#It's almost a year old comment so I'm not replying to it but did we watch the same show?
galvanizedfriend · 6 hours
hii Yokan! i miss you!😭
how are you? how is work?? I hope everything is going well<3
rn there's a little Comic Con in my city, and it really did help my mood!! (even tho I throwed up 6 times and fainted during the morning of the first day due to the heat and lack of iron🥲) 2 days down, 2 more to go 🙏
ANYWAYS! I know you've been going through a writer's block lately, and I read a post that said something about asking/commenting about the fictions to help the "stucked" autor, SO!
I've been re-reading TW III (shocking, I know) and those little hints about married!kc are just 😭😭 my heart melts, really, although... I was never really sure you'd get them married, mostly due to Care's speech to Cami about how Klaus supposedly sees weddings, and because I remember you saying that you weren't planning on giving them an actual marriage, but rather the closest thing next to it. I checked to comments to see other thoughts, and I saw one of you reply saying that you were completely against married!kc at the start, but then you were slowing changing your mind about it...
so, what was it that made you say "fuck it, I'm gonna ring the bells"?? is it because many people asked you to do it, so you are throwing us a bone, or is it something else?? I'm really interest on hearing the process of your change of heart <3
have a good one, friend <3 love you xoxo
I don't know if I am eloquent enough or if my train of thought makes much sense, but I will try 😂
Also grab a chair because this will be a long one. Be careful what you ask me, I do not know how to shut the fuck up 🙃
Objectively, I still think Klaus is not the marrying kind (in canon context, at least). That man has been alive for a thousand years. He's the vampire of vampires, one who sees humans as a lower species. He's used to getting what he wants by conquering and subjugating because he can. Why would he ever submit himself to an inherently human institution that, throughout history, has served as a tool for various types of social, political and religious control? The ceremony itself doesn't mean anything to him. He probably thinks it's ridiculous and performative, not to mention extremely frail. You can just change your mind and get a divorce, or the good old spouse murder, and then what? What's even the point?
(Just to be clear: I'm not personally preaching against weddings and marriages here btw, it's just how I think Klaus might have seen it.)
If you look at it from the sentimental side, Klaus spent almost a thousand years saying that love is a sign of weakness, a character flaw. He carried his siblings, the only people he genuinely cared about, inside coffins because he didn't trust them enough not to leave him, betray him or end up captured and killed by one of his enemies. Now, why would he want to marry someone, thus exposing yet another vulnerability to be exploited?
Having said that 😂
When we first see Klaus in TVD he's trying to surround himself with a whole new OP supernatural species that will have no choice but to stand with him. They will protect him, they will go to war for him, do whatever he asks them to and they will never leave (or that's what he thought, anyway) because they don't have a choice. That is the only way Klaus knows how to trust people: by completely removing their capacity to challenge him. That's how paranoid he is.
But as the story progresses, and especially with The Wolf in particular because it takes their relationship much further than the show, Klaus realizes there is more than one way to earn people's trust. I feel like that's one of the pillars of his relationship with Caroline. He could've just compelled her (in TVD, not TW because she's a witch), but he never did because he wanted more from her than obedience. All of the things he liked about her - her personality, her honesty, her fire, her loyalty - would've been essentially erased or made meaningless if he'd compelled her. Which puts her in direct opposition to how he related to his hybrids, right? He pretends to be fine with people who have no choice but to follow him, but what he really craves is more real than that. He surrounds himself with people who will worship the ground he walks on after some forged "gratitude" for releasing them of their curse, but he is fascinated by how gutsy Caroline is to look him in the eye and tell him the things that no one else will dare to. What he really seeks but doesn't have the courage to admit is that he wants someone who will choose to be with him. And that's the difficult part, because it can't be conquered or taken, it has to be earned.
Klaus comes from a place of paranoia and extreme distrust of everything and everyone around him, especially after Mikael in New Orleans, and he feels very isolated and alone. He tells Stefan about that, right? The loneliness of immortality. When The Wolf starts, in spite of how he and Caroline were having a bit of a thing before it, he's not sure she would want to stay with him. Actually, he thinks the first chance she gets, she's gonna bail. It's why he's mad when he thinks she wants to terminate the pregnancy. It's not about the baby (it's never about the baby), he couldn't care less about the damn baby at that point, it's the fact that he thinks she's trying to get rid of him, as if that pregnancy is the one thing that is holding them together at that point and so if she's no longer pregnant, she doesn't have to be with him. What I'm very inarticulately trying to say is that his initial approach to Caroline being pregnant is the same he had with his hybrids, as if the baby is a version of a sire bond. It's crazy and dysfunctional, yes, but it's how Klaus rationalizes it, how he thinks he gets to keep people around him - either through daggering them or giving them no choice.
Slowly, Klaus internalizes the fact that Caroline is choosing him. She tells him that a few times throughout the story, and even when he's hallucinating her at the beginning of TW4, because that's something that she has said before and that has stuck with him for reason. She could've left him at any point, but she didn't because she wants to be with him. It's a choice that she has made not because he forced her to, but because she's in love with him. She protects him, she fights for him, she walks through hellfire for him because she wants to, not because she must. He has earned her trust and her love and her loyalty. And that is something that is new for Klaus in his one thousand years of life, at least at this magnitude and with this much clarity and certitude.
So I think when I started writing TW3, which was them in their domestic era, it started to feel like something Klaus might actually do. Not just because it obviously does mean something to Caroline and he would basically do anything for her (even though she never asks for it, which in itself is something, because Caroline comes from relationships that made her feel so insecure and unsafe that she would've held on to a ring like a lifeline, but with Klaus she simply does not need hard evidence to feel safe and reassured, she knows how Klaus feels about her, she's very comfortable in their relationship, she knows that what offers her means a lot more than a thousand weddings to other people ever would - even though she does still love a good wedding lol), but because it suddenly makes sense to him. Not the big party, or the tradition of it, or making it official or anything of the sort, but as a way to externalize what he feels. There is a symbolism to it that while not ideal, it might be the closest to thing to expressing just how devoted he is to her and how she is, pure and simple, eternity for him. When that comes from someone who has lived for as long he has, and who has been as cynical as he was for as long as he was, it does mean something, even if nothing else does.
There is a territorial factor to it as well, of course. 😌 He's a very possessive man and so he wants everyone to know Caroline is his, and it's why it first came to him during the thing with Jackson, but it's more than just that. If it was just about that, he wouldn't do it. He is at a point where he no longer has any doubts about how Caroline feels for him (although there will be a little something something on that front at the beginning of TW4, just because they've been apart for so long, but it will be quickly dispelled).
The most sacred thing for Klaus was the vow he took with his siblings when they fled Viking Falls. They stuck together through everything because of that. He knows the value of a vow and a promise. And he wants a version of that with Caroline. It's the first time in his life when he contemplates genuinely offering that to someone other than his family. There are a million ways he could go about it, probably, but he knows asking her to marry him is the one that will be most representative to her, because of the age where she was born and how she grew up, etc.
And so that is why I decided that Klaus was going to buy a ring even though I crossed my heart and hoped to die a million times for years when people asked me about that. 😂 I just think it's the natural course this story has taken. It's long enough that it eventually made sense to me that he might do it.
Does any of that make sense???? I don't know! I just typed my stream of thought and hoped for the best and now I'm afraid to read it again, so apologies if it's just crazy words.
Now if only I can get back to writing and actually get to that part. 🥲 Pray for me 🙏
THANKS FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK! 🙃 Here have a pretty married Klaroline gif.
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kelpiemomma · 2 years
Tfw u see someone w a take that is just so wrong you have to stand there and wonder if you watched the same show
#Saw someone on a YouTube video say that the mysterious woman from centaurworld was more of a villain than the nowhere king#Bc apparently she knew that the general was the elktaur bc she. Freed the elk from the dungeons?#It's almost a year old comment so I'm not replying to it but did we watch the same show?#I haven't watched S2 since it came out bc I didn't enjoy it but I'm 99% sure it was insinuated she didn't know#At least not for a while. Maybe she learned he was the elktaur when she freed him from the dungeon but they said#That she knew the general had separated himself from the elk during their wedding and I genuinely don't think so#Bc the general and the elktaur did not look like the same person. I just watched a live reaction to someone seeing their separation#And the elk was obviously hiding during the wedding. And the general said 'maybe I should've invited you'#I'm pretty sure he was trying to hide the truth of himself from her (though it's never explicitly stated)#But he hated himself so much as a centaur- why would he admit to the mysterious woman that he'd been one?#Is she innocent? No. Is she the cause of the nowhere king? Also no. She was also a victim of his.#He used her as an excuse but as she said. She would have loved him whole. She would've loved him as a centaur from the start.#If she'd known about the separation and the truth of it. How the elk loathed his lot. I don't think she'd have just.#Ignored it. She didn't seem like the kind of character to allow another to suffer#I accidentally got my friend to watch it so I'm gonna have to rewatch it now tho
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gentlyweeps-world · 6 months
Bad Idea
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summary: Lando texts you months after he broke up with you, so logically it was a bad idea to text back, too bad it’s “for the plot”
pairing: lando norris x fem! reader
warnings: pure smut, p in v, !!16+!!
radio check 🪩: So this isn’t like my normal works, but I felt adventurous! And I’d like to apologize I haven’t gotten to updating my series and second parts, I haven’t been too good mentally but I should get to work on them soon! (This fic is loosely based off of “bad idea” by Olivia Rodrigo if that wasn’t obvious)
Your friends had mentioned Lando still wasn’t back in a relationship even after breaking up with you months ago, they even told you he still wore the bracelet you got him.
To be honest you didn’t care, but that’s what you told your friends. In truth you did care, you still cared for him. But obviously you wouldn’t say or do anything to show that, after all he was the one to break up with you because “he couldn’t give you what he wanted”.
So that was about two years down the drain, at least that’s what you thought for a while, not until he decided to text you at 3am.
Your eyes widen at the “Hey” text he sent, wondering why he didn’t block your number, or better yet why you didn’t block his number, you quickly text your friends asking what you should do.
They all respond along the lines of, “he probably just wants to hit”, “don’t text back, that’s a bad idea”, “he’s just desperate”, and blah blah blah. Obviously you ignored them, cause hey, it’s for the plot right? And you had been out on a few dates after breaking up, but sadly it wasn’t the same, so either way you didn’t care if he truly just wanted to fuck.
“What?” You text back, not wanting to seem like you cared too much but didn’t care at all. “You up?” He replies almost instantly. You rolled your eyes at his response, it was pretty self explanatory.
“If I’m texting you back, then yes”
"Lol." was his reply.
You felt a little annoyed at his half-assed responses. If he wanted to talk so badly, why wouldn't he put in a bit more effort?
After a minute or so, he texted again.
"Whatcha doin'?"
“Laying in bed” You reply, knowing he’ll try to turn the conversation into one that’s dirty. "Oh yeah? What are you wearing?" came his reply. “Hm wouldn’t you like to know” You reply, “Take a guess” You add on.
"I bet you're not wearing anything." Lando texts back. In a way, you were kind of flattered that he still thought of you that way but it still pissed you off that he only texted you to get his dick wet. “And I bet you wish you could see me like that again, huh?” You reply, you knew it was risky, but you could at least have some fun with it.
"Who says I haven't still been looking at old pictures?" Lando texts back, his replies are getting sexual now. Your eyes widen in shock, has he still been thinking about you even after you guys broke up? “What pictures?” You text back.
"You can't really expect me to tell you what pictures, now can you?" Lando texts back, he seems a little bit amused by this whole situation now. "I'm sure you still have some pictures of me, too. Don't you?"
“Maybe” You text, “No comment” You add on, which is a dead giveaway that you do. "So, why don't you come over? You know you want to. There's still some things we should finish." Lando texts back, his words becoming a little bit more insistent. “You’re the one who broke up with me Lando” You text back.
"So what?" Lando responds, "I made a mistake. Why don't you come over and let me prove it?"
“I mean if you word it like that..” You text back with a smirk, getting out of bed and throwing on some lingerie that Lando likes with one of his old hoodies and short pajama shorts.
"Is that a yes, I hear? I'll be waiting." Lando texts, you can tell the way he is messaging now that he is getting excited. You leave your apartment and drive off to his, thinking to yourself the entire drive if this was a good idea or not.
You soon arrive at his apartment and knock on his door. Lando answers the door and immediately pulls you into his apartment, his eager eyes looking you up and down.
"Glad you could make it. I had a feeling you would come if I asked" Lando whispers in your ear. “You didn’t ask, you begged” You say with a smirk, knowing that’ll irk him.
Lando rolls his eyes at your smart-ass remark.
"You know you like it when I'm begging. It means I want you badly" he whispers in your ear. “Need I remind you, you’re the one who broke up with me..” You muse out. "Shut up. Let's just forget about all of that. I don't want to talk." Lando says, putting one hand by your cheek and bringing your mouth towards his, the tension between you two rising as you both lean in.
“Shame, love it when you talk dirty to me..” You mumble out, glancing from his eyes to his lips. "Yeah? I bet you thought of me while you got off" Lando whispers, his tone still low and seductive as his hand caresses your cheek, pulling you towards him, making your lips meet.
"I missed your lips. I missed the way you taste." he says after pulling away, as he finally seals the deal and makes you his again. “This- this is a bad idea…” You mumble out, not sure what exactly Lando wants out of this situation.
"I don't care." Lando says, as he puts one hand on your lower back.
"We are both adults. Why not have some fun again?" he says, leaning in to kiss you again. “What will it end in, Lando?” You ask, placing my hand on his chest to stop him from kissing you again.
He sighs and looks down at you.
"Look Y/n. I'm not gonna lie to your face. I might not have been the best boyfriend to you, and I do want what's best for you- but god damn it the thought of losing you completely breaks me. I love you." Lando admits, with honesty in his eyes.
"I can't guarantee that tomorrow I'll be the same guy you saw tonight but- right now? I just want to be with you. Again. Even if it's just for a brief moment. Please?" he asks. Fuck it You think to yourself, it’s either we could end up never talking again after this night or- or maybe we could fix things.
Without replying to him, you grab the sides of his face and smash your lips against his. Lando was taken back by your sudden and bold move but quickly adjusted to it, kissing back passionately as his other hand wrapped around your waist and pulled you closer.
"Damn it.. It's like I'm reliving our first moments again." he whispered to you, his tone still low and seductive. “Fuck..don’t- don’t say that” You whisper out, hands roaming around his body as you kiss along his neck, the memories of your guys first time playing through your head.
"Why not? It's the truth. This feels just like it did the first time" He whispers out, grabbing your hair and pulling your head up, he pushes you up against the wall of his living room and kisses you passionately, his hand roaming down your body before finally resting on your hips, holding you tight against him.
"God I've missed you..." he whispers, his lips traveling to your neck and giving it kisses. “Missed feeling you wrapped around me…” He adds on, biting and licking at your neck.
“Lando…” You whisper out, feeling his mouth against the skin of your neck. He bites at your neck harder, looking into your eyes as he gives you a soft smirk.
"Did you miss this?" he asks, continuing at your neck. “Yeah..missed this so much..” You mumble out, letting yourself fully let go. "Tell me you missed me, Y/n" he whispers in your ear, looking deeply into your eyes as his tongue slides down the side of your neck.
“I missed you…I missed feeling you..” You whimper out, feeling your knees give out at the way he’s looking at you. Lando smiles at your words as he continues working at your neck with his lips and tongue.
"You're so cute when you're like this. Why don't you tell me what you want me to do, hmm? Can you get your words out now?" He asks seductively, as one of his hands leaves your body and travels up your leg.
“Lando…Lando please I need you..” You whimper out, grasping at his curls with your hand. As if by instinct, he immediately picks you up and carries you to his room. He knew this is what he wanted after that break-up, you needed him just as badly as he needed you.
"Oh, so you do know how to speak when you really want something huh?" He smirked. “Oh shut up…” You mumble out rolling your eyes as he carries you into his room.
Your words don't deter him as his smug grin grows, he drops you on the bed. You glance around his room and notice that nothing has changed since you two broke up, he even still has some of your stuff.
He starts to tug off his shirt and pants, leaving him in boxers. You pull off his hoodie you have on and the shorts. His eyes linger upon you, his smirk turning into a lust-filled look. "I want you so bad, baby..." he whispers, as he gets on top of you and kisses you, his hand gripping your hips.
“I want you too…” You whisper against his lips, tangling your fingers in his curls as you wrap your legs around his waist. Lando chuckles at your words, pushing his tongue into your mouth as he lifts his hand up to your hair, caressing it.
He slowly pulls away from the kiss, leaning down your neck and nibbling at it.
"I wanna make you scream my name all night." he whispers in your ear, his breath hot on your skin. “Then do that” You whisper back, looking up at him.
Lando groans at your words and bites down more heavily along your neck, causing you to moan and bite your lip, his hand now making its way down to your clothed center, slipping his fingers past your panties he glides his finger through your wetness. You let out another moan, “Lando…Lando please..” You whisper out against his neck. He gives you a soft moan in response, “That’s right baby, call out my name like that.”
“Lando…oh god Lando please.” You whimper out, as he slowly thrusts a finger into you, curling it as he fingers you. Lando lets out a groan from your begging, his fingers thrusting deeper into you as he feels you getting wetter. "That's it baby, let me hear you." He says between breaths. “Let me hear you moan..” He adds on.
“Oh fuck Lan..” You moan out, spreading your legs wider for him as he continues his assault with his fingers. Lando moans at the sound of his name on your lips, feeling you grow wetter and more ready for him. He picks up the pace, his thumb rubbing against your clit in rhythm with his fingers. "That's it, baby, bet you missed my fingers, huh?"
“Yes…missed your fingers so much..” You mumble out, too focused on his movements to really produce a clear sentence. Lando groans and picks up the pace even more, feeling you get closer to your climax. His thumb increases its pressure against your clit, matching the rhythm of his fingers plunging deeper into you. "You're so fucking tight, baby," He whispers out, “All those other guys you went out with didn’t treat you right huh?”
You let out a gasp and whimper, clutching at his shoulder as you feel yourself grow close. “Fuck! H-how do you know- I- shit..” You moan out, eyes fluttering shut as he applies more pressure to your clit, slowly rolling it. Lando smirks against your neck, his fingers still thrusting into you. "Oh, I have my sources. Now, come for me, baby. Show me what I've been missing."
“Oh…Lando! Oh my god!” You moan out, eyes rolling back and thighs shaking as you come around his fingers. “That’s it Y/n…good girl..” He whispers out, slowing his fingers as he lets you ride out your orgasm.
Slowly pulling his fingers out he brings them up to his lips and sucks them clean, letting out an appreciative hum at the taste. “Still as good as I remember..” He mumbles out, eyes glossed over in a lustful daze as he looks down at you, hair disheveled, cheeks flushed with sweat starting to form on your forehead. “You already looked so fucked out baby…” He coos out with a smirk.
“Please just fuck me Lando..” You huff out, arching your back up to unhook your bra and take it off. Lando grins at the sight of you nearly begging him to take you. "You really want it that bad, huh?" He asks teasingly, fully slipping your panties off before taking his boxers off.
“Just do it before I change my mind..” You say rolling your eyes. You subconsciously lick your lips at the sight of his cock, precum leaking down the side. With a grin Lando picks up some of your wetness on his fingers, and wraps his hand around his cock, stroking himself a few times. You simply just watch him with your lips parted, admiring him.
“You enjoying the view?” He says with a smirk, eyes meeting yours. Without saying a word you nod your head, silently watching him move forward and drag his tip through your folds. “Oh fuck yeah, you're so fucking wet baby. Gonna love feeling you squeeze my cock." He growls out, pressing his hips forward and gently pushing his tip inside you.
“Fuck- wait Lan-Lando we need a condom..” You mumble out before he fully thrusts into you. “Fuck..” He mutters under his breath, pulling away, he reaches over to his bedside table and quickly grabs a condom, with a smirk he hands you the condom.
“Want to have the honor?”
Smirking you grab the condom from his hands, you rip it open and roll it onto his cock, making sure to tease him a bit as you do so. “Mmm good baby..” He mutters out watching your hand wrap around his cock and stroke him.
“Now let me fuck you,” He mumbles out, pushing your hand away as he moves closer to you and thrusts into you. You both let out a moan at the feeling. “Oh fuck yes baby, you feel so good." He groans out, his eyes darkening as he starts to thrust harder into you. His hips collide with yours, the slapping sound of skin on skin contact filling the room.
“Fuck Lando…feels so good..” You moan out, wrapping your arms around his neck you pull him down close to you, your chest pressed against his as he thrusts into you.
Lando groans out as you move closer to him, burying his face in your neck as he licks and nips at your skin. He thrusts his hips harder into you, feeling the warmth of your body surrounding him. “Fuck- don’t- don’t hide your moans Lan..” You gasp out, tangling your fingers into his curls.
Lando moans out softly against your skin, his hips grinding against yours. "Fuck, I can't help it," He pants, his cock throbbing inside of you. “You feel so good Y/n, fuck..” He groans out.
“So good..so-so good Lan..” You gasp out, clutching and tugging at his curls. He growls out, his hips thrusting harder into you. His breathing is ragged as he feels himself getting closer to his release. "Fuck, you're so tight," He mutters out, kissing your neck passionately. “So fucking wet, you’re taking me so well baby..” He groans out, thrusting into you faster.
His words turn your brain into mush, growing completely lost in his touch. Moans and gasps flow from your mouth. “Y/n..." He groans out, feeling the walls of your pussy squeeze around him. "Fuck, you're driving me crazy baby," He whispers, his hips thrusting into you faster.
“Lando! Fuck- m’gonna come!” You moan out, eyes rolling back. Your back arches up as your peak washes over you, for a moment all you can see is whiteness.
“Mmm baby," He moans out, feeling you tighten around him. His hips buck against you as he feels himself getting closer to his release. "Fuck, Y/n, I'm close. Fuck." He growls out.
“Come for me Lando, please baby” You whimper out, tugging at his curls. "Fuck!" He moans out, body tensing as he thrusts into you, filling up the condom. He slows down his movements, eventually pulling out of you and laying down beside you.
After a few moments of you two catching your breath, Lando slowly gets up and pulls on his boxers, “Where are you going?” You ask, leaning up on your elbows as you watch him walk towards his bedroom door.
“I’m going to get you some water then I’m getting a bath ready for you” He replies with a smile, walking out of his bedroom. “Oh..okay” You mumble out with a grin.
Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea after all.
radio 🪩: Hope this was enjoyable 💙
taking requests: ❌
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dragonbarbie · 18 days
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aegon x best friend!reader ; modern!au
summary: this fic is snippets of aegon and reader's relationship as they grow up and discover new feelings. but to let himself be loved, aegon has to first do some growing up.
rating: 18+, minors dni.
tags: alcohol, substance abuse.
word count: 4.2k
series masterlist
A/N: i'm so excited to share my first full fic! this series is very very lowkey inspired by one day and highkey inspired by peter by taylor swift. comment if you'd like to be on the taglist for this! hope you guys like it :)
divider credit @ cafekitsune!
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Age 10
“I still don't see why we had to move here." a sullen, 10 year old Y/N replied, pouting as she stared out the window from the backseat. her father couldn't help an amused smile at the little girl as he drove towards her new school. "i told you darling, daddy’s got a very important new job here in king’s landing." "yes but why did I have to move here." the older man let out a patient sigh. this had been going on weeks leading to their move. "you haven't even given the city a chance yet, kiddo. why do you hate it already?" "because..." the little girl started with an exasperated whine. ".... i don't have any friends here!" "you have me." her father offered with an assuring grin. the unamused look he got in return was not grateful in the least. "you're dad. i want friends." the seriousness with which Y/N declared her dilemma earned her a laugh from the front seat.
her father pulled into the curb by the grand iron gates of Red Keep Academy, the best private school in the city. as Y/N hopped out the backseat, looking deflated, he lowered the car window, "hey c'mon now, you can't start your first day all sad. who knows, maybe you'll come back with a hoard of friends, even more than you had back home." Y/N only looked ahead at him, unconvinced. "bye, dad."
as she made her way towards the main archway to the school, she thought of all the things she was missing about home. not the new townhouse they had in the city, her real home, back in the reach. she thought of the swing behind her house, the smell from the bakery next door, the big oak tree she saw on the way to school every morning, the fountain in the park – when suddenly someone ran past her, fast enough to knock her down.
"ouch!" she cried out from the floor, rubbing her shoulder where she had been hit. "aegon!" a woman suddenly rushed to her side, glowering at the little boy who had pushed past her. "are you okay, honey? were you hurt?" the first thing Y/N noticed was how kind the woman looked with her big brown eyes, and so very pretty. "i'm okay." she reassured in a small voice, before turning to give this 'Aegon', the dirtiest look she could muster.
the boy had to be her age, pale blonde hair that looked like someone had tried to comb it but had not been given enough time to finish the job. he wore a matching school uniform to Y/N, navy blue blazer, white shirt and dark green pants. his shirt though was untucked and seemed to already have mud stains.
she thought he seemed mostly unbothered by his own actions, but stood there attempting to look sheepish nonetheless for his mother.
"apologise to this young lady." his mother demanded. "sorry..." he mumbled almost incomprehensibly. already upset and now physically hurt, Y/N wordlessly got up and hurried away, trying to stop hot tears from spilling out.
as she walked away she heard the boy's mother scold him, "that was not an apology, Aegon. go say sorry, properly this time." she heard a childish groan in response, "do I have to?".  his mother must have given him one hell of a look, Y/N thought because she heard her say nothing else but small footsteps came jogging up to her.
as the blonde boy walked next to her, she waited for him to say something while she kept walking ahead, but he seemed to just wordlessly fall in stride with her. After a minute he suddenly asked, “do you even know where you’re going?”
now that he mentioned it, she didn’t.
she suddenly stopped and looked around herself, confused. He stopped with her and studied her for a second. “I don’t know you.” He observed. “are you new?”. She decided to stay silent, hoping he would go away if she ignored him but she was wrong. When she didn’t respond, he continued, “you’re going in the wrong direction, new girl. That way –” he pointed to where she had been headed “—is the middle school building. Primary school is this way.” He started walking down a hallway, and Y/N took hurried steps to follow him.
He gave her a sideway glance, “what grade are you in anyway? Third?” he smugly asked, proudly looking down at her as a mature fifth-grader. “fifth.” She snapped at him. “oh”, he responded, surprised. “who’s class?” “Miss Reyne.” “no kidding!” he gave her a toothy grin. “so am I.”
Y/N didn’t like this Aegon, she decided. As he kept chatting away about how boring Miss Reyne was, she gave him no replies and generally walked as if she were alone and had no association with the silver haired boy beside her. As they settled into class, she was determined to avoid him for the rest of her day. Aegon though, was determined for quiet the opposite.
He took a seat next to hers, kept making comments, providing her a running, private commentary about each teacher and student. He wasn’t affected by Y/N’s lack of a response, or if he was, he didn’t let it show. Y/N had to admit though, he was funny. she couldn’t help but crack a smile when he told her about the time Jason Lannister got gum stuck in his hair, and had to suppress a giggle when Aegon impersonated Mr. Bolton falling asleep mid-way through teaching a class. At these small instances of Y/N’s guard breaking, he flashed her a bright smile, pleased with himself.
Y/N though, didn’t utter a word to him. Until Art class that was.
They had been asked to paint an animal, and when Y/N looked up from the goldfish she had been painting, she saw Aegon’s work. “a dragon isn’t a real animal.” She disproved. The boy merely shrugged, “that’s not an animal either, it’s a fish.”
“a fish is an animal.” She frowned at her work. “it’s just an animal under water.”
“oh well, let’s add some of its natural habitat then.” He smirked, grabbing the bowl of water they’d been sharing to clean their brushes. “NO! stop!” in an attempt to block him from pouring water on her work, the brush in her hand smeared some of the yellow paint on his face.
