#I’m really curious and worried about the whole situation since I haven’t saved most of my games progress so that makes me feel nervous
candybunnieholic · 8 months
I can’t believed that the fate grand order is no longer available on google play store because when I went to tried to updated the app since I wanted to to play the new event and I found out that it’s no longer available on google play store but I’m going to the spend the whole weekend with trying to figure out how I’m going to get a new data transfer code after I already used my old one when I was having issues with the game on my tablet too.
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luimagines · 3 years
Hey, I’m not sure how to explain this but getting straight to the point, I’m the person who runs the yandere-linked-universe blog and I’m pretty sure you’re pinkittwice.
So, I was just wondering what ideas you might have about the chain being yandere for one person. Like, what would the dynamic be and how they would behave as yanderes, you know that kind of stuff.
I hope it’s not too much to ask but I’m just curious to see what you might think of it since you’re pretty much the only person on the sight that I know of who also writes things involving lu and the reader. I’m not unhappy or dissatisfied in any way but it does get a little lonely being the only person who writes stuff like this. Sorry if this is too weird.
Yahaha~! You found me!
Everybody go check out their stuff @yandere-linked-universe
They do cool art sometimes and are even writing a whole fic which you can find right here.
It's really well written and I'm excited to see how the story progresses and where it goes- especially endgame.
And I'm assuming the ask means if they were yandere in the same circumstance than in the story.
That being said, I'm still going to apply the rules I have set for the Links. Like how Sky was never with his Zelda and similarly how Time and Malon never really happened. As for Wind, he will not be platonic unlike in the fic mentioned above- I will explain this in his section I promise.
Also, disclaimer, I'm not good at horror and I've never written for these types of characters before. But if you want headcanons then I'll provide the brainstorm that I've been cooking up of ever since I got this ask. (And it was a while ago I'm sorry for the wait.)
I'm also including some songs that I think best fit their rose tinted glasses ideal. Not necessarily yandere and can apply to Link being in love with you in general but it's as close as I'm going to get to making a playlist.
I might come back and change them to stalker songs and add these songs to a separate list entirely but maybe not...
Content under the cut!
It's long, brace yourself.
As a group, I think jealously would run high.
Everybody wants the attention of a single person and there's eight other people as competition.
If the group was tight knit as we like to portray them, it won't last long.
If dear reader was a little caring or naturally falls into a healer/medic position in the group, the group becomes more reckless, less caring about their personal safety- if only to get a momentary caress from the love of their life's fingers as their wounds are tended to.
There's less group unity and alliances between them form.
If the reader isn't a fighter well...
They would take turns guarding their prize and fight to be the one to do it.
Leaving you behind when they go to dungeons is a must.
They won't risk you getting a scratch on your person let alone putting you in a potentially dangerous situation.
They try to keep all their weapons away and out of reach. Less you get any ideas and try to fight with them or worse, get hurt playing with them.
Or try to fight against them. HAHAHAHA!! How crazy would that be?
Like you would stand a chance.
When you're simply traveling with the group, your designated spot is on top of Epona, hands down, no questions asked.
Not only would be easier to keep an eye on you, and make it harder to get away, but Twilight has personally asked Epona (through Wolfie) that if they were ever ambushed, she was to take off with you and get away from the fight no matter the cost. She'll always come back to him anyway- so if you're tied to connected to her than all the more reason for him to be the one to retrieve you when it's all over.
The others don't like how Twilight gets to be the one to greet you first. But Epona is on Twilight's side and everyone knows it.
So they wait their turn.
You're on top of Epona even if you're a fighter as well.
If you can prove your salt and fight with them, they actually don't try to keep you away as much as they can (because now it means that they can spend more time with you!)
It instead becomes a competition to be your partner. Among the younger ones anyway.
The older ones, are less concerned now by you fighting, and more by the younger ones who keep trying to be by your side (even if that's their spot) and try to keep them out of your way.
Every bump and cut you get is treated immediately by who ever reaches you first.
It's once again a race.
The group, as yandere's go, do not know how annoying they're being nor do they plan to stop.
If you told stories of your past conquests, it a mixed bag of awe, adoration and anger for you even being put there to begin with. These thoughts are not voiced however, and they instead stew and simmer and grow into their possessive tendencies.
Because they would protect you, honor you, worship you and you wouldn't have to worry about anything ever again. Not if you were with them, not if you stayed with them, not if you were in their Hyrule.
There's a slight knee jerk reaction when you bring out your items to take it away because it's dangerous. But not only would that piss you off, it would take away what little protection you have on your person and they don't want to take any risks when it comes to your safety.
I wouldn't share too much if I were you.
Now as Individuals they're all different, obviously.
Let's explore that.
He's the most dangerous
I'm starting this off with that
I'm talking the most calculating, scheming and devious of the whole group
He know he's in charge and that the others will listen to him regardless if they actually agree with him or not
Because he's the leader
His grip on the group lessens as time goes by and their unity dissipates
But he's delusional and he doesn't realize it
However, because he's already in this position, he takes it upon himself to take care of you
And others let him
Less work for them to focus on when they can be by your side instead
You never have watch
You're always in the middle of the group
He'd gladly send the boys ahead of you into danger to make sure that they deal with it before you even get there.
The others let him with little thought because it's for you
So they go for it
Time however, is somehow, never the one to go ahead, instead waiting behind (with you) while they go ahead and deal with the issue
He gets away with this 8/10 times
Mostly because he rotates who's he's sacrificing
Dad! Time is not here- not anymore
But he lets them near you because he's only biding his time
You're meant to be
Soulmates, if you will
If a little time with you is all those boys need to stay in line and listen to him then he'll allow it
Because they're only boys
He's a man through and through
They have nothing on him
And you deserve more than a mere boy
He has some other concerns on his mind while the boys fight each other like street dogs
Time has to think about your future together so he daydreams the most out of the group.
He doesn't really have a home and a roof over his head for himself- let alone you and he knows he'd have to change that
He thinks about staying as a permanent employee at Lon Lon Ranch
He can save enough money
Buy a house
Maybe some land
And enough things for you and him to make a comfortable life without any worries
Maybe even start a family?
The dream is a reprieve form the headache that are other boys who won't leave you alone
Pray you don't end up in his Hyrule
This is just the gateway he'd be waiting for to keep you all to himself
Fighter or not it's dangerous to travel with them
You're in danger
And he won't stand for that.
He doesn't know how exactly he'd do it
But he plans to leave you at Lon Lon Ranch, waiting for him, for when he comes back after the mission
He'd have to find some kind of way to actually keep you there and find you when you inevitably try to leave the Ranch
But he's traveled all over his Hyrule
There's no place you could go that he doesn't know about
As the adult of the group, he'd step over all the others
He's not going to listen to them when they try to stop him
They don't know as much as he does
They haven't experienced as much as he has
He knows that this is the best and only option to ensure that you're safe and well taken care of
He'd doesn't mind leaving you as prisoner to the Gerudo instead either if the others start to really get pushy
It won't be comfortable and it won't be glamorous
But they'll definitely keep you in one place
And he can walk in whenever he wanted thanks to that note from the chief from a time long ago
Pick you up, take you away and you'll be his
He daydreams a lot
And he knows that you'll choose him
You have to
He's the best and only option
He's never felt happier thinking about you and the life you'll both have
He's struggled so much anyway
Maybe you were the blessing the goddesses owed him for all his work in his youth
And surely they aren't so cruel to give you to him and then take you away by some monster attack or some terrible unforeseen fate
He can't have that either
So he'll take the first and best out he's given
But while you're here with him...
He's looking at you like you're magic
Warrior is the least dangerous
He knows the feel of being on the receiving side of someone's obsession
He was ignorant for a long time about it
But he wasn't sure how to feel comfortable in his own skin again when he found out about it
He can see how the others are starting to show similar obsessive tendencies and tries to mitigate what he can
He does a lot of damage control
It's what he's trying to do anyway- he's not very successful
Warrior is the one who's challenging their train of thought
Why do they think this is ok? Why don't they ask you for your opinion? Why do they not give some time alone to recharge? Why don't they lay off?
Because it's totally for your benefit- AND THEIRS
Because it's not ok
He doesn't see himself follow the exactly same train of thought
He doesn't see himself doing what they're doing
He's just annoyed that they're the ones doing it
Warrior becomes the very definition of hypocrite.
However- because he's the one acting as your advocate- the others don't consider him as much as a threat and therefore more inclined to listen to him at this point in time than Time himself
It also means that they don't fight him as much when he wants time with you. Mostly because in their eyes, he's not interested
They're wrong
At some point in Warrior's attempt to keep the group together and keep you from going crazy or hating all of them, he begins to gain ulterior motives in his mission
He begins to play the role in an attempt to win you over.
Because- see, he's not like them
He won't violate your space
Go through your stuff
Or keep you from doing what you love
He's the one to say you should join them in fights, that you should stay, that you can hold your own
Since he's the main strategist in the group, he takes into account your skills and always places you at a distance from the fight or from the most obsessive the group.
He knows that their one track mind could kill you or them and there's still the darkness to defeat.
They don't have the luxury to afford this kind of distractions
When the others aren't paying attention to him, he'd pepper you with compliments and flirty lines, playing up his charm and suave attitude
He becomes the perfect gentleman
You'd never know that he's crazy
Just join him and be with him- that's all he wants
He loves you so what more is there to offer you?
He's got the status, the looks and the means to take care of you so you wouldn't have to worry about anything else
He'd be the best husband that Hyrule has ever seen
He'd hate to have the group scare you off with how over the top they've all been.
He knows the group is being annoying with being by your side all the time and how they don't let you be and how there's always someone by your side even when you're at your final straw
Warrior is the one who takes over guarding you when you need to pee or bath and actively argues on your behalf to let you take care of your hygiene.
He's not always successful but it's the thought that counts right?
Hyrule agrees with him most of the time and since Hyrule seems to be the only one who still cares (somewhat) about the mission, they make an agreement
Warrior isn't at all concerned about the others and know that you'd come around to him eventually.
Since he's not like the others
You're his first thought in the morning, his last thought when he rests his head to sleep and there's nothing that he hasn't been doing that wasn't for you
Hyrule is the least possessive
Mostly because of his low confidence.
I've mentioned in a previous post that is unrelated to this, his love language is physical touch- so he's all over you
There always have to be some way that he's holding you- whether its a hand on your shoulder or the small of your back, maybe he's holding your hand or maybe he's just pinched the edge of your tunic
But he's careful to not go beyond what you're comfortable with
He doesn't want to you to pull away from him
Because the others will not hesitate to push and pull him away if you so much as hinted at not wanting him near you
So he plays it cool
Hyrule also gets concerned when there's too many injuries to go around and he needs to heal the group
Because if you hurt then he can't spare anything else to help you
It's one of the few things he thinks that he's useful for- so if he can't do this little thing for you then why does he bother?
There's so many other guys here that could easily sweep you off of your feet and have so much more to offer you
He doesn't have any land
He doesn't have a house
His Hyrule... isn't the most welcoming and he doesn't like the idea of bringing you from one dangerous situation to another
Especially since he's being hunted for sport back home
It doesn't stop him from trying to win your heart obviously and he tries to show you and win you over in whatever little ways he can.
He's the gentlest with you
Whatever hurting you, he'll heal
Whatever scaring you, he'll deal with
Whatever danger comes your way, he'll end it's miserable existence
He- like Time- daydreams a lot but he's trying to live for the moment
He's almost resigned in a way- that you won't pick him
He knows they're on borrowed time, he knows that something dangerous can take you away from them or that he could be the one to be taken away instead
So he's trying to make up for it in the time that you do have together and spend every second by your side that he can
Because the group gets a little more reckless in their attempts to impress you and be dealt with (whether you're healing them and tending to their wounds or just yelling at them)
He heals the group a lot little less
If they're going to be stupid and get hurt- then he's not going to waste his magic when they're only going to do the same thing the next day
Soon, with enough time and patience, Hyrule begins to hoard all the healing potions as well.
It's an attempt to keep them away from you so when they're hurt he can step in and just get them healed up in a minute
But it also works to keep the group from getting too reckless
It's not his intention but he takes it as it is
If they get hurt too much anyway then that just means less competition for him to deal with and a higher chance with you!
Because of his low confidence about you actually ending up with him, he becomes one of the more mission minded of the group, probably right after Warrior
Since they both have their sights on eradicating the darkness instead of focusing on their love lives (for different reasons) this is the first alliance to be formed
Hyrule wants you to be his but he's at a crossroad
He knows Warrior has a lot of charm to win you over and has the means to make sure you live a good life
He knows it's more than he can ever give you
But he's fairly certain he can take Warrior in a fight
One well timed Thunder Strike and Warrior wouldn't stand a chance
Not to mention that they've been fighting side by side now, so he knows what to look for to bring him down
He doesn't think it'll come to that though
Warrior doesn't seem that interested with you anyway so he doesn't worry about him
Which just leaves the problem of winning your heart
He wonders what life would be like he can love like you do
Twilight is the most protective
It's his wolf instincts and his caretaker instincts combined.
He's used to being the one to look after everyone else
Being his village's primary babysitter and all
But wolves are family animals and they protect their mates
He's the one to fight to keep you away from the fights, whether you can handle yourself or not
He can Four agree with this and it's the second alliance that forms
You must be protected at all costs and there's many things around that can injure you, or worse
So they both try their hardest to keep you safe and secure
If bubble wrap existed in Hyrule you would have been wrapped in it and then wrapped again for good measure.
He's the first to run up to you and the first to drag over Hyrule or someone with a fairy or a potion to treat you
He's not afraid to start punching anything that dares to threaten you
Forget the sword
He'll just start swinging... or maybe just go full Woflie even if he's not in his form and go for the jugular
He lets you ride on Epona more often than not and refuses to let you work more than you should
He's quick to carry things for you
He tries to impress you by being a handy man and tries to fix whatever he can get his hands on for you
He's not good at it
But he tries
His love language is acts of service so he's trying
You don't really need his help though
But let him get it out
And tell him that he's doing a good job please, for your sake
He talks a lot about his home life with you and he ask a lot of questions about your own
He's comparing notes
Trying to see what way of life you'd be more comfortable with and how he can accommodate to it
He tries to win you over with the simple life and he paints pretty pictures of having a ranch and a farm and letting you have all and any animals you want
Wolfie make an appearance every other day instead of simply whenever it's convenient
If you're a dog lover then it's even better.
Twilight is not afraid of taking advantage of it to give you all the kisses and cuddles he can get away in his other form
The others would have to fight the each other just to get kisses from you but Wolfie gets special privilege's
He gets kisses no problem
He's not above using it to his advantage
Epona is always on Twilight side and while he's in wolf form, he tells her all about you and how much he loves you and all the ways he finds you amazing and spectacular
Because you're riding Epona more often than not, he tells her to watch after you and to keep your safe and to get to a safe area if they ever get ambushed
She doesn't know how human romance works, so she agrees.
Link is her master and her best friend, so she trusts him with her life and you're important to him, clearly, so you're important to her too
He's not going to lose you like he lost Midna
She left him behind with barely a glance behind
You won't leave him at all
He'll make sure of it
The others won't take you away from him either
Four seems to be the one who's most on his side right now and together they can lessen the competition
He'd hate to fight the guy and maybe they can come to an understanding but he knows he's got the brute strength that Four lacks not to mention Wolfie and Epona as well
So maybe he'll listen to reason
His world used to be so grey with no change in either direction
An eternal twilight
You became his light in the gloom
Sky is the least violent
He actually falls in the middle of both protectiveness and jealousy.
But he's more set on letting each of the boy pick each other off (not unlike Time) and then he'll figure out who's left over to deal with them then.
Sky also isn't one to fight off the other people who you interact with
He's not going to go confront the person or drag you away and definitely not going to start swinging
He still feels uncomfortable if you aren't by his side but he'll make up for it when you're done by sticking to your hip
Sky doesn't want you to feel cramped by only talking to the group
But he does get a little jumpy when you're beyond his line of sight.
That being said- he will let you out of his sight
Not for long periods of time, mind you, but he's not going to be in your shadow the entire time or demand to be glued to your hip
He's arguably the most normal out of the group- the least yandere if you will
Still crazy though
Sky is also one to agree with Warrior and Twilight.
He's not a part of any alliance but between wanting you to be safe and still wanting you to be healthy and clean (he knows how being clean helps out ones moral and he doesn't want you to be depressed when you're with them) he'd let them do the fighting and arguing for him and when they lose a bit, he'll say something and add to their cause
He's trying to be chill and he plays on his harp when you're nearby.
If you come sit next him to listen and chill- he will absolutely be over the moon
He will go through some of your things to make sure you have anything and everything you'd need for their adventure
But he won't take away your weapons or go through your diary (he wouldn't be able to read it anyway)
He does try to ask you in some roundabout way if he has permission to do that.
It'll be long winded and vague and a total play on words, so be careful to what you agree with when he asks something of you
Sky although is the least violent, that's in regards to other humans
Monsters have learned to keep away from him when he's on the battle field and if they haven't learned that...
They will
He's the one that tries to have your relationship mature and grow naturally.
Sky is going to simply be your friend first and show you that he has your best interest at heart
So when you talk to him about your problems and how the others are driving you crazy, he'll give you advice, tell you he's on your side and openly give you outs to avoid the others.
If you want time alone and the others begin looking for you, he'll tell them you went in the other direction and he'll send them on a wild goose chase.
Since he's on your side, he tells you to at least let him know where you're going and for how long so he can distract the others.
He's not concerned about you running away, since the others are going to do the work for him
Four and Twilight and Wolfie can find and hunt you down in a heart beat and you'll be together again
He won't blame you for running away, there's a lot of people who won't leave you alone in the group and it annoys him too
And Hyrule, Wind and Time keep you within the group and close by so he never has to worry about not knowing where you are at all times
Warrior and Wild keep you well fed and well taken care of
And Legend makes sure that you always have a potion on you and has even given some power rings to ensure your safety
So all he has to do is butter you up by being the least persistent of them all and you'll fall for him and you can be together forever and ever and even be the start of Hyrule as everyone knows it
Wouldn't that be nice?
While he may not be the most musically inclined of the group, he's the one to serenade you when he gets the chance
He plays his harp more often than not, trying to get the notes out that he hears in his head when he looks at you
His life was such a simple song before you came along but now... It's a symphony, he wants you to know this
Four is the most controlling
He's the one putting restrictions on you left and right and is the one to never want you to leave his side- let alone his line of sight.
You see, he's got these voices in his head that bounce ideas off of each other.
When one might be, hey that guy is talking to you
The other responds with, he's close to you too
One might say, you're smiling and it's beautiful
Another says, why is it directed at that guy?
Which snowballs to, you're a little too close, a little too nice, is he flirting? Has he touched you? Is he trying to make a move?
And then he's even more possessive and it grows and spirals and next thing he knows, he's next to you again and chewing the poor guy out for no reason when it was a simple conversation about the weather and directions.
And that's in public
Now add in the threat of monsters and traps and many other dangerous that surround the group as a whole
He's paranoids in the extreme
So when Twilight suggests that they tie you to Epona and keep you where he they can always see you, he's the first to agree
In fact he feels as if Twilight is the only one who's actually looking out for your well being
Wind tries to throw fits and get the two of them to back off but he's just a kid, what does he know? He should know better anyway, he knows how dangerous this journey is going to get, so why is Wind trying to actively put you in harms way?
Twilight a least can get Wind to listen to reason and Twilight's better at explaining it than he is so while Four'll yell, Wind is really Twilight's problem.
He doesn't like the idea of fighting is friends but he can see that well... He's the only to notice that they're not as close as they used to be when you first joined.
He thinks that Warrior can feel it but Four is the one who'll say it out loud.
Four is actually the most trigger happy out of all them, he's not afraid to break character and yell at some poor passerby who's too foolish enough to even look in your direction
He's the angry guard dog in public and it's a little hard to reign him most of the time
Twilight agree with him in this but he's also the one to hold him back
The last thing they need is to be kicked out of town
But if while you're there maybe he can get something for you?
He's the kind of person to make something for their beloved but he only knows how to make weapons and tools
Things that he's never going to give to you and actively tries to keep them away from at all costs
Yes, if you have your own weapons he'll also try to take them away
He'd rather see you angry than injured
No, he does not see how being weaponless in a fight will lead to more injuries and no, he not going to listen to those who try to tell him that.
Maybe he can learn how to make jewelry and gift that instead?
A pretty thing like yourself should be adorned in more beauty.
And he can save enough to make it with rubies and diamonds and any gold that he can salvage in Hyrule
He'd give you and make you anything you want
You'd be dripping in jewels if he had it his way
He also knows that the voices try to point out his flaws and all the ways that he's really not that appealing to any potential partners
It doesn't matter that he's merged and they all have the same flaws
But whenever he's next to you and things are calm, the voices are quiet and he feels like him
Wild is the Most violent
Like Four, he does not care if it's a simple conversation, if someone else is taking up your time and attention then he will want to start swinging.
He's usually held back by Warrior and Time since Twilight typically has to restrain Four
But if you're in danger? Real danger?
He becomes the equivalent of the Fierce Deity, no mask required
The battle field becomes a blood bath by his hand alone
Sure the others will want to to cause some destruction as well and destroy any and all threats to you, but Wild goes the extra mile
Forget Twilight going feral, he has an excuse- but Wild?
He'll go ballistically feral, even going as far to drop his weapons to rip into the threats with his hands and teeth
He has to make sure there's absolutely nothing in between you and him
He's not afraid to throw away his whole good guy reputation and even the reputation of the hero in order make sure he's the last man standing
Wild is now taking notes on how the the group fights and how they defend themselves, defend you and try to figure out the best ways to take them down
If there was ever to be a physical fight within the group, he'll not only be a part of it but most likely also the instigator
Wild has already lost all his friends and family before, he can't afford to lose anyone else
Besides his Hyrule has so much more to offer you than some of the others
Not to mention he has his own house- in a safe village- with low monsters around it- and barely any reason to think that he wouldn't be able to provide for you
He's got the rupees he needs from his monster farming and everything's nearby. Whatever he can't get, he can teleport to and he wouldn't have to leave you alone for long periods of time.
Wild goes out of his way to buy you clothes since the others have taken care of your other needs (much to his chagrin)
But he also makes sure you have the best portions of the meals he makes
He keep tracks how much you ate and when
He always there to give you a snack if you even mention of being peckish
He knows the others won't mind if he dotes in this manner
Not only because it's for you...
He has all the food anyway.
When he sees that you're wearing Legend's old tunic, he instantly hates it
He and Legend are less of an alliance and merely on tolerable terms- not that Legend notices or cares- because of this and Wild knows that your clothes have taken a lot battery
He wants to you be warm and protected
But he also has a lot of extra outfits
So he takes a page out of Legend's book and gives you some as well
He's a little disappointed you don't wear them as often but he knows that most of them are specialized for certain terrain- Legend's is more of a catch all kind of deal so he can understand the need for general uses
He's not happy about it
But he understands
The crazy thing is, you wouldn't want to end up in his Hyrule either
Pray you never do
Like Time, Wild has been all over his Hyrule and has traveled to all the nooks and crannies
He knows that he can hide you away without the others ever knowing what happened to you
Not even Wolfie would be able to track you
Because (and this is from AoC) he can teleport more than one person at a time, so he can just take you far away and somewhere secluded, somewhere where you wouldn't be able to leave
Hebra region? In the cabin where he learned how to shield surf? Or play the snow bowl game?
Gerudo Wasteland?
Akkala Region? With Robbie? It's hard to get past the guardians and the high level monsters...
Or maybe ditch you in the mountains with Paya in Kakariko Village?
Or maybe leave you on the Great Plateau? You can't get down without a paraglider...
Life with you is the only reason he's still on this journey instead of just taking you and leaving
The darkness is still around and it threatens his future with you
But it looks bright in his head when all is over and he's so happy that he met you
Life is now pink! And he won't take off his rose tinted glasses any time soon!
Legend is the most possessive
As some people have headcanoned in the past, he has a problem letting things go
He's lost so many people he cares about- he knows that items are a little harder to lose
He's the Collector- the Hoarder
Naturally when he sees something that he wants, he'll stop at nothing to make it his.
However, since he has a problem coming into direct contact with his own feelings, he's projecting
Legend instead tries to keep you at arms length and fails miserably
He doesn't want to fall for someone only to have them be ripped form him again, and again and again,
He cares for the group still even after their disagreements and eventually mistrust
He doesn't want to leave this little family they've made for themselves and has disillusioned himself into thinking that he can save it before it's too late
But in his fairytale ending, you're with him
Legend, though, still knows that their time will end and everyone will eventually go home so by the time everyone begins fighting and jealousy runs amuck, he's trying to hold everyone at arms length
When you don't give him attention, he's prone to get angry and may very well at times act like he hates you
He doesn't like it when you so much as breath in someone else's direction
You're his and his alone, why is anyone else even worth your time and energy?
