#Idk where this idea came from it just was
ellecdc · 7 hours
just had an idea for a fic/drabble!
poly!wolfstar where reader is self-conscious/insecure about like her stomach being a bit chubby (or something like that) and wolfstar catch her looking at herself in the mirror, and Sirius is all like touchy and hugging and Remus is all like telling reader about how he is insecure about his scars?
idk the idea just popped into my head lol
thank you mother :)
- 🌙
thanks for the prompt, lovie <3
poly!wolfstar x fem!reader who was feeling insecure about her appearance today
CW: poor body image on readers part, discussion of body issues/insecurities, mostly fluff I think
You took a heaving breath as if the simple action of slipping off your jeans and unclasping your bra had actually given air better access to your lungs.
It had been one of Those Days™; a day where every article of clothing felt too tight on your body, your brain felt too critical of your appearance, innocent comments felt too pointed, and your body felt too heavy for your legs to carry.
You spent the day in a state of masochistic self-sabotage by slowing your pace in order to stare at your reflection in passing windows and cars, looking at the disappointing view in the glass doors of the frozen section in the grocery store feeling terribly sorry for everyone else who had to look at you too.
And you were still doing it; even now after shedding your unflattering and restrictive clothing in place of one of Remus’ large jumpers, you stood in front of the mirror and scrutinised your form, hand pulling the fabric tight over your middle exposing the outline of your stomach alerting you to the fact that you were, indeed, no longer a sprightly little teenager.
“Admiring the view, dovey?” Remus asked as he leaned against the dresser to your left; you only tuned in at his petname for you, however, meaning you didn’t realise he had a) asked you something, or b) knew more than he was letting on. 
“You’ve got great taste, dollface.” Sirius added as he came up behind you and hooked his chin on your shoulder; eyes roaming your body that seemed equal parts hungry and adoring. “It’s one of my favourite sights too.”
You looked up to meet his gaze in your reflection to correct him, only to realise he knew what he was doing - or better yet, he knew what you were doing - looking at you with one eyebrow arched as if daring you to contradict him. 
“What’s that head of yours telling you now?” Remus asked as he positioned himself beside the mirror and admired you and Sirius. 
You sighed as you returned your gaze back to yourself, simultaneously annoyed that you couldn’t seem to hide anything from your boyfriends and grateful for the fact that you didn’t seem to have to.
“I’ve not felt very pretty today.” You offered slowly, not daring to look at either of them for their reactions.
Remus hummed in acknowledgement and Sirius tightened his hold on you. “I’m sorry you’ve not felt that way.” Sirius offered cautiously and just as slowly after a beat of silence. “But that doesn’t mean that you aren’t - pretty, that is; you know that, right?”
You made a sound of disagreement causing Sirius to hum sympathetically. 
“You’re hardest on yourself, dovey; I think when you spend so much time looking at yourself, you stop seeing the appeal.” Remus tried, causing you to chuckle slightly.
“I look at you boys all the time and I never stop seeing the appeal.” You admitted shyly, causing Sirius to chuckle as he swayed your bodies back and forth.
“I could look at the two of you all day.” Sirius offered salaciously; trailing a hungry gaze over the length of Remus’ body as the two of you delighted in the fierce blush it elicited from your boyfriend. 
“I could too.” Remus said somewhat chidingly; his gaze softening as it moved back towards you. “That’s my point; I’m not always pleased with the reflection I see when I stand in front of a mirror - but I very much enjoy looking at the two of you.”
“But…you’re so handsome.” You offered bemusedly, truly not understanding how someone who looked like Remus sodding Lupin could feel anything but gorgeous.
“So you’ve said.” Remus replied with a smirk.
“And we’ve told you how gorgeous you are, so why argue with us? Don’t you think we know what we’re talking about? Two of the hottest blokes snagged the hottest girl around, why are we even talking about this?” Sirius joked, earning him a warning pinch in the side by Remus for his cheek. “What!? It’s true!” 
“While I agree it does seem absurd to try to convince such a beautiful girl how truly beautiful she is, Pads, not all of us walk around with an ego the size of Buckingham Palace.” 
