#I was like why is Canada on his coat??
roses-red-and-pink · 6 months
Advent day 8: Joseph of Egypt
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Readings: Genesis 37:23-28
23 And it came to pass, when Joseph was come unto his brethren, that they stript Joseph out of his coat, his coat of many colours that was on him;
24 And they took him, and cast him into a pit: and the pit was empty, there was no water in it.
25 And they sat down to eat bread: and they lifted up their eyes and looked, and, behold, a company of Ishmeelites came from Gilead with their camels bearing spicery and balm and myrrh, going to carry it down to Egypt.
26 And Judah said unto his brethren, What profit is it if we slay our brother, and conceal his blood?
27 Come, and let us sell him to the Ishmeelites, and let not our hand be upon him; for he is our brother and our flesh. And his brethren were content.
28 Then there passed by Midianites merchantmen; and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmeelites for twenty pieces of silver: and they brought Joseph into Egypt.
Genesis 45:1-8
1 Then Joseph could not refrain himself before all them that stood by him; and he cried, Cause every man to go out from me. And there stood no man with him, while Joseph made himself known unto his brethren.
2 And he wept aloud: and the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard.
3 And Joseph said unto his brethren, I am Joseph; doth my father yet live? And his brethren could not answer him; for they were troubled at his presence.
4 And Joseph said unto his brethren, Come near to me, I pray you. And they came near. And he said, I am Joseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt.
5 Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life.
6 For these two years hath the famine been in the land: and yet there are five years, in the which there shall neither be earing nor harvest.
7 And God sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance.
8 So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God: and he hath made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt.
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priniya · 2 years
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summary: when sirius said siblings are off limits, james never thought he would break that rule as his best friend was the only one to have siblings close to their age, but everything seems to change when the sister sirius swore to hate because of her cruelty has several detentions with him and she’s not as cruel as her brother described.
notes: james potter x black!reader. reader is a twin sister of regulus, kinda angsty at the end, hurt/comfort, sirius is kind of an ass. not proofread
PART 2! • taglist (click here to be added!)
you really thought that the detention with james potter would go easy. not a word would be shared, him not even looking at you as he probably know your relationship with his best friend, and then you two would have a week free from each other, but james potter seemed to be interested in you – or more likely, how did you end up in a detention.
he saw you as a perfect black, that’s how sirius would describe you, or your twin brother whenever someone brought up your name. and no matter how positive it sounds, he was always negative, never mentioning your childhood, and how attached you were to him.
the perfect black daughter, more ideal than narcissa or bellatrix, the one who would never obey her elders unlike sirius or andromeda, the one who would do whatever they say to please them.
well, it was partially true, you could give that to him. but you nor regulus weren’t like any other family members. you weren’t brave enough to stand up to your parents and survive the punishment with a smile on your lips like your brother did, you two were two afraid to do anything that could make orion or walburga mad.
but both of you were proud slytherins, with regulus being one of the best quidditch players of your house, and you impressively good at whatever you touched. you were plotting against your parents, the death-eathers and everyone that could get in the way of your plan. an escape plan, to runaway somewhere far like france or canada, while everyone thinks you died. nonetheless, sirius couldn’t know that – he barely spoke to any of you, which just worsened when you were invited to the deatheaters meeting at your house.
in his eyes, you were nothing but a piece of shit like rest of your family for being unable to runaway earlier, for having no one to runaway to, as the rumors about your enjoyment in dark magic spread at school with light speed. however, unlike sirius you had your twin, always ready to stand up for you and vice versa, always ready to fight anyone who says a bad thing about you.
sometimes you and regulus would sneak out of the house and wander around the crowded streets of london, thinking how would your life looked like if you weren’t wizards, if you weren’t born into a family with an obsession of blood status and keeping it pure.
what made you even more perfect in everyone’s eyes was that you looked exactly like a female version of regulus, or more accurately, he looked like a male version of you. wearing the same clothes when you didn’t have to wear robes, and it wasn’t like you planned it – you had a gut feeling to wear your expensive like hell, black coat, and so had he. you looked intimidating, walking next to your brother, evan rosier and other friends of yours with faces that seemed to never experience any emotions. like rocks, untouched by people’s words, stares and pointing fingers.
“how did you end up here?” your companion asked out of sudden, making you shift in your chair. you already finished cleaning the classroom but there was still more than an twenty minutes left, and you couldn’t just leave for whatever reasons. “didn’t expect to see the perfect black sister having time to bother herself with things like detentions.”
“and why does it interest you, potter?” a sigh slipped from between your lips as you rest your chin on the left hand. “so my brother can have more reasons to despise me, because as i presume, you’ll tell him.” you didn’t even let him have a glimpse of your mimic as he could only see your back.
“oh, miss black, who do you think i am?” you heard him get closer, and take a seat by your side, probably briefly looking at the book you’d read. he could swore to merlin, he thought it’d be a book containing black magic spells you would cast if flinch didn’t confiscate your wands. but it was far from dark margic. “i’m just curious, have heard a lot of… things about you and wanted to check myself.”
you fixed your black hair before quickly considering if you should tell him the real reason or the made up one you’d told evan and pandora. “hmm, what would i get from telling you?” you leaned closer to him, revealing your face. it was one of your first encounters with james potter, and hell, you know it wouldn’t be the last one, since there were at least four next weeks of detention together.
“we could figure something out, y’know.” he shrugged, scanning every inch of your flawless skin, starting at your eyebrows and eyes, through lips to chin. you were gorgeous, and james couldn’t blame the first years that sometimes followed you like a lost puppy around the castle, trying to gain your attention or the girls having their lesbians awakening while watching slytherin’s practice with you as a substitute for your brother. every comment he had heard about your immaculate beauty was so real, that he could swore he would develop a crush on you in other circumstances. “just tell me.”
“i stood in my brother’s defense, the one you know better.” you replied, averting your look back to the book you were reading, not really bothering yourself to catch a glimpse of james’ parted mouth as he realized the sense of your words. “any more questions or can i finally focus on my book?”
“why did you- how did you-?”
“as much as some people tries to say, i do care about my family members’ well-beings, even though they refuse to talk to me or my twin.” you let out a little too harsh than you planned. “and no one will say anything bad about my brother unless it’s me or regulus.” you didn’t even wait for his reponse, leaving the classroom as soon as the clock hit nine in the evening.
you could say everything, yet you decided to reveal part of the thing that happened. and you knew that james would, most likely, tell your brother how you tried to gain his attention by making up a story. what you didn’t tell him was the part where you broke lucius malfoy’s nose, completely forgetting how much influence had his father on yours, and how mad they would be.
the next detention went… smoother. james didn’t bother you with questions about elaborating on the reason of your punishment, however it wouldn’t be james potter if he stayed quiet. especially when you didn’t have to clean the classroom again, just sit in silence while mcgonagall watched over you, but unfortunately (for you) she had to leave.
“miss black, didn’t expect you here.” a chuckle left his mouth, sitting himself in front of you, taking in your gorgeous face. “any kid’s dreams of dating you crashed last week?” for a moment, a millisecond, he could see a shadow of smile on your lips, and james potter felt like he already accomplished his mission for today.
“how did you guess?” you rolled your eyes in a playful manner, allowing yourself to look at the boy in front of you. his dark curls fell onto his forehead, and you could swear if it wasn’t for his glasses that somehow kept them out of his eyes’ way, he wouldn’t see a thing.
and you couldn’t know that, but james potter wouldn’t let himself miss such an opportunity to just stare at you for at least few minutes. it was strange, he never wanted to just look at a girl, who wasn’t lily evans and interested in him at the same time. though somehow, you were living free in his mind, making the boy catch himself on staring at you during meals.
“pulled out some prank on snape lately?” you added before he replied, a hand put under your chin as you leaned over the table, watching his every move. his eyes lit up immediately on your visible interest in whatever he had done during the previous week. “not a fan of snape?” james questioned, his eyebrow higher than usually.
“please.” you rolled your eyes again. “is there anyone who’s a fan of snape besides your girlfriend?” you let yourself smile at him for a brief moment, before shifting in your chair.
“evans s’not my girlfriend.” his replied shocked you, you could’ve sworn to yourself you saw them snogging somewhere. not that you cared with whom james was making out. you didn’t care, at all. “rumor has it, you two hook up a lot.”
“i’d throw up over him rather than do anything that involves physical touch. he disgusts me.” you knitted your eyebrows together at the so-called rumor, you already heard from sirius on christmas.
“why? because he’s a half-blood?” the gryffindor seeker blurted out before thinking, causing you to back out from the conversation, a strange feeling of pain raising in your heart. it was something he would regret saying later at night, processing every inch of your talk, realizing that everyone thought you were a pure-blood supremacist, and probably it wasn’t the best thing he could say to you.
“because he’s a misogynistic piece of shit, potter. snape could be a highly born pure-blood wizard, the best one out there, but if he says things like this about your little girlfriend when she’s not there or any female in general, he’s a piece of shit like any of his friends.” your words came out harshly, but you felt disrespected by someone who tried talking to you first.
the rest of the detention you spent in silence while james was explaining something that involved brooms and words snivellus, regret, and some other things you didn’t pay attention to, too busy counting minutes to the end of that cruel meeting.
however, the third and fourth were much more… pleasing, you could say. the boy pulled an expression like if he actually wanted to get to know you on his own and found out what made you silent a week earlier. it almost felt like it was planned, mcgonagall’s presence needed somewhere else, and a bunch of sweets you adored, snatched from the kitchen in a little bag in his hand.
“sorry. for the last time, i said some stupid shit that didn’t mean to come out like that.” he confessed, genuine in his voice was so clear that you couldn’t held back a smile, forming on your lips upon seeing his gesture. “don’t say shit like i didn’t have to. i did. i wanted to apologize, and get to know you.”
“hmm, apologise accepted.” you spoke out softly, offering him a bar of chocolate. “but, mister potter, why do you want to get to know me so bad? thought other people know everything better than me.”
he shifted in his position, getting closer to you, a mischievous smirk spread over his lips. “y’know, miss black, you’re an interesting person, and i can’t get you out of my head, so i had to do something about it.”
the upsides of your immaculate skin was that it tended to get red-ish rapidly, and that comment of his with the flirtatious tone made you burning red. without any shield to cover your face, you broke the eye contact with the gryffindor, and smiled involuntarily, feeding up his ego.
however, it didn’t took you long to look him in the eyes again, continuing the conversation with a smug smile that matched his. “what would you like to know, ask and i’ll answer.”
you awaited questions like how is it to be a death eather, or have you ever thought of killing someone for your parents’ sake, or anything that would make you cringe inside. although, he firstly asked you questions people never remember the answers to — what’s your favorite colour, muggle movie, a book you could recommend him to read in a free time.
“james potter likes contemporary romances?” you laughed, shaking your head at the answer to the last question he gave you. there was no imagine in your head of james potter, the great seeker of gryffindor, reading a contemporary romance book with eagerness and passion. “i’ll like whatever you recommend me, pretty girl.”
“hmm” you dragged out the words, searching for something in your bag. an exclusive, limited edition costing thousands of muggle’s money, of your favorite book – the pride and prejudice by jane austen. there was a brief moment of hesitation, was he just playing around and you would never get it back, or does he really wanna read it? there was something in his eyes that made you trust him prior to handing him the book. “it’s my favorite one.”
“you like classics?” you nodded.
james felt a weird, tingling feeling in his stomach as you clarified it was your favorite one, and now he had it in his hands. he recognized the muggle author, because his mom read a lot of muggle classics and romance in her freetime. it was bizarre to learn you liked muggle book, hardly ever mentioning a wizard one.
for the rest of the third detention you just… talked, ending up with being walked by him to the basement, so the disscusion you had wouldn’t be cut off so suddenly. the fourth one was even better, the best of them as there was no awkwardness between you two, despite the closeness of your bodies. he sat next to you, your arm and leg touching his whenever he leaned closer.
this time, you were the one talking — infuriated by some guys from ravenclaw that had catcalled you a few times on your way to the detention and one had tried to touch you, thinking it was okay to touch anyone without their consent. they were seniors, finishing school in june when you were a fifth-year, frightened by the vision of writing owls in may.
james just nodded his head, not daring to interrupt you even once, maybe in fear of getting hit by your hands that couldn’t stop moving ever since you started your monologue. he just chimmed in a few times saying true and yes, but he was focused on how your eyes flickered with annoyance and anger, making you even prettier.
“are you even listening to me, james?” the way you empathized his name made his stomach do a flip, a whole acrobatic performance. it was one of the first times, or even the first, when you referred to him as james, not potter, not mister potter or anything you’d called him before, james. “yeah, yes, sorry. assholes from ravenclaw, right?”
he walked you to the entrance of slyherin common room for the last time as it was your last detention together for a while, and you smiled at him warmly before disappearing behind the doors. the first thing you saw after stepping into the room was your brother’s interested smile.
“potter walking you here? someone got a crush.” he laughed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you climbed the stairs up to his dormitory. “sirius would probably kill him if it was true, my dearest little brother.” you replied walking into the room of your brother and his few friends.
“sirius would kill who?” rosier walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waistline, winking at you with a flirtatious smirk. “quit it, evan. she’s my sister.” regulus was faster to reply.
you plopped on evan’s bed as it was the only free one and sighed. “reg thinks a certain gryffindor has a crush on me because he walked me here.”
“okay, yeah. james walked me twice and regulus thinks he has a crush on me for simply being nice, after literally interviewing me.” you mumbled, crossing arms on your chest. “there’s nothing to discuss here, he’s a gryffindor, a potter, it’s just inherited kindness.”
“and why are you so involved in figuring it out, sister?” your brother asked with a smug smile, his eyebrows high up as he thought he found out about your great secret. “do you reciprocate his little crush on you, huh?”
“shut up, asshole.” you rolled your eyes, throwing one of evan’s additional pillows at him. “do i look like a 5’4 ginger with a gryffindor’s scarf hung around my neck?”
“please, if i’ll see you one day in a fucking gryffindor robe, i don’t know who i am going to kill first, your future boyfriend or you for cheating on me, pretty girl.” evan sat beside you, almost immediately throwing his hand over your shoulder, pulling you closer to his still wet-ish chest.
you laughed, making yourself comfortable. unfortunately for regulus (who always wanted to kill any of his friends that tried to hit up on you), you enjoyed your flirtatious relationship with evan. “you think really highly of yourself, mr. rosier, took my first proper make-out and you think you decides on which robes i wear?” you shot back, biting back a playful grin appearing on your face.
“you know what i mean, sweetheart.” prior to regulus gag, you sent your friend a kiss and he pretended to catch it and hide in the depths of his heart. “of course, lovely.”
“please, get the fuck out if you want to be all couple-y here with each other.” andrew, another friend of your brother, groaned with fake annoyance as you sent evan another kiss. “what, andy? you jealous or something?” your friend laughed in an answer.
the next time you saw james was when a guy that tried to harass you, walked into the great hall with ugly, red hair and a robe with a large, inscription above his head “i harassed a younger girl.” he sat at the table across the hall, a mischievous grin spreading over his lips as you were the only person his eyes had focused on.
fifteen minutes later, you met him under the willow tree, a smug rosing on his face when you caught his glance. “miss black!” he called out, waving at you. “did you like what i did? especially for you.”
“it was… funny, you know.” you chuckled, taking a seat next to him as you had around twenty minutes left before anyone that could suspect basically anything would walk out of the castle. “i can give you that.” you mumbled, closing your eyes when your head touched the rough tree limb.
