#Diss’s drabbles
the-big-dissapoint · 1 year
(Ended up making another fic about the Pokémon/Kirby crossover au, this time one featuring the main story. And a proper introduction to it as a whole. (Same as the last fic, this contains different pics for each side. The Kirby side contains Susie’s pov, whereas the Pokémon side contains Giovanni’s.))
The Deal
Popstar, home to colorful and unique creatures alongside the universe’s finest heroes. But lurking among them was none other than Susie, former secretary of the Haltmann Works Company. Having been stranded on the planet after the company’s downfall, Susie was left to her own devices. Granted it wasn’t much of a surprise, as Susie herself had planned to take over the company. But was stopped due to many unforeseen problems, namely that of the Star Dream A. I. going haywire. Not to mention the Dreamland locals fighting back against the mechanization, one in particular using one of the company’s very own Robobots against them.
With a short sigh, Susie looked at the sky in utter boredom. Gone were her machines and weapons, having been left with just her personal Robobot and blaster. With lack of proper supplies, Susie was forced to use them sparingly lest they broke. Letting out another sigh, she stared off into the sky again. Wondering what the day would bring…
Susie was soon jolted out of her thoughts however, as her Robobot began to pick up an alien signal. Tilting her head in confusion, she pondered over what to do. Being stuck in Dreamland was torture for her, days bleeding into the next. Susie yearned for something, anything to stop the monotony. It seems that this was the break, trying her luck she decided to follow the signal. Eager to see where it lead, Susie let out a soft laugh.
As the signal got stronger, Susie let out a gasp. Catching a glimpse of various figures, clothed in strange garb. It seems that they weren’t Dreamland locals either. With a sly grin, Susie decided to closely follow them. Taking care as she didn’t want to risk being seen, Susie used her Robobot to tail them from a distance.
Stifling a chuckle, she finally couldn’t contain her excitement. With a grin, Susie would press a button on the side of her visor. The built in holographic device, began to alter her features to properly fit in. Brushing her hair to the side, Susie made herself known to the group. “Greetings!” “It looks like you need some help.” Still grinning, she awaited the team’s response. Finally one of the members spoke up, staring straight at Susie with a mix of suspicion and nervousness. “W-who the hell are you?” “And what do you want with Team Rocket?” ‘Team Rocket?’ Susie stifled a soft chuckle, her interest was growing. It seems she found something quite different after all.
Susie took a breath, her voice calm and soft. “I mean you no harm, honest.” “And I have no idea what this “Team Rocket” even is!” She stared back at the group, as a look of shock settled on each of their features. It seems that Susie’s assumption that they weren’t from this universe wasn’t just a hunch. Still grinning, she took a step forward as they stayed silent. “It seems like you’re not from here, right?” “!!!!!!” She watched with curiosity, as her suspicions were confirmed by their look of recognition.
As the group continued to stare, one among them finally spoke up. “Ah, it seems we have a guest.” The man’s voice was completely calm, as Susie turned to stare at him curiously. It seems that she found the leader of the group, his stern expression softened slightly as he continued. “I take it you’re like us then?” “Not originally from this world?”
Susie nodded, as her grin widened. “Yes, you’ve got that right…” With a warm chuckle, she took a bow. “Where are my manners?” “I am Susie, and I take it you’re the boss of “Team Rocket”?” She grinned, as the man simply nodded. A few of Team Rocket’s members began to nervously whisper amongst themselves, as Susie just watched curiously. “Y-you can’t trust her Boss!” “Y-yeah, she seems like bad news…” This unruly behavior was stopped by their leader however, needing only to raise a hand to silence them. Susie was in awe of the amount of power and authority this man held, speaking up again she didn’t hide her excitement. “You know, that name reminds me of my previous employer.”
The man simply raised an eyebrow at that, as she continued. “My former employer was quite ambitious, our company was known throughout various galaxies and planets.” The man let out a chuckle, his voice oozing with intrigue. “That sounds like quite the company.” Susie let out a chuckle, nodding. “It was!” With a sigh, she clapped her hands happily. “But enough about the past!” “It seems like you need some help, after all it looks like you don’t know your way around Dreamland yet….” The man frowned, looking confused for a moment. “Dreamland?”
The man just chuckled again, adding with a smirk. “Well, I’ll take you up on that offer.” He introduced himself properly as well, mirroring Susie with a bow. “Name’s Giovanni, by the way.” Susie grinned, bowing as well. “Nice to meet you properly, Giovanni sir!” “Likewise.” Giovanni’s grin widened, as Susie felt like this was the start to a powerful alliance... “Now, what else do you know about Dreamland?”
Kanto, home to powerful creatures called Pokémon and many humans who train and live alongside them. Unbeknownst to the many who lived there, Team Rocket was busy. The evil organization, served to capture and use Pokémon for their own gain. Currently Team Rocket’s leader, Giovanni was overseeing a new project. One that proved quite fruitful, as the Team’s top scientists managed to create a powerful device. One that had the ability to access different universes, the scientists were incredibly eager. Wondering where to explore first, Rocket’s leader decided to leave things up to chance for a change, after all life was often unpredictable.
Chuckling softly, Giovanni stared at the portal slowly opening in amusement. Currently in the process of assigning a recon team, consisting of Team Rocket’s best members lead by none other than himself. Doing so in order to properly explore, and observe what the new universe had in store for them. So far things were running along smoothly, as the team gathered their supplies. It seems Team Rocket had much in store…
Team Rocket’s recon team, now fully equipped for the task at hand carefully made their way through the portal. They were taken aback, this new universe was bizarre. Everything was different, no humans or Pokémon in sight. Instead rather alien looking creatures, in a colorful dreamlike environment. The team marched on, catching a few of the creatures along the way. Giovanni was eager to see more of the world, they continued on.
As the team continued on their search, they were met with even more unique creatures. These more violent than the ones previously encountered, they lacked fear of humans or Pokémon. The grunts were forced to bring out their Pokémon, in order to avoid getting attacked. As the scientists watched on in awe, eager to learn more about this universe and it’s inhabitants.
Team Rocket’s recon squad was soon stopped in their tracks, as a strange voice called out. “Greetings!” “It looks like you need some help.” “!!!???” The grunts jolted in alarm, each reaching for their Pokéballs. As a figure stepped forward, it was a human girl? Although she seemed strange, her features alien in nature. Eyes too bright and blue to be normal, hands seemingly floating in the air by themselves, to top it all off the girl was dressed from head to toe in strange futuristic garb.
Giovanni stayed silent, curious as to how things would play out. One of the more nervous Rocket grunts spoke up, staring straight at her with a suspicious expression. “W-who the hell are you? And what do you want with Team Rocket?” The girl stayed silent, just smiling back at the group. Not even flinching, she simply kept silent. Even Giovanni himself had to raise an eyebrow at that, the girl either had serious guts or was just plain unaware of the danger she was in.
The strange girl spoke up, her voice eerily calm. “I mean no harm, honest…”“And I have no idea, what this “Team Rocket” even is!” If the recon team already wasn’t taken aback, they certainly were now. Everyone’s heard of Team Rocket, even in far off regions like Unova or Orre. The girl simply let out a soft laugh, taking a step closer to them. “It seems like you’re not from here, right?” “!!!!!!” As the rest of Team Rocket were stunned, their leader decided to break the silence. “Ah, it seems we have a guest.” The girl perked up, turning her head to stare directly at him. Giovanni continued, as she stayed silent. “I take it you’re like us then?” “Not originally from this world?”
The strange girl spoke up again, as her expression got happier. “Yes, you’ve got that right…” With a chuckle, she took a bow and introduced herself. “I am Susie, and I take it you’re the boss of “Team Rocket”?” Giovanni nodded silently, as he turned back to face Susie. A few of the more anxious Rocket grunts whispered in fear, their voices low. “You can’t trust her, Boss!” “Y-yeah, she seems like bad news….” Raising his hand in warning, Team Rocket’s leader made them shut up fast. Peeking back up at that, Susie didn’t hide her glee as she continued.
“You know, that name reminds me of a former employer of mine…” Susie took another step closer, as Giovanni raised another eyebrow in curiosity. “Oh? Do tell.” “My former employer was quite ambitious, our company was known throughout various galaxies and planets.” Now the Rocket leader was thoroughly intrigued, speaking up again he added with a chuckle. “That sounds like quite the company.” Susie let out a chuckle as well, nodding. “It was!” With a sigh, she happily clapped her hands. “But enough about the past!” “It seems like you need some help around here, after all it doesn’t look like you know your way around Dreamland just yet.” The Rocket boss frowned, it seems there was more to learn about this universe. “Dreamland?”
With another chuckle, Giovanni just turned back to Susie smirking. “Well, I’ll take you up on that offer.” With a bow, he introduced himself properly as well. “Name’s Giovanni, by the way.” She nodded, returning the gesture. “Nice to meet you properly, Giovanni sir!” “Likewise.” Giovanni’s grin widened, it seemed like this was the start to a powerful alliance… “Now, what else do you know about Dreamland?”
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archive dot org has been holding it down for me as i rewrite this chapter (im citing a ton of things from the early 1900s/random books that aren't digitized any other way and am wayyy too impatient to request them from the library)
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hansolsticio · 3 months
ᝰ.ᐟ mark lee — insônia.
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— namorado ! mark lee × leitora — gênero: smut. — conteúdo/avisos: idol ! mark, markie workaholic, mark lee é um homem teimoso, dry humping, sexo explícito, penetração vaginal, linguagem imprópria. — word count: 1732. — nota da autora: "vou escrever um drabble bem curtinho" pensei eu, mas tava doida pra escrever com o markinho. me empolguei.
"Eu te juro que vão ser só uns quinze minutinhos, amor. Juro de mindinho se você quiser.", o canadense implorou pelo que parecia ser a milésima vez na noite.
"Você não vai, Mark Lee. Deita aí e vai dormir, que amanhã é outro dia.", você disse despreocupada, nem se importando em abrir os olhos. Seus dedos seguravam firmemente o pulso do homem.
"E qual a diferença de eu dormir trinta minutos a mais ou a menos?", Mark conseguia ser uma pessoa muito teimosa.
"Você não tinha falado que eram quinze minutos?", você abriu um olho só, olhando pro rosto do homem deitado na sua frente. E ele te deu um sorriso sem graça.
"Mas eu preciso terminar de escrever essa música, gatinha. Por favor...", o rostinho se contorcia em um bico dengoso. Quem o visse, não diria que aquele era um homem crescido.
"Amanhã você escreve.", pontuou secamente, já era acostumada com a manha de Mark Lee.
