goosewizard · 8 months
andy barclay, 6 years old, the most traumatized boy in the orphanage, has the cutest little outfits and sweaters, believed by NO ONE, changed families more times than he can count, hunted by a doll possessed by a serial killer, LITTLEST BOY IN THE WORLD.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 9 months
Hi, could you do a Fenrys fic where he and the reader are very attracted to one another but they have to stay away from each other because of Maeve but when they are sent to hunt Lorcan they finally get some alone time together. (It can be suggestive or not, you decide)
Wanna hold you
It was pure torture. Nothing felt more painful than watching the love of your life but not being able to touch them. Hold them. Shield them. Having to pull up a snarly mask. Bark insults at one another. Glaring instead of casting a loving gaze.
"Move", Fenrys would bark in the morning practice, "Oh, your ego is too big to step to the side now?", You leaned towards him, gritting your teeth. "Stop being a headache", he would growl the wolf inside him threatening to take over. "I have sharp nails too, pup", you would remind him. Black cat claws out on the show. "Come on, kids", Gavriel would call out from the other side of the training ground. But for that split second when you two were all up in one another's faces you could let your guards fall. Soaking in that desire that bubbled suppressed deep under.
No one could know. It was a death threat. Something Maeve would toy with till she got bored. It was already painful enough to watch her bed Fenrys as it was. You didn't want to imagine how often she would seek him out if she found out that you had fallen for the white wolf. You found yourself in a pleasure house just get that smell on you. To make lying about the males you bedded more believable. And to hide the smell of Fenrys on your skin.
This had been the longest you two had to be apart. Maeve was getting restless with Rowan running off with Aelin. Then Lorcan deciding that he too wanted to be the main character, leaving the rest of the cadre to pay the price. Fenrys was leaning against the taverna he and Gavriel were staying in. The hunt for Lorcan so far had led them nowhere but you were supposed to join them tonight. Maeve's orders. Just the hours went by but there was no sign of you.
Fenrys was growing restless. You all were far away to no longer feel Maeve's presence. Meaning that finally, he would be able to hold you close for a while. Just soak in your scent.
Fenrys suddenly feels himself being pushed back into the wall, too slow to reach for a dagger as the blade is being pressed against his neck. "Lost in a daydream?", and his knees are weak. You barely managed to move the blade away before he reached to yank you closer to his body. You wrap your arms around his neck. Breathing in his musky smell.
"Mother, strike me. You're actually here", Fenrys breaths out, "Let me look at you, let me...", he's pulling away, carefully shrugging off the hood of your cloak. Your sparkly eyes meet his. You two are grinning at each other like teenagers. "Missed me this much?", you tease him even if your own body is tingling with excitement. "Well the last time I held you was like a month ago", he breathed out, hands going all over your body. Too excited to just stick with one spot. "You mean you fucked me against a tree a month ago. And that's all you remember. Rude", you roll your eyes. But you know that he's not wrong. That truly was the last time you got to spend more time together. Not just settle for accidental brushes against one another.
"You look even more beautiful than I remember", Fenrys mutters, making you let out a giggle, "You're high on adrenaline, pup", you brush some of his blond hair away. Allowing your fingers to twirl one of the strands. "Are you here or am I seeing things?", Fenrys leans to nuzzle against the side of your face. "Listen to my heartbeat. My heart is beating so fast because of you", you say and Fenrys quickly scoops you up in his arms, twirling you around. The happiness pouring out of you like the late night moonlight.
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midnightwriter21 · 9 months
demon slayer hcs: their reaction to cheesy pick up lines
characters: tengen x reader
warnings: language, a lil suggestive at the end but nun serious, tengen is too fine for his own good
AN: brought to u by my feral need to have tengens arms around my [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] and have him [REDACTED] with his [REDACTED] [REDACTED] to me hehe <3
Sanemi’s Version HERE
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You have nice arms. Can I see how they'd feel around me?
y’all are on a mission together
and in the middle of battle you catch sight of tengen twirling his weapons around all flashy like
and it’s not his weapons that catch ur eyes
but those scrumptious arms of his
those veins that travel up his forearms to his biceps
those giant, rough (but clean) hands
the way his biceps bulge when he tenses his arms before an attack
girl i need a moment alone with jus a pic of his arms cause PHEWWWWWWW
i mean cmon
those things are yummy looking we all know it
so anyways ur staring
and he glances over and CATCHES UR STARE
an mf has the audacity to wink with a
“i know i’m sexy but focus on your own fight”
or something along those lines
he’s right but literally stfu & let me admire u
after the fight is over he calls u out for staring
“i think i saw you drooling over me during the battle” with that fine ass smirk of his
and instead of denying it
“you have nice arms.”
“why thank yo-“
“can I see how they’d feel around me?”
bro pauses to process ur words
and then within a second he’s scooping you up and carrying you away somewhere private with an “of course..”
“but i wanna see how you feel around me.”
id fold like a lawn chair
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icycoldninja · 4 months
I need more cute wacky woohoo pizza man dante things. they cure my depression.
But of course, here you go, and remember that even in your lowest moments, there'll always be a fanfic about Dante being a goofball to cheer you up. 💜
New pajamas (Dante x reader)
You got home a little later than you planned, having been held up in traffic. When you came home, you expected to find Dante lazing around the house as he always did, probably buried up to his ears in empty pizza boxes and crushed beer cans. However, your predictions were found to be untrue--Dante was not lounging in the living room, surrounded by junk. In fact, the whole house was dark, the only visible lights were those from your appliances, and your bedroom.
Wait, your bedroom?
Curious, you flicked the lights on and slowly made your way towards your bedroom door. Sure enough, warm yellow light streamed through the crack at the bottom of the door, meaning that someone was in there.
Holding your breath, you turned the know and swung the door open, not sure what to expect.
It was a good thing you didn't make any assumptions, as what laid beyond that door was nothing short of bizarre.
Dante--or rather, a giant, fluffy, pink unicorn stood before your mirror, dancing around and giggling at himself. As soon as he turned to face the door, revealing the ridiculously large unicorn head that sat atop his shoulders, he gasped. A hooved arm reached up and pushed the unicorn head back, making you realize it was a hood. "Oh, hey babe!" He cried, grinning. You paused, not really sure what to start your greeting with. "Umm...what are you wearing?" Dante perked up like a peacock at your words, clearly happy that you noticed his new outfit. "These are my new pajamas," He proudly declared, spinning around and flipping the unicorn hood back up over his head. "That's great," You mumbled, watching him prance around the room, "But why a unicorn?" "Why not?" He responded, galloping over to you and scooping you up into his arms. "Ok, to be perfectly honest," He confessed, twirling you around a few times. "This was the cheapest one they had in my size. But who cares? It still rocks." You giggled, hooking your arms around Dante's shoulders as he twirled the two of you over to your bed and dumped the both of you onto it. "New pajamas gotta be rolled around in first before they feel really comfortable--wanna help me out with that?" You nodded, tugging the hood off of him with a grin before proceeding to pepper kisses all over his face.
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lastbluetardis · 8 months
Sacred New Beginnings (19/?)
Summary: James Noble thought he traded away his chance at love and a happy-ever-after when he signed a contract with a record label that turned him into an international celebrity. But a chance meeting in a dive bar may prove him wrong. Ten x Rose AU This Chapter: Explicit, ~5000 words AO3 || Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6 | Ch7 | Ch8 | Ch9 | Ch10 | Ch11 | Ch12 | Ch13 | Ch14 | Ch15 | Ch16 | Ch17 | Ch18 |
James can hardly hear past the roar of his pulse in his ears as he is the sole focus of Jackie Tyler’s—(Jackie Peters’s? He’ll have to ask Rose what last name her mum has)—ire. Gone is the cheerful grin he’d seen in the photos Rose had sent of herself and her mother on holiday in Barcelona; now that joy is replaced with the sort of rage only a mother is capable of. 
He throws a desperate glance at the other adult in the room, but Tyler Peters is stunned into silence, his eyes locked on James as though he’d never seen a human being before.
Absurdly, this is what unfreezes James, and he throws out a stupid little, “Hello. I’m James Noble. Pleasure.”
“You’ve got a lot of nerve showin’ up here,” Jackie spits, stalking ever-closer. James regrets that he didn’t use the last two seconds to free himself from his position of being backed against the countertop. “Who the hell do you think you are?”
“Mummy! Daddy!”
Jackie whirls around to face the corridor at the sound of a tiny voice and pitter-patter of feet. She automatically crouches, and Tony gallops headlong into his mother’s waiting arms. She scoops him up and peppers kisses across his fair skin.
“Did you have a good night with sissy?” Jacke coos, stroking his hair away from his face. “She didn’t feed you any ice cream, did she?”
“Yeah! An’ made hotdogs and cheesy ‘tatoes, then we played Jus’ Dance, an’ James was there!”
“Oh?” Jackie asks, flashing James a withering glare. “When did he get here?”
“Yeah, he’s so fun!” Tony squeals, pivoting in his mother’s arms to beam at James. “He’s my fav’rite.”
Rose finally emerges from down the hall, her cheeks stained scarlet as she squeaks, “Hi, Mum. I expected you to text when you got here.”
“Oh, so you could hide this one somewhere?” Jackie scowls, gesturing to James.
“I… I wanted… I was gonna tell you…”
“What, that you let ‘im come weaslin’ back into your life? Did he come up with a sob story? Made it real convincin’, did he?”
“Jacks,” Tyler says quietly, inclining his head slightly towards Tony, who is still ensconced in his mother’s arms and watching the exchange curiously. “Let’s save it, eh?
Jackie purses her lips, then presses them to her son’s temple before handing the child to his father. “Take him outside, yeah? Meet you downstairs.”
“Five minutes,” Tyler warns. “This one needs to get to bed.” To his son, he chirps, “Say bye to sissy!”
“Bye-bye sissy! Gimme hugs and kisses!”
Rose tiptoes around her mother, not sparing her a glance as she scoops her little brother into her arms and gives him a couple of big twirls around the room.
“Spinny hug, spinny hug!” Tony screeches, clinging to Rose for dear life.
The sight makes something hollow ache in the pit of James’s gut. The siblings clearly adore each other, and Rose is so good with him.
“Bye-bye James!” Small hands tap his legs, and he realizes Tony is gesturing for a hug. He hesitates for only a fraction, but he can’t say no to those big brown eyes.
“G’night Tony,” he whispers, kneeling for a brief embrace. “Thanks for playing with me tonight.”
“All right, little man, wanna see who can race down the stairs fastest?” Tyler asks his son, ruffling Tony’s fair blond hair.
“Yeah! Onetwothreego!”
Tony bolts out of the flat, giggling madly, leaving his father to leisurely stroll behind him. Before Tyler closes the door behind him, he spins and says, “Good night, Rosie.”
“Night,” she mumbles, looking increasingly uncomfortable at the prospect of being left alone with her mother.
James nearly fumbles out an excuse to leave, but realizes that would be the most cowardly thing he’d ever done, and Rose deserves better than that. So he pulls on his big boy pants and turns to face the music.
Before he can speak, Jackie turns on Rose and throws her arms up into the air. “What are you thinking?! Have you gone mental?!”
“Mum, please just…”
“Whatever happened to “I deserve better than bein’ the latest in a long line”? I thought you were over bein’ a good time for someone who would drop you in a heartbeat for someone younger and smarter and prettier?”
Rose flinches from her mother, and James takes an automatic step towards her, reaching across the space between them.
“It’s not… it’s not like that,” Rose says weakly. “I got it wrong.”
“Oh, did you? ‘Cos from where I’m sittin’, it’s bloody obvious what’s going on here. Mister Handsome Rich Rockstar has swindled you again, tellin’ you whatever it is you want to hear so he can keep you ‘til he’s done with you.”
“Er, I’m not technically a rockstar,” James blurts, and he can hardly believe what has just come out of his mouth. But he can’t stop. It’s like his brain has ceased all higher function and his mouth has taken over. “More folk-pop. Indy, maybe? Soft pop?”
“Oh, shut up,” Jackie snaps, turning to him with fire in her eyes.
He clacks his teeth together and nods, stuffing his hands into his pockets in an attempt to make himself seem as small as possible, which is quite the impossible feat, considering his height.
“You! You need to get the hell away from my daughter if you know what’s good for you. You men, you’re all the same, taking what you want, thinkin’ you’re entitled to get your way, lyin’ through your bleedin’ teeth to get what you want. Well I won’t stand for it! My Rose deserves better. She isn’t a girl you can shag and drop the moment someone else comes along.”
“I… I know,” James stammers, his mouth impossibly dry and his stomach roiling in discomfort.
“Oh, do you?” Jackie remarks, false surprise lifting her face. “You had no problem tellin’ the entire bloody world you were just havin’ a bit of fun. ‘Cos that’s all you really want, isn’t it? Fun and a place to wet your cock…”
“Mum! Enough!” Rose shouts, red-faced and near-tears. “I was wrong. We’d both misunderstood each other. But we’re together now. Properly.”
“That’s what he told you, didn’t he? Bet he sounded real sorry too. Bet he said all the right words, didn’t he?”
James’s heart falls when he sees Rose flinch and drop her gaze to her feet.
“That’s enough,” he says quietly. “Say whatever you want about me, but Rose is smart enough to make her own decisions about her life, no matter what you believe. Yes, when Rose and I first started seeing each other, we each thought it was something casual. And I was an idiot for what I told the reporters. But things are different now. I want what’s best for her.”
Jackie grunts dismissively. “You say that now, but the moment she gives you a bit of bad press, you’re going to spin whatever little tale you need to tell to get the public on your side, and my Rose is gonna be the one who gets smeared through the muck.”
“I wouldn’t…”
“Mum, please,” Rose whispers. “I know I have an awful track record with boyfriends, but those are my mistakes to make. Maybe James will be a mistake, maybe he won’t be, but you have to let me live my life the way I choose to. And right now, I choose him.”
Jackie softens a fraction as she turns to her daughter. It’s as though with him out of sight, the gentle mother returns. She reaches to Rose and cradles her jaw, stroking her cheeks as she says, “My Rose. I will always want the best for you. It killed me to see you in such a state on holiday. I don’t want to see you be taken advantage of. Is it money? Sweetheart, you know me and your dad will help you out, you don’t need to stay with him for that.”
James is slightly offended that Jackie thinks he’s paying Rose to hang out with him or paying her for sex, but before he can think of a response, Rose covers her mother’s hands and leans into the touch.
“It’s not money,” she assures. “He’s not paying for anything of mine.”
“He bloody well should—he’s rich! You better not be payin’ for your dates!”
Rose lets out a sniffly giggle and throws her arms around her mother, who holds her tightly and rocks her from side to side. James wonders if he should sneak out while they’re distracted, but he finds he’s rooted to the spot, trying to wrap his head around the last few minutes.
“Please be safe, sweetheart,” Jackie whispers. “Please.”
“I am safe, Mum. And I wish you’d believe me when I say I’m happy. Really happy.”
“I believe that you believe it,” Jackie says, pulling back just far enough to kiss Rose’s forehead. “Remember that I’m here for you the moment you need me. Don’t you ever think you can’t come home to your old mum.”
Rose nods wordlessly.
The fight seems to have left Jackie, but she turns to him and says, “Don’t you dare hurt her, or mess her over.”
“I–  I won’t,” he vows.
Jackie narrows her eyes, scanning him up and down, but doesn’t say anything else. She turns away from him and back to Rose. “I gotta go. It’s way past Tony’s bedtime. Thanks for watchin’ him.”
“Of course. I love spending time with him,” Rose says, guiding her mother to the door.
“I love you. More than anything.”
“Love you too. Drive safe.”
Jackie kisses both of Rose’s cheeks and doesn’t even look James’s way as she sweeps out of the flat.
Downstairs in the foyer, Tyler Peters is desperately trying to occupy his definitely-tired-but-pretending-he’s-not-tired four-year-old, and it’s going about as well as one could hope. Tony is racing laps around the room, skillfully dodging the amused (and mercifully tolerant) tenants of the building who are simply trying to enter or exit the building.
