#Crossover prompt
treepainting · 7 months
Ooooh I just came up with an idea
You know all of this fics where Danny is an alternate universe version of like Bruce or Jason? What if it was with Damian
There could be some kind of ritual that sends Damian into Danny’s universe only they both get caught by the GIW and Everything Goes Wrong
By that I mean both of them get vivisected. And the Fentons should do at least some of it, and that Jack looks just like Bruce for extra ✨trauma✨
They both go on the Road Trip of Hell while escaping and Danny’s just working on building a temporary portal to the Ghost Zone/Damian’s home dimension.
I want Danny to lean out of a car with like a mcguivered bazooka or something to try and drive off the GIW for a while with some kind of crazy/stressed smile back at Damian.
I want little moments where they’re bonding/teaching each other how to fight (Because Damian knows formal fighting, and if we go with Danny knowing some self defense from his mom he’s not completely horrible at it, but Danny knows how to fight like a feral raccoon. It’s effective and Damian DOES like animals right?)
I want them to finally get to Damian’s dimension and when they finally finally gets to the bats and Bruce reaches out to help his son Damian flinches
And then I want it to get into the fluff/healing/trauma dumping part where the newly dubbed twins (who get along scarily well and everyone is pretty sure are trauma bonded) are healing while simultaneously causing the other bats to become more and more distressed (it may or may not be on purpose)
It would also be pretty cool if their habits and mannerisms rubbed off on one another, so they can be uncannily similar one moment then completely different the next
I also had the idea of them being literally the same soul- like, the soul that originally formed was completely identical when they were babies but diverged due to different experiences, so it’s literally a ‘same soul two bodies’ thing. I just think it would be neat, even if it’s not even really mentioned, but just like, Implied you know?
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Prompt #9
Okay so this isn't really a prompt, more of Immortally rambles but
Blind Danny au
Danny gets blinded during the portal accident, he could get a seeing eye dog and came, but also! He learned about his ghostly wail early on, and uses it as an echolocation type thing. He uses it to see where things are and where people (and ghosts) are. Just imagine the crossover possibilities.
Danny mocks the bats for being bats but not having echolocation. They would be so confused and Jason would be cackling at their dilemma
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wildglitch · 29 days
What if Zombies!Spidey x DCU LETS GOOOOOOOOO-
O K-
So, This is the (Probably not the last, don't worry) post with ideas for my What If Zombies!Peter In the DCU AU. This is the post that (Finally) Focuses on the DC side of things. This post Is also going to be mainly focused on Peter and what he's up to cause he's the focus of this AU, but I’m probably gonna make another post with info on the other heroes, so If your interested in that, don't worry cause I am thinking about them (Bucky & Loki = Brainwashed bros)
Its also part 1 of Idk since this post kinda got away from me with its length (oops)
Anyways, without further adieu, let's start :D 
-So! starting this off with something fun and not that serious that I just found out. this should have probably gone in the first post but I didn't know this until now so here, a +1 info on “facts about the zombie apocalypse” tm. 
Ok, so at this point you know I like to play around with the timeline right? Ok so, I’m researching the dates and events things take place in right? Turns out, the snap happened in either May or June, and one source even said that it happened on May 31. Now, with this in mind and the fact that I said the apocalypse lasted between 7-8 months, what happens if you subtract 8 months from May? You get October. And if you add the date to it? Guys…I accidentally made it that the zombie apocalypse starts on Halloween! That's just insane!
