#I tried to think of a cool caption but couldn't
oracle-of-dream · 15 hours
Aloha! this is a simple request! a jake x male reader story where the reader admires jake from the distance and he asks his friend to set them up together. they go on a date and then the reader invites jake to his house where they make love together
Dinner Date
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Not Proofread
Summary: Jake needs his best friend to help him get to know y/n. But he doesn't know how close they'll get by the end of the night...
Notes: Male Reader, No Smut–a little implication, Jaywon, Jay and Jake are best friends, 3rd person perspective
Wordcount: 2266
Jake's eyes bulged at your newest Instagram post. You were sitting in a cafe, glasses sitting on your nose, focused on a book as the sun shined perfectly on your face. Your caption, Why can I only look good in candid shots? His finger hovered over the "like" button, but he couldn't press it. He still didn't follow you on Instagram but checked your page to see every update you posted. What if you thought he was weird? Jake took a screenshot of your photo and looked at it longingly. He zoomed in to look at your face closer, loving your soft smile. Seeing it in person would be the best thing in the world. It was five whole minutes before Jake noticed a reflection in your glasses, it was another person. A guy! Jake zoomed in as much as he could, trying to see who it was when he heard noise coming from downstairs.
The front door opened and shut, perking Jake's ears. "Jay?" He shouted.
"Who else would it be? Come help me put these away," Jay replied from the kitchen. He was putting groceries away when Jake got downstairs.
Jake nodded as he eyed the cup of coffee on the dining table. "So, where were you?"
"At the grocery store."
"Just the grocery store?"
"I stopped at a coffee shop too." Jay raised his eyebrow, "Why so curious?"
"N-No reason. I just missed you," Jake lied.
Jay stared at his roommate for a moment, examining him. "Sure. You missed me." The men put away the rest of the groceries silently until Jay spoke again, "That's right. I forgot to tell you, my friend is coming over tonight for dinner. It's y/n. You've met them once."
"Y-Y/n?" Jake stuttered. "That's cool, I hope y'all enjoy dinner together." Jake's head fell a little. Of course, Jay had already made a move...
"You're not going to eat dinner with us?" Jay tilted his head slightly. "I told them you'd be there, but if you're busy I can tell them. I should've asked you."
Jake raised his head. "You want me there?"
Jay opened the refrigerator and said, "You are my roommate. And you don't cook for yourself. I want y/n to make some friends, they're a bit of a loner, and you're a pretty good guy."
Jake held back tears as he hugged Jay. "You're a good friend." Jay tried to push him away but Jake's arms wrapped tight around him. "Wait! That means we gotta clean this place! It's so filthy in here," Jake said as he pointed at the spotless kitchen.
"I cleaned two days ago," Jay said flatly. "Why are you being so weird about this, it's just dinner."
"It's dinner with y/n! I want to make a good first impression!"
Jay studied Jake even closer. "Don't you know him already?"
Jake stiffened. "N-No!"
"You're met!"
"...I do know of them. But we don't know each other."
Jay crossed his arms. "Why are you being weird about it?"
Jake shifted in place, thinking of how he could weasel out of this, with Jay watching his every move. "I had a class with them, and we sat near each other."
"And, I think I caught feelings..."
"From just looking?"
Jake nodded in agreement.
"So you got a crush from class–Who's my friend, and you're losing it because they're going to have dinner with us tonight?" Jay asked.
"You're taking this better than I thought you would."
Jay sucked on his teeth. "Did you think I'd be a bully about it and knock you out for liking someone? Why are you assuming I'd be opposed to you two." Jay picked up his coffee and walked past Jake upstairs.
"Wait–you have to tell me about them! What do they like? Are they as cute as their pictures? Should I get them a gift?" Jake chased after Jay, who was walking away from him.
Jake wanted to slap himself for talking so much.
"You're a freak," Jay said flatly as he shut the door to his bedroom.
Jake shook the doorknob but was locked out. "Please, Jay, I need your help! I want to get close to them–go out if we can. I need to know everything!"
"Try bathing. He's got a sensitive nose!" Jay shouted through the door, hoping Jake would leave him alone after throwing a bone.
Jake had showered today but didn't want to leave anything to risk. "Give me your soap, it smells better than mine!" He shouted at the door.
"Jake! Just go shower. You'll be fine." Jay turned on a speaker and started playing music to drown out Jake's knocking at his door.
Jake ran into his room, found the nicest clothes he had, and laid them on his bed for him to iron, then rushed into the bathroom to shower for the second time today. After the shower, ironing clothes, and dressing his hair for thirty minutes, he sprayed on his cologne as he heard a knock on the door. Jay was already downstairs cooking dinner. "Jake, get the door!" He yelled. Jake checked his hair twice, tossing his hand through it nervously as he licked his lips. He rolled his sleeves back, and checked his earrings, bracelet, and hair again– "Jake!"
"Coming!" Jake rushed down the stairs to the front door. He took a deep breath before unlocking it and opening the door–but no one was there. "Where is he!?" Jake stepped outside in a panic, looking around.
"I let him inside already," Jay said from the doorway.
Jake ran back to the door. "Why didn't you say that!? I told you I wanted to make a good first impression."
Jay chuckled as Jake came inside. "I think you made a great one," He said as the door closed, revealing you behind it. Jake smiled awkwardly, knowing you just heard him lose it over meeting you.
"H-Hi..." Jake waved at y/n.
They waved back. "Hi, Jake. It's good to see you again."
"Dinner's almost done, go set the table, both of you." Jay went back to the kitchen, leaving Jake and y/n alone.
"The table's this way," Jake muttered as he squeezed by y/n. He tried not to groan at their scent, clean with a hint of something fruity... Maybe raspberries? He led them to the table. "Don't worry about helping! I'll get it, have a seat!" Jake pulled out a chair for y/n to sit in.
"Oh, I'd feel bad if I made you and Jay do all the work. Let me help," He said smiling. Together, the table was set. Jake couldn't stop glancing at the man whenever he could, hoping y/n wouldn't notice. He was even more handsome than in the photos. Of course, he'd seen y/n in person, but never so close. It was like looking at a dream before his eyes.
"So Jake, why were you trying too hard to make a good first impression? We already know each other." Y/n's eyes looked up curiously as they sat at the dinner table.
"We did?"
"We were in that government class together, right? You said, 'Hi' to me every morning. It was so funny!"
Jake blushed. "You remembered something like that? I was just trying to be friendly."
"Of course! I wanted to talk to you more, but my classes were so close together that I didn't have time to stop to chat with you. I'd asked Jay if he knew you, and then he invited me to dinner today to meet you."
"Why ask about me?"
Y/n pulled out his phone and opened his Instagram. "I got a message that you liked my photo. I thought your name was familiar so I asked Jay if he knew."
Jake got close enough to read as his eyes bulged at the notification. "I-I don't remember liking any photos..."
"Then maybe we were destined to meet? We're not even following each other–let's fix that!" Y/n pressed the glowing follow button under Jake's account name, which made Jake's phone buzz in his pocket. Jake steadied his hand as he pulled out his phone to see the notification. Y/n has requested to start following you! He clicked a few buttons and then confirmed y/n's follow.
"There... all set."
"Wait–you didn't follow me back!" Y/n stood, leaning over to Jake to look at his phone. From that angle, Jake has a full view down y/n's shirt. He tried to look away, or at least not look too hard, but he couldn't resist just a peek.
Y/n looked up and met Jake's eyes, catching him in the act. "Looking for something, Jake?"
Jake looked back at his phone. "I just couldn't find the button!" He pressed the follow button on the account and sat next to y/n at the table. Jay walked in carrying a large pot that smelled like heaven. He placed it at the center of the table and uncovered it. A soup, with all sorts of veggies and spices mixed in, served with wine, Italian bread, and smooth jazz.
"Dinner is served," Jay said with a smirk.
"Jay this is amazing, it feels like we're at a five-star restaurant!" Jake cheered, relieved his friend had come to save him.
"It is five-star, Casa da Jay. Now, I've gotta go, enjoy your food, and take care of it when you're done," Jay said as he picked up his coat.
Jake jumped from his seat. "W-Wait, what do you mean go?! Where are you going?"
Jay covered his mouth. "That's right! I forgot to tell you! Jungwon called and asked me to cook him dinner, so I'm going to his place."
"Why not invite him here?" Jake almost begged.
"And ruin your date?"
"It's not–"
Jay hushed his best friend, pulling in for a quiet conversation.
"If you finish that sentence, it won't be a date. I've set you up, now all you need to do is score. And you owe me a night out of the house when Jungwon comes over."
Jake frowned. "Gross."
"Fine! Leave me here or whatever!"
Jay pushed Jake toward the dinner table. "Okay, I'm headed out! Y/n, have as much food as you'd like! There's ice cream in the freezer if you want it, Jungwon won't mind." Jay left with a smile as he flipped his keys on his finger.
Now alone with y/n, Jake turned his attention to the beauty sitting at his table. "So... That was unexpected."
"Jay told me he was going to be leaving hours ago... I thought you knew."
"Hours–I mean that's cool, it's just a slight adjustment." Jake puffed out his chest. "I'll be the one to care for you tonight, sir."
Y/n giggled. "I'm so happy to have such a kind host."
Jake sat with y/n trying to break the ice and get comfortable as best he could. He told jokes and stories to keep his dinner date laughing. Y/n's laugh was so cute, and their nose scrunched slightly when they laughed too hard, which made Jake grip his fork like hell. But Y/n kept staring at him, but he couldn't figure out why... Maybe there was something in his teeth? Or his hair? Or both!?
"I-Is there something wrong?" He asked softly. "You're staring at me sorta hard–am I eating too messy?"
Y/n shook his head. "No, you look so sweet when you tell your stories." Jake choked on his food, grabbing desperately for his glass of water. "Flustered so easily too, that's another plus for me."
"W-What are you talking about?" Jake put this glass back on the table. Y/n stood, leaning over Jake who leaned away from him until he almost fell out of the chair.
"Jake, I'm gonna be blunt, okay?" Y/n took a breath. "I'm really into you and want to go out with you. So can we skip the awkward stuff and tell me if you like me?"
Jake nodded furiously.
"Yes? Do you like me or can we skip the awkward stuff?"
He opened his mouth this time, "B-both! I wanna date you too, or whatever you want. I just want to be close to you."
"How close?" Y/n asked, leaning in as their eyes closed.
Jake was frozen. His one-in-a-lifetime chance was happening before him. Not only did Y/n ask him out, but now he was getting a first from y/n! He closed his eyes and waited for the connection. It felt like ages before his lips were greeted by y/n's. It was a peck, but Jake didn't want it to end. He slipped his hand around y/n neck, pulling him in for a deeper kiss. His tongue escaped his mouth and into his boyfriend's. He couldn't help but squirm in his seat, both from trying not to fall and from how aggressive of a kisser y/n was. Every time Jake thought it was over, y/n would keep pulling him back in. Eventually, they broke apart to breathe...
"So... we're dating now, that's great. But, uh..." Jake looked around. "Jay's not coming back for the night. If you wanted to..."
"Jake, are you asking me to spend the night with you?"
"If that's okay, then yes."
"And what are we going to do?"
"Whatever you want?"
"Then," Y/n stood and pressed his thumb to Jake's lips. "We're not getting sleep tonight."
Jake's lips twitched as his knee anxiously bounced. "O-Oh..."
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especdreamy · 1 year
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pineapple-frenzy · 1 year
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goldenwilliamson · 6 months
would you maybe be able to write a fic for leah where the reader is a famous singer and goes to an arsenal or england game and then gets to meet the team after and leah is secretly a huge fan trying to play it cool (kind of like becks/posh)???
fan behaviour | leah williamson
pairing: leah williamson x reader
a/n: love this ask, feel like i miiight have read something similar to this but can't remember who wrote it, so apologies for conceptual similarities if there is any. also i reference reader wearing leah's no. 8 england jersey even though leah has worn many different numbers for england lol.
summary: reader is a famous singer who goes to an england game and goes back to meet the girls after, not knowing leah williamson thinks she is the fittest woman to walk the earth. leah's fellow lionesses taking the piss out of her a bit for her crush. reader finding it endlessly endearing, as you would.
word count: 2.1k
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When you had asked your manager if she could organise getting you tickets to see the Lionesses play, you hadn't expected that your love for the women's team would be reciprocated in any way. So you were pleasantly surprised when your manager informed you that the team wanted to meet you after the game, and agreed immediately.
