#I feel like that’s modern cowboy Din
kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
I’m blaming my Cowboy discussions with @yeehaw-djarin @skeletoncowboys and okay…I know we’re all suckers for cowboy Din but I guess growing up in Texas I can’t help but think of modern cowboy Din??
like you met him in an accidental fender bender leaving the grocery store when you bump into his certified silver piece of shit car that still uses a cassette player and of course it doesn’t get a scratch on it you got the brunt of the accident
You see he has a baby boy in the car and you’re mortified, about to just brush it off when he decides to pay for all the damages, gives you his name and number and even offers to take your car to a specialist mechanic he knows
He’s gorgeous and you can’t deny that! It’s why even hours later when you get home you still can’t get over how handsome he looked in the plaid shirt and cowboy boots he was wearing, so when your best friends decide to play detective in the group chat after you told them what happened your world gets turned upside down when you see the photos of him in full blown cowboy attire
that’s when you learn he’s a very famous and very well known professional bull rider
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*These weren’t necessarily written and/or posted in June, but that’s when I read them 😊
(thanks for your patience with this y'all, i'm so sorry it took so long to post. working on getting july and august recs out as well ❤️)
🔥 - explicit/mature content
Star Wars
🔥For Your Entertainment (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Gardens of Babylon (Cowboy!Din Djarin x Cowgirl!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch (yes i'm rec-ing this again)
You Are in Love (Modern!Poe Dameron x Reader) - @alwritey-aphrodite (i will rec this every time i read a new chapter, try and stop meeee)
🔥Clandestine (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @the-little-ewok
🔥Good Morning (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @whirlybirbs
🔥favor (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Rookie Mistake (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @groguspicklejar
🔥Never Before (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Moon Knight
🔥Prized Possession (Marc Spector x Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥The Best Kept Secrets - Marc's Story (dbf!Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥Kisses on your lovers lap (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @sweetly-yours-and-mine
🔥Let Your Fingers to the Talking (Jake Lockley x F!Villain!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Spoiled Rotten (Marc Spector x Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
Sprite: Savior (Marc Spector x forest nymph oc Nikini) - @spacecowboyhotch
Bubble Bath (Marc Spector x Reader) - @shewhohangsoutincemeteries
Domestic Fluff (Steven Grant x Housewife!Reader) - @xbellaxcarolinax
Fluff and Kisses with Marc (Marc Spector x Reader) - @sweetly-yours-and-mine
Her Hair Reminds Me of a Warm, Safe Place (Marc Spector x Layla El-Faouly) - @romanarose
🔥Forever Bittersweet (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥Please (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse
🔥take it (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
🔥apology (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
🔥willing to give (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @graysonshaven
🔥take my breath (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @whatthefishh
🔥burrowed under my skin (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @dameronscopilot
🔥Cállate (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @xbellaxcarolinax
🔥Impatient (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction
🔥Little Bug (Yandere!Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Every You, Every Me (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @astroboots (i haven't finished this yet but i cannot recommend this fic enough)
🔥Soothe & Sleep (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
🔥Wandering Hands (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @loganlermanstanaccount
tousled, stubbled, tired (Miguel O'Hara x Reader) - @eyelessfaces
🔥Virgin!Miguel w/a huge cock and fucks both of u dumb (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @xbellaxcarolinax
🔥Take It All (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @romanarose
🔥Make Me A Liar (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @groguspicklejar
🔥coming home (Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Triple Frontier
Blurring Out (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
Being Will's Girl Would Include (Will Miller x F!Reader) - @missdictatorme
🔥Look What the Cat Dragged In (Santiago Garcia x F!Thief!Reader) - @missdictatorme
For Better, For Worse (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @bullet-prooflove
The Last of Us
To the Rescue (Pre-Outbreak!Joel x F!Reader) - @romanarose
Waffle House penance (Joel Miller x F!Reader) - @softlyspector
Sucker Punch
🔥Needy Little Thing (Blue Jones x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
The Two Faces of January
🔥The Oxford Comma Series (Rydal Keener x F!Reader) - @whatthefishh (will never stop rec-ing this fic ❤️)
Ex Machina
🔥heavenly praises (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @leoluved
🔥old fashioned (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @leoluved
🔥chase and pull (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @leoluved
🔥indulge me (Nathan Bateman x F!Reader) - @leoluved
Thank you to all the wonderful writers for sharing their stories with us 🥰❤️
*For more recs, please feel free to check out my fic rec tag.
**If you’d like to have your fic removed from the list, I completely understand, just let me know
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thefrogdalorian · 7 months
Hello there!
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Welcome to my blog! I'm Spud and I'm here for all things Mandalorian.
Thank you for stopping by this little corner of the internet, I hope you enjoy your time here and find some enjoyment from something I've posted!
Currently suffering from a severe case of Din Djarin brainrot, so I make Mandalorian edits and gifs and share my thoughts about Din Djarin to cope.
I also write: here's my masterlist and my AO3!
I'm currently posting a Din Djarin x Reader Modern AU longfic called The Best of Both Worlds which is a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy it if you check it out!
I'm autistic myself and that inspired my (ongoing?) Din Djarin x Neurodivergent Reader series, which I hope brings comfort should you ever need it 🩷
I love speaking to new people so please don't be shy! I made this blog to make friends and talk about The Mandalorian with people who love it just as much as me, so my inbox is always open if you'd like to chat!
I'm also very keen to make this blog a safe space which is welcoming to all fans, no matter your opinions! I know the Star Wars fandom can sometimes feel a little toxic and hostile, but I don't want this little space to feel like that. Respect my opinions and I'll definitely respect yours in return, even if we disagree!
If you enjoy my writing (I hope you do) then you can also request something through my ask here. No guarantees and I don't write some ships or anything explicit on request, but apart from that I'm open to giving most things a shot (As long as they're related to Mando)!
Finally, my blog is mostly SFW and any NSFW content is posted with the usual warnings. However, if you need anything specific tagging, please let me know!
Thank you for visiting my blog. Really hope at some point you'll interact with me and share in the love for our beloved space cowboy while we wait for the Mando movie! 🤍
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nerdieforpedro · 28 days
Nerdie! I should be getting ready to go into the office, but let's be honest. I'd rather ask you some of the emoji asks than go to work. This is way more interesting.
I also wanted to send you the entire list but I'm only going to send you four: 🍈, 🍍, 🍒, and 🍊. Four may be extra but in context, I'm showing some restraint.
Some restraint you say Em? 😆 My Blorbo? MY BLORBO?! There’s three favorite blorbos. 🫣 Don’t tell the other Pedro boys okay? Shhh 🤫
1. Dieter Bravo - he enjoys horrible jokes and puns, touches all the things and people, has his robe, is an artist and he doesn’t always do drugs. He’s sensitive and smarter than people think okay?! He’s the little grabby trash panda that can! 🦝 Dieter likes to roll with what his partner does in the bedroom but on occasion, he’ll take charge. He enjoys surprises in and out of the bedroom.
2. Frankie Morales - he’s usually a pilot, sometimes a mechanic. Always does something with his hands. Those hands they take machines and bodies apart. No longer in combat, as a civilian. Sometimes it’s on a car or plane that they pull things apart. Other times, it’s the body of his partner as he makes them call and cry for him. He also isn’t good with his words so he’s more about actions though it can get kinda muddled. Frankie can switch between being dominant or submissive depending on his partner’s needs. They’ll need to remind him of his own needs.
3. Din Djarin - Sometimes he’s modern, sometimes he’s canon with his beskar. Always kind behind his sighs and despite looking like he’s break everything, he’s gentle and feels deeply. He might be a bit neurotic. It bodes well for plans of attacks and escapes not so much for over-analyzing everything a partner says or does. He’ll always take care of any foundling or child in his care - no matter if it’s Grogu or someone else’s child. Din is a soft dom. I will die on this hill.
I don’t really have any AUs I hate. I’m not a fan of school AUs mainly because I never know what to write for them and they’re kids and I didn’t stay on campus for college so I don’t have a reference for that. I enjoy modern AUs - easy to write for. 🤣 I should try an actual AU, maybe fantasy since I had an idea for that with Din but nothing is written. Just bullet points and vibes.
My favorite character dynamic usually starts off as plutonic and then becomes romantic or is some sort of meet-cute. I do like when maybe the reader or Pedro boy has been watching the other for a bit, and then finally makes their move. Hehe! 😆 I could write plutonic but I feel like there’s plenty of that in the movies and shows so let me live out my twisted dreams 🤗
There’s two characters I want to write more for:
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I need to write more for Pero. Either canon, modern or in some other AU. I need to have more of this man on my masterlist being grumpy, growling, mutter Spanish at me the reader or OFC (we know I love my OFCs ok? I like names! 😁) his broad, curly haired self with a sword or soaking in a tub. 👀
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I also need to write more for Jack Daniels aka Agent Whiskey, aka, the only reason I would ever don cowboy boots. A stronger southern drawl than Joel in 200% more denim and 100% more ten gallon hat. I’m not sure where I would stick him except in between some thighs.
I hope I answered your questions and fruits throughly. ☺️
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 9 months
Once Upon A Time on the Razor Crest
Summary: You (Ann) are looking to escape a bad situation with the help of Marshall Vance and Fennec, only to find yourself as a farm hand on the Razor Crest Ranch.
A/N: Hello Lovelies,
I may have mentioned a while back that I had a surprise for all of you, well here it is. A new Djarin fic, a modern/sci-fi AU, with Western Din.
Who can't love Din Djarin as a cowboy? I mean? hello!
The story will be a set of series all combined to tell the story of the Razor Crest Ranch.
Due to the past history of the OC there will be discussions alluding to past domestic abuse, please note that as it could be a trigger for some.
Warnings: Hints of past trauma, discussions of death, pseudonym, I think that's it, if I miss any warnings please let me know.
AO3 Link |   Words: 1,414 |   Next
Main Master List   |  Once Upon a Time on the Razor Crest
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Yet, the land … sorry the ranch we were coming up to was breath taking, it backed on to two mountain ranges, in the distance. It looked like a happy place, almost idyllic in setting. If someone had told me, six years ago, my life would have changed so drastically from the fast, bustling, tall skyscrapers of Coruscant to this backwater, country ranch, I would’ve told them they were dreaming and full of crap. 
The road Marshall Vanth was driving on wasn't what I expected at all. The road was dusty and bumpy, and there were some glaringly obvious pot holes that he felt the need to go over. 
“You’ll like him” Cobb broke the silence that had filled his truck, “he may seem rough around the edges, but he’s a good man, just doesn’t like talking much. Or laughing. Or … well anyways, he’s a good man. Lost his wife a few years back, during childbirth, it was a really rough time, but her aunt Peli really stepped up and helped him out. His kid’s name is Grogu, good kid. Sweet kid. But definitely takes after him, in the silent department, but he’s been coming more and more out of his shell since he started attending school.”
“I see” I nodded as I listened to the information he had to provide. At least he had a very nice and soothing voice, however it didn’t seem to help the nervousness that was slowly etching it’s way into my system, as it grew with each passing minute. I clenched my hands against my knee, no one had mentioned anything about a kid, they told me this was just a ranch hand type of job, “How old?”
“Umm … let’s see” Cobb rested his elbow on his door as his forefinger trailed against his bottom lip, “Well she died … it’s … yeah … five or six, yeah around six years old.”
A huge tension released itself at hearing that, thank goodness it wasn’t a baby or a two year-old, I didn’t need any more reminders of the hell that had been my previous life, “Oh, so a young guy, kindergarten or Grade 1?”
“Yeah, somewhere around there, but like I said sweet kid” Cobb turned to look at his passenger, “listen if you don’t feel comfortable in anyway shape or form, give me a call and I’ll pick you up, Fennec and I can figure out some other plan. But you should know this guy … well he’s the kind of guy you want on your side.”
“If he considers you a friend or family, or if he respects you, he’ll fight tooth and nail for you. You can ask the next rancher down the way, Boba Fett, he’s had Din help him out a number of times.”
I simply nodded, trying to take in everything I could about the ranch that was drawing closer, the house was nice, a simple two-storey ranch home with a wrap around porch. There was a porch swing by the main door, a lovely blanket and several pillows draped across it. It strangely looked warm and inviting and yet gave the feeling that you were not welcomed.  
