#In the dream I was playing duos and went to open the gate
deathofdolls · 3 months
I had a dream they added fujoshis to IDV and after they updated the game, you’d have to unlock the exit gate by putting in your favourite mlm ship though only one ship would work for each match (if you put in the 'wrong' ship you couldn’t try again, and needed to let someone else try)
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vorrentis · 2 years
Sana x M-Reader x Mina - It Only Gets Better (Or Worse) From Here on Out~
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Yandere Sana and Yandere Mina.
A release of a previous chapter I had
Word Count: 14,418
Minatozaki Sana and Myoui Mina.
An ultimate duo of the Kpop industry as many reviewers and critics and fans would say.
The two girls were getting the spotlight at nearly every concert, and even awards.
Between talent and their beauty, there were none who can compete and with those, brought millions of fans to love them.
Including one.
You were a fan of them ever since your buddy introduced you to them by showing an MV of them.
Ever since then, you were hooked.
You bought merchandise, subscribed to them, and listened to their music every day; you were a large fan.
Well, you were more than a fan of them.
You were a special guy to them because right now...
Well, right now you were actually heading to their break room...
During their fan meet and greet...
Because you were their friend...a special kind of friend.
We should probably start from the beginning.
Now how did you get lucky to be close with the two?
Well it was because of one contest and one very fortunate night.
2Na's label company has released a new video.
It wasn't a music video or behind the scenes, but an announcement...from the girls themselves.
An announcement that one lucky person would have a chance to spend a day with 2Na themselves.
All you had to do was send a video message with some information and why you deserve to be with 2Na.
The fanbase shook with excitement and the youtube video itself was blowing up just from it.
Your mind instantly went crazy with the idea of meeting your celebrity crushes, but it was far slim to winning it, but you had your positivity overwhelm you as you began to write out some passage for you to rehearse.
A day later and you figured out what you were going to say to them.
You glanced at the lengthy video of your contest video.
Was it weird to do this...hell no.
A chance to meet not only two of the best Kpop idols...but your celebrity crushes as well. You would do anything to meet them.
So you wrote, rehearsed, and eventually recorded yourself on why you should spend the day with them.
You made lots of reasons like how you got into them, what they meant to you, etc, etc.
You then send the email and uploaded it onto their website and now...you wait.
A week passed, and you kept yourself busy, but all the while thinking about winning.
Checking your email/phone every day to see if a text or an email from their label has contacted you sooner than the date itself, but you had to wait for the day.
Then when the final day came, you waited for each hour checking...and then...it came.
An email with the subject "Congratulations" from the label company itself was on the top of the emails.
Your eyes widened at the title and you gulped some saliva.
You opened it and there was a video clip along with a couple of paragraphs on the bottom.
You pressed the play button and your eyes widened at both girls sitting there.
Thank you for your kind words, (YN). We watched and listened to your speech about us. It was very sweet of you to say such nice words about us. After debating and watching many others, we decided that we would love to spend the day with you.
Can't wait to meet you.
They finished off the message with their lovely smiles
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It had further information like the date and time along with an address as well, along with a please contact this number for accepting.
You couldn't believe it, you pinched yourself to make sure it wasn't a dream...
And after multiple pinches and even a slap...it wasn't.
You laughed out loud and just cheered loudly in your room.
You were going to meet them.
Sana and Mina.
After driving towards the address, you thought it was towards their label company, but instead, it lead you to a gated community.
"So this is their place?"
At the gate, you were searched and asked who you were here for.
You stated you were here for 2Na and you showed your ID to security guards and they deemed you the winner of the competition according to some file they had.
They allowed you inside as you drove on further passing luxurious houses.
You passed each one till you found the one that was matching the numbers and parked on the sidewalk and stepped into the pathway leading to the home.
You rang the doorbell and immediately someone opened it and it was their manager. You knew it was her based on their V live sessions.
After checking your ID, she gave you some rules like giving the girls their respect and such. You agreed and were allowed in.
She was pretty nice as she asked you for some refreshments or something to which you denied and thanked her.
You looked around as if you were now inside their home.
It was just like their V live, you recalled the setting of their place very well.
You then were told to wait for the two as they were getting ready, as she left upstairs.
You then sat on their couch and realized that you were under the same roof as the girls, literally a room apart.
Your heart was beating mad.
What should you say...
What do you say...
What's today's plan...
A million thoughts were going through your mind as time passed.
But one thing was for certain...keep calm and don't make a fool out of yourself.
You didn't hear the footsteps behind you as your mind was processing all this.
"So you're (YN)." You heard a voice and recognized it.
You turned your head around slowly.
"Hi." Both Mina and Sana said in their cute voices as you saw them in full view behind the couch.
You were star-struck, literally feet away from you were both of them standing, you were stunned by their beauty as your heart was beating fast and mind-breaking.
"H-h-" You couldn't even form a word.
"Aww, don't be nervous (YN)." Mina spoke up as she went around the couch to approach you and raised her hand.
"Let me introduce myself. I'm Mina Myoui. It's going to be nice to hang with you." She said.
With all your strength you raised your hand and shook hers. It was as soft and warm as you imagined.
Sana then approached you from the other side and you turned and you raised your hand for her, only for her to bring you into a hug instead.
Your eyes widened at the sudden contact.
You didn't know if you should return the hug or not.
Seeing them was one thing, but one of them hugging you...it was too much.
"Okay Sana, I think you're going to make him faint." Mina giggled as she went to her partner's side and saw your expression.
Sana then let go and giggled as she saw your face as well.
"Sorry...well then (YN)...ready?" Sana asked.
"Y-yeah...but can I first say how incredibly thankful I am for actually choosing me. I'm just...still shocked by it."
They both smiled.
"You're welcome (YN), your video was really thoughtful, like we said in our email. To tell you the truth, a majority of the videos were just...eh to us, but there were a couple like yours, but yours stood out from the rest...so we both picked you." Mina spoke up.
You laughed awkwardly a bit at their words.
"Thanks." You said shyly.
"Plus you're pretty cute and better looking than the other participants," Sana said.
Your mind shut down...
Did she say you were...cute and good-looking.
They giggled once again.
"Sana you're going to break him...but she's right (YN). Don't tell anyone, we were meant to choose the most meaningful one which was you of course, but even if it wasn't...you were also too cute to pass on."
You weren't sure if what they were saying was real or a dream.
"So (YN)?" Mina said waving her hand in front of you.
"H-Huh?" You were snapped out as Mina called you.
"So shall we leave?"
"Oh yeah, but may I ask what we're doing?"
"First we're going to the studio, you're going to have front row seats to our recording today, but don't worry, we'll have plenty of other things to do for the three of us for the day...I don't want to tell you what though." Mina told you.
You smiled and took a deep breath and exhaled, to get yourself to calm down.
"Okay... let's go."
"Great." So all three went to the front of their place and got into their car.
All the while, you bit your lower lip at what possibly could be the best day that could happen.
You three arrived at the studio and they were setting up their equipment while you talked with the girls.
Honestly, it felt like they were your friends. They weren't stuck up or rude, but passive and nice.
You weren't fazed by them as much as you got a bit used to their presence.
You three goofed off and joked and you got to watch them sing some new single that was in the making.
You were incredibly lucky to be hearing their soothing voices as they sang the lyrics, they were pretty angelic in your ears.
At some points, they even looked at you while singing and you just looked away blushing.
They even asked you to sing a song of your choosing to which you were embarrassed but they really wanted you to sing.
So you choose, (Favorite Song) and sang the lyrics as the music played.
As soon as it ended, you heard the claps of both girls as they were really impressed by your voice...heck even some of the crew clapped as well.
You blushed and thanked them all.
After the studio, they buy you lunch at some restaurant, it was pretty good as the whole place was closed for just the three of you as you three sat and talked like in the studio.
Later, it's off to the mall, closed for you three as well, and then another restaurant for dinner.
It was one of those fancy ones that the chefs cook in front of you.
Then you three just went home and just decided to play some games and goof off.
Until it gets late.
Really late.
Now the three were on the couch, with you in between, watching some random videos of the two themselves as they recalled some memories.
You didn't mind hearing them...then when the video ended you yawned as it was getting late.
You figured it was almost for you to go so you were going to say your goodbyes now.
"Mina. Sana. It's been really fun today with you two...I'm never going to forget it." You said.
"Us either (YN)." Sana spoke up.
"It was as much fun for us as well. It was nice to hang out with you and get to know you." Mina said.
"You two as well."
"So what's your number?" Sana said suddenly.
You immediately turned your head and almost broke it by how swift it was towards Sana.
"Your number. So we can hang out more." She said nonchalantly.
You looked back to Mina and she waited for you as well.
"Wait...you want to hang out more?" You asked each one.
"Why not? You're nice, friendly, cute, fun to hang out with, and you're not as shy as you were anymore. Plus you said so yourself that you had an amazing day, why not make it a daily basis when we have time." Sana reasoned. "Unless you don't want to-"
"No, I would love to," you said quickly cutting Sana off, "but won't your manager be mad or something?"
"Please, we're pretty much allowed to do whatever we want unless it goes against our contract. And friends coming over isn't on it." Mina said.
You smiled and laughed a bit at your luck...you just shrugged and just gave them your number which they put into their phones and sent you texts to which you received.
Literally, nothing could get better than this right now.
"So (YN)...you tired?"
"I mean it's really late...I guess it's time for me to go right?"
"Well not yet silly~ Come with me," Sana said as
Sana then led you upstairs and into a room.
It was a modern size guest room with a TV, nice bed, couch, and closet. Everything is needed for a guest indeed.
"It's nice?" You were confused about why they were showing you this room.
"Great. This is where you're going to spend the night." Mina spoke up.
You turned to Mina fast like Sana a few minutes ago.
"...spend the night...here?"
"You know that when we said a day, we meant 24 hours, so you're leaving the time you came today, but tomorrow," Mina said as Sana nodded.
You were once again in a dazed position; you were going to sleep next to 2Na...
"...I-alright." You just went with it, after the many surprises today, you were getting less and less shocked now.
You three went back downstairs to hang out some more and you contacted your parents. You told them about the deal and they just immediately let you stay.
You were shocked that your parents just let you stay at some stranger's house...only they weren't strangers, but the idols themselves.
Knowing your parents they were probably going to...you know what, never mind.
After another half an of hour of just talking and watching some past moments of the two girls, your eyes were slowly closing and you asked if you could go to your room.
You were exhausted at this point and readily agree to the warm soft bed and long night without further hassle.
After agreeing, you bid Sana and Mina a good night and went back to your guest bed.
You did your necessities as they gave you a spare toothbrush and paste.
You texted your parents goodnight and with that, you put your alarm on and rested it on the bedside table and laid your head on the pillow, and closed your eyes.
Back in the living room where the two girls were leaving to their room.
"So...he'll 'love' to huh..." Mina repeated your words.
Sana just giggled.
"So whose first?"
"Flip a coin."
You were softly snoring as you slept on the coziest bed you ever laid on.
Well...you were...
You were hearing your name being called and you slowly opened your eyes.
Then you felt someone shaking your shoulder as someone was moving you around.
You put your hand up in half-hearted protest at the interruption to your sleep, but it was suddenly grabbed and then filled with something warm and squishy.
This time your widened your eyes and turned to your side…and suddenly awoke to the fullest.
Standing there was Sana in the dim light of the hallway illuminating the room.
What woke you up though was that Sana…
Was naked.
================TEASE SMUT START=================
You figured it was a dream...but the touch felt so real.
The warm squishy thing was her breast as she held your hand there...you made no effort to move it though as you were petrified.
You roamed down her body and saw her waist and her sacred area.
It caught your voice as you were unable to speak anything, but breathe heavily at the sight.
Sana then clenched your hand and you squeezed her breast as Sana grinned and hummed at the feeling.
The touch was something else...it felt real...was it real?
It was firm as you felt it in your hand perfectly and you felt her hardened nipple in your palm as she moved your hand around.
You observed her smile as she studied down your body while moving over and removed the blanket over you…and a tent in your boxers.
You tried to hide your growing erection with your legs, but Sana went towards your legs, removing your grasp on her breast.
She holds onto your boxers and in one full swipe, pulled them down to your thighs, revealing your cock to her and feeling the cool air.
You then saw her lick her lips and you twitched from seeing that.
Her hand grasps you between the legs and manipulates your rapidly hardening cock as she shook your cock with the heat of her hand.
You were moaning and bucking your hips at her touch.
Then she maneuvers her hands to be rid of your boxers, but leaving your shirt on still, as your boxers disappear somewhere around the room.
Then, she came over to you and her head hovered over yours, her facial features mere inches away as you saw her eyes that looked predatorily and her lips as she leaned closer to you.
Then in a second, she starts kissing you passionately and deeply, she throws a leg across your body and climbs on top of you.
She eases herself down a bit, getting into the kiss as she pries your lips with her tongue. You opened your lips and her tongue started attacking your inner mouth as it searched everywhere and even wrapped around your tongue as well.
Her right hand this time, snakes between us and grabs your cock as she pushes herself down on it.
Your eyes widened at the sensation you were having as your cock was deep in the tight pussy of Sana Minatozaki herself.
Then she starts bucking her hips up and down and all reason and sanity leave your head as she left your kiss and started to ride you.
You were enveloped in wave after wave of building sensation and pleasure as she pumps away with her muscular hips and her tight muscle squeezing and releasing and squeezing again.
You have NEVER felt anything like this before in your life.
You didn't know whether a few minutes, hours or even an eternity passed.
You felt her wall coil around your cock as it was getting tighter and tighter and based on your...ahem...' research', you knew she was close.
She started breathing spastically and randomly, and she starts bucking wildly and moaning aloud. You could no longer contain yourself either, and release a load of your cum deep inside her.
She as well as close to coming as she came to your face and proceeded to start another make-out session.
Within seconds she moaned loudly in your mouth and you figured she exploded onto your member, as you felt liquid coming down your thighs.
The heavy make-out session turned into a passionate kiss and then, after another eternity, she relaxes and puts her head down on your shoulder.
We're glued together with fluids and sticky sweat and you can hear and feel her heartbeat against your chest along with her chest.
You were still inside of her as your cock slowly softens and shrinks down.
Eventually, she rolled over on your side, and she turns her back towards the wall grasped onto you and snuggles you tightly.
You maneuvered your arm under her pillow and head so that she would use that as a pillow. You just stared right at the ceiling, wondering...
===================SIDE SMUT END===================
You woke up groggily as your alarm went off and then you sat up rubbing your eyes.
Then your eyes widened about last night.
You looked to your left and saw that Sana wasn't there and uncovered yourself and saw that your boxers were on as well.
You looked around and saw that there weren't any signs of any sexual activity as the sheets were clean.
"Was it-...a dream...but it felt so real…" You whispered to yourself as your hand closed in on itself, "especially when she was-"
"(YN)~ You up?" Speak of the devil.
"Y-yeah." You covered yourself to avoid her from seeing your issue.
The door opened and Sana came in wearing some PJs.
"Had a nice sleep?" She asked.
"Y-yeah, it was great." You said, trying your best not to picture her without them.
"Great...well Mina and I are going downstairs for breakfast...hurry up and get down here."
"I'll be there." She closed the door and you let out a breath.
"It's just a dream...a very real dream...but just a dream." You said as you put your pants on and brushed your teeth and headed out the room.
You weren't going to ask her if it actually happened.
If it was a dream...there goes your chances of being friends with them.
After another eventful morning, it was time for you to go.
You were sad a bit and based on their looks, so were they, but you promised that when they all have free time, they'll hang out again.
And just like that, their smiles got on their faces as they said goodbyes to you as you left out their door, into your car, and drove off.
Both girls stared out the window watching you leave the corner and when you did...
"So?" Mina asked.
"He was huge Mina! He puts our toys to shame." Sana admitted. "The way he went deep in me~," Sana said as she gazed into a dreamlike state. "He's definitely the one."
Mina frowned.
"Why didn't you wake me up then?!" Mina yelled at her partner. "I was supposed to go after you."
"Sorry, I fell asleep. Besides the pills didn’t work. He was awake when we started and I went for it, but luckily he slept right away after. Don't worry, you'll have your chance as he's now visiting~" Sana asked as Mina pouted.
"Oh, now I cannot wait~" Mina grinned as Sana nodded, “Okay, what about our manager?" Mina asked.
"Oh, let's not worry about her...yet." Sana grinned.
You were still hanging around Sana and Mina.
It wasn't an everyday thing, but around every other day or three whenever they had a break in their session or anything in their daily schedule.
It was still lots of fun, they even sometimes bring you along to some of their events, of course, you were unseen by the public, but known to only the staff.
Their manager allowed you to come, Sana and Mina didn't have a lot of friends...or any at all besides each other and said that they could bring you along as their friend.
You were having fun with them...until one night.
That one night they asked you to come and celebrate with them since they finished recording the new single they had been working on and you were lucky enough to see them sing it.
You came over and all three just hung in Sana's room as they sang karaoke and danced to their songs.
Well, it went a bit overboard as Sana brought in some drinks to make the night better.
You were all of age so it wasn't a big deal...plus you three promised yourselves only a sip...
Okay, a few gulps...
Okay, half a cup...
...I think you know where this is going.
As all three were celebrating in their room all drunken up and all three were feeling woozy from the drinks...Mina suddenly attacked you...well your lips.
She started making out with you all the while you just enjoyed it and kissed back without any struggle.
Sana then joined in after witnessing and you swapped between the both of them. Soon things got heated up and clothes started flying off.
That night was certainly the best night the three had in their life.
You woke up the next morning in your bed by yourself with a crazy headache while both girls were lying next to you in the nude with you as well.
It took a moment to process and when it did.
'I'm so dead...'
When they both woke up...a much-needed talk was in order.
So the three talked and turns out Sana and Mina had intended all this...because they needed someone like you so they said.
They both gave their plan to you.
A three-way secret relationship...with friends with benefits plan.
According to their contract, they weren't able to specifically date anyone...that was off limits to them.
That was the number one rule for them.
With the negatives being more than the positives such as distractions, media, breakups. It was a 'hazard' according to their PR team.
So besides their home, they really couldn't leave anywhere in public with guys involved unless they were strictly monitored, not even at their agency they were allowed to speak with any of the guys as it can and will be captured and spread around like wildfire.
So with their...tension at an all-time high, they formulated the plan for a fan to be with them for a promotional event or something of the sort.
The plan was set and both Sana and Mina went to find the perfect guy for them...that's where you come in.
They browsed through many many many videos and everyone seemed to be...eh.
They didn't bother going through the ladies, the adults, and the younglings as they skipped them all and proceeded to the guys their age.
They some still many, but not as much, but no one was giving them that spark...until you showed up.
Both Mina and Sana felt something in them and both quickly accepted you for visual looks...but they heard your speech to make sure you were not crazy or anything.
They loved it, your speech and they proceeded to get you without even looking at others.
So with how you've been with them the day, rather than a one-night stand, they changed it to be something permanent.
Sana didn't tell you about their first night as it will ruin their plan...it was only to be a test run of you and telling you that she was going to rape you...well that was a big no-no.
But besides their hormones rising, they each did like hanging out with you...you were fun to be with.
It took a while to get all this in your head, but after getting over everything...now was time for the answer to their deal.
Now, who in their dumbass mind would say no to two beautiful girls who wanted this of their own choice.
Especially if they were both Sana and Mina.
Not you.
You ultimately agreed.
And that is how you became their 'boyfriend'.
A secret one, a well-kept secret. And right now, you were heading towards them.
You were walking down the hallway, heading towards the girl's wait room.
It's been three months since you met them and two months since the deal.
You kept up your nice guy act around their manager.
You made no intention to do anything boyfriend-ish as you kept your manners and friend in check as she was still nice around you and didn't suspect a thing.
You also never know when they needed some...fun time with you.
You would just come over and well it just happens.
A day with Sana here...a day with Mina there...not both though, that was only the once.
However, the past month has been...interesting.
Both Mina and Sana didn't seem to falter or show any kind of shyness from this deal.
Yeah, they planned it, but you would have thought that they might have grown bored sooner or later.
But it wasn't...in fact, it was the opposite, it was getting more...intense and often.
It was sort of scary how much they seemed to want to do this anywhere and anytime now.
At first, it was just at their place...but now it was getting to be anywhere.
It started at your home...which was a shock to you seeing Sana alone and just entering your place in disguise saying you were a school friend of yours.
Mina approached you at your school...your damn school...she arrived after school in some disguise, since she hasn't seen you in three days straight, and needed you to get the itch of hers gone.
Then if it wasn't crazy enough, you and Sana did it two days ago at their company...their label company.
You didn't know how they were leaving and going whenever they liked from their place and when you did ask, they would avoid the question.
It was getting out of hand and personally, you were finding it...a bit much...
It felt like they knew where you were 24/7.
At some point you were going to talk about it with them...but for some reason, you were too scared to bring it up.
That and you had another good reason.
One very good reason.
You jumped and looked behind to see Mina standing about inches away from your face.
"M-Mina, god you almost gave me a heart attack...where'd you come from?"
"I heard from Sana about what you two did at the company." She said, not caring about your sudden scare nor your question.
'Oh don't tell me.'
"And it got me all jealous~" Mina whispered as her eyes sexily taunted you.
"Umm...well if you want we can do something over the weekend?"
She shook her head.
"No...I need you now."
You blinked a couple of times.
"We're at your fan meet Mina...there's people everywhere." You said pointing at the crew members walking through the halls.
"So? You did it at the company...come on, it'll be fun...besides," She then leaned closer and her lips were on your ear making sure no one watched first, "it feels so...naughty~ to be somewhere where we can get caught right~" She said sultrily.
Her breath was making you shiver in place and your cock as well, as hard as it was, you tried to calm down, but nothing was working."
"We can go to the equipment room at the end of the hall." She said pointing down the hall. "At least just a quickie."
You stood there as you looked down the hall and then at Mina.
You knew she wouldn't take no for an answer.
"...Fine, but-"
"Great, let's go." She said as she held your hand and preceded to pull you back where you came.
A bit of walking, sneaking around, and watching out, and both of you stopped in front of a janitorial closet.
Mina opened and pushed you in, almost colliding with the shelves with towels, mops, and toilet paper.
"Jesus, Mina a bit so-mpph"
You were cut off by Mina immediately attacking your lips as you returned the kiss fast.
=========================SIDE SMUT START========================
Mina stopped kissing you as she moved down to suckle on the side of your neck while her hands started to lift up your shirt.
She then started to rub your chest while her lips rubbed against your throat.
Along the way, she got your shirt up to your neck and right over your head.
Mina did most of the work in getting it off, although you tried to help.
Mina then kissed down your chest while she was looking up at you.
Her eyes were on you the whole time as she went down to her knees in front of you.
Indeed, she didn't break away from your eyes as she undid your jeans so she could pull your pants down.
When they were down to your knees, Mina reached into your boxers and finally gave your cock room to breathe.
But its freedom was short-lived as Mina sank it right down her mouth, then slowly pulled off of it and gave it a few teasing licks.
She followed up by suckling on the head and very slowly going down lower, while never breaking eye contact with you.
After going halfway down, Mina started bobbing up and down as she gradually sucked harder, then stopped to slowly go down even lower again.
Finally she got all of it in her mouth, but just as quickly popped off so she could lick it from the base to the tip.
Once she did this a few more times, she went back to sucking the head with an innocent look on her face.
"Fuck...god you're so good Mina...you're really getting there..." you moaned as you wanted to lean your head back, but you kept on staring at her eyes.
You wanted to hold on so you could see her work on me as long as possible, yet Mina seemed determined to put 110% of her skill as she wrapped her tongue all around you.
And using her fingers brushed my balls to boot, she officially got you to a breaking point.
"Fuck...Mina almost." You then started to hump her mouth as she kept on eating you whole.
You felt her throat, tongue, teeth...god it was the best feeling.
Soon you started to cum into her welcoming mouth.
She swallowed most of it, yet a few drops went out of her mouth and back onto your shaft.
Once Mina finished swallowing she went back and lapped up the rest for good measure. After getting it all, she gave you the last look as she audibly gulped down what was in her mouth.
She then stood up and stared at your face.
"Sweet like always...now the fun part." Mina then proceeded to remove her shirt...
"-no I just need to get something real quick."
Both of you widened your eyes and panicked.
"Behind the door," You said quickly as you pushed yourself and Mina, your jeans made it difficult since they were around your ankles but both made it in time.
The door opened wide and they covered the both of you hiding behind the door as they heard someone walk in.
"Crazy fans...I mean they are talented...but they need to get their damn minds in check. It's just two idols...two hot idols...man what I wouldn't do for one of them to-" before he finished, the person or the guy left the room and closed the door.
Mina giggled as you shook your head.
"That was-" But Mina went down again and she cleaned you up with her tongue and made sure you had no spot undone.
She then inspected her work and nodded, and stood back up.
"Just making sure you were all cleaned up...what about me?" She said presenting her face.
"Good but I told you Mina." You said in an upset tone.
"Fine, you were right. I guess we'll just have to continue tonight~" She said happily.
"I can't." You said.
Mina just blinked a few times and her happy face turned into a poker face.
"I'm busy." You responded.
"...Hmm...fine..." Mina said as she pouted.
"I said it's fine." She said with no emotion.
After putting your clothes back on, you tried to say something, but Mina didn't listen.
Both then left the room after looking out and quickly leaving the room so that no one would see them.
===================SIDE SMUT END====================
"Hey~," Sana said as she hugged you as you entered the door. You smiled and hugged back.
Sana looked behind her and saw Mina had a frown on her.
She would ask later.
"How are you (YN)?"
"I've been well thanks."
You then sat down and decided to check your phone...only it wasn't there. You patted your pants pockets and it was nowhere around.
"Ahh...damn it, I can't find my phone...it probably fell out or something...I'll be right back." You said.
"Bye (YN)." Sana said as you left their break room.
"...So?" Sana asked. "What's wrong...was he with someone else?" Mina shook her head.
"No...I followed him since he left his home. No one was with him." Mina answered.
"Good, good," Sana replied.
"What about yesterday?" Mina asked her partner.
"I waited outside his window till he went to sleep, he wasn't with anyone nor did I see him text anyone either." Sana said.
"Well, we have a problem,"
Mina then told her of their adventure in the closet.
"But he's never denied us? What's he doing that's so impor-...you don't think it's her..." Sana asked, her temper rising.
Mina pulled out a device...your phone.
"He wouldn't tell me...but we'll see...it's a good thing I took this then."
She put the password in after, watching you put it in and checking your calls, messages, and even emails.
"Hmm...some hi's and goodnight's...and...and to meet up...which is tonight at his place..." Mina then grasped your phone hard that a crack could have appeared on your screen.
"That BITCH!" Sana yelled.
Mina and Sana were ...well...
They had an obsession with you now.
Originally it was just a friend with benefits plan.
Since the first day, they just wanted to hang out with you and stuff along with the 'deal' the three made.
As the month passed, it was going along well no one was suspect, not even their manager.
They had their way with you and you of them and boy did they feel nothing, but euphoria and bliss each time.
It was all that they wanted and more.
But...something changed.
For the worse or best...depends on who you ask.
That one night of passion and fucking that they realized that they needed more of you.
What was a want...is now a need.
That need gave them a drive...for you.
That was what they felt now.
The pleasure you gave them was too much for them to handle...and they wanted it all to themselves.
Eventually, they didn't have the patience for you so they increased the number of times they did it.
Each session never seem to falter and only heightened their pleasure, lust and greed for you.
That was the sensations in their hearts and minds that washed over them as they thought and loved the one on whom their heart has decided to lay their claim.
Your body answered to their needs, Mina and Sana needed to be with you to feel...complete...
They felt themselves shudder as they wrapped their arms around you or even just a simple graze of your body on anywhere on them.
While their love was something they could spend hours admiring, there was far more to you than just a muscular body for them to nibble upon and get fucked by...
No...you were so much more.
You were so pure, so kind...so innocent.
Your eyes were what truly captivated them though.
To them, your (shade) (color) eyes seemed to hypnotize them that they themselves became lost staring at you.
You never were once for being negative, you never looked at the bad stuff or events of each day as you kept going with your cheerful smile and happy mind all around.
They liked that about you, the way you spoke about things, your day, and the way you talked to them...it was so cute...and so addicting.
They loved you with their whole being, they loved you with their very heart...nothing could stop them from loving you...except for two very annoying problems.
One was their contract of not dating anyone.
But that didn't stop them from making love to you.
The other problem was a bitch...literally.
A bitch name Lia.
She and her group recently debuted and were also part of the same company as 2Na, and were produced during the same times as the two.
Since they were just rookies, their contract was very mild compared to theirs...which meant there was no such thing as a no-dating ban on their contract.
It wasn't fair they both thought.
Well, apparently it was about to get even more unfair.
Turns out Lia and (YN) were friends before. They've been friends since they were kids.
Before she debuted, (YN) apparently helped her out in her tryouts and she signed on to a label company that forced her to move away from him...until now that is when she got reinstated to the same label as Mina and Sana along with the debut of their new group ITZY.
And with the amount of time that (YN) has spent with them at the company, they bumped into each other and quickly got to catching up with each other.
The two girls hated it.
What a bullshit small world both Mina and Sana thought.
It was bad enough that they couldn't show any feelings to you, but Lia had the time to spend with you and even got a bit too close to you.
The 'bitch' had the audacity to be that surrounding their toy, that filthy whore who flaunts herself around you, touches you with her dirty hands, acting all sweet and innocent was driving Mina and Sana insane.
They wanted what was rightfully theirs.
They wanted their property, their soul mate...they wanted their (YN).
They could see the way she would be so friendly with you, speaking to you...how dare she.
Even a simple 'hi' was too much for the two.
They could barely contain their anger whenever she would decide to tease you with a flirty grin, a wink, and even a playful jab.
Mina almost stabbed Lia at a lunch break one day, but Sana stopped her in time as she saw Mina grasp her knife really hard.
It was torturous how she threw herself at you, acting so friendly, tempting you to fall for their charms.
If they had their way, that slut wouldn't even dare breathe the same air as their precious (YN).
But for now, they had to play along and keep close to (YN)'s friend.
They had to pretend to be her friend, they had to laugh at her jokes, and tolerate her presence all to be next to their property.
They hated it so much.
"Fuck her...why does she do this to us." Sana was furious.
"I don't know Sana, but-"
The door opened and Mina quickly threw the phone onto their couch.
You came back looking agitated.
"I don't know where my...phone is?" You saw on the couch your phone.
You looked puzzled and then approached to get it.
"We found it in between the cushions," Mina said quickly.
"I thought I...never mind, thanks." You said as you were going to the couch...
"So what are you doing tonight (YN)?" Sana asked.
Knowing these two...they won't leave you alone about it.
"Lia is coming over. She wants to hang out." You admitted.
'At least he didn't lie.' Both girls thought.
"(YN) you're not serious?" Sana spoke up.
"About Lia?" You asked.
They nodded.
"Why...is that bad?"
"So you would rather be with someone else than me?" Mina asked.
"I'm not being with someone else, she just wants to hang like the old times." You reasoned.
"Is...is that supposed to be a joke?" Mina said clenching her fists.
"It's not funny (YN)," Sana said holding in her anger.
"...Why would it be a joke?"
"You don't get it do you (YN)?" Mina said agitatedly.
"Get wh-"
"How could you cheat on us?" Sana questioned you.
You stood there for a couple of seconds and then chuckled.
Both girls just stared at you.
"Girls...I'm not going to cheat on you. Never. I love you both too much to do that."
Now both girls were stunned.
"L-Love?" Mina said blushing as Sana blushed and was stunned as well.
"Yeah...why else would I have stayed for all this...and no it's not because of our 'special moments'...which we need to talk about as well, but besides that...I have a really fun time hanging out with you two...there's really never a dull moment, just laughs, moments, and I feel happy being with you two... It's everything besides that. I really enjoy being with you two."
Both girls were now sporting intense blushes.
"We...li-love you too (YN), you make us feel happy as well...and to be honest, if it wasn't for the contract...we would tell everyone that you're ours," Sana said as Mina nodded.
You smiled at their statement and brought each one a hug.
They both were just stunned and blushed even harder and Mina almost squealed but kept it in.
"I'm sorry girls, I really am for hurting you for a moment there, but we're just going to hang out tonight, that's it. And if she does ask me out or something...I'll say no. Okay."
"We understand (YN)," Mina spoke up without moving.
"Yeah, me too," Sana added.
"Thank you two. I really am sorry, but I promise you that nothing will happen." They both leaned back to nod, "I love you two. I really do and I've been meaning to talk to you about our month and, I can't believe I'm saying this, but can we tone it down please."
They looked at each other and slowly but surely nodded.
"Alright (YN), we're sorry."
"We just...we don't see as often so we make the best of what we can." Sana explained as you shook your head.
"No don't be, it's just happening often that I don't want to risk getting caught and losing you two and ruin your careers."
Both Mina and Sana smiled as you talked about them.
"Sana? Mina? It's time." They heard behind the door.
"Coming." Both announced.
"We can talk later since you have a fan meet now, but just know that nothing will happen tonight. Now good luck out there." You said. "I'll see you two in a bit.
"Okay," they gave a peck on your check before leaving you, ", bye (YN)" They both said in unison as they left towards the door.
Meanwhile while walking toward the stage.
"He loves us?"
"He does. And that bitch is going to ruin it for us." Sana gritted silently.
They now stood there in the empty room as both were scrunching their fists, their nails poking through the skin of their palms.
"First she talks to him, then touches him and now this whore wants to be alone with him! Who the hell does this bitch think she is!? Taking our property." Sana spoke up in anger.
"Forcing our (YN) to say such things to us." Mina added, "Poor baby, we'll free him...and I say...tonight, the sooner the better."
"And (YN) will be ours..."
"Forever~" Both said in eerie tones.
