#Glass coated DNA
scifi4wifi · 7 months
Glass Coated DNA is 5x Lighter, 4x Stronger Than Steel
When Iron Man needs a new suit, he might use materials created by scientists at Columbia University — a glass DNA nanostructure five times lighter and four times stronger than steel. The search for materials that balance strength and lightness is an ongoing challenge. Various types of steel are extremely strong, but heavy. Aluminum is lighter, but not as strong. Carbon composites are strong and…
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SciTechDaily: Scientists Create New Material Five Times Lighter and Four Times Stronger Than Steel
Glass stronger than steel 💪
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hotmentransformed · 1 year
DNA Resequencing
After years of research, you had finally made the first prototype of a DNA Resequencing Injection. With a program that your supervisor Michael crafted, you can input particular genetic features that we desire to alter in the recipient, and essentially restructure their DNA to alter their bodies. Injecting the liquid into a mouse you kept in your lab, you watched as, sure enough, the shape of their tail changed, as did the size of their body and the color of their fur. Putting on your glasses to read through your notes, you could confirm it: your experiment worked! You had finally done it! 
With your findings and reports in hand, you sprinted down the hall toward Michael’s office. Bursting in, you shouted that the tests had confirmed your findings: you could alter the DNA of living subjects. Michael sat there with a grin on his face.
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“You know what this means, right? Human testing!”
You paused. This was for theoretical purposes. You were only planning to submit your findings to some academic review and get published and go to Switzerland to win a Nobel Prize or some other award or something… but actually putting this into practice and into circulation? That would be premature, immoral, and irresponsible. 
You glared at your supervisor, ashamed that he would even consider this. “Michael, I refuse to do any human testing. Who knows the ramifications if this got out? I can’t let you do this.”
Turning your back to your supervisor, you exited his office and slammed the door behind you as you stormed hurriedly back to the lab. Entering, you made a beeline to the desk and started to collect your belongings, ready to head out. You grabbed your papers, your laptop, and your chargers and shoved them into your bag, not caring if they were organized or not. You were furious and just needed to get out of there. As you turned back to the exit, you paused. You strolled back to the cage and stared at the mouse. You sighed loudly. The resequencing really is fascinating how –
You jolted from the sharp jab in your neck. You twisted around only to see Michael holding a now-empty syringe of the prototype. He looked almost feral, his eyes wide with anticipation of what was about to happen.
“Michael… how could you –“
Your thought was interrupted as an odd feeling began emanating from the injection site. You moaned loudly as a strange wave of pleasure began to overtake you. Your dick shot to attention. Michael’s eyes lit up as your transformation began.
Your body began to heat up as beads of sweat began to form at your temples. Your lab coat began to tighten around your body as you packed on a combination of muscle and fat. Your thighs swelled into hunks of meat as your legs stretched, bringing you to a new height of 6’2”. Your feet grew long and thick to support your new stature. Your arms packed on muscle, becoming strong and firm with strength and masculine energy. Your pecs enlarged, jutting out from your chest, leaving you with sensitive nipples, as your abs pushed their way from your torso one by one until you were left with a defined six-pack. Your hair curled out from your scalp, dropping over your forehead. Your lips plumped, as your face became more chiseled.
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Still moaning, you reached limply to Michael for help, only to collapse backward onto the floor. As you plunged, your ass swelled into two enormous globes of fat jutting from behind you, stretching your pants to the limit. You landed on your new cushions, which jiggled from the impact, sending more pleasure through your body, and sending your dick into overdrive. It swelled with each wave of pleasure, pushing harder and harder against your already-tight pants. You began to groan and moan as you felt your orgasm coming. With a final gasp, you shot the biggest load of your life. The pleasure was so intense you blacked out.
You woke up in a strange room that you had never seen before. You were laying in someone else’s bed. Looking down at your body, you didn’t recognize yourself. You were brawny… and in only a pair of underpants.
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Before you even had a chance to get up and question what had happened, you saw the door to the bedroom open, and in walked Michael.
“Hey babe, I’m back from work.”
He was shirtless. And although you had never been into men before, there was something attractive about the way that his chest hair perfectly framed his pecs. The way he gazed longingly into your eyes. The way his... no this was wrong. He had done this to you! He had injected you with this... you couldn't remember... but it was his fault that you looked so sexy. You were so sexy... he was so sexy... you both...
He smirked, watching you struggle with your thoughts. You were exactly the kind of man he wanted you to be.
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As you struggled to find the words, Michael sped over to you and suddenly kissed you deeply and passionately. All previous thoughts and worries faded from your brain. Nothing else mattered. You began to kiss him back. You let your tongue explore his mouth, and his tongue began to play with yours. He was your sexy nerd scientist husband. He had just won a Nobel Prize for some silly little DNA study. It was all too complicated for you to care about. You were just his himbo arm candy. All you cared about was pleasing him. Michael pulled away from the kiss and threw you onto your back, turning you over and admiring your breedable ass.
He was going to have fun with you, and you were going to have fun with him
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mrs-illyrian-baby · 8 months
The Old Gods and The New - Chapter 4
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One God to Another | Loki x Reader
Loki begins your training at an unexpected moment, but you both end up learning something new.
Warnings: Loki gets wet! Suggestive descriptions. Reader is still locked up :(
Green divider by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist | Loki Masterlist | Masterlist
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Loki sauntered out of the room, hiding his eagerness to see you behind his veil of teasing. Although he would’ve liked to go directly to your room, he detoured to Dr Banner’s lab at the request of Stark’s robot assistant. The god wasn’t particularly fond of disembodied, omniscient voices telling him what to do, that was more his game, but he followed the directions to Dr Banner’s lab nonetheless. 
“Doctor,” he nodded, leaning against the large desk and folding his arms across his chest. 
Bruce barely looked up from the complicated diagram infront of him. Loki knew that his presence made the man uncomfortable, but he couldn’t help how others reacted to him. 
“Loki, she really seemed to engage with you last time. Do you think you could ask about the Grandad? We couldn’t find any guardianship order or documents linking them. I don’t even think their DNA matches.” Bruce said, removing his glasses and wiping them on his white lab coat. He looked up at Loki then, through blurry eyes, as if staring straight at the man would turn him to stone. 
“Do you have a lot of experience with women, Doctor Banner?” Loki drawled, looking at his long fingers and neat nails. 
Bruce flushed cherry red in answer. 
“I find that women do not respond to being interrogated.” Loki pulled the cuffs of his shirt down and the starched fabric became tighter, moulding to his muscular torso and broad shoulders.
“We just need the information, Loki. Not a date.” Bruce grumbled. “Just ask her.”
“Ask her?”
“About her Grandad,” Bruce was clearly frustrated, but kept his voice to a quiet hiss, still hidden behind his workbench.
“Hmmm…no. I’ll talk to her how I want, I’ll do what I want and what’s more, so will she.” Loki walked backwards towards the door, “and maybe, if you all behave, I’ll share with you.” He gave one last smirk before pushing both doors open and striding back into the corridor. 
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Loki knocked on the locked door of your room, you'd made it clear you wanted respect and, what's more, Loki believed you deserved it. An honour that he knew you didn't yet understand.
“Yes?” When he pressed the intercom button, he heard your voice as a thin, wary whisper.
He entered slowly and smiled as you turned to greet him, the bracelet on your wrist caught the sun, sending sparkles of green dancing over the white clinical surfaces. He wasn’t sure if you would want to keep it on but his chest swelled at the sight of his colours complimenting you so well. 
“Loki!” You smiled when you saw him, when was the last time anyone had smiled at his presence? “You came back!”
“I promised I would, did I not?” He grinned as you reached out your hand to him. 
“I wanted to show you something.” You pulled him over to the smaller mirror, the real mirror, that was placed over the wash basin. 
Standing in front of him you stared at your reflection, concentration written on your brow. Loki stared too and then, in the corner of your eye, a gold fleck appeared. You smiled and then gold took over the whole of your left iris and then the right. 
You looked at him through the mirror, “I did that, I thought about it and I did it." 
You swivelled to face him and he couldn’t help but touch you, hands on each cheek, to better examine your changing countenance and your beaming smile. 
“Very good Little ásynja, it seems you did not need my assistance after all.”
“Oh no, I do, I do. This took all morning. I want to do more, I want to control my hair and my height - and  -and I want to stop people being uncomfortable around me. I want them to kiss the right people, not me, and -”
Loki ran his thumb over your bottom lip to quiet your rambling. It was a risk, but you didn’t seem to mind the attention or the touch, in fact the air got thicker in the room the longer he touched you, hot and close, his heart sped up again and sweat formed on his brow. 
“Little ásynja we can practise all of those things, but we should start small.”
“Yes, teach me please.” You bounced on your heels, a glow filling the room as the sun hit full in the sky. Loki looked at his watch, 3pm. The sun was in the wrong place.
“Calm down, please. Darling,” he smoothed a hand over your hair and down your back, stilling you for a moment. “First let us find you some calm and then we will practise a simple trick.”
“Yes, you must be calm so you can free your mind to explore your magic. What would make you relaxed?” Loki had a good idea of what he’d like to do to help relax you, something akin to his last visit but maybe with less clothing, but considering the sun was still in the wrong place and he wasn’t entirely sure you’d noticed, he decided to take it slow. “A bath maybe?”
You nodded, “that would be wonderful, the shower here is horrible.”
Loki waved a hand, checking for cameras and dropping fabric across the mirror again.
“A bath sounds like a good idea,” another wave and a huge copper bath appeared, high at the back with a small table next to it covered in coloured bottles and squares of lined cloth. 
“Incredible,” you breathed, running a finger along the top edge, “it’s warm!” You let out a giggle and Loki could see how the mortals were so enamoured with you, your smile was infectious, bubbling as high as the bath. And as he looked at you, a feeling of joy washed over him too. 
You looked around nervously, and Loki worried you might ask him to leave. Instead he resolved to make himself integral to your relaxation process, if he was indispensable then he could stay. 
He placed his hands on your shoulders, “sometimes the women of Asgard would wear linen shifts when bathing in public,” his magic simmered and a soft white cotton shirt appeared around your body, a thin lace keeping it together between your breasts and collar bone.
“It’s comfortable,” you observed, playing with the lace.
“Good,” Loki smiled softly and held his hand out to help you over the tall side of the bath, and you paused there, your hand in his. 
“The room isn’t very relaxing,” you glanced at the medical bed, the plain table and small window.
“Agreed," a gold halo surrounded the room, the walls darkening into wood panels, the tiny window widening into a fireplace complete with roaring fire. 
“Loki, it's beautiful,” you breathed. And there was that smile again, so genuine and warm. Loki tipped his head towards the bath and supported your weight as you climbed in.
Settling against the high copper back of the bath, you sighed, your eyes fluttering closed at the sensation of the water soothing your body. The shift floated around you, giving you a distinctly angelic air that had Loki's trousers feeling uncomfortably tight. 
Loki watched the pearls of water move across your body as you made waves with your hand, the smell of lavender oil permeating the room. 
He took the opportunity to study your relaxed posture, no hint of inhibition when you put yours hands on the side of the bath. Loki could see your nipples, soft and pebbled, under the translucent linen and he ached to lean forward -  to climb in - to sit behind you and hold you and be the one that grounded you in your body before he helped you unleash your magic. 
Loki was clouded with lust, dizzy, the room was too hot and the steam rising from the bath was creating mist on the windows and mirror. 
He reached a hand in, tracing down your side with his finger, his fingertips touched the underside of your breast lightly and you sucked in a breath, holding still. 
Loki looked up, catching your eyes, trapped by the black and gold that stared back. So unnatural that the hair stood up on the back of his neck. The ends of your hair stuck to your shoulders and he couldn't quite catch the colour or the texture as it shimmered and changed, your magic evaporating from you like steam and you were staring at him, boring into his soul.
“Shall we do some magic?” You asked, reaching a damp hand out to him and flicking scented water over his face.
Anger flashed through Loki's mind, immediately replaced by confusion when he saw your face, a smile at the corner of your lips. You were…playing with him.
And then the smile fell and he studied your face. Were you nervous now? When you were so happy and relaxed before.
Maybe his anger had shown too much, his confusion that anyone would want to play with or tease him, and you had retreated into yourself. 
Loki steeled himself, trying to release the side of his mischief that had been hidden for a long time, the side that laughed and joked and wanted to make others laugh too. 
He pulled his hand back and scooped up the water, splashing you back. 
Now it was your turn to sit in shock and his heart beat loud in his ears, waiting for you to react. 
Water trickled down over your cheeks and lips as they turned up into a broad smile and he matched it, flicking water from the ends of his fingers and revelling in the sound of your giggles. 
His magic welled inside of him, roiling and rising at it had a thousand years ago when he was a God, and not an invader, he felt his sedir deep within himself, connected to you and Midgard. The vacant feeling that missed Asgard was hollow, but surrounded by new branches, new links, and for once he didn’t feel unwell or tired. He felt like a God. 
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You played for a while, splashing water and allowing Loki to cast charms on the water that made waves appear, a row of magical ducklings, paddling towards you and from the depths of bath, a miniature whale, blowing fireworks as it breached the surface, it’s wide tail splashing you on it’s return to the deep. 
He was incredible, this god before you, funny and kind and handsome. You knew his past, of course, but it was hard to believe that this Loki would willingly harm others. Tricks and mischief were one thing, that he radiated from his very being, but evil? Cruelty? It didn’t seem possible. 
“Let us begin with an easy trick, one of my favourites," Loki said, and a small jug appeared in his hand. He filled it from the bath, while your keen eyes followed his every move until his arm snapped forward and he poured the jug over your head without warning. 
Loki sat back on his heels and watched as you spluttered. 
“Loki! What are you doing!”
He sat back with a grin. “Dry your hair.” He ordered, crossing his arms across his chest and leaving a damp spot on the sleeve of his shirt where he tucked his hands. 
You glared at him, and then reached a hand out of the bath for a towel, but he closed his hand around wrist and slowly lowered it back into the water, “with magic,” he encouraged.
“Just, think about it. Imagine how you want your hair to look after. You want it to be dry, but eventually you can practise changing the style, the colour, the textures. We won’t change the length or colour today, just dry it.”
You turned away from him and scrunched your face up in concentration, just dry it indeed, as if it was that simple! He couldn’t help but smile, you just looked so cute with your eyes closed, focussing so hard. The thought of you laughing and smiling with him again was in his head before he could do anything to stop it. 
As the God of Mischief, Loki had spent a good deal of his childhood playing tricks and games, making fun and pulling pranks. As an adult he had assumed that he needed to evolve his pranks, make them grander. But perhaps this easy jesting was what his heart truly needed. He felt light and carefree watching you splutter as, rather than dry, your hair seemed to get wetter and heavier. Your nose wrinkled and the ends of your hair began to lighten, no longer heavy and weighed down with water. 
“Ásynja, look,” you opened your eyes and looked into the small mirror Loki held for you, grinning at your reflection. 
“It’ll take ages for the rest to dry though,” you grouched, touching the top of your head which was still soaking wet, but the ends were perfectly dry. 
“You should be proud of your achievement,” Loki lifted your chin with a finger, “do you think those mortals can do this? No. It is hard because it is special. Again,” he snapped his fingers and water appeared above your head, dousing you once more. 
“You bastard!” You laughed, snatching the jug and pouring water over him in return. Loki would normally have pulled his knives by now at such an insult, the bitter feeling of loneliness, of being the punchline of a thousand jokes for a thousand years mellowing into a distant hum as you giggled at him through your own wet hair. And Loki laughed too, a deep rumbling laugh that broke out of him and filled the room until you were both sucking in your breath, hiccuping and clutching your sides. 
Loki managed to calm down long enough to bring you both back to your lesson. His smile lingered at the corners of his lips when he spoke again. 
“Watch, think about being dry, picture it. And-” Loki moved his neck, the water vanishing from his shoulders and hair, the trickle on his nose gone.
You stared, in awe, and then your features shifted into a determined stare. “I think it’s harder when I’m still in the water,” you stood then, unabashed, and climbed out of the tub, dripping on the floor until a rug appeared under your feet. 
You closed your eyes, clenched your fists and muttered to yourself, shifting your body as Loki had. The feeling of clinging linen was gone, instead you felt warm but dry, the hair stuck to your face was now perfectly dry and styled. You cracked one eye open and caught your reflection in Loki’s mirror.
“I did it!”
“Well done Ásynja, darling you’re doing so well!” Loki glowed with pride, you were learning quickly, discovering the depths of your magic with precision and focus. 
“Now we have learnt some magic for you to practise, what else do you desire?” Loki had been hoping to guide you to himself as he watched your nipples harden under the linen of your shift. 
You walked to the fireplace peering at it and inspecting the mantle that Loki had created.
“I want out of this room.” You said seriously “I won’t be a danger, I promise, I just want to be free.”
“I will do my best, darling, but you must understand they do not trust me either.”
“What about your brother?”
“Yes, can he help? I’ll promise him to be good too, I really won’t start any fires,” Loki felt a little sick at the thought of you speaking to Thor, it hadn’t crossed his mind that at some point he’d have to share your attention with anyone else, especially not another God. And that you would be ‘good’, he didn’t want you to be good for anyone. He wanted you to be carefree, daring, perhaps even a little wicked. He wanted to be the one to set you free. He hadn’t realised how lonely he had this time with you, his icy demeanour thawing under the rays of your smile. 
“I can discuss the matter with him,” Loki agreed. “He has their favour so may be of use.”
There was a curt knock at the door, Loki was still being heavily monitored and he was sure they wouldn’t be happy about the curtain or him breaking the cameras again.
“I must go, my Little Ásynja, I will return as soon as I can,” the glimmer that Loki had created around the room changed and the sterile environment reappeared.
You took Loki by the hand and squeezed for a second, “I’ll miss you,” you gave him a shy smile and he bent down in return, aiming to place a chaste kiss on your cheek. But you turned your head, pressing your petal soft lips against his and stole a single kiss. 
Loki, surprised and flustered by such a bold move, only stepped  back, attempting to rein in his control. 
“I shall miss you too darling, but I will be back.” He closed the door behind him, taking one last look at you before the lock slammed into place.
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Loki found Thor in the main common room deep in conversation with his fellow Avengers.
“Brother, what have you discovered?!” Thor waved him closer, patting the seat next to him on the sofa. 
“Why do you keep covering the mirror,” Steve asked, fiercely, speaking over Thor. Loki decided to ignore him. Your need for privacy was obvious, if the Captain couldn’t understand that then it was beyond explanation.
“You must release her. Give her a real room. Under my tutelage she is gaining control of her powers. She has not changed appearance, she is the same height. And she managed some simple magic today. Have no fear, mortals, the girl is no danger, just a little…wild, that’s all.” Loki took the seat next to Thor and inspected the cuffs of his shirt, the smell of lavender still clinging the the soft fibres. 
“She is doing magic, that’s pretty dangerous.” Sam said, his concern clear but without judgement. Sam was calculating without being ruthless, like Bruce he merely wanted to understand the fullness of the situation before committing himself. Steve and Tony, on the other hand, seemed to take only a split second before becoming agitated. 
“We don’t even really know who she is. She won’t even give us a name.” Steve said before turning to Loki. “But you, you call her something, what does it mean?” His tone took on an accusatory edge, his arms folded across his chest. 
“Quit it Steve,” Sam tugged on his shirt, trying to get him to sit down again, “Loki is here to help.” 
“What does he call her?” Thor asked, gleefully, leaning forwards in his chair. 