He froze in his action immediately, bringing up his fingers to feel the paint streak running down from his brow to across his nose. This time Y/N couldn’t suppress her laughter at the sight, his blinking expression making it all the more funnier. “well, if that’s how you want to do this!” he declared as he scooped some of the red paint on his two fingers before smearing it on her cheek.
Within five minutes, their respective art works had been abandoned and both sets of uniform utterly ruined. The two had to be separated by their teacher, then ordered to walk down to the washrooms and clean themselves right up.
The second she left the girls washroom though, Y/N found the silver haired boy waiting for her by the door, some green paint still visibly stuck in his pale locks. “race you to class?” he mischievously suggested. “Hmm” Y/N pretended to think about the challenge for a second, before saying “okay” and dashing towards their class.
With a self-satisfied smile at having beaten Aegon, she took her seat. Sulking at his defeat, Aegon slinked back in his chair, “you cheated, didn’t wait for the ‘go’…”
“win’s a win.” Y/N declared, grabbing golden glitter for her fish. 
He didn’t stay grumpy for long though, before she knew it he was back to his talkative self, this time with Y/N chiming in with her own comments. The hours flew by with Aegon by her side, and as the day came to an end Y/N realised she’d enjoyed herself after all.
As they walked towards the school gate to leave, Aegon suddenly changed the topic. “you like video games?” “yeah…?” she hesitantly replied. “great, you’re coming over tomorrow to play some.” He beamed. At the end of the sentence Y/N observed he hadn’t actually asked her a question. “okay.” She found herself agreeing.
“cool, see you tomorrow.” Aegon had started running in the direction of one of the cars, when he suddenly stopped and turned around. “never asked your name.” he sheepishly realised.
 “Y/N!” she distractedly answered as she sped up, having found her mom’s car in the parking lot.
“Y/N…” Aegon muttered to himself as he walked away, liking the way the name rolled of his tongue.
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Age 15
“You’re late.” Y/N didn’t even bother to look up when she heard the window to her bedroom open, but did glance at the subsequent sound of someone falling face first onto her carpet. “have you been drinking? Its 2pm.”
Down on the ground laid her best friend of five years, with his messy platinum hair and stick-thin lanky limbs, carrying in the distinct smell of smoke when he entered her room. Though they were the same age, aegon looked more boyish still even as he had started to race towards every vice of the adult world he could get his hands on.
Aegon merely rubbed his now injured nose, as he lifted his head off the ground. “No I haven’t been drinking… still drunk from last night. Big difference.” Y/N sighed and shook her head in vexation before returning to her homework.  Aegon had recently taken up drinking and despite Y/N’s repeated rebukes, he seemed to be enjoying himself a little too much to stop. He continued to wave off her concern and she was starting to tire of voicing it.
“Let’s say I believed you… you wanna tell me what made you so late, then? I do have other things to do with my day than wait around to teach you biology, y’know.” Aegon grabbed a chair and dragged it to sit next to her at her desk. “I was actually busy being taught biology as it happens… albeit of a different kind.” His smug, self-satisfied grin as he pulled a cigarette from his front pocket  and placed it between his teeth, told Y/N all she needed to know. “Elinda Massey was the most enthusiastic of teachers.” Y/N couldn’t help but grit her teeth at the mention of Aegon’s latest distraction.
With a swift motion she grabbed the cigarette and threw it in the bin, ignoring his protests. “you know you’re not allowed to smoke in here, my parents would kill me if they smelled it.” Aegon snorted at the statement, “yeah but, that’s never stopped me before.” The casualness with which Aegon dismissed her, pinched Y/N. It was certainly true that Y/N usually found it hard to say no to Aegon, no matter how the consequences might harm her; but she didn’t like how he took the same for granted, as if it was a given.
“What’s got you all prissy today?”
“you. You wanna pass biology this year or not?” Y/N replied, visibly irritated. “yeah like there’s a chance in hell they’ll actually fail me. Grandfather would have the place shut within the week.” “then why do you even need a tutor? Go off with Elinda or whoever.” Y/N huffed, her eyes remaining trained so hard on her textbook that she was half certain she was going to burn holes into it, her hand clutching around the pencil in her hand.
“Elinda? That’s what you’re so annoyed about?” aegon snickered. Y/N turned to now glare directly into his blue eyes, a blush creeping up her cheeks and her nostrils flaring. In that moment she wanted nothing more than to push aegon right out the window he came from so she could be alone instead of having to deal with this. “No, I just think you’re wasting your time here right now, when you could be doing…. Biology with Elinda instead.” Aegon brow furrowed at her reaction, but instead of another retort his hand reached out to gently grab her arm. “hey…” his features softened from their usual impish nature to highlight his concern “…what’s actually up with you?” in the face of such kindliness from him, she couldn’t muster any more scathing replies.
He’d seen right through her, like only he could. For weeks now she’d been stressed, but found the topic too awkward to discuss with Aegon. But she knew she’d have to open up to him sooner or later about her problem. Keeping secrets from Aegon was simply not something she did. Or even possibly could if she tried, she thought.
“promise you won’t laugh.” She first demanded in a nervous tone. Raising his three fingers, her best friend solemnly confirmed, “scouts honour.” She swallowed, her eyes looking beyond Aegon’s shoulder rather than at him as she slowly admitted. “I’ve not had my first kiss.”
Aegon merely blinked back at her, “what, is there supposed to be more to that or…?” “I’ve not had my first kiss.” She repeated as if those words were supposed to be self-explanatory. “yeah and I’ve never been to Hawaii, what’re you on about?” Y/N couldn’t help a groan as she momentarily hid her face behind her hands, thinking the more she would explain herself the more embarrassed she would get.
“It’s just, I’m 15, and I should have had it by now, I’ve never even been on a date.. and… and… and you’ve got Elinda and Maria before that, and Jeyne and, and…. I just can’t believe you’ve gone to third base before I’ve even had my first kiss!” her words came out rushed in the end, out of frustration and a need to just get the shameful confession over with.
She had expected Aegon to laugh it off, or worse, agree that her situation was absolutely the height of shame. Instead, he looked confused that such a thing was bothering her in the first place “what, that’s it? why didn’t you just say so before?”
nonchalantly, aegon put an arm behind Y/N’s chair. Eyes closed, he suddenly leaned in towards her, lips puckered, causing her eyes to go wide. “what the –” as a reflex response she pushed back at his shoulders, making him fall of the chair.
“the fuck was that for!” he shouted from the floor, his ego and back bruised.  “why did you try to kiss me?” Y/N was shocked, horrified even, at the prospect. Aegon was her best friend, she couldn’t even imagine looking at him in that light. it was Aegon, he was simply too familiar for her.
Aegon raised his hands out as if the answer was obvious. “you said it yourself you wanted to have your first kiss!”. Y/N’s nose scrunched up, “not with you!”.
“well how was I supposed to get that! Fuck me, I’ll never understand you women”
“‘you women?’” at that, Y/N couldn’t help but laugh. This scene before her, this response by her best friend was too ridiculous. Yet, she noted as she offered a hand to help him back up which he grumblingly took, this was very much in character for Aegon. She knew he always wanted to help her, he might not have always understood how to go about it, but his heart was in the right place.
“I don’t need you to fix it, aegon.” She affably told him, a faint grateful smile on her face for her friend’s valiant effort nonetheless. “yeah, no-shit, because there’s nothing to fix. You’re not broken, Y/N.” Y/N didn’t know that she needed to hear those words until Aegon said it and it felt as if a burden was lifted off her shoulders.
“Don’t get me wrong. Doing all this, the kissing and the more-than-kissing, it’s fun. Honestly it’s so, so much fun, like I can’t even—” “you wanna get to your point?” “–so it’s great and all but, not doing it doesn’t mean you’re any less for it. You’re still Y/N, you’ll always still be Y/N to me.”
The anxiety she had been feeling, the fear of being left behind and the worry about other’s judgement, even her own – it all started to look so small and insignificant when Aegon told her she was still the same to him. This was her only constant in life, this bond between her and Aegon, the one person she couldn’t hide who she was from. In that moment, she felt glad to have him by her side.
“Besides if you were ever truly that desperate, you could always just try Jace. he’s had a thing for you like forever” Aegon revealed, rolling his eyes in apparent annoyance of the fact. Y/N though, couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Jace… has a thing for me?” The thought of it seemed to please her, she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear as a red blush started to creep onto her cheeks once more.
Aegon looked disgusted at her response, and grimaced, “yeah okay, no need to flatter yourself too much …. It’s Jace.” He stuck his tongue out at the distaste of the thought of his best friend with his nephew. Y/N didn’t pay him any attention, having taken to doodling hearts in the margins of her notebook while engrossed in thought. Aegon immediately regretted having said anything, snatching the notebook from under her hand, “alright are we going to do some biology or what?”
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Age 17
Y/N had been fast asleep when the familiar sound of pebbles against her window awoke her. she looked at the time on the watch as it read 2:17 am, quickly rising from her bed. there was only one person who had to be out there, and she knew why too. her heart sank, knowing already that aegon must have had another fight with his father. she opened the window and as expected, aegon targaryen precariously balanced his steps on the tree branch just outside.
"aegon, what are you doing? It's late," she whispered-shouted, trying not to wake her parents but already held out a hand to help him in. "Needed to see you," he slurred, his breath reeking of alcohol. She wanted to chide him for endangering himself by climbing up so high when he’d drunk so much, but looking at his condition she decided to stay quiet. He climbed into her room, stumbling slightly as he landed. Y/N caught his arm, steadying him. "You've been drinking again," she said, more as a statement than a question.
aegon’s normally sparkling blue eyes were unfocused, his silver hair dishevelled. He'd grown taller of late, she missed the days when she could stand shoulder to shoulder with him. she now had to look up at him, as she put one of his arms around her shoulder to guide him towards the bed as his own steps fumbled.
“He doesn’t get it, Y/N. None of them do. To him, nothing i've done or will do matters for shit. i'm just not the son he wanted. he regrets me, i can see it in his eyes, I—”  a sob escaped his throat, cutting him off mid-sentence.
She gently sat him down on the edge of her bed, his weight pressing down on the soft mattress.  As she looked into his sad, bloodshot eyes, she harboured such hatred for Viserys as she thought impossible for anyone else to hold. she kneeled down in front of him, her heart breaking to see him so.
"I know, i know. But you can’t keep doing this, aegon. If you keep drinking like this, you could seriously hurt yourself one of these days." and she didn't think she could survive that.
she reached out to hold his hands in her own. "You don't have to do this alone. I'm here for you. Always." if aegon heard her, he gave no indication, instead staring at their intertwined hands.
"can I crash here tonight?" he suddenly asked, looking more innocent than she'd ever seen him as he lifted his eyes to look up at her. Gone was the bravado and arrogance that was usual of him, even expected. In that moment he looked more lost than ever, and was looking to her as if she was his only hope for shelter.
she knew her parents wouldn't be thrilled about this impromptu sleepover, but then again she'd never had the ability to deny him anything. "of course," she tenderly smiled.
he kicked off his shoes and moved back up the bed, still holding onto her hand, pulling her with him. he lied down on her pillow, refusing to let go of her hand as he closed his eyes to fall asleep. he looked so peaceful, Y/N couldn’t help but reach out her free hand to run it through his hair in admiration. She wasn’t blind, she knew how handsome he looked, causing the girls to flock to him like moths to a flame. But his looks were just an objective fact to her, she never found herself attracted to him in the same way as the girl at school. But somehow in the pale moonlight, he looked more beautiful than she’d ever seen him, and it caused her chest to swell overwhelmingly.
she looked down to notice he'd opened his eyes again. "Don't leave," he mumbled, his voice thick with exhaustion.
"I won't" she promised, pulling the blanket over them both. he nodded in satisfaction of her reply, nestling against the crook of her neck, his breathing evening out as he drifted into a fitful sleep.
Sleep evaded Y/N though, on the one hand she was wracked with worry over Aegon and his drinking habits, on the other.... she could feel his breath tickling her neck, as his one hand held her own while his other wrapped around her waist, his feet entangled with hers. his body pressed to her own under the covers, making the cramped space on her single bed too hot. Aegon had never been this physically close to her, this vulnerable. she thought how his safe space, the place he ran to when he wanted an escape was her, same as he was for her. it had always been this way, yet, in the darkness of the night she sensed something had shifted between them. she couldn't name it yet, though.
The next morning, when the first light of dawn seeped through the curtains, aegon stirred. He blinked, confusion clouding his eyes at his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was the familiar face inches from his own "Y/N?" Y/N merely hummed in response, only now starting to stir awake. "what... how did i get here?" he asked looking around the room, startled. He lifted his head as he realised he was all but laid out on top of her, before moving away to lay on his back. He looked down to find his hand had cramped from holding onto hers all night, immediately releasing it. Y/N rubbed the sleep from her eyes as she responded, "what d'you mean?"
"i mean what am i doing in your bed at the crack of dawn." aegon looked earnestly confused, Y/N realised, which worried her.  "You came here last night," she slowly replied, watching his face carefully. "You were drunk. Do you remember?"
aegon frowned, rubbing his temples. "No... I don't." he suddenly looked at Y/N, "Did I do something... did we...?" he motioned to the space between them, his brow raised. Y/N sat up from her bed in alarm, "oh, no, nothing. of course not." she reassured him. she tried not to look too wounded at his relieved expression "good, good." he nodded, staring up at the ceiling.
"you had a fight with your dad and wanted to crash here. do you not remember coming up here last night?" "I don't remember anything really. last thing I do remember is opening one of the bottles from the wine cellar and then" he shrugged. Lana frowned at his response, "Aegon, have you started blacking out?” her stomach tied itself in knots, feeling anxiety over this new development. But she felt as if she was the only one who understood the gravity of the situation.
she searched for any fear in aegon’s eyes, but only found apathy and disinterest. he seemed unconcerned, merely rolling onto his side and closing his eyes, lazily stretching himself out to get comfortable to fall back asleep.
“do you understand what that means? it means this is getting dangerous. This is no longer all for a good time, Egg.” She attempted again, this time raising her voice to catch his attention. It seemed to fall on deaf ears.
"wake me up for lunch, yeah?" he yawned, drifting back to slumber within minutes.
A wave of anger washed over her, she wanted to knock him off her bed or  hit him with a pillow in frustration over his own self-destructive ways. Did he not understand the ending he was currently headed towards? Did he not care how this going to affect him, affect her? She was tired of being the only safety harness keeping him held back when all he seemed to want to do was jump into the abyss.
“fucking… suit yourself.” She stormed off the bed to head out of her room, shutting the door behind her loudly.
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unforth · 7 months
I had a day off yesterday.
And I can already practically hear the assumptions that such a statement is prompting the reader to make. Those assumptions are wrong. I don't mean I didn't work. I did, for about 8 hours. That's not at all what I mean.
I mean my wife took the kids out at 9:30, spent the night with her mom, isn't back yet the next morning.
There are things I NEED people on this website to understand about parenting. And I've talked about it before, and I'll talk about it again, because honestly the way that Tumblr as a cohort talks about parents makes me sick. Multiple polls have shown that only about 2% of people on here are parents. We're a huge minority, and we're constantly talked over, ignored, or accused of being bad parents (like, personally, I have had people reply to my comments or come on to my posts and tell me I shouldn't have my kids). In my case, being a parent means I'm almost 41, I'm married to @ramblingandpie, and our children are inching up on being 8 and 6 years old.
My entire day, and therefore my entire life, revolves around them. I'm up most mornings at 5 AM, because that's the earliest they're "allowed" to wake up, and so my brain just defaults to being awake around then - better to wake up before them, at least then I get a few minutes in the morning. Between 5 and 7, I sit with them, do my social media, work on side blogs, study Chinese. Then it's helping them get ready for school, then my wife or I or both get them on the bus, and then I work until the last possible minute, which is either when I need to go pick them up for an after school activity or when I need to go down and meet them off the bus. My afternoons are after school activities, chores such as washing the dishes and cleaning up toys, talking with them, working with them, playing with them. Their bedtime starts at 7:40, and my son gets scared if I leave before he falls asleep so I sit with him until about 8:15. As soon as he's asleep, I go fall on my face, sleep as best I can, then wake up and do it again. Overnight, it's hard to sleep deeply, because about once a week someone will wake up in the middle of the night and need help. That could be as minimal as a hug or as complex as having to completely change the bedding on a bunk bed at 2 AM while also comforting a child who is afraid they'll be in trouble, or afraid they're sick, or afraid of their nightmare, or, or, or. Further, if a child is awake, there is always noise. I usually study Chinese with two or more competing sources of noise. I read the same way. My life is loud, and active, and consists of constant interruptions.
I adore my family, and I love my children, but this is terrible for me.
I do all of this as an neurodivergent introvert. My clinical depression is at least medicated, mostly because post-partum depression after I gave birth the first time nearly drove me to suicidal in under a week (we were expecting this and were prepared, fortunately, getting help was as simple as a phone call). The constant noise and interruptions and forced socialibility are about the worst combination of home-life I could be subjected to. I spend far too many early mornings just breathing deeply and gearing myself up to be subjected to the wall of Loud, Boisterous, Needing-My-Attention that is every minute when anyone else in the house is awake.
So what did my day off look like?
I helped get the kids ready to go and did some morning chores. I'd been up at 4:30 AM so I also had already social media'd and studied. Then, while my wife finished the preparations, I started work, and I worked from about 8 am to about 4 pm, straight. I didn't get hungry so didn't bother stopping for lunch. No one interrupted me, no one asked me to look at anything they'd built, no one broke my concentration, no sounds could be heard except those I'd chosen myself.
I'd been out the day before at a local shopping street and listened closely to the things the kids said they wanted, so at 4 I grabbed a couple orders I needed to ship for work and drove to our local downtown, dropped the orders in a post box, then went back to the shops and did some Christmas shopping in the 45 minutes or so before everything closed. I think I'm basically done with what we'll get them - other bigger things will be left to grand parents - so that's a load off, I literally had a stress dream earlier this week about it being 12/24 and having forgotten to do the shopping and having to go to (oh horrors) the mall on the day before Christmas. (Reminder: I'm a Jewish atheist. It's just virtually impossible not to Holiday in the Culturally Christian Hellscape that is the US. Also, my wife is Christian. So.) Found something cute for my wife, too, even tho I already know the main thing I'm getting her. Then, I realized - one of my favorite restaurants is on that block. So. I went there. I sat by myself at a table, only the indistinct restaurant hubbub around me. I read four or five chapters of my book, and ate a savory crepe, and drank lovely fruit tea, and got a scone to-go that I'll eat for lunch today. It was more than I probably should have spent on myself - about $25, including tip - but fuck it. I only get maybe a handful of days off all year, and I'm allowed to indulge a little.
Then I came home. There were no lights on. There was no noise. I had considered doing some more merch work while watching TV on the actual television (my kids are too young for subtitled shows, so usually if I want to watch My Shows I either have to do it on my computer when they're not around, or put them on and read all the subtitles aloud while trying to keep up and process the actual meaning of what I'm reading). But when I got back, the quiet and dark was so goddamn NICE that instead I curled up on the couch and read more of my book. I did that until bedtime - still about 8:15, because I'm exhausted. Then...I went to bed. And I slept long and deep, knowing that there was no chance I'd be interrupted and woken up, I didn't have to be, even in sleep, alert to every noise and possibility that I'd be needed.
I'm still exhausted and burned out, but even one night to myself felt really, really nice.
Saying "Tumblr does X" as a universal statement is doomed to failure, but generally speaking, the parenting posts I see on Tumblr, the ones with tens or hundreds of thousands of notes, speak what's apparently widely seen as a truism on here: that unless someone wants to spend 24/7 with their kids, to be 100% emotionally available at all times, is always kind and patient and perfect, they are a bad parent, maybe even abusive. I remember when covid started, there were multiple posts actively mocking the "oh god, my kids are now home all the time, how am I supposed to do this?" attitude that a lot of parents posted in despair. WhY dId YoU hAvE kIdS iF yOu DoN't WaNt To SpEnD tImE wItH tHeM?
Look at what my usual day looks like.
Look at what my day off looked like.
Do you really think I don't want to spend time with my kids? Do you really think I don't love my kids?
But I'm not a fucking MACHINE. I'm a PERSON. That's what people on Tumblr seem to forget. PARENTS ARE PEOPLE. The same tumblrinas who post ~uwu be kind to yourself rest if you need to, you should forgive yourself for that mistake you made~ will turn around, with zero sense of irony, and post "you're a bad parent if you ever raise your voice around a child."
Expecting parents to be perfect means expecting parents to be inhuman. It also means that a parent can't be poor (can't spend all your time being the perfect parent if you have to work multiple jobs or weird hours!), can't be introverted (can't be a perfect parent if you're not completely emotional available, god forbid socializing is exhausting for you), can't be on the ADHD or autism spectrum (what do you mean you forgot to get your kid to a doctor's appointment once? what do you mean over-stimulation can make you angry? how dare you get angry at a kid!), can't be depressed (gotta get out of bed every single day, gotta always be upbeat, patient, happy, or else that's Evil), can't be (like my wife) physically disabled (what do you mean your hands hurt too much to hold a child's hand? are you denying them touch?? CRUEL). And when the only answer you can offer to that is, "if you can't be that perfect you shouldn't be a parent," then you're saying people who aren't middle class to wealthy, people who aren't neurotypical, people who aren't physically able, shouldn't have children.
And honestly...what the fuck is your problem?
I'm not perfect. I tell my kids to just leave me alone sometimes. I raise my voice, especially when one of my kids starts punching the other, but also sometimes just cause I'm exhausted and Can't Anymore. I've forgotten an appointment by accident and felt like a total fucking idiot, and I've skipped an after school activity because I just wasn't up for taking them. I've served them more unbalanced, unhealthy meals than I can count. I've made many, many mistakes, but I've also done my best, and I love my kids, and I hope that when they grow up, they'll still love me even as they recognize that I wasn't perfect, just as I've come to accept my own parents' short-comings while still loving them very much. They're people, too, and the older I get, the more I understand where they were coming from.
When I fuck up, I apologize.
When they tell me they're unhappy with something I've done, I apologize, and I try to do better. Sometimes I even succeed.
This shit is hard, yo. And it's getting harder every year.
I'm BEGGING Tumblr: you need to start seeing parents as people. The way y'all talk about parenting on here is toxic, and genuinely harmful, and frankly exhausting. You have no idea what the reality of raising kids is like, and you need to shut the entire fuck up.
I had a day off yesterday.
I might get one more before the end of 2023.
I already can't wait. I am so, so, so tired. sigh
(if you actually read this whole rant and even a single word of it resonated for you, please reblog it. I'm tired of never seeing positive posts about parenting while I see negative ones with a bajillion notes.)
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c-m-stuff · 6 months
Secret Santa
Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
-Description: You and Spencer are together. It's secret Santa time.
-Warnings: Fluffiness
-Word count: 1157
-Note: A sweet fic for the upcoming holidays. Do you guys love Christmas as much as me?🎄🎁
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'That was delicious, Dave.' JJ complimented the Italian man, the whole team agreeing.
'You really went all out this year.'
'Of course, I went all out. It's Christmas Eve for God's sake.' he replied, while we all laughed.
'My favorite was the wiiiiine.' Penelope giggled, as she poured herself another glass of wine, causing everyone to chuckle.
It became a tradition to all celebrate Christmas Eve at David's place. It was nice, spending time together without standing next to a dead body. Another tradition was secret Santa. The game you pull blindly a name out of a bowl to thereafter buy a Christmas present for that person. I've always loved it.
'Calm down with the wine, baby girl. We don't want a re-do of last year, when you all told us what's in the presents, before we got to actually open them.'
I giggled at Derek's statement, as I felt someone sitting on the couch next to me. Looking up, it was my genius boyfriend.
After pinning at one another for almost a year, the pretty boy himself admitted his feelings and asked me out for a date. The situation it happened wasn't the normal one, though. It was the end of a workday at the BAU, as the elevator suddenly decided to stop working. While we were in it! After panicking at first, and calling the team, we got stuck for a good hour. Which let us to admit our feelings for one another, all while curled up on the elevator floor. After that, time went on, and so did the dates. And, then there was one special moment were he asked me to be his girlfriend. I am still thankful for that elevator to stop working on that special day.
'It's secret Santa time!' David announced, and everyone went to grab their presents from under the Christmas tree, before heading to the comfortable couch.
JJ pulled Emily's name and bought her a gift card from a nice clothing shop and a tequila bottle. Emily got Aaron and decided to gift him with a black coat and a reading light for if he goes over paperwork in bed. Aaron drew Derek's name and bought him two tickets to a football game and a new tool belt for when he is renovating homes. Derek got David and gifted him new cooking equipment and a bottle of 30 years old scotch. David pulled Penelope's name and decided to gift her a pair of beautiful, pink heels and two tickets to a theater play. Penelope got JJ and presented her with a gorgeous necklace she's been talking about buying but never got around to and a mock with a text saying: "I'm a mom, what's your superpower?".
As everyone was done gifting the other their presents, they all realized Spencer and I drew each others names, considering we're the only ones left.
'Of course the two love birds got each other.' Derek commented, a grin plastered on his face. Although, it didn't went unnoticed by me when Derek winked at JJ, who was already grinning by herself. Then, it hit me that JJ was the one who was in charge of the bowl full of names.
'Okay, pretty girl, you first.' Derek said, as I gave my present to Spencer.
I watched as he carefully tore the wrapping paper off, revealing the first edition copy of the book The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury.
'No (Y/N), you did not!' he exclaimed, enthusiastic.
'How did you- Where did you-' he looked flabbergasted and guilty at the same time.
'You didn't have to, I would have been fine with a gift card from the book store. This must have costed you a fortune.'
'Ahh, not quite, genius. Well, I was last helping my grandparents with moving out. They're going to live in an apartment instead of a way too big house, like I told you. And, surprisingly, I found the book on the attic amongst some other books. I got it for free.' he kept staring at me in shock, still flabbergasted. He instantly wrapped me into a greatful hug, pressing multiple kisses on my head.
'Thank you. Thank you so much!'
'That's not all, pretty boy. Open the book.' I told him, as he did. A gift card from the bookstore revealed. Everyone laughed at the earlier mention of a gift card for books, as Spencer once again thanked me with words and a hug.
Then, he gave me a gift bag, covered with Christmas trees. I took the first thing I felt and tore off the wrapping paper. It revealed a stunning vintage camera. My eyes widened, admiring the, in my eyes, piece of art. I've always adored polaroid photos.
'I remembered you saying that you really wanted one. You wanted to capture moments like these, and that you loved the reality of the photos because you have only one shot.'
'Thank you so much! It's amazing!' I pressed him in a tight hug, before he spoke again:
'There's more, though.'
We ended the hug, as I reached for the bag and took the other present out. I was quick in ripping of the wrapping paper, seeing it was a beautiful notebook. He clearly knows my love for notebooks and this one was covered with blue butterflies. Absolutely gorgeous.
'Thank you! I love it!' once again, we shared a tight hug, as Spencer whispered something in my ear.
'That's not everything.' I pulled back and looked at him with a surprised face.
'There is more?' he nodded, gave me the most sweetest smile, and went down on one knee. I gasped, tears already forming into my eyes.
'(Y/N), you're the best thing that ever happened to me. Since the first day I met you, you were nothing but kind, you listened always to my rambling, and you made me a better person. I love you for for being you. You are beautiful, inside and outside. (Y/N), you are my future. Make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?' I was still shocked and couldn't believe this was happening. My soulmate was proposing. I couldn't be more happy.
'YES! YES, I WILL!' I flew in his arms, everyone cheering and clapping.
Tears were now fully pouring out of my eyes, and it wasn't different for Spencer. My fiancé. It felt so good using that word.
'And, I can't wait for you to be my husband.'
'I can't wait for you to be my wife.' he whispered in my ear, as I did the same with him.
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adore-laur · 7 months
— a series of firsts from the dadrry universe 🩵
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The First Hunch
Intuition seemed to follow Harry around the house like a ghostly shadow.