“Play nice you two.” You chided; placing your hand atop of Sirius’ where it lay lovingly on a part of your body you wished he’d not pay any mind to, though he seemed to feel nothing but love for it. 
“You’re the one being mean to our sweet girl, dollface. You play nice.” Sirius replied, punctuating his sentence with a kiss to your neck. 
“I’ll try.” You agreed, smiling at Sirius in the mirror before flitting your eyes slightly to the left to see your other gorgeous boyfriend watching the two of you with the warmest and softest gaze you’ve ever seen.
You may not always see yourself as beautiful, but dammit when you had your two boys looking at you with that much love and affection, you couldn’t help feeling at least a little beautiful.
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penvisions · 6 hours
screaming, crying, obsessing
just came up with a taaaaasty fic idea where reader is the waitress that tommy defends the day of the outbreak. you know the whole family as the waitress of their favorite place to grab lunch or takeout for the crew, to unwind after a long shift or busy day
you’re fighting with the police at the station when joel arrives and they implore you to stay in your home and hide as they drop you off, realizing they might as well have just delivered you to your death as they drive through the city center and see how intense everything is
you mourn the loss of them as you fight and claw your way through the end of the world to end up in jackson just as it’s getting established, nearly bursting into tears when you see tommy and he tells you he’s the only one that made it. mourn the loss of nervous chuckles and the press of fingers against your own as you served joel over the years neither one of you brave enough to cross the invisible line and ask the other out, he was a ray of sunshine in your life
you stumble upon him and tommy during their heated conversation in the tipsy bison, the place you help to run for the settlement. you realize joel is no longer that ray of sunshine but a black hole of a person as his anger flares and mean words flow from him in a way you’d never expect
cue him coming back to jackson with a teenage girl who seems traumatized and settles in for the long haul. but he’s exhausted, more of a dying star now as he’s lived far too much in his life but maybe…just maybe this time you two can connect with each other
gonna call it black hole sun and idk how long it’s gonna be but i am pumped for this idea
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bunnyathy · 3 days
my favorite and funny silly headcannons (not rlly) and ooc ideas about the batfamily:
Damian Wayne:
- has a dedicated social media accounts for his pets. he gets income and sponsorship from luxury pet brands all the time because of it. he doesn’t really care about the money he’s just happy his pets get to have free stuff that give them a better and spoiled life.
- bro’s a gen alpha he’s probably a brainrot humor kind of kid but he hides it well but it comes out at random times
- he’s a dedicated hater, he loved kendrick lamar’s drake diss songs
- his personal/ official Damian Wayne tiktok account is literally just a hate page for his brothers (but in an endearing way he still loves them)
- prefers watching reels over tiktok bcs of the funny comments and the unhinged reels that come out there
- Damian Wayne is a weeb… he was absolutely there during the Anime tiktok lockdown era (if he was even born yet idk) so he knows all the cringe weeb shit.. he quotes it at random times….
- Damian was strictly shoujo mangas and anime but Jon showed him My Hero Academia and he LOVED it. he respects Koda and likes his quirk. MHA was one of the only mangas he read that’s not shoujo lol. (lets ignore the part where there was official damian wayne art where there was a chainsaw man manga with him (i dislike csm))
- he probably did one of those kpop pc decora things out of a printed picture of his fave anime character cough bakugo and tamaki suoh cough (he got influenced by flatline nika)
- he most likely listens to Twice bcs Flatline suggested it to him (this is not bcs I am a once (yes it is))
- to be able to keep up with Brucie Wayne’s diva it boy appearance he occasionally does those derma clinic facials and time to time he invites his kids. Stephanie absolutely is always with him, Cass as well but she’s only there because Steph seems to love it so she’ll always do what Steph loves. It came to a point where Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson, Duke Thomas started to become pretty boys (Jason is not there he could not stand Brucie persona)
- there has been rumors of Brucie Wayne having a bbl and to prove them all wrong Brucie posted a gym workout where his focus was his ass. lets just say BRUCIE JUICY ASS?? on twitter was trending and the kids HATED it. maybe haha certain heroes liked it a little more than others lmfao
- Damian got hyperfixated on into the spiderverse and across the spiderverse he forced his whole family to rewatch it with him
- Jason got asked to come over to the manor by one of the siblings and took a sneaky pic of his whole body just to put it in one of those “dance if you love your family” ai dancing thing on tiktok. he never came back to the manor….
