#I literally attempted to upload this about 8 times
faithinlouisfuture · 2 years
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“(Strong enough to get it wrong) in front of all these people” *dramatic hand gestures*
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Crowd screams “Do you still remember feeling young?” *cutely nods & smiles*
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“Give it up for the fookin’ band!”
Fearless band solo *👩🏽‍🍳💋*
LTWT22: Istanbul - Fearless
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tadpolesonalgae · 6 months
im going to be honest with you im so lost with teeth and talons. rhysand is a god and so is lucien but azriel is a demon? and elain was turned like mc was but she's not a demon? and azriel wasn't neglecting her, he literally kidnapped her and now it's his fault mc is going crazy? was she already his mate when she was human?
(Small acowar spoilers below!)
Sorry yeah I guess it’s probably even more confusing with the upload times 😭
So Rhys is a god (instead of High Lord), Lucien is the son of a god (since he’s from Beron/Helion), and Elain was turned into a demon but she uses her powers to do her work as a priestess—she could still turn into some horrifying hell beast if she wanted to :)
With the neglect, I’d argue Azriel was really quite cruel to her at times…?
For example, this scene from Chapter 4:
‘You peer up at him, arms wrapping across your chest, keeping your nightclothes in your hands. “‘Thank me'?” You echo, voice shaking. "For what?" You swear something like amusement gleams in his eyes as he leans down, so he can stare at you. "For bringing you to a river instead of dumping you in some frozen wasteland for the beasts to fight over."
Then his wings are pulling away, shadows retracting back to him, light returning to your skin.
You stare up at him, wide-eyed, and feel yourself fracture. The tiniest break, splitting along your vertebrae. Your lips part slightly, vision blurring with painful confusion. He's so... volatile. You can never tell what mood he's in. Whether he'll be nice to you, let you nestle into his fur when he shifts to sleep, or whether he'll snarl and snap, degrade and punish you until your pieces are lying scattered across the ground.’
Chapter 6:
‘He doesn’t remind you of your belief that he’s forced you to reside with him in hell. That would cause too many questions, and he quite likes knowing you won’t try to escape, if only for fear of what lies beyond the castle floor which he holds you in.’
This scene from Chapter 7:
‘He leans closer, hot breath curling with his lip. "Why did you open the door?"
"I thought it was you," you stammer softly, peering at him beseechingly. He snarls at that, as if insulted. "How stupid can you be?" You reel back at the harsh words, staring.
"It had your eyes," you mumble, blinking back tears as you attempt to steady your breathing,
"I thought it was you. Don't call me stupid."
Just like that, he surges forward, tipping you backward onto the stone floor, pinning you down. His lip curls back from his teeth, then they're sinking into your neck. Words and sound are ripped from your conscious as pain lashes through you. It's not like before, not when it sent aching pleasure singing in your blood. This is punishing—agonising stinging. Muscles seize, fingers tremble, eyes wide. Your back arches into him at the onslaught of blazing brutality he's stamping into your skin.’
And this from Chapter 8 where she makes it quite clear she doesn’t want to be around him anymore:
‘He's on top of you, chaining you to the mattress as if it's a torture bed.
You need me. The words tumble freely into your mind, stretching across that strange thread that he's sewed to your soul. You need me to live.
You weakly shake your head, but it's little more than a tilt of your chin. "No..”
His hand settles on the pillow, and that strange pulse of energy washes through you. The bone-deep chill subsides, as if warmed by his power. As if in answer. What has he done?
If you don't undergo the Ritual, you will die, he says, in that strange, wordless way of his. You give him a look that you hope him to understand as, I will be happy to cross over, and be rid of you. By the way he stiffens, you think he does.’
Yes there were also moments where he took care of her, (the end of Chapter 8) but he made some pretty bad mistakes (like not telling her anything about the Ritual) which she still has every right to be furious about once she realises—which is what Elain is trying to get her to do.
End of chapter 8:
‘The thump of your heart grows weaker by the second, despite the increasingly frequent pulses of magic that thrum through your skin. Take the Ritual, and then you can return here. Remain as long as you like. Until the citadel falls to dust, and the rivers become lakes; become oceans. Remain forever, but take the Ritual, so you can see it all, and live.
If you didn't know better, you would say he sounds pleading. But you can hardly string one thought to the next, so you don't. Instead, you latch onto that final flicker he's shielding from the weight of the world, and nod.’
Chapter 9:
‘His dark eyes flick down to you, then he shifts you in his arms, lifting and moving you so your legs are tucked around his waist, arms guided gently over his shoulders. If you had the energy, you could purr. Nestle closer into him, feeling the firm press of his chest against your own, the strong muscle lining his body, the soft, silky locks at the nape of his neck.
"Hold on," he murmurs to you, one arm beneath you to keep you up, the other around your back, pressing between your shoulder blades then trailing down to grip your waist. Your spine arches, dipping as his forearm brushes the bone, holding just above your hip.
“I just want it to be over" you whisper onto his skin, head resting on his shoulder, tears blurring your vision. "It will be," he replies quietly. "Just a little longer.”’
Then there’s chapter 6 where he takes her to the holy lands:
‘He’s so close to the ground; you’re certain should he wish it, his talons could till the earth. He’s going so fast, hurtling through the open fields, moving with lethal motion, propelled forward by the powerful, beating muscle that binds his wings. Colour blurs by as you pass over dotted patches of wildflowers, leaving only gusts of wind in your wake, crystal-like water spraying to a fine mist as he shoots across a stream.
A laugh—young and wild and reckless—bursts from your throat. His shadows wrap slightly tighter as your grip loosens on him, allowing you to sit upright—that shield that he’s put in place blocking you from the air that would surely knock you clean from his back.’
Honestly in Teeth and Talons Azriel isn’t supposed to be wholly good or wholly evil, he just is, so I guess it’s up to you to make your own decisions and decide what to make of him :) 🧡💛
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thatelfnerd · 2 years
Pouchie The Cat, Game Dev Milestones
So the other day, I released the latest public build for Pouchie The Cat. And it was a major milestone, as I had completed all of World 1, and it means that I've essentially completed 1/4 of of the game. If you haven't played the latest build, you can either play it in-browser, or download the game using this link:
So with my saying that I've hit a major milestone, you might be asking, what's next, and what are the major milestones? While I can't answer all of that at the moment, I can share the goals I have for the next release, as well as say certain things that are already in the works.
Current goals for the next release:
Overhaul functionality of the Overworlds for level selecting. Make navigating the overworld more intuitive. Add a system that remembers what level you were on so that if you complete a level or die, you're back on the last tile you were on previously. Finally, introduce a World selection system, so that once players can start visiting World 2 and beyond, they can easily swap between worlds.
Saving and checkpoints. Essentially add in the ability to save your progress so that you can take a break from the game and come back later. Also adding checkpoints to levels, so that you don't have to start from the beginning of the level if you died near the end of it.
Music. While less of a priority, I want to add more music to my game. The current score for Levels 1-7, while I do have permission to use it, it's not mine, nor was it created for Pouchie The Cat. I want to figure out a couple of tunes to replace that music, as well as create a Main Menu jingle that would essentially be Pouchie's theme. It's mostly in the back burner for now at the moment, as I'm struggling to create the tunes from scratch, nor can I hire an artist to make the tunes for me.
Create the first four levels of World 2. For World 1, I realize that it was a very slow progress bar for a while. Literally every time I'd upload a new release, there'd only be one new level, maybe a couple of cosmetic changes. I don't want a repeat of that, so I want to make sure that if I upload a new build, that there actually is a good chunk of content for players to chew on while waiting for the next build.
So these are all the current missions that I'm tackling for the next release. Will I get all of it done in time? Not sure, but we'll see when we get there. But enough with the future, let's talk about the present. Do I have some things already ready, or almost ready to implement into the game? Well actually, I do! So here's a few things that are technically in the game files for Pouchie The Cat, but are currently inaccessible to players:
Music for the World 2 Levels. While I'm still struggling with creating the tunes for the Main Menu and World 1 levels, I ironically found the tune I wanted for World 2 levels while tinkering with notes. It's already implemented for World 2, Level 1.
World 2, Level 1. That's right, I've already begun mapping out the first level of the game. It's nowhere near complete, but it's already in the game files.
Two new mobs. Since World 2 takes place in a new environment, I figured I'd make mobs that are native to said environment. These mobs have their own unique features, but don't worry, you'll still encounter Blobbers and Bootstrappers in World 2, and, unfortunately, Jerrys. Bobos on the other hand won't be there, as it's not a place they'd want to live in.
Tilemaps, decoration tiles, and background screens for World 2 levels. New environment means new textures and tiles, and I've gone and worked hard to make sure World 2's levels have their own unique look and feel that's different from World 1. This includes tiles for the level selection hub. You might've seen some of these tiles in World 1 level 8. It was a bit of a tease for what's to come! :)
A tilemap for World 3?! ;)
There's still much to do, but it's nice to know that I have a few things already ready to help me on my journey. I'll probably take a small break, since making the last levels for World 1 was a bit of a task. Originally, I had a couple of people who said they wanted to volunteer to design some levels, but had to cancel due to other things in life, so I ended up designing ALL the levels... It's fine though. I feel like I did well, considering the circumstances.
That's all I can really say for the game right now. But if you want to support the game's future, I'd mainly appreciate if you could donate to money, as I have put a lot of time and effort to provide a free product for you all. If you don't have money to spare however, following me on my social media for updates, and supporting my other projects would also be greatly appreciated! You can donate, or follow me using this link:
Anyways, I should probably sleep. Pulled another all-nighter, lol. Until next time!
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lolibles · 3 years
playing video games with them| anemo boys <3
characters: kazuha, xiao and venti
very fluffy, a little suggestive in kazuha’s part, slight slight angst for xiao, crack
synopsis: what games you play with them, how they act with you!
not proofread please don’t sue me this is also very random :)
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playing stardew valley and animal crossing with kazuha is my life goal that will never be fulfilled please cry with me. anyway, just imagine cuddling on the sofa under a thick blanket on a cold rainy day with cups of hot chocolate or tea whilst playing stardew valley. the both of you work through the first year slowly as little farmers doing cute little farm things. also if you ever chose to get into a relationship with any of the npcs in the game kazuha will not be happy, he’d definitely not talk to that particular npc because he is now kazuha’s “sworn enemy”. he will also be a pouty baby, so please apologise and give him kisses. and if you REALLY want to make it up to him, ask him to marry you in animal crossing and this man will be on his knees in a split second. he’d prepare EVERYTHING, from the venue, the guests, he’d even attempt to design his own tux for his little character to wear. and you guys would have such an adorable animal crossing wedding. also because kissing in game is not enough, he’d probably kiss you irl when the wedding officiant says you may now kiss the xx. honestly i see kazuha even going out spontaneously to buy you a promise ring with a little maple leaf engraved in it for you. yes it was an animal crossing wedding, but it was a wedding non the less. playing minecraft with kazuha please, its so fucking wholesome- he’s so good at the game and he doesn’t even try. he knows all the tricks and he’s so sexy with redstone you cant convince me otherwise. he’s also an amazing builder pls wtf. AND OH MY GOD, imagine playing the sims4 with kazuha, he’d literally cry inside. you both would sit next to each other in front of the computer screen for hours just designing your characters. and you would have a little cat too. everytime kazuha’s character flirted with yours, he will definitely shoot you one of his romantic haikus. also the first time your characters woohoo’ed, he most likely would have teased you and said “its unfair that only they get to woohoo you know.” anyway i think playing wholesome games with kazuha is 10 bells out of 10 bells.
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now this one is kinda scary. i think its pretty obvious that xiao plays shooter games honestly. or anything that has to do with fighting. it wasn’t unusual to hear him literally SCREAM randomly throughout the day because of a game. if you ever play shooter games with this aggressive boy, please proceed with caution. i honestly feel like he would be so caught up in the heat of the moment he’d actually forget he was playing with you. so if he ends up getting angry, please bare with him- he honestly doesn’t mean to call you bad, or useless, or trash… I SWEAR. xiao will immediately regret his words and he’d feel so bad. especially after he notices how your mood just instantly dies. he’d feel so bad, even after he apologised and you forgave him, he can’t accept the fact that he just called you- the love of his life something so vulgar. and since he’s so awkward and bad with people he’d literally feel like crying on the spot. he wouldn’t know what to do to make it up to you. the next few days, xiao was so cautious around you- even if you didn’t think much about the incident anymore. in the end even xiao was unable to stay away from you for too long, and he’d ask you to watch him play games instead- which you happily agreed to. he loves it when you straddle him while he sits in his chair while gaming though he’d never admit it. but whenever you felt him get tense, all you had to do was give him a kiss and you just knew he’d calm down. you literally work magic on him. also occasionally you’d hear some idiots in his party talking shit about him, you wouldn’t think twice before speaking into the microphone and start standing up for him, and your grip around his waist would definitely tighten a lot more. “if i ever hear you talking shit about MY boyfriend one more time, i will literally come in game and beat the absolute fuck out of you.” yassss girlboss! xiao’s heart would explode and his face would be beat red, he thinks he doesn’t deserve you. also he thinks your so sexy standing up for him like that, please don’t tease him about it. i rate him a “please dont scold me im trying my best” out of “FUCK YOU SUCKKKKKK”
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oh my god, horror games. he hates them but he can’t stop. playing phasmophobia with him would be incredibly fun, but he would make you do all the work literally. he’d be too scared to do anything- and if you ever got caught with the ghost you’d be stupid to think he’d try to save you. he would be the first one out the door and running away. he’s also so loud, your honestly more likely to get jump scared by his screaming than the actual game. other than that i think venti likes to play the sims4 too, except he’s so chaotic about it. he wants to do challenges and he also wants to make like 10 babies with you even if your sims can’t afford them- cries when they are taken away. has all the packs and just enjoys fucking around with everything- also makes bets with you, like whether your baby is going to be a boy or girl, and if you lose you owe him a kiss or he asks you to do something for him. when he plays with you, he needs to be touching your body at all times. he says it makes him feel safe, and warm. so you just let him. venti also wants to play karaoke games with you, he loves your voice so much- whether you can sing or not he loves it. but he will tease you if you cant. he loves duetting with you, to him it’s something very intimate and close to home. he wants to hold your hand and give them a squeeze as an encouragement when you sing with him. and yes you guys probably have played just dance a few times, but venti gets incredibly tired after one round- so please bare with his annoying ass. i think venti is a solid 8 red bulls out of “ive already drank 15”
guys i was supposed to include aether but his part disappeared and i- </3 i’ll have to rewrite and upload it in a second part!! heh sorry for being gone for so long, anyway i have my presentations tomorrow, a test on thursday and another presentation on friday ;-; wish me luck! ill be back writing in a few days while i suffer rn sghshshsh
also @truegaypotat my love here is some xiao content <3
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 I’m placing this post after a year to warn any writer’s that decide to write in Fanfic’s Beyblade forum. 
 It’s crazy that the person has multiple accounts and uses said accounts it’s had over the last decade, to post up false REVIEWS and to TARGET young author’s it hates for petty reasons. All details of my personal experience being saved here to reach other’s who’ve been harassed and slandered by AquilaTempestas 
 AquilaTempestas92  Scheming Narcissist tried to Naofumi Iwatani me on a Fanfic website just because in 2018 I at the age of 19 made a shipping comment of two character’s and said I’d be making a Beyblade story, 2021 I make the Beyblade story and the 30 year old Ped stalked my story thread, approached me under the illusion of being nice, sought to add me to Discord under suggestive commentary of RP writing practice and when I inquired, proceeded to straight away attempt SLANDER and defamation. 
 You've read the Beyblade chapters, are you going to blindly say any writer that also writes an element of NSFW is a monster? The creator of Evangelion, Berserk, SAO, Detective Conan, Vinland Saga etc, they're all monsters? 
 No. So stop trying to demonize someone, you really tried to set me up with the goal of defamation and slander. That was your intention the entire time. You're NASTY. 