But he's not going to say this out loud
So he's frustrated with himself and pouts often
So he's stuck in a cycle of self hatred and jealousy and not willing to do something to change it
But when you do give him attention, he's melts into a puddle
He's at your beck and call if so much as say his name
There's very little that he isn't willing to do for you or get for you, anything to make you happy
He's also quick to give you power rings to protect you even if he's against you fighting
Legend is also going to give you an extra tunic if (/when) your clothes take too much damage and they're too far gone for him to fix
It's a power move on his part
Not only does he feel giddy with boyish excitement when he sees you in his old tunic (that definitely has some kind of magical properties to ensure your safety), it's also him marking you as his property
And the others know it
Wild does a similar thing so you can at least have a change of clothes but Legend is quick to tailor them when you're not looking to not fit you and be uncomfortable
He's the one going through your things for sure
He need to know that he's the one who's taking care of you
He needs to know you have everything you need
He needs to know if there's anything that you're lacking so that he can sweep in and provide it for you
He's not really planning on taking out the competition or is planning beyond keeping you by his side for the day
He (like Hyrule) is living for the moment, because he's afraid he's going to blink and you'd be gone and there would be nothing else left for him
But you won't be gone
He's going to make sure of that
He's got tunnel vision for sure
But since he's also trying to not fall for you and get his heart broken, it becomes a game of hot and cold with a whole lot of minefields in between that could set him off for (what looks like) no reason
He hates you- no he doesn't- he wants nothing to do with you- he wants to be your everything- he's not going to write you poetry or braid your hair or fall asleep listening to your heart beat- he would kill for that to be his reality- he hates that you're all he's able to think about now- don't leave him please
He's not crushing
He's not
He is
Wind is the least protective- Still protective but arguably not to the degree of the others
You see, he knows that the others protect him because he's the youngest
And he's not blind
He can see that they're just as, if not more, protective over you
He can see how you hate it and how much it annoys you
He's not going to make that same move
And as a bonus, since the others are protecting you anyway, why should he put in the work and protect you as well?
There's enough people watching you all the time
With the others taking care of it, he can plan on winning you over
He's going to give you as much freedom as he's able to get away with
It'll put him as your favorite
This immediately puts him at a crossroads with Four who's somehow a hair's breadth away from tying you up and chaining you together by the wrists
They fight against each other the most
He plans on marrying you
It's honestly in the same degree of young children that say they're growing to grow up and marry their dad or their mom
Because obviously you marry the person you love and you stay with them for the rest of your life
And he loves you.
So that's what he plans to do
Win you over is step one
Then he (and you) just need to wait a few years for him to get older
And then he'll marry you
He does not see a problem with this plan
Typically I make the reader the same age as him to avoid the worst of it but in this case, this does not matter
I'd say that if you're older, he'd get more easily attached to giving you the freedom you've been missing
With him by your side obviously
Because you're older- you're an 'adult'- you can take care of yourself
You're so cool in his eyes
The others, naturally, see a problem with this
Not only out of jealously at the very thought of it not being them to marry you but because they know he's young and if you're older, (say closer to Twilight and Warrior's age) then they can see the problem it'll prove to be for you from a moral stand point
The others (mainly Legend and Four) bully tease him when you're not around about how selfish he is to even think about making you wait, when you could easily marry one of them instead, so why would you ever choose him?
He tries not to let it get to him because he does hang out with you more than they get to- so maybe they're really just jealous that his plan is working
Wind has the more innocent approach to this whole ordeal out of the whole group
His obsession isn't healthy, obviously, but he at least the excuse of being young and not knowing how to deal with crushes
Because he's awkward with it, (and he knows it) he's actually pretty quick to shut away the worst of it when he's spending time with you, less you think he's weird and push him away
Not only does he not want that to happen, but he's heard the others come up to you countless times regarding him and his behavior and if you'd like him to leave you alone
Because they will deal with him if you so much as say one word of annoyance
The choice is yours
If you indulge him when he wants your attention then he's more like himself and becomes the most normal out of the whole group
He becomes the him when you first joined
Before the obsession
Wind becomes your safest bet in terms of keeping your sanity intact and it's the groups saving grace to keep up any illusion that they're still normal
Wind is dealing with a highly flammable vial of puppy love concentrate
All in the form of budding teenage yandere hormones
If you had met him any later in his life, the cocktail would have no doubt exploded into the form of the other's behavior and he'd seem like a completely different person instead
He's almost like a lost puppy, always following you around and being in your shadow
It would be cute if he wasn't crazy
Wind adores you though and he wants you to know that
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widow-maximov · 3 years
can you do a one shot where we’re with wanda and nat but thor brings valkyrie down to the compound for the first time and we get super flustered and stuttery whenever she talks and flirts with us because cmon we all know valkyrie is a big flirt😩😩🤲🏼 then having wanda and nat are amused but also jealous by our little crush on valkyrie
New Crush?
Pairing: Natasha x Wanda x Reader
Warning: Language, fluff, angst :3
Summary: What happens if you develop a crush on someone else than your girlfriends; Wanda and Natasha.
Word count: 3.7k
My requests are always open so feel more than welcome to pop in a suggestion for the next story :3
Having queer teammates will never be enough, you were first open queer person on the team which was something everyone liked about you, though you were open about your sexuality, you were pretty shit at flirting and that was pretty obvious.
Before Wanda and Natasha, you tried your luck at flirting with women as practice but it failed so horribly when you received a hard slap across your face and then you owned Bucky 20 bucks.
So when you said you sucked, you really sucked. You were beyond happy that the two redheads asked you out first because you would be still single if it was up to you to make a move.
The two women were very possessive over you in the teams eyes, you didn't really mind because you knew the reason behind it, but most of the team was a little worried about you and them.
Whenever there was a party that Tony organised, there were a lot of 'threats', well that was only according to Wanda and Natasha, they disliked how everyone practically drooled over you.
Natasha would be the one who would threaten any man or woman approaching you and Wanda would use her powers to 'gently' move away anyone who gotten too close to you.
The only reason they really became this protective was because of your fear of saying no, there was always something in you that just wanted to say yes to everyone when in reality you wanted to say no.
If someone offered you a drink, you said yes to which you nearly got drugged and god knows what would've happened if Steve didn't save you.
So when you became really close with Wanda and Natasha, you opened up to them and they decided that they will now keep an eye out for you at parties and people around you.
Of course the team didn't know anything about this because you were pretty ashamed of this fear, you didn't want to get laughed at, even if Natasha threatened to punch anyone who would, to which she earned a giggle from you.
You really loved these two women but you were a human being, meaning you might have a crush on other people, to which the two girls were not happy with.
The team was pretty shocked by how they reacted because usually they would be throwing threats left and right at anyone but when Thor brought down Valkyrie they just stared from afar as they observed with death stares..
This had the team very curious to their behaviour so whenever you was around Valkyrie they just observed you and the two women. There was this time where the team almost died of shock...
There was an urgent meeting in the early morning whilst you wanted to sleep, you were forced to get out of the bed to attend this meeting, you were informed by F.R.I.D.A.Y. 5 times already that the meeting is going to start soon.
But the urge to get out of bed was really little, since there was no sign of you anywhere, the redheads where sent to get you before you missed any important information.
Wanda used her powers to unlock your door whilst Natasha barged inside with a sly smile across her lips. She plopped herself on you as you groaned at the extra weight on you.
"Sleepp!" Your raspy voice made itself out of your throat as you sounded like you were a zombie.
Wanda did the opposite of Natasha, she laid next to you as she moved your hair out of your face and just smiled at your relaxed face "You have to get up my love"
You opened one eye to look at her and smiled at the nickname "Say it again"
"Say what again" She repeated herself, she knew what she was doing, she just wanted to keep you awake.
"My love" Even if you were half asleep, the blush across your face was visible.
"My love.." Wanda said it with so much love in her voice which made your heart skip a beat.
"Hello! I am here as well don't forget about me" Natasha made herself known.
You looked at her "Oh I know, I wouldn't forget the weight of a whale on me"
She raised her brows at you, as her mouth opened wide taking offence to your words whilst Wanda giggled "When did you pick up this attitude котенок (kitten)"
"From spending too much time with you" Wanda added as she looked at Natasha with a huge smile.
The redhead rolled her eyes at the both of you as she leaned down to your ear "Call me a whale again and you'll see the punishment that comes with"
You nodded quickly to which she smirked and got off you "If you're not down in 10 minutes and we have to come back again, I wont be so nice котенок (kitten)"
Wanda quickly placed a soft kiss on your cheek and giggled out of the room along with Natasha, leaving you alone again, you really wanted to go back to sleep but you didn't want the Russian to literally drag you out.
You got out and got ready as quick as you could, making your way out of the room and where the meeting was being held, you ended up quick far away from your girlfriends than you would like to but you could only blame yourself for not getting up earlier.
Everyone looks your way which makes you panic a little so you turn around and there was Thor with some girl, she was gorgeous from head to toe, and she noticed you as well.
They both made their way towards the group to which she stood next to you, Thor started his speech to which you tried to listen to but she spoke up.
"What's your name sweetheart" She slightly turned her face to look at you.
A blush was already there on your face when you looked into her eyes "Uh.. Y-y/n"
There was a slight smirk across her face, as she looked away a little and then back at you "Nice to meet you Y/n, I'm Valkyrie but you can call me Val"
You smiled shyly at her and looked at the floor briefly as you nodded, she spoke up again when you didn't reply "Are you doing anything after this?"
You shook your head, your eyes finding hers within seconds, she smiled widely "Could you maybe give me a proper tour?"
It took a second to realise what she just asked, you didn't even think about looking over at your girlfriends, you just nodded "S-sure I wouldn't mind"
Valkyrie bit her bottom lip "Well Thank you princess"
You giggled very awkwardly which didn't go unnoticed by the whole team or the two redheads "Heh- You don't have to thank me"
Valkyrie reached over to your hand as she grabbed it gently and placed a light kiss on your hand "None sense, pretty women like you deserve the world"
Your checks turning a more red colour as you watch her kiss your head, it felt like your brain stopped working and you just nodded at her because words will betray you if you speak.
Steve ended the meeting soon after and before Natasha or Wanda could make their way to you, you were being dragged away by Valkyrie.
Suddenly all of the teams heads turned towards the two redheads as if to expect a reaction, they looked at each other and then back at the team.
Natasha narrowed her eyes "What?"
They all shrugged and mumbled stuff under their noses, slowly scattering all over the place to avoid the black widows stare, shocking each and every one of them to core with their lack of reaction.
This has happened a lot, Valkyrie being all over you and you being okay with it, after that first day, many followed and you were practically all the time busy with her.
She took most of your time which Wanda didn't like, Natasha was more amused by your sudden confidence, usually you would be a mess when it came to choices.
But when you were with her you tried your best to show off as confident which failed so badly, you were a mess around her which only annoyed Wanda more.
She wanted to confront you about it but Natasha kept discouraging her, she trusted you but Wanda started to question it at some point in this whole situation.
"Natasha we can't just stand by and watch as she slowly takes our Y/n away!" Wanda paced around the room.
Natasha was on her phone during Wanda rant, she has been through this with her many times but with each issue raised by Wanda, she slowly started to believe her.
"Mhm" Natasha agreed, not paying attention to what Wanda was saying.
"Would you listen to me!" She raised her voice and soon Natasha's phone went flying across the room.
"Hey! I was reading something" Natasha stood up from the bed as she walked over to Wanda.
"I am talking to you Nat, it's really important" Wanda's voice turned soft as Natasha walked closer.
"I was listening, I understand what you're feeling but you shouldn't question Y/n's trust, you know Y/n would never do something like that" Natasha crossed her arms as she started to explain.
Wanda nodded "I know and I'm not questioning her trust, I just don't like how she talks all about Valkyrie, it's like we are her friends rather than girlfriends"
The Russian looked down for a brief moment and Wanda continued "She doesn't swoon over us anymore, she gets all flustered and all nervous like she was with us at first but now it's nothing"
Natasha shook her head "Okay, that's not true"
"But it is, I haven't seen it at all lately" Now Wanda crossed her arms.
"I'm sure it's not true" Now Natasha tried to sound convincing but something in her was saying that Wanda was right.
"Then prove me wrong" Wanda raised her eyebrow at Natasha "Please..." there was a hint of pain in the plead that came from Wanda.
"Okay, I will show you she still is ours Wands" Natasha had a sad smile across her lips as she pulled Wanda into her.
She kissed the top of Wanda's head as she rubbed her hand down the smaller redheads back, to which you witnessed as you walked inside the room.
Your heart nearly burst at the sight of them being so cute, you wanted to join them but Val was waiting for you along with some teammates, you guys were watching a movie.
"Aww, if we weren't a couple, I would totally ship the two of you together" You spoke up as you stared at them with love in your eyes.
Their heads snapped towards your voice, they pulled away to which you spoke up again "Aww noo, I didn't want to disturb yous"
"You never disturb us котенок (kitten)" Natasha voice made itself known rather quickly, the butterflies in your stomach always been there just by looking at the two women so imagine what their voices did to you.
You nodded with a smile at them as you walked over to take your favourite pillow when you watched movies, Wanda's eyes followed you as she asked "What is it that you are doing my love?"
You looked up at her with a small smile "Me and some of the team are watching a movie so I wanted to get my pillow.."
Wanda nodded "You didn't invite us..?"
Here came the tension, whenever Wanda didn't like something and made her jealousy known, you would always just ignore her for the rest of the day, she always treated you like you weren't allowed to hang out with her around.
You knew it was only because she was scared that if she wasn't there and something happened to you she would blame herself but you had protection, not only the team but Valkyrie.
"Well, I wasn't sure whether yous wanted to, Val will be there and I know that you don't exactly like her, for whatever reason that is" You stood up with your pillow in hand.
"I have a perfect reason Y/n!" Wanda slightly raised her voice.
Natasha sighed "Okay, come on we don't need to fight about this.."
"I'm not fighting, I just don't understand why Val is hated so much by Wanda" You looked at Natasha as you spoke up.
The Sokovian huffed in irritation "She is all over you моя любовь (My love) and you're not doing anything about it. You spend more time with her than us combined"
You rolled your eyes, not really thinking through what she was saying "When you stop being jealous then we can have this conversation Wanda"
"I have enough of this" Wanda threw her hands in the air.
You rolled your eyes again as you walked of the room, this time not saying anything and walked on to the living room where everyone was waiting for you.
The whole movie you couldn't really concentrate, your mind was filled with Wanda and how this whole disagreement went, you love her so much and you would be damned if you lost her but she didn't have to be so rude to you.
But at the same time you weren't the best either, you were just as bitter as she was, you wanted to fix this but maybe not tonight, she needs to calm down and you just wanted to think before going into this conversation.
Valkyrie noticed your absent from the movie, she kept looking over at you, and as soon as the movie finished, you stood up as you made your way to the kitchen to grab something to eat.
Natasha followed you into the kitchen as she smirked, Wanda wasn't far from the kitchen to see how this would play out, she was standing with Vision, Bucky and Steve.
There was always something about Natasha that just screamed top energy but when she really wanted to she was the most softest person you could meet.
She slowly made her way towards you with a small smile across her lips as she hugged you gently from behind, placing her hands where you always relaxed into her "I hate it when you're sad детка (baby)"
You leaned into her hug with your back against her front "I'm more disappointed than sad Talia"
She placed a soft kiss on your neck as she spoke again "have I told you, you're the most beautiful woman alive?"
You chuckled slightly as you nodded "Yeah you did but you always said that to Wanda many times"
Natasha smiled against your neck "Well because the two of you rock my world"
Natasha's compliments always had you stuttering and flustered but with time you have gotten used to those love filled compliments even if they still make your heart skip a beat.
"How about we take a wine bottle up to the roof and just talk about everything?" Natasha spoke when silence slowly settled.
You moved out of the hug as you faced her, with a sad smile "Not tonight"
You placed a gentle kiss on her cheek as you walked out with a tin of cookies, you looked up at Wanda who looked like she was ready to approach you but you just continued on.
Valkyrie observed the scene that unfolded and as soon as you walked away, she followed you. Wanda didn't want to cause more trouble than it already has happened so she let Valkyrie follow you even if she wanted to literally lock her in some closet.
You sat on the roof with your cookies and some drink that you managed to grab from the party room, you looked out into the city and how each of the lights made it look so much prettier.
Valkyrie observed you for some time before making her way to sit next to you "Pretty women like you should never be left alone"
You looked up at Val as you smiled at her words, you were debating if opening your mouth was a good idea so instead she spoke up again "So tell me pretty woman what's bothering you"
You looked away from her because if you were going to speak up, you didn't want to stutter "I had a fight with Wanda.."
Val nodded "Your other girlfriend?"
You nodded as you continued "Her jealousy is really tiring"
"How so" She asked as she turned her whole body towards you.
"Her constant doubt makes me go crazy, I just really want her to trust me and my choices in life, she's not even acting like a girlfriend but a mother or some shit" You explained as you looked down at your hands.
Valkyrie moved closer to you as her fingers found your chin, making you look at her "Y/n you deserve someone who will never doubt their love for you, it makes my heart break just seeing you so sad"
You swallowed hardly as you stared into her eyes, even if you told Valkyrie many times that you were taken, she still tried her best to make you fall for her, it would work if you weren't so in love with the two dorky redheads.
"She doesn't doubt in the love between us-" You tried to speak up but Val only put her finger on your lips to shush you.
"I would never spend a second in my life doubting my love for you, you are the most smartest, funniest and nerdy woman I have ever met and I wish you would look at me the same way you look at them"
You started to feel the blush appear on your face, you smiled at her "I don't doubt but they have my heart Val, I have already told you that"
She dropped her hand from your chin as she nodded "I know, You will always have my heart Y/n if that's something you would want"
You smiled at her being so understanding and gentle with this "You're an amazing friend Val and I'm sure that one day you'll find someone who will want you right away instead of making you wait for something that might not happen"
She smiled at your words as she placed her hand on top of yours "You should talk to her before things get worse and you lose her forever"
"I will but at the moment I want to finish my drink and sit here for couple more hours before going back to that issue"
She nodded as she was ready to get up but you stopped her "W-would you stay with me for now? I don't want to be alone"
She nodded with no hesitation as she let you place your head on her shoulder, as the both of you looked out into the city, admiring the view and enjoying this quiet moment.
After couple hours, you finally had enough energy and courage to speak to Wanda, you walked inside the shared room where Natasha was laying down with her laptop on her lap and Wanda with a book.
You sighed as you cleared your throat, making yourself known to the two redheads, they both looked up at you at the same time, you walked over to Wanda's side as you sat on the edge.
Even though you smelt like cookies and some alcohol, you felt like you had enough courage to finally speak out "Can we talk?"
Wanda stared at you for a moment "You're drunk"
You shook your head "No, I just had one glass but I want to talk because I don't want to go bed with this issue unsolved"
Wanda wanted to refuse but Natasha agreed for her, especially since she knew there wouldn't be another opportunity to solve this "Yes we can talk and solve this"
"You were right Wands, I don't spend time with yous anymore and I hate myself for leaving yous behind like that"
Wanda looked at you as you spoke "That's not the issue here Y/n/n, you can have friends and spend crazy amounts of time with them but at least be honest with us"
You looked at her confused "Honest about what?"
"That you no longer love us, we at least deserve this" She looked into your eyes with pain.
You shook your head as you took her hand into yours "I never stopped loving yous"
Natasha smiled at your words as she knew she was right, Wanda questioned once again "So why is she all over you Y/n/n?"
"She knows yous have my heart and every second of my attention, I could never fall for anyone else apart from yous, she likes me but I don't feel anything towards her"
Natasha raised her brows "So she doesn't take hint? Do you want me to tell her something so she can back off?"
You giggled at her "No baby, I can manage with her you don't need to threat anyone"
"I'm sorry my love, I never doubted in you but I was just scared that I would lose you, you and the redhead over here are my whole world I'm really sorry for how I behaved" Wanda's grip on your hand tightened.
You smiled as Natasha frowned "What do you mean redhead over here? For you I am Солнечный свет (sunshine)"
You and Wanda looked over at Natasha as you giggled at her being offended, Wanda nodded as she placed a light kiss on Nats cheek to which she smiled proudly.
You stared at them with so much love in your eyes "I am completely in love with the pair of you"
It has taken back the redheads as now they tried to form words, their butterflies being so strong that now you giggled "Now yous have the nervous, this is a first"
Natasha chuckled "we are in love with you just as much Y/n/n"
You smiled as you squeezed yourself in between the two girls as they showered you in kisses, for the first time in a while, you felt like life was getting better within seconds and finally being able to feel like you are on top of the world with the two most important women.
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MC is Half Demon and They Look Awfully Familiar
(Underground Tomb edition!)
Hello friends and degenerate sinners, this is basically a mini headcanon set for Luci’s kid!MC about how the incident with Luke and the Grimoire would go down in this AU to tide you all over until Part 3 comes out! Enjoy!
It was a normal night in the good ol’ HOL... Lucifer was doing paperwork at an ungodly hour of the night, Beel was in the kitchen, and Mammon was screaming and running for dear life. Ah... sweet normalcy.
The custard incident remained the same, MC got force-fed custard and Beel threw a truly fantastic hunger tantrum that culminated in the wall connecting to MC’s room collapsing.
Cue lecture from Luci-father.
“I am very disappointed in you three.” Lucifer rubbed his temples as MC, Beel, and Mammon awkwardly stood in his room. Mammon of course, was trying to avoid the death glares MC was giving him. Poor bastard.
“Especially you two, MC and Beel.”
“Whuh?!” Mammon sputtered. “What about me?!”
“I expect this from you. These two on the other hand,” Lucifer raised an eyebrow at MC who was awkwardly trying to suppress a laugh at Mammon’s aghast expression. “Should know not to act like this.”
“We’re *snrk* sorry, father,” MC paused to try and muscle through a giggle. “It won’t happen again.”
“He ate my custard...” Beel pouted.
“So, MC won’t be able to use their room anymore due to the wall... collapsing.” Lucifer gave Beel a pointed glare.
Mammon smirked, and if he were sitting on a couch, we would have leaned back and kicked his feet up. “Well, obviously since I’m a kind and generous soul I’ll open up my room for poor MC to stay in. My babysittin’ rates are quite high though-”
“BABYSITTING?!” MC snarled, giving Mammon a death glare that could probably kill lesser demons.
Lucifer felt a twinge of pride upon seeing his child give someone his signature bone-chilling glare, if he weren’t supposed to be disappointed he would have given MC a pat on the head and let them hang Mammon from the ceiling.
“Uh- heh- MC, I’m your favourite uncle! Me babysittin’ ya should be an honour!” Mammon was sweating bullets and desperately looking to Beel for help.
“Levi is rapidly approaching favourite uncle status.” MC crossed their arms and huffed.
“Levi?! Wait- does that mean I was your favourite-”
Lucifer was almost tempted to stick MC in Mammon’s room just to have MC punish Mammon so he could get some sleep, tragically, his common sense won out. “MC will be staying with Beel. He has an extra bed in his room after all.”
MC looked over at Beel and smiled. “Could be worse, right? I’ll replace the custard.”
Beel’s smile upon hearing the last part could have lit up the entire Devildom. What a sweetie.
MC still chilled in Beel’s room. They finally got to ask more questions about Belphie, and Beel is more inclined to share what’s up because MC is his big bro’s kid after all!
Because of MC’s half demon-ness, they hadn’t met Belphie at that point in the story unlike in canon. They were just curious about their missing uncle. They ALSO already knew what Belphie looks like because Lucifer gave them an in depth tour of everything and he pointed out all the portraits.
MC, being the sadistic sweetheart they are, went out and bought themselves and Beel replacement custard. MC made sure to eat it right in front of Mammon.
But my oh my, who was texting them? *gasp!* Luke!
MC obviously let their little angel buddy into the house (Luke did not know about MC’s parental situation at that point, keep that in mind). Luke was fun to tease a little after all! And it was nice to have another kid around, but MC would never admit it.
Since MC had literally no reason to be afraid of their dear old dad, they went right up to him and asked him if Luke could stay over. No fear.
“Father?” MC leaned on the doorway to the backyard, Lucifer was playing fetch with Cerberus. MC had never seen someone play fetch so robotically.
“Yes, MC?” Cerberus’ middle head dropped a slobber covered squeaky toy into Lucifer’s gloved hand, the other two heads snapped at the middle one.
“Can I have a friend over?” MC asked, trotting over to give Cerberus some pets. On the first day the dog had tried to eat them, but after giving him some much tastier bacon treats, Cerberus was sweet as pie. Murderous and dangerous pie, that is.
“Do I know this friend?”
“Yes, it’s Luke. Can he stay over?”
Lucifer wrinkled his nose and rolled his eyes. “Cerberus is right here, you have access to a dog. Why on earth would you bring the chihuahua over?”
MC snorted and gave Cerberus’ right head some scratches behind the ears. “He’s not a chihuahua all the time, come on, it’s for the good of the exchange program!”
The two had a stare down for a little while, and to his absolute horror, Lucifer felt his resolve cracking. This child of his was too adorable for their own good. “Fine, MC.”
“Yes!” MC fist pumped as Cerberus’ middle and left heads tried to join in on the ear scritches.
“But note,” Lucifer continued. “I expect a full report to give to Lord Diavolo on this whole experience.”
MC frowned and debated sticking their tongue out at their father, they decided against it. “A paper? On a sleepover? Really?”
“Yes. Really.” Lucifer gave MC a flick on the nose. “Like you said, it has to do with the exchange program. Now go make sure the chihuahua doesn’t die and leave you with a mess to clean up.”
The look of complete terror Luke gave MC when they told him that Lucifer said he could stay over was completely worth the paper they were going to have to write.
“What?! You weren’t supposed to tell him I’m here!”
“He said you could stay.”
“Why?! Oh no... did he demand your soul as payment or something?! MC! You shouldn’t have put yourself in that nasty demon’s debt! Don’t worry, I’ll get your soul back somehow.”