“Would you like me to continue to teach her to control her magic? Because she requires freedom, air, access to the elements and to peace.” 
“No.” Steve insisted. 
“I understand,” Loki began to tease. “She is far too terrifying a being to bring out here, with your-” Loki waved his hand at the assembled group “-’heroes’. We wouldn’t want to frighten them with their own secretive, lusty, thoughts.” Loki kept his eyes trained keenly on the Captain while he lifted an eyebrow, itching for him to fight back, to fall into his traps. 
“Assinyar or something, ” Steve answered Thor.
“Ásynja?” Thor asked, gleefully. 
Thor looked at Loki, half with love and the other half brotherly mischief, and tipped his head to the side. 
“Ásynja, is that so?” Thor appeared to think for a moment, before settling back on Steve. “Loki is right.” Thor agreed, and the god almost fell off his chair, “if she is to be an Avenger she must learn with the group.”
Loki smiled genially, “Thank you, Thor.” But deep down his heart clenched at the thought of handing you over to the Avengers for good.
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To Loki’s relief plans had been put in motion to secure you a new lodging in the compound and it wasn’t long until he was was called down to your new room, according to Bruce you would see no one but Loki, even if it was to grant you some form of freedom around the compound. Your bedchamber was to be opposite Loki’s in the guest suite and, for insurance, Thor had been moved as well. Loki assumed Thor would be put out by his move, but he instead seemed thrilled to be taking part in such menial tasks as moving his clothes, treating the entire morning as a jolly game while Loki’s thoughts swirled frantically. 
Loki had been delighted by the news, appearing early and trimmed out in his finest Asgardian leathers to accompany you around the compound to your new quarters. But he was still uneasy about the Avenger’s involvement and, somewhere deep down, concerned about your true nature. 
All thoughts were forgotten as soon as you smiled at him though, taking his hand in your own and walking close by his side back to your new rooms. 
“They don’t like me anymore,” you’d mumbled, taking an extra step to keep up with his long strides. 
“They are selfish. They are fickle. They are mortal. We must make allowances.” Loki answered, briskly, tucking your hand into the crook of his elbow. 
“You keep saying they are mortal like I’m not. What did you see when you saw my memories?” You came to a stop and stood before him, hands on your hips as your piercing gaze bore into his own. 
Loki was taken aback, he hadn’t realised you were aware of him entering your thoughts. He was speechless, how was he to explain what he had seen?
“Let us sit down, darling,” Loki looked very serious and it did nothing to fade your fears. “If I tell you all now, well, I don’t know what would happen. I believe the common parlance on Midgard is 'blow your mind’?”
“Wow, okay. So. That bad?” You chewed your lip. 
“You remember your Grandfather, yes”
“When did you go to live with him Ásynja?”
“When I was very young.”
“And do you know your age, have any pictures or memories, school books? Do you mean you were a babe in arms, or a child?”
“Well, no,” you looked frightened suddenly, your eyes darting back and forth as you dove into your memories. He was right, you couldn’t remember. 
“No. Because, my darling, he was not your grandfather. I have yet to discover who he truly is because you don’t know.”
“That means, at some point, I did at least know that he wasn’t my Grandad?” 
You were smart, he liked that. 
“Perhaps, yes.”
“Why did I stay? Why was I there then?”
“Darling you were drugged. Sedated. Kept there. You are much older than they thought and t that old man and he is not your grandfather.”
“Wait, what, go back. How old am I?”
“So as to avoid 'blowing your mind’ let’s go backwards slowly so you can get used to it. If you were, say, twenty-five,you would have been born in the late 1990s. But I have seen your memories of you at Glastonbury, 1970.”
“Wow, as, like, a kid?” You sat heavily on one of the modern leather couches dotted about the corridors. 
“No,” Loki put his hands on either side of your face,  “just like this, except you were powerful, in control. You’ve done this before, that’s how I know you can control these powers.” Standing over you like this, he blocked the light until all you could see was his serious face looking back. Loki concentrated on the memory he had seen and he could feel you searching for it too as he slipped back inside of your memories. You smiled as the images came flooding back, the smell of beer and flowers and patchouli oil, the feel of the sun on her bare skin, long linen skirts wrapping around her knees and ankles as she danced in circles.
You pulled away with a gasp, “Have you told the others?” 
“No,” Loki looked affronted. “Of course not.”
“Okay, good. Good.” You chewed the tip of your thumb again absently. Loki reached his hand over to your mouth, brushing your thumb away with his own. 
“And I never will unless you want me to.” He insisted, cupping your cheek in one broad hand. He was as cool as always, but it was a welcome relief to your heated body. Whatever was going on was deeper than you’d thought, just some mutant gene that had been dormant during your childhood. To be alive in 1970 and still looking as you did…that was something more. 
“Let’s keep it between us.” You waved a hand between the small gap between you both and how could he do anything but obey when you looked at him like that. 
Loki nodded, taking your hand and leading you further down the corridor towards your new rooms, you were silent for a while and then, as if struck by lightning, you were full of energy. 
“Well. Now I know I’m powerful, I can show you something!” You  looked excited and Loki brimmed with pride that he had brought this excitement, this assurance, out of you. “I’ve been practising.”
Loki knew you had, your appearance had been stable for the last three days, even when you were angry you’d manage to maintain yourself. Plus, he had heard you training, muttering encouragement to yourself as you stared in the mirror. All you had to say was his name and it became a prayer chant in his mind.
You took Loki’s hand between your small palms, one hand above and one below. When you pulled them away you slowly revealed a thin silver ring with a delicate, dark sapphire set deep into the band.
“A gift,” you whispered looking up at him through your lashes, “from one god to another.” 
And he kissed you, he couldn’t help it, you were all consuming. Your magic tangible, drawing him closer until he was engulfed by it, swallowed in the glow that you created, the sunlight and heat spreading from your body across and mixing with the crackle of his own magic. Was it sedir or lust at your fingertips, he couldn’t tell until they burnt him. 
Loki took your wrists, holding you away from him with a jovial smile. 
“Darling, please desist from burning me."
<<Part 3
Part 5>>
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
I must make an apology. Last Wet Beast Wednesday I declared that I was balancing out the vertebrate/invertebrate balance of this series. However, I realized that all the invertebrates I've covered have been arthropods. This is a grave misrepresentation of invertebrate diversity and I must make amends. Thus, this week we're returning to the no bone zone and talking about siphonophores.
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(Image: a collage of different siphonophore species, sourced from Wikipedia)
Siphonophores are cnidarians: soft-bodies, radially symmetrical organisms that also include jellyfish, anemones, and corals. They are definitely amongst the weirdest of cnidarians. Most of them look like either a jellyfish or an anemone, but siphonophores run a whole gamut of shapes: from the jellyfish-like Portugese man-o-war to the vaguely comb jelly-like Praya dubia, to whatever the heck this thing is
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It looks like a bunch of glass vases on a stick (image: Marrus orthocanna)
Their appearance is the least weird thing abut them. Siphonophores are colonial organisms. Each individual animal is composed of multiple smaller organisms called zooids. All zooids share the same DNA, but are specialized to perform different functions as determined by their morphology. Because each type of zooid is specialized to perform a single function, they are dependent on each other to survive and cannot exist alone. Cnidarians exist in two forms, which many will switch between during their life cycle: sessile polyps and mobile medusas. Siphonophores do this differently, with each zooid type being either a medusa of a polyp. Biologists have described multiple types of zooids found across many species of siphonophore. These include nectophores (used for propulsion), gastrozooids (used for digestion), palpons (used to regulate gastrovascular fluids), gonophores (used in reproduction), and pneumatophores (gas-filled floats only found in some species).
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(image: a diagram of different zooid types. Source)
There are 175 known species of siphonophore. The majority of species are pelagic, remaining in open water their entires lives, though a few reside on the sea floor. While they do have some ability to direct their movements, like jellyfish, they are often pulled along by currents. The majority of species live in the deep sea and deep-sea species are often larger than shallow-sea species. Like their jellyfish and anemone relatives, siphonophores are predators who use tentacles to capture prey. Each tentacle is covered with stinging cells called nematocysts that fire venom-coated barbs into organisms that touch them. The prey is then pulled into gastrozooids and digested. Most species are capable of bioluminescence, which is likely used for defense. Some species also develop bioluminescent lures used to attract prey. Some siphonophore can get extremely large, with the species Praya dubia reaching u to 50 meters (160 ft), making it longer than a blue whale and possibly the longest animal in the world depending on how you measure the bootlace worm.
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(image: a Praya dubia catching fish)
Siphonophores reproduce with varying methods, some of which are poorly-understood. A new colony usually begins form a single fertilized egg. This egg hatched into a single protozooid that then produces other zooids via budding. In many species, the protozooid will form a central stalk from which groups of other zooids will bud. Other species use polyps that can be ejected into the water carrying eggs and sperm which they use to fertilize themselves. In any case, special zooids called gonophores are used to make the gametes. Different species are either dioecious (each colony has either male or female gonophores) or monoecious (each colony contains both male and female gonophores.
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(Image: a diagram of a siphonophore life cycle. Source)
Cnidarians are believed to have existed since the precambrian, though as soft-bodied animals fossilize more rarely, the exact origin of siphonophores is not known. Some scientists speculate that the colonial nature of siphonophores may represent an early stage in the development of true organ systems. If this is correct, the development would go something along the lines of colonies of single-celled organisms -> colonies of single-celled organisms with differentiated functions -> siphonophore-like colonial organisms -> individual organisms with differentiated organ systems.
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This one's called a "long, stringy, stingy thingy". No really, look it up (image: Apolemia uvaria)
The most famous siphonophore and the first one described is Physalia physalis, the Portugese man-o-war or bluebottle. It is a neuston, an organism that lives at the boundary between water and air. Its most notable feature is the enlarged float filled with carbon monoxide that keeps it floating at the surface of the water. The float functions as a sail, letting it travel thousands of miles. Stinging tentacles trail below it to collect prey. The sting of a bluebottle is very painful to humans and can even be lethal in rare circumstances. Many a beach trip has been ruined by a man-o-war sting. Its morphology and development is different enough from other siphonophores that I may dedicate a whole post to it in the future.
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(image: a Portugese man-o-war)
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The Color of Blood
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: canon violence, mentions of blood, cursing
Word Count: 2,608
Summary: In this world, a person didn’t discover color until they locked eyes with their soulmate. As an agent of SHIELD, finding your soulmate was hardly a priority. Especially since you were currently dealing with the shocking discovery that HYDRA had been pulling the strings behind SHIELD actions this entire time. Life was all about timing, and you were about to find out that your timing was absolute shit.
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You shifted in the seat uncomfortably. Natasha, to your right, shot you an apologetic look, but it was hardly sincere considering the smirk she wore. You had drawn the short straw, so you were sitting bitch between her and Agent Sitwell. More like Agent Judas. You were still in shock that an organization you had dedicated most of your life to had actually been HYDRA infested this entire time. Of all the missions you ran, you wondered how many had been fueled by HYDRA’s goals and desires. It physically hurt your heart to linger on that thought.
“HYDRA doesn’t like leaks.” Sitwell snapped as he leaned towards where Sam was driving. His thigh pressed up against yours and you were not discreet in shoving him off you.
Sam shook his head, eyes on the road, “Then why don’t you try sticking a cork in it?”
“Insight’s launching in 16 hours.” Natasha chimed in and you glanced down at the watch on your wrist.
You bit back an aggravated groan, “As per usual, we’re cutting this save the world thing kind of close.”
“That does seem to be our style.” Natasha hummed from beside you.
Steve glanced back with a nod, “We’re gonna use Sitwell to bypass the DNA scanners and access the helicarriers directly.”
“What?!” Sitwell shoved forward and you had to physically resist throwing his limb off of you. “Are you crazy!? That is a terrible idea.”
“Look, Sitwell--” You snapped in anger, but the low thud of something hitting the roof of the car made you pause as everyone’s eyes shot up. Seconds later an arm smashed through the backseat window, grabbed Sitwell, and ripped him out of the car. You turned just in time to watch a large truck smash into the man. The arm disappeared from view and you heard the familiar sound of a gun. “Nat!”
Your old friend was already ahead of you. She leapt forward, into Steve’s lap, as a bullet fired down into the backseat to your right. Natasha called out your name, but just like her you were already moving. You reached up front grabbing Sam’s shoulder. A bullet fired toward Steve, Natasha yanking him forward and out of the way, and another was fired at Sam, but you were able yank him to the side so it hit the headrest.
Steve reached out and slammed the emergency break bringing the car to a screeching halt. Natasha rolled off Steve onto the floorboard and your own head slammed forward into the edge of the seat. It caused you to bite down on your lip hard, and when you brought your finger to your mouth a warm liquid coated your fingers.
People told you blood was red, and you weren’t entirely sure what that meant, it wasn’t something you could picture, but the shade of gray on your fingers was immensely familiar to you. Over the years, you had become well-versed in that particular shade of gray.
All eyes looked forward as the man on the roof, who had flown off, managed to flip over and land with ease. His metal fingers digging into the asphalt bringing up bright sparks. He slowly stood up, and you only hesitated for a second before pulling your gun out of your holster and aiming it forward. Before you, or Natasha, could get a single round out, something slammed into the back of the car forcing you forward again as glass exploded behind you.
“Fuck!” You barked in both jarring surprise and pain. You managed to keep your hand on your weapon as the car slid forward, but the Winter Soldier leapt from the road and landed back on top of the car. Sam slammed on the brakes, but it only filled the air with the sound of squealing tires since the men behind you were still ramming into your car. You turned and fired a round of shots, but not a single one pierced the bullet proof glass.
When you turned to reload, you watched as a metal hand crashed through the windshield, grabbed the steering wheel, and ripped it out. Sam leaned back in surprise and barked, “Shit!”
Natasha, who got a hand on her weapon again, fired rounds into the roof while you struggled to get a new clip into your gun. The Winter Soldier jumped off the roof and onto the front of the car behind you. Finally reloaded, you began to turn so you could fire, but the truck slammed into the car again and suddenly the car spun sharply to the side.
It was going to flip.
Steve realized this the same second you did, and he caught you off guard when he reached into the backseat, his fist tightly bunched into your shirt, and ripped you into the front seat.
“Hang on!” He yelled and the next moments were a blur. The kind of blur you assumed only a super solider would be able to follow. One moment you were in the car, and the next you were lying on Steve’s chest, beside Natasha, with Sam pressed on top of you. Sparks flew around the group of you as the car continued to roll, while the car door slid along the road. It all happened in seconds, and it couldn’t last. Sam slipped off first, rolling off to the side, and you were the next to fall off while Steve and Natasha continued to careen down the road.
Your body slammed into asphalt hard and the world around you spun a few times as you rolled along the hard surface. When you finally stopped it took a second to catch your breath and gather your bearings. Despite the pain, you pushed yourself to stand. Sam was off to the side, in good enough condition, and hiding behind a car. Up ahead were Steve and Natasha.
The truck stopped and you watched in shock as the Winter Soldier was handed a grenade launcher. A curse was half out of your mouth as you realized you had lost your gun in the fray and the Soldier fired his own weapon. Steve threw his shield up in time, but it hit him dead on and sent him flying back. Steve clipped the hood of a car, flipped over, and then disappeared off the side of the bridge.
Natasha’s eyes caught yours and you nodded once. Years of working together meant words often weren’t needed. She’d be on the bridge with Sam, you needed to cover Steve. Gunfire filled the air as you sprinted to the side of the bridge and jumped. When your feet left the concrete, you fired a zipline from the gauntlet on your wrist that dug into the concrete and rappelled you down just slow enough that you didn’t end up a smudge on the ground.
Steve had been thrown into a bus that now sat on its side. You unclipped the used cord and sprinted to the front of the bus. Screaming and gunfire still filled the air and you helped a few people near the front of the bus out of the vehicle while telling them to run to safety.
“Steve!” You yelled and ducked under the broken glass to get into the bus. You spotted the blond lying on his back slowly shifting up and made your way toward him. Each person you passed you dragged up and told them to run. “Steve!”
You grabbed his shoulder and helped him sit up. He grunted in pain, “Nat and Sam?”
“On the bridge, last I saw.” You replied. “Shield?”
“Lost it on the road.” Steve motioned to the front of the bus, “Get out. Get everyone on the street to safety. Now.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. You turned and climbed out of the bus back onto the street. A familiar face ran past you on the other side of the street ducking behind cars. Natasha. That meant Sam was up there alone? You didn’t have time to linger on the thought. You ran forward and began to herd civilians out of crashed cars and down the street. The slamming of another car made you glance back to see the Winter Soldier land harshly on the roof of a car under the bridge.
Bad sign. Very bad sign.
Heavy artillery fire echoed behind you and you moved even quicker. As you sprinted down the street looking for Natasha with the Winter Soldier slowly stalking down the road towards the two of you, you spotted a small group of people huddled behind a car off to the side. You veered off the road to them.
“You can’t stay here, it isn’t safe.” You barked and began to drag them down the sidewalk. A car exploded into a ball of fire behind you. Shit, he was close. You ripped your jacket off, wrapping it around your arm quickly, and then slammed your elbow into the glass on a storefront door so it shattered. You reached in to unlock it, then herded the people inside, “Get all the way to the back and stay hidden!”
You dropped your jacket and didn’t bother picking it back up. Instead, you took off again knowing Natasha would be facing the Soldier alone if you didn’t get there in time. As you sprinted around the corner you spotted Natasha jump onto the Winter Soldier’s shoulders. She used a cord to try and choke him out, but his arm stopped the move entirely. You ran in, without hesitation, and slammed into the Soldier’s back with a grunt in hopes it would jar him enough that Natasha could get a grip. She managed to tighten the hold just a bit, but a thick leg kicked out, backwards, and the asset’s boot slammed into your chest sending you sprawling back and into the side of a car.
With a cry of pain, you fell forward onto your chest. You desperately sucked in a sharp breath, trying to regain the air you lost, and as you shifted to try and get up you felt your entire body ache. The ribs on your right side were broken, you recognized that pain. Natasha must have gotten thrown off too, she was across the road, and she gave you the signal to retreat before throwing a widow bite onto the Soldier’s arm.
Despite the pain, you sprinted toward her and as the Winter Soldier slumped over to try and regain control of his arm, you and her ran down the side road. This one was still crowded with people who were too panicked to listen when you told them to get the hell out of the way. Luckily for them, unlucky for you, it seemed the asset’s main focus was on the two of you.
A shot rang through the air and Natasha cried out in pain while stumbling forward. You cursed and grabbed her, pulling her behind a car, while she tried to refocus through the pain. A through and through bullet wound. Right shoulder. “Shit.” You mumbled again and pressed down on top of her hand that was already on her wound. That same familiar shade of gray leaked over both of your hands. “It’s bleeding too much.”
“Get the hell out of here.” Natasha hissed.
“No.” You snapped. “Not without you.”
She whipped around to look over her shoulder in panic, and when you followed her gaze you watched as Steve sprinted out of nowhere to attack the Winter Soldier. The metal arm punched out against the shield, like the ringing of a gong, and you breathed a quick sigh of relief.
“We gotta go. While Steve has him distracted.” You looped her arm around your shoulders and began to drag her away. Natasha began to complain through grunts of pain, but you didn’t slow down or argue with her. In a matter-of-fact tone, you spoke, “I’m getting you to a safe spot and then I’ll help Steve.”
