#I think she would love lg
boarwinds · 4 months
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“Ma do my hair like auntie Tigris”
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xzaddyzanakinx · 4 months
Study Buddy pt1
Stepdad!Anakin x femme reader
18+ MDNI
Warnings: dubcon, dd/lg, PiV, unprotected sex, gen. smut, baby trapping, edging kinda?, manipulation, possessiveness, age-gap, stepcest, inappropriate relationship, praise kink, breeding kink, innocence/purity kink
Info: stepdad Anakin just adores his stepdaughter! It’s not his fault that she’s so fucking fine. Anakin is a perv but it’s okay cause he loves you, Anakin just wants the best for you! And the best for you is him, obviously. spoiled little naive brat reader but Anakin prefers you that way. Reader acts more innocent/naive than they really are. Reader is over 18
🕊 Dead dove do not eat 🕊
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The one where you just need alittle extra incentive.
You sighed, taking your calculus homework into the living room. Handing Anakin the Pepsi he requested and sat down in the floor. Leaning back against the couch and setting the notebook down on the coffee table so you could get back to work.
"Good girl." He praised, his fingers brushing against your cheek from behind you. He took a long drag from his cigarette before exhaling a cloud of smoke.
"What are you working on?" His eyes trailed downwards, lingering on your body for a moment, taking the opportunity to stare at the dimples in the small of your back. He was relaxed, shirtless and in his favorite pj pants with his socked feet kicked up on the coffee table next to you.
“Calculus homework.” You grumbled. “my brain is basically fried. This shit is driving me nuts.”
You pushed the notebook away in frustration and twirled the pencil between your fingers.
“Hey. Language.” He said gruffly. “Chill out, do you want help? I’m pretty alright at math.”
“Actually, yeah that would be great.” You nodded, grumbling in frustration.
Sometimes all you needed to understand something is to see it from a different angle, maybe Anakin, your step-dad could help with that.
"Alright, alright." He chuckled softly to himself before putting out his cigarette.
Standing up to stretch his arms above his head. The dark hairs leading to the waist of his pants exposed as his shirt rode up his abdomen. He knelt down so his face was level with yours. Reaching out, he took the notebook from you and scanned the pages.
"Hmm... huh... well, let's start here," he said, pointing to a problem written in your neat handwriting. Grunting as he sat down next to you, his arms resting on his knees.
After solving the equation he helped with the next question, and you were finally starting to get the hang of it. He gave you a kiss on the cheek as a reward, a soft one that made you smile, one that said ‘I’m so proud of you!’. For the next one you got right it was an unexpected but smooth kiss to your lips.
“Daddy.” You whispered in shock at his real kiss. “We’re not supposed to do that!”
Anakin’s gaze softened as he pulled you into a comforting hug.
“Aw sweet girl, I’m sorry. I should’ve explained myself first.” He sighed.
“This is real hard work isn’t it?” He asked, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear.
“Yeah it is.” You nodded.
He laughed a little. “And what do I always say when you do hard work?”
“You always tell me hard work deserves big rewards.” You grinned, thinking of all the times he’d taken you out to your favorite restaurant, to see a new movie, to buy you new things.
But your favorite rewards and treats were the ones he got you on his way home from work. Sometimes when he felt like you needed a little pick-me up, he’d stop at the store and get you a box of candy or one of those tiny little cutesy squishmallows that come in the surprise eggs.
He smiled, giving you a light squeeze just above the knee. “Exactly!”
“I’ve found a much better way to reward you my sweet girl.” He spoke in a cheerful tone in an attempt to make you smile and it was working effortlessly. “Somethin’ real special that I think you will love.”
“And it’s kisses?” You said, tilting your head to the side.
“Sometimes kisses, sometimes not.” He said, giving you a chaste kiss on the forehead.
“Well what’s the sometimes not?” You asked excitedly, what could possibly be better than kisses?
“Oh come on now.” He teased. “Treats and rewards are always better as surprises aren’t they?”
“Yeah you’re right.” You giggled.
“That's better," he cooed, satisfied by your reaction.
“Now come here, let's continue our 'lesson.'" With a gentle tug, he pulled you into the empty space between his legs, scooting your back toward him enough that he could easily rest his chin on your shoulder to watch you work.
He placed the notebook back on the coffee table and leaned in closer, his breath brushing against your neck as he spoke.
“So, how about we start with some stuff you already know? Something simple to ease us back into things?" He traced slow circles on your exposed lower back with his thumb, his fingers pressing gently into the flesh of your stomach as his massive hand rested on your side.
"O-okay..." You stuttered, unable to ignore the sudden warmth spreading throughout your body.
“Alright.” He nodded, flipping through the text book until he reached the previous chapter you had been working on in class. He wrote out some equations for you to solve and quickly worked them out himself on his phone calculator before typing the answers in his notes app and telling you to get started.
Each step in the equation that you did correctly Anakin would press a tiny little barely there kiss to your shoulder.
“You’re doing real good doll-face.” He praised you quietly with his cheek pressed against yours and couldn’t help but smile when you felt him do the same.
“Just keep working hard and I’ll help when you need me to. But right now, try to work them out yourself and I’ll keep giving you sweet little reward kisses!” He said happily.
“Okay Daddy.” You smiled, leaning back against his chest and setting out to work on the next question.
He chuckled softly, pleased with your progress and willingness to please. As you finished each equation, he would whisper sweet words of encouragement followed by little kisses along your neck and shoulders. He even nibbled your earlobe a few times, which you quickly discovered had that strange butterfly effect in your tummy as well.
"Good girl, good girl," he murmured approvingly as your confidence in your work grew. "You're doing great, keep it up."
“Alright, now I’m gonna make you some new ones, they’re gonna be harder alright? Once we get these down, I’ll set up some more difficult ones and then you can try to ones you were assigned for homework. They’ll seem easy after you’ve worked so hard on these other ones!” Anakin explained as he began writing out new equations for you to solve.
He took great care in making sure to double check the answers to ensure he’d be able to properly tutor you.
After getting the first more advanced one finished correctly, Anakin started his plan to give you a new reward.
“Look at you princess, you’re doing so well!” His voice flowing soothingly as he switched from sweet chaste kisses to nibbling and sucking on your neck.
You gasped, in a state of awe at the way he could turn those chaste kisses into something warm and wet and lingering. Those silky soft lips momentarily destroying your ability to think freely.
While you were distracted, he took the opportunity to sweeten the pot. One of his calloused hands defied any pre-conceived notions that one might associate with such an attribute. One might expect a man with hands like Anakin’s; large rough palms, long fingers, overall strong and veiny, to be brutish or rough.
Though it seemed he was naturally the direct opposite. One of those big strong hands slid from it’s resting place to slip beneath the hem of your shirt. Splaying those long fingers across the expanse of your lower abdomen, pressing gently, just enough to properly feel each breath you took from the rise and fall of your tummy.
After a moment of savoring this intimacy Anakin brought that same hand up over the fabric of your shirt once more. A slow ascent to cup your breast, remaining motionless despite the twitch of his finger that exposed his want for more than a simple touch.
After the next correct answer he finally allowed that eager twitch to bloom into small deliberate circles around your nipple. Sparingly brushing his thumb over the hardened nub in order to properly appreciate and enjoy the helpless whimper that escaped your lips each time.
“Next question?” You asked quietly, Anakin only mumbling a ‘yes’ against your skin as he kept up his slow sensual neck and shoulder kisses paired with both of his now hands softly massaging your breasts and nipples. The added squeeze of his palm was almost soothing. As though he aimed to tame the warming embers of desire that lay dormant beneath your skin.
"Atta girl," he praised, his voice low and husky.
"Now, let's try this one." He observed attentively while you struggled to focus on the task at hand.
He chuckled at the way you squirmed every so often and relented, now guiding you through each step while his hands continued their teasing exploration of your body.
"Almost there, I believe in you sweetheart." Somehow his words felt like the rays of afternoon summer sun that shone through the curtains. You imagined that this must be the equivalent to how your cat feels when he bathes in those rays.
“Well babydoll, this is how we’ll do your homework from now on! You’re doing so so good!” He praised you, reluctantly removing his hands from your breasts.
“You deserve alittle brain break okay?” He said, guiding your head to turn with one finger on your jaw.
Before you could speak Anakin slotted his lips against yours. His tongue swiping lightly across your bottom lip, a slight up turn of his mouth when you gasped. He gently, slowly probed your mouth with his tongue; savoring the unique flavor of you.
‘Raspberry tea and honey, yes, that’s it. That’s what she tastes like.’ He decided, locking that information away into the corner of his mind that was reserved for you. Though that corner was becoming much like the chair in the corner of your room that overflowed with clothes. A few more things stacked on top would topple the precarious pile, spilling all things you into every crack and crevice of his conscience.
Meanwhile you were currently short circuiting. The onslaught of completely foreign sensations he’d provided you with was beginning to quite literally fry your brain. You felt warm, mushy, like your brain was goo and your body was clay, ready and willing to be molded to Anakin in whatever new ways he saw fit.
He pulled back, a wide toothy grin taking over when he saw the glaze that had taken over your eyes. Those beautiful eyes, their rich color stolen away by the deep black of your pupil.
“See? You needed that huh?” He cooed, running his thumb down your jaw while we waited patiently for you to collect yourself enough to respond.
“Uh… uh huh.” You nodded slowly, your cheeks flushed and your throat feeling tight as stoked those ember-coals within you, now burning to form a red hot flame.
“Can I try something pretty girl?” He asked in that seductive whisper.
“Oh, ‘course daddy.” You breathed out, of course you’d let him. You’d let him do anything if it meant you could have more of this.
“Thank you baby.” He whispered as he gently rolled the hem of your shirt up, guiding it up and over your head.
You whimpered, the cool air hitting your burning hot flesh making a cold shiver travel up your spine. You swear you heard a little moan coming from Anakin when he finally caught a glimpse of your bare back, and you were positive you heard one when he reached around once more to massage your breasts and toy with your nipples; he was so incredibly grateful to be rid of that pesky fabric barrier, and even more grateful that you never wore a bra at home.
He squeezed and pulled your nipples gently rolling them between his fore finger and thumb. The feeling was good, warm, and tingly; somehow even better than before. Inwardly you wanted to smack him for not taking off your shirt sooner.
A low moan left your lips Anakin reacting with a light chuckle and a sloppy kiss to the under side of your jaw.
“That's it, you're doing great," He praised, his voice dripping with pride; pride at how well you were responding to him.
He was proud of the you he was slowly bringing to the surface. Teasing the little minx that hid behind your innocence, he knew it was waiting for him. Ready for him to capture and keep it, to train it to feed from his palm.
"Now, let's try this one." He suggested, showing you another equation.
Now his fingers trailed slowly down your stomach towards the top of your shorts. He paused just above them, to follow the curve of the elastic cotton waistband with featherlight fingertips.
"This one might be a bit trickier, but remember, I believe in you." He cooed.
“Okay daddy.” You nodded, breathing heavier. “If you think I can do it.”
“I do princess.” *He reassured you.
Anakin's touch became increasingly bold, his fingers making their way to your inner thighs. Leaving tingling sensation to form between your legs, you jolted for a moment, that single flame of desire growing, burning hotter and hotter.
“Lift up sweetheart.” He whispered.
“M’kay.” You squeaked, your voice feeling small.
He gently removed your shorts, a satisfied hum rumbled in his chest when you sat back down and his hand returned to its rightful place between your thighs.
His teasing touch, the torturously gentle tracing of the edges of your panties making your wetness seep through the thin material of your underwear. He continued to stimulate your nipples, and switched to the opposite side of your neck, while he changed tactics on your lower half. Two fingers pressing lightly against that dampened cotton, massaging slowly, making you squirm slightly in response.
“Oh no, is that uncomfy?” He asked gently, concern in his tone.
“Yes,” You whimpered. “all tingly.”
“It won’t be for long alright princess? Daddy’s right here to help.” He promised, his lips against your ear lobe.
“But-“ You started, wanting to complain. Wanting to ask for more; more of what? Good question and only Anakin had that answer.
He tsks, shaking his head slightly. “Finish this one up sweetheart.”
You whined in response and huffed at not getting your way. But followed instructions regardless because Anakin was always right, he was always here to help, always here to guide you, and always gave in to your wants eventually. He couldn’t stand to tell you no, he just couldn’t do it. It was like it physically pained him to see your bottom lip in a pout.
He signed and applied alittle more pressure to encourage you to get back to your work.
A few agonizing minutes later he confirmed your answer was correct, resulting in your excited and eager reaction. You turned slightly to look back at Anakin expectantly,
He grinned, rolling his eyes. He knew exactly what you were doing, you were waiting for him to deal the next card in your new game.
"Perfect job darlin’ you got it on the first try!” He praised, nuzzling into your hair to smell the warm vanilla scent of it.
He tapped your thigh and you instinctively lifted your legs up. He cooed, soothing words while slipping your panties off and lifting you into his lap. Your wet pussy pressed against the large bulge in his pants, those two fingers slipping past your pussy lips. He coated his digits in your slick, dragging them back and forth, up and down your slit.
“Is that right? Did I do that one? I feel like it’s n-not right.” You asked him for help, and when he confirmed it was correct he dipped the very tip of his middle finger in between your soaking wet folds.
“That's right, baby girl." His voice was low and husky, though alittle richer, perhaps it could be described better as darker.
"Now let's try this one together." With a slow motion, he inserted his middle finger into you fully. As you struggled with keeping your sanity, trying to hold a pencil, and trying not to cry from the overwhelming urge for more, Anakin was merely breathing heavily. Occasionally grunting as your cunt fluttered around his finger, his cock throbbing against you.
"How does that feel?" He asked, his tone dripping with satisfaction at watching you squirm and writhe under his touch.
“I- I like it daddy. It feels good.” You whined, feeling him add a second finger and stretching you a bit. It burned, but in a good way.
“That’s right baby.” Anakin nodded. “It’s supposed to feel good, and I’ll make it even better after we get alllll this silly homework done okay?”
Anakin said as you bucked lightly against his palm, chuckling when he heard a low moan escape your lips as he curled his fingers and pushed them in slowly, dragging them back out even slower. The snail’s pace was tolerable, a thousand times more satisfactory compared to his mean and teasing touches before, though they still continually added to that growing fire pit of yours.
“That's it, baby girl." He praised, adding another finger to stretch you even more.
“Daddy.” You hissed, sucking air through your teeth.
“I know darlin’ it’s okay.” He soothed. “Just sit real still.”
You sniffled, accidentally wiggling a bit too much. “S’hurting daddy.”
He began to thrust his three long digits slowly in and out of you, his hips rocking rhythmically in time with his hands movements.
“Shhh. My little princess." Anakin's voice was filled with sympathy, his fingers moving slower inside you. His thumb starting to rub circles on your sensitive nub. “Daddy’s here, just trust me.”
Your furrowed eyebrows slowly turned into an upward swoop, your anxious lip biting coming to a halt as your jaw dropped open in a silent moan.
“That’s better isn’t it doll?” Anakin asked, a low hum reverberating from him after you responded with a rapid head nod and an experimental roll of your hips.
“Much better.” You breathed out a sigh of relief, his fingers starting up that slow pace again. His thumb flicking back and forth across your puffy little clit.
“This calculus is real hard huh?” He said.
“Yeah it is.” You mumbled, meaning to sound angry, but it really just sounded like a plea.
“Gimme your hand babydoll.” He softly commands.
You let him take your hand and guide it behind you, helping you wrap your delicate fingers around the rock hard bulge in his pants.
“Daddy…” You moaned as your body responded to the feel of his cock in your hand.
“Do you know what a cock is? What it looks like? What it’s for?” He asked slowly and you giggled, nodding in response to his questions.
“Have you ever touched one?” You vehemently said no absolutely not.
“Well daddy is gonna pull out his cock, and help you settle down on it alright? We’ll go real slow and gentle; you tell me immediately if you want me to stop okay?” He explained while softly gliding his hand through your hair, while continuing his slow exploration of the warm, gummy walls of your cunt.
“Can I see?” You asked timidly.
“Of course doll. You can touch it too if you want.” He said softly, removing his fingers from your tight hole.
He took a minute to admire the creamy slick gathered on his digits before offering you one of his fingers.
“Do you wanna know what you taste like?” His voice dark and almost sinister.
You didn’t answer, just parted your lips and let the tip of your tongue hang out. He smirked and slipped his index finger past your lips and rubbed it on your tongue. Your nose scrunched up for a moment, the taste unfamiliar and strange, but it was easy to get used to.
He chuckled, removing it so that he could properly clean each finger with his lips and tongue. Sucking each digit thoroughly, moaning with his eyes fluttering closed at the first taste.
“So sweet.” He whispered.
“Hop up and turn around for me sweetheart.” He said, pinching your ass cheek playfully, just hard enough to make you yelp.
You did as requested and settled back on his thighs. His face was just as red as yours felt. His pupils dilated beyond belief, his bare chest had a thin sheen of sweat. His plump bottom lip tucked between his teeth as he finally got a good look at you.
He had wanted to wait. To wait until he couldn’t stand it any longer. The teasing was for him just as much as it was for you. The reward of such a long and torturous game was well and wholly worth it. To finally see you like this. Flushed and wanton, needy for his cock.
Those tits. God those fucking tits… he moaned cupping them in his hands again. They were beautiful when he could see them from behind you, looking down at them from over your shoulder. But up close and in his face? Stunning. Absolutely breathtakingly stunning.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” He whispered, entranced temporarily before he snapped out of it and realized this was not one of his sick and twisted dreams.
Oh and how he had dreamed. Night after night, waking up and having to palm his cock roughly just to get enough relief to go back to sleep, only to wake up the next morning and spend half his time in the shower fucking his fist and desperately wishing it were your tight little cunt.
This was real. He had you, completely naked, drooling and sopping wet, putty in his hands.
“Daddy is gonna make you feel so so good after your homework is done.” He smiled, dreamy and spaced out.
“Pull out my cock baby.” He encouraged, taking your wrists in each hand and helping you pull his pants and boxers down his thighs.
Anakin's cock sprang free from his pants, standing erect and proud before your wide eyes. It was thick and veiny, slightly curved upward towards his belly button.
“Ani…” You whimpered worried about what to do, how to properly do this, if you should do this. You wanted to, needed to. But should you?
“What’re you thinking doll?” Anakin asked, his hands on either side of you running his knuckles up and down your tummy soothingly.
“Am I gonna get in trouble?” You whispered.
“What?” He asked, in confusion. “Why would you get in trouble sweetheart?”
“Well, ‘cause of this…” You mumbled.
“Babydoll.” He cooed, his thumb and forefinger pinching your chin and tilting your head back so he could look directly in your eyes. “You won’t be in trouble. I’m your stepfather right?”
“Uh-huh.” You nodded.
“So that means I get to help make the rules around here doesn’t it?” He said soothingly, cupping your cheek.
“Yeah.” You nodded, a small smile beginning to form on your lips. You were beginning to see his reasoning and justification clearly.
“So it would be silly for you to get in trouble for something I said was okay wouldn’t it?” He smiled softly.
You giggled, nodding. Happy that he answered your question, amazed as always that he was so easily able to wash away your worries and concerns.
“There’s my little princess.” He cooed, rubbing his nose against yours. “Are you ready now?”
“Yes Ani.” You nodded with a smile, kneeling over his dick.
His large hand grabbing the base, holding his visibly throbbing cock steady as he slowly pushed the head against your tight entrance.
"Just relax, baby doll," He whispered in your ear, his other hand gripping your waist tightly to help guide you down his length. "Just breathe in and out slowly."
Your eyebrows furrowed as you put your arms around his neck and took comfort in the way he took control and made you feel safe even when you were so vulnerable in his arms. You were trusting him with a lot right now, the most intimate and sacred side of yourself.
“Anakin… oh gods.” You gasped in pain as he pushed in farther. He rolled his hips gently, popping your hymen, groaning when he felt that precious little thing snap.
“Shhh it’s okay, I won’t move anymore for now.” He held your hips firmly in place, allowing you to bury your face in his neck in an attempt to steady your breath as he did the same.
Your pussy involuntarily clenched around his cock as he shifted, making you wince in dull pain and Anakin grunt in pleasure at the constricting tightness.
"That's a good girl," He praised, his voice hoarse as he forced himself to maintain control. "You're doing great, just relax."
His hands moved down from your hips to squeeze and support your ass cheeks. Leaning in for a kiss, letting out a questioning hum as he ever so slowly started lowering you again. You nodded, letting him know it was okay despite the prickly sensation of tears forming in your eyes.
You focused on his tongue, on his hands, on the racing of his heart beneath your palm.
"Let me know if you need me stop, okay?" He broke the kiss to lovingly ask. “I don’t want to hurt you sweetheart.”
“I will Ani.” You promised, nodded vigorously as he slowly, steadily impaled you on his cock.
“Jesus.” Anakin whined, breathy and strained as he finally bottomed out. Buried to the hilt, feeling comforted in know that you would soon adjust to his size, and he wouldn’t be hurting your poor little weeping pussy anymore.
He hated to see you in pain, and knowing he was the cause was really, really killing him. It was inevitable of course. You were gonna end up speared on his dick sooner or later, and while he was thrilled that it was sooner, he just wishes he could’ve found a way to make it alittle easier on you.