“sooo, you should go out with me as a favor, pretty girl.” he sent you a charming smile that would make your legs weak if you weren’t sitting next to him. “maybe on sunday, watchu think?”
you wanted to disagree, say no to him and explain yourself that your older brother, his best friend at the same time, wouldn’t be fond of this idea, though he looked at you with those alluring, brown eyes of his, and you couldn’t deny. “fine. sunday, it is.”
and that’s how you two began to go out, sneaking around and lying to your brothers that nothing really went on with the two of you. nevertheless, sirius was completely unaware of your little dates as anything had barely changed — james still talking about lily with a picture of you in his mind, and you… still didn’t talk to him. whatsoever, regulus knew about everything by connecting the dots and following the clues you left him unwillingly.
“i’ll kill him, hope you know that.” he spoke out suddenly, when you tried to get to your classroom in time, especially because it was potions and slughorn never tolerated lateness. never if you weren’t his favorite students that he collected like gems, giving them privileges and other additions that were probably against school rules. “huh?”
“potter.” you froze in your tracks for a minute. “if he ever lays a hand on you like our father did on our mother or do anything that upsets you, he’s dead.” a warm smile was painted on your brother’s mouth as he cocked his head to the side.
“what? don’t look at me like that. i’m not dumb as others to not notice the smiles he sends you from across the hall or how you disappear to hang out with julie, when she’s alone in the common room.” he exclaimed, a few laughs left his mouth, when you still frozen, looked at him with horror in the eyes. “i’m happy for you, chill, ugly face.”
“you’re not mad? fuming? furious?” you asked, voice somehow still low when you entered the classroom. “will you try to name all the synonyms for mad? and i’m not, y/n. i’ll leave that for the other brother you have.”
you gave him a quick side hug, before occupying yourself with anything that the teacher said, scolding you for being late, again. however, all you had on your mind was the date, your soon-to-be-boyfriend took you on.
it was the date, you’d say… a surprise one, and with james, they were on the normal basis. he would somehow let you know that there are places you need to be at night and a guide on which type of clothes should you wear (and a few notes saying how good you look during the day). then, he usually awaits you beside the enterance to your common room under the invisibility cloak, waiting to finally be able to kiss you. three nights ago, you two ended up in the pub, drank a few butter beers and met a few people that sixteen and fifteen years old probably shouldn’t met at night, they acted nice though.
however the night when everything went downhilld was the night you were supposed to spend in the library, studying to the upcoming owls that stressed the living shit out of you since the beginning of school year. a cup of coffee standing beside the books to transmutation, your biggest nightmare, dark red stains adding a little life to the white cup that was emptying with every other moment.
you were about to get another sip of the sweet liquid you’d prepared earlier, when it was snatched from your hand while someone planted a sweet kiss on your lips. “hey, love.” his voice so soft, and delicate you almost passed out from the tingling, warm feeling in your abdomen.
love, love, love. you would let someone kill you to hear it one more time.
“jamie, hi.” you tilted your head to the side, smiling at the boy warmly. “that’s the first time i see you in the library, something happened?” he shook his head with the prettiest smile you’ve ever seen.
james was the only person along regulus that you had never minded having any form of physical touch, as you grew up with the minimum you sometimes got as a reward. with all the other boys that tried to get somewhere near you at the parties it was just weird, having their arms thrown around various parts of your body had never failed to make you uncomfortable, even with evan you couldn’t be fully okay.
but james… you craved it to function like a normal human being. his touch was like oxygen, the feeling of his hands on your waist, hips, hands was… enchanting, making you want to live again. it was like if you were in a romance book, having the full epic, first sight, soulmates love with a twist (your brother’s hatred towards you). was it love? you couldn’t say yet.
“just wanted to spend some time with ya, y’know?” his hand flew to his curls, ruffling it as he lowered his eyes, focusing himself on the books in front of you. “transmutation? the old hag loves me, you could’ve said something.”
“i tried to figure it out on my own, but i barely moved from the starting point…” you let out a low groan, hiding your head in your hands, exhausted. “didn’t want to be a bother, you know.”
“love, i got outstanding from my transmutation owls, it’s like an easy revision for me.” he planted a kiss on her check, before leaning closer and stealing another sip of her coffee. “i’ll get us something to eat and you’ll be first in your classes”
“mkayy, thank you, jamie.”
well. there wasn’t much of studying, if you were honest. when the lights went finally out, your boyfriend put the invisibility cloak on top of you, so ms. prince wouldn’t catch you past the curfew. the minute she closed the library’s door, you felt potter’s lips crashing into yours, one of his hands pulling off fabric of the cloak.
he sat you down on the table, tossing the books aside. his hand gripping your thigh firmly, after sliding it underneath the fabric of your skirt. you could feel the burning marks his touch left on your skin, heated kisses tracing down your neck with hickies almost all over it.
you would probably keep going if it wasn’t for someone that dropped whatever they had in their hands upon seeing you two. before you could notice any characteristics of the person you heard james let out a mumble “oh fuck”.
and then you saw your brother’s face.
oh fuck indeed.
he stormed to you and before james could even react, he was hit by the shoulder of sirius whose eyes were still on your face. “stay the fuck away from my brother.” the way he empathized the word brother made you feel like someone just stabbed you in the back repeatedly. with the moment these words left his mouth, your whole expression changed to the emotionless and blank, the one you gave everyone but your friends.
“sirius…” your boyfriend sighed, his hand, the one that had a grip on your thigh, was now on the oldest boy’s shoulder. “don’t. this is between me and her.”
“stop messing with my friends’ heads. you don’t deserve to be near them, none of them is a fucking deatheather like you or the other one, none of them will ever be, because unlike you two, they’re good.” he spat, eyes burning with fury. “i don’t care how many of your charming smile you had to give him to take the amortentia from you, but it’ll end, sooner or later.”
“you don’t even know me, sirius.” you stated, your tone still and awfully cold as you got off the table and stood in front of your brother. “don’t act like you do, brother.”
“don’t call me that.” he replied, taking your wrist in his hand. “i don’t fucking care that we grew up together, that we share our last names. we’re not siblings since you and regulus joined his forces. so stay the fuck away from james, he doesn’t even love you, the only thing he talks 'bout is evans.”
“does he, really?” you cocked your head to the side, not letting his words influence you, not here. “you know, maybe your so-called brother wouldn’t have to lie to you if you weren’t so obsessed with hatred you have towards me and regulus. maybe he could tell you that he was the one who started bugging the shit out of me, maybe he could tell you how did we even meet.”
you could see sirius flinch, averting his gaze to potter, who tried to get in between you for a moment now. “don’t tell me it’s true, prongs, after what she did to me?”
“what i did to you? you were the one who left, brother, you’re the one who cut us off the second we were sorted to slytherin, you runaway and you’re mad, because i and reg were fucking kids who wanted to survive.” your voice broke, nevertheless, it didn’t stop you. “you didn’t even try to do something, save us, yet both of us were so fucking stupid defending you whenever someone brought you up. i broke lucius’ nose when he talked shit about you, but fucking evans is closer to being your sister than me, i’m so sick of it.” you couldn’t hold up your coldness, and calmness and you broke down within the end of the sentence, mascara smudged all over your cheeks as you cried while running out of the room.
you didn’t expect james to run down after you — you thought he’d stay with his friend, becuase there weren’t anyone you thought would run after you (excluding regulus, because he would jump into the flames with you). so when your boyfriend barged into the moaning myrtle’s bathroom you were shocked.
“baby…” he spoke out quietly, pulling you into a hug, gentle but tight. you didn’t even look at him, just cried your eyes out while breaking his heart by saying how tired you are of everything, and how you wanted sirius to be your brother again. a few kisses were planted on your hair as he tried to calm you down.
“jamie, please don’t leave me now.” you pulled away to look at him, eyes already red and swollen from tears. you weren’t used to show how vulnerable you were, and a thought of your boyfriend leaving you, because of it was so realistic in your head.
“what? why would i?” he knitted his eyebrows. “y/n, i love you and i know that deeply inside you care about what sirius think of you, but you have nothing to be sorry about, okay? with that said, i won’t leave you, never, okay?” you nodded lightly, resting your head on his shoulder.
“i love you too.” you whispered. “at least we don’t have to hide anymore, right?” a small smile painted on your lips upon your words.
“it’s us against the world right now, love.”
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shinestarhwaa · 6 months
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Genre: Fluff, Smut
Pairing: Jongho x Fem reader
Word Count: 2.8K
Tags/warnings: First love!AU, Aged up!Jongho (in like late 20s), dom!Jongho, sub!reader, fingering, dirty talk, Jongho is obsessed with your boobs, bigdick!Jongho, blowjob, praise kink, unprotected sex, creampie, the occasional spank
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @changbinslovelylegs @jonghostie @lovjensoo @1-800-shedevil @glintneon123 @mjyungi
You never expected to run into your first love again like this. You can still remember yourself staring at him in class all day, forgetting to do your homework because he was on your mind. You still think about when he helped you out in Physics and when he kissed you on your lips the first time.
Many days, weeks, months and years passed since that year and you had lost contact with him in the chaos of being a young adult. But here you are, standing in the grocery store near your new house in Seoul and there he stood as well.
More handsome than ever, his black hair parted in the middle, wearing thick black glasses and a beige coat. You already thought he looked good and was cute back then, but now? He turned into a man.
For a second you thought he noticed you, but he was looking at a big jar of pasta sauce instead. You felt your heart sting a little bit as you looked into his grocery cart. Did he have a family? He must be 28, 29 right now, right? God, you don't want him to have a family of his own.
It was stupid, you hadn't seen him in at least 10 years and you had never had an official relationship with him but he was Jongho. Somehow you always felt that he was yours. You couldn't decide if you wanted to walk away or walk up to him, but you didn't need to because suddenly your eyes met and he nearly dropped the jar of pasta from shock. He quickly put it in his cart and rushed over to you.
Jongho stared at you in shock for a good minute, and tears welled up in your eyes. How embarrassing, you thought to yourself. "Y/N? Y/N Y/L/N? Is that you? Oh my- I can't believe this," he laughed. You smiled and nodded. "It is me, actually."
"What are you doing here? Didn't you move to Canada?" "I did... But I... I came back because... I felt like I had to be here," you confessed. You would never admit that it was because you felt like you had unfinished business in Korea that most likely had to do with Jongho.
"We should really catch up sometime," Jongho smiled. "Oh yeah, 100%, I- Oh well actually I live like 2 minutes away from here, why don't you come over for a cup of coffee right away?" You offered. Jongho nodded enthusiastically. "I'd love that, I'll go to the check out counter and wait for you."
"Wah, this appartment is quite amazing," Jongho said as he looked around the living room. You quickly stored your groceries in the fridge and made him a cup of coffee. "Thank you, I'm very proud of it," you admitted.
"So when did you get back?" Jongho asked as he sat down on your couch. "I came back last month, officially moved in here a week ago. My friends helped out a lot to get it nice and clean here." You put the coffee down on the table and took place beside him, batting your eyelashes at him flirtatiously, kind of unintentionally.
"Only a week? Wow, fresh," he grinned, "so you got sick of Canada?" "Well, I just... I had a good time but I didn't belong there," you confessed, "I feel like I belong here, I truly missed Korea, and I'm so happy to see my old friends again, and now you... it's incredible. It's like we never spend 10 years apart. Like I talked to you yesterday."
Jongho smiled and gently patted your shoulder. "It is, I still can't believe I am talking to you. I never expected to see you again, actually." "No, I know, me neither... It sucks how we lost contact all those years ago... Wow you... matured well," you giggled.
The man in front of you looked exquisite, to say the least. He was so fine and defined, with the whole hot boyfriend look and the expensive watch on his wrist. It felt like a k-drama moment to you. You felt now was the perfect moment to ask more about his current life.
"So, a lot of groceries, you must have... a family now?" You asked. Jongho laughed and drank a bit from his coffee before leaning back and resting his arms on the back- and armrest of the couch. "In a way."
You gave him a confused look, wondering what he meant by that. "If you mean like... married with children, no, I'm single, actually. But I live with a couple of friends, they're my family."
If you were completely honest you felt so relieved to hear he was single because the way his face looked just made your panties hypothetically drop. "Not married? You?" You asked in disbelief. "Yeah, I had a longterm relationship, I dated Kim Gayoung for 3 years, do you remember her from Biology?"
"Oh yeah, I do remember Gayoung. You didn't work it out with her?"
"No, she ended up being a liar and a serial cheater so I cut ties with her. We lived together so I had to move in with my friends. I'm still looking for an apartment of my own."
You sighed and shook your head. "I could never imagine cheating on you, I mean, didn't she realize she had gold in her hands?" Jongho looked at you, slightly flustered but also amused. His ego grew a little, or actually more than a little at your comment. Gold, huh?
It was silent while you drank your coffee, until Jongho broke the silence. "Do you ever think back about our... You know, our time together?" You swallowed thickly before nodding your head.
"All the time, actually. More... More than I would like to admit. I don't think I ever had... closure... I could never truly get over you. It's a shame how we never got to... You know... Be together."
Jongho nodded and scooched closer to you. "But we're both single people, aren't we?" You nodded slowly.
"And we're both interested in and attracted to each other, hm?"
You nodded again.
"So why don't we give it a second chance? A real one this time."
Another nodd.
"Please speak up cause I need consent before I kiss you," he laughed. You giggled and nodded again, "yes, I would really like that, actually."
And finally after almost 10 years he pressed his lips on yours again, and you felt just like you did back then. The 18-year old girl inside you was screaming and jumping while you tried to focus on his lips, taking all of the sensations in. You felt so extremely lucky to be in his arms right now, lips moving againsy each others' as his hand slid up and down your thigh. Nobody could ever take this moment away from you.
The kiss soon enough turned into a make-out session with more passion than you've ever felt before. Jongho seemed to be sure of what he's doing as his hands slid under your skirt to rub your crotch. You broke off the kiss and looked him in the eye.
"Oh sorry, did I go too far?" He quickly apologized as he retracted his hand from your clothed pussy. "N-No, I just got startled," you panted. You took his hand and brought it to the space between your legs again. A cocky smirk grew on his lips as he rubbed his fingers on your wet panties, feeling your arousal on the soft fabric.
"Already, darling?" He asked in a low tone. You felt like you were flying, genuinely on your way to heaven. You nodded and gasped when he yanked your panties down and felt up your soaking cunt, sliding his middlefinger inside.
"Y-You're just so hot and it brought all the fantasies back to life," you admitted as you choked on your own moans. "You fantasized about me?" "God, yes I did, I still regret never going beyond that kiss, fuck, I really wanted you, I was just scared."
"Well, I'm here to make your fantasies come true now," he whispered in your ear as he slid another finger inside you, pumping them in and out and curling them until he found the perfect angle, the best angle to make you squirm and moan out his name.
"Oh, Oh God, Jongho!" You whined out as he picked up his pace, fucking you hard on his fingers. The squelching off your wetness was like music to his ears and drew all the blood from his body to his dick. It swell up inside his pants, straining against the fine material. He wanted to release it, take it out and fuck you raw right here on this couch but he had never done anything with you before, so he told himself to put you first.
You took off your own sweater and unclasped your bra, tits falling free onto your chest. His eyes went wide and his mouth immediately attached to your nipples, sucking and licking them as if his life depended on it. Your skirt shoved up more and more as he abused your cunt with his hand, displaying your wet pussy.
"Look at that pretty pussy," Jongho grunted as he latched on your tits. He wanted to kiss them, suck them, lick them, bite them. God, were they perfect to him. "Pretty pussy, fucking pretty tits." He sucked harder on your nipples, causing you to moan louder and fuck yourself on his fingers, moving your hips along with him.