Behind the ranch, a water tower loomed from behind the roof, it looked well maintained despite adding to the menacing feel of the ranch. “Hmmm”
“Oh nothing, I just really thought water towers were a thing of the past.”
“He’s a man who likes to be well prepared.”
Somehow knowing that little bit extra, made the ranch seem more welcoming, not a lot but a little. Like maybe five percent more welcoming. Okay, one. 
My eyes shifted from the ranch to the barn standing at the end of the road, the shingles looked newly replaced, however it definitely needed a paint job but looked functioning and not at all creepy like in some of those horror vids people were so fond of.
“You can’t see it from the road, but behind the house, there’s a lovely garden that Camilla planted and cultivated. She loved plants, flowers, herbs, in fact she planted lots of fresh herbs that she used for medicinal purposes. Something her grandmother taught her. I think. Maybe a great aunt. Either way, he's made an effort to keep it going strong. People from all around used to come to see her for medicinal help, since there’s only doctor in town, and he lives on the other end of the way. There's still a few who come and collect what they need but it's… yeah it's not the same. 
Anyway, there's also a lemon tree, various fruits and vegetables in general. When there’s an abundance, usually he’ll take a portion give to the elderly ones and the orphanage, and the rest whatever he doesn’t use he’ll sell, that’s what that stand was back at the entrance of the driveway” Vance motioned over his shoulder. “Well at least it's supposed to be for that, more often than not he just gives them away.” 
Cobb kept talking, sometimes having another person fill the silence helped ease the uneasiness I was feeling “He has two horses, a mare and a stallion, the hope is to have a foul by next spring, but who knows. Their names are Taika and Misty, he also has a nerf named Bessie. A nuna coop, with about 10 to 15 nunas, if none of the wolves got them.”
I turned my head to look at Cobb, shock written all over my face, “Wolves? I’m sorry did you say wolves?”
“Well yeah, we’re in Aq Vetina, and you’re pretty far out in the backcountry here, there are wolves.” Cobb let out a laugh, “Don’t worry, he’s a really good shot, use to be some sort of sniper or marine or something before he got married and settled down here. I think he was born here and then moved away or maybe not. I believe his brother is still in the military, but he doesn’t really talk about him. He’s not a ‘sharer’ per se.”
“That’s fine, I’m not exactly a sharer either” I smirked, and frankly I didn’t exactly want to be having a discussion with regards to the hell that had been my life on Coruscant. 
As we neared the ranch grew larger, I still couldn’t believe this was real. Not to mention, I couldn’t believe how long this driveway was, felt like I’d been on driving up to this ranch for half my life.
“How do you want me to introduce you?” Vance always made sure to give this option to anyone he was helping, it wasn’t his place to tell anyone their story that was their choice. 
It was the rule he and Fennec came up with, when they started this particular avenue of help. Not to mention it was a protection for those who needed the help; often times those that came to him and Fenn were ones that had no other recourse.
“Last name?”
“Jones. Annie Jones”
“Generic enough, I like it. Remember, if you don’t feel comfortable…” Cobb stated as they pulled up to the front door, the truck’s brakes squeaking as he pressed down gently, followed by a slight shudder as the motor turned off.
“I comm you or Fennec at the number you gave me” I finished.
“Exactly, but give it a chance first, he really is a good guy. Silent, grumpy, opinionated, but good guy. I wouldn’t just let anyone interview with him. I value his friendship, and there’s always a chance he may not hire you.”
“What if he doesn’t?”
“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, he’s not the only one who needs an extra hand, but I have a good feeling about this. Either way, I’ll wait around the property, till I hear the go ahead from him or you, and if you change your mind later on, no harm. Alright?”
I nodded, as I wiped the tears there were beginning to well up, I cried enough in the past few years, I didn’t need to cry anymore. Truthfully, I didn’t even know why I was crying, I cleared my throat overwhelmed by the kindness from not only Cobb but Fenn too, “I don’t know how to thank you guys”
“No need” he offered as he took the key out of the ignition, “we’ll make sure to ‘find’ your documentation with the correct information.”
“Now are you ready to do this?”
“I think so”
AO3 Link |   Next
Main Master List   |  Once Upon a Time on the Razor Crest
Tag List:
@littlemisspascal@sprout-fics@liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24 @spicymcnuggies @lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian
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ladyxskywalker · 2 years
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AUG 2022 (part one)
fandoms featured on this list; star wars, kenobi, the mandalorian, rogue one, & triple frontier 💫
thank you to the amazing fic writers for sharing some wonderful stories with all of us ! & to the kind readers for their support. 💙
please assume that all works & the blogs they belong to are 18+ only
mature adult content will be marked with a double asterisk **
be sure to check all warnings & tags before reading, feel free to skip if something isn't for you
& of course, enjoy responsibly
all the love xo A ☕
hope you enjoy ! & happy reading ! 🤗
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please send me things to read ! favorite fics or something you've written that you're proud of ! 💌
find more monthly fic recs over on my masterlist, Sept 2022 coming soon ! ✨
please let me know if you would like to be removed
✨ new authors & characters added for the first time !
✨ some authors are mentioned more than once throughout the list, check to see if your works are there !
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✨ Anakin Skywalker
Disassembly (series) by @ohgodmyeyes on ao3 (luke x reader) (older!anakin x reader) (cw: age gap, domestic angst, disability, marriage, smoking, adult content) **
Don’t Be Afraid by spqr on ao3 (padawan!obi) (master!anakin) (cw: angst, hurt comfort)
Forget Me Not by kybercrystal on ao3 (f!reader)
✨ Armitage Hux
Between the Wars by @mylifeisactuallyamess (f!reader, or gn!reader) 
✨ Boba Fett
Baking With Boba by @0celesteisthebest0 (modern au) (gn!reader)
Boba Singing a Lullaby to a Baby by @avarkriss (found family) (gn!reader) (cw: children)
Well Loved by @allclonesneedkisses (artist!f!reader)
✨ Captain Rex
I Am Mine (series) by @wrtng-forge-fiction (cw: unplanned pregnancy, abortion mention) (f!reader) **
✨ Din Djarin
A Galaxy Far Far Away (series) by @grogusmum (cottage comfort) (f!reader)
The Manda’lor’kar’ta (Prelude to Beskar Kisses), Beskar Kisses by @kurlyfrasier  
Marks to Prove It (series) by mylifebelongstothebbc on ao3 (cw: rough sex, light dom/sub, bruises, hickeys, spanking, the dark saber) (mada’lor!din) (f!reader) **
Midnight Confessions by @dindjarindiaries  
Shatter Me (series) by @writeforfandoms (f!reader) 
Together by @againstacecilia  
✨ Kylo Ren
Torment (series) by DjarinMuse on ao3 (cw: whump, graphic depictions of violence, non consensual situations, helmetless!din, adult content) (f!reader) **
The Gift by @hopeamarsu (gn!reader)
Man or Monster by @hopeamarsu (gn!reader) (cw: dark fic, death, guns, major character death, unhappy ending)
Seeing Double by @hopeamarsu (kylo ren, clyde logan) (cw: angst, whump, blood)
✨ Obi Wan Kenobi
A Pearl (series) by anonymous on ao3 (f!reader) **
Cowboy!Obi by @hellotherekenobi
Hearts Finally Mending by @murdockussy **
Never Ending Story by kybercrystal on ao3 (f!reader)
Stranded (series) by @penfullofwordsaheadfullofstories (cw: survival situations, ptsd, nightmares, grief, menstruation, age gap) (oc) *
The Tinkerer by @obiknights (f!reader) **
✨ Poe Dameron
Here With Me by @uwingdispatch (chronically ill, disabled reader) (cw: hospital, injury) *
Secrets by @againstacecilia 
Sleepy Morning by @againstacecilia (modern!poe) 
Prompt – “I have the feeling that you’re trying not to kiss me and I give you permission to just do it.” by @disabledameron (gn!reader)
✨ Qui-Gon Jinn
Put Her Love Down Soft and Sweet by @wickedscribbles (force sensitive!oc) **
✨ Cassian Andor
Everything, Always by @uwingdispatch (cw: chronic illness, disability, ptsd, implied intimacy)
✨ Benny Miller
2 a.m. in the Hallway by @hopeamarsu (gn!reader)
My Vow to You by @hopeamarsu (benny miller x frankie morales) (cw: blood, murder, guns, dark elements, contract killer!dark!frankie, dark!benny) 
✨ Frankie Morales
The Party, & The Date by @juletheghoul (f!reader) **
Your Spot by @grogusmum (gn!reader) (cw: angst, substance abuse, ptsd, food mention)
✨ Santiago Garcia
One Day At A Time (series) by @artemiseamoon (single parents) (ofc) **
✨ Will Ironhead Miller
Be My Husband by @hopeamarsu (of potions & myths universe) (werewolf!will) (f!reader)
Mommy and Daddy Time by @rayslittlekitten (dad!will) (wife!f!reader) *
Necessary Arrangements (series) by @wardenparker & @steeevienicks (princess diaries inspired au) (f!reader)
Serene by @clydesducktape (f!reader) 
Tequila, Lemon, and Salt by @hopeamarsu (gn!reader) ** (cw: alcohol, dom!will)
The View by @clydesducktape (will miller, frankie morales) (f!reader) ** (cw: dom/sub dynamics)
You Are My Reason by @hopeamarsu (f!reader)
✨ Misc. Triple Frontier Guys
Hey Batter Batter (series) by @ohheyitsokay (baseball team au)
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check out part two for more fic recs; moon knight, pedro pascal, multi. fandom
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starlightstevie · 3 years
fics rec / january 2021
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And I’m back with another fic rec! There’s some absolute goodies in this month’s rec - I hope you enjoy them as much as I did! Happy reading x
(* is smut)
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*tale as old as time (series) by @spacelabrathor Beast!Thor x reader: Thor is a beast, prowling the halls of an empty castle alone, living a life of cold, barren solitude. Villagers visit once yearly to bring him gifts he does not seek, piling valueless trinkets at his gate they feel will keep him appeased. They hate Thor and Thor knows, someday, that they will breach his gates and come for his head. He wonders to himself, often, if he will try to stop them when they do. This year, though, the offering has changed. Thor finds not trinkets at his front gate, but a girl, and then everything begins to change.
COWBOY THOR COWBOY THOR COWBOY THOR by @inthorantine While not officially out yet, I am putting this here because everyone needs to read this! Kait has outdone herself and no, I will not stop talking about this for the next 500 years. Here’s some h/c to keep you going until it comes out! One | Two
*if I love you was a promise by @blueberrythor​ Thor x reader: Thor doesn’t consider himself a jealous man–there aren’t many who could compare to him, especially among mortals. He hasn’t had much reason to acquaint himself with the feeling. But watching you with Steve, even he isn’t immune to the sharp sting of jealousy. 
*The Watching by @opheliadawnwalker3​ Thor x reader (some Loki x reader): Reader has been dating Thor for about a year and is celebrating her first Yuletide on Asgard. But she’s unprepared for certain traditions that are expected of her. Or that these traditions also involve Thor and his companions.
*Desperate Measures by @lancsnerd Thor x reader: When an agent is affected by sex pollen and needs assistance, just how helpful will Thor be?
*passionate & burning by @peachyteabuck​ Thor x reader: You’re busy with working from home, but Thor has other plans for the day.
*my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand by @spacelabrathor Frontier!Thor x reader: Thor makes a home and a life for his family out on the rugged frontier of the Old West. The winters are unforgiving but he keeps them safe and warm. At night, their cabin glows with firelight and the warmth of their company. A small slice of their life together.
*survive the summer and its sequel *hungry for me by @peachyteabuck (Dubcon) Thor x reader: A stranger approaches you on a warm summers day.
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*the fluffer (series) by @punani​ Masterlist 70′s pornstar!Chris Evans x black!reader: It’s the 70′s and the erotic videos industry is experiencing another boom after the risen popularity in the previous decade. The studio’s are hot, Gemini Flanagan is a brand, and you’re a newly hired assistant at Shaggin’ Studios. Chris takes a liking to you, altering your job description so that you get to work more closely with him. Is this all just physical, or is there something more?