You had briefly met a few of the players already at a GQ event last year, and on that occasion you had found yourself completely infatuated with the captain Leah Williamson. You had watched on in the Euros as she lead the team out with such confidence and from there you had definitely developed a small crush on the footballer. You had even sourced yourself a number 8 Williamson jersey to wear to the final at Wembley.
After the historic final you shared a photo of yourself and your family donned proudly in your England jerseys to your instagram that night with the caption 'claiming the title of the @lionesses biggest fan. the girls brought it home ⚽️🔥❤️'. Little did you know that when Leah saw your post, she had made sure everyone on the team had seen that you were wearing her jersey. She couldn't believe her eyes, or that a musician of your status was posting about the Lionesses. In a simple display of mutual affection, Leah liked the post and left a comment saying 'The feeling is mutual, thanks for the love x'.
It wasn't until later in the year that the two of you had finally met at the GQ Men of the Year event after the Euros. You had seen her across the room and made a shamless beeline for her. Though no introductions were necessary, you both introduced yourselves, and right off the bat Leah mentioned the fact that you had posted a photo of yourself in her jersey. You tried your best to play it cool, but you certainly were blushing, which Leah only found more endearing.
"I've got to back the captain haven't I?" You'd told her.
"I'm not complaining, it looked better on you than it does on me," she responded flirtatiously with practised ease.
"You're making me blush now," you pat your cheeks, feeling the warmth of your face.
"Surely you get people complimenting you in every room you walk into," Leah said matter of factly, only flattering you further.
"Leah Williamson, stop inflating my ego!" You laughed, "You live a far more respectable life than I do, and you manage to look this bloody good while doing it," you motion up and down her body with your hands to her outfit, completely blown away by her ability to look so damn good in and out of kit.
"Well I'll take the compliment, but I'll have you know I have a great respect for you and your music," she says sincerely.
"Thank you, I guess it's my turn to take the compliment too," you tell her, and sadly your conversation is cut short by an announcement that the award ceremony is about to commence and that everyone must move to their seats. The rest of the night your mind was occupied with thoughts of the English captain, especially since she was honoured with multiple speeches of people singing her praises.
And while you couldn't have known it, Leah's mind was filled with you. After that night she had strictly listened to your music on repeat for weeks, much to the annoyance of her teammates who demanded something else be played since it was Leah who had the role of team DJ.
A few months later when you decided to secure tickets to the Arnold Clark Cup game in Milton Keynes, you had secretly hoped you might get another encounter with Leah, and your manager had confirmed this at the start of the night.
When the girls were in the change room before hand, news began to travel that you were in the crowd, but it hadn't reached Leah until she queued up one of your songs in the pre-game playlist and realisation dawned on Ella Toone's face.
"Can you believe Y/N Y/L/N is here? Apparently she's going to come say hello after the game," Ella said.
"Is she really?" Leah said, her voice coming out squeaky, the excitement evident.
"Oh good Lee, maybe you can just ask her out like a normal human instead of listening to her like an obsessive fan," Georgia Stanway said loud enough for every one to hear, making the team laugh.
"Give it a rest," Leah shook her head, but she smiled, knowing Georgia had a point.
Leah knew she had spent way too much time thinking about you for only having met you that one time, but she couldn't help it. She definitely felt there was a little chemistry in your brief conversation at the GQ event. She tried not to let herself believe that but, after all, you were one of the most famous artists in the world, and she was just a footballer. She wasn't even sure that you dated women. Either way, the idea that you were in the crowd made her want to put in a good performance.
From your posh seats, which you felt extremely lucky to be in, you were enthralled in the game, cheering as loud as anyone when the girls scored their 4 goals against South Korea. You'd even come wearing a Williamson Jersey under your coat, and throughout the game your eye was consistently drawn to the blonde defender who charmed you those months ago.
When the game ended one of the many people working behind the scenes for the Lionesses came to find you at your seat to escort you and your manager through the back of the stadium down to where the team was.
You could hear the sound of Murder On The Dancefloor playing loudly as you followed your escort towards the change room where the team was clearly celebrating their win. The girls were mostly too busy dancing and shouting along with the song to notice your entrance, which made you smile. You didn't want to disrupt their celebrations by any means, but the woman who brought you down had cleared her throat to get the girls attention.
"Sorry to interrupt ladies, but I've got someone special here who has kindly come to say hello!" She announces to the room and instantly the heads turn your way.
You flash a smile and wave as the music gets turned down, "Sorry to show up in the middle of such a good song," you apologise.
"Are you kidding me? The music can wait, you're Y/N bloody Y/L/N," Ella said, making you laugh.
"And you're Ella bloody Toone, it's so good to meet you. I'm a huge fan of you all," You said, expressing your love for the entire team, looking around the room. Even though you've brushed shoulders with more celebrities than you can count, staring into a room of footballers you admire felt extremely surreal.
"We're fans of yours, especially Leah," Georgia says, gesturing across the room with her thumb towards Leah who you were only managing to see now.
She stood resting against the wall with her arms crossed, shaking her head, "Thanks for that G."
You decide it's getting a bit awkward with everyone staring at you, as if you're about to give a half time pep talk so you try to diffuse the situation a little.
"Well I'd love to get around and have a chat with all of you, but please put your music on and do your thing, I feel silly standing up here in front of you all," you say, smiling.
"You heard her girls, stop staring, play the music Leah," Millie Bright said instructively and you watched as Leah picked her phone up and pressed play on the music.
Instantly many went back to singing along to the Sophie Ellis-Bextor classic, and you made your way over towards Georgia Stanway giving her a hug hello, and sitting down with her for a chat.
"That penalty was unreal," you told Georgia, referring to the goal she scored in the game. You spoke with her easily, feeling like you were catching up with a friend.
You continued to move your way around the room, chatting with some of the girls individually and with some in smaller groups. While they all had compliments for you and questions to ask, you met them with the exact same energy. The room quickly filled up with more people who work for the team and friends and family which made you feel less like you were a lucky fan who had orchestrated a private meet and greet with the team.
The whole time you were in the room you were looking for Leah out of the corner of your eye, wanting to save her for a bit later so you could get some more time to talk with her. Once you'd basically made your rounds of the room chatting to the players and their family members you finally made your way over to Leah.
"Saving the best for last?" Leah smirks at you as you approach.
"Well I'm not one to pick favourites, but I did wear my Williamson jersey tonight," you say, pushing open your coat to show off the white England jersey tucked loosely into your pants.
"I can't get over you wearing my shirt," Leah said, her pearly white teeth on full display, which you reflected with your own face.
"Is it surreal for you? Since I hear you're such a big fan of mine and all," you say, reference Georgia's little quip from earlier which didn't fly under your radar.
"Oh, she's got banter," Leah says, an eyebrow raised.
"She tries," you shrug your shoulders.
"Well if you must know, yes I'm a fan. I may even have been told off for playing too much of your music around the girls," she admits, "But you've got my name on your back so I'd say the feeling is mutual."
"Oh, it's definitely mutual, if anything I'm underplaying how big of a fan I am," you say, your honesty laced with sarcasm.
Leah smiles, "Well if we're being honest I'm really glad you came today, I was disappointed we didn't get to chat more back at that GQ event," Leah says earnestly.
"So was I! I actually tried to find you later that night but had no luck," you said.
"Oh, you did? I was probably just sitting with Alex Scott chatting her ear off about how fit you are," Leah says, her forwardness catching you off guard just slightly.
"Well just as well I came here today then," you said, dropping your voice slightly and leaning in closer to her ear, "Because I haven't stopped thinking about you since that night."
"Well what do you say we get together for coffee soon and we can gush over each other some more?" Leah offers and you light up at the idea.
"I'd say that's a great idea," you nod, laughing, "Here let me give you my number," you motion towards the phone in her hand and she unlocks it, handing it over to you. You open her contacts and create a new one for you.
"Alright, all done," you hand her phone back to her, feeling your heart beating in your chest.
"Perfect, well, Y/N, it was a pleasure to see you again," Leah says, opening her arms for a hug, which you slip into gladly.
"Yes, always a pleasure. Make sure you text me later, don't leave me hanging," you say in your embrace, knowing that you're close enough to Leah that the other girls might not hear.
"I wouldn't dare," Leah promises.
"Alright, good," you smile as you step away.
Now that your conversation has come to an end Leah turns back to the rest of the girls, most of whom are watching your and Leah's interaction very closely.
"Alright girls, Y/N is heading off now, say your goodbyes," Leah says, using what you think must be her captain voice, sounding very assertive.
"Bye guys, it's been so good to meet you all," you tell everyone as they all say goodbye and thank you for coming. You embrace almost everyone in a hug as you slowly making your way back around to the door where your manager waits for you.
You give one last wave goodbye, and have one last look at Leah who is watching every move of yours with a small smile on her face. She waves at you as you look at her and with that you turn and leave the room.
As you walk through the stadium to the back entrance where a car is waiting for you, your manager asks how you're feeling after meeting all the girls.
You giggle like you're a teenager again as you tell her, "I think I have a date with Leah Williamson."
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rosehxnt · 10 months
why am i me?
characters: deuce spade, cater diamond, leona kingscholar, kalim al-asim, vil schoenheit summary: you can’t help but compare yourself to those you see on social media warnings: overall mentions of insecurity about appearance/personality, reader wears makeup (vil), kind of implied post book 4 (kalim), possibly ooc, anyone can be pretty, grammar is what i want it to be
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Deuce Spade  “Why is everyone on this app prettier than me?” you mused, looking through the pictures of various magicam stars. “Ugh, I hate it here,” you said dramatically as you threw your phone down against the couch.  “Did someone say something?” Deuce was already on his feet, ready to fight someone on your behalf.  With calculated words and good reasoning skills of course. Not fists, never fists.  “No one said anything I just feel…” you trailed off, hoping you didn’t have to say it but your boyfriend’s look of concern pushed you on.  “…lackluster compared to everyone else.”  "That's not true!" His enthusiasm about it almost startled you. "I think you're the prettiest in all of twisted wonderland."  "But look at all these people." You went to retrieve your phone but Deuce intercepted you and tossed it on a nearby table. You were slightly concerned about the state of the screen but were quickly distracted.  "Those people don't matter right now, so stop comparing yourself to them." He sat next to you. "I like you how you are, and I won't stop reminding you of that until you realize you're just as pretty, if not exceeding in prettiness, compared to everyone else."
Cater Diamond  He couldn't say he didn't relate to you, but other things were more important at the moment.  Cater watched your frustrated face as you tried to pull off the latest trend on magicam. He wished he could secretly capture it and post it with a 'totes adorbs' caption but he had promised you not to do that without permission.  "I can help you if you want," he offered from across the table.  "I got this," you assured him. "I just need to figure out how they did this one part."  You also needed to figure out how they did the part after that, and the one after that.  Cater could tell, and you could tell that he could tell. There was no other option at this point.  "Okay, I need help."  The next few minutes consisted of Cater leading you through the steps of the trend but you just couldn't get it down like everyone else seemed to. Cater could sense the previous frustration was close to making you even more upset.  "How about you do it this way." He shifted your phone so it'd be easier.  "But it looks cooler the way everyone else is doing it," you said as you moved it back in place.  "What if we do it as a couple? That'll be cool."  "You promise?"  "I promise," Cater said as he took control of your phone again.
Leona Kingscholar  Laying next to Leona in his bed, you scrolled through your magicam feed to find that some students in your class were throwing a party.  "Do you ever feel like we're not fun enough?"  He barely shifted to look at you, his green eyes opening to meet yours.  "What do you mean by that?"  "Like we never go to parties or school events and stuff." You sat up. "Places where people have fun."  Leona was sitting up ever so slightly now. "Do you really want to hang out with people you barely know?"  You stopped to think about the excruciating small talk you'd have to go through since as far as you knew none of your friends were going to be attending.  "I know I'd rather be spending my time here with you," Leona broke the brief silence. "It's fun in our own way."  "Really?"  "You heard me, herbivore. I'm not gonna say it again." He settled back down.  Giving no response you dove back to where you were laying. Leona grabbed you by your waist and pulled you towards him, settling his face in the crook of your neck. You smiled, knowing spending the evening in his arms would be much more fun than some party.