"E se eu esquecer a ideia que eu acabei de ter?", insistiu mais uma vez. Você não aguentava mais, já estavam nesse debate faziam uns bons minutos.
"Mark Lee, se eu tiver que aguentar o Hyuck chorando na minha orelha mais uma vez, porque você está sem energia nos ensaios, eu juro que mato vocês dois. Vai dormir.", você o repreendeu, já estava meio estressada.
Haechan sabia que a falta de energia do amigo não era culpa sua, mas também sabia que você era a única pessoa capaz de colocar o canadense na linha toda vez que ele entrava nesse ciclo de 'workaholic'.
"Tá bom então. Você não me deixa fazer nada!", seu namorado bufou. Vendo você ignorar as reclamações e fechar os olhos novamente.
𐙚 ————————— . ♡
Foram exatos vinte minutos de puro teste ao seu autocontrole. Mark virava e revirava na cama como um peixe fora d'água. Você jurava que iria surtar se ouvisse mais um suspiro exasperado sair da boca do homem.
"Você ainda tá acordada?", perguntou vacilante.
"Sim, graças a você.", você pensava que Mark tinha muita sorte em ser o amor da sua vida, era a única explicação para toda a sua paciência.
"Eu não consigo dormir. Tô sem sono.", suspirou mais uma vez. "Se ao menos você me deixasse ir lá no estúdio bem rapidinho, eu-", o homem interrompeu a si mesmo, assim que te viu levantar abruptamente. Você levantou o edredom com impaciência, passando a perna por cima do corpo do homem, sentou-se no quadril de Mark. "O que foi?", o semblante confuso quase te fez rir.
"Vou te colocar 'pra dormir.", você respondeu como se fosse óbvio. O homem ficou estático, como se nunca houvesse tocado seu corpo na vida.
Percebendo a pane no sistema, você puxou os braços de Mark e os colocou em volta da sua cintura, dessa vez ele não hesitou e usou as mãos bonitas para te segurar com firmeza. Já as suas mãos foram ágeis ao se livrar da camiseta que você estava usando — camiseta essa que pertencia ao seu namorado, aliás. Teu sorriso veio automaticamente, assim que percebeu os olhinhos dele vidrados nos seus seios.
Você não perdeu tempo, abaixou-se rapidamente para conseguir beijar o homem embaixo de você. Se empenhou em fazer do jeitinho que Mark gostava. Beijando lentinho, lambendo e mordendo a boquinha bonita, só para ouvir seu namorado suspirar. Chegou até a sugar a língua molhadinha, sabendo que era o suficiente para fazer o canadense gemer. Mark não se surpreendeu com o fato de já estar pulsando dentro do short fininho que usava, poxa, ele já estava há tanto tempo sem sentir seu carinho — o comeback próximo estava fazendo a rotina dele ficar cheia demais, mal tinha tempo de te ver.
Ele separou os ladinhos da sua bunda, abrindo espaço suficiente para encaixar o volume bem perto da sua entradinha. Sem pudor algum, usou as mãos para mover seu corpo em cima do pau quentinho, franzindo as sobrancelhas enquanto soltava gemidinhos dentro da sua boca. Você se afastou para olhar seu namorado, os olhos quase se fechando e a boca abertinha, estava com tantas saudades de ver o rostinho cheio de tesão.
Vendo ele tão bonitinho, sua vontade era fazê-lo gozar dentro do short — que já grudava na glande meladinha. Mas você também sentia falta do carinho que só Mark sabia dar. Fez força para se levantar, lutando contra o aperto vigoroso do seu namorado, que não queria deixar você se afastar.
"N-não! Por favor...", a voz estava rouca, os olhos agora abertinhos pareciam te implorar para não se levantar.
"Quero sentar no seu pau, Markie.", forçou uma voz manhosa, esfregando a pontinha do nariz no pescoço cheiroso. Sentiu as mãos do seu namorado te soltando quase que automaticamente, o que te fez rir soprado.
Se levantou o suficiente para conseguir abaixar um pouco o short do canadense — que ergueu o quadril para te ajudar no processo —, nem se preocupando em tirá-lo por completo. Afastou sua calcinha para o lado e estimulou seu pontinho algumas vezes, tentando ficar ainda mais molhada para o seu namorado. Desceu dois dedinhos para sua entradinha, enfiando o suficiente para recolher parte do líquido transparente. Colocou esses mesmos dedos na boca de Mark, que aceitou sem reclamar, engolindo tudinho de olhos fechados.
Segurando-o pela base, pincelou a glande molhadinha no seu buraquinho. Mark te olhava hipnotizado, como se tivesse perdido a habilidade de se mexer. Finalmente sentou devagar, pulsando e apertando seu namorado no processo. O homem apertava as palmas, contendo a vontade de estocar os quadris para cima.
"Porra, tá tão quentinha, amor.", o homem diz cerrando o maxilar. As mãos não se contiveram, apertando sua cintura com afinco.
Rebolou lentinho, apoiando as mãos nas coxas macias atrás de você. Impulsionou os quadris para frente e para trás, ficando tonta com a sensação do pau do seu namorado se esfregando dentro da sua entradinha. A necessidade de sentir mais prazer tomava conta do seu corpo, levantou e abaixou os quadris algumas vezes, experimentando a sensação. Antes que fosse capaz de perceber, você já sentava com urgência, usando Mark como se ele fosse seu brinquedinho pessoal (e talvez ele fosse mesmo). A cabeça jogada para trás, os olhos cerrados e os gemidos dengosos que você soltava, faziam Mark querer te quebrar ainda mais.
"Minha garota tava com saudades de mim, é?", apertou mais sua cintura, te ajudando a subir e descer no pau dele. "Tá sentando tão desesperada, amorzinho. Quer que eu encha esse buraquinho de porra, não quer?", o jeitinho pervertido que seu namorado assumia toda vez que vocês transavam era, definitivamente, uma das suas coisas favoritas em Mark.
Seu corpo caiu para frente, os braços fracos se apoiando na cama, ao lado da cabeça de Mark. O homem só precisou olhar para o seu rostinho desnorteado, para perceber que você não estava no seu normal, estava sensível demais. Deu um sorriso safado ao sentir seu corpo tremendo de tesão, enquanto você se esforçava ao máximo para rebolar no colo dele.
"Fode, Markie... Me fode.", disse quase soluçando. O calor parecia consumir seu corpo, você achava que iria desmaiar em algum momento. Ele sabia qual era o seu problema, assim como sabia exatamente o que fazer para resolver. O homem te envolveu num abraço apertado e se virou para inverter as posições de vocês, sem sair de dentro de ti. Agora você estava deitada na cama com ele no meio das suas pernas.
"Eu amo quando você fica assim, gatinha.", usou o polegar para esfregar seu clitóris inchadinho, sem tirar os olhos da sua carinha necessitada. "Pede pro 'Markie' foder essa bucetinha de novo, pede.", estocou de leve, sentindo você apertá-lo, incapaz de falar alguma coisa. "Pede.", deu um tapinha no seu pontinho, vendo seu corpo arquear.
"Eu quero gozar, Markie... Por favor.", o tom de voz transbordava desejo, você precisava tanto disso. Os olhinhos marejados sendo a cartada final pro seu namorado.
Mark usou os braços para suspender o seu quadril, te deixando na altura perfeita pro pau dele. Não demorou muito para que os barulhinhos molhados tomassem conta do quarto, seu namorado estocava sem dó. Uma vez ou outra se enterrava bem fundo, rebolando a cinturinha habilidosa só para sentir você o apertando.
"Tão molhada, caralho. Tá me sujando todo, gatinha.", e não era mentira, Mark sentia o líquido quentinho escorrendo pelas bolas dele.
A sua cabeça estava uma bagunça, você sentia a glande esfregar um lugarzinho gostoso dentro de você em cada estocada. Sentia sua entradinha pulsar sem parar. Seu corpo molinho balançava junto com as estocadas, agora era Mark quem te usava como se fosse uma bonequinha. Seus olhos apertados não foram capazes de enxergar a expressão sapeca que havia tomado conta do rosto do seu namorado, a mesma que ele fazia sempre que iria aprontar alguma coisa.
O homem fez um carinho singelo na parte mais baixa da sua barriga, como quem não quer nada, somente para afundar a mão ali cinco segundos depois. Fazendo a sensação das estocadas se tornar mil vezes pior, era quase insuportável. Você se contorcia, apertando os lençóis sem controle algum, enquanto gemia uma série de palavrões misturados com o nome de Mark. Sua expressão muito mais desorientada do que antes, fazia seu namorado querer te encher de porra.
"Goza, putinha. Me mela todo, vai.", você não conseguiu segurar mais. Sua visão escureceu, a sensação tão gostosa te fez perder a voz, sentia seus músculos tensionando sem parar. Seu namorado não ficou atrás, a sensação da sua entradinha sugando ele para dentro deixou ele tonto, apertava sua cintura com força, estocando bruto enquanto sentia o pau te encher.
Mark saiu de dentro de você, se deitando em cima do seu corpo, os dois com a respiração descompassada. Compartilharam um beijo carinhoso, assim que recuperaram o fôlego.
"Você tá ovulando.", seu namorado te diz num abraço apertado.
"E essa é a primeira coisa que você me diz?", pergunta incrédula, ouvindo a gargalhada gostosa do homem.
"Sim...?", a risada não cessa, amando ver sua carinha de descrença.
"E você diz isso com base em...?", você questiona a "sabedoria" do seu namorado.
"Me baseando em todas as vezes que te comi.", responde em tom de esperteza.
"Mark Lee!", estapeia as costas do homem, que não faz nada a não ser se aninhar mais ao seu corpo.
"Fica quietinha, amor. Vai dormir que amanhã é outro dia.", ele sussurra com a voz sonolenta.
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ghost-recs · 27 days
OF COURSE!! and why not both? my favorite liberos getting much deserved love💕
Nishinoya Recs
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when you go away, i still see you by @kisskawa
synopsis: summer after graduation meant new beginnings, but it also meant goodbyes. however, you hope that some things never change.
i love the way this is written sm, fluffy oneshot with a tinge of angst.
thinking started feeling like burning by Grae_Coltrane [ao3]
synopsis: you had always thought you knew what would grant you happiness in life. but six years after graduation, you find yourself in front of your ex's house without a thought or feeling left in your body.
ngl, i was a little skeptical about this one, but it turned out to be so so cute! i love the way this is written, and noya is literally the sweetest little tornado! (thank you lovely anon for the recommendation!)
