#I've been sick and cold all week and want a cuddle
cibdraws · 8 months
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Sleepy cuddles
I couldn't decide if I liked the warm filter or the original so here's both :3
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shmolish · 2 months
AN: Def seems like the person to deny being sick, and act like a little bastard, and not take medicine, and just act whiney and clingy
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Sick! Shadow Milk Cookie x Reader
Oneshot (headcanons below)
Warnings: idk, just a silly little post of our favorite trickster ☆☆☆
"Shadow Milk, you have to take the medicine or you're not going to get better!"
"I already told you- It's gross and I don't wanna!"
This back and forth had been going on for who knows how long.
You see, Shadow Milk had caught a cold, and you have been trying to get him to take medicine to recover. The only problem was, he was being a stubborn little brat.
"And I'm fine! It's just a cough. I'm not even sick-"
Oh, and there was that too. He kept insisting that he was fine when he clearly wasn't.
"You threw up an hour ago."
"That's unrelated."
You frowned.
"If you don't take it then I'm going to become sick. You would want that, right?"
He glared at you. "I don't like how you're using your own health against mine," he'd say.
"Fine, give it here," he reached his hand out for the bottle of medicine, to which you happily gave him.
Then he began to gulp it down by the bottle-full.
"Just be grateful I'm even taking it in the first place!" He'd hiss.
He finished the entire bottle.
"This stuff tastes gross. I don't know how you normal people do it," He'd stick out his tongue, and you would snatch the now empty bottle from his hands.
"That's because you're not supposed to drink all of it."
"Yada Yada, rules aren't really my thing, doll. Anyway, am I like.. not sick anymore?"
What a clueless, loveable, idiot.
"...No. You have to wait a while,"
He had a disgusted look on his face.
"Are you serious? I drank that whole bottle and it doesn't even cure me? That's such a scandal." He would cross his arms.
"Again, you weren't supposed to drink it all."
"Yeah yeah, my bad. Now hurry up and cuddle me. It's been much to long since I've last had you in my arms." He would reach his arms out for you, making grabbing hands and a pouting face.
"No way- I don't want to catch what you have."
He ignored your response and snatched you under the covers with him.
You were really stuck now. You both know that if Shadow Milk wants something, it's his. And in the current moment, he wanted your attention.
"If you do end up getting sick, then I'll be the one to take care of you."
It was going to be a long week.
Headcanons ☆
Runs around the house to avoid taking medicine
Denies being sick, even though he sneezes like every five seconds
Refuses to rest
Will get abnormaly warm, but will still complain about being cold
Will cuddle you in the night and you're legit overheating
He says sorry but doesn't do anything about it
Either takes all of the blankets from you, or puts ALL of the blankets on both of you
Either way, he uses all of the blankets
Ten times clingy, but he insists its for 'no reason in particular.'
Gets so whiney and needy
If he doesn't have your attention 24/7 he screams
Will 100% use his sick status to avoid responsibilities
Still a flirty bastard
If he ever seems to get randomly better, he'll say it's because of your love
One time has attempted to start an... interesting doctor and patient role play
You shut down the idea quickly and he wouldn't stop nagging you about it for the rest of the day
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FOR THE 5 LOVE LANGUAGES *  adjust as necessary, send 'reverse' for the reversal of action prompts
i'm very grateful for you.
you're very important to me.
you make me want to be a better person.
you're doing a good job, you know.
i can tell you're trying your hardest.
you constantly impress me.
what's going on? tell me everything.
i'm here to listen to you.
i love you so much.
you know you matter to me, right?
i don't know what i'd do without you.
you were right about everything.
if it matters to you, it matters to me.
i believe in you.
[ caress ] sender soothes a nervous receiver by stroking their hands up and down receiver's arms
[ absentminded ] sender casually takes receiver's hand in public, laces their fingers, and doesn't let go
[ shoulder ] sender listens to receiver speak and sets a hand on their shoulder while doing so, offering comfort
[ behind ] sender comes up to receiver from behind and wraps their arms around them, hugging them close
[ smack ] sender gives receiver's butt an affectionate smack as they walk past them
[ dinner ] at dinner, sender reaches across the table and takes receiver's hand
[ check ] sender reaches out to touch receiver, expressing concern for them
[ cuddle ] sender and receiver snuggle
i saw this yesterday, and i had to get it for you.
this reminded me of you.
you said you didn't have one... so i figured i'd get it for you.
i hope you like it. i picked it out just for you.
i loved making this for you.
i know you had a rough week, so i hope this makes you feel better.
it's all for you!
[ birthday ] sender brings receiver a present on their birthday
[ just because ] sender surprises receiver with a gift
[ grateful ] sender gets a present from receiver and expresses their utmost gratitude
[ flowers ] sender brings receiver a bouquet of their favorite flowers
[ candy ] sender gifts receiver with their favorite candy
i'm not going anywhere. i want to stay here with you.
why don't we spend some time together?
i'd rather be alone with you.
let's plan a vacation.
feel like taking a walk? the weather's nice.
i just want to be with you.
this weekend is all about us.
can we plan for some alone time?
[ walk ] sender and receiver go for a comfortable evening stroll
[ bake ] sender and receiver bake something together
[ decorate ] sender and receiver attend a painting class together
[ relax ] sender and receiver relax on the beach
[ craft ] sender helps receiver with a project they've been working on
let me get that for you.
i'll take care of it! i've got it!
you go and sit down. i've got this covered.
i've planned our entire trip. you don't have to lift a finger.
everything's all taken care of!
sit back down! i'll clean up!
i know it was stressing you out. that's why i took care of it.
i'll help you with that.
i watered your plants.
[ breakfast ] sender brings receiver breakfast in bed
[ blanket ] sender notices receiver is cold, so they bring them a blanket and drape it over their shoulders
[ jacket ] sender offers receiver their coat
[ soup ] knowing receiver is sick, sender brings them a bowl of hot soup
[ coffee ] sender brings receiver their favorite coffee order
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andreafmn · 10 months
Ours | Derek Hale Oneshot
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Word Count: 3.5K Requested by @gracelynn318: "Derek or Stiles finding out that their significant other (the reader) is pregnant and they try to keep it secret for as long as possible" Warnings: pregnancy, pregnancy symptoms (vomiting, nausea, fatigue)
Summary: Derek Hale and (Y/N) have been together for a long time, and they didn't know something was missing from their lives until it arrived unexpectedly. And all they want to do is revel in the moment for as long as they can, by themselves.
A/N: this story follows 0% of canon, just the character's names. will admit. I am a horrible Teen Wolf fan that has yet to see season 5 and 6, and I've also yet to watch the movie. So, definitely an AU 😬also, be on the lookout for tonight or tomorrow for another surprise regarding this request 😉😉
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Derek had noticed the change long before (Y/N) had. Long before she knew why she spent her days expelling her meals down the toilet drain, before she understood why her body craved more food than she could keep down, before she had even noticed that a month had passed and her period had not arrived. 
It came late at night. The soft putter of a heartbeat that felt so far that it could have been confused with the sound of rain against the pavement. They had been lying in bed, the exhaustion of living in Beacon Hills the only thing they needed to crash at night. But the sound had been bothering Derek. The continuous rhythm didn’t allow the wolf to lose himself in much-needed slumber. The sound kept him up, especially from where it was coming from. 
“(Y/N),” he whispered, running his hand up and down her arm to wake her. “(Y/N), baby, wake up.” 
“Mm,” she groaned groggily, cuddling to his body tightly. “Go to sleep, Derek.” 
 “(Y/N), I gotta ask you something. Wake up.” 
“We can talk in the morning,” she whined. “I’m tired right now.” 
“It’s important,” he chuckled softly. “I need your complete focus.” 
With a loud exhale, (Y/N) sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. The sheet fell from her torso, and the coldness of the night made her skin erupt in goosebumps. She rarely got angry with Derek, but she was coming quite close at that very moment. “You better have a good reason to wake me, Der,” she said. “I’m so tired I might just put off killing you until tomorrow.” 
“Listen, please,” he said. “When was the last time you got your period?” 
“What?” the girl questioned. “You seriously just woke me up to ask about my cycle?” 
“More or less. Just answer. Did you get it last month?” 
It took her a moment to think. The grogginess of being woken up still clutched her mind, and recounting the past weeks was hard. But her body startled awake as she realized she had not gotten her shark week in a month and a half. That fact alone did not scare her. She had always been irregular, and in moments of stress, it was more likely than not that she skipped a cycle. The problem was that not only had she missed a period, she had been feeling sick for the past three weeks. And the math was not too hard to do. 
“I-I didn’t,” she stammered. “W-why are you asking?”
“Oh my god,” he answered. “Oh my god!” 
“What? What’s wrong?” 
Instead of answering, Derek pressed his ear to her stomach until he could hear the sound clearly. Alongside (Y/N)’s quickening heartbeat, a quieter, steady pattern joined. It was too indistinguishable now. “You’re pregnant,” he said. So quiet he wasn’t sure if he had said it at all. “There’s a baby in there. Our baby.” 
“Pregnant…” (Y/N) could not believe the word even as it rolled out of her tongue. “I can’t believe it.” 
“We’ll go to Deaton tomorrow, but I’m certain. I can hear their heart beating in there.” 
(Y/N)’s mind was reeling. Pregnant, she thought to herself. The word felt foreign. So did her body. Derek had noticed the change before her. How could she not have known that a life was growing inside her? How could she ever be a mother when she did not even know herself?  
Without realizing it, tears fell down her cheeks. She felt weak and panicked. The strong woman that had faced the biggest dangers and far scarier monsters trembled with the thought of a life depending on her for survival. It was one thing to volunteer to protect the members of the pack. They were old enough to fend for themselves. It was another to be responsible for the life and survival of another human. 
“Hey,” Derek called. His voice sounded like it was underwater. So far away that she could barely hear it. “Baby, what’s going on?” 
She hadn’t noticed that she had stood from the bed and was pacing around their room. Her breathing was shallow, and her chest heaved as she took in short breaths, trying to steady herself. Tears kept falling faster than she could wipe them away. They warmed her cheeks before the air turned them cold. It was the only thing that grounded her. 
And Derek. Always Derek. 
He had gotten off the bed, and within a second, he was wrapping his arms around her. The warmth from his skin calmed her. It brought her senses back to the moment, steadying her rampant heart. 
“What’s wrong, (Y/N)?” he spoke into the crook of her neck. “Tell me what I can do to make it better.”  
“I’m scared, Derek,” she sighed, tightening her grip around him. “A baby. Here. Now.”  
“Why not here?” Derek smiled, his hands running through her hair. “Why not now? With you as their mother, that baby could be born underground, and they would be the luckiest child in the world.” 
“How could you be so sure?” (Y/N) cried. “I forget things all the time, I’m clumsy, I can barely redeem myself when it comes to fighting. If it weren’t for my weapons, I wouldn’t bring much to the fight against our enemies. What good would I be to protect a child? How could I be entrusted with their entire upbringing?” 
“Oh, (Y/N). You’re far more valuable than what you bring to a fight.” His hands cradled her face, the green of his eyes boring into hers. “You are the most caring person I know. If it weren’t for you, I would have killed half of the pack by now. You’re smart. You’re funny. And if anyone should be terrified of becoming a parent, it should be me.” 
“Come on,” she scoffed jokingly, her tears finally subsiding. “You’d be an amazing father. Temperamental, but great nonetheless.” 
“Well, I’m glad it at least got you laughing,” he grinned. “How about we just take this one day at a time, baby? Make sure we take things slow. Tell people on our own time. Instead of going to the doctor, we buy a pregnancy test at the pharmacy; confirm what I already know.” 
“But if you can hear the heartbeat, I am sure all the other wolves will, too,” she worried. “How am I supposed to take things as they come when everyone will know the second they come here?” 
“Then, I won’t let anyone back here,” he smiled. “I’ll have them meet me at the warehouse or at Argent’s place. We can say you’re sick with something and won’t be there. Or that you went to visit family out of state –I don’t know. The point is, we can do this, baby. I know we can.” 
“Well, I do admire your tenacity,” she chuckled, kissing his lips softly and hugging him again. “One day at a time, right?” 
“One day at a time.” 
And it worked. For two months, at least. 
That very morning, he went out and returned home with five pregnancy tests and a bouquet of flowers. And five minutes later, they all showed an array of dark pink plus signs and the word Pregnant on them. Just like that, it had been confirmed. A new baby Hale would be coming to Beacon Hills in eight months. 
They were excited. Of course, they were. But they couldn’t help the terror that overtook them as well. Bringing a new life into their world was a scary thought. The fact that anyone with knowledge of their child could use them against them was terrifying. Still, they wanted that baby more than anything they had wanted before. 
The child that grew inside of (Y/N) was the tangible representation of their love. Evidence that everything life had thrown at them had not been able to push them apart, not for a second. They had been through hell and back, always together, and they had come out of every single occasion stronger than before. That baby was the final piece to their equation. 
The next day, they went to the first available OB/GYN about an hour from the town. The doctor confirmed what they already knew, adding the new fact that she was around seven weeks along. The process was more than uncomfortable, but the result was well worth it. A tiny blob appeared on the screen, and the sound of a rapid heartbeat filled their ears. It made tears well up in their eyes. That tiny thing would soon turn into their baby. And even though it didn’t even have a distinguishable shape, they had fallen in love with them. 
At first, they thought they would pass the first trimester in bliss. That they would only grow more and more excited as the days passed. And they would have. Had it not been for all the symptoms that overtook (Y/N). 
She spent most of her day hunched over the toilet seat, emptying whatever was in her stomach. Even when she thought she could keep food down, an hour or two later, she would be in the bathroom letting it out. And if she wasn’t vomiting, she was ransacked with deep waves of nausea. Then, her breasts started to swell, painful jabs running through her every few days. In addition to heartburn and fatigue, it made her question just how worth it a baby could be. 