*old flannel by @honeysucklesteve​ Chris x reader: an innocent night of lounging in his old flannel leads to not to innocent touches.
*sunday football by @honeysucklesteve Chris x reader: Chris sits you on his lap as he teaches you all about football.
*grocery run by @honeysucklesteve Chris x reader: Innocently wearing Chris’ shirt leads to you finding out just how much he can’t resist you.
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*Captain by @chrissquares Nomad!Steve x reader: You call Steve a name that drives him wild.
*A Birthday Gift by @the-iceni-bitch​ Nomad!Steve x reader: The nomad crew have been holed up with you for months and tensions are high. Nat, being an unrepentant pot stirrer, decides to arrange a pleasant birthday surprise for you.
*let me come home to you (series) by @evansweaters Masterlist Alpha!Steve x Omega!Reader: After years at a dead-end job shouldering everyone’s expectations for you but your own, you’re finally free to be whoever you want, go wherever you want. That is, until a series of unfortunate events strand you in amber’s end, where the sheriff – and notoriously unmated pack alpha – decides to take you in.
*mountainside by @honeysucklesteve Nomad!Steve x reader: Steve needs something to give him a release and you do just that.
*steve needs to relax, good thing you’re here by @honeysucklesteve​
*Such a Shame by @angrythingstarlight​​ Steve x reader: You owe him for saving your life, the price is more than you were willing to pay, such a shame you have to force his hand.
*Captain Jealousy by @nony-bear​​ Steve x reader: You and Steve have been keeping your relationship a secret to avoid public backlash for your age difference. However, after watching Steve flirt with a new agent at one of Tony Stark’s famous parties, your jealousy and frustration come to a head.
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*A Christmas Compromise by @stargazingfangirl18​ Ransom x reader: Even if you wouldn’t admit it to yourself, all you wanted for Christmas was Ransom.
*a man of god by @punani Priest!Ransom x reader: You’ve always been a good girl– attending mass regularly, never been touched by yourself or another, and the way that you dress? a naive innocence radiates off of you. even a man of god can’t help himself, not that he puts any effort into refraining from forbidden fruit.
*Naughty or Nice by @sweeterthanthis​ Ransom x reader: Getting caught nibbling on forbidden holiday treats.
*her cherry lips on his whiskey flavoured kiss by @cloudystevie​ Ransom x reader: The moment he met you, he knew.
Not My Style by @chrissquares​ Ransom x reader: With cold weather comes dry lips..
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*In Good Hands by @ozarkthedog (Dark) Doctor!Andy Barber x reader: Your usual OBGYN Doctor got called away leaving Dr. Barber to administer your pap exam.
*Drowning by @savior-adriana​ Andy x reader: You love working as Jacob’s tutor in German. Not necessarily because you love the language or the teen’s attitude, but because it means you get to spend time alone with a certain Andy Barber once a week.
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*Something Old, Something New by @sweeterthanthis Stepdad!Bucky x reader: To this day you couldn’t work out why he’d chosen your mother. They were total opposites, a mismatched couple if ever you saw one. Yet, you watched it play out – thinking, hoping, that he’d never go through with it.
*Beg for Daddy by @sweeterthanthis Stepdad!Bucky x reader: The thought of your mother passed out next door, the other side of your bedroom wall, did nothing to quell the intense hunger you felt for him.
*it’s the right time to roll to me (series) by @blueberrythor Masterlist Bucky x married!reader: Stuck in an unhappy marriage, you find solace in Bucky.
*about last week by @xbuchananbarnes Bucky x reader: You’ve been avoiding Bucky.
*need by @cloudystevie Bucky x reader: You’re horni for Bonky’s metal hand
Season of the Witch by @msmarvelwrites​ Bucky x reader: Your witchy abilities get you in quite a bit of trouble from time to time… But this time you don’t mind so much.
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*The Bet (series) by @no-droids Part One | Part Two Poe x reader: There are 3 rules to the bet between you and your x-wing commander: No sex, No touching yourself, No orgasms.
*the shakes by @whistlingwillows Poe x reader: “It’s the Shakes, darling. Makes everything excruciating.” Or, you’re experiencing the terrible side effects of being horny and Poe Dameron knows just how to fix it.
Mornings with Modern!Poe by @okay-hotshot Modern!Poe x reader: You and Poe try to have some alone time while you wait for your morning coffee and tea to brew, only to have your child interrupt you and run away yowling.
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frigid by @whirlybirbs Mando x reader: Din doesn’t like the ocean. You’re soaked.
Getting vulnerable with Mando by @cptnbvcks
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*men of the bau: kinks by @luciilferss​
open road by @gayprentiss Emily Prentiss x JJ Jareau: After retiring from the BAU, JJ and Emily decide to forgo an apartment in favor of an old sprinter van.
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*Teacher’s Pet by @imagining-in-the-margins Professor!Reid x reader: There are only a few reasons to sign up for Criminal Psychology. You could be like the reasonable students and join the class because you are genuinely interested in the material, or you could be like the rest of us. That is, you could enroll in the class because the professor is a fine piece of ass fresh out of prison.
*Spencer taking you in the library by @spenciebabie
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*of terrible coffee and late-night rides by @venusbarnes Hotch x reader: A collection of moments throughout your relationship with one Aaron Hotchner.
*fragrance by @whistlingwillows College!Hotch x reader: Plato said, “The god of love lives in a state of need. It is a need. It is an urge. It is a homeostatic imbalance. Like hunger and thirst, it's almost impossible to stamp out.”
*bitter end (series) by @whistlingwillows Masterlist Hotch x reader: Author Sarah Dessen wrote, “Life is an awful, ugly place to not have a best friend.”
*Beard Kink by @reidsexualwriting Hotch x reader: Hotch with a beard has you feeling all types of ways.
*Lunch break by @arganfics Hotch x reader: You help Hotch relax after a tough day.
*Early Mornings by @mrvltwimagines Hotch x reader: The very rare mornings where you wake up and your boyfriend was still home and in bed were definitely cherished by you.
*Do you like that? Being in control? by @writefasttalkevenfaster Hotch x reader: You decide that Hotch needs a break from being in charge.
*Waking up Hotch with a blowjob by @writefasttalkevenfaster
Taking a day off with Hotch by @ssahoodrathotchner
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*eat until your blood sings by @peachyteabuck Tony Stark x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Carol Danvers x Clint Barton x Thor Odinson x reader: Gangbang with the Avengers.
*Anakin Skywalker has a big dick by @anakinswhore
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mishasminion360 · 3 years
The Pedro Boys as Broadway Musicals
A/N: As a theater kid, aspiring actress, and lover of Broadway musicals and showtunes, my mind decided to do a funny thing. There’s now certain shows and musical numbers I find myself associating with Pedro characters.
Javier Peña: Company
Just like Robert, the main protagonist of the beloved Sondheim musical, Javier Peña is a man who can’t commit. He’s not above the casual sexual liaison (obviously) and he almost got married once, but there’s something about the idea of settling down that makes him cringe. But, deep down, he is a man who desperately wants to love and be loved in return.
Jack Daniels: Oklahoma!
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It’s a musical about cowboys, so of course it suits our dear agent Whiskey. Though Jack is the epitome of manliness (at least that’s what he leads others to believe) he’s not above belting “Oh, What a Beautiful Morning” while on his way to work.
*Bonus* He’d never admit it, but there’s a certain musical number from Spring Awakening that will always tug at his heart strings. He’s not a big fan of the more modern musicals, but the song “Those You’ve Known” from the Steven Sater show gets him a little choked up because it makes him think of the wife and child he’s lost.
Ezra: The Music Man
Let’s face it, people, Ezra is professor Harold Hill. Just like the smooth conman, Ezra can convince even the wisest individual that a boldfaced lie is truth and can talk his way out of any situation, and be just downright entertaining to watch as he does so.
Din Djarin: The Phantom of the Opera/Love Never Dies
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As a man who spends his life hiding behind a mask, Din can relate to a man who, well, spends his life hiding behind a mask. As we’ve seen through his closeness with the child, Din is a man who likes to have his loved ones (though few they may be) by his side at all times; which makes the plea “anywhere you go let me go, too” from the song “All I Ask of You” the perfect metaphor for the way this man loves.
*Bonus* Because he loves so rarely and steadfastly, losing a loved one to him is earth shattering. The song “Till I Hear You Sing” from LND turns this stoic bounty hunter into an emotional mess.
Max Phillips: Heathers
Max likes the cut of this J.D. guy’s jib. Obnoxious people giving you shit? Just kill ‘em! Plus, because he’s an immature little shit at heart, he always giggles at the song “Blue” (because it’s about testicles).
*Bonus* Max just enjoys all of the raunchier musical comedies, really; such as Heathers, The Book of Mormon, and Avenue Q.
Max Lord: Hamilton
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Max can relate strongly to A-Ham; they’re both a couple of guys who clawed their way up from nothing, desperately seeking greatness and change. Max has all the drive of Alexander Hamilton and the unhinged radiance of King George. Now that he’s got his hands on the dream stone, he’s not throwing away his shot. Don’t feel like making a wish? That’s okay. He knows “You’ll Be Back”.
Francisco Morales: Miss Saigon
As a veteran, a musical about war is right up Frankie’s alley. Just like our beloved catfish, there’s a lot sorrow to this show that’s veiled by a layer of unimaginable beauty.
*Bonus* As a new father, the showstopper “I’d Give My Life for You”, a ballad from mother to son, always unashamedly brings a tear to his eye.
Dave York: American Psycho
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Dave is Patrick Bateman all the way. Mild mannered, upstanding suburbanite by day, cold blooded killer by night. Certainly not what you’d call a “Common Man” (and, my God, does that song fit him so well!)
Marcus Pike: Little Shop of Horrors
Sweet Marcus is just as precious as Seymour Krelborn; the hapless, lovelorn nice guy who always finishes last. He’ll wait patiently on the sidelines while the object of his affection walks arm in arm with another man, but when that chump splits suddenly Seymour Marcus is standing beside her.
Oberyn Martell: Sweeney Todd
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Just like Sweeney Todd, Oberyn is a man on a mission; and that mission is REVENGE!! Oberyn wants nothing more than to see the piece of filth who murdered his beloved sister dead, and he wants to be the one to end him, and in the bloodiest way imaginable. As we know, when that moment finally comes, he’s not above a little grandstanding. Might as well have belted a show-stopping musical number to get his point across when he had The Mountain on his knees.
Marcus Moreno: Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark
So, it’s not one of the most beloved or memorable of musicals, but it’s about a superhero! A beloved superhero! Plus, the music for this was written by U2’s Bono and The Edge, which suits Marcus’s dad vibe perfectly; the musical encompasses both the hero and his alter ego.
*Bonus* The song “Rise Above” perfectly describes Marcus’s internal struggle with resigning from active duty to ensure his safety as a newly single father. The lyrics read like a one sided conversation between he and his late wife.
