#i hated the last book i read and that was to watch a tom sturridge show so like who am i at this current time
skellydun · 2 years
hellloooo friends i’m trying to start getting off my phone a bit before bed and so i’m gonna start reading more books and i need some book recs please! my faves kind of range from on the road by jack kerouac to prey by michael crichton to dexter by jeff lindsay to the ritual by adam nevill so like anything adventure-ish not too fantasy but could be sci-fi with a splash of murder or about a god living in the woods preying on people ! i’m open! i’m trying to read more classics too if anyone has any recs. i hate first person books though so unless u highly recommend it then i probs will not read those kinds. 
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fimproda · 9 days
do you have aswell some movies or tv series with also good plot twists, or that in general you like narrative wise?
Dude, how can I tell you this...
I've got too many 🫠
TV Shows:
Sense8 on Netflix. I'll never get over its cancellation. It was such a good story, with great actors and characters, a compelling narrative, wonderful music and photography, and it was created by the Wachowski sisters of Matrix fame. At least we got two full seasons and a final episode that wrapped up all the plot lines as best as it could.
Anything by Mike Flanagan. You can find The Haunting of Hill House, The Haunting of Bly Manor, The Fall of the House of Usher, Midnight Mass, and The Midnight Club on Netflix; if I recall correctly, there's also his adaptation of Gerald's Game from the homonymous book by Stephen King (but this one is a movie). As for Guillermo del Toro, I think Mike Flanagan's brand of horror is more of a gothic story, with ghosts and other paranormal elements. He always chooses stellar actors and the photography is just top tier.
Dark on Netflix. It's a German show that deals with time travel and its respective paradoxes, and that's how much I'm willing to tell you.
The Umbrella Academy on Netflix. I wouldn't have even begun to care about this show if it hadn't been for Robert Sheehan, but it's actually nice, all things considered; it has a very peculiar aesthetic that not many productions can hope to achieve.
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina on Netflix. It's one of the cringiest, most senseless things I've ever had the displeasure to watch, but God if it makes me laugh. For all the wrong reasons, sure, but it does. I hate Sabrina so much, I want to slap her across the face so much, that rewatching this garbage fire of a show serves as an outlet for all my frustration and anger. I rewatch it religiously at least once a year.
Good Omens on Amazon Prime. Speaking of this, I forgot to recommend you the homonymous book by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett, which is one of the most hilarious books I've ever read. I'd only advise you to watch season one, though; I haven't watched season two yet, but I've heard about it, and it's kind of meh narrative-wise.
American Gods on... I don't know, the Starz network? I read the Nail Gaiman book and loved it (forgot to recommend it to you, too), and I really liked season 1. Season 2 was meh, just like Good Omens. I think they made a third season, but I'm not sure. Anyway, both the book and the show are a must if you like mythology, in my opinion.
Let's stay on the Neil Gaiman train: The Sandman on Netflix. Tom Sturridge's performance as Dream (especially his voice) makes it worth a watch by itself, and if I hadn't already realized that I'm an uncurable bisexual, seeing Mason Alexander Park as Desire would've done it. But jokes aside, it's a lovely, well-made show that surely won't waste your time.
Westworld on HBO. At surface level, it's a story about a Far-West-themed park populated by androids. I only watched season one, so I don't know how the show develops from there, but I can tell you that the plot twist is *chef kiss*. Terrific actors, too — and I seem to recall a pretty naked Ben Barnes in one memorable scene.
Speaking of Ben Barnes, Shadow and Bone on Netflix. It's one of the few times an adaptation is better than the book(s) it's been adapted from, and I'm still not done being salty about its cancellation. I think that the show's new storylines fit the characters better than the books', and those things I didn't like in the books have been explained and/or done better by the show.
Brooklyn 99 on Netflix (at least, it's on Netflix in Italy/in the EU). It's a completely different thing than all the other ones above it, and I think it's fitting as my last entry for this list. It manages to combine a comedy show and a cop show in a perfectly natural way, and even the last two/three seasons, which are considerably worse than the previous ones, still remain funny and enjoyable. Plus, Jake Peralta and Amy Santiago are Cassian and Nesta in another universe. Change my mind.
Call Me By Your Name. I would never recommend you the book, as it's some of the most pretentious, boring shit I've ever read, but the movie is another thing entirely. Although, might I say, I haven't been able to bring myself to rewatch it since all the allegations about Armie Hammer came out. Pity; I liked him and his chemistry with Timothée Chalamet in this one.
Donnie Darko. This movie turned 20 years old a couple of days ago, but it's still great even in the Year of the Lord 2024. It's a bit cryptic, sure; I myself have never been able to completely understand it. 10/10 anyway.