The irregular morning sickness could have been entirely coincidental. Still, the moment you lost the hopeless battle of keeping your eyes open and eventually drifted off beside him was the indisputable sign he had been seeking. You, the person he knew like the back of his hand, were succumbing to a nap before dinner. The notably rare occurrence was a spectacle to behold, and he didn't move a single muscle except for his heart, which wildly thumped in his chest at the mere thought of it being true.
You had to be pregnant. No other conclusion could be drawn.
When you awoke an hour later in an evening daze with mellow light from the sunset casting a silhouette of the open shutters on your face, Harry found it amusing how disoriented your expression was. It was almost as if you were astonished at how your body managed to do a simple human function, such as letting yourself fall asleep. He gazed down at you and raised his eyebrows with an unspoken assumption of what you had been so futilely denying.
"Don't say anything," you said through a yawn before he could make a witty comment.
Harry kissed your forehead and knowingly smiled against it. "Just take a test, love. There's no use in putting it off any longer."
"I'm scared,” you mumbled.
"Why?" he asked softly, wrapping a comforting arm around your shoulders. You rubbed your tired eyes while sinking into his embrace. "We've talked about how much we want this."
"It's still scary.”
Harry swallowed thickly. Hell, he was scared too. Priorities shift monumentally once a baby is born and brought home to be raised for eighteen years. How did a person even go about preparing for that enormous responsibility? It was always nice to fantasize about until the harsh realities of parenthood caused him to spiral mentally.
"Well," he said with a loving pinch to your cheek, "I think it's a girl."
You grinned into the sleeve of his sweatshirt. "Have you been reading up on things already?"
"Maybe," he mused. Setting his feet on the ottoman, he continued, "Look at me for a second." You did, and he absentmindedly stroked his thumb across your stomach. "Tell me that you don't think you're pregnant."
A wary pause ensued. Your unintentional signals were as clear as day.
"I think I am," you whispered.
"For real?"
"Harry, you're the one who's so confident that I am."
"I know, but... do you actually feel like there's a baby?" His palms turned clammy when he said it out loud. "It's your body. I'm just guessing based on mom blogs I read online."
You pursed your lips, then replied, "What else could it be? My period was supposed to start two weeks ago. And I've been nauseated recently."
"Do you want to take a test soon?" he asked, trying to steady his ragged breathing.
You nodded briskly. "Sure. I'll buy some after work tomorrow."
"Promise me," he pleaded, a slight impatience taking over him of wanting—no, needing—to confirm it once and for all.
"I promise. We'll find out this week." You were deliberately quiet for a moment before you asked, "Why do you think it's a girl?"
Harry immediately perked up and held his pointer finger in the air. "An old wives' tale claims that—"
"Stop right there," you interrupted with a hand to his chest.
"No, hear me out." He laughed contagiously and cradled your cheeks. "They say if you crave sweets, then it's a girl. Remember when you begged me to make cinnamon rolls for breakfast a couple of days ago? I had to go to the store for more milk because you were on the verge of tears."
You narrowed your eyes. "Everyone gets cravings, though. It doesn't mean they're pregnant. Or that it's a girl."
He frowned and said, "You're starting to sound like you don't want to be pregnant."
"I do," you replied frantically, kissing his precious pout. "I do, Harry. I want a baby with you more than anything."
"Then let's find out. There's nothing to be afraid of."
The First Heartbeat 
Boundless possibilities could either leave you in a state of serenity or in absolute shambles. The thin paper on the exam table crunched under you when you shifted restlessly for the umpteenth time, your jittery limbs bouncing with each second that noisily ticked by on the clock. With your shirt bunched up to your ribcage, you awaited the gel that would be spread on your stomach. The skin there had become a little firmer during the previous week, yet somehow pudgier.
Harry stood next to you, his face visibly flushed with an equal amount of anxiousness. He looked around the room with observant eyes, scanning the daunting equipment and colorful pamphlets that presented themselves to eager parents-to-be.
He got off work early and rushed to the hospital to meet you, still in the grubby clothes he wore in the restaurant kitchen. You noticed his fingernails were bitten raw when he grabbed your elbow and leaned in for a kiss. Gentle and nervous smiles had been exchanged before the two of you walked down the hallway toward the elevators, your arms looped around his waist.
As the ultrasound gel was applied with an icy sensation that made you jolt, you held your breath and locked eyes with your husband.
"Is it cold?" he whispered, wringing his hands together.
"Yeah," you answered just as quietly.
The room was so still, you could probably hear a pin drop. You inhaled deeply when the doctor moved the transducer wand around your lower stomach. Harry cleared his throat and broke eye contact with you to watch the computer screen that displayed a blurry black-and-white view of your womb. It was strange to see the inside of your body, and even more strange to know a baby was growing in there.
After a painstaking moment, the device finally picked up on the most beautiful, muffled heartbeat. It wasn't your own, and it wasn't Harry's—it was your baby's. A lub-dub rhythm that was your responsibility to bring into the world.
Harry whistled in amazement and pressed two shaky fingers against his lips. He glanced between you and the screen several times before touching his heart and rubbing the spot. A reaction took over him that you had never seen before. Tears welled in his eyes, and a transfixed smile dimpled his cheeks. A sentimental ache bloomed in your chest, caused by love for him and his vulnerability.
"They've got a very strong and healthy heartbeat," said the doctor while adjusting the screen monitor.
You stared at the ultrasound that showed a blob with no distinguishable features or anatomy, yet it was somehow part of you and part of the man you lived and breathed for.
"Harry, look," you said through an emotionally tightened throat.
He crouched beside you and sniffled. "I see, sweetheart."
"How far along am I?" you asked the doctor, blindly reaching for Harry's hand.
"Around eight weeks," they told you, clicking their pocket pen and writing down information. "As for your due date, you guys will be looking forward to early November!"
Harry clutched your hand, leaving a prolonged kiss on your knuckles. "An autumn baby," he murmured against your skin. He then turned his attention to the doctor and asked, "Can we please have copies of the ultrasound pictures to hang on the fridge at home?"
The timing was perfect. The color of the leaves would change the same way your lives would change together. It would be a season filled with pure bliss and a turning of the tide. The end of the year would give you a love you could cherish forever.
The First Cry 
"Is she breathing?"
It was the first string of words that tumbled from Harry's mouth after you gave birth. Babies were supposed to cry once they came into the world. Why wasn't she crying? Where were the shrieks he had prepared for months to hear?
Nurses crowded around you as she was pulled out all the way and set on your chest, her squirming body sensitive to the air. It was beautiful chaos happening in slow motion. Harry felt like he was floating outside of his body, feeling a surreal concoction of confusion, euphoria, and hysteria.
"W-what... why isn't she crying?" you asked breathlessly. Your body was shaking due to the immediate shift in hormones.
Two nurses roughly rubbed your daughter with towels until she gurgled a high-pitched wail. Relief, relief, relief. Nothing could quite encapsulate Harry's raw emotion when he heard that sound come from a fresh pair of baby lungs. It was piercingly loud and overwhelming, yet heavenly to his ears.
Harry stepped forward with a wide smile. "There she is," he said, his voice scratchy. "She's here, love. She's breathing."
Your hands, wavering and sweaty, cautiously cupped your daughter's fragile figure. With that first maternal touch, you broke down with a cascading waterfall of tears.
"Hi, baby girl," you cried happily. "Shh, it's okay. You scared us for a second."
Eyes glossy, lips trembling, and heart growing tenfold, Harry was lost in admiration. The scene surrounding him was a mess, and it was merely an afterthought in his mind. He had never been so mesmerized by someone except for the day he married you. Even so, this was a different type of love—one that had flourished over nine months and was now a tangible fondness lasting for eternity.
Absent nods and weak affirmations were given to the nurse's questions thrown his way. The bubble he was in simply couldn't be popped. You scooted over on the hospital bed so he could sit next to you while they suctioned his daughter's tiny mouth, nose, and ears. Her cries were still going strong, and Harry soaked them in as he smoothed over the back of her small head with his hand. She had a decent amount of hair, courtesy of his genes, and something about that realization broke the dam behind his eyes.
When he blearily looked at your awestruck face, he knew he had made the right choice. The mother of his baby girl. And, if he got lucky, a couple other bundles of joy as well. It had to be you. No one else made him feel as complete as you did.
"We had a baby," you whispered in disbelief, staring at him with eyes rapt in wonder.
Through his tears, Harry laughed with astonishment. "It was all you. Do you hear me? All you." He kissed your dewy cheekbone. "I'm so grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you."
You exhaled heavily and murmured, "I'm starving."
"When we get home, I'm going to cook you the best damn meal you've ever had in your life."
The First Smile 
Harry entered the sunlit nursery with dragging movements similar to those of a zombie. He had only one sock on, and the staticky-sounding baby monitor was tucked under his armpit.
That morning, a whopping four hours of interrupted sleep was the new record. The days and nights blended together like watercolor on wet paper, and no amount of espresso shots or afternoon naps could cure his poor, sleep-deprived soul. His circadian rhythm had now changed to a cadence of chaos, and there was nothing he could do about it. The millisecond he became a dad, a certain little someone shifted to the number one spot on his list of priorities.
After turning on the lamp in the corner of the room and setting the baby monitor down, Harry leaned against the bassinet and let his baby girl's subsiding cries wake him up just like a freshly brewed pot of coffee would. They made him feel sad, but if getting up at the same time as the sun meant they could be soothed somehow (and that you could get more shut-eye), then he would do it over and over again.
Harry eventually reached down to pull his daughter's tiny body against his bare chest. It made his heart swell to see how she always calmed in his arms. "Already up and at 'em, huh?" he rasped, giving her his knuckle to suckle on since the whereabouts of her pacifier were unknown. She cooed and looked at him with curious eyes that resembled yours. "Why are you so precious all the time? Got me so wrapped around your finger that I couldn't possibly be mad at you for waking me up this early."
She kicked her legs outward, apparently a happy camper now that she had some love from her dad. Harry shook his head in amusement. "Were those fake cries?" he accused lightheartedly.
Once he changed her diaper and stole a few minutes of snuggles before she started becoming fussy again, his next destination was the kitchen, where most mornings began as a new family of three. Opening the fridge decorated with baby pictures galore and a calendar scribbled full of upcoming postpartum appointments, he grabbed the first bag of breast milk he saw and then took an empty baby bottle out of the dishwasher so he could make her breakfast. He honestly couldn't remember the last time he had the energy to cook himself a nourishing meal before noon.
Harry attempted to screw on the cap of the bottle using only one hand since his other was being occupied by a hungry, babbling baby. His face grew hot with frustration when the cap kept resisting being twisted, and it definitely didn't help when the bottle tipped straight over, causing valuable milk to spill onto the counter. Nice going, idiot. That wasn't good at all. He dreaded delivering the news to you, especially considering you recently told him how pumping felt like an extreme sport.
"Well, that's just wonderful," he muttered while looking down at his daughter, wholly prepared for her to literally cry over spilled milk.
But no, she didn't cry. Instead, she smiled at him for the first time. A gummy, wonky baby smile that woke him right up.
Harry gasped in surprise and completely forgot about the milk mishap, his heart pounding. "Are you smiling at me? Holy sh- I mean, shoot. We have to show your mom. Wait, she's sleeping. Um, okay, hold on." He aimlessly scanned the kitchen for his phone. "Keep smiling, okay? I need to take a picture of this."
He abandoned the 'no phone around the baby' rule and rounded the corner of the island. In the process, he accidentally hit his side on the corner, causing him to stifle a groan. His clumsiness made his daughter smile even wider, along with a noise that could be interpreted as a giggle if he believed hard enough. And if he looked close enough, he could make out two miniature dimples indenting her cheeks.
He picked up his phone, and with the rays of the golden sunrise dancing over her happy face, he snapped a picture while his face beamed behind the camera. "Look at you," he cooed, pressing the capture button repeatedly. "Is my struggling funny to you? Hmm? Just wait until mommy sees this. She'll freak out."
After he put his phone away, which now had nineteen new keepsakes in its photo album, he observed her a little longer. At that moment, a sudden realization dawned on him.
His daughter's smile looked a lot like his own.
The First Year 
Hot wax dripped from the candle in the shape of the number one, making a black mark on the cake's blue fondant. It took the combined respiratory strength of three people to blow the puny flame out. Afterward, there was a brief pause in the festivities to settle a crying baby because it escaped Harry's adult mind that babies don't know how candles—or birthdays in general—work.
The cake was made with admirable precision, which he somehow pulled off using his amateur cake-decorating skills from ages ago. Piped seashells made from buttercream frosting sat atop the circular cake, and a message of Happy Birthday was spelled out in dainty cursive icing. A graham cracker and sugar concoction caressed the bottom edges to resemble sand, and an impressive starfish cookie rested against the side. She wouldn't remember the cake, or the day, for that matter, but Harry definitely would.
Once the slices were eaten, it was time to clean up for the night. The cheap chandelier hanging over the kitchen table shined upon a dirty mess of paper plates and plastic utensils and opened presents containing toys aplenty.
"I need a shower," you told him, an exhausted sputter leaving your lips after you threw all the crumpled napkins away. "Do you mind cleaning the rest?"
"Not at all. C'mere." Harry loosely grabbed your elbow and pulled you toward him, smacking a vanilla-flavored kiss onto your mouth. "Love you. Go relax."
You thumbed away some frosting on his chin. "Don't put her to bed without me, okay?"
He smiled softly and stole another kiss, slower this time. "I won't. We're actually planning on partying all night."
You just laughed and made your way upstairs. Harry took it upon himself to clean the kitchen until it was spotless for you. He had been genuinely trying to help more around the house since motherhood is not easy on the body and mind. Taking an extra load off your shoulders was the least he could do as part of his lifelong repayment for giving him the most extraordinary experience imaginable.
After every surface was scoured clean, he walked over to his daughter and kneeled, observing her childlike wonder as she smeared frosting on the tray of her highchair. Curious eyes distracted, he felt a crashing wave of emotion wash over him. It just didn't seem possible that an entire year had already passed by. Wasn't it just yesterday that he unbuckled her from her car seat and showed her around her forever home? Didn't her newborn fingers curl instinctively around his thumb whenever he pressed it to her palm? Hadn't she only been something he dreamed about with you?
If he thought about it too much, he'd start weeping.
"Stop growing, please," Harry said while scrubbing her sticky fingers with a baby wipe. "I know you need to, but it's killing me inside."
She looked up at the sound of his voice. "Da da da da," she babbled, her fists excitedly hitting the tray and becoming dirty again.
He sighed and decided to give her a sink bath before bedtime. "Yes, I'm your dad. And you need to listen to him when he tells you to stop growing, yeah?"
"No!" Her new favorite word was spoken shamelessly, and Harry couldn't help but chuckle.
"All right, little lady. Keep breaking my heart, then."
She raised her arms. "Up."
After standing with a huff, Harry lifted her in the air and shook her body playfully until she let out an infectious burst of giggles. Tickles came next, an innocent attack on her belly as she squirmed over his shoulder. He held onto her kicking legs and stomped up the stairs dramatically, making a right turn into the master bedroom. A gentle toss on the bed had her giggling even louder.
"An entire year of loving you," he said, kissing her cheeks repeatedly. "Happy birthday, lovebug."
The Last Night 
There used to be a time when her legs couldn't wrap all the way around Harry's waist because they were simply too short. What were once chunky baby legs that happily kicked against his rib cage turned into toddler ones that kicked because they wanted to run free.
No more holding her sideways while she fit like a puzzle piece in the crook of his elbow. No more swaddling her tightly in a blanket after a midnight meltdown. No more tummy time, carrying her in a sling, or being there to catch her whenever she tried to walk on her own. Her dependence was slipping away.
Time was slipping away even faster.
Often, he looked back on all the moments he had taken for granted with his firstborn. Those screeching cries that wouldn't stop no matter what left him with a daylong migraine and maybe a side of tears. Those tantrums left him feeling defeated and on edge, only to end with her just wanting to be held by him. Those summer evenings on the beach, only him and her lying on a blanket and watching the sun go down while he answered all her nonsensical questions about the world around her.
Tomorrow, the date circled on the calendar's December page would allow Harry to relive those moments. However, it would be with an entirely new person he's never met. It'd be undeniably different—an accustomed bond to be formed and a shift in dynamics to adjust to. The challenge of keeping two humans safe instead of one.
Was he ready for that?
"Are you ready to be a big sister?" Harry asked the tiresome, limp child in his arms. He might as well pass off the question to someone unaware of it all.
He laughed at the confidence with which she answered. "I understand. It's a huge responsibility, but you'll be a natural. That's what your mom told me before you were born."
She nodded slowly against his shoulder, most likely oblivious to what he said. "Wanna go night-night."
"I know." The weight of his soul sank, realizing time was ticking by faster than he'd like it to. "Let me hold you for a while longer. Is that okay?" Another nod. "You can fall asleep, darling. I promise I'll carry you to bed and tuck you in."
"Where's Mama?" she asked with her sweet, soft voice.
Harry rubbed soothing circles on her back, and tears stung behind his eyes for some reason. "She needs rest just like you do," he explained vaguely, not wanting to talk about the pre-labor pain you had been so gracefully pushing through the entire day. "Grandma's taking you to the park tomorrow, so you can't be cranky."
"Okay," she mumbled, approximately thirty seconds from a dream-filled sleep.
After swiping a finger down her button nose to get her eyes to flutter shut, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and steadily hiked up the staircase toward her room. He checked on you when he passed the master bedroom, finding you hunched over the bed and swaying through a contraction. It hurt to see you in such discomfort.
Harry opened the door to his daughter's bedroom, laid her in her toddler bed, and tucked the blanket around her body like he did every night. "Sleep well, sweetheart. Don't grow up overnight."
Her eyes popped open, and she was suddenly wide awake due to not being in his arms anymore. "'I'm not tired."
"You just said you wanted to go night-night!"
"Go to sleep, crazy girl," he told her, ruffling her hair. Your mom needs me right now. Can you tell your angels and fairies to make her feel better?"
She hummed an affirmation and settled down. Harry's lips twitched into a smile, and he spread his arms out in his unvoiced gesture of love. She immediately spread her arms out too.
"Love you this big," she said cutely.
"I love you even bigger," he replied, gently pinching her cheek.
Doubt, incompetence, and fear swirled in his stomach when he realized that, come tomorrow, he would no longer have his paternal attention solely focused on the little girl in front of him. His chest ached for her, knowing how hard it'd be to adjust to someone who required more nurture and care under the same roof. He'd just have to share his love, and his heart was more than capacious enough to manage that.
Before Harry turned off the lights, he confessed a secret that had only been shared between them. "You'll always be my biggest love."
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male-fictioner · 7 months
Pairing: DomTop!Liam Payne x Bottom!male reader x SoftTop!Niall Horan
Category: SMUT
Warnings: Gay sex, anal, blowjobs, smut, marking, overstimulation, multiple rounds, possessiveness, jealousy, DP, idk i'm probably missing something.
A/n: I hope I did just to the request. I got distracted and hence the backstory is more drawn out that the smut. I'm sorry 😭😭.
Word Count: 2.8k words
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Read at your own discretion.
"Will you be our boyfriend?" were not the words you were expecting to hear from the two people standing in front of you.
You were just surprised that these two hot guys want to be with you. You did not even realise when that happened or how that happened but you knew somehow you made them fall in love with you.
But all this started when you got famous. I mean how else would Liam Payne and Niall Horan even come to know about your existence.
You still vividly remember the first time you met them. Anyone who says that they are into guys and have never had a crush on one of the One Direction members then they are probably lying because how could you not. There is a whole variety to choose from.
And you certainly had your crushes on the guys in front of you. Asking you the question you always wanted to hear and hence you said, “YES! I would love to be your boyfriend.”
You always loved singing and always loved music. Being a musician, a singer has always been your dream. A dream you were ready to follow no matter what. So you started to write and record music at a very early age. You submitted it to various record houses.
Once you had graduated high school, you music journey began with a call that went like,
“Hello, am I talking to Mr. Y/n L/n?” said a guy with a low deep voice.
“Yes, who am I talking to?” you asked
“Mr. L/n, I am Robert Matthews from a2z record label. You have submitted your music to us, we would like to set up a meeting with you. We really think you have potential” 
You couldn’t believe your ears, someone liked your music? 
That meeting which you attended was the best thing that had ever happened to you. They had really liked your music and they were interested to sign you. You almost signed the contract that very moment but thought it was better if you actually consulted some people who had more knowledge than you. 
You were barely an adult and this was a huge step to take. So after some careful consideration you decided to sign on with them. 
But you didn't get the instant gratification you were hoping for when you worked vigorously for a whole year just to get an album. It took time to figure out what your sound will be. How you want your music to be. You also needed a lot of help to write your lyrics and everything. 
But after this year, your debut album was released. Save for some singles released by you over the course of the year to introduce you to your audience, this was really a big step for you. 
And this is where your life turns upside down. After the release of your album, a lot of people got to know you. Of Course you were no chart- breaking success but your album did well to get you invited to music events and also get you nominated for awards. 
You had Niall Horan to thank for some of your success too. On your post about releasing your album, there was a like by NIALL FREAKING HORAN and you were literally screaming when you got a COMMENT by him that went like,
Congratulations on your debut. You sound amazing.’
And this literally got you the free promotion you could have never even asked for.
After wondering what to reply, you just sent a ‘Thank you so much.’ But not without sending him a quick dm. 
And this is how you can say their friendship flourished and your old crush that he had stuffed somewhere deep inside reignited. After this, you and Niall talked a lot. Niall was a great mentor to you and helped you a lot with the journey. 
A few weeks later you were attending the Brits as you were nominated and supposed to perform. Niall was gonna be there and you both met each other at the show. You were a nervous wreck thinking thoughts of ruining your performance, not winning the show etc.  
This is when Niall introduced you to Liam Payne. You could not believe your eyes that he was actually in front of you. You wouldn’t be lying if you said that he was hotter in real life. All those muscles looked delectable. And what you had only thought about in your dreams, was actually happening. You were sitting across your crushes and having a conversation with them. It is actually surprising how you were calmly talking with them without choking on your tongue. 
The whole night, they kept you company and talked about all sorts of things to calm your nerves. They told you about their first experience and how they felt. That helped you somehow. Even though you did not win the award, your performance was amazing. And you received some applause for it too.
This meeting led you, Niall and Liam getting closer than before. You even decided to invite them to the opening show of your tour. While it was a small tour, it was very good for a budding artist. After the show, they took you out for dinner as a celebration. 
This led to you feeling comfortable with them and so did they. And hence they told you that they were dating each other for the past 4 years. You were surprised to say the least but very supportive of them. You told them that you are gay too and they were extremely supportive too. 
You guys had dinner with each other often and the media thought this was a mentor- mentee relationship. Which it was but you had wanted more. After finding out that they were together, you did not want to ruin their relationship and so you decided to distance yourself. Not directly but emotionally.
With this, he started to flirt with other people, hookup with them just trying to get himself over a relationship he never even had.
What he didn't know was that Niall and Liam also wanted him as much as he wanted them if not more.
Oblivious to your want being matched, you continued flirting with other people. When you went to an album release party of some famous singer, whose name you couldn't remember, you were flirting with someone you really didn’t care about. That’s when you spotted Liam and Niall talking at the other side.
“I’ll be back in 5 minutes.” you told the guy you were with and went to talk to the guys.
“Heyy I did not know you were going to be here. It’s such a good surprise.” you said hugging them.
You had some small talk and parted to go back to your hookup for the night. 
Little did you know, they had been looking at you all this time. Seeing how you were talking to some guy who wasn’t them. Getting close to him, hardly any space between you. Bodies pressed together, slow and sensual movements, whispers in each other's ears, those chaste kisses and how you laughed at his jokes. They were seeing everything and the only thought in their mind was, that should be us.
Your fingers grazed his bicep and other on his neck, while his being on your waist inching lower and lower as time passed. That is when Liam and Niall decided that this is it. You were theirs and they will show you today.
When they stalked towards you, you and the guy were already making out with each other. After feeling a presence, you turn around and see Liam and Niall standing there. The look in their eyes was something you had never seen in the past almost year you had known them. It was something raw, anger, jealousy, lust? You couldn’t figure it out.
“Lets go Y/n” Liam said with an authoritative voice that sent a chill down your spine.
Without any question, you followed them despite the protests from your partner for that night. You shot him a ‘I’ll call you later look’ and left.
After going out, you finally managed to find your voice and asked in a low voice, “Where are we going?” 
“To our hotel room.” Niall replied. 
Liam did not say anything and after this neither did Niall. The ride to their hotel room was quiet and awkward. The sexual tension thick in the air. They let you enter the room first and before you could say anything, you were backed up against the wall by two taller guys and somehow they felt extra tall.
“What do you think you were doing?” Liam asked, staring in my eyes.
You gulped and replied, “What did I do?”
“Hooking up with other people when you want us and we want you. Teasing us like this. That is what you did.” Liam answered your question leaving you in complete shock to know that they want you. You looked at Niall for confirmation and his eyes said it all. He did not verbally reply but a slight nod made it clear.
You must have been blind to not see their interest in you. Lost deep in your thought, you did not realise when you ended up on the edge of the bed. When your legs felt the bed, it brought you out of your thoughts. You ended up with your back to the mattress. Liam and Niall looked at you like hungry predators who had just found their prey for the night. You gulped nervously wondering what is gonna happen to you. 
Noticing this shift in your behaviour, Niall being the sweet man he is, asked, “You want this too right?”
“Yes, yes I want it. I want you guys. Please.” You replied hurriedly looking at both of them. Niall smiled and inched closer to you.
“Look at him Niall, we haven’t even touched him and he is already hungry for our cocks. What a slut.” Liam said with a mocking smirk. His dirty talk led to an involuntary moan coming from your mouth to which he only seemed to be more pleased. 
“What do you want, baby boy? Tell us exactly what you want so we can give it to you.” He continued making you more and more flustered.
“I want you to fuck me.” You tried to reply as plainly as possible but your reddened face was betraying you.
“Come on Liam, don't tease him that much.” Niall laughed, turning to kiss you, giving you the first intimate moment of the night. His kiss was soft and inviting. It was teasing your lips making you want more. It felt different than any other kiss you hav had yet. Soft but equally dominating. Passionate but filled with love. His tongue licked your lips and you parted them to give him entrance. Both your tongues lapping each other and he let you win the game of dominance.
All this while, Liam was busy making quick work of the three of your clothes. He undressed himself and Niall first after which he moved on to you leaving all three of you in underwear. You felt a shiver once he was done with your clothes. 
You and Niall broke the kiss to catch your breath. Liam got next to you, took your face in his hands and said ,”My turn.” 
His kiss was much different than Nialls. It was rough, passionate and dominating. It was hard. He kissed you like you were his source of oxygen. You moaned when you felt lips on your neck. The source of them was Niall. This gave Liam the perfect time to enter your mouth. Your tongues fought for dominance but it was no fight at all. He had already won. 
After kissing for a while and Niall covering you in marks, you ended up with puffed lips and red spots covering your neck. You probably looked ruined already and this was only the start.
“Whose a better kisser Y/n us or the guy you were with ?” Liam asked, still being jealous about the night.
“You both. I can’t even remember his kiss. I only remember your lips.” You said lustfully. 
The answer seemed to satisfy him as he turned to Niall and asked, “How do you want to do this Niall?” He ignored your presence as he asked this like you had no input on how the night goes.
“Whatever you decide.” Niall replied. 
“I’ll take his ass, you take his mouth.” Liam said nonchalantly. 
And this is how you ended up on your hands and knees with Liam prepping your ass and eating you out while Niall takes your mouth.
Liam starts by licking a long stripe from your balls to your hole. He slowly pushed his tongue in the tight heat of your hole and you let out a moan at the intrusion. He pushes his tongue deeper at your sounds. Niall settles near the headboard taking off his underwear and bringing his cock to a semi hard state. He puts a finger in your mouth and you suck at it expertly. 
Once Liam is done with eating you out, he lubes his fingers up and enters one finger in the tight ring of muscles. Seeing the discomfort on your face, Niall tries comforting you.