But Derek had been attentive as ever, if not a little overbearing. He had kept his promise of moving where the meetings were held, claiming that the loft was under renovation while (Y/N) was out of town for a bit. It wasn’t a complete lie, though. He used his downtime to clean up around the house and fix things he had put off for far too long. 
He fed her saltine crackers and electrolyte drinks, rubbed her back, and held her hair, and he loved her. Every day and every night, he loved her. Even when he had to stay up cleaning the bathroom or he had to carry her back to bed. He loved her through everything. 
“You did this to me,” she had groaned one day. “All I want is to eat chips and pickles, but I can’t keep anything down.”
“I know, and I’m sorry,” he responded, drawing circles on her back as he cradled her body in the bathroom. “Hopefully, in a week, it’ll subside. You’re almost out of the first trimester, and the morning sickness should get better.”
“Stop reading pregnancy books,” she whined. “By the time this bun is fully baked, you’ll know more than me.” 
“Isn’t that a good thing?” Derek chuckled but swallowed his laughter as (Y/N) gifted him an angry scowl. “Okay, okay. I think the ten books I’ve read will do.”
(Y/N) remained quiet and threw her head against his chest. His arms snaked around her body, a comfort she allowed herself to sink into. The warmth from his body felt nice against her shivering skin. But just his presence was enough to comfort her, regardless of the words she spoke. 
“I’m sorry I’ve been snappy these past few days,” she sighed. Her eyes closed as he wrapped his arms tighter around her, her head falling against his chest. “I love this baby, and I love you, but I don’t love puking all the time. And peeing all the time. And being tired all the time. I want to fast forward to the next few months.” 
“Hey, you can be snappy with me all you want. I can take it,” he said with a smile. “I will be right here every step of the way because I love you. More than you could ever know.” 
“Even when I’m all big and bloated?” (Y/N) chuckled, her hands falling onto the growing small bump. “They're already trying to deform my body.” 
“Well, at least you’re glowing.”
“No,” she sighed. “That’s just sweat.”
“Then you look beautiful covered in sweat,” he laughed. “Now, let’s get you to bed. Alright?” 
(Y/N) could only nod and wrap her arms around his neck as he carried her back to bed, laying right next to her. Even if he couldn’t take this discomfort away, he was trying his best to make things better for her. 
Another week passed, and things started to shift. The woman would only occasionally feel the need to throw up her food, but the constant nausea and heartburn had subsided. And once (Y/N) saw her baby's small fingers and feet in their 12-week ultrasound, she knew it had all been worth it. 
She also knew they couldn’t keep the secret to themselves any longer. 
The pack had become angsty. Wondering when (Y/N) would be coming back from her supposed trip. Two and a half months was far too long to just be with family. With no imminent danger in sight, they had too much time to check up on everyone else. 
“I think it’s time we tell them,” (Y/N) told Derek as they watched a movie. She cradled her small bump, something she had unconsciously started to do. “We’re almost at the five-month mark, and I think it’ll be too hard to hide.”
“Do we really?” he groaned. “I can just keep you hidden here until the nine months are up. They don’t have to know a thing.”
“You would really keep the mother of your child sequestered in these walls until I give birth?”
“Maybe even more,” he shrugged. “Maybe I’ll keep you here forever.”
“You’re quite funny, Mr. Hale,” she chuckled. “But they are our friends —our family. They deserve to know there’s one more person to protect.”
“I’ve just really liked this time,” he sighed. His chin rested on her shoulder, his beard tickling her exposed skin. “You know, just you and me. Basking in the time we won’t have once everyone knows and once the baby is here. It’s all I’ve ever wanted, (Y/N). A family of my own, that I can love and protect. A home that’s ours.”
“And we will have that,” she smiled. “We’re just allowing more love in. The best part, at the end of the day, we can just kick them out.” 
“When you put it that way,” he laughed before kissing her lips, savoring her. “Alright, fine. We’ll tell them next Saturday.” 
“Thank you, Der. It’s gonna be great.”
And it should have. 
Had it not been for the million things that went wrong that week. The A/C was busted for a total of four days, a pipe burst in one of the bathrooms, the paint they had ordered for the nursery had been put on back order, and the Camaro had to be taken into the shop for tuning. Thing after thing occurred, piling onto an already stressful time. 
Nevertheless, the week came and went. And before either of them knew it, Saturday had rolled in. 
To say (Y/N) was nervous was an understatement. For some reason, anxiety was taking over her body. Its claws dug themselves deep into her being. It made her veins run cold and her heart speed. She didn’t know how any of them would react to the baby. Even to the fact that they had kept it from them for so long. And although Derek tried his best to calm her worries, they had already made a home inside her head. 
“God, what if they hate the fact that I’m pregnant?” (Y/N) worried as she laid out more food than necessary on the kitchen counter. “What if they find the idea of bringing a child into a messed up world to be the worst thing ever?” 
“Who cares, baby? It’s our child,” Derek tried to reassure. “We are the ones that will be raising them. The ones to protect them. Always and forever.
“But they say it takes a village, Der. And that is one thing that I know is true. I mean, at some point, we will need their help.”
“And you really think we won’t have it,” he said, rounding the kitchen island. His hands traveled her body and, in one swift move, had her sitting on the counter. At eye level, he could stare directly into her glossy eyes. “We have been through everything with these people. Even the ones I hated at the beginning have become my closest friends. I’m 100% sure they’ll be thrilled that you’re pregnant.”
He snaked his hand to her chin, pulling her down for a soft kiss. But once their lips made contact, it was too much of a temptation to keep it chaste. Soon enough, their tongues danced together, and their hands pulled each other closer. It left them breathless and excited, wanting —needing more. 
“Uh, we can come back if it’s a bad time,” Stiles’ voice rang through the apartment, startling them apart. “But you guys did invite us here. So, it’s kind of bad on you guys.” 
“No. Yes! I mean, it’s not a bad time,” (Y/N) chuckled as she jumped off the counter, hiding her stomach with a comically large bowl. “We just got carried away, I guess.”
“The one day they decide to show up on time,” Derek grumbled under his breath. “Come in, why don’t you?” 
Before they knew it, the apartment was filled with werewolves, a banshee, other werehumans and supernatural beings, and their very own abominable snowman. The couple remained in the kitchen as everyone situated themselves, whispering under their breath what the best way to go about it would be. 
“Not to be pushy,” Peter called out. “But if you guys only called us over for some food, I have better things to do than hang around children all day.”
“You do know we’re all well above the age of eighteen, right?” Isaac retorted. “It’s been quite some time since we have been children.” 
“You’re still younger than me, correct?” 
“Well, yeah…” 
“Then children,” he said. “So, what is it? Am I staying, or am I leaving?” 
“Settle down, Peter,” Derek responded, biting back the urge to roll his eyes. “We do have something important to announce to everyone and would very much appreciate it if you just listen.” 
“Fine,” he frowned. “But you have ten minutes of my time before I decide to leave.” 
“All we need is a couple of seconds, really,” (Y/N) said with a smile on her face so sweet no one dared say anything else. “I’m sure you heard that I was away for a while and that we were undergoing renovations here. Which, as you can tell by the lack of changes, was not true. Derek lied on my behalf and moved any necessary meetings out of our home because I needed this time to myself as I underwent a sort of change in my life.” 
“Oh my god, you’re dying,” Stiles worried. “Is it cancer? Is it at least treatable?” 
“It’s nothing like that, Stiles,” she reassured with a soft chuckle. “But thank you for worrying. It’s just as life-changing but not necessarily life-threatening. At least, I’m hoping it’s not. But you could never be sure until…” 
“(Y/N), you’re rambling,” Derek whispered in her ear. “It’s nothing bad.”
“You’re pregnant!” Lydia exclaimed, a bright smile adorning her face. 
“How would you know that?” Malia questioned. “I thought you predicted death, not new life.” 
“It’s common sense,” she shrugged, disregarding the comment. “She’s been hiding for months. The place smells like paint, and nothing in this room is painted, so I can only assume it’s a bedroom. And she hasn’t stepped out from behind the island that just so happens to cover her stomach. Two and two always makes four.” 
“Except on this occasion, it made three,” (Y/N) chuckled. She walked around the counter and joined Derek’s side, her bump finally on display for everyone to see. “But, yes, Lydia, I am pregnant. Almost five months now.” 
A shower of ‘holy crap’s and ‘oh my god’s rained over them as, one by one, the pack got to their feet and hugged the couple in congratulations. They rejoiced together and started planning how to spoil little baby Hale even before they were born. Every single person was as excited and overjoyed as Derek and (Y/N) were, anxious for when the baby was born. 
Well, except Peter. 
“Yeah, next time you have these kinds of news, little nephew, make sure to make it an email,” he grumbled, looking at his watch. “Can’t believe I canceled evening plans for a pregnancy announcement.” 
“We love you too, Peter,” (Y/N) laughed. “Maybe if you leave now, you can still make it to whatever it is that you had planned.” 
“I’m already here,” he shrugged as he sat back down on the sofa. “Might as well take advantage of the free food.” 
“Ignore him,” Derek told her, wrapping his arms around her waist. “He can’t take this moment away from us. It’s all ours.” 
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fcthots · 6 months
I'm new to all this, I just downloaded tumblr a week ago, but I spent my entire day reading most of your posts!
I absolutely adore your personification of Jason, and was thinking, could you maybe write a little teeth rotting fluff fic about reader having a migrane and Jason just caring for them.
I'm projecting here because I've been sick for a week and I'm just thinking of big Jason Todd walking up to me, putting his hands on my neck and telling me I have a fever, then giving me tea and cuddling with me because he's like a Teddy bear and I need him 🫠
(Also, could I maybe get an emoji)
Thx so much! You're so talented with writing!!!!
I know this is like months late but i dub thee 🪅 bc i thinks its cool!! Anyway, thank you for the love 🥰
You fell asleep early the night before. You mostly ignored Jason's looks of concern and "are you sure you're ok?"s. You were fine. Just tired.
Until you woke up.
You don't immediately open your eyes. Your eyes and throat somewhat burned. Unusual. And now that you think about it, the rest of your body feels like it's freezing. Your head feels like it's tumbling stones in a washing machine and that doesn't even make sense, but you want to cry.
You try to open your eyes but the light from the window forces you to immediately close them. You're so cold, but your arms are too heavy to move. Your headache is pounding and you're freezing and you're whole body aches and a million other things. Thinking about it doesn't help and you can't help the pitiful sound that escapes you. It sounds more like a cry than anything else. You feel something move and the bed next to you and it makes you dizzy. For a moment, you can't register anything other than your discomfort.
The next thing you know, Jason is leaning over you. His hand rubs gentle circles over the small of your back.
"Shh. You're ok. You're alright."
You don't know how you forgot that Jason was here. Your head is just so fuzzy and everything hurts. Another whine escapes and you almost shed a tear at the nausea.
His other hand comes up to sweep your hair to the side. He presses his lips to your forehead on a chaste kiss. "Sugar, you're burning up." His warmth leaves you as you hear him move around the apartment. He can't have been gone for more than a minute, but you swear the noise the opening and closing of the cabinets lasts for hours.
You feel his lovely warmth back at your side soon enough. A hand slips underneath you and you think he's just going to keep rubbing your back, but the other hand goes to your waist and together they push you up and you think you might die. "Sit up for me. C'mon. There you go." His hands steal their warmth back and you'd curse them if you could, but in the next second a pill is being pressed to your lips. "Take this for me." You don't even have it in you to think of protesting. You take the pill in your mouth and then he presses a cool bottle to your lips. "We have to wash it down." You try to bring your hand up to help him but you're too weak to hold the drink up alone. "I gotcha. There you go." He takes the drink back and you mourn its absence, but that doesn't last long before his arms draw you close to his body. Your head rests against his stomach as he asks "are you cold?"
You make a sound that is supposed to be affirmative and he curses.
"Shit. I told you you were getting sick." Its aimed more at himself than you and even if you did want to object, you couldn't get the words out. "Do you think you could keep down something down?" You shake your head no against his stomach. "Ok. Can I make you something just in case?"
"Don' leave."
He sighs and runs his fingers through your hair.
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dawnoftime22 · 7 months
a constant sickness.
| N.R
Warnings: mental breakdown at the end, overthinking, being sensitive while horribly sick, mention of throwing up, headaches, r loves orcas(?)
Summary: While Nat was away at a SHIELD meeting, you had gotten sick once again. Having been sick for the millionth time in the past few months, you were tired.
Word Count: 6.4k
Category: Fluff, maybe a little hurt/comfort later on
A/N: I guess you could say this is a vent fic? I've been sick a lot, and it isn't fun, so I ended up making this. please drink water everyone and take care of yourself. love you all <3
| Started on 07/11/2023, 6:11 PM |
| Finished on 19/11/2023 8:07 AM |
Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
“darling, you have been so strong. so please,
lay down and let yourself rest for a while.”
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|——————————— ⴵ ———————————|
The morning birds sang a beautiful song, and the gray sky filled up the room with light. It came along with the rain, the glass windows fogged up from the cold.
The place beside you was empty as you were curled up asleep, all cozy, but missing the touch of a certain redhead.
Soon enough, your eyes slowly open, blinking away your sleep for a few minutes. But you instantly notice the horrid, miserable feeling of a sore throat.
Of course. You had gotten sick again. And the exact day Nat has a meeting. Why couldn't you get sick yesterday? You thought. Or tomorrow, in fact, she's free almost all day for this week.
You shake your head to get your mind to stop before it goes crazy. It's far too early in the morning for this. You stretch, wanting to get your tense muscles loose once again, but doing so just made you feel more tired.
Having woken up alone, you sigh. If you hadn't felt so horrible, then your morning would've been great. But, well, there's nothing much you could do.