Bruises by Emocean (orphan_account) [ao3]
synopsis: you decided that soulmates are overrated, as yet another deep dark bruise appears on your body.
soulmate au in which the injuries your soulmate gets appears on your body as well, cute little oneshot!
Split Lives by GhostiMoth [ao3]
synopsis: you hate to think how slow and boring your life has gotten. after living a day in the body of your soulmate, hopefully that will change.
soulmate au where you and your soulmate switch bodies for the day, wholesome oneshot living the life of nishinoya.
Your Biggest Fan by queenofhyrule [ao3]
synopsis: being late to one of the most important games in nishinoya's career was not ideal, but the reason why was worth it.
best friends that obviously simp for each other, warning it gets spicier throughout (not totally sure how i feel about the ending, but still cute)
Strawberry Cream by skeletiddies [ao3]
synopsis: nishinoya takes tanaka's advice on how to confess to you, but things go horribly wrong.
crack oneshot, but a happy ending! this took me off guard, but made me laugh.
Bad Sleeping Habits by @oreosmama
synopsis: you and noya never know what to expect from each other before going to sleep.
just some short drabbles of the weird things you and noya do in your sleep, crack.
Yaku Recs
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untitled: cloud 9 by @writingbymoonlight
synopsis: yaku shouldn't be held accountable for the way he acts around you.
coffee shop au, adorable oneshot that made fall for flustered yaku.
another untitled oneshot by @shoulmate
synopsis: yaku will take the disses if it means you will reveal what you truly think.
cute lil oneshot that i frequently occasionally think about.
Begin Again by hyuniebaby [ao3]
synopsis: after a toxic relationship, you're not used to being treated in the way you deserve.
Burnt Out by 3rdgymmanager [ao3]
synopsis: yaku will respect your decision to quit volleyball, but not without some effort to persuade you otherwise.
oneshot that is purely yaku being the best supporter
If Only I Were Selfish by ThisNoodleWrites [ao3]
synopsis: yaku's biggest regret is that he wasn't selfish when it came to you, but time has given him a second chance.
timeskip oneshot with some reflections back to yaku's high school days, sweet happy ending.
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stirthewaters · 6 months
Just a lil Halloween drabble! Double points if you actually dressed up as Bluey this year 😤✊
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“You’re dressing up as… what?”
Wednesday’s tone was filled with disbelief and confusion at your statement; you had to hold back a giggle as you repeated.
“I’m dressing up as Bluey.”
“…Bluey…” Wednesday repeated slowly; you could see the gears turning around in her head as she tried to process. “And that is the show that I’ve seen you watching with Enid on various occasions, correct?” At a nod from you she continued - “the one with cartoon dogs?”
“Seeing as I’m a werewolf and it’s a pretty popular show I figured it was a good costume,” you nodded with a small smile, tugging on said costume as you spoke. “Don’t diss Bluey, that show is good as hell.”
The Addams watched you change into your costume in silence, seemingly still processing as her dark eyes flitted over your outfit, taking it in before glancing up at you. “I will say that it is childish enough to fit your demeanor.”
You rolled your eyes playfully as you clipped your blue tail in, fastening the belt as you pulled the said tail from the hole in the back of the costume, bending down to pull on the cheap footpaws. It was a good costume but the execution was probably a little low quality. Oh well. At least you had a costume. Straightening, you grabbed your pillowcase before glancing at Wednesday, eyebrows furrowed as you saw her dressed in her normal clothing, her black heavy jacket thrown over her sweater. “I thought you said you were dressing up?”
Wednesday glanced at you before responding “I am.”
“As what?”
“A serial killer, clearly. They look similar to anyone else. It’s the mindset that’s needed to master the craft.”
“Ah.” You nodded, offering your pinky to hers. “Ready to go?” The raven didn’t look at you or your hand as she without hesitation linked her pinky in yours, allowing you to tug her toward the door.
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liuhko · 3 months
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ㅤʕ ྀི UR MOM ㅤ ݁ ˖ Carla Jaeger drabble headcanon things (?) requested by mootie @cindol
THIS WORK INCLUDES: female reader, mommy kink, nsfw, dominant character x submissive reader
NOTE: Today (January 29th) is Carla’s birthday!! Giving this post my nice layout cause ily cin (pls stop dissing yoosung). PLS SHE’S SO NGH~! Not proofread *frowny face*
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Dealing with Eren was a handful, this was nothing new, but being his teacher came with a lot of perks. Perks such as meeting his mother. Carla Jaeger is the perfect woman. Smart, polite, and so gorgeous. Your first meeting with her was a parent-teacher conference. It was after school, in your classroom, she was the last parent you needed to attend to. You’d never been one to get butterflies, but when you locked eyes with this woman those bugs started soaring! The conference was quick, mostly because you had very little to say about Eren. He was a good kid, just a bit odd, but that’s just how kids are. Carla had praised your teaching abilities repeatedly during the meeting; you struggled to control yourself that day. Meeting her was like rainfall in mid-summer Arizona. However, you had noticed the pretty ring she wore and that soured your mood. “Of course, she’s married.” You grumbled to yourself once she had left. It was a rather sad predicament, her marriage ruined just about every fantasy you had. Until…!
“My parents divorced.” You furrowed your brows at the young boy. Eren had a bad habit of sharing everyone’s business, his included. “Divorced?” You asked him, a comical lightbulb flickering on in your head. A divorced woman needed the most love, surely she needed someone to talk to, someone she could trust. That someone would be you.
Carla was sensitive after her divorce, so it was easy to get close to her.
She grew comfortable with you instantly and was the first one to suggest contact outside of school.
She ranted about her ex-husband often, which pissed you off, but you knew it would pass with time.
Carla shared custody with Eren, and you often followed her when she had to drop him at his dad’s. She knew you disliked him but she had begged you to be cordial — you refused.
Carla and Grisha divorced because he had lost feelings for her and rekindled his love with his previous wife. This led to Carla becoming a bit critical of her appearance, and it drove you mad.
You showered her with affection and affirmations. Praising her face and body, often referring to her as the perfect woman, she always laughed at that title.
Carla often gave Eren an extra lunch to give you at work. Her food was delicious and you resisted the strong urge to eat HER (out) when you’d personally return the lunchbox to her the following day.
Your close friendship with Carla benefitted you in various ways. Once, her towel had slipped after getting out the shower. You were in the room and your eyes widened at the sight of her naked body. She apologized profusely but you just grinned. “It’s alright, we’re both women. I don’t mind.” The intentions behind your words were anything but innocent but they led to Carla being a lot more open.
She dressed/undressed in front of you. Asked for your help with changing, and sometimes showered with you to “save time”. You never questioned it. It was incredible.
Carla Jaeger was a bold woman. You had caught her searching a box in her bedroom, and she was completely unbothered. She proudly showed you the contents of the box and watched as you grew embarrassed. She even went as far as to explain how each object was used. “Oh, (name), there’s no need to be so shy. I’m sure you know how lonely I can be at times.” You scoffed at her. “Why would you be lonely when you have me?” A grin spread across her face upon hearing your words. “Then why don’t you help me with these? We’re both women after all. It’s not a big deal.”
If there’s one thing Carla loves, it’s toying with you. She enjoys taunting you and gets a kick out of watching you beg.
She also loves sitting on your face. Partly because you’re good at eating pussy but mostly because she loves seeing your cum-stained face.
Carla’s very accepting of your preferences and doesn’t judge you in the slightest, even when you accidentally call her mommy. “Do you like that, sweetheart? Should I keep going?” She cooed. A soft giggle escaped her lips as you let out a loud gasp, your legs shaking, when she increased the intensity. “Mhm…feels s-so good mommy…!” You responded through labored breaths. It didn’t take long for you to realize your mistake and begin explaining yourself, but Carla quickly shushed you. “I don’t mind, sweetie. If you like calling me mommy, you can…it just means I’m making you feel good.” The puzzled look on your face made her smile. “Are you sure you don’t mind? Cause if it makes you uncomfortable then I understand—“ She rolled her eyes and increased the vibration setting, effectively shutting you up. “I’m perfectly fine with it, you don’t need to worry.”
Carla records. She’s so attached to you and gets so lonely when you aren’t around. She’ll usually watch a few videos and play with herself when she misses you.
She sends you videos and pictures of herself all the time.
Carla gets DOWN with the strap. She never fails to make you cum. Never!!! She’s also interested in the craziest positions whenever she uses a strap. “(name), we should try this! All you have to do is get into a bridge pose, the yoga one!” She will persuade you into having sex in these abnormal positions.
Carla likes to get straps that are bigger than what you usually use just to see you with a stomach bulge. Watching you struggle to take a larger strap gets her much more excited than she should be.
Carla has a slew of pet names for you and they’re adorable. They’re nothing unique but still so cute, she loves using them to guide you through your orgasms.
She doesn’t love scissoring because she isn’t as close to you as she’d like to be (Carla’s very clingy) but she does enjoy the feeling of your wet pussy rubbing against hers, so she can’t complain too much!
Being a mom is stressful, and sometimes Carla just needs a day to de-stress. If you allow her to de-stress by using you, you’ll likely wake up sore and covered in bite and/or scratch marks. She apologizes when she’s done <3
Her aftercare is unmatched. Carla will cook you whatever you want if you’re hungry, pepper you with kisses and take her time cleaning you up.
She fantasizes about sexually torturing you.
Carla loves your tits, size is irrelevant. She plays with your nipples all the time.
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k8kaa · 1 year
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— info : you’re an private portuguese to english tutor , you’re famous student asks you a his first question in english , you reply .
— pairing : young!neymar jr x english tutor!reader
— tws : none js cute af :333 fluff drabble !!
— music : garota de ipanema
— a / n : inspired by m*kima and denjis ‘do i have a heart’ part in the csm manga. kys makima !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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you , were teaching the young footballer the vocabulary of the body in english , you pretended werent the best at portuguese so his questions had to be in broken english most of the time . “this is a finger.” you lifted your finger off the book . “hã?” he looked confused so you used it in a sentence. “aa i understand!” he smiled . you just sighed and continued . “this is the heart” you say pointing at the heart sign in the book . “d-do i have a heart?” neymar stuttered in his question. you smile and sigh again . hes just learning.. you tell him to get up , and so do you . you take him in a embrace “i’ll see if you have one” you giggled as he blushed heavily . “ai-! UM CORAÇÃO??” (HEY- A HEART?) neymar stuttered. “sim , é um coração~..” (yes , its a heart)
you laughed at his shocked reaction at you speaking portuguese . “seu mentiroso! voce disse que nao fala portugues!” (you liar! you said you didnt speak portuguese!) he was angry , “hey . im your tutor , i have to trick you .. dont i?” you let go of his chest and smirk. “ok. I will speak inglês.” neymar crossed his arms like a little boy . he asked you to hug him again . “ te am- i lov-e you!” neymar said hugging you. “i love you more” you kissed his cheek.
