homoerotic undercurrent and you can see it subtly in his performance.
Dolphy (“Cured”)
All I’ll say about this one is that if Messalina had behaved towards Lister as Dolphy does in this episode, nobody would have doubted that she was into him.
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Ziggy (“Timewave”)
Proof that LGBT+ characters in this show work a lot better when Doug isn’t intentionally writing them as such.  Sorry.
Feel free to add any examples I may have missed.
@lord-valery-mimes  @aziraphale-lesbian   @notalwaysweak  @feline-ranger  @downonthepharm-red-dwarf  @hologrammette  @rosecathy  @cazflibs​
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darkredehmption · 5 years
In Good Hands
#SL #InGoodHands
@DamagedBrother @OfFeatherNFang
I remember blips of reality, like on a broken radar. Moments that came back to me in some semi-conscious state. Zsadist crouched over me. Street lights flashing by. The Chosen I’d saved hovering over me, her wrist at my lips. But I knew Chosen blood… knew it wouldn’t do the same for me as it did for them; for true vampires. Mahmen...
Sunlight… I wanted… needed… sunlight…
Then there was the manse again. The impossibly long tunnel. The intense smell of disinfectant. Diamond bright eyes. I struggled to cling to consciousness, to claw at it with nails and pure strength of will, but it just wasn’t there. My grip slipped, and I spiralled into darkness all over again.
By the time the darkness faded I knew it’d been a day at least, maybe more. I blinked slowly, the room coming into focus, my brain processing it piece by piece. The vials in the cabinet, the tiled, sterile walls, the lights pushed off to the side, and the machines, beeping my heart rate. There was a bench off to one side; I could see my backpack on it, my things scattered out.
The motel, I thought foggily, they’d been to my motel. Collected my things. I was almost relieved - I didn’t need some irritable motel attendant pitching my stuff in the trash for no-showing two days in a row. Or was it three? I had no idea at this point.
I’d been injured before, but never like this. Never with two bullets in my chest and a lung choking me with my own blood. I shuddered and grimaced as I tried to move, to lift my arms, but they felt like dead weights. Yep, there were definitely merits to hunting things that didn’t know about guns, bullets, or internal bleeding. I’d take a wendigo over this clusterfuck any day of the week.
Golden eyes appeared above me, and just like that, the anxiety, the grumbling complaints, faded out. Relief coursed through me at something, someone, now so familiar, and I relaxed back onto the bed. My heart rate monitor slowed down as I calmed. I resisted the urge to try and fumble the airline out from my nose.
“Z…” I slurred. And I tried to smile. I really did. Cause the fucker that had knocked me on my ass actually looked almost pleased to see me awake. Hard to believe after the times he'd knocked me out.
[It has been a rough couple of days. We managed to get Malys back to the mansion alive, but he was in critical condition. Luckily V and some of the staff was already waiting for him in the garage with a stretcher. I had managed to stick around for a few hours to make sure he was okay. Finally Wrath found me in the tunnels and ordered me to go upstairs and rest. This time I didn’t disobey him even though I wanted to. I couldn’t get the picture of how Malys looked out of my head. So pale on that bed, bloody gauze covered the OR floor. But everyone kept saying he would be okay once the blood from the Chosen kicked in. They had to give him so much.
But I left. I left and I got some much needed rest. Well...sort of. Nightmares kept me up. The same one over and over again on repeat. I could see the mansion below me. I felt like I was flying. Maybe I was floating on a cloud. Everything was peaceful until gunshots were fired. They were so loud that all I heard was a ringing in my ears, and then falling. Falling into a pit of darkness. And when I woke I was on the floor in a heap, body drenched in sweat. No matter how many times I tried to fall asleep the same dream recurred.
So since sleeping was put on hold for a bit I found myself down in the PT suite. Again. Though he was the same. Knocked out on the bed and not recovering like he should be. Why? Why wasn’t the blood working on him? Peering through the window from the hallway, my brow raises as I see a backpack. Turning my head when Vishous appears from the direction of the pit.]
Who grabbed his stuff? [V looks in the window then lights a hand rolled. “Phury did. That guy has been singing his praises ever since he was brought back here.” I watched as the smoke curled at his lips. “I mean...what he did was...crazy. I’m not sure what his endgame is but currently he’s good in my book. Now if I could only figure out why the fuck he isn’t healing. Something is truly different about him and I feel like I’m so close to figuring out what that is.” Suddenly I remembered what I thought I saw in the alley. Wings. He had wings. Was he like...Lassiter? No. I mean Lass saw him. Wouldn’t he have known that shit? Besides I was running on little to no sleep. Vishous crushed his blunt against the heel of his shitkicker. “I need to step out…” That was code for head to the penthouse. “Don’t worry the staff is around and I’m just a phone call away.” He glances at the male through the window before exiting.
I had planned to just wait out in the hall, that was until the monitors started going off like fucking crazy. Looking around to see if I could spot Vishous, or hell a staff member but no one was in site. Shit. Quickly I head inside the room, moving over to the bed as I tried to figure out what was doing. But the moment I was at his bedside the constant beeping slowed down. And then I heard my name fall from his lips. I blinked. He was awake?] Malys...What’s the matter? Everything alright? [I grunted out.]
I was on morphine, that was for sure, but whatever they’d used to put me under for what I assumed was an emergency bullet removal and stitch job of my lung was finally fading out of my system. The longer Zsadist stood over me, the more my head cleared, until I was better able to focus.
With care I shifted, trying to sit up. Rather than let me, the vampire simply snagged a pillow from somewhere, stuffed it behind my back, and pushed me back down. Hey, it wasn’t like I could resist. I felt like I’d been ridden hard and put away wet. But at least now I was propped up. Clearing my throat, I managed a grateful, if not embarrassed, smile.
“Uh, thanks.” Was that my voice? I coughed, my tongue like sandpaper as I reached for the glass at my bedside. Again the male was picking it up, helping me take a few sips then setting it back. “You… you don’t need to do this,” I managed finally, looking down at my chest, forcing a brittle smile. “Play nurse to the uh… weak ass half-breed. I’ve been hurt before.”
Though probably not this bad. I’d managed a whole twenty-four hours in bed thanks to my mahmen after getting mauled by a werewolf and breaking my arm. After that? Grabbed my car and went to a job two states over. If she knew a simple visit to reconnect with vampires would’ve done this to me she might’ve reconsidered the asking…
Beneath the blanket I could feel the bandages wrapped around my chest. I was healing faster than a human, but still not fast enough for what these vampires could do. Not after being given Chosen blood. I remembered that. Remembered their worried faces as I didn’t improve. Like they were failing me somehow.
“Are those females all okay?” I said instead, trying to distract from everywhere else my head wanted to go. And my phone… I could see it on the table next to my pack. Somehow it still had charge, and the tiny light blinked that I had calls. Messages. Maybe hunts waiting. I forced my eyes back to Zsadist. He was watching me with those perfect golden eyes.
[He was awake. Maybe this was a sign that the Chosen blood was finally kicking it. That he was going to be healed. I stayed silent as I watched the male with a curious stare. When he struggled to sit up I reached for a pillow, placing it behind him as I pushed him back down. Did he think he could just get up and walk out now? He was stubborn like every other Brother in this mansion. Maybe he did fit in here with us.
My brows draw in slightly as I hear his raspy voice. Grabbing a glass of water at his bedside then bringing it to his lips. My eyes never left his as he gulped down a few sips. I set aside the glass then my lips twitch as he asked about the Chosens. Of course he wanted to know if they were okay. Scribe. Clearing my own throat as I rip my gaze from him.]
The Chosen are fine. More than fine. I mean...they are shaken up but you saved them. If you weren’t there...I don’t know what would have happened. [My jaw clenched as I pictured my Brother losing his mate and two of the females he is supposed to look after. Fuck. We truly owe this male a great deal. Slowly my golden eyes shifted back to him. My mind turning with so many things at this moment. Who was this male...and why was he here. Was he meant to cross paths with the Brotherhood? Sometimes I wished I was better at speaking what was on my mind. But my demons start to drag me down and I take a step back from the bed.]
Just...thanks. True? Um...Vishous went out but the staff is here. I’m sure you will have lots of visitors coming to check on you. I should...ah..
[Slowly I turn so I wasn’t facing him anymore. It was hard to back down when he kept those big eyes locked onto me.] I should probably see what’s going with the Brothers. Make sure I’m not needed somewhere else. [My eyes were trained on the savior’s phone. From all the notifications it looked like he was needed elsewhere too. I’m sure as soon as he was better he would be off and running back to Mahmen and these so called hunters. Reaching up to rub my palm over my chest, right where the Brotherhood scar was. What the fuck is going on with me? I couldn’t explain this...this...what feeling? I didn’t even comprehend what feelings were. They were totally new territory for me. So what was it then? What was going on with me?]
I didn’t want him to go. It was an odd sensation, given I spent more time on my own than anything else - even preferred it that way - and it almost kept me silent. That was until his hand touched the door.
Yep. Cool. C’mon brain. Any time now. Give me /something/ to say…
“I don’t like hospitals.” I almost cringed at the confession but pushed on. “If you leave… I’m just going to be staring at the ceiling either bored out of my brains or ready to blow them out ‘cause I hate being confined to a bed or… anything like this. So… unless you have some top secret warrior Brother business going on… would you mind staying?” I cleared my throat and looked away. “I mean… even until I pass out again…”
I was slow clapping myself in my head. On top of being injured, weak, a half breed, and borderline sociopathic, I’d also managed to add needy and dramatic to the list. Fuck me dead, what a nightmare. This Brother was going to think I was batshit, but I wasn’t lying. The thought of spending hours in here alone gnawed at me.
“Vishous,” I managed, my voice remarkably even considering the internal beating I was giving myself, “he’s the one with the eyes, right? Like… crystal eyes? And the tattoo.” Also the one who’d been ready to gut me like a fish, if I recalled the flipping of that dagger during interrogation correctly. “And the King, was he surprised I’m not a total dropkick?”
[As soon as my hand landed on the door I heard one word from him. One word that made me completely stop in my tracks. It was almost like my feet were glued to the floor. I couldn’t leave. I had to hear what the male had to say. My dark brows draw in when he says that he doesn’t like hospitals. Being confined in a space like this freaked him out. And well...I could relate. When he was a prisoner and we had him tied to this bed all I could think about was the cell the mistress had me chained up in. Of course now things were different. He was no prisoner and was merely here to recover. But still it made him uncomfortable. And that was something I could relate to. Giving out a low grunt as I tilt my head back at him. Our eyes meeting once again.]
