#I thought this was crack I thought we were just having a good time
peachesofteal · 2 days
Through Me (The Flood) - secret baby fic Simon Riley / female reader - warnings: discussion of past abuse, Simon’s trauma Request: take your baby to work day
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You're wide eyed at the front door.
"You sure you guys will be alright?" Your voice is clear, but your hand trembles on the door handle, bottom lip tugged across your teeth.
"We'll be okay sweetheart. But if you're uncomfortable, or it's too much, you should take him-"
"No, no. I'm fine. You're not supposed to bring the baby to OB appointments anyway. It's frowned upon." You roll your eyes, tipping up to kiss Ry on the cheek. "Just... don't let anyone breathe on him, or kiss him, okay? His immune system is still fragile compared to ours. I packed you like, three bottles so hopefully he'll take them if he gets hungry. Text me if-"
"Mama." He holds Orion in one arm, and grabs your hand with the other. You're frightened, and stressed, and he's driven to comfort you, the need to soothe you throbbing across his skull. "I've got this. We'll be just fine. Text me when you're done. Get yourself a tea or something afterwards, alright? Everything is going to be okay." You nod.
"Right, of course. You're... you're right. And you're going to a military base, I doubt there's a safer place around."
"C'mere." He tugs you into his side, and you wrap your arms around his stomach, nestling in opposite Orion. "I need you to do something f'me."
"I need you to swear to me you'll tell your doctor about the dizzy spells." There's been a reminder card about your twelve week postpartum appointment on the fridge for two weeks now, and after you finally confessed you have been getting dizzy since Orion was born, and one time had even fallen, he decided to skip several steps by making the appointment for you. You were... not pleased, but he made it very clear, he's not playing a game with your health. He's planning his battles strategically now, putting pieces in play slowly, working towards his larger goal, but this was something he refused to compromise on.
"Okay." You whisper, burying your face in his chest. "I will." He lands a kiss to the top of your head.
"We'll see you soon. It'll be over before you know it, and maybe we can get a takeaway for dinner?" Your lips crack into a toothy smile.
"Sounds good to me."
"Alright, lad. Let's go see daddy's team." Orion stares at him, brown eyes curious, and watchful. He’s still not used to it, this feeling. This life, with you and his baby. Everyday, he has to stop to ground himself, anchor himself. Break from the cycle of a downward spiral, obsessive thoughts playing with his mind, counting down the million and one ways he could lose you, or fail you, or both. He’s careful, he’s diligent, he’s in control. He’d never make a mistake like he did before, the error of judgement that cost him his mother, his brother and his family-
But the incessant fear never ceases.
Fortunately, his anchor now is you. You, when you let him carry you to bed, when you watch him rock Orion to sleep as you stand in the doorway, you who curls up next to him on the couch now, fingers curled into his shirt like you’re afraid he might disappear. Your touch heals. Your words comfort. He can't fathom a future without you, or Ry, now.
If he thinks back on it, he wonders if he knew all along. If all the things he felt the night he met really meant forever, just like he had wished. A fantasy turned reality-
to have and to hold.
His stomach turns, wondering if his father ever felt this, if he ever loved, or if he was always just a monster, the ouroboros of victim turned abuser, the man who terrorized his mother, his brother and himself, long past the time Simon finally tore him to pieces, cracked his ribs, beat him into the ground.
Tommy broke the cycle, and from the moment he laid eyes on his son he knew.... he would too.
Price's secretary looks like she's seen an actual ghost. "Hey, Lindsey. Is he in?" She's staring, flicking back and forth to Orion and then up to his face, mouth slightly agape.
"Y-yeah he's..." she points over her shoulder at his closed door. "Lieutenant, did you... is that... is that your baby?" He nods, mouth curving into a proud smile, stepping close enough so she can get a good look at him. She almost jerks back, clearly not used to being so close to him. He's been here and there, off and on base all week catching up on a backlog of reports, but hasn't said a word to anyone, and he keeps everyone on base at arm's length except the 141.
"It is." Her shocked expression melts, hesitantly reaching her pointer finger towards Ry, allowing him to wrap it up in his chubby little fist. "This is Orion." She smiles at him, and then the baby, kindly.
"He's beautiful." She excuses herself when the phone rings, and he settles the tension burning between his shoulder blades. He didn't mentally prepare for this moment, didn't believe he had to. The expectation of Price's acceptance was assumed but now, his trepidation is a surprise.
He told his captain he needed to take leave for something really important, but never said for what. All he told him is that he'd loop him in soon, and that he was sorry he wouldn't be available for the next op. If John was curious, he didn't let him know, didn't push him for more info, didn't pester him. He just sent the forms to Simon's email to be filled out with a postscript:
Looking forward to hearing what this is all about.
And when Simon crosses the threshold of his office, baby in one arm, backpack stuffed with nappies and bottles in the other-
John Price laughs.
It's not the huff of a chuckle that Kate usually gets out of him, or the rolling guffaw that he gives the guys sometimes when he's particularly amused.
No, this is different. It starts in his belly and then rolls upwards, all the way until his shoulders are shaking and he's wiping his eyes.
Simon scowls, and John holds both his hands up, palms out. Surrender. "This is a good enough reason as any to take a chunk of all that leave saved up." He stands, stepping around to get a closer look. "What's his name then?"
"Orion." John nods thoughtfully. The backs of his fingers brush along the baby's arm, gently, slowly, a flicker of longing, of sadness, arcing across his face before it dissipates.
"The giant hunter Zeus banished to the skies." Organized stacks of paper sit in neat little piles on top of John's desk, authorizations he'd know anywhere. They're moving out. "Where's his mum?"
"At a doctor's appointment." Orion gurgles, and Simon pats his back, bouncing him slowly from side to side.
"You with her?" The answer is immediate.
"Gonna marry her." John's eyes fill with mirth.
"But she doesn't know that yet, does she."
"No," Simon sighs, "but she will. 'ts why I needed the leave. Besides," he motions to the infant tucked in his arm, "this, helping take care of him, taking care of her, I need to get them moved to a secure location. She's in a second level flat right now, with street facing windows. It's makin' my skin itch." Price will get it, Simon knows he will understand. He has his own secret at home, tucked away in a house only Simon and Laswell know about, just in case.
"Take it slow, don't want to spook her. Although I can't imagine she's too skittish if she took you to bed." He smirks. "You've got the time you requested. Had to call in a substitute for this one, but we'll need you on the next."
"How long?"
"Five weeks, maybe more. I'll ring when we're back on base." Five weeks. The clock is ticking, a bomb waiting to detonate, a guillotine waiting to sever his time with his family, his duty dragging him away.
"Alright." He concedes. Cross that bridge when he comes to it.
If Price sees his reluctance, he doesn't comment on it. "Bird'll be here in six hours. Boys are in the rec room, if you want to see 'em." Simon nods, shifting the baby in his arms as he heads towards the door. "And Simon," he turns, locking eyes with his captain, raw emotion plain on both their faces. Price gives him a genuine smile. "Congratulations. You're going to be a great father."
There's a lump in his throat as he crosses the campus to the rec room, his nose dipping across Ry's head, breathing him in as deep as he can behind the black cloth mask. "He's gonna be your godfather, little man. We just have to get Mama to agree, don't we?" He tugs the building's door open, ignoring the streams of chatter suddenly grinding to a halt in the hallway. Once he makes it to the rec room and sees that no one else is inside, just Johnny and Gaz battling it out in an intense game of pool, he slips the mask off his face and locks the door.
Soap is the first one to see him. "Steeeamin' jesus, LT is that a bairn!?" Kyle chokes on his water.
"Is that your baby, Riley?" They both scramble forward, Johnny whistling in disbelief.
"Aye, he's got to be. Look at the size of 'im."
"Johnny." Simon gives him the 'settle down' look, but the Sergeant only grins impishly.
"He's hers, innit he?" Gaz reaches, and Orion watches him with interest. "The girl from the bar. The one who lives close to me." Johnny's eyes go wider than globes.
"Ach Ghost, ye been busy wit' that boa-"
"Johnny." He hisses, and Kyle barks a laugh, reaching. Simon doesn't balk about handing Orion over, even though you were cautious about letting other people be around him. This is his team. He trusts them implicitly.
"He's a heavy lad, isn't he?" Kyle bounces him back and forth, all the while Ry stares at him with his head tipped back, mesmerized. "Looks jus' like you."
"Maybe a wee bit more handsome." Johnny's leaning around Kyle, his hand on Ry's back. They're mooning over him, two decorated, strategically brilliant sergeants, cooing at a baby like a bunch of sooks, as Johnny would say.
His phone vibrates in his pocket, a text from you letting him know you're finished, and heading home.
>Has he eaten?
>No, hasn't seem interested.
>Thank god.
Knowing you're probably in pain makes him antsy to get back, and he glances at the guys. "You movin' out in a few hours?"
"Aye, lookin' for some sort of stolen intelligence. Shouldnae be too long. Got a rent-a-Lieutenant and everythin'. Ye'll be back for the next?"
"I will. Stay frosty out there. I expect you all back in one piece."
He triple checks the carseat, testing the straps and the strength of the seatbelt before finally deciding it's secure enough, for the hundredth time today. He takes one last look, and presses a kiss to Orion's head. "Ready, bub? Let's go home and see mama."
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its-avalon-08 · 1 day
what are we even fighting for? (cs55)
✦ pairing - carlos sainz x female!reader
✦ genre - angst, fluffy ending
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The air in the flat hung heavy, thick with the unspoken words of a fight that had fizzled out hours ago. Y/N sat on the couch, meticulously folding laundry, each crease a testament to the storm raging inside her. Carlos emerged from the bedroom, a shadow of his usual energetic self.
"Going for a run?" Y/N asked, her voice clipped. It wasn't a question, more a confirmation of the escape route he usually took during their arguments.
"Yeah," Carlos mumbled, avoiding eye contact. He grabbed his trainers, the familiar routine a stark contrast to the turmoil within.
"Great," Y/N said, the single word dripping with sarcasm. Carlos flinched, his shoulders slumping further. He paused at the doorway, finally looking at her.
"Y/N, do we really have to do this?"
"Do what?" she challenged, her gaze hardening.
"This," he said, gesturing vaguely between them. "The constant fighting, the silence."
"Maybe if you hadn't—" Y/N started, but Carlos cut her off.
"Here we go again," he sighed. "It's always my fault, isn't it?"
"No, it's not," Y/N snapped, her voice cracking with unshed tears. "It's just... everything feels so different lately."
They were at an impasse. Every conversation, every attempt to bridge the gap, ended in a fresh volley of accusations and hurt. The silence, once comfortable, now screamed with unspoken resentments.
Carlos ran. He pounded the pavement, his frustration mingling with the rhythmic thud of his feet. When he returned, showered, and hesitantly entered the living room, Y/N was gone. He found her in the bedroom, surrounded by open suitcases.
"What are you doing?" he asked, dread pooling in his stomach.
"Packing," she said, her voice flat. "Maybe a change of scenery will do us both some good."
Carlos's heart hammered against his ribs. "A change? Or a break?"
Y/N stopped folding, her shoulders slumping. Tears welled up in her eyes, spilling over like a dam finally breached.
"I don't know, Carlos," she choked out. "Maybe... maybe this whole thing was a mistake."
The words landed like a physical blow. Carlos stared at her, the color draining from his face. A mistake? All the laughter, the late-night talks, the shared dreams - were they all meaningless to her?
He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. The fight had drained him, leaving him numb and speechless. With a defeated sigh, he turned and walked out, the click of the guest room door echoing the hollowness in his chest.
The roar of the engines at the Monaco Grand Prix was a dull thrum in Y/N's ears. She stood stiffly at the pit wall, a knot of dread tightening in her stomach. It was race weekend, a time that usually buzzed with shared adrenaline and nervous excitement. Now, the atmosphere felt sterile, devoid of their usual pre-race ritual.
Carlos emerged from the garage, his helmet tucked under his arm. He scanned the crowd, his gaze finally landing on her. Their eyes locked, and for a horrifying moment, Y/N thought he wouldn't do it. He wouldn't come to her. A fresh wave of tears welled up, blurring her vision.
"Y/N," his voice was a croak, barely audible over the din. He hesitated, then began walking towards the starting grid, his shoulders slumped in defeat.
Tears spilled over, tracing hot tracks on her cheeks. It was over. All the fights, the resentful silences, had finally driven them apart. A strangled sob escaped her lips.
Just then, the commentator's voice boomed over the loudspeaker, snapping her attention back to the track. "And Sainz is rushing into the paddock! What is he doing?!?"
Y/N's head whipped towards the pit lane, heart pounding in her chest. Through a haze of tears, she saw Carlos sprint past the mechanics, his face etched with determination. He tore through the crowd, his eyes fixed on her.
He skidded to a halt in front of her, his chest heaving. Before she could react, he cupped her face in his calloused hands and pulled her into a desperate kiss. The roar of the crowd faded into the background, replaced by the frantic drumming of their hearts.
When they finally broke apart, both breathless, Carlos looked at her, his eyes raw with emotion. "Y/N, I messed up," he rasped. "That was never supposed to happen. This… this whole thing, us… it can't end like this."
"Carlos," she whispered, her voice thick with tears. "Can we fix it?"
He held her gaze, his voice firm. "I promise. We'll fix it. Whatever it takes." He squeezed her hand, the familiar spark of warmth a lifeline thrown across the chasm that had grown between them. "Now, I have a qualifying to win."
Y/N wiped her tears, a flicker of hope rekindled in her eyes. "Go get 'em, champ," she said, her voice hoarse but determined. "And remember, we're in this together."
Carlos offered a shaky smile, the ghost of his old grin. With one last, lingering kiss, he turned and sprinted back towards the grid, leaving Y/N with a renewed sense of possibility. The roar of the engines no longer sounded like a dirge, but a challenge, a call to face their problems head-on, just like they faced every race.
The qualifying session concluded with Carlos securing a decent starting position. Relief, however, battled with anxiety as he rushed back to the drivers' room. Y/N stood by the window, her back to him. He took a deep breath, the image of her tearful eyes fueling his determination.
"Y/N," he called out gently, his voice raspy.
She spun around, her face etched with a mixture of worry and hope. As their eyes met, the dam broke. Tears welled up anew, spilling down her cheeks. Carlos hurried towards her, his arms outstretched.
"Carlos," she choked out, rushing into his embrace. They clung to each other, the roar of the track a distant echo compared to the storm of emotions within them. Tears soaked their shirts, silent apologies mingling with the salty sting.
"I'm so sorry," Y/N whispered, her voice muffled against his chest. "We haven't been communicating, and I shouldn't have said what I did back in the flat."
Carlos held her tighter, the tension in his shoulders easing. "Me too, cariño," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "I've been so focused on the championship that I forgot what truly matters. You matter, Y/N. We need to talk, to listen to each other."
He pulled back slightly, cupping her face in his hands. Their eyes locked, a silent understanding passing between them.
"We can fix this," he murmured, his thumb brushing away a tear. "We just need to try."
Y/N nodded, a small smile trembling on her lips. "I know. I just… I got scared, Carlos. Scared of losing you."
He leaned in, placing a tender kiss on her forehead. "You won't lose me," he promised, his voice firm. "Not if you don't want to."
His lips grazed hers, a question lingering in the air. Y/N met him halfway, the kiss a rekindled flame, burning away the hurt and doubt. It was a kiss filled with a newfound appreciation for each other, a promise to rebuild their trust and communication.