MC should have been offended... but they weren’t. I mean, could you stay mad at Luke when he just offered to fight arguably the second most powerful demon in the Devildom to get your soul back?
Now that Luke’s presence in the house was known to everyone, the challenge was no longer keeping Luke hidden, it was making sure Luke didn’t say anything that would get him killed and making sure none of the demon bros made Luke cry.
Mammon was the main culprit of the teasing because Lucifer actually had better things to do. And he had a (totally not a) date with Diavolo so he’d be back late and wouldn’t be home to tease the chihuahua.
Mammon’s status as favourite uncle was hanging by a thread by the end of the first day.
Asmo thought Luke was positively adorable and also very annoying. He offered to paint MC and Luke’s nails. Luke declined, but MC was all for it. (Their cuticles were a MESS by the way, they needed the manicure.)
Luke’s nails were painted gold to match the gold on his outfit! Asmo was quite proud of his work, and was very offended when he was not allowed to try and braid Luke’s hair.
“It looks so soft!”
“You’re not allowed to touch my hair, demon!”
Satan still disliked MC on the basis that they were just a mini-Lucifer and hung out in his room or the library to avoid them and Luke.
It was incredibly annoying when Luke and MC burst into the library to look for cookbooks and treat recipes after Luke told MC about his baking endeavours. Satan debated ordering a pair of ear plugs on Akuzon...
Or perhaps a laser gun...
Both would make him stop hearing the children’s grating voices.
“You two, be quiet.”
“We haven’t spoken since we got in here...”
“You’re breathing too loud.”
Beel remained the only brother who was actually decent to Luke, they all played Go Fish in Beel’s room.
Levi was in his room playing his new video game just like in canon, but he could hear Luke and MC running around outside his room.
He was fully prepared to do that introvert thing where you stay in your room until you hear someone say goodbye to the guest.
Levi’s eyes were glued to his computer screen, just eight more skeleton monsters to kill and he’d get the achievement! His attention crumbled the moment he heard the dreaded sound of...
“Hey MC! Whose room is this?”
The sound of a door opening and closing down the hall caused Levi to jump in his seat. Oh no... his worst fears were realized! There was another person in the house!
“That’s Asmodeus’ room. Luke you shouldn’t go around opening everyone’s doors-”
The sound of another door opening and shutting made Levi pause his game and look at Henry 2.0 for help. Maybe if he jumped into the tank and wrapped himself in his tail he’d camouflage into his surroundings...
AAAAA! Not enough time! The guest was drawing nearer... he was going to have to... *barf*... SOCIALIZE!
“How about this room?”
Levi braced himself for the incoming social contact... Fs in the chat everyone...
“We shouldn’t bother Levi, let’s do something else.”
The poor third born slumped back in his seat, the awfulness of socialization avoided. He uh... hadn’t actually left his room in maybe three days... maybe he should actually go outside... enjoy the nonexistent sunlight, y’know?
...nah. Levi went back to his game.
Since the kitchen was broken, Beel, MC, and Luke went out and get AkuDonald’s. They were all out of the toy that Luke and MC wanted so that trip was a disaster! A disaster I say!
Just the image of Beel happily chomping on his eighth burger while Luke and MC angrily pick at their fries makes me want to laugh.
Now the question you’re all waiting for, did Lucifer try and kill Luke and Beel and then MC for trying to take the Grimoire?
“Whose room is behind that door?” Luke pointed to the door to the attic staircase.
MC shrugged and hit their knuckles against the door a few times. “It’s just the door to the attic. My uh- Lucifer said not to go up there because it’s just full of old junk.”
Normally MC would scoff at the idea of being told what not to do and do it out of spite, but MC was a child, and like most children, they hated scary attics. They hadn’t even attempted to open the door in the month they had lived in the house.
“Hm, maybe he’s hiding something...” Luke puffed out his cheeks and knocked on the door. When met with no answer, Luke turned the doorknob. The door creaked open, and the two peeked inside.
A tall spiral staircase greeted them as they tentatively stepped inside. Not so-good Lord, the room was freezing, but it didn’t seem to bother Luke as he walked further into the room.
“What do you think’s up there?” Luke asked, craning his neck to try and get a look at what could be at the top of the stairs.
MC shuddered and crossed their arms. “Like Lucifer said, junk. Nothing important.”
There was a tingling feeling at the base of MC’s neck, their hand flew to the spot only to find nothing, but the uneasiness didn’t cease. Something was very... very off. A shudder creeped up their spine as Luke stepped closer to the staircase.
“Come on,” Luke tutted, placing a hand on the railing. “Demons are known liars!”
Luke was quite difficult to be friends with sometimes, MC had to admit.
With every step Luke took up the stairs, the sense of dread brewing in MC’s gut grew, but they remained rooted to the spot, it was almost like something was physically stopping them from getting closer to those stairs.
Luke stopped on the sixth step and craned his neck to look up again. “Hello?” He called out.
His little voice echoed up the staircase, he was met with no reply for a moment, until a massive shudder wracked both his and MC’s spines.
“Hello.” A voice replied.
Quick as lightning MC dove forward, taking three steps up the stairs despite what felt like electric shocks stabbing into their skin, and yanked Luke back down the stairs and out the door, closing it behind them. MC heard a lazy, carefree chuckle reverberate through their head, and a message that only MC could hear.
“Leaving so soon, Lucifer?”
Spooky right?
Anyway- back to Luke and MC being idiots together.
They headed back to Beel’s room to watch some Devildom kid shows, I assume Tom and Jerry just played on repeat.
Luke explained the reason he ran away from Purgatory Hall, and MC legitimately debated whether or not they should throw Luke out of the nearest window for all the jabs he was taking at demons.
“Simeon was going to go out for tea with Diavolo! He even said that I could ask Barbatos to instruct me on the finer points of baking!”
“What’s so bad about that?”
“They’re demons, MC! Simeon and I are angels from the Celestial Realm! We shouldn’t be consorting with demons.”
Once again, bless Beel and his lack of murderous rage when it came to anything other than food.
“MC, Lucifer would be upset if you broke a window.”
“What’s he talking about?”
“Nothing Luke, nothing you need to worry about.”
Don’t worry, no angels were harmed during the visit.
On day two of the extended sleepover, Luke and MC decided to go running around the house again.
“And this is the basement.” MC put their hands on their hips and kissed their teeth as they looked around the Underground tomb. “Perfectly creepy.”
Luke shuddered. “Is this house nothing but one creepy room after another..?”
MC smiled and stuck out their tongue. Their fear of the attic did not extend to the underground tomb. Not that they were actually afraid of the attic or anything...
“Why? You scared some big monster is gonna getcha?” MC teased.
“No!” Luke gasped. “I’m not scared!”
MC began to walk backwards into the darker depths of the tomb, their teasing tone echoing off of the walls. “Then come on! Don’t be chicken!”
Luke looked back and forth from the door out of there, to the rapidly disappearing figure of MC, he rushed after MC.
“I’m not scared of some dark basement.” Luke huffed.
“Why not~?” MC snickered. “There could be ghosts down here... tortured souls of those who were damned to Hell for all eternity~!”
MC swiped Luke’s hat and placed it on their head, Luke jumped at the sudden contact and began to try and get the hat back from MC.
“Stop trying to scare me!” Luke yapped, MC laughed and began to jog deeper into the tomb.
“Maybe there’s a monster that eats chihuahuas down here too! Who knows!” MC twirled the hat with their fingers and ran a little faster when Luke ran after them.
Sure, maybe it wasn’t the best course of action to tease and scare one’s friend instead of telling them what they said earlier was mean, but MC wasn’t the best at decision making.
When MC reached a dead end, they stopped and looked around, Luke crashed right into them. He managed to swipe his hat back from a now disinterested MC.
MC’s gaze landed on a book being held up by a statue, they padded over and looked up at it.
“Luke, do you know what that is?” MC asked, turning to look at their now very miffed friend.
“The... book? I don’t know.”
Truthfully, MC didn’t know either. During their first tour of the house, Mammon had interrupted the Underground tomb segment and Lucifer had to cut the tour short.
“It’s uh...” MC pursed their lips and tried to think of a convincing lie. “A spell book. Lucifer told me that it makes your magic really really strong, so he stuck it down here to hide it from Solomon.”
“Did I now?”
MC and Luke screamed and whirled around, there stood Lucifer himself, not looking terribly pleased with the two of them.
“MC, care to explain why you and the angel are so close to the Grimoire?” Lucifer’s words were icily calm, and MC knew that meant if they didn’t come up with a good explanation they’d be in big trouble.
“W-we were just playing down here...” MC trailed off, looking to Luke for some kind of backup before realizing what a stupid idea that was.
“Y-yeah! We were just-”
Lucifer stuck his thumb over his shoulder and glowered at the two. “Out.”
“Yes sir.” Luke and MC mumbled as they stepped away from the Grimoire, Lucifer relaxed slightly as the two walked past him and down the hall.
When the two got back up to Beel’s room, Luke suddenly gasped and turned to MC.
“You said it was a spell book!”
After that, MC got the feeling that Luke was no longer welcome in the house. What was the big deal about almost touching the Grimoire anyway? It could only override pacts and control demons-
Simeon got called to pick up Luke and before the two of them left MC assured Luke that he could come over and hang out anytime as long as he texted first.
Beel said Luke could come over and bake when the kitchen was fixed, poor Beel would have to do without Luke’s baked goods for a little while longer.
MC rested their chin on the coffee table they were kneeling in front of, stewing in annoyance. Their unfinished homework was practically mocking them, but the Demonology textbook was not what had them in their funk.
“MC, do your homework.” Lucifer said from the living room couch, he was comparing his phone to notes in a binder that was placed on his lap.
A grunt from MC caused him to raise an eyebrow. Their grasp on demonic language had improved, but Lucifer did not approve of them using their new skill to sass him.
“MC.” Lucifer chided, MC turned to look at him with a deadpan expression. “If there’s something wrong, either tell me, or do your work without complaining.”
MC turned back to their homework and tapped their pencil against the textbook, before puffing out their cheek and turning back to Lucifer.
“What’s in the attic?”
For the briefest of moments, Lucifer froze, he forcibly relaxed and went back to his work.
“Junk.” Lucifer replied. “Did you try and go up there?”
MC shook their head. “No, I went into the staircase room, but not up the stairs.”
Lucifer’s eyes flashed, he then took a deep breath and looked at MC. “Good, there’s nothing of interest up there anyway. If you did go up there you might break something or hurt yourself.”
“Okay.” MC sighed, trying to push the voice from the attic out of their mind. “What about the Grimoire? Why is it down in the tomb?”
Lucifer could feel his patience growing thinner and thinner with every question. “So it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.”
“Why not just destroy it?” MC asked, their question wasn’t meant to be taken as an insult or be malicious, it was just legitimate curiosity. “Wouldn’t that be safer?”
The first born hesitated before he answered. He looked over MC, before shaking his head. “...I’ll tell you when you’re older.”
MC’s eyes narrowed, but they went back to their work all the same. It would be about ten minutes of quiet before MC spoke up again.
“When Belphegor gets back from the human world, you’re going to have a lot of explaining to do, huh?”
Lucifer’s eyes snapped up to look at MC, who still had their back turned to him as they scribbled notes from the textbook. His grip on his DDD tightened as he replied.
“Why do you say that, MC?”
MC didn’t seem to register their father’s clipped tone, and shrugged. “Beel said that he isn’t answering his texts or calls, and when he sent up a letter Belphegor didn’t respond to that either.”
“The life of an exchange student is a busy one, as you can see.” Lucifer forcibly injected his last bit of remaining calmness into his words as he gestured at MC’s homework. MC laughed at that.
“Yeah well, I still make time to call my friends and ren back up in the human world.” MC giggled. “And I’m sure those text notifications about his older brother discovering that he has a child would make him pick up the phone.”
“Belphegor might have a much larger workload.” Lucifer retorted, trying to keep himself from snapping at MC.
“But still, you’d think he’d call his-”
“MC-” Lucifer snarled, MC whirled around, the fear and shock in their eyes caused anything Lucifer was going to say to die in his throat.
The two stared at each other for a few seconds, before Lucifer took another deep breath and turned back to his work.
“Not right now, MC,” Lucifer whispered. “I’m working.”
To be continued...
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
sleep like the dead
“And now, I, Technus, shall finally have my electronic vengeance on you, ghost child and conquer this puny human world!” Technus shrieked, exiting the portal in a suitably dramatic fashion. The various weapons around the lab shook and trembled from his power and static from his core crackled, raring for a fight with his favorite enemy. Only the Phantom didn’t appear.
“Hmm, maybe I wasn’t loud enough,” Technus mused before starting up again. “Pathetic Phantom! You can only hope your miniscule half human strength will be enough to take on my squiggling mess of the tangled wires of terror!” He threw back his head and cackled loudly, waiting for his nemesis to show and the battle to begin. His laughter petered out after a bit and the lab became silent once more.
“Well, now he’s just being rude,” Technus fumed, floating up through the ceiling. “Don’t ignore my threats, child. I know you’re here, I can feel your cold core.” He stopped once he reached the ghost boy’s human lair, hovering a few feet from the bed where his rival was sprawled out, sound asleep.
“Come ghost boy, it’s time for fisticuffs! I have some new moves and some great catchphrases I’m ready to try out on you!” The technology ghost exclaimed in excitement, miming some punches. Phantom didn’t answer, just kept laying there barely moving save for his soft, shallow breaths. Technus watched as his breath fogged with each exhale, his core’s ghost sense but it still didn’t awaken him. “Child? Have you expired?”
He leaned forward and gently poked the boy’s cheek. It was squishy but firm unlike a ghost’s exterior and he could feel the dense bone underneath. Phantom didn’t so much as twitch. Technus drew back his hand, unsure of what to do. He’d surprised the child while he was in bed before but he always woke up and they fell into the usual routine. But now he’d changed the script and if there was something ghosts didn’t like, it was change. He flew back down to the portal and sped into the Ghost Zone at top speed, searching for someone who would be able to help him understand. 
“Wow, baby pop whooped your butt that fast? Either he’s getting better or you’re getting more pathetic, my bet is the latter,” Ember teased as she strummed to herself from a floating rock near her lair.
“The ghost child won’t wake up and fight,” Technus said in a rush. “I went to the human world but no one answered my challenge. I went to his human lair and he was just lying on his bed thing and he wouldn’t move, even when I touched him.”
“That’s not like him, he’s usually more hopped up and ready to fight than a groupie on coke,” Ember frowned, setting aside her guitar. “Well come on, sparky, lets go check the kid out.” 
They developed something of an entourage making their way back to the human portal. A few of the locals had heard that the infamous half ghost child was behaving differently and well, curiosity didn’t stop when the cat was killed. Skulker chuckled menacingly under his breath, Youngblood bounced around the adults. Johnny and Kitty had been going to the real world anyway and decided to tag along. 
“Were his folks or Jazz home?" Johnny asked, riding his cycle slow enough to keep pace with the group. 
“Who?” Technus questioned, “er no, the annoying children always with him were not around for once.”
“Annoying yes but they don’t live- uh occupy the same lair as the brat,” Johnny explained. As a younger ghost who’d held onto his humanity more than some, he had a better grasp of human culture. “His parents, the crazy ghost hunters in the blue and orange jumpsuits. Or his sister, Jazz. She has red hair and is kind of a know it all. They’re his family, they live with him.”
“Oh those weirdos,” Youngblood said wrinkling his nose. “Always loud and shouting about ripping apart ghosts. They’re not even good hunters.”
“Obviously, they haven’t noticed they got a ghost living with ‘em,” Ember added with an eyeroll.
“It’s a very stressful situation, Danny was worried about what they’d do if they found out,” Kitty frowned before sticking her tongue out at Johnny. “Danny’s a good guy, at least he talked to me about things that mattered.”
“Good target practice, you mean,” Skulker declared as they entered through the portal. Instinctively they all looked up to where the ghost boy’s core was humming but sensed no movement. “Alright, I will admit that is weird. Let’s see what the whelp’s up to.”
It was a bit cramped, the five of them crammed into the small room especially when they were keeping their distance from the room’s only living occupant. He had not moved since Technus had last been in here. At their entrance, his breath fogged again and he shivered for a second before settling back down. 
“Well, he’s alive at least,” Johnny shrugged before leaning in close to examine him. “Kid looks wiped though.” He picked up the boy’s bony wrist which had been dangling off the bed, his fingers brushing the floor and held it up before dropping it. His knuckles rapped against the ground but he didn’t stir.
“Johnny, leave him alone, he’s trying to sleep,” Kitty hissed, yanking her boyfriend back by his ear. 
“Come on, I’m not doing anything bad,” Johnny defended. “But, come on, how often are we gonna get a chance like this?”
“Hmm is human sleep that interesting that the ghost child would ignore all of us?” Technus asked, floating over and laying himself down on the bed. He laid there on the bed next to the boy for a few moments. “I do not believe I’m doing this correctly.”
“Nah you gotta close your eyes and go off to dreamland,” Youngblood said, grabbing a sock off the floor and then some papers from the desk and began stacking them on the half ghost’s head. The boy still didn’t react in the slightest. 
“Is dreamland close? Another pocket dimension like the Zone?” Technus, ever the scientist, asked curiously.
“No, you idiot,” Ember sighed before tentatively reaching out and laying a hand on Phantom’s chest. “Yow, man that’s weird.”
“What?” Skulker asked, having been mostly content to watch until now. Youngblood had now piled several more items on the ghost boy’s head but he slept on, unawares.
“It’s just,” she scrunched up her face as she looked for the words, “I know what ghost cores feel like and I’ve been around enough humans to know the signs of life but he’s got both at once. His core flares and fades opposite his heart beat. It shouldn’t work but it does, somehow.”
“He is a most curious specimen, I rarely see Plasmius in his human skin so it’s hard to compare,” Skulker commented. “Of course Plasmius I can understand. He acts like a ghost, thinks like one. But the child, he’s certainly a ghost but he’s also decidingly... human.”
“That’s why we should be leaving him alone,” Kitty frowned, plucking Youngblood out of the air and moving him away from the sleeping teen. “If Danny isn’t waking up with all of us causing a racket then clearly he’s exhausted. We bother him enough, let him rest and fight him some other time.”
“But I wanted to fight now,” Technus whined, rolling over on the bed and resting one arm over the ghost boy’s body. “The Phantom surely wants to hear my latest monologue on how I’m the supreme ruler of everything electronic and beeping.”
“I know I don’t,” Youngblood shrugged.
“Me neither,” Johnny scoffed.
“Or me,” Ember muttered, putting her hands on her hips.
“Just let him rest,” Kitty said shooing the others back and gently brushing some of the kid’s hair out of his face revealing sallow features and dark marks under his eyes. “It’s hard enough being human much less a ghost on top of that; between fighting us and trying to have a normal life I bet he hardly gets any sleep. The least we can do is give him a break before he breaks.”
“I suppose it’s not sporting to kill a sleeping prey,” Skulker pouted. “And it’ll make his defeat more meaningful if he’s well rested and not uh,” he gestured to the Phantom’s general state of disarray. 
“Better appreciate it,” Ember sulked for a second, kicking away some pajama pants from the floor. “His stupid human life. I’d give anything to sleep again, just for a minute.” 
The ghosts sat in quiet contemplation for a moment, the dead looking enviously and curiously on the silent, sleeping boy, on a world they could only watch but not engage in. The moment was shattered by the front door slamming open.
“DANNO WE’RE HOME AND WE BROUGHT CHINESE!” Resonated through the house. Startled awake, the ghost child leapt out of the bed and hovered about a foot above it for a moment before sinking back down.
“Darn it Dad, I was napping,” Danny grumbled before he opened his eyes and saw several of his ghostly enemies standing awkwardly in his room. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted Technus lounging on his bed. “What the-”
“Oh good, you’re awake!” Technus tittered happily, leaning into his personal space. “Ready to hear my spiel?” The temperature in the room dropped rapidly as his core ramped up and spilled over into his eyes which were no doubt glowing a fierce green.
“Get out of my room!” He shouted, reaching over to grab his emergency under the bed thermos but a sock falling from his hair into his face distracted him.
“Hey, just stopping by but we were just on our way out, sleep well, Danny sweetie!” Kitty said dragging the whole group through the floor. His core thrummed in agitation until he felt them cross the portal into the Ghost Zone. He sat there for a moment, shaking and panting from the adrenaline rush before he decided he really didn’t want to know. He flopped back onto the bed and reached over on his nightstand for the bottle Jazz had given him the other day.
“The heck is in this stupid sleep aid?”
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eeunoia · 3 years
ENHYPEN Mini Series
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E N H Y P E N as Campus Heart-throbs
pairings: kim sunoo x reader
summary: what will happen when an extrovert campus social butterfly met an introvert?
word count: 6.2k
a/n: OKAY FORGIVE ME. I know it took so long for me to upload this but please try to understand me. School stressed me out and happen to ate all of my time. I’ll try to do better, enjoy! So, Sunoo’s stroy will be the most chill out of them all. Sunghoon’s story gave me a lot of stress while writing it while Sunoo’s didn’t. I enjoyed writing this one because I think they’re really cute. 🌸
tag list: @jakeysim @kpoppinandlockin @en-sun @f1iore @dilfhwa​ @rubyanne​ @enhappy​
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Kim Sunoo
Class 2 - A - “The Social Butterfly”
Being a natural born introvert, it sure is difficult for you to deal with other people. It’s not that you hate them or anything, you just simply prefer being alone than to be surrounded by a bunch of people.
You hate being the center of attention so standing in front of the class right is really uncomfortable for you. With faces very unfamiliar for you, you fiddled your fingers unconsciously.
“introduce yourself, please.” the teacher sounds nice despite the awkward situation. You gulped as you tried to roam your eyes around. The students in front of you have different expressions in their faces. Some looks interested, some looked like they don’t really care and some looked clueless.
“I’m y/n. Please, take care of me.” you even bowed after saying it.
Sunoo eyes settled at you. It’s not always that he’d been interested to other people, specially to new comers. But something in you really captured his attention.
“So everyone, let’s welcome, y/n. She’s new in our town so make sure to make her comfortable, okay?” the homeroom teacher told the whole class and they answered, ‘yes’ in unison.
You were asked to take a seat at the vacant one at the middle. Sunoo smiled and removed his backpack at the vacant seat to welcome you. On the other hand, you haven’t noticed him yet. Your head was hanging low avoiding any eye contact from everybody.
As you sat down, Sunoo have a wide smile over his lips already excited to chat with you. “Y/n, right?” he didn’t actually need to double check your name. He knew your name very well since he listened well from a while ago.
Your eyes railed over to him, “yeah.” you answered shortly then quickly looked away. You’re not really used having eye contact with other people. It makes you feel uncomfortable for some reason. But even with a short glance, you noticed how beautiful his eyes were.
“I’m Sunoo! Kim Sunoo!” he sounded so cheerful. You gave him a small nod as you fished your notebook from your bag when the teacher said she’ll start the discussion.
Sunoo pouted at your cold response but pulled off a smile back, he thought it’s normal to react that way since he’s still a stranger to you. It’s just a little odd how you just shut him off that fast. He’s used to being liked by other people right away so the way you reacted was a really different.
“Please open your text book in page 156.” your hand stopped fiddling with your pen when you realize you didn’t picked up your text books yet. Sunoo noticed your expression right away and slid his text book between the two of you.
Your eyes trailed over his textbook then to him. You blush a little seeing his smiling face beside you. You were wondering what he is smiling so brightly about? “We can share, y/n!” you blushed more when you saw how cute he looked. You cleared your throat and looked away from him blinking your eyes.
“U-Uh thanks.” you were so shy but you have no choice but to share with him. You still didn’t have your text book so you’re somehow thankful he’s nice enough to offer sharing his.
The discussion went pretty well. He didn’t really bother you all throughout the lesson, well he did tried opening up conversations from time to time but he still let you listen to the teacher. He is cute, you’re not gonna lie.
You were alone as you went towards the school cafeteria. It’s lunch break and you wanted to buy a meal because you’re already hungry. Some eyes followed you in curiosity, probably wondering who you are since you’re new. You didn’t bother looking at them because you’re used to being new to a school. This isn’t the first time you transferred to a new school.
As you silently wait for your turn to buy your food, you noticed that their cafeteria is pretty spacious. It’s perfect to handle a lot of students. Compared to your previous school, this one is much more of a good school.
“Hi, Sunoo!” you heard somebody from behind you said. You didn’t look back or anything. You’re pretty sure he isn’t the only Sunoo in the school right? This is a big school so there’s a possibility that he’s not the Sunoo who sit beside you is big, right?
You saw how some students in front of you turned their heads by hearing the name. It’s like they’re curious or something. Once they saw who it was, their eyes sparkles. Specially the girls.
“Y/n!” your head turned over to the side when you heard someone called my name.
It was your seat-mate, Kim Sunoo. He was smiling brightly at you and with an awkward smile, you greeted him. You’re not really sure what’s going on but the students around you were obviously watching. Feeling conscious, you roamed your eyes around. They were looking at the two of you with wonder in their eyes.
“Do you want to join us in our table? I’ll go save you a seat.” he sounded so excited as he said those words to you.
Some of the students near you heard his invitation and their mouth fell a bit open. Sunoo’s known for being a social butterfly, yeah. He’s nice to everybody and very approachable. But he never invites people to eat lunch with him, specially he never offer to save seat to someone! It’s beyond what he usually do.
