#is there a way that I can change my firefox pocket recommendations so as to not see drivel again? please and thanks
About a week ago I read the stupidest opinion piece I have ever seen from a philosophy professor who I will fortunately never have the displeasure of actually meeting due to me being 1) out of college and 2) living in the midwest rather than the east coast.
One of the points he made in his article was claiming that in the Lord of the Rings, industrialization is bad because it's industrialization.
No! Industrialization in the Lord of the Rings is bad because it damages the environment, it's following the same lines as real-world industrialization (aka exploited factory workers who often suffered horrifying injuries, the OSHA laws written in blood, the triangle shirtwaist factory fire!), the control factory owners chose to exercise over their workers being everything but legal enslavement, and it's making everyone miserable for all of those reasons!
I don't know how anyone could read the chapters on Mordor, Isengard, and the Scouring of the Shire without taking away that Tolkien's message was partly environmentalist, partly that people deserve to be happy, that industrialization is bad because it's hurting everyone, not just destroying their way of life but making people miserable and leaving them to starve!
Anyways. I bet the professor citing the lord of the rings has never actually read the books and probably not even seen the movies because he puts out the sort of navel-gazing drivel that makes it obvious he thinks "frivolities" like fantasy are below him.
It's a good thing that I will likely never meet this guy, because I would throw hands with him in a McDonalds parking lot.
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Ok, so Firefox’s pocket suggestions have been trying to get me to read a list of “8 life-changing nonfiction books selected by top authors” and while I don’t really feel like reading that article, I think it could make a cool prompt. Nonfiction tends to have a rep for being dry or trite, but I think it can be powerful and engaging as well. I probably don’t have near enough followers to be doing a book rec post, but whatev, I like talking about books, we’re doing this.
Prompt: List 5-8 Life-Changing Nonfiction Books
In no particular order:
1. The Wisdom of Whores: Bureaucrats, Brothels, and the Business of AIDS by Elizabeth Pisani (2008)
This is probably the book I’m most scared to go back and read, because I suspect parts of it did not age well. I think she’s released an updated edition and I’m interested in revisiting that one. That said, as someone raised in a very conservative environment, this book completely revolutionized my thinking on harm reduction strategies like needle exchanges and free condoms from the cOnDONinG bAd beHaViOr bullshit I believed when I was younger to “oh look, a way to keep people alive and healthy”. She also had some eye opening comments on the “rescuing women from developing nation brothels” charities that were so popular in the 90s. I still think about the insights in this book often.
2. The Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Decline of America’s Man-Made Landscape by James Howard Kunstler (1993)
I don’t know if I can even describe how foundational this book was for me when I first read it in my early 20s. Kunstler describes the way cars have usurped human comfort in American architecture, land management, and city planning in meticulous detail. It made me look at my environment with new eyes, and appreciate alternatives I had barely even grasped, in spite of having traveled internationally. I don’t recall Kunstler’s book explicitly speaking to the disabled community’s concerns with anti-car rhetoric, which have gotten increasingly relevant over time. But I still highly recommend the book as an excellent introduction for USians interested in improving our lived environment and anyone else who wants to know What The Hell Happened With The US And Cars.
3. Ratio: The Simple Codes Behind the Craft of Everyday Cooking by Michael Ruhlman (2009)
I’ve never been an intuitive cook: the kind of person who can look in the cupboard and throw together a dish based on what I can see. I actually started out baking almost exclusively, because the precision of baking recipes helped keep me from going astray. Ruhlman’s book was the first to help me crack the cooking code. Ironically, I’ve made very few of his recipes, which tend to have an overly fussy, professional chef ring to them. But learning about the basic ratios and techniques that went into popular western dishes helped me start to understand how cooking worked. It’s been 10 years since I read Ruhlman’s book, and I still often cook with a recipe. But sometimes I don’t. And his book is part of the reason why.
4. My Lesbian Experience With Loneliness by Nagata Kabi (2009)
I’m sure this one isn’t new to a tumblr audience, but it deserves its excellent reputation. This graphic memoir is hard to quantify accurately. It is, of course, an important work on the experience of being queer in Japan. But it’s also a searching, thoughtful, and sometimes brutal examination of the self, a coming of age story that is unsentimental but insightful and, I think, ultimately hopeful. I bought the book several years after it came out, at a time when I personally felt like a failure and a disappointment to my parents, and devoured it and felt less alone. Highly recommend to everyone, regardless of sexual orientation. (Note that it does at one point describe the author’s eating disorder.)
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5. Too Much and Not the Mood by Durga Chew-Bose (2017)
This book revolutionized the way I thought about personal essays. This is not “I had a mildly risqu�� experience as a young white middle class cis woman which I will now recount to you for money.” Nor is it really my much-beloved genre of creative nonfiction that combines rapturous descriptions of the taste and scent of peaches with rigorously researched discursions on the history of the state of Georgia. No, this is a creative explosion, raining color and candy, flashing by your face too quickly to be fully registered but delightful all the same. Chew-Bose writes stream of consciousness, but one loaded with sharply observed images and quicksilver thoughts, tangents to tangents to tangents, some circling back and some not, personal memory and constant cascades of cultural commentary threading together into universal but deeply personal tapestries. If you have any taste at all for either essays or virtuoso writing you MUST read this book.
I think that’s a good stopping point for me. Curious to see if anyone else does this prompt and if so, what they pick.
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sirjustice232-blog · 4 years
Got to know dude
Dear mama please we give you that name to keep ya head up high that we mind ya, Dont allow any1 with a grenade down the now spring in the bush at Bar Kalare or defecate or urinate on it as we use it even in cosmetics, facial wash and cleanser as scrubs to do the same purpose described in the tumblr a/c sirjustice199. That water built Kansas City, MO with its environs dude. Keep an eye on it dude thats why many who live their where brought from the USA 4 the same purpose bro, the like of Delan and Kebi.