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okkalo · 1 year
Hey!!! Remember me from the 'love at first sight' drabble? Let me tell you, it was SOOO GOOD! Literally had me screaming and shouting. Anyways, can you do a part2 where the boys ask reader out and how their date went? Sorry if this is a bother but once again feel free to decline. Thank you and have a great day!
hi again anon! im glad u liked it omg 🤭🤭 and yes i can do a part two!! thank u again for the request <3 i hope u have a good day/night!!
i forgot i wrote this in drabble form last time and started writing so many headcanons 🙃 so i had to delete them all and rewrite it in actually sentences,, so sorry for the wait </3
first part here!
characters: sae, rin, nagi, chigiri
a mystery allure
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you both had agreed over facetime to finally go on a date with each other. he suggested you both to the cafe where you guys first met and then walk around town afterwards. and so, that’s what you guys did. you noticed he got the same order in between his talks of football. yes, he talked about football. it’s the only thing he really knows how to talk about. you’re going to need start a topic if you don’t want to talk about it, he’s pretty clueless otherwise.
afterwards, you both walked to the beach. at that point conversation started coming more naturally, no longer forced football talk. you both sat down, admiring the view and talking about whatever came to mind. he even goes as far as letting your legs touch. if you don’t retract at that, he goes even farther and let’s his hand touch yours.
it was a calm date and he would undoubtedly, though awkwardly, invite you to another one.
you both finally met a year after the blue lock project. it was a coincidental meeting, really. rin happened to bump into you and shidou during your hangout in town. shidou, of course, needed to tease him in front of you about how he reacted to your picture. feeling somewhat bad, you decided to give him your number.
he is incredibly bad at texting. and he knew. he decided the best way to get your attention was to invite you out to a date with him. and he’s not much better with date ideas.
you both go to a park at first, sitting and giving each other basic questions to get to know one another. it hadn’t been too bad. then, both tired of sitting, you walk around. at that point the conversation got awkward, rin never being one to talk to people in the first place.
it wasn’t until you both got hungry and decided to go eat some place of your choosing that the conversation got easy again. though, it is important to note that the conversation involved rin (jokingly) dissing your food taste. your food taste could literally be the same thing but he will want to diss it. he only does it to create a natural conversation for himself and make it more comfortable. from there on out, the conversation went well.
won’t initiate any touch with you. he’s also too scared to ask you out on another date, your lack of reactions making him doubt himself. if you ask him he would immediately say yes, however.
you guys had actually gotten really close before he had asked you to go on a date with him. so, it was no surprise to you when he wanted you to come to his place for the date. it was also no surprise when he struggled to stay awake during the movie.
i mean, how could he not? with you, someone he found immense comfort in, so close, the lights low. it didn’t help that you let him rest on your shoulder either. he still found it to be a good date, even if he was asleep for half of it. probably tried to kiss you after he woke up too, still in a hazy state.
you guys easily started talking thanks to the movie hangout with his sister. there was never a struggle with conversation and he enjoyed being around you. you had come over to hang out with sister again and he instantly joined you guys. he asked you out when she went to the bathroom, suggesting to go to his favorite cafe.
the date went well, there were no awkward points in the conversation as you both shared a treat of your choice. even after finishing, you both still stayed, conversation still going on. this lasted for half an hour until you both left the cafe and ventured through the city.
you guys had no destination, wondering wherever your feet carried you while continuing to talk. it was late when you both decided to go home. he, of course, walked you home. once you reached your place he asked you to go on another date, expressing how much he liked this one.
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unedited thanks for reading!
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Blog Masterlist
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Thank you for 500 followers! Truth be told, I'm running out of ideas on how to thank you in an interesting manner.... So just accept my simple thanks for being here!
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Genshin Impact ✨
Parenting Headcanons, or genshin girls as mothers: Raiden Ei, Kujou Sara & Lisa | Dehya & Beidou | Ningguang & Miko | Eula & Keqing | Ayaka & Jean | Candace | Mona, Yelan & Shenhe | Cloud Retainer
Cuddling Headcanons: Ganyu & Ningguang | Jean, Shenhe & Ayaka
Family fluff with Miko and Ei
Drinking with Rosaria & Eula!
Injury fluff with Yelan and Sara
Family fluff with Miko: Rules for the little ones
Jealousy Bits - Shenhe, Mona and Ei | Yae Miko, Ganyu and Keqing
The Hunt For Forgotten Treasure - Beidou & GN!Reader
"Ningguang's Dog" - Ningguang x Male!Reader
So about the parenting Headcanons... - Miko, Sara & Ei
Parenting headcanons: Ei & Miko and their views on dating
A unique encounter - Jean, Ningguang & Ei x Bioweapon!Reader
Gym imagines with Shinobu!
Coming home to Lumine!
On Wings of Freedom - Barbara x Male!Reader
Hu Tao x Doctor!Reader
Lisa x Male!Reader Oneshot - Library Duty
Hanging Out With Them - Male!Reader x Platonic!Tall Genshin Men
Cheering them up - Male!Reader x Platonic!Qiqi & Platonic!Klee
Voicelines About You - Inazuma Girls
🎉Celebrating Hu Tao's Birthday!
A quiet evening - Eula x Male!Reader
Miko, Ningguang and Yelan comforting a small Male!Reader
Dance To Forget - Nilou x Male!Reader
A Miner's Fate - Kujou Sara x Male!Reader
Comfort After A Nightmare - Lumine x Male!Reader
Nsfw headcanons: Ningguang & Yae Miko | Candace & Nilou | Dehya & Kujou Sara | Eula, Jean & Yelan | Raiden Ei & Shenhe | Keqing & Yoimiya | Kamisato Ayaka & Ganyu | Kuki Shinobu | Rosaria & Lisa | Cloud Retainer | Hu Tao & Mona | Yanfei & Kirara | Yun Jin & Kokomi
Anal headcanons with Inazuma girls! | Liyue Girls Edition! | Mondstadt + Sumeru Edition!
Loyalty Rewarded - Dom!Ei x Male!Reader x Kujou Sara
Addicted - Nymphomaniac!Ei x Male!Reader
Facesitting headcanons with Inazuma girls!
NSFW Alphabet - A - Beidou, Shenhe and Ningguang
Ayaka & Kokomi x Sub!Male!Reader
Pegging Headcanons w/ Shenhe, Ningguang & Keqing!
Keqing, Yoimiya & Ganyu x Sub!Male!Reader
Asking the hardcore girls for more!
A Fair Deal - Yelan x Kuki Shinobu x Male!Reader
Helping Miko with her heat! And Ganyu too!
Overstim with Kokomi and Ganyu
Hers - Dom!Ei x Sub!Miko x Dom!Male!Reader
Patronage For The Worthy - Nilou x Incubus!Male!Reader
Sacrum and Profanum - Sub!Rosaria x Dom!Male!Reader
Dom!Male!Reader x Sub!Candace & Sub!Dehya & Sub!Nilou
Break Time - Jean x Male!Reader
A Little Jealous - Dom!Yelan x Male!Reader
Love and Betrayal: Yelan and Kujou Sara x Fatui!Reader + Injury hurt/comfort + Aftermath (Bad Ending)
Scaramouche, Kaedahara Kazuha and Childe forced to kill Reader
Breaking up with them: Jean & Keqing | Yelan & Shenhe | Ei & Yae Miko
Dottore segment!Reader x Lumine
Death - Platonic!Childe x GN!Reader
(Necro AU) Unfaithful - Undead!Reader x Ei & Ganyu
At The Dead Of Night - Ganyu x Male!Reader
Dark Days - Keqing & Ganyu x Male!Reader
The Fox and the Hare: Evil!Miko x Male!Reader
The Magic Whistle: Gorou whump drabble
Necro AU masterlist
Combat tierlist: How well the Genshin characters do in serious fights
A bucket of random ideas
The Shrine Incident - Genshin Imagines
Poll - Reader types! (7.06.2023 - 14.06.2023)
Poll - contentloadingandstuff's content! (7.06.2023 - 14.06.2023)
Diss track on Undead from Warlords Battlecry 3 (cringe warning)
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Whump 💀
Dental whump ideas!
Non-human whumpee ideas!
Food whump ideas!
Whump alphabet!
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Thank you all!
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the-big-dissapoint · 1 year
Here’s some art for the side story I was talking about. The side story happens some time after the main crossover au is finished. (Reposted the information from Amino.)
Basic plot is as follows, after the whole Team Rainbow Rocket incident another Ultra Wormhole to Kirby’s Universe opens up in a cave. Red decides to investigate, as he has heard of interesting things happening with them. Ends up getting possessed by a weakened 02, and unwillingly works with him and the dark matter’s to take over Alola. (Probably not gonna be part of the main au though, the idea isn’t really finished…)
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(Also as a bonus, here’s both versions of a fic I made featuring this idea. (Pokémon side is from Red’s pov, Kirby side is from 02’s.))
It was another sunny day in Alola, as Red’s tropical vacation continued. During their stay in Alola, the two of them were personally invited to fight in the Battle Tree. The experience was exhilarating, although the battle facility would often be packed to the brim. Due to how many people would come, in hopes of challenging the legendary duo. However during this, strange things would come to pass... The dangerous threat of the Ultra Beasts, Team Rocket’s rebirth and attempt at controlling Alola, and most recently the defeat of Team Rainbow Rocket by heroes from another universe.
Currently Blue was out exploring Alola’s many tourist spots, to greet and challenge his many fans. While Red was exploring a large cave, that was reported to have many strong Pokèmon inside. (Truthfully, he also was hoping to catch a glimpse of the other universe that the heroes who defeated Team Rainbow Rocket were from. If he could find them, Red would thank them for the deed and challenge them himself.) While in the cave, a strange feeling began to slowly creep it’s way into him. As Red went in deeper into the cave, that feeling intensified to the point where his whole body felt heavy... Stopping in his tracks, Red noticed a Ultra Wormhole forming in front of him. Carefully Red made his way up to it, with a pokéball clutched firmly in hand. As the wormhole suddenly closed, as quickly as it appeared.
