#But one being that I’m pretty sure he never saw me as a dude?
onyx-got-clowned · 4 months
I’ve never been so emotional and disgusted just for being trans? Damn cis people kinda suck ngl
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imfinereallyy · 1 year
“Steve, it’s an emergency. I need to kiss you. Actually, I need you to kiss me. But I can’t just do it without asking because what if you don’t want me to, and I practically attack you? So yes or no? I swear it’s for a good cause.” Eddie comes running up to Steve in the bar, panting so hard Steve can see the chest movements.
They have taken Robin to a bar out in Indy to get her laid finally. Or at least a tongue in her mouth. The girl is pent up. And it’s Steve’s job as best friend to make that happen (Robin has told him to stop saying that, ‘it is gross’). Eddie is the only other queer person they know and, luckily, has made quite a few trips to Indy to know which bars were the good ones. He tells Steve that, like Robin, he is desperate to get laid, so this is the perfect opportunity.
Steve does his best to try and ignore the burning jealousy he feels at that. Eddie doesn’t know about his feelings (hell about his sexuality), and Steve is pretty sure Eddie doesn’t see him that way.
“Huh?” Asks confused, his brain struggling to process.
“Okay, I see you’re stuck on how to answer, but Steve—“ Eddie grips Steve’s shoulder, and Steve tries not to swoon. “—my ex, the extra shitty one, is here, and if he sees me alone I’ll either a) go home with him tonight and—“
Steve cuts Eddie off with a searing kiss. The thought of Eddie going home with someone else was enough for Steve’s brain to catch up to speed. Steve presses Eddie against the bar. The loud bass of the music suddenly becomes a light thrum in the background. All that he feels is the delightful pressure of their lips together. Eddie’s hands slide up into Steve’s hair as he gets pressed harder into the bar. Steve’s hands' grip Eddie’s waist and give them a tight squeeze. The idea of bruises being left behind, a mark of what they are doing here, makes Steve deepen the kiss. His tongue used to massage Eddie’s, tasting the menthol and rum on his breath. Eddie moans loud and heavy, vibrating Steve’s entire body.
“Eddie?” A voice interrupts them. Steve feels his anger spark back slightly but wills it down because the interruption is probably needed. They are very close to getting kicked out for public indecency.
“Oh hey, Ryan.” Eddie looks the blonde man up and down. He’s cute, Steve notes, but he lacked personality in his appearance. He isn’t what Steve expects from an ex of Eddie’s. He isn’t naive enough to think Eddie dates exclusively metal heads, but he expects someone to match Eddie’s energy. This guy—Ryan apparently—looks like every other guy you’d find on a Sunday in Supermart. Boring and lacking imagination.
“Who’s this?” Ryan looks at Steve pissed.
“Steve?” Eddie wraps an arm around his waist, bringing Steve close up against him. “This is my boyfriend.”
“This dude’s your boyfriend?” Ryan snorts. “C'mon baby, I know you can do better.”
Steve feels his anger finally pop. “He is not your baby. Yea, he can do better than both of us combine, but I’m lucky enough to get him. Now, you interrupted our time together, and we both know you saw what we’re up to, so don’t act like it wasn’t on purpose.”
Ryan startles backwards, “I—“
“Sorry, maybe I wasn’t clear. I meant leave the fuck right now.” Steve grits out, some of his Upside Down protection mode popping out. Ryan scatters quickly.
“Jesus, Steve, that was amazing. I’m sorry I had to make you uncomfortable with that.” Eddie’s eyes find his and cuts Steve off before he can protest and explain no, he really did like that “—and you never even let me explain reason b, by the way! Reason b is b) he would probably humiliate me in the middle of the club.”
Steve nods at Eddie but has one track mind at this point. He grabs Eddie by the face this time before crashing their lips together once again. This time Steve moans into Eddie’s mouth as they both get lost in the kiss.
Steve pulls back ever so slightly and talks directly into Eddie’s mouth, “Sorry. I think he’s still staring. Needed to do more.”
Eddie, with swollen lips and a kissed-out face, looks around the bar to find nothing. “I don’t see him anywhere.”
Steve smirks and pulls Eddie by his belt loops so they are flushed together. Steve leans into Eddie’s ear and nibbles at his lobe. “Hmmm, you’re right. I think he’s actually in the bathroom. Maybe we should kiss in front of him there.” Steve whispers hotly.
Eddie’s brain, which has short-circuited much like Steve only minutes ago, finally catches up. Eddie groans, his face collapsing into Steve’s neck. He licks a stripe up Steve’s neck all the way to his mouth. “Fuck. Yea, baby, I think I saw him too. Think kissing, though, won’t be enough. We might need to up our game.”
Steve nips at Eddie’s lips, “I was hoping you would say that. Guess I just know how much you love your games, Eds.”
They meet each other for one last searing kiss before rushing to the bathrooms to share a very tight, very heated stall.
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ragingbookdragon · 1 year
She stared at them like they’d lost their minds. “What is this? A TV show? You seriously want me to dress up and go into this guy’s hideout all alone and flirt the information out of him? Are you fucking kidding me?”
The group shared a look, then Soap shrugged. “I mean, yeah, that’s the gist of the plan.”
With a sigh, she asked, “Do you at least have any dresses for me?”
“Already prepared,” Soap replied, lifting a bag.
“Gimme.” She took the bag from him and dropped it by her feet, toeing off her boots as she unbuttoned her pants and shoved them down her thighs; their eyes hit the ceiling to give her privacy.
“Uh…we have a bathroom.”
“And I have no shame,” she answered, yanking off her jacket, shirt, and tank top underneath. “Literally. I had a guy watch me shit when I was in basic. Had a full-on conversation with that man because he didn’t understand personal space in the head.” She picked out one of the dresses. “Didn’t even look away when I wiped. So, I, from that day forward, have never felt any sense of shame whatsoever. Because if you can have a conversation, with the opposite gender, while you’re shitting, you have no reason to ever be ashamed again.”
“I seriously wonder about your time at boot camp,” Price muttered, and she snorted.
“Pretty sure my entire group was nicotine depraved and crackheads.”
Soap had long lowered his eyes from the ceiling as he commented, “You know your underwear doesn’t match your bra, right?”
“Stellar observation there, Soap. No wonder you’re such a great shot.” She gestured to the red and plaid holiday bra and the neon green hi-briefs. “Forgot to pack before this mission and the underwear to the bra was dirty.”
“Why don’t you just stick with mil-issued?”
Her face pinched. “I’d rather use my hands as a cover for my tits and vag than use shit undergarments I can rip with my bare hands. And I have, in fact, ripped them with my bare hands before. And no, Soap,” she cut off, “you don’t get to ask why.”