You got her to cover behind a van, and ignoring her yelling after you, ran back out to where you had left Steve. When you got back, Steve was just standing there. The Winter Soldier stood between the two of you, facing Steve, but all you could see was the look of disbelief on your friend’s face.
What the hell was going on?
Why had the fight stopped?
The Soldier raised his gun again, Steve was still frozen, but you only got another step forward when Sam dropped from the air from your right and kicked both his feet into the asset. The Winter Solider went careening to the side as Sam landed. Now you had him surrounded, Steve to his right, Sam in front of him, and you to his left. You stepped forward with arms ready for a fight. Did you think you could come out of a tussle with the Winter Soldier alive? Absolutely not. But, you could keep him from escaping past you while the others closed in.
Sirens could be heard in the distance, the asset stood back up from where he had fallen and you realized now you could see his face. He no longer had the mask on, and he was… vaguely familiar? Where had you seen that face before? Before you could ponder a second longer on that, his glaring eyes dragged from Steve to Sam and then from Sam to you. The moment your eyes met his though, it felt like your world had fallen out from under you.
Shades of gray and black turned brighter and with every blink something new flooded your senses. It was too much all at once. Your once bleak world exploded with color and you sucked in a sharp breath as your arms fell to your side. In fact, you were so distracted by the vivid scenery around you that it took you a few moments to realize the cause of this had been the Winter Soldier. HYDRA’s number one asset. The man who had been trying to violently murder all of you less than thirty seconds ago.
If the Soldier was surprised, you didn’t see it. He suddenly lunged to the left just as something hit the car behind him sending it up in flames. A grenade. You had been just a bit too close and the force of it sent you sprawling back. The back of your skull bounced off the asphalt and suddenly the oh so colorful world seemed to be spinning. Dazed, you stared up at the sky.
The blue sky.
Your hand reached back to touch the warmth dripping from your head and when you shakily brought you hand back into view, blood coated the fingers. Red blood. Oh.
So, that’s what red looked like.
Still stunned from the blow, you struggled to sit up, but you were only a few inches up off the ground when someone grabbed you and threw you over their shoulder. The movement made your world spin again and you groaned out in pain as you hung limply over the broad shoulder that was now carrying you. You heard your name being called out, but sounds were beginning to grow dim. Replaced with ringing.
“Steve?” You mumbled in hopes. He had broad shoulders. Maybe he was the one carrying you away. You blinked your blurry eyes a few times as they briefly came into focus as you stared at the back of the person carrying you. Black leather. Steve hadn’t been wearing black leather. The ringing grew louder as your eyes fluttered close. Your entire world went black before you could connect the dots on what was happening.
[next chapter]
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alessiathepirate · 1 year
REFLECTION: Stu Macher x fem!reader; Billy Loomis x fem!reader
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Summary: As she looks around the shrine, she can't help but reflect on how she has become who she is...
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I made while I wrote this short story.
This is the craziest thing I've ever written... I hope you'll enjoy reading it :)
Warnings: SPOILERS! (for mainly Scream 1, 5 and 6), unhealthy relationships, mental instability, blood, violence, referenced death
Walking around the shrine and examining the collection of sold evidence made her realize that she is walking down memory lane. The knives, the clothes and the memories of the people who once owned them were all parts of her life; were all parts of her actions and then the consequences of those which made her into who she is today.
She wasn't the only one thinking that. It was enough to look at everyone else's expression to know they too were overcome by memories. They were all parts of the still ongoing franchise, they are still playing their parts in it, even if nowadays they have new friends to either suspect or worry about.
The most interesting and with that scariest part of the shrine was the costumes. All of them thoughtfully put to place, still holding the blood and DNA of both victim and killer.
That was the aspect she seemed interested in. Walking up towards it, ignoring the others' voices got her to a whole another world.
Nothing else, but her and the costume, her and her memories, her and her reflection on the glass.
'Billy Loomis' was carved into the cabinet where the glass ended, making the whole thing look like a trophy. It was one perhaps, but not without its pair. She never understood how only one was thought about as the original, when clearly two should've been put behind that glass.
Looking at the costume and then at the knife while she could see her reflection, let some pushed away memories up to the surface.
They were either memories from 1996 or the years before that and even though she should've thought about them as the lies and as the worst memories of her life, she liked those - maybe a bit too much. Even though everyone except the psychos out there thought about Woodsboro and about Billy Loomis and Stu Macher as a very dark part of a long timeline, she couldn't agree with them. She accepted that they are right. Murders aren't acceptable, threats aren't acceptable... But other than her moral code nothing else in her wanted to see that.
She didn't want to see that, because 1996 was the best year of her life - and the years before that held her happiest memories.
She remembered how she befriended the boys - Billy and Stu - and how through them she got to know Sidney, Tatum and Randy. But even though she liked all of them, her relationship with the two boys was stronger than others.
"I thought you invited me over to study." she remembered herself saying on a winter day after she arrived at Stu's place. Even now thinking about is, she still wanted to laugh at how quickly they took her backback and helped her take off her coat.
"Yes, but this is more important than some sappy project about Romeo and Juliet." Stu explained after he threw her backpack next to the coat hanger, stopping her from picking it up. He then put his hands on her shoulders, pushing her towards the living room.
"You mean the Hamlet. We have to make the project about the Hamlet. Sidney has to make one about Romeo and Juliet."
"Whatever! We can do that later, but now look at what we've got for you."
She looked at Billy with a smile. He held a video tape in his hands.
"What's that?" she asked with a small giggle, because Stu put his whole bodyweight on her as he hugged her and they almost fell.
"We'll have a movie night. We never had one with you so now it's time to make up for the lost time."
"All right, you've got me." she chuckled after she got out of Stu's grip, because he started to tickle her. "What are we watching?"
"You said you've never seen Halloween-"
"So let me guess, we are watching Halloween?"
They did. And they most definitely haven't done any schoolwork that day. They just sat on the couch with her in the middle. She had some popcorn in her lap. Her back was pushed against Stu's shoulder while her legs were stretched out across Billy's thighs.
And the amout of information she recieved... They used this and that for blood, they did this scene like this, that actor can be seen in another horror movies as well... It wasn't annoying at all. In fact she hadn't had more fun watching Halloween since that day.
The only problem they had was the fact that she wasn't scared - at all.
"What, you want me to climb on top of you in fear?" she joked and threw a piece of popcorn at Stu after she saw his expression and deduced the things he wanted to say. "Besides it's pretty hard to get scared if I have to sit between two experts who spoil everything."
She wanted to say that they were friends. And they were, she knew they thought about her as a friend at the start as well. Even though later she understood that that day they just wanted to test her and her fears. They wanted to see her reactions to know if she's really who they thought she was.
But later there started to be one issue in that friendship. Friends don't kiss. They don't make out or cuddle like couples do.
God, how awful she felt! She couldn't look Sidney or Tatum in the eye for weeks, and she had to avoid the boys for a while.
Her first ever kiss happened between her and Stu. It was very close to the end of a school year and his parents were away again. She had that strange feeling in her chest that said she's letting him down if she lets him be alone in that house. So she went there and baked some cookies with him to make sure he's happy - even though she's never seen him make the smallest frown.
And then it just happened.
First they joked around, made a mess in the kitchen and were about the start cleaning when he leaned in and kissed her.
Her first reaction was to freeze and just stand there in shock. But later she kissed back and held onto his shoulders, fearing she'll fall.
She didn't.
Her waist just touched the kitchen counter.
Thinking about it still made her stomach feel empty, her throat dry and her cheeks red. It was the softest kiss she's ever shared with anyone. She never imagined Stu to be able to kiss someone softly, but it seemed like she was wrong.
"This- isn't right." she said after the kiss ended and the sudden guilt overtook her. "You are dating Tatum. She's my friend. This isn't-"
"Why can't it be right if it feels good?"
She left his house that afternoon in a hurry, afraid to look back, knowing that if she did she'd go back in a heartbeat.
Kissing Billy Loomis was a whole another dimension. She knew he knew about what happened; she later realized he used that knowledge to weaken her and get what he wants.
He climbed through her window one evening and after she let him in, he started some small talk with her about movies. He didn't ask her about Stu or about the kiss, he just talked about the smallest things possible.
"Are you okay?" he later asked, after she answered with short sentences.
"You're a horrible liar." he said with a smirk. "I can tell. I've known you far too long."
And that sentence alone made her tell him everything. And after he comforted her and hugged her, he ran his fingers along her cheek and then her hair. She looked up at him with a slight blush.
"Can I kiss you?"
That evening she had her second kiss with Billy Loomis, knowing she's the worst friend in existence.
It was a lot of back and forth from then on, until everything seemed to get back on track... Until the murders started to happen.
And during those days when the attacks happened, when she wasn't comfortable staying home alone they weakened her. During those moments they started to form a weird understanding - they are friends, but with something else... They had some great movie nights, they hugged more than usual. She started to feel happy, living in denial.
And then at that party the reveal happened. The reveal that changed everything. She still remembered the blood, the way Randy was lying on the ground. The house she knew like the back of her hand became something unknown and scary. She remembered how scared Sidney was, she remembered the betrayal she felt when she had to look the boys she loved in the eye.
It was like she was in a movie they were explaining all those times. Almost everything felt familiar yet surprising. The twist was right, the corn syrup was from Carrie, the 'we all go a little mad sometimes' line was known by her... She knew everything yet she was still surprised.
But the way they spoke to her, the way they touched her or hugged her with that wicked grin on their faces was something soft. Something what felt comfortable and good.
And then...
"-final girl." her eyes became teary as she looked at Billy who still kept Sidney at the counter with the knife. She was thankful she didn't have to look at the edge of it. "Every horror movie needs a final girl. Remember when we explained it to you darling?"
She did.
"Well guess what, you got that role in our movie."
And she understood. She understood why they watched all those scary movies with her, why they explained all the production secrects...
But making her partake in it also meant they were sure she'd never snitch them out. And as she watched them she realized she wouldn't.
"Are you okay?" she got back to reality as a hand touched her shoulder.
"Yeah. I am. I just- remembered something." she answered as Sam, the daughter of Billy Loomis stood next to her, looking at the costume as well.
"You knew him, right?"
"Yes." she answered, not daring to tell the whole story behind that knew.
They stood there next to each other as she thought about Stu and Billy again. The blood after they stabbed the other was gushing from the wounds. And as they raised the knife again and again she saw her reflection on the bloody iron. Her reflection what was full of worry, but the fear was completely missing.
"Do you ever think about him?" Sam asked making her consider what she should reply.
"Sometimes, but it's more like a them. You can't have any memories of one of them without the other."
"They went crazy and stabbed you... I guess it really is hard to think about just one of them. Or about anything happy with them."
" 'We all go a little mad sometimes.' " she quoted, but after realizing Sam doesn't know the meaning of the sentence, she continued: "I still have some happy memories, you know. They played their roles quite well."
She touched the right part of her stomach, where the scar was still visible. The wound she got from them wasn't deep. They made sure it wasn't. But it still hurt, no matter how much Stu hugged her.
Looking at the costume behind the glass made her realize how much she misses them. No matter what they've done, what they made her into, she still loved them. They had a special kind of connection. She was their final girl - that part of the plan worked out flawlessly.
Sam opened the cabinet and she examined her expressions with a raised eyebrow.
"We need a weapon. For defense." she explained and took the still bloody knife.
"You aren't like him, you know. At all." she said, looking at the way Sam is holding the weapon as she took the handle of the cabinet and pushed Sam back a little.
She took a deep breath before she slammed the glass door shut, almost being unable to hide a smile at the sound of glass breaking. She looked at her reflection one last time as it broke to millions of tiny pieces.
Sam jumped a little and she could already hear Gale calling out from behind her.
Moments later she was hugged as different people muttered 'it's okay's. They thought it was an accident, it was completely accidental.
It wasn't. She just doesn't like injustice.
Gale was hugging her. She didn't know the truth, nor did Sidney or Kirby. Sometimes she thought maybe Randy has been the only one who suspected something.
She hid her feelings well and she burried the fact that she wanted Billy and Stu to succeed deep in herself.
As she looked at Ethan Landry above Gale's shoulder she noticed the slight headtilt and curious smile he couldn't hide. He turned towards detective Bailey for only a second, but it was enough for her to know the truth.
Their eyes met.
She tried not to smile as she acknowledged that they are now sharing each others secrets. After all: it takes one to know one.
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tblsomedoodles · 3 months
more Donnie VS The World content. It makes me vibrate and scream and wiggle like I'm off my meds. I would love anything, even a solid block of text, but your doodles/full artworks/comics are my favorite.
Please? All I've found so far is what we see in the donnieverse comic and the MVA/AMV (music video animatic/animatic music video). So many questions, like - is Casey (Sr) involved in any way, whethercas a fellow captive or rescue mission teammate? Is this the True Apocalypse or Averted Apocalypse timeline? If the latter, where is Casey (Jr)? How is Splinter handling it? (Is he even still alive to be Having Emotions About It?)
(Please feed me.
B L E A S E)
(If you don't mind, could you show/tell how Donnie escapes, one of his first Big Leads that gives him so much hope he cries, and/or the Big Reunion? One would be nice, two would be great, and all three would be amazing. If they aren't planned/are too spoilery, that's okay. Anything you can/are willing to give would be lovely.)
Thank you!! I'm glad you like it : ) I don't think I've answered many asked about this particular au, so i'm more than willing to talk about it! : )
I don't really have much up for it, mostly b/c it deals with a lot of angsty material that i can be a little uneasy about posting. I have a bit of old concept art, and an unposted fic i'm editing/rewriting (b/c it's the first fic i wrote for Rise and i did not have those character voices down lol.) I can probably post the first bits of it later this week. I did say at one point that i would once 'proud family tradition' was over, and it now is.
but yeah, here's the concept art, i'll put the explanation under the break b/c i'm going to be rambling lol.
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So Donnie vs. takes place after the thwarted apocalypse (not-apocalypse future). They get taken by Bishop a few months afterwards, and it isn't until about a year after that, that Donnie gets free.
He's the last one still with Bishop at that point, and had been told/convinced through various means that his brothers were dead.
Bishop did a lot of experiments on him, leaving a lot of scaring. One of which was injecting him with Krang DNA to see what would happen. (the eye and veins thing. I think he has some side effects from that but i'm not entirely certain what they are atm)
The fic itself starts after his rescue, b/c i'm focusing on Donnie's search for his brothers (and his own recovery) Rather than the traumatic event itself.
The rescue itself, was certainly a rescue. April, Casey, and CJ worked together to get him out of there as well as gain whatever information they could before they were found out. (Casey went undercover and was able to get some incomplete files and help get donnie out before she was discovered and had to leave.)
donnies in...pretty bad shape at that point, mentally and physically. Physically, he's malnurished, injured, scared, the works. Bishop did a number on him in the year he had him.
Mentally, he's pretty much shut down. He's completely non-verbal, unresponsive most of the time, when he does respond it's very slow and seemingly difficult for him to do so. He describes it that it feels like he's behind several plates of thick glass. He can see and hear what's happening, interacting (or even just feeling anything about it) is very hard to get past the glass.
How he goes from that state to hunting down his brothers is fairly simple. One of the broken, encripted files Casey acquired was Leo's file. None of the three could open it, but they managed to get Donnie to try to do so. He manages it, sees the file, and for the first time in about a year, has hope. He doesn't even wait to show the other three, he just takes off while no one was looking, with April's laptop and CJ's coat (he steals a backpack along the way.)
I don't really want to say much past that. A lot of the rescues/reunions are pretty spoiler heavy, and i don't want to ruin some of the mystery of what's going on in the fic. But know this, he does get all his brothers (and family in general) back. Also, splinter is alive and is part of this, but again, that's spoilers for some things i don't want to ruin.
Again, i'll probably start posting this sometime this week. It's an interesting fic that i've put quite a bit of time into at this point, so i'll be excited to see what is thought of it.
Thank you!
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barbedbetty · 2 years
One More Time
Soldier Boy x Fem!Reader
Summary: Soldier Boy sneaks out of the Legends house to see an old friend.
Characters: Soldier Boy, the Legend (mentioned), Reader
Warnings: SMUT, wrap it up people, dirty talk, Soldier Boy being a dominant, Daddy kink, DDlg, orgasm denial, if you're under 18 don't interact
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I sighed as I closed my front door and leaned against it. I kicked off my heels and groaned at the relief my feet felt immediately.
Most Supes wore capes and suits and barely did any real work. There are a few Supes like me, who didn’t get a great power, I simply heal and don’t age. A few scientists at Vought compared me to a jellyfish, won’t die unless I choose to because there is nothing on earth that can kill me. I don’t have incredible strength or laser eyes, but I went to school and as a scientist I’ve been using my own DNA to help cure genetic diseases.
I took my coat and hung it up.
“I know your power doesn’t let you age,” a deep voice said from a dark corner of the living room. “You’re still as beautiful as the day I met you.”
I turned around and flipped on a light.
I froze.
Soldier Boy was sitting in a chair at my dining table in his green suit, looking a little worse for wear but overall still a handsome man.
“Starlight was right then.” I stepped toward him. “You have been resurrected.”
“Mmm released, doll. I’m not a fucking zombie.” He stood up and walked toward me.
“Still hate zombie movies?” I smirked.
“If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a hundred times.” He stood two feet in front of me and smiled. “Zombies are the easiest thing to kill, they shouldn’t be a threat.”
“So, you came to my house to continue an argument we had 40 years ago?” I stepped around him to my drink cart. I poured two fingers of whiskey and took a sip while I faced him again.
“No, I just…” he trailed off and ran a hand through his hair. “I just wanted to see you again.”
“Why?” He stared at me and locked his lips.
“I’ve been staying with the Legend.” He started and reached around me for a bottle of scotch and took a pull from it. “He hasn’t redecorated since 1973 and being neck deep in all those memories. I realized how many bad memories I have of so many people. Except you.”
He took another pull from the bottle and set it on the cart again but this time his hand caressed my waist and he pulled me toward him.
He took my glass away and put it down.
“I’ve missed you.” He said quietly and put his forehead against mine.
“Ben.” I whispered and wrapped my arms around his neck. He squeezed me tight against him.
He tilted his head to the right and gently pressed his lips against mine. It was so soft at first, just his lips against mine. It was comforting and kind of romantic, I smiled against his lips and I felt him chuckle.
“Something funny?” I whispered looking up at him. He grinned down at me and lifted one hand and stroked my cheek.
“I was thinking of that night after Kennedys’ inauguration when we snuck into the Oval Office.” He chuckled and I blushed putting my head on his shoulder.
“Oh god.” I giggled.
“Hey, you said if I could get in there, I could get in here.” He spanked my ass and I yelped jerking my head up.
“Paying off the Secret Service was not fair.” I said through a smile.
“That was fun though.” He said cocking his head to the side.
“It was.” I smiled and weaved my fingers through his hair.
He moaned softly and his eyes fluttered shut as I gently pulled at his hair. I leaned up and kissed his neck, his grip tightened around me waist and I gasped.
“I need you.” He said in a low growl, his eyes darkening.
“Consider my bedroom the Oval Office.” I whispered.
Before I knew what was happening, Ben had leaned down and pushed his shoulder into my stomach and lifted me up and ran upstairs to my bedroom. I was giggling the whole way up.
He kicked the door to my bedroom so hard it broke in half, he stepped over the splintered wood and tossed me onto the bed.
“Strip.” He growled as he started yanking off parts of his suit.