“Be real still, just relax, get used to the feeling doll.” He cooed, soothing hands running up and down your spine.
“Yes Ani.” You whined, thankful for the chance to adjust to feeling so… full.
"Now, let's finish these final problems together, okay?" He said, his voice huskier than usual as he picked up the paper with the remaining equations. “Get your mind off the hurt okay?”
You held the notebook and kept working on one of the equations while Anakin latched on to your nipples and bit down gently.
“Ah!” You yelped, wincing as his bite made you jolt, your cunt squeezing his cock. “Anakin!”
He chuckled kissing your neck and massaging your ass cheeks. “Sorry baby.”
"You know, you're doing really well," he said, his voice full of satisfaction. "I'm impressed with how quickly you've learned it all. This is definitely going to be the way I help you study from now on." Anakin smiled, kissing you softly.
“Almost done.” You whined, scribbling frantically on the page. Trying your best to sit still.
“Baby.” Anakin growled. “Stop wiggling unless you want me to start training you to hold this big fucking cock in your tight little cunt all damn day.”
“Sorry daddy! Didn’t mean too!” You sniffled. “just feels so full, I need to move.” You whimpered, biting your lip.
You were getting impatient with waiting and sick of this stupid math homework and really, really, really impatient for Anakin to help you fuck yourself on his cock.
"Alright, alright." He chuckled, slowly lifting you a little before thrusting up in again.
You sat there, spread out wide on your step daddy’s massive cock. His callous fingers rubbing tight circles on your poor little clit as he fucked you so, so slowly to stop your wriggling and squirming.
“You’re a real good teacher Ani.” You moaned, finishing up the last equation and fighting the urge to moan and cum right then and there just from that tiny bit of relief. “All done.”
Anakin's eyes lit up at your words of praise, his cock twitching inside you in response.
"That's my good girl! So smart." He praised, pulling out almost completely before thrusting back in with more strength than before.
His hands gripped your ass firmly and lifted you up and down his cock until you got the hang of the movement. Slowly picking up the pace once you started a low string of moans that Anakin’s hungry mouth swallowed up in a kiss.
“Reach down and play with your clit while you bounce on my cock.” He ordered.
“yes daddy.” You squeaked in response, whining in relief as you started circling your neglected clit.
“That's it, baby girl." Anakin groaned, his hips moving faster as you found your rhythm.
"You're so fucking good at this.” He praised, his head falling back on the couch cushion.
As you got more confident in your movements he started to meet you halfway with his own thrusts, his cock hitting your G-spot relentlessly, you could feel your orgasm building up rapidly. Your moans turned into high-pitched whimpers of pleasure, your nails digging into his shoulders that you gripped tightly for balance.
“I knew you’d be good,” He moaned. “your body is made for me, it’s perfect. So fuckin’ perfect.”
“Y-yeah daddy.” You whispered on the verge of orgasm. “M’feeling something.”
“Fuck. Th-that’s right doll, I told you I’d make you feel good didn’t I?” He moaned, his voice dark with possessiveness.
Anakin growled low in his throat, his grip on your asscheeks tightening almost painfully. He bit down hard on your neck, leaving a mark as evidence of your sinful affair.
"You're about to cum. That’s what that feeling is darlin’ don’t fight it, just let go." He panted between erratic thrusts, his breath hot against your throat. “Once I make you cum it means you’re mine and mine only. Do you want that?”
“Yes daddy.” You agreed, slurring your words as your body tensed up. “I wanna be only yours.” You were practically drooling as you came violently around his cock, flooding his lap with your juices.
Anakin groaned loudly, his orgasm hitting him like a freight train. The intensity of the fact that he’d given you your first orgasm, that he’d properly and officially earned your virginity, made him feral. His cock twitched and pulsed inside you, releasing wave after wave of hot seed into your tight channel.
“God damn,” he hissed out. “such a good girl, letting me fuck this pretty little pussy full of my cum.”
You whined at his praise, grinding down on his cock when you felt the strange but good sensation of stickiness coat your walls.
"Fuck, baby doll." He panted heavily, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he rode out his own climax. "God you just made me cum s-so fuckin’ hard.”
He stilled his movements and yours to catch his breath, nuzzling your neck and holding you close as he whispered sweet nothings into your hair. He pulled back after a moment, looking down at your disheveled state, he grinned widely, licking his lips in satisfaction.
“Did I do good?” You asked with a wobbly lip. Feeling overwhelmed by your senses, overstimulated to the point of tears. “did I make you happy and proud daddy?”
“Oh, you did more than just make me happy and proud, baby girl." Anakin's eyes glittered with something dark, something… a little scary as he gazed down at you.
“You’re gonna make me a fine little baby momma too.” He growled, his hand reaching out to trace gentle circles on your stomach. “Aren’t you?”
Part Two (final part)
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@wickedtactics @tsugumiholic @kingdomhate
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@allhailbuckybarnes @shadowhuntyi
@bobtheturmpetman29 @mortalheartache
@fallinlovewithevil @sythethecarrot
@joshfutturmansrighthand @chaoticantihero
@vadersslut @luvvfromme @anakinsbaee
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mountainsandmayhem · 2 months
Shhh...Just A Little Bit More
Part Three (Spicy Version)
DBF!Joel x Female!Reader - 18+
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Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 (Soft Version)
Summary: Joel Miller caught you working where you shouldn't be after you promised to quit. Now he's taking matters into his own hands. Word Count 5.7k
CW: DBF!, Dom!, SoftDom!, use of nicknames (baby, sweet pea, baby girl etc.), Sub/Dom, DD/LG, use of toys and a riding crop. no use of y/n. no description of reader except for piercings. Praise, degradation. After care.
AN: THANK YOU for all your love on parts 1 and 2. This is the spicy version of the third part. I'd love to hear which part you liked best!
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“Hey, buddy. It’s Joel.”
“Joel?” You can hear your dad’s muffled and panicked voice through the receiver. “Where’s my daughter? Why do you have her phone? It’s 5 am!” 
“Remember that time Sarah ran away to your house and you told me that one day I might be doing the same for you?” 
Your dad is silent for a while, a distorted higher pitched voice filters through before you hear your dad again, “It’s alright honey. She’s with Joel.” He lets out a deep sigh before adding, “I thought we skipped the rebellious phase with her.”
“She’s a good girl. I think she just needs some time to cool off.” Joel says, his voice is friendly and light.
You squeeze your thighs together and nuzzle deeper into Joel’s throat. You know what you need, and it isn’t to cool off. He and your dad have been friends since the day he moved in down the street. You were seven and Sarah was eleven, you thought she was the coolest person on the planet. Wonder what she’d think of you now, cuddled up against her dad after he just edged the fuck out of you after spanking you in an alleyway. You’re lost in your thoughts as Joel talks with your parents for a while.
A sane person would stop being so turned on right now. Fuck, I need Joel. So badly. Maybe I should rile him up some more. 
“I’ll come by this afternoon,” Joel hugs you tighter, bringing you back to the conversation. “Ya, if she wants to, I’ll bring her. She’s ok, just never seen her more - frustrated.” 
You squeeze his side, knowing he’s smirking about how frustrated and needy you truly are right now. He hangs up the phone and brings his lips to yours, kissing you harder this time. You moan into his mouth, hands roaming up his body to tangle in his hair. 
Holy shit, Joel Miller is kissing me. 
As you run your nails along his scalp he lets out a pleasurable sounding gasp and a small shiver racks his body. Oh, he likes that, he likes that very much. 
Got ya, you think to yourself. 
He pulls away to see you smiling at him. “This is why I usually tie naughty girls down,” his voice is completely different from how it was just moments ago; deeper and more commanding. It reverberates through you - right to your pussy. “Because they think they’ve found spots that will get them what they want. Let’s go home now, darlin’.” 
The front door hasn’t even closed before Joel is hoisting you over his shoulder roughly, kicking the door closed as you squeal, his calloused hands gripping the back of your thighs as your stomach rests across his broad shoulder. 
Fuck his ass looks good from this angle. 
“You know I’m not done punishing you yet, right?” He growls, toeing off his boots and taking you to the basement. 
When Sarah was old enough, she’d occasionally babysit you. You remember there being a locked room in the basement, she said she didn’t know what was in there, but you were obsessed with finding out. You asked Joel mercilessly what he was hiding back there and he never responded in more than a grunt or a sarcastic comment like “that’s where I lock up kids who don’t shut up.” 
Joel grabs a key off the holder at the bottom of the stairs and heads straight for that mysterious locked door. The key scrapes against the door knob, you crane your neck to see as he flicks on the light. 
Holy. Fucking. Shitballs. Joel Miller has a sex room. 
“Watch your mouth,” he grumbles as he drops you onto the large metal framed bed. 
Did I say that out loud? 
He stalks away from you towards a large black cabinet, rolling the sleeves of his button up flannel to his elbows. It’s almost concerning how much that simple action turns you on. Maybe you should go back to church, your mom would be so proud. 
You’re intrigued to look around, curious as to what else is around you in this large room, but everything about Joel’s presence draws you in. Freezes you in time. You belong to him, or so he implied when he said he was your Dom now. 
He slides the door of the large black cabinet open just enough to reach in. Your curiosity is bubbling to the surface and just as you’re about to ask he looks at you darkly. 
“Did you come on the drive home?”
Every bump on the drive home had you twitching. You tried your hardest not to gasp and moan but the combination of the gravel road, your insane state of heightened arousal, and the lack of underwear in your stiff denim shorts were all working against you. 
“No, Joel.” Your eyes dance around his hands, trying to see what he took out of the cabinet. 
His jaw flexes, “It’s Mr Miller. Not Joel.” His chin juts towards the corner of the room across from him as he says, “go kneel in that corner. Face the wall and don’t move.” 
You practically leap off the bed and scramble to the corner as Joel mumbles, “So fuckin’ eager,” under his breath. 
On your way to the corner you see all sorts of ropes, chains, paddles and whips hanging from the walls. There's a large wooden x with cuffs leaning against another wall and beside the corner he’s told you to go to there’s a strange looking bench, almost like a gymnastics horse, that also has cuffs. You might be way in over your head here. 
You kneel down in the corner, the carpet is soft and luxurious under your knees as you rest your bum down onto your heels. 
“No, on your knees. Hands above your head on the wall.” Joel barks, making you jump and your pussy flutter. Joel opens and closes some more doors, you hear things being moved around and just as your hands start to go numb above you, you feel his heat at your back. 
“I’m going to finish your punishment now little one,” he rasps. “Have you ever been a sub before?” 
“N-no. Mr Miller. I’m sorry,” you voice trembles. Nervous and excited energy are battling inside you for first place. 
“Don’t be sorry, babygirl. What do you say if you want me to stop?” His strong hands grip your hair, gathering it up in a low ponytail before tying a long ribbon around it. 
“Umm..” you rack your brain. Before his sadistic little countdown he told you to say something if you wanted to stop.
“Cowboy,” you finally say, slightly uncertain until he hums a sultry ‘that’s right’ behind you, his hands grabbing the hem of your shirt before pulling it up and over your head. 
The cool basement air hits your exposed skin and you find yourself arching your back towards Joel’s warm body. Your nipples turn to stiff peaks at the combination of the temperature shift and the anticipation of what’s coming next. 
Your hands fall back to your sides as your shirt glides past your fingertips. Without missing a beat, Joel hits right below your shoulder blade gently with a riding crop. The sound of the soft black leather end against your skin is louder than the pain, but it still burns slightly as you gasp and your arms fly back up to the wall.
“Don’t be stupid, baby. The more you don’t listen, the more I will hurt you. And you are already here because you didn’t listen.” He trails the riding crop around the pink mark forming on your back. “Stand up, but keep your hands above you.” 
You plant one white slip-on van on the carpet and drag the toe of the other as you stand, hands sliding up the red satin wallpaper that lines the room. The soft leather of the crop traces down the black strap of your lace bra, across the back band and then up the other strap. 
“Use one hand and undo the clasp, sweet pea.” You drop your right hand and bring it behind your back. Popping the metal clasp open with a shaky thumb and forefinger. Before you can put your hand back, Joel grabs your wrist and places the crop in your fist before raising it back up above you. His rough fingers graze your back, goosebumps line your skin as your head falls forward and you hum out in pleasure. 
His hands glide around to the front of your body and trail up, pushing under the cups of your bra to squeeze your tits. He stops dead as they land heavy in his palms. 
“Holy fuck, drop the crop and take this bra off right now. Let me see them,” his voice is thick with arousal at what he’s found. 
You do as he says, the crop hitting the soft carpet with a thud. You spin and let your bra fall from your arms. Showing him the golden barbells, and the thin golden hearts that surround each nipple. 
Joel practically snarls as he dives in to kiss you, his tongue parting your lips and making room for him to devour you. “Are those healed?” He asks through the kiss. 
“They’re sort of new,” you say into his mouth. “Six weeks ago.” 
“Fuuuuck, you’re gonna kill me,” his hands hurry to the buttons on your shorts. He rips them down your legs, kneeling in front of you to slide off your shoes. His face is now level with your achy cunt. It’s been throbbing since he spanked you and now he’s so very close. 
He stops to stare at it, then gently uses his thumbs to pull your soaked lips again. He clicks his tongue, “too bad you didn’t listen. She looks swollen and sooo wet,” his thumb barely grazes the wet flesh before he looks up at you as he sucks off the juices. “Mmm - and sweet. But bad girls don’t get rewards.” He lays a quick slap across your clit and you nearly collapse at the sensation. 
The pain. 
The heat. 
The pleasure. 
He smirks down at you as he stands. You crane your neck to look at him, gasping for breath as the pleasure ebbs between your legs. 
“You like pain, don’t you?” He asks. 
A sly closed lip smile crosses your face as you nod quietly. You do like pain, but you’ve never had someone as experienced as Joel before. He spanked you harder than you ever have been before, pushing and testing your limits. While you enjoyed it, and can’t fucking wait to do it again, you aren’t sure if you can handle all these whips, crops, canes and ropes. 
Cowboy. Just say cowboy. 
He steps away, leaving you completely bare in the corner. He stops at the foot of the bed, the things he’s pulled out of the cabinet rest flat on top of the sheets but you can’t make out what’s there. He slides his flannel off and drops it to the floor. You swallow hard at the way his tight shirt hugs his body, you swear you can see every muscle that lines his chest and abdomen through it. He doesn’t leave you guessing for long, one hand reaching behind himself, grabbing his shirt by the nape of the neck before peeling it from his hard body. You squeeze your thighs at the sight of him. 
Joel Miller: Greek God. 
He leans against the tall post at the foot of the bed, crossing his thick arms over his chest. His biceps bulge and suddenly you find it hard to breathe. He is fucking beautiful. 
“Crawl to me, and bring the crop,” his voice is rough as he commands you. 
You get onto your hands and knees and look over at the crop and then back towards Joel, looking up through your lashes. “Think about it for a second,” he says. 
You bend down and pick the crop up with your teeth. “There’s my smart girl,” he praises as you crawl. You’re so wet that your thighs slide effortlessly against one another. You stop in front of him and he reaches down to tilt your chin up to meet his gaze. He’s looking at you with an immense sense of pride, you’d do anything to have him look at you like that and when he throws in a warm ‘good girl’ you’re done for. His. His brat. His good girl. His submissive. Just his. 
He takes the crop from your teeth and then walks behind you. “Arch your back,” he presses the leather end into your lower back, guiding you, teasing you, showing you what he wants and how he wants it. 
“Spread your legs, babygirl,” he whispers, again gently pressing the crop to your inner thighs as you spread for him before he slowly drags the soft leather from your clit to your backside. You whimper at the much needed attention. “Good girl. See how much better it is when you listen.” 
You relax your head, letting it fall as you moan. Close. So very close. The leather meets your chin next. “Eyes up, I need you to stay like this for me. Ok?” 
“Yes Mr Miller,” you gasp, holding your head high, looking straight ahead at the metal bed frame that’s lined with hooks and rings. “Anything for you.” 
The riding crop trails down your neck and spine as he walks back behind you. “That right, darlin’?” He says, almost afraid to admit how much those three little words have affected him. You. Offering him anything. 
You let out an agreeable moan before he strikes you twice, each snap of the crop hitting the exactly same spot. 
Joel Miller: Greek God and Accurate Riding Crop Sniper.  
Ok, you’ll have to work on the name. 
The sting takes a bit longer to turn into that pleasurable tingly heat that you love than when he spanked you. Keeping your back arched and head up is already proving to be a challenge, and then he traces your cunt and asshole again with the leather and you’re practically shaking. Closer. Much closer. 
He does it again. Striking one cheek, then the other, quickly followed by a quick slap to the back of your thigh. You cry out in pain, until the leather slides over your soaked clit and the sounds turn downright pornographic. 
“Why am I punishing you?” He demands, tapping your clit lightly and rapidly. 
“I - mmmm - I didn’t q-quit,” you moan. 
“Wrong,” he hits you again. Five quick, sharp snaps, alternating between ass cheeks. Then he slides up and down your folds again. 
Sparkling burning heat. 
“M’gonna come,” you mumble and Joel pulls away. You cry out in protest as he lowers himself to the floor, a large warm hand gently rubbing your sore cheek. 
“You come when I say,” his lips land on every spot he’s hit you, but not the spot you need him the most. “Now why am I punishing you?” 
Your mind is mush, overrun by the overwhelming need to orgasm. You didn’t quit. He wants you to and you didn’t. That’s why he’s hitting you. 
“I don’t know Mr Miller,” you whine. His hand trails up the soft skin of your inner thigh, your legs tremble under his touch and you fight against your shaking arms to keep your body how he wants it. 
“No?” He says with a smirk. “On your elbows, forehead on the floor.” 
“I’m sorry,” you say as you get into his new required position. 
“You should be,” he stands and walks towards the bed. Leaving your ass up and on display. “You lied and snuck out, then after your spanking tonight you stayed at work for another two hours. You also used my marks to make money. You, my sweet girl, are a brat.” He’s practically growling by the time he finishes, settling himself behind you. “That’s why I’m punishing you.” 
Deep down Joel knows he should stop. Not for the obvious reasons: best friend's daughter, twenty years younger, four years younger than his own daughter. But because he hasn’t had a real conversation with you yet about your hard and soft limits. Didn’t even ask if you wanted to be his sub. But your smooth little ass is up in the air, pussy glistening in the dim light of his sex room and nothing but your pleasure matters anymore. 
You swallow hard, “I’m sorry for being a brat, Mr Miller.” 
“I don’t think you are,” he says and you hear the distinct sound of a cap of lube opening behind you. “I think that you have enjoyed yourself so much that you’re going to be back on that corner waiting for an Uber to take you to work tonight. You want me to come after you. Because you are a little slut with a very greedy pussy.” 
Something cool presses against your soaked entrance and you cry out as he continues, “so I’ll tell you what. You can go to work tonight, but you’ll have to do it my way,” slowly that cool something slides inside of you, filling you slightly but it’s not enough. “Fuck, practically sucked it in, babygirl.” 
You can feel it, a hard ball that’s pushing right against your g spot, a slender piece staying outside your body for easy removal. “That is going to stay in until I take it out. It vibrates, and if you don’t behave…I will turn it on.” 
His large, rough hands grip you by the hips and pull you back so your ass is flush against his body, his cock stiff as nails under his jeans. “It’s time to get some sleep, sweetheart. Get in the bed, please.” 
“But…” you pout into the plush carpet. “Please, Mr Miller.” 
“What did I say? Bad girls don’t get rewarded. Come on,” he taps your hip. “Bed.” 
You stand up on shaky legs, thankful that the best is only two steps ahead of you. But the toy inside of you has you feeling like a powder keg on the edge of exploding. Joel pulls the covers back and climbs in with you, pulling you in to rest your head on his chest. His arm drapes around your body, the other resting behind his head. 
“How are you feeling after tonight?” He whispers, using an app on his phone to turn the lights off. 
“Horny,” you whisper, burying yourself deeper into his neck. 
“I know. But you know I can’t make you come, right? I can’t reward you for this behaviour.” His lips fall to your hairline, two light lingering kisses melting you further into him. 
“What can I do, Mr Miller?” The moment the last syllable of his name leaves your lips the vibrator comes to life inside of you. “Oh god - thank you. Thank you.” Your body twitches against his, your leg coming to drape across him as you subconsciously hump and grind into his hip. 
“That feel good, baby?” He asks, holding you tighter against his strong body. 
“Yes. Yes. Hnnnng, yes.” You grind harder, your arousal coating his hip and leg, your clit sliding along him with ease now. “Joel, please.” 
Shit. He should punish you for calling him Joel but you’re so goddamn beautiful as you start to fall apart and he can’t hold back any longer. He’s let other subs go days without an orgasm, he’s gotten off to them begging and crying for relief. But you. You sound so damn sweet to his ears and he can’t stand to see you like this anymore. 
He has you flipped onto your back, trapped under his weight before you can even register what’s happening. He’s kissing you deeply, tongue taking what it wants as your legs kick and shake under him. 
“Please!” You cry between kisses. 
His thick fingers sliding between your puffy folds before grabbing the end of the vibrator, you scream out as he pulls the toy from you. 
“Shhh…just a little bit more. I’m going to make it better now,” he says gently, kissing down your neck, swirling his tongue around each nipple piercing. 
