thehellsystem · 4 months
It's so good to see fellow white supremacists telling those zionist cowards to stop complaining.
The who what now
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gay-otlc · 2 years
Santi: We should get to know each other better.
Wolfe: All right. What’s your favorite book?
Santi: Vodka, do you like boys?
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therealedsheets · 2 years
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maiteo · 2 years
Maybe you’re accidentally sending winning vibes to Vieira and he’s sending it to his squad…turn the game off friend….
me gathering up my coyg n vacating the premises…..
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dea-marte · 3 months
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https-furina · 11 months
so i think my hyperactivity took over last night??
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i don’t even write fics this long perse help
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leavingkamino · 2 months
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"Rampart Rag Doll" Item Condition: Slightly Damaged
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hyunpic · 1 month
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idk who needs to hear this but DO NOT EVER crush up and snort ur antidepressants like sertraline etc i googled it and everyone said it will cause u pain blah blah theres no high…. MY NOSE IS BURNING MY THROAT IS BURNING MY EYES R RED AND SWOLLEN and ive never experienced such pain before. it’s been almost an hour and its starting to calm down but like FML my eyes were non stop tearing up and i had a MASSIVE headache where it felt like my ears were gonna explode like i still cant breathe thru my nose i feel horrible please don’t do it just cause ur curious cause that’s what i did.. i was bored like honestly biggest regret im gonna tell everyone i have the flu or something idk how i’ll feel in the morning but I HAVE WORK i do not want to call in sick but stay posted ig.. hahahaha….. 😒 (there was also some blood coming out my nose bro)
UPDATE i did go to work but omfg i had the worst headache and my throat felt swollen and every time i blew my nose there was some blood LMFAO lesson learned 💀
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staruie · 9 months
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saltpepperbeard · 9 months
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Ed + 😬 Teef
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jeeaark · 5 months
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Shirtless Disaster Pt. 1
So. pretty sure the emperor cusses. just. never had the reason to say out loud. or has a filter on when they talk. Until Greygold happened. You ever try and look with the emperor's perspective when Tav makes decisions and go, 'H-how are you not ceaselessly cussing like a sailor at Tav?'
ANYWAY- HERE'S THE THING. TRULY. Always had my squinty-eyed caution on Emps. Trying to ascertain if they were for real with their words/actions/intentions or not. but. Squid buddy sharing their feelings of caring was the uh snowball that started this avalanche. Can't fake feelings huah, GREYGOLD FINALLY FOUND THOSE MUSHY BITS HUAH.
I ain't gonna let y'all wonder what Greygold's answer was, so uh. Bonus!
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vanilkaplays · 2 months
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itneverendshere · 4 months
alrighty imagine rafe feeling jealous for the first time in his life and absolutely not knowing how to navigate through it, so he just takes it out on you 🤗 he's down bad so it's funny
just a lil something for y'all:
rafe cameron does not get jealous.
why would he? he has the world at his feet—wealth, status, popularity, and seemingly limitless opportunities. got everything he wants and needs in his perfect kook-life, right? there’s absolutely nothing that could make him envious of others. he’s been moving through life with a sense of entitlement, accustomed to getting what he wants when he wants it.
that earth-shattering confidence translates into his sexual life. if there was such a thing as mastering the subtle art of not giving a fuck, god, he’d get a nobel prize for that shit. 
rafe likes to indulge in the pleasures of his fantastic mortal life without the burden of attachment of commitment, just thinking about tying himself up to someone else makes him want to drive his jeep into the nearest wall. 
that’s not the life he wants. that kind of bullshit gets people depressed or killed; he’s seen enough of that kind of misery in his lifetime. 
he knows he’s got a reputation by now. it precedes him, and he revels in it. and people say he’s a bad guy? please, he’s doing the entire female community a favor. there’s no point in restricting his independence for one person. 
no feelings involved, no clinging, and no, he’s not fucking cuddling someone after he just blew his load into their back. The women he involves himself with know what they’re getting themselves into when they open their pretty legs for him.
 it’s great. 
no stupid headaches, no fights, no “why didn’t you text me back?”, complete radio silence unless they want something from him or vice versa. sure, there have been a few girls who needed a collective reminder of his rules, which he does by always cutting them off.
no one’s ever made him want to throw his philosophy out the window. can you imagine that happening? rafe cameron…feeling…something other than complete horniness for someone else? enough to make him want to commit capital murder when someone else thinks they’re entitled to touch what’s his?
no, of course not.
that’d be insane. completely impossible. rafe cameron would never get his perfect hands dirty with filth. not in this universe or lifetime. 
or so he thought. 
“you have a real problem, you know that?”
if looks could kill he’d be seven feet under. you’re shooting daggers at him through your pretty eyes, hands settling on your hips. if he wasn’t raging with misplaced anger issues, he’d tell you how fucking beautiful you look tonight.
“me?” rafe grits out as he sticks his fingers into his chest, “you want to talk about problems, sweetheart?” his words drip with venom, a thinly veiled attempt to deflect the intensity of his own emotions.
you don’t back down, though, gaze steady and unwavering as you meet his challenge, “i’m not the one who just punched the living shit out of someone else!”
rafe's lip curl into a mocking smirk. "whose fault is that?” he quips, the barb aimed squarely at your intellect.
a violent urge to strangle him takes hold of you, anger nipping at your skin, “what the hell is wrong with you?”
he doesn’t know why he did it. all he remembers was that in that moment, while watching you entertain someone else, he wanted to snap someone’s neck in half. and he’d be damned if he didn't get what he wanted. 
rafe’s head tilts, oh so slowly, to the side, pretty blue eyes burning your skin, “i’m not the one letting some sleazy bastard get their hands under my slutty dress.”
that didn’t come out right. 
it made much more sense in his head. he doesn’t want to admit it, doesn’t want to acknowledge the gnawing jealousy that threatens to consume him whole.
“slutty dress?! this is vintage versace you possessive lunatic!”
“so fucking what?” he saunters closer, seemingly calm, except that’s the one thing that he never is, “did they run out of fabric in Italy?”
you watch him, a little mesmerized by the way the moonlight accentuates his features, heart pounding. he stops in front of you.
you must’ve taken a good hit to the head if you believe rafe cameron feels anything for you besides some sort of allure to your cunt. you know better than that. you open your mouth to speak, but rafe’s quick to lift one of his hands, tapping your lip with his finger.
“this is supposed to be like— a casual thing, right?” he exhales a breath, voice barely louder than a murmur.
you tip your chin up, “what are you getting at?’”
 “no strings. so, i really shouldn't be this fucking pissed about seeing you post a picture with that asshat face, smiling, his arm around you. that stupid fucking caption.”
straightening your posture, you don’t let his sugar-coated confession get to you, remaining silent for the time being. what’s his deal? is the devil spawn...confessing?
“speaking of photos…i just looked at a really cute one of you before, can you guess which one?”
and watch that picture be the one where you're on all fours in his truck's backseat lmao😃👀
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sodamnbored · 17 days
Damian: And you would be Richard, I presume?
Dick, preening: I suppose Bruce and Alfred must talk about me all the time. What gave me away? The hair? My gymnast’s build? My rugged good looks? :D
Damian: Not really. I just know a Dick when I see one.
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tamagoneko · 2 months
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emo ass twink
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