He doesn’t know what got into him as well. All he know is that he wants to know you more. He can’t just stop being curious of you. Is it because you’re such a mysterious person or maybe because he have nothing else to do? Nah. Whatever it is, he wants to get closer to you.
“U-Uh, that’s okay. I’m just here to buy a drink because I already ate lunch.” you reasoned out. You kind of felt bad for lying to him but you don’t really have a choice. You feel like you’re in a bad situation if you agree to eat with him.
His brows furrowed in confusion, “Huh? I didn’t saw you eat here?” his lips were pursed as he waits for your answer.
“I have packed lunch.” you told him just so he can leave you alone.
You saw how his shoulder fell but he pulled off another bright smile, “You can get a drink in the vending machine so you don’t have to wait for so long.”
Your eyes trailed over to the vending machine that he’s pointing. You almost let out a curse when he said that. With a nod, you moved away from the line and went to the vending machine to buy a drink.
After buying one, Sunoo offered if he can join you but one student halt him to talk. You felt relieved because finally, you can go. Without even saying goodbye, you left the scene.
You head your way over to the garden, you’re still not very familiar with the whole campus but you saw the garden on your way to the cafeteria. As expected, there’s only a few students here. It’s lunch time so everyone’s probably having their meals.
You let out a sigh as you heard your stomach grumble in hunger. You can’t believe you will skip lunch just because you don’t want to be in that kind of situation.
Sunoo’s smiling face appeared inside your head. A small guilt flickered over you. You know he’s just being friendly and maybe really just trying to make your feel comfortable since you’re new and trying to adjust. But it's not really your personality to became so friendly to strangers easily. You don’t feel comfortable about it.
You opened the random drink that you got from the vending machine and drink it. You have no other choice. You’re really starving but can’t go back to the cafeteria to buy food. Sunoo’s probably there and what will he feel if he knew that the real reason why you lied to him is because you don't want to eat with him?
You laid your head over to the table as you tried to just sleep to forget about your hunger. Minutes passed and your stomach still ache because hunger when suddenly, somebody put something at the table.
Your head raised right away feeling surprised. You're pretty sure you’re far from other students here in the garden so you’re wondering who it was.
Your brows furrowed when you saw Sunoo in front of you. He’s holding this paper bag and he’s now taking out some food. When you two met eyes you saw how his eyes smiled together with his lips.
“It’s not good to skip lunch, specially if you have class later.” he said and gave you some chopsticks to help you eat.
“I-I...” you don’t know what to say.
To see him in front of you smiling made you blush. Is he really this nice? Can somebody be really this nice to a stranger? Well you two aren’t really a complete stranger since you basically know each other's name. But still, you both don’t know much about each other.
"You should eat.” he said chuckling and even handed you a water.
You gulped and blushed really hard. He probably think you’re so stupid for lying or probably think you’re so rude for lying just to avoid eating with him.
“Hey, y/n. Are you okay? Is it the food? You don’t like it?” now, he sounded so worried.
You quickly snapped your head up to meet his eyes. “N-No! I liked it. It’s just I feel bad for lying t-to you.” you bit your lips because you felt embarrassed because of what you did and because of stuttering.
His pout slowly turned into a smile, "Nah, it's okay! I understand. I’m sorry for putting you into that awkward situation.” he started eating his food. Yeah he brought his food here too so you two can eat together. You don’t know but that somehow made something warm spread to your system.
You gave him a small nod, don’t really know what to tell him. You thought to yourself that he’s just so nice and guilt once again took over you. 
“I figured out you still don’t feel comfortable with the people around you since you’re new. I heard you’re new to the town too.” he started the conversation. You started to aid your hunger by the food Sunoo brought for you. He smiled a little feeling relieved that you’re now eating.
“Yeah, we moved in yesterday.” as much as you’re not a fan of conversating with other people, there’s something with Sunoo just makes you comfortable. It feels like it’s safe to talk to him about anything. 
He nodded his head looking at you with amusement. You wanted to chuckle because there’s nothing to be amused about, really. And besides, he looked cute with his cheeks stuffed with food.
“I noticed you’re not really that talkative. Is it because you’re still shy or are you an introvert?” Sunoo then asked still continuing with his food. You looked at him for a while as you eat your food.
“You don’t have to answer if you feel uncomfortable, y/n.” he shrugged his shoulders off assuring you that it’s completely fine. You let out a sigh before drinking from the water bottle that he handed you over a while ago.
“I’m an introvert and I prefer to be by myself most of the times.” you answered.
Sunoo looked thrilled when he heard you answer. Obviously. the two of you were the complete opposite. When Sunoo loves the attention, you’re not really fond of it. 
“Why? Doesn’t it make you feel lonely?” he asked you curious. The side of your lips lifted up as you heard him ask that. That’s what people usually thought when someone preferred to be alone.
“Not because you prefer to be by yourself meaning you’re lonely.” His mouth fell open for a bit when he heard that. It sound deep and you looked serious as you said those words.
“Well, you’re right.” he even shrugged his shoulders again then continued eating.
“Do you find it hard to adjust right now since you have to move and now you have a new school?” he asked you. Now that he knew you’re an introvert, he’s actually a bit worried because he knew it will be too hard for you to adjust.
“Not really. This isn’t the first time we moved from one place to another.” you said pretty much easier than you expected you could tell it to anybody. You’re actually a bit surprised how you’re talking to Sunoo like it’s just naturally part of your everyday routine.
Sunoo looked surprised when he heard that. “You moved often? Why?” he asked you sounding so curious. To know that you’re not really new in all of this kind of makes him amused.
“My Dad’s work involve him being physically there so we moved together with him.” you tried to explain the situation in the simplest way you can. He nodded his head, looks like he understands it right away.
With a furrowed brows he once again looked at you, “You can just stay in one place tho? It’s less hassle and can help you save money too. Moving is really expensive.” he said.
You lowered your head. He have a point. It is true that moving is stressful and is very expensive. He’s right about that and the stress from adjusting to another place just adds more to the things you have to worry about.
“I can’t find a place I can feel at home anyway. When we moved to a new place, it remains like that to me. It remains new and I can’t find any reason to stay.” you don’t mean anything about you say. you just randomly voiced out what’s inside your head.
Sunoo somehow felt sad about what he just heard. He don’t know but he sort of saw the loneliness in your eyes. He knows you made it clear that you’re not lonely or anything... but something’s just telling him that you are.
He sighed heavily, making you look at him. “Do you want me to tour you around the campus later after class?” he sounded excited.
You blushed once again seeing him smiling brightly at you. Feeling a bit shy and a burden to Sunoo, you were about to say no to him when the bell suddenly rang. Thankfully, you did finish your food and thanks to Sunoo you won’t attend your classes with an empty stomach,
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You stood up now fixing your things so you can leave and go home. The classes are now finished and you’re happy you survived your first day in your new school. You thought it would be stressful but it wasn’t that bad.
“You ready, y/n?” your head snapped towards Sunoo when he approached beside you. He finished fixing his things up pretty quickly. And with a clueless expression you starred at him wondering what he’s talking about.
He playfully rolled his eyes and followed it with a chuckle. He can’t believe you forgot about the tour. Some students from your class watched the two of you interact to each other. They never saw Sunoo act so excitedly before. Yeah he’s always energetic but something in him feels different when he’s around you.
“huh?” you asked still clueless.
“I told you I’ll tour you around the campus after class.” he stated that made you remember what he said before the bell rang.
“oh...” your mind trailed over to the thought of how you can say no to him in the nicest way. Sunoo’s been nothing but nice to you so you don’t want to make him feel upset. Besides, he’s the first friend you’ve made here.
“I s-still have things to do at home so I have to be home early.” you tried making up so he can let you go. You’ve been a bother to him ever since lunch. He even bought you food that you tried to pay but he refused hardly. He told you that it’s his way of welcoming you.
He showed you a poker face, “No you don’t! Stop lying. It’s obvious that you can’t lie.” your mouth fell how he easily figured you out.
“I j-just don’t want to bother you.” finally, you admitted him.
He starred at you for a while before he sighed heavily and smiled at you. He extended his hand and messed your hair a bit.
“Nah, it’s fun spending time with you. I want to know you more so come on!” he didn’t let you say anything more but instead he started pulling your arm. You didn’t have any other choice but to go with Sunoo. Besides, it seems like it’s really gonna be fun.
He was smiling brightly as he tour you around the campus. You were right, it was a beautiful school. Before you even realize it, you were laughing comfortably with Sunoo. It’s almost like you two known each other for a long time.
“Don’t your parents ask you if you’re okay with moving or not?” he asked as he handed you the bubble tea that he just ordered for you. Inside a near cafe, you two decided to stop by and maybe take a rest before going home. Touring around tired both of you.
“They ask me of course. My parents were both nice and they don’t want me to have a hard time.” he was carefully watching you while you’re talking. Having him starring at you is surely making you conscious. So you can’t help but to blush from time to time and look away from him.
“And you always tell them that you’re okay with it?” he asked and reached out his hand over you. You stared down seeing that he’s holding a tissue for you to use. Feeling a bit overwhelmed by his small gestures, a smile unconsciously spreads through your face.
You’re actually surprised by how you’re acting right now as well. To think that you just spent almost 3 hours with a person you just met this morning is a news! You even laughed and talked comfortably with him. What kind of witch-craft is this?
“Yeah, I told you I don’t really find any reason to stay at a place.” that’s one thing that people find strange to you. You’re an introvert and don’t get along with people easily but you’re also okay with changes. You think you adapt pretty much quicker than expected.
“I hope you find a reason to stay here in our town.” he said ending it with his bright smile. You were a bit dumbfounded by what he said and you just felt your heart skipped a bit.
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Your week in your new school goes on pretty fine. Eventually, you made some friends and Sunoo remained lurking around you. He often spends time with you and sometimes, people find it odd. They think you two just became too close to each other in a fast pace.
It was just days ago that you heard that Sunoo was really popular in your school. No wonder eyes follows the two of you around. Well, that didn’t even shock you so much since you’ve clearly see how attractive and adorable he is. He’s very nice and really get along with people very well.
“y/n! Do you have an answer in our assignment in physics?” he did this cute voice as he went to his seat which is beside you. He was just outside doing club activities and now he came back.
You smirked and pulled out your notebook to hand it to him. His eyes sparkled at the sight of it and surprisingly hugged you out of excitement. Despite of being nice to everybody, Sunoo rarely makes skin-ship so what he did kind of surprised not just you, but also those students that saw what he just did.
He sat down beside you like nothing just happened and started copying your answers. With a blushing face, you heaved out a sigh and started to divert your attention away from the hug. Yeah, you two were getting close but that was the first time that he hugged you.
“You okay?” he innocently asked when he noticed that your face was tinted red. He furrowed his brows getting a bit worried for you.
“Y-yeah, it’s just hot here.” you tried reasoning out and even used your hand to fan yourself. The crease in his forehead got more deeper as he grabbed his water bottle and handed it to you.
Your eyes dropped over his cute blue water jug, “Here, drink water.” he said and your hand unconsciously get it from him. He smiled and even helped you open the cap but he started copying once again.
You gulped feeling your heart beat faster. What is he doing to you? You were completely confused to what’s happening to you. Honestly you have an answer inside your head but you’re trying to shrug it off. You’re not yet ready to admit that to yourself yet.
“Do you think it will be okay, tho?” he asked you as he placed two drinks at your table. It’s lunch time and you planned to just buy yourself a drink once you place your tray at your table but here he is, he bought two drinks already.
You pouted, blushing once again. Sunoo just takes very good care of you. He really do it to the point that your heart really warms up for him. Sunoo sometimes find it odd too because ever since he met you and became close to you, he started acting like this. Like as if he wanted to be by your side all the time. He started buying things for two people, like for example, right now, he unconsciously bought you a drink as well.
“How much?” you asked him ready to pull some bill from your wallet but he showed you his poker face before opening the drink for you then handed it to you.
“Never mind it and start eating instead.” he said seriously and you just shrugged your shoulders and followed what he said.
You two gradually get back to your normal conversations. Students greets Sunoo from time to time whenever those who knows him  (which is a lot) pass by your table. You were slowly getting used to it. Even with those glaring eyes from the girls who have feelings for him were not new to you anymore.
“Where’s Sunoo, y/n? The teachers were looking for him because this is his second day absent.” your head snapped over to one of your classmates one afternoon when she suddenly approached your table and asked that.
Your brows furrowed and shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t know. Why are you asking me?” you were confused why they started looking for Sunoo at you.
She smiled apologetically at you, “Oh.. I’m sorry. I just thought you know since you two were basically very close.” she then exits herself and started walking away.
You sighed heavily and your eyes darted over the vacant chair beside you. You’re actually very worried for Sunoo. Of course, you already sent him a text but he didn’t replied to you. While biting your lower lip, you made up your mind. You’ll go check on him after class just to see if he’s doing fine.
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Feeling a bit hesitant you stood right in front of their house. He still didn’t replied or anything to you so that made you worried even more. After letting out a heavy sigh, you stretched out your hand and clicked the doorbell.
It rang and you patiently wait outside while your heart beat faster out of nervous. You were a bit startled when the gate to their house opened and a Sunoo wrapped inside a thick blanket greets you.
Suddenly your nervous was instantly replaced by worry as you saw him as this state. You advanced and quickly put the back of your hand over at his forehead.
“y/n?” he was surprised that you’re at his house.
“You have fever! Are you okay?” that was a dumb question because obviously he isn’t.
With cheeks tinted red, he held your hand and take it off from his forehead. “What are you doing here?” he asked you with furrowed brows.
You pouted kind of not used that he’s not smiling at you. n “I was worried because you’re absent and you’re not replying to my messages as well.” you told him.
His mouth fell open for a while, his hand still holding unto the hand you laid over his forehead.
“I don’t want you catching my cold.” he said trying to distance himself from you.
You smiled and Sunoo eyes settled over at your smiling face. This isn’t the first time he saw you smiling but this actually the first time he actually appreciated how beautiful you look while smiling.
“It’s okay! I don’t get sick easily.” you said trying hard to convince him.
He starred at you for a while and eventually gave in and let you go inside. He lets you go first as he closed the gate behind you. Your mouth fell open as you admire their house when you entered but your brows furrowed.
“Are you alone?” you asked wondering why the house sounded so empty.
Sunoo let himself dropped over the couch, n “My parents left for a business trip.” he said. You nodded your head and went close to him.
Sunoo gulped and sat properly as you walk closer. You leaned down and once again make your hand rest at his forehead. He’s hot. (I mean, have you seen him with a plain white polo----) 
“Did you check your temperature already?” you asked him.
His eyes pierced right at yours and even when you’re feeling weak because of it, you tried not to look away from him. “Yeah, I have a fever.”
You nodded your head at him and even fixed the blanket so it will perfectly cover him. Your gentle touch makes Sunoo blush once again. Thankfully he have a fever so you’ll think his cheeks were red because he’s not feeling well.
“Have you eaten yet?”
“I can’t cook.” of course. You sighed and tied up your hair to keep them away from your face.
“You’ll c-cook for me?” he followed behind you as you made your way over at their kitchen.
“yeah.” and you gave him a smile before checking their fridge to make him some soup.
Sunoo sat down over at one of the stool and your brows furrowed while watching him do it. “What are you doing? Go lay down!” you said walking towards him to make him go down the stool.
“I want to accompany you.” he said refusing.
“You should rest.” you told him but he pouted at you.
“I am resting.” he said while starring right at your eyes. You gulped and both of you blushed when you realized you’ve been starring for a while.
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You smiled a little starring at Sunoo’s sleeping state. He looked adorable while having his lips opened a little while asleep. His temperature went down already and he seems okay. You looked over at the blanket that was at the sofa. While looking after him, you fell asleep and he covered you with a blanket.
Now, you woke up and saw him asleep. Sunoo looked handsome always. Sometimes, you even think it’s so unfair how he can look this good even while sleeping? 
You’re glad that he’s okay now. He really made you worried because he’s not responding to you. Feeling somewhat happy because finally, you had helped him for something. He’s always been the one who takes care of you but today, the role was switched and you’re glad you had returned the favor.
Just by thinking about it, Sunoo’s been really caring for you. Doing small things that you really appreciate. He just make sure you know he’s there no matter what and you want to make him feel the same. You want to be there for him too.
Your smile suddenly faltered and faded when you realized that you have feelings for him. Mixed emotions took over your whole system. You don’t know what exactly to do right now. You’re happy and excited for this new emotion you’re experiencing but you’re also afraid as to how he will react when he knew about this.
You know he’s nice and he’s probably used to people liking him but you’re afraid it’ll make your friendship awkward. You’re afraid that he’ll start treating you differently and find it awkward hanging out with you. You don’t know if you can take that.
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As you enter the campus, some eyes were already plastered over at you. Even if you’re wondering why, you decided to just shrug it off and decided to just walk silently towards your classroom. As you get closer to your room, eyes were still eyeing you. Feeling very conscious about it, you had no choice but to lower down your head.
You let out a loud sigh when finally, you made it inside. But that’s what you thought. Your classmates eyes were starring at you as well. Feeling flustered once again, you went straight over your chair.
“y/n!” your classmate who sits in front of you turned around to face you. Unlike the other students, her stares were a lot more gentle. You felt somehow relieved. Feeling so lost because of their unusual stares.
“What’s going on? Is it just me or everyone’s looking at me?” you asked her with worried eyes. She smiled, looking a bit excited.
“How can they not stare at you? Have you seen what Sunoo posted?” she asked you giggling. Your head tilted over to the side as your brows furrowed in confusion.
“What post?” 
“He posted a picture of you sleeping in his house! Why are you at his place yesterday?” she sounded excited while you’re dumbfounded. You can’t even make up what’s she’s saying because she was busy processing things inside her head.
Huh? Picture? Of me sleeping? What is it???? You quickly grabbed your phone to check what she’s talking about. You’re eyes grew big when you saw your account with an unusual number of notifications.
As you click one of it, it leads you towards a post with lots of comments and likes. It was Sunoo’s post and your classmate was right. It was a photo of you, sleeping. 
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You blushed because of it but you tried really hard not to put so much meaning into it. Maybe he’s just really thankful for you. Yeah, y/n. Maybe that’s just it.
You tried hard to divert your attention away from the post. It was hard since your classmates were still eyeing you even when the class were already starting. They were stealing glances at you. It was frustrating and you don’t know if you should be thankful that Sunoo’s not here yet or what.
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“Yah, y/n, right?” You were taken aback when some group of girls approached you while you’re at your usual spot here in the garden. It was your vacant and to avoid the glances of your classmates, you decided to leave the room for a while to go and have some fresh air. 
With furrowed brows you stood up, “Yeah.” you answered feeling a bit nervous.
With faces looking so stern and serious, you already have a guess why they’re here confronting. It’s probably because of Sunoo, right? Of course it’s gotta be because of him.
“What exactly do you have with Sunoo?” the girl in the middle advanced towards you. Feeling intimidated and scared, you stepped backwards but the other girls went behind you cornering you.
“N-Nothing, we’re friends.” you answered stuttering because of fear.
She looked pissed at what you answered, n “Liar! Friends? I always noticed the way you look at him! You like him! Why are you at his house yesterday? You got to be that desperate huh?” she once again advances towards you and even pushed you hardly.
You tried not to fell over the ground because that would be so pathetic. You gulped trying to swallow the lump building up inside your throat. You’re really scared right now and this is the first time this is ever happen in your life.
“I’m saying the truth. And I was at his house because--” you can’t even finish your sentence when a loud slap crashed over your cheeks.
You were dumbfounded and startled by the sudden attack from her. You never experienced things like this so you don’t exactly know what to feel right now. You can’t even move out of surprise! Your cheeks were hurting so bad and you bet it’s really red now.
“Sunoo and I were completely okay and you just entered in our life? How dare you! I can’t accept this!” she was going hysterical. You were confused why she’s even acting like this. You don’t even know her.
When she was about to slap you once again, you decided to close your eyes and just wait for it to land over your cheeks in the second time but it didn’t happen.
You opened your eyes a little trying to take a peak and you saw someone in front of you. As you roam your eyes around, you saw horror in the other girl’s eyes. 
“What do you think are you doing?” it was Sunoo! You were a little confused because he doesn’t sound like Sunoo. He sounded so cold and emotionless.
“S-Sunoo!” the girl looked surprised that he’s in front of you now, protecting you from the girl who slapped you.
“Who told you that you can hurt, y/n?” he asked sternly and shoved away her hand. It was a bit strong so she backed up away from you. Her eyes started to water.
“Sunoo I like you!”
“And I told you, I don’t.” he was quick enough to response to her. It sent chills all over your spine when you heard how cruel he just rejected her. Will that happen to you as well?
“I don’t want anything like this to happen again, do you hear me? Nobody’s allowed to hurt y/n or else you’ll deal with me.” he said seriously as his hand slowly took reach of yours. He softly held it before he send glares over them then turned around to face you.
His eyes slowly turned soft as he eye your red cheeks and slightly tear stained eyes. He was so worried for you and kind of feel bad that this things were happening because of him.
“Let’s get that fixed, baby.” you can’t even react at what you heard because he already started pulling you towards the clinic and away from those people.
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“Thank you.” he smiled a little to the nurse as she handed him ice. You two were left afterwards and you gulped nervously.
You both were silent as you walk there, you didn’t dare to ask what you just heard and he didn’t dare to open up the topic about it too. You thought to yourself that it would be okay to maybe just ignore it. Maybe he was just really worried that it slipped out of his mouth.
“Let me see?”  his hand feels so smooth while holding your face. His eyes were busy checking your red cheeks and his brows was hardly furrowed.
You chuckled a little and tried fixing his forehead. “Why you look so mad?” you asked like a joke to try and make him feel better.
“How can I not be mad? They hurt you.”
“She’s just misunderstanding our friendship.” you said chuckling. Sunoo pulled away as he stood straight. His eyes were now darted over you seriously.
He clenched his jaw then balled his fist. “Y/n.”
You suddenly felt chills ran down your spine as you heard him call your name. Having him call you by your name with serious face surely is different from when he calls you while smiling brightly. Suddenly, you’re nervous.
“H-huh?” you asked.
“Can I be the reason why you want to stay at this town?” he muttered and you saw how his cheeks got tinted red.
“What?” you thought you heard it wrong. Does he mean it like you think he mean it?
He sighed and starred right at your eyes, “Y/n, I have feelings for you.”
Feeling so overwhelmed and dumbfounded by what you just heard, your eyes started to watered as your heart aches. Is this really happening? You were just thinking of how you should tell him about your feelings.
“Are you serious?” 
“Do I look like I’m joking?” 
You stood up and threw yourself at him for a hug. He chuckled and felt his heart race as he burry his face over your neck inhaling your familiar scent.
“Now, you don’t have to leave anymore because I’ll be the reason for you to stay.” you pulled off the hug and leaned closer to Sunoo letting both of your noses to touch each other.
“I would love to stay.” you muttered before he leaned closer to kiss you passionately at your lips.
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campus heart-throb
373 notes · View notes
moon-lixie · 3 years
Change or stay the same - Han Jisung
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word count: 4.791k
song: Punching Bag -Wallice
warnings: none, even though there's a bit of angst if you squint your eyes.
Yellow washed over the white walls of the room, soon enough soaking the bed sheets that draped over his body. The morning was eager to greet him, light poking at his eyelids to speed up the process of waking him.
A groan slipped his rosy lips before he moved to nuzzle his face on the fluffy material of the sky colored pillow. He dreaded mornings the most; one of the hardest tasks of the day was trying to rip himself away from his sheets.
His lids grew heavy after a couple minutes, sleep tugging on his arms begging him to drift away and into oblivion. Humming in satisfaction his mind was about to shut down when a loud ringing noise filled the room, it was Changbin’s special ringtone.
“Shit,” he murmured groggily before stretching his arm enough to reach the nightstand without having to move away from his pillow.
Putting the phone right beside his ear the first thing he heard was an oh so sweet Where the fuck are you, Jisung? It’s eight already. Which was soon followed by a string of profanities leaving his own lips, almost seemingly pushing him to move frantically across his room.
“I’ll be there in ten.” Was the last and first thing he said to his friend before hanging up and throwing his phone to his bed.
There was no time for him to take a shower; it’s not like he was planning to take one but he sometimes liked to pretend that he would. He barely brushed his teeth, changed into the first things that popped out of his closet and groaned at his empty refrigerator before finding himself running through the crowded streets.
He wasn’t particularly stressed despite his palms growing clammy at the idea of having to come up with a good excuse for his tardiness; to a certain degree he loved running like a maniac in that big city that seemed to have too many places for him to discover despite having been living there for years now.
A light giggle escaped his lips as he turned around a corner, now meters away from arriving at his destination. Despite his empty stomach and lack of morning coffee, he seemed to have too much energy to spare.
It felt like nothing could stop him until he couldn’t move his feet anymore, the world stopped before his eyes and breath left his lungs. He swore he had seen a familiar face but it had soon disappeared between the crowd; still, just one glimpse of said person had his heart coming to a stop.
“What are you doing?” Filled Jisung’s ears before he blinked back to reality; it was his friend of similar height, head popping out of the entrance door he should’ve crossed earlier.
Quickly shaking his head as he dismissed the question thrown at him, he entered the building and apologized to the older man throwing a curious glance at him.