“Please. Please. Pleeeaase, Mr Miller. Please. It hurts. I need it, please.” You’re a mumbling mess and the words leaving your lips are practically incomprehensible. 
“I know. Relax baby. Breathe.” He says between kisses down your sternum, his tongue tracing your curves. When he finally settles in between your thighs he swallows hard, he wants to dive right in, make you drench his face as you come. “Look at me, darlin’.” 
His warm breath hits your pussy and you fight your hips from bucking up to his face as prop yourself up on an elbow and try to focus your eyesight on him. You didn’t know it was possible to be so turned on that you practically had tequila vision. 
His voice is serious yet calm as he says, “I’m going to make you come using my fingers and my tongue. Is that ok?” 
You nod your head and a faint ‘yes’, leaves your lips. He doesn’t want to ask permission, and next time he won’t. But right now he needs to know you’re ok with this. 
“Can I lick and touch both the outside and inside of this beautiful, weeping, pussy?” 
It starts to hit you that Joel Miller would never do something you didn’t want and that sets your soul on fire. He cares. About you. Only you. Wants to do things for you. You are not a burden here. 
“Yes, Mr Miller. Please. Touch me.” The room suddenly feels twenty degrees hotter, you can feel sweat beading on your skin. 
“That’s my girl,” he says, sliding his ring and middle finger around your desperate entrance. You cry out, dropping your body to the bed. 
Pleasure. Overwhelming pleasure. 
“No no baby girl, eyes on me.” 
You somehow muster the strength to raise yourself onto shaky arms. His two strong fingers slide deep into your heat with minimal resistance and you immediately start gasping. 
Pleasure. Life altering, heart stopping pleasure. 
“Fuuuuck. Baby. So tight. Have you ever squirted before?” His cheeks are flushed with need. He might be the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. 
Your breasts rise and fall with your ragged breaths. You shake your head and moan out a ‘no’. 
He smiles down at your dripping cunt, “I can feel it. Gotta relax for me. Just breathe and let it happen.” 
Nerves flutter in your stomach and then he curls his fingers forward, putting so much pressure on a soft spongy spot that you didn’t know existed until today. On instinct, your knees try to close but his wide frame keeps you open. You yell his name to the ceiling, as all the air whooshes from your lungs. 
“Breathe baby,” he says as he curls his fingers once, twice, three more times. You can hear how wet you are and the pressure becomes unbearable. Stars start to blur your vision, the walls of your pussy squeeze tightly around his fingers and then it’s just a blur. A blur of all consuming pleasure and you turn into a boneless, mumbling mess. 
“That’s it. That’s my girl. Come for me. Soak me. Good girl,” Joel’s free hand pressed down on your mound as a wet heat leaks all over you. “Good fuckin’ girl. Let go for me.” 
You’re not sure if you’re screaming or not, all you hear and feel is Joel. Everything is Joel. Strong hands, deep gravel voice, warm vanilla smell. He’s everywhere and you never want it to stop. 
“Keep going. That’s it. You look so beautiful,” he says, licking a long stripe up your fluttering pussy, drinking and slurping up your juices. “Oooh yeah - gooood giiirrll”
Almost immediately after your orgasm crests it becomes too much. You’re so overstimulated that it hurts and your moans of pleasure become cries of pain. You forget your name, where you are, you even forget your safe word. But Joel knows, he always knows. 
He stops pumping his fingers and says your name, “look at me sweet pea.”
You blink slowly, you’re wrecked, barely able to keep your eyelids open, almost convinced they’ve been replaced with steel. You’re sucking in air, did you not breathe that entire time? 
“Breathe baby, you’re ok.” He says, stilling his fingers until you’re ready. 
“I’m sorry, Mr Miller. I know I called you Joel. I won’t do it again.” 
So fucking cute. “It’s ok, darlin’ girl. I want you to let loose when you come.” He places a few light kisses along your thighs. The sheets and his bare chest are soaked. “I’m gonna pull my fingers out.” 
You fall back to the bed and fist the sheets to ground yourself as he slides his fingers out. “You did such a good job,” he praises as you whimper at the loss of his fingers inside of you. 
He crawls up your body, placing his strong forearms beside your head, moving any hair that has escaped the ribbon from your face. “I’m so proud of you, babygirl.”
“Fuck me,” you mumble. 
He grins down at you. “That’s my little slut,” he says darkly, ripping his jeans and underwear off, kissing you hard and rough - just how you like it. His hard cock lands heavy on your clit and you cry out into his mouth. “You sure about this?” He says cockily. 
“Fuck me, Mr Miller. Please. I need your -,” he slams deep inside you, hips flush against yours. He’s so deep you swear you can feel it behind your navel. The girth of him giving you a painful but pleasurable stretch, “oh god. I’m gonna come again.” 
“Squeeze me, baby. Yell out. Show me what I do to you,” he hooks your knees in his elbows to get deeper. Hips grinding and slamming into yours. “So goddamn good. So tight. Give it to me, little one.” 
The heat in your belly snaps as you come apart for him again. Every muscle goes limp and pliant as he folds you in half, knees practically behind your head like some sort of tantric pretzel. The walls of your pussy clamp down on his dick as cry out in pained moans. Before your orgasm has even tapered off he’s slipping out of you and flipping you around. 
“Hands and knees, like you were on the floor.” He practically yells it at you, like a drill sergeant. 
You don’t have the cognitive ability to even know what your arms or legs are, lying on your belly down in the puddle you created earlier. 
“Can’t,” you moan before the sharp snap of the riding crop hits your ass. Adrenaline spikes as you start to find your arms, bringing them beside you to push up. Another three quick strikes hit your backside. “Fuck. Stop, Joel. Please.” 
He strikes you again. You most definitely do not want him to stop and you already know that he loves when you beg. “It huuuurts,” you gasp as you bring yourself up to your knees. Your all wobbly limbs, like a newborn giraffe, and panting breaths as he hits six quick strikes down your thigh. Crying out with each one, “I’m sorry. I’ll be good. Please just stop.” 
“You should see how your pussy clenches with each hit, my little masochist,” he praises, moving to punish the other thigh in the same way he did the other one. “You could come from this, couldn’t you?”
“No. It hurts. I’m sorry, daddy.” 
Joel stops. The word daddy suspended in the air between you. Fuck, it just slipped out. You’ve never said it to a man before and now you wish you could just crawl into a little hole and die alone. 
“Oh babygirl,” he says proudly, coming up behind you and rubbing his dick up and down your wet pussy. “Do you like that? Calling me daddy?” 
“It slipped out. I’m sorry Mr Miller,” you desperately want to bury your face in the pillows but you keep your head held high, just like he wants you too. 
“Tell daddy to fuck you,” he says, his hand grabbing the base of your tied back hair. 
“F-fuck me, daddy,” you say in the sweetest and most innocent sounding voice you can muster.
With one snap of his hips he’s fully inside of you, his hand pulls at your hair. You scalp tingling and burning, only adding to the pleasure building again in between your legs. 
“You like it rough. Don’t you, little one?” You moan out in agreement, “like it when daddy fucks you this deep. Like it when daddy is in your belly. Don’t you?” 
“Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.” It’s like you’re a broken record, unable to come up with anything except moans, cries and ‘oh god’s’. 
Joel’s hand moves from your hair to between your shoulder blades and pushes down. A silent command for you to rest your chest on the bed. You do as he says, “good fuckin girl. You want me to fuck you while I use the crop? Is that what you want my little pain slut?” 
“Yes please, Mr Miller,” you gasp, hands fisting the sheets, muscles clenching as you prepare for what’s about to happen. 
The pace at which he’s fucking you continues. He’s fast and rough, his balls slapping against your pussy with each trust. The crop hits the bottom of one of your feet first, then just to the right of your left shoulder blade. 
“Not gonna stop until you use that safeword. Brats don’t get rewards,” He fucks up into you a few more times as he swats at the front of your thigh. 
Blinding heat and pleasure start to course through you as you come again. “My little masochist,” he says again, pulling back to slap at your ass as you come on his cock. Tears blur your vision, you want to stop but you want to make him proud. You feel his dick getting harder, twitching slightly. 
Just a few more minutes, you think to yourself. Until he strikes you harder than all the other times. The sound of leather on your skin fills your ears and you pull away from him, “COWBOY!!” 
You collapse into the sheets as Joel turns away, unable to stop his orgasm and wanting to be respectful of your need to stop. He cums into the sheets with his hand, biting back your name from leaving his lips. 
He turns to find you facedown, red and purple marks already forming. “Baby,” he whispers, his hand coming to caress your lower back. You flinch under his touch. 
Fuck, I went to hard. 
“Shhh, relax. It’s over now. Let me take care of you.” He sees you visibly melt into the mattress, and why wouldn’t you. His voice is soft and gentle as his fingers trail up and down your spine. “I’m so proud of you for using your safeword. Can you roll over for me?” 
You do as he says, using any last ounce of energy to roll over. He shuffles himself to sit on the edge of the bed, lifting your upper body to help you prop up in some pillows, your eyelids are impossibly heavy. He reaches into the small mini fridge that’s disguised as a bedside table and takes out a bottle of water. 
“I need you to drink this, honey. Then I will put some coconut oil on those marks. Ok?” 
You open your eyes as he cracks the water. He looks wrecked. Beads of sweat line his hairline, curls sticking to his forehead, but fuck is he beautiful. 
Joel Miller. Sex God. 
“How are you feeling?” He asks as he slides his boxers back up his leg, his still half hard cock pressing against the fabric. 
You’re suddenly unable to stop from giggling. You feel giddy and drunk as you down the water and say, “I feel fucking amazing!” 
Joel shakes his head and lets out a little laugh. “Good,” he says, pressing his lips to your forehead. He pulls makeup wipe out from the bedside drawer and wipes the mascara that’s run down your cheeks. Then he finds himself doing something he’s never done with his other subs. He grabs the coconut oil and reaches a hand out to help you off the bed. 
“Let’s go get some sleep,” he says. Steading you and leading you up the stairs to his room. This is dangerous territory, but he needs to wake up with you. Cherish you. Care for you. Other subs always slept down here. Never in his room and rarely with him. But certainly never ever in his room. 
You follow with shaky legs and nearly collapse onto his bed when you get there. 
“Can we do that again?” You ask as he rubs oil on your tender backside. 
“Fuck yes. But before we do that,” he taps your side and you roll over so he can oil your thigh. “You need to fill out some paperwork.” 
You groan and he lets out a deep laugh. “I promise it’s fun paperwork. Hard and soft limits. Things you want to try.” 
He looks up at you with adoration, mirroring the looks you’re giving him. He nods towards your pierced nipples, “I like those. Very sexy. As soon as they’re healed we are gonna have some fun.” 
You blush, “thanks. You’re - umm, you’re actually the first person to see them.” 
“That right?” He says proudly, lying down beside you and pulling you into his chest. 
“I have an appointment at the piercer next week. Any requests?” You say teasingly as you nuzzle into his chest. Your appointment is to get a second hole in each ear lobe, but may as well have a little fun.
“Hmmm,” he hums, lips grazing your hairline with little kisses. “Belly button.” 
“Oh, I was thinking of doing my clit.” You glance up at him through your eyelashes, bottom lip between your teeth. 
“Fuck me, baby. You tryin’ to kill this old man? I’m gonna have to leave the goddamn continent while that heals.” He pulls you in tighter, pulling the blanket up around both of you. “Get some rest now, we have a big afternoon.”
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buckybarnesb-tch · 10 months
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Religious Teachings -Klaus M.
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Okay so…I may have taken the innocence thing just a bit too far? I grew up Mormon and now I have a shit load of religious trauma and I think that propelled this one a bit so…I hope it was everything you wanted and if it isn’t I’m so sorry😅 but this is probably the most fun fic that I’ve ever gotten a request for and now I want to write more like it🤣
I apologize in advance
Warnings: Major Innocence Kink which pushes its way into Dub-Con, Breeding Kink, Daddy Kink (Dd-Lg), Religious Trauma
This is a Religious Fic.
Don’t Like = Don’t Read!!
It’s possible I took the innocent thing a bit too far but considering you didn’t want her to know what sex was at all I assume that’s what you wanted? I hope it’s what you intended.
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If you had told Klaus that one day he would work at an all girls catholic school he wouldn’t have believed you. Here he is though, Saint Holy Mary’s School for Girls as an Art teacher and he’s never been happier.
When Klaus met Y/n he knew she was perfect, she had been home for summer break at the time and Klaus scared off some teenage boys making vulgar comments to her as she walked home. They talked for a few minutes and it didn’t take Klaus long to understand that she’s innocent. Alarmingly innocent. She’s a teenager who is almost an adult that no one has taught about sex, and while Klaus wanted to know how that’s even possible, he decided instead to just enjoy the gift he has been given in the form of his innocent little Bunny.
She was shocked to see him in the school but pleasantly surprised, she blushed whenever he spoke to her, blushed whenever she saw him in the halls or at meals and blushed whenever he complimented her projects. Klaus had spent nearly 2 months just getting her comfortable in his presence, she spends a lot of time with him and often helps him with things that get her out of different classes. Y/n loved spending time with Klaus just as much as he did with her, she proved it the first time he touched her, though she clearly hadn’t understood what was going on and he found it truly adorable.
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‘Might as well just spend the rest of class here love, there’s 20 more minutes.’ She shrugged, blushing as he pulled a chair over beside him for her to sit in. She made herself comfortable and Klaus couldn’t keep from looking at her legs, the short skirt she was forced to wear everyday showing several inches above her mid thigh and he couldn’t stop from imagining them wrapped around his head. ‘So, tell me Y/n, what made your parents choose this school for you? Were you too naughty for them to control anymore or did your parents go here?’ Once again her face was red as she quickly corrected him.
‘My mom went here! I didn’t-I’m not-‘
‘I was teasing love, I know you’re the most innocent girl here.’ He was still teasing her, wanting to see how she would react and she didn’t disappoint him.
‘I’m not that innocent. I just don’t like to break the rules…my dad never paid much attention to me when I was a kid unless I did something right so breaking the rules wasn’t really an option I guess…I don’t like-‘
‘You don’t like people to be disappointed in you. It’s a good thing, but I don’t think anyone could be disappointed in you Bunny, you’re perfect.’ He could practically smell the blood rushing to her cheeks as he rested a hand on her knee but she didn’t pull away. ‘Such a good girl.’
‘Thank you, you’re always so sweet, I love getting to talk to you Mr.Mikaelson.’
‘Ah ah ah. What have I told you about that? You call me by my first name now that we’re friends. You wouldn’t want me to be…disappointed in you would you?’ He questioned, moving his hand up to hold her thigh and seeing his fingers only about 2 inches from touching her panties making her breath just a bit heavier.
‘No! I’m sorry, I just, it’s weird to call a teacher by his name is all-‘
‘But we’re friends. After all this time I thought we were…more than friends even?’ Her eyes widened and she held the sleeve of his red Henley tightly.
‘Of course we are! We’re best friends! I’m sorry Klaus, you know I love spending time with you.’ He couldn’t help his smile at her nearly idiotic level of innocence as she thought he meant ‘best friends’ even as he has his hand almost under her skirt.
‘It’s okay. I love being your best friend, you’re my precious little Bunny. I could never really be disappointed in you love.’ His hand squeezed her flesh and she gasped quietly just before he caught a heavenly scent coming from her making his fangs ache in desperate need of being buried in her throat. In the 2 months he had known her, he had never smelled that sweet slick between her legs until now and he could see as she pushed them together that she didn’t quite understand what the feeling in her stomach was. He would have to teach her everything…he couldn’t find it in himself to be upset about that.
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For the next month he got her accustomed to him touching her, arms, legs, back, face, his hands anywhere on her body wasn’t something she minded, not even when he hugged her from behind and rested his hands on her lower belly. That’s when he knew, when she leaned back into him and pushed her thighs together, he knew he could have her.
The next time they were alone together he made sure they had plenty of time. Y/n was scheduled to stay at home that weekend but Klaus made sure something came up with her parents so she couldn’t go. When she spoke to him, he convinced her to not tell the school and just spend the weekend at his place. It would be fun. She was so excited by the idea of spending time with her friend outside of school that she barely worried about the broken rules, getting off at the first bus stop after leaving the school and hopping into his car with a huge smile on her face.
Klaus had gotten all kinds of snacks and drinks, ordering takeout and relaxing with her eating everything she’s not normally allowed to. He had also gone to the store and gotten her clothes, both pajamas and day clothes to wear if she wanted to go someplace tomorrow or Sunday, all of which were short or revealing and he had her change into black short shorts and a tank top with a wolf on it. Last but not least he put on an R rated movie. She argued but didn’t put up too much of a fight about it. It was a horror movie and she was shocked by the cursing and the drugs, but she enjoyed the stupidity of the characters and how they died.
It wasn’t until they got to the reason Klaus chose this movie that she seemed uncomfortable. She watched as the teenage boy pulled his girlfriend onto his lap and ripped her top off, her tits flashing on the screen before he seemed to make a meal out of them.
Klaus had ensured that Y/n was pressed against his side firmly with his arm around her waist so that he wouldn’t need to pull her closer when the scene came on.
As the boy continued kissing down her body he flipped the girl over and ripped off her panties, shoving his face into her. Y/n gasped, completely stunned by this action and looking up at Klaus in shock. ‘What are they doing?’ She questioned and he looked down at her, trying to stay neutral.
‘They’re having sex love, being normal teenagers. You…you know what sex is…don’t you?’
‘Of course I do, I…it’s to make babies…my mom said I didn’t need to know until…until I was ready to get married. They’re sinning.’ Klaus chuckled at that and Y/n looked back up at him confused before turning back to the television and watching as the boy began thrusting into the girl roughly and she began crying out in pleasure.
‘All teenagers have sex Y/n, it’s more strange not to have done it. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t support mindless sex with a bunch of people you don’t know but if you love someone, really care for them then you should express that with them. You don’t have to make a baby, there’s ways to avoid it if you want to but sex is called ‘making love’ for a reason, it’s the best way to express your care for that special someone.’ She looked confused but he could also smell her excitement. ‘They love each other, so they’re making each other feel good. It’s normal and I’m so sorry you’ve been deprived of basic knowledge…do you see her face?’ He asked, knowing exactly how he was going to convince her to let him touch her. ‘What does her face look like?’
‘Happy…really happy.’
‘Right, and the sounds she’s making? Tell me, what do her sounds make you feel?’ Her face was redder than he had ever seen and she looked away from the TV quickly before he tilted her head up. ‘It’s okay Y/n, I love you. You can tell me how you’re feeling. I would never betray your trust and tell anyone anything. You can be honest with me…do you want me to tell you first?’ She nodded quickly and he tried desperately to hide his smile. ‘Well, when I hear her moaning like that I…honestly it makes me desperate to know what you would sound like if you felt good.’ Y/n was now turned toward his body and holding his Henley tightly, clearly trying to calm her breathing as she got too excited. ‘What are you feeling right now? I won’t make fun of you, I want to help.’
‘I…I feel tingly in…in bad places Klaus…sometimes when-Oh God-‘
‘It’s okay. You’re doing so good Bunny, so, so good for me.’ He pulled her onto his lap gently and ran his hands up her sides.
‘When you…t-touch me I get…I feel hot…and tingly…and I get…I-I get-‘
‘Does your pussy get wet for me Bunny?’ She groaned out, in embarrassment and relief both but he didn’t care as he gripped onto her thigh tightly. ‘It’s normal. It means you love me a whole lot, just like I love you.’ Her whimper was quiet but instant.
‘You do?’ He nodded. ‘Do…do you get wet too?’
How stupid is her fucking mother that she could teach her daughter basic-fuck that women!
‘No Bunny, but my cock gets hard for you whenever you touch me, or I think about you, sometimes at night I touch myself and just think about how precious and beautiful you are and it makes my cock feel so much better. When a man’s cock gets too hard it hurts and you are always the one who makes the pain stop, you make me feel so good Precious.’
‘Are you in pain now Klaus?’ She wondered and this was exactly how he knew he would get her to let him do anything he fucking wanted.
‘Yes Bunny, I’ve been in pain since the movie started.’ She looked up at him in shock and worry making him wince a bit as he moved to prove his discomfort.
‘How do you make it stop hurting, I can-I can leave you alone if you need-‘
‘Don’t leave me Bunny, no! Please? I need to hold you Y/n, don’t go-‘
‘Okay. I’m not going anywhere.’ She reached up, running her fingers through his hair and it sent a shiver down his spine.
‘Have you ever seen a cock before?’ He asked her and she shook her head, probably thankful she couldn’t get redder than she is. ‘Do…do you want to?’ She hesitated before looking back up at him and nodding, trying to look determined which made her all the more adorable. He moved slowly so she didn’t get scared, it had been probably about 200 years since he had fucked a virgin and he knew he needed to be even slower with Y/n. He pushed his sweat pants down along with his boxer briefs, his cock standing straight and hard, leaking at the tip, and completely red which seemed to make her believe he was in serious pain.