The official timeline now is 8 months of the zombie apocalypse, no more no less, sorry, I don't make the rules :^ (omg I made Antman & the Wasp a halloween movie lmao. It fits)
-Alright so, Peter, Head Scott/w the cloke and T’challa are on a plane on their way to Wakanda when all of a sudden, well, how many of you seen the Young Justice Episode s1e19 Misplaced? (Btw have I talked about how much I love Billy batson? I will one of these days ok, and that's a threat) well anyways
Airplane squad: *”peacefully” traumatized on a plane to Wakanda
Airplane squad: *the people on the plane fucking fazes out of reality leaving him alone to fly the plane*
Peter: *Panik*
Peter: *feels a pull wanting to take him but fighting it off as he tries to fly a fucking plane*
Peter: *also fades out of reality but much later the other and is now falling to certain doom in the middle of the ocean*
Peter: “Oh What the F-”
Ya that-
I mixed aspects of the snap and scene from misplaced as their way of splitting up. And, they did split up. A high speed plane plus the time it took them to disappear firmly separates Peter from the rest of the heros. And thus the adventure commences
-unlike Billy who can fly, Peter falls head first at top speeds and a thousand meters high into the ocean.  This can happen a few different ways
1) Peter is stranded, and is found by Young Justice or any superhero team that was passing through the ocean and thinks “Oh shoot, that's a child”. And this is how he ends up with the league. This one is kinda fast and there wouldn't be any identity reveal since at this point this Peter has no concept of such a thing. But a good way to work around this is memory loss. Not really my cup of tea but I can very much see this happening considering how hard he hit his head
2) …So Peter fucking dies-
Listen! I somehow started off with my 2 most opposite extremes of ideas, but hear me out. The fall? It kills him. But lets say that some cult or the league of assassins or some shit find his body, realize he’s a “meta” and decide “Yeah, this is a good revival candidate” And they revive the poor sucker. He is held captive HYDRA style and they try to turn him into a weapon. Obviously, he escapes, set free onto the world with a few months of trauma and a stolen one way ticket anywhere. And that anywhere just so happens to be Gotham. I’ll let your mind take it from there
3) This is the last version of events I’m gonna mention and I think this one is the one I'm sticking with, purely for the comedic potential I can see coming out of this. So Peter fought back the spell right? Well unlike the snap where he was fighting a force of nature were he would not have won, Peter was fighting Loki off, which,
Yeah, so since Loki had to focus on getting that idiot spider child to cooperate, he loses track of everyone else, and all of a sudden, the fuzzy mental image he had of everyone dissipates, and Peters becomes the full focus. This lets him save the kid from the crash, but he now doesn't know where all of the others are, including his brother, and now he can't really get to any of them.
Peter: Fighting off that staticy feeling that's trying to take him
Loki: *Genuinely struggling to get this non magic kid to corporate with him*
Loki: Damnit CHILD! I'm trying to save your worthless life!
Peter: *Legit almost wins and gets left by himself in the zombieland* 
Loki: …What did they feed you?
-Peter is saved with a spell that's basically the bubble from steven universe but Loki style. He can breathe just fine, but he can't get out or call for hell. He spends many Hours like this.
-Ok so, Loki is a god. We have established this, I keep mentioning it (sorry) he himself brings this up multiple times. What is something gods tend to have sometimes? Avatars, people who act out their will on Earth. You see where I'm going with this? Since Peter is the only mortal from his world he has access to, and because he is stuck on the watchtower, he decides to make a deal with Peter to make him his Avatar and have him look for the others (Thor). Peter, after having most of the situation explained to him, accepts his offer, with a few conditions here and there that prevent Loki from taking full advantage of him. But at the end of the day, they are both desperate and accept the others' offers and conditions with little fuss.
-Deals and conditions for the avatar contract between Peter and Loki
Loki’s Mission: Find the other mortals and spread chaos as his agent Loki’s Offer: Slight magical aid, “ability boost”, Protection from other magical entities, Godly guide and knowledge and Loki wont force Peter into doing anything too grotesque Loki’s conditions for Peter: He will be able to access anything Peter is seeing and be able to take control of any situation if he sees it fit, he must go on the missions he sends him on, And if the situation ever truly demands it, he will listen to everything Loki tells him to do Peter’s Mission: Finding his friends and finding a cure to his world in this new one as Loki’s Agent. He must also make good impressions on other Magical being in this world as to not shame the god he’s representing Peter Offer: His loyalty and tentative trust, he won't argue too much and will do his absolut best to find Thor. he will Listen to Loki and do what he says Peter’s Conditions for Loki: Will become his Avatar as long as he gets to keep being a hero and doesn't have to hurt or kill people. He will only do a mission once a month, and he will not advertise the Avatar bit. Peter gets free will, He can refuse to do something as long as he isn't demanded of it.
With this, a hand shake, and some blood, The deal is made in the bubble in the middle of the ocean.
-Peter is now Loki’s Avatar, Moonknight style, Yay! They don't really like each other that much due to circumstance but it's fineeeeeee. I did this because 1) I thought of a scenario that didn't really make sense unless Peter was somehow talking to him 2) It’s a little nod to the fact most of the fics have the snapped souls with Peter on his adventure. I thought that this way he can still have his voice in his head , it's not that crowded because it's only one voice, and it's not that Intrusive because Loki isn't going to be with Peter 24/7 only when he needs him, he's using some of his powers, or when he can sense distress or danger coming from Peter- Other than that he's stuck at the watchtower trying to plan his next moves. And 3) Cause the thought came to me and i thought it was fucking Holirouse.
