#I've had two separate kids laughing my face today
banannabethchase · 7 months
I really REALLY wish I enjoyed Halloween.
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042502 · 27 days
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synopsis : Chris was interviewed a few years ago and today he returns to the same program, they show him how he has changed since then.
notes : my first language is not English, so if you find any grammatical errors you already know why :) masterlist !
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"We are with Christopher Sturniolo" The older man shakes the hand of the young boy with unruly hair. "How are you feeling boy? I haven't seen you here in a year, tell me what's new."
"Yes, hello everyone, I'm happy to be back on the show and I enjoy being here at all."
"Listen, you came here no more than a year ago and of course you have grown, you have new achievements, experiences..."
Chris nods happily at all his accomplishments since the last time he was on the show.
"But I want to talk about something specific, for you who are at home comfortably watching the program. If you haven't watched our program from last year when we had this great guy with us, don't worry, we will remind you."
Chris laughs and shifts anxiously on the couch..
"Do you remember the talk we had a year ago?"
Chris thinks a little, searching through his memories, but they are very vague and he barely remembers some of his answers.
"I remember something, not everything."
"Don't worry we'll see it together."
That live conversation you saw a year ago appears on the screen, Chris looked much smaller and somewhat tense in his seat.
"Do you make videos with your brothers?" Chris nods in response. "Don't you make content alone?"
"Yeah, huh not so much."
"Wouldn't you like to be separated from your brothers a little bit? Kind of like just Chris Sturniolo."
"I would like to have projects alone, yes."
"You remember?"
Chris looks at his image on the screen very touched.
"I look so childish" people in the audience laugh. "If I remember, we talked about my solo projects."
"Yeah, what about that now?"
"Just my own clothing brand, for now," Chris shrugs. "I brought a garment for you from my collection."
Just then someone from the staff comes in and brings a fresh love sweatshirt to the driver, who receives it with great pleasure.
"This is brilliant, I have to confess that I have a similar one at home, but another one never hurts" He laughs amused and continues with the talk. "I'm glad to see that you've grown personally. Hey, I see a lot of changes in you. Do you feel good about these changes?"
"Yes, I felt very trapped before. I wanted to do a lot of things and I couldn't do them, now I feel better about myself and with all my progress."
"There's more to that interview, let's look."
"I saw somewhere that you have a commitment problem, I understand it has nothing to do with liking girls."
"No, I love them very much."
"I know kid, I know. What's up with this formalizing thing with someone?"
"It's not something I want right now, I don't feel comfortable having a relationship... I don't like sharing such saccharine or romantic moments, I feel so alien to those situations. I know maybe it's also because of things that happened to me in the past, I'm a little broken."
"I already know, but I need you to tell me."
"This is so humiliating for me" Chris covers his face with his hands. "I'm very in love."
The audience screams with excitement.
"I've been dating someone for a few months, she..."
Some images of Chris with you appear on the screen, some very saccharine images of both of you.
"Oh no! It's so embarrassing!" Chris's face was red and he was laughing out of embarrassment.
A small video appears where he is spreading small kisses all over your face while you smile.
"She, she has made me feel all these things that I wasn't looking for and I feel very comfortable at her side, she taught me many new things and I honestly didn't believe it would happen to me. She simply appeared and everything had another meaning for me, I am really very in love with my girl."
""You knew I would do this."
"Of course, I wasn't expecting the pictures." Chris looks at the screen and other photos of the two of you together appear. "That's very cutie," says the photograph on the screen.
It was a photo of the two of you together in front of the mirror doing a crazy pose.
"I am very glad that you will find such a splendid girl, she has been with us before."
"Yes, I have seen that show."
The driver raises his eyebrows and the audience goes crazy again, Chris gets embarrassed.
"I consume all the programs, no, don't think badly."
"Oh of course , you only watched that show for her. You're not fooling me boy."
The interview continued in a fun way, Chris had decided to return because he felt comfortable on the program, he even promised to return soon.
"Maybe the next time you come back you'll be married."
"Maybe I'll have kids," Chris joked.
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notes : Writing this was so funny. hey! If you want to be part of the taglist, write a comment about it and I will add you. Remember to hit the heart and share it with your friends! Thanks for reading^^
taglist : @luverboychris @l34n @sturncakez @imwetforyourmom @hotreaderliin @tillies33ssss @sturnioloxlver @jnkvivi @stvrniolowh0re @adirtylittleheart @ilovechrisssturniolo-deactivate @melonjollyranche @ecliphttlunar
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jae-bummer · 11 months
The Janitor's Closet
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Request: hi, i love everything i've read from you!!! can i request some hyunjin friends to lovers fluff? :) i don't want to give you too many directions to let you work your magic !
Pairing: Stray Kids Hyunjin x Reader
Genre: Fluff
"I don't know what I'm late for, but I know that I am," Hyunjin muttered, looking down at his watch.
You glanced up at him as you walked side by side toward one of the practice rooms. When he had asked if you wanted to meet for lunch, you figured he was probably blowing something else off, but you weren't going to decline. Time with your best friend was like gold, and you often got very little of it.
"Dance practice?" you asked. "Studio time?"
"Nooo," he hummed, scrunching his face. "It'll come to me."
"Yeah, once you miss whatever it is," you chuckled, coming to a pause in the hallway. "Thanks for the food today."
Hyunjin stopped as well, checking his phone before turning his attention to you.
"Don't be weird," he laughed, pushing you lightly on the shoulder. "Why are you thanking me?"
You tried not to internalize the small pang that stabbed through your chest at his reaction. Hyunjin always downplayed the little things he did that made you feel special. Going to lunch wasn't just meeting up with a friend. He put you into his schedule, usually picked the restaurant you liked best, and always insisted on paying. He knew what your go-to order was, so he'd pick that just in case you didn't like what you deviated to. It was all more than enough to be thankful for.
If only you could verbalize it without making things awkward.
"I know you don't have a lot of time," you settled on saying. "I appreciate it when you spend it with me."
"Y/N," he smirked, shaking his head. "So sentimental."
He was right. You were sentimental, but he was dismissive only when it came to things he did. If the roles were reversed, he would hold you in reverence. That's just how he operated.
Staring up at the boy you had grown so close to over the years, you tried not to let out a dreamy sigh. While the line separating your friendship from anything more was abundantly clear, you couldn't help but fall a little bit more in love with him on days like today. You had harbored a crush since you had first crossed paths, and that wasn't something that faded as you grew closer. When it was someone like Hyunjin, your feelings were left to their own devices. That meant even when untended, they grew like a weed.
"Shit," Hyunjin hissed, shaking you out of your thoughts. You furrowed your brow as you watched him read over a text. "It was my English lesson."
"Aaaah," you hummed knowingly. "That's what you conveniently forgot."
"Why do I need formal tutoring?" he muttered. "My best friend is fluent."
"You only ever ask me to teach you inappropriate phrases."
"Because they're useful!" he gasped.
"In what?" you grinned. "Perpetuating your death wish when pissing off your members?"
"Just because Lee Know-" he started, but immediately stilled. Like a deer in headlights, he looked past you with wide eyes.
"What?" you asked. Turning to look over your shoulder, you were surprised when he gripped your arm and held you still instead.
"In here," he said quickly, yanking open the door closest to the two of you. Shoving you inside, he quickly crammed his body beside yours in what appeared to be a janitorial closet.
"Hyunjin, what the fu-" you started, but he immediately put a hand over your mouth.
"I swear I just saw him," a familiar voice you recognized as Seungmin's sighed. "He knew we were reviewing our tour speeches today."
Fuck, he mouthed, leaning his head back on the shelves behind him and shutting his eyes.
You were guessing he had forgotten about that part.
An unfamiliar man's voice grumbled beside Seungmin. "Let's just go back. He sent me a copy to review. I can email back over my notes."
Seungmin made a scoffing noise before you heard the two sets of footsteps wander away.
Letting out a sigh, it took Hyunjin a moment before realizing his fingers were still over your mouth. Admittedly, you were too busy being preoccupied by the fact that your bodies were nearly flush against each other to remove it yourself.
"Sorry," he groaned, dropping his hand. "Let's wait this out another five minutes or so and then we can make a run for it."
You licked your lips, trying to process the situation. It was cramped, dark, and smelled vaguely of bleach.
"Or," you said, free to speak again. "You could go to your English lesson."
"I'm doubling down," he said quietly, his expression moody. "I'm already in hiding. I'm not wasting it."
"Wasting it?" you laughed. "Hyunjin, we are crammed together in a closet, breathing in toilet cleaner."
"And here I thought you had a new perfume," he teased, wrinkling his nose.
Rolling your eyes, you opened your mouth to argue again, but were instantly cut off by Hyunjin's gasp. "Something pulled my hair."
Shuffling back and forth in alarm, his body moved even closer to yours, closing what was already a small gap.
"Something?" you muttered, trying to keep your breathing even. You didn't think you had been this physically close to Hyunjin in the entirety of knowing him. "Was it the ghosts of janitor's past?"
"You're not funny!" he whined, patting at the back of his head. "Check with your flashlight, is there a spider back there?"
"I wasn't aware of spiders having hands," you sighed, reaching toward your back pocket to tug out your phone. After a small struggle, you accepted that you would need to lean forward to get to it. Trying to remain calm, you pushed your chest into his and yanked.
"Sorry," you said quietly. Standing on your tiptoes, you flipped on the light and tried to angle your body around his. "I don't see anything."
By the time you realized that Hyunjin had fallen completely silent, your body was already wrapped around his.
"Sorry," you said again, trying to create distance that just didn't exist in the tight space.
"It's-it's okay," he managed, his voice hoarse. "I asked you to check."
"Right," you said quietly, sliding your phone easily into your front pocket instead.
After a few moments of silence, and what seemed like an eternity of analyzing every area your body touched his, Hyunjin finally cleared his throat. "Y/N?"
"Have you ever thought about us?"
"Us?" you croaked. "I think about us all the time."
"No," he sighed. "Not in that way."
You remained quiet a moment. Surely, he didn't mean...
"What answer are you looking for, Hyunjin?"
"I don't knooow," he groaned, his hands flying up to cover his face. "You're just so warm and so comfortable. And you smell so much better than toilet cleaner, I promise I was joking."
"I hope you were," you laughed, amazed at the man falling apart in front of you. "What is happening right now?"
"I don't know!" he repeated. "When you were trying to save my life from the sadistic spider lord, a switch flipped somewhere in my head."
"Okay," you said slowly. There was a lot to unpack there.
"I'm touch starved and attracted to you in the worst way," he whispered. "I know I shouldn't think about you like that, but you make it so hard."
"Oh," you said, disbelief coating your tone. "So, this is my fault then?"
"Yes!" he gasped dramatically. His hands fell from his face and revealed a pained expression. "Honestly, you are so hard to resist, you should be ashamed of yourself."