I froze, mesmerized by his rough hands practically ripping his suit apart to get it off as quickly as possible. He stopped at his pants and leaned forward and gripped my chin.
“I said, strip.” He said in a low voice.
I smiled and laid back out of his grasp and winked up at him.
“Maybe you should work for your prize.”
He growled and crawled on top of me and ripped my shirt off, sending buttons flying across the room. He tore my bra in half then started ripping my skirt up from a slit above my knee. He had me naked in under a minute and stared at me for a moment.
“Fuck.” He whispered and his hands gently traced invisibles designs on my body. “I’ve missed you, sugar.”
He leaned down and kissed me, deeply, I moaned as his tongue lined my bottom lip. His hands never stopped moving on my body, the way his hands pinched my nipples made me shiver and made me pull my lips away to gasp in pleasure.
He chuckled and started kissing down my neck. One of his hands stroked down and started teasing my folds.
“Ben.” I moaned and leaned my head back.
“Doll, you know what I wanna hear.” He groaned as he bit my shoulder and my back arched a little, angling my hips and he shifted his hands to tease his fingertip around my opening, spreading slick through my folds.
“Daddy!” I cried out as he pushed two fingers inside me. I started moving my hips with his hand and moaned louder as he stroked a spot deep inside me.
“That’s it baby girl.” He growled as he pulled back to watch my face as he fucked me with his fingers. “Come on my fingers and I’ll give you a treat.”
I cried out as he added a third finger.
“God you’re so tight.” He whispered. “Can barely pull my fingers out of your pussy, baby.”
I whimpered and gripped his shoulders so tight I would’ve broken skin had he been human. He started grinding his palm against my clit and I felt an orgasm start creeping up my spine.
“Fuck!” I cried out and arched my back. “Ima come!” I gasped and panted as his fingers pushed harder and faster inside me.
“Come for Daddy, baby.” He groaned and leaned down to kiss me, I bit his lip as I came. I pulled away and cried out still moving my hips against his hand.
“That’s a good girl.” He smiled at me and moved his fingers slowly inside me. “Your still so pretty when you come.”
I moaned and leaned my head back closing my eyes and panting hard.
“Now, comes your treat.” I hummed and gasped as he pulled his fingers away.
He pushed me on my stomach and grabbed my hips pulling them up.
“Fuck, look at you.” He groaned as his hands caressed my ass. He spanked me twice making me cry out.
“Get ready, sugar.” He said lowly as he pushed his wet fingers into my ass, I gasped and whimpered.
“You’re okay doll.” He said quietly.
I nodded and pushed my face into a pillow.
Suddenly, his cock pushed inside my pussy and I screamed.
“Gotta get my cock ready for you, baby.” He said and I could hear him smile. “Fuck, you feel so good.”
He pounded me hard and fast, making me so wet. Finally feeling him again, having him dominate my body again, it was heaven. I gripped the sheets and moaned like a porn star.
Too soon, he pulled out and I whimpered trying to push my hips back against him. He slapped my ass hard twice.
“Stay still.” He growled. “You’ll take what Daddy gives you and you’ll thank me.”
He gripped my hip with one hand and started rubbing the tip of his thick shaft against my ass. I moaned and whimpered as he started pushing inside.
“Shhh.” He said. “Get ready to say thank you.”
The tip popped inside me and I cried out and arched my back.
“Tell me thank you.” He growled as his grip tightened, he kept pushing inside and I couldn’t do anything but moan.
“Say it!” He yelled and slapped my ass, making me cry out and tighten my muscles making him groan.
He pushed a few more inches inside and paused for a moment. I heard him panting and his hands lifted to take hold of my waist, his rough fingers spread across my skin and took a tight hold of me.
“Baby, I’m not gonna finish till I hear you say ‘thank you’.” I gasped and tried to catch my breath enough to form words.
“Th-th-tha-“ I stuttered than got cut off as he thrust the rest of his cock inside me, making me scream and throw my head back.
“What was that?” He asked, he laughed and ground his hips against my ass making me feel every vein and inch of him. “Couldn’t hear you.”
“Th-ah!” I cried out again as he suddenly pulled back and then thrust back inside.
He laughed and moaned as he continued his rough pace of thrusting. Every time he asked me to talk, he would plunge his cock to take my breath away.
After awhile, he threaded his fingers through my hair and yanked me backwards. He hooked his arms around my torso and stayed deep inside me, grinding his hips and growling in my ear. I could feel his sweaty chest against my back and I moaned as he ground deeper inside me.
“You know I can go on for awhile, baby girl.” He said in a deep voice in my ear. I shivered hearing him pant against my shoulder. “Say ‘thank you’ and we can do something else you like.” He pulled my face towards him and kissed me like his life depended on it.
He pulled his hips away and I gripped his arms and slammed myself back on his dick. He pulled away and cried out and bit my shoulder.
“Fuck!” He said when he stopped shuddering, I kept slamming my hips down and he dug his fingers into my skin. “You wanna play like that? I can do that.”
He pushed me down and my face into the bed. He started pounding into me like a jackhammer.
“We both know this isn’t a punishment for you.” He said as he snapped his hips hard enough to make me scream. “So you can stay down there and take what I give you but if you come, I’m gonna stop.”
He sped up and my eyes watered as I did my best to not come. I cried out and beat my fist against the bed, my whole body shaking trying to stave off a powerful orgasm.
He pinned me down between my shoulders and started moaning, I felt him shiver, it was his sign he was about to finish.
“I’m gonna come deep in that ass, and then I’m gonna fuck you till you can’t walk, baby.” He groaned as he pounded me harder, his rhythm faltering.
“Thank you!” I mumbled into the bed. He slowed down and yanked my hair lifting my head up.
“Say it again.” He moaned as he pumped my body
“Thank you Daddy!” I yelped out in a quick breath and then moaned feeling him deep inside me.
He laughed and grabbed my waist and started fucking me hard again.
“Come baby, come for daddy.” He reached down with one hand and started rubbing my clit in tight circles.
That sent me over the edge, I screamed and my body started shivering and shaking as I came so hard I saw stars. Ben gasped and I felt him come deep inside me, still pumping his cock slowly inside me, making my body milk him for all he had.
“Fucking hell, baby.” He groaned as he pulled out and I whispered in discomfort.
He collapsed in bed next to me and I looked at him. His hair disheveled, his upper body flushed, sweat littering his chest and hairline.
He turned and looked at me, smiling softly. He winced as he reached out and pulled me towards him, leaning my head against his chest.
“Fuck.” He breathed out as he caught his breath. “I almost forgot what it was like.”
“Sex?” I asked and peeked up at him.
“No.” He looked down at me and tucked a thin lock of my hair to the side of my face. “Laying with you.”
I kissed his chest a couple of times and pressed my ear against his skin, hearing his heart pound in his chest. A sound I missed.
“Ben.” I said quietly, gently tracing a design across his chest. “What are you doing out there? In the world?”
When he didn’t answer, I slowly turned my head and looked up at him. His eyes were filled with a secret, but he was also angry and lost.
“I can’t tell you.” He whispered and stroked my cheek with his fingertips. “I want to, but what I’m doing, it’s ugly and I learned something today that is making me question what to do next.”
I sat up and pulled my bedsheet around my body.
“Look.” I said softly, I reached out and held his face in my hands, his gripped one of my hands in his and he suddenly looked pained and on the verge of tears. “I’ve always been the one here for you. You’ve never told me the whole truth of what you were doing or who you were seeing. I didn’t say anything when you’d come to me after going to some movie premiere with Countess.”
He sat up and leaned closer to me, I leaned in and kissed him softly.
“Whatever you’re going through, I know that kid from Philly that saved me from getting hit by a bus is in here.” I put my hand against his chest. “When Vought took us and turned us into Supes, I knew you’d be their golden boy and I’d be a lab rat. I knew that we’d be separated. But every time you came to me, I saw the man that you could’ve been, a good man.”
He put his forehead against mine again and sighed.
“Whatever you need. I’m here. I’m always here.” I ran my hand through his sweaty hair.
“I have to go back.” He whispered. “If I stay here, I’ll never leave.”
“I know.” I said. “Please, remember to be that kid sometimes.”
He grabbed my face gently and pulled me to him and kissed me. He was panting through his nose and holding me as close as possible. He pulled me onto his lap and held me as he kept kissing me, I was starting to get lightheaded but I couldn’t stop.
He pulled back and panted looking up at me.
I stared back into his eyes, he had a million things that he wanted to say but I knew he couldn’t tell me yet. I got up and went to the bathroom.
I turned the water on and once I got under the heavy stream of water, I started crying. I slowly cleaned myself and dressed and by the time I opened my door, he was gone.
I looked out the window and I saw his back as he walked down the road.
I crawled into bed and held the pillow he was laying against me and breathed it in, hoping that he would be okay and thankful that I could see him again.
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Joe Velasco: (Untitled for now) Part 1 
Part 2
Warnings: Sexual assault (not to reader), talk about sex and sexual situations.  
Time didn’t slow down when it happened. It felt more like flashes of a camera lens. You walk into the room. Flash. You see that you weren’t alone. Flash. The man that was on top of the woman noticed you. Flash. Her clothes ripped. his fly unzipped. Flash. She is not moving. Him lunging at you. Flash. Pain searing white hot through you, glass shattering. Flash. Him on top of you. Eyes cold and hard. Flash. You struggle underneath him as he tries to restrain you. Flash. Your hand hits a cold plastic in your purse. Flash. The weight of him falls on top of you as you press the taser trigger down holding it against him. Flash. The sound of voices outside the door. Flash. He's getting up and running. Flash. A yell for someone to call 911. 
You don’t remember exactly how you got to the precinct, but you're now sitting on an exam table. You had been asked if you wanted to go to the hospital, but you refused saying that you were okay and the EMTs had reluctantly cleared you. You knew that you would have to give a statement to the police. It shouldn’t have, but it surprised you when instead of setting you down in front of a detective to take your statement you were ushered down to the medical examiners to have evidence taken.  
The door opened but instead of someone in a lab coat, there were two detectives. A woman that you didn’t know and a man you did, Terry Bruno. His bright blue eyes were worried. Your brain felt fuzzy as they entered. Time was becoming a fickle thing and it felt like there were short but disorientating time jumps. You felt slightly woozy. You're jolted by Bruno saying your name to the woman telling her that you are a forensic tech for the department. He eyes you again clicking at his phone. Your mind blanks, trying to shield you from the memory. 
“Can you tell me what happened?” You look up at the woman realizing that she is now talking to you. She repeats herself the words echo in your mind a few times before you can understand them. 
“I was- I was at a convention for training. I-I,” You swallow hard not recognizing your own shaky voice. You try again, “I was late and was just trying to cut through that room when I saw... I saw that guy over that woman-is she okay?” 
“We aren’t sure yet. She got hit in the head pretty hard. We will know more when she wakes up.” The door opens again. Melinda walks in with another young pretty tech a few paces behind her. Melinda walked up to the table greeting you and setting her clipboard to the side. She looks you over and you shift on the table awkwardly. Your eyes bounce between the four people in the room. 
“I think you know the drill. I’m going to have to take your clothes for evidence.” You nod. “I want to do a full workup to look for fibers, hairs, blood, and other body fluids. This guy might have left something behind in the struggle.” You sat up a little straighter at that. 
“Melinda, I-” You don’t know why but you feel embarrassed. It has to be the stress of the day or strangers staring at you. You take a deep breath, and you suddenly feel the pain in your ribs. The adrenaline is starting to fade. You steal yourself, “I’m going to have DNA. I had sex this morning. I didn’t have time to shower, so.” Melinda smiles reassuringly at you.  
“That’s okay, we will just match those samples-” 
“Yeah, yeah, I know how it works. I was just...” You trail off self-consciously. Everyone was still staring at you like they were waiting for something. You wished you knew what it was so you could get them to stop. 
“I feel the need to remind you that you don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with.” Melinda’s voice was as soothing as it was definitive. It was motherly, in a no-nonsense way, and like balm to your wrecked nerves. You knew the woman well. There was a lot of information sharing between your two departments. You had a coworker friendship but it didn't go to a more personal level. You supposed it would now.  
“I know,” You state simply, you can feel the tension in the room as everyone waits on your next move, “It’s okay, it’s just-it's a lot.” You are saved from having to continue explaining yourself when the door swings back open. Joe is on you in seconds, his gait eating up the distance between you. The woman calls his last name and asks him what he is doing here. Bruno takes another step back making more room for him to stand next to you. There is fear and anger in his eyes as he halts beside you. His eyes are scanning you, taking in your appearance. “I’m okay.” You assure him, or maybe yourself. It’s not a complete lie- you're okayish-Alive, breathing, most unscathed. He scoffs at the statement, obviously not liking your minimization tactics.
“So, we are lying to each other now? Have you seen your face?” His hand reaches out to touch you before stopping a couple inches away.  
“Actually, I haven’t.” You honestly didn’t know what you looked like post-attack. You weren’t sure if you really wanted to. You still mostly felt numbness in your body, but it was slowly fading leaving a deep ache on your face and right side. “I look that bad?” He pauses clearly unsure how to answer that without offending you. He chooses instead to ignore the question and start whispering soothingly to you in Spanish. He pulls you into a light but encompassing embrace stroking your hair. It sends rivulets of warmth through your chilled body. You soak in the loving contact while pressing a soft kiss to his jaw. “Wait, how did you even know I was here?” 
“I called him.” Bruno cut in, “He is your emergency contact, isn’t he?” 
“You should have called me, mi amor.” He pulled back to look over your now throbbing face again. You apologize grabbing his forearm, and he slides his hand down to intertwine with your fingers instead.  
“Hold on,” The woman who was interviewing you earlier called out. Everyone turned to face her, and it was clear that she was in charge. “You know her, on a personal level? Velasco, you can’t be anywhere near this. Matter of fact, everyone out, this needs to do this by the book. We collect the evidence. Then a statement.” 
“You kidding me, Captain? I’m not leaving,” Joe's grip on your hand tightens. You then realize the woman is Joe’s higher-up, Captain Olivia Benson. You had heard a lot about the women but had never met her yourself. She had put Joe through a hell of a time because of his past. Joe respected her but you were still a little angry with her for the pain and heartache that she had caused him. The lack of understanding or compassion. You were petty like that.
You begrudgingly agreed with her on this one. You know the strict rules of collecting evidence and keeping it from cross-contamination. it would be better for you to be alone while you did this anyway. You doubted Melinda would be able to do her job with him in here. Your normally calm and collected detective boyfriend was not okay in the sight of you getting hurt. You squeeze Joe’s hand, and he looks back at you. You tell him it’s okay. “No te dejaré cariño (I’m not leaving you sweetheart).” 
“Really, it’s okay,” You run your hand across his clean-shaven jaw. “It’s not like anything is going to happen to me in here. Melinda needs to do her job. Besides I’m going to have to leave my clothes here. I was hoping that maybe you had some spares I could wear? Maybe get me something cold to drink? Por favor Corazón.” The reluctance is written all over his face. He doesn’t want to leave. If it was up to him, he wouldn’t. His hand is still tight on yours. His green eyes are searching yours trying to find even a hint that you don’t want him to leave. You seem to reassure him because he presses a quick kiss on your forehead. 
“Okay, but if you need me-” You kiss his hand and tell him you know. The three detectives file out. Joe gives you one last glance as Bruno puts a hand on his shoulder to keep him moving forward. When the door clicked closed you felt a sigh escape you. The detectives' eyes had been analyzing and seeing Joe that upset and worried had been hard.  
“You have quite a guard dog with that one.” You turn to Melinda and smile a genuine smile. Throughout your relationship with Joe, he has proved that he showed love through actions first, and words second. You knew had you asked him to stay or told him that you wanted to leave, it wouldn’t have been a conversation, it would have simply been done.  
“You have no idea.”  
“Just make sure you lean on him throughout this. It’s clear he doesn’t want you to have to do it alone.” Melinda turns to the young tech, who walks closer with her camera. “You ready to start?”  
You try to sit still as the camera flashes in your face taking pictures. You remove your top and put it in the evidence bag that is held out to you. The tech asks you to lift your right arm. You go to do so, and a zap of pain flares up your side making you wince and drop it back down. You look down to see the entire length of your ribs is an awful shade of black and blue. That small dose of pain opens the floodgates as you start feeling just how sore and rough you really are. You pull your arm across your chest instead which hurts significantly less. Pictures are snapped. 
Next to go into a bag is your pants. Your thigh and knee are photographed. More big ugly bruises on your right side. The tech catches sight of bruising on your inner thighs and asks you to spread your legs. Embarrassment floods through you. You had never felt awkward talking about your sex life, but this was far more intimate than bragging about having hot sex on the kitchen table. “Oh, no. Those are...old. Consensual.” It feels strange to say that about bruises, but you recalled in vivid detail the night Joe had held you hard enough to leave fingertip-shaped bruises. Telling him to stop had been the last thing on your mind. 
They had run a black light over you when you were in just your underwear. You lit up like a Christmas tree on your inner thighs, stomach, neck, and chest. You blushed bright crimson, even though neither woman made any comment. You had sex that morning and a few times the night before. That was why you had been running late to your conference meeting. Even so, Melinda took samples of everything regardless reminding you that it would be better than accidentally missing something. She prodded at your injuries with more swabs hoping for touch evidence. It hurt like a bitch but you tried not to fidget. You didn’t think they would find much. You had been pushed into a coffee table and you were pretty sure that was what had caused most of your injuries.      
You are asked for your bra and underwear as well, even after your weak protest that he hadn’t made his way under any of your clothes, Melinda persisted. They too went in evidence bags. Along with your necklace and ring. You were given a loose gown to wear as she finished with scrapping under your fingernails taking clippings and combing through your hair looking for anything that may have been caught in the strands. 
The process was invasive and tiring. By the end of it, your whole right side was throbbing, and your face hurt. You just wanted to go home and lay in bed and never move again. The tech left and Joe was standing in the doorway. It was clear that he had been waiting outside for some time. It was also very apparent that he wasn't happy about not being allowed to stay. “You can come in Detective Velasco. We are all done.”  
He doesn’t waste any time in closing the distance between the two of you. He gently sets a pair of sweats on your lap before pressing a cold bottle of water in your hand. He untwists the top for you like he thinks you might not be capable, but you don’t take offense. Any unnecessary movement is something you want to avoid. You take a sip, and it feels good in your mouth and throat but doesn’t settle well in your stomach.
“While you're here,” Joe turns to see Melinda holding up another swab. Joe’s eyebrows furrow uncertainly. You know he doesn’t like having his DNA in evidence. “Just need a sample to exclude any of your DNA that is found. Open up.” He obliges and she swabs the inside of his cheek before closing it into a bottle and writing his name on the side.  
When he turns back to you, you have already shrugged on his oversized NYPD sweatshirt and were pulling up the pants. You are swimming in them and have to roll them multiple times to get them to stay. The loose fit is a relief because it doesn’t rub up against your injuries. They smell good too, comforting even if there is a slight lingering tinge of his sweat under the smell of his deodorant and cologne. You're done with the first step, now you steal yourself to face SVU and give your statement.   
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nocturni3 · 1 year
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Miguel O’Hara x male reader: A stressful welcome home
Part 1 Canon tragedy
(TW: sfw , angst, couple fighting, drugs, death, possibly incorrect spanish)
Miguel didn’t know where to go, as he flees the crime scene that was a lab explosion at Alchemax in the dead of night the more his thoughts became more scrambled, his talons clinging onto the building surfaces with his talons, sticking to the shadows of alleyways of the corporate city of Nueva York.