Feeling confused, Red took a cautious step backward. Noticing the strange feeling was gone, before reeling backwards in alarm. Red felt his heart skip a beat, as a new sense of wrongness began to overtake him. Seeing eyes staring at him in the shadows of the cave, and strange voices calling out from beyond the darkness. Cold sweat ran down Red’s face, as the eyes suddenly faded back into the shadows and the voices stopped. Taking a deep breath, he quickly made his way back out. As Red returned to his and Blue’s shared hotel room, the memory seemed to linger in the back of his mind. Fading into the background, until later on at night. As Red felt that same feeling of wrongness slowly creep up, noticing a blurry figure behind his reflection in the mirror. Unbeknownst to him, the strange figure seemed to stare back at him….
It was another bright and sunny day in Dreamland, as the inhabitants happily went about their business. Among them were none other than Dreamland’s finest heroes, who were busy resting up. After finding themselves on an adventure involving going to another universe, and stopping a evil team from taking over Popstar. This evil team, had Susie the former Haltmann Works Company secretary working alongside them. She seemed to have her own agenda for doing so, which was quickly revealed. Susie were using the other members in order to take control of their universe, and revive the HWC back to it’s former glory. Thankfully the heroes put a stop to her, and were able to bring both universes peace.
Unbeknownst to the inhabitants, a enemy from another world had heard of this news. And made their way to their leader, none other than 02. Who was still weakened from his last fight with Dreamland’s protector Kirby, haven been forced to go into hiding with his fellow Dark Matter brethren. 02 was intrigued by this other universe, it seemed like a perfect hiding place for the Dark Matter. As it was further enough from Popstar to not rouse suspicion, and it seemed to lack proper threats to their kind.
Using the wormholes that had popped up around Popstar and the other surrounding planets, 02 and what remained of the Dark Matters made their way to the other universe. Ending up in a odd cave, 02 decided to lie low. The Dark Matter curiously surveyed the cave, as another presence soon made itself known. A human surprisingly enough, his dark eyes darting about in suspicion and worry. Despite this, he pressed on unknown to the danger that lied within. The Dark Matter hiding in the shadows of the cave, curiously stared at the human. Who seemed to jerk back in alarm, suddenly made aware of their presence. 02 using this opening, quickly possessed the human.
Hoping to learn more about the new universe, the ruler of the Dark Matter let the human properly control his body again. As he hurried back to his human dwelling, 02 observed the human with interest. Having learned from his observations that the human was a former “Champion” named Red, and a tourist to this tropical region called “Alola”. Now fully intrigued, 02 decided that this would be quite interesting. Wondering what Alola had in store, it seems this “paradise” is a perfect home for the Dark Matter kind……
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The one where test grades don't really matter and staring is the only way to communicate.
Or the eighteenth installment of the SKZ!pack prequel series.
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, OT8, SKZ!pack, Skz!abo, poly!skz, omegaverse, pack!prequel, Skz!pack prequel, prequel series, new, update, skz x you, skz x reader, ot8 x you, ot8 x reader, bang chan, lee minho, seo changbin, lee felix, hwang hyunjin, han jisung, kim seungmin, yang jeongin, y/n, skz fluff
Genre: Fluff, Suggestive (It's just a whole mess honestly)
Title: (Diss)tracted
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“You’re still thinking about him, huh? The unpresented freshman kid.” 
Changbin’s fingers still on the zipper of your jacket around the point of your navel, the fabric gaping to reveal bare skin, the cool air of your dorm making goosebumps appear on your flesh. 
You sigh and let your head fall back, staring up at the ceiling like it will give you the answers you seek. 
It doesn’t.
“Yeah.” You admit reluctantly, blowing a harsh breath out through your nose, even as Changbin’s fingers begin moving once more, with little more than a grunt of acknowledgement under his breath. “Yeah, I am.” 
You crane your neck to glance down at him and he arches a dark brow at you silently, curious, waiting. 
“Is that weird? It’s weird isn’t it.” 
“It’s not weird.” Felix assures you, his chin jutting into your shoulder, exactly at the same time Changbin replies, “It’s a little fucking weird, yeah.” 
You huff a laugh and let your head fall back onto the bed, and Changbn resumes his previous activities, even as Felix glances at you, chin still resting on your shoulder. 
“Maybe your wolf recognizes something about him that you just haven’t picked up on yet.” He says softly, comfortingly, his breath tickling your ear, as he reaches out to trace a line down your cheek with the tip of his finger. 
Leave it to Felix to try to make you feel better. 
“Maybe.” You admit beneath your breath, not altogether too sure, still distracted, even as the feel of Changbin’s chilled fingers making contact with your bare inner thigh has you sucking in a sharp breath. 
“Fuck, your hands are cold.” You raise your head once more to glare at the other alpha, and he offers you a slight smirk from his position between your thighs. 
He wiggles his fingers at you innocently. “Sorry, baby. But we don’t have all day.” 
“It’s not ideal.” You hiss out between your teeth, clenching up, even though he doesn’t touch you again right away, instead, coasting his lips and his warm breath over the same spot, warming you up again from the inside out. 
“Yeah, well.” He shrugs and sinks back down, his teeth nipping your inner thigh, and you bite your tongue between your teeth at the feel of his sharp canines dragging across your skin. “Know what else is not ideal? You and Felix having your little cathartic therapy session over some unknown freshman while I’m trying to get in the zone.” 
“Please. You’re a young, virile, alpha male. You’re always in the zone.” You scoff and glance back up at the ceiling, tensing as his cold fingers touch you once more, but your body is ready this time, and it makes everything inside of you light up and pulse like he’s just touched a live wire. 
You breathe out, nice and slow, as Changbin works with his fingers, and glance sidelong at Felix, who is watching you with bright eyes and a slight smile on his face. 
“What?” You ask hoarsely, leaning over to playfully nip at the skin just beneath his jaw, his pulse fluttering beneath your tongue like a frantic, caged bird. 
He shrugs. “Nothing. Just-” He hesitates and then, “-listen to yourself okay? Your wolf may be onto something.” 
“I-god.” You forget what you’re saying for a moment as Changbin rises between your thighs, grinning down at you triumphantly as you try to catch your breath, his body tense above your own. You manage a half hearted glare in his direction, but the trembling of your body is giving you away. “A little warning next time, dickhead?” 
Changbin’s grin widens. “Where’s the fun in that? Besides-” He leans over and playfully nips at your nose with his sharp canines, his voice dipping low and carnal. “-I warmed you up first, didn’t I? You seem plenty ready to me.” 
He moves a little, to make his point, and you bite back a groan behind your lips. 
“Shut up.” “No.” 
You roll your hips up into him, just as a petty form of retaliation, and he swears beneath his breath, dropping his head into the curve of your shoulder, his breath coming out stuttered. 
“Oh, sorry.” You apologize sweetly, the muscles of his arms shaking now as he holds his body weight off of you, giving you a sidelong glare, sweat starting to drip into his eyes. “I thought you were ready.” 
Changbin lets out a growl beneath his breath from the back of his throat, and Felix’s pupils dilate-blowing large and dark-at the sound. 
“Okay.” The omega swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing, glancing at Changbin and then to you. “I just want to say one more thing-”
“Oh my god.” Changbin groans, doing his best to remain still, even though you can tell he’s dying to move. “I was promised a good old stress relief session. This is way too therapeutic for what I signed up for. Please, for the love of god, Lixie, just-” 
You bring your hips up to meet his once more, and Changbin’s expression turns to one of impatient agony. 
“Fuck, (Y/N)-! Stop doing that!” 
You tilt your head and give him an innocent smile. 
He bares his teeth in a look that clearly says he’s done playing with you. 
“Fine.” You roll your eyes, you won’t give him the satisfaction of knowing you’re just as eager for what comes next, and reach out for Felix. “Lixie, give me your hand.” 
The smell of oranges spikes as the omega places his fingers in your own. 
You glance up at Changbin once more, the smile dissolving into the start of a knowing smirk, your voice dropping into a low purr. 
Changbin tenses in anticipation. 
The scent of smoke becomes overpowering. 
“Alpha promised you something to take the edge off, didn’t she? And you’ve been patient. So now, be a good boy, baby, and open your mouth.” 
“It happens.” Seungmin remarks offhandedly, flipping to another page in his study guide, before he glances up at you over the rim of his glasses. “Late presentation, I mean. It’s not rare, but it’s also not incredibly common to hear about it.” 
You tap your pencil end over end, brow furrowed in thought. 
“Most subgenders have their presentation around the same time the primary gender goes through puberty, so, think early teens. It’s not fun, but it’s also not awful, because your body is going through so many prepubescent changes as is, that what’s one more, you know?” Seungmin continues, highlighting something on his paper in neon yellow before he glances back to you. “You remember, surely, how it was.” 
You shrug, noncommittal, and play with the frayed edge of your notebook. 
Seungmin sighs and sets down his highlighter. “When you present on schedule, you experience a light version of your subgender’s cycle-either a prelim rut or heat-think like maybe a fourth of what your body will experience during its first actual cycle. But those who present later-” 
You glance up sharply, wolf suddenly alert and growling anxiously. 
Seungmin shrugs and returns to his notes, adjusting his glasses on his nose. “Their presentation tends to be a little rougher on them. Not saying it’s the same for everyone, but that’s what they’ve noted over several years of studies.” 
You sit in silence for several long moments, Seungmin studying, you staring into space, and then you sigh heavily and Seungmin looks up at you once more in open annoyance. 
He sits back in his chair and pins you beneath his gaze. 
“Why all the questions all of a sudden anyway?” 
“There’s this kid-” You start to say, but you’re interrupted by Changbin’s arrival at the library table, his face one of absolute glee as he slams a paper down triumphantly in the middle for you both to see. 
You’re kind of glad for the interruption. 
You lean forward to glance at the paper, even as Seungmin glances up at the other alpha with a blank expression on his features. 
“What are we looking at?” 
Changbin scoffs, slamming a finger down on the paper, pointing to the large red pass scrawled at the top of the page. 
“What are you looking at?” He repeats Seungmin’s question as if it’s the stupidest thing he’s ever heard. His voice is way too loud for the campus library. “You’re looking at a passing grade on the end of term musical composition final for yours truly!” 
“Congrats, dude.” You intone flatly, still distracted, and you don’t move fast enough as Changbin rounds the table and puts you into a headlock, ruffling your hair even as you protest. 
“Congrats? That’s it? No ‘oh my god, Changbin, you’re so hot and smart, sleep with me immediately!’? Or ‘holy shit, Changbin, I didn’t know you were a musical genius! I need to rip my top off and show you my breasts this instant!’?”
You evade his grip and glower at him, trying to fix the mess he’s made of your hair. 
“How about ‘not a chance in hell, alpha masc-hole’?”