@just-another-dumb-artist @grimeylady @rav3n-pascal22 @mamacitapascal @insomniamama1 @pedrosbisch @emmaispunk @mandolydian @lv7867 @reonlouw @hawaiianmelodies @pascalsky @pascalpanic @heythere-mel @healingstardust @pastel-0-princess @pedropascal207 @delorena @dindjarinsfingerlessgloves @pedropasxal @caesaryoulater @just-fics-i-read @randomcollection-o-stuff @phoenixpascal @dickspittoon @pasca1 @carstwirs @pancakeisreading @kiizhikehn-cedar @hellovanessax @fangirling-alert @pedrocentric @fromthedeskoftheraven @liviiii98 @feralhotmess @axshadows @mandapascal @dragon-scales88 @spaceppastel @anaaaispunk @spideysimpossiblegirl @pbeatriz-blog @hauntedmama @mswarriorbabe80 @horton-hears-a-honk @alberta-sunrise @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage
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cherryblossomriot · 3 years
i had a dream the other day that was basically a dinluke cowboy au and it has been HAUNTING me, so just allow me to deposit it upon you like my subconscious drop kicked it onto me:
Luke is a disabled veteran who has returned from war one hand lighter and several scars heavier. When he returns, his family, who are heavily involved in the politics/military of this fictional land, don’t understand his now jaded and melancholic view of both the world, but also the ideologies that they so strongly believe in, leading him to constantly feel like an outcast even among the people that he so dearly loves. They’re all passionate and strong-willed, but they still don’t understand, not his struggles with mental health or his new perspective, and it just makes things worse and worse and worse. Anakin is a general, and though he’s seen the gruesomeness of war firsthand, he’s also become desensitized to it and has anger-management issues, so he often almost finds a sort of refuge within the chaos of battle, so he clearly cannot even fathom the emotions and trauma that Luke is trying to sort through, much less know how to deal with them properly. Padme is a senator and cares deeply about the crimes and seemingly senseless violence occurring during the war, but she’s also a politician and knows how to play the long game, so when Luke comes to her, he leaves feeling misunderstood and pushed aside. Leia is the only one who seemingly understands, as the pair of them have a deep, intrinsic bond, but she doesn’t fully grasp Luke’s moods and doesn’t handle his breakdowns and flashbacks well. So everyone feels a little upset, a little unsettled, and a lot like they don’t understand why and how Luke has changed, which leads to Luke feeling more and more out of place within his own family. The war ends relatively soon after Luke’s return, which leads to parades which leads to awards which leads to balls and banquets, all of which Luke is forced to attend, his heart dragging but his head held high, because he’s an Amidala-Skywalker goddammit, and we have a certain responsibility and image to maintain to the public and everyone who endured so much. So Luke has to sit there through awards and boasts of glory and mentions of battle scars and it goes on and on and on, and he has to smile and bear it and accept the medal that they’re giving him because he did such a great service to his country and-he has a panic attack. A nasty one that leads to him having to flee from a ballroom, and outside to the gardens. Once he’s there, he realizes that he doesn’t want to go back in. At all. So he runs away. He just picks a direction and goes, stealing a car on the way (this is a modern au but also fictional countries because I don’t want to get into real politics, hooo boy no siree). In the middle of nowhere, he gets caught in a storm and basically crashes his car and passes out. 
But when he wakes up! That’s when the fun begins. 
He’s in this cozy sort of bedroom, and this hot guy is fast asleep in the chair beside his bed, and is that a little kid in his lap? Anyway, the hot guy wakes up, introduces himself as Din Djarin in the softest, most attractive voice Luke has ever heard with his own two ears, and doesn’t ask him where he’s from or what he was doing driving in the middle of bumfuck nowhere at 3 in the morning, so Luke is obligated to have a lil crush on him, even though he’s not sure about the kid. So he asks, and Din introduces him to his son Grogu, who waves at him and signs hello, because, as Din explains, he doesn’t speak much, and the foster system wasn’t too kind to him, so he’s got a little bit of trauma to work through. And Luke just, instantly falls in love with this soft dad and his cute little son who can shift his features from the biggest, most pleading puppy eyes ever to the face of a demented gremlin who will try to eat the frog he caught in the backyard, no matter how slimy it is, or how hard it tries to wriggle out of his hands. Din tells Luke that he can stay for however long he needs, because Luke’s kinda injured from his accident, and anyway, once he’s healed up, they always could use another hand on the farm. So Luke stays, and he meets all of Din’s other farm hands (and shitty friends). There’s Boba, who doesn’t talk much, but when he does it’s always something slightly ominous and menacing, and Luke thinks that his name sounds familiar...hey wasn’t he on the news for robbing a couple banks a few years back?...no, surely not..., Fennec, who speaks even less than Boba, and manages to be far, far more intimidating, but also helps Luke with his prosthetic and gives him fun little tips that always sound more like she’s cut off a lot more limbs than she’s lost. Cara Dune (who is not gina carano but i digress) is also there, and she’s just constantly a harbinger of chaos, but will babysit Grogu whenever Din wants to brood and stare longingly into the distance (or at Luke who’s also brooding as the sun sets but shhh). Bo-Katan and the gang are there, and while Bo-Katan grumbles about how the old ranch boss had different/better methods on how to run things, she still follows Din’s lead and helps him with the finances and taxes. They all take to Luke like a wildfire, because Luke is a sunshine boy who can make friends with literally anyone and somehow manages to make Din not only smile but laugh, but also because they can tell he’s got a lot of trauma and pain bubbling just under the surface, and they all silently but collectively agreed a long time ago that they are the patron saints of troubled and lost souls. 
When Luke gets better and starts to help out, he’s constantly upset with himself because he used to help out at his aunt and uncle’s farm in the summers when he was a kid, and he knows how to do this stuff, but his prosthetic is really throwing him off and his body has sustained a lot of other injuries that make doing manual labor a much more different experience than it used to be, but everyone is really patient with him and helps him out, especially Din. At one point, Din is so nice that Luke just loses it, because he doesn’t understand how Din can be so kind and so patient, and care about him so much, and kind of calls himself broken and useless in front of Din, and Din gets super protective and grabs his hands (real and prosthetic) and tells him that he’s not broken or useless, and you’re so sweet and wonderful, and can’t you see? Ever since you’ve been here, everyone’s been so much happier, so much lighter. You’ve brought something precious to us, but most of all to me. And they’re standing really close and for a second Luke thinks Din is going to kiss him, but instead, Luke realizes that he’s crying, and Din just wraps his arms around him and holds him.
After that, time sort of blurs, marked by things like Grogu climbing into Luke’s bed because he sensed that he was having a nightmare, and Din waking up to find the pair of them coloring in a serene silence, Luke getting the hang of ranch life and his prosthetic and dealing with his panic attacks and flashbacks as they come, and Din enduring relentless badgering from his friends because hey, if you don’t marry Luke, I will and Fennec, you’re a lesbian and that doesn’t matter, it’ll be a marriage of twink and butch solidarity. And all the while, Din and Luke are spinning closer and closer towards each other, two suns hurtling in their orbit to the other with an inescapable certainty. 
When it finally happens, they’ve just gotten back from one of those cowboy dances (idk what they’re called...hoedowns? yeah okay) (and yes, I wanted to hit all of the cliches in the book, thank you very much), and Grogu’s fallen fast asleep on Luke’s shoulder. After they tuck him up all snug in his bed, they head out to the porch, because it’s raining outside, and the steady thrum of water droplets splattering on the roof and on the grass is the most soothing sound Luke has ever heard (aside from Din’s voice), and he’s a little too afraid to go to sleep and ruin his perfect night with a nightmare. They stand there for a while, silence binding them together, shoulders brushing every now and then, hesitant and questioning. Luke thinks about how Din had asked him to dance earlier, his lips tilted in a teasing, but achingly soft smile, and how his heart had pounded a tattoo to the shape of his ribs when they’d pushed up so close together, the fast, rowdy dances of the beginning of the night having faded to something lasting, something meaningful. Luke remembers the ball he’d run away from, how the dancing had been cold, almost jeering in a way, and Luke realizes how far he’s come, how different it is here. And suddenly, there isn’t a question in his mind anymore. He turns toward Din, who turns toward him, and when he leans forward, Din breathes an uncertain “Luke-”, but he doesn’t get to finish the thought. Luke kisses him, and he kisses back, and it’s just them. There are hands in hair and noses nudged together, and at some point, they move, without either of them releasing the other, into the house and into Din’s bedroom. Buttons are unbuttoned, and whole stretches of skin are kissed, and when it’s over, they curl up together, Din tucking his head into the crook of Luke’s neck and falling asleep there. 
When they wake up, Luke explains why he came here, why he ran away, all the while Din looks at him with his beautiful dark eyes and runs his hands through Luke’s hair, which is catching the sunlight filtering in through the window and making him look like he has a halo, all the while never once condemning him for keeping it a secret this whole time. After he’s finished, he expects some sort of shocked reaction-after all, his family’s pretty famous, but all Din does is kiss him and ask, “Wait, so you have a twin?” 
It’s so unexpected that Luke throws his head back and bursts into uncontrollable, and very contagious peals of laughter, and when he’s finally able to breathe again, he kisses Din’s forehead and murmurs, “I love you.” 
Din, who has been touch starved and lonely for years (no time for relationships when you’ve got a business to run and a toddler to raise), tears up and kisses him, too overwhelmed for words. But Luke understands.  
And then Grogu pushes his way into the room holding up a box of Frosted Flakes above his head and shaking it, as if to say, I’d like to eat now, please. 
Din and Luke stifle their smiles into the other’s shoulder, and when they get up, Luke can’t help but think that he’s finally where he belongs.
It takes approximately .5 seconds for all the others to figure out they’re together now, and Cara and Bo-Katan (of all people) start cheering immediately, to Din and Luke’s shock. Boba and Fennec grumble and begrudgingly hand over a huge wad of cash each to Cara and Bo-Katan because they thought it would take them at least another two weeks to get together. Din’s very done with his friends at this point, but he takes one look at Luke’s flustered but smiling face and decides he won’t kill them all this time. 
And if everyone thought Luke was a lot of excitement for a humble ranch in the middle of nowhere, then they are in no way, shape, or form, prepared for when his very angry twin sister shows up with a himbo with a shit-eating grin and his 7 foot tall best friend she hired to track her brother down. 
(needless to say, Boba punches Han within two minutes of interaction).
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scribbledghost · 2 years
aight aight you want unpopular? i'll give you real unpopular (like worst case scenario i might get physically attacked if i wasnt on anon)
Din Djarin, yes the Mandalorian himself, is overrated. I'm sorry, I'M SORRY HE'S JUST NOT THAT GOOD. HE'S COOL. HE KNOWS HIS SHIT, HES PRETTY HOT, BUT THAT'S HONESTLY IT. HE REALLY IS JUST ANOTHER "my parents died when i was young and i grew up to be emotionally unavailable/scarred as a result and now i have to learn how to love properly through a stereotypically unlikely relationship" THAT DISNEY CAN'T HELP BUT KEEP PRODUCING, Y'ALL ARE JUST TOO CAUGHT UP IN YOUR STARWARS NOSTALGIA TO NOTICE
idk i'm not MAD about even if i sound like it, i swear, it just kinda makes me...tired? like i sigh audibly when im looking through new fic posts and i see all these "Cowboy!Din Djarin Western AU!" "Actor!Din Modern AU!" "Regency/Royalty!Din" like... there are so many other characters that are...RIGHT there...like theyre RIGHT THERE, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM COULD FIT THIS ROLE SO MUCH BETTER- again i don't really mind, i'm just kinda tired of seeing all the din fic. its like watching somebody debate grabbing a bowl of already made whipped cream, or grabbing the ingridients to make a similar whipped cream right next to it....like, you're just putting yourself through extra steps i guess. idk
Ngl I do feel like Disney is very formulaic in the “lone wolf and cub” stories. But it’s a formula that works so I guess I can’t fault them?? But yeah I see where you’re coming from.
I do agree w you on the fic issues though, and not just with Din. I feel like a lot of authors want to write something with a character so bad that they just. Ignore the fact that there’s other characters that would fit better and be easier to write without having to work around changing so much of the canon universe? Like you said, putting in extra steps. But that’s just me.
Send me your unpopular opinions!