-With Some trickery, Peter sneaks onto a boat and spends his time hidden under the deck pretending and hides like a corner spider the whole trip
-Peter in his, Hasn't been around actual living breathing humans for such a long time, self, breaks down and cries at the docks. Coincidentally, The bats are doing a drug bust there and a wearhouse not 10 feet away from him blows up. 
-Peter in his typical fashion, Puts on his mask and runs into the building looking for survivors.
-The bats, not knowing what happened, see’s this costume stranger helping the thugs get away and immediately clocks him as a villain. Opps
-They fight, misunderstandings happen and now, The friendly neighborhood Spider-Man Is on the front page as gothams hottest new Rogue. Well shit
-Peter being the smart guy he is, squats at an unoccupied apartment and claims it as his. Then Loki shows up after weeks of radio silence, takes one look at the place and says, hell nah, and fixes the place up with magic making the place more than livable. With some (probably magical) persuasion, the guy renting out the place actually puts him on the lease with 50 bucks of monthly rent. Does Peter feel guilty…well? Gotta roll with the punches man. Plus, this place looks nice, ignoring his 20 something neighbor that has enough blood on him to turn his white hair dye red that had sent his spider sense. This is fine.
-With some help from the voice in his head and walking through dark alleys at night, he finds a guy that works for immigration and was selling sketchy (But legit) identities. Not really trusting the guy but in desperate need and ID for the lease he was about to sign, He coughs up all the savings he had, took a Photo, and Ben P. Riley was born. He said he didn't trust the guy.
-Peter has decided to go by an alias for a few reasons, like not knowing if there was already another Peter Parker in this reality and not really wanting to risk it or the plain fact that he didn't really trust anyone in this new reality with it  (Loki and his magical guidance, he has firmly decided to never give out his name so freely ever again). His name is one of the last things from his past life that he can call his own, And if his “Villainous” identity was revealed as Peter Parker, he didn't know if he could handle it. The most simple reason was that he just missed his family and wanted something in this new life he was making for himself to remind himself of them. Ofcourse, he still added that P in there middle so as to not completely erase himself.
-Peter spends a full month just trying to get used to living in a society again, This causes some problems and misunderstandings.
-After many series of misunderstandings and mishaps, everyone thinking he's evil, Peter decides, YK what's, If I can't beat them, join them. Peter starts going out as the “Villain Spider-Man” doing sketchy shit (normal teenage shit) and causing a commotion in Gotham. Peter counts this as his act of mischief and Loki agrees when he sees the kid sell his own photos to the newspaper. Peter isn't actually doing anything evil, it's just his presence that brings fear. The fact that the bats have caught him breaking into multiple high security facilities doesn't really help his case
-Peter spends his months looking through files and files of info searching for the others, but has just about no luck on anything.
-Peter, forced by a mission, goes undercover in Gotham prep to follow one of Loki’s leads. He doesn't really know what he's doing here, but this Tim guy is pretty nice
-Cause of the amazing pictures he keeps selling to the paper, the company hires him full time as their photographer for special events and even lets him write a few articles when they see the notes he puts next to his pictures that provide contexts and stuff like that. This job opens Peter to search to a whole new horizon.
-With Peter's new job, hes sent to many different cities which introduces him to many different people
-He meets Jimmy Olson on a trip to Metropolis and hits it off pretty well with the older man. Jimmy introduces him to his friends and coworkers Lois and Clark, both of whom are just a delegate. Though that Clark guy as not stopped setting of his spider sense since he met him
-The next place he went to was a city called Fawcett, where he was sent to help with a story with one of the local reporters who was apparently his age.
Boss guy: Ben, meet Billy. You two will be working together on the report for this years summer festival
The two sniff each other out as godly “employees” and exchange numbers. And thus, a friendship was born as Billy decided to keep an eye out for any other reality travelers, and Peter is put as one of his emergency contacts to help him get out of shit since he was “technically 20 according to his ID”
Peter: *Looks at Billy*
Billy: *Looks at ‘Ben’*
*Insert that one Spider-Man meme*
-Peter is also sent to Gothams sister city Bludhaven. Peter,ends up meeting a weird police officer that keeps expecting him to take pictures of the guy. But he's nice enough and bought him a hotdog and a cinnamon roll(even though he now thinks he's allergic to them), so the weird outweighs the good.