Fine. [I mutter.] Don’t expect a lot from me though. Small talk is not my forte. Ya feel me? [Lifting my hand off of the door so I can scrub it down my scarred face. Hell. People weren’t something I was good at either. They mostly hated me and I them. My head lifts when I hear Malys start to mention my Brothers. Okay. This could work. I could answer questions. Especially ones that had nothing to do with me whatsoever. Parking my ass in the small chair beside the bed. Leaning forward to rest my elbows on the top of my knees.]
Vishous, yeah. You should thank him when you see him next. He’s not an actual doctor but knows a hell of a lot more than us when it comes to this medical shit. He helped with patching you up. Then again don’t thank him...Just tell him how much you love the Sox’s or hate the Yankees. Either or will work in your favor. [I snort then nods] The King is…grateful. Glad that the Chosens are safe. Pretty sure he’s pardon all issues from previous nights ago between you two.
[My eyes stay trained on the tiled floor. No more bloody gauze, just the smell of disinfectant that burned my nose. Blowing out a breath as I look anywhere but at the male in the bed.] I assume you’ve also have...forgiven. Yeah? I mean... [Lets out a grunt.] You came to our aid. Put yourself in danger to protect the race. Now either you truly find yourself wanting to help or you are just sweet on Chosens because of your Mahmen. I mean either way...it puts you in a good position with the Brotherhood. And an even better one with the Primale. He will want to meet your Mahmen. My twin has had his mind wrapped around it since you spoke of her. Even more so now with all that’s transpired. [Finally my golden gaze met his and I was held captive by those eyes.]
As the Brother came to sit by my bed, shifting forward to brace elbows on his knees, I caught glimpses of dark bands around his wrists, his throat. Resisting the urge to stare at them more intently, I instead processed his advice. A Sox fan huh? Well that could be a fun button to press. And the fact the King no longer considered me public enemy number one? Double bonus.
“I’ll be sure to thank him at some point,” I declare with a wry grin.
Exhaustion weighed on me but I pushed it back at the mention of my mother. That the Primale wanted to meet her… it made my heart monitor spike for a second. I tried not to curse at being attached to something that literally gave me away, but I couldn’t deny the idea of bringing my mother to Caldwell now seemed like a nightmare. Lessers roaming the streets attacking Chosen? The Brotherhood wary of anyone new? I hadn’t even been here a week and I’d spent my time either tied to this bed or bleeding in it. And besides, I was supposed to be leaving… not bringing more people in...
“I’ll have to speak to her about it,” I said finally, nodding. The choice would be hers, after all. I’d never deny her the desire to return here if she wanted to. Though I’d certainly be two seconds away from a heart attack every day if she did. “One of those messages is probably her. I was meant to check in,” I admit, brow furrowing. “Hopefully she hasn’t packed a bag and stolen my car to leave already.”
Taking a deep breath, helped by the oxygen line, I let my mind turn everything over. The scent of the male next to me, crisp and clean, had me returning to one image over and over. The male cursing me out as he tried to tackle me off a rooftop. His fang filled smirk as we faced each other for a fight.
“I want a rematch.” The words were outta my mouth before I could reconsider, but then again, I didn’t want to reconsider. I wanted to fight him again. My grin was tired but I could feel the spark in my eyes at the prospect. I’d even stick around a little longer for that. “This time no choke holds, fucker.”
[I noticed when the male eyed my slave bands. He stared at them for awhile which made me think that this conversation was going to go a lot different. Or hell maybe it wouldn’t go on at all. If he knew what they meant maybe he wouldn’t want to talk to me. Slowly I straighten, resting my hands in my lap so the bands on my wrists wouldn’t be so visible. Dammit I should have worn my turtleneck.
I was so wrapped up with my own thoughts that I almost missed what he said. Something about thanking someone then messages. Huh? My head turns to eye his phone. Slowly I stand, moving over to retrieve said device from the bench. As I walk back to the bed I pause when I finally hear him loud and clear.]
Rematch? [My eyes darken slightly at the thought of another fight with the male. Playing out the previous one in my head. The way he moved, the way he hit. Fuck I could still taste the blood he drew in my mouth. A small growl forms and I have to bite it back so I wouldn’t startle the poor fool.] Yes. [Smirking wide, my fangs on full display now. I gazed down at his phone before tossing it onto the bed. Watching as it lands in his lap.] But no rematch until you get better. It’s not really that fun when the other person is too weak to stand up.
[I eyed the machine he was hooked up to and my brows draw in.] Vishous told me the Chosen’s blood is not working very well in you. Which is crazy to me cause Chosen blood is like the purest. Makes us heal so fast. So why the fuck aren’t you healing? Look...I get wanting to keep shit to yourself but...you all have us so puzzled on what this other half of you may be. I don’t think it’s human. [Shakes my head.] So I’m guessing some other kind of species. Whatever it is...it is definitely stronger than your vampire side. [Lifting my head so my golden eyes met his own.]
Boom, what a fang filled smile that was. Were I a lesser man I might’ve been intimidated. As it was, my own grin turned feral at the notion. What would a no holds barred fight against the Brother be like? On the roof, neither of us had been trying to kill each other, just disable. But now? Bring. It. On.
Well, right until he smacked me back to reality with the whole ‘bed-ridden lesser target’ thing. I winced, my smile fading slightly, then disappearing completely when he brought up my lack of healing. I mean, I was better off than a human - a human would be dead, FYI - but had it been that male that’d been shot? He’d be up by now whistling dixie.
I could tell him. The thought occurs to me as I force my gaze up to meet his, my face expressionless now. They had an angel living here, for fuck’s sake. But always in the back of my head was the truth a hunter knew; if you were different, everyone saw you as dangerous. People killed things that were different. I would know. And besides… if the angel hadn’t sold me out… he had to have a reason. Right?
“Don’t worry,” I flipped a chill smile on my dial, flashing it at him and following it up with a wink. “I’ll still heal. Always do. I mean, all I’ve had all my life is Chosen blood, right? Maybe I have a super high tolerance for it,” I laughed, the action hurting my chest, pulling at stitches. “I’ll be fine to face your pretty puss soon, donchu worry,” I said with a small wave of my hand, like I could wave off his curiosity, his questions.
“And like I told the King,” I added, grabbing the device in my lap and flipping it screen side down, so I wasn’t distracted from speaking to the male before me, “I’ve never met my father. So… I can’t exactly help there. You ever find him though, let me know.”
‘Cause I’d be the first one in line to punch that fucker square in his angelic jaw.
“You know of anything else kicking around these parts I should be worried about?” The question occurs to me as an afterthought, my expression curious even as my hunter mind works over possible jobs. Whether these vampires knew it or not, there were offshoots of us out in the world that /did/ feed on people, and it was always a wrench to the gut when I had to put one of them down. If there were any in Caldwell, I’d have to take action. “I mean, you said ‘species’ like you know more than just us.”
[My golden eyes narrowed into thin slits. Something deep down told me he knew exactly what that other half of him was. Or at least his Mahmen gave him some sort of idea of who his Father was. But I let it go. Weirdly enough I did. This male saved some important members of this family and I was not about to sit here and interrogate him. He already had enough of that from a few nights ago. So let him keep his secrets...for now. Cause I am damn sure not going to spill my whole fucked up life to this guy.]
Well…[Pausing as I think of Hadrian. Fuck. I had to meet up with him later this week for a training session. I had almost forgotten between the chaos that had been going on around here lately.] There are. I’m not sure who you...take down...but there is a um...shifter who is good peeps. Don’t kill him. [I grit my teeth slightly.] I just worked my ass off trying to convince the Brotherhood that he wasn’t a threat. [Lets out a snort.] But I did hear that there are some vampires that are different from us. Vampires that capture shifters and use them basically as their slaves. You come across those fuckers maybe I’ll look the other way.
[Rolling my shoulders as I stand and start to pace slowly around the room.] So much shit has been going down lately that I’m not even sure what is out there. Hell you say you hunt monsters? Just proves that there is more out there that we don’t know. Though...I will say this. [My head lifts and I eye the male. Holding his gaze as I speak] Just because someone is a bit different doesn’t mean...that they are a monster. [Slowly I look away.] I don’t know what you’ve heard of me...or hell any of the others but most of us have a past. Fuck if you saw what Rhage could do...you would lose your shit man.
[I immediately stopped talking when a member of the medical staff came into the room. She moves over to Malys. Grabbing his chart and writing a few things down. Every now and then my eyes met his. The silence dragged on until she left. When the door closes behind her I drop my head. Scrubbing both hands over my skull trim] I should probably let you rest. [Blows out a breath.] I mean you are good yeah? The staff is here and I’m…[Pauses then scratches at my nape] I’m just down the hall in the gym. Don’t think about leaving this bed to surprise me with a sneak attack. [Smirks as I roll my golden eyes to the fade. I meet his gaze once again.] Rest up, true?
A shifter… well, that certainly gave me an avenue, particularly if said shifter was avoiding the kinds of vampires I needed to introduce to a forty-four. Or a chainsaw. And with any luck, the shifter was a decent breed. Not that I doubted Zsadist’s word; one just had to do due diligence when dealing with the kinds of creatures that could tear your head off with their bare hands.
Looking down at the phone in my lap, I somehow manage not to tense or flinch. In truth, I knew he was right. Different did not make a monster. Different just made fear. And fear turned people into monsters.
“Monster is a relative term, my friend,” I mutter, looking back up. “And I haven’t heard anything about y~”
My jaw snapped shut with an audible click of teeth as a female ventured in, examining a chart at the end of my bed and beginning to go over everything. She muttered something about morphine, which was probably why I’d felt the stitches pull, and my chest aching, then she was ducking out again. When she left, she seemed to take the conversation ball with her, and as exhaustion weighed on me, I didn’t try to get her to toss it back.
“Yeah… m’ good. You uh… try not to get too buff in that gym, aight? Wouldn’t want you to bust out of your favorite tank top or anything,” I manage dryly, shaking my head. “I’ll be fine.”
Luckily Wrath wasn’t here, or the King might’ve got a whiff of that lie. I doubted I could be fine. Not here, not anywhere. Even if some small, aching part of me… really wanted to be.