- Tim and Damian have this online feud in tiktok where they comment unhinge and insulting comments to their public official account each other but ofc its filtered so it can cross the tos. Damian once commented “I hope to see you hanging in the streets” and almost got banned from tiktok
- whenever any of the fam asks something from Cass that she doesn’t wanna do she goes “sorry I’m mute” (she takes advantage of her not so disability) Stephanie taught her that she said it would be funny. it works sometimes bcs the other was probably too tired to notice or just goes along bcs they think Cass learning gen Z humor is funny.
aight ive ran out of ideas they were just mostly damian and batfam AHAHAHAH
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chukys-mouthguard · 7 hours
prompts 15 and 20 w mat barzal, fluff heavy pretty pleaseeee
Prompts: “why can’t i say no to you?” + “you have me all wrapped around your finger”
Note: idk why my brain went here, but this is what instantly popped in my head with these prompts, hopefully the fluffiness translates with how i wrote this 🫶🏼
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“Mat pleaseeeee!” 
You begged with your boyfriend as he playfully plugged his ears, pretending not hear you as he ignored the question you’d just asked of him. 
“Absolutely not, I don’t know where you got the idea, but it’s not happening. Think of something else.” 
Pouting was your next idea to try and convince him, though it seemed this would be harder than usual. 
The disagreement in question was over your idea for a couples Halloween costume. Mat usually the one to come up with the ideas, but this year you beat him to it. Having an idea already in your back pocket. 
The costume idea in question? Barbie and Ken. You thought it would be cute, picturing Mat wearing the Mojo Minx coat showing off his abs. But he immediately turned it down. You’d followed up with roller blading Ken, to which he actually cackled. And slowly but surely you were running out of Ken options. 
But you weren’t backing down. Determined to win the battle and get him to dress as Ken. 
Wrapping your arms around his waist as he’d begun cooking dinner for the two of you, he simply hummed a response urging you to continue. 
“It’s just, you always pick our costumes. And, I never can come up with good ideas. So, I thought of one and was so excited. But, you hate it. I guess you can be the one to pick our costume, yet again.” 
Your tone whiney and discouraged as he sighed, letting you know that you’d broken down his walls. 
“I don’t hate it…I just. I don’t like either of the options you showed me. I wanna feel comfortable and confident in the costume babe. That’s all.” 
He turned around in your arms to face you, a soft smile on his lips as he lifted your chin to make you look at him. “Hey, cheer up babe. We’ve got plenty of time until Halloween, we will think of something.” 
Now it was your turn to sigh, really turn up the act if you were gonna get him to crumble. 
“Yeah, I guess. I just thought I’d come up with a good idea was all…” your voice trailing off as you started to walk away, grabbing your phone from the island as you plopped down on the couch. 
“God damnit-“ 
You heard Mat mumble under his breath as he slowly dragged his feet and made his way over to the couch.  “What other outfits does Ken wear? Is there something a little more casual compared to the neon roller skating outfit. Or that freaking fur coat?” 
Mat laughed as a big smile came across your lips, “so you’ll do it?!” 
“Only if we can find something I can agree to. Go on, I’m sure you’ve got plenty of outfit photos saved to your phone let’s see.” 
Scooting closer to him you opened up your Pinterest, showing him the board with all the Ken outfits from the movie, letting him find one that he’d agree to. 
“Mmm, this one, I’ll agree to that.” 
Rolling your eyes you looked up at him after seeing the outfit he’d chosen. “Really? So you won’t wear neon colors or a fur coat, but you’ll wear a pink and green striped matching shirt and short set?” 
“You won’t me to take it back and refuse to do the outfits at all?” He looked at you offended before you quickly ate your words. “No no no, it’ll be great! Now I just have to decide on my outfit to match!” 
Mat smiled as you went back to your phone, scrolling your Pinterest board to find an outfit that would compliment his. 
“God, you have me all wrapped around your finger. Why can’t I say no to you?” 