 "Sexual predator" "Creep" 
 That's the worst possible thing you could say to ANY GUY and it's used loosely by miserable 30 year old stinky narcissist bitches like AquilaTempestas who’s stalked my business and personal social’s, watch out and if anyone has also been harassed by the 30 year old, by all means reach out as more cases surface. 
 It’s disgusting, does AquilaTempestas not have loved one’s to look after? That’s really what the user has spent more than decade doing. 
  You should learn but most likely you'll continue to be a rotten person to many other people since you’ve been doing these scheme’s for years.
  The bitch has been on Fanfic since 2006, prowling. I was 8 years old in 2006. Bitch has more than a decade causing drama on this website, slandering any male’s that don’t bend to the 30 year old’s schemes. 
 I came on fanfic in 2018 briefly made valid points on a shipping and just for that, I get stalked for 4 years, I - along with my close friends - upload Beyblade Augmented Reality Generation while working on other projects and I'm subjected to stalking by AquilaTempestes, all readers are suggested to go to the start of the first reviews on the fanfic thread. 
 There's a sick issue on Fanfic where narcissists pretend to be nice to get people, then give 1 sided false stories to get writer's to attack other's under story threads. AquilaTempestes really tried to Naofumi Iwatani me and failed so miserably and for the slander, I'm most definitely going to ensure more people speak up about the toxicity the bitch has been throwing on a fanfic website for decades.   
  I literally had to leave the website for a whole year after the disappointment of how 30 year old users can do defamation on this website and nothing be done about it on the fanfic website itself. 
 AquilaTempestas look at everything you did, EVERYONE sees your motivations. You’re the only on here who’s been on this website for DECADES. Misusing the Website TO DO WHAT? Look at what you’ve been using the WEBSITE FOR!
You pretend to be nice to people, lure them into traps, use people to attack other’s and give false ratings. 
 Desperately attempt to recruit innocent people to a Beyblade forum just to try and use them to attack other writer’s on the forum like Flying Monkeys if the writer’s don’t bend to what the sick ped wants. 
 AquilaTempestas has continued to pm people, bothering people that are just here to read and write. Not get lured to some discord 
 You also lied on my name. What threat did I ever give you? Your slander is the threat I've defended myself against.  
 If you continue to harass me by putting false slander, I will proceed to get law enforcement to investigate this further and a family member will be in contact with law enforcement over there in Australia. Defamation is a very nasty crime. 
 Your online activity will be investigated. You know exactly what that means for you. I will press charges if need be. 
  From Johnny Depp to Chris Heria, it’s annoying there are well developed women that have to be in the same species as miserable crooked females like AquilaTempestas  
 The fact you put your socials, encouraging everyone that does NOT CARE to check it; says enough. 
 All the supposed writing you’ve done, what has it done for others? NOTHING. You’ve been using your writing to lure and mess with people for MORE THAN A DECADE. 
 No one's stalked you, you've been stalking me and others and this is your WARNING. 
 Stop trying to lure teens and young men by prowling beyblade threads. 
 I only log in to upload chapters, AquilaTemptestas you live a very sad life to prowl the fanfiction website for 10 years + and still trying to lure teens and young men like me to your failed schemes. 
  She pretends to be nice to recruit people, then uses them for drama on the website to target writer’s you don’t like for petty reasons.  
 Parasite stalked my socials over a cartoon. 
 It's not a secret the amount of slander broken people like you spend years throwing at others online. 
 You're a rotten person deep inside. I want nothing to do with you and hope people heed this warning. 
 Your lack of consciousness and lack of empathy you showed when attempting to project a false image of me, is terrible. That's what you're capable of doing to anyone you want to attack. 
  You have multiple accounts. All of which you’ve used in this thread to explicitly attack on that day of September you attempted slander. 
 I only have business and personal social media. You’re the one who has a sick obsession with prowling a fanfiction website for more than a decade AND STILL DOING THAT under different account names. 
    The demented user AquilaTempetas is crazy enough to say the creator of Detective Conan, the creator of Berserk, SAO, Evangelion, Detective Conan, Vinland Saga etc are all "Sexual Predators" for writing 1 ASPECT of writing? Are you serious? 
  Someone that has stated to have multiple accounts has to be watched out for. 
 The person went as far as to stalk my business accounts and my personal account. All of which were shared openly here. You literally took my business acc info and then used defamation. 
 Your motivation to defame, all of this because of 1 little cartoon shipping… You’re petty. 
 You literally did all of this because my 2018 self made valid points and expressed a TyxHil shipping. 
 You stalked me for four years just to get revenge on that. 
 I can't tell whether I should be concerned or I should just laugh at how pathetic your behavior is. 
 You're too old to spend time plotting, your scheme is the worst failed scheme ever. 
  It’s not a secret that narcissists thrive in a website like fanfiction.net because the narcissist plays the nice card, then gives unsuspecting people one-sided accounts of a PRE-PLANNED situation to slander and attack any author’s they have blind hatred for. 
 You used your time to put my socials on Twitter and Tumblr, who has time to do that? Who blindly attacks someone else? You're gross. 
 For a friend to look up one of my business user’s and see you tagged the user in a farce, that’s terrible. No one tolerates false accusations. 
You've been a toxic person for 10 years, you will continue to be like that towards any guys that you can't and WON’T bend to your schemes. 
 Given the content of the many series I'm building up, I'm doing my part to help as many souls develop to be part of the solution locally and globally. That's my focus in everything I continue to build up. In all my professions. Not just 1 tiny little generic profession like what you’re stuck in. 
 You claim to be a teacher, shame on you. Stop giving the teaching profession A BAD NAME. This is what you’ve been doing in your spare time. 
  I don’t want a friend or loved one looking some content of mine up and then having to see false slander. This entire thread is being saved here. 
 AquilaTempestas You made suggestive commentary and I only added you with the thought of doing rp writing practice once or twice with a supposed fellow adult, you’re 30 but your mind is toxic and I’m glad I didn’t write with someone gross like you, thank you for exposing yourself and showing what your blind hatred is capable of doing to other’s. 
 Evident in the flying monkeys that the ped PURPOSELY blinded saying only 1 tiny side, as opposed to the full story. 
  That’s not the first time the bitch attacks people on the website, the bitch has been in that evil loop since 2006. PM.   
 There's always a personality behind the writing that isn't shown. Anyone can go to the "alias" you stalked my business and personal social and can see what I live for. 
 Meanwhile, Anyone can type your nasty name along with the word REDDIT and look at how you loathe and doubt yourself as you’re stuck in the generic teaching job you complain about vomiting limited information. You claim to be a teacher. The teaching profession isn’t bad, you give it a bad name through your behavior offline and online. 
Why take a supposed teaching job if what you do online is teach others you’re capable of sabotaging and concocting slander against any young men that don’t bend to what you want. 
  I’m a positive guy, that’s evident in what comes out of my mind, in what I create while recognizing everyone’s developmental level, all the readers who all come from many walks of life, I make all sorts of content with the goal of guiding people to healthier content. 
 Meanwhile it’s easy to see what you’ve been using writing to do for decades. You’re a failure and have used your writing to try and lure teens and young men. 
 You’re nasty for attempting to judge a young adult when you're a gross 30 year old skank. 
 You persistently tried getting me into Discord under the pretext of rp writing. 
 You added me, waiting for the moment I'd ask if you wanted to rp practice with me considering it was apparent you added A WHOLE ENTIRE WRITER, YOU knew that. 
 You added… a versatile writer. I only added so I could practice once or twice but I’m glad you just wanted to try and slander because you failed and exposed yourself at the same time. I’m happy I didn’t waste my writing ability on someone like you because you’re a wretch. 
 You get innocent people involved, give them false one sided narrative’s so you can send them to attack others in the beyblade community to give malicious false ratings. No one sticks by you like that so after a while, you continue to prowl any beyblade community sites as a means to attract more flying monkey’s for your narcissist scheme’s. I’m really going to put my case here and will continue to upload chapter’s so people who enjoy beyblade can watch out for you and what you’re in reality aiming for. Your rinse and repeat cycle is weak. 
  The Beyblade fanfic website was not made for your twisted manipulative scheme’s. It’s been made for people to write stories, read stories, and chime in constructively. Your activities have caught up to you and will continue to pile up, any further harassement to me or other’s in the beyblade community will make it legally worse
 It takes a really malicious parasite to lie on someone and come up with the worst possible slander using false words like "creepazoid" When I used that to firstly describe you since you showed everyone in this thread you stalked me in 2018 when I was 19, You planned this for four years and even admitted to having multiple accounts yet try to make me look like a bad guy because I have business accounts and a private social account which I shared freely here, NOT so you could stalk and slander me after you yourself showed your true colors.
I write stories that come from the heart and represent the lives of many who've lived. What have you done with your writing time on the website? Thousands of words that amount to nothing. 
 AquilaTempestas has nothing but bitterness and malice towards any other writer that doesn't fold, especially male writers. That's all you have to show for your years of writing. Sabotage others and tell false narratives, that's all you've done for more than a decade. Be ashamed of your schemes. 
  Your grandmother or mother didn't teach you any better? It makes it questionable if you had a proper parental figure if you're out here trying to set people up, people like me that YOU came to, with very vile intentions that you ultimately showed. 
 At your age, this is what you do? AquilaTempestas has shown what it’s capable of. 
 If someone has more incriminating information about AquilaTempestas please speak up and PM 
 Thank you! 
 #daisukixd1327 #takumihachiofficial #AquilaTempestas # AlaeMortis #AquilaTempestas92
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kob131 · 2 years
*Sigh* Floof uploaded a "review" of volume 8 to the critics sub. Feeling masochistic enough to read it and tear it apart? I swear to God he's going to have a coronary from ranting about the show one of these days.
Sure, it's easier to read a review then listen to one. I could handle a lot of video if I'm just given the manuscript.
Part 0: Jingling Keys
I'm gonna go ahead and condense Floof's (and really, way too many's) beginning down to its essential point.
*pulls out a set of keys labelled 'Fuck RWBY' and starts jingling them*
I don't like reducing arguments down to such simplistic terms but that's what his beginning reads like. It gives the exact same tone and feeling from a political meme: reductionist and reliant on triggering your innate bias. I get that showmanship is a part of good argumentation but there's an art to it and Floof's skill is on par with a fart joke. Next.
Part 1: The Script...Is Not Talked About.
His section is labelled 'The Script' but he doesn't talk about the script. He talks about the production...barely and really could have just been replaced with the keys from earlier. I really can't comment on this.
Part 2: Floof's Coherency
Finally, an actual claim and reference to research!
Nothing any character says makes any sense at all outside of the scene that the character says their lines in, and sometimes they don't make sense in the very scene they're spoken in. There's no oversight for what characters say, so they'll say completely random things. For instance, when Nora has her fourth-wall breaking existential crisis pulled from nowhere in the episode where Ruby's group encounter the Ace Ops, Blake responds to something Nora says before Nora even says it!
... And we've apparently lost coherency for it.
This is the dialogue in question.
Blake: I hope the others are okay. I’ve never seen Yang and Ruby fight like this.
Weiss: Don’t worry, they’re sisters. Sometimes sisters just have very different ideas about what’s right.
Nora: Yeah, they’ll be fine. Jaune’s a great leader, Oscar’s grown a ton, and Yang is more than capable of protecting them all in a fight.
Blake and Weiss wait for her to continue. When she doesn't, they both tilt their heads in puzzlement.
Blake and Weiss: Hmm.
Nora: Oh, and of course Ren is- um...
Nora's usual happy-go-lucky composure breaks, and she averts her eyes.
Nora: I don’t know what he is. Every time I think the two of us are making progress, he… (sighs) We’ve been together our whole lives but I feel like I understand him less now than ever. And I don’t know if that’s his fault or mine.
Blake: When you’ve been at someone’s side for so long, after a while they become a part of you. But that’s just it, they’re only a part of you. Don’t forget about the rest.
Nora lets out a mirthless chuckle.
Nora: I don’t actually know who I am… without Ren. Pretty sad, huh?
Weiss: Well, maybe take this opportunity to find out? Do something only Nora can do.
Nora: Like what? Be strong and hit stuff?
I think this is referencing the bit where Nora talks about her issues with Ren and Blake's response. Which while a bit janky...isn't hard to get. Nora's issues partly stem from seeing herself as one part of their duo with Blake emphasizing she needs to know that isn't just it. Which given that this the first time they've disagreed- makes sense. But it's not incoherent nor is it even close to breaking the fourth wall.
I...can only get this by completely ignoring everything I know about Ren and Nora and thinking that literally everything they say is just a mouthpiece for the writers. Which is stupid and wrong to do.
Characters say random, unrelated things (even if it doesn't suit that character) and it makes everyone's dialogue have "the same voice". As though they were dummy dolls controlled by the same puppeteer. The only attempt at any kind of distinction between what these characters speak is the type of quip that's tacked onto their lines, and their voice actor. No one has unique dialogue which makes for forgettable, bland, and boring exposition dumps. Most of this Volume was dedicated solely to poorly done exposition and characters talking about the things they could be doing but choose not to.-
And we've lost the claims now too. I'd love to argue it but there's nothing to argue. I also cut about 40% of the paragraph because the rest was jingling keys.
Scenes lack any cohesion. The level at which they lack is awe-inspiring, as they'll contradict previous and future scenes not just from prior Volumes but also from scenes within Volume 8 itself.- -A notable example of this issue was Team RWBY not having a plan in Volume 7, before suddenly having Ironwood's original plan from Volume 7. Amity Arena wasn't completed in Volume 7 because Ironwood set up a trap for Watts whose fight scene predicated on this idea. But in the first episode of Volume 8, Amity is somehow magically ready to work right off the bat. How can this be?
*starts banging head against desk*
A. It was never stated nor shown they didn't have a plan. That's just a strawman that people cooked up. Am I to believe Ironwood was secretly evil all along too since we're buying strawmen?
And B.
Pietro: Uh... We’ve made decent progress on construction and fuel collection, all potentially manageable, but uh… hm… Amity was designed so it couldn’t launch itself without first being granted clearance from General Ironwood’s terminal.
'Managable' implies uncertainty, amplified by 'potential' making the very assessment unreliable. Supported by 'decent progress', not 'completetion'. And even if you argue that it was said it wasn't finished-
Watts: Hmm… This will certainly do the trick. Although I wouldn't exactly call it finished.
Watts even noted in the episode BEFORE the one you referenced that it was useable, just not finished. Finished and inoperable do not operate on an on-off light switch.
The rest is yet more him jacking off. Well, maybe not-
Part 3: Floof Unzips His Pants
Oh god damn it- THERE'S NOTHING HERE. It's just a bunch of assertations without any references to support it. I can literally defeat it by saying 'Yes they did' because all Floof said is "They didn't."
Part 4: The Artist Can't Talk Art
Floof says nothing. AGAIN. Even the stuff he does mention (From Weiss's limp push on Ruby, to Yang's basketball bounce, to Winter A-Posing and the fight animation covered up by particle effects and shoving things offscreen,) is unexplained. Floof is an ANIMATOR, by the way. All I can really say is-
The claim that Rooster Teeth is still using crunch is, as far as I know, dubious. Even the Glassdoor reviews recently are more positive (but still some bullshit mind you). I hate RT for pulling this shit in the first place so I have no real personal stakes here.
Part 5: Excuses
Floof says he didn't explain anything because the flaws have been discussed to death...which begs the question- Why did he bother making a review? Same with his claim that RWBY is just noises and colors on a screen- Why act as though you're a critic when by your own admission you'll never see improvement?
It's just more bitch basic showmanship to encourage an extreme response. I pull this stuff SUBCONSCIOUSLY and have to work around it.
You could replace his review with jingling keys and it'd serve the same purpose. Be more honest too.
I ain't rating his review. He's not worth it. Not even for some sadistic pleasure.
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feelingofcontent · 3 years
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Date video was published: 04/11/2016 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 304
Yet another collab video for Phil. He really did a lot of them at the start of 2016. I don’t remember anything about this video. Phil tweeted about filming with Hazel back in early March. It was good that he had some things pre-filmed, because DNP had been deep into rehearsals and planning for TATINOF USA later in the month (1, 2, 3).