Your hands gently grab the soft orca plushie Nat had bought for you just sitting at the end of the bed. Seeing as she wasn't present at the moment, you hug it.
It was quite precious to you, really. Nat didn't know what to get you one anniversary day, and she had thought about how once, when an animal documentary was randomly on the tv, it had videos of orcas just swimming, and jumping. She was in the kitchen while you sat in the living room, laid down sideways as you watched with shining eyes on the screen, like a child.
The adorable sounds that sure, yes, was a terrifying sound for the other animals in the ocean, as they were killer whales, still made you love them nonetheless. Nat smiled at you when she set down the meal she just finished cooking on the table, and called you to eat.
The memory serves as a comfort of sort. You always loved how deep Nat thought about her gifts, and you're always grateful. It wasn't much, but to you, it was everything. Truly, you could never think of having a better girlfriend than her.
Not long after you continued staying comfortably in bed, cuddling up with the orca plushie, your nose began to clog up, making you unable to breathe properly.
The uncomfortable feeling had forced you to get up, and once you were, everything was back to normal. Almost. It's always so annoying having a stuffy nose. You begrudgingly and slowly get out of bed, careful to not make yourself dizzy by going too fast. The target of the tissue box was in your sights, and you somehow make it even with your low energy.
The tissue easily slides out of the box when you grab it, and you blow into it, clearing your nose a bit. After pulling away, you groan a little in disgust and the realization that you'll have to do this again after another few minutes.
You throw out the used tissue into a nearby trash can, and just when you thought of sitting in bed or slumping into the desk chair just to stare out the window to watch cars go by, your stomach feels too empty.
Welp. Your mouth forms a tired pout, but before your stomach could even make any noise at you for not moving to get some food, you grab a nearby jacket and put it on. The warmth it provided surrounded you with a feeling of comfort and safety. As it should, considering the jacket was on Nat's side of the bed. Honestly, you can't tell which one is Nat's or yours anymore with how much the two of you share with each other by now.
You start to make your way out of the bedroom, and into the living room, the curtains already being open since Nat had left when the sun came up, while you were still sleeping.
The house lacked her presence. With you taking a glance at the kitchen, you had hoped to see her red hair basking in the morning sunlight, yet nothing but the kitchen counters and cabinets looked back at you.
You blink away the tiredness and dizziness that started to cloud your vision, and you went over to the kitchen, arriving suddenly somehow. The first thing you grabbed was a cup of water, drinking it and wincing at it going down your aching throat. The feeling soon dissolves into an itch that made you cough once or twice. Well, at least you were more awake now.
Considering a lot of options were out of the view because of your throat, you settled for bread, seeing as it was the softest thing you could find at the moment. You almost shakingly set down the plate on the table, because of how weak your body started to be from the fever, but you grab your choice of spread to put on with a butter knife anyway. Even if being sick meant you were tired, you still needed something to eat, otherwise you'd just get sicker. It wasn't much of a choice, really.
Once you had your meal ready, you sat down at the dining table, taking a bite of your sandwich. Here goes the awful long, long chewing as you tried your best not to have your stomach throw up whatever thats left within it.
You grab your phone as you ate, turning it on and opening your messages app. You click on Nat's contact, your fingers drifting off to type in some words that your head can barely even make out to be a sentence from the little dizziness.
<- Nat <3 [◉¯]
hey Nat, I got sick again. do you think
you can come home quicker? :(
I miss you
Sent at 9:37 AM
hi, darling <3 you're sick again?
I'm sorry detka, the earliest I can
get back is at 4
I'll see if I can sneak off earlier, but
try to get comfortable and watch some
tv my love. have you eaten?
I'll get you some things before I get home too. message me if anything happens, okay? I miss you too, and I love you
Read at 9:38 AM
it's okay, you don't have to
rush if you can't
I'm eating some bread right now
so yeah, don't worry
I love you too <3 get home safe.
Read at 9:38 AM
She didn't have to rush. Right? No, of course not. Maybe a little. You just didn't want to worry her. If we're being completely honest, it's not really okay considering how sick you were and how you were all alone in the house.
Your face had a sad smile. Having checked the time, it's going to feel like forever until she was home. You're just going to have to distract yourself in the meanwhile, and hope this one doesn't make you feel like going through hell.
You turn off your phone and set it down on the table, finishing up the last of your piece of bread. Since there's not much else you could do in the kitchen anymore, you leave the plate and cup in the sink.
The fever wasn't horrible at the moment, but you could already expect what'll happen later in the day. You thought of the little work you still haven't finished yet though.
Throwing up your hands in exasperation to, no one in particular, you walk back to the bedroom, seeing the desk you usually sit at near the window. At least the skies weren't bright. And maybe the rain will even come back, if you're lucky enough.
There were papers already ready on it for you to check and go over, having been taken by you when you were at work before.
You sat down on yet another chair, and the window casts a light upon everything on the desk, also giving the old wood a glow.
At least you can swivel and spin around in your desk chair. You grab a pen laying around, but you didn't start until you played a playlist of slow peaceful songs from your phone.
Everything was going fine as time passed by, but you're starting to feel worse. The day might have gone to lunch or brunch time by now, but you weren't done yet. Probably due to the many times you've spaced out, or somehow more papers just kept spawning in out of nowhere. It always feels never ending until you actually finish it all.
To make matters worse, you even feel an incoming headache upon you. You're definitely not finishing up those remaining papers today, that's for sure.
You end up giving up and leaving them on the desk, walking back out to the living room and into the kitchen to take some pills, hopefully letting the headache pass.
Afterwards, your legs lead you away to grab the orca plushie, just to go back out and plop down on the couch, grabbing the tv remote to put on the first thing you thought of that would distract you from the awful sickness.
It's starting to hit you now. The jacket you wore started to feel a little too warm, causing you to take it off one arm and the other, letting it fall down on the couch.
You could feel the mucus in your nose go down to your throat without being able to stop it. Knowing it did that and even feeling it irked you. You start coughing, the sound obvious with sickness.
Thankfully it was a short cough, and your eyes continue to focus on the screen once more, the scenes playing relaxing you. Your tense muscles loosened a little at the coziness of the living room, even if your nose was being annoying, and your throat makes you cough. You wished Nat was here. So, so badly. But it was still only 12 PM. Even if you're functional, it doesn't mean you don't feel awful.
The noises coming from the tv was quiet. Enough so that you're able to feel dozy. And not in the headache, dizzy way this time fortunately. Your eyes go from being light, to feeling heavy. Your focus also started to include your breathing without meaning to.
Soon, you gave in, surrendering to the darkness that that lured you into sleep.
|—————————— ⴵ ——————————|
Nat arrives home with a bag full of items she had gotten for you. She takes off her shoes and puts the plastic bag on the kitchen island, careful not to make anything fall the wrong way. After she was done with that, she turns to the living room, hearing noises that she would only presume would be the tv, just faintly. She takes off her jacket as she goes, placing it on the couch when she was close enough.
That was when she saw you, all curled up on the couch with the plushie she got you. The sight made her adore you, but also make her feel sad. She would only ever see you like this when you were super sick and tired, or waiting on her to come home.
It's only happened a few times, but a few was enough to make her understand how your fevers feel. A lot of people would just go with their day and deal with it, but you weren't the type of person to be able to. It's not that you wouldn't, you just couldn't. It always had a high chance of taking you the worst.
What made things more concerning is that you're falling sick more often, it's leading to be not normal. Others would say it's the seasons, but with your experience, it really isn't. Nat just hopes your body only hates you at the moment, and you'll get a longer break sometime soon.
Her feet takes her to stand in front of you and kneel down, her hand going up to lay gently against your forehead. The warmness you radiated makes her frown.
Your breathing started to lessen its softness, and you start waking up, possibly either from her presence, the hand on your forehead, or your throat starting to feel dry. Probably all the above.
Your eyes flutter open, and there you see the redhead you love so much right in front of you. Her green eyes looked at you so softly as you registered the scene you awoke to.
"Hi, детка (baby). You feeling okay?" She asks softly, her fingers drifting away to gently pull your hair away from your face. Even when she spoke Russian, her voice was caring.
That was when you were so willing to break, just seeing her looking at you so softly made all your courage to stay strong from the sickness had faltered. But you tried keeping the tears in.
You shook your head fatiguely, your eyes still tired. She knew the answer, but she hoped the sleep brought you more relief. Instead you got the worser effects. It was a chance of either being worse or your throat magically being better.
"That's okay. I got you orange juice and soup, дорогой (darling)." the drink made your face brighten up a little, but the soup almost made you scrunch up your nose in an act of disgust.
"Well, you don't wanna throw up, do you?" Nat raises an eyebrow at you. Her voice was gentle, so it wasn't scolding and it wasn't a threat. Maybe a little bit of a threat, but you needed one considering you know you'll end up feeling nauseous if you don't eat. It's a miserable feeling, even if afterwards you'll be able to get whatever sickness it is out of your system, the process for it isn't great.
You purse your lips and shake your head, the memories of having to go through the nausea being horrible. She gives you a small smile, and moves to stand up.
Nat helps you slowly stand up with her, holding you up with her arms and letting you put a little of your weight on her as you walked. She didn't trust how dizzy you looked when you stood up. You wouldn't either, because the room looked like it was dancing just a little.
She sits you down on the dining table, going off to open the plastic bag and get out the contents within it. First and foremost, she opens the orange juice bottle and pours it in a cup for you, placing it in front of you on the table.
You try and take ahold of it as calmly as possible, but Nat smiles at the small excitement she sees at you being able to drink orange juice. The juice goes down your throat easily, basically almost clearing the germs in some way.
It somehow always helps, and you were relieved it did. Nat's gotten everything out the bag by now, and she's working away on cooking up a delicious chicken soup for you.
As you watched her move in the kitchen, humming a melody to herself every now and then, you slowly drank, trying your best not to finish all the orange juice before you eat. Thankfully you had breakfast down earlier, so there wasn't much air in your stomach or anything to get the nausea to come back.
The time was 2:45 PM. Nat really did sneak away from the SHIELD work somehow. She would do anything for you after all. Or, Fury and Maria had known and dismissed her. Yes, it may just be a fever, but it's been far too many times now to count, so you'd guess they were pretty concerned too. And there was only one redhead who could truly take care of you.
Nat sets down the bowl of soup gently on your side of the table, while on her side she places down a bowl of mac and cheese. One in particular, you know Yelena would love. Your thoughts were wandering with people, but you did just get a nap after all. You may not have felt better, but your mind did clear up a bit more.
"Can I have a bit?" You ask, your voice groggy from the sore throat, but it makes out the sentence. The cheesy, but not too cheesy mac and cheese stared at you like it would melt in your mouth. It was too tempting and seemed way too delicious to not have a taste.
"Sure. Only a little," She said, aware of the fact that the cheese would probably make you cough more.
Nat looks at you amused as you took a spoonful, knowing you wouldn't be able to resist a bite. She didn't really get it to tease you or anything though, she just almost kind of misses Yelena. And she hasn't eaten any mac and cheese in a while. Plus, the blonde had always made the best mac and cheese.
She's been away doing widow work combined with some other assassin work. Nat wasn't entirely sure, but the jokes she tends to make are definitely missed by you. Though, you love Nat's company, love and the comfort she provides by herself just as much.
When you finish the spoon of mac and cheese you had just eaten earlier, you start on your soup with a smile on your face, satisfied at the taste. Nat was relieved. Sure, she wasn't as good as Yelena. No one was, to be honest, but the way your lips are turned up means you approved.
Your throat ends up letting out a cough once more after you swallowed, making you clear your throat to try and get rid of it. When it didn't work, you drank your orange juice. And of course, like magic there was no more bacteria spluttering. Or well, you hope so in the minutes that go by.
"You know, Yelena got a dog." Natasha says, wanting something to distract you a little from your sickness. And she's been wanting to talk to you about it ever since she got a call from Yelena at work. You look up at her with surprise and excitement.
"What? Really? Can I meet it??" Your questions spilled out one after another, excitement filling up your entire body at the new information. She lets out a small chuckle at your happiness.
"Yeah, she's coming back in a week." She mixes around the cheese with the macaronis more, having finished a layer of the outside, she had gotten to the less cheesier parts.
"Does the dog have a name?" Yes, you were excited about the other widow coming back, but at the moment you were very much distracted on the dog part.
Nat's lips purse at the memory of Yelena telling her the name she gave it. "Fanny." She says, with no other comment. The name being taken from the time she was in hiding during the 'Civil War between Captain America and Iron Man', as people called it... Fanny Longbottom. God, did Mason really not have any other choice than that one? That was Nat's thoughts, anyway.
You, on the other hand, giggled a little, careful not to laugh too much, or you'd end up in a coughing fit. "I love it. It reminds me of you a bit."
"Don't even speak about it." Nat responds playfully. Her eyebrows furrows, while her lips turn up into a smile. She shakes her head. She should've expected Yelena would've done such a thing after telling her her undercover name.
You had to take a moment to gather yourself, almost completely laughing at the thought you just had. "At least she didn't choose 'Longbottom'."
She laughs, the sound like a melody to you. Something that can easily, oh, so easily make it so that the fever you have wasn't just complete hell. "Can you imagine?" Nat says.
"What if she did? If we ever had to take care of it while she was away, all you'd ever hear is 'Longbottom! Longbottoooom'." You act out a scene of you calling the dog, possibly while Yelena would come over or leave it to the two of you to take care of it.
"Which would be you adoring it. But yes, Fanny isn't bad." Nat raises her eyebrows on her first sentence, but agrees with you on the name choice.
"No, it would be both of us." You counter her, knowing there isn't only one animal lover in this household you're living in.
"Nope. I would be annoyed at Fanny getting all the attention." Her voice was soft at that point, somehow. Perhaps it accidentally tumbled out her mouth from her mind. Well, you were still focused on making her say she would practically spoil Fanny from how much she'll love the dog.