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kae-karo · 5 years
marianas trench: phantoms
the absurd album overanalysis, commentary, and ranking nobody asked for
first, my personal ranking (don’t get me wrong tho i love the entire damn album):
1. wish you were here 1. don’t miss me 1. the death of me 2. your ghost 2. the killing kind 3. only the lonely survive 3. echoes of you 4. glimmer 4. i knew you when 4. eleonora
the album as a whole: oh such an awesome story and so awesomely inspired by the horror genres?? i think some of the non-singles hit the horror mark better but like oh my god it’s such a cool vibe the whole entire thing???? i know the concept was like,,,,,,descent into madness but you can totally feel this struggle with it and with the idea of a doomed/dead relationship, it’s just so so well done??? my one complaint is that i’m not musically inclined enough to recognize where all the references are bc unlike in no place like home and dearly departed, there aren’t really as many lyric references to other albums/songs, it’s more the music. and i know it well enough to go ‘oh that’s familiar, for sure’ but i can’t for the life of me figure out where from (in most cases)
eleonora: i mean the title is based on the short story by edgar allan poe (x) true to theme from the beginning, which (long story short) is about a woman the narrator falls in love with (well, his cousin) but she’s ill and will die, blah blah blah she does and the narrator vows never to marry anyone else but later he does and his first love comes back from beyond the grave to give her blessing for the new marriage - already basically i’m getting vibes of like,,,,,,a genuine desire to move on? which is great imo and like a step forward from previous albums? plus the whole acapella delivery is super reminiscent of so it goes (x) and the layered voices reminiscent of the intro to end of an era (x). plus we have the direct ref to the raven (x) by poe with ‘midnight dreary’. also the idea of ‘don’t hush’ which is later touched on as ‘just hush’ in the killing kind? oof interesting v v interesting
only the lonely survive: a bop a massive bop but! also! just a very intriguing take (at least to me) on a doomed-to-fail relationship, the idea that you can actively acknowledge a relationship is hurting both parties but...choose to stay. i also like the idea (which i might just be extrapolating) that to truly live, to have a really poignant relationship, you have to sort of give yourself over to it? ‘only the lonely survive’ - only those who isolate themselves truly ‘get out alive’ if you will but like, that’s the beauty of putting yourself out there? is like, you truly feel everything, i guess. ‘it hurts like hell to love this well’ sort of touches on that same idea for me. anyway the whole thing goes hard as hell and i love it. ‘he’ll never know you / not the way that i knew you’ we love intra-album references !!!
echoes of you: okay didn’t love this at first bc it felt repetitive (and it was coming on the heels of only the lonely survive which i adored) but it also felt really unique and a little different? when the released it as a single, it’s the first time i thought of this album as truly horror-inspired and totally picked up on the tell-tale heart vibe (x) which was just so interesting, i love how stories like that have turned into these really fresh songs that still call back to these kinds of madness-inspiring stories - that a love can inspire that kind of madness, even when it’s gone. i also wonder if the idea of ‘can’t stop myself from falling now’ has less to do with falling in love (which is, for me, the immediate connotation) and more to do with ‘falling into madness’. the verses and the tempo are so well-paced as well, like this frantic feeling? then the chorus comes in with this suspenseful set of chords? and the theremin in the background!!!! the best way to give a truly Spooky™ vibe. the idea of tell-tale heart, the story, too, is that the narrator is trying to sound completely sane, and explain the murder they’ve committed and why it was justified - that goes along with the theme of this album, too, where there’s this undercurrent of trying to insist that the doomed relationship is somehow justifiable
don’t miss me?: oh i adore this and the idea of ‘oh hah yeah no i don’t miss you like at all,,,,,,,,,,,,,do you ‘not miss me’ too?’ and like this,,,,,,not obsession but the idea of trying to actively move past missing someone? but just constantly getting caught up on it? unrelated to the meaning but oh my god the little background vocals, adore it. ‘some people try to raise the dead / some people try to live instead’ is like. that’s one of those things that i lowkey would love to get tattooed on my body or something. just really good words, because that’s what it’s like moving on from a rough relationship - and it’s hard to like, see that when you’re in the thick of it? bc like imagine losing a loved one and trying to bring them back to life - we’ve all heard the story, it’s never what’s expected, it’s never quite right and the same goes for relationships. and so, the idea of living instead, of moving on. also the vocal run up to the high note toward the end (x - look idk Music Words) reminds me of something but i can’t quite place it. also ‘i don’t remember why we stayed’ and then in wish you were here, we get ‘i don’t recall now why we’re buried’ which is a fun contradiction
wish you were here: that middle-of-the-night madness that goes alongside one love (x) like,,,,,if you took it one step on the other side of madness and entertained the idea of reviving a relationship that should be dead. except it’s such a bop unlike one love, like it sounds a lot like it could be on astoria, and it’s got that back beat matching this means war (x) in fact, it feels like the exact polar opposite of this means war (like...instead of ‘lmao i’m totally awesome without you’ it’s like ‘i’m,,,,,maybe not doing so great without you, shit i really wish you were here, wish we were together’)? but with the same sort of vibe in terms of the music itself? and the outro (x) reminds me hardcore of something else i can’t quite place
your ghost: this one also reminds me a lot of the general vibe of astoria with hints of like. modern touches? this one reminds me a lot of wildfire actually? (x) but a bit more upbeat? like that guitar style i think is what does it. it feels a lot like there’s this...almost unwilling pull toward the idea of ‘madness’ that they’re focused on, like....a sort of awareness of the descent? also the softer bit toward the end where it’s just josh and the guitar (x) reminds me a lot of something that i once again cannot place for the life of me
glimmer: oh no,,,,,,,,,okay first this (it’s just audio but tumblr won’t let me add audio on its own in a post like this):
so my first and most important comment is that all i can think about when i hear this song is ‘halo by beyonce halo by beyonce halo by beyonce halo by beyonce’ and it tends to run over everything else lmao. but! i think conceptually it’s more of that descent into madness, into seeing some sort of trace of a relationship, like some sort of residual glimmer that sticks to things, to people. ‘it’s funny what you find when you go without’, like the idea of....probably hallucinating in a sense, but starting to see the relationship/the other person everywhere, on everything, when you’re missing them? even to the point that, when the person comes back, maybe the memories of that relationship stick around too - ‘you’ve changed but it’s not enough / and doubt is insidious / creeps up on you softly / i can’t get it off me, i can’t get it off me now’ like this idea that even though it’s something wanted, to come back together (no matter how bad it might end up), memories and the past can’t really be forgotten - ‘you’ve changed but it’s not enough’ - very reminiscent of wildfire (x - ‘so now you show up when you’re alone again / but we haven’t changed, but now you’re interested) ngl too the overall feeling of the song reminds me of one love? (x)
i knew you when: so this song sorta came out of nowhere to me, like it felt weird and off-kilter like...i knew you when? when what? but like. now it makes a lot more sense, in this sort of...well, twisted way. it feels like things have been twisted around. it comes off the back of glimmer, too, and i think that’s like - oh, these memories are here, lingering, and this is almost a deep-dive into them? it tells a bit of a story and i think it’s less abstract, but it definitely harps hard on the idea that ‘i’ve been loving, loving you too long to just sudden-suddenly move on from this’ that sort of encompasses the entire album really cleanly. it’s interesting, actually, it almost feels like a very sincere moment of clarity and specificity amidst a mess of this drifting toward ‘madness’, but still hinting at that little bit of ‘okay but if you want to....i’ll know you then’, this like concession to that madness, an indulgence in it? 
the death of me: oh catch me melting over the transition between songs, utterly seamless. love it. this one is another one that like....feels like a breath of clarity in awareness? like this acknowledgment that there’s something off, this lingering desire for someone from the past, that there’s an emptiness, that this new thing isn’t right, even if it’s something wanted. because other wanted things (or people) make it impossible. i think it’s also the first time in a while where another party (ie not them nor the person they’ve got this tangled relationship with throughout the album so far) is mentioned which is v interesting. i think this track does an excellent job of bringing a ghostly vibe to it, the echoing vocals and background sounds, they almost elicit this feeling of like. the person is drifting away from the person they’re trying to make a new start with, like literally drifting? almost being pulled in by the ‘madness’? and it’s a heartbreaking song, too, bc there’s this emanating desperation to like...move on? and make things work? but this acknowledgement that...maybe that’s not happening? maybe it’s not possible? maybe there’s too much baggage, in a sense? there’s also that very long outro that starts off a little intriguing, adventurous almost, and then descends into this frightening crescendo (x - that also has a hint of something else in it) before these voices come in, crescendoeing again into this sudden stop and then you’ve got josh saying ‘save me from myself’ which i feel like is a reference?????? also cannot believe they made me download that and reverse it so i could figure that out lmao
the killing kind: it wouldn’t be a mt album without a song that’s all over the place and somehow still cohesive and intriguing, huh? oh big mood for the intro, with the very great imagery of wandering a haunted house at night, staring into the shadows, and then ‘the killing kind’ - i think the whole thing is a super interesting concept, again, this acceptance of some of the fault in a failed relationship? ‘but you’ve been haunted too’ and yet not all of it, i think a lot of media represents things as black and white, with all the blame on one person, when that’s rarely the case? anyway, it’s interesting it’s addressed. ‘nevermore’ of course being another edgar allan poe reference (disclaimer there may be other references i’m missing since i’m not massively well-read in the horror genre) i’m also intrigued by ‘can’t get out / from under it / nevermore to leave here’, is that a lover dearest (x) reference? bc that’s what came to mind, honestly. again, excellent with the background vocals giving that eerie vibe. and then the stephen king ‘it’ reference with ‘we all float down here’. ngl that one feels a little forced but again, i’m like. not well-read in the horror genre so there may be more layers to that one than i know. ‘it gazes back / sings to me / i know my love can be the killing kind’ - i think this is interesting that it sings back, that feels very much like a callback that maybe their own previous songs are hinting at the love being ‘the killing kind’. also ‘you should never be here’ makes me think of something (x) the hard guitar/violins in the background during ‘here and now / this is it’ etc remind me of something else. and then ofc we have the astoria run/vocals (x) and then the ref to echoes of you (although it sounds like the slightest pitch lower than in echoes of you?) and then the whole bit with ‘don’t love the bottle’ i swear on my life it sounds like it comes from somewhere? same with the background melody? but i have no idea where, it just sounds like a reference. and then we have the background little melody (x) after he says ‘a hidden melody’ so it’s like reinforced that it’s a reference but idk where from rip lmao. edit: ty to the lovely anon who mentioned it’s from masterpiece theater!!!!! and once again a++++ use of a theremin in the background for max spooky vibes. also ‘evermore’ is totally a reference to ever after (x) along with the little lift after that (i assume) and then the whole acapella bit calls back to eleonora and the ‘now’ bit to something (x) plus the ‘hear me now’ from something wow i’m great at this game lmao as well as the ‘don’t you hear me’ part. ‘we could be together here / forever we’re together bound in madness’ i think again a lover dearest and then ofc we have the vocal runs from something (x) and then the strong background violin from another thing (yeah yeah i know they’re all references i just don’t know what from) and then he says ‘just hush eleonora’ which, as previously mentioned, is a very intriguing development from ‘don’t hush’ like this,,,,,,acceptance of the madness? and then ofc he says ‘eleonoria’ in ref to astoria. edit: also the whole ending is so so similar to the ending of ever after
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theoraeken5696 · 6 years
Library Dreams. Theo Raeken. Smut.