0:00 - I love that Phil is wearing a “Captain America” shirt for this 😂 strong theme. Also, the “guest hiding” start as usual.
0:04 - Hazel did not wait for the reveal!
0:17 - all Phil-guests must make a sound, apparently
0:26 - mmmmm, tour promo! The theme is making sense. lol at the Phil wink and Hazel also being amused
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0:38 - oooo, a reveal! Phil loves dramatic moments
0:44 - Phil really did go all out here
0:51 - oh I thought he traced it or something 😂
1:05 - Hazel and Phil seem to get along so well! Hazel is much less confused than Caspar at whatever Phil says
1:18 - advance apologies, lol. Guessing that’s going to be needed
1:31 - oh boy...this is not off to a great start. Love Hazel’s little side-glance to the camera
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1:43 - “California...the Sunshine State” umm...that would be Florida and I feel like Phil is just throwing out whatever American things he’s heard before
1:48 - Hazel is already winning
1:54 - oh, I think it’s cheating to look at the shapes of the states during this!
2:05 - that was terrible. Hazel’s was pretty good! They seem to be having fun with this which makes it enjoyable to watch
2:35 - Phil was completely off with his pointing there 😂
2:41 - I...do not know what “Christmas quiz” they’re talking about (okay, it was a collab from 2014 that I’ve definitely never seen before)
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2:45 - not the first time he’s gotten sharpie on that duvet
2:51 - oh Phil... “the tail of America” All of their outlines are so curvy, which is not really how any state borders are
3:15 - Hazel’s willing to go along with whatever Phil comes up with which is great
3:38 - another curved line. This is the closest so far somehow
3:43 - Hazel was just attempting to do something cute and then PHIL 😳
4:17 - that is much more obscure than all the ones so far
4:21 - “jungles”...sure
4:37 - oh boy. Hazel was about to help out but decided just to see where Phil goes with it
4:50 - “no” his eyes say no one can call him “Philip”
5:11 - everything is South 😂 not too wrong though
5:25 - rubber chicken, why?! she’s so close!! Phil is shocked and impressed.
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5:54 - Phil forgetting things from literally 5 minutes ago. That was a huge laugh though and Phil is very pink, awww 😂
6:18 - Hazel is really pretty good at this!
6:42 - Phil is not wrong about Iowa... “we’ve got a windmill; we’ve got a man” I’m dying
7:23 - I am actually surprised he said it correctly
7:28 - how did Hazel know where Iowa was but not Illinois?!
7:49 - do they not know that Illinois at least has a big city with Chicago? That’s so funny
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8:13 - I love Hazel’s commitment to the “enticing” face
8:32 - ahahaha at Phil actually doing that
This is a great video! Phil and Hazel’s energies work well together and Phil seemed very comfortable working with her. And it was hilarious! They did make a video on Hazel’s channel too that is still up.
Phil actually uploaded this video from Florida, where he headed on April 9 for a pre-tour family holiday (1, 2, 3, 4). Dan stayed back in London (1, 2, 3, 4) until April 16, when he joined Phil there.
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solarwonux · 4 years
Autumn Leaves 
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campus crush!jeonghan x f!reader
w.c: 3.1k
warnings: language, angst, suggestive
note: don’t mind me I’m just starting to re-upload all my old works onto tumblr again. This time last year I uploaded this story so I thought it was very fitting to re-upload it again around the same time. I hope you enjoy let me know your thoughts. 
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The first time you ever laid eyes on Yoon Jeonghan, the leaves had just started to change color. The dull greens slowly fading away as the days went by being replaced by the bright hues of oranges and reds. The leaves that had managed to fall due to their dying cause left a lovely trail behind as you made your way to your first class of the day.
That’s when you saw him, right in between the law building and the library. There he was laying down underneath a tree full of autumn leaves. Paying no attention to the boy who was talking rather animatedly next to him. He was looking up at the sky covered in leaves, an arm tucked underneath his head. You watched as a single bright colored leaf fell upon his chest. How he picked it up and twirled it between his thumb and middle finger. How he nodded absentmindedly at what the boy next to him was saying. How he threw the leaf he was holding to the side and sat up on his forearms. How his eyes met yours for a brief second and you knew you were done for.
You scrambled around trying to pick a different point to focus your attention on. You told yourself to get moving, that your class was waiting and being late was never an option no matter what. Yet, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from his perfect brown ones. When he smiled at you curiously before point towards the law building, almost as if he were telling you to get going before you were late. You didn’t know why you did it, but you nodded before turning and walking away. The single sound of his laughter ringing in your eyes as you approached your destination.
The rest of the day and so on your thoughts were invaded by him. The way the sunlight had hit his perfect features making him look ethereal. How his laughter had managed to heat up your checks as well as your heart. And for the remainder of the semester, you made sure to leave your dorm room extra early, every Monday and Wednesday. In hopes of catching the blonde boy that had managed to capture your heart. But the more the weather grew colder, the less hope you had in ever seeing him again.
And as the days bleed on you had started to forget about him slowly.
That was until the grueling snow had finally melted and the springtime began. The flowers had just started growing, making the campus look like a garden of tulips. The dead trees slowly gaining their leaves, blossoming into perfection as they regained their life once again.
You had promised to sit in on Jihoon’s soccer practice. “I’m going to make captain this year, I can feel it.” Your best friend exclaimed excitedly over the phone. You smiled and nodded while walking to the library.
“Ahh, I know you will, that’s why we’ll go out to celebrate afterward.” You suggested.
“Sounds like a plan, I’ll meet you by the locker rooms when practice is over.” He added before saying quick goodbye and hanging up.
That’s how you ended up sitting on the bleachers. Trying to keep your focus on Jihoon who was bursting with excitement ever since the coach had named him team captain. And you supposed that the universe had its ways of working against your favor. Because just as you started to shift your attention on something else that wasn’t him.
He was back, his hair color had changed from the unnatural platinum blonde you had first seen him into a soft brown. Back then you were sure he couldn’t have looked better. Until you saw the sun rays of the setting sun hitting him at just the right angle that made your heart want to burst from how hard it was beating.
In his sweating form, he looked beautiful, like a fallen angel that had made its way down to Earth. In order to capture the hearts of innocents as he had captured yours. You tried to shift your attention to your best friend or anyone else for that matter. Your attempts being deemed as unsuccessful.
For the remainder of Jihoon’s practice, you fought with yourself for acting like an idiot. For getting all giddy inside whenever you heard his voice shout an obscene amount of insults at his teammates jokingly. For letting your legs grow weak whenever his laughter found its way into your veins making you choke on air. Bottom line you were a nervous mess and you weren’t sure how you managed to survive the rest of the practice without fainting.
As you waited for Jihoon while sitting on a bench in front of the locker room. You tried to keep yourself distracted by checking all social media. Even platforms you hadn’t seen yourself checking since freshman year of high school. Literally, anything to keep your mind off of a sweaty breath-taking brunette boy who had come to own your heart without his knowledge.
“Hey, I hope you don’t mind the guys want to come along with us,” Jihoon said, breaking your train of thought. You looked up meeting your best friend’s eyes, while the rest of his teammates acted like fools behind him unaware of your presence.
“Yeah, I don’t mind.” You answered before you could really process what he was asking you. You watched as Jihoon’s grinned widened as he hugged you tightly. Deep down you knew you were in for an overwhelming and anxiety-induced night. But for Jihoon you would go to the end of the Earth twice in order to make him happy.
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Dinner was interesting, you ended up sitting in between Jeonghan and Mingyu, who you recognized as the boy that was with him the first time you saw him. And who seemed to dislike each other greatly. At least that’s what you had concluded by the end of the night. One minute they were talking and laughing with one another. When suddenly they’d start arguing about something stupid, with you stuck in the middle.
“Mingyu you’re not listening to me; Messi is not the greatest soccer player that has ever lived.” Jeonghan had practically spat in Mingyu’s direction. Mingyu scoffed and rolled his eyes. “Han honestly you’re entitled to your opinion but it’s obviously wrong,” Mingyu answered taking a spoonful from the rice in front of him. You could feel Jeonghan fuming next to you. His body heat lingering in the air making your nerves spiral out of control.
Needless to say, dinner was interesting.
Despite all the bickering going on between Jeonghan and Mingyu and you arguing with Jihoon to let you pay for your own mean. In which he ended up winning. Dinner had gone rather smoothly.
Now you stood waiting outside as the guys each bid each other a farewell. Which took an eternity because of the fact that they’d come up with excuses to continue talking to one another. It was cute though and you found yourself wishing you had a friendship bond as close as those boys had to one another. Of course, you had Jihoon, who had been with you through the toughest times of your life. But your bond with him wasn’t anything like the bond he had with the guys. In other words, in your eyes it was magical.
The way they cared for and supported one another. The way they stuck to one another through thick and thin. The way you had to physically pull them apart in order to get them to stop talking so they could go home. It was all fascinating and you felt yourself wishing your friends were anything like Jihoon’s. Sadly, they weren’t which made your longing grow deeper.
“Seokmin wants to show me a new game he bought, and the guys want to play it, is it okay if I don’t walk you home tonight?” Jihoon tapped your shoulder and smiled at you shyly.
“It’s fine campus isn’t far from here anyway.” You said nodding your head.
“You’re the best, I’ll see you later okay?” Jihoon asked rather than stating. You nodded your head and wrapped your arms around him giving him the tightest hug. Although the two of you had been friends since childhood, hugs still felt awkward between the two of you.
“Congratulations on making team captain Woozi.” You said pulling away and ruffling his hair causing him to groan angrily.
“Whatever loser, text me when you get home.” He said firmly before turning around and running back to his teammates that had started to argue on who gets to play the game first.
You shook your head smiling before turning around and heading towards campus.
“Wait.” You heard someone call out making you stop walking. You closed your eyes as your mind registered who the voice belonged to. “I’ll walk with you,” Jeonghan said when he was finally next to you.
You gripped the strap of your cross-body bag tightly. Of course, luck was never on your side, to begin with, and maybe the universe was working with you. But right now, it felt like it was working against you.
“Aren’t you going to Seokmin’s?” You asked keeping your focus ahead as you started walking again.
“Have an 8 am class tomorrow.” He shrugged and continued walking next to you. His gym bag strapped across his white shirt and his hands stuffed nonchalantly into his red joggers.
“oh.” Was all you managed to say as you tried your best not to let the tension growing between the two of you overpower your senses.
The two of you walked in silence. The only sound that was heard was your feet against the pavement and the over blaring sound of the car horns surrounding the two of you. Neither one of you threatened to speak or cut the tension that was bubbling up between the two of you as you got closer to campus. From your peripherals you caught him staring at you curiously. And the more the two of you walked the closer he had started to get to you. Soon you were breathing in his body scent and it was driving you crazy.
“Thanks for walking me, you didn’t have to.” You said as you stopped right in front of your dorm room. He leaned against the wall beside your door eyeing you closely as you look for your key in your bag.
“I wanted too.” He shrugged as you finally found it, inserting it in the lock and just before you could turn the doorknob a hand stopped you. You turned to face the curious boy that had patiently waited for you to get inside. His eyes pleading as if he were to ask you something and just before he could let the words out. His instinct took over and he kissed you deeply. Kissed you like you were the only person that mattered to him.
He wrapped his arms around you tightly bringing you in closer, finally cutting the tension that had grown between the two of you over the past four hours. He pinned you against your door as you responded to his feverish kiss. Feeling right at home as his hands trailed down your back in search of your doorknob.
The second he found it and opened the door he pushed you inside softly. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled against your lips as he walked you backward. “Don’t be.” You said breathlessly as you pulled away taking your hand in his and leading him into your bedroom.
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The next morning when you woke up, you were alone. The ache between your legs reminding you of the sinful act you had committed the night before. Any traces of Jeonghan gone with him. The only thing that remained were the ghost touches of his fingertips against your fragile skin. That day you cried, cried for the loss of innocence. And cried because you felt betrayed. You don’t know what you were expecting as you let him touch you the way you wanted to be touched but it wasn’t the emptiness you were currently experiencing.
For the rest of the semester, you avoided going to Jihoon’s practices and games as if they were the plague. Every excuse in the worldwide book of excuses, you had used at least twice. Until one day his pleas and calls stopped coming. And you knew you had let a boy come in between the years of friendship Jihoon and you had under your belts.
You had spent weeks crying over your lost friendship. Whenever you reached out to him he would leave you on read or send your phone call to voicemail, you felt your heart shatter. You knew you had brought this upon yourself, you knew you were wasting your tears since this had been entirely your wrongdoing. But you couldn’t help but feel helpless and alone.
Then one Sunday morning after a night of spilling saddened tears for Jihoon and angry tears for Jeonghan. You had woken up feeling like the wave of sadness had finally passed. Summer was in full bloom which meant the scorching heat was back. But you felt okay and that’s all that mattered at least in that moment. You had somewhat returned to normal. You had stopped dreading getting out of bed every morning and your interest in your classes had been regained.
You spent that entire summer with your other friends. Your bond had grown closer as they watched you break before their very eyes’ months before. They were there for you bringing you the worst movies and all the ice cream you could ever ask for.
The peace had finally been restored in your life, only for it to be ruined one Friday night when Yoon Jeonghan showed up at your door before the start of the fall semester.
You had decided to have a night in. Your friends had tried to convince you to go out with them for drinks. But you hadn’t had a relaxing night to yourself in months. So, you decided to stay in with your Netflix account and a cheap bottle of wine you had bought on your way home from the corner store.
Just as you were about to sit down, you heard someone knocking on your apartment door. You looked up at the clock that sat on top of the tv, that had never worked once. But somehow you had developed this annoying habit of looking at it whenever you wondered what time it was. Groaning annoyed with yourself you set down your wine bottle and wine glass down on the coffee table. You made your way to your front door and looked through the peephole.
Your heart started to race as the ghost of that unforgettable night stood on the other side of the door looking like he had just finished running a marathon. You let out a tiny squeak as you leaned your back against the door. You closed your eyes contemplating whether you should open the door or not. But when the knocking came back and became more desperate than before. You knew you had to open the door because something in the back of your mind told you he wouldn’t stop until you did.
You unlocked your door and placed your hand on top of the doorknob. Inhaling deeply before you opened your front. Once your door was open, Jeonghan pushed past you and walked in leaving you dumbfounded as he pulled on the roots of his hair. You closed the door before turning to face him and watched as he paced back and forth almost as if he were arguing with himself.
“Please tell me you felt it too?” He asked looking at you with pleading eyes. His hands shaking slightly as he ran them desperately through his hair.
“W-What are you talking about?” You asked confused leaning your back against the door. He turned to face you and closed the distance he had created between the two of you. You held out your arm asking him to stop before he could get any closer.
“That night please tell me you felt it too?”
You stopped breathing upon hearing his question. Because whatever he was talking about, you had felt it. You had felt it that day when you first saw him underneath the autumn leaves. You had felt it when he first kissed you and pinned you against your front door. You had felt it when you pushed him down on to your bed and straddled his lap. You had felt it when he looked into your eyes deeply before asking you for permission to continue. When he had pinned you down underneath him and taken your clothes off. When your skin felt like it was on fire underneath his lips.
You had felt that wave of overwhelming emotions as he rutted into you with everything in his being. Like letting you go was the last thing he ever wanted to do. As he looked into your eyes with a passion you never once had seen in anyone else. That night, despite the suffering that had come afterward, was irreplaceable.
“Y-Yes.” You finally choked out, his pleading eyes softening as he let out a sigh of relief.
“I’m sorry, I left that morning, I’m sorry I never called, but you overwhelmed my senses. I couldn’t think clearly from that day on. And I’m the coward that got scared with everything I was feeling.” He confessed leaning his forehead against yours. “You’re a force to be reckoned with and I’ve been hating myself since that night for leaving you the way I did.” He finished closing his eyes as he planted a soft kiss on your forehead.
You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding in. And wrapped your arms around your neck leaning into his touch. “Yoon Jeonghan, do you have any idea what you’ve put my poor heart through these past few months?”
“Believe me, I made myself go through the same suffering. Jihoon literally had to slap me for being an idiot today after practice.” He said wrapping his arms around your waist lightly. “I’m sorry.” He finished smiling softly. The same smile you had fallen for months before.