"Admit it. I know you adore Lucky at least, so! I'm not wrong here." The table goes quiet, the two of you finished with your food. But a thought clicks in your head at her last few words.
"Wait. Annoyed at Fanny getting all the attention? Do you mean you want my attention all on you instead?" It's quite obvious she would, considering you were the one she loves, and you love her, but you just like teasing her.
"...No. I just said I would be annoyed." She brushes it off, taking a sip of her own drink. Her face being completely and utterly normal. But you could clearly see the hint of lying from the way she sipped her drink while talking.
"Yes you did, and you had the attention part! Don't lie, Nat. I'm sick, but I can still have a great memory." You say, proud for having caught her. But the memory part is...partly true. She finished drinking and has the most adorable smile on her face.
"Okay, okay. You're obviously out of it. And now, we will go sleep." Nat gets up from her chair, shooting you a glance of 'we will never speak about it again or you are not getting cuddles' before picking up her empty bowl along with yours to go put them in the sink.
"Excuses, excuses!" You accuse her, a playful tone in your voice. But, you follow along with her, holding both yours and her empty cup.
You were about to help her do the dishes, but she protests to you about it. Even if you did puppy eyes or whatever, she would much rather have you getting some rest.
"Go lie in bed while I finish up here, yeah, любовь? (love)" She softly said. Her hands are on your waist, ready to stop you from turning back to face the sink.
"Okay." You quietly say, nodding your head a bit. She smiles at you before letting go of her hold on you, leaving you to turn and walk off to the bedroom.
Although you did spend most of your time on the couch just earlier, the cold started to take a toll on you and catch up with all thats left of your energy. Of course it was.
You tiredly and almost practically fell on the bed, the soft mattress welcoming your body. Just when you got comfortable, Nat comes walking in the room, holding up the orca plushie you forgot and left in the living room.
You looked up with realization, and reach out with your hands. Nat almost wanted to pull it away from you just to tease you back for the dining table incident, but that adorable face of yours made her relent. And she wouldn't wanna do such a thing when you're so sick anyway.
She lets you hold the soft plush while she got on her side, shuffling closer to you until she could cuddle you. You were expecting her to keep a small distance, considering you didn't really want to get her sick either, but when she pulled you closer, you end up putting the orca plushie just above your head on the pillow and putting your arms around her instead, craving her cuddles.
Her heartbeats gently thumps against her chest, echoing to your ears since you were so close to her. In the quietness of the room, only that, and the sound of both of your soft breathing could be heard. Only if you focused closely.
There was then, a tap against the roof. Nothing scary or creepy really, just a gentle tap. Then another, and it was a little thrumming that almost matched Natasha's heartbeat. Even she was a little confused, and her eyes were set on the ceiling. You know she would keep you safe all the time. But you thought the sound was familiar.
The tapping occurs more rapidly, and then it grows into a noise of which you can only identify as rainfall. It starts pouring outside, and the air starts getting chilly. But it was perfect.
Both you and Nat relaxes a little more at the sudden, but cozy background noise. You nuzzle against her neck in search for more of her warmth. She pulls the blanket up to cover more of your body, and lets her arms retreat back to the small of your back.
Soon enough the calmness of it all had your blinking go at a slow pace, now your eyelids falling down more to closing.
Surprisingly, your stuffy nose wasn't being annoying at the moment, but perhaps you had the cold temperature to thank for that. Your throat grew a little itchy though, so you looked away from Nat to not let the germs hit her, and let out a small cough to make it go away, hoping it doesn't get worse before you're asleep.
You turn back to the comfortable spot in the crook of her neck. Nat lays a gentle kiss on the side of your head, and that was when your eyes closed fully.
Seeing the state you were in when she got back home has her heart feeling a little heavy with concern, but she'll be beside you every second, no matter how long it takes for you to get better.
"Get better soon, мое маленькое солнышко (my little sunshine)." She whispers, slowly, and ever so softly. Only the rain responded back, but the feeling of your breathing against her was enough to let her fall asleep along with you.
|—————————— ⴵ ——————————|
It was 3:35 AM. The rain outside was still ongoing, but it was a calmer, less noticeable rainfall.
You were awoken with a coughing fit, lasting a minute or so. You try to hold it in after a short break, the trapped air wanting to break out of your throat. Fortunately, or, well, unfortunately, Nat was still asleep, somehow. You'd guessed the meeting yesterday took her energy out a lot.
Not wanting to wake her, you slowly untangle yourself from her embrace, and crawl out of bed, all the while taking a few deep breaths not to go into another coughing fit. But of course, by the time you quietly leave the room, one was bound to happen once more as you make your way to the kitchen.
You open a cupboard and grab a glass, careful to make sure your grip was strong enough. After pouring yourself a glass of water and taking a sip, you sigh. The moment of it becoming worse came sooner than you expected. But that just means being sick will pass by just as quick. Or, you desperately hope it will.
Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Nat started opening her eyes to cold sheets, and her embrace was empty of any sign of you. She awoke more as she blinked. To see no sight of you as she looked around made her get out of bed quicker than being late to work has ever made her.
When she goes out the bedroom, she sees you standing in the kitchen, your shoulders tense from coughing so much. But relief flowed through her body when you appeared in her vision.
Concern came next. She snuck her hands in her pockets at the coldness the living room had to offer. She was missing the warm blankets, but she was also missing you. And you were her top priority at the moment, not to even add the given situation that's happening right now.
The sound of your awful coughing echoed to the walls and back to her ears distantly. "You didn't wake me." Her voice huskily sounded out, and you just about heard it from the horrible hell your body was giving you. Thankfully, you weren't surprised and didn't go into fight or flight mode or anything.
She walks closer until you were only centimeters away from each other. "Sorry." you whisper to her, your voice raw from your throat being so sore. One row of coughs lead to another, and soon it's the endless miserable feeling while Nat rubbed your back.
You stare off at the marble counter for a bit after opening your eyes at the two second break, trying to recollect your breathing and not cough again by taking deep breaths, but it barely helps. Natasha reaches her arm over to the side counter just next to the both of you, and grabs the water filled glass you had earlier, holding it up for you.
You had your hands gripping the marble counter in front of you, your eyes drags itself down to see the glass cup. You let go of the edge and hold the cup instead, taking a quick sip before coughing again. You slowly drank your water until your lungs calmed down.
Nat's arms go down to go around your waist, pulling herself closer to the back of your body to place her face near your neck. You could feel her nose brushing against your skin just slightly, giving you a sense of comfort.
"You want me to make you some tea?" her voice softly whispers out into the darkness while you set your empty glass down. She knows medicine is the last thing you'd want at the moment, and knowing you, you would simply say it doesn't help. And it really didn't feel like it did with how many times you've gotten sick.
You gently nod, and her eyes watches your movement. Her hand slides down to hold one of yours, squeezing it, while her other hand goes up to open a cupboard. She moved beside you to grab a teabag and a mug, then when she had to move away to grab some water and pour it to heat up in a kettle, her hand had left yours lonely.
Since she's waiting on it to warm up now, she turns to face you, her back leaning against the counter. You go closer to her, finding her hand once more. You rested your head against her chest and her free hand holds your back, surrounding you with warmth.
The minutes go by with the two of you staying in that embrace, a peaceful quietness upon the room.
"You okay?" she asks softly, as if the whole world was about to fall apart if she spoke any louder, and to you, it almost felt like so. But that was until she held you in her arms.
You couldn't tell. There wasn't a name to the feeling. Exhaustion? Maybe. You didn't give her an answer, you only held her tighter.
She understands that words may not be the best choice for you right now, and so, she pulls back slightly, but keeps a fair distance enough to not make you pout at the loss of closeness. She takes in every feature on your face. Though you may be sick, you were still the most adorable human being to her, and since you were so quiet, she takes her chance to show her love instead.
The redhead has a small smile on her face, just before she leans in to lay a kiss on the tip of your nose. The action leaves you a little stunned, because you thought she was only admiring you, but it warmed your heart either way. And then, a kiss on your forehead. At this point, she wants to get sick.
But then, she turns back around to the counter, her back now facing you. The water had heated up now, so she pours it from the kettle to the mug.
She grabs the teabag she had placed nearby earlier, and dips it into the hot water, letting it sink and soak. As that's happening, she goes ahead and grabs a spoon of sugar or so then carefully adds it into the tea, stirring it and just ever so slightly pressing on the teabag with the spoon to get it out quicker.
Once she was done she slowly spins around, making sure the hot mug wasn't anywhere close to hitting you. She then steadily makes her way back to the bedroom, with you beside her. You were careful not to accidentally bump into her either. The two of you kept focus on keeping the dangerous burning tea in the mug.
When you arrive at the bedroom, Nat places it on the bedside table, letting out a breath she unknowingly kept in. Mission accomplished. Yes, she was a trained assassin, and yes, she's an avenger, but sleep can really get to you with losing focus and a chance of spilling a drink...especially when it's dark at night like this. Well, at least the bedroom has some dim lighting on. It's dim, but not dimmer than the soft kitchen lights.
You were sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for Nat to sit beside you. When she does, she's holding the mug in her hands, blowing air to the tea to cool it down for you.
You could do it yourself, both you and the widow knew that, but considering she took the opportunity to do it for you first, you let her. Plus, the way her eyes are so focused on the ripples its causing in the liquid to make it drinkable is adorable.
You wait patiently until she slowly gives the mug over to you, keeping an eye on your fingers that you put around the handle while she holds parts of it that wasn't boiling, making sure it won't fall out of either of your hands.
You take a small sip at first, and when the temperature felt okay to you, you drink it slowly, taking breaks so your body would be able to cool down.
The hot air comes out in a breath from your mouth, The warmness of the tea going down your throat filling your body with relief and relaxation.
Once you've finished after a few more minutes, Nat had been reading a book, while at the same time keeping an eye on you. You place the mug on the bedside table, and took a glance back at Nat.
She looked so worried, so tired still because she had only gotten a small amount of rest. You started thinking on how she was taking care of you, and you wished this sickness would just stop.
The way she looks up from the pages filled with ink, just to show you a smile for you finishing the tea, it hit you just as much as the other times that you got really lucky.
What if you deserved the sickness? All this good couldn't have come without a cost...right? Wrong, darling. Nat puts the book down on her bedside table, opening her arms for you to sit within.
You still had work to be finished. The events that's happened in the past week, even the small ones couldn't leave your mind, while for others, it had been easily forgotten. You should be doing more, you thought.
But you were trying. The best you could. Nat could see that, and almost everyone else could see if they knew how to simply look into a human's eyes. You were just too soft for all of it.
She only wants you to get better. Everything else didn't matter. Even Fury, Maria, and Yelena is probably worrying about you right now.
It's all crashing down. You were in her arms, and she places a gentle kiss atop your head. Her fingers gently danced at your back, drawing meaningless patterns.
Your face seemed tired, and her heart ached at the thought of how much you're suffering. You were tired, that was for sure. It was sickness after sickness, almost every week or month. You just wanted a break.
It's a vicious cycle. Sure, you kept yourself feeling great with jokes and little happy moments, but it didn't mean the worse ones weren't gonna come bite you again at random times.
You move closer into the crook of her neck, your eyes glazed over, and you couldn't have noticed it unless the moonlight had hit your eyes. When Natasha feels tears going down her neck and down to seep into her shirt, she pulls you in closer.
"Oh, милая (sweetheart)." You tried. You tried really hard to keep it inside, but a broken sob leaves your mouth at her soft and caring tone. You've been going through so much, and she knows that, even if its small things, too.
It hurt. It really did. Your throat, the headache you get every now and then, and mentally, you weren't doing all that well either. But she holds you safely, as much as she could. And that's just all you need.
"It's okay. You'll be okay." she whispers softly. Your body shakes with the emotions you held from the past. Her hand trailed up your body just to slide it down to your lower back once more. Her other hand, has her thumb rubbing the skin just below your neck, the little movement assuring you that she was there, as she always has been, and will continue to be.
It went on for a while until you were able to calm down, only dissolving into small bur sharp intakes of breath going in your liver from all the sobbing. You went quieter with each deep breath you took, Nat along with you because she knew you could feel her breathing against you, so she does deep breaths to help you fall into the same pace as her.
She goes back to normal breathing after your little hiccup sounding noises were gone. Your eyes had closed, exhausted from everything, and the way her thumb was still going forth in an up and down motion near your neck helps into making you fall asleep.
Nat looks down on your sleeping figure, glad that you were able to get your emotions out fully, and still get your sleep in. You deserved the whole world, the galaxy, and still more than that.
She leans down, whispering a soft "I love you," just near your ear before turning off the lamp and going to sleep herself.
|—————————— ⴵ ——————————|
Bonus! - in the morning... :]
The blankets were a jumbled mess, but it still kept the both of you warm, and somehow had no little holes that the cold could sneak into.
She continues to read her book with the fairy lights she turned on on the bedpost helping her see the words written. The redhead awoke just a few minutes ago, and she would be doing her morning routine or getting breakfast ready by now, but with you on her body, getting the rest you needed, she didn't have it in herself to move.
The soft orange light from the bedroom bouncing off the walls blends with the blue sky, making itself known by going through the windows and illuminating a part of the room.
Nat had forgotten to close the curtains the night before, having been too preoccupied in taking care of you. But even so, just seeing the scene coming alive in front of her makes her feel a little more at peace.
You, too, seemed much more at peace.