His eyes straining even at night from the neon advertisements displaying the old hero’s from the hero age.As Miguel desperately tried to get back to the warmth of his long term boyfriends arms Miguel couldn’t help but reflect on what could’ve went wrong to result in him being a murder with blood on his hands from his superior, who also had tried to kill Miguel all in the same night!
All he remembered was the painful look in your eyes that afternoon when he came home early stressed and punching the walls even mistaking one of the Raptures hallucinations being you. He hit his boyfriend…his loving supportive boyfriend now had a busted cheek because of Miguel! He broke down sobbing from the pain in his head as well as seeing M/N reluctant to comfort Miguel as he held his bruising cheek.
He told you what happened, the sound of betrayal and broken pride laced in his voice as M/N held Miguel not knowing what he himself could do to relieve the pain his hard working Miguel was going through; it broke you both seeing the other so confused.
He remembers insisting you slept in your shared bedroom with the door locked to protect you from him once the Rapture withdrawals kicked in…and they did. Miguel recalls curling in on himself as the pain traveled throughout his body; like knives in his veins, his very DNA was trying to kill him just for a taste of more Rapture! That night Miguel got dressed into his work attire making his way to Alchemax to cure himself of this drug.
The labs were empty…or so he thought as he pulled off his clothes after selecting his previous DNA sequence, before Rapture. As he waited for the genetic modifier to start the painful process of rewriting his DNA Miguel heard the machine spark and start to, overheat as unbalanced convoluting pain ripped through his boy his hands and feet felt as though they were being ripped apart, his teeth rippled in pain as they grew and managed to stab his lips. Even his eyes burned from the bright lights that littered around the bright white lab.
Next thing he knew he was gripping his superior: Aaron Delgato’s arm. The older man’s screams of pain his screams for someone to save him made Miguel’s ears ring, his eyes burned from the explosion, then blood littered his hand that now held the arm of Aaron who continued screams echoed through the city's night as he fell.
Looking into the broken glass that surrounded him Miguel caught a glimpse of his transformed self; he was turned into a monster! Something he spent weeks working on to help the company spy on their competitors; he was turned into spiderman. A twisted, genetically altered version of the old hero.
It was only when he saw his apartment penthouse did Miguel sigh out of relief as he forced open his office window, being greeted by his AI Lyla.
“Hello Miguel! M/N was worried when he couldn’t find you or get ahold of you! Should I let him know you are home safe and sound?”
“Tranquila! Lyla, no don’t say anything, don’t tell M/N I’m here!”
Miguel frantically shushed her as he looked all around his office for any sort of clothing not noticing Lyla vanished elsewhere.
finding instead his old day of the dead costume, a costume he had nanotechnology weaved into it to keep it amsafe from tears. Money well spent now, Miguel slipping off the tatters of his old lab coat, opting for the costume instead. Pulling on the costume was the exact moment Miguel’s office door burst open revealing a very teary eyed M/n and behind him stood Lyla smiling.
“Lyla I told you-“
“Told her what? To lie to me that you’re safe and sound! Miguel, where the hell were you? I wake up to the front door slamming and you were gone! I was worried y-you-“
Miguel’s heart tugged as M/N tried to take ahold of his hand, a hand that had talons still uncontrollably exposed still. Yanking his hand to himself to protect the love of his life.
“Mi Amore wait I can’t-“
M/N’s heart pounded in his head as the stress of looking for his once missing strung out boyfriend still proceeded to cause him pain.
“Can’t what let me know where you were to tell me you were alive! I-I wake up to you gone and next thing I see is an emergency warning from the flyboys that a maniac attacked Alchemax and exploded your labs!”
Miguel gasped, keeping his arms spread out away from M/N who pulled Miguel into a tight embrace. Miguel wanted so badly to tell M/N what was happening but now he focused on his talons that stuck out in his suit, sharp and deadly ready to stab into anything. Flashes of the blood on his hands beforehand made him tense, more fear took him over as he focused on retracting his talon so he could at least give M/N a reassuring hug. After all the stress he had caused his loving other half. Focusing Miguel watched as the talons retreated back into his fingers.
M/N cried into the old costume Miguel wore feeling his taller boyfriends strong arms wrap around him only made him cry more at the simple comfort of an already stress ridden day. Feeling Miguel’s arms tight around you was as if the world froze, feeling him kiss the top of you head, nuzzling the top of your bed hair. The small rays of the incoming sunrise made the moment even more special.
Miguel slipped his finger under your chin lifting your face to stare into his more reddish brown eyes, the scene nearly stole your breath as the suns rays surrounded Miguel’s head like a halo that highlighted his sharp handsome features. Miguel eyes stared down into yours as he gave you a closed lipped smile as he mumbled his voice filled with emotions.
“I’m sorry for worrying you, mi corazón. But it was worth seeing you again with a clearer head. Im clean of Rapture, we don’t have to worry anymore love”
The relief flooded M/N as he smiled tears plastered down his face taking Miguel’s face in both hands M/N pulled Miguel’s head down leaning in for a gentle kiss, miguel whispered his voice sending shivers down your spine;
“Careful,amar my teeth are still sensitive from Rapture”
M/N smirked his lips ghosting against Miguel’s as he spoke, lust laced in his voice.
“I’ll have to be gentle then, I think I can handle that, don't you think?”
Feeling Miguel’s hands rest on your hips Miguel chuckled as he leaned down peaking your lips whispering
“You can handle more then that I think-“
The sound of a violin could be heard in the doorway breaking the both of you apart to see Lyla smiling as she plays the holographic instrument.
M/N gently pats Miguel’s chest smiling at Lyla who looked at the two lovers smiling,
“I analyzed many old films and this was part of many romantic scenes, I believe the mood calls for it?”
M/N smiles at Lyla turning to Miguel whose face was red with embarrassment before looking down at M/N who smirked at Miguel,
“Very much called for”
M/n smirked once again pulling Miguel’s head down to meet his own lips in a passionate less stressful welcome home.
Part 2
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royokochoko · 19 days
CLONE-EXISTING! Y/N & family dynamics w/ mha characters
◆Part of Vivii' discontinued stories are now being remade!
The COPYPASTE project is one of AFO's side projects intended to contribute to his future plans on overtaking the heros. Most of the experiments failed due to the incorrect mix of DNA and the overuse of chemicals. However, one experiment defied the odds and survived—this experiment is you, designated HA-2K, or Y/N.
You are the only successful outcome of the COPYPASTE project. Your appearance mirrors that of Pro-Hero Hawks, and your quirk possesses similar avian traits with even greater potential.
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CHAPTER 1: Awakened
In a dark and confined room filled with high-tech machinery, tanks, and tubes surrounded a central chamber pod. The faint hum of machines and the occasional beep of monitors filled the air, adding to the eerie atmosphere.
Inside that chamber was a small figure, suspended in a mysterious fluid, with wings folded tightly against their back. The figure bore a striking resemblance to a certain winged hero known to many.
The figure inside the chamber stirred. Lights flickering on the control panels, incidicating its consciousness. As it shuddered continously and lights flickered rapidly, the chambers fluid began to drain, its purple gooey essence slowly emptying as the figures eyes slowly opened, revealing golden-brown sharp irises that filled with confusion and awareness.
The glass door of the chamber hissed open, and the figure tumbled down, gasping for breath as the water splashed down to them. Cold air hit their skin, and the harsh black concreted floor made them shudder.
Their tiny crimson-like wings slowly fluttered as they shivered, looking around as they took in their surroundings.
Suddenly, A group of scientists in lab coats hurried forward, their faces a mix of excitement and apprehension. Dr. Sato the lead scientist of this project, stepped infront. His expression inclined with interest yet devoid any warmth or emphaty.
"HA-2K," Dr. Sato began, his voice tinted with coldness and authority. "You are the only successful outcome of the COPYPASTE project. Congratulations."
The figure— HA-2K now fully conscious, tried to make sense of their words. Yet still unable to understand anything besides their name. They felt a surge of unwanted emotions — a strong sense of fear, confusion and deja vu. Not to mention, small pieces of memories, not entirely their own, flickered through their mind, featuring a certain winged person, with the similar appearances as theirs.
Another scientist, Dr. Kimura, stepped forward, her eyes betraying a hint of uneasiness." Your name is HA-2K," she said softly. "Your abilities and existence is derived from a certain winged hero an you were created to serve a higher purpose, to be a great asset for the future. " she exclaimed more ecstatically.
"Please excuse Dr. Kimura as she troubles with handling her emotions sometimes," Dr. Sato interrupted her, his eyes now glaring at the woman before looking back at them. "Ahem– Your abilities.. are unique and highly potent. You must understand the importance of your existence."
HA-2K's wings instinctively unfurled, feathers rustling softly. They felt a weird sense of control over them, it felt like natural extension of their body. The scientists stepped back, clearly impressed by the display of power.
Just then, a figure emerged from the shadows—a tall man with an imposing presence and a malicious grin. All For One , the mastermind behind the project, approached HA-2K, his gaze piercing and calculating.
"Welcome to your new life, HA-2K," AFO said, his voice smooth yet sinister. "You are destined for greatness. Your potential surpasses any of the other experiments. Although, I preferred the other ones .. I cant argue that you will be a great asset to us."
HA-2K looked at AFO before unconsciously taking a step forward and rustling their feathers as it slowly detached from their wings and floated all around , its feathers now forming a sharp end as it faced the other.
AFO merely chuckled at this, "You will be far more greater than your original counterpart." He smirked, "I suppose calling you HA-2K would be too noticable.. How about a new name? Kimura. Give it the choices."
Dr. Kimura nodded as she quickly took out a cardboard piece, inlisted are many names from the sacrifices that took part of your existence. "Well, these are the names that you can choose~" She hummed.
HA-2K's eyes followed her fingers which slowly pointed at each names listed above while also suggesting a few others that could suit them. Yet, one name sparked their interest the mopst, which she immediately took noticed and nodded. "That seems like a wonderful name as well! Good choice, dear." She said before facing AFO. "Mr. AFO. What do you think of the name Y/N?"
"Y/N..." He muttered before a sly smirk appeared on his face. "That sounds wonderful.. Truly fitting as well."
HA-2K's wings flapped in agreement, their eyes now glistening as they smiled upon hearing their new name. It felt... natural–like its always meant to be theirs.
"Well then, welcome to the world, Y/N."
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nichoskittycorner · 9 months
Tangled up (Nicholas Smut)
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>> After being kidnapped by what can only be described as a mad scientist, you're thrown to the metaphorical wolf for a trial run on their latest experiment- a human mixed with the DNA of an octopus 
>> kidnapping, drugging, tentacles (duh), all sorts of hole touching and penetration, breeding kink, cum and lots of it, overstimulation, squirting, dubcon (?), Nicho is sex curious but definitely hasn't had sex (yes that's important)
Word count: 3.4k
>> A/N: As of writing this, I am sleep deprived, and had a vision. Good luck
     It was late as you traveled along the dark woodsy highway. Your original plans of visiting family had been delayed several hours by traffic and accidents and you were finally making headway. 
  There was only about an hour left in the drive but you desperately had to use the bathroom. And with the way your luck was running, trying to hold it would lead to disaster. 
  Pulling over into an empty rest stop, you stretched before leaving to take care of business. Not really taking note of your eerie surroundings.
  It was only after stepping out of the bathroom did the alarm bells start to ring. It was dark, surrounded by the woods, and no other cars despite the lights being on and the doors being unlocked. 
  A chill ran down your back and your palms started to sweat. This was bad, something was wrong. You wasted no time almost running to the safety of your car. 
  Once inside, you locked the doors and breathed heavily. Placing your hand on your chest, you tried to take deep breaths to calm down. 
  Before you could fully let your guard down, a pair of hands wrapped around your face. Panic immediately set in, pulling at the hands as a cloth was placed over your face.
   With your head practically anchored in place, there was no escape. You started to struggle less and less as your body got sluggish. Your vision blurs and the distant sound of the highway muffled. 
  As hard as you fought to stay awake, it was all for not. Falling into the darkness as you passed out. 
   When the world started to clear up, you were overwhelmed by a pounding headache. Sore from head to toe and lying on your side. 
  It hurt like hell to open your eyes but you couldn't stay laying here forever. It took everything in you to sit up and look around. 
  You definitely weren't where you planned to be. You were out on a sand-like texture, looking around and revealing what looked like a faux beach or deserted island. Sand, greenery, even a large body of water. A dark cave settled in one corner of the room as well.
  The most glaring issue was, once you turned around you were greeted by a large glass window. The room on the other side was dark and you couldn't make out anything, but it still scared you. 
  What were you doing here? And why? Knocking on the glass left dull echoes vibrating throughout the room but no response. 
  It took several minutes of this pattern before a large door in the dark room opened. The sound of shoes clanking against the cold tile resounded until they stopped before you. 
  You could barely make out their face but it still made you sick to your stomach. A white lab coat with mysterious stains leads up to the frantic writings on a clipboard. 
  "Hey! Hey let me out!" Suddenly you felt rage and started to pound on the glass. But they seemed unphased. If anything they seemed amused by your actions. 
   Pressing a button, you were able to hear them clearly. "It's good you're awake and full of energy, you'll probably need it." 
  "Need it? No, you need to let me out!" 
  They only wrote down more notes. "Well, might as well give you a rundown since you have the privilege of being the first test subject." 
  The words first and test subject made your stomach turn. 
  " Congratulations, you have the honor of being the first female my prized experiment gets to touch. How this ends, well, it's based on his curiosity." 
   His…? Looking around, you didn't see a thing. Which somehow was worse. "A truly extraordinary miracle! A living thinking mix of human DNA and that of an octopus- one of the smartest creatures alive! Now let's not waste time. Hope he sees you as a friend and not food!" 
  You were shocked and now terrified. All you wanted to do was see your family and now you're possibly human bait to a freak of nature. "Hey, what the hell?! No, let me out!" 
  But your words only fell on deaf ears. Pressing a button, the glass now darkened so it was impossible to see outside of it, and maybe inside. The voice started speaking through the intercom before you once again. "He doesn't like an audience, but treat my Nicho with care!" 
  A deranged laugh rang out before fading off. You were scared, shaking, and hugging yourself to try to calm down. You were now trapped, alone, and possibly about to die or suffer and no one would know. No one was going to help you. 
   Tears were beyond ready to start running. A part of you was wishing this creature, this Nicho guy thing was taking a nap or had a meltdown and would never pop up. 
   But your dream was shortly cut off when a wet, slimy thing wrapped around your wrist. A gasp left your mouth and pulled your hand back. 
  What the heck was that?! Looking up, you couldn't see anyone or anything around. But something was there… You could feel it. 
  Another one of those slimy things touched you, this time holding on tighter so you couldn't escape. This was it, this is how you went out. Closing your eyes tightly, you could only pray it was quick and painless. 
  But instead of being sucked into a void or bitten or anything else, a soft wet nose touched your cheek. And continued to move around as if sniffing you. 
  Up to your ear, into your hair, down your neck. It honestly tickled. You giggled, which made you open your eyes. Turning to meet the eyes of what looked human. 
  A man, a pretty man at that, was looking at you curiously. Once your eyes met, he only leaned in closer. 
  "Fascinating… your pheromones. I've never smelled anything like it." You could only freeze as he continued to move his nose about. 
  "Um, hi works too?" He pulled back once you spoke and looked you up and down. Not really seeming to focus on your words. But you had to try. If you could converse with him, the chances of him eating you were quite low. 
  "Nicho, right?" He popped up and gave a nod. "Correct, how did you know?" 
  "Well… that person who probably kidnapped me told me-" Your thought was cut off when Nicho's hand latched onto your boob, holding it too tightly for comfort. 
  A squeal left your lips and you slapped his hand away. "Ow! What the heck is your problem?!" And somehow, Nicho was barely phased by that, his eyes not leaving your chest. 
  His head tilted, making his hair flop to the side as well. Damn, it was somewhat endearing. "That- those are for your young, right? You're human, and humans are mammals. Mammals create milk for your offspring in your breasts." 
  He spoke surprisingly well for someone who's never seen a female before apparently. Soft-spoken but clearly he didn't know his strength as he accidentally tore your shirt open, leaving the fabric in tatters and your chest exposed. 
  "Eek! Wait be careful!" You covered your chest with your hands but were restrained by those things from earlier, that you could now see were tentacles. Pinning your hands above your head as he pressed you into the ground. 
  But he didn't seem malicious, no his eyes just kept scanning your body. Resting his nose on your breast and sniffing around them too. That was until he took his hand and squeezed one of your breasts again, this time with less force than before. 
  You squirmed under his grasp trying to escape. "Nicho! Let go! Don't touch those-" He didn't seem to be listening, instead tugging at the fabric of your bra to try to remove it. 
  At first, his efforts fell flat, not quite understanding how it worked. He tried the next best thing, using his teeth and tearing it apart. Shaking his head as he tore it to pieces. 
   Admittedly, if you weren't in this very scenario, you'd probably find that hot… or crazy. With your chest fully out, he latched his lips onto your nipple. 
  Sucking, licking, and squeezing on them. His first experience with boobs and he somehow wasn't the worst. It was clear he was curious and enjoying himself as he played with the soft flesh. 
  Even if he was unaware that you let a moan slip out or that your back arched to get closer to his mouth. He was working your chest so well and he was just having innocent fun. 
  You tried to close your legs as you felt a heat pooling down below. You shouldn't feel like this?! Although your plan was stopped due to his body being placed right between your legs. 
  And trying to close them only got his attention. Never removing his mouth from your chest, he started to play with your thighs. Running his hands along them and squeezing down. 
  His slender fingers brushed against your core, making your body quiver. Finally, he pulled back, sniffing the air. "Your scent. It's changed more now." 
  He could smell that?! And he seemed to find the source pretty quickly. Repeating the process with your shirt, now tearing your pants and underwear apart. 
  The air was cold in comparison now and his intense stare didn't help. His eyes ran down from your heated face, down to your wet pussy. You hadn't even meant to be turned on by his touches but here you were. 
  Taking his hands, he spread your folds open along with your ass cheeks and ran a singular tentacle along. Your holes are on full display before him. 
  Leaning first into your pussy and burying his nose into your juices. Moving it up and down and brushing on your clit occasionally. Shocks coursing through you with every touch. 
  Noticing this pattern. He started to focus on your clit. Kissing and licking on the bud quite cautiously before becoming more bold. 
  Your legs started to shake, ready to wrap around his head and hold him down. But he held your legs down, making you whimper. 
  Did you even actually like this? Or want this? Honestly, it was better than him trying to make you his literal next meal. 
   All of a sudden he stopped. Pulling back and licking his lips. You wanted to whine and bring him back, making him finish what he started. 
  He seemed to hit some type of discovery as a large tentacle wrapped around your body and lifted you up. Exposing both of your holes to him at eye level. 
  Your head fell back at the sudden movement but it hit nothing. Using a finger and a tentacle, they moved along your cunt, making you nearly breathless. "This- this is the breeding hole. Right?" 
  You couldn't even answer and just tried to get some pleasure from his touch. He started to mumble under his breath in thought as his tentacles moved on their own. 
  A rather large one poked at your entrance, making you gasp. "Wait! What are you doing?!"
  Trying to get free was pointless as he had you locked in place. All you could do was shut your eyes tightly as the slick appendage slipped into your entrance. 