The already dug holes leading to the below of the earth should be Gazetted and camera placed to capture all that happens around such fissures as the videos placed like in computer 24/7, 365 for the public to see or witness. Some people go as eating in peoples houses to get the last glimpse of such people character to act as a precedent to be with them later in good life or not and some are even chased 4 the same, so they write 4 the public to know, so don’t rush to criticize the same, as that can save them out of hell fire as question that day will be, if u want us to acquit y of hell fire, then, well, what did you do to others, Please give us your account in detail. Wait until the people who lived with me to die to give u my helping hand a/c as they fear to be in hell fire immediately rather be in custody dude
Russians love free things from people,in that if that friend has became sturbon to offer the same, they resort,kinda, walking with him to reach out to his pocket if he can realize,if u can they can kill ya if u still wanna be with them and not offering the same offer u did previously, so u disassociate with them as even u can leave them in ya house and if u got a pretty wife they long to do the same to her to find out if they are still accepted to survive which if all Lupe holes blocked, kinda, they wish the ground to break and swallow them alive as the Luo got that character so in times futurity benefit from Russians or claim that pride if the Russian people win to get respect which now aint the case as seen dude, better change ya tactics dude
Guyana and Filipino people knows well their ears aint the same and are not ashamed, still want to 1st and geared towards hard work as opposed to the Luo tribe, change dude or change will change ya, they don’t claim other tribes being them. Accept ya self dude as well as those fellows with gap between their teeth, accept ya tools and limitations don’t transfer such blames to others as u want only to say they are ya roots dude yet obvious not bro
Clinton Ave Building structures in Minneapolis link below
The casket or Coffin that can be carried on handle without breaking as this elevates a certain spirit as calm u down as shows respect to the dead rather than that they are just maridadi and casket carried from below to signify short-coming can be made this way, Metallic hard plate or mesh, placed bellow the bedding/ casing the corpse rest on with protruding end to the casket holders name above, with that in mind if u carry the coffin the metallic plates a above hold the dead man weight as it carries the corpse not the wooden casket if it so cause now we got metallic. Dude hard to explain but u got it now as in the link below
Now as Russia behaves as described above, their land is poor or not or just character. Take heed dude maybe they want to hear that bro.
The coolers made in parts like in Coleman industries of Ohio situated like in Wichita, KS, Can be made not in parts in the boom process where u place maize seed or cob or its photo or part of broken 1 and boom the cooler made eradicating that sector in the company rendering employee jobless as those who can talk to the devil having the day as increase cooler makers reducing the price which is a blessing in disguise. When the above is fathomed you see in mental picture white men carrying the same as hawker selling such as that is the way 4ward to cement de truth the rich also cries as their dubious deals all blocked as selling drugs with people knowing how such are made. In fact now even cutting grass or washing dishes aint a black mans job but Mr white not as previously regarded menial job
China now make improved many light inside the normal bulb that can take upto 5-10 years in lighting without getting burnt up, to thwart the moves of many wanting large population championing many kids to increase the number of household to buy such to get much profits like with Rusia. So if in ten years yearly u, used like 4 bulbs on 1 bulb holder and maybe ya house got 6 such image the reduction in profitability if u will not replace that bulb 4 the above stipulated time meaning thwarted above moves of like wanting early marriages and high population 4 the same like in the link below
The below in the link as well are made artificially in the way described below to be sold to company as harvest making those dubious farmers reap huge dude and with sugar cane, they shower the cane with muddy water to bring home reality they were harvested, reasons why many aspires to be in those nations and stick in power, so the bottleneck is bar private farmers of cane, sisal and tea or coffee from growing such to stop that illicit behavior above.
With the well elaborate explanation below of how countries dubious activities are finished or economies dwarfed, kinda, to remind ya of reality, u came to see a black shadow enveloping 1 nation from another as being painted black, to signal the black horse in the book or revelation as those nations the shade pass are disadvantages in 1 way or the other as explained in tumblr a/c sirjustice199. Got to believe it dude as per the doubting Thomases as in the link below
Moses was placed in River Arkansas in Wichita KS, back then that housed the Pharaoh dynasty. Belive it or not dude, the above is a reminder.
The Children/kids building that houses the hell fire is located on Chicago Ave, Sheep and goat parable another version to take ya home or Christ with little children as in the link below
Hole of Babylon was not tower of Babylon, as no tower can go past 400, 000 km that rockets get to but still no God seen so how with any building that cant go past 1 KM lest collapse b4 reaching that height dude as described in the above tumblr a/c is off the evergreen residence just next to the road bridge the crosses the railway line where, kinda,if u look down turn/twist ya head dude. Visit Minneapolis 4 the same to stop reproaches dude as in the link below
Christ on the cross after death, signaling us of the same, by looking down as looking at that hole, was in the middle to signify Minneapolis as police arrests people. The pole he hanged on gone down to hold him up to foster reality as women shouted release Barnabas as sex in the twin cities and Wichita is sweet as he was looking chini as down. Lazarus and Rich-man was at bar kalare along time but with not that name at that time.  Plane uses gas as well it tells us, boxes cut like Rhombus place in hay, dough in the boom process make bases and more etc
With ya less eating and monitoring folks like what have u come out with as can help masses or save the world that u want people to emulate ya, bul-shit go to hell dude, with me as in sirjustice199 tumblr a/c i have told the world how gadgets are made, Medication and more and checking on the net the same practical machines and food as well as artificial drugs have been made. Go to hell u of little mind with no-sense. If u stay a way from others kids is when ya mind opens, so the white man knows the same to incite the local to do the reverse to ya.
Now their is no threat dude, we have known how to make gadgets, foods or medicine as placed above, so though we destroy the earth race the world will still move cause now even hard labour would not be around as machines replaces such but ignited fire when u contemplate the same to remind ya of the Minneapolis saga dude. Mary of ya own race or tribe to avoid the same as we give not hoot now ends as u r reminded of reality dude.
I would that I could be with you phrase to tell ya, Money gotten off 2goinvoice kills if u play mean as not generous with people and withdraw much out of it, is just about to keep ya going as i destroys ya body and takes ya to hell if you do practice its safeness described above
After stepping up ya 1-6 volts from the starter comp rotating magnet inside rotated by cooker timer to give ya like 30 volts then use again the step up transformer in the link below to step it up to 120-240 to be used in ya household or business premise, make such below and place inside ya electric gadgets like TV sets, Stereo, blenders, computers or using a technician as i have lost link to such already inscribed inside elcetronics etc
Mlk Daughter speech, ask her of the same cause i aint Mlk which u now force
yesterday I missed ya trap of being cut, 2day i dont know what it holds 4 me, lets wait and see dude, wanting peoples food,  my tumblr a/c sirjustice199, how machines parts made, Robinson and Putin trap
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sxlverswan · 6 years
♡ sparrow’s recommended resources
Hi, everyone. Here’s a roundup of tools and other resources I use when writing, plus a few more complementary recommendations. I thought my mutuals might appreciate these! Feel free to bookmark or reblog this post.