“Relax for us baby, let us take care of you. We’ll make you feel good.”  he said running his fingers through your hair and kissing you softly.
Liam enters another finger and soon another opening you up for their big nice cocks.
Once he feels that you are loose enough, he and Niall enter you at the same time leaving you perplexed. Niall’s 6.5 inch dick making its way to the back of your throat is met with vibrations from your moans while Liam’s 8 inch dick enters your tight hole slowly but surely. 
After both of them have stuffed you up, they start moving. Niall keeps hitting the back of your throat while Liam keeps hammering you from behind making you choke more on Niall's length. Niall has a hand in your hair holding you firmly. And Liam has gripped your hips tight enough that they’ll leave bruises. He marks your back while drilling your hole making you moan and all the sensations go to Niall's dick.
There are praises being thrown at you often enough. You can hardly process most of them your mind being too hazy with all the sex.
You heard Niall say, "Such a good boy, taking us so well."
"He really knows how to suck a cock."
"He is so tight for us. I bet no one has fucked him like this." Liam had added.
Some other compliments that you cannot remember.
Soon enough your weeping cock comes in spurts completely untouched leaving ropes and ropes of cum on the sheets beneath you. This makes your grip on Liam’s cock tighter making his thrusts faster and sloppier. Niall's cock is close by the way he is thrusting and as if on the thought of it, he comes in your mouth filling you with copious amounts of cum which you are left to swallow. He is followed by Liam who comes in you ass and fucks you through the orgasm making you moan and wince from oversensitivity. 
After this, they took turns with Niall fucking your ass and Liam your mouth. For the last round, your tight little ass (which wasn’t nearly as tight now) was filled to the brim with both the cocks. You cannot remember how many times you came that night but it was more than you ever have in a night.
At this point, you did not have one coherent thought. You were too exhausted. You could not make out the words Niall and Liam said and neither could you say anything. All you had on your mind was dicks and sex.
After being stuffed by two big and thick cocks, you came one last time which was just watery at this point and passed out from pleasure and exhaustion.
When you woke up, you were clean on clean sheets with Niall on your right, your face against his chest and Liam on your left with your back to his chest. You drift off to sleep again and when you finally wake up, Liam and Niall were awake too.
“Hey there, Y/n. You must be exhausted.” Niall said softly. You just hummed in response not wanting to talk.
“I’m sorry if we were too hard on you.” Liam said rubbing circles in your back. You shook your head and nuzzled closer to Niall’s chest.
Soon enough the three of you woke up and had breakfast from the room service. During this time, you guys talked like you always used to and it felt like nothing had changed.
"Will you be our boyfriend? I know it must be weird for you but we just feel like it would be right since we like you so much."  They said leaving you speechless for a second. 
But of course you wanted this, how could you not.
“I would love nothing more in the world.” You answered honestly.
They smiled and you gave each of them a kiss. After this, you would need no one else.
I hope you liked this fic. Like and comment to let me know if you did. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Hate is not. Thankss.
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svn-bangtan · 11 months
The Favor ®
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»pairing: Jungkook x Actress! reader
»genre: BTS | 18+ | M | Smut | Best friends to lovers | Fluff if you squint hard enough
»wc/date: 7.9k | July 2023
» warnings: cursing, Dirty Talk, Oral (M/F rec) Size kink, penetration, unprotected sex (wrap it up and practice safe sex), rough sex, fingering, breast play, denial, and I think that’s it?
»Summary: You’ve always had a thing for the maknae of BTS, but due to your close friendship, you let it go. Throughout the friendship, however, he’d always ask you for small favors here and there, and being as close as you are, you never objected. However, that was until he came over one day asking for another favor, but this time, it was something you never would have expected. 
» m.list | Taglist | Thoughts? Comments? Concerns
Y/n, a woman in her late twenties, heard her best friend's voice suddenly ring out through her house. She glanced at her manager, who stood in front of her while she was busy cooking. They were engrossed in a discussion about contracts for an upcoming drama that Y/n was set to star in after returning to Korea from filming a new movie in America. Raising an eyebrow, she responded, "Uh, yeah, Jungkook. I'm in the kitchen."
Within seconds, a visibly distressed Jungkook appeared and offered a slight bow to Y/n's manager. "Y/n, I need to talk to you."
Curious, she asked, with a piece of cucumber she was cutting in her mouth, "Okay, what about?"
"In private," Jungkook replied. Y/n glanced between her manager and Jungkook, noticing her manager's gaze, almost seeking permission to leave.
"Manager Chan, could you give us a moment alone?" Y/n requested. Nodding, her manager gathered her belongings and assured Y/n that she would return later to continue their conversation. After bowing towards Y/n and Jungkook, the manager left the premises. Y/n looked at Jungkook, perplexed, as he took a deep breath.
"What is so important that you needed her to leave? Did you get caught up in a scandal or something?" Y/n inquired, resuming her vegetable cutting as she heard the front door close, signaling her manager's departure.
"No," Jungkook replied.
"Did you break something in Yoongi's studio and now you need a place to hide?" Y/n asked, raising an eyebrow and continuing to focus on cutting her vegetables. She casually placed another piece of cucumber in her mouth.
"No, Y/n, I need your help with something really big!" Jungkook exclaimed.
Curiosity piqued, Y/n questioned, "And what might that be?"
"I need you to have sex with me," he stated bluntly, causing Y/n to choke on the cucumber in her mouth. Reacting swiftly, Jungkook handed her a water bottle, which she quickly drank from while taking deep breaths.
After a few moments, Y/n set the knife down and stared at Jungkook as if he had lost his mind. "I'm sorry, what?"
"I'm serious. I just need this one favor to help me out before we go to the Grammy's. Please, Y/n?" Jungkook pleaded. Y/n scoffed and set the water bottle down.
"Now is not the time for jokes, Jungkook," she retorted.
"But I'm not joking," he insisted, causing Y/n to freeze, wide-eyed.
Throughout all the years Y/n had known BTS, ever since they collaborated on the soundtrack for a drama she starred in and when she had the opportunity to appear in one of their music videos, nothing like this had ever happened before. While she had a strong bond with all seven members, if she had to choose the closest one, it would undoubtedly be Jungkook.
Jungkook and Y/n had a sibling-like relationship. They constantly teased each other, given their close age proximity, and often hung out together without the other members. However, Jungkook had frequently asked Y/n for favors over the years.
"Y/n, can you do me a favor and hide me? I can't let Jin-Hyung find me."
"I need a favor; can you text this girl pretending to be my girlfriend? She won't leave me alone."
"Y/n, I need a favor!"
Despite the numerous favors Jungkook had asked of her, Y/n always found herself helping him out in any way she could. Why she did so, she couldn't quite explain. However, she had to admit that most of the time, Jungkook's requests came with some sort of consequence.
In their years of friendship, Y/n had become accustomed to Jungkook's appeals for assistance. But this particular request was something entirely unexpected, even for him. She continued to gaze at him, trying to make sense of his words and the gravity behind them.
As her mind raced with a flurry of thoughts, Y/n contemplated their friendship. They had always been there for each other, offering support and lending a helping hand whenever needed. But this plea for a sexual encounter was uncharted territory, shattering the boundaries of their relationship.
Y/n couldn't deny the connection she shared with Jungkook. Their bond went beyond mere friendship, but she had never entertained the notion of taking it to a romantic or physical level. She couldn't help but wonder what had prompted this sudden and audacious proposition.
Taking a moment to compose herself, Y/n finally found her voice. "Jungkook, I... I don't even know where to begin. This is... unexpected, to say the least."
Jungkook's expression was a mixture of vulnerability and desperation. He seemed genuinely earnest in his plea, but Y/n couldn't ignore the consequences that could arise from indulging him. She had learned from past experiences that Jungkook's requests often led to unforeseen complications.
"Please, Y/n," he implored, his voice tinged with a blend of urgency and uncertainty. "I know it's a lot to ask, but I need your help. It's for the Grammy's, and it's crucial for... everything."
The weight of his words hung in the air, and Y/n couldn't help but feel torn. She cared deeply for Jungkook and wanted to support him, but she also valued their friendship and didn't want it jeopardized by impulsive decisions. She had always been his confidante, the one he turned to for aid, but this request pushed the boundaries further than ever before.
A million thoughts flooded Y/n's mind as she searched for the right response. She knew she had to be honest with herself and with Jungkook. Taking a deep breath, she met his gaze, her eyes filled with both compassion and determination.
"Jungkook, you know I care about you deeply," she began softly. "But this is not a decision to be made lightly. It could have lasting consequences, not just for us but for our friendship and the dynamics within our group. Have you considered the possible ramifications?"
Jungkook's face fell, a mix of disappointment and understanding sweeping over him. "I... I hadn't thought it through completely. I just... I thought you'd understand that you'd be willing to help me when no one else could."
Y/n's heart ached at his words, knowing that she had been a source of support for him countless times before. But this request was different. It went against the principles she held dear and the boundaries she had established for their relationship.
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Y/n and Min-Seo continued their intense sparring session, their bodies moving in a synchronized rhythm. The sound of their wooden swords colliding filled the air, creating a symphony of clashing echoes.
"Oh, come on Min-Seo," Y/n playfully teased, her voice brimming with confidence, as she observed her trainer fall to the ground once again. Adjusting her shirt, she narrowed her eyes and tilted her head to the side, a smirk tugging at her lips. "I thought you were this badass, where is she at? You haven't been able to land a single hit."
Min-Seo, her competitive spirit aflame, wiped away a trickle of blood from her lip. Determination radiated from her as she pushed herself off the ground, a feral gleam in her eyes. “You want to see badass; I’ll show you badass.” With renewed vigor, she charged towards Y/n, her wooden sword poised for action.
Y/n swung her wooden sword at Min-Seo, aiming for her trainer's defenses. But Min-Seo was quick to block the strike, her movements fluid and precise. ““There she is,” Y/n murmured with a smirk. She retaliated with a rapid series of strikes, displaying her own prowess and skill. Y/n expertly deflected each blow, her body moving with a dancer's grace.
The sparring session intensified as their swords clashed with increasing speed and force. Their footwork was agile, their bodies weaving and dodging, each anticipating the other's next move. They circled each other, their eyes locked in an unwavering gaze, neither willing to yield an inch.
Y/n unleashed a flurry of strikes, testing Min-Seo's defenses. Their swords collided with a resounding impact, the force threatening to shake their grips. The exertion etched across their faces, they pushed each other to their limits, their determination fueling their every move.
Min-Seo countered Y/n's attacks with swift and calculated maneuvers. She weaved in and out of Y/n's reach, striking with precision and attempting to find an opening. But Y/n's agility and quick reflexes thwarted each attempt, her movements a seamless blend of defense and counterattack.
As the spar continued, both women grew increasingly breathless, their bodies drenched in sweat. Fatigue threatened to creep in, but they persevered, their focus unwavering. They were warriors engaged in a battle of skill, their dedication and passion for their craft evident in every strike and parry.
Y/n seized an opportunity as Min-Seo momentarily hesitated, her concentration wavering. With a swift feint, Y/n sidestepped and launched a surprise attack, catching Min-Seo off guard. Her wooden sword connected with Min-Seo's side, eliciting a gasp of surprise and a staggered step backward.
A triumphant smile graced Y/n's face as she pressed her advantage. She closed the distance between them, relentlessly driving Min-Seo backward with a barrage of strikes. Her sword whirled through the air, each swing calculated and precise. Min-Seo fought back, her determination undeterred, but Y/n's relentless assault was unyielding.
Finally, Y/n executed a sweeping low kick, knocking Min-Seo off balance. With a swift motion, she delivered a final strike, her wooden sword tapping against Min-Seo's chest, signifying victory. Min-Seo stumbled backward, conceding defeat with a nod of respect.
As they caught their breath, Y/n and Min-Seo locked eyes, their gazes filled with mutual admiration and camaraderie. The intensity of the spar had brought them even closer, their bond as trainer and trainee fortified by the shared dedication to their craft.
"You fought gracefully, Min-Seo," Y/n acknowledged, a note of admiration in her voice. "You always push me to be better."
Min-Seo, a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction etched across her features, smiled warmly. "And you rise to the challenge every time, Y/n. Your growth as a fighter is truly remarkable. I trained you well."
The two women took a moment to recover, their chests rising and falling with each deep breath. The gym seemed to hold its breath, filled with the residual energy of their fierce sparring session.
It was during this momentary lull that Y/n became aware of a silent presence in the room. She turned her gaze towards the entrance, spotting Jungkook observing their bout with a mixture of awe and admiration. A fond smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she realized the extent of Jungkook's fascination.
Jungkook, captivated by the display of skill and determination before him, stood rooted to the spot, his eyes fixed on Y/n. His admiration for her talent shone in his gaze, fueling her own confidence and pride.
As Y/n approached the edge of the mat, sweat dripping from her brow, she caught Jungkook's eye. The connection between them was instant, unspoken words passing between them.
"There's my biggest fan," Y/n quipped, a playful twinkle in her eyes. "Enjoying the show?"
Jungkook's lips curved into a sheepish smile. "I can't help but be amazed by your abilities, Y/n. You never fail to impress me."
Basking in his praise, Y/n's confidence soared. She knew that she had earned Jungkook's respect through her relentless dedication to honing her skills.
As the training session drew to a close, Y/n and Min-Seo exchanged a final nod of mutual respect. They had pushed each other to new heights, embracing the challenges of their spar and emerging stronger as a result.
Y/n turned her attention back to Jungkook, her expression a mix of playfulness and curiosity. . "Impressed, Jungkook? I told you, this place is a gem."
Jungkook's gaze lingered on the state-of-the-art equipment, the pristine condition of the gym. He shook his head in awe, his voice tinged with disbelief. "This is amazing, Y/n. I had no idea your gym would be this... luxurious."
Y/n chuckled, wiping away the last traces of perspiration from her brow. "Well, I do like to train in style. Min-Seo has connections, you know." She gestured towards her trainer, who was catching her own breath a few feet away.
Y/n, amused by Jungkook's enthusiasm, chuckled lightly. "I know, right? It's a fitness paradise."
Intrigued, Jungkook approached one of the punching bags, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. He flexed his fingers, testing the resilience of the bag before delivering a powerful punch that resonated through the room.
"I wonder if we could get something like this at the house or the company," Jungkook mused aloud, a hint of excitement in his voice.
Y/n's laughter filled the air, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Jungkook, as much as I'd love to see you work out in a gym like this, let's be realistic. With your busy schedule and constant touring with BTS, I doubt you'd have the time to make use of it."
Jungkook grinned sheepishly, understanding the truth in Y/n's words. "You have a point there. Maybe I'll just have to settle for the hotel gyms while we're on the road."
As Y/n moved to the cooling down area, Jungkook followed, curiosity shining in his eyes. He looked at her with a mix of admiration and intrigue. "So, how did you find this place, Y/n? And what were you doing here?"
Y/n smirked, teasingly rolling her eyes. "Oh, come on, Jungkook. Are you stalking my every move now? I regret ever giving you my manager's number."
Jungkook laughed, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "No, it's not like that. Your manager mentioned that you were training here, so I thought I'd drop by and see what all the fuss is about."
Y/n chuckled, appreciating the thoughtfulness behind Jungkook's visit. "Well, it seems like you've arrived just in time to witness some of my impressive moves."
Jungkook's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Impressive, huh? Are you training for your Marvel Studios contract?"
Y/n's playful expression shifted to one of surprise, her mind racing to comprehend how Jungkook had obtained such information. The news of her involvement in a Marvel project had been kept under wraps, known only to a select few.
“So, what bring you here. Typically, you call me before showing up.” Jungkook stands still as he has his back towards her and takes a deep breath. Turning around to face Y/n, he smiles sweetly at her before clasping his hands together.
“I need a favor.”
“Which is?”
He was about to answer when a voice echoed through the gym, interrupting their conversation. "Jungkook!" shouted Hoseok, his tone a mix of annoyance and urgency.
Jungkook's attention snapped towards the source of the voice, his eyes widening as he spotted Hoseok storming towards them, his grip tight on a wooden sword. The air crackled with a mix of tension and anticipation. 
Y/n exchanged a knowing glance with Jungkook, the corner of her lips curling into a wry smile. She had a feeling that this unexpected visit was about to take another surprising turn.
Hoseok reached them, his expression a mixture of frustration and concern. "Jungkook, how many times have I told you to stay out of my studio?"
Jungkook's face paled slightly, his eyes darting between Y/n and Hoseok. He swallowed hard, a sheepish grin forming. "Well, you see, Hobi-hyung..."
Before he could explain himself further, Hoseok's impatience got the better of him, and he interrupted, waving the wooden sword in his hand for emphasis.
"I don't want to hear any excuses, Jungkook!" Hoseok exclaimed; his voice tinged with exasperation. "I trusted you with my precious KAWS figurines, and now one of them is broken!"
Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of Hoseok's dramatic display. She stepped forward, placing a hand on Jungkook's shoulder, her voice laced with amusement. "Well, it seems like you've really done it this time, Jungkook. Breaking Hoseok's prized possessions."
Jungkook looked at Y/n, a mixture of guilt and embarrassment etched on his face. "I... I didn't mean to break it, Y/n. It was an accident, I swear!" 
Hoseok's frustration softened slightly as he regarded Y/n. "You know Jungkook, he's always getting into some sort of trouble. That's why I had to rush here. I need your help to mediate this situation."
Y/n raised an eyebrow, her playful smile transforming into a more serious expression. "And how exactly am I supposed to mediate a broken KAWS figurine, Hoseok?"
Hoseok's gaze shifted between Y/n and Jungkook, his voice pleading. "Well, you have great persuasive skills, Y/n. Maybe you can talk him into replacing it or finding a way to make amends."
Y/n sighed, realizing she had been inadvertently dragged into yet another one of Jungkook's escapades. She glanced at Jungkook, her tone teasing but with a hint of exasperation. "You owe me big time for this, Jungkook. I can't believe I'm getting involved in your broken figurine drama."
Jungkook nodded, grateful for Y/n's willingness to help. "I know, I know. I'll make it up to you, I promise."
Before they could proceed further, curiosity got the better of Y/n. She couldn't resist asking the burning question that had been lingering in her mind. "By the way, which one of Hobi’s KAWS broke?"
Jungkook's cheeks reddened, and he shifted uncomfortably under Y/n's gaze. "Well, it was... um... actually, it was my most expensive and rare one."
Y/n's eyes widened in surprise, her hand instinctively covering her mouth to stifle a gasp. "Your most expensive and rare one? Jungkook, you're in trouble."
Hoseok's expression transformed from relief to sheer horror. "What? Jungkook, you broke my most prized KAWS?"
Jungkook's eyes widened, and he took a step back, sensing the brewing storm. "I... I”
“YAH!” Hoseok yelled as he lunged toward Jungkook, wielding the wooden sword with determined resolve. "You need to learn your lesson, Jungkook!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with mock seriousness.
Jungkook pleaded for mercy, his laughter mixed with a tinge of desperation. Hoseok playfully delivered a few swipes to Jungkook's thighs, eliciting laughter and protests from both of them.
Getting up from the ground, Jungkook's eyes widened in fear as he turned on his heels, attempting to flee from J-Hope's wrath. The sound of J-Hope's furious footsteps filled the air as he chased after Jungkook, their commotion echoing through the gym.
Y/n couldn't help but laugh, her amusement bubbling up at the chaos unfolding before her eyes. She shook her head, a mixture of sympathy and amusement. "Good luck, Jungkook! Looks like you've really gotten yourself into a mess this time."
Y/n and her trainer exchanged amused glances, knowing all too well the dynamics within their group. Hoseok's exasperation, Jungkook's mischievous nature, and Y/n's ability to find herself caught in the middle of their antics had become a familiar sight over the years.
As the laughter subsided, Y/n turned to her trainer, a wry smile on her face. "I guess this is just another consequence of being friends with Jungkook."
Her trainer chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Indeed, but it's also what makes your friendship so special. The unexpected moments and shared adventures keep things interesting."
Y/n glanced back at Jungkook, who was now catching his breath, his eyes twinkling with mischief.
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Rubbing between her eyes in disbelief, Y/n took a deep breath, trying to process Jungkook's unusual request. "Jungkook..."
"Please, Y/n, I will never ask for a favor ever again. I'll give you whatever you want," Jungkook pleaded, his voice filled with desperation.
Y/n looked at him, her confusion evident on her face. She had grown out of her small crush on Jungkook as they became close friends, navigating their busy lives as an actress and an idol. Her feelings were a mess, but she cherished their friendship and didn't want to jeopardize it.
"Why do you need me to help you though?" Y/n asked, moving her hands away from her face and staring at him intently.
Jungkook sat down on one of the stools at the island in Y/n's kitchen, his hood pulled up. He gestured towards her, trying to explain his reasoning. "You've been to American award shows multiple times, especially big ones like the Oscars!” Nodding her head, Y/n takes off the apron was wearing and reveals the black soft longue slip dress from skims and of course, Jungkook couldn’t help but stare as well as she pulls it down a bit. Gaining some composure, Jungkook continues.  
“The guys and I were talking, and what if Megan Thee Stallion finally wants to give me a chance? Or if I were to run into any major celebrity, I want to make sure I'm at least good."
Y/n couldn't help but burst into laughter, covering her mouth with her hand. "I'm sorry," she said, still chuckling as she leaned back against the counter, studying Jungkook.
Once her laughter subsided, she tilted her head to the side, smirking. "First off, Megan would definitely go after Namjoon before you. Second of all, there are literally millions of girls who would love to help you out with this favor. Why ask me?"
Jungkook poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue and adjusted his hood, clearly feeling a bit embarrassed. "Because you have experience with these things," he said, his words stumbling out.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, amused by his flustered state. "Are you saying I sleep around?" she asked with a smirk, watching panic flash in Jungkook's eyes. "No, oh my god no. I meant that you know what American girls are like at these after parties and how they—"
"Jungkook, I'm messing with you," Y/n interjected, causing him to place a hand over his heart. "Don't do that, Y/n. Jesus," he replied, visibly relieved.
Rolling her eyes, Y/n studied him for a moment before smirking. "What happened to that American girl you were seeing? I'm sure you can call her, either fly her out here or meet her out there and do it. There's no one better than her to do it, plus you guys had sex before, right?"
Jungkook's gaze dropped, and Y/n crossed her arms over her chest, waiting for an answer. "Jungkook?" she prodded when he mumbled under his breath, causing her to scoff. "Speak up, dude. It's an easy question."
"She said my... it was too big for her, so no. I can't call her. Matter of fact, almost everyone I tried to hook up with couldn't take it, so I can't really call anyone," Jungkook admitted, his tone serious.
Y/n burst into laughter, finding it hard to believe. "That's absurd, there's no way," she exclaimed, still chuckling. But her laughter died down when she saw the seriousness in Jungkook's eyes.
Shaking her head slightly, Y/n straightened her posture and cleared her throat. "Jesus, I never knew someone could be too big."
Jungkook leaned forward, resting his elbows on the kitchen island. "But seriously, why come to me for this? I really doubt that I can be of any help, especially if you're so big. What if I can't handle it?"
Taking a deep breath, Y/n considered the situation at hand. Her best friend, the International Playboy and Golden Maknae of the world's biggest boy group, was asking her to sleep with him for the sake of honesty and to avoid potential scandals. It was an unexpected request, but she trusted Jungkook and understood his reasoning.
Scoffing playfully, she pushed some of her hair back and leaned against the counter. "Who would have thought the International Playboy of BTS would need my help for something like this? Honestly, Jungkook, if you wanted to sleep with me, you could have just asked instead of making up this excuse."
Silence hung in the air as Jungkook and Y/n stared at each other, the weight of their unspoken attraction lingering between them. After a moment, Y/n took a deep breath and pushed herself off the counter, walking towards him.
Placing her hand on his shoulder, she gently turned him to face her and tugged on the drawstring of his hoodie. "If we're going to do this, it won't only apply to American girls, but how girls are in general. Understood?"
Jungkook nodded, his eyes fixed on her. Y/n let her gaze travel up and down his form, feeling a mix of anticipation and curiosity. "Okay, whatever you say," Jungkook replied in his Busan dialect, causing Y/n to cross her legs and hum softly.
"Follow me, then," she said, tugging on his drawstrings one last time before leading the way out of the kitchen and up the stairs to her bedroom. The excitement within her grew as Jungkook followed, their footsteps echoing through the hallway.
Once inside, Y/n  instruct him to sit on the bench that is in front of her bed, and she stands there. “So, first things first, how far have you gone with a woman?”
“I’ve only ever done it twice, but that was around the time of my 20th birthday.” He says, causing Y/n to sigh in disbelief. “Jeez, you poor thing.”
Standing in front of him, she gently pull down her dress, exposing her breast a little and she watches as Jungkook’s eyes widen. Just like Y/n, he always realized how beautiful of a woman she was, but didn’t want to ruin the friendship, however with her in front of him like this, he knew that things wouldn’t be the same. 
At least, not on his end.
 “Well, get nice and comfortable on the bench for me. Then I’ll show you a few things girls like and then we can fuck, deal?” Y/n says as she watches him check her out. 
Nodding his head, Y/n smiles innocently at him and stand in-between his legs as he manspreads in front of her. “When you’re at a party, or event in America and there’s almost always alcohol involved, girls tend to get a little slutty. So, I’m going to show you what happens when a girl comes up to you when you’re at a party.”
“Okay…” Turning around, Y/n gently sit down on his lap and grind against him, causing him to jerk forward a bit. “Fuck Y/n,”
“It’s okay Kook, relax.” she whisper as she continues to grind against him. Placing her hands on his knees, Y/n leans forward a little as she continue and smile as she feel his erection get bigger by the second. 
Maybe he wasn’t lying, it feels huge. Y/n thinks to herself. 
“So, there are a couple of rules you’ll need to remember when a girl comes up to you, and rule number one…” Y/n says as she stops and turns her head to look at Jungkook, who sits there with his mouth slightly open, his eyes looking at her ass. After a couple of seconds, he looks up at her and cocks an eyebrow up causing his eyebrow piercing to sparkle a little from the light hitting it. “Make sure your dick gets hard.” 
“I think I got that covered,”
“I think so too, but make sure you keep it hard.” Y/n goes back to grinding against him, causing Jungkook to jerk forward several times causing her to smirk at her best friends reaction. “Does it feel good?”
“Fuck yes…” He whispers. “While she’s grinding on my dick, can I touch?”
“Yes, you’ll want to touch her.” Jungkook places his hands on Y/n’s hips, moving her against his lap causing Y/n to let out a small moan. “Keep a nice firm grip on her, that lets her know that you’re into it and rule number two is to not to cum. Though it may feel good, you don’t want to cum to quickly.” Jungkook simply squeezes in her thighs in response. 
I wonder how much longer he’s going to sit here and pretend like he doesn’t know what he’s doing before he snaps. Y/n thought to herself as she pushes herself a bit deeper into his lap.  To be quite frank, Y/n knew Jungkook like the back of her hand and knew that he has sex more times than he admitted, especially in the time they have been friends.
Hell, its Jeon Jungkook of BTS. No one in their right mind would think that he of all people hasn’t had sex. 
Feeling herself throb between her thighs, she turns quickly to look at Jungkook to see how he’s doing and notice his eyes darken, possibly because he felt it too. 
Gently biting her lip as Jungkook places a little pressure on her hips and Y/n bend over a little bit more, causing her dress to ride up to the top of her thigh. “Now if she is really slutty, she’s going to start taking off some of her clothes.” She says as she lifts her dress up and have it hug around her waist, causing Jungkook to hiss slightly as he places his hands back on her hips. “Will they also not have underwear on like you?”
“Maybe,” Y/n say as she turns her head, looking at him with a mischievous look. “Do you do that often, Y/n?”
Jokingly rolling her eyes, Y/n gently squeeze his knees in response as she can see that he wouldn’t be able to take much more of this, so to end his torment for the time being she stands up from his lap. “Now at some point she’ll want to take this upstairs to a bedroom, or somewhere private.”