The ride on the elevator was filled with silence, allowing his head to be filled with questions and worries that now had nothing to do with the task at hand but rather the person he believed to have seen.
Silence finally dissipated when he entered the studio to face a more or less exasperated Chan, he was sometimes too serious when it came to work but Jisung totally understood, one of them had to have the tiniest bit of seriousness or it could turn to chaos.
“I’m so sorry, I—”
“You overslept, we know. Let’s just get to work.” Changbin interrupted before patting his shoulder reassuringly.
A sheepish smile covered his lips before his fingers reached towards the bag that he was supposed to be wearing, the one that had his laptop in it. There went another fuck because he knew he was forgetting something as he left his apartment but was quick to shrug off the thought.
“It’s okay, you can just log in here.” Chan was quick to say without even having to spare him a glance to know what was the problem. He was grateful to have friends who seemed to balance out his clumsiness perfectly fine.
Taking a chair and moving closer to the desk he grabbed the mouse and started clicking away. Second later the monitor eagerly asked him for the password of his email where he happened to have his lyrics noted down. Yes, he used google docs, so what?
He gulped down at the thought of what he was about to type; his password never seemed to represent a problem until today. It was the name of someone he had last seen years ago, five to be exact. He just never saw the need to change it, not when he could type it with his eyes closed or in his sleep; it had been the same since he was in high school and until today he hadn’t minded that it stayed like that.
“Dude, we need to work so hurry up.” That’s right, he needed to hurry and snap out of it. it wasn’t such a big deal, he just needed to type every letter of your name in the specific order he knew by heart and pretend that it hadn't been you on the street just now.
And so he did, typing it as quickly as any other day, pressing enter and getting access to everything he needed along with a million memories stored as videos and pictures.
He cleared his throat before getting to work, he didn’t have the guts to revive his high school days in front of his friends; perhaps not brave enough to revive them at all despite the place or people around him.
Once the three of them were certain that the sun outside was slowly flooding the city with small orange and pink tinges, they exited the building that guarded their creative mess. Each walking their own way, not before throwing one last threat at the youngest in hopes that tomorrow he’d open his eyes at the right hour. Laughing lightly Jisung nodded and walked away, eager to return home.
His landlord had a white cat with some brown spots that somehow added to its cuteness; just like any other day he pet it before quickly scurrying to the elevator and finally walking past three doors before finding himself in front of his apartment door.
When he found himself inside, the first thing he did was take a shower, one that this time he had actually been intending to take. Later sitting on his bed, towel still tousling his hair in attempts to dry it, his laptop found its way to his lap.
His fingers didn’t hesitate much before clicking on the right places that took him to those videos and pictures that brought him joy every single time. Biting on his bottom lip he finally allowed the towel to rest on his shoulder and pressed play.
The video revealed his freckled friend whose laugh could light up the whole world, he did something silly as usual before Seungmin popped up a little far away. In the middle of a park, they found themselves atop lush grass that welcomed their feet happily as they fooled around.
After some time filming the two boys the camera moved towards some swings where you sat, expression all too dull for the situation that you were in. That was it, the video cut there and the memories would finish at that moment if he didn’t clearly remember what happened next.
He had stopped recording, closing the small screen of the video camera before walking towards you, a worried expression taking hold of his features. Once close enough he sat on the swing next to yours, feet kicking the soil softly.
“I don’t want to leave this place,” you had mumbled by his side, catching him off guard.
“What do you mean?”
“Haven’t you thought about what will happen to us when we go to college. It’s months away and I’m terrified of leaving.” A heavy sigh escaped your lips, pupils moving to catch his gaze.
Next time you opened your mouth, the tone with which you spoke was way quieter as if you were scared of saying such things. “I wish I could stay here forever, with you guys, just being silly and worrying about nothing.”
Reaching his hand to grab yours he ended up intertwining his fingers with yours before sighing and smiling sweetly. “Nothing is going to change, we’ll keep being together. Trust in me, we’ll make it through.”
You had smiled brightly after he spoke, blindly believing in his words that ended up not becoming true. Soon after everyone parted away to college the distance had done its job at making communication difficult, a text a day turned into one every week, quickly it had been one a month and then nothing but each other’s contacts saved on your phones.
Living kilometers away everyone kept moving on with their lives not really knowing much about each other. The only thing that he now was aware of was about his own story, how he had met Chan and Changbin in college and their common interest and ambition had brought them to work together in what they loved.
Quickly closing his laptop and leaving it on his night stand he plopped himself down on his face. Seconds after reaching for his phone and looking for your contact.
His breath hitched once it appeared on his screen, all too familiar but quite foreign by now. He had stopped himself from calling you many times; when he was sober he convinced himself that you wouldn’t want to talk to him after he lied to you that one evening, when drunk he decided that you deserved better than a Jisung that made no sense and slurred all his words.
Nevertheless, he always thought of you like how one thinks about their first love that never happened, because that was the case. Your reckless mixed with your amazing sense of responsibility —that he had always admired— still haunted him at night along with your melodious laugh.
Finally deciding that it was now or never he pressed on your contact and pressed his phone to his ear, dying slowly at every loud beep that separated him from your voice. Without notice the line went silent for a moment before a strange voice spoke a soft hello?, it wasn’t you.
“Is y/n there?”
“No, I’m sorry. I think you have the wrong number.”
He thanked the stranger, trying not to sound utterly disappointed before hanging up and throwing his phone towards his pillow and sighing in defeat. It had never occurred to him that you could’ve changed your number in the past five years but it made sense.
It wasn’t the end of the world, he could later call Felix and ask him for your number —because Jisung was certain he would have it— but that could be left for when he ate something and felt less nervous.
Walking to his kitchen it suddenly popped in his mind, his refrigerator was empty and that meant no food he could simply stuff in his mouth. He cursed for the nth time that day.
“It’s okay, I’ll just go buy something to eat and then get some groceries on the weekend,” he said to no one in particular before getting dressed again and going out to wander around the city until he found a place that sold something edible, that would suffice.
On one particular street where he had to wait for the traffic light to change his heart came to a stop because this time he didn't see you but rather heard your voice calling his name, and upon turning around there you were, just like he remembered.
A hello meant to escape his lips but it got stuck on his throat when you smiled at him warmly; he loved you as much as that eighteen year old him that would do anything for you.
Without thinking much he hugged you tightly; you were quick to return his hug, convincing him that it would be the biggest mistake in the world to pull away soon. People walked past the both of you, some huffing in annoyance as you were in fact obstructing the street but for all that he cared everyone could go and fuck themselves.
When he finally broke away the hug some words came tumbling down of his mouth before he got the chance to think about them, “I was going to grab something to eat, want to come with me?”
The words surely took you by surprise as confusion plastered in your face for a second, but you nevertheless accepted his offer.
“So...what are you doing here?” he asked as both crossed the street, Jisung no longer wandering without a destination.
“I live here.” He threw you a confused look that couldn’t mean anything more than a since when? that seemed to amuse you greatly as you laughed for a second before answering. “I moved not far from here three months ago, for work.”
Nodding lightly he kept walking, silence moving at a fast pace to catch up with your moving figures on the street, but it was futile as you spoke up once again.
“It’s silly but— ”
“It’s not,” he retorted before an unknown force tugged at the corners of his lips with force, refusing to let his smile falter.
“—I had been wondering when we would end up stumbling with each other.”
Those simple words made his heart beat at a faster pace, aggressively thumping against his chest. After all this time you still had his existence present in your mind, not seeming to forget how he always talked about moving here once he was old enough when he was just a child.
“Well, I’m glad that we finally did.” A coward, that’s how he should call himself from now on as the words refused to slip past his lips. He should tell you that he had tried to call you, that he had also been wanting to see you, but he couldn’t.
Jisung had decided to bring you to a small dinner that was not only cheap but delicious; he smiled way too widely once you asked for the same you used to have and you questioned him with your eyes when he asked for coffee, he used to not be able to stand the bitter taste.
Hours passed as you both caught up with each other, apparently you still spoke often with Felix —which he already suspected all along— and had only recently decided to move out from the apartment you still shared with your college roommates, ending up in that lovely city by chance.
His eyes scanned every single centimetre of yours, the small dimple that formed on your right cheek everytime you chewed, the way your faint and discreet lip gloss had turned into a more lively lip tint, the ever so faint eye bags under your eyes that seemed to distinguish people your age.
“God, then Felix fell to that fountain, right?”
He snickered loudly before nodding in affirmation. “He had to walk all the way home completely soaked. He wouldn't stop complaining.”
The laugh that escaped your throat seemed almost nostalgic; it had been quite a while.
When you both crossed the door on your way out the only light covering the streets were those of the streetlights and some cars stuck in traffic. He offered to walk you back home and you immediately nodded in approval of his proposition.
In the blink of an eye he had turned to the high school Jisung that would walk slightly behind you, secretly wanting to reach out for your hand and intertwined his fingers without you, but not even now did he have the courage.
The walk seemed to be awfully short, perhaps because he didn’t want to leave you yet. You got your keys out and stood in front of your door but still facing him as if waiting for something.
“You changed your number.” Was the first thing he could think of saying to what you sighed awkwardly and answered him a quick I did.
“I would love to get something to eat with you again or just talk for a while. So I was wondering if I could have your number.” His eyes closed mid sentence, feeling embarrassed about his sound lack of ability to say something that wasn’t awkward.
Thankfully you seemed to want to spare him some suffering, quickly asking for his phone so you could add your contact, sneakingly adding a cheesy heart after your name. And when you were about to close the door you turned around and asked one last thing, “How did you know? You know, that I changed my number.”
He didn’t like the implications of that question, almost as if you were implying that it would be impossible to know if he hadn't tried to contact you, which you seemed to believe he hadn’t tried to do so all this time.
“I called you and someone else answered.” You nodded softly at his words, a feeling that he couldn’t quite comprehend pooling in your eyes before closing the door.
Yes, he should’ve called you sooner, should have texted Felix asking for your new number a million years before but he never thought of it despite always thinking of you. He had gotten so caught up with every present day that he had forgotten what he was leaving behind; but now you were part of his present and he was determined to keep you there.
It didn’t feel like he was on a cloud as he made his way back home, it rather felt somewhat heavy as he thought back on the last look in your eyes. If he could then he would run back to your door and wouldn’t leave until a smile hung on your lips, but he was scared of overstepping his boundaries.
His bed felt less comfortable than usual but that was usual on the navy nights that lyrics haunted his mind. And so he found himself on his usual spot on the floor of his room, guitar lazily placed on his lap, laptop sitting on the floor making him have to slouch himself to properly type down what he wanted.
At one point he fell asleep, not caring about the hard wooden floor under his back or the cold air nipping at his skin. Until he moved, guitar complaining about the position it had been placed at. His eyes snapped open and he quickly reached his hands around the floor until they found his phone.
One long yawn and then his eyes were being met with an almost perfect 05:59 that quickly turned to 06:00. He still had a solid hour and a half of sleep but he still found his feet colliding with the pavement of the street, later reaching a coffee shop near the studio.
He exited the place with the ring of a bell and an iced americano seeping cold into the warm skin of his hand. A pleased smile grazed his lips upon the first sip, he was now more ready than ever to start his day.
Not long after his friends were exaggeratedly gasping in surprise behind his back upon reaching the studio and finding the younger there. He clicked away shamelessly, never daring to feel embarrassed in front of them, not when it came to music and his sometimes peculiar lyrics.
“A love song?” Chan snorted while peeking over his shoulder, only causing a light blush to spread across his cheeks. He only shrugged it off before continuing his work.
Hours passed and as the sun reached its peak his fingers found their way to his phone screen, clicking on your contact and quickly typing a short message before he started overthinking his way to never speaking to you again. Only then noticing the heart that you had placed beside your name; it made his heart do a flip
He typed a quick and simple question, asking if you were free at seven; soon after you replied with a lovely yes that made him giddy. His expression must have radically changed because Changbin felt free to question him and try to take a peek of his screen.
“Hyung!” Jisung said annoyed while scooting away a couple of centimetres, his friend just giggled in content and left him alone.
Taking into account that his apartment was a mess he quickly convinced you to hang out at yours to what you even ended up offering to make dinner for both of you with a sweet If you get the ingredients then I’ll be happy to cook.
So as soon as he had the chance he shouted farewell to his friends as he hurried to his apartment to get ready and buy the things you had asked him too, feeling all too happy and young. It’s not like he was old but everytime he thought about you now he felt like a child, back at 15 or even worse, younger, not knowing what to do except stare at your messages with complete infatuation.
His knuckles hesitated before colliding with your beige door twice, quickly and with enough force to make his presence known to you who opened with a tender smile barely reaching your eyes.
When he entered he couldn’t help but allow his eyes to linger around every small detail that the place held. The grey cushion went delightfully well with the subtle tones of yellow and cerulean, those matching with some accents you had added on the walls.
Only then he noticed that just as your number changed you could’ve too, he knew all about the you who had survived school by his side but almost nothing about the person who lived on that tidy apartment that smelt faintly of vanilla.
He turned around to find the image of you moving freely in the kitchen way too endearing to look away. Your hands got everything he had brought out of the bag and your back greeted him with a sense of familiarity he could get used to.
A second later you turned around, a playful smile crinkling the corners of your eyes. “Are you going to help me or are you just going to stand there?”
Jisung chuckled before throwing a small apology to the air, walking to your side and not forgetting to push his hips to meet yours. Grabbing some vegetables he moved to the sink to wash them, that was one of his specialties in the kitchen.
You hummed along at a non existent song while he dried his hand on the kitchen towel, watching you cook without major effort. Out of nowhere your eyes travelled to his, making him freeze on his spot for a second.
“I missed you,” you said with ease, showing him that those words weren’t as hard to pronounce as he had been thinking since he hugged you on the street.
He was about to answer, finally allowing himself to take the proper time to express how happy he felt about your presence when you turned around and walked a couple steps towards him, gaze saddening ever so slightly. “Why didn’t you call me in all this time?”
“Well...” He sighed loudly, contemplating the option with which he could respond. I was scared? Well sure, he was but that wasn’t really the reason. I forgot? More like it but it definitely sounded rude enough to gain the wrong reaction from you. I love you? No, that wasn’t the answer to this question in particular, but it sure was an answer he would have to say at one point.
At the silence that installed in the kitchen you sighed before speaking. “When we first started getting distanced I was really discouraged, but every single time I feared we wouldn’t talk again I remembered something you told me once. God, maybe you don’t even remember.” Jisung’s gaze softened once again, of course he knew, how could he forget how he lied to you. “You said ‘Trust in me, we’ll make it through’, even now it brings me such peace to think back at the certainty with which you said that.”
You walked towards the couch, sitting and patting the cushion beside yours to urge him to do the same.
“Those words healed me during the hardships that I went through, they gave me hope that no matter how much time passed we still remained the same, all of us.” You sighed loudly and looked at the floor. “But still, I couldn’t help wondering why? Were you too busy? Not interested enough? Had you forgotten about me? And at some point I blamed you until I realized that I could’ve texted you too, or perhaps called you. But I was so caught up in being scared that I never made a move, and without realizing the years had passed by.”
After a short pause you moved your eyes to meet his again, filled with melancholy. “So, I didn't call you because I was too much of a coward and I accept it.” Jisung chuckled lightly, earning a small laugh from you as well. “So why didn’t you?”
He sighed once again before leaning back on the couch, to which you followed seconds later, resting your head on the back of the couch while looking at him with an intense gaze.
“Did you know that your name was my email password when we were in high school?” he began; you immediately shook your head to deny knowing. “It still is. I hadn’t seen you in five years and still your name keeps being my password. I typed it every time I got a new phone, when I forgot my laptop and had to log in elsewhere, all the time, your name.”
He stole a glance at your face and smiled widely before looking at the ceiling, white and with the smallest crack on one corner of the room. “There wasn’t a second that I didn’t think of you and not a moment in which I didn’t have the intention of calling you.
There were times in which I was way too caught up in my life and what I had in front of my eyes but that wasn’t enough excuse. Just like you said, one day I realized that it had been too long and I felt too guilty to do it. I had promised you we wouldn’t drift away and then there I was, months of not exchanging a single word with you and an incredible amount of guilt tying my hands to my back.”
“I lied to you and then convinced myself that I had no right to face you after,” Jisung finally said, embarrassment creeping up to his cheeks at how his statement sounded out loud.
“But you didn’t lie to me, at least not entirely,” you quickly retorted, earning a quick snort from him.
“Well damn, thank you so much. Now I feel way better.”
Rolling your eyes and hitting his arm lightly, you continued, “You said we would make it through and here we are; being away from each other wasn’t the end of the world. We, well, I was too childish back then to think that our relationship changing a little would be the end of the world.
We were kilometres apart, of course our relationships would change but in the end it didn’t change that much. I mean, look at us. You just revealed an embarrassing secret that will cost you your email.”
He threw you a warning look before you giggled. “After all this time we can still talk freely, it’s just a matter of catching up where we left off and going back to our old rhythm.”
A matter of catching up and going back to our old rhythm. The first part had put his calm at ease, the second one not so much. He didn’t want to go back exactly to what you had; you had just said it yourself relationships change and he wanted this one to do so as well.
He reached his hand to grab yours, finally intertwining his fingers freely with yours after years of hesitation. Throwing you one last look he just muttered, “Or change.”
“Or change...” you repeated after him, adding with mischief something else, “like your password should if you don’t want me lurking around your email.”
“God, you have such a way of ruining things" You snorted and he sighed in defeat. You were still a dork and that would never change, like his password; remaining the same that he loved.
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jamestrmtx · 4 years
Fairytale Complex - [Undertale | Sans x Reader]
[Gender Neutral, Frisk's Parent Reader | Slow Burn]
The dichotomy between black and white is your constant when it's time for you to meet the whole new civilization Frisk brought along with them to the Surface. As a parent, it's not easy to trust others when they've hurt your child. So when that new civilization decides they owe Frisk both for saving their kind and for still hurting them during that process, you've got plenty to say to them.
Forgive the monsters as easily as you once did with others during a stage of naivety?
Oh, hell no.
They better have a good reason for hurting your child and an even better one for wanting to be a part of their family.
Prologue | Once Upon a Time
Finished with a hectic work day, you throw yourself on the couch and beg for it not to give in when you hear it creak. Just as the rest of your home, it's old, worn, and needs replacing. You let out a sigh and bask under what little calm you can find between the worries of a dead-end job and your child recently going missing. 
Many accused the disappearance on your lack of care and overall irresponsibility as their parent, while others blamed it on the myth of monsters existing near the place you suspected they last went to. The first of these assumptions you accepted and blamed yourself constantly for, yet the second of the two was near impossible to even be an option to begin with. Monsters were far away from your village; they were told to be sealed inside the Underground close to Mt. Ebott, and nobody had heard of them in centuries. It was highly unlikely for them to exist there and much less on the Surface, yet there were still some who believed in that myth nonetheless.
Alone in your home, you can only stare at the blank wall before you and think back on the last day you saw Frisk. 
"I'm home!" you hear them call, followed by their footsteps thumping against the floorboards.
They make it to the kitchen and throw themselves at you; their arms wrap around your neck and pull you into a hug. Smiling, you return the embrace, pull back to look down, and meet with their eyes. "Did you say goodbye to Auntie Brenda before leaving?" you ask, tucking a stray lock of hair behind their ear. Their bob and bangs had grown longer and many neighbours said it made them look like a girl, but Frisk never minded over those comments and always insisted on keeping their hair that way.
"Yup!" they reply, taking a seat next to yours. "We're… We're gonna spend the whole weekend together, right?" 
"Of course we are, honey." You chuckle upon seeing the worry in their eyes, these holding hope over a positive response on your part. "But first, we've got to study up on History," you add, "Remember you've got a test the day after tomorrow." You pinch their cheek and kiss it better, making them grin and burst into giggles. 
Then, you stand up and head to the living room, where you stop by the bookshelf already covered in a thin layer of dust despite its frequent use. Your eyes scan for the book you'd been recently reading with them, only to find it hidden at a corner, most likely an idea on their part in hopes of delaying their studies for a while. "We'll go over the last chapter. And after that, we can plan what we'll do for the weekend." You turn to them and smile, bumping the book against the top of their head. "But only if you don't try to hide your books away anymore. I know you like school and pay attention all the time, but that still doesn't excuse you from studying up at home."
You walk to the couch, sit down, and see their smile fade away when you open the book to one of its later chapters. It was far away from the one you were currently on, yet based on the look on their face, they seem to know what it's about, an assumption that grows stronger when you remember how one-sided the book in your hands is. Frisk was never fond of the stories it told, yet they never had the courage to go against its written words, either. Now, however, you have a hunch over them about to confront that when you see them frown and later open their mouth to speak up.
"Why do you believe what this book says? It… It says mean things about monsters! Haven't you ever been curious to know what they're all really like?"
You look down at the open book and give some thought to their words. Its borders are worn out and the pages are turning a soft shade of yellow, most likely due to the centuries that'd gone by since it was first published. 'The War Between Us' was its title, yet even though it said 'us', the author was biased at times; in more ways than one. It seemed that the more you analyzed it, the more you regretted having believed these stories when you were younger and having thrashed the possibility of beings like them ever existing. The question you've been given adds to your regret, so you pause and take a quick moment to reconsider.
Deciding it's best to think of a proper response, you flip the pages back to the first chapter and gesture for Frisk to join you. You push your glasses up to the brim of your nose and begin to read the first page.
>> Long ago, two races ruled over the Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS. One day, war broke out between the two races. After a long battle, the humans were victorious. They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell...
You flip past the introduction page, having already memorized it ever since you were seven.
>> Those undergrounds, located near Mt. Ebott, are said to be a dangerous place. It is said that those who climb the mountain never return. Many have taken this warning as a joke, yet none have actually dared to step foot on those grounds. Due to this fear of the unknown, many began to form theories as to what happens to those who travel to those lands. These have varied from such a simple thing as being unable or unwilling to leave, to something as dark and fearsome as death.
>> It is said the monsters residing in this place were not only strange in appearance, but in their actions and customs, as well. Likewise, it is said their way of reproduction is also odd, as it is through their SOULS that they may create another life, and that the way of ending their lives is through the same means. Besides showing their vulnerability through their SOULS, they show it through their words. They advise others to show 'MERCY', as well as to 'SPARE' their enemies whenever possible. 
>> However, many experts on the topic have agreed these are only myths; bedtime stories meant to dull and straighten up a child's behaviour, to frighten them over what is black and what is white, and to keep them strictly in the latter. It is impossible to believe such narrow-minded and saint-like creatures ever existed, unless it is to dumb down our mindsets and persuade us to be kind to a fault, without ever even questioning why it is said that those who fell into their world never came back. After all, it is without a doubt unrealistic and near impossible for people to cohabit in one same world without causing some form of hurt between each other. It is the same reason why these creatures were said to lose a war with our kind, and why we must avoid being weak and preachy like them; to prevent the same from ever happening to us.
You close the book with one swift move, deciding you already have the answer to your child's question.
"Y'know, I… I guess you're right, honey." You sigh, face your lap, and close your eyes, already having a taboo thought at the tip of your tongue. "I've only ever read this book regarding their history. If only I knew more about them, or maybe had another book from a new, different perspective... Then, maybe... Maybe I could know if both sides had their reasons for war, and why we still study them through this book only."
Just as they're about to reply, an unintelligible shout erupts from one of the nearby houses. The sound of porcelain hitting the ground and of people arguing with one another can be heard, and soon after, an eerie, yet recognizable silence takes over. Already expecting the worst, you let out a shaky sigh, stand up, and finally gather up courage to inspect what's going on outside the safety of your home.
"Stay here, Frisk. I'll be back soon."
You never saw them again after that day, and that was almost a full month ago. Your eyes have turned irredeemably red and puffy from how much you've cried and mourned over their loss, though you've tried to keep it to yourself as much as possible. Even so, a few things had been leaked regarding your situation. Nosy and loud neighbours meant trouble, and you already had enough with Social Services and Frisk's school constantly breathing down your neck.
The more days passed since their disappearance, the more rumours began to revolve around you. A silent argument over the hints left behind of Frisk going missing had begun to form, and it shows itself through the tense state of those around you, these split into two groups. Tension's risen between those who blame you and those who blame Mt. Ebott, yet you don't want to favour either side. Simply solving the situation and having Frisk in your arms again was enough for you, even if they were taken away from you by Social Services the day or even the hour after.
Hearing your stomach growl, you shake your head, finally realizing you're becoming too immersed in your own thoughts.
Dinner wouldn't make itself, and though you hated cooking only for yourself almost as much as you loathed the absence of your child and the silence of your home, you have to stand up, dust off, and keep on going.
Fairy tales weren't real; monsters weren't, either. In other words, Frisk's all alone in the world now and nobody's gonna help besides you. Whatever happened to your child, they were most likely suffering or in great danger, and for once, you can't help but wish over the Underground to be real in spite of the myths told about it. Perhaps then, you could have some sense of direction and an idea over just where Frisk could be; and perhaps then, they wouldn't be alone at the knowledge of monsters providing them with shelter and company until your arrival.
Perhaps then, you could rest a bit easy without crying yourself to sleep every weekend with the reminder and the remnants of a broken promise, one you feared would never be fulfilled.
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writing-gifts · 4 years
datura (moth!bruno x butterfly!reader)
Summary: You meet a moth during a spring night.