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*These weren’t necessarily written and/or posted in May, but that’s when I read them 😊
🔥 - explicit/mature content
Star Wars
You Are in Love (Modern!Poe Dameron x Reader) - @alwritey-aphrodite (yes i am reccing this again. i will be reccing this until it's finished, dill with it)
Running to You, This Feels Like Good News, & Maybe I'll Get Drunk Again (Poe Dameron x F!Solo!Reader) - @dailyreverie
Gardens of Babylon (Cowboy!Din Djarin x Cowgirl!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
🔥Deft Hands (Poe Dameron x F!Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Offer (Din Djarin x Reader) - @softlyspector
The Two Faces of January
🔥Oxford Comma, Boyfriend, Girlfriend, & Arty Boy (Rydal Keener x F!Reader) - @whatthefishh
Triple Frontier
🔥Worth the Risk (bfd!Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor (second part)
🔥Family Vacation (bfd!Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥A Brilliant Idea (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Distractions (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @princessxkenobi
🔥Relief (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @princessxkenobi
🔥Dusk Till Dawn (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @be-the-spark-flyboy
🔥Belonging (Santiago Garcia x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Moon Knight
🔥Steven's First (Virgin!Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Gone Soft: Marc Spector Edition (Marc Spector x Reader) - @romanarose
Merry, Happy III (Jake Lockley x Muslim!Reader) - @whatthefishh
Neck Kisses (Steven Grant x Reader) - @eyelessfaces
🔥C*ck Therapy (Therapist!Steven Grant x Patient!Camgirl!Reader) - @whatthefishh
Bordeaux (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @sweetly-yours-and-mine
🔥Dirty Driving (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥Drinking with Cupid (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @moonknightly
🔥Making Trouble (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @juneknight
🔥Colorblind (Marc Spector x F!Reader) - @astroboots
In the Eyes (Marc Spector x Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch
All That Matters (Jake Lockley x Reader, references to Marc Spector x Reader) - @midgardian-witch
The Dress (Marc Spector x Reader) - @sweetly-yours-and-mine
🔥The Pavlovian Response (Jake Lockley x F!Reader) - @missdictatorme
🔥Extra Credit (Professor!Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥Pillow Talk (Steven Grant x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
Just Happy Accidents (Jake Lockley x Reader) - @romanarose
The Last of Us
🔥Old Soul (Joel Miller x F!Reader) - @softlyspector
🔥Falling into Place (Joel Miller x F!Reader) - @jake-g-lockley
🔥Games (Bodyguard!Joel x Actress!Reader) & 🔥High Enough (Ft. Dieter Bravo) - @psychedelic-ink
Waffle House Confessions (Joel Miller x F!Reader) - @softlyspector
🔥Lost in the Darkness (Joel Miller x F!Reader - Mafia AU) - @softlyspector
The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
Darklight (Javi Gutierrez x F!Reader) - @psychedelic-ink
Inside Llewyn Davis
Intoxicated (Llewyn Davis x Reader) - @eyelessfaces
Sucker Punch
🔥A Long Night (Blue Jones x F!Reader) - @melodygatesauthor
🔥Just Friends (Javier Peña x F!Reader) - @pedgeitopascal
The Sun Also Rises (Javier Peña x F!Reader) - @spacecowboyhotch (second part)
Thank you to all the wonderful writers for sharing their stories with us 🥰❤️
*For more recs, please feel free to check out my fic rec tag.
**If you’d like to have your fic removed from the list, I completely understand, just let me know
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cowboytrey · 2 years
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New Mexico Perfection 😋 Taos, New Mexico 🧑‍🍳 👨‍🍳 Trey's Chow Down Road Trip'in for deliciousness. We spent 10 days in the beautiful state of New Mexico and visited 22 restaurants, Cafes, Taverns and hot spots searching for fresh chef driven deliciousness. @lambertsoftaos Taos is located on Bent street just behind Taos square. The street is cozy, beautiful and full charm. I suggest parking on the square and walking🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️because it's so beautiful around the square and the fresh Taos air is always perfect. Lambert's has an extremely cozy and friendly atmosphere. Soon as you walk though the doors you feel right at home like you're dinning with family. 👪 They offer a wide variety of fresh authentic chef driven cuisine. Dishes and desserts are prepared fresh using only the finest locally sourced ingredients and vegetables to create some bold modern flavor profiles loaded with deliciousness..They also offer a wide section of tasty wines and craft cocktails to complement your dinner dishes. We enjoyed some creative dishes: "South Dakota Bison 🦬 Steak" which was meaty perfection. "The South Dakota Bison Relleno": Braised short rib that was savory, flavor-loaded and simply R.I.D.I.C.U.L.O.U.S #RidiculouslyDelicious. "Caramelized Leek Soup" that was so savory, creamy and delicious that it tasted like MORE because more is all I wanted. The fresh house prepared desserts where so savory and sweet we had talked about them all evening and Jana even had dreams about them. Yes, they where that delicious. We can't forget the warm bread 🍞 with butter they serve before the meal we had 3 loafs of that fresh deliciousness. Lambert's Of Toas is a must visit if you love delicious Food, tasty wines and unforgettable service with an inviting atmosphere. They receive 10 cowboys hats out of 10 for this food cowboy. An absolute perfect.score for an evening of chef driven perfection and unforgettable service. 📝 👉 https://www.lambertsoftaos.com/ View FULL photo 📸 album on our Facebook. #chowithtrey #Taos #NewMexico #chefs #TaosSquare #Bison #steaks #chefdriven #TravelWithTreyandJana #TaosNewMexico #OfficialTreySChowDownDeliciousDestination Www.treyschowdown.com (at Lambert's of Taos) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXdtyISr0Vc/?utm_medium=tumblr
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curiosi-tea-writes · 3 years
Ice Cream
Pairing: Din Djarin / Cobb Vanth
Modern AU
Summary: The very beginning of Din and Cobb’s relationship. It all started with an astronomy class, ice cream, and hockey.
"Look, its not my fault you don't pay attention in class, Cowboy," Din laughed as he flipped the page of his notebook.
'Actually, it is,' Cobb thought with a light scoff.
And it really was as far as Cobb was concerned. It was entirely his fault for wearing that dorky NASA hoodie to every astronomy class every day. It was his fault for the way he pushed up his glasses every time he asked a question even if they weren't falling down. It was entirely his fault for deciding to be his partner that first week of class when he could have gone with any other person. It was most definitely his fault for making Cobb enjoy a class he was only taking for science credits.
 All the little things he caught out of the corner of his eye - little smiles, quick glances he couldn’t help give in response. All the times he realized that Din’s chair was slightly closer than it was the class before. All the times he caught himself double checking the mirror before he left his apartment. That was all Din’s fault.
The professor’s voice drew him out of his thoughts. He was always almost upset when someone interrupted his thoughts, especially when his thoughts were about Din. If he were being honest, most of his thoughts these days were about Din. 
“Hey, Cowboy,” Din whispered with a nudge, still looking at the professor. Anybody else wouldn’t have even realized he had said anything at all. Cobb glanced at him quickly with a soft hum. “Did you want to get ice cream after?”
Cobb wished he could claim he didn’t stutter out his answer, but he did. All he could do after was lower his head to hide the red of his face. Din was glad for that - it meant Cobb couldn’t see the small smirk he couldn’t help at getting the answer he had wanted. 
After class, Din and Cobb sat on a bench, eating their strawberry and peach ice cream. Din happily jumped right into his explanations of what they had learned in class that day. Cobb listened as intently as he could, trying hard to not allow his mind to wander. He wondered if Din knew how soothing his voice was or if he was completely oblivious to the way his voice made Cobb feel. He was so focused on Din’s voice that it took Cobb a good twenty minutes to realize that this ice cream date was a study session. 
“Din?” he cut him off in the middle of a sentence he hadn’t really heard the words of. “Why are you helping me?”
Din ran a hand through his already messy dark hair and chuckled. “Well, you need help, right? I mean, I know you’ve been struggling with the class.”
“So, you feel sorry for me?” Cobb scoffed. He slouched a bit in his seat and huffed out a sigh, surprising himself at how he went from drastically happy to be with Din to being drastically upset.
“No,” Din said a little too quickly. He shifted on the bench, tucking one of his legs under his other, tossing his arm over the back of the bench so he could fully face Cobb. He sighed, realizing he had actually offended him. “Look, you’re a hockey player, right?”
Cobb nodded, still not really wanting to look at him.
“So, you’ve already made it clear you’re taking the class just for credits. But I actually really enjoy astronomy. Why not let me help you actually try to pass it?”
With a sigh Cobb turned and mirrored Din’s position. “Alright,” he sighed with a nod. “Yeah, fine. You’re right.”
With a smile, Din continued. And surprisingly to himself, Cobb actually began to retain the information.
As the semester passed, the ice cream dates continued. As Cobb’s grade in the class slowly became acceptable, they stopped being about studying and instead became just about each other. Cobb learned about Din’s son and Din listened to Cobb’s recounts of hockey games. 
“I’ve never actually been to a hockey game before,” Din laughed, taking another bite of his ice cream.
Cobb perked up with a smile. “You should come to the next one. We’re having a party afterwards since it’s the last one of the semester, you could come to that too.”
“I thought you didn’t like your teammates,” Din questioned.
“I don’t, but I’m expected to go to these parties.” 
“I’ll think about it,” Din reasoned. 
And think about it he did. The entire week leading up to the game. He sent far too many texts to his friends asking for their opinions, each of whom sent him messages back which stated something along the lines of “just do it.” So on Saturday evening he threw on his hoodie, grabbed his messenger bag, and headed out the door, calling out a “thank you” to Peli for babysitting on his way out.
He sat at the top of the bleachers, bundled up in his hoodie, wishing he had brought another jacket. He couldn’t help his smile when Cobb came out on the ice and he continued smiling the entire time, his eyes following Cobb closely. He understood nothing about the game, only really half understanding the terms Cobb had dropped when they would get ice cream. 
At the first break he watched as Cobb glanced around the seats before skating over towards him, waving his hand for Din to come down. Din chuckled and did as he asked and joined him at one of the doors leading onto the ice as Cobb took off his helmet.
“Enjoying the game?” 
“It’s cold,” Din remarked, forcing a chuckle from Cobb which in turn caused one from himself.
“Well yeah, it’s ice!” Cobb gave him a small look of pity before holding up a finger and skating away, leaving Din standing alone awkwardly. He was glancing around and hardly noticed when Cobb had returned, a black leather jacket and scarf in hand. “Here, now you won’t freeze to death.” He opened the door and handed the jacket to Din who took it thankfully.
He quickly put it on over his hoodie, pushing his hands deep into the pockets with a huff.
“Better?” Cobb asked with a laugh.
“Much, thank you.” Din attempted to ignore the new warmth on his face. 
“Here,” Cobb said quickly as he unfolded the red scarf and wrapped it around Din’s neck. “Now you’ll really be warm.”
They stood there for a long moment, both just basking in the moment. Din opened his mouth to say something else, not really knowing himself what he wanted to say. Well, he knew what he wanted to say, but he didn’t think that it was something Cobb wanted to hear. He was saved, however, when one of Cobb’s teammates called for him to rejoin the team. Cobb just gave a bright smile and a small wave as he turned and skated back.
The rest of the game passed much more comfortably. Din really tried to ignore the amount of Cobb’s cologne he could smell in the scarf. He more than once caught himself with his nose deep in the scarf before telling himself that it wasn’t right and he straightened his back and tried to focus on the game. He smiled brightly when there was down time in the game and Cobb would catch his eye and gave a small wave. 
When the game had ended Din waited outside as everyone cleared out of the rink, jacket and scarf in hand, leaning against a light pole near the curb. Cobb came outside, turned around talking to two of his teammates. He was in the middle of a laugh when he turned and saw Din. His loud laugh quickly turned soft along with his eyes and he gave the darker haired man a large grin. He excused himself from his group and made his way over to him.
“How was the game?”
“You just played it,” Din pointed out with a laugh. At Cobb’s glare he nodded, “I enjoyed it. Thank you for inviting me.”
“Thank you for coming,” Cobb returned easily. 
There was another moment of silence much like inside the rink. Neither really cared about the chill of the air or the late hour. They just wanted to stay there, staring into each other’s eyes.
At the sound of a car honking, Cobb jumped and turned towards the source to see his teammates in the car waiting for him. “I should-”
“Yeah, yeah,” Din said. “You go. You have a party to go to.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to come?” Cobb asked as Din handed him back his scarf and jacket.
“I’m sure. Parties aren’t really my scene. Plus Grogu is at home, I should get back to him.”
Cobb nodded and they said their goodbyes. “I’ll call you later,” Cobb shouted back to him as he got in the car. Din just nodded with a grin and waved him off before heading back to his apartment.
Din was woken up by his phone ringing loudly. He had fallen asleep on the sofa after having fought to get Grogu to bed. He was still in his jeans and hoodie, and still just as exhausted as when he had sat down. He shushed his phone in a panic, knowing it would do nothing to actually help, just not wanting Grogu to wake up. He glanced at Cobb’s name across his screen.
“When people say ‘I’ll call you later,’ they typically mean at least the next day,” he grumbled when he picked.
He heard Cobb’s chuckle on the other end. “Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you. And technically it is the next day.” He sounded almost as exhausted as Din felt.
Din hummed. “What time is it?” He glanced at the clock in the kitchen but his eyes were too blurry from sleep to read it. 