Changbin rolls his eyes and slumps into the seat next to you, snatching his paper back up with a glare. 
“You guys are no fun.” 
Seungmin hums something that sounds like agreement under his breath, even as you lean over and flick Changbin-hard-in the middle of his forehead. He yelps and almost falls off his chair, leveling you with another dark glare even as you offer him a guileless smile in response. 
“Oh, sorry. I was trying to be fun.” 
“What about fun?” Chan appears at Changbin’s shoulder, smiling faintly, his dimples starting to appear in his cheeks, a paper in his own hand, though you can’t see what it is. 
“(Y/N) isn’t.” Changbin snipes off handedly, still staring at his passing grade, and narrowly dodging another flick from your finger in retaliation. 
He glances up as Chan settles into the seat on your other side, bringing a wave of rain and storm with him as he shucks off his backpack. 
Changbin narrows his eyes. 
“Wait. Is that the musical composition final?” 
Chan looks up at the other alpha with wide eyes, like he’s been caught red handed, and glances down at the paper still held in his hand. 
“Yeah, why-?” 
In a flash, Changbin is leaning across you, ignoring your vehement swearing as he messes up your writing, and snatching the paper from between Chan’s fingers. 
“Wait-” Chan starts to protest, but Changbin’s already staring at the paper like it holds all the answers to the universe. 
He looks up after a brief moment, complete disbelief washing across his face, followed by the instant darkening of his expression. 
You’re curious now, you hate to admit it, watching the two alphas apprehensively. 
Even Seungmin is paying attention from behind his book across the table. 
“No way in hell.” Changbin breathes out, and then he’s waving the paper around wildly, voice rising, “No way in hell did you get one hundred-fucking-percent on this goddamn final I’ve been struggling with for ages, Christopher Bang!” 
“Oh god.” Chan scrubs nervously at the back of his neck, as Changbin continues to fume, and you bite back a giggle between your teeth. 
You lean into him, even as Changbin continues to rant, whipping the paper around like he can destroy it, and the perfect grade, with just the glare in his dark eyes. 
“Hey, pretty boy.” 
Chan meets your gaze, uncertain, and you grin at him, raising a brow as you stare him down. 
“Promise me you’ll never let him live this down.” 
He stares at you, dumbfounded, mouth open, and without waiting for an answer, you turn to Changbin and say casually, “Hey Binnie, not to kick you while you’re down, but I heard from Minho, who heard from Jisung, who heard from Hyunjin, that Chan gives better head than you do. And in the studio no less.” 
“What?” Changbin roars, already in a frenzy, and Chan looks at you like you’ve just poked the angry bear with a very tiny and very inadequate stick. 
What are you doing?! He mouths desperately, silently. 
You shrug and give him a saccharine smile, before you mouth back, Being fun. 
Chan sighs wearily and rubs at his temples like he has a headache coming on, even as you tuck your smile back behind your teeth and turn back to your studying. 
You don’t get anything done though-and it’s not because of Changbin’s overly loud semantics, or the fact that Seungmin keeps kicking you as retribution under the table, or even because you feel bad, just a little, for throwing Chan under the bus-no, it’s because you can’t seem to pull your thoughts away from a certain unpresented freshman that’s been haunting you ever since orientation day. 
Goddamn it. 
Maybe it’s fate, or maybe it’s chance, or maybe it’s just simply the fucked up timing of the university’s bus schedule, but whatever it is, you run into said freshman exactly two days later, outside the omega dorms. 
You come to a stop in your tracks, and Hyunjin at your side nearly trips over your unmoving feet, almost spilling his fancy expensive ass latte he had insisted on getting before class, his glare instant and narrowed in on you immediately. 
“If I had spilled my hazelnut triple shot cheese foam latte because of you-” 
“You would have recovered.” You finish his sentence for him distractedly, still staring at the boy who is waiting at the bus stop, red hair almost fiery in the early morning sun. 
“No.” Hyunjin lets out a long breath through his nose, as if he’s this close to killing you, and then says with faux, dramatic patience, “I would have murdered you. And then made you buy me a new one.” 
“Hell no.” You finally glance at him. “That thing was like eight bucks, just by itself. I don’t have that kind of money. Go ask your sugar daddy.” 
He acts shocked, splaying long fingers across his chest and widening his eyes, as if you have just said something to make him clutch his pearls. 
You know though, that Hwang Hyunjin has absolutely zero shame, and it’s all just a show. 
“Firstly, I don’t have a sugar daddy. Secondly, even if I did-” He clears his throat and drops his hand, face once again falling impassive as he takes a long sip from his overly expensive latte. “-he’d be vacationing in barbados right now.” He waves his cell phone in your direction. “No cell service.” 
You roll your eyes, and the screech of the university bus brakes has you glancing back to the bus stop ahead of you, the freshman hiking his backpack farther up as he steps forward to board. 
“Jinnie. C’mon.” 
You feel a sense of urgency, as you slip your fingers around the omega’s wrist and drag him along with you, sprinting for the waiting bus, the disappearing crowd of freshmen. 
You pull Hyunjin aboard with you just as they’re getting ready to head to the campus, barely avoiding the closing doors and, ignoring the annoyed look the bus driver gives the both you, pull the omega to the back of the bus with you where a head of bright shiny red hair peeks just above the last seat. 
“Oh my god.” Hyunjin slumps down in an open seat across the aisle from the kid as you take the one beside him, fanning himself with one hand, as he shoots you a begrudging look and blows a long dark strand of hair from his eyes. “Give an omega some warning, would you?” 
“Sorry.” You apologize blankly, but you don’t really mean it, as your eyes drift to the freshman, headphones in, staring out the window at the passing traffic. 
How rude would it be to tap him on the shoulder and make conversation? How weird would it be? 
What would you even say? 
Hey, this is weird, but I was your guide on orientation day, and since then I can’t seem to get you out of my head, and I’m sure it’s lonely and weird being unpresented and not knowing where you stand, and maybe my pack and I can help, if you want, and-
Hyunjin rests the sharp jut of his chin on your shoulder. 
“You’re staring.” 
You shake yourself out of your trance and take in a deep breath, bracing yourself as the bus goes around a corner a little too quickly. 
Hyunjin glances past you curiously, eying the still unaware kid across the aisle, and something visibly slots into place in his head. 
“Oh my god.” Your boyfriend sits up, eyes brightening, still staring, and you try in vain to shush him, as you get a few weird looks your way. “Is that him?” 
“Shut up, shut up, shut up.” You hiss, putting your palm over his mouth, ignoring the feel of his wet tongue as he tries to lick you to get you to release. 
“Fine, fine.” Hyunjin finally grumbles, and you release him reluctantly, even as he peeks around you for another look. “He’s cute.” 
“Oh my god.” You sink down in your seat and stare out the window, dutifully ignoring the omega’s knowing glances, and the freshman across the aisle, for the rest of the short bus ride. 
It’s only when you’ve exited the bus, defeated, a smirking Hyunjin in tow, that a voice speaks up from behind the two of you. 
You whirl, Hyunjin a little slower on the uptake, still sipping his bloody iced coffee, now curiously, as you both turn to see the redheaded freshman standing behind you. 
He waves, a little sheepishly, and waits for the screeching of the bus brakes to fade from earshot, before he attempts to speak again, a slight smile curving the corner of his lips, turning his eyes into the start of crescent moons. 
You swear all the breath disappears from your lungs at the sight. 
He cocks his head and points at you. “Orientation, right?” 
It takes a moment for your fuddled mind to comprehend his words. 
“Yeah.” You say faintly, and then repeat louder, “Yeah, that’s right.” 
His curious gaze moves to Hyunjin, who is sucking up the last dregs of his latte with pursed lips, and then back to you. 
He grins and reaches up to rake back the thick burgundy hair falling over his brow and into his eyes. 
“I don’t know if you remember, but I’m Jeongin.” 
“Yeah, I know.” You repeat dumbly, your voice soft for some unknown reason, your lungs breathless. 
He studies you, standing there, staring at him, like he’s some cartoon fairy tale come to life, and then Hyunjin sighs from beside you. 
“Jeongin yeah?” He steps forward, closing the distance between the three of you, and tossing his empty cup into a nearby trash can, holds out his hand toward the younger boy with a smile. “I’m Hyunjin.” 
Jeongin hesitates for the briefest of moments, then slaps his palm into Hyunjin’s. “Nice to meet you, Hyunjin-hyung.” 
Hyunjin glances over his shoulder at you, amusement in his dark eyes, as if to silently say look at the little puppy’s manners, already partially housetrained, and then he turns back to Jeongin with that same wide smile from before. 
“Sorry about (Y/N). She’s mute.” “No I’m not!” You shove up beside him, and he cackles, raising a brow in your direction, and you know, that you’ve just fallen into his trap. 
You clear your throat and glance back to Jeongin, who is watching the two of you with open amusement on his sharp features. 
God, what do you even say-?
Luckily, Jeongin saves you from having to think for too long. 
“It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything.” He smiles, all dimples and bright eyes and shocking red hair. He reaches out and entwines his fingers with yours, and it takes you a moment to compute that he’s almost shyly shaking your hand. He glances up at you through his thick bangs, but there’s something almost devious in his expression as his smile turns sly and he continues. “Don’t worry, noona, I don’t mind someone as pretty as you just staring at me. It’s enough.” 
Noona? Pretty? Did he just-?
Hyunjin cackles again, louder this time, and Jeongin releases his hold on your hand with a cheeky grin, even as you stand there, dumbfounded. 
Hyunjin throws an arm around the kid’s shoulders, as if they’ve been best friends for ages, wiping mirthful tears from the corner of his eyes. 
“God, Minho-hyung is gonna love you.” 
@starlostjimin /
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whinlatter · 2 months
Hello..hope you’re doing very well!!! Any sneak peeks in to chapter 13 that we can get?