You let out a choked laugh of surprise. Was it possible that Hyunjin, who you had known for countless years at this point, actually had similar feelings for you that you had for him?
"You suck at confessing," you muttered, shaking your head. You couldn't believe that simply verbalizing his emotions was causing his head to nearly explode.
"I suck at a lot of things!" he said, seeming to be more frustrated with himself than anyone in the situation. "But I don't want to suck at being a boyfriend, which is why I've never said anything, and now my big dumb face has no control because I'm locked in like a six-by-six cupboard with you and literally you are all I can think about."
"Hyunjin," you laughed. "I like you too."
"Don't play with my feelings, Y/N," he croaked. "I'm fragile."
"I know this," you sighed, reaching up to cradle his cheek with your palm. "Who do you think has been protecting you all of this time?"
"Who says I need protecting?" he muttered.
"You," you grinned.
"Okay, maybe, but are you serious? Do you really feel the same way?" he said, his expression achingly hopeful.
"Of course, I do," you said quietly, pulling yourself to your toes. Kissing him softly on the tip of his nose, you smiled. "How can anyone who knows you not fall in love with you?"
"Love?" he squeaked, his face going from hope to pleasant surprise. A slow smile began to tug at the corners of his lips. "You love me?"
"Well, I-" you struggled. You thought that much had been apparent.
Hyunjin giggled before wrapping his arms around your waist. Pressing his face into your neck, he nuzzled you. "You love me."
"Against my better judgement," you sighed.
Pulling away slightly, Hyunjin's eyes flitted across your face before zeroing in on your lips. "Would now be a bad time to kiss you?"
"You already confessed to me in a janitorial closet," you teased. "What even is a bad time anymore?"
This caused him to laugh before he tilted his head toward yours. Closing your eyes, you braced for what you had always hoped for.
And would continue to hope for.
"Found you!" you heard Seungmin gasp just as the small space was flooded with light.
Blinking up at the intruder, you could only sigh. "Really, Seungmin?"
"He's late for his lesson!" he grumbled, crossing his arms. Looking back and forth between the two of you, his eyebrows rose. "And now I see why."
Without missing a beat, Hyunjin shoved Seungmin roughly in the shoulder, causing him to retreat a few steps. "Five more minutes."
Yanking the door closed again, he nestled you in his arms. "Now, where were we?"
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lillithhearts · 6 months
Inspiration Song : Forgotten Love By Aurora
Halsin x Gn!Reader
Not Proofread!
Synopsis : After the Final battle you and Halsin part ways as longed lovers, Halsin making his Task taking care of the less fortunate waiting for your return
A Reunion long overdue,my heart
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You set foot in what was once the cursed Shadow lands a land you hadn't visited in years; gazing at the flourishing land that was once cold, lonely and lacking in color.
Now it was so gorgeous; Colorful with trees and life all around you, Thaniel and Oliver did spectacular work making this land whole again.
But that wasn't why you were here, you were looking for your lover, Halsin who you agreed to part with after the Battle against the Netherbrain. He to help with the people in Moonrise and you Baldurs gate both of your hands were incredibly full as time flew by.
You didn't know if he was even still here, going here on a limb as you longed for him another night, Hoping he felt the same.
A part of you cringed in fear that he might've found someone new; you never split but your status was never set in stone as you went separate ways.
Finally you walked into what you'd been told had been Halsins place of living after asking around other locals, You saw the children he talked about the morning after the battle and you quickly got one of theirs attention
"excuse me, Have you seen a man named Halsin?"
The child almost jumped into the clouds with excitement
"Daddy Halsin?! Yes of course we were just on our way to him!"
You smiled at the child as you followed them, Being led through a door where Halsin was sat next to another group of children telling them a story
"daddy Halsin, somebody is here to see you!"
The child pointed to you with their hand the other holding your larger hand.
Halsins eyes spread in shock as he stopped talking about, whatever he was talking about. His eyes scanning you very intensely before he cleared his throat as he stood up motioning the kids to scurry off
"Come on Children, Me and this nice person need some privacy"
With a slew of "okay"s and "awe"s the children flooded out the door behind you, your eyes never leaving Halsin.
As soon as the last child left, politely closing the door for you two Halsin rushed up to you, almost crushing you in a bear hug as he lifted you into the air. Inhaling your smell after so many years, he finally decided to pull away with you still in his arms
"my heart! You've returned"
Tears threatened to spill out of your eyes as you had gotten closer to him, The lines around his eyes had become more, Along with some smile lines. The years and task of raising many children showing on his yet handsome face he spoke quietly after observing your expression on his own
"I thought we'd never cross paths again.."
You almost burst into a crying laughing mess as you heard his words what foolish words; you huffed as you smacked his shoulder.
"and never see that handsome face again? I thought you were smarter than this"
His laughter roared in the room as he put you down, His arms still around your waist he rests his forehead against yours
"what brings you here, my love?"
The silence after was comfortable, Peaceful as your hand cupped his cheek you contemplated your next words,
"I promised we'd cross paths again and I keep my promises"
Halsins eyes crinkle as he grins from ear to ear his next words interrupted before he can even open his mouth
"and, I hoped you'd have the room to let me settle here, with you"
A content sigh left Halsins lips as he pulled you in for a longing kiss, gentle and tender.
"I've waited years for you to be in my arms again, please do not separate from me ever again, my heart"
this might be horrible but it's 3am have mercy
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fandomnerd9602 · 8 months
Novitiate!Wanda x Male Reader
For @lifespectator and @aloneodi
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It had to be some Divine conspiracy. The way that you and novitiate Wanda happened to step out of that confessional booth at the same time. It was as if the Lord Himself was pulling the strings to bring the two of you together.
“Hey” you manage to speak.
“Hello” she smiles back.
How could it be? That she fell for you as much as you had fallen for her. And yet something about it felt so forbidden. True she had not taken her vows yet but you still felt that she might as well have.
“were you in that confessional booth?” Wanda asks, a little blush making its way across her angelic features.
“I-I was filling in for Father Wong” you stammer trying to somehow explain the whole thing. “It’s not like I was trying to lure you away from your vows or anything like that” you stammer nervously.
“ is it really that strange?” Wanda takes a step towards you, “ that I fell for you and you for me?”
“How could I not?” You breath out.
She takes your hand. “Due to my vows, the only kiss I can settle for is this”
She leans the palm of her hand against yours. A holy kiss.
“If that’s the only kiss we can have, then I count it a blessing” you whisper.
“Good day, Y/N” Wanda sadly whispers as she turns to leave.
“Good day…sister Wanda” you let out a sad, miserable breath.
Wanda found herself separating from you. Different tasks taking her off in different directions. Time that she was getting further away from you, and yet I just made her heart grow all the more fonder for you. She couldn’t deal with it, the feeling of being so far away from you was too much for her to bear on some days.
If only she could realize how painful it was for you too. You found yourself your mind drifting away from your own studies.
You found yourself walking towards Wong’s office. He was rather happy to see his favorite apprentice.
“Y/N!” He laughs as he pulls you into a fatherly hug, “what brings you by this morning?”
“I have to leave Father Wong” you whisper.
“Why? Do you feel the Lord calling you elsewhere?”
“ I feel Him calling me towards someone” you admit. “I’ve fallen in love with sister Wanda.”
Wong leans back in his seat, “Wanda Maximoff?”
You nod, a feeling of guilt passing over you. Your mentor simply removes his glasses and smiles.
"I knew there was something between you two" he lets out a soothing chuckle.
"Wait what?"
"You know the Scriptures never say one has to be celibate for all your life? I don't know how that even got started"
"So it's not wrong to love Wanda?"
"No" he affirms you, "if anything I think it's why the Creator told me to put you two together. You make quite the duo. I've never seen the sunday school more joyful than when you and Wanda are together with those kids."
Wong pulls a paper off his desk, "for some reason, His Excellency the Pope Stephen sent me this email today. Said I should be the first to know"
Wong hands the paper to you which you read aloud, "this paper decrees that celibacy is meant for a season, not for life. It's no longer required for priesthood or the convent"
"Run to her, Y/N" Wong summarizes with a smile, "the parish has been thriving with you and Wanda"
"Thank you sir!" you run out of Wong's office and straight to the chapel, briefly passing Sister Natasha who gives you a knowing smirk.
You find Wanda on her knees at the altar. Even with her back to you, you can hear her tears.
"Sister Wanda?" you call out to her. Wanda gasps, immediately she bolts up.
"I-I'm no longer Sister Wanda." she admits, "I've taken a teaching job here on the parish's grounds but I cannot join the convent."
"And I can't join the priesthood... well at least originally" you walk up to her. "Wanda I love you. And I know that the Creator put us together for a reason. It's some divine conspiracy how but all I know is that I never want to part from your side"
Wanda tears up, a gentle smile forming on her face, "I don't wish to leave your side either."
She holds up her hand, wishing for a holy kiss. You clasp your hand with hers and pull her into an actual kiss. Wanda melts in your arms, holding onto you for dear life.
"Now I know that was ordained," she giggles, "because that felt heavenly"
You take her chin in your hand and kiss her again.
The gentle early morning light shines through the stained glass window and right onto you and the novitiate who stole your heart. It's as if the Creator Himself was smiling on the two of you.
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vinziel · 3 months
The Heart of the Lovesick will always be Broken Male Reader x Bruce
A/N: Another Angst with no comfort? Damn I'm feeling angsty today.
Oh what a thrill it was to date the Spruce from BroZone, that man could make anyone fall for him and you were one of those people, yes you two were inseparable, you both cuddled, kissed, went on dates. Ah yes how marvelous it was, the troll was gentle, kind, flirty and oh mighty handsome. Yes it was the perfect relationship and you thought you two would last together, you really did but when the band split up, you didn't even know Spruce left, you went to visit him one day and only his grandma answered, telling you the brothers except for Bitty B left. Least to say you were heartbroken, you cried and cried.
And oh how things were worse when you lost your parents when the trolls were escaping Bergen Town, you heard their screams as you tried to help them, only to be pushed to the exit by other trolls running. And there you lived a life of isolation, no one there for you and you there for no one. You eventually tried to socialize and became a bit happy, but still your heart remained broken and no matter how many trolls you dated tried to fix it, but people always say the heart of the Lovesick will always be broken, but you never believed in that, you still tried to fix your broken heart. You continue to live life like normal, your heart slowly and gradually healing, until you saw him, he was there, talking to his brothers, you didn't want to believe it, your eyes widened, and you froze in place.