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"I'm sorry, Lia again..." You apologized once more as you both left the door.
"No worries (YN)...I didn't know you were even dating someone."
"Yeah, it's from my parents. They want me to focus on my studies." You hated that you were lying to her, but it had to be done for the two girls.
Yes, Lia came over and while both hung out in your room...she asked the golden question. She asked you out and you knew it was coming, but it hurt to say no to her and see her crestfallen face.
"Well...maybe we can...in the future." She asked.
"Yeah, we'll see." You said as she nodded.
"Okay, ell I had fun (YN)."
"Me too Lia, just like the old times." She nodded and you closed the door as she left.
Lia was walking towards her car with a frown...she was saddened that you rejected her...she thought that you might have liked her with the amount of talking they have done...guess she was wrong.
She then unlocked her door with keys and then she heard something on her right as a bush shook a bit.
"H-hello?" She said, but no response.
She then quickly rushed to her car, but something blocked her way, she tried to scream, but she was out cold immediately.
You were lying in bed and texting the girls about what happened before you reached your room, and the doorbell rang as you turned back.
"Forgot something Lia?" You asked as you went to the door and opened it, but your face went down in shock and horror.
Lia's silhouette was lying on the ground in front of her car.
"Lia?...Lia!?" You saw her body knocked out on the pathway as you ran towards her and kneeled to check her body, "hey Lia, Lia wake up." You shook her as she wasn't responding, "shit," You stood up and were going to run back to the house till you heard someone step onto your right and you looked...
Black was all you saw as you felt the cold ground.
You felt your head pounding before you slowly opened your eyes.
You blinked a few times to clear your blurry vision.
Your sight was coming back as you looked up at a ceiling, you then looked around and in front of you, a couple of figures were standing there.
Slowly, the figures were clear as your eyes widened.
Your two girls, Sana and Mina were standing in front of you
"Oh good, you're awake~" Sana sang along.
Your mind was trying to process what was going on.
‘W-whats…i-is this-'
You tried to speak but your mouth wouldn't open. It had been duct taped shut. You tried to move but you found you were tied down onto a bed, with ropes tied around your hands on the bedpost and your legs the same as well.
Lastly, you realized that you were naked with a raging hard erection, pointing in the air.
You yelled, but the piece of tape muffled your words.
Your eyes widened as you tried to move your body.
"Don't worry (YN), you're okay. We're going to take care of you. It's just us, Sana, and I." Mina responded as Sana crawled on the bed closer to you.
Your body shifted to avoid her hand heading towards your face.
She didn't like by the glare in her eyes.
"(YN). Hold still." She said determinedly. "I'll take off the duct tape but you need to promise you won't yell, okay?" You were on your guard, but you slowly nodded.
Sana pulled the duct tape off slowly, making sure not to hurt her toy.
As soon as the tape was off...
"What the hell are you two doing!?" You blurted out. "What the hell-"
"The three of us are going to be together forever, baby~" Mina smiled down at you.
"What are you talking about?! Where the fuck are we?!" You were having trouble staying focused, as your situation seemed to get worse.
"You're going to love us forever, (YN)~ Like it was meant to be~” Sana spoke up as her alluring smile was plastered on her face. "As for where we are, it doesn't matter."
Your eyes widened as you looked around. It was just a bare room with no windows and a single door.
"Its just going to be the three of us, oh this is so exciting! Then when we're done here, we're going to get married and be together forever~!" Sana held her hands to her cheek, swaying left and right with the largest smile you've seen on her as Mina nodded enthusiastically.
Despite the situation, the words they were saying cut right to you.
'What the fuck?! Married?!' you held in your words.
Your mind was going crazy as you struggled with your roped hands, but nothing was working.
"You're so cute when you're squirming." Sana tapped your chest as you looked between the two and remembered your last memories…
"Wait...where's Lia?!" You asked.
“Oh, that bitch? You don’t have to worry about her.”
You were going to quest-
“In fact, you don’t have to worry about anyone. Sana, we’re starting." Mina spoke up.
"Oh yes~"
"Starting? Starting what?" You asked nervously.
Then Mina walked over to the bedside table and grabbed something from the top and your eyes widened at the syringe in her hand.
"We're going to give you with is going to help you learn to love us completely and it'll make sure that you'll never be able to cheat on us ever again," Mina explained as she tapped the syringe.
"Cheat?! Wait wait wait! I told you I'm not cheating on you two!"
"It should be giving you a headache afterward, but don't worry, it'll be mild.” Mina stated, “and after some time, we should be able to stop completely." Mina explained, ignoring you as she flicked the tip of the syringe.
"Wait?! What the fuck is that!?"
"(YN)...lower...your...tone," Sana instructed with her just looking at you.
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Her expression seemed normal, but you felt a killer instinct in her eyes.
Her stern tone made you sweat and you nodded in fear.
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She crawls towards your head to your left as she still has the smile on her.
"As Mina said, you belong to us only. You will be our one and only. You will do everything as we please." she whispered in a creepy tone right before leaning to face you.
Her smile instantly turned sour.
"Meaning that no one can touch you, kiss you, love you, or fuck you...the only US!"
Your eyes widened and your body was shaking and beating. They were scaring you big time.
You then saw Mina walk around the bed with the string in hand.
Mina then came over to your side of your head on your right and her hand went down..
"W-wait! Please Mina please!" You begged as you let a tear go down.
Mina stopped.
"You don't have to do that, please...I love you both, I really do."
You were attempting to get rid of what Mina was going to give you as she rose a brow.
"Then why are you hanging out with that whore so much?!” Sana shouted as you gulped.
"She's my friend. W-what am I suppose to do?" You answered without yelling, you didn't want to upset them.
"The truth (YN)," Mina said with the syringe now poking your neck.
"I-I told you she's just my friend, that's all...she's just a friend…please…she’s just a friend…" You said as your voice was breaking.
Mina looked at you then at Sana.
"...Give us a minute," Mina said as she and Sana left the room.
You were now breathing hard.
Is this for real?
Is this all just a nightmare?
You wish it was.
At least you’d be awake soon.
Thoughts were going through your mind...
Break free and run away?
At this point, you don't have any idea what these two are capable of now.
Then even if you do something to them, what about those close to you: your parents, Lia, hell anybody remotely around you like ITZY themselves?
Then the door opened suddenly and the two walked in as Mina closed the door.
Sana then came crawling on the bed on your left again.
But this time she hovered over your chest and had her hands on your cheeks
She then closed her eyes as she wrapped her supple lips around yours.
You felt her tongue prying your lips as you kept them shut.
Then Sana rose her hand and Mina came over and grasped your cock and squeezed a bit hard.
The pain as you opened your mouth to yell hurt and it caused Sana to strike her tongue into yours.
The yell then caused a moan as Sana moaned with you as you felt her saliva sliding down your throat.
You just complied as there was nothing you can do.
Even though you were a prisoner, you couldn't help but groan at Mina's action as now she was giving you a hand job as Sana was humping your chest as you felt the wetness of your pussy.
While Sana was preoccupying your lips, Mina's hands began playing with your balls.
You felt your erection harden even more, as your cock was starting to ache not of pain, but of pleasure.
"Alright (YN) we won't do anything to you," Mina said as Sana moved back up to break the kiss and still held onto you.
"But," Sana started "you won't ever say no to us anymore. You will do everything and anything we want no matter when or where, and you will not talk to that whore or any other whores for that matter ever again...agreed?" Emphasizing the keywords of ever and will.
"I will. I promise." You just agreed right away. You didn't want them to inject you with whatever they had...or worse, so you agreed to the terms.
They both looked at each other and nodded.
Then they both just squealed in happiness.
"We're going to love each other so much!" Mina said as happily as she could, with a complete 180 attitude.
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"This is what the rest of our life is going to be like. We are going to love, live and please with each other. OHH! I can't believe it!" Sana shouted.
You realized just how much trouble and danger you were in now...if you break that promise...may god have mercy on you and others you care about.
The girls you thought you knew were turning out to be psychopaths.
"So shall we begin?" Sana spoke up as you stared at her.
"Wait...begin what?" She looked back at you.
"What do you think silly...you’re going to fuck us dry of course~" She then grabbed your face hard, "and you better pleasure us to the max (YN)...got it or else she will get the punishment." You nodded vigorously knowing who 'she' was.
At least she might have been okay.
========================SMUT TIME=======================
"Boy, you can't wait, can you?" remarked Mina. "Go on then."
Sana didn't need any more encouragement as she stood up from the bed and quickly removed her clothing.
Sana felt her pussy was crazy hot as she strip at lightning fast speed.
Being in your current situation, you should be furious, but...
But now...you swallowed your saliva as Sana's body was leaving you parched.
She stripped right on top of you and you saw her pussy in the perfect display as her breasts obstructed her face and you could see her pussy lips were already swollen and her fluids were seeping out.
She indeed wanted this.
She then slowly lowered herself slowly down and as you were tied up, you just laid there as you saw her cunt approach your mouth.
Holding to the top of the bed frame for support, she lowered herself until her slit was mere inches from your mouth.
"Stick out that tongue, (YN)." She ordered.
You stuck out your tongue and lifted your head until it touched the tender flesh between her legs.
She immediately moaned and wiggled her hips.
You couldn't reach any further, but she reached down and grabbed your hair roughly and pulled your head up further so you could separate her lips with your tongue, probing for her clit with your wet thrusts.
"I said eat me (YN)!"
You did your absolute best as you sucked on her pussy as you would with any of their session, but this time you really went in her.
You bobbed your head up and down and rubbed your face deeper into her, as Sana grabbed the back of your head.
"Fuck, (YN), make me cum....God, I missed this," Sana groaned out.
You hammered your tongue around her insides and kept on licking her pussy and even tried to get into her clit to help her more.
Her deep breaths seemed to say that you were doing a great job, and they got heavier when you shoved your tongue back into her.
As your lips went in deeper, Sana arched her back as she rode you hard and reminded you to keep up the good work.
Soon, you then felt another sensation, this one quite a bit further down.
It seemed that Mina did not want to wait her turn and had another way to use her body for her pleasure.
This didn't bother you too much, as it involved her putting your erection into her and putting it out of your misery.
She must have removed her clothes as well because you felt her hot body straddling your hips as she slowly impaled herself on your waiting cock.
While moaning, Mina started to move around you on top of you and straddled your member.
"How does this feel?" Mina said while going in circles, giving both the mild pleasure and feel of what was to come.
"MMMPHH" You tried saying as you were still eating Sana out.
Mina started jerking your cock while rubbing the head against her pussy, and you couldn't help but just moan in the overwhelming pleasure.
Mina heard you and smiled in satisfaction, and she sat down and buried your cock deep in her pussy in one stroke. Mina leaned her head back as you filled her up to the brim and just sat there to take your meat in her.
"God...you're so big (YN)...it's so perfect...we love you so much."
Meanwhile, Sana was nearing her edge as she couldn't take your tongue anymore.
"FUck fuck (YN) KEEP KEEP GOING!! AAAHHH!!" Sana yelled out and soon you were drowning in her liquid, you even coughed a bit as you were choking while still eating her.
Sana then limped off you after her orgasm passed and she hopped off you, going forward and then turning around to see Mina riding you.
Your mind became overwhelmed with pleasure, it has never been this good before...you didn't know what the girls did to you while you were out, but whatever they did was making you go crazy in lust and pleasure.
You couldn't handle it any longer as your cock started pumping cum, over and over again.
It was the most intense orgasm in your life, no doubt aided by whatever they did to you.
You continued cumming for several seconds and Mina felt your sperm throbbing in her pussy while she slowly rode you through your orgasm; your vision blanks for a bit while the most intense pleasure rushed through your brain as your balls spasm, trying to produce more semen in vain.
When your mind eventually recovered, you realized the pleasure hadn't stopped, it had merely lessened to a bearable level.
“Oh god~ he filled me up so much Sana~ It’s sooo warm~”
“Did he now~ Oh you’re lucky you got the first filling.”
“Well now you can get your chance~” Mina kneeled for you and Sana saw your cum drenched cock as she laid down and started to suck away the remains of what Mina and you, licking everything to perfection as she kissed the top of your cock.
“Hmm~ He’s so tasty, but your cum made it even better Mina hehe~ Now then,” Sana got off from you, “let’s switch," Sana asked and Mina was happy to go along with that idea as she stood up, and stepped forward to be standing astride over you before crouching down to hover over your lips as Sana leaned to your ear.
"Return the favor won't you? It's only fair," she whispered as you nodded swiftly before she kissed your cheek as Mina guided her pussy against your mouth as you stuck your tongue out and ran it over her folds.
A moan escaped Mina's lips as she felt your tongue on her pussy, her soft, creamy thighs holding your head as she pressed down herself against your mouth.
You quickly got to work in returning the favor to her as your tongue started to work on her clit, prodding against the bundle of nerves as you lavished oral attention on the idol.
Not wanting to disappoint or get either upset.
And been doing this with them, you knew your way around performing cunnilingus, you had a certain way around it that demonstrated that fact as you moved your tongue in a circular motion on Mina's clit, to begin with.
"Does it feel good, Mina?" Sana asked in a sweet tone that dripped with more lust than there should be, her expression being deceptively sweet also.
Mina responded to the question with moans as she rocked her hips against your tongue which made Sana smile as she said how she knew just how good your tongue work was.
"God it’s arousing to see you crumble to the pleasure!" Sana whispered, her body becoming hotter and hotter, and felt herself getting wetter before seeing your erect cock.
You were focusing on Mina, your tongue working her clit as she moaned and rocked against you.
You didn't notice as Sana had moved herself to straddle you until you were buried inside her, she couldn't wait anymore so she just dropped herself onto your shaft, stuffing herself full with your cock in such swift motions that her head fell back, with a loud shout.
“Oh fuck! He’s so fucking hard! I love it!”
Mina looked to see the pleasure that turned onto Sana's face.
You were filling her nicely, but then again you always did as Sana began rocking her hips in your lap, chewing on her lip in a sexy manner even if you couldn't see it.
But Mina did and the way Sana chewed her lip as she rolled her hips in your lap definitely turned her on more.
But then there was how you were using your tongue; as Sana started to ride you, Mina’s hands grip your torso before pulling herself down more.
Her eyes squinted as she gasped from this, your tongue sliding past her pussy lips and inside her, you started to lap your tongue around her inner walls and it made Mina quiver with sexual pleasure, her breaths shaking as you ate her out.
Sana watched Mina's reaction and felt herself get even more aroused; she started to grope herself as she rocked back and forth, watching Mina's expression as you ate her out.
But then your hips also started moving, you gave small thrusts upwards into Sana as a way to let her know you hadn't forgotten about her and she began to bounce herself with your thrusts before reaching around to grope Mina's tits.
"How does it feel? How does his tongue feel inside you?" Sana asked but Mina was too busy moaning from the pleasure to give a verbal response, then again that served the purpose nicely.
Your tongue was swirling around inside her, sliding up against her vaginal walls before retracting only to attack her clit.
It made Mina reach a hand reach down to hold your head, her fingers lacing into your hair as she rocked against you even more whilst also feeling the squeezing of her breasts.
The two fully aroused women leaned against each other now for support, their hands tenderly exploring each other's bodies.
Then, Sana took Mina's face in her hands and raised it to hers, and gave her a kiss on the lips.
Mina kissed Sana back, and you were treated to the sounds of the two women, sucking furiously while using your body for their pleasure.
Both women were now at the height of passion as their cries of ecstasy muffled into each other's mouths as their tongues explored each other's mouths.
But the sex had only just begun really and she knew that, she licked her lips at the thought of what was to come before clenching her thighs.
You had suddenly started to double down on eating her out and Mina gasped between her moans, her fingers tugging at Sana’s hair as she pushed her hips down to get your tongue deeper.
Then there were Sana's hands groping her breasts as her tongue fucked Mina’s mouth which made her entire body quiver.
As she was doing all this, arousing Mina more and more in the process, Sana slid her hand down Mina’s body, caressing her figure before brushing her clit with haste as Mina let the kiss go and groaned.
"God he's amazing~" she breathed before licking Mina's cheek, making the other girl shudder before Sana latched her lips onto her neck, sucking hard as she guided Mina against your tongue whilst taking your cock deep.
You groaned into Mina's pussy, moaning from how tight Sana's pussy was around you, and more and more into Mina's pussy, making her thighs clench as she was leaking sexual juices, she was so close to orgasm but she couldn't voice it.
"It feels so good! Oh, fuck! I’m gonna-oh fuck!" she yelled before suddenly clenching down even more as she came, she came hard as well.
You lapped up Mina's juices as they gushed out of her, she was trembling as she climaxed and it made her breathless for a moment as she slumped before climbing off your face.
Sana quickly seized the opportunity as she leaned down, wrapping her arms around your neck, and locked her lips with yours so she could taste Mina on your tongue.
Mina watched this as she caught her breath, her cheeks flushed red as her legs quaked.
Mina watched as Sana tangled her tongue with yours, her hips bucking in your lap, but then Sana broke the kiss enough to lick your lips, glancing over to Mina as she made sure her partner could see her tasting the sexual juices of another woman on your lips.
Mina's hand slid down between her legs as she started to touch herself to the sight.
Sana's tongue moved around your lips as she moaned from your thrusts before you pushed your tongue to meet hers, she again giggled at this before closing her lips on your tongue.
She sucked on your tongue as she stared at Mina before looking into your eyes, you could see her lust and hunger.
This made Sana moan more as she suckled on your tongue, tasting Mina even more whilst feeling your cock push deep into her dripping snatch.
Sana was so wet, she was so horny from all that has transpired so far, she wanted more and she made this clear to you by proceeding to stick her tongue into your mouth as she stared deep into your eyes.
You picked up her hints quickly and obliged her demands, thrusting upwards harder and faster as she bounced her hips in your lap.
The wet slapping of flesh filled the room as you fucked Sana, pushing deep into her gripping snatch as she moaned into your mouth, fingers tugging at your hair as she dominated the kiss only to arch her back as you slammed your cock right up against one of her sweet spots.
This made Sana sit bolt upright, arching her back and pushing her chest out as she moaned loudly.
Mina had been watching this from the sidelines, busy burying a finger knuckle deep in her cunt as she moaned.
She masturbated whilst watching you and Sana fuck, moaning as she fingered herself rapidly, watching the fervent way which Sana rode you and the aggressive way in which you pumped your hips upwards, it was such a hot sight to view that Mina had no shame in finger fucking herself to the sight.
To think her fans call her the quiet and nice girl when she was nowhere near pure enough to have that epithet.
Sana on the other hand definitely earned her epithet of a flirt as the way she moves her body with yours was nothing less than sinful.
It was so erotic, so seductive and she gave Mina bedroom eyes before leaning down to tangle her tongue with yours again, still giving Mina her eyes.
Mina didn't mind as she had her feel of you and went towards your face while Sana rode you more vigorously.
"Fuck her (YN), your cock belongs inside of us. Only our tight pussies can make you feel so good. You're going to love us forever..."
Sana leaned down so you could look into each other's faces while Mina talked dirty to you.
It was getting erotic that you didn't even care about being a prisoner now as your focus was on them.
Mina whispered moans into your ear and bit at your neck as she did before.
"Let her pussy make you feel good, sweetie as you cum deep inside her tight cunt...do you want to cum (YN)...well cum for her, for us. Only we can make you cum so much." Sana rode you hard and wild as her breasts heaved up and down hypnotizing you as she rode faster and faster, and Mina's words only encouraged you to cum.
Her hands cupped your face, caressed it before she looked into your eyes and locked her lips with yours fully.
Moans filled your kiss as you gave deeper thrusts upwards, jamming your cock into Sana's pussy as she accepted it all before she clenched her walls down around you tight.
She moaned louder into the kiss as she did this, signaling her own climax but then she felt you twitch inside her and her eyes lit up. The look she gave you next, it was a look you got very often.
"Do it! Fill me up (YN)!" she breathed in a gasping voice before crying out in orgasmic release as she came, triggering your orgasm as well as you pumped a thick batch of cum into her.
“Oh fu-! It’s too much~ Oh god Mina haha! He’s amazing!”
Sana's body shuddered as she felt your creampie filling her, she stared up at the ceiling for a moment before relaxing again as she smiled down at you in a sweet way that didn't match how you just fucked her.
Then she leaned down and pecked your lips, once, twice, and thrice, before climbing off of you, holding a hand over her pussy as she looked at Mina.
“Nice, he’s still hard…I need him to fuck me good Mina, I’m going to let him go.”
“Fine by me,” Mina turned to you, “you keep your mouth shut and you better not do anything, go it!” She yelled as you nodded and her heartfelt smile appeared, causing shivers to be on you, though not the good kind.
Sana then started to the bedposts and undo the knots tying you up as you felt your limbs less tense one by one.
Sana got all four to be undone as you laid there.
“Now then, I think it’s only fair that you get his cock again next Mina.”
“Aw~ arigato Sana~”
“Of course, now you just lay here,” Sana had Mina lay on the bed, “now (YN), get up and make her feel good. Now." Sana ordered as Mina laid on the bed as you hurried and sat below Mina as you got between her legs which parted in welcome to you.
You guided your shaft to Mina's entrance, prodding her folds with your tip before parting her pussy as you began penetrating her, moaning as you started to enter her but then she gasped and arched her back as you were suddenly buried inside her, thanks to Sana giving you a shove forward.
“You’re too slow (YN)! Fuck her quick!”
Mina's moaned loudly as she felt stuffed full of your cock before she looked up to see you looming over her, hands at the side of her head before Sana was to your side and locking her lips with yours.
You had begun thrusting into Mina, making her groan as she stared up at the way Sana tangled her tongue with yours before she broke away to whisper into your ear and you sat back.
Your hands gripped Mina's hips as you were pumping back and forth into her, increasing your pace as her pussy was very welcoming to you, but she kept her eyes on Sana who suddenly had a shadow over her eyes as she stared at Mina.
It was the look of a predator who was staring at its prey before slinging her leg over Mina's head and pushing her hips down.
Sana's pussy pressed against Mina's lips as she stared down at her.
"Make me feel good Mina~" She asked, licking her lips as she stared at Mina who was moaning from how your cock was pumping into her.
She didn't refuse Sana either and got to work on applying some oral appreciation to her partner.
Sana rocked her hips against Mina's lips, a shadow over her eyes still which cleared up as she looked back at you and reached behind your head to pull you to kiss her as you started to really give it to Mina.
You were gripping her hips firmly, digging your fingers into her hips in a way that made her squirm from how good it felt whilst you buried your cock deep into her cunt as she ate out Sana.
Your lips were locked your girlfriend as you fucked your other girlfriend beneath her, Sana's hand holding the back of your head as she danced her lips with yours before parting back to smile sweetly only to then look down at Mina with that shadow over her eyes again.
"I wonder how much of his cum you with get from me~” she spoke in a low tone of voice before gasping as Mina stuck her tongue inside her, pleasing Sana greatly as she grabbed her head and rocked her hips down against the tongue inside her.
"Nice~" Sana cooed as Mina whined, moaning and aching from the pleasure as you had started thrusting really hard.
You were pumping your hips pretty aggressively, burrowing deep into Mina’s cunt and she wrapped her legs around you by impulse, dragging you deeper into her as she ate out Sana's pussy, lapping your leaking cum from her which pleased Sana. But she still got more into it.
With you fucking Mina, who was eating her out, Sana was free to sit and get orally pleasured but she felt Mina could do more so pushed her further between her legs.
Your hips still slammed into Mina as you groped your lover who leaned her head back over your shoulder as you kissed her neck.
"Yes! Just like that (YN)~" Sana breathed before mewling as you suckled on her skin, nipping at her flesh as you sought to leave a hickey.
Pleasure built up inside Sana until she felt herself cum and splash Mina's face with her juices.
"Hehe~ hope I didn’t drown you Mina~" Sana said as she tapped Mina’s head, dismounting her face to see her work on Mina, “here, I’ll help~”
Sana leaned down and start to lick up the mess she made as Mina couldn’t bother to do anything but more loudly now as her hands balled up at her sides as her legs pulled you deeper only for you to pry them from around you and lift them over your shoulders as you began amping your thrusts up again.
Harder, deeper, faster; you began slamming balls deep into Mina, making her squirm with pleasure as Sana was also licking her face before grabbing Mina to engage in a sloppy make-out session that Mina could only surrender to.
Hands roamed Mina's body, you rubbed her hips as Sana traced a finger around her nipples, making her shudder and squirm as she moaned into the tongue-filled kiss whilst Sana tugged at her hair.
Mina, couldn’t take it, as you gave a deep thrust that sent her spiraling into orgasm.
You grunted from this, feeling Mina's slick cunt clenching tightly around you, gently letting her legs down from your shoulder only to have them wrap around you and drag you right up into her sweet spot, making her grip down even more as it prolonged her orgasm.
“Hmph! Oh…”
The constant bombardment of her juices forced you over the edge also and Mina was now on the receiving end of her own creampie, your thick load pumping into her as her body twitched a few times before she slumped back.
"And there’s another one~” Sana commented as Mina's eyes had glazed over and her mouth was agape with a little drool at the corner of her lips. "Now it’s my turn once more (YN)~ And you better make it twice as better~ move back." Sana pointed at you as you moved further back as she got into the next position, on her hands and knees: doggystyle.
But Sana placed her head in between Mina’s legs.
“I’m returning the favor Mina~”
You obliged as she bit her lip and you responded by slamming into her from behind, filling her pussy with your cock again.
“Yes~ That’s it~”
Sana threw her head back to moan only to then lean down between Mina's legs.
Mina ate out her cum filled cunt, now Sana was to reciprocate the gesture whilst you fucked her from behind.
Not a bad deal if she was to say so herself.
You began your thrusts hard and fast, just like how Sana demanded it and Mina was still a little dazed from her recent orgasm, she was oversensitive right now and so was quivering as Sana ate her out, but it felt so good that all she could do was moan as she laid flat.
Hard, wet slapping sounds of flesh reached her ears and as her vision cleared, Mina looked to see the way you were fucking Sana, the grip you had on her hips as you dragged her back against your cock before shoving her forward into Mina's pussy so she could eat her out.
Moans and groans continued to fill the studio as the three of you were all enthralled in the pleasures of the situation, sins and debauchery fuelled you all.
As Mina felt the vibrations of the barmaid's moans, making her grip Sana's head as she had gripped hers.
"Come on Sana, I know you can eat me better than this!'' Mina demanded, pulling Sana's hair while pushing her head further into her cunt, making Sana moan as her hair was tugged on.
With the position you were in, you were able to reach all the sweet spots within Sana, making her whine and wriggle beneath you as you pushed into her.
Your hands reached down and gripped her wrists, tugging her arms behind her whilst Mina wrapped her legs behind her head to trap Sana.
Pleasure bombarded Sana as she was handled so roughly.
"More!" you heard Sana's voice, muffled by Mina's pussy which was dutifully eating out but coherent enough for you to oblige.
“Oh fuck! I’m gonna-oh Sana!”
You gave Sana more, fucking her even harder as you held her wrists behind her back with one hand and pushed her shoulder so she leaned further into Mina's pussy, sticking her tongue deep into her who shuddered and climaxed just from that.
Mina fell back and released Sana from her grasp, needing time to recover so you pulled Sana with you as you laid back so she was against your chest.
One hand reached up to massage her chest as the other went to her mouth, a finger pushing past her lips and she sucked on it while staring back at you with lust and hunger glazing her irises.
Sana sucked and bobbed her head along your fingers, mimicking a blowjob before releasing your finger as she arched back in climax from your constant hitting of her sweet spots.
“Wait! Wait! I need Mina!”
She became a quivering mess as she came, gasping for breath before regaining herself enough as she climbed off you.
You then watched as she made her way over to Mina again...
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...climbing on top of her and kissing her whilst waving her ass your way.
You penetrated Sana again as she and Mina made out, both of them groping each other with Sana moaning into the kiss more before you pulled out and shoved yourself into Mina who leaned her head back and exposed her neck for Sana to latch onto.
"It feels so good!" Mina moaned loudly before being muffled by Sana who, after leaving a very noticeable hickey that would take some explaining on Mina's neck, stuck her tongue down her throat in a very dominating kiss.
Mina quickly found herself dominated by the Sana again all whilst having your cock pumping into Sana.
You kept fucking Sana as both girls were moaning messes, sloppily making out with each other, groping one another before Sana moved her mouth from Mina and placed her head next to hers...
“Oh shit (YN)! I’m getting- ohhhh~ fuck!”
Sana exploded as her pussy coiled yours and you couldn’t take it anymore either as you gave one last thrust and send your sperm deep in her Sana twitched upon feeling another load dumped in her.
Sana’s arms feel and her body relaxed onto Mina’s.
Their breasts mashed against one another, legs grazing and their arms laid out as both girls huffed to get energy as you lay on the bed, gazing upward as you took in breaths.
Sana looked into Mina's eyes as they gain their breath back.
"That was..." the sweet Sana commented, "incredible."
"It sure was."
Sana nodded and then rolled off her and turned at you looking upwards.
"Amazing job (YN)...” you turned to her, “and to think we have more of this to come." Sana said as Mina nodded.
After a few minutes, they both helped themselves off of you, their bodies glistening with liquid due to their erotic exploits.
============================SMUT END=============================
"W-wait..." You spoke in your most pleading voice as both girls looked at you, now sitting upright.
Now was the difficult part: talking with them.
You weren’t going to do anything crazy or say anything that might provoke them, now knowing what these two are willing to do…but you had to get out somehow.
Fortunately, you didn’t have to start a conversation.
“So (YN) do you mean it? Do you love us?” Sana questioned as you gulped.
“I do Sana, I really do love you both.”
You just agreed.
You didn’t want to provoke them so you agreed with her.
“And you agree to not speak or touch or interact with any others whores that come near you?” Mina added.
You nodded as both Mina and Sana smiled brightly.
“Okay, then we’ll leave Lia alone.”
You let out a mental sigh, she’s okay then.
“But if you say one more word, any word, even a wave of a hello, that will be the last time you see her and we won’t forgive you, got it!?” Sana said while staring at your eyes with a furious glare.
A cold sweat ran down your forehead alongside the other sweat from your session.
“O-of course."
"Yay!" They both cheered and clapped as you stayed there as they both had enough energy to cuddle near you.
"We're so glad we've met you (YN). We promise if you stay loyal, it'll get better from here on out~" Mina proclaimed as they both stuck to you like glue.
This was it...
This was your life now...
You didn't know what you were going to do now...
How was your life going to be after this...you didn't know.
But one thing was for sure...
It was only going to get worse from here on out.
Thanks for taking a pause in your life to reading this. Vote/Comment. And thanks again. 
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hyunverse · 3 years
gender neutral.
summary; you’re megumi’s dream person.
note; i wrote this bcs my birth name is actually a type of flower ugh the self indulgence also i like butterflies. also inspired by a song called bunga by masdo. i recommend listening to the song while reading. bunga means flower in malay!! also pls open the gif for better quality.
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YOU REMIND MEGUMI OF A FLOWER. white orchids; they symbolize purity. and that’s exactly what you are to him.
fushiguro megumi remembers this one day when he and tsumiki had went to a flower garden together. he didn’t know why tsumiki suddenly felt like visiting a garden, but he followed anyway. he observed as his sister looked at the flowers around them, a smile never leaving her face and her eyes were practically sparkling. it felt nice to see his sister actually enjoy herself, especially after their parents got up and abandoned them, leaving tsumiki with all the house chores.
“look at all these flowers!”, tsumiki caressed the petals with her fingers, thumb gently gliding over the flowers, “they look so nice, don’t you think so megumi?”
megumi didn’t reply, he opted to stand beside his older sister. tsumiki explained the symbolisms of the flowers she knew of. the raven head looked stoic, as if he wasn’t listening to any of her words but the truth is, he was. he found the symbolism behind the white orchids particularly interesting. it suited the orchids’ physical appearance. white and innocence just made sense.
as the siblings chatted (though it technically was one sided on tsumiki’s part), a cat walked towards the duo. the ball of orange fur purred and nudged it’s head on tsumiki’s legs, immediately getting the teenage girl’s attention. she kneeled down, her previous smile growing wider.
petting the cat, she looked up at her younger brother, “aren’t cats so adorable?”.
“yeah,” megumi uttered. a lie. he wasn’t a big fan of cats, he found them annoying. dogs are better, that’s what he believed in but he didn’t have the heart to say that to his sister. not when she looks the happiest she had been in a while.
“and the weather’s really nice today!”, she added, eyes glancing up at the sky. the sun was glaring right into her eyes, so her pupils shrunk. she didn’t mind however, she had always loved sunny days. the sunlight shone right above their heads, and megumi didn’t like it. he could feel drops of sweat trickling down his back, causing his shirt to cling onto his skin. megumi much prefers when it’s cloudy, shades of grey in the sky, the perfect weather for staying at home and reading books.
even so, he just nodded, “mhm.”
shortly the sun started to set, spreading orange hues throughout the sky. flocks of birds returned to their nests, and so the fushiguro siblings made their way back to their abode. on their way tsumiki stole glances at her brother, letting out a dry chuckle everytime she notices the lack of expression on his face.
“you should smile more you know, megumi”, she ruffled his erratic hair, “you won’t get much friends if you keep on frowning like that”, she teased.
he grumbled, “i don’t care if i don’t have friends.”
megumi thought it was ridiculous. why would it matter, anyway? he’s fine being alone. people are bothersome; they’re too loud and they stress him out. especially the stupid punks in school who thinks they could do whatever they want. megumi simply shrugged and pushed his sister’s words out of his mind. scratch smiling and being likeable.
yet here he is, smiling at you. over no particular reason too.
currently, he’s walking along a beach with you. you; dressed up in a white sundress, a pair of sandals in your right hand. the sand burns under fushiguro’s feet but he couldn’t feel it over the fast thumping of his heart, he couldn’t feel the heat when his whole skin is tingling. he trolls behind you, walking over the footsteps you made. your sundress flows to the rhythm of your walk, flying slightly up when the wind blows your way, exposing the plush skin of your thighs. fushiguro looks away from your figure, his fair complexion tinted with blush.
you’re his best friend, he’s not supposed to look at you like that.