He slightly cursed himself as he let it sink in what he’d agreed to. 
“Mmm, because you love me.” 
You smirked up at him before stealing a kiss. 
“Now that I can definitely agree on!”
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Haikyu!! dumpster battle ramble akdbsjsbdd
warning for slight spoilers?? (i mention scenes but i dont say anything about who won or stuff like that lmfao) and also caps lock lmfao
and kageyama sees that. realizes that hinata isn't being useful to him or the team. AND HE FINDS A WAY TO SET FOR HIM ANYWAY.
he sees Hinata can't get up on his own and everything is telling him to drop him- the most reasonable & rational thing would be to stop setting for him. and y'know what kageyama does? HE TELLS HIM "GO AHEAD, FLY"
HE SETS FOR HIM ANYWAY and finds a way to make him fly even higher. WHICH IS SO DKSBSKSJSJSKS IDEK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT. like not only does that tell hinata that no matter how much people try to stop him, kageyama will help him fly anyway- but it also speaks about kageyama A LOT. cause there wasn't a strategic reason to keep trying to use hinata- in fact, he could've used nekoma's focus on him on their favor and instead set for other players.
BUT NO, he chose to keep setting for hinata. because at that point it wasn't just about winning, for kageyama. yknow how important is that? kageyama, who only ever cared about winning, thought setting for hinata was more important to him than winning.
also??? kenma feeling like shit about doing that to hinata?? EVEN THOUGH HE CAME UP WITH THE IDEA. kenhina bffs they're so adorable wtf.
but then again the "we're just friends scene"??? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK???? DKSBSJSK it made me feel stuff lmfao such a good way to portray their friendship & rivalry
also!!! kuroo, bokuto & tsukki crumbs!!! i love their friendship sm its so cool that they had their moments in the movie. bokuto was adorable sksnsjsjsj
the animation was also so cool tbh, specially that one scene of hinata and kenma staring at each other. yknow the one.
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this one lmfao
ALSO everyone's talked about the scene where kenma keeps hinata in a birdcage but i still gotta mention it cause ITS SO COOL WTF
and everyone also said it but like. literally a kuroken movie (/p or /r). i loved how they showed that development of kenma's love for volleyball and how hinata felt so proud and happy and accomplished when kenma said their match had been so fun fksbdjdjdjdj HE HAD THE PERFECT REACTION.
also kuroo's laugh??? BEAUTIFUL and also a very good reaction lmfao.
yeah those r my main thoughts. overall a very good movie, perhaps the pacing could've been a bit more intense/nerve-wrecking for my liking? like i wasnt so "in it" as i was with many matches in the anime. still, i think it had a bit more of a focus on relationships and background stories and character development, specially through flashbacks, symbolism & but impactful quotes, so it's still chefs kiss. very much recommend watching it if u haven't.
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misc-obeyme · 2 days
my favorite theory re: why does barbatos hate solomon he would not be that mad about the list (at most a little passive aggressive about it next time he saw him) is that past!solomon knows nightbringer (or is nightbringer????) (has a pact with nightbringer if they're a demon????????) and used his pact to make barbatos take mc back to the past. i think future!solomon has had his memory erased of all this, possibly in relation to his reconciliation with barbatos. past!barbatos might feel taken betrayed which could also sorta explain why he used the list as an excuse in that he doesn't feel respected or acknowledged. more to the point though, this would also mean past!solomon had made barbatos break his promise with diavolo to not use his powers over time, which i feel would definitely be reason enough for him to be as angry as he is, especially if past!solomon had also prevented him from just talking to future!solomon about it
idk i might have explained this badly. i am behind in the storyline for nb so i might be missing stuff but i just don't think he'd be that genuinely angry for that long over something that petty. unless he had been cursed. which could also be an interesting subplot!
i dont think either of these will actually happen but its what makes sense to me and i think it could be interesting. idk idk lmao
Well hello there friend!!
OKAY BUT YES I also really like the idea that the reason Barb is angry at Solomon is that it is past!Solomon who forced Barb to do something he didn't want to do, such as sending MC back to the past!