Spruce, who now goes by Bruce approached you, he recognized you and gave you a hug "How's it been man?" He asked excitedly, you broke out of the trance and hugged him back, a small blush appearing on your face as you smiled, replying "I'm doing great. You?" "Oh life's been great, got reunited with my Brothers and blah blah-" You both converse for a while, you really thought you had a chance again, that maybe you two could give it a shot once more before Bruce suddenly mentions "I've got a wife and 13 beautiful kids now it's grea-" "WAIT YOU HAVE A WIFE AND KIDS?!" You yelled, shocked, choking on air "Yeah, it's been a while you know and well" Bruce responded, laughing awkwardly "W-well congrats man. I'm glad you found someone else" You say, you felt your heart break even more, you thought, you really thought you had a chance with him again huh?
"Thanks but uh what about you? Found someone else?" Bruce asked "Oh, no, I've dated but you know, none really worked out" You answered, the conversation was becoming awkward and really uncomfortable for both of you "Well I got to go, got you know stuff to do" You say awkwardly laughing, Bruce replied "Oh yeah my bro's are probably looking for me" You both went your separate ways, and it was only then when you went back home you let all your frustrations and despair let out, you thought to yourself "You dumb fucking idiot, you think he hasn't moved on?! You thought he was available?! That guy is smoking hot, you didn't think he would find someone else?!" You yelled at yourself, as you cried and cried, just as your heart was finally slowly healing, it was broken again, back from scratch, as you isolated yourself once more. No one there for you, and you there for no one. Perhaps what they say is true "The Heart of the Lovesick will always be broken"
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dreamlandcreations · 1 year
Love you more
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Jake Seresin x pilot!Reader
Summary: Jake wasn't looking for anything permanent but he was helpless to resist you...
Warnings: a bit of angst, okay this might have become a lot more angsty than I intended, idiots in love, mention of Coyote's almost crash, height difference, crying by the end
It started at the academy. You were a challenge in more than one way. Competition on the job and irresistible temptation otherwise.
You knew Jake Seresin wasn't the relationship kinda guy and you didn't want to be just another fool who fell for his charm and into his bed, hoping it could be more. Because that was the thing, you knew you wanted to be more.
Despite your resolve, you ended up sleeping with him anyway. What took you by surprise was that he wanted more. First, it was just having fun on a regular but soon you became friends and somehow, even though no one knew other than Coyote and maybe Phoenix, you found yourself in a monogamous relationship whether you said it aloud or not.
He could never talk about this stuff and you accepted that, whatever he would give would be enough for you because you were afraid to ask for more. From before, you knew why he was insistent to keep his distance.
The guys teased him about you, that you brushed off his attempts like no one else. One of them said he was losing his game, another remarked that he was awfully determined, and someone else mentioned that he might be in love with you.
"Nah, man. Love is not in the cards for me. My one and only love is flying, that's it." At the sceptical looks, he sighed and explained his reasoning. "Look, I've seen widows and orphans grieve for a husband and father they hardly knew, it's not gonna be me."
They didn't know you heard them, it wasn't your intention to eavesdrop but you heard your callsign and it made you pause and listen in. Later, you found out he was talking about his own father and that explained a lot. It's when you decided to give whatever he wanted a chance.
A few years later, you were still together. The several months you had to spend separated all faded away as soon as you reunited when you were both called back to Top Gun.
Or at least you could push down the longing for a while. You were determined to enjoy what little time you had together before you were sent away again.
Javy tried to talk to you about your relationship with his best friend when he caught a glimpse of longing and saw you hide your pain, a well-practiced manoeuvre that you could manage in a blink of an eye. But he caught it, and having spent the last few months with an absolutely miserable Jake, he decided to do something about you two being idiots.
"I'm surprised he didn't put a ring on your finger the moment you met again."
You frown at him, realising he was not kidding laugh at the idea.
"It's not like that. We are not like that." You sigh, pushing down your feelings again.
"You are an idiot." He states with a stern face.
Laughing at him, you shove his shoulder. "And I know why you are friends with him, asshole."
"I'm serious," he insists.
"So am I." You sigh, looking away for a moment to collect yourself. "His first love would always be flying, I could never compete with that. I accepted that this is all we get. Please, leave it at that."
He complies with your wish. For now.
A few days later Coyote almost dies and as he lies in a hospital bed, waiting for a check-up Jake barges in the door, clearly upset with what happened and rushing to see if he's okay.
After he reassures his friend that he will be just fine, Javy decides to make something good come out of this.
"You know, I could have died today." He starts, satisfied when he sees Jake's jaw clench in a mix of anger and fear. "It could have been you though. It could have been her."
He lets that sink in for a moment before he continues.
"She thinks you love flying more than her. That if she asked for more she would lose you and it's hurting her." You are hurting her goes unsaid. "I was with your cranky ass for the last few months, I know she's wrong. So don't wait until it's too late. Tell her."
Jake is speechless. He leaves after Javy practically kicks him out to find you. During the short drive back to you, his mind is on repeat with one thought.
It could have been her.
As soon as you open the door he crashes into you, kissing you desperately until you have to pull away to catch your breath.
You don't have time to question him before he says the one thing you thought you'd never hear from him.
"I love you." He whispers as he cradles your head in his palms, bending down to look into your eyes.
You both cry and laugh as he leans into another kiss and another and another.
After you separate again you take your chance and say what has been troubling you for a while.
"I was offered a promotion."
"Darlin', that's wonderful." His cheering turns into a frown as he spots yours.
"I wouldn't be flying anymore but I wouldn't be tied to a specific base either." And now he gets it why you haven't told him yet.
"But you love flying. If this is because of me..." You won't let him finish.
"I love flying. I even love flying with you." The adorable 'what's that supposed to mean' expression has you giggling for a moment before you elaborate. "You can be a jackass, Hangman."
He shrugs nonchalantly, basically admitting your fair point.
"I love flying." You repeat, hesitating before you say what you wanted to say for a long time. "But I love you more."
You rendered him speechless for a moment.
"I can't make you give that up for me."
"You are not. It is my decision."
"What if I you didn't have to." You don't understand at first but as soon as you register his meaning you start to protest vehemently.
"No! No, you can't."
"And you can?"
"It's different."
When you look away and don't come up with an answer he has a suspicion about your reasons to hold these all back until now. He pleads you to tell him.
"I thought flying was your only love." It's better than more than a whisper but it's enough to break his heart nonetheless.
"I love flying." He guides your gaze back to his. "But I love you more."
And that breaks something in you, your tears return and this time you are nothing more than a sobbing mess in his arms.
He pulls you to the couch while you cry, holding you tight as you let it all out. When you fall asleep right there he just looks at you, feeling terrible for what he put you through while also being happy that you put up with him for so long.
Jake is already trying to figure out what to do to find a solution so you could be together, just like he promised you before exhaustion took over you. He knew one thing he had to do for certain and Javy definitely needs to be the best man for it.
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m-jelly · 1 year
Hi, my lovely Jelly!
Can i have Levi x reader (modern) one shot: reader and Levi are friends from childhood. When they get older them both realised that they fell in love with each other.
Levi is nervous and afraid of rejection but decided do a first step. He told her that they need to have a serious talk and confessed his feeling when he and reader was alone in his room after spending day together
I just love cute and nervous Levi, he is so adorable 🤍
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@kenkopanda-art <3
Confessions of devotion
Pairing: Levi x Fem!Reader
Genre and tags: Modern AU, fluff, romance, confessions, friends-to-lovers, mutual pinning, becoming a couple, country living.
Concept: After spending a nice day together in your town, you go back to Levi's for some tea and to talk. While there Levi finally confesses his love to you, which you accept and reveal your feelings too.
Taglist: @levisbrat25 @ladycheesington @skittlelover69 @li-anne @youre-ackermine @nbinairyn @nyxiieluna @thebobaprincess @galactict3a @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6
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Levi gripped the wheel of his vintage pickup truck as he drove through the small town you both lived in. He glanced over at you in your cute summer dress and felt like you were his wife. He wanted so badly for you to be his wife.
He had loved you for the longest time. He had grown up with you in this town and had fallen in love with you when he was a kid. The two of you were always together and it was impossible to separate the two of you. You were each other's worlds.
Levi flinched at your soft voice. "Y-Yes?" He glanced over at you to see your kind adorable smile. "Everything okay?"
You hummed as you nodded. "Yes. I was just checking on you. You seemed out of it and you drove past my home."
Levi blushed bright red. "Oh, well..."
"Are we going to yours?"
He gulped hard. "Y-Yes. Is that okay?"
You hummed a little laugh making his heart skip a beat. "That's fine. I love going over yours. You have such a nice house."
"Thank you."
He pulled up to his home at the edge of town. He had a simple wooden home with two floors that was nice and cosy and well looked after. Levi had made this home with you in mind. He wanted this to be the forever home for you and him. He had all the room for you and any children.
He smiled softly as you made yourself at home and started to make a pot of tea. He gathered a few comfy things and took them outside to the swing seat you often shared together. He sat down and waited for you to join him. He smiled as you walked over and joined him in the seat. He covered your legs with the blanket and took his tea.
You swung the seat you were in and hummed a little song. "I had a lot of fun today."
Levi smiled softly. "I'm glad." He fiddled with his cup. "I um...I want to talk to you about something."
You turned your body to face Levi. "Sure. What's going on?"
He gripped his cup tightly as he felt nervous. "So, we've been friends for a long time."
You hummed a laugh. "We have. We've always been together."
He chuckled. "So many fun memories of running around together." He leaned back and sighed as memories with you fluttered through his mind. "We used to run around this town together. We were always up to know good."
You ruffled your hair and giggled. "Your mum was terrible for encouraging us to so silly things."
Levi smiled softly. "My mum is the best."
"She is."
He cleared his throat. "This isn't about my mum."
You hummed in agreement. "I gathered. So, what's up?"
He gazed at you. "I uh...I see you as more than a friend."
Your heart raced. "You do?"
He nodded and shuffled closer to you. "I see you. I really see you and what I see I...I love."
You blushed hard at his confession. "You...you love me?"
He put his cup down before reaching over and caressing your cheek. "I've fallen in love with you. I knew I was in love with you when I was a teenager. I wanted to be with you, but I was so scared. I didn't think you'd love me like I love you." He sighed. "I can't hold back anymore. I need you to know. I love you more than anything in this world."
You welled up. "You love me. You really love me?"
"I do."
You put your cup down and wrapped your arms around Levi's neck. "I love you too. I've always loved you as well, but I never thought you loved me."
Levi clung to you. "How could I not? You're an incredible woman. I love you so much."
"I love you, Levi."
He crashed his lips against yours and sighed through his nose. "You're so beautiful and cute. I could just eat you up." He smiled at you. "You should be made illegal for being so fucking adorable and cute."
You giggled at how sweet he was. "I don't want to go home."
Levi nuzzled his nose against yours. "This home was made with you in mind. I made it for us."
You blushed. "It's the perfect family home."
Levi pulled you onto his lap. "It's our home now."