Pulling back, foreheads resting against each other, a comfortable silence settled between them. The weight of unspoken words had lifted, replaced by a fragile hope for the future. They knew the road wouldn't be easy, but with each other, they were ready to face whatever came their way. The roar of the engines seemed less daunting now, replaced by the steady beat of two hearts determined to race together.
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uzurakis · 3 days
coming to terms with gojo satoru. well, it’s not like you can escape from him, no?
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you slammed the bedroom door behind you as you barged in. feeling angry tears rise up in your eyes, you leaned against the door and tried to catch your breath. moments later, you hear a soft knock on the door. “hey, love, can we talk?” gojo’s voice is muffled but gentle.
no way, you say in your head. a little space won’t hurt for a while, right? “go away, satoru,” you snapped.
“aw, come on, don’t be like that,” he says, a teasing lilt in his voice. “i didn’t mean to upset you. i just love seeing you all riled up. it’s cute.”
“well, it’s not cute to me,” you retort, voice cracking slightly. “do you know how it feels to watch you ‘jokingly’ flirt with other women all the time?”
there’s a brief silence before gojo responds, sounding more serious. “i didn’t realize it hurt you that much. i just thought… i don’t know, it was harmless fun.”
“harmless fun?” you repeat, incredulous. “it doesn’t feel harmless to me, satoru. it feels like you don’t respect me or even our relationship.”
you hear a sigh from the other side of the door. “i’m really sorry, love. i never wanted to make you feel that way. i guess i just have a weird way of showing my affection.”
“oh, you think?” you say, a hint of sarcasm in your voice.
“open the door, love, pweasee,” gojo pleads, his tone lightening. “let me make it up to you. i promise, pinky promise. no more flirting with other women. just you and me, you hear me from behind there?”
you hesitate for a moment, then slowly unlock the door and open it. gojo is standing there, a mischievous smile on his face. his tall frame fills the doorway, and you have to tilt your head up slightly to meet his cerulean eyes. “hey,” he says softly.
“hey,” you reply, still feeling a bit hurt but willing to hear him out.
he steps closer, winking playfully. “you know, i never thought i’d see the day where you’d lock me out. do i really look that good when i’m flirting?”
“stop it,” you grumble, though the corner of your lips betrays a small smile. “stop making insufferable jokes, satoru.”
“i know, i know,” he says, holding up his hands in pretend surrender. “but you have to admit, it’s kind of fun seeing you all fired up. your jealous face is just so… cute.”
“not helping,” you warn, though your voice has softened.
he leans in, his breath warm against your ear. “you know i only have eyes for you, right? those other women don’t even come close to what we have.”
you sigh, leaning into his touch despite yourself. “you really need to find a better way to show your affection.”
“how about i start with this?” he pulls you into a hug, his arms wrapping around you securely. “i’m all yours, no flirting, i promise.”
“hmm,” you ponder, feeling the tension begin to melt away. “just… don’t do it again, alright?”
“scout’s honor,” he says, holding up three fingers in a mock salute, then immediately winking. gojo’s usual playful self shining through. “you were never a scout, satoru,” you say, finally smiling.
“details, details,” he dismisses, pulling you closer. “but seriously, i’m all yours.”
you wrap your arms around him, feeling the warmth and comfort you craved. “all mine,” you repeat softly, burying your face in his chest. “just remember that or i’ll seriously kill you.”
“always,” he murmurs into your hair. “and just for the record, i’m the luckiest guy in the world to have you.”
“flattery will get you everywhere, gojo satoru.” you tease back.
“good to know,” he laughs, giving you a gentle squeeze. “because i’m never letting you go.”
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bunnliix · 7 hours
When Eight Becomes Nine - Chapter Three
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Chapter three has arrived! And we have some time with Mingi and Hongjoong in the studio!
Pairing: Ateez x 9th member!reader Summary: Studio time with Mingi and Hongjoong, is interesting, plus a surprise appearance from another member of Ateez! wc: 1.7k AU: a/b/o Genre: Fluff/Angst Nets: @newworldnet warnings: Angry Joongie and Mingi, yelling, delusional people, anxiety because of said yelling, Hongjoong isn't having any of it masterlist
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They all entered the room, finding Mingi sitting in one of the two chairs pulled up to the desk. He waved at them all as the group walked in, y/n being the last to enter. Hongjoong shut the door after she had entered, blocking the staff member from entering. He moved quickly to sit back down in the other empty chair, looking very closely at every one of, as he called it, the lucky group that managed to make it this far. The reactions varied, a couple of the alphas tried to intimidate him right back, though most understood it was better to have as minimal of a reaction as possible.
“You’re here so we can evaluate your vocal abilities. If you don’t bring your best, don’t think you’ll be getting close to the chance at becoming the ninth member of Ateez.” Hongjoong told them, his voice still gruff and unhappy. It made y/n shrink into herself slightly, though she tried to hide her reaction, not wanting this to be perceived by either alpha.
Hongjoong quickly picked one of the alphas to head into the recording booth, as he had already placed the lyrics sheet for the song they’d all be using to test their abilities inside. Allowing a few minutes for the first alpha to warm up, Hongjoong then launched right into testing their vocal range and abilities. It seemed despite their outward confidence, neither idol was impressed by how the alpha was doing inside the booth. Y/n wasn’t sure if it was them being nervous, or if they truly weren’t able to sustain any of the notes, since their voice cracked multiple times during just one run through of Wonderland. She could see that as they continued to try, the two men just became more and more frustrated with their inability to get through the song without any flaws.
“Okay, I think it’s time for you to take a break.” Hongjoong told them, instructing them to come back out of the booth, and sending one of the betas in.
Hongjoong sent the next auditionee inside, hoping that they would be better than the first one. They were better, but they definitely needed more vocal training if they were going to be able to be a part of Ateez. And more stamina, since they seemed to tire easily. He exchanged a glance with Mingi, and could see that the younger man's thoughts were similar to his own.
This was how it went for most of the group, though there were a good few that were amazing vocally, though he wasn’t sure of how they did dance wise, but vocally they would fit the group, and had the ability to hit every single note. That was until they reached one of the last to head in. It was clear from the moment that this alpha walked into the room, that she exuded an air of superiority and arrogance, her confidence was falsely inflated.
She entered the recording booth, and quickly situated herself. “I’m ready.” She told the two men.
Mingi looked over at Hongjoong, but the captain just proceeded to turn on Wonderland, as it was one of the more difficult songs, and after this all not going to plan for the most part, plus his anger at the company being directed in the wrong direction, he wanted to really test out this alpha’s actual skills. He had a hunch that the confidence wasn’t backed by actual skills and not to be stereotypical, but she seemed like a ‘daddy’s money buys everything’ kind of girl.
Hongjoong, as he was most of the time, was correct. She was even worse than the others had been. He was honestly clueless how she even got to this point, other than the thought that daddy dearest paid off whoever was choosing the group that would get to come here. Because while the others had some form of talent, she could barely hold a note, and was almost tone-deaf. He hoped that anyone who had heard her sing was compensated heavily for the damage it caused to their ears. How no one had told her she shouldn’t sing, was beyond him.
“Okay. Stop.” Hongjoong told her, but she continued to sing, intent on finishing the song, and also butchering Jongho’s high note, since that was the next part of the song.
“Stop. It.” He told her again, when she was clearly ignoring him.
“Yah! Hyung told you to stop!” Mingi half shouted into the microphone, shutting off the song so she could no longer hear it.
“I was just about to get to the best part and nail it! Why did you stop!?” She said, and Hongjoong was in disbelief at how she thought she’d nail their maknae’s part when she could barely nail any other part of the song. Though, she clearly was delusional anyways, so it probably was par for the course.
“You have no talent. You would have butchered Jongho’s amazing high note, not nail it.” He was blunt with her, having no patience to sugar coat it. Honestly, did no one actually vet the auditionees before bringing them here? Like the fuck?
She stormed out of the booth, coming chest to chest with Hongjoong as he stood up. Mingi stood up as well, the tall alpha coming to stand behind his pack alpha. He knew his pack alpha was more than capable of defending himself, but he would never hesitate to provide backup.
“You’re obviously wrong, everyone in my life has told me that I am the best singer they’ve heard. You should just get your ears checked.” The female alpha told Hongjoong, and the anger that immediately rolled off of the two idols was felt by everyone else in the room, and y/n who had already been slightly on edge because of Hongjoong’s tone the entire time, was worried that a fight would break out. But she also knew better than to step in to try and break things up. It wouldn’t end well for anyone if she did.
All of the eyes in the room were on the two alphas, and no one dared to speak as they didn’t want two angry alphas at their throat.
“I don’t know who you bribed to get here, or how you are delusional enough to think you are even the slightest bit talented vocally, but you are not. You can leave now. I don’t work with untalented people, and that includes you.”
“Excuse me?” The alpha replied, “Fine. If you don’t want me, then I’ll go to JYP, or SM, or HYBE. They’ll be begging for someone as talented as me to join their companies.” The confidence in her voice was staggering. Y/n couldn’t believe how much she believed in her non-existent talent, but she wished that she could be that delusional. Multiple of the other auditionees had the same thought, they couldn’t believe what they were hearing.
“I’d love to see that. But somehow, I think daddy would be the one paying your way into the smallest companies possible. Besides, I never wanted a new member, none of us did. So if you think you, any of you, are going to just come in and take the spot of a ninth member, you can think again. I want you all gone.” Hongjoong spat, looking at the rest of them halfway through his words.
“Hongjoong-” “Mingi, shut up. You can’t say you had the same reaction to learning about this yesterday. None of us want any of you here, and honestly, you can all go ahead and leave.” The captain finished, anger clear on his face.
“I think it might be best for you all to leave now. I’ll let the staff know we’re done here for today.” Mingi told all of them, trying to lessen the blow that Hongjoong had just delivered.
Y/n was the first to leave, needing to get out of the environment, and that kicked everyone else into motion as well, leaving the two alphas with the delusional alpha in the room. That was until they watched security enter the room and drag her out. No one said a word as they watched her be dragged out while yelling some phrases that even Draco Malfoy wouldn’t dare to say.
They all stood there in the hallway outside of the studio, waiting to see if any of the staff members would show up. Someone did show up, just not who they expected.
“Why are you all waiting out here? Did Hongjoong not let you in?” Seonghwa questioned, looking concerned.
“We kind of got kicked out.” Aaron spoke up, being the one brave enough to do so.
“Why did he kick you out?” Seonghwa said, looking confused.
“He was unhappy, to put it simply.” Aaron replied, and the others, including y/n confirmed his words with nods.
This was when Seonghwa focused his attention on the others, and quickly realized that there was an omega within the group. He quickly moved to put himself in front of y/n, who shyly looked up at him, intimidated by the older omega.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you. What’s your name?” He asked her, to which she responded, introducing herself.
“Oh that’s such a cute name. I think you already know who I am, so it’s a little bit of a waste to introduce myself.” He said, smiling down at her. They weren’t that far apart in height, but he still had to look down at her, just a little bit.
“Oh!” He said, suddenly reminded of something, “You should meet Wooyoung. I’m sure you two are close in age, and that little troublemaker always complains about wanting more omega friends.” He told her.
He reached out and grabbed her hand, shocking y/n though Seonghwa doesn’t think much of it, and pulled her away from the group, back down the hall where he came from. “Come on, we’ll go see him now. Plus I’m sure you’ve had a tiring day, if Hongjoong got upset at all of you. So we can go see Wooyoung and introduce the two of you, and then you can relax while I will go and scold my pack alpha for being so aggressive to you and everyone else.”
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wonijinjin · 13 hours
drunk on love
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author's note: this is part of the 200 followers event, which is still open for anyone wanting to join!
synopsis: your boyfriend's drunk confession was full of surprises.
word count: 0.6k | genre: fluff, humour/crack | pairing: jun x gn! reader | warnings: mentions of being tipsy and drunk, alcohol
it was a late night and you were at the monthly meeting of the friends of your boyfriend, jun. it was a friendly gathering with their partners involved as well, since you guys were in a good relationship with them, and thought it would be fun to invite everyone. the mood was great, everyone was having fun and enjoying themselves and you really appreciated the time you had to chat and catch up with your friends.
„do you want another drink precious?” jun asked you excitedly with a big smile on his face upon arriving next to your chair, eyes scanning you in the meantime. “baby i think we both had enough to drink, not even talking about the boys. look at them, they are totally done!” you giggled while sharing a knowing look with one of girls in the room, who had been tending to a drunk hoshi for quite some time now. the boys hadn’t been each other for quite a while since they have busy private schedules, so naturally everyone stepped out of their comfort zones to spend the evening together, even woozi who usually doesn’t drink. “but i got your favourite!” jun answered with a puzzled expression, sulking immediately. your gaze followed his hands and saw nothing in them. “you don’t even have a drink in your hand junnie.” you patted his back symphatetically. “yeah, since i am your favourite, duh!” he slurred while pointing at himself. “well that is true my love. i guess i cannot resist my favourite, can i?” your words made him get his precious smile back instantly, reaching out to grab you and pull you into a hug. “i love you sooo much.” he whispered into your ear, nuzzling his head in the crook or your neck. “you smell so good, is that a new perfume?” he curiously asked while getting even closer. you adored his tipsy state; he was like a little cat craving attention and care every time without fail. “it is a new perfume indeed baby. thank you for noticing.” you kissed him softly while separating the two of you so you could look at him properly. “look baby i think it was enough for today. the boys are starting to pack up as well, see? joshua over there is already in his jacket, ready to leave, I can see his eyes droop it is hilarious to be honest. why don’t we call a taxi and go home now, hmm?” the surprised cat put his hand on your shoulder. “no! first i gotta tell you something really serious.” jun stated, making you pasue. “i think i am in love with you.” you burst out laughing after hearing him; it was nothing new; you expected something a little bit more serious. ”i know that, silly!” “no, you don’t understand! i want to marry you. i am serious. let’s get married right now actually!” he muttered while grabbing your face between his hands, squishing your cheeks in cute aggression. you were stunned; you didn’t expect him to continue his confession, and certainly not with this, but you went along with it. “tell me that when you are sober, baby.” you pecked his head “if you still think we should get married when you are sober i will not hesitate. i am curious if you will remember this by the morning though, you are in a pretty rough state.” you snickered, secretly happy that he saw a future with you just as much as you did with him. “hey i am not in a rough state! i am perfectly fine. you are the one for me.” he muttered more to himself than to you. “let’s get you home you big sulky cat.” you said while helping him pick up his things from the table. “by the way, I am in love with you too silly.”
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Pranksters Get Tickled
Summary: Yelena has gotten closer to Wanda and decides it is now a good time to play a prank on her. Wanda gets her revenge accordingly.
Note: Happy birthday @lillexx !! I hope you enjoy your day and enjoy this fic as well! I may or may not have used some of your worst spots :)
Word Count: 812
Wanda and Yelena started off not being very close to each other. Their mutual link was Natasha, but they never seemed to click that well. However, Natasha had helped the two of them bond better and now they were much closer. Closer to the point where Yelena found it acceptable to play pranks on the witch. 
Today was one of those days, as Yelena was setting up her prank. As someone as clumsy as herself, she hated how perfect Wanda was. She had never seen her trip or fall once unless she was in a battle. However, Yelena was the type to trip over her own shoelaces. This time would be different though. 