As if Y/n couldn’t control herself she reached her hand out and touched his tip, dragging her finger down his length before yanking her hand away when he groaned. ‘I’m Sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you! I-‘
‘No Bunny, no! You made me feel so good, so fucking good! Please just…oh God, please touch me? Please Bunny, help me?’ His desperate cries of pain were too much for her and she reached out, wrapping her hand around his cock, watching him throw his head back as his hand tightened on her thigh. She pumped her hand up and down his length a few times before her eyes found his tip which was leaking. She swiped her thumb across it and his hips thrust up, nearly throwing her off of his lap. ‘My good girl, so good for me! Such a good little Bunny for your Daddy! Don’t stop? Please?!’ He held her hand and helped her speed up for a few moments before looking back down at her and his eyes flashing to her lips. ‘Y/n…will you do something else for me?’
She nodded quickly. ‘Anything Daddy.’
Fuck! He could have cum right there and been completely happy with it but he pushed it back. ‘Please? Daddy needs your lips.’
‘My-my lips?’
He nodded. ‘Please? Just the tip if you want, suck on it like I gave you a lollipop…can you do that Precious?’ She looked back down at his cock before smiling and nodding her head, moving from his lap and kneeling. He could see the excitement in her eyes and he knew right away he was creating a desperate whore. He was going to ruin this girl and he couldn’t care any fucking less, she would belong to no one but him for the rest of eternity and he would never let anyone else touch her perfect body so…how wrong is it really?
She wrapped her lips around his tip and suckled, tongue running over his slit which made his legs stiffen and shake as she did it again, dragging her lips down his length and moaning. That was the final straw for him. He had imagined her mouth and her noises so many times and nothing came close to this, she was perfection and she was never getting away from him. He held the back of her head still as he came up into her mouth and though she jerked a bit at first she got used to it and quickly swallowed, sucking on his cock for more. ‘Did I make you feel better?’ He couldn’t speak, only nod in that moment of total bliss, head thrown back against the couch to keep her from seeing the dark veins under his golden eyes until he could get his hybrid visage under control again, Fuck this girl does things to him! ‘Can I have more cream Daddy?’
‘Oh Fuck!’ Her innocent eyes and words were going to push him over the edge much too quickly. ‘Daddy…Daddy wants to give you more cream. I’ll give you Daddy cream all you want Babygirl but…do you think Daddy can put it somewhere else?’ She tilted her head, looking up at him from her knees. ‘Do you trust me?’ Y/n nodded her head quickly and he smirked, knowing this would be easier than he thought. ‘Can I show you?’
‘Yes Daddy.’ God he’s going to stretch her pussy so much this weekend there will be a permanent indentation of his cock. He lifted her up and laid her onto the couch, throwing his shirt away and grabbing ahold of hers, pulling it off and quickly keeping her arms from covering her perfect tits. They were just the perfect size for his hands and so fucking cute that he couldn’t resist leaning down and wrapping his lips around a nipple, her hips flying up when his teeth nibbled. He took full advantage, dragging his hands down her sides and holding onto her shorts and panties, nibbling again and pulling the clothes down and off as her hips thrust up again. ‘Daddy!’
‘Shh…it’s okay Y/n, it’s just Daddy. I love you Bunny, and I want to spend the rest of eternity at your side making your pussy drip for me, do…do you want me?’ He asked, seeming nervous so that she feels needier for him.
‘Yes Daddy, forever but…you’re my teacher, how-‘
‘You let me worry about that, Daddy will make it all okay…just let Daddy…let Daddy inside of you.’ He groaned, pushing her legs apart and squeezing her thighs with an image of his girl round with his baby burned into his brain, silently begging whatever Gods exist if any to allow him to be able to put a baby in his Little Bunny. Leaning his face down into her wetness he licked his tongue up her slit, lapping at her like a thirsty animal before caressing her clit with the tip of his tongue.
‘Oh Daddy! Don’t Stop! Please?!’ He didn’t, he shoved his face into her cunt and ate her like his life depends on it. He wrapped his hand around hers as he wiggled his tongue against her clit and felt her legs lock around his head as she reached her peak for the first time ever, crying out so loud he knew the neighbors would hear if he’d had any. When he pulled away he crawled back up her chest and kissed her neck, lining his cock up at her hole and pushing his way into her before she had time to have doubts, still on cloud nine as he pushed the last 2 inches in a short thrust and she squealed.
‘That’s it Bunny, oh god you’re so perfect. So fucking perfect! So tight on my-‘
‘Daddy! Y-You’re in-inside…you can’t-‘
‘Clearly I can. And I am.’ He turned her face to look up at him and made sure she was looking him in the eyes. ‘My cock is in your pussy right now, so deep you can practically feel me in your guts, can’t you?’ She nodded, whining. ‘This is my pussy now, all mine. No one can ever take you away from me…you have the most perfect cunt I’ve ever seen baby.’ He pulled back a few inches before pushing in again and pressing his lips to her lips for the first time. ‘Tell me Bunny, what was it you wanted from Daddy?’
‘Daa-ah!’ He thrust up again when she didn’t answer and he smirked, feeling his fangs trying to push out of his gums as he became more and more desperate to mark her.
‘Tell me what you wanted.’
‘D-Daddy cream…wanted m-more Daddy cream…please Daddy? Can I have more?’ She was begging now, whining in desperation for his cum in her womb.
‘Daddy will always give you cream. Daddy’s gonna fill you with so much you’ll be leaking for days. We’re going to fill you with cream for the next 2 days and maybe I’ll keep you even longer just to make sure it’s all properly fucked into you.’
‘Yes! Daddy cream! Want you inside me Daddy, inside me forever! Your cock feels so good! Why did no one tell me it feels so good! Can you stay inside me forever? Daddy, please?’
‘Oh Bunny…Daddy’s gonna breed this little body so much, gonna fill you with my cum over and over again until you’re a leaking, fucked out mess, until all you can do is whine and babble my fucking name! Until all you can say is ‘please Daddy more?’ And I’ll fill you over and over until it takes and you’re carrying my baby inside of your gorgeous body.’ Her eyes widened as she looked up at him, his hips thrusting harder as she realized what he meant, what he was really doing. ‘That’s right Bunny, you’re gonna give Daddy babies, gonna fill you with my babies over and over and still you’ll be desperate for more. Cause you know what bunnies do? They breed, they breed like crazy, they get Fucked-‘ he thrust hard getting deeper into her, now holding her legs up and getting as deep as he physically can. ‘-until they can’t anymore and then they do it again cause they’re so needy and desperate and slutty that they can’t stop. You have a slutty little pussy Bunny, are you ready for Daddy to fill it?’
He knew he wouldn’t stop even if she said ‘no’ but he wanted her to want it, because she is his for the rest of eternity. ‘P-please? Daddy cream! Fill my pussy Daddy! Please?!’
‘That’s my good girl. Daddy’s good girl, gonna be so full of me! Fuck!’ He shoved his cock into her as deeply as he could, feeling her pussy squeezing him through her own orgasm and practically milking his cock for all he could give her and Klaus had never felt so blissful, not in 1000 years.
He kept himself buried inside of her cunt, holding her close and pulling a blanket over the both of them, nuzzling into her throat to find some comfort before drifting off to sleep with the TV sound in the background.
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Sometime in the night Klaus had moved them upstairs to his bed and cleaned the both of them up. Later that morning he was awoken by the girl in his arms moving, opening his eyes to see her sitting up and keeping the sheet wrapped around her body.
‘I saw it all last night gorgeous, might as well leave the sheet.’ She turned her head to look down at him and as soon as he saw the tears in her eyes he was moving. ‘Oh no, Bunny! No tears, why are you crying?’ To his relief she didn’t fight him, crying into his bare chest as he held her.
‘What am I going to do?!’ She cried, wrapping her arms around his neck and sniffling.
‘What do you mean? You’re going to stay right here, with me. I love you Y/n, and all you and I did last night was show our love for each other, there’s nothing wrong with that-‘
‘Unless I’m Pregnant! My Mom Is Going To Kill Me! I’m a disappointment to God and my father-Oh God My Father! He’s gonna kill me-‘ Klaus clamped his hand over Y/n’s mouth to stop her sobbing.
‘No one is Ever going to hurt you, and do you know why?’ She shook her head, tears streaming down her sweet face which he reached to wipe away. ‘Because you’re my Little Bunny. All mine. You asked last night why you weren’t told how good you could feel, remember?’ She nodded. ‘You weren’t told so that they could control you. You’re almost an adult and no one told you about anything, that’s wrong and cruel and dangerous! You gave yourself to me last night and I am going to spend the rest of our lives worshipping my girl like a Princess…you still love me…don’t you?’
‘Yes! Of course I do Klaus! I love you so much but my father will never let me be with you! He doesn’t care what I want, he will choose my husband once I graduate-‘
‘Y/n, you’ve already chosen. You’re 18, an adult, able to make your own choices. No one can tell you what to do anymore unless you want them to…we can go. Go back to the school, pack your things, I’ll quit my job and we can be together.’ Klaus knew when he looked at her curious eyes that he had her, he was going to make this happen and the best part is Y/n will think she made her own decision for the first time ever.
‘But what about your job? We’ll go live together with no income? I won’t have a diploma so I can’t get a job to-‘
‘You will never have a job!’ Klaus swore and she looked startled. ‘I have plenty of money, I’m an artist, I sell my work all the time. I worked in that school because…because I fell in love with you. I know it’s crazy, of course it is but I couldn’t leave you Y/n! You were already my everything…please tell me you’ll come with me? I can give you everything you’ve ever wanted! A wonderful house on acres and acres of woods and privacy, no one to bother us…except maybe my siblings on occasion but they’ll love you! Your parents won’t be able to control you anymore. You can wear what you want, anything you want, eat what you want, read, write, study, learn whatever you want! I’ll give you jewelry and silk sheets, a maid, the library you always talk about wanting, I can-‘
‘I just want you…’ Klaus’ eyes widened at her soft words. ‘I don’t need all that fancy stuff if I have you…don’t get me wrong, it sounds wonderful but can…can you promise me you’ll never leave me? That it will always be us for the rest of forever?’
He smirked at that, knowing instantly that the deal was sealed, Y/n is all his. ‘Forever and a day my precious girl. I love you so much, and we’re going to be so happy together.’ Y/n grinned, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling his lips to hers in a wonderful, needy kiss. ‘I’m going to make you scream in pleasure every night until you can’t remember your own name anymore, Bunny.’
She pulled back from his lips, peeking up at him with a shy look. ‘Daddy’s gonna give me babies?’
And just like that his cock was so hard he felt like a teenager again, desperately horny with an erection that won’t quit. Y/n is going to be full of him there’s no way she won’t end up carrying his child and he already has plans to speak to a witch about ensuring it. ‘Daddy’s going to fill you with babies everyday, every single day until it takes. Gonna keep you so full you won’t know what it’s like to be empty anymore…in fact, we should fill you up before we go get your things, shouldn’t we?’ Y/n squealed as Klaus lifted her, sitting her onto his lap and holding her up with one arm around her waist as he lined his cock up with her dripping hole. ‘Already soaking wet for Daddy, my needy little whore. So perfect-‘ She gasped loudly, looking down at him in desperation.
‘Not a whore Daddy! I’m not! I would never-‘
‘No, Shh, Shh, Shh. It’s okay Princess, My whore. Daddy’s whore, My girl who will do all the wonderful, depraved things Daddy wants you to. Do you understand? Not A whore, My whore. Any other cock comes anywhere near you I’ll cut it off and stick it up their ass.’ He pushed his cock up into her and she whined, still a bit sore from last night but feeling too good to care.
They ended up staying in bed for another 4 hours, Klaus filling his girl 3 more times before taking a nap together. Getting to the school and compelling the Dean was arguably too easy and they were long gone before Y/n’s parents ever came looking for her. It’s not like they would want her back with how badly Klaus had corrupted her.
Their little girl was gone.
She’s Klaus’ Little Bunny now.
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
1K notes · View notes
pinguwrites · 6 months
I want step dad cillian with needy/pervy reader who comes into his room one night and just starts grinding on his cock (over clothes😔) and he’s like no stop this is wrong but she keeps doing it and he keeps telling her to stop until he comes in his underwear🤭 and I’m debating writing it myself but your step dad cillian shit is fire so like,, if you’re taking requests,,,, I’m requesting that skdjsk. Anyway I love you bestie <3 lmk if you decide you don’t want to write it cause I’ll probably do it💀 (eventually..)
🥵 🥵 thankyouthankyouthankyou
A Father and a Lover ⸻ Cillian Murphy
pairing | cillian murphy x stepdaugher!reader
summary | Cillian Murphy is trying to be a good dad for you. It proves more difficult than he expected.
word count | 1.1k
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Warnings: dub-con but cillian's lowkey into it, age-gap (reader's eighteen and cillian's late thirties/early fourties), stepcest, grinding, dd/lg kink, princess nickname, PROCEED WITH CAUTION — DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE NOT COMFORTABLE
Disclaimer: This is not a reflection of Cillian Murphy's actual life. This is completely separate and is not intended to harm him or his family in any way. DNI if you're a Yvonne hater. This is only fanfiction and this is just for fun.
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Cillian Murphy was trying his best to take care of you. He hadn’t expected your mother — his ex-wife — to up and skip town all those years ago, leaving you, a girl who was barely out of elementary school, vulnerable and in need of protection, in his arms, with no help, no money, no nothing.
He didn’t regret it at all, of course. At least, not anymore. The thought of you not in his life sent him into a spiraling panic, a desperate haze that could only be cured by your comforting touch. To think that he once looked into your eyes and felt a heavy weight of burden on his shoulders, killed him. If you hadn’t shown up — well, he was sure what he would have done.
As a child, you were easy to raise, and as a teenager, you never got into any sort of trouble. You passed your classes reasonably well and did the chores without complaint, you never smoked or did drugs or mess around with boys. No. You were daddy’s little girl. A good girl. A happy girl, content with her step-dad’s care.
It was only when you started to grow did things start to change. In his eyes, you were still his daughter, but there was something more — a dark lust hidden in the crevices of his mind that told him you were his in more ways than one.
Cillian had watched you grow all these years, but never like this. Not with your breasts big, nipples showing through the loose shirts you wore at home because he told you it was okay and that you were safe wearing those things around him. Not with your round ass that made you look like a woman, the ones men drooled over. Not with the way you still insisted on sitting on his lap, shifting around and claiming you were only doing so because you were uncomfortable, even though he knew you weren’t stupid and could tell what that was doing to him.
Cillian never wanted to hurt you, and he never would, but sometimes it was hard. And sometimes, things just happened. Like tonight, when you snuck into his room and made him cream through his pants.
Your knock was light, just enough to get Cillian’s attention. He looked up from the book that he was reading and smiled, asking you to come in. He expected this, as you would ask to sleep with him most nights, but he didn’t expect you to be wearing just a bra and panties.
He cleared his throat, his cheeks dusted with a fine pink. “Aren’t you cold?” he asked, trying not to focus on the fact that you were practically naked, clothing designed to accentuate your body.
“A little.” Your tone was fairly quiet. “Can I stay with you tonight?”
Cillian’s heart warmed. “Yes, princess. C’mere.”
He held out his arms, to which you took them, letting him guide you to his side. You crawled underneath the blanket and cuddled up next to him. Your warmth spread over him like wildfire, beckoning him to pull you closer.
“Do you want me to read you a story?” he asked, looking down at you with a soft gaze in his eyes. He ignored the way your breasts were pressing up against him. He also ignored his erection, hot and heavy.
“No. I have something different in mind,” you said, a sly, innocent look on your face.
Despite Cillian's protests and his desperate attempts to push you off, you planted yourself firmly on his body, right on his cock. Cillian let out an involuntary groan, bucking his hips upwards for a moment. Shame flooded his body, and he stuttered trying to explain himself.
"P-princess, can you please get off?"
He didn't look you in the eye. He knew you must have felt his boner, you were sitting right on it!
"What's this, daddy?" you asked, rubbing yourself on him. "What's this hard thing?"
"You know what it is," Cillian hissed, his hands on your hips. "Don't play dumb."
You giggled. All Cillian wanted to do was smash his lips against yours, but no — he couldn't. He shouldn't. He had to control himself, for both your sake and his.
"I think I need a lesson."
Cillian sighed, trying to halt your movements, but it didn't work. You just kept rubbing against his hard thing as you so called it.
"Sometimes," he taught shakily, even though he knew you already knew this, "men get aroused. And when we do — which is normal and cannot be controlled — this happens."
"What's this?"
Cillian looked up at you desperately. "My, uh, penis."
"I like cock better."
Cillian was astounded. Why is it you were doing this to him? Was this some sort of test? Why were you being so vulgar? If he was in the right state of mind, he would have bent you over and given you a couple of smacks on the ass.
You know what? That's what he was going to do right now.
"Bend over my knees," he ordered weakly. "Now . . ."
"For saying 'cock'?" You grinned. You were grinning.
"For behaving like a slut," he clarified. "Do it . . . Please."
"Not today," you said, quickening your movements. You threw your head back. "Oh, this feels so nice — should've done it sooner. But you know, the law and all that. Didn't want you to get in trouble. Does it feel nice for you as well?"
"No," he lied, muscles tense, but then his resolve broke. "Fuck," he whimpered. "I'm trying to be a good father for you. M'trying so hard. I can't do this to you. I can't — fuck! I'm gonna come."
"Come for me, daddy," you egged on, humping him. "It's okay."
He threw his head back and let out a moan, his hot seed spurting out of him, restrained by his underwear and pants. It wet his clothing, leaving a damp patch, a reminder of what he just did.
You stopped, letting him recover. Almost like a switch had been turned off, you looked nervous, like you usually were. You looked like a good girl again.
"You alright?" you asked.
Cillian let out a sigh, relaxing himself. "Yeah . . . I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have let you." He felt miserable with himself. This would never last into the future. What would people think? He would be erasing himself as your father figure and replacing it as your lover. What would happen when you needed a dad to hug? What would happen if you two got into a big argument? What would happen if you saw him as both — a father and a lover? That would be disastrous. How were you two supposed to navigate a relationship like that?
"Don't be sorry."
You got off of him — a little late for that — and sat down beside him.
"I've just shown you my love. Don't regret it."
If possible, Cillian felt even worse. "I know. I know." He sighed. "I know."
But he didn't. He didn't know what to do at all.
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@henrywintersdearestgirl @shroombloom-rry @meetmeatyourworst @mrkdvidal1989 @nela-cutie @madnessandobsession @bernelflo @slut4thebroken @qqquartz7
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vase-of-lilies · 8 months
👉🏽👈🏽 i dunno how you feel about lactation but what about nat convincing wanda to take lactation pills so that she can nurse you when your feeling a bit smaller and she gets so happy from seeing you so close to her like that.
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Mommy's New Trick
Pairing: Dark!Mommies!WandaNat x Little!Reader (f) (Nicknamed Tiny)
Warnings: Lactation, MD/LG, this is a pretty dark series, fluff, coercion, Wanda AND Nats mommy milkers, an argument, restrained stress position as a punishment, forced nudity, gagging, and some suggestive content, but fluffy all around!
A/N: A drabble for Into The Tiny Verse:) Girl, have you read my story titled Milk? I fricken LOVE lactation 😭 This is such a cute request 🥺 Ahh I love this!! And I hope YOU like this! :D Thanks for the request!
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When Wanda and Natasha finally got a hold of you they were static when you finally gave in to your little side. Although it took some pushing, you finally accepted your true self. You still struggled to navigate with the two women by your side when in your big mind. They would leave you alone when you needed it, but they kept an eye on you with the hidden nannycam teddy bear on your shelf.
It was any other night and you had gotten into a fight with Wanda, shouting at her that you missed your brother and wanted to go home. Almost immediately she stripped you of your clothes and pulled you to a separate part of the cabin. Your wrists were tied together tightly behind your back and a ball gag was shoved into your mouth. Tears were inevitable, and they made a puddle on the floor beneath your body.
Wanda attached the rope to the ceiling and pulled it up so your arms were bent in a stressful position. Your shoulders were bent in the wrong way, and it felt like they would dislocate if you moved anywhere. God, your back was killing you. Being bent in half for an hour would do that to your back.
In the meantime, Wanda locked the door behind her and went to talk to her wife.
"Nat? Honey?" She asks into the cabin, and she hears a small hum in the bathroom. Following the sound, she smiles as she sees Natasha looking in the mirror addressing a black eye from a past mission. Carefully, Wanda wraps her arms around the redhead's waist and hugs her from behind.
"Did the little bugger pick another fight?" Nat asks, causing the woman behind her to nod.
"She misses Bucky," She lets out a soft sigh but continues. "I wish we didn't lie to him. I wish we just made it look like a disappearance. It would be so much easier to break the news."
"I agree, but let's not think about that right now. Thank you for taking care of her..." Nat smiles at her from her reflection in the mirror, and she turns around. "Could I ask you something?" She questions, looking down at her beautiful wife.
Nodding her head, happy to answer any questions, Wanda looks up at Nat. "Anything."
Reaching behind her, she grabs a pill bottle. "How would you feel about starting these? They would allow you to feed our little Tiny with these..." She softly palms Wanda's plump breasts and gently rubs her thumb over her perked nipple behind the fabric of her shirt.
Wanda gently puts her hand over Nats, squeezing them softly. She empathizes with her wife, understanding she can't breastfeed due to the surgery the Red Room did by giving her large amounts of milk-stopping medication. With love in her eyes, she connects her lips to Natashas.
"I- I would have to think about it... Is it temporary?" Wanda asks.
"Of course. You can take them when you want to feed Y/n, and then stop when you are wanting to stop." Nat says.