You don’t know HOW curious I am in the wait for this! AFAGAHSHSJ
hello! funny you should ask - i was going to post something about this very q today, so v good timing on your part. (thank you for asking + caring!) the headlines are: i have no sneak peeks, but i do have an update, and also another little thing i'm going to post tonight that hopefully will take the edge off the update and lack of sneak peek...
basically - i'm having to pause writing chapter 13 just for a little while. i'm submitting my phd in mid-march, and while i am buzzing to be nearly done with it and to be coming to the end of a long (long) road, i am in full madwoman mode knuckled down trying to get that done and dusted and over the finish line. for that reason, i've pushed back writing and posting chapter 13 of beasts, and am planning to put it out in the second half of march. quite a lot of chapter 13 is already written, but it needs to be filed away and not touched til the diss is out of my hair, for my sanity, hence the delay. i'm so sorry to have gone off schedule these past couple of months (we were doing so well!), but diss must come first. i am already v v v much looking forward to getting back on track once this next life chapter is over and having more time for fun writing rather than footnote wrangling.
what i do have, by way of bribe/apology, is a new little hinny drabble called the room at the top of the house (update: now posted on ao3!) it's a harry pov missing moment set in the christmas chapters of beasts that i wrote ages ago and found on the google drive and tidied up over the weekend. it's sad and horny and a bit nsfw and basically me trying to pay you all off and get you to forgive me for delaying chapter 13 by giving you harry pining his socks off. i had planned to post tonight anyway, so it'll be yours v shortly. hope you like it!
i hope this is all ok! if i'm a bit absent here til march, you know where i'll be (hunched over the laptop compiling a bibliography). lots of love and looking forward to sharing more of beasts very soon xxx
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awindylife-writes · 2 years
My Masterlist
Created: 6. July 2022
Last updated: 31. December 2022
Total works: 36
Fandoms: Doctor Who
Tenth Doctor
Poisoned: You get poisoned when you help the Doctor save a planet. Feelings ensue.
A Nightmare about Him Screaming: You have a nightmare about the Doctor getting dissected and seek him out to make sure that he's okay. A sleepover and feelings ensue.
What Did You Call Me?: The Doctor keeps repeating a Gallifreyan word when talking to you. But what does it mean?
Mine: A short drabble, l don't even know.
His Death: You get kidnapped and the Doctor gets shot. You both think the other is dead, but things work out very well.
Asleep on His Shoulder: You fall asleep in his shoulder on a bus.
Asleep on the Transport: You fall asleep on his shoulder.
Sister: Rose and you talk about your past and your future.
Warmth: After an adventure where you almost died, the Doctor and you have a cuddle.
Joint Sleepover: After you have a nightmare, you have a sleepover with Rose and later the Doctor joins you.
Help Him: You have powers of time and space travel. When the Doctor and you are caught in a deadly situation you blindly transport both of you out.
Dissing the Time Lords: l (or anyone who whishes to) yell at Rassilon and the High Council in the second person, first about trying to end time and becoming creatures of pure thought, and second about initiating Time Lord children by making them look into the Time Vortex. They had it coming.
pt. I
pt. ll
His Nightmare: The Doctor has a nightmare and goes to you for help.
Some Pirates and a Chest: There's a pirate ship with a peculiar chest on board. Something powerful lays sleeping in it, but what happens when it's opened?
The Eternal Chamber
Waking up
The Storm
Your Storm
Hair: This is a very short drabble where the Doctor really likes your hair.
Stop: The Doctor keeps throwing himself into danger and you beg him to stop.
The Size of a Thumb: The Doctor has been shrunk to the size of a thumb. It's up to you to defend him and oh boy are you gonna do it.
Trust: Hadestown inspired drabble.
After the End (Comes the Beginning): Christmas bride rewrite. The Doctor and you cope with the loss of Rose and meet Donna.
Meeting Martha: S3E1 Smith and Jones rewrite. The Doctor and you meet Martha and defeat the Plazmavore Florence.
The Shakespeare Code:  S3E2 The shakespeare code rewrite. The Doctor, Martha and you meet Shakespeare and battle witches.
Gridlock: S3E3 Gridlock rewrite. The Doctor, Martha and you find yourselves in New New York. When Martha is kidnapped, the Doctor and you have to find out what's wrong with the city's motorway.
Daleks in Manhattan: S3E6 Daleks in Manhattan rewrite. The end of the episode didn't sit right with me, so l wrote my own.
42: S3E7 42 rewrite. The Doctor, Martha and you find yourselves on a ship that's about to crash into the sun. And if that weren't enough, one of the crew has been infected by something that made him turn into a murderer.
42 (addition)
Voyage of the Damned: The Doctor and you find yourselves on the Titanic, space edition. You meet Astrid and get ready for a wonderful day, but then a meteor shower hits the ship and it starts falling towards Earth.
pt. 1
pt. 2
pt. 3
Partners in Crime: S4E1 Partners in Crime rewrite. Donna has a question to ask the Doctor but is scared of the answer.
The Poison Sky:  S4E5 rewrite of the end of The Poison Sky. You go with the Doctor when he leaves to give the Sontarans a choice.
Silence in the Library, Forest of the dead: rewrite of S4e7 and S4e8. No romantic Doctor x River, l'm sorry. The Doctor, Donna and you find yourselves in the biggest library in the universe. You meet a woman called River Song, and then the shadows turn against you.
pt. 1
pt. 2
Sick: The Doctor and you find yourselves on a spaceship in desparate need of repair and you are determined to help the crew (Kaisa, Lincoln and Bressa), but then the ship also gets highjacked. And on top of that, you fall sick.
The Bar: Jack, the Doctor and you go to a bar. You are drugged and a man tries to take you but the Doctor luckily intervenes in time.
Come Hold Me as l Sleep: You seek the Doctor out in the middle of the night and you fall asleep together.
Bruised: You are slapped by one of the guards of the prison you're in and the Doctor reacts to it when you see him as you escape.
A Leaf: The Doctor is tall. There's a leaf in his hair. Something finally happens.
Third Doctor
Nothing Serious: You discover you were shot. That's it.
Soft Mornings: The Doctor wakes up after a sleepover.
This Time Around: You crash at UNIT headquarters in 1980 (ish) after an adventure goes wrong with the tenth Doctor, whom you married in both the human and Time Lord sense. Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, intermission chapter (ongoing)
A Morning Bath: The Doctor and you get out of bed to have a morning bath and he scoops you up into his arms.
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crossbowking · 2 years
Sloppy Joe Special
Summary: After an incident in the cafeteria leaves the Reader feeling down, Eddie takes things into his own hands.
Word Count: 1.9k
Contains: basically fluff besides an instance of the reader being bullied during lunch, eddie x reader friendship ((though high-key mutual pining)), eddie comforting reader in all his sweetness, very soft, possible part 2???
A/N: This was a drabble request that took on a mind of its own! Soft Eddie just does things to me :')
Tip Jar
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The sound of someone’s Sloppy Joe sandwich being thrown across the bustling cafeteria, hitting you directly in the center of your chest and dropping at your feet played over and over in your mind.
You’d frozen on impact, gasping as bits and pieces of lukewarm meat exploded all over you, landing in your hair and seeping into your clothes. The cafeteria had erupted into raucous laughter as Andy, one of Jason Carver’s henchmen, licked the remnants of his sandwich off his fingertips and high-fived those around him in some sort of sick victory.
Your cheeks had turned the same shade of sauce splattered across your face.
Now, hiding out in the bathroom, you were scrubbing furiously at your clothes, attempting to salvage your favorite Fleetwood Mac t-shirt. But your efforts had made it worse, the redness only spreading further as the white tee absorbed the sauce entirely. At this point, the stain was so vast that the best way to fix the situation would be to cut your losses and set the shirt on fire.
The kids at Hawkins High were ruthless, relentless in their teasing and taunting — usually, you managed to fly under the radar, but other times, like today, you ended up wearing someone’s “Sloppy Joe Special”. You huffed a breath, forcing back the lump that grew in your throat, the tears that sprung to your eyes. 
You refused to give those assholes back there the satisfaction of seeing you cry — you’d rather keel over, quite honestly.
When the door to the bathroom suddenly cracked open, you jumped away from the sink, half expecting another surprise attack — but instead, it was Eddie Munson that came into view.
He peeked his head around the door, loose curls bobbing with the momentum, one ring-laden hand clamped firmly over his eyes. “Everybody decent in here?” he called out.
You rolled your eyes despite the wave of fondness that rushed through you. 
When you didn’t respond, Eddie split two fingers apart and cracked an eye open, shooting you a lopsided smile before slipping inside the bathroom. 
You fought back the urge to shrink under his scrutiny, his gaze sweeping over you, up and down, settling on the giant, red stain in the center of your shirt. It had all happened so fast, you weren’t even sure he’d seen what happened or simply heard through ‘word of mouth’ — gossip spread quickly around the school, he was no stranger to that.
Eddie leaned against the sink beside yours and crossed his arms against his chest, cocking his head to the side. “This is quite the look,” he remarked coyly. “I’ve gotta say though, sweetheart, you really do pull it off.”
You ignored his comment, tugging at the bottom of the fabric as you examined the damage further. “This was my favorite shirt,” you sighed, tracing the band’s logo with the tip of your finger.
“Really?” Eddie retorted, scrunching his nose up in blatant disapproval. “I always forget about your trash taste in music.”
You shot him a glare from beneath your eyelashes. “Don’t diss Stevie Nicks like that.”
Eddie relented, letting out a laugh that echoed off the walls of the bathroom, that eased the tension you hadn’t realized settled in your shoulders. 
The boy just had that kind of effect on you. 
When you felt your cheeks warm, you turned back towards the bathroom mirror, grabbing a paper towel and wetting it under the faucet. You dabbed at your cheeks, beneath your chin, near your hairline, cleaning up the sauce that’d begun to dry there. After a few moments of silence stretched on, something you weren’t used to when in the presence of Eddie, you glanced at his reflection in the mirror when you knew he wasn’t looking.
He was watching you carefully, brow furrowed above darkened eyes. His mouth twitched as he chewed on the inside of his cheek, toying absently with one of his brunette curls. It was the troubled expression on his face though that broke your damn heart.
He looked so…so…
So fucking sad.
When he caught you staring, he snapped out of whatever reverie he’d found himself in, another lazy smile slipping over his features — though this one didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Here, you’ve got —“ he pushed off the sink, moving to stand behind you, “— you’ve got shit in your hair.”
You subconsciously stiffened at the sudden closeness, watching in the mirror as he began to pick at the pieces of ground meat that’d gotten caught in your locks. His touch was surprisingly gentle, his fingertips combing through your hair and tickling your scalp, sending a chill from the base of your skull down your spine. 
His eyes flashed up to meet yours, the sound of your breath catching in your throat amplified in the quiet. 
A small smirk toyed at the corner of his mouth as he focused back on the task at hand. “There you go,” he declared a moment later, flicking away a tiny piece of food that’d stuck to his thumbnail. “Good as new.”
You ran a hand through your hair, brushing through the tangles. “Thanks, Eds,” you murmured, slipping on the sweatshirt you’d grabbed from your locker over your t-shirt.
But when you turned to leave, Eddie remained rooted in place.