Yelena was setting up a very thin string across the floor of the entrance to the compound, as Wanda was out right now. Being very meticulous as Yelena was, she also set up a system where once the string was tripped upon, a bucket of flour from above would be dropped onto the person who was standing there.
Yelena had just put the finishing touches on the apparatus and quickly raced around the corner as she heard the door unlocking. Luckily for her, nobody else was out during that time, so she knew it had to be Wanda. 
Yelena ran to hide, but tried to hide in a non obvious place. Hiding in her room would be too easy to find, so she hid in Steve’s room.
Yelena kept the door open a crack so she could hear Wanda’s reaction. She heard the door close and then waited for the prank to play out. She heard Wanda gasp as she stumbled over the thin string, shouting as the flour poured down on her. Silence took over, as Wanda tried to process what had just happened. Yelena shut the door quietly and giggled softly to herself, careful to not be too loud.
Wanda quickly took off, looking for the person who was guilty of this prank. She wasn’t sure who had done it, but she had a list of suspects. First, she thought it may have been Peter, so she went off to look for him. However, her search was cut short as the suspect was revealed early.
Yelena hadn’t checked Steve’s room before entering and didn’t realize that Steve was using the attached bathroom to his room. To his surprise, he came out of the bathroom to see Yelena near the door.
“Zip it Captain Underpants, don’t say a word,” Yelena scolded him, looking for her chance to escape.
“Oh Wanda~ I think your culprit is in my room!” Steve called out, betraying Yelena for the nickname she gave him.
Yelena quickly tried to make a run for it, just as she ran right smack into Wanda.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Wanda questioned, still covered in some leftover flour. Yelena couldn’t help but giggle at her.
“You think this is funny? I’ll give you something to laugh about,” Wanda stated, grabbing the younger girl and bringing her to the living room, where she gently tossed the blonde onto the couch. Wanda sat on Yelena’s shins and began tickling her feet, making the blonde squeal with giggles.
“WAHAHANDA,” Yelena shouted.
“I’m not giving you any mercy,” Wanda said strictly, as the blonde began to giggle hysterically. Wanda then moved up and began to squeeze the blonde’s hips, making her gasp and shout with laughter.
“Bad spot?” Wanda asked with a teasing grin.
“Not until you apologize for the prank,” Wanda teased, as she now went to squeeze both of Yelena’s thighs at the same time, making her flop around in ticklish agony.
“OKAHAHAY SOHOHORRY AHAHAHA,” Yelena shouted, reaching up in desperation to tickle Wanda’s ribs.
The witch jumped back in surprise, as Yelena used this opportunity to turn the tables on her. 
“Don’t tickle me!” Wanda shouted, as Yelena dug into her ribs, making Wanda burst out laughing. 
“Not so powerful now huh?” Yelena asked, poking her ribs and spidering her fingers over her stomach.
“YELEHEHENA! STAHAHAHAP,” Wanda cried, as Yelena blew a raspberry on her stomach for good measure. 
“That’ll teach you,” Yelena said with a triumphant smirk.
“You’ll never win!” Wanda declared, tackling Yelena back down and tickling her until she couldn’t breathe.
“Say I win,” Wanda said, as Yelena fought off the witch as best as she could.
Yelena couldn’t handle the tickles anymore and quickly surrendered when her thighs were attacked again. 
“Are you gonna prank me again?” Wanda asked sternly.
“No,” Yelena said reluctantly, rolling her eyes playfully, as they both knew her next prank would probably be within the next 24 hours. 
“You should be flattered that I feel close enough to you to prank you,” Yelena said, as Wanda giggled in appreciation that the blonde now felt comfortable enough to be silly with her. 
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the-phantoms-kiss · 3 days
I am sorry
∘•···············•∘ʚ ♡ ɞ∘•················•∘
John Wick X Fem!Reader 𓍯𓂃 Angst • -1k Words
Maybe he was right all along…perhaps people like us don’t deserve to feel love, and yet, here I sit on the floor in the hallway to a house he rarely resides in, weeping as I pick up the last of my belongings. Maybe he was right… I’m the problem. It has to be me, I must be the problem, otherwise he wouldn’t be afraid of loving me. That’s got to be wrong though, that would insinuate that he loved me at all which isn’t true. I could never be loved.
“Don’t make this any harder than it has to be, just take your stuff and leave.” His voice was muffled from the other side of the door I was sitting across from. “John, please-“ god I sound so pathetic, it’s no wonder he hates me. Silence, my pleas were met with silence, but not the kind we were used to, sorry, the kind I was used to. It was no longer silence where words weren’t enough to communicate, it was the kind where words would only take up more space within the heavy tension. Maybe he simply didn’t hear me. My John would never leave my pleas unheard. ‘My John’ what a foolish concept, he was never mine.
“Why? Why John? WHY?! Why? Just tell me why John. Tell me and I’ll leave you alone. I just need to understand why. Please.” I must be incomprehensible with all the sniffling and babbling. Bang. The door opens and slams against the wall. There he was, aggravated, wearing his usual suit, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this upset. Man, I must have ticked him off. “I’m sorry.” The whisper breaks, barely leaving my lips. “This. It’s when you do this shit that really pisses me off. When you go and say sorry for every little thing as if it’ll get you some sort of pity points.” Borderline screaming, standing tall on the frame of the door. “I’m sorry.-“ “There you go again.” “I am NOT done speaking. I am sorry that my poor ol’ pitiful me bothers you so much. I am sorry that I’m not as independent as you’d like me to be. I deeply apologize for stupidly thinking that being together for 5 years meant that I’d get to hug my boyfriend once he got home, I am so sorry for assuming that you’d like to have a nice warm homecooked dinner by the time you got home. Shit, I’ll even apologize for loving you even though you told me that killers like us could never feel love. I’ll apologize for every last thing I can because it’s the only thing I’m good at doing. Ain’t that right Jardani?” “Yeah, you’re right. Now take your stuff and get out of my house.”
I stand, push him out of the way, and enter to grab my last belonging. The room was in disarray, with clothes all over the floor, drawers half open, and the dresser which still had my dresses surrounding it. Atop his nightstand was within a frame, a Polaroid he had taken of me on our first official date. Back when we were both working as assassins, before the crash.
I miss those days. I miss when I didn’t think that every bad thing that happened was because of my own fault. I miss the days when I thought I had it all under control. I miss when John would draw me a bath and rub soothing circles on my back after a long day. I miss when I felt loved.
“You never loved me, did you? You don’t need to answer that. I already know the answer. I’m sorry I couldn’t do more for you. I hope you find someone you’ll love. Goodbye, John. Goodbye. ” Up until now, he’d had his back turned against me since I walked past him, and now he watched in fear as I walked past him again he grabbed my wrist, the one with the frame. “Not this. It belongs to me.” I resisted but his grasp only became stronger, not enough to be tight, but enough to stop me.
“Stop, you’re losing me.” And to that, he let go, scared that he’d hurt me as if I was another assignment. “I’m sorry… just please… It’s mine…” “No. It isn’t. She isn’t. Not anymore. I’m taking my belongings like you told me.” “NO!” His voice cracked midway through, and his breathing was now shaky and erratic. But despite his job, his mood, and his strength, he didn’t have it in himself to stop me from walking out the front door. He probably did. He simply didn’t want to. He didn’t want to or else he would have chased after me instead of falling against the closed door, slumped with his hands on his knees like a little kid who’s hearing their mom drive away.
But it’s for the best. I’m simply wasting his time, loving him, knowing that he’ll never love me.
Where will I go now? Where will I go now that no one has waited for me, now that I’ve been left behind by the only person I gave my all to. Let’s be honest, I never had much to offer, I’m surely not the only female assassin. I’m just a waste of time…
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phoebepheebsphibs · 2 days
Double-Mutated Mikey
Chapter 28: Touch and Go
Continued from the short story written by @boots-with-the-fur-club
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Dr. Chaplin walks into the Operation Room, accompanied by two men.
Dr. Timothy and Dr. Finn are speaking quietly, mumbling over a poor test subject that didn't survive their most recent mutation experiments.
"...I thought that the addition of his blood would have worked..." Timothy bemoans to his coworker.
"Perhaps the miracle we're looking for is not in the blood as it is now, but how it was before we changed it... There must be some secret we're missing--"
"Ahem," Chaplin says as he arrives. "I do hope I'm not interrupting anything."
"Ah, Dr. Chaplin!" Abigail Finn exclaims, turning around and pasting an anxious smile across her face. "N-no, no, of course not..."
Abigail notices the two men standing behind him. One is almost seven feet tall by the looks of it, the other is bordering five feet. The taller man is the size of a bull, thick and heavy and absolutely rippling with muscles. The shorter man is thin as a rail, slicked-back greasy hair and a thin wiry mustache that almost makes him look like a mouse or a rat. The two men look like night and day, but both wear very expensive suits and ties which do not match either man's personalities.
"...Who're the guests?" Abigail asks curiously.
"These are Mr. Touch and Mr. Go. They are some... shall we say, 'men for hire' that I've employed to assist in the recapture of our lost experiment from Project Venus."
"Mikey," Dr. Timothy nods. "Good. What are their qualifications?"
"Stunning accuracy," Chaplin lists off. "Mr. Touch has enhanced strength and Mr. Go has enhanced speed. They were members of a special program designed to create super soldiers several years ago. Before then they were mercenaries for hire."
"Mercenaries, eh?" Timothy says with a soft grimace. "I'm not sure..."
"A merc doesn't know how to handle with care," Abigail interjects. "The TCRI want Mikey back in pristine condition."
"As I mentioned, stunning accuracy for these two. They've never once failed a mission, as far as the records go."
Mr. Touch cracks his knuckles loudly.
"Now now, gentlemen. These two are some of our most esteemed scientists here at the TCRI and EPF Labs. Whatever they say is law. Just ask Jeff," Dr. Chaplin jokes, gesturing to an empty cage in the distance. "Oh. Hm. Where's Jeff?"
"In a jar," Dr. Timothy grumbles. "I'm studying his brain."
"Ah! Well, there you go, gentlemen. I'm sure you all will have a wonderful time procuring the lost experiment again. And boys, play nicely with the mutant target or you'll be helping Dr. Timothy here with his brain studies. And Timothy, Finn, be polite and patient with these fine men or else we might not be getting anyone else to help us recover Mikey..."
Dr. Chaplin leaves the room in silence. Abigail grunts with irritation before plastering another smile on her face and directing the two men to a computer.
"This won't be easy for you. Mikey was designed to be the perfect genetic weapon. He also has enhanced strength, speed, agility, plus some other quirks. I'll print you out a list..."
"M'sure we can handle him," Mr. Touch chuckles. "I've yet to wrastle with a critter that can outmatch my muscle."
"Don't get cocky," Abigail snaps. "And don't hurt him. We want him perfectly intact and alive."
"Don't worry, we'll retrieve your little pet," Mr. Go snickers. "Where is it, anyway?"
"Last we saw, he was hiding out in the sewers --"
"With extra mutants," Timothy interrupts. "which we will pay extra for the capture of."
"How much we talkin'?" Mr. Go asks, a smile creeping onto his thin face.
"How much were you promised for the capture of Mikey?" Timothy questions.
"75 grand," Mr. Touch states.
"I'll personally pay you $50,000 for each mutant you can capture," Timothy promises. "Though, the price will be reduced for any major injuries I find."
"Only 50?" Mr. Touch grumbles.
"They aren't nearly as genetically advanced as Mikey is, so they should be simpler to capture. But an extra 50,000 for any extra mutants you can find isn't that bad, now is it? We have confirmation of at least two mutants that are with him, so that would be $100,000 guaranteed. We could all use a little extra spending money here and there, couldn't we?"
"Done deal," they reply.
"Wonderful. Now, what will you be requiring for your endeavours? Any weapons, traps, something to carry the subjects in I'd assume?"
"Might as well show us whatchya got," Mr. Go says.
Abigail groans in irritation as Timothy leads the two men away, muttering to herself as he shows them all their experimental gadgets.
"I can't believe him... He has no authorization to make that call. Though, it would be helpful to have extra mutants for our tests... In the end, I guess it doesn't really matter; the goal is still the same. So long as they can find Mikey and we can continue the work..."
Abigail walks away to catch up with the men.
From the far back of the room, John Bishop walks out.
Hmm. This isn't good...
Maybe he should follow along for now, see what happens...
Doctors Timothy and Finn show the two mercenaries the tranquilizer darts they have, the frost guns, nets, communication devices, trackers, etc. They show them Mikey's last known location and give the images of the human teen and the mutant brother. Mr. Touch and Mr. Go roam the room, choosing the items they'll need like children choosing which sweets they want the most from a candy store.
Bishop doesn't have much time. He slinks around to the exit and rushes to Honeycutt's labs, calling him as he runs into the elevators.
"Professor Zayton Honey--"
"Hey doc it's me how are ya that's great I was wondering if I could borrow any gear you might have?"
The line is silent.
"Oh, this is Bishop by the way."
"Um... yes, well I figured... How's your mother--"
"Forget that for now, do you have any gear I can use?!"
"W-why do you need my gear?"
"Chaplin brought in two thugs to detain Mikey and the others that are protecting him," Bishop whispers. "Timothy and Finn are showing them the weapons they have. I'm going to tail them to keep them from getting him. Now, do you or don't you have anything I can use?"
"U-uh, m-m-maybe. How close are you?"
The elevator doors open and Bishop runs out to Honeycutt's office.
"Just about to open your door."
"Oh! Well, yes, um, I think I have something you might be able to use --"
Bishop swings the door open and runs in, causing Prof. Honeycutt to jump in fright.
"Agh! John! You're here! You weren't kidding --"
"I need whatever you can give me now," Bishop states frantically. "They could leave the lab at any point and I need to stay close."
"But John -- well, you know me, I'd prefer to stay out of it --"
"You are staying out of it, I just need something to defend myself and keep Mikey safe."
"Oh well... Yes, yes, of course! Um, there are a f-few prototypes on the table over, over there!" Honeycutt stutters. "A-are you looking for lethal, or semi-lethal?"
"Anything," Bishop says quickly. "I'd rather not hurt anyone, but they're enhanced so I might have to go fully lethal."
"Enhanced?" Honeycutt says with a nervous swallow.
"No time to explain," Bishop says as he looks over the table and grabs a futuristic-looking pistol. "What does this do?"
"Oh! That's my jelly-gun!" Honeycutt says with a soft and nervous chuckle. "It's one of the non-lethals, but it hasn't been tested yet--"
"It l-liquifies your bones."
"...And this is a non-lethal weapon?"
"T-the effect isn't permanent," Honeycutt stammers. "I-it's meant to be a stunner, t-to incapacitate!"
"How do you know the effects aren't permanent if you haven't tested it yet?" Bishop asks warily.
"...I'll handle it with caution, then."
Bishop gently places the 'jelly-gun' in a holster.
"What else do you have?" he asks, picking up a series of miniature grenades.
"Those are my noise-makers, you pull the pin and have five seconds before it will emit a high-pitched ringing that causes disorientation and bleeding from the ears if you stand within a ten yard radius."
"Mm. Handle with caution?"
"Handle with caution."
Bishop pushes the noise grenades into a pocket of a satchel Honeycutt hands him as he continues to go through the tech, grabbing what looks good and intact. A net launcher, a harpoon launcher/grappling gun, and a gun that actually does shoot a jelly-like substance which hardens instantly.
"Anything else you can offer me?"