A/N: If you look closely you could notice sweet nothing by taylor hidden throughout this <3
taglist <3 - join here! :]
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
I've Got You
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〚 Notes - Okay, hello! This fic was the result with another collab with the awesome @lots-of-pockets and I think it turned out pretty good :D 〛
〚 Pairing - Natasha Romanoff x Reader 〛
〚 Summary - It was early into your relationship with Nat when you wound up sick but you didn't have the heart to tell her, unsure of how she'd react. Despite your claims, it seems Nat's a little more concerned about your health than you first thought 〛
〚 Wordcount - 1700 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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It had started with a persistent tickle in the back of your throat. A little irritating but nothing a little water and chamomile tea couldn’t fix. But then came the runny nose and stuffed up sinuses, and no matter how many times you blew your nose, it would return with a vengeance. Every. Freaking. Time.  
You end up going through two boxes of tissues in just a day, and your poor nose had been rubbed red raw. You didn’t often get sick. Maybe once or twice a year and it was never anything more than the casual cold. Usually, you’d allow yourself to take a day off work to recoup knowing that your boss wouldn’t want you at anything less than your best, and that was that.  
But you had a sinking feeling that this time, that wouldn’t be the case. You felt absolutely horrible, and that was only amplified by a thousand when you realised that tonight was the night that Natasha going to be driving down to see you. There was no way she could sick you sick, you’d just have to pretend you were completely fine.  
The two of you had only been dating for a little under seven weeks, so things were still pretty new to the both of you. That includes the affection front. Sure, you kissed and occasionally cuddled, but you were nowhere near close enough to be comfortable with her looking after your sick self.  
It was why tonight would suck, because not only would you have to pretend you weren't sick, it meant you would also have to hide every single sniffle, every cough and every sneeze. All of which you knew would next to impossible because you just happened to have a former ex-KGB assassin as your girlfriend. 
You had tried everything to make yourself look and feel better. You even went to extent of gargling with salt water and taking some over-the-counter medicine (which you were usually against) to relieve your symptoms. But nothing seemed to work. 
As the hours slowly ticked by, you found yourself continually feeling worse and worse. Your head was pounding, your body aching, and for the life of you, you couldn't stop coughing. Trying to distract yourself by cleaning up the apartment and making some dinner was hard, mainly because it was a struggle to even stand up for more than a few minutes at a time. 
You tried your best to make yourself look as presentable as possible, despite still feeling like death warmed over. You even took a hot shower, hoping that it would clear out your sinuses, but it only seemed to make things worse. Ignoring the pleasing urge to shove on some warm, comforting pyjamas, you forced yourself to change into some nicer looking clothes, hoping it would distract Natasha from your symptoms, but you knew deep down that it was a lost cause. 
When Natasha finally arrived, you put on your best smile on and greeted her at the door. She hugged you tightly, and you couldn’t help but feel a little guilty for not being able to reciprocate as enthusiastically as you wanted to. 
As you hugged Natasha, you could feel a fateful sneeze building up at the back of your nose. Panicking a little, you tried to suppress it, but your efforts were ultimately in vain. You felt your nostrils flare and your eyes begin to water, and you knew there was no way to hide it much longer. 
No longer able to fight it, you quickly pulled away from Natasha, turning your head and sneezing into your elbow. You tried to play it off as a small cough, but you knew she had heard you. 
"Are you okay?" she asked, concern etched across her features. A hint of knowing crossed her face, but you were too busy trying to stifle another sneeze to notice it. After finally managing to get yourself under control, you send her what you hoped was a reassuring smile as you nodded your head.  
“I’m okay. Just allergies.” You lied, pulling open the front door to properly welcome her inside. Natasha eyed you suspiciously as she stepped inside your apartment, kicking off her shoes andsetting down her overnight bag.  
“I’m okay, really.” You reaffirmed as you closed and locked your front door, turning to face Natasha who was already staring at you with a doubtful look on her face.  
Thankfully, she says nothing, simply taking you by the hand and leading you over to the couch. You sniffled softly as you sat down, and tried to be as subtle as you could about wiping your nose with the sleeve of your shirt.  
There were no tissues near you anyway - not that you could blow your nose even if you wanted to because that would definitely give you away. So, you resorted to suffer in silence, bringing your attention back over to Natasha who was currently telling you about how her drive here had gone. 
As Natasha continued to talk, you could feel the tell-tale tickle in your nose again and you knew that you were about to sneeze. You desperately try to hold it in, clamping your mouth shut and scrunching up your face. You focused all your energy on keeping the sneeze at bay, hoping that Natasha won't notice. 
But just as she finished her story, you can't hold it in any longer. A loud "Hh’iishoo!" echoes through the room, and you cringed, feeling both embarrassed and self-conscious. 
Natasha looked at you with concern. "Are you sure you're, okay?" She asked again. 
You nodded, feeling guilty for lying to her, but what else could you do, "It's just allergies," you repeated your earlier excuse, "I'll be fine." 
Natasha studied you for a moment before eventually nodding. "Okay," She said, still sounding unsure before adding "But if you need anything, let me know." 
You smile gratefully at her, feeling relieved that she doesn't press the issue any further. You tried your best to focus back on the ongoing conversation, but it was getting harder to concentrate with your nose continually running and your head feeling heavier by the minute. 
Giving in, you excused yourself to go to the bathroom, hoping that a few minutes alone will help you regain your composure. As soon as you're inside, you let out a series of sneezes, finally letting your guard down. 
You blew your nose and splash some water on your face, trying to feel better. But as you stared pitifully at your reflection in the mirror, you came to realise that you look utterly terrible. Your eyes are red and watery, your nose is bright red, and you're sweating uncontrollably despite feeling cold all over. 
You took a deep breath and attempted to compose yourself, knowing that you couldn’t let Natasha see you like this. Splashing some more water your face, you took a few final deep breaths before returning back to the living room. 
When you get there, Natasha was stood up again, eyebrow raised pointedly with her arms crossed against her chest. That same look of knowing was back on her face, and you immediately knew jig was up.  
“You’re sick.” She stated, and you felt yourself sigh softly as you tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear before sitting yourself back down onto the couch. You don’t deny her accusations, knowing full well you wouldn’t get anywhere if you tried too. 
“It’s not even allergy season,” she added, shaking her head as she sat down on the coffee table in front of you. “You lied to me.”  
“I’m sorry,” You immediately apologised, the guilt you had been feeling suddenly amplified by a thousand at her words, “I just didn’t want you to have to deal with me like this. All sick, congested and gross.” You trailed off in an unsure murmur, using the sleeve of your shirt to wipe of your nose again, not bothering to hide it this time. 
But you grimaced slightly when Natasha took that same sleeve without issue and folded it up so the soiled part of it was out of sight. Apparently, germs didn’t bother her unlike you had previously thought.  
“Look at me,” she murmurs softly, taking your hand in her own and giving it a soft squeeze. You coughed slightly in the bend of your arm before complying. Seeing that Natasha’s lips had quirked up into a soft grin, you couldn’t help but feel yourself mimic it despite how crappy you were feeling.  
“I know it hasn’t been very long, but I promise it’s okay to let yourself be vulnerable with me.” She started, trailing the pad of her thumb across the back of your hand gently. 
You nodded weakly at her words, feeling a wave of relief wash over you. You had been trying so hard to hide your sickness from Natasha, afraid that she would think less of you for being weak and vulnerable. But her words were like a balm to your soul, soothing your worries and reminding you that you weren't alone. 
Natasha stood up from the coffee table and disappears into the kitchen briefly, only to return a few moments later with a steaming cup of tea and a plate of crackers. She set them down on the table in front of you and urges you to eat and drink, knowing that it would help you feel better. 
You took a sip of the tea, letting the warm liquid soothe your sore throat and ease your congested sinuses. You felt a little better already, and it was all thanks to Natasha's care and concern. 
As you ate the crackers and drink the tea, Natasha sat down next to you on the couch and wrapped her arm around your shoulders. Unconsciously, you lean into her embrace, feeling safe and protected in her arms. You felt your eyes close as you took deep breath, savouring the feeling of being cared for and loved. 
Natasha continued to hold you, her fingers tracing soothing patterns on your arm as you slowly drifted off to sleep. You dreamt of being wrapped in her arms, of feeling her warmth and comfort, and of knowing that you were never, ever alone. 
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cevansbrat0007 · 1 year
I’m feeling a little sick and in pain .. and I’m just chillin’ out rereading your trio fics for the zillionth time ( they’re AMAZING). I just wish I was Story for like 5 minutes 🥹 I could use some Ari cuddles .
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In Sickness & In Health: A Trio Drabble
Summary: Daddy Ari takes care of you when you're sick.
Warnings: Fluff, Sick Reader, Daddy Ari, Daddy Kink, Implied Smut, Sex Toys (mentioned), Punishments (mentioned), Cursing, Minors DNI
A/N: Hope you feel better, my sweet anon friend! This drabble is a part of my Trio Series AU. Likes, Comments, & Reblogs are appreciated. All mistakes are my own.
"Well, look who's finally awake." Ari purrs as he takes a seat beside you on the bed. He strokes one big, slightly calloused hand across your damp brow - grateful that your fever had finally broken. "How are you feeling, sweetness?"
"Achy." You rasp. "I'm so sore, Ari."
"Mmm." Your man hums as he helps you sit up. "My poor baby." Once he's got you comfortable, Ari hands you a glass of water. But he doesn't let go. Instead he holds it to your lips, encouraging you to take your time with slow, steady sips.
Only when he's convinced you've had your fill does he set the empty glass back on the nearby nightstand.
"Good girl." He gently cups your face then, his thumb caressing the apple of your cheek. For a moment you allow yourself to get lost in his rich blue eyes.
This man, your Big Beast, had all but refused to leave your side for the past week as he sweetly nursed you back to health. He'd fixed you tea, fed you soup, and cuddled you close - all while a terrible fever had ravaged your body.
He'd even called off work for you, dismissing your feeble protests when you tried to assure him that you would be just fine on your own. Yeah, that absolutely would not fly with a man like Ari Levinson. He was your Daddy, which meant that it was his duty to care for you. Even more than that, it was is privilege.
Both in sickness, and in health.
And when you'd tried to point out that since you weren't married, those vows didn't apply he'd simply shushed you before pressing a tender kiss to your temple.
But you also had no idea how often Ari held your hand while you slept, his soulful gaze focused intently on your naked ring finger.
"Soon." He would whisper into the air, letting his quiet vow fill the room. "I'm going to get you all better, baby. And then I'm gonna work on giving you my last name."
Your Daddy has no doubt that you'll say "yes" to him one of these days. After all, he's a very persistent man, the kind who always gets what he wants.
And what he wants is you. For today, tomorrow, and every day after that.
Because you are a treasure worth keeping. So, yes. He will keep you - in sickness and in health.
The deep timbre of his voice inadvertently pulls you from your reverie. "Are you hungry, my love. Need more water?" Unable to be without you a moment longer, he pulls you close - gently hauling your small frame into his lap. "I've missed you, Bird."
Instead of responding, you bury your face in his broad chest and inhale his crisp, clean scent. Somehow Ari always managed to smell of clary sage and bergamot.
There was no use in trying to deny it - you were well and truly addicted to this man.
And while this man slept next to you every night, it had been days since he'd taken your body. Even now as you battled sickness, you still ached for him.
"You're not due for another round of meds for at least another hour. " He informs you, his heart seizing just a touch when you let out a pitiful moan. "What do you need from Daddy right now?"
You simply shake your head, your hands clutching at the fabric of his shirt as you contemplate the best way to undo the buttons.
Ari already knows. But he wants to hear you say it.
His nimble fingers tangle their way into your curls, lightly playing with the silky strands. "How else can I make my baby feel better? Are you still cold?"
"I want you." You mumble, briefly pulling away so that he can see the longing in your tired eyes. "I always feel so much better when you hold me."
Ari smiles down at you then, warmth suffusing his handsome features. "If that's what my baby wants." He scrubs a hand over his beard making quick work of unfastening those stupid buttons.
He was always wearing shirts like that - mostly because he loved how desperate you became whenever you attempted to undo them yourself. It usually ended with you ripping the damned thing in two, buttons scattering this way and that.
"I'm gonna set my alarm for an hour." He tosses the shirt to the side and then helps get you settled back in his king-sized bed. "And when we wake up I'm going to feed you and then you're going to be my good girl and take your medicine." He whispers a trail of soft, sweet kisses along your collar bone.
You'd already lost a little too much weight for Ari's liking.
"Okay." You whisper, snuggling into his comforting embrace.
"All of it, baby. Even the yucky stuff."
You make a face, choking back a weak gag.
"I mean it, little girl. And then Daddy's gonna get you into a warm bath. You want me to help you wash your hair?"
"Yes, Sir." You feel your eyes begin to droop. "Can I please have the pink bubbles too?"
"Of course you can, Princess." Ari coos as his hand rubs the small of your back.
"And my toys?" You're slurring now as sleep begins to overtake you.
Your Big Beast chuckles at that, the sound of his amusement rumbling deep in his chest. "I'm afraid not. You're still too sick for us to play any special games right now."
"But I'm not." You whine as the world slowly begins to fade away. All that mattered was Ari. As long as you were in his arms, everything would be okay.
"Hush, brat." He murmurs into your hair. "We'll make up for lost time once we get you on the mend. But if you keep pushing it, Daddy'll have to add a note about you being naughty to your punishment tally. Is that what you want?"
"No thank you, Sir."
"Thought so." Ari gives your ass a gentle squeeze and then a slap. Even sick, your man would never let you forget that he was Daddy. And his word was law.
"Sweet dreams, Daddy."
"You are my dream, sweetness. Now please get some rest. I promise I'll be right here when you wake up."
That's all you need to hear. Your Daddy continues to pepper your face and neck with more kisses as you fall asleep with the knowledge that you were in this together. For better or worse.
In sickness and in health.
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animeomegas · 1 year
What would the omegas do if they had a sick alpha?
Like say they were on a mission and somehow got a fever who do you think would go full on mom mode? Probably Neji-
Hmm, let's see~ I just did the first boys to come to mind, hope that's okay :D
The relief at seeing your front door come into view after a month long mission was the only positive emotion swimming in a sea of misery. You were soaking wet, cold, filthy, injured, hungry, and tired. A terrible combination, if you did so say yourself.