She pulled the dress up her legs and slipped her arms through the sleeves, adjusting it to her body, then she frowned. “What am I going to church?”
“It has a slit in the side,” Soap offered, and she started walking around.
“My dudes, I can’t walk in this thing, let alone fight if things go bad.” Ghost, who’d been silent up until that point, walked towards her and she looked at him. “What?” he said nothing, and she backed up. “Ghost, what?”
He stood before her, reached down, and bunched the dress up in his hands, yanking it up her hips until everyone saw neon green. His fingers dug into the meat of her ass, keeping her in place even as she tried to recoil. Her eyes flashed with anger, and she let a knee fly up towards his groin—he caught it of course, also dodging the elbow she sent his way. Ghost gave a ‘hmpf’ and said, “Seems to me like you can fight just fine, love.” Letting her go, he smoothed the dress back down her legs and walked off, leaving her flustered in anger, embarrassment, and if she were being totally honest, arousal.
“Not. One. Word.” She hissed, pointing at the men who suddenly found the floor, the ceiling, and each other much more interesting than her.
As she stalked off in Ghost’s direction, Soap crossed his arms over his chest and muttered, “I’m not paying you money. They didn’t confess.”
Gaz smirked. “Yeah, but they’re gonna bone so it still counts.”
Price scowled at them. “You’re dogs…how much are we betting?”
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andivmg · 3 months
speak up andi, I beg of you, you have been mistreated the most here, I know it took shubble a lot of courage but she has helped so many people
i want to start this off by saying it is not a competition and i do not want to compare my experience to anybody else’s. shubble is so fucking strong and i admire her and everyone else who has spoken up about experiencing abuse endlessly.
this is way longer than i intended it to be. i did not plan to go into as much depth as i did but the words just kinda kept coming and i kept thinking that if someone else is in a similar situation to the one i was in, it would be good to point out even some of the smaller details so that they can see that these behaviors are not something to be overlooked and could be a symptom of a bigger issue… idk. i apologize for how lengthy and wordy this is but i hope it all makes sense somehow
a lot of you know who one of my exes is and i am asking you to please not make this about him. i am simply sharing my experience with some of my past relationships in hopes that they help someone else. i beg of you, do not go on twitter making threads speculating on whatever because it’s just going to cause me a bunch of problems and i don’t want this to be brought to his attention. if you share my story, please do not do it with the intent of starting drama. if you share my story, focus on the behaviors i am talking about instead of trying to figure out if it’s about him.
this goes without saying but i’ll put it here anyway: i will be talking about toxic relationships, mention of self harm, mention of sex, implied violence. if any of these topics are triggering to you please scroll away, protect yourself.
I have been in a lot of relationships, but there are 4 that i would truly identify as the ones who had the biggest impact on me. Two of those i would consider emotional mistreatment. I don’t want to say i was abused for reasons that i will be discussing with my therapist this week, but i can certainly say i was mistreated. For the sake of privacy, i will be referring to these two dudes as 1 and 6.
I think the biggest difference between 1 and 6 is that 6 was obsessed with me to the point where i felt like i was being suffocated, whereas i’m not sure if 1 ever cared about me in the first place.
6 and i started out pretty normally. we had a bunch of friends in common and we were around the same people. so eventually, we became friends too. we would text and call all the time until feelings developed into a relationship. in the beginning he was really sweet and caring, saying all the right things that got me falling head over heels. now, something important to note is that i am someone who has always had a lot of guy friends. when i was little and in school, my mom made friends with a bunch of other moms and those moms were boy moms, so i grew up surrounded by boys. i bring this up because 6 didn’t like my guy friends. actually, i think he just didn’t like the fact that i had guy friends at all. so, whenever i would hang out with my friends, it was a problem. so this resulted in me never being able to go out or hang out with my friends unless he was there. then it got worse. before we started dating he had decided to cut back on drinking and to stop smoking. so because of this, i decided that i wouldn’t drink or smoke around him in solidarity. this was not enough for him. i had to stop drinking and smoking altogether. so once, when i was hanging out with my girl friends we decided to stay in and get wine drunk. we posted about it on our private stories on snap and once he saw, 6 called me arguing and yelling at me because i was drinking and posting about it on my story for “attention”. after this incident, i was no longer allowed to hang out with my friends because they were a “bad influence”. he also didn’t like the clothes i wore. sorry, let me reiterate: he didn’t like my clothes when he wasn’t around. it was perfectly fine for me to wear a short dress… if i was with him. i was not allowed to wear “revealing” clothing if he wasn’t around. mind you, none of the clothes i wore were revealing, it’s not my fault i’m hot yk? he took over my life. who i talked to, what i did, what i wore, where i would go, it was all up to him. my life no longer belonged to me. and at the time, i was okay with that. i didn’t realize that he had so much control over everything. i was young and naïve and he convinced me that he knew what was best for me. that he had lived more than i had and experienced more than i had and that he knew better. he was so good at making everything my fault and making him the hero or victim depending on the situation. i got catcalled on the street? “because you were wearing that fucking dress again, andrea you know how that looks. of course you got catcalled. this is why you can’t wear things like that when i’m not around to protect you”. I decided to have a fun night in with my friends and get drunk? “i just don’t understand why you would be posting yourself on your private story like that. you’re drunk and vulnerable. why do you want other people, other guys, to see you like that? and you know i’ve cut back on drinking so how do you think it makes me feel to see that? don’t you love me enough to do this for me?” the worst part is i believed him. because, in the beginning, he helped me so much and i looked up to him so much, surely he had my best interests at heart, right? this relationship went on for way longer than it should have. you may be asking yourself, how did you leave? if you were so in love with him and entranced by him to the point where he consumed you, why did you leave? he raised his hand. that’s what got me to finally leave. a year after we broke up, i found out that he was drinking, smoking, and doing all kinds of shit he told me he wasn’t throughout our entire relationship. he was awful, and i’m really proud of myself for being strong enough to leave when i did. i’m also really grateful for my friends, who stuck out that whole train wreck with me. who i lashed out against in order to protect him and defend him. they stuck by me through it all and i don’t know where i would be without them so shoutout to them lmfao.