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on the laptop
Grammarly → A grammar checker that works in real time, available as an extension for Chrome. While you draft or use an online editor, Grammarly reads your text and searches for grammar mistakes. Just look at the bottom left corner of your workspace and check the Grammarly bubble. If no typos are found, it stays green. If there are mistakes, it becomes red. Clicking on this bubble directs you to extra features available in premium, but Grammarly underlines in red words it cannot comprehend so you can spot typos with ease. It cannot tell context, so it might point out things that are not mistakes, but since I use it, I don’t have to spend so much time revising what I write and that’s a fact.
Noisli  → A distraction-free writing environment that includes a pomodoro technique extension for Chrome. On the website, you can create combos of natural sounds and control their intensity; on the extension, you can set a timer to your combos. To me, the one con with this editor has to do with the colourful background. It’s in constant change, moving to the next colour in a fade that can be paused, but which is still tiring to the eyes. However, Noisli compensates with a great pro my former editor didn’t have — it performs auto-saves, meaning you won’t lose your writing even if your computer (or the draft saving) has a mishap. You can even log off for the day and continue working on your text the next.
Post archiver, part of the New XKit → I’ve started using this extension in XKit just now but already couldn’t be happier it exists. Once you refresh, you can save posts directly from the dash to an archive where you can even keep posts categorised. For rp purposes, it seems to me this is a better alternative to using likes for bookmarking or cluttering your drafts with the same purpose in mind. This way, you can have a fictional location for all those posts you haven’t gotten to yet.
SessionBox → An essential Chrome extension if, like me, you have several accounts to switch between. Instead of having to log out/login every time, you can store your login data in different sessions and open them from the extension button. Meaning? You can open multiple dashboards at the same time and navigate between them as tabs. Fair warning, though — unless you want to pay for the premium version, keep a backup of your data elsewhere. It has happened to me a couple of times, opening Chrome after a bad shut down, and finding my SessionBox data lost! Only premium users can easily recover their data. But this is still a great extension!
Stylish + UserStyles → A library of CSS that overrides the official choices from a number of websites. I use it exclusively for Tumblr and started out with this light theme, which makes scrolling the blue bearable. Recently, I made this one overlap with it. Lastly, because I, as a graphic-maker, also suffered with the sizing changes Tumblr made a couple of years ago, I also use this style to restore things to their glorious normality.
Word Counter Plus → An extension for Chrome that provides you with some helpful stats if you like to control how much you write. Highlight the text you want to check, right-click it and choose the extension for word count, character count, average word length and longest word length. (Mine’s 17. Gotta learn bigger words!)
on the go
Monospace → A clean writing editor for your phone/tablet. Rather than folders, Monospace uses a hashtag system to organise your drabbles. These can be nested, too, meaning you can categorise in different ways. With the free version, you can choose between a dark and a light theme and export your text as plain or markdown to other apps. With the pro version, you can also synchronise with Drive. I use the pro version but honestly, little is gained from it, as you can still format your text in the free version and bypass the synch by going the long export route.
MultipleAccounts → An app that allows you to open a secondary login to an app you have installed. In other words, you can the official app with one account and emulate it with MultipleAccounts to use another one at the same time. The success of this app depends on what app you wish to emulate but Tumblr’s given me no trouble yet. This parallel account takes a couple of seconds to load but a worse con is the fact notifications might get delayed or not work (when compared to the official Tumblr app). Still a nicer way to browse another dash than using the browser.
Tide → A mindfulness app that includes a background natural sounds inserted in a pomodoro technique. I’m a fan of these productivity tools, in case you haven’t noticed.
other utilities
Export Layers to Files → A Photoshop script that saves layers as files for you, faster and with more quality than the inbuilt option. It’s the fastest way to save icons! I used it only a couple of times, so I don’t remember how, but there’s a way for you to save your icons with a colouring instead of them being plain.
OneTab → An extension for Chrome (and Firefox) that keeps a multitude of tabs a click away. It’s even more useful if you find yourself opening the same websites every time you start your browser. Open your websites of always and hit the extension button. The tabs will be stored in a list which can be restored individually or at once. This list can be locked so you can restore the same list every day! Several lists can be stored and locked, which is useful if you’re in the process of doing some extensive research to help in your writing.
Pocket → Pocket’s available for both the desktop and mobile, which is why it appears in this section of the list. As the name suggests, it works as a virtual folder (or pocket) where you store articles, thought for those who want to read previously saved news on the go. Articles you save to pocket can be tagged, recommended or archived and appear in a standardised way. I use mine to store scientific articles rather than as a companion to writing, but it can be used as a library for topics you’re working on. It includes an extension so you can easily add a wepage to your Pocket.
RPThreadTracker → Everyone already knows and uses this tool but I couldn’t leave it out. I admit I do not rely on it as much as my friends do because I prefer to keep a manual track of the replies or starters I owe but this is a personal preference that doesn’t take any merit off the RPThreadTracker. The name is pretty much self-explanatory. In an environment similar to a WP dashboard, you can curate a list of rp threads, quickly see if there are new replies from your partners and more.
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loadingjp597 · 3 years
Maemo For Mac
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Memo For Management
Memo For Mac
Maemo For Mac Os
Maemo For Macbook Air
Memo For Microsoft Word
IMO for Mac pc: With the help of IMO for Mac we can able to stay connected with our friends, Imo families and relations no matter whatever may be the distance IMO for Mac pc is not just a social app by which we can send a message to the people worth to us. This is a TECHNOLOGY PREVIEW of a new development tool for Maemo. MADDE stands for Maemo Application Development and Debugging Environment and offers the following features: Command-line cross-compiling Multi-platform support (Linux (32-bit/64-bit), Windows, Mac OS X) Configurable for different targets & toolchains. Maemo Community e.V. Invitation to the General Assembly 01/2015 Nomination period closed for Q4 2014 council election Announcement of the Q4 2014 Community Council election. GPE is a suite of applications that was ported to Maemo. Search for GPE in the downloads section for your version of Maemo. (You'll probably want GPE Calendar, GPE Contacts, gpesyncd to start with.) These are standalone applications, there's no integration with the Maemo address book. You'll not find data from GPE in the Mail client or Chat.
Thank you for using our software library. Use the link below and download Maemo Flasher legally from the developer's site.
