#I hate the rings thanks
englishlotusflower · 2 years
Having finished RoP approximately 30 seconds ago.
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jichanxo · 1 month
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Help me, Lord, from these fantasies in my head / They ain't ever been safe ones
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darklordsauron · 2 years
I will list all the bad things and the good things of the first episode. Fair warning, I am right and those articles which calls this piece of steaming shit a masterpiece is wrong.
The acting is sub par and so uncaring that it literally didn't feel like a real, just under a billion dollar, fantasy show based off of the legendary writing of J.R.R Tolkien.(Rest in peace, you deserve the world.)
Galadriel is a Mary-Sue (the perfect person. Everybody wants to be her, she is so 'cool' Rawr XD Uwu) and she is short despite being described in the books as taller than most elvish women and almost half of elvish men.
Elrond seems to have a crush on her and that just makes me nauseated.
Galadriel, if I should even call her that, wears the fëanorian star on every wardrobe item she owns it seems.
Actually, all the elves are the same height or even under it when compared to the humans.
The music sounds more like Game of Thrones than anything even remotely associated with LOTR.
The costume design in terrible. The material is cheap and plastic, they don't even try to conceal it. In one scene you can see that one of the background characters is wearing a black T-shirt underneath the clothes.
They barely say any of the characters' names (except Galadriel, which they repeat almost constantly). I had to google their names.
Brondir is the edgy warrior who is in love with the single mother (already forgot her name) who tries to help everyone around her.
The Harfoots, I also forgot all of their names, are the Hobbits of the second age and I hate the other main character whom comes from them. She is the relatable, clumsy character who is super curious. In other words, the most over used and predictable trope in all of film history.
They bring in new monsters/creatures that Tolkien never, ever wrote about. They probably needed these cliches to make the first episode more interesting.
The CGI sucks especially when Galadriel is climbing the glacier, icy, mounting thingy. The water is jelly and a piece of Valinor's sky literally clips out if you look really closely.
They jump locations every two minutes which gave me a headache and somehow the series is both fast and slow...AT THE SAME TIME!
There is really no heart in it. The entire thing was apathetic and simply lacked soul (because they sold their souls for money).
Gil-galad, his character actually looks canon and the actor is putting his heart into the performance thus making him the best.
The make-up of the orcs is simply beautiful. If only the rest of the series was.
Any scene with Sauron and the mentions of Morgoth is cool as it feels as if they have actual power in the otherwise boring show.
So far it sucks (no surprise there). I wanted to break my TV simply because their disrespect towards the source material is so obvious. Tomorrow my brain will have recovered enough to watch episode 2: Shit becomes shitier.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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sauronpilled · 16 days
There were days when Melkor would visit the house of Finwë to bring teachings to the Noldor—joyous they were when he shared them his knowledge; in ignorance they praised the Ainur.
The celebration last not long, however; for the bold Fëanor entered the hall of his father, silencing the unworthy exalt with his presence.
By that hour, it was widely known that Fëanor detest the Ainur. Beyond the dimming veil that Melkor cast himself in, Fëanor sense his deceit. He was the only son of Finwë to see the truth as it was. In a clear voice that ring, he would spitefully remarked Melkor, ridiculing his attempt.
"Such sweet words slither through your tounge," he announced. "Dare not you deceive them on this ground, for I will be watching."
An ugly fury burn within Melkor, yet a twisted pride swell along. He replied with a smile—an almost, victorious smile—that shaken the elf. "Fear not son of Finwë, you do as you may. It is the abode of your father after all. I am nothing but merely a guest."
Worry now fill Fëanor's heart; Quick was the fire of his bravery, replaced. He depart to his seat so that he could hide his shame before the Ainur. Yet even with his back turn, he can feel Melkor eyes follow him. He turn to catch a glimpse—a triumphant gaze rest on Melkor's face. He knew not what Melkor planned, but it frightened him.
Delighted was he, when Fëanor presented himself before him. Nothing of this earth could bring him bliss as much as the song that was sung by Fëanor after.
"The blood that you shall spill will be a feast for the soul that you took," gone was the voice that roamed the Finwë's hall. Fëanor's speech now mirror that of Melkor. A sickening softness that slick with venom. How he had molded him perfectly!
Melkor then spoke, fondly. "You are truly one of my beautiful creation."
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siennahrobek · 2 years
The ads for the Rings of Power series are hilarious.
“Tolkien fans are anxiously anticipating the Rings of Power series….”
Like hun. No we are not. No Tolkien fan is liking this. That’s why you have to bombard our social media feed with ads and fake good reviews.
