#I went into it knowing it was gay a hell and somehow it was even more gay than I expected
spicyraeman · 2 months
dungeon meshi good...
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Lucifer Morningstar x Pregnant!Reader Headcanons Part 2
I had a blast writing part 1, so here's some more headcanons of reader progressing through their pregnancy!
Warnings: Pregnancy Mention, Implied Smut
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- He doesn't have a pregnancy kink per say, but... seeing you pregnant with his child does things to him that he can't even begin to put into words. He's always found you beyond gorgeous, of course, it's just that now it borders on literal worship. Said worship will be expressed quite physically on a daily basis; he'll slide his hands over your middle, leave trails of kisses up and down your body, and catch himself staring multiple times even before the two of you get out of bed each morning. He can't even really believe that you've somehow managed to get more beautiful, but he'll consistently try to describe the depths of his devotion in song, gifts, and countless hours spent adoring your presence.
- He'll want to start preparing for all baby related events as soon as possible, in part because the arrival of another heir is going to be quite the occasion, but he also just wants everything to go perfectly. The official announcement will come with multiple days of celebration across Hell, including a massive party in the castle itself, and each event that follows will somehow manage to top the last. You'll get enough gifts to fill up multiple rooms, and so many cards with well wishes you could fill up an entire library, but Lucifer expects nothing less. Every ounce of his considerable power is dedicated to making sure you get the best of everything. This dedication also applies to the little things the two of you do together, like decorating the baby's room. He'll insist on hand crafting the furniture, the toys, and every decoration with you directing at his side, and he'll use the most magical materials at his disposal. Hand painting the walls with stardust is not out of the question.
- Things have changed a lot since Charlie was born, and he was previously unaware of the many technological advancements now available for expecting couples, specifically ultrasounds. He's amazed and wants to attend every appointment even more at the prospect of actually seeing your child before they're born. Of course, upon beholding the lopsided blob on the screen for your first check up, he's far more overwhelmed than he could have ever imagined. He can see little hooves and everything! The doctor doesn't quite know what to make of the King near to weeping at the sight of a being no larger than a peanut, but you take it all in stride. Once he finds out that pictures can be taken of the scans, he requests as many as he can carry, and his pockets are bursting with photos of Charlie and her not-yet-born sibling. He'll show them to everyone that does and doesn't ask.
- While he can be overly protective and his efforts to provide for you are more akin to spoiling, he's not at all without cause in doing so; carrying a child of Lucifer is no easy task. As your body becomes the epicenter for a developing power beyond imagination, you'll need him by your side with increasing frequency, especially once the baby's uncontrolled magic starts surging and affecting your reality. You'll be unharmed, but it's still quite nice to have Archangel level powers around to get things back to normal once you start inexplicably walking up the walls, speaking in dead languages or levitating random items with a glance. He takes it all in stride with humorous stories about how Charlie did the same before her arrival, though your cravings for increasingly esoteric rare foods do have him apologizing for the inconveniences of angelic biology, as even he needs a few days to acquire the rarer items your body demands.
- As delighted as he is to have another child, he can't help but be haunted by doubts of all he's done wrong as a father so far. No matter how much of it was out of his control, he fears everything that went wrong will happen again, and that he might just be gaining a second child to fail. It's only through your loving reassurance that he retains some faith in himself, and dares to believe he'll be a halfway decent dad to two children.
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astaraels · 1 month
so I know I'm in the no galladads side of the fandom but hear me out on this one—
so it's maybe five years after the end of the show, Ian and Mickey are still going with their security business, maybe they've even branched out and hired some extra help, making good money, swapped out the stolen ambulance for actual SUVs that Debbie has fixed up for them, and they've maybe even bought a house back on the South Side with a dog and a cat and they're close to all of Ian's siblings (Debbie and Carl and Liam all still live in the old Gallagher house, Lip and Tammi are a few blocks over)
and one day they're on a lunch break together, leaving some diner when some rando kid bumps into Ian, turns out it was a pickpocket, and Mickey takes off after the jerk who tried to steal from his husband (he may not be a South Side thug anymore but like hell is he gonna let that shit slide)
he knocks the pickpocket over and it's some kid, like thirteen or fourteen with bright pink streaks in her dark hair and fierce brown eyes, and Mickey is like wtf kid do you wanna die
and the kid is like oh fuck you, very much an angry kitten type because she's definitely a scrawny thing—by this time Ian's caught up to them and his bleeding heart is like look if you give me my wallet back I'll buy you lunch (Mickey complains that "we just ate, Gallagher" but Ian insists)
so they either go back to the diner or find some McDonald's and this kid practically inhales some burgers and fries, and both Mickey and Ian know the look of a kid on the streets, but she's giving off those vibes that say don't touch me don't talk to me don't fucking perceive me
but Ian probably sees something like Mickey, and Mandy, in this girl and we all know he wants to help people, so he asks her if she's okay or if she needs anything, and even though he can feel Mickey starting to grumble next to him Ian still offers her their couch to crash on after she mentions getting kicked out of a salvation army shelter because they found out she was trans
and after some very intense eye to eye communication between the husband Mickey's like okay yeah fine but if one thing is outta place in the house then we're gonna have words
and the girl—they find out her name is Starr, or something like that—is like wtf why are you people being nice (they understand the suspicion, obvs, they aren't stupid), and Ian's like uhhhh we're gay and we've gone through some shit of our own so maybe we just wanna help?? (although he does notice she relaxes a little bit when he tells her that they're gay)
so they drive back home and Starr is absolutely enamored by the gallapets (a beautiful fluffy black cat and a big pittie mix, both of these animals are Ian and Mickey's baby girls), while Ian fixes up the spare bedroom with fresh sheets—usually it's where Franny or Fred stay when they come for weekend visits
and at first Starr is like okay yeah I'll stay one night but then I gotta go, and somehow it ends up that one night turns into two, then Ian and Mickey come home one afternoon and the house looks amazing because Starr is like "yeah your place was a fucking mess so I figured I'd clean" because she's not a freeloader gdi
and before they know it she's been there for a few weeks and Ian's trying to help get her back in school, because one night they were sitting around and talking and she offhandedly said that she does kinda miss school but the last place she went they were assholes about her transition, and Mickey is like just do that homeschooling course thing that maybe Tammi talked about one of her bougie friends doing for their kids
and then it's been a month or two and they bring Starr to a Gallagher family get together—Debbie hosts the family at the house at least twice a month, but everyone's been super busy lately so it's been a while since the last family dinner—and Debs gives Starr a hug and is like "oh so you're the kid my brothers adopted" (she and Sandy worked things out btw and have been back together for a while now, they've even maybe talked about getting married)
and Starr is like oh no I'm just crashing for a bit but by this point Ian has already got her the homeschooling correspondence courses, and Mickey's taken her to find a doctor who can prescribe her HRT ("it was on our route anyway, fuck off, Gallagher") and their pets adore her—Ian jokes that their cat is the one who actually adopted Starr, they just went along with it
and basically I just love the idea of them taking care of a young queer girl, and being like the cool gay uncles, and yeah :')
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kawataslvr · 2 months
I loved!!
Could you make a reader who is Hanma's younger brother and started secretly dating Rindou? do the craziest thing you can imagine
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Rindou Haitani
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A/N : Had no idea if i should’ve placed this under Hanma or Rindou..
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Hanma wasn’t very controlling of your life, letting you do whatever really.
As long as you didn’t get hurt physically or emotionally, Hanma didn’t care what you went and did.
What he was slightly controlling of was who you dated, Hanma might be care free about most things but he hated the idea of you dating someone from a delinquent background. Ironic.
Hanma especially didn’t want you with a Haitani, knowing they had a reputation for being “fuck boys” like Hanma had told you.
But you just wouldn’t help it whenever you had actually met them, especially the younger Haitani. With a twist a fate you two actually started hanging out, and somehow Rindou and you had started dating.
Of course, because of Hanma.. Rindou had agreed to keep it a secret.
Even Ran didn’t know, well.. not immediately.
Ran always finds out.
Rindou had accidentally scrolled on his gallery while showing ran an image and it was a picture of you two together with Rindou kissing your cheek.
The older had never gasped louder and snatched the phone out of the youngers hand.
Ran finding out wasn’t a big deal, he wasn’t going to snitch on you and Rindou.
But he for sure was gonna tease him. and you
But because you and Rindou started hanging out so often and constantly being together.
Rumors had spread, and they quickly got to your older brother.
At first, he just thought you were friends with Rindou. Hell, he didn’t even think you were gay really.
Then again he never gave it much thought.
“Hey, Hanma.” Kisaki handed the piss eyed tall figure a photo
It was in a private area , you couldnt really see Rindou’s or your face but Hanma recognized the two-toned hair and your (h/c) from a mike away.
Especially how you two were kissing, how Rindou had his hands on you.
Hanma had never been angrier.
It wasn’t because you got in a relationship without telling him, he’s done that to you before. It was the fact it had to be a Haitani.
At least it wasn’t Ran, but he still was mad at his ignored warnings.
Telling you more than once to avoid even flirting with one of the two, you were still his little brother.
He didn’t want you getting hurt by some fuck boy who was only there to play around with you, he’d hate that.
Calling you to meet him at home so you two could talk, you knew you were in trouble. Hanma always did that whenever you did something to piss him off.
You got home and opened the door, only to see Hanma sitting on the living room table like an angry mother.
Sitting down in front of him you waited for him to speak. “(name).” “Hanma.” you said nervously, trying to calm down your beating heart.
Everything you did this entire month running through your head. Confident that Hanma didn’t find out about Rindou, there was nothing else you’d really done
Your heart sank again Hanma’s next words..
“Didn’t I warn you about dating a Haitani?”
You tried to act confused but Hanma called your bullshit without missing a beat. “Don’t play dumb with me (name).” It had been a while since you heard his voice so irritated.
He honestly wouldn’t have been so mad if the Haitani’s were the one people he didn’t specifically tell you not to get involved with romantically.
Hanma walked over to you, grabbing your phone out of your pocket.
“Hey—!” You yelled out and stood up to snatch it from him. Hanma pushed you down and clicked around on your phone, hovering over Rindou’s contact.
‘Rin💕’ He held the phoen over you, knowing better than to stand up and try to snatch it from him.
“I’ll call him if you don’t shut up.”
You sat down and kept quiet, looking at the ground with a pout on your face.
“when did this start?” you didn’t respond to Hanma, annoyed with your older brother. He sighed, “I’m sure Rindou won’t mind answering then.” You stood up again and he made sure you sat back down quickly.
“When you took me to go pick up something you left at a meeting!” Hanma nodded, he honestly couldn’t care less. But he wanted to see you stressed because you disobeyed him.
“Right, how does he treat you?” you responded so quick Hanma didn’t even have a chance to blink.