A/N: okay this is bit of a weird concept but I had some fun writing it, and then it got reallyyyyy long so I’m splitting it up into multiple chapters! if you ever watched pixie hollow, that’s pretty much where I got the inspiration for the setting pretty much (but without magic). anyways I hope you guys enjoy! 
2nd chapter
BTW reader is gender neutral!
[Early Spring]
The wind under your wings does most of the work as you glide through the air in the direction of your home. Spring was just warming up and you were getting back into the groove of flying again. So even though you were happy, your body felt exhausted from flying from flower to flower most of the day.  
You notice a few of your nocturnal neighbors exiting their homes, most likely having woken up not that long ago. Some of them looked familiar as you had seen them before on days you had also stayed out later than usual. The ones who recognized you waved as you passed by.
Dusk was quickly fading, but with the skies clear you weren’t too worried about not being able to navigate your way back, however, you picked up your pace anyways.
Before you knew it, the soft light off the moon began to cascade over the forest floor. Naturally, your eyes drift towards a group of flowers you had flown by many times but had never seen bloom.
When you realize the petals of the flowers are unraveled, you don’t give a second thought before flying towards the funnel shaped flower. You weren’t that far from home anyways.
The moment your feet land on the edge of the curled petals, you're hit by the rich fragrance of the flower.
You already drank a decent amount today but what’s the harm in a night time “snack”. You could also take some nectar back with you. Who knew when you would get to see this flower bloom again?
You carefully crawl head first into the flower holding your arms out to the sides to prevent yourself from falling completely in. Using your bottom right arm, you grab one of your empty canisters at your hip to gather some of the flower’s nectar..
After you've had your fill and saved some to take home, you pull yourself out. Your eyes widen slightly when you realize how much darker it’s gotten. And now that you were too full, you felt even more sluggish.
While you contemplate if you could find a flower nearby to sleep in the petals of, the shadow of something above moves past you.
You flinch and shuffle a back into the petals.
What was that?
You sit in the flower for a minute before moving out to peak out behind it. Although you were curious, this could obviously be something dangerous.
Your eyes search the area until it lands on a bug standing on a flower similar to yours. You had seen moths before albeit rarely as most were nocturnal, but this was the first you'd seen up close.
They were somewhat alike to yourself--four arms, two legs, similar wings--but they were devoid of any bright colors and looked much more...fluffy. Their antennae was much bigger than any butterfly you'd ever seen too.
The intensity of your stare must have been enough to be tangible because the moth’s gaze turns directly towards you.
Their eyes quite literally glowed and you struggle to look away.
They didn't look hostile but that didn't stop you from hiding within the flower again. Staring at others wasn't exactly polite no matter how districting you found them.
You wait a couple seconds before peeking again. Part of you wanted to leave but your more curious one was winning over. It’s not like you could make a quick escape with your limited vision anyway.
It looked like they were going to gather nectar too.
"Isn’t it late for butterflies to be out?"
The sudden noise almost made you jump. His gaze was still on the flower he was on, but he must have been talking to you.
He was right, you shouldn’t be out here. But there’s all sorts of things that snacked on butterflies out here that you wouldn’t notice until it was too late. Along with that, your curiosity wasn’t sated yet.
Realizing there was no point hiding anymore, you jump down from your flower, using your wings to soften your fall, and walk towards the moth.
He continues gathering nectar, filling the multiple canisters he had, but still acknowledges you. “Is there something you need?”
“Well I was interested in this one flower and kind of got distracted and didn’t realize how late it had gotten. I can’t really leave since i can’t exactly see very clearly in the dark so I might as well say hi, right?” You realize how long winded that was the moment all the words are out of your mouth.
“Hello...” He stares intently, making you want to squirm. “Do you want me to help you back to your home?”
You shrug. “I could probably just hang out in one of the flowers.” It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve done that--not through the whole night though.
“That sounds like a terrible idea.” You raise your brows, not sure how to respond. He finishes up and lands gracefully in front of you. “I’ll lead you home.”
Being offered help by a bug you just met was….nice but a little strange. You couldn't think of any benefit he would get from this though. However, it’s not like you wanted to sleep outside so what would be the harm in agreeing. It didn’t sound like he was leaving room for you to actually decide anyway.
The trip was mostly quiet except for when you needed to describe how to get to your home.
When you're finally safely in front of your alcove, thanks to your temporary guide, you can’t help but feel relief. Following the moth through the foliage was a strain on your eyes and you thought you would lose him at times.
“Thanks a bunch. Sorry for taking up your time though.” You remove the canister you had attached to yourself and hold it out to him reluctantly.
He shakes his head. “It wasn't much trouble. It was actually pretty close by.”
You grin, happy that you would get to keep your treat. “Well thanks again…?” you trail off hoping he’ll finish your statement.
You repeat his name before giving yours.
“Hopefully, I’ll see you around!”
Once you say your goodbye, he slightly nods his head at you and takes off.
“Did you stay out late on purpose?” Bruno asks. He didn’t sound upset though.
You smile at the moth. “Well I just ran out of that night flower’s nectar and I decided why not just stay and catch two gnats.”
“What exactly was the 2nd gnat?”
You let out a hesitant laugh. “...Don't make me say it outloud.”
His brows furrow and he looks confused, so you force yourself to speak.
You sigh, “I...wanted to see you.” It was the truth but saying it outloud sounded too intense for the situation. Fortunately, Bruno didn’t seem to take it the wrong way.
“That’s what the night flower’s called.”
You hum. Interesting name.
“How do you know I'd even come here tonight?” Bruno asks.
“I didn't, but it’s a good thing that you did though cause I would have had to sleep out here.”
Bruno’s impassive expression changes to something a little more exasperated. “Please don’t do that again.”
You shake your head. “As long as I keep running out of nectar from the flowers around here I’m going to have to come back.”
“What if I just drop some off to you?”
You hum to yourself. That would be a much safer option but--. “I don’t really want to put more work on you though.”
“You're putting work on me regardless since I’ll have to lead you back home everytime you show up here.” The moth’s face didn’t say a lot but you had a feeling that you were tiring him out.
You smile a bit awkward, but you really weren’t about to give up this nectar so you needed a way to make up for Bruno’s troubles.
A light flickers above your head figuratively. “Are there any day flowers in particular that you’d want nectar from?”
And with that you and Bruno decide to start trading.
Around dusk, Bruno would show up at your front step with containers of nectar from various night flowers but, most importantly. your Datura. You’d trade, speak for a bit, and he’d head off to do his nightly business.
“He doesn't eat butterflies right?” Abilene’s frown deepens. “You wouldn't befriend someone who eats grasshoppers right?"
You roll your eyes at how high strung your friend was being.
The weather was extra nice today, so the both of you were enjoying drinks and snacks outside of Abilene's home together. It was the first time this Spring you had gotten to do this with them, and you were looking forward to all the future times you’d be able to too.
You place your drink down on the table you were sitting at. “Moths don’t eat other bugs. Well actually, I’m not completely sure. But he would have eaten me by now so you're worrying over nothing!”
Your friend shakes their head. “That just makes me more worried! Especially since you love getting into trouble.”
“It’s not like that this time I swear. Bruno’s harmless and we only really interact to trade nectar anyways. Just think of it as me accomplishing two things at once.
“More like quenching your thirst in two ways.”
You almost choke on your drink but gather yourself. “It’s nothing like that.”
They smirk, “But weren't you going on about his appearance 5 minutes ago?”
“Haven’t you ever appreciated beauty casually?”
“Sure but that was a pretty long appreciation.”
You stick your tongue out at your friend. Maybe you had a tiny crush but it was a momentary thing--the type you would get because you barely knew the person, so you were expecting it to fade away pretty quickly.
“But seriously, I might need to check out this moth for myself. I don't want any pests getting close again.”
You look down into the drink between your hands. “He’s most likely not a bad person. I feel like he's not bad at least…”
You wanted this feeling to be right, but there was always the tiny doubt you felt towards others. Abilene was the exception,  but you’d known them since you were just a caterpillar.
Your friend frowns, “Sorry I didn’t mean to make you doubtful. I shouldn't coddle you like this but please don’t go getting into any danger okay? I don’t think my heart can take it…”
“Promise.” You cross an ‘X’ across your heart then crack a smile, "But If I do die you can have my giant cotton daybed to make up for it."
“….Tempting, but you can't use that to let me let you be reckless!”
“I'm going to go get more snacks from inside. Do you want me to mix you more tea?”
“Yes please! I think you might be better at mixing my drinks than me at this point….”
“Cause whenever you come over you drink so much! I don’t know how you’re even capable of consuming that much liquid, especially with nectar in it.” They stick their tongue out in disgust.
"And I can't believe you only drink water!"
They shrug and walk into their home leaving you to wait patiently at the table.
Your mind unsurprisingly drifts to Bruno. Maybe moths like nectar as much as butterflies.
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arandompostarchive · 3 years
Inure - Ch. 1
Summary: To some, The Specter is a serial killer. To some, a hero. But to everyone, you were entirely a mystery. You had no history, just a list of victims a mile long. No matter how many people searched your name, they could find anything. If only they had the spelling right. Now, you’ve come across some unfortunate information that drives you out of your usual shadows and into the path of the Avengers. Including two of the more reclusive members of the team. And it’s hard to pick only one of them.
The man ran through the hall, his footsteps echoing throughout his house. He tried to navigate the dark halls, too scared to turn on lights or stop and think. He turned every so often, hoping your figure wasn’t behind him anymore. But it always was. He was panicking, you could tell. He could feel sweat stick to the inside of his white button down and the creases of the dress pants he had yet to take off.
He tried to avoid the small side tables and expensive foreign vases that lined his hall. He had managed to trip over a few tables though, knocking the glass onto his floor, shattering it. Each time he’d whisper a soft curse. There was glass beneath your shoes that probably cost millions of dollars. You found it funny. Even now, running for his life, money was still at the back of his mind.
He ran into the next room he saw, his office. A closed off space with nowhere to run. He turned around, looking at each wall. You could hear a string of curses fall from his mouth before he turned to you.
His small study still had a lamp on, the room dimly lit with the yellow-tinted light.
“Please, what do you want? Money? I can do that. Hell, I can get you your own house! I’ve got connections. I can find people for you! Other people! Please, don’t.”
Now, most people would feel bad about this. Chasing a man through his own home with certain ill intention. But you had seen his life. You’d seen what he does to people. He’d tear apart families, kidnapping people and selling any drug he could find. His hands were soaked in blood, something you could understand. But while you had killed, you picked your victims well. They were the most guilty people you could find. Murderers, kidnappers, kingpins, anyone who managed to escape justice.
Some called you a serial killer, a term that wasn’t exactly incorrect. Some thought you were a vigilante, which also wasn’t wrong. But no matter what, everyone was silently grateful for everything you did.
You always found a new target. From whispers on the street, other criminals, cops who needed a break, sometimes Nick Fury himself would send you a case file or two. You had seen it all, people with souls blacker than night. And this man was no different.
“I don’t want money, Laurence. You’ve killed innocents. You’ve let people die. You’ve heard them beg for mercy and have granted none. Why would I give you a luxury you haven’t given any of your victims?”
The man stuttered. His eyes darted around, frantically trying to find something. Maybe a weapon or just an idea of how to get out of this mess. He suddenly spoke, his voice shaking and cracking. “Because I have information! There’s this man who’s building some huge weapon. Probably wants to take New York out. He could start wars with this thing, yeah? It’ll kill millions in a heartbeat. I know what he’s got! I know what he’s doing, I’ve met the guy! I’ll tell you everything.” He spoke quickly, hoping to finish before you decided to end him. “But not if I’m dead.”
You scoffed. “Tell me, why on Earth would I accept the pleas of a dead man?” You asked. It was a real question, despite your sarcastic tone.
“I’ve got the info! He was chatting with some friends of mine, gave ‘em a whole file about it.” He reached toward the desk and pulled a file off of it, showing it to you. It read “SPECTR2” on the front in small, black script. Your eyes widened and you grabbed the file from him.
He watched as you read over it and confirmed his theory. He was right. Whoever this man was, he had the real thing.
“Alright, fine.” You said, accepting his offer.
“Oh thank god! I knew you’d be reasonable, you’re all about ‘the greater good’, yeah? I’ll tell you whatever you want, lady.” He said, relief washing over his features.
You smiled. “Yeah.” You held the file at your side. “Thing is, I know all about this project already. I don’t need you.”
The panic quickly spread across his face again and he racked his brain for something else. “C’mon, don’t I get something here?” He said, glancing at the walls to find some kind of weapon.
You sighed. “Fine. I’ll make your death quick.” You said, taking out one of your swords. He only had a minute to react before he was already dead. You had gotten used to the sight of death, though it wasn’t your favorite thing, there was something satisfying about knowing you had avenged people in some way.
His blood had already stained the carpet he had surrounding his desk and leaked along the cracks of the wooden floor. You groaned at the thought of cleaning your shoes after this and sat down at his desk chair, looking for any other info on the man starting up Project SPECTR again.
“So you want us to team up with some psycho killer?” Tony said, leaning back in his usual chair. The meeting room was packed, each member of the team, and some newer additions, crowded together at one table with Steve stationed at the front.
“She has information, Tony. She says lives are in danger.” Tony looked at him ridiculously.
“I’ve got my share of psycho’s on this team and now we’re working with another?” Tony gestured to Bucky and Loki’s side of the table. He got a glare from Nat and he only shrugged his shoulders in response. “Her terms are insane! She wants immunity for every crime she’s done or ever will do. That doesn’t sound insane to you? What if she’s got some master plan and we won’t be able to arrest her for it?”
Nat looked between Steve and Tony. It was obvious they weren’t getting anywhere.
“She’s got info we need. If she wanted to enact some ‘master plan’ she’d just use whatever death machine she’s got, not tell us about it. If she’s serious, we’ll hold up our end. If she’s messing with us, we won’t and we’ll lock her up on site. But if she’s really found plans for what could be the world’s next terrorist attack, we at least need to see her proof.”
Tony looked to Nat, “She’s basically holding the world hostage! Either she gets to do whatever the fuck she wants or everyone dies. We’re really letting that slide?”
This time Steve spoke, though he glared at Tony a bit for his cursing. “I didn’t say I liked it. She’s put us in a tough situation. And Nat’s right. If she’s lying in any way, we’ll lock her up. We’ve got to living lie detectors at this table.” He gestured to Loki on one side of the table and Wanda on the other. Tony only rolled his eyes, silently accepting the argument.
“Are we sure about this? I mean, if she’s telling the truth, then we’ve got some sociopath with a death ray somewhere. But what if she’s lying? She’ll be in the compound. Even if we can lock her up, what if we aren’t able to before she accomplishes whatever task she’s trying to?” Sam said as soon as the room had quieted a bit. A few team members nodded along, considering the possibility.
“We have to take that risk.” Steve said.
You strode into the Avengers’ compound, appreciating the space. It was larger than what you were used to. You had jumped from house to house, staying away from law enforcement. If all went well though, you wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore.
There were a few Avengers there to greet you. You had recognized them from the news and you were interested in seeing Natasha here. Among them, you saw Tony Stark. You’d recognize him a mile away. He looked different from his father, though he had the same sarcastic look on his face. You considered punching him now, maybe giving him a serious injury. But, sadly, there really were lives at stake.
Captain America stepped closer to you, holding out his hand. You took it hesitantly, the gloves of your suit meeting his hands. You appreciated the hood of your outfit now with the light reflecting off of windows and into your eyes. It was at least a little bit of protection.
“Specter. Good to meet you. I’m Captain Rogers, just call me Steve.” The other Avengers stepped to his side, making you slightly uncomfortable with how close they were. You couldn’t show it though. You had to be steeled, show no fear. Especially since you were in the lion’s den.
“This is Natasha, Tony, and Thor. We’ve got a meeting room just this way.” He got straight to business and began leading you away. You were careful to let the four Avengers go in front of you, and you were certain at least Natasha had noticed this action. Tony kept glancing back to you, slightly nervous. You could accept that. You felt nervous too, though you had gotten good at concealing your nerves, even before you had ‘died’.
You entered the room which had all of the other Avengers in it as well as five empty chairs. You were seated at the end, directly next to Natasha. Steve settled himself in the end chair right next to you. You looked at the rest of the group who were all doing a terrible job of pretending not to stare at you.
“Alright, Specter. Should we call you Specter?” You nodded, letting Steve continue. “Your conditions are questionable to say the least. We need to figure out if you’re actually telling the truth about this weapon first.”
“That’s fine,” you began, “I’d do the same.” You opened up your file, noting how there was a small camera above you, casting a picture of the file onto a board at the front of the room. You smiled at the innovation, curious about how exactly it worked. It had been a while since you’d gotten to appreciate technology, and where better than the home of a Stark.
“This is a real file. I worked on this project years ago. It was meant to help heal people. Stitch them back together, even when they were on the brink of death. But it malfunctioned. I can tell you this is real. Check any references you like, though it’ll be hard to get your hands on. We never made digital copies, this is our original paper.”
Tony squinted at the paper, seeming confused by it.
“And by we, you mean…?” Another man trailed off. You recognized him as Hawkeye, though you hadn’t memorized their actual names.
“Me and Howard Stark. We worked on it back during the war, it was like our pet project.” Tony seemed less confused now.
“That was over half a century ago. How exactly are you standing here?” You sighed at Hawkeye’s question.
“It’s a rather long and annoying story. Let’s keep it simple and say I’ve effectively scared off death.”
“Guys,” Tony said, still looking at the projection of the file. The room turned to him and you were thankful for whatever subject change he had to offer. “I’d love to say she’s full of it, but I know my father’s handwriting. That’s his signature too at the bottom.” As he pointed the small camera zoomed in. You’d have to ask him about the technology’s design later. Assuming this actually went well. You slightly cringed at the thought of speaking to a Stark again, but you’d manage for the sake of a new discovery. “Hey, Friday?”
“Yes Boss?”
You heard a woman’s voice in the room that didn’t belong to anyone present. You quickly figured out it was an AI system Stark had made.
“How well does that match Howard’s handwriting?”
There was a beat of silence before the AI, Friday, spoke again.
“It’s a perfect match.”
The team didn’t seem to know if that was good or bad.
“So there’s really someone set on ending humanity?” A man said across the table. You remembered his moniker being something bird themed, like Hawkeye’s, but it wasn’t coming to you.
“Believe me, I wouldn’t be anywhere near this place unless absolutely necessary,” You said. The Captain glanced around the table and the group seemed to silently make their decision.
“Alright. We’ll meet your terms, but understand that you must stay here through his whole process. No ‘missions’ of your own.” You thought over his offer. It was slightly tempting. Though you’d miss your little hunt for criminals, it would be nice to have a house for longer than a week.
“Fine. But you can’t bind my powers or spy on me or some bullshit.” The Captain nodded, agreeing.
Suddenly, you were a temporary Avenger.
“I don’t like her. She’s too calm. We’re facing a giant death machine and she’s completely stone faced.” You could overhear the conversation from where you stood outside the Avengers common area. Natasha had offered to show you around and you had denied, instead accepting a map and list of locations you’d be interested in.
They were sitting around in a circle of couches, all facing each other. Some of the members seemed distracted. Like one with long hair who was slowly stroking the spine of a book he carried in his hands and another with a striking metal arm. You had to admit, the team was certainly good-looking.
You continued to listen to the conversation, though you had lost a bit of the argument when you retreated into your thoughts.
“What can we do? I’m hardly happy about this, but she’s holding the world hostage, like you said. Millions might die if he didn’t have that info.”
“And what, we’re trusting a serial killer? She’s murdered who know’s how many people and we’re supposed to just sit here and fucking sing Kumbaya?!” Tony said. You could see his point. You wouldn’t trust you either.
“Many of us have killed.” Loki said, offering some perspective and hoping someone else would continue his point. He was still on ‘house-arrest’ and was hardly considered trustworthy. Stark wouldn’t listen no matter how silver his tongue was. But the others seemed to at least consider his words with the exception of Hawkeye who seemed upset that he even had to hear Loki’s voice.
“He’s right Stark. I’d hardly say my hands are clear, but here I am.” Natasha added, taking up Loki’s silent offer to continue his argument.
“I’m not okay with this. She’s absolutely mental. I can’t find anything on her besides media speculation. SHIELD didn’t have anything on her, despite the fact that she’s a well-known criminal and she’s got no history. No names attached, nothing. Just media speculation which is all made up. I checked.”
You took this time to walk out from the hall, the click of your shoes making the group look up. “It’s because you have the spelling wrong.” The entire team looked nervous at being caught. “Don’t feel bad. Of course you’d talk about me, I’m a stranger in your midst.” That seemed to calm some of them down, though they still looked wary of you. Stark was the first to speak.
“We’ve got the spelling wrong?” He asked.
“I’d expect so. You’re spelling my name as ‘Specter’, a ghost, like the media does. Try S-P-E-C-T-R, you’ll find a little more.” You before turning and walking out of the room. While you weren’t excited about opening up your backstory, it’d make this whole ‘trust’ thing a lot quicker. And if you were going to get anywhere, there’d need to be some sort of trust.
Project SPECTR - August, 1940
Howard Stark and Dr. Y/n L/n began SPECTR in August of 1940 and have been working on it for three years now.
It’s expected to help Allies win the war, though Dr. L/n believes it could— and should— be used for other purposes. There have been several malfunctions so far and I am unsure how they will continue. Stark has been promoting the idea among generals and strategists, despite the lack of finished product. Dr. L/n suspects it will not be finished by the time Stark suggests, in two weeks. She has told various generals not to expect anything in two weeks, though all generals seem to unfortunately favor Stark’s estimates. They plan to run a test run in one week and fully activate the machine. Both Stark and Dr. L/n hope it will be completely stable for at least ten minutes.
There was a messy signature at the bottom, though Steve identified it quickly as ‘Margaret Carter’.
They read through a few other files, and learned more about the original project. Reportedly, there was a severe malfunction, resulting in Dr. L/n’s death. Peggy had shut down the project immediately after, despite Howard’s begging that it would still work. There had apparently been a rift in their friendship over Dr. L/n’s death.
It also said that the Doctor’s body had disappeared in 1992, only weeks after Howard’s death, which had sparked a few conspiracy theories for those aware of her connection to Stark and Carter, two famous names. She was a leading scientist and was making seriously impressive strides. Stark was disappointed she had died so soon. He couldn’t help but wonder what she would’ve done.
“Is that Specter?” Sam asked about the Doctor working on the project. Though the team seemed unsure of the answer, Steve responded.
“It must be. Why else would she draw our attention to this. She’s got personal experience with whoever is trying to restart the project, though I’m not entirely certain why a machine to heal people will be turned into a new weapon.”
The team tossed theories back and forth and you listened in, smiling when a few of them guessed right. You slipped away soon after though, heading down the hall to the training room.
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divinityoswin · 3 years
chocolate bar
Commission for: @ask-wbp-b @mushroomgrenade ❤
➵ my commissions are open!
summary: Snapshots of B’s relationship with Roger, told through chocolate.
wordcount: 2024
characters: Roger & B (OC)
Warnings: mild mentions of character death
It’s a day like any other, and yet somehow the captain of the Roger pirates is as exhilarated as ever.  True, B hadn’t exactly had the time to know Gol D. Roger (not Gold Roger, he had made very clear when introducing himself to her for the first time - it didn’t help that when she tried to say she knew already, her fingers glitched) but her knowledge of the future provides insight into the future King’s personality.
He is like a child, almost, in that joyful way he views the world.  Yet there’s something much older and wiser within him, something that calls for allies.  For every battle won, Roger celebrates their victory - and also their lives.  And they’d only won two battles since B had joined them.
A week has come and gone since Whitebeard gave her his blessing to go sail with Roger, and in that time she’s made friends with most of the crew.  Shanks and Rayleigh were the most welcoming at the time, the latter going as far as to give her a tour of the crew and introduce her to all her new shipmates personally.  Roger, of course, was warm too, but it was hard to talk to him, much less reach him, what with all the commotion happening all.  The damn.  Time.
B sits underneath the mast, relishing in the rare moment of serenity in the Oro Jackson with a cup of tea by her side and notepads on the other.  There is absolutely nothing that could ruin this moment.
“Hey, B!”
Nothing at all.
She refuses to look at the intruder - one because they had just interrupted a very relaxing moment, and two because they’d been getting a resounding headache overtime from the excessive partying.  
The intruder huffs, and from the corner of her eye she sees a pink sleeve with a hand resting on a hip.  Her gaze follows up, frowning, and wondering why that voice is so familiar - and then it hits her.
“Roger!” she exclaims.  He’s never singled her out like this before.  Not even when she begged Pops to let her go with him. “Oh, I thought you were an insect.”
Roger frowns. “What does that mean?”
“Annoying,” she says, poking her tongue out playfully.  
It’s almost surreal to her, that she can banter with Roger like this.  She expects him to shout out a quick “hey!” of defiance, but is caught off-guard when he throws his head back and laughs.  That hearty, deep rumble that somehow sounds like the ocean’s tides echoes throughout the deck, and although she’s used to it by now, the power it wielded was still unfathomable.  Roger’s laughter slowly turns into chuckles, until finally it stops, and he wipes at the corner of his eyes.
“You guys always say that, but you’re the ones following me!” Roger says. “Maybe I ain’t so annoying after all, hm?” He smirks and nudges B with his elbow.
The fact that he includes her in his crew already doesn’t slip past her.  She tilts her head, staring at her new captain with interest. “Did you need something?”