We wish to warn you that since Maemo Flasher files are downloaded from an external source, FDM Lib bears no responsibility for the safety of such downloads. We recommend checking your downloads with an antivirus. FDM Lib shall include an option for direct download from developers, should it become available in the future.
Often downloaded with
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Flash Media PlayerFlash Media Player is a handy flash tool kit designed as Macromedia flash...DOWNLOAD
Flash JoinerFlash Joiner provides a new way to create your SWF easily. You can merge...$39.95DOWNLOAD
Flash SecurerFlash Securer is program which will allow you to carry your sensitive documents...DOWNLOAD
Flash WiperMany people believe formatting the drive or deleting the file will complete...$19.95DOWNLOAD
iWisoft Flash SWF to Video Converter
Editors & Converters
The Nokia 770, N800 andN810are 'Internet Tablets'running Maemo: a handheld Linux distribution based on Debian.
Although there is acommand line flasher availablefor Mac OS X from Maemo, there's no officialGUI interface for it. This has been written usingPlatypus and CocoaDialog and is, of course,supplied with no warranty.
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This is not affiliated with Nokia and so if your machine turns into amongoose and starts dancing ballet, don'tblame me. Or blame me, but don't complain - or, more importantly, sue.
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Download the latestNokia image (large file ending in .bin, for exampleNokia_770_0.2005.45-8.bin) and either selectthis file when prompted by 770Flasher, or just drag the file on to the770Flasher icon.
770Flasher-2.0.dmg(Mac OS X disk image, 361K, requires 10.3 or above)
tablet-encode (aka 770-encode)
770-encode has now been renamed tablet-encodeand moved to a larger project called mediautils.
Due to the unreliability of garage.maemo.org, there is a mirror here:
mediaserv is a project which allows you to convert, on-the-fly,video from a Linux, Unix or Mac OS X box and watch it on your Nokia InternetTablet. It even integrates with VideoCenter.
Like tablet-encode, this is part of mediautils.
Due to the unreliability of garage.maemo.org, there is a mirror here:
mediaserv.tar.gz(Perl tarball, v0.05, 29K)
MUD is anauto-builder, designed to make it easier for people to port, in a simple andmaintainable fashion, software to Maemo; customising the resulting packages toMaemo's subtle requirements.
More info can be found on its Garage page.
Wikipedia is anexcellent online resource and tied with a network connection through aNokia 770 is almost equivalent to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.Although not yet available offline for Maemo, it is possible to enhanceWikipedia to make it look better on the 770's screen.
The default skin contains a long left-hand column, however by creatingan account with Wikipedia (which is free), you can change the 'skin'to one more suited to a device such as the 770.
Default style
'MySkin' style
Create an account on Wikipedia.
Go to the URL, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:YourUserName/myskin.css.='detail'>
Paste the code below into the text area andclick Save:
/* <pre><nowiki>*/ @import url('http://www.bleb.org/software/maemo/wikipedia/myskin.css'); /* </nowiki></pre> */
Go to your Preferences page and selectthe Skin category.
Select MySkin and click Save.
Under development
I've currently got the following under development. For each there is a short description and links to screenshots and photos. If you have any questions on them, please don't hesitate to contact me. Updates will be provided in my diary.
Better Maemo planet layout
I don't like the new MaemoPlanet that much. I've developed a user style for Firefox to turnit into this.
Acorn Archimedes emulator, allowing RISC OS to be run on an ARM device inyour pocket. [1], [2],[photo 1], [photo 2].
A lightweight open source web browser, for when Opera is deciding to betempremental. [1], [2], [3], [photo].
A scientific calculator. No screenshots available, but a straight-forward port of a Glade application.
Following on from Alexander Lash's work porting JamVM/Classpath/Jikesto Maemo, I've some thoughts on auto-Hildonisation of Javaapplications which could help make Java a suitable high-level language forMaemo application development.
Older stuff
Sylpheed is a full-featured email client: supporting POP3,IMAP, SSL and everything else you'd expect. The full feature list can beseen at the Sylpheed homepage.
This is a port and Hildonisation of Sylpheed to integrate it as a properMaemo application. It's not finished, and so should be viewedas an alpha-release. You may be better off using Claws or (even better, hopefully)Modest.
Known bugs
Not all windows are Hildonised yet (that is, many have menubars ratherthan pop-up menus, and so on).
Fix dependencies on N800 to avoid start-up problem (see this solution in the mean time).
Full-screen button doesn't work.
Some windows appear too small, others too big.
Select from middle of direction pad should open message in proper viewwindow.
Problems with (some?) LDAP servers.
No GPG support as yet.
Address book functionality removed due to a bug.
Built-in FAQ, manual and support for non-English languages removed forspace reasons.
sylpheed.deb(Maemo v2 package, v2.2.0rc-3, 511K)
Rebuilding from source
If the binary above whets your appetite for Maemo development,and you want to help with this port, the Maemo port is being maintained in aSubversion repository.
Username/password: guest/guest.[Browse the source]
Synchronisation and backup using rsync & make
Please note this has not been updated for 2006 OS,instead I prefer bind-mounts, however it is easily customisable.
The built-in backup/restore tool doesn't backup all yourdevice's configuration or installed applications. This script (aMakefile)meets those requirements and allows for maintaining patched parts of the rootfilesystem across firmware upgrades.
Requires rsync and SSH (on both 770 & hostcomputer) and make on the host.
Memo For Management
To 'install' the script:
Create a new, empty directory, on a Unix-like box (e.g. Mac OS X,Linux, *BSD, Windows with cygwin) and ensure you have rsync, make and SSHinstalled.
Download Makefile.770sync and move it to thenew directory, named Makefile.
Modify the line beginning REMOTE_DEVICE topoint to your 770. For example, my 770 has a fixed IP, I have root accesson it (by enablingR&D mode) and Dropbear is running on port 22 (the default), thereforethe line in my local copy says:
There are three 'targets' which can be executed to act onyour device. To execute them, run the following command:
Memo For Mac
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make target
Push changes in the local copy to the remote device. This is effectivelya restore from a backup, if pull has been previously run.
Pull changes from the remote device to your local copy. Effectivelyperforming a backup.
Similar to push but doesn't use rsync. This is useful when yourdevice has just been reflashed and is missing any software. By just installingand starting SSH, thistarget can be used to restore your documents, changes and applications (suchas rsync). An article on dillernet.com,Recovering From A Firmware Flash, has some techniqueswhich may also help in this regard (specifically scripts to install theneeded packages & SSH keys from the MMC card).