“he treats me amazingly!” Hanma still wasn’t convinced, he wanted you to break up with Rindou immediately.
Eventually you convinced him to at least let you and Rindou date.
But everytime he came over, even if it wasnt for long periods of time or to just pick something up.. he showed his obvious dislike for Rindou.
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pt XII good omens sEAsOn 2 (the non-traumatic part) episode 1
Alright yes I know, I know, it's been two days since the livestream. I was reading fanfiction. Don't blame me, love made me crazy, and all that. I'm enjoying myself as much as I can before we get to the season 2 finale. But here we go, season 2, episode one, maggots:
[on reading this back after finishing, a lot of text is my being in love with Crowley. mainly, points 3, 4, 9, 14, 17, 18, yes I have issues, feel free to skip that for an absolutely concise and precise summary]
Before the livestream starts, everyone decides that there will be no spoilers whatsoever on the chat, even hidden with the black, because I have a tendency to keep clicking and revealing them. I'm sorry, temptation and all. I have emotional support fruit, an apple, two kiwis, two sapotes and two bananas.
When the livestream starts, it has to be restarted, because I am an incompetent nincompoop and have somehow managed to muck up my settings. And it is absolutely imperative that I watch the opening scene.
So then I do. And immediately have to consume my emotional support apple because I am so fucking in love with Crowley. Already? someone asks. Yes bloody already, I need that apple.
Thanks, guys. I'm broken. Crowley. Just. She looks so peaceful and untraumatised, so delighted with the plans, so full of wonder at what she's creating. Let there be light, she says, and rather than seeing Crowley turn off a streetlight with a flick of his fingers, we get to see her create nebulas. Aziraphale looks at her and he's just instantly so spellbound, and who would bloody blame him? His wings just do a slight dip of realisation that he's fucked when Crowley says the gorgeous line. Look at Crowley. Worried about the apocalypse. Smiling at Aziraphale, and we can see Azi's concern because something as pure as that has to be protected and Aziraphale knows what Heaven will do to Crowley if she dares to ask questions. Crowley is angelic and filled with light and Aziraphale sees that and tries to keep her safe with his words.
Hey spoiler alert, it doesn't work, Crowley's wings are greying even as she protects Azi and Crowley falls and I hate everything and I am filled with unbridled rage.
I am speculating how much pain and torture Crowley went through when she fell into Hell that first time. I am told to not ask questions I don't want answers to.
Maggie sells records, Aziraphale is a cutiepie, and Maggie is very gay for Nina.
Crowley is lounging on a park bench, suit and skinny tie, just being all sexy and demonic and probably contemplating nihilism.
Crowley spreads awareness about duck health. No bread, guys. Frozen peas. He also angsts a lot to Shax (whom I keep mixing up with Michael) about the meaning of life. Someone points out that this is very Barbie of him. "do you ever think about death". Ah, Crowley.
More lesbians gaying. I would kill for Nina's hair.
Aziraphale, ah I love him, absolutely fucking panics and has the loading symbol over his angelic little head at all times. FINALLY, THIS SHOW IS A COMEDY.
Crowley is leaning on his Bentley and mmmmhm his arms and his lounging and his personality I am back to crunching on my temptation emotional support apple.
Sorry back to the summary. Jim finds Aziraphale funny and says he loves him. Someone points out that this was the fandom upon encountering my dumbass self. "You're funny Asmi we love you."
Aziraphale is a little bitchy babygirl, really just enough of a bastard to be worth knowing. Just absolutely slaying through every Jimbriel scene. 100000/10.
Six shots of fucking espresso in a big cup. Crowley, I love you. Can I love Crowley any more than this? Yes I can. My love for Crowley is like the universe, infinite and yet ever-expanding, explosive with entropy.
Crowley holds the door open for Aziraphale and holds his plate and honestly what absolute husband (gn) behaviour.
Coffeeshop AU lesbians time.
Heaven is horrible.
There is an ethereal paper file.
Beezlebub beezles their way into Crowley's car and is very concerned in Hell about finding Jimbriel.
Nina's partner is a toxic ass don't worry about it.
Sulky Crowley says he's back and apology dance time mmmhm.
Miracle hide Jimbriel time, but they've got to be subtle. They do the miracle. Jim is glad to have friends.
They are very proud of themselves for their subtle miracle.
End of episode one. Take this screenshot.
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kodamaghost00 · 4 months
30 Alastor Headcanons
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This is for entertaining purposes only,so if you don’t enjoy these things just scroll past please!This post will contain: Sfw, Fluff, Romance!
It’s also Genderless for the girls,gays and theys! You are a new Resident at the Hazbin hotel in these scenarios.
Let’s begin!
The first day you checked in the Hazbin Hotel he came up to you. “Hello Dear! And what does a sinner like you do here?” You just look down with a frown on your face. He pulls your chin up to look at him “Smile dear! You’re never fully dressed without one!”
He never makes the first move. He patently waits till someone approaches him just to turn them down.
The first time you saw him eat lunch you were… disturbed to say the least. You knew that cannibals are common in hell but you never saw one in person.
You were a long fan of Alastor. You listened to his broadcasts long before you met him in person. You were also super sad when he went missing for 7 years.
Alastor walks around hell knowing that no one’s going to challenge him. So he hums sweet melodies to himself while walking around.
He loves to dance with you while listening to jazz music.
After he lost Mimzy he had basically no friends at all that he knew from the living realm. Not that it matters to him but you feel sad somehow.
He drinks wine mixed with blood. Only sometimes though since he begins to ramble when he’s drunk. “Have you listened to my RADIO broadcast before dear??”
He was suspicious of you when you first entered. He didn’t know if you truly wanted to be here. You might cause trouble to him.
He has a bunch of scars on his body due to his fights back in the day.
He is an excellent cook. He sometimes prepares breakfast for the people in the hotel.
Charlie is such a cutie. She’ll go up to you and ask if you and alastor are doing well. And if you’d say “no” she’ll try to cheer you up.
He loves taking you out to fancy dinners around the town. No one interrupts your little dates. “Are you enjoying it, dear?”
Sometimes when you’re overwhelmed with everything he comes into your room and puts up some relaxing jazz. “Care to dance with me my love?” You nod and begin to dance.
He lets you touch his ears occasionally. You can tell they’re well maintained by the fluffiness. You even asked if you can see his tail. He allowed it after a long discussion.
Husk and niffty get along with you super well. You began talking to them, trying to get more out of them about Alastor. Husk would tell you about his past if it was appropriate.
When you asked him if he’s sad about not having any friends he just laughed. “Haha! Dear you know I’m better off without them.” He smiles brightly.
He sings under the shower. Mostly old jazz songs.
Cats>>>> Dogs. Mostly related to his past but he’s over all a cat person.
He wouldn’t understand the new terms for the sexual agenda, even though Charlie tried to explain it to him multiple times.
He and Rosie are best friends since forever. He also promotes her shop every now and then.
He’s super old fashioned so he’d call you “Dear” or “My love”.
He actually cares about the reputation and safety of the hotel.
He is a mamas boy. He treats woman super nicely since his mom raised him to be a gentleman.
Him and Zestial were fighting buddies back in the early days of hell. He calls Zestial old just to piss him off.
He likes being the small spoon while cuddling.
He punched Susan once after she called his staff tacky and useless. She truly is an old bitch.
He used to live in cannibal town near Rosie. They would go out and talk about everything.
Rosie was the one to show him how to style his hair. She also did his makeup once and since then he never tried a new style.
He defends you every time someone is mean to you. “Huh? Oh… I shouldn’t have killed them? Well! It’s done now so there’s no going back!”
Thank you all for reading! Alastor has been my favorite Hazbin character since 2019. The moment I laid my eyes on him I couldn’t resist but love that fellow! I hope you enjoyed the little headcanons. Have a great day/Night!
- Your Ghost ༼ つ ╹ ╹ ༽つ
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actual-changeling · 5 months
ohhh yanno...I think sometimes why I get so uncomfortable with meta and theories with GO (specifically in defense of Aziraphale) is that it really starts to resemble pro Christianity rhetoric...and I totally believe that everyone should feel free to believe/not believe in any sort of religion they choose...but it starts to get real uncomfy real fast when I'm reminded of my own christian family and their condemnations of me and the experiences I went through growing up christian and then realizing I didn't believe in any of it...
and for some people maybe that IS why they so staunchly defend Aziraphale, but for me, it's why his actions made me so mad, and why the firm "aziraphale defenders no matter what" lowkey skeeve me out...like that post you said about knowing Aziraphale in real life...yeahhhh no I'd never be friends with him, and maybe that does make me too biased for Crowley, bc I'm imagining myself in his position, bc I HAVE BEEN in that position, but idk I just can't find it in me to defend angel characters or super pro christian type thinking ones when too much of irl has been negatively affected by those types of people. and yeah fiction is not reality but when the premise of GO is a satirical look on religion idk it's just iffy to be so pro angel/heaven imo (obviously this isn't about those who view it with nuance hahaha)
I know what you mean anon, I definitely feel the same.
Seeing people fall into angel good/demon bad without even noticing is... painful, to say the least. Defending all of Aziraphale's actions because he had "good intentions" or "still has faith" or "was traumatized by heaven" is harmful and unhealthy to say the least, and it 100% looks like pro-Christianity rhetoric at times.
We're supposed to look at Aziraphale and see somehow who yes, has good intentions, but has refused to deal with his trauma and problems and ends up making incredibly bad choices as a result. He is supposed to change, so defending his actions is counter-intuitive to the message Neil and Terry want us to receive.
Aziraphale is that kid who tells you sure, it's fine to no believe in God, but you will go to hell and suffer forever, who tells you everyone just needs to "try harder" and that "poor people have mor opportunities" (I still cannot process that he canonically says and believes that), who tells you that you can be gay, but don't be it in front of the children or any people.
Aziraphale is the guy who refuses to deal with his internalized homophobia and asks his queer friends to go back into the closet because he cannot deal with seeing queer people be happy while he is stuck in self-induced misery.
There are reasons why so many people are uncomfortable with his behaviour and ideologies—and you are supposed to be.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Hellooo! It’s your favorite ✨gay fairy✨!
I’ve come with a Alpha Gojo x Omega male reader request! (I’m trying to do that eyebrow wiggle thing-)
So basically, Gojo and Reader are mates yes? They’re like out with friend at some random bar and stuff.
So while Gojo is busy chit chatting with the people he knows at the club, some other alpha tries to get Reader to go home with em.
But Reader just doesn’t like that idea at all so the alpha like tries to “kidnap” the reader which triggers his heat due to fight or flight.
Gojo had seen a glimpse of what happened and of course helps him mate out before realizing he’s in heat.