Kalim Al-Asim  With your living conditions being less than ideal, you couldn't say you had the resources to buy any trendy or expensive clothes.  This often caused you to silently lament over the fashion of others, sometimes growing into jealousy. The worst part was that you felt bad whenever you became envious of your boyfriend, Kalim, who was by no means lacking in money.  Today was one of those days.  Watching him sift through his latest shopping spree you found yourself becoming quieter in your responses. You didn't think he would notice until he spoke.  "Is something wrong? You're not as energetic as normal."  "No, I'm just feeling a bit tired right now." You tried to force a smile as you reassured him. But he could sense something was up with your facade.  "Did you want to go shopping too? I know you said you were busy but we can always go again," Kalim said, moving closer to you.  "I'm fine, I don't exactly have the funds for it anyway."  "I can pay!" Always the optimist, a smile spread across his face. "We can make a date out of it!"  "Thank you for offering but I don't want to use you like that," you said.  "I'll be okay." He met your eyes. "Please let me do this for you."  You couldn't help but smile at Kalim's actions. "Okay, let's go."  "Yay! Shopping date here we come!"  "Maybe we should ask Jamil first," you suggested while you took his hand as he led you out of the dorm.
Vil Schoenheit  You shuffled across the floor of the pomfiore dorm, phone dangling from your hand as students both avoided you and somehow led you to who you were there to see.  "I'm sorry if I'm bothering you but-"  "My dear potato, you could never bother me," Vil turned to look at you. "What's the matter?"  You stared at your shoes for a moment, too embarrassed to show your face even from this far away. Sensing your apprehension, he stood and took even, elegant steps your way.  "If you don't tell me, I can't help you."  You finally raised your head to make eye contact with the man. "I tried a makeup tutorial I saw online and I look like a clown, not in a fun way. I don't understand how the person in the pictures looks so good and I can't."  "Show me what you were going for, I'm sure I'll be able to help."  Over the duration of the afternoon, Vil showed you not only the proper way to perform the look you were going for but also what colors suited you best and the proper technique to use. He even redid your makeup and allowed you to borrow some items from his collection to use for practice.  Vil sat you in front of his vanity mirror, letting you get used to your new appearance. You inspected how the soft hues looked against your skin, how they complimented you much better than the ones before, enhancing your nose and showing off your eye shape.  "I went with something more natural looking," he said from behind you. "I hope you don't mind, liebling, for you are lovely just the way you are."
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a/n: my apologies for some being longer than others or more self-inserty but this will be the first piece of writing i'm posting so i hope it's enjoyable at least m.list & rules
© rosehxnt
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jordisblogg · 9 months
producer!shuri x singer!reader hcs
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📝: i’ve been thinking about producer!shuri a lil too muchhh.
the whole producer!shuri idea is from @/venusdraco (who’s unfortunately deactivated but ima still give credit!!)
✰. -you were sitting on the phone with one of your friends, tems, specifically, ranting on about how you need to find a good beat before the deadline for your new single. you've tried going to london, metro boomin, drumma boy, he'll you even tried to make one yourself, but you couldn't find the right sound you were looking for.
“you know, i've got this friend who's done some of the beats on my songs, she's really good. she’s known for her afro beats but i’m sure she could help you out. i could give you her contact if you want."
you rubbed your temples, 'i’m up for anything at this point.”
✰. you had texted her later on
“hey i'm tems' friend, y/n, idk if she told u about me, but i rily need help and she told me to come to u"
“yeah she told me.i can hook you up, when are you free?”
✰. you both scheduled a date that would work for the two of you and you crossed your fingers and your toes that this would be it, that she was the one who could help you.
✰. you woke up bright and early the day of and got ready, not wanting to keep shuri waiting. when you walked in the studio she was sitting in one of the chairs by the sound booth, man spread, hair freshly curled with a pair of shades perched on top of them, wearing a black nike tech, gold chains adorning her neck. she looked good, really good.
✰. her head perked up and she turned to you, “hey, you ready to get started?”
✰.it had been a good 10-15 minutes and you think you both were getting somewhere. but you could hardly focus. shuri’s cologne was getting all up in your nose, she smelled intoxicating.
✰. and the way her tattooed fingers turned the knobs on the booth to how she nodded her head softly to the beat. and her jawline?? don’t even get me started—
“here, listen to this” you hadn’t even realized you just spaced out on her. you watched her put her headphones over your ears.
you stared into space as the low beat played. it was melodic, soft.
once it ended you took the headphones off and set them in your lap. “well?”
you smiled, “i love it.”
✰. your single ended up being nominated and won an billboard music award. you couldn’t have been happier. (song is at the top)
✰.once the event was over and you collected your flowers you took your ride back to your luxury apartment.
just as you were placing your award on a shelf, (you still needed somewhere to put it) you got a notification. you pulled your phone out, a text from shuri.
‘congratulations, beautiful, you earned it.🎉’
you smiled, hard. you feel like you wouldn’t have gotten this award if it weren’t for shuri. you needed to repay her somehow.
and beautiful???
‘thank u so so much, shuri. i couldn’t have done this without you. how can i ever repay u’
‘let me take you out to dinner’
✰. even though you have more than enough money to take care of yourself, shuri still spends on you.
you could be on the phone telling her the new fendi bag you’re gonna buy and then the next morning you see a cash-app of 3500 with the caption ‘just because❤️’ but you knew why.
✰.she’s always going to give you princess treatment.
anywhere you wanna go, she takes you. anything you want, she gets you. money is no problem for her. (shawty bae already a queen, producing just adding to that)
✰. when she has to fly out for sessions/bookings, she always takes you with her.it helps make the trip bearable even if she’s cool with the client.
✰. she always sends you big bouquets of roses once out the week (she would send you more but the last time she did, you told her you didn’t have anywhere to put the others)
✰. you both are regularly in the studio, so you don’t really have a whole lot of time with each other. but when she finally gets to see you, she can never let you go.
following up on that, shuri’s very clingy and overprotective of you, not that you don’t mind, mainly cause your the same way. when you’re both at events, she doesn’t do a lot of mingling, even when the other artists try to talk to her, she’ll talk to them, still being right next to you.
✰. a few days after you two started dating, you were both chilling up in a club and you both got a little caught up in each other and the alcohol. the next morning you had woke up to a bunch of notifications on instagram and tiktok. everyone knew about your relationship. and for once, theshaderoom wasn't wrong about something.
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you scrolled thru all the comments, some good, some bad.
"well, at least all those other bitches know who i belong to" she says as she lazily wraps her arms around your waist.
✰. likes to put your voicemail’s or just your voice in general on some of her tracks.
✰. your each other's plus one to every event, whether your nominated or not. you both always try to match for the red carpet, whether that be jewelry or clothes.
✰. shuri had originally been in wakanda playing with beats with her cousin, erik, who had taught her a few tricks. and after the death of her brother and mother she moved down to the states to get away from pressure, but she still devotes most of her life to her technology.
✰. she loves to take pictures of her baby, most of her camera roll is of either you or pics or you and her, either way you’re in them.
in fact her lock screen is literally a picture of you asleep on her chest, bonnet half on and drool seeping from your lips.
“shuri change that right now!”
“but you look so cute!”
✰. she goes to all of your concerts. and when your up on stage, you make sure to point her out. and when you both do a collab you bring her on stage and the fans eat it up every time.
✰. her nicknames for you are most definitely baby, my love, mama, princess etc.
✰. your contact in her phone is ‘umfazi’ (wife) because she knows you’re the one she’s going to marry.
✰. most of your songs are about times you’ve spent with her.
✰. shuri told you about her first time hearing your voice. she was hanging out with her friends for the night and they had bought tickets to your show, shuri wasn’t aware of who you were at the time, mainly because you were still coming up.
when she had saw you up on stage, it was like the world had stopped moving. your voice was so angelic, she felt like she was in a trance. and god you were gorgeous. you still are.
“i knew then that you were destined for greatness.”
“how come you never came up to me?”
“time wasn’t right, but i ended up bagging you in the end”
“oh shut up”
✰. it’s a known fact, shuri smokes weed. when she got together she wanted to make sure you were okay with it or not. when you told her that you partook in it, you were now her designated smoking buddy.
bongs, pens, smokes, edibles. it didn’t matter.
✰. shuri’s told you once before that even though you do it for show, she does get a little jealous when you bring other girls up on stage and get a little too touchy for her liking.
but you always tell her that she’s the only one for you. you’ve even had to explain that to her press.
“so y/n, we’ve seen that during your shows you’ve constantly brought up girls on stage with you. how does your girlfriend, shuri, think about this? have you had any conversations about it?”
“one, my girlfriend has already told me her thoughts on the matter and yes we’ve had conversations about it, two, i bring up my audience to give them a chance to feel like they’re really apart of the show y’know?”
✰. during interviews, shuri can’t help but smile at the mention of you. i mean full on cheesing!
“we’ve noticed you and y/n have been getting pretty serious, taking her out on private flights, fancy dinners, take it things must be goin smoothly, yeah?”
the corner of her mouth turns up in a smirk, “yeah, i always give my princess what she asks for”
✰. she doesn’t like to argue with you because the second she sees a tear role down your cheek, your lip quiver, or hears a tremble in your voice, she’s crumbling, scooping you up in her arms and rocking you back and forth, repeatedly kissing your temple and chanting apologies in your skin.
“i’m sorry baby, i’m sorry. please forgive me”
✰. she teaches you xhosa every time you ask. she giggles at how you pronounce the words, putting clicks at the wrong time.
“shuri stop laughing!”
“haha.. i’m sorry mama, cmon i’ll help you”
✰. will always do your nightly with you. she won’t tell you, but she secretly loves doing face masks.
✰. that girl stays in sweats, don’t matter what type of weather. winter? sweat suit. summer? t-shirt and sweat SHORTS.
“shuri come on wear some jeans with me, we supposed to be matching!”
“we are! your jeans are blue and my sweatpants are blue”
“ouu— you piss me off”
“kodwa uyayithanda” (but you love it)
✰. ever since that first meeting, you barely go to anyone else for your beats, unless necessary, in your opinion shuri knew how to do your genre of music, and pretty well, so there was no point in going to anyone else.
(plus it’s free.99)
✰. your facetime calls range from 5-24 hours. mainly because y’all don’t know how to say bye to each other.
“i love you baby, get some rest”
“i love you more”
“oh did you hear about that guy who was at drake’s concert?”
“no? tell me!”
just because you’re constantly going to shuri to help with your music don’t mean y’all don’t have any complications.
“nooo— im talkin’ ‘bout dum dum doo duh”
“that’s what i just did??”
“no you did dun boom dun dun”
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songbirdseung · 9 months
prada / en- all members
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you as the 8th member / different scenario per member
The Prada fashion show after party in Milan was a glamorous affair, with celebrities, fashion icons, and music sensations from around the world gathered under the glittering lights of an upscale venue. ENHYPEN had been invited to the exclusive event, a testament to their growing global popularity.
As the night progressed, Heeseung and Y/N found themselves at the bar, sipping on cocktails and engaging in lively conversations. The music thumped in the background, and the party was in full swing. Heeseung's charming smile and Y/N's radiant presence drew attention from fellow partygoers, and they soon found themselves in a circle of new acquaintances.
The drinks flowed freely, and the atmosphere grew more relaxed. Heeseung and Y/N continued to enjoy themselves, their laughter filling the air as they shared stories and jokes with their newfound friends. The alcohol began to take its toll, and their cheeks flushed with the telltale signs of the 'Asian flush.'
Amidst the laughter and the lively chatter, Heeseung leaned in closer to Y/N, his voice slightly slurred. "You know," he said with a mischievous grin, "I think the fashion world might not be ready for us."
Y/N giggled in response, her own words carrying a playful edge. "I agree, Heeseung. We'd steal the spotlight wherever we go!"
Their banter continued, becoming more animated as the night wore on. It wasn't long before their playful antics caught the eye of those around them. Cameras and smartphones were discreetly pointed in their direction, capturing the candid moments of Heeseung and Y/N's tipsy camaraderie.
As the party began to wind down, Heeseung and Y/N decided it was time to make their exit. They linked arms and stumbled out of the venue, still giggling like mischievous schoolchildren. The cool Milan air hit them, and they both gasped, sobering up slightly as they tried to navigate their way back to their hotel.
Despite their attempts to keep a low profile, the fans who had attended the fashion show recognized the pair. Social media was abuzz with cute and funny posts of Heeseung and Y/N, their flushed faces and laughter captured in the videos that fans had taken discreetly.
