#For all the times he’s been betrayed Tommy still can’t help holding on to people
nomsfaultau · 1 year
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Never Love an Anchor || The Crane Wives
For the fic Fault.
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padfootdaredmetoo · 3 months
Tell Me Lies
Tommy Shelby X Wife Reader
Request for @luvlesavyy
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Request: What if Thomas found himself in a sticky situation? What if he had to be compelled to pretend that he had betrayed his beloved wife, whom he holds dearly in love with, in order to protect her and their child? What if Tommy received life threatening letters from his gems? He lies to his wife, tells her he cheated on her, all this to keep them away from the harm he can bring to their lives... How would this story end? Would she forgive him after he found the letters, threatening her and her firstborn's lives, in Tommy's office drawer?
(They spent a week apart, and she had constant back pain, Polly said she was pregnant. Now what? Pregnant, with the love of her life, who "cheated" on her. Wonder what she's going to do about it? Will you tell Tommy when you discover the letters?).
Hey love,
Sorry this took so long but I didn't forget about you. I've never been the kind for the silent anger type of thing. Changed a few of the details around but I hope you enjoy this <3 Thanks for being so wonderful!
Warnings: pregnancy, cheating, screaming, passing out, hitting, biting, extreme anger & the usual peaky themes
Tommy was used to the bitter taste of whiskey doing absolutely nothing to calm his nerves. He stares at the telephone wishing that he had just imagined the phone call he had received. He pulled a red package of documents out of the top drawer of his dresser. He had finally been advised to open it. Now that he knows what is being asked of him he wants nothing more than to throw it in the fireplace. 
For the first time, he really felt that he was flying too close to the sun. Everything he had started was for his siblings and aunt, now every day was for his wife and child. 
How could he turn his back on all of them, on you, even for a second? What could he say to you that would keep you away? If he told you the truth, then Polly and Esme would be dragged into it and all of a sudden it would be a family trip to Austria. His stomach gave a lurch and he put his head in his hands. 
He had to lie to you. 
He would have to tell you something horrible so you would let go of him for the week-long mission. Then he could come crawling back with the papers as evidence. Sure, he would spend the rest of his life on the couch in his study, but at least you would be safe, at least you would still be his. 
He could try to refuse. 
How many wives and children would die if he did? Would you want to be married to that man? Looking at the papers in the file it was his own family on the chopping block if he refused.
“Fuck” He swore slamming his hands against his desk. 
“What’s wrong.” You said looking at him with sharp eyes. You could tell just by the way he held himself that he had gone and done something stupid. 
“I have to go away for a bit.” His eyes were focused on you in a way that made it hard to look away. 
“I can’t tell you.” He said firmly and you could tell your husband wanted you to accept this answer. 
“I’m your wife. Spit it out, Tommy.” You said crossing your arms. You hadn't been in this position since you were dating. Once married in you were at every meeting, involved in every dollar, and every conflict. Okay, you weren't directly involved in every conflict but you helped out in areas that weren't covered with gunfire. 
“Look, something's come up and I need to see to it, I really don't want to -” 
“I don’t care what you want Thomas. Do what’s right and tell me.” The anxiety was starting to bubble up and turn into rage the way it always did. You hated when people lied to you. 
“I got a phone call last night. Someone I may have had an entanglement with has had a child. She’s saying it’s mine.” The words fell between you and you knew something was off. You assumed he was just hiding the juicy details of his affair. Now a child is out there. Whose child would he father? His wife’s or his mistress? 
You stood there feeling a familiar hysteria build up inside you. This time you didn't have to push it down. Charlie was with Esme and the cousins for the night. You could make him pay. 
The feeling started to radiate into your limbs and you were freed from your initial shock. You picked up the crystal vase on the side table beside the couch. You threw it at him. 
Head on where he was sitting at his desk.  He narrowly missed it. His eyes flared with shock. You picked up every single thing you could reach and threw it at him. He stood up and charged towards you and you welcomed it. 
You wanted him to hit you first. You wanted blood. It was your turn to cause trouble. He tried to grab your arms and you smacked his chest as hard as you could. He got his arms around you and you bit into his shoulder hard enough to draw blood. Hope his mistress likes that scar. 
You screamed at him. You told him every single bad thing you could think of. You told him he was the reason the family was cursed. That his mother killed herself to get away from him. You screamed your own curse on his life. 
You screamed and screamed until you cried. A deep sob that unraveled years of strength. Everything you had done for this family, just to be replaced as Lizzie once said you would be. 
This was beyond anger and betrayal. This was beyond human. You felt your mind become otherworldly and your vision narrowed in. The blackened edges of your vision collided and you weren't screaming anymore. You had dissolved into nothingness and it was blissful. 
You woke up and he was gone. The family was in complete chaos over the news. Arthur was actually crying on and off, apologizing for his stupid little brother. He and John held the business together under Polly’s direction. 
Polly eventually sat you down and told you the news once everyone had come to say they were sorry and how they would be helping. It was like being a widow at a funeral. 
A pregnant widow. 
“You're joking.” You took in a sharp breath. “And that is not very funny at a time like this.” Your voice was high and she grabbed your face with two hands. 
“It’s not a joke. You’ll be fine.” Her eyes were so intense it put you at ease. 
Esme reassured you and decided to stay with you at Arrow House for a while. The kids were used to being lumped together and they had no problem looking after themselves for the most part. Charlie was 6 so he didn't have a hard time keeping up with his cousins. 
The two of you rot in bed and she did what she could to keep your blood pressure from rising. You could see it in her eyes though, she was pissed as hell and you were sure she would make Tommy feel it too when the time came. 
If he ever came back. Your heart gave a painful clench and while you were alone in the bath there was no one to judge you for crying. It was a soft moment you allowed yourself. It felt shameful, it felt like letting him win. It was stupid but you felt like you were just a girl getting your heart broken again. This time it felt final. Your heart would not survive this. 
But your family loved you. That was obvious from the cooked meals and even Arthur was around helping with the kids at bedtime. You could hear him and John reenacting all the monsters they fought when they had lived on the boat as kids. You even caught yourself laughing a few times at the wild stories.
It was almost a week since that night and you were starting to feel just as betrayed but you had your head back on your shoulders. In the middle of the night, you decided to see if this woman had written him any letters. You weren't sure why but you were obsessed with finding out who this woman was. Why could she steal him away from you so easily when you had done nothing but give him everything?
You went into his study and shut and locked the door. While you turned the latch you wondered where they had sex? Was it here? The office? The backseat of his car? The rage started to bubble up again and a hand went to your stomach. You took some deep breaths thinking about what a divorce would mean. 
His - scratch that, your family would still love you. You would get to pick a new house and decorate it however you wanted. Fill it full of books and do nothing other than look after Charlie and read. You took another big breath and moved over to his desk. 
You pulled open the drawers in his desk and started to pick through everything. You knocked on the bottom of the first drawer when you saw that the woodwork didn't quite line up. You remembered from all your spy novels that it could have a false bottom. You grabbed a letter opener and started to pry it open. 
It came loose with a pop and you pulled out lots of extra copies of passports and documentation for your family. A cold shudder ran through you. You picked up your fake passport to see that he had named you, Arbella Shelby, maiden name Sutherland. You let out a snort as that was a character in a Highlander romance novel you adored. Why would he remember something so stupid when he was plowing another woman the whole time.
You reached into the hidden compartment a little further and pulled out a red envelope. It was made with very expensive card stock. You opened it and read through the document carefully. 
He had been sent away to aid in the assassination of an English spy hiding in Austria.
Your brain hurt and you took another few breaths and kept reading. 
It only got worse. Any outside interference would result in death. Failure to complete the mission would result in his death. Failure to accept the assignment and the government will move forward with prosecuting the remaining members of the Shelby family for acts against the crown. You read down the list of names and ran a finger over your name, following it was the rest of the family. You also noticed that Esme and John’s older kids were on the list. 
He needed to leave without us going to find him. 
He lied to protect you. 
It got hard to breathe and you had to try and remain calm. You let out a weird sort of choking sound then threw up into a plant pot. Polly found you moments later. 
“Breathe.” You let her grip your shoulders and tried to follow her breathing but your vision went dark again and you were out. 
When you woke up Polly was pacing the room and shouting at someone in a hushed voice. 
“You should have told us.” She hissed. “What if something had happened to you.” 
“Churchill would have sent the news. Then she would know what had happened.” Tommy answered in a low and steady voice. He sounded exhausted. 
“What if you had failed! They would have shipped us off to jail again.” She snapped. “She almost lost the baby over this mess Thomas.” 
“Only if I had refused the job,” Tommy answered and he sounded so tired. You opened your eyes and watched them stare each other down. 
“Promise me it won't happen again.” You mumbled. 
“I wish I could.” He closed his eyes and looked positively exhausted. 
“Let me talk to Churchill.” Your whisper still conveying your anger. Tommy gave you a big smile. You finally registered how battered his face was. 
“I have papers saying you lot won't be used as collateral again.” He held his whiskey glass up to his cheek. 
“Tommy, if i thought that the family and our children would get killed I would manage to stay away.” You said knowing that tears were starting to spill down your cheeks. Polly took in a breath and you knew she was going to lay into him properly now that you were awake. 
“I’m sorry.” He said simply. His eyes opened and locked on yours. You knew he meant it. Shock crossed Polly’s face.
“I didn't think you knew those words.” She said waving her hand in the air. 
“Okay.” You said not wanting to be apart for a moment longer. There was ringing in your ears and you knew he was sorry. You knew he wouldn't do it again. Tommy was a lot of things, but he never hurt you the same way twice. He always learned from his mistakes. 
You started taking some deep breaths trying to get your head to stop throbbing. Esme came through with a mug of tea and Tommy put his drink down to help you into an upright position. 
“Tea will help with the headache.” She said her eyes darting to Tommy. 
“Esme?” He said calmly.
“What.” She answered looking skeptical. 
“Thanks for looking after her.” He held her gaze and she nodded at him. The rest of the family piled in and discussed the events of the past week. The tea brought the ringing in your ears and the throbbing in your head down to a normal level. 
Charlie came through and climbed up on his father's lap. Tommy’s arm fit around him and he continued talking about what needed to happen moving forward when dealing with Mosley. 
You had hope for his cause. You rested in his arms and found your way back to him out of the darkness that had been threatening to swallow you.
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midwinterblinder · 5 months
Will you help me: Chapter 20 Betrayal
A/N: I'm so sorry this took forever. I lost all inspiration to write after some personal stuff happened. I didn't tag anyone because it's been so long I wasn't sure the people I used to tag were still interested. It's a little shorter than other chapters, but that's because I'm just trying to get back into the swing of things.
Esme and Y/N watch in shock as the policemen take Freddie away. Polly takes a moment to comfort Ada, but she can’t ignore her anger for long. Before the other women fully realise what’s happening she’s opening the door and is ready to storm outside. “Polly wait!” Y/N calls out. The situation is bad enough as it is, there’s no need for Polly to make it worse by attacking Tommy.
“No!” Polly exclaims when she sees Y/N stand up. “He promised Freddie could come and he broke that promise!” She adds before she walks out the door.
Y/N hopelessly looks from the door to Ada as she contemplates what to do when Esme speaks up. “Go.” Esme tells Y/N. “I’ll stay with her.”
Tommy is standing at the bar drinking a glass of whiskey while Grace cleans and John and Arthur sing in the private room. “You want me to open that champagne now?” Grace asks with a smile.
Tommy doesn’t get a chance to respond as the door slams open and Polly barges in. “It’s a boy.” She says and Tommy turns to face her with a smile at the news, but then he sees the look on her face as she barges towards him. Polly is ready to hit him and he only just manages to takes her wrists in his hands before she makes contact.
John and Arthur come into the main area of the bar. “Pol? Polly.” Tommy tries to calm her down, confusion written on his face as he tries to understand why she’s so angry. Behind Polly he notices that the door opens again and Y/N steps inside. She looks like she ran all the way to the pub.
John and Arthur manage to grab hold of Polly and pull her away from Tommy as Y/N watches the scene unfold from her position by the door. “But the police came and took his father away.” Polly tells him angrily. “Don’t you dare look at me like that.” She spits out when Tommy looks at her in surprise.
He has no idea what’s going on, he doesn’t know what to say. His mouth is slightly open and he breaths heavily as he tries to think of a way to convince her of his innocence. Polly sends him another filthy look as she pulls out of John and Arthur’s hold. She spits on the ground by his feet. “You liar.” She says as she turns around to walk away, roughly bumping her shoulder into Y/N’s before she leaves.
As she walks away Tommy continues to stare at the door in astonishment as he tries to get his breathing under control. Y/N was already pretty sure that Tommy wasn’t the one who called the police, he wouldn’t do that to Ada, and the look on his face confirms it. Tommy didn’t do this, which means someone betrayed the Blinders.
Y/N’s eyes are pulled away from Tommy when she sees Grace move slowly to the back room, like she’s trying not to draw anyone’s attention, and suddenly everything falls into place. Grace was the only one outside the family who knew Freddie would come to see Ada tonight and the Garrison has a phone, a phone Grace had insisted on getting.
Y/N has to make a split second decision. She can stop and confront Grace now, or she can let her walk out of here and tell Tommy so he can deal with her later. She decides on the latter. Grace will think no one suspects her and come back in for work tomorrow. By then Y/N is sure Tommy will have come up with a plan.
By the time she comes to that decision Tommy has somewhat regained his composure and looks at Y/N. He fears that she believes he betrayed Freddie as well, because she’s not even looking at him, but then her eyes meet his and they soften slightly. “I swear I have no idea how this happened.” He tells her. Meanwhile, Arthur and John grumble as they move into the private room to get their coats before they decide to head out. They don’t really want to be in the middle of whatever conversation is about to occur.
Y/N waits for the door to close behind Arthur and John before she speaks up. “I know.” She says to Tommy as she walks closer to him. “You wouldn’t do that to Ada.” She adds as she stops in front of him and takes hold of his hand.
He lets out a breath he wasn’t aware he was holding and presses his forehead to hers. His eyes fall closed as he lets the relief wash over him. She knew he wouldn’t do something like this. Even after all this time, after everything he’s done, she still sees the good in him.
They stand like that for a few minutes as Tommy tries to come to terms with Y/N’s seemingly unshakeable belief in him even when his own family thinks of him as the villain. Meanwhile Y/N searches through her memories for all the things she has noticed about Grace that don’t add up. “I think I know who did it.” She eventually whispers.
Tommy’s eyes open and he pulls away slightly so he can look at her. A confused frown on his face as he wonders who Y/N might suspect. Y/N lets go of Tommy’s hand and steps closer to the bar where Grace left her purse. She must have forgotten it when she snuck out. “Grace?” Tommy asks as he sees Y/N pick up the barmaid’s purse.
“I think so.” Y/N says as she turns around to face him again. “She was the only one outside of the family who knew Freddie would be at the house tonight, and she’s the one who insisted on getting a phone in the pub.” She explains and the confusion slowly disappears from Tommy’s face as the pieces begin to fall into place. “It would explain why her references were fake and why she wears clothes and jewellery that are far too expensive for a barmaid.” Y/N goes on. “And why she has a gun in her purse.” She carefully pulls Grace’s gun from to purse and holds it out to Tommy.
“She’s a spy.” Tommy mutters as he takes the gun from Y/N’s hands. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.” He shakes his head at his own stupidity. “She came into town at the same time as Campbell, I should’ve known that was suspicious.”
“You can’t blame yourself for this, Tom.” Y/N assures him as she steps closer en places a hand on his arm. “She fooled all of us.”
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issybettyx · 1 year
I’m gonna infodump and ramble about dsmp lore because i’ve just watched all the sad-ist animatics and my brain is making me wanna scream about it
— // spoilers for dsmp, may be dark themes, some content may be triggering for certain readers. Everything is c! , unless otherwise specified
I’m gonna start my ramble with c!technoblade, because in my opinion his character is severely misjudged in several situations. I encourage discussion over this, but also someone got extremely angry at me once over this so as stupid as this is gonna sound please respect my thoughts please and thank you x
Techno joins the game to help out his friends, Tommy and Wilbur, in taking down a government that wronged them.
Reasons he did this:
1. To help his friends when they were in need of a power he held
2. To see the fall of a government - anarchy
3. Knowing him he probably had nothing else better to do
Just him joining the server shows his motives, his beliefs, and his relationships with other characters. He cares about his friends to put his life on the line, and canonically his citizenship in one of the only proper countries.
My man literally said “my friends are in need i’m gonna go help them :D”
And then, he told them his beliefs. He said how he was against government overall and wanted to take the government down, and wilbur and tommy went ‘yep great cool we can work with that’. So, Techno spent days upon days farming potatoes, grinding for netherite and potions and tnt and so so many things to help them take over the most powerful people on the server. Techno spent so much time on these people, he helped them take down the opposition in the war of manberg vs pogtopia.
And then they put a new president in power.
Wilbur and Tommy knew this directly opposed their most powerful ally’s only condition for his help, and Tommy was surprised when Techno betrayed them. Bestie, wake up, you literally betrayed him, ily but also- should’ve expected it.
Anyways, Techno’s like ‘literally everyone hates me, so ima run away to the snow to make them happier and i also can’t be arsed with government i’m gonna live alone in the snow’ and they go ‘hahahah no we’re the butcher army formed to unalive you’ and literally blackmail this man.
Did Techno kinda kill a bunch of people and spawn two withers? Yes. Does he deserve some kind of punishment? Probably. But if he’s literally left your country for the better of you and you actively seek him out to take his life? Yeah that’s not very cool of you man
Oh and not to mention they put his mate on house arrest and stole his things just to unalive him, that also wasn’t very cool.
What was cool however was Techno being an absolute badass and escaping with all three lives anyways. That man was literally in the worst position being blackmailed after trying to be peaceful and still got out alive. Then quackity got stabbed in the face with an axe, which was lowkey deserved seeing as he was holding Carl captive, like don’t bring animals into it what did they ever do to you? The pet war was enough pet stress thank youuuuu
After that was the exile stuff wasn’t it? Tommy’s just escaped from a toxic environment after an attempt on his life seeking refuge in his old friend’s home.
Now, this part is something that I absolutely love about Techno’s character.
Before this point, Techno had been wronged by Tommy. Tommy had gone against him, betrayed him, got mad at him for taking Tubbo’s life despite him not exactly having an option. Techno had no reason to let him stay. Not to mention Tommy hardly asked, he kind of broke in, stole his things and demanded it be his home and tried to kick Techno out.
And you know what Techno did? He offered protection, he offered help, he offered his home and he offered to be Tommy’s friend.
Despite literally everything he still went ‘sure tommy you can stay, and i’ll even help you get your discs back!’
And, omg, when he opened the door to the room with the wither skulls and said ‘no body’s seen this, not even phil’. Oh my goodness, shivers. Techno and Phil are like closest besties, Techno would trust Phil with his life, and he still trusts Tommy to see his hard work before anyone else.
Some would say it was a threat, Techno seeing the threat on this wanted exiled child staying under his roof and wanting to send a message to him to not even try and threaten him or his friends. Like for example when Tommy took Antfrost hostage and made him mine, tried to take Techno hostage and immediately backed off with the threat; Tommy knows how powerful Techno truly is, he couldn’t mess with him.
Personally, I would say it’s quite the opposite. It’s a way for Techno to say ‘i trust you, i’ll protect you no matter the cost’. Maybe that’s just my bedrockbros fluff loving brain, but remember when Tommy and Techno were surrounded by the server and Tommy decided to join them instead of stand beside Techno? And Techno said something along the lines of ‘i’ll fight them all off, you run’. He was literally willing to risk everything to get Tommy away safe, he was worried for him and was going to sacrifice his life.
And after everything Techno did for Tommy, he went back to the people who hurt him and away from the one person who’d offered him protection no matter how much he hurt him in the past.
And that fact, that Techno was going to sacrifice everything for a kid who cared little for him at all, hurts me way more than it should for minecraft roleplay.
I’m gonna be honest and say I have no clue what happened between then and Doomsday. Genuinely, I have zero clue, so I’m gonna watch some vods tonight of between then and doomsday to see how in hells name they got from tommy rejoining new l’manberg and techno, phil and dream blowing up new l’manberg and making it into l’manhole.
Anyways, this is the only part of c!technoblade that i just sit and wonder why he did that.
I’m assuming he was angry at them, angry at the butcher army for trying to unalive him and for putting phil on house arrest. He once said how if someone showed him kindness he would repay it tenfold, but if someone caused harm to his friends they would be absolutely fucked (not his words). They threatened Phil, and therefore they paid for it.
Do i agree with his reasoning? Not really no, but I can see where he was coming from. Spite is a powerful motivator.
His other part of reasoning would be the concept of anarchy, of taking down the government that was telling people what they should do. To be on Tubbo’s side here is literally the only right thing, as much as i love c!techno, Tubbo tried his best to protect his people and build a safe country, similar to early l’manberg but with a significant lack of dictators and discrimination. New L’Manberg was, all in all, a welcoming country, and Tubbo made sure of that.
And then, boom.
Literally it was all blown up.
After doomsday, not much happened for a while really. They just kinda chilled.
Then, you know what was formed? The absolutely awesome and infamous Syndicate, an anarchy group that is so incredible they did nothing but sound awesome. The Syndicate are literally my favourite people ever.
Boom Dream’s in prison, Quackity tricks Techno into going in, locks him in, Techno being absolutely awesome goes ‘how can i make the most of this? I know: gain knowledge’
So that’s what he does, forcing dream to write books on books of everything he knows before finally getting teleported out.
Now, for those who don’t know, Techno owed Dream a favour. Remember how i said Techno got his life threatened by the butcher army and got his horse Carl stolen? Yeah Dream kinda helped him get Carl back, smart move on his end, and made him indebted to Dream. So, Techno kind of had to get Dream out, and also got Ranboo out in the process? We never found out why Ranboo wanted to go into the prison so bad, I have a feeling it was his enderwalking or something but whatever.
Guess who dies? Ranboo. Jeez that was forever ago wasn’t it? Poor Tubbo he deserved so much better.
Then after that it was THE REVENGERS. The best trio ever who literally no one expected;
A traitor, an anarchist and an ex-president.
All joined together to save Michael the beloved, and to be horrible to Sam who literally let a prisoner, albeit a terrible person, be tortured and trap an almost but also kind of not innocent person inside with him (Techno did bad things but not bad enough to be in the main cell of Pandora’s Vault, that place was meant for someone as horrible as c!dream).
The Revengers was definitely one of my favourite streams; three people who are meant to hate each other putting aside their differences for one common goal, and coming out civil. I think it was pretty awesome, character development my beloved.
And that was basically c!techno. In summary, he was caring, protective of his friends, stuck to his beliefs, stuck to his word, strong, and he was able to put aside his emotions for the better of others on several occasions.
C!technoblade is one of my favourite characters, he was developed amazingly, his humour was fantastic. Everything he did for tommy and wilbur was more than he should’ve, he put his all into making sure others were okay even when he hated them. Did he blow up a few people and a few countries? Maybe. But he was awesome, and i find people misunderstand him a lot.
I could talk about c!technoblade for ages and not get bored, he’s so interesting and I could study his every action and continue to say how awesome he is, but we must move forward onto my next favourite character:
Now, the difference between c!techno and c!wilbur is the fact that most of c!techno’s things i picked out were unintentional, whereas c!wilbur was so thoughtfully created and shaped into this selfish lying character.
Wilbur joined and immediately made a drug van, dragging Tommy with him. This drug van was developed into L’manberg, and Wilbur took his role as president seriously, fighting for his country’s independence. But you know who finally gained them independence after several walls and wars? A child who was dragged into the entire thing by his big brother, a child who gave up two of the most important things to him to give his older brother what he wanted most.
L’manberg gained independence, but Wilbur knew he was a dictator. Now, this, in my opinion, is the first time we see the real c!wilbur.