-On his trip to Bludhaven, Peter decides to go out as spider-man. Not to cause trouble, but to go sightseeing and swinging without the interference of a bat. He ends up sitting upside down on an old building (like that one Atsv scene)  working on some leads he has when all of a sudden, Nightwing appeared right behind him dangling off the side of the building like a mad man giving him a heart attack. Nightwing is about to confront the spider after his sneak attack was caught, but before he does, Peter holds out the cinnamon roll towards the vigilante as a peace offering rushing out the words “Please don't hit me!” and Nightwing just stares. He stares long and hard looking between the treat and the Spider mask. Peter was about to run from them when Nightwing sort of just…sits. Or sits at the best of his abilities with no gravity defying powers. He actually does a pretty good job at it. Nightwing takes to offering with a nod and the 2 just sort of sit there in silence. It's awkward and weird, and quiet but for some reason he doesn't feel as uncomfortable as he thinks he should. Even less when he feels the ringing of his spider senses slowly die down as the minutes pass until it's just a constant hum at the back of his head
-They don't talk after that but from here is a turning point as to how the Bat clan view the spider.
More? Nay I say! (There will be a part 2 to this specific post, but it has gotten too long and I need to go to bed. So hopefully this will do for now :^) Plus this feels like agood stoping point since I feel like that ending would mark the ending to an arc
Please let me know what you think of this AU. I love seeing other people's ideas and thoughts. It fuels me lo
And make sure to keep an eye out for Part 2 of this post.
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A crossover with The Dragonriders of Pern writing prompt.
Murderbot somehow winds up in a crashing escape pod above a planet no one has ever recorded contact with, and crash lands, with no idea how it's going to get back into space, and no idea where its humans have gotten to in all the chaos before the crash.
It loses consciousness during the impact with the ground, and regains awareness to find itself in a cave, surrounded by humans, which is weird enough on its own, because this planet was supposedly never colonized. But it gets weirder. Because there are also dragons. Telepathic dragons that are crowding its feed and it can't get them to shut up. It can hear every conversation every one of them is having, and they can all apparently hear it too.
Its escape pod apparently crashed near the cave system where these humans and dragons live while a nest was hatching, and one of the baby dragons wandered all the way out of "the hatching grounds" and walked all the way to its crashed lifepod, and demanded that the humans and other dragons rescue it.
This baby dragon has bronze scales, which is apparently significant, and has apparently named herself Tilmuth. And for some reason all the humans are being being hostile about her pronouns, even though they don't blink twice at a supposed infant not only naming herself, but being able to speak in full sentences just hours after hatching.
This, apparently, is perfectly normal. But a bronze dragon using she/her pronouns is apparently crossing the line.
The humans are quickly becoming more and more agitated about this fact, and are blaming Murderbot, insisting it’s somehow “corrupted” the baby dragon, despite Tilmuth’s instance otherwise, and the very loud agreement of her mother, who is the queen of the dragons in these caves.
But despite many of the dragons siding with Tilmuth and a bewildered Murderbot, the humans keep insisting that Murderbot’s committed some sort of crime that it, and the baby dragon, need to be killed for.
Murderbot barely has time to process the fact that Tilmuth is psychically linked with it even more than the rest of the dragons are before things come to a very abrupt head when one of the humans, who has an older bronze dragon as a partner, attacks Tilmuth, slicing one of her fragile wings clean through the membrane, and in the ensuing chaos of screaming and battling dragons and humans, Murderbot has no choice but to grab her and run as fast and as far as it can, even though it was seriously damaged in the crash and hasn’t been able to receive any repairs besides a woefully basic splint for its broken arm, and its vision constantly fading out with flashes of agony from shrapnel literally bouncing around inside its head.
Right when Murderbot thinks they won’t be able to get away alive, the whole world suddenly goes as black and cold as space, and the next thing it knows, it’s falling facedown onto black sands and almost crushing Tilmuth under it, with a grey ocean behind them, stormclouds swirling above, and a wall of alien, and most likely hostile vegetation in front of it.
Lost on an alien planet with no company except this strange baby dragon that is apparently ravenous and constantly on the verge of starvation, Murderbot has to figure out how to keep them both alive, and figure out where the hell its humans are and how to get back to them, and get all of them, Tilmuth included, off the planet alive.