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Finn Shelby- Sweet Treats
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I walk into the Garrison meeting my boyfriend, Finn and our friend Isaiah, who are both sat at a table in the corner of the room. I walk over to them holding a box of cakes
"Evenin YN" Isaiah nods towards me
"Good evening boys" I kiss Finn on the cheek and sit down next to him
"Where 'ave you been all day?" Isaiah laughs "not warming someone else's bed up 'ave ya?"
"No obvious not. I've been at mum and dads shop if either of you bothered come and look. Not sure if you deserve these" I open the box lid up
"This is why your my best friend" Isaiahs eyes widen as he goes to take a cake
"Ah ah ah not so fast" I bat his hand away "they aren't just for you two. They are for everyone, your brothers included Finn"
"They're in their room"
"We'll come on then" I make my way over to the private room and open up the door
"Ah YN, what've you got for us today?" Arthur shouts holding on to his whiskey
"We had extra cakes left over so I've brought you all some"
"Made by you I hope" John raises his brow looking at me
"Of course" I place the cake box down and the Shelbys/Grays all take one as well as Isaiah.
Later that evening Finn walks me home
"You know I don't think I've ever had cake as good as you make it. Even Aunt Poll, she bloody burns everything"
"Hey she's not that bad, but thank you Finn. I enjoyed making cakes and biscuits. I want my kids to have a childhood like mine where we bake in the kitchen and then go outside and play in the mud while we wait for every thing to cool"
"Yeah, that sounds good. Do you think you could teach me how to bake?"
"Of course!" I say with a wide smile "I'm not helping at the shop tomorrow if you want to come over?"
"Will your parents be ok with that?" Finn asks me with concerns as we arrive at my house
"Yes, don't worry. Mum and dad said they are fine with you coming over as long as we're downstairs"
"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow then" Finn kisses my check then walks away as I open up up my door.
The next day my parents leave the house to go and open up our bakery and not long later Finn shows up and we start weighing out ingredients
"Now you need to add the eggs" I tell Finn who picks them up and goes to crack them on the side of the bowel "wait actually crack them in here" I put a spare bowel in front of Finn "just in case of egg shells"
"Do you not trust me?" Finn raises his eyebrows at me
"Honestly no. Now come on. We need three eggs, chop chop"
"Your bossy when your in the kitchen" Finn chuckles
"You want to make a cake or not?" I place my hands on my hips
"Ok ok I get it" Finn attempts to crack an egg but it ends up going everywhere
"Good job I put a separate bowel down wasn't it?" I smile at Finn "watch and learn my love" I take the eggs from Finn and crack them in the bowel with ease "ok you can stir, but..." I'm not able to tell him to be careful because flour ends up all over the both of us "go slowly"
"Never heard you say that before" I give Finn an annoyed look "oh come on YN. It's me, did you really think that teaching me to make a cake would be smooth sailing?"
"No I guess not" I begin to smile
"I think we should both go up and take a bath aye?" Finn moves closer to me with a smirk
"Hmmm you'd like that wouldn't you" I lean up to kiss him but then pull away looking at his shocked face "you can clean up down here while I take a bath" I kiss his cheek and make my way upstairs.
Weirdly Finn never comes upstairs, and it's quiet. So after half an hour or so I get out of the bath and get changed. I make my way downstairs and that's when I can smell burning
"Oh my goodness Finn what are you doing?" I shout now seeing him pull something smoking out of the oven
"I tried making a cake, but it didn't work" I smile walking over to Finn "I'm not good at this and what you said yesterday, I want our children growing up baking. I'd like to be apart of that" Finn actually looks quite sad
"Hey, it's ok. You know that first time I tried making a cake on my own I dropped the eggs on the floor then slipped on them. You'll learn, so will our children... our children. I like the sound of that"
"So do I" Finn wraps me up in his arms and kisses my lips with so much love.
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Azul Ashengrotto of Royal Sword Academy || Chapter 22: Halloween Tour Date
Jamil decides to spend their first day together touring Azul around NRC's Campus in the midst of Halloween Week.
Many offer their support, though a certain student has different intentions in mind...
Word Count: 3,894
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At the head of the dining table is Jade, writing in his notebook. To his left, Floyd and Rielle seem to be in the middle of a pleasant conversation. Beside Rielle is Ruggie, drawing things on Ace's face while the freshman is sleeping on his arms on the table, seated across from Ruggie. The two vacant chairs are between Jade and Ace.
Ruggie sniffs the air when they arrive and turns to look at them. "Aw yeah food's here!"
"I trust you didn't wait too long?" Azul asks as he and Jamil set down the plates on the table.
"Nah we just got here," Floyd says through a wide yawn.
"Thank you for cooking breakfast," Rielle smiles at them. "You didn't have to wake up so early for us.”
"It wasn't any trouble at all," Jamil replies, sitting next to Ace and taking a sip from his coffee cup. "Besides, we already spent the whole day yesterday sleeping." He nods at the freshman beside him. "Looks like someone hasn't recovered from our late-night excursion." He gives Ace a poke. "Hey. It's rude to sleep at the dining table."
Ace violently jerks up. "Gah! Don't behead m— Bwah?"
"Mornin', Crabbyyyyyy," Floyd croons, snickering.
Ace blinks and then gazes at the meal before them. "Oh, food!"
"You got that right!" Ruggie rubs his hands together. "C'mon, let's dig in!"
"Do you cook a lot, Jamil?" Rielle asks as they all begin eating.
"I've been cooking since I was a kid and I often cook for my dorm members,” Jamil replies.
“Ah, I see. I saw the cookies you made for Azul back at the ball, I was surprised to see him eating them since he usually avoids snacking. They must have been good for him to finish them."
"Must have been?" Azul looks at Rielle pointedly. "You ate three of those cookies yourself."
"And I don't regret it!" Rielle says with a grin.
"Ehhhh? Sea Snake, you made treats and you didn't give us any?" Floyd complains, looking at Azul. "Octyyyyy, make him make us treats, tooooo!"
Azul chuckles. "I don't think any of us can make Jamil do anything, Floyd."
Ace snorts beside Jamil. "Yeah, right. This guy doesn't know his power," he mutters to Ruggie.
Floyd gasps at Jamil in realization. "Hey! You said gifts weren't needed at the ball! But you brought Octy a gift!"
"I liked your gift too, Floyd," Rielle reassures him, holding up his wrist and pulling his sleeve back to show a bracelet where he had affixed a button as a charm. "See?" he smiles.
Floyd's mouth gapes open as he stares at the bracelet, then at Rielle's face. "I'd make out with you right here but Jade has been gettin' on me about my table manners lately."
Rielle's face goes red and he laughs nervously, averting his eyes. "Th-That's—" he clears his throat. "Anyway, maybe I can bring treats next time I come here."
"A... button?" Ruggie asks in confusion.
"Aww, lookit Floyd being such a charmer!" Ace teases.
"It's a good thing you imposed that restriction, Jade," Jamil mutters. "I don't think my appetite can handle watching Floyd tear into Rielle this early in the morning."
Jade chuckles in amusement. “It really has been a delight having you all around; do feel free to visit Octavinelle whenever it pleases you. It’s a shame we must go our separate ways today.”
"Shoot, you're right!" Ace hisses, sitting straight up. "I can’t be late for Heartslabyul's assembly! It's my costume shift today!"
"And I gotta buy some snacks for the cubs at Sam's shop later." Ruggie hums. "Leona's idea. Don't tell anyone, though. He wants to keep coming off as aloof as ever. What about you lil' lovebirds?"
"No, no, haven't you learned, Ruggie?" Jade playfully chastises him. "Only Floyd and Rielle are the lovebirds here."
Ruggie snorts. "Right, and Leona and I are just friends. I been hangin' out with these two since Azul's first visit here," he points at both of them in turn with his spoon. "And like I told Jamil back then, my nose never lies," he taps on the side of his nose with his finger.
He smirks meaningfully, and Jamil suddenly remembers how Ruggie had said in detention that Jamil had Azul's scent all over him.
And that was just after one hug that only lasted for a handful of seconds.
Jamil tries his best to focus on his food and keep a straight face despite feeling heat rush to his cheeks.
Jade then politely clears his throat. "Azul, Rielle, what will you be doing today? Does the committee have any duties of their own to attend to?"
"Ah, I'm currently suspended from the committee as I'm still recovering," Azul says.
"I have to coordinate with your Halloween committee later to finalize the catering," Rielle answers. "All in all, Azul and I don't have to go back to RSA until later this afternoon."
"Awww, can't you sleep here again?" Floyd pouts at Rielle.
"I'll keep visiting whenever I can," Rielle smiles at him, putting a hand on top of his.
Floyd brightens up. "And I can visit RSA! If Sea Snake can fly all the way over there to smooch his crush, I can too!"
"I wasn't smooching him," Jamil huffs. Not back then, at least. “Finish your breakfast.”
"Yeah, let's get this show on the road and make everyone see just how awesome this year's Halloween Week's gonna be!" Ace proudly declares, new energy pumping through his veins from both the coffee, the meal, and the looming threat of getting clocked by his own Prefect.
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After freshening up with showers, the group soon split up by the Hall of Mirrors, with Jade and Rielle heading for the assembly hall where the Halloween Committee would be holding a meeting.
Ruggie saluted them then dipped into Savanaclaw's mirror, Ace practically ran for Heartslabyul's, and Floyd… well, he had almost followed Rielle, but when he was told that only committee members would be allowed in, he groaned and slinked off to who knows where.
Jamil then wordlessly offers his hand for Azul to hold.
Azul looks surprised for a moment, but he smiles softly and takes Jamil's hand, lacing their fingers together. "Where shall we go first?"
"Since you're not in any committee, we'll be treating you like a guest here, Mister Ashengrotto," Jamil replies playfully. "We're getting you a stamp ticket first, and the closest booth that'd give those would be at the clock tower near Sam's shop. Visit all the special locations and get them stamped and you'll get yourself a lil' prize." He leads Azul out of the building, where paved roads, foliage, and lampposts are adorned with pumpkins, streamers, and festive lights blending in with the trees' autumn colors.
"Oh? And what prize would that be?" Azul asks in interest. "Or is that an NRC secret?"
Other students are starting to notice their linked hands, and several of them turn their heads and look at Jamil curiously.
"It's not a secret, it's just candy," Jamil replies. He notices the stares. He tells himself that it's all right and simply sticks even closer to Azul. "Why? Hoping for another kind of treat?"
Azul raises an eyebrow playfully, "I am." Then his voice lowers to almost a purr and he leans his face closer to Jamil's. "I'm hoping for something much sweeter than candy." Then he chuckles and stands up properly again like nothing happened. "What do we have to do at the clock tower to get a stamp?"
Jamil widens his eyes at Azul's bold flirt right in the middle of the street and takes a few seconds to blink and recover before responding, "What… do we have to do..? Oh er… nothing, really. Just find the guy assigned for giving out those stamp sheets and move on. The school hasn't opened to the public yet so we'll have a few moments of peace before the visitors crowd in."