Wilbur says “let’s run an election but make me the only running candidate”, his first proof of manipulative nature that sends his country into literal ruins (butterfly effect is certainly something). Obviously, people are against this, especially Quackity who was rejected citizenship because he wasn’t european. Quackity was angry at Wilbur, and knew the best way to piss him off would be to take away what he built from the ground up.
Wilbur’s like ‘well fuck I gotta play this off’, which is his first time actively lying.
Election in summary: POG2020 (wilbur) gets 45% of the overall votes. SWAG2020 (quackity) loses. But, Schlatt had formed his own government (SCHLATT2020) and formed a coalition government with SWAG2020, together gaining 46% of the vote. Coconut2020 (fundy) gained the other 9%.
Wilbur and Tommy were exiled, Technoblade joined the server.
Now, exile was not easy on Wilbur.
For a while, he’d been sending letters to Philza, his Dad, and had started lying. Wilbur had wrote how he’d won the election, how he was doing well. Why would he lie? Phil’s his dad right? Philza is a caring character, he would love his son and help his son, why would Wilbur lie?
Well, he’d put all of his effort into building this nation, he probably felt weak admitting that he’d lost everything he’d created, how he’d let down Tommy and he didn’t want to admit that.
This was the start of Wilbur’s drive to insanity.
Exile absolutely destroyed Wilbur. He wanted to feel empowered, he wanted to have control. So, he took advantage of those around him.
What Wilbur truly wanted was his country back (though at the end of exile he felt like he had no choice, he felt like it wasn’t his and he gave it up), and he saw Techno offering his help and took advantage of it.
He saw Tommy willing to do anything for Wilbur, following his steps, wanting to become president because Wilbur was a president. He saw Tommy wanting to be the hero and led him in the revolution, made Tommy feel like he was a part of something bigger than himself. Wilbur was in control of Tommy, and he made sure to take advantage of this, making him feel weaker than he was capable of (“you’re never going to be president, Tommy”) so he would listen to and follow his every word and command.
Manberg vs Pogtopia, they win. But Wilbur’s lost all sense of self; he isn’t the courageous respected man he once was, but a shell of him, and he knows this.
// suicide - ends at next double forward slash (//)
Wilbur gets his country back, and he puts Tommy in charge. A child who had to grow up too fast, a child who’s been under his brother’s arm and also his control without knowing, a child who was exiled aged 16 who was dragged into a horrid world full of death and horror.
Tommy had gone through so much, and so he handed over the country to the person he trusted the most; Tubbo.
Wilbur, meanwhile, leaves, knowing Technoblade will betray them in to go to the button room (i swear it has a name i just don’t remember it), where his father - who in fact he’s been lying to for however long - shows up and stops him. His song is etched into wood on the walls, an example of his identity, of his life’s work, of his love for singing and his entire reasoning for living. And his father shows up, telling him to stop, telling him there’s more to life, that his symphony doesn’t have to be unfinished. (“My l’manberg! Phil! My unfinished symphony forever unfinished!”)
Wilbur feels lost and alone. He’s manipulated his friends and lied to his father (cough cough c!wilbur’s two most distinctive traits cough cough). He knows he isn’t his father’s son anymore, he isn’t the kid who won the election, and this guilt eats him up so much he throws his sword at his father’s feet and orders him to kill him.
The country is blown up at Wilbur’s hand. In English Teacher Terms (ETT^TM), this symbolises him ending his manipulative and lying ways. Everything he built, lost, and got back has been destroyed, and his people stare at him as his father takes his final life.
Limbo: Wilbur was stuck in a train station for like 13-14 years.
Ghostbur: everything good about Wilbur. For example, his love for his family. Ghostbur spends a most of his time with Tommy, Techno and Phil. He has friend on a lead, the blue of his wool a symbol for how Wilbur tried to help people but his efforts were completely pointless. Ghostbur gives people some blue wool to rid them of their worries. It’s a childish fantasy, it doesn’t work no matter how much he wishes it would. Alivebur did this a lot, he did things that he thought would help others but it just didn’t, but his want to help was still evident, ghostbur just lacks the manipulative negative side of that.
Revivedbur: he immediately starts a new country, it’s all he knows, a form of comfort after years and years of the same horrid thing over and over and over again. He drags another child with him, Ranboo, and finds nostalgia in Tommy’s presence and controllability. When Wilbur was in limbo, Tommy went through hell and back, and it takes ages for Tommy to admit this, showing the lack of trust he now holds for Wil.
The moment Wilbur realises what Dream did to Tommy in exile, he goes ballistic. Wilbur still cares about Tommy, he still manipulates him and makes him do his bidding, but Tommy is still his brother and he still cares so much for him, so much so he’s willing to unalive his ‘hero’ for him. This shows how much he truly cares for Tommy, but i believe this also makes him come a realisation that his presence around Tommy was negative.
He has this moment of realisation where he goes “this kid has been wronged, i need to protect him- but my presence never truly helped him, maybe he would be better without me?”
So he begins his plan to leave. (To utah which totally isn’t an allegory of death, which totally doesn’t correlate to when he lost his final canon life, i’ll go into that at the end) he realises truly how many people he hurt, and he goes around and apologises to them.
Most people prove his point. Most people, the conversations went a bit like this:
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay I forgive you.”
Proving that people so easily fall at the feet of those powerful enough, or at the feet of those they love most.
Despite being wronged, they still hold their love for Wilbur for all the good things he did.
The only person who didn’t forgive him was his son, Fundy, who’d let his hatred for Wilbur sink in literal years ago when he went against them as coconut 2020 in the l’manberg election. Fundy met the same fate as his father, and it made Wilbur realise that maybe he didn’t deserve a better death than his son had.
But he doesn’t want Tommy to know that.
Now, in Wilbur’s latest stream (qsmp day 1), he said how Utah was an allegory to death. And that got me thinking: why would Wilbur lie to Tommy?
As I said previously, two of C!wilbur’s main traits were manipulation and lying. After he was revived, he led everyone to believe that he was a changed man. After everything, after exile and limbo and the burger van, he said how he’d changed.
But he never really changed, did he?
C!wilbur was an example of someone who, deep down, never truly changed. The things that did change, however, was his motivations.
Wilbur continued to lie. He lied to Tommy about Utah, but he said he was changed didn’t he?
In exile, he lied to protect himself. He lied because he felt weak, he felt angry, and he didn’t want anyone to feel like they had more power than he did, that they knew him better than he did.
As a wise man once said, “If you know thy self, and you know thy enemy, you need not fear the result of a thousand battles.” (Or something like that). Wilbur knew that if his enemy, and even his allies, knew him, they could control him, they could see through him and his lies and his manipulation.
But, after Tommy told him about exile, his motives changed from protecting himself to protecting his loved ones. He wanted to protect Tommy, and throughout his whole life there was one thing he knew best, and that was lying.
// suicide - ends at next two forward slashes (//)
So when Tommy asked if Wilbur was going to unalive himself, he said no. He said he was going to Utah.
This showed he didn’t change in his ways; he didn’t find better ways to deal with things. But his motives changed.
C!wilbur once looked at c!tommy and saw a child full of potential. Before he left for “utah”, he looked at Tommy and saw a child who never got to be. So he protected him from the truth, so that any remaining youth in him could be saved.
As i said before with Techno, i could talk about c!wilbur for ages, i didn’t even talk about ‘the wilbur van’ or ‘healthy competition’ or a more in depth reasoning and symbolism behind ghostbur.
However this post is very long, and i’m very tired, and this has taken me like two hours to write and i haven’t even talked about c!tommy and c!tubbo yet, so that is a job for another day. If you somehow read all this way, i am firstly very proud of you, and secondly i hope you enjoyed my somehow brief infodump about dsmp, because i have been hyperfixed on this server for over two years and I never get to talk about it, so yeah :D
C!technoblade my beloved
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teamfreemando1975 · 9 months
For all those loved and lost - chapter 3 - I think I like when it rains.
Jackson – October 2024
You didn’t see Joel much after that night - when he was gripping onto the pole so hard, he might bend it. He’s probably just settling into his new life at Jackson just like you did 5 years ago.
You continue your patrols and helping around Jackson. Maria is starting to show a little now and people are getting suspicious. You ignore the whispers around Jackson. But no one dares to ask you because they know you won’t tell a soul of any of Tommy’s secrets, especially with his big brother still in the dark about it.
You’re up early this morning around 4:30am, and you decide enough is enough of moping around the house - like you have been doing all night, sleep yet again betraying you. So, you grab your boots and decide to go and see who you are on patrol with this morning.
Town is usually pretty quiet this early in the morning - just the stable hands and the barn keepers are awake at this time.
You wave a quick hello and continue walking.
You decide to go the long route past Tommy’s place and you see the lights are all turned on. You’re a little confused because Tommy usually goes to bed pretty early, and that’s when you spot Joel in the window, shouting coming from the small house.
Oh shit.
It looks like there’s an argument going on.
You stand for a moment, frozen in place, trying to hear what they could possibly be arguing about at 4:30am and suddenly the door flies open and Joel storms out.
“You ignored me for 5 years to build a life in some new place! You get married and get her pregnant and you don’t think to contact me one time on the goddamn radio, Tommy!” Joel shouts in an angry tone.
“What the hell was I supposed to say, Joel? Oh, hey big bro, I know I abandoned you to join the Fireflies, but I’m in this new settlement now, why don’t you pop over for a whiskey and a round of fucking poker?!”
You’re taken aback a little because you’ve never heard Tommy speak in such a frustrated tone. Before, he’s always been soft and gentle when it comes to you or Maria, but it looks like this time Joel has really pissed him off.
“No Tommy! You remember what you said to me that day you left? Huh? I don’t ever want to see your goddamn face again!”
Joel is seething with anger now and you have to really hold yourself back – you can’t get in the middle of the brothers fighting, like rabid dogs in the street.
Tommy sighs and rubs his eyes with his fingers, and you can sense the defeat in him. He doesn’t want to argue with his brother, he just wanted to tell him that he’s finally found a life for himself away from all the shit on the other side of those giant wooden gates that keep this whole town safe.
Finally, Tommy speaks again.
“Joel, you know goddamn well enough that I can’t just announce over a radio channel what we have here! Raiders would be here within days and then we’d all be fucked. The people in this town are not fighters, apart from me and JJ!”
“You mean your guard dog?”
Oh, so now he’s turned on insulting you and you see red; you storm over to where the boys are arguing and push him out of Tommy’s face.
Tommy’s face is a look of surprise, as he didn’t even see you stood there for God knows how long.
You get in Joel’s face and begin to shout and push him out of Tommy’s front lawn.
“No! You know what, you are not doing this, Joel!” you scream, “you are not coming for Tommy when you spent 5 years avoiding the man! You know what we did in those 5 years, huh?! We hunted and we killed for a cause that doesn’t mean shit! You do not get to storm into our town, which we have built from nothing, and demand shit from the brother you do not deserve! Who do you think you are?”
Joel stiffens his jaw and looks past you to Tommy as if to say if you don’t tell her to calm down, I will put her down.
Joel says nothing so you continue.
“And you know what, Joel, Tommy has spent the last five years doing nothing but defend you and speaks so highly of you to me and Maria! I will not allow you to come into this town and ruin his life just like you did after the end of the fucking world!”
Joel looks at you with a seething look in his eyes - you’ve pissed him off big time now and he’s ready for a fight.
“You don’t know shit about our situation! I did what I had to do to survive and keep my brother safe! You don’t even know us, you’re just a silly girl he picked up on the road to the Fireflies!” he spits.
And that was it.
Something inside you snapped and you stomped up to him and punched him in the face.
The sharp sound of your fist making contact with Joel’s face echoes in your ears.
Your knuckles begin to burn with pain.
You regretted it instantly, and then you felt Tommy’s arms go around your waist and hold you back. He tells Joel to just leave and he does - he storms away with a furious look on his face. If you were in a cartoon, you swear you’d see smoke coming out of his ears.
Tommy turns you around to face him and he’s angry now - angrier than you’ve ever seen him.
So, you decide to speak first.
“Look I’m sorry I punched your brother in the face, but he deserved it!”
You’re not actually sorry for punching Joel in the face; he definitely deserved it, after the venom that just came from his mouth.  Words laced with pure spite, because Joel knows exactly how to damage his brother and make that damage permanent.
“He might have deserved it, JJ, but I don’t need you constantly defending my honour! I had it under control, we’re not in the Fireflies anymore. I don’t need you as backup. I can defend myself.” Tommy sighs.
“Certainly, didn’t look like it from where I was stood…” you said, a little spitefully.
“Why were you even stood there anyway? It’s 5am,” he shakes his head, “You know what it doesn’t matter why you were stood there, just… go home.”
“Are you kidding me right now, Tommy?” you say through a scoff.
“JJ,” he says with a warning “Go home! I’m tired and if you don’t mind, I’d like to go and spend time with my wife!”
You spin on your heels and storm off back to your home.
What an asshole!
You just defended him from his asshole brother, and you can’t even get a simple thank you? Was it really that hard? Was he really that proud after all the years of knowing each other that he can’t even give you a simple thank you for protecting him when he needed it?
You’re so angry and a little hurt, and you continue storming to your front door when you stop just in front of your house, and notice Joel slowly walking to a house just down the street from yours, number 303? you think anyway.
You decide to ignore it and head inside.
You enter your home and quickly go off to your bathroom and wash the blood off your knuckles.
You didn’t even notice you were bleeding until there was a hot rush of pain shooting across your knuckles, and you wince slightly from the cold water. It’s extra cold at the minute because it’s winter, so the water is like icicles stabbing you repeatedly in your already painful hand.
You settle back into the living room sitting on the couch, what the hell did you just do? Did you seriously just punch your best friend’s brother?
Shit… what have I done?
Regret starts to sink in, and you realise quickly that you have made a mistake and all you can think is how disappointed Tommy must be in you. But you were protecting your friend? Protecting him from his asshole brother who was insulting him for making a life for himself; insulting him for creating a new life; insulting him for marrying someone and finally settling down with Maria and building a community, where people who have survived this shitty shell of a world you used to live in.
You sigh and rub your eyes with your fingers and flop onto the hard cushions of your couch, staring at your ceiling and you sigh heavily.
Were you defending Tommy?
You think to yourself, or were you just mad at Joel for being an asshole when you were trying to help?
When you were trying to finally relate to him and get to know your best friend’s big brother?
The questions begin to spiral around and around in your head and there’s no way you can get to sleep now, not when you have patrol in an hour and a half.
You quickly sit up and stand from the couch and get your boots back on and leave your house.
You remember the door number for the house Joel had entered – 303, the house just up the street.
You stand at the gate for a considerable amount of time, still debating with yourself on whether or not you want to do this… do you want to do this? What are you doing?
You sigh again and begin to ascend the steps. You suck in a breath and you knock on the door, regret slowly beginning to rise deep in your chest, making you turn to leave when the door opens and Joel answers.
He spots you and goes to shut the door in your face, but you stop him with a wait.
“Wait! Please! I... um, I just wanted to come here and say I’m sorry for punching you. I shouldn’t have done that and uh yeah, I’m sorry.”
Shit this is awkward.
“You think Tommy needs you to defend him?” he asks raised eyebrows. You’re still trying to pinpoint that accent of his… Texas maybe? But still even with the accent, it doesn’t stop his condescending nature.
“What? No, I don’t think Tommy needs me to defend his battles for him, but he is my friend, and you were out of line.” you say, sticking your chin out in defiance.
“He is a grown ass man; he can defend himself,” he says, with that usual stiffening of his jaw and the will you just go away already look in his eyes.
“Look. I didn’t come here to argue. I just came here to say I’m sorry for punching you,” you say and turn on your heels to leave, not even giving him time to answer, and Joel doesn’t stop you.
So, you leave his porch and quickly walk back to your house.
You quickly enter and walk into the living room, feeling the breath catch in your throat now, it really is settling in now, the panic and you can’t breathe, the room is spinning and you grab onto the door frame to stabilise yourself, trying to remember what Tommy always tells you, in through your nose and out through your mouth, and you begin counting to ten. 1…2…3…
Breaths are getting slower now, your chest feels like it’s opening up and it becomes easier to breathe.
Why the fuck am I having a panic attack over Joel Miller? Maybe it was all the confrontation and the adrenaline from punching him and now the guilt is settling in, yes that’s what it is, the guilt. The guilt of punching him in the face and now you. How on earth are you supposed to show your face in town ever again? Punching the brother of the man who runs this town.
You manage to gain control of your panic - which you’re pretty proud of yourself for, because usually you need either a stiff drink, or Tommy by your side with his hands on your shoulders, telling you not to worry and that everything will be alright.
Tommy was always good during the worst years of your life. He always knew when you were really stressed, by the crinkles on your forehead. You told him the story of how Jake used to tell you that if you kept doing the crinkling of your eyebrows it’ll stay that way.
It made Tommy laugh, which was nice, but you couldn’t help the sadness form in your throat when you think of Jake. Even almost 15 years after his death, you still feel immense guilt and that you are the reason he was bit in the first place, protecting you. You always make the conscious effort to remember Jake - the sweet man who saved your life on countless different occasions, his olive brown skin, his crazy hair that he always said was his mop top. You smile when you think of him but also feel the wave of grief that will never die.
You glance over to the clock and see that it’s almost 6am and you need to head over to the stables for patrol briefings.
You straighten your back and take in a deep breath, ready to wipe away the memories of last night.
You lace up your boots and leave your house.
Walking into the blistering cold of the early morning, you head straight to the mess hall to grab some breakfast ahead of the patrol.
You spot Joel on the other side of the hall and don’t even look at him.
“Hi, Seth, could I possibly get a sandwich to go please?” you smile as you approach the bar.
“That’s not a very hearty breakfast, now, is it, JJ?” and he tilts his chin down at you.
“Ah yes, because we can get a 3-course meal at the end of the world.” you say sarcastically.
“Hey, you never know, I could have a Michelin-star chef back there!” he points towards the kitchen and you chuckle in response.
He heads into the kitchen to grab your sandwich for the morning.
Your eyes are subconsciously drifting in Joel’s direction - he’s eating breakfast alone, you can see the ruby mark on his cheek from where you punched him just 2 hours earlier. You can’t help but notice the long distance look in his eyes that is softening his features, his beautiful brown eyes and menacing stare into the distance. He notices you looking at him now and you quickly turn your head to look away. Shit.
As if on cue, Jessie walks into the bar and you greet him quickly, he gives you a ‘you look exhausted’ look. You scoff and turn back to face the bar.
“Okay, I’ll say it… you look like shit,” he says with a big grin on his face.
“Wow, thanks for all the compliments there! Tell me you have better pick up lines than that?”
He chuckles, “you don’t want to know my pickup lines, JJ, once you know them, I’ll become completely irresistible to you and then you’ll never leave me alone,”
You look at him with a fake look of shock, “I can assure you, Jessie, you’re not my type. Plus, you’re way too young to keep up with an old goat like me,” you whisper the last part just as Seth comes out of the kitchen with your sandwich.
You give him thanks and nudge Jessie’s shoulder to get a move on.
You both exit the mess hall and head over to the briefing room for today’s update on patrols.
You walk over to the notice board and check who you’re on patrol with. As you read down the list, you see that Jessie is patrolling with Eugene today.
You furrow your brows and keep going down the list.
You find your name and look at the name next to it, Joel Miller.
You’re furious and confused.
Why the hell would Tommy approve for you to go on a patrol with the man you punched 2 hours previous?!
Tommy walks into the briefing room and you pull him aside and give him a look of pure, furious rage.
“What the hell were you thinking putting me with Joel?” you say a little meaner than expected.
“I approved that patrol way before you and Joel decided to swing your weight around.”
“Well, can you change it? Please!” you beg.
“No, JJ, you know I can’t. Just grit your teeth and bare it. You never know, you might have a good patrol? He’s a good shot and you’re a good shot, you’ll both have each other’s backs.”
You whisper back to him, “Tommy… please.” you’re pleading with him now, begging him to change this shift.
“JJ, my answer is no. Now, suck it up and do your shift, it’ll be over before you know it.”
He gives you a quick pat on the shoulder and walks to the front of the room to prepare his speech for the morning. He tells the group that you and Joel are taking the creek trails and all you can think is great(!).
You hate the idea of going on patrol with Joel, despise it, but Tommy has already told you no so the answer is no… fuck this is going to be awkward.
The man you literally punched in the face, you are now expected to keep an eye on his six and ensure he doesn’t die, ensure that one more life isn’t added to the long list of names you have already collected. You head over to the stables to grab Shadow and you see Joel grabs his horse.
You can do this, JJ, it’s just one little patrol with Joel. The creek trails are easy, you’ve done this route 1000’s of times with Eugene and Jessie.
You head to the armoury and grab your shotgun, glancing a quick look at Joel, who has a look of brutality on his face, ready for the uncomfortable few hours ahead of you.  
You leave the armoury and mount your horse, give Tommy a nod and begin on your route.
The ride out to the creek trails was silent, Joel not saying a single word to you.
Should I make conversation? Should I talk to him and ask how his face is? Should I ask him what he and Ellie got up to that made her lose the light behind her eyes?
But instead, you opt for a “So… where are you from?” you ask awkwardly.
You knew it, the Texan accent was so strong in Joel. Tommy, not so much, he had little hints of it, and he also never really spoke about life pre-outbreak.
“And Ellie?” you look at him.
“She was born in a FEDRA school” he says shortly.
“Ah… shit then.”
He huffs at that, and you finally reach the outpost. You tie the horses to a pole and head into the big room.
This outpost was a radio tower pre-outbreak.
You head upstairs to the logbook and head straight for it, without noticing the runner in the room behind you and within seconds, it’s howling screams make all the hairs on the back of your neck stand on edge. Within the blink of an eye, he’s on top of you, trying everything within its power to turn you into one of them.
Your shotgun has been flung across the room during the tackle, completely out of reach and all you can do is scream, “Joel!” and with a blink of your eyes, the runner has a gaping hole in his head and collapses as dead weight on top of you.
You push the runner away and to your surprise, Joel holds his hand out to help you up. You take it, heaving yourself from the ground. He quickly whips his hand back away from you and you whisper your thanks to him in a barely audible tone.
“Watch what you’re doing, next time.”
And he’s back to being an asshole.
“Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Sherlock.” you roll your eyes and sigh.
“Who?” he looks at you confused.
You look at him confused, “Sherlock? Sherlock Holmes?”
He continues his confused look, “the master detective? From England? He solved loads of crimes with his sidekick, John Watson?”
He’s still confused, and he looks baffled.
“I haven’t got a damn clue what you’re going on about.” he says as he continues to look around and check there aren’t any more infected in the room, and you roll your eyes.
“Do you not read books?”
“You think I have time to read books at the end of the world?” he looks at you and you smile.
“I do.”
You both continue to check the outpost and you look around a little confused. He’s checking all the spots that are hidden and you sign the book, letting the next patrol know that you had an infected inside the tower.
“How the hell did that thing get in here?”you say to Joel, and he just shrugs - continuing his search for the opening where he could have got in. They are sneaky, the infected, they will literally crawl through anything and tear their skin off in the process. Joel points to a hole in the floor in the bathroom with drips of blood trailing from the hole, makes sense.
“Do you want me to hop down there and check there aren’t anymo-?” and before you can even finish your sentence, he’s already jumped down the hole to look.
You stand in place waiting for him to call out or hear the gun shots but nothing, radio silence. Joel reappears in the spot, and you kneel and hold your hand out. He takes it and grunts as you help him back up and out of the hole. His face is blushed pink, sweat beading slightly across his hairline. His hand is soft and warm in yours. You can feel his calloused fingers against your palm.
You finish up in the radio tower and head back out to the horses.
You give Joel a quick glance and say, “Thanks. For saving me up there.”  You mumble.
He nods, and you click at your horse to get him to begin his slow trot back. The ride back to Jackson was slow and quiet - no more signs of infected and no word from Joel.