You shook your head smiling before you shoved him lightly. “I don’t know why I can’t say no to you.” You said pecking his lips before he had any chance to react.
“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” He asked curiously raising an eyebrow before leaning down and hovering his lips over yours.
“I haven’t decided yet.” You said before kissing him lightly.
The two of you holding onto one another tightly not knowing what the universe would have in store for the two of you.
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yurimother · 4 years
The Best Yuri of 2019
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2019 was a challenging year for many, in and out of the anime community, which is still reeling from the horrific attack at Kyoto Animation’s first studio in July that killed 36 people. However, I want to take this moment, as we start a new decade, to reflect on some of the greatest achievements in Yuri.
2019 marked the genre’s 100th anniversary, 100 years since Nobuko Yoshiya released her landmark lesbian novel Yaneura no Nishojo that shaped and created Yuri as we know it. It was possible Yuri’s best years ever, as more incredible titles were released and localized, we experienced fantastic events and moments, and more. This article is part of my continuing celebration of all things Yuri!
Note that many of the works mentioned came out before 2019, but they either were first released in English during 2019 or hit particular high points during this year. Now then, here is the best of Yuri in 2019!
15: SukeraSparo
This Japanese Yuri visual novel developer is starting to reach new heights as they set their sights on releasing new and innovate Yuri titles. The English release of The Expression Amrilato, an educational Yuri visual novel that teaches the player Esperanto, was one of the most unique and creative works I have the pleasure of playing this year. But, they outdid themselves this year, releasing a sequel, Itsuka no Memorajxo, creating one of the most beautiful Yuri games in Folklore of Kudan, and founding a sister brand, SukeraSomero, “to fill the world with YURI!”
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The Expression Amrilato is available in English for PC on Steam and Mangagamer
14: Mage & Demon Queen
This outrageous and vivacious webcomic hits its stride in Season 2. After setting a solid foundation, this masterpiece by Kuru “Color-LES” is finally able to explore some more interesting plot lines such as its characters’ pasts, conflicts between the demons and humans, and figuring out who’s gonna be the bottom (it’s Malori, it was always going to be Malori). It is chock full of modern humor and moments I can only describe as hilariously kinky, while rarely feeling gross of sleazy. I can only wait to see what is next for these star-crossed lovers.
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Mage & Demon Queen: is available to read in English on Webtoon
13: Yuri Anthologies
In 2018, Yen Press gave us the first hint of some Yuri anthologies starting to squeak into the West with Éclair, but 2019 threw the floodgates open! New works are coming out in both Japan and the West, featuring multiple artists coming together to create works featuring workplace romance, isekai, first-time stories, and even MARRIAGE!! Additionally, creators released volumes collecting their various short stories, like Rouge Nagashiro’s Eve and Eve, and some series saw multiple artists contribute to an already established world such as in the Bloom Into You Anthologies.
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12: SHWD
Sono’s science fiction Yuri doujinshi series, published in English by Lilyka, is everything I did not know I wanted in a Yuri series. It showcases pulse-pounding action as the women of the “Special Hazardous Waste Disposal” fight to take down the horrific Dynamis. It has musclebound beasts of women that exude strength, power, and femininity at all times. And it has a compelling story about overcoming personal conflicts and learning to rely on others.
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SHWD is available digitally on Lilyka
11: If I Could Reach You
No other series this year delivered an emotional gut-punch like If I Could Reach You. This tragic and beautiful manga by tMnR follows a young girl as she attempts hopelessly to overcome her attraction to her brother’s wife. Everything from the artwork to the dialogue masterfully communicates the devastation and pain that the protagonist Uta feels. It is beautiful and devastating, and I carry every awesome moment on my mind continuously.
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If I Could Reach You is available digitally and physically in English from Kodansha: https://amzn.to/36vsYPe
Honorable mention: SQ/Tamen de Gushi/Their Story 
2019 was a little bit of a slow year for Tan Jiu’s webtoon, thanks to an extended hiatus, especially when compared to 2018’s triumphant and spectacular storyline. However, small moments of genius like Sun Jing’s father’s phenomenal visual monologue keep this work in peak form top and my heart. I hope that its recent Japanese serialization on Comic Walker help even more people enjoy it.
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10: Still Sick
In my recent review, I called this workplace romance a “Yuri manga for Yurijin,” and there is no way I could come up with a more apt description. Still Sick surprised me with its self-awareness, knowledge, and commentary on the genre. It has an incredibly deep story about two complex and layered characters that ignite each other’s passion, in more ways than one.
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Still Sick is available digitally and physically in English from Tokyopop: https://amzn.to/2rVRH07
9: Going Beyond Girl Meets Girl
Yuri stories tend to repeat the same story, two girls meet, they fall for each other, they get together, THE END! The past decade or so has finally seen more stories adding sexual elements, in contrast to earlier S works, and some even explored the dating life of two schoolgirls. However, we have recently seen something remarkable: works featuring couples “graduating” (literally or metaphorically) and enter the real world. Series like Citrus, Kase-san, and, briefly, Bloom Into You explore the relationships as they exit the honeymoon phase and get into the meat of lesbian livelihood.
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Kase-san and Yamada is available for English preorder: https://amzn.to/2MXnp4w
8: Nagata Kabi
Over the past few years, Nagata Kabi has redefined what the Yuri genre can be. Her powerful autobiographical manga essays My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness, My Solo Exchange Diary, and Genjitsu Touhi Shitetara Boroboro ni Natta Hanashi communicate her experiences with queer identity, mental illness, and alcoholism. No work of fiction could ever hope to reach Nagata’s strength and crushing honesty. Nagata’s manga has and will continue to change readers and the genre for years to come.
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My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness is available digitally and physically in English from Seven Seas: https://amzn.to/2MZ7DWJ 
7: Bloom Into You
Nakatani Nio’s popular Yuri series Bloom Into You crushed it in 2019. It concluded serialization, ending on an incredibly high note, and dominating the market in both English and Japanese, selling over one million copies (well deserved). Additionally, Sentai Filmworks released an excellent collector’s edition of the 2018 television anime adaption that is now a must-have for Yuri collectors. But my favorite aspect of this series is the spin-off light novel series featuring one of its best characters, which have already begun English release.
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Bloom Into You: Regarding Saeki Sayaka is available digitally and for physical preorder from Seven Seas: https://amzn.to/2SVPVHG
6: Heart of the Woods
When I heard that one of the co-creators of Highway Blossoms, one of the better English Yuri visual novels, was creating his own studio, I was pretty excited. But nothing could have prepared me for Studio Élan's first release, Heart of the Woods, which blew me away. The enchanting adventure full of exceptionally queer characters shattered every expectation I had. I am looking forward to its Switch port and voice acting patch, as well as more titles from Élan.
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Heart of the Woods is available for PC on Steam. Switch edition coming later this year.
Honorable mention: Hayama-sensei to Terano-sensei wa Tsukiatte iru
Oui Pikachi’s manga about two teachers navigating a new relationship is one of my new favorites. Everyone is so supportive of the title characters as they stumble their way through an honest and mature love. However, I am only giving it an honorable mention this year, as I am sure it will be on this list next year after Seven Seas releases the first volume in English as The Gym Teacher and School Nurse are Dating!
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The Gym Teacher and School Nurse are Dating! is available for preorder in English from Seven Seas: https://amzn.to/39JhXMs
5. Sexiled
Ameko Kaeruda’s spectacularly feminist and outrageously funny light novel series Sexiled is could ever ask for and more. I feel in love with its compelling female characters and their riveting battle against the sexist conventions of their society, all of which painfully mirror reality. This work is cathartic, empowering, and so very, very gay.
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Sexiled is available digitally in English from J-Novel Club. Physical edition coming later this year: https://amzn.to/35u6NaW
4: Yuri Life
I adore domestic Yuri. Granted, I love a good romance and fantasy, but so many of these stories exist that it feels overwhelming, and sometimes it is just good to sit down and read about two women who love each other living their everyday adult lives in bliss. Kurukuruhime’s Yuri Life, which I have enjoyed ever since it was first uploaded to Pixiv and am so proud to own in print, is precisely that. Nine couples being cute and living together in a variety of humorous, scandalous, and adorable situations. Yuri cohabitation has never been so good! Now, if I could only get some Yuri titles about women raising kids together…
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Yuri Life is available digitally and physically in English from Yen Press: https://amzn.to/35stSLg
3: Children’s Cartoons
For the past several years, children’s cartoons and media have slowly begun to allow bits of queer representation onto the screen. While we are still a long way from having Elsa kiss a girl, the small and large victories on children’s television give me hope. Some of my personal favorites include an episode of Nickelodeon’s The Loud House about a lesbian date, a lesbian couple and agender character (using they/them pronouns) in Craig of the Creek, the female protagonist of Twelve Forever developing a crush on another girl, and of course the unbelievable amount of queerness that She-Ra and Steven Universe shove into every moment. I wish I had more series like these when I was young, and I am thrilled that my students get to grow up with them.
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2: Our Dreams at Dusk (Shimanami Tasogare)
Yuhki Kamatani’s Our Dreams at Dusk is easily 2019’s best manga. The incredible story explores many real aspects of LGBTQ identities, gay, lesbian, trans, non-binary, and asexual included, in an emotional and resonating masterpiece. The artwork is stunning and more expressive than words could ever be. I stand by what I said in my review, that Our Dreams at Dusk is the greatest manga I have ever read and wholeheartedly believes that it was deserving of the only 10/10 score I gave in 2019.
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Our Dreams at Dusk is available digitally and physically in English from Seven Seas: https://amzn.to/2s282AE
Honorable mention: ‘The Conditions of Paradise’ Licensed
One of the best moments of this year came out of Anime Expo when Seven Seas announced that they had licensed Morishima Akiko’s Rakuen no Jouken and would be releasing it as The Conditions of Paradise in 2020. Not only is The Conditions of Paradise a fantastic and mature work of Yuri literature, but it is also over a decade old, having been published originally in 2007. This license, more than anything else, helped me realize how far Yuri came this year. Not only is the hottest new series being adapted, but a historic and profound classic of the genre.
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The Conditions of Paradise is available for preorder in English: https://amzn.to/2FjTE9M
1: Yuri Publishers
Not too long ago, it was rare for us to see more than a few Yuri manga releases in a year if any, but now we are at the point where a publisher can do an event announcing five Yuri licenses in a single day! As of this year, all the major publishers, and plenty of smaller ones, are actively licensing, adapting, and publishing amazing Yuri works: Yen Press, Viz, Kodansha, Seven Seas, Tokyopop, Renta, J-Novel Club, and more keep giving us incredible Yuri. I also have to mention the incredible work Lilyka Manga is doing, working directly with mangaka to adapt Yuri doujinshi titles into English, something I would have never dreamed of a few years ago.
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As Yuri enters its second century, we are staring down the rest of 2020, a year that will no doubt go down in current Yuri history. The year will see a record number of Yuri manga releases both in Japan and from licensed series in the West. We are getting several promising anime series like Adachi to Shimamura, Magia Record, Oshi ga Budoukan Ittekuretara Shinu, a Princess Principal movie, and more. I cannot wait to see what this year will hold for YuriMother and the Yuri genre. I hope you all stick with me through it as we navigate the waters of a newer, gayer, and greater world of Yuri.
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onwriting-hrarby · 2 years
a year writing for aot: a recap
today i woke up and realized it was the 16th of may, and that only means one thing: one year ago i started uploading my first fic for attack on titan: i did not live until today.
i had this stupid, self-indulgent idea to recreate glee and a boarding school drama college theme in a fic, in which mikasa would find out that she was the greatest and fight for that, even if it meant leaving eren behind. so, i did not live until today was born with the good enough drama: two best friends who are reunited and decide they want to do different things, and at the same time, have always had a friends-with-benefits relationship, which made the girl cheat on his ex-boyfriend, and they've never come to terms with that.
i was very proud with the response, although i have to say that it was a time where they were a lot of famous fics, and i came from another fandom in which i was well-known and i was thinking "why can't i do the number i was doing?". but, granted: i was writing without dialogue marks in an attempt to be more of a sally rooney (it didn't go well), and frankly, to read a musical fic without fic feels strange. still, i did not live until today showed me how far i could go in terms of plotting, of an story. it was the first time i wrote +400 pages in YEARS, and that pushed me to do better with my novel in real life. i found the joy of waking up only to write AGAIN. and, over time, i learnt not to care about hits or kudos, only to interact with commenters. they made me so happy, specially (i remember) one chapter in which there was a literal war to decide who was in the right or wrong.
in instead, they said, things changed: i got a new readership, and i think the fic struck a chord with more people because it was more relatable, less of a plot-driven thing and more about growing up. it's still one of my favourite fics, relationship-wise, that i've written, because there's just a feeling about being able to capture two people meeting, falling in love, and finally being together, with everything (and 8 years) in between. it was very complicated to write, though, specially the second part in which almost 6 years go by. it should me new ways to plot, and i had to search for different narration mechanisms, such as relying less in introspection and more in description.
the comments on the last chapter of that fic made me cry, literally. by then, i had kind of acknowledged that i am a small author, but none of the comments ever made me feel small: i felt seen, i felt read, and that, for a writer, i think it's the most amazing thing to have. not so much the interaction on twitter, or the virality of it all: but the true heartfelt comments.
only a lifetime marked my first "oneshot" (i had to divide it in two because it was too long... should we say a nouvelle?) and i was very scared to put it up because it involved jeankasa, and erejean, and by then i was mostly known as an em writer. however, when i did... oh boy, the comments again. i was so thankful, and truthfully, i think it's the prose in which i have given more thought poetically.
and now, rotten judgement. i would say it's a mix of idnlut and its: it's plot-driven and people cannot feel that much related to, but i think there are still some youth-themes that i explore that apply to a lot of people. what i want with this fic is to create empathy, and to make blood boil, but to put the reader in perspective and in an uncomfortable position, too, as we think and enter a mind of people who have done wrong, but were fully aware of doing so.
i am forever grateful for the ones who have read the works, left kudos and commented. i have already given my thank yous on twitter, but i want to say it in tumblr, too: thank you, and don't hesitate to leave asks commenting on the chapters.
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arhvste · 4 years
Okay bear with me but may I request scenarios where kuroo, bokuto, and atsumu are doing the “He got all the drugs and I got all the guns” tik tok trend with their s/o (separately) and like they are wearing the whole shebang heels, dresses, crop tops, makeup, wigs ,etc that’s only if you want to of course n e ways have an awesome day🤩
just in case you didn’t know i’m referencing this trend 😼
when you first show him the trend on tiktok he just laughs 
then you suggest the two of you doing it and he goes quiet
he’s really thinking about it 
he secretly is more than happy to do it with you 
but he’ll find out how far he can tease you first
“and what do i get out of doing this?”