So he tells his friends he has to leave and takes the reader home and that’s when things get frisky if you know what I mean 😏. And for this one let’s make reader have a drunk type of heat or whatever the hell it’s called
Excuse my behavior I felt a lil giddy when you said I could request anything I wanted 😭
And yes as usual this was at the top of my head since I hear music not too far from my house!
Hope this isn’t too much Roma!
I don't kid when I say ask what you want
And remember first time writing a character, they might be a bit stilted ya know?
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When Gojo brought (name) with him to a club he had invested in he knew it would be fairly boring "alpha..." (Name) said to the white haired man who smiled down at him "yeah baby?" "Gonna get a drink"
"Here and back alright?"
"Of course alpha"
The fellow investors and owners applauded Gojo for having such an obedient and polite Omega and he struggled not to roll his eyes at their comments and went to go get a drink that both him and his alpha would enjoy since he knew the other would steal sips of said drink.
"Hey" a voice said beside him and an alpha leaned on the bar, eying him in a way the Omega didn't like one bit.
The alpha was rather unassuming and kind of forgettable but he was incredibly pushy "come on baby... I can treat you good" he said trying to convince (name) to come with him even grabbing his arm to lead him away "hey back off dude!" (Name) said trying to tug his arm away but the others grip was tight "just shut up and come with me" the Alpha spat as he tugged (name) towards a back exit.
'nononono!' (name) thought as he began panicking, fear freezing his veins and the need to vomit could be felt in his throat.
When his fight of flight instincts kicked in his brain slowly went feral and the familiar prick of preheat kicked in and his eyes felt like they were vibrating and ears ringing.
Gojo noticed his Omega had been gone for too long and turned to see someone trying to drag his mate away and quickly excused himself to go deal with this asshole.
"Hey shithead!" Gojo said with an almost manic grin, the unknown alpha dropping the struggling and panicking (name) who was pushed into an early heat and was just hugging himself.
A few punches in and the Alpha was dragged off by security "shit baby? You good?" Gojo asked cupping his omegas cheek and felt how warm his skin was and the dialated eyes...then the smell hit "alpha..." His voice was slurred as he clung to Gojo helplessly "shit..." Gojo said lifting his mate up and mouthed something to the other investors before quickly exiting the club as (name) cuddled and scented him. "Just wait baby... I got you" gojos voice so close to (name)s ear made him feel weightless as be began biting and nibbling at his Alphas neck as they somehow made it home.
(Name) was completely heat drunk at this point, staring at his alpha with blown out eyes and leaking pharamones and slick "alphaaa~" he giggled out as he was placed on the bed "what do you want baby, show alpha" and with that Gojo watched his mate present so prettily to him with a pout and a head tilt "good boy~" and like that (name) purred and preened under him, blushy face and absolute devotion in his eyes.
Gojo pulled (name)s legs together and pressed them against the omegas chest to show off his slick ass, pretty and ready for gojo to take whatever his heart desired.
And gojo was a selfish man.
Leaning down he gave a long and deep lick at the omegas hole and grinned when (name) cried out and tried to helplessly buck into his alphas mouth but with how he was held it proved impossible especially with the others iron grip.
"Take what alpha gives you"
And with that Gojo bagan tongue fucking his pretty little Omega who cried and begged but gojo didn't listen as he ate the other out until the omegas pretty legs were numb.
Gojo went at this for an hour, making his pretty mate cum countless times on his tongue, slick leaking like a waterfall and his mouth and chin soaked. (Name) doesn't remember when he began adding his fingers but gojo fucked his lengthy digits into (name) harshly and constantly pressed into his prostate and loved every sound the Omega made.
When (name) came again gojo released his legs and watched his numb legs fall and spread apart, enough space for gojo to slot himself into as his cock prodded at the others loose hole "please alpha! Fuck me fuck me!" (Name) begged the other and who was gojo to deny such sweet begging?
With one harsh thrust he filled his Omega up, watching him cum once again on his cock and the white haired main leaned and licked some of the others semen from his chest before thrusting harshly and pushing (name) into a mating press "gonna fuck you full of my pups baby, keep you full and plump"
"Pupupupup" (name) mumbled through moans as his alpha wrecked him.
They didn't know how much time passed till Gojo felt his knot press against his rim before pushing past the threshold and watching (name) cum once again but now on his knot, the Alpha filling him up good and full.
(Name) was always a drunk mess when in heat, babbling and dazed and always demanding smooches from his alpha.
And gojo always complied.
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tgmsunmontue · 2 months
Once Upon a Time in 1996... 3/?
IceMav TimeLoop. Maverick wakes up to a great day. Then it all turns to shit.
Chapter One Chapter Two
                He wakes up and he rolls over, half expecting to fall directly off the sofa and he opens his eyes immediately.
                What the fuck.
                “What the fuck?”
                He’s back in his bed at Carole and Bradley’s house. His home. Except he knows he went to sleep on Ice’s sofa last night. Knows he didn’t drink a single drop of alcohol to blame the weird nightmare-dream of the previous night on and he remembers seeing the bottle of vodka which had sort of confirmed that maybe he hadn’t dreamt the previous day.
                This type of stuff doesn’t happen. He remembers there being a film like this a couple of years ago, what was it called, god, he’s going to have to find it and remind himself what the hell happened in it.
                Oh fuck.
                He’s gay and in love with him.
                That’s a lot to take in.
                Carole is sick. Dying.
                That is also a lot to take in, but he sort of feels like he’s a day ahead of dealing with that already. He remembers waking up… yesterday? Was it still yesterday? How can he keep track of previous days if they are all yesterdays? He remembers waking up on Day Zero and thinking it was a perfect day. Now he’s got his two best friends in crisis and no way in which to fix either of them. He can’t fix either of them. Not that Ice needs fixing, but Carole needs healing, and he’s not a doctor. He’s going to have to somehow accept he can’t change anything.
                All he wants to do is run away.
                Instead he goes through the morning motions, on autopilot as Bradley runs out of the house and Carole leaves for appointment. He needs… well, he doesn’t know what he needs exactly, but he needs to think. He has time. Infinite maybe. He cuts the grass, his mind ticking over the potential things he can say and do. He can’t change what is happening to them, but he can change how he responds. Thinks about where Carole is, probably receiving the news and he wonders if he should be with her. Maybe he can try that if he gets another tomorrow.
                He tips all the bottles of alcohol down the sink and throws the bottles in the trash. He can make Carole a coffee or something. Stay with her. Until he needs to go and see Ice. Should he talk to Ice? He should maybe figure the fuck out what he’s feeling himself before he faces that gauntlet again.
                He sucks in a sharp breath.
                Oh god, what is he going to say to Ice? What is Ice going to say to him? He remembers the first day, when he’d turned up later, or on time, and there hadn’t been anything, no hint, so if he doesn’t turn up early then Ice isn’t going to tell him. But he wants his best friend to feel like he can tell him. He also needs to figure out what the best way to respond is, because yesterday had not gone well. He doesn’t want Ice avoiding him. Doesn’t want to avoid Ice.
                Carole pulls into the drive and he doesn’t wait for her to just sit there, almost runs out of the house immediately and opens the car door and pulls her out into a hug.
                “Maverick? Everything okay?”
                She’s not even crying.
                “Uh… I missed you?” Fuck. Has he got it all wrong? She gives him a smile though and it immediately turns watery, but it’s still a smile and she’s laughing at him being a little silly and he feels relieved suddenly, he’s doing something good. Something right.
                “I missed you too you idiot. Got some… not great news.”
                That a fucking understatement of the year.
                “Can I make you a cup of coffee?”
                “That would be nice. Thanks.”
                They sit and drink coffee, curled up on the sofa facing each other and she does break down and cry he just reaches out and holds her, lets her cry through it. Doesn’t say anything or ask anything, just tries to be there, and it seems to help, even if it is fucking hard to keep his mouth shut. He doesn’t offer to go and pick up Bradley, doesn’t even mention him, just sits with her until his stomach rumbles and it makes her laugh through her tears again. They shuffle around the kitchen together and make food, and he tries to act normally. This is all new at least, so it doesn’t feel like he’s experiencing déjà vu for the third day in a row. Carole turns on the radio and sings along and it’s such a sharp contrast to her attitude the last couple of days he wonders if she too is maybe experiencing the same thing.
                “You ever experience déjà vu?” He asks and she scrunches her face at him, the same way she always does when she thinks he’s being funny.
                “Sometimes. What made you think of that?”
                “Oh, just… feeling a little of it today. Wondered if it was just me.”
                “Pretty sure it’s not a collective thing. You’re in a weird mood today.”
                Yeah, he guesses he is.
                “I’m just going to ring Ice.”
                “What? Why?”
                “I’m going to tell him I can’t make dinner.”
                Okay, he hadn’t really decided that until he just said it out loud, so maybe he’s not ready to face that gauntlet quite yet. Fuck.
                “Maverick, don’t let me stop you from seeing him. He just got back.”
                “And another day won’t matter,” he says, not sure how he can explain he saw him yesterday, and the day before as well. And also he doesn’t know how to feel about seeing him again today. Carole makes a weird humming noise and he turns, about to ask her what she means by that.
                “Invite him here. It would be nice to see him too.”
                “Uh… yeah. Okay. Sure.”
                He has no reason to say no, he’s friends with Carole as well. He picks up the phone and dials the number Ice gave him for his base accommodation, waits for him to pick up as he trails across the room, the coiled spring of the phone following him. He doesn’t need to wait long, maybe six rings and then Ice’s clear strong voice comes through the line.
                “Tom Kazansky.”
                “Hey Ice, how are you?”
                “Maverick… Hi,” Ice says, and his voice is cautious and Pete doesn’t blame him. They’re not really friends who have ever been the type to talk on the phone. Letter writing has happened occasionally, postcards sometimes. “Why are you calling me? We’re meant to be seeing each other in a few hours…”
                “Uh yeah, about that. Just wondering if we can postpone dinner?”
                “What? Why? Tell me what’s happened.”
                “Uh, well,” he looks across the kitchen to where Carole is now washing the dishes, still singing to the music on the radio and he lowers his voice and angles his body away. “Carole’s got cancer. Bad. Don’t really want to leave her. We’re actually going to have a movie night,” he says, adlibbing his way through the lies, although now that he’s saying it he’s going to make it happen. Remembers that he wants to find out the name of that movie and then watch it. Once he finds it. But he also needs to gather information, wants to see Ice again with the knowledge he has now. He turns back toward the kitchen and Carole is now looking at him, mouthing words at him and he doesn’t need the ability to lip read to know she’s telling him to ask Ice to dinner.
                “Actually, you want to come around here for dinner and join us instead? I know it’s not what we planned but I kind of want to be here with them tonight.”
                “Yeah. Of course. What can I bring?”
                “Just yourself.”