"This," Honeycutt says, handing Bishop a small device that resembles a portable dvd player. "It works like a sonar detector, scanning your surroundings and comparing them to satellite images to create a map of the area around you within a 50 mile radius. It will detect any creatures, bodies of water, or large obstacles within that radius as well."
"Thanks, this should really come in handy," Bishop says quickly. "I have to get going. Do you need all this stuff back, or...?"
"If you can," Honeycutt sighs. "But honestly I'm more worried about you coming back. You're going to go fight two enhanced mercenaries? Even if you can beat them --"
"Your faith in me is astounding, by the way..." Bishop grumbles.
"-- Even if you can beat them, Chaplin or Timothy will discover your involvement, won't they? What do you think they'll do to you then?"
"Well, I guess I'll just have to do my best to not get caught and not get dead."
Honeycutt stutters nervously after hearing the word 'dead'. He tries to respond and air his concerns, but Bishop runs out quickly to catch up with Mr. Touch and Mr. Go.
Bishop watches the two men from a distance, catching up to them just as they leave the building. They follow the tracker's last coordinates to an alley out of sight. Mr. Go checks to make sure it's all clear before Mr. Touch reaches down and pulls the manhole cover off the sewer entrance.
Okay, so he's a little stronger than most people, nothing to be worried about --
Mr. Touch throws the heavy cast iron covering like it's a cheap plastic frisby, sending it flying off into the wall where it gets lodged in between the bricks.
...Okay, so he's exceptionally strong. No biggie. Just... don't get too close.
Mr. Go descends first, Mr. Touch following after. Bishop waits a few moments before running after them into the alley. He peers down into the sewer. Mr. Go has already made it to the bottom, but Mr. Touch is only a third of the way down. Bishop backs away before they can see him, and goes to the next alley over, entering the sewers from there.
Bishop slides down the ladder quickly, and peeks around the corner. The two men are walking down the halls by the water's edge. Bishop continues to tail them, staying at a safe distance as they look around for evidence of Mikey or his family. Bishop spends the time following them wondering what kinds of experiments they would perform on Mikey's brothers if they could get their hands on them. What kinds on horrors they would put Mikey through again. What they'll do to Bishop if they discover his treachery...
After several minutes, they come to the last tracked location of Mikey -- the lair.
Bishop watches as the men leave their tools and tech outside the electric barrier and step through the invisible fence. Mr. Go takes a deep breath before zooming away.
Yeah, so he's quick. Saw that one coming.
Mr. Touch waits for his partner, tapping his foot against the stone floor impatiently. Mr. Go comes back out a second later, readjusting his suit and tie which had gotten windblown.
"It's all clear. The place is totally empty."
The two men walk inside, forced to leave their weapons behind the EMP barrier so they don't get fried.
Bishop gets an idea...
He quietly creeps up -- leaving his own bag of gadgets behind -- and places the weapons on the inside of the EMP barrier. One by one, each device flickers with sparks before going kaput. Once his task is complete, he quickly rushes back to his hiding spot and waits for the mercs' return.
After about twenty minutes, the two walk out.
"...they packed what they could and ran. The muties could be anywhere by now!"
"You think they knew we were coming?" Mr. Go wonders aloud.
"Probably. That computer room looked pretty high tech."
"But that doesn't explain how they managed to get out so quickly. Chaplin only just had us come in today, and there's been no chatter on the EPF net about our arrival."
"So, whaddya thinkin'?" Mr. Touch asks.
"I suspect that the Earth Protection Force might not be as 'protected' as they think. There must be a mole."
Bishop's breath gets caught in his throat. He can't let them find him out!
Yet another reason he has to stop them.
"I bet they'll pay us extra if we can find the traitor," Mr. Touch chuckles.
"But in the meantime, let's find that mutie. Remember what we're actually being paid for," Mr. Go reminds him.
"Well, can you track him from here?"
"What do you take me for, an amateur? Of course I can. Grab the gear and we'll head out."
Mr. Touch gathers up all the supplies, and the two walk away. Bishop gives chase.
Mr. Go leads them down the tunnels until they reach a wrecked cave-in. Mr. Touch is kind enough to clear the way for them, revealing what Bishop can only assume was Mikey's previous home before something terrible happened. Claw marks and long gashes across the painted walls prove his theory.
A large, gaping hole resides in the floor, tunneling down to a secret hidden world. Bishop's mouth drops in shock.
"...What'chya wanna bet he's down there?" Mr. Go asks with a snicker.
"What even is it, one of them secret societies?"
"Who cares, as long as we find what we're looking for!"
The two men jump down into the hole. Bishop watches them descend.
....Maybe he'll look for stairs.
It takes a few hours, but Bishop finally makes his way down safely. He finds the two mercenaries wandering the streets of this underground city, checking everyone and everywhere for Mikey.
Bishop is in awe of how many mutants there are down here! It's crazy! And Timothy offered to pay extra for any they brought back...
This whole community could be in danger!
Fortunately, the two men are focused on looking for Mikey. That's what they're really being paid for. Dissatisfied by the masses in the street square, the two leave towards a series of larger buildings in the distance.
He stays just out of sight of the Mr. Touch and Mr. Go as he goes after them. As he tails them, Bishop tries to stay focused on the two villains rather than get distracted by this otherworldly society. He feels so out of place surrounded by these monsters, mythical beasts, and magical creatures. People that resemble animals or aliens or dragons or some mix between the three walk around and watch him like he's the freak.
Maybe he is, down here... Huh.
Well, that's some existential identity crisis he'll have to go through later.
Mr. Touch and Mr. Go arrive at a building with a strange rainbow aurora borealis surrounding the area behind it. Mr. Go surveys the area with super speed before coming back and nodding to Mr. Touch.
"He's here."
"Positive?" Mr. Touch asks.
"Gotta be. That other mutie turtle Dr. Timothy showed us is here, so he must be, too."
Other turtle mutant... What did that kid call him... Leo? Leo! Wait, so they are here? Then where's Mikey?
"Do we get the extra mutants first or what?"
"No, he's busy with a bigger freak right now."
"I can take 'em both," Mr. Touch chuckles. "It'd be like bending a couple o' twigs..."
"Fine, but be discreet about it. Here, use one of the gadgets that lab nerd gave us -- Wait, what the --?!"
The two men try to activate what looks like a gas bomb, but nothing happens.
"This thing's defective! All this junk is defective!" Mr. Go growls.
"I can still take 'em both, you know that," Mr. Touch says, cracking his knuckles.
"It's almost like this guy wants to fight," Bishop thinks aloud. "What a charmer..."
"And where are we supposed to keep them once we capture them? You gotta think!" Mr. Go scolds. "Besides, they are also superpowered! One of them can do portals, and that second one I saw was almost as big as you! My guess is he has enhanced strength, too... And even if we did overpower them, they're out in the middle of everything, everyone can see us! And we have no real sighting of that Mikey mutant. Let's play it cool for now and get them later. AFTER we find Mikey."
Mr. Touch groans loudly.
"Fine. But I want that extra pay."
"And we'll get it, don't worry. By the end of the day, our biggest worry is going to be finding fatter wallets!" Mr. Go snickers. "Now let's find that freak show..."
Bishop swallows nervously. He hasn't met Mikey's brothers yet, not officially. But if they're anything like that human kid, then they would assume that he's a villain because he works for the EPF.
Just more people he has to avoid...
John Bishop runs after the two mercenaries before stopping in his tracks and awing at the strange area around him. A large opening surrounded by rainbow mist reveals a tropical paradise and a beach.
Huh. Okay. Not what he was expecting, but... yeah. Beach. Why not?
Bishop wishes he'd brought some shorts or something to help with the heat of the tropics, but sighs in resignation as he runs after the two men...
Casey is tanning on the beach chair just outside of the portal. He takes in a deep breath and heaves a relaxed sigh...
He's never been on vacation before.
Heck, he's pretty sure he's never relaxed before!
It's a new experience, and he's not totally convinced he's got the knack of it yet, but he's learning. Splinter has been giving him pointers.
Casey smiles at the warmth of the sun on his skin. It's so hot, he's abandoned his cloak and armour and jumpsuit in favour of a pair of Donnie's board shorts and a t-shirt. He feels a little exposed, but he's getting used to it.
He wonders if Sensei would have been sunning with him if he had made it. And Donatello would have loved the sun on his soft shell. Master Michelangelo would probably be building sandcastles or drawing images in the sand. He's not sure what Raphael would be doing, but he assumes that he'd be enjoy the safety and wonder and happiness with his brothers...
Casey sighs. He wishes Sensei could have at least enjoyed one day in the sun again... He hates that he can enjoy this while his whole family was left to die in the apocalypse. It isn't fair, it doesn't seem right.
Aaaaaaaand Casey just ruined the relaxation. Dang it. As mentioned before, he's not the best at this.
CJ sits up and sighs angrily. Why can't he just move on? Let go? It's what Leo wants. He can't talk about his life with anyone here, so he might as well just leave it behind and start fresh! Why can't... he...
CJ notices two strangely disproportionate men sneaking around the hotel. They're pretty well hidden, but after a lifetime in a warzone where one wrong step could literally kill you, Casey Jones Jr. has become something of an expert at spotting hidden danger or people sneaking around.
He wonders what these two creeps are up to...
Three. Three creeps. There's a third guy following them... Wait, isn't that Agent Bishop?!
What is going on?? Are they looking for Mikey?
That has to be the reason. But who are those two guys? And why didn't Bishop come with them? Is he spying on them?
Well, he's not letting him do this alone! Casey may not be an expert on vacations, but he knows a secret mission when he sees one. He's coming along!
Casey grabs his grappling hook gloves and follows after them.
Bishop watches as the two men slither about, staying behind shrubbery and beach umbrellas that decorate the lot. They double check to make sure they don't draw any attention to themselves, then slink around the corner of the portal and vanish behind it's barrier. He tiptoes up to it and peers around the corner. Mr. Go is zooming across the beachside as Mr. Touch tries to use the fried tech again.
"What are you doing here?" a voice whispers behind him.
Bishop swings around and almost suckerpunches the kid behind him.
Fortunately, the teenager has good reflexes and ducks ahead of his punch, grabbing Bishop's arm and stopping him mid-punch.
"Kid?!" Bishop whisper-shouts. "What are -- where did -- Nevermind. Go away, before they see you --"
"But what are you doing here?" he whispers back. "My family's on vacation!"
"Is that really wise?" Bishop questions. "I did tell you what the EPF and TCRI were up to."
"Well, we're laying low. Like you said."
"At a resort?"
"Hey, it's not like the EPF knew about this place before!"
Bishop sighs.
"Look kid, I'd love to catch up and debate on whether a tropical getaway counts as 'laying low' and stuff, but I'm tailing these two bounty hunters --"
"Bounty hunters? Are they after Mikey?" the teenager asks.
"What do you think?" Bishop growls in response.
He turns back to watch the two men. Mr. Go skids to a halt after searching the area and pours sand out of his shoes as he complains to Mr. Touch about the conditions. Mr. Touch complains about the faulty tech they were given. They both end up arguing.
"Where is Mikey, anyways?" Bishop asks.
"Dunno," the teen replies. "He went out into the jungle to explore."
"You really think letting a kid go alone in the jungle is a good idea?"
The teen stares at him deadpan before raising an eyebrow.
"You have seen Mikey, right?"
"Fair enough," Bishop groans. "Look, I'm gonna go after them, you --"
"I'm coming with you!" he interrupts.
"Look kid --"
"My name is Casey."
"Look, Casey, I'm sure you're a cool kid with a good head on your shoulders, but this is a stealth mission. And this mission is already tough enough without having to worry about keeping you safe as well. It will go better if I'm alone --"
"Have you ever practiced guerilla warfare in a jungle before?" Casey challenges. "Or fought against superpowered individuals? Have you ever had to build a water purification device from scratch so you can drink your own bodily fluids while trekking across dangerous, monster-infested terrains??"
"Have you?" Bishop challenges back.
"You have no idea what I grew up in," Casey responds low. "Now let's go. Mikey should be deep in the jungle by this point, so we better hurry if we want some extra time to lay a few traps..."
Bishop tries to fight back, but the kid has already zip-lined into the brushes several meters away. Casey turns back and calls out to him.
"You coming or what?"
Bishop groans. He really shouldn't have yelled like that... Oh well. This'll be interesting.
Casey makes his way through the bushes and fauna, Bishop following close behind.
"Kid! Hey, kid, wait up!"
"Do you want me to slow down, or shouldn't you hurry up?" Casey shouts back.
Bishop grumbles under his breath as he runs up to the teenager.
"Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do here, but --"
"And I appreciate what you're doing too, Commander Bishop -- uh, Agent Bishop. But this is my family we're talking about! And I'm not going to just sit back and act like I don't know what I'm doing when I do. I know you think I'm just a kid, but I've literally been training my entire life for situations like this. To be honest, this is a lot more mild than what I'm used to dealing with."
"...Where exactly did you say you grew up, again?" Bishop asks.
"Actually, not far from here," Casey chuckles. "But that's another story... So, looking at these tracks, Mikey made it to the center of the island somewhere around two hours ago."
Bishop's eyes widen behind his thick glasses.
"How can you tell?"
"Math, mostly," he says with a shrug. "You measure the size of his feet and the distance between each footprint and calculate the speed from there."
"But two hours ago?"
"I made an estimate based on when I saw him last and compounded with the fact that these plants he crushed underfoot show clear signs of recent decay --"
"Geez kid, you're like a walking science study!" Bishop sighs as he walks ahead and follows the trail as he reaches into his satchel.
"You can thank my Uncle 'Tello for that," Casey smiles. "What are you doing?"
"Honeycutt gave me this sonar tracker," Bishop explains. "I wanted to wait on using it until we were in a more secluded area."
Casey looks around at the jungle they're traipsing through.
"...I'd say this works!"
"I'd say so too," Bishop chuckles as he activates the device and scans the area around them. "Where did this jungle even come from, anyways?"
"It's a portal. It leads from the back lot of the hotel to a random undiscovered island."
"So, we're not actually in the United States anymore?" Bishop asks, raising an eyebrow. "Interesting. How does it work?"
"There's a device by the portal that can change the location if needed, for storms and stuff. But mostly it runs on magic energy, if I understand it right."
Bishop nods, pretending that it makes perfect sense. Magic, portals, underground monster hotels. Sure. Why not.
He taps a few buttons on the sonar, and several dots appear on the screen. Two in the center, two to the far left, and one straight ahead.
"Hey, would ya look at that! It really works!"
"So, those two are the bounty hunters," Casey says, peering over Bishop's arm to look at the device. "And up ahead is Mikey!"
"I guess your tracking skills really are on point," Bishop compliments. "Nice work, kid."
Casey smiles as he leads the way to Mikey.
"So, what do we do about those two guys searching for Mikey?"
"I have some other toys the Doc leant me," Bisop states, reaching into his pouch. "These should work well enough against them... though, they haven't been tested yet."
"Well, as my Sensei used to say, 'No time like the present!'"
"Aaaaaalright then, we'll find where they are and set up a few traps to drive them away."
The duo travel in the direction of the two mercenaries, following the sonar tracker. After half an hour of hiking, they finally find them. Mr. Touch is demolishing the trees as he looks around angrily for their mark. Mr. Go is watching from behind him.
"Are you done with your little tantrum yet?" he hisses.