When you arrive at the big wooden gates, they open quickly and Shadow trots inside the gates. You dismount Shadow and hold your hand out for Joel to give you Vegas’ reins, to which he complies and heads off home. You take Shadow and Vegas into the stables, and give them both an apple, and hand them over to the stable hand.
You walk back home but your stomach makes its presence known and screams that it’s hungry, so you walk into the mess hall. You spot Ellie, who is eating alone, which makes you a little bit sad that she hasn’t made any friends yet. You sigh and grab a plate to go and sit with her.
“Hey kid,” she drags her eyes away from her food to look at you and smiles.
“Hey… uh…” you can tell she’s forgotten your name so, to save her the embarrassment, you reiterate your name to her, “right yeah, JJ… sorry it’s been a long morning.”
 You smile at her innocence and take a seat next to her, “Oh yeah? How so?”
“Oh, you know, trying to convince Maria that I can be more use to the town out on patrol rather than working in the shitty greenhouse.” she sighs. You chuckle slightly and smile at her.
“You know, I was exactly the same as you when I first arrived here, desperate to get out on patrol and prove my worth.” Her eyes begin to light up a little, so you decide to let her down gently. “But you have to prove you’re going to be smart out there first, before you can ever even think about heading out on patrol. It’s not just about keeping yourself safe, but also it’s keeping your patrolling partner safe too.”
She sighs and you shoot her a sympathetic smile and she says, “Yeah… I get that, but for weeks of travelling with Joel, I saved his life on more than one occasion, you know, and learnt so much from him. He’s a good teacher, you know.”
“I know,”
I don’t
“But that was out there, and you always had Joel as backup. Things are a little different in here. We have rules for a reason; rules that keep the people inside these walls safe and that then keep you safe on the outside.”
She nods, “How long? How long before I can go out?”
“As soon as you turn 18. Same rules apply for all the kids around here.”
She shoots you a harsh glance.
“I’m not a kid.”
You take a breath and give her a look of are you sure?
“You’re not a kid in your head, but on the outside, you are still only 15.”
She rolls her eyes at you and begins to stand up.
“Anyway, I’ve got to go now, because if you’re back that means Joel is too, and he gets nervous when he can’t see or hear me. Bye, JJ.” she says quickly, clearing her plate away and exits the hall.
You’re a little disappointed she left so soon because you were hoping to get to know her a little more, she seems like an interesting kid. Maybe she has hobbies and stories she could tell you about her life. Maybe she likes to read books, hopefully she does. You don’t know much about her thus far, but she seems like an interesting person that you’d be happy to get to know.
You’re pretty close with most the teenagers around Jackson, You and Jessie patrol frequently and Dina is a sweet girl, who likes to stop by your house at random times of the day to either moan about Jessie or working in the greenhouse with Kyle. Dina frequently expresses how much she hates working in the greenhouse so it’s no surprise that Ellie doesn’t like it either.
You continue eating and clear your plate and leave, heading straight home.
You hop in the shower as quickly as possible to soothe the ache in your knees and back.
You step out and look in the mirror and suddenly notice the ruby claw marks down your neck from the runner earlier on in the day and decide quickly you’re going to be taking a nap.
*              *              *
You’re woken up from your nap to a knock on the door.
You sigh and stand up a little too quick for your head to handle and drag your feet to the door. You open it slightly and peek your eyes through it. It’s Ellie.
“Hey kid?” you mumble, sleep still evident in your voice.
She’s shuffling awkwardly on your porch so you open your door fully, “can I come inside?” she squeaks.
You step aside, “Yeah, yeah of course,” and she walks into your house.
She stands in your living room, noticing how bare it is. It’s not very homely in here - just four walls and a couch. There aren’t any photos or art on the walls; neither are there any trinkets. You’ve found a few on your patrols that you liked but never really chose them to put in your home, because your home isn’t really a home to you. It’s just a place you shower and sleep.
“Are you alright?” you ask.
She shuffles in her place, and you can tell she really doesn’t know why she’s here. You wait for a moment and then say her name seemingly snapping out of her trance.
“Hmm? Oh yeah. I’m okay. I just… wanted to ask you a few questions,”
You look at her in confusion and begin to feel uncomfortable, but you press on, “okay… shoot.”
She sits on your couch, so you sit next to her, “Were you ever sold the lie? The lie that they wanted to save the world with a cure?”
Ah… okay we’re going there.
“Uh, yeah, I guess I was,” you sigh, “When I joined the Fireflies, they fed us all this lie that they had doctors working on a miracle cure, which when you’ve lived as long as I have, you become sceptical for a cure because you have heard it many of times over the years,” she nods along with you.
“But I continued on anyway because I was following Tommy and I wanted to remain at his side. I didn’t want to be alone”.
She blinks at you as you speak and then says, “when did you find out? That it was all shit?”
“Uhm, I guess a few months into the crusade. We were bombing QZs, and I was… doing stuff that I regret still to this day, and I realised in the end, that it was in for a cause I didn’t even believe in.”
“So why did you stay?”
You suck in a deep breath, “For Tommy. I couldn’t ruin it for him. He had friends there and he felt like he was finally doing some good in the world and I couldn’t ruin that for him, so I stayed.”
“Did you want too?... stay, I mean?”
“No. If I’m being honest with you and myself, I didn’t…I didn’t want to keep hurting people in the name of a cause I didn’t believe in. It wasn’t fair on them or me, why do you ask?”
 She looks at you now, like she really wants to tell you something, but something is holding her back - something is screaming inside her head not to tell the truth.
“No reason… I just followed a cause I had my heart set on for a long time, like my life finally had a purpose. A purpose that Marlene promised me and then took away within seconds.”
You wince at the name. Marlene. She was the reason you have so much trauma. This nightmare of a life is all because of her - she ruined you mentally and physically in the name of the Fireflies and you let her.  She is the reason you can’t sleep at night. You hear her voice echoing in your mind on repeat: if you don’t get the information I need, I’ll leave you out there for the clickers, so you did as you were told.
“Well, I hate to break it to you, kid, but Marlene? Was a bit of a bitch.” she laughs at that and an idea pops into your head.
“Do you like to read?”
“Uh, comics I do. There’s this one called Savage Starlight and its’ my favourite. My friend I met while out there taught me how to sign the quote from it - endure and survive.”
Ellie proceeds to show you how to sign the phrase and her eyes beam with pride. You tell her how good she was and then show her that you can know ASL too, hello my name is JJ and it’s nice to meet you, Ellie.
She looks at you in awe and you teach her how to sign her name, she catches on pretty quickly and you see a little flame ignite in her mind like she’s finally regaining a small gift of her childhood back.
“Follow me,” you say standing up. You hold your hand out and she takes it.
She follows you up the stairs and you take her into the library of your home, the spare bedroom in fact. She’s surprised by how many books you have and asks how you got so many. You explain that when patrol find new books, they always bring them back for you - whether you’ve read them, or you haven’t. She notices the books are all just stacked in neat piles on the floor.
“Yeah, I need a bookcase for them but unfortunately they aren’t that easy to carry on horseback.”
She chuckles at that.
“Hey, Joel likes to make things out of wood, why don’t you ask him to make you one?” she says in passing. You don’t think she is aware of the events of last night.
“Uh, yeah, maybe one day, kid. If we ever get along.” you say sheepishly.
“I know he’s really hard to get along with at first, trust me I am fully aware of that. But he does warm up to you eventually… he did me anyway.”
“Yeah, maybe one day, kid.” you say and give her a weak smile.
You secretly hope for Tommy’s sake that you and Joel can at least learn to be civil with one another, even if were able to sit in the same room as each other, that would be enough.
You feel like you and Joel made a little progress on your patrol today - he saved your ass, which was a little annoying to you because the one person you never wanted to be in debt to is Joel-fucking-Miller.
You kneel under the desk, ignoring the creaking in your knees and pull a box out which is full of Savage Starlight editions. You found them on patrol over the years and saved them for if you ever felt like re-living your childhood, but you still never had the chance to read them.
“Holy shit! I can’t believe you have all these editions!” she looks at you and grins, the biggest toothy smile you’ve seen dances its way across the young girl’s face.
“They’re yours… if you want them that is.” you smile at her.
“No fucking way, dude, that’s too much! I can’t take these!” she says. You can tell she really wants to take them but doesn’t want to seem rude.
“Trust me, kid, I will never get the chance to read them. Take them and enjoy them please, I insist!” you hand her the box, and she thanks you again, jumping on the spot.
In the few weeks since you met Ellie, you haven’t seen her look so happy, so you feel a small sense of pride that you are the reason for that newly found smile. She very quickly makes her exit from your home, desperate to go home and read the comics you had just given her; you wave her goodbye and close your front door. You cannot help but smile once she’s gone. You just made that kids’ week and that brings a warm feeling in your chest, one that hasn’t been there in a very long time.
You head upstairs and grab your quilt and pillows and set up camp on your couch.
Making sure you have your rifle in reach and your knife under your pillow, you stare at your ceiling for a while but sleep washes over you quickly and you smile to yourself knowing that you’ve probably made that kids’ whole year.
When you open your eyes, you’re in a small room, filled with chairs and the faces of the many men, women, and children you have killed over the years.
You walk through the room, panic burrowing its’ way deep into your chest. As you’re walking through the room, the faces begin to turn towards you - their jaws are no longer attached to their faces. You continue walking through the room until there is a door.
You open the door and step inside.
The room is pitch black and you can’t see a thing, when suddenly, a lamp turns on at the other end of the room. You check your back to see if you have your pack, but you have nothing but the clothes you were wearing to sleep in, nothing to protect yourself, not even a fucking torch. Sucking in a deep breath, you continue to step carefully through this room that never ends.
Your leg bumps into something close to the lamp and you blindly feel around to try and make sense of what is happening. You feel something that resembles two shoulders and arms, but you can’t be sure, it’s so dark in here. You hear an ear-piercing scream, and all the lights suddenly flash on, and it takes you a second to adjust.
Looking down at the thing you were feeling, fear smacks you in the face when you see it’s one of the FEDRA soldiers you tortured and killed for information, Officer 3227.
He speaks now in a low menacing tone, “you did this to me” and all you can whisper is no… please I’m sorry.
“I had a family. Children, I needed to raise, and you took that away from me.”
 “I had no choice… I had to. My mission was information. I was just following orders.”
“My daughter was raped. And killed. By raiders because of you.”
“I’m sorry…. Please I’m so sorry.” You can’t help the flow of hot tears streaming down your face now.
“You killed me… Mockingjay.”
The soldier begins to screech Mockingjay repeatedly and you back away, but hit a wall behind you, so you sink into the wall, placing your hands over your ears and you begin to scream.
Your eyes fly open, and you sit up quickly, still screaming and struggling to regain control of your breath.
Eventually you manage to stop screaming when you realise you’re safe in your own home.
Wiping the sweat from your brow, you swing your legs off the sofa to plant your feet on the hardwood floor. The coldness of the floor sends shivers through your spine. The cool shock of the floor seems to ground you a little more and you wipe the sleep from your eyes.
Looking over at your clock, you see it’s only 2am, so you stand up and walk over to your kitchen to grab a glass of water.
Thud thud thud.
A knock at the door distracts from that task; you sigh heavily and head to your front door.
It’s Tommy.
“Uh, hi, Miller, come in.” you look at him confused and step aside to let him inside your home. He walks in and takes a seat on the couch, and you sit next to him.
 “JJ, are you alright?” he turns to you with his brows knitted together.
“Yeah, yeah I’m good.” Liar.
“JJ, I heard your screaming. That’s why I knocked! Did you have a nightmare again? I thought they stopped when we came here.”
He knows you’re lying, Tommy has always been able to tell when you are lying, he can read you like a book.
“No, Tommy, they never stopped. Who told you they did?” you ask confused.
“No one. I just assumed they did, because you didn’t speak about them anymore.”
“Speaking about them doesn’t make them go away, it just makes them real.” you say, obviously uncomfortable with this conversation.
“JJ… we’ve spoke about this, you can tell me anything, you know that right?”
“Yeah, I know.” you whisper.
“Well… as long as you’re okay,” Tommy begins to shuffle in place, sensing your uncomfortableness.
“I am fine, Tommy. Honestly. Anyway, what are you doing awake?”
“Oh, I just popped over to see how Joel and Ellie were settling in and it turned into an hours long session of Ellie sitting with me and showing me all the comics she’d recently acquired… from you,” he says with a smile on his face.
“Yeah, I had them tucked under my desk, in the spare room and they were collecting dust. Until Ellie popped round earlier and we had a long chat, so I decided to give her a little pick me up.” you say smiling, reliving the memory of her sweet little face when you handed her the comics.
“Ellie popped in?” he asks confused.
“Yeah, we spoke in the mess hall this morning about patrols,”
He chuckles.
“And then a few hours later, she’s knocking at my door, wanting to speak about the Fireflies.”
Tommy stiffens when you mention the Fireflies and you look at him confused.
“What?” you asked confused.
“What did she say about them? The Fireflies?” he asks stiffening his jaw slightly, just like Joel does.
You can see it now - how similar the brothers really are, they both have big brown eyes, long curly brown hair and stiffen their jaws when they nervous or angry. Tommy is a lot softer than Joel, he’s kinder and gentler when he speaks to you. Joel is rough, his face shows that he’s suffered a lot more loss in his life than Tommy has.
You look at him now, really confused as to where he’s going with this conversation.
“She asked me if I knew when I joined that they were a crusade of liars, she asked about Marlene too. If I knew who she was from the beginning or if she sold me a bunch of lies, just as much as they did you and why I stayed so long if I knew they were liars. She was very vague and didn’t want to tell me the real reason why she was asking me all these questions.”
“And what did you tell her?”
Why? What does Tommy know that I don’t? you ask yourself.
“I told her the truth. I stayed for you and that Marlene was a bitch.” He chuckles at you.
“That’s fair,” he laughs, “Right, I better get going, it’s pretty late and Maria’s probably worried about where I’ve got too.” He smacks his knees and begins to stand up. You walk him to the front door, and he steps outside.
“Okay well, goodnight, Tommy.”
He spins to face you, “Hey… you know you can talk to me whenever you want, right?”
“Yeah, I know.” you whisper.
“Goodnight, JJ.”
He nods his head once and leaves your porch, you watch him as he leaves the limp in his right leg from the mission that went wrong a few years back.
*              *              *
You were both scheduled to head out to a checkpoint when you were attacked by raiders on the way, you were both hit pretty bad by a trap mine that was set just ten clicks from where you needed to get too. You remember waking up from being knocked unconscious. You roll over and see Tommy is also out cold, but his leg is bleeding, shit. You crawl over to him as quickly as you can and try to shake him awake, begging him not to die on you.
You look down at your hands and see his blood.
You start to scan Tommy’s body for injury until you get to his leg and see shrapnel, from the vehicle you were in, dug deep into his leg, shit.
“Tommy!” you shake his shoulders, “Tommy, you have got to wake up! Come on, I’m not losing you, not today like this!” your breathing quickens, and you continue to shake him and beg him to wake up.
He sucks in a deep breath and begins to open his eyes. Thank God.
“Hey! You’re okay! We’ve been hit, your legs got some shrapnel in it, but I’m sure it’s nothing the doctors back at camp can’t fix.” He just nods at you, in too much pain to speak.
You manage to get him to sit up slowly, wrapping his arm over your shoulder you hoist him up and begin limping, looking for a place to hide. Scanning the terrain you’re trapped in, you manage to spot an old gas station and you - as quickly as Tommy will let you - haul his ass over there.
You drop your shotgun on the ground and carefully place Tommy behind the cash register.
“Just leave me…” he says through exasperated breaths.
You kneel in front of him and shake your head, “JJ, please. Leave me… I can’t let you die because of me…”
“And I can just let you die because of me?! You listen to me, Miller. We. Are. Getting out of this.” you say, looking around you making sure no one followed.
You’re clear for now.
“JJ, you’re way more important to the Fireflies than me.”
“No Tommy, don’t you dare go there! You’re way too important to me to just leave you here to die, not happening not on my watch. I mean it!” you say in a warning tone.
 He looks at you again defeated; he knows you won’t back down from this.
You hear, from in front of you, just behind the cars, shit.
You need to think of an escape plan and quick.
There are two ways this can go - you can either do it with stealth, or just shoot and hope you don’t run out of bullets before they run out of guys.
You opt for the sneaking option, safer for you and Tommy if you ever want to make it out of this mess.
You tell Tommy the plan and he insist on helping, but you point-blank refuse. In his state, he will just get you killed and then he’s definitely screwed, we’re both going home today.
You slowly sneak out from behind the desk and hide behind a car, counting how many there are in your head. Three guys, average build, so should be pretty easy to take down. They have also decided to split up, which was a dumb move, because now it’s even easier for you to pick them off one by one.
You manage to snake through the cars easily, without a sound. You quickly sneak up behind one the guys and wait for the other one to look away and that is when you pounce, like a leopard in the wild. You drag him down to the ground and plant your knife into his throat. He chokes on his own blood for a few seconds, and you see the life drain out of his eyes. One down two to go.
You use the same method for the other guy; wait for him to look away, pounce, and kill. Silent and as easy as that.
The final guy proved to be a challenge - he must be the leader of the group because he is checking his six and looking around all at the same time. He’s also got a different build to the other two, a little more muscular so he may prove to be a challenge. Eventually you manage to get right behind him but in the last second, the ground betrays you. You hear a crunch of glass under your feet, fuck.
He wastes no time in lunging at you and you both topple to the ground, he drops his knife in the process and so do you.
So, all you have to fight with is your bare fists, great.
He’s a lot heavier than he looks and he bares all his weight down on your chest, you’re fighting with his arms ensuring he cannot get his hands on your throat. Throwing your whole weight into it. In between the fumbling around, he lands a few punches in, but so do you, so the odds are even right now.
You place your arm down on the ground, letting him get a few punches in while you feel around for your knife and that’s when he sees his moment and grabs it by the balls.
With both hands, he grabs your throat and begins to choke you.
All you can do now is use your fists to punch his hands to get them off you, but it does’t work, and he presses on your windpipe harder. You can feel yourself getting weaker as all the spare oxygen you had left is depleting and you begin seeing stars. Your vision is getting dark, and breathing is now completely impossible.
But just before you black out, you hear the familiar sound of a shot gun and the grip on your windpipe loosens. The guy falls to the ground with a thud, and you roll over choking and gasping, trying to grab as much oxygen as you possibly can just in case it runs out again.
You recognise the boots in front of you. Tommy is swaying over you and as you are about to stand up, he falls on his ass.
“Thank you… for saving my ass.” You choke out, voice hoarse, your throat feels like you’ve swallowed glass.
“S’alright, now can we please get back to base before I pass out?” Tommy asks and you chuckle standing up holding out your hand to help him back up from his seated position.
*              *              *
You snap back into the present day and realise you’re still stood on your doorstep.
You close the door and sit back on the couch with a heavy sigh.
That was the first of many times that Tommy had saved your life, or vice versa. Which is what quickly made you realise you worked well together, and you were sent out on missions together from there on in; apart from the information gathering ones. Tommy was not particularly good at the idea of torture, he preferred to feel like he was the hero of the story. You, on the other hand, knew you were the villain whose story never ends well; you figure that’s the reason why you aren’t scared of dying. Not anymore. You haven’t been for a very long time. You haven’t got anything to live for - Jake died years ago, and yes, you have tommy, but he has his own family now. He has something to fight for everyday - he returns home to warm bed and a woman to love him. You, on the other hand, come home to a cold bed and sleep that’s full of nightmares, which get worse during the dark. Which at the moment is constantly.
You can’t help but feel like you live your life in overdrive, running on an empty gas tank. Every day is the same; it’s like you live the same day repeatedly. Wake up, patrol, come home, eat, and sleep. Rinse and repeat every day.
So, you ask yourself, what do you even fight for anymore?
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thequackcity · 3 years
Quackity and Schlatt’s Relationship - More Complicated Then You Think
(this is all /rp and about the characters from the dream smp! pls assume i have the dignity not to write analysis of youtubers)
recently there was a bit of discourse surrounding the relationship between Quackity and Schlatt floating around on tumblr. tho i never saw the original post that sparked the conversation, i did see a few posts that were inspired by it mentioning how they disliked that the original post implied that Quackity and Schlatt were mutually abusive and/or equally bad for each other 
since i never saw the original post, i can't be sure if that's what the op meant to imply. it's not really my place to speak about a post that i never got the chance to read. BUT the conversation that was caused by the post in question did get me thinking about how this fandom treats the relationship between Quackity and Schlatt and how little nuance there is in discussions about it
now before i say anything else, i want to make a few things clear:
i don't think Quackity and Schlatt’s relationship is mutually abusive. no need to worry about hearing that from this post
i don't look down on ppl who have different interpretations of their relationship
there will be potentially triggering content in this analysis. i will place a quick warning whenever i think one is needed!
their relationship is romantic in canon and therefore i’ll be treating it as romantic
alright now that we’ve gotten all of that out of the way, we can finally get on with the analysis! i apologize for how long this is gonna be
part 1: let's talk relationship!
i think we can all agree that Quackity and Schlatt’s relationship was not exactly a healthy one. tho it didn't start out that way, it certainly turned into what could be read as abusive or toxic (i personally read their relationship as being abusive in its later half due to evidence provided by the text, but i understand if others prefer to view it as just toxic instead)
but what happened that led to their partnership ending so badly? what caused all of this mess?
well, it was a lot of things. but we will get to that later. let's talk relationship first!
from the very beginning, Quackity and Schlatt’s relationship was pretty one-sided. tho they both clearly liked each other as friends/partners in crime both before and after the election (yes they did interact before the election!) Quackity was also interested in Schlatt romantically- something that Schlatt wasn't fully committed to
as we all know from the infamous date stream and from a few other moments, Quackity and Schlatt enjoyed playfully flirting with each other- tho it was pretty obvious that Quackity was more serious about it then Schlatt was even tho Schlatt considered Quackity to be very attractive
in my opinion, Quackity is someone who wants a long term relationship, while Schlatt is more interested in flings. this can be seen in Schlatt refusing to marry Quackity and rejecting most of his advances while Quackity tried his best to convince him to feel otherwise. Tommy put it best: Quackity is just one of Schlatt’s many bitches U_U
to Quackity, the romantic aspect of their relationship was very important. because Schlatt never actually shot him down or told him that he didn't feel the same way, Quackity took that to mean that they were truly in love. Schlatt on the other hand wasn't very invested in the romantic side of things but clearly valued Quackity’s looks and his support as an ally against Pogtopia so he never fully rejected Quackity’s advances
this might not seem like too big of a deal considering the other things that happened between them, but i think it shows part of the nature of their relationship. there is a lot of miscommunication and, on Schlatt’s end, manipulation of emotions. love is a strong motivator for loyalty and Schlatt is a smart guy who would know how to use that to his advantage
but that isn't to say that Schlatt didn't ever care about Quackity!