One fan posted a video with the caption, "Heeseung and Y/N bringing the party vibes to Milan! 🎉💃🍹 #AsianFlushGoals." Another fan tweeted, "Heeseung and Y/N leaving the Prada party like they just won the night! 😂🥂 #MilanAdventures."
Heeseung and Y/N were oblivious to the online buzz they were creating as they navigated the streets of Milan, their faces still flushed with merriment. They knew that they had just shared a memorable and fun-filled night, and the laughter they had shared under the Milanese moonlight would be a cherished memory for years to come.
Milan's iconic Prada store was abuzz with excitement as ENHYPEN, the global K-pop sensation, graced the city as ambassadors for the renowned fashion brand. Fans from all over the world had gathered outside the store, hoping to catch a glimpse of their favorite idols and show their support.
Jay and Y/N, both known for their impeccable fashion sense, were especially excited about their visit. They were dressed in stylish Prada ensembles that turned heads as they made their way to the store entrance. The fans, respectful of their boundaries, kept a safe distance while keeping their cameras ready to capture every moment.
As Jay and Y/N approached the entrance, Y/N couldn't help but smile at the dedicated fans who had come to see them. She waved and greeted them warmly, "Hello, everyone! Thank you for coming to see us. We're so happy to be here in Milan with Prada!"
The fans cheered and snapped photos, their excitement palpable. Y/N's graciousness endeared her even more to the crowd. Jay, standing beside her, also acknowledged the fans with a friendly nod and a wave.
Once inside the Prada store, the fans continued to observe from a distance, respecting the privacy of the idols as they explored the latest collections. Jay and Y/N moved through the racks of designer clothing, their laughter and animated discussions filling the air.
The fans couldn't help but notice how close Jay and Y/N seemed to be. They shopped together with an easy familiarity, exchanging opinions on fashion pieces and playfully teasing each other about their choices. Jay's arm was draped casually over Y/N's shoulder as they browsed, creating an affectionate and stylish image.
Eager to share their admiration for the idols, the fans discreetly took videos and photos, capturing moments of Jay and Y/N's shopping adventure. They were impressed not only by the idols' fashion sense but also by their genuine friendship and camaraderie.
One fan posted a video on social media with the caption, "Jay and Y/N taking over Prada like the fashion icons they are! 💫✨ #PradaAmbassadors #MilanFashion." Another fan shared a photo of the pair trying on sunglasses, writing, "Jay and Y/N looking effortlessly cool and adorable at the same time. We stan this fashionable ship! 💖🕶️ #ENHYPEN."
The Prada fashion show red carpet was a dazzling affair, with camera flashes illuminating the night as celebrities and fashion icons from around the world made their grand entrance. ENHYPEN, the global K-pop sensation, was no exception.
As the members of ENHYPEN made their way down the red carpet, the cameras clicked incessantly, capturing their stylish ensembles and charismatic presence. Y/N, a multi-talented member of the group and known for her stunning beauty, was particularly radiant that evening. Her elegant Prada outfit highlighted her grace and sophistication.
Amidst the commotion, Y/N was briefly separated from the group and was directed by the photographers to pose for solo shots. The fans, who were present to support ENHYPEN, couldn't help but notice Jake's admiring gaze as he watched Y/N from a distance.
Jake had always been close to Y/N, and their friendship was a special bond within the group. He admired not only her beauty but also her talent and warm personality. As Y/N posed for the solo shots, Jake couldn't hide his smile and the look of genuine admiration in his eyes.
Eagle-eyed fans in the crowd noticed Jake's reactions, and their hearts melted at the sight of his affectionate gaze. They quickly captured the moments on their smartphones and began sharing them on social media. Posts with captions like "Jake's heart eyes for Y/N on the red carpet!" and "Jake, are you in love?" started flooding Twitter and Instagram.
As Y/N rejoined the group after her solo shots, ENHYPEN stood together for group photos. The fans, who had been eagerly waiting for this moment, started chanting the names of their favorite members. Amid the chants, some fans began shouting for Jake to stand next to Y/N.
"Jake and Y/N! Jake and Y/N!" they cheered, their voices ringing through the night air.
The photographers, sensing the fans' enthusiasm, decided to honor their request. Jake, with a sheepish but happy grin, moved closer to Y/N, and they stood side by side for the group photos. The fans erupted in cheers and applause, capturing the heartwarming moment on their cameras.
The anticipation in the air was palpable as ENHYPEN took their seats in the front row of the Prada fashion show. Sunghoon, in particular, was unusually fidgety as he eagerly waited for the show to begin.
As the lights dimmed and the music started, the models began strutting down the runway in Prada's stunning creations. But Sunghoon's attention was elsewhere. He couldn't help but steal glances at Y/N, who was seated beside him. Her grace and beauty had always captivated him, and tonight, she looked more breathtaking than ever.
Throughout the moments leading up to the show, Sunghoon couldn't resist the urge to subtly nudge Y/N, asking her to sit next to him. He tried to be discreet about it, but the other members weren't fooled. They exchanged knowing looks and amused smirks as Sunghoon persisted.
Jake leaned over and whispered teasingly to Sunghoon, "Sunghoon, you've got a crush on Y/N, don't you?"
Sunghoon's eyes widened, and he blushed furiously. He stammered, "N-No, I don't! I just… wanted to talk to her about the show, that's all."
Sunoo, who was sitting on Y/N's other side, chimed in with a playful grin. "Oh, Sunghoon, don't be shy. It's okay to have a crush."
The members' teasing continued, with Ni-Ki and Jungwon joining in on the fun. They whispered conspiratorially, pretending to be discreet but knowing full well that their antics were drawing attention.
Meanwhile, Prada's official accounts and HYBE's social media team were busy capturing moments from the front row. They posted a video of the members in their stylish Prada outfits, but the video had no sound. The fans, however, were quick to notice something interesting – they could read the members' lips.
Fans started sharing clips of the video with subtitles, revealing Sunghoon's playful attempts to get Y/N to sit closer. The captions read, "Sunghoon wants Y/N by his side, and we're here for it!" and "The not-so-secret crush is real!"
As the Prada fashion show continued, fans couldn't help but celebrate the endearing interactions between Sunghoon and Y/N. Their playful banter and Sunghoon's subtle attempts to get closer to his crush added an extra layer of excitement to the event.
The fans had gathered in droves, eagerly waiting for a glimpse of their favorite idols and the chance to capture the perfect shot on their cameras and smartphones.
Y/N, known for her stunning beauty and charisma, was a particular magnet for attention. As she gracefully posed for photos and interviews, the fans couldn't get enough. Cameras flashed relentlessly, and the sound of excited cheers filled the air.
Sunoo, always quick to notice the fans' reactions, couldn't resist the opportunity for some playful teasing. He decided to have a little fun and block the fans' view of Y/N.
With a mischievous grin, Sunoo stepped forward, extending his arms as if to shield Y/N from the cameras and fans. He playfully declared, "Y/N is mine, everyone! Back off!"
The fans, caught off guard by Sunoo's unexpected declaration, burst into laughter. Sunoo's confident and playful attitude had taken them by surprise, and they couldn't help but find it endearing.
Y/N, standing beside Sunoo, chuckled at his antics. She leaned in and whispered, "You're such a charmer, Sunoo."
Sunoo winked at her and replied, "Just doing my duty, Y/N."
The fans, who had managed to capture Sunoo's playful moment on camera, quickly shared the videos and photos on social media. Their captions ranged from "Sunoo the Protector" to "Sunoo's declaration of love for Y/N." It was all in good fun, and the fans appreciated the light-heartedness of the moment.
As the red carpet event continued, Sunoo couldn't help but bask in the laughter and positivity his playful teasing had generated.
The luxurious hotel room was a whirlwind of activity as ENHYPEN prepared for their attendance at the Prada fashion show, where they were invited as ambassadors. Stylists, makeup artists, and hairdressers bustled about, ensuring the members looked their absolute best for the prestigious event.
Y/N, seated in front of a well-lit makeup mirror, was in the midst of her transformation. The makeup artist carefully applied makeup, enhancing her natural beauty, while the hairstylist worked on her hair, creating an elegant yet effortless look.
Jungwon, who was sitting nearby, couldn't help but watch in awe as Y/N underwent her makeover. He leaned closer, whispering compliments to her. "Wow, Y/N, you look stunning. Prada should consider making you their new muse."
Y/N blushed at the praise, a soft smile gracing her lips. "Thank you, Jungwon. You're too kind."
The other members, who were also getting ready in the room, couldn't help but notice Jungwon's admiration for Y/N. They exchanged playful glances and knowing smiles, deciding to join in on the fun.
Sunghoon, with a teasing grin, pretended to gasp dramatically. "Jungwon, are you sure you're not secretly in love with Y/N?"
Jake chimed in, "Yeah, Jungwon, you're looking at her like she's the most beautiful person in the world."
Jungwon's face turned several shades of red as he stammered, "N-No, it's not like that! I'm just appreciating her beauty as a fellow member."
Jay added with a sly wink, "Well, Jungwon, I've heard that sometimes friendships can turn into something more."
Y/N, who had been blushing throughout the playful banter, couldn't help but giggle at the members' antics. She looked at Jungwon and said, "Don't worry, Jungwon. I appreciate the compliments, and I'm just glad to have such wonderful friends."
The Prada fashion show had been an incredible experience, and the members of ENHYPEN had watched the event from the front row with awe. The stunning designs, the elegant models, and the electrifying atmosphere had left them all deeply impressed.
As the show concluded, the members joined the other celebrities and fashion designers in taking pictures and engaging in short, friendly conversations. Ni-Ki and Y/N, in particular, drew attention from the fashion industry luminaries.
One renowned fashion designer approached them, a smile on his face. "You two have such a striking presence," he said. "Have you ever considered modeling? You would be perfect for the runway."
Y/N blushed at the compliment, and Ni-Ki, ever humble, replied, "Thank you so much. We're musicians, but we appreciate the compliment."
As they continued mingling, more celebrities and designers echoed similar sentiments, suggesting that Ni-Ki and Y/N should explore modeling opportunities in the future. The members of ENHYPEN couldn't help but feel proud of their fellow members' effortless charm and style.
Back in their hotel room, the rest of the members couldn't resist poking fun at Ni-Ki and Y/N. Sunghoon raised an eyebrow with a mischievous grin. "So, Ni-Ki and Y/N, should we start calling you 'models' now?"
Jake joined in with a playful laugh. "Yeah, I can see it now. 'ENHYPEN: K-pop idols turned fashion icons.'"
Jay added, "I guess we'll have to hire personal stylists and photographers for them."
Ni-Ki and Y/N exchanged amused glances before breaking into laughter. Y/N playfully retorted, "Well, if we ever become models, we'll expect all of you to be our biggest fans!"
Jungwon chimed in with a teasing tone, "We'll be at all your fashion shows, front row, of course!"
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tillthelandslide · 1 year
I love an Instagram blurb and there are simply not enough for the 1975! I would humbly request an Instagram blurb for George or Ross w/ a non-famous reader. Perhaps they've been together for a bit, but the increase in popularity has resulted in people learning about her?
Mr Macdonald - Ross Macdonald Instagram AU
Thank you for requesting this, I loved doing this 💖 hope you enjoy
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yourinstagram I may look cool but I was thinking about pizza 🍕
Liked by rass1975, yourbestfriend and 276 others
rass1975 you are cool bby. Miss you
-> yourinstagram why thank you Mr Macdonald. miss you too 🥹
yourbestfriend where's my credit for taking this picture? 😠
-> yourinstagram you're the best 😘
trumanblack sick 🤘
bedforddanes75 your so kewl 😎
-> yourinstagram FANKS Georgie
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yourinstagram the best surprise ever 🥹 thank you @yourbestfriend for organising this
Liked by rass1975, trumanblack, yourbestfriend and 679 others
rass1975 couldn't keep me away for that long my love
-> yourinstagram I love you 🥹
trumanblack better bring him back, we've got a tour to attend
-> yourinstagram yes boss 🫡
yourbestfriend you're welcome 💖
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rass1975 taking a short break from tour to spend some much needed time with my love @yourinstagram
Liked by trumanblack, bedforddanes75, yourbestfriend and 56,793 others
yourinstagram I love you 🥹
-> rass1975 I love you more
bedforddanes75 cuties
75fan how did I not know he was in a relationship? 😮
-> fan1 they've been together for ages!
-> 75fan how did I not know this? Who is she?