“Nope,” he replies, grinning. “Just checking up on you.  We haven’t had much of a chance to talk yet.”
“You’re always surrounded by adoring fans,” B says.
He feigns a sigh. “It’s tough being so famous.  Marines are always after my autograph.”
The pair glance at each other and hold back laughter - try to, that is.  It doesn’t take long for the two to erupt into giggles, before they begin guffawking and holding in their stomachs.  Roger is the first to recover.  B takes a little while longer, mostly because she couldn’t believe the absurdity of the situation.  When she finally stops, she looks up to him.
Roger is smiling, brighter than even the sun, and she feels as though they could conquer the world together.
Suddenly she understands why so many people were attracted to him.  His personality was like a magnet, drawing people in and sticking them to him.  He isn’t nearly the demon others made him out to be, yet at the same time that power is so terrifying that she understands why.
Mihawk was right.
“So,” Roger begins, “you feeling good about this ship?”
She looks around. “I mean.  It’s nice?  I’m not much of a shipwright, but I like the wood.”
“Tom’ll be glad to hear that!” Roger laughs. “But that’s not what I meant.”
Roger sits down next to her, his legs crossed and his hands resting on his thighs.  He looks to be deep in thought. “I meant - the crew.  You feeling alright?  It’s a whole new crew for you,” he says.
Ah.  Now that makes sense.  Her now-captain is worried for her wellbeing, making sure she’s getting along well with everyone.  Ensuring that his newest member didn’t feel left out.  A soft giggle passes over B’s lips at the prospect that anyone of Roger’s crew would be unwelcoming.  Even the teenage Buggy had been nothing but warm to her since her arrival on the ship (though, with Buggy he tried to be tough and scary - keyword being tried).  
“It’s a wonderful crew,” she says, “with a wonderful captain.”
Roger’s grin grows even wider, as if that were physically possible.  He shines brighter than the sun. “A wonderful captain, eh?  Now that’s a compliment from a gorgeous lady!”
B doesn’t bother hiding her blush.  Roger would somehow sense it, anyway - he always does have a sixth sense for that kind of thing.  So, instead, she leans against him playfully, feeling the salty ocean breeze across her face as she looks up.  Roger smells of berries and the sea itself, she muses. 
“I brought you a gift,” he says. “Just a small welcoming present.  Don’t feel the need to pay me back.”
In her hands sits a box, placed there by the future Pirate King himself.  It’s a light box, simple, plain - a tangled mess she assumes is supposed to be a bowtie is tied on the front.  
“Rayleigh did that,” Roger lies. 
Curious, she removes the bow and opens the box.  
Chocolates.  Dozens of them littered inside - it’s not exactly a pre-brought box, and she notices a couple of them are half-eaten, but the sentiment is enough for her.  Smiling, she picks up a piece (not one of the half-eaten ones, she doesn’t want to know whose fault that was) and plops it into her mouth.
The chocolate instantly melts inside, the sweet sensation - with a hint of salt from the ocean breeze - bringing pure bliss to her mouth.  B savoured the taste, having not tasted some since - when was the last time she had some?  Whitebeard didn’t usually have it on his ship, so there was a very real possibility it was before then.  She is at least grateful it’s milk chocolate too - not too sweet, and not too bitter.  She swallows, and grins.
“You know the best way to a girl’s heart is by chocolates, huh?” B says, munching down on another one.  
Roger shrugs. “If anyone tells you I only got you them so I could snitch them off you, they’re lying,” he says, but in a playful manner, so B assumes he’s joking around.  
“Oh?  And just who ate half of these already?”
“I told you, Rayleigh.”
“Mm-hmm,” Roger whistles, averting his eyes from B.  B sets the box of chocolates down and leans over to his field of vision.  He looks the other way, and B leans the other way.  Finally, he looks up, seemingly intently focused on the clouds, and B kicks him in the shin because he’s only looking where B cannot go, and he knows B is not tall enough for that, and - oh, dear God, B just kicked the future King of the Pirates.  The captain of the Roger Pirates.  Roger himself.
He’s hissing in pain, hopping on one leg and holding his other knee close to his chest as he rubs it.  For a moment, B’s confused - honestly, she didn’t hit him that hard, did she?  
But he’s glancing over at her expectantly every-so-often, pausing in-between moans of pain, as if he’s expecting her to do something.  Like nurse him.
B rolls her eyes.
“Yeah, good luck with that,” she says, and begins her walk towards the kitchen to get an ice pack.  Not for Roger, of course.  
* * *
They’d found themselves soaring high up into the sky, much higher than anything they’d ever seen before -  not even Reverse Mountain, according to those who were there back when they traversed up it - could compare to the sheer height of Skypiea.  The Oro Jackson had survived the knock-up stream (with, thankfully, no one hurt) and the citizens greeted them with curiosity and wonder.
Now, they’re scattered over Angel Beach, sipping on pumpkin smoothies and enjoying the brief period of relaxation that has been bestowed upon them.  The Roger Pirates almost feel right at home here.  Almost.
B sips on her smoothie - it’s okay, she thinks, she doesn’t dislike it.  But she doesn’t particularly love it either.  Pumpkin isn’t exactly a tropical drink.  It doesn’t fit the mood right.  Sighing, she leans back on the lounge chair until she was laying on her back, staring at the cloudless sky.  
If memory serves her correctly - which, honestly, had been somewhat of a struggle as time passed - this is the time that Roger carves his name into the Poneglyph.  Which means that their journey had reached somewhat of a halfway point.  That, eventually, Roger would… well.  The thought sours her mood completely, leaving her brooding away from the rest of the crew and glitching ever-so-slightly.  If the others notice, they don’t say a word - save for Shanks, who wants to know if B would like to watch him drop a crab down Buggy’s shorts.  She denies, and he runs off, looking mildly concerned for her.
A sigh passes through her lips.
“Beli for your thoughts?” The voice of her captain surprises her, almost causing her to drop her smoothie. “Wait - don’t tell me.  I don’t wanna hear spoilers.”
“I almost dropped my smoothie,” B says, turning to give Roger an unamused glance. 
“Ah, but you didn’t!” Roger replies, sipping on his own drink - a conasshu, one of the locals had called it.  He looks a bit ridiculous, with a hibiscus planted in his hair, his open shirt stitched together with a tropical flora pattern, and swimming shorts to top the look all off.  Even his sandals scream tourist. “Shanks told me you were looking a bit down - everyone did, really.”
There’s an awkward silence that passes between them.  B finishes off the last of her drink, the slurping sound seeming like thunder in her head.  Then, white noise.  Even when  Roger yells something to Buggy, distracting the poor boy for a brief moment.
Buggy yelps in pain.
Almost instantly, the silence is broken, broken by Roger’s laughter and his absolute joy in the scene in front of him, and B forgets about everything, and laughs too.
“By the way, present for you,” Roger says, handing over a piece of chocolate. “We found some on Jaya.  Thought you’d appreciate it.”
B takes it and frowns.
“Someone’s taken a bite out of it,” she says.
“Yeah, I told Rayleigh not to, but you know how he is.”  Roger grins, placing his hands on his hips and shining brighter than even the sun - a difficult thing to do this high up in the atmosphere. “Always stealing food, that damn first mate.”
“Rayleigh, huh,” B repeats.  She takes a bit out of the chocolate - it’s a bit too bitter for her tastes, but it’s fine.
Roger gasps. “Indirect kiss!”
“Oh, shut up.”
* * *
The bell rings.  Once, twice, thrice - then, there’s the muffled jeers, the cries of joy that are distant and oh-so-cruel.  
B sits by herself, alone at a bar, and downs another glass of whiskey.  She doesn’t know where the rest of the crew are now.  Maybe they’ve scattered all over the place.  Maybe some of them have settled down.
A half-melted, half-eaten chocolate, still wrapped in foil, sits in her pocket.
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bedtimebrain · 3 years
EXO D.O.: A Little Jealous Part 2! (Your POV)
This part 2 took me really long to get it out. I had initially written it in both Ksoo and Your ‘pov’ in one post. But it got too long! So i decided to change it to just your POV(the norm). I still haven’t decided if i should finish the one on Ksoo’s POV.
Edit: I continued Ksoo’s for fun without the intention to finish it, but I think it turned out pretty decent! So His POV’s part is also up now!!
Part 1 Part 2 Ksoo POV Characters: DKS x reader (+exo & random chr)
Back at the team dinner
At the center of the circle, the bottle spun to minho.
‘Truth or dare!’
‘Ok so, the team has been really curious. WHEN DID YOU AND Y/N STARTED DATING?!’ Ji Hye asked like she has been holding this in for 10 years.
The both of you were a little taken aback at the question, looking over at each other with a laugh.
‘We are just friends, what gave you that impression? We never dated and will never date guys’ Minho answered
‘No way! You guys definitely look like a couple!’
‘Comeon say the truth y/n! You guys are always hanging out together, i even saw you carrying y/n’s bag for you today’
‘yes yes! Weren’t you both holding hands that day?’
Everyone chimed in disbelief.
‘Didn’t know we appeared this way to you guys. Anyway I was just holding y/n hand to shake off this guy who has been bothering her. And I was just helping Y/N with her bag because she looked like she might die anytime just now’
While everyone was sighing and expressing their disappointment, minho made the next spin. You rolled your eyes at minho when it pointed to you.
You picked dare, wanting to divert the team’s attention to something else instead.
‘Ok then, pick from the dare box.’ You reached your hand into it and pulled out a purple strip.
‘Take a selfie with the person from the previous turn and upload to instagram with the caption ‘a cute us’
You almost had a heart attack reading that, this just fueled everyone’s enthusiasm even more.
Although you knew that kyungsoo probably won’t see this since he doesn’t have instagram, you can’t help but feel guilty and worried about it. You’re attached! (Though you can’t say it) and doing this just doesn’t seem right..
There’s absolutely no way you could get out of this. Denying doing this just makes things seem more suspicious between the both of you. 
Making it fast ,you did the dare and uploaded the picture. Totally forgetting the fact that other members followed you with their privates. You told yourself in 10minutes you’re getting out of here and deleting that photo.
As usual, minho sent you back. After such a long day you can’t wait to just take a shower and flop down on your bed.
Heading to the shower, you screamed at the sight of a bug.
Running to your phone you sent a SOS to minho,
Just 2 minutes later the bell rang. That was certainly a little fast, you thought to yourself.
Running to the door, you shouted ‘MINHO YA!’ Opening the door, you were surprised to see kyungsoo’s face instead. 
'Oppa, why you here ? Did your photoshoot end early? You didn’t text me back tho...’
‘Uh are you expecting someone? Minho?’
‘Oh right, speaking of which I dont need him now, let me drop him a text. Oppa come in and kill the bug for me please!!’ You dragged him right to your shower and stayed far away while he rid the bug for you.
After the bug extermination, you can’t help but sense something’s not too right with kyungsoo tonight.
Hoping to loosen his seemingly tense frame, you reached out to hug him
‘Thank you, for killing the bug’ at the same time flashing him your sweetest smile.
Sitting down and linking your arms in his on the sofa, you asked,
‘Oppa, do you have something to tell me? You don’t look particularly excited or happy to be here today’
Kyungsoo looked to you, and for a good while, did not say anything. Instead, breaking the body contact, he reached for the glass of water on the coffee table; gulping it down as if it was his courage portion.
‘I saw that picture. The one on instagram.’ 
Your heart stopped, a wave of guilt washed over you as you started to explain yourself
‘Ah that.. sorry oppa, it was a dare I had to do at the team dinner, I tried so hard to avoid it but I couldn’t say I was attached either.. ’
‘But the string of comments sure made it sound like you guys are the most popular ship in your school?’ Kyungsoo replied with distaste lacing his voice
It dawned on you that you had never shown minho’s picture to kyungsoo, perhaps that’s why he was so upset about this. He must have thought the guy in the picture was someone special to you that you never mentioned.
‘Oppa that’s actually Minho in the picture. And you know we are just really close friends.’
At this Kyungsoo looked a little stunned. You could tell he was in the midst of processing his thoughts as a frown started to form on his forehead.
‘I don’t really like you hanging out with minho.’ Kyungsoo blurted out 
Now, you didn’t really understand the situation. What’s with kyungsoo acting like a possessive boyfriend? 
‘You were always okay with minho and i hanging out. Why does us taking a picture change that ?’ You were a little irritated, you stood up and started raising your voice.
Seeing that you absolutely lost your cool, kyungsoo didn’t hold back either
‘y/n do you know how i felt looking at those comments?! I am not okay with the whole school thinking you both are together when you’re supposed to be my girlfriend!’, he got up from the sofa in frustration
‘Ya! Even if i am not friends with minho, I can’t always avoid such situations! Because i can’t tell anyone i’m attached, guys still hit on me and people think they can pair me up with random guys because they think i’m single! 
To me, they can think whatever they want but minho is just a friend. Oppa, shouldn’t you of all people understand this the most?’
‘You’re asking me to understand when minho actually looks your ideal type? And i never knew about it?’
You were caught off guard at this question. Your ideal type? Tall, well built, sporty , fun... Suddenly realising minho does fit the bill for your ideal type.
Though feeling a little bad now, you were not going to give in to this ridiculous argument. Your friendship with minho was on the line. 
‘My ideal type? If we wanted to get together, we would have long ago ok! Why would I get together with you then him?!’
You both stayed silent for a little while, turning your backs on each other at the peak of the argument. 
Calming down, you told yourself this could go on and on tonight, or you could just take a softer approach towards your boyfriend.
Out of love, you put aside your frustration and hugged him instead. Leaning into his chest, you didn’t know exactly what to say either. 
Dropping to his low voice, kyungsoo muttered ‘When I saw that picture, it felt like my nightmare came true. Every night i get worried that you would one day get tired of dating an idol.. Or even dating someone like me..’ 
You never knew kyungsoo felt this way, he was never particularly expressive in the relationship. You knew he liked you and genuinely cared for you, but you never knew he loved you this much. 
‘we don’t spend alot of time together but you always get to be with minho.. so much that people think you’re both attached..’
At this point, you saw through him. You came to understand the picture triggered his insecurities and manifested as jealousy. 
You pulled him back down on the sofa and started 
‘oppa, i cannot promise you people will stop misunderstanding minho and i, but i will be more careful to draw a clearer line in our friendship for you. 
and i never thought of minho as my ideal type or saw him in a way more than friends. i know it might not put you at ease hearing me say this, but can you trust me? 
I have been friends with minho for many years and have met many guys too. But it’s you for me ok?’ you held onto his arm and looked in his eyes saying this, hoping he sees what you feel for him.
Poking him at his little belly, you continued light heartedly
‘though you may not be the most attractive looking man out there...’ causing him to look up at you as you say it.
Giving him a peck on the cheek you continued
‘but you make me feel comfortable and special all at the same time. saranghae oppa, you’re the only one.’
At your words, he pulled you closer and rested his chin on your head, saying
‘ Though i still don’t feel the best about our situation and about minho, but i know we can’t help this.. Just promise to stay with me please’
Raising your pinky finger and turning up to face him,
‘ i promise you oppa!’
Linking your pinkies together, kyungsoo finally smiled back at you today and said
‘na do saranghae’ didn’t really turn out the way i thought it would for a jealousy story, haha. but still hope you enjoyed it!
on a side note, im thinking of doing this scenario for baekhyun too! i think his might be much easier to imagine, hahha. if you’re a baek fan please don’t expect too much tho! it won’t be as long as ksoo’s if i actually do it~
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ijenoyou · 3 years
First Kiss.
jeno x oc!mia. nct24th member. red velvet6th member.
summary; Jeno and Mia share one special memory.
warnings; mmm just fluff haha
btw remember english isn’t my first language soooo just ignore if there’s any mistakes haha and remember you can request anything for this story/character!
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It was time to start getting ready for the photoshoot all the 19 members from nct would be doing for their NCT2018 promotions but Mia couldn’t help but to start feeling nervous about it. She never liked being on the spot and she knew that the rest of the members would look at her when taking her picture. She never said anything because she was shy to do so.
Even worse, Jeno would be looking at her.
Mia didn’t know when she started to feel that way towards her friend and group member. She even asked about it to her Red Velvet members which resulted in them saying that maybe she was just feeling that way because Jeno was being extra soft and nice with her than the other members would.
It wasn’t until all of the 18 members started to record the songs together that she started to see Jeno in another light and just as her members said, maybe she was just happy that Jeno treated her different like the other boys do. They always play fight with her and treat Mia like a sister but Jeno would always ask her how she is, tell her she looks pretty and overall be a gentleman.
She saw that Jeno came out of the dressing room with a suit on and some thick glasses.
Her hands started to sweat and she sighed.
“Are you okay Mia?” Johnny asked.
“Uh? Yeah, I’m just...” She trailed her words.
“She’s just admiring the view.” Donghyuck said with a mocking tone. “I think our little Mia has a crush on someone~”
Everyone at the room gasped since Donghyuck said that with a loud voice.
“Who?!” Most of the members screamed and the rest of them just smiled.
“I-I don’t have one! And you.” Mia said pointing to Donghyuck. “What do you mean ‘little’? I’m older than you.”
He was about to say something back but Taeyong grabbed him by the shoulders indicating him to stop bothering her.
“Stop fighting kids, they’re calling us for the photoshoot.” Taeyong said with a small smile amused with the whole situation.
Mia groaned and stood up from her seat, she slumped her shoulder and started to leave the room so she could be the first one to go and leave for good.
“Do you believe her?” Renjun said to Jeno. while watching her pose.
“Believe what?” He asked.
“That she doesn’t have a crush on someone, as far as I know she’s been talking with someone.” Renjun said and Jeno furrowed his eyebrows, he couldn’t believe that, not when the both of them have been spending a lot of time together.
Jeno had a bit of hope since he thought Mia liked him back. But he wasn’t so sure now.
“How do you know?” Jeno asked with the same sad expression on his face.
“Well since Mia and I are also recoding for a station song I’ve noticed she’s always texting this one person but the thing is, she has them saved with a heart which is is rare because no one except her Red Velvet members have one.” He shrugged his shoulders. “But I feel like it could be one of our members.”
Oh no. That just made things worse. Jeno groaned and huffed.
“Why are you so into that? You like her or something?” Renjun said with a playful smile but stoped as soon as he saw the look in Jeno’s eye. “Oh god, you do like Mia!” He said with excitement.
Shock crossed in Jeno’s face.
“No! I-I’m just curious.” Was all he said and left Renjun’s side.
Oh god, oh god, oh god. He knows! I’m so scre-
Jeno kept on walking around waiting for his turn until he saw his best friend flirting with the camera he has on his hand. He decided to sit next to Jaemin who kept on talking with the camera that was used for the behind the scenes videos they would later upload on the official youtube chanel.
After Mia finished her part of the photos she went to look out for Jaemin, who was the only one that knew Mia’s crush on his best friend. She wanted to talk with him about the situation and ask him what to do. But as soon as she saw Jeno next to him she started to feel nervous. Again.
“Noona! Come here, say hi to nctzen~” Jaemin spoke with a baby voice he only used with Chenle, Jisung and Mia.
She had no other option than to go with him and try to act normal.
Jaemin turned the camera towards her, showing her outfit and makeup. Mia said hi to the camera and went on a bit of a talk with it pretending it was a fan.
“You look really pretty.” Jeno spoke interrupting her making her eyebrows rise in surprise as well as Jaemin’s did.
“Uh, thank you Jen.” She smiled with red cheeks and Jaemin couldn’t but to tease her. “Stop! I wanted to talk to you!” Mia whined and held Jaemin’s hand.
“I’m all ears!” Jaemin answered still teasing her.
“Jaemin~ Please, it’s important.” Mia tried to use her sweet voice she sometimes would use with the 127 members in exchange of something.
Jeno watched the whole interaction and made him wonder. What if Jaemin is the one Renjun was talking about? What’s so important that she only needs Jaemin to know? Jeno started to panic.
“Jaemin! We need you on set!” A staff member shouted.
“Well, I’m leaving, we’re going to talk later, okay?” He said and patted Mia’s head before he left.
She huffed and took a seat next to Jeno, shoulders touching. The both of them were in silence for a few seconds until Jeno turned towards her.
“So...” He trailed.
“Yeah, so...” She tried to say something but couldn’t help but to stare into his face, his oh so handsome face.
“Is that true?” Jeno murmured.
“Is what true?”
“That you gave a crush on someone? I heard Haechan teasing you, it’s okay, you can tell me.” He tried to sound normal but inside his mind he was screaming.
“I-I can’t t-tell you.” Mia stuttered.
“It’s fine Mia, I won’t tell Jaemin you like him, don’t worry.” Jeno explained with a comforting smile.
“What?!” Her face was full with confusion. “It’s not Jaemin who I like.”
Jeno turned his head to the side with a uh? coming out of his lips, a very cute habit of his. Mia smiled and turned her body towards the boy. It’s now or never she thought.
“I like you Jeno.” Was all she said with a shy smile and rosy cheeks trying to avoid his eyes.
“I like you too Mia.” Jeno linked his pinky with hers and his body went closer towards Mia. “I think I like you way too much.” He whispered.
Their foreheads were touching and he sighed while closing his eyes.
“Can I kiss you?” Jeno asked and the tips of his ears went red.
“I haven’t gotten my first kiss yet.” Mia spoke softly making Jeno’s smile grow.
“Good thing I haven’t either.”
After hearing that Mia went for it, she touched his lips with hers, finally sharing a sweet first kiss.
“Oh god! See, I told you!” Renjun’s loud voice startled Mia and Jeno making them stop.
“You interrupted the moment!” Jaemin scolded his friend while still holding the camera which was still recording.
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malereader-inserts · 4 years
Fandom: Criminal Mind Pairing: BAU & Male!Reader Summary: It’s a word not many know, but it is the act of killing one’s brother. Word Count: 1,729 Warning: Mentions of drugs, smoking, alcohol, abuse
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Traditionally, the concept is a good twin and an evil twin, but better yet, in deviant cases, there has been an evil twin and eviler twin.
It was a common fact within the team, everyone hated cases where the serial killers were a set of twins - you, however, have a reputation of absolutely detesting twin cases, whether it be the killers of victims. The team never really understood why, until they found themselves sitting in a dirty cell under some run-down building.
You’ve been running your own case for a while, been managing calls between your cases with the team and your private investigation, a little case back home. So, when your team went to your hometown, you weren’t that all surprised to find yourself in a little predicament. 
Morgan was muttering swears, bearly beaten, with Rossi next to him - hardly touched but he was with a splitting headache. Morgan was cooping himself against the right forward corner, his head against the bar. Reid was sitting with his back against the wall as Hotch was sitting on a box. 
Prentiss was in centre mid, her arms leaning against the bar as JJ was behind you. You were preoccupied in your corner, you were the worst out of them and yet you were not surprised. 
“You sure you’re okay, (Y/n)?”
You licked your lip, ready to fall asleep against the bar. You were waiting, just a for some grand entrance as if it was a superhero film. Just as Morgan was about to speak up again, the door slammed open, entering a figure you knew all too well.
A man of your age, slightly shorter but more brute. Similar looking towards you, but there was a clear difference to differentiate the two apart. The team looked at the killer with ferocious eyes, as you tilted your head slightly, to make aware you were staring at the new incomer.
“Hello, brother, long time no see.”
The team snapped their head towards you, hearing your voice for the first time in the last five hours. You sounded bored, dull and given up, your voice rough around the edges as you finally looked up from the floor. Dark circles under your eyes but there was a satisfied smirk upon your lips.
“Always the predictable twin, weren’t you?” You asked with arms crossed over your chest, there was a familiar glint of innocence in your eyes that your team often see.
“Twins,” Reid breathes out, “Fascinating.”
“Shut up,” Your twin hissed, “I just wanted you, (Y/n), but your team got in the way. But, while they’re here, why don’t we play a game of which twin is the good twin and the evil twin. Or better yet, the evil twin and the eviler twin.”
“I could never see (Y/n) as evil,” JJ speaks up as you look at your twin with an unreadable expression.
“Then, you wouldn’t know him,” He seethes, “He killed dad.”
“Dad killed himself,” You answered, shrugging your shoulders, “Old man had it coming, with the drugs, smoking, alcohol. Come on, Dames, you really think I have it in me to kill family?”
You tilt your head to the side, your twin suspiciously looking at you as the team watches a face-off between two brothers. 
“If it helps, please point your gun at me if it helps you relax...” Your tone was funny, sent a chill down the team’s spine.
“You ruined me, I plan to return the favour,” Your brother sneers as you let out a huff.
It seems like that just aggravates him more.
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“Twin?” Rossi asked as you looked up from your bruised knuckles, “I don’t remember reading that in your file.”
“It was redacted, if I remembered correctly,” Reid jumped in, “Always curious about that.”
You huffed, leaning back against the wall, “We don’t get along, growing up wasn’t fun or easy. I haven’t seen him for a little over a decade and a half, I got removed from my family and put into protection witness - got my name changed and a new family. There was never a bond that twins usually make, for all I care - he’s nothing to me.”
“How old were you when you were taken away from them?” Hotch asked, curious, his heartbreaking at your sudden confession.
You had your past quite close to your chest, you never let anything in or out. Vague response whenever someone asked, you always talked about the good parts with your family you were adopted into, though you never state you were an adopted kid. You shrugged your shoulders.