“Okay,” Getting down on her knees in front of him, she looks up at him as she palms over his very prominent bulge through his sweats he’s wearing. Jungkook sits up a little as he watches her gently play with the waist band of his sweats and I tug of it. “This is where it’s very important for you to be hard.”
Jungkook nods his hard, and Y/n slowly pull down his sweats along with his underwear. It’s then she gasps as his thick cock spring into her view. Jungkook wasn’t kidding when he said his cock was big, I now understand. 
“I told you.” 
“Yeah-“ Y/n replies as she tries to keep her composure. Reaching up, Y/n gently wraps her hand around it as she looks up at him. She watches as Jungkook tilts his head to the side and stares down at her as she leans forward to lick the tip and lapping up his pre-cum. Jungkook lets out some noises that caused heat to build up in between her legs.
This boy, she thought to herself. Y/n was thoroughly convinced that Jungkook isn’t telling the truth, but she also can’t deny that she wondered what Jungkook would be like in bed.
Leaning back and running his fingers through his hair, Jungkook lets out a small moan as he stares down at her. Smiling a little as she places a small kiss on his tip, Y/n opens her mouth and begins moving her mouth down, taking him whole. Or as much as she could. 
Slowly bobbing her head up and down, Jungkook tilts his head back feeling him hit the back of her throat since she was fortunate enough to not have a gag reflex. “Fuck Y/n,”
Rolling her tongue around, she hallows out her cheeks, sucking and pulling him deeper into her mouth as his fingers find a way to the back of her head to push her down deeper, trying to feel more. Hearing him moan and whine, Y/n feels Jungkook move lower as start bucking his hips into her mouth. “Shit that mouth is fucking amazing,”
Humming in response, Y/n pushes the limit as she pushes herself deeper and feels her jaw aching as her saliva drops down her chin. Feeling satisfied, she moves up and turns her attention on the head of his length before sucking it harshly. Hearing him groan loudly, Y/n barely has time to react before she is being picked up off the ground and thrown on her bed, causing her to laugh. 
I knew sooner or later I’d beak him, “you’re such a fucking tease,” Jungkook says as he pulls her to the edge of the bed by her ankles. Before she can respond, Jungkook captures her lips and places his hands on her face. Slipping her tongue in his mouth, she can’t help but moan a little as she feels his erecting pressing into her. 
Releasing her lips, Jungkook quickly begins to attack her neck causing Y/n to tilt her head back instinctively. “Don’t mark me Jungkook, I have a shoot tomorrow and my manager is coming back.” Y/n moans as he begins to suck her neck. 
“I don’t care,” He mumbles. Feeling his hand go up the material of her dress and him grabbing her breast, Y/n’s eyes roll back without her realizing.  
There’s no way this is happening. She thought to herself as her hands move down Jungkook’s neck, to his torso, all the way down the hem of his sweatshirt. 
After he is done with his attack, Jungkook attaches his lips to her’s once again but rougher than before. This kiss was pact with all the tension that was always between the two but neither wanted to confront it.
Pulling away, she looks Jungkook up and down and smirks a little before looking him in his eyes. Jungkook takes this moment to take off his hoodie which causes her to prop herself onto her elbows. 
Admiring her naked best friend. What, you’d admire too if he was Infront of you.
“I see you got some new tattoos.” Y/n says as she shamelessly checks him out, earning a eye roll from him. “I see you still like being a brat.” He reaches down to tug at her dress, which she obliges to taking off. 
“I’m not being a brat, it’s just you have lie- oh shit” Y/n is interrupted when Jungkook quickly spreads her legs and was between her legs. All it took was for one lick from her hole to her slit to cause her to gasp for air. Has it been so long that I haven’t been touched?
Feeling her toes curl, Y/n tilts her head back which causing Jungkook to hum as he turns to kiss her thigh. He reaches up to tilt her head up and smirks. “No, you’re going to be a good girl and watch.” Wanting to reply with something snarky, Y/n stops as he wraps his arms around her thighs to hold her down, his thumb massaging her sensitive bus as he continues to flick his tongue in and out of her. 
“Fucking hell,” She moans as she readjusts herself on her elbows, watching him. Moving one of his hands from her thighs, Jungkook slowly pushes in a finger inside and his lips envelop her swollen clit, his lip piercing rubbing up against her. “Taste so sweet,” He mumbles as he maintains eye contact with her.  
For the next several moments as you both stare at each other, Jungkook watches as she moans and squirms around his finger, enjoying her reaction.  She’s so beautiful like this, he thought to himself as he adds another finger inside and foes faster.
“Oh my god,” All that fills the room was the sound of how wet she was around his fingers and her moans that were now uncontrollable at this point. Jungkook groans into the wet heat, as Y/n buck against his face, causing her to reach down and gently gran his hair. “Fuck kook… Please don’t stop, I’m so close.”
Quickening his pace, Y/n’s back arches off the bed, thighs tightening around his head once his other hand lets go of her thigh and reaches up to palm her breast, tugging and teasing her nipple. “Oh god,”
“Come on. Y/n, cum for me.” That was all she needed to send her over the edge as her orgasm shoots throughout her body. Jungkook chuckles as he continues to help her through her orgasm before she started to pull away from being overstimulated.
“As I was saying before, you are such a fucking liar.” Y/n says as she tries catching her breath, watching him lick her cum off his fingers before standing up and pulls her into a kiss. “I never said I didn’t know how to eat a girl out,” Jungkook says in between kisses before moving down to her chin. She feels his tip brush against her slick folds, and she takes this moment to move her hips to tease him. Jungkook rests his forehead against hers as his tongue plays with his piercing. “Since you want to play this game, lie down Jungkook. The lesson isn’t over yet.”
Scoffing, Jungkook lies down against the bed as Y/n gets up and crawls on top of him. “Now this is typically when you ask a girl about condoms, if their clean…” She says as she looks down at him. 
“Don’t you still have your IUD?” Jungkook asks as he looks up at her, causing her to raise an eyebrow. “How did you know about that?”
Jungkook shrugs, “I remember you telling me about how painful it was.”
Laughing a little, she leans down over him, her lips trailing over his collar bone. Once her lips meet his soft pale skin, she gently bites down, sucking at the area until she left a large dark bruise. Jungkook inhaled sharply through his nose, and she could feel his heart beating wildly in his chest. Y/n moved her mouth over from the fresh mark she left and started to make a second one. “You’re complaining about me marking you, when you know I have stuff to do as well.”
“I still want to hear you ask Jungkook, you have to practice for the Grammy’s” She mumbles as she continues to leave yet another hickey.
“Are you clean and do you have a condom?” He asks as he tilts his head to the side, unamused. Smiling brightly, Y/n leans up from his chest, gently grabbing his length and slowly strokes him before she nods. “I’m clean and unfortunately, I am out of condoms. I would have thought you brought one with you.” She teases as she catches notice of Jungkook clenching his jaw. 
“And to answer, yes, I still have my IUD in. So, we are good to go forward.” Gently biting her lip, she slides his length into her, stretching her walls and filling her perfectly. Y/n jolts as she goes down slowly, bottoming out smoothly as Jungkook’s hands grip her hips. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight” Jungkook whispers as Y/n starts moving her hips in a circle, adjusting to his size. She can’t help but smile at the fact that all the dreams and fantasies she’s had about the maknae of BTS early on in their friendship are finally coming true. Jungkook gently squeezes her hips before they move to grip her ass and begins to rock her up and down. “Feels so much better than I imagined.”
“Oh yeah, you were imagining yourself fucking me, Y/n?” He asks, but instead of answering Y/n starts bouncing up and down slowly on him, grinding her hips in a circle each time he bottoms out. Placing both of her hands on his chest, Y/n moans out his name as Jungkook watches her. Clawing at her waist, he uses it to slam her down onto his length. “Fucking hell Jungkook,”
“Look so pretty on my dick,” he says as she racks her fingers down his muscled chest, guaranteed to leave marks. He moans at the feeling, speeding up the pace.
“Ah-“ Y/n says as she looks down at Jungkook and starts moving ever so slightly. “Now now, Jungkook. The lesson isn’t over,” Jungkook rolls his eyes, and he growls a little. “Y/n, stop fucking with the fucking teasing.” He takes his thumb, using it to rub firm circles on her swollen clit. Leaning down to kiss his neck, she giggles. “Until your honest, the lesson must continue.”
Without saying anything, Jungkook flips them over, so he is hovering over her. “Fuck the lesson,” he says before he thrust deep inside her, making Y/n’s eyes roll back. Jungkook watches her as his abdomen flexes as he begins moving fast, her body jolting all over the place. Y/n cries out as he leans down and locks his lips with hers again. “So, fucking beautiful,” He whispers against her lips as she reaches up and cups his cheeks. She feels as he pushes his tongue inside, licking into her mouth as she parts her lips to let out a breathy moan as he hits that spot inside of her. Never in her existence has she ever felt this good. 
His tongue moves sultrily in her mouth as he pounds in and out of her, making Y/n pull back from him to catch her breath. “Please don’t stop,” She begs as her hands move above her head, gripping the comforter underneath. Smiling, Jungkook uses one hand to push back his hair before gripping her waist and begins to slow down to a tantalizing pace. 
Whining, Y/n moves her hips the best she could before he uses his strength to hold her down. “Look who’s teasing now,” she says causing him to chuckle before speeding up again. Dropping his head to her side, burying his face into her neck. She tils her head back in pleasure as she feels a tight knot in her stomach, begging to be relived building up already.  
Y/n moves her hands to his back as she drags them along his back from the extreme amount of pleasure she’s feeling. She must admit from all of her excursions, no one has ever made her feel this way. 
But that doesn’t say much regarding the male population. 
“Harder, make me cum,” She slurs as she feels herself so close, but instead of giving her what he wants, he pulls out of her and watches as she squirms from being denied. “Please, I’m sorry for teasing you, please.” She whines as he smirks. 
Leaning down, he presses a small kiss on her lips as he reaches down to rub her clit. “Don’t worry, I will let you cum. Come here, get back on top of me.”
Nodding her head, Y/n watches as Jungkook lays down and once she is on his lap, he slides back into her. She looks down, trying to catch her breath as he bottoms out cmoothly causing her to gasp loudly as he moves against her walls. “Fuck Jungkook, I love your cock.”
Moving so she is on her knees with her back towards him, Y/n begins to move her hips, riding him to take him deeper. Puffing for breath as she speeds up, she ignores the ache in her limbs that had started to set in. moving forward, Y/n’s hands dig into her sheets between his legs. 
Jungkook smiles as he watches her, putting on of his hands behind his head as he places the other on her hip. Y/n was a moaning mess at this point, and already feels the knot in her stomach growing bigger by the second. Noticing this, Jungkook gently pushes her down, causing her to moan his name out louder from the new angle. 
 “Come on baby, I know you’re so close. Cum with me.”
Fucking hell!
Feeling himself getting closer, Jungkook sits up, wrapping his arm around her, pulling her up so her back hits his chest. He brings his other hand down to play with her clit and begins to kiss her shoulder. “Cum with me, Y/n”
A broken cry escapes from the back of Y/n’s throat, finally feeling the sense of release as well as him twitching inside of her. Her body was on fire, and she feels uncontrollable as her thighs quaked. Smiling from behind her, Jungkook kisses her shoulder once more. “Absolutely love the feeling of you coming around me.” He whispers as she lets out a hoarse whimper.
Turning so that she could see him fully, Y/n leans in to lock her lips with his before pulling away and shaking her head. She says as she gets off of him and lays besides him. 
Gently biting her lower lip, Y/n touched herself slightly, surveying the aftermath of their passionate encounter. Jungkook, panting slightly, leaned over to kiss her shoulder before rolling over to lie next to her, his gaze fixed on the ceiling. "Fucking hell," he muttered.
Y/n laughed, tilting her head to look at him. "You're such a liar. Next time, just say you want to fuck instead of making up an excuse."
"It wasn't a lie, I promise," Jungkook replied, turning to face her, a big bunny smile on his face. Y/n grabbed one of her pillows and lightly hit him with it. "You are so full of shit, they way you just fucked me said otherwise."
Scoffing, Y/n shakes her head. “I haven’t had sex since I was 20, my ass” She mocked, making Jungkook laugh. 
Laughing at her playful gesture, Jungkook rolled his eyes and turned onto his side. "I do have another favor to ask you, though."
Raising an eyebrow, Y/n propped herself up on her elbows and looked at him expectantly. "Twice in one day? This must be a record. What is it this time? Round two? Keeping it a secret?"
Shaking his head, Jungkook took a deep breath and reached for her hand. "Would you please do me the biggest favor and go on a date with me before we go to Vegas?"
"A date? Are you planning on doing this with all the girls when you go to Vegas?" Y/n asked, her curiosity piqued.
"No, only you. I don't care about the other girls, only you," Jungkook confessed, his voice filled with sincerity. "To be honest, I've had feelings for you for a while. Initially, I thought I could ask you for this favor without acting on my feelings but screw it. I realize now that I don't think I'd be able to find someone as perfect as you."
"It took you fucking me to confess your feelings," Y/n interrupted, raising an eyebrow. Jungkook's eyes widened, searching for a way to salvage the situation, but Y/n shook her head and continued. "No need to worry, Jungkook. The feeling is mutual."
Letting out a sigh of relief, Jungkook smiled before leaning over to gently kiss Y/n. "So, if Megan Thee Stallion were to come up to you at the Grammy's afterparty and give you a chance—"
"I would tell her I have an amazing girl back home in Korea that I like very much," Y/n replied, meeting Jungkook's gaze. They locked eyes for several seconds before Jungkook pulled Y/n closer, allowing her to rest on his chest. "Besides, she'd go for Namjoon before me."
Y/n chuckled at his words, planting a small kiss on his chest. "Yes, Jungkook, I'd be more than happy to help you out with this favor. But we can't stay like this for long. My manager will be here any minute."
"Let her catch us," Jungkook whispered, his voice filled with mischievousness.
As Y/n smiled at his words, she realized that Jungkook's favors almost always came with consequences, but not all of them were necessarily bad. With a playful glint in her eyes, she leaned in closer, her lips grazing against his ear. "Well, if we're going to be caught, we might as well make it worth the scandal, don't you think?"
Jungkook's eyes widened, his face flushing with a mix of surprise and excitement. "Are you suggesting we take things to the next level?"
Y/n nodded, a seductive smile playing on her lips. "Why not? We've already crossed that line, and I have a feeling it's going to be one hell of a ride."
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nonclassyparty · 3 months
tins without labels - chapter 1 (j.wy)
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summary: Jung Wooyoung's life was always somehow intertwined with your own. from living in the same neighbourhood as kids to attending the same college; fights, bickering, bruises, teasing comments and tears. Wooyoung and you were never complete strangers but never friends either. Always somewhere in between, growing up with each other but never actually knowing one another. The relationship takes a confusing turn in your third year of college after an injury that places your football career on hold. Lonely, lost and confused, you find yourself at your first college party in the presence of none other than Jung Wooyoung asking him to show you what exactly have you been missing out on. playlist // my main masterlist // moodboard (tba)//click to donate to Palestine
pairing: jung wooyoung x reader warnings: drinking, little bit of kissing, descriptions of erm...male genitalia? cursing, cringe fest you've been warned. !word count: 9.3k taglist: @maru-matt @yawnzshit @mcsalterego @ddaeing @downbadreading @btshook (sorry if i forgot anyone but pls reply if u want to be added!)
previous chapter
(chapter 1; when we feel each other up)
Got different people inside my head, I wonder which one that they like best, I'm done with tryna have it all, and ending up with not much at all
present time (21 and 23 years old);
There was a really ugly drawing framed and hanging on the wall at the doctor's office.
It was a house tilting to one side with three stick figurines whose shoes were far too big next to it with strokes of green thrown everywhere which you presume is supposed to be grass. It was drawn by crayons.
You presume it's an art piece made by the doctor's kid but you hope she realizes early on that her daughter or son doesn't really have a proclivity for the arts.
But then again, maybe they will later on. Maybe they'll stand out amongst their peers and be further encouraged by their parents. Maybe they'll even take private lessons to get better. Maybe they'll get into art school and have the professor praise them up on how their talent is extremely rare. Maybe they'll even win some awards.
And then, maybe someone will break their hand so badly that they never get to hold a brush again.
Alright, now you were just projecting.
But what else is there to do as you sit in the almost sterile office with your dad by your side as the doctor keeps going on and on with a somber expression on her face. You're sure Doctor Son is a nice lady, if you were paying attention you'd maybe notice that she tries to break the news extra gently but you're barely listening.
There's been a lot of "it was more serious than we first thought", "rehabilitation will be a long and steady process", "a new excellent physical therapist works at the sports center on campus so she'll be able to visit him a couple times a week, we've already made sure that he gives all of his attention to her" and the most gruesome one, "another even minor injury and there's a risk of her not being able to walk again."
You don't really have to be paying too much attention to know what the underlined thought is.
No more football.
The persistent ache in your left knee serves a constant reminder of what happened almost four months ago, it was the last game of the season. Little did you know it might be the last game of your measly career.
You refuse to look at your dad, feeling the sadness radiate off of him like it does every time he speaks to any of the doctors you've visited in the past four months.
And it's been a lot of doctors.
The fact that you spent the whole summer at home for the first time since you finished high school didn't help. All he did was coddle you and stare in pity and disappointment. Or try to be overly positive and enthusiastic about your recovery.
You didn't know which was worse.
After the final doctor's appointment before the start of the new semester which you leave with barely saying a word during the almost half an hour you're there, you and your dad get lunch at a dinner just off campus.
The thick holder containing scans, blood tests, surgery papers and whatnot, lies on the table between the two of you and you feel like nothing could cut through the thick silence.
Your dad, of course, tries.
"You can still have an amazing career in education, you know? Your mother was a teacher and she loved her job."
It's just sometimes, your father really doesn't know how to beat around the bush and in this moment, you wish he did.
"Right." Is all you say.
Neither one of you comments on what you both know. Which is that you didn't give a fuck about your major in education. Sure, you had passing grades but that is because you needed to study something to stay on the team and not because you were actually interested.
Football was always the bigger picture, the real goal.
"You can always switch majors?" He offers and you nod again, thanking the waiter when he brings two bowls of noodles to your table. 
You don't want to say that switching majors in your third year of college seems like a complete waste, of both money and time.
He sighs and you know he's frustrated with you, you understand it as well but you can't control it. Talking about your career, now that your dream career is over and done with, is an extremely sore subject.
"You know what, you've been working so hard since before you even started college, you deserve to rest."
"I've been resting since May." You respond and he winces at the mention of May. When it all fell apart.
"That wasn't rest. It was recovery." You give him a bland look and he sighs again, "I'm just saying! Maybe you'll discover something else you like to do this semester."
"Doubtful." You murmur, the reality finally sinking in at least a little.
"It's not doubtful at all." Your dad scoffs, taking a slurp of his noodles. "You're twenty-one, your life just begun, I'm sure there are other things to do and new people to meet. You wouldn't know if you never even tried."
"Get yourself a boyfriend. Go to parties. Find yourself some friends who aren't talking behind your back in the locker room-"
"They weren't my friends-"
"Live your life. Is my point. Don't be cooped up in your bedroom, refusing to see anyone like you were doing the whole summer. Just...try, at least." He is silently begging now and now, it's your time to sigh.
"Who knows...you might discover that football isn't all there is to life."
You go silent at that, embarrassed of your own thoughts on the matter so you just keep them to yourself.
You flip through the pages of the magazine that you've read front to back at least four times by now before throwing it on your bed.
Your dad left earlier this afternoon after you've settled into your dorm and since then you've just been lounging on your bed, trying to busy yourself with knick-knacks that you have lying around so the time could pass faster.
You adjust the ice pack on your knee a bit better and with a soft sigh, your eyes fall on your roommate.
Yunjin was sitting behind her desk that was pushed up right next to your identical one and was busy doing her makeup. Carefully applying a pretty shade to her eyelids as she moves her desk mirror to her liking.
She was getting ready to go to a party no doubt. It was the last Friday before the new semester after all and Yunjin was a frequent party goer from what you could tell in these years living together.
Yunjin and you have been roommates since freshman year and yet, you've barely spoken to each other. Always sticking to your sides of the generously sized dorm room, you guess it's because you don't have much in common with each other that you never tried to be friends.
You didn't know much about her if you were honest, just that she majored in political science, often dyed her hair and had a lot of friends. You were sort of the complete opposites from what you could tell.
But since she kept renewing her contract for the room with you every year, you think it's safe to assume that she at least doesn't mind you all too much.
Just...try, at least.
You clear your throat. Here you go...
"You, uh, you do your makeup really prettily." It's out of your mouth before you know it, you already feel awkward as it is but when your red haired roommate turns to you in surprise that maybe you even spoke in the first place - the awkwardness triples.
"Oh." Yunjin utters with raised brows before a tiny, careful smile settles on her face. "Thank you."
So...now what?
You both stare at each other for a long hard second and you hesitate, thinking it's best to leave it at that. Keeping up a conversation was never your strongest suit either. Now that you think of it, apart from football, you don't have any strong suits at all.
"I, uh, I had a lot of practice." She offers awkwardly, motioning to her face with the eyeshadow brush wedged gently between her fingers.
"Right, yeah, I can totally see that." You nod, surprised that she responded back with something that almost sounds like she wants the conversation to keep going. You clear your throat, "The eyeliner and stuff, seems tricky."
It seems like that was all it took for the ice to disapparate for Yunjin because next thing you know, she's rambling without a plan to stop;
"Oh, that's just at the beginning, the first couple of tries I mean and that goes for everything makeup related or, hm, maybe everything life related as well, wow." Yunjin shakes her head as if life philosophies were certainly not more important than a perfect winged eyeliner, "But anyways, I was looking like a panda for the majority of my junior year in high school." She chuckles at that, not looking embarrassed at all, "Had those thick eyebrows as well, it was a complete disaster. But the longer I wore makeup, the better I got at it and the more I learned what suited my face."
You clutch the pillow in your lap as you diligently listen to her, feeling like a younger sibling watching her older sister get ready for a party. 
"People say eyeliner isn't in fashion anymore, like it's an old makeup trend or whatever," Yunjin rolls her eyes at you and you chuckle lightly, shyly because you had no idea what was in trend, "Such bullshit, I'll never stop wearing it. It looks so good on me."
She observes the perfect thin wings decorating her eyelids and almost sighs a little in admiration.
You nod in agreement, not being able to stop yourself, "You have big eyes so the eyeliner frames them perfectly. It suits you."
Yunjin smiles happily, "Right? I totally look like Jihyo from TWICE, right?"
You hesitate, having no idea what Jihyo from TWICE looked like but you don't have the heart to sway her happiness so you just give her a small nod.
You continue to chat, mostly Yunjin talks, and by the amount she seems to have to say to you, you start to think that maybe all this time it wasn't that Yunjin avoided getting to know you because she wasn't interested in knowing her roommate. It seems like she had the idea that you had no interest into getting to know her, so she never bothered.
Once she's done with her makeup and she looks over herself in her precious small round mirror standing on her desk in satisfaction, she turns to you with a glare.
It's not a glare as if you've wronged her somehow but a glare of curiosity and seemingly not taking 'no' for an answer. You raise your brows.
Her glare deepens, one inquisitive but perfectly plucked eyebrow raised, "Do you want me to do your makeup?"
"Oh," You huff out, for some reason embarrassed that she's aware you're a complete klutz in that department, "I don't know."
"Hm, why not? You might like it. Makeup is fun!" 
"No, I know I'll like it." Your cheeks flush, embarrassment growing at the thought of her thinking that you're one of those girls who thinks she's better for not being interested in makeup. It wouldn't be the first time it happened. "I just...won't I look stupid?"
"Stupid?" Yunjin frowns as if the idea is ridiculous and maybe it was a little. "Why would you look stupid? I'm basically a pro at this, I wouldn't let you look stupid."
"Oh, I didn't mean anything about your...y'know, skills." You grimace when she continues to stare at you, not really in the mood to disclose that ever since a stupid teenage boy named Son Eunwoo laughed at you at prom for trying to look pretty that you've given up on it as it obviously didn't suit you all that much. "Just, y'know, people will think I look silly if I wear it. It's not my thing...y'know?"
There's a faint moment of silence and you cast your eyes somewhere else as you feel awkward all over again for ruining the relaxed mood. Finally, Yunjin speaks,
"Y/N," She calls quietly, face set in a serious expression when you bring your eyes up to her again, "Do you want me to do your makeup?"
You blink at her a couple of times, mouth parted as she sits in her chair, perfectly curled hair and perfectly applied makeup, and waits for your response.
"I'll go wash my face."
"Yes, you go do that and don't forget to moisturize."
It doesn't take more than twenty minutes for Yunjin to do your makeup. Before she starts, you carefully tell her you don't want too much and she says she'll ask before everything she applies if you want it or not.
And she really does.
She places a little bit of foundation just to cover the natural redness of your cheeks and the couple of small pimples that appeared on your chin. She foregoes contouring because you tell her you don't want that, not sure what's the purpose of it. 
She goes a little bit crazy with the eyeshadows though, maybe she notices that you have the most interest in them. Glitter especially. It makes your eyes look glossy, almost wet but you're sure you're not describing that properly.
She even does some thin eyeliner on you, some mascara, brushes out your eyebrows but doesn't fill them out because you tell her you don't like them looking sharp. Some blush, a pretty light orange color that decorates your cheeks in a way that it surprises you by how good it looks on your face. And at the end, some lip gloss to finish everything off.
All through out, you two talk. About school, about your hometowns, about your parents.
It's bonding, you realize. 
You never bonded with anyone through makeup before, it was usually over football with Ryujin or gossiping over the people you knew from school because that's what you had in common with her. But football is gone now, so is high school and for years now, so was Ryujin.
It was hard to keep up with a friendship that was out of necessity in the first place, even harder when there's an entire ocean separating you now.
But with Yunjin, although you seemingly have nothing much in common, the conversation just flows with each soft stroke of a brush or pat on the cheek.
"See!" She hands you her round mirror to look at yourself, "You look so good!"
"Oh," You muse out, staring at the reflection, admiring the glitter and shimmer and all the colors you're not used to having on your face, "I like it."
"Now, don't get me wrong!" She warns quickly with her hands up, painted nails glistening under the shitty dorm lights, "You look good without makeup too. Well," She rolls her eyes at herself, "You obviously know that since you don't wear it at all as it is but like, if you sometimes want to wear it, you'll know now that it won't look stupid on you."
You chuckle shyly at her short rant, placing the mirror back on her desk. 
You wished Yunjin's words of affirmation would be enough to rid you of all your insecurities regarding makeup or...anything 'girly', they don't but you don't have the heart to tell her that. "Thanks."
She nods in response before checking her phone for the time apparently. She throws it on her bed before clapping her hands, "Well, since you already have your makeup done, you might as well go to this party with me."
That leaves you stumped. You turn to look at her from the chair in front of her desk. Party? "Wait, what?"
Yunjin doesn't even grace you with a look, standing in front of her closet which was flung open as she sorts through different materials and patterned clothes.
"Come on L/N, brush your hair out and get into a pair of jeans that make your ass look great." Her head peaks out from behind the door of her closet, she winks at you, "I'll worry about your top."
You really don't know how this happened. You don't know how you ended up here, in the jeans that hugged your hips and thighs the tightest and in the most preposterously skimpy top you have ever worn with your brushed out long hair falling over your back and your lips tinted a deep glossy red. You were a willing participant in it but you really have no idea how this happened.
"I don't think this is an appropriate outfit." You tell Yunjin as you look over yourself in the tall mirror which you both share. "I don't think this shirt is supposed to be worn like this."
"Actually," Yunjin said as she fixed her skirt in the mirror behind you and paid no mind to your ongoing breakdown, "For the last three months I thought I got scammed by the online shop I ordered that top from because it looked nothing like the photos on me but now looking at you, I'm starting to realize that the online shop is legit and that I simply didn't have the tits to fill it out."