"I'm doing all the work here, in case you haven't noticed!" Touch roars back. "It's a deserted island! He could be anywhere! And also in case you haven't noticed, all our tech is busted up!"
"Well, it shouldn't be as big of a problem as you're making it," Mr. Go groans. "After all, this is us we're talking about. It can't be that difficult!"
"Well, we've never worked in the fricken jungle before!"
"Pssh, as if that should stop us..."
The two men argue a bit about where to go and what to do. Bishop takes Casey back a step to discuss their own plans.
"So, kid... didn't you say something about guerilla warfare?"
Casey Jr. smiles deviously.
Bishop and Casey quickly set up a series of traps, digging large holes and cover them with debris and plants. Casey creates a snare trap and Bishop makes a tripwire. Soon enough, their plan is complete.
"Okay Casey," Bishop says as he takes his jacket off, the heat starting to get to him. "Here's the plan: your tracking skills are better than mine, so you find Mikey and get him out of here while I take care of the meathead and the beanpole."
"Wait, are you sure?" Casey asks.
"Not really. But I don't want you or Mikey to get hurt --"
CJ groans loudly.
"Dude, I already told you --"
Bishop quickly shushes him.
"I don't want you near the fight, you could get hurt."
"I know, I know; you think I'm just a kid and I can't defend myself, but I'm pretty sure I already proved how I can --"
"You did prove yourself," Bishop interrupts him. "But that doesn't change the fact that I don't want you getting hurt or getting involved in this anymore than you already are."
The agent sighs. He takes his glasses off to show Casey how serious he is as he tries to explain.
"...Look..... Mikey was designed to be a living weapon for the EPF. He was given the DNA of several predators, violent species, and compliant genes from species that worked in groups or families so he would be sure to follow orders. He was trained day in and day out to kill, fight, and problem solve. Do you think that's the life he wanted?"
Casey freezes, eyes wide.
"Or do you think he deserves a chance to just be a kid?"
CJ looks away sadly. He can tell where this is going. Bishop takes a breath before he continues.
"Listen kid, I have no doubt that you could keep him safe all on your own, but both you and Mikey are just kids. That doesn't mean you can't do incredible things and save the world, but it means that you shouldn't have to. For now, that's my responsibility as the adult. I think you kids have been through more than enough, and it's time you get back to being kids. Or am I wrong?"
Casey sighs again.
"...Okay, point taken. Fine. I'll get Mikey to safety and warn the others... You take care of the two bounty hunters."
Bishop nods with a smile. He watches as Casey darts off into the forest to get Mikey. He turns back and treks towards the two villains.
Casey runs into the jungle, backtracking until he finds sight of Mikey's trail again. He follows, using his grappling hook like a rope swing, going from tree to tree to tree...
An old recollection of his Sensei calling him 'Tarzan' comes to mind. He smiles at the memory.
After ten to fifteen minutes, Casey finally catches up to Mikey, sitting in a tree as he munches on some wild mangoes he happened to find.
"Mikey! Mikey, hey!" CJ calls out.
Mikey looks down and smiles at him, mouth full to the brim of delicious ripe fruit. He waves.
"Hiiiiiii!" he calls out, though it's a barely intelligible, muffled slur of sounds.
"Hi," CJ calls back, climbing up quickly. "Hey, so not to alarm you or anything, but we gotta get outta here. Like now."
Mikey swallows loudly and tilts his head in curiosity.
"Just, um..."
Casey looks at Mikey.
He's not the warrior he would be in the future. He's not a stone-cold master of magic who occasionally liked to goof off when he wasn't being all mystical and mysterious. He's not the last brother left standing for Casey's Sensei, the last reminder of hope and love. He's not forced to stay positive and optimistic, even when the entire resistance has been laid to waste and he has to sacrifice his own life in order to save them. To save him.
He isn't 'Master Michelangelo'.
He's Mikey.
And Bishop is right. Mikey's just a kid.
A kid who shouldn't have to worry about looking over his shoulder constantly, wondering if someone is coming after him or if he's safe, or his family is safe. He's a kid who should be running across the water and having splash wars with his brothers, should be sunbathing on the beach with his father, should be sitting in a tree eating fruit and enjoying life like it was meant to be enjoyed.
"...Uuuuummm, y-your brothers wanted you to come back to the resort! They, uh... didn't know where you'd gotten to! They got kinda worried."
"Brothers worried for me?" Mikey asks with concern.
"Yeah! So, we gotta go let them know you're okay!"
"Oh, okay!" Mikey says with a nod. "Mikey understand. Let's go!"
Casey follows Mikey down the tree --just a tad bit slower than him, though.
"Race you back?" Mikey asks with a smile, already crouched and ready to run.
CJ smiles.
"You're on!"
The two run, Casey using his grappling hooks to his advantage as Mikey books it through the jungle. He hopes they don't attract the wrong kind of attention, but their speed should be helpful... He wonders if Bishop is finished with his job yet.
Bishop watches from behind a tree, waiting a few minutes to give Casey time to find Mikey. Just a little longer...
The two men start walking. Bishop checks the sonar and sees they're walking towards Mikey's direction. He has to act now.
He grabs a noisemaker and pulls the pin before throwing it at the two. It lands in front of Mr. Touch, who leans down and blinks at it.
"...What the hey?"
"What is it?" Mr. Go asks, stepping around him.
"Looks like a toy or --"
A loud, ear-piercing screeeeeeeeeeeeech sounds off, shattering the air around them and causing a soundwave to blast around them, knocking them all to the ground. Bishop grips his own ears and yells in pain, though the cries are lost in the deafening blast. He gets up and starts running, looking back to see Mr. Touch drop the device and clutch his bleeding ears. Mr. Go stumbles backwards before running away as fast as he can. Bishop watches as Mr. Touch slams his foot down onto the orb, crushing it instantly and silencing it. Bishop's ears are ringing as he runs. Mr. Touch shakes his head around before he sees Bishop running and gives chase.
"WHAT??" Bishop yells back, ears still ringing.
Mr. Touch bellows as he runs after him, following the agent to his set traps. The meathead gets closer... closer..... he reaches out to grab his shirt collar...
Mr. Touch's feet drag over a tripwire, activating the net-launcher. The wiry snare wraps around him and causes him to faceplant. Bishop nearly pauses to cheer at the trap's success before Mr. Touch shreds the net to pieces, simply by flexing his arm muscles. Bishop keeps running.
He jumps over one of the traps he set and watches as Mr. Touch yipes and falls down into the freshly-dug ditch. Bishop carefully pulls out the 'jelly-gun' and aims.
"Sorry in advance, I really hope that this isn't permanent..."
Bishop is thrown off his feet when something slams into him. He groans as he picks himself back up.
"And just what do you think you're doing?" Mr. Go asks snidely as he leans down.
"...My job, nothing personal," Bishop responds quickly, swinging his foot around to trip up Mr. Go.
But he's gone before Bishop can even get his foot up.
He does a quick spin before looking around in shock, trying to find where Mr. Go went --
Bishop is kicked in the gut as the speedster rams into his chest and dashes away unseen. Bishop gasps for air and clutches his stomach as he slowly gets to his knees. He's dropped the jelly-gun! He scrambles as he searches for it. He drags his fingers across the ground, looking for the futuristic weapon on the tall grass and weeds... he notices a vibrating sensation from the ground, slowly getting stronger.
Bishop jumps out of the way before Mr. Go can knock into him again.
He gets an idea.
Bishop places himself into position and waits. He can feel the ground vibrate under Mr. Go's stampeding feet. Wait for it... wait for it...
He can see a blur coming at him. Bishop gets ready...
Mr. Go runs at him. Bishop reaches into the satchel and pulls out the other jelly gun, blasting a great mess of red goop at the ground. Mr. Go runs through it with great speed, his shoes getting caught in the ooze. He trips through it, falling onto his hands as the jelly hardens quickly.
"Hey! What's going on here?! What is this gunk??"
Bishop heaves a sigh of relief. It's short lived.
"Oh, you think you're clever, huh?" Mr. Go laughs haughtily. "Well, we'll just see about that!"
Mr. Go's body vibrates so quickly that he almost becomes invisible. The quick-hardening goop starts to crack, and he's free. The speedster suddenly blurs past Bishop, unable to stop. He gets another interesting idea...
Bishop whistles at him.
"Hey, knockoff of the Flash! You missed me!" he taunts.
Mr. Go runs back at him, a blur as he comes back for round 2. Bishop pulls a special gun out and points it at the mercenary. Mr. Go immediately runs in a different direction, which Bishop expected. He aims again. Mr. Go runs in another direction. Bishop aims one more time, and of course, Mr. Go goes in a new direction. Bishop smiles. He's too close to change course, and he was worried about the wrong kind of redirection. He's right where Bishop wants him.
Just as Mr. Go is about to run into him, Bishop aims the gun above his head and fires. A long cable cord shoots out from the weapon and snags onto a branch high above him. Bishop is pulled away, and Mr. Go runs straight underneath him and over the hidden tripwire. Mr. Go sees the trap too late and is snagged, a rope wraps around his ankles and pulls him up into the air.
Mr. Go's flails upside down, sputtering and yelling protests. The jelly-gun drops from his jacket pocket. He stole it when he ran past him! Bishop jumps down from his place amongst the branches and grabs at the weapon, trying not to pull the trigger until he can actually hold it steady.
"Y-you meddling inferior!" Mr. Go screams. "You ridiculous turncoat! You--"
"Please, please, save all your compliments until the show is over," Bishop says with a laugh, holding his ribs. "You had a pretty good run, not gonna lie."
Bishop shudders.
"Ugh, that pun was terrible. Is this what I've become? A guy with pad jokes and witty one-liners? I thought I was better than that..."
"Hurry up and get me down from here!" Mr. Go snaps.
"What makes you think I'd actually let you down?" Bishop questions.
"He wasn't talking to you, punk," Mr. Touch growls from behind him.
Bishop manages to duck just before Mr. Touch can break his skull open with his fists.
He yipes as he rolls to the side, dodging another blow and careful to avoid the traps he's set up. Mr. Touch is not so careful. His feet crack against the tripwires and set off the snares and springtraps, though none of them have any effect on the giant muscle man.
"Now would probably be a good time for you to run, little man," Mr. Touch chuckles with a low voice.
"I might just take you your advice on that," Bishop heaves. "But first --"
He points the jelly-gun at the giant man, who raises a fist to pound Bishop flat. The gun fires, a green light beams on Mr. Touch's fist and forearm. They go numb and limp, falling flat and flabby against his side. Mr. Touch roars angrily.
"What did ya do to me?!" he screams, flinging his other fist at Bishop.
The agent dodges it, the ground beside him cracking and splitting from the brute force used. Mr. Touch roars again and swings his floppy arm at Bishop. Despite the lack of bones, the strength is still there and Bishop is flung several meters back before rolling across the ground and hitting a tree.
Bishop gasps for air as the wind is knocked out of him. He struggles to lift himself up, coughing and hacking as his back cracks with each movement.
He looks up in time to see Mr. Touch yank the rope holding Mr. Go, setting him free. Bishop has to act fast... Casey is counting on him. Honeycutt is relying on him. That whole society under New York is in danger if these mercs get out. Mikey deserves better.
Bishop grabs one of the noisemakers and pulls the pin. Mr. Go lunges forwards. Bishop throws the device at him. He realizes in time what it is and runs in the opposite direction. The noisemaker grenade goes off, and another shockwave of sound takes out everything above four feet. Bishop ducks for cover as he covers his ears. Mr. Go is blown away by the shockwave, soaring straight into Mr. Touch.
Bishop takes the jelly-gun and aims once again. He shoots at Mr. Go's legs. Mr. Go falls. He shoots again at Mr. Touch's other arm. It becomes wobbly and liquified. But Bishop can't stay here for much longer. He limps away, regaining a little speed with every excruciating step.
He's not sure exactly how long the jelly-gun effects will last. But he'd rather not find out.
After running several meters away, he can hear the device deactivate. Touch probably destroyed it.
Bishop pulls out the sonar device and checks it. It was damaged in the fight. The screen is cracked, and it glitches every few seconds, but from what he can tell Mikey and Casey made it back to the resort. Bishop just has to find his way out of the jungle...
He keeps running, though there's a pain in his side and his head is still buzzing. He hears something crashing behind him.
Mr. Touch and Mr. Go are following close behind.
He looks back and sees Mr. Touch carrying Mr. Go over his shoulders. They aren't as fast as he is, but with his injuries he'll never outrun them...
But he has to try. Bishop pulls out the jelly-gun and fires, hoping to temporarily liquify more of the two mercenaries.
The gun squirts out a train of goop behind him. Wrong gun! But at least it serves its purpose; Mr. Touch trips and falls face-first into the slime, which hardens overtop of him. He shouts and screams, flapping his jelly arms around as he tries to get himself free.
Bishop keeps running.
Leo is laying out on the beach chair by the hotel. He loves the ingenuity of this place. If you get the right angle, you can have all the warmth and brightness of the sun shining on you without the actual sun getting in your eyes. At first, he was a bit hesitant to trust this place (after the events of that other resort he has sworn never to speak of again). But this place is a certified heaven!
Leonardo exhales with utter satisfaction. It's been a pretty rough couple of days... he needs this.
Unfortunately, Leo is pulled out of his relaxation mode when a weight is suddenly and mercilessly slammed onto him. He gasps, eyes nearly popping out of his head as Mikey jumps up into his lap at top speed.
"I win!" Mikey cheers.
Casey jogs up behind with and laughs, somewhat out of breath.
"You certainly did," he gasps, panting and sweating. "Phew! That was fast, Mikey..."
"What the -- *wheeze* -- what the heck is -- *wheeze* -- happening?!" Leo hacks, coughing loudly as Mikey sits proudly on his chest.
"Mikey won race!"
"Great. I'm so very proud of you. My ribs will never be the same again."
"Is Leo not worried anymore?" Mikey asks, leaning close to inspect his face and sniff him.
"Worried? Like, about my lungs collapsing, maybe?"
"Oh, sorry," Mikey chuckles nervously as he gently climbs off of him.
"It's fine, I'm getting used to it by now," Leo groans, his body re-inflating with air. "I mean, this is like the third or fourth time this has happened..."
"But Mikey is here! So no more worries," his little brother says with a smile.
"Uh, yeah," Leo answers with a nod. "No one is worried anymore. Whatever that means."
"Oh, uhhhhh Leo, you and I need to have a quick talk about.... something," Casey says.
Leo gets the hint immediately, despite the lack of mind meld.
"Hey Mikey, why don't you go find Donnie and help him build his sandcastles? He indubitably said something about probably needing your help and creative expertise. He said he was going to be getting supplies at the Hotel front desk..."
Mikey nods with a smile and a chirping laugh as he runs off to find Dee. Leon waits until he's out of sight before turning to CJ.
"Okay, so what's up?"
"So... no need to panic or freak out or anything, buuuuuuut there may or may not be a few bounty hunters searching for Mikey right now..."
"WHAT?!" Leo shouts, grabbing Casey by the shoulders and shaking him. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, BOUNTY HUNTERS?!"
"I-I said no n-n-need to pa-a-a-nic!" Casey yells back, his voice wobbling as he's rocked back and forth. "Co-ou-uld you ple-e-e-ea-se st-o-o-p sha-a-k-i-i-ing me-e-e-e??"
"What bounty hunters are looking for Mikey? Where are they?" Leo demands.
"Oh don't worry, they're probably nowhere near here!"