Your body started to shake when he rubbed his thumb on your clit, moving it in circles as he pressed down lightly on it. "That's it baby, look at you cumming so prettily for me, that's it, give it to me baby, let go for me and cum on my fingers," he cooed. You felt the immense pleasure wash over you as he got you through your orgasm, kissing your breasts again as he pulled his fingers away from you. He licked them off and savoured the taste of your arousal, making him moan ever so slightly.
"Good girl," he smirked as he kissed your chest once more. You shoved your skirt down, and realized you were completely naked while he still had everything but his shoes and coat on. How unfair, you thought.
You began to strip him from his clothes, his black shirt unbuttoned and now on the floor. Your fingers fiddled with the buckle of his belt before finally getting it open. Jongho discarded his pants and underwear and showed off his rockhard cock, standing proudly against his stomach.
"Fuck, Jongho," you cursed as your mouth watered at the sight of him. He was fucking hung and you wanted nothing more than to have him in your mouth.
"Fuck, Y/N," he cursed as you got on your knees in front of him and took his hard cock in your mouth, sucking him off. Your head bobbed up and down in his lap and he ran his hands through your hair, making a ponytail out of it so your hair would not fall back into your face.
"That's it baby, suck it, yeah, fuck, suck my cock," he grunted. "God, I've been dreaming about this for so long, wanted this for so long," he moaned. You could cry out of happiness, feeling so overwhelmed but so aroused by the presence of this man.
"Oh my God, you take it so well, look at you princess, yeah, just a little more," he groaned, "fit it all in there baby, come on, you can do it, yeah just like that, just like that, who's a good girl? Fuck, that's it, precious!"
You went faster and took all of him in your mouth, tears burning in your eyes as his cockhead touched the back of your throat. "God, yes!" He moaned out louder. His cock twitched in your throat, signaling you that he was close. He quickly pulled out of your mouth, making you whine out his name. "Sorry baby, I wanna cum inside your pussy and make it cream nicely for me," he panted.
You bit your lip and nodded as you took him to your bedroom as quickly as possible and you laid down on the soft sheets. "God, baby, will you let me fuck you like this?" Jongho asked as he hovered above you.
"Yes, please, fuck me raw, fuck my pussy like you mean it," you moaned as he slid his hard dick inside you. "Oh, fuck, I do mean it baby, I mean all of it, I fucking mean it so bad."
Jongho started to fuck you relentlessly, releasing all of his passion and desire in this moment. The sound of your skin slapping together and the melodious moans coming from your throat created a sinful symphony that you and Jongho - and probably your neighbours - would be thinking about for a long time.
"Your pussy is so fucking perfect, so fucking perfect for me," he moaned as he pushed himself all the way in, ramming his dick in there as if it was his last day on earth.
"J-Jongho! Fuck!" You screamed as his thrusts got harder and faster before they turned sloppy. "I'm so close baby, I'm gonna fill your pussy with my cum. I'm gonna fucking fill you up with my cum and then I'm gonna fuck you again, and again, and again," he moaned.
With a few more thrusts Jongho came inside you with furrowed brows and low grunts. You whined as he pulled out of you and turned you around. You rested on your elbows and put your ass up, legs spread for his easy access.
He pumped his cock a few times again and sank back in, wincing at the sensitivity from his orgasm. "Oh, Oh yeah, that's it," he moaned as he fucked your tight pussy again, smacking his hand on the soft flesh of your ass.
"J-Jongho, oh my God! Yes!" You couldn't bring out anything else but his name and all the curse words you could think of. "Is it that good huh, baby? Is my cock filling you up that nicely? Got you all fucked dumb already, didn't I? Fuck you're so good for me, such a good and nice pussy, I'm gonna fucking cum inside you again and fill your hole 'til everything's leaking out."
You had never imagined Jongho to speak such filthy words to you but you weren't complaining at all. All you could do is moan and whine and let him have his way with you. Before you knew it he send you to cloud 9 as you orgasmed again, clenching down on his cock.
"Fuck, such a good pussy, clenching on my dick like that," he grunted. He spanked your ass again before cumming deep inside you again, pumping you full with his hot cum. You could only whine at the feeling of it, your heart burning with passion and desire.
He pulled out of you again and rolled you on your back once again. Your make-up was all smudgy and messed up and Jongho just felt himself get hard again at the sight.
"I'm gonna fuck your pussy again, Y/N, gonna fuck it again, gonna fuck it and make you take all the cum I can give you. You can take it, can't you?"
You were overwhelmed with his dirty talk and his stamina. Sure, you expected him to be good in bed but this? No you never expected that. Yet, you nodded and spread your legs again to let him inside you again.
His large cock stretched your walls for the third time that night and you cried out his name. Your pussy started to clench down on him again immediately, making him cry out, panting out your name. "Y/N, fuck, you little minx, I fucking love your pussy so much, it takes me so well, needs me so bad, huh? Fucking love it, fucking love it baby."
Jongho kept going at it for what felt like hours, making your throat go sore and weak. He slid his hands over your legs before pulling them up and laying them over his shoulders. You were nearly bend in half as he fucked you harder than ever before, making you and him cum together as one, sending yourselves to euphoria.
He fell down onto your chest, collapsing after his intense orgasm. He panted out as he filled your pussy for the third time before sliding his cock out of you. Jongho laid next to you and kissed your forehead as you breathed heavily from the most passionate sex you ever had in your life.
"Well I say chances are pretty good we're doing this again," he grinned.
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rogueddie · 1 year
Fake Dating Steddie Fic Rec
Important: READ THE TAGS! Leave a comment and kudos! If I was only allowed read fake dating fics like these, I would die happy 🤞
I Like to See You in the Morning Light
"Wait,” Eddie said, his drug-addled brain catching up suddenly. “Wait! My alibi is that I was having sex with Steve Harrington?”
After it all, Eddie Munson is left to pick up the cracked pieces of his life. Luckily, he has new friends to fall back on.
Words : 27,362 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
you want it straight from the heart (why can't this be love?)
Steve let out a long sigh. “I’ll do it. I’ll be your fake boyfriend, okay?”
“You could at least sound happier about it,” Robin muttered.
Words : 12,417 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
i’ve got you under my skin
Steve Harrington has to marry Eddie Munson (also know as the Devil Incarnate), so Eddie won’t get deported back to Canada and for Steve to finally achieve his dream to be a producer.
Or: The Proposal AU Steddie Edition
Words : 49,923 Chapters : 6/6 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
Saying I love you to your best friend, and to the friend that could perhaps be something more
Ever since he discovered that he liked girls - and that, generally, girls liked him too - Steve Harrington has not spent a single Valentine's Day alone. 1987 is shaping up to be the first and that really sucks.
Eddie, fed up with listening to Steve's complaining, agrees to be his date for the day.
Words : 5,901 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : General Audiences
AO3 : x
Steve’s being harassed about his love life, and enlists Eddie’s help over Christmas break to get Dustin off his back. All he has to do is pretend to be Steve’s boyfriend in front of all of his loved ones!
Words : 6,902 Chapters : 1/1 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
Let's Be More Than Strangers
It’s meant to be a one-off favor to Robin, Eddie passing himself off as her boyfriend. Robin gets to hang onto the secret of why she never so much as bats an eyelash at the guys who come into Scoops Ahoy. Eddie gets more ice cream than he knows what to do with and the opportunity to pull one over on the former King of Hawkins High. Unfortunately, it all works just a little too well, and Eddie finds himself continuing to come back.
Words : 19,592 Chapters : 2/2 Rating : Teen And Up Audiences
AO3 : x
Can we always be friends? (We've got too much love)
Steve offers to be Robin's pretend boyfriend to get the guys at school to leave her alone. She's reluctant at first, until Steve admits that he's not interested in dating girls anymore anyway.
Meanwhile, Eddie's encounters with Steve Harrington had always been brief, but he could never help being captivated by him. Naturally, he doesn't know how to react as Steve starts popping into his life more than ever--probably should do nothing, because Steve has a girlfriend. Right?
Words : 42,525 Chapters : 6/6 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
i know what you want from me
After two years of getting rejected from college, and totaling nineteen of disappointing his father, Steve Harrington decides to finally reclaim his life by spending the summer kissing Eddie Munson.
Words : 86,788 Chapters : 6/6 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
A Coat of Paint
Steve agrees to help Eddie paint his trailer, but isn't prepared for the bisexual crisis it sends him spiralling into.
Words : 56,334 Chapters : 13/13 Rating : Explicit
AO3 : x
Two Truths and a Lie About Steve Harrington
Steve is desperate to find a date for his high school reunion, and his best friend Eddie volunteers to pretend to be his boyfriend. What Eddie doesn't know, however, is that Steve has had a crush on him ever since they became friends in college, and although Steve is not planning on letting him find out about it now, spending a week together in the same room might make things difficult. Especially since Eddie keeps flirting with him at every chance he gets.
Words : 20,057 Chapters : 2/2 Rating : Mature
AO3 : x
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sgm616 · 2 months
A Whole Year!
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!reader
BlackHill x Daughter
A/n -> I have a learning disability so if there are some misspelled or a sentence that doesn't make sense that's why.
Mila and Wanda, we're sent on a mission to retrieve Hydra files. Unfortunately, things went downhill. During their mission, they were caught stealing their secret information. Many hydra goons were attacking them left and right. There were too many of them. Without their acknowledge some kind of gas was seeping threw the vents. The next thing they see is darkness.
Natasha POV- I was about to take off my wife's shirt when we both got a message from FRIDAY.
Miss Romanoff-Hill. Both of you are being summoned by Captain Rogers.
"What is it now Rogers? We- I mean I was about to 'relax'."
"Wanda and Mia have gone MIA.(Missing in action) here is their mission file. Completing this mission is crucial into getting ahold of Hydra's secret weapon. Find it and you may be able to find Mia and Wanda. You both have 10 minutes to get ready. Dismiss."
I made my way through the hallways making sure it was all clear. Once I made sure everything was clear I let everyone understand that there was no one left in the building but that's when I heard, crying. How can there be someone here? I checked all the rooms in this building.
For some reason, I felt this urge to follow the cries. I walked through three rooms when I heard another cry. That's when I started running through all the rooms. Till I reach the second to last room. The crying was much, much louder. I searched the draws when I encountered a baby it was wrapped in a Hydra coat. I carefully pick up the small child to try my best to soothe the poor babe. After a few minutes, I calmed them down. But I can still hear the other child crying. The other baby's cry was echoing throughout the room. It sounded like it was coming through the vents. Immediately I got down to the vent gate and found another baby. It was only wearing a thin adult shirt.
I carefully readjusted the child I was currently holding so I could pick up the other baby. Immediately the baby stopped crying and looked into my eyes. Strangely enough, their eyes looked exactly like Mila's. 
Once they were safely secure in my arms I bolted toward the Quinjet.
Location: Avengers Compound
Who are these kids? And where are Wanda and Mila? As we waited for the results on who these girls were, Maria and I were holding them. It's just another reason for how much I missed my daughter's growth. Sure she was born out of science when I was twelve but still, I would have loved to have taken care of her when she was a baby.
(She didn't give birth to her, science used her blood and her father's blood to create Mila.)
After waiting for the results to come back, Tony and Bruce come into the conference room. "Good news and bad news. The good news is that know where Mila and Wanda are located."
"That's fantastic! Where are they?" Said Maria.
Bruce looks down and fixes his glasses. "You're holding them." We looked down at the babies. I knew this child looked familiar, it was Mila. Maria spoke up. "What the bad news?"
"The bad news is that it looks like Hydra injected them with some kind of serum that turned them into babies and well, it looks like it's going to take a year for the serum to wear off" A WHOLE YEAR!!
Meeting room
"All right teams looks like we are on baby duty for the next year till both Wanda and Mila are back to normal. So who's going to be the main guardian for Wanda?" Steve raised his hand. "I'll take her." That's when Clint speaks to Steve. "Do you even know how to take care of a baby?"
With his head down Steve said. "No."
"Laura and I can take care of her. Stark is that alright if my family can come over till this whole thing is over?"
"Yeah, sure whatever. Just keep them away from the lab."
No One's POV-
Day One Age 7 Weeks Old
The first night with baby Mila was hard on Natasha and Maria. They never had any experience in taking care of a baby. She had been crying for the past 4 hours. They tried feeding her...she was not hungry, they tried rocking her to sleep...that failed, and don't even get started on how terrible they were when it came to changing her diaper. Clint had to show them how to do it the right way.
Know matter how hard they try to calm down she just won't stop crying. "She has been crying for 4 hours now how is she still awake?" Maria said tiredly. That's when she thought of something. She goes into the closet to grab something that might help calm Mila down.
She grabbed her old ukulele and started playing it. Natasha slowly joins in.
"I'm lying on the moon My dear, I'll be there soon"
Mila's crying was slowly calming down
"It's a quiet starry place Time's we're swallowed up"
Maira walks over to Nat and Mila and places a binky into Mila's mouth. Mila surprisingly accepted the binky.
"in space We're here a million miles away"
Mila finally falls asleep. When Natasha sees this she stops but the minute she stops Mila starts to steer awake, so Natasha continues on finishing up the song.
"There's things I wish I knew There's no thing I'd keep from you"
Natasha carefully places a sleeping Mila into her bassinet. She slowly and carefully pulls a blanket over Mila so she doesn't get cold.
"It's a dark and shiny place But with you my dear, I'm safe we're a million miles away"
The moment Mila fell asleep both women were too tired to lay under the covers.
The Barton's had no trouble with getting Wanda to bed. After all, they had plenty of practice with their two other children. Plus Wanda was easy to put sleep. That girl loves to sleep.
Four Hours Later (Feeding) Mila cries wakes up both women
"Why isn't she talking the bottle!"
"I don't know Nat. I don't fucking know!" Mila continues screaming.
"I know Mila I know. If you just take the bottle you will feel better." Natasha continues to try feed her but after some time she finally takes it.
Day 150 Age 5 months Old
Today was going to be a hard day for Tony. He was on babysitting duty for both Wanda and Mila. Both Mila's moms had a mission they couldn't get out of. Clint and Laura both had a teachers' conference for their other kids and couldn't take Wanda with them.
So both families had no choice but to leave the two girls with Tony since he was the only one available. Since Tony was not babysitter material both families would call any chance they could get.
Tony had both babies lying on both sides of the couch while he was in the middle.
"We're fine, just like we were 30 minutes ago and 30 minutes before that. Are you going to keep this up all day? Wait aren't you and Maria on a mission right now?.....well stop calling because now it's getting old. First you and now the Barton's?......"
He looks away from the girls to turn on the TV
"Yeah they had some teacher thing so I'm watching both."
He turns to look at Wanda.
"OH NO."
Wanda was not there.
He turned to face Mila, but she wasn't there either. This made Tony drop his phone. He's looking behind the couch under the blankets, the pillows, he looked EVERYWHERE! He knows if he doesn't find them soon he's going to not live to see them the next day.
Nat on the other hand was freaking out. Tony didn't answer what was happening. She kept yelling at the phone in hopes that he could tell her what was going on.
After a few minutes, Tony looked under the table only to find Mila and Wanda. Mila was rolling around while Wanda was staring at Tony with a huge smile on her face.
Tony grabs the phone and puts it on speaker. "Everything good here." Natasha doesn't believe him. "Guess who just rolled over for the first time."
Let's just say after this event, Tony will never babysit a child ever again or in this case children.
Day 161 Age 6 Months Old
The Barton family
Laura walks into Wanda's nursery room quietly. She knows Wanda isn't a morning person even if she's a baby. So figured out a way to wake up and girl without having her get all cranky. She knew from Wanda's past that her mother would always sing this song that would help Wanda wake up.