                “I think I can manage that,” Ice says, and his voice is dry and Pete snorts, because Ice has never turned up empty handed anywhere he goes, which is something he could probably try and emulate more. They agree on six for dinner and he hangs up, turns back to Carole and wonders if he should ask her for advice. Would that just cause her more worry or distract her. Maybe she wants distracting? Fucked if he knows.
                They end up back on the sofa and she talks, clearly calmer than she has been the previous two days, talking to him about the diagnosis and lifespan estimation. Not long. Never long enough when it’s measured in months. He can only listen with half of his brain, what she’s telling him is what he’d heard the first day, but it had been through wracking sobs and tears. He still can’t figure out why today is different, needs to figure it out so he can make sure he can repeat it tomorrow if he needs to.
                “Will you let me adopt Bradley?”
                “Can I adopt Bradley?”
                “You want to do that?”
                “Of course. Jesus Carole, I can’t imagine loving him any more than if he were my actual kid.”
                He doesn’t know what he’s said exactly but she’s crying again, but this time there’s a tremulous smile on her face and he feels like this is also something right, something good that he can do. Then Bradley gets home, bursting through the door and Carole reaches an arm out to him, her smile wavering and Bradley can definitely tell something is wrong. He’s a smart kid.
                “How would you feel about Maverick adopting you?”
                “Uh… are you guys getting married?”
                “No!” They both answer in unison and then laugh, although it would probably be easier.
                “Um. Sure. It’s cool I guess. Why are you crying?”
                Smart kid, Pete thinks, and he wonders what Carole is going to do, going to say, when faced with Bradley asking outright like this.
                “Just sad about life this afternoon…”
                “Oh. Okay.”
                He sucks in a quiet breath, clenches his jaw, because she’s still not telling him. Okay. It’s okay. This is still better than the first day, although anything is better than that horrific day.
                “We were thinking of having a movie night. You want to come to the Blockbuster with me?” Pete asks and Bradley’s nodding, his school bag dropping to the ground and Carole tuts under her breath.
                “Come on, I need to go to the grocery store, seeing as I’m now cooking for four people…”
                “You told me to invite him!” Pete protests, knowing she’s giving him a gentle jab about Ice and him now being there for dinner. Although he prefers it over the alternative, even if he’s curious as to what the table would look like if he turned up even earlier. Another task for another tomorrow maybe. They all get in Carole’s car and she drives, humming along to the radio. She drops them off, saying she’ll be back shortly, saying she only needs a few things and they’ll likely take much longer picking a movie. She doesn’t know he has one movie in mind already and that it's Bradley that will take an age to decide on something. He walks into the Blockbuster, Bradley on his heels and he goes up to the bored looking teenager behind the counter.
                “Hi, I was wondering if you could help me.”
                “Uh. I’m looking for a movie, about this, uh, person, a man I think, who is caught reliving the same day over and over?”
                “What, like Groundhog Day?”
                “You mean the movie Groundhog Day?”
                “Is that it? Is that the movie I’m thinking about?”
                “I dunno man, you just described the plot though. He wakes up every morning and it’s Groundhog Day. It’s a romantic comedy. Just over there,” he says, pointing and Pete thanks him, heads over and finds it almost immediately. There’re about ten copies, clearly a popular film and he picks up the case and goes to find Bradley.
                Of course he’s looking at the new releases, a film Pete knows he’s not allowed to see clasped in his hands.
                “Bradley, that’s an R-rated film. Your mom will kill me. How about this one?” Pete suggests, because space films are always pretty cool, and a nice middle ground they’ve realized that they both generally like.
                “Fine, but I do want to see this…”
                “Sure, you can see it when you’re old enough to get it out without my help…”
                “Ugh, fine…”
                Pete puts Se7en back on the shelf and taps the Apollo 13 against the Groundhog Day case, which is definitely not his normal choice for a movie, but it feels like necessary research. He needs some type of guidance or direction and he’s pretty sure talking about it with anyone else is going to get him called crazy. He sure as hell doesn’t need that. Maybe he is?
                That’s actually a possibility he hadn’t considered.
                Surely if he were actually loosing it he wouldn’t be sane enough to think that he might be loosing it?
                He sighs, slides his membership card and cash across the counter and accepts the videos back, passing them to Bradley who is now busy reading the back of Groundhog Day and pulling a face.
                “This sounds boring…”
                “Well, I thought it might cheer up your mom.”
                He clearly agrees that his mom needs cheering up because he doesn’t even roll his eyes; Pete wonders if he should ask if he’s really okay if Pete adopts him, while they wait for Carole to come and pick them up. They can probably work things out without that if they have to. Of course he doesn’t have time, Carole honking the horn and waving as she drives toward them.
                They get back to the house and he helps Carole carry the few things inside, Bradley instructed to put away his things before coming to help prepare dinner. She making a pasta dish with lots of vegetables and he laughs at Bradley’s disgruntled expression, tells him he has to eat them otherwise he won’t grow tall. Of course Bradley retaliates by saying that explains why Pete is so short and he grabs him in a headlock and gives him a noogie, Carole laughing and rolling her eyes, telling them to behave and it all feels shockingly normal. Good.
                A knock at the door, it opening and Ice calling out has him jolting a little, part of him having forgotten that Ice was coming.
                “Hello! I’m here!”
                He hasn’t allowed himself time to think too deeply about what Ice told him yesterday, can’t tell that it’s even a thing right now, everything seems perfectly normal, just like usual. Ice is handing Carole a bunch of flowers and some chocolate, giving her a kiss on the cheek and smiling at her and he feels a little spark of something, unidentifiable and irritating. He ignores it and gives Ice a grin, tries his best to pretend everything is normal. Then he catches the tight little smile Carole gives Ice and he wonders if she maybe knows. Oh god. Was he completely blind? He shakes himself mentally, reminds himself his best friends are in front of him, one with a terminal cancer diagnosis and the other, apparently, maybe, in love with him.
                Perfectly normal day.
                They eat dinner and he’s glad for Bradley, so glad as he keeps up chatter about school, what he’s wanting to do in the weekend, asking questions of Ice about his deployment. They don’t talk about Carole’s diagnosis. Can’t with the fact that Bradley doesn’t know. Dinner ends and they wash up, used to working together. Carole makes Bradley go and shower and change into his pajamas, ignores his protests about it being too early but she stands firm and Pete realizes he’s going to have to be a parent soon. He’s going to have to be the person that tells Bradley no. God he doesn’t want to be that person.
                They move into the TV room, Bradley waving the video in one hand and insisting in setting it up. Normally he and Ice sit at opposite ends of the sofa, Bradley sprawled between them, but he swallows, instead takes the middle himself, gives Ice a shrug and just murmurs about mixing it up a bit when he asks a silent question with a single eyebrow. They watch Apollo 13, Tom Hanks making a convincing astronaut and he finds it pretty compelling knowing it’s based on a true story. Despite his attention being focused on the movie he can feel the warmth of Ice’s body near him; they’re not even touching and yet he’s so conscious of the space between them.
                He reaches out slowly, so slowly that every second feels like minutes, stretching time out like hot toffee. He brushes his fingers over the back of Ice’s hand and Ice twitches suddenly, hand jerking away and Ice is staring at him, eyes wide, face illuminated by the light coming from the TV and he turns his hand over, leaving it palm facing up in an invitation for… well. To hold hands he guesses, even if they’ve never done anything before he wants to know if this is something that he could maybe have.
                Of course, these actions without any words first probably weren’t the smartest move because Ice is looking confused, almost the same spooked expression he’d had yesterday when Pete had turned up early and he nods his head slowly but leaves his hand where it is, doesn’t want to retract the open invitation he’s made. Is still curious, even if Ice is looking at him as if he’s lost his mind.
                Everyone makes it back to Earth, the movie ends and Carole is sending Bradley to bed, ignoring his pleas to watch the second movie while offering to make coffee. Ice stands, his head already shaking a polite decline, mumbling about heading home early and Pete doesn’t groan out loud but he really wants to. He stands as well, says he’ll see Ice out while Carole ensures Bradley actually goes to bed. He follows Ice to the front door, can’t help but notice his stiff posture and he wishes he could make things… okay. Better. Good.
                He doesn’t know.
                He steps in, putting himself very firmly in Ice’s personal space and reaches for his hand, squeezes it, runs a thumb across his knuckles and swallows nervously.
                “What are you doing Maverick?” Ice asks, his voice rough.
                “I don’t know…” Pete replies honestly, looking up to meet his eyes. They search his face, looking for answers he doesn’t have, then Ice is making a broken sound, a whispered god and then Ice is kissing him, his lips softer than he expects, careful almost, like he’s afraid Pete will dissolve like sugar in water. His entire body prickles, like it’s suddenly and immediately on high alert, definitely wants more and he sways into Ice’s space further but he’s stepping back, his expression serious.
                “We’ll talk tomorrow. Okay?”
                “Yeah. Okay. Tomorrow…” he agrees and god he hopes he gets a different tomorrow.
                He watches Ice drive away and then goes back and sits on the sofa, Carole joining him and he presses play, watches as Bill Murray navigates living the same day over and over and feels a sinking sense of dread.
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hairstevington · 1 year
Hi! I would love to see the 1st Valentine’s Day prompt(a bouquet of their favourite flowers) for steddie! Specifically Eddie bringing Steve flowers(idk why but I’m a firm believer that Steve secretly loves getting gifted flowers lol!). If you do do this thank you so much!! <3333
Ahhhhhh yes LET’S GOOOO!!! Thanks for the request! (Ao3 link here!)
Word Count: 1.3K
Warnings: Some reeeeal fluffy shit, Eddie secretly pining over his best friend Steve, gay scheming, romance
A/N: This ended up being a bit more than just flowers, but hopefully it suffices! If anyone else is interested here is the prompt post, I also took inspiration from this cute lil post by @grandwretch :)
Eddie always teased Steve about his romantic conquests. They frequently discussed best practices for him to woo women - including knowing their favorite color, their birthday, their favorite movie, etc. Eddie watched Steve date beautiful woman after beautiful woman, always putting in so much effort and getting so little back.
That's probably why Eddie started doing it.
"Should I get her the blue bracelet or the green one?" Steve would ask.
"I dunno man, what's her favorite color?"
"Blue. But her eyes are green."
"Get the blue. The two colors look good together anyway," Eddie answered as if he was somehow the person to ask about such things. He'd never really dated anyone, but he'd seen a lot of movies, and watched a lot of high school couples date each other.
"Thanks," Steve would say. He was always appreciative for the second opinion, even though the opinion was based on nothing.
"No problem," Eddie smiled. "Hey, what's your favorite color?"
Any time Steve asked for advice, Eddie would eventually turn it back on Steve. It was all part of his master plan, you see - he wanted to make Steve feel special on Valentine's Day. Not in a gay way, he told himself. Steve's my friend, it's not like that.
