#Could you imagine
fritzes · 2 days
carlos alcaraz you have one job tonight
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bugsoupforthesoul · 6 months
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I have never been more jealous of ANYONE!
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lineffability · 10 months
petition to have crowley and aziraphale kiss under the bandstand as a beautiful mirroring of their first breakup, it is raining around them but they are sheltered and safe, together under a canopy, there's no need to protect the other from the rain because the distance between them has been bridged (at last, at last, heart to heart) reblog if u agree
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phd-in-bears · 1 year
Monarchies are only fun in fiction. But overthrowing a monarchy in real life could be very fun
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We should have had 16 seasons of Torchwood like fcking supernatural could you imagine the drama like it wouldn't be good but that's beside the point
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outer-space-face · 1 year
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honkytonka · 1 year
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canisalbus · 3 months
expanding on that other guys ask it would be extremely funny if vasco was cast as machete and vice versa
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the-brash-spud · 2 months
Not gonna lie. The more I look into how they portray Bruce grieving about Jason, the more disappointed I am. They want to hurt him mentally all the time yet won't allow him to go through said mental aggony. It just seems to be so indecisive by the writers.
For example I find the whole thing of Batman wanting to off Joker in his grief and being stopped by Superman as cool and shit, but if they went with that as to why Batman didn't kill Joker then it should have continued for longer.
I mean, I would've loved a small series where Batman is out for blood. As in, he goes out of his way to try to track down the Joker and actually kill him, so all of JL needs to take turns to be on a bat duty. I think it would've been so heavy for us to watch through their eyes just how badly Batman went off kilter with grief, to the point they have to go out of their way to make sure their friend doesn't do something stupid.
Of course, he'd also manage to work around them, or generally when they're not there as everyone has their own lives. So sooner or later, he will definitely have tracked Joker. Let's say that after the initial murder attempt, he tried to do it three times more before stopping completely.
Maybe because Tim showed up or because he went to grief counselling, and as much as he was still heavily grieving (and still being hard on criminals), he doesn't go out of his way to kill Joker and people wanting to associate with him. Maybe that's when Tim showed up? Before, he was too afraid to make Bruce stop with his brutality by threats as then he was just as likely (in Tim's mind) to off him in his quest to avenge, but now (even though still shaking like a wet cold puppy) he could try to make Batman stop with being so hard on criminals. I think it would be a great wake-up call that a child that was afraid of him so much that he was shaking just looking at him but still felt as if they had to do something to stop Batman. Can you imagine the guilt? When you were supposed to give people hope from within the darkness of Gotham but lost your way so much, you were pretty much chocking out that hope and safety of better future? Making a child feel like they had to confront you? I'd imagine that guilt would've been a great narrative block to their relationship if explored further.
Additionally, imagine being a Joker goon at that time of grieving. You're used to having a gun be hit out of your hand with a battarang. That's normal, but this time, it got logged into the wall right by your head? And Batman loudly grunted in anger or however you would describe it. You'd think he was annoyed that he missed, but something is clearly off. The battarang seems a bit too sharp, too much like a knife, and thrown a bit too close to your face to be accidental. And when the sinking feeling of danger really sends in, you're in a whole world of pain before waking up in a hospital, most likely with at least one injury that won't heal fully.
Just saying, the writers fumbled a bit.
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coelii · 6 months
What if…now hear me out - what if no glasses??
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slugtowns · 4 months
NEED hozier to cover a jeff buckley song
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nerdby · 4 days
"And as the insanely good Harley Quinn TV show points out Bruce is dealing with his trauma in the worst possible way imaginable, and the citizens of Gotham should thank their lucky stars that he doesn't have Wanda Maximoff's powers." -Everything Great About The Batman (From CinemaWins on YouTube)
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murderluv23 · 9 months
I'm of the belief that they didn't make Fizzarolli combat savvy because baby boy would be absolutely FERAL and raise more hell than the actual rings and no one would be able to cope.
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maeo-png · 22 days
i cannot stress the utter brilliance that is season 5 of the magnus archives. what do you mean a cis man managed to perfectly portray the repeated song and dance that is explaining your transness to people who won’t accept it. what do you mean he’s a horror writer that isn’t afraid to say “the world is awful and the awful things do happen to children, they are not saved; that would imply a way to save others, which there isn’t. it’s up to you whether this child avatar is closer to a prodigy or to a child soldier”. what in the fuck was he doing that inspired him to create a flower garden in which every flower or plant is some kind of person with their own unique way to grow.
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akalegos · 2 months
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smolbean-17 · 2 months
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Jennifer Corbett has been posting about how she loves Winter Soldier. It’s her favorite Marvel movie. Everyone is saying that her posting this week about loving the movie is her hinting at Tech being CX-2. Which it totally could be.
But what if it’s hinting at an overall Winter Soldier-esque program?
In the Winter Soldier, several other super soldiers were created besides Bucky.
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In episode 10, there are two very distinct troopers Hemlock was working on. They look very different from the clone assassins. Their armor and stats are unique. They look specialized.
Could this be the start of the Death Trooper Program? Or something else?
Why would these troopers need to be so specialized if Hemlock is pulling from a bunch of perfectly identical clones?
There’s only one clone squad I know of that needs specialized training and completely individualized armor.
What if they cloned the entire Bad Batch?
No troopers would be better suited to take them down than themselves.
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