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gayanimebitches · 1 year
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they literally just got on screen engaged. if this wasnt an engagement what was it. thats a rhetorical question because it WAS an engagement
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mistergandalf · 1 year
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See the ULTIMATE TOLKIEN BLORBO MASTERPOST for details and follow #ultimate tolkien blorbo to cast your vote for the blorbiest blorbo of all!
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About a week ago I read the stupidest opinion piece I have ever seen from a philosophy professor who I will fortunately never have the displeasure of actually meeting due to me being 1) out of college and 2) living in the midwest rather than the east coast.
One of the points he made in his article was claiming that in the Lord of the Rings, industrialization is bad because it's industrialization.
No! Industrialization in the Lord of the Rings is bad because it damages the environment, it's following the same lines as real-world industrialization (aka exploited factory workers who often suffered horrifying injuries, the OSHA laws written in blood, the triangle shirtwaist factory fire!), the control factory owners chose to exercise over their workers being everything but legal enslavement, and it's making everyone miserable for all of those reasons!
I don't know how anyone could read the chapters on Mordor, Isengard, and the Scouring of the Shire without taking away that Tolkien's message was partly environmentalist, partly that people deserve to be happy, that industrialization is bad because it's hurting everyone, not just destroying their way of life but making people miserable and leaving them to starve!
Anyways. I bet the professor citing the lord of the rings has never actually read the books and probably not even seen the movies because he puts out the sort of navel-gazing drivel that makes it obvious he thinks "frivolities" like fantasy are below him.
It's a good thing that I will likely never meet this guy, because I would throw hands with him in a McDonalds parking lot.
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skellydun · 2 years
hellloooo friends i’m trying to start getting off my phone a bit before bed and so i’m gonna start reading more books and i need some book recs please! my faves kind of range from on the road by jack kerouac to prey by michael crichton to dexter by jeff lindsay to the ritual by adam nevill so like anything adventure-ish not too fantasy but could be sci-fi with a splash of murder or about a god living in the woods preying on people ! i’m open! i’m trying to read more classics too if anyone has any recs. i hate first person books though so unless u highly recommend it then i probs will not read those kinds. 
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this fandom loveesss to mischaracterize g.ladio... it's like people forget what his whole fucking dlc was about 😭
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connorjesup · 2 years
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Kabe Koji Nekoyashiki Kun Desires To Be Recognized | EP 03  
I think... We were different from a “normal” household. Mom always loved someone other than my Dad. Our house was always dead silent because of it. Whenever being in my own home was suffocating, I’d unconsciously go to your place. And from within, I always heard cheerful laughs. I envied your home’s atmosphere. That’s why I decided I’d smile, even if no one else in my family would. But... I thought my smile made people uncomfortable. But you know what? You gave meaning to my smile, Mamocchi. Thanks to you, I came to like my smile I started to hate. That’s why I decided I’d become a top-tier idol.
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thalassic-p4rk · 7 months
holy shit i just realized i haven’t watched ring of fire yet
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val-of-the-north · 2 years
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friendfromdsmp · 10 months
Just wanna point out that technically speaking Adrien can still confront Gabriel through the use of a kwagatama from Duusu. It won’t be the same obviously but it’s still an option for him to get closure and speak to Gabriel from beyond the grave, albeit he won’t remember anything about S5
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the-kipsabian · 3 months
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chelseahotel2004 · 3 months
your story sounds super cool!! Are there any reoccurring symbols/motifs?
thank you!! and oh boy, yes there are. I LOVE SYMBOLS AND MOTIFS YAYYYYYY. perhaps the most obvious is the train which is a representation of literally everything in the story, but mostly love and depression. here's some (admittedly heavy handed) passages about trains and what they mean. i think i already posted one of these already, but who cares.
One day you have a single track, hugged tight by fishplates and railway ties. Then slowly, tension and repetitive strain causes outwards rotation, some clockwise repulsion. Then impact, division. Two dead. Many more injured. [...] It is hard to build a train: jackshafts and thermic siphons, Beugniot levers and dead man’s switches. It is easier to build a family: a wedding ring, a bedroom, a child. It is easiest of all to build a tomb—all you must do is first build a family, and then a train.
the other motifs that comes up a lot is cows! the tenative title for this story is actually "catching cows" which I don't love but has been the place holder for so long that I fear it's sticking. a cow catcher is the front piece of a train that pushes anything on the track off of it. our young protaganist is also affectionatly called "little calf" by her father, on account of being born in a stable. i'll leave you to connect the dots between the two...
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