He tried to convince himself he was doing it platonically, or because it would be funny to see Steve all flustered, but deep down Eddie knew that it was far more than that.
But him and Steve were friends, and that's all they'd ever be, and he'd accepted that.
A week before Valentine's Day, there was a package on Steve's doorstep addressed to him. He wasn't expecting any mail, and the box was so haphazardly wrapped it was almost scary. Like, he was pretty sure he'd seen this exact set-up in a horror movie. Main character gets mysterious package that ends up ruining their life.
(It didn't end up ruining his life, but it sure as hell changed it)
Inside the box was a teddy bear - one of those real cutesie ones you find at a giftshop this time of year. Steve was confused, and wondered if it was even delivered to the right place - sure enough, there was a handwritten note that confirmed it. I call him Steve Bearington, it read. Steve smiled, but still had no idea who it was from. The girl that he'd gone on a few dates with could never have been responsible for the disastrous way the gift was wrapped. He shrugged. It must have been a secret admirer - he got those sometimes.
He told Eddie about it the next day, and Eddie pretended to act surprised. He didn't want to give his secret away, especially when he went so far as to ask some random person to write out the stupid note so that Steve wouldn't recognize his handwriting. He probably should have asked them to wrap it, too, but whatever. Steve was so happy about it, so Eddie continued with his plan.
Eddie learned that Steve liked sour candy over chocolate, so he got him some. Then he wrote him a poem - it wasn't, like, the greatest thing ever written, but Eddie did tend to have a way with words. He delivered the candy two days before Valentine's Day, and on the eve of the holiday he had one of his other friends discreetly stick the poem on Steve's front door and ding-dong-ditch while he and Eddie were hanging out, just to throw him off his game even more.
"Oh my god, they did it again," Steve said when he picked the poem from the door. "Who is this person?" Eddie appreciated that he said person, instead of woman.
"What does it say?" Eddie asked, biting his lip to keep from grinning. He watched as Steve read it to himself first, his brow furrowing.
"It's, uh," he said, folding it nicely and putting it in his pocket. "It's good."
Hell yeah it is, Eddie thought to himself.
Steve had a date on Valentine's Day - Eddie knew this, and it was to be expected anyway, since Steve almost always had a date on most days. He was leaving at 7, so Eddie showed up at 6.
Steve didn't have much more to do to get ready for the date - he was already having a good hair day, and he'd picked out an outfit that had done him well in the past. He just was still caught up on who wrote him that poem.
Nobody had written him a poem before, like ever. Steve hadn't ever attempted to write one for anyone else. He wasn't that good at analyzing them in English class, so he'd grown a bit tired of poetry as a whole.
But the one left on his front door sparked a new appreciation for it.
He was confused when the doorbell rang, because he wasn't expecting anybody. Then, he wondered if maybe, he'd find another poem out there.
Instead, he found Eddie. Well, actually, he found a person standing there with flowers covering their face, but the mane of curly brown hair surrounding the flowers gave him away.
They were daisies. Eddie was probably the only person in the world that knew Steve liked daisies, and it wasn't even something he'd explicitly said. He just knew he was drawn to them when he saw them, and he'd pointed them out a few times while he was with Eddie.
"Special Valentine's delivery for Harrington!" Eddie announced, letting himself in. Steve watched as he set them on the table, confident as always, a bright smile on his face. But Steve was mostly just confused.
"What...the hell?" Eddie's bravado faltered just a little bit.
"Hasn't anyone ever gotten you flowers before?" Eddie asked.
"No, but I've bought a lot of flowers before, and -"
"Tsk tsk tsk," Eddie interrupted. "My point exactly. You deserve flowers too, Steve."
"God, what's with all the gifts from people this week?" Steve whined, completely overwhelmed. "Between this and the secret admirer thing, I just -"
Steve's head was spinning, and he wasn't the most observant person, but he did have enough sense to notice the way Eddie winced at the mention of the secret admirer.
"Yeah, well," Eddie said, his tone softer than before. "Like I said, you deserve it."
There was a thick silence as Steve realized what was happening.
"Eddie..." he said, putting it all together. Eddie was the only one who would have known to get him any of that stuff. Steve openly told Eddie all kinds of things he never admitted to anyone else, because he didn't think Eddie was paying attention. He certainly didn't think Eddie had been filing it away to do this.
"I hope you have a good date tonight," Eddie said, suddenly feeling quite stupid about this whole thing. He turned to leave, but Steve stopped him.
"The poem - you wrote it?" Eddie nodded.
Steve thought about straight-up reciting it to Eddie in that moment, to prove to him just how much he liked it. He'd read it so many times it was burned into his brain, just as he wanted it to be.
He wasn't expecting this from his best friend, but he was shocked at how weird it didn't feel. Finding out Eddie had been his secret admirer just made sense.
"Doesn't have to be a big deal," Eddie mumbled. "I just - I don't want this to - Like, I'm sorry if -"
"I gotta go cancel my plans with Deb," Steve said.
"She'll live. Besides, it wouldn't be that cool of me to go out with someone when I'm thinking about someone else."
"What?" Eddie repeated. He really didn't expect to get this far. "What are you saying?"
Steve smiled - his brilliant, trademark smile that always made Eddie feel warm inside.
"Do you wanna be my Valentine, Munson?"
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ikanasocking · 9 months
A nerdy revenge
This is a new story from me. It contains mind control, straight to gay and inanimated tf content. Continue reading and you will be hit by it. You have been warned :) Enjoy this new story
A nerdy revenge:
School was hell, but somehow he managed to get through it mostly unscathed. But then Theo went to study and his school bully’s did the same. So he was still not getting rid of them. Wort of all he had to share a flat with them. Due to the high energy and other costs he had to get some flatmates. And these were the only two, willing to pay the rent he asked for. So he was stuck with these guys for a couple of more years.
That included a lot of more heckling and bullying along the way. Much to his advantage he did not really care anymore. He ignored most of the things they said or did to him. The guys in question were Andreas and Robert. Both of them gym rats. Nice toned bodies and nothing else in their brains then getting the next women for the night. Often there were foreign lady’s coming and going. Sometimes even several a day. Theo stayed out of this. He was concentrating on his degree in chemistry.
Besides his studies he was interested in games and anime. He rarely went to the gym but still was able to keep scrawny and thin. His black hair were a little longer and from only seeing his back he was often mistaken for a girl. And if all of this wasn’t enough he was interested in men. He did not know why and could not explain it, but women were just not giving him the things a men could. Nevertheless he never really had a relationship. Dating yes, but no guy made it beyond that. Maybe Theo was not willing to let them get close or they were not really interested in a guy who would not only think about sex.
The years went by and nothing really changed. Theo was nearly done with his degree while the other two had to repeat some of their classes due to the lack of studying. And so Theo told them that if he was done with his studies he would move somewhere else and sell the flat. Robert and Andreas did not take the message with glee. A lot of bad words were coming Theo’s way and they even began to spread nasty rumours about him in the university. Normally he would not care. But even the few friends he had were talking to him about what kind of a douchebag he was to set his mates on the street. He tried to make things right but besides his friends no one believe his reasoning.
And this was the day Theo decided to take action. If they would want to fight him so badly, he would put up a fight. But not with his fists, more with his mind. Or more with their bodies. What good would his degree be, when he would not put it to use? One of his closest friends was let in on his plan and wanted to help him. He had heard about a strange shop somewhere downtown, where they should have some special chemicals with unusual effects. So Theo and Brian went there and browsed through the inventory of the shop.
“Are you sure this stuff will work?” Theo asked his friend.
“No idea. But what do we have to lose? I mean it sounds all way too crazy to be true”, Brian answered.
“I see you are not familiar with our inventory, boys. May I be of assistance to you?” a shop clerk asked and they looked at him.
He seemed to be a pretty young guy on the outside.  But his eyes looked way older than his face. He wore a normal story outfit, fitting for a pharmacy store.  
“Oh we were just wondering if this stuff really does what is written on it”, Theo said.
“Of course it does. All our products are tested and verified. Trust me if I say, they work wonders for a boy like you. Revenge has such a sweet smell and you want a lot of it. So what can we do to satisfy you? If you give me a description of the situation I can help you find the perfect product.”
Theo was first hesitant but his friend was not and began to explain everything he knew to the clerk. He was listening and his smile kept getting wider and wider.
“I understand. Whu, this is a perfect story for an act of revenge. You came to the right place. May I ask how you want to get back at them?”
“Well since both are working out so much, I thought about getting them some protein supplements”, Theo said and the clerk laughed.
“What a brilliant idea. You have a bright future ahead of you. If you are interested, I am willing to give you a contract after you have your degree. But back to the matter at hand. Well in that case we need something that looks like powder. Best white and with no special smell. Ah here we got something”, he said took a big glass out of the shelf.
The powder inside was white and did look like normal protein powder. The lable was not really telling Theo anything.
“So for your purposes it would be perfect. Just what effect should it have? Do you want to get them fat?”
“No that would not be fitting. Although it would be nice. No I am thinking more of being submissive to me. Being below my feet and getting trampled on by me, like they are doing now.”
The clerk grinned even wider.
“Just a moment. I will prepare everything. Do you want to mix something for yourself or should I do the honour of creating your special protein mix?” he asked.
“I guess if it would not cost to much”, Theo began, when the clerk already interrupted him.
“Oh no, no no no. We are not talking about money, my boy. My first example is free. Trust me, it will be enough to get them winding at your feet. But I did not want to take the satisfaction of doing it yourself away from you.”
“In that case, may I assist?” Theo asked.
“Sorry my boy. Even though I can respect your decision. Until you are not working here, I cannot show you anything. Would be bad for my business. Just a moment, all will be ready in a moment.”
With that the clerk stormed off to a back room.
“Do you think this will work?” Brian asked.
“I have no idea. I bet it will be too good to be true. But anyway it did cost nothing. And if it works, heck I will start working here”, Theo said.
“I will pick you up on that, my boy”, the clerk said when he came back with two big tubes.
Labled with protein powder. Highly concentrated for the best workout results on the market.
“The sweet revenge package. I garantuee you, it will work way better then you expect. If not feel free to come again. And if it does, I would love to hire you. A guy with such a sweet sense for revenge would be a good addition to my shop. So off you go and have fun”, the clerk send them on their way.
Back at their flat, both boys were greeted with Andreas and Robert who wanted to go to the gym.
“He nerd, what you got there?” Robert asked pointing at the tubes.
“Oh that? I was thinking about hitting the gym with Brian. So we went out to get some protein powder”, Theo said and Andreas wasted no time snatching the tube from his hands.
“Never heard of this stuff. Must be something cheap. Nevertheless, before you need it, it is better for us. Thanks for the free supplements nerd”, said and Robert snatched the other tube.