Despite feeling freezing, you knew your skin was hot to the touch. You nose wouldn't stop running either, and the back of your throat burned unpleasantly no matter how much you tried to swallow against it. You ached in places you didn't think your should, and the water in your eyes wasn't just dripping in their from your hair.
You were sick. Add that onto the already horrible list.
Wet, cold, filthy, injured, hungry, tired and sick. But at least you were home.
"I'm home," you croaked out, stepping into a wall of warmth and struggling to kick off your muddy shoes. Your mission pack fell to the ground with a thump but you didn't have enough energy to bother picking it back up.
"Welcome home," came the voice you were most anxious to hear. You watched through bleary eyes as your omega came to a stop in front of you. The last bit of mission anxiety melted away as it finally sank in that you were home, safe, with your partner.
The grin that Naruto had shot you slowly started to dim as he stared at you.
"Are you okay?!" he demanded, running up to you and running his hands over you in search of an injury. The soaking wet and grimy clothes didn't even make him hesitate.
"I'm fine," you said in a stuffy voice, halting the movement of his hands with your own. "I'm just a bit sick."
Naruto's worry melted into determination. You remembered how much he flailed the first time you'd been sick while you'd been together, unsure of what to do to help, but he had since improved a lot.
Watching ten shadow clones pop into existence through your foggy vision made you feel a little dizzy, but that evolved into full on nausea as they all started running around as Naruto commanded them to complete various tasks.
"You! Start cooking dinner, sick people need soup! You, prepare the bed with blankets and pillows and lay out comfy pyjamas! You, go and clear out the pharmacy! You, unpack the missions bag!"
The orders kept on coming until there was only the real Naruto left.
"What are you going to do?" you asked, hoping the answer would involve some sort of cuddling after you'd spent a month with only the torrential rain of Amegakure for company.
"I'm going to help you shower," Naruto said confidently, his grin back on his face. "You'll be better in no time, believe it!"
"I believe you and I missed you," you said, already feeling better because of Naruto's blinding confidence that you'd be fine before long.
"I missed you, too! I've got so much to tell you! Do you know what Sasuke said to me last week-"
You let the chatter soothe your frenzied brain. It was nice to be home.
"You're sick," was the second thing out of Neji's mouth.
"Probably," you admitted, knowing that doing so was likely going to end with you on enforced bedrest for an entire week. Sure enough, the look in Neji's eyes was a familiar one... He was going to try and mother hen you better with every ounce of his being.
"Are you well enough to shower, or do you need to use the bath?" he asked you. You knew the option was a fake one; you would be doing whatever he decided you were up for, regardless of what you said, but you decided to answer anyway.
"I can shower, I want to get into bed as soon as possible and a bath will take too long."
Neji scrutinised you, pressing a hand to your forehead and cheeks in turn, weighing up how sick you were.
"Okay, shower it is," he eventually said, looping his arm through yours and leading you to the downstairs bathroom for a shower. "But I don't want to leave you alone in case you fall."
"That's fine," you said, feeling fuzzy. You knew his mothering would eventually become a little stifling, but right now it sounded like heaven. "I'm pretty sure some of my clothes have merged into my body at this point, so I'll probably need help getting them off."
"Of course, let me handle everything, you just try to relax."
Maybe it was because you were sick, or because you'd been without him for a month, but his earnest desire to make you healthy and happy brought some tears to your eyes.
"I missed you," you said, leaning on him as the tears made it even harder to see.
"I missed you, too," he said back. The moment lasted a few seconds longer before Neji returned to his mothering. "What sort of tea will you need after your shower? I have peppermint for sickness, chamomile for troubles sleeping, or echinacea for-"
You tuned him out, but that didn't mean you weren't happy to be home.
It took all of about 0.2 seconds for Shikamaru to clock that you weren't well, and you knew things were going to get more intense before you could relax.
"You're sick," Shikamaru said, eyebrows furrowed as he came right up into your personal space and cupped your face in his hands.
"I'm fine, Shika, I promise, I just need a shower and some sleep," you tried to keep your voice steady but your hoarse voice only made matters worse.
"You're sick," he repeated again.
"Shika, I- whoa!" he cut you off as he lifted you bridal style, grimy, soaking clothes and all. "Put me down!"
He didn't answer and you knew you'd lost him for the time being. He would be in stressy caretaking mode for at least thirty minutes before his senses started to return and he was capable of meaningful human speech once more.
He carried you straight into your bedroom, placing you down on one of the arm chairs and immediately removing all your hidden weapons, supplies and clothes. He was working methodically, but his breathing was faster than it should have been and his pupils were far too dilated.
"It's alright, Shika, I'm home," you said softly, brushing your thumb over his cheek.
"You're sick," he said again, sounding upset and frustrated. "You shouldn't- you're not allowed to be sick."
You smiled, despite knowing he was being completely serious.
"With you looking after me, I'm already feeling better. I missed you."
"I missed you, too," he mumbled, before pulling off your shirt and scanning your skin for any injuries.
You felt a little guilty that your sickness was causing him such distress but you also felt safe knowing he was so attentive. He would help you clean off, tuck you into bed, and hopefully regain some of his clarity back when you looked less rough.
It was your turn to be the little spoon and you were already looking forward to it.
"You just walked through the desert, how are you still wet?" he asked, sounding amused.
"You're not allowed to bully me when I'm sick, Kankuro," you said, stumbling over to him and burying your face into his neck. You didn't care if you got him dirty, he deserved it.
"You're sick? I couldn't tell."
"Shut up."
He continued to tease you while he gently led you to the kitchen. He cleaned up your hands and face, and removed the outer layer of clothing which had received the most abuse from the elements. When he was done, he parked you on a kitchen chair and whipped up a sandwich for you.
"You'll feel a bit better when you've had something to eat," he said, putting the plate in front of you. He scooped up all the dirty clothes and put them in the kitchen sink for the time being.
You bit into the sandwich and couldn't keep back the moan. After a month of ration bars, Kankuro's god tier sandwiches were like heaven.
"Did you miss my sandwiches?" he snorted.
"Yes, but not as much as I missed you."
"You love it."
"Yeah, yeah, finish your sandwich then it's shower and bed time."
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dairy-farmer · 1 month
I've thought about the consequences of Damian killing Tim and Jason killing Tim. It just occurred to me that I've never thought about the consequences of Dick killing Tim.
It's going to be very OOC obviously but imagine Dick having the worst breakdown the Bats have ever seen. Absolutely love it when Dick gets one.
Anyways, the Bats tell Dick it was an accident. But was it? Was it really? It probably was but the guilt and horror eats Dick up so much he goes insane.
Ooohh!!! Just had an idea!! You know about those stories or news of people going into shock after they discover their loved ones' death and then they go about their day like nothing happened at all??
Dick does that. No one was there to see Dick strangle his little brother to death. No one was there to save them both. No one was there to see Tim crying and using up the last of his breath just so he could tell his brother he forgives him. So no one was there when snaps out of whatever made him kill his little brother and his immediate descent into insanity.
He tells himself that, Oh, Timmy passed out. Been telling him to get some sleep before he falls asleep on patrol. He bridal carries Tim and takes him home to his Nest. He tells everyone that Timmy fell asleep on their stakeout and that he's taking him home.
He bathes him and clothes him for bed. He talks to Tim the whole time until he falls asleep next to Tim on the bed. When he wakes up the next day, he still won't register that Tim is dead. To him, Tim was just tired that's why he slept for so long. The next days, he remains in denial. He tells himself that Tim is sick or just tired and he tells the bats the same thing. He ignores the black spots forming on his brother's skin or the smell of decay that permeates the room.
Although he gets cold and it can't be very good for Timmy as well to have the room as cold as a meat freezer, he still does it although he doesn't know why. The few times Dick goes out, he buys flowers and fills Tim's room with the scent of them. Dick talks to Tim the whole time, waiting and not waiting for Tim to respond.
When the bats finally came for a visit 2 weeks later, they find their decaying bodies. Dick clutches on to his brother's body who never returned his embrace. Autopsy shows that Tim was strangled and the handprints belonged to the man who died from hypothermia cuddling the corpse of the brother he killed.
Honestly wanted this to be a scenario where Dick lives and faces consequences but this got away from me lol.
oh accidentally killing tim would absolutely DESTROY dick psychologically 🥺
he freaked out bad when he thought he'd killed the joker but killing tim? there's no way he' be able to cope with the reality and so the only way his brain could possibly protect him would be to enter a psychosis where tim was still alive.
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kokusfluffyhair · 1 year
Kokushibou when you're sick
I've been sick the past week (it's getting better), so time to imagine what it would be like if my favourite stoic samurai demon was here to take care of me Instead of me having to take care of myself
You don't want him to worry about you, so when you get that annoying little sore feeling in your throat, you don't say anything. You continue on as normal, because you know that he can't get human illnesses as a demon. But he still marks that there is something not right with your body (damn that transparent world -- you can't keep anything from him). You're doing some light work you're probably editing your damn thesis and Kokushibou comes up to you and stands behind you.
"What?" you ask, noticing him there.
"You should ... rest ..." he says.
"Why?" you ask, not turning around to face him.
Kokushibou grunts a little under his breath. "You ... are falling ... ill ..."
You know he's right because you feel it yourself, and that's why you're trying to get as much done as you can before you're feeling bad.
"I feel fine," you say to him.
You can sense that he's irritated, but he's not the type to force you to stop writing. Instead, he sits down behind you and crosses his arms, staring at you with all six of his eyes.
You keep writing, feeling his gaze on you, but it soon becomes too annoying for you to just ignore.
"Why are you here?" you ask him.
Kokushibou says nothing.
You turn to look at him over your shoulder. "Can you go away?" you ask.
"I ... am going ... nowhere ..." he says.
You groan. "Fine, but can you stop staring at me?"
He says nothing. You have to either stop working or keep yourself from getting too annoyed at his staring. You decide to try to ignore him.
This continues until you're done writing for the day. After that, Kokushibou offers to make you a warm bath and some warm tea. It feels like he's pushing himself too much into your space, but you understand that he senses what you feel in your throat, so you let him do it.
When your condition worsens, Kokushibou doesn't leave your side. He knows it's just a cold and it's not going to kill you. He's not scared for you, but he feels bad that you are going to be uncomfortable and ill for several days. It's times like these that he wishes he had made you a demon, and considers making you a demon once you are well again.
He gets you everything you could possibly need -- tissues, blankets, water, warm tea, soup, medication, fruit. He cooks human food for you and makes sure you are getting enough nutrition. He doesn't say much during all of this time. He normally doesn't say much, but at times like this, he's even more silent than usual. It's because of how bad he feels that you are sick.
If you get chills and feel cold, he will not only wrap you in a blanket, but he will also hug you non-stop. You're like a little cocoon in his arms. He's always feeling your forehead and will put a cool cloth on your forehead if he feels you are too warm.
He tries to do things to entertain you. He will play games with you or read to you. If it was in the modern times, he'd watch your favourite series with you, regardless of how much he liked it or didn't like it. The good thing is that, because he can't get human illnesses, that he can cuddle and kiss you as much as he wants without the risk of getting sick himself.
He isn't bothered if you cough or sneeze on him. But if anyone else did, they would no longer be breathing. Don't cough or sneeze on him deliberately. Kokushibou finds this to be very, very rude. But if it happens by accident, it happens. He doesn't mind. He will always have tissues ready for you if you need them.
When you are starting to get better, you can see the relief in him. Of course, he can see in the transparent world that you are overcoming the virus too. He hates seeing you uncomfortable, so it pleases him to no end to see that you will be back to normal soon.
Once you are better, he will be extra protective for a while. He considers you to be in a weakened state because your body had to fight something off. Kokushibou will be clinging to you a lot, and will insist that you wear a scarf and hat when going out for the next week. When you're sleeping together, he makes sure you are extra warm, too. It is a bit overbearing, but you know that he does it because he's concerned. He loves you and wants to make sure you stay healthy.
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football-and-fanfics · 10 months
Trent Alexander-Arnold masterlist (2020 - 2023)
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These are all the imagines I have written for Trent Alexander-Arnold (links below the cut) from 2020 - 2023. For imagines written from 2024 and onwards, click here.
Last updated: 17 March 2024
Imagines posted in 2020: 💦= smut imagine
"Are you alright? You're so quiet."
Attacked by a 'fan'
"I'm fine, stop asking."
"Can you just fuck off already?!"
"He's at the hospital."
Feeling insecure
Hiding an injury part 1 \ part 2
Comforted by a teammate (with Virgil van Dijk and Jordan Henderson)
Feeling too tired to join in festivities after a big win
"Harder, harder..." 💦
Panic attack
"You scared the shit out of me."
Being his shoulder to cry on
Arguing over a board game
"Don't tell me to calm down."
Stealing the blankets
Halloween horror movie marathon
Getting called into the manager's office
"Sorry, I can't be quiet." 💦
"Just talk to me, please."
"It was just a dream."
"You're grumpy today."
Fear of needles
"You're staring, sweets."
"I can't do it."
"So you want it rough tonight?" 💦
Decorating the Christmas tree
Imagines posted in 2021: 💦= smut imagine
"I've missed you."
Swimming pool 💦
"You're hot when you're angry."
Photo prompt
"Get those cold feet away from me."
"Why didn't you tell anyone?"
"You're such a softie."
"If you want to talk to me, I'm here."
Falling asleep with his head in your lap
Getting threats part 1 / part 2
"Let's never do that again."
"I've seen the way you look at me when you think I don't notice."
"I just don't like thunder."
"Shut up and make me." 💦
"Are you jealous?"
Going back to the dressing room after losing a big match
Comfort after losing a big match (with Andy Robertson)
"Whoa, don't pass out on me."