And so they arrive at the clock tower. To the right, Sam's shop is seen, decked out in tapestries, carpets, haybales and pumpkins to resemble an abandoned marketplace. Many of the Scarabia students are tidying up the area, dressed in a scarlet-and-white ensemble as they don fake wolf ears and tails.
A few of them notice the duo approaching and proceed to greet them with waves and hearty "good mornings".
"Prefect! Thank goodness you're here!" One of them calls out. "We need more hands in the make-up department and Mister Sam needs help with restocking!"
"Idiot," hisses someone else. "Can't you see he's on a date with Mister Azul right now?"
"Oh, are you needed here?" Azul turns to Jamil. "It's alright, we can continue the tour later." He turns to the other residents. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
"OH! No, i-it's okay! Never mind! We got this handled—" stammers the student asking for help.
"It's all right," Jamil calmly reassures them, decidedly not refuting the fact that they're on a date. "I also came here to assist and make up for my absence yesterday." He turns to Azul and gives his hand a gentle squeeze. "Don't worry, this'll be quick. Maybe you can see if you can help Sam. He should be inside his shop."
Azul smiles at him and squeezes his hand back. "Alright, I shall see you in a bit." He gives a friendly nod to the other residents and goes inside the shop.
"Prefect, are you really dating Mister Azul now?" a bright-eyed first year asks him excitedly.
"Sshh, don't pester Prefect!" says a sophomore passing by carrying fake wolf ears and a makeup kit.
"Is he gonna borrow our dorm uniform again?" another first year asks.
The sophomore scoffs. "You just wanna ogle Mister Azul's biceps."
"I do not!" he blushes fiercely.
"Is Mister Azul your boyfriend now?" the first year repeats his question louder to talk over the others, turning the heads of their other dormmates.
Jamil stares awkwardly at the numerous Scarabia kids looking at him.
"I… well... Does that matter right now?"
"He's not denying it," sing-songs someone from the group.
"Aw, come on, boss! There's no need to be shy! We're only asking 'cause we're rooting for you two!"
"Yeah! We could prolly help too, if you let us in on the deets!"
Jamil sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "That's unnecessary. If you really wanna help, just don't pester Azul about any of this, okay?" He glances around to make sure no one else is listening in before he mumbles. "Just so you can stop asking, yes… I guess you can say we're dating now."
There are a few gasps, then scattered claps and cheers among his residents.
"I KNEW IT!" a sophomore pumps his fist in the air. "When he offered to tutor us with the study sheets, the payment he asked for was for us to stop setting up dangerous traps for you, boss."
"Yeah, he thought we wanted to kill you or something to take your place!" says his resident with a fondness for quicksand traps.
"Glad we sorted it out, though," says the one who usually paid attention to the study sheets. "He looked worried about you, Prefect."
"I'm so excited to learn from both of you, boss!"
"He's really cute," the first year says dreamily.
"Sshh!" another sophomore scolds him.
"What? I didn't say I wanna date him, I'm just saying Prefect has good taste!" the first year says defensively.
"SHUSH! SHHHH!" Jamil hisses at all of them, though he can't deny that there was something that felt nice to have his romantic interests be met with such enthusiasm. "Quit it! If you really wanna be supportive, then don't be embarrassing! Come on, gimme those make-up kits."
"You heard 'im, fellas! The sooner we get this finished, the sooner they can get back to their date!"
"YEAH!" Everyone exclaims.
Jamil sighs again and momentarily closes his eyes as he feels his face warm.
His residents maintain a giddy energy throughout their work, but to their credit they still did their jobs efficiently.
After making sure that everyone already has makeup on, Jamil wonders if he should check on Azul. He hasn't seen him ever since he went inside to help restock shelves, and Jamil realizes that he doesn't know whether Azul has taken a break yet, or exactly how many boxes he's had to lift already.
"All right, are you guys good to go?" Jamil asks the students.
There’s a scattered reply of “Yeah!”. 
"Okay, good. Just hit me up with a text if you guys run into any problems."
"Aye-aye, sir!"
Jamil then makes his way to Sam’s shop, already feeling worried about Azul. He better not be exerting himself too much in there…
"...We're not gonna be contacting Prefect, are we?" Test-Groaner asks Gossipmonger once Jamil was out of earshot.
"And ruin their first date as a couple? Hell no." Gossipmonger scoffs.
Jamil opens the door to the shop and he hears Sam's laughter along with Azul's; they seem to have just finished a conversation.
Sam says he'd go check the stocks in the back, and he leaves with a friendly wave.
Azul turns back to his work and stocks the shelf behind him. He had removed his coat and his sleeves are rolled up to his elbows; the muscles in his arms and torso flex under his shirt as he reaches up to stock the topmost shelves.
A student in a vampire costume smoothly walks from one of the aisles and approaches Azul.
Pomefiore, Jamil thinks.
"Azul Ashengrotto, isn't it?" he asks, standing behind Azul.
Azul glances behind him and turns to face the student with a polite smile. "Yes, good morning."
"Hansel Finnegan, Pomefiore," he says in his silken voice, extending a hand.
"A pleasure to meet you," Azul takes the handshake, standing straight like a proper RSA student.
"Oh no, not yet," Hansel says with a low chuckle, then he smoothly bows and lifts Azul's hand, brushing his lips lightly against the back of it.
Azul's eyebrows raise in surprise, but Hansel takes a step closer to him before he can say anything.
"Will you be staying long?" Hansel asks. "I can show you around, the Pomefiore castle looks especially gorgeous this week," he tilts his head.
"Ah," Azul seems to realize Hansel's intentions, but he retains his polite smile. "Thank you, but I'm afraid I already have plans."
"Oh? No more room in your schedule for a neck-biting creature of the night, then?" Hansel says playfully, taking another step forward.
Azul subtly tries to put more distance between them, but his back hits the shelf.
Jamil was quick to act, eyes shooting daggers as he makes his way over and clamps a hand on Hansel's shoulder.
"Hey," he greets, trying to sound as neutral as he can. He doubts his eyes are looking anywhere near friendly, though. "If we're talking about schedules, I heard your Prefect's calling all the costumed students over to the Pomefiore booth. Gates are gonna open in ten minutes and I wouldn't wanna be late if I were you."
Hansel turns to look at him distractedly. "Huh? Oh, that's more than enough time." He turns to Azul again. "What do you say, Azul? Would you like to come with me and see our booth?"
"I'm still busy at the moment," Azul gestures to the shelf. "I'm sure I'll have time to visit the Pomefiore booth later today."
"Our booth would be swarmed once the gates open because of our Prefect. I’m sure you know who Vil Schoenheit is," Hansel says with an air of smugness. "If you come with me now, I can give you a private tour, I'll show you behind the scenes of our preparations," he smiles and flutters his eyelids, his glitter eyeshadow drawing more attention to the color of his eyes.
"Such hospitable treatment…" Jamil mutters, slipping in between the both of them. "Perhaps you're better off dedicating that energy to actual visitors. He's already got a tour guide. It's me. Now back off before I knock those fake dentures out of you."
Hansel looks taken aback at Jamil's words, then he sneers. "And what makes you think you'd be a better tour guide than me? You're not even in costume."
"Hansel," Azul speaks up. "We wouldn't want you to get in trouble with your Prefect. Perhaps you should go to your booth now."
Hansel clenches his jaw for a moment. "Alright. But I'll look for you again, Azul." He looks at Jamil. "You don't have sole claim to him."
Jamil makes a friendly smile, seeing that Hansel is making direct eye contact with him.
And at that moment, he activates his Signature Spell.
He doesn't even need to do the chant for a chump like Hansel.
"Jamil…?" Azul mutters behind him, confused at what's happening.
The smugness in Hansel's smile disappears as his face goes slack, his blank now-crimson eyes staring at Jamil.
"Are you sure that Azul is something to be claimed?" Jamil sweetly asks, tilting his head. "You don't actually mean that, right?"
Hansel pauses for a moment before he shakes his head.
"Shouldn't you apologize to him for spouting all that stupid stuff, then?"
Hansel stiffly turns to Azul and bows, remorseful. "I'm sorry for being such a pee-pee poo-poo head, Azul."
Jamil snorts, trying to keep his laughter in. "You're doing great, er... Hansel, right?"
"Yes, Master," Hansel perks up, looking up at Jamil with great reverence. "Thank you, Master."
Azul's mouth opens in surprise. "Jamil," he says in a playfully scolding tone. "Using your Signature Spell for something like this, really?"
Jamil smiles back at Azul. "I know. A very worthwhile endeavor, no?" He turns to Hansel. "You, every time you look at Azul, any sense of inappropriate urges you get leaves you tongue-tied and unable to speak. Understood?"
"Understood, Master," Hansel furiously nods.
"Great! Now then… Why don't you head on over to your booth and really play your part as a fun vampire for the visitors to enjoy? Your Prefect would really appreciate all your efforts, I'm sure."
"Yes, Master," Hansel says in determination and bows deeply to Jamil before walking out of the door.
Azul stares after him in awe, then looks at Jamil in concern. "Are you feeling alright? That's quite the powerful magic you just used."
Jamil shrugs, feeling fine. "Honestly, he's one of the easiest targets I've had in a long time. I'm okay, don't worry. More importantly, looks like you gotta stop being so desirable, otherwise I really might end up having to resort to all kinds of methods just to keep people from trying anything. Seriously, though, he was being a creep. Are you all right?"
"It was a little unsettling, but yes I'm alright," Azul reassures him. "And what part of this is desirable, exactly?" he says in a more playful tone. "I'm doing grunt work restocking shelves."
"Mm-hm, and you look good doing it, that's the problem," Jamil replies pointedly. "If I was restocking shelves and I didn't have my jacket while my sleeves were rolled up, how would you react?"
A smile appears on Azul's face, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Oh, I don't know," he says in a feigned innocent tone. "Maybe you should try it so we can find out."
Jamil grins and shrugs. "You don't mind me just watching, do you? I already did all my grunt work outside." He does feel a little winded from all the running around they did while applying makeup and helping the other residents get in costume.
"Of course I don't mind, I'm almost done here, anyway," Azul says sincerely as he continues to stock the shelves.
Jamil glances around the interior to prevent himself from ogling his boyfriend too much. "By the way, other than that rude guy who just left, what do you think of this shop, as an aspiring business owner yourself?"
"It’s fascinating," Azul says. "Sam wasn't lying; it looks like you can find anything in here, stocking these shelves showed me that. I'm guessing you guys buy most of the stuff you need here?"
"Yep. Not once have I ever seen Sam run out of stock on something unless a whole dorm went and bought one specific item off of the shelves. Even then, they'd be fully restocked the next day... Not to mention that he seems to know what you're looking for even before you walk into his shop." He casts another glance around the shop's wares, suspicious this time. "Convenient, but a little unsettling… Do you guys have shops at RSA?"