Theo protested a little bit before both boys just went out.
“They took the bait, now we need to wait”, Theo said.
“I am curious to see what will happen, if something happens.”
Brian and Theo spent the rest of the day together and waited for the bullies to come back. After some hours Andreas and Robert came back and went directly to the kitchen. Prepared their protein shakes and downed them pretty quickly. Watched by Theo and Brian. Nothing seemed to be happening.
“Do you taste something strange?” Andreas asked his friend.
“Not really. Tastes like nothing to me. But hey it was free and if it works, why not taking it? Cheaper than buying stuff ourselves.”
“Amen, brother”, Andreas said and so they went to bed.
“Well guess it will take some time for the effect to take place”, Theo said.
“Guess so. Well ring me up if something unusual happens. See you around”, Brian said and left the flat.
The days went by and Theo did not notice any change in his flatmates other than their muscle’s seemed to be bulging a little more than usual. The only thing that seemed a little strange was that he had the feeling some of his socks went missing. But probably just imagination. But then one day he saw where his socks went. Both Andreas and Robert were wearing them for their workout. He thought nothing of it. Both boys would take everything they want anyway. But that the used socks were in his room the next day, surprised him. Did his flatmates began to take his socks, wear them and return them in exchange for another pair? And this continued.
The day of his final exam drew near and finally it was all over. The exam was written and now he would only need to wait for the result. Andreas and Robert on the other hand failed their exam since both boys did not even attend them. They were busier in the gym. Theo waited for them at home, hoping they would be in a good mood and leave them alone. He decided that it was now the right time to wear some of the socks both boys returned to him. White sport socks with a logo of the manufacturer. Andreas and Robert came home and went straight to the kitchen.
“Oh man, this is our last shake with this stuff”, Theo heard.
Only after both boys were done drinking they came back and saw Theo on the sofa. He could see how their eyes were fixed to his feet.
“Hey, um Theo. Where did you get this protein stuff?” Andreas asked in an unusual polite tone.
“Downtown from a special shop. Why you ask?”
“It worked so good we would like to get more of it”, Robert said.
“More of the stuff or of my feet?”
Panic mixed into the boys eyes when the noticed that Theo noticed where they were staring.
“We, I mean”, Robert stammered.
“I see that you are wearing my socks and staring at my feet is there anything you want to tell me?”
Robert and Andreas looked at each other and a big sigh escaped their mouths. The sat down next to him. He could smell the sweat on their clothes. They did not shower.
“We, we are sorry for being such assholes to you”, Andreas said.
“Say what?”
“We don’t know. The last weeks it felt wrong, all that we did. And another thing changed. We started to look at your feet. We both have no idea why. From one day to another they got interesting. After some days we wondered how your socks would feel and started wearing a pair. We returned it after workout and took the next. We did this for the past weeks always wondering why. We had no explanation.”
“You sure you guys are okay?”
“Yeah we are okay. We just never came true with this. Theo we love your feet. We want to serve them. Serve you. Please let us be your foot slaves.”
Theo was taken a little bit aback, but found his confidence quicker then he thought.
“Took you long enough to notice that you are beneath me. Now get to work and serve my feet”, he said and both boys gave him a kiss on the cheeks before getting to work.
They began to play with his feet in totally new ways. Enjoying the smell and the feeling of them. Theo could not believe his eyes. He made a photo and send it over to Brian. A short while later he was at the door.
“Get the door, slave”, Theo said and pointed at Andreas.
“Anything for you, master”, he answered and opend the door.
“Welcome. The master is busy right now. May I ask what you want?”
“I want to see my friend”, Brian said a little bit confused.
“Master?”, Andreas asked.
“It is okay. Let him in.”
With that Andreas pulled Brian in and closed the door. He went back to serving his master while Brian took his shoes off and then went into the living room.
“Hi, Brian. Come sit with me”, Theo said and Brian sat down confused.
“What happened to them?”
“I guess the powder worked. They want nothing more than serving me.”
“Wow, never expected it to be so effective” Brian said and watched them.
“Robert, take care of Brian’s feet, will you?”
“Yes, master”, he responded and began to play with Brian’s feet as well. A totally new sensation hit the boy and he moaned and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of the worshipping.
“I thought you would like it, Brian. What do you say? It worked didn’t it?”
“Yeah it worked wonder. Who would have thought that they would be so devoted to you.”
“And another thing worked, I am sure of. Isn’t that right Brian?”
“What do you mean?” he asked confused.
“I was able to analyse some of the stuff the powder used. So I created something new. A kind of love potion. Just for you. And you enjoyed it every day in your coffee. I put some of it in your sugar. And now tell me, Brian. Do you love me?”
At first Brian was hit like a truck that his friend would do such a thing. But then another sensation hit him. Love. Theo was right he loved him. Instead of answering him, he just bend over and started to kiss his friend. To hell if he made him love him or not. It felt way too good to ignore. So both guys were kissing while the others were taking care of their socks. When Brian finally pulled back from his new lover Theo had an idea.
“Robert, take Brian’s socks and wear them.”
Without question Robert exchanged his socks with Brian’s and then continued to worship his master’s boyfriend. And this went on until it was time for bed. Brian and Theo slept their first night together while Robert and Andreas were sleeping in their rooms. The next day they went to the gym, came back, exchanged their workout socks with these of their master and then began worshipping them again. Theo and Brian were just sitting on the sofa enjoying the show. But suddenly a new sensation were hitting them. Theo and Brian closed their eyes enjoying the biggest hard-on of their life.
Meanwhile Robert and Andreas were feeling something similar. The wish to be at their master’s feet were so big, that the powder reacted to it. Or was this planned all along? They continued playing, when suddenly they wanted to drag their tongues across their master’s soles. And so they did. Halfway however they were fusing with the fabric of the socks. Their mouths were stuck to the foot they were licking right now. Both boy did not pay any attention to it. They would have their master’s taste in their mouths forever and this alone gave then so much passion that they wanted it. Slowly their faces were engulfed into the fabric of the socks. Their hair, ears, mouth and nose, everything was just barely noticeable anymore. Next up were their necks. The passion increased and was too much for the boys to bear. They pulled down their shorts released their dicks and began stroking them. More and more of their bodies were consumed. First their torso and hands. The feeling of the fabric was nearly sending them over the edge. But despite all the sensation they did not come. The fabric moved on engulfing every inch of their bodies but leaving their dicks out for the moment. Only after everything was consumed, it went to consume the rest. And when their penises were sealed away into the fabric both boys had the biggest orgasm of their lives. A wet spot was forming on the socks before they were reduced to nothing more than the socks, their masters were wearing. The wet spot was the only indication, that these socks were once humans. With their transformation complete Brian and Theo themselves had one of the biggest orgasm they ever experienced. Looking down they saw what happened. The powder did what Theo asked for. Both boys were at his feet, worshipping him.
“I guess we can agree that it worked” Theo said and Brian laughed.
“Sure did, honey. And now?”
“Well I guess we know what to do.”
Both boys played together until later that day Theo got the message that he passed his exam and was now done with university. A few days later both boys went back to the shop.
“I see, you are back. Did it work?”
“It worked better than expected”, Theo said.
The clerk was looking at him.
“You changed, boy. I guess everything was to your satisfaction?”
Theo grabbed Brian’s hand kissed him and then looks at the clerk.
“Yeah. Even more than that. I am here for your offer.”
“Gladly, boy. I am sure you will make some good stuff here. While I see you already practiced on your new boyfriend.”
Brian blushed and smiled awkwardly. The next years went by and Theo was developing new stuff by the day and helping people who were in a similar situation as he once was. Live was never better for him. Even though he helped it becoming this good.
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ramrage · 2 months
How about another Fortune?
Chapter 1: Part 1
work rating: M
chapter rating: M
relationship: John “Soap” MacTavish x Simon “Ghost” Riley (endgame); John "Soap" MacTavish x Original Female Character (temporary)
characters: John “Soap” MacTavish, Simon “Ghost” Riley”, Original Female Character
tags: Freeform, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Straight? John “Soap” MacTavish, Cheating, Non-Chronological, this is a (gay) lovestory, Self-Discovery
summary: Soap is a heterosexual man in love, and everything is great. Really, it is. Factually speaking, no less.
Enjoy what you have, hope for what you lack. How about another Fortune? SecondFortune.com Lucky Numbers 19, 54, 37, 40, 47, 21
A/N: multimedia, nonchronological weirdness. pardon that. also, it doesn't start that way, but it's a ghostsoap (soapghost?) endgame. fret not.
ao3 link
part 2
John MacTavish with Ella Mitchell
In a relationship with Ella Mitchell
February 14, 2014
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Ella Mitchell Congrats, Johnno. Really lucked out with that one :P <3 Like | Reply
Life is good. Can be, rather. So good that you’re drawn out of the moment for a split-second of awe, some shattering clarity of how fucking right things can be sometimes. And then you’re back in it, and somehow it’s even better.
“God, I fucking love you,” John breathes, not a post-nut bout of romanticism, short-lived. There she is: Ella. Sweaty, beautiful, and smiling. Sex on perfect fucking legs, and sweet. So damn sweet. “Fuck, I love you.”
He think it again when she looks away, shy, and looks back again with that wry smile, the one that has him love drunk and stupid every fucking time. “I love you, too, Johnny.”
And then the fucking minx rolls her hips, “but I’ve only cum twice. And you, my dear,” she muses, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek “promised me three.”
“Bleeding hell,” John thinks. “I’m gonna marry her. Mother of my future children.”
He makes good on his promise, of course. Lets her take his iPod and play the music she likes as he settles between her thighs afterwards, and throws in another for good measure, because of course. For her, it’s fucking nothing. Anything. Forever, and always, and all that other bullshit.
Time is a pesky bitch, is the thing.
And proximity is one hell of a drug.
VAGINAL, receiving: N/A VAGINAL, giving: 8 ANAL, receiving: 0 ANAL, giving: 0 ORAL, receiving: 3 MANUAL, non-penetrative: 4 MANUAL, penetrative: 0 TOTAL PARTNERED SEXUAL INTERCOURSE: 15
ANAL, manual, non-penetrative: 0 ANAL, manual, penetrative: 0 PHALLIC, manual: 172 PHALLIC, oral: 0 VAGINAL, manual, non-penetrative: N/A VAGINAL, manual, penetrative: N/A NON-GENITAL STIMULATION, manual or oral: 0 TOTAL SELF-STIMULATION: 172
VERDANSK, KASTOVIA 02 11 2022 21:07:33–21:07:38
21:07:33 G: Soap, you’ve got three enemies moving in East. 21:07:36 S: Copy. Permission to engage? 21:07:38 G: Give ‘em hell.