Since bootstrap will generally be required when reflashing andbefore SSH is running as root; SSH may well be listening on port 2222 (ifstarted by an unprivileged user), rather than port 22. Therefore, you canoverride the REMOTE_DEVICE variable:
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make [email protected]:2222/ bootstrap
Note: in this example, as the SSH server was started as anormal user, it would not be possible to restore symlinks in /etc.
One common requirement when SSH is installed is startingit automatically when your device is turned on. This is easily done bycreating a symlink, as described in the InstallSsh document in the wiki.
Unfortunately, when you reflash your device, this symlink will be lost.However, by using the script you can ensure that this (and similar changes)are put back on the device when you restore:
$ mkdir ~/770-sync $ cd ~/770-sync $ wget http://bleb.org/software/maemo/Makefile.770sync $ mv Makefile.770sync Makefile $ mkdir -p etc/rc2.d $ ln -s /var/lib/install/etc/init.d/dropbear-server etc/rc2.d/S99dropbear-server $ make push
As you can see, the local 770-sync directorycontains a copy of any changes you've made to the file system. In addition,the user's home directory, the configuration and the installed applications are pulled back on a pull operation.
Citrix ICA client
The below screenshots show that theCitrixARM Linux client can be got to run on a Nokia 770, although it iscurrently much use: the virtual keyboard is tied to onboard GTK+applications. A USB keyboard, or a Bluetooth keyboard using kbddshould work, however.
The Citrix install file won't work with busybox's 'expr' implementation andwithout 'cpio'. The application itself requires a few extra debs (whichfortunately Debian/ARM can provide):
Maemo For Mac Os
Unfortunately, with the advent of 2006 OS and the use of EABI, older ARMLinux binaries will no longer work on the 770 without recompilation. Therefore,unless Citrix recompile and provide new binaries, or an open source clientis made available, Citrix is not easily possible on a modernMaemo device.
Maemo For Macbook Air
Memo For Microsoft Word
These ports were for the 2005 OS, and have now been removed.mud-builder isa project which aims to simplify simple ports like thesein future.
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0 notes
cdevroe · 3 years
The best of 2020 as told by me
I didn’t want to get too deep into 2021 before I compiled my best of list for 2020. I usually begin to compile this list somewhere near the beginning of December and publish it before the new year starts – but I didn’t get that chance this year.
The most difficult part about making this list each year is the fear of leaving some one or some thing out. I compile it based solely on memory. Maybe for 2021 I’ll keep a running file of things that delight me and review that near the end of the year. Perhaps I’ll simply pull from my links that I publish here somewhat weekly. I think it is time for a change to this format. But, for now, here is this years totally random pulled from memory list.
You can review other years I’ve made similar lists in 2008, 2009, 2017, 2018, 2019.
Best Blog: Kottke.org
I’ve been subscribed to Jason’s blog for decades. Kottke.org made last year’s best blog runners up list. And it should likely be in that list in perpetuity. I’m giving Kottke.org the award this year because of how many times I linked to it from my blog and the amount of content I enjoyed on it in 2020.
Runners up: Julia Evans, Ton Zijlstra, Dan Mall (I like what he’s doing with his week notes)
Best (new to me) Blog: All film photography blogs.
Rather than a single winner in this category this year I’m going to highlight the dozens of film photography blogs that I subscribed to this year and have gleaned a lot of insight and enjoyment from. I would like even more (especially those covering the darkroom) so if you have suggestions please send them my way.
Best Twitter account: @pinot
The amount of content Pinot W. Ichwandardi puts out on Twitter is really amazing. He takes older tech and makes contemporary art with them. Some things seem like an incredible amount of work. What a fun account to follow!
Runners up: @3eyedmonster, @FlakPhoto, @cabel.
Best place: Home
We bought a house this summer. And we’ve really enjoyed being here. We’ve done a lot of renovations and yard work already with more planned for this year. I’m very grateful we found this place during such a hard time.
Runners up: The only places we went this year; Georgia, Virginia, and the Finger Lakes.
Best book: Contact by Carl Sagan.
I liked the movie. In fact, I watch it at least once or twice a year. But I hadn’t read the book until this year and I’m glad I did. My new computer is now named The Machine as a result. I think I’ll read it again in a year or so.
I read at least 6 or 7 photography-related books this year and perused about a dozen more. So this kept me from my now not-so-normal reading schedule. I’m hoping to pick up the pace a bit in 2021 but, like I said last year, I’m not going to beat myself up about it.
Runners up: Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline.
Best hardware: Canon AE-1 Program from 1984.
Last year I noted that a film camera would likely be the winner this year and I was right. While I’ve been able to shoot with a wide variety of cameras this year the Canon AE-1 Program has stood out as the most fun to use. It was also a gift from my brother-in-law who bought it new in 1984 and kept it in very good shape. I’m thankful for his generosity as I hope to have this camera for many years to come.
Next year I hope to list a medium format camera that shoots 6×4.5 but I don’t own one yet.
Runners up: The Canon Rebel G (a very inexpensive and solid film camera), and my Beseler enlarger that I’ve been making many of my prints from.
Best desktop app: NetNewswire.
I use this app almost every weekday to keep up with all of my interests. It is a fantastic break from the pall felt within social media apps.
Runners up: Silverfast 8, Simplenote (still hanging in as my go to note taking app despite so many incumbents), Zoom (unsure how I can’t mention this app this year), 1Password (for the Apple Watch integration).
Best mobile app: Untappd
I mentioned Untappd in September. I’ve had the app installed for years and didn’t really lean into utilizing it until a few years ago. I’m very happy that I have. The more you use the app the more useful it is to you. But it also has several features that you need to remember to use in certain circumstances. If you’re into beer, and even moreso if you have specific tastes, I highly recommend investing the time to using the app.
Runners up: Pocket Casts, Chess, Flickr, Walmart (for curb side pickup).
Best podcast: The Large Format Photography Podcast
I’ve learned a lot from LFPP. It is laid back and my style. I also help manage the Flickr Group.
Runners up: Vision Slightly Blurred, All Through A Lens, ATP (I’ve listened to more episodes this year than previous years).
Best browser: Safari
Firefox has won this award multiple years but this year I’ve switched to Safari. I’m giving it this award based on the fact that it is more of a Mac app than Firefox, it is fast, and it keeps your privacy as its main priority. I do miss Containers however. I don’t know what the future of Firefox looks like but I’m thinking 2021-2023 will see massive changes at Mozilla.