You spluttered about at her commentary as you stared at the outfit, wondering if it would be rude to chicken out on her now.
Your light blue denim flare jeans and white sneakers looked totally acceptable. They were yours after all. 
The shirt, the offending bright red sleeveless low cut crop top that almost had your boobs out completely for the whole entire world to see, on the other hand, was certainly not.
You don't think you've ever worn something so short, so tight, so...revealing. In your life.
It's not even that you felt uncomfortable in it, really, you thought you looked hot but it just....wasn't You.
And at that point, you had to remind your self very strongly that you had no idea what You actually was. Football was no more (at least for the near future but you have an inkling it's for forever) and maybe the you that was tied to it and that the rest of your small world knew should rest for a little bit while you explore what other you's are there.
Beats moping around and feeling sorry for yourself, at least.
Yes. You will try your hardest not to care what anyone else might think tonight. You looked good. Sexy as fuck, as Yunjin said.
It wasn't all she said. Yunjin, as you begin to find out in the last hour you've actually spoken to her, is the best when it comes to making a girl feel good about herself.
"God, Y/N, your body is crazy." You hear her say as she pulls your hand away from your stomach that was bare since the skimpy shirt or jeans didn't cover it. She stares at your abs. "Do you still workout?"
Still. Meaning she also knows you're a retired athlete at only twenty-one years of age. Once again, you have to try your best to not let that reminder dampen your mood.
"Thanks." You respond clearing your throat, giving her a weak smile. "Yeah, I workout five times a week."
You don't mention the physical therapy you're about to start next week or the fact that all your workouts are under strict supervision ever since the injury happened. That, starting from next week, two other people will be responsible of you staying in shape.
It's so pitiful, you're so used to doing everything on your own.
"Five?!" Yunjin's jaw drops before she scoffs, looking at her body in the mirror with overly critical eyes.
Yunjin seemed to be naturally on the skinnier side, she didn't have any muscle built up. Not like you, years of doing football made your physique change, your body looked amazing - you were aware of that. Personal trainers, coaches both male and female told you so at least....'Defined thighs, defined stomach, toned arms...'. You heard enough about your body to know that it looked good.
It took years of sweat and regular gym hours to make it that way though and you feel bad that Yunjin seems to be comparing it to her own.
"When I was in my best shape, I had a whole team of people working with me from diet to workouts, that includes my coach as well." You chuckle lightly, as she turns her eyes from her stomach to you, "Everyone was expecting me to go pro so...The university invested a lot in me."
You force out another laugh, not trying to turn an attempt to stop the comparisons into a pity party. "Even now when I won't be playing, I'll have two people working with me."
When all you get in return is a dumbfounded stare, you groan feeling like you read the situation incorrectly. Your social cues still need some catching up to do.
So, there's nothing left to do when you feel so uncomfortable but ramble and it's what you do best, you will be quick to learn.
"This is stupid, I don't know if that's what you were doing and I'll feel like shit if I say it but ended up assuming it wrong but I'll say it anyway just in case; if you were comparing yourself to me, don't, I had professionals working with me for the past three years. Professionals that are extremely expensive and finished schools and shit to learn how to make people look hot and fit, so...." You trail off, avoiding her eyes at all cost and scratching behind your neck awkwardly.
The silence is so long that it almost wills you to run out of the room and maybe ask for a permanent roommate change, just to beat Yunjin to the punch. Instead, you hear a stifled giggle.
You glance at her just to see your roommate bite back a grin.
You huff, cheeks turning red from the embarrassment because you barely speak but when you do, it's really almost always complete and utter shit, as you try to hide your own smile.
"You're a nice girl, Y/N."
"Yeah, yeah." You huff, always terrible at taking compliments, "So are you, I guess."
She snorts at your awkwardness but doesn't further comment on it as she rummages through her jewelry box and pokes big hoop earrings on.
"And you can keep that shirt if you want...God, I hate you big boobed bitches." You let out a surprised laugh at that as she rummages some more through her jewelry box. "Do you have any earrings for yourself? I'd offer you a necklace but I think it's hotter if your neck is bare honestly."
"Um," You approach your desk and pull out your mom's jewelry box with a humble amount of items in it. You show her your tiny golden hoops, "What about these?"
"Yeah, those are great. Put those on and let's get ready to go, Chaewon might be dancing on tables by now."
As you lock the door to your dorm and turn to leave, Yunjin intertwines your arms as you both walk down the hall crowded by college students either going in or going out.
New girl friend, not so bad, you think to yourself.
Chaewon is not dancing on tables when you get there. You don't exactly know who Chaewon is but there's nobody dancing on tables in the crowded frat house you've walked into. You don't know anyone there, you thought you might see some girls from your team at least despite not getting along with them the best but you don't.
Yunjin, on the other hand, seems to know everyone.
She greets every living soul in the dusty, stuffy living room and every living soul greets her back. You guess it's safe to say that your roommate slash new girl friend is very popular with the party crowd at your campus.
As it's your first ever college party, you just follow her around like a lost puppy but she never makes you feel like a lost puppy, instead, she introduces you to every person that comes to chat with her even though you can hardly remember their names. You appreciate that more than you'd like to admit.
You end up in the kitchen which is less crowded but still has a handful of people in it where Yunjin shoves the classic red party cup in your hand and clinks it with her matching one, telling you to drink up.
At least you're not a complete virgin in this area. You drank before, you weren't an expert or anything because alcohol is limited for athletes but still, it's one of the first 'not first's of the night.
You meet Chaewon who is bubbly and cute with her bob and sparkly eyes. She's not nearly as drunk as Yunjin led you to believe she would be. When you comment on it, Chaewon smacks Yunjin's arm jokingly.
"You've made the girl think I'm an alcoholic or something." She scolds your roommate with a smirk before turning to you, smile back to complete innocence, "I don't even drink that much, Y/N. Honest."
Yunjin comes closer to mutter in your ear, "She's a liar, it's just that she's trying to be sober to see if the guy she's into comes alone tonight."
"Oh!" You nod and give Chaewon a reassuring smile as she goes beet red in the face and glares at Yunjin who continues to tease her.
You were about to tell Yunjin that you much prefer the crowd in the kitchen than the living room area and that you'd hope to stay here a bit more but you don't get a chance to.
 Loud hoots echo through the kitchen and you turn your head to see what the ruckus is all about only to see the bane of your very existence walk in with a wide smile along with a group of other guys, greeting everyone like he's the king of the world and with the way everyone in the room treats him - he might as well be.
Of course. Of fucking course, Jung Wooyoung would be considered the life of the party.
He can be! You don't give a fuck! But why did it have to be the first party that you are attending.
You try to hide your scowl by taking another sip of your drink, trying your hardest not to let your eyes trace his movements from the other side of the kitchen island but one second your eyes are coasting over his ridiculous outfit (which he looks damn near scrumptious in but that's besides the point and something you will never admit that you ever thought about for even a second) and the next thing you know - his eyes are meeting yours.
You quickly whip your head to stare into the living room, feeling the edge of the counter dig into your back.
Yunjin and Chaewon are talking about something, laughing loudly through the noisy room and you're trying to hard to keep up with their conversation but that turns out to be impossible now that you're aware of a certain menace lurking about.
And lo and behold, quickly enough he skulks away from his group of friends and sneaks up to your side in three long strides.
"Well, well, well, do my eyes deceive me or is this Y/N Y/L/N at a frat house party?"
You stand rigid as his clothed elbow brushes your bare one but otherwise don't give him any further acknowledgement. Yunjin, from your freshly learned discovery is ever the social butterfly, grins with an eyeroll.
"Don't be a dick, Wooyoung."
Oh. Oh.
Yunjin knows Wooyoung. Well, that makes just about everything a thousand times worse.
"What? I didn't say anything." Jung Wooyoung defends with a smug smile from next to you before giving Chaewon a charming (or at least what might be charming by some people's standards, definitely not yours or anything) smile. "Chaewon, hello."
She stifles a laugh, "Hi, Wooyoung."
You're irritated to the highest degree for some reason.
Why were you never on the receiving end of his charming smiles? Again, charming by some people's standards. Let it be known, it's not by yours. Not that you want to be on the receiving end of any kind of Jung Wooyoung smile but just...why aren't you ever?
"Can't believe you two managed to get babyface over here out of her room for once." He comments and for a second you have no idea who he's referring to. Until Chaewon laughs lightly again before motioning towards Yunjin.
"That's all Yunjin. I just met Y/N, actually."
"Lucky you." Wooyoung adds and only after his second mischievous glance do you realize they're talking about you.
"Babyface?" You turn to him, growing outraged as his lips stretch into a wide grin. What is it with him and these weird nicknames which all contain the word 'baby' in them. What happened to calling you a troll like he did in middle school and moving about his night?
He shrugs, "I reckon it's better than crybaby."
"You reckon?" You scoff, not being able to stop yourself. Not even a full minute with him and you're already showcasing the gnarly childish side of yourself to girls you were hoping would become your friends. "Wow, how many years of college and you're finally using big words, Jung."
Wooyoung, for reasons you could never wrap your head around, looks positively delighted at your quip. "If you think 'reckon' is a big word then I have no further comments, Y/L/N."
You flush a deep red at that as a glare fully sets down on your face, aimed entirely towards him now. He bites his lip to stop himself from laughing which only makes you grow redder.
"So, you two know each other?" You forgot for a split second that the two of you were in the presence of your new friends. Yunjin stares at you with brows raised.
With a solemn sigh, you respond, "We were neighbours."
"We still are." Wooyoung adds, cozying up to you further. You watch in contempt the way his shoulder brushes yours and his arm lays on the kitchen island behind you, one wrong move and his arm would be around your waist. Seriously, why is he so damn close?
To your own embarrassment, you find yourself not moving away, liking his warmth and whatnot. Maybe, he smells nice as well. Just a little bit. Something citrusy and delicious. Whatever.
"Oh?" Yunjin asks, looking awfully too interested in your relationship with Wooyoung. Not that there is a relationship. Your brows furrow as you observe the way she silently communicates with Chaewon.
"What?" You ask, lost entirely. 
Chaewon gives you the same, overly enthusiastic smile, "Oh, nothing."
Wooyoung's chest shakes against you from silent laughter about something you must've missed and you turn to glare at him. He didn't do anything, you just felt like it.
A couple of minutes of conversation pass and you find yourself even enjoying it, despite the little nuisance stuck to your side. It's been awhile since you hung out with anybody, you never thought you even needed it but you think you understand now the hype around these college weekend hangouts.
Until it somehow dips to Yunjin and Chaewon ditching you.
"Y/N, remember that guy Yunjin was talking to you about? The one I have a crush on?" You nod as Chaewon talks against your ear, "Well, he just got here and Yunjin and I will go say hi to him."
"Oh, I'll come with!" You say pathetically before Yunjin loudly exclaims "NO!"
"No, Y/N, you stay right here with Wooyoung, okay?" She motions to the guy next to you, "You two seem to have so much in common!"
She's giving you a weird smile, overly wide, overly excited and you have trouble reading what she's trying to tell you, not knowing her nearly enough to be able to read girl code already.
You can barely get a word in and they're already gone, whisked by the living room crowd and you're stuck with Jung Wooyoung of all people by your side, feeling completely and utterly stupid. 
They...ditched you? Did Yunjin regret inviting you? Did she find you embarrassing? Maybe you should just go home.
A deep sigh is heard by your side and you're once again reminded with who they left you with.
"Y/L/N, they didn't ditch you. They don't hate you or whatever it is that you scrambled up in that big head of yours, they're trying to set you up with me." Wooyoung lazily explains from your right and you turn to look at him like he's crazy. What surprises you more than his statement is the fact that he's actually sticking by your side.
"What? Set you up with me?" You scoff, crossing your bare arms over your chest, "Don't be ridiculous."
He snorts, "You'd rather think they ditched you than trying to get you laid?"
You go silent at that. Laid. How preposterous. How insane and how ridiculous.
It's another thing that you're a complete virgin to. Literally and figuratively. You've never went with a boy past a clumsy make out session. Get laid, you scoff inwardly, how silly.
Suddenly, you're aware of a pair of eyes on the side of your face and you're not surprised to find Jung Wooyoung staring at you in amusement. With all your defenses up, you ask, "What?"
His eyes twinkle with mirth. "I didn't say anything."
Another moment of silence between the two of you passes. Some guy comes to greet Wooyoung, he gives you a small nod in greeting which you return and after some small talk between the two of them he walks away, leaving you two alone once again in the middle of the semi-crowded kitchen.
Wooyoung inches closer to you again, mirroring your stance now by leaning against the island with his back. "Is being alone with me that scary that you refuse to talk?"
"Scary?" You scoff again, it's all you seem to do in his presence, without even looking at him. "Don't flatter yourself too much, Jung, you're not nearly as intimidating as you like to think you are."
"Who said I thought I was intimidating?" He asks calmly, enjoying the way you're riled up for no apparent reason.
You don't answer his question, aware that you're being a bitch for no reason. But it's his fault if anything, years of juvenile fights made Jung Wooyoung bring out the worst in you.
"These parties don't seem like they're all that." You comment, more to yourself than anything but he's obviously listening so you decide to include him in the conversation. "Don't you get bored of them?"
Wooyoung hums from next to you, lightly swaying to the music from the living room as he hands you a cold cup of...something and takes one for himself as well. It feels weird that he actually is sort of attentive by getting you a drink when he noticed your empty cup on the island. You decide not to dwell on it too much.
"Bored? Not really, they get repetitive but there's always something fun to do." He responds, mouth quirking up as he looks down at you. Your eyes flicker down to his lips just in time for his tongue to swipe across his bottom lip. You look away quickly.
Clearing your throat, for the life of you, you have no idea why you nod to a couple in the corner right next to the kitchen almost having intercourse against a wall. "Like that?"
Wooyoung snickers and you feel yourself flush slightly but you blame it on the drink which is...much better than whatever Yunjin handed to you at the beginning of the night. "Don't blame people for having fun, Y/L/N."
You turn to him with your nose crinkled, "That's your idea of fun?"
Wooyoung seems a bit surprised and yet strangely intrigued by the course of the conversation. Maybe you are too but in this moment, it feels all too exhilarating with him being so close and you being a complete and utter virgin and all. God, if Chaewon and Yunjin left you here in hopes of getting you laid, maybe they were right.
There's no reason to be acting like this around Jung Wooyoung.
Honestly, what is wrong with you Y/N? Maybe you really should fuck someone. You'd stop thinking about Jung Wooyoung this way and lose your virginity at last.
Two birds with one stone.
"I know lots of ideas of fun." Wooyoung starts before he gives you that devastating grin of his that you despised even as a lovesick teenage girl as he subtly nods to the couple, still at it in the corner, "That is one of them. Although I'd at least take it up to one of the bedrooms upstairs."
Your nose crinkles in disgust again at the thought of the state of the beds in these dirty testosterone filled frat houses. "Gross, they probably don't even change the sheets."
"My apartment is two blocks away." Wooyoung adds, a little too quickly in your, once again completely virgin, opinion. "I always have that option as well, y'know?"
You blink a couple of times, staring at the kitchen tiles as you start thinking that you're not talking about his ideas of fun only anymore.
Was he-? Is he trying to-? No. No way. Do not.
"Right." You say quietly, taking a tiny sip of your drink before smacking your lips.
There is no way that in any shape or form Jung Wooyoung is attempting to flirt with you. 
He's quiet for only a couple of seconds before two other guys approach him, doing those weird half hugs half handshakes that assholes like Jung Wooyoung use to greet their friends. Which he seems to have a bunch of. Mr. Popular he is.
While they converse, your eyes are still stuck on the couple making out in the corner of the room and to not seem like a complete and utter creep, you draw your eyes away from them into the living room where...all you seem to see are couples.
Flirting. Kissing. Grinding on each other (Gross). Humping on the couch (Double Gross, you're sure people use that to sit on ordinary days). Clumsily walking up the stairs with their hands already on each other's clothes (Triple Gross). They're all going to have sex!
Meanwhile, you're a virgin. Not by choice either, if it were up to you you'd grab the first guy you see right this second and let him fuck you just to get it over with. It's not like you're saving yourself for someone special or anything. Too bad that they all seem to be taken one way or another and the only guy you've spent the whole night talking to is-
You turn to observe Jung Wooyoung by your side, who is still talking to his two buddies. None of them paying you any mind.
As you mentioned before, there was a general consensus going around that Jung Wooyoung was good looking. You've seen him only a handful times since that night he dropped you off home after prom even if you're both on the same campus but you can admit (although you'll outwardly deny it if anybody asks) that he has gotten even hotter.
His face lost all of his baby fat with years that went by, his jawline got sharper and lips plusher. His eyes were expressive and the mole under one of them was cute. His hair was still long, you don't know if he cut it after prom night and just let it grow out again or if this was simply the length her preferred, now all black but it suited him immensely.
He had nice hands as well. Veiny hands, long fingers with nice and tidy nails. And you might've called his outfit ridiculous but you only did it to fulfill your role as his self-appointed enemy, it wasn't that ridiculous. Just a pair of baggy jeans and a white shirt with his sleeves rolled up. You guess he knows that he has sexy hands. The first three buttons of his shirt were undone, making sure to showcase the naturally tanned smooth skin underneath and a necklace decorating his collarbones.
A man that plays up his good physical attributes this well could be nothing else but a man that gets around a lot.
When you notice that you've spent a good two minutes doing nothing but checking Jung Wooyoung out, you notice that his two friends have left already and he's holding his red cup while staring at you with an amused smirk on his face.
"What now?" He asks and you part your lips before licking them, almost shivering when you catch Wooyoung following the action closely.
Well, your dad did say that should live your life and try at least. His words, not yours!
Although when he said them, you are most definitely sure your dad didn't think you'd ever be applying them when asking Jung Wooyoung to take your virginity but what he doesn't know won't put him in an early grave.
You are twenty-one years old and among a lot of other things, you are horny. It's time to get a move on.
"I'm going to ask you something now and for once," You let out a soft sigh, eyes fluttering shut as you can't believe you're about to do this before opening them to level Jung Wooyoung with an open stare as you inch closer to him to make sure he can hear every word, "Just this once, I ask of you, nicely, to not be a dick about it. If you're not up for it, just...just let me down gently. Don't laugh at me, please, just tell me no and we'll forget it ever happened."
All traces of amusement leave Wooyoung's eyes after your all-too-honest speech and he turns to rest his hip against the kitchen island to be face to face with you. He looks serious and asks quietly, "What do you wanna ask me, Y/L/N?"
You take a deep breath, feeling undeniably nervous under his heavy gaze. "Those ideas of fun you mentioned before, the ones involving your apartment...."
Wooyoung presses the rim of the cup against his lower lip, teeth gently grazing it before he takes a sip. He nods, looking a little confused as he swallows, teeth coming back to bite on the cup.
"Mind showing me?"
It takes him a second to catch on but when he does, it only takes another second for the mischief in his eyes to triple and lips placed against the rim of his red cup to stretch into a wide breathtaking smile.
Wooyoung had an inkling of an idea where the course of the night would take him when he first left his apartment. Have a drink or two, mess about with the guys for a few hours and maybe if he was up to it, find someone to take home.
 But this... if someone told him this would happen, he'd burst out laughing and call that person crazy. Insane. Deranged. A lunatic. 
Really, he had no idea how the hell this happened. 
This being two handfuls of your jean-covered ass in his hands, tongue shoved deep into your mouth as he pushes you against his hallway wall and swallows every tiny sound you make while your hands tug and rake through his hair.
He's pretty sure your dark red lip gloss is all over his cheeks from how messy and rushed the kissing is. Everything tastes like artificial cherries, a taste too sweet for Wooyoung's liking accompanied by a tinge of vodka and lemonade that you've both been drinking.
Your hands are soft when they run over his jaw and latch onto his shoulders, he swallows another surprisingly sweet whine of yours and slips a leg between your thighs. Embarrassingly enough, Wooyoung is already hard and once his hands slip from your ass to your hips just to feel the way you move them as you grind against his thigh - he fears he might finish in his pants.
Yeah, if at the start of the night someone told him that Y/L/N Y/N would be dry humping him in the hallway of his small studio apartment after he went out of his way to keep her company at a party, he surely would've dialed the nearest psychiatric institution to take that person in for much needed treatment.
When you reward him with a whimper that goes straight to his dick for placing a kiss underneath your ear, Wooyoung starts coating your neck in slow hot kisses and bites that leave you trembling in his arms. 
He's been (as subtly as he could) staring at the naked skin that your shirt revealed for the majority of the night anyway so, truly, this isn't much of a chore for him.
When his teeth gently graze your clavicle, he pulls away for just a moment and realizes he's finally gotten a front seat view of your tits.
Jesus Christ.
When the fuck did you become hot?
Wooyoung always found you cute at most. And fine, he thought you were pretty too that night he drove you home from your prom night. But that's where it all ended. He didn't think about you all too much in any other way given your history and barely saw you as it is.
Looking at you now...your hooded eyes that glittered around the corners. Flushed cheeks and heavy breaths that made his head spin. Disheveled long hair that fell down your back and that he wanted to tangle his fingers in (which he quickly did as soon as that thought appeared, no time like the present!). And those fucking tits covered with nothing but a sorry excuse for a shirt that clung to your torso.
It really must be true when they say that distance makes the heart grow fonder. 
Although there's little heart involved in this situation and a whole lot of thinking with his dick.
He pulls the thick strap of your top a little and watches at it smacks against your skin gently. You keep quiet, breaths still heavy as you watch him.
"This shirt is fucking ridiculous, Y/L/N."
No time left for talking, his fingers curl around your waist again as he bends down to place kisses against your chest. You both probably smell like smoke, sweat and booze but there's a soft layer of vanilla mixed into it the closer he gets to you and Wooyoung finds himself not minding the combination.
"I-It looks bad?"
It's the first words you've spoken since you stumbled into his apartment and Wooyoung has to pause, almost in disbelief. His first reaction is annoyance, not pegging you as the type of girl to fish for compliments by acting insecure even though she knows very well she looks delectable.
But then, the more he stares, the more he notices the way you twitch in his hold, shifting your gaze around his face in order to avoid his eyes, his annoyance disappears. You are insecure about the shirt. You are genuinely wondering whether or not it looks good on you.
And Wooyoung is nothing, if not ready to please at all times.
"I wanna drag it off of you with my teeth." He says the honest truth, hating the way his voice is low and husky. What the fuck is he doing. Why is he breathing so heavily?
The blush that overtakes you doesn't stop at your face but slowly curls around your neck and appears at the top of your chest. He hums, satisfied with the reaction he got before going back to business.
The business being your marvelous tits.
With his hand still curled around your waist as he lowers down so his forehead is basically resting on your bare chest, he groans once he thumbs over your left breast and feels a hard nipple under the material.
"Are you not wearing anything under this?" He murmurs against your skin, groaning again once he feels your fingers intertwine with his hair. Wooyoung doesn't wait for a response but roughly pulls one of the thick straps down your arm and places a hand over your naked breast feeling its weight in his hand.
Jesus fucking Christ.
He thumbs at your nipple, liking the soft moan that escapes you at the action as you continue to grind against his clothed thigh.
"Y-Yunjin said it didn't need a-a bra." You stutter out through a whisper and he places a soft kiss to the middle of your chest as if to soothe you before returning his attention to what's really important.
God bless Yunjin then. Wooyoung should remind himself to buy her that chicken sandwich she likes so much tomorrow morning.
His thumb rubs over the hard pink nipple one last time before its enveloped by his lips, tongue twirling around it and arm tightening around your waist as your breath hitches and you twitch even more in his hold.
When you let out a high pitched moan once his teeth gently graze the soft bud, Wooyoung thinks he'll send Yunjin a whole damn buffet to her dorm.
Wooyoung releases your nipple with a 'pop' that makes you groan lewdly and he scrambles to stand up to his full height to get the offending red shirt off your body.
"Off." He mutters and you quickly grab the ends of the shirt to pull it off, needing Wooyoung's help since it was genuinely so tight on your torso.
With your hair disheveled even more now and bare chest on full display, Wooyoung almost kneels down in front of you.
His dick ached.
"Oh my fucking God." He mutters, burying his face into your chest as he licked and kissed and sucked and...
"Bed." You whisper through a moan, tugging at his hair. You grit out almost bossily, "B-Bed!"
"Bed?" Wooyoung looks down on you in confirmation, body now completely pressed against yours and when he sees your wide, desperate but sure eyes, he quickly nods. "Bed."
His lips are back on yours again, hand grasping at your jaw as he pulls you from the wall and leads you further into his studio apartment. The bed was only a couple of feet away anyways.
You grunt against his lips as you trip over something and he pushes it away with his foot (it was a sneaker that fell out of place as he was getting ready in a hurry), continuing to lead the way to his bed.
"You take off your shirt too." You whisper, almost shyly which causes something warm to swirl in his stomach. He obeys quickly, dropping his shirt to your feet before pulling you in with a hand at the back of your neck, biting at your lower lip and letting out a small laugh as you gasp.
"Pants too." You add innocently and he huffs, growing amused at your bossy nature even in the bedroom.
So, of course, he'll be a little shit about it.
Wooyoung drops himself on the bed, thanking God he changed his sheets this morning, and obnoxiously spreads out his legs. He observes you with a tilted head and a grin on his face, "Why don't you take them off?"
You lick your lips at the request, feeling like it's awfully hot in the room despite the fact that you're not wearing a shirt. You without a shirt in front of Jung Wooyoung with your tits on full display was another thing that you weren't ready to unpack just yet.
He's beautiful.
Wooyoung's skin is a pretty color of fresh honey and you carefully step closer, between his legs, to place a hand on his firm chest and feel his velvety skin. He watches your every move with hooded eyes, holding himself up with his arms placed behind him on the bed.
There's a tattoo on the side of his ribs, one that you would never know about unless you see him like this, so you run a thumb over it in admiration. Still, you don't want to take too long at the risk of coming off as weird, so with all the bravery you can muster - your hand drops to the button of his jeans and you gently (because of your fucking knee) lower yourself down to sit between his legs.
You thumb it open and pull the zipper down, shivering at the way Wooyoung's lips part and he softly exhales in what seems to be anticipation. You further flush when you finally get to see the outline of his....well, his dick.
You felt it against your hip, when you were kissing by the entrance door but you didn't have the guts to ever look down.
When Wooyoung lifts his hips up to help you get his pants off, you realize you're about to see it now anyway.
Clearing your throat, you curl your fingers around the waistband of his jeans and underwear all at once and pull it down. If Wooyoung notices how clumsy you are with it, he decides not to comment at least.
And there it is. His dick. A dick, first of all. The first dick you've ever seen in your life that wasn't through the screen while watching a bad porn video.
You don't stop pulling on his pants until they're pooling at his ankles without breaking stare with his...penis. 
You don't really know what you expected if you're being honest. You never thought a dick would be pretty and...it's not exactly ugly either. Just, odd looking you suppose.
You can't tell if it's either big or small as you have nothing to compare it to. Maybe average? What is considered small? You're scared what a big dick looks like if this is a small one. Or even average one. It's kind of thick though which is worrying, you don't even notice the way your lips part as you imagine how exactly is this...thing supposed to fit anywhere inside of you.
There's neatly trimmed hair at the base of it and the tip is flushed, a thick vein running at the underside of it and two-
"Uh," It's like a sound of a scratched record as you freeze, "Your first time seeing a dick or something, Y/L/N?"
Your head slowly lifts from his lap and up to his face where a Jung Wooyoung awaits with raised brows.
It's only then that you realize you've been examining this guy's dick like he was at a doctor's appointment instead of trying to get him off.
You're at a little loss of words to be honest and for a split second you're worried that Jung Wooyoung will take your stutters of "I, uh" and "Um"'s and "Uh, hm"'s the wrong way and think you're impressed by him or something. You're not, once again, you have nothing to compare it to. You barely know what you're looking at right now.