She gently rubs the back of the wands back. Slowly Wanda starts waking up but not enough to have her open her eyes. "Rise and shine and give god your glory, glory. Rise and shine and give god your glory, glory. one two three four give god your glory, glory children of the lord." Wanda opens her eyes and lets out a big yawn before giving her the grabby hands, letting Laura know she wants to be held. "Good morning my sweet angel. You ready for breakfast." Wanda responded with a nod and tucked her head into Laura's neck.
Once in the kitchen, Laura hands Wanda off the Clint so he can feed her. For breakfast, Wanda was having her favorite mango banana. "Here comes the Quinjet." he makes noises that sound somewhat like the Quinjet.
The Romanoff-Hill family
For waking up Mila was a bit different from Wanda's morning routine. Every morning Nat or Maria has to play the song Pink by Lizzo. How she found out that song, that's something both mothers would most likely never find out.
But let's just say Kate, her new babysitter, was watching the movie Barbie on her laptop and thought Mila was sound asleep.
Once the song was over and Mila waved to all her stuffed animals a good morning, it was time for her to get her morning started.
For breakfast, Mila had apple zucchini peach. It wasn't her favorite but it also wasn't something she hated. All Nat had to do was distract her daughter and boom she'll eat anything that's in front of her. "Here comes the Chitauri chariot." Natasha scoops some baby food into Mila's mouth. "Did you know Mama flew in one once?" Mila smiled at her mama and was making cute baby noises. "Yes, I did." She then realized what time it was. "Shit. Hey babe can you finish feeding Mila for me? I'm going to be late for work."
"Sure thing." She kissed her beloved wife on the lips before Nat had to leave. "Mommy's going to feed you now. How does that sound?" Mila let out a confused expression and sound. If she was saying why? "Mama has a meeting with Grandpa Fury. But that's okay because you get to spend time with me. Would you like to go to the animal shelter and buy Mama that kitten she's been dying to have?" Mila responded with a happy squeal. "Yeah? But first, we need to finish eating your food." She scoops a bit of the baby food. "Here come the helicarrier." She flies the spoon around the air before putting it in her mouth.
Day 284 Age 1 years old
The Romanoff-Hill family
Mila faced Natasha trying her best to speak to her "M-ma...m-ma... mama, mama" "That's right baby it's mama! Can you tell me who she is" She pointed to Maria. Mila looked at Maria with a smile "Mama!"
Maria scopes her up and spins her around. "Good job Mila!" Nat then hugs both of them. Mila was in the middle. "Mama and Mommy are super-duper proud of you!!" Both women kissed Mila's chubby cheeks. Mila graciously gave both of them a slobbery kiss on their cheeks while making giggling noises.
The Barton family
"mm...mm..." Wanda was struggling and getting frustrated. She let out a screech. Laura picks her up calming her down. "Shh, it's okay baby take your time." "Mma-mma. Mama" "Good job Wanda! Good job! Clint come here!" He bolts out of the bathroom, his face is half-shaven. "What happened? What's wrong?" Wanda gave clint grabby hands for him to take her into his arms. "Pa-pa!" Clint's mouth was wide open with shock. "Did-did you say, papa?"
Later that day when the kids got home they told them about Wanda's 'first' words.  "Wanda who's that?" Laura points towards Cooper. "Ooper" the four of them laughing. "That's right I'm Ooper. Your brother" Wanda clapped her hands as if she was showing how proud she was of herself. Clint then speaks. "Can you tell who she is?" Wanda looks at Lilia. "ia"
Luckily both families had FRIDAY to videotape the whole conversation.
Days Later...
Family Room
Today was a very boring Friday for the Avengers. No meetings, no missions, nothing. Nat, Clint, and the babies were in the family room. Both adults were reading their books. While the babies were doing their own thing.
Mila was on the floor playing with her blocks. While Wanda was watching The Wiggles. [The OG, not the new version] They were singing about fruit salad. This got an idea for the little baby witch. She was hungry and since the wiggles were singing about fruit salad maybe she can make some for herself and maybe she can share it with Mila.
She slowly stands up from her spot. Nat and Clint notice this and dropped everything they were reading. "FRIDAY are you documenting this?"
Yes Sir.
Wanda takes one step forward only to fall. They were waiting to see if she'll give up and cry. But to their surprise, she didn't. She got right back up on her feet and tried again. This kept happening for a while till she finally made it to the kitchen without any trouble.
Mila sees this and gets jealous of Wanda getting all the attention. So she too tries to stand up and walk but falls down the minute her foot took one step. She burst into an angry scream. This got Nat's attention. "Oh baby. there is no reason for that." She tries to calm down Mila but to no avail. Thank goodness Maria heard this. The moment Maria come into Mila view she imminently wanted to be in her mommy arm and not her mamas.
Once Maria gets ahold of her baby girl she gently pats her back and bounces her. "Aww what happened my love? Hmm?" She looked over to her wife seeing if she knew what's wrong with their daughter. "Someone got a little jealous of Wanda and wasn't happy that mama wasn't forcing on her."
Maria turned Mila around so she can see her face. "Is this true baby girl. Did you get jealous of Wanda?" Mila nods her head. "And did you not like when mama was giving Wanda attention and not you?" She nods again. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that."
Natasha explained what Wanda did and how Mila wanted to walk too but kept failing and was getting frustrated with herself. "Why don't we go on our room and we can pass/walk her to each other?"
And that's what they did. After many falls and crying, Mila finally walked. Now they kinda regret teaching her how to walk cause now she won't stop chasing Liho.
Day 334 Age 1 3/4 years old
Maria and Natasha were relaxing on top of their bed when all of a sudden they heard a horrible stretching noise and then crying. Liho bolted out of the room. Both mothers turn to see Mila running towards them crying. Maria bent down to Mila's level. "What's wrong why are you crying, baby?" Mila was choking on her air so Nat and Maria helped her calm down so they could understand what was going on. "детка can you blow on my face?" Mila eventually listened to her mama and blew on her face just enough for her to talk. "Good girl. Can you tell Mommy and me what's going on?" Mila yelled, "She said she wants to marwy me!"
"Who детка? Who wants to marry you, baby girl? Could it is Wanda?" knowing those two were together before this crisis happened. "mhm" Natasha was good at hiding her smile since this whole conversation was hilarious. "You're crying 'cause you don't want to marry her?" Maria said while trying her best to hold in her laughter. "Yeah!"
Wanda comes running in our room "I WILL MARWY YOU!!"
Mila runs away again with Wanda hot on her tail.
Day 364-365 Age 22 years old
That night the parents lay the children on their adult beds. They quickly changed them from toddler clothes to adult-only shirts.
The Next Day...
Mila wakes up only to find her room all childish. "What the?" she slowly gets out of bed only to notice she's only in a shirt. At first, she was a bit wobbly but got it together. She takes a nice long shower. Flashes of what happened came into her mind. She was so confused. Was this all dream? If not how the hell did she turn into a baby? And how long?
2 months later...
Lactation: Paris
"Mila Romanoff, will you do me the honor and becoming your wife?"
"YES!! Absolutely Yes!!!"
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How about dreary?
Nedcan break up fighttttt lmao. This one is also complete.
Amsterdam, 1990.
Jan opened the front door to the dreary day and the nation of Canada standing on his stoop with a shy, hopeful smile.
"I wasn't expecting you!" Jan blurted, taken on the back foot. "You're a surprise!"
"A good one, I hope," Matt smiled. He was dressed warmer than required for the weather, wrapped in his good winter coat, gloves and hat and standing in the drizzle, one hand above his face to keep it dry. Jan stood there, gawking. "Can't I come in?"
"Of course!" Jan said, shaking himself loose of his thoughts and flinging the door open.
Matt stepped inside, peeling off his hat and gloves and moving to give Jan a kiss once inside the privacy of the house.
"What are you doing here?" Jan asked. Matt's lips were fish-cold, and Jan shivered a little before he took his coat.
"I was in Kyiv," Matt said. "And I was feeling a bit more myself, so I called your office, and they said you didn't have anything booked, so I got my connecting flight to Rotterdam."
"Oh," Jan said.
"Is it a bad time?" Matt asked.
"No, no. Just… I've got a flight in a few hours."
"Where too?"
"First leg is DC,"
"Oh?" Matt asked, and they moved toward the living room, Matt's suitcase in the foyer and coat hanging on the rack like a guest. "What's in DC?"
"A layover and a few hours at the Dutch Embassy. They're giving a dinner for the Queen."
"Ah, very official. And then?"
"Another flight."
"Where too?" Matt asked, putting his arms around Jan and smiling. "Where have they sent you off to now?"
"Nowhere," Jan said, kissing his hair. Matt dropped his head on Jan's shoulder. "I took vacation time."
"Did I pre-empt a surprise visit? Matt smiled, kissing him, full of promise. He was still cold, and Jan could only let it happen, full of sadness.
Jan was silent for a moment. "Tokyo, actually."
"Oh," Matt dropped his arms. "Well, that's not great timing on my part; I'm sorry. I must have called before you put it on your schedule."
"It's not scheduled," Jan said. "Personal."
Matthew disengaged. "Again?"
"I haven't been there in months."
"A month," Matt said. "You were there in December, and it's not even February."
"I have something I want to be there for."
"Something?" Matt said.
"A gift. A windmill is going up in Sakura."
"A windmill. Goodness." Matt said. "Does that require you?"
"It's my design, so yes, I supposed it does. I based it on one I had in the 18th century. It's quite a fine design.
Matt huffed. "Lucky Sakura."
"Kiku has been looking forward to it.
"You have to, by the sounds of it."
"I have."
Matt nodded, collapsing onto the sofa. He looked off somehow, something more shadowed about his eyes than usual, his face thinner—probably jet lag.
"Do you want to get some lunch?" Jan asked. "Before I go?"
Matt looked at his hands and swallowed. "Jan, If I asked you to stay, would you?"
"Is there a reason I should?" Jan raised a brow.
"I miss you, love you, and want to spend time with you."
"My flights booked, Matt."
"Right." Matt shut his eyes and exhaled. "Okay. That was bad timing on my part. I'm sorry I dropped in unannounced. I really thought you were free."
"Why don't we get lunch and figure out another time."
"I'm not hungry," Matt said. His jaw tensed, and he looked up at Jan. "When can I expect a visit from you?"
"I'll be over with the tulips, like usual."
"Could you take some time before then? Or could I pop over?"
"Can't it wait until May?"
Matt flexed his hands in his lap. "Does it have to? I miss you."
"I don't think I can take any more time for a few months, but I'll call when I get back."
"Do you miss me when I'm not here?"
"I'm always happy to see you."
"That's not what I asked." Matt returned. "Do you miss me? Because it feels like I haven't seen much of you in a long time."
"I'll be there in May. A whole week."
"How long in Japan?"
'Fourteen days."
"Fourteen days," Matt repeated. "Another fourteen days?"
"December was only 10."
"Only?" Matt spat back and then shut his eyes, exhaling. "Sorry."
"That was for a whole different thing. This is official."
"You just said it was personal!"
"It is! But it's for an event!" Jan said, running his hand over Matt's arm to take his hand. "Come on, let's get some food before I have to go. I'll call you when I get back and I'll see you in May."
"Do you even want to see me in May?"
"I always come in May."
"Do you want to though? You're not beholden to me." Matt stared at his hand, supporting him against the wall rather than at Jan. "We're not married; we're not human. You can do whatever you like."
Jan frowned. "Matt— you didn't even mention you wanted company before dumping yourself on my doorstep. I'm not a mind reader."
Matt squeezed his eyes shut against some sort of pain.
"Matthew, be reasonable. I can't do anything if you don't talk to me."
"You aren't listening anymore when I try. Even when I'm here, you're elsewhere. You had a life before me. You still have a life without me. It's fine. Do whatever or whomever you want."
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"It means there were no honorifics when he talked to you. And you still use the formal case when talking to me in public. Because I'm not imp— it's fine. You should go. I'll talk to you when I'm in a fit state."
"You could just talk to me now!" Jan said. "I'm listening now."
"You're already packed," Matt said. "It's fine. I'll go to my Dad's."
"I'm sorry this time didn't work out," Jan said, scrubbing his face. "But you didn't tell me you wanted to see me until 10 minutes ago."
"I tried in December. You were in Japan." Matt smiled wanly, and Jan wasn't sure he'd ever seen him look so hollow. "I tried. I tried talking to you. But you don't return my calls, and that time you were unreachable and in Japan, and now you're on your way there again."
"Matt. There's only a competition where you go and make one. The world's changed, and times change. You have your place with me sometimes, and I have mine with him sometimes. It's not a competition. Just compartments."
"So you can put me in a little box and take me out when you're bored?" Matt sighed through his nose and rubbed his temples. "Just like that?"
"That's not what I said."
"Isn't it?" Matt shot back. "Isn't that what you're doing exactly? I was place holder while you waited for something better! Fifty years ago, you kissed me on VJ day with almost as much relief as VE Day. You kissed me both times. I didn't expect anything from you. But you made me love you. And now you throw that in my face by telling me nothing changed?"
"It hasn't!" Jan shouted. "I love you!"
"Then why aren't you actually here when you lay next to me?" Matt shouted. "Where the fuck are you when I try to talk to you and get only grunts? Why are we always playing phone tag? When I'm trying to make love, and you're closing your eyes? Where the fuck are you, and who are you thinking about? Because in fifty years, we haven't been monogamous, but you never used to close your eyes!
"I buy you flowers every year. I pay attention to you when we're together. But it's not as if we live together. Our lives are long. And complicated. I have feelings for you, for him, for a lot of people. Same as you. Don't begrudge me my life, Matt, Fuck! Its not my fault you're such a fucking child you can't understand this!"
"Oh, I'm a child now?" Matt stood. "It makes me a child that I don't understand how you can do this with him? Of all people?"
"It does! You are a fucking child if you can't understand that. And a hypocrite. Your parents have done far more to each other than Kiku and I ever did."
"How the fuck does that make this okay?"
"Because there was a single war between Kiku and me. One! A single war in 400 years."
"It was the largest conflict the world's ever seen! Ludwig nearly killed you, and Kiku allied with him and they both tried to bring the world to heel. Tell me, should I fuck Ludwig? No!"
"You can if you want! Go, fuck him, love him, let him love you, change! Maybe you'd understand some fucking sense."
Matthew's eyes widened. Jan exhaled and saw his breath. The room had dropped twenty degrees around the personification of Canada.
"Do… do you love him?"
"I did."
"Thats not what I'm asking. Do you love him now? At this moment."
"Fine." Matt exhaled, and the room's temperature rose again. "Fine. Go."
"Matt, don't play the jealous wife. It's beneath you."
"Who the fuck said I was? I just said you were free to do as you liked, didn't I?" Matt smiled again, bitter and fragile like shards of porcelain. "Enjoy your time, Jan."
"…. Will I see you in May?"
"I don't think so."
Send me a word, if it’s in one of my wip documents I’ll answer your ask with the sentence that it appears in
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righoul · 10 months
Oh Honey, I'm the Big, Bad Wolf / Wolverine x Reader (18+ only)
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Pairing: Logan (Wolverine) x Reader
Warnings: nsfw, smut, 18+, rough sex, creampie, missionary position, doggy style, roleplay, biting, ass grabbing
Word count: 2.3k
Synopsis: I wanted to try and write a Wolverine x Reader, but would it sound hot if Logan poses as the Big, Bad Wolf? Anyways, enjoy 😊
You have been trekking these snowy mountains for so long you have lost track in time. The sun was starting to set, and it would be dark very soon if you don’t find shelter. These Canadian mountains aren’t too kind those who don’t know their way, and the winter is just as harsh at night.