“Watch it, mate,” he calls when Tony nearly barrels into the little old lady who has lived in this building for decades. She is one of the few residents who already leased a flat here before Tyler became the owner of the building. “So sorry Mrs. Donovan.”
“Oh, my grandsons have just as much energy,” the old woman says cheerfully, smiling down at Tony. “These bones may be old, but they’re sturdier than they look.”
“Hi!” Tony chirps, flashing a toothy smile. “Bye!”
And so the laps continue.
And continue…
And continue…
Tyler sighs and checks his watch. He should’ve known Jackie couldn’t keep it to five minutes. It’s nearing on fifteen, and he’s about to corral his son so they can go fetch her when the lift dings and Jackie steps out, her eyes sparking and her jaw locked.
“Mummy!” Tony sprints over and takes her hand. “Time to go!”
Tyler joins his family and takes his wife’s free hand, rubbing his thumb along the back of hers.
“Chat go all right?” he asks quietly.
“I don’t know what the hell she’s thinking,” Jackie grumbles. “I mean… James bloody Noble?! It was bad enough to hear my daughter was havin’ a lark with that… that… scoundrel in the first place. But now she’s taken him back? Stupid. Irresponsible.”
Tyler bites back a smirk and knocks his elbow into her ribs. “Put yourself in her shoes, eh? When you were her age, you can’t tell me that you wouldn’t have bedded Bono if he’d shown the slightest bit of interest in you?”
“It’s not the same!” she complains. “Bono never would’ve…”
“And Rose likely thought James Noble never would’ve,” he says simply. “You know I love her dearly and that I want the best for her, but Rose seems happy right now. Will it last? Probably not. But let her have this, eh? How many people can say they dated a famous singer in their youth? It’ll be a story for the grandkids and great-grandkids.”
His wife huffs out another impatient breath, but doesn’t argue further. “Yeah. Maybe. But still. James bloody Noble. I just hope Rose knows what she’s doing, datin’ that man…”
Tyler wraps his arm around her waist and gives her a squeeze, but doesn’t say more. Together, they walk out of the foyer of the building, all while being watched by two young women leaning on the wall beside the lifts.
The women exchange stunned, disbelieving looks.
“James Noble? The James Noble?” one of them asks.
“With Rose Tyler?” the other asks. “The girl up in flat 10-2?”
No fucking way…
James stares at the front door for several long seconds after Jackie’s marvelous exit. Rose shifts away from his side to step forward, twisting the lock and fastening the deadbolt chain before she clunks her forehead into the door. She doesn’t move from her position, so he goes to her.
Carefully, he slips his arms around her waist and presses a whisper-soft kiss to the side of her neck. Though she feels limp, she manages to spin in his grasp to instead plonk her head into his chest rather than her front door. She simply stands there, unmoving, as he rubs her back.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, voice muffled. “I didn’t think… I thought she’d… I’m so sorry.”
He doesn’t know what to say, so he stays quiet, nestling his stubbly cheek into her hair and breathing her in. Never before has a parental introduction gone so poorly. Usually his partners are as famous as him, so the parents are accepting and gracious or simply indifferent. Occasionally they’ll fawn over him.
But the outright hostility and venom that Jackie just spat at him…
“I didn’t realize you’d told your mum about me,” he finally says, matching the volume of his voice with hers.
She groans and says, “During our holiday. I’d been out of sorts, thinkin’ you didn’t care about us at all. Mum caught on to my mood. I didn’t mean to tell her, but I was quite upset, and it all just sorta… came out. And when I saw your red-carpet interview that confirmed I was just a bit of fun for you… I lost it, and she saw my reaction, and it wasn’t good.”
James wishes he could go back in time and wallop his past self across the head for his thoughtless comments. He wishes he’d had the courage to tell the interviewer how he felt about Rose, to tell the world that he was riding the high of falling in love, and that he wanted to keep it private. But he hadn’t. He’d been a prick and a twat, and he’d broken Rose’s heart from five and a half thousand miles away.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. I’ve forgiven you for it all. But I just… I guess I’d forgotten how much I’d told Mum about you. And I’d forgotten how upset she was on my behalf. I was stupid for thinking that telling her on the spot that you and I were properly together would be enough for her to accept you. I shouldn’t have done it this way… I should have talked to her first, then introduced you. I’m so stupid.”
His stomach churns as he squeezes her tightly, as though that could rid them both of the shock they’re in.
“Should I… should I go?” he asks, mentally pleading with her to say no. The thought of spending his night in his empty house makes him ache with loneliness. 
To his relief, she shakes his head. “I don’t want you to, but I don’t feel like I deserve to have you with me tonight. My mum just… verbally eviscerated you. You must be so angry.”
“Not at all,” he insists. “Well… I’m a bit chastened. And a bit embarrassed that I made such a poor first impression, and that you’d been so upset about my behavior that you told your mum how awful I am. But I still want to be here. With you. If that’s all right.”
In response, Rose finally lifts her face from where it had been pressed into his shirt. Her eyes are a little red but completely dry, though he barely registers that fact before she threads her fingers through his hair, presses up onto her toes, and brushes her mouth to his. His eyes flutter shut at the glorious pressure of her kiss. He melts into her, splaying his palm across her back to hold her close.
“Stay,” she murmurs when she breaks away, though she catches his lips in another kiss a moment later. “Please stay with me.”
“For as long as you wish,” he says, because there is nothing on this planet that could make him leave.
Apart from her kiss of greeting at the door, this is the first that James has had Rose’s hands and lips on him in over a week. He tries to keep it chaste and slow, still unsure whether it’s appropriate for him to stay, while hoping to convey comfort and support through his body. He really shouldn’t let them get carried away; Rose is obviously upset, but he just can’t help it. He’s drawing as much strength from her as she hopefully is from him.
He has the presence of mind to keep his hands in safe places, primarily across the expanse of her back. He grabs onto the fabric to anchor himself as he basks in the heady intoxication of her mouth.
They each know exactly where this kiss is headed but pretend not to, and instead they explore each other’s mouths in lazy, indolent strokes of lips and tongue. James quickly becomes far too hot, his skin flushed and tingling with anticipation of things to come. He tentatively dips his fingers beneath her jumper, shuddering to touch her bare skin. She sighs into his mouth and presses her front flush with his.
He’s steadily getting hard in his jeans, each beat of his heart sending his blood rushing down, down, down, helped along by the rocking of Rose’s hips. He drops a hand to her arse, caressing and squeezing and pulling her more tightly into him. With his other hand, he tangles his fingers into her hair and guides her head back a bit to get better access to her neck. She grips his hips with near-bruising force as he plants row after row of searing kisses to the sensitive patch of skin beneath her ear. That familiar whining moan rushes out of her as she shudders in his arms, holding him close to urge him on. Not that he needs the encouragement.
Without breaking the kiss or the press of their bodies, James slowly guides them down the hall and to Rose’s bedroom. It takes ages, as he keeps getting distracted with the taste of her skin and the sound of her quiet gasps. They move even more slowly when Rose remembers that she has hands, then proceeds to use them to cup him and stroke him through his jeans.
“Christ,” he chokes out as a spark of pleasure zips up his spine.
“Rose,” she counters, giving him a playful squeeze that sends a full-body shudder through him.
“Smart-arse. Fuck, do that again.”
A laugh hums up her throat, vibrating against his now-still lips as she grips him tightly and rubs. He’s going to fucking lose it, right here in the doorway of her bedroom, but Christ this feels so good and he never, ever wants her to stop.
The intensity recedes a moment later, and he regains his senses enough to tug her hand away from him to instead guide her all the way into her room. There’s a pile of laundry on her bed that Rose haphazardly shoves to the floor.
“Clothes off,” she orders as she fumbles with the hem of her jumper, tugging until she pulls it over her head.
He doesn’t need telling twice.
Neither of them bothers with trying to sexily disrobe the other. Rather, they go for speed and efficiency, and soon enough, they’re both wonderfully naked. She’s as beautiful as he remembers, even more so, and he drags her down to the mattress with him. They move together until Rose is on her back, her legs open for him, and he’s atop her, his hips cradled in hers. She reaches between them for his cock, and strokes him a few times as she guides him inside of her.
He presses in, slowly, inch by inch, shivering at the sensations rushing through him. He groans through clenched teeth as he’s fully seated, forcing himself to wait, to give Rose a moment to adjust. She’s panting beneath him, chest rising and falling as her nails bite into the fleshy part of his back.
“Okay,” she whispers, arching her hips up and pulling him close for a rough, sloppy kiss that conveys everything she wants and needs from him.
His skin sings, tingling at the sensation of so much of her body pressed to his. His blood turns molten, burning him from within as he begins to move.
“Feels so good,” he chokes out, pulling back and plunging forward in a steady, measured manner. The slick glide of her all around him is as addictive as ever, and he trembles with the pleasure slowly mounting in him.
“Uh huh.” Her agreement dies on a moan as he thrusts in with a little more force this time. “James.”
He catches her bottom lip between his before releasing it to kiss her again. He teases his tongue into her mouth, flicking at the roof of her mouth just behind her front teeth, then going back to simpler kisses. Rose clings to him, kissing him back in equal measure as her nails rake down his spine to cup his arse, guiding his quickening rhythm. The sting of her nails coils a raging, aching heat low in his spine, building higher and higher until he knows it won’t be much longer until he’s lost.
“I missed you,” he grunts as her muscles begin to tighten around him. Thank fuck; she’s as close as he is. He redoubles his effort, wanting to push her over the edge first. “So much.”
“Me too,” she gasps. “Fuck. Please…”
He speeds up his rhythm, giving up on kissing her lips and instead tucking his face into the side of her neck. He breathes her in then plants his mouth to that patch of skin beneath her ear that is always her undoing. He grins to himself as she shudders and curses and moans, and when he dips a hand between them to rub her, she breaks.
She cries out and writhes into the mattress, arching her hips up and up and up, closer to him, closer to the sensations he is wringing out of her. She’s perfect, and fucking hell, he’s right on her heels. The perfect pressure within him pulls tighter, making him lose all sense as he chases his high. He thrusts with abandon, clenching his teeth as the flames fan hotter, drowning him, consuming him…
He lets out a wrenching moan and thrusts deeply into her, releasing helplessly, shaking and cursing and burying his face into her. Sensation sparks through him, channeling relief and pleasure through his entire body, curling his toes and stealing his breath. She’s everywhere, all around him and holding him through this maelstrom that has never felt so fucking good.
Rose… he thinks he gasps her name, but the rushing in his ears deafens him to anything except his erratic heartbeat.
He returns to awareness by Rose lazily stroking his back and kissing the top of his shoulder. His body is too heavy to move, but he manages to pull out and flop indelicately beside her, keeping an arm and leg slung over her. She laughs quietly at his antics, and he grins into the pillow. He cracks open an eye to look at her, and the sight of her smile and sex-mussed hair and flushed cheeks ignites a joy and love so deep that he begins to giggle. His body is thrumming with hormones that make him feel boneless and content, and through it all, he laughs and folds himself closer to Rose.
She’s laughing with him and turns to face him fully. He mirrors her position so they’re both on their sides, their legs tangled lazily together. He reaches out and brushes a few rogue strands of hair away from her face, then leans in to kiss her softly.
“That was great,” he whispers into the sacred silence of her bedroom.
“Mhm. Very great.”
“The most great,” he says, beaming as she rolls her eyes.
“Did you have a nice trip?” she asks.
He hums in wordless assent, and briefly tells her all about the week he’d spent in east Asia, meeting fans and doing photoshoots while promoting Catalysis.
“How was your week? Are you feeling better?” While her voice is still raspy from the illness she’d contracted, she looks and sounds much better than she had during their video chat on his last night in Japan.
“Much better. Teaching classes while feeling like death is always frustrating, but it’s easier than arranging for a substitute,” she says with a shrug.
He frowns, but they already had this discussion about how shittily schools treat their teachers, so he lets it go.
“I’ve got an upcoming holiday concert at the O2, weekend after next,” he murmurs, remembering the monthly schedule Donna had sent him that morning. “I’d… I’d really like you to come. If you want. It’s not just me. I think Ed Sheeran is on the list too. And Astrid Peth. She’s a good mate of mine. You can bring a few friends with you. There’s a private suite for my guests, so you could stay hidden, mostly, as long as cameras aren’t wandering around. And my mum’ll be there too. I think. Well. I should invite her, shouldn’t I…?”
Rose interrupts his nervous rambling with a soft kiss. He melts into her, but she breaks it far too soon for his liking.
“I’d love to,” she says, cupping his cheek before scraping her nails through his hair.
His eyes flutter shut at the echoes of pleasure that ripple through him, and he grins at her acceptance of his invitation. He’s giddy at the thought of being on stage and looking into his private suite to see Rose. His favorite pieces of his life will be in the same place, melding together perfectly.
He leans forward to kiss her again, and she willingly reciprocates.
They sleep, eventually. Between (and during) bouts of sex, they talk about everything and nothing. It’s like nothing bad can happen to them here, not when they’re twined so intimately, not when they’re making each other laugh so freely.
Wrung out in that perfect post-marathon-sex way, James buries himself beneath Rose’s blankets and lets blissful unconsciousness claim him. His dreams are vague and foggy, and he doesn’t remember them when he awakes later that morning to sunlight peeking through Rose’s curtains.
His eyes are gritty and heavy as he leans over to check the time. It’s barely 8am, but he feels refreshed, even though the drowsiness of lingering sleep tugs at him again. His shuffling has disturbed Rose, who curls close to him and mutters something unintelligible. He kisses her forehead and closes his eyes once more.
He drifts in and out for many long minutes before the gurgling of his stomach is too distracting. Even Rose hears it, and she pokes his belly, mumbling, “Shush.”
“Can’t exactly help it. Mind if I order a breakfast and coffee delivery?”
“Go for it,” Rose says through a yawn.
“Then can I borrow your shower?” he asks, sitting up and letting the sheets pool around his naked waist.
“Go for it,” she repeats, tucking an arm beneath her pillow to glance up at him. Her gaze falls to the morning erection that is somehow poking at the blankets despite their multiple rounds of very satisfying sex the night before. “Well, hello.”
She gently prods it, giggling when it bobs a bit. “Bouncy.”
James stifles a snort. “You’re adorable when you’re sleepy.”
He lets her mindlessly poke his cock as he scrolls to a food delivery app and orders a selection of bagels and croissants for them, as well as his favorite coffee and her favorite tea. His chest balloons with warmth when he adds Rose’s address to his list of favorites, then places their breakfast order.
“Should be here in half an hour,” he says, resting his phone on the nightstand, ignoring the handful of missed notifications. It’s the bloody weekend, for God’s sake. It can wait. For good measure, he completely silences everything, not wanting his morning with Rose to be disturbed.
“Hmmm, how can we pass the time?” Rose muses, blinking up at him through her lashes and grinning wickedly.
She shows him just how entertaining thirty minutes can be.
He doesn’t have time for a shower before there’s a knock at the door that has them scrambling for clothes. He tugs on his pants and t-shirt while Rose simply dons a robe overtop her knickers, cinching it tight at the waist to keep her modesty. They emerge from the bedroom, with James going to the kitchen for plates while Rose heads to the door.
There’s an odd commotion in the hallway, but James doesn’t really think much of it, not as he absently wonders what he and Rose could do today. Maybe they can sneak out somewhere and visit a museum or something. Maybe he could take her to the studio—it should be fairly empty on a Saturday morning. Maybe they can take an impromptu road trip to somewhere Rose has never been. Pack their bags and drive to the first place they can think of. Book a hotel and order in a bunch of fancy food and rent some films to watch and get drunk on expensive wine and kiss until their lips are bruised. God, that sounds like a perfect weekend, and he hopes Rose will be agreeable.