Schlatt is a complicated guy and figuring out when he's actually being genuine can be pretty difficult. but i think there are some moments that point to Schlatt genuinely caring about Quackity
when he was alive, Schlatt was pretty paranoid. not as paranoid as Wilbur, but certainly up there. but there were never any times where he truly questioned Quackity’s loyalties after his first day as president. Schlatt also seemed truly upset that Quackity betrayed him, bringing up their status as partners in crime while ranting about how much it hurt him and singling Quackity out while talking about how he had been abandoned during his time of need
Schlatt also spent a lot of time sulking after Quackity betrayed him and whining to Ponk about needing a new bitch. this is in contrast to how angry he was after Tubbo betrayed him- both during and after the execution
there is also the situation with the Big Man Gym 
after being dead for a while, Schlatt contacted Quackity despite them leaving off on bad terms and asked for him to visit him in his cave gym. when Quackity showed up, Schlatt talked about how he valued their relationship and the good times they had together. tho this can easily be seen as emotional manipulation, Schlatt’s a lot smarter than he seems and- if he doesnt have memory issues due to being a ghost- would know that Quackity’s opinion of him was in the dump at the time of his death and most likely wouldn't have improved since then. Fundy has a higher opinion of Schlatt than Quackity does and is someone who obviously craves validation. but Schlatt went to Quackity first anyway and trusted him to help revive him
i think that this is all good evidence that points towards Schlatt truly caring about Quackity as much as someone like Schlatt can care about anyone- or at least valuing him as a companion
i also think that it is pretty common knowledge that Quackity cared about Schlatt- and possibly still does- but i will go over a bit of evidence that i haven’t already mentioned before we move on to the next part
Quackity tried multiple times to impress Schlatt (like when he lied about knowing how to play chess), would attempt to help Schlatt when he was drowning in water, sadly said that they could have had something together while Schlatt was dying in the caravan, and implied that he wouldn’t have left if Schlatt hadn’t taken down the white house. Quackity also willingly went to the Big Man Gym after being summoned there by Schlatt and wanted to revive him long before the revive book became part of the story
part 2: what made it fall apart?
everything i've said so far has been pretty interesting (hopefully) but it doesn't really answer the original question: what went wrong to turn Schlatt and Quackity’s mainly positive partnership sour?
well it comes down to two things in my opinion: their incompatible desires for political power and Schlatt’s deteriorating mental state
Quackity wanted political power from the beginning and wasn't afraid to be open about his desires. he pooled his votes with Schlatt because Schlatt offered him the position of vice president, something Wilbur and Tommy weren’t willing to give to him. tho Quackity obviously cared about L’Manburg and wanted to see good things for it, he also desired power and was willing to team up with someone he didn't fully agree with to get said power
at 32:40 in this video, Quackity talks about how in politics everyone uses everyone so it's alright if Schlatt is using him. he then talks about how he doesn't want to be a man with no power and how he understands that Schlatt’s main goal is also gaining/keeping power. Quackity also shows a bit of his naughty evil side by saying if he overthrows Schlatt then the fun ends too early! 
(side note: these two are pretty evenly matched in intelligence and manipulativeness, i love it!) 
it's a bit of a fandom misconception that Quackity was a love sick yes man during the Manburg era. tho Quackity did want to please Schlatt and was in love with him, he didn't shy away from standing up to or disagreeing with Schlatt when he believed it was needed
at around 26:12 of this video, Quackity and Schlatt meet together in private and Quackity tells Schlatt off for playing down his role in the power structure of Manburg. since this was very early in Schlatt’s reign, Quackity shows no fear towards him and confidently tells him not to treat him like that
Quackity also broke Niki out of jail after regretting letting her be put there in the first place, tried to convince Schlatt to not execute Tubbo, jumped in front of Fundy when Schlatt tried to attack him, tried to stop Schlatt from tearing down buildings, and attempted to protect the white house he built from being destroyed by Schlatt. these are not behaviors of a pure yes man but of someone who, despite fear, has the confidence to speak up for himself even when disrespected by someone in authority
Quackity has always been someone who wanted power and someone who was never a yes man to authority. this contradicts with how Schlatt believed Quackity should act as vice president. in Schlatt’s opinion, Quackity’s one job is to sit around looking pretty while Schlatt does all of the important things and holds all of the power. Schlatt was a big fan of promoting people to worthless positions of authority and its pretty obvious that he considered vice president to be similar to the fake positions he gave Fundy and Tubbo 
in the end, this was a big part of what destroyed their relationship. like it or not, Quackity’s a power hungry guy and always has been. he didn't like that Schlatt constantly shoved him aside and refused to listen to him
now onto the nasty bit...Schlatt’s mental state
cw for mentions of alcoholism, mental deterioration, and abusive behavior  
before i say anything more, i just want to say that i don't think having issues with alcoholism makes someone a bad person. i personally have some issues with such things so it would be pretty stupid of me to say being an alcoholic makes you a bad person. alcoholism does negatively affect your cognitive functions tho and, combined with other health issues, can cause some of the very serious mental problems that Schlatt clearly struggles with
throughout the Manburg era, Schlatt’s mental state rapidly deteriorated. he went from a pretty normal- if eccentric- guy who had a drinking problem, to someone who was delirious most of the time. it's a sharp and noticeable decline that caused a lot of pain for Quackity due to Schlatt often taking his excess aggression out on him by yelling at him and/or belittling him. tho Schlatt often belittled Quackity before he went fully off of the deep end, it was never as aggressive as it was when he was in this delirious state of mind
it was during one of Schlatt’s most aggressive and delirious moments that he tore down the white house despite Quackity’s protests. as we all know, this caused Quackity to snap and kill Schlatt (it's more complicated than that but we will get back to that). as mentioned previously, Quackity implied that he would have stayed with Schlatt if the white house hadn’t been destroyed
in my opinion, these two things combined are the biggest reasons why Quackity and Schlatt’s relationship fell apart. their differing desires for power were not compatible and Schlatt’s awful behavior while his mental state declined caused a rift between them that couldn't be fixed
part 3: how toxic was it really?
cw for emotional and physical abuse 
as i said all the way back in part one, Quackity and Schlatt’s relationship was not healthy. i have provided many examples in the other two parts that shine a light onto why it wasn't healthy, but i didn't show the entire picture
there are many moments that show exactly how Schlatt treated Quackity when he was acting at his worst and none of them are pretty. tho Schlatt was never truly aggressive with his insults until he started to go off of the deep end, that doesn't mean that what he said wasn't negatively affecting Quackity
Schlatt would belittle, insult, and mock Quackity for his appearance not being up to his standards, for his opinions, and for being emotional in ways that Schlatt disapproved of like crying. tho Schlatt would often brush off Quackity’s reactions towards this cruel behavior, it's very clear that Schlatt’s treatment of him has stuck with Quackity in many ways
Quackity is very sensitive about his appearance and it seems to be because of how badly Schlatt hurt his self esteem during their time together. Schlatt tied Quackity’s worth to his appearance and then would claim he wasn't meeting his standards of attractiveness. we can tell that this has stuck with Quackity because of his sensitivity towards people bringing up the scar on his face (something that greatly alters his physical appearance) and he still reacts very badly when Schlatt calls him the mocking nickname flatty patty
speaking of flatty patty- that stupid insult shockingly has a lot of weight in Quackity’s relationship with Schlatt. tho its something the audience is meant to laugh at, the nickname also shows just how little Schlatt respects Quackity because he's constantly throwing it around just to make Quackity upset. Schlatt’s last words are flatty patty all because he wanted to get in one last dig at his ex and ruin Quackity’s day even further 
Schlatt tends to do a lot of things that are intended to make Quackity upset. tearing down the room Quackity made for him in the white house is the biggest example of this- especially since Schlatt mentions how it will upset Quackity while he does it. you can see this moment at around 19:10 of this video
and now let's get into the elephant in the room when it comes to these two: Quackity was scared of Schlatt. tho we never really see Schlatt hit or attack Quackity physically outside of their confrontation at the white house or their confrontation in the caravan, these clips imply that Quackity was at the very least scared of Schlatt physically harming him in some way 
as for actually physically harming him, Schlatt hits Quackity multiple times with a pickaxe and with his fists during their white house fight. Quackity hits Schlatt a couple times too, tho these are all primarily defensive blows since he is trying to protect himself and his property. he also chases after Quackity with a bow after Quackity’s plan to trick him into signing Manburg over to the Pogtopians fails and hits him multiple times during the caravan confrontation
all of this evidence shows that Schlatt was an abusive (or at least toxic) partner towards Quackity and someone who greatly affected him in many ways
tho Quackity did a few questionable things throughout his relationship with Schlatt (such as trying to get Schlatt to have sex with him despite Schlatt not being interested as shown in the later half of this video) and did some downright morally wrong things during his time as vice president of Manburg, no one deserves the pain of an abusive relationship- even a person who has done bad things
as a brief side note before we move on because i know people will bring it up if i skip over it, Quackity did- and most likely still does- want to literally possess Glatt. he brought up reviving Schlatt and using him as a political pawn after Schlatt’s funeral and during their conversation at the Big Man Gym Quackity talked about owning Glatt and having him work at Las Nevadas with no pay
this is unsettling behavior to say the least but this essay isnt about the aftermath of their relationship so much as it is about their relationship when it was actually happening. maybe i will make another post talking more about how Quackity’s relationship with Schlatt affected him even after Schlatt’s death and/or about Quackity’s relationship with Glatt
part 4: final thoughts
i’m not exactly sure why the nuances in Schlatt and Quackity’s relationship get lost when it comes to the fandom, but it’s pretty disappointing to see. hopefully this essay can help people take a closer look at canon and maybe even help them find something interesting that they’d want to explore!
tho the point of this essay is to clear up any misconceptions and hopefully add some nuance to the conversations surrounding Schlatt and Quackity’s relationship, i also wrote it in hopes of showing people how fascinating these two partners in crime were back in the Manburg days. i didn’t cover everything but i think i did a pretty good job for my first analysis post in the dsmp fandom
also since you read to the end, i must say thank you! it really does means a lot to me that you did. i hope you enjoyed and maybe even learned something. this post can be used as a resource if anyone wants to use it as such
here’s a tiny devil Quackity for your troubles <3
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mono-dot-jpeg · 3 years
the antarctic idiots [pt.1] - c! technoblade
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summary; in which two anarchist piglins adopt an ender boy.
genre; child! ranboo, piglin hybrid! reader, slight canon divergence from dream smp, fluff, found family au is my shit, reader is now ranboo’s parent i don’t make the rules, techno is a grumpy father but it’s okay you love him, realistic minecraft? (idk how to describe it-)
pairing; c! technoblade x reader, platonic! ranboo x reader
word count; 1.5k
a/n; fuck it, it is here now. here’s the techno x reader you fucking simps. i can’t even be mad bc i too am a simp for the anarchist pig that is technoblade. 
i hope this is somewhat up to par with everyone’s expectations since i hyped this up so much. this is one of the few writings that i actually like so- i couldn’t resist waiting so long to post it AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
next >
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now you never really expected to find yourself on a side of history that was deemed "the villain's side", especially when the villain wasn't even that bad.
okay, that's a bit of a lie. this piglin man blew up an entire country to end government. plus he has evaded his taxes. i mean the list goes on but that's not the entire point here.
the point is, you found yourself actually being friends (even going as far as housemates) with the so-called evil anarchist.
now we might be moving too fast here, so let's move it back a little bit.
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"so you want me to join pogtopia?" you looked up, shutting the book in your hand as you leaned back on your chair. "and what would i get in return exactly?"
"...our friendship won't die?" the voice of wilbur soot rings in your quiet home, unsure and nervous at your stern aura and words.
"why can't you just help us?!" tommy flared up, nearly throwing a fit if not for his older brother holding him back.
"just because i am your friend, does not mean i am interested in fighting for your conflicts." you place the book on the small side table, adjusting your gloves while you explain yourself to the two boys, "i'm not saying i'm a pacifist, but i'm not here to fight. i live far away for a reason. i told you this before."
"can i call in that favor then?" wilbur asked. "you still owe me one." you huffed at his words. you saw this coming.
"you're lucky i'm a nice person most of the time." you sighed, standing up and nearly towering over the two boys if not for wilbur being a bit taller than you. "i will get my stuff packed, and then we can get to your pogtopia. but while i do that, please explain the whole situation." since you lived so far away from society, you didn't know too much about what was happening unless wilbur told you about it and wilbur never really talked to you too often.
"well, you know how we had l'manburg.." and then he starts to explain how that completely backfired on them because they lost the election and now they lost their country. "and now we want to fight back for l'manburg." wilbur finishes explaining as you put your old netherite sword in its sheath that hung on your waist. "we just need your help. are you willing to train us?"
"it's not like i have much of a choice since you're cashing in that favor." you pointed out. "i better not be staying for too long."
"i can't make any promises about that." you sighed. "you ready?"
"unfortunately." it was time to leave your home and face violence once again.
"if it makes you feel any better, you're not the only person we've asked to help us." tommy says in an attempt to get you out of your bitter mood.
"that made me feel worse, tommy. i think you guys would've been fine without me if you have another person helping you other than tubbo." you slung your bag over your shoulder. "but if you really insist on getting the help of me, then who am i to judge?"
"since it seems like you're ready now, let's go to pogtopia!" tommy said, ignoring most of your words of complaints as he starts to drag you by the arm towards the dream smp. "it's quite the walk from here. why do you live so far from everyone? don't you get lonely? why didn't you join l'manburg with me and will?"
"slow down with the questions, tommy. first of all, i've told you and wilbur why i live far away, you did not listen though." you pressed a finger on his forehead, earning a huff of annoyance from the blonde. you moved your hand back to your side. "i simply do not like people. also why get pulled into conflict that you never were apart of to begin with? but that's pretty hypocritical of me to say now."
"i get that you're not fond of people, but aren't you lonely out here?" you three walked into the portal that would take you right into the nether. the sounds of bubbling lava and squealing pigmen was always an oddly comforting sound to hear.
"i'm perfectly content in my house. even if it's very far from others. i'm happy." you answered though your words sounded so... monotonous. tommy gave you a look, he definitely didn't believe you. "i know i don't sound happy but i am." before you knew it, you made it to the other nether portal which would actually take you to the manburg and pogtopia. oh how you didn't miss this place at all.
you never liked how manburg was ran even before shlatt was elected. you never really like government in general. it always seemed to be ruining everything. freedom never felt like freedom, at least that's what you thought especially when there was a goverment.
"welcome to pogtopia!" you were so deep in your own thoughts that you hadn't realized that you had made it to pogtopia.
"so where is your other helper? the first choice that wasn't me?" you asked.
"i think he might be here. he's been staying up for a long time. ever since he got in here." wilbur said. "technoblade? you here?" wilbur leads you to a potato farm and you soon feel a sense of familiarity as you enter the room.
"yeah." a low huff is heard, causing you and wilbur to turn your heads toward the source of the sound. "i'm here." what immediately catches your attention is the crown messily placed on his head as he farms. as a piglin, you've always been fond of gold, that adoration never left you once you went to the overworld. you never really wore a crown but you wore a gold pendant instead that was pinned to your cape.
"you have a really pretty crown." it takes you a minute to realize that those words came out of your mouth. "fuck, i didn't mean to say that out loud." you explained quickly to the male that was farming. "piglin things." you muttered.
"a very unexpected compliment. understandable." techno said. "wilbur, who is this again? have i met them?"
"well, you'd think you know each other since you're both piglins, but i guess the world is bigger than i thought. well, technoblade, meet y/n, y/n, meet technoblade."
"i call him the blade." tommy said smugly. "the blade! how's the potato planting doing?"
"it's doing fine. i didn't expect any company to come though."
"well, this is the person that we wanted to recruit for pogtopia."
"nice to meet you, even if the circumstances aren't the best. wilbur is lucky i owe him a favor." you said. "i sort of expected meeting you since tommy and wilbur mentioned you once they came to get me. i just never expected to see another piglin here in the overworld."
"never expected to see another piglin here either." techno hummed slightly.
maybe staying in pogtopia won't be too bad. at least you made a friend?
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that was sort of a lie. you and techno never really talked after the encounter. it never worried you, you’re not one for conversation right now anyways. you had a mission to do and you’re gonna do it. you didn’t have time to make friends, at least that’s what you thought. friends seemed to be temporary in the smp, considering the wars that were and have happened.
you weren’t going to make another friend, knowing that you just might get pulled into their fights.
“why did you stop fighting once you left l’manburg?” wilbur’s voice rings in the small fighting pit that was made for training.
“i simply didn’t find the need to fight. it doesn’t mean i’m any weaker though. i will still fight for what i want to fight for.” and that’s gonna be really ending this whole government. you think to yourself, letting the nighttime ambience fill the air.
“you still have your lives...right?” you show him your wrist which had 3 hearts tattooed on it. 
“i’ve been living away from everyone, of course i won’t die that easily.” you let out an empty laugh. “bold of you to assume i would even die.”
“i know it’s ridiculous to even think that you would lose a life after you left l’manburg but what if dream were to chase you down and kill you?”
“i understand your worry, but need not to worry, i can handle myself. if i couldn’t you guys would never even assign me as cavalry captain those years ago.” you said, unbuttoning your gold pendant to place it on the stone cold floor along with your other accessories you had. “it’s not like dream can do too much to me. we made a deal after all.”
“a deal?” wilbur raised an eyebrow as he took off his jacket, tossing it on the ground.
“don’t be too concerned. i’m not like eret. i wouldn’t betray you.”
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libraryofsouls · 3 years
May I request the slasher’s reaction to their s/o getting a bad haircut! (btw hope your day/night is going well).
of course! and things have been going well, thank you. 💖
slashers reactions to: their s/o getting a bad haircut
Asa Emory / The Collector
depending on whether or not you actually consulted him beforehand, this could go two ways.
if you didn't, he'd be upset. who gave you permission to have your hair cut? why didn't you ask him first? does he need to remind you of your place again?
Asa might leave you be for a couple of days depending on how drastic the change is. if it can be remedied easily, he'll have you beg for forgiveness but if not - don't be offended when he starts bringing you wigs. actually, he won't care either way. this is your fault.
if it's something you two have talked over then he's a lot more sympathetic about it. especially if you feel insecure over it. it's not so bad actually. if you're lucky you might catch him fiddling with your hair while you sleep.
overall he's indifferent to it. it's just hair? it's not the end of the world. just be thankful that he has no interest in experimenting with hair implants.
Billy Lenz
it might seem like he wouldn't notice but he's actually quite perceptive to these kinds of things. Billy is absolutely the type to notice any sort of physical change no matter how subtle it is.
unsurprisingly, this is because he spends almost all of his time watching you. of course he's bound to notice!
he'll definitely point it out but he'd either be neutral or mildly upset about it. if he dislikes it, you would know immediately because he would pull your hair and demand answers.
if it's not that big of a difference and he's craving a bit of your company Billy would want to brush your hair for you! isn't he sweet? unless of course it gets tangled, then you might actually end up looking worse. (unless you teach him how to do it properly.)
if he's feeling more gracious than usual he might even offer to remedy it! whether or not you decide to indulge him is entirely up to you. there's a slim chance he would actually be good at it but denying him isn't recommended either..
Bo Sinclair
there's no sugar-coating it. Bo will laugh at you. he might even point it out to his brothers if you look especially funny.
did you go to a blind hairdresser? head got stuck in a lawnmower? got attacked by a bunch of bloodthirsty birds? you're never going to hear the end of it. he's never going to let this go even after your hair grows out.
would constantly tease you about it but it's mostly out of love. he might even come up with cute nicknames for you depending on how badly you messed up your haircut.
if someone else tries to make fun of you though that's an entirely different story. only he can call you ugly duckling! if someone else does it then he's ready to crack someone's skull open.
denies he was doing anything to defend you. Bo would just claim that they were being too loud for his liking. it had nothing to do with you. nope. not at all. "it's 'cause your hair's so damn ugly that they died on the spot."
Brahms Heelshire
what have you done?! this is MUTINY! he's been BETRAYED! dramatically reaches out to feel your hair with his trembling fingers.
this is all so wrong... so very wrong. at first he would only be able to stare at you in utter disbelief. as if you've spat at his face and insulted his entire bloodline.
Brahms takes it as a personal attack against him. sure, he can be a handful at times but he'd never thought you'd be this cruel! it might take some thorough explaining that no, actually you hadn't intended to end up like this.
regardless he would be very upset. he's rather fond of your hair and if it was longer before and much shorter now, he might not be able to recover from it until it grows back. Brahms is a bit shallow, you see.
when your hair does eventually grow out expect him to treat you like a ticking time bomb. he can't possibly trust you with keeping it pristine now! it's decided. Brahms would just have to cut your hair for you. unlike Billy though, he has slightly more experience since he cuts his own hair so you might not have to worry too much.
Bubba Sawyer
Bubba absolutely adores you either way! literally nothing can convince him otherwise. he might even get upset if you tell him it's ugly. no no no, you can't possibly be ugly! you're his s/o! you look wonderful no matter what!
as for the rest of the family... the twins love it too! they might even call you a trendsetter. they might come off as patronizing if you haven't been around that long to know them but they're actually genuinely into it. it's fun and quirky and nobody else has it! what do you mean you look bad?
Drayton is a lot less enthusiastic about it. he'll throw in an insult here and there but nothing too harsh unless it's getting in the way of your chores. if it bothers you so much he might actually shave all of your hair off. (don't worry! Bubba will protect you!)
if you're adamant about remedying your look then Bubba would offer to help. unfortunately he has little to no experience with cutting hair. he was the one offering his help but.. are you sure you want him to do this? he's more worried about accidentally snipping your ear off than he is ruining your look.
Bubba wouldn't really understand if you happen to be worked up about it. he truly, wholeheartedly thinks that you look gorgeous no matter what you do with your appearance. it's still you under there after all!
Jason Voorhees
he'd be surprised at first but will try to play it cool if you become self-conscious. points at something just above your head. he wasn't staring at your hair, he was looking at...uh. that bird up that tree! it flew away when you looked... too bad..
like Bubba, Jason loves you no matter how you look. big boy does not care at all. things will stay pretty much the same. he’s not the type to make a big deal about it just because you look a little different.
he would make sure to shower you with compliments if he catches you fussing over your appearance though. bring in the gifts! he picked up this cool hat for you, do you want it? how about these hair clips? he wants to help as much as he can.
Jason would not want to fix it for you but it’s not like he can deny you when you’re asking for his help. what if he messes it up? what if you get mad at him? what if he accidentally hurts you? it’s too risky. he doesn’t even know how to! hopefully his many concerns would be enough to convince you to just let it be.
if not, well.. his hands would be trembling the entire time. this poor man would be scared to death to snip even a single strand of your hair. why would you put him through this? not only would it take him hours before doing anything noticeable, he would be in a constant state of dread the entire time.
Jesse Cromeans / Chromeskull
WHEEZE. babe, what happened? who did you offend? he’s very desperately trying not to laugh at you but he’s failing. what a gentleman. Jesse would inspect the damage - totally not struggling to hide his laughter - before claiming that he hadn’t noticed anything until you pointed it out.
he’ll tease you about it, asking if you’ve been out making enemies behind his back. he won’t be as much of an asshole as Bo per se but he’s not about to pass up the opportunity to get a reaction from you.
Jesse is more of a romantic about it, holding you close and placing a palm on your chest. what matters to him is this, he signs. ...your tits. oh and your heart too, but that’s just a bonus. he’s kidding! stop hitting him! (claims to have planned this just to make you smile all along. sneaky bastard.)
if it’s something that bothers you, he’ll have a hairdresser come over for a home service. why are you surprised? were you expecting him to bring you to the salon? the barbers? why would he do something like that? he’s offended!
now you’ve done it - you’ve bruised his ego. the man’s just showing off at this point. within the short period of time the hairdresser took to fix your little problem, Jesse somehow managed to get more people involved. they’re wheeling all sorts of expensive-looking equipment in. one claims they’re a nail technician and the other a masseuse. oh you had plans today? too bad, you're getting pampered and that’s final.
Michael Myers
if it’s really bad then he might let out a small chuckle but that’s pretty much it. the most he’ll do is run his fingers through your hair. Michael doesn’t really care all that much for appearance either.
but he’s not as eager to console you like the rest of the slashers are. if it’s a bad haircut then it’s bad - he’s not the type to beat around the bush. “do you think I look stupid?” he’ll nod. if you react negatively to that he’ll just shrug. you asked! what do you want him to do, lie?