The Shawshank Redemption, adapted from a novella by Stephen King titled Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. It's a story about a prison escape, and I'm not going to tell you anything more than this.
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. This wonderful title has been translated in Italian as Se mi lasci ti cancello, "if you leave me, I'll delete you". Too spoiler-y of a title if you ask me, but this should give you an idea of what this movie is about.
The Truman Show and the Matrix trilogy, which are adaptations of Plato's allegory of the cave — and which, indeed, my philosophy professor made us watch at the end of the third year of high school.
Shrek 2. Yes, the second one specifically. Best movie ever made.
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thenightling · 3 years
My opinion on some of the Netflix Sandman rumors
We fans don’t have much in the way of substantial news about The Sandman Netflix series.  All we have are rumors and gossip.   I have compiled some of the rumors here along with my opinions on those rumors.  Consider this a disclaimer.  I am only a fan.  I do not have any inside info.   All the rumors here are ones that can easily be found on various sites online.   Now to begin...
Rumor: Morpheus will be captured in 1916 but will not escape until present day.  
This rumor has been confirmed true by Neil Gaiman on his Tumblr account and other Social media websites.  In my opinion this was wise because it enables Morpheus’ capture to continue to overlap with the real-world sleeping sickness outbreak of Encephalitis Lethargica.  
Rumor:  Michael Sheen is playing Lucifer.
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This rumor was debunked months ago by Neil Gaiman but I surmised that the one who started the rumor had found out he was playing Lucifer for The Sandman audio drama and had gotten confused.  I was right.   I DO however suspect Michael Sheen and possibly David Tennant will have roles in The Sandman Netflix series, just not the same role Michael Sheen had in the audio drama.
My Opinion: I’m all for Michael Sheen having a role in The Sandman Netflix series.  Him and David Tennant.  
Rumor: Doug Jones is going to be in The Sandman as a supporting character.
This rumor comes from two clues.  The first being that Neil Gaiman has spoken about his like of Doug Jones and Guillermo Del Toro almost did a Sandman adaptation with Doug as Morpheus.  Doug Jones even brought this up recently, which suggests that the subject might be on mind.   
My opinion:  Doug is an excellent character actor and I want this to be true.  He should be in Sandman.  I love Doug. And there are plenty of characters he could play.  Lucien, Mervyn Pumpkinhead, Doctor Destiny, various nightmares.   
Rumor:  Liam Hemsworth or Dacre Montgomery will play The Corinthian.
Opinion: I like Liam Hemsworth.  He deserves a shot but Dacre is also good.
Rumor:  Tom Sturridge is playing Morpheus.
Opinion:  I am 90% sure this rumor is true. There are a number of sources claiming the same thing.  Also just google how the man looks.  I think he’ll do a fine job.  I thought Oliver Farnworth would have been excellent too but I’m sure Tom Sturridge would be fine. 
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Rumor:  The Netflix Sandman series will see Dream take many forms including a female form.
Opinion:  This isn’t really new.  We saw Dream’s feminine side in Overture.  If it bothers you to see Morpheus might have a feminine side, you probably shouldn’t be watching something like Sandman anyway.
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Rumor:  Death will be played by a black woman.
The source of this rumor comes from Neil Gaiman saying something about loving the actress chosen for Death but feeling some people will complain.
Opinion:   ...So?   She’s an Endless.  She can look any way she wants.  I would have liked to have seen Jamie Chung in the role though.  She voiced her for the Death short that accompanied the Wonder Woman: Bloodlines Blu Ray.
Rumor:  Morpheus’ extended capture will effect his reunion with Hob.
My opinion:  Uhhhh Duh.
Honestly though this makes me VERY curious as to how their reunion will play out. I hope it is just as sweet as the comic. 
Rumor:  The Corinthian will appear fairly early in the series and even advise Roderick Burgess how best to contain Morpheus.
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Opinion: Well, according to the leaked Corinthian audition this is true.  I don’t mind it at all.  It makes sense. It fits.
Rumor:  Alexander Burgess’ story is now more sympathetic and he as well as his father will age slower because of Morpheus’ capture.
Opinion:  This seems likely based on certain leaks.  And I kind of hope this means Morpheus will be able to punish Roderick and not Alex.
Rumor:  Alex will now have an older brother who died during World War 1, a brother that Roderick preferred, and he takes out his grief on Alex in abusive ways. it also gives Roderick a new motivation for wanting to capture Death.