"Perhaps that's part of his magic skills," Azul says, not sounding unsettled at all. "His shadow does seem to be sentient; I wouldn't be surprised if he has other powers that help him know what his customers want. And yes, we have shops at RSA, but they're different little shops for different things set up all over campus; instead of one big shop like this where you can find most things already."
He puts the last of the stocks on the shelves and brushes off his hands. He takes a step back and rests his hands on his hips, looking up and down the shelves.
"That looks proper enough, right?"
Jamil steps next to Azul and stares at the shelves before him. "I wouldn't know, since I don't know what's supposed to be stocked here, but... they seem perfectly fine to me. Look at you," he gives Azul an affectionate nudge on the shoulder. "Perhaps you'd make a good 'humble dockworker' hauling stuff around if the entrepreneur thing doesn't work out."
"Dockworker could work, everytime I need to renew my shifting potion I'd just jump in the water," Azul says playfully, then he walks over to the coat rack and takes his coat, draping it over his arm.
Jamil takes out a black glossy pamphlet and holds it out for Azul. "By the way, it's the stamp booklet. I managed to get one for you, just in time for—"
"Attention all students: Night Raven College's gates have now officially opened for visitors on Halloween Week's Second Day,” an announcement blares over the speakers outside.
"...That. C'mon, let's get the Scarabia stall stamped before we get swarmed with more people who could catch you looking this nice."
"’This nice'?" Azul asks as he and Jamil get out of the shop. "You do know this is just my school uniform. Every student in RSA wears this," he says in fond amusement.
"No, unfortunately even with the RSA coat trying to hide it, there's all this Azul charm going on around here." Jamil playfully gestures at the merman's face. "If I didn't know any better, I could say you're the one hypnotizing people towards you."
Azul laughs, his cheeks turning pink. "My, Jamil, are you saying you're feeling hypnotized by my charms?" he asks playfully through half-lidded eyes.
"As an expert on the subject, I have been for a long while now," Jamil replies, leaning forward to give Azul a kiss, beaming at the surprised and slightly flushed look on Azul’s face afterwards. "Now let's tell Sam we're heading off and get outta here already. Those booths aren't gonna explore themselves."
They bid goodbye to Sam—and his shadow—and head outside.
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Author's Note:
For those who have read Chapter 14 of Granting Favors, you might recognize Hans of Pomefiore. Yes I did use the same OC in both fics. I just thought it would be funny for him to annoy Jamil in every universe 😌
<- Chapter 21
Chapter 23 ->
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nnothingnesss · 10 months
The Gambler (Short Story)
Yusuf reminisces on the loss of his family as a result of his gambling addiction after he secures his first $100k jackpot.
Like an unrecognizable lantern leading my way with no light, it's flame dimmed and deadened out, I walk into the room of shadows as they crowd the walls, the floor and ceilings in darkness. I plea that you consider your Gods, your faith, or your path because for me to be here in this empty room, means I've betrayed them all. I feel as though the deep red blood of my family dressed my sacrilegious hands. To be here, in this room, it felt as though I kneeled and laid my head on a cold chopping block, closing my eyes, waiting for the blade to fall in deliverance but it never comes. And so, I stew in these sour grapes for eternity with a gaping hole where my family had once been.
It wasn't cold but I still felt a shiver trickle down the bone of my spine. I expected things to go differently, and for that, I paid the price. These family taxes were beginning to take a toll on me, the late fee's began to add up, and today was collection. Repossession. This was a cruel reminder of my unpaid debts. I hadn't shown up to this house in two weeks and now it lied empty and bare. Quiet and desolate. The thriving family home, this once warm and comfortable corner of the world, has become nothing but an empty black box devoid of matter.
The couches and sofa, our desks and chairs. All the remaining furniture was covered in a grey and crinkly tarp as if to hide holy impurities from the eyes. As if what was once pure were now carrying an innocent deadliness to them, the tarp meant to suffocate the tears. The endless laughter that used to storm the room, the many nights we spent as a family sharing dinner in front of the TV re-watching the same shows our kids loved. Me and my wife, our skin becoming one. Our love rivaled that of a spiritual fascination with the moon or mysticism. I've changed since then, but I haven't died. Nirvana was a dream. A place I could never go.
My JanSport bag falls on the ground with a thud. My knees follow. To be here was to face the irony of a Shakespeare play, the mockery of any who gossiped infinitely. To be here was to fight the very cells within my body from swelling to the eyes and falling like rainwater, to swim against the floods. To be here was to relive every good memory I've ever had, then to recall the descent into entropy, the loss of my family, and ultimately the loss of identity I clung to before I stepped through that door. All my worst fears and paranoia danced with reality, to shame me, laugh at me, ridicule me, and tell me no balloon can dance amongst sharp objects. "Sooner or later, you must know, it will pop." And it did. Reality popped like corn in the oven and every individual kernel was me telling myself there was no way this could be real. But it was.
On the amber marble of the kitchen counter laid a note. It was from my wife. The night before I left she told me she wanted a divorce. Our life had been anything but a positive affirmation. It had been anything but a excitable increase of joy and laughter. Instead it was a stagnant and static cool jet grey but not the kind that makes you think "well, that looks very sharp and stylish." It was the bland and intrepid grey, the kind that screamed dangerously boring. Our love was nothing but cinders and ash, soot on the sand of any beach where water can extinguish it. But it was necessary. It had been a placeholder for our kids. They didn't have parents but they had a mom and they had a dad. We slept in the same bed, ate at the same table, and sat on the same sofa with Barney and Millie but it always felt we existed in separate rooms. I could see the absent look in her eyes pour hot iron into my soul. But then it cooled and became unrelenting metal. And now, she and the kids were gone. And here, I shall bear the weight of my inaction.
Underneath the note laid a long pile of unpaid bills she had left for me. It's the reason she left, it's the weight she had now no longer carried due to my whims and fancies. It had never been my intention to twist her legs or arms into submission for so long, never in a million lifetimes. But it became natural. Her tired body now running away carrying our clueless children on her broken back. A scar on our family they'll undoubtedly grow curious of as they contemplate their confusing origins. How I stood at the bottom of a well digging my grave attempting to coerce them down the hole. As I looked up at them, surrounded by the rocks of piling payments dipped in shadows. The closer I got to the jackpot, the more questions and uncertainties they were given. My gift to them. Until they turned away to disappear.
Evil collectors came to nestle into the home of my heart and mind as I dug, the heart of a once family man. A man of no solid confidence can hold his woman and children in earnest. No young child could understand the absence. No man who can dig this deep could promise his family stars in a black sky. The paper bill was an iron bar full of account numbers and dollar signs marked by absurd debts well into the many unaffordable thousands. As I look at these papers, cruel reminders that no other option could be as viable. I teemed in fury at how it still felt that way, even more now I had nothing left to lose. How much could I spend before I won my freedom?
A few years after Barney started middle school, his condition worsened. He required at-home
medical attention, nurse's came and went occasionally to check his condition, monotone monitors beeped, wheelchairs. The sad and expressionless face of my child laid peacefully paralyzed on a pillow in a forsaken slumber. In his own car-shaped twin-sized bed.
Me and my wife questioned reality and couldn't help but still find a bit of resentment for all the higher powers that be. They alone were the ones capable of inflicting a horrid fate onto an innocent child. But his life was a light, a burst of redemption and pleasure to us. A geyser of holistic vibrations from an otherwise rocky, hard ground. In a world that never truly wanted to comprehend him, enjoy him, relish him like we did, we would love every reincarnation of him for all of time. We would do anything for our young ALS warrior, my son Barney.
One night, after me and my wife got into an argument over his worsening condition I met with a friend of mine at a downtown bar called Inez's. Me and him ordered wine and sat as I told him my predicament over fruits and cheeses.
"Y'know what you need Yusuf? You need to come by the casino. Sure it'll get your mind off things and hey, maybe you'll make a killin' and solve all your problems eh?"
"Think that could help me?"
"Yusuf, man, I've seen a guy walk out damn near a millionaire."
"That's loaded, no way it could be one of us," I swirl the port around before throwing my head back killing the glass.
"That's your problem Yusuf, every one in that casino walks in knowing it's spend money to make money. Every single one of us believes we could walk out a millionaire. Solve our problems."
"Everyone is in debt? Sounds ironic"
"Some are finding their own way to get out of debt. Others are there to play smart." Mikhael says.
"Doesn't sound like a good idea to me."
"Trust me, it's better than people give it credit for. Just don't go too crazy."
That first night I went to the casino I walked out with almost $2,000. Me and my wife kissed when I walked through the door as I spun her in my arms, the tenderness of her love and warmth of her cheeks as our heads pushed into one another's. I didn't go back to the casino for months. Until we could see Barney had slowly started slurring his speech. As Barney became increasingly more paralyzed I could feel my heart slowly turn from flesh to glass, creating a fragile man that was stuck in time. The entropy that slowly creeped up into our walls like conscious vines with ill-intentions. A desire to invade our house and minds with a creeping reality. Eventually Barney would be completely paralyzed, completely silent. We managed to keep morale in the house high because we knew it's important. But behind closed doors, me and my wife began unraveling. The sky was falling into a stirring purple. The bright blues were the news of yesterday and days before. Today and tomorrow we fall into the oranges and then purples of our family woes. When we stood in the black, me and my wife stood alone. She in the car with the kids. Me in this kitchen, alone, leaning defeatedly onto the cold amber marble as my life was going off in flashes.
Me and my wife argued more and more everyday. I began to go to the casino after each one. Me and Mikhail would have the same conversations, play the same games, roulette, blackjack, slots. Then we sat at the same bar, Inez's, and drank our losses away or celebrated the small wins we claimed. It was much more balanced than one would think as we became better and better at the games and strategy. As I began to become a better gambler, my family began to grow increasingly isolated from my presence. Soon days turned into weeks and time melted, I'd find myself getting to go to the casino even on a good night. My wife began to stop questioning my absence and our arguments over Barney being paralyzed, me being an awful example of parenthood, our lack of money and my lack of willpower to go get another job became a daily ritual.
"You're just lazy Yusuf." My wife shakes her head.
"Marianna, look at this." I pull out more money from my hands, not as much as my first haul but an easy extra $200.
"How much did you lose?"
"I lost nothing," today.
"You're that good huh? Must be proud of yourself."
"Marianna, I just want to help. I'm not going in there and wasting money. I'm playing smart."
"That's how it starts Yusuf, you're going to the casino almost every other day. Barney needs you here."
"I'm doing this for Barney Marianna."
"You're doing it because you don't want to sit and talk to me and be with the kids anymore."
"I do. I love to sit and talk with you. I love being with the kids. But you're right, we need more money."