Pairing: Dom! Theo Raeken x Sub! Fem! Reader.
Warnings: Smut/Sex, fingering, teasing, truck sex and sort of mature themes in public.
Requested?: Yep. Anonymous said:
More Theo wet dreams smut please
Summary: Theo stays late at School in the library where he has a pleasant dream that later turns into something more.
Author: Ellie.
“Nobody’s P. O. V.”
You let out another moan as Theo keeps on licking your soaked sex, having his tongue buried inside of you while you try to keep yourself on your feet, the water of the shower falling on your back now being cold. He snakes his arms in between your thighs and around your lower back, pushing you further into his face until he has to throw his head back and you’re practically sitting on his face as he moans loudly.
You let out another whine and your legs start shaking, your breath becoming heaving and temperature increasing at a tightness in your stomach ready to release. His hand gives your ass a small squeeze before his hands go to your hips again, letting his face be completely buried in your pussy and ass, another moan leaving him at the feeling. “I’m… I’m…” You start saying, wanting to warm him about your orgasm, but just then…
Theo’s head falls on the table and he quickly sits straight, looking around and seeing that Stiles is standing right next to him and holding a book. Theo had fallen asleep at the library with his elbow rested on the book that Stiles is holding and had his head rested on his hand. “Can you tell me why the hell you’re moaning and humping the air?” Stiles asks while Theo tries to register what happened.” W- What?” Theo asks. It was all just a dream.
Nothing was real. But at least, thankfully, him and Stiles are the only ones in the library due to how late it is. “Yes, you were practically humping the- you know what? I don’t even wanna know. I need to go and wash my eyes with bleach now.” Stiles says, giving Theo his book and walking away, wondering why he even cared enough for him to walk up the stairs and see what was going on.
Theo keeps on looking around while just simply leaning back against a wall. It’s been about two hours since he left School. He had gone straight to his house, got rid of his boner and put on some nicer clothes to go to Sinema, thinking that the wet dream was just because he hasn’t hooked up with anybody in a while, but all the girls around… he just doesn’t like them enough, and he doesn’t know why.
At least not clearly, because deep down, he knows that he doesn’t like them because they’re not you. He had already been hit on by a few girls, but he just shrugs them off, not being interested enough. He lets out a frustrated sigh and is about to leave due to not wanting to spend any more time there doing nothing, but right when he takes a step, he sees you walking to the counter of the bar, sitting on a stool and waiting for the bartender.
Theo, being his cocky self, knows that it wouldn’t be hard to hookup with you, so he starts walking towards you. As soon as he gets to you, the Bartender’s leaving to make your drink while you wait, having your forearms pressed together and rested on the counter, your position making your boobs more visible.
“Never thought I’d see you here.” He says, resting his arms on the counter like yours while he looks at you, his comment making you look back at him. “I usually come later.” You say. “So I guess you do come here often.” He says with a small smirk, making you let out a small breathy laugh at the classic ‘Come Here Often?’ question at a bar.
“What do you come here to do anyways? I didn’t peg you for the girl that’s into clubs.” He says. “I didn’t peg you for the guy that struggles with picking up a girl.” You say, easily guessing that he’s in a club just to… have fun… in the dirty kind of way. “Just waiting for the right girl.” He says with the same cocky smirk. “Did you find her?” You ask, having a smirk similar to his and just wanting to tease him.
Moments before, back when he worked with The Dread Doctors, killed Scott, left Malia with The Desert Wolf to kill in between other stuff he’s done, you wouldn’t have flirted back, you probably even would’ve left as soon as you saw him, but now that things are different, you wouldn’t mind hooking up with him. Besides, who wouldn’t want to? Perfect smile, lips, hair… body.
“Just a few seconds ago, I hope she thinks she found the right one too.” He says. Your smirk disappears for a moment, noticing what and how he said it, it’s like he didn’t just want to hookup, and it worried you that he might want something more. But the way he’s flirting and hasn’t really mentioned anything close to a serious relationship.
So you just hope for the best that it’s just sex and continue. “I think she found the perfect guy. You wanna dance?” You say, wanting to dance with him first to tease him some more instead of going straight to screwing. He offers you his hand as an answer and you take it, standing up, letting him lead the way just when the Bartender returns with your drink.
Once you make it to the pile of dancing people, Theo wastes no time in pulling you close to him so his front is pressed against your back, his arms going around your hips and letting you move them in synchronization with the rhythm of the song. Sexual tension instantly starts forming between you while he doesn’t take long to move your hair to the side and start trailing kisses on your neck, already wanting nothing more than being buried deep inside of you.
You keep on moving your hips with the song, pressing your ass against his already hardening but still clothed member, making you glance back and see the tent formed in his pants. You smirk at the fact of how quickly he got hard and let out a small sigh when his lips find your soft spot, your head falling back onto his shoulder to give him more access while you feel your panties quickly starting to get soaked.
His lips remain in the same place, kissing, licking and biting at your soft spot while one of his hands trail a bit lower, his fingers reaching your ass and giving it a small squeeze. His hips soon start grinding back against you as he pulls you even closer, grinding your own hips against him and taking complete control of your movements.
You move your head in his direction to face him and he places a few last kisses on your shoulder before his lips finally meet yours, kissing you hungrily and entering your mouth with his tongue without permission, but being satisfied when he hears a muffled moan come out of you. His tongue swipes against yours while an arm wraps over your lower stomach, his hand resting on your hip as the other one reaches downwards and roughly grabs a handful of your ass.
He trails his hand lower and it slowly starts to slip under your dress, meeting your bare thighs and not caring that you’re somewhere public. Your eyes widen and you instantly pull away from the kiss and push his hand out of your dress, not feeling like going that far in front of people. “I think we should go somewhere else.” You say, your voice being slightly shaky at the embarrassment of him being careless enough to touch you under your dress in front of people.
His arms detach from you only to direct you to the exit that leads directly to the parking lot where he has his truck, one of his hands going to your ass and never leaving. Once you get to his truck, he opens the door for you and gets in after you do, closing the door and leaning over you with his hands keeping him above you as he restarts the kiss.
One of his hands don’t take long to find its way under your dress again, now being able to feel and touch more, especially due to him quickly pulling your panties off. “You’re a little impatient.” You say with a light chuckle while he kisses your neck. “You have no idea.” He says against your skin, his lips now reaching your boobs.
You let out a small moan as he bites and sucks roughly on them, leaving many marks while his fingers start teasing your folds, feeling how soaked they are. His thumb finds your clit and starts rubbing, softly at first to test how sensitive it is before adding more pressure, which doesn’t take long. Another finger joins his thumb and teases your entrance, only lightly pushing in while he continues his movements on your clit.
After a few agonizing seconds, he finally enters you, but with two fingers, using his middle and ring fingers to make it easier for him to do so while rubbing your clit. His kisses start trailing back upwards and stop at your lips to press his own against yours again, all the while moving his fingers in and out of you with his thumb staying at your clit. His tongue enters your mouth like previously and finds yours...
Instantly making you give in to the kiss and let him dominate your tongue. You reach your hands up to the upper part of his arms, squeezing and holding onto them tightly with a moan. Both of you groan and moan in between the kiss, mostly you, while you separate your legs further apart, giving him more access to pleasure you, and he wastes no time.
He fastens the pace of his fingers, moving them faster to the point where a few of his movements are sloppy, your noises getting louder while you start to find hard keeping up with the kiss at the amount of pleasure. You break the kiss to let out an even louder noise, your now quick breaths getting shaky while your nails dig into his arms at him now curving his fingers upwards in different directions in attempt to find your hidden spot.
He places his lips back in yours, giving you rough mouth-opened kisses with his tongue moving against yours, taking advantage of your weak state to explore your mouth easier. When he finds your g-spot, you let out a small scream that gets muffled due to him still kissing you, small noises escaping during the small pauses in between the kiss to take in breaths.
The pads of his fingers roughly press and graze against you, making your legs shake and feel an orgasm approaching, quickly closing in at his fingers flicking against your g-spot and his thumb rubbing harsh circles on your clit. His lips leave yours and he sits back on his calves, wanting to see how your juices leak out onto his hands while one of his hands go to your boobs to squeeze and play with them.
Your moans get louder and more frequent, your legs threatening to close only for him to move closer to keep them apart with his own. With just a few more rubs of his thumb and flicks of his fingers, you hit your orgasm with a loud scream, your cum gushing out through in between his fingers. Your breaths turn into light pants as you lose your sense to feel on your legs...
One of them being on the floor of the truck and the other on the seat while Theo gently works you down your orgasm by now gently moving his fingers in and out, seeing your cum escaping your entrance. After a few moments, you catch up with your breath, let out a sigh and let your eyes close as he pulls his fingers out of you and brings them up to his mouth, sucking on them and moaning at the flavor as well as feeling himself twitch in his pants.
His fingers leave his mouth as he then reaches out to grab your hips, slightly pulling you closer and kissing you again while passing your leg in front of his thighs to slowly turn you around so you’re laid on your stomach. Theo unbuckles his belt, unzips and unbuttons his jeans, taking his erection out through the hole of his boxers and pulling out a condom from one of his pockets and rolling it on after ripping open the plastic wrapper.
