#thank you hellsite
The Tumblr mobile app updating and going back to normal is the best thing that could have happened today.
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faithinlouisfuture · 2 years
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“(Strong enough to get it wrong) in front of all these people” *dramatic hand gestures*
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Crowd screams “Do you still remember feeling young?” *cutely nods & smiles*
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“Give it up for the fookin’ band!”
Fearless band solo *👩🏽‍🍳💋*
LTWT22: Istanbul - Fearless
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controlledchaosetc · 2 years
Having tumblr has been this weirdly freeing experience of what the internet is supposed to feel like
I've just had it ingrained in me that "oh you gotta watch what you post, EMPLOYERS and STRANGERS could find it and it could forever affect your future!!!", so there's always been this fear and paranoia that if I say something about something and someone takes it bad, I'm fucked, but there's just something to screaming into the void not really caring who finds it, so FUCK IT i'm going to LIKE the art of tits and MEAN IT because those are some NICELY DRAWN TITS, and im going post my CRINGE because i WANT TO
Also this is tumblr what fucking employer is checking TUMBLR in the year of our lord 2022 lmao
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blocks-does-stuff · 4 months
Tumblr, thank you so much.
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thegenderfucker · 1 year
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4000 posts!
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thehootmess · 1 year
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They're terrible which means they're perfect
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missingexaltation · 2 years
Wayne coming home to find the boys viciously and LOUDLY arguing and immediately getting ready to a) throw that Harrington boy out on his ear and b) be a shoulder for Eddie to cry on.
As soon as he walks through the door the Harrington boy gestures at him and screeches "TELL HIM WHAT YOU TOLD ME", and Eddie just crumples in on himself in shame, refusing to look at anyone.
Wayne standing there listening to Steve rant about how 'he doesn't care about kids or marriage or any of that shit' and how he's going to throttle Eddie for trying to break up with him because he thinks he's trailer trash and therefore has nothing to offer Steve in the long run.
Wayne excusing himself to get ready for bed, chuckling to himself as he realises that 'that Harrington boy' is gonna be around for a long time, and he's actually good with that.
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wilwheaton · 1 year
I found out your were on Tumblr because Neil Gaiman reblogged something of yours. I enjoy the fact that you both get the "are you really ____" asks. People's incredulity at you both being on this site makes me smile.
I can't speak for Neil, but speaking for myself, a weird elder who lives in the deepest part of the oldest woods, I love it when someone wanders by and notices this little cottage that's pretty much been here since before the woods were planted.
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delcat177 · 11 months
Okay can we just look at this for two seconds please, for July Disability Pride Month if nothing else
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This is the image description box.
When you click on an image to describe it, do you know where the image description box goes?
I believe in modern science and the ability to make this window movable. Like, this is a known technological marvel, dragging windows to one side.
Could we please for the love of God have that? I can't speak for anyone else, but it would make actually using this accessibility feature a LOT easier, it's just good UI sense
Thanks to anyone receiving this voidscream
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Did you know that on desktop, when you see the color of the sky on your dashboard, mouse over it, and press and hold the R key, something magical will happen? I think it only works if you hold R for like 10-15 seconds tho
what an incredible fun fact!!
everyone should go do this magical trick :)
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thinkershipman · 1 year
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siffrin-enthusiast · 2 months
the best gimmick account on the entire world wide web is tumblr user hellsite genetics. i want to be soul read and kin assigned some isopod its like a patronus without the transphobia
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Dont be shy tell us how you started dating ^^
ah! but you underestimate the fact that i enjoy being shy!
but if you simply must know, me and my beautiful Madame Curator met in the Void (and by that i mean we literally met on the tumblrs)
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hellsite-detective · 3 months
hello all! this is Hellsite Detective, P.P.I. speakin'!
i'm gonna be takin' next week or two off from posting because burnout has really been getting to me and i need to take care of myself a bit. i'll still try to answer post cases and get them queued so i can stay on schedule, and i will obviously still be accepting cases, but beyond that i'm gonna try and sit back and simply breathe a bit! feel free to send in non-post case related asks as well, i'll probably answer all of those if i get them! (also there’s one more post still scheduled for today, i just wanted to release this now at my peak performance hour hehe)
but i really feel like i do need a bit of a break. i'm sorry for the inconvenience! i'm aware of how useful of a service i provide on this site, but it's time to take the advice of so many and take a well deserved break! so, in the mean time, i'll probably be working on personal projects, watching anime, and reading manga and just overall simply existing!
also, while i have your attention, i have something else to mention! this is something that i genuinely hate to do, but i'm doing it anyway. my ko-fi is linked in both my bio and my pinned post! i've been trying very hard to get an actual job, but i've yet to be accepted anywhere, so i would greatly appreciate generous donations of any amount! obviously nobody should feel obligated to send me money! if you don't want to, then you don't have to! it's entirely up to you!
well, i suppose that's it for this announcement. thank you all for being so patient with me! i'll be seeing you all in a couple weeks! until then, you all stay safe out there in this hellsite!
Hellsite Detective, P.P.I.
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 12 hours
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seventeen months of kim seokjin messages for @jinstronaut
inspired by jin's monthly messages and em's daily gif series ♡
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