-> fan1 just a normal gal, she's lovely, I met her once and she offered to take photos for me with all the boys and held my stuff for me
-> 75fan omg cute, happy for him. Consider me obsessed
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75fan okay so I can't believe I didn't know Ross was in a relationship so I did some stalking. Found this picture on y/ns Instagram from ages ago. She seems so sweet and down to earth and like... Normal. I'm officially obsessed
Liked by yourinstagram and 2390 others
fan1 Im shocked that their relationship was like out there, like no secret at all but hardly any of us knew 🤦‍♀️ wtf
-> 75fan ikr madness
fan2 I love how she's just a normal girl like not famous but it also makes me unbelievably jealous haha
fan4 anyone know how long they've been together and how they met?
-> fan3 @yourinstagram pls answer our questions
-> fan5 @fan3 think we should respect their privacy
-> yourinstagram it's all good my lovelies, don't mind sharing this, we thought it was common knowledge haha. I went to school with the lads 😊 but Ross and I got together in 2014. Thank you all for the support 💖
-> 75fan omg you replied!! Thank you for sharing this with us ❤️
fan8 wow they've been together for so long 😳 that's adorable!
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75fan okay so I did more stalking haha. You can't stop me if you tried now because I'm obsessed... But LOOK I found this adorable picture of Ross and yn at an award show. Wanna know the best thing? She captioned it "babe you look so cool"
Liked 5701 people
Ross&yn_shipper omg so cute
fan2 she's a 75 fan like us ❤️
fan3 we stan
75fan @rass1975 you did good rass
-> rass1975 that I did ❤️ thank you for all the support
-> 75fan omg I'm dead 💀 first @yourinstagram replies and now you!
-> yourinstagram we ♥️ you
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yourinstagram my love is going back on tour... I may or may not be joining him... Psssttt I am 🤭
Liked by trumanblack, bedforddanes75, yourbestfriend and 10,603 others
rass1975 so glad to be having you with us ❤️
bedforddanes75 gang gang 🤘
-> yourinstagram never say that again Georgie
-> bedforddanes75 enough with the childhood nickname 🖕
-> yourinstagram hate you 😏
-> bedforddanes75 rass control your bird
-> yourinstagram might help if you @ him you old man
adam1975 this is going to be epic
75fan this photo though 😍
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rass1975 as seen on @yourinstagrams phone screen
Liked by yourinstagram, bedforddanes75, 1975adam and 46,985 others
yourinstagram you're hot 🥵
rass1975 all yours ♥️
adamthe1975 I've made it
-> rass1975 lucky bugger
-> yourinstagram love ya @adamthe1975
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yourinstagram lucky to have this bunch in my life since we were kids ♥️ p.s the guy with a beard is a total dilf
Liked by rass1975, trumanblack and 23,718 others
rass1975 adore you ❤️
-> yourinstagram 😘
trumanblack the best bunch ❤️
bedforddanes75 we look like we're in a band
-> yourinstagram funny that
rass1975 and yourinstagram:
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rass1975 she said yes @yourinstagram can't wait to spend the rest of my life being your husband
Liked by trumanblack, bedforddanes75 yourbestfriend and 136,749 others
trumanblack AHHHH ❤️
bedforddanes75 crying, throwing up
fan3 omg I'm so fucking happy
yourinstagram love you Mr Macdonald
113 notes · View notes
terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
liz, I'd like some adorable dair hcs, please and thank you 💛
it would be my pleasure, my dear 💛💛💛
dan proposes with an empty box, because he knows that blair is a control freak and wearing jewelry forever that she didn't pick herself freaks her out. people who don't know them very well will side-eye the story but anyone who actually knows these two weirdos thinks it's really sweet
they spend every Sunday morning having coffee and croissants in bed and doing the Sunday crossword together. or, they try to beat each other to answering each clue
slightly related, they are banned from van der humphrey scrabble games, because they get too competitive and too horny to play with others
in a comedy of errors, Nate finds out Blair's pregnant before Dan does (he's out of town on a book tour, Blair finds out while he away and is wigging) and then Nate has to pretend that Everything Is Cool even though he's a literal human golden retriever and is just so happy for them. he keeps it a secret though. when they tell the rest of the gang he's like "FIRST! I knew first! I knew the entire time!"
in any universe I hold in my head, they live in Paris for at least one year, possibly more.
once in an interview, Dan discloses that Rosemary's Baby is his and his wife's "Valentine's Movie" and the internet is like "????????"
in his late 20s, Dan starts getting ocular migraines while trying to read and write and brushes them off, so Blair is the one who kicks his ass all the way to the optometrist. He's fine, he just needs glasses. (blair thinks they're really, really hot)
on their first anniverasry (paper) they each give the other their preserved Nenette ticket stub, because they tried to throw it away, but just couldn't. saps. Blair frames hers and Dan hangs it in his home office. Dan puts his in a custom shadow box that sits on Blair's desk at work.
Once, in a dedication or social media caption, Dan calls her “The Ingrid to my Humphrey, the Waldorf to my Statler, the Harry to my Sally.” the biggest issue she takes with that is "I am Meg Ryan. Always."
speaking of social media, every time Dan and Blair post photos of themselves or sappy things of each other, Jenny leaves the same comment: gross.
(obviously at this point they're all cool with each other but Jenny is a little sister and also loves a bit)
sometimes Blair will like and/or quote tweet thirst tweets about Dan because she loves to cause problems.
Red wine makes Blair Bonkers Horny and far enough along into their relationship Dan learns to just roll with it and prepare himself mentally.
I discussed this at length before in dms with nads @mysteriesofloves which is that Blair has a system of pet names for Dan. *keira knightley as elizabeth bennet darcy voice* kitten for every day, my love for Sundays, and bunny, but only on very special occasions
and finally, to bring it back to the wedding rings, both are engraved. Blair chooses for Dan's band: bread, light, & shadow (based off of Neruda) and Dan chooses for Blair's: still days & hurricanes (based of von Radics)
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equallyshaw · 2 years
𝖉𝖊𝖏𝖆 𝖛𝖚 - 𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖜 𝖙𝖐𝖆𝖈𝖍𝖚𝖐.
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Inspire by miss o. rodrigos: deja vu.
Warnings: nothing, but let me know!
Word Count: 1.2k+
So when you gonna tell her
That we did that, too?
She thinks it's special
But it's all reused
That was our place, I found it first
I made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you
God, I remember is so very clearly being it got deleted. Taryn had posted a photo of you and your new girlfriend in Malibu, where we used to spend a good amount of your offseason at. It helped with me being a freelance writer, so following you after college to Calgary was not hard, as well as to wherever your offseason took you. But I remember seeing the place where we got out ice cream, each time. Never straying from tradition. Does she know? Does she know we made out in your convertable near that ice cream shop, that had a beach right underneath? Your sibilings and your parents know, we had brought them there many a times. Then I saw another photo of the coffee shop, we frequented. It was Brady that posted a short video, scanning you guys. She must feel pretty special huh? That you supposedly know where all the 'cool' spots are? Like it wasn't me who didn't scour the internet and talked to some locals about places to visit and try. I was the one matthew, not you. So I hope she isn't fooled.
Then I lurked one day, to her instagram after Taryn posted a photo of your new girlfriend and her. I looked at her most recent of you two in Malibu, and saw the caption that was a direct line from me. Verbatum. You were never good at one liner's, so I hope she doesn't seriously think you are a comedic genius or anything. That would be comical.
Do you get déjà vu when she's with you?
Do you think about me when you're there with her? Do you get flashbacks of me when you go to the beach? The same coffee shops? Restaurants? That was our home away from home, at one point and I'd be stupid to not believe you don't think about me everytime you go in one of those places. That's exactly what happens to me when I go on with my day. I moved to Malibu when we broke up, because I fell in love with the community. I enjoyed the peace, how people stick to themselves and the beauty of the land. Something we always tried to soak in before venturing up North as the season started. I see you wherever I go, but fortunatly it's getting better and better. I know longer and nervous to go about my day, and have began to forget about those times. Have you? I see you trying to replicate everything we did, I even witnessed it once.
Do you call her
Almost say my name?
'Cause let's be honest
We kinda do sound the same
Another writer
I hate to think that I was just your type
I saw you two one day before I saw Taryn post anything. You guys were walking into the coffee shop we used to frequent, as I was working on a piece for the L.A Times. I immeditely picked your voice out from the others and my head shot up, as you repeated her name. It sounded almost like mine, and I scoffed. Not only annoyed with your presence, but after a bit of eavesdropping, I found out she was an author. I could taste the vile in my mouth, as tears brimmed my eyes. Did you seriously have a type? Not only our names sound similiar, but we do the exact same thing. I rememeber clearly, not being able to think properly as I stared at my screen. Did you see me? Did you see me as I felt the gears in my head turn? You must of, it was a small place.
Then you two left, and I followed shortly. I could barely breathe as I pictured you two together. Again, scoffing before driving off. It hurt to think that I could simply be discarted and 'replaced' in a matter of months. It was March when we broke up, and I saw you in July after a brutal loss in the playoffs during the Battle of Alberta. I had never wanted Leon Draistl to win so badly, comically.
And I couldn't get over the fact that she was exactly what a hockey player should have at home, bearing your children and running the household. Also, the fact that she was a old family friend made it conveniant for your parents. Cuz, it looked good. It made sense, where you and I did not.
I'll bet that she knows Billy Joel
'Cause you played her "Uptown Girl"
You're singing it together
Now I bet you even tell her
How you love her
In between the chorus and the verse
We had 'our song' by Billy Joel, is it yours too? I can picture how you two sing it, holding her in your arms. You sing the whole song lowly, in her ears, her blushing cheeks never ceasing. And then I can picture, you whispering I love you during the middle of it. Because I can still hear perfectly in mine. As I fall asleep, I see us in our apartment in Calgary after being trapped during a christmas blizzard. We twirled, dipped and swayed during the early hours of the morning, drunk on champagne and love. It was our first christmas at our shared place, and I can still hear the tone and echo of your voice as we sung the song together. My cheeks never ceased to flush, as we did so. She must think your so cool, with your new music collection that I left because it hurt to much to take. We used to spend hours in downtown calgary paroozing thrift stores and record shops, growing my collection which in turn- is now yours.
I just don't understand how you can go on, doing everything that we used to do. Is it not weird? Do you think I don't know? I have friends in Calgary in too. Who do you think I spent a lot of my time with, when you were away?
So when you gonna tell her
That we did that, too?
She thinks it's special
But it's all reused
That was the show we talked about
Played you the song she's singing now when she's with you
Does she know? Does she know that she's doing all the things we used to do? I don't blame her, for being oblivious or naive. I blame you, in some sick and twisted way. She must think im a creep or obsessed with you and her. Since, I sometimes view her stories thinking I might get a glimpse of you. No, I just think it's quite weird to be living our life somewhat vicrioulsy through her. Hoping that that could heal your heart or twisted mind? That making similar memories with her, will finally get you to stop thinking about me? Ironically, I laugh at her stories when youre in it. Again, just getting deja vu from the restaurants and coffee shops we visited. I hope she makes you happy, because you once made me happy.
somebody who was too good 4 u.
this was BAD, i know. i just wanted to get this out :)
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thebibliomancer · 4 months
Essential Avengers: Avengers #310: DEATH in OLYMPIA!
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November, 1989
The triumph of BLASTAAR!
He's won already? Then what will the rest of the issue be about?
Blastaar is a nothing villain to me but I gotta say. Another good cover. Byrne's run has been good with covers.
Last time in Avengers: the Avengers had some business with some pissed off Lava Men but the only important take away is that Gilgamesh somehow died. Except he's not quite dead, only mostly dead.
The Avengers took him to Sersi to get him looked at, she shrugged and suggested they take him to Olympia. Except they only found a crater where Olympia should be (because Sprite accidentally blew the whole city into the Negative Zone).
Thor uses Mjolnir to track down Olympia and the Avengers explore the strangely empty city. And then Blastaar comes out of nowhere and blows everyone up.
This time: Sudden Odin
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Odin calls the Warriors Three of Hogun, Fandral, Volstaag because his Odin-Senses have been tingling that Thor has come into the Negative Zone.
There's a bunch of Thor Lore - or Thlore - that I don't want to get into but for reasons Asgard is currently also in the Negative Zone.
But Odin senses Some Kind of Danger. He can't be more specific because he's Odindrowsy and must go into the Odinsleep soon. But he wants the Warriors Three to go, find Thor, and help him with whatever.