His facial expressions go a little like this in the next twenty seconds: Cockiness (that quickly fades though), Confusion and last but not least Realization.
"Oh my God, it is?!" He laughs in disbelief before his eyes grow even wider and mouth continues to hang open. He quickly places a pillow laying on his bed over his lap, to shield his manhood from the big bad scary virgin apparently, "You're a virgin?!"
It feels like a punch to the gut and you flush a deep red, already scrambling up to your feet and shielding your bare chest. While you try to find that damned crop top, Wooyoung is still rambling in the background.
"There's no way! Wow, seriously you've never had sex before?! Never?! Wow, there's no way! Wait, why are you putting your shoes on-"
You refuse to turn towards him, pathetic tears of embarrassment already welled up in your eyes and bottom lip wobbling, "Uh, I'm gonna go."
"Wait, what? Why?" You hear shuffling behind you and you assume he's trying to get back into his jeans.
You quickly slide your second sneaker on and are flinging the door open, not looking back. "I have to go. I'm sorry, bye."
"Sorry? What are you- Will you just wait a fucking second for me to put my clothes back-" The door falls shut and you're stalking down the hallway of the apartment building, trying to get as far away from his door as you can.
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
What were you thinking? Kissing Jung Wooyoung, going home with Jung Wooyoung, doing anything with Jung Wooyoung. What were you thinking?
You cry only a little when you get back to your dorm. Really, it's only a little, just a couple of flimsy tears. 
Then you scrub the makeup from your face and change into your pajamas. Yunjin still isn't back and you're angry at her too, for bringing you to that party in the first place. For leaving you with Jung Wooyoung as well.
You're angry and embarrassed. And on top of that, you're horny too.
Why did Jung Wooyoung have to be such a good kisser? Why did his hands have to feel so nice? Why was he so beautiful?
You huff, buried deep in your sheets and all ready to go to bed but sleep just isn't coming. You're too busy thinking about the guy you've sworn not to think about at all anymore.
It was going so well these last two years.
With another huff, you cover your face with your pillow and scream at the top of your lungs.
He tasted like lemonade.
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yelenasdiary · 1 year
Different Kind of Love - Part I
Pairing: CEO! MobBoss! Natasha Romanoff x Assistant! Reader (Platonic)
Summary: Working for Natasha was never easy and being a low-level assistant for the CEO wasn’t where you thought you’d be after working your hardest for 2 years. After catching you in tears on Christmas Eve, Natasha cold ways start to warm up.
Dark Themes | Angst | Comfort | Language Warning | Reader is a single mum | Sexual Assault Mentions | Spiking | Mentions of drinking | Mentions of Depression | 3.6K | 
Notes: Dylan’s dialog is meant to sound like how a 5-year-old would talk and his nickname is Dyl and not a misspell. Reader is 26 while Natasha is 38.  
Different Kind of Love Masterlist
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"Good morning, Miss Romanova" you smiled softly after knocking on Natasha's office glass door. The redhead looked up and smiled in return for only you to see, "Good morning, did you have a lovely break?" She asked. After Christmas, Natasha gave you two weeks off, paid of course, to enjoy some much needed one on one time with your 5-year-old son, Dylan.
 "It was lovely, thank you so much for everything with Christmas and giving me some time off, it really means a lot to me and Dylan" 
Natasha nodded slightly, "You're very welcome, like I said, you have been working extremely hard and I'm sorry I didn't see that before. Dylan is a great kid and I hope this new position will give you both more time together" she smiled once again, "Now, I'm really sorry but we have a meeting in about 25 minutes about the Davis case. Can you please make sure meeting room 4 is set up and ready?" she asked while putting her reading glasses back on. 
"Of course, Miss Romanova"
Natasha is the CEO and Founder of Romanova Lawyers. Being a lawyer herself, she and her business are one of the most successful businesses in New York City. Natasha has won over 450 cases and is considered one of the highest paid lawyers in the country. Not only does she own a law firm, but she also has another side business that runs through Romanova Lawyers which offers clients to hire Natasha herself or another highly skilled detective to do private detective work. Safe to say, Natasha is a very busy woman with a lot of money. 
It didn't matter what job it was, if you could get a job at Romanova Lawyers, you basically had a golden ticket into the work force. Many other law firms will hire past employees with Romanova Lawyers on their resume simply because you worked there. Getting a past employee of Romanova Lawyers was almost like getting the best football player to play on your team. 
Now that you have a new role at the firm, your work is a lot more interesting than before. You'd follow Natasha from meeting to meeting, taking notes, and making sure the Russian had all the necessary paperwork she needed before court or a meeting. She still would ask you to do some pointless jobs like a coffee run or pick up her dry cleaning, but you didn't mind doing that as much. Her attitude towards you was very different to how she treated the other employees. Her cold ways were still just as strong, she still groaned and raised her voice at people for small mistakes and even though you thought it was very harsh of her, you couldn't help but see this was the way she was able to become the woman she is now. 
"This case is going to be a fucking pain in my arse" Natasha mumbled while walking beside you as she quickly refreshed her memory of the case details, "why are men so stupid?!" she added with a light shake of her head. "Would you like me to record this meeting or just take notes today?" you asked, ignoring her comments that she clearly was saying to herself. "Might have to record this one" she replied before handing you the case file and adjusting her dress before walking into the meeting room with a welcoming smile. "Gentlemen, shall we start?" 
After your shift, your new hours being 7 am to 3:30pm you made some last-minute emails and signed off for the day. "I'll see you tomorrow, Miss Romanova, don't forget you have a skype call appointment with a Miss Maximoff at 4:45" you smiled with your head peeking into her office, "oh yes! Thank you for that reminder. Have a lovely night, say hey to Dylan for me" Natasha quickly looked up at you and waved you off. 
"Mommy!" Dylan came running from the living room and wrapping his arms around your legs before you could even kick your shoes off, "Hi honey, how was your day?" you asked with a smile on your lips as you placed your handbag on the floor. "It was good, but my fire truck needs more batteries and Kate don't know where you put them" he looked up at you with his big blue eyes and curly dark hair, "Do you want to go and get your truck for me?" you ruffed his curls before he took off back into the living room. 
"Hey there Miss Moore" Kate smiled while wiping down your kitchen countertop, "Kate, we've been through this" you shook your head playfully, "call me Y/n" you added. "I forgot, I'm so sorry" she replied, "Dylan just had his afternoon snack, he had half a banana and a small bowl of yoghurt so he should be fine until dinner" Kate explained, "oh and his fire truck Santa got him for Christmas needs new batteries, but I wasn't sure where you kept them" 
"Thank you so much for today. I usually keep them in my room, so I'll get some for him. I'll just go and get your money" 
"Here's my truck mommy" Dylan returned with his fire truck in his hands, "Thank you honey, I'll go get some new batteries right now can you do me a favour and get mommy's purse from her handbag please?" you kindly took his toy from his small hands, "sure mommy" Dylan smiled and raced off to get your purse. "God he's adorable" you heard Kate speak to herself, "You're not here when the word No is used" you joked before walking down the hall to your room. 
After dinner and Dylan was in bed you were doing your nightly routine of catching up on emails for work, looking at school for Dylan to start in September and now with the extra money you're making, you were considering putting him into pre-school. Being 5 years-old and barely having any friends and not having the time to do pick up and drop off you were excited for your son to finally make some friends and start learning new things every day that would blow his mind. 
*Buzz Buzz*
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A smile tugged at your lips when reading the message. Christmas was different but lovely to spend with Natasha, you learnt so much about her and saw a side of her that you wished the entire office was able to see. The way she kicked off her heels and got on her knees to play with Dylan and his trucks, the way she sat with him and helped him read one of the books 'Santa' had gotten him but mostly what stood out to you was the way she spoke to you, the way she opened up to you and shared things about her life that honestly took you by surprise. 
The next morning you walked into the office already hearing the raised voice of an annoyed Russian. "Candice, do you think I give a crap about your husbands broke foot?! I asked for these documents to be done before today!" She slammed the file onto her desk. "I'm sorry Miss Romanova, I was doing them last night, but I ran out of time, I'm really sorry" the lovely woman who couldn't even hurt a fly or even yell at one for that matter replied. "News flash Candice, we're going to be late because of this!" Natasha spat back grabbing a pen from her pen holder. "Candice, why don't you go back to your desk, I'll take care of this" you whispered standing behind the woman, giving her an apologetic smile when she saw you, "Thank you" she mouthed.
Natasha frustratingly scribbled down words onto the unfinished documents with a huff and puff, "Miss Romanova, I'll finish those, you have to get ready for the Davis case in court today" you offered as you walked into her office. "No! These should have been done yesterday! How are things supposed to ever get done when people don't listen?!" She snapped, nothing unusual for you. "I'll have them done within the hour; I promise"
"Fine" Natasha sighed, placing her pen on top of the small pile of documents and grabbed her coat from behind her chair and her brief case from the side of her desk. She wore her hair up and a black suit with a red shirt underneath. "I can't be dealing with people's mistakes today. Do you hear me?!" She looked up at you, "Yes, Miss Romanova" you nodded before she brushed by you, storming out of the office. 
Everybody was on edge today whenever Natasha was around, after yet another case won, you'd think she would be happy but the look on her face when she looked up at you spoke other words. "Cancel all my remaining appointments and meetings today. I have some things to take care of for the rest of the day" she huffed, unloading her briefcase, "But Miss Romanova, the Maximoff case is marked urgent" you reminded her. "Well, you fucking deal with it!" Her eyes shot up at you full of rage which worried you as you'd never seen her like this before, "Just cancel or move whatever the fuck I have left today and don't let anybody contact me!" she added as she grabbed her keys and handbag from the bottom drawer of her desk. 
"Yes ma'am" you replied watching her walk out of the office. 
It wasn't until Saturday that you'd see her again. The rest of the week you had to postpone and move her meetings to a time that you only hoped would work better for her. You wanted to message her and ask if she was okay and ask when she'd be back into the office but decided to give her space. 
A knock at your apartment door made little Dylan jump with excitement, "I'll get it!" He called from his room. "No, you won't honey, we spoke about this!" you hollaed back already having your hand on the door handle and pulling it open. "Miss Roma- I mean, Natasha, Hi" you smiled even though you were shocked to see her at your door. "Hey, are you guys ready? We don't want to be late" she asked with a small smile of her own. 
"Miss Romanova!!!" Dylan came running down the hall with a wide smile. "Hey there kiddo!" Nat kneeled down to his level, "Are you ready?" she asked him. Dylan nodded, "will there be other kids?" your son asked with a hint of hope to finally be able to play with other children. He's always been so good at making new friends no matter how old they were, walking down the mall Dylan would always say hello to strangers. As nice as it was, it worried you that he was so open to talking to people he didn't know. 
"There's going to be plenty of other children for you to meet and play with, are you excited?" 
"Yes! Mommy said I can start pre-school this year" Dylan boosted with excitement, "That sounds very exciting" Natasha smiled softly at the young boy, "we should get going" she looked up at you. "I'll just get my handbag" you replied. 
"Isn't he a bit late for pre-school?" Natasha asked while Dylan was busy playing on his tablet, the car ride would be an hour long and for an excited young boy, that was like years. "Only by a year, I wanted to put him in last year but uh," you paused and looked away from your boss, "it was just my work hours, I wouldn't have been free for pick up and drop off, so it was just easier to get a sitter", you didn't want to talk about Dylan's pre-school admission, you wanted to ask her where she'd been, is she was okay but did you even have a place to say anything?
"I had some family things to deal with. I'm sorry I didn't contact you; I was confident you were able to step up and take charge while I was gone" Natasha spoke, seeing the way you looked at her, screaming your questions to her without saying a word. "You don't have to explain anything, I was able to move things to next week and the Maximoff case we decided to wait until you came back. I'm not a lawyer and I never went to law school so I wasn't sure what to do" you explained, your palms starting to sweat hoping she wouldn't cuss at you in front of Dylan but instead she nodded, "thank you, I'm sorry it was sprung on you like that" 
"It's okay, family always has to come first" you gave her an assuring smile, "you're right, it does" Natasha replied with her eyes shifting to Dylan. 
Arriving at the party, you were introduced to Natasha's best friend, Clint Barton and his family, Laura his wife and their children, Copper, Lila and Nathaniel. It was Nathaniel's birthday party and just as Natasha mentioned, there were plenty of other children for Dylan to mix with. 
"Hi, I'm Dylan" he smiled at Nathaniel, "Hey, do you want to join me and my friends in a nerf gun fight?" Nathaniel offered. "What's that?" Dylan asked picking at the hem of his shirt nervously, "it's just a toy gun fight, with these soft bullets they won't hurt and if you want you can wear my old armour vest" Nathaniel offered with a smile. Dylan looked up at you, his eyes full of excitement but he always made sure his mommy said yes before taking off with anybody, especially somebody he just met. "Go on, baby, go have some fun" you smiled and before you could blink, Dylan was running off with this new friend. 
"So, how long have you been working for Natasha?" Laura asked sipping her iced tea. "3 years in June actually. It's gone by pretty quickly, but I've enjoyed it for the most part" you replied forgetting any of the bad. "She's not tough on you, is she? I know she can be a little bossy" Laura chuckled, "oh no, never" you said sarcastically, chuckling with her. 
For the first time since Dylan was born, you found yourself enjoying the company of other mothers and fathers, people who knew exactly what you were talking about and even shared stories of how their children were when they were younger, funny stories, happy and the normal yuck stories of eating dog biscuits or having poop smeared up their backs. Natasha kept her eye on Dylan even though she knew he was more than safe, she loved watching him run around with her best friend's children with the wide smile that she felt was starting to light a fire in her cold heart. 
Every now and then she helped herself to a quick glance at you as you smiled and laughed with the other parents. The need to protect you came to mind as she sat back and thought about the past 2 years, she's known you. "Nat!" Dylan came running up to the redhead, breaking her thoughts. "What's up kid?" she smiled, "could you please tie my shoes?" he asked kindly, "I can't find mommy" he adds while looking around for you. Natasha nodded and kneeled to tie his light up shoes that Natasha got him for Christmas as a gift from Santa, "Your mommy is just over there" she pointed in your direction. "Thank you, Nat" Dylan smiles and gives her a quick hug, taking her by surprise as she slowly wraps her arms around the small boy and smiles softly at his kindness before he's rushing off to ask you for a drink. 
"Thank you so much for today, I had a lovely time and I think Dylan did too" you smiled at Natasha while running your fingers through Dylan's hair as he was snuggled into you fast asleep. "He really enjoyed himself" Natasha watched the scene in front of her, the limo giving plenty of room for you all to get comfortable. 
"He's really excited to start pre-school; I think today was really good for him"
"He told me all about it, you've done and still doing a great job raising him" Natasha complimented as she made eye contact with you. "It hasn't been easy but" you paused as your eyes dropped to your sleeping son, you smiled softly, "he deserves everything I can give him and more" your eyes traveled back to Natasha. There was a moment of silence between the two, you could see Natasha was wanting to ask the question everybody wants to ask, who's Dylan's father? 
"You can ask" you spoke. 
"Ask what?" Natasha frowned slightly.
 "You have that look in your eyes, the one everybody has when they want to know more about Dylan's father"
"You already told me, he couldn't afford to help" Natasha replied, you shook your head, "I lied" you admitted, licking your lips as your eyes fell to Natasha's feet. "What's the story?" she asked as if she didn't have a care for your emotions but looking back in her eyes, who was she to tell? You took a deep breath and made sure Dylan was still fast asleep before gently placing a kiss on the top of his head. 
"He was possessive. When I first met him, he was lovely and so kind you know…he never failed to make you smile or laugh, I considered him a good friend. One of his friends was throwing a party and my parents were fine with me going as long as I wasn't back too late, I was almost 21 and they trusted me. I got to the party and started having a few drinks with my friends. Then later on my friends were heading home but he convinced me to stay for an hour or two, so I did.
I knew better than to get drunk like he was, I had two drinks with him and I was out of my mind. I told him no and that I wanted to go home.." you paused as tears filled your eyes, "all I remember after he pushed me onto the bed was him saying I'd been asking for it all night…3 weeks later I find out I'm pregnant. It took me months to find out who assaulted me that night and when I told him I was pregnant he just laughed at me and said the baby could be his or one of his two friends and that I'd never know because I was too drunk and wasted to remember asking for it" 
Natasha's jaw clenched at the details you shared with her. "But if you were ever saw him, you can see that he's Dylan's father, there's no doubting it" you added, tears streaming down your cheeks. "He needs to help responsible for this" Natasha leaned forward and gently took your hand into hers, "I tried. I went to the police before I found out I was pregnant, and they turned me around and told me to come back when I had hard evidence" you explained.
"But you were pregnant, that's more than enough evidence. They could've done a DNA test"
"Natasha, by the time I processed everything and told my parents…I didn't want people to see me…I hid myself away for most of my pregnancy and after the police turning me away like they did, I didn't think they would believe me. 
"I'm so sorry, Y/n" she wiped your tears and looked deeply into your eyes, "That little boy is so lucky to have you as his mother. You got a fucking amazing job with him, you give him everything a mother could give a child and I have a hell of a lot of respect for you. Thank you for sharing all of that with me"
"Like I said, it hasn't been easy but every morning when I wake up and I get to see his beautiful smile and those big blue eyes he makes me forget all the horror and I only see the good. He saved my life, if I had apported him, I don't know what I would've done" you replied trying your best to keep from crying more. Natasha's soft hands gave yours a gently squeeze, "if you need anything and I mean anything, you come to me. Okay?" she kept strong eye contact with you, "I mean it, I don't care what time you need me, if you and Dylan need me, I will be there" she assured you as you nodded slowly, "thank you Natasha" you replied. 
Natasha carried Dylan up to his room for you as you grabbed his backpack full of toys, she gently placed him in his bed and pulled the covers over him before giving him a secret kiss on the forehead, "sleep well kid" she smiled before leaving his room. 
"Thank you so much again for today and tonight, I'm so sorry I was unprofessional and sharing my personal life like that" you looked at her as you placed your belongings on the countertop. "You're not the only one with secrets, maybe another time we can share a bottle of wine and I can share mine" she offered. "That sounds nice" you smiled softly, "Well, I guess I'll see you Wednesday morning" Natasha replied. 
"Yeah, take Monday and Tuesday as an extended weekend" she playfully winked before heading for the door, "thank you" you said once more. "Y/n, thank me one more time and I'll fire you" Natasha chuckled, "Oh, I'm sorry, boss" you smirked, "goodnight" she shook her head before closing your apartment door.
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nimata-beroya · 5 months
20 Questions For Writers
This was sitting on my notifs for a few days and i finally took the time to do it. Thank my darling @takadasaiko for the tag!! 💕💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 88 works in total, 31 of which are for Star Wars.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
574,873 words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I'm only writing for Star Wars. But I used to write for Arrow and Supergirl, and ASoIAF, Dark-Hunters and Chronicles of Nick are in standby. I'm waiting for right motivation to come back to any of the last 3.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I'm only talking about Star Wars fics here...
Kadala (The Mandalorian) [and 4th place in most kudos of all my works]
Rough Awakening (The Bad Batch) [and 5th place in most kudos of all my works]
Welcome to Yavin IV (Rebels)
An Explosive Situation (Rebels)
Rescue on Ryloth (The Bad Batch)
And the the rest of my all-time fics with most kudos are
Take Your Breath Away (Arrow)
Undisclosed Desires (Arrow)
Made For You (ASoIaF/Game of Thrones)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try my best, but sometimes I forget, and then it's been weeks and months since I got the comments that I'm embarrassed to reply them after so long. Even though, I think it's important that a writer let the reader/commenter that they appreciate it, even if it's with a simple "thank you" or an emoji. I know I'm being a hypocrite here since I fail to do what I preach, but it doesn't make it less true.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think that would be Drifting, because it's kind of open ending, left to be interpreted, so it could end however the reader wants. Although, I left an author's note at the end saying what's my preferred ending, which always will be inclined to the happy side.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
High Above the Ground because is the happy ending i want for Commander Fox and Riyo Chuchi. They deserve only the best!
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
No, not really. I've gotten only 1 stupid message of someone criticizing a fic, but that was years ago when I still posted on FF dot net. The joke was on the reader because I moderated all the comments there so I just deleted it and nobody saw it but me. Honestly, I just laughed about it cuz their argument was just stupid.
9. Do you write smut?
I do, all kinds -from the most tame thing to the most perverted. But I used to wrote way more in my old fandoms, especially for Arrow. I think for Star Wars I've written just 1 or 2 smutty fics, and tamed at that.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I've tried a couple of occasions but never finished them. I'm not opposed to them obviously, but I do think the combination of fandoms has to be just right to work. Or at least, when it's me doing the writing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes! Many, many years ago in the first fandom I ever wrote for. It was awful and hated it! You see, this was in the stone age of the internet when fandom specific sites abounded and not everyone had an account on FFnet yet (and Ao3 was not even a dream). The site I published on was split in 2 sections because the ships war in the fandom was bloody and ruthless, so to avoid the slaughter, I kept myself in my preferred side. But one day, a friend who read fic on both sides told me that someone stole my fics. Avoiding to get caught, the person who did it published them under a pen name that was almost exact to mine, she only added a period at the end, which could easily go unnoticed. Oh, and she interchanged characters names so it'd fit the other ship.
At first, my friend thought I had posted them but she knew I'd never write for that ship, like ever. In the end, it turned out that I wasn't the only one who had being plagiarized. Several people ON BOTH SIDES were. Thankfully, the person was caught and banned, but we almost burned the site down because of the whole shitshow.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
By me, yes, several. All into Spanish (my mother tongue). By others, not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! A couple of times for different fandoms, and I loved it. I hope I'll do it again. The thing is that you need to find the right partner for it, or it can be a nightmare.
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
I don't appreciate this question, let me tell you. It's hard to choose. But I think I have to go with Olicity. I love them still (even if the show ending ruined it for me). Close second would be Braime (and I'm glad that there's still hope for them on the books, because as usual the show fucked them so but sooooo bad)
And as Star Wars specific, I don't think anyone will be surprised if I say it's Kalluzeb, right 🤣 They're my babies and I adore them!
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Anything for Arrow or Supergirl. I sworn off those fandoms after their respectively awful endings.
No promises, but there's still hope for all if my unfinished works for Star Wars 😅
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Coming up with ideas. So, so many ideas. All the time and I want to write them all.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Finishing writing the above-mentioned ideas. I tend to splay myself too much when I'm writing, and it takes me forever to get to the portion I really want to write (usually the idea that sparked the whole writing process) and I lose steam. That's why I have so many unfinished WIPs. I wish they'd write themselves.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It's ok if used sparingly. A word here, a phrase over there is fine, but if a wall of dialogue that the reader needs to scroll down to the notes or click on a tooltip to find out the meaning it's the worst!!! A better solution for a writer that really needs/wants to have a whole conversation in another language for plot reasons or whatever, then all they need to do is to say once that the characters are talking in the other language and put the dialogue in the same language they've been writing the rest of the narrative and in italic.
The characters who don't speak the language won't understand what's being said, but the reader will and their reading will be more pleasant and fluid.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
An Argentinian show called Floricienta. A modern retelling of Cinderella.
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I don't like this question either! All my fics are my babies! How do you want me to choose?!! There are so many I'm proud of. I guess I'll point the most recent one: Feed Me Poison, Fill me till I Drown I really like how this story is coming along. It's not done yet (what else is new? 😅) but what's coming is so so good!
Tagging (no pressure): @renee561 @thecoffeelorian @genericficerblog @airlockfailure @mistr3ssquickly @insertmeaningfulusername @fanfictasia
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maturemenoftvandfilms · 7 months
The Senator From Texas
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Featuring Sen. Ted Cruz
I was now ready to start my plan of seducing the senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, an arrogant, married, hard-drinking former corporate attorney and political commentator. A so-called real “man’s man” who rarely passes up an opportunity to grandstand, to troll the left or deliver right-wing talking points. He’s also my boss, thirty plus years my senior and one of those family men I suspect with a hidden side that his bleach blonde wife and daughters know nothing about. A side that needs to be exposed. That’s where I come in, the trusted aide who can’t keep his eyes off the ever-present VPL in his trousers and who’ll give him the dirty sex his wife won’t/can’t.
Anyway, because some news about his re-election campaign came up that couldn't wait til morning, Ted was at my apartment. He still had on his suit, minus the tie slacks he had on earlier today. And of course he was still wearing his black ostrich “arguing boots.”
After a few minutes going over some paperwork, Ted noticed what I had playing on my laptop nearby. Some straight porn on mute with no plot, just fucking. I wanted the movie to get right to the point quickly. Ted was trying to ignore it, but obviously liked the movie and I noticed he was getting hard. I casually put my hand on his leg and he did not resist as moved down to Joe's crotch.
"What are you doing?" Ted asked as I slowly massaged his dick through his pants which was nice and hard from watching the movie.
"Just relax Ted. I'm not going to hurt you. Feels good doesn't it?"
"Yes but…" The senator's words were choked off by a lump in his throat.
I could tell he didn't know what to make of the situation as I unzipped his pants and took out his stiff cock.
"You like it, don't you Ted?" He didn't reply as he was too busy enjoying me jerking him off.
Making him stand up, I began to slowly lick the lightly dripping dick.
"Oh god, that's good."
I slowly undressed the senator. First, completely removing his pants and underwear. Of course I keeped his boots on. Then moving up, I removed his jacket. God! It was wonderful. I felt a surge of pure power flash through my body as I pulled his shirt off exposing his broad chest and belly. I smiled at his nipples. They were tiny like most straight men's. I found it amusing that his short thick circumcised dick was still rock hard.
"Damn you smell nice." I said as I bent down and took the beautiful head of his dick in my mouth.
He tried not to moan, but my cock sucking skills were too much for him. I deep throated his old cock and he let out a loud, deep moan, the first of many. I tongued the old man's dick shaft until he started moaning continuously.
Fearing that I was going to make him cum, I stopped and placed a wet kiss on Ted's lips. He started to pull away, but I grabbed him behind the head, held him and forced my tongue into the senator's resistant mouth. Slowly, in spite of himself, he started to respond. Weakly at first, but then as I emptied my soul into the kiss he response became almost passionate.
"Let's go to my bedroom.” I told him when I finally pulled my tongue out of his mouth.
As we broke our embrace, Ted was nervous and almost hyperventilating as I pointed him to my bedroom while I stared at his gorgeous body, almost overcome with lust. His ass cheeks were firm and melon shaped, inviting that I slapped his ass as he went past. As I stripped naked, I found it amusing that his short thick circumcised dick was rock hard as he sat down on the edge of bed waiting for me.
Pushing him back onto the bed, parted the senator's legs and started to suck his cock. He started moaning as I tongued and sucked his thick little dick. His moans were music to my ears. I wanted to make Ted scream and beg for more. He wanted him to come back for more again and again as I started licking his balls to see what he liked best. From there I lightly licked between his thighs as a teaser. Ted was squirming now and clutching the bed sheets to keep from screaming out loud.
“Oh, God! That was wonderful,” The senator said, when I stopped and lifted Ted's legs so I could get fully at his ass.
Pushing my mouth against the rose bud of his asshole, I forced my tongue inside his tight old asshole, he practically squealed with pleasure. He started arching his back and bucking when I began to twist and turn my tongue deep inside his asshole. And damn me if he wasn't reaching down and stroking my head as his dick jerked uncontrollably. I knew I was well on my way to completely subjugating the senator as it wouldn't be long before he was my sex slave. Now I thought it was time to completely win Ted over.
"Fuck me Ted. Fuck me just like you fuck your wife." I said as I crawled on the bed onto my stomach without waiting for him to respond.
Ted looked at me for a long moment as I could almost see the gears in his head, debating if he should take things further. But I guess he was being so worked up and the sight of my ass caused him to continue, pausing for a moment to pull a tube of KY from the nightstand. I tensely watched as Ted applied the lubricate to his cock with the expectation of getting fucked exciting me.
“You got a tight hole.” Ted told me as he rubbed some of the KY onto my asshole.