1 was a bit more complicated. it started out in a similar way. we had the same friends, hung out around the same people, so it was only a matter of time until we became friends too. we would call and text every day until feelings were developed. at least i developed feelings, i’m still not sure he did. i told him this and i don’t remember how the conversation went but basically we had decided that we were talking as more than friends now. enough time went by where i was ready for it to become a relationship and i communicated that to him. looking back, i think he felt pressured into the relationship by me and by our friends. anyway we started dating and everything was fine. we would hang out and talk all the time but i felt like he was bored or disinterested by me, so i would constantly beg for his attention. i became this needy clingy version of myself that i hated. it felt like when we would hang out, he was always distracted by something else. i basically felt invisible to him. that is, when i wasn’t hanging out with my guy friends. similarly to 6, 1 did not like my guy friends or the fact that i had guy friends in the first place. i had a guy best friend at the time who is one of the most amazing people i have ever met. let’s call him S. S and 1 were acquainted with each other, hung out in the same circles etc. but 1 still didn’t like him. sometimes, whenever 1 was busy doing whatever he did when he wasn’t with me, i would hang out with S, we would watch shows together and just talk. Some days, it felt like i talked to S more than my own boyfriend. this did not sit well with 1. he would ask “why the fuck are you always hanging out with him?” to which i would reply “maybe if you hung out with me more, i wouldn’t have so much free time to spend with him” (toxic ik but what can i say? i was feeling neglected). so you can see what problems this caused. eventually i cut S off. I stopped talking to him completely and i haven’t spoken to him since. Back to 1. even after cutting off my best friend, nothing really changed. He didn’t spend much time with me and whenever we would, i felt like he couldn’t wait to go off and do something else. this got exhausting. at that point i was begging him to love me, to pay attention to me, to care about me. this led to us breaking up. he broke up with me over text. it read, and i quote, “i think we aren’t meant for each other. i think you deserve someone that will treat you better than i do. I don’t think i’m in love with you and i tried to force myself to love you because i thought that’s what i wanted but i really don’t think it is. we started this relationship when i was just tired of being alone and i really just don’t think it is right anymore. i don’t think i am attracted to you. I am sorry, i really didn’t know how to end this and this probably isn’t the best way to do it but it’s time”. The relationship went on for another six months after this. granted, i should have had more self respect and never gotten back together with him but it is what it is. so after he told me that he didn’t love me and that he wasn’t attracted to me, we stayed “friends”. which basically meant that we did everything that a relationship involved. without actually being in a relationship. that is, until one of his friends hit me up. there was some flirtation going on but nothing serious. i was still in love with 1 but, at the time, i was in desperate need for attention and his buddy was there to provide it. when i told 1 about it he flipped out, called me all kinds of crazy and decided he was done with me. his friend and i talked about it and poked fun at the fact that he broke up with me but got mad at someone else paying attention to me. when 1 saw this (he ended up forcing me to show him the screenshots of the conversation) he was even more pissed and even more done with me. the next day he called me and we were basically back together again.
however, this time, i was meant to earn his affection. because i did something so unforgivable and atrocious, he was basically in the clear to treat me like shit. and he did. he would cancel plans to go hang out with his friends. he would only come over late at night, even when i had class the next day. i was basically at his mercy. we only hung out when he decided. we only spoke when he wanted to. i honestly can’t even recall us going on any date after that incident, save for one dinner. in short, i was not a priority to him. this, combined with some other stuff, really took at toll on my mental health. i entered a deep depression and began self-harming after being clean for 3 years. i sought out help and found a wonderful therapist who really helped me. but, 1 only saw this as one more problem. when we hung out he would complain that i was too sad. important note: because of that text he sent me i was incredibly insecure. so, little arguments would always end up escalating because i felt like he literally did not care about me and he would just keep making me feel like shit about being depressed. whenever we argued (which was very often) it would end in me locking myself in the bathroom, sobbing, nearly throwing up, while he was on his phone. i remember one specific argument started because he asked me if i would leave him for harry styles and i jokingly said yes (i am not and have never been attracted to harry styles). that argument escalated to the point where we almost broke up and he said to me “you should warn people before they fall in love with you that you are so mentally ill. because you’re always going to bring down the mental state of who you’re with”. he used my mental health against me like that a lot. whenever i would bring up something i wanted him to do or something that i didn’t like, he would call me needy, clingy, and say that he was trying his best but that i needed too much, that i was too much. all i wanted was reassurance. looking back, that’s all i ever asked for. whenever i would ask him if he loved me he would say “well i’m with you aren’t i?”. this is the same man who decided to go to vegas with his friends on my birthday after he promised he wouldn’t. this is the same man who said that he didn’t love me. the same one who said he wasn’t attracted to me. the same man who i would catch looking at other girl’s (some being his “friends”) provocative pictures on twitter. (this is definitely tmi so i’m just going to put a bunch of asterisks at the end of the tmi so you can skip there if you don’t want to read it) but there was a long period of time in our relationship where we had zero intimacy, and it wasn’t because of me. this fucked with my head a lot because i had this idea that because i was so emotional and needy that i could compensate physically. but when that stopped, my thoughts looked something like “the only thing i was useful for was sex and now he doesn’t even want that from me”.************whenever i remember this, a part of me thinks he might’ve been cheating on me during that time, but i have no proof so i guess we’ll never know. also during that time period, we were arguing over the same things over and over “it feels like you don’t love me” “but i’m hanging out with you” “that’s not the same as loving me” “you’re so fucking needy. and then you wonder why i don’t like coming over”. it was exhausting. we had the same friend group. and even our friends got so sick of us that they would tell me to break up with him. this went on for months until one day, on our one year anniversary, he told me that his plans for the day included playing video games. nothing else. that’s when i broke up with him. that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. i just couldn’t do it anymore.
we stayed friends afterwards in order to keep the peace within the friend group. after about a month, he told me he was going to do better. he said he was going to start going to the gym, and maybe even going to therapy, that he was going to eat better and live a better lifestyle for me. he said he was going to plan dates for us and treat me the way i deserved etc. very much vibes from that one euphoria scene. but i was done. maybe i didn’t communicate that well enough to him and that’s my fault. but i was really confused at the time and i didn’t know what i wanted. eventually we had a conversation and that’s when i told him that i was no longer interested in a relationship. i think i just didn’t believe him anymore. i didn’t believe that he would change for me or anyone else for that matter. through the entire relationship he was mean to me, he neglected me, belittled me, and overall made me feel like shit at worst and invisible at best. even when i would offer to plan things or suggest activities for us to do together, he would be disinterested the entire time or just cancel and make plans with his friends instead. and of course it was all my fault for one, flirting with his friend that one time, and two, just not being interesting enough. he made it feel like i wasn’t good enough, and at the same time victimized himself. he would tell me “nothing i do is ever good enough for you” while i was the one putting in all the effort in the relationship. then he would go “well why would i put in effort with you? remember when you were flirting with [redacted]? I still think about that and it fucks me up”. mind you, he would only bring this up whenever i brought up any concerns or issues. anyway, as you can tell it took me a really long time to realize that this relationship was toxic and unhealthy and i’m really proud of myself, again, for having the strength to leave and never look back. i think one of the reasons why it took me so long to realize that i was being mistreated was because everyone around him loved him. and to me it was hard to see how someone that was so well liked could be bad. so i felt like i was the problem. i felt like there was something wrong with me and if i just fixed that, then he would treat me better and love me and care about me. it took a lot of therapy to realize that he just wasn’t that into me. i was like a toy to him that he could just pay attention to when he was bored but ignore me the rest of the time. but then, when someone else showed interest in me he would suddenly care and be like “no she’s mine, you can’t have her”. he didn’t want me but he didn’t want anyone else to have me and that was the bottom line. that was the base off all the problems and toxicity that happened while we were together.