Wanda considers for just a moment and nods softly. "Alright, I would love to pipe down on those pesky bottles she doesn't like." She chuckles, her wife joining her in the laughter.
"Thank you, my love, really." Nat says, kissing her lover's forehead.
By the time the hour of your punishment was finished, Wanda had already taken the pill to start her lactation process. While she prepared your mushroom tent in the corner of your nursery, Natasha went to collect you from the darkroom (closet) you were kept in.
"Little one?" She whispers as she approaches you from behind, her hand smoothing over the skin of your ass. You jump at her touch, not expecting so gentle. A whimper escapes your gagged lips when you feel Natasha untying your wrists and helping you to the floor, your legs much too weak to hold themselves.
"Are you a hungry girl?" Your mama whispers as she cups your cheek and wipes away your tears. You nod, your time in the room causing you to turn little once again. It's fear that is your trigger. Being scared is what pushes your mind into a space that needs to be protected.
"Good girl, let's go get you some milk... sound like a plan?" She asks, and you nod again. She reaches behind your head and unbuckles the gag, pulling it from your lips. As she pulls it out, some drool drips onto your chest and Nat chuckles. "Well, let's get you cleaned up first. What jammies do you want to wear tonight?"
Only mumbles and babbles come out. "Bee-bee," You say softly as you are lifted from the ground and lay in Natasha's arms.
"You want your bumble bee jammies?" You nod at her understanding you and hide your face in her chest.
Entering your nursery, you see Wanda in the tent with your favorite toy lion. You reach for it as you whine, but Nat lays you on your bed first. "We gotta get you dressed, tiny," She smiles and boops your nose.
Now, with your black and yellow-striped onesie on, you smile as you see yourself in the mirror. The wings on the back flapping as your mommy carries you to your tent. Laying you down in your mommy's lap, Wanda holds you gently. "Are you sorry for yelling at mommy?" She asks, her voice filled with sternness and gentleness combined.
You nod as you look up at her, and whisper a soft "Sowwy, mommy, I reawwy sowwy..." Your voice is just too cute for Wanda to resist, and she kisses your forehead.
"Good girl. Now are you hungry? I could hear your tummy rumbling from all the way over here!" She tickles your belly softly, making you giggle and curl against yourself.
Once you calm down and begin looking around for your favorite bottle. Your brows furrow when you aren't able to find sight of it, Looking up at your mommy for help, she smiles and removes her silk robe revealing her beautiful, ample breasts. You tilt your head and sniffle out of boredom.
"Dinner is served, little one." Wanda says, gently leading her breast to your lips, her nipple prodding against them. You obey, pushing any questions to the back of your head. Once the milk starts to flow into your mouth, your eyes widen and you look up at Wanda again.
"Is mommy feeding you now?" Wanda says with a smile, her nails softly scratching your scalp. "Do you like that?" She looks up at Nat when you nod.
"I love this image..." Nat says, holding her fingers in a frame-like- square. Wanda laughs, and kisses your forehead once again, your hands clutching onto your little lion and your eyes closing as you doze off.
Both women could get used to this...
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snowfll · 5 months
Not too sure if I've sent this to you already but that scene where Treech slid up to LG and said 'stay right there' USHDBFKDKD can I pls get a Treech x mentor!reader, enemies to lovers kinda plot with that scene cuz ahhh 😩 if I've sent this to u already pls ignore this haha, loved loved loved all ur Treech fics btw 😭
Thin Line; Treech
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pairing - Treech x Mentor!reader summary - When it came to you and Treech, there was a thin line between love and hate, too bad you never got to see what it really was. words - 1.69 k warning - angst kind of? note - I'm sorry this took me so long to get out, but finals are finally over! I hope you like it, I didn't really know what you fully wanted so I added a couple of things!
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Having been one of the top twenty-four seniors in the academy, you had the luxury—if thats even what you could call it—of mentoring the district 7 male.
Treech, or, as you liked to call him, lumberjack boy, didn’t exactly see eye to eye with you. Since the moment he met you, he has despised you—you were Capitol, after all.
“Welcome to the Capitol." You smiled at him as he got off the train he arrived on. You thought it would be a good idea to tag along with Coriolanus as he went to greet his tribute.
Treech looked at you with pure hatred; he could tell you were Capitol from your appearance alone. "Who are you?" His voice filled with disgust as he eyed your bright red academy uniform.
“I’m your mentor. I’m here to help you through the games.” You tried your best to get on his good side, smiling at him as you spoke softly. However, it didn’t seem to work; he just kept a blank stare.
“I don’t need help, especially not yours.” With that, he proceeded to be dragged away from one of the peacekeepers watching over you.
His district partner, Lamina, sent you an empathetic look. She had watched the whole interaction and couldn’t help but feel sorry for you. You were just trying to be nice. You sent her a soft smile back before she got whisked away as well.
Even as you were pushed to the floor of the moving van, he didn’t care. He stood there, staring at you as the female tribute from District 4 threatened your life. You were scared; tears were on the verge of spilling from your eyes. Maybe it was a bad idea to follow Coriolanus into the van filled with tributes.
“Treech, go help her.” You heard Lamina whisper as she nudged him closer to where you landed. Treech had a soft spot for Lamina; he hated how she was brought into the games—especially with how kindhearted she was.
It was only when Lamina nudged him once more and he realized he needed you alive that he picked you up off the ground and stepped in front of you in a protective manner.
From that moment on, every tribute backed away, and he made it very clear that they were not to mess with you. They kept their distance from the two of you, especially when you were to visit him in the zoo.
On one night before the games, you had a hard time sleeping. Too many things were taking up your mind—most of them involving Treech—so you made your way to his enclosure.
“Lumberjack boy, get over here." You called out for him. You knew the nickname irritated him, and oh, how you love to irritate the poor boy.
“You know I hate that nickname, sweetheart.” He started to call you that once word got around to the tributes about your reputation in the Capitol.
“Stop calling me sweetheart, and maybe I’ll think about it." You smirked at him, knowing you weren’t going to stop. You found pleasure in pissing him off.
He rolled his eyes at you before sitting down in front of you, the bars still separating the two of you. “So, sweetheart, what are you here for? Ain’t it past your bedtime?”
“I couldn’t sleep thinking about you and the games. Treech, I know we got off on the wrong foot, but we are in this together. I’m going to get you out of that arena alive.” He could hear the sincerity in your voice, and his once stern expression softened.
He remained silent for a while, his gaze focused on the night sky. It's hard to see stars in the Capitol; the light pollution from the bright city makes them faint and hard to see. Eventually, he spoke, his tone now matching the soft expression on his face. “I don’t trust you Capitol folks, but Lamina thinks you're different. Prove her right.”
He stood up, making his way back to Lamina. Your eyes followed his movement until he sat down on the rock next to the sleeping girl.
When it came to the rebel bombing in the arena, you expected Treech to run. He made it apparent how miserable he was here—you couldn’t blame him. Yet, as soon as the impact of the first bomb sent you falling to the ground, he was right by your side.
“Treech, run while you can.” You yelled over all the chaos as he tried to cover you from the falling rubble.
He shook his head, refusing to leave your side. The ruins from the arena now fell at a much faster rate. “I’m not leaving. Not without you.”
The last thing you remembered from that day was Treech screaming your name as he was dragged out of the arena. “What are you doing? Let me go—help her.”
The pain in his voice as he saw you lying there unconscious was unmistakable, and he fought against the Capitol forces trying to separate you from him. As Treech was pulled away, his eyes never left your motionless form.
If you asked him, he would never admit it, but in that moment, he knew you were more than just his mentor in the games.
He hated it—he hated whatever he felt for you. Contact between the Capitol and Districts was severely frowned upon, much less a relationship between the two. The two of you were labeled as a Capitol sweetheart and her tribute. That was all you were supposed to be.
His hatred for his feelings was the reason he acted so irritated around you. He couldn’t stand the fact that every time you were near him, his heartbeat would speed up. You were intoxicating to be around, and he knew you wouldn’t be around forever.
In the games, you were scared, but you grew to love his company, even if you were separated by the bars of his enclosure. You couldn’t stand to watch as he fought for his life in that arena—but it was your vocation as a mentor. Throughout the games, you made sure he was protected. He had Coral, Mizzen, and Tanner by his side, but could you really trust them to keep him safe? After all, Coral almost killed you once; who says she won’t do it to Treech?
As you watched the pack—the name given to Treech and his allies—your eyes were specifically on Treech. The four of them had finally found Lucy Gray and surrounded her. Treech knew better than to attack her—you briefly mentioned a deal with Coriolanus about your tributes not attacking each other. However, that didn’t mean he couldn’t aid Coral’s attempt. Once she saw the group, she tried to make a run for it.
“Stay right there.” You watched as Treech called out to Lucy Gray. He slid up to her as he pointed his axe in her direction, still keeping his distance. As they grew even closer, she utilized her best weapon—her words.
Lucy Gray, quick-witted and sharp-tongued, seized the opportunity to exploit the tension within the pack. As Treech stood there, refusing to go after Lucy Gray like you asked of him, his eyes locked with hers.
“Well, well, look who’s following his Capitol Sweetheart’s every command,” Lucy Gray jeered, her voice cutting through the tension. "She's your puppet master lumberjack boy?”
Treech clenched his fists, his jaw tightening at the insult thrown at you. He couldn’t care less about what she said about him, but he drew the line when it came to you. Somehow, Lucy Gray aimed her verbal insults directly at his sore spots.
“Did she promise to keep you in the Capitol? Give you a life of luxury." Lucy Gray’s words were designed to provoke. Treech wished it didn’t get to him, but it did.
Still, he restrained himself from physically attacking her. “Don’t talk about her like that; she’s different—she cares.” He sounded more like he was trying to convince himself than Lucy Gray.
“She’s Capitol; how much different can she get? If you die, she’s going to forget all about you; even if you win, it’s not going to happen.”
Treech shook his head at her words. The sad part about all of this is that he knew it was true. You were never going to be able to be together. The two of you couldn’t even tell if you liked each other in that way.
From the second you met, there was hatred on both ends. But as you got to know each other over the few days you had together, it turned into something else—love, perhaps?
There is a thin line between love and hate. You were both from different sides of society. How could you be sure it was love? The same line blurred in the complex dance of emotions that intertwined your relationship with Treech.
Once the games grew closer to the end, you had hope for Treech. He could make it out alive—you could tell him how you feel. There were only a handful of tributes left. He was once again assisting Coral and Mizzen in getting Lucy Gray.
Even so, as the arena fell silent, you watched as Treech fell to his knees, ripping off his jacket at the same time. You sat in your seat, confused. What had happened? He was fine the second prior.
The air hung heavy with a mix of sorrow and disbelief. For you, the mentor who had grown connected with her tribute, Treech’s death was devastating. The connection that had evolved from animosity to an unspoken understanding came to an abrupt and tragic end.
As the games concluded, you were left with the bittersweet echoes of a relationship that never fully unfolded. The thin line between love and hate had blurred, leaving behind a complex tapestry of emotions that now resonated with an unfulfilled promise.
You just wish you could’ve seen how the two of you would’ve played out. Maybe you could’ve lived happily in District 7 or even in the Capitol. If only you still had that thin line. If only you had him.
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I’ve seen my fair share of…interesting BOSAS takes (Tigris and Snow’s relationship doesn’t make sense, Sejanus wasn’t important to Coriolanus/Coriolanus’ character, Dean Highbottom was inconsistent, people just called Lucy Gray Lucy instead of LG or something, etc) but never has one irked me as much as people saying the ending was rushed or out of character or didn’t make sense.
The ending is a representation of their whole relationship. Yeah, it’s rushed, because it lasted 3 months and they were prepared to spend their life together after that. No, it was completely in character. Yes, it made total sense, because what else would have convinced Coriolanus to go back, if not the idea that he was safe?
First off, elaborating on the rushed point, be so fr. 1, the book was getting a bit long anyways, and 2, it couldn’t have been long and drawn out. How quick their relationship crumbled and we were shown Coriolanus’ true loyalties shows so much I can’t even begin to explain it, but I’ll try.
It shows how Lucy Gray valued family and trust. She’d already talked about how much trust mattered to her, and she’d been hurt so badly before she needed it. She needs trust, and she doesn’t just need it for herself. She needs to be able to trust him, and she needs him to be able to trust her. When Coriolanus obviously lied about the third person he killed, Lucy Gray realized that neither of those things were there.
It shows how Coriolanus valued himself and the capitol above all else. He was going to, and tried to, kill Lucy Gray. The person who, just 10 minutes ago he was prepared to spend the rest of his life with. He did that because he couldn’t be guaranteed loyalty, and because he realized she definitely didn’t belong to him. Coriolanus’ view of Lucy Gray- that she’s a pet, or something just for him, is entirely effed up and he can’t see that, so he clings to it. He clings to that idea of her being his and when it’s proven false, he can’t let go of it.
Lucy Gray was there when Coriolanus lied to her about the killing, and there was only one person he could have also killed. She was wary of him then, what he was capable of, but she didn’t know for sure where his loyalty truly laid until she saw the look on his face with the guns. She knew then that the Coriolanus standing before her she couldn’t trust, and she knew what that meant, and Coriolanus knew she knew what that meant and he couldn’t deal with the fact she wasn’t completely infatuated with him.
It’s also worthy to mention how easily Coriolanus started to see Lucy Gray differently. He justified his killing of her to himself, as we see in the whole “she’s a victor, maybe Billy taupe was right, etc” page. He thinks that it may have been an act all along, and can’t deal with the fact he fell in love with someone who could turn on him so easily. So he justifies it and makes stuff up and uses all he can to convince himself of the devilish nature of Lucy Gray.
Coriolanus’ deep, unwavering faith in the capitol is shown here so clearly I feel like it’s bleeding into my eyes. He was so ready to leave her (also how he thought she’d be ok with it also proves how he sees her as completely loyal) when he realized he was basically innocent. He is only ever scared of the capitol when it could harm him.
Their whole relationship was a whirlwind, and could never have had a breakup 3 chapters long. It needed to be quick and easy, all ties cut. The fate of Lucy Gray also needed to be a mystery, because nothing else in his life is. The constant worrying of if she’d ever tell, if she’s alive or not, blah blah blah unsettles him just like he deserves it to. We don’t get an answer to if Lucy Gray came back (probably not though), we don’t even get an answer if she’s alive.
In conclusion, the end of BOSAS was very fitting, and though unpredictable and fast, it was right.
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mountainsandmayhem · 2 months
Shhh...Just A Little Bit More
Part Three (Soft Version)
DBF!Joel x Female!Reader - 18+
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Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 (Spicy Version)
Summary: Joel Miller caught you working where you shouldn't be after you promised to quit. Now he's taking matters into his own hands. Word Count 4.7k
CW: DBF!, Dom!, SoftDom!, use of nicknames (baby, sweet pea, baby girl etc.), Sub/Dom, DD/LG, use of a collar, use of toys. no use of y/n. no description of reader except for piercings. Praise, degradation. After care.
AN: THANK YOU for all your love on parts 1 and 2. I was in my feels when I wrote this, so this is the sweeter version of the two. I'd love to hear which version you preferred!
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“Hey, buddy. It’s Joel.”
“Joel?” You can hear your dad’s muffled and panicked voice through the receiver. “Where’s my daughter? Why do you have her phone? It’s 5 am!” 
“Remember that time Sarah ran away to your house and you told me that one day I might be doing the same for you?” 
Your dad is silent for a while, a distorted higher pitched voice filters through before you hear your dad again, “It’s alright honey. She’s with Joel.” He lets out a deep sigh before adding, “I thought we skipped the rebellious phase with her.”
“She’s a good girl. I think she just needs some time to cool off.” Joel says, his voice is friendly and light.
You squeeze your thighs together and nuzzle deeper into Joel’s throat. You know what you need, and it isn’t to cool off. He and your dad have been friends since the day he moved in down the street. You were seven and Sarah was eleven, you thought she was the coolest person on the planet. Wonder what she’d think of you now, cuddled up against her dad after he just edged the fuck out of you after spanking you in an alleyway. You’re lost in your thoughts as Joel talks with your parents for a while.
A sane person would stop being so turned on right now. Fuck, I need Joel. So badly. Maybe I should rile him up some more. 
“I’ll come by this afternoon,” Joel hugs you tighter, bringing you back to the conversation. “Ya, if she wants to, I’ll bring her. She’s ok, just never seen her more - frustrated.” 
You squeeze his side, knowing he’s smirking about how frustrated and needy you truly are right now. He hangs up the phone and brings his lips to yours, kissing you harder this time. You moan into his mouth, hands roaming up his body to tangle in his hair. 
Holy shit, Joel Miller is kissing me. 
As you run your nails along his scalp he lets out a pleasurable sounding gasp. Oh, he likes that, he likes that very much. 
Got ya, you think to yourself. 
He pulls away to see you smiling at him. “This is why I usually tie naughty girls down,” his voice is completely different from how it was just moments ago. Deeper, more commanding, and it reverberates through you, right to your pussy. “Because they think they’ve found spots that will get them what they want. Let’s go home now, darlin’.” 
Joel’s front door has barely closed before he’s pushing you up against the wall, caged in by his arms and strong chest. 
Every bump on the drive home had you twitching, you tried your hardest not to gasp and moan but the combination of the gravel road, your insane state of heightened arousal, and the lack of underwear in your stiff denim shorts were all working against you. 
“Did you come on the drive home?” He says coldly, lips pressing against your neck, hitting that sweet soft spot just below your ear. 
“No, Joel,” you whine. 
His teeth graze your throat and you cry out, “It’s Mr Miller, don’t make me remind you again.” 
Your hands scramble for purchase as your knees start to give out, wrapping around the open flannel shirt he’s wearing over a fitted black t-shirt. 
“I’m sorry, Mr Miller. I don’t…” you trail off, you aren’t sure if you should say you’ve never been a sub before, at least not to someone this experienced. You don’t want him to stop, you love what happened tonight and you want him to show you and teach you what this all means. But even more so, you trust him to teach you. 
Joel stops kissing you, hands coming to your waist and lifting you so your eye level. When you wrap your legs around his trim waist you gasp out in a mix of pleasure and pain. Your poor cunt is begging for relief but you can’t barely stand your clit to be touched. His eyes look at you with concern. 
I deserve to go to hell if she tells me she’s a virgin. Fuck, you were so stupid when it comes to her. 
“I need you to finish that sentence, babygirl. You don’t what?” 
Your cheeks turn an adorable shade of pink, so shy compared to that bratty girl who told him to kiss his ass. Joel has the gut sinking feeling that you might have him wrapped around your little finger already.
Very very dangerous.
Not to mention stupid. 
“I’ve just..” you start, he brings his hands to cup your face, moving a few strands of stray hairs that are stuck to your lips. “I haven’t had a Dom before. I don’t know what to do or what to call you.” 
Cute, Joel thinks to himself, she’s so fucking cute right now. 
“Well babygirl, when we are playing like this you do what I tell you, and if you don’t like what I tell you, you use the safe word. Do you remember it?”
You nod, biting your lip as you whisper, “Cowboy.” 
His face lights up with pride and in that moment you realize you’ll do anything to have him look at you like that again. And when he throws in a gravelly, ‘good girl’, any inhibitions you had go out the window. You are a good girl, you want to be his good girl…forever. 
He continues, “And when we are playing you call me Mr Miller. Otherwise, you can call me whatever you’d like.” He places a light kiss on the tip of your nose and you melt a little more into him and the wall behind you. “Do you have any other questions, baby?” 
Do you know what it does to me when you call me baby? 
Or kiss my nose or forehead like you have? 
Can you spank me again? 
Can you make me come? 
Can I suck your dick? 
How do you feel about anal? 
“Umm,” you press your lips together, eyes taking in every little bit of his face, trying to memorize this moment. “How will I know when we are playing and when we aren’t?” 
Fuck, if this girl lets me put a collar on her I’m going to come in my pants and then propose. 
“There’s my smart girl,” he praises, his coffee and caramel coloured eyes washing over you. “We can have a symbol, something I give you when we play. And when you’re wearing it you’re mine.” His voice sounds full of passion all of a sudden, each work almost sears itself onto your heart. 
Your heart is pounding at what he’s implied and you’re almost sure he can hear it. “What kind of symbol?” 
He puts you down and then gets on one knee to untie your shoes and help you slip them off. His warm fingertips trail up your legs as he stands before taking your hand in his. With his large palm encasing yours, suddenly you feel safe and loved, your pussy flutters at the promise of him taking care of you in a way that only he can. You know you’re going to be ruined for all other men. 
He leads you to his bedroom and it’s nothing like you remember when you’d play hide and seek while Sarah babysat you. Gone is the old wooden furniture and mismatched bedding. Replaced with a black metal bed frame, along with matching bedside tables and dresser, and the fluffiest white sheets you’ve ever seen. You so badly want to just sink in and get naked with Joel. It looks like it would be like getting fucked on a cloud or cotton candy and those thoughts are only solidified when he tells you to sit before he heads to the closet doors. 
He slides the barn door of his large walk-in closet open. The room seems to wrap you up in Joel’s scent, warm and spicy with a hint of vanilla. As he walks into the closet he toes off his boots and then slides his flannel off, placing it on a hanger. It might be your very neglected pussy talking, but you swear you can see every muscle in his body underneath that shirt and you unconsciously spread your legs a little bit. He reaches up above the clothing and pulls out a black box with a lock on it and then looks at you mischievously as he pads back over to you. 