I have a whole theory about past!Solomon, but basically it's just suspicious to me that we never run into him. And I really felt like that part where Solomon summons Barbatos in the labyrinth was meant to show us that Solomon can force Barb to do things he doesn't want to do. Why show us that otherwise? And when Solomon did that, Barbatos was pissed. Like even more pissed than he usually is.
I didn't even realize this would also mean Barb would have broken his promise to Diavolo, but you're right and that feels like an actual in character reason for him to be upset!
And future!Solomon clearly has no idea what's going on, which is why everything doesn't make sense to him.
And possibly Barbatos is aware of what's happening with the different Solomons, but he can't say it to him directly, so he makes up something about the list on the spot because MC asked about it.
You didn't explain it badly at all, I am right there with you!! I think there's something else going on and although I haven't talked about two Solomons theory in a while, I still think that could be part of the issue! We got past!Solomon causing trouble while potentially being under the command of Nightbringer and we have future!Solomon being completely confused because he doesn't even remember what's happening.
It would be interesting if it came down to a curse, too, though. Who put the curse on Barb? Why? How?? etc!
I just can't get behind the list being the real reason. If they never talk about it again, I'm just gonna go with my own ideas and forget about canon because that's what I do when I don't like what happens lol.
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radiance1 · 8 months
You know the drill.
Cultists want to summon the Ghost King, the League pull up to stop them, failed summoning successfully and got Ghost Prince Danny.
With a twist.
The head cultist tells Danny what they want, but it's so pitiful that Danny just sits them down, each and every one of the cultists and explains that maybe it isn't the best idea to give your soul to an otherworldly entity just for that.
Then it somehow turns into therapy because Jesus Christ these people have been living some pretty shit lives, then Danny decides to pull some favors with Frostbite and the Yetis to get some of the cultists family members medical treatment for their Mother/Father/Siblings that they're too poor to pay for.
Other times he just kinda tries to get a few others to get more confidence after being drawn in by a few bad people against their will and try and give them ways to get out of said situation.
The entire time the Justice League was just, there, watching all of this go down and questioning a lot of things. Simultaneously Batman is thinking of starting up a program to not make this a repeat, wherein people think they have no other options than to give up their literal soul to an otherworldly entity in hopes to turn their life around.
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piratefishmama · 2 months
No upside down but they still found each other AU where once they get out of Hawkins and move into a little apartment together in the city, Stobin set up a 'date night' routine once a week.
Obviously not a typical date night cause Platonic with a capital P, but they alternate each week who gets to plan the date night activities meaning they both get to do something fun, interesting, exciting, and potentially ridiculous that they themselves wouldn't have thought of.
One such date night, on Robin's turn to plan, is a relatively cheap art exhibition at a local small time independent gallery, focusing on portraits of people the artist has seen around the city, quickly sketched, then painted afterwards.
Her most recent crush had suggested she attend it as her best friend was the artist and was absolutely shitting it over revealing his work to the public that'd inspired those works, certain that everyone would hate them.
They get dressed up, ready to play the part of Fancy Art Connoisseurs, Steve ready to meet and big up Robin to this cute girl Robin had gushed about endlessly as the best wingman ever
Only for them both to wind up stuck one one particular painting titled and described:
E. Munson Angel Incognito Oil on Canvas, The most beautiful man i've ever seen in my life. I was certain i'd seen an angel.
It's Steve.
Sitting in the park, feeding the birds, painted to look... ethereal. Moles dotted with gold, sunlight hitting his soft hair just so, catching the rim of his glasses.
And Robin is immediately on a mission to be the best wingwoman ever because this is NO LONGER about her crush on Chrissy dammit she MUST find this artist, present Steve to him, and "now KISS" smush them both together like barbie dolls.
Good thing Eddie is nearby.
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sneez · 5 months
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family portrait :D young sam and sybil are behaving themselves and vimes is throwing a hissy fit because they tried to make him wear the helmet
[id: a digital painting of three people sitting for a portrait in a domestic interior. young sam is standing with his hands behind his back and beaming proudly. vimes is standing behind him with his hand on his shoulder, wearing a shiny military uniform and a surly expression. sybil is sitting on the right with an arm around young sam, smiling at the viewer. a plumed helmet is sitting on a table on the left. end id.]