Meanwhile, in Olympia, Thor grabs Sersi and shields her from Blastaar.
... Byrne, you're the only one writing Avengers. How are you forgetting stuff issue to issue?
Last issue, Thor couldn't touch Sersi at all because she'd weirdly gone intangible.
Anyway, Blastaar and Thor trade boasts for a bit. Blastaar boasts that surely Thor didn't forget how much of a whallop Blastaar's blaasting packs? And Thor has a much stronger retort that Mjolnir is really cool and he's gonna kick Blastaar's ass.
Thor throws Mjolnir, Blastaar deflects it with his blaasting, and Thor dunks on him some more by saying if Blastaar "hast within thy soul no single shred of nobility... that thou might also be a foe truly worthy of a scion of Asgard."
Blastaar retorts by blowing up Sersi.
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Which Thor does not care for as a rebuttal.
Shooting the hostage is a pretty dumb thing to do when facing a superhero. It just makes them mad and now you have no hostage to threaten.
Ya dumb, Blastaar.
Elsewhere, Nazi-punching pals Captain America and Namor McKenzie emerge from beneath some rubble. Or rather, Namor drags Cap out.
Cap is in bad shape.
Namor only knows that a bolt of pure, concussive force hit them so fast that Namor couldn't tell where it came from.
But there's the pyrotechnics of a big battle happening at the tower, so they know where to look for answers.
Cap tries to tell Namor not to fly off half-cocked since Cap is still too shaky to back him up. But flying off half-cocked is what Namor does.
Namor: "Do not try to stop me, old ally. He that attacked us has besmirched the honor of the avenging son of Atlantis! If he awaits in yonder tower... the waiting shall not be long before he knows my vengeance!"
Cap knows better than to try to stop Namor from flying off half-cocked so he tells him to at least be careful. Y'know, think before he acts. Wait for backup if he can.
Namor has already flown away so fast that Cap might as well be talking to a wall.
Cap speculates to himself that Namor's "manic nature" might be caused by his hybrid nature, being half-Atlantean and half-human.
I think this is foreshadowing a reveal that exactly this. Namor is a jerk sometimes because his body chemistry is weird and spending too much time on land or in the ocean fucks with his moods.
I think later stuff walked back on that and had it be that Namor is a jerk sometimes because he's a jerk sometimes.
Anyway, Byrne sets up retcons with the subtlety of a sledgehammer, huh?
Captain America is interrupted in thinking about what a genetic nightmare a half-human half-Atlantean is when he spots a crater with She-Hulk lying in the center of it.
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She apparently did see what hit her so she's able to tell Cap what the class already knows. Blastaar is the dude that's antagonizing them today.
Since the battle is raging in the tower of the Great Hall that she and Sersi were exploring, She-Hulk comments that she didn't expect Sersi to give such a good fight to Blastaar.
And she's instantly proven right a panel later when, instead, Thor and Blastaar explode out of the tower, locked in combat.
Every Eternal is a flying brick. Have some respect.
Also, couldn't Sersi just turn Blastaar into a pig? What's the limit on that?
I mean, she can't now. She blew up. But if she did get a chance to fight, doesn't she have a win button for like 90% of fights?
Thor and Blastaar take a really long time to fall out of the tower, punching each other along the way. Then Namor jumps after them and yanks Thor off Blastaar so only Blastaar is plummeting. But Blastaar blaasts the ground to soften his impact.
Meanwhile, a mysterious man in a white suit kirby krackle-ports into an alley, scaring off a homeless man.
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The mysterious man is like good nobody who matters noticed me MY PLAN IS GOING FLAWLESSLY!
Hi, new subplot.
Granted, Avengers East Coast doesn't have nearly as many subplots as Avengers West Coast has. Avengers West Coast is all subplots and Avengers East Coast is all main plots.
Weirdly unbalanced but hey. Maybe that is a-changing.
Back at the plot, the Avengers have all surrounded Blastaar, who is blaasting nowhere near them to keep them at bay.
He says that obviously, they're trying to trick him into targeting one of them so the rest can gang up on him BUT HE IS TOO SMART FOR THAT.
She-Hulk asks him to exposit why he's even here. Last time she saw him (back in Fantastic Four #318), Annihilus blasted him to atoms.
Usually people die when they're killed.
This 100% works to get Blastaar talking because villains love expositing.
So back in that FF issue, Blastaar's own men had turned on him and shot him with a stasis ray. Since he was held in stasis, he couldn't be disintegrated. Which is the opposite of stasis. Obviously.
When Annihilus annihilated everyone else, Blastaar just got sucked into Negative Zone space and floated around for a while. He eventually got sucked into a negative space wedgie and got dropped on Olympia when it was dunked into the Negative Zone.
This all makes perfect sense, insofar as anything in comics ever makes perfect sense. As in, not really but sure.
The Eternals found Blastaar near death and not being dicks, they decided to heal him.
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Blastaar: "I was grateful. To show my thanks, I tried to slay them all as quickly and painlessly as I could. Foolishly, they resisted... And the price of that resistance was utter destruction! I only hope it pained the stupid brutes as much as their stupidity pained Blastaar!"
You're kind of a dick, dude.
Anyway, in a twist, Blastaar was talking to distract the heroes, who were attentively listening.
He blaasts Thor and She-Hulk. Namor jumps right into battle and gets immediately blaasted.
Leaving just Captain America.
Captain America: "Blast it all! What comes over Namor?! Sometimes he acts as if he doesn't have a brain in his head!"
Cap tells Blastaar not to get cocky because he's still standing, which Blastaar scoffs at. Captain America doesn't even have super powers! Depending on the era!
Captain America: "Maybe not. The super-soldier serum that transformed me into Captain America made me a perfect physical specimen, not a super one... But I still have a few aces to play... Such as my legendary shield!"
Really depends on whether you consider peak human to be superpowers or not.
Both Captain America and Black Panther have a thing where a super drug made them about as strong, fast, durable, whatever as it is physically possible for a person to be.
But a comic book's idea of what that is means the two of them do stuff that is blatantly super-human but in the world of a comic, anybody could hypothetically train to do maybe?
I usually just consider it to be a superpower, albeit a low key superpower.
Even if you don't consider peak human a superpower, the super-soldier serum has slowed Cap's aging way the hell down. Which sounds super to me.
Anyway. Cap rushes right at Blastaar but with his shield up, allowing him to deflect the obvious counterattaack.
He manages to tackle Blastaar but the Negative Zonian kicks Cap away and then blaasts the tower of the Great Hall, sending debris raining down on Cap.
But then Cap is saved by the Warriors Three!
Hogun smashes the rubble before it can smash Cap.
Blastaar thinks oh shit more Asgardians. So the instant they turn to look at Thor pulling himself out from under some rubble, Blastaar books it.
He just scarpers.
He decides to exercise the better part of valor until he can turn the situation back to his advantage but then the weather turns against him.
The wind kicks up, the air glows with energy, and Blastaar is lifted off the ground.
It's weird weather but it's not weird Thor weather!
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It's weird Eternal energy ghost weather!
The energy ghosts bonk Blastaar into the scenery for a bit and then throw him to the ground. They coalesce into the Eternals and then Ikaris does what he does and kicks Blastaar's ass.
Cap asks the question everyone is wondering. Hey, why aren't the Eternals dead?
And Sersi explains it.
Eternals are hard to kill.
They have "complete control of their physical structure, even down to the atomic level."
Blastaar lucked into his blaasts having resonant frequency to disrupt the Eternals' control of their atoms. So they disintegrated. But it just took them time to regain their senses.
Then they pulled themselves back together and kicked Blastaar's ass. There was no reason for the Avengers to even be here! The Eternals would have solved the problem eventually!
Hell, Blastaar blaasting apart the Eternals was a one-time thing. They apparently all adjusted their resonance frequency so he won't be able to stomp them again.
Okay, so what about Gilgamesh?
He was just away from Olympia too long. All the Eternals are bonded to their city but Gilgamesh spent so long in exile that he's bonded with Olympia so much that the city is life-sustaining for him.
Actually, I can't tell whether Gilgamesh was away from the city too long or that Olympia being dunked into the Negative Zone weakened him at the wrong moment and he got hurt in a way that he couldn't heal from without Olympia.
Eh, I guess it doesn't matter.
The take-away is that Gilgamesh is leaving the Avengers and eh. I can't say I'll miss him because the writer shake-ups meant that he never really got a personality or a niche on the team.
Like the Worst Roster, all I can say about Gilgamesh is that damn, he coulda been more.
Thena mentions that it's a pity Gilgamesh has to stay in Olympia.
Thena: "It pleased me to have a member of our race serving side by side with the noble Avengers. It bespoke a day when human and Eternal might stand as one, all ancient fears and jealousies gone forever." Captain America: "A day well worth hoping for, my lady. And perhaps, we should not too soon assume the link between our people has been broken. There are other Eternals. Others who might take the place of Gilgamesh in the ranks of the Avengers."
It's gonna be Sersi.
I don't know how long it's going to take but we're almost in the 90s so it's gonna be any time now.
Hurry up, Sersi.
Cap asks how Olympia wound up in the Negative Zone and, yeah, Sprite did it. He accidentally exploded the city into another dimension.
He apologizes as much as he cares to. The non-apology apology "it was never my intent to cause distress."
It doesn't matter. Thena fixes it with a single button press.
Blastaar gets taken away by the Warriors Three to go to Asgard jail. Thor declines returning to Asgard because he likes hanging out with Avengers on Midgard (Earth).
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As the Warriors Three leave on their space chariot, Olympia fades out back to Earth. And the next time box teases big event Acts of Vengeance.
And I didn't care for this two-parter.
For all the many plans that Byrne seems to have for West Coast Avengers, he seems to be spinning his wheels in this book.
It really feels like this whole two-parter just accomplishes bringing Blastaar back (who cares) and immediately putting him in Limbo again (Asgardian jail).
That's a point B that didn't need to exist between his death that wasn't going to stick permanently and an actual good story that comes after this.
Olympia getting blown into Negative Zone space because Sprite touched a thing he shouldn't have touched, Blastaar conveniently being able to solo the Eternals, the Eternals able to come back and kick his ass without any input from the Avengers, sending Olympia back to Earth taking one button press... It all makes the story feel really pointless.
What changes if the Avengers had just gone to Olympia, it wasn't blown up, and Thena tells them what's wrong with Gilgamesh? Not a lot.
I don't like what Byrne is doing in West Coast Avengers but at least he seems to want to be there. How can you have no ideas already? You've only been writing six issues!
Maybe I'm just grumpy. My cursed future knowledge tells me that Avengers Island gets destroyed in Acts of Vengeance and that's more squandered potential. More writer shake-ups meant that the setting never really got a chance to shine.
Oh, well. Bomber jackets lie in the future. Bright hearts, clear eyes, something something.
Follow @essential-avengers for all these posts but in order and without other stuff. Like, reblog, comment, do stuff, I dunno. I get lonely down here in the italics.
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dotster001 · 1 year
So, you've already done platonic match-up for me (twst), so I think its time for romantic 😏
(BTW I just copy pasted the thing-)
Nickname: ash/lala
Pronouns: he/they
Personality type: ENTP and extrovert
Kinnie: Osamu dazai (more the writer than the character, I read the book and I loved it)
Favorite color: blue
Likings: Books, art, history (of art), writing, drawing, kids , rain, basketball, making friends, hoodies, my job (I'm the head manager in a skate shop), my siblings, my fiance (of course), the music band GORILLAZ, memes, my cat, my siblings (I'm closer to my twin) going to amusement park, playing guitar, snowboard, skate, surfing, old school music (mostly rap)
Dislike: spiders. (These things are horrible), loud noises, summer (more pools than summer in general), homeworks
Aesthetic: chaotic academia/grunge/skate ( I couldn't find the right name for my aesthetic so I hope you understand)
Appearance: black hairs (natural brown hairs but I prefer them in black) , 174cm, blue eyes, chubby, curly hairs to my shoulders, semicolon tattoo on my left wrist, a earing of a smiley face (right ear), glasses, freckles, pinkish skin, the hairs on my neck are cut
I'm also Italian-French and I take a lot of pride in my Italian blood
Hobbies: skate/surf/snowboard, basketball, drawing, just hanging out with my friends
(I hope you like this!...but does your fiance know you are cheating on him with fictional men 🤔 😂)
I match you with Cater Diamond.