“spending quality time with the love of your life duh”
“it’s gonna take a bigger reward than that for the expense of me making a fool of myself online princess”
then he’s like 👀
he wasn't expecting an actual good reward but if that’s what you’re willing to do for it 
he won’t actually make you buy one for him don't worry
he’s just amused that you’re that adamant about doing it 
he will absolutely let you pick out what clothes of his you want to wear
you’ll pick out what he wears from your wardrobe though because he is not about to stretch your cute clothes with his big body
you end up giving him an elasticated crop top and some loose baggy sweatpants
he will 100% let you do his make up and hold accessories
he is stunning with a natural make up look
a pretty highlight to his cheekbones, bridge and tip of his nose, inner corners of the eye and brow bone
light pink blush on his cheeks and nose
slim eyeliner and a light pink natural lip colour
he actually suggested wearing super obnoxious fake eyelashes 
“i am NOT having you look like a tacky abg kuroo”
“but then we can say you’re a kevin nguyen, it fits”
to finish the look he’s holding a white clutch bag of yours 
he almost looks seductive 👁👅👁
he actually looks so good in your outfit
“i think i pull this off better than you”
you’re wearing some training shorts, one of his favourite t shirts and a black nike cap 
so you set your phone up and the music starts to play
immediately you two are in fits of giggles though 
it takes you two approximately 8 attempts to finally get it right 
and when you watch it back you’re in for a shock
kuroo can throw it BACK
he doesn’t even have a particularly noticeable ass 
like he has one but it’s nothing like bokuto’s
but when he throws it back his ass is thicccccc
even he’s surprised at how well he pulls it off
he pulls the whole routine off
from the way his hips seductively sway, the pure sass in his walk as he struts into the camera frame and the way he rolls his body
honestly you think he makes a better girl than you
“good aren’t i? god i could almost date myself”
“yeah if you’re into 6″2 hairy girls with a hyena laugh” 
he’s looking down at his very manly and unshaven legs
“let me shave it and i’d date myself”
you guys upload it and you’re a hit 
“let’s move to LA right now tell the hype house they’ve got two new members joining”
“kuroo, i am NOT joining the hype house and neither are you. 😐”
overall i really think you guys would have fun with this trend and kuroo makes sure to send the video to both of your families who enjoy watching it as much as you guys enjoyed making it 
“the roles have reversed i’m your pretty girl now y/n~”
he’s the one who brings it up to you
“babe look at this we HAVE to try it please please please!”
you laugh at him and agree to it 
he is so excited he already knows what choreography he is doing
you guys go to get changed and he lets you pick whatever you want out of his wardrobe 
this boy is pure muscle he is huge 
anything of his you wear will be like a dress on you
regardless you still take your time deciding what you want to wear
PLEASE pick his volleyball jersey and shorts he will literally cry from happiness
it would make his whole year 
so you do just that 
he is literally melting at the sight of you in his volleyball uniform
“-but you’ll be wearing it... at your matches... when you play 👁👄👁”
so bokuto will not be fitting into your tight fitting clothes that's for sure
but he will happen to fit into one of your cute flirty sundresses where the top half is made to be able to adjust the size
he is twirling around and flicking the skirt about once you manage to wrangle him in it 
he’s like a giddy school girl
again, he will definitely be up for you to apply make up on him
nothing too heavy but just enough so you can tell he’s wearing some
pretty light yellow eyeshadow, highlighted features and faded eyeliner
you pull his hair into two tight little buns
he’s really feeling the part now
so you guys go to film the tiktok and he is jumping around like an excited kid
you manage to film your parts pretty well first try but he isnt too happy with his performance
“i don't know i just feel like i could’ve thrown it back a bit more”
so you refilm until he is content with his part
which by the way is after 14 tries so thank the lords you are patient when it comes to him
it is so worth it though
the practices paid tf off because bokuto is throwing his cake about like nobodies business
he be serving a piece for everyone fr 
immediately after you film it he wants to show akaashi 
to which akaashi isn't surprised when he watches it 
he does snicker at his phone when he does watch it though
neither you or bokuto really care about views etc 
this was all just for fun after all but you upload it anyway not giving it much thought
and just like that the two of you are an overnight sensation
comments are flooding the notifications 
“his ass routine? drop it noW!!”
“what's his work out routine i need cake like his 😩😩”
“my boyfriend said he has a fatter ass than me so im currently crying 😔🤚🏽”
the nekoma, fukurodani and karasuno boys are BUGGIN tf out 
they're all calling you and sending you the video for confirmation that it is actually you two 
it’s not like bokuto is hard to tell apart but they still want your confirmation 
he is SUCH a child but he’s the man child you fell in love with
needless to say this video will be played at the wedding and anniversaries to come 
atsumu is constantly irritating you to be one of those tiktok couples with him
he’s convinced the two of you were made for the tiktok lifestyle 
everytime you roll your eyes and decline 
but you decide to give him the opportunity when a certain trend catches your eye 
“baby, when i said i wanted to be tiktok famous i meant like the dances n cute videos where people compliment us n call us hot. this aint it chief”
“fine then, guess i’ll ask samu”
he doesn't even give u the chance to get up after you say that
“no nO I”LL DO IT 😠”
he is reluctant at first 
ideally he wanted to make the tiktoks where you’re the one throwing it back on him not vice versa
anything to make you happy though i guess
he will pick out both of your outfits
if he’s going to do this tiktok, the least he’s going to make sure of is that you both fit his aesthetic 
so you’re wearing typical clothes he’d wear to the gym
his gym clothes are actually stylish though
you will NOT catch atsumu wearing anything ugly that includes gym clothes
unlike a certain other setter who thought wearing plaid shorts was acceptable cough cough oikawa
he chooses to wear a tight dress 
it’s stretchy though so don’t worry he isn't stretching out and ruining your clothes 
“why are you wearing that? you can see a little too much there ratsumu”
“uh so people can see you have a boyfriend that's obviously packin heat 🙄”
“i hate you 😀”
he is hesitant about wearing make up
but you explain to him since you’re doing it you might aswell go all out so he finally gives in
you won’t put a lot on him though just to compromise with him slightly 
light highlight, blended out eyeliner, natural lip colour 
he’s surprisingly impressed and pulls out his phone to take a few selfies before getting ready to film the ‘stupid’ video with you
he insists he doesn't need to practice
“im good at everythin’ i do and everyone is gonna see that when we film this shit”
surprisingly it does only take you guys one attempt to get it right
atsumu is good at body rolls periodt  
he can throw it back 
but his body rolls chileee
he looks flexible asf 
he is serving absolute attitude 
you also did take notice of him using one hand to slyly cover his private area out of modesty though
because he found you were in fact right about how that dress really did show everything 
he incorporates it well into his choreography though nobody would be able to tell he was trying to cover himself 
“baby we look so fuckin hot. im talkin more bout me but you’re still sexy too”
he adds so many hashtags to the caption
#couple #hot #imhotter #fyp #foryoupage #tiktokcouple #couplegoals #hotboy #sexyboy #hotathlete #attractivemale #eboy #trending #makeusfamous
you just roll your eyes and let him get on with it 
im so sorry but you guys don’t get many views
atsumu is pissed
“we put so much effort in why’s it not gettin attention?!”
“calm down babe we only posted it 2 minutes ago”
give it a few days and you guys do blow up though 
im talking 867K likes
and to atsumu’s delight the comments are mostly complimenting you both 
“told ya this was a good idea”
“it was my idea?? 😐”
requests are open!!
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shoezuki · 3 years
This is a post on the cheating accusations around dream mostly surrounding his response video.
If you don’t want to see this or any of these posts then blacklist the tag #discourse
SO I’ve been doing a lot of digging into what dream has said in his response to Geosquare’s original video and report, which was compiled and conducted by the Minecraft Java mods on speedrun.com. 
I won’t talk about that original report in detail, but basically: the mods came to the conclusion that Dream had a 1 in 7.5 trillion chance of getting the pearl bartering rates and the blaze drop odds that he did within the 6 streams he did. As in, someone would need that luck to replicate what dream got. Therefore, he cheated. 
I’m going to put this into a sort of ‘point form’ in according to topic, attempting to put it in chronological order.
Dream’s Initial Tweets
Ok so first like. these are bad. these tweets are what he said (on twitter, excluding in the speedrunning discord) directly after the video was Uploaded to Geo’s channel. 
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worth noting he did apologize later, although i wanted to talk about these two instances so i felt the need to include it. 
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there’s a lot of interesting wording in the apology tweet itself too. I personally find that when he apologizes he tends to still be very subtextually angry in them with the tone, but more specifically. where he says ‘although i have reason to be upset’, that’s kinda weak and really unneeded. Alongside the ‘intense criticism’, it reads as him trying to say he’s still in the right. kind of like “im sorry i was rude even though I had reason to be rude’. Its an apology sure but he’s not saying sorry for how he really reacted; its justified to him.
Dream’s Response Video
Dream posted a response on his side channel DreamXD on the 22nd, along with the report he had a supposed astrophysicist conduct. I’m going to talk about the report separately from the video for reasons I’ll explain. 
Frankly, the video doesn’t really summarize or explain the report in a meaningful way. At most, it takes some points from it but tends to twist the numbers around, misunderstand the probability and math, and also what the report itself concludes. 
Essentially, dream’s video insists that the numbers found by the mods are wrong and therefore he didn’t cheat at all, yet the report concludes that the numbers found by the mods weren’t entirely accurate, however they’re still extremely unlikely. This is also all under the assumption that the report is entirely correct (ill say how its not next)
His first point is that only his 1.16 run (that was at 5th place two months ago, would have now been 16th) was deemed cheated. This is true; the mods have said that he isnt banned outright and theres no reason to question the legitimacy of his 1.15 runs. 
He also concludes that Geo’s statement that Dream didn’t cooperate with them, and that he deleted 1.16 mod folders, was false. This one is a little more complicated. It could more be chalked up to a miscommunication, although it’s relevant. Geosquare posted screenshots of the specific conversation they had:
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Essentially it wasn’t entirely clear, i can understand how geo and the mods interpreted it in such a way. Altho April added in a quote retweet thread that dream didn’t supply the folder she asked for, so he didn’t supply everything they asked for like he states in the video
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Essentially: yeah, misleading and weird on both ends. I dont think this is really anything quantifiable, although dream talked about this in the video heavily. 
Out of this though, Geo DID correct himself in the description of the mods’ video. Dream shows this in his own response, but it crops out some of what geo says. here’s from dream’s video
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that Update 2 is where he corrects himself. literally why the fuck would you crop it like this and put it in the video i mean this looks so weird and genuinely doesnt provide anything. Here’s what geo actually said
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Dream specifically cut it before the line where geo mentions how he said he deleted his specific 1.16 speedrun profile. This one is just so dumb to me. I’d say ‘why not include that’ but either i feel its a) so there’s no potential for people to say what he had actually said could be interpreted otherwise easily or b) doesnt want people to know he got so upset he deleted files (ego wise yknow). Again, I dont think this is definitive of anything but god. it feels scummy lmao
The Video: Incorrect Representation of His Own Report
Dream straight up doesnt present the report’s numbers properly. In fact it makes the entirety of his visuals forfeit, i.e. the gold block analogy that goes on for like 20 minutes. 
The mods said his luck was 1/7.5 trillion. Dream’s report says its 1/10 million (with the addition of 5 other streams) or 1/100 million (only the 6 streams).
I’ll only consider the 1/10 mil odds, since its all dream really brings up. but Basically; there’s not much difference between 1/10 million and 1/7.5 trillion. 
Dream says that the difference is 7.5 trillion minus 10 million, aka 7.4999 trillion. This is what his entire visual with the gold blocks is based on. This is absolutely incorrect, i cant stress that enough. 
You can’t find the difference of fractions by subtracting only the denominators. Like. this is elementary school math. it just doesnt work. 
It’d actually be calculated as: (1/10 000 000) - (1/7 500 000 000 000) = (74999/7 500 000 000 000)
If the mods are wrong, they’re only wrong by 749999/7.5 trillion. that’s literally only  0.000000099999866666667. 
Dream no doubt saw the numbers, considered 10 million vs. 7.5 trillion, and used these big numbers to hold his own point. PROBABILITY DOESNT WORK LIKE THAT. I really think he was just taking advantage of the seemingly big numbers here and wrote it out in a way that favoured him. The gold block analogy in the video played throughout the entire video practically, jokes were made on it, and he made a point of it being ‘so big the game crashed’. 
It’s just plain wrong. even so a difference in the odds doesnt prove shit. He’s downplaying his own odds that he found too. 1/10 million isnt a small number. Even though the legitimacy of that calculation is in question, it is still significant enough to proclaim he cheated. 
Some quick points before I move onto the report; these aren’t as significant in my eyes but it adds to the picture
there’s been criticism of his joking manor throughout the entire video, very specifically the Bill Nye joke. Considering he doesnt actually have a name to provide for his astrophysicist, this joke doesnt feel right
the mod he had a voice clip from (willz) even believes that he cheated and has agreed with the mod team the whole time. 
Dream never has a name for the mod who is apparently on his side (more understandable), the minecraft developer he quoted, or the astrophysicist (most damning)
Dream states that fabric is used by most speedrunners which is true, but fabric and fabric API are different; dream also had the latter installed. my knowledge of how theyre different is limited, all i really know is the API is what can enable editing of the code while fabric is more a modloader. im not entirely sure on this
Dream has said at the end of the video that all funds will go to the mod team so they can make a client that will regulate cheaters. this has been noted as feeling manipulative or like a ‘bribe’, but it definitely puts the mods in a bad position. 
either they accept it and look like they ‘gave in’ to dream and therefore acknowledge him in the right
they deny it and look selfish/taking dream’s kindness for granted
geo said they would insist it goes to a charity instead
Dream constantly disregards the mods as young, inexperienced, ‘just volunteers’ etcetcetc, despite the fact that theyre analysis has been discussed by people with confirmed PhDs without much criticism
Dream’s Report
The report itself is extremely interesting, in that it’s very questionable, but even so it doesn’t come to the conclusion that dream didn’t cheat. The tone between the video and the report is drastically different. 
This is from the “3. What are the goals of this document?” section:
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It essentially says this isnt intended, from the very beginning, to completely exonerate dream of cheating. Also note that the author says the mods’ report was mostly correct. 
This is at the end of “9 Conclussions”:
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It does notably say cheating isnt the only explanation, but it doesnt actually go as far to say that it’s not possible that he cheated. 
But this can be argued to not matter if we consider the validity of the report as a whole
Dream’s Report: Criticisms
Possibly the first and most known debunking of the report is by u/mfb on reddit, although there’s been much more such as this programmer criticizing the code provided at the end of the report (partially due to how the author of it stated that piglins barter 4-7 pearls, which is incorrect: it’s 4-8), Andrew Gelman, an actual statistician professor from harvard, commented on the original mods’ report as ‘impressive’ while Dream’s report is being regarded as something funny in the comments, and even analysis of dream’s behaviours and his argument by a law student
But what u/mfb posted is what i’ll focus on. Some background into the user; he’s a particle physicist, is moderator in subreddits like r/cosmology and r/astrophysics, he’s regarded as a reliable source on r/askscience and r/askreddit. Basically, multiple other people have vouched for him and before all this he had many posts in these fields. 
that’s already better than the unnamed astrophysicist. 
The post is better speaking for itself but here is a few exerpts from it;
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Essentially, the report’s methods are debunked by u/mfb-, alongside that a moderator of r/statistics regarded the report as ‘nonsensical in its application of statistics’ and linked to u/mfb-’s comment. 
i’m going to end this here. Partially because severe backpain or whatever,.
but I want to say at this point its practically definitive that dream cheated, that he lied to us, and that he continues to do so. Much more could be said on his video such as his tone, intentions, the overt emphasis on the ‘biases’ of the mods. 
I havent even mentioned that the ‘astrophysicist’ themself may be a scam; they are sourced from a website that is extremely sketchy, has no names attached to it, and was created less than a year ago (with practically no traffic on it until maybe a month ago). 
But i hope this is coherent. I have interest in this so if theres questions im always open. 
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chocojjk · 4 years
Hyunjin’s Playlist
summary: college student! hyunjin x college! student reader; strangers to lovers?
words: 5.2k
a/n: Hi, I meant to upload this a lot earlier however I was met with tons of writers block along the way. I wrote this without having an actual plot prepared lmao. But anyways, its done so I hope someone enjoys reading this :)
all songs used are songs that hyunjin has played on vlive but please keep in mind that the way the songs are portrayed are based off of my own interpretations. i am in no way speaking for hyunjin :) 
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we are often attracted to instruments that mirror our own identity. we find comfort in knowing that we aren’t alone, that somewhere out there, someone is feeling the same exact way. they say a person can tell a lot about another based on their playlist. songs become a portrayal of one’s feelings and experiences. through someone’s music, you can tell what kind of person they are.
“Let me see your playlist.”
“What?” the boy responded, curious as to why you chose that as your conversation starter. nonetheless, he unlocks his phone and opens his spotify app, showing you the songs that have definitely left a mark on his heart. 
Places We Won’t Walk - Bruno Major 
A blissful song with a hint of sadness. The boy in front of you treasures the small things in life, yet is saddened by the things that he cannot reach. 