“It’s 1 am. I’m really sorry.” And he sounded really sorry too, which broke Din’s heart.
“It’s alright. Are you alright?” he asked in a hurry, finally awake enough to realize Cobb wouldn’t be calling so late unless he needed to.
“I’m alright.” Din sighed in relief. “But I do have a big favor to ask.” He paused and took a deep breath. “Is there any way you could come get me? Or call somebody to come get me?”
“What happened?” Din was back on edge. He could hear the frustration in Cobb’s voice.
“I just,” he sighed again, “I’ve had too much to drink to walk home, I don’t like the idea of asking someone here for a ride, and if I stay here any longer than I have to somebody is getting punched.”
Din was already up putting on his shoes. “What’s the address?”
The next few minutes passed in a blur. He quickly woke Grogu up enough to get his jacket and shoes on and get him into the car. The kid was out again seconds after his father buckled him in. Din drove as steadily as he could, trying not to panic or speed and failing at both. When he finally got to the house, he pulled up front and checked on Grogu before getting out and locking the doors, deciding he couldn’t and shouldn’t take him with him to the door. 
He rang the door bell and the door was quickly answered by a disheveled looking college student. “I’m here to get Cobb.”
The man looked him up and down and chuckled. He turned his head over his shoulder and called out, “Vanth, your boyfriend is here!” 
“Oh, no,” Din said quickly. “I’m just here to pick him up.”
“Hey, Darlin’,” Cobb slurred as he came to the door, wrapping his scarf around his neck. 
There were whistles from the other hockey players inside the house and Cobb just rolled his eyes and he pushed past the player at the door and throwing he arm over Din’s shoulders and he pulls him towards the car. 
Once they were inside and Din was pulling away, Cobb cleared his throat. “Thank you for getting me,” he whispered. He turned and glanced at Grogu still asleep in his car seat behind his dad. “I’m sorry, sometimes I forget you’ve got a little one.”
“It’s alright, he’s sleeping through it. He won’t even remember this in the morning,” Din answered honestly. They were silent for a moment before he pulled over and parked the car at a random curb. He turned and looked at Cobb who was looking extremely confused. “Did you tell your team we were dating?” 
“No, why?”
“Because they think we are,” Din spoke pointedly.
Cobb stuttered for a moment. “Aren’t we?” Din froze. When he received no answer, Cobb continued, “Weren’t all those ice cream study sessions dates?” 
“I-,” he paused and took a breath. “I didn’t think they were dates, did you think they were dates?”
“Well, yeah.” 
They sat in an uncomfortable silence for the first time ever. Neither knew what to say. Grogu made a frustrated sound behind them and they both turned towards him, concern on both their faces. Realizing he was still asleep, Din relaxed. He locked eyes with Cobb and chuckled. 
“So,” Cobb spoke softly, officially breaking the tension. “Since those apparently weren’t dates, would you like to get ice cream on Tuesday? 2:00?”
“As a date?”
“Yes, Din,” Cobb laughed, “as a date.”
Din hummed and nodded. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
Tuesday afternoon he spent hours pacing his apartment. Peli had taken Grogu around 1:00 to allow Din time to get ready. He had traded his NASA hoodie, which he realized Cobb had never not seen him in before, for a simple button down and a jacket. He kept going back to his hair, trying to make it perfect but the fluff wouldn’t settle down the way he wanted. 
Really what filled his mind was thoughts of Cobb. They hadn’t talked much since the night of the party. Din couldn’t help the thought that kept racing around his head, “Cobb was drunk when he asked him out.” 
He didn’t believe that Cobb, even drunk, would say something like that to him and not mean it. But he couldn’t help the doubt.
He sat on the sofa, his elbows on his knees, watching the time tick by. 
At 2:10, he felt his heart drop. He was seconds away from picking up his phone to call Peli when he heard a knock.
He opened the door to see a very out of breath Cobb standing in front of him. 
“Sorry, I know I’m late, I had to deal with something.” And by ‘something’ he meant he was also attempting to get his hair perfect. He looked Din over and smiled sadly. “You’re not wearing your hoodie.”
Din looked down at himself. “It’s a date. Aren’t you supposed to look nice for dates?”
“Well yeah, but,” Cobb paused and chuckled, “you just look so cute in your hoodie.”
“I can go put it on if you really want me to,” Din said with a laugh and a nod towards his room. 
“Nah,” Cobb shook his head, “you look really nice, just making me feel underdressed, is all.”
Din laughed and stepped out into the hallway, pulling his door shut and locking it. “Come on, Cowboy. Let’s go get ice cream.” 
He let Cobb toss his arm over his shoulders as they walked and all Din could think was how glad he was that the school required everyone to take a science class.
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mndalorians · 3 years
hey hi i hope you're doing okay!! that fic about slow-dancing with ezra lives in my head rent free, so i'm wondering if you have any other songs you associate strongly with the boys? or who else you think would dance with their partner??
Aar!! I’m doing alright! I’m so happy to hear that you enjoyed it and that it’s stuck with you 🥺🥺
Below the cut are some songs and thoughts on dancing for Din, Ezra, Frankie, and Whiskey, thank you for asking about it!
- Show Me How - Men I Trust - this is one of the oldest songs I've associated with Din and it always makes me soft 🥺
- Little Dark Age - MGMT - in contrast is this song, maybe a little more suited to the Din we get a glimpse of in ep. 6, but there's a duality to him nevertheless that allows vastly different songs to be applied to him and I have a few
- Two Weeks - FKA twigs - bonus song cause it slaps
I have personal headcanons about what dancing is like within Mandalorian culture (with lots of banging of armour, stamping of feet, etc.) but those are group dances so I don't think Din has much experience when it comes to couples dancing. Maybe he remembers his parents dancing and laughing together, but the memory is faint, he remembers the general outline of them, not where their hands were placed or the actual steps of the dance. You can only really convince him to dance if you say it would mean a lot to you or he comes across you 'dancing' with the baby (basically just swaying and moving around the hull to the beat of a song you're humming), but seeing how happy you are in that moment as you dance leaves him wanting to be the reason for your smile, and if that means following a rhythm then so be it. He needs you to direct him and is as stiff as a board the first time you dance but he eventually softens and ends up resting his forehead against yours while you move about the hull.
- Black Mambo - Glass Animals (ZABA in general tbh) - I know I just write soft moments with Ezra but to me this song captures the dark undercurrent he has that really makes him dangerous
- Harvest Moon - Lord Huron - major Ezra vibes, it just suits him so well I think
I'll just expand a little on Ezra! Similarly to that wee fic, he'll hear a song and all of a sudden be overcome with the need to dance, doing very nearly anything to convince you to be his partner (if you need convincing). I feel like (maybe in his younger years) he'd be fond of the Charleston, or 'looser' dances that don't have the rigidity of a waltz, for example, and would enjoy having you as a partner for them, so long as space allows for it. If not, he's holding you close and cherishing the contact of you against him, since such a pleasure and privilege is denied while suited up and working.
I kinda associate old rock with Frankie but I don't listen to that lmao
- Crystals - Of Monsters and Men - I did rediscover this though, maybe this suits him in the aftermath of the movie? I do feel like there's a 'Frankie-ness' to it though
You might be able to convince Frankie to dance privately, I don't think he would be one for clubbing unless he was tagging along with the guys (and even then he'd probably stick close to the bar). If it's just you two though, it'll mostly be a little side to side sway that starts with your hands clasped and on shoulders/waists, but it would soon devolve into him holding you close with his chin on your shoulder, the two of you rocking back and forth. Maybe the gentle rocking becomes something he craves on days where everything is just a little too much, and so will seek you out just to sway and calm his mind.
Whiskey: (don’t look at me Hailee)
- Velvet Elvis - Kacey Musgraves - there's the obvious country vibes but the pop influence in it suits the modern cowboy I think
He's taking you line dancing, he's taking you square dancing. He'll laugh out loud when 'box the gnat' is called the first time you square dance and you look at him with wide, confused eyes, not knowing what it means, until he takes your hand and leads you through the motion. He knows formal dancing thanks to his time as a Statesman and will lead you through a tango just fine, but, like Ezra, he'd much prefer an impromptu dance to whatever song he happens to hear that takes his fancy. The steps to those dances are more like bounces than strides, he'll push your leading hands up to the sky then down until they're close to the floor, and he'd spin you both around with such reckless abandon that it would worry you if it were anyone but Jack.
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captainkappa · 3 years
Fanfic:: Sunday Run
Like many people, I fell hard and fast for Din/Luke and ended up writing this fic surprisingly fast for my standards. 
Luke goes for his Sunday run. He’s just not expecting to be passed by such a large group of people
Modern AU, Meet Cute
Link to AO3
As sunlight streamed in from the edges of the window shade, Luke had to remind himself that even if it hardwired his body to wake up at 6 a.m. on a weekend, teaching was a fulfilling career.
He stared at his phone’s clock as if it’d personally offended him before dropping it on the floor and turned back over to hopefully catch some more sleep.
When he next opened his eyes, he was aware of the scratching at his door. He groped around on the floor, annoyed that his half-asleep self hadn’t thought to use the perfectly good nightstand that was right there. His fingers found purchase and squinted against the bright flash of the screen.
7:19 a.m.
Good enough.
Luke pulled himself out of bed, scrubbing a hand over his face before going about his morning routine on autopilot. He opened the door to start making breakfast and was unsurprised to find a put-out Artoo sitting just outside his door, tail flicking as angrily as a cat could.
Artoo continued to stare at him. Luke walked over to the cat’s food dish, finding it a quarter of the way full, with a small spot in the center with no food.
“Oh, come on, that’s not empty. You were not about to starve last night.”
The cat did not look convinced but happily munched when Luke refreshed it with new food and water.
He started breakfast, only pausing to answer a text, to reassure Leia that he’d be over at her place for dinner. He leaned against the counter as he ate, glancing over to Artoo who looked very keen on stealing some.
“It’s not eggs today, buddy. I got too much shell in it last time.”
He’d wanted to try cracking an egg one handed, not wanting to get his prosthetic dirty. It hadn’t gone well.
Artoo didn’t look impressed then, and he didn’t look impressed now, letting out a meow.
Luke rested his elbows down. “Do you think I should actually go on a run today, buddy?”
Sunday runs were a fickle part of his schedule. If he was at his best, he’d do five miles every Sunday morning before enjoying the rest of his day off, but sometimes the looming threat of the work week or the effects of last week made him skip. The past couple of weeks, though, he’d been on a streak, but he was just getting tired of looking at the same buildings in his neighborhood.
Artoo said nothing, shifting in his spot to lick his leg.
He sighed, “You’re right, I should.”
He left the plate in the sink to clean up later and finished getting ready for his run. He slipped a sock on his elbow and attached one of his cosmetic prosthetic arms, not needing to be interrupted by someone wanting to know his life story just to tell him he’s “so brave.”
(If the person was an asshole about feeling entitled to his life, Luke made up an increasingly incredulous story involving sharks or killer bees or both in the case of one annoying woman in a checkout lane. If they were nice, they got the condensed version, car accident. Very few people knew of the argument beforehand he’d had with his father, how he’d gotten in the car furious, how that blinded him to the drunk driver swerving into his lane.)
Slipping on his shoes and gave Artoo a passing scritch on the head. The cold, early spring air was a shock, but he resisted the urge to go back to swap out his shorts for sweatpants. He’d warm up as he ran. When he got into his car, the check engine light flashed as it had for the past two weeks and like he’d done for the past two weeks, he ignored it, muttering about how he’d get it checked when he had the funds. Teaching was emotionally fulfilling; it just wasn’t monetarily fulfilling.
The car rumbled to life and he turned out of his neighborhood. As he’d gotten dressed for the day, he’d landed on a park he’d gone to a couple of times before, hoping a change of scenery would help in keeping the motivation to run.
For a Sunday morning, it was pretty quiet. The park had only opened a half hour before and there were maybe five other cars in the lot. Once there, he stretched in the parking lot and picked a trail in the wooded area. He hoped he’d be avoiding most of the runners picking pathed paths rather than the more natural ones.