They aim to call every week, even though they both know more often than not, it’s more of a monthly occasion. But it’s a low key Thursday, and for a change, John actually has time.
“So, how’d it go?” Ella sounds flat and tinny and terribly familiar over the phone. It feels like half the time they speak, her voice is like this. Compressed, still rising and falling with the gesticulations he can’t see, and wrong.
“Good, good…”
He can’t exactly say, “Nah, but don’t worry. The other guy got off much worse. Blew his head clean off his shoulders, actually,” so he tells her everything went well instead. It doesn’t exactly suck, and it isn’t exactly lying. “Yeah,” he continues, “can’t say much, but it was a tight operation. Clean.”
“And that’s why they call you Soap, eh?”
“Pretty and smart. I’ve won the lottery, haven’t I?”
“Mhm. Just gotta come and cash in your winnings is all,” and John’s stomach sinks because the anticipation he should feel is definitely anxiety. Any talk of coming home had slowly and consistently fallen from grace in his mind, and what used to be a respite feels more like faffing about in fairy land. For better or for worse (and in sickness and in health), he is married to his job. Thats how it goes with shit like this: too high-stakes to be anything other than wholly committed to.
Morality aside, two-timing is exhausting business and as John sees it, it just gives you two cakes that you can’t have, and can’t eat either.
“Happy birthday, Johnny.”
Pulling away from Ghost’s lighter, Soap exhales that first draw, acrid as always, before chuckling. “Aye, cheers. Not how I expected it to go, but…”
“What did you have in mind then, eh? A little pub crawl out here in the middle of nowhere?”
Ghost manages to look nonchalant as he scans the blackdrop forest, leaning into the safe house’s dilapidated siding where he and Soap had posted up not too long ago. There’s bare little to see, bare little to do, so they smoke and shoot the shit.
Happy Birthday, indeed.
“Ha, fair. No point in making plans in this line of work.” He leaves out the part about Ella at home somewhere, filling the bin with pound shop birthday decorations. No use in reusing them. You only turn 30 once, after all. Ghost’s quiet, so he amends, “at least, not personal plans.”
“Had me worried there.”
“C’mon now, the planning is your’s and Price’s domain.”
“Watch it, sergeant. Arsekissing will only get you so far.”
“And how far it’s gotten me.”
“Ungrateful bastard. I got you the candles and everything.”
Soap snorts. “Aye, and you’re always hauling cake, so I reckon I’ve got that, too.”
“Fuckin’ hell.”
Thank god there’s no HR department in Arsefuck, Russia. Soap’d be toast by now. Or maybe not. This isn’t the first time he’s pulled this shit, and the reaction’s just about the same.
“I‘m just sayin’, ‘s not my fault you’re addicted to deadlifts.”
“Fuck—I wanna let you see another birthday, MacTavish, but you’re pushing your luck.”
“So you do like me.”
“Hey, good-lookin’. How does this sound? You, me, a little takeaway, maybe a movie?”
John glances up from his phone. “What?”
“I was wondering how you felt about a night in.” Ella groans, noticing John’s eyes are still glued to his phone. A couple of snaps in his face, and John finally looks up. “I’m sorry,” she begins before he has a chance to apologize. “Am I interrupting something?”
John shakes his head. “Baby, no. Fuck, I’m sorry. It’s fucking work shite, shouldn’t take me too much longer.”
Ella doesn’t look appeased. Not remotely. Eyes burning mad above the dark circles, fingers tapping testily where they rest on the waistband of her joggers.
“How many times are ya gonna be sorry, John, eh?” Exasperated, she runs a hand through her brown hair, messing it up even more than it already is. “You’re gone for months on end, and that’s fine. I knew that was what I was getting into. But then when you’re actually fucking here, you couldn’t give a damn.”
“Elle, c’mon, don’t say that. I promise I want to deal with this shit even less than you do. You know I care, ba—”
“I don’t know that I fucking do, John. I don’t know that, and honestly, I don’t know if you really do care.”
John’s since put down the phone, but stands to wrap Ella in a gentle, rocking hug. She only fights him for a second before slumping against his chest. He likes it here, likes resting his chin on her shoulder where he can smell the lavender of her shampoo and her unwashed sleep shirt.
“Ellie, my darling. Give me five more minutes and I’m all yours. Put the order in on my card, and we can crack open the nice wine in the coat closet.”
“Dinner and drinks won’t just make it better, John,” she protests, muffled and half-hearted.
He leans back just enough to catch Ella’s eye, “No, it doesn’t.”
He jerks his head to the side, indicating she ought to let his hands guide her, turning until she’s facing away. She sighs and curses “that fucking MacTavish charm” when he starts kneading at her small shoulders. “That’s why I’m also planning on giving you a massage,” he begins to her answering hum, “a long one, and when you finally feel nice and relaxed and pampered, we can play that game you’re so fond of.”
“Which game?” she quips back despite knowing already what he means.
“Well, all you have to do is sit back and look pretty and let me see how many times I can get you off.”
“Mm, right, that one.”
“So, how does that sound for a night in?”
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We can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store 🔥
“Alright, fuck, get the fuck off me.”
Ghost relents and rocks back on his haunches, offering a hand to help Johnny roll to sit cross-legged. “You’re getting better.”
“Fuck off,” Johnny pants.
“Stronger, yeah. But smarter.”
“I’m plenty smart as is.”
“Weren’t always. Ya used to run in headlong, make stupid mistakes. You still do, granted, but not as often.”
“If that’s so, how’d I end up flat on my arse?”
Ghost shrugs, scratches the back of his neck through his damp mask. “I’m better.”
“Cocky bastard.”
“Takes one to know one.”
Soap rolls his eyes, wincing as he pushes himself up to stand. He squeezes a long stream of water into his mouth, missing near half of it before chucking Ghost’s water bottle across the gym.
He feels neither pleased nor surprised when Ghost turns the other way to lift his mask and drink. It’s what Ghost does.
“Five minutes and we go again,” Soap says, because it’s just enough time to catch his breath, “and this time, I’m fucking pinning you.”
“Fat fucking chance, sergeant.”
Enjoy what you have, hope for what you lack.
How about another Fortune?
Lucky Numbers 19, 54, 37, 40, 47, 21
fraternization definition
deltoid stretch
pulled deltoid exercise
pulled deltoid treatment
pulled deltoid symptoms
(link to part 2)
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sgiandubh · 8 months
What do you think about the ring?
Dear (insisting) Ring Anon,
I see the topic itches. I have answered this question three days ago, but somehow kept receiving Anon upon Anon upon Anon about it and, to be honest, I was surprised to be thinking about it, too.
Which is exactly the intended - and achieved - effect of this new plot device.
Mordor went berserk, including Meow Kabob's Gay Clique. The Shire hummed and buzzed with DMs. Lasagna Lady could have testified before a Grand Jury it was gold. Another halfwit joked on X about giving it to Desi, then retracted when things went completely out of control. A perfectly executed spin for a drier, longer Droughtlander.
If all this hullaballoo were happening at the Olympic Games, I'd give Desi a Comăneci 10.
This ring is all about using very useful and cost-effective props. It will fuel endless speculation, vanishing and reappearing whenever convenient, with no further need for painful pap walks, Flukenzie Floozy clones or a new round of The Matrix Bikini Game.
And that brings along another thought. We often use the expression going down the rabbit hole, when we talk about how this charade started for anyone in this fandom. But I begin to wonder if we didn't go down a funnel: at first wide open and then narrower and narrower (IFH, EFH, Remarkable Week-End, etc). Then COVID, followed by this strike made it even narrower, if at all possible, because now we don't even have the customary promo/banter periodically thrown in to keep the sacred fire alive. The Vestals are bored and already yawning.
But there is also a new book and some more booze to be sold. He knows - because he reads us, make no mistake- this fandom's documented obsession with rings (his or Lucy's, for that matter), so let's assume he indulged us. Yeah, I am grinning as I write it. Desi is trolling us big time and let's be honest: we love every single second of it.
As an aside, allow me to share a little something about me:
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This is my left hand, of course. And that is a beloved family heirloom madame Mère gave me on my eighteenth birthday. It belonged to my Armenian great-grandmother and I never took it off. Not even when doing the dishes, swimming or walking around Phnom Penh's slums. I am not married and I am not especially looking forward to, for personal reasons.
In Desi's case, The Ring appeared at Starbucks (who the hell shows an 'engagement ring' while staying in line for covfefe?), on one of those very hot & humid end of summer days when NYC turns into a giant sauna. Understandably, he was dressed to suggest he casually went to record that book at Hachette's after a workout session: but if also weightlifting, why bring The Ring?
So read my lips, Anon: it means nothing and also anything you want it to mean. Yes, at the same time. This is OL, after all.
We didn't even start to see the end of this, mark me. It's way too juicy and the night is young.
PS: The good thing about going down a funnel is that at the end of the day you know you'll be out of it, somehow. That moment will come. Not a single doubt or worry in the world about it.
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
Studio Anon here, after a while of lurking/doing my own thing. Luckily my emotions are much more in check and I’ve strayed from Viv stuff for a bit to relax and hang out with my loved ones! Coming back and seeing Viv throwing a hissy fit, Raph wanting to look/act like Angel (my goodness-), and somehow people still defending episode four is… really comedic, actually.
Everything is awful but man, somehow it just keeps getting worse!
Anyway, just writing my own general feelings on this and the ideas I had for a rewrite long before everything went to hell. I never really was interested in HH until maybe Helluva Boss’ trailer dropped. I found it strange that HH wasn’t even out yet but somehow this ‘spinoff show’ was already made and posted in the public. I thought it was really weird tho, considering HH is owned by a company now, technically, while HB is sorta just there? I only watched since it’s animation and I felt like I had to support it.
Buuuut the longer I had to stare at HB’s ugly designs (and seeing the new ones for HH) I simply wasn’t interested anymore.
I guess I dodged a bullet because jesus it just gets worse.
I don’t know how, genuinely, Viv is a shit artist and writer? She went to a prestigious art school for as far as I remember and got her shows made and animated. I’m studying myself, and god knows I’d want my stories out there! It’s clear that Viv has some idea of what she wants to do, but that’s the thing-,
All she had were concepts (also publicly displaying her fetishes in the public, which is also its own can of worms).
I know in my right mind I couldn’t send people out to work on my stories since they’re heavily in development- even then my character designs are complicated as shit so I wouldn’t dream of anyone animating. Viv’s style being the way that it is + her general palettes being Just Red makes it hard to focus on or do anything with.
I also don’t know how Viv is able to just show off her rape fantasies out there and I’d rather not talk about it (sex-repulsed and all), but the general lack of focus and priority in gay ships is really disgusting.
So, as a writer, I made a general outline of what I’d make Hazbin Hotel and/or Helluva Boss be about.