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touchlikethesun · 21 days
one of the activities wei wuxian taught a-yuan to keep him preoccupied while wei wuxian actually needed to focus was braiding, so a-yuan could sit with wei wuxian and braid lots of little braids into his hair - wei wuxian rarely put his hair up anyways in those days, and it kept a-yuan busy and happy.
once small wildflowers started to bloom, a-yuan became obsessed with giving everyone flowers because they always smiled and laughed when he did, and he liked when they smiled and laughed. when he offered one of these wildflowers to his xian-gege, wei wuxian accepted it but taking note of the long stem and delicate white petals, an idea came to him. he asked a-yuan if he could show him something, and when a-yuan’s eyes lit up with excitement, wei wuxian asked him if he could undo his ponytail and give him a “super extra special” braid, which ofc a-yuan was all for!! so wei wuxian combed his fingers thru a section of a-yuan’s hair, pulling back his bangs on one side and, separating out 3 strands and braiding it halfway down before sliding the delicate flower into place, showing an attentive a-yuan how to secure the flower and braid the stem in, before securing the end of the braid with a spare cord.
there were stars in a-yuan’s eyes, so pleased with the braid xian-gege had given him, and he ran around the camp showing granny, a-qing, and all the other aunties and uncles the pretty flower in his hair, and from that day on, it was a common occurrence to see the folks of the burial mounds with a flower or two braided into their hair, and if the yiling patriarch walked around on his days off with flowers down his back and a little charge in his arms working even more flowers in, well that was for them and not for their enemies to know.
after lan wangji rescued lan yuan from the burial mounds, and after lan yuan had recovered from his terrible fever, lan wangji made an effort to spend time with the little one, even if he felt like he was falling apart at the seems, that was a problem for adults, not children. even so, lan wangji often found it hard to muster up words under normal circumstances, and when confronted with lan sizhui who reminded him so much of — well. but lan sizhui didn’t seem to mind how quiet lan wangji was. the little boy seemed completely content to sit with lan wangji in silence, but he had an odd fascination with braiding lan wangji’s hair, and especially braiding with flowers picked from off the path up to the quiet room. technically, excessive ornamentation was forbidden in the cloud recesses. but it made lan suzhui so happy. and lan wangji had already broken so many rules, what was one more to keep a child smiling?
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raiiny-bay · 3 months
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the kids released a new album
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valec275 · 5 months
Headcanon I gotta write somewhere before I forget! (and I just wanna share it lol) Because of how often solving puzzles has been a part of literally saving their kingdoms and peoples’ lives, none of the chain really do puzzles casually without the aura of someone who is still on a life-or-death mission.
The first time Malon sat down to do a jigsaw puzzle with Time after MM he was staring at the pieces with such an intensity you’d think they’d personally wronged him, always careful with how he set down each piece like putting it in the wrong spot might set off a trap. Yes, Malon was worried. No, Time hadn’t realised he’d been focusing that hard.
Legend does puzzles with a (seemingly subconscious) terrifying speed and efficiency, as if he’s desperate to get it done, but ask him about it and he’ll claim he didn’t even realise how fast he was working through it.
Wind goes quiet. Like, the quietest you’ll ever hear him, except for the occasional mumblings under his breath if he’s struggling with some aspect of the puzzle. He looks older when he’s that concentrated, almost like he’s back in the Temple of the Ocean King.
Warriors doesn’t get like this as much as the others, since his adventure was a war, but strategy games have a similar effect. No one can beat him at chess. You can almost see the cogs turning at ungodly speeds in his mind. His wins are precise, quick, and would be deadly in a real life scenario. It’s always disconcerting when he offers you his hand at the end of a match and congratulates you on a good game.
I’ve got nothing for the others yet lol
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crimsoncrim · 1 year
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swimming in stardust
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harvestmoth · 6 months
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okay last one. au where nothing goes wrong at all ever (a lie) and melia venam gay moment
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armenianwriterman · 11 months
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vintagemagpie · 1 year
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I've upgraded to procreate! still pretty much learning it but!! love those brushes so i decided to do a little something and do more painting?? style
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