“it’s so nice here, megumi!”, you call out to him as you stand at the edge of the sea. waves crash, they trickle up to your toes. with a smile you hold up your hand for megumi to hold.
bashfully, megumi walks up to you and takes your hand in his. he’s reluctant, for he dislikes his hands. they’re cold and filled with callouses. so when you grip his hand as though you didn’t intend to let go, when your thumb rubs against his, he feels less insecure of his hands. the sensation of your hand in his is hot, it burns; however it feels nice.
megumi fushiguro hates warmth, but if it’s your warmth, he’d enjoy burning in heat.
the sand by the sea doesn’t feel hot on your feet. the waves get bigger and bigger; till they reach up to your ankles. you giggle because it tickled, the sound of your laughs reaching megumi’s ears. he turns to his side to see you crouching down, collecting the water in your hands.
that’s when megumi concluded, your whole existence screams purity.
a week later megumi meets you again. sometime at 11pm, by an oak tree—your usual meeting spot. the oak tree is large, it’s impossible to miss it. you stand under the oak tree, allowing dried leaves to fall onto your head, getting stuck in your hair. you know megumi would get all the leaves out of your hair. he does it everytime. he’ll pick out all the leaves out of your hair while lecturing you, though his words enter one ear then out from another. no matter how many times he says “i can’t do this all the time”, even he himself knows he would.
from afar megumi watches his best friend run around the flower field, chasing butterflies. your hair gets swept away by the wind as your hands stretch up to the sky, desperately trying to get a butterfly to land on your hand. you’re wearing a jumpsuit, the white color of the material truly brought out your skin tone. your complexion is glistening, and it makes megumi’s heart throb.
“they’re scared of you, y/n,” he finally says, putting both your hands down. the butterflies fly away from your sight, and you pout.
“but they’re so pretty,” you sigh, watching as the butterflies choose to fly anywhere but on your fingers. and then one lands on top of megumi’s shoulder.
your eyes widen, holding the sides of megumi’s figure to make him stay still. megumi could see sparks in your eyes when you admire the blue butterfly. soft is the expression you wear on your face. he likes it on you. that cute expression of yours makes megumi fall five times harder for you even when he knows he shouldn’t.
“you’re like a flower ‘gumi. it likes you.”
ridiculous, he thinks. you’re the flower. it’s obvious by the way your body moves under the moonlight, and how insanely beautiful you are.
fushiguro megumi doesn’t say anything in return, as always. he rarely does. if possible, he wants to avoid you from finding out just how in love he is with you.
after that day, you never show up under the oak tree, a few minutes distance from jujutsu high. he’ll wait for hours long only to be disappointed.
--at least not until his birthday comes, about a few months later. his face turns pale once he spotted you. you wait by the jujutsu high gate with a wide smile on his face, as if you didn’t ghost him for three months.
"glad to see you doing okay," the apple of your cheeks seem more prominent when you smile, megumi feels an urge to kiss them.
"i haven't seen you in so long," megumi mumbles, "happy to see you here today."
you grin and hold up your hand for him to take per usual, and didn’t mutter anymore words until the two of you reach a café in the outskirts of tokyo.
“nice café,” the raven comments , glancing at you. you’re wearing a puffy sleeved white blouse now—honestly, do you only own white clothes?
“found it on instagram”, you mutter, “i thought you’d like it. happy birthday, megumi.”
megumi smiles for the first time today. as a jazz song plays, he eats the birthday cake you purchased for him quietly. the cake tastes delicious (to be fair, anything you buy him is perfect) because it’s not too sweet. the fact that you remember his preference makes his smile grow a little wider.
you hum to the song and rest your head on his shoulder. it seems like the two of you are the only ones in the café—a much needed privacy. you’re usually touchy with him, and he prefers affection to be private. typically they make megumi blush, and he doesn’t want people to witness him all flustered.
“did you miss me, megumi?”, he replies to your question by nodding and placing his hand on top of yours.
serenity is this feeling, megumi thinks.
at the corner of the café stands an antique grandfather clock. it’s sounds are so loud, they resonate the whole environment. megumi suddenly becomes hyper aware of the sound, there’s a pounding in his head. the sound becomes louder and louder, to the point where megumi couldn’t feel your skin under his. he shuts his eyes close, an impossibly bright light glares his eyes.
“fushiguroooo!”, an annoying voice yells. itadori’s voice, megumi is certain.
the pounding in his head slows down. his sapphire eyes flutter open, and he realizes the light he saw was sunlight rays peeking through his blinds.
“seriously fushiguro, we’ve been calling you for an hour now. hurry up, we’re going out to eat in five. to celebrate your birthday”, megumi looks up to see nobara standing behind itadori. 
they’re both leaning against his door frame. itadori is dressed in a yellow hoodie, while nobara rocks a coat over a turtleneck. the female sorcerer holds her toy hammer tight in her grip, her eyes boring through megumi’s figure. by her posture, megumi guesses she was about to hit him with the squeaky hammer if only he didn’t wake up sooner.
fucking menaces, they could’ve left him to sleep for a little more. he hasn’t seen you in so long, he wanted to sleep in to spend time with you.
finally rubbing his eyes awake, the boy looks at the vase of orchids sitting on his nightstand. he sighs before standing up.
megumi will find you someday, he promises. if you’re a flower, he’ll gladly be the butterfly.
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✉ taglist: @aliteama @dearsukuna @cybergoo @hanniemilk @ariasann @soulasdarkascoffee @okusetomura @eidotheiapriv @maat-the-prescriptive @etoilezone @elipres @scarednekozz @iridescentkitsune @crapimahuman @nectar0sw33t @hq149 @bluedelphinium @bokutos-babyowl @behan @tdntu0 @sunaluvs @guardianangelswings @fairywriter-oracle @inu-makki @erinisbadger
tagging; @candleohappiness , @haru-senji <333
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taeescript · 3 years
I Promise (I)
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𝔰𝔶𝔫𝔬𝔭𝔰𝔦𝔰 >> Some people have the gifted ability of music; others of mathematics; some perhaps as persuasive argumentators. You have a “gift”, if one would like to call it that. It is the ability to know when somebody is telling a lie. 
𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 >> hoseok x reader; ?? x reader (the whole gang joins at some point) 
𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢 >> mafia!au 
𝔴/𝔠 >> 3.1k 
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 >> mentions of drug use. nothing else much really it’s actually pretty tame right now 
𝔞/𝔫: would you believe be if i said this whole thing was inspired by this singular gif? I lost my old account (rip old fics) but here I am starting new and writing again. Nervous, but please show some love 
next part
The music is blasting in your room, and the bass rumbles causing your heart to beat to the rhythm of the song. However, your fingers are tapping to their own creation of a tempo while your other hand scribbles a note down on a piece of paper. It is the end of June and that means you have just received your paycheque.
  “$9.74,” you repeat after your calculation, “I’ve got an extra $9.74 to spend.” You lean back in your chair and continues to bob your head. The wall behind you thumps to its own tempo; not of the song that is playing but its own rhythmic pattern. Your roommate is at it again. You close your eyes and allow yourself to drift. $9.74. You could get an extra meal. Or an extra drink at the bar. Or maybe you could just put that into your bank account. But that’d be useless, just sitting there. In the very distance, you hear the thumping of your roommate stop and its door creaks open. Another set of doors creak a couple of seconds later. You get out of your seat and open the door to your own room.
  Seohyun, your roommate, brushes past you wearing only a pair of shorts and her favourite black laced bra. She walks to the door of the apartment and kisses the man on the lips before taking a drag of the cigarette she is holding in the other hand. He stands with a hand in his pocket and the buttons of his shirt undone. You watch as Seohyun bites his lip before ending the kiss.
  “You’re the best,” you hear the robust mint-haired female say.
Cue the all too familiar buzzing.
“Love you, babe,” he says, kissing her one last time before leaving.
The buzzing halts.
“Love you too,” Seohyun kisses him one last time before gently pushing him out the door, closing it when he leaves.
And there returns the buzz.
Seohyun turns to walk back to her room and notices you standing there. “Hey,” she greets.
  “You know, he actually does like you,” you comment, coming out of your room. You rub the back of your neck and rotate it once to get rid of the stress. Seohyun sits down on the brown couch in the small living room and takes out a tin box. She crosses her legs and rummages through its contents. A cigarette leaves its embers on the ashtray in the table in front of her. “Right. And I like him too,” Seohyun replies, taking out what she had been looking for, “Him and his drugs.” She shakes the white packet before opening it up. She sniffs the contents once and sighs. Making a motion towards you, she offers its contents to you.
  You shake your head. You return into your room briefly to turn off the music and grab your phone and jacket. When you walk back out, you see that the packet is empty and Seohyun is passed out on the couch, fingers still speckled with white dust. You make a quick stop into Seohyun’s room to grab a blanket for her before locking the keys to the apartment.
  Your apartment, technically. You had been the one to pay full payment and was content in living alone until Seohyun showed up one night, begging for a place to sleep. You couldn’t let her sleep outside so you agreed. That one night turned into a week and finally a year, where Seohyun still stays.
  It isn’t like you didn’t enjoy Seohyun’s company. She is nice to be around, always engaging in some next level philosophical topic, particularly when she is high. It is, however, slightly annoying whenever she brings her “boyfriend”, or boyfriends at times, to the place, but you have learned to drown out their voices and actions by blasting your music. But what you like about Seohyun the most is that she doesn’t ask questions. The buzzing in your head is also always strangely quieter around the other girl as well.
  You trudge up the stairs and immediately brings a hand to shield your eyes from the bright sun. It is about seven in the evening but still way too bright for your liking. You like the darkness night brought with it. Serene. Solemn. Locking the gate to the building behind you, you walk down the streets all the while rolling your neck due to its tense state.
  No matter how many times it happened, you’d still feel its pain.
  The lingering pain left as a reminder of your unique power; gift; thing. Whatever people wanted to call it.
  You knew whenever somebody told a lie.
  You would feel this strange buzzing at the base of your neck when a person said anything but the truth around you. The buzzing didn’t come every time you talked to somebody - you couldn’t catch all the lies that came out of people’s mouths - but it occurred often enough to be a nuisance to you. While the buzzing wasn’t painful in itself, it always caused your neck to be in sore pain. The pain was not indicative of how big the lie was, however. A lie that involved so many twists and turns that even its creator could not keep track would give you pain. A small white lie would give you the same pain. To you, it was just pain.
  You quickly turn the corner and made your way down the stairs into the subway station. The man at the window gives you a small smile in which you did not return but hastily walk through the gate. One hour. It took 46 minutes to get to the station and another twelve minutes to walk. You had one hour. The subway could not be late.
  You were not always a walking human lie detector. In fact, you had only been living like this for the past six years of the total of your twenty-six. At least consciously aware of this ability of yours for that time period.
  If you really had to pinpoint when it started, you would connect it to approximately four more years prior to that: first year of high school. The prime time of adolescence.
  You could hear the first subway leave, vibrations through the sole of your feet and its wheels screeching on the tracks. That left two minutes for you to make it to the opposite platform which was for the direction you wanted to go. You glance at the elevator you are currently standing in front of. It had not budged from “G” for a while now. You glance at the stairs just a couple of steps away. Sighing, you leave your spot and make your way down the stairs. One and a half minute.
  The first year of high school sucked. Your parents had always screaming at each other and your brother was constantly skipping school. You did not want to be a second disappointment to your parents so you spent all her time studying in the library. It was also an excuse to be out of the house. One day, you returned home and found your mother crying on the steps of their house.
  “Mom, did you and Dad fight again?”
  Your mother did not meet your eyes. “Are you okay?” you had asked, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, trying to console your mother as best as a fourteen year old could do.
  “I’m fine,” your mother answered. That was when you first heard a faint buzzing. It was strange for bees to be around their flowerless yard.
“You don’t look fine,” you had pressed on, “Will you and Dad be okay?”
  Your mother shifted her position and wiped her tears with the back of her hand. She looked at you with a bruised eye and said, “Your dad will be okay.” The buzzing seemed to fade.
  You patted the still damp cheek of your mother and hugged the fragile women. You slowly rubbed your mother’s back in small circles. “Mom, you and Dad will work things out. So promise me you guys won’t leave each other.”
  “I promise,” your mother had reassured you. That was when you cried out in pain as the buzzing attacked you. Your mother had been alarmed and you had laughed it off, saying that a bee had probably stung the back of your neck while she wasn’t aware. The duo then got off the floor and held hands as together, you walked back into the house.
  Your parents split a week later.
  You had never found it in herself to forgive your mother after that. You hadn’t even known that you had been lied to until you really thought about it in your years as an adult. You just hated the fact that your mother had promised something that she had been planning to break. When high school ended, you picked a college as far away from your mother’s house as you could. You poured all of your time into your academics and never bothered making friends. Throughout the four years there, you had occasionally felt the buzzing but did not really associate it with anything around her. It only became prominent when you started working at your first job.
  To any fresh graduate, this was a hire that was ever only dreamt of. It was a position with a high status in the company: Assistant Director of Internal Affairs. The company had been extremely impressed with your grades and all the extracurriculars you participated in. You had flown to three different cities outside of your own country as an intern and placed first in multiple conferences. It was no mistake that you had gotten in. You had been ecstatic when they spoke to you. You could finally move out of your mother’s house, in which you had temporarily been staying in while job searching; live in a city a thousand miles away from where she currently was, and was able to be somebody whom nobody knew about. It was your dream come true.
  That turned out to be a disaster. Every day you went into work, the buzzing would surround you and send you moaning in pain to the bathroom. You could barely speak to any of your coworkers without wanting to strangle them and tell them to be quiet. You could not attend any of the meetings and you had to call in multiple sick days within her first week there. Needless to say, this affected your work performance and after an agonizing four and a half months, the company fired you.
  Being without a job meant that you had no steady income. So, you moved out of the luxurious apartment you had just bought with your new salary and used the remaining money to buy the dank, run down one you were currently living in. You searched everywhere and finally found a waitress for hire at a bar close to the middle of the city. It was an hour from where you lived, but at least there you could dull the buzzing with alcohol. And this was how you lived for the past two years.
  You cursed. You missed it. The subway left you in its smoke as you got off the last step of the descending staircase.
The other man was slouched against the pillar of the building, blood running freely down the side of his head while his hand tried to keep in the rest of his blood from escaping out of the hole on his side. He panted, gasping for whatever oxygen was available.
  “Tell me,” the younger man towered over him, “Where did you hide the stash?” “I didn’t hide it, man. I swear. It’s where they asked me to leave it,” the bleeding man held his remaining hand in front of him in defense. “Please don’t hurt me.” There was a swish and cold metal sliced the air. He was not taller than the man, nor any stronger. But he had youth and a quick mind. More importantly, he had a weapon.
“Trust me. I wouldn’t want to hurt you, so don’t make me do something I don’t want to do,” he crouched and put his face close to the other man’s. He pressed the knife against his throat.
  The man whimpered as a thin line of fresh blood was drawn. “Please, I beg you. Don’t hurt me,” he said again, voice barely a whisper.
  The two stayed in that position until the younger abruptly stood up. “Fine, I won’t hurt you,” he stepped back, “But it’ll be on you when she gets hurt.” His movement is fast and he grabs the wrist of the single other person in the station.
  You stand with your back against the man, the knife held against your neck this time.
You dare not to move. You swallow once and glance down at the bleeding stranger. He is staring right back at you.
  From movies and dramas, you know not to fight back in scenarios like this. You also know not to scream as this would agitate both parties. You return the strangers stare: “Help me”.
  Your capturer’s voice rumbles through his chest and onto your back as he speaks, “Your choice. I can kill this girl and have it pinned on you, or you can just tell me where you put the stash.”
  “Please,” the bloody man pleads, “I’m just a carrier. I don’t know where any of the merchandise is. I… I admit it, alright? I disobeyed the instructions this time. I didn’t leave it where they told me.”
  You feel yourself being dragged closer to the subway tracks. Maybe you should kick or flail around a little. You try, but the man holds you steady. The blade is dangerously close to cutting your skin.
  The bleeding man can only watch in horror as the other man stands precariously on the edge of the tracks. “I’m going to push her down,” he is warned. His mind was frantic. He had been told that his task would be simple. He did not know that it would involve another human being to be hurt in the process. His mind flashes back to his little girl, probably still waiting for her father in their small flat.
  “I got another message right before I left,” he starts saying, “Please don’t hurt the girl. Please don’t hurt me. I’ve got a family.”
  “Don’t we all,” the voice behind you drawls in sarcasm, “Give me another excuse of why I need to keep listening.”
  You kick your assaulter. He grips you tighter. She look back at the bleeding man on the ground. He is still staring at you with wide eyes.
  “The message told me that the location had changed. I wasn’t sure if I should trust it, but an hour before the pickup time, another note showed up on my doorstep and said that if I brought it to the second location, I’d get an extra $150, so I did it,” he continues.
You feel the tension in your neck slightly subside amongst the chaos. You kicked your assaulter again.
  “Exact location. Now,” the voice demands.
  “Corner of 16th and Main,” he stammers.
  You kick a little harder this time, trying to wiggle out of the tight grip. It is really starting to hurt you. You feel yourself being pushed towards the bleeding man. Both you and your assaulter get extremely close to the man lying on the ground.
  You sniff once and instantly regret it. Mixed with the blood, you can smell the acidity of urine. The man is now crying and you think you could see the pool around him widen ever so slightly.
  “Please sir, I’ve told you everything that I know. I followed the instructions and left it there. I did not hide it. Somebody else must’ve used me to get it. I swear, Sir, I swear,” he holds his hands out and rubs them, a symbol of asking for mercy.
  The two of you stand up, or rather you are hauled up for the man. The knife nicks your neck and you swear under your breath. You can feel the two men stare at each other for a long time.
  “Scram,” the one behind her rasps. It takes a while for the bleeding man to stand, but adrenaline does wonders when the body is in danger. He limps out and up the stairs before he can be told twice. There is a rumbling in the distance to indicate that the next subway is arriving.
  “There’s a train coming,” you finally talk, “A train means there’s people.” Your assaulter still does not let go.
  “You’re hurting me,” you wiggled in his grasp. He loosens it and you finally get away. You turn and glare through your bangs at the man who has been holding you captive. You touch a finger to where the knife had nicked you, then examined it: there is blood.
  The man standing has put his knife away. He is studying you with eyes as intense as yours while bringing the lighter to the cigarette in his mouth. He takes a long drag and blows it in your direction.
  Standing only a few inches taller than you, he is of slightly above average height. He wears the iconic baggy shirt and jeans of the common gangsters that prowl the area. Even in the dim light of the subway station, you can make out the tattoo of a dragon spiraling up his arm. He does nothing to hide the fact that he is affiliated with the mafia.
  You are not particularly intimidating yourself. You stand at 164cm but wear a constant scowl. With your broken nose from a fall in your childhood, the feature makes your whole facial symmetry shift ever slightly to the left, accentuating the scowl even more. In a black t-shirt, black dress pants and black shoes, you wave her hand to rid herself of the smell of smoke.
  “So, was he lying?” the man finally speaks after a period of silence.
  “Fuck off, Jung Hoseok,” you growl.
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leviskokoro · 3 years
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Happy Anniversary pt. 1
word count :: 2006
desc :: after a field trip gone wrong, mari finds herself in a castle and has to escape.
note/s :: next part will be on Leona's birthday bc that was the exact day I entered the twst fandom!
art credit :: asaame._ on instagram!
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Golden caramel eyes gazed longingly at a book the woman was reading as she gave a dreamy sigh. Oh to be a princess living in a large fancy castle, dancing her nights away with a charming prince and wearing gorgeous gowns. Even if she didn’t want to be living the full life, she thought it’d be just splendid to have a dream where she could be in a princess’ shoes, even for a night.
A loud voice interrupted her idyllic daydreaming and pulled her back to the real world. Mari shook her head, brown strands of hair falling to her sun-kissed face. She turned to the source of the voice to find Grim glaring at her with impatience as he huffed.
“How long are you gonna keep reading that thing?! We’re gonna be late for the field trip!”
The young woman smiled sheepishly and put down her book on her desk. “Sorry! I got so immersed in the book,” she apologised, causing him to grumble lightly.
She quickly grabbed her bag and Grim’s, then dashed out the room with him.
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Once they found themselves in the Mirror Chamber, they saw that the students formed different lines, seemingly based on which class they’re in. Mari and Grim found the Adeuce duo and followed close behind them so they wouldn’t get left behind.
“Geez, what took you guys so long?” Ace teased them.
“Mari got distracted by a book!” Grim whined, pointing a sharp glare at her.
The young woman shrunk, looking away in shame. How embarrassing.
Crewel had explained to them the morning before that they’d be travelling to the Sonneburst Isles. It was a place where a great variety of rare plants and herbs thrived, thanks to the blessing of their sun. Legends say that a god enchanted the land so that it would be rich and bountiful as long as the sun shone on its soil.
It’s meant to be a good opportunity for students to gather the perfect alchemy materials for their practical exams. But knowing the students of NRC, they’re probably more looking forward to bringing back extra materials so they could sell it at exorbitant prices. Mari couldn’t judge too hard since she herself needed money as well. This trip would prove to be a good source of that.
As for her, Mari was just happy to go somewhere outside of NRC for once. It felt like a decade since she stepped out of the school campus. She really wanted to see what the outside world was like.
Everyone passed through the mirror to the Sonneburst Isles and stepped onto the front of the gates of the nation. The teachers provided the necessary paperwork to enter to the guards and the gates opened, allowing entrance. Once they were let in, each respective class’ teacher gave instructions to explore the area to become familiar with it and learn something about the country through experiencing it. In 2 hours, they’d be meeting up in the same spot.
Mari went off to explore, walking alongside her friends as they all looked around at the capital. Lively music filled their ears as well as the joyous noises of children playing around. There seemed to be a big event soon, seeing how people were preparing all sorts of decorations.
The four of them stopped in front of a mural painting of what Mari assumed was the royal family holding their newborn princess. She saw a little girl put down a flower in front of the mural, telling her sister that it was for the “lost princess”. Her heart sank at those words. Oh, how sad. The king and queen must miss her so much.
“Hey, doesn’t Mari sorta look like the princess?” Ace spoke up, interrupting her thoughts.
“W-What?” Mari squinted at him in suspicion.
“Yeah, the resemblance is uncanny,” Deuce agreed with him.
She turned to look at the princess, then checked her appearance in the window of a shop nearby.
“I don’t see it,” she told them with a deadpan expression.
“Hah, my minion could be the lost princess for all we know!” Grim grinned at them.
Ace stuck out his tongue at her. “Pffft, as if someone that absentminded could be a princess,” he teased.
“Hey!” Deuce immediately came to her defense. “Leona-senpai is worse than she is and he’s still a prince.” Okay, not a very nice defense but it’s the thought that counts.
“Okay, knock it off, you guys. We’re here to get familiar with the place, not the missing princess,” Mari huffed and walked away. They continued on to go sightseeing. It was a lovely time for all of them. All four of them got some sort of souvenir. Except Grim, he just wanted food. Ace got some special cards with sun sigils on the back of them. Deuce found a flag that he could give his mother. As for Mari, she went with buying a sun-shaped locket. She placed her brother’s picture inside it and placed it around her neck, hiding it within her clothes.
When the four of them were about to go to the meeting place, Mari needed to use a restroom so she excused herself. However, as she was going back to where the students were gathered, she was stopped by a few guards.
“Halt, miss.” A deep voice spoke up. A strong arm placed itself on her own to stop her from moving away. “Your presence is requested at the castle by the King.”
Her eyes widened. The king? What would royalty even want from her? Did she do something wrong?
Regardless, she bit her lip and nodded. “Alright, but please tell my teachers that the king requested my presence,” she replied, “I wouldn’t want to worry them.” She pointed at her teachers.
“Will do, miss.” With that, the other guard made his way to the meeting area as she was taken to the castle.
She couldn’t help but look around at the entire palace. Tall gilded towers were scattered around the castle’s much larger tower. It had been decorated top to bottom with floral arrangements that she assumed were native to the country. There were also a generous amount of cylindrical lanterns hanging around the place, seeming like stars from a distance. All in all, it was a pretty sight.
When she entered the main hall, she spotted two figures in the distance. The two were garbed in magnificent clothing and had such regal airs to their forms. Their features were aged, but still had the golden undertones of youth in them.
Their eyes widened in shock at the sight of her. Mari couldn’t help but look down at the pristine floor, unsure how to react to meeting literal royalty. She bowed.
“It’s you.”
Oh no.
“Our missing princess has returned!”
Oh no.
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When that declaration was made, she was told to go to a room, presumably meant for the actual princess. As she looked around once more, she saw the colorful sun-themed room.
She tried explaining that she wasn’t the princess but their Majesties wouldn’t listen to her. They said that she must not remember them.
Mari sighed. How frustrating.
Well, she didn’t want to be possibly executed for defying the king and queen. Although, impersonating the lost princess also seems like a serious offense that would warrant execution.
The young woman groaned. Ugh, why did she have to be put in this situation?
The door opened and in came a maid, holding a basket filled with flowers and gold butterflies that glinted in the light. She smiled at her. “It’s an honor to meet the princess herself, Your Highness,” she told her, “I’ve been given the special task of helping you get ready for the ball tonight.”
Mari’s blood ran cold at those words. “W-Wait, but I’m not the princess. I’m just a person from another world that happens to look like her!” She tried to protest but it was no use.
The maid chuckled. “Oh I’m sure it must be a surprise to suddenly hear that you’re the lost princess of a nation but worry not! I’m here to help you with everything you need.” She placed the basket on a vanity table and made a beeline for the closet, searching through it. A lovely pastel pink dress was pulled out.
Upon closer inspection, Mari realised that it looked like a modernised version of a Filipiniana dress. It was odd but she felt that it was nice to see something familiar to her for once, especially something that reminded her of home.
The maid placed the dress on the bed and glanced at her. “Would you like to bathe first?” She pointed at a door.
She considered her options for a moment and sighed. Well, there was no way out of her situation at the moment as far as she knew. Silently, she made her way to where the maid pointed and entered the bathroom.
Mari’s eyes widened at the sight. Well, this place was certainly fit for royalty. The bathroom was practically bigger than her room in Ramshackle. Everything was so pristine and immaculate that she could see her face on the floor.
She prepared the bath, making sure the water was at the right temperature. Stepping into the bathtub, she sat down and sighed in bliss. God, she hasn’t had a good bath like this in a year. The facilities in Ramshackle still don’t work properly so this felt like heaven in comparison.
After soaking in the bath for what seemed like an hour or two, she got up and dried off, putting on a robe before exiting the bathroom. Her eyes spotted the maid, holding a different dress.
“Put this on and I shall begin teaching you how to properly behave in the ball.”
Mari took the dress and put it on from behind the screen. When she got back, the lessons started.
“Now, pretend I’m a prince from another country. How would you speak to me?” She asked her.
The young woman gulped and bit her lip, giving a curtsy. “Hello, Your Highness. Are you enjoying your time here?” She asked.
The maid smiled lightly. “Not bad! Your posture is proper and your manner of speaking is polite,” she commented. “However, you have a meek composure, not fitting for one that has royal blood in her veins.” A frown then pulled at her thin lips. “It may take a while to help you with that. After all, you don’t just gain confidence overnight, let alone in a few hours. But I shall do my best to assist you.”
And so the lessons ensued.
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Mari took a deep breath as she stood behind a large gilded door. Her balled-up hand was pressed against her chest but the moments she spent psyching herself up.
“Are you ready, Your Highness?” A servant asked her.
She nodded.
The door opened, revealing her form to all who attended the ball.
Mari was clad in the pastel pink Filipiniana dress from earlier and her hair was adorned in golden butterflies and pink roses.
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Walking down the stairs that lead to the main ballroom, she muttered to herself, “I can’t believe I’m actually doing this.” After all, there was no telling what would happen next. Perhaps she could find a way to convince the King and Queen that she wasn’t the real princess after this. And if they’re kind enough, they’d lend resources to help her get home.
If they’re angry and have her executed一 Well, she didn’t particularly care about her life. She’d likely end up in the Devildom because of her pacts. Though she’d still prefer not to go that route since she still needed to help out Grim and the other dorm leaders.
Gosh, everyone was staring at her. It made her heart pump in her chest. She found it challenging to breathe.
She looked around and noticed a familiar face in the distance. Her eyes widened.
“Leona…?” A whisper fell from her lips.
With those words uttered, they locked gazes.
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whataliethatwas · 4 years
This started as a simple exercise noting a few times I thought it was possible Immakuk and Ennikar appeared or nudged events in Thick as Thieves and rapidly became an unwieldy monster.
This has kinda already been done by a few others this week but I'd already done all the referencing so imma post it anyway. I'd planned to summarize and then put the full quotes under a cut but that would doulbe the length, so I'll just put this entire behemoth under a cut for those who don't want to reread TaT in one post tonight. I'm not totally positive about all of these, so I'll totally take additions or counter-arguments for the next, say... day and a half until October 6th.
What I found especially interesting was how often a possible appearance was preceded by a tale of the Immakuk/Ennikar epic, or something that could count as an invocation/summoning.
Kamet 'runs into' Costis on the docks - did Costis have his own encounter with the wine merchant so that he was at the docks a good play-length before he'd planned to meet Kamet? Is this possibly why he initially asked Kamet to tell him more of the myth behind the play they'd watched?
The--"wine merchant" Immakuk
“I faced around…and instead found a single burly older man in a handsome robe, imposing and obviously wealthy.  He was also obviously a former soldier.  He still had the bearing and the scars – he was missing his right eye – but he was certainly not the palace guard…’I am a—wine merchant,’ he said.  He didn’t look like a wine merchant.  ‘And—and your master says I should arrange some deliveries with you…The merchant almost glowed in contrast, and the noise of the street faded to nothing.”
 Who gets Kamet near the docks and then conveniently has another appointment. Is it possible the appointment was with Costis, that Costis had his own encounter getting him to the docks a convenient play length before he'd planned to meet Kamet? Is it possible this is partly why Costis initially asked Kamet to tell him the myth behind the play?
“Never mind.  I’ve forgotten another appointment.  I will contact you later...Turning away from the water, I found myself nose to chest with the Attolian.”
The unnamed “merchant” on the conveniently named Anet's Dream (possibly a reference to Ammet of The Dalemark Quartet?) with Costis/Kamet. Why reinvent yourself when your first bad lie carried the day well enough? Kamet says:
“I tapped my hand to my lower lip, bidding the gods to speak through me, and I began.”
And then the boat somehow catches fire just in time to avoid a surprise inspection by the Namreen. Plus:
“I could thank the gods that the boat hadn’t caught fire next to one of those.”
At the inn:
“Just as I was at my wit’s end, a man entered the courtyard, none other than the wine merchant I had followed around Ianna-Ir.”
 Our dynamic duo fool an innkeeper, escape the Namreen, defeat a lion (mostly Costis, nbd), and tell some more tales. Then they are abruptly awakened.
“There was a sound. Very faint.  A clinking noise, a sort of tapping, not the jingle of a harness, but almost musical in the same way.  I couldn’t identify it, but it was tantalizingly familiar.”
The Attoloan leaves and returns.
“The Attolian appeared at the lip above me with one of the waterskins full again. ‘I found a water seller,’ he said.”
And joining the road nearby:
“In the morning I watched as a medicine seller, his wares tied to a wooden yoke, lifted it to his shoulders.  All the bottles…swung on individual strings, lightly hitting one another with a delicate musical sound, the noise I’d heard the day before, carrying through the open air.”
 This could all be as simple as where there's a road there might be people, shocker, but it's just an interesting placement, especially if this medicine man is nearby for a full day while Costis gets water.
On the road, an onion farmer with ONE white eye who knows a surprising amount about Immakuk and Ne Malia.
“We had ridden for some time next to a farmer with a large cataract that had turned his eye as white as the onions filling his cart.”
“He was a most eloquent onion farmer.”
 I love the cheek of Immakuk showing up and basically saying 'oh yes, the brave and famous Immakuk. Nearby is the actual well where he went to save the life of his friend. No true traveler should miss it'.
On their long, where did those 11 days go journey through the Taymets:
“We’d sheltered in caves where we’d found firewood stacked and waiting for us…We might have seen no other human being for the entirety of our journey across the mountains, but we’d seen evidence of them everywhere.”
Did they, though?  See evidence of humans?
After Costis’s fall at the mill and Kamet gets to the city (Zaboar?): 
“A stranger stood before me, taller than the Attolian and slim, very elegant.  He had a long, narrow face darker than my own and a heavier beard than I will ever grow.  The patterns at the edges of his soft skullcap, and the ones around the collar and hem of his belted shift, marked him as  a traveler from beyond the Isthmus.”
“’If you are wrong about whether he is a friend, perhaps you are wrong as well about whether he is gone, hmm?  Sometimes we mistake these things… Be certain before you let go of him.  I once was lost, and my friend came for me.’”
Kamet dithers, and then:  “Someone bumped against me in the crowd.  Startled, I lifted my eyes from the ground…and then I began to retrace my steps to the mill.”
Kamet returns and saves Costis, the miller is visited by a ghost, and they journey to the city together.  At the gate they run into a camel driver, still just hanging around near the entrance somehow. 
“It was the stranger, the gentleman from south of the Isthmus who had questioned me the day before.  ‘You have found what you thought was lost, then?’ he asked.”
Barely-functioning Costis recognizes him: 
“’Ennikar!’, he said, as if greeting an old friend...The Attolian continued to be positively delighted by the stranger.”
As if greeting an old friend?  What if he actually is? 
