#Delicious Flavor
jammonsterofficial1 · 2 months
Grape Jam + Peanut Butter E-Liquid By Jam Monster 100ml Vape Device
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cakeproducts · 3 months
Experience the perfect blend of sweet and savory with Grape Jam Peanut Butter E-Liquid by Jam Monster, now available in a convenient 100ml vape device. This unique e-liquid combines the rich, nutty flavor of peanut butter with the sweetness of grape jam, creating a truly indulgent vaping experience. With each inhale, you’ll savor the smooth richness of peanut butter, followed by the irresistible sweetness of grape jam on the exhale. Elevate your vaping game with Grape Jam Peanut Butter E-Liquid and satisfy your cravings in style.
Delight your taste buds with the irresistible combination of Grape Jam + Peanut Butter E-Liquid by Jam Monster, a decadent fusion of creamy peanut butter and luscious grape jam, now available in a convenient 100ml vape device. Crafted with precision and passion, this e-liquid captures the essence of everyone’s favorite childhood snack, reimagined for the vaping connoisseur.
From the very first puff, you’ll be enveloped in the rich, nutty goodness of peanut butter, its smooth and creamy texture tantalizing your palate with every inhale. The authenticity of the flavor is unparalleled, evoking memories of spreading fresh peanut butter on warm toast in the morning. But the experience doesn’t end there.
As you exhale, the sweet tanginess of grape jam emerges, perfectly complementing the savory notes of peanut butter with its vibrant fruity flavor. The balance between sweet and savory is exquisite, creating a harmonious blend that is both complex and utterly satisfying. Each puff is like taking a bite of your favorite peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but with a twist that elevates it to a whole new level.
But what truly sets Grape Jam Peanut Butter E-Liquid apart is the quality of its ingredients. Jam Monster prides itself on using only the finest, carefully sourced ingredients to create their e-liquids, ensuring a premium vaping experience with every bottle. Each batch undergoes rigorous testing to guarantee purity, consistency, and safety, so you can vape with confidence knowing you’re getting the very best.
Whether you’re a fan of sweet flavors, savory delights, or a bit of both, Grape Jam Peanut Butter E-Liquid offers a vaping experience that is sure to please even the most discerning palate. So why settle for ordinary when you can indulge in something extraordinary? Treat yourself to the delectable taste of Grape Jam + Peanut Butter E-Liquid by Jam Monster and take your vaping game to new heights.
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suntails · 5 days
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mizzyislost · 2 months
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aromantic flag colorpicked from chilchuck. btw. if you even cared.
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grimalkinscribbles · 6 days
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What is a day without a blessed night?
This week’s brain worm is Mhin as a vamp Death Dealer in Underwold (a classic vamp/ werewolf movie fave from my childhood _(:3」z)_)
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j3lly-t1n · 1 month
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posessive old man save me
save me
save me possessive old man
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nychthemeron-rants · 1 month
I really love Marcille and Laios' relationship so much. They have such a deep connection and clearly care about each other a lot. They have such a beautiful friendship that I don't understand how people genuinely think she hates him.
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lovespelt · 3 months
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give these guys some bubble tea !!
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shibaleeart · 2 months
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lets pretend its Thursday so i have an excuse to post this ^ - ^
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nomgeonmunchie · 26 days
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secretsandwishes · 6 months
Thinking about being raped, about trying to fight them off, push them away, being worn down until I'm just crying and saying "I hate you" over and over as they fuck me....thinking about them either hitting me or using how good it feels against me, making me say instead "I love you" as I cum against my will
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berlingotesque · 1 year
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I’m originally not a big fan of the ship (since I imagine the relationship to be painfully one-sided) but the possibility of a second chance for their relationship (that batdr offers in its lore ) makes me feel many things...
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lilacpaperbird · 4 months
Thinking about a sweet teenchesters first time… them lying down in a motel bed in bumfuck nowhere, eagerly making out, undressing. Sam feeling nervous as hell because, on top of everything else (like, y’know, committing incest) —he's a virgin. And he's so self-conscious about his inexperience and his still-boyish body, caught in the midst of a growth spurt. He doesn't know what to do with his hands or his legs or anything and he feels silly. The bedside table lamp is too bright and he wants to hide from it. He wonders why his brother wants him when he, so beautiful it hurts, could have anyone he wished.
But then he notices Dean's hands are trembling as he unbuttons Sam's shirt. And he sees through Dean's bravado; catches how his jokes are being framed by an unsteady smile, how he keeps glancing back at Sam's face... and it hits him. He's scared too. Sam circles his arms around Dean's neck and pulls him into a deep, long kiss. They rest their foreheads together, looking into each other's eyes, so close it's all blurry. And they laugh—reckless, insane, in love.
And the thing is, their first time is clumsy, and messy, and Sam hits his head against the headboard twice, and they're doing it on a tiny motel bed that's creaky as hell, and they both finish too fast. And it's perfect.
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some alien fish concepts for my headworld. well. one of them. the dragon one! well. one of them-
tiny note that these are not to scale compared to each other <3
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nudibutch · 19 days
hi, you mentioned modifying lemon orzo pasta w arugula a little while ago, i was wondering if you have a base lemon orzo pasta recipe you could share? no worries if not, have a good weekend!
hi!!! yes its super easy!!! this is my "i have no energy" easy meal. recipe is as follows:
- orzo
- lemon juice
- butter
- parmesan cheese
- your green of choice
- your protein of choice (chicken, fish, or plant protein like chickpeas usually go best with lemon. not sure about beans.)
- freshly cracked black pepper (highly prefer over pre-ground)
- garlic powder, onion powder, salt
1. boil a pot of water and cook orzo as instructed on package. i usually cook mine for 7 min
2. drain orzo, return to pot. in the pot, add butter to taste
3. put orzo in bowl. add your green of choice and protein of choice. add seasonings to taste. mix. add lemon juice to taste. stir. add parmesan to taste. stir. add parmesan on top to finish. ta da!!!
4. i usually cook 1 lb orzo (in the states, usually 1 whole bag) and store the leftovers (no seasoning/lemon added, just buttered) in the fridge. whenever i want a bowl, i just microwave a portion and the butter helps keep it from sticking/drying out, and retains flavor. then i add all my ingredients as in #3. this usually gives me about 5 or 6 meals.
as a cost per serving example: (1 lb orzo ~$1, 8 oz smoked salmon (my protein of choice) ~$9, 1/2 bag arugula ~$1, 1/3 container parm ~$1-2)/5 = ~$2.60 per serving, which is pretty lit.
you dont have to do greens or protein, obvs, but i like to for a well-balanced meal and also to help prevent me from feeling bogged down due to carb/butter load. (the greens esp help with this.) i originally made this with spinach as my green, but i much prefer arugula now due to its flavor complimenting the tang of parm and lemon. you could also do this with broccoli, peas, kale.... whatever you prefer. greens + lemon + seasonings is a pretty solid combo.
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stormyoceans · 9 months
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