But all of those plans, those hopes, are dashed the moment Rose opens her front door to reveal a stunned delivery person and over a dozen paparazzi photographers, armed and ready with flashing cameras.
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ayekittyk4t · 2 years
all you girls try to be saints, i’ll make you wanna sin
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♱ Desc: A battle of who can make the other more jealous ends in a much, much more exciting way.
♱ Pairing: Plug!Eren x AFAB reader
♱ Content Warning: Unestablished relationship, friends with benefits, possessive behavior, spit, thigh fucking, choking, biting, hair pulling, manhandling, cream pie
♱ Word Count: 5473
a/n after months i’m finally bringing back plug!eren bc i randomly got the motivation to write. i’ve been trying to write him again for a while so i really hope u guys enjoy bc this mf has me stuck. title is from oddlook. give it a listen ;)
wattpad | ao3
(Chapter 3)
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The low hum of your favorite song plays softly through the bedroom. A scented candle lit and filled the room with the aroma of citrus and basil. Along with it, wafts the faint scent of marijuana. The wind blows in through the open window, shouts of children playing below and music coming from the neighbor's garages blare into the room. Past the window, the sun is setting into the horizon while the moon readies itself to shimmer with the stars. Brisk air rushes once more, hitting the bare skin on your thighs as you smooth your dress out in front of your full-length mirror.
“How does it look?” you ask softly while twirling and checking yourself out. Peering over your shoulder, you wait for a response from him. Erens eyes skim your body as he sits in your velvet pink chair, legs kicked up onto the matching ottoman. An arm hangs out the window, joint attached to his nimble fingers. His other is thrown over his head, running his hands through thick brown locks.
Perfect, he wants to say. He doesn’t know why you’re even asking. The little black dress hugs your body perfectly, sweetheart neckline scooping your plump breasts, gold hoops, and a matching initial necklace adorning your chest.
Christ, he mumbled under his breath. You looked just so good to him. Eren wanted to take you right then and there, work his fingers magically into you, split you open with his ring and middle, rubbing that spongy spot inside you. His thumb circles your clit, lips on your neck, licking and sucking violet bruises into your skin. You’d be crumbling in his hands. Shaking and moaning, scratching his back, and pulling his hair. Your hair is a mess, your makeup is ruined with tears, and your dress torn. Eren would think you were the most beautiful of all still.
“Good.” is all he says.
“Just good?” you look over your shoulder, head tilted back and brows furrowed in uncertainty. Eren watches as you pout at him, a fresh set of burgundy colored stiletto nails playing with your necklace.
His eyes drag across what you’re wearing once more. The dress was short, your ass was hanging out and if you were gonna dance the way you always did, you were going to give everybody a perfect view of your panties. He didn’t like that one bit. He knew what people said about you, how many people wanted to be with you.
“Man, if I could fuck around with that piece of ass.” Porco would mummer under his breath, hungry eyes eating you up as you danced with a friend. he’d nudge Eren, giving him a toothy smile that made him want to knock his teeth in.
“Fuck off, Porco.”
“What? If you aren’t gonna fuck her, I’d gladly do it.” Porco throws his hands up defensively, chucking and mumbling something Eren couldn’t hear.
If only that asshole knew how Eren would make you feel. How you were in the backseat of his car just an hour ago, ass in the air as he pounded into you. Hands holding your hips, and nails piercing your skin. He’s grunting, you’re moaning and skin is slapping skin.
“Why? Are you trying to look nice for someone at the party?” Eren snorts, lip twitching and curving into a smirk. The way his tone makes you wonder if he’s trying to get something from you, almost like he’s jealous.
The smirk on your rouge lips mirrors him, only growing larger into a smile from your realization, “are you jealous?”
Yes, he was.
“Answer my question first.” his gaze averts to the window. Below a car passes and ashes fall from his joint. you’re quite speechless, watching as he brings his hand back into the room and takes a long drag from the joint.
You had no idea where this behavior was coming from. You also didn’t know whether it was something you liked or disliked. All you could do is scoff and roll your eyes.
“For your information…” you begin, taking a seat at your vanity to touch up your makeup, “I am not getting ready for anyone but myself.” you dab blush onto your cheekbones, “You have no right to be jealous anyway.”
Erens shifts in his chair, your comment immediately caught his attention. You keep your eyes glued to your figure in the mirror. The conversation had shivers crawling all over your body, goosebumps growing on your thighs and arms. There wasn’t an idea in your mind where it would go next.
A pause and you’re turning to face him. The look in his eyes is unreadable. Was he angry? Was he disappointed? Was he happy? He had a blank gaze and flat lips, there wasn’t anything to even read.
“You’re not my boyfriend.” A scoff leaves your lips as you shake your head in disbelief.
There’s a long pause in the room. The space seems to shrink between your shared gazes, and the mixture of the lit candle and cannabis is making you nauseous.
Erens eyes narrow, turning away slowly with a lazy smile. You do the same, ignoring his presence to choose which perfume you’d wear tonight.
Though you don’t see him do so, you hear him. He's putting out the joint on your windowsill as you study the bottles. Swinging his legs over the ottoman, groaning lowly as he does so. You pick up a bottle. His steps are quiet, yet so heavy. each one seems to mimic your increasing heart rate. You spray each side of your neck. Honeysuckle and Vanilla. The steps stop, and you can just feel him behind you.
“Look at me.” With a slow shut of your eyes, you ignore Erens demand, spraying more perfume onto your wrists.
Eren wasn’t amused one bit. Rough hands cup your chin, pulling you - forcing you to look at him. His hands were warm and reeked of burnt weed. You scrunch your nose in disgust, but Eren can read you like a book, knowing already that you were going to spit something so vulgar at him. He tightens his grip on your chin, hoping it’d prevent you from speaking. It does.
“I fuck you, right?” He catches you off guard. You wonder where the conversation was going but you didn’t want it to go wrong. This was the uncharted territory between you and Eren.
You nod, nostrils flaring.
“I make you cum too.” It sounds like a question, but it’s a statement. He makes you cum a lot.
You nod.
“And who buys you all this?” Thick fingers reach your necklace. He grabs the chain, letting it dangle between his finger.
You swallow hard, but there’s a lump stuck in the depths of your throat, “You do, Eren.”
He’s at peace with your answers, both hands falling free from you. However, his eyes are still glued onto you giving you a warm smile. Still, behind his warm smile is one coated in wickedness.
You can't help but feel yourself heat up. Warmth flooding your cheeks, ears, and chest. Warmth filling you everywhere. A pooling between your legs follows.
“I’ll be in the car.”
He leaves the room.
You're frozen for a while before turning back to the mirror. You fix your hair a little, adding one more spray of perfume to your nape.
It was a rare occasion for you to drink. Alcohol never sat right with you and it made you do things. The way it burns going down your esophagus falls into the acidic pit of your stomach and sets fire to the walls. It makes you do bad things. Dance till you drop, make out with one or two of your girlfriends, but the craziest thing you did was grow a relationship with a local drug dealer. Atop of that, you fucked him.
And it was good. It was so, so good. Alcohol never tasted better to you up until that night. On his tongue, as it massaged yours, transferring the taste of Hennessy onto your tastebuds. It was so addicting, you couldn’t have him for just one night, so you took him for more.
You took him in the car whether he was parked outside in front of a busy party or an empty parking lot. You took him on the couch in his apartment. His kitchen, bed, and your favorite place, in his shower.
Where hot streams of water would fall onto your sticky, burning skin. Hands grasping your waist just to flip you around and shove you into the wall. Eren was so aggressive behind closed doors and all you wanted from him was more. And Eren couldn’t deny his Princess, so he gave you all he had. He pulled at your roots, put you in a chokehold, he thrust so deep and hard. He did all for you.
You never felt so clean and dirty at the same time with Eren.
To think he was the one attracted to you first. Now, you can't explain your feelings towards the boy. All you knew is that like the spoiled girl you are, you wanted more. More than sex in his shower. More than his alcohol-infused kisses. More than his pungent aroma of marijuana and Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue.
The flaw you carried with you was one you’d hated for as long as you can remember. That being an absolute idiot coming to expressing what you feel. Eren didn’t see that, he only saw you pushing him away.
“You look ill.” A concerned look on the black-haired girl flashes across her face. Lips downturned and thin brows clinging to each other as they furrow in concern. Mikasa inched closer to you to grab your attention, though the attempt was a failure. You’d been too angry.
Alcohol. The poison made you feel so many strong emotions, one, in particular, being anger. Anger because you were being ignored. Anger because Eren was flirting with girls because it’s “good for business”. Anger because he was left alone with them in a room.
“I’m…” You're annoyed, tired, frustrated. You were so much more but none of the words seem to pass through your lips. “Let’s dance.”
Mikasa is taken back. One second you were sulking around the stone fire pit and the next your nails were sunk into Mikasa's skin dragging her to the group of bodies dancing. She couldn’t help but smile at you. You were circling her, mouthing the lyrics of the song playing and moving your hands up her shoulders to wrap your arms around her neck.
It wasn’t long before you two were swaying your bodies together. Hands entangled with each other and your faces were close enough that the tips of your noses were touching. Time flew while the two of you danced, lost in each other’s spaces and engulfing yourselves in the music.
“What’s wrong?” Mikasa asks into your ear, lips brushing your skin. She smelled strong, like warm sugar and juicy red candied apples. If you weren’t so addicted to Eren and had a tinge of alcohol in your system, you’d eat her up right then and there.
It was the second time tonight she pointed out your discomfort. Although you were tempted to tell her the truth about the source of your irritation is Eren, you wouldn’t allow yourself.
Playfully, you blew air at her face. Black locks uncover her gray eyes and she blinks hard, “I’m ok, Mikasa.”’ You sigh softly, pushing hair behind her ear, “I just wanna dance with you.”
So that is what you did. You danced on the travertine patio of some random rich boy whose party you were crashing. The activity was usually fun for the most part. The excitement of sneaking in and pretending to recognize drunk faces. Then when they’d finally noticed, you’d run out as fast you could. The thrill was everything.
Today, however, isn’t like the previous times.
As you peek over Mikasa's shoulder, you glance at Eren who’s walking towards the stone fire pit you once sad at. Behind him trails a tall blonde in a brown halter mini dress. Her hair sways with each step she takes to sit on the armrest of the seat Eren had taken. Her breasts are in his face while she speaks to him and he stares intensely at the pair while taking a sip of beer. The sight alone made your heart beat, blood rushed throughout your body, and your fist clenched around Mikasa's dress. Eren catches the heated flicker in your eyes and smiles devilishly.
“Mika, Porcos here right?” She nods, confused as to why you're even asking, “Where is he?” She looks more confused. Your plan was plain and simple: do the same thing Eren was. Though he called his “business” you knew how he played, and this was a game.
“By the keg.” She points a dainty finger over your shoulder. Low and behold, Porco is conversing with men who were unknown to you. His hands flayed when he spoke and he raked his fingers through his hair.
“I’ll be back, Mikasa.” You're gone, leaving her to go back to the fire pit with Eren and his piece for tonight.
You push throw bodies, unfamiliar faces confused at who you were as you passed them and made your way to Porco.
“Hey, Porco.” You say sweetly, pulling his attention away from the men he was speaking to right to you. A dopey smile flashes across his face as he throws his hand to the back of his neck.
Nervously he calls your name, “What happened to dancing with Mikasa?”
“You were watching us?” You come closer to him. The two random men excused themselves as soon as they heard your flirty tone.
“How can I not.” His jaw tightens as he studied your expressions. He’s resting the waters with you seeing how you’d react to his flirtatious remarks. His attraction towards you was obvious, though you never played into it up until tonight. Tonight he’d be fun to play with.
Smiling gently, you push closer to him, “I got bored.” You looked up at him through your long lashes. He smelt your perfume, becoming entranced by the scent of it as the sight of your breasts pushed against him, “I wanted to speak to you too.”
Porco was good-looking. He was tall, built, had great hair, and had an attractive face. He just knew all about it. Bragged about girls and his skills. It wasn’t your thing, but for the time being, it would be.
“You wanna play with me today?” He brings his face down to yours, using his beer to lift your chin. You couldn’t help but notice how bad his flirting was, laughing at his words. He didn’t know. He’d assumed you were laughing with him, not at him.
“Should I not?” You play along with him, wrapping a hand around his neck and leaning in to whisper in his ear, “You always talk about how good you are.” His hand finds its way wrapping around your waist, inching closer and closer to your ass, “I want you to show me.”
“Only for yo-”
His words are cut short and you're pulled away from his grasp. Another pair of hands wrap around your wrist, stealing you from the blonde.
“Oh, Porco, man!” Eren. He shouts, throwing a hand and gripping Porcos shoulder. He shakes him while the grip on your wrist tightens, “I’m sorry, but I gotta take this monster home.” He shrugs, eyes lidded but burning holes right into Porco.
Before you or Porco can say another word, Eren is gone, dragging you away from him and the party. You try to fight his grasp and keep your comments quiet in case you hadn’t caused a scene enough at the party.
“Let go, Eren.” You wiggle from his grasp but he is just so much stronger than you, “Eren, c’mon, stop being a little bitch!” Finally, you yell at him, smacking him lightly on the shoulder as soon as you're far enough from the crowds.
He stops, doesn’t turn your way, nor does he speak. He just stops his steps, stands on an empty sidewalk of the suburban neighborhood hood, shoves his hands into his pockets, and continues walking.
Your heart pounds against your chest watching him walk away. Chest rising and nails sinking into the skin of your palms. How could he be so calm? It made you feel so angry. A different kind of anger from before, one couldn't easily explain.
“Are you coming or not?” Eren calls out from the side of his car. His hands were still shoved into his pockets.
“No.” You say sternly, crossing your arms.
He scoffs, shaking his head slowly at you. Then he laughs and gets in the car. The engine starts and the car rolls down to where you stand and stops.
“Stop acting like a child and get in.” His arm is out the window waving you down to get on, the other on the steering wheel. You ignore him once again. Quite literally, acting like a child while not even looking his way.
“Get in, you look stupid.”
“Don’t call me stupid, Eren.” You’re looking at him now, eyes wide and jaw clenched.
“Get in.”
“I can get a ride.”
“Yeah?” He looks up at you within dishealved locks, clicking his tongue, and shakes his head lightly again. He laughs. He’s high. “From Porco? That idiot just wants you for what’s in your pants.”
In the end, you cave in. Entering Erens car just infuriated you more. He was quiet, he didn’t say anything once you sat on the leather seats of his E30. You expected more from him about you messing around Porco. Maybe an explanation about the blonde. Nothing. He said nothing.
“That’s fine, Eren.” You speak softly and he begins to drive out of the neighborhood, “I don’t care if Porco wanted me for what’s in my pants.” Still, he doesn’t say a thing, “I wanted to fuck him.”
As you watch him, he clenched his jaw and his knuckles grip harder on the wheel. Then when you’re stopped at the red light, he revs the engine of his car. When it’s green, he speeds off. You poked the bear. He driving recklessly. Exceeding the speed limit, making sharp turns, and braking hard. He continues this throughout the drive to your apartment. Once you arrive, you jump out of the car, slamming the door as quickly as you could. You didn’t want to hear a thing from Eren.
Truly, you didn’t mind fucking Porco but you never were going to go through with it. You said what you said to get a reaction from Eren and you got what you wanted all along. You always did when it came to Eren.
Once you enter your apartment, you kick your heels off. Looking over your shoulder at the brunette getting closer to the door. When he just barely reaches the entrance, you slam the door in his face.
He’s quick, swinging the door and walking your way with force. He scares you, making your skin crawl once he grabs ahold of your face with one hand.
“Get your hands off me!” You speak incoherently from the pressure he’s applying to your face. With that, he lets go, grabbing your arm and dragging you into your bedroom to force you onto the bed, “Get off.”
“You don’t get to act like a brat after what you told me.” He hovers over you, keeling and keeping a knee between your legs to separate them. Your dress rides up, exposing your black lace panties. His hands hold your wrists in place on either side of your head.