When The Party’s Over - Billie Eilish 
He’s put up a wall. He’s not easily understood. He’s aware that he can hurt others so he has made himself believe that he’d rather be alone. That he’s better off alone. 
Instagram - Dean
He’s lonely. He often compares himself to those around him, wondering why he isn’t living the same luxurious life with all the same cheerful smiles that he sees on his feed. 
Please Love Me - Colde
He wants to be loved. “I like you,” you smiled, handing him back his phone, taking the seat next to him. 
“The weirdest thing happened to me today.”
Hyunjin started telling his friends about the girl he encountered on his first day of university. It’s been hours since it happened yet he couldn’t shake it out of his head.
“That’s it? She just asked to see your playlist?” Jisung exclaims, one eyebrow going up and a pout making its way on his face as he wore the same confused expression Hyunjin sported earlier that day. Hyunjin nods, answering the question that his friend had laid out for him. 
“Hmm, that is weird,” Felix agreed
“Maybe she’s actually a psychology major and it’s a project?” Seungmin suggested, trying to find the answers to the situation that has left them all clueless. 
“Orrr, maybe...just maybe...she thought you were cute?” Jeongin chuckled sarcastically
“But that’s literally all she said to me, she didn’t look at me after that anymore...when the class was over, she was gone without saying goodbye… s-she didn’t even tell me her name!” Hyunjin whines, sinking into his chair. 
“Why don’t you just ask her when you see her again?” their youngest retorts, tired of how his older friends were always overanalyzing things that don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things.
You frustrated the boy. The way you didn’t even know his name yet somehow you came to the conclusion that you liked him. The way that you spoke exactly 8 words to him but made it seem like you know every story he has to tell. You made him feel vulnerable and he did not like that. 
Not one bit. 
“What's your name?” Hyunjin plops his backpack down as he takes the seat next to yours, the same ones as last week. 
“Why does that matter?” you ask, clearly teasing the boy. 
Hyunjin plasters on the fakest smile he could muster up, not really having the patience for your mind games, “well, if you’re gonna continue to sit next to me then the least you could do is tell me your name.”
You bite back a smile, his music gave too much of him away. He was good at hiding his feelings though which is something you’ll give him credit for later on. Honestly, if you weren’t paying attention, you might have missed the sour expression that was laced within the boy's tone of voice nor would you have noticed how he’s trying to show you that he’s unbothered by your words. 
Unluckily for the boy, your attention was focused solely on him. And so, you push his buttons some more, “technically, you were the one that sat next to me.”
Hyunjin stares at you, trying to read what was going on in your mind but all he could feel was the annoyance that was seeping through his body. 
God, you were annoying. 
“Slowly, hair will turn to gray,” you mumbled, a smirk forming its way on your lips. “What?” Hyunjin replied, a word he seems to be saying a lot ever since he met you. “If you keep thinking so hard, your hair might  turn to gray soon,” you joked yet it was clear to the both of you that it was only funny to you, the boy not catching on to the fact that you were phrasing a lyric from one of his songs.
“...my name is y/n,” you say, finally deciding to give the boy a break. 
“Alright class, I want to talk about your partner project, please find someone in the classroom to work with. This will be done throughout the semester and will be 30% of your overall grade so take it seriously,” the Professor informed, capturing both yours and Hyunjins attention.
“This project will be simple - it’s all about observing. Since this is a PSYCH class, I want you and your partner to pick 3 spots and just simply observe the people around you. For example, if you are at the cafe, what could the person in the corner with her eyebrows furrowed be wondering? Is she studying for an exam? Is she worried about a friend? There are tons of possibilities but I want you and your partner to jot down what you see and explain what you have observed.”
“That’s all for today, I’ll release you guys early so you can all have a head start,” she explained. 
You turn to the boy at your side, “so…you want to be partners?” 
Hyunjin doesn’t really know why he said yes, seeming he wasn’t comfortable with your presence at all. He convinces himself that he just didn’t want to go through the extra hassle of finding a partner when you were already available. Besides he could honestly care less, the only reason why he’s taking this class was for the extra units. After all, he was a music major. 
“How about here?” you suggested the grassy area in the middle of the campus. This part of the school was peaceful however it wasn’t quiet. Laughter and chatter from all the different kinds of groups filled up the morning air while the birds chirped along and occasionally, a squirrel or two would cause a bit of a ruckus. 
“We could grab some food and just sit down on the grass,” but the puzzled expression on the boy's face lead you to assume that he didn’t quite like the idea, “just so we would blend in more,” you added, hoping that it would be enough for the boy to say yes. 
“We don’t need to get food. We can just sit here and pretend we're talking, a lot of people around here are doing just that.” He was right. All you could do was nod and let out a sigh as the two of you sat next to each other, observing the scene ahead. You were hoping you could grab a quick bite during this since you still had classes for the rest of the day but that obviously wasn’t the case so you chose to just cover up your rumbling stomach with a cough or two here and there. 
“What do you think about him?” Hyunjin pointed at the boy that was sitting on the bench, flowers in his hand as he types away on his phone. 
“Hmm, I noticed his smile first, he’s practically beaming. He’s probably going to surprise his significant other. His legs bouncing up and down from excitement,” you chuckle, finding the anonymous boys’ action cute, “he’s probably texting them right now so they could meet up,” you concluded. You turn to Hyunjin, noticing his eyes slightly widen at your response. “What do you think?” you ask, slightly nudging him out of his trance.
“well... I think you’re right that he’s waiting for someone. But for me, he’s probably gonna confess to that person...uhmm, his ears are pink so he’s nervous… probably afraid of rejection. Because of this he’s probably texting a friend for advice,” he observed.
His answer didn’t surprise you, after all, you’ve already seen some of the deepest parts of him - even if he was unaware. On the other hand, he was in awe. Your guys’ answers were so different from the other. The way you viewed the scene ahead as something positive while his was more on the negative side. This sparked interest in him. But he breaks out of his thoughts as he hears your failed attempt to hide your growling stomach for the umpteenth time. 
He stands to his feet, grabbing you along with him. “Uhm, where are we going?”
He doesn’t say a word. He just grabs your hand and drags you along until you’ve arrived at the university’s main food court. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed your stomach rumbling for the past twenty minutes,” he teases as you try to hide the blush that was making its way upon your cheeks. Now you were left speechless, nothing in the boy’s music has suggested that he had this sweet side to him. The side that would easily let someone in. 
“I think we got off on the wrong foot,” you admitted as Hyunjin handed you the sandwich he had ordered, one for you and one for him. 
“What do you mean?”
“I’m sorry that I came off strong on the first day,” you apologized, aware of the way that you’ve been pushing his buttons and leaving him uncomfortable. 
“Why did you ask for my playlist?” He was finally going to get an answer to the event that has left him stunned for the past week. 
“It’s just a thing I do,” you confess nonchalantly, “I check to see if  we have similar taste in music and from there, I come to a conclusion on whether or not you’re cool enough for me to talk to,” you lied. You weren’t going to admit to him that the reason you do it was to analyze him. I mean, what kind of person assumes a person’s whole character through their songs, right? 
He wouldn’t understand. 
Honestly, you don’t even really understand yourself why you do it. Maybe because you liked having the upper hand - that way, no one can hurt you. 
Hyunjin lets out a laugh and you feel a little guilty. “So, if my songs were bad, you wouldn’t talk to me?” he chuckles. 
“Yeah, no… not in a million years,” you joked, laughing along with him. 
“So what would be a bad song to you?” he questions, a small smile playing on his lips. 
“I don't know, uhh-despacito?” you snicker
Honestly, there were no such things as bad songs. When it comes to songs, everyone is entitled to their own opinions but you had to play along with the little lie that you’ve already started.
“Hey! I like that song!” Hyunjin retorts, playfully throwing a crumpled up tissue paper along your direction, the two of you sharing a laugh as the small guilt you felt a while ago diminishes. It’s not like it’s going to hurt him anyways. You only see each other once a week and it was for class. Otherwise, you never see the brown haired boy on campus. You didn’t even know of his existence until you startled him with your question. 
The only reason he became your target was because the only empty seat was the one next to him. 
Second location. A frat party at the famous 3RACHA unit, who you’ve learned were good friends of Hyunjin. It was Hyunjin’s idea, convincing you that you guys will probably get a higher grade if you’ve incorporated various kinds of scenes. Plus, it was his first frat party and he didn’t want to miss it. You on the other hand was dreading this night ever since he brought it up in class last week. Parties weren’t your thing, you would much rather stay at home binging netflix shows, reading fanfictions, or watching compilations of your favorite kpop idols. But here you are now, rummaging the kitchen for something that didn’t contain alcohol as you’ve given up searching for the boy himself.  
“y/n!, heyy,” Hyunjin stumbles in, a red solo cup in his hand. 
“There you are, I’ve been looking everywhere for you! Can we please get this over with so I can leave,” you huffed, annoyed at the boy in front of you and the situation that you’ve found yourself in. 
“No.” He pouts before letting out a laugh, his eyes turning into little moons. 
“No? What do you mean, no?”
“Let’s have some fun first!” he beamed, dragging your hand out of the kitchen and into the party, ignoring your many protests. “Hyunjin, I didn’t come here for fun!” you sigh, arms crossing as you finally put a halt to the boys actions. 
“C’mon y/n, loosen up a little bit… you’re in the first party of the most popular frat in town, enjoy it while you can.” This time he holds his hand out, though his eyes had a tinge of red from the alcohol that was playing in his system, the sincerity in them couldn’t be missed. 
And so you do.
 You take his hand in yours as he shoots you one of his signature smiles. You party the night away with the boy at your side. He introduced you to a handful of new people but you forgot their names as soon as it came out of their mouths. 
You had way too much to drink but somehow you find yourself stumbling towards the park nearby, the boy's hand still in yours as he shares the story of how his best friend Jisung got chased by a duck and you couldn’t help but let out a boisterous laugh. Nothing about your laugh was pretty and if you weren’t so drunk, the embarrassment would’ve probably creeped up by now but you didn’t care. You couldn’t care - not when Hyunjins laugh would mix in with yours and you guys would have to literally cling to each other for strength. 
“Tag, you’re it!” he breaks you out of your thoughts as he starts running away, his laughter still ringing in the air as you chase him. After a while, you give up, you were in no way, shape, or form, fast enough to catch the boy - especially with all the liquor bouncing around your stomach. 
You sit down on the grass, catching your breath, your laughter dying down as your back hits the grass, eyes focusing on the twinkling orbs above. A few seconds later, warmth fills up beside you, Hyunjin taking his place next to you, mirroring your actions. 
“We never observed a person,” you say chuckling, breaking the silence that quickly hung over the two of you. 
“Sorry,” he smiles sheepishly, turning to you. Hyunjin takes this time to fully take in your appearance. No doubt in his mind, you are one of the most beautiful girls he’s ever seen. 
“Why don’t we, umm -,” he pauses, wondering to himself if this was going to be a good idea for him. 
“Why don’t we, what?” you reply quickly, curiosity getting the best of you as you turn to your side coming face to face with the boy himself. Your guys’ face were millimeters apart and the sudden feeling of his breathing being so close to you felt intoxicating. You dart your eyes down to his lips, thinking what it was like to feel them upon yours. 
Hyunjin lets out an awkward cough, breaking the tension in the air as he stares back up at the stars. “Why don’t we observe each other?” he suggests after his heartbeat finally calmed down. 
“Oh uhmm, o-okay,” you say, your voice faltering, pushing back your desire to kiss him. “You first,” you whisper, keeping your eyes locked into his features. 
“uhh, I think you’re wondering what the hell you’re doing with a boy you barely know at 3 in the morning. You don’t want me to notice that you’re actually really pissed at me for dragging you into this party and not getting any of our work done,”
The boy takes a pause as soon as he hears you giggle ‘hyunjin, you are so wrong,’ you think to yourself. 
“You’re the type to always get your shit done and you’ve probably already figured out everything you want in your life ever since you learned how to walk. You… you shouldn’t be wasting your time with someone like me,” he muttered, slowly turning to face you, this time a sad smile placed upon his lips. You sympathize with him, feeling sad with the way that he viewed himself. 
“Okay, uhm…you're anxious right now because you don’t know how i’ll react to your confessions. You’re the type of boy who doesn’t want to let anyone in but at the same time wants to know how it feels to be loved,” you sigh, the guilt you were feeling creeping in once again, slowly eating you up. Hyunjin grew tense under your observations. He hated how easily it is for you to read him when he thought that he was doing a decent job at keeping up with his facade. 
“You don’t notice the way others look at you because you’re too busy nitpicking your flaws. You didn’t notice how you were literally the life of the party back there. You didn’t notice the amount of girls practically begging for your attention…” you hesitate saying the last thing in your mind but as soon as you turned to him and saw the way he was looking at you, you couldn’t help but let the words stumble out of your mouth, “you don’t notice how much I want to kiss you right now,” and with those words out in the open, he brings his hands up to your cheek, slowly placing a light kiss upon your rosy lips and you swear you’ve never tasted anything better. It was a quick kiss, leaving as soon as it came, but the mix of his cherry chapstick and the alcohol created a combination that left you wanting more. Leaning up, you kiss him again, his mouth moving perfectly in sync with yours, deepening the kiss that you find yourself getting more and more addicted to with every second that passes. 
Hyunjin pulls away first, his thoughts finally all coming together as the alcohol was starting to slowly leave his system. He looks at you, the fear evident in his eyes. He fucked up and he knows it. He shouldn’t have kissed you. You guys were friends and frankly, he liked your company. He can never be that guy who starts a relationship with someone. He was sure that he was incapable of love and could never give you what you wanted. You knew this, of course. You knew this from day one. 
“I’m no good for you,” he sighed, mumbling several apologies for the actions that he took. And you realize how truly scared he was. That the tough image he’s keeping up isn’t because he had to but because he truly believed that it was the right thing to do. 
“That’s okay Hyunjin, we can blame it on the alcohol,” you wished you didn’t have to but you knew yourself that you couldn’t let this get deeper than what it was now.
Hyunjin walks you back to your dorm room, making sure you were safe inside before he headed back to his own place. 
-quiet when I’m coming home, i’m all alone. 
Hyunjin saw too many relationships around him fail, starting from his own parents. For him, love was merely an illusion. A desire that people get caught up with not because they are in love but because they lust the idea of love. The idea of having someone there to hold, to laugh with, to share stories with - it was all bullshit to him because at the end of the story, someone always leaves. Someone always says goodbye. It wasn’t worth it. 
Not for him. 
But sometimes he’ll see a picture on instagram and wonder to himself, could those smiles be permanent? 
“Are you just gonna keep stalking her social media or are you gonna actually talk to her?” Jeongin breaks the boy out of his thoughts. 
“I’m not stalking her!” Hyunjin replies defensively, hiding the pink that was creeping upon his cheeks. 
“I’ve literally been here for the past 3 mins just looking at you scroll through her feed and you didn’t even notice,” the younger boy points out, teasing him. Ever since the night at the park, Hyunjin couldn’t bring himself to talk to you. He knew that the both of you agreed to just forget it but could he really forget something like that? You made him feel what he was scared of the most. You made him feel like he wanted to fall in love. The memory of your lips against his keeps him up at night, your laughter ringing in his ear while the warmth from your fingertips makes him feel like he’s completely losing it. 
How can he still feel you when you were nowhere near him? 
How did you get past his wall so quickly? 
And why, fuck, why does he want you in it? 
You, on the other hand, haven't made any effort to reach out either. He was right about you. You were a know-it-all. Ever since you were younger you knew that you wanted to help the people around you. You enjoyed listening to others’, letting them know that they are never alone and that they could always turn to you for advice or simply just if they needed someone to listen to them. You liked the idea of being someone’s safe haven - that’s why you want to be a psychologist. 