“Damn it.” You whined. “I don’t have enough time.”
“Ya lost out here, Red?”
You gasped as you heard a deep voice rumbled behind you. You turned around to see a man that is wearing only jeans, a wife beater, a flannel shirt, and a pair of boots. You took in his features. He’s tall and very broad around the shoulders. His hair is a dark brown, kind of shaggy looking but it’s well kept. He also had some unusual facial hair, something that you would see in a Civil War photograph. But what really strike you was his hazel eyes. He is very intimidating, but you thought of him to be handsome. At first, you were confused at the nickname that he gave you but then you remembered, you were wearing your maroon velvet trench coat.
“God, you scared me!” You gasped.
He let out a chuckle, “Sorry about that, darlin’. Why are ya out here all by yourself? It’s about to get dark.”
“I know. I was trying to find my relative’s home, but I seem to lose my way.”
The stranger looked around us and stared back at you. He rose an eyebrow at you.
“There’s not a single house around these parts beside mine.”
You crossed your arms at your chest. You straightened your back and you felt like you grew at least a few inches. “As you can see, I’m not from here.”
“I can tell, sweetheart.”
You wanted to sneer at him, but you didn’t have a whole lot of time out here. Winters are brutal in Canada.
“Can I at least get some shelter, please? I’ll be out of your hair before you know it.”
“Alright, follow me.”
~ ❆ ~ ❆ ~ ❆ ~ ❆ ~
After hiking through the snow, the sun just now made it to sundown, and you arrived at the stranger’s home. Your mother always warned you about going into stranger’s houses since you were a child. Ever since you’ve been going to do errands and making trips to your grandmother’s house. But this is the one exception that you can make. The stranger unlocked his door to his cabin and opened the door wide open.
“Ladies first.” He smirked.
You wanted to smack that stupid look on his face so badly just for being a cocky bastard and you also wanted to kick yourself for letting his charms get to you. You were feeling like a schoolgirl around this man, for God’s sake!
“Thank you. You have a lovely home here.”
You peeled off your trench coat and hung it on a coat rack by the door. You rubbed your arms, trying to gain some warmth. You were wearing an oversized sweater that had a v shaped on the back and the front, and it was coming off both your shoulders. The stranger was trying not to peek at your front since he can about see your cleavage. You took noticed at it, so you rest your arms at your chest.
He cleared his throat and asked, “Ya hungry?”
“Yes, I’m starving!” You beamed.
You followed him to the kitchen, and as if on cue, the soap that was sitting on the stove was ready. He fixed up both of your bowls and placed it on the table. You sat across from him and dug into your nice, warm meal. The stranger took in your features. He had to admit, you were very pretty. You had curves in all the right places and the way that you placed your hair on one side gave him a bird’s eye view of your impeccable neck. He licked his lips just thinking about placing bruises and love bites on that neck and other places as well. His pants were starting to feel too tight for his liking, but he had to take his time with her.
“I never got to know your name.” You spoke after a moment of silence.
“Logan. The name’s Logan.” He gruffed.
“Logan.” You mumbled to yourself.
He liked his name being rolled off your tongue. Almost as if it was second nature to you. He could feel his bulge pressing hard against his denim jeans and it was killing him. Not yet, he thought to himself. You leaned down to eat the last bit of your meal. As you did, Logan timed it perfectly to see the tops of your breast, noticing that you were not wearing a bra. If he keeps this up, he might explode. Just a little longer. If even though he doesn’t know it, you couldn’t help but lifted your eyes up as you saw Logan getting front row tickets to see over your sweater front. You slowly got up as you both finished your bowls.
“I’ll go ahead and do the dishes.”
“Wait. You’re a guest, I should do it. Make yourself at home.”
“It’s the least I can do.”
You walked over to the sink and began cleaning. Logan followed you. He grabbed your waist and turned you around to look at him. You let out an audible gasp, but Logan for once ignored the tightness of his jeans. You start to feel the wetness between your legs, and you were sure you show Logan gave a whiff. He cocked his smile, showing his canines. He knew he had you in his traps.
“I don’t know what game you’re playin’ here, but I’m starting to lose patience.” He grumbled.
You raised your eyebrow at him and sneered, “I caught you twice looking at my breast and I’m the one playing games?”
Logan grabbed your face and leaned in, his lips ghosting over yours.
“Y’know, that mouth of yours is gonna get ya a whole lot of trouble if ya keep that up.”
Now, you were testing him. By not pushing this guy’s buttons too much, you apologized like a scolded child.
“Atta girl.”
Logan let go of your cheeks and you couldn’t help but rubbed your face from how hard he was holding it. You peered up at him through your lustful lashes. You decided not to fuel the fire and walked past him as you were about to grab your coat.
“Thanks for the meal, but I should get g—.”
As you turned to face your host, he slammed his hand on the door right next to your head. You were surprised by the action, and you looked up at him.
“The weather is still bad out there, sweetheart.” Logan said, barely above a whisper.
“I’ll take my chances.” You challenged.
Logan leaned towards your face and was staring straight to your soul.
“I never noticed how dark your eyes got till since now.” I whimpered.
“Maybe ya were starting to piss me off with your stubbornness.”
You tried to swallow down your fears, but Logan knows you were not hiding it very well. God, why did he have to sound so hot?
“And your hands are so big.”
“All the more to grab on.”
Logan took his other hand and gave your ass a good slap following with a firm squeeze. You let out a moaning gasp and before you realized it, you covered your mouth hoping he didn’t hear it. Oh, he heard it alright. And how it sounded like music to him. He wanted to hear more from you. He was starting to enjoy toying with his little plaything. Logan leaned down, breathing into your neck.
“God, I could do so much to ya right now. Ya couldn’t even imagine.”
For once, you were at a loss of words. Logan took noticed of it and peer up at you.
“Cat got your tongue, doll?”
“Please.” You whispered.
“Please, what?” Logan taunting you.
To kiss you already? Take you here in front of the fireplace? Let you go? Your head was spinning. You didn’t know what you want. Logan was focusing back to the area where your shoulder was meeting your neck and was placing small pecks. Your knees were starting to grow weak, and you were breathing heavy. He then began to lightly scrap your neck with his teeth, but his sharp canines got the best of him.
“What sharp teeth you have.” You moaned.
You could feel Logan’s lips curled into a smile as he is nibbling your neck like he was savoring it.
“So, I could claim ya.”
Within milliseconds, Logan lifted you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist so you wouldn’t fall. He placed both his hands on your ass to help support you. He was now making long strides to his bedroom. Both lips were fighting for dominance, teeth scraping against one another, and your hands found its way to help loosen his belt buckle. You were starting to get frustrated, but you were determined. Logan chuckled against your lips, but he had a mission to carry on. You managed to unbuckle his belt as you both finally made it to his room, and he gently tossed you to the bed, causing you to bounce a few times. You peered at him seductively as he was tearing off his flannel and wife beater off, without breaking eye contact. You peeled off your leggings, only leaving you in your revealing sweater and black panties.
Logan’s eyes grown darker as he saw the show in front of him, in his bed, looking delicious as ever. He was starting to look like a starved man, and he couldn’t wait to take a bite out of you. He crawled towards you, placing slow kisses from your ankles to either side of your hips to your neck. To hold his weight, he placed both hands on either side of your head, caging you in. He leaned down to kiss you again, but you were refusing to let him in. He took noticed of this, so he slipped his hand underneath your sweater giving your breast a nice squeeze. You let out a moan, but before you close your mouth, Logan slipped his tongue inside, winning his dominance against you. Logan grew impatient and tore your sweater over your head and threw it somewhere in his room. You unbuttoned his pants and helped slid it off him as he did the rest and kicked it off him. Logan tore off your panties, leaving only your naked bodies pressing together. Logan let go of the kiss, leaving only a trail of saliva.
“Ya sure about this, darlin’? If I hurt ya, please tap me on the shoulder three times.”
“Please, fuck me.”
Logan cocked his eyebrow and gave you a smirk. That was all he needed to hear. He spat in his hand and gave his cock a few pumps before inserting it inside of you. He was pushing it all the way until he reached at the hilt. You grabbed onto both his shoulder as he was making fast pumps into you. You wrapped your legs around his waist, encouraging him to go deeper. He was fucking you hard and fast.
“Oh fuck, just like that.” You screamed.
“Ya taking me so well. Ya like it when I go rough on ya, huh?”
“Yes! F-fuck you feel so good!”
“Turn around for me, baby.”
You did as you were told and got on your hands and knees for him. Logan liked how obedient you were to him when it came down to sex. He’ll have to keep that in mind. Logan reentered himself inside your tight pussy and began pounding into you. Logan leaned down to your ear and started whispering dirty things to you. You were starting to see stars around you. He was basically fucking you stupid.
“Tell me what ya want, I’ll give it to ya.”
“P-p-please Logan! Cum in me!”
Logan couldn’t help but smile to himself. He loved hearing his name coming out of your mouth.
“Say my name again.”
“L-Logan! I’m about to c-c-cum!”
“Hold on. I’m right behind ya.”
Logan took his fingers and started rubbing circles on your clit. He knew you weren’t kidding when he could feel you clinching around his cock. His thrusts were starting to stutter, and his rhythm was out of sync.
“LOGAN!” You moaned out his name one last time before he began to roar into the sky as you climaxed. He thrust a few more times as he came inside your pussy. His thrusts began to slow, riding out his high. Both of you fell into the bed, coming down from your euphorias.
Logan got up to go to the bathroom to grab a wet rag. As he came back, he wiped you down first and then himself. He tossed the wet rag into the hamper and joined you in his bed. Logan pulled you to his chest and rubbed circles on your back.
“Y’know, I used to think that this whole roleplaying shit was gonna be a waste of my time, but damn was I wrong?” Logan chuckled.
You propped yourself up and gave his shoulder a little push, knowing it wouldn’t move him much.
“You see, I told you we need to spice up our relationship every once in a while.”
“God, I love ya.”
“And I love you, too, baby.”
You leaned towards Logan to kiss him a good night, but Logan had other plans. Before you could turn your back on him, Logan placed his hand firm on your chest to lay you still.
“This big, bad wolf could go for round two. If you’re up for it.”
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dozing-marshmallow · 8 months
You can write about Chris mclean x reader, where reader is his maybe assistant. It can take part at season 3 when they are at Yukon.
Thank you <3333
Hellooo! This was absolutely a pleasure to finish writing for on a Saturday. Enjoy my dear! <3333
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Lucky for you, you weren’t another host so Chris was somehow nicer to you even though you technically signed up for a job with the same pay grade as an intern.
That doesn’t make sense, but you get it.
You could say that it was a very informal relationship for one you were meant to have with your boss- non-stop teasing, flirting, touching.
No one could ever be immune to his arrogance though.
You grip onto your earmuffs. You felt bad that the teens were shivering to their core, but there was really nothing you could give to help them warm up. Literally, you had nothing good.
The only reason why you had a fur coat was so Chris wouldn’t need to settle for a sick assistant that he’d need to pay remedies for to keep healthy.
After the race is set in motion, said boss turns to you in his perfect jaw,“(Y/NN), my hot chocolate.” 
“Right! One second.” you quickly took out his velvetiser and his branded mug out. You were already warming up just by seeing the steam escape. If only it was yours...
You conquer your devil conscience by obeying his wishes, where you vicarious him wordlessly slurp on it, purposely loud. But you’re good for it.
Temper control was one of the requirements.
You take a minute to look away from him and observe the contestants’ progress. It’d naturally be a while.
Turning back to Chris letting out a sigh of relaxation, you decide to make conversation based on the cold Canada with him,“I heard somewhere that the Arctic is so cold that people don’t shake hands, they brush noses.”
“Wanna practice?” he asks with real vocation. 
“Ooo!” you squint, Yukon air whistling dust,“Are you sure?”
“Why not?”
So you do. You personally felt it to be very awkward, and maybe Chris didn’t understand what practicing this form of greeting would necessitate.
I mean, in order to brush noses, you would have to be right in his face.
Right in the face of your boss.
Your demeaning, self important, sadist of a boss.
His face was already perfect from what you can tell. Reading every equal blade of hair among his chin. Every oxygen happy to breeze through his tanned complexion. Those eyes bearing the perfect aroma of dark chocolate that had bitterly pinched his morals. You on the other hand...
God, you were so certain he could see every part of you, every blocked pore, every flaw you’d normally not mind in the presence of someone like Chris.
You’re afraid he’d call them out, but he doesn’t- instead, he overlaps his attention on yours.
His large goggles lightly collided against your naked vision in unison of your noses changing direction to keep crossing.
“That good, Chris?” you asked, calling it a day.
“Your nose’s salty.”
“Salty?” you immediately believe he’s talking about liberal mucus, which was odd. You didn’t feel any in spite of the cold blazing through your immune system.
What did he mean?
At some point, he pulls you upward by your hand, with his other supporting your spine as you are positioned up to the sky, feeling the largeness of his glove hold you.
“Ooo! Even in this cold, you still insist to be hot?” you think you’re about to dance. Dancing with Chris? In this cold? In what unplanned choreography?
“Can’t help having a face that causes global warming!” his voice as divine as the ball of light hovering above,“You’re enjoying this just as much as I am, arentcha?”
“Mayyyyybe.” you smirk, regaining control over your posture. The challenge was still ongoing.
He holds his staining empty cup out demandingly to you,“Make me more.”
You nod,“M’Lord.” and do just that. This was normal.
Sure, making him a second mug of hot chocolate without the kindness to spare one for you or a thank you wasn’t a big deal, but this pattern can barely speak for all the other monstrosities he put you though in earlier seasons and still reacted as disparage- that bandage around your leg wasn’t there to make you look pretty now, was it?
This was invisible work. Sometimes you wondered why you bother sticking around for so long.
“Fancy sharing some of that with me?” the question comically departs from your dry lips.
His response was nothing different to what you had in mind,“Nah.” nor different to the repeating of his greedy sipping, only this time, some flies onto the side of his mouth. He doesn’t realise.
“Hold still-“ a rare time where it was you giving the command, coming closer to his face again, not to brush your nose, but tongue near his lips to clean that stain.
He’s shocked.
Now you remembered why,“What? I’m your assistant, remember? It’s what I do.” you fiddle with the pom poms at the end of his coat’s strings,“That reminds me... Did you actually order the jackets for the kids?”
“Pshh. No. That’d defeat the purpose.” he shakes his hand dismissively.
See how he got over that? Any other person he’d be scrubbing his face in makeup wipes and vomiting away in the bathroom for the rest of the day.
But you? Never. No way he could ever seriously be worked up over, let alone fire his complementary hype person.
You spend the remainder part of the episode refilling his mug. Though nothing much happened, you felt a change in the air between you and your boss, and safe enough to share a cackling prediction with your colleague Chef that something will happen soon enough, even as a joke.
It’s funny because it’s true.