You looked delectable to him. He saw that you were afraid, never seeing this side of him. But you also had some fight in you left, you weren’t gonna cower down soon. Though, especially, he saw that you were excited.
The way your chest rose, your nose was scrunched, your eyes glossed over, and the burning heat from your cunt against his knee. A wet patch grew on the center of your panties and he couldn’t ignore it.
“Really? I cant? Not even after you and that blonde bitch?” You spit out, teeth grinding against each other in a condescending tone, “I bet she fucked you so she can get seven grams with a discount? I know how you like smoking chicks out, you did it with me.”
The look in his eyes was purely dark. He was readable, so extremely readable. A once beautiful set of turquoise eyes is now dark. They're dark as a forest of evergreens. He gave you a look of wanting to ruin you.
“Don’t be so jealous, Princess.” He lowers himself so that his face was inches from yours, pushing and rubbing his knee against your cunt, “I didn’t smoke her out as I do with you.” A smile pulled at his lips as he watches you begin to rut your hips against his knee. And although you were angry, the itch and need to relive the throbbing at your pussy was much more important to you than yelling at Eren.
“D-did you fuck her?” You whimpered out as the rutting of your hips sent waves of heat throughout your body and your thighs began to ache from the work alone.
“Why would you care? I’m not your boyfriend.” He’s so close to your lips now. You pathetically attempt to kiss him, but he dodges your lips and watches as you embarrassingly rut your hips to reach completion. It wasn’t close to enough though, you needed more of him. His fingers, his mouth, his cock. Something more.
He feels bad for you, you tried but failed horribly at standing up to Eren. The craving you had for the boy was intense and it needed to be treated immediately. But this time, he was punishing you and he wasn’t gonna give it to you that easily.
“Look at you,” Finally he lets go of your wrists, getting up and leaving you high and dry on your silk sheets. And christ what a sight you were to him. Chest rising high, tits nearly spilling from your sweetheart neckline, and your dress cinched and just barely above your crotch exposing your cute little black panties with a bow. He couldn’t resist you. He wouldn’t.
“Get on your knees.” He spits out, watching over you like some god. And even though your mind told you not to cave in more than you already have, you continued to get on your knees. Eren watched as you struggled with weak legs and arms, becoming more and more impatient. Eventually, you were positioned perfectly.
“You’re beautiful like this.” He growled, “So fucking beautiful.” He exaggerates each word, smoothing over the soft skin of the back of your until reaches the globes of your ass. He squeezed hard, shoving you forward and into the mattress.
You knew you wouldn’t be able to speak coherently to Eren. Almost all five of your senses were Eren. From the corner of your eyes, you see him leaning over you and admiring you. His voice is low and raspy while whispering sweet yet poisonous comments into your ear. Eren smells of his cologne. His intoxicating, clean fresh cologne and his weed. Calloused hands run up the arch of your back and press down, making your ass stick higher in the air. But you couldn’t take him.
He wouldn’t let you, and all you wanted was him in your mouth. You needed to taste his spit on your plump lips. You had a craving for his saliva on your tongue.
“How bad do you want it?” Eren asks, pushing your dress until it’s just below your bra.
“Bad.” Whiny and breathy, you rock your hips back to meet Erens crotch. Through the rough material of his jeans, you shimmy your ass on his hard cock. “So bad, Eren.”
With that, he lets go. His hand snakes around your neck and the other gets a brutal grip on your hair, pulling your head back. You whine from the stinging at your scalp. It hurt, but the pooling between your legs said otherwise. Once your face is off your sheets, his hand squeezes your cheeks together, making your lips pucker. He sticks his fingers in your mouth, pressing his pointer and middle down on your tongue so you’d drool over the length of them. He pushes farther, making you gag and your eyes brim with tears, ruining your makeup. Eren laughs darkly.
“No one can make you feel as good as I do.” He rasps, his fingers still messaging your tongue and making you gag as his other lets go of your hair to undo his belt. The jingle alone makes you jump, goosebumps crawl all over your body, and your cunt drips.
You shake your head. No. No one can make you feel as good as Eren.
A string of saliva falls past your glossy lips once Erens fingers leave your mouth. He groans at how soaked his fingers are from your mouth. His other hand comes back to your head pushing you into the mattress again and the other releases his cock from his briefs. Fuck, he utters under his breath once he wraps his hands around his aching cock.
Your breathing is restrained, nearly choking from the face full of bed sheets and Erens forceful behavior. You’re aching everywhere for him, but especially your cunt. Releasing the balled-up sheets from your hands, you slowly inch one between your legs. Pathetically, you reach for your throbbing clit but your finger isn’t long enough.
Eren shakes his head, hair messy and falling from the hair tie, “You need help, Princess?” He coos, almost mocking your whines and begging for relief from the ache between your legs. You nod eagerly.
“Words, Princess.”
“Please, Eren. I-I need you so bad.”
Eren is breathing heavily, pulling you closer to him and peeling your panties off. Under the moonlight, your cunt glistens with slick and pulsates for him. With his cockhead, he rubs your lips, spreading them to toy with your clit.
“More, please, just fuck me.”
“Be patient.” So you try to be. You let him play and tease you for a while. You let him stick his dick between your thighs, and fuck them. Wetting his length with your juices as he barely catches your clit with each slow thrust. He groans lowly with each stroke and each little noise you make.
And for your patience, he rewards you. His cock-head passes through the first ring of muscle. You’re welcoming him so well that he shoved himself inside you and that you let out a sharp yelp once he does. Your cunt wraps around him with intense heat and your gasping and groaning at his harshness.
He watched you below him. How you catch your breath, your knuckles turn white from the tight grips you had on your sheets, but your back arch’s more for him.
“Hard,” You speak softly and breathlessly, muffled, “go hard.”
Eren would cum at just that. Though he wouldn’t before he broke you. He nearly pulls the entirety of his fat cock out of your cunt, just leaving the tip inside, then forces himself back into the warmth of your pussy. He is slow at first but harsh, teasing you because he knows how much you like it rough. His hand roams the arch of your back, pushing hard. The other wrapping around your neck, squeezing hard. Then he’s fucking you. Fucking you hard.
He rammed his hips into you at a fast pace. His cock fills your walls and tip fucking your cervix. Your senses were heightened each time Eren slammed into you. Your moans are so lewd and loud, his grunting so animalistic. The oak legs of your bed scratched the floor and your bed frame hit the thin walls of your bedroom from Erens aggressiveness.
You're sore from him already. From the slapping of his thighs on yours and calloused hands all over your body. But you didn’t mind. You loved all of it. You loved all Eren gave you.
“I only fuck you like this,” He rasps between each thrust, “This pussy only takes me like this.” Slamming, slapping, groaning. Your mouth is dry as you breathe hard, gasping for air as Eren's hand squeezes harder around your neck.
“J-just you, Eren. Only E-eren can.” You say it softly, but you doubt he couldn’t even hear you.
Erens lost. He’s in a daze and living a dream of being in your pussy. Fucking you so deep, that he completely loses himself. Strong arms wrap around your stomach, pulling you to his chest with his cock still in your cunt, but thrusts paused. One arm stays at your waist, holding onto you until his fingertips bruise your tender skin. The other snakes to your neck again, gently but roughly, he puts you in a headlock and begins the rhythmic slamming of his cock into your pussy once more.
You panting like a bitch in heat, clawing at Erens waist to gain balance. Though his force is too much. He's fucking up into you like a beast. Grunting and muttering the sweetest yet disgusting praises into your ears. The soft hoodie he kept on is your only source of softness. His lips brisk from your neck and your ear and he bites down on your lobe. You’re a moaning mess when his lips suck the supple skin of your neck, only to bite down till he breaks a layer of skin. The belt lying above his knees scratches your skin, and his hand finds its way up to your stomach. Pulling your bra cup, he frees your tits, messaging them and pinching your nipple.
With one harsh thrust, Eren pushes you back into the bed. You’re limp, letting him use you like a fucktoy. Your throat is raw from moaning so much, from calling out F-fuck, Eren. Right there, Eren. Mmm, harder, Eren. You wouldn’t be surprised if your landlord came to visit you the next morning. Either way, you couldn’t care one bit.
The build-up Eren was giving you was amazing. So painfully amazing.
His hands roamed to your hips and held you in place for a couple of seconds until one came to rub your clit. You lost your mind at that. Whining louder from his thick, long fingers rubbing delicious circles onto your throbbing clit and his tip fucking your cervix nice and deep.
Your entire body filled with warmth and your joints turned into gelatin. Eren breathed harshly through grinding teeth feeling your walls cave in on him. The pulsing of your cunt added to his pleasure so did the rise and fall of your back.
“Squeezing me so fuckin’ good, Princess” He spits out, “You gonna cum, hm?”
Out of breath, yes’s fall past your lips. Raw, raspy yes’s.
“Yeah, yes, Eren.”
With Eren, your orgasms were never just one knot snapping. It was multiple. Multiple knots snapping at an unexplainably fast speed with great intensity. So with one more snap of his hips. That’s what happens. Those knots snap, and you’re gone. Moaning, yelping, whining, screaming. You’re gushing all over his fat cock you don’t even notice the mess you make on him and your bed sheets.
A panting, worn out, hot mess you were. Legs trembling and wet from your juices. Eren's thrusts became sporadic as he came closer to his high from the sight of you squirting all over him.
“F-fuckin’ hell, Princess.” He moans lowly, “Dirty-fucking-slut,” He accentuates each word with a hard, tired-out thrust. He smacks your ass, squeezing the globes to pull you back to him once more. He cums. His big, cock shoots and stuffs you full of his cum. Moon-shaped marking and pierced into the skin of your hips from his grasp, red and nearly purple from his strength.
You’re quiet besides your painting, no longer able to say a thing, no longer able to move. He broke you just like he wanted to.
Eren keeps his cock inside you, reaching out to grab a handful of your hair, he turns you. His other hand moves your hair out of your face and wipes a glob of tears away from your mascara-stained eyes. He’s breathing heavily through his nose, his nostrils flaring. He’s sweaty and his cheeks are rosy from leaving his hoodie on.
Once more, he thrusts himself into you. Stuffing you full of his cum and not letting a single drop fall. He watches as your face contorts. Wet lips fall, eyes roll back, and nose scrunch.
“Only I fuck you this good. Remember that, Princess.”
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tmntxthings · 2 years
I am very curious about headcanons of what the Rise!boys would be like with a small Reader. By small I mean shorter than Mikey, only up to his chest. :3 I am imagining the Reader being easily flushed when it comes to their heights (might be a little selfconcious about it), but there could be some cute things, like them perching on Raph's shoulder? But also being teased about it, like Mikey, now not being the shortest, holding something over the Reader's head so they can't reach it? I thought it might be fun and wholesome. ^w^ (Also, thank you for your answer last time, you're so nice! I can't believe I was so nervous about writing you >///<)
The Smallest
author’s note: hiiiiii, i take wayyy too long with hc’s, sorry for the wait <333
warnings: nothing but fluff :D
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Raph would be super worried around you at first. Him being so large and you so tiny, tinier than Mikey who was literally the size of one of Raph’s arms. Yes he felt really self-conscious, because the last thing he would want to do is hurt you.
So don’t be too upset if he doesn’t approach you at first, he just needs time, time to see that he won’t accidentally hurt you. Because not only is he bigger he’s also pointier. His spikes have ripped through so many of his clothes he’s just accepted it at this point. His clothing will always have tears.
He feels the most comfortable around you when he’s lower to the ground, sitting on the couch or on a bean bag chair in the common area. The two of you could practically be the same height during those times and he finds it endearing when you take those moments to shower him with attention! “Lookie here we’re eye level now!!” You teased, yes you made fun of yourself most of the time because otherwise Leo would beat you to it.
The more time that passed the more Raph would feel at ease, scooping you up in his arms was just natural for the two of you. You were so light, he could hold you for hours without strain! And you appreciated the new view, sitting on his shoulders was your absolute favorite though, feeling super tall! “Gosh Raph, this is what it’s like to be you huh?” and he laugh, “Yeah, how’s the weather?” He would joke and you’d smack the top of his head playfully.
“Ow okay okay!!” It didn’t hurt him at all, but he played along, smiling happily, he thought you were just the cutest. “Raphie wanna go play DDR?” He’d immediately turn from the ramp room, heading for the arcade. “Challenging the champ?” He’d say glancing up with a smirk. “The champ is about to go down!!”
It was a close match, Raph coming up short by just one point but he’d turn to you and see you jumping up and down with excitement. You couldn’t believe you had actually beat him!! You’d jump up into his arms and Raph just couldn’t sulk with defeat, not when you were celebrating like that. “Did you see that?!! I was on fire!!!”
“You dance like a boss!!” He’d beam, unable to stop himself from stealing a quick kiss to your cheek. “Raph!!” You squeaked, blushing furiously and he’d just pretend to be none the wiser. What did he do?? Kiss you?? When?? And he’d kiss your other cheek just as quickly, a big smug grin on his face.
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He would definitely tease you the most. “Hey short stuff~” you’d never hear the end of your height. He wouldn’t stop unless it really bothered you. Some days you wouldn’t tolerate it and he’d shut his trap real quick, offering genuine apologies, going down dramatically to ask for your forgiveness.
But on most days it was fine, and he only teased because it was part of his love language. “Y/n, I can carry you on my shoulders too you know!” He’d definitely get jealous to see you having so much fun on his older brothers shoulders. He was taller than you so it’d still be fun, right?! Though Leo couldn’t hold up as long as Raph would, he’d definitely pick you up, twirl you around in a tight hug, before placing you back down on your feet.
“Someone said what??” He’d perk up at the thought of someone else teasing you for your height. “Want me to portal over to their house and scare them?” He’d ask mischievously. Would definitely want to have some words with this bully. Or an even worse thought, they were flirting with you?! Gah it almost made him gag, that type of flirting was reserved for Leo and Leo alone!
“No no, I think I will pay them a little visit, don’t worry I won’t scare them too bad.” Total lie, he’d make sure they wouldn’t mess with you ever again. “Lee, it’s fine, you tease me like that too!” You even pointed it out to him and he would glower, “well yeah but only I can do it, I don’t go as far as them either!” He’d convince you one way or another.
What he loved to do most was keep things out of your reach. “Hey Leo can I have some chips?” You’d ask coming up to where he was leaning against the kitchen counter, munching away. “Hmm these?” He hands them over only the stretch his arm up and away at the last second. This game of keep away would go on for a while. “Okay okay I promise, that was the last time,” he’d smile endearingly, offering you the bag for the thirteenth time.
Your eyes would narrow, slowly reaching out your hand then making a mad grab for it. Leo was too quick for you though, and he’d laugh at how you would groan and give up completely. “Awww c’mon shorty, here here, no more teasing,” and you’d snatch the bag from his hands still not trusting him to try and annoy the hell out of you. “You’re so lame!” Sticking your tongue out at him. You better run after that because the mischievous look in his eyes would tell you that he was going to prove you how not lame he was.
“Oh babe, me lame? Ohoho where are you running off to?! Come back here!!” He’d already have a plan at how to make you eat your words.
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Donnie would be the most unaffected by your height. Practically never brings it up! He would be protective of you, worry about the things lying around in his lab. Wondering if something was a hazard to someone at your stature.
“Wait wait Y/n, I’m not done with this project, and it’s dealing (insert crazy toxins that could be dangerous to humans/anybody without the right gear on)” Donnie would be in like a whole getup, opening his lab door only a smidge to be able to tell you, no you couldn’t come inside that day.
“But when are we gonna hang out??” You said trying to peer past his form to get a look at the cool dangerous stuff. Your interest in hanging out with him would definitely have Donnie ending his lab work for the day quickly, “I’ll be just a moment more!” He said hurriedly, closing the door as you took steps away.
About 15 minutes later you were leaning against the wall by his lab door, on your phone scrolling aimlessly, perking up when you’d hear a loud boom or crash from the lab. Then suddenly the door opened, Donnie fumbling to put up his goggles. “Greetings!” Donnie smirked after getting them to lay perfectly atop his head.