in conclusion, both of these men were awful in their own unique ways. i hope that by sharing this, someone who is in a similar situation will see it and identify these behaviors as something to watch out for. i hope that someone will see it and realize that they are not alone, and that they are not the first person to go through it, and that it gets better. these events all happened over two years ago and now i am in a beautiful and healthy relationship, i’m studying something that i am passionate about, and i am surrounded by people who love, care about, and support me. i am in a much happier place now and you will find that too, whoever you might be <3
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h34rtbeat · 5 months
what about non con with Heeseung and Sunghoon
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warnings: non con, oral (m.receiving), p in v sex, public sex (?) , slapping, hair pulling, degradation. HARD non-con, and hard dom!heeseung, softer but still hard dom sunghoon
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working late wasn’t necessarily fun, nor was it boring. every now and then you’d get some crazy people, but it was a gas station, what could you expect?
sure here and there some person would come in, yelling and screaming, yet nothing was as scary as now.
two very attractive men walked in, not strange— many come in after clubbing. but these guys were clean. nice jawline, one of them paler than the other, yet both were shining.
working at a convenience store wasn’t ever bad, not until someone attractive walked in.
dressed in a black shirt, a skirt and some fleece tights. the black shirt being a collared polo, with the company logo. that wasn’t charming at all. sometimes paired with a simple black zip up like tonight, since it was chilly.
especially not when these two men are gorgeous— probably the hottest men you’ve seen walk in this stupid gas station.
they wore hoodies and sweats, though only one had a hood on. you didn’t know his name, yet he knew yours because of your name tag. grabbing numerous chip bags and some sweet bread from the isles, they approached.
“having a goodnight?” you asked, not because you were actually curious, but to make some small talk.
“…so so.” one of them replied. the other one- the paler one was either zoning out, or his stare was really just that intense.
“you have a pretty name.” the same one— tanned one, spoke. he pointed at your name tag, making you a bit flustered.
“thanks.” you replied, still scanning other items.
then, you saw one— the paler one— lean over and whisper something in his friends ear. you saw the other one, the tanned one, have a face feigning shock. not super shocked, like a “oh?”
“your total is 15.2-“ your sentence cut short by one, the paler one this time,
“i uhm.. forgot my wallet. is there any other way we can pay?” you look between the two men. they both looked a bit amused.
“do.. you have your card on your phone?” you asked, there was always paying methods.
the tanned one spoke out again “no, well.. we were thinking of other ways to pay it back.”
“uhm.. i’m sorry i can’t think of any other way? Unless you guys have some sort of membership here.” you gestured towards the window, showing that there was an app.
“damn, she’s stupid..” one rubbed his face.
then, the paler one looked directly at you.
“hey, can you show me where the bathroom is?” you were about to point.
“no, like.. can you show me?”
you gulped. but nodded. you stepped out from behind the register, and began to walk towards the bathroom. why were you terrified? you had showed the bathroom before. it was behind a storage room for some reason.
you checked behind your shoulder to make sure he was still following, but then you saw both of them. maybe both of them needed to use the restroom, right?
taking a turn, you finally reached the storage room. where the bathroom was.
“and.. it’s right over h-mmph!”
a slender hand grabbing you, shutting your mouth while your back ended pressed up against the other one. panic filled your senses, and your wrists were held by the other guy.
“you know, you’re a real pretty gas station worker. usually it’s some old dude, but you…” the tan one leaned in, “are just… so young and pretty.”
“do you wanna know who we are?” the tan one asked, and you looked up at him, shaking your head.
“our friends come here sometimes… one of them, he’s real young. he thinks you’re real cute. you seen him? he has.. blond-ish hair..” he scoffed, before continuing “never mind , there’s probably a thousand guys with blonde hair.”
“be nice, she doesn’t understand what we’re doing.” the pale one said. “why don’t we tell her our names? i doubt this chick will snitch anyway.” he unzipped your sweater, with one hand. he took his hand off your mouth, to discard your zip up.
you squirmed, thrashing against the tanned one, not wanting to be touched.
“stop it— don’t touch m-“ a tug of your hair, pulling your head back, and the tan one was tongue deep in your mouth, clashing your lips together.
“she’s gonna be loud, huh..” the pale one mumbled, already meshing your boobs together through the polo. “my name’s sunghoon.. his name is heeseung..”
heeseung pulled off your lips, releasing your wrists so he could start rubbing your waist. “you’re pretty and your body feels nice.. how in the world did you end up in a gas station?”
in any other situation that you’d create in your mind, you’d try to scream and punch, but your waist was gripped so hard that you couldn’t move.
sunghoon moved in, now he was kissing you. they were going to have their fun with you, even if you didn’t want to.
heeseung seemed to just be observing, sunghoons hands still clamped on your breasts as he was sloppily eating you alive. heeseungs hands slipped lower, til they found themselves under your skirt.
you let out a shriek in sunghoons mouth, but he would only pull away if he needed to breathe, not if you did. he didnt care if you didn’t like it, because he did.
“a nice ass too…” heeseung muttered, flipping your skirt up completely. sunghoon pulled off of you, completely moving his hands off.
you thought maybe then— they’d both stop. then, behind you, you heard a slight shuffling noice, and you were flipped around, shoved to your knees.
you couldn’t utter a word of defense, heeseungs cock shoved right between your lips.
“Fuck— oh, you’re real pretty, so pretty..” he moaned, pushing your head down so you’d take him fully. He wanted to torture you, to see how you’d take it.
Fully aware that sunghoon was still behind you, even as your nails dug into heeseungs thighs. All that could be heard in that silent store, was your choking and gagging noises, and heeseungs moans.
“She’s a slut, I told you..” you heard sunghoon mutter, you could hear him lean against one of the storage shelves as your mouth was being used like a fleshlight.
“Heeseung, lift her up.” Sunghoon said, and heeseung groaned.
“why? can’t you see.. she’s enjoying herself.” heeseung mocked, your eyes brimming with tears, having on his cock.