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mae-dwrites · 5 months
DPxDCxMLB Prompt:
“The Wizard was a Ghost King”
Now I love Danny Phantom, even though I haven’t had the pleasure to watch even a 1/4 of the show. But I love crossovers, and DPxDCxMLB is one of my favorites honestly, but there isn’t a lot.
This is more about lore stuff and is my personal brain worm of figuring out how to fill in a plot hole in Miraculous via crossovers.
So in Miraculous apparently a Wizard somehow learned about the Kwami. Now how could an alive mortal know of these beings? Now we could say they used magic, but let's go a more fun route!
This “Wizard” was actually a Ghost King, because from what I’ve gathered there have been multiple unless I’ve been lied to through headcanons. (I promise I’m getting to doing proper research on Danny Phantom, kinda got a list) Also, I don't recall most of what was actually said about this “Wizard” in the cannon.
This Ghost King could have been one of the kind or kinder ones, or just another selfish ghost craving for more power.
The “Kinder” Ghost King was friends with the Kwami hearing his friends complain or weep over not being able to truly interact with the creatures in one realm or another. Only tipping a few scales here or there, leading them somewhere else, among other things(Like Plagg committing genocide on the Dinasours or however cannon went…). The Kwami could only do so much in their current state, as they didn't have ties to the physical level/plane. So the Ghost King gave them options, for them to be tied to an object that could be handled by the creatures of the realms.
(Maybe they were acquaintances, or the Kwami came to the Ghost King for help to be on the physical plane of these other Realms? There are so many ways this can go)
The Kwami got to choose the realm(or Universe if you want to refer to it as that) that they could reside in.
It may even be the duty of the Ghost King to tie new Kwami to items and send them to their Realm, or to enact it when a Kwami would wish to join the world that their brethren now are in.
Now if you want to go the Selfish-Power-Hungry route, the “Selfish” Ghost King saw the potential in the Kwami and wanted to use it for himself. So to abuse their power the Kwami were tied to their objects, the “Selfish” Ghost King would be overthrown(the Ancients might have played a part if I'm remember who those are correctly), and the Miraculi would somehow end up their eventual Realm/Universe.
Or another one I came up with, the Ghost King of that time was a wizard in their part life! Or it could have just been a super powerful ghost, but the GK route is funner…
So imagine Kwami haven’t gone to a Ghost King in so long cause they’re wary, but these newer or older ones (older ones probably just didn’t want to join the physical plane) have heard of Danny even before he was crowned or was to be crowned. So they take a chance to ask for him to tie them to the physical plane of the realm their fellow Kwami reside in.
So chaos ensues on Earth as magic users, Guardians, and Amazonians alike feel the arrival of the new Miraculi for the first time in hundreds of years.
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wwcross · 1 year
Random student in U.A : Phantom Sensei, why did you become a teacher?
Danny : it was either this or Among us.
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dp x dc prompt
the Fenton's are quite rich from selling random (mostly non ghost hunting) tools/weapons and for some reason (you decide) have to go under witness protection and become the "drake" family in gotham and Danny and jazz have both become tim and [JAZZ NAME HERE] drake
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thekitsunesiren · 3 months
Steven Universe x Dc #8
Steven had made a name for himself in this new town he was exploring.
Yes, he was supposed to stay in Gotham only for a while, but after seeing so many hurt, he couldn't just leave them behind. With a small dingy apartment, he used it as an office of sorts to help heal those who were hurt or injured badly and couldn't go to the hospital for help. Sure, there were few people who were skeptical and thought he had an ulterior motive, but he worked to earn their trust somewhat.
Some of them started calling him a "meta" or something. He doesn't know. But it doesn't seem rude, so he was happy to help out.
All while Steven was unaware that his help was starting to spread out and was becoming an underground doctor to those who needed help. Right in Red Hood's territory.
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mx-mongoose · 1 year
Crossover prompt, Casey and Casey Junior centric
So when meeting Casey Junior, the 2012 gang is just AWESTRUCK on how different Casey is in this universe. He’s nice, calm, considerate, well mannered, respectful- you get the point. Everything 12!Casey ISN’T. And most of the 2012 gang absolutely likes him. It feels nice to have a Casey that doesn’t constantly push their buttons and feel like they can have a mature or calm conversation with.
Leonardo spars with him and is shocked by how formally trained he is.