"You look like you're in pain."
"I can't do this."
Getting help from teammates in dealing with abuse on social media
"That wasn't your finest moment, no."
7-2 Loss against Aston Villa
Needing a talk with the coach
Not being able to sleep
Photo prompt
"Relax, relax, calm down."
First date
Pre-performance jitters
"I can't leave with you crying like this."
"You're cute when you're asleep."
"Shh, don't wake him."
Online abuse gets physical
"Ease up a little."
Out (with Jordan Henderson)
Imagines posted in 2022:
Falling asleep on the bus (with Andy Robertson)
Photo prompt
Photo prompt
Angry for getting substituted
Fever / sick
"Back off." (with Jordan Henderson)
Bromance Week posting #3
Exhausted (with Andy Robertson) part 1 / part 2
"I-I'm bleeding."
"I've got you, it's okay."
Dealing with poor form
The injury part 1 / part 2
Roommates (with Jordan Henderson)
"Don't worry, I'm fine."
"Guys, just let him sleep."
Red card
Imagines posted in 2023:
"How long have you been hiding this?" (The Medic)
"You definitely needed the sleep."
Advice on proposing to his girlfriend (with Jordan Henderson)
Getting named vice-captain
Knocked out during a match
Sick (with Dominik Szoboszlai)
Overheated (The Medic)
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James Acaster x Reader - a tinsy bit of drabble... (accidentally angsty, oops!!)
Title: Best Person in the World
Basic plot: It's a Friday and it's your usual weekly coffee evening with your best friend James. James has some big news to share with you. You're not sure how to take it...
Tags: James Acaster x reader, fluff, angst, coffee shop, London, winter, heartbreak, unrequited love, but is it really unrequited?, almost lovers, best friends, mention of Ed Gamble
Word count: 2238
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Work had been quite stressful, but no more than usual. Quite frankly you were just glad to get yourself out of there so you could head over to your favourite coffee stop on the corner and meet your friend, albeit, stupidly handsome friend James.
You, all rushed off your feet and almost panting from practically sprinting your way from the cold and drizzly rain, step in through the door of the coffee place and find your favourite seat where you knew that James would probably already be there.
He was there in fact and the sight of him alone gave you the butterflies. You just couldn't help feeling starry eyed every time - and incidentally, never about his fame of being on the telly. Just James himself. A friend for 5 years now.
Ed introduced you. It was a spur of the moment. You have been smitten ever since. You didn’t have the guts to tell him.
But there were moments when you wondered. Could he feel the same? It was too hard to confront such a thing.
It didn't occur to you straight away, not when you first met him. But over time, it built up bit by bit. Like laying it out - brick by brick. You were basically in love with him and you didn't know what to do about it.
And he is greeting you as he always does, with a goofy smile and a little cuddle and no matter how many times you have done it, the feeling still makes you swoon. How were you going to get over this? You wondered if it would just be easier rather than having to tell him how you felt.
You were out of your trance when he let go and gestured to you to sit.
"So, Y/n are you having your usual yeah or something else? It's my turn to treat us," he sat down and looked dead at you in the eye, a whimsical eyebrow raising.
But you start to argue, "No wait hang on I'm pretty sure it's mine you definitely paid last week-"
He fobs you off by shaking his head and putting his hand out, "Yeah yeah don't worry about it, honestly it’s no bother. I have something to tell you anyway and it's pretty big so I'm in the mood to treat us..."
You perk up at his words and look at him quizzingly, "What is it James? You ain't going to leave your best mate hanging already are ya?"
He was looking at you now with serious intent and it unnerved you slightly. Suddenly, nerves were climbing up to the surface again. You watched him as he rubbed his hands together.
"Ok, so... this is pretty big right, and I have been trying to figure out the best way to tell you but-"
"Oh for goodness sake James just bloody tell me already!"
As you say this he responds in unison, "I've met someone."
You went totally silent. You were speechless. You wanted the ground to swallow you up. You blinked hard and asked him to repeat those words you wished he hadn't said.
"I've- met someone... as in she's er, well, she's brilliant actually and I think it might be serious," he looked down shyly at his napkin on the table, fiddling with the cutlery.
You decided that all you can do is feign happiness. Be delighted for him. It was all you could do, you couldn't be mad at him for finding someone.
But the words were not coming. You felt like you were going to be sick. Maybe you had to get some air but you couldn't arouse suspicion. James knew you well enough after all.
"Uh-" you tried to say something. Still nothing.
"Y/n? Are you alright? Did I say something bad? I did say it was big..."
You put your arm out, trying not to alarm him and wanting to avoid him getting close to you so that he couldn't hear your heartbeat or your stomach churning. You stood up from your chair and managed to finally stifle up some form of words.
"Sorry, James, I don't know- I think I might be coming down with something? Sudden headache! I think. Might need to go home actually and you might have to tell me all the deets of how you met the lucky lady over the phone later. But yeah, I think I need to leave..."
"Y/n wait are you sure you don't just need to eat or take a break outside for a minute? I was looking forward to seeing you and I don't want you to leave. Maybe I could come back with you to yours instead I-"
Suddenly, without thinking, your voice became sharp and you looked at him sternly, "No! No James, please. Don't take me home, it's fine really. I'll be fine."
And you headed for the door, essentially storming off like a petulant child. You instantly started to regret your attitude at that moment, but it was too late now so you just had to turn away and leave.
Or at least you tried to leave, but it appeared James wasn't having it as you got to the door and he stopped you in your tracks. It would appear that a row was about to form, with anger splashed across your best friend's face. He rarely ever looked at you like this, but it had to happen occasionally. Fighting on the busy streets outside a cafe was not what you had planned for today.
He had grabbed your arm and was frowning, looking at you confused and annoyed.
"What the hell Y/n? Why did you snap at me like that? I was opening up to you about something really important to me and you just try to storm off and feed me bullshit about feeling ill? Tell me what's the problem now. I am not letting you go off and sulk..."
You groaned and looked away from him. Why couldn't you just be a decent friend and be happy for him? Why couldn't you just lie properly instead of wearing your damn feelings on your sleeve?
You crossed your arms and tried to explain it, trying to come up with something plausible.
"Look fine you’re right, that was shitty of me I know. I didn't give you a fair warning. But I guess it just really shocked me, you saying you met someone. Took me off guard I suppose," you still couldn't quite look him in the eye.
"I get that Y/n but you're my best mate. You're supposed to be straight with me. I mean you usually are! But I guess it wasn't fair of me either to spring this on you like that. I finally met someone and I just wanted to share my excitement with my favourite person in the whole wide world..." He started getting a little fidgety, you knowing he wasn't one for expressing admiration or being open about feelings. This was just all around uncomfortable for both of you.
And then you felt really bad. You looked at him with pure remorse and started to apologise while fiddling with your hair, "Shit James I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have reacted this way, period. It was really wrong of me. I am absolutely ready… to hear all and share your happiness with you," your teeth almost gritted with those final words. Some part of you wondered if he could tell that you still weren't being totally genuine.
He squinted his eyes and pointed his finger at you somewhat accusingly, "Hmmmm... there's something off. What are you hiding from me, hmm?"
You looked up at the sky and sighed heavily, praying for a flying saucer to grab you in that moment and take you to a distant land far away from here. But alas, no such luck.
You decided you had to be at least a bit more truthful. How you were going to word it though was tricky.
"OK ok James, you caught me. I guess, perhaps I am a little pissed that you didn't tell me that you were dating someone at least. I mean, how long have you waited to tell me? Why were you keeping it for so long?" You almost felt a bit smug for turning the tables on him. You also felt like such a prick too.
He nodded, accepting your answer and responded accordingly, "Ok yes, that's a fair point. But now you're giving me a chance to explain... I didn't want to tell you until I knew it was a bit more, well... serious. I didn't want to get excited before it was even anything real, you know? Her name is Clara, by the way."
Hmm, Clara. Sounds like someone he would date. Probably long legged, skinny and beautiful too. Your voice in your head sounded so pathetic. You hated feeling jealous. You didn't expect to be so overwhelmed by it.
"Clara, eh? She better be the real deal. She better not break your heart, otherwise I will find her house and kill her. You know that, right?"
James then laughed and his face softened, looking relieved that you weren't fighting anymore.
"James. I'm dead serious here. I will fucking murder her-"
He continued laughing and put his arm around you, dismissing your supposedly empty threat. Both of you started to stroll down the street to wherever it would go.
But you knew that despite appearances, you would do anything for this man - including attacking a woman who might cause him any sort of harm. And you insisted to yourself internally that Clara better step up to the plate. They had to be fucking dynamite; because the man you loved ought to match up as his equal of being the best person alive. Even if you knew that wasn't you.
To think, you were almost going to tell him how you felt that day.
He then looked at you dead in the eye, grabbed your hand and said with such sincerity and with those glittering, beautiful eyes, "Don't think this means that you won't be less important to me, Y/n. I don't want to become one of those people who becomes all consumed by their relationship. Clara will have to understand that I'll still make time for you. Especially when you need it."
You wanted to believe it but you knew that life doesn't work that way so you smiled sadly, almost a tear forming and shook your head, not expecting anything like that.
"No James, don't make promises like that. If Clara is really the right person for you, you prioritise that. You can't be closer to me than your potential future wife, or whatever. She could bear children for you, I can't do that."
You noticed a chord struck in James as you said that and he faltered, gently letting go of your hand. The penny had dropped. You knew your words must have really sunk in. You watched as he turned away from you, despite knowing his reluctance.
But just as quickly he turned back to you and with desperation, "Y/n, really. I don't want to lose you. You still can be just as important-"
You stopped him and put a finger on his lips. You then smiled genuinely at him, fighting every urge to kiss him then, knowing how amazing he was to even be so considerate to your feelings in that moment. You couldn't believe you hadn't started sobbing yet.
"You don't need to say anything James. Please. We are friends. We are nothing more..."
But he frowned at that, looking at you with sadness. And you didn't know why. Perhaps a fleeting moment? A slither of hope that could so easily be taken away? What was he thinking then?
He scratched his head and continued to frown, even though he still kept his eyes on you. In fact, you swore for a second that he looked down at your lips(??), but again must have been going mad. It was a strange day after all.
He then spoke so quietly, his voice practically whispering, "Yeah... friends. I guess that's better than not having you at all..."
And then you frowned at him, realising that you both were standing so awfully close to each other, his body just millimetres from touching yours. And you could feel that sickness again, but for a different reason. What the fuck did he mean by that?
And you wanted to ask him but instead you're frozen in time, his hand reaching out to cup your cheek. You look up at him in a complete standstill, slightly gasping at the feel of his touch and you squeezed your eyes shut.
You then felt his lips touch your forehead and you opened your eyes to see him, his lips parted as he lifted his head back away from you. But soon you found yourself capturing his lips just that once, so gently and fleetingly. A quick peck. You couldn’t resist it.
He was surprised, quite rightly, his eyes darting around you and beginning to realise what had just happened. He pulled back and it honestly felt like a chain yanking at your heart. The waves were sinking you to the bottom.
You wondered if you might have to give up on your friendship with James to save yourself the worst heartache to come.
Note: OKAAYY I'M SORRY I DIDNT KNOW WHAT CAME OVER ME but somehow this became an unrequited drabble??? It was jsug improvised honestly like I just could imagine this happening and now I feel bad because the reader doesn't get a happy ending and I don't normally write angsty stuff like this but yeah here we are though I guess?? Please don't hate me!!
It's just drabble honestly. I think I wrote it OK? Let me know what you guys think! This is also just FYI nothing to do with Stumbled Into Laughter, Stumbled Into You so don't panic about that.
Peace x
P.s And noooo of course not, not me at all posting a fic on a Sunday night at nearly 1am in the morning - pfft, what am I like?
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canirove · 3 months
In The Name of Love | Chapter 25
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"You know, instead of just laying there looking pretty, you could help me with all these clothes."
"Being this pretty is a really hard job, Val. And if I helped you, you would definitely end up telling me that I'm doing everything wrong and doing it all by yourself" Pedri shrugs.
"Hey! I am injured, remember? There is no need to be violent. Poor Minnie" he says, cuddling the stuffed toy I've thrown at him.
"Yes, you are injured in the head."
"Love you too, Val" he says with a stupid smile. "Why do you still have these around your room, tho? Aren't they for kids?" he smirks.
"I work with kids and I'm dating one. I need them to understand you better" I reply, sticking out my tongue.
"This Minnie has seen better days. How old is she?"
"My aunt bought it for me when I was born."
"Really? She looks like… 50. And you know you aren't older than 25."
"You are such an idiot" I say, rolling my eyes. "If Minnie looks old that's because she never left my side. I slept with her, played with her…"
"Attacked people with her…"
"She was my favourite toy as a kid and has great sentimental value."
"Val, hey. Are you ok?" Pedri says, getting up from the bed. "What is it?"
"Nothing" I say, looking away.
"Then why are you crying? Val" he says, cupping my face and making me look at him. "What is it?"
"Nothing, I just… Talking about Minnie reminded me of my aunt, the one who got her for me as a baby. She… She passed away a few years ago."
"And here I was making stupid jokes. I'm so sorry, Val. You aren't wrong when you call me an idiot."
"You didn't know" I shrug. "And they aren't sad tears. At least not all of them. You've also reminded me of good times, like when she would play with me and mimic Minnie's voice. She was really good at it."
"Was she?"
"Yeah. Or that's the memory I have" I smile. "She was Marina's age when I was born, so she saw me as a little sister more than as a niece. She got me that Minnie because she always wanted to go to Disneyland Paris but never could because her siblings told her they were too old for it, and with me she had an excuse to do it."
"Did you go?" Pedri asks, wiping away one of my tears.