Best YouTube channel: ScreenCrush
OK, hear me out on this one. I watched The Mandalorian on Friday mornings at around 6-6:30am. I believe Disney published them at midnight. By the time I was done watching the episode I was able to log onto YouTube and see the episode broken down, explained nearly frame-by-frame, with clips from old movies, past Star Wars films, etc. I still do not know how they did it so fast.
Runner up: The Dark Shed, Rolf Nylinder, Rainfall Projects, Nico’s Photography Show, ILFORD Photo, Borut Peterlin.
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deepspacestudy-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
You should probably be studying - but instead, you’re scrolling down tumblr. You let out a deep sigh of discontent. Studying is probably a good idea, but you have no motivation and it’s killing you inside.
So, here to help you out... I have created a guide to help you with software, websites and apps for all your studying needs! Software is listed by platform, then type, then A-Z with links to their websites. Please enjoy!
I’ve classified things by their platform, although some of them will have alternate options. I’ve put where you can use them in their descriptions. Just use the search tool in your browser to search for your OS or platform.
I’ve also added dollar signs next to the ones that cost something. If you have any suggestions, please send them to me in my askbox! :)
Blender - Oh, Blender. 3D modelling software that’s free to use. Windows, Mac, Linux.
FocusWriter - A desktop application that gives you a no-nonsense writing space. Linux, Windows, Mac. Note: App is totally free if you can’t afford to tip - just click the box that says “$5 tip” and change it to $0.00.
GIMP - A fair alternative to Photoshop. If you’re willing to search online for scripts, it can also do a lot of what Photoshop does natively. And with the cost of Adobe CC, this is definitely worth considering. Mac, Windows, Linux.
LibreOffice - Can’t afford Microsoft Office? Your school doesn’t provide it for you? LibreOffice is a good alternative - and totally opensource, and therefore free. Mac, Windows, Linux.
PomoDone - A pomodoro timer that takes your to-do lists from other sites and makes it easy to keep track of time. Mac, Windows, Linux, Web.
Forest - A timer tracker that blocks you from accessing certain apps (coughtumblrcough) for a certain amount of time. Basic functionality is free although if you want more there’s a small fee to upgrade. iOS, Android, Chrome, Firefox.
Pocketcasts - iOS users seem to have podcasts built in, but either way this is an amazing app for keeping track of your favourite podcasts. Android($), iOS($).
LeechBlock - Blocks time-wasting apps. Firefox.
Momentum - “Oh, Norah,” you say, “what are all those pretty apps with names and times that people use in their studyblr photos of their laptops?” “It’s Momentum, child,” I respond, and my voice is as smooth as the white, white writing paper below your hand. Chrome, optional $.
Pocket - A bookmarking tool that syncs between every device you have. If you save something on your phone, you’ll see it two minutes later in your browser. Useful as well due to its tagging tool. Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone. You want it? You got it.
StayFocusd - A timer tracker that stops you from accessing certain sites after you’ve had your specified allowance. Kicks your ass and makes you feel bad about it too. Chrome.
Convert Case - Site that converts UPPERCASE to lowercase, Sentence case to Title Case. Web.
Google Drive - The most useful thing to exist. Think Microsoft Office, but free, and all online. You can share documents, PowerPoints, Excel sheets, with friends/peers and see them being edited in realtime. Also has a free backup feature for all 8,000 of your photos. Web, Android, iOS.
Hemingway Writer - Site that shows you where your writing is wordy and too complicated. Useful, but flawed. Web, Mac ($), Windows ($).
Online Text Correction - Same vein to Hemingway Writer, but totally free. Web.
Prezi - Good ol’ fancy PowerPoint maker, without the need for PowerPoint. Web.
Realtime Board - A real time whiteboard, like Google Docs, to share ideas. Web.
Tomato Timer - A website to keep track of your pomodoro timing. Web.
Tomatoid - Website with login to keep track of pomodoro timing. Web.
Wolfram Alpha - Stuck on a maths problem? Want to see how to do the steps? Wolfram Alpha can help you out with that. Web.
Rubber Duck Debugging - A widely used site and technique. Highly recommended.
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ashlewis0-blog · 6 years
This started using its layout, that gives it terrific throughput. We improved upon load up periods having a streaming baseline compiler. With this particular, we put together policy much faster than it comes down on the group.
So what?s upcoming?
Our massive priorities is turning it into very easy to blend JS and Web design agency Miami Assembly. But work calls in between the two dialects haven?t for ages been quick. Actually, they?ve possessed a reputation for becoming slower, when i talked about around my initial sequence on WebAssembly.
That?s transforming, clearly.
Which means that on the hottest edition of Firefox Beta, requests among JS and WebAssembly are more rapidly than low-inlined JS to JS work calls. Hooray!
So these requests are rapidly in Firefox now. But, remember, I don?t would like to tell you just how these requests are quick. I would like to let you know that we designed them quickly. So let?s take a look at how you increased all of the kinds of cell phone calls in Firefox (and also by simply how much).
But first, let?s take a look at how motors do these telephone calls from the start. (And if you are already aware the way the engine handles function telephone calls, you can omit to your optimizations.)
Just How Can Functionality Phone calls WORK?
Characteristics are a big part of JavaScript computer code. A functionality are able to do a lot of issues, just like:
assign parameters that happen to be scoped towards the perform (named local variables)
use works which are developed-into the web browser, like Mathematics.arbitrary
call other capabilities you?ve outlined within your program code
come back a importance
But wait, how performs this in fact job? So how does writing this perform make the product do what you in fact want?
As I explained around my Web design agency Miami, the spoken languages that developers use???like JavaScript???are certainly different than the dialect the computer knows. To move the code, the JavaScript we download and install within the .js report has to be converted to the machine language which the unit comprehends.
Every internet browser features a built in translator. This translator is occasionally referred to as the JavaScript generator or JS runtime. Nonetheless, these engines now cope with WebAssembly as well, to ensure that lingo might be baffling. In this post, I?ll just consider it the engine.
Every single web browser has its own motor:
Chrome has V8
Safari has JavaScriptCore (JSC)
Side has Chakra
and then in Firefox, we have now SpiderMonkey
Despite the fact that each and every generator is special, lots of the common tips apply at every one of them.