  A cry left your lips as he pushed in further, stretching you out slowly. It felt like he was taking his time exploring your tight walls. 
  Moving in slowly, brushing against every inch of you before hitting your womb. A low groan left your body as tears started to well up. Of course, you wanted to push him away, but touching you like this was conflicting. 
  On the one hand, he could've killed you, on the other hand, there's this. And on the other other hand, a part of you felt guilty for liking the touches. You liked how he was feeling and making you feel. 
  You barely registered as more of his tentacles started to move around your body. Playing with your breast, squeezing your ass, choking you slightly as one wrapped around your throat. 
  One poking at your lips before plunging into your mouth. Your eyes shot open as you gagged on him. And he barely seemed affected. Just moving and exploring your body as best as he could. 
  He looked stuck between trying to draw conclusions but also drooling at the view. You were at his mercy- squirming in his grasp, moaning, crying, and twitching with every little movement he made. 
  Especially as he plunged into your third and final hole. The thrashing seemed to increase the further he pushed in. Whatever you were trying to say was cut off by your gagging and choking. 
  But words stopped being needed as you melted into his hold and stopped fighting. Letting him play and explore your holes like some doll. And he too was intrigued. 
  Each hole felt different, but all were warm and tight. Not to mention wet and the sounds were not quiet in the slightest. Vibrations left your throat and went throughout your body. 
  Eyes rolled back as you started to shake quite harshly and you let out another array of sounds, squeezing down on his tentacles. Drool, and the wetness from your 'breeding hole' spilled out even more now. 
  He never stopped his movements but removed the one from your mouth, allowing you to breathe and speak for a moment. Your hips grind down as your head falls back.
  You looked so good. Even if he didn't completely understand humans, he liked what he was seeing. He started to feel something rush down below. 
  He has only felt this way a few times, the part he knew as his 'breeding part' started to stand and twitch. He needed relief and it seemed to be right in front of him. 
  Putting his breeding part into your breeding hole made all the sense. Did he want to breed you? Even if it wasn’t logical, it didn't matter. 
  Holding your legs open, he lined himself up with your part and let it slide in. A gasp left your body and you shook. "Fuck, no! No! No!" 
  And even as it sounded like you were pleading against it, your hips continued to move on him, taking him in more and more. Even with his tentacle previously inside, you were still tight. 
  How could you put into words that this was beyond anything you could imagine- your cunt being stretched more than you thought, pushing an impression of his large cock into your tummy, all while he had his thick tentacles fucking your ass and throat. 
  It was so much and yet not enough. He already made you cum once without even trying, how would he know when enough was enough? 
  Your hips started to move on him, making his head fall back and his grip tighten on your body. Making you move faster on him than you thought you could. 
  A sweat started to break out on his forehead as his hips jerked to meet your thrusts. You couldn't tell if you were drunk on him but damn you only wanted him to stay inside and keep fucking you. 
  Your orgasm building quickly again as he pleasured every inch of you. Whatever felt like above a whore was where you were at. Just a doll, a plaything to him. And you were starting not to mind. 
   His body only tensed up as he groaned loudly, his cum sputtering in mass inside of you. It was already messy and leaking out but he didn't stop. 
  The warm, white liquid squelched and ran down your legs and chin as he just continued to thrust it deeper into your holes. Like he was only following his instinct to fill you up and breed you. 
  And in a way, you were fine with that. Especially with how high he had you feeling, a slight touch of the clit and you were unfolding into another orgasm. 
  You could've sworn you saw the stars as the pleasure was both drowning you and keeping you afloat. Unable to tell how much more you had in you, you kept pace riding him. And even if you wanted to stop, he would make you move on his cock.
   It was odd to feel so powerless yet turned on. Fucked out, filled and only wanting more. 
   Adjusting your position slightly, you were now angled back but still in his lap. But now, he could fuck your spot better. Every thrust met with a jolt and a moan. 
  A low groan left his lips and his hands circled your hips, moving down to your ass as he kept moving his hips. 
  Leaning into your body, he kissed along your chest and up until your ear. He spoke in a low husky voice, strained slightly because of his movements.
  "You look so pretty while I'm breeding you." His lips reattached to your breast, almost sending you off to the madhouse. Did he have to say that?! Fuck it was only making you want him more. 
  Escalating this from wanting him to needing him. Damnit you wanted him to empty all his cum inside you, leave no room for guessing. Only a certainty that you would be full of his children. 
   And maybe then he could play with your boobs when they were full and sensitive- just what in the world were you thinking?! You couldn't believe his dick was making you this crazy. 
   If your daydream hadn't popped up you would've made a mess of yourself sooner. But it didn't matter as you were still so close. 
   Things were already a mess, cum, spit, and that slime stuff from his tentacles coated both of your bodies and all the space around you. Not to mention your sweat and the tears that ran down. 
  And you loved the mess he made you. Removing one of his hands from your ass, he laced your fingers together. His eyes shut as he too was lost in chasing his orgasm. 
  His gesture was sweet even though he was still mercilessly fucking all your holes. The knot building in your stomach finally snapping and giving way to your orgasm. A cry of pleasure falls from your lips mixed with incoherent words. 
  Eyes shut tight, body shaking as you felt your cunt twitch and spray, squirting on him as he came inside you. Making an even bigger mess as his cum ran out of you. 
  Choking you as you tried to swallow his overflow of cum but it still ran down your face. It filled your womb and ass, hot and overflowing as he pushed it back in, albeit, much weaker and tenderly than before as he came down from his high. 
  You were beyond your senses. Only able to cling onto his shoulders as he laid you against him in what felt like a hug. His tentacles, now messy and covered in your fluids, held you close to him. 
  Speaking was out of the question. You just held onto him as you tried to ground yourself, the soft chant of 'Nicho… Nicho…' fell from your lips half-heartedly. 
 His hands roam your body slowly, playing with your hair, wiping your face clean. Your lips hung lazily as your eyes remained closed. 
  Nicho was unsure what to do next. Placing a soft kiss on your lips, your eyes peeled open. Looking at him with a soft but grateful look. 
   "Hmm, so full… Nicho 'm sleepy…" You mumbled and melted into him. He too felt exhausted. Holding you tightly, he took you back to the cave and laid you into the nest he made, or makeshift bed. 
  "Get rest. You're tired." You only nod weakly. A mumble of which sounded like a 'thank you' came out before your chest rose and fell in a steady pattern. Even if you were here today and gone tomorrow, you were his mate now. And he would keep you safe, no matter what.
   Holding your hand and wrapping himself around you protectively, he nuzzled his nose into your hair. His eyes shot an unmistakable glare at the camera that watched you both nonstop.
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kushnovice · 1 year
The Man In the Dark pt 2
Spencer Reid x Reader
Part 1
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|TRIGGER WARNING!!! Mentions of blood, murder, abuse, violence, gore, anxiety, panic attacks, hospitals, suicide, naked, undressing, abandonment.|
When I had woke up, I couldn't find Spencer anywhere. My mind started clouding with dark thoughts, "Of course he would leave, its not his job to babysit me..." I tried my best to hold back my tears. I started to look around and distract myself when I noticed the door softly opening.
"Hey, you're awake..." Spencers body slid into the room without any noise. He was holding a tray of food and a glass of what looked like orange juice. As Spencer approached me, he must have been able to see the tears in my eyes as he set the tray down on the table next to me on the table before slowly moving yo sit next to me on the bed. He faced me and slowly examined my face, trying to read my mind it seems. "Are you okay?" He whispered, worried that I could be triggered in which loud noises wouldn't help. I slowly nodded while shifting my eyes down to my hands which were fidgety.
"I-I thought you lef-left" I let out a shaky breath while mentally cursing at myself for not being able to speak normally. I saw his hands move to mine, taking them into his hands and softly rubbing the back of my hands with his thumbs. "I won't leave you as long as you want me here." He stated but less sure, like he wasn't completely sure if he should. "You'll leave when you finish your job and I'll be alone again.." I couldn't hold it in anymore as the dam, that is my emotions, flowed out without warning. My vision blurry as the tears streamed down my face. Spencer softly sighed before placing one of his hands on my face and wiping it off. "I'll always be here for you, anytime. Day or night, regardless of the time or what I'm doing, I'll be here." Spencer softly pulled me into his lap and held me while I cried. At some point I lost consciousness, falling asleep in his arms.
I woke up to the sound of a phone ringing. I rubbed my eyes softly before looking at the thing stopping me from sitting up. Spencers arm draped loosely around my waist, with him right behind me, spooning. His eyes were closed, he looked so peaceful so I softly tried to reach over him to grab the phone. "What are you doing, Sweetheart?" His groggy voice caused chills to litter my body.
"I-It was going off an-and I was going to turn i-it off so you can sleep..." I blushed in embarrassment and quickly moved away from Spencer, since now I was on-top if him. "Give it here..." He whined as he yawned and stretched his arms out in the small bed. I softly placed the phone in his hand and watched him flick through it before pressing a button that made the phone ring again. "Sir?" Spencer asked into the phone, his face falling serious as soon as he hears the mans voice on the other side of the phone. "Are you sure? Did you trace it? Put it in for DNA analysis?" Spencer started asking multiple questions fast before getting up and packing his stuff that he had laid out before falling asleep.
"We will be there soon." He took the phone away from his face and pressed the red button before putting his phone down and continuing to gather all of his stuff in his bag neatly before grabbing my stuff and placing them into his bag. "What's going on?" I asked, confused why he needed my stuff. "You need to go to protective custody right now." Spencer was blunt, just like yesterday. "I'm in a hospital, nothing will happen." I state knowing they keep police around the hospital. "Not true, technically over 500 people die in a hospital per day and I will not let you become one of them." Spencer seemed tense as he slipped on his coat and walked over to me.
"Can you stand up?" Spencer asked, giving me both of his hands to get up. I let my legs swing over the bed and slide onto the ground, the coldness of it making me shiver. I grabbed both of his hands before using them to propel me up. When my legs fully extend, I feel my muscles start to burn in pain as I crumple to the ground. Expecting to hit the floor, I open my eyes to see Spencer holding me up by my wrists. "You can do this, Sweetheart." Spencer looks deep into my eyes with a passion causing me to nod and try again, feeling my muscles burning only pushed me harder.
I cried out as I fully extended my legs but thankfully Spencers hands steadied me. I started to walk towards Spencer snd he slowly took steps backwards so he can continue to stabilize me. "It hurts but I can.." I whimpered out, wanting to sit down on the ground at this point. "alright well you have ti walk out of here so they can clear you and then I'll carry to everywhere else." Spencer gave a reassuring squeeze on my hands before I nod and go to walk to the nurse at the front office. Spencer watched as the nurse reached behind her and grabbed a bag of clothes and items and gave it to her. She slowly walked back too him and into her room.
"Do you want me to wait outside?" Spencer asked as he noticed me taking out my old clothes. "U-Uh...I actually can't..." I blushed profusely as he shut the door and walked towards me. "I can help." He tried to sound stoic but his blush gave everything away. I nodded since I didn't trust myself to speak. Getting all of the clothes ready, I slowly removed the hospital gown. As I reach for my pants my muscles burn again causing me to curse under my breath and hold my arm. Spencer swooped in, grabbing the pants and making sure they were loose before holding them as low to the ground as possible for me. He scanned my body noticing how perfect my body was, it was everything he ever wanted in a partner. That was until he saw the bruises and scars that lined my body causing his grip to tighten on the pants. I placed my hand on his head, tangled in his hair a little before lifting my leg and placing it in the pants and then doing the same with the next leg. He softly lifted the pants up and around your hips. "E-Excuse the question but are you going to wear a b-bra?" He was blushing like crazy yet again. "Not today..." I looked away as he grabbed my shirt. Lifting my arms, he slid the shirt down my arms and onto my body. Standing back he smiled at me, "you look much better in your own clothes." I smiled and looked away at the sudden comment. "Thank you.." I then tried to walk towards him, causing extreme pain and for me to fall to the ground. Spencer immediately ran to me and tried to help me up, "You got this Sweetheart, just get us out of the hospital and Ill protect you and keep you safe." "Do you promise?" I asked, scared he was going to leave like everyone else." He grabbed my hands and pulled me up. "I promise you, Sweetheart." I got up with a mix of my will and his strength. I slowly walked to the main nurse with Spencers hand in mine. I signed myself out of the hospital and continued to walk with Spencer holding my hand, squeezing to give me reassurance since he could tell how much pain I was in. His hand was white from how hard I was squeezing it. When we get to the doors, the police officer stops me.
"Excuse me where are you going?" Spencer looked shocked but composed himself. "Leaving." He tried to shove past him but it didn't work. Spencer sighed and pulled out his badge, showing it to the police officer who then backed down. "You're just who we were looking for.." the police officer smiled creepily before grabbing his gun and shooting himself in the head and slumping back agains the wall and floor, lifeless. I screamed so loud I think the whole hospital heard. "Youre next, Princess..." I knew that voice. No no not again. Leave me alone. B/n...
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foxymoxynoona · 2 years
Lone Blue Egg (Pt 1)
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Header and banners by the talented @awrkives
Summary: Jungkook is a simple man. He goes to work, he hangs out with friends, he worries about finding a mate to take home for his hometown breeding season. Maybe he spends a little more money on cam girls than is fiscally responsible but he has niche tastes. Maybe he feels a bit adrift, but he's a young penguin hybrid, supposedly in his prime, far from his crèche. At least he's good at one thing: taking care of his precious egg. A comfort egg, not a real egg, he's not a real penguin, just a man with penguin DNA and behavioral tendencies. Just like Yoongi isn't actually an owl, even if he does stay up all night and sometimes hoot to fuck with their roommates. But this is a real love story, even if a slightly odd one.
Penguin Hybrid Jungkook x Bird Female OC Book 1 in the Birdtan Series
CW/TAGS: humor, drama, angst, cringe, explicit sex, toy play/toy uh obsession?, oviposition, ice cubes, porn, cam girls and masturbation, oral (both), edging, semi-public shenanigans, mammoth condoms, specism, language, theft
Read on AO3 or below
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Jungkook slumped down in his seat at the cafe. The tables against the window and wall had all been taken when he got here today, so he’d had no choice but to claim a padded chair right in the middle of the cafe, right by the walkway. He felt exposed like this, like he stood out. He felt massive in the middle of this cafe, even though he’d taken his coat off and stuffed it between his legs and kept his sketchpad and Switch case in a neat pile on the small table. He kept his head down, neck burrowed into the thick neckline of his fuzzy grey sweater and hands pulled into his sleeves to cushion his palms from the heat of his cinnamon latte. He kept slipping one hand into the front pouch of his sweater to hold onto his comfort glass egg tucked safely inside, warmed by his body heat.
He knew there were people staring at him. That’s why he didn’t like to sit at these tables. At least if he was in his usual corner, no matter if someone stared at him, there was a whole case of bagged coffee beans and a newspaper stand and ideally even another table before anyone would actually be able to reach him or talk to him. He didn’t come to the cafe to be talked to, he came here to just exist around other people in a controlled manner before he went home. He actually really loved his engineering job and the healthcare company he worked for, but he spent most of his days alone in his cubicle, eavesdropping on the more exciting conversations around him. He’d go home to his room in the shared apartment in a large building and often as not, be alone again, unless Yoongi or Taehyung were around and up for something. Taehyung barely seemed to land these days though and Yoongi was going through a nocturnal phase. 
Ok, maybe Jungkook was lonely. Nothing new. And he just wanted to get to exist around a group of people he could pretend he had a connection with for a while without actually having to interact in a way that broke the myth. They were just a bunch of cool people who all liked warm coffee beverages on a cool autumn day. 
But the problem was, these weren’t his people. None of them. If they were, he wouldn’t be scrolling not one but two matchmaking apps. White Tie Suit was the more sophisticated of the two, promising to help young single penguins find their life partner. Dive worried less about the lifelong and more about the nightlong, a quick hookup app that made no promises about whether you’d find someone actually worth taking home for the Holidays. Jungkook had been active on both for a number of years he did not feel like recalling, and while he’d managed to eke some hookups out of them, certainly nothing lasting. Probably he’d have better luck if he lived closer to home but… well… this was home now. For now. Unless he just hit his limit for loneliness… 
“Excuse me.” Jungkook looked up. He’d been so busy thumb-scrolling and lamenting his unreturned “right-flaps” that he hadn’t prepared himself for the approach. This was the problem when you were exposed on all sides, it was too hard to monitor threat vs. non-threat. He looked up and didn’t think this woman was a threat. But maybe she was.��
“Hi,” Jungkook said as a cold sweat broke out down his spine. Oh. Wow. She was very pretty. He sat up in his chair, rolling his shoulders back, lifting his chin. He pitched his voice as low as he could. “Nice to meet you.”
She shirked her shoulders cutely and pointed, “Is that chair taken?”
“No, have a seat,” he quickly gestured. Fuck. Fuck, this was an unexpected turn. 
“Thank you,” she said, and picked up the chair and carried it over to the other table. Where she sat down and promptly leaned in to kiss her girlfriend.
Jungkook hated it here.
He gave up on the cafe, bundled his things in his arms, and went to ask for a carry-out cup for his untouched drink. And an ice cube because it was too hot to drink.
His latte cup was empty by the time he got home, chugged a bit too quickly as he had to catch a crowded bus. Seal. He could smell it, somewhere further back, but couldn’t see over the heads. That made it worse, even though rationally he knew someone with seal DNA was not going to just fucking attack him in the middle of a crowded bus. Well, it could happen, but it was rare. Just like Jungkook wasn’t going to go bite someone with mackerel in their blood. The same, right? Except seals were always total assholes, unlike penguins.
At least the stop was just outside of his building, a birds-only housing development, though it didn’t mean asshole free. Jungkook hated this building, which was as noisy and active as a frat house at all hours of the day. Taehyung liked that, and it was the first place they’d found that had two single-room vacancies in a multi-unit, which was all either could afford at the time. Now Jungkook could afford significantly more but… what was the point? Sure, he could move into a single unit somewhere, or even buy his own place outright in the suburbs but that was pointless without a partner. In fact, buying the wrong place could cost him a partner, if he picked a place they didn’t like… Besides, he’d be alone in a bigger place which wasn’t necessarily any better than being packed in with people he didn’t like. He hadn’t liked everyone at home either, even when they were all penguins. Maybe he just didn’t fit anywhere...
“Hey, chickie,” Chad greeted the second Jungkook walked through the door. Chad. He was a fucking blue-jay named Chad, how gross could you get? Jungkook ignored him and separated the pieces of his coffee cup into the sorted bins. He could see the beer bottles in one had not been rinsed out. “You cooking dinner tonight?”
“Not for you,” Jungkook said, stepping around him.
“It’s your turn.”
“We don’t take turns cooking.”
“It’s his turn, right?” Chad called to Steven. 
“You’re a seagull, you don’t say anything but yep,” Jungkook retorted.
“Aw, chickie’s feelings are hurt?”
Jungkook bit back the retort, well aware what they were trying to get him to say, what he had accidentally snapped one time and sealed his fate: I’m not a chick, I’m a cock. It was true. He was an adult. 
Chad and Steven laughed anyway. They knew he’d thought it. He might as well have said it. 
“Hey fuck off, make your own food,” Yoongi said, shuffling right between them. He opened the fridge and blinked at the light before closing it and looking at the counter. 