"No, we didn't manage to. When I was old enough to understand what was going on she was at uni and then she moved abroad. She would only come back for Christmas and the summer holidays, which aren't the best moments to go to a place like Disney. Then I got busy with my own life, she got sick, and… well" I shrug.
"Do you still want to go?"
"I would love to, but no one wants to go with me. Marc said it was just for kids" I scoff.
"Well, lucky you, you are dating a kid who has never been to Disneyland."
"We didn't have the money when I was younger. And now that I have it, no one cares anymore" Pedri shrugs.
"But a place like Disney… People may recognise you."
"I'll wear a wig if necessary. Anything to make you smile again" he says, caressing my cheek.
"You seriously are the cutest human being I've ever met."
"I know" he smirks. "And because I am the cutest, I'm gonna stop distracting you with my beauty and go make us a snack."
"Thank you, Pedri."
"What for? The snack? Being pretty?"
"Idiot" I say, hitting his arm. "Just thank you."
"You're welcome, Val" he says, kissing my forehead and leaving my room while I just stare at him smiling like... an idiot. Turns out that I also am one. One madly in love.
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When do the kids go on holidays?
Just answer me, Val 🙄
We have the next week off
Perfect then
Perfect for what?
Going somewhere just you and I ☺️
What? And the international break?
I'm not going. 
They called me today and said they don't want to risk it because of my injury. 
I'm sorry 
It's just some friendlies, don't worry
But now I am free to take my girlfriend on holidays ☺️
Are we going somewhere cold or I got it completely wrong?
You aren't helping, Pedro 🙄
The mouse isn't because of Ratatouille 😉
Wait… wait wait wait WAIT DISNEYLAND?
Are you in?
Did you scream? Are you jumping?
Yes and yes 😂
"I am finally here. Can you believe it?"
"What I can't believe is your face right now" Pedri chuckles, closing the door of our hotel room behind him.
"I think I have never seen you smile like that, Val. I love it."
"And I love you" I say, walking towards him and wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you very much. Thank you for this."
"Anything for you" he smiles.
"But you know… I think I should show you how much I love you and how thankful I am."
"Yeah…" I say as I slowly move my hands from his neck to his chest.
"What are you doing?" Pedri asks, his body tensing under my touch.
"Showing you how thankful I am" I reply with a teasing smile, my hands now moving under his clothes.
"Aren't you tired after all that traveling?"
"Nope. Are you?"
"A bit."
"Then let me do all the work. Arms up."
"What?" he laughs.
"I can't show you how thankful I am and how much I love you with all these clothes on. So arms up."
"Yes, ma'am" he chuckles.
"Good boy" I smile, getting rid of his sweatshirt and t-shirt all in one go. "Now shoes off, I'll take care of this" I say, untying his joggers.
"Lay down on the bed."
"Ok" Pedri smirks while doing as I've told him. "You should be this bossy more often, Val. I like it. Now what?"
"Now get yourself comfortable and enjoy" I say before starting to take off my clothes.
"I can't believe we just had sex on a Mickey Mouse bed" Pedri laughs.
"You chose the room, I didn't."
"I did" he laughs again. "It was really good sex, by the way. Some of the best we've had. You definitely showed me how much you love me."
"Glad to hear that."
"And you need to be in charge more often, Val. That was so hot."
"Yeah, umm… Should we order some room service or go out? I'm starving" I say, trying to change the topic of conversation and ignore the way my face is burning. I still don't know where everything I just did to him came from.
"Of course you are" he chuckles. "I could do with some fresh air, to be honest."
"Oh, great! We can wear the hats I got us."
"You what?"
"Yeah, look" I say, leaving the bed and opening my suitcase. "I got a cap with Mickey ears for you and one with Minnie ears for me. We can match, and this way you will be able to hide your face a bit better. Though you won't be able to put on your hood with the ears. I think."
"It's ok, don't worry. But are we a matching couple now? That's very cheesy, Val" Pedri says with a teasing smile.
"We are in Disneyland for the first time. We are gonna be cheesy and proper tourists."
"Ok" he laughs. "Should we try on the caps? Maybe take a picture? I want to remember this moment."
"Just be careful with the angle."
"I'm a pro, Val. There won't be any nipples involved."
"It better not" I warn him, getting in bed next to him. "Let me… there" I say, putting the cap on his head.
"How do I look?"
"Liar. I always look gorgeous" he smirks.
"I beg to differ" I say, putting on mine. "Now let's take that photo so we can go grab something to eat."
"I think I don't like bossy Val anymore."
"What?" I laugh.
"If she isn't going to ride me until I forget my name, I don't like her."
"Shut up and take that photo, Pedro.”
"Yeah… I don't like her. And I'm taking the photo, relax. Don't need to look at me as if you were going to rip off my head."
"I'm too hungry for that."
"Lucky me" he laughs. "Say Disney!" 
"Pedri, we are gonna be late for breakfast!"
"Just a minute!" he says from the bathroom.
"If when we go downstairs they've run out of everything I like, I'm murdering you. What are you doing?"
"These eyebrows don't look this perfect on their own, Valeria" he says while pointing at them and finally joining me in the room. "There is work behind them."
"All the work I don't put on mine" I chuckle. "Anyway, are you ready?"
"One last thing."
"Pedri!" I groan.
"We can't leave without her."
"Her? Who?"
"Her" he smiles, showing me what he was hiding in his suitcase.
"Is that… Is that my Minnie?"
"Her twin sister. If you had come with your aunt you would have brought her with you, right?"
"I would have, yes."
"Well, I thought that we should do the same. But then I worried you may lose her or get her dirty, and if anything happened to her you would be gutted and I could not bear seeing you like that. So I bought you another Minnie for you to carry around the same way you would have done as a kid, but without having to worry about what happens to her. Though if she survives, it would be a cute memory."
"What?" Pedri says with a confused look.
"It would not be a cute memory. It would be one of the best memories of my life. And you are the one who is cute. The cutest human being ever" I say before throwing myself at him and hugging him while crying like a baby.
"Aww, Val" he says while hugging me back, one of his hands moving up and down my back, trying to comfort me. But that gesture only makes me cry harder. Why is he so cute?
"I love you, Pedri" I manage to say.
"I love you too" he replies.
"That was the best thing ever! So so so good! I kind of want to do it again."
"What?" Pedri says, looking at me as if I've grown another head.
"I was joking, don't worry" I laugh. "But it was so good! Much better than what I had seen online and… Pedri. Pedri, hey. Are you ok?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine."
"You are so pale… Let's sit down" I say, grabbing his arm and walking him towards a bench.
"Yes, let's sit down while my stomach goes back to its usual place."
"Pedri, you should have told me you were scared of the Tower of Terror before we went in. Look at you, you are so white you could pass for a Real Madrid shirt."
"I'm not in the mood for jokes, Valeria" he says, giving me a murderous look. "And if I didn't say anything it was because I didn't know I was scared of it. I thought it would be one of those houses where people show up out of nowhere and scare you, not one where you are dropped into the void."
"Sorry" I say, moving my hand up and down his arm, trying to comfort him like he had done for me a few hours ago. "There actually is a place like that, we can go later."
"I'll think about it."
"Ok" I chuckle. "But I guess this means we aren't checking the Star Wars ride."
"Do they drop you somewhere?"
"It is a rollercoaster."
"I'll think about that too" Pedri says, closing his eyes and leaning back on the bench.
"Is your stomach still on your throat?" 
"I don't know where it is anymore, Val. I don't know if I have a stomach anymore, to be honest."
"Aww, Pedri. Will a cuddle make you feel better?"
"We can try" he says, trying really hard not to smile.
"Look at you. Even while dying you still are a cheeky little thing" I giggle.
"Always, my dear" he replies. "Always."
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j-onedrabbles · 1 year
𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒎𝒂'𝒔 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔
this list contains writing prompts for fluff, nsfw, and angst. i welcome anyone else who wants to use it to please do!
"your hair is so soft.."
"it's too cold! come back."
"No. i'm not letting you go. It's too early to get out of bed."
"I'm not going to stop poking you till you give me some attention."
"I like the way your hand fits in mine."
"You can call me whenever you want... even if you don't have a reason too."
"You look really cute in that sweater."
"No, like... it's just, i can't believe you're actually wearing my clothes."
"I've been trying to get ready for like an hour and a half, because i know you're going to look so good and i need to try and match up."
"Your lips are really warm."
"Ssh. Stop fussing. I'm just braiding your hair."
"You are my new pillow."
"Don't get up– i'll do it."
"Stargazing was a good idea."
"I'll always be here for you."
"I'll be here to protect you."
"Don't be silly. I want to stay up with you."
"Your bed head is really cute."
"let's go home. You're freezing and I don't want you catching a cold."
"I'm not going to get sick, you baby. Just let me hold you."
"I'm not moving, your lap is comfortable."
"I know your mad at me, but will a kiss change your mind?"
"God, I miss you so much."
"Hey, let me in. I'm outside with your favorite pizza."
"I'm only doing it because you're cute."
"I'm tired, just cuddle me."
"Sorry for waking you, baby. Go back to sleep."
"Time for bed, sleepy head. Come on, I've got you."
"Please look at me."
"I'm just disappointed."
"You... you never had a problem with it before."
"You're making me think that what they told me about you was right."
"Does it ever stop hurting?" "No, you just make room for it."
"I'm trying, all the time, but it's just too hard."
"I let you down."
"I tried to move on, but nobody is you."
"Do i look like I moved on?"
"I feel like everyone just forgot I exist."
"You're really drunk right now. I don't think you're gonna remember any of this." "No. I'm not drunk at all. You're just blurry"
"Did it ever occur to you that you're hurting me too."
"I just want to forget you."
"How much do you miss them?" "More than I should."
"I'd rather stay in my own head so I don't have to live in the world you ruined."
"It wasn't your fault."
"Don't leave."
"Don't do this to yourself."
"Stop pushing everyone away."
"I need help."
"I'm so, so sorry."
"I thought that if I acted like it didn't matter, the it wouldn't."
"I broke my rules for you."
"Don't make promises you can't keep."
"Damn it, are you drunk?"
"I just need time to myself."
"Let me help."
"You haven't been yourself lately."
"I know a workout you might enjoy."
"I want it hard."
"I just want to feel something."
"I swear. I'm gonna fuck the next person that comes through that door."
"I'm either joining or watching, you pick."
"I love it when you act all controlling like that knowing damn well I can leave you shaking under me."
"You're mine."
"I'll let you do anything if you just touch me right now."
"Stay quiet."
"If you can't sleep... how about we have sex?"
"Let me show you why you should stay in bed."
"If you want to keep sitting on my lap, you have to stop wiggling."
"We're really going to fuck here? What if someone sees us?"
"Be a good girl/boy for mommy/daddy."
"If I have to stop what I'm doing then you're not gonna be able to walk for the next week."
"There's people here!" "I know"
"You're still horny? Didn't I fuck you hard enough last night?"
"Spank me. It's the only way I'll learn."
"I'd hold onto something if I were you."
"You can get louder, can't you?"
"I'm really in the mood to tease you today."
"Bite me." "If you insist."
"Just let me finish this/this level and I swear I'll go down on you till you come at least three times."
"I'm going to put some clothes on before you say anything else."
"Were you masturbating?" "U-uh no... I was just.." "Want some help?"
"I won't apologize for marking you up. Everyone should know you're taken."
"You look so good with my hand around your neck."
"If you complain that it's hot one more time, I'm going to give you a reason to sweat."
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toomuchracket · 7 months
ok but dad!matty when baba gets sick (stomach bug, strep throat etc) and youve been taking care of her so he wouldn’t get it but then you catch it and he has to take care of both of you and baba 🥺🥺
amy comes home from nursery (kindergarten) one day when she's like three, and she's really quite lethargic with a little bit of a runny nose, but she's happy enough; you put her to bed a little bit earlier than usual, after a bath and a dose of calpol to hopefully nip whatever's up with her in the bud. and yet, you and matty are woken up by her tugging on his hand and crying softly like "daddy, can't sleep, don't feel well" just after midnight, and naturally matty goes into slight panic mode. he checks her temperature, and she's BOILING, little cheeks all rosy and the glands in her neck raised to signify she's poorly. you get her some water and some more medicine, and then the two of you sit on the floor beside her bed and coax her back to sleep, a cold washcloth on her head to try and break the fever she's suffering from - she whimpers out "want a cuddle", and before matty can oblige his baby girl you put a hand on his arm like "matty, baby, you CANNOT get ill right now, you're recording vocals tomorrow". matty shakes his head like "i don't care, darling, our daughter needs us", and you're like "it's alright, really, babe. i've got her, you can get work done this week, and we'll all be fine". it takes a minute to convince him, but matty agrees that it would make more logical sense for you to make sure amy's well - he reluctantly goes back to bed, while you fall asleep with amy cuddled into you safely. and yeah, you catch the cold she's suffering from too; matty comes home from work the next day to you both sniffling and sneezing on the sofa watching bluey, and he's like "awww, my girls. you're both not feeling well? don't worry, i'll take care of you". and he really does - orders chicken noodle soup and ice cream for your dinner, changes all the bedsheets, bathes amy while you shower, dries her hair and then yours, somehow finds the time to walk mayhem, snuggles up with both of his girls to comfort you AND still remembers to take paracetamol throughout to make sure he doesn't get sick (which you didn't do earlier and are mentally kicking yourself for). after he tucks amy into bed with a story and a song, you kiss his shoulder like "thank you for taking care of us. m'sorry you had to, i know you must be exhausted after working all day on top of looking after us", and matty's like "hey, hey, don't apologise, sweetheart. s'my job to look after my girls, i like doing it. actually, s'my favourite". you smile like "even when we're all snotty and sneezing?", and matty's like "well, that bit isn't my fave. and i hate seeing my girls in pain. but you're still adorable with a runny nose, darling, and so is our daughter. love you both so much, always will. and i'll always be here to look after you, too". sweet boy <3
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