“Sometimes,” he says gently, “A dom will give their sub a collar. When it’s on, we’re playing. You belongs to me. When it’s off, we can just act how we normally would.” 
A collar, definitely not sure how you feel about that. You don’t want to be like a dog with a black leather collar around your neck. He slides the numbers to enter the combination and then flicks the clasp open. 
To your surprise, he pulls out a dainty golden chain. It almost looks like a bunch of yellow paper clips strung together, and there’s a tiny lock pendant on the end. He runs the thin links through his fingers before looking over at you. 
“You don’t have to do this, I can just take you home and we can go back to how things were. Ultimately, you always have the choice.” If a stranger could see the way he was looking at you right now, they’d never be able to tell he was capable of the spanking he gave you earlier. 
“You’ll stop if I say ‘cowboy’?” You say, voice cracking, nervous and excited energy fighting for first place. 
“Always, babygirl. I’m here to dominate you, but I’m also here to take care of you. A good dom will always take of their sub.” 
“Then I want to. Please, Mr Miller. Make me yours.” 
He almost growls as he pulls you to your feet. You squeal as he hoists you over his shoulder, his hands strong on the back of your thighs as he carries you to the floor-length mirror at the end of his closet. He stands behind you as he works the clasp, placing the thin gold collar around your neck and then doing it up. He’s so close that you can feel his cock harden at the sight of you as he officially makes you as his for the first time. Joel's thick fingers trace along the rings, he thumbs the little lock pendant before he grips your throat just below your jawline. He applies pressure to your pulse point as his now black eyes come to meet yours in the reflection and brings his lips to your ear. 
With a growling, rough whisper he says, “You have five seconds to get naked and lay in my bed with your legs spread as wide as you can.” 
The instant his hand releases, you sprint to his bed, stripping your clothes as you go. He counts to five with authority and after what happened his truck, and now this, you’re sure you’re never going to be able to count without getting turned on ever again. 
“Such an eager little thing, aren’t you?” 
Desperate to hear him praise you, you lay on your back, planting your feet on the bed before letting your knees fall open. 
“Straighten your legs and put your hands above your head.” You position your body how he says, even though you’re completely exposed to him his eyes stay locked on yours. “This is how I want you when we start playing. Exactly how you are now.” 
He grabs another box from his closet and places it on the foot of the bed, eyes travelling up your toned legs, “I’m going to show you what you’ll be going to work with inside of you tomorrow if you decide to stay there. I haven’t forgotten that you were a brat tonight.” 
He opens the box and pulls out a black U-shaped piece of silicone and lays it on your belly. “Do you know what this….” 
He stops mid-sentence, eyes lighting up as they rake over your tits. They dance from each nipple, taking in the tiny barbell and the thin hearts that encompass each one. “You are a naughty little thing, aren’t you?” 
“I like pain,” you whisper, throat going dry at the admission. 
“My little masochist,” he hums. “As I was saying, do you know that is?” He nods his head towards the little toy. 
You shake your head, “No, Mr Miller.” 
“That goes inside your gorgeous pussy. One part pushes on your g spot, the other on your clit. I have the remote.” He holds up a small plastic remote with a few shiny buttons.
“Oh,” you moan, your lips forming in the shape of the word, nipples getting harder at the thought.
“I will keep it turned on low enough that you will not come. In fact, it might be more like torture than pleasure.” His eyes are sparkling at the thought of you squirming for hours.
“But I don’t want to quit,” you whine. You’re a glutton for punishment and you know Joel will dish it out. 
“How long is your shift?” He says, picking up the toy, the graze of his fingers along your belly sends an electric current through your body. 
“Four hours,” your voice is husky with need. 
“I’m going to get some lube and then put this toy inside of you now, babygirl. We’ll see how long you can last. Is that okay?” 
“Of course, Mr Miller.” You try to sound confident but in the bright lights of his room, you can see how dark and serious he looks. 
He lubes up the toy and then swipes some lube through your folds. Your back arches off the bed and you let out a loud high pitched moan when he hits your clit. 
Fuck. I’m gonna come with the tiniest vibration and it’s probably going to hurt. 
“So wet. So swollen. My poor girl,” he says mockingly, he’s loving that you’ve been suffering and on edge since the minute you saw him in that alleyway. 
The toy slides in and the pressure just from the silicone alone sends the air whooshing out of your lungs. You’re gasping for breath, your clit feels like it’s being zapped with electricity and you immediately slam your thighs together and start to whimper. 
A small, almost evil sounding chuckle comes from Joel as he holds up the remote. “Ready?” 
“No,” you gasp, rolling onto your belly. “I can’t. Please don’t.” 
“Are you going to quit?” 
You cry out in frustration into one of his fluffy pillows and then whisper a sad, “no.” 
The vibrator comes to life and the most intense mix of pain and pleasure floods your body. He’s right, the sensation isn’t enough to make you come, just enough so that you know it’s there. You bury your face deeper in the pillows, curling yourself into the fetal position, back towards Joel, as you try to breathe normally. 
Joel strips down to his boxers before shutting off the lights. He slips into the sheets, covering you up along the way. “Good night, baby girl.” 
“What?” You gasp. “Mr Miller. I….oh god…I c-can’t. It’s on.” 
“You may as well get used to it. You’re going to work with it in tomorrow. No more talking. Go to sleep.” 
Joel lays on his back, one arm behind his head, the other palm spread out on his chest. You flip around to face him, the early morning sun lighting his profile. There’s no way you’re going to be able to sleep, you shift your legs around. 
Maybe if they’re spread I won’t feel the vibration as much. 
That doesn’t seem to work so instead you squeeze them together. More pressure might make you come and then you can finally get some rest. Joel looks over at you as you jerk around silently. 
“Come here,” he says, patting his chest. You cuddle into him, one leg draping over his warm body. The arm behind his head wraps around your naked body. He feels so soft but hard against you. You can’t help but hump against his hip bone. You’re right on the edge. So close to tipping over it and coming. So very close. 
“Baby, it hasn’t even been four minutes, how are you going to last four hours?” He’s taunting you, trying to get you to beg. “You’re pathetic.” 
You can feel sweat breaking out across your body. This is torture, was right. You hate that he was right, but you hate even more how much he’s loving it. 
“Please,” you whisper. 
He pulls back to be able to look into your eyes. “What are you going to do for me if I make you come?” 
“Anything. Just. Please, Mr Miller.” You grind yourself into him harder, you’re so close that it’s almost unbearable. 
“Quit your job, baby girl.” He demands again. “I’ll tell your parents you’re going to work for me.” 
You start to pant as the pressure in your lower belly increases, you can feel wetness pooling inside of you, begging to be released. “I can’t take your money. Oh god - please - I ca-can’t. Hnnnnng. P-please.” 
A tear runs down your cheek and you’re not even sure why you’re crying, probably out of frustration.  
“You can. I’ll pay you to help around the house,” he holds up a hand, almost like he knows exactly what you’re doing today. “Not for the sex you’re guaranteed to get if you quit and come here.” He wipes the tear away and hikes his leg up to increase the pressure that’s already on the verge of making you pass out. 
Stars start to blur your vision as you whisper, “ok. I’ll quit.” 
Joel has you flipped onto your back, trapped under his weight before you can even register what’s happening. He’s kissing you deeply, tongue taking what it wants as your legs kick and shake under him. 
“Please!” You cry between kisses. 
His thick fingers slide between your puffy folds and the toy, you scream out as he pulls the toy from you. 
“Shhh…just a little bit more. I’m going to make it better,” he says gently, kissing down your neck, swirling his tongue around each nipple piercing. 
“Please. Please. Please, Mr Miller. Please. It hurts. I need, please.” You’re a mumbling mess and the words leaving your lips are practically incomprehensible. 
“I know. Relax baby. Breathe.” He says between kisses down your sternum, his tongue tracing your curves. When he finally settles in between your thighs he swallows hard, he wants to dive right in, make you drench his face as you come. “Look at me, darlin’.” 
His warm breath hits your pussy and you fight your hips from bucking up to his face as prop yourself up on an elbow and try to focus your eyesight on him. You didn’t know it was possible to be so turned on that you practically had tequila vision. 
His voice is serious yet calm as he says, “I’m going to make you come using my fingers and my tongue. Is that ok?” 
You nod your head and a faint ‘yes’, leaves your lips. 
“Can I lick and touch both the outside and inside of this beautiful, weeping, pussy?” 
His words from earlier echo through you. Ultimately, you always have the choice. 
Joel Miller would never do something you didn’t want and that sets your soul on fire. He cares. About you. Only you. Wants to do things for you. You are not a burden here. You are not a burden to him. 
“Yes, Mr Miller. Please. Touch me.” The room suddenly feels twenty degrees hotter, you can feel sweat beading on your skin. 
“What’s your safe word?” 
“Cowboy,” you hum, never taking your eyes away from his blown out obsidian gaze. 
“That’s my girl,” he says, sliding his ring and middle finger around your desperate entrance. You cry out, dropping your body to the bed. Pleasure. Overwhelming pleasure. “No no baby girl, eyes on me.” 
You somehow muster the strength to raise yourself onto shaky arms. His two strong fingers slide deep into your heat with minimal resistance and you immediately start gasping. Pleasure. Life altering, heart stopping pleasure. 
“Fuuuuck. Baby. So tight. Have you ever squirted before?” His cheeks are flushed with need. He might be the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. 
Your breasts rise and fall with your ragged breaths. You shake your head and moan out a ‘no’. 
He smiles down at your dripping cunt, “I can feel it. Gotta relax for me. Just breathe and let it happen.” 
Nerves flutter in your stomach and then he curls his fingers forward, putting so much pressure on a soft spongy spot that you didn’t know existed. On instinct, your knees try to close but his wide frame keeps you open. You yell his name to the ceiling, he knows he should punish you for not calling him Mr Miller but you look so goddamn beautiful as you start to fall apart. 
“Breathe baby,” he says as he curls his fingers once, twice, three more times. You can hear how wet you are and the pressure becomes unbearable. Stars blur your vision again, the walls of your pussy squeeze tightly around his fingers and then it’s just a blur. A blur of all consuming pleasure. 
“That’s it. That’s my girl. Come for me. Soak me. Good girl,” Joel’s free hand pressed down on your mound as a wet heat leaks all over you. “Good fuckin’ girl. Let go for me.” 
You’re not sure if you’re screaming or not, all you hear and feel is Joel. Everything is Joel. Strong hands, deep gravel voice, warm vanilla smell. He’s everywhere and you never want it to stop. 
“Keep going. That’s it. You look so beautiful,” he says, licking a long stripe up your fluttering pussy, drinking up your juices. “Oooh yeah - gooood giiirrll”
Almost immediately after your orgasm crests it becomes too much. You’re so overstimulated that it hurts and your moans of pleasure become cries of pain. You forget your name, where you are, you even forget your safe word. But Joel knows, he always knows. 
He stops pumping his fingers and says your name, “look at me sweet pea.”
You blink slowly, you’re wrecked, barely able to keep your eyelids open, almost convinced they’ve been replaced with steel. You’re sucking in air, did you not breathe that entire time? 
“Breathe baby, you’re ok.” He says, stilling his fingers until you’re ready. 
“I’m sorry, Mr Miller. I know I called you Joel. I won’t do it again.” 
There she goes again, being so fucking cute. “It’s ok, darlin’ girl. I want you to let loose when you come.” He places a few light kisses along your thighs. The sheets and his t-shirt a soaked, he’ll need to change things before you both get some sleep. “I’m gonna pull my fingers out.” 
You fall back to the bed and fist the sheets to ground yourself as he slides his fingers out. “You did such a good job. Made a huge mess. I’m so proud of you, babygirl.”
Every bone and muscle in your body seems to have dissolved and all you can muster is a weak smile and a little whimper of thanks. “I need to get you cleaned up. Stay here.” 
Stay here? I have no bones. Where else will go? 
The sound of running water coaxes your eyes to close. The mattress shifts under Joel’s weight as he sits beside you, lightly trailing his finger down the bridge of your nose. “I’m going to carry you to the shower. Ok?” 
You let out an agreeable hum as he scoops you into his arms. His warm naked chest pressed against you. He walks into the shower with you, the steam warming your skin. He places you on your feet and guides you under the water with him. Water is hitting you from all angles. You open your eyes to see 3 showerheads in his large, modern glass shower. A large rainfall one above the two of you, then two down the wall. The bundle of fresh eucalyptus hanging from one head fills the shower with a fresh scent. 
His fingers fumble with the clasp of your collar behind you, “how are you feeling after what happened tonight?” 
You smile at the white and black tiled wall as the collar slides off your neck and into Joel’s hands. “Mmm - like I’m not gonna quit my job so we can do it again.” 
“Don’t think I won’t put this on again right now and make you regret that.” 
You giggle and press your body back into Joel’s. He’s completely naked behind you and you have the sudden urge to taste him. As you spin around and get to your knees he stops you, “don’t interrupt my aftercare, please.” 
“Your what?” 
He grabs the soap and a fresh wash cloth and starts to work it to lather. “I told you, it’s my job to take care of you.” It’s too early to admit it to you, but aftercare is Joel’s favourite part. He’s grumpy and rough on the outside, but he loves the tender moments after playing with his subs. Especially you, and that’s something he won’t even admit to himself yet. 
He runs the soft cloth over your arms and chest, using extra caution not to catch on your nipple piercings. I like these,” he says, eyes memorizing every inch of the skin he’s washing. 
“Thanks, you’re actually the first person to see them.” 
“That right?” He moves the cloth down your stomach before kneeling in front of you and washing your legs. “You know what I think you should pierce next?” 
“I have an appointment next week for something,” you tease. It’s not a lie, you have an appointment to get a second hole in each earlobe, but may as well play with him a little. 
“Oh? Don’t tease an old man like that, baby girl. What new surprise am I gonna find?” He brings the cloth up and down your other leg. 
“What do you want to find?” 
His hands grip your hips and he spins you around. You have a small bruise forming on your one ass cheek and his cock jumps at the sight. “Belly button,” he says. 
“Oh?” You say with surprise as he stands behind you and scrubs your back. You turn to look at him over your shoulder and add, “I was thinking of doing my clit.” 
Joel’s hands come to his heart as he moans. “Fuck me, baby girl. I’d have to leave the god damn continent until it healed.” 
You laugh as he brings his lips to yours. You’re suddenly very aware of the fact that you aren’t wearing a collar. But he’s kissing you and washing your body. Does this mean that Joel Miller, your dad’s best friend, might have the same sort of feelings that you have? Or is this just what he does with his subs after dehydrating them with his fingers and tongue. 
“Stay in the warm water while I change the sheets. I’ll be back,” you look over your shoulder to finally take in his naked body. His back is lined with corded muscle, water droplets filling the dips and grooves of his sculpted body. It looks like you could bounce your whole fucking bank account off his round ass. 
Am I salivating. I feel like I’m salivating. 
He wraps a white bath sheet around his waist before you get to see his front - as much as you loved being taken care of earlier you should have looked down. You run some shampoo and conditioner through your hair, rinsing it out just as Joel comes back, now in a pair of fitted boxer briefs. He holds up a towel for you, and after turning off the water you pad over to him for him to wrap you up and gently dry you off. 
“Thank you, Mr Miller,” you say instinctively. 
He smiles softly at you as he dries every inch of your skin. “Go lay down, babygirl. I’ll get some lotion and then you need to get some sleep.” 
When you walk out to his bed there’s a t-shirt and a bottle of water on the pillow for you. 
Fuck. I’m in love. 
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@corazondebeskar @hiddenbabynyc @rainstorms-library @smutsmutslut @sullyrocky44 @keylimebeag @pimosworld @casa-boiardi @pedritoferg @paleidiot @lorilane33 @pansexual-potatoes @baar-ur @jessthebaker @jasminedragoon @koshkaj-blog @pedroswife69 @strawberri-blonde  @none-of-this-makes-any-sense @iloveenya @javierpena-inatacvest @blazeflays @akah565 @pinkiec6-rubi @pedroshotwifey @iluvurfather@ashleyfilm @mermaidgirl30
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stuckysbaby1938 · 11 months
First Mission
Summary: Steve and Bucky get called on their first mission since they became caregivers.
Warnings: DD/lg lifestyle, reader uses pacifier, reader being a crybaby, just fluff
Word count: 1670
Steve=dada Bucky=daddy 
written on my phone
"It's time to wake up, angel. Daddy's downstairs making breakfast." Steve gently removed the blanket around you. You just groaned in response. "I know you don't wanna, honey, but if you stay in bed all day then we can't play, can we?" He smiled. You buried your head in your stuffie. "How about I carry you downstairs, hm?" You crawled into his lap and put your arms around his neck. "I'll take that as a yes." He stood and walked downstairs.
When you got to the kitchen, Bucky was making pancakes. "There's my girl. C'mere, doll." Bucky took you out of Steve's arms so he could rock you while Steve continued breakfast. "Did you sleep good, honey?" You nodded. "Not very talkative this morning, I see." Bucky chuckled. "Didn't wanna get outta bed either." Steve commented. "You want some milk, baby?" You nodded. "Words, pretty girl." Bucky say you on the island. "Yes please." Bucky smiled and got you some chocolate milk.
"Thank you, daddy." Bucky smiled. "You're welcome, love." Bucky kissed you temple before going to help Steve finish breakfast. You sat in Steve's lap while you ate and once you were done Bucky took you upstairs to get dressed. He picked out a pair of overalls and a plain blue tee shirt. He grabbed your socks and flowery converse and laced them up. "Alright, what are we doin to your hair, sugar?" You decided on a simple braid. Once you were dressed he took you downstairs to find Steve on the phone.
"If Nat can watch her then we can do it." Bucky knew what that meant but you didn't. "Alright, Tony. We'll be there soon." Steve sighed. "C'mere, angel." Steve pulled you into his lap. "Daddy and I have to go to work for a little while so you have to go stay with Nat." Tears formed in your eyes. "Why you gotta leave?" You sniffled. "Because, princess. We gotta make sure the bad guys stay away." Bucky came and sat behind you. "You come back?" You reached for Bucky and he grabbed your hand. "We'll always come back to you." Steve whispered into your hair. While Steve continued to whisper sweet words into your ear, Bucky packed you a bag.
He wasn't sure how long they would be gone so he packed you pajamas, just in case. He packed you an extra outfit, your favorite coloring book, crayons, your favorite sippycup, a pacifier, and a bottle in case you start to feel smaller than normal. He went back downstairs to see you fast asleep in Steve's lap. "You got everything she'll need?" Bucky nodded. "Our bags are in the car already." Steve sighed and stood up, waking you in the process. "Shhh, angel, it's okay. Go back to sleep. We're just going to see Natasha." Steve started to rock you back to sleep while Bucky checked and made sure you wouldn't need anything else.
Steve put you in the car and made sure you were strapped in tight. Bucky got in beside you and draped his arm around you. The ride to the compound was quiet. You woke up in the elevator on your way to Natasha's apartment. Before Steve could knock, Nat opened the door. "How do you always do that?" Steve questioned. "I'm a spy, Steven. It's my job. Hi dove." You waved at her. "Come in, when do you guys leave?" Bucky say down on the couch, with you in his lap. "25 minutes. And you know how Fury gets if we're not 20 minutes early." Steve sat your bag down. "I think she has everything she needs in here, but if she doesn't then-" Natasha cut Steve off.
"If she doesn't then we'll go and get whatever she needs. We'll be fine, don't worry about her." Steve looked at you and Bucky. He was letting you play with his metal fingers. "In case we aren't back for a while, she needs to be in bed by 10 and don't let her convince you to give her any sweets after dinner." Nat chuckled. "Got it. No sweets after dinner and a very strict bed time." Steve rolled his eyes before he walked over to you. "Hey angel, daddy and dada have to go. Be good for Nat, okay?" Steve hugged you tight and kissed your forehead.
Tears started to fall down your cheeks as you realized that they were actually leaving and had no idea when they were coming back. "Hey, hey, don't cry, darling. We'll be back before you know it." Bucky's words did nothing to ease your crying. "Princess, it's okay, I promise you, we'll be back." Natasha came over and picked you up so they could leave. "Bye, baby." Bucky kissed your cheek and left with Steve.
"Dove, it's okay. How about we watch some cartoons until lunch time?" When you only sniffle in response she turns on Alice In Wonderland. After some more crying, you fell asleep. You woke to Nat petting your hair. "Hi, dove. You want some lunch? I think your daddies packed you some snacks." You nodded and followed her to the kitchen. She got you some goldfish and took you back to the couch.
"You wanna color?" You shook your head. "What do you wanna do?" Another tear rolled down your cheek. "Wan my daddies." She sighed. "They'll be back, hun. I gotta get a little bit of work done, so I'll be in my office, okay?" You nodded and continued to watch cartoons. You got bored after a while so you went to go to your bag. You got your coloring book and your crayons. You saw the paci that Bucky had packed and grabbed it. You colored for a while before you heard Nat start talking.