“When I was thirteen?” You tilt your head before confirming it with a nod, “He’s just as wild as I remembered, if not a little tamer - yet I have seen a lot wilder people in this workforce. Most of my file is redacted about my past. I got a new life, I got to pick my name and got a loving family. With siblings that treated me like siblings rather some target. Four times.”
“Four times?” Prentiss asked as you huffed.
“Four times he had attempted to kill me, and he’s very much convinced there is an evil twin and an eviler twin. It why I hate twin cases, because what if I’m just ignoring the inevitable and that I’m just as bad as him or, worst, worse than him. It keeps me up at night, y’know?”
There was silence as JJ sits next to you, putting an arm around you and making you lean your head against her shoulder as she strokes your hair.
“We know you for a good few years, kid,” Morgan pipes up from the back of the cell, “You’re good, you don’t have a bad bone in your body.”
“Well, dunno about that Morgan,” You say, there was a bouncy tone to you, “I’ve had this bad bone since I sprained it - it’s never been the same.”
“Ha,” Morgan rolls his eyes but your joke had lightened the mood.
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It keeps the team awake sometimes, to be woken up by screaming in a room not far from them. It pains them to hear your begs, it chills them to the spine. The panic in their chest when they don’t see you, to hear your cries for release, they dread that one time they’ll come back with a limp body.
It’s been almost a week, you still seem calm of the situation, a little pissed but overall unphased. Then again, they wouldn’t be expecting much from you when you’re exhausted in keeping your body alive after hours of things they don’t want to think about.
“Who’s coming to save you?” Your brother prances around, his bloodied knife waving about in his hand, “Because where were you when I needed saving?”
“Why should I grant you the pleasure of having someone rescue you when you broke me beyond repair?” You asked, spitting blood out as Morgan comes to help you stand. 
You glared at your twin as he looked helpless, you scoffed as you watch him open his mouth to have an explanation until he had none. 
“I what?” You snapped, launching yourself to the bars.
There was one other time that the team was ever terrified of you, the young twenty-something-year-old man that could never hurt a fly. It was the talk of the week when you snapped at someone in the office for harassing one of the women there, who had personally come up to you to stop it. Everyone had stopped in their works, you never threw your hands, but the look of threat within your eyes was enough to scare someone.
This was the second time they feared for their lives, the tone of threat and anger had taken over your whole body.
“Kill me!” You challenged, scoffing almost immediately, “You can’t kill me. Even if you could, you can’t bring yourself to do it. You’ll hesitate. Again.”
“Don’t tempt me, (Y/n).” 
“It’s why you failed to kill me, the four other times,” You continued, “Fuck me, I don’t deserve to live. I shouldn’t be alive unless it was for a reason. ‘Cause at the end of the day, I’m your brother, I’m your twin. There’s still good in you, killing me will kill the good you.”
“You’ve always been the good twin,” His tone was soft but you continue to glare, “It always had pissed me off.”
At that moment he launches, a knife impaled in you. You gripped the bars for stability whilst the doors bust open of the local police. You fall back when you see your brother get taken down, into the arms of Hotch.
“(Y/n), can you hear me?” 
“Fuck-” You muttered, your hand reaching for the stab wound, only to be swatted away by JJ, “Didn’t think he would have it in him - Good for him.”
“This isn’t a time to be making jokes,” Rossi hisses at you.
You always try to make light out of a dark situation.
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“Fratricide; the act of killing one’s brother,” You murmured on the plane back, you were in your corner. You were all heading back after you got patched up and your brother being put into prison, your head against the window.
“The story of Abel and Cain,” Reid recalls as you looked at him.
“Dad always called me Abel, the righteous brother,” You shrugged your shoulder before wincing out in pain, “My fault for telling him the tale of Abel and Cain.”
“It becomes common knowledge in one point of his life,” Morgan reassures you as you give him a sceptic look.
The team leaves you be as Hotch and Rossi sit in front of you, you raised an eyebrow as if it was to ask if it an inquisition. But, Rossi’s waving hand tells you otherwise.
“You know, I did suspect that you were a twin after hating all our cases on twins,” Rossi brags as you chuckle.
“Would you like a pat on the back?” You asked with a sarcastic voice as Rossi narrows his eyes.
“You know, (Y/n), you don’t have to worry about being the evil twin - you’ve always been good in our eyes, you wouldn’t be on this team or even working here if you were bad,” Hotch reminds you as you show him a grateful smile
“You’re a good kid, don’t forget that.”
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gellavonhamster · 3 years
shadow and bone season one
because I can’t liveblog for shit, here are all (or most) thoughts in the same post
it was... alright? The books are definitely better, and I think a lot was lost in terms of logic and not only, but overall it was entertaining and made me wish we could get s2 as soon as possible - if only to see the characters who weren’t in s1 yet
to elaborate on logic, I think it was the most obvious when it was first established that Heartrenders need to touch the person to affect their condition, but then starting from the Darkling’s flashback (if I remember correctly), it wasn’t necessary anymore. Like, if it was necessary for the plot for them to be able to do that without touching, why make Nina say that first?
I also do not understand how it was possible to build and maintain a railway, even if unfinished, in the Fold. It couldn’t possibly have existed before the Fold was created, because that happened centuries ago. How do you build a railroad, especially in secret, in a place swarming with bloodthirsty flying monsters?
and then there were some other things of that kind, like everyone in the Darkling’s flashback - which takes place, again, centuries ago - being dressed pretty much the same as in the present, but okay, enough of that
wait, no. Not enough yet. Because can I just say that THAT’S NOT HOW YOU PRONOUNCE “MOROZOVA”
like, I get that Ravka isn’t completely Russia, but these are Russian words and you’re pronouncing them wrong, and I, being Russian, cannot help feeling annoyed, even though I am used to this kind of things happening in the Western movies/shows
okay, rant over, let’s proceed
it’s amazing how the Crows’ storyline is a total filler (and predictably so, since their mission couldn’t have succeeded in any case - they can’t kidnap Alina, Alina already has two books’ worth of story on her own), and they still pretty much carry most of the show on their backs
seriously. Kaz? Perfect in his mannerisms and delivery of lines and everything; I particularly liked how it is often obvious from the way he carries himself that he wants to touch Inej, but he can’t. I’ve seen people say that he’s not ruthless enough in comparison to book!Kaz, but I think that might be because we haven’t seen much of him with his enemies this season (except for that one scene with Pekka Rollins, in which he was overpowered). I bet there’s more of that coming. Inej? Also perfect - brave, badass, principled. The scene when she has to submit all her knives before talking to Heleen was great. Nina and Matthias? The most book-accurate storyline so far, and both of them are so charming and have wonderful chemistry. Jesper? Stole the whole motherfucking show with his charm, sense of humour, friendship with Inej (especially Inej!) and Kaz. He really must be what I loved the most about this show. Also, there’s a lot of interesting blink-and-you-miss it foreshadowing re: his Grisha abilities
I am very curious as to how much Jesper knows about Kaz’s history with Pekka Rollins. He’s aware that Kaz wants revenge, but does he know why? I love the scene in Crooked Kingdom in which Kaz accidentally calls Jesper by his dead brother’s name; I wonder how it will look in the show if Jesper knows that part of the story (if it is included at all, of course)
the hints about Wylan! Oh don’t worry, Jesper, you’re gonna have a demo expert, both “you” as in “the Dregs” and you in particular
I think we can all agree that the emotional support goat was good. I, too, want to be able to hold a baby goat in stressful situations
seeing the Crows interact with the characters from the trilogy was surreal, but not in a bad way. I liked the interactions of Alina and Inej, and that in this version Inej’s Sankta Alina knife is actually given to her by Alina. I hope after Alina’s “death” in the show someone’ll inform Inej that it’s just a ruse
moving on to the Grisha Trilogy part, I am normally very much against adaptations changing the personalities of the book characters, but I appreciated all the changes about Mal. He’s much more likeable than in the books, and his relationship with Alina was very cute
Genya and David my beloveds <3 they’re so sweet
also Alina and Genya’s dynamic!
Fedyor and Ivan being a couple was not something I expected, but it was a nice touch. Also, loved Fedyor in particular, what a guy
the dead girlfriend in the Darkling’s flashback... how “””original”““
I am not entirely happy about Zoya’s portrayal, but then again, some things about it are probably not for me to judge about, and some are not that bad, so whatever. In any case, the actress is great, and I have hopes for the next seasons
love Nadia establishing already in what much be her third scene that she likes girls. Hang on love, we’ll get you a warrior gf soon
I’m so mad they didn’t rename Ana Kuya even though I definitely remember reading some interview in which Leigh said she was informed later that it’s a bad idea for a name for a character based in a Russia-inspired country... could’ve saved me and all other Russian viewers from facepalming, but alas, it didn’t happen
I always imagined the amplifiers as something one wears, not something growing out of one’s skin, so that was pretty terrifying - but impressive
ok so I’m running out of things I wanted to say, basically there’s room for improvement but overall I enjoyed it and look forward to season two
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thenamesseven · 4 years
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Word count: 3.7k
Warnings: None!
A/N: Sorry for taking so long to update, I’ actually a bit more busy these days so please deal with me! ^^’ Anyways! I hope you all enjoy today’s chapter and forgive me if there are some mistakes, I tried editing this but it’s almost 2am and my brain is about to die xD
<- Previous Chapter              Masterlist                Next Chapter->
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You didn’t have an idea of what was going on.
With your back pressed against the wall and Jaebum’s hand around your neck, you stared deep into his eyes, completely frozen on the spot, not even knowing how to process the situation you were in right now. It slightly reminded you of the first time he showed up in your apartment, cornering you like this, right before he kissed you without your consent but this was painfully different and there was no way you could ignore it. That time he had held you gently, longingly, as if you could break if he was a bit rougher than he was supposed to be while the grip he had on your throat,  was depriving you from some of the oxygen you should be breathing.
It didn’t hurt though, he wasn’t squeezing strong enough to actually choke you, but the posture he had placed the two of you in, screamed dominance, it was as if he was silently and not so subtly stating he could control you whenever he wanted and thought it was necessary. You couldn’t believe this was the nice and sweet Jaebum that had fallen asleep on your shoulder this morning while you waited for the bus, he was a completely different guy and yet you couldn’t help but feel even more intrigued about him.
A normal person would have been scared, you knew fear would be the most rational thing to feel when an absolute stranger was holding you against the wall by your neck but there was something in his eyes, a glint you couldn’t decipher yet, that overwhelmed your lower stomach with a warm feeling that was far from fear and closer to safety. He wasn’t going to kill you, he could have done it the other night if he had wanted to.
“What’s wrong with you?” You simply asked, staring back into his eyes, watching how he went from heated and dominant to confused and thrown off. He hadn’t expected you to ask that, out of all the different outcomes he had imagined while waiting for you, Jaebum didn’t even think about this one.
“What?” He asked, grip on your throat faltering, his thumb was now caressing your pulse spot, feeling how your heart beats slowed down. Jaebum’s head tilted, like a puppy that didn’t understand whatever you just said.
“Why are you mad? I didn’t even have time to stop you back in the cafeteria before you stormed off” You repeated, visualizing Jaebum’s gears turning in his head, eyes locked on you, the situation wasn’t going as planned and Jaebum was lowkey panicking.
The shock that brought your words and unexpected reaction had fried his brain enough for him to not even know how to react to everything, Jaebum simply was in a lost for words and that only made him even more frustrated “Way to ruin the situation (Y/N)” 
Moving his hand away from you, Jaebum let out a quiet sigh as he shook his head, looking incredibly disappointed at whatever had just happened between the two of you. While he had expected you to enjoy his actions and get in a better mood with him acting all dominant and sexy, you had only thought he was merely mad because of what had happened that morning. You were partially right though, everything that was happening right now had been triggered by the jealousy Yugyeom stirred awake in Jaebum’s chest but he hadn’t been aiming to get this kind of outcome, he had just been hoping for a little make out session and some dinner, that would have been perfect. However, lost was an understatement to how you felt, you didn’t even know where this was all coming from and you wanted to try to get an explanation before listening to your subconscious and assuming he had some kind of personality disorder he had forgotten to mention.
“What are you talking about?” You asked, looking at him, your eyebrows furrowing because of the soft frustration you were starting to feel “What situation Jaebum?” Your words only seemed to hurt his feelings even harder.
Jaebum considered his whole plan useless if you couldn’t have guessed that he was trying to spice things up romantically between the two of you from the beginning. His jaw tensed in what seemed to be anger but instead of saying something, Jaebum simply looked at you in defeat, hands raised in exasperation as he rolled his eyes and turned around to walk deeper into the apartment. 
“Jaebum wa-”
You started walking right after him, willing to stop him before the distance between the two of you got too big, when your eyes landed on the table you usually had dinner on by yourself. Gone were the bunch of books and boring papers you always had scattered on it, being replaced by a red, soft looking tablecloth that you probably saved for special occasions but ended up never using it because, there hadn’t been any special occasions at all. A few candles had been lit in order to let the rest of the room be swallowed by darkness and gentle moonlight and, like the tablecloth, your special occasion silverware had also been set and prepared, waiting to be used.
“What’s this?” You asked quietly, awed by the view in front of you. “Did you do all this?”
Jaebum scoffed, plopping himself down onto your couch, finding your reaction truly unbelievable. Was it that hard to believe he would do something like this? “No! You see, actually Youngjae broke into our place and decided to prepare a romantic dinner for us but, since you arrived earlier you kind of interrupted it” His sarcasm and the way he called your apartment ‘ours’ was left ignored for the better, those were small arguments that you definitely didn’t need to have right now, it could wait till later, probably when Jaebum had calmed down and forgot about whatever the hell seemed to be bothering him at the moment.
“Okay, I deserved that, it was a stupid question” You muttered as your eyes moved from him to the table, right before they went back to him once again, while you stood there, in the middle of the room awkwardly, not knowing how to really handle the situation.
You’ve never found yourself in a similar situation, never in your life had you had to deal with something like this. Coming back home and finding a surprise, and apparently special, dinner was already incredibly new but frustrating somebody to the point where they didn’t even want to talk about it also was a first time for you. You still felt lost, mind raking for answers as to what you could have done or said to make him this upset but anxiety was also ready to show up since you definitely felt bad for making him mad and now, for hurting his feelings. Jaebum had taken the time and effort to prepare all of this after all and you appreciated it a lot even when you haven’t shown it yet.
“All this was stupid, I should have known it wouldn’t work” He mumbled in return, placing his feet up on the coffee table as he stared at the turned off television like it was the most interesting thing in the world. Jaebum’s child-like tone told you he was back to being the one you were familiar with, the one that got grumpy when you rejected his romantic advances and hated Youngjae for reasons that were absolutely insane. “Shouldn’t have listened to that old man, it feels like I’ve been tricked” You couldn’t help but lift one of your eyebrows at those words, definitely curious about what he was talking about.
“You’ve been scammed?” You asked, sitting down by his side on the couch, legs crossed and body turned to face him completely, letting him know he had your entire attention right now “How did you come back home Jaebum?”
“I saw Youngjae waiting in the bus stop and he offered to pay for me, so we came home together” Jaebum slightly lied, thinking it would be best if he didn’t mention how he had been the one asking Youngjae to pay for him, it was just unnecessary for you to know that right now.
It was surprising to find out that Jaebum had accepted coming back with Youngjae, someone he hadn’t hesitated to make his enemy, but knowing your own neighbor, you didn’t doubt that he would have offered Jaebum to come back home with him. “Ah, I’m glad you didn’t have to walk all the way back by yourself” You said with a small smile “I got out of the cafeteria to give you my bus card so you could take a ride home but I couldn’t found you, I felt kind of worried there” 
“You did?” He asked, taken back by your sudden confession, he would have expected you to completely ignore his little tantrum and focus on your crush instead, not to go after him “What about you though? How would you have gotten back home if I had your bus card?” 
“Well, I could always walk” You shrugged, leaning back against the couch, you hadn’t realized how truly exhausted you were until you landed your butt onto the comfort of your old couch “But I could also make Jinyoung pay for my bus ride even though I would have to buy him coffee for the next two days” Jaebum smiled a little, despite his first impression -which were always bad when it came to guys-, he kind of liked this Jinyoung guy since, instead of trying to seduce you, his only objective in life seemed to be getting on your nerves “I wouldn’t mind lending it to you, silly”
Jaebum’s lips turned into a small pout, mentally calling himself an idiot for getting all mad at you without listening to you first. Jealousy and worry were getting the best of him and if he let those feelings control him for too long, the situation would only get way too difficult to handle “I just thought you were too busy fanning over Yugyeom to worry about….Me” He didn’t realize how childish and stupid those words actually sounded until he had said them outloud, like God, he cringed at himself for saying something like that. A soft blush made its way up to his cheeks, making Jaebum look down at his own hands in order to hide the pink shadow that was overtaking most of his face.
You might have missed the cute blush but your eyes definitely noticed the hesitance in his eyes, the way his fingers fidgeted with the hem of his hoodie….Jaebum was feeling nervous in this situation, probably felt a little insecure too and you suddenly were glad you weren’t the only one feeling like that right now “Yugyeom?” At the mention of his name and your obvious feelings, a strong blush tinted your cheeks, making you feel incredibly embarrassed. The only one who knew about your crush -or at least, that’s what you thought- was Jinyoung since you were too shy to even talk about it “I wasn’t...Uh….I just didn’t want to be rude and reject all of his ideas, you know?”
Jaebum scoffed, shaking his head silently, were you seriously trying to deny having feelings for Yugyeom when he had witnessed how you almost drooled as soon as your eyes landed on him? “(Y/N), I’m not an idiot, I saw the way you acted around him, you obviously like that guy” He sighed again, sounding painfully familiar to a disappointed parent. Leaning the back of his head against the couch, Jaebum’s eyes stayed glued to the ceiling “Even though I’m way better than him”
A genuine chuckle escaped your lips, despite how scaring he had been a few seconds ago, Jaebum was now back to the jealous childish guy he usually was around you. If he was seriously doing all of this because you had an innocent crush on Yugyeom..…”Is that so?” You asked amused, one of your eyebrows arched as you watched him curiously. His eyes were dragged down from the ceiling, turning towards you when he heard your question. A small, playful smirk pulled one of the corners of his lips up, the way his eyes scanned you left your stomach turning into knots “Why? What do you have that he doesn’t Jae? Enlighten me”
“Jae, huh?” He suddenly asked, making you blink confused before you realized you had just gave him a nickname without his permission.
“I’m sorry” You quickly apologized, blushing again as you thought of ways to fix the mistake you’ve just made, in case he had gotten slightly offended. It could also be that maybe Jaebum and you weren’t in that friendship stage yet, the one where the two of you gave each other petnames or nicknames, maybe it was too soon yet even though the two of you literally live and sleep in the same place, besides each other “I shouldn’t have assumed-”
“It’s alright” He assured, shaking his head “I like it, nobody calls me like that” Jaebum’s smile was friendly, one full of honesty and that showed he wasn’t just saying it to not make you feel more uncomfortable about it.
“Anyways, you were saying…?”
“Oh! Right, I was just about to start my Why-Im-Better-Than-Yugyeom-Speech” He said smirking, standing up so he could pace around the coffee table, acting as if he was really going to give a speech to the imaginary public that was sitting on the couch around you “First of all, have you seen this?” You couldn’t help but laugh when Jaebum used one of his fingers to point at himself, moving it up and down so you could take a good look at his athletic figure. That question had been totally unexpected.
“You mean, you’re shorter?” You asked, just willing to tease him a little bit, laughing even more when his eyes opened as wide as saucers at the realization of what you’ve just said.
“You can ask questions at the end” He cut you off, trying to look all serious even when the glint in his eyes, even when the way his lips kept twitching when he thought you weren’t looking, gave away that he was as amused as you were by this. “Second reason is I’m funnier” You opened your mouth to say something but Jaebum started talking again before you could interrupt him “You laugh way more with me, don’t even try to deny it” 
“We met a few hours ago! How can you know that?” You asked giggling, hugging the cushion you kept on your couch, looking at him expectantly. Even though your night had started off with the wrong foot, both of you had big smiles on your faces and laughter was starting to replace the tense and confusing atmosphere from before.
“Call it Jaebum’s intuition” He simply replied, crossing his arms on his chest.
“Is it as trust-worthy as female intuition?” You questioned, squinting your eyes at him playfully to let him know you were watching him closely.
“What part of the you can ask questions at the end that you didn't understand?” There was evident frustration in his words, quiet chuckles slipping past his lips with every word he said as he sat back down on the couch, already giving up on trying to finish the mental speech he had been improvising. 
“There’s no more reasons?” You pouted softly, not willing to let his amusing speech finish yet. 
“I’m better because I say so, end of the story” Jaebum turned his head to look at you with a smile and, for some reason, your heart decided to skip a beat right at that moment. You knew he was handsome, every normal yet realistic person would admit Jaebum was a really attractive man but right there, in that moment, he looked so domestic, so kind of...Boyfriend? That it made you feel flustered for the first time since he had  made his way into your life. At the lack of smartass responses and silly jokes, Jaebum’s eyes observed your face carefully and unfortunately, for you, the blush on your cheeks didn’t go unnoticed by him “What is it?” He asked with a soft chuckle, eyes still on you, amusing him even more when he saw slight panic in your eyes.
“What is it what?” You asked back, maybe sounding a bit more defensive than you should have sounded.
“Why are you getting shy on me now?” Without any previous warnings, Jaebum dragged himself closer to you, leaning in as if the already non existent distance between the two of you wasn’t close enough. “What’s wrong?”
“What are you talking about? Since when am I shy around you?” You asked gently, placing your hand on his chest, cautiously pushing him away so his face wouldn’t be that close to yours, triggering the memories of that first kiss the two of you shared when he showed up.
“Well you were pretty shy yesterday when I kissed you and don’t even get me started when I announced I would be sleeping in the same bed as you” Jaebum reminded you, a playful smirk on his lips that only stretched even more when your cheeks turned even redder at the mention of those events.
Not willing to be Jaebum’s target for tonight’s teasing you stood up from the couch, unnecessarily dusting off your clothes as you tilted your head to glance into the kitchen, willing to see what he had managed to cook for dinner. No food’s scent was filling up your apartment and that was slightly suspicious, you expected everything from Jaebum but you tried to remain positive, after all, he had prepared everything for you, the least you could do was have a little faith in him.
“So what’s for dinner tonight?” You asked, turning around to just find him staring up at you, smiling amused. You decided not to ask what was so funny since you knew his answer would only make you even more flustered. He definitely was in a flirty mood but you weren’t sure if your heart could survive that.
His smile twitched, someone who hadn’t been watching him closely wouldn’t have noticed it but you knew there was something he hadn’t told you yet “Uh...About that” Jaebum suddenly stood up, hand flying to the back of his neck where he scratched for a few seconds before his hands moved back down to start fidgeting with the rings that adorned his fingers “Your fridge was literally empty when I opened it, what was I supposed to do?” He asked, acting all frustrated and exasperated when you perfectly knew it was all an act to hide his nervousness from you.
“So, you’re telling me there’s nothing for dinner?” One of your eyebrows was arched as you turned around to look at him, not knowing whether to laugh or to hit him as hard as you could.
“I ordered pizza” He blurted out, as if he was telling you the worst kind of news someone could have ever told you. “LikeIorderedabunchofthembecauseIeatalotand-”
“Jae breathe” You instructed, not really understanding anything he was saying, internally freaking out because whatever he did seemed to be really serious.
“Okay so I just asked Youngjae how many pizzas should I order for us and he said that one would be enough but that I should order two if I was really hungry” Jaebum was still talking really fast but you were managing to understand most of the words he was saying, not really knowing where his little speech could lead up to “But when I read the menu I started liking everything and choosing was almost impossible so I endeduporderinglikefiveofthem”
“You did what?” For some reason, maybe because you probably had gotten used to how fast he had been speaking during this whole time since dinner was brought up, you managed to understand the rushed end of his sentence. “Did you just say you ordered five pizzas for the two of us?”
You didn’t know if you should laugh and thank him for spoiling you with food or cry because the bill would drain the remaining little money you had saved in your wallet.
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After eating as much pizza as you could without throwing up, the two of you cleaned everything and made sure every candle was turned off before you made your way to bed. You had scurried off to your bathroom after getting some clean clothes to take a short shower and change into something more comfortable before getting in bed with your new roommate, you weren’t calmer than last night though, the thought of sharing a bed with somebody like...With Jaebum in general, made your heart pound against your ribcage way too hard for your liking.
It was probably your lack of experience that made you so nervous around him, it definitely wasn’t because you liked him or something, that would be totally insane.
Jaebum was already in his underwear, clothes tossed on the floor as he pulled the bed sheets back before sitting on his side of the bed. He was exhausted after waking up so early to take you to class, it wouldn’t take too long for him to fall asleep. Resting his head against your pillow, he closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath, the scent of your perfume pulling the corners of his lips up. Despite the reason he was here and what he was going to do to you, Jaebum knew he would have liked to be friends if you had met in another situation.
He would have definitely enjoyed your company so much.
It was the sound of his phone buzzing what made him snap his eyes open, he didn’t have many contacts saved and the few ones he had were definitely not welcomed to establish some kind of contact with him.
Jaebum’s blood froze when his eyes scanned the words that shone in his phone, his eyes scanning them over and over again.
Jackson 22:45 - What’s up bro? I’m back in town, did you miss me?
Jackson 22:46 - I bet you didn’t.
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Taglist: @gold--gucciempress​ @harringtonsblackgf​
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