Redemption is an easy theme to work on for both. ‘Sins of the father’ as a trope could work too. I’ll just use HH for now, as this post would be lengthy should I cover both.
General worldbuilding; due to Lucifer’s habit of toying with human life, comparing them to nothing more than insects, God punishes him and Lilith (who could’ve been some kind of angel too? I know she’s from a different religion entirely, so let’s say she was a random angel) by sending them to Hell to deal with the worst sinners. He and the princes of hell (how do they not address this in Hazbin?), scorned and disgusted by Heaven, try to be controlling over their own citizens. Mimicking/acting out their anger towards God by playing God in their own rings. They’re evil and horrible leaders. Lilith makes Hell feel like a home for her and Lucifer at least, bearing a daughter to restore some humanity within the Pride ring.
So Pride, at least, is less threatening now that Lucifer has a daughter.
The other princes could then ‘rightfully’ call out Lucifer’s behavior, maybe serving as some antagonists for Charlie as she tries to convince them to bring their sinners in for redemption.
So TLDR; the princes and Lucifer have internal problems that Charlie would try and resolve somewhat since she believes in redemption.
Going off to the main story, Charlie is told of Heaven being evil and awful for what they’ve done to her parents and believes it until she meets V (or Ex-Overlord Vaggie in this rewrite). V was recently cast out of the other Vs and was maybe slated to die in the extermination until Charlie unknowingly saved her from her fate. Maybe we could even get a hint of V being an angel/exterminator before with one hesitating to kill her off. The two talk and when Charlie mentions Heaven being an ass, V could tell Charlie about Heaven being good, eventually causing Charlie to start thinking about redemption, and start the hotel.
V is given more thought in the story as Charlie’s love interest and the gateway to her learning more about the two sides. Charlie is so used to Hell being the way that it is that she never considered redemption until she hears and talks to V more. The two try and kickstart some sort of redemption but V is hesitant in getting redeemed and asks that, since Charlie is the princess of hell, they could ask Lucifer for a sinner or two to redeem.
Very loose from here, but after some talk, Lucifer gives them a rundown hotel to make their own, the Vs find out and gets Lust Sinner Angel down to take them out, but is charmed by the idea of redemption. Nifty, Alastor, Husk, and Sir Pentious are all from different rings and it takes Charlie a lot to convince the princes and to try and reconnect them to Lucifer, who seems to be caught off guard with how much Charlie is willing to give this a shot. Lilith on the other hand gets suspicious of V, which could lead to Lilith exposing V of being an exterminator and, “Messing with our daughter’s head so she’ll get killed in the next extermination!”
So drama with the parents, the princes, and struggles with redemption.
It all crashes down on Charlie and the Hazbin crew as they’ve began to grow closer on one another, V especially. The other princes could then be more empathetic (they aren’t as prideful as Lucifer, and Lucifer might love his wife more than his kid tbh) and try to reconnect with Lucifer in the same way Charlie connects to the other ring sinners.
Slowly but surely, the crew better themselves, and before the next extermination, the Angel Gabriel (ain’t he the whole Angel with the flaming sword?) flies down to see Charlie doing her best. Drama here, tension there, V is the first to get ‘redeemed’. Uh oh, angst!
V, after all this time, doesn’t want to be redeemed if that means she can’t stay with Charlie, which is why she was hesitant. Lucifer and the sins come in, try to kill Gabriel or something and there’s signs of a war, but Charlie stands her ground and tries to find some way to get both sides to work together on something, at least.
So. Purgatory.
I haven’t been mentioning Lilith much but she very much loves her daughter, and having enough pride in her (Charlie) ideals to make things better, to give people a chance at redemption, reminds her of her angel days. That peaceful life.
So she agrees.
The Hazbin crew get to work with her in purgatory, V gets to be all happy and cute with Charlie, and everyone learns to try and be better.
There. That shouldn’t be too hard. Maybe a little complicated but those are my surface thoughts. What do you and the others think?
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splatooshy · 5 months
thinking of damon and jeremy’s odd little dynamic.
i imagine it to be what the salvatores would’ve had if katherine hadn’t showed up when damon went home on leave after stefan’s letter about valerie. JNSI excluded.
them having stupid little conversations
“My parents were too busy with Elena.” “So?” Damon says. “Both my parents heavily preferred Stefan, and I still turned out fine.” Jeremy just looks at him.
Jeremy being really messy at the Boarding House and Damon gets annoyed and starts yelling at him to clean up and Jeremy just rolls his eyes and gives him a sassy 'yes mother' and Damon’s just like 'yes I am your mother now clean your fucking room.'
(s5) Damon flopped onto the couch beside Jeremy, looking at the kid with a resigned sort of curiosity. “Ok, spill.” “Huh?” Jeremy startled, flicking a glance towards the open archway leading to the front hall, a move that did not slip Damon’s notice. “Relax. Elena’s gone off to wherever with Blondie. So take a breath and just spit it out. What’s got you acting so weird?” “I’m not acting weird,” Jeremy immediately denied. The vampire scoffed. “Nice try, but somehow, you’re an even worse liar than Stefan.” Jeremy crossed his arms with a huff. “I’m not acting weird, okay? Just drop it!” Damon brought a leg up from where he was sprawled, and jabbed Jeremy in the thigh with his foot. Repeatedly. “You’re sad.” Damon guessed. “Confused… and conflicted, more than slightly intimidated by my awesomeness, and there’s a teensy bit of shame hiding in that guilty little furrowed brow of yours. Oh my god.” He sat up straight, gasping in mock realisation. “Is this a sexuality crisis? Do I need to give you the gay sex talk? Because honestly, that would explain so—“ “What? No! It’s not… That’s- I’m…” Damon raised an eyebrow, clearly indicating for the boy to continue. “I’m not going through a sexuality crisis, or whatever. I’m fine, okay?” Jeremy sighed, silently willing for Damon to leave him alone. Bonnie wasn’t any support, either. All she had done was laugh at him from her spot on Damon’s oh-so sacred reading chair. “Right….” Damon drawled sceptically.
“I don’t know if this is just another one of those ‘coming back from the dead’ things or not, but you definitely weren’t this level of weird the last time Bonica Magica resurrected your punk ass. Are you seeing more ghosts or something? Oh god, is it Kol— is Kol your own personal poltergeist? Damn, that would suck. Tell him to go fuck off to Louisiana, would you? He can go rattle his chains at Marcel or what—“ “I am not being haunted by Kol, Damon.”
(s2) "Remember how I told you I read Elena's diary, because I wanted to find out what her secret was?" Jeremy asks, startling Damon out of his happy lamentation. "Yeah. So?" "Well, I sorta still do it sometimes." Damon widens his eyes in mock horror. "You bad, bad boy," he chides, laughing a little as he takes a swallow of whiskey. “I’ve read all one-hundred-and-seventy-six of Stefan’s. Multiple times. Sometimes I leave comments in the margins. Did you come here to compare notes on invading a sibling’s privacy, or…?”
“…Did you just kiss my forehead?” Jeremy blinked. What the hell. Damon Salvatore, big bad vampire, just kissed Jeremy, on the forehead, showing affection for someone of his own free will —— completely out of nowhere!Damon scowled. “Don’t make it weird.” It wasn’t— It was an accident, okay? Sometimes, the kid reminded him a little too much of himself as a human. Other times, all he saw was Stefan. It would be enough to mess with anyone’s brain. He was acting on instinct!
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The scrambler: carnival series pt 2
The conductor waived a farewell at the paramedics as they loaded the now older fat Jake into the back of the ambulance. He hoped that more people would come. He loved swapping their bodies like this. It wasn’t long before two football jocks half naked were walking in front of his setup making fun of the other. Quinn and Derek. The conductor was immediately grinning as he set his eyes on the pair of identical twins. How could this not be more fun. “Yeah well at least I’m taking steroids you dumb oaf!” Derek jokingly said to his brother. “Oh you’re just jealous at my gains bro! Admit it!” Quinn replied.
“My dear men! Would you like to have s go on the scrambler ! It’s one of the best carnivals rides we have here !” The two men punched each other in the arm and laughed stupidly and walked to the conductor. “Sure what kind of ride is it”. The conductor showed the men to the machine where they were quickly seated and strapped in. Quinn looked s true conductor and said “this better not be some stupid ride bro. It looks old as hell!” The conductor smiled. “I’m sure you going to enjoy this more than any other ride in the park!” The conductor walked over to the control panel and hit start.
The machine came to life and soon both of the men were spinning faster and faster until it looked like one single person in the machine. “Dude this is gonna make me sick!” Derek shouted and Quinn yelled back in agreement. When the machine came to a stop both of the men had their eyes shut until the world stopped spinning.
“Dude that was awesome let’s go again!” The conductor grinned. “Sorry lads. No can do. Only one ride per customer”. Both of the men said awe damn at the same time. Not even knowing what had happened.
Quinn and Derek walked away from the machine. Quinn burped and tasted onions which was weird because he didn’t eat onions earlier. Derek was walking and felt like his stance was off but he decided it had to be the ride that messed up his equilibrium.
Both men weren’t feeling too great after the ride and walked out of the fair and headed to their dorm room for the evening.
When the two got to their dorm room they both crashed on the bed and fell asleep.
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The next morning Derek woke up with an intense hunger wasn’t used to. He jumped out of bed and starts to eat everything he could while Quinn lay on his bed and rubbed his eyes. Derek didn’t even notice that he was doing the same think that Quinn did every morning. Rummaging the kitchen and looking for food. He’f bene like that ever since he started using the roids. After Derek finished eating he went to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror he noticed some dark spots on his shoulders that weren’t there before. They looked like dark red acne spots that Quinn had on his back. Looking closer he noticed how his jaw was slightly different than he remembered. His heart began to race as terror of realization hit him. “Hey Quinn! Get in here !” Quinn could be stifling to the door. “I’m not into that gay stuff bro. What do you want !” Derek turned around. “Bro. I think something is wrong. Look!” He pointed to his shoulders and jaw. And realized that Quinn was slightly shorter than him. Quinn wasn’t paying attention to him and Derek shoved him in front of the mirror. “Bro look!” Quinn took a double take. Sure the body he was looking at looked just like him. But he seen the differences. Twins can always tell.
Both of the men were sitting on their bed panicking. They checked their phones in their pockets from the night before and Derek and Quinn both had each others phones. They had confirmed it. Somehow they had swapped bodies. Derek couldn’t stop eating from the roids that were pulsing through his body now and Quinn was trying to figure out what to do. They got dressed to head to fair to confront the conductor. Derek was stumbling as he walked now realizing his stance was off from a shoe size 2 sizes bigger than his 14s he was used to.
The problem was when they arrived at the fair. The machine and the conductor was no where to be seen.
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