"For how long?... a week?... no she'll be fine... I'll tell her... be safe, bye." She sighed. When you heard her getting up you ran back over to the table. "I talked to Steve. He said he might might be a little longer than he thought." She sat beside you. "How about we go do something. No use in you just sitting around." You just continued to color. "Anywhere you want to go, I'll take you." You shook your head. "Jus wan my daddies back." You laid your head on the table. "I'm sorry, dove." She stood up and walked back to her office.
You colored for a little while longer until you started to get hungry. You knocked on the door to Nat's office. "Come in." You opened the door and saw her sitting at her desk.  "M hungry." She walked over to you. "Then let's order a pizza." She smiled.
After you ate she sat you down to watch cartoons while she cleaned up the kitchen. "Alright, dove, it pajama time." She took you upstairs and pulled out your pjs. Once you were dressed she took you to the bathroom to brush your teeth. "Nat?" You asked quietly. "Yes, dove?" She responded. "Can you take my hair out?" She smiled and started to unbraid your hair. Once it was brushed out she took you back to the living room.
"You wanna watch Bluey?" You nodded. She saw you starting to nod off and grabbed you a blanket and laid down with you. When she noticed you biting the tip of your thumb, she grabbed your paci and slipped it between your lips. "Good night, dove."
You woke up the next morning and heard Natasha talking to someone in the kitchen. You got up and walked towards her. "Good morning, honey. Did you sleep well?" You raised your arms for her to pick you up. She lifted you into her arms. "Your awful cuddly this morning." She rubbed your back. "So does she get all your snuggles or are you gonna share?" Your head snapped up at the sound of Bucky's voice. "Hi, princess." He waved.
You jumped out of Nat's arms and ran into his, holding him as tightly as you could. "I missed you, too, my love." You buried your face in to crook of his neck. "Do I not get a hug, angel?" You jumped out of Bucky's arms and into Steve's. "I missed you, daddies." You mumbled around your paci. "We missed you, too, baby. So much." Steve whispered. Bucky came and pressed his front into your back.
"Can we go home now?" You wanted to have them all to yourself. "Of course we can, doll. Let me just get your bag." Bucky ran into the living room to get your stuff while Steve rocked you in his arms. You laid your head on his shoulder and sighed. "Everything okay, love?" Steve rubbed your back to calm you down. "Jus missed you." Steve smiled. "I'm here now."
When you got home, Steve sat you down to go get you something to drink but stopped when you whined. "I'm just getting some water, babygirl." You didn't stop until he picked you up again. "That better?" You nodded and held him tight. "Buck," Steve called. "Yea?" Bucky walked into the kitchen. "Can you-" before Steve could finish his sentence, Bucky took you in his arms. "How about we go lay down? That sound good, babydoll?" You nodded.
Bucky took you up stairs with Steve following close behind him. You laid on Bucky's chest and Steve got behind him. "Daddies?" You whispered. "Yes, angel?" Steve quietly replied. "I missed you." They smiled. "We missed you too, babydoll. So much." Bucky kissed your forehead. "We'll always come back to you, pretty girl. Always." You giggled when Steve started to kiss all over your neck.
"Get some rest, sweets. We'll be right here when you wake up." Bucky kissed your cheek before you drifted off feeling safe and happy.
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buckybarnesb-tch · 10 months
Can you please do anal with Klaus and Y/n
Or something like that
Maybe klaus fucks her with a vibrator up her ass
Of course if you’re uncomfortable I understand, after reading the highschool klaus I thought you might be someone who would write it
The Art Nerd
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Modern!Highschool Klaus M. Pt.4
Warning: Smut! Anal sex, Squirting, Dirty talk, and tooth rotting levels of Dd/Lg sweetness from Daddy!Klaus
Art Nerd Masterlist
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‘Okay, let’s go mail them!’ Y/n grinned, hopping up and down excitedly, somehow she was more excited about me going to Art school than I was.
‘I still don’t like that you paid for this, I-‘
‘You need to let it go Daddy, I’ve already paid for your applications and it’s only to 3 schools. All of which you’re going to get in so it’ll be worth it!’
We’ve been together for a week now and in the last week Y/n has insisted I apply to art schools that I’m never going to get into. I know that she wants me to pursue my dream but I don’t know if I can take the rejection. All of the schools I would consider going to are extremely prestigious and competitive, they also only accept 150 kids every year but she insists that I try. I agreed to 3 of the applications of which she has helped me with the past few days, my top school however I refused to even apply. The price for the application was 150 dollars and Y/n had paid for the 3 I was sending already which cost 120. I hate her spending money on me, I should be spoiling her, that’s my job as her boyfriend, then again her parents gave her money instead of caring for her so she really didn’t need me to.
‘I love how optimistic you are for me Babygirl.’ I loved that she believed in me so much, though I hated how much she doubted herself. She had gone on and on to me about how dumb she is and I assumed she was failing out of school when she has a 3.8 GPA, however I convinced her to apply to schools in the same areas as the ones I am, with any luck we will get to at least be close if not get an apartment together.
‘I’m not optimistic, I’m realistic! You’re fucking talented Daddy, they would be stupid as fuck not to pick you!’ God I love this girl.
After mailing the applications for the both of us we ended up back at my house where Y/n had been staying with me for 4 days straight now.
‘You realize it’s going to be your fourth night staying here in a row, right?’ I questioned and she looked up at me from where she had sat on my bed, pulling out her math book.
‘Don’t you think we should talk about that?’ I changed into a pair of sweats and removed my shirt, getting comfortable to not do anything for the rest of the night since it was Friday and we could lounge around the entire weekend.
‘Oh…um, okay. I mean, I can go. I didn’t realize that you-‘
‘What? No! Y/n, no! I mean we should talk about you bringing stuff here if you’re going to be staying from now on. I can move some stuff and you can have a couple of drawers, you can bring your shampoo and shit so you don’t keep going home to shower. The shower thing is becoming very inconvenient as I would very much like to take a shower with my girlfriend, we are doing that tomorrow whether you like it or not.’ I teased, pushing her back onto the bed and lifting her legs and wrapping them around my waist as I crawled over top of her.
‘Is that right?’
‘Yes, it is.’ Her eyebrows went up before I leaned into her neck, sucking a dark red mark onto her skin.
‘I suppose I’ll just have to get used to the idea then, won’t I?’ I grunted an affirmation while continuing to kiss her neck, trailing my hands up under her shirt. ‘We can go and I’ll pack a bag tomorrow if you’re okay with it. My parents won’t care, probably won’t even notice if I’m perfectly honest.’ She said it as if it was normal and she didn’t care but I knew deep down it bothered her a lot that her parents didn’t give a shit about her. ‘My god you’re a fucking horn dog!’ She teased, feeling my hard cock pressing against her pussy.
‘Yes, we know this. I’m a 17 year old boy, it’s common sense to assume that…I love you.’ I had previously told her that I love her in passing, teasingly but also serious however she looked at me shocked as she could feel how deeply I meant it.
‘I love you. I’m sorry you don’t have enough people telling you that because you deserve it and it’s their loss that they don’t get to know what an amazing, generous and wonderful girl you are but I love you Y/n.’ She nodded slowly as if taking it in before a huge smile overtook her face.
‘I love you too Nik. I love you so much.’ She pulled me down to press her lips to mine hard. ‘You know what else?’ She asked against my lips and I pulled back to look at her.
‘I trust you.’ I felt honored by that, I know she has a hard time trusting people so to know she trusts me is a wonderful feeling.
‘I trust you too, and I would never hurt you. You’re my Princess.’ I trailed my lips down her neck, continuing to suck marks there knowing how much she loves and hates it, constantly having to cover them with makeup.
‘Maybe we try something new tonight?’
‘Mmm, like what?’ We’d only been together a week but we’d proved to be a very horny and adventurous couple. I couldn’t imagine what she meant by that.
‘Like maybe another hole?’ She whispered as I continued sucking on her skin until my brain caught up to her words and I pulled back, looking down at her in shock.
‘Really? You-you want to-I would need to stretch you out first.’ She shook her head, taking my hand and bringing it down to her pussy, my fingers grazing something against her asshole and I quickly realized something was already stretching her little hole out for me. ‘Fuck!’ I practically ripped her shorts and panties from her body to see the green jewel on the end of the butt plug that she knew was my favorite color. ‘You’re so fucking perfect, you know that? Are…are you sure?’ She nodded, grinning excitedly and I didn’t need to ask again, pulling my sweats and boxers down before moving to grab the lube I had in my drawer. I placed the bottle beside me before leaning down, ready to shove my face into her cunt when she pulled on my hair.
‘If you want to do that later, fine, but I have had a butt plug in my ass for almost 2 hours, and I’m already dripping. If you don’t fuck me now, I swear to God, someone is going to!’ Her tone was playful but I could tell how serious she really was and I growled, pulling the green jewel from her ass and hearing her whimper as it popped free.
‘Fuck!’ I cursed, seeing her hole open slightly and quickly squirting the bottle on my fingers, pushing them into her and feeling how tight she still was before practically filling my hand with it and lathering my cock in the slick substance. ‘You tell me to stop and I will, okay?’ She nodded firmly, determination covering her face as I lined my cock up with her hole and began pushing in, hissing at the tight squeeze. I had thought her pussy would kill me when I fucked her the first time, and now as I pushed all the way into her hole I’m thinking I may be reincarnated during this she’s so damn tight. ‘GodDammit! How many times have you done this?! Fuck you’re tight!’
‘Never…’ she whimpered and I froze, looking down at her in shock. I had just assumed, clearly incorrectly, that she had tried everything with James…and here I am in her ass for the first time.
‘Why didn’t you tell me that-‘
‘Don’t make it a big deal, I never trusted him…I love you Nik.’
I just stared at her for a moment in shock. It was one of the very few times she didn’t call me “Daddy” while I’m inside of her and it gave me butterflies in my stomach. ‘Y/n, I…my God Princess, I love you so fucking much!’ I leaned down to press my lips to hers and as I did we both cried out at the pressure.
‘I wish it had always been you, wish I could have given you my virginity-‘ I covered her mouth with my hand, resting my forehead onto hers as I took a deep breath.
‘You’ve given me everything that means anything Y/n, virginity is a fake construct created by men to shame women. You’ve given me your love and trust, your body is just a plus…a fantastic plus that I’m deeply in love with-‘ she smacked my ass as I teased her and made her giggle which only made me grunt as she squeezed my cock when she laughed. ‘Okay. Breathe.’ She nodded as I leaned on my arms and pulled back out of her, pushing back in again and not being able to stop the smile as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. ‘You’re so fucking beautiful.’ I pushed back in 2 more times before speeding my pace up a bit as she began to start moving as well, relaxing under me as she grew used to the new feeling and wrapped her arms around my neck.
‘Yes Daddy! Your cock feels so good! Ahh!’ I knew I wasn’t going to last long and I was determined to make her cum before I did, also knowing we would definitely be doing this again.
‘Are you gonna cum for Daddy, Princess? You gonna cum from Daddy fucking this tight little hole?’
‘Yeah? Daddy’s fucking your tiny babyhole right now, I know that makes you want to cum! You need it!’ My hands gripped her thighs and lifted her legs up, pushing them onto my shoulders and she wailed! I shoved into her once more before her back arched and she squirt all over my lower body and the blanket which was the single sexiest thing I believe I had ever fucking seen and not a second later I was cumming right along side her, filling her asshole as full as I possibly could, crashing our lips together as we came.
I couldn’t tell you how long we stayed in that position, unable to move until I felt her shiver against me. Being covered in cum in a basement with the air conditioner on is a bad combination, however I keep it on almost always as Y/n likes to sleep in the cold and be able to snuggle into my warm body under heavy, fuzzy blankets. It makes me feel like I’m in the arctic sometimes but I like how happy she is when we cuddle under 6 Sherpa blankets with a heavy comforter on top.
‘Hold on gorgeous, hold on.’ I pulled myself out of her gently and moved to the bathroom, washing my cock off from the pint of lube and cum before getting a wet cloth. I grabbed 2 pairs of my boxers and 2 shirts before quickly cleaning her off as well.
‘Don’t feel gorgeous, feel sticky.’ She mumbled, grimacing as I wiped her thighs, before sighing.
‘Well you are, gorgeous as always. Daddy’s perfect Babygirl. You’re the most perfect girl that’s ever walked this earth and I am the luckiest man in existence that you’ve decided that I am worthy of getting to love you.’ Her face blushed a deep red and I loved seeing how flustered she got when I said things like that. She deserved all the love in the world and for some reason she had never gotten any until me, so I will be making sure she knows how perfect she is every chance I get. ‘How do you feel? I didn’t harm you, did I?’ I wondered, lifting her legs and maneuvering the boxers up her body to cover her before sitting her up and pulling the shirt over her arms and head.
‘No Nik, I’m okay. A little sore but totally fine, wonderful, absolutely perfect! My Daddy made me feel so good! I don’t think I’ve ever cum that hard before.’
‘Well that’s good, because you squirt all over me.’ I smiled, kissing her nose before seeing her eyes widen and quickly pressed our lips together before she could do something stupid like apologize to me. ‘It was hot, I would say the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen but I think watching my cock push into your asshole has to be the sexiest thing.’ I brushed her hair out with the brush on the bedside table before putting it up for her and removing the damp blanket on top of the bed that we had been on, laying a new one on top and crawling in beside her.
‘I love you Daddy…promise me we’re going to be together forever.’
I pulled her close, resting her head on my chest and kissed her head, my hand rubbing up her back. ‘I promise Baby, it’s you and me, Always and Forever.’
4 Months Later
‘Nik! Where are you?!’ I heard Y/n call from the front door. She had officially moved in a week after moving her stuff into my room and after seeing how much of an effect she had on me my mother didn’t mind at all, loving my girlfriend like her own child nearly instantaneously.
‘Kitchen with Elijah and Kol!’ I shouted back, pulling the potatoes out of the oven and finishing playing up our dinner for the night before my brothers tore into the rest.
‘Hey.’ She greeted, pulling me close and kissing me excitedly. ‘I have something for you.’ She told me, holding up a letter.
We had gotten all of our college letters back last week and surprisingly I had been accepted to all of them like she said I would and we had decided on Columbia university. It had an amazing arts program and she was accepted to a school not far, but as she seemed to be holding up a college admissions letter I was confused.
‘What’s this? I got all my school letters back.’ I said just as Rebekah walked in, hugging Y/n in greeting, they had become very good friends despite my pleading them not to.
‘What’s this about school? I thought you got accepted.’
‘I did…what did you do?’ I questioned her and now everyone was looking at us.
‘Well you adamantly refused to apply to the school you wanted to go to most of all and so I paid to get the admissions forms and forged your application. All I had to do was fill in your information and make a portfolio of 20 of your most recent pieces. I picked my favorites…I used my painting as well.’ She blushed and I just stared at her for a moment.
‘That cost $150 Y/n! I told you I didn’t want to do that and you picked paintings I didn’t want to use on top of that?! Why would you-‘ I huffed out a sigh, running my fingers through my hair and turning away to put the dirty dishes in the sink.
‘Rhode Island School of Design.’ Elijah read, having taken it from her.
‘He’s afraid he won’t get into his dream school so he pretended that the price was the reason he didn’t apply.’ She told him and I turned around, glaring.
‘You Spent $150 Dollars On Me For A Rejection Letter!’ She flinched and I instantly relaxed my body as much as I could, never wanting her to be afraid of me. ‘Why would you do this? I told you I wasn’t going to apply and you fought for it but I still said ‘no’. Why would-‘
‘You’ve been accepted.’ Elijah spoke and I spun to look at him, staring for about 5 seconds before snatching the letter and reading over it to see that he was right. It read that they were impressed with my assortment of unique art pieces.
‘I got accepted to a college about 5 miles away if that’s any help in making your decision for-‘ I cut her off by shoving my lips to hers roughly and hugging her to my body, face in my neck.
‘I’m so sorry. Thank you Y/n. Thank you!’ I took hold of her face in my hands and felt like I fell in love with her smiling face all over again. ‘You believed in me when I didn’t, this whole time. I still don’t like you spending money on me but…thank you. Looks like we’re going to Rhode Island next year.’
‘Damn straight Art Nerd, you ain’t goin’ without me! All those art nerd girls, can’t have you being stolen away.’ She teased.
‘Not a chance in Hell Princess. You’re mine. Always and Forever.’
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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haleyhunwritess · 2 years
HIIII❤️ Would you write something with dark!nat and like soft!dark!bucky as caregivers? or like nat is the caregiver but bucky also wants to be a part of their dyanmic but reader doesn't want that so she punishes her and she's very abusive but finally bucky comes in to stop her and she accepts him?💟
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warnings: dark themes, dark!nat x little!reader, soft!dark bucky x little reader, kindaabusive behaviour from nat, reader passes out, dd/lg + md/lg themes
a/n: okay this has been in my drafts for a while now but i added some stuff to it to kinda fit the request. please reblog, comment, and like to support if you can, i would really appreciate it 🥺🥺❤️
"Stop it! Stop, stop, it hurts! It h-" You were cut off with another blow to your head as you tried to get up from the bed. There were was no use in begging her for mercy because it didn't seem like she was going to show you any. After enduring her torture for about another hour, you finally passed out on the bed. Natasha finally stopped when she noticed you stopped struggling against her. She cupped your delicate face with her hands, roughly pushing it away when she realized you passed out.
Nat walked out of the room and went to downstairs to cool off. She was so angry that you weren't more accepting of Bucky as another caregiver for you. You always loved spending time with him, especially when she first forced brought you to her place. You'd been so scared of her but after talking to Bucky you began to soften up to her, letting her take care of you, taking care of her especially after a hard day, letting her baby you and treat you the way you should be treated. She just wanted to repay him for his kindness. All that he asked was to take care care of you, to be involved in this with her, but you just refused.
Nat heard the front door open, but she remained seated on her chair with a drink in her hand. She knew Bucky was coming over, but she wanted to give him good news, not tell him that you were passed out upstairs with a black eye and bruises all over your body. Bucky sat down next to her, taking the drink from her and putting it down on the table.
"She doesn't want me, does she?"
"I don't know how to convince her. She's passed out upstairs with god knows how many bruises on her body because I thought I could get her to agree..." She groaned, looking down at the ground, ashamed of how she treated you.
"Jesus, Nat...you didn't have to do that, I could've waited a bit longer." He grimaced at the thought of her hurting you.
"Yes, but I don't understand why she said no. She clearly loves having you around, sometimes even more than me." She rolled her eyes, and got up to get herself another drink.
Before Bucky could reply, he heard a loud wailing coming from the bedroom upstairs. He looked over at Nat, who noticed the high-pitched crying as well. She sighed and continued to make her drink, "Why don't you go? I don't think she wants to see me right now..."
Bucky hesitated before making his way upstairs to your bedroom. He quietly opened the door, not wanting to scare you any more. He walked inside and noticed you were on the bed and your naked body was covered with only a sheet while you were bawling your eyes out. He slowly walked over to you, and grimaced at all the marks Natasha had left on your body.
"Sweetheart? Are you okay?" He whispered as he sat down on the bed to get a proper look at your face.
At first you were startled by his voice, but you still crawled over to him when he held his arms out for you to climb into. He hugged you gently, knowing he had to be careful with all the bruises on your body. He carefully cupped your face and kissed your forehead before letting you go back to resting your head on his shoulders.
"Mommy got real upset with you, didn't she?" He whispered, as she softly sobbed on his shoulder.
She slowly nodded before whispering, "Daddy..."
His brows furrowed when he thought he misheard her. He pulled away from her, making her whimper, "What did you say, love?"
"Daddy, my daddy..." She whispered, blushing and looking away from him.
"Oh, love...yes daddy is here. Daddy is right here, not going anywhere." He smiled, kissing her cheek and hugging her tightly.
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vase-of-lilies · 1 year
A Hard Week
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❀ Mommies!WandaNat x Little!Reader (F)
❀ Stress, MD/LG themes, slight coercion but good coercion, baby talk, little reader, slight psychotic break but just a breakdown, crying, cuddling, poly relationship
❀ Request: A fic where reader is having a really bad week and just breaks down one day because she’s so anxious and stressed. Wanda and Nat see this and takes the time out to help her get little and let her relax. 
❀ A/N: Request sent in by @fragilepuppi! Thank you for your kind words, and I am thinking about moving the toy lion, the scarlet witch and the tiny wardrobe to Tumblr again! But thank you for the super kind words and thank you for reblogging and being so interactive with my stories:) Gif by me:)
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Finals week. The dreaded week in college where professors become serious, strict, and pushy. The week where they don’t care about your mental health, only your grades. You, an overachiever is their most vulnerable target for pushiness. If they say to redo it, you don’t ask why, you find what you did wrong on your own and fix it yourself. Feeling like an inconvenience if you ask for help. 
It was taking a toll on you, and Wanda and Nat could tell. You would shut yourself in your room for hours on end, studying and taking notes like a machine. But you aren’t a machine, you needed to eat, drink, shower, and sleep. And you did none of that. You pushed your own needs away to keep your head in the game to get a good final grade. It was your last year after all, before you got your degree!
Every hour, Wanda or Natasha would come in with a new glass of water and some snacks wanting to make sure that you were getting what you need. But to their disappointment they found a full plate and a half drunken cup of water, the ice fully melted and condensed onto the outside of the cup. As your music blasted into your headphones, they could only do so much. They would give you a kiss, and watch you for a few minutes before closing your door and waiting for the next hour to arrive. 