“i think she’s ready to fuck, that’s why.” sunghoon muttered.
heeseung tugged your hair, pulling your mouth off.
“guess we’ll just have to keep her bent over…” heeseung says, as he forced you up. sunghoons hands pushed at your back, so you bent over, your nose dragging along heeseungs dick.
you felt a breeze against your ass now, yet you didn’t hear a rip. seemed this guy had enough decent to not rip your fleece tights.
“this bitch is wearing fleece tights.. i can’t even rip ‘em.” sunghoon cursed, slipping your panties to the side.
“that means she’s cold. we gotta keep her warm then, yeah” heeseung laughed, as he kept rubbing his dick, moving it across your face.
“did you grab those condoms off the counter?” heeseung asked, putting himself back in your mouth, just the tip this time.
sunghoon fiddled with the band of his pants, bringing them down only enough for his dick to spring out.
“no. I wanted to fuck her raw.” your eyes widened, and you looked up at heeseung, as if begging him to say no.
“do whatever.” heeseung laughed. “this bitch wants to beg.”
“mhm..” sunghoon took one final look at your sopping cunt, before sliding right in. “oh.. fuck…” he almost came from how right you were.
“is this bitch a virgin?” sunghoon almost laughed, beginning his deep thrusts.
“don’t think so.. she’s suckin’ my dick like a whore.” heeseung continued his hair pulling antics, and your body was forced to take sunghoon and heeseung deeper, the thrust moving your body involuntarily.
“fuck.. uh.. ah..” sunghoon moaned, landing a light slap on your ass. “clenching tighter? bet you’re enjoying all this, huh? you liked being fucked by two guys at your workplace?”
“nasty ass slut.” heeseung cursed. he could hear the way you gagged around him, he likes it more now that your tears were actually spilling down your cheeks. the lip gloss you wore was smeared all over his dick.
“oh.. fuck.. i’m gonna cum inside of her, yeah..” sunghoon mumbles, and you made a noise against heeseung.
“bro.. what if she gets pregnant.” heeseung questioned, even though he was suffocating you with his dick.
“no fuckin’ way. ask her if she’s on the pill.”
heeseung slapped your cheek. “you on the pill?”
you wanted to lie, to shake your head no, but you felt that either way, they didn’t care. it was better to be honest.
you nodded.
“she wants me to cum inside.. uh.” sunghoon grunted, before you could protest, heeseung pulled your face off, making your tongue loll out. he painted your face with his semen, making sure to leave some on your tongue.
“good slut.. i’ll have to come back and fuck you like he did sometime. swallow.” heeseung tapped your chin with his thumb, and you complied, closing your mouth and swallowing.
sunghoon did his quietly, cumming inside your cunt and forcing you to keep it in. he didn’t say anything as he tucked himself back in.
some part of you kind of wished it didn’t end.
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bro-atz · 6 months
all tatted up— back tattoo
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in which: there's a really good reason why san never called you after you hooked up
pair: san/afab!reader
word count: 3.8k
content: smut, san gets tipsy/drunk but in this world he's a horny drunk... not a cute drunk..., bedroom sex, unprotected (consensual) sex (remember to wrap it up irl!), tattoos, he calls you kitten a lot, creampies, spanking, a lot of what happened the last time but more?, completely consensual!
author's note: yes i saw the performance yes i stopped breathing yes i cried. two things: 1. help; 2. let's pretend that san didn't have all the brushstroke tattoos in the previous ff yeah? he has the wolf, the hand tattoos, the warrior across the ribcage, and the bands around his arms (i also edited the ff to reflect that...) and yes this is definitely a continuation of all tatted up you're welcome
tag list: @k-hotchoisan @eyeryis apply for the permanent taglist here! part one | part two | part three
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“Hey, Y/N. How’s it going?” your bouncer friend greeted you with the most irritating smile.
“Why is your face like that?” you asked with a frown.
“Well… Remember that one guy? The guy who was standing next to you when we had that big birthday party call in?”
Your blood immediately began to boil. San. Choi San. That asshole.
“Tell him to fucking get lost.”
The bouncer flinched and looked at you with slight fear in his eyes.
“W-why? I thought you’d be happy… He was like asking for you, and he was super sweet while—”
“Dude, just shut up,” you took out your irritation on the poor guy. “You don’t know anything. I don’t wanna deal with him, so just get him the fuck outta here.”
“Sorry, hun, but until he comes onto you, I can’t kick him out.”
“Ugh! Fine. Just keep him away from me then.”
He opened his mouth to say another thing, but you were done. You needed, like needed, that drink stat. You greeted the bartender, who was a little busy since the bar was busier that day, and sat your ass down in one of the bar stools and waited for your drink instead of conversing with them like you usually did. And, just as your drink arrived, so did the one human being you didn’t ever want to see ever again.
“Hi, Y/N,” San greeted softly, a gentle smile on his face.
You turned away from him, but he just walked to the other side of the stool. You should’ve just gotten up and walked away, but you were stubborn— you were there first, so why the fuck did you have to move? You turned away again, hoping that he would give up the more you kept turning.
“Come on, don’t be like that…”
“What the fuck? You don’t get to fucking say a thing, you prick! I haven’t heard a single word from you since that night, so what the fuck dude?”
You turned away again, but San appeared right in front of you again. He reached out to you as if he wanted to hold you to keep you from turning again, but he stopped. He knew his place.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” his apology sounded pretty sincere (which it was). “I have a reason why, but I’m sure you don’t wanna hear it.”
“Yeah, I don’t.”
You turned away once more, only to turn yourself back this time because you couldn’t resist the urge to confront him. You were pissed, and you seriously wanted him to know that.
“Why the fuck are you here, anyway? What happened to not wanting to go to a bar?”
“My friends wanted to go drinking, so I chose this place in hopes I’d get to see you again.”
“Hah!” you scoffed and crossed your arms over your chest. “You could’ve called, San. You could’ve even texted. You even fucking said that you wanted to go on a date— you were the one to ask that, not me, so what the fuck happened man?”
“I know. I’m sorry, kitten, I know I should’ve called or texted, but I just got so caught up in my own world.” You held your breath and nearly hiccuped when he brought his face near yours, his warm breath hitting the skin on your neck as he whispered, “But I never stopped thinking about you.”
“I seriously doubt it,” you responded while pushing him away.
“I promise you I seriously did think about you all the time and loved every moment with you! Tell me. How can I prove it to you? How can I make it up to you?”
“No idea. You can try, but I doubt you’ll succeed.”