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pandorasword · 1 year
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
Chaeri's Masterlist
❒ Requested ✓
「 A compilation of Chaeri and Jungkook caught on camera 」
Video posted on YouTube by chaekooknation
Hello everyone, this is chaekooknation speaking! I'm back with a compilation of videos and super-zoomed images of how Chaeri and Jungkook act when they think they're not in front of the cameras I'd like to remind everyone that this is a video purely for the enjoyment of fans who, like me, believe there's something more than friendship between the two of them ♡
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clip one ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ September 2018; Canada ⠪ At that time the members were on tour for the 'Love yourself world tour' ⠪ After the last Canadian stage in Hamilton we know that they stayed a couple of days there before leaving for New Jersey ⠪ We know this in particular because of a dinner they had one of those evenings ⠪ We all remember videos and photos posted by the staff of one of the most exclusive restaurants there ⠪ These include a video of Chaeri and Jungkook that is a bit suspicious, don't you think? ⠪ When she noticed that someone from the restaurant staff was filming her having her hand on Jk's face she made a shocked expression ⠪ Sis, why be surprised? You live constantly on camera ⠪ Unless you were about to do something that others should not know about ⠪ Anyway, she became smooth again after a second and moved her hand to the back of his neck ⠪ SUS
clip two ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 22.04.2017; After a vlive ⠪ For this picture we have to credit our Jin hyung who posted them on weverse without them knowing ⠪ I quote the description "Armys our maknae stayed with you as long as she could. Can we all agree to scold Jungkook for not letting her sleep in peace? Turn off the lights!" ⠪ Chaeri and Jungkook had spent almost an hour chatting with us armys ⠪ "I am in Jungkookie's(hotel) room now, when we say goodnight to you I will go back to mine." ⠪ SHE NEVER DID!!!! ⠪ Isn't it adorable the way he keeps his arm around her body?
clip three ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2019; SBS Gayo Daejeon Music Festival ⠪ Photo taken by a group of fans from afar ⠪ Seems to be right after the show ended, probably they were waiting to leave ⠪ Fixing his coat is such an intimate and loving gesture ⠪ I wouldn't do it with just a friend. Would you do that? ⠪ Chaeri is always so caring, when it comes to him a little bit more ⠪ It was so cold that year, I'm sure she didn't want him to freeze ⠪ The way he looks at her!!!
clip four ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ [BANGTAN BOMB] Meeting with Megan Thee Stallion pt2 | A night out
⠪ It was decided at the last minute there would be two Bangtan Bombs with the rapper: The first to meet her and the last to spend an evening together ⠪ Megan is amazing and beautiful, meeting her was a pleasure for all members, it's obvious ⠪ Chaeri might have been annoyed just for a moment perhaps ⠪ That way she tries to hold on to his coat and then retreat realizing she is being filmed makes me think (and laugh) ⠪ I don't think she felt threatened by Megan's beauty ⠪ Perhaps she was simply bored with all the attention she was giving Jungkook ⠪ Jealous Chaeri >>>>
clip five ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2016; ISAC ⠪ We had to zoom in a lot to get a good look at them ⠪ We remember the impact Chaeri had on the show, fighting to make the competitions mixed and no longer only for men or only for women ⠪ The camera was focusing on the other members, Chaeri and Jungkook could only be seen by those paying close attention ⠪ The way she hit the bull's eye of the target every time during the competition must have made Jungkook very proud ⠪ But do you see the way he looks at her at the end? ⠪ Google search: How to find someone who looks at you the way Jungkook looks at Chaeri
clip six ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2018; Mama in Hongkong (Backstage) ⠪ I loved how nonchalantly Chaeri spent the time before the performance eating rather than rehearsing ⠪ We know how much Chaeri hates to be bothered while she's eating, but this seems like an appreciated interference ⠪ Very low photo quality but we had to zoom in a lot too to make it clear who it was ⠪ The glasses Jungkook is wearing are seen back on her at the end of the video, during the goodbyes
clip seven ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2016; Suwon ⠪ At that time their fame was still growing, there were not as many armys as today ⠪ BLESSED SOUL, THOUGH, THAT FOUND HERSELF IN THE SAME PLACE WHERE THE MEMBERS DECIDED TO GO ICE-SKATING ⠪ I tell you, it was hard to find this video ⠪ They are totally in a world of their own ⠪ Don't you think JK teaching Chaeri anything is the best Jk? He is always so careful with her ⠪ She clearly terrified ⠪ I bet he wanted to burst out in laughter ⠪ I wish there were more moments of that day to share together
clip eight ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ BTS in the soop; Season one ⠪ Is it just me or does it seem like they were kissing at first!? ⠪ The guys' cameramen give us joy every time and I don't think they even know about it ⠪ They were filming some of the boys outside the house but if you look carefully in one of the windows you can see these two silhouettes ⠪ To me it's obvious it's the two of them ⠪ What song do you think they were dancing to? ⠪ PLEASE we need to know
clip nine ⸻ 🎬
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⠪ 2021; After the episode '131' of RUN BTS
⠪ If someone asked me to show them a video about love I would show them this
⠪ The fact that Jimin accidentally caught them behind him during his vlive makes it even cuter
⠪ This is how they act when they think the cameras are off
⠪ Chaeri smile with her eyes when she's close to her Jungkook
⠪ Who would touch her hair like that if not someone deeply in love?
⠪ We have to thank our Chaekook fan n1 Jimin for the video and the producers of RUN BTS for throwing water on them for all that time
⠪ Looks to me like she's also wearing a men's shirt…did he give it to her?
Thank you all for watching my video! It seems quite evident that there is something more between the two, what are your opinions? Stay tuned for more Chaekook videos Bye!
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slafkovskys · 5 months
soft thought of playing in the snow with jack. i feel like he’d build a snowman with u. and than after he’d make u hot chocolate and cuddle on the couch
he wakes you up so early in the morning grinning like a little kid, “it snowed last night.”
“you’ve lived in canada and michigan. why are you waking me up for snow?” you grumble as you try and pull the covers over your head. he won’t let you though, tugging them back down and this time you find him with a frown on his lips, “what is it?”
“i wanted to build a snowman with you.”
and how could you deny him that?
so you bundle up in your coats and he’s so giddy as he drags you out onto your balcony. the roads below were being plowed and you know that you weren’t helping as you push through the snow that had mounted up outside of your shared apartment. rounding out the body was the easy part, it was when it came time to accessorize that jack turned serious, “do we have any carrots?”
“you want to stick a foot long carrot in a foot tall snowman?” you mused, staring at the blob that sat atop what was your outside table when the weather permitted.
“pinocchio,” is his answer and it truly as too early to argue with him. so with some old beans for buttons, a baby carrot for a nose, and one of his old hats, jack finely lets you retreat to the warmth almost a half hour later. “i’m tired.”
you glare at him over the steam emitting from your mug, squealing as he places his cold fingers on your cheek which almost causes you to drop it, “jack!”
send in things for combo weekend ✨
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hetaologist · 1 month
World Meeting (pt. 1)
England: *Enters the meeting room* Right, I want to address a particular Tweet as today’s meeting topic…
*All Nations stop what they’re doing to look at England*
England: Just last week, I read a Tweet from a *specific* individual, talking shit about my food.
*All Nations groan, America snickers to himself*
England: *Narrows eyes at America*, I’ll have you know, my ‘Pie and Mash’ is a good, hardy meal and a British classic!
America: *Stands from his desk with a cheeky grin* Come on dude, don’t tell me you actually look forward to eating dry ass meat pies covered in nuclear green gravy and a side of wall paste~. *He laughs mischievously*
France: *Clears his throat* Mon amie~, I’m forced to agree with America…unfortunately.”
England: *Snaps his head towards France* WHAT!? Says you, you snail sucker! Your food is overrated and overly complicated to make.
France: *Clutches pearls* Sacré bleu, you heathen! At least my food is desired for and doesn't make people fat, no~?!
*America and England both glare at France*
America: Excuse me bro...?
*Germany stands up and places hands on table*
Germany: Now's not the time to talk about frivolous topics as such. The three of you, sit down und shut up!
America: Hmph, says you. You think it's perfectly okay to eat boiled sausages with boiled potatoes and noodles with no seasonings.
*Germany gasps and gets taken a back*
France: And no, covering everything in mustard or paprika doesn't count~.
*Germany is fuming like a hot baked potato*
England: Hehe~. Now you know how I feel in this situation, you bland Kraut!
America: HAHA! And your beer tastes terrible~.
*Everyone deadass looks at America*
America: What?
Russia: That's some bold words coming from you, Америка~. Germany's beer is pretty good, your beer tastes like man pissed into bottle before closing it.
America: HEY! At least my food is well seasoned and diverse...
China: Yeah right, your shit is just our stuff but with too much sugar and salt.
*All Nations nod their head in agreement*
America: No it isn't! I just like lots of flavor....
*England looks over at America's Stanley cup on his desk*
England: I bet that coffee cup is filled to the BRIM with pure sugar and syrups, you fat ass.
America: Nah dude, it's filled with my *:・゚✧special sauce*:・゚✧.
*America opens up his giant cup filled with sauce*
America: It's a combination of ranch, hot sauce, chicken tender sauce, tangy BBQ sauce, ketchup, mustard, mayo, bacon bits, chipotle, sour cream, sweet n' sour and chili sauce~.
*Everyone looks in horror at America's concoction*
England: What in the ACTUAL FUCK AMERICA ?! Why do you have a huge ass cup of JUST SAUCE?!
America: To quench my thirst, of course!
*Everyone's jaw drops in disgust, some start to gag*
Russia: I should have bombed you when I had chance...
America: Nah, I'm just playing! It's for my chicken tenders.
*America pulls out a box of fast food chicken tenders out of coat pocket*
America: It's my snackies :3c , this is the sauce I use for everything! Like tacos, burgers, pizza...
*North Italy faint after hearing 'pizza'. South Italy gasps and tends to his brother.*
South Italy: You sick fuck, you always fuck up our beloved pizza and pasta!
America: Wha- no I don't!
South Italy: You are the bastard that put pineapple on pizza and fucked it all-a up!
America: Actually, that's Canada's invention...
South Italy: WHAT?!
*Everyone looks at Canada*
Canada: ...damn it. It's really not that bad, honestly.
South Italy: You're just as bad as your brother!
Canada: Fair...
*America gets on the desk and stands on it*
America: How about we once and for all decide who has the best food in the world and that person can talk all the shit they want about other countries food!
*All Nations agrees to the motion, except for Germany*
Germany: Gott in Himmel... *facepalms*
(to be continued...)
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yr-martyr · 10 months
Amrev people (?) as things my friends have said part 5
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Tallmadge: *wearing Andres coat*
Andrè: it’s ok I am too
Tallmadge: I’m having my John Andre moment.
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Shippen: can I tell you a secret *whispers* your hair looks horrible
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Hamilton: do you want a vegan hotdog? They’re horrible.
Laurens: sure!
Hamilton:*aggressively feeds Lauren’s a chunk of a vegetarian hotdog*
Laurens: *The most ew wtf I wasn’t expecting that look ever*
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Hamilton: *realizes what he said*
Tilghman: *looks at Laurens*
Laurens: *looks back like stfu*
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Hale: hey knowlton, thanks for checking in I’m terrible!
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Tallmadge: There’s crabs everywhere, Arnold’s back for some reason?!
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Rodgers: *throws a rope at him*
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Washington: and if you look over here-
Washington, in a deep southern accent: WILL YOU SHUT UP
Washington: sorry, my origins came out there.
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Hamilton and burr: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-
*hamilton trips over himself and falls flat on his face*
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Laurens abt Tilghman: inbred hick
Laurens: calm down, I… definitely totally love inbred hicks
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Hale: Nathan should go to sleep or he’ll be weird in the morning…
Tallmadge: please for the love of god go do that
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phoebe-delia · 1 year
a crooked love in a straight line down
This is for my sweetest friend @written-in-ash. Lyssa I love you so much and I'm incredibly proud of you. Here's to celebrating you, my lovely fandom little sister. Here's some angst, just for you.
Based on the song "I Wish You Would" by Taylor Swift.
CW: break up/make up, angst with a happy ending.
Harry's gotten very good at existing.
He gets up and goes to work each day. He smiles at his co-workers, laughs with Ron and Hermione over lunch at the Ministry cafeteria, and turns in his paperwork on time.
He leaves the office each day and floos home, where there's little to distract him from the heartbreak on the periphery of his attention. He's gotten good at blocking it out during the day; Harry's a master at suppressing his emotions when there's a job to do or someone to hide from, but when he's alone, there's nothing to stop the anguish from washing over him, hot tears running down his cheeks.
It's his own fault, too. He's kept the flat largely the same since Draco left, off to an exciting new potions research position in Canada. Harry tells himself it's because he hasn't had the time to get rid of it all; he's been busy, after all, and it's only been six weeks.
But that doesn't explain why he keeps buying Draco's favorite tea. Why he sleeps in the pajamas Draco bought for him. Why he hasn't thrown out Draco's hair brush or even moved it from its spot on the counter.
He should wipe the flat clear of anything that reminds him of Draco and find someone new. He should stop avoiding pub nights with his friends in favor of wallowing in his flat.
Maybe then he'll finally stop missing Draco with a bone-deep ache that leaves him breathless. Maybe he'll stop being so pathetic, crying and curled up on the sofa like he is now, wearing a t-shirt Draco left behind. Maybe he'll finally move on like Draco surely has with some fit Canadian man who speaks French and probably has a mustache.
Not that Harry's thought about it.
There's a knock at the door. Harry groans to himself, wondering why the world is interrupting his scheduled wallowing time. He turns over onto his stomach, grabbing a pillow and holding it over his head. The knocking turns more insistent, so with a grunt, he forces himself off the couch and over to the door, wiping his cheeks and running a hand through his hair, ready to tell whoever this is to leave him the fuck alone.
He opens the door. "What do you wa—nt?" Harry's voice cracks. "Draco," he breathes. He blinks back the tears already starting to well up again.
Draco looks infuriatingly good, wearing pressed trousers and a button-down shirt with a long trench coat. Harry resents his own joggers and the t-shirt, cheeks heating as he remembers who it belongs to.
"Hi, Harry," Draco says softly. "How are you?"
Harry crosses his arms. "I'm fine," he says, trying to keep his voice even. "What are you doing here?"
Draco bites his lip. "May I come in?"
Harry considers closing the door; he thinks about telling Draco 'no' and shutting him out of his life for good. He thinks about creating his own closure, earning back a scintilla of pride.
He also thinks about stepping aside to let Draco in. He thinks about Draco looking around as he enters, taking in every detail. Harry can see him cataloging every detail, searching for ways it's changed since he left. Harry hates him for it a little, even in his own imagination.
Instead, he says, "Answer my question first. What are you doing here?"
Draco swallows. "I hated Canada."
Harry frowns. "Why?"
Draco runs a hand through his hair, beginning to pace on the small doorway. "I thought that was what I wanted. That's one of the most prestigious potions programs in the bloody world, and they accepted me, and I—I thought I had no choice but to go."
"But you did," Harry says, not caring how bitter he sounds. "You had every choice in the world."
"Yes, I did," Draco mutters. "I did have a choice. I left, and I broke both our hearts in the process. I was an idiot. I could've tried getting over us, but I realized I just don't want to. It took spending six agonizing weeks on the other side of the world to realize that no job, no opportunity," he says the word with disdain, "is worth losing you." He looks at Harry with wide, pleading eyes. "I'm sorry, and I love you," he whispers. "I'm here. I'm home. If you'll have me."
Harry's gripping the doorframe for support, his eyes welling up with tears of relief; a release of anger and hope and love all in one. He doesn't stop one from sliding down his cheek, watching as Draco's own eyes grow teary.
Harry steps back, leaving room for Draco to walk through the threshold. Heart in his throat, he says, "Welcome home."