Leo and CJ both look back at the beach's serene and peaceful shores to see Agent John Bishop, running out of the jungle as fast as he can. Soon enough, a man the size of a baby elephant carrying another man resembling an overcooked noodle with a ratstache barrel out of the bushes and run after him.
"CASEY, CLOSE THE PORTAL!" Bishop yells at the top of his lungs as he rushes for the hotel. "CLOSE THE PORTAL, NOW! CLOSE IT!"
Casey yells in fright and drags Leo to the box by the rainbow's edge.
"How do we close it?!" Casey demands, examining the device.
"How should I kow?!" Leo yells back.
"Uh, you deal in portals all the time?!"
"That's my ninpo, I don't actually know how they work! I don't understand magic or mystics or --"
"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" Bishop shouts. "HURRY!!"
"Do you know what to do or not?!" Casey shouts.
"NO! How would I know what to do?! Draxum would probably, but I have no idea where he is --"
"Well, try something! Anything! Maybe you can do something with your ninpo?"
"Fine! Get the device open!"
Casey jimmies the box's lid open and starts messing with the wires and other pieces inside before uncovering the mystic power source, an aurora flooding the air around him.
Leo runs to his beach chair and grabs his swords, throwing one at the machine and vanishing for a second before reappearing besides CJ. Leo stabs one of the katanas into the device and starts swinging it around in the rainbow light that spills.
Leon's markings start glowing, and the aurora turns blue.
"Don't change it yet, Bishop is still out there!" Casey pleads, running to watch the portal.
"ERRGH, MAKE UP YOUR MINDS!" Leo yells angrily, straining to keep the portal from glitching as the overwhelming power starts to spark across his arms. "Ow! Hurry up!"
Casey stops just outside of the portal and calls out to Bishop.
"They're catching up!"
Bishop grabs the last noisemaker grenade, pulls the pin, and throws it back at the two mercenaries. It smacks right into Mr. Touch's face, getting lodged in his mouth before he screams and spits it out, jumping out of the way before a loud screeching shockwave sends them all flying.
Bishop goes tumbling through the portal before faceplanting onto the ground beside Casey. The shockwave knocks Leo down, the sword crashing against the device and closing the portal just as the two mercenaries try to reach out for it.
The beach scene swipes away, a new view of a new island taking it's place.
Bishop pants and heaves on the ground by CJ, looking over his shoulder shakily before his arms give out and he rolls onto his back.
"...That was the worst. I think my back is now in the shape of the letter 'S'. Thanks, kid..."
"Did... did we just banish two dudes to live alone on a lost tropical island in the middle of nowhere?" Casey whispers.
"Looks that way. But I'm sure they'll be fine..."
"So, you must be Agent Bishop, huh?" Leo asks skeptically, leaning over the young man.
"What's left of him," Bishop chuckles. "Ow, my body... and you're Leo, correct?"
"That is classified information," the slider growls, crossing his arms.
"Nice to meet you," Bishop groans as he slowly sits up and gets to his feet.
"Wish I could say the same."
Casey smacks Leo's arm.
"What??" Leo asks incredulously. "Look dude, I know you trust him, but I don't know him, and he works for the people that tortured Mikey. I'm sorry, but he hasn't exactly earned my trust just yet."
"I get it," Bishop responds, cracking his back in pain. "I really do. And for the record, I don't work for the EPF anymore. What they're doing is wrong, in every sense, and it needs to end. I'm working to make things right. And hopefully, this --" he gestures to the new portal "-- helps to prove it?"
Leo sighs and rolls his eyes.
"Maybe. We'll see."
"Fair enough, I guess. Casey," Bishop turns to the human teen and claps him on the shoulder. "Nice work. Don't be a stranger. You still have my number, as well as Honeycutt's. If you ever need anything, let me know."
Casey smiles proudly and nods.
"Well, I think that might be everything, so I should get going..."
"Here, let me help you with that!" Leo says with a snarky smile, his sword slashing the air and creating a portal beneath Agent Bishop, causing him to fall through.
He lands in a pile of trash bags on the city streets of NYC with a soft yelp followed by disorientation. The confusion quickly dissipates once he gets his bearings, and he cleans himself off before heading to the EPF building.
He makes his way into the compound somehow without drawing attention, and quietly goes back up to Honeycutt's office. He knocks this time rather than bust in like earlier this morning.
"Coming!" the professor calls out before answering the door. "Oh! John! You're back... are you alright?"
Bishop hands the jelly-gun and cracked sonar device to the old man.
"...Tech works great, doc..... But, uh... I broke the tracker. A-and the noisemakers, those are gone too."
Honeycutt looks Bishop over before giving an exasperated sigh.
"I don't care about the tracker or the tech. Get in here, you look like crap."
Bishop heaves a heavy sigh himself and relaxes. He tumbles onto the old man, who leads him into the lab to help take care of his injuries.
"Have you been to the hospital?" Honeycutt asks.
"No.... too risky."
"Your entire back is bruised."
"But nothing's broken, right?"
Honeycutt looks him over and nods.
"But I'm no doctor on the human condition," he reminds him. "I just know tech. John, you should really go to a hospital or ER or --"
"If I go to a doctor, then the EPF will hear about it. They'll ask questions. That's bad. So... just some painkillers and ointment for now will do, thanks."
Honeycutt rolls his eyes.
"...You need to be more careful, you know."
"Yeah, I know. But someone needs to do this job..."
Honeycutt grumbles angrily.
"Are you mad at me, doc?" Bishop asks, as the old man starts to bandage his ribs.
"No, no... I just... why can't you stay out of this whole business for a bit? Take a break?"
Bishop turns around and stares at him.
"...Are you worried? About me?"
"Well... yes. I'm a frail old man and a worrywart at heart, so of course I get anxious about secret missions and dangerous weapons and evil mercenaries! And, at the risk of sounding even more pathetic than I realize I already am, I don't exactly have... a lot of friends here..."
Bishop blinks.
"So yes, worry about you, John. I don't want to lose the only person I can trust in this place. I'm... I'm honestly scared. I'm a grown man and I'm scared. I should be considering retirement plans, but instead I wake up and wonder if this'll be the day I get drawn and quartered by my coworkers. Or worse, what will happen if you get drawn and quartered."
Bishop sighs.
"Okay. I'm sorry for worrying you. But this is important, and if I don't do it..."
"Then maybe someone else will," Honeycutt offers. "You aren't the only hero around, John!"
"No, maybe not. But I know who will have to step up for Mikey and his family, and it isn't fair to ask them to fight like that. They're just kids, Doc. And I need to make things right. For all of my mistakes."
Prof. Honeycutt sighs.
"...You're right. But... what if something happens to you?"
Bishop shrugs.
"I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it."
"Let's hope that never happens..." Honeycutt mutters to himself as he helps to treat the injuries.
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lazyjellyfish300 · 3 hours
Only we know 💭💥🕷️
Miguel O'Hara x gn! Spider Reader
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Synopsis: a request for my lovely @swiftyangx12 🖤🖤🖤 TY FOR REQUESTING and your patience 😩😩" How about Miguel and Spider![Reader] attend at a Comic Con back in [Reader]’s world?
The plot for this one is [Reader] signed up to participate in a cosplay competition and they invited Miguel as their moral support (and he took that opportunity since he has a huge crush on them and they also like him back so they can show off their work). I’m thinking of them dressed up as Jinx from LOL Arcane series."
Word count: 2.6k whoops
@1-900-venusluvs @thatone-writer
You documented your location, voice recording your mission notes as you drew up an orange portal back to Earth 928, tossing the bound anomaly through it like a sack of potatoes before you followed shortly afterwards, leaving the senior citizens at the retirement home with higher blood pressure and jaws on the floor.
Another day on the job complete.
Few things kept you motivated like having a big event marked on your calendar. This summer's item was going to be Comic Con, held in your dimension Earth 108-13. You were particularly looking forward to this one since you took a leap of faith and signed up for a cosplay competition. Also, you and your friends splurged a little bit and got tickets to the one in Las Vegas, meaning there would be a whole weekend of partying and things to do besides just the Con.
As a gamer, one of your favorite series recently came out, Arcane, which was based on a game called League of Legends you had been a long time player of, and the fandom at this time was buzzing. You had planned out your costume to coincide with the trending media and cosplay as Jinx, one of the main characters of Arcane and a playable champion in the game.
No offense to your two friends you were going with, but they had recently crossed over into dating territory, and you weren't exactly all over the idea of third wheeling for an entire weekend, especially in a place as fun as Vegas.
You had someone in mind you were going to invite. And if you weren't misreading the banter and subtle signs you were holding onto like an oath for several months, then you were quite certain he was going to say yes.
Spider Society HQ, Earth-928
Miguel doesn't turn much from his monitors that he's locked onto in a dead pan stare, watching the same Vulture sniffing candles at a TJ Maxx for the millionth time in a row. But his neck nearly breaks when he hears the familiar and most welcome sound of your voice.
"Hey, Migs."
"H-Hey! *Cough* I mean....hi."
His face morphs back into all business, but with just a hint of pleasantness that he only seemed to allow to bubble underneath the surface with just you. And it made your heart stop every time.
You smile at him, removing your mask, your face glistening with the sweat of a successful mission. Miguel feels his heart leap in his chest.
The afterglow sure suited you and he felt it a little bit more difficult than usual to be in your presence. Nevertheless, he didn't crack.
"Mysterio has been stowed successfully in sector 4." You say proudly, lightly panting as your breath caught up to you.
"Good, good." Miguel's lips pulled into a smile of admiration and gratitude. "I appreciate you doing that despite it being such a moment's notice."
"Ah, well it was a Moose-sterio, actually. So he went down easier than a normal Mysterio." You chuckle, casually perching yourself on Miguel's desk.
Miguel can't help but crack a smile at that. "How did he find himself at the retirement home anyway?"
"Beats me." You hum. "Maybe one of the residents hunted his family when he was younger and was out for long, overdue, revenge served cold."
Miguel shakes his head. "Now, that's a dark thought." He pauses. "But I'm afraid the moose vendetta pales in comparison to the need for multiverse stability. How do you say that plural anyway, is it mooses? Meese?"
"Nah, moose." You chuckle, kicking your legs. "One of those weird ones where the singular is the same as the plural."
"An anomaly." Miguel quips.
"Is it ever not possible for you to talk about work?" You give him an incredulous look, but still keeping the same air of playfulness.
"Old habits die hard." Miguel hums.
You notice he's gradually made his way closer to you, a little off guard when you raise your head to look at him and he's less than a foot away. Your lips part and Miguel clears his throat, turning his attention to the monitor behind you.
You slowly breathe out, that was the closest he's probably been to you the whole time you've known him. You could've sworn if the tension hung in the air any longer than it would've resulted in a kiss that finally unmasked the elephant that sure was doing its best to draw attention away from itself in the room. How you wanted him and, (unknown to you) how much he wanted you just as badly.
You figure now is a good time to ask.
"You have any plans next month the weekend of the 22nd?"
Miguel raises an eyebrow. "I don't, same Spider business as usual, why?"
"Come to the Vegas Comic Con with me. My other two friends are going but they're a couple and I'm not trying to be the odd one out all weekend."
"Vegas?" Miguel feels his pulse steadily increase. He had been to Vegas only once, and that was when he was recruiting Ben Reilly, not really having any time to pause and sightsee.
Partying and going out in public spaces wasn't exactly his thing, but the freeing feeling of being out in the city at night did kind of make him curious. He thought gambling was for chumps but he enjoyed a good card game. Maybe Vegas could be one of those "one and done" things. Just to say he had the experience.
"Yeah." You smile. "I mean, not to make it weird or anything. I just figure you need a break and I'm supposed to be cosplaying and I'm used to having at least one person tag along for moral support but-."
"I'll come."
"You....really?" You smile brightly at him, trying to make sure you weren't dreaming.
Miguel sighs. "Yeah I'll come to this... convention, as you put it."
"You don't know how excited I am right now. It's going to be fun! And you gotta dress up with me too." You smirk, your mind suddenly coming alight with all these fun ideas you and Miguel could try out.
But, Miguel is already eagerly waiting to pop that bubble, "I don't wear costumes."
You raise your eyebrows, "You wear one every day!"
"It's a suit, not a costume." He crosses his arms."There's a difference. Who are you dressing up as anyway?"
"Jinx from Arcane." You answer proudly.
"What's a Jinx?"
"Jinx is a person, silly. She's from a TV show called Arcane which is based off this game I play called League of Legends."
"Never heard of it."
"Just watch it on Netflix! There's only one season, nine episodes. It's one of those you can binge really quick.
Miguel huffs a little in amusement at that. "Okay I might watch this show, but I'm still not putting on a damn costume."
"Alright, wise guy." You cross your arms. "If you're not gonna dress up, you'll still at least come with me, right?
Miguel smirks at you, leaning in a little closer. "Wouldn't miss this weirdo convention with you for the world."
Miguel's bloodshot eyes blinked with a heavy stare as the final episode of Arcane concluded, leaving his eye bag expression reflecting back to him on his dark TV.
He was definitely not beating the down bad allegations for you anytime soon, which Peter, Hobie, and Pav loved to so graciously point out every time they could.
The down badness raised to another degree entirely though at the sight of you in your Jinx cosplay in your Vegas hotel room.
Blue wig with the two long braids true to the character running down your shoulders, body art design on your midriff and right arm to mimic Jinx's tattoos, some ripped up purplish-maroon capris, a black crop top and leather accessories to accent the look on your arms, reminiscent of a sort of edgy steampunk vibe, with combat boots and some magenta colored contacts on your eyes, making you seem even more otherworldly and ethereal.
Miguel can't stop gawking, his feelings ranging from awe, to admiration, to pure want, to sudden jealousy at the realization that other people, (most likely hundreds since you were a contestant after all) will get to lay eyes on you all day like this.
Luckily, you're too anxious and proud of yourself to notice, examining yourself in the mirror for any details that might be off, but you could see none, turning and giving him that signature smile of yours that makes the tops of his ears turn red.
"Y-you look great." He manages to say, in a tone that he only hopes disguises his obvious affection and wordless effect you have on him.
His disguise is completely transparent, however, but you try and mask your obvious flattery and slight giddiness at his reaction. "Thanks, Mig."
But, you're horrible at pretending, too, a fact that he mentally seizes with both hands, stuffing in his back pocket for later with a dizzy look of admiration when your back is turned.
Once you're wholly satisfied with the look, and both ready to go, you and Miguel and your friends hit the Vegas strip, Miguel trying to keep his cool as neck after neck turns as you walk by.
Once at Comic Con, you end up losing your friends, off in a world of their own as a newly formed couple, leaving just you and Miguel alone.
Miguel's eyes soften when you take a picture of your passes hanging from matching lanyards side by side angled at the ground with both pairs of your shoes in the shot and post it to your social media stories, realizing you have every intention of showing him off.
You feel fuzzy on the inside when you get stopped for pictures with fellow attendees, giving you numerous compliments at how good you look and chatting about how much they love Jinx and they're so stoked to see such a well done cosplay. (That $500 charge to the arts and crafts store was Soo worth it)
Your favorite photo op was meeting someone with an equally wicked Vi cosplay, standing side by side in a way that looked like you both were copy pasted from the show itself.
Miguel gets mistaken for your boyfriend dozens of times, but he doesn't correct them once, just a little smile on his face as he plays photographer, butterflies in your stomach as he walks a little closer next to you, halfway shielding you in a chivalristic manner from all the extra attention as though he was your personal bodyguard.