Since Junior grew up with Rise Donnie, he tries to help Donnie with projects when he allows him to and is actually good company for Donnie!
Junior is the only one who can stomach Mikey’s cooking since he survived on roadkill and scraps most of his life so maple syrup and tuna pizza tastes like Gordan Ramsey to him,
April is just appreciative to have a meaningful conversation with another human for once.
Raphael is the only one on the fence about Junior for a reason stated later.
As for 12!Casey, he absolutely HATES Junior’s guts. Mainly out of jealousy. He’s jealous of how his team trusts him and how they’re not generally annoyed to be around him, hell he’s even jealous of how sick his weapons are! I mean a chainsaw hockeystick fusion and a grappling hook?! No-one would trust him with those but apparently these guys do. There’s also this thing where Junior is just so… Bland?! (In his eyes) He can’t understand why anyone likes him, universal cosmo law or not that wasn’t Casey Jones and he’s not gonna share his title to the equivalent of white bread.
So it sparks this one-sided rivalry and Junior doesn’t understand any of it. Like Casey will start random competitions, will pick on him, purposely make him mess up on missions, hell he’ll even try and make Junior physically fight him a couple times before someone will have to tear Casey off of the poor boy. (It doesn’t help that 12 Donnie constantly calls Junior the “better Casey”)
Eventually the two of them talk and they make a truce then they become friends (i have no idea how, just imagine some emotional conversation between them)
Then they’re walking and they go up to one of the Donnies and ask
Casey Jr: Hey Dona- i mean Donatellos, my counterpart wants a replica of my weapon if that isn’t any trouble
Casey: What my good looking bro is trying to say is- Dude I NEED a hockey stick chainsaw
Rise Donnie: Okay two things, one-
2012 Donnie: No way in hell that i’m giving YOU a chainsaw
Rise Donnie: And two, who said you guys were counterparts?
Then there’s this long silence and Casey asks
Casey: how we are not counterparts? We share the same name, we share the same handsome face and both play hockey??
Rise Donatello: That’s because he’s the counterpart of your would-be-son Casey Jones Junior. Your counterpart is our friend Cassandra Jones, you guys haven’t met because she doesn’t visit much-
Casey Jr: It never came up! But i guess that makes sense, you do remind me a lot of my mom.
Rise Donatello: It also explains why when I asked Donnie over here how his Casey was sent to the past without mystic energy he looked at me like I was crazy
2012 Donnie: To be honest, I was more shocked that a Casey was put in charge of saving the world. Now I can sleep easy at least
Rise Donatello: You didn’t tell this guy anything did you???
After that, Casey loves to pull the “Technically i’m your dad, so you have to listen to me” and teasingly calls him “son”. Of course this is all out of earshot of Cassandra. But this also is a weight off Casey’s chest that this is indeed a separate person and of all things his son! Hell it kinda gives him an ego boost (not that he needs one) that someone as crazy as him can raise someone like Junior.
They’re close friends and I love them
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anglers1mp · 9 months
GO X DP prompt(?)
This isn’t a new fic, but it is kinda a prompt.
Danny’s been deaged and Good Omens(GO) is about on episode one on season two.
Turns out a ‘human’ running around with powers is not very good to Angels(nor Demons) and Crowley and Aziraphele don’t hear much about that.
Then they see it with their own eyes; a small young boy, he could’ve been nine or eight(they weren’t that good with human time), Aziraphele was walking back to his bookstore when he saw it. Well the noise of crunching and honestly it was disgusting, he just had to look! He finds Danny, deaged, in an alleyway close by to his bookstore. Danny is completely filthy, his black hair is matted, his eyes shine green, his skin is deathly pale and Aziraphele can see shadows of pale white and black wings cascading down in the shadows of the alley.
(You get to decide what happens next I guess- this is just a prompt after all)
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aupromptsforthesoul · 19 days
A jjk Naruto crossover where a disgruntled Nara Shikamaru reincarnated into his descendent, Fushiguro Megumi. Shikamaru is ashamed and horrified by the mess the Zenins made of the Nara's ideals. He wants nothing to do with them. Or sorcery. But he's kind of going stir crazy and the only thing worse than having to put effort into shit is to be bored
Then he blinks while looking for a special grade cursed object and a startlingly familiar chakra presence is nearby and has decided to eat Sukuna’s motherfucking finger. Enter Naruto as Yuuji
Even if Sukuna is kind of a bigger asshole than Kurama was, Naruto is soooo used to dealing with cranky assholes in the back of his head and in fact really missed having someone yelling at him calling him a stupid brat :)
Shikamaru sighs really hard and goes to figure out what his hokage's single braincell is doing and supports his inevitable social revolution
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wolpertingerprompts · 10 months
Psych/Mythbusters crossover
Shawn and Carlton, and Adam and Jamie are both individually out somewhere and the two pairs meet for the first time.