With that, you stood up, took your drink with you, and fully walked away from him. Truth be told, if you really didn’t want to interact with him, you would’ve just left the bar, and even though it had been a whole fucking month since you last saw him, he still made your pussy tremble. You challenged him already knowing he’d win, but you wanted to see how he’d try to win you over.
So, it completely took you by surprise when you saw him order a beer from the bartender. You thought he didn’t drink, so this was… New. It kind of excited you in a way— you knew how he fucked while he was sober, but drunk? Definitely something you wanted to explore.
San didn’t come to you as soon as he got that beer. No, he stayed at the bar. He finished one beer, then two within thirty minutes. When he got his third beer, he finally approached you. You turned away from him, but then decided that was the worst fucking idea because he could grind into your ass. So, you faced him. He didn’t utter a damn word while he was standing before you. Even as the bar got more and more packed, he just remained standing, but the distance between he and you closed fairly quickly. Then you were pressed up right against him. You could’ve moved away, taken a step back, or fully left, but shit. San was built like a soft but firm wall and you just wanted to lean against that wall all the live long day.
The other reason you didn’t move was because he was so turned on. You looked up and saw that his face was flushed red (most likely because of the beer), but he was acting so nonchalant despite the fact that his cock was ready to burst at any given moment. He was looking away from you and somewhere, God know where, into the bar. Just that side profile and what he looked like drinking his beer while his tight, black turtleneck showed his muscles rippling from the side could’ve knocked you out from the beginning.
San noticed you staring and looked down at you, a slight smirk on his face.
“Will you let me prove and make it up to you now?”
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San’s apartment was the same as it was a month ago, but this time things were a little different— you and San slammed his front door open, kicked your shoes off haphazardly, and tore through his place until you reached his bed, your lips locked with his the entire time. His tongue was annihilating yours the more he shoved it into your mouth, his hungry, animalistic kisses wrecking your lips as well.
San tossed you onto the bed and immediately started stripping. He pulled his shirt off incredibly fast, flung it to some place in his studio apartment, and pinned you down, his lips yearning for yours once again. And just as quickly as he tossed his shirt away, he tossed your shirt and bra as well, a short gasp leaving you as you wondered how the fuck he was able to strip you down so quickly.
“Do you want me to prove it first?” he asked you breathlessly in between kisses.
“How?” you barely managed to get out.
You whined slightly when he stopped kissing you to sit up. His hands grabbed onto the waistbands of your pants and underwear, bunching the fabric up in his hands before pulling down and sending them flying at the speed of light. San was a fucking magician when it came to stripping, apparently.
A loud cry of pleasure left your soul and echoed throughout the apartment the second San rushed two of his thick fingers into your pussy. They immediately target the g-spot, and before you could even think straight for one second, he had you cumming, squirting all over his bedsheets.
“Fuck, that was quick, kitten,” there was a hint of a laugh in his words.
“Well, it’s been one fucking month, San.”
“What, you haven’t fucked anyone else since then?”
“Do you think anyone can compare to you?” you shot back. “No one will ever compare to you, you fucking beast.”
San shivered— hearing you call him beast was such a turn on, a turn on he didn’t even know he had— and grinned.
“Well, I’ll make it up to you, but first, lemme prove myself.”
With that, San dove right into your cunt, his nose pressing against your clit as his tongue pushed its way through your entrance and inside you. You gasped loudly and pushed your head back into the mattress. You were still recovering from the high of your last orgasm, still raw, so him just going at you ruthlessly had you squirming, writhing, crying.
“Oh! Oh, fuck! San-ngh, I’m—”
You couldn’t finish your sentiment. You cried loudly as pleasure washed over you, your pussy convulsing and staining the sheets with your slick. You were practically sobbing at that point, tears trickling down your face, the pleasure simply becoming too much for you to handle.
Just as San pressed his tongue flat against the lips of your pussy and dragged upwards, you reached for his hair and grasped it tightly, pulling him up and away from your pussy.
“You,” you panted, still recovering from the high of back to back orgasms. “Proved your fucking point. You proved yourself. Now make it up to me.”
“How would you like me to do that for you, kitten?” San asked while wiping the tears from your eyes.
“Fuck me senseless. I want to feel your fat cock pile-drive me into next year. I want you to fill me up until I’m overflowing and spilling everywhere. Make those tattoos dance again, lover-boy.”
San raised his eyebrows in surprise first, then smiled with a slight smirk. Wordlessly, he got off the bed and turned around to take off his pants; and that’s when you saw it.
“Woah, wait, stop,” you told him as you pushed yourself up and crawled over to him.
You grabbed the waistband of his pants and sat his ass down on the edge of the bed before running your palm over and down his spine. You seriously thought the tattoo was going to rub off, so you were completely taken aback when it did not.
“When— What— How— Huh?!”
“Oh, yeah, that,” San let out a light laugh. “That was part of the reason I never called.”
“What the fuck? Why?”
“I got that tattoo like two days after we slept together. It was healing, kitten. I wanted you to scratch my back and show me how fucking good I make you feel.”
Your face got hot red as he explained himself, your entire body flushing with lust and desire.
“And you can’t really scratch a tattoo while it’s healing,” he continued to explain. “Otherwise it won’t turn out as pretty as it did.”
You, at first, were going to tell him that he still could’ve fucking called, but knowing you, the second you heard his voice, you want to fuck him immediately. He definitely played it safe.
“It’s all good and healed now, though, so go ahead.” San smirked as he quipped, “Scratch away, kitten.”
The horrible pun made you want to not fuck him anymore, but once he finished stripping down entirely, that opinion immediately changed. God, his cock. You dreamt about it ever since you slept with him the first time, and you even told yourself you’d do anything to have this cock in your life again.
Turning around so that you were on your hands and knees, you looked over your shoulder and wiggled your ass, making San’s dick twitch and rise higher. Running his tongue over his lower lip before biting his lip, San got on the bed and knelt behind you, his hand resting on your asscheek.
“Raw,” you stated the second you felt his hot touch on your skin.
“Of course.”
San rubbed the tip of his cock along your folds before swiftly thrusting into you, his cock gliding in because of how wet you were. You cried out when his waist hit your ass with incredible force, the sound of the slap drowning in your moan.
Quickly and without remorse, San pounded away. He would slap your ass sporadically, and you would yelp every single time. Your asscheeks got redder with every slap, and the stings of his slaps immediately subdued when he gripped your ass so fucking hard that his fingers were digging into your skin.
“You like that kitten, don’t you?” San bit out, his voice low and nearly growling. “You like this beastly cock ripping your insides into shreds, huh?”
“Yes! Fuck! Oh, God! Ye-es!” you responded in between each slap of his waist against yours.