The two of you stood face to face, your back pressed up against the sink. He looked like he wanted to say something but it was like he didn’t quite know how to say it, like he was struggling for the right words. He let out a resigned sigh, placing his hands on either of your shoulders and leaning in a fraction. “Don’t let them get to you, okay? Those pricks —“ he shook his head, a flash of anger flickering over his expression, “— well, they’re pricks.” 
You huffed a humorless laugh, staring down at the dirty bathroom floor. “No shit,” you mumbled, digging the toe of your shoe against the tile, hating how vulnerable you suddenly sounded.
Eddie reached for you then, his pointer finger curling beneath your chin, his thumb pressed gently against the pad of flesh beneath your lips. He tilted your head up so you would look at him, his fiery gaze softening. “You are the best person I know, Y/N,” he enunciated each word, slowly, his chocolate eyes turning to honey. “To hell with anyone who thinks otherwise.”
A small, somewhat bashful, smile tugged at your lips. “Yeah?” you murmured.
“Are you kidding?” he scoffed like it was the most obvious thing in the world, his fingers slipping away from your chin. “I would’ve dropped out of this shit hole a long time ago — but someone’s gotta stick around and pick soggy meat out of your hair.”
A surprised laugh bubbled out of you, erasing any negative feelings that lingered. “Aw, shucks, my hero,” you cooed, batting your eyelashes as Eddie let out a laugh of his own, familiar with the way you danced around each other when the line between “friendship” and “something more” muddled.
He slung his arm across your shoulders. “And hey, at least you don’t have to worry about that asshole bothering you for a while,” he said then, swinging open the bathroom door and ushering you out.
You slipped out from under him once you made it into the hallway, turning to face him. “What’d you mean?” you asked, confusion evident on your features.
“Oh, you didn’t hear?” Eddie cocked a brow, leaning closer and speaking in a hushed tone. “Principal Coleman found ‘suspicious items’ in Andy’s gym locker — anonymous tip, apparently,” he shrugged, very clearly fighting back a smirk.
It only took a moment for the mischievous gleam in his eye to clue you in on what exactly he was getting at. You gasped. “Oh my God, Eddie!” 
“What!” he exclaimed, leaning against the lockers beside you, a shit-eating grin firmly planted on his face. 
You dropped your head into your hands. “Do I even want to know what you put in there?” you mumbled through your fingertips, glancing up at him. 
Eddie scratched the top of his head. “Probably not,” he admitted, albeit sheepishly.
A giggle slipped past your lips when you imagined the look on Andy’s face when he was pulled into the principal’s office. Eddie had really outdone himself this time — and it was then and there that you realized, without a doubt, that he too was the best person you’d ever known. 
Suddenly, the bell rang, alerting the students of Hawkins High that it was time to head to their next class. Kids began piling out of their classrooms, the hallway a sea of backpacks and chit-chat. You glanced around cautiously, making sure no one was eavesdropping before you took a small step toward Eddie and lowered your voice. “You didn’t have to do that for me, you know,” you whispered, unable to help the ping of worry you felt that someone might realize what he’d done.
But he simply scoffed a soft breath, resting his forearm against the lockers above you, leaning in even closer. “Nobody should treat you like that and get away with it,” he murmured, his dark gaze unwavering and steadfast. “Over my — exquisitely crafted and ruggedly handsome— dead body,” he grinned then, waggling his eyebrows, the goofy side of him back in full swing. 
You merely shook your head, huffing a laugh of your own, feeling a redness creep up the base of your neck — being with Eddie sometimes felt like ‘emotional whiplash’ in the best way possible. You wouldn’t change it for the world. 
A second bell rang soon after, signaling the final call for students to get to class before being marked as ‘tardy’. “Shit, one more late and it’s Saturday detention for me,” Eddie swore, quickly pushing away from the wall, giving you a swift kiss on the cheek, and turning on his heel to leave.
But he only made it a couple of feet when he twirled back around, pointing a finger at you as he continued to saunter backward. “We getting food after school?” he called out, a ritual the two of you practiced religiously every Friday.
You nodded. “Anything but Sloppy Joe’s!” you yelled back, smiling cheekily, feeling much better than you had just a few minutes ago.
Eddie’s face lit up as he raised his hands over his head, proudly displaying both of his middle fingers. “Sloppy Joe’s can go fuck themselves!” he cheered, letting out a loud ‘whoop’ while a few students shot him strange looks and one teacher chastised him.
But he paid them no mind — instead sending a wink your way, spinning right side round, and hurrying the rest of the way down the hall, a bounce to his step that wasn’t there before.
You watched him leave, uncaring if you were late to your next class, affection rooting you in place. The line between you, the one that distinguished “friendship” from “something more”, was getting foggier as more and more time went on. There was just something there — a spark, a connection, whatever you wanted to call it. 
And one day, that line would break.
It was only a matter of time.
With a sigh, you fell back against the lockers, resting your fingertips against the apple of your cheek. You swore it still tingled in the spot where his lips had touched you last.
An invisible marking only you could feel.
A/N: Okay, I had no intention of making a part 2 for this but I'm almost feeling like it NEEDS one??? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Tag List
@ghosttownwherenoonegoes @superflannel @allwomenarequeenthots @thefemininemystiquee @h-ness1944 @florqnces @doomed-raven @eddies-princess86 @tweedlydumbtweedlydoo @kulicny @hazydespair @singularattitudeofasafetypin @gabxbyr @lookalivesunshine-x @zerefxdarlings
Let me know if you'd like to be added to my Eddie tag list! :)
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mahuhumaling · 10 months
the last thing Pat wants is to let Pran slip through his fingers again.
— a drabble inspired by this fanart where Pat stays awake after the end of epsiode 4. he sits up and looks at Pran who has his back turned, asleep.
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why does Pran drive him away? does he not care, did those 3 years apart mean nothing to him that he can just push Pat away so nonchalantly?
all he wants is to be back in Pran's life again — whatever that takes.
maybe it's easier to fall back on the kind of relationship they had before, instead of anything else because it's familiar: the genuine moments hidden beneath fake hostility, the teasing, the way Pran's whines don't quite reach his eyes, the way he relents at the end, as if he can never really hate him.
but now.
now maybe he's gone too far. he says he hates him, and for a minute Pat believes it.
maybe there's a pink painted line he crossed, an invisible road sign he missed, an alarm he slept through.
either way, hearing it stings. right there, in his chest. sharp. quick. the kind that makes him double over.
Pat replies with something, anything, to retort. it comes out flat, sounding more compensating than a diss.
he lays back down when he sees Pran roll over, closes his eyes even though surprisingly he's not that fatigued from the rugby game, and feels Pran tug the blanket back to his.
Pat lets him.
he stays awake, his mind not shutting down and his body still jittery.
but he has his eyes closed and feels his chest rise and fall from the breathing.
Pat opens it again and sits up. when he lays his chin on top of his crossed arms, the only thing he sees is Pran's back. he feels relief wash over himself.
at least Pran gets to rest. he knows that shoulder is still hurting him.
Pat doesn't get it.
what would it take for Pran to look at him like he did before? to talk to him as he did back in highschool?
he doesn't get it.
there's still something sitting on his stomach, heavy, unidentifiable. he can't figure out what.
but maybe if he sleeps it off, he eventually will.
maybe tomorrow, he thinks as he inevitably dozes off, succumbing to the night.
maybe tomorrow.
tomorrow when he wakes up, he'll realize why.
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raayllum · 1 year
yeah my bad, honestly forgot that he was half asian (I have not interacted w the show or fandom in a while, so thats on me tbh), but I definitely agree with your input. I know that Callum is the main character, so he’s going to get more love and attention, same as Rayla, especially since Rayllum is the main couple (not dissing on them or the ship ofc) but it really upsets me when I look for art/fics of Ezran he’s either A) with Callum or B) in the background of something Rayllum related and in fics i rarely ever see solo fics of just him, he’s either in the background of rayllum or being their therapist or something like that
TDP has done a good job when it comes to portraying their characters of color, and its nice to see POC in positions of power for once (Harrow, Ez, Janai, Anaya, Kasef, etc), I just wish that the fandom as a whole would do the same thing yknow?
I’ll get out of your askbox for now, but this was definitely something that was weighing on me for a while lol
Omg you're all good! That's actually why I've run two Ezran Appreciation Weeks (although I still need to finish my fics for the second one, but life got unexpectedly super busy) and why I use the tag Ezran centric for fics that well, focus primarily on him and his relationships, rather than him being in a supportive or background role. I still wanna write a fic about him and Janai (maybe I can work it into a speculative S5 piece, since it seems like maybe we'll get to see them on screen together, and they had a Lot of parallels in S4).
But yeah there are definitely people in the fandom who aren't open to critique in how they treat Ezran. I once pointed out that hey, most of the time when his character is incorrectly tagged in a post, it's almost always in relation to his brother. Did not go over well, but I don't really care. It was still worth saying (and hopefully people will think a bit more thoughtfully about it too).
We could definitely all do more; I do my best to put dents in it when I can, but with varying degrees of success I'm sure
List of Ezran focused fics for anyone who wants em! (to the dashboard, i know i've missed some, so please feel free to add 'em)
Ezran appreciation week day 1: animals
3 shot collection on AO3
Ezran dealing with possessed Callum (post s4)
Opeli & Ezran drabble 1
Ezran & Rayla oneshot
Opeli & Ezran oneshot + future oneshots
Chessmaster Ezran oneshot
i hope i wake up young again: Soren is the “best crownguard,” ten years in the making. Ezran&Soren, 3.7k
if i am the king: then you have to let me go.“ Ezran and Corvus make their way back to Katolis, times three. 3.2k
ezran contemplates viren’s death
ezran and ethari’s first meeting (pre s4)
will not be denied: Per the monarchs of old, King Ezran is visited by Lady Justice in a dream. 1.5k, Ezran centric
can my eyes rest: otherwise known as how many autistic Ezran headcanons can I fit into one ficlet
Other relevant tags perhaps: autistic!Ezran, let Ezran be messy, chessmaster ezran, ezran's council, ezris (for ezran/ellis) and ezran x aanya, ezranedit
Upcoming Ezran projects:
Canon divergent Ezran & Kasef focused oneshot
why is it a monster: Ezran finds Aaravos' mirror first.
Ezran oneshots/drabbles about missing Rayla during the timeskip; feelings about his mother's death; bonding with Ibis in 3x09; etc.
Aforementioned Janai&Ezran parallels piece
great responsibility: Modern AU. Ezran gets bit by a radioactive spider. feat. Rayla as his boxing trainer and Callum as an overprotective big brother while he becomes the superhero he's destined to be
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