You look backwards and see him moving closer, pushing the skirt of your dress further up and sucking his fingers before pushing them inside you again to wetten you more, a small moan leaving you at the feeling as he then pulls his fingers out again. The tip of his dick presses against your opening and he slowly starts to enter you, forcing your walls apart and stretching you more than you’re used to.
He moves slowly forward, taking his time and pausing his movements when he’s completely inside, giving you time to adjust and get used to the feeling. You take in shaky breaths and swallow thickly, your inner walls occasionally giving him a squeeze and making him let out a light grunt or moan. Not long after, you tell him to start moving and he does.
His hips slowly move back and forth, almost as if just grinding on you while one of his hands reach down to one of your boobs, squeezing on it gently.
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You let out a moan when his thumb and index finger pinch and pull on your nipple while the others help his hand to grope at your breast, rolling the nipple in his fingers and soothing it afterwards before starting to pull on it again. His other hand stays on your ass, pulling a cheek a bit apart and letting out a groan at the sight of his dick slipping in and out, each time having more of your liquids coating it.
A moan passes through his lips when he pushes back in, giving your ass and boob a few squeezes once in a while as he slowly increases the pace, searching for a faster speed but one that stays steady. Your hands rest on the edge of the seat, being able to hold a bit of the cushion while moaning and gasping when he suddenly gives a harder thrust.
His slow movements turn into quick ones, being at a not too fast and not too slow speed, enough to make you let out gasps in between moans and his thighs slap against your own and ass at the right amount of force to make small noises of skin on skin. Your hands start gripping on the cushion of the seat while your head stays hung low as you bite on your lips, restraining most of your noises as your body slightly moves forward at the force of his hips.
Theo leans lower closer to your body, turning your head around to give you a sloppy kiss before moving up higher again, placing a hand flatly on the window of the car while his free arm hooks around the underside of your lower stomach with his hand on your hip, pulling you back when he moves back forward again as he fastens the pace again.
The new movements and speed forces you to open your mouth and let out a loud groan, your back arching away from him and ass moving higher with your head moving away from the seat where your hands hold on it tighter. His thrusts get harder and harder to the point where he has his jaw clenched, eyes squeezed shut and letting out growls while you have to place at least one hand against the door to keep him from hammering you against it...
The truck moving side to side so hard that it makes you feel like it might fall over. Your moans turn into screams when he starts hitting the deep spot hidden inside of you, instantly making you recognize the feeling of another orgasm approaching quickly while he starts pulsing inside of you, the movements of his hips getting sloppy and incoherent at the speed.
“Harder.” You say and he gives you a slightly worried look. “Please!” You say and he obeys, slamming harder into you and within just a few of his harsh thrusts, you cum with a loud cry. The feeling of your wetness releasing lets him reach his orgasm as well, buried deep inside of you as he cums in the condom with a loud groan while the truck steadies.
Your legs and arms give up on you, letting your boneless body fall on the seat completely with a small groan after he pulls out with light pants. Your eyelids start to feel heavy, trying to catch up with your breath as Theo takes off the condom, ties it and throws it to the floor of the truck, gently letting his body fall on top of yours with a small moan at being able to rest while you easily fall asleep.
A/N: Sorry if it’s crappy and repetitive because the other wet dream writing was in the truck too.
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wannawrite · 6 years
Hundredth - LYJ 2
who?: Nine Percent’s Lin Yanjun genre: 🌺 type: bullet point TW: toxic relationship blog navigator. part two / two 
part one You love yanjun, I love yanjun. pls read part one first!! sorry for the lateness, school just started up again and it’s been so hectic :((( - admin l
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disclaimer: pictures used do not belong to me and credit goes to their original owners everything that is written here is purely fictional DO NOT READ IF TRIGGERING
two things 
one: you felt absolutely shitfaced
two: you dreamed about meeting a handsome dude and giving him your jewelry
losing money
but hey, he was cute though
head sore, back aching and the urge to throw up all the alcohol consumed last night, you didn’t want to pry your memory for details
your dating life was now non-existent
that hurt
it was very real
and very tragic 
the pain of realisation must’ve triggered your imagination to create your
ideal soulmate
all in one package 
he was no Ken doll 
not a trace of any of Yang’s characteristics 
a scowl edged itself onto your face at the thought of your ex-fiancé 
who was in Paris chasing the woman of his dreams, mind you
if only Evan was a real human and not some figment of your imagination 
you would have married him in an instant 
unfortunately, Evan was a mere hologram of your expectations
thus, you were doomed to stay single 
your back hit the soft bed with a thump 
I just want to go back to sleep 
so Evan and I can keep meeting in our dreams 
this is still Yang’s apartment,,,that I used to call ‘home’ 
I lied to myself 
he’ll be back from his ‘business trip’ tonight
I have to pack up and get the hell out of here! 
f*ck, I wasted time daydreaming about something so useless
ouch! my head 
what the hell! why can’t anything go my way for once
you groped around to find balance, vision distorted, dizziness settling into your brain 
i’m never drinking again! 
what happened last night? 
.....did I? 
so, I got drunk, drew up my little own Ken doll in my head
lost almost 250 million worth of gems that aren’t mine
your face began to flush red 
lol at least Yang won’t have them either 
he designed that entire collection with her in his head 
that aside, I’m never getting drunk again 
carelessly, your hand swept over the bedside table
effectively knocking over most of the items 
indistinct clinks and clatters filled the empty space 
then, a soft ping of a tiny item hitting the carpeted ground caught your attention 
squinting against the sunlight, your eyes searched for the object 
even though it was mildly damaging to your retinas, the sunlight caused the object to sparkle
your hands curved around the smooth metal
fingers traced the distinctive carvings along the band 
upon closer inspection, you noticed that there was a strip of paper wrapped around it 
cautiously, you unwrapped it 
‘I’m sorry’ was scrawled on the paper 
it made your breath hitch in your throat 
who was apologising? 
what for? 
‘Don’t worry, things will start looking up from here. - E’
E v a n 
your hands began to shake uncontrollably
either in excitement or anxiety - you weren’t sure 
evan was real 
he had returned your Cartier bracelet 
at least he had kept your damned engagement ring 
throw it out or whatever, you didn’t care about that chunk of space rock anymore 
hopefully, Evan had burned in it an incinerator 
hopefully, he would run back to slip a new one on your finger 
lmao you just swore off relationships yesterday
and now you’re desperate for a guy to sweep you off your feet 
but this wasn’t just any guy 
he was your guy
your dream guy 
drunk or not, you knew he was a 12/10 personality wise
or maybe,,,you just haven’t met anyone befitting of your standards
tbh idk if that’s grammatically correct
were you just desperate because of a broken heart? 
god no
Yang didn’t deserve your prized heart
Evan though…
Was he a real, breathing man with blood flowing through his veins and sunlight gracing his skin? 
Could he be the person you had been looking for? 
Would you ever have a future together? 
There were just too many questions
and too few answers 
but what were the chances of you ever meeting Evan again? 
what were the odds of him coming back into your life again? 
outside of your dreamland
There was absolutely no guarantee that this note was genuine too 
Someone could just be pulling a gross prank 
Maybe there was a thief and he had just pretended to be Evan
had you been robbed last night? 
Evan is off limits since he’s currently still a fictional dude 
besides, it would be creepy to just keep dreaming about this guy 
if he even exists 
This itself is creepy...only because I can’t remember anything 
a shudder shook your shoulders as you clambered off the bed 
your mind had to be made 
right now
two things: 
No, I won’t go searching for him 
Yes, I’ll quit thinking about him 
or anyone for that matter 
It’s about time I enjoy my life while single and youthful 
Time to pack up my things
Leave this apartment 
the Cartier bracelet slid onto your wrist perfectly 
this,,,you would keep closely 
you marched out of the building with confidence in your stride
even your bags were tugged with strength and determination 
no more Yang 
no more Evan 
no more relationships
...for some time at least
just me, I’m content being single 
however, if you had been honest with yourself
your heart would not begin to tug your brain in the opposite direction 
‘I lied when I said this necklace was worth 17 million,’ Cheng Xiao revealed.
‘It’s that value multiplied by nine. 
A hundred and fifty-three million dollar necklace 
and that amount would double after the deal was sealed 
Yanjun’s guilty conscience began to awake
he,,,stole close to 250 million in an unfair squabble 
The nine leaders surrounding the table were clearly shocked by the discovery 
Cheng Xiao chuckled
She knew those boys wouldn’t bother to wholly invest themselves in the jewelry 
The necklace was not theirs to keep anyway 
It was a mere pawn in this game 
There was 0.00% chance that YingYang Gems would continue their showcase 
the necklace was supposed to debut in that collection 
looks like they had to wait until Hundredths returned the gems
more likely than not, YingYang Gems would be forced to pull a plug on the showcase 
which would give Yuehua Jewellers the window to be the only top-tier jewelry debuting a new collection this month 
Hundredths held a huge amount of shares in Yuehua Jewellers 
believe me, I did research on this 
Cheng Xiao was not going to lose them all 
‘Once their stock market rises, so will our shares,’ Cheng Xiao explained, gesturing to a chart. ‘Jieqiong will decide when to buy and sell.’ 
Yanjun didn’t understand the specifics mentioned but he got the rough idea 
sort of 
he left issues like these to Xukun, Linong 
Cheng Xiao and Xukun continued to explain and discuss the situation 
Yanjun tuned out to most of it
His job was done 
he felt that he no longer wanted to play a part in this particular operation 
He just felt so damn stupid for allowing his feelings to get caught up in his work 
Yanjun felt like leaving the meeting room but he dug his heels into the carpet, forcing himself to stay 
His work was constantly emotionally and physically draining, yes 
but never like this 
Cheng Xiao glanced at the clock on the wall 
‘Okay. That’s all for today. We’ll discuss further when there’s an update from YingYang or Yuehua. Good work!’ 
Yanjun smiled and clapped along with everyone 
He was genuinely proud and happy for his mentor and fellow comrades 
It was just his own emotions that got in the way 
‘I want to praise Yanjun for doing such an excellent job at acquiring the goods. An applause for him please! Bro did well,’ Xukun suddenly announced. 