You stop by booth after booth, politely conversing with the various artists, actors, and writers, collecting more stickers for your laptop, buying a t shirt, some adorable pins here and there. Like a kid in a candy shop, you take in and gravitate towards every one of your interests and medias you adore like a moth to a flame. Miguel endears himself even more to you with your little Oohs and Aaahs.
You notice Miguel's a little starstruck when he sees one of his favorite comic book writers as a kid, letting him know he can go for a photo op if he wants since you both have the all access tickets, smiling at how cute and nervous he looks as he approaches the writer, scooting a little closer and popping a little awkward thumbs up at the camera. Still, he comes out looking just as photogenic and gorgeous as ever. You shake your head with a smile.
Soon, it's time for the competition. You bounce your leg nervously as you sit in your chair on the stage, feeling what seems like a millions pairs of eyes boring into you, but then you catch Miguel in the audience, both of you the only two people in the room as your gaze stays anchored on him the whole time, nearly missing the announcement from the host that you were awarded first place. Miguel stands and claps loudly as he uses his fingers to whistle, leaving you with a smile that could break your cheeks.
After a successful Con and maybe a couple more bags of merch than you should have indulged in (Miguel being responsible for at least 2 of those, getting you a couple stuffies and t shirts as his congratulations for sweeping the competition away), it was time to have some fun on the town and see what Vegas had to offer.
You got matching drinks from the Hello Kitty cafe, went to the M&M's world (Miguel nearly had a stroke from being surrounded by so much sugar), and the shark reef aquarium. You could have sworn his finger brushed against yours a couple of times when you both were zoned out in the shark tunnel, completely lost in an oceanic world together with no plans to return, until a group of over-zealous and unsupervised 7 year olds nearly knocked him over.
You even convinced him to just try the slot machines once, not even waiting for his cash out coupon for 40 cents to print out before he was yanking you by the arm out of there while you were wheezing with laughter.
Sharing a 12 pack of cheeseburger sliders at White Castle (Miguel had like 8 of them), and some freshly cooked french fries, dashed with the tiniest bit of salt.
Now, you were watching the fountains at the Bellagio, both of your hands creeping closer and closer together as the show went on, until both of your arms were wrapped around each other. Your head was against his chest as the fanfare blasted in the speakers and the gorgeous aqua, teal and fuschia lights of the water lit up the Vegas sky overhead in a spectacular display like a starry watercolor painting.
The mood of the night suddenly felt extremely peaceful, and sensual, a tranquil moment between you and Miguel. Honest feelings underneath the surface that were begging to be released at long last.
You turned your head to find him already staring,
"Miguel, I...."
Before his lips already met yours in the sweetest first kiss, the water splashing behind you in front of the well lit Bellagio, the shooting colors akin to the fireworks bursting inside your heart, before you both gently break it, foreheads still pressed against the other.
"In love with you?" He asks softly as he brings a thumb to your cheek, tracing the tiniest circle before he kisses you again.
"I absolutely am."
You both get lost inside this out of world experience, kissing each other underneath the warm, nighttime lights of Vegas, still dressed in your Jinx costume, both pairs of arms locked around the other, hearts stirring in your chest as you cement this moment permanently into memory.
You Uber back to your hotel, no longer staying in separate rooms with evening plans of all-night snuggles, binging another series together that you've been meaning to show him, and, if you are both still awake, maybe convincing him to run down to the lobby together for late night snacks from the 24 hour food court in your hotel, and room service waffles in the morning.
Two lovebirds brought together at last by the nighttime lights of Vegas, and all because of a little Comic Con convention.
A special love rooted in friendship with a sacred meaning only the two of you know about, that playful look in each other's eyes as you open the door to his hotel room, another portal to a cozy world for you two to get lost in as it softly clicks behind you.
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captain-mj · 17 hours
Promise is a promise
CW: Infidelity, Soap is a bastard
Trying to breach out of my comfort zone, so here ya go! I'm not sure I handled the emotional part well, but I hope it'll suffice
Ghost had never been quite as happy as he was now. His team was supportive and understood his quirks. Work was going well as they hunted Makarov. And he and Soap had finally gotten together.
Ghost could admit, a big part of his good mood was that he had finally gotten laid. First time in... he gave up trying to count the years. Soap was great in bed. Both physically and making him feel comfortable knowing his... history.
But they went on dates and kissed and Soap called him his boyfriend several times. Ghost, in the dead of night cause he'd never have the nerve to do it in the light of day, had whispered that he loved Soap. Soap always whispered it back.
Right now, Price had caught Ghost to talk to him about Makarov. He listened, trying to take as much of the information in as he could, but he was still thinking about Johnny. His fingers itched to send him a message. Maybe they could sneak away together later? Ghost remembered Soap mentioning a movie he wanted to see. It wasn't something he'd be interested in, but Soap talked through every movie anyway so it wouldn't matter.
Price had stopped speaking, staring at him expectantly.
Ghost nodded and Price laughed at him. "Alright Simon. I'm glad you're doing better."
Ghost had no idea what he said yes to, but Price left him alone. Instead of sending a text, he grabbed some snacks from the canteen and just went to Soap's room.
Soap had mentioned that he liked spontaneity and Ghost felt this was a good place to start. He didn't even get to the door before he heard the grunting.
His face screwed up immediately, but Soap did share a room with Gaz. While he wasn't aware of Alex being at base, he couldn't be certain he wasn't in the area. He'd assume Alex would tell him immediately but... things happen.
Instead of barging in, he knocked quietly so that Gaz and Alex could get themselves decent before he barged in.
He heard Scottish cursing on the other side of the door along with scrambling. Ghost could feel his chest starting to crack. The pressure was building but he was naively, pathetically hoping, that he had misunderstood somehow.
Soap opened the door and had to look up. The pants he had haphazardly pulled on hung low on his hips and he hadn't managed to get a shirt on.
"Lieutenant!" He smiled, showing no shame over how Ghost had just found him. No discomfort. Since when did Johnny call him by his full title? Lt sometimes, maybe, but never Lieutenant.
The lad behind Soap did not show the same sentiment. He looked incredibly nervous. "Lieutenant."
Ghost stared at them both as Johnny slowly looked down at his hands where he still had whatever he could scrounge up from the canteen. Suddenly, he felt embarrassed coming to Soap's room like this. So embarrassed he felt nauseous over it. For a brief moment, he thought he was going to throw up all over Soap's bare fucking feet.
"Something wrong, Simon?"
"Don't fucking call me that, Sergeant." Ghost answered, voice so far away and cold it made Soap flinch.
"I know fraternization is looked down upon, but since when do you care about that rule?" Soap looked genuinely confused.
Ghost went through every moment in the past several weeks. Soap had referred to their nightly hangouts as dates like always. He had called Ghost all kinds of nicknames.
Had Ghost done something wrong? Must have. Simon Riley ruined something else.
Soap caught on. He always did. He looked at the other man and told him to get lost for right now. "We're alone now, do you want to talk?"
There were hickeys on his neck. That's what finally got everything through to Ghost.
"I thought we were together."
Soap frowned. "We are together."
Ghost felt like he was short-circuiting. "You just fucked someone else. What the actual fuck are you talking about? If we're together and you're acting like a fucking slag-"
Soap rolled his eyes. "Jesus, Simon. Forgot it's been a while since you dated. This is how modern relationships are. You should've asked me to be exclusive if that's what you wanted."
"I have to ask you to not cheat on me?"
"Woah, don't throw that word around."
Ghost dropped the food on the floor and shoved his finger into Soap's chest. "Why? That's what you did. You cheated on me. I trusted you."
Soap frowned. "Look, I'm sorry this hurt you. I'm used to people my age and rank. I should've known you would be a bit different."
Ghost felt like he'd been hit in the gut. He felt like an idiot. A lovesick fool. "Stay away from me, MacTavish."
Soap's demeanor changed, his face falling. "Wait, c'mon Simon."
"No. Don't you dare call me that. Clearly, I'm too fucking old fashioned. I missed something here. So, let me fix it. Don't talk to me. Don't come near me. Next time you want to get laid, call one of the other sergeants." Ghost barked at him.
"Oh, mo ghràdh." Soap tried to reach out and Ghost started to back.
Like a coward, he ran from him. He didn't go to his room, sure Soap would eventually go knocking. He also didn't want to deal with the disappointment if he didn't.
So he went to the only place he could in the base. Price's room.
Price didn't ask him anything. Didn't say a word. He just let Ghost sit on his couch and drink his whiskey and let him ruminate until Ghost felt sane. But unlike usual, Ghost did not feel sane the longer he thought.
"Something happen, Simon?"
"Ghost right now." He answered quietly. He felt displaced. Body shaken and wrong.
"Alright, Ghost. What happened? Trouble in paradise?"
"No. That's over."
Price nodded but Ghost could see his disappointment. He probably assumed Ghost fucked it up. Probably did. He just wasn't sure how yet. "I have some of your special cigars in my desk."
Ghost paused and looked over at him. "You're fucked, Captain. How did you even get a joint in here?"
"Eh, keep it in the desk in case you come walking into here."
Ghost nodded. "If Soap comes in here, don't let him know I'm here."
Price looked at him sadly. "I won't, Ghost."
So Ghost got as high as he could and thought over it all. His phone kept buzzing with Soap's messages. He went to check them and Price took it from his hands. "Mind if I read them?"
"No, sir. Soap will probably tell the whole base anyway."
Price frowned more and started reading through them. He eventually set the phone down. "Nothing in there you need to read, Simon. He's a right fucking bastard. Don't pay him any mind."
"It hurts." Ghost admitted. "First try in god knows how long. He said it was my fault. That this is how relationships are. Is that true?"
Price sighed. "I don't know. Been so long since I've had to date. Graves is old fashioned like me." He patted Ghost's shoulder. "Actually... I know you always turned me down before."
"I'm not sure I want to be set up on a date right now, Captain."
"Well, if you change your mind, I have a nice fella named Roach who I think you'd get along with swimmingly."
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bagerfluff · 20 hours
Maybe Reapers Can Love
Casper x Non-Binary Reader
Prompt -  Confession
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“Look who it is”, Casper rolled his eyes.
“Hello to you too Y/n”, Casper said, turning his head to look at you. You smiled, twirling your scythe, “you don’t sound happy to see me, cutie”, you said.
Casper groaned and looked away from you, “I told you not to call me that”, Casper said, folding his arms and scythe over his chest. “I can’t lie, so I tell as I see. And I see that you are cute”, you said simply.
Making Casper roll his eyes again. “Anyway, whatcha doing here?” You asked, now standing next to Casper. Casper looked up at the sky. The stars shimmered down as the moon shone.
The moon was a crescent today, yesterday it was full. It was off to the left from where Casper was standing. While the stars littered the sky. It was almost too bright for Casper to look at.
Casper wanted to lie, he wanted to say nothing was wrong and that he was just waiting for his soul to rebalance. But that was not the case.
Something plagued Casper’s mind, it had since the start of Casper’s day. “I’m thinking about something”, Casper said. Hoping that you would shrug your shoulders and walk away, but this was you.
You and your stupid compassion and care for Casper that Casper kinda liked. “A penny for your thoughts”, you said while holding out a penny to Casper.
Casper glanced at the penny, “Mortal money means nothing to me, where’d you get that anyway?” Casper asked. You shrugged your shoulders and put the penny back in one of your pockets, “found it somewhere”, you said.
“But back to what's important, what are you thinking about?” You asked again, resting your scythe on your shoulder and curling your arms around it.
Casper looked back at the moon.
He was thinking about something that happened early. Casper was told the next person he had to take a soul from. So Casper found the person and waited, but what they were doing caught Casper’s eye.
They were on a date, a good looking date at that. Expensive restaurant, nice food, good wine, deep conversations. Then some time alone before going on a walk in the forest.
Casper watched all of this with a heavy heart. Casper found himself wanting that. Someone to take out on nice dates, talk with, go on walks with.
Casper was quickly angered and saddened by his thoughts. Grim Reapers couldn't date, there wasn’t wasn’t enough time for that. Casper was too busy to do this.
Casper was also made at who popped into his mind when he thought about who to do these things with. You. You, a fellow Grim Reaper and maybe, Casper’s best friend.
Grim Reaper’s mostly ignore each other unless they have too, but you go out of your way to talk with Casper. You talk with him when you're both free, you check on him when he feels bad, you're also just there.
Casper finds himself looking forward to seeing you, to talking to you. You may be the only person that can make Casper smile or crack a small laugh.
Just thinking about it made Casper’s heart beat faster, Casper wished he could hate it. But he loves it, he loves you. “Casper?” Casper blinked and turned his head towards you.
“Yes?” “Thank God, thought I lost ya there”, you said with that stupid perfect smile. Casper felt himself smile a bit and blush just because of that smile.
“Now, what were you thinking about, pretty boy?” You asked again. Casper blushed and looked away from you, “love”, he said. You tilted your head, “love?” You asked, making sure you heard Casper right.
“Yes, love. I-I with you experience l-love”, Casper said, clenching his scythe tighter. You let your scythe rest in one hand, the other going out to stop Casper from holding his scythe so hard.
“Why? You don’t normally think about that stuff”, you said and Casper nodded. You let go of Casper's hand, much to his dismay. “Well, who do you wish to experience love with, Casper?”
You asked the dreaded question. Casper looked over at you. Your hair is slightly blowing in the wind. Your eyes, full of curiosity, hope, and care.
You were relaxed, shoulders slant and face calm, unlike Casper. Which was as tense as he could be. Casper opened his mouth before closing it and looking away.
“You”, Casper said quietly, but just loud enough for you to hear.
“Me?” You asked, walking closer to Casper.
“Yes, you Y/n. I wish to take you on dates, have deep conversations with you, go on walks with you. I wish to have a relationship with you. If you do”, Casper said.
Casper felt his heartbeat faster, sweat drip down his face, and his face flush. Nothing was said for a while. Making Casper you didn’t think the same.
Casper turned his head away, tears gathering in his eyes. He knew this was a bad idea. Just when Casper was going to walk away you grabbed his wrist, pulling him into your chest.
Casper dropped his scythe and you did the same. Casper looked up into your eyes, them reflecting the light of the moon and stars. “Of course, Casper. I’d love to do that”, you said with a smile.
Casper smiled too, wrapping his arms around your neck standing straight. You wrapped your arms around Casper's waist, holding him tight with your head in his neck.
Casper did the same, his head on your shoulder. Both reaper’s stood there, in each other’s embrace for what felt like hours. Taking in each other and the fact that both of their feelings were reciprocated.
Maybe Grim Reaper’s could love.
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generalluxun · 3 days
Apropos of nothing, do you remember that idea we discussed where Adrien & Chloe swap parents but keep the same default coping mechanisms/temperaments?
So Adrien spends a lo of time day dreaming & basically lives near full time in a sort of Chat Noir-esc persona minus the hero elements & tends to try and draw others into it.
Meanwhile for Chloe everything is a fight, all the time, but there's also no real victory, its an endless staircase where meeting wining is just the new standard for 'acceptable'.
Let me wondering what dynamics would have emerged in such an AU.
Adrien is probably more popular than Chloe ever was, but also likely even easier to manipulate or use. With Chloe in canon its mostly directing her anger that is nominally easy, while here it'd be simple to get Adrien to buy stuff for people or give out tickets ETC.