When I do a platonic/romantic match, and then do the opposite, I like to make it an au. So in this au, we'll say Lilia invited you to his concert, and that's how you met Cay Cay. Cater was immediately enthralled by your fashion, and the fact that you didn't immediately lose your hearing when Lilia played a solo. After some pushing from Lilia, Cater asked you out, and it's been pretty happy ever since.
Music is how you two bond the most. He picks up music writing for you, and plays them for you. You play/sing Gorillaz for him. It's just overall a fun time, and you two have lots of play arguments over various songs.
ce n'est pas un point, j'ai juste choisi la violence aujourd'hui. 😊
Mans is excited you're a skater. There is no way he isn't one. Like, have you seen him? He absolutely skates. He tries to do cool tricks to show off for you. Some of them are good, others not so much…but it doesn't matter. He feels safe to make mistakes around you. You can laugh at him though, he doesn't mind! In fact, he likes to make you laugh almost as much as he likes to impress you.
He's probably not a huge fan of basketball, but he will 100% come to watch you play. He is your biggest supporter. He will even dress up as a cheerleader if you ask him to. You just need to agree to pose for a photo with him after the game. His magicam followers will LOVE IT!
you could literally say anything to him in french, and he'll think it's the hottest thing he's ever heard. You could literally say, "I have to take out the trash." And he'd be like, "babe, that's so fucking hot. 😍" All his pictures of you have french captions (don't worry his translations came from Rook)
You hadn't noticed it until today.
Cater often had you record his music club performances so he could post them on Magicam later. So you were able to just stare at your boyfriend without him teasing you, since you could say it was so that you were getting a good angle.
That's when you noticed it. His nail polish and beanie were both blue.
You had started stealing one of his silver hoops a couple months ago so that you could "be together" even when you were apart, but you hadn't noticed him wearing your favorite color.
You peaked out from behind the camera, made eye contact, and mouthed, "blue?" At him.
He winked, and gave you a roguish smile, before wagging his blue nails at the camera, then going into a guitar solo.
You rolled your eyes, but still felt yourself getting flustered. 
When the song finished, Cater looked directly into the camera, and began his outro speech he always gave. Except it ended differently this time.
"Also, my beautiful magicam fam, guess who just noticed I decided to wear his color? Took him long enough, #obliviousbutloveable, am I right?"
You decided to cut the video short. His viewers could figure out the rest from there.
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jeongbuchiki · 2 years
Kim Namjoon
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I have to travel for work. Namjoon said to you on your video call. Words that you had heard many times before. Since yours was a long distance relationship, to both of you specially him communication was key. It's was imperative for him that you never doubted him, his feelings for your or your relationship.
He seemed bummed out. But you were patient and understanding, you knew what you signed up for when you agreed to have a relationship with him. So you tried to cheer him up. You weren't one to dwell on what you couldn't control.
So you tried to cheer him up. You weren't one to dwell on what you couldn't control. And he admired that about you.
-Hey baby. Don't worry. One day we will celebrate Thanksgiving together ok. When the time is right. Besides why label special time together when every time we are together it's special. I'll see you soon anyways so we can spend time together before we'll you know.... you trailed off your last words as the thought tugged at your heart. - Anyways I'll have my handsfull this yr. I listened to you and I'm visiting my family upstate.
And guess what, turns out a shit load of family from out of the country is coming also. So family reunion I guess hehe.
He loved when you cursed. He thought it was funny and cute. It meant you felt comfortable, free. He loved that you had no filter. So it was hard for you not , you like being proper. He loved the fact that you were you and made no apologies for it.
You and Namjoon had been dating in complete secrecy for a while now. The only ones who knew about it were the other members, and because he couldn't keep a secret from them even if his life depended on it.
This year though for more than the obvious reasons he wanted to celebrate this holiday that meant so much to you with you. And knowing you'd be spending it with your family presented the perfect opportunity. The fact that where he was traveling to was where you lived was a plus, that helped him set all of his plans in motion. He was convinced the universe was smiling down on him.
He looked away from the screen of his phone to the side, distracted.
- Baby are you ok. You seem distracted. You asked and pointed out.
- Oh yeah, beautiful. I'm sorry just thinking about that trip. I wanted to come visit you. Just dont know if I'll be able to. He played it off ice cool.
- Love I already told you it's ok. We will see each other soon. Ok. Anyways I gotta go babe I gotta work and you have to get some sleep sir. You blew him a kiss.
- Yes Ma'am. LOL he laughed. Blew you a kiss back. - I'll text you when I wake up babe. I love you. I miss you so much.
- I love and miss you more. Bye. Talk later much. You hung up and he went straight to work digging in your ig.
Using his secret account, to snoop around and figure which family member he could reach out to. That would help him execute his plan. He found a pic you posted with a cousin. Caption read "Seeing this crazy for Thanksgiving. Love you cuz. Get my bed warm for me lol. See you soon".
- That must be where she'll be staying. He thought outloud. He took the risk and reached out. After talking extensively and him explaining your cousin agreed to help. Becoming his partner in crime. Bonus fact she was army too.
He couldn't sleep.He'd been in a mood lately, and the fact that he hadent seen you in a while was not helping at all. It was no point he would be on his way to the airport in a few hours, by then you would be home. Light bulb!!! 😏. You 2 hadent had sexy time in days. He needed you. He missed your scent. Your touch. The feel Of your skin. Your kisses. Your love.
Keeping a close eye to the time. He texted you when it was almost time for you to leave work.
Incoming text [Daddy 💋😈]
- Baby girl, I really... really miss you. 💋😈
Those were his emojies for you. That was his key phrase, meaning that was your cue. It was sexy time. He was hoooorrnnyy. 😏.
Your boyfriends text shook you to your core, making your sex clench. The temperature in your body rise. You thought good thing I'm working from home today. You missed him too, and bad. Being with Namjoon was other worldly in every sense of the word. The gentleman in the streets that was a dom daddy freak in the sheets, who sole purpose was to fufills his lady's every wish and desire. To give you love and pleasure till your hearts content and your body was spent.
- Mmm Daddy 💋😈. I missed you too. I'm almost done with work and I'm home today. So I can take care of you soon. Ok. Hold on for me my love. I love you baby.
- Mmm can't wait. I love you more baby girl.
A few minutes later you were done with work. To feel good you took a quick shower and changed into his Fav nighty, nothing underneath. Chugged a glass of wine and good to go.
[Outgoing text]
- Daddy... im ready... 💋
Next thing you know you're getting an incoming call from your boyfriend.
- Hey baby girl. Mmm Damm you look sexy. Fuck I miss you. The usually serious/shy Namjoon was no more. Daddy Joon was in the house.
- Daddy missed you so bad baby girl. Mmm. His voice was deep, rough, yet smooth. Moans laced with low growls emanated from deep within his chest as he palmed and caressed his growing hardness. He was laying back in his bed. Shirtless, just pajama pants. The ones you gave him last Christmas. We'll after, which was when you were able to get away for a short trip to Seoul.
- I miss you too Daddy. Mmm. I like your pants. You giggled and you become to hot ans sexy for your own good. You smirked at him and he blushed, always so modest.
You angled your phone so that he could see everything you did and so did he.
- Mmm baby girl has on daddys fav nighty. He licked and bit his lower lip.
- And look Daddy. youhe chuckled. - Daddy your gonna have to stop working out before you become to hot ans sexy for your own good. You smirked at him and he blushed, always so modest.
You angled your phone so that he could see everything you did and so did he.
- Mmm baby girl has on daddys fav nighty. He licked and bit his lower lip.
- And look Daddy. You whispered seductively while toying with the hem of your nighty, pulling it up teasing him. Showing him just enough for him to see you had no panties on. He cursed under his breath.
- Fuck baby girl. You are so naughty. Teasing daddy like that. His hand rubbing and aggrssively caressing his now harden member. Your pussy jolted and your insides excitedly anticipated the love they would soon recieve, upon hearing his growls and grunts.
- I wish you were here daddy. You voice sounding more like a purr that made his dick twitch, and pre-cum beads leak out of the slit on his tip. - loose the pants baby. Your going to ruin them. You said to him in a soft sexy voice. His smirk sexy, naughty, dark. Complying as if under your spell, he tucked his thumbs between the hem of his pants and his skin and tugged down untill they were at ankles, then swiftly kicked them off the bed.
Being probably the hottest, sexiest shit you'd ever seen. Namjoons massive erection sprung free, standing at full attention in all its glory and all you could do was wish you were there.
Your mouth watered and he could see it.
He smiled even more.
- Wish you were here baby girl. Snuggling this cock with that tight pretty pussy of yours. Mmm fuck.!!!. He'd begun stroking himself with out realizing it. Tight, slow, hard grip. You could feel your pussy clench around nothing.
Slowly you lifted your nighty over your head and took it off toosing it to the side. Laying down in an angle where he could admire all of you, you began caressing your body.
- Mmm baby girl how i just wanna kiss, suck and bite your nipples. Kiss your body all over. His voice had become deeper His gaze dark.
With one hand you toyed with one of your breasts. While guiding your other hand to your heat. Not wasting any time. You dipped 2 fingers in your drenched pussy, and began slowly to pump in and out. He could heat the squelching sound of your wetness.
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He pulled at his cock, which made him growl your name outloud.
- Mmm fuck baby yesss. Imagine that's my dick baby, pumping in and out of you. His voice was deep, hoarse, hungry for you. Your moans echoed through your room and out the speaker of his phone. Causing his iron rod to twitch in his hand.
- Oohhh daddy you feel soo good. You cried out as you arched your back. He tighten his grip around his cock and gasped as he continued to stroke himself.
- Shit baby girl. You feel so tight. Fuck!!! His eyes were on you the whole time. Watching the expressions on your face as you pleasured yourself and your body contorted in response. He could hear the wetness in your pussy as you pumped your fingers in and out of your tight hole, and it was driving him wild. He wanted nothing more that you be drilling into you at that moment, feeling you squirm under him as you came undone. As he spilled his seed deep inside you.
- Baby girl you're close aren't you? He moaned out in that sexy deep voice of his.
-Mhm. Mmm daddy I'm gonna c-cum. Your voice a high pitch whimper. As your back arched completely off your bed. He let out a low devilish chuckle.
- Cum with me baby girl. Cum for daddy. Let me see you spill that sweetness daddy loves so much. Mmm. Fuck. Namjoons toned stomach contracted as he felt his orgasm take over, while he continued to stroke his length harder and faster. - FUUUCCKK BABY AAHHH!! With screams and growls that were enough to wake the dead your boyfriend shot his hot load before your eyes having it land every where in his room. Painting white milky pearl streaks as his body came undone, while watching you convulse as you screamed out his name and squirted all over your bed.
- Mmm. Daddy. You better fuck my brains out the next time you see me. Damm. Lol. You panted through labored breathing as you came down from your high.
- Better count on it baby girl. Lol shit we better get to cleaning ha. He chuckled again.
- I swear Namjoon that laugh of yours is going to be the end of me lol. You smiled into your phone. And blew him a kiss. - I love you baby. Talk tomorrow , ahh later lol.
To be continued....
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the-unspeakable-tsar · 8 months
X-Manson - Chapter Three By Doctor Benway - Annotated by Tsar
It doesn't get much better from here. Tw for depictions of cannibalism.
[Caption: Gabrielle Lehnsherr]
GL: We couldn't keep it from him forever, and I suppose that he found out at a bad age, but then I'm not sure that any age would have been better.
Int: You told him who his father was?
GL: Not in so many words. David was a powerful Type D late-onset psi. We had no idea. They can hide it so well.
*That fits. But at technically he's the least traumatized version of David.
Int: He demanded to see his father?
GL: He did. I begged him to seek psi-counseling, but he laughed at us. He read everything he needed to know out of my mind and ran away from home. He coerced his way onto a flight to New York and went straight to the School. He pretended to be a potential student who had seen the ad that Xavier used to put in the back of The Nation. We were frantic, it took us weeks to trace him there.
Int: Did he contact you after that?
EL: No, he did not. My poor boy was lost.
Magneto is still a better father figure to David than Charles.
[Shot: Vance and Angelica Astrovik]
*another change: Angelica being approached to join the Xavier School rather than the Massachussets academy. No horse explosions here.
Int: What did you think of the School?
AA: We thought it was neat.
VA: Yeah. They had some cool cars. They let me drive the Rolls-Royce, even though I didn't have a license.