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marleyybluu · 1 year
Hi I have a request for Rio (sorry it might be a bit long)
So the reader is like the queen of the empire (she's his wife) along with rio being the king obviously like in the show and yk on like the first or second episode when he's in Beth's house interrogating Beth and the girls his wife is there to, in a badass outfit and she doesn't like Beth at all no matter what rio says about her so she's talking really calm and stuff and interrogating Beth more than the other girls and rio let's her have her moment. (They have a daughter around 3 or 4) When they get home rio goes and puts her to bed. He comes back to reader and she's like mad because she doesn't like Beth and the way she looks at him, it leads to an argument that wakes up they're daughter and she's scared that they will get a divorce since her bestfriends parents did from an argument. They reassure her and everything that they aren't getting a divorce and never will then they put her back to bed and they make up with soft makeup sex. Sorry it's kind of out of order in a way
Pairing: Rio x black!reader Warnings: smut, my writing skills, cussing, bit of jealousy, mentions of guns, attempted murder on Beth (?), bit of choking but in a loving way
Word Count: 3.9k
sn: I know this probably wasn't exactly as the request was written but ... I guess it's close? sorry. Also dk what to title this either.
reader's outfit
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(not my pic. got this off pinterest.)
"Where's my money Elizabeth?" A question that seemed to be asked at least once or twice a month. And it was a question that YN was sick of asking, all her other plugs, and cash cover-ups never had this problem. Just Elizabeth.
The desperate housewife sat around her dinner table in fear as she, her sister Annie and their friend Ruby came face to face with the consequences of their actions. The three wives and mothers robbed a grocery store almost a year ago, in this shitty economy YN understood the reasoning but she couldn't excuse it this time because the money that they stole, belonged to her and her husband Rio.
The couple had worked hard for what they had, no they didn't have a regular 9-5  that wasn't their thing they were more into fast money and money that couldn't be taxed. They had drugs and fake cash that was laundered through stores just like the grocery store the girls hit. They moved weight through the States and sometimes Canada. They built their empire from the ground up, falling out with each other once in a while but it never lasted long.
When they first hunted down the women YN wanted her money and to be done with them, however, Rio had different plans despite his wife's warning that one day they'd rat him out. More specifically Elizabeth. YN didn't like her. Didn't like the way she looked at Rio, talked to him, or playfully touch him but he always reminded her that it wasn't a big deal and he had no feelings toward the older woman. But she didn't care, she felt disrespected... it was disrespectful.
Elizabeth was on thin ice.
YN sat down with her pistol in her lap, her leg draping over the other, a scowl on her face. She watched as Beth's eyes ran down her body, taking in who was in front of her YN was covered in an all-brown set, she wore a dark brown top paired with light brown pants, her brown leather thigh-high heels and her long brown coat-- she flipped her hair over her shoulder and leaned forward.
"I'm waiting for an answer."
"Why don't we wait until Rio gets here?" Beth bit. YN smirked. "Because I'm here, bitch. This is my money sweetie in case you forgot. And if I ever feel like it I could clip you right now."
Beth swallowed and darted her eyes over to Annie. Annie quickly shook her head declining any offer to speak. Beth sighed reaching behind her chair and dropping a heavy black duffle bag on the table, YN nodded for Mick-- their right-hand man, to go count the money and see if it was all there. Beth and YN never broke eye contact, it was like a catfight was going on without anyone ever physically fighting. She noticed the sly smirk on YN's face, almost the same one Rio always had.
Just then, the back door opened causing everyone to turn around thinking Beth's husband had come home early but it was just the man of the hour and the one Beth was waiting to see. "Sorry, I'm late, Elora is hard to bribe." He chuckled at the statement about their daughter. "How'd she shake you down this time?" YN asked changing from her work voice to her home voice, which was a lot softer. When it came to him she was lovesick, a softie, a simp. And the feeling was mutual from his end. Rio planted a quick kiss on her lips before explaining his story. "She said to me if I don't give her some Cheetos before I left, she won't talk to me again." YN stifled a laugh, the five-year-old knew how to guilt trip her own father. "You gave her the small bag?"
His sudden silence was the answer for her. "You are a sucker."
The three women watched in a mixture of amazement and shock, it was like they'd forgotten they were in a room full of people. It amazed Beth to see YN go from intimidating to almost submissive. He delivered another kiss, this one lingering for a while. He couldn't get enough of her. "This a new outfit? You look good ma." Rio pulled back to ask, his breath tickling her chin. "Thank you." She smiled pinching his nose. The mood changed as Rio finally acknowledged the women in the room. "Ladies, I hope all our money is there."
"It is." Beth squeaked. Mick counted the last of the cash and turned around shaking his head. "Oh, so close," YN said sarcastically as she pouted. "Be nice." He nudged. Rio wasn't blind to the bit of jealousy that his wife expressed, but she knew that business was business and usually kept her attitude to herself at his request. She stood up from her seat and sashayed over to the table where the women sat, she placed her hands in her pockets and shrugged. "You're short," Said YN. "No, we're not," Annie replied.
She tilted her head. "Yeah, you are love."
"Actually, we're over." Annie pulled a shoebox from under the table, it's assumed she had it there the whole time, she opened the box and presented YN with... "Dolls?" YN looked over her shoulder at Rio and raised her eyebrows. "They brought us dolls. Maybe Elora can play with them."
Rio chuckled and nodded. Annie began to take out a few and line them up on the table. "These are super rare collectibles." She continued. "Treasures." Beth slyly chimed in only to receive sharp daggers from the woman. "These rare treasures go from ten to fifteen G's on eBay." Annie persuaded. "And you don't even have to worry about legwork because we've done most of it for you."
YN liked Annie, she was amusing and if she had to sell you a story she would go all out for it. It was Ruby's turn to speak, she slid a folder toward her, she liked Ruby as well-- she didn't say much. "These are the username and passwords to our eBay accounts, plus auction tips to maximize your profits."
She took a moment to really comprehend what they were telling her, her shoulders bounced as a petty laugh followed. "So, you want us to sell your dolls?" Still not calling them by their correct name. Beth squinted. "Tell her about Hans."
YN gasped playing along. "Oh, I would love to hear about Hans."
"Let me show you our little drummer boy," Annie nervously chuckled, YN leaned down resting her arms on the table presenting the palm of her hand, her brown stiletto nails tapping against the wooden table. The figurine was placed in her hands and she began to examine it, "Hans here is one of only twelve- AAAH!" The girls screamed in unison as Hans was smashed to pieces and scattered in every direction. YN closed her eyes, her nostrils flared as she tried to calm down. "This some kind of joke to you?" Annie opened her mouth to speak but realized the question was rhetorical. YN stood up straight and crossed her arms, she looked over at Elizabeth who had pure fear in her eyes, and that is what she fed off of. "I'm done playing with you guys."
She turned to walk away and nodded at Mick and another man, Ricky, giving them the okay to trash the place. They got straight to it, tossing over flower pots, and decorative plates that sat on top of a mini China buffet and in the process they tipped that over as well smashing anything inside. As the men wandered around the first floor breaking everything in sight the couple sat next to each other watching the chaos. "Hey did you talk to Maurice about that order?" She asked nonchalantly. Rio snapped his fingers. "Knew I was forgettin' somethin'." He responded equally unbothered.
"What are they doing?" She heard Annie ask. "They're making it look like a home invasion."
"So they could kill us." Beth finished. She looked over at the couple who were invested in a different conversation, she scrambled trying to figure out a way to appeal to both of them. "You think we should pick up food on the way home?" YN asked absentmindedly. Rio nodded a bit too distracted by his phone to vocalize his answer. "Wait! Please we can get you the rest of the money!" Ruby begged. "Please! We have children, we have families!"
Mick proceeded to screw the silencer onto the barrel of his gun. YN leaned back waiting for the job to get done, the first person with the barrel to their temple was Elizabeth. A smile crept on YN's face. She was trembling, shaking, her eyes shut tight as she silently begged for a miracle. Ruby and Annie held onto each other as they watched, seemingly reminiscing on all the time they had together as it looked like it was all coming to an end.
Mick looked back for approval from either of them to pull the trigger. Beth noticed YN looking over at Rio waiting for him to put away his distraction enough to give an answer. She wanted to make sure they agreed on what was going to happen. Elizabeth took this opportunity to blurt out, "You guys are idiots."
"Beth!" Annie shouted. YN's head snapped in her direction. "The fuck did you just say?"
That tone was Rio's cue to step in otherwise she'd take this job into her own hands and he needed nothing more than the mother of his child getting her hands bloody. That was his job. "What are you gonna do? Blow our brains out all over the room? That's how it works? Someone shorts you and gets tossed out like trash." She wept. YN didn't need to hear this nor did she want to.
But Rio. Rio let her continue to talk. "No one cares, no one notices. But that's not us. We pay taxes, we... take our kids to P.F Changs. We take orange slices to soccer games."
In the monologue she was delivering not once did she look at YN, all her focus was on Rio. YN sat up with her arms crossed, her eyes shifting between her husband who was drinking in every word and the woman who was feeding them to him. "And when bad things happen to good people, it gets around. News outlets, social media gets a hold of it and there are hashtags everywhere... so if you want all that attention over a few grand, then you're not the smart businessman that you think you are."
She could see her husband taking what Elizabeth said into consideration, as always. She was boiling inside. "So go ahead," Beth challenged. "Tell him to pull the trigger and we'll see what happens."
YN opened her mouth but Rio shook his head, Mick slowly brought the gun down from Beth's skull and she let out a sigh of relief. But YN was pissed, she sucked her teeth and stomped out of the home. What was so good about Elizabeth that Rio spared her life? For as long as they'd been working together she had never seen him let anyone go not even for the smallest things, if he didn't kill them they'd learn their lesson a different way but for Beth he just excused her. She was infuriated, her skin so hot she had to remove her jacket once she got inside her car, she didn't wait for him or the other guys she just sped off to go deal with other business that they had.
Rio could hear the tires screech from inside the house, he hung his head knowing he was in big trouble once he got home. He left the women in Beth's destroyed home, hoping they considered this as a warning and went on his merry way.
The rest of the day was nothing but cold, he only received icy looks from the meeting that he had with his wife. Choosing not to shoot Elizabeth wasn't something he wanted to do but he had to, he didn't want to admit it but Beth was right-- he was just thinking about what would happen if all of it tracked back to them. It was something he worried about constantly especially after having their daughter but he usually had a contingency plan and this time he didn't. At least not yet.
He didn't say anything to her in regards to what happened earlier, his work was his work and the home life he'd deal with at home. Rio checked his watch as he pulled into the driveway of his home, all lights were off except for the light radiating from the television in the living room. He softly smiled knowing Elora was probably awake watching a movie while his grandmother was asleep next to her. The driveway only held his car and her own, there was no site of YN's yet.
He decided to wait in his vehicle until she popped in, he scrolled through their messages. Nothing new. A few minutes later her headlights flashed in his side mirror, he opened his door and stepped out standing with his hands in his pockets. YN sighed stepping out of her car and wandering over to the trunk as if Rio's eyes weren't boring into her every move. The rustling of plastic was heard as she reached for some grocery bags.
"Need help?" He offered, but she ignored him and trudged past him. She unlocked the door leaving him in the dust. "Mommy!" Elora squealed. "Hi pumpkin, how was your day?"
"Great! But Grandma fell asleep again when we were watching Shrek."
Rio shook his head, just like he predicted. Elora turned her attention to her father, running straight into his arms. She was a daddy's girl there was no denying it. She held onto him as he sat her on his hip, and they followed YN into the kitchen. She noticed the big pot on the stove and silently celebrated the fact that her in-law cooked. "Did you get ice cream?" Her daughter asked enthusiastically. "I did, but it's soft. Think you can save it for tomorrow?" She pouted. "Okay,"
"You get anything for me?" He teased, "Mhm."
He rolled his eyes heading back into the living room to wake up the older woman, he had offered her to stay the night but she declined informing him that she had something going on at church the next day. He told her to call so they'd know she was safe and bid her goodnight. The air was still, the tension thicker than cold peanut butter. Elora was all clean and in fresh new pyjamas laying in her bed with a book in her hand, YN and Rio were only one bedroom over. She sat on the edge of their bed putting her bonnet on her head and moisturizing her body. "What did you want me to do baby?" He asked almost in a pleading voice, he hated when she gave him the silent treatment. "You already made your decision Rio."
He huffed. At work he was Rio, at home he was Christopher or baby, or honey, or even baby boy. "Why you lettin' business and jealousy mix mamas? I am yours, I been yours. You know I have no feelings for that bitch."
"Christopher I have told you over and over that this woman is going wait for the right time to turn you the fuck in and it seems like you don't want to hear me." She retaliated raising her voice a bit. "When Beth turns you in do you think it's just you that's getting fucked over? Everything we worked hard for will be gone! Elora won't have her parents anymore because you want to play Captain Save a Hoe. It seems like you're not thinking this time."
Rio clenched his fists. "You don't think I know that? I did that shit because I'm looking out for my family aight? You know I got a plan with all this."
Unbeknownst to them, their daughter stood behind the ajar door holding her stuffed Elephant tightly. She'd never heard such loud volumes from her parents and it was causing her to panic, her small mind suddenly drifting off to her best friend who recently informed her that her own parents weren't together anymore. Elora whimpered, she didn't want that for her family. "Why are you guys yelling?" Her soft voice spoke.
They both turned to the little girl, guilt read on their faces. "Are you guys getting divorced too?"
"Divorced? Baby, no one's getting divorced. Where's this coming from?" Her father asked motioning her to come inside, she was lifted off the floor and into her mother's arms as she sat on her lap. "Nia said her parents used to yell at each other too and now they live in separate homes. Are you guys going to live in separate homes?"
The string of questions crushed them, they never wanted their child or future children to think that about them. Yeah, they had little disagreements here and there but it wasn't enough to hate each other. "Ells, we are not Nia's parents okay? Some adults have disagreements that can't be solved but we always solve ours right?"
YN looked up at Rio, "Mama's right LoLo," He laid down on the bed to get closer to her. "You know how long it took me to make your mommy my wife? Too damn long. I'm not letting her go, trust me. I love her way too much, I love you even more and our family is not going to change."
The reassurance made her feel a bit better, the kiss on her head from her mom softened the blow. "Does that make you feel okay?" YN asked and she nodded. "Alright, bedtime booger," Elora whined. "I'm not a booger."
Rio laughed scooping her in his arms, "Yes you are. Say, goodnight mommy."
"Goodnight mommy."
"Night honey."
He winked at her and ran off with their child. She smiled sincerely hopping off the bed and grabbing their laundry basket, she'd do at least one load before she went to sleep. YN snuck off to the basement and into the laundry room.
Meanwhile, upstairs Rio had fallen asleep in his daughter's bed. A small shift from her turning around woke him, he glanced at the clock in her room it was almost midnight. He carefully slid out of the bed, tiptoed to the door and closed it going unnoticed. He walked down the hall stepping into their bedroom only to be greeted by its emptiness. He turned around and headed down the steps, he peeped inside the living room still no sign of his girl.
He ran down the basement steps to see his wife folding some laundry that had been forgotten in the dryer, her back was turned and she was unaware of his presence. She reached over grabbing another shirt to fold when she felt a sudden trail of fingers run up the sides of her thighs. His chest pressed against her back, the small friction he received was enough to make him grow.
His lips gently pressed against her neck. "You smell good." He mumbled. YN acted as if she was unphased by this but he caught on. "Don't be like that baby, you know you still love me."
She put down the shirt she was folding and turned around to face him, his hand resting on her lower back, pulling her as close as he could. Her hands rested on his face, "You need to listen to me." She poked. "I am." He answered looking down at her, all the love and joy he felt for her could be seen in his eyes. She hated that she couldn't stay mad at him, she could barely last one second, let alone one hour.