In the event the browser comes across some JavaScript program code, it will flame up the motor to operate that program code. The generator would need to do the job its way through the policy, intending to the many functions that need to be named until eventually it grows to the conclusion.
I think of this just like a personality taking a pursuit within a videogame.
Let?s say we need to participate in Conway?s Bet on Lifestyle. The engine?s objective should be to provide this online game of Daily life board for us. But it surely turns out that it?s not simple?
Hence the motor should go above to another function. Although the up coming work will be sending the motor on much more quests by dialing far more functions.
The generator keeps possessing to go on these nested quests until it grows to a functionality that just presents it a result.
Then it can return to every single capabilities so it spoke to, in opposite sequence.
In the event the generator will certainly make this happen the right way???if it?s about to afford the proper factors to the correct work and also make its way all the way up back in the setting up perform???it must record some information.
It can this by using something referred to as stack body (or simply a contact body). It?s in essence much like a page of document having the disagreements to enter the purpose, suggests where return value ought to go, and even maintains track of many of the neighborhood parameters that this function results in.
The way it retains an eye on all these slides of document is getting them in a bunch. The move of document to the purpose that it is now working together with is on the top. As it coatings that quest, it tosses out of the slip of papers. Simply because it?s a pile, there?s a move of document underneath (which has now been unveiled by organizing away that old one). That?s where by we need to get back to.
This stack of frames is called the call stack.
The engine builds up this call pile mainly because it runs. As works are known as, support frames are added to the pile. As capabilities come back, picture frames are popped from the bunch. This retains happening till we get entirely back as well as have popped every little thing out of the stack.
So that?s the basic principles of how operate telephone calls do the job. Now, let?s look at what created work requests between JavaScript and WebAssembly slow, and talk about how we?ve created this speedier in Firefox.
With new operate in Firefox Nightly, we?ve improved phone calls in either recommendations???the two JavaScript to WebAssembly and WebAssembly to JavaScript. We?ve also built telephone calls from WebAssembly to made-ins much faster.
All of the optimizations that we?ve accomplished are about making the engine?s function less difficult. The upgrades fall under two groupings:
Lowering book keeping ?which usually means getting rid of needless work to set up bunch support frames
Getting rid of intermediaries???this means making the most strong direction somewhere between attributes
Let?s have a look at just where all of these emerged into engage in.
Maximizing WEBASSEMBLY » JAVASCRIPT Cell phone calls
When the engine is certainly going through your rule, it must manage capabilities that happen to be conversing two types of language?even in the event your code is perhaps all written in JavaScriptJavaScript.
Some of them?the ones that are going in the interpreter?have been converted into a little something called byte code. This is even closer to unit rule than JavaScript supplier rule, but it surely isn?t pretty unit code (as well as interpreter does the work). This really is really fast to perform, though not as fast as it can come to be.
Other attributes???those which are going to be referred to as a whole lot???are changed into unit program code instantly because of the just-in-time compiler (JIT). At this point, the code doesn?t function with the interpreter anymore.
So we have works speaking two spoken languages; byte policy and machine code.
I believe of them diverse functions which speak these various different languages to be on various continents in our videogame.
The generator requirements so that you can go forwards and backwards somewhere between these continents. However when it will this jump between the distinct continents, it needs to incorporate some information and facts, such as place it left from over the other continent (which it would want to return to). The engine also really wants to distinct the picture frames so it desires.
To organize its operate, the motor receives a directory and positions the data it needs due to the excursion in one pocket???by way of example, just where it joined the country from.
It is going to makes use of the other bank account to hold the bunch picture frames. That bank will increase when the generator accrues a growing number of pile support frames with this country.
Sidenote: if you?re appearing through the program code in SpiderMonkey, these ?folders? are classified as activations.
Each and every time it changes to a different country, the engine will start a whole new directory. The only problem is always that to start a file, it should go through C . And experiencing C provides major expense.
Here is the trampolining which i mentioned during my first sequence on WebAssembly.
Whenever you have to use one of them trampolines, you get rid of time.
Within our continent metaphor, it might be like having to accomplish a essential layover on Trampoline Issue for every single vacation between two continents.
Just how performed this make issues slow when you use WebAssembly?
If we 1st added in WebAssembly assist, we possessed a various kind of file for doing it. So though JIT-ed JavaScript code and WebAssembly computer code were definitely either gathered and talking product vocabulary, we cared for them as though they were communicating several spoken languages. We were treating them as though people were on different continents.
That was unnecessarily pricy into two means:
it generates an unwanted file, with all the set up and teardown expenses that come from that
it takes that trampolining by way of C (to generate the folder and do other set up)
We fixed this by generalizing the program code make use of precisely the same directory for both JIT-ed JavaScript and WebAssembly. It?s a lot like we forced the 2 main continents together, allowing it to be so you don?t should depart the country whatsoever.
Using this, cell phone calls from WebAssembly to JS have been almost as quickly as JS to JS calls.
We nevertheless possessed a tiny try to do to increase calls really going additional way, however.
Even though JIT-ed JavaScript and WebAssembly chat the same dialect, they may have different customs. They already have alternative methods of doing points.
Even in the case of JIT-ed JavaScript rule, the place JavaScript and WebAssembly are conversing exactly the same dialect, they however use different customs.
Such as, to handle active styles, JavaScript uses some thing referred to as boxing.
Because JavaScript doesn?t have specific styles, kinds really need to be figured out at runtime. The motor will keep an eye on the kinds of valuations by attaching a tag towards the benefit.
It?s like the JS engine get a carton all around this price. The package consists of that tag implying which type this appeal is. By way of example, the absolutely no at the conclusion would mean integer.
So as to figure out the sum of both of these integers, the system ought to eliminate that box. It gets rid of the package for a and then eliminates the box for b.
That contributes the unboxed figures jointly.
Then it must have to add that box back surrounding the benefits so the technique is familiar with the result?s form.
This turns what you be ready to be 1 operation into 4 operations? so in instances where you don?t have to box (like statically typed dialects) you don?t want to increase this over head.
Sidenote: JavaScript JITs can keep away from these supplemental boxing/unboxing business on many occasions, however in the the normal scenario, like perform requests, JS ought to drop returning to boxing.
Because of this , WebAssembly needs details to be unboxed, and why it doesn?t carton its go back beliefs. WebAssembly is statically typed, consequently it doesn?t have to add this over head. WebAssembly also needs values to generally be handed in at the specific location???in registers rather than the pile that JavaScript commonly utilizes.