Luke went for his phone and sighed, realizing he’d forgotten his earbuds. He shrugged to himself before jogging his way over the path. Hopefully nature would give him something to look at. Maybe he’d even practice some of that mindfulness Uncle Ben kept talking about.
Asphalt gave way to packed earth as he arrived at the start of the path. He gave himself one last quick stretch before starting to run in earnest. Trees surrounded him on all sides, growing thicker as the path leaned to the right. The trees were still bare from winter, allowing more sunlight through the branches. The path was firm packed earth, with some tree roots poking out of the ground.
To his right, the forest gave way to a lake and then a river, the earth slowly sloping downward until he was running beside a sharp decline, nothing so dangerous as to need a fence, but noticeable that Luke made sure to be aware of where his feet landed. If he couldn’t afford a major car repair, he certainly couldn’t afford to trip and fall down that hill.
Luke took in a purposeful breath, pushing away thoughts of money. Maybe mindfulness could be the goal of today. He thought back to how Uncle Ben had described it. Start from the bottom. Focus on your feet, keeping light steps as-
“On your left!”
He glanced over at the woman passing him and gave her a polite nod, which she returned. Her black hair was pulled into a ponytail, bouncing as she jogged past.
That was okay, other runners were a normal part of going to parks. He’d just have to recenter himself, start again. Focus on the feeling of running shoes on ground-
“Make way!”
He looked over to see a bald man passing him, gaining speed as he yelled something to the woman ahead. Luke couldn’t make out the specifics, but he could hear her laugh.
Okay, not everyone can be a considerate runner, but that wouldn’t damper his spirit.
He found his rhythm again, focusing on the trees around him, the purpose in each step he took, how running made him feel. It almost a decent replacement for music.
Luke nearly stumbled at that loud introduction as a short woman with wild curly hair grinned at him and passed him.
He didn’t have time to process that when he heard a man with a soft Southern accent say from behind him, “Pardon me.”
Luke looked up and damn near blushed when the man gave him a wink as he passed. Any ability to practice mindfulness went out the window as he watched the man jog ahead in front of him. But who could blame him for having his thoughts wander, who jogged in a cowboy hat?
He took a deep breath. It was fine. So what if he was used to peaceful runs with little interruption? So what if his thoughts were turning to annoyance as this trail was more crowded and loud than he was used to? Luke could handle that.
Luke was just getting in the mind when there was a cough and he turned to see two women power walking behind him. They paused their conversation to give him a look that forced him to step off the path to let them by, some dirt and rocks coming loose and falling the short ways down the hill. He gave a polite hello that neither of them returned.
He busied himself with stretching, ready to get back to running when-
“On your left.”
An annoyed comment was on the tip of his tongue, but the steely gaze of the woman in all black made him clam up.
He checked his phone briefly, the app he used informing him he was nearly halfway to his target. A satisfied thrum filled his body and he got back on the trail, focusing on getting the burn back in his legs, how he knew it’d feel good later to know he’d gotten out early and was able to jog amongst nature.
There, it wasn’t that hard to get back in the jogging mood.
Luke didn’t even have time to register why that voice sounded familiar as the man accidentally clipped his shoulder. He stumbled, his shoe catching a root sticking out of the ground and pitching himself sideways off the side of the hill. His life flashed before his eyes as he blindly reached out for a branch, a twig, anything to keep him from tumbling down. For a moment he was surprised when his hand grabbed onto something soft before he was quickly righted, a hand on his shoulder and prosthetic.
Heart pounding in his ears, he could only barely make out the man in front of him – who saved him – asking if he was okay. He just nodded, only aware he was being led to sit until there was firm ground underneath him.
As his pulse calmed, he looked at the man who was now kneeling in front of him and, wow, way he handsome. Dark brown curls slightly matted by sweat, light brown skin showing beneath a gray shirt, sunglasses perched on his nose, but most noticeable was the baby carrier on his chest. The child, who couldn’t be more than 18 months old, was looking at Luke with wide eyes, arms outstretched.
“Are you alright?” the man asked again, voice low with concern.
Luke swallowed before finding his voice, “Yeah, just got tripped up by that one guy.”
The other man nodded and stood up. He offered a hand to Luke and Luke, still buzzing with adrenaline, falling on habits he thought he’d forgotten since the accident, offered his right hand, not realizing his mistake until the man pulled with more force than expected and pulled off Luke’s prosthetic with a soft ‘pop.’
The sunglasses hide the man’s face, but Luke can see the man’s growing confusion and embarrassment. Not wanting to put the poor guy through that, Luke surged up to his feet, gently taking the arm from the man and gave him a slight smile.
Luke knew he should something along the lines of “it’s fine, don’t worry about it!’ but that’s not what comes out.
Instead, Luke looked to the man (and when had he gotten this close to realize there’s a slight stubble on his chin) and said, “Guess you don’t know your own strength, huh?”
Before the man can react, Luke turned and continued running in the direction he was going, passing the group of people who had passed him minutes before. A couple of them nod, some shout out to him “Where’re you going in a hurry?” and “What happened to your arm?”
(The bald guy said the last one. It just pushes him harder.)
Thankfully, a branch in the path opened up and even though he hadn’t run a full five miles, he banked to the left, closer toward the parking lot. He didn’t stop until his car came into view, trying to catch his breath as the adrenaline passes through him. He reattached his hand, flexing the other one that had cramped up from holding it so tightly.
“Don’t know your own strength.” Who the hell are you, Skywalker? Han wouldn’t even pull a line like that… okay maybe he would.
He shook his head, trying to put the man out of his mind. He halfheartedly stretched in front of his car, a bone-weariness setting in after everything that just makes him want to already be home in front of the TV.
Opening the car door, he fell into his seat. He pressed the keys into the ignition and turned the car on. It rumbled more than it usually did before making a noise like defeat and falling still.
“No, no, no!” he mumbled, trying the key again. Nothing.
The check engine light blinked as if to say. “I told you so.”
With a groan, his head fell onto the steering wheel, startling him as he accidentally hit the horn. He readjusted so he could wallow without informing everyone in a 500-yard radius how fucked he was. He didn’t know how long he sat like that, the logistics of repair crews and carpooling to work making his mind run overtime.
There was a crick forming in his neck and back when a familiar, high pitched voice called out.
“You good – oh it’s you!”
Luke looked up and saw the short woman with the wild curly hair standing close by.
He cleared his throat, not wanting to add ‘crying in front of strangers’ on his list of things he did today.
“Yeah, it’s me.”
“You havin’ engine trouble?”
“Yeah, I-” and before he could say more, the lady had moved to the front of his car, popped open the hood, and was waist deep in his car.
“Not bad condition,” she said, “considering it’s an X-Wing. Don’t see too many of these older models out here.” She leaned around the hood, “I’ll need to get underneath to see how bad it really is.”
“Do you… work at a repair shop?”
She waved a hand. “Kid, I own a repair shop!” And before he could dispute being called a “kid” at the age of 28, there was a slightly sweaty business card for Motto’s Motors in his hand. It was close by his neighborhood, closer to the one he normally went to.
He was about to ask about prices, when the woman with her hair in a ponytail walked over.
“Everything okay here, Peli?”
The woman elbows deep in his car, Peli apparently, started explaining the car situation and then Cara turned to him with a glint of recognition.
“Hey there!”
Luke nodded a hello, and somehow, that led to the rest of their group (they were all a group, who jogged with this many people?) surrounding the car and introducing themselves to Luke, first Cara, then Mayfeld, Cobb, Bo-Katan, Koska, Fennec, Boba, Din and Grogu in the carrier. He’s surprised when, instead of going back to their own cars, they stay and talk around his, dragging him into conversations and asking his opinion on matters that seem like they have history. Luke glanced about, trying to follow everything, when his eyes catch on Din hanging off awkwardly to the side.
Finally, Peli shut the hood with a thunk and wiped her hands on her sweatpants. “I’ll give the boys a call, they can get a tow truck out here. I’m sure one of us can give you a drive down.”
Any arguments against accepting die on his tongue as she gives him a look that could melt icecaps. And there are no protests from her friends as they all start talking over each other once again, this time about car organization. Before he can comprehend, he’s handed his keys over to Peli, a loud call has been sent to Peli’s “boys,” and he and Din have been left in the parking lot. Standing together, Luke can better tell that he’s only a few inches shorter than the other man, but that doesn’t help him feel any less intimidated in the silence. Still wearing the sunglasses, Din doesn’t look all too happy, but it’s hard to tell.
“You know the um, arm thing? It’s fine, it’s just cosmetic, you didn’t rip any wires out or anything. I don’t even know how those fancy robotic prosthetics work anyhow, they were always out of my budget…” Too late, Luke realized he was rambling.
“So, it’s fine,” he finished lamely. Din nodded, but the air between them hasn’t seem to have cleared.
“You really don’t have to do this,” Luke said. “I can just grab an Uber.”
“No, it’s fine,” Din said, pulling out his keys.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, just… not a fan of being volunteered for stuff.”
He couldn’t tell if that made him feel better or not. Of course Din wasn’t a fan of being Luke’s chauffer for the morning, he had a kid. Luke slipped in the front passenger seat as Din spent his time buckling up the kid in the backseat, whispering to him. He couldn’t help but sneak a peak at the two through the rearview mirror, heart melting a little at the sight of how Din seemed to relax around the kid.
Having heard far weirder names among his kindergarten classes, Luke just nodded. Soon, Din was in the front seat, turning the car on.
“You ready?”
Luke nodded again and Din put the car in reverse, resting his hand on the back of Luke’s seat to back out of the parking spot. The car filled with an awkward silence as they exited the park, but Luke hadn’t expected much else, content to stare out the window and watch the familiar landscape pass them.
They had barely made it onto the highway where Peli’s shop was when Luke could hear Grogu fussing in the back. Without taking his eyes off the road, Din placed a free hand on top of the baby seat.
“It’ll be okay, don’t worry,” he said quietly, but Grogu continued to fuss.
“Is he okay?”
“Yeah, he- he just doesn’t like being alone back there. I had picked up some of my friends, so he was fine in the way in, but they managed to pack themselves into two cars so-”
He was cut off by a cry from Grogu that filled up the car. Din leaned further to the side, tapping his hand on the seat. “Hey, hey, it’s okay, I’m still here.”
That calms the cry, but Luke can still sense that Grogu wasn’t fully pleased.
Luke barely had to think about it when he spoke up. “Pull over.”
Din briefly broke eye contact with the road to glance at Luke. “What?”
“Pull over, I’ll sit in the back.”
“It’s fine, he’ll be-”
Din glanced over to him again.
“I’m the reason your friends aren’t able to in the car with him. I’ll be fine sitting in the backseat.”
He looked like he was going to say something, but instead he pulled his arm back, flipping on the turn signal to merge with the right shoulder. Another cry bubbled up from Grogu as they came to a stop, and Luke barely waited for the car to go into park before he’s out of his seat and in the backseat. It’s sort of a tight squeeze with the baby seat in the middle, but Luke doesn’t say anything.
Grogu looked up at him as he sat down. There were still some tears down his face and Luke carefully wiped them away.
“Hey buddy,” he said with a smile. “It’s alright.”
The kid babbled happily and reached out for him. Luke chuckled and held out a finger for Grogu to grab. The kid has a firm grasp, strong enough Luke knows he’s not getting his finger back anytime soon.
He lifted his head to tell Din they were ready to start moving again, but he paused, taken aback by the look Din is giving him. The sunglasses were still on, but he can tell something had shifted. Din is looking right through him, almost like when he was kneeled in front of him on the trail.
Luke swallowed down his shock. “We’re ready.”
Din just nodded and turned back in his seat, merging back into the early afternoon traffic. Now the car was filled with Grogu’s happy baby talk and Luke felt comfortable making small talk. He offered that he was a kindergarten teacher, which he could tell made Din relax even more. All he got from Din was he worked security, but Luke had never been one to mind talking, and it felt like no time has passed until they were turning into a garage with “Motto’s Motors” spray painted above.
Peli was already there, under his car, surrounded by the people Luke can only assume are “her boys.” Before he was fully out of the car, still extracting his finger from Grogu’s vice like grip, Peli was chewing him out for not taking the car in earlier. Thankfully, it was expected to be a small fix and she should be able to get it back to him tomorrow. They talked price as Din wrestled Grogu out of the baby seat. The cost was more than he wanted to hear, but not as bad it could have been, so he took solace that he won’t have to sacrifice too much of his wallet.