“Greetings mad scientist, how’s the toxins?” He started his stroll to the living room, sounding way more casual and less worried as you continued to follow him away from the lab, “hazardous as usual,” he shrugged. And you wondered if he was trying to get back into his bad boy persona.
“So the plan today?” you asked curious to see if he would remember. He took out his phone, “Hey!” and he started walking faster, “that’s cheating!!!” you whined, knowing he was going check the messages between the both of you. “Ah yes!” He turned back to give you a sly smile, “fly you around New York, how could I forget!” He mused entertained to see you grumbling.
“For a genius who can remember all of pi how can you forget something we just texted about yesterday?!” You pouted, wondering if he was acting like he forgot to keep up the persona or if he really was losing his memory. “You’ll have to forgive me it may be the side effects of the-“
“toxins” you finished and smacked your palm to your face. “Remind me why you are working with such dangerous chemicals again?” And it was Donnie’s turn to gasp. You blinked coming to stand next to him. He looked down at you with hurt eyes, one hand going to his chest. “Don’t you remember?”
And your eyebrows furrowed, “Y/n! You wound me, it was just yesterday when I told you the why’s and how’s and when’s!” His hand went up to cover his mouth in disbelief. “You’re messing with me! I don’t remember..” you had started strong but then you began to second guess yourself.
It was your turn to whip out your phone going to check the messages you and Donnie had sent yesterday. Which had been a lot. As you scrolled, eyes set in concentration, you missed the way Donnie’s face morphed into one of adoration. Snickering to himself at how serious you looked. His hand came to rest atop your head, leaning down to your ear, “gotcha~”
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Mikey would be a ball full of joy at not being the smallest anymore. And he’d be allllll over you, from the very beginning. “Oh-mi-gosh!! You are soooo adorable, hi I’m Mikey, and what’s your name cutie?” He’d be fawning over you 24/7
“Y/n, oh wow what a beautiful name! It suits you perfectly~” he honestly isn’t even trying to flirt, he’s just the sweetest person ever and a definite hype man/turtle! If you ever feel self conscious about your height he is there to tell you, “what?! Y/n trust, you are perfect the way you are, who doesn’t love fun-size!!” Seriously he’s always cheering you up and cheering you on
If you are ever nearby he’s swinging his arms around your shoulders, pulling you close and leaning over you. He likes to put his chin on top of your head and you can just feel when his face breaks into a big happy smile. If you grow even an inch he’ll notice, “cutie pie?! when did you start growing! you have to stop or else you’ll be taller than meeee!” He’s teasing of course
Mikey wouldn’t care if you suddenly had a growth spurt and shot past him, he’d just jump into your arms! “They’re not little, they’re fun-sized!” Out of all the terms for small you hate being called little the most, it always sounded so demeaning. Mikey would speak up for you, because this was a job for Dr. Delicate Touch! “And what’s so great about being an absolute giant lanky beanstalk anyways?!” He’d retort to your bully
You’d have to cart Mikey away, pulling at his arm for him to reluctantly follow you. “It’s okay Mike, really,” he’d get serious, squeezing your hand, “no, I could tell what they said hurt your feelings, honestly they must lack brain cells!” He’d huff, turning his face back to see if the culprits were still there. But you’d tug on his hand and he’d immediately look down. “Thanks Mikey,” you said smiling all teary eyed at your defender.
His eyes would get misty too, “shucks Y/n! Of course!! anytime!! I’ll always be here for you,” and he’d pull you into a crushing hug. The best kind, where you just felt so much love. “When’d you get so tall?” You joked, sniffing back the tears from falling. He snickered looking down at his feet, and you followed his gaze seeing he had obvious sole inserts. “Pftttt,” you laughed and he laughed too, “what’re you talkinggg about I’ve always been tall!” he continued joking
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iguana-eyanna · 1 year
When I'm Not Quite Myself
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Pairing: Steven Grant x reader, Marc Spector x reader, Jake Lockley x reader
Summary: On your wedding day, each of you share something special to the other
a/n: a film that makes me ugly sob is "A Star is Born" and I was inspired to write something. My fav song from the soundtrack was Is That Alright?
Tonight was the night of your wedding to the men you fell in love with: Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, and Marc Spector. It was small as you didn't want to have a big celebration. All you wanted was each other, and that's what mattered.
You were in the car with Jake as he drove you two back home. You were still in your wedding dress as your hands were intertwined in the middle. He smiles at you, thinking how lucky he was to have you in his life.
You look back at the road, noticing that you passed your shared apartment.
"Tesoro, we just passed the apartment." You said, thinking he was distracted.
Jake just smirks as he takes your hand up and kisses it.
"Don't worry, Mi Cielito, we wanna show you something."
You didn't understand what he was telling until you two drove out of the city. Then, you finally understood.
You were now in a quaint neighborhood, as you saw families at each house and old couples walking by the sidewalks, waiving to you two. Jake pulled over to a house that didn't look occupied.
Your eyes widen as you twirl around to him, your hand placed on your beating heart.
"Is this what I think it is?" You ask, your voice hitched.
Jake smiles and takes your free hand, kissing it.
"Si, it's our home."
The boys and you always talked about moving out of the dungy apartment as you all wanted to find a bigger space. You were expecting to go house hunting in the following year, but you had no idea that they were already looking. You started to tear up and hugged him tightly, already flying to the door handle.
"Aye, no wife of mine will be opening doors." Marc called out. You roll your eyes as he got out and opened your door, offering a hand. You took it as he unexpectedly took you off your feet as he scooped you up.
"Marc!" You yelled.
"Hey, let me do this for you. Please." Marc begged with his soft, brown eyes.
"Okay, baby, take me home." You said.
Marc broke out of a grin and carried you to the doorstep. He dug into his pocket and found the key and unlocked it. He walked in with you, giving you a loving gaze.
"Welcome home."
He helped you to your feet as you walked along the house. Marc decided to explain.
"The boys and I knew that we wanted to give you a real home after we proposed. Steven did most of the searching and found this place through a catalog, Jake did the payments, and I repaired some things around the place."
There was an empty hallway where you were envisioning picture frames along the walls. By the living room, you saw the fireplace where you knew you'd be cuddling with the boys. The kitchen was the perfect size for you to cook and bake. Often times it will all go in disarray as everyone would be throwing flour, but you had fun doing the small things.
"It's perfect," You said, looking out of the glass door to see a backyard, already envisioning children running around as their dads chase them.
"There's actually um, one place I'd like to show you." Steven stuttered out. You turned around and see how nervous he was, shifting his feet up and down.
You walk up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Steven, darling, it's just us. No need to get nervous around your wife." You said.
Steven holds you by your waist.
"I'll forever be nervous. You make my heart beat faster every time you walk into the room."
You start blushing as you give him a sweet kiss as you tuck in a strand that was out of place. He smiles at you as he kisses the back of your hand.
"Come, I think you'll like this surprise." He said guiding you in the house. you turn into another hallway as he leads you to a closed door. He turns the knob and opens it, motioning you to go in first.
Once you see what's inside, you gasped as you cover your mouth.
The room was small with white walls. In the corner, you saw a guitar on a stand and a desk. But what you reacted most was the black piano that you had your eye on for some time.
You were a musician, and you were singing covers at a local cafe where you first met Steven who was there to buy some pastries. Once he heard your voice and saw how beautiful you were, he knew he was a goner.
On your dates, each boy loved at how you were passionate about performing and that you wanted to write your own music. Renting a studio was pricey, so you were often found in the cramped kitchen table trying to write.
And now, your husbands made you your own studio.
"Do you like it? Oh no, you're crying. See, I knew that we should've stuck with the white piano, but no, Marc wanted black because it's 'classic'- "
"Steven... it's wonderful. Thank you." You said, running towards him as you held onto him tightly.
He was shocked, but he held onto you tightly as he closed his eyes, leaning in your shoulder.
"We wanted you to be happy." He whispered.
When you started off, it was hard to book gigs or have meetings with record labels. The boys were your number one supporter, as they went to every gig you performed.
You break apart as you give a tearful smile.
"What do you mean? I'm always happy when I'm with you three." You said.
Now it was Marc who was staring at you, as he tried to not to cry.
"Me and the boys just want you to continue what you love."
You look back at the piano and an idea popped in your mind. You grab Marc's hand as you two sat on the bench. You played a few keys, hearing that it's in tune.
You turn back to them, feeling the same nerves Steven was talking about.
"I've been trying to find the right words to say when we got married. I wrote my vows and restarted every time. Nothing sounded right. This is me, giving my vow to you. I hope it's okay if I love you forever."
You played a few chords as Marc, Steven, and Jake listened to the words you've been wanting to say.
Life is so simple A little boy, a little girl Laughing and loving Trying to figure out the world It felt like summer When I kissed you in the rain And I know your story But tell me again
Nothing you say wouldn't interest me All of your words are like poems to me I would be honored if you would take me as I am
I want you to look right in my eyes To tell me you love me, to be by my side I want you at the end of my life I wanna see your face, when I fall with grace At the moment I die Is that alright? Is that alright?
Marc was speechless. He was never a perfect man. But in your eyes, he was everything you needed and more. You picked up the broken pieces he had and made him whole.
I hope you're still with me when I'm not quite myself And I pray that you'll lift me when you know I need help It's a warm celebration of all of our years I dream of our story, of our fairy tale
Family dinners and family trees Teaching the kids to say thank you and please Knowing if we stay together that things will be right
Steven couldn't help but smile brightly at you as his eyes brimmed with tears. He always wanted that fairytale life: to fall in love with a beautiful woman and ride away to the sunset. He doesn't know how he got to have such a breathtaking person in his life.
I want you to look right in my eyes To tell me you love me, to be by my side I want you at the end of my life I wanna see your face, when I fall with grace At the moment I die Is that alright? Is that alright? Is that alright?
You look over and see Jake now, whose eyes were bloodshot red.
"Tesoro? What's wrong, Jake?" You ask, already wiping his tears.
He stops you as he holds your hand softly and gives you a look that you couldn't describe.
"I thought I was... destined to be alone. All I knew was how to kill, but you've changed our lives. The reason why I call you Mi Cielito is because... You are my little heaven."
You started tearing up, and soon, your lips smashed against his. You hold onto the back of his head as you deepen the kiss. You connect your foreheads together, as both of you were overwhelmed with emotion.
"I love all three of you." you whispered.
Jake smiles as he peppers kisses around your face.
"We love you most."
"That's not possible, I love you all to infinity." You replied.
There was an infectious chuckle that came from Marc.
"There's only one way to settle this." He said, grinning.
You were about to say something until Marc scooped you from your seat and carried you out again.
"Where you taking me now?" You ask, squealing as he carried you upstairs.
"What every bride and groom do on the day of their wedding night." Steven hinted, making your cheeks flush.
You had three men who loved you with every ounce of their body, and swore to protect you as the knights of shining armor they were.
You were always flustered at how the boys treated you so well like a goddamn queen. You found your happily ever after with your knights in shining armor.
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peculiar0ne · 2 years
pretty boy
steve walked over to the full-body mirror as he finished styling his hair. he peeked up from the floor, awkwardly looking at the little outfit he had thrown together.
see, robin had taken him shopping with her the other day. they were at the jcpenny in the mall, robin trying on different skirts and asking steve’s opinion. she had a date with nancy and she wanted to look her best.
“i don’t know, robs. i like them all! but i think nance would want you to dress in something you’re comfortable wearing, don’t you?” steve questioned. he knew robin hated skirts, dresses, anything of the sort. the girl would much rather dress in her old, busted up jeans than wear a skirt.
“yeah…you’re probably right. i’m sorry i’m all panicky.” robin turns to gather all the skirts she had scattered throughout the small dressing room.
as the pair made their way around, looking for something more comfy for robin to wear on her date, steve stopped robin when he saw something he really liked.
his hand struck out in front of her, preventing the girl from going forward. “what do you want, dingus?” she laughed, used to steve’s ‘mom arm’ by now.
“uh…robs..is it weird for guys to wear skirts?”
“just answer the question.”
“depends on who you ask. personally, i think it’s pretty cool….why is this relevant?” robin glances over, seeing the smallest hint of a smile making its way onto her friend’s face.
steve’s smile quickly falters, though, as he tries to find the words he wants to say.
“i wanna wear one….” he’s so quiet, his voice almost a whisper.
“sorry, what? you’re super quiet, i couldn’t hear.”
“i said i…i wanna wear one. for eddie. well, more for me. i don’t just wear things for eddie, because that’s just stupid and-“
“you want to wear a skirt?” robin inquires, her tone soft and understanding.
steve nods, nervously glancing at his shoes.
“alright, awesome. let’s go find one!”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ that’s how steve found himself in his current position. robin had bought him a cute, black skirt that had stopped at his lower-thighs. he had been anxiously waiting to wear it, and today was a perfect day.
here he stood, steve harrington, in a skirt that he paired with his boyfriend’s hellfire shirt which he had been wearing since the previous night.
he smiled, spinning a little to make his skirt twirl. steve’s happiness could’ve been seen from the next town over.
“stevie, have you seen my-“
eddie paused in his footsteps, jaw dropped.
steve jumped up at the sound of eddie’s voice, not sure he was ready to show off his skirt. he turned, face redder than the stripes on his old scoops ahoy! uniform.
“s..seen what?”
stupid fucking stutter.
eddie opens and closes his mouth a few times, having completely forgotten everything he wanted to ask.
“eds? you’re, uh, scaring me…”
the taller of the two shakes his head, smiling like an idiot.
“wow, babe. you look….wow”
“r..really?” steve perks up a little, biting his lip to keep from smiling. no, grinning.
“holy fuck, yes stevie. where did this come from?” eddie was smirking now, wrapping his arms around steve’s waist and swaying him gently.
“uh..robs and i were shopping…and i thought it was pretty,” steve hums as he relaxes in the older boy’s arms.
“i think you look pretty, babygirl.” eddie trails kisses over his shoulder blades, before resting his chin on his lover’s shoulder.
steve nods, his way of saying ‘thanks’, and turns around in eddie’s arms. he wraps his own arms around eddie’s shoulders and rests his face in his neck.
“how pretty?” steve jokes, trying to gain some confidence.
“so fucking pretty. my pretty boy”
thanks @simpforsauron for requesting the ficlet version!
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z3llous · 11 months
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Lover 3
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 (here) / part 4
Cream, blue, and coral pink houses and shops littered their surroundings, the salty breeze brushing against their skin. It was a lovely day for a weever hunt.
There they stood outside the Sweet Rolls Bakery enjoying the weather.
“Hope we didn’t keep you waiting long.” Azul said as he approached looking at his pocket mirror and adjusting his hair.
“Says the one who spent a whole fifteen minutes making sure he looked perfect. I had to drag him away from the vanity.” Floyd groaned hunched over twirling his earring.
“Now now Floyd, some take more time and effort to plan and perfect their appearance. Not everyone can toss it all together as quickly as you.” Jade said with a smug expression as he turned to Azul.
“Enough about me, there is work to be done.” Azul glaring at Jade as he closed the mirror and returned it to his pocket.
“Let the hunt begin.” _ said amusedly.
And off they went.
Shop after shop, house after house and no luck. Either Cassian wasn’t around or people knew not to speak of him. Both weren’t ideal.
The last stop was a small secluded ice cream shop with a view of the beach, a good place to rest.
The setting sun and sweet flavor of ice cream set a pleasant mood to unsuccessful day.
Floyd had already finished his passion fruit ice cream, Jade was taking his time with his matcha, and Azul was halfway done with his small scoop of mint chip.
“Well, that sucked. No weever anywhere.” Floyd sighed leaning over the railing.
“Indeed, I was nearly certain he’d be around here. There aren’t many areas as mer friendly as this one here.” Jade said between bites.
“Yes, I’m uncertain where else to look. We’ll have to-” Azul paused eyes wide staring at two figures walking along the coastline hand in hand.