Adam and Shawn find something to be their usual excites me selves about together, while Carlton and Jamie bond while fondly complaining about their hyperactive, adhd boyfriends.
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Prompt #8
When Bruce walked into the dining room that day, he wasn't expecting to see a kid who looked like he could be mistaken for one of his other children. Nor did he expect Cass to tell him that she had adopted him. Even Damien seemed to like him!
Cass couldn't really tell you why she took in the teen, other than the fact that he was traumatized and looked like a gremlin, and was prime Bruce adoption material.
Danny was just very scared of this house, why did everybody have signs of having had contact with Ectoplasm???
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rwac96 · 5 months
*Very few things made Pyrrha Nikos angry and feel hate towards a person, Cardin Winchester being one due to his actions and personality; while at this very moment, her ire was focused on a certain Saiyan*
Pyrrha: *scowling* "You thought it was a good idea to test...whatever this is--"
Shallot: "Super Saiyan."
Pyrrha: "ON JAUNE!"
Shallot: "Hey, don't snap at me! He agreed to help me train and perfect the form."
Shallot: "Hey, he has that Aura thing...until it...shattered." *grimaced*
Pyrrha: "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't strangle you!"
Shallot: *blinks* "It wouldn't work." *shrugs his shoulders* "Just sayin'."
Pyrrha: *eyes glow* "I have no idea why Weiss--." *stops, an idea forming in her mind* "--You know what, I should focus my energy on making sure Jaune's okay." *walks off*
Shallot: *blinks* "...Why do I feel like I've set myself up for somethin'?"
*Shallot was busy searching for nachos, smacking his lips*
Shallot: "Man, where is it? I know Ren hid here some--Hnngh!"
*Shallot groans, feeling that someone has grabbed his tail, slowly turning his head to--*
Weiss: *naked* "I suppose you were looking for food."
Shallot: "Oh, no! You're not gettin' me like--"
*The door locking can be heard*
Shallot: *furrowing his brows* "Oh, that conivin'--!"
Shallot: *far away* "PYRRRHAAAAAA!!!"
Pyrrha: "Oh...I am not sorry about that."
STATUS: Failed
REASON FOR FAILURE: Shallot had ticked off a certain (half) Fall Maiden by getting her Knight hurt and making her conspire with Weiss.
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 1 year
That one "Draw the characters from the last three games you played interacting" prompt by rustyreddrose except I didn't realize it was exclusively for steam games
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mypromptlair · 2 years
TCF Prompt 22
Crossover AU with Academy's Undercover Professor.
Kim Rok Soo's luck strikes him once again as he takes on the identity of one Cale Henituse as the newest professor at a prestigious magical academy. Aigoo...right when he finally got away from the Empire to try and finally live his slackers life.
Alberu is the Headmaster of the Academy, Ron is his butler with Tasha as a guard or receptionist along with Hans.
Eruhaben, Mila, Beacrox, Amiru, Eric, Gilbert, Taylor, Cage and Bud are all fellow coworkers.
Choi Han, Rosalyn, Lock, and the rest are all students.
The Molans never met the original Cale.
KRS disease: he has meds for it, but he does get dizzy and coughs up blood. Eventually he does it in front of the others and they freak.
His "new" elemental magic are his ancient powers(which are known to be "lost" form of magic) while his main magic is record, etc. too many magical abilities for his body.
The kids are saved and taken in of course!
ARM is the mysterious new organization causing problems with magic and science.
OG Cale was undercover in the organization, working for GoD. His family knows about KRS taking on his identity(and adopt KRS). OG!Cale's allies are Cage and Bud.
The original Cale makes an eventual return as a much needed ally. Along with LSH and CJS(perhaps these 3 are off together causing chaos somewhere).
Cale and KRS look very much alike and could be considered twins/related. They do get along quite well, causing a lil too much chaos for Headmaster Crossman.
And of course: lots of misunderstandings!
ah, no hunters in this AU nor extra time travel, etc. (except for KRS reincarnating)
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