“It’s his turn,” Chad frowned. Hurt. Because it hurt when Yoongi told you to fuck off, even if you were a bluejay named Chad. The soup he made when you were sick was just too healing, even Chad and Steven respected him. Didn’t hurt that barn owls had been known to eat even adult blue-jays. Not the people obviously, and yet Taehyung had an actual tally on the whiteboard in his room for how many times Yoongi managed to unintentionally sneak up on Chad and make him squeak or drop whatever he was holding. 
“It’s not--” Jungkook began but Yoongi interrupted, “It’s fine, I’ll cook. Transfer me money,” he told Chad and Steven. “Ok day at work?” he asked Jungkook. It flattered him, to be asked.
“It was ok,” he mumbled. Chad and Steven had whipped out their phones, willing to pay Yoongi for the service they demanded from Jungkook. They couldn’t actually bully him around; he didn’t do what they said ever. If it came to blows he was definitely faster and stronger than both of them. He just didn’t want it to come to blows. He didn’t feel like fighting anyone. He was tired. He just wanted things to be easy and quiet.
“I’ll cook with you,” he said to Yoongi. “Let me put my stuff down. Did you sleep all day?”
“Yeah. I’ll keep it down tonight,” he promised. The late-night music never bothered Jungkook though and he brushed it off. Maybe it would be different if Yoongi sucked, but his compositions were always incredible. Jungkook actually preferred he use the speakers if he was working on the keyboard, so he could hear the actual music instead of just the keys clicking. 
“I don’t care, hyung. I’ll cook with you and you can tell me what you’re working on.”
“Yeah sure,” Yoongi said. “Get my sauce basket.” Jungkook was flattered to be asked this as well, to even be entrusted with its location in his room. The sauce basket was kept there, instead of the kitchen, to prevent late night cooking attempts by Chad and Steven who did not and should not cook, especially with Yoongi’s high end materials. 
Cooking with Yoongi was a definite improvement to his day. He didn’t even totally hate eating with Chad and Steven, even though Steven constantly stole things from his plate unasked. Chad, much more possessive with his plate, nearly stabbed Steven with a fork when he did it to him, so that was exciting.
Taehyung got home in time to steal the last bit of food and bully Chad and Steven into helping with the dishes. It left Jungkook free to escape, now maxed out with people interactions for the day. There. He’d been social. Maybe not social with the kind of people who were easy, but it did mean that now he appreciated closing his bedroom door with the world outside.
Besides, he’d gotten a phone alert and didn’t want to be too late. 
His hands fumbled with anticipatory energy as he quickly lowered his blinds and locked the door and switched to the rippling blue LEDs placed around the room. For a moment he paused and just let out the deep breath he’d held all day. Maybe it was silly how quickly just lights could relax him but he felt happily submerged in peace here. 
Right, the appointment. He set his glass egg carefully in a little crate he had for it on his desk. He nearly dropped his laptop in his haste to grab it from his nightstand and clear a space also on his desk. He almost used the desktop but no, he wanted the flexibility to move to the bed if things went well. He fired it up and barely remembered to plug his headphones in before navigating to the site link.
“... so I promised to do that because it’s something highly requested,” PattyPussy25 said into the camera. She sat cross-legged on her bed, wearing an incredibly sexy flowy black lingerie set. The camera quality wasn’t the best but Patty’s personality was so cute and quirky, Jungkook still liked her. He did! He admitted it, even though she was a platypus. It wasn’t like she actually looked like a platypus. Or like genetic preferences could pick up on the species gap through a fucking computer screen.
He used to only watch penguin girls. It just seemed the natural choice since, you know, that’s what he was looking for in life. Hoping for. Replacing with fantasy until he could find the real thing. But there weren’t many of them. The one he liked the best had found a mate and stopped streaming, and the one he liked second best… well, he still watched her, but when he’d bought her the gift through her support shop, she’d disappointed him.
So he’d branched out, first to other birds, and now even to other animals. It wasn’t a big deal, right? There were totally people who mated outside their species and it wasn’t illegal or anything, just a little odd. Like why couldn’t you find a mate within your own species? You tended to see it more with hybrids who weren’t lifelong monogamous. You were really signing yourself up for some culture shock maybe if you were going to be lifelong with someone totally different than you and your family.
But he was a penguin. Serial monogamous, not lifelong monogamous. Honestly he couldn’t really imagine committing to anyone for that long for real, though he had his romantic dreams like anyone else. If you could at least find a nice long for right now, why not dream it would be so good you were happy with it for life?
When Adelaide12 disappointed him with the toy though, he began clicking through other channels. Too many cat girls and dog girls and dolphin girls but it was almost nicer to be interested in a more niche space to give him some direction in a sea of hot women. Quickly and unsurprisingly, he realized the mainstream mammals wouldn’t get it. Egg laying hybrids would come through for him, even if Adelaide12 hadn’t. 
HornyTori was the first camgirl he’d actually subscribed to for real. She was one of the most popular on the site, the go-to lizard girl, and while at first he’d been shocked by her crests and blunt demeanor, he’d quickly realized why she was so popular. Hot, funny, cool, and had no problem shutting down bullshit from her viewers. If only Jungkook had understood sooner that was really her thing, it would have saved him from the way she’d mocked the message he’d attached to the gift he sent her through her support store. He’d had plenty of humiliating moments in his life. He was not interested in sponsoring one, certainly not unexpectedly when he was already sitting dick out and lubed, hopeful she’d enjoy his gift. You’re a penguin? You’re weird. Probably some chubby guy in your mom’s basement, huh? Ironically he probably would have had an easier time meeting a penguin woman if he was!
OK. HornyTori was in the past. So he tried SoftShellLover, a pretty and shy turtle whose slow and sensual ways made him cum embarrassingly hard, so hard he wouldn’t even talk to his friends about it because what if he had a thing for turtles? She appreciated the gift, but now he was too scared to add any notes, and she didn’t take initiative and after that, she didn’t do it for him anymore. Then he tried GatorSnatchedAngel, whose tattoos and piercings kept him sweaty for days. She seemed like she’d be game for anything, but his vague suggestion was too vague. When he followed up, trying to encourage her more in the right direction, she blocked him. Which of course made him feel like a shitty creep but he wasn’t a shitty creep!
So now it was down to PattyPussy25. Patty the platypus did all sorts of niche things. Really niche, like lactation and venom milking, and her partially webbed hands and feet came up in her videos a lot. None of these particularly appealed to Jungkook but she was sexy and sultry and kind of weird like him, so he liked her. He was open minded! Couldn’t other people be?
“Now I got a special gift from my support store this week and it arrived in the mail yesterday.” Fuck this was it! Jungkook’s hands shook. She lifted the velvet pouch into view and Jungkook’s cock twitched. He could hardly look at the screen and glanced around his desk instead. 
Ah, blue egg was right in view, nestled in its lined storage box. Oops. He shifted the laptop so blue egg was hidden behind it, out of view. He didn’t want to be reminded of that right now, not when Patty untied the pouch and let the gift --his gift-- fall into her hand. 
“This is a nice one,” she said, slanting her hands towards the camera. It almost rolled out of her palm and Jungkook’s heart leapt but she caught it and laughed. “Oops. I did already open this earlier today so I could clean it --always clean your toys before use and after use, remember that! And let me tell you, this one is so nice. It has a velvety texture and the color is this really pretty pink.”
Jungkook was sweating, watching her describe his gift so appreciatively. Now he couldn’t tear his gaze from the screen as he fumbled with his sweatpants, sliding them down his ass, all the way to the floor. His hand patted around the desk until he found the drawers beneath, the bottle of lube and box of tissues stowed inside. 
“Listen to that buzz,” Patty grinned, turning it on and holding it near the camera. She was so close, Jungkook could see the camera lights reflecting in her eyes, and the shine of her teeth, and the way her nipples were straining against the flimsy gauze of her lingerie. It must be cold in her room. That surprised him. She liked the cold? She didn’t mind that? His cock twitched again, actually lifted off his thigh, as he thought of licking down and around those pebbled, cold nipples.
Patty pressed the toy to her nose and giggled, “Oh yeah, that’s going to feel good. Like I said, this is a good egg. Thank you so much, EggsandTails97. I’m really going to enjoy this, I can tell, and I hope you enjoy watching me make myself cum with your generous gift.” As she said it, she rolled the egg down her jaw and down her neck and across her collarbone.
Fuck. Fuck fuck. Jungkook slapped the lube pump and dropped his hand to stroke his cock, fondling his balls with the other as she shuffled back from the camera. At first she sat curl-legged on her bed, letting the egg roll and buzz across her tits. She pressed it to each nipple in turn and made this delicious noise, a combination of a moan and a giggle. Jungkook swallowed and squeezed the head of his cock almost painfully hard. His mouth was dry, he was so excited. She was going to do it. Patty the platypus understood what he wanted, from his note: Show me what a platypus does with an egg.
Jungkook’s hand squeezed and snapped more quickly along his length as the egg traveled lower. She slipped a strap off her shoulder, letting one breast free, but even that couldn’t distract him from the path of the egg as she spread her legs. Oh fuck, what if she put it in under her underwear? And just left it there for a while?
“Come on,” he mumbled, palm slick along his length. 
“All right all you naughty boys, I’ll show you what a platypus does with an egg.”
Jungkook coughed. He actually choked on his own saliva. Quickly he squeezed the base of his dick, desperate not to cum too soon. This wasn’t a recording, he wouldn’t be able to watch it again later and fully enjoy the sweet moment. The ephemeral nature of these videos was a thing he’d come to appreciate about them. 
“I’m so wet right now and I haven’t even touched my pussy yet,” Patty grinned, biting her thick lower lip. “I’m already clenching… it’s so hard to go slow but I want to take my time and enjoy this with you.” She gasped when the egg touched her panties; her shoulders jerked as she giggled about how strong it was. Jungkook leaned in closer, watching every moment, trying to ignore the wet sound of his own hand despite his headphones. He wished she was louder, there was that. She tended to be chill but if she would do this for him, he’d never complain again--
Her panties came off. Ok, that was ok. Jungkook tried to slow down but couldn’t because her own gasps and moans were picking up. 
“Come on,” he muttered. “Put it in. Put it in, Patty. Let me see that egg stretch your pussy…”
She came. No egg in the pussy, just buzzing merrily against her clit. She was a little louder than usual; maybe she really did enjoy it. But Jungkook was crestfallen. He closed his eyes and imagined what he’d wanted to see so he could finish, and cumming was… satisfactory. Cumming was never bad. 
But yet another disappointment left him empty and sullen afterwards. He turned her video off without listening to her further, just closed his laptop. He frowned, faced with his little comfort egg again. 
“I’m never going to find a mate,” he lamented, glancing down at his spent, soft dick, as if it were to blame. “I can’t even find a woman who knows where to put a fucking egg!”
His blue egg said nothing as he tucked it into the pocket of his sweatpants, once he’d cleaned up. He always slept with it close, but particularly tonight, after yet another disappointment. He pulled it out of his pocket and rolled over so that it was trapped under his stomach, a little uncomfortable as a reminder, as a guarantee it was safely there. Only then did he finally fall asleep.
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The bar near his office building was crowded on a Tuesday night. Stupidly so. But Namjoon had made clear he needed a hang time without directly asking for a hang time and while also making clear no one could come to his place because his sister was “in a mood” --though Jungkook had a secret suspicion Namjoon just didn’t want Taehyung or Jungkook around his sister because she was hot and did not hide she found both of them so as well. Jungkook was flattered to be in the same company as Taehyung.
Once they were all four seated around a high-top near the cracked windows though, it became clear the true reason for Namjoon’s huddle call: he wanted to tattle on Taehyung.
It started innocently enough: “Ok, I need advice,” he said, holding a chip piled with avocado dipping sauce. Taehyung leaned in, Yoongi leaned back, Jungkook just ate food, already unsure what advice he could possibly give the golden eagle. If he had shoulders and height like that, he’d never need advice from anyone.
“Oh is this about that girl you met Saturday?” Taehyung asked.
“Which girl?” Namjoon asked, quickly lowering his chip. “The one who was the whole reason I brought you to that party to wingman for me for? Or the one I was left with after you made off with the first one?”
There it was. Yoongi and Jungkook said nothing but shifted their gaze to Taehyung, who cried,
“No! I mean, yes, I did wingman for you! But she was a marmot!”
Yoongi grimaced, “Ah. Her instincts were strong about it?”
“Yes,” Taehyung nodded. “She was super cute and sweet and absolutely terrified when Namjoon approached her. But her friend liked hyung much more so he-- so you told me the marmot woman was all clear.”
“Well, yeah, but I didn’t mean you should just go for it. I work with that woman!”
“So?” Taehyung argued.
Jungkook, mouth full of crackers, asked, “Wait, she was scared of hyung but not of you?”
He shouldn’t have asked, Taehyung was all too happy to remind him, “Peregrine falcons mostly eat other birds. Rarely marmots. Unlike me, I’ll eat anything.” He winked as he said it, pleased with his dirty joke. 
“I was fully prepared to eat her in a sexual way,” Namjoon sighed.
“She just didn’t like your vibes, that’s all. It’s not a you problem, hyung, you’re great. Didn’t you take that other woman home? She didn’t mind your vibes.”
“And what vibes are those?” Namjoon asked, leaning forward on the table. The thunk of his big arms was enough to rattle their drinks. Granted, it was because of a loose leg on the pedestal table but the timing of it was perfect. Namjoon sighed and covered his face. “I’m not threatening!”
“Not all women know about eagles. You have a bit of a reputation. You’re large, you’re fierce, you’re intelligent,” Yoongi pointed out.
“Yeah, hyung. You’re a catch. You instill fear and respect,” Taehyung added. Jungkook arched his eyebrow at Taehyung. He was really laying the apology on thick.
“You really took her home with you?” he asked Taehyung.
“Ok look--”
“He did!” Namjoon sighed. “And whatever happened, she wouldn’t even look me in the eye today.”
“Nothing bad happened,” Taehyung quickly defended. “We just fucked.”
“Uh huh.”
Yoongi shook his head and gave Jungkook a look, but he wasn’t sure what the look was supposed to mean. 
“What are you wanting advice about, hyung?” Jungkook tried. “You met another woman there?”
“Yeah I did and she’s great but… ah, it’s the same problem as always. She thought I didn’t enjoy it… so now the text messages are awkward.”
“You have to let the woman know you’re enjoying it,” Yoongi said. “Tell her you did.”
“I did tell her that! But she thought I was too quiet like they always do… I thought a marmot wouldn’t mind me being quiet, she might see it as a sign of respect.”
“She wasn’t quiet and didn’t mind me not being quiet either…” Taehyung mumbled into his Coke. Namjoon gave him a stare lacking all amusement. Taehyung sighed, “I mean it, it’s nothing wrong with you. If I had to choose between us, I’d choose you. I’m just faster and looser and less threatening, that’s all it was. But if you’re that bothered by it, I’ll call her after all and push her to give you a chance.”
“You weren’t even going to call her?” Jungkook asked, not surprised. “Fast” was a good way to describe all of Taehyung’s relationships with members of the opposite sex.
“Nah, she was fun but she’s not like the one. She knew that too, she was just looking for fun. Seriously, hyung, do you want me to--”
“No,” Namjoon sighed. “I don’t want you to beg a woman for me.”
Yoongi nodded, “If you’re going to really help him, you should have just invited him along.” Even as he said it, he couldn’t keep a straight face, already predicting Namjoon’s outrage.
“Yeah, why not? Thanks, great advice for meeting my mate, great advice from an owl who’s been circling his mate for how long now? And still won’t--”
“I knew you were going to bring her up,” Yoongi sighed. “I told you, it’s not like that. She’s not interested…” 
But Jungkook was quick to agree, “She is interested, hyung, she’s just waiting for you to be direct.”
“Wait, hyung, did you really wonder if a marmot was going to be your mate?” Taehyung asked, stopping the derailment and even putting his hand on Namjoon’s arm.
“I… well… I don’t know!” Namjoon answered, instantly flustered. Which he had good reason to be; even though interspecies relationships weren’t unheard of, they were even more rare among direct food chain links. Sure, people looked like people and acted like people and they weren’t walking around murdering and eating other people who just happened to have the DNA threads of their own hybrid threads’ prey. But while the DNA implants several generations ago had ended the outbreak, they had left these shadows of instinct. In some people, very strong shadows. 
Jungkook slid his hand beneath the table to check his egg nestled securely in the pocket of his sweatpants, right next to his phone. He twisted it until he could feel the scratch of the etching under the pad of his thumb.
“I feel like shit,” Taehyung fronwed. “I’m not heckling you about a marmot, hyung, I just didn’t realize it was that serious. I never would have taken her home. I asked you first!”
Now Namjoon backtracked, “Well, maybe it’s-- I don’t mean it’s that serious, just that… ah, it’s just awkward now because I work with her and if you don’t call her, maybe she’ll ask me about it.”
“If she does then you can swoop in --eh, pun not intended,” Yoongi suggested.
Jungkook pulled the egg out of his pocket and rolled it absent-mindedly in his hands. The weight of it was always comforting to toss if he was nervous, but right now he was just slightly buzzed and restless. 
“What party was this?” he asked them. He had known Taehyung was out Saturday night but not where. He also knew Yoongi had been out with his “not yet his mate” friend. But he’d been sitting at home, so if Namjoon and Taehyung had been to a party--
“It was a house-warming party,” Namjoon told him. “Someone in my branch got a new place with their mate and invited the department… not my department but I went anyway… that sounds creepier than I mean. A lot of people crashed. It’s tradition.”
“I’ll go next time with you. I can wingman for you and I won’t take any of the women you like home to fuck,” Jungkook offered. The corners of his lips twitched, trying not to smile as Taehyung glared. 
The glare lasted only a moment before Taehyung sighed, “You should fuck them. You would feel so much better if you fucked one! You move at a glacial place sexually, Kook.”
“I’ve fucked women before,” he defended. “I just don’t divebomb them like you do.”
“They like it.”
But Namjoon gave Jungkook an apologetic look and said, “I only didn’t ask you because I know you don’t like big noisy parties. Besides, we’re both too slow with women. I’ll admit it. Aren’t we? But I thought Taehyung could help me-- you helped both of them meet women!”
Jungkook grimaced and tucked the egg back into his pocket. Yes, Taehyung had helped him meet women before. He was a good friend and he wanted to help, but he just had a very different approach. Jungkook really wanted to meet his mate. It was very important to him to meet his mate and spend as little of his life as possible flailing about with other women who might be willing to fuck once or twice but ultimately didn’t really get him or want him. He wanted someone to take home.
“Yeah but you’re putting too much pressure on yourself,” Taehyung explained. “I could only help them when they relaxed too. Don’t act like I don’t want to find a life mate too. Peregrine falcons mate for life! Golden eagles and penguins do not always.” He pointed at the two of them. “So don’t give me shit just because I’m enjoying my time until I meet the one. When I do, she will be my entire world. Until then… I’m enjoying myself. You both are too busy worrying about it. Just relax and have fun. You’ll meet someone when you least expect it.”
To Jungkook’s surprise, Namjoon turned to him and Yoongi and asked, “How did you relax about it? Right now I’m feeling pretty sure I’m going to die alone.”
Yoongi nodded, “I just accept I might die alone. If you come to terms with it, it’s not so bad.”
“Just make your move,” Taehyung sighed dramatically. 
“It’s… complicated…”
“What about you?” Namjoon asked Jungkook.