“Im really worried about her, she is pushing herself to the limit and we haven’t seen our little girl in a while.” Wanda says to Nat as they cuddle on the couch. They were so worried about you, and only wanted to see you happy and not stressed. Natasha agrees, sighing as she holds Wanda to her chest. 
“I know hon, I just want to scoop her up and hold her until she falls asleep. There are more empty coffee cups in her trash than empty water bottles. This week is killing her.” 
Wanda sighed into her girlfriends shirt and Watched the slideshow of pictures that filled the TV screen when it turned off. The pictures of you three made her smile. Your eyes were bright and full of emotion, not tired and emotionless. Your smile was genuine, not a simple acknowledgment of Wanda or Nat when they come into your room. 
“I hate how much she loves to work. She works too hard, and I don’t know how to help her. I know this week is important to her, but even with the coffee she still looks exhausted. I want our little girl back.” Natasha nods and kisses Wandas forehead, and thinks of a plan to help you take a break. 
What the women were not expecting was you to come out of your room. Tears were pooled in your eyes and you looked so tired. They sat up a little bit and looked at each other, knowing that they need to bring their little out of her shell. “Hi Angel, its good to see you out of your room.” Wanda says, reaching out her hands to you. 
As you see them happy to see you, the dam breaks and you let out a small sob as tears fall down your cheeks. Wanda gently pulls you to sit in between her and Nat and she rubs your back to comfort you. 
“Oh angel, shh, its ok, your mommies are here.” Wanda whispers, looking to Nat with the look. She reaches into the drawer next to the couch and brings out your teddy bear pacifier. She doesn’t push it on you just yet, wanting you to come out when you felt ready. 
“Doll, can you tell us what’s wrong?” Natasha asks you, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I- I just can’t t-t-take it anymore. Mr. Jordan j-just wants to see me suffer. He doesn’t want m-me to succeed.” Your tears fall onto your shirt, and you clench your fists in your lap. “He told me to redo a paper four times, and I still can’t tell what’s wrong with it. I ran it th-through grammar check after grammar check and he just throws it in his digital trash bin like its a line scribbled by a 2 year old. I- I want to quit school, Im so done!” 
Wanda looks down at you with sad eyes, and says “Its alright Angel, can you tell mommy what you need?” She tries to coax you into your little space, knowing you need it more than they do. Natasha lays you back on the couch and cups your cheek. “You can trust us, doll. Can you talk to your mommies so we can help?” 
Their voices become a little higher, the type of tone they talk to you with when you go into your little space. You subconsciously took note of this, and the little voice inside your head whispers for you to let go. You curl in on yourself as you let your little space take over. 
“Wanna cuddle... M-maybe baf?” Your pronunciation is a little wonky, now that you are falling into your little space by the second. Nat smiles and shows you your paci. Your eyes light up and you happily open your mouth as she puts the binkie to your lips. Wanda smiles and kisses your forehead as you lay against her, Natasha pulling you both into her lap on the big couch. 
“Such a good little doll, your mommies got you, you’ll be ok.” Natasha whispers, running her fingers through your tangled hair, being careful not to pull too hard on getting the knots out. Wanda gently tickles your arm to relax you, and your eyes become heavy. 
“Seepy, so seepy…” You whisper passed the pacifier in your mouth, and Natasha looks down at you. “Sleep little doll, we’ve got you, and you’re in a safe place. Not even mean Mr. Jordan can get you here.” She smiles at your little giggle, knowing that your professor is your biggest enemy when you are little. 
As the two women calm you down and wipe your tears, Wanda uses her telepathic powers to start the bathtub from the couch. Your ears perk at the sound of the running water, but you fall back asleep in her arms. “We’ll get you in the bath when you wake up, doll. Ok?” You nod in your sleep, sniffling every now and then but finally able to calm down in your mommies arms. 
It was just what you needed in the hardest and most stressful week of your college life. Relaxing in your girlfriend's arms in a mental place that makes you feel safe. You are so grateful for them, and couldn’t thank them enough. Well, maybe when you are back in your big space you could find a way to thank them. For now, you are happy and getting better, just as your mommies wanted to help you. 
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It's easy to think that Diane annoys Hobie. She's nearly always at his side, talking his ear off about something or the other, laughing at all his jokes as if they were the funniest thing ever.
With Hobie being Mr.'Cool This Whole Time', it was easy to the get the impression.
Usually that's because people don't see what happens when she doesn't pay attention to him.
Hobie's an attention whore.
DiscoPunk: Hobie x OC!Diane
He's DYING for her Attention
Miguel gives her a particularly paperwork heavy task that she needs to focus on, and suddenly it's
'You're ignoring me?' (she isn't, if anything she's looking right at him.)
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It's 'What, you don't like me no more?' or 'I'm dying of boredom. If you even care-' or 'torture, this is.'
It's him poking her side, or making kissy noises at her, or singing out of tune songs about the horrors of Boredom and Loneliness
It's like suddenly he has NOTHING BETTER TO DO other than annoying her in anyway possible.
She tries to get any work done -
He'll pester her, asking her to play games like 21 questions, then he'll purposely mess with the game to see if she notices.
He asks her stuff like 'Would you love me if I were a worm?' then acts like he's taking it personal
If she's not looking DIRECTLY at him he starts stealing shit. He's not quiet about it either.
'Put it back.' - 'Put what back where?'
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Everyone on campus: 'Ugh, Diane can be so annoying, all she does is bug Hobie-'
Hobie Brown is a self-employed PROFESSIONAL NUISANCE
It's the LGS (lead guitarist syndrome)
He acts like if he doesn't get the attention he's going to literally explode as in physically combust 'kablooie' into dust right now.
Diane hasn't told him he's adorable in the last twenty minutes. Do you know what that does to a man? The world has forsaken him
The girl can't get any peace.
Margo has heard Diane say "Hobie, for the love of God'-" at least once every shift.
Margo is like 'tell him to go away'
She does, but all he does is leave her line of sight but stand close enough for her to hear his dramatic 'dejected' sighs like a puppy waiting outside the bathroom
If she tells him 'I really need to do this. I'll be off in 45 minutes, can you not die until then?'
All of a sudden Mr.'I don't believe in punctuality' is hanging out in the doorway EXACTLY 45 minutes later like-
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'45 minutes, Di. You said 45, right?'
Oh NOW he can tell time. Okay, okay. Yeah.
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She's like 'You see me doing this right? You see this work in my hands. The work in doing?'
It's the most frustrating thing in the world.
'You think this is funny?' - 'I really do.'
'I really hate you.' - 'You really don't.'
Unlike SOME people she tries to do her job and suddenly he's like 'I can't believe I lost you to capitalism'
'Look at this, they've got my girl slaving away for The Man. Sad, this is. The exploitation of labor here and now-' (he's being dramatic. she tells him this. he says 'I'll show you dramatic' and flops on her, pretending to die)
And Diane's like 'It's not capitalism. Miguel doesn't even pay me money'
She gives him attention because he dies Romeo and Juliet style the second she doesn't 😭😭
She's a second away from being like
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'brotha I've about had it with you'
She even goes to Miguel.
She begs him to do something about Hobie. 'Give him ANYTHING to do.' she begs 'Anything at all. There's no way I can do my job with his mind games-'
Miguel's like 'actually that IS your job. If he's bugging you he's not blowing something up. Plus it's the only way to get him to actually comes to campus.'
Hobie annoying her IS her job 😭😭 If he's messing with her he's not messing with Miguel so she has to take one for the team
Diane's like 'but he's SO ANNOYING'
'Glad you finally realized that, Diane.'
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'*dejected Hobie sigh from the doorway*'
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scourgeofgotham · 1 year
Beauty and The Beast
chapter two
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Warnings: SMUT 18+
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Graphic Sexual Content, Crying, Unresolved Trauma, M! Receiving Oral, Face-Fucking, Degradation, Boot Humping, Dom/Sub, Slapping, Praise! Kink, Begging, DD/LG, Mentions of Breeding, Stockholm Syndrome(develops), Mentions of Underage Sex, Mentions of Rape, Non-Con, Mentions of self-mutilation
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Jason is 19, the reader is 18. Jason’s thoughts are in bold italic and the readers are in bold.
Past is in italic
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She got lured out by a masked villian named the Arkham Knight,
“If you want to find out what happened to Robin, meet me on top of R.H. Kane.
Wear the Batgirl uniform.”
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The first time they ever kissed was on their first date, she couldn’t contain the happiness any longer and grabbed his face and kissed him. He looked so shocked but there was a small smile that crept up on his face. It was two weeks after they met, they were out just getting pizza and she was practically all over him. Her bad boy, all hers.
The first night he was wearing the Robin costume was the night she realized how much she loved him. Three months later Bruce made Jason his ward. Their rooms were right next to each other and they made a hole in between bedside tables, so they could go into each other's rooms without Bruce or Alfred finding out. They would swap what bed they would sleep together in, he would poke fun at her Care Bears and her dolphin pillow pet. They were absolute lovebirds, he loved the attention. She loved getting to love someone and for someone to care for her. Both of their parents were monsters. They had no one, and when they met Bruce they finally had a family. The good girl and her bad boy. Belle and the Beast. Canary and Jaybird. Violet and Crimson. The First Daughter and The Second Son. The Bat and the Knight. Batgirl and Robin.
They were unstoppable, two teenagers in love fighting crime. Just like Dick and Barbara. They never left each other's side, all they wanted was to be with each other. She started ditching school to be with him at his school. Bruce ultimately had to pull her out of school. Little did he know she was going to see his newly adopted son at his school and sit in the library giving him handjobs while helping him with his homework.
“Awww do you want me to stay right here Peanut?” God she looks so pretty crying and all needy, I want to take off my helmet and kiss her all over.
She looks up at him, crying from how big his dick is, and how she wishes he was her Robin. She was grinding on his boot so hard it made her whole body shake. She loved how he was making her feel.
If I don't escape soon… this is torturing me.
“Such a good little slut, are you about to cum all over my boot?” Brings her back to reality. She looked up at the Knight and nodded, mouth still full with his cock. “Wait for Daddy.” He snickered, using the accidental pet name from earlier. She started blushing and getting all embarrassed again. He started moving his foot back and forth against her clit, “Feel good Peanut?” She nodded in response, wanting to please him.
“C'mon Belle, you gotta milk Daddy's cock in order to cum.”
She pulled him out of her mouth and started focusing on his tip, sucking on the head and then swirling her tongue around in motions in between. Jason always told her to focus on the head and use her hands for his shaft.
“Good girl Belle, you want Daddy to cum huh?” She looked up at him and nodded her head. “Such a little whore, trying to make your kidnapper cum, what would Batman think?” She could feel him twitching in her mouth, so she picked up the pace so she could be done and over with it already.
“You know Daddy is about to cum huh? You wanna cum so bad, don’t you princess? Are you sure you don’t want me to fuck that tight little pussy after?”
She contemplated, she did want it. She was aching for it, and the thought of her being fucked by a mysterious man made her even more aroused, getting cockdrunk. Except, if she accepted it then she wouldn't be Jason’s princess anymore, and she wouldn’t be pure. She spent countless nights horny, wanting to feel and touch her Jaybird, wanting him to come back from the dead and make her feel good. She wanted the Knight to decide for her, she would complain if he did fuck her, and would if he didn't.
I wanna see his face…
Her heart and her pussy said yes, but her brain kept telling her no.
“C'mon Belle, you have to decide. Daddy can make you feel all good, and he can breed that princess cunt too. He can help take all of your worries away, you won't have to fight anymore, and Daddy will take care of you. You'll be mine, princess.” Upon hearing all of that from the Knight, she came all over his boot and ultimately decided that she wanted him to fuck her. The Knight grabbed her hair and shoved his cock in deeper, cumming in her mouth. “I want every drop swallowed.” She swallowed immediately, opening her mouth and showing. “Good girl.” he praised, he touched her face rubbing her cheek. He picked her up and placed her on the bed, which she didn't realize until now had a Care Bear on it. “Your little Robin told me how much you love your Care Bears and since I'm never gonna let you go I stole it from your bedroom.” The Knight mocked.
He's been in my room?
“W-What?” she was terrified, and her whole body started shaking. “Why do you want me?” She put the emphasis on me.
“I thought you would be a great slave for me.” he chimed. He grabbed the same knife as before and started cutting the rest of the Batgirl suit, starting from the top of the crotch up to her neck. Once he got the top cut off he worked on getting her out. When she was fully out she started trying to run away from him, and immediately got pulled back by the Knight. He slapped her and held her down at her wrists. “Stop trying to run, you can't.”
Seeing her in her bra and her pretty little panties, she had a yellow sports bra on, and a tiny pair of cheeky panties with little yellow daisies all over, with an embroidered daisy on the front. “Oh, Belle. I didn't know that these were this pretty or else I would have gotten you out of that suit a long time ago.” He was enamored, staring at the tiny piece of fabric that was soaking wet. Her panties couldn't hold anymore and all of her arousal was trickling down her thighs. “You're soaked, Belle.” Seeing how wet she was for him got him rock-hard. “Too bad you won’t be needing underwear anymore.” he snickered. He let go of her wrists and put his knee on her stomach making sure she couldn't try an escape again. He started taking off her bra and as soon as it was up high enough her large breasts fell out. “Look at those pretty tits, so big and perky.” He threw the bra across the room and started groping her breasts. He moved on and got off of her and held her down with his hand on his stomach. He pulled off the panties slowly wanting to make her squirm. Her whole face was bright red. He took them off after what felt like hours and stuffed them in his pocket.
He started looking at her body and was eyeing her waist and saw scars littered across her skin. He then looked at the rest of her body and saw that her whole body was covered in self-inflicted wounds. “Oh, Belle. Why would you do this to yourself?” he asked, his voice modulator covering up how sad he was seeing his princess covered in scars. She tried covering up her body feeling embarrassed and ashamed. “It's my fault he's dead. I deserve to be in pain, I deserve to be punished.” She started crying, putting her hands up to her face to cover her tears. He moved her hands to uncover and looked at her. “It's not your fault Belle.”
“You don't have to do any of that to your body anymore, you won’t be allowed to have sharp objects under my watch. I'm gonna make you feel amazing and get you all cockdrunk. What do you say, Princess? You wanna thank Daddy for rescuing you from Bruce? So you can be Daddy’s little slave forever and never have to go outside again? I can bring you everything you want and need.”
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evansbby · 2 years
Omg yes to the dirty movies.. especially stepdad!ari
He’d place reader on his lap and gets off on her squeezing her thighs together and his boner pressing against her, acting nonchalant about it. Reader is so flustered and tingly. Then she starts grinding on him without knowing she’s getting herself off to the scene he put on. Ari would ask what’s got her so squirmy.. he even places the back of his hand on her forehead and ask her if she’s feeling alright because of the heat radiating off her 😭
Bestie I’ve been thinking about this ask all day😵‍💫 Stepdad!Ari would baby you so much when he’s showing you porn hehehe
Warnings: smut, dark, noncon, dubcon, stepcest, Ari being deranged, dd/lg overtones, dumbification, forced babying, dry humping
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“Honey, come here. Daddy wants to show you something.” Your stepfather, Ari, beckons you over to where he’s sitting on the couch, his large, beefy frame taking up most of the space.
You blanch, turning around slowly, “Ari, please. Not now. I’ve got a lot of work to do.”
Sky blue eyes blinking, he shakes his head, “Little princesses like you aren’t meant to do any work. Now come here.” He pats his knee, a certain edge to his tone that makes you sigh as you make your way over to him.
“Look, Ari, I’m not in the mood for your weird games today, so if you could ju—”
“Shhh, honey. You’ll wake up your mommy.” Ari gestures to the other couch which is adjacent to the one he’s sitting on, where your mother lies asleep, head on the cushion and wrapped in a blanket.
Your blood runs cold — surely Ari wouldn’t try his depraved bullshit while your mom was in the same room? You’re aware of his weird obsession with you, and wanting to baby you all the time — but even he couldn’t be so bad as to do it while your mom was right there? Right?
Ari pulls you into his lap, pressing soft kisses all over your face, “Mm, that’s a good little girl. You know your daddy loves you so much, right?”
“Let me go.” You squirm, although it’s half-hearted because you know it’s futile — Ari is just so big and strong, so much bigger than you. Once he sets his mind on something, there’s no overpowering him.
“Now baby, daddy has a special treat for you today. Does my baby wanna know what it is?” He chucks you under the chin as if you’re his actual little baby, and you scowl at him in return.
Ari pinches you hard on your bare thigh, and you yelp. “Wrong. Say: yes, please daddy.”
Swallowing harshly, you wonder if it’ll just be over quicker if you comply. “Y-Yes please, daddy. What’s my treat?”
Your stepdad strokes your hair in approval, before grabbing your chin and turning your face towards the TV, “Today, I’ve decided to give you permission to watch some big girl movies with me.”
Porn. That’s what’s on the TV screen. The start of a porn scene. You gape at the TV before gaping at Ari and finally at your sleeping mother. No way. No fucking way.
“Ari, please! Let’s not do this right now. Please! It’s literally so inappropriate!”
Your stepdad shakes his head, “How many times have I told you not to call me Ari, baby? Do you want me to wake your mother up and tell her you’re being a slut? That you’re trying to seduce your stepfather?”
You suck in your breath, heart beating fast, “No, no I don’t want that.”
“Then address me properly.”
“I’m sorry… daddy.”
He holds you tightly in his lap, your back against his expansive chest and your ass snugly on top of his hard crotch, his large hands holding securely onto your hips.
The porn begins to play, and you look at your mother in terror. Thankfully, she’s still asleep, and Ari makes you look back at the screen. It’s a man with a much younger woman — she’s got a silky pink dress on and her hair in pigtails.
“You think her dress is pretty, baby?” Ari whispers in your ear, pressing his boner up against your ass obscenely, “Daddy can buy you even prettier dresses. Pouffy ones with pretty ribbons. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, honey?”
You’d hate that, but you don’t want to see what happens if you disagree. Specially when he’s so into it now, grinding against you and pressing wet kisses on your neck. “God, princess. You’re so hot, so pretty and cute too. Thank me for letting you watch this big girl movie.”
“Thank you for letting me watch this big girl movie, daddy.” You recite, and your stepfather beams.
“It’s my pleasure, sweet girl.” His hands slip up your top, cupping both your tits and giving them a squeeze, “I know you’re just a baby and these kinds of movies confuse you sometimes. I know that big girl sex is hard to understand but that’s why daddy’s here. I’ll explain it all to you, okay baby?”
“Okay, daddy.”
You can’t help but grow transfixed with the video — it’s been a while since you’ve watched porn and you can’t help but grow excited by the man bending the girl over and fucking her, obscene slapping noises filling the room.
“Oh fuck!” The whimper you suddenly let out is involuntary when you feel Ari suddenly thrust up against you, and you instinctively squeeze your thighs together, the delicious sensations making you moan softly.
“My little baby,” Ari coos, “Sitting pretty in my lap while mommy sleeps. I’m so proud of you, honey. I can tell you’re learning all about big girl sex from this video. Soon, you’ll be ready to sleep in daddy’s bed, won’t you?”
“Mmm, daddy.” You don’t even realise the words slipping past your parted lips, but you do notice the increased pace of Ari’s hips as they thrust upwards into you. You moan softly as you begin to meet his thrusts, loving the delicious friction between your ass, pussy and your stepdad’s clothed crotch.
“You like grinding that little baby pussy against your stepfather, don’t you?” Ari whispers filthily, pinching your nipples and pushing your tits together, tongue licking and biting and sucking against your neck, making you go dumb quickly like you always do.
“Mm, love it daddy! Love feeling your cock!” You babble, a small part of you hating how quickly you give in to him but it’s overtaken by that larger, lust-driven part of you.
“Look at my little baby, humping against your daddy like a little baby slut.” Ari murmurs filthily, dry humping up against you, using his hands on your hips to drag you on top of his dick, back and forth, up and down, his hard crotch sliding between your ass cheeks as he gives the sensitive flesh a harsh slap.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!” You cry softly, feeling your pleasure build up as Ari’s hand goes to wrap around your throat.
“I know you’re just a dumb baby but you gotta be quiet. Don’t want mommy to hear what a filthy girl you’re being, do we?” He slaps your thigh hard, “I said, do we?”
“No, no we don’t!” You wail, and now you’re bouncing up and down, feeling the delicious denim of his crotch poke against your eager ass and pussy, your juices soaking up your panties till they’re feeling like a sopping mess. And still, your stepfather doesn’t stop, dragging you over his clothed cock like you’re his personal toy.
“Daddy’s little girl, such a baby yet such a slut at the same time. Dry humping your daddy while your mommy’s in the same room.” Ari kisses you sloppily on the cheek, “God, you have no idea how hot you are. Such a little princess, gonna dress you up so nice next time. Gonna make you wear a cute pink dress when we finally have big girl sex, okay baby?”
“Okay daddy! Yes, yes!” You sob, knowing you’d die if anyone saw you like this, in this state. You can’t believe he’s reduced you to this, and you don’t even care! All you want to do is cum.
“Yes, sweet girl. Sitting so pretty on daddy’s dick. God, wish I had this sweet little baby ass on my lap all the time. I’m never letting you go, honey, you hear that? You’re my little baby and you’re perfect for me. Daddy loves you, sweetie. Daddy loves you so much.”
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