“What are you- That bastard! Just cousins my ass!” _ growled at Cassian and his "cousin" Kelby gazing intimately at each other on the beach below as Cassian kissed Kelby’s hand.
“Hmm, it seems they are very close cousins.” Jade laughed covering his smile with his free hand.
“I ain’t that close with my cousins.” Floyd grimaced.
“Ew.” Azul gagged.
“As gross as it is, we should follow them. Hopefully they’ll lead us to where he lives.” _ frowned.
Azul finished his the rest of his ice cream quickly and gave himself a small brain freeze. After witnessing that Jade decided it best to eat on the go.
The four slid down the sandy slope to the shore far below, Jade looking as graceful as ever, Azul like a freshly born foal (the opposite of graceful), and Floyd leaning into it excitedly.
From the coast, up a stone path, and between two buildings the couple of “cousins” went closely followed by a group of foes.
They arrived to their destination.
“I’m so glad you ditched them. I was getting inpatient.” Kelby sighed as he wrapped his arms around Cassian’s neck and kissed his cheek as they swayed together on the front porch.
“Me too, babe. You should’ve been there when I robbed them blind, hehe. It could’ve been quite the thrill, not knowing if they’d come back in time to catch us… bagging their belongings… and making out on their couch. You wanna know the best part?” Cassian said pausing to place a kiss on Kelby’s neck a few times.
The pit in their stomach grew with every word they heard from their disgusting ex. It had had been planned from the very beginning. He never loved them.
“What?” Kelby leaned back with a smile.
“I didn’t pay a damn cent for that stupid wedding!” Cassian burst out laughing and Kelby laughed along with him as the two opened the door and walked in.
_ slowly dropped to ground head in hands.
Azul watched in silence, a sad look in his eyes.
Tags: @azulashengrottospiano @kiitsuhide
56 notes · View notes
ghosttotheparty · 1 year
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love me softly p8
tags from @variousothershit on part seven bc it made me laugh out loud (i think eddie would allow it bc he’s in love)
They dance until the song ends, and the next one begins, swaying with their arms around each other, their hands linked. Steve makes Eddie twirl, and Eddie blushes, his cheeks flushing with heat when he stumbles and Steve giggles.
The next song ends.
Another begins.
There’s noise out in the hall, loud voices singing and laughing, and they keep dancing, hidden away in the dim light of the bedroom.
“We’re so bad at this,” Eddie says, laughing when Steve ducks his head to twirl, their fingers tangled. Steve laughs again, pulling him close, his arm over Eddie’s shoulder.
“We’re doing great,” he says easily.
Their eyes meet. Steve’s are shining in the light, and Eddie falters, gazing at him. He’s so pretty. Eddie wants to say it out loud.
Steve’s lips part like he’s going to say something, and Eddie realises they’ve both fallen still, just standing with their arms around each other, with their fingers still tangled. But before Steve can speak, the door bangs, and they jump apart.
“Someone’s getting laid,” a voice says outside, laughing, and Eddie’s face floods with heat as he glances at Steve, his heart pounding. “There’s probably a room upstairs, come on.”
There’s a moment of silence between them before Steve clears his throat awkwardly, rubbing his cheek.
His cheeks are pink, and even in Eddie’s nervousness he feels a rush of something. Not quite satisfaction, but close.
“I should probably…” Steve says, hesitating, gesturing vaguely to the door.
“Yeah,” Eddie says nodding. “Uhm.”
Someone’s getting laid.
His face flushes with heat again, and he moves past Steve to where the tin lunchbox is sitting.
“Here.” He rifles through it, finding a small baggie of weeds and he turns, tossing it to Steve catches it, perplexed. “We can say we were dealing.”
“Oh.” Steve looks at it, his cheeks still pink. “How much?”
Eddie suppresses a smile.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it.”
Steve stares at him, his eyes wide and shining, and Eddie tilts his head fondly, shutting the lunchbox.
Eddie smiles at him, watching him fidget with it for a moment before he picks up the lunchbox and heads to the door.
“I’ll see you ‘round, Steve.”
Steve moves forward, catching Eddie’s wrist before he can reach the lock, and Eddie’s eyes widen at the sudden close proximity, glances over Steve’s face.
“Uhm,” Steve hesitates, holding Eddie’s wrist gently. “Do you— Do you wanna, uhm… Come over this weekend?”
Eddie raises his eyebrows.
“You’re inviting me to your palace?” he teases.
Steve scoffs.
“Yeah,” he says. “I like hanging out with you.”
Eddie’s chest hurts. He exhales, and Steve’s fingers are suddenly hot against his skin.
“Okay,” he breathes.
“Saturday?” Steve asks.
“Uh, yeah.” Eddie blinks. “Uh, my— my uncle works nights, and we were gonna have dinner before he leaves. Is it cool if I come over after that?”
“Yeah,” Steve says softly, smiling. “‘S cool.”
They stare for a moment longer before Steve seems to remember that he’s holding Eddie’s wrist, and he lets go, glancing at their hands.
“I’ll see you then?” Steve asks, and Eddie nods, melting a little bit. He wants to lean in and kiss him.
But he doesn’t.
On Saturday Eddie is riddled with anxiety, pacing and fidgeting as he cleans the trailer. He changes his clothes three times, finally settling on a pair of ripped jeans and an old KILL ‘EM ALL t-shirt, with a few silver chain necklaces and his rings. He ties his hair back after getting annoyed with it brushing and tickling his neck and face.
“The fuck’s goin’ on with you, Eds?” Wayne asks while Eddie is making dinner.
“What do you mean?”
“You’re fidgeting like a sinner in church, boy. What’s going on?”
“Uh.” Eddie sighs, scooping food onto a plate from the pan, his cheeks flushing. “Nothing, really.”
“Mhmm,” Wayne hums dryly, obviously not believing him.
Eddie sits at the table with him, a leg drawn up onto his chair, and he pokes at his food for a moment. Wayne is looking at him as he eats, waiting patiently.
“I’m going to a friend’s place tonight.”
“No,” Eddie says, his cheeks flushing, looking up at him across the table. “Uh, his name’s Steve.”
“Steve,” Wayne repeats. “He from school?”
“What’s he like?”
Eddie looks away, back at his food. His cheeks flush again.
“He’s real sweet.”
He takes a bite of his food, glancing up at Wayne, who’s staring at him knowingly.
“That right?” Wayne says gently.
“How’d you meet?”
“Uh, guess we never really met,” Eddie says with his mouth full. “Like, formally.” He pauses to swallow. “But we had detention together a while back and kinda… hung out.”
“Is he nice?”
Eddie suppresses a smile.
“Yeah, he’s real nice. Leaves little drawings in my locker ‘nd shit. It’s cute.”
“You got yourself an artist?”
“He’s not—“ Eddie hesitates, his cheeks hot again. “He’s not mine.”
“You got yourself an artist.”
“Whatever, Wayne.”
Wayne pecks his forehead before he leaves as Eddie is washing up, tells him to have fun and be safe. Eddie just blushes again.
The drive to Steve’s is longer than Eddie remembers. The lights are on when he gets there, over the front door and upstairs, and Eddie hesitates, taking a sharp breath and exhaling slowly before he rings the doorbell.
It takes a few seconds before Steve opens it, looking soft and lovely in a red sweater and a smile, and Eddie melts.
Steve beckons him inside with a head tilt, and Eddie enters, his eyes widening as he looks around.
“Your majesty,” Eddie teases, his hands shoved in the pockets of his unzipped hoodie. Steve scoffs, closing the door.
It’s big inside. The ceilings are a mile away, and there are stairs leading up to it, abstract, expensive-looking paintings lining the wall. Eddie turns in a circle as he follows Steve to the living room, spinning to look around. He catches a glimpse into the kitchen. It’s bright.
“Holy shit?” Eddie says, laughing when he looks around the living room. There’s a conversation pit. Eddie’s never seen one before. “You ever fall in?” he asks, gesturing toward it with a jerk of his chin.
“Oh, yeah. Probably got a fuckin’ head injury when I was little.”
Eddie laughs, scrunching his nose, and Steve smiles at him.
He waits while Eddie looks around, carefully stepping around the pit so he doesn’t fall in. There’s more art on the walls, simple framed abstracts in red and yellow and blue. Eddie’s smile falters, and he searches around, eyeing the mantle under the television, the bookshelf. There aren’t any kinds of family photos anywhere.
“Is it… weird if I say it doesn’t look like anyone lives here?” Eddie asks, finding Steve leaning against a wall.
Steve shrugs, his hands tucked behind his back.
“‘S just me, so… You’re not really too far off.”
Eddie blinks.
“Your parents don’t live here?”
Steve sighs, shrugging again.
“They’re in and out. Usually on business trips or, like, vacation.”
“They don’t take you on vacation?” Eddie asks with a raised eyebrow. Steve just shakes his head.
“I wouldn’t go even if they offered.”
“They, uh, started leaving me home when I was a kid,” Steve says. “As soon as I was old enough to use the stove myself.”
Eddie stares at him, his heart splitting a little bit.
“That fucking sucks.”
Steve shrugs.
“Sometimes I forget I even have parents.”
“That’s sad, Steve.”
Steve shrugs again.
“When you were a kid,” Eddie says, complaining, looking around again, imagining a tiny Steve in the conversation out. Drawing with broken crayons. “Do they even know you?”
“Nah,” Steve says softly. “I got secrets.”
Eddie looks at him. There’s an almost mischievous glint in his eye.
“Consider my interest piqued,” Eddie says, and Steve grins before he beckons with a head tilt.
Eddie follows him, pausing to kick his shoes off at the door when he notices Steve’s just in mismatched socks, holding onto the railing as they go up the wood stairs. It’s dimmer upstairs as Eddie follows him down the hall.
“Uh.” Steve turns before he opens the door, pointing at Eddie so his finger touches his chest. Eddie’s breath catches in his throat. “Before we go in, you’re not allowed to judge me for the wallpaper.”
Eddie’s brows furrow, and he smiles hesitantly.
“My mom picked it when I was, like, nine, and I’m not allowed to change it.”
“Not judging,” Eddie sweats, holding his hands up in surrender before Steve sighs and opens the door. “Oh my god.”
“What did I say?” Steve says accusingly, but he’s laughing, watching Eddie look around at the horrific plaid walls.
“Not judging, not judging,” Eddie defends himself, hands still raised. “Well, that’s not true, I’m judging your mother.”
“That’s allowed.”
“Okay, good.” He finishes looking around, grinning. There are clothes on the floor and on the desk chair, and books and papers scattered across the desk, and the blankets on his bed are tossed aside messily. “So these secrets I’ve heard about…”
Steve grins, sitting on the edge of his bed. Eddie’s chest tightens. He wants to kiss him.
“Look in the closet.”
Eddie narrows his eyes, moving over the closet, and he opens it slowly, suspiciously, listening to Steve giggle behind him.
When it’s open, his eyes scan over the hanging clothing before they find the bottom of the closet, cluttered with canvases and a shoebox of paint tubes, and a guitar.
Eddie’s eyes widen, and he looks over his shoulder at Steve, who’s watching him shyly, almost nervously.
“Can I?” Eddie asks, reaching down to a canvas, and Steve nods.
“Go ahead.”
Eddie plops onto the ground, eliciting a soft giggle from Steve, and pulls the canvases out of the closet, looking at them, wide-eyed.
Most of them are abstract, but not in the way the paintings in the stairway and the living room are. They’re expressive, loud and passionate and so full of Steve that Eddie forgets the breathe. He looks through them slowly, gazing at every detail, every brushstroke and smudge and speck of paint, setting them aside carefully, gently.
“That one’s you,” Steve says abruptly when Eddie looks at one, and Eddie looks up at him. “It’s, uhm.”
“Explain?” Eddie questions, looking back at the painting. It’s full of dark blues and blacks and soft smudges of white and yellow and red, intense and heavy but somehow calm. At first glance, Eddie thinks it’s the sea.
“I was…” Steve’s cheeks flush red, and he scratches the back of his neck. “I was thinking about you. When I made it. Is that— That’s weird, I— I’m sorry, it’s—“
“It’s not weird, Stevie,” Eddie says gently, his chest aching. “It’s fucking beautiful.”
“Okay,” Steve says softly.
Eddie gazes at the painting for a little while longer, wondering when Steve did it, how long it’s been sitting in the dark of his closet.
“What are you gonna do with them all?” he asks, setting it aside carefully to look at the next.
“Don’t know,” Steve says. “Probably just keep them all there until I move out and get my own place.”
“You should cover every single wall with them,” Eddie says. “When you get a place.”
“You think?”
“Fuck yeah.”
He puts the paintings back as carefully as he can when he finishes looking through them.
“You play guitar?”
“Little bit.”
Eddie grins and picks up the guitar carefully, crawling over to hand it to Steve, who grimaces and takes it.
“Play me something,” Eddie demand, smiling up at him as he sits cross-legged on the floor again, his back to the closet. Steve sighs heavily, sliding his fingers down the frets, and Eddie watches eagerly as he starts to play.
“The Cure?” Eddie asks when Steve stops, grimacing again as he falters.
“Uh, yeah.”
Eddie nods approvingly.
“Is that allowed?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, ‘course. You can like what you like. Metal’s not for everyone.”
“Even if it’s Toto?”
Eddie shrugs, and Steve laughs, raising that eyebrows.
“You liked that song at the party, though.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you…”
“Okay, it wasn’t horrible,” Eddie says, cheeks flushing. Steve cackles almost evilly, looking up at the ceiling and Eddie falls in love a little more. He’d listen to Toto every day if he got to see Steve’s eyes sparkle like this.
“Alright, come on,” Steve says lightly, standing and kicking Eddie gently as Eddie looks up at him from the floor. He puts the guitar back in the closet, but forgets to shut the door.
Steve is different when he’s not at school. Eddie noticed it the first night they spent together, sitting by the quarry in the van, how light he seems when he isn’t surrounded by his douchey friends, how he sits differently, how he breathes differently.
When they sit in the conversation pit to watch a movie, Steve sits with his legs pulled up onto the sofa the same way Eddie does. He has an absent sort of smile gracing his lips, looking vaguely content in a way Eddie’s never seen him before.
Eddie looks away, pressing his lips together and letting his head fall back against the sofa, looking briefly at the ceiling. He’s so fucking beautiful.
They’re both quiet while they watch the movie, and Eddie is barely paying attention, instead focusing on the sound of Steve breathing, and the small distance between them. (Steve moved closer a little while ago, shifted slightly as he set his chin on his knee. Eddie wanted to scream.)
His cheeks flush with warmth when the characters in the movie lock eyes. A boy and a girl, staring intently at each other, the lighting dim and warm. He glances away from the screen at Steve, whose eyes are trained on the movie.
The air feels tight. Like Eddie could cut through it.
The characters kiss after a moment, slowly and gently and lovingly. Eddie’s chest hurts.
“Sometimes I—“ Steve’s voice says quietly, roughly. “I think that isn’t for me.”
Eddie looks at him, eyes wide.
“Kissing?” he says lightly, making Steve scoff. Girls?
“No, just… Romance. I guess.”
Eddie blinks, looking back at the screen. They’re still kissing, arms around each other, the boy’s fingers in her hair.
“Why?” he asks.
Steve sighs and shrugs.
“Nobody’s worked out,” he says. “Feels like they’re all… looking for something I’m not.”
Eddie swallows, biting his lip and picking at the hole in his jeans.
“Maybe you’re… not looking in the right place,” he says softly.
He keeps looking at the screen, watching the boy lift the girl onto a table without pulling away. The girl is smiling.
Steve is quiet for a few seconds before Eddie feels the sofa shift, and Steve’s hand gently touches Eddie’s chin, pulling to make Eddie face him, and before Eddie can even realise how close he is, he’s kissing him.
Eddie gasps, pushing forward to kiss him back briefly before Steve pulls away, holding Eddie’s chin gently. His eyes are wide, reflecting the movie and the soft golden light of the lamp across the room, and Eddie stares at him.