Michael would help you out if you asked but it’s ill-advised. he’s decent with a pair of scissors but he’s going to keep cutting shorter and shorter until you either stop him or you run out of hair. (there’s no guarantee he’ll stop even if you asked nicely.) clearly this is your fault. why would you trust him with a pair of scissors?
this should be obvious but do not let him anywhere near your hair with anything sharp. he might take matters in his own hands if he sees how fixated you are with your haircut. if it’s that bad, he’ll snip away while you sleep. Michael would be careful not to wake you.
overall you’re almost guaranteed to have an awful time if Michael decides he wants to do something about it. he’s not going to make fun of you but you’re going to wish he did instead of butchering your precious mane.
Thomas Hewitt
oh, honey... what happened? he’ll set you on his lap to give you a good look-over. Tommy is not all too concerned about how you look but how you feel about it so he’ll help in any way he can. if you’re upset about it he’ll press a quick kiss on the crown of your head to reassure you.
nothing a little trim can’t fix! as good as he is with his hands, he has almost no experience with hair so he would have to ask Luda Mae for help. he’ll be there too don’t you worry your pretty little head!
Luda Mae would coo at you affectionately, earning a disapproving “tsk, tsk.“ at the poor soul who had done this to you. they would be the talk of the town. if you somehow did this to yourself, then she’ll scold you out of love. why didn’t you ask her instead? after the whole ordeal is sorted out though she’ll beam with pride when you comment on how good it turned out.
Hoyt is most likely going to chide on how badly you messed it up if you were the one responsible but if it was someone else, you best believe he’d be out of the door in search for the s.o.b. what kind of hairdresser would do such a half-assed job?
if you’re not quite close to the family yet, Tommy would do it but he’s unfortunately not as good as Luda Mae. he won’t be as bad as Michael though so you can still save whatever dignity you have left.
Vincent Sinclair
unsurprisingly, he’s the mature one out of the bunch and like Tommy, he’s more concerned about how you feel instead of how you look. he would immediately try to fix it - you won’t even have to ask. Vincent won’t even give you time to actually feel bad about it, that’s how much he cares about you.
he usually doesn’t alter his victims’ appearances so he doesn’t have much experience but he’s not about to tell you that! his caring side would definitely override his lack of confidence. congrats! Vincent does a pretty good job. he would even give you a trim if you asked.
if you somehow ran into his brothers first then there’s no escaping it. Bo’s going to laugh at you. Lester wouldn’t really insult you but he’ll poke fun at you, saying that it would be much easier to find you now, much to Bo’s amusement. luckily for you, they’d made enough ruckus to draw out Vincent.
Vincent wouldn’t necessarily defend you from his brothers, just silently tug you somewhere else - prompting Bo to call him out for being a killjoy. unfortunately since he’s used to his brothers picking at him he’ll expect you to do the same. afterwards he won’t take long to fix your haircut.
this isn’t going to stop Bo from calling you names though. Lester wouldn’t do it but he’s not exactly opposed to what he assumes is just friendly banter. they’re unlikely to cross the line since they know how much you mean to Vincent so unless you’re especially sensitive, then it’s nothing too serious.
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo wilbur and phil - i’ve got a (paintball) gun
this is part 12 to the great adventures series
an: ranboo was possibly in the Uk at this point however I don’t know when this vlog was actually recorded so I’ve decided that he’s still in the us at this moment in time i also didn’t proof read
tubbo stood near you occasionally shooting you with a nerf gun whilst you were filming a cooking video making it rather hard to focus
“you alright there Tubb-ow that fucking hurt”
“let me be in the video”
you rolled your eyes before moving to the side so tubbo could be in frame, earlier on you both went to a butterfly house and since the pair of you would have to get a train tomorrow to go record a vlog with Tommy it made more sense for him to stay at yours for the night. it took a lot longer than expected to film the cooking video as tubbo absolutely destroyed the plan you had for the video after he found out what you were making
“Surely not. you have pizza in the fridge let’s cook that instead”
“tubbo no fans voted on what is make and they chose something from the great depression cookbook it’s not my fault…heh how do you know about the pizza I got it yesterday”
“I made myself feel at home”
eventually, the pair of you finished the recipe unsurprising food from the great depression didn’t taste great so you put it in the bin whilst tubbo put the pizza in the oven. the rest of the night was surprisingly chill compared to earlier on when filming (probably because after you both had eaten you were exhausted and had a long day ahead of you) the pair of you created a song together which would never see the light of day as it was a mess but nonetheless it was a memory you would never forget, you asked your parents to take some pictures of you both so you could add them to your scrapbook you ended the night by teaching tubbo how to create a scrapbook.
at 8 am your alarm went off at 8:30 you made it to the train station a few hours later you finally arrived at your destination
“what are we doing today tubs”
“I have no idea but tommys over there with Phil and will”
tubbo dragged you over to the three of them where you were met with Tommy holding a paintball gun whilst yelling that he has a gun and that it’s ‘gun time’ tubbo went to go get the pair of you a paintball gun with the others whilst you offered to help Tommy continue the introduction
“y/n you’re going to be with tubbo and Phil sorry you can’t be on the winners team with me and will”
“oh no how will I ever survive, you seem rather confident that you’re going to win so let’s make I deal if I win I get to pick the next vlog if you win you can pick the next vlog for my channel”
“have fun facing your fears in your next vlog y/n as I’m going to win”
“sure thing tom however I never lose so have fun at the trampoline park”
tubbo ran up to you as you finished your sentence and handed you the gun that’s when you split off into two teams and made your way to start the game
“you both ready”
“I'm going to be shot several times the answer is no”
“I’ll protect you y/n”
you laughed shaking your head as much as you adored tubbo there’s no way he’d be the one protecting you in paintball you stood picking up rocks putting them in your pocket not realising the game had started until tubbo hit you with a paintball
you ran straight to the bunker leaving tubbo and Phil behind simply because you had already been shot and it hurt like hell, you managed to hit Tommy a few times and occasionally was able to hit will. it didn’t take long for tubbo to catch up to you
“oh hello tubso”
“giving you a taste of your own medicine”
“I'm telling Phil”
tubbo found one of the grenades on the floor throwing it towards the hiding spot Tommy and will were in dragging you through the now colourful smoke which resulted in Tommy shooting you both with paintballs several times as will encouraged him to shoot wildly into the smoke
“phillllll tubbo used me as a human shield my body hurts where are they I’m getting revenge”
“tubbo…maybe don’t use y/n as a shield “
you stood with tubbo as Phil shot a paintball towards Tommy you assumed he hit him as you heard Tommy shout in pain and tubbo laughing next to you, you noticed as you continued walking to hide, tubbo was picking up the grenades putting them in his pocket
“I have rocks in my pocket tubs if I ever run out of paintballs I’m just going to throw the rocks it’ll probably hurt less too”
“y/n don’t encourage tubbo to throw rocks at people”
“quick over there we can team up against Tommy”
and that’s exactly what you and Phil did god knows where tubbo went however it did allow you to secure a win.
not long later the second round began however this time it was just you and Phil
“where the fuck is tubbo”
“I can’t believe they took tubbo he’s the best of us and they knew it”
“they took my tubbo I’m getting revenge also rude I’m pretty damn good with a gun”
you both ran to the next hiding spot creating a plan to get your best friend back and hopefully win the game, you ended up hearing tubbo shouting in the distance, you and Phil agreed you'd run first probably getting their attention and Phil would follow about a minute later
“hang tight tubso I’m coming for you”
the plan worked you successfully made your way to where tubbo was guaranteed you got hit with paintballs a lot but you also managed to get some good hits back as did Phil. as soon as Phil made the grenade go off you quickly climbed up the steps and made your way to tubbo whilst hitting the others with paintballs whilst Phil made his way up after you
“I ran out of paintballs tubbo can I borrow your gun”
“we surrender we surrender”
“Phil…y/n you saved me”
“I am in pain”
it was now time for the third round
“I've played capture the wool in hypixel don’t worry guys I’ve got this”
“y/n you lost every game”
“tubbo didn’t you get captured for the entirety of the last game…hmm”
“will you two stop and just run to the tower”
tubbo ran straight to the tower but you decided to ‘accidentally shoot tubbo’
once in the tower you and tubbo aimlessly shot at the others while Phil left to go capture Tommy and wills flag
“so tubbo how’s your day”
“not too great bossman I got captured, shot, betrayed by my so-called best friend”
“betrayed…you’re so dramatic”
“I'm leaving”
“I’m not defending the flag then”
you laughed as tubbo left the tower standing next to Phil coming up with a new plan
“tell me you didn’t leave y/n to defend the flag”
tubbo and Phil ran to attempt to capture their flag whilst you stood defending the flag, you put up a decent fight getting strong hits on Tommy however he was able to capture the flag before Phil or tubbo could capture their flag, you continued to hit Tommy several times as he ran back to his team’s tower, however, in the end, he was able to make it back scoring a win for his team
“don’t even think about blaming me you two”
it was now time for the final, you had one aim and one aim only…defend the briefcase
“oh these little shits”
you and tubbo looked at each other before nervously laughing you all had been shot enough and honestly you were all in pain you just wanted to win and get this over with.
“We have 10 minutes guys we’re fine”
“y/n I admire your optimism”
“I could be brutally honest and tell you both that we’re probably going to lose if we don’t come up with a plan”
and with that the three of you started creating a plan which wouldn’t be used as you were going to end up staying close to tubbo, you all started pretty strong you and tubbo stayed together the entire game giving the pair of you extra strength compared to the others as you worked together. you and tubbo left Phil to do his own thing mainly because you had forgotten the plan you created earlier.
“y/n here’s the new plan wherever I go you go and we have to defend each other”
“hey tubbo look I found a shield…you stay behind me and tell me where to go as I can cover us both”
you ended up losing that round but it doesn’t matter you had faith you would win the next round
“so all we have to do is defend the briefcase”
“y/n stay with me”
you and tubbo proved to be a great threat as tubbo would point to where either will or Tommy was and the pair of you would shoot at them whilst Phil would aim for the other person
“good shot Phil”
“thanks y/n”
you were all doing a pretty good job of defending the briefcase you would often whisper to tubbo that you were convinced they were about to surrender
“surely not”
“tubbo look at them they’re in pain they’re going to surrender I bet £10 and being the first to hug ranboo at the airport that they’ll surrender deal?”
you all aimed at will scoring many hits practically encouraging them to surrender, Tommy eventually got wills gun and started aiming at you all mostly hitting you and Phil making tubbo laugh
“I hate you right now tubbo”
“sure thing bossman”
you noticed Tommy was in serious pain and started feeling bad for him however you pushed that feeling aside as you really wanted to win every bet you had made earlier so you continued to aim for your best friends
you looked at Phil who was clearly proud of his team before looking at tubbo before tackling him into a hug
“we fucking won I told you they’d surrender you now owe me £10”
“I'll give it to you when we go to pick up ranboo”
after putting everything away you made your way to Tommy to check that he was okay
“you okay Tommy? you did great, that was a pretty smart tactic during capture the flag”
Tommy pulled you into a side hug as he thanked you before congratulating you on your win
“you and tubbo best make your way to the train station before you miss the train, call me when you're at tubbos”
“will do see you soon!!”
“see you after you’ve finished isolating”
tubbo walked over to you both laughing as he noticed everyone but you knew what was happening from tomorrow
“your parents dropped off a bag of clothes etc at mine so we can just get the train straight to my house we should probably sleep earlier as we have to get up ridiculously early tomorrow to pick ranboo up from the airport”
time flew by rather quickly as before you knew it you were sat on a bench with tubbo waiting to meet ranboo
“tubbo ranboo just sent me a text he's here”
@fuzzycloudsz @wtfwriter @bearytime @milkydisaster @dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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dannyboy-writes · 3 years
Murders of murderers II
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“Boo!” You shouted at Ziggy, holding her arms from behind.
She jumped and watched as you took off a mask and smiled.
“Jeez, y/n,” she slapped your arm. “Where did you get that thing?”
You laughed, “I don’t know, I found it laying somewhere. Pretty neat right?”
“Uhm, that’s not the word I would use…” She teased.
“Well, what word would you use?”
“Mhm… Lame.” She smiled at your shock and patted your arm, “I’m just messing around, y/n, relax. It looks good. You should prank some Sunnyvalers with that, that might spook them…”
“Ziggy Berman, that is the most wonderful idea ever spoken,” you smiled. “Nick Goode will never know what hit him.”
And with that smile you wandered off.
Screams could be heard from the woods inside the dining room.
Both Shadysiders and Sunnyvalers crying in fear, but not Ziggy. She had to find you.
She was about to head out when Nick stopped her.
“Hey, you have to stay here.”
“I have to find y/n,” she said, not even bothering to stop to look at him.
“Ziggy, there’s a rando killing people. You can’t go out.”
“I’ll be fine,” she said, and left the dining hall.
Everything was pitch black as she ran through wet grass, and there was a nauseating scent where there would usually be a comforting aura.
She saw some kids running and her blood froze when she saw what they were running from.
Axe in your hand and still wearing the shirt she had given you, except it was now drenched in red.
She had to cover her mouth to stop the sobs threatening to fall as she ducked behind a tree.
Heavy breaths came off her as she waited for you to pass, hoping you wouldn’t see her. And she took the silence coming from the nearby zones for her to believe you were gone.
She saw a house close by and sprinted off to it. Running from Sheila and Co. had had its perks.
The house was a mess, but she found some familiar faces behind some rocks.
“Ziggy, what are you doing here?” Her sister asked, helping an injured Alice to her feet.
“I- There’s a killer in camp, I was running from them,” she said, still in denial.
It couldn’t be you. You were sweet, you had been nice to her.
You’d been the only person to be nice to her.
“We know,” Alice grunted. “Couldn’t see their face but they killed Tommy and Arnie. We had to hide down here.”
Ziggy decided to sit down before her legs betrayed her, but the look on her face took her sister by surprise.
“Ziggs, what’s wrong?” She asked, peeking through the stones to better see her sister.
“It’s y/n,” she said, looking at her hands.
“What about y/n?”
“It’s them… They’re the killer.”
Alice and Cindy shared a look of utter shock.
You definitely weren’t in their speculations of who it was with the axe.
“Y/n? As in I-faint-at-the-sight-of-blood y/n?” Alice said.
Ziggy nodded, her hands shaking.
“How- Why?” Cindy asked her.
“I don’t know. Something must’ve happened, they- They aren’t like this, Cindy.” She rubbed her eyes and looked at her sister, who held her hand through the crack in the stones.
They spent some time in silence before Ziggy got up, her hands still shaking.
“I should get some help to get you out of here,” she said.
“No, you should stay here, it’s safer,” Cindy countered.
“I have to go, I should tell Gary you’re here.”
She didn’t even look at her sister, knowing her eyes would betray her and the tears she’d been so expertly holding in would fall.
“Be careful,” Cindy said.
Trying not to step in any creaking wood she left the safety of the house and ran through pitch black woods.
She didn’t even see the tree she knocked out into, and when she woke up she heard a muttering voice.
“This is all my fault, a lot of people died and it’s my fault…”
They sounded upset, and Ziggy tried her best to recognize who it was, before they turned around.
Nick Goode, with his shirt covered in blood, holding his head, still muttering to himself.
“Ziggy! You’re awake,” he said, rushing to her side.
“Yeah,” she groaned.
“Did you get hurt? Did the rando find you?”
“It isn’t a rando,” she stated. “It’s y/n.”
Nick seemed surprised, but there was something in his eyes that betrayed him.
“It’s the witch,” she then said. “Y/n wouldn’t do this, I know them.”
“The witch?” Nick asked, “Ziggy, the witch isn’t real… It’s just a story.”
“Of course you’d say that,” she muttered. “You Sunnyvalers are all the same.”
Nick gulped, wanting to say something, but a loud crashing of glass stopped him.
You’d found them.
They tried to stay quiet, but it didn’t work. You grabbed Ziggy and almost got her, but Nick got in the way, allowing her to escape.
She kept running and running until she got to the kitchen, your steps following her closely.
Turning the radio on as loud as she could she hid inside the storage room, taking a knife with her.
She steadied her breaths in silence as you entered the room, searching for her, and then the music stopped.
You turned around and saw her, and something in you faltered. You didn’t want this, why were you trying to kill her. Why had you killed everyone else?
“Y/n…” She carefully said, knife still held tight.
She looked at you. Your face was covered in blood, and the murder in your eyes broke just for a second to show the kindness you’d given her.
But it didn’t last long.
As sudden as it came, it left, and you swung the axe just slightly over her head as she ducked and moved to the other side.
When you turned around again you were met by her knife right in your chest.
Your eyes went back to the kind ones they once were, and your grip on the axe went loose as you fell to the floor.
Another Shadyside massacre, the papers would say. Camper gone mad.
But Ziggy knew better.
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Under the Floorboards Pt. V
(Technoblade X Reader): Pt. I, Pt. II, Pt. III, Pt. IIII, Pt. V, Pt. VI
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    Alright so maybe you spoke too soon; the four of you were going to do great things, minus Tommy. Technoblade had finally agreed to let you join Tommy and him on an adventure into L’manberg. The plan was to crash their festival, and ultimately attempt to get Tommy’s discs back from Dream and Tubbo. You expected your first adventure into the country to be fun, if anything you’d get to steal some shit, what you didn’t expect was to be thrown in the middle of a public dispute. 
Clearly, you underestimated what ‘getting the discs back’ actually entailed. 
You and Technoblade were back to back swords drawn, surrounded by about thirty people in the ruin of what was once deemed a community house. Technoblade never would’ve agreed to let you come if he thought the confrontation with Dream was going to be this serious, he assumed they’d watch from afar. If things got to dicey Tommy and him would rush in and he’d have you stay behind to watch from afar. If only he could’ve predicted someone blowing up a random building would cause such turmoil. 
Nothing could ever come up Technoblade.
   “Yah know when you first invited me out to partake in a festival for some reason I didn’t expect to be attacked by like thirty people.” You chirped a hesitant smile on your face as Technoblade made a confused sound. 
   “You definitely should’ve expected it,” Technoblade grumbled, barely taking his eyes off of Tommy and Tubbo’s argument. You watched Techno’s back but you couldn’t help but eavesdrop on the boys conversation as well. As much as your heart broke for the two war-torn children, you had your alliance first and foremost with your boyfriend. You also couldn’t help but feel this conversation should be happening privately but here they were airing things out seemingly for the first time in front of everybody. Speaking of your boyfriend, your attention was drawn back to him as he caught Tommy’s attention, “be very careful what your decision is here Tommy.” 
You narrowed your eyes and took a step in front of Technoblade, he made his classic ‘heh’ sound as you did so. You felt his hand grip your forearm and tighten trying to hold you back in case you wanted to do something stupid. 
   “Tommy, come home with us.” You held out your hand to him, the one Technoblade didn’t have a hold of obviously. “Phil’s waiting for us, we’ll get your discs back together as we planned.” The smile on your face could part the cloudiest of days and it broke Tommy’s heart, she had given him something that he hadn’t had since the war with Dream began.
A home. 
   “(Y/N),” That’s the first time he used your name, the first time you weren’t just Ms Blade. It broke your heart and you whimpered a little bit, “thank you for everything you’ve done for me. But I can’t go back with you and Technoblade. I don’t like what I’ve become, this isn’t me. I’m sorry. I hope one day we can be friends again. Tubbo give Dream my disc.” You leaned back into Technoblade in disbelief, Tommy had just betrayed Technoblade right before your very eyes. The man who gave Tommy the clothes on his back and a place to stay when no one else would. Weapons to help him fight against Dream when everyone else abandoned him, even though they all treated Technoblade as a weapon he still went out of his way to help Tommy. Your hands clenched into fists at your side as Dream let out a roaring laugh collecting the disc from Tubbo. He called the two children stupid right to their face and no matter how angry you were with them that was harsh, it’s like everyone in this country forgets that they are children. Children fuck up, it’s how they learn and it’s in their nature why does no one here understand that. You looked up at Techno your eyebrows furrowed and you pressed your lips tight but he didn’t take his eyes off Dream, he had different priorities in mind. 
Protecting you from the Dreamon if anything went south. 
Dream continued to mock and criticize the people of L’manberg before turning to you and Technoblade. The mask he wore may hide his facial expressions, but it couldn’t mask the unadulterated glee in his voice. Technoblade pulled you behind him as Dream stepped closer to the both of you, you felt a growl rumble in Technoblade’s chest, 
   “That’s close enough.” 
   “Down boy.” Dream mused, holding up his hands to show faux innocence. “I have no issues with the both of you. Tomorrow, with your help, Technoblade and woman.”  
   “Don’t tell him your name.” Technoblade gaped at you and you only could huff in frustration, 
   “Better than just being called woman! Plus Tommy already said it.”  
With an eye-roll Dream continued his speech, “With the help of Technoblade and (Y/N) L’manberg is going to be a crater. We’re blowing it sky-high.” Dream turned over to face Tubbo once again, “I had to pretend to be friends with you, to get the dumb disk back! I don't care about you. I'm not your friend. Okay? I cared about getting the disk back, and I got the disk back. I got it back. And that's-that's- that's the only thing that really matters. You can't even run your nation right. RANBOO IS A TRAITOR. ONE OF YOUR MOST TRUSTED FRIENDS.”
Your eyes widened as you spotted another child looking horrified, it was the half enderman from the butcher gang. You’re adopting him next.
   “NO, IT IS TRUE. READ THIS BOOK. READ THIS BOOK. There's his memory book. He was meeting with Techno and Tommy and told them EVERYTHING. The proof’s all his own memories! He writes it down! You can't even run your own nation correctly Tubbo. Listen. Tubbo, you, I mean you, ... L'Manberg is weaker than it's ever been, and it's because of you! You have- you have destroyed everything. You have ruined your friendships. You have ruined L'Manberg's allies. You have just-you are a horrible president Tubbo.” Dream continued as Tubbo looked sick to his stomach, you felt just as nauseous.
   “What?” He flinched at your tone, “he’s right!” 
   “They’re children,” You tried to argue but Dream cut you off by stepping in between you and Technoblade. Your pulse skyrocketed as you were separated, and you made sure an ender pearl was at the ready. Tommy looked at the both fo you nervously, but there was a spark of hope in his eyes when you defended Tubbo. Tommy turned over to Tubbo who honestly looked just as shocked that a partner of Technoblade’s would defend him, espeically considering he had tried to kill her a few days prior. Tommy had hope that he wasn’t completely dead to you.
   “Techno. Got any withers?” You watched a sickening smile spread across Techno’s lips he picked at his nails. 
   “I got a few.” 
   “Good. Then I’ll see you all tomorrow when the L’manberg loses its last cannon life,” Dream announced before disappearing into the wind. The citizens turned to face you and Technoblade, he only had to utter a single word:
   “Run,” Before both of you pearled away from the wreckage of the community house. 
Technoblade scooped you up in his arms as he made his way through the Nether portal back to his base. He was much faster than you were and you didn’t fight him on wanting to make a quick getaway. You both were silent on the way back to his base, bottom line was you didn’t know how you felt about what just went down. On one hand, destruction was your middle name and you weren’t going to oppose blowing a government to smithereens with your boyfriend.  
Nothing could be more romantic than that. 
Yet at the same time, unlike Technoblade, you felt the guilt eat away at you. These were people’s homes, and lives you’d be destroying tomorrow. Most of the citizens you had no affiliation with, which you were grateful for, but those you did you almost couldn’t justify blowing the country up. Tommy was by all accounts dead to Technoblade and by that extent you as well. Still, you didn’t want to see him physically dead, it wasn’t his fault he got corrupted by the government and a homeless teletubby.
You were starting to sound like Technoblade now too.  
You made a sound of distress and Techno glanced down at your form, his face flushed as you nuzzled your nose against his neck. 
   “You okay princess?” 
   “No…” You answered with a sigh, you reached out and twirled a strand of his pink hair through your fingers. “Tommy’s gone, we’re going to blow up a country tomorrow. I feel bad for the people we’re gonna leave homeless. So, no I’m not okay bubs.” The socially awkward man winced a little as he battled with what to say to you, he tends to forget you both aren’t the same person. For as much as both of you agree, you were still different from him, you had more empathy than he could ever wish to have. 