San pushed your upper back down so that your ass would raise and your back would arch with a slope that made his dick go insane. His thrusts sped up when your ass was in the air and you were pressing your breasts on the bed. Your hands gripped the sheets tightly as you cried out for the man more and more, the pleasure making your eyes fog up and your tongue nearly loll out of your mouth.
“S-san!” you cried loudly, trying your best to overpower the sound of his thrusts into your red, sore pussy. “I wanna— Angh— Hold your hands.”
There were two things San could’ve done: one was to bend over you and press his hands over yours as he continued to fuck you from behind, and the other was to flip you around and lace his fingers with yours properly. He opted for the latter.
You were on your back, your legs splayed out so your pussy was on fully display. San filled your pussy so quickly and pushed himself in between your legs with such force you felt like he was going to split you right open. Lacing his fingers with yours, San had your hands resting on either side of your head, pinning you the same way he would even without your hands tight in his grasp.
San wasn’t thrusting as fast as he was earlier, but God, he was slamming his pelvis into yours so fucking hard that your ass was digging into the mattress. The harder he thrust, the closer he got to your cervix— he was going so deep into you that you were losing your sanity with every slam. Your eyes were rolling to the back of your head, and you were chewing on your lower lip trying so desperately to at least keep your words sane since the thoughts in your head were anything but sane.
“Kitten, don’t do that,” you heard San say in that baritone voice with tiny pants in between word.
Your eyes were barely able to focus on his face as you tried to make eye contact and see what it was he was telling you not to do. It wasn’t until his thumb pulled on your lower lip and he quickly sucked on it did you realize he didn’t want you to keep quiet.
“Don’t hold back. I want you to scream my name, make me go deaf.”
“FUCK!” you immediately cried, moans and groans and other profanities tumbling out of your mouth. “SO GOOD! SAN! HARDER, OH GOD I’M SO FUCKING CLOSE!”
“Oh yeah, there we go kitten,” he said with a slight grin, satisfaction laced in his words. “That’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout.”
San sped up the tiniest bit, and you fucking lost it. You flung your head side to side as the pleasure made you writhe entirely. San grabbing and squeezing your breast did not make it better at all. You so badly wanted to cum, but you weren’t quite there yet. So, you did as he told you to. You wrapped your legs around his waist, then your arms over his shoulders, your nails immediately digging into the skin on his shoulder blades. You clawed at him, yearning for more.
You heard San’s throaty chuckle in your ear as he dropped his head and gave you exactly what you wanted. He was moving so fast that the whole bed was shifting back and forth with his power. You clung to his back and cried his name when he finally rammed just hard enough into your cervix. You came loudly, your cunt clenching as you entire body trembled, your orgasm fully wrecking you.
San fucking lost it when you clenched that hard around his fat cock. After quickly grabbing both of your arms, the insatiable beast was pinning you down and hovering over you, sweat dripping down his face, neck, abs, and arms. His eyes were hazy, and his jaw was clenched tightly. With the way he was holding your arms, you felt like could snap them in half at any given moment. That look of his— that incredible intense version of San— made your cunt tighten.
His eyes got sharper, and he definitely dissociated. He held both your arms up above your head with one hand while choking you lightly with the other. Just seeing him grit his teeth and look at you with such intensity while constricting your breath made tears roll down your face because it felt so fucking good.
Your mind went blank when San slammed his waist into you without remorse, his cum rushing heavily into you. You felt his cock twitch and throb as he came, a deep groan leaving his body.
San pushed himself up and held onto your waist, raising it up slightly as he continued to move in and out of you, cum still spurting out of his cock. Finally, he pulled out, and along with his soft, thick cock came a flow of his cum. He caught his breath and watched his white stickiness trail down from your red, raw pussy in between your asscheeks and over your hole— and just like that, he’s hardagain.
You felt his cock stiffen and rub against you as it rose up. Before the man could even say anything, you were moving (pretty slowly because your hips and waist were on fire) towards him. You lightly pushed his shoulder back, and it was his turn to lie down on the bed.
Spreading his thighs out, you knelt in between his legs and took his firm dick into your hands. You stroked him up and down with both your hands and watched as the man ran his fingers through his hair and held it back, gasps and grunts leaving his lips with every stroke. But you wanted more— you wanted to hear him beg and leak profanities from his rosy lips.
Slowly, you took him into your mouth. Your tongue swirled around the head of his cock briefly, the man’s breath hitching. You slowly lowered yourself, taking more and more of him in. But, you took in a little more than you were able to. The tip of his penis hit your throat, making you gag.
“Ngh, yes, kitten. Just like that.”
You pressed your hands into his thighs as you continued to blow him. You wanted to mix it up when you gave head— for instance, you took him in completely, then would release as if you were sucking on a lollipop, or you just moved quickly while moaning and humming. Regardless of what you did, San fucking loved it. When you moved your head all the way up gasping for air, the mix of your spit, your cum, and his cum all mixed together and trailing from your mouth and tongue to his cock was too much for him to handle. You took him back into your mouth once more and moaned, the vibrations finally getting to him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck— kitten, I’m—”
San couldn’t finish what he was saying because you pushed yourself all the way down on his cock once more and gagged, the gag sending him to pure bliss. He immediately reached out for your head and pushed you down as he came into you mouth with a loud groan.
Seconds later, the high wore off, and San looked at you to see him gazing at him with the glazed, wide eyes of yours that fucking turns him on, your cock still in his mouth. You waited for him to calm down before gulping down his cum, his eyes locked on you. You sat up and wiped your lips with your thumb to lick the rest of his cum that lingered on your face off.
“Oh my fucking God,” San groaned and squeezed his eyes shut before immediately sitting up and pinning you down.
You let out a little giggle as you felt San’s grasp on you tighten, his eyes and lips quivering as he said, “Goddamn it, kitten! Why are you so naughty?!”
All you do in response is run your tongue over your lower lip, bite it sensually, and then let out the tiniest giggle, provoking him once again to completely demolish you.
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San woke up mildly confused. He usually got morning wood, but he was extremely turned on— how was his morning wood that intense?
Then, he blinked the sleep out of eyes to see you pressed into his chest, your arms wrapped around his torso. He looked a little closer and saw that you were fucking cockwarming him this early in the morning. You planted a little kiss on his chest before moving away from him slightly to gaze at his dazed and confused face.
“Good morning, handsome.”
“Fu-uck kitten, you… You’re really…”
San couldn’t find the words after that— he was speechless. So, he did the next best thing and showed his gratitude by grabbing you by the neck and kissing you roughly this early in the morning, his thumb pressing into your neck a little too much, so much that it turned you on and made you roll your body against his, making San take in a deep shuddering breath.