But this - the way the boy made you feel, the way he cluttered your every waking thought - this was something you didn’t plan. This was something you didn’t have the answers to. Grabbing your phone, you finally gain the courage to send the boy a text 
Hey, we still have one scenario left, any ideas? - y/n
Hyunjin reads the text, his heart suddenly doing somersaults in the air. ‘Hyunjin, stop.’ he warns himself. He knows that he wasn’t ready to see you and so he ignored it. Grabbing his backpack he shouts a quick, “I'm gonna go practice,” before heading out to the dance rooms to try and clear his head. 
umm, what do you think about going to the diner across town? - y/n 
You did it. You double texted. After several hours, the boy still hasn’t responded to your text so you decided to take manners in your own hands. But as soon as you pressed send, you felt pathetic. He’s most likely just busy and that’s why he hasn’t replied but you like to make yourself believe that you had more of an effect on him. 
You were about to scream into your pillow, feeling frustrated at the situation until your phone let out a small ding, indicating that you’ve received a new message. 
sure - hyunjin 
how does tomorrow at 6pm sound ? - y/n 
good - hyunjin
These one word answers were killing you. For someone who usually knows and can assume what’s about to happen beforehand, you were left clueless and that annoyed you.  
“Hey, am i late?” hyunjin takes the seat across from you. no, he wasn’t late. you just arrived way earlier than the time planned hoping to calm your nerves before having to face the boy who has settled himself into your mind. 
“What do you think of that girl over there?” you point at the girl who was sitting, laughing along with her group of friends.
“geez y/n, can’t we order something to eat first,” hyunjin jokes. He barely got there and you were already on top of it. typical, he thinks to himself. You let out a small smile, happy at the fact that the boy was teasing you. Honestly, you were afraid that his responses were going to be as bland as his text messages and it has been killing your thoughts the whole night. 
“ok ok,, my bad… let’s order first,” when your food arrived, you fell into a comfortable conversation. like the thoughts that the both of you have been struggling with never existed. but in the middle of the conversation, something clicked within you. 
You can‘t read him anymore and that scared you. 
“honestly i think this whole project is stupid,” hyunjin blurts out, capturing your attention. 
“hmm, why do you say that?”
“i just find it absolutely ridiculous to just judge someone based on one scenario, you know? like i bet all our guesses have been wrong so far,” he confesses and once again the guilt rushes to your heart and you were left speechless. 
“Like I really hate it when people judge others without getting to know them like who do you think you are? Do people who do that actually think they’re better or mightier?” Hyunjin continues and suddenly the space around you feels tight, your lungs struggling to find air. You were the type of person that Hyunjin would hate and that leaves an unsettling feeling in your stomach. 
Hyunjin notices this after a while of you not responding to him and just picking at your food. “y/n, you okay?” he says, eyes filled with worry and you can't help but let out a tear, quickly brushing it off as soon as it hit your cheek. You don’t deserve the way he’s looking at you like he would fight anyone that comes to hurt you. 
“Hyunjin...i’m sorry,” you let out quietly as you tried to stop the rest of your tears from water falling. Grabbing your bag, you ran out of the diner, leaving a very confused Hyunjin behind to wonder what you were apologizing for. 
7 missed calls 
you don’t dare try to answer any of it. 
the thought of having to face the boy and explain the reasons for your apology hurts you knowing that he wouldn’t want anything to do with you afterwards. how do you even explain it to him? there is literally no plausible excuse: 
“hey yeah i’m the jerk that you hate because i judged your whole personality based off of five songs,”
“i only did it because i like superiority”
“it also helps me feel better about myself”
yeah. he’ll definitely hate you afterwards. and so you sulk in your room, letting out your frustrated cries, your blanket comforting you as the sound of your phone ringing filled the air. after the 12th call, the ringing finally stops and you feel like you can finally think until a knock on your dorm room brings you back to reality. 
“hey,” he sighs, your eyes immediately widening as you shut the door as quickly as you opened it. 
“y/n, come on!” hyunjin whines
“how did you know this was my room?” you yell through the door. 
“I asked around,” he shouts back “now can you let me in??”
You were frozen in place, hands gripped on your doorknob to make sure that he can’t come in. “Look, we don’t have to talk about what happened okay,” he starts, “but we do have a project due in 2 days and i would like to finish it...so please just ….. just let me in.” He finishes, an exasperated sigh leaving his mouth once he comes face to face with the girl that has always been a puzzle to him. 
Entering your dorm room, you notice that the boy's hair is a bit disheveled and you wonder how many times he has let his hands run through them due to frustration. He’s doing his best to hide his furrowed eyebrows and keep a calm expression but you see through all of it. 
you’re doing it again. you think to yourself.  
“okay let’s just make up a scenario since we didn’t get one at the diner,” you suggest, finally breaking the silence that hung above the two of you. 
“why did you apologize?” hyunjin quietly asks, his gaze fixed strongly on you and you find yourself having to sit down due to the impact of his stare. 
“hyunjin…. you said we didn’t have to talk about it,” you responded, trying to change the subject. 
“I lied. I need to know the answers y/n. I need to know why you seem to see through my walls. I need to know how you dug a hole in my mind and stayed in it because I want you out. I don’t know what I’m feeling when it comes to you and I don’t like it.”
“How??? How can you see right through me?!”He frustratedly confesses, his voice getting louder with every question that leaves his mouth. 
“What?? are you a stalker??? Is that why you know?? have you been following me around ??”
“No!” you responded quickly, shutting down the assumptions that the boy has managed to come up with. 
“It’s your music.” you finally confess, your heart tightening as the words left your mouth, afraid of what’s to come next. 
Hyunjin stares at you, his mind finally connecting all the dots. The reason you asked for his playlist. The reason why you knew his stories and insecurities. All of it was because he gave you access to his music. And suddenly he felt bare. All his hiding, all the walls he put up, it was all useless when it came to you. 
“The last song in that playlist…” he starts but you finish the sentence for him, “please love me by colde,” your glassy eyes staring back up at him. 
“so, will you?” hyunjin asked, worry laced within his voice. 
“y-you’re not mad at me?” you stuttered, the boy's actions leaving your mind in a maze. he shakes his head. oddly enough, he didn’t feel any anger towards you. noticing that you were left in your thoughts to make sense of the situation at hand, he offers you a soft smile, “after knowing how troubled my mind was, you still stayed.”  
“i think i already do…” you confess, eyes fixated on him, “love you, that is,” you say mirroring the small smile that was on the boy’s face. 
At your confession, Hyunjin let’s out a shaky breath. 
“will you let me love you?” you ask him, a gentle tone laced within your voice, afraid of the answer to come. 
your eyes never breaking contact with his, you moved closer to him. hyunjins eyes darts down to your lips and suddenly the answer seemed so clear. 
the word that terrifies him the most. the thing that the boy has been swearing off ever since he was little. love was something hyunjin never understood but every time he looks at your eyes, every time he feels your warmth next to him, and now as your lips move in perfect sync with his, it all seems to make sense.
(a/n): this ending is so rushed and im not sure if im entirely happy with it but i really did not know what to do for the longest time. i was thinking of just scrapping the whole thing tbh but anyways....
feedback is always welcomed and my ask is always open :) 
thank you for reading! 
309 notes · View notes
dr-divinae · 3 years
Spirit Guide Session
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Welcome to your Shamanic Healing Journey experience where you'll be introduced to your Spirit Guides for the second time tonight!! Yeah, I used GoogleNotes for your Spirit Guide Sessions and lost all of my work but I'm not terribly off track I had wrote some of le. Details down via Grimoire for ShamanicChanneling
Thank you so much 💖 for joining me this evening 💞 or should I correct myself and say late evening 🌃 night!!
I'm noticing the moon right now 😹
First Quarter Moon 🌜 in ♉⚡💜 When the moon is in Taurus we are motivated by a place of serenity, security, peace, and comfort.🌺⚡Tonight, this evening my dear Gemini child you are going to meet your most active🍂 Spirit Guides...I just pulled some Oracle Cards from multiple decks and based on their Chakra balancing and literal meaning you've got a lot of 🌸Spirit Guides in the 💙fifth Chakra💙 or the 💎Vishudha❄️, and right away we know that that's the 🗣️throat Chakra🗣️💫
And the throat Chakra represents: All sound, Vibration , Communication, Self-expression, Listening, Speaking, Writing
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This to me tells me that there could be something related to yourself in the mentioned areas of voice , or vibration?
Or perhaps it's a hint of who your Spiritual Guardians are and what your Spirit Guides gifts are as far as communication goes because that's another vibe I strongly get as a result of this card pulling set.
On my Oracle Card I can tell it's Gabriel's horn... So dear Gemini 💞💖 your first Spirit Guide that's showing up today is Archangel Gabriel as he is also associated with the fifth Chakra as well. Due to his communication link in literally each and every story we ever heard of him .. and he's even known to wear this blue which actually relates to the Chakra I am speaking on so much now ,
now now I'm going to get comfortably numb 😂😂😅 no drugs needed just my regular medical medication 😭dont tell them your dr is now! It's just that I'm ready to do the most in depth part of this Shamanic Session which you've paid for ... I just need to relax , I'm listening 🎧 to a specific type of binaural beats music 🎶 that allow me to channel your most Active 🍂 Spiritual Guardians hopefully I'll really connect with your Spirit Guide ☺️ here we go it's 12: 36 now wow long process🍂💫🌜 but worth it no?
When i begin typing again it will all be channeled information all from your Special shamanic experience with your Spirit Guide.. see you there in the channel 😎...
Hello 👋 Gemini 😁 I'm glad that you have made this choice to finally meet the voice behind all of the synchronicity 🏵️ in your life🍂🍁 to meet the real reason we have met this evening and I'm glad and honored to introduce you to your Spirit Guide🏵️🌸💐
Your most active and current Spirit Guide is a Greek Goddess from this tale I'm about to share and although she's been cursed by Juno and lost her voice somewhat; She is able to repeat sentences, fragments and makes a whole lot of sense when I have her communicate with your higher self 😅 because when I first found out through this Shanic experience that your Spirit Guide is sort of speechless I was lol pretty depressed. About the direction of this Shamanic Healing Journeys for you but going forward I did find the magical method to communicate with the ever forever silenced echos of your Greek. Spirit Guide.
And it's 1:17AM EST Did you guess your Spirit Guide 🏵️ yet? No...
Name: Echo
Origin: Latin
Meaning:reflected sound
Echo as a girl's name is of Latin and Greek origin meaning "reflected sound". In mythology, Echo was a nymph who loved Narcissus and faded away until only her voice was left behind.
In Greek mythology, Echo (/ˈɛkoʊ/; Greek: Ἠχώ, Ēkhō, "echo",[3] from ἦχος (ēchos), "sound"[4]) was an Oread who resided on Mount Cithaeron.[5] Zeus loved consorting with beautiful nymphs and often visited them on Earth. Eventually, Zeus's wife, Hera, became suspicious, and came from Mount Olympus in an attempt to catch Zeus with the nymphs. Echo, by trying to protect Zeus (as he had ordered her to do), endured Hera's wrath, and Hera made her only able to speak the last words spoken to her. So when Echo met Narcissus and fell in love with him, she was unable to tell him how she felt and was forced to watch him as he fell in love with himself.
In Metamorphoses (8 AD), the poet Ovid tells of Juno (Hera in Greek mythology) and the jealousy she felt over her husband Jupiter's (Zeus in Greek mythology) many affairs. Though vigilant, whenever she was about to catch him, Echo distracted her with lengthy conversations. When at last Juno realized the truth, she cursed Echo. From that moment on, the once loquacious nymph could only repeat the most recently spoken words of another person.
Abode/Residential: Mount Cathaeron
Parents: Ouranos
Siblings: Nymphs
Children: Lynx and Lambe
Consort: Pan and Narcissus
Symbol: Crabgrass, Hemlock , the Skunk
Colors: Black, White, Blue, and Purple
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The myth of the goddess is told in Book III of the Metamorphoses, and tells the story of a "talkative nymph" whom the goddess Venus admires for her magnificent voice and song. When she tricks Juno into believing that her husband, Jupiter, was in the city, Juno curses Echo by making her able to only finish a sentence not started, and unable to say anything on her own. "Yet a chatterbox, had no other use of speech than she has now, that she could repeat only the last words out of many." This is the explanation of the aural effect which was named after her.[1]
Sometime after being cursed, Echo spied a young man, Narcissus, while he was out hunting deer with his companions. She immediately fell in love with him and, infatuated, followed quietly. The more she looked at the young man, the more she longed for him. Though she wished with all her heart to call out to Narcissus, Juno's curse prevented her.[2]
During the hunt, Narcissus became separated from his companions and called out, ‘is anyone there,’ and heard the nymph repeat his words. Startled, Narcissus answered the voice, ‘come here,’ only to be told the same. When Narcissus saw that nobody had emerged from the glade, he concluded that the owner of the voice must be running away from him and called out again. Finally, he shouted, "This way, we must come together." Taking this to be a reciprocation of her love, Echo concurred ecstatically, "We must come together!"[3]
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In her delight, Echo rushed to Narcissus ready to throw her arms around her beloved. Narcissus, however, was appalled and, spurning her, exclaimed, ‘Hands off! May I die before you enjoy my body.’ All Echo could whisper in reply was, ‘enjoy my body’ and having done so she fled, scorned, humiliated, and shamed.[4]
Despite the harshness of his rejection, Echo's love for Narcissus only grew.[5] When Narcissus died, wasting away before his own reflection, consumed by a love that could not be, Echo mourned over his body. When Narcissus, looking one last time into the pool uttered, "Oh marvellous boy, I loved you in vain, farewell", Echo too chorused, "Farewell."[6]
What's Hemlock?
Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum) is a poisonous invasive weed that has caused many accidental deaths because of its resemblance to carrots, including the wild carrot (Queen Anne’s lace). The poisonous agents in the plant are volatile alkaloids, and they are found in every part of the plant. In addition to causing death when ingested, the plant also causes a miserable dermatitis in sensitive people upon contact with skin. Socrates drank the juice of this notorious plant to commit suicide, and ancient Greeks used it to poison their enemies and political prisoners. North American Natives dipped their arrowheads in hemlock to make sure every hit was fatal.
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Having technical difficulties as far as uploading and sharing this channeled session of Shamanic Healing so @cosmic-badlarry just pleeease hold on
Anybody who's interested inbox me
I can tell you who your Spirit Guide is not a problem just need to get a small fee 😊 and speak to you for a quick second of does not take long at all that part . . But my part of doing channeling does take it m afraid hours. This case I'm doing now omg I've been working since 11:33PM EST NOW ITS 5:44 EST
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hasliaran · 3 years
Undertale is owned by Toby Fox
Sooner or Later You’re Gonna be Mine is written by Staringback.
TimeHealsTale - Still a WIP by me.
Meet my undertale OC from TimeHealsTale which is an AU living rent free in my head. They are a canon MC that replaces the real Sans (age 5) after he got dumped into a tub of Void by Gaster to be forgotten.
Name: Comic Sans Du Font (Comic/Komi)
Age: 22 (5 years younger than canon Sans and 8 years older than Paps)
Job: Monster Healer that does House-calls. (Not a Judge; Sans disappeared because he was a Judge)
Profile in Game: Toriel’s Contact, The Smuggler, Summon Healer (after befriending; limited to 5 calls (diff. work phone no.); rapid calls will assume it’s a prank and not be picked up for a certain period of time.)
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This is not her usual outfit but I just really wanted to post it.
In my head, the scene goes …
- she fell into the void trying to pull out a deformed still 5 years old Sans when she was going through her father’s stuff in his lab dungeon. (Occurred after the barrier broke)
- Sans was in a mega huge test tube floating in pitch black Void essence (frozen in stasis as no time passes through Void), so she couldn’t see anything or knew he was inside. Only after she accidentally tipped it over, smashing it to pieces, when trying to push it out of the lab that she realised there was an effing toddler inside it.
“Dad, seriously?” Comic got fed up already with the mess her father left behind after he got scattered.
- Cue her trying to grab the kid out of the muck only to fall in and be dropped down into another universe with the little one.
(Yes, this is the multiverse travel scene excuse and I love it)
Back then, Sooner or later your gonna be mine just uploaded a new comic chapter on YouTube. Hence, my brain went overdrive and said it’s a free real estate. So, I imagined the duo getting found by the skeleton brothers before the story started from rumours of them pillaging around trash sites, random food thefts and small skeletons offering up to do odd jobs.