"The debts are getting paid, we can't afford this new wheelchair Yusuf. You can't spend all our money now on hopes and dreams. You have to pick up a second job."
"Marianna," I fold the money into her hands. "Take this. I promise I'll get him that chair."
"Yusuf, no."
"It'll be okay,"
"Please stop acting like this."
"Marianna, it's alright."
"It's not."
"I promise."
She sighs and stands up to tend to Millie's sudden outburst of crying. She believed me at first and as time passed by I realized I couldn't convince her anymore. I started betting more. Barney's conditioned worsened. Me and my wife's relationship began evanescing into invisibility. And through all the stress and responsibility, my impulse control began to deteriorate until the blood on me could be smelled as soon as I walked through the door. A long night of gambling and drinking.
My attention is brought back to the JanSport bag I dropped earlier. In it lied shy of $100k. Two weeks ago, when my wife told me she wanted a divorce, I flipped out. It was the first and last outburst of mine and it was the most violent. I didn't mean to say such shallow and empty words. They weren't me, or my tongue, it felt as though I had been possessed by a hungry spirit that simply wanted to eat. I just wanted to gamble.
To me, it was more then just a escape. It had become a game. An art form. To know when to hold back, to know when to go all in. It required a methodical science that could be as sensitive as a newborn's attachment to their caregiver. I made lots of money since taking it seriously. There were long intervals in which I made more then I loss, and then there were seasons where I lost more then I made. It never took less then a couple hundreds or so to get back to my spot though. And so the vicious cycle continued.
After our argument the next week me and Mikhail went to the MGM in Vegas. He paid for my trip and everything. I told my wife I was visiting distant relatives. I'm still not sure she was convinced. He said there was a group of people out there who were pro's that he'd been chatting with over the internet. People he said he knew pretty well. We all hung out and got drinks in the bars and hung out there. A man and three women. All single. I had gone out of anger, not at my wife, but a general unhappiness with my own life. They were pro's and with me and Mikhail together we had a pretty decent sized team. We made a pool of our money and split it even and bet it all together. When we came back together and met in the room we danced and partied and drank the night away. We were halfway to a million.
Mikhail wasn't wrong. There were people who spent their money to lose, for some idea, a false and phantom idea that they'd make it big with just one play and get lucky. They couldn't have been more wrong. To play smart was to know it'd take a loss to make a win. It's because the path to winning was no different then the path to losing. It's how you spend, at the end of the day, that truly makes a gambler and a fraud.
I had made much more money gambling and forgetting my life at home then I did working any job being a family man. The fact I'd come home to a violent silence, a subtle distrust, a ailing family separated me. I placed all my earnings in their hands. I thought me making this kind of money would've been a good thing. So while in Vegas, I allowed myself to completely forget. I allowed myself to forget my loving wife and all of our best times together. The beautiful sex we'd have and kisses we'd share, the children, the home we worked so hard to buy and inhabit together. Not just as another place to sleep, but a safe haven, a family castle for our kids to grow up and become kings and queens of one day. Even Barney. I allowed myself to completely forget, an invisible lot in my mind, and I played the game.
I pull back the tarp to the living room sofa and sit on the white soft couch. It was in pristine condition. The many nights me and my family spent on this sofa almost brings me to tears but I swallow them down. I'd already been sentenced to death by hanging. I grab the JanSport bag from the floor and open it to look at all the cash. Looking at it should've made me happy. All the things I've done to find my own happiness, and I lost sight of the most important things I could be doing to be happy. I forgot it wasn't just my happiness on the line. I felt they were attacking my happiness. But it was only because they missed me. It was how I used to make my wife happy. My kids happy. My home happy. How could I have been so selfish for this long? Now that I've finally lost them, I don't feel relief. I feel a dozen swords pierced through my back.
I still loved my wife and my kids. I would never stop loving my wife and kids. But her note was no different then the bills that lied next to them. The difference is now, my bills could be paid. The tolls I incurred on my family, they were far too high for any man to afford. I peel the blue envelop back, opening it to a white folded sheet of paper. It didn't fully fit, the note being small, and our wedding ring tucked in the corner. It was worn on her soft finger for nearly a decade. Just holding it in my hands, I could feel my knees return to jelly, the drunk warmth of my body threatening to kill itself on the spot.
I bring the note in my jacket pocket and grab a single stack of bills. Value $10,000. I had never spent any of my gambling money on myself save for the occasional drink of port wine with ritualistic fruits and cheeses with Mikhail. He was at home enjoying his win of the pot with his family. I can't say I'm sure if he was having a good time now or not. He never really talked about his family with me. Our conversation was never personal, always advising. Always planning the next jackpot, always in search of our next win. I stand from the couch and drag my feet towards the amber marble table. I grab my keys and decide I'll go for a drink and celebrate myself, alone, for the first time at Inez's.
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poisonandpages · 8 months
So my sister (who is training to be a therapist) and I were talking about how sometimes when people are abused young, they have this experience later in life where they go "Oh... I think I was abused!" Sort of like Bob Belcher going " I just realised I had a bad childhood!". Not just thinking what they went through was normal, not just the brain going "That was traumatic so I'll forget it", but a sort of combination of the two where they see "Things that are abuse" and "Things that happened to me" as two entirely separate things that could never overlap until they do. And it sort of lead me to have this kind of... epiphany? Remembering a repressed memory? I'm not sure exactly what it was and it's horrible but I think it might help me in a weird way.
When I was approx 10 years old, two of my cousins nearly killed me.
I don't think they meant for exactly that to happen, but the way they were "playing" was...I don't know. Cousin 1 was a known sadist the same age as me who loved hurting weaker kids while charming adults so he'd never face consequences. Cousin 2 was a follower a year younger who'd do whatever the other one said if it meant being spared. So they had some fun together by pinning me down, putting pillows over my face, and jumping on my head. I screamed and screamed but they didn't stop until I pretended to be dead and went limp. And they didn't stop because they were concerned, they stopped to laugh.
So in tears and with my head spinning from suffocation, I went downstairs to tell the adults and they just. Stared. Looked at me with the most blank expressions anybody could have and just stared. Shrugged. Told me to sit at the table as dinner was ready. And the wildest part is this was not the worst thing they ever did (this is the same set of people who essentially psychologically tortured my siblings for years and isolated my uncle to the point where he hanged himself and then pretended they were super close at his funeral).
And I realised something today. While I've been aware of my own mortality for as long as I remember, I think this was the first time I had the thought that nobody would care if I died. My birth mother's family weren't the first people to be cruel to me, but I think they were the first people to put that particular idea in my head.
Which is. Awful. But now I think of it that actually kind of makes the idea that nobody would care easier to dispute? Obvs I know logically I am cared for and multiple people would miss me. But when I have my Really Bad Episodes it's a thought that pervades, that people would get over it quickly if I killed myself. Now though, imagining that the source of this thought is my cruel aunts who have done many extraordinarily horrible things, I think I might be able to fight back against it next time. Nobody would care? Untrue. My aunts and cousins wouldn't care, and that's because they're horrible people who cause nothing but suffering to anyone who knows them.
So. Yeah. I remembered something horrific that happened to me and I hate knowing that my relatives are still out there facing no consequences (as far as I'm aware, we haven't spoken in over a decade). But I think this might actually be good for me going forward, in a way.
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minilpark · 2 years
HC on being hangman's sister? If possible :) x
there's a ton of other fics/headcanons about being jake's sibling and i'm sure they're so much better, but this is what i think about, so i hope you like it!
oh and for this request i went with a navy!reader so i hope that's okay
carrying the last name seresin could be such a struggle at times
especially since you followed in your brother's footsteps and joined the navy yourself
yes you went in to become a naval aviator as well
i mean it just always sounded so cool to you when your parents talked about it
and jake talking about his experiences piqued your interest as well
so you signed up
and went through the hell of training to get where you are today
and despite being 5 years younger than your brother, you worked your way up through the ranks quickly
not to toot your own horn, but if you had to describe your own flying, it would be all the best parts jake was as a pilot (speed, efficiency, maneuverability, etc.) without his arrogance or willingness to abandon his wingman-
so you weren't surprised when you got recalled back to top gun for some sort of mission
the thing that did surprise you was running into your brother
as soon as you walked up to the bar, you ran into some classmates of yours, phoenix and fanboy
so you three, along with a new friend, payback, walked into the hard deck together
and to your surprise you found jake playing pool with one of his classmates, coyote
"well if it isn't my kid sister-"
you just rolled your eyes a bit
of course you two loved each other to no end, you were siblings, family is all you got in the end, but when he does tease you, especially in front of other officers, it kinda gets on your nerves
phoenix knew how you felt about your brother considering she was the only one who knew you were related, until now that is-
phoenix: fellas, this here's-
y/n: bagman
jake: hangman
you and phoenix: whatever-
honestly fanboy and payback were a bit surprised you two were related, your personalities were so different so the only thing that really could signify that you were siblings was the last name-
after meeting everyone that first night, you were ready to head back to base for some rest until you were stopped by a hand on your shoulder
of course you knew who it was so you just turn to face him
"what's up jake?"
he just smirks and shakes his head while pulling you into a hug
and of course you hug him back
it's been a while since you've seen each other in person
"i missed you kiddo, i'm sorry we haven't caught up in a while-"
you just lightly punch his arm and shake your head
"don't worry about it, i've been busy myself and you know communication is a two way street"
he just smiles at you
"yeah i've noticed you've been busy, lieutenant, i'm proud of you"
"alright, alright, let's head back to base before this becomes a sapfest-"
and so you two go back together
before going your separate ways to your rooms you just
"g'night bagman"
"hey that's hangman to you, y/c/s"
you laugh while reaching your door
"whatever old timer"
on another note, you would think jake would be protective of you while up in the air, and yeah that's true to an extent, but he's still named hangman for a reason
he understands as much as you do that flying your best is part of the job
he still hasn't grasped the fact you shouldn't leave your wingman hanging though
but besides this, the only time he's really protective of you is concerning dating navymen (cough cough or women)
if he notices anyone in the class flirting with you he keeps a close eye on them and your interactions
and if you do decide to date anyone he would definitely give them the talk
you know the one, "if you hurt them i'll..blah blah blah"
overall you and jake's relationship is pretty chill besides the times he acts like a second dad
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
It was a Friday afternoon; the school had concluded for Chucky and Tiffany, and now they were making their usual routine back to their homes. They both had been chatting and having conversations about school and home life. It mainly remained the same for Chucky.
"Hey Chucky"
The young boy peaked his head up towards her, seeing her hold a flyer for a fair near them. The piece of paper said the fair was open till midnight, and today was the last day for fun.
"Should we go? Todays the last night!"
Chucky could tell in the pitch and tone of her voice there was no way he was escaping this. He knew she was gonna make him go and have fun.
"I don't know.....''
"Aw come on! It's the LAST DAY!"