He leaned down planting a quick kiss on her lips before saying, "You know I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize you or Elora. I'll do everything to protect yall." 
"I know." She breathlessly replied feeling his lips ghost over hers, she leaned forward softly pressing their lips together, her hands cupping his cheeks pulling him in as close as possible. With no hesitation, Rio dropped his hands under her thighs lifting her off the floor and onto the table in the laundry room where she still had a pile of unfolded clothes. His hands explored her silky smooth skin while they fought feverishly through their kiss. She softly moaned feeling his clothed bulge against her bare clit, he caught on and repeated the action. "Rio... take them off, please." She begged using her feet to pull them down. He chuckled deciding to give her what she wanted. 
Her eyes glued on the hem of his boxers, her brown orbs followed them down to the ground and back up at his girth. She reached down carefully taking him into her hand, she gently tugged him closer to her heat, where she dripped for him. Ached for him, to stretch her out. She ran the tip between her lips, tapping it against her clit before sliding it down and guiding him inside. "Baby..." She whimpered, and he captured her in another kiss. They melted into each other, moaning between smooches until he was fully inside her cove. 
Rio pulled out and pushed back in, her eyes rolled, and he started thrusting agonizingly slow. Her head tipped back and he took the opportunity to connect his lips to her neck, sucking under her jaw as she cried out. "Christopheeeerr..." Lustfully dragging out his name. He covered her mouth whispering, "Do you want Elora to wake up?" 
She shook her head, giggling under his palm. With every hard stroke he gave her the table shook, she was sure it was going to break. YN's nails dug into his biceps, her legs locked around his waist, he could feel her thighs trembling. Her erotic moans went straight to his dick, his hips snapping against hers as he went harder, the sounds of bare skin slapping bounced off the walls. The two silently prayed it'd go unnoticed. 
Rio's hand glided its way up her torso, following the straight path to her neck, she held back a smile as his fingers gently wrapped around the column of her neck. 
He didn't necessarily want to choke her too hard, he just liked the view of it all. Her lips parted as her whimpers came out broken, her eyes closing in absolute pleasure and bliss. He leaned down, whispering sweet nothings to her-- about how much he loved her, how pretty she looked when she was like this. She finally uttered the words, "I'm cumming baby." He continued. Encouraging her to, "Cum all over this dick, mamas." 
YN's body stiffened as a wave of ecstasy washed over her, he smirked easing up on his strokes. "Oooh, yes daddy!" She whined. He delivered one more thrust burying himself in a deep spot, she convulsed around him, she was soaking. He kissed her forehead, down her nose bridge and finally her lips, suppressing her growing moans. Her mind drew a blank as he lay inside her seeping pussy, her constant convulsing around him was enough to bring him a bit closer to his own edge. "You love me?" He muttered. 
"Yes," YN replied. "You trust me enough to know I got us?" 
She nodded.
"Good. You'll always be my priority." 
I don't think yall understand how long this was in my drafts, I did not want to post it but I'm in my "fuck it" mood right now. if you liked this fic feel free to like this fic reblogs and comments are appreciated. I will be deleting some of my fics and rewriting them, some of them just don't feel right to me for some reason, so if you see something with a familiar title it's a re-write.
peace and love
tags: @rio-reid-whoreee @skyesthebomb
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caramel1mochi · 11 months
Hi! May I request a fic or HCs (if you’re comfortable with one of these choices) involving Ryo Kiritani (Yoru) with VP agent![Reader] [Gender Neutral or Female] [Romantic] gifting him a new knife to add in his collection? I think it’s canon he has a hobby like that and [Reader] happen to pick one up from their previous mission.
Surprise! [Request]
Here you are, hope it's a good one! The request was kinda short. I tried my best to make due, haha.
Words: 1500+
You and the cold never got along well. And that includes any country that involves it. Like Russia, Canada, Norway, that sort.
So when you were assigned a mission in Icebox, of course it felt like the longest day of your life. From the fur on your coat making you sneeze every other second, to the enemies bringing every single person who had a flash along. Now, your eyes were burning too.
But after what felt like days, it was thankfully over, and you were making your way to the aircraft from mid with something in your pocket for your other half.
Then, you felt a slap on your back.
“Hey bestie! Did you see me back there? It was insane! I would’ve gotten all of them if it wasn’t for–”
You sneezed, a quiet achoo. And as per usual, Jett couldn’t stifle her laughter, slapping your back again.
“Your sneezes are so cute!”
“You’re making the fur fly into my nose!”
“I’m doing you a favour. Just sneeze around Yoru and I bet he’d act like he was under a love spell!”
You met her gaze in confusion.
“He’s already my boyfriend, remember?”
“Tomato tomato.”
She shrugged. And with a sigh, you pulled out the object in your pocket, the gentle rays of the sun reflecting off of it.
“Hey, when’d you get this?”
“Not mine. Yoru dropped it when he ran in behind them, I wanna give it back.”
“Cool! I’ve never seen this before. He’s been whining about his collection lately, did he get this?”
As blunt as her statement was, Yoru had been thinking about getting a new knife to spice things up. You went to a bladesmith secretly to find something a few days ago, but none of it seemed like it would impress him.  Of course, you were disappointed he bought a new knife before you did.
She suddenly took it from your hands and began playing with it.
“Careful, Yoru gets mad if there’s one imperfection.”
“Don’t be such a drama queen, I’m an expert at knives. I killed two of them today with just two! I think all the practice is finally paying off.”
But before you could continue the conversation, the distant chatter of your teammates took over the sound of the ice crunching under your shoes, the aircraft sitting right next to them. Viper, who had her hands on her hips, noticed you whilst she was talking and waved you all over.
Jett quickly handed you back the pocket knife.
“I have to go yell at Phoenix, he ruined my killstreak!”
And with that, she disappeared into the aircraft, leaving you to join the conversation Viper was having with Yoru and Sage who seemed relieved to see you. But what caught your eye was that Yoru was flipping his signature butterfly comb in his hand. Did he seriously bring two knives?
“Good, you’re here. Are you hurt at all, Y/N?”
Sage asked and you shook your head with a smile, struggling to suppress an upcoming sneeze.
“Then let’s go back. This weather is sickening.”
Viper noted before she and Sage quickly entered the VLT/R, leaving you alone with Yoru.
“Hey, princess. What took you so long?”
“Oh, you know, Jett was bragging about toda–”
You sneezed, cupping your hands on your cold, cold face.
“Yea, I saw her. Keep this between us, but it was pretty good.”
Unlike your friends, Yoru didn’t react to your sneezing and simply continued the conversation. After the fifth time, it got old and he didn’t care as much as your friends did. But to be fair, when did he ever care?
“Yo, how many knives did you bring today?”
“One. Why?” 
Though you asked in a way to somewhat tease him, his reaction left you confused.
“Just one?”
“Yeah, this one.”
He flipped his butterfly comb shut and held it up, raising an eyebrow.
“Is the cold getting you, or something? Hurry up, let’s get you warm before something happens to you.”
“I’m not a kid–”
Before you could complete your sentence, he grabbed your wrist and pulled you inside the aircraft, shutting you up as politely as he could. But that doesn’t mean you weren’t weirded out by what he just told you.
If this wasn’t his knife, then whose was it? On the handle, there clearly was an oni engraving. Even down to the way the horns would stick out with impressive sharpness, how the creature’s devilish eyes were slanted downwards and providing a formidable villainous aura. It screamed Yoru in every possible sense.
…whatever. You’ll worry your head off when you’re warm. You lay your head on Yoru’s shoulder and were basically half-asleep the whole ride back to the base.
Your nose was red, and so were your cheeks. Your hands were ice cold, lips and the tips of your fingers a light shade of blue.
With all of this combined, you were now locked up in your room covered with, at the very least, three thick wool blankets, one Yoru brought himself in order to keep you warm, and one of his thick hoodies before he had left to make you that drink to warm you up. Which you hoped would be hot chocolate. 
Maybe you were asking for too much, but he knew what he was getting into by dating you. He calls you ‘princess’ for a reason, after all.
But this situation was perfect for you.
In your hand lay that pocket knife. Clean from the soot after today’s mission. And now you knew now where it came from.
Considering that Yoru wanted a new knife for his collection, and this wasn’t something he bought recently, it would make the perfect gift for one reason.
What knife could possibly impress your pedantic boyfriend? That’s right, a knife he himself would have.
The door slid open and Yoru’s familiar footsteps echoed through the quiet space, before it slammed shut. You lifted yourself from the blankets with a smile, hiding the weapon in your sleeves with a cheeky idea in mind.
“Hey. Still up for tea?”
“Tea? Pshh. You’re so lame.”
“You’re out of cocoa powder.”
“I’m out of what?”
He shrugged and sat next to you.
“Phoenix took it, but you didn’t hear it from me. Call me if you guys start fistfighting, though.”
You rolled your eyes and pulled him closer to you, wrapping the blankets around him as well. But you couldn’t help but be annoyed at Phoenix. Though he’s your friend, he stole the last remaining cocoa. 
You’ll cancel his Christmas, for sure.
You grabbed the cup of tea with your free hand so as to not let the weapon accidentally slip out. The herbal scent of the drink filled your nostrils, the heat of it gently warming up your trachea. You never liked tea before you met him, but he somehow made matcha anything taste heavenly.
Then, you straightened your back and stared at his face.
“Yo, I think there’s something behind your ear.”
He raised an eyebrow.
“My what?”
“Let me get that for you.”
You brought your hand to his right ear out of his vision. Then, you slowly drew it back, the pocket knife slowly appearing within your hands like magic.
“Woah, babe, what is this?”
You called out with faux shock, unable to keep yourself from grinning. His eyes glimmered with an immense amount of confusion as he watched you dangle the object between your fingers, before smiling and lightly slapping your arm.
“Stop. That’s so cheesy.”
You giggled. It really was.
Yoru took the knife from your hand and observed the handle the same way a critic would. Though his expression remained as vacant as it always was, you could tell he was impressed.
The oni on it was something he’d definitely come up with, so it left him awestruck in every sense of the word.
“Woah. Where’d you buy this?”
“A magician never reveals her secrets, babe.”
He clicked his tongue and met your gaze.
“Cut me some slack, princess. Didn’t I show you my knives before?”
Yoru jokingly pouted, earning a chuckle from you.
He was fairly hush hush about his collection, considering how much his friends liked to ask for his things. Knives, food, hair gel, jackets, that stuff. Not even Raze saw a single knife from it. But so what if he showed you something he’d never ever show to anyone else unless he was six feet under, right? 
Okay, that sounded bad.
You took a sip with a shrug, allowing the fluid to warm up your digestive system. And only within a few seconds, it succeeded ten times more than the blankets ever could. At least you weren’t senselessly sneezing.
As he observed the open knife in his hand, you cuddled up to him, closing your eyes.
“Fine, you big baby. I stole it from your double’s body.”
Yeah. From the look on your face, he could tell you weren’t joking whatsoever.
You lightly laughed, taking another sip of your matcha tea.
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notinthislife50 · 1 year
Chapter 6
Previous Chapter 
Next Chapter
You sat at a table with some of the crew members. Jensen watched you sadly then looking at Jared he asked. “She still can’t sit with me, huh?”
“It will take time but she will get there man, she loves you." Jared tried to comfort him.
You walked over to the table where Jared,  Jensen,  Misha,  Mark, and more of your other friends sat.
“Not falling for me now darling?" Mark smiled wide, speaking in Crowley’s voice. 
You laughed and raised your finger "Your not Crowley yet Mark so you can stop the charm."
“Not when it makes you this red.” He laughed.
You sat between Mark and Misha, For the next few hours, you laughed together and started to get to know each other. These guys were amazing; honestly, you couldn’t wait to work with them.
A few months had passed and Jensen was still drinking heavily but you and Jared were always there for him. He picked up anyone he could. You were meet more than what you were comfortable with random women in the kitchen. But you always made sure to not make them feel uncomfortable.
Sometimes you would make them breakfast and sit and chat with them. You didn’t judge them and you didn’t judge Jensen,  you know he was trying to find a release for his feelings and you knew the girls meant no harm. 
Season four was a blast,  you and Misha had become close.  In fact, you were partners in crime. You two always got revenge on Jared and Jensen for their tricks. You got them with food-coloured water in water pistols and you would hide in the most random places just so you could pie-bomb them. You and Misha were now an army against Jared and Jensen never letting their pranks be without retaliation. 
You and Mark had become close too. When you were all celebrating your birthday, Mark approached you “Are you ready for my gift?” he smiled making you nervous.
“No” you laughed “I don’t trust you one bit.”
Mark brought his hand to his heart and mocked being hurt, then he threw his arm around your shoulders “I promise you will definitely like this one, even more so than the day you met me” he squeezed you hard, kissing the top of your head.
“I swear Mark you better not have ordered a stripper” you stated worried but obviously not trying to sound it.
And when Mark laughed you really grew concerned. 
He guided you over to the bar and stopped when you approached a man’s back.
“Y/N met my very good friend, Nathan,” he said.
Your heart nearly jumped out of your throat when Nathan Fillion stood up and extended his hand, “The famous Y/N, I have heard a lot about you”
You took his hand,  jaw agape, and willed yourself to be cool, but you knew fine well you were drooling. You tried to think of something suave to say but ended up just shaking his hand and smiling.
“Don’t worry about her, she is easily star struck” Mark laughed, but his laughter ended in a huff when you elbowed him in the ribs.
“Don’t listen to him, I fell on my ass once and he has been convinced ever since it was because of him” You finally found your confidence.
You spent the rest of your night talking, laughing, and flirting with Nathan, you were so lost in conversation, you never noticed the looks Jensen threw your way.
After the party you and Nathan exchanged numbers and shortly after began dating. You dated for a few months but unfortunately, you were in Canada, and with him being in Los Angeles scheduling always became an issue. You both agreed to end it but remained friends.
Near the end of the filming of season Four,  you sat in front of the mirror and finished your makeup. As you walked into the living room,  Jensen and Jared stared at you “So you can scrub up, who would have thought” Jared smirked resulting in a punch in the shoulder.
“Right, you ready to run me in, Gwen will be there soon"  you stated grabbing your card and money from the counter and stuffing it in your coat.
“Why have you still not got a purse or wallet,” Jared asked rolling his eyes.
You just shrugged.
“Let’s go” he ordered.
“You okay if I come for the ride?” Jensen asked quietly.
“Of course not " you replied “But I’m shotgun” you laughed.
As you rolled up to the bar,  Gwen was standing on the pavement. Jared had bounced out of the car as soon as he had stopped the car and ran to Gwen kissing her.
As you got out of the car you leaned against the door letting Jared and Gwen kiss. Jensen had jumped into your seat and rolled the window down
“Get a room you two"  he shouted smiling.
When they stopped kissing Jared jumped back into the truck.
“Thanks " you laughed at Jensen.
You look beautiful” Jensen quietly said making you blush.
When the guys picked you both up later on you had a bit too much drink. Jared took care of Gwen leaving Jensen taking care of you. “I’m fine you kept saying trying to push Jensen away.
“Y/n please I know you hate me but let me help you " he pleaded
As you slumped in your drunken state you started crying “I don’t hate you,  I never have.  in fact you couldn’t be farther from the truth " you slurred before passing out.
You woke the next morning with a pounding headache not remembering how you got home. As you turned you saw water and painkillers. God love your guardian angel you thought.
A few hours later when you managed to drag yourself out of your bedroom you saw Gwen on the sofa and you slumped beside her throwing half of the blanket that was around her around you.
Not one of you said a word you just lay on the sofa nursing yourselves back to health.
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