AA: The house was really big, but they didn't let us see inside. Not until dinner.
Int: Did you have any misgivings?
VA: Yeah. David was creeping us out. Kept staring at Angel.
AA: No kidding. I think he tried to get inside my head. I'm resistant, but not as resistant as Vance.
Int: What about the other students?
VA: Guthrie was quiet, but Psyche really started to get to us after a while. She just kept saying over and over and over how much she liked it there.
*Weird that Vance knew to call her Psyche when that was Doug's name for Dani. The au still sticks out like this because Dani hated being at the school for a good period of time. More Xavier mind fuckery.
AA: You didn't have to be psi to see that she was scared.
VA: Terrified.
Int: What about Doug Ramsey?
AA: Doug was cute. He was smart.
VA: I could tell that Ramsey couldn't figure it out, but he was playing along, just like we were.
AA: Everything was OK until dinner.
*oh god.
Int: That was inside?
VA: Yeah, in this big huge room with an X painted on the wall.
AA: The room they found the throne in, or what would have been the upper part of it before they cut the floor out.
Int: Did you see the throne?
VA: No, it must have come later. They had wooden picnic tables for us but McCoy and Grey and Summers and Xavier were all sitting up in chairs on this kind of podium thing. There was one chair up there that was bigger than the others, but no-one was sitting in it. That was the nearest thing to thrones we saw.
This image kind of reminds me of the table setup for the dining hall in the Harry Potter movies...i'm not sure if this is deliberate or not.
AA: I didn't like it because they didn't say grace.
(*Vance: The room was full of these chairs and it seemed so terrible and weird.
*Angelica: But we didn't give our due respect to our lord, Jesus!)
VA: They gave us this weird vegetarian stuff, but we couldn't eat it right away. They made us do this chant thing, it just went on for ages.
*that wasn't vegetarian, Vance.
Int: A chant.
AA: The dream, the dream, the dream, over and over and over again. Kind of hypnotic, like those Krishna people at the airport.
VA: It was weird as anything. We were doing this for maybe ten minutes, maybe twenty, when Angel bolts.
AA: I had to get out. I knew if I was there a moment longer that they'd have me. I just knew it. I heard a voice in my head that said Go and I went.
*David saved Them.
Int: Do you think one of them made you go?
AA: Xavier wanted us there, so it couldn't have been him. I like to think it was Mary.
Int: Mary?
AA: Mother of God.
[Doug & Marie-Ange Ramsey]
DR: All that time out in the grounds, I kept feeling like someone was trying to get into my head. David kept trying to get me away, like he wanted to say something to me, but they never left us alone for a moment.
Int: What do you think he wanted?
DR: Don't know. It was weird. At first, he was creeping me out as much as the Russian guy and Logan. He kept staring at Angelica. I mean, she was pretty hot back then and I think Vance and I were staring too, but I didn't like the way David was staring and neither did Vance. As they took us past the lake, David suddenly got spooked and then looked more and more terrified for the rest of the time we were there.
*There were bodies in the lake sometime during the eighties and David knew about it. No sign of Bobby. So bobby's already there.
Int: How did it come to an end?
DR: We were at dinner and they were serving some kind of homegrown tempeh or sausage that really looked ugly. They had us doing this weird chant, The Dream, The Dream, over and over again. I got bored pretty quick, but when I looked up Logan stared at me and I put my head down pretty quick. I kind of looked at David out of the corner of my eye, and I saw he wanted to say something to me. He kind of mouthed something, maybe good-bye, then all of sudden Angelica takes off like a rocket and Pow! right through the roof. Then Vance grabbed me and flew off through the hole in the roof she made.
*person meat.
** David took control of Angelica to get her out of there.
Int: Did they pursue?
DR: No idea. I didn't even know that Vance and Angie were mutants, let alone that they could fly. I'm kind of afraid of heights. I'd heard my dad say once or twice that something scared the crap out of him, usually when he was talking about that maniac from California that the Republicans put up for president that year, but I never connected it with real life. I kind of passed out.
*Ronald Reagan.
Int: What did you do when you woke up?
DR: Wished I had a second change of pants.
MAR: Douglas.
DR: No, I was freaking, Angelica was freaking, but Vance still had his head on. My house was the nearest, so they flew me there. They left me outside in a park around the corner, then flew off to get the police. When I got to my house, I went around the back because I was embarrassed. I looked in the kitchen window as I went past the side and I saw my Mom and Dad there, just sitting, not moving. Like dummies. He'd gotten to them.
*Scares the living fuck out of me.
Int: Xavier?
DR: I stood there watching for five minutes and they didn't move. Then the phone rings and my Dad picks up like he's a robot. I ran. I'd seen the original version of The Body Snatchers the week before going, and I just ran. I saw a cop car, and I knew it was looking for me. It probably wasn't, but I was freaking. I washed my clothes out in a stream, then went to sleep in a culvert. I almost froze.
Int: Why did you decide to go to Emma Frost?
DR: Her school was in the paper all the time. You remember, all those mutant freak show stories? I knew she was a psi, she was the only one I knew of. I hitched there. I stood at the side of the highway outside Brewster and a trucker picked me up. Drove me right to the Academy.
Int: Why did he do that?
DR: At the time I didn't know, but now I think he wanted my ass. He kept licking his lips and going on and on about Jesus and Leviticus and what was forbidden. I just kind of climbed up the side of the door on my side and sat as far from him as I could. It was almost as bad as being at Xavier's.
*almost reminds me of the truck driver from the Coyote Gospel portion of Grant Morrison's Animal Man.
Int: But nothing happened.
DR: Thank God, no. He just told me to believe in God and dropped me outside the gate. I ran in and started asking where I could find Emma Frost. I was kind of upset.
Int: How did you know that Frost wasn't manipulating you?
DR: She always used to tell us that underneath it all, we're still animals, with animal senses that tell us things that reason won't. When I was at Xavier's school, I had an urge to run, the whole time I was there. When I saw Emma, I threw myself at her. I knew that she would save me, just knew it. She's a very special woman, but then she was even more special. Even if she hadn't been a psi, I would have known, just known, that she would do anything to save me, or anyone else in danger. She brought light into everything that she touched.
MAR: I am glad the bastard is dead. He as good as killed her.
Int: Killed her.
DR: I suppose it's selfish to think about it this way, but Xavier put out her light. She's still a remarkable woman and a very close friend.
*I know that she isn't really a cult leader as she is later made out to be, but the way that Doug and Marie are speaking of her feels very reverential. Almost like they're talking about a saint or a goddess.
MAR: She had so much to give, and he made it impossible for her to give any more. Took her money, destroyed the Academy, ensured that her name would be blackened forever.
Int: But this was after your second visit to the School.
DR: Yes.
Int: What happened after you were taken in by the Academy?
DR: She set me up at the Academy and then she flew to Brewster in her private helicopter and broke Xavier's hold on my parents. She brought them here and put in blocks that would keep any long-distance attack by Xavier out. She saved our lives.
*almost a full reversal of what happened to Doug when he became a new mutant.
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polymousecoco · 2 years
I thought I was getting ghosted by the girl I was casually dating, but...
February 3, 2022
[[Note: This was saved in my drafts and I felt compelled to post it because I wanted to share all aspect of my journey in polyamory, even if they're all over the place]]
I was on TikTok the other day and I couldn't stop laughing at this particular one: https://www.tiktok.com/@ricstevens/video/7050073923563572482 [Description: Caption: "Dating as a 24 old in 2021 be like" Person is holding their phone and reads out loud, "Read 3 hours ago." The person then throws their phone. They get their teddy bear and softly pet it, then say, "Fuck you man, I don't care if you ever message me again... bitch." A couple seconds pass by and you hear their phone's notification sound go off. The person immediately grabs their phone and scrolls through saying, "Fucking love of my life, what's up? What's up?" ]
I think I was laughing because I found it super relatable. I had set up a third date with the girl that I was "casually dating" (let's call her Angel), but she had cancelled on me at the last minute. I tried to take the cancellation at face value because she said she'd "make it up to me," but of course, I'm human and after not hearing from her for 3 weeks I thought that I had done something wrong and that she was no longer interested in me.
At that point, I started going on dating apps again because I didn't want to get stuck on Angel if she really decided to ghost me. But as I had started swiping and trying to converse with potential dates, I got frustrated because I kept thinking about Angel and how much I wanted to see her again and I kept comparing my interactions to these other potential dates with my previous interactions with Angel. And that's when I realized that I *caught feelings* for her and that I also don't know what the definition of casual dating is even if somebody wrote it on a brick and threw it in my face because I don't just casually date people. I court the fuck out of them.
ANYWAY, so I'm frustrated with dating apps because swiping on people, matching with them, and having empty conversations can't fill the void you feel when you've made a genuine connection with another person who decides they don't want to contact you any more. Fine, that's cool. So let me just grieve my short lived romance with this person I thought was going to be a potential lover. Cool cool cool.
BUT THEN, my phone dings and it's Angel. She texted me again. And she said,
Hi cutie!!! Sorry I've been super busy lately. I hope you've been doing great and that school is going well have a good night!
So of course I'm over the moon and just excited to hear back from her and I forget all my angsty thoughts that I had in the past 3 weeks because none of them are true! She's still interested in me, she was just busy!
My dumb flirtatious ass decided to respond back by saying,
Good morning pretty lady! Thanks for the lovely text - I hope you've been doing super well! Sorry you've been busy lately, but let me know when you're available to "make it up to me" 😚 Happy Friday! In all seriousness though, I'm joking about the "making it up to me" (unless...) 👀😏 But I'm really happy to hear from you School is starting to make me busier but I've been managing to stay afloat
And Angel responds,
I'd love to make it up to you actually... in all seriousness. 😏 I miss you and want to give you a kiss. I love your lips :) hope you had a great day. I am busy these 2 weeks unfortunately BUT if something clears can I message you? If not, wait for me until then 🖤
So here I am, immediately getting off the dating apps because Angel gave me hope again lol And honestly, I ain't even mad. I'm just allowing myself to ride this wave of queer flirting because I'm enjoying myself.
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sofiapagen-archive · 1 year
Blog 3.14.23
It's nuts to believe that it was almost 2 years ago that I had to sever a relationship with someone I deeply respected, and drew two pieces reflecting that event.
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Due a myriad of other issues, in November of that same year that I started to go to therapy and really dedicate myself to the one project that matters most: myself. BLOGGING BELOW~~
One could call it cringy, embarrassing, to create and post things like this image below. I captioned it "Uhhhh 5 min doodle. :) I am a beam of unstoppable light". I said it and I tried my best to mean it, but I knew I was trying so hard to undo, well, all the 25+ years of trauma and non-productive lines of thinking. I still felt shame. But I published it anyway.
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So embarrassing! Right? Horrible paper, horrible picture. 0 notes. WHICH BY THE WAY, this number doesn't show how many people Saw this image, only how many people chose to interact with it (this is why I much prefer Youtube for statistics). These numbers used to crush my heart. But in this case, it was SUCH A RELIEF! Somehow we think these numbers reflect our worth. I tested the waters so many times to see if I could rely on my art for income. And of course, I couldn't. Even when I ventured into making NSFW art, I knew our current economic system isn't a fair field, and I'd be sacrificing a very important skill just to survive. Like using a crystal needle to thread barbed wire.
If you have thought to yourself "why can't I art?? Everyone arts!!! all the time!!! art, art, art, everything around me is art!", then that's when I suggest that you take a step back and see what else in your life needs taking care of besides what you are making and publishing online. Take your time. Maslow's hierarchy of needs and all that.
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I couldn't rely on Art to improve on my financial needs, so I applied for a full-time job that could cover that. Everything is a work in progress, but aspects need a sturdy enough foundation to allow for the next step to flourish. So like I said, take your time. It takes courage to let goals go for a while and prioritize others. It takes trust, and faith. I for one play the long game. Good luck to you, so you can as well.
PS: one can witness the growth I've gone through from looking at my vent art illustrations; they have more and more explicitly communicated to the viewer what my thoughts and ideas are. 👀
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2012 ☝️ Wanted to play cool as if moving to America totally wasn't super difficult.
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2017 ☝️ Hiding the fact I felt conscious about my age
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2020 ☝️ I thought if I made this thought pretty, I wouldn't be judged
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2021 ☝️ I couldn't bring myself to finish this, and also censored the things I wanted to say.
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2023 ☝️ Pretty badass, you have got to admit. 😎
That's it, thanks for reading!
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