Delirious, the behemoth-brought-low Costis: 
“The Attolian blinked his eyes to focus on something that wasn’t there, and said, ‘Immakuk?’ Perhaps he was even sicker than I realized and this was delirium setting in.”
Maybe Immakuk and Ennikar visit Costis’s deathbed as Eugenides visited Gen’s in The Thief.  Maybe that’s part of how Costis knows to pay the fastener even though I like to think Costis understood more of what was going on than Kamet. 
 After finally leaving the Mede Empire and stopping briefly in Sukir where Kamet decides now is the time to leave: 
“Twice I found myself back at the docks where I had started, as if the gods had cursed my wandering feet…”
“The captain, the Attolian, and I walked back to the docks.  The curving streets led us right to our ship as though the gods themselves had paved our way.”
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qtyanan · 5 years
Summary: “You and Mark hadn’t seen each other in years. Now he’s famous, and you didn’t think he’d recognize you.”
Pairing&Rating: NCT Mark Lee + female reader ; FLUFF, slight angst
a/n: this is longer than expected, and super sappy, and it took me forever to finish it... but wow, soft mark hours are REAL and im gonna cry over him gn
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“Where do you think we’ll be in five years?” 
“Mark, it’s like 3am, I thought you were asleep.”
“Well, you’re not asleep.”
You blindly reach towards Mark in the darkness, trying to hit him with a stuffed animal, causing him to snicker. Weekend sleepovers together were pretty normal, sleeping in the same bed wasn’t a worry from your parents since you’ve known each other for so long. Mark randomly saying things and asking questions about the past or future in the middle of the night was more common than sleeping
“Really, though. Do you think we’ll still be friends in five years?”
“I don’t know, probably,” you weren’t really sure on the answer, but you didn’t really have doubts. You two had been friends are as long as you can remember - classes, clubs, and sports were taken on as an unstoppable duo. Now you’re in eighth grade, half a year away from high school, and you’re closer than ever. It seems like nothing could tear you apart - and you liked it that way.
“I bet we will. I hope so, at least,” his voice sounds so sincere, it seems as if he had been thinking deeply on it for a while before he spoke of it. 
“Yeah, me too.” With that, he let out a delighted chuckle, and you both fell asleep. 
It had been six years. Six years and that conversation still plays in your mind late at night when you can’t sleep, painfully missing your favorite childhood friend. 
Not even a month after that sleepover, he moved away, seemingly never to be heard from again. All of your friends in class pestered you about where he went, and it only upset you more - because he didn’t tell you he was leaving. 
Him becoming a kpop star was probably the last thing you thought would happen to him; it was quite a slap in the face. BTS got you into kpop, then EXO, GOT7, now you’re into many different groups, including NCT. When you found them, and saw your prepubescent best friend, all grown up, dancing and rapping, you thought it was a dream. 
Now they’re on a world tour, and Canada is one of the stops. You could never pay for a fansign ticket, but finally, you managed to save the money to be able to attend. 
There were so many people around you. Many had some kind of merch, a lightstick or a sign. You could even count maybe 5 girls crying about meeting NCT. 
Your hand was in your pocket, nervously sweating and gripping your ticket - second row, 5th seat. In your other hand, was a baby pink gift bag with a little stuffed animal in it. Years ago, Mark had left the little bear at your house, and it seemed like a nice time to give it back to him. The wait in line outside seemed to take forever, and it added to your anxiety. 
You couldn’t understand why you were so anxious. He was your best friend, shouldn’t you be happy to see him? But you were so scared - what if he didn’t remember you? What if you went up to meet him, and he doesn’t even look twice? If you told someone, would they believe you? Of course not. The negatives in this situation made it hard for you to breathe. 
The girls sitting next to you on either side both shifted excitedly. One had a mask on and didn’t turn your way, but the other smiled at you. 
“Who’s your bias?” She asks, and you couldn’t control your smile. “Mark,” you say, and she smiles and nods. It was hard not to bias him, since you knew how he was off camera. 
“Aw, he’s so cute. He’s my bias too, he seems like such a sweetheart!” She squealed in delight, causing you to blush a little bit. 
This is it. As your row stood up and walked towards the fansign table, you felt like you could pass out. Yes, you were so excited to say hello to the other members, but it was almost the moment of truth - and you could only think of the bad. 
As you took the seat in front of Mark, he didn’t look up at you at first. For that half second, you really admired him. He looked so grown up, you realized just how long it’s been. You suddenly felt a wave of so many emotions wash over you.
“Hi! What’s your name?” 
He had his sharpie in his hand, your album in the other, ready to sign it like everyone else - but he obviously froze. Your stomach dropped, gulping hard. He slowly looked up at you, his eyes wide and mouth open. You almost really did cry, but then,
“Y/n... [your full name]..?” He went quiet, and you smile, nodding at him, trying to hold back your tears. 
“Hey, Mark, long time no see,” You chuckle, trying to joke so you don’t actually cry. 
“Wow, yeah, oh my gosh, how have you been!?” He said quickly then started scribbling something on the inside of the album cover. You laugh at his awkwardness, shrugging at the question with a little “eh.” 
“Here, I brought this for you.” You put the gift bag on the table, causing him to raise a brow at you. “It’s actually yours, from forever ago..” He looked inside the bag, and you noticed him take a big breath. He looked at you with big, glassy eyes - he felt this emotion too, he never thought he would see you again, or if you would even know where he was. 
“Y/n... I’m sorry I didn’t tell you-” He spoke quietly, but you were being pushed along to the next member by the manager and the girl next to you. You gave Mark a small smile, then shifted over to Johnny.
“Y/n, huh? Mark talks a lot about you.” Johnny gives you a little smile, causing you to blush madly. You glance over at Mark, who’s blushing as well, and he gave you a quick glance with a happy smile. 
When you finally arrive home, the day seemed like a dream. It was late at night, the drive home was only an hour, but you were tired. You kept playing the day in your head - he recognized you. Right away. That alone made you happy, but what you wouldn’t give to spend more time with him. 
Oh yeah, he signed your album, but you didn’t look at it yet. When you opened it, you knew his writing - his signature, and then... a number? He wrote ‘Whatsapp’ in messy letters. Of course, you message him right away, hoping at this hour, he’d answer.
And he did. All you said was ‘hey.’ 
‘you still live in the same house, right?’
‘yeah, why??’
‘go to the park, i want to see you’
Your heart was beating in your ears. You didn’t think it would lead to that, but at the same time you expected it. It was late, yes, but you hurriedly slip your sneakers back on and go back out to your car. 
You remember the park of course. It was mostly fields and trees, but you two would sneak out and play on the swings when you were younger. The last time you two went, Mark fell off his bike and hurt his ankle, so you had to call your mom and you two got in trouble. As you were driving, you snickered thinking about it. 
But... You couldn’t help but to feel nervous. It had been years, you didn’t think at all that you were ever on his mind. 
There wasn’t a single car on the road. The air was a bitter cold, it had snowed when you were on your way home, but none of it stayed on the ground. Every time you stopped at a red light, your stomach would turn again. You tried to calm yourself, but for some reason, it was just hard. You didn’t realize that you missed him this much. Now he had asked you to meet up at your childhood hangout place, and none of it seemed real. 
The gates to the park were closed, and a padlock kept them shut. You knew it would be like that, so you parked down the street and cut through the trees to the lonely swing set. You looked around, you didn’t see anyone. But, sitting alone on a swing, was a single person. In the bright moonlight, you could just barely make out that it was Mark. His back was turned to you, and you could see that his head was hung low, and he was holding himself from the cold. 
“Hey, Mark Lee,” Your voice startled him, but he stood and turned to face you. You couldn’t read his expression in the dim light. Neither of you walked closer for a moment, and the tension in the air made your shoulders go rigid. He didn’t say anything for a bit, he just stared at you. 
“You look exactly the same.” He finally said, taking slow steps towards you. You look away, afraid to see the look in his eyes now that he’s close enough to see it. His words oddly made you feel warmer, but you still shivered when the wind blew. 
“That’s surprising, it’s been six years.” You didn’t mean for your words to sound bitter, but they did. You hear him take in a heavy breath, and when he says nothing, you finally look up at him. His brown eyes glistened in the moonlight, and the shadows on his face made him look mature and defined. “You look different, though.” You say, a dry laugh following. “Older.”
“Well, it’s been six years.” He mocks you in the joking way, and you couldn’t hide your smile. This makes him smile as well, and while you looked away again, he couldn’t take his eyes off of you.
“It’s been... six years...” He sounds breathless this time, like it finally settled on him how long it’s been. This forces you to look back up, and he now has a sad smile. His eyes are apologetic, same as when he tried to speak to you at the event. In a way it hurt you. His face holds pain in the situation, but in a way, this was his doing.  He was the one that left to be an idol. You didn’t hold that against him, but you were still upset that he left without telling you. You didn’t think that you two were ever going to part, and you still can’t believe that now his life has gone so differently from yours. He seems to be having an amazing life, but you’re lonely without him, and for some reason... mad.
But the way he looked at you, you didn’t show your anger - it melted away when he put his hand on your arm. 
“I’ve missed you, Y/n. You don’t have to believe me, but I think about you all the time.”  You wouldn’t believe him normally, but even Johnny said it.  “Y/n, huh? Mark talks a lot about you.”
You chew on your lip nervously, you have no idea what to say to him. What does a person do in a situation like this? You just stare at him for a moment. He’s closer to you now, and you see just how tired he is. His blonde hair is messy, different from how you saw him earlier. 
“Are you okay, Mark? You look... so tired.” 
“Mark, please, calm down.” Johnny tries to make Mark sit down, but the younger is pacing across the hotel room, almost pulling out his own hair.  “I am so stupid!! How could I not have said more?! It’s been years and I barely said anything!! She probably hates me for leaving...” Mark’s almost on the verge of tears as he speaks frantically, and all he wants to do is scream.
“She came today, so she doesn’t hate you. Just talk to her some more-” 
There’s a ding from Mark’s phone. He quickly picks it up, then looks at Johnny. 
“It’s Y/n. Oh god, what do I say?!” 
“Maybe you should go and see her. You said we’re pretty close to your hometown right?” 
“Yeah...yeah! But how will I meet her anywhere?” 
“I’ll drive you, just tell her to meet you somewhere.” 
The moments that happened before he came here played in his head, but he said nothing to you about it. He just gave you a small smile and shrugged his shoulders. 
“I just haven’t been sleeping well. Surprise, surprise, right?” You just give him an awkward smile. This made you chuckle. He’s always had trouble sleeping, he used to tell you how his mind was moving too fast for him to fall asleep. He always wanted to listen to soft songs to sleep, or he would ask you to sing along to a song you knew well. 
“I guess things like that will never change.” You say, and for some reason, your words lingered in the cold air for a moment. Without any thought, you put your hand over Mark’s, feeling how cold his fingers are. You took both of his hands into your jacket sleeves, something you used to do as you two waited for the school bus during winter. 
He feels another wave of emotion flood over him, and this time, he can’t seem to keep the tears away. He sucks in a shaky breath, looking down at your hands.
“Mark...” You feel this aching pain in your chest at seeing him like this. 
“I-I’m sorry, Y/n...” His voice cracks, and he can’t bring himself to look up at you.
“Mark, look at me.” Your voice is soft but stern enough for him to obey, his body relaxing slightly at the sweet look in your eyes. “I’m not mad at you. I never was.” You tell him, holding on tightly to his hands now. 
You can see his tears glistening in the moonlight, and you release one of your hands to wipe his cheeks. He flutters his eyes closed, resting his face against your hand.
“Really, Mark. I’m so proud of you. I just want you to be happy.” 
His lip quivers at your words, and he closes his eyes tightly. “I’m not happy. Not without you being my best friend.” 
The feeling his words gave you made you want to burst into tears, but instead, you threw yourself into his chest, wrapping your arms around his neck. He doesn’t hesitate to hold you, gripping your jacket with a death grip, as if he knows you’ll disappear any second. You stand in silence for what feels like forever. His embrace doesn’t loosen at all, and you’re okay with it. You miss his hugs, his smell and his warmth. He’s taller and more muscular now, making the way he holds you make you feel even warmer. 
“Please... keep contact with me, okay? Please...” You say into his shoulder, feeling a little ridiculous that you begged him like that. He takes a deep breath into your hair as if imprinting your smell into his soul.
“I promise, Y/n. I don’t want to leave you again. God, I’ve missed you so much...” He loosens his arms around you just enough to be able to look you in the eye, watching how the moon and stars seemed to be held in your eyes. 
The thought of being able to see and talk to him more made a weight lift off your shoulders. A happy smile forms on your face as you nod at him, and he nods back. 
“So, uh... I had to sneak out to see you... I should probably get back before my manager kills me.” He awkwardly chuckles, but even with saying that, he doesn’t let you go - God please, not yet, just a little longer.
“Yeah... My mom might kill me if she finds out I’ve stayed out so late.” You giggle, making his chest warm up. You wouldn’t believe how much he has missed your laugh. 
“I’ll text you, okay?” He finally lets go of you, and you shiver from the cold air once again. He nod at him, waving goodbye to him as he runs to Johnny’s car. You stand there for a moment, watching as they pull away. It takes a moment for you to actually comprehend what just happened, and you ended up standing there for almost 5 minutes.  Your phone chimes, and you look down to see another message from Mark.
‘get home safe. I love you, dork.’ 
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bitch im so fkin soft 
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motamekiku · 3 years
Reuniting Table
Prompt: Jungkook and Yoongi are childhood friends, reuniting after years. Words: 4497 Language: English Category: M/M, boyxboy Fandom: BTS , Bangtan Boys Relationships: Jeon Jungkook x Min Yoongi, Yoonkook, Sugakookie Additional Tags: Implied Kim Taehyung | V/Park Jimin, Alternate Universe - College/University, One Shot, Childhood Friends, Falling In Love or They alredy are, Domestic Fluff, This is light story, Past, Little Against, McDolnaddidnotsponsorme
Summary: - Yoongi? - Hm? - I love you, you love me~ - Jungkook started to sing - Oh, come on Jungkook. Not that Barney shit again - Yoongi whined prying for mercy - Come Yoongi! - he laughed - Amazing duo once again! - No - Yoongi protested - Come on! I love you, You love me~ - Jungkook started once again and waits. - We are a happy family~ - Yoongi ended that stupid song and Jungkook started laughing so bad that Yoongi couldn’t help but smile at him.
- What on earth?! -  Jungkook turned around to check if anyone is looking at him when  he realised that he said that out loud. Shading his phone from any prying eyes he checked notification that pops out a while ago. It was from Mcdonald app saying there was new McFlurr promotion.
- NEW PROMO FOR FLURRIES?! Sweet Jesus, wait for me I’m coming! -  he started  running not knowing in what direction but running. The wind brushing his fluffy hair, flies are crashing his face but he didn’t mind, he is running with the speed that mother nature gives him, just to reach his destination. Nobody will stop him before delightful of a magical mixture of frozen cream with flavoured sauces and bar granola which is melting on the taste buds like, oh creativity, like frozen cream. But at the same giving the teeth a torment due to temperature and high sugar levels and hard like stones granola topping. It’s worth it, believe me.
On the horizon, he could see a holy sign as a huge yellow letter “M” to which people cling like moths to the light. He was one of them when he was craving something sweet he was that moth. He is almost reached his goal, just a moment.
Jungkook ran inside, vigorously opening the door, but no one was inside. The building was empty, no tables, no self-order stands, no hustle and bustle of customers, no screaming children demanding a toy from their parents. There was only silence. Shadow was welcoming him from sides and the only source of light was a way to the cash register. Swallowing, he slowly came over that creepy cash register “what I am even doing” he asked himself.
- Hello? Anyone there? - aked while thinking how stupid he is - No? You know what?   It’s even better! Dentist these days are so expensive HAHA - awkwardly laughed good one JK, good one murmured scolding himself. He slowly started to back up but at the moment he stumbled with his back into something hard, thinking that was a door with not much checking, head still facing that register, he grabbed the door handle. Wait a minute, they have heated door handles? Slowly he started to turn his face to see when…
Everything began to blur and in the background, there was a buzzing like vibration, louder and louder...
- What on earth was that? - murmuring to himself still groggy from sleep Jungkook transferred his legs to the refreshing cold floor, wiping face in hands to wake up he reached for the phone to turn off the alarm and check if he gets some messages.
- Monday, 6:40, what? Let’s get it… - without much enthusiasm, he marched to the bathroom to change and wash, then like kicked puppy went to the kitchen to eat whatever he had in the fridge noting to himself that he needs to do some shopping after classes. Not long after that, he went out of the apartment.
Way to the lecture hall wasn’t eventful. Like always a sea of people are making their way to the entrance gate and then to split for individual schedule. Jungkook while walking in his peace with earphones in his ears playing some morning playlist to try to forget about that strange dream and prepare for a whole day of dealing with people looked around to only see that everyone is sharing the same thought about Monday’s morning classes.
Jungkook made his way to his lecture class checking the time on his phone. While entering in he searched with his eyes for Jimin and Taehyung if they are present or not, knowing that one of them tend to be late and the other one just can not leave another alone. They meet at the beginning of the year when Jungkook takes a first step in the canteen to search for something to eat. The duo was so welcoming when he asked if he could sit with them when he couldn’t find an empty place to sit and eat in peace. He warmed to them very fast, talked about everything with such ease even if he is such a timid person. They listened to him patiently when he was making his great monologue about games, Taehyung was sharing his enthusiasm when topic went to Overwatch and promised to play with him. Came out that they are year above him, they both on music course so they have some lectures together. Jimin as Jungkook taking additional dace curses while Taehyung taking photography. After that day they are glued to his hip on every occasion when they can see him or between classes. He slowly made his way to his row one of them called him while waving like crazy to make sure he sees them.
- Yo, Jungkookie! We are here! - Jimin called him, not paying attention to the rest of students that were looking at him like he is crazy.
- You didn’t need to scream I could see you even if you are bearly visible - Jungkook flashed his bunny smile while continuing - how can you have so much energy that early morning, it's Monday for heaven sake. Taehyung what did you do to him? - he slides on the row of seats and put his backpack on the ground after taking out his notes and turns to face his two friends that they were smiling at him.
- Yah! What do you mean bearly visible?! You little sh- - a hand came to shut Jimin’s mouth before he could continue.
- We can deal with him after the lecture, Mr Bang is here so calm down. Everyone is looking. And answering you question Jungkookie I did nothing, we just had good sleep that all - Taehyung said while winking at the boy direction. Jimin snorted and sat up but still pointing finger at Jungkook signalling him that they are not over yet, Jungkook laughed and pushed his hand to sho Jimin’s hand.
Mr Bang started his lecture after checking the attendance list. He made some repeat from the last lecture so that was an occasion for Jungkook to check if he had everting noted, then new topic started so he tried to focus as much can even if in every two minutes he could hear some giggling coming from his side knowing that duo couldn’t be at peace for more than fifteen minutes. He shakes his head and focused again on words that they were flowing out of lecturer’s mouth.
Time flies, lectures went one by one. As lucky Jungkook can be he has the last lecture of the day before lunch break so he can spend more time to eat than normal. Making his way to the canteen he sends a message on the group chat to inform Jimin and Taehyung that he is on his way. They message him back that they are already there so he fastens his peace to meet with them.
It took him less than a few minutes do get there. He takes a tray and stood in the waiting line when it was his turn he asked for his favourite knowing that one of the cook ladies will give him additional strawberries to his dessert when he will ask nicely knowing that his smile is the weak point for everyone.
- I don’t know how but you must teach me how you getting extra fruits. Every time when I’m asking she just showing me off with her spoon - Jimin huffed when Jungkook was putting his tray at the table and sat beside Taehyung who was eating his soup slurping loudly.
- Just ask nicely and smile instead of trying to woo her. I would be fed up too if had to deal with people like that every day - Jungkook said and gives his extra ones to Jimin after seeing him sulking which earned a big tooth smile form Jimin and head pat from Taehyung.
The rest of lunch went in simple conversation, Taehyung and Jimin were talking about how one of the guys in Taehyung group was trying to take photos near the pond in the nearby park for the open-air photography class and fell into it with his face straight but with his hands up saving the camera from sinking.
- That was hilarious, he was all way in the water only one hand above the surface. One of us had to went in too to help him out. Mrs Rot wasn’t happy - Taehyung laughed with Jimin who was looking at tables around them spotting something new so he nudged Taehung with elbow who yelped from pain earing Jungkooks attention as well.
- Hoseok didn’t tell me that they had a new friend - he pointed with his chin for another table near them. Jungkook pries his eyes from his food witch he was munching way too long while his mind was in another dimension. That was correct there was another person, men with back turned to him, he’s wearing a black bucked hat, black hoodie, all black is so similar to his style, sitting beside Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok whom he meets while hanging out with Tae and Jimin. Jin and Namjoon were on their fourth year in acting and philosophy when Hoseok was at third year at dancing.  They were nice people, Jin was always inviting him and rest for dinners showing his amazing cooking skills or movie nights, Namjoon was like good brother witch have an amazing way to approach problems and solving them, he always knows what to say. Hoseok on the other way is a ray of the sun always smiling. He was helping him with difficult choreography, he had that precision and eagle eye. At the first impression, he is an easygoing person but when it’s needed he can be strict and firm.
- We should say Hi then? What do you think Jungkookie? - Taeyhung clasped his hand with Jimin and slowly stood up looking at the boy knowing meeting new people is not his thing if he doesn’t want to.
- Yeah, why not? - he sighed not that sure but after all, he will meet that guy if he decides to stick with them - Just give me a minute to return the plates - and went to trays collector.
Boys made their way to the table where the rest of them was sitting. Jungkook didn’t know how to feel, will this person like him or at last tolerate him? Will he be as nice as the rest of his older friends? Too many thoughts for his head. Will be okay he thinks while plying with backpack stripe looking everywhere but not them. Namjoon was first to notice them.
- Oh! We were talking about you guys, come one sit! - he said flashing his dimples who appeared with his smile. New guy and Jin, he didn't see his face since they are sitting with their back to him, make a room for Tae and Jimin leaving him no space but Hoseok was fast to react and pated Namjoon arm to signal him to move a little to make a room for Jungkook too. Jungkook was still standing little lost in his thoughts but Hoseok nudged his arm a little waking him up from his trance.
- Come on Jungkookie, here! - he patted a sit beside him. Jungkook said quiet thank you while sitting still feeling little uneasy thinking about a way to approach new person without making a bobo the fool from himself. So he decided to occupy his mind for a while by playing with his hands while looking at them so he doesn’t must to look at the rest of people at the table. Hoseok massaged his back knowing that boy is feeling little uneasy.
- So if we are all here - Namjoon started  - I want to introduce you guys, my dear friend, Yoongi. Min Yoongi - he said with a warm smile while looking around for reaction from the rest of them. Tae and Jimin made their greetings and introduces themselves and ask some questions which Yoongi answered, he could hear that he is on the third year of music curse, but everything was blurry for Jungkook. Min Yoongi, Min Yoongi, Yoongi? His thought was interrupted by Jin.
- Jungkookie, you alright? - asked with concern, looking at the boy who still didn’t raise his head yet. And then something clicked in Jungkook’s mind, it’s him!
The table was silent looking at him and waiting for his input not knowing what to do at all when they hear none. But first to react was Yoongi.
- Long time no see kid, huh? - sound of questioning hums was heard and then Jungkook looked at him for the first time. Under bucked hat were placed black hair, eyes whos were looking at him were the same, still having something soft in them, gummy smile as he remembered. Jungkook was looking at him not believing what he is seeing mouth hanging open, this is a hologram or what? he thinks. Not believing, it been years, years with contact broken.
- Yoongi come on, why are you so slow - Jungkookk asked while dragging his friend by hand to McDonald after seeing that they have a promotion for McFlurrys   - It’s two for the price of one! Yooooongi come on!!- he whined.
- Yah! Stop dragging me like I am some doll, you muscle kid! - Yoongi scolded him not sounding angry at al - It’s not like they will run out that stupid frozen cream! - Jungkook placed his hand on heart and made an offended face acting like Yoongs hurt his feelings.
- How dare you to offend such an amazing product which is this mixture of frozen cream with additives that makes you feel heaven in your mouth! - he said with breast raised and pouted lips, making Yoongi snort at his ridiculous behaviour.
- You are stupid, we just confirmed it - he stated.
- I am not! For punishment, you’ll pay for us! - Jungkook stated and hold his hand, Yoongi didn’t complain.
Not long after they were sitting on a nearby bench eating their ice creams. Jungkook was looking at Yoongi with smile eyes. Yoongi catches his and asked.
- Why are you smiling like a fool? - he laughed still looking at him
- Thank you for the ice cream - Jungkook said taking another spoon to his mouth
- Don’t be that happy, I just paid for myself since we had that your promo for it - he answered with ease.
- Yes, yes Yoongi I’m sure for it - Jungkook smirked after hearing Yoongi hum  in agreement.
- Yoongi?
- Hm?
- I love you, you love me~ - Jungkook started to sing
- Oh, come on Jungkook. Not that Barney shit again - Yoongi whined prying for mercy
- Come Yoongi! - he laughed - Amazing duo once again!
- No - Yoongi protested
- Come on! I love you, You love me~ - Jungkook started once again and waits.
- We are a happy family~ - Yoongi ended that stupid song and Jungkook started laughing so bad that Yoongki couldn’t help but smile at him.
- I want to be like you, you know that? You always know what to do, you can do  a lot of things with such ease! Your music is amazing, its total mission impossible to beat it! - said Jungkook while swinging on the swig looking at Yoongi who was sitting beside him smiling at him.
- Find your way, don’t copy me. You are more capable than you think   Jungkookie, one day you will be the star. - he said
- Maybe you right, just watch Min Yoongi will beat you - he jumped on the  ground and pointed at him. Yoongi only snorted and patted his head
- Keep going I will right after you - he smiled
That was a few days before Jungkook get the news that Yoongi was going to another end of the country to study more about music. He was alright with that, that was to be expected. He understands it and supported with all of his heart. Yoongi promised him that he will make time to met with him, call or contact in any other way. Jungkook took it all. Yoongi was like a brother, the best best friend in the world he could do anything for him. They made this work about a year, they were visiting each other in turns, a phone call was daily basic
- I miss you - said Jungkook one day - I miss plying me piano when I’m  stressed - he sighed to the phone.
- I miss you too kid - Yoongi said back - How about I’ll play it now? - he asked
- Yes, please.
Days, months, years went by and something wasn’t right. Contact between them was cutting day by day. Don’t have time, call me later, I miss you but I have to go that was what Jungkook heard when tried to contact him. On both ends of the call, boys tried to reconcile work and school and have moments for yourselves. In the whirlwind of work, contact broke off, none of them tried because for a simple thing they thought they had no time or didn’t want to disturb. But it was still eating Jungkook’s mind.
Not too long after Jungkook enrolled in college to fight for his dream by taking dancing and music course.
Here we are, Jungkook thinks. I love you, you love me, he heard in his head melody from that song from Barney program. What should he do? Mouth still hanging open waiting for files to land there. He looked around see faces of rest of them, every one had a sign of concern in their eyes even Yoongi. He decided to say something already, mouth closing and opening not knowing how to make a sound.
- Yoongi - that was it, just his name.
- Hey, kid - Yoongi said quietly still looking at him.
- Wha… How... Whe... - Jungkook didn’t know what to say searching for a proper way to put correct sentence. Still looking at Yoongi like he was the only person in the canteen for that moment, searching for something. And then it hits him. Longing, longing for him, him the person who admired for a whole life. He missed his stupid face, stupid soft-looking appearance, his way of speaking, his being. He could feel tears that were building his way up in his eyes, his nose starting to get clogged. Both were still looking at each other not knowing what to do. Hoseok was first to react by taking his hand.
- Jungkook do you wanna go outside for a minute? - he asked waiting for an answer from the boy.
- I - I... Yes I… minute, Yoongi - Jungkook looked at Yoongi while wiping his eyes.
- Come on Jungkookie - Yoongi put his hand on boy’s back, patting it lightly and made their way to the door.
When they vanished from the sight of the rest guys at the table, the conversation started.
- So they know each other - Namjoon leaned his back against the back of the chair sighing.
- Well, that was surprising? - Taehyung commented still looking at the doors.
- Yoongi was talking about some boy called Jungkook who was wanting to go to this school, but I didn’t think that would be our Jungkookie - Namjoon added.
- How do you know Yoongi? - Tae asked
- We were on the same course two years ago, then… Do you remember that short contract for a track I get from one of the companies a while ago? - they all hummed - Well Yoongi was there too as a co-producer, he was amazing we meet up again and he told me that he wanted to continue his education here - he ended
- I don’t know what kind of drama is that but I hope they will talk, the look in their eyes was enough to see that they had past together - Jin stated and takes a sip from his cup.
- You right, now we will wait - Jimin said and the rest hummed in agreement.
Jungkook and Yoongi made their way to the bench far from prying eyes and ears so they could talk. Jungkook had his head hanging down, tears still spiling and little sniffles were heard. Yoongi had still his hand on his back and making small movements to encourage other boy to cam down. Jungkook take few more minutes to make himself calm when he stopped crying he looked at the sky, clear as he remembered when Yoongi was moving out of the town, he looked on the right he takes a moment to look at Yoogi who was doing the same, head tilted up to catch some sun rays. But Yoongi looked at him still with the warmth in the eyes
- I’m sorry - he said but Jungkook didn’t know how to react so he stays silent to give older chance to speak.
- I’m sorry that I cut contact, I’m sorry I didn’t give a sign of me, I’m sorry for everything that I didn’t do but I should - he looked down on lap - after we or when we started to losing contact I get… the company offered mi contract, I could work for them and continuing my education. I thought I could manage that, you know? Still have time for you, family and education and work, but I couldn’t. That was so hard and I paid a price for it. I was like a zombie working day night to get projects done forgetting about school work that I had. After school gave me the ultimatum I dropped it and continued working and at the time of time taking some curses. That’s when I met Namjoon. He made me feel wanting to go college again, you know? He gave me his big speech and then I decided. I take a year off and prepare myself while working on individual projects, then a small company offered me a short contract as a co-producer for one of their song, I met Namjoon once again - Yoongi snorted, that was like heavens that gave him an angel to show him way back - we talked again, made an amazing track, he helped me a little to enrol in class here and here we are - Yoongi looked at him again waiting for the response.
- Did you know that I’m here? - Jungkook asked - Did you, did you thought about contacting me when you were here?- Yoongi sighed
- I did think about you Jungkookie, but I was scared of your reaction. Scared of what you would say after years. Did I know you are here? Kind of, of how much creepy that will sound I was talking with my mother and she told me that you enrolled in this college too, but that was after I enrolled here, I swear! - Jungkook snorted and that sound broke a stone that was putting weight on his heart.
- How come I didn’t saw you? It’s like half of the semester.
- I started today, Namjoon has introduced me to everyone because they were near and we were waiting for you guys to meet after classes but you spotted us at the canteen and well… - Jungkook hummed, silence takes a place but that wasn’t a bad silence.
- I missed you - Jungkook stared and Yoongi was patiently waiting for him -  I missed you and waited. I’m mad but not, you know? When we started to losing contact I thought that was normal we have our lives but I didn’t think of losing it completely - Jungkook could here quiet I’m sorry from him - It’s okay, I understand that. I just was worried about maybe I did something wrong or something but I get to the conclusion we both lost themself in our worlds. I was working too, to help, to have some money to help myself while I’m here so I understand you. - Jungkook smiled - I’m glad that angel Namjoon finds you and take you back here - he laughed but that laugh was wet, his eyes started o water again.
- I missed you…- He takes his face in hands to set his tears free. Then he felt arms around him taking him in a tight hug. He was glad, glad to have his precious person near again. A hand was making a calming motion on his back he could hear words of encouragement and promises of not letting go again. He sighed and put his face in the Yoongi’s neck taking all his embrace. He felt a hand in his hair, scratching his scalp. They stayed like that for a moment, taking that moment for themselves.
- I missed you too, kid - Yoongi said, tightening his embrace on him.
After some time they stood up from the bench and take a look of each other.
- You have grown up a bit, huh? - Yoongi huffed looking at Jungkook when he slightly raised his head and Jungkook laughed, that was music for his ears.
- Yeah, a little. But you didn’t change at all - he sells him his best bunny smile.
- I think we should go, we were out for a while but I’m sure rest of them are waiting for us - Jungkook said and they made their way back to the canteen.
When they entered they were walking hand in hand smiles on the faces. The rest at the table smiled too when they take sight of them while approaching the table.
- I’m assuming that everything went well? - Namjoon asked as he looked at them with simile when they sat side by side.
- Yes - they both answered at the same time and the whole table started to laugh. They talked a bit about how they meet what was going on when Jimin hive proposition to all of them but Hoseok interrupted him.
- This table is officially Reuniting Table and anybody can say otherwise! - Hoseok said with a smile, happy to see that events turned alright.
- So after we missed our lecturers while waiting for this dorks - he stared at both Jungkook and Yoongi and heard quiet sorry’s - We could go for ice creams? What do you think?
- There is McDonald nearby - Taehyung added and Yoongi with Jungkook started to laugh again earning strange looks from the rest of them.
They all went for ice creams, Yoongi stated he will pay for them as thanks for a warm welcome and went inside to order. When he gets back with a tray full of ice creams and gives everyone their order ending on Jungkook by giving him his favourite flurry.
- You remembered - shocked Jungkook took his portion from his hands.
- Of course, I remembered. It’s hard to not to when you were dragging me here every week - he answered and both laughed, so many beautiful memories came back. And one of favourite popped out in Jungkkok’s head.
- Yoongi? - he asked not sure, but Yoongi looked at him
- What it is?
Jungkook smiled and started.