“Just saying,” you purred into his ear. “If you ghost me again, this is what you’ll miss out on forever.”
You then swung your leg over his waist and intentionally rolled your body into his this time. Then, you took his hand and moved it to your ass, the man immediately rubbing and clenching your ass cheek.
“So, will you ghost me again?”
“Fuck no,” San said definitively. “God no.”
“What about if you get another tattoo?”
“Even if I get another tattoo, I’ll let you scratch the shit outta it— Fuck, Y/N. You’re so fucking perfect. I will never ever ever let go of you now.”
He leaned in to whisper, “You’re mine, kitten.”
“Good boy.” You grinned and kissed his chest lightly. Then, you brought your finger to his neck and trailed a line while saying, “Now, about that neck tattoo…”
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tojisblade · 3 months
ღ 𝒇𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒄𝒓𝒊𝒎𝒆 ༺ ღ ༻ 𝒇𝒖𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒈𝒖𝒓𝒐 𝒕𝒐𝒋𝒊 ღ
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༉‧₊˚. synopsis: one moment, you were doing something as basic as taking out the trash (like, literally), the next moment you were getting fucked by a wanted felon who pretty much broke into your place in hopes you‘d harbor him for a few minutes until the coast was clear. who knew the thrill of crime was so exhilarating you needed a quick one-night-stand to come back to your senses? or did you lose your mind entirely and just didn‘t notice in the process of being fucked into tomorrow?
༉‧₊˚. warnings: you literally fuck murderer!toji, unprotected sex, cunnilingus, fingering, he calls you princess (like, a lot of times), toji talks A LOT like dude shut up lmao
༉‧₊˚. this was entirely inspired by a scene in the rookie where lucy made up a cover story for how juicy and dim met, it's basically that but with toji
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He was in so much fucking trouble. 
Never did he even think the cops were onto him, God, the fucking cops in plain clothes as they were in the same club he was as he was smuggling the poison into some guy’s drink. Now they were running after him, trying to catch him. 
Toji quickly ran into a massive apartment complex as he tried to flee the scene. Looking around to see if there was anyone or any place he could hide, as he still ran. 
It was like fate when you opened the door, purely in coincidence. You were getting out to take out your trash as you saw him running frantically. “Hey, are you oka–“, you started out asking, but got interrupted. 
“Listen to me. The cops are after me and I need a hideout. Can I stay in for a moment until they leave?”, he said, frantically. 
“W-what?”, you stuttered, completely caught off-guard. 
“Fuck, just shut up”, he groaned before he grabbed your wrist and pulled you inside of your apartment. 
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?!”, you exclaimed, still not completely aware of what is going on. You had dropped the bag in shock as he pulled you in. 
“Shut. Up!”, he hissed, looking out of the window, just to see the two cops who were after him walking around the apartment complex with their guns drawn. “Shit.”
He looked around, trying to figure out what he could possibly do with his situation before he finally faced you. “Okay, listen. My name is Fushiguro Toji, and I am being chased by the cops out there. I know, I’m just a stranger, but trust me, I am not going to hurt you, despite how this all seem like, considering the cops are after me.”
“Uh… yeah, duh”, you scoffed, rolling your eyes. 
“Roll those eyes at me again and I’ll reconsider”, he immediately continued. “Do not fucking interrupt me, princess.”
“Fine, talk. You just broke into my apartment, so I do deserve some explanation. Start talking, or I’ll kick you out for the cops to find you.”
“And I apologize for the break-in. I swear I don’t plan on hurting you because that is just unnecessary evil, even for me. I just need a couple of minutes here in hideout so that I can run in peace. Is that okay?”, Toji asked. You were so convinced you had lost your damn mind when you nodded and agreed that he could stay over for a couple of minutes. 
“If the cops knock, I am not here”, Toji emphasized again, making sure you got it. 
As if on cue, there was a loud knock, startling you. You stayed quiet as you pointed at the bathroom for Toji to hide. Your heart was beating so fast, as you went to the door and asked; “Who is there?”
“Police Department. We want to ask you a few questions”, the officer yelled back. 
“Can you please identify yourself?”, you stalled as you checked if Toji had hidden. You looked through the peephole as the cops held up their detective badges before you smiled softly and opened the door for the cops. 
“What seems to be the problem, detectives?”, you asked gently. 
“We are in search of a murderer going by the name, Fushiguro Toji. Black haired, very tall and muscular. Last seen wearing a black t-shirt and blue jeans. He is classified as extremely dangerous. We last saw him entering this apartment complex. Have you seen him, by any chance?”, the officer asked. 
You pretended to think a little before you shook your head. “Nope. I was on my way out to take out my trash so, I was inside the whole time.”
“Alright, Ma’am, please give us a call if you see or remember anything. Would you want us to accompany us with you going outside, in case you don’t feel safe?” One of the two detectives handed you a card with his contact details. 
You nodded at the offer, tagging along as you took out your trash and thanked the officers for the company. “Could you possibly tell me a little about that person you’re looking for? Perhaps that will help me with my memory or something I can watch out for?”
“I cannot disclose any details yet as it is an ongoing investigation, however, the current suspected M.O of the suspect is that he uses poison in his victim’s drinks. So, perhaps just watch out for your drink the next time you’re out partying.”
“Thank you, officers. I can return to my apartment alone, thank you for the company. I’ll uh… let you know if I see something”, you said goodbye to the officers before turning around. 
“Goodbye, Ma’am, have a good night”, they said in unison. 
You quickly headed back, your entire body was literally on fire after that short conversation and the fact that you were literally harboring a felon in your apartment had you shaking to your core. Once you locked your apartment and made sure the cops were gone, you were suddenly pushed to the wall next to the door. “Good. You did great”, Toji had you cornered, smirking at you as you looked at him with big eyes, shocked by his sudden action. 
“Thank you”, you whispered back, not trusting your own voice. His arm was over your head on the wall, cornering you between his huge body and the wall. “You’re not so bad yourself. Out on a murder charge, huh?”
“So, you asked about me, didn’t you?”, Toji chuckled, biting his lip. “Yeah… what about it? You scared?”
“I should be, shouldn’t I? But God, it makes you oddly attractive and interesting. So, tell me, what is that all about?”, you ask then, a little smile sneaking onto your lips. “A murder suspect in my apartment, who insists on promising me that he won’t hurt me, hm?”
“Attractive and interesting?”, Toji chuckled. “I may or may not have added some extra ingredient to some dickhead’s drink.” He casually shrugged, eyeing you up and down. 
“So, that was why they said to be careful of my drinks next time I’m out partying, huh?”, you replied. 
“I would never add some additional ingredient to your drink, princess”