   “You don’t have to come.”  
He watched a frown appear on your face as you pulled away from him. You clicked your tongue in distaste, a sure sign that you were about to pick a fight with the blood god. You were one opponent he could never seem to defeat. That did not come out the way he intended. 
Time to backtrack before he got his ass handed to him. 
   “What I mean is, you have no affiliation with L’manberg. You have no prior issues you need to settle with them so technically you can stay home tomorrow, no one would blame you. You’d be safer away from the explosions, I’d feel better with you at home.”
   “That way you’d only have to worry about Phil tomorrow right?” 
   “Well, that’s part of it,” He stated bluntly, never one to be dishonest. “He has only one life and he’s going to want to fight, he has a lot to avenge. The government drove his eldest son mad, enough that Phil had to kill him. He’s one of my oldest friends, I wanna look out for him and protect him.” You couldn’t help but sigh softly at his response, you brushed your thumb across his cheek fondly. 
   “You’re wrong.” 
   “I do have something I want to fight for, I want to fight for what I believe is right. Let’s face it Techno the way everyone’s treating those children is sick. Dream manipulated Tommy and used Tubbo to get what he wanted from him. I know you did what you thought was right for Tommy but he’s a product of a war-torn country, they all are. Now, that doesn’t excuse his betrayal but… did he even know what the right thing to do was in this situation, does he even truly know what peace is? I want to fight to protect those kids. They deserve to know peace, true peace away from bloodshed and war. If I can I want to give them that.” You watched Technoblade’s jaw tighten, “I’m going with you tomorrow but I’m not going to kill the children.” 
   “I don’t think I can ever forgive Tommy.” He sighed adjusting his grip on you a sure sign he was nervous, “but I love you.” Techno kissed you once again, it was long and tender you watched as the apples of his cheeks turn red after you both pulled away. He took a breath, “You’re unstoppable and you’ve never stopped me before so I won’t do the same for you. Just stay safe. Please. You need to come home with me tomorrow I won’t settle for anything else.” 
   “I will. I promise.” You pressed a light kiss to his cheek, and he hummed gently in response. “I love you Technoblade, I’ll fight beside you. Till the end of the line.”
   “Till the end of the line,” He repeated as you both approached the snow-covered house to convene with Philza Minecraft himself.
Hi guys! Officially feeling a bit better, enough to get a small part out before I work on the next chapter. I hope you like it, thanks so much for reading and your amazing feedback. Also, thanks so much for your kind words and well wishes! Also, also, If anyone ever makes fanart of this story (I doubt it would happen) please tag me and let me know. I love to make art myself and always wanna support other artists! Thanks Again!
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teddy06writes · 3 years
With Ghastly Consequences
Part Two of A Dangerous Game
{I wasn’t going to do this till later but ThE IdEaS were flowing}
Requested by this anon: “I don’t mean to be a bother but if you could possible make a part 2 for the “a dangerous game” fic that you made? It was amazing!!”
and this one: “ Dude I need more poly Dream team with SBI family reader what if reader came back as a ghost but it’s like Ghostbur so she doesn’t remember everything?”
Dream x George x Sapnap x Reader + sleepy boys x sibling!reader
trigger warnings: yelling, swearing, mentioned character death (its you, you died in the last one)
premise: after your death, everything was hazy; this is an account of the events sparked by your ghostly return
(y/n/n)- your nickname
You’d drifted, for a while, in a greyish abyss for a while, knowing that there was a choice to make. 
The void, though being of course, a void of nothingness, was peaceful, and gave you time to come to terms with what had happened, and come to the solution to the question. 
And as soon as that happened-
You were gone again. 
The man froze over the brewing stand, the bottles in his hands beginning to tremble, “(y/n)?” 
“Dad!” You grinned as he turned around, looking dumbfounded, “I didn’t know you were coming here- when did you get in? Oh I can’t believe you finally came!” 
“D- Do you not remember?” His voice was low, shaking almost as much as his hands. 
“Course I remember- well I remember some stuff. Like you and Tommy and Techno and Home and- and Pogtopia- and Dream and George and Ni- Sapnap- oh- wait-” your voice dropped to a whisper, “You know how they were- y’know, my partners?”
Your father nodded. 
“Don’t tell Wil,” You said quickly, “He’ll get mad.” 
He nodded blankly again, still staring at you. 
“Well what's with you? Why’re you looking at me like that?” 
“Y- It’s just- your back. I- I was devastated- more than- when WIlbur- er- when you died. But n- but your back.” There was quiet relief in his voice. 
You nodded, “Course I’m back. Like you could get rid of me that easy.” 
Phil dropped the bottles onto the crafting bench, rushing forward in an attempt to embrace you. 
You shuddered as he passed through your spectral form, sadly mumbling, “Uh, yeah. I kinda pass through things now.” 
Phil smiled sadly, “Still, your back, come on, come on, lets go find Techno, he should still be around here.” 
You nodded, following him down that ladder, “That's what I wanted to ask, where is here? Why are you out in the arctic?” 
“Oh, uh, just to get away from everything, you know who Tech hates his governments.” Phil attempted a joke. 
“Oh, yeah- I wouldn’t want to be there with Shlatt either. Strange he didn’t just go back to pogtopia though.” 
Technoblade looked up from where he was sharpening his axe, at first his face reading confused, then guilty, the carefully blank, “Things have changed (y/n). People, change.”
“Like Wil? I rember Wil being mad about something- do you think- no it wouldn’t be that, I was careful.” 
Techno winced, glancing Phil’s direction, “Uhh, we- we don’t talk to Wilbur any more. Not- not since he- er- not since you died.” 
“That man is no son of mine.” Phil spat.
You looked at him confused, “What happened? Did you get in a fight?”
“It’s- not our place to tell you.” Techno said finally. 
“hmmm, okay! So what have you guys been up too?” 
You hummed a tune, drifting down the prime path, headed towards L’manburg, toward home
Phil and Techno had warned you that things had changed since your death, but that didn’t deter you from going back.
Coming over the hill, you looked over your beautiful country, the walls, which you knew were gone, seemed to be partially rebuilt, and distantly you could see Fundy over seeing construction.
At first glance everything seemed fine, but as you got closer the atmosphere seemed to change, a sort of anxiety hanging in the air over the city. 
Slowly you floated up to the platform your nephew was standing on, “Fundy! You’re rebuilding the walls!”
The fox jumped, “(y/n)?” 
“When Techno said things had changed I didn’t think he meant Shlatt was putting the walls back!” 
“(y/n)- your- your back?” 
“Course I’m back,” You chuckled, “You miss me fur ball?” 
“I- you- your back?” He repeated.
“Yeah, what’s going on round here? Why’d Shlatt have a change of heart- wait- did we win? Did I die and miss us winning? Is Wilbur putting the walls back-” 
“Wilbur isn’t here any more.” Fundy interrupted bitterly. 
Your brow furrowed, “Why is everyone mad at him?” 
“Come on, lets get you too Ranboo, Tommy and Tubbo, they’ll-” He sighed motioning for Jack Manifold to take his place, “Well they should tell you at least part of it.” 
He led you down off the platform, toward the podium that still stood in the center of L’manburg, at your look of confusion explaining, “Ranboo’s a new comer. Uh- he’s- different, half enderman, we think, eye contact isn’t his thing, so be aware of that.” 
You nodded as he pushed open the door, “Hey- guy’s drop what your doing, this is important-” there was a small thud, “No not literally Ranboo- it’s a figure of speech.” 
You drifted past him into the room, smiling at the flustered looking enderboy, your brother, and his best friend, “Hello!” 
Tommy’s breath hitched, his lip beginning to tremble, “(y/n/n)?” 
“Hi Tommy! Hi Tubbo! Hi person I’m assuming is Ranboo!” 
The tall boy waved awkwardly, “Hi?” 
Fundy cleared his throat awkwardly, “Uh, I have t’get back to work. They’re- confused. I-” He gave Tubbo a ‘this is your problem now’ look before quickly turning and leaving. 
“Uhh... (y/n). You’re- back?” Tubbo laughed as if he couldn’t believe it. 
Tommy was still staring at you in shock, “(y/n)?” 
You drifted across the floor to be near him, “Tommy what’s wrong?” 
Your brother burst into angry tears, “I thought you were gone! I thought that he took you away from me! He- he fucking thought- that bitch thought he could take away my sibling! Just- just because of some- of some fucking-” He fell off into hiccups, tears still falling down his face.
“That bastard! He- he fucking killed- he- and for what? Cuase he didn’t fucking like who you were seeing?” Tommy muttered, moving back past Ranboo to sink into a chair.
“Who? Who didn’t like it?” You asked. 
Tommy let out a bitter laugh as Tubbo looked at you sadly, “It’s- nothing.”
“Hmmm, well, what’s going on here then? Did we win the war?” 
Tubbo nodded, “Wilbur- isn’t here anymore, he- he- sort of betrayed us, and we chased him out. So we’re rebuilding the walls, so he doesn’t do anything else, and me and Tommy are co presidents.” 
You nodded, but were still confused, “What did Wil do? Is it why Phil said he wasn’t his son any more?”
Ranboo gulped awkwardly, “Uh- from what- er I- uh heard, yes.” 
“hmmmm, I hope it wasn’t anything too bad.” You sighed. 
You stayed with them for another hour, talking about L’manburg, and the presidency, until Niki arrived, breathless, having heard you were back, “(y/n/)!” 
“Niki!” You looked over her, something seemed off, less bright, less Niki.
She glanced around the room, “How about we go for a walk, to catch up?” 
There was something desperate in her voice, and you weren’t stupid enough to ignore it, “Of course.” 
She gave you a strained smile, motioning to the door, “Let’s go then.” 
Soon you were out wandering through the city, many of the crowds were gone, though you could see signs of life in open windows, and small restaurants, “Niki what’s going on here? Something isn’t right.” 
“Nothing is right, not since we got rid of Wilbur.”
You looked up at the walls, now seeming to loom twice as tall as they once did, “Tommy and Tubbo- they’re anxious about something.” 
Niki nodded, “The whole country holds its breath. Tommy is angry, and Tubbo is paranoid. They think Wilbur will blow up the country, and that he’ll have help, the walls, the security checkpoints- none of this is what L’manburg was founded for.
“The people are terrified, everyone tells them something different, they’re waiting for the country to be driven into the ground.” 
You gulped (can ghosts gulp?), “Well that isn’t good. Maybe- Maybe- hmmmm, Maybe you should be in charge Niki! You- don’t tell the others- but I think you’d make a better president than any of them!” 
“If I could I would (y/n), but it’s not that simple,” She smiled sadly, looking around with a sigh, “Why don’t you go find your boyfriends? Have you gone to see them yet?” 
~~ “Georgie!” 
The King blinked, quickly pushing back the small sense of hope, he was just imagine things again, he thought to himself, he had to be. 
“George what’s wrong?” 
The voice was closer now, and it was the cold sensation at touched his shoulder that convinced him it was real enough to look, blinking in surprise again at your gray form, hovering next to his desk, “(y/n/n)! Oh my god! (y/n/n)!” 
You grinned, “George!” 
“Your back!” The goggles were quickly pushed off his face, dropped down onto the top of the desk, “Y- your really back!” 
You nodded eagerly, “I missed you! Well- I mean, it wasn’t that long that I was gone. At least I don’t think- anyway I missed you!” 
“I- (y/n) it’s- it’s been nearly a month.” 
You cocked your head, “Huh, that's weird.”
“George who are you talking...” Nick trailed off as he entered the study, “(y/n)?” 
You could see the tears in his eyes as you awkwardly waved, “Hi Nicky.” 
“Holy shit.” He muttered, “I- we thought you were gone- I mean- when- when Wilbur...” 
“When Wilbur what?” You asked with a chuckle, “Everyone keeps saying he’s done something, but no one’s told me what.” 
Both men froze, sharing a looking, “Don’t worry about it.” 
Nick quickly swiped away tears, “So your back?”
You nodded, “I’m back- hey, have you guys noticed how L’manburg’s being all weird now? Niki says Tommy and Tubbo are running the country into the ground.”
“Well- they’ve refused all foreign aid, we tried to offer them help- after the war, paying for damages and such after they sorted out there Wilbur problem,” George sighed, “And so far only Eret’s tried reaching out to talk to us, help with our Dream problem.” 
“Yeah, where is Dream? I miss him and I can’t ping him, cause ghosts don’t have com tablets.” 
“Even if yours hadn’t broken it wouldn’t help. He disappeared after Wilbur- did that thing,” Nick sounded all to broken for your liking, “He hasn’t answered any of our messages.” 
You frowned, “Well that's not like him. Maybe he just left his tablet somewhere- or maybe he just got busy doing something again, you know how he gets during manhunts.” 
“(y/n),” George tried gently, “He- smashed his com tablet, said something about going off the grid, undermining the server. He probably isn’t coming back.” 
You froze, hover in silence for a moment, “No. No that’s not true- he wouldn’t- he wouldn’t leave us! You’re lying to me! He loves us! He’d never leave! It’s not true! He wouldn’t do that! Your lying!”
Nick seemed shocked at the outburst, “(y/n)- we were just as upset but he left- gone insane-” 
“STOP LYING TO ME!” You exploded, “He wouldn’t do that! I know he wouldn’t! Your just lying!” 
They watched you sink to the floor, spectral tears flowing down your cheeks, mumbling, “You’re lying, you’ve gotta be lying, he- he wouldn’t he wouldn’t do that.” 
Your brother flinched, he’d planned for this, he reminded himself, as soon as he heard the rumor's. 
“(y/n).” He stood up, turning to face you, ignoring how he’d begun to shake. 
He didn’t regret what he’d done. 
At least that was what he told himself. 
He knew what he had had to do, and he done it, and he had no regrets for his actions, because it was all in the plan.
“Wilbur what’re you doing outside L’manburg? I thought they said they chased you out.” 
“I missed it.” He said simply, forcing back the choked noise that had started in his throat upon seeing your grey floating form. 
“Did you miss me? George and Nick said I was gone for almost a month, that that was how long you and Dream were gone for.” 
“Don’t fucking talk about that man.” Wilbur spat. 
At your face of shock and horror at what you said Wilbur grinned, “Oh yeah, I know all about them (y/n). Them, and You, and everything before your death.” 
“Why do you hate them so much?! Can’t you see that they make me happy?! What did they ever do to you?!” 
Tears started to slip from your eyes again, “Wil, I never turned against you- your my brother, I love you. Why is it so hard for you to see I’d never turn on you? Who I love has nothing to do with it.” 
“Oh it has everything to do with it!” He laughed, finally managing to shut off the tiny part of his brain that screamed at him to stop, “You’re fucking dead because of it!” 
You blinked, “N- no! It’s not because of them! I died in the war! Dream was trying to protect me! I died so we could be free again!” 
“No (y/n)! You are so fucking stupid! Your dead because I killed you! I killed you because you were turning against me! Because it was the only way to get those fuckers to get there hands off you!” 
You let out a choked sob.
“And guess what? I don’t regret anything. I killed you so that they would suffer! Suffer from loosing you the way I had! And it worked and so none of the cost matters!” 
“No wonder everyone’s mad at you,” You sad shakily, “You’re a monster Wil.” 
“And I’m not the only one.” 
He sounded almost proud, gesturing his chin upward, at a patchwork of scaffolding as being stretched across the sky above L’manburg, distantly you could see someone in a neon green sweater running across the top. 
~~ “Dream, what are you doing?” 
The man only sighed at the serious voice, “Getting revenge. It’s what they would have wanted.” 
“Is it?” 
He finally turned away from the contraption, staring through the slits in his mask at the Spector that hovered in front of him, “So you really are back.” 
“Dream,” You could almost see the wall he had put up when you died, repeating, “What are you doing?” 
“I’m going to destroy L’manburg.” His voice was cold, steely, too close to that which you remembered from the day he and Tommy had their duel. 
“You think that’s going to make things right? You think that’s going to put me- my spirit to rest?” 
He faltered, “It has too. Wilbur killed you, and now he’s going to pay.” 
Slowly you moved closer to him, across the narrow walk way, “Clay why did you leave them? When did you break your com tablet? You knew they needed you.” 
“I- I had too.” The smile on his mask was all to haunting, a broken reminder of the past. 
“They needed you and you left them. You put them aside, for this? To be a villain?” 
“If I’m a villain then so be it.” 
Down below the people of L’manburg were beginning to raise alarms as you spoke, “They love you. I love you. You don’t- you don’t need to be the villain my love.” 
Slowly he reached up, slipping the mask off his face, “I know, I know but- but this is the only way.” 
Gingerly you reached out, hovering your hand right where it would rest to cup his cheek, “It isn’t the only way. You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to cause this destruction.” 
“It’s the only thing I know how to do,” There was anguish seeping in to his voice, “I don’t know if I can do anything else.” 
You longed to embrace him as he fell to his knees, “You don’t have to do this Clay.”
“I don’t know how! I don’t know any other way to make Wilbur pay!” 
“Clay look at me, look at me, there is another way- you don’t have to do this, We love you- we miss you- Nick, George and Me, we can just, climb down and go and find them and then run away together, leave this all behind!” 
“Keep them safe.” He sniffed, wiping away angry tears. 
“Yeah- yeah- we can build a little cottage, and plant flowers in the window boxes- and forget all about this,” You were phasing back into the material world, nearly by Dream’s sheer willpower as he pulled you into his arms, “And we can forget all about this, but only if you don’t do this.”
“I don’t know if I can... (y/n) I don’t know if I’m strong enough.” He sobbed. 
“You are darling. You are. You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to do this Clay, we love you.” 
He sniffed, sitting up a little, one of his arms reaching away, both of your breathing unsteady as you looked up at him, desperation in your eyes...
And then the tnt hit the ground. 
The world exploded into fire, ripping away his words: 
“I love you too.” 
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houndsofcerberus · 3 years
Lament of a Father
Technoblade was a lot of things. In whispers passed along as he walked through the market he was a monster. In quiet reverence after turning the tides of a war he was a hero. In loud jeering after the tides of war had been changed he was a villain. In stories passed between families of a man on trade routes at midnight he was a benevolent spirit, a god even. He held many titles but the one he cherished, the one he would wear like a badge of honour until the day he died? Well he had only worn that one for a year, maybe less. He would never speak of it to anyone, never share that vulnerability to anyone. Except of course for the one who had tenderly taken the title from him. He was eternally grateful and indebted to Philza for what he had done, but chat occasionally disdained him for stopping them.
Tommy, despite looking so much like his dad, despite sharing his blond hair, his sapphire blue eyes full of life and curiosity, was well aware of the fact he was not his biological child. The only biological child his dad had ever had was his older brother Wilbur. Though it was easy to assume the opposite. Wilbur had taken after his mother, who had long since passed, her presence only existing by the picture pinned up on the fridge. She had been gone long before Tommy’s arrival, though his dad often spoke of how it was because of her invisible influence on him that made him take Tommy in. The story Tommy had only ever known was that his parents had left him behind. His brother, jealous of the time and the care his dad seemed to pour into Tommy but give him sparingly, had once told Tommy his parents didn’t want him. Had left him to die in the woods. He had never asked his dad because as far as Tommy was concerned they had. It didn’t matter to him how they had left him, it mattered that they left him at all. It mattered every time he heard the other kids whisper about how Tommy was a bastard child. Unloved. Unwanted. Out of place.
Tommy had been content never meeting his biological parents. That would be fine by him. Philza had been adequate. He had a roof, a home, a bed, food. Despite his brother’s occasional jealousy or the common squabbles between the two he was happy to have his brother. He wouldn’t have it any other way. Besides, his parents must have been terrible people to leave him behind like they did.
Tommy stared from behind Wilbur at the stranger in their door whom their dad had been welcoming warmly. Tommy frowned, trying to look past the improvised mask made out of a hoglin skull, wondering if the slight tusks coming from the mans mouth were also not his own. He noted the long pink hair, the way he smelled strongly of blood despite the fact that there was none to be seen on this stranger. Tommy could see a crossbow on his back, a weapon his own dad didn’t wield but he’d seen occasionally used, shown off in weapon shows in town. People around here didn’t use crossbows. He also took note of both the axe and the sword on the man as well. The axe was not the woodcutter’s axe outside, but a battle axe. A mean looking thing, but the soft glow of it was mesmerizing and what little of the blade he could see was sharp, definitely for fighting. The sword was sheathed at the man’s hip, but the hilt he could see under the man’s red cape was ornate, a beautiful gold glinting in the light along with the rest of the man’s jewelry. There was a ruby at the bottom, looking like fire in the candlelight. Tommy froze as he looked back up at the man’s face, making eye contact. He frowned and stuck his tongue out indignantly.
“What’re you lookin at?” He snapped.
Technoblade had to suppress a soft chuckle at that. He was so small, hidden behind his brother, but he said it with such fire in his belly that Techno was half convinced that had he heard it on the battlefield he might have looked away. He looked back at Phil, who smiled fondly.
“Long time no see mate, we should talk,” he said softly.
“We should,” Techno replied, eyes flicking back to Tommy. In that moment though he wasn’t a young man, nor a child. He was an infant, held so tenderly in Techno’s arms.
He remembered the day as if it were yesterday. He had remembered it since it happened, he relived it over and over. Tommy’s mother had died. He wished he had known her longer. They hadn’t been married when Tommy came along, and she had been the opposite of Techno. She hadn’t lived long after Tommy was born. As was Techno’s luck seemed to be. She had known it and she had held the tiny golden haired baby who had her eyes and his father’s smile. So rarely given but a treat to be savoured. The tiny child had squealed and grinned at her once his crying had stopped, his eyes fixed on her until his father gently lifted him from her arms after they had gone limp. Techno had promised many things. But above all he promised that no matter the price their child would live the best life he could live. 
Technoblade had spent a little under a year with the title of father. He had cherished every second. He hadn’t believed he wanted to be a father, not until he was. He didn’t believe attachments were a good idea, but he would never regret this. Never. He had named the small child Theseus, he wanted his child bearing the name of a warrior. Of a man who had carried hardship and walked tall yet still. He wanted Theseus to be strong, he wanted the name to fit the man he knew his son would one day be.
He had spent the entire year carefully taking care of the child, despite the voices in his head screaming to rid himself of the danger. The danger someone would use this tiny bundle of giggles and straw blond hair and watery blue eyes against him. They insisted this helpless baby would be his demise. They chanted for blood but Technoblade would not concede. At least for that year. He would hold the child, speak softly of great heroes, of gods and of monsters. He would fall asleep, arms around this tiny life that had been left for him to care for, protecting him. He still believed wholeheartedly it was the best year of his life. The year he had replaced his old titles, the title of monster, of god, of hero, of villain. He would maintain for the rest of his life that father was the only title he would ever want.
“Please Philza,” came the strangled sob as Techno held out the bundled up child. “Please.”The rain had soaked through Techno’s clothing long ago, his hair soaking, though when Philza took the child into his arms he noted that there wasn’t a drop on the sleeping baby.
“Techno, are you sure? This is the greatest gift you could receive, are you positive you want to give it up?” Phil said sadly, looking up at Technoblade, soaked in rain. His crimson eyes were bloodshot and Phil knew his old companion well enough to know he had grown fond of the child he held. Fond enough to weather the storm.
“No. I’m not sure. I don’t want to give him up, if we lived in a perfect world I would never. I would hold him until the world burned around us. But you know damn well why I can’t.” Techno said, looking away, eyes landing on a framed image of Philza, his long gone wife, and his child. Theseus would be safe here. Theseus would be loved. It didn’t matter that Technoblade felt his heart was being ripped from his chest. He had come so close. He wouldn’t risk it again.
“Mate...” Philza said, face falling. “You can’t help it, you know you wouldn’t dare,” he said softly.
“I wouldn’t. They would. They tried. I am not putting him in danger by simply being alive in my presence. Please, please I am begging you. Take him. Take care of him like I can’t. He deserves better than to grow up to fear his own father.” Techno begged, holding back the tears that were stinging his eyes. 