Steve blinks, his eyes flicking back and forth between Eddie’s.
“Did I misread that?” Steve asks anxiously. His hand is shaking.
“No,” Eddie says sharply, dropping his legs and shifting to face him. “No, no, you— I just— I just wasn’t expecting that, but I—”
“Was it okay?” Steve asks in a small voice. He looks like he might cry.
“Jesus, Steve,” Eddie breathes, reaching up to touch his face, pressing his palm to his soft cheek. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long, I…” He shakes his head. He looks at Steve’s lips. He can still feel them on his own.
Steve’s eyes are glistening, and his voice breaks, and Eddie doesn’t want him to cry. He reaches up with his other hand, cradling Steve’s face tenderly, and he nods.
“I have such a fucking crush on you. Christ.”
Steve laughs weakly, hunching his shoulders, and Eddie leans in to kiss him again, squeezing his eyes shut as their mouths crash together, tilting his head and gasping when they part.
“Eddie,” Steve says breathlessly, his eyes still closed, holding Eddie’s face.
“Yeah,” Eddie whispers, pushing Steve’s hair back, tracing a line down his neck lightly. “You okay?”
“I’m so okay,” Steve says softly. “I’ve never been this okay.”
Eddie grins at him, leaning in and kissing him softly.
“Can I…” Steve starts, pausing to bite his lip, his cheeks pink.
“What?” Eddie prompts softly, nudging their noses together.
“Can I sit on your lap?”
“Jesus. Yes, come here.”
He pulls at Steve’s hips, and Steve beams, sitting up and swinging a leg over Eddie’s lap so he’s straddling him. Eddie’s heart is pounding in his chest.
“Never thought I’d make it to Heaven,” he murmurs, wrapping his arms around Steve’s waist, and Steve shakes his head, rolling his eyes.
“You’re so dramatic.”
“Can you blame me?” Eddie asks, sliding a hand over Steve’s back. “Got the prettiest boy in Indiana on my lap.”
Steve’s smile falters. He’s tracing lines over Eddie’s jawline, down his neck.
“You think I’m pretty?” he asks softly, shyly.
Eddie exhales. Gazes up at him. He vaguely hears the movie in the background, but he’s too focussed on the way the soft lighting in the room is making Steve’s stray hair shine like spun gold, on the way his eyes are shining like they’re glass, like he’s a painting that belongs in a museum.
“I think you’re fucking stunning, Stevie,” he says softly. Steve’s cheeks flush pink.
Steve pulls him into a kiss by tugging on his necklaces. Eddie is glad he wore them.
part nine
read the whole thing on ao3
taglist: @dazedandinked @vecnuthy @mareydi @thekingandthejester @michael-the-angelo @mackdaddyofheimlichcountyy @confusionocturne @three-possums-playing-human @narcissist-era @snailcosworld @axltheedaddy @thing-a-ling
204 notes · View notes
sl-newsie · 1 year
Cool Your Jets- Ch. 3: Let’s Dance (Riff x newcomer)
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I finish cleaning up my sad attempts to make dinner and then go to freshen up when I hear a knock on the door.
“Riff, if that’s you I’m gonna rip your arms off-!” I hiss as I yank the door open, only to find a dark blue swing dress with a note attached to it.
Anita made this for you! She wants you to show those Jets who’s boss! See you at the dance!
Maria :)
A smile grows on my face as I take the gorgeous blue dress inside. There’s a dotted pattern on the skirt and low-cut bodice, and like my other new dress it’s very flowy. I don’t know how I’m gonna be able to repay Anita for this! I slip it on with a tulle petticoat and twirl in front-a the tiny bathroom mirror. After some makeup and a halfway-decent hairstyling I think I’m ready, and I almost feel too dressed up. Back in the country, simply wear’n a dress with no mud spots on it was fancy enough, but I know city folks got higher standards.
As I head out I remember that I’ve got no clue where this place is, so I decide to go with my intuition and follow a group-a dressed up Puerto Ricans to a school. I wish I could go to school, but since I gotta pay rent there’s no use try’n to squeeze in time.
Inside I can already hear blare’n swing music and the sound-a lots-a people talk’n and laugh’n. I stick to the wall and scope the gym out, noticing that the Sharks and Jets have divided the room.
“Marilyn!”Maria rushes up, dressed in white, and engulfs me in a hug. “You came! And you look wonderful!”
“Of course she does!” Anita walks up, she herself wear’n a black and red dress.
“I must admit, amor- this it definitely the best dress you’ve made.” Bernardo smirks. “Sorry about earlier, chica. I think we got off on the wrong foot.”
I wave it off. “Nah, it’s fine. I’m new here same as you, more water under the bridge. I haven’t been to a dance in months, so let’s dance!”
We group together and walk onto the dance floor, and I notice that Anita and Bernardo take no regard for the line separating the Sharks and Jets. I feel awkward just stand’n here by myself, so I just stay off to the side.
“Hey! Ya made it!”
Mouthpiece runs up with a big smile on his face. “How’re ya supposed to dance when you’re tucked away in the corner? Come dance!” He takes my hand and starts lead’n me to the center-a the room.
“Uh I donno, Mouthpiece. Everybody here’s dancing so intense, and back home we’ve never had social events like this-”
“Just relax! Have fun!” Mouthpiece jerks my arm and sends me falling towards the floor, only to scoop me back up and twirl me around.
“Aw- oh- Oh my God!” I cry as he lifts me up. “What are you doing?!”
“I’m dancing with a pretty goil!” He grins as he twirls me again.
I chuckle sarcastically. “You’re too kind, Mouth!”
“That your new nickname for me?”
“No, it’s just that you can sometimes have a big mouth.”
“Aw!” He dramatically clutches his chest. “I’m scarred beyond repair!”
“Get over it!” I playfully push him and he takes me in for anodda dip.
“I’ll take over from here.”
We both turn and see Riff standing next to us with an amused smirk on his face.
“Jeez, boss. We just got started,” Mouthpiece whines.
“I’m sure Velma wants a fella to dance with,” Riff waves him off. Mouthpiece leaves after giving me a quick look of apology. Now Riff turns to me and offers a hand.
I put my hands on my hips. “Why on Earth would I dance with you after that? Mouthpiece invited me to a nice dance, and now you come here all high-and-mighty try’n to cut in!”
“I just wanna get to know the new goil in town. C’mon, ya won’t regret it!” He winks.
Cautiously, I look around and spot Grazi with anodda Jet.
“Won’t your goil get jealous?”
Riff follows my gaze. “Grazi? Nah, Diesel’s keep’n her company. Right now I’m all yours.”
I give him one more skeptical look, then roll my eyes in defeat. “Fine.”
He takes my waist, a lot more snug than Mouthpiece I might add, and starts waltz’n us all over the room.
“Took a while to find ya! You been look’n for me?”
“When I came I expected to find the leader of a stubborn gang.” I shrug.
He laughs. “Oh really?”
I give a devious smirk. “I’ve been trying to find him, but all I can see is a cleaned-up Jet boy.”
“Ey! Get away from her!” Bernardo comes up and shoves Riff away from me.
“You got a problem, amigo?” The Jets leader pushes Bernardo and they both start circle’n each odda.
“Guys, just stop it!” I try to break them up but it’s no use.
“She’s with us, punk!”
“That’s funny ‘cause last I checked she was meet’n with us!”
“Guys!!” I get in-between them and they seem to remember I’m still there. “I’m here for everyone! Can you guys just go ten minutes without fighting?”
“Hey, hey, hey! Everybody please calm down!” A chaperone comes up to stand in the middle of the Jets and Sharks mob. “There are beautiful goils here that wanna dance, can’t we all just get along?” He goes to talk more about social rules, but then-
“There you are!” Anita comes over and yanks me over towards Maria on the sidelines. “What are you doing? I suggest you stay with Maria and Chino until this mess gets settled.”
Maria huffs. “Anita! We want to dance!”
Anita shakes her head as she heads back to dance with Bernardo. “You can, away from the Jets!”
I sulk in the corner as a massive dance-fight takes place: Sharks vs Jets.
“¡Oye, Javi! Ponle fuego, ¡vamos!” Anita shouts.
Maria and Chino eventually join in, but me being alone leaves me awkwardly pacing back and forth.
As I watch the dance break out, I can’t help but be a little bit jealous of Riff ‘nd Grazi. She looks like she’s having so much fun, but Riff seems… distracted. He keeps look’n at Bernardo, and Bernardo keeps look’n at Riff. I gotta say- he ain’t a sight for sore eyes. I can understand why Grazi keeps him so close, and can’t help but feel sad that I don’t got no fella to call my own.
I make my way to the back, but then Riff seems to recognize someone next to me. He leads Grazi over, leaving me to stiffly loiter around and stare at the ground.
“Tony! Ya made it! I knew you’d come!” Riff beams with joy. He pulls me forward and gestures to a tall, dark, and handsome guy. “Marilyn, this here’s Tony. One-a the Jets’ founding members and my best friend! Tony-” He gestures to me. “This is Marilyn Jackson. Just moved here from upstate, so we’s make’n her feel welcome.”
Tony shakes my hand. “Pleasure to meet ya! I’d ask ya to dance but I promised my parole offer I wouldn’t get too involved with social events. I only came ‘cause Riff said I would-”
“And ya still came!” Riff smiles.
Tony gives him a glare. “Only for half an hour. I’s here for you, not to cause a rumble!”
Riff shrugs. “Ya can’t back outta this, buddy boy. Soon as the coast is clear we’s meet’n the Sharks to set it up.”
My face twists to a confused expression. “What’s a rumble-?”
“C’mon Riff, let’s dance!” Grazi grasps Riff’s wrist and pulls him back to the crowd, leaving me with Tony.
“Is he always this reckless?’ I ask.
He sighs. “Ever since we was kids. I was the one to hold him back, but since I’s been gone I fear that Riff’s been get’n outta hand.” He looks around the gym, then says: “I think I’m just gonna drift around ‘nd make sure the Jets play fair, if ya get my drift? You go on ahead- enjoy yourself!”
I go back to watching everyone jive and dance, and wondering what other odd characters I’m gonna meet in this city. I’m already caught between 2 gangs- what else is in store for Miss Jackson?
“You wanna dance, buddy boy?” I hear Riff jab- most likely at Bernardo.
I try to get closer to the clump-a angry dancers, but the chaperones and policemen are block’n my path. Once I do make it through, an argument’s already panning out.
“But I wanna dance! Riff, you said we could dance!” Grazi wines.
“I know, I know doll. Lemme just-”
“No! I’m sick-a this!” She shoves him and storms past, but then turns back. “We’re through!” She glares at me. “He’s your problem now!”
I just stare wide-eyed as people around me begin to argue, until Anita comes over and guides me into the hallway.
“Come, chica. This is no place for a young lady.”
I shake my head. “Is it always like this? Stupid gangs ruining social events?”
Anita nods. “I’m afraid so. All we can do is try to calm them down when it’s over.”
She goes off to the bathroom to fix her makeup, while I go sit next to Maria in the hallway. But she seems… distant.
“Maria? Are you ok?”
She nods, but then seems to rethink and shakes her head.
“Maria, what’s wrong?”
“I- I danced with a Jet boy,” she whispers. “And… I think I like him.”
I frown. “Who?”
“I think his name is Tony?”
“Oh, Riff’s friend! I kinda know him, he seems nice. What’s wrong with that?”
“Because Bernardo hates him! He hates all the Jets.”
I notice Tony walk up with Riff and the odda Jets as they go off with the Sharks.
Anita huffs. “Come, Maria. We’ve had enough drama for one night, so let’s head home. You coming, Marilyn?”
I look back and forth between the Jets that are still present and Anita. “Sorry Anita, but I’m gonna stay a bit longer and keep the guys in-check. You go on and get home safely.”
She nods and starts guiding Maria away, leaving me standing next to Tony.
“Buenas noches, Marilyn!”
“G’night, Maria!” I call back.
“Maria? Maria…” I see Tony get a dazed look in his eyes.
I wave a hand in front of him. “Uh, Tony? Earth-to-Tony? Ya with us?”
He blinks. “Marilyn? Have you ever heard-a luv at foist sight?”
“Uhh,” My eyes widen and my jaw drops. “Kinda?”
Tony gives a dopey smile. “Then I think I’m in luv! Marilyn, I just kissed the most beautiful goil I’ve ever met, and her name’s Maria!”
I gasp. “Maria? You mean my neighbor, Maria?”
“She’s your neighbor? Wow, you’re lucky!”
“She was just talk’n ‘bout you!” I hiss, look’n around to make sure nobody’s listen’n.
Tony gawks at me. “She was? What’d she say?!”
“I ain’t gonna be spill’n gossip- it’s just plain evil!” I cross my arms.
“Aw, c’mon Marilyn! Please! Does she luv me back? Did she like dance’n with me?” His smile fades. “Or- or does she hate me, and never wanna see me again…?”
I hold my hand up to steady the poor guy. “Alright, alright, fine! She luvs ya! Just don’t go have’n a meltdown on me! I got enough emotional baggage as it is!”
Tony’s face looks as if he’s been born again. “In that case, I’m gonna go find her!”
He starts off towards the exit, leaving me nearly speechless.
“Tony- Tony! Ya can’t just track her down! That’s creepy-!”
But it’s too late. Tony’s already head-over-heels and is out the door.
Riff, now look’n more smug than ever, strides up. “Where’s Tony? He's gonna miss the meeting.”
I point to the door. “Just missed ‘im.”
Riff shrugs. “Guess I’ll have to fill him in later. Right now I gotta go meet with Bernardo.”
“Ay ay! Leave her alone!” Anita comes up and waves him off. She leads me away, but not before I look back one more time and see Riff air-kiss me goodbye.
As he turns to leave, Anita scrunches her face. “I suggest you stay away from that Jet boy- Riff. He’s no good for you. I’m going to tell Maria the same thing about her Jet boy- they’re all the same.”
“Tony’s not. He’s not like them, and he wants noth’n to do with the Jets. He’s only here because he’s their friend.”
“Once a Jet, always a Jet,” Antia argues as Bernardo strolls up to us. “Hola, mi amor! I left Maria with Chino.” She points at me. “And came back for you because Bernardo said he just scheduled a rumble for tomorrow night, and I do not want you around those Jets!” She walks off again, and that word keeps ringing in my head.
“A- A what?” I frown. “I’ve heard that word before… Riff mentioned it…”
Bernardo nods. “It’s a rumble, señorita. An all-out fight between gangs when only one comes out on top. We just planned out with the Jets for tomorrow night, so I suggest you stay in unless you want trouble.”
Bernardo storms outta the room with Anita, leaving me alone to think over this idea until Mouthpiece finds me again.
“Hey! I lost ya! Where’ve ya been?”
“Do you know about the rumble?” I ask darkly.
Mouthpiece opens his mouth, then shuts it again. “Who told you?”
He scoffs. “Figures some PR would tell ya.”
“Is it really that bad?” My voice is uneven.
He avoids my gaze and nods. “Yeah, it can get pretty bad. That’s the reason Tony got locked up ‘cause he nearly beat a kid to death last year.”
My hand flies to my mouth. “Death? Mouthpiece… I don’t want anyone to die, is there any way to settle this without fighting?”
He smiles a little. “Ya worried ‘bout me, doll?”
“I’m serious! None-a you deserve to die! I could talk to Bernardo, he might call it off…”
“Fat chance.”
I roll my eyes. “What ‘bout Riff? If I could talk to him-”
“Ask and ye shall receive.” Riff strolls in, leans against the wall, and motions for Mouthpiece to leave. “Ya look’n for me, beautiful?”
I storm up to him and poke a finger at his chest.
“So. Tonight was all a ruse to plan a fight. And all for what? Territory? Because Tony danced with Maria?”
“That’s the broad’s name?” Riff asks with a scrunched face.