If your motor takes a parameter which it have from JavaScript, packaged on the inside of a box, and provide it to some WebAssembly purpose, the WebAssembly purpose wouldn?t recognize how to utilize it.
So, just before it gives the parameters on the WebAssembly operate, the engine would need to unbox the figures and put them in registers.
To perform this, it will undergo C all over again. So even if we didn?t must trampoline by way of C to create the activation, we however essential to make it happen to prepare the beliefs (when planning from JS to WebAssembly).
Planning to this intermediary is a huge charge, particularly for some thing that?s not that complex. So it would be much better as we could slice the middleman out altogether.
That?s what we did. We required the policy that C was functioning???the entrance stub???and made it right callable from JIT program code. Whenever the motor will go from JavaScript to WebAssembly, the admittance stub un-cases the principles and spots them in just the right place. With this particular, we got rid of the C trampolining.
I think of this for a cheat sheet. The generator makes use of it in order that it doesn?t will need to go into the C . Alternatively, it may unbox the figures when it?s right there, moving relating to the dialing JavaScript work and also the WebAssembly callee.
Making sure that makes requests from JavaScript to WebAssembly quick.
But in some cases, we causes it to become even much faster. In reality, we could make these phone calls even speedier than JavaScript » JavaScript telephone calls more often than not.
If a JavaScript work cell phone calls an additional purpose, it doesn?t understand what the other function needs. Thus it defaults to getting items in bins.
But have you thought about once the JS functionality realizes that it is dialling a unique purpose with the exact same types of arguments each and every time? Then that getting in touch with work can know earlier the best way to bundle in the disagreements in how which the callee wishes them.
It is deemed an example of your standard JS JIT optimization often known as ?type specialization?. When a purpose is customized, it is aware of specifically what the functionality it truly is phoning expects. Therefore it may get ready the misunderstandings precisely how that other functionality wishes them? meaning that the generator doesn?t will need that cheat page and invest work on unboxing.
This specific contact???the place where you call the exact same functionality each and every time???is named a monomorphic contact. In JavaScript, for your get in touch with to always be monomorphic, it is advisable to get in touch with the functionality with the same kinds of disputes whenever. But mainly because WebAssembly features have specific styles, contacting rule doesn?t need to be concerned about whether the varieties are the identical???they are coerced around the way in.
Whenever you can create your code in order that JavaScript is obviously driving the identical sorts to your exact same WebAssembly exported work, after that your cell phone calls are going to be really quick. The truth is, these calls are faster than quite a few JavaScript to JavaScript calls.
Long term Job
There?s just one situation exactly where an improved contact from JavaScript » WebAssembly will not be faster than JavaScript » JavaScript. That could be when JavaScript has in-lined a function.
The standard strategy right behind in-coating is the fact once you have a purpose that requests the identical perform over and over again, you can actually take an even greater faster way. Rather then having the motor go away from to speak with that other purpose, the compiler can just copy that function in to the phoning purpose. This means that the generator doesn?t need to go anyplace???it could just relax in place and continue computers.
I think of this when the callee purpose teaching its abilities to the phoning functionality.
This is an search engine optimization that JavaScript engines make when a purpose is manage a lot???when it?s ?hot????and whenever the work it?s contacting is fairly tiny.
We are able to unquestionably add assist for in-cellular lining WebAssembly into JavaScript during the long term, and this really is a reason it?s awesome to have both of these dialects doing work in precisely the same engine. Because of this they can take advantage of the similar JIT backend as well as exact compiler intermediate reflection, so it?s possible to help them to interoperate in a way that wouldn?t be possible as long as they were separated all over unique engines.
Perfecting WEBASSEMBLY » BUILT-IN Purpose Requests
There seemed to be yet another kind of phone that has been reduced than it should be: when WebAssembly functions were definitely contacting created-ins.
Designed-ins are works the web browser provides, like Math concepts.arbitrary. It?s simple to overlook that i have listed characteristics which might be termed similar to any other work.
From time to time the developed-ins are applied in JavaScript themselves, whereby they are called self-sponsored. This could certainly get them to quicker since it implies that you don?t have to go through C : all aspects are just jogging in JavaScript. However, many features are simply speedier when they?re implemented in C .
Different motors sometimes make several selections about which made-ins should be developed in self-managed JavaScript and which should be developed in C . And engines normally use a mix of for both an individual built in.
During the circumstance wherein a built-in is developed in JavaScript, it is going to really benefit from all of the optimizations that many of us have brought up above. However, when that operate is printed in C , we are returning to needing to trampoline.
These features are called a lot, which means you do want phone calls in their eyes to be optimized. Making it more rapidly, we?ve put in a simple path distinct to built-ins. Any time you go a built-in into WebAssembly, the motor is aware that what you?ve handed it is amongst the constructed-ins, after which it is able to consider the speedy-way. This means you don?t will need to go by means of that trampoline that you really would certainly.
It?s kind of like we created a connection over to the built-in country. You can utilize that connect if you?re going from WebAssembly for the built in. (Sidenote: The JIT already have have optimizations for this case, though it?s not found during the drawing.)
Using this type of, telephone calls to those created-ins are a lot more rapidly compared to what they was previously.
Potential Job
Currently the only made-ins which we service this for are mainly confined to the arithmetic constructed-ins. That?s since WebAssembly currently just has support for integers and floats as price forms.
That works well for the mathematics capabilities because they work together with amounts, however it doesn?t exercise so well for other activities such as the DOM constructed-ins. So at this time when you like to get in touch with one of those works, you need to move through JavaScript. That?s what wasm-bindgen does for yourself.
But WebAssembly is to get far more adaptable kinds very soon. Experimental assist to the present proposal is definitely landed in Firefox Nighttime associated with the pref javascript.possibilities.wasm_gc. After these kinds happen to be in position, it is possible to contact these other constructed-ins straight from WebAssembly without needing to move through JS.
The facilities we?ve set up to enhance the Math concepts created-ins might be expanded to work for these other built-ins, as well. This can make sure a lot of made-ins are as fast as they might be.
But you can find two or three made-ins the place you have got to experience JavaScript. One example is, if all those constructed-ins are known as as if these folks were employing new or if they?re by using a getter or setter. These staying constructed-ins are going to be addressed together with the host-bindings proposition.
So that?s how we?ve manufactured requests in between JavaScript and WebAssembly rapid in Firefox, and you may anticipate other web browsers to undertake the exact same shortly.
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