Luke was about to turn back to ask Din if he could trouble him for a ride home, when Peli called out, “Mando, tell everyone they can start brunch without me!”
Din nodded as Luke’s stomach sank.
“Am I forcing you to miss out on something?” he asked, looking from Peli to Din.
Din looked like he was going to say something before getting cut off by her, “Don’t worry about it! We do this every Sunday; we can afford to be a little late!”
“You do this every week? That’s nice,” he said with a smile to Din.
“Yeah,” Peli added, like she’d suddenly gotten an idea. “You know what, we probably have room in the carpool for one more, if you want to join?”
“What, me? I couldn’t-”
“It’d be okay,” Din said. “My friends all seem to like you… as does Grogu.”
Grogu cooed in his arms. Luke looked up to Din, holding eye contact for a minute before breaking into a smile.
“Alright then, I’ll come next week.”
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dweemeister · 3 years
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Melody Time (1948)
Disengaged and disinterested, Walt Disney was adrift at his own studio in the late 1940s. The studio’s modestly-budgeted package animated features were designed to save it from financial ruin. Yet, they required artistic and storytelling compromises that Disney was loathe to make. In this period, Disney shuffled personnel around the various departments – whether due to personal conflicts or dissatisfaction with their artistic approach on a certain film. Melody Time’s segments are of varying quality and limited experimentation, reflecting the organizational tumult within the studio. No standout moment exists in Melody Time, even though it is more energetic and looser than the preceding Fun and Fancy Free (1947).
The modern Walt Disney Company has advertised Melody Time as a film, “in the grand tradition of Disney’s greatest musical classics, such as Fantasia.” Audacious comparison to make, but functionally inaccurate. Fantasia, as imagined by Walt Disney, Deems Taylor, Leopold Stokowski, and the studio’s animators, was crafted so that its animation would empower the music (in cinema, the reverse – where music serves the action on-screen – is almost always a filmmaker’s approach). The reverse of that relationships holds here. Melody Time contains these seven segments, or “mini-musicals”: “Once Upon a Wintertime”, “Bumble Boogie”, “The Legend of Johnny Appleseed”, “Little Toot”, “Trees”, “Blame It on the Samba”, and “Pecos Bill”. Some of these mini-musicals are more watchable and more artistically interesting than others – although that standard is relatively low in Melody Time.
“Once Upon a Wintertime” is based on an overused Disney narrative template that never ceases to be a bore. A young couple are out and about, flirting and flitting, all while the woodland animals scurrying back and forth mirror human courtship. The segment, however, is partially redeemed by Frances Langford singing the segment’s title song (composed by Bobby Worth and Ray Gilbert) and the unmistakable influence of Mary Blair (1950’s Cinderella, the “It’s a Small World” attraction at Disneyland in Anaheim) in its aesthetic. With any piece of animation involving Mary Blair, one can expect an eye-catching use of color and her modernist art style. “Once Upon a Wintertime” is like a holiday card brought to animated life. Unlike a picturesque and meaningful holiday card, though, it overstays its welcome. But the stereotypical treatment of the young women appearing in “Once Upon a Wintertime” is, to put it mildly, clichéd writing at best. Hackneyed, too, is the fact that the woodland animals come to the human’s rescue.
Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov’s Flight of the Bumblebee is one of the most recognizable (and overplayed) pieces of Western classical music, even to those folks who go out of their way to announce their distaste for classical music. Given a jazz rendition by the Freddy Martin Orchestra, “Bumble Boogie” is a thankfully brief three-minute foray. Here, an insect (that does not seem anything like a bee) flies through a series of surreal images – mostly parts of musical instruments (piano keys in particular) – that it must avoid. The segment is visually entertaining to watch, even if it must have been the easiest to prepare, design, and animated for in all of Melody Time. If placed in either Fantasia or Fantasia 2000, it would easily be the weakest Fantasia segment ever produced.
Third in the film is a segment that feels most like a classic Disney production. “The Legend of Johnny Appleseed” is Disney’s glorified and sanitized take on the eponymous American pioneer, nurseryman, conservationist, and missionary. Walt’s personal ideology and perspective on American history included the fulfillment of Manifest Destiny and the taming of the nation’s wilds as among humanity’s greatest achievements. These are notions that Walt – through his films, theme parks, television shows, and public and private remarks – never questioned. Narrated and with Johnny Appleseed voiced by Dennis Day, there is a sincerity to Johnny’s characterization not present anywhere else in the movie. Again, Mary Blair’s artwork – this time, her forested backgrounds – appears as if heaven-sent. The umbrella-like canopy of the apple trees and “untamed” forests are inviting, and attract one’s eyes upward – towards the apples, paradise.
The title song (sometimes referred to as “The Lord is Good to Me”) featured in the opening moments of “The Legend of Appleseed” is one of the earliest – and one of the few – mentions or depictions of religious faith in a Disney animated work. It reinforces the mythos that surrounds Johnny Appleseed (and, by extension, the belief that white men are divine heroes for civilizing the lands west of the original Thirteen Colonies) to the present day. I was not raised in any of the Abrahamic religions, but it difficult to deny the simple charm of the title song and this segment – even if it endorses a troublesome perspective on American history. “The Legend of Johnny Appleseed” is the best segment of Melody Time – from its unassuming storytelling and wondrous animation. It is the only Melody Time segment that I could possibly envision as a decent feature-length animated film.
Based on a 1939 children’s picture book of the same name Hardie Gramatky, “Little Toot” is a chore to sit through. The segment shares similar narrative and aesthetic tissue with Saludos Amigos’ (1942) “Pedro”, which concerned an anthropomorphic mail airplane that thinks it could. Along the Hudson River in New York City, Little Toot is a tiny tugboat who aspires to be like his father Big Toot. Just as in “Pedro”, this is a case of an anthropomorphized vehicle child who attempts to assume adult responsibility in order to prove that they can perform tasks as well as the adults can. Given that Little Toot is a meddling prankster playing tugboat games, it is difficult to feel much sympathy when he finally faces the consequences of his actions – which probably includes calamitous infrastructural damage and human casualties. Of course, Little Toot is eventually redeemed through some heroic deeds. All of the tugboats will love him, as they belt out with glee that Little Toot will go down in history. The segment is grating, including the novelty title song sung by The Andrews Sisters. Aside from some fascinating water effects, there is not much that “Little Toot” offers in the way of animated interest. Otherwise, it is least interesting segment of the film.
The palate-cleanser is “Trees”, a four-minute segment based on Joyce Kilmer’s poem of the same name (music composed by Oscar Rasbach and performed by Fred Waring and the Pennsylvanians). Its aesthetic harkens back to a few seconds near the end of the “Ave Maria” in Fantasia, but otherwise “Trees” is distinct from anything else that has appeared in the Disney animated canon. When setting to work on “Trees”, layout artist Ken O’Connor (1941’s Dumbo, 1987’s The Brave Little Toaster) found himself enamored by the concept art, and endeavored to be a faithful to the style set by the concept art as possible. To do this, O’Connor frosted cels before drawing pastel images onto the cel. Before being photographed by the studio’s multiplane camera, each cel was laminated in clear lacquer to prevent the pastel from smudging. Thanks to O’Connor’s experimentation, “Trees”, however fleeting, lays claim to some of the most beautiful animation among all of the package Disney animated features.
“Blame it on the Samba” sees a reunion of Donald Duck and Brazilian parrot José Carioca (Saludos Amigos, 1944’s The Three Caballeros) are walking about, depressed, directionless. Suddenly, they encounter the Aracuan Bird (who debuted in The Three Caballeros), who whisks them inside a cocktail that introduces them to the rhythmic pleasures of the samba. The segment’s title song is based on Ernesto Nazareth’s polka Apanhei-te, Cavaquinho, sung by The Dinning Sisters with adapted English lyrics, and accompanied by organist Ethel Smith (who appears as herself).
“Blame it on the Samba” feels like it should have been featured in either Saludos Amigos or The Three Caballeros – and that was the intention exactly. Intended to appear in Saludos Amigos, “Blame it on the Samba” was animated and completed in time for it to be incorporated in The Three Caballeros. Given Donald Duck’s lust for human women in the second half of the latter movie, “Blame it on the Samba” might have otherwise been a serviceable penultimate number in that film. The segment is an explosion of color, a kick in the rear for a movie that feels much longer than its seven-five-minute runtime might suggest. And yet in a segment for a music genre innovated in Brazil and popularized by Brazilians, the performers and the performance lack any discernible Brazilian influence or roots. This is not samba music. Instead, it is the culmination of what a white American might think samba music sounds like. This unfortunate development probably would have been avoided entirely if “Blame it on the Samba” appeared in those two aforementioned films instead.
“Pecos Bill”, based on the Texan folk hero of the same name, makes reference to American Indians in ghastly ways. Simultaneously, its absurd humor and lack of fidelity to sensible human behavior and physics make it a delight to watch. The segment also boasts the presence of Roy Rogers and the Pioneers (and Rogers’ horse, Trigger). Child actors Luana Patten and Bobby Driscoll, both of whom had just starred in Song of the South (1946), make brief appearances in the segment’s hybrid animation/live-action introduction. Rogers, then contracted to Republic Pictures, was one of the quintessential stars of the singing cowboy subgenre – singing cowboy movies were almost exclusively made by the “Poverty Row” studios including Republic, and they were extremely profitable against their barebones budgets). “Pecos Bill” all begins with the atmospheric, moody “Blue Shadows on the Trail”. “Blue Shadows on the Trail” describes and, through its spare instrumentation, reflects the emptiness and desolation of the American West. It is a beautiful ballad, and could easily be placed in any Western (singing cowboy movies or otherwise).
Once the hybrid animation/live-action introduction concludes, “Pecos Bill” steams forward with comic hyperbole followed by another comic hyperbole. The title song (music by Eliot Daniel, lyrics by Johnny Lange) doubles down on the exaggerations. Those exaggerations include the segment’s constant gunplay – escaping censorship from the Hays Code: a risqué gag that includes Pecos Bill’s guns going off because of love interest Slue Foot Sue. At least Melody Time ends brashly and riotously, but any impressionable children watching will require a discussion from a trusted adult. Its depictions of American Indians and men-women relations are deplorable, but after just over an hour of inconsistent quality, I found myself enjoying “Pecos Bill” more than I imagined.
Shortly after the release of Melody Time, Walt Disney embarked on a three-week cruise to Hawai’i. Walt rarely went vacationing, and he spent these weeks fully concentrating on his family and escaping from the minutiae of managing his studio. Even after returning from Hawai’i, Walt did not spend much time in Burbank. Walt invited animator and fellow train enthusiast Ward Kimball on a trip to the Midwest. Together, they attended the 1948 Chicago Railroad Fair, visited the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan, and stopped at other locations close to Walt’s childhood in the Midwest. Through the end of 1948, Walt spent more time constructing the train set in his backyard than paying attention to the animation and live-action movies his studio was producing. What seemed like idleness to many (including New York Times film critic Bosley Crowther, who believed that Disney was a cinematic genius wasting his time on quixotic projects) was a major inspiration for a draft sketch entitled “Mickey Mouse Park”, dated August 31, 1948.
The package era at Walt Disney Productions (now Walt Disney Animation Studios) was nearing its end. Every film during this run – Saludos Amigos (1942), The Three Caballeros (1944), Make Mine Music (1946), Fun and Fancy Free (1947), Melody Time, and The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949) – faced the same narrative of Walt Disney’s personal indifference to the projects, a lack of direction and motivation among the animators, and audience and critic dissatisfaction when compared to Disney’s Golden Age movies. A return to non-package animated features would be imminent, in spite of Melody Time’s mediocre performance at the box office. The Disney studios would attempt to begin a period of renewal with a tradition that inaugurated their animated canon – with a fairy tale.
My rating: 6/10
^ Based on my personal imdb rating. Half-points are always rounded down. My interpretation of that ratings system can be found in the “Ratings system” page on my blog (as of July 1, 2020, tumblr is not permitting certain posts with links to appear on tag pages, so I cannot provide the URL).
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