- I love you, YOU love me~ - he sang earning the stares from all of them but he has eyes locked with Yoongi all the time. Yoongi looked at him shocked but he fast recovered and
- We are happy family~ - ended the sentence with tears in eyes.
- Welcome home Yoongi - Jungkook beamed at him.
And Yoongi felt like he is already home.
Hi, I'm Motame! This is my first ever story like that or any story, I hope you will like it! Debut in that field will be a challenge that I'll try to attempt. English is not my first language so I'm sorry if you see any errors, feel free to let me know about in comment section :) It supposed to be a one-shot, light without any heavy content. This is for me as a test to try my writing skills and see if anyone will read it. So if you want to spend one extra minute to leave any feedback I'll be more than happy to see that!
I'm waiting in the comment section if you want to share there your thoughts.
See you in the next stories!
PS Also I have my ao3 account so if you prefer to read stories there u can find me there too!
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jurassic-tales · 3 years
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JURASSIC TRANSFORMERS (Jurassic Park) Name: ‘WHIRLWIND’ Affiliation: Autobot Alt. Mode: Agusta A-109A - InGen Helicopter N293G During the run-up to Jurassic Park’s planned opening, InGen were tight on resources and were unable to procure the vehicles needed to give the assessment team a full tour. The Autobots offered two keen volunteers to assist with operations...One of whom was an aerial-bot called ‘Whirlwind’. Whirlwind generally had an easy-going, laid back attitude, often going with the flow where ever the winds of change took him. So much so, that he nearly let the opportunity to work with an island full of dinosaurs slip by him...Only on a second look did he see that InGen needed a helicopter to take teams to and from the island. Having casually browsed through humankind’s history of aviation, he was fascinated by how helicopters operated and was keen to try it out himself...’why not’, he thought to himself. Whilst Expo arrived at Isla Nublar a day before the assessment team were due, Whirlwind was needed sooner; he took several days to transport key members of staff to and from the island, Costa Rica and the classified island known only to him as ‘Site B’, the latter of which he was asked to keep quiet about...But that didn’t phase him; he went with the flow and was happy with only what he needed to hear. Amongst his VIP passengers were Dr. Henry Wu, Dennis Nedry, Ray Arnold and the Lockwoods, a father and daughter duo who knew Hammond well, but were not heard from again after their one visit...Another temporary case of curiosity for Whirlwind but as with Site B; if he needed to know, they’d inform him. But it was a trip to the United States that gave him his most important role yet; transporting the assessment team, along with John Hammond himself. During the journey to the island, Whirlwind was amused with the conversations aboard, especially between Hammond and the eclectic Dr. Malcolm. But as Isla Nublar came into view, Whirlwind was guided by the pre-planned route that Hammond designed, rather than the quickest and most efficient, so the visitors could have the best views possible for most dramatic effects...Hammond was ever the showman before they even landed. After dropping the team off at the helipad, Whirlwind immediately set off to pick up his next couple of passengers from the airport in Costa Rica; Hammond’s grandchildren, Lex and Tim Murphy. Their journey to the island wasn’t overseen by Hammond, so this time he took the less extravagant, more direct route...A decision he was glad he made; the kids were too excitable for him and the snacks they had for the trip made a bit of a mess in his interior...! Whirlwind remained on the Isla Nublar helipad. After the support crew helped to clean out the interior, the Autobot didn’t have much planned until it would be time for the assessment team to leave. He was able to kick back and share stories with his human colleagues, who in turn let him know how Wrangle, who had been on the islands for several years at this point, was a valued member of the team. They also encouraged Whirlwind to scan through radio stations so he could check out some (human) music...He was especially taken with psychedelic and prog rock... The chill would come to an abrupt end when they learned that Hurricane Clarissa was fast approaching the island...Air travel was going to be far too risky and the majority of staff were going to be evacuated by boat. The order came through for everyone to get to the dock as soon as they could...Whirlwind encouraged his crew to go on ahead, as he would be able to take the beating and catch up with them later. That very night, the worst of the hurricane had passed, but the rains were still strong; Whirlwind was selecting appropriate music to play, such as ‘Riders on the Storm’, when he saw that the lights surrounding the helipad had gone. He transformed and scanned the area; no power...Not even from the nearby perimeter gate. Something was wrong. He tried to reach someone through his radio; dead...He wanted to stay in case anybody would need to reach the helipad, but he also wanted to take off to find out what was wrong, despite the poor weather... ‘This is why I prefer to go with the flow’ he thought, flustered by his dilemma. Whirlwind ended up making a decision; he took off. The heavy rain was starting to ease, but it wasn’t ideal flying conditions...All across the island, his scanner picked up lifeforms in various places, hardly any of them human. ‘This is bad’ he thought, comparing his scans with the layout of the facilities... ‘all the dinos are going where they ain’t supposed to be’. He also checked on the Energon signatures of his Autobot comrades, Wrangle and Expo...Until one started to flicker...It was Expo at the Tyrannosaur paddock. Whirlwind picked up speed and fought the storm to try and get there as fast as he could, but lightning struck him; he span out of control towards the ground below... The following morning, Whirlwind had washed up the bank of the lake in the Brachiosaur enclosure...He was jolted awake by a Parasaurolophus blaring its morning call, like a rooster with a trumpet. Whirlwind crawled up onto the grass and inadvertently scared the Parasaur herd away. He checked his scanner; only one Energon signature...He transformed and took off towards where he last saw Expo... Whirlwind hovered above the remains of the Tyrannosaur paddock; the fence was destroyed, a restroom was obliterated and the only vehicle visible, Tour Vehicle 05, had been abandoned. He scanned over the fence and detected traces of Energon...He swooped down the drop and on the ground, Expo’s body lay in a mess, savaged by the Tyrannosaur. He saw human footprints leading away from the car...In his sorrow for his comrade, he was glad to know that Expo protected humans until the very end. Whirlwind payed his respects; ‘Til all are one’ he mournfully recited, before he took off to seek out the other Energon signal. At the garage near the Visitors’ Centre, Whirlwind arrived to find Jeep 12; Wrangle. He was happy to see Wrangle alive, but had to tell him that Expo had gone...This didn’t help Wrangle’s mood, who was still upset at being somewhat responsible for a human death...Whirlwind tried to convince him to help out the other people that are still in danger. After a moment, Wrangle agreed to track down the Velociraptors, as it was the smaller carnivores he knew could be the most dangerous for humans. Whirlwind tracked the T. Rex and found her finishing off a Gallimimus. Three human signals were being picked up but he couldn’t tell exactly where they were as they were already deep in the nearby jungle...As such he made sure that the Rex didn’t follow them by being a distraction, as a vulture is to a lion. But eventually Whirlwind heard a power surge over the radio; electricity had been restored to the park. He tried contacting people again; on channel two he picked up a woman’s voice; it was Dr. Ellie Sattler...She sounded distraught and out of breath. Whirlwind wasn’t sure if she knew about the Cybertronians, so he just said that it was ‘the chopper team’...Ellie told them to have the chopper ready to go. And then her radio signal dropped...Whirlwind told Wrangle to get to her position ASAP. Thankfully Wrangle was nearby; he found Ellie’s radio, which looked like it had been ditched...And then he found Robert Muldoon’s savaged corpse. Wrangle took a moment to rip off his soft Jeep-roof (therefore his ‘cape’) to cover his fallen human comrade. And then, finding Velociraptor tracks, radio’d Whirlwind to tell him that the Velociraptors are tracking the humans to the Visitors’ Centre. Whirlwind still had eyes on the Tyrannosaur and then had an idea...He told Wrangle that they need to lure the Rex to the Centre...Wrangle fired a flare into the air. Success; the Rex saw the bright red light in the distance and started heading towards it with an almighty roar. Whirlwind told Wrangle that it’s working and to make sure she’s heading in the right direction. He also told Wrangle that according to the radio chatter, there are two survivors (Hammond and Malcolm) in an underground bunker that need a pick-up and one of them’s incapacitated with an injury. Meanwhile, Whirlwind himself would take off and fly as fast as he could to the helipad. He found that his ground crew decided to remain on the island after all, which was handy, as the survivors would need all the human help they could get. Sure enough, he saw Wrangle speeding towards the helipad with all the surviving humans available; the ground crew helped Malcolm board the helicopter with his broken leg. Hammond took one last look at his dream before Wrangle transformed to tell them he’ll look after what’s left of the place. Whirlwind took flight with the six survivors on board...The humans had been through a lot and, despite some of them being absolutely filthy from their time in the jungle, Whirlwind didn’t mind...Especially since the kids were fast asleep.
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kihamsta · 4 years
jeno, nct dream x female oc genre: fluff, high school au
summary: son ahri has had things she treasured stolen from her by lee jeno since the day she met him
words: 8486
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Son Ahri thinks Lee Jeno is a thief.
Actually, she knows he is a thief.
When they were four, he stole her favourite swing at the playground in their kindergarten. Her favourite swing was the only yellow one and yellow was her favourite colour. She had recently learned what having favourites was and realised she had a lot of them.
It was a sunny afternoon and she had dashed to where her swing was as soon as she set foot in the playground, only to find a boy already sitting on it. She had told him to get up, that it was her swing.
“It is not yours,” the boy had said, “Your name is not on it.”
She had told him to play on another swing. He had told her to do the same. Seeing no other solution, Ahri had cried. Their respective class teachers got involved but the boy still refused to get up and the girl continued crying.
It was the first time Son Ahri met Lee Jeno, a thief.
The next time Jeno stole from Ahri was in elementary school.
She didn't have a favourite swing at the playground anymore but she her favourite colour was still yellow. She almost always wore a yellow satin ribbon on her ponytail and made sure it never ever came loose. However, one day, without her knowing, it had.
Just out of her uniform, she had reached up to pull her ponytail loose to find her ribbon gone. She didn't know where she had dropped it. She tried looking for it, in her room, her house and the street outside but to no avail. Her ribbon was gone.
With tears in her eyes, Ahri had gone to her mum and informed her about the grave incident. Her had mum only chuckled and told her she'd buy her some more the next day. It was not a big deal. Ahri had accepted that.
That was until the next morning when she found a guilty looking Jeno standing outside her classroom. They didn't talk much. They were not friends, so Ahri was going to just ignore him. But when she was about to enter the classroom, her eyes landed on what was in the boys hand. Her ribbon! Before she could say anything, though, he shoved the little piece of fabric at her and ran off.
Suddenly, it clicked. The previous day, she had passed by Jeno after school near the gates. She had been a few feet away when he had called after her. “What?” she had snapped.
“Nothing,” he had replied.
Lee Jeno had stolen her ribbon but for some reason had decided to return it. At least that was what ten year old Ahri had deduced.
It was their first year of middle school and Ahri realised that Jeno was on his way to stealing her best friend.
Her best friend, Na Jaemin, had lived next door to her ever since she could remember. Sadly, he hadn't enrolled in the same elementary school as her but as far as spending time outside of school went, they were quite inseparable. Her piano lessons and his art classes took place in the same building and even at the same time. They always spent every holiday together as well.
Both of them had been ecstatic when their parents had decided that they would attend the same middle school. It meant walking to and from school together, it meant eating lunch together, it meant having much more to talk about together.
Not many of Ahri's old elementary school friends were in her class and unfortunately, neither was Jaemin. She would spend lunch time with Jaemin and that was more than enough. That is until one afternoon, Jaemin showed up to lunch with another boy in tow: Lee Jeno.
Jeno was all smiles as usual as he took a seat across from Ahri while Jaemin slid in next to her. “Jeno says he knows you,” Jaemin said excitedly.
Ahri's smile was thin as she replied, “Yeah. We know each other.”
That was how their duo became, to Ahri's exasperation, a trio. The two boys were in the same class and got along like a house on fire and Ahri feared that at some point, she would drift apart from Jaemin. So, she took precautions. She started spending more time with the girls from her class and formed solid friendships with a couple of them, especially with a girl called Heo Jinri. Heo Jinri always wore her PE track pants under her skirt and always had something to add to any conversation. Everything that Ahri didn't say out loud, Jinri said for her.
However, to Ahri's surprise (and relief), the drifting apart never happened. Jaemin, and even Jeno, for some reason, strongly insisted on eating lunch together, even if it meant eating on the grass outside with Jinri going off about her new favourite idol group.
Ahri had to walk home alone only on days Jaemin was absent. On those days too she'd be accompanied by Jeno for a part of the way home. When their parents allowed it, the four would even catch movies together.
Jeno stole nothing from Ahri all throughout middle school. They shared a best friend though and spent a lot of time together. Maybe, Ahri realised, they were friends too.
 In their second year of high school, Jeno went back to his criminal ways.
“Did you guys see the poster?” Huang Renjun asked, more like yelled, as he entered the classroom. He had moved to Korea from China a little over a year ago, but his Korean vocabulary was almost scarily good. Ahri thought he made some boys their age sound dumb, but that could be because she was biased. Renjun had become a very good friend very fast, courtesy of Jaemin and Jeno.
Whoever they befriended, Ahri did too, and vice versa, even though Ahri wasn’t as good as the boys at making friends.
“The Duet Song Festival one?” Heo Jinri asked, from her perch on top of her desk. She still wore track pants with her skirt.
“Won't it get our school sued? Copyright... trademarks... something like that?” Jaemin sounded genuinely concerned.
Ahri snorted, “Like they care about one tiny high school.”
“Its interclass,” Renjun announced, like it held deep meaning.
The other three sucked in a breath. Their class had suffered a humiliating defeat at the annual sports event, and that too at the hands of the freshmen. It had been humiliating enough that in high school, they were being subject to things like a ‘sack race’, the fact that Zhong Chenle from Class 1-A was an absolute beast and had annihilated everyone made it worse.
Their class had only one medal, because of Jeno winning the high jump event, and that was it. No one had bothered to even find out what rank their class was on, they had simply, sadly walked home.
The four collectively came to a realisation: this was a chance at redemption.
Renjun’s eyes lit up. The boy could sing, and everyone knew.
“It’s a duet festival though,” Jinri reminded the boy, and his shoulders visibly sagged.
That small technicality didn’t completely bring him down however. One could tell by the way his eyes wandered the classroom, going from one face to another. After some internal contemplation, he spoke, “Guys, does anyone want to participate in the duet song thing?”
The class was almost full but the responses were few, all of them negative. Morale was at an all time low in Class 2-E after the sports day.
“Good then, me and Ahri will represent our class.”
Ahri let out a strangled protest and stood up from her seat. But soon after, Jeno entered the room, announcing that the teacher was on her way. Everyone went back to their seats, Renjun with an especially satisfied smirk on his face, leaving a shocked Ahri the only one on her feet. Jeno raised his eyebrows at her as he walked over to his seat which happened to be the one right in front of her. Ahri couldn’t help the pout that appeared on her lips as she gestured to Renjun. As he sat down, Ahri thought she saw Jeno’s ever-present smile fall.
“But you will.”
Na Jaemin rolled his eyes. Heo Jinri was scrolling through her phone while Lee Jeno was silently gulping down food, his eyes not leaving the lunch box even once. The back and forth between Ahri and Renjun had been going on for almost five minutes. The other three were growing annoyed.
“I cannot sing on stage!” Ahri said hoarsely.
Renjun looked unconvinced, “Oh, please. I know you did piano recitals since you were like eight or something.”
Ahri opened her mouth but said nothing, taken aback by the fact that Renjun knew something she had never told him about. In a second though, she gained her composure and threw a glare at Jaemin. No one else could have told Renjun. Turning to the latter, she spoke, “We started the chapter on Correlation yesterday in Maths class. Weren't you paying attention?”
Renjun only smirked, “I didn't know you were smart enough to understand Maths.”
Positively fuming now, Ahri turned a shade of pink. Jeno finally looked up from his food.
“How is insulting me helping you, Huang Renjun?” the girl asked.
Said boy's shoulders sagged. “I'm sorry,” he said, his voice now soft, “But I really need you to sing with me. You're good and we have a chance.”
Ahri blinked a few times. Renjun sounded almost desperate. “I’m not good and you haven't ever heard me sing a full song.”
“Then sing for us right now,” Jinri suggested with a shrug.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea!” Jaemin said, enthusiastic for some reason.
Ahri would save a good punch or two for each of them. The only one who wasn't adding fuel to the flames was Jeno, and she was grateful. She turned to Renjun, who looked close to tears. Did this competition mean that much to him? She let out a sigh. “Can you guys at least not look at me?”
Renjun's face lit up. “Sure!” The boy hurriedly turned his back to her. The others followed silently, Jaemin shooting her a dirty look for giving them extra exercise.
Ahri cleared her throat and then let out a deep breath. She chose to sing a song she was most comfortable with. Eyes trained on the floor, she sang a verse and the first chorus. As soon as she was done, Renjun all but spun around on his butt to face her. He started clapping and she'd never seen him smile so brightly. The others turned around and joined the applause, their clapping not as enthusiastic. There were smiles on their faces nonetheless.
“We can win, Ahri,” Renjun grabbed her arm and lightly shook her.
Ahri couldn't help but crack a smile, “We can't be so sure. Other classes have really good singers too.”
“Doesn't matter,” Renjun said dismissively, “we’ll practice hard.”
“We'll have to choose a song first,” Ahri pointed out and then turned to the rest of their friends. “You guys will help us out, right?”
“Sure,” Jinri said with a shrug.
 Jaemin nodded, smiling widely.
“I'll play guitar for you guys,” Jeno suddenly blurted, speaking for the first time since they had started eating. His eyes travelled to Renjun and then to Ahri. Voice much softer, he spoke again, “I mean, can I?”
“Of course! I heard live instruments are preferred.” Renjun held his hand out for a high five which Jeno met halfway. Jinri looked like she was biting back a smirk.
“It's settled, then,” Ahri said, mostly to herself.
Jaemin raised his arms over his head and looked at the sky dramatically. “Finally!”
It didn’t take them too long to choose a song. Two days after Ahri had agreed to the duet, they had shortlisted three songs with help from Jinri. ‘Some’ was rejected on grounds that there were probably five other teams that were singing it. ‘Give Love’ was rejected because Renjun refused to even try to rap, which was, in hindsight, wise on his part. That meant they ended up with ‘Garosugil at Dawn’, which both Ahri and Renjun were fairly pleased about.
“Who broke your heart, little boy?” Jinri had asked when Renjun had shown a bit too much love for the song. To be fair, the boy had looked a little too wistful, staring into the distance with a smile on his face for five seconds straight.
They had quickly decided on a practice schedule: every other day after school at 5 in one of the music rooms; they decided to give themselves rest on the weekdays. The contest was almost two months away, they didn’t need that much practice, not now at least.
Ahri would be lying if she said that Renjun’s enthusiasm wasn’t rubbing off on her. Instead of dreading having to sing with him, she was starting to almost look forward to it. She liked her song and her partner. Things weren’t as bad as she thought they would be when Renjun had first suggested it. But then again, they hadn’t started practicing. Things could get bad then.
Abruptly, she stopped in the middle of the hallway and shook her head. A student or two gave her annoyed looks. Stopping abruptly in a crowded hallway after school wasn’t the best idea.
“What’s wrong?” a familiar voice asked from behind her.
Startled, she turned to see Jeno looking down at her. “Nothing,” she answered, without much thought.
“Why did you stop walking suddenly then?”
Her best friend’s best friend seemed to have a lot of questions today. “Were you following me?” she teased.
Jeno, to her surprise, look uncharacteristically annoyed. “This is a hallway. I was just walking behind you.”
“Cool,” Ahri said dismissively as she glanced behind him, “where’s Jaemin?” They didn’t have the same subjects, so despite being in the same homeroom, they changed classes quite a lot.
“Club meeting. They’re planning a trip to an old age home.”
The girl nodded in understanding, a pout on her lips. “So it’s just us today.”
To her surprise, Jeno looked bothered. She hadn’t intended for that to happen. “Is that so bad?” he asked.
“No!” Ahri was surprised at how defensive she sounded. Since when had she cared about Jeno assuming she didn’t like him? “It’s just that I’ll be alone for the rest of the way.”
“I can walk you home, if you want,” he offered.
Not knowing what to say, she looked up at him with eyes a fraction wider than usual. This was new. Jeno had never offered to walk her home before, and there had been many opportunities over the years.
Somehow she mustered up a few words to say, “No need. It’s too much trouble for you.”
“Tell me if you change your mind.”
The girl could only nod. This was odd. She started walking silently when Jeno motioned for her to lead the way. Their walk from school to the bus stop was spent in awkward silence. It hadn’t been awkward between them in years.
Ahri didn’t know when Jeno had gone from being the boy she had hoped and prayed would stop hanging out with them, to the boy whose company she kind of enjoyed. Sometimes, when he was absent from school for over two days, she missed his presence. Of course, she was never going to admit that. Not even to Jaemin.
Ahri didn’t like this strange silence, so once they were on the bus, she decided to break it. “We chose the song, by the way.”
“Which one?”
“Garosugil at Dawn.” She could feel his gaze on her but she kept her eyes trained on the bland scenery outside. Jeno was behaving strangely and she was afraid to meet his eyes. Maybe she’d see strange things in them.
“I can manage that.”
Deciding Jeno’s response sounded fairly normal, Ahri decided to turn to him. That was a mistake. He was looking down at her, unsmiling. Was he in a bad mood? She wished she could say something that could make him smile till his eyes disappeared. She liked smiley Jeno.
“Will you be playing the piano too?”
It took Ahri a second or two longer than usual to reply, “I guess.”
“Then we’ll have to practice playing together too,” Jeno said, finally breaking eye contact and fishing his phone out of his pocket.
Ahri let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding. She felt like she could speak better now. “About that. We’ll be practicing in the music rooms after study hall every other day. You don’t have to come every day if you can’t.”
“It’s okay,” he turned to her again, but this time with a smile, “I’ll try to make it.”
“Thanks for offering to play for us,” the girl managed a smile, “that was nice of you.”
“That’s what friends are for right?” For some reason, the boy took a deep breath after speaking. Not knowing what to say, Ahri allowed a silence to settle between them, this one a little less awkward than the one before.
When they got off the bus, Ahri was aware of the fact that Jeno was side-eying her, probably wanting to know if she’d changed her mind about him walking her home. She didn’t know what she wanted. They walked in silence till they came to where they had to separate. It was a fifteen minute walk to her house and she had taken the path alone so many times. It was his fault for making her feel like she needed him to walk with her. What was Lee Jeno up to?
“You’ll go alone?” the boy asked, sounding strange.
 It made Ahri look up at him. His eyes looked darker than usual and his jaw was clenched. Ten minutes ago, he had smiled at her. What had gotten into him now? “Yeah,” the girl tried to give him a carefree smile, “I’ll be fine.” The boy merely nodded, gave her tiny wave and walked away.
Ahri sighed (out of relief or disappointment, she did not know) and continued on her way.
Thankfully, Jeno had returned to his normal self the next day. He wasn’t sitting in his place. He was at the front of the class discussing something with a group of other boys that apparently was hilarious. When he caught Ahri looking at him, his eyes didn’t grow dark, and his smile remained on his face.
Mood swings, much?
His behaviour the previous day had left her confused and irritated and she didn’t know what she would do if he had continued to behave that way. She didn’t know what had caused that behaviour, she just hoped it wouldn’t happen again. She liked smiley Jeno.
Breaking eye contact, Ahri turned to talk to Jinri, who was a bit stressed lately. The latter was on a quest to find a part time job to finance her fangirl-ing expenses. “By the way, I saw a ‘Hiring’ sign at a café nearby,” she told her friend.
Jinri smirked, “By the way, I caught you staring at Jeno for one minute straight.”
Ahri felt her cheeks heat up. “I wasn’t staring!” she claimed, her voice a whisper as she looked around, making sure no one had heard.
“Watching, observing, eyeing, whatever,” the other girl rolled her eyes, “You were looking at him.”
A sigh left Ahri’s lips, “He was acting weird yesterday but now he’s completely normal.”
Jinri’s smirk seemed to grow, “It was just the two of you yesterday, wasn’t it?”
Ahri didn’t like how her friend sometimes acted like she was enjoying a private joke that no one else knew. “Yeah. So?”
“Nothing,” the smirk refused to leave the girl’s lips, “He was probably having a bad day or something.”
“But…” Ahri trailed off. She didn’t want to tell Jinri that Jeno had seemed like he was angry but had been nice to her at the same time. How does one explain that? She didn’t like the way Jinri was smirking and also didn’t want anyone to overhear, especially not Jeno.
“Oh wow,” the other girl said flatly, “now he’s staring at you.”
Eyes narrowing into a glare, Ahri spoke, “I know you’re trying to trick me.”
Jinri shrugged, “Don’t believe me if you don’t want to.”
Rolling her eyes, Ahri turned to the front. She didn’t understand what had suddenly gotten into her friend. Jinri liked teasing people and especially got on Renjun’s nerves but she had never teased Ahri about Jeno. Sure, she had tormented Ahri when she had developed a crush on a senior the previous year but never over any of their guy friends. Why Jinri thought it was now a good idea to imply that Jeno liked her or something, Ahri couldn’t figure out. Jeno didn’t like her, she knew. She wasn’t always nice to him. He had no reason to like her.
When Jeno scrambled to his desk just before their teacher walked in, Ahri found herself unable to look at him. Instead she just stared at the book on her desk.
For the entire class, she felt like Jinri was smirking at her and she just couldn’t concentrate on what the teacher was saying. The fact that their Korean teacher taught like he cared about the class as much as he cared about a pebble on the road didn’t help. The girl felt her eyelids grow heavy. A few times she startled herself awake but after the fifth time she dozed off, she decided to give up on staying awake.
Glancing at the teacher to make sure he wasn’t looking, Ahri slowly reached out for Jeno with both hands. He grew stiff when she first touched him, and it almost made her pull away, but he relaxed soon enough. He allowed her to gently position him so that he was blocking their teacher’s view of her. This was a frequent occurrence. He was taller and broader and covered her perfectly.
The sound of chairs scraping over the floor made Ahri shoot up in her seat. She stood up to greet the teacher as he left, but as soon as he was gone she sat back down and resumed her previous position: cheek squished against her arms as she used them as a pillow. She squeezed her eyes shut as the class grew noisier. She really wanted to fall back asleep.
Her eyes shot open, however, when someone grabbed her shoulder and violently shook her. Cursing under her breath, she looked up at the perpetrator. Jaemin looked down at her with an angelic smile on his face. “It’s lunch time, wake up.”
“I hate you.”
Jaemin did not look bothered by the sudden hatred directed towards him, he only reached forward and took his best friend’s cheek between his fingers. “You’re drooling, sleepy beauty.”
“I’m not,” Ahri snapped defensively, but still reached up to wipe the corners of her mouth. It was a difficult task, given Jaemin was still pinching her cheek.
Renjun was suddenly beside Jaemin. “Let’s go, guys, I only had an egg for breakfast,” he said, his hands on his tummy.
Jeno, who had been putting his things away, stood up. Renjun spared him a quick glance before speaking to the girls, “You guys head to the roof, we’ll buy a few things in the cafeteria, okay?”
“Sure,” Jinri responded with a shrug while Ahri only smiled up at the boys, turning to put her things away.
With no more to say, the boys made their way towards the door. Jeno put his arm around Renjun’s shoulders as they listened to Jaemin talk rather passionately about food.
Just as they were about to exit the classroom however, Jeno stopped in his tracks like he had been struck by lightning. The smaller boy beside him looked up at him in confusion, but Jeno paid him no mind. He turned to where his other friends were sitting. “Do you want something from the cafeteria?”
The question was meant for both the girls but for some reason, his eyes met Ahri’s.
“Banana milk,” Ahri and Jeno said at the same time. Ahri tried to stop her lips from tugging up into a smile but failed. Thankfully, Jeno did too. He gave her a nod and then pulled Renjun along with him and into the corridor.
“Nice,” Jinri said, “he forgot about my existence.”
Ahri stood up, lunch box in hand, and turned to her friend, “Did you really want something?”
Jinri smiled mischievously, “No, it would be nice to be asked. I just want Lee Jeno to stop being an idiot.”
“Fair enough.”
Ahri shrugged and held out her hand for Jinri to hold before they made their way out the class too. This was routine. The boys usually got their food from the cafeteria and the girls brought homemade food. Apparently it wasn’t cool to carry lunch boxes for the guys anymore. Their group of five always ate together on the rooftop. They didn’t know why but a portion of the rooftop wasn’t off limits for the students, and it was never crowded. A majority of the time, they were the only ones in the place during lunch. Maybe it was because the kids were too lazy to climb up the stairs. More realistically though, first years probably did not know about it yet and the third years were too busy to come out of their classrooms for trivial things like lunch. No one was complaining about the lack of other company though.
Everything was going as it always did everyday of every week until the girls rounded a corner. As soon as they did, they came across a group of girls deep in conversation outside one of the classrooms. One of girls in the group happened to glance over to Ahri and Jinri. She narrowed her eyes at them (much to their confusion) and leaned over to whisper something in her friend’s ear. Said friend also turned to look at them and was less cautious about showing her disdain, her lips curling into a sneer.
As confused as they were, the two girls didn’t stop walking. It wasn’t worth getting into fights for no reason at all. Once on the floor above though, Ahri spoke. “What was that about?”
Jinri seemed to be thinking of an answer. “Don’t know,” she finally said, “That class in full of weirdos though. Even their class teacher is weird. He’s always smiling, but only at girls.”
Ahri frowned, “I thought he was just being nice.” Nice teachers were rare.
“Oh, you naïve little child,” Jinri said with a shake of her head.
Ahri only rolled her eyes. She took the stairs two at a time, making the other girl rush behind her with a string of complaints. She flung the door to the rooftop open and made her way to their usual spot, right at the edge, in a corner against the safety net.
As soon as they were seated, Jinri whipped out her phone, ready to show Ahri her favourite girl group’s new music video. It took four more music videos for the boys to finally arrive.
Jeno made his way over to Ahri and sat down beside her. With a tiny smile he handed her that banana milk. The other boys followed suit. No one said a word as lunch boxes were opened and seals were ripped off as everyone wolfed down the food they didn’t ever realise they had been craving.
After several minutes of silence, which was only broken by faint sounds of chewing, Jinri spoke up. “By the way, Na Jaemin, what did you do to Kim Solmi? She and her gang looked like they were plotting to murder us.”
Everyone loved Jaemin, with his bright smile and chatty ways. However, sometimes, try as he might, he couldn’t return certain people’s feelings. He’d inadvertently left a trail of broken hearts behind him. Alarmed at the new information, the boy seemed to find it difficult to swallow a mouthful of omurice. Interest piqued, the others waited for him to speak. Jeno, however, had taken a sudden interest in a trash can on the far end of the roof.
“It wasn’t me!” Jaemin burst out as he was done chewing his food. “It was Lee Jeno this time.”
Ahri reacted a little…a lot more quickly than she would have liked to. Her head whipped sideways to look at Jeno, the tips of whose ears had turned pink. He seemed to hold her wide-eyed gaze for a fleeting moment before he turned to the rest of their friends. “It isn’t like that,” he claimed, holding up his hands as if in surrender. “She, uh- actually she confessed to me yesterday and I said liked someone else to get out of it. That’s really it.”
Was it okay for Ahri to sigh in relief? “That’s it?” She felt like she sounded a little too hopeful.
Jeno didn’t seem to notice, he nodded earnestly.  “Really,” he said. Then, after a pause, “She didn’t do or say anything to you, did she?”
“Except for the glaring, no. It’s weird though. We used to be friends in middle school.”
Suddenly Jinri’s interest seemed to be piqued. “Yeah, Jeno. It was weird. What did you say to her?”
The pink from the boy’s ears seemed to shift over to his cheeks as he mumbled something that was hardly audible.
In the weeks that followed, Kim Solmi’s distaste for them thankfully didn’t take a turn for the worse. Sometimes, when she passed by Ahri, she would side-eye the girl. Ahri didn’t dwell too much on the other girl’s actions.
Except, when she happened to be with Jeno, Solmi seemed to be extra hateful. She’d roll her eyes and let out really loud scoffs as she passed by them. Once she’d gotten a bit too close in the hallway and Jeno, for some reason, had wrapped an arm around Ahri’s shoulders and pulled her a little bit closer. She hadn’t thought much of it then. It was just her friend saving her from an unreasonable, one-sided conflict.
When Jeno started doing it when his admirer wasn’t around, however, Ahri thought about it. Ahri thought about it a lot. Like right now as they were walking to the music rooms together. He had his guitar case slung over one shoulder, but he had his other arm over her shoulders. There was absolutely no need for him to do that. Ahri tried to tell herself that it was because the hallway was crowded, but he had never had a problem with letting her walk on her own before. It wasn’t like she couldn’t dodge the occasional rowdy kid.
She didn’t detest being touched by her male friends. Sometimes, Renjun fondly patted her on the head and she was used to Jaemin and his affectionate ways. ‘Affectionate’ couldn’t be used to describe her relationship with Jeno though. There had always been an underlying awkwardness between the two of them. It was perhaps because they both knew of Ahri’s dislike for him during their childhood.
As she was forced to befriend him in middle school, she’d found herself trying to recall why she’d disliked the boy and had come up with nothing. Even now when she tried to remember why she’d been so reluctant to get to know Jeno, she could come up with nothing substantial.
When they did become friends, they got pretty close but not like the rest of the group. Their relationship was never carefree, both a bit strung up around each other. Jeno was so nice and respectful that sometimes Ahri thought something was wrong with her. No one would be a friend to her like Jaemin was. That fact was undisputable. But even Renjun, who she’d known for only little over a year, was more of a ‘buddy’ than Jeno ever was: the kind of friend that didn’t leave her skin tingling whenever he touched her.
When they arrived at the music room their passionate friend had rushed after class to capture, Jeno finally let go. They entered the room to find Renjun waiting with his arms crossed over his chest and with one foot tapping on the floor impatiently. “There you are!” he exclaimed.