I smack him and start to breathe heavily.
“I was right. The rough gang leader was here tonight- a wolf in sheep’s clothing. You should be ashamed of yourself. They have every right to be here, same as you!”
Fed up with this, I storm off outta the gym and into an alley, all the while ignoring the faint calls from the aggravating Jet leader.
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officialgleamstar · 10 months
for hug prompt! a bit specific but could i get 33 (picking up hug) with lesbian gothcleats please!! i need more of them
raaaahhh GOTHCLEATS MY BELOVED. thank you sm i love them. i love this.
hug prompts! | ao3 link!
It had taken a while for Scary to ease her way back into soccer. Even once she had admitted that she missed it, her pride kept her away for a while longer. Then she had to fumble through a handful of scheduling conflicts. And then she had to go buy all new athletic clothes because everything was too bright and pink-
At the end of it all, she was grateful to be back on the field. That’s what mattered most. She was back on the field. She hadn’t been to many games yet, they had lost both of the two she did partake in, and the familiar drive to win was settling over her brain. That was what drew her out here, kicking soccer balls at the goal with increasing ferocity while Lincoln covered the goal with half-hearted concern.
She kicked the ball and Lincoln stepped aside to intercept it, raising her elbow to bump it out of the goal. Scary gritted her teeth.
“Do you wanna take a break?” Lincoln called, raising a hand to her mouth so the sound would carry, and Scary shook her head.
“I got this, Linc.” She jogged forward to get the ball back, shuffling it between her feet and Lincoln let out an unsure hum.
“We could have some water, at least-”
“No! No, we’re going until I get this.” Scary began dribbling it back out of the penalty area, tensing and relaxing her hands as she tried to cool her temper. “Just sit there and keep guarding.”
Maybe Scary was more out of practice than she would have liked, but that was fine. It wasn’t like she was trying to score from the halfway line. She should be able to score from the penalty arc, it wasn’t an impossible kick by any means, but every kick either went wild or wasn’t fast enough to get past her friend. She had been doing better earlier in the evening, but after a certain point, Lincoln had started blocking all of her shots and it was starting to itch against Scary’s brain like an unpleasant sweater.
“I’ll just… look pretty,” Lincoln responded in a tone that was almost clever, and Scary managed a laugh, turning back around with the ball from her spot in the penalty box. Lincoln braced herself as Scary started winding up, shifting her weight back and forth between her feet, and Scary closed her eyes.
Inhale through the nose. Exhale through the mouth. She steadied herself, opened her eyes, and took a bouncy half-step forward to give her momentum as she slammed her left foot into the soccer ball.
The ball went flying, black spinning over white in a blur as it arched toward the goal. Scary winced as she tried to plot out the trajectory in her head - it was sailing through the air but it was clearly headed straight for the right pole of the net - and Lincoln clearly had the same thought even as she lunged towards the ball. Scary’s posture tensed as Lincoln’s hands came up, nearly colliding with the edges of the net—
And the ball soared right over them, hitting the back of the goal and causing the netting to swish against itself. Scary froze, her eyes wide.
“Scary! You got it!” Lincoln was making her way over to her before Scary fully processed her own goal, wrapping her arms around Scary’s waist and scooping her up with a twirl. Scary let out a startled laugh, wrapping her arms around Lincoln’s neck and clinging as her legs dangled. “You did it!”
“I did it!” she agreed, trying to bite down the deeply uncool giggles bubbling up in her chest. Lincoln beamed up at her, the perfect picture of adoration, and Scary’s mind continued its struggle to keep up with everything going on.
Normal had once joked that Scary’s comphet crush on Lincoln from freshman year was actually just her clocking Lincoln’s transition from a mile away. At the time, Scary had scoffed and told him that he just wished he was right about her and Lincoln liking each other. Right now, watching the way the field’s lights reflected in the dark brown of Lincoln’s eyes, she was having a much harder time believing her own argument.
Lincoln had grown her hair out for a while, but it was cut short again. Scary had the bizarre curiosity of what it would feel like if Linc tucked her head underneath Scary’s, which quickly fell into cuddling and sharing a bed territory, and Scary coughed loudly before her thoughts could spiral further.
“Oh, sorry!”
She dropped Scary back to her feet with a laugh and Scary grabbed Lincoln’s arms to steady herself as she wobbled. She gave Scary an embarrassed smile and Scary could feel her heart skip a beat.
“We should take a break.”
“I have been saying that,” Lincoln agreed with a nod and Scary whirled around to break eye contact, speed-walking away from those soft brown eyes.
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phantomcat94 · 6 months
Excerpt from Some Days Are Diamonds
Chapter 11
“Happy Birthday,” he said brightly, glancing over his shoulder. He almost put his hand down on the waffle iron.
Elle floated down the stairs in a delicate pink dress and a denim jacket, and— of all things— bedazzled cowboy boots. Logan had really outdone himself with her, leaving her lovely, long hair falling over her shoulders in soft curls, and her face glowing like it was lit from the inside.
John was going to scoop his jaw off the floor and say something, any minute now. He was going to grab her the second she was in arms reach and kiss her, right in front of Logan, the smug bastard. He was going to haul Elle back up the stairs over his shoulder and spend the rest of her birthday showing her how happy he was that she’d been born.
He was going to burn the waffle on one side, if he didn’t close the damn lid.
“Nice dress,” He croaked. He even managed to close the waffle iron, like a functional adult.
“Thanks,” Elle said, a little breathless as she reached the bottom of the stairs. She twirled, and tiny sequins in her skirt caught the sunlight, making it glimmer and gleam. “I made it!”
“It’s…” stunning. Perfect. Dazzling. Better suited for my bedroom floor while I— “beautiful.”
Pink dusted her cheeks, and John had to turn away, trying to discreetly adjust himself.
Get a grip, he demanded of himself, checking the waffle— and, yeah, the bottom was noticeably darker than the top. You have better control than this.
Then again, he’d been losing his goddamn mind since the day she moved in, and she didn’t even seem to notice, so. Maybe he didn’t.
Since he’d apparently forgotten how to form a complete, coherent sentence worth saying, John decided to cut his losses, and just went about putting waffles on a plate for her.
“Alright, birthday girl,” Logan said, and John could hear him settling onto a barstool behind him. “It’s time for you to open your fan mail.”
John turned to slide Elle’s breakfast across the bar to her, only to damn near trample her. When had she even gotten this close to him? As he reared back, defending himself with the plate, she let out a delighted gasp. “Oh, you made waffles!”
John felt ten years shave off his lifespan as she took the plate from him and practically danced over to the counter, setting her plate down and then immediately coming back to him. “Thank you!”
When she flung her arms around his neck, John acted on instinct, lifting her up and whirling her around in a circle. Her peal of laughter rang throughout the room, her arms tight around his neck. Once he set her down, he happened to glance at Logan— Logan, the jerk, who was smirking at him over his crossed arms, one eyebrow up in an annoyingly smug expression.
John felt himself blush like a schoolboy, and turned pointedly back to his dangerously dark waffle.
Wanna read more? Check out Some Days Are Diamonds here!
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Random Alpha and Little One thought that made me feel soft, but me- being me- was imagining how little one collects feathers she finds and sometimes sneaking up on him and teasing him with it until he’s growling and taking her to bed 🥺
Tori! You know I love this kinda playfulness. I couldn't resist my thoughts getting away from me, but please drop off any Alpha and Little One thots you wanna share.
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You loved feathers. Little soft treasures that were easy to find everywhere if you kept a keen eye.
And you tucked them around the cabin, easy to find and twirl in your fingers. You loved the soft sensation of them brushing against your skin so intimately. It was also how you found out that your mate was rather ticklish.
You just found a small blue jay feather had twirled to your porch after your frequent visitors were disturbed by you coming out on the back deck, the blues so vibrant that you went to show Steve your newest treasure. Sneaking up on him, your Little Wolf snickering at the playfulness of how you tiptoed to him, you were just about to leap to hug around him when Steve whipped around with a smirk, catching you against his chest while you smacked right into him.
"You need to work on your stalking skills." He huffed as you bit at his pec in your playful mood, your arms wrapping up around his neck.
"You need to work on your stalking skills." You mimicked him as you twirled the feather in your fingertips.
"You sassing me Little One?" He growled in surprise while running his nose against your hairline, snapping his teeth in a fake warning near your ear.
"Absolutely." You happen to let the feather brush up against the back of his neck, making him tense in surprise and huff in your ear. "Oh, does that tickle?" You did it again, this time angling the feather to zip up the back of his ear, making his laugh break out, trying to escape the sensation.
Now you carried this knowledge, and whenever you wanted to tease him, you pulled out one of your feathers from its little hiding nook, practicing your stalking skills like he informed you to.
He was leaning over the sink this time, doing the dishes from the night before. Bare back, as Steve frequented around the house shirtless, probably on purpose to distract you, you had the perfect opportunity to test how ticklish he was on his back.
You were steps away when his back flexed, straightening up to his full height. You could hear the Alpha with your Little One in your mind, trying to distract her and ultimately you in your mission. "Careful Litte One, I bite." He warned you, but you didn't care. You went to his back, kissing at the center between his shoulder blades, smirking as you pressed your lips there.
"Maybe I want you to." You let the feathers edge trail over the small of his back and he tensed. You sensed him, the urgency in his mind and you prepared to bolt away. But a sudsy hand caught you, scooping you up caveman style over his shoulder so you were swaying down his back. "Steve!"
A palm came to your ass, slapping it only enough to make you wriggle in his hold. "You wanna act up Little One?" He scolded teasing as he hip-checked the bedroom door. The scent of your nest made you whimper happily while you pulled on his shorts enough to see the top of his ass, letting the feather tickle at the dimples just above his cheeks and giggle when that made his ass cheeks flex.
"Yes, a whole lotta yes!" You laughed and yelped when he flung you in the middle of your nest, bouncing against the mattress as his loud Alpha growls sounded above you as he stalked over you in the bed. You bit your lip at the sight of him crawling over you, his hand wrapping around the back of your thigh to pull you down so you were underneath him.
Of course, you weren't scared of all the rumbles he was putting off. He might be an Alpha and your bonded mate, but you knew Steve was all bark and no bite right now. Well, maybe some bite as he snapped his teeth against your belly on his way up your body, making you arch under him for more of that sensation. You loved when he marked you, it was so good to you to feel Steve be just a bit possessive over you.
You let the feather trace across his broad chest, circling his nipple and leaning up to lick at it before nipping and nuzzling on the muscle, inhaling his very Alpha scent and brushing your nose through the curly wirey hairs scattering his chest.
You were about to brush the feather down his belly when you glanced up at him. His brow arched at the challenge and your gaze narrowed back. In the bond, you could feel the wolves teasing each other in play fighting, tackling one another. Steve's emotions surged through, warmth filling you with love, passion, amusement, and most of all safety to explore.
You let the feather dip below his belly button, swirling in the little dent. He tensed again, laughing softly in an uncontrolled chuckle when he caught your wrist and brought it up to his mouth, licking across the tendons there. "You think you are pretty cute today Little One." Once he was satisfied with marking his scent on you, he pinned your hands back above your head. "Making your Alpha all distracted."
You rolled your hips up to meet his, the urge to leave him smelling like you getting overwhelming. "Get it all off Steve." You whined and he dropped to kiss you in that all-dominating way Steve did, you were distracted, the feather you had clutched this whole time falling from your fingers. Steve tilted your head with a touch of his fingers, licking into your mouth and groaning heatedly against you.
Unaware of what he was doing till a light ticklish sensation flowed up your arm, he pulled away with a smirk while you wriggled against him to escape, twisting to see that feather tracing up your arm towards the pit, making you cry in alarm. "No Steve, no!" Bursts of laughter fell from you while he continued his assault.
You managed to buck under him, pushing him to fall to his back and you straddling him. You caught his arms to push them over his head, well aware that he was letting you do this, but you couldn't help the way you felt a little surge of power. Grinding your hips back to where you felt him very hard under you, constricted to his pants still. "Got me Little One, now what are you going to do?"
You hummed as you leaned over him, nipping at his lips and traveling down his neck. "I'm going to love you and fuck you Steve, starting with my mouth." Your hands fell to the button on his pants, snapping them open as you continued down his body, your feather was forgotten now.
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kissland69 · 2 years
two of hearts
robin buckley x f!reader
*if there’s any mistakes, typos or errors please ignore them, also can we pretend that this song come out 1985 and not 1986🥸*
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“two of heart, two hearts that beat as one” played through the speakers of scoops ahoy for the 15th time that day “i used to love this song but not anymore, now it’s so annoying” robin said with an exhausted expression “two of hearts, two hearts that beat as oneeee” steve annoyingly sang “shut up dingus, you aren’t making it any better” robin said with rolling eyes “my purpose is to annoy you buckley” steve said with his pointer finger up “whatever, that’s why i’m leaving you to deal with the customers” robin said while walking to the break room “okay, if you leave me here then your favorite customer will come in without you drooling at them” steve replied with a smirk “are you really pulling that card on me?” robin said with wide eyes “of course i am, you can’t just leave your favorite customer out here while your in there daydreaming about them” said steve, arms folded infront of his chest “you suck” robin said while returning to the spot she was in earlier “yeah i know, you have a whole scoreboard” said steve with rolling eyes.
after countless customers came into scoops, the freckled girl didn’t see her favorite customer which was a bummer, standing for hours wearing her beat up converse and putting on her fake smile to people she didn’t seem to care for, steve failing for the 5th time that day with a girl and having to see all the corny couples come in and share a cone with one another “man, i feel so miserable right now” robin said with a sigh “is it the job or the couples?” asked steve with the same sigh “both, and to add on to everything she didn’t even come today, normally she’ll come at 2 and now it’s 4:20pm” robin said while looking at the clock attached to the blue and white checkered wall “oh so you’re keeping tabs on her? wow robin i didn’t expect you to be so obsessed” steve playfully said “at least i keep my eyes on one girl unlike you, you flirt with any rainbow face that comes in here” robin said while leaning against the counter “whatever buckley, that’s why i’m going to get a date before you” said steve, DING! “looks like she finally came” steve whispered to robin causing her face to turn red “hello, welcome to scoops ahoy! what can i get you today” said steve with a wide smile “hi, i’ll get cookies and cream in a cup please” said y/n with a smile, headphones around her neck with the worst song playing into them “two of hearts by Stacey Q? that’s such a good song” robin said, lying through her teeth “oh yeah, i love this song, i like that you guys play it here so much” said y/n with a smile “same! i always listen to it at home” robin replied with a smile “maybe you guys can go on a picnic date at lovers lake with that song playing” steve said, twirling the ice cream scooper on his pointer finger “h-he’s j-joking i swear” robin said with a nervous, fake laugh “oh…that wouldn’t sound bad actually..” y/n said quietly “R-REALY, then he wasn’t joking, he was saying the god honest truth!” robin with with a surprised expression “that’s relief, to be honest with you the only reason i come here so often is because i like seeing you, but like not in a creepy way, i just think you’re really pretty” y/n said with a smile “oh the feelings mutual, she knows what time you usually come in, today she thought-“ steve said but got cut off with an aggressive shove “i think it’s time for your break dingus!” said robin with a harsh glare “don’t mind him..uhh so do you want my number…” robin said while anxiously picking at her painted nails “of course, wanna go to lovers lake this saturday?” asked y/n while handing robin a pen and a small notebook she kept in her hand bag “yeah! that would be great, call me anytime, you can call me tonight if you want” said robin with a loose grin “okay, i will robin, see you saturday” said y/n while placing a soft kiss on the freckled girl’s cheek then walking out of the ice cream shop with a smile .
“so are we not going to speak on the fact that you said you loved a song that you hated?” steve said “do you ever shut up harrington?” asked an irritated robin “like again, my purpose is to annoy you but hey look on the bright side you finally got a date before i did” steve said with a smile, robin just flipped him off and walked to the break room “not letting you ruin my mood right now” said robin with the door shutting behind her.
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