Other skeletons than them, huh, curious.
Them skeletons in that story was already huge as heck though, now imagine a five a year old and a roughly five foot skeleton with a slight build running around what was essentially a mob era in the 1920’s.
The first thing that would go through their thick skulls was KIDS, THEY ARE KIDS, WHO HERE F***ED AND DIDN’T USE PROTECTION ?!
So much shenanigans from just trying to chase them down. ^_^
In the end, Komi and Void/V (little Sans; Komi’s not that creative at naming) were lured in by food, an offer for a roof over their heads and warm baths. Yep, tragic.
Little sans doesn’t look like a sans anymore here but a mere smooth skull shell with two big eye sockets and nothing else. I meant that literally. No lips or teeth as those were melted away and a pitch black body with stumps for legs. (look at Hollow Knight; Ghost but without the horns and has smoothen out round cheeks at least. I love that game.)
The last thing he remembered was that his aunt (step sister actually but he knows her as auntie) giving birth in the Underground Hospital and his uncle (Gaster) pushing him into a tub of black liquid, watching him drown.
And now he can’t talk since his lips is sealed shut.
Moreover, someone with his name who looks like a lot like his auntie and a bit like his uncle was dragging him around somewhere. It’s hella weird and confusing and he can’t cry properly. (Yes, HK reference here)
Yes, there is a story here for the duo that will coincide with SoLY’reGBM. Mostly, with Komi claiming Bara Sans courting skills were lame as hell no wonder Frisk ran screaming. This happen only at the time they were all comfortable enough to diss each other. Still, she and V were treated like sassy annoying younger siblings.
One’s assumed to be a teenager another a preschooler. So both were admitted to schools by force and with threats for Komi by Gaster since he didn’t want them in the house 24/7. Also to just enjoy the fact they have money now to send someone in their place to experience school. Papyrus here loves it that someone gets to experience and tell him all about while also not being the youngest in the family anymore.
Komi, in hindsight was 50/50 about it. Hating the idea at first before going, huh, maybe it’s not so bad… Hence the outfit up there. ^
She only has been to pre-school when her mother was alive and nothing else since, Gaster, her father, deeming it useless and only had been homeschooled by him. As much as you could call being locked in a room and told to read/answer these sheets of questions or not she’s never allowed to feed Papyrus as homeschooling activities. It happened in a period of when she was 10 - 14, so Paps would be 2 - 6. Damn well, she learned to memorise and spit everything out like a photocopier.
Seeing the Gaster in this universe sorta freaks her out. Making her wait to be ordered and when she doesn’t gets the order or the orders were just a pat on the skull and be told to behave, nothing else. She will proceed to look at him funny only to realise that oh, this is not dad. The three brothers can see that gal there has been through some shit and it’s not the fun kind. This also makes them question whether they should let them go back to wherever they came from, and that’s a whole other bag of fish to fry.
Komi knows they are a mob family, accepts it because hey her dad had a dungeon where he cuts up humans and eats SOULs for breakfast so why not this?
Only to find out they are pretty nice for a family and was this what a family suppose to be like? She liked it.
Komi with V/Void -, I will protect you my new baby brother that I have adopted at first sight with my body and SOUL. Which she does, she was raised with her Papyrus who was always aimed at gunpoint by her father. Basically, a rinse and repeat cycle situation in her eyes. Only to find out that no, nobody was out to get V!
She felt so gosh darn free in this universe but felt as though she was missing something all the time.
Yep, her found family from back home. So, definitely gotta get out of here somehow.
While also going to high school and befriending your adopted uncles’s enemy’s niece. Fuku Fire. Definitely not telling them what she did. They are gonna get so pissed.
Fuku - I have befriended the cool kid that’s not afraid to talk back against adults and was already a pro in home economics, who is also a skeleton Monster, meaning from a rival family. My parents and Uncle *pedo* Grillby must never know.
Comic will also be going through the motions of life here while figuring out how V’s powers work to send them back home and be getting a supply of Uncle’s favourite mustard since he’s been bitching about it every day by now.
He and Gaster will most definitely never know.
Nah, they know. Comic is a freaking blabber mouth that tells everything to this version of Papyrus just like she does in her own universe. Confirmed, she’ll be outed within 3 days by Paps and a fight about who she befriends was not their business.-at Gaster - who then sees it as an opportunity. Which leaves her storming out yelling they are all the same. Gaster and her Gaster.
Shit goes down that day, and everything went A-okay. Komi would make attempts to not overlap her father’s image over this guy because really, this Gaster is the farthest thing to her dad that’s a centuries old psychopath craving the secrets of the multiverse who would instead have not let her run out the house unscathed for yelling nor talked through things with her when she was brought back.
Darn guy was pretty nice.
Sans and Papyrus of this universe : who are you and what have you done to our brother?
G: What was that?
S&P: Nothing. S: (mutters under his breath) bias piece of sh*t
Then there’s that scene where they now got a new area to govern. Komi and V finds it weird but okay. *shrugs*. It felt like they were going to govern their territory or something. Sounds like basic Royal Guards one-o-one shtick her middle bro’s and friends’ kinda work. Seems simple enough.
It was not simple. I repeat, it was not simple.
G: No, we do not have to patrol the area.
G: No, we do not do shifts to monitor criminal activities.
G: It’s just an area that we will get a claim to.
G: But I need the humans here to be comfortable with Monsters, so I am going to let loose Papyrus on them. Since, we also have you two as well. Feel free to interact with the Humans. Tell me if anyone gives you three any trouble, Sans and I will personally deal with it.
S: wut? Yes? Yep, whatever he says goes. Better listen to your elders, brats.
P: Really, Sans?
C: So-, you want us to help around with the people in the area? Like charity work? Give free food and all that?
G: (how did she jumped to that? but otherwise, she’s not wrong.) … Yes-, that. Feel free to use your green magic on them as well if you have to but only when necessary. I don’t want you to suddenly disappear because your own loose lips.
C: Alright. (Does an excited fist pump) This is gonna be awesome~! …. Heyyy, did you just-
P: And I will be sure to guard them. (No arguing here from the other brothers)
V: (pouts and hand signed) N-O-T—B-A-B-Y
P: (could only stare at this being that barely reaches his kneecaps) Of course, little one.
All I know is, all of them are sassy sarcastic shits and there’s way more to be continued here.
So byeeee~
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snowdice · 4 years
Road Trips and Missing Persons (Part 10)
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Relationships: Patton & Virgil, Virgil & Deceit, Logan & Patton, Emile & Remy, Roman & Remus & Janus
Characters: Patton, Virgil, Deceit, Remus, Roman, Logan, Emile, Remy
Summary: Patton was just getting groceries. The next thing he knew, there was a knife at his throat and he was an unwilling uber driver. Virgil’s on the run after the murder of his dad, and it’s not just his paranoia that’s telling him he’s being chased down. He has to get somewhere safe, somewhere he can trust, and all he has is a couple of stories from his dad and a name: “Green Bellow Foods and Dispensary.”
Notes: Secret Agents AU, knives, carjacking, kidnapping, murder mentioned, guns mentioned, pepper spray, blood mentioned, drugs mentioned, explosions (more to be added)
This is a fic I’ve been writing on study breaks that you have probably all already seen at this point. I’ve affectionately named it the Goblin Brain Fic because it’s helping my brain actually get motivated for studying. I’ve slightly edited it for wording and grammar, but not for content from my previous posts. Feel free to send in asks to direct it because I’m not 100% sure where this is going and you can help decide if you feel so inclined! You can see the process I went through to build this at this link.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 My Master Post
Janus could feel his heartbeat speed up at he looked at his phone, but he didn’t dare let that show on his face even though she couldn’t see him. He calmly clicked the talk button on his phone. “Hello, mother. How can I help you?” he asked.
“I’d like an update on the situation with the Gates boy,” she said.
“I’m currently on his trail,” Janus informed her. “He had an unfortunate head start because of Kinsley, but I have managed to figure out he went to the nearby grocery store and saw him on security footage. I should be making more progress soon.”
“I see,” she replied. “The boy used his phone.”
Janus took a half second to pause at that. “Well, that’s good for our aims,” Janus replied levelly. “I assume you were able to track the call.”
“Yes,” she said. “He was attempting to call his uncle. He has managed to get impressively far. I will send you the details of his location.” She paused. “Wait, it seems he’s currently attempting another call to an unknown number. Strange, there doesn’t seem to be a record of it in any database. You wouldn’t possibly know the number 499-555-0721.” Fuck. That was his other phone number… the phone number of the phone he broke earlier.
“No, I don’t,” Janus lied. God dammit. Why did he break that phone?
She hummed, seeming to accept that. “I see you are still at the grocery store. I’m sending people to meet up with you at that location.”
Oh fuck.
“Is that really necessary?” Janus asked, sounding bored. “Surely I can handle it myself.”
“It will be more efficient to have multiple people working together especially with a drive that far,” she said. He could tell by her tone that there was no room for argument.
“Of course,” Janus replied.
“Good. I have already sent them your location.” She hung up without another word.
Janus looked down at his phone. “Well,” he said. “I’m dead.”
“That bad, huh?” Remus asked.
“She’s sending people to ‘help’ me.”
“You said the security cameras upload straight to the cloud, right?” Janus asked.
“Yep,” Remus confirmed.
“Well. No way out of it then.” His phone beeped with details about Virgil’s location. Calmly, Janus walked around the car and opened the door to get the atlas Remy had gotten him when he’d turned 16. He’d scoffed at it because of GPS, but he’d kept it even when he’d gotten rid of the car mother had given him for the same occasion. He opened the map of the state and circled the location Virgil was at on the map.
Just as he finished that, he was also forwarded the names and locations of the two goons coming for him. “Convenient,” he said glancing at their current positions. “Remus, remember all the times you’ve talked about wanting to blow this car to hell?”
“Yes!!” he said excitedly. “To be fair it’s any car, but yes!!!”
“Wait!” Roman said. “Why are we blowing up the car?”
“Distraction,” Janus replied. “The path they’re on should take them over Washington Bridge, so if we blow it up on that, it should delay them by quite a bit. Plus, mom can track the car and they’ll probably loop back trying to find me.”
“Isn’t there, like, a better idea, maybe?” Roman asked.
Remus reached over and put his hand over Roman’s mouth. “Shh, Roman, let me have this.” Roman shoved him away.
“We’ll go get one of your cars, drive mine to the bridge, and Remus can do his,” he waved his hand at him, “thing.”
“…I still don’t think.”
“Trust us, Ro-Ro.” Remus threw an arm around his shoulder.
“See, that makes me think this is even worse of an idea.”
“Look,” Janus bit out. “I know my mother and as soon as she figures out I’m fucking her over, they’ll be literally gunning for us. Blowing up the car will delay them as well as destroy the tracker and any information they can get from the car.
“Okay,” Roman agreed, though he still didn’t seem comfortable with it. Apparently, he’d gotten all of the responsibility in the womb.
Speaking of… Remus had already taken the laptop and packed it back up before throwing it none to gently into the trunk. Roman winced, but Janus shrugged. It was going to get destroyed anyway. In fact, Janus tossed his phone into the trunk with it.
Janus couldn’t resist smiling at the excitement in Remus’s eyes as he slammed the trunk closed and made his way to the passenger seat.
“We’re taking my car though,” Roman insisted. “I’m not getting in his death trap.”
Having seen the car for himself, Janus nodded. “Agreed.”
 They drove back to get Roman’s car and then Remus requested grabbing something from his own car.
“Why do you even have that in your car?!” Roman shouted from his car’s window as Remus unpacked explosives from his trunk.
“In case of emergencies!”
“What type of emergen-”
“This type!”
Janus just shook his head, and Remus packed the explosives into the trunk of Janus’s car and then himself into the passenger seat. Then they drove off towards the bridge only about 10 minutes away. Remus wiggled in excitement in his seat.
“Calm down,” Janus attempted to snap, but it just came out fond. Disgusting.
Remus just gave him a dopey smile.
Janus turned back to the road. “I hope you know this means your cover is blown as well.”
“Yeah, ah well, it was only a matter of time anyway,” he said, shrugging. “I will have to move though. That’s going to suck.”
Janus hummed noncommittally.
“Ooo, we should go in on an apartment together!”
Janus glanced over at him in surprise. “What?”
“And we can get a cat!” Remus said instead of answering him. “I love cats, but my current apartment won’t let me have one. That’ll be on the list of things to look for: an apartment that allows pets.”
“Why would we be moving in with each other?” Janus asked.
“Well, you’re not going to be living with mommy dearest after today and we’re best friends.”
“We’re partners,” Janus replied blankly.
“And best friends!”
“I… you… we’ll discuss this later. I have too much to think about right now.”
Remus shrugged and startled rambling about how ‘big the bomb is going to be.’ Meanwhile, Janus did his best to firmly shoved the words “best friends” as far down into his subconscious as possible.
They arrived at the bridge quickly and Janus parked his car in the middle of it; Roman parked at the other end of the bridge.
 “Well, don’t leave anything in the car,” Janus said. Remus nodded, back to bouncing up and down in his seat at the prospect of the imminent explosion.
Janus trusted Remus to know what he was doing with the explosives and simply walked away from his car towards Roman’s. There was a loud explosion when they were about 200 feet away from the car. Janus suppressed a flinch.
“You could have waited until we were completely off the bridge,” Janus commented mildly.
“But we look cooler like this,” Remus argued with a manic grin. “Plus, I saw a car coming towards the bridge on the other side and didn’t want them to get on the bridge before the explosion.”
Roman had his window rolled down when they approached. “Remus is in back.”
Remus put a hand over his heart like he’d been wounded. “I’m your brother. I should get shot-gun.”
“I am not allowing you access to the radio. I’ve been on too many road trips with you.”
“Dad’s the one who insists on playing a mix of geek rock and explicit rap music which he completely doesn’t understanding the lyrics of,” Remus pointed out with a pout.
“And I should have disowned the both of you years ago. Get in the back seat.”
Janus ended the sibling dispute by getting in the passenger seat himself.
Remus grumbled as he got in the back seat. Janus opened the atlas and found their current location on the map. “Get on the interstate heading East,” he instructed Roman.
The question of how on Earth they were going to find Virgil when he was moving rather quickly crossed Janus’s mind, but he smothered it. They’d stop and do some investigation once they were closer to his current location. It would be fine.
Roman glanced over at him as he started to drive and sighed. “You may have control of the radio as passenger,” he offered. “Just, please do not betray me.”
Janus sent him a wry smile and let himself get distracted messing with the radio. He flipped through a few stations before landing on one that seemed to be devoted mostly to Latin pop.
“Yes,” Roman said. “A great decision.”
“No,” Remus whined when he stopped on that station and leaned back. “You’re supposed to find the one that annoys Roman the most. It’s in the spirit of the road trip.”
“That seems ridiculous,” Janus commented.
“It is,” Roman agreed.
“Noooo. Embrace the spirit of the road trip.”
“Well finding a station that Roman likes seems to annoy you the most. So, I guess I am ‘embracing the spirit of the road trip.’”
Remus made a mournful sound and Roman chortled. “You’re my new favorite person,” Roman said.
Janus found himself smiling despite himself.
“Just for that, I get naming rights for our cat,” Remus informed him seriously.
“What cat?” Roman asked.
“Janus and I are going to get an apartment together since his mom’s going to try to murder us both, and we’re going to get a cat.”
“Ah,” Roman said as though that made total sense to him. Janus guessed growing up with Remus made it easy to accept such statements. “Don’t let him name it. He’ll name it something stupid.”
“I will not!”
“You tried to name our hamster Sexy Dorito!” Roman exclaimed and then looked at Janus. “Who names a hamster… who names anything Sexy Dorito??” he asked.
“The same person who accidently died his hair neon pink on a covert mission,” Janus answered.
“Hey!” Remus said, leaning forward to insert his face between the driver and passenger seats. “No!”
“Put your seatbelt on, Remus,” Janus ordered.
“Oh, you’ve got to tell me about that one,” Roman said.
“No! Don’t betray me, Janus!”
Janus did, in fact, betray him.
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AO3 Part 11
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