Opinion: This is likely true based on certain leaks from last February.  I have mixed feelings about this because sometimes parents are just assholes.  They don’t need a tragic loss to set off their abusive behavior.  It also made Roderick worse (in the comics) that he treated his only (known) son the way he did. It’s been recently established in the comics that John Dee was actually Alex’s half-brother.  I guess it all depends on how this is done. 
I also don’t think Roderick needs to be grief stricken in order to want to control Death.   This is a cliché, a cliché we saw in Disney’s Gargoyles and even in Hercules and Xena.  Someone loses someone they love and tries to capture Death in order to bring them back.  Roderick doesn’t need this trope.  He was an occultist who wanted to be a big shot in the world of early twentieth century magick users. In my opinion that should be enough but I’ll keep an open mind. 
Rumor:   They were supposed to start filming in May but it was delayed to late October because of Covid.  
This one is true.
Opinion:  Hurry up!
Rumor:   Roderick Burgess has no real magick in the show.
Opinion: Sadly this is likely true based on a character description leak from the casting call.  I shall miss seeing Sykes’ head explode...  Honestly I kind of hope this is wrong.  I’m tired of magick being diminished in comic book TV and film.   
Rumor:  The first season of Sandman will combine Preludes and Nocturnes with The Doll’s House.
Opinion:  This is likely true.  I’m fine with it.  It might flow better for TV this way.
Rumor:   The “A game of you” storyline will have trans people writing.
Opinion:  This makes sense  And this is pretty much already confirmed true.
Rumor:  The Netflix show will have the same cast as the audio drama.
Opinion: Though I would not mind this, I know it is not true. This is likely the result of an IMDB listing for the audio drama mistakenly calling it a show and some fans mistaking that IMDB page as being the one for the Netflix series.
Rumor: The Netflix Sandman series is canceled and the audio drama is all we’re getting.
This rumor is absolutely false!    It’s a stupid rumor made by those who had no idea the audio drama was happening before the pandemic even hit.   The audio drama is not compensation because there will not be a Netflix show.  Both will exist.
Opinion:  Shame on those leaping to this conclusion and spreading it as fact. 
Rumor: A character named “Ann” is being cast and she’ll be a major recurring character. 
Opinion:  I’ve seen this sort of thing before.  It’s how you hide what character they are trying to cast.  Clearly this is a major female character for the show and probably was a name used as a place holder for Death of The Endless or even Rose Walker.  I’m not too concerned about this.  Some fans are upset and already raging that they’re making up a new character just for the show, ala Chloe Decker in Lucifer.  I don’t think there’s anything to worry about here.
Rumor:   Tom Ellis will not be playing Lucifer.
Opinion:  Tom Ellis has wanted to move on from Lucifer for a while.  He wants season six of Lucifer to be its last.   Let him move on. Neil Gaiman also wants his Lucifer to be different from the Lucifer TV show version.  The Lucifer TV series deviated heavily from the comics and it might confuse people with the big differences in lore.  It is probably for the best that Tom Ellis not play Lucifer.
Rumor:  The Sandman is why Lucifer is being canceled.
Opinion: No.  Lucifer has been canceled three times now. In fact the first time it was canceled The Sandman TV series had not been picked up by Netflix yet.  Lucifer has had six seasons.  For a paranormal police procedural that’s a good, long, run.  Not everything can be Supernatural.   Forever Knight (and most shows of that type) only had three seasons.  Lucifer out lived the norm for its type of show and survived two cancelations.   Let it go.   Do not blame Sandman.  The Sandman is what gave us Lucifer, not took it away.  The Sandman is where the story of Lucifer quitting, opening Lux, and taking up piano came from. 
Rumor:  The Sandman is the most expensive show DC has ever made.
According to Variety this is true.
Opinion:  It probably has to be expensive.  Look at all the stuff they need to show us, the sets and special effects needed.
Rumor:  Lucien might be played by a woman.
Apparently this rumor started because some of the Morpheus auditioners let slip that they auditioned with a woman as Lucien.   
Opinion: I’m not sure how I feel about this.  I love the character of Lucien.  A a woman version might take a little getting used to. I don’t hate the idea, I just prefer how he appears in canon.   Further note, I kind of hope he has a full head of hair like he does in the recent comics.  There is a very high chance she was just reading his lines since at the time the role being cast was Morpheus, not Lucien.
Rumor:  The Sandman could air as early as Summer of 2021.
Opinion:  *Insert bitter laugh here.* I wish...
Rumor:   Alexander Burgess is gay.
Opinion: And in other news water is wet!
Rumor: Desire will be played by someone who identifies as Genderfluid or nonbinary.
Opinion: This is very likely true.
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