“Please take it easy with me.” I faux begged as Ted slowly mounted me.
I could tell he was suprised at how easily he slip in before he fucked in and out of my tube. Slowly at first but the tightness of my tube soon got to him and he stabbed his cock in and out of me at a furious pace.
"Damn, Ted that's good. I never felt anything so good. Keep going. Keep going." I said to feed the senator's ego.
I wanted him to think he was really good, although he was indeed better than most. I was trying his best to pump up Ted's ego, even though I was really enjoying the fucking that Ted was giving me.
"Let me up on my hands and knees so you can fuck me doggy style. My dick is rubbing against the bed. I might cum in this position." I said as I eased up to a position on my hands and knees as Ted continued to fuck my ass. Still slowly at first.
He pulled out till the head almost slipped out then thrust it smoothly back in, each entry into me made me catch my breath and made my chest tight. His rhythm began to pick up speed and he grunted with pleasure. I gasped out loud with each thrust into me as his grip tightened.
"Damn, your ass is tight and hot. I think I'm gonna cum. I can't hold back." Ted said, thrusting fully into me, digging his fingers into my hips and grunted holding himself deep in me.
He began spraying my insides with his hot cum.
"Yes… Give it to me. Give me your load. Damn, that's good!" I screamed as Ted blew his load up his ass.
As he lay on top of me and we started to relax, I was thinking now he was going to go into a big guilt trip. Not Ted Cruz, he seemed to want more. He seemed to want to extend our lovemaking and see what would happen next. Meanwhile, I was going over in my mind how I was going to hook Ted on fucking and sucking. I had already convinced him that he was the best fucker in town, now the next part was to get him in bed and fuck the cum out of him. Once that happened without him getting scared off he would then belong to me.
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final-girl96 · 3 months
Firefly Chapter Fifty-Five
Ellie's eyes flew open, “Ah!” She threw someone onto the floor and took the switchblade from underneath my pillow. She was prepared to fight for my life until I realized it was just her best friend Riley.
“Riley?” She asked, sitting up on the edge of the bed. Riley was laughing, “Ow!” She said as she slowly stood to her feet. “I landed on my hip.” Ellie stood from the bed and looked at her best friend. “What the hell? I thought I was bitten,” she said. Riley let out a chuckle, “I know. It was kind of awesome,” she told her with a smile. She paused and looked at Ellie, who still had her blade trained on her. “Well, you're not gonna kill me, are you?”
Ellie rolled her eyes and put the blade away, ”I haven’t seen you in. I don’t even know how long,” she told her girl in front of her. Riley sighed, “Forty-five days. Well, forty-six... technically. Wanna know what I've been up to?” She asked. Ellie was a little angry at her best friend for leaving her here, at the FEDRA school, or as she liked to call it, the orphanage for unwanted children, “All this time... I thought you were dead,” she exclaimed.
Riley softened and reached for the chain around her neck. “Yeah. Here,” she removed the pendant from her neck and passed it to Ellie. “Look.” Ellie took it and examined it. She was looking at a round pendant with the fireflies symbol on it. “No way,” she said in disbelief. Riley shrugged and looked around the room. “Still no roommate? I had to sleep under Liz for three years, and you know how much that girl smells.”
Ellie didn't answer about the roommate. Instead, she said, “You're a Firefly.” Riley pulled a picture of her and Ellie from the wall. “You still have it up,” she said softly.
Ellie came back to reality and rushed past her, opening the door, checking the hallway to make sure no one heard them. “Wha- What are you doing?” Riley asked, setting the picture down. Ellie closed the door and turned to her best friend. “I'm making sure I don’t get caught with a Firefly in my room,” she said.
Riley rolled her eyes at her, “Relax. There are no soldiers on the entire floor,” she said. Ellie gave the pendant back, “Here. Congrats,” she said, more harshly than she meant to. She was still upset with Riley for leaving. She turned away from her but Riley caught her arm, “Hey! Are we cool?” She asked.
Ellie scoffed and snatched her arm free. “Are we cool?” She said in a joking tone. Riley's eyes softened. “I disappeared and you're mad. Ellie scoffed in reply. “And... I owe you an explanation. Let's get out of here and I'll tell you all about it,” She said, hoping Ellie would agree with her.
“It's almost morning. And I have military drills. You know, where we learn how to kill Fireflies,” Ellie said, pulling away. Riley reached down and grabbed Ellie's jeans off the floor. “Put some pants on, and let's go.” Ellie caught them with a sigh. She had a battle going on in her head, but it didn't last long as she pulled her pants on. “This is so dumb,” she commented. Riley opened the window again and stepped out of it. “Come on. When have we ever gotten into trouble?”
Riley led them through the alleyways, being careful not to get caught by the FEDRA officers that were on the night watch. It was way past curfew. She led them to an old apartment building that was no longer being used because of how bad it was inside. Parts of the roof were caved in letting the elements in.
They climbed up onto an old dumpster in the back alley and crawled through a window. “That was close, huh?” Riley asked. They had almost been caught by the flood lights FEDRA used but were able to duck down just in time. “You're kinda fast there. I'm impressed,” Riley said. Ellie said thanks before following Riley up a flight of stairs. “So, how did you find them?” Ellie asked. “The Fireflies?” Riley asked. “Yeah.”
“Remember that Firefly that you bit and stole his gun?” Ellie acknowledged that she remembered him, and Riley went on to tell her how she came to be with the Fireflies. “That's Trevor. I saw him walking the street, so I tailed his ass. I followed him into this alley, and all these Fireflies ambushed me. They took me right to their hideout. To Marlene.”
They jogged down a hallway, turned, and ducked under the bored up door to an apartment. “Were you scared?” Ellie asked. Ellie decided to slow down and look around the apartment, and Riley waited until she was finished. “Terrified. I thought this time she would actually shoot me. But instead, she just says, “what took you so long?”. She was expecting me,” She answered, Ellie.
Ellie was standing at a dining room table and picked up a flier. It had a picture of Marlene on it. A front photo and her side profile, side by side.
At the bottom had a description of Marlene and any other criminal priors she had and cautious for what to be aware of if someone were to come across her. But at the top, someone had taken a black marker to it, writing HERO over the large red wanted for firefly affiliation.
“And she just made you a firefly?” Ellie asked, turning back around. “Something like that. That whole almost killing me thing was a test. She wanted to know I was committed.” Ellie jogged back over where Riley was and followed her into the main bedroom, or at least that's what it looked like. The ceiling was caved in exposing the apartment above. Riley and Ellie climbed up onto whatever it was that fell all the way from the roof, Ellie wasn't sure what it was. She just climbed up on top of it and to the next floor.
The room they were in had been a kids' bedroom from the look of posters on the wall. There was a giant hole in the wall that looked into the living room and kitchen area of the place. Ellie flattened her back against the wall and carefully crossed to the other side of the room. “Who do you hang out with these days?” Riley asked, climbing through the hole in the wall. “I don't know. No one really,” Ellie answered. “What about Tino and the rest of them? How are they doin’?
“Riley, those are your friends,” Ellie said, following her into the next room. “But you talk to them,” Riley told her. Ellie rolled her eyes and looked around the apartment. “Yeah. Yeah,” she mumbled. She followed Riley around the corner but came to a stop when she saw the firefly's symbol on the wall marked in red spray paint. Above it said “find the light”.
“Have you found the light yet?” Ellie said, rolling her eyes once again. “Oh, har, har.” Riley responded. “Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend your people,” Ellie said sarcastically. She turned to see Riley ducking under another hole in the wall that led to the laundry room of the apartment building. “So, what? You buy into this whole thing now?” Ellie asked, following after her. “All I know is I'm not a soldier,” Riley told her. They walked out into the hallway, and Ellie saw another sign written in black spray paint and one in red underneath it.
Don't be a sheep
As the two teenage girls headed up the stairs, an announcement came over the intercoms around the QZ.
Attention. We are pleased to report the zone has been free of Cordyceps infection for thirty days. Your cooperation and dutiful attention to suspicious activity…
“Thirty days, my ass. People are getting infected all the time. They just do a good job hiding it,” Riley said. They ran up the steps, took a left, and went down another hall. “You've run into more infected?” Ellie asked. “That's part of my ignition. They actually made me kill this… You know, let's talk about something else.” They went to the end of the hall and jumped through a busted out window and onto the roof tops.
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andydrysdalerogers · 4 months
The Type You Save ~ S E V E N T E E N
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James "Bucky" Barnes and OFC Alexandra "Alex" Richards
Detective James Barnes hasn't seen the love of his life in three years. Since the night she was almost caught stealing a painting. He knows it was her and she disappeared leaving him confused and heart broken.
Alexandra Richards never expected to be pulled back into her old life two years after she left it. She had found love and a home and was happy. Until a note blackmailed her to take one last job. Three years later she walked into the last person she expected to see in San Francisco. Because he lived in New York right?
They always put family before everything. And he would do anything to get his family back. Because she's the type you save.
TW: mob, death, smut, rape intentions, angst, guns, family abandonment, dub-con, manipulation
A/N: because of the Valentine one shot I'm posting tomorrow, I'm posting the final chapter of The Type You Save today. It has been fun writing a different hero this time.
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
Previous: S I X T E E N
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Alex stood on the grass in San Francisco, her black dress swaying in the cold wind, a storm coming in.  She sighed as she watched the casket being lowered into the ground. She tightens her grip on James’s hand as he held Drew on his other side.  
“I’m glad I was able to do this for him.”  
“Me too doll.  You ok?” 
“Its just hard.  I thought…” 
“I know Allie. But its closure.”  
She could barely listen to the prayer, her mind whirling from everything that had happened.  After everything had settle, Zemo sang like a bird.  He explained how he got involved with Grey, the threat Grey had on his family.  Grey made it seem like all he wanted was to take Alex, not explaining that he was going to kidnap Drew a week or so after his plan to break her.  
The police found Grey’s will and a letter for Alex.  Alex took a moment a couple of days after her rescue to read it.  
Alexandra,   If you are reading this, it means that I have die, probably at your hand.  That’s hard to write, considering the amount of love I have for you.   If you haven’t discovered yet, let me explain some truths.   When I first saw you, you were the most beautiful creature I had ever seen.  I wanted you from that moment on.  But your brother refused. I tried to persuade Simon, reason with him. Unfortunately, that didn’t work out.  We buried him close to the house in Boston. I hope that brings you a little peace.   As for your parents, they threaten to harm you as they blamed you for your brother’s disappearance.  I had them change their will to leave me as their benefactor before they were killed.  I wanted to keep your inheritance safe.   I left everything to you, my pet, my queen. My hope is that this letter is unnecessary, but I wanted to be sure you were taken care of, should anything happen.   I love you so much Alexandra.    Yours,   Christian.   
Alex sobbed at the letter with James holding her as she wept.  Her entire adult life before James was built on a web of lies.  When she got confirmation of his location, she had her brother reburied.  The toll of the bell snapped Alex back to the present.  
The father completed his blessing over the casket.  “We celebrate your life Simon Richards, a lost soul that has been found and now taken to the Lord. Amen.”  
They all murmured a reply and then came to give Alex their condolences. After everyone left, Alex turned to James.  “I want to see him, Jamie.”  
James sighed, “Allie, I…” 
“I need to see him.  He did this for me.  It’s the least I can do.”  
James adjusted a sleeping Drew on his arm.  “Ok, ok.  Let me make a few calls.”  
A couple of hours later, Allie sat beside a hospital bed.  Its occupant was asleep.  She took his hand and his eyes fluttered open.  
“Hey Allie Cat.”   
Nate’s face was still pale and his movements slow but there he was three weeks after being shot.  
She reached over to press a kiss to his forehead.  “Hey Nate.  How are you feeling?”  
“Getting shot will do that.” She gave him a soft smile. “What have the doctors said?” 
“Recovery is going well. Docs say I just have to be patient to get stronger.”  
“That’s good.” She rubbed her thumb over his knuckles.  “We had the funeral today.”  
Nate could see the pain in her eyes.  “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there. I’m just glad I was able to give you that.  I’m sorry I hadn’t told you sooner.”  
“Its ok. I probably wouldn’t have believed you then.”  She looked away to blink her tears away.  “How is your case looking?” 
He chuckled.  “Since I help saved two cops and a witness, its looking like I’ll be able to plea to a lesser charge. Maybe a year.”  
“That’s good. Steve, James and I are ready to testify for you.”  
“Thanks Alex.  I should rest. I have physical therapy in a couple of hours.”  
“Ok.  I’ll be back again now that I can get to see you.”  She hugged him gently and went to the door.  “Open on bay 7.”  There was a buzz and a click before the door slid open.  She glanced back at Nate with a smile and went through the door.  
James was sitting in the visitor’s lounge, checking his email when Alex walked in.  “Hey Allie.  How is he?” 
“He’s good.  Still kinda pale and slow but he says he feels stronger.”  She popped a shoulder.  “Ready?” She held out her hand.  
He took and tugged her to him, her back to his front, hugging her, breathing her in. Something he doesn’t take for granted anymore. “Ready, doll.  Steve called and said Drew asked if they could go to the park.  I said ok. Wanted some time with my doll.”  He placed a kiss on her neck.  
“Jamie, we are in the hospital,” she moaned quietly as he continued with his gentle assault.  
“I’ve missed you, Allie.  My perfect little doll.”  
She melted right there. “Ok, ok, get me outta here Detective.”  
“Its Sargent and you know it.”  
“You’ll always be my Detective.” She spun in his arms and looked into his stormy blues. “Take me to bed Jamie.”  
“Oh Allie,” James moaned. He kissed her hard before releasing her, taking her hand and guiding her out of the hospital.  The drive was laced with anticipation, the air heavy with lust from the couple.  They hadn’t been intimate, since before, with Alex dealing with the emotions of her past coming to light and Drew being attached to his parents in fear of never seeing them again.  James held onto Alex’s hand, his thumb moving over her knuckles, the sensation like bolts of lightening to her core.  
“Lightening touches,” she whispered.  
“What was that?” 
“Lightening touches,” she said a little louder.  “Before all of this, your touch always gave me the feeling like lightening through my skin.”  
James smiled.  “I remember. I believe it was the same night we conceived Drew.”  His smile grew wider. “That was a great night.”  
“It was.” Alex brought his knuckled to kiss. “I’m sorry I’ve been distant.”  
“Don’t be doll. I understand.  We’ve all been through a lot.” They made it back to their apartment.  It was eerily still.  Alex looked around as James pulled her to their bedroom.  “Tell me what you need baby.”  He sat on the edge of the bed as Alex settle between his legs.  
“I need you,” she whispered.  
“You have me, doll.” James began to kiss around the hem of her blouse.  He motioned for it to be taken off and Alex swiftly pulled it off.  “So beautiful.  My Allie,” he whispered in between kisses.  
She ran her hand through his hair.  “My Jamie.  I love you.”  
“I love you too, doll.” He stood up and lifted her into his arms.  She wrapped her legs around him as he flipped them around and he laid her on the bed. “Let’s make a baby.”  
“Now.  No more threats, no more secrets.  Its just us now doll. James and Alexandra. Bucky and Alex, Jamie and Allie.”  
“Never called you Bucky. But Bucky and Alex works.  Just like mommy and daddy.” She ran her fingertips over his chin. “I love you.”  
“Oh doll.  I love you.” Soon all their clothes were gone and James was hovering over his wife. He stared deep into her eyes as he rubbed his tip through her folds.  “So wet doll.  Almost as if you were excited to make me a daddy again.”  
“Jamie, don’t tease,” Alex whined.  “I need you.”  
He grinned as he sank into her, stretching her slow.  He watched as her head tilted back and her eyes rolled back. “Feel good?” 
“So good baby but you have to move,” she moaned.  James started on a steady pace, not really using force, just letting her feel good. “Oh god, Jamie,” she cried.  
“Yeah Allie.” James flipped them so she was on top.  She swiveled her hips and he groaned.  “Just like that doll.”  She bounced on him, feeling all of him. He could feel her starting to tighten.  “You close baby?” 
“So close.  You feel so good inside me.” He grasped her hips tighter, pulling her down harder onto him. “Gonna cum.”  
“Do it, love.  All over me Allie.” James grunted at the force, wanting to be closer to her.  He flipped them again and moved his hips hard. She gave a silent scream as she tightened around him.  “Ah fuck!” He let go as well, moving slower, working them through.  
They laid there a moment, the cloud of bliss still over them. The memories of lost love, love found, and love made flooded them.  James held his girl, thankful that she wasn’t lost.  She was saved.  
F I V E  Y E A R S  L A T E R 
“Andrew! Delilah! Its dinner time!” Alex called out to her children. She felt something around her ankles and looked down to see their white kitten, Alpine, twisting herself around her.  “Yes, Al, dinner for you too.”  Her children raced in, their German shepherd, Brooklyn, racing after them.  “Wash your hands!” She turned back out the door.  “Bucky! Steve! Dinner!” 
James and Steve trudged in, still arguing on the best way to fix the bike.  “I’m telling you it’s the exhaust,” Steve argued.  
“Whatever punk, the pop noises are from the clutch, guaranteed.” James wiped his hands off and went to Alex.  “Hey momma, how are you?” 
“Tired but good.” His hand rested on the small bump on her belly, and she placed her hand over his. “Still too early to feel them, love.”  
“Can’t wait to meet them love.  Its everything we ever dreamed of.”  
“It’s more Jamie.  It’s so much more.”  
James and Alexandra. Bucky and Alex. Jamie and Allie.  
Family over everything.  
*~* The End *~* 
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zuffer-weird-girl · 1 year
Happy birthday
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"Honestly I'm still surprised how you can deal with my boy, even more that you go out of your way to all these stuff." Pops chuckled as he helped you with the bags along with Chrono while you almost dropped the heavy bags on the counter with a deep relieved sigh.
"Yeah, but I wonder why though-" Chrono grunted while putting the ingredients on the other side of the counter before leaning his back on it to cross his arms and look at you "Kai as far as I know don't and won't even care about his birthday (Y/n). You've been here enough to see that."
"Yeah, I do remember him replying once to me once that it was 'a year closer to death' when I wished him happy birthday." the old man crossed his arms over his chest while you widened your eyes for a bit in shock.
"Normally when people don't like their birthday is for a reason. A very sad reason sometimes..." You pointed out while taking the many ingredients out of the bag
"What is there for him to be sad about though?" Pops muttered in doubt as you hesitated a bit to answer, but the courage spoke louder.
"Did you guys forgot that he lived on the streets before coming here?" You mumbled before a heavy silence appeared in the room "Whatever happened before he came, was a heavy topic for him. So much that he won't even speak about it. And let's face it, living inside a yakuza house isn't one of the best healthy environments."
You looked at them before smiling a bit.
"With so much sour in his life you can understand why he does act like that. But as someone who loves him unconditionally, I want him to experience just a tad bit of sweetness in life. I want him to have at least good memories instead of traumatizing ones."
"You're such a good partner for that brat.." Pops commented as he wiped one tear out of his eye as Chrono widened his eyes at the action. Never had he saw the man crying.
"It's nothing! Really!" You waved your hands in the air "I'm sorry for the trouble I caused, I will get going from here. Thank you so much you two for helping me with the bags." You bowed to Pops and Chrono while they repeated the action.
"Just a tad bit of chocolate..." You mumbled to yourself while mixing the ingredients together and soon putting the cake batter to the oven.
"Now we wait, decorate and beg that he doesn't have the same poker face as always..." You sighed while taking off your apron.
"Poker face?"
You shrieked loudly and let your apron fall on the ground to give the intruder a slap but your hand was quickly stopped by a more rough one, one that used gloves to be exact.
"Kai..." You gasped, dropping your hand and head with a sigh "You scared the life out of me here..."
"I won't apolitical due to the fact you tried to just slap me a few seconds ago." He muttered, his black face mask on as always.
"Oh, um the one scared to death and I don't even receive an apology." You bring your hand to your chest with a dramatic reaction while closing your eyes "Will it be a day when you don't break my heart?!"
"What are you doing?" He asked after explicit rolling your eyes at your actions. Golden eyes looking over your shoulder, the right one twitching a bit at the complete mess it was the kitchen sink.
"Don't spy on someone's else bussines, is rude." You blurted out while washing your hands.
"Is MY kitchen-" He almost gasped at felling your hands on his chest and straight up pushing him out of the room "(Y/n)-!"
"Oh my! Look at the hour! Shouldn't you be asleep?"
"(Y/n) answer me why does the counter look like a battle field!" He grunted as you "gently" pushed him out of the room with a smile.
"It doesn't. It just your mind talking-"
"I have eyes-"
"Don't you have a busy day tomorrow? Go to bed honey!"
"You know very well I-"
"Oh yeah you can't sleep without me! How sweet!" You snickered at his eyes widening at the same time his face grew at least 50 shades of red.
" I swear if someone heard you I-"
"Yeah yeah yeah, I'm busy but I will soon be at the bed so you can punish me for whatever kinky shot you're into alright?" You tried to sniffle your laugh at how his eyes got even wider and face even redder.
"Don't shout love, you will wake up the whole house. Go to sleep." You said before kissing his covered cheek as he gagged before closing the sliding door in his face.
He whispered shouted your name a couple of times before giving up. He could easily open the door or just use his quirk to get in... but he was tired and just decided to let you be as he walked to his room, trying to calm down his heart beat tá just remembering your words.
"Little brat..." he groaned while rubbing his face in hopes that the heavy blush would dissappear before he looked himself in the mirror.
While in the other side of the door you leaned your back on the wall with a sigh.
"I sure lost the sense of living after realizing I am his weak spot." You giggled to yourself remembering his cherry cheeks "Well, back to my chore."
He decided to ignore the cheeky smile you holded on your stupid gorgeous face as you finally came to sleep by his side. Grumbling like a old man at how you kissed his temple before laying down with him... he was blinking in and out of sleep, your warmth and hand on his back rubbing circles helping him to finally get a bit of slumber...
Only for clock informed that it was midnight you jumped out of the bed.
"What are you doing?" He grumbled when you hurried to put some robe on as he could notice even in the dark you were trying your best to contain your smile.
"I will be right back." You whispered before stopping at the door "Stay with your eyes closed?"
"I was until someone-"
"Kai please??" You pouted a bit as he groaned, flooding back down on the mattress and closing his eyes with a annoyed sigh as he heard your footsteps getting farther and farther away enough so him couldn't listen anymore.
It was silent only for the annoying sound of crinkets outside as he breathed in and out... starting to get a bit anxious at not hearing the dammed sound of your footsteps.
When he finally heard he could feel his muscles relaxing a bit and against his actions obeyed when you told him to sit up.
"What are you playing at?" He asked in annoyance but a tad bit of curiosity at your stubbornness about him staying with eyes closed.
"Just a moment..." he heard a click sound and he could tell that even with eyes closed, the room got a bit lighter "Ok.. you can open them now!" You whispered in glee.
When he opened them he could say he was a bit shocked... he had to squint his eyes a bit, but he could see the black forest cake standing mere inches away from with a single candle lit up... the cherries on top were placed, he could tell... he soon noticed that by the messy way of decorating it was made by you... but it looked just... amazing.
"What..." he whispered in shock as he could tell by the coner of his eyes you were smiling like a little kid that opened their gifts on a Christmas eve...
"Surprise!" You whispered shouted while holding the cake, carefull to not drop "I thought that maybe this year I could be the first one to wish you a happy birthday, without anyone around to comment you know?" You mumbled as he still didn't left the state of shock he was in.
"Birthday...?" He mumbled before widening his eyes in realization and looking at you in shock "You waited to strike midnight just to..." You nodded with a smile.
"Yeah! That was why I was in the kitchen earlier ... I had to finish this in time so it could be a fresh baked cake! Sorry if it's not as good as those pantries you like so much though..."
He blinked once again, staring at you face only being illuminated by the single fire light of the candle of the sweetness you were holding it.
"I... I don't know what to say to be honest." He manage to mumble before stating down at his lap.
"Well, I did caught you out of guard so.." You stopped talking at seeing, thanks for the candle, that he lowered down his head even more while his naked shoulders shaked the slightest bit "love..?"
He didn't answer which made you worry enough to put the cake on the nightstand.
"I'm sorry, did I upset you with this-" You gasped at his hand suddenly grabbing your wrist and pulling you down with strength enough to knock the air out of your lungs as his arms caged you between his chest, his face now burying on the top of your head as you laid awkwardly on his lap.
You were shocked to say the least.
"Kai..?" You muttered in the silence before hesitantly shaking a bit to get more comfortable to hug his naked form back.
You felt the slight and quiet sharp intake of breath near hour ear while you caressed his back a bit, deciding to not comment on the feel of wetness on your hair...
"I'm sorry." You muttered on his shoulder "I wanted to surprise you, not to make you feel like this .... should I have waited?"
It was quiet for a few seconds before he finally broke the hug, staring you down once again with a calm and collected look on his face despite the redness of his eyes.
"Perhaps it was a best decision... but it was a special surprise at last." He spoke quietly as you smiled at the rare cases where he cupped your cheek "why did you go out of your way, out of your schedule, to do this though? I know it's because of the date but why the bother?"
"People do crazy things when they love someone I guess..." You muttered as he blinked, the faintest of the smiles appearing on his lips.
"I suppose you're right..." he leaned in slowly to give you, you think, one of the most sweet and loving kisses you ever received from your life, making your heart to skip a beat even.
"Red suits you..." he mumbled after he broke the kiss as you chuckled.
"How can you tell I'm blushing?"
"Your cheek is warm..." he commented flatly as his thumb carried the apple of your left cheek "And the slight light of the candle helps a bit honestly..."
"Oh yeah!" You gasped, shuffling out of the bed to grab the cake once again "For some miracle is still on! Come on!" You extended the cake on just direction as he arched an eyebrow.
"Make a wish before the light go out!" You exclaimed as he deadpanned.
"I am not a child-"
"Just do this already! Or else I'm dropping this on this perfectly washed sheets!" You pouted as he shivered at the idea of getting the bed dirty.
Rolling his eyes, he inhaled a bit to blow the candle off as you cheered quietly. Shaking his head a bit he raised his hands to turn the light of the room on as you got up from the bed, still carefull to not drop the cake.
"You want a piece now?"
"Perhaps later.." he commented as you nodded, going to place the sweet back on the refrigerator maybe as you went out of the room, back a minute later "Can we sleep now?"
"Yeah yeah..." You chuckled, joining him in bed as you laid on your back, soon noticing he was staring at you even after turning the lights off. "Do you want something else?"
"I'm just surprised you didn't sing that stupid song." He muttered while laying down.
"You want me to?" You smiled in mischievous while he let out a chuckle escape his lips, allowing you to feel the slightest bit the warmth of his breath due to how close he was.
"God please no. Consider this a gift you can give it to me."
"Along with the others I got for you?" You sniffle a laugh at noticing his eyes widened.
"You what?"
"Surprise part 2, but only for tomorrow." You had the audacity to book his nose before he gently slapped your hand away.
"You're a lost cause." He sighed, his hand lowering down to hold onto your waist "... Thank you."
"Don't need to thank me for celebrating the day you were born..." You smiled at him humming and closing his eyes "I love you." You whispered while gently pecking his lips.
"... I love you too." You widened your eyes and jolted up to stare down at him as he deadpanned.
"What was that?" You smiled widely "I didn't hear you-" you totally did "Can you repeat it again?"
"I said: go to sleep you fool." He groaned while pulling you down again as you yelped and he hired a smile on your hair.
"First time accepting a birthday wish of mine is sure surprising." Pops commented after shaking the young man hand while trying to not scolding him when he immediately changed his gloves.
"I suppose is not always about the lifespan those things..." he commented before widening his eyes at seeing you carry a lot of boxes on your hands as you smiled nervously.
"I may, MAY, have gone a bit overboard..."
"How much did you even spend on these...?" He growled, eyes darkening while glaring at you.
"It wasn't money from you! If it was I wouldn't even be able to have half of these!" Pops chuckled at the insulted gasp Chisaki let out.
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