“...okay...” Phil agreed, relenting. He offered the bundle back to Techno, offering a moment to say goodbye. Techno took the chance eagerly, holding the child close.
“I love you, more than you could ever understand. You are my heart and soul Theseus. Be a good man,” Techno whispered, the tears he’d been choking back betraying him and falling down his face. “I will always love you.” He added solemnly, taking another look at his sleeping son. So peaceful, so blissfully unaware. He handed Theseus back to Phil. “He gets nightmares, often. He doesn’t sleep well still, but this-“ Techno pulled out a stuffed animal, a simple plush toy his son adored, a stuffed cow, floppy and well loved, handing it to the other. “Warm milk and Henry help him sleep, he prefers to be held though, it makes him feel safe. He doesn’t like to be alone,” Techno rambled. Phil nodded, taking note of everything said until Techno reluctantly took his departure.
Tommy and Wilbur sat outside, pretending to play as they kept an eye on the window, watching the strange man inside talk to their dad. They were sat at the table, their expressions confusing for Tommy. Smiling but...not happy. Their dad had made the two of them tea after shooing the kids outside to play. The grass rippled around Tommy in the breeze as he ripped some of it up and let it fly away in the wind.
“What do you think they’re talking about?” Tommy asked, staring at the back of the stranger’s head.
“Dunno. Maybe they’re finally taking you somewhere they’ll teach you to have manners,” Wilbur joked, tossing a dandelion he’d picked at Tommy.
“Shut up, if anything you’re the one who doesn’t behave,” Tommy replied easily, rolling his eyes and tossing the flower right back at Wilbur. Things hadn’t always been so easy between them. Tommy had been treated like he was precious cargo by their dad. Neither knew why, Wilbur didn’t care why. His dad was paying attention to Tommy not him. He didn’t like it. As they got older it got easier but there had once been a time where their ‘fights’ hadn’t been in jest. Where they actually meant it when they said they hated one another. Tommy could still tell Wilbur didn’t like that their dad clearly had a favourite but he no longer blamed Tommy. His relationship with his dad had soured mildly though their dad hadn’t seemed to notice.
“Phil I can’t tell him.”
“He deserves to know. I never told him anything, he’ll start looking one day and if he finds out that I never told him who you were when you were right here? When he could’ve asked questions? He’ll not only never forgive me, he’ll never forgive you.” Phil said. “He’s a stubborn little shit, he got that from you.”
“Phil he’s better off with whatever story he’s come up with in his head. He may not want the answers to the questions he has.” Techno said softly. “No child deserves to know their own father tried to kill them.” 
“Techno that wasn’t you and you know it. You’ve gotten a handle on chat now, you’re not the stupid kid who runs headfirst into battle without thought anymore. If what I’ve heard is right he’d be proud. You’ve won multiple tournaments, that’s something he’d find interesting.” Phil said.
“Phil please. You and I both know this won’t last. I’m not a person who stays out of trouble for long.”
“You’re going to regret this.”
“Don’t I always?”
Technoblade’s name had become well known by the siblings after that conversation. Phil hadn’t yet introduced them until years later when Techno showed up for one of Tommy’s birthdays, giving Phil a book and telling him to wait to give it to Tommy. Then came the Pogtopia vs Manberg war. Techno had played a major part in the war though his efforts were wasted once the president of Manberg dropped dead in front of them. Since that day Lmanberg had rebuilt the damage caused by both Wilbur and Techno. Phil had come back. But Techno’s reputation for being ruthless and dangerous hadnt faded. Nor had the knowledge he was a private person. Which is why when he found a certain young man in his house he had been shocked.
“What are you doing in my house?”
Tommy froze, looking up at Techno from where he was still climbing the ladder, head poking out from the hole he thought he’d hidden decently. Tommy tried to scurry back down but Techno caught him by the back of his shirt and easily lifted him off the ladder and set him on the ground.
“Why are you in my house?” He asked again.
“Well...someones clearly woken up on the wrong side of the bed!” Tommy said. “You’ve got to fix that temper big man, or else nobody will want to hang out with you,”
“I don’t want anyone to hang out with me. That’s the entire point. Get out.”
“God this place is ugly. You really should hire a decorator. I know someone who could help y’know, I could call them. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind helping you out. A charity case if you would. She’s great really.” Tommy rambled.
“Theseus.” Techno said firmly. For some reason this was what made Tommy shut up. It sent a chill down his spine and he felt like someone had poured ice water down his back. “Why are you living under my house?” Tommy couldn’t respond. He didn’t know why but the nickname Theseus that Technoblade had given Tommy made him falter every time without fail. Tommy attributed it to the speech Techno had made all that time ago, yelling for him to die like the hero he wished to be. Since then Techno had almost exclusively used that name in their few interactions. Sometimes it would be sternly, fewer times it was affectionate, though the name gained positive meaning the longer Tommy stayed with Technoblade. Techno spent time training Tommy, and soon even just spending time with him. Technoblade taught Tommy how to make his own weapons and how to make them near perfect after realizing how woefully terrible Tommy’s current weapon was, especially for his fighting style. 
Tommy had always been mesmerized by the way Techno fought. It was like he was dancing, every movement was muscle memory, every step rehearsed, measured. The way he locked his eyes onto his target but seemed to be oh so aware when eyes were on him. Watching Techno and Philza fight was a real treat. It was like watching a performance. Technoblade had clearly learned from Tommy’s dad, and Tommy wanted to hear the stories of their old adventures, though neither would give up the goods. Phil’s movements were airy, near effortless. Though he lacked the power Techno threw into every swing, and Techno lacked a lot of the effortless grace that Phil seemed to have a birthright to.
Tommy sat, transfixed as he watched his dad’s wings flare out, though unable to carry him now due to the large chunks burned away he still used them, catching himself as Techno shoved him back. Phil had a grin on his face as they sparred, though Techno’s face was as it always seemed to be, stony and unchanging. Tommy could’ve sworn that he saw the smallest glint of excitement in those wine red eyes. Techno had a tendency for nonstop movement, and redirecting his momentum. Techno had said, quite hypocritically, that it was a stupid move however. It took a lot more energy to redirect and change momentum and still have enough power for your hit. Though it seemed that Techno wasn’t lacking in power as the sparks flew between Phil and Techno’s swords, illuminating their faces briefly before being extinguished in the snow. Phil was considered better by many, but for whatever reason Tommy found Phil all too predictable. He liked the unbridled power and erratic movements that Techno made, the way he seemed to keep his eyes fixed on you as you sparred, attention unwavering and unyielding. It was intimidating and Tommy had never wanted to be on the other side of the sword when Techno really meant it.
He had never wanted it. Never wanted this. Lmanberg was crashing around him, exploding constantly, the crater going deeper as the noise of the explosions mixed in with the screaming of the withers. Tommy couldn’t take a breath without the acrid smoke stinging his lungs, couldn’t move without the raging fire below the platform he stood on warming his skin to a near unbearable extent. But somehow nothing hurt him more than the look of pure sorrow and rage in Techno’s eyes as he stood behind the crossbow, firework loaded, ready to kill Tommy. Ready to end him where he stood. Tommy cowered behind it, his voice ever steady despite the tears cleaning trails of soot off his face betraying him.
“Do it.” He said. “Prove me right.”
Techno took a breath and for a moment Tommy thought he was going to actually pull the trigger. He flinched as he heard the click of the trigger, and then the explosion of the firework. But he was fine. He opened his eyes and saw Technoblade reload his crossbow before putting it away. He pulled out his trident and looked up, holding his free hand out as the first raindrops fell.
“We part as we did the first time. I’ll miss you Theseus.” Techno said softly, pulling his arm back before launching into the air with his trident. Though Tommy swore he heard something he couldn’t decipher it over the loud roar of the withers, the pattering of rain, and the ever insistent booming of the explosives digging ever deeper. Tommy stood, rain soaking his hair and washing his face of the soot and ash of the country he once built with his brother. He once took back with his uncle. The country he had staked everything on from the beginning. It was gone. For good now. There was no rebuilding. Tommy exchanged a look with Tubbo, the two of them locking eyes. Neither said a word but they both knew, they both understood that it was over. Dream had won, and Technoblade and Phil had helped. Tommy was surrounded by people but he had never felt more alone in that moment. Not even in exile. And he couldn’t tell you why. Though maybe it had something to do with the red fur trimmed cape he still had hanging up at home and the axe that had once been a gift and was now stolen property in his enderchest.
Techno had stopped paying attention to any and all news regarding Tommy. He told Phil it didn’t matter. He didn’t care. He didn’t want to know. But they both knew he was lying through his teeth. He cared. A great deal. But that was the problem now wasn’t it? He had his son. He had an optimal time to tell him. And he was going to. Until Tommy charged into the community house. And Techno had watched in that moment as Tommy chose the corrupt government that had just prior ordered his execution and had imprisoned Phil. Tommy chose them over Techno, who had once more thought about retrieving the title of father. The title he missed every day of his life since he handed it to Phil.
“Tommy is dead.”
Techno’s blood ran cold. There was no way. No way. Phil turned and stared at Techno. Phil loved Tommy, he had. But they had grown estranged. Techno however? He had been attached to Tommy since the day he showed up under his house. Techno had grown close and lost Tommy but he still cared. He still loved his son. Techno didn’t love many things or people, but his son was one of those things.
Phil relaxed slightly as Techno joked, but he didn’t miss the way Techno rushed through the meeting, the way he bolted out of the room into the ever winding maze outside. Phil said his goodbyes before darting after Techno, going through the halls. He found him leaning against a wall, looking queasy. Phil didn’t even get to Techno before he heard him retch and a splatter. Phil saw him turn and wipe his mouth, face ashen and colourless, he was shaking violently and Phil could see how distant he was. Chat. Again.
“You good mate? Come back to me Techno. We can figure this out. Just breathe,” Phil said. “You’ll be o-“
“Do not finish that sentence.” Techno snapped, glaring at Phil. “He’s dead. I am not going to be okay.” Phil had seen Techno angry many times. But he’d never seen this look. The look of a man with nothing left to lose. It wasn’t even like he was looking at Technoblade anymore, not in the way he knew his beloved friend. It was more like staring a wild boar in the face. A very angry, very hungry wild boar. Phil stepped back, knowing very well he could find his throat ripped from his neck if he chose to move forward.
Techno took many long hours to calm, and by the time he had he was empty. It was like everything had been drained from him. Every ounce of Techno had been ripped out and all that Phil had left was the shell. His heart broke because he knew exactly how it had felt. He knew what it was like. After he lost Wilbur Phil had disappeared into the woods for days, he remembered killing anything that moved, hitting the trees until his knuckles bruised and bled just to feel something other than the all consuming sorrow and despair. Anything to stave off the feeling of emptiness. And it was like that until Techno set off. He said he was going to go train. Except he didn’t come back for what felt like years. Tommy had come to visit. As had Wilbur, newly revived from the dead. And Phil had nearly lost it, so relieved to see his son even if his son wasn’t thrilled to see him. It didn’t matter. Wilbur could tell him a million times that Phil no longer mattered, that he wasn’t family, and Phil would still just be relieved that he was okay. That he was alive.
He saw the way Tommy looked at them. Saw the jealousy in his eyes. He had tried so hard to stop him from feeling that when he was a kid but things were different. Things had changed. They didn’t talk much, they weren’t family like they had been. And Phil wanted Tommy to know he had family. But it wasn’t his story to tell. Not yet.
Techno had come back oh so very briefly, a week maximum. They celebrated his birthday, and Techno received a letter summoning him to the prison. Phil was apprehensive and when Techno didn’t come home that night, or the next day, or the day after that Phil started to worry. He had read the will. He knew the plan. But he didn’t like it. Too many things could go wrong. The next time Tommy visited Phil was a wreck. Tommy did his best to comfort Phil but honestly Tommy was worried too. He knew Techno could handle himself. He knew what Techno was capable of but he also knew what Dream and Sam were capable of. 
Phil however was worried about several things. He had faith Techno would be fine, he always was, but… there was a nagging in the back of his brain. He needed to tell Tommy. No matter what he needed to tell him. If Techno died in the prison Tommy should know, and if he got out as planned then Tommy should get to be allowed to know his father. He shouldn’t know before it’s too late, especially when it might already be too late. 
“Yeah Phil?” Tommy replied, picking up the two mugs he had, each with tea in them. He set one down in front of Phil at the table and sat nearby, looking at him. Phil looked like a fucking wreck. There were deep circles under his eyes, he looked exhausted and he seemed older in that moment than Tommy could ever remember him looking before.
“I need to tell you something. The truth.”
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it right now, you can tell me later,”
“No. I have to tell you.” Phil said adamantly. He knew if he didn’t say it now he never would. And Tommy might never get to know Techno as his dad instead of a friend or mentor. He wanted Tommy to have a dad. He owed it to him after he had suddenly stopped being one. “I knew your parents. Your mother and father, they were friends of mine. Your mom is… she’s not around…” Phil said quickly. He kept going before Tommy could react. “Your father. He’s a friend. He’s still alive.”
“…what?” Tommy asked, voice quiet. 
“I’m sorry. I wanted to tell you.”
“Why didn’t you? I spent years wondering what the fuck was wrong with me or my parents that they dropped me in the middle of nowhere, why the fuck didn’t you say anything?” Tommy asked, rage and pain clear in his voice. Years of self loathing, of wondering why he wasn’t good enough, why he was abandoned. Why he didn’t get to have a family. Why he didn’t get to know his father at the very least.
“There’s a lot you don’t understand, I wish I could’ve told you but I couldn’t Tommy,” Phil answered.
“There’s a lot that you don’t understand! I’ve been wondering every day of my life why I wasn’t good enough! Why I couldn’t be happy, why I didn’t deserve to have my own family! You had the answers and you just didn’t give them to me!” Tommy yelled, standing up and banging his fist on the table. “Who? How many times have I met my father and you didn’t say a word? How many interactions did I have where you didn’t tell me I could’ve asked him questions? How many times was he right there?” Phil looked down and sighed, shaking his head. He didn’t wanna say it.
“Tommy….” Phil sighed softly, looking at Tommy. He was right to be pissed. Phil knew that. But he wished he wasn’t. 
“Tell me! For once in your fucking life be honest Phil! You’ve been lying to me for years, you owe me this! You owe me this cause I died and you didn’t bother to care!” Tommy screamed, tears running down his face. “Owe up to it for once in your life.” 
“It’s Technoblade.” Phil choked out. He swore, Tommy almost lunged for his neck to choke him. In that moment he looked so much like his dad. He was so angry. He’d never seen Tommy this angry before, not even on doomsday. Phil would’ve let him strangle him, he’d deserve it. But Tommy didn’t. He slammed his fist into the wall.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He yelled. It was so loud and Phil could hear his voice almost giving out. “He was right here! This whole fucking time! What the fuck is wrong with both of you? You had months, months to tell me!” He screamed, his voice quavering. “You’re both full of shit!” He screamed, turning around and storming out. The door slammed and Phil flinched, hearing the pictures on the wall rattle. He didn’t think it would go this badly. Granted he didn’t know how it would go when he said it. Phil sighed and put his head in his hands. He fucked up. He was gonna regret this.
Techno regretted going into that prison. By the time he got out thanks to the stasis chamber and an ender pearl. He felt himself teleport and stumbled as he found himself in the syndicate’s meeting room. He felt someone grab him and he flinched away.
“Calm down mate, it’s alright, it’s me,” Phil’s voice said softly. Techno looked around confusedly, breathing quickly and seeing it was in fact the syndicate room, not Pandora’s Vault. Phil pulled him along and had him sit down at one of the chairs. “You alright?” Phil asked, stepping back and looking at Techno. He looked like shit. He was thinner, he was pale and shaky. He looked like he didn’t know which way was up. “What the fuck happened in there mate?” 
“It sucked. The syndicate has a responsibility to take it down, it’s as corrupt as anything could be.” Techno sighed.
“I can see that mate.”
“They don’t really feed you in there… Tommy was in there wasn’t he?” Techno asked. Phil paled.
“Yeah… he was.” Phil said, sighing. “Listen I…I have to tell you something Techno. It’s about Tommy.” 
“Is he okay? Did something happen to him?” Technoblade asked immediately, looking terrified.
“No, no he’s fine. I fucked up though mate. I’m sorry, I told him. I didn’t know whether things would go as planned or not, he deserved to know while you were still alive.” Phil said quickly, not looking at Techno. He heard the other sigh.
“….I suppose we owed it to him. Better sooner than later.” Techno sighed, shaking his head. “How’d he take it?” He asked, looking at Phil and leaning back in the chair with a groan.
“Bad. He was….angry. Angry we didn’t say anything earlier. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so pissed.” Phil replied, sitting on the table. He left out just how much like his father he had looked for that moment. Tommy looked like his mother but he certainly had some of his father in him. Techno’s face had fallen more. Phil hadn’t seen Techno cry in ages, but he looked close. Tears in his eyes that he was too proud to let fall. Techno shook his head as if it would shoo them away and stood.
“He’s not wrong to be angry.” Techno said softly. Phil nodded and walked with him up the staircase to the igloo concealing the entrance. “I was going to tell him. Why didn’t I? I should’ve told him. Things were good. He deserved to have my honesty,” Techno muttered under his breath. Phil opened his mouth to respond before closing it. He had a feeling Techno’s words weren’t for him. 
They arrived to their conjoined cabins in silence, and Techno told Phil that they would convene the syndicate later on, and that he was tired. Phil knew it was a lie but he didn’t push, he knew Techno would appreciate him leaving him be more than he would prying. Techno spent a few days in his cabin alone, trying very hard not to be angry with Phil. But who was left if not Phil? He couldn’t be angry at Tommy. Tommy was in the right. Theseus had every right to be pissed, to want nothing to do with him. So the only person left to blame was Technoblade. He spend hours muttering to himself, talking back and forth with chat. Chat seemed to be divided. Half believed it was the better thing to do, to keep it secret, the other said that he should’ve told Tommy ages ago. They weren’t wrong. He had a chance. In Pogtopia he had a chance. Before doomsday, before the community house he had a chance. Tommy had been through hell and back, and Technoblade could’ve prevented it, but he didn’t. His own son died because he had stayed silent. Techno slammed his fist into the wall before letting out a soul shattering scream of frustration. How could he have been so stupid?
Tommy stood outside the houses, staring between the turtle shell helmet in his hands and the cozy inviting cabin he’d once called home. At one point it had been entirely alone, nothing but Carl in his stable outside but now it was busy. The house stood facing Phil’s own cabin, a small pond below the bridges connecting them, beacons shining nearby, Ranboo’s house not so far, a large herd of cows in a pen, polar bears inside and outside the house, a dog kennel and several dogs lounging in and out of it. It was nothing like the desolate and lonely house Tommy had last seen it as. He took a breath and shook his head. Clearly Technoblade was fine. He had Ranboo, Phil, his animals. He wouldn’t be alone. It was a bittersweet thought. On one hand he didn’t want Technoblade to be left entirely alone. He was angry but…Techno had been kind to him. Given him gifts, a home, hidden him. But on the other hand…it felt like Tommy was being abandoned, replaced. Ranboo had taken his spot as Tubbo’s best friend. Hell they were married and raising a child. Now Ranboo was living happily alongside Technoblade and Phil. Tommy wasn’t a fan of the pattern he was seeing. But unfortunately Ranboo was disgustingly pleasant. He considered turning back, maybe even just tossing the shell onto the porch by the door and making a run for it before anybody saw him, but in his moment of hesitation the decision was made for him. Techno closed the door behind him and turned, freezing, bow slung over his shoulder.
“…you weren’t supposed to see me here.” Tommy said hesitantly when he realized Techno wouldn’t say anything first.
“Your helmet,” Techno said, pointing at the turtle shell clenched in Tommy’s hands. 
“Yeah. I was going to return it to you.” Tommy said, shrugging awkwardly.
“You know why. Don’t act stupid.” Tommy said glaring at Techno. “You can’t expect me to not be upset after finding out you abandoned me and lied to me my whole life. I know you’re not good with people but you can’t be that stupid.”
“I’m sorry, I know, I was just… you should keep the helmet Theseus-“
“Don’t call me that. Don’t use that stupid fucking nickname!” Tommy yelled.
“…I’m sorry. I know it doesn’t make up for it, but I promise you I didn’t want it to go the way it did.” Techno said, sighing.
“You’d take it back? Fat load of good that does now.”
“No. I’d do the same. Not this part. Not keeping it a secret.”
“Thanks. Makes me feel so much better to know you still don’t want me.” Tommy said sarcastically. 
“What? Of course I wanted you.” Techno said, frowning and walking down the steps to stand in front of Tommy.
“Then why did you get rid of me so easily? Why didn’t you want me to know you?” Tommy asked, rage boiling in his chest.
“Giving you to someone else was the hardest thing I ever did. I spent a year as your dad, your first word was papa, you were my heart and soul.” Techno said softly. “I had to give you to someone else. I had to give you a better home Tommy.”
“Why couldn’t you have kept me?” Tommy asked, the venomous tone in his voice dying down slightly.
“Come, I’ll tell you everything. It’s too cold out here and you don’t have a coat,” Techno said, walking back up the stairs. Tommy was going to refuse, but his legs moved automatically, and he followed Techno inside. Techno gestured for him to sit at the table and filled the kettle with water, setting it on the wood stove and pulling out cups. “Usual?” Techno asked, looking over his shoulder. Tommy nodded and watched Techno pull out the sugar and milk. The tea was done quickly and Techno set Tommy’s cup in front of him, sitting across the table from him. “How much do you want to know?” Techno asked after taking a breath. 
“Everything. I want you to be honest with me.” Tommy replied curtly.
“Alright. I suppose I should start with your name. Theseus is your actual name, Tommy was a nickname. Your mom called you Tommy, so it stuck.” Techno admitted.
“It…wasn’t just a stupid nickname?”
“You have terrible taste in names big man.” Tommy said, a hint of a smile on his face.
“Yeah, you may be right on that,” Techno replied, laughing. 
“My mother…what happened?” Tommy asked.
“She died a few hours after you were born. There were some issues, we knew she wasn’t gonna make it weeks before, so she decided that she would just hold you until she went. And she did just that.” Techno sighed. Tommy couldn’t figure out the look on Techno’s face. He seemed to be both sad and happy at the same time. It was odd, he hadn’t seen Techno look like this before. 
“Did you love her?”
“Absolutely. The only person I ever loved more is you.” Techno replied easily. “We didn’t get married, but it didn’t matter much to us.”
“What was she like?” 
“She was…like you actually. Everything I could only hope to become. She was kind, happy, she was always smiling. She saw the good in everything and everyone, and she stood up for what she believed in regardless of the cost. You look just like her, you have her hair and her eyes. You’re more her than me, that’s a good thing.” Techno said, smiling fondly on the memories of her. He saw so much of her in Tommy and he was unbelievably grateful for it.
“So…why did you give me up then? If you were so happy to have me or whatever?” Tommy asked, not looking at Techno. He heard him sigh deeply and almost retracted the question but decided not to. He had a right to know.
“You know about chat? The voices I hear?” Tommy nodded in response. “Well… sometimes chat is too hard for me to handle. Sometimes they take over. Sometimes they win. And one night they almost did.” Techno reached out and held Tommy’s jaw loosely, thumb running over the scar there. “They almost won and I almost lost you. You deserved a dad who didn’t try to kill you. You deserved a stable family, I didn’t want you to grow up not feeling safe cause I couldn’t control myself. So I gave you to Phil.” Techno pulled away and sighed, leaning back in his seat.
“Did you ever wish you hadn’t?” 
“That’s…hard. I wish I didn’t have to. I wish it wasn’t what had been best at that time. I wish I hadn’t needed to do it, but I don’t regret it. I would’ve loved to have been your father for as long as I lived. But I wasn’t about to risk your life for my happiness.” Techno explained.