The other two couldn’t tell if he was annoyed or excited. What they did know was that they would be spending a long time practising.
They indeed ended up spending quite some time in the room, but at some point, they had stopped practising the song for the competition and started singing random songs that came into their minds. Obviously they had had way too much fun because when the trio separated at the main gate, it was already dark.
Renjun said goodbye with a cheerful wave and went his own way, leaving the other two in each other’s company. Without words, they started walking towards the bus stop. Now that there were no rowdy boys or glaring girls to protect Ahri from, Jeno didn’t have his arm around her shoulders.
“We really lost track of time, huh?” the boy broke the silence.
“No kidding.”
There was long pause before Ahri spoke again, “But it was fun.”
“It was like karaoke,” Jeno smiled down at her. “Can you believe the number of Korean songs Renjun knows?”
“Sometimes he feels more Korean than us.”
Jeno let out a chuckle. He opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but before he could, the bus’s bright headlights shone on them from a distance, making them both turn towards it. The two silently climbed onto the bus as it slowed to halt before them. Finding seats wasn’t a problem, finding a way to keep Jeno’s guitar upright and making sure it wouldn’t fall as the bus moved was.
“I can’t believe you’ve been doing this every day,” Ahri said, her lips curving into a pout, sympathetic and extremely touched. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you,” Jeno simply responded. Those three words made Ahri’s stomach flip. That had quite literally never happened to her before. She couldn’t bring herself to say anything. Swallowing rather obviously, she turned away from him, wondering why he was making her feel this way.  “...and Renjun,” the boy added belatedly.
This time, Ahri felt her stomach drop. She was disappointed, she realised. She unconsciously shifted away from Jeno as another realisation hit her: she wanted Jeno to do something, anything, just for her. What did that entail for her feelings for the boy? She didn’t want to know.
That is why she rushed off the bus as soon as it stopped at their stop. She was hoping the guitar would slow Jeno down a bit, but he was quick. He caught up to her soon enough, grabbing her by the sleeve of her blazer. Surprised at how brazen he suddenly was, she let out a little gasp as she looked up at him.
His eyes softened when they met hers. “It’s pretty late. Let me walk you home at least today?”
It was late, and Ahri didn’t want to walk home alone. “I will allow you to walk me home,” she said with a cheeky smile.
Jeno let out a snort of laughter that he didn't seem too embarrassed about. Then he did something that she’d never thought he’d do. His hand slipped from her blazer, slowly and deliberately, and came to hold hers. Ahri struggled to keep the same cheeky smile on her face. Thankfully, before she could do something embarrassing like squeak or gasp, he tugged her forward gently.
It took a few moments for her to fall in step beside him. It took longer still to process the fact that Lee Jeno had decided to hold hands with her. Maybe friends did that sometimes but a friend holding your hand isn’t supposed to send your heart racing, is it? She didn’t know. She didn’t know anything other than the fact that she kind of wished Jeno would walk her home every day.
There was only a week left till the competition and Renjun was late. Ahri checked the time on her phone. He was exactly twenty minutes late and she had listened to four songs in an attempt to pass time after getting bored of waiting. She let out a sigh of exasperation. She hated waiting. She had spent too much time out of the window at the quad waiting for Renjun to come running across it.
Just as she was about to call him up, she felt a nudge on her shoulder. Her heart leapt up to her throat at the sudden touch. Her mother always told her not to keep her earphones on all the time, maybe she was right.
With a gasp she turned to face the person. It took only a moment to realise the person in question was a lot closer than she had thought and that the person was Jeno. In the next moment, her lips came in contact with another pair of lips. She closed her eyes on impact, body only half facing Jeno. Time seemed to slow down and she couldn’t hear anything other than the pounding of her own heart.
This wasn’t happening. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. These kinds of things only happened in unrealistic dramas. This wasn’t happening.
It felt like eons before he pulled away. Ahri let out another gasp, “Jeno, I—” His lips were on hers once again. One of his hands gently gripped her chin. Her eyes shut once again, finally accepting that this was actually happening. As confusing as it was, it was happening and she wasn’t opposed to it.
The kiss stopped as suddenly as it had started. Jeno pulled away suddenly, staring down at her, his breath ragged for whatever reason. “I’m sorry,” he breathed out. Ahri couldn't quite find it in her to speak. “I didn’t mean to,” Jeno added.
Ahri felt a lump grow in her throat as she watched Jeno grab his guitar and rush out of the music room.
Lee Jeno had just stolen her first kiss.
Lee Jeno had stolen her first kiss and run away.
The day of the competition had arrived. It had been a week. A week since Jeno had kissed her and fled. A week since he had actively maintained an arms distance from her. She didn’t know what to feel about the fact that he had made sure that they never had to go home alone together. Sometimes she wanted to laugh when Jaemin showed up out of nowhere when they were heading home after practice.
“How is our Riri doing?” Think of the devil, Ahri thought as her fingers halted on the piano keys mid-arpeggio.
“I’m okay,” she said. She gave him a tiny smile as he pulled up a chair beside her. Jaemin reached up and played a single shrill note on the piano and flinched. Her smile grew. He always did that.
“Don't lieeee,” he said in a sing-song voice, his pout almost audible.
Ahri's gaze fell to the piano keys. “I’m kinda nervous.”
“I’m not talking about that.” The light heartedness in his voice was gone. “Look at me.”
Despite the fact that her cheeks were quite literally flaming, Ahri’s met her best friend's gaze. “Jeno has been avoiding me,” she let out, sounding small.
“We all know that, idiot. Why is he avoiding you though?”
Involuntarily, she sniffled. “He didn't tell you?”
“No,” Jaemin let out a sigh, “that's why I'm asking you.” Another sniffle from Ahri. “Are you crying? Did you guys fight?”
The girl shook her head. “He kind of...kissed me and ran away. He hasn’t spoken to me since.”
There was a long silence.
Almost a minute passed before Jaemin let out a laugh that sounded more like a scoff. “That idiot!” After another beat of silence, the boy let out a real laugh. “You're an idiot too, you know? Stupid things like this wouldn’t happen if you guys just admitted you like each other!”
“We don’t—”
“He’s right. I agree.” The pair of friends both looked to the door at the same time, eyes wide. Renjun stood there holding Ahri’s water bottle, looking like he hadn’t snuck up on them. “You guys are talking about you and Jeno, right?” The other two nodded. “That guy’s taking too long to confess,” he said with a slight tilt of his head.
“No one’s talking about confessing,” Ahri blurted.
Renjun exchanged a look with Jaemin. “Are these two still in denial?” Jaemin only shrugged. He honestly didn't know. The other boy sighed and handed Ahri her water bottle. “Warm water. Our performance is soon.”
Ahri muttered thanks and proceeded to chug the water.
Renjun placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a smile that made her feel like the world was at peace. “You guys will be fine. Let's go.”
 Ahri could feel her heart pounding in her chest harder and harder in her chest as they approached the back of their school auditorium. She could tell Renjun was nervous too. He was a lot stiffer than usual.
“I wish Jaemin could have stayed,” Renjun murmured as they finally entered the crowded backstage area. Ahri couldn’t agree more. Jaemin was quite a bubble of cheerfulness; he’d at least keep them distracted. Unfortunately, only participants and musicians were allowed backstage. So he had happily bounded off, promising to tell their friend Raon from the photography club to take good pictures of them. “Where’s Jeno anyways?” Renjun sounded antsy. Almost as if his name had summoned him, Jeno appeared beside Renjun. He muttered an apology, something about his guitar and the sound people.
For once the pounding in Ahri’s chest wasn’t because Jeno was in the vicinity. She was nervous. It had been a while since she had performed in front of this big a crowd. Renjun seemed to notice. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. His hands felt a tiny bit unsteady. The smile that he gave her though was reassuring. From the corner of her eyes she saw Jeno stick his head out to take a glance at them before quickly going back to his previous position.
Too soon, someone called for Son Ahri and Hwang Renjun to go on stage. The MC who was someone from third year gave them an enthusiastic and over the top introduction, of which Ahri could register very little. The spotlight was glaring down at them and it made her eyes water. When she looked down at the crowd she couldn’t make out a single face. Someone let out a loud shriek of a cheer. It sounded a lot like Chenle. That made her smile.
Shaking off the nervousness, she quickly made her way towards the piano and settled down, making sure the mic wasn’t too close to her. As her partner was introducing their song to the audience, her eyes wandered to the other side of stage. Jeno had already seated himself on a stool, looking more relaxed and ready to perform that she ever felt. Maybe he felt her eyes on him. That was probably why he turned to meet her gaze. She must have looked a lot more nervous than she thought, because the first thing he did after their eyes met was to take a deep breath, as if reminding her to do the same. Then with a quick glance at Renjun he mouthed, ‘One, two, three, and four.’
Renjun sang the first words of the song at the exact second Jeno strummed the first chord. “When I put on my jacket at 9pm after the sun has set, When I leave the house no one will come home to...”
Everything that happened after the performance was a bit of a blur. The only thing Ahri remembered was the fact that Renjun couldn’t stop smiling from the moment their performance was over till they made their way to the audience to join Jaemin and Jinri. Ahri would be lying if she didn’t do the same. Maybe Jeno was smiling too. She wouldn’t know. She couldn’t bring herself to look at him. She was seated in between Jinri and Renjun. Jeno still hadn’t spoken to her.
The smiles faded, however, when it was time for the announcement of the results. There was a vicelike grip on Ahri’s arm that belonged to Jinri. Every time she tried to swat her friend’s hand away, it would come back stronger. There would be bruises on her arm for sure. Renjun wasn’t doing too well either. He’d probably have no fingernails left by the time the winner was announced.
“The winners are...” There was an entire unnecessary and long pause. “Son Ahri and Huang Renjun from class 2-E!”
Two pairs of arms wrapped around her, belonging to Renjun and Jinri, as the audience applauded. The loudest cheers came from the area around them. All of class 2-E had decided to sit together so that they could make a lot of noise. Smiles back on their faces, they went up to receive their trophies.
 “Redemption!” Jaemin cheered as they made their way out of the auditorium, the trophies now in his arms. “We’re not the class that is bad at everything. I love you guys.” The other four chuckled. Jaemin was always like a proud, doting mother.
“Let’s go celebrate. The cafe I work at has amazing food,” Jinri suggested.
“Someone’s taking their job seriously,” Renjun teased. Jinri just blew him a raspberry.
Ahri was just walking quietly beside her friends, when she suddenly stopped in her tracks. “What?” Jaemin stopped beside her.
“I forgot my water bottle in the music room.” She looked up at Jaemin with a pout, hoping that he’d offer to get it for her. He was a nice person that way.
“No,” Jaemin said firmly, “that won’t work with me.”
With a sigh, Ahri begrudgingly said goodbye to friends and hurried to the music rooms on the other side of the school. Since the competition was over, the music rooms were eerily quiet. Only a day ago, they would have to fight for some time in one of the rooms. Quickly, she stepped into the music room she had left her bottle in and picked it up. She couldn’t help but let out a sigh as she stood there for a moment too long. This was the same room Jeno had kissed her in. It had been an entire week since they hadn’t spoken directly to each other. She didn’t know what she had expected to happen, but this wasn’t it.
A loud bang startled her out of her reverie. With a gasp, she looked to the source of the sound. Jeno stood at the door, looking like he’d raced all the way to the building. He had opened the door a bit too forcefully.
Ahri reacted automatically. She tried to make her way around him and out the door, but Jeno’s arm came to block the way out. “Please.” It sounded like a plea.
She had to gather all her courage to look him in the eyes. “It’s okay. You can continue ignoring me.” It was when her voice broke that she realised she didn’t mean those words.
“No,” Jeno let out a sigh. “Look, I really didn’t mean to—”
“I get it. You made a mistake. It’s fine.” Ahri couldn’t maintain eye contact. She looked down, hugging her water bottle to chest.
“That’s not what I mean.” Those words made her look up at him again, eyes wide and unsure. “It was an accident and I didn’t want it to happen that way. I kissed you out of nowhere and I wasn’t sure if you wanted to and...and I haven’t even asked you out.”
A long silence followed during which Ahri’s eyes got impossibly wide, her mouth hanging just a bit ajar. She felt dizzy as Jeno’s words echoed in her mind. Her stomach was full of butterflies she had never felt before. “What do you mean?” she managed to whisper.
The boy swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and then back down. He took a step inside. Ahri took a step back as she watched him shut the door behind him. “I like you.” Silence. “I like you, Son Ahri. I’ve liked you for a long time. I just...didn’t know.” Jeno hesitated before continuing, “Everyone seems to think you like me too.”
Ahri almost dropped her beloved water bottle. Everyone was right, she realised. The irritation she’d felt when he had gotten his first girlfriend back in their last year of middle school had been jealousy. She hadn’t liked when he sat beside her acted oh so friendly because she had wanted him to do more. She had wanted him to treat her like she was more than a friend. She had liked Lee Jeno for a long time too.
“Everyone is right,” she said as a giggle inevitably left her mouth. They were idiots, the two of them. “I like you too.”
Out of nowhere, Jeno tackled her into a hug. Her bottle fell to the floor with a clatter, uncared for. He was warm and for some reason, smelled faintly of her favourite cookies. Shyly, she wrapped her arms around him. He sent tingles down her spine when he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Let me kiss you? Properly this time.”
With cheeks feeling hotter than the sun, she nodded against his chest. He loosened his grip on her waist only for his hands to cup her cheeks. Ahri eyes shut the moment his lips touched hers. Her grip on his blazer tightened when her knees started feeling weak. And as if he knew, Jeno’s arms went around her waist again, pulling her closer.
When they broke apart, flushed and breathless, Ahri dazedly let two words slip from her mouth. “You thief.” Both her hands came up to slap her mouth shut as she gasped in embarrassment. She couldn’t believe she’d let that slip. Tentatively, she looked up at Jeno, hoping he hadn’t heard.
For some reason, Jeno looked just as embarrassed. “You remember that?”
“Back in fifth grade, you dropped your ribbon and I took it home with me because...it was yours.” He let out a little laugh. “My mum scolded me and told me to return it to you.”
Ahri chuckled, “I do remember.” But that was not what she had meant. It was unexpected, unbelievable and awfully corny, but Lee Jeno was a thief because he had somehow stolen her heart.
author’s note: i did not mean for this to be a birthday post, but happy birthday, jeno! i’ve been writing this for months. i actually wanted to write high school aus for the 00 liners before they graduated but since no one is graduating, i can post high school aus for 6dream and maybe a college one for mark. but again, no promises.
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the--blackdahlia · 4 years
It’s So Easy (And Other Lies) Chapter 26
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Title: It’s So Easy (And Other Lies) Chapter 26
Summary: Stevie Adler likes Duff McKagan. She has for a while now, but she is convinced Duff doesn’t like her that way. Duff likes Stevie, but so does their new bandmate Axl Rose.
Chapter Warnings: Smut (18+ only please), language
AN: Thank you all for the feedback!! Thanks to @callme-kaz2y5-baby​ for writing my smut :)
Break time was over. It had been about three months since Hope was born and the guys had to get back out on the road. Duff didn’t want to. He was flying down to LA to meet up with them to do some rehearsing before they headed out. Stevie and Hope took Duff to the airport.
“I don’t want to go,” Duff sighed. “Think we could con Nikki into going to play with them or something?”
“You know he won’t go anywhere without his Tommy,” Stevie laughed a little. “But we’ll be waiting here for you to get back.” Duff leaned in and kissed Stevie.
“I’ll call as often as I can,” He told her. “And you little missy,” He looked down at Hope in her carseat. “Don’t grow anymore until I get back, you here?”
“I will try, but she’s already growing so much,” Stevie sighed. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” He sat his bags down and kissed her. When he pulled back, he stared into her eyes. “This is the first time in a long time that we haven’t been together at least once a day.”
“Don’t remind me,” Stevie sighed. “Just a few months…”
“Yeah,” Duff sighed. His flight was called then.
“You better get going,” Stevie frowned. Duff wrapped his arms around her.
“I’ll be back before you know it,” He kissed the top of her head. “I love you.” He looked down at Hope in her carrier. “And I love you too my little princess.” With one final look at this family, Duff got on the plane to fly to LA, leaving Stevie and Hope behind for the first time.
One Month Later
Duff was asleep in his bunk on the bus. Slash was on his own, reading a book. Duff hadn’t been sleeping very well the past few weeks, and he hadn’t had time to call Stevie in awhile. Just a couple five minute conversations to say hi and I love you before Stevie had to go take care of Hope.
By the time the shows were over, Duff didn’t want to call, because Hope was starting to wake up less in the night and staying awake more through the day, and he didn’t want to wake her up if she was sleeping. Photoshoots, concerts, interviews. They all limited the amount of time the McKagan’s got to talk to each other, and Slash could tell that it was really bothering Duff.
“No,” He heard Duff mumble in his sleep. “No!”
“Duff,” Slash marked his spot in his book and got out of his bunk. “Duff!”
“Shit!” Duff opened his eyes and sat up, hitting his head on the bunk on top of his. “Oh fuck!”
“Are you okay?” Slash asked.
“Well, my head hurts now.” Duff told him.
“I mean, you were pretty upset about whatever you were dreaming of,” Slash pointed out. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing. Just a bad dream,” Duff ran a hand down his face. Slash frowned. “When are we stopping for the photoshoot?”
“In an hour,” Slash told him. “Then it’s another day of driving to get to the next town.”
“Damn,” Duff sighed. “Let’s just get this over with then.”
Duff’s solo photos were last, with the full band going first and everyone taking turns doing solos and duos. Izzy didn’t want to do a duo with Axl, and it was a whole big thing that ended with Duff negotiating with the photographer to put the three of them together, if they were going to insist on Izzy and Axl getting photographed together. Slash slipped way, heading to the payphone in the lobby. He dialed a number and waited.
“Hello?” Stevie answered. Slash’s face lit up.
“How are my two favorite girls doing?” Slash asked.
“Oh, you know,” Stevie laughed. “Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine,” Slash told her. “I just have a lovesick bassist who really misses his wife and kid, and can’t talk to them as much as he’d like to.”
“I miss him so much,” Stevie sighed. Slash nodded, even though she couldn’t see him.
“What if you and Hope fly out to our next stop and join us for awhile?” Slash suggested. “I’m sure Duff would be more than happy to have you two here with him.”
“I was honestly just thinking of that,” Stevie smiled. “Denver is your next stop, right?”
“Yep,” Slash nodded. “If you can be there, we’ll come meet you.”
“Let me call Marie and see if I can leave Princess Peach with her, and I’ll see about getting a ticket and let you know.”
“Great. We’ll be here for another hour or so,” Slash read off the number to the payphone that he was at. After a couple more minutes of talking they hung up. About a half hour later, Izzy was standing by the payphone when it rang. Raising an eyebrow, he answered.
“Uh, hello?”
“Iz!” Stevie laughed. “Hey, I was trying to catch Slash. He gave me this number.”
“Oh, hey Stevie. Give me a second,” Izzy motioned for Slash to come over. “Stevie?”
“Oh!” Slash took the phone from Izzy. “So?”
“Marie has Princess Peach, and Hope and I should be in Denver tomorrow afternoon,” Stevie told Slash proudly. Slash’s face lit up.
“That’s great! I’m going to keep it a surprise. But damn, he misses you,” Slash laughed.
“I miss him too,” Stevie admitted. “Okay, we’ll see you tomorrow!” They both hung up and Slash looked over at Izzy.
“Does Duff miss Stevie, or do you miss her?” Izzy laughed.
“Duff misses her,” Slash told him. “Thought he was going to knock himself out this morning because he had a bad dream and jerked awake. Smacked his head on the bunk above his.”
“Well, fair enough,” Izzy laughed a little. “Duff’ll be done soon and we can head out.”
“Good,” Slash nodded. “I can’t wait for those two to get back together. Maybe he’ll stop being so miserable.” He laughed and Izzy returned the smile.
“I’ve tried calling Stevie three times and she hasn’t answered,” Duff told Slash later on, when they had gotten to Denver.
“Maybe she’s out with your mom or something?” Slash shrugged. “Oh, speaking of mom’s, mine is coming in for the show. I told her I’d meet her at the airport and I want you to go with me.”
“Oh, come on man,” Duff groaned. “Ola hates me. She thinks I “stole Stevie from you” or something like that.”
“I mean, she did settle,” Slash teased. “Come on. My mom doesn’t hate you. She’s just...eccentric.”
“She called me Giraffe Boy up until a couple months ago, and that’s only because Ash told her to chill!”
“Just come with me man. I’d rather you get out for a little bit then sitting here, wondering why your wife isn’t answering.” Duff sighed.
“Fine,” Duff rolled his eyes. “Don’t say I’ve never done anything for you.”
Later that afternoon, Duff and Slash got a cab from their hotel to the airport. Duff was wearing shorts, cowboy boots, a tank top, and a cowboy hat. He figured that if Ola Hudson was going to make fun of him, he was going to give her a reason to. Slash just shook his head.
“You look ridiculous,” Slash told him.
“Says the guy wearing a tank top and so many holes in his jeans, I don’t think they can even be called pants anymore.”
Before Slash could come back with something, an announcement over the loudspeaker made Duff homesick.
“Flight 92 from Seattle now arriving at gate 15a.”
“God, I miss Seattle,” Duff sighed. “Mainly, I miss my family.”
“You’ll get to see them before you know it,” Slash smiled and glanced towards the gate that Stevie and Hope would be coming through. “Hey, I see my mom. Come on.” Slash dragged Duff towards the gate.
“Dude, I…” Duff trailed off when he saw a familiar pair of blue eyes looking at him, and they sure as hell didn’t belong to Ola Hudson. “S-Stevie?”
“Duff!” She ran towards him. Slash took Hope so Duff could easily wrap his arms around his wife, holding her close. He buried his face in her hair, just enjoying the fact that she was here.
“What are you guys doing here?” He asked, pulling back after a moment.
“Hope and I really missed you,” Stevie told him. “And I thought we could enjoy some time together.” Duff hugged her again.
“God, I did miss you both,” He looked around. “Where’s my little princess?”
“With Uncle Slash,” Stevie laughed.
“Excuse me. It’s Godfather Slash,” Slash chuckled. Duff kept an arm wrapped around Stevie as he walked over to Slash.
“I’ve gotta go pick up luggage,” Stevie told Duff. “I brought enough in case you wanted us to stay awhile. And I can pick up more along the way. If you want us.”
“You have no idea,” Duff kissed her cheek before Stevie went to go grab luggage. Duff took Hope from Slash. She had her eyes open and smiled when she saw Duff. “She looks so much like Stevie.”
“She’d be her twin if she had her hair,” Slash agreed. “She’s gotten so big.”
“I know. I told her she wasn’t allowed to grow but apparently she doesn’t listen to me,” Duff laughed.
“I bet that’s a sign of what’s to come,” Slash smirked. Stevie made her way over to them with the bags.
“Why don’t I trade you?” Duff suggested, giving Stevie Hope and  taking some bags while Slash grabbed the others. They headed out to the car that they needed to get back to the hotel. “Hey Slash?”
“What?” The guitarist asked from his seat.
“I need you to take some of your godfather duties,” He told him.
“What do you mean? Isn’t that only for if you two die?” Slash asked.
“Can you please watch Hope for a little bit?” Duff asked. “I want to spend some time with my wife.” Stevie laughed a little, her cheeks pink.
“Oh!” Slash laughed. “Of course I’ll watch her. Just for like ten minutes?” Duff slapped the back of his head.
“God, he’s as bad as Tommy,” Stevie couldn’t stop smiling.
It was good to be back with her boys.
Stevie handed Slash the bag of baby things and Hope before following Duff into his room with her luggage. She tossed it on the floor by Duff’s bags as her husband shut and locked the door. She smiled as she felt his long arms wrap around her waist and his lips on her neck.
“God, I missed you,” He whispered, nipping a little at the sensitive skin.
“Did you now?” She asked with a laugh. Duff pressed against her.
“Yes. Yes I did,” He mumbled. “Thought I’d have to sneak away to get on a plane and come see you again.”
“It hasn’t been that long babe,” Stevie moaned softly.
“It’s been too long,” Duff slowly pulled her back towards the bed. “And you’re wearing way too many clothes.” He pulled her shirt off and kissed at her shoulders. Stevie moaned softly.
“Missed you.”
Duff worked on stripping Stevie and laying her out on the bed. Stevie looked up at Duff through her lashes.  
"You have too many clothes on cowboy.” She watched him undress, hair haloed around her head.  Duff crawled over her and drew her into a deep kiss, before kissing down her neck to her breasts rolling her nipples with his fingers before sucking one then the other into his mouth.  Stevie tangled her fingers in his hair, moaning and pushing her chest toward his mouth.  
Duff's hand trailed down her body, running one digit along her slit, feeling her arch and moan under him. Taking pity, he circled her clit with his finger making her legs quiver before thrusting two fingers into her.  Stevie gasped at the stretch, grinding down onto them. Duff used his thumb to circle her clit while stroking her g-spot. It didn't take long until Stevie was clenching on his fingers and coming with his name on her lips.
Duff leaned up to kiss her while she's coming down. Stevie pushed on Duff's shoulder, urging him onto his back, which he did. Stevie wasted no time swallowing his rock hard cock down, making Duff gasp.
"Holy shit, Stevie,” Stevie looked up at him.
"Hmmm?" She mumbled around him. Duff's head fell back on the pillow.
"Gonna kill me with that mouth, girlie…” Stevie pulled back and smiled at Duff before climbing over him and lining him up. "Wai...." Duff started as Stevie started sliding down over him.
"Been waiting, don't want to wait any longer."
Stevie threw her head back and moaned as she came to a seat on Duff's thighs. Duff ran his hands up her legs to her waist, urging her to start moving. Stevie started moving, finding the right angle to make her come and riding him for her pleasure. All Duff could do was hang on, while Stevie used him for her pleasure. He loved watching her bounce on him, eyes closed, sweat dripping, as she found her pleasure and clenched and came over and over. She was beautiful like this, panting, calling his name. He could feel her slowing, so he used this opportunity to plant his feet and held her up while thrusting into her over and over, seeking his pleasure.  He looked up from their coupling and locked eyes with Stevie.
"Fuck Stevie babe, so good, gonna come,”
"Come on, Duff,  come with me...uh....uh..... now!" Stevie moaned, clenching on him one last time sending him over the edge.  Stevie slumped over on his chest panting. "<aybe I should make you miss me more.” Duff kissed the top of her head.
"Don't you dare.”
“Izzy!” Slash hit Izzy’s door. “Izzy!”
“What?” Izzy asked, opening the door. “Wait, why do you have a baby?”
“It’s Hope!” Slash told him. “And Duff and Stevie asked me to watch her for a bit and I don’t know shit about babies man!” Hope made little baby noises from her car seat and reached towards Izzy.
“Hold on,” Izzy snuffed out his cigarette. “Let’s take her to the lounge. We’ll put on some cartoons or something and it’ll be easier to watch her.”
“What do kids watch?” Slash asked. “Like Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers?”
“I don’t care what you watch with her, as long as it’s not the adult channels,” Izzy told him. “Come on.” He grabbed his guitar and shut the door, heading with Slash to the lounge. “Let’s get her out of her carseat.”
“What if she runs away?” Slash asked. Izzy stared at him.
“Dude, she’s like four months old,” Izzy sighed. “I bet she’s just picking her head up. Let me see what Stevie left you.” He took the bag from Slash’s shoulder as Slash got Hope out of her carseat. “Ah, mommy brought you your play mat.” Izzy smiled and laid it down on the ground. He found a pillow with the mat that looked like a doughnut with a bite out of it. He laid it down and looked up at Slash, holding the squirmy baby like he was scared.
“You hold snakes on a regular basis,” Izzy pointed out, taking Hope and laying her with her head supported by the pillow. He gave her a cloth book and she made an excited baby noise.
“Baby’s are different,” Slash admitted. He turned on the TV to find something to watch. “How come you know so much about babies?”
“When Stevie got pregnant, I started reading,” Izzy shrugged. “I wanted to help out in case something happened and Duff bailed or some shit.”
“Oh. Well I’m glad you know what you’re doing because I sure as hell don’t,” Slash sighed and laid the remote down, looking from Hope to the TV and back. Hope was intrigued by all the bright colors.
“She’s a pretty easy baby,” Izzy shrugged. “She likes it when I sing to her.”
“When did you have time to sing to her?” Slash asked.
“Well, right before we started back, Stevie and Duff wanted a night out and no one would watch her and Motley Crue’s on tour, because Tommy was pissed he couldn’t come watch her. So I went up to Seattle and stayed a couple days. She likes being sung to, don’t you sweetheart?” Hope laughed and smiled a gummy smile up at Izzy.
“You gonna get you one?” Slash asked, making Izzy raise an eyebrow. “A baby, I mean.”
“Nah. I’m having fun being Uncle Izzy. When she gets older, I can give her one of those big ass Hershey bars, you know the ones they have a Christmas, and then wait for it to set in before I send her back home to Duff and Stevie.”
“God you’re evil,” Slash chuckled. Axl walked in then.
“Who’s evil?” He asked. That’s when there was a loud wailing from the floor. “When the fuck did Hope get here?” He sighed. Izzy picked her up and rocked her some. “Why doesn’t she like me?”
“You’re loud?” Slash asked with a shrug. Axl glared at him.
“Wait, I have an idea,” Izzy smiled. “Axl, take off your bandana.”
“What? No.” Axl shook his head.
“Just humor me,” Izzy rolled his eyes. Axl sighed and pulled the bandana off, running his fingers through his hair. “Okay, now cradle your arms.” Axl did and Izzy put Hope in his arms.
And there was no crying.
“Well I’ll be damn,” Slash laughed.
“She was scared of my bandana?” Axl asked, confused.
“She’s learning the world and mommy and daddy don’t have that, so it must be scary,” Izzy smiled at her.
“Well, she’ll hate Bret Michaels then,” Slash laughed again. Izzy shook his head and watched Axl with Hope. “Great, she likes him now, so none of us will get to spend any time with her.”
“Oh, I’m sure he won’t hog her all the time.” Izzy kept smiling.
For the first time in awhile, there was peace in the band. But Izzy had a feeling in his gut that it wouldn’t last.
The tour went on for the next couple months. Every time Stevie would say it was time for her and Hope to head back to Seattle, someone, mainly Duff, would convince her to stay for a little while longer. So the two did. Hope loved getting to see her uncles more often, and Stevie loved getting to spend more  time with her husband. They decided that after the second to last concert, the two would fly back to Seattle, so Stevie could get groceries, pick up Princess Peach, and other things she needed to do before Duff got home.
So they were in Buffalo, with the last concert slated to be in New York City. Everyone was getting ready for the concert, but Duff kept taking breaks to play with Hope. She liked to play guitar with her uncles Izzy and Slash, which basically consisted of letting her hit the strings while they made the chords.
“She loves watching you guys practice,” Stevie said, adjusting the headphones that muffled a lot of the loud noises. “And she loves watching you play. It’s a lot better during practice now that she’s not screaming to compete with Axl.”
“Hey! I don’t scream!” Axl told her. “You guys are assholes.”
“Hope is going to have the most colorful vocabulary of all her peers,” Matt laughed. “All thanks to uncle Axl.”
“I dunno. Her dad says a lot of very colorful words too,” Stevie kissed Duff’s cheek. Hope started to cry then and Stevie looked at the time. “Oh, it’s someone's nap time.”
“Thank god, I was so tired,” Slash smirked. “Oh, you meant Hope. Okay…” Stevie took Hope from Izzy.
“We’ll be at the hotel. I’ll see you guys this evening for the concert.” She gave Duff a kiss before taking Hope to the room to nap. The boys returned to their practicing, kinda missing the audience to watch them.
Forever Tags: @dekahg​ @marvel-af-imagines​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @nanie5​ @imboredsueme​ @gemini0410​ @aiaranradnay​ @babypink224221​ @mogarukes​ @xxwarhawk​ @sandlee44​ @shatteredabby​ @caswinchester2000​ @lauravic​ @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk​ @teller258316​ @horrorpxnk​ @tommyleeownsme​ @marvelismylifffe​ @mrslogansixxpixx​
Guns n Roses Tags: @malibubarbievince​ @slashscowboyboots​ @hauntedapricoteggsclam​ @bitter-13-suite​ @arianareirg​ @lucyboytom​ @ozzy-dumbass-of-darkness @julessworldd​ @solopadawan​ @stradlin-cold-heartbeaker @catsandacoffee​ @kaitieskidmore1​
It’s So Easy Tags: @str4nge-haze​ @viralwolf02​ @overlyobsessedfangirl​
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jisungsmochi · 5 years
neighbour! renjun pt 3 (final)
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this is the final part! i hope you all enjoy this series hehe 
the day of the formal had finally arrived!
all the girls in your last class rushed out, wailing about getting ready for the big night
you met with renjun at the front gates, he was holding a box in his hands
“ooo what’s in the box?” you questioned, poking at his shoulder
“it’s for you! just open it” he smiled widely before giggling softly, which made your heart stop for a bit
you didn’t know why it kept doing that...
you opened the cutely wrapped box carefully
“oh my god! this is adorable!” you exclaimed, pulling out the lavender corsage
“i’m so glad you like it, even though i haven’t seen your dress yet, fingers crossed this goes with it” he laughed nervously before beginning to walk with you
“i think it will go really well, thanks so much renjun!” you quickly wrapped your arms around his torso, which made him blush immensely
you couldn’t take your eyes off the corsage, it was literally the perfect accessory for your outfit
as you reached your house, you gave renjun a quick wave before yelling
“come by around 5:30!”