He had good intentions - Yanjun could tell by the look in his eyes
Xukun meant well 
his friends praised him with good wishes and slaps on the back 
The more attention and recognition he received, the nauseous feeling only grew 
Yanjun finally caught a breath when he slipped out of the meeting room and headed towards the gymnasium 
at this hour, the gym would usually have one or two athletes exercising 
it was an awkward hour between late lunch and early dinner time
true enough, Ziyi and Yuntian were the only two in the huge complex
Yuntian as in Zhu Yuntian, 1/2 on the slept on Zhu twins 
‘Hey bro,’ Ziyi greeted warmly as Yanjun stepped into the gym. 
Yuntian smiled from his place on a weight machine 
‘It’s great you’re keeping to your workout schedule,’ Ziyi beamed. ‘That ensures you’re always healthy for more missions like these.’ 
‘And hopefully a daily dose of endorphins keep that scowl off your face,’ Yuntian joked
that managed to crack a small smile from Yanjun 
Yanjun began to stretch as a warm up 
‘Jun, you did well. You’re happy with yourself, aren’t you?’ 
Yanjun’s mouth went dry, he pressed his lips together 
‘Of course, all of us worked hard for this mission,’ he forced the words out through gritted teeth 
brainwashing himself to focus on the benefits was harder than imagined 
Ziyi furrowed his thick brows
‘I-it’s j-just...you seem to be a bit glum and undermining yourself. I want you to know how great you performed.’ 
‘It must’ve been so difficult getting in there,’ 
‘Especially when Zhangjing and I went offline and you were left by yourself,’ 
‘I realised how much you’ve improved and I must commend you on that,’ 
‘Yanjun, you’re so amazing-‘ 
‘ZIYI!’ Yanjun finally exploded 
He didn’t mean to 
Ziyi was going what he thought would uplift Yanjun, it’s what any good friend would do 
shocked by his outburst, Ziyi stumbled back, losing his composure 
even Yuntian stopped his exercise to find out what had happened 
Yanjun bit down hard on his lips 
he had to calm down before he spoke
otherwise, a dear friend could be hurt by his words 
His words had already taken away many things 
He wasn’t about to lose his dear friend 
‘Ziyi, I’m sorry I reacted that way,’ Yanjun began by apologising
he gripped onto Ziyi’s shoulders but not in a domineering manner 
he just had to ensure his best friend wouldn’t slip away 
Yanjun sighed. ‘I-I’ve just been worn out from this mission and I’m trying to think of other things.’ 
Ziyi nodded. ‘Of course, of course.’ 
ways to cheer Ziyi up 
clogs in his brain reeled to find an appropriate solution 
‘You know, let’s take a break and get a coffee from the nearby cafe.’ 
manwhore: I know you stole my new collection. Return it to me, or you’ll pay 
manwhore: don’t think for a minute that I won’t press charges 
hiss hiss hoe: there’s evidence you left MY apartment with a big ass suitcase 
hiss hiss hoe: you can’t possibly have that many things just own up that you took the collection and I’ll drop the charges 
hiss hiss snake: listen, call my lawyer by 10pm today and all is even
just reading your messed up texts gets my blood boiling 
you: I don’t take shit that doesn’t mean anything to me 
you: you’ve got the wrong person 
you: the apartment was already wrecked when I got there and whoever was there had left ages ago 
*snake is calling* 
*call declined* 
*snake is calling* 
*call declined* 
*snake is calling* 
‘What!’ you snapped, causing customers seated around you to divert their attention. 
‘What the hell do you want? I don’t want anything to do with you!’ 
‘You know what I want,’ your ex-fiancé’s voice crackled. ‘I want you to return my collection by today or I’m going ahead with the police.’ 
‘I didn’t take your shit,’ you growled in frustration, exasperated. ‘I’m not playing childish games here, Yang.’ 
yes, I wore the jewelry but when I woke up only my Cartier bracelet was left 
I genuinely don’t know what happened!
but it isn’t my problem
Yang sighed from the other end of the line, most likely in annoyance. ‘Fine, be like that. I’m coming over to your townhouse with my lawyer to negotiate. Don’t drag our parents into this, you’ve already delayed the launch. That’s enough from you.’ 
the line went dead on the other side before you had a chance to protest 
your phone thudded onto the table as you buried your head in your hands
in the queue, Yanjun, Yuntian, and Ziyi were well aware of your situation 
their keen ears had heard it all 
‘What are we going to do?’ Yanjun hissed. ‘We can’t let Yang do this.’ 
‘Honestly, I don’t think there’s much we can do at this point.’ Yuntian looked uncertain, shaking his head. 
‘But if we allow Yang to press charges and call the police, we’re at a bigger risk of being found out. How did he get back from Paris so fast?’ 
oh no 
Ziyi shot him a strange look. ‘Paris? I know he was due back tonight but wasn’t he in the city the whole time?’ 
cover blown 
‘Jun ge, a-are you hiding something from us?’ Yuntian asked
Ziyi sipped his mocha latte, 
‘Okay,’ Yanjun said. ‘Let me explain.’ 
it was hard to whisper in hushed tones through their masks AND with the person in question sitting less than 5 tables away 
also, Ziyi and Yuntian weren’t the most helpful by ‘oohing’ and ‘ahhing’ at Yanjun’s every word 
once he was done with his storytelling, the table went silent as they were all deep in thought 
Ziyi huffed, feeling clueless as to what to do 
‘We have to help them for the sake of protecting ourselves,’ he voiced after awhile 
Yuntian and Yanjun nodded attentively 
‘Okay,’ Ziyi muttered after a while. ‘I have a plan.’ 
when Ziyi said he had a plan...I didn’t think we were going to be waiting outside their townhouse 
stalking is more of an accurate choice of words 
this is so stupid,,,and creepy 
but what else could we really do 
Zhangjing had already gotten their information 
Ziyi had said that Yang’s force would definitely pressure you into accepting his offer 
and that was when the Hundredths came in 
they were going to pretend to be Yuehua representatives and lawyers whatever role they could find 
if you know YingYang Gems, you certainly know how Yuehua Jewellers is pitted against them 
the townhouse seemed compact and cozy yet modern and elegant
clearly, it had not been lived in for a very long time 
in fact, the only occupants were the monthly housemaids 
Yanjun spotted your shoes strewn across the porch, a sign of your hasty arrival and departure to get coffee 
from a mile away, Yuntian announced your arrival 
unfortunately, a black Mercedes Benz was quickly making its way down the lane too 
too fast if Yanjun may add 
Yang on one end 
you on the other 
this wasn’t going to be pretty 
Yanjun braced himself for a hissy fight 
Probably most of the pettiness from YingYang 
as expected, Yang’s car reached first 
his car ignored the trio, nearly crashing into them 
a polished, suited driver stepped out of the car to punch a code into the keypad 
red began to shade his cheeks when the gate let out an alarming buzz, signaling the password was wrong 
furious, Yang stuck his head out of the window and barked, ‘What! They changed the password! Not like that would stop me! Try again!’
then, he noticed Yuntian, Ziyi, and Yanjun 
his lips curled into a nasty sneer 
‘Who are you? Get away from my house!’ He snarled defensively 
Yanjun had to bite his lips to stop the laughter 
‘If it is indeed your house,’ Ziyi began smoothly, mockingly almost. ‘Wouldn’t you know the password?’ 
Yang’s temper only blew up, his face reddened in anger. ‘Of course, I do! My fiancé must’ve changed the password, thieves these days....I’ll contact them right now! Off my property! My lawyer is sitting in my car.’ 
so many ‘my’s, Yanjujn rolled his eyes 
Yang ordered his driver to try again and even suggested breaking in 
‘I don’t think you break into houses you call your own,’ Yanjun snapped, unable to take any more of his insolence. 
Especially since he had heard your side of the story
Yang’s current behaviour only confirmed his suspicions 
his shirt was made out of 100% dickhead material 
‘What’s going on?’ 
three strangers, one shiny black all-too-familiar car with two all-too-familiar passengers were parked right in front of your house 
‘Darling!’ Yang’s fake sugary tone made you want to throw hot coffee in his face 
‘I was trying to stop these...these hooligans! from breaking into our house.’ 
the blood rushing through your veins began to boil like a tempest 
‘The only hooligan here is you. We’re done, get away from my property,’ you fired back. ‘Leave my representatives alone!’ 
the company of three strangers seemed much better than his at that moment 
guys, idw to be that person, but please do be careful around people you don’t know 
suddenly, the window rolled down to reveal a woman sitting in the back seat
Yanjun’s breath hitched in his throat when he spotted the giant rock on her ring finger 
‘Sweetheart,’ she shrieked. ‘Are we done here yet? I want to head inside, sort out this lawyer thing and go shopping for our wedding already.’ 
the sobs you choked back were so visible to Yanjun. You were trying your best to keep your emotions a bay 
it wasn’t only your anger but his 
‘Wow, Mr Yang I will say you have guts to act this way,’ he growled. ‘Our client has just parted ways with you after two years of engagement and more of betrothal without the slightest bit of a wedding in mind.’ 
‘And here you are, already planning a dream wedding to someone you’ve met a week ago after cruelly ditching your ex. Then, you have the audacity to accuse them, force them to meet your lawyer at their house, claiming the house was yours.’ 
Yang opened his mouth to reply but Yanjun didn’t even spare him a second to shut it 
‘And you bring your new fiancé along to humiliate my client. If it truly is a legal matter between the two of you like you claim it to be, her presence isn’t required.’ 
your jaw dropped open and shut many times and you couldn’t stop thinking about how this mysterious man looked so,,, familiar 
but you had to save your pride right now. ‘You’ve met my representatives, we’re here for a meeting. Go before I call the police.’ 
‘This house is in my name.’ 
Thankfully, the car sped off without another word from the passengers
your jelly legs sank on the pavement, breathes coming out in short bursts 
‘T-thanks the help,’ you whispered. ‘D-do I know you from somewhere?’ 
Yanjun shook his head, eyes sparkling
he offered to help you up 
‘Unfortunately not but, we’re here to help you.’
He had a smooth way of talking, you noted. Bad sign, bad sign. All the charming ones will are heartbreaking bad boys 
but isn’t that a trait of your Ken doll Evan? 
the raven-haired, man bun sporting man cleared his throat and stepped forward 
‘We’re representatives from Yuehua Jewellers and there are some issues we would like to discuss regarding YingYang Gems.’ 
if they were Yuehua, they had to take your side 
three strangers in your house isn’t a problem when you have about ten bodyguards inside 
the gate let out a friendly beep and slid open without trouble after you had keyed in the password 
‘If it’s about boycotting Yang,’ you said, gesturing for them to enter. ‘Then, be my guest.’