“I got just the right amount of drunk,” Jungkook admitted. “And… decided my way wasn’t working so I should try Taehyungie-hyung’s way. I didn’t meet any penguins that way but I did get to have sex…”
“Will you only wind up with a penguin?” Yoongi asked him. He’d asked this before too, when they’d first started to be friends after moving in together. It was just coincidence, they hadn’t known each other, Yoongi had just accepted the placement by the building, but he’d gotten along well with Taehyung and Jungkook, and introduced them to his friend Namjoon, and now two years had gone by. And all of them were still without mates.
Jungkook frowned, “You make that sound like a bad thing. I’m not specist. If I met someone else --I’m open,” he insisted and decided to believe it. “I just think a penguin has a better chance of understanding… me. And my family.”
“Can’t your family introduce you to someone?” Namjoon asked. 
“No,” Jungkook said simply. It was a stupid answer, because often penguin families did set their kids up, his situation was just... He felt Taehyung’s gaze and received a friendly soft smile when he looked up.
Taehyung corroborated, “Yeah, they won’t help him. But you’ll meet someone and you’ll meet someone and I’ll meet someone and Yoongi-hyung will stop kicking tires. We’re young and we all have love ahead of us!”
“Spoken like someone who got laid recently,” Yoongi muttered.
“I wouldn’t know,” Jungkook sighed. He turned his head as several people in the crowded restaurant pushed against his back, a woman trying to squeeze between his and another table. 
“Sorry,” she murmured and was gone. Jungkook frowned. Damn, he was so touch starved that a woman touching his back really made him tingly like that? Pathetic.
“Take me next time you go,” he said. “I want to meet people too. I’m sitting at home too much.”
“Hand getting sore?”
“Shut up, hyung.”
“Someone’s grumpy…”
Conversation did in fact move away from women --or the lack thereof. It had been a week, so there were other things to share. New music, funny videos, fall events, community gossip. Yoongi’s orchestra was gearing up for a performance they’d all go to; he’d even composed one of the songs being performed. Namjoon was pretty sure his sister had a threesome and her partners ate his entire box of cereal afterwards. Taehyung’s mom had sent him a care package and he was positive Steven had broken into it; he was debating putting laxatives in one and leaving it out as a trap. Jungkook was very glad he’d been warned. 
But eventually the pub was closing and they all had work tomorrow, including Yoongi with his day rehearsals.
“You sure you can make it?” Namjoon teased him as they strolled out the front doors, feeling pretty good a couple drinks in.
Yoongi glared, “I’m not actually nocturnal. I just do my best work at night.”
“You’re an owl! It would be understandable!”
“Barn owls are only nocturnal if they live somewhere they might get swarmed if they hunt during the day,” Yoongi scoffed. “Learn outside your own species, Namjoonie.”
“Ouch! I learn all about my friends’ species!”
“Do you ever wonder if we make it all mean more than it does by expecting it to mean more?” Jungkook asked. The alcohol had warmed his blood and he was feeling pretty good right now. 
Taehyung slung his arm over his shoulder and teased, “Ah, deep thinker Jungkookie, I like where your brain goes on a Tuesday night.”
“Thanks, hyung, I--” Jungkook broke off. He immediately stopped walking. His hand groped around his pocket, as if it was deep enough the egg could possibly be hiding in there. It wasn’t. He checked his other pocket; he nearly dropped his phone in his haste to check his shirt and underwear and hair, stupid with panic.
“What’s wrong?” Taehyung asked. 
“My egg,” he said. “My egg is gone.”
“Your egg--”
“It’s gone,” he said, voice cracking.
Namjoon touched his shoulder, “No, maybe you left it at the table? Did you have it here in the restaurant?”
“Are you sure you didn’t leave it at home?” Yoongi asked.
“I never leave it at home.”
“Ok ok let’s go check the table,” Namjoon insisted and doubled back. Jungkook hurried after him, ignoring the hostess who told them they were closed.
“He left something at the table,” Yoongi explained in the background while Jungkook sniffed around the table. Everything was cleared away, some servers were starting to move chairs and sweep around them.
“It’s not here,” Jungkook cried, checking over and under and around. “It was here, I had it here!”
“I don’t remember seeing it,” Taehyung offered.
“What if they threw it away?”
“Excuse me,” Yoongi called, chasing after one of the busboys. Jungkook could barely make out his questions as noise buzzed in his ears. Gone, his egg was gone, it was lost, if it wasn’t here it could be dropped in a gutter or in a pile of garbage. Someone might have picked it up or thrown it away. He might never see it again.
“Let’s go check at home,” Taehyung said, grabbing his arm. “I don’t think you even had it here, I don’t remember seeing it.”
“I always have it,” Jungkook mumbled. He felt himself shutting down. 
“I’ll check around outside here,” Namjoon offered. “Call me if you find it at home.”
“You walked here right? Let’s look on the way,” Yoongi suggested. It was a good idea. Jungkook felt his energy lift again. Maybe they’d find it. It was just a little blue egg, not of value to anyone except himself. Maybe if someone saw it, they’d just keep walking. Maybe they’d just ignore it, and it would just stay sitting there, and if Jungkook didn’t find it soon, it would still be sitting there when winter set in. The cold would make the glass crack. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll find your egg,” Taehyung assured him, looking on the right side of the sidewalk while Yoongi searched the left. Jungkook checked both sides after them, certain they might miss the egg. They wouldn’t look with the same eyes he would. If anyone found his precious egg it would have to be him.
“I’m sure it’s at home in its little box this whole time and we’re worried for nothing,” Yoongi agreed. Jungkook appreciated the “we.” He appreciated they were looking. But he couldn’t say anything yet because panic pitched him too close to crying. His little egg, lost… it was unthinkable.
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Jungkook had barely slept. It had been hard work for Yoongi and Taehyung to keep him from wandering out into the night to search the streets completely. Instead he’d torn apart his room and then the rest of the apartment. Chad had laughed about it and Jungkook had thrown himself bodily at the guy, who after getting knocked into the wall by Jungkook and shoved towards his room by Yoongi, decided to go into it and shut the door.
The only thing that got Jungkook moving for work in the morning was the opportunity to scour his path and the building. He almost always walked, so he did this time too after going over the lobby of his building and all around the front path again. Nothing. So he walked slowly to work, head down, gaze fixated on the path, the gutter, the buildings. He peered into every trash can in case someone had found it and not understood the significance, but of course if someone had thrown it away yesterday, it could be gone--
He couldn’t even think it. When he reached his building, he took every possible path he could have taken. He asked at the security desk. He took each elevator, not caring he looked like a crazy person. He took every path he might have taken on his floor and practically turned his desk over, looking anywhere it might have rolled. Nothing. 
Belatedly he remembered that yesterday, out of the ordinary, he had gone to the cafe kiosk in the back atrium of the building! He left his desk, ignoring a coworker who called out to him, probably wondering why he’d been at work for over an hour now and accomplished nothing. Whatever, he’d work late, he just needed to find his egg!
Downstairs, he took a quick right out of the elevators, rounded the corner to the elevator and then BAM. Barrelled right into someone. Because he’d been head down, rushing forward, the other person went flying, bag hitting the ground with a thunk and spilling out.
“Hey!” a female voice cried.
“Sorry, I’m in a hurry.” He stepped over her stuff and made it a couple yards before catching himself. Wait. Wait wait he wasn’t the sort of person who just body-slammed strangers in the hall and left them to sort themselves out.
“Fuck,” he grumbled and spun. “Sorry…” 
The woman had already turned her back to him, trying to shovel a ton of shit back into the big bag she’d been carrying. There was so much stuff, he didn’t understand how it actually fit in there.
“What’s wrong with you?” she demanded when he dropped down beside her and began gathering the papers that had scattered. “You’re built like a tank! You can’t just go barrelling through the hallways. I thought you’d be soft under those sweaters you wear but you’re made of fucking bricks!”
“Huh?” He paused and looked at her, too confused now to be offended about her pointing out he wasn’t soft. Did he know this woman? Her long, very curly dark hair seemed like something he would remember, or at least the long, dangly gold coin earrings that shook as she moved. She had a freckle right above her eyebrow and even though her shit was dumped out all over the ground, she was smiling. She had very straight, white teeth.
“I’m Rana?” she said, but like a question, like he ought to know this already.
“Do I… know you?”
“Oh. Well, no, but I work in this building too.”
“Lots of people work in this building…”
“Damn, knocking me down twice, huh?”
“Sorry, I’m in a hurry--”
“Yeah, I noticed,” she laughed. “Why? What’s the emergency?”
“I’m looking for something,” he mumbled, waddling in a crouch to grab the last few papers. He didn’t bother even glancing at the printing on them, some kind of report; he couldn’t have cared less. 
“I’m good at finding things,” she said, sitting up like he’d said some magic word. “What are you looking for? I can help.”
“What?” he snapped. He wasn’t listening to her. He thrust the papers at her.
“I can help you, I’m really good at finding things. What is it?”
But in the face of this rather pretty woman, he found himself shy to admit he had been so careless with something so important. She wouldn’t understand; no one ever did. None of his hyungs had a special item like it that they needed to carry around and always have within reach to feel ok. Not unless you counted their phones. This weird woman who didn’t know him but thought he knew her wasn’t any different.
“I don’t need your help,” he said, standing quickly. “Watch where you’re going.”
“What? You ran into me!”
He didn’t bother looking back at her. Just resumed his frantic pace towards the coffee kiosks. He checked on and around it. He asked the employee. He checked all around the benches and walkways and rectangular planters and in among the leaves, just in case someone had seen it and done the semi-kind thing of tucking it safely where it wouldn’t get kicked.
No egg.
Jungkook slumped down on a bench and did his best not to cry.
Jungkook did not get any work done that day. He needed to work. He could get away with a couple of days of being useless like this but eventually his boss --who didn’t really understand anything-- would realize he wasn’t working. He’d spent his day running through mental checklists of where else he could search.
But around the time he could clock out, he realized he had to accept it. What could he do? Someone had found his precious egg and put it in a trash can. There was nothing he could do about that. Nothing! He should have prevented it in the first place but he hadn’t and now his egg was in the trash. Like father, like son.
There was no reason to stay at work though. His day was over. Not that there was anything worth going home for but he went through the motions, packing his bag, turning off his computer that had already fallen asleep because he wasn’t bothering it. He nodded in response to what he suspected were goodbyes and goodnights from coworkers but he didn’t look at them or really listen to confirm.
The lobby was crowded with people from so many companies in the multi-story building heading out at once. Jungkook moved through them in a fog, barely noticing when he bumped or knocked into people. He slammed his shoulder painfully on the door heading out but didn’t let that stop him. 
It meant he also didn’t know how long someone had been yelling for him until his arm was grabbed and he was wrenched to a stop.
He blinked at the woman from earlier.
“I was yelling for you.”
“I didn’t know.”
“You didn’t tell me your name earlier so I had to be generic. But look, I--”
“I’m going home. Bye.”
He turned away but she grabbed his arm and this time shoved her hand against his stomach.
She was holding his egg.
His egg!
“My egg!” he gasped, snatching it out of her hand. It was his egg, the very one, not a replacement. It had that familiar little chip on the bottom, the one he ran his finger over sometimes when he was thinking really hard about something. The swirly blue glass had every wave and curve that he remembered. The etching was there, every letter familiar when he dragged his thumbnail across. The egg was even warm, like she’d carried it tucked in her jacket pocket, just like he did.
“Yeah, I found it,” she said. “I--”
“Where did you find it?” he demanded. “Where was it?”
“It was in the stairwell.”
“I never went in the stairwell,” he said, holding it pressed under his chin as he tried to figure it out. Maybe someone had kicked it? Or it had rolled? But someone would have had to open the door at the same time. And it was heavy; if you kicked it, you’d feel it. Forgetting himself, he rolled it up his chin and smushed it against his mouth until his teeth clicked against the glass.
“What’s the deal with that egg anyway?” the woman asked. “What’s special about it?”
Immediately his shoulders stiffened. His gaze slid to her, remembering she was there. She had, in fact, found his egg and returned it to him. Which meant it was good he’d bumped into her earlier because if he hadn’t, she wouldn’t have known the egg was his and brought it back to him. Maybe she would have thrown it away! Quickly at the thought he shoved the egg down into his pocket, but kept his fingers wrapped tight around it, proving to them both that the egg was safe and secure and back where it belonged. He hadn’t even seen any new nicks or scratches but he’d check for sure once he got home.
“It’s just one of those things, huh?”
He stared at her, trying to follow what she’d said, but he was still reeling from the relief of it all. Fuck. Fuck what a terrifying almost-twenty four hours this had been. But it was ok! He had his egg back! Thank fuck!
“A man of few words, huh?”
“Thank you,” he recalled himself enough to say. “For… finding it.”
She gave him a bright smile and reminded him, “I told you I’m good at finding things.” He didn’t know what else to say. He almost couldn’t move, he was so dizzy with relief. He inched his fingers all over the egg but didn’t feel any new damage. He needed to get home and look, to reassure himself this had been a terrible mistake but he could move past it. All had not been lost.
She was staring at him, he realized. He didn’t even remember her name, but now she tilted her head and her gaze was fixed to the side. He looked over his shoulder to see what she was looking at. 
“I like your earrings,” she said, and reached out to flick the silver hoops. “Not many men around here wear them.” It was shockingly intimate, he felt like. He shook his head and took a step back, stunned her hand had been right there, right beside his face. 
Flustered, he mumbled, “Thanks,” then turned and ran away before she could do anything weird. He couldn’t wait to let the guys know his egg was back with him and safe and he wasn’t the shittiest guy who couldn’t even keep track of one stone egg.
Fuck. Fuck, he really didn’t know what he would have done if he’d lost it.
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I'm back with more PROJECT CHIMERA. I also decided to uses this little space as a short rant before getting into the story. It just doesn't feel right just going in with the title and making a long looking post. So theses rants will be above the the title keep reading section.
Also, I got an ask about if you can do fanart. I'm totally cool with that but I suggest you wait till I give you some actual descriptions which will come later. Thats right you will be seeing more of Thorn and O'hare (and maybe some other test subjects).
I also decided to do separate paragraphs so it's easier to read. Yeah sorry about the first one I was excited and wanted to get that out as soon as I could.
Before I begin if you like this story may I ask you to reblog so more people may have the chance to see it. You don't have to if you don't want to but I would really appreciate it. Now onto
As the metal doors opened General Samuel let out a gasp in fear. The scientist walked forward onto the catwalk. "Say hello to the true Project CHIMERA!" He said with a massive grin on his face that went ear to ear. Infront of Sam was a massive reinforced glass vat with filled with green bubbling. But that was not what Sam was afraid of floating in that liquid.
The creature had a dragonic face that sported razor-sharp teeth and bull-like horns. Around its neck was a mane of blood-red fur, and its shoulder and chest were like hard armadillo shells. On its back was a turtle-like shell with spikes covering it. Its arms and legs were covered in scales, and its hands and feet had razor-sharp claws. It even had three tails that ran from its rear, each ending with sharp stingers. It must have been at least 200 feet tall.
The general was in shock. "This was not part of the project." he said staring at the beast in front of him. "Hm, what was dear general?" the scientist said. Sam picked the scientist up off the ground by the lab coat "WHO THE HELL DID YOU TURN INTO CREATURE THANATOS!" He yelled. "This project shouldn't go this far. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!"
The scientist's only response was a laugh. "Oh, dear general I'm not Dr. Thánatos." Sam was in shock again that he dropped the man. "What" "Oh, more questions dear general guess I'll answer your second question later." The scientist walked to the catwalk rails, admiring his work.
"My name is Vector Tallyon, but Tallyon is just fine. You could call me a disciple of Dr. Thánatos. He is such a brilliant man that he can't just let his knowledge be contained to one person. As for why he isn't here, he unfortunately can do only so many projects at a time. So when he heard about the project from his sources he decided I was a perfect fit. I pride myself on my work on how body way adapts and how a species evolves."
Tallyon turned to face the general "Now you do not need to worry. This is not one of the soldiers the government gave me. When I saw this project I was a bit disappointed. Only changing one soldier into one creature. That seems so wasteful when there are so many wonderful traits that they could have, but they only get a few. And why give this project the name of CHIMERA. A chimera is a creature with a lion's head, a goat's body, and a serpent's tail, a fusion of beasts" Sam growled "I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR TWISTED THINKING! WHO IS IN THAT VAT OF LIQUID!"
Tallyon just chuckled. "Oh them. Their no one" "WHAT!' Sam yelled. "You see I was told to evolve your soldiers. But I was not doing that. I was adapting them, changing them. An evolution is the next generation. SO THAT IS WHAT I CREATED!" Tallyon spread his arm out into the air, with the creature floating behind him in its vat.
Sam was in shock once more "You mean to say-" "THAT'S RIGHT DEAR GENERAL! It's child's play for me to bring new life into this world with science, and it is very simple to alter its DNA and hormones before it is born. It is only 12 months old and look how powerful it is."
Sam couldn't handle it anymore. "That is enough! I am shutting this project down. You have deviated from what the government has tasked you to do and have broken multiple laws. You are finished." He turned around to leave when something landed on the catwalk in front of him.
"Let me tell you something General Samuel of the United States army. You will not be shutting anything down." In front of him stood an orange and white bipedal tiger with black stripes on its shoulders, head, legs, and upper body. It also had one black claw coming out of each of its wrists. "
"Ah, I think it's about time I answer your second question in general." Tallyon said from behind the general "This is Doctor Tony Harris. He was once a field surgeon for the army before he was dismissed for his suspected unnatural medical practices on an enemy soldier. After he did surgery on that soldier, they showed strength which they used to escape that was beyond what they were capable of doing before. No one could prove a thing so he was just let go."
Tallyon moved past the general and to the side of Harris. "Me and him hit off so well that I decided to make him my right-hand man." Sam was having enough of all these surprises. He pulled out his gun and pointed it at Tallyon. "I suggest you call off your beast before I fill you with lead Tallyon."
Tallyon only smirked. "Oh, I wouldn't do that dear general. Not unless you want people finding out about March 27." Sam had to take a step back "What?" Tallyon continued "March 27 a camp Starig. That was quite a day for you General. When you were just a private. Now toss the gun aside or you won't be the only one who knows what happened that day."
Sam was shaking. No one should know about that. He hid it so well. NO ONE SHOULD F*CKING KNOW! He quickly tossed the gun aside. "Fine. I won't do a thing. I'll give a report that everything is going as planned." Tallyon kept up his smirk "Good boy. You were smart enough to know what I wanted."
Tallyon began to walk away before turning around. "Oh, I never did tell you what happened to Private Gorgonzola and Private Tompson. Well, Dr. Thánatos got in contact with me a few days ago. He told me someone was poking around in some business of his that he want me to take care of. Private Tompson failed in his mission, though I believe Private Gorgonzola will not. The funny thing is our person of interest should be meeting the one who started this all. Dr. Thedore Hans Erian."
Miles away Dr. Thedore was finishing up some paperwork when he heard a knock at his door. "Just a minute." He got up from his desk and opened his door. Then suddenly he was punched straight in the face by a man wearing a black trench coat and a fedora hat.
This is the end of part 2. I finally got to the part where @ayviedoesthings doctor gets punched. That's not all I want to do with him but that will have to do for now. If you liked this I would appreciate it if you reblogged so more people will be able to see. I will see you when part 3 comes out.
Oh before that some patient-doctor confidentially is about to be broken. If any of you want to send me an ask or message with your character name and what creature they want to become you might be mentioned.
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