Tommy had wanted to stay angry. Some pet of him still was, deep down. He still wanted to hit and scream and throw a tantrum, but the other part, the larger, more rational part, the part of him that had been through everything including death and war, felt the anger wash away. He hadn’t been abandoned. He was wanted. He was loved. He was cared for. It had been out of necessity, not because Techno just didn’t want him. Tommy couldn’t remember the scar, or getting it. Some part of him was scared but he remembered doomsday. Techno had a clear chance to kill him. To end it there. But he didn’t. He knew Techno wouldn’t hurt him, even if he was pissed. 
“…I died.” Tommy said quietly. He heard Techno draw in a sharp breath.
“I know.”
“Did…did you care?”
“It destroyed me. I almost killed Philza. There’s a grave site on a mountain a few hours from here. I carved the headstone and planted the flowers. I cared.” Techno said quietly. Tommy let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, and with it came a river of tears. Sixteen years of anger, frustration, misery, loneliness, isolation, all of it, came rushing out as he nearly choked on his sobs. He wiped at his eyes quickly, trying to stop himself but he couldn’t. He kept sobbing and the tears kept coming. He felt arms wrap around him and let them pull him onto the ground. He leaned into someone, sitting on their lap. It took a few moments for him to realize it was Techno.
Tommy turned and buried his face into his shoulder, sobbing freely into it, soaking Techno’s shirt with tears. He felt Techno gently rubbing his back and quietly mumbling as he kept crying, encouraging him to let it out. It felt like forever before he stopped, head pounding, eyes burning and exhausted. He drew in a deep shaky breath, sitting up again and laughing pitifully.
“This is your fault,” he said lightly, not actually angry.
“I’ll try to stop messing up,” Techno replied, laughing and smiling. He gently brushed the hair in Tommy’s eyes behind his ear and smiled at him. “I’m sorry. I should’ve told you. I was going to but I just…didn’t.” Techno added, sighing.
“It’s okay…well it’s not but… I forgive you,” Tommy said. He paused for a moment. “I wouldn’t mind if later you were my dad again,” he added tentatively. Techno’s face lit up.
“You mean it?” He asked.
“Yeah…we can try again.” Tommy said, nodding.
“I’ll do better,” Techno said sincerely. He paused and thought. “Can I call you Theseus?” He added.
“Yeah…I’m okay with that. Only you though. It’s a dumb name,” Tommy replied, smiling. Techno laughed and nodded.
“Fair enough. Thank you for giving me another chance kid,” Techno said softly, holding Tommy close to his chest.
“Thank you for wanting to give it a shot,” Tommy answered, letting himself lean into Techno and relax for what felt like the first time in ages. It felt like home.
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Dream SMP Recap (April 27/2021) - Facing Fears
Ponk confronts Foolish at the Community House and plans to build a supreme fridge to make things up with him after the Banquet.
Tommy, preparing for the prison break, decides he needs to face his fears before he does so.
Captain Puffy
- Ponk starts off in the cobblestone pyramid base.
- Ponk looks at the photos on his walls and puts on his shoes.
“Chat...today, we make the supreme fridge. We lost a friend -- it should’ve been Eret, okay? In all honest, it should’ve been Eret...it’s sad. It’s all so sad to think a friend of mine -- another friend! -- betrayed me like this, you know?”
“I guess...Purpled won’t be needing our supplies anymore.”
- Chat thinks Ponk doing a deep voice sounds like Sam. 
- Ponk wants to make it up to Foolish, and what better to do than make him a supreme fridge? He still has the cake Foolish gave him at the Banquet. He had no idea. 
- He starts mining down the Netherite blocks. Purpled won’t be needing these anymore.
- Ponk then goes over to Niki’s city to retrieve supplies.
- Badboyhalo is like that one friend who’s way too into a pyramid scheme and tried to get everyone else involved.
- When a dono points out that Ponk still got involved in the scheme, Ponk replies: 
“I mean...look. The pyramid scheme gave me structure to my life, alright? What kind of structure did I have before then? Huh? Think about it. What was I doing? Who was I sharing my thoughts with, chat? Exactly. So anything with structure was probably better than that, you know?”
“‘I had Sam?’ I had Sam. Chat. What did Sam do to me?”
- Ponk makes it to the ocean monument farm.
- Sam joins the game.
Ponk: hello...
Sam: You’re cute :)
Sam: Later <3
- He leaves. Purpled joins the game.
Ponk: So
Purpled: hi ponk
Purpled: ok
Purpled: bye ponk
- Purpled leaves. Ponk realizes he missed out on his chance to play Bedwars with him.
- Ponk gets a message back and goes to play Bedwars.
- Foolish notices the renovations and new obsidian layer on L’Sandburg. It doesn’t actually look too bad, and he decides he might keep it.
- After Bedwars, Ponk returns to the cobblestone pyramid to get things. He takes a closer look at the photos again. Sam is crossed out with red in one.
- Ponk waits at the Community House for Foolish. He has a photo of him and Foolish and a cake.
- Foolish asks what happened at the Banquet. Ponk boats over to him, but Foolish notices his eyes are still red.
- Ponk tells him that he never knew Foolish was going to get hurt. He was just the coat man.
Ponk: “Look at me! Does this look like someone like the guest of honor? No, alright? To have to serve people that have betrayed me, Foolish! How do you think that hurt? And then to see you! Taken up there by my friends, alright! I don’t know.”
- He tells Foolish that they’ve had good times together, that he saved the cake Foolish gave him. He gives Foolish the cake. When Foolish worries it might be poisoned, he says they can eat it together.
- Bad said he’d found armor in a chest and gave it to Ponk. Ponk didn’t know he was going to need it.
- Foolish asks how he knows this isn’t some sort of trap. Ponk tells him that he wants to make it up to Foolish.
Ponk: “Obviously, you can’t trust me and I know that, right. But I wanna make it up to you. Okay? Trust is something I hold very dear to me, and for me to break it, alright...be it from a third party’s perspective, okay? I didn’t have much to do with this Banquet, Foolish, you have to understand me.”
Foolish: “You’re telling me the Egg isn’t in control of you right now, is what you’re saying?”
Ponk: “The Egg helps me, Foolish. It gives me structure, okay?”
Foolish: “Do you still believe the Egg is some kind of good thing? Do you believe it’s actually something you should have in your like?”
- Ponk tells him to walk with him. Foolish points out he led the attack on his temple, all for the Egg.
Foolish: “You did it for the Egg! Thinking you would like, impress it or something, like it would give you more! What’s the real problem, Ponk? You haven’t explained. What’s the real problem? Your hand, like what’s with your hand -- what’s with the Egg in the first place--”
- Ponk tells him they don’t talk about the hand. That’s something he has to deal with. But he’s truly sorry, and he’s going to build Foolish a supreme fridge.
- Foolish is still concerned about the eyes. Ponk says the eyes mean nothing. Foolish doesn’t know how much Ponk has lost, who he’s lost. 
- Foolish snaps, saying he died. Does Ponk know how scary a thing that is?  Ponk replies that he does know, but Foolish is taking it out of proportion.
Ponk: “A quick death, or a slow, painful one, Foolish? Come on, man.”
- Ponk will still lay the foundations for the fridge. Even if Foolish chases him off, he will come back, day after day, to build the fridge and prove that he’s a good person.
- The Egg provides free Starbucks, and that is worth it.
- Foolish says he can’t trust Ponk until the red eyes and everything in his system are gone. Ponk says it will all be explained in time.
- Foolish has had enough and leaves. He heads back to the summer home. Ponk got him thinking about death again. He makes it back to the green light to calm down.
- Foolish then goes to continue building, to finish the mansion.
- Tommy wasn’t there for the Banquet. The Blood Vines are gone from the path now, and he is not afraid of the Egg. He wonders where it went.
- He has something to do today. He heads over to Snowchester to meet with Tubbo. Tubbo and Ranboo come over to the mansion.
- Tommy pulls Tubbo aside to speak with him alone. He asks Tubbo about how, after the Disc War Finale, he gave Tubbo the Nightmare armor set. He wants it back.
- He asks for Tubbo’s help with some things, but doesn’t want Ranboo there.
- Tubbo takes Tommy into the Snowchester vault. Tommy says he’ll give the rest back, but he wants to keep the Totem of Undying. Tommy puts on Dream’s armor.
- Next, Tommy and Tubbo go over to Pogtopia to retrieve Tommy’s sword. They open Sam’s vault door and Tommy gathers his things.
- Tommy and Tubbo go mine some obsidian in Pogtopia. He needs obsidian and blackstone.
- He gets home and cleans up the blood on the Prime Path. Ranboo arrives and gives him more stacks of obsidian.
- He explains to Tubbo and Ranboo that in a few days’ time, things are going to change, and he’s not strong enough yet. He wants to face the things he’s scared of.
- Tommy mines below the watchtower. He wants to create two bunkers. One that replicates the Final Control Room, and one that replicates the prison.
- Tommy asks if either of them have been to the prison. Ranboo says no, Sam doesn’t let him in. Tubbo says Sam didn’t let him in either.
- He tells Ranboo and Tubbo that he’s afraid of taking damage.
- Tommy’s heard rumors about the Panic Room and asks Ranboo what it was. Ranboo says it was just a room he went to when he got stressed, kind of like what Tommy’s making but the opposite.
- After they finish the bunkers, Tommy leads them all to Logstedshire. Tommy walks around, looking at everything there and remembering what happened.
- Next, Tommy goes to visit the exact recreations of the rooms in the museum. He meets Eret on the Prime Path.
- He asks Ranboo and Tubbo to lock him in for a minute and walks into the Final Control Room, talking through his feelings, pressing the button like he did when it happened.
- Tommy starts looking through the chests and finds the book that Eret left for Wilbur named “I’m Sorry.”
Tommy: “It’s okay...it’s okay because times have changed, and so have people. Not all people...but most.”
- They leave the museum and Tommy asks Tubbo to stab him with a sword.
- Tommy then goes into the recreation they made of the prison cell. He starts panicking and asks to be let out. Tubbo and Ranboo let him out. He tells them that in the next few days, it’s all going to change. He’s going to try and do what he should’ve done a long time ago.
- Tommy gives Ranboo a hug and thanks him for helping. He asks Ranboo to leave, then tells Tubbo to come up the watchtower with him.
- There, he tells Tubbo about dying and coming back. He and Tubbo had the chance to kill Dream and they didn’t, but now, Tommy’s going to break into the prison and do it.
- He needs from Tubbo a couple of things, and Tubbo can’t tell anyone -- even Ranboo -- about this. He needs Tubbo’s help to get him several invisibility potions, defenses stronger than TNT: withers.
- People are going to be upset with him because getting rid of Dream will get rid of the revival book. Tommy says the revive book isn’t worth it to keep him alive. Being in between life and death was worse than just staying dead.
- Most of all, he needs Tubbo to trust him.
Tommy: “This isn’t the right thing to do, Tubbo. It’s the only thing to do.”
- He tells Tubbo he’ll see him soon and leaves.
- Tubbo and Ranboo go off to fight some wither skeletons for skulls.
- Later, Ranboo goes mining with Tubbo in VC.
Upcoming events remain the same.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
The Medic (part one)
Warning - accident / injury
A/N - I've taken a little liberty on the plot of Peaky... This scene totally didn't happen in real life but I needed it for this so... Forgive me?
Taglist @queenshelby @margoo0 @being-worthy @peakyscillian @peakyciills @janelongxox @elenavampire21 @ysmmsy @cloudofdisney @lauren-raines-x @namelesslosers @misscarolineshelby @screemqueen @cilleveryone @peaky-cillian @misselsbells06 @datewithgianni @heidimoreton
"Y/n, it's a few days helping at a film shoot, not open heart surgery!!" Your friend Kate laughed from the bottom of the stairs as you lugged a suitcase down them.
"You know, you could be helping me instead of standing there mocking me..." You groaned. Yes the suitcase might have been a slight over exaggeration, but your years as an A&E doctor had taught you to always be prepared, and expect the unexpected.
You and Kate jumped in her car and headed up the M6 to Liverpool from your hometown of Stoke on Trent. Kate was the onset medic for series 4 of Peaky Blinders, and she'd asked you to come help while her colleague was on leave. You had booked the week off work, and with no other plans you decided to go for it. A few hours a day dealing with the odd graze or cut, as oppose to heart attacks and broken bones? Still sounded like a holiday in your book!
After a doze in the car, she nudged you as you pulled into the hotel car park. The Titanic Hotel - Five Star luxury, indoor pool and gym.. and all paid for by the Peaky producers? You were in for a fun week!
"Oh and don't forget a week with Cillian Murphy..." Kate grinned.
"Oh behave, he's not even that good looking!"
"Wait til you see him in person. My GOD those eyes are intense."
"Sounds like someone's got a crush themselves!"
"Babe if I wasn't married I'd be riding that man like a fucking horse. Come on - we need to check in and unpack. Anto called me earlier, dinner's in an hour."
After unpacking your ridiculously heavy suitcase full of medical equipment, you quickly showered and changed into your black jeans and dark purple blouse. Putting the finishing touches to your makeup, Kate rushing you again.
"Okay, okay I'm ready!!" You laughed, grabbing your handbag and following her down the stairs to the restaurant.
The restaurant was huge.. you were led by the waiter to a back room sealed off from the other guests. As you walked inside you couldn't help but gasp at the people in front of you. The full cast were there - Paul, Sophie, Finn, Natasha... You felt so starstruck you didn't even notice Harry walk over to Kate and hug her in front of you.
"Y/n? You in there?" She asked, laughing at your gormless face.
"What? Oh sorry! Yes, I'm fine, just... No I'm fine. Totally fine."
Harry held out his hand and introduced himself, you took it and smiled.
"He's not here yet." Kate whispered as Harry headed to the bar. You rolled your eyes - where she'd got this fixation about you being attracted to a man you had barely heard of before Peaky Blinders, you'd never know.
The bell in the corner of the room suddenly rang, calling everyone to their seats for dinner. You checked the table plan and sat down on the table marked 'The Garrison', Kate heading to the one marked 'Charlies Yard'. Taking your seat before everyone else, you felt extremely nervous, until the seat next to you was pulled out and they sat beside you.
"You're new?" He asked, sitting down. You glanced to your right into a pair of ocean blue eyes. Cillian Murphy himself had just sat himself down at your table, right next to you.
"I am indeed - the new medic. Covering Louise while she's on leave. I'm Y/n."
"Cillian. Good to meet you. Hopefully, and I mean this in the nicest possible way, I won't see too much of you. Can't say the same for my costars..."
"Oh god, why?" You chuckled.
"I broke someone's nose in series one, stomped on a foot in series two, and last series I think I punched Tom Hardy..."
"Right, so I need to be onset at the same time you are then?"
"Highly recommended!" He laughed. Well you'd never admit it, but Kate was right. Those eyes in person certainly were mesmerising...
The following morning you were geared up and ready to go. The set was ready, actors in place. The scene was to be quite the spectacle. Tommy and Arthur in the Garrison, with one of the Peaky Boys who'd betrayed them. The shot would be fired into the ceiling via the man's head. Easy. That easy, you were certain you wouldn't be needed, but your contract stated you or Kate needed to be present at all times, so here you were. Kate was on a different set.
You watched it play out in front of you - it was fascinating seeing it live. Cillian's acting truly was out of this world, you were awestruck. The gun was fired into the ceiling - a warning shot before the man was actually hit. What surprised you was the live round that had been used - you weren't sure if that was planned or someone had loaded it wrong, but it was definitely real. No one batted an eyelid though, so must've been planned... what happened next was certainly not planned.
Dust trickled from above Cillian, light enough for him not to notice, but under the lighting you could see it. You looked up and saw it - the ceiling was crumbling. You knew a set like this used serious rigging to hold it up, but that rigging looked severely unstable right now trying to hold a ceiling up that was on a mission to come down... Right over the boys heads...
"Stop filming, get out of the way!!!" You screamed but it was too late. Within seconds, the rigging, the ceiling, the light fixtures... All of it fell to the floor. Anto held you back, powerless to stop it. As the dust settled you looked at the set, hoping against hope no one had been hit. Paul was at the bar, most of it missing him apart from what looked like a graze on his arm. The traitor boy had quickly fled out of the way and was unharmed.
Where was Cillian?
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dreamsclock · 3 years
based on this thread i made on twt :) set the day before the season 2 finale !! also i’ve never written c!punz so if he’s ooc that’s why lolol
warnings: exile arc mentions, mental deterioration, blood, mental illness, paranoia, broken found family, hurt no comfort
Here’s the thing: Punz likes Dream. 
He fucking loves Dream, alright: they’re brothers, forged in bloodshed and bloodbaths and blood oaths taken as careless gangly teenagers only just making their first marks in the world, when Dream had been bright eyed and Punz had been willing to see the best in people. Things are different now — he’s not the same kid he once had been, and he hasn’t seen Dream’s eyes from behind the mask in so long, but he doubts they’re bright — they’re still brothers, despite all of that. He still loves him. 
He does. It’s why betrayal is so hard. 
Because there’s no way to sugarcoat this, really. It’s betrayal, nothing almost, nothing not really about it, pure and simple, he’s betraying Dream in one day, and that’s not going to change if he tries to put it nicely. It doesn’t matter why he says he’s doing it — for money, for the good of the server, for Dream himself — it’s betrayal, and that’s how Dream is going to see it. 
Guilt sits where his heart should when he meets up with Dream in his underground bunker, hears his frantic muttering long before he sees him. And Punz isn’t an idiot, he’s not going to sit and blame himself for how Dream has ended up, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t feel responsible for not helping him. Hearing him now, mumble plan after plan under his breath, knowing exactly what state he’s going to be in when he gets down there, stings more than he’d like to admit. 
And yeah, Dream is exactly as he imagined he would be; decked out in heavily enchanted armour, axe in hand, shield in the other, pacing up and down and up and down and up as if he’s ready to fend off imaginary enemies, mask firmly in place as usual. Punz isn’t surprised, but his heart jolts anyway, and does an unpleasant little twist in his chest that he thinks might be regret. 
He doesn’t really recognise the man he’s looking at. 
“Dream,” he calls out, low, and Dream’s head jerks to face him, axe up and on the defensive instantly, before lowering it instantly when he sees who’s calling him, “just me.”
“Punz.” Dream exhales roughly, puts his weapons and shield away, though the armour stays on. “I wasn’t expecting to see you again before the end.”
Punz shrugs. “I wanted to check up on you. Before… the end.” 
The end. It’s a fitting name for what's to come. He jumps off the elevator, heading to his friend’s side: Dream is stiff but yielding when Punz pulls off his helmet, though stubbornly resists the rest of the armour. 
“How’re you holding up? Aren’t you uncomfortable in all that shit?”
“Eh, you get used to it,” Dream says, tucking his helmet under his arm and swiping his hair back, “I can’t be caught off guard and killed now. Not when we’re so close to getting control back. Not when we’re so close to winning.”
Winning. Getting control back. Listen to yourself, Punz wants to scream at him, those two things aren’t the same, this isn’t winning, look at yourself, you’re losing your mind. He chokes it back, because Dream sounds so reverent, an ugly note of desperation slipping into his voice, and Dream’s worse emotions have never been pretty — have always been explosive and abrasive and loud — but somehow the desperation from him coats Punz’s tongue like poison. It reminds him of exile, when Dream would come back after days away, a thousand miles from him, rambling about disks and control and Tommy, always Tommy. It’s the same desperation, same people: but Punz is smarter now. He knows a time bomb when he sees one, and Dream has all the signs of being one. Punz is smarter now. He knows it’s only time before Dream detonates.
Punz is smarter now — he’s not going to be around to be caught in the explosion.
(More merciful, too. He likes to think this will help Dream in the end, likes to tell himself that’s why he’s turning against him.)
(He doesn’t know how true that is.)
“Are you ready for tomorrow?” He asks, and Dream tilts his head, drifting away from him and begging to move around the room, one hand tapping nonsensical patterns into the wall. “Big day, man.”
“Big big day,” Dream agrees, humming, “the biggest. I’ll finally—” He laughs under his breath in quiet elation. “I’ll finally be in control. I’ll finally be able to stop the wars and the fighting and the— the stupid disks. I’ll be able to control everyone, make sure nobody gets hurt again. And things will go back to how they used to be.”
Dream turns to face him, and Punz imagines the too-bright, feverish gleam in his eyes behind the porcelain mask. 
“We can be a big family again.”
Punz remembers seven year old, gap-toothed Dream, little Dream who had extended a hand to him and very proudly proclaimed him another friend after only minutes of initial conversation. 
(“You’re part of my friends now,” Dream beams, tucking his hands into his pockets, “which also means you’re part of my family!”
“Family?” Punz squints distrustfully, suspicious and wary after too many years on the run. “You don’t mean that.”
Dream laughs like Punz is an idiot. “I do,” he says, and it’s impossible not to believe him, “course I do, Punzy. We’re friends now. And we always will be. We’re like a big—”)
“—Big happy family,” Punz murmurs, throat burning, “yeah. After tomorrow, I think we will be.”
Because maybe losing will reform Dream. Maybe losing will make him look around at angry, frightened faces and realise how bad things have gotten. Because right now? Looking at Dream surrounded by others’ attachments and dwarfed by the towering height and size of the bunker? Punz is looking at a stranger. 
And it stings, because he thinks at one point his only attachment to this server had been Dream. 
(And it stings, because he thinks he’s still attached to him, enough to hate who he’s become, enough to mourn the boy he’d once been.)
And it stings, because he’s leaving Dream for money, because Tommy had offered more, because Dream is too focused on his dream of a family and not on the crushing reality that it’s never going to come true. The server will never be what it once had been. L’Manburg had ruined that. Dream is destroying himself over a dream everyone else has woken up from, and Punz knows he can’t stop him. But he’s not going to get dragged down with him — he needs money to survive, he needs material goods because nothing else on this server is safe, and Tommy had offered the higher price. 
Money and the vague chance Dream will come to his senses if he has no one. That’s what Punz is running on. 
“You’ll come when I call, right?” Dream asks, gazing into the hole in the wall that, if he gets his way, will soon trap Bad’s only attachment — Prime, Punz thinks, not for the first time, this is fucked, this is so fucked. “You won’t let me down?”
Punz’s heart aches. “I’ll do what needs to be done,” he promises, and Dream is too distracted to pick up on his wording, “are you coming by my base to actually get some sleep tonight?”
Say yes. Show me you’re still in there. 
Dream doesn’t look up. “It’s okay. I can’t sleep right now. You should, though.” He hums low in his throat. “Rest up for tomorrow, okay? And— Punz?”
He stops. 
When he turns around again, Dream is facing him, and his voice is softer than usual. 
“Me and you. We’ve got this. We know what we’re doing this for.”
(“Us against Pogtopia.” Dream’s smile is grim. “We can do this. I trust us, Punz.”)
(“We’ve got to do this,” Dream tells him, the facade of leadership slipping in a vulnerable moment, “we have to beat L’Manburg. We’re fighting for our home, Punz. Our family. We can’t afford to lose.”)
(“Punzy!” Dream laughs. “Me and you against the world. You’ll always be my friend, right?”
And Punz is less cynical than he used to be, because he knows the world can be good, and knows good manifests itself in a short nine year old with a smile as bright as the sun. “I’ll always be your family,” he says, because it’s worth it to watch the sun come out, “we’re brothers, Dream.”)
Punz’s chest twinges. 
“Family,” he agrees, thinking of the chest full of money in his base from Tommy, of Dream, old and new, “I know.”
He can see the shadow of a smile beneath the mask, and knows they’re both as hollow as each other. 
“See you,” Dream calls out, and he sounds so insignificant in the room, so crushed by its size and purpose, the weight of the world on his shoulders, “stay safe.”
Punz lingers at the portal entrance, heart heavy. “You too,” he replies, and he leaves Dream alone. 
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