The ‘meeting’ was successful on both terms 
Yanjun couldn’t be more ecstatic that you were finally getting away from Yang - at least for a while 
but he had to keep his true identity a secret at all times, no matter what 
However, the ‘subtle, casual’ looks that you gave him didn’t go unnoticed at all 
it was SO obvious that your brain was reeling to provide answers to your burning questions 
my last three brain cells during an exam: 
as much as Yanjun wanted to answer them himself, he restrained himself from doing so 
Now, you only knew him as Jun
That was how it was supposed to stay 
but Yanjun wasn’t sure if his heart would allow it 
did,,, did he really admit that? 
he can’t 
emotions and work don’t match, it would only complicate things 
yet, he would surely crumble if you pressed any further 
in order to protect himself, to protect his brothers and to protect  you, Yanjun stayed far far away from you 
he sent relatively harmless people out to meet and update you 
you only held Ziyi’s contact 
Yanjun was doing all this to keep you safe 
from him 
but it was the smallest of details that gave away his attraction 
like how he pestered Cheng Xiao for an update on the transaction every hour
or how he snuck glances over Ziyi’s shoulder when he was texting you 
he also snuck out with zheng ruibin to keep tabs on Yang, to ensure he was no longer harassing you
dread was gnawing at him from all sides 
he felt as if eyes were glaring bullet holes into him even in the safety of his room 
Yanjun lay on his bed, ears tuned into the goodnight wishes of his corridor mates 
he had to sort out his life right now
first of all, he had gotten all heart-eyed when he met you and then charmed away your jewelry 
he felt guilty for worsening your emotional breakdown AND for letting his own emotions get in the way of his work
now, he was trying to solve your problem
but Yanjun wasn’t going to waltz into your life, sweep you off your feet and propose to you 
because he knew he didn’t deserve to 
either way, he can’t satisfy both sides of a Gemini 
Yanjun was not mistaking pity for attraction, he was schooled enough to know that 
he wasn’t going to f*ck up your life and feelings more than he already had
Yanjun was placed in a tight spot 
knowing him would only put you in more danger 
so no matter what happened, for the sake of your sanity and safety 
He had to withstand the pressure crushing his shoulders, go against the wind and grow against the sun 
only diamonds come out of the rough
A Hundredth had no excuse not to 
two days later, Yang’s collection was returned safely and anonymously 
the launch continued 
but by then, Yuehua had garnered the majority of the media’s attention and public eye 
today was essentially your last chance to get rid of the thought that bugged your mind 
why did both of them seem so,,, alike?
to clear up things, you decided that there was indeed a guy named Evan in your life
and the idea of it was absolutely mortifying 
curiosity killed the cat,,,but the cat does have nine lives 
if you did indeed dump your problems and jewelry through your mini cryfest on some poor dude, you had the right to know 
from the start, YH representative Jun had caught your eye 
he was calculating, cheeky, playful and intelligent all together 
he also reminded you of someone 
personality wise 
you remembered Evan had a light silvery tint to his hair, a pair of dimples, deep voice and large eyes 
your ideal ‘Ken doll’
Jun was definitely your type
nevermind, Evan didn’t have to exist if you had Jun
you wouldn’t ever be able to breathe the same air as him
Jun was slowly slipping away from you
in fact, the last time you heard of his existence was yesterday night
when Zacharie was texting you and mentioned a component that Jun would manage
take the Z from Ziyi and IE from Boogie and you get Zacharie
trying to make up fake names on the spot
there were so many burning questions at the tip of your tongue
Jun resembled Evan so closely
,,,were you confusing reality and fiction? are you going mad?
annoyed, you let out a huff and flopped onto your bed
men could be so infuriating and irritating!
you: hi Zacharie, thank you for all your help these few days. Please thank the team at Yuehua on my behalf. To properly bid you farewell, I ordered some small gifts for the office. It would be great if you could send someone to pick them up! Thanks!
Zacharie and Jun won’t even know what hit them
truthfully, you didn’t have any farewell gifts because you never wanted to part
you: assistant lu please prepare appropriate tokens of appreciation for colleagues by 2pm today
why why why why why! 
the same mantra kept chanting over and over in Yanjun’s head
he had been so desperately trying to avoid you at all costs yet here he was, at your front gate
Ziyi had specifically said this errand was for him to run
currently, the only running Yanjun wanted to do was to run away from his responsibilities
to his surprise, it was you who opened the door and not your bodyguard
‘Hi! Come in for a minute,’ you greeted enthusiastically
Yanjun wondered how you could be so bubbly
well, you had the right to be after getting Yang off your back
‘Everything’s in here!’ you beamed, handing him paper bags with stamped with a brand name you couldn’t even pronounce
Yanjun smiled earnestly, taking the bags from you
your fingers brushed against his for a moment and sparks ignited through your body
‘Jun, would you something to drink? Coffee perhaps?’
Wow, every word you said sounded so formal and robotic
this was very unlike you
were you nervous? around a guy?
then again, the only guys you had encountered were the middle school boyfriend, college cheater, and Yang
so,,,that was a possibility
Yanjun politely declined much to your dismay
He mentioned that Zacharie needed him back at the office for a board meeting soon
sighing, you nodded understandingly
‘Sure, you should get going soon. Thanks for all the help these few days.’
you ran a hand through your hair as you spoke
Yanjun caught sight of the Cartier bracelet securely clasped on your wrist
the one piece he decided not to steal
‘Nice Cartier,’ he complimented. ‘Very classy and iconic.’
damn Yanjun, you’re the smoothest guy on this planet and all you come up with is ‘nice Cartier’? 
however, you face practically lit up at his compliment
‘Thank you! It was the first piece I bought with my own money,’ you revealed with pride. 
Yanjun paused at the driveway to slip his shoes back on 
which gave you time to work up the courage 
‘Hey, Jun.’
he hummed in reply 
you tried to make your tone sound as nonchalant as possible. ‘Uh, I figured you would be in touch with many of these... jewelry specialists...’ 
oh no 
Yanjun tried not to tense visibly. Instead, he offered a tight-lipped smile 
‘Um, I know this is far-fetched but would you know of anyone named Evan?’ 
E v a n 
Evan is standing right in front of you 
In your doorway 
Evan is lying 
Right in your face 
Evan doesn’t deserve you 
Because he messed up 
Yanjun shook his head and pushed back the whirlwind of emotions that was taking shape 
‘Nope, I’m sorry. I don’t know anyone of that name,’ he lied perfectly. ‘Why?’ 
Oh, the audacity 
you leaned against the doorframe, mildly disappointed 
‘Nothing. H-he just seemed really knowledgeable about gems. My cousin and I met him at...at a place near your office so I just-‘ you kept yourself from rambling. 
the silver-haired man chuckled softly at your outburst 
‘Y-you just resembled him a bit. Tall, tan, dyed hair, large eyes. Haha, thought he was a colleague or something,’ you fibbed, making up a story on the spot 
sadness flooded your lungs and made it hard to breathe, fires of vex scorched your skin and made it blister 
Jun obviously had no interest and to compare him with Evan! oh wow 
who even does this 
the moment would’ve turned awkward if Jun didn’t announce that Zacharie had begun texting him and bid you farewell with sincerity 
there was no need to rush 
he could explain everything
but what good would it do him 
what good would it do you? 
‘Jun!’ you called out as he was about to step outside, dashing after him without slippers 
‘I-i-is it okay i-if we stay in contact? I-I-. Can we b-be friends? We’re around the same age? It’ll be nice to know someone nearby.’ 
sentences began with stammers and ended with stumbles 
alarm bells rang in his head
Flustered, Jun fought to find an appropriate response 
Words got caught in his throat, they froze, then evaporated into thin air
‘Yes,’ he finally coughed out. ‘We can stay in contact but...I think it would be much better for us to stay as colleagues.’ 
hurt crumbled your features no matter how hard you forced them to stay upright 
‘Oh, o-of course.’ 
of course, you had been too immature, too caught up in the moment
too fresh from a breakup and looking in the wrong places for a rebound 
Yanjun’s smile seemed sympathetic but he too was struggling to keep his feelings at bay 
‘Goodbye. I’m sure there will be projects for us to work on again. Rest early.’ 
In the safety of Hundredth HQ, Yanjun let crystal tears slip out from his pearl-like orbs 
usually gleaming with fun, suavity,  perfection 
the mafia had made him focused, strong, bold and quick
and it was your diamonds that didn’t just scratch the surface of the onyx plating 
but pierced right through it and pricked his soft golden heart
honestly, i’m not super satisfied with this :((( 
it took me THREE weeks to write but it was interrupted by camp and school so my train of thought was lost
hopefully,,,school gets easier so I can focus on what I like to do
love all of you lots💓💓💓
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creative-type · 6 years
The Murder of Arthur Wright V
First Last AO3 AN: Sorry for the delay. Writers block and lots of overtime at work meant little productivity. For those who care for such things, Anansi is named after the mythological trickster character popular in West African folklore.
Chapter Five: Anansi of a Thousand Faces
The sun was beginning to set as Margot set a brisk pace for the waterfront. Two days had passed since she had last met with Cain, and she was starting to get antsy. It turned out finding someone who could change their appearance at will was more difficult than it sounded. It was unfortunate that in the wake of Master Wright’s death that the mage’s conference had been cancelled—at least then Margot would have some idea of where to start looking. As it was she wasn’t sure Anansi was still in the city.
She stopped in front a small playhouse at the edge of the entertainment district. As far as leads went it wasn’t much, yet it was the best she had. None of her contacts at the Academy knew where Anansi was or where they would be traveling next. There had been no ads of upcoming plays in the paper. The rumor mill surrounding the mysterious actor had gone strangely silent.
Margot had almost given up hope when the professor of illusion made mention of a colleague who knew of a man who had seen a superlative performance given by an unknown actor working out of a little hole in the wall. Supposedly magic had been involved.
It seemed like an absurd story, but Margot was loath to go back to Cain emptyhanded. She was acutely aware that she had wandered to the rougher side of town. The looks she got here were of an entirely different sort than she was used to. The people here could sniff out a stranger faster than a bloodhound and were naturally suspicious of people they didn’t know.