“you got it!” he yelled back before entering his house
you ran up to your room, planning out the list of things you needed to complete
although school functions weren’t exactly your cup of tea, renjun just made you more excited to go
it wouldn’t be so bad
especially when the slow songs come in, you can dance with renjun...
you shook your head out of your mini day dream
“am i really fantasising about renjun?” you questioned yourself, taking another look at the corsage
the past week, since he had asked you to go with him, you felt a shift in your friendship
you would put in more effort to look nice, in which he would compliment your hair or your makeup that day
you would walk slower after school, making detours to the convenience store just to spend more time with him
you would ask to call him in the middle of the night about your dreams
you didn’t realise what you were doing tbh
you just knew that you loved spending time with him
and tonight was going to be amazing
it took almost an hour for you to finish up everything
you kept it simple
some loose curls, minimalistic makeup look with lots of glitter tho
a muted lavender ashy grey dress
it look good on you
you snapped some pics before heading downstairs, waiting for renjun to come to your door
it had just passed 5:30 and he wasn’t there yet
it wasn’t like him to not be on time
you decided to go and get him instead
as you opened the front door, you were met with renjun with a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a letter in the other
“woah you scared me” you laughed, which caused him to give you a shocked look
“i- i was going to knock just then” he chuckled
“i see you’ve brought me more gifts, but look! the corsage goes so well!” you smiled, giving a small twirl to show off the entire look
renjun stared in absolute admiration
to say he thought you looked beautiful was an understatement
when he looked at you, no one else comes to mind
you were your own person and adored that about you
“you look really pretty” he gawked at you
“only for you” you tried to flirt, which made him blush
“these are for you” he handed over the flowers
“and also this, but i want you to read it when we get home” he insisted
you nodded in agreement before excusing yourself to place the items in your room
renjun looked down at his palms which he felt, were already sweaty and shaking
“you got this bro” he hyped himself up, fixing his button up shirt and straightening out his trousers
“hey we need to take a picture!” you met with him again, pulling out your phone to take a selfie
something came over you
and in one of the pictures, you gave him the smallest and quickest peck on the cheek
hoping that you snapped the photo in time
“what was that?” he asked you in shock
“a present from me to you!” you smiled widely, feeling as if your heart was about to burst
“i- thanks” he gained confidence to grab your hand in his
“let’s get going”
throughout the night you found yourself always touching him in some way
either by holding hands, linking arms or just being shoulder to shoulder
jeno and aera won the formal queen and king as expected
but you and renjun did end up winning the best duo award
in which you both foolishly stumbled onto the stage and took a bow before hitting the woah, with no prepared speech
instead of slow dancing together
you both decided to head home early
ready to begin your spur of the moment sleepover
he walked beside you slowly, hands intertwined
“hey renjun” you spoke
“yes?” he muttered, looking you in the eyes
“i had so much fun tonight, more than unexpected, thank you for taking me” you smiled, before placing another quick peck to his cheek
“you have to stop doing that or my heart will literally burst” he blurted, unsure of your response
“i make you flustered huh? renjunnie” you cooed before grabbing his face with both your hands
“i need to tell you something, and i really hope you feel the same way” you began, his eyes were entranced with yours, his hands landing on your waist
“i like you renjun. so much. so much that i really want you to stay over tonight so we can cuddle and i can kiss you and we can slow dance to songs that we enjoy. i just really like you and i can’t believe that i was so caught up before with jeno, i just didn’t know how you would reac-“
and if almost on cue
renjun leans in to place his lips on yours
your eyes widened immediately, but you eventually softened into the kiss
your hands went to his shoulder whilst his remained on your waist
he pulled away slowly before mumbling
“you idiot, i’ve liked you this entire time, you finally realised”
he let out a sigh of relief, making you giggle before taking his hand
you both rushed to your house, preparing yourselves for you sleepover
renjun was sprawled out on your bed when you had finished cleaning up
“ah yes, just take the whole bed would ya” you joked before hitting him with a pillow
“come join me” he pulled you onto the bed, wrapping his arms around your small frame
your faces were so close, you felt his soft breathing tickling your nose
“your breath stinks” you decide to joke, which caused him to blow into your face
“so does yours but you dont hear me complaining” he tickled you softly
“whatever man, you’re still going to kiss me, true?” you pouted, prepping your lips which he complied and gave you kiss
“that’s what i thought” you smirked
that night, you both went to sleep with stupid smiles on your face
you heart felt full
you couldnt wait to read his letter
he is always so good with words
this night couldn’t have gone any better
you felt him shuffle in his sleep, you pulled him into your chest and played with his hair
this was heaven
ok i didn’t know how to end this HAHAH i hope you guys enjoyed this!! thanks for reading! ✨
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blankdblank · 5 years
Dragons, Spiders, Dwarves, Oh My
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@deepestfirefun​ Pt 1 of 2   :D
Color, the legend, the myth, the unattainable. It was said that when you met your soulmate you could see it, the most vivid colors giving life and vibrancy to the world unable to be described being a sure fire way of knowing just who your Mate was. Yet halfway through your twenties there was no Mate to be seen. Taken from your families upon adulthood to enforce your pairing off with your Mates, as if something sinister would occur to be content in waiting for fate. Travel was enforced, Mates were usually born within miles of their Mates.
Unless they had marks like yours, a supposedly golden compass star on the back of your hand between the bones of your thumb and index finger aimed at what looked to be an opal colored jellybean above it. There was no mark like yours, you would know nation wide travel programs sent you to various continents and at the entrance gates you were told you could stay the night but your mark did not register a match to any of their citizens. So off alone you went to the Lonely Lands, lands where those told they have no hopes go and not long after vanish from the lives of the loving. You didn’t mind vanishing, not after how you had been treated. So packed up, you closed up your delivery designer jewelry shop causing quite an uproar at the loss to the vibrant rare gems you could craft none other could find buried in the earth anywhere or metal so sturdy or pristine.
It was a lovely home, the one you were literally dropped at from a parachute, since no plane would dare touch down on those lands as if to contaminate their shores upon returning, quite picturesque, like out of a movie. A nice farmhouse double storied just for you with tons of land. None around for miles it seemed you settled in and focused on decorating with what you had packed away. It was just barely three days, and then the twisters came. The very earth seemed to swallow you whole and in the boarded up home you held tight to the walls of your closet in the heart skipping moment of what felt like the house being torn off it’s supports. Slamming your eyes shut you hyperventilated your way to safety.
Slamming hard into the ground wherever you had been dropped to jolted you awake, and open mouthed your eye caught the bright red coat you pulled off your head. Under that an orange one and three white leopard spotted jackets in fake fur under those. Wobbling your way onto your feet you felt for the handle as the push light tacked to the wall died. A timid turn later and your breath staggered at the luxuriously colored dwelling you were in. No longer shades of varying grades of grey black and white your mind still registered to the colors they belonged but explosions of color. Room to room you went until you froze looking yourself over in the mirror hanging on the wall.
Your bright purple eyes scanned over your shimmering silver curls that swung over your back and shoulder in the turn of your head at the deep voices on the other side of your front door.
“What path have you chosen Gandalf?! Raining carriages?! What next anvils?!”
Supposedly this Gandalf replied just as curtly, “Well of course it does not rain carriages!! If it has fallen in our path it was unintentional on my part! All we can do now is to knock and see if anyone is home!”
A loud knock sounded and your knees nearly gave way, “co-“ your soft reply ended in your clearing your throat in a second duo of knocks, “Coming!” Wetting your lips you looked yourself over straightening your mint green sundress you righted the strap that dropped off your shoulder hiding the portion of your cleavage formerly revealed in the droop. Barefoot you tentatively got to the door and shook your hands to get the feeling back in them to unlock and open your door confidently.
The wood between you was swung back breaking your heart. And at the group of men shorter than you and the taller man blowing confused smoke rings your way all you could say was, “If any of you start singing about yellow brick roads I’m gonna throw punches.”
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“Excuse me?” Lowly in the sea of grey the outer world was playing out to be your eyes landed on the heartbreakingly blue eyes of the sun cast seemingly honey coated raven haired man in front of all the others in a brown cloak hanging over silver and blue layers done to his black fur lined boots. “Just what do you mean by falling here in our path?”
Your shrug seemed to knit his brows together and plainly you stated, “I didn’t land here on purpose, I got picked up in a storm and as for why I was dropped here how the fuck should I know, you’re my Soul Mate aren’t you supposed to have the answers?!”
The man’s mouth fell open and the Gandalf person beside him asked, “Soul Mate? Just what do you mean by that term?”
“Soul Mate! Just how it sounds, the one person you’re destined to be with.”
The man asked, “How are you certain this Mate is me?!” He asked almost offended by the notion of being paired off with you.
“Because grumpy and precarious one, your eyes are blue!”
He pointed to the men behind him, “Most of their eyes are blue.”
“No! The world is grey! That’s how it is when you’re born, you see grey to black until you meet your Mate and you, Mr Smart Ass, are all sunkissed and blue eyed while they are still grey!”
His brows furrowed along with Gandalf’s as you said, “Don’t you look at me like I’m-!”
Gandalf shook his head, “Forgive me, Miss-?”
Your arms crossed and the man’s eyes fell to the mark on your hand parting his lips and making his hands join to stroke his hidden beneath his glove, “Pear.”
Gandalf nodded, “Miss Pear, now I take it you’ve traveled a long way, and in your world that is how meeting your, Mate, works, here however, children are born with marks. Now, since you are obviously unknowing if this world we might hitch our ponies to your carriage and bring you along with us so we might sort this all out along the way.”
“Carriage?” It was your turn to furrow your brows and through the men you darted out the porch and down the steps into the tall grass to squeak in the middle of ponies looking you over as you saw the house you were in appearing as a traveling home carriage making you squeak again and drop into a cross legged position staring at the grass.
The bald dwarf to the side of your Mate said, “Great, Gandalf! You broke the lass! Perfectly good Lass and you made her all anxious! Thorin broke our Burglar-.”
Bilbo, “I am not broken!”
Dwalin, “And now you’ve broken her!”
Gandalf looked down at him with a huff and steadily in your hands smithing over your face through calming breaths you heard the men growing closer. All eyeing your hair shimmering like the finest mithril they’d ever seen matching your eyes like the rarest of purple gems they’d imagined only to be from myths.
Bilbo, “Are you alright Miss Pear?”
Your head popped up and you pointed at the carriage, “No, it’s my house inside and a carriage outside”
“What?” The group asked.
You popped up suddenly making them step back and follow you back up the porch and into the jaw dropping two story home inside the carriage, “Look inside! See?!”
Gandalf, “You’re not a wizard, are you?”
“Wizard?! No! I mean I can create gems and metal but that’s it.”
Thorin, “You can what?!”
In a wave of your hand a band circled your finger sprouting seemingly through your skin to do so forming a sapphire filled band around cuts of diamond formed daisies set in a white gold band they gawked at in your easing it off your finger to pass around, “Family trait.”
Gandalf, “Very rare.”
Dwalin, “Can all your kin do this?”
“No, my dad’s family stems from King Midas…everything he touched turned to gold.”
Kili, “What a gift! He must have been very well loved.”
Your brow inched up dimming their grins, “Clearly you’ve never heard the story.”
Thorin, “You are very talented.”
“Doubt it will do much to dim your disappointment at being paired with me.”
“I am not disappointed.”
“Didn’t seem like it. Seemed down right offended when I said it.”
“I was not-. Merely, I always pictured being paired with a Dam.”
“A concrete construction used to control water flow? That was your dream match? What are you part beaver?”
His brows furrowed, “Dam! A female Dwarf!”
You nodded and wet your lips, “So you’d all be-.”
Thorin, “Dwarves!”
Bilbo, “I’m a Hobbit though.”
You nodded, “Were not allowed to use that word back home.”
Bilbo, “Hobbit?”
“No, Dwarf, considered rude.”
You shrug, “I don’t make the rules.”
Fili, “Are Dwarves illegal?!”
“Um, they’re not, preferred, depending where you’re from. It’s really hard to say we don’t see them much.”
“Are you disappointed then?! To be stuck with a Dwarf?!” Thorin growled at you.
“Well you didn’t shout to light me on fire for making the ring, and you have a good taste in jackets-,”
Thorin, “WHAT?! Who threatened to burn you?!”
“Um, everyone. Hello, ‘burn the witch’ is the go to saying.”
Gandalf, “You are not a witch.”
“Tell that to the ones with pitchforks grabbing their torches to chase my family to the gallows for the past couple hundred generations.”
Jeans, boots and a jacket were added over the shirt you swapped for your dress and the journey began with you riding on your porch watching the men lead the way. Barely taking a week for you to see everything in full color after a stolen good morning hug to your grumpy Mate testing how soft his coat really was. Along the way Thorin did try to spend a bit of time each day getting to know you, but after the long days of traveling there was little energy to spend in making you feel fully welcomed it seemed.
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But in Rivendell was where it all changed, a single comment from the Elves to you on your beauty and your waist was grabbed tugging you half a foot to your right straight into Thorin’s side. From then you were almost glued together. Day and night, at least for a week until a bit too much wine led to a lonely naked wake up for you to the sound of Thorin locked in a hushed debate with the others in the courtyard outside.
Clearly it wasn’t to be spoken of as for whatever reason Thorin was always being drug away from you when the sun set, and dinners had you eating far away from him only leading to your trying to explore the Elven kingdom and the possible friends inside.
Nearly a month and a half you had stayed feeling the Dwarves watch you just as they had since your first bout of cramps just a few days after arrival and each month since. Small tokens of aid, teas and spare blankets were left with you as you spent the days sprawled across the sun lit porch using the heat to help aid in your painful cramps you no longer had medicines for. But the Elves seemed to help in the first morning you didn’t arrive at breakfast and were found in the fetal position on your bed groaning into your mattress. Giving you their own supplements for the issue when it struck them that seemed to alleviate the problem greatly.
You supposed that was the issue because by dinner the Dwarves were gone triggering a sleep inducing bout of tears for being abandoned. And when you had gone to bed another crash found you in your bed inside the carriage scowling out the window at the Dwarves who had left you behind. Weeks they were ignored by you having to face the weather sleeping on the porch for their only shelter from the next waves of rain until you let them in and locked yourself in your room upstairs. Even without hooking the carriage up it followed their ponies and careened down into the Goblin Tunnels with the Dwarves.
A single glimpse of you in your fall through the front door drew a shriek from you at the Goblin latching onto your ankle dragging you across it screeching about your hair. “Looks at its hair!! How it shines!”
The Goblin King boomed through the halls, “Scalp the wench, bring me a fine mane!”
Knives were drawn and at the bruise forming grips dragging you across the stony ground in your struggle and cries to be freed drowned out by the shouting and fighting Dwarves. At the first knife nearing your skin the Goblins froze at the sudden flash of your eyes to resemble glimmering opals stirring gasps that stopped in the trickle of diamonds falling from the ceiling. Awed at the sight their grips paused only to look up open mouthed at the goblins above erupting into pools of diamonds. All around more and more exploded filling the tunnels with the stones until Gandalf appeared suddenly, his cloak was torn off and spun around covering you in your balled up stance he lifted you in to place you back inside your house shouting, “Run! Run you fools!”
Turning with the door closed after reciting something to you to help calm your panicked state, he leapt from the porch to guide the Dwarves and the self manned carriage careening through the city eventually being their battering ram out of it while Bilbo eyed and pocketed a curious trinket, when atop the porch that bounced right for him. Only to find onyx stones in its place later that night.
Days you had remained with glowing eyes and mithril skin shimmering brightly, unbreathing and frozen since the attack until the light of the full moon hit you and a sudden gasp was followed by your whimpering stagger away from what they took as your being mentally thrown back into that fight. Tightly they held you, apologizing for all that had happened until you calmed enough to sleep against Dwalin’s chest, the only Dwarf able to sit still long enough to allow you sleep and not be considered a threat to Thorin for trying anything in their silent conference.
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Northern Greenwood brought on waves of emeralds from the spiders, gentle waves of emeralds throughout the kingdom turned your arms silver from shoulder to wrist you covered with your sleeves you gripped in your palms trying to reign your powers back. Though between the nearing of a band of Elves behind a Great Elk all stood open mouthed when your eyes shot open at the earth trembling roar of Smaug, who had caught the fresh scent of rare freshly formed emeralds. Down through the leaves above rained scales of pure mithril between a sea of shimmering Lasgalen stones both cut and uncut flooding into the pathway making the Dwarves scramble up the roots of the trees after Bilbo while your body steadily went rigid, staring straight ahead with a hand risen halfway stuck on its way to cover your mouth. The expression almost as if you had something to say yet were lost as to when to say it.
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Jumping down from his Elk Thranduil felt the stones and scales shifting around his feet in his stroll to you, though a foot away Bilbo shouted, “Gandalf said we’re not to touch her when she turns silver. He had to wrap her in a cloak, to carry her back onto her carriage until she wakes up again.”
Thranduil looked at him, “Wakes up?”
Bilbo nodded and Dwalin said in gripping Bilbo tighter in his slide lower at a group of emeralds sliding down the tree over them, “Sort of a trance or something of the sort.”
Thranduil nodded reaching back to unhook his cloak he wrapped around your body to lift the stunningly light body for the walk to the carriage approaching him unassisted. Once you were on the porch Thranduil gasped and lowered to sit avoiding the sea of gems flying through the now open door into the chest that flew open sucking all the loose stones into it in a near endless stream until it slammed shut. Once out of the trees the Dwarves and Bilbo eyed the blooming forest while Thranduil hesitantly left the cloak around you then turned to walk to his Elk again, “Follow us to the Palace. No doubt you are in need of food, as is the Lady, when she awakens.”
Thorin, “We need to go to Erebor! The beast will have left it open for the taking!”
Thranduil turned to face him in his lifting his foot to climb onto his saddle, “Smaug seals the gates each time he leaves, how he enters again is a mystery, though he always does.”
Thorin, “Still-,”
Thranduil, “You will not get far without food, but wander until you drop if you wish. My kin will not stop you on your death errand.” He mounted his saddle and turned to head back to the Palace then glanced behind hearing the carriage following him, the loyalty of the structure made Thorin huff in his determined path not to leave you alone when trapped in this state and he hopped down from his tree and trudged after you. Already feeling his heart pulling him towards the abandoned peak full of gold and treasures hoarded for decades by the greedy beast.
Inside the gates again Bilbo found the King’s attention by saying, “Miss Pear, she has to be where the moonlight can hit her.” Thranduil looked him over, “Last time, in the Goblin Tunnels after Rivendell it took a week and when the full moon hit her she woke up.”
Thranduil nodded then glanced at his son, “Guide them to their apartments, I will carry, Miss Pear to the Royal Gardens. It gets the most moonlight.” Climbing the steps again he made sure to hold only to cape and lifted you in his arms for the stroll alongside the others to the last corner where he entered the gardens and carefully set you down and uncovered you. His head tilting in his inspecting your features, a chance shared by the other guards noting the fear trapped in your expression making him mumble, “Fear, such a powerful emotion.” Without looking at the guards he stated firmly, “Set up a patrol of Lady Pear, no one touches her until she awakes, no guard is left alone. Mithrandir gave the warning for a reason, the creatures triggering her fear are turned to gems and mithril, there is no telling what one who accidentally has contact with her in this state might face.”
Heads bowed and he turned away with a soft sincere wish for you to find peace in these halls followed by a bow of his head to you when he turned away to ready for the meal and to hear from your Hobbit friend more about your journey since he seemed the most apt to speak. Dinner bled into bathing, and bed soon after with a string of Elves flowing around your garden, swapping out on the hour, guards and servants of all stations with those feeling drawn to you being removed and sent to their former stations. Thranduil kept watch of the rotations with his back to you even through your wavering hums under the light of the moon as if to calm yourself.
Days you continued your panicked hum worrying the Elves as to what you were seeing while Thorin became more and more agitated, he would neither leave without you or go an hour without pacing by your garden. Barely to the end of the week and a clatter allowed just a moment’s sprint past one of the distracted guards, another shouted for Thorin to be grabbed only to hear his shouts, “I am taking my One!” He flung his cloak over you yet in the angle of your arm his grip missed the moment of your arm being covered to have him folding his hand around your arm instantly turning him to mithril with glowing blue eyes.
Around you both in the fall of his cloak to the ground the Dwarves came to a stop sharing their statements they tried to stop him only for Bilbo to peer up at the Elf King in his inspection of you both in sitting on the bench near you both. In his silence the Dwarves gave Fili gentle pats on the back marking him as their next chosen leader in Thorin’s stead until he had woken.
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“Midas!! Midas!!!” Shouts of the name echoed through the streets and panting Thorin eyed the torch lit kingdom he suddenly found himself in. Burning wood and oils filled the air along with sweat and an overpowering aura of fear filled these streets.
A familiar hissing voice echoed through the streets, Smaug, “The Witch is hiding the gold!” Fire lighting a pair of reflective eyes in the pitch black sky reflecting sparse glints of fire across his scales in his shifting and coiling to smirk at the villagers racing through the streets. “Find the Witch! Get the gold!”
On his feet Thorin inhaled sharply and looked around seeing torches appearing in the hands of those racing by him lit by licks of flames in the warm exhales of the hissing beast hiding above in the darkness like some puppet master.
Peering down at his burning mark he saw the Northern point spinning on his skin making him lowly mumble, “Jaqi.” Racing after the mark through the streets the shouts only grew louder.
“Give us the gold Witch!”
Turn after turn his heart pounded until he spotted you biting your lip curling up in a dip under an archway built into a half wall in its shadow in the passing of another set of villagers racing by. A turn of your head had your wide eyes landing on the King, still glowing in bright opal shades granting one passer by a glimpse of you. His grip on your ankle brought Thorin out of his alley to knock the man out with a heavy blow before reaching down to help you up and guide you away. “Come on. This way.”
Hours it seemed you ran and fought through the city until all at once people poured down the sides of the alley you were in. Ropes drawn and tightly burned into your wrists and ankles in the sudden slam of your back into the wooden stake you were both being tied to with no luck in fighting the hands shoving you back into the stake with more trying to shove a gag in Thorin’s mouth. A hard bite later and those hands retracted and he shouted, “LET HER GO!” Harder he was slammed back into the stake in Smaug’s roar, “GIVE ME THE GOLD WITCH!”
Weakly in the hard shove all but breaking your ribs you replied, “I am no Witch.”
Smaug roared back, “YOU LIE, MIDAS!!”
Torches were raised and Thorin began to pant in concern seeing the first of them being hurled at the pile of oil soaked wood at your feet. Weakly he said, “Let her go!”
Weakly you replied, “I don’t have any-,”
Loudly he roared in your face making you clamp your eyes shut and flinch your face away until he fell silent again, “DIE THEN MIDAS!”
Thorin, “She’s telling the truth!” His shouts muffled by the crowds went unheard and he tugged at his bindings as hard as he could shouting again and again in Smaug’s repeated orders to give him the gold.
His shouts stoked the flames now licking your legs in your repeated statements of the same sentence, “I am not Midas..” The words stinging in Thorin’s chest worse than the flames could grow hot enough to reach, again you repeated in a pant at Smaug’s next roar as the city around you now warped into Erebor with Dwarves racing by for their lives in Smaug’s next roar triggering Thorin’s body to quake at the familiar shout, “GIVE ME THE GOLD!”
Another wave of flames erupted in the screams of the Dwarves made Thorin tug harder at the binds making his wrists start to bleed as Thror chased after the Arkenstone. In a snarl he spat out tauntingly, “You will fall! You always fall, Midas!”
Sharply you pulled at your own binds shouting with tears in your eyes while Thorin stole a glance at the bouncing stone, feeling his heart egging him after the stone, and back to you feeling the pull to the stone snapping off in your shout, “I AM NOT MIDAS!” in a weak whisper you added, “Coward.”
Tears poured down your cheeks at the snap of Thorin’s binds sliding off his hand he contorted to slip free with the use of his blood trickling out onto his palms. Lowering he tore at the ropes around his ankles freeing them to leap from his burning steak to yours. Again down in the flames in Smaug’s next roar he freed your legs. Inching up his hands patted your legs feeling the metal skin under your pants protecting you from burns, up again he leaned around the stake fumbling his fingers around the rope trying to untie you in another of Smaug’s roars. The prickling on the back of his neck let him know another burst of flames was coming making him turn again to fold around you. Whispering to him you said, “Thorin, let go.”
Flames burned and crackled only to fall deaf at his whisper, “You burn, I burn.” Wrapping around you his body tried to act as your shield, fisting your hair and sweater to keep you behind him in his pitifully withheld groans of pain making him push his forehead into the stake closing his eyes at the excruciating pain.
“Let go, Thorin.”
Muffled around you Smaug said, “You..fall! …always…” his voice died at the sudden death of the flames in a white blinding light when your shared marks glowed and burned in a sudden pull through what felt like miles of water.
“This is all my fault…”
Struggling against the pain of suffocation he heard your whisper again, “Let go, Thorin.” His fists at his sides unclenched in realizing you were no longer in his arms. A sharp gasp from him brought you back into his sights in his blink back into focusing on the garden.
Staggering backwards he fell into the arms of his stunned nephew Kili, who had shouted for the others in the first sight of his skin changing back again. “Uncle!” his arms folded over Thorin’s heaving chest, “You’re back! What was it like?”
Thorin’s eyes peered up at you and he mumbled, not seeing Thranduil entering the garden to listen, “We were in a kingdom, Smaug was telling the villagers to catch us. Demanding gold. They tied us to steaks,” his eyes tracing the retraction of your mithril form, “And they lit us on fire.” The words sunk in through the Company and the Elves listening in when you gasped and raised your hands to grip at your wrists free of any injury glancing around the growing group of people in the darkening of your eyes back to purple.
A single worried glance from you over the group gathering around you ended at Thorin’s standing and coming closer to you asking, “You see that? Every time you turn mithril?”
You nod, “Every time.”
Thranduil came into view and you looked him over, “I take it you’re the Elf King? I mean, you seem like the most, official guy here with that, crown?” Wetting your lips you asked as he moved closer taking in the difference in your eyes and hair, “I didn’t hurt your trees, did I? Dragons are pretty big.”
Shaking his head a smile ghosted across his lips, “No, Miss Pear, you did not damage our trees, and yes, it was quite a wave of gems and mithril scales Smaug turned into.” Extending his hand he asked, “Are you hungry?”
Nodding tentatively you replied laying your hand in his, “Little bit.”
Fully your experience was shared and over a full dinner everything delving into a full celebration growing as Elrond and Celeborn gathered for the Feast of Starlight. A knock on your door brought Thorin into your gifted apartment.
“About Rivendell, I understand why you must not trust me. Abandoning you like that, but please let me explain.”
You shook your head, “No, it’s fine, no need. I get it. We were drunk, it didn’t mean-,”
His hands extended and cradled yours you were trying to smooth across your middle, “Not in the least! It meant everything! Means everything! You are my One and we solidified our bond, we became intimate.” Wetting his lips he said, “I love you, my only issue with our sharing a bed was how thoughtless it was as far as your being able to conceive on the way to facing a Dragon. I wished to protect you, from me.” Inching closer he said, “You see, I have such a difficult time controlling myself around you. I, with Dwarves, when we meet our Ones, we have this unending urge to be with them, each and every way possible. I find you irresistible, and no doubt you would have gotten cold, or tired and I would have rushed to you and never let go rushing into a full heat over you, please forgive my wording, but bedding you as often as possible until a child was confirmed. I wished to do this right, when you were safe and we were home in Erebor.”
“So, it wasn’t something I did?” The tears in your eyes and tremble in your voice had him inching closer shaking his head, releasing one hand of yours to cup your cheek as you whimpered, “Because I waited, so long, and then we, got so close,” your lip began to quiver at a tear rolling down your cheek, “And you just wouldn’t come close to me.”
“I am, I can never forgive myself for doing that to you, and I will wait as long as possible until you trust me and wish to finalize our marriage.”
Softly you whispered, “Marriage?”
“We do not bed women at random, quite the opposite, it is rather, impossible to garner physical intimacy from a Dwarf unless you are to be bound.” Firmly his hand rested on your hip and already you could feel his pulse spiking at feeling the thin silk nightgown you had been given in Rivendell sliding against your skin leaving little hindrance at the very flimsy layers keeping his skin from yours.
Lowering your gaze over his chest his eyes trailed your lips as his fingers shifted to brush your hair behind your ear, tracing your jaw line as your fingers rose to pinch the tie holding the neck of his shirt together. “So, it’s been what? Two months?” Lowly a growl left him in a hungry exhale as you pulled the knot loose to trail fingertips between the strings into his dark chest hair and warm skin. “You have your mountain, your home-,”
“Our home. If you’ll have me still.”
“Thing is, it’ll take some time to clean, it is a mountain after all,” the trail of your fingers down his chest had his other hand gripping your other hip in the darkening of his eyes, “If you wanted to wait-,”
On his toes to close the few inches between you his lips were on yours and against the wall he pinned you to tangling himself with you as much as possible until you mumbled about the bed. Well into the morning he loved every inch of you and kept hold of you the rest of it, tracing his fingertips across your skin and through your hair singing to you adoringly while you slept soundly across his chest.
Pt 2
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Singularity Subspecies V: The Holy Land: Jerusalem: Jerusalem of Holy Sin - Chapter 14
Chapters: Prologue - Chapter One - Chapter Two - Chapter Three - Chapter Four  - Chapter Five  - Chapter Six – Chapter Seven – Chapter Eight – Chapter Nine – Chapter Ten – Chapter Eleven – Chapter Twelve – Chapter Thirteen
“You want to invade Jerusalem and resolve the trouble in this land?”
Gudako nodded at Sheba’s question. “If you would be willing to help… We’ve been running into a lot of trouble.”
Giants. Insane liquor goddesses. A wild pharaoh who wouldn’t stop until he had his wife at his side. An avenging asshole guarding the entire kingdom and demanding that anyone coming his way be mowed down by the guards of the city…
“You all truly need my help?”
“We would appreciate the assistance,” Nefertari agreed.
The pharaoh and the golden king were drinking nearby, talking to one another with Cu Chulainn and Karna keeping a watch.
While she was happy that Gilgamesh had returned, she didn’t really trust it.
He had not been helpful at all thus far. In her experience, servants that ventured off did not tend to come back and play hero at the end of the day, not without reason.
There was also the problem of his seeing some bit of the future.
What had he seen?
At least with Karna and Cu Chulainn watching over the duo, she would know when the two got into trouble. Meanwhile, David was recovering on a couch nearby while she and Nefertari spoke to Sheba.
“How did you come to learn of my involvement with Solomon? It is not something that is common knowledge… especially since we did not share publicly our mutual interest in one another.”
“We were sent by him.”
Dreams counted, didn’t they?
“Truly?” Sheba asked, leaning forward. She waved her fanning servants off, brushing a lock of her hair out of her way. “To think he would call upon one who controls the djinns to return to the kingdom of Jerusalem…”
“We need assistance with the palace,” Gudako reminded her.
“The palace is easy to enter… there is the problem of the return of the giant, Goliath.”
“We can handle that.”
“Then we are at an accord.” Sheba held out her hand. “Accept your role as the attendant to the kingdom of Sheba, Miss Gudako and servants.”
“We’ll set out at dawn,” she told the woman.
“I’ll command the servants to prepare our luggage.”
There was something about the way that the woman seemed to control the room, Gudako thought to herself. She seemed to almost have a fluid motion to the way she waved her people here and there. The bunnies around the room were following after her, trailing behind her as she went. Soon enough, they were permitted to remain in the room on their own for the time being.
“Gudako…” Nefertari glanced over at her, tucking a bit of hair behind her ear. “We need to talk about the plan.”
“I’m keeping our plan simple.”
With a glance to the men nearby, Gudako moved a little closer.
“We’re going to have Sheba get us into Jerusalem and we’re going to take the palace and get you close to Moses. David will take on Goliath. You, Ozymandias, and Gilgamesh can take on Moses together and defeat him. Then, with you three and Moses, we can take on your companion that can make the very air alcoholic.”
“We’ll need to be careful, but knowing that she’s connected to Gilgamesh will help. He may be able to give at least one command spell to put a damper on her power.”
Those red eyes glanced their way.
As though sensing their conversation, the man was climbing to his feet, finishing his drink and speaking a bit more to Ozymandias.
The pharaoh came and took his wife’s hand.
The duo was heading out the door as Gilgamesh settled down next to her.
“You seem eager.”
Gudako glanced the man’s way before nodding. “I’m going to finish resolving this singularity.”
“How noble of you.”
“…Nefertari says you are feeding that goddess’ power in Jerusalem.”
“She is my servant… and master, from a time.”
There was that comment. Master.
Gudako opened her mouth to ask, but the king set a goblet of wine into her hands.
“Do you remember that king that we encountered in the temple of time?”
Gudako stared at him, the question ringing in her ears.
“He’s here.”
The king of heroes shut his eyes, smirking to himself a bit with that being said. “I encountered the fool on my first night. He has been countering that fool’s attempts to intoxicate the entirety of Jerusalem. He’s also been keeping an eye on you.”
“He’s vanished.”
Damn it.
“I saw where he will be though.” Gilgamesh smirked, standing up. “I look forward to when we invade Jerusalem… Master.”
The next day, as they headed towards the city gates and the giant roared his mighty head, all Gudako could hear was the king’s cryptic words.
Would they find Romani in Jerusalem?
Was Solomon still here? 
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celtics534 · 5 years
We’ll be the Proud Remainers
So... after that last chapter, I figured I should post this one a little early. 
Also Read On: FF.net or AO3
 Harry dug his small spade into the dirt, trying to coax the potatoes out of the Earth. All the while he kept one eye on the horizon. The sky darkened to an ominous blue and black combo. A storm was coming. The question was, how long did Harry have to finish gathering materials for that night's dinner?
  He'd guess an hour, tops. After living in the same spot for the past seven years, Harry had become accustomed to the tricks and traits of the land. Weather prediction had become a useful and vital skill. 