I imagine the 'issue' is that he's not much for social boundaries or restraint so he can become clingy very quickly and get very upset if he feels rejected.
Chloe meanwhile may only be going to school to get away from her father or even as a pride thing, "People will think I only succeed because you pay people" or cos Adrien was going through a rough patch maybe. Probably a combo.
I think her default temperament would be closer to Gabriel or Kagami's. She's colder and more urbane than canon, but still very blunt at best. Still she reserves hostility for competition, where its let out as nearly unchecked but very targeted aggression. She's not as disliked due to not picking a fight with everything that moves & being a bit more restrained, but she basically viewed as an ice queen.
In this regard, Adrien is probably the only person off the cuff to be able to be particularly affectionate or playful with Chloe. Cos he's been around long enough that he kind of exists outside her normal perspective. Similarly, Chloe can be rougher around the edges with Adrien than most others & he doesn't take it badly as he knows she's never leaving him.
I am unsure where Sabrina or Marinette would end up in this scenario, maybe they are friends?
Without having to deal with Chloe's bulldozer personality for several years Marinette may be more confident. Not a Queen Bee exactly, but definitely the go to girl. How well said confidence holds up to a challenge however is unclear.
Sabrina likely is still rather neurotic about needing to feel useful to others given that attitude stems from Roger. So she might volunteer a to in class, and be another "Easy to take advantage of" person.
Kagami, her & Chloe's relationship would be interesting I feel cos it'd bemore overtly a rivarly. But I think regarded very differently by both.
To Chloe, Kagami is a peer, a foe, someone to overcome; someone who can nd has defeated her and she hates it, even if part of her is drawn towards her regardless.
For Kagami she'd start of being like, "Ooh marvelous competition, such an aggressive dueling style!" only to realize Chloe takes 'ZERO' pleasure in this, or almost anything she does. So for her part of it would almost be wanted to crack the shell, or dethaw the ice queen.
Beyond that... Yeah no clue, though I imagine Chloe & Gabriel are on less good terms than Adrien & Gabriel were, but also more subtly.
Like, Adrien was more open expressing frustration or resentment with his father, but still wanted his love and hoped he'd warm up. Meanwhile I feel for Chloe it'd have become so tense and toxic at least since Emilie died that while she wants tp prove herself to him, its another challenge, a contest, a battle of wills to her. here's no real hope for love or warmth, she just wants to win.
ALso realize why I thought of this, low key imagining her having an Akuma with somehting like this happening: https://youtu.be/tWTQyCrq0Ts?si=R5_KSbqtZGd4ok5w&t=290
Start at 4:50 if interested.
We have different ideas of this! So I'll lay mine out.
Adrien: I think you're still clinging to the 'good boy Adrien' of canon and warping what we're doing here to fit that. Adrien i not evil, but he is not *socially functional* here. He is not transaction based, he is escapism personified. Might he be nice to talk to? Yes. But ay any given moment he might tangent off into a lore dump of one of the (many) worlds he's made up entirely in his head. Not only that, he might just start larping it at you without warning and without any indication even *he* is aware he's crossed the boundary.
Think 'ahaha I have ADHD so bad watch my hyperfixate!' only not in the quirky tumblresque manner but in the actual social impairment manner. He's not anti-social he's A-social, and there is a small chance if his 'reality' is challenged he MIGHT get aggressive. Most people can humor hi, and his manner can be fun for a while, but it can also be extremely draining. Only a few people can handle it 'full time'.
Chloé: I think you're adding canon spice here again, keeping the ire-antagonist angle. I see it much more as competition for the sake of the *competition*. She needs another award. Being an 'ice queen' is wasted effort. Being mean would indicate a level of attention to people that most are just not worth.
The difference can be highlighted with Kagami for example- Kagami might seek a rivalry(she enjoys them. There's a form of connection and socialization in acknowledging a peer and beating/losing to them specifically) Chloe just couldn't care less. You're an opponent for the length of a match, then the match is over and there's another, and another, until a trophy is won or lost and then it's on to the next competition. There's no reviewing; no bitterness nor pride. As soon as the trophy is won or lost it's worthless as is everything involved in winning it. It's not a snide or dismissive attitude(again, that would take effort) it's just a sort of detched/focused 'Next Quest!' mentality. She is the 'questing knight'.
I don't think Chloe would make connections with most people(for obvious weapons) and could definitely make a terrible first impression. However those who knows her (from a distance obvi) would often have a 'stand back and check this out' mentality. She's not great to talk to but just *seeing what she'll do next* is entertaining, success or failure.
now Sabrina and Marinette
Sabrina: If we're keeping her as knowing and being devoted to Chloe via family ties, then she would be 'Squire' to Chloé's knight. Constantly there with a spare foil, a new pencil, or a towel. She's a one-girl cheering section who takes more pride in Chloé's achievements than Chloé does herself(though she never touts them when Chloe is around, since Chloé takes a negative view on all past victories as 'meaningless') If you want Chloe to focus on you, just pick on Sabrina. You'll feel her eyes boring a hole in you before she tackles you, if you're lucky. If Sabrina is instead attached to Adrien through connections then she'll be his playmate and partner in all his fantasies. She's an 'Adrien Whisperer' who remembers each of his worlds and all the little details for ease of translation. She enjoys her status as the one constant in his worlds, and guards it a little jealously. She's good for his peace of mind, but probably bad for any sense of healthy socialization for him, as she would view any effort to 'bring him into the real world' as bad.
Marinette: In regards to Chloé, Marinette would definitely have some oppositional issues. Marinette likes competition and winning, but she likes it from the social aspect. Rivalry is fun(as long as it's light, Kagami can be a bit intense for her) but all her attempts to engage Chloé slide right off. 'I'll get you next time!' elicits a shrug at best. 'Ha I beat you!' elicits even less. Similarly attempts to ingratiate fall flat. Gifts are unwelcome, praise earns eyerolls. Marinette is stubborn though, so her long term goal would be to figure out this being who is so antithetical to herself. She'll find a way to *matter* to Chloe some how. The worst thing for asomeone with only child syndrome is being ignored. 🤣 With Adrien Marinette would be both enamored and repulsed. It would create quite the internal struggle for her. He's Gorgeous, and he's oh so creative! She loves his little head-worlds and could listen to him talk about them forever. *BUT* when he acts them out, when he brings the imaginations into reality. She gets intense second-hand embarrassment. She projects her own insecurity at being seen as immature onto him and it eats at her. So their relationship becomes a push-pull of: does she pull him out of his fantasy worlds? Does she learn to set aside her embarrassment? Do they meet somewhere in the middle? Does the attraction overcome the hurdles? (Is Sabrina an obstacle?) How does she know if Adrien is attracted to her, or the her in his head? Who is the her in his head? With him having such a vivid imagination she might feel very exposed around him. He *thinks* about her, and she can't hide in his head.
I hope some of this long winded explanation helped.
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smugraccoon137 · 1 year
Shout out to ouat s4 ep5 for being the single gayest episode that I've ever seen. And no one kissed or even held hands
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creativesplat · 4 months
ok... so Lambert x Eve...
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Eve and the two Blaiddyds
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Lambert and the two Fierenes
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The step-siblings
@blaiddydbrokeit and I were talking, and they have now sent me down the wonderful rabbit hole that is Eve and Lambert getting married and looking after their children.
#Dimi desperately needs a good mother figure (y'know rather than his idealised image of Patricia who never really loved him and didn't pay#attention to him no matter what he says to himself (you know only having that one memory of her where she was looking out the window and ig#ring him) and then tried to murder him adn his whole family) anyway#Eve would be good for Dimi#and Lambert and Alfred and Celine would get up to all sorts of shenanigans#but also Lambert might be able to help Celine understand and overcome her fear of other's deaths#Dimitri in particular would be able to understand that fear and sympathise with her#and alfred is just having a great time with a new brother and dad because everything is awesome all the time and his old dad would have lov#d his new dad and he tells alear all about it and she's like ooh!#anyway an adorable meet the step-dad step-brother situation for the couple (you know my alflear loving heart can never resist an opportunit#anyway#other tags were originally messaged to a pal when we discussed the idea but I thought they would work under the picutres too:#crack ship or not Lambert and eve are adorable in my brain#lambert egitte blaiddyd#queen Eve#fire emblem engage#fire emblem three houses#anyway maybe in a heroes universe or something; or dimi revives Lambert using some sort of magic and then Lambert and eve meet up in a Fodl#an and Elyos meet and greet sort of ball and they become friends and then they discuss being widowed and through a long series of meet ups#realise a political marriage between them both would be good for Fodlan and Fahrgus and good for Fierene and Elyos and they're also in love#anyway they both visit each other's spouses graves on the anniversary of death#like they would both really respect their partner's deceased spouses and not be jealous at all when the other gets upset and is like#I really miss them. Because they both get it
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avocado-frog · 6 days
Month old writing share game
Thanks for the tag from @elsie-writes i procrastinated hard on this one but I think that the rules are just to share a bit of writing. So here's a little chunk from something I just wrote:
One time, a few years back, when Logan was nineteen, Lily was twelve, Jaxon was just about eleven, and Dylan was eight, they went to the park. He took them to the park to distract them, sometimes, but he didn't remember the specific reason that time around. Dylan had wandered off a little while after helping Logan pack sandwiches at home- after Lily and Jaxon already left- to go to the garden. Two older men, fifties or sixties, one in blue overalls and the other in a plain, grey shirt were teaching them how to use a rake. A woman a bit younger, dirty blonde hair in a bun behind her head, had a pocket of seeds for Dylan to plant. Logan sat on the bench to watch them, a bit warily. But they seemed friendly enough. Jaxon, usually, would run off to go find people to play with. He was sociable, he liked making friends, but even that day, as sunny as it was, it was still too early for kids his age to start coming over. Mostly, it was the parents of toddlers who wanted their kids to run off some energy. Sometimes, the toddlers would try and get him to play, too, and Jaxon obliged every time, but he seemed content with just his sister today. He didn't have any interest in gardening with Dylan. Lily was by the monkey bars, standing on top of the black platform underneath them. Jaxon sat on the ground, digging a hole in the bark with his hands. Lily jumped up to grab the bars, but she was getting tall enough that she didn't need to jump as high now. Once she had a grip on the yellow metal, she pulled herself up to sit on the top. She sat there for a while, talking to Jaxon about something Logan couldn't hear at the distance he was, and given his attention was split between them and Dylan.  Lily had swung her legs over the bars and leaned down in between the gaps to hang upside down, and of course Jaxon wanted to try.  He jumped up, just like Lily did, grabbed onto the bars, and it should've been a forewarning when his hand slipped before he regained his hold. He jumped up to sit on the top bars, and then his leg got caught in between, and he fell backwards trying to untangle himself.  He had picked the bar closest to the platform. Hanging upside down, right above the edge of the black platform, with his leg stuck in between the bars. He must not have been really thinking past getting his leg unstuck. Logan heard a woah, are you okay, that caught his attention just as he managed to free himself. And then he fell. And hit his head on the edge of the platform and hit it again as the rest of him landed in the bark. Jaxon hadn't even cried, which was astonishing to Logan, who had shot up like a rocket and rushed over to check on him. Because Logan would've cried hard if he hit his head like that. Twice. Lily had scrambled down to see if he was okay, too, but Jaxon only sat in the bark, moved to sit with his legs outstretched, one hand making a circle in the wood bits, blinking like he was confused. There was a steady stream of blood gushing from his nose, too. His eyes weren't quite uneven yet, but Logan didn't think for a second that Jaxon got away without a concussion. He instructed Lily to go watch Dylan, tell them where he went, while he took their brother home to check on him. Jaxon blinked again. Logan grabbed him by the arm, dragged him to his feet, and dragged him home, having to hold his own sleeve against his nose because Jaxon wasn't doing it himself.
Open tag since this is a month and a half old sorry lmao
#the ages at the beginning are mostly meant for me to keep track of The Timeline#also this is unedited so if there's any weird sentence structure i'm fixing it tomorrow so don't point it out. anyways storytime with isaac#one time when i was in the third grade. about eight or nine years old. i was on the monkey bars at my school#so we had two playgrounds for recess. one was for kindergarten to second grade the other was from third to fifth graders#the third to fifth graders one was bigger. the other one was smaller#so i was on the smaller one with this girl i knew named verity and she was trying to show me how to hang upside down#but i was too big for them so when i tried my leg got caught between the bars#and there were these two bars that were kind of like step ladders to reach. if you were a little kid who needed help reaching. which i wasn#so i fell and cracked my nose on the first bar and hit my head on the second#the kid verity was FREAKING out. crying screaming etc#she ran to go get the teacher and i have this vivid memory of being like really dizzy and just staring at the bark and not moving#because it didn't hurt as bad as verity thought it did + i think i was confused and trying to piece together. why that just happened to me#the nurses made me go home and i had the sickest black eye and a concussion while i got to sit in the back of my mom's office#with a minion's ice pack#it hurt like a motherFUCKER after like two hours though#giving characters things that happened to me as a kid is a good fun time#also i shouldnt have been hanging out with verity. bestie once dug a hole in the grass and burrowed herself a hole to escape the school#via dent in the fence. like a fuckin woodland creature bro#rambles in the tags#writeblr#wip: rosemary
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nomaishuttle · 8 months
on a semi related note there r like 2 specific times i remember expecting one of my safe foods and getting something entirely different and being SO insanely upset abt it even though the thing i got still tasted good
#the first my uncle asked me what i wanted 4 dinner while he was staying with us#and i said cheesy chicken and rice my fav food and he Made cheesy chicken and rice but it was like. a completely different dish than what i#refer to as cheesy chicken and rice and it was good food but i was rly rly rly upset. and i feel bad bc again it was good and my uncles a#great cook but i was expecting my comfort food and got something different#the other big one was i always get the wisconsin six cheese from dominos. and if i dont get the wisconsin six cheese i get the beautiful an#delicious pizza me and my mom named greg . rly funny story actually. but greg is basically. hes got ranch instead of tomato sauce and then#chicken bacon (always at least these 2) and mushrooms if possible for toppings. and hes great#and one time my mom was ordering dominos and asked me what i wanted and i said the wisconsin 6 cheese yk. and it came and it had ranch sauc#and my mom was like oph yeah i thought itd be fun to try the ranch sauce since we like it on greg so i thought id surprise you. and i#literally couldnt eat the pizza and i started crying over it bc i had been rly excited for the 6 cheese#but yes. greg is my goto pizza everywhere except dominos on occasion if they dont let u do rnch as a sauce we do alfredo instead#hes very trustworthy and i love him... we got him umm. the first time we ordered him was when we were doing my sleep study#so we were like waiting outside the hospital and we were like oh we should order something 2 eat since we havent had dinner yet#and we went to order and 4 somereason we couldnt get the 6cheese idk if like one of th cheeses was out of stock or something ???#but we were like ok lets just make a new pizza lol. and we made him and then dominos was like Ok what do you want to name the pizza#and idk why i think it was late but that question was like. HYSTERICAL to us KJADBJWABD bc we were like what is it a baby#of course now i realize its so you can like. have that pizza saved to easily order it again yk. but we were like idk.. greg??? so yes. and#im ngl to you guys idk if it was just bc it had been a good day and i was happy and like kind of silly since i was at a hospital#but that was literally theeee best pizza ive ever had in my literal entire life. istg they put crack in that pizza it was soo good#sooo yes anyways sry 4 rambling.
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