Margot was more worried about keeping a low profile than her personal safety. There was no way of knowing if Anansi was actually inside, but if they were Margot didn’t want to draw attention to herself.
The bill outside of the theater advertised a man named Yotarou. Usually shows advertised any magic that would be a part of the performance, but there was no mention of any illusions. Even so, there was a surprisingly large crowd for a weeknight show. Margot paid the fee and squeezed into the rapidly filling playhouse, which was little more than a glorified bar with a stage at the back of the room. The air was dark and smoky and buzzing with a dozen different conversations. Margot settled near the back as she waited for the show to begin, settling in an empty stool at the end of the bar.
A minute or two passed when Margot noticed a man mustering the courage to approach her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw him down his drink in a single gulp, slamming the glass down as he rose to his feet. One of his friends clapped him soundly on the back and gave him a friendly push Margot’s way.
She didn’t have time for this. Margot called on her magic with a twitch of her fingers. There was plenty of water in the air this close to the river, more than enough for her to work with. Margot’s palm warmed pleasantly as coaxed the heat from the microscopic all around her into her hand, taking just enough to send a chill through the air.
At the same time Margot fixed the would-be suitor with an icy glare, making sure he got a good look at her scars. The man stopped dead in his tracks. To his credit he got the message without any further trouble, turning abruptly to walk red-faced to the direction of the restrooms.
“That was nicely done.”
Margot turned to the bartender just as Yotarou took the stage. He kneeled on a pillow at the center of the stage armed with only a paper fan and began a long-winded tale about two parents who decide to give their newborn son twelve first names after being unable to decide on just one.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Margot said.
“Not many have that much control over their magic,” the bartender murmured. “May I get you something to drink?”’
“Not tonight,” Margot said. “I’m just here for the show.”
“Ah, a fan of the fallen words?” he asked. “I don’t blame you. It’s a rare art, not often seen this far west. Do you have a favorite master?”
The question meant nothing to Margot, and she shook her head. “I’m just learning.”
“It’s a wise man who admits their ignorance,” the bartender said. “Or woman, I suppose. Now listen, the best part is coming up.”
Yotarou’s voice rose to a fever-pitch as he reached the climax of his story. The boy with the long name was knocked unconscious after getting into a fight with a friend. The friend rushed off for help, but was forced to use the boy’s full name with everyone he came across, and by the time he came back the boy had completely recovered from the injury.
The story wasn’t suited to Margot’s sense of humor, but Yotarou’s exaggerated caricature elicited a quiet chuckle as the crowd burst into applause. Yotarou bowed to his audience, paused to wipe the sweat from his forehead, and launched eagerly into his next tale.
“Amateur,” the bartender said, wrinkling their nose in distaste. 
“You didn’t find it funny?” Margot asked.
“Three times he botched the name, and he should have made a greater distinction between the boy and his friend. Each character should be unique.”
Margot turned to face the bartender, but the space he had been occupying was empty, with a single drink sitting on the bar the only indication he had ever been there in the first place. She tried to find where he had gone, but it was as if he had vanished into thin air.
“On the house, darling,” a voice whispered in Margot’s ear. “Enjoy the rest of the show, I’ve seen all I need.”
Magic. Margot searched for its source, but her trace was overwhelmed by the spells used to light the stage and the charms warding against fire and theft. Utterly dumbfounded Margot looked down at the drink he had left her. It was one of those elaborate mixed drinks that Lyra could down by the gallon. She hadn’t even seen him mix it.
Once again Margot called upon her magic. Somewhere in the back of her mind she heard the audience burst into laughter, but she no longer was paying any attention to Yotarou’s stories. She touched the glass with a finger that glowed with soft aquamarine light, stifling a gasp as it passed right through.
It was an illusion, one of the most sophisticated she had ever seen. Carefully she dismissed the spell and touched it again, this time her fingers feeling the contour of the glass, the liquid inside rippling with the sudden movement.
Illusionary magic was difficult because the spells either had to be meticulously planned and continuously maintained by the caster. The more senses that were engaged with by the illusion the more difficult it was to cast and the more energy it required to maintain. Margot picked up the glass and swirled the contents, noting that the drink was for all intents and purposes indistinguishable from reality.
The spell was still active, and an active spell could always be traced back to its caster. Margot murmured the words to a trace under her breath, tracing a sigil over the glass. A golden thread formed around the glass and led to the entrance of the playhouse.
Margot pushed through the crowed and followed the thread outside and down the street. It led her two blocks north, the golden light growing in intensity as she neared the source of the spell. Margot paused when she reached a small diner and scanned the crowd for the bartender. The thread pulsed gently in her hands and then, suddenly, it vanished.
“Very neatly done. I like your style.”
Margot whirled to the voice. Sitting on the patio outside the diner was…not her bartender. A figure dressed in rough-spun cotton beckoned her forward, a lazy grin on his (or was it her? Margot couldn’t tell) face. Their features were unassuming and plain.
But there was no mistaking that voice. Margot sat in the offered chair. “Unless I’m terribly mistaken, do I have the pleasure of speaking with Anansi?”
Black eyes glittered with amusement. “You do.”
“I thought you would be preforming tonight,” Margot said.
“Who says I haven’t been?” Anansi leaned on their elbows. Long, spiderlike fingers intertwined together. “When I heard whispers a professor from the Kempeston Academy wished to speak with me I had to make sure it was worth my time.” Anansi’s lips quirked in the smile of a teacher indulging a favored student. “That spell was clever. I’ve not seen it before.”
“I work at a school for magic. Knowing how to trace a spell is an unfortunate necessity,” Margot said wryly. “How did you know I’m a professor?”
“I make it my business to know who wants to find me, darling. Time is a finite resource; it has never been my habit to waste mine.” The smile transformed into a sharp, biting smirk, amusement shifting to menace. “So far you’ve been interesting enough to be worth my while. Please do not prove me wrong.”
“I had some questions about your performance before the mage’s conference,” Margot said.
“You’ll have to be more specific, darling.”
Margot hesitated a moment, before saying, “I suppose it would be more accurate to say I was wondering about what happened afterword. This might seem like a strange question, but did you speak with Master Arthur Wright?”
Anansi’s eyebrows crept up toward their hairline. “I did not. Why go through all the trouble of finding me only to ask about a man I’ve never met?”
“I’m acquainted with Master Wright’s son. He said that his father wanted to talk with you after your performance.”
“So he sent you to find out what his daddy wanted?” Anansi said disbelievingly.
“Felix Wright was nearly blinded by the explosion. It will be some time before he’s fully recovered,” Margot said, choosing her words carefully. It didn’t seem wise to let Anansi know she was investigating a possible murder. “I said I would ask as a favor to him.”
“That is strangely kind of you,” Anansi said.
“I didn’t realize you would be this difficult to find when I agreed,” Margot admitted.
Anansi laughed. “Fair enough. I’m sorry to say that Felix is wrong. I know Arthur Wright only by reputation,” Anansi consulted a battered pocket watch. “Now, I have no interest speaking about a dead man who I’ve never met, but it seems a shame to leave you with nothing to show for your efforts. I’ll answer three questions, and no more.”
Margot drummed her fingers against the table as she thought. She couldn’t tell if Anansi was lying, or if this was some sort of test. Either way she didn’t want to waste what little opportunity she had.
Her first instinct was simply to ask more about Master Wright, but Margot discarded that idea as foolishness. If Anansi was telling the truth then they likely knew nothing about the murder of Arthur Wright. If they were lying then there was no way they would answer a direct inquiry.
Finally Margot settled on a question. “Whose face did you wear when you preformed The Death of Desdemona?”
“You say it as if I’ve stolen something,” Anansi chuckled. “And the answer is no one in particular. I take inspiration from those around me, but my faces are all my own. The part called for a female, so I created one that I felt would resonate with the audience. It’s trickier than you might think—academia is disproportionately elvish, so one might think that an elf would be best suited for the role, but there are those sticks in the mud who would call it a travesty to let a young elvish lady anywhere near the stage.” Anansi grinned wolfishly. “That was what decided it, in the end. I always enjoy knocking on the door of the closeminded.”
“Really?” Margot said.
“No society is perfect, and there are times people need reminded of that fact,” Anansi said. “I’ve performed in the orcish Lowlands as a runt and the Deephome Mountains as a beardless dwarf.” Anansi shrugged, a picture of worldly wisdom. “It’s a balancing act. I can’t afford to distract too much from the performances or alienate my audience completely lest no one hire me, illusions or no. But the benefit of having a thousand faces means I always have the right mask no matter the situation.”
Margot nodded slowly in understanding. “So to be clear, your character wasn’t physically based on anyone that you know.”
“Nothing is new under the sun, darling,” Anansi said. “I’m sure there were features that resembled people I’ve seen or worked with in the past, but as a whole the character of Desdemona was my own. Next question, please, and be careful as it’s your last.”
“But I’ve only asked one,” Margot said.
“If that was your intention then you ought to be more careful with your diction,” Anansi said. “After I said I enjoy knocking on the door of the closeminded you said, ‘really?’ with the inflection of a question—a question which I answered as promised.”
A flare of anger tore through Margot at the abuse of technicality, but then Anansi rested their chin on a hand and waited patiently, a look of angelic innocence on their face. Margot swallowed her argument, and with enormous effort managed a smile of her own. It was a smile she’d perfected during her post-graduate studies, perfectly civil and with an edge that could kill a man with a single look.
“You’re right. Unfortunately not all of us are destined for the stage,” she said sweetly. “In that case, where would the best way I could get into contact with you if I needed to speak with you again?”
Anansi blinked, a startled expression flashing briefly across their face. Then they laughed, surprisingly rich and full. So full that Margot suspected it was genuine.
“Oh, I like you,” Anansi said, wiping away a tear of mirth from the corner of their eye. “Well done, darling, well done. Luckily for you I’m planning to stay in the city for another five days. Look for me at the Red Griffin Inn after the noon bell. For a half-penny I’ll tell you whatever story you want to know.”
Anansi got to their feet and shook Margot’s hand warmly. “A final piece of advice, darling, free of charge. Reputation is a man’s greatest and most fragile mask. Look behind it at your own risk.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Margot asked.
“It means I would think very carefully before taking on errands for Felix Wright. You might not like what you find.”
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