  Seven years. It still sometimes felt unreal. He and Ginny had arrived at Bill's simple home with nothing but a few things on their backs. Now, they lived with Ginny's brother in a relatively simple lifestyle. Gardening, cooking, and maintaining the defenses were some of Harry's most important duties.
  Well... those and --
"Harry!" Victoire's girlish laugh pulled Harry's attention away from his work. The little girl was running straight for him, her grin showing a few gaps in her pearly white baby teeth. "Harry, Ginny's gonna get me."
  Victoire was right -- or she would have been if Ginny had truly been trying to catch her. As it was, Ginny was following behind the girl at a light jog, arms outstretched, wiggling her fingers as if casting some sort of witch’s spell. 
  "There is nowhere you can hide." Ginny was mimicking the stereotypical evil witch's tone. "I will find you, my pretty!"
  Vic let out a high pitched scream as she ran through the garden's gate. She ran around Harry, circling so that she hid behind his legs. Her little fingers stretched the dark denim. "Don't let her get me!"
  Ginny stopped in front of Harry, her wicked smile spreading from ear to ear. "Sir, I'm looking for a girl. She's about this height" --Ginny lowered her hand to Victoire's height-- "and cute as a button. Have you seen her?"
  "Cute as a button you say?" Harry tapped a finger on his chin in mock consideration. Vic's grip tightened. "Can't say I have. Now if you'd said pretty as a flower, I may have known something, but alas!" He  shrugged. "Clearly not the same person." 
  "Hmm." Ginny slid a hand over Harry's arm, trailing it up towards his shoulder. "Could I convince you to pass along your intel of this pretty person? Maybe the knowledge will lead me to my victim -- I mean -- friend ."
  "I don't know, I'd hate to betray this person. What do you have to offer in trade?"
  "I think you can find me quite -- persuasive to the right person." Ginny moved her body closer, her fingers now playing the little hairs on the back of his head. 
  "I think I may be the right person." 
  Right as Harry's lips met Ginny's, a long revolted cry came from behind him. 
  Victoire pulled away from Harry's legs, her lips curled in disgust. "Ew! Why do you two always end up kissing?"
  "Because they're icky, that's why." Bill walked down the cottage stairs, a playful smile on his lips that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Come on, Vic. Let's leave those two to finish collecting potatoes for tonight's dinner." 
  Victoire ran into her father's open arms. She hugged him tight as he lifted her in his arms. Bill ladened the girl's cheeks with kisses as she giggled. 
  Harry smiled as he watched the father and daughter duo turn back into the house. "They're adorable." Harry hadn't planned on saying that out loud, but it escaped his lips without permission. 
  He looked down at Ginny and couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if she was holding his baby. Watching her kiss their baby's chubby cheeks and see his or her gummy smile. 
  No ! Harry couldn't let himself picture that! It would just get his hopes up for things that could never happen. They could never have a baby, no matter how many times Harry's dreams imagined it. He could never bring an innocent child into such a horrible world. Harry could never forgive himself if something were to happen to his child or Ginny... like what happened to Fleur. 
  Even after all this time, Bill was still understandably shaken by the loss of his wife. Harry refused to let his mind drift to the possibility of losing Ginny. Which was why he would never risk her life having a child. 
  There had been a few times over the years where protection had been forgotten, which had led to weeks of uneasily waiting for Ginny's monthly. 
  Though anxiety drove him for those weeks, there had always been that base desire for a child of his own. So rather than dread and dream about a future he couldn't obtain, Harry focused on raising Victoire. She was just as good as his own child, her being his goddaughter and all. 
  "Harry?" Ginny kissed his lips lightly. "Come back to me, love."
  "Sorry." Harry forced his mind to think happier thoughts. He smiled. "You wanna help grab some carrots for the stew?" He made to move out of her embrace, but Ginny kept her arms around his neck. 
  " Or... " That wicked smile came back onto her lips, this time with a different connotation. "We could head over to that empty house next door for a bit."
  Harry looked over Ginny's shoulder at the still dark and foreboding sky. There really was a storm on the way... 
  Ginny trailed her lips down his neck, over his throat, and down to his collarbone. Her words coming between kisses. "Am - I - being - persuasive - enough?"
  He couldn't contain the little groan that rose from his throat. " Yes ."
  "Yes to which question?" Ginny asked as she continued to torment him. 
  Ginny drew back, making Harry bemoan the loss of her attention . She ran her hand down from his neck to his shoulder, along his arm, before lacing their fingers together. "Perfect. I'm glad my talents weren't exaggerated."
  She pulled them out of the fenced garden, towards the neighbors. Harry stayed close, letting her warmth keep him safe from the chill of the impending storm. 
  "Aunt Ginny?" Victoire's sleepy voice made Ginny turn around. The little girl was still tucked up under her blanket. Comforter to chin and Alfred the bunny’s ear sticking slightly out from under the covers he wouldn't get cold.
  "Yes, luv?" Ginny moved back into the room, her hand gently brushing the blonde locks from Vic's face. 
  "Why didn't their mummy stay with them in that story?" Her eyes didn't quite meet Ginny's as her voice softened. "Did she not want them?"
  Ginny had to think about the question for a second. She glanced over at the book they had been reading before bed. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe had a piece of yellowed paper stuck marking their place. When she had selected the book, Ginny figured the little girl would focus on the amazing fantasy, not...
  "Oh, no, Vic." Ginny's free hand came up to rub the back of her neck,a skill she'd picked up from Harry. "She wanted them very much. She loved them so much, but she had to send them away to protect them."
  "So she had to leave them because she loved them?" Victoire's child mind couldn’t quite understand all the logistics. "Is that why my mummy left me?"
  No. No. Nope. 
  Ginny did not want to be having this conversation right now. Fuck, she never wanted to have this conversation. They had told Victoire about Fleur. They'd explained how beautiful Fleur had been and how much she'd loved Victoire. But they never really explained how Fleur had died. 
  It was natural for Victoire to draw conclusions based on the stories they read, but Ginny never expected this. 
  "Well, yes she loved you so much." Ginny sat on the edge of the mattress, “and all she wanted was for you to be happy and healthy." She drew a deep breath. "Sometimes in order to protect the people we love, we have to make sacrifices."
  Victoire blinked at her with those ocean blue eyes. "But doesn't that make you sad to sac --" she started stuttering over the word. "Sacri... sacr..."
  "Yes, it can make you sad to make a sacrifice." Ginny kissed Vic's forehead. "But sometimes the happiness of others is more important. But what is important right now is you going to sleep." She rose from her spot on the bed, with a final kiss to the girl's forehead. "Goodnight, love."
  Ginny moved out of the room, leaving the door ajar. Her mind was racing. Never had she thought Victoire would ask questions like that. It was heartbreaking to think Fleur never got to tell her daughter just how much she loved her. 
  Without conscious thought, Ginny's feet took her right where she needed to be. Harry sat in their bed, a candle lighting the room so he could read his novel, his legs covered by their duvet. 
  He looked up at the sound of her shuffling feet. His glasses were slightly crooked, which he took a second to correct. "Hey." He took one look at her and placed his book aside. "What's wrong?"
  Ginny's throat seemed to close as she tried to explain what had just happened. She stood stock-still for a moment, trying to force the words out of her mouth. When they didn't come, she moved. Ginny went right for the spot that she felt safest, where everything horrible in the world couldn't get her: Harry's arms.
  Harry didn't ask any more questions. He just held her close, pulling the blanket so it wrapped around her. 
  “No peeking, Aunt Ginny,” Victorie called over her shoulder as she ran into the woods. Hide-and-seek had become one of the seven-year-old’s favorite pastimes, which in turn meant it became one of Ginny’s daily activities. The little girl couldn’t get enough of the simple game. Some days, like today,  Bill and Harry would join.
  "You heard the master, Ginny." Bill smiled at his sister as he followed his daughter. 
  Harry smiled at her, moving in close. His fingers toyed with the belt loops of her denims. "You know I was thinking, maybe we could play a round of private hide and seek later." He bent down to kiss her. "I guarantee I'll find your secret spot."  
  Ginny laughed, letting her lips linger on his for an extra second before pushing him away. "Well, let's test your skills here. "
  "See the problem is -- I want you to find me ." 
  "This is a test of your longevity , love." She looked him up and down, a coy smile playing on her lips. "I want to see how long you can last."
  "Baby, I can last all night."
  Ginny snorted. "Did you just call me baby?" 
  Harry gave a nonchalant shrug. "Figured I'd give it a shot. Didn't feel right."
  She shook her head. " Definitely not right."
  "I'll stick with darling ." Harry kissed her one final time before disappearing into the forest. 
  Ginny sat down on the porch stoop before covering her face with her hands. Her eyes closed naturally from being already bathed in darkness of her hands.  
  One. Two. Three. 
  She kept a beat between each number to give Victorie ample time to find the perfect spot. Though enthusiastic, the girl wasn't great at finding spots. 
  Twenty. Twenty-one.
  If Ginny had to place bets, Vic would be in the little cove, Bill behind the tree next to the cove, and Harry would be up in one of the high branches. 
  "Thirty. Ready or not here I come!" Ginny shouted as loudly as she could before rising from her perch. She entered the thicket of trees the others had disappeared into, her mind debating who to focus on first. 
  Vic would be easy to find, but being found first would ruin the girl's fun. That meant Harry was her first target. She kept her steps light as she walked across the hard forest ground. She took the left fork instead of her normal right. If she could manage to sneak up on Harry, it would be even better. Typically he would watch her from his perch, laughing quietly as she walked right under him. This time she wouldn't fall for his tricks. 
  She kept her eyes to the sky, focusing on any large shadow. It wasn't until she was quite a few meters into the forest that she saw his dangling foot. Her eyes scanned up his leg, then to his torso. Harry's back was to her as he watched her normal route. 
  Ginny grinned. Watching the ground for any possible noise-makers, she slowly made her way to his hiding spot. She waited until she was directly under him to give his trouser leg a sharp tug. 
  Everything happened at once. Harry let out a sharp gasp as his body leaned towards her pull. He fell sideways off his branch, landing on the ground with a loud thud. 
  “Shit!” Ginny crouched, helping him sit up. Her hands covered his body checking for broken bones. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you -” 
  Her panicked apology was cut off by his laughter. Harry brushed off her scrutinizing hands as he rose to his feet. “You certainly found me.” 
  Ginny shook her head, her raising heart rate starting to slow. “Well, you never seem to change your hiding spot. Always up in a tree.”
  “But it’s a different tree,” Harry defended, his hands brushing off dirt from his knees. “Wait.” He held one hand in a stop motion. “Are you saying I’ve lost my touch?” 
  “I mean --” Ginny let her words fall off with a well if the shoe fits shrug. 
  Harry stared at her for a solid ten seconds before moving with the speed of a hungry lion. His arms came around her, lifting her feet from the ground. Ginny let out a squeal of surprise before she wrapped her legs around his waist. Harry proceeded to push her against the trunk of a large oak. 
  His lips pressed to hers in a hard kiss. It didn’t take long for Ginny to get over her initial shock. She laced her arms across the back of his neck, returning his attention with enthusiasm. 
  Ginny lost track of time as she and Harry focused all their senses on each other. She wasn’t sure who made the first move to remove clothing, but the next thing she knew her button-up blouse was open, letting in a cool breeze. 
Harry’s lips wandered away from hers, down to her neck, down to her chest. Ginny arched against him as his attention focused on her breasts. 
  “Where is Aunt Ginny?” Victoire's loud voice only slightly broke through the fog Harry had created. It wasn’t until Bill’s deep tone followed that Ginny remembered what they were supposed to be doing. 
  “I’m guessing she’s finishing finding Uncle Harry. How about we head to the house and start making lunch? It will be the best hiding spot ever. She’ll never think to look there.”
  Victoire's response was muffled as they moved back towards the house. Harry’s eyes met hers, the usual green much darker . 
  “Did Bill just give us an excuse to be alone for longer?” Harry starting trailed his lips up her neck. “Because that’s what I heard.” 
  “You always seem to hear what you want to, even if it’s the opposite of what someone said.” Ginny smiled as his lips pressed to hers.
  “It’s another skill of mine.”
  “Another? What are some of the others?”
  “How about this?” Harry’s lips slid off hers and trailed down her bare skin back to her chest. 
  Ginny let out a breathy sigh. “A man of many talents.” 
  “And I’ll be more than happy to bestow you with said skills anytime you want." 
  "Is that so?" Ginny ran her fingers along the nape of his neck. "Well, I can't pass on such an educational offer. There is a lovely treehouse not too far from here. The perfect spot to display your expertise."
  Harry lowered her slowly to the ground. Ginny felt every hard muscle as she skimmed down his body. His hand slid into hers, lacing their fingers. "It will be a pleasure , for both of us."  
  Harry watched Ginny show Victoire how to hold one of their chickens on their farm. Seeing Ginny and Vic smile so brightly made his heart full. His family . Something he had never had, but always wanted. It was strange to think how he’d gained a family while most people lost theirs. 
  "That looks good." Bill's voice drew Harry's eyes back to the dinner he was preparing: roast chicken and vegetables from the garden. 
  "I hope it will be." Harry wiped his hands on the flannel next to the cutting board. "I grew some basil and I think it should add a little something to the chicken." 
  "Anything I can do to help?"
  Harry shook his head. "No, not really. I just finished cutting everything up. All that's left is letting the fire cook it all up."
  "Good. Good." Bill shuffled his feet slightly. "Harry?"
  "I wanted to thank you."
  Harry turned to look at the older man. He had an emotional look to his dark blue eyes. "For what?" Harry was afraid Bill might start crying. 
  Bill cleared his throat. "For being there -- for me and Vic. And Ginny."
  "Oh." Harry felt his face heat. He’d never have expected Bill want to talk about... something like this. "Of course. I care about all of you."
  "I know. It's just... it would have been so much harder to raise Victoire without you and Ginny. After Fleur." Bill choked up for a moment before clearing his throat again. "Thank you."
  Harry rubbed the back of his neck. This was not his forte. He wasn't good at talking about things like this, as Ginny’d pointed out a million times. But another thing Ginny had told him was that a lot of people liked hearing how he felt about a situation. He took a deep breath. Fuck it . 
  "Without you and Vic... I don't honestly know what would have happened to me and Gin. London was a shit show. Being out here..." Harry glanced back at the girls. "It's so simple and perfect. Even after all this time, it still feels like a dream."
  Bill moved closer to the window. "I know what you mean. Out here... it's the middle of nowhere and no one bugs us. It's safer than anywhere else out there." Harry saw a small smile form on Bill's lips. "This is the kind of life I would have wanted for Victoire. A simple life where everyone around her loves her." 
  Harry smiled as Ginny threw the chicken up into the air. Victoire loved watching the bird flap wildly back to the ground. "Yeah, she deserves it." 
  Bill thumped Harry on the back. "You and Gin deserve it, too. I don't think I've ever said it, but you two are good for each other." 
  "It only took you five years to say it out loud." Harry turned to Bill, meeting his gaze. "Thank you."
  Ginny stared at Harry. "You mean to tell me you set this whole thing up so you could take me for a romantic picnic by the water?" 
  Harry grinned at her. He was rather proud of this one. "That's right. It wasn't too hard to convince Victoire that a beach day would be fun."
  It really hadn't been difficult to get the family to travel to the seaside. He had spent the last few days chatting to Victoire how much fun building sandcastles and running through the waves would be. Two days later, Bill had his daughter attached to his leg, begging to go to the beach. In Harry's mind, it was a win-win: Vic was getting to play in the water and Harry would be getting to play with Ginny. So the small family loaded up into the beat up old Range Rover they kept for far trips. It was only an hour long car ride, so naturally Vic spent the whole time cheering loudly about all the fun things she was gonna do. 
  Really, the only tricky step had been setting up the blanket and food without Ginny noticing. He had found a tall group of dunes and used them like a wall. While Ginny buried Victoire in the sand, Harry had assembled his surprise. 
  He had packed all of Ginny's favorites, well, at least the favorites that he’d been able to find over the past few weeks. Yes ...he had been working on this for longer than those few days of whispering into Victoire's ear about the surprise.  
  "What's the occasion?" Ginny asked as she took a seat on the blanket. 
  "Does there need to be one?" Harry asked. "A glass of our finest distilled water, darling." 
  Ginny laughed, her smile wide and bright just like Harry wanted. He handed her a canteen of water before reaching into the rucksack for the chicken legs he'd cooked the previous night in preparation for their lunch. 
  "Well, look at you." Ginny gave him a crooked smile. "You've got everything a girl could ask for. Good food, a comfy spot, a great view ." She winked at him. 
  "It's even better up close." Harry crawled from his side of the blanket, hovering his body over hers. His lips rested a millimeter above hers. "And it gets even better when you touch it." 
  Ginny closed the gap between them, her fingers coming up to tangle in his untidy hair. Harry was more than happy to lose himself in her. The way she felt against him, how her lips pressed to his. 
  If Harry had it his way, this would be the only thing he ever did. After seven years it still was the best thing in the world. 
  "Whatcha doin'?" Victoire's innocent voice brought Harry out of his utopia. 
  He pulled away, only far enough to look up into the big blue eyes of his goddaughter. "Hi, Vic."
  "Hi." Her head was cocked to the side. "Why are you and Aunt Ginny over here snogging?” 
  Ginny pushed Harry from her chest, much to his displeasure. "Hi, luv. Uncle Harry and I were just... enjoying the weather."
  "By kissin'?" Victoire asked, her face scrunched in disgust. 
  "It's how -- uh adults enjoy the weather, yes." Ginny rolled over onto her knees before rising from the blanket. "And now that you're here we can enjoy the sunny day another way." 
  Victoire perked up. "How?"
  "How about --" Ginny paused for dramatic effect, which worked perfectly on Vic. She was shaking like an excited dog. Ginny reached out and tapped the little girl's shoulder. "Tag, you're it!"
  Before Victoire could do more than blink, Ginny was gone. Harry watched her sprint towards the water, her plaited red hair bouncing off her back. 
  "No fair!" Vic yelled after her aunt. When her attention flickered towards Harry, he knew what was coming.
  "Hol --" He tried to stand, but Victoire tagged him on the arm.
  "You're it, Uncle Harry!"
  Harry shook his head as he rose. Vic had taken off towards her father who stood laughing at the edge of the ocean, clearly enjoying that his daughter had broken up the private lunch . Ginny stood fifty meters down the coast from her brother, her smile as bright and beautiful as the sun behind her.  
  The choice was a no brainer. Harry couldn't re-tag Victoire (those were the rules and he refused to be a cheater), so once he was steady on his feet, he took off after Ginny. 
  Ginny's eyes widened as he came at her, full throttle. Her feet stuck in the sand for a moment, and then she started to run. That little bit of difficulty was all Harry needed. He caught up to her after a minute, his hands wrapping around her waist, pulling her back to him. 
  Harry moved his lips right next to her ear. "You're it." 
  "Is that so?" Ginny asked, her face tilted to look at him. 
  " Always ." Harry kissed her once before releasing her and running off towards Bill.  
  "Good job, Vic!" Ginny cheered as the birthday girl kicked the football across the lawn. Victoire pumped her fist in the air in celebration. It had been the first time all day that she had gotten the ball across the gap between them. 
  A few days before Victoire's birthday, Ginny and Harry had gone in search of an inflated football. It had taken the better part of four hours, but it was worth it. Victoire was having so much fun. Hell, even Ginny was having a blast!   
  "Next time try dribbling it closer to me before passing it!" Ginny told the girl as she bopped the ball back. 
  Victoire nodded enthusiastically. It took a few moments for her to get her footing right, but eventually she moved forward with the ball. 
  Ginny beamed as Victoire pulled her foot back in a hard kick. Instead of just rolling to a stop in front of Ginny like the last time, the ball took flight and came up to Ginny's knee. 
  "Nice!" Bill clapped from his spot on the porch. He had been meaning to fix the crooked step for the last few days, and finally, the weather permitted an opportunity. 
  Victoire looked back at her dad, her whole body wiggling in excitement. "It even went up in the air. Did you see?"
  "I sure did, sweetheart!"
  Ginny waited until Victoire was looking at her before passing the ball back. "Hey, Bill, have you seen Harry?"
  "Last I knew he was checking the traps in the river." 
  "He's really hoping to do a fry up. The number of times he's told me how much he misses fish and --" Ginny's final word was cut short as the air was knocked from her lungs. Victoire had kicked the ball when she wasn't looking, this time getting more air and hitting Ginny in the center of her chest. 
  "Ginny!" Bill dropped his hammer and ran out towards them. Victoire had started crying, noticing Bill's tone and Ginny's pained expression. Ginny waved Bill off with the hand that hadn't come up to clutch at her chest.
  Bill hesitated before turning his attention to his crying daughter. He picked up the sobbing little girl, his large hand running smooth circles along her back. 
  Ginny focused on getting her breath back. Fuck that had hurt. Her chest felt as if it had been hit by a sack of brinks rather than a football. Why the fuck had it hurt so much? 
  She rubbed the spot where the ball had collided, hoping it would soothe some of the pain, like Bill was doing for Victoire. The more she thought about it, Ginny’s chest had hurt all day. This was a different kind of sore, but it had escalated whatever else had been plaguing her throughout the day.  
  Bill walked over, Victoire hiding her face in the collar of his shirt. “You all right, Ginny?” 
  “Yeah.” Ginny placed her hand on Victoire's back. "I'm fine, luv. It just hurt for a moment. I'll be right in a jiffy."
  Victoire half turned out of her father's chest. Tears still trailing down her cheek. "I'm sorry."
  "I know." Ginny took the little girl out of Bill's arms and kissed away the moisture. "How about we go inside and see if Uncle Harry is back?"
  Vic nodded, sniffling a little. Ginny put her down in the grass. "I'll race ya." 
  It took a second for Victoire to understand the challenge, but the moment she did her little feet were moving. Bill smiled at his daughter's back before glancing over at Ginny. "You sure you're okay? You looked in a lot of pain." 
  Ginny nodded, rubbing her chest a few more times before walking towards the back door. "Yeah, I've just been sore all day. Must have slept wrong or something." 
  Bill kept pace with her. "I'm sure that's it. So, do you think Harry did catch something?" 
  Harry leaned against the doorjamb, watching Ginny brush her teeth. They had set up a basin of water for teething brushing. Little Victoire had taken her turn, still running high from being the birthday girl. Bill had taken her up the stairs, hoping that a couple of books would send her to sleep. 
  Ginny spit the homemade toothpaste out of her mouth. “You know I can share, right?” 
  "What if I don't wanna share?" Harry moved behind her, his arms wrapping around her waist as he pressed light kisses up her neck. "What if I want you all for myself?"
  "That could be arranged." Ginny put her toothbrush down on the counter and spun in his arms. Her arms circled his neck, fingers threading through his hair. "But you do know it's rather hypocritical of us to tell Victorie she has to share when you won't even --" 
  Harry cut her reprimand off the most effective way he knew. Ginny didn't seem to mind. She arched into him, her lips pressing harder to his. 
  "How about --" Ginny spoke between kisses, "we take -- this upstairs?" 
  Harry didn't think a verbal response was necessary. He lowered his hand slowly down from her waist to her legs. In a fluid motion, he lifted her into his arms. Ginny kept her arms wrapped around his neck as he carried them up the stairs into their room.
  He plopped her onto the bed in an unceremonious gesture, crawling over her and reattaching his lips to her skin.
  "Look at you, the promise of a shag and you become a caveman." Ginny laughed. 
  "You'd become a caveman, too, if you know what it was like to shag you." Harry sat up and pulled his t-shirt over his head, before going for the hem of hers. Her completely exposed torso teased him as she sucked in a deep breath. His mouth instantly dropped to her bare midriff. He took his time, moving his lips slowly up past her ribs. 
  When he reached her breasts, her breath hitched and she winced. "Harry, wait." 
  He pulled back, his eyes meeting hers. Her face was scrunched in pain. "Gin?"
  "I --" She let out a long exhale. "I took a ball to the chest today and it's a little sore." 
  "I'd say more than a little sore." Harry's eyes dropped back to her chest. "they're swollen." 
  "Swollen?" Ginny sat up, pushing Harry off her. 
  He fell back to his side of the bed. "Yeah. I noticed that -- uh -- they're larger than normal, but I didn't know they hurt. Not that I was staring at your chest or something. It was just an --" 
  Ginny clearly wasn't listening to his ramble. She had moved to the mirror over the dresser, her body turned in a side profile. "Harry, my chest was sore before Vic hit me with the football."
  "Okay." Harry sat up, positioning his pillow behind him so it was between him and headboard. 
  Ginny turned towards him and at that moment Harry knew things were about to become much less simple. "Harry, my breasts are sore, they're larger, and I couldn't stand the smell of your soup a few nights ago."
  Harry nodded, remembering how Ginny had run from the room when he had brought out his chicken soup. "Okay." 
  "Harry." Ginny's tone became one of forced calm used on a child who just wasn’t understanding what was being said. "I think I may be pregnant." 
20 notes · View notes
totalconway · 4 years
Drinks at the Pub, ends in short film opportunity...
So a little back story first, I started performing stand up comedy in 2012 and by 2013 I was lucky enough to win the state leg of Australia’s largest open mic competition Triple J RAW Comedy and headed to Melbourne to perform on the ABC.
Following that experience I was given a lot of opportunities to perform support spots purely based on that RAW comedy credit.
One case of this was performing at Rottnest Island for their Rottofest summer comedy which was held every Friday during the summer. Rottnest Island is a hot bed of local and international tourist, and the Island’s Gov’s Tavern where the gig is held would often sell out (120+ People) the crowd was always a mix of high profile people and obnoxious drunks (most of the time both)
On one particular Friday night, I was performing, and not to brag blowing the roof off the joint and in the crowd was none other then the President of my favorite sporting team the Fremantle Dockers Football Club.
At the time, the Fremantle Dockers board was facing backlash from the supporter base because they wanted to move the Dockers training ground from their spiritual home of Fremantle Oval to a state of the art, purpose built training facility in Cockburn (Yes Cock Burn) which is about a 30 minute drive up the road.
So after the gig on Rottnest Island, I get introduced to the president of the Dockers with the intro line “Hey Sean, tell him what you think of the Cockburn move” and you can see his look go from chilled and calm to “I seriously got to deal with this shit on my holiday”. I just told him “I’m pumped for it” and I was, its been a good move for the Dockers and I started reeling off the benefits for the move etc etc. We hung out had a few beers and the whole night I was spun out that I was hanging with the president of the Dockers.
I went back to work on Monday telling people I got to hang out with the President of the Dockers, with a bit of fake bravado swagger to jokingly let them know I only hang with A-Listers now! After a couple of days I didn’t think anything of it and went back to gigging and working.
A few months down the track I get an email from the booker of Rottofest Summer comedy asking if I’d be keen to Star in a short film for the Dockers. Its not paid but if the film is one of three winners of the competition I’d receive one of the tickets to the USA which was up for grabs. Honestly, they had me at “Star in Dockers short film”. 
Apparently the opportunity was between myself and a Perth duo called Henry & Aaron. Henry & Aaron are film makers/comic actors who pretty much went viral on youtube with every film they made (Talking millions and millions of views) and they lost out to my RAW comedy set that had about 12 views purely because I had a few too many beers with the president of the Dockers. 
When I got the call to go meet them about the project I was incredibly nervous. I had a whole pitch prepared about why I was the best candidate for the job “I fucking bleed purple” because I was still thinking I had to audition for the film but essentially I had already been cast in the film. Their only concern was whether or not I could fit in the costume because I’m a big fat dude they had to see if I would be able to squeeze into it. The whole time I was terrified of ripping it because it’s a $3-$4K costume.
Once the costume fit (just) it was straight to work. It was a great project to work on because they gave me a lot of creative control of my character, and I really wanted to portray a David Brent (The Office) like character, like a really fat black sheep in a white herd.
So we started filming in September of 2013, just after the Dockers had beaten Geelong in an away game in the first week of the finals. So the Dockers had a weeks break before they played Sydney in Fremantle’s first home preliminary final in two weeks time. This was a huge moment for the club because If we win this it will be the first Grand Final the Dockers have ever been in. 
The first day of shooting was super intimidating, not because I was meeting some of my football idols but because the night before the first day of shooting I watched a documentary called Catching Hell about the Chicago Cubs fan Steve Bartman who was blamed for the Chicago Cubs not winning a game that would of sent them to the world series. Not the best film to watch when you’re about to work with you’re sporting idols on the eve of the biggest game in the clubs history. To say it made me super paranoid the whole shoot is an understatement, and it didn’t help that the first shot of the day was with the Dockers marquee player Matthew Pavlich. The scene was me jumping on his back, FUCK RIGHT OFF. I’m twice the size of Pavlich and you’re dreaming if you think I’m jumping on his back. If you watch the scene I take the “mark” and I’m nowhere near Pavlich.
It was a great shoot because everything was time sensitive, the players had their other appointments so we literally only had 10 minutes for each shot with the players so we flew through the script. 
I got to meet a lot of the players I was fans of like Ryan Crowley, Nat fyfe, I didn’t get to meet Michael Walters but the scene he’s in, my fat is hanging out of my footy jersey and I did hear him say to David Mundy “That dude looks like a bag of oranges” which was funny, but Ideally I would of preferred he made the joke to me so I could of gained a fan when I busted his balls back, but unfortunately it wasn’t to be.
The last shot of the film was me gate crashing a press conference with Michael Barlow . Barlow did the interview and the CEO at the time did a big speech thanking the media for their support throughout the year and if they wouldn’t mind hanging around for 10 minutes so we could get our last shot. We smashed out the shot in 2 takes, boom we’re finished, I’m told not to tell anyone about the film until it airs the following week, easy enough right.
Wrong, the next day I’m back at work and people are looking at me like I’m the biggest piece of shit in the world, because one of the media outlets had filmed me gate crashing the Michael Barlow press conference, and passed it off like I was genuinely gate crashing the press conference. 
I had to tell people it was for a film which didn’t help the situation because they thought because I do comedy it must have been some Jackass type movie I was doing. It also didn’t help the situation that Radio talk back shows were crucifying me saying how unfunny I was and how big of a dickhead I was for gate crashing the Barlow press conference, but I didn’t care too much because I knew the film was coming out the following week. It didn’t stop my Mum and my sister writing a long scathing letter to the radio station about how they should do their research before they try to shame their baby boy on the radio. Luckily I was able to stop them from sending it out.
The film came out the following week as well as the entries for the other films that we were competing against, the winners would be based on who had the most likes, shares and views. The first film we were up against was by the St Kilda Saints who managed to get Eric Bana to star in their film, it still makes me chuffed to think I starred in a film that went head to head with an Eric Bana film. The second film was by the Melbourne Demons which was a documentary about a child fan who was very sick, third place was us, and the rest of the films were Essendon Bombers which was fucking terrible and a few other teams who I can’t remember.
The film was released the night the Fremantle Dockers played Sydney Swans in a game which would determine who would be playing Hawthorn in the grand final the following week. Literally the clubs biggest game in their history at that point so the game was sold out and 50,000 people got to see me make an ass out of myself and it was humbling how much the Dockers supporters loved it.                     But more importantly the Dockers smashed the Swans and were headed for their first ever Grand Final.
Being the Dockers fan I am, there was no chance in hell we were missing out on seeing the Dockers play in their first Grand Final. I had cousin’s overseas who cut their holiday short to make it back in time for the Grand Final. It was such an amazing experience heading over for the grand final, and thanks to the film I was a bit of a star amongst Dockers supporters. I was flying over with my dad and at the same time One Direction were flying in and all these young preteen girls were waiting for them with signs and screaming for One Direction. I’m chilling with my dad waiting to board our flight and a family of Dockers fans came over and asked for a photo. All of these young preteen girls were looking at me with a confused look on their face wondering who I was and while they were distracted by me, One Direction walked past the crowd of fans with out any of them noticing.
The morning after we arrived in Melbourne we went straight to the Grand Final Parade which is one of the biggest events of the AFL Grand Final week. All the fans line the street to watch the two competing teams drive through the streets of Melbourne and ends with a big speech on the government steps and the captains of each club holding the trophy in front of their screaming fans. When the event finished all the Dockers fans turned to walk away and saw me in the street. Everyone stopped to shake my hand and to get photos, treating me like a full blown celebrity, even a girl who I had a crush on in High school asked me for a photo and I got to experience all this with my family watching. It was a very surreal and amazing experience to say the least.
The next day was the Grand Final, all the Dockers fans met at Federation Square before the game so we could march to the Melbourne Cricket Ground like soldiers marching to war. It was a sight that Melbourne people have never seen by an interstate club, which made me incredibly proud to be a Dockers fan. Being apart of the film, Dockers fans continued to stop and cheer me as we all marched to the MCG. 
When we got to the MCG I was starting to get anxious for the game, my cousins could see me becoming more anxious, which is why they started screaming out "Look it’s the Unsung Docker” every 5 minutes. I had Dockers fans lining up to get a photo with me and then Hawthorn supporters and famous AFL commentators would walk past with a look on their face like “Who the fuck is this guy”
The Dockers ended up losing the Grand Final and we headed to the Dockers after party which felt more like a wake. After the Dockers lost the game I also found out that we also finished fourth in the film competition behind the Essendon Bombers who got the fucking Janoskians to pump out their film amongst their fans and got their views up with comments like “I’m only here because I like the Janoskians” (I’m still bitter about it). In one afternoon I managed to see my favourite team lose the ultimate prize and have my payment for the film pinched from me by some shit head kids, it was a rough way to end what was otherwise a truly amazing experience.
I wasn’t too disappointed though, the film helped me get an acting agent in Sydney which has lead to some amazing acting opportunities. I’ll share some more stories down the track. The Dockers unfortunately haven’t made it to another Grand Final since 2013, but hopefully one day I’m at the right bar at the right time to have a drink with the new president of the Dockers and we can get the wheels moving on The Unsung Docker 2 
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