She waves the flyer eagerly in his face practically begging him to say yes. He thought for a moment, his brother was out at a friend's house....so why couldn't he go and spend a night out with Tiffany. thinking that made his cheeks flush a light salmon color. His mother was out always working and his father.....his father.
"I don't know....my dad would---"
"Forget about your dad! You told me a while back he's never home on Fridays and Saturdays! It's perfect"
Chucky felt his stomach twist into sailor knots, as he could only imagine what his father would do if he found out about his son's intension to sneak out and have fun.
"But if he finds out he'll--"
Tiffany held his hand, gently clasping them together.
"He won't find out.......I promise"
Chucky blushed at her touch feeling his uneasiness fade and be replaced with a fluttery feeling inside his stomach working its way up to his chest.
Tiffany gave a shy smile and retracted her hands into her pockets.
"Meet back here at 5:30"
The two walked off their separate ways, heading to their own personal hells. Chucky walked into an empty home, which he found to be a relief. He found a note on the counter and recognized his father's handwriting.
Charles, ich komme nicht. Benehmen
(Charles, I will be out. Behave)
He crumbled the note and tossed it into the trash. He smiled realizing that his father wouldn't return for the night and wouldn't for the rest of the day and the following night. He made himself a humble meal of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, with some milk. He made sure not to waste any of his food or his father would have his hide.
He washed his dish, feeling the soapy residue on his hands beginning to foam back up. He washed himself up, combed his hair, and cleaning his face, and changed his attire to something more comfortable and less restraining. He checked his grandfather's watch.
He decided that it was an appropriate time to leave his house. He grabbed his old jacket and a 5-dollar bill he had found on the ground the previous day and began strolling down the sidewalk. Yes, it may have been a bit early, but he hated being late and strived for punctuality, something Tiffany never understood. She wasn't one to talk since she was typically either late or barely making deadlines.
He stood in the spot they agreed to meet at, tapping his foot to pass time by. He waited for about 20 minutes, to no avail. He distracted himself by watching the birds above him soaring in a synchronized pattern. His ear's perked hearing the clanking of shoes beginning to approach him. He recognized them as Tiffany's.
"How'd you get here so fast?"
"I've been here for like 20 minutes Tiff"
"Why! We said 5:30"
"Better early than late"
".....Well anyways come on we got a fair to get to."
Chucky was still wary about going somewhere, without his father's approval, or his knowledge, but Tiffany put his expanding worries aside. The two kids entered the fair and were immediately hit with the smell of hotdogs, popcorn, and cotton candy. The sounds of people cheering and laughing filled their ears, thumping against their eardrums.
"So what should we do first?"
"...I--I don't know....you pick"
"How about the swings?"
The two waited in lines and finally managed to ride the swings that spun them around, slowly increasing the speed. After the ride they felt their legs turn to jelly, both hobbling around, and giggling with glee. They strolled around the fair going on ride after ride, and even enjoying some of the foods they had there. Till Chucky spotted a ride that caught his attention. The Free Fall. His eyes grew wide with excitement, listening to the thrilled screams, and the drop.
"Hey! Before we go can we go on that one!"
The line for that ride was relatively short, with not many people even daring to step near it. The tired employee strapped them both tightly and gave the count down.
The two shot straight up feeling of weightlessness to them and got a beautiful view of Jersey, seeing the lights of the city. Then they plummeted straight down both screaming from the thrill ride. Chucky stopped screaming when Tiffany grabbed his leg giving it a squeeze. He felt his cheeks begin to heat, and his face turns bright pink. He felt that fluttery feeling build in his chest once again and let out a nervous giggle.
They concluded their day leaving the fair, laughing and retelling their fun times at the fair.
".....hey Tiff"
"Thanks for bringing me out....to have fun"
Tiffany gave him a smile and hugged him. Chucky wasn't one for affection, but it was different with Tiffany. Instead of feeling the need to remove her, he wanted to return the embrace. He gave her a soft hug back, the feeling in his chest again.
"You're welcome"
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-less-than-three- · 5 months
The unloving
I remember him, the man I met in 2021, who met at my lowest. I don't even have the words to describe what he felt like, it was not a slow burn, but it was gentle like one. I was engulfed in the love he gave me, I could feel it surround me and hold me like water. I was safe, I was known, I was loved. He felt like an old love song, like slow dancing under dim porch lights, he felt like the daydream you have when you hear the one song you know you want played at your wedding. He was the proof that souls can be intertwined, the sprituality in a flowing river, the grounding of bare feet in soft earth. I knew so soon I wanted to marry him. He was kind and he was gentle, he was grateful and he was soft, he was rare and he was strong. I remember how ethereal the time spent was, just late night snacks and a movie felt like I had found the garden of eden, my lifeline, I wanted him forever and believed I could have him.
And then the grief struck
It's hard to watch someone you love die. I'm not even talking about the grief that killed him. I'm talking about the way he grew so cold overnight. I got pushed to the back burners, he began to drink more often, rely on comfort from other women, push me away more and more everyday. He carried the 80% until this point and I was an imperfect lover, so when he got sick I picked up the 80 and began to pull the yoke. I tried so hard to bring him back to himself. I stayed when he would say things that cut me deep, I helped take care of his kids, I stayed quiet about the other woman and immersed myself in his life so much I forgot about my own, I tried so fucking hard to bring him back.
There was nothing I could do...
I can see a clear and distinct difference between the man I met in 2021 and the man I met in 2022, they are two different people, who live two separate lives, and love two separate women. I lay awake at night crying, mourning. I watched the man I love get sick and die, I layed him in a shallow grave and I kissed his face. I buryed him and watched everything I'd searched for all these years, the life I had ahead, the love that burned so bright in my darkest parts, be layed to rest.
There is a man that looks just like him that walks this earth still today, at least thats what others might say. He has the same name, the same birthday, the same hair and skin color, even most of the same family and friends... But I do not know him. He is made of different earth, born of different water, forged in different fire. I can't be angry with a man I do not know. I hope he is happy, I hope he finds peace, I hope he finds love. I just know when I look in his eyes that this man is stone, no longer water.
I look for the man I met in 2021 in everyone I meet, I'm desperately searching for a semblance of him to hold onto. I loved him so viciously, I still imagine the life we could've had, the love we could've shared. I miss him more than anything. My heart was shattered when he died. I wake every morning at 2am and weep like a child knowing I can never bring him back. The man I loved is dead. I found what I searched for my entire life and within only a few short months he was ripped from my grasp... I know he loved me though, what we had was real, it was beautiful, and it was breathtaking.
I've layed him to rest now, and accepted that he is gone. It's a very real mourning. I remember him when the wind blows the right way and caresses the skin on my face, I remember him when I hear children laughing, or when the sky is extra blue, or the grass extra green. I remember him fondly, and I don't hold him responsible for the actions of the man that was left after the trauma. If spirits are real, there is an afterlife somewhere where the man from 2021 is holding the hand of the girl who passed in 2022, maybe she needed him more than I did, and that's why she took him with her.
There is no happy ending, just me, alone, sitting here with the shattered fragments of my heart, trying desperately to remember how they all fit together. Trying so hard to heal and to move on and to be okay, but missing my love more than anything. The only thing I can take from this is knowing that the kind of love I yearn for is real. It exists, I know it, I felt it, I lived it. I pray every day that I can find it again, but for now it'll be the thing that keeps me going
It was real
It's real
It will be real
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snarkysinner · 8 months
𝘿𝙖𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙚 𝙂𝙚𝙩𝙨 𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙚.
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The fire represents my passion, dare and danger-seeking personality. I can’t help myself. I love the smell of gasoline. I light a match to taste the heat. I've always liked to play with fire. It was like I was possessed by a demon. I started having nightmares with a bunch of women being killed in the most gruesome way they could possibly be; cutting parts of their bodies to collect as trophies. I don't know why I even have these nightmares when my twin brother JJ is the serial killer. He and our eldest brother were two maniacs.
After 3 months I left the motorcycle club. I tasted blood and it turned into an obsession; I couldn’t explain why I had this instinct in me. I was an arsonist and I went to prison for those charges. Why am even acting this way like I was my brother? Me and JJ were connected since we were children and after becoming adults and going our separate ways that connection had disappeared the last time I saw him he was visiting me in prison when he confessed his crimes to me. How could I ever forget the day when I woke up with my hands full of blood without remembering anything at an early age. I never gave it importance.
“I’m an arsonist not a serial killer.” I stand in front of the mirror and repeat those words a couple times. I had a blind date. I wasn't fond of them but a friend convinced me to go and have fun. The day went so perfect that we ended up having sex in her place. I leisurely strode towards the kitchen and grabbed a sharp knife from the knife's base. I leisurely strode towards the bedroom to get on top of this girl when she’s sleeping peacefully after a rough night. I slit her eyelids in half so she couldn’t blink as I stabbed her in the face, She groaned and grunting. I stabbed her twenty times and slit her throat with a maniacal laughter.
The morning after I woke up laying next to her body, cold and lifeless soaked in blood with the knife in hand stained with her blood, the knife clattered on the floor. A rush of panic and euphoria surged through my body. I ran to the bathroom and threw up into the toilet. Her body was irreconocible. I stand in front of mirror when the flashbacks start to play in slow motion.I remember when I was 10 years old and it was Halloween when we all went out to the neighborhood to collect candies and knocked on their doors with the words “𝙏𝙧𝙞𝙘𝙠 𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩.”
After having my bucket filled with candies, a boy bigger than me hit me in the face. I fell to the floor half conscious; he stopped, laughing at me, “These candies are mine now.” There was a big stone next to me without giving it a second thought I grabbed it and hit him on the head simultaneously leaving his face unrecognizable. His blood splashed on the clothes I was wearing and on my face. When I finished. When I came to my home I twisted the knob, it slowly creaked open. Stepping into the house with my candies as if nothing had happened, I took a bath and burned my clothes, my mind completely blocked that day until today. I remember the look of terror on that kid’s face and the sense of satisfaction I had when I saw how my crimes went unpunished.
Every atrocity I had committed, every scream, every cold murder it had my name on it. I’m not only an arsonist, I was a serial killer. I created JJ from my imagination. He was the cold sadistic killer of women and an escape from me, the crazy kid who had a falta attraction for burning things. The day JJ visited me it didn’t happen. The cops and the other criminals saw me talking to myself like a lunatic person. I have double personalities. My blackouts were a product of my mind blocking those events because a normal person couldn't have done what I had done to all those women. I write with my finger stained from blood against the mirror “I killed her” With a sadistic smirk toyed on my lips. The more you come to know yourself the more you may realize you may not like yourself. I don't know if the voice in my head triggered this instinct. But I know being reckless and young Is not how 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗲 𝗴𝗲𝘁𝘀 𝗱𝗼𝗻𝗲. There's a darkness inside of me that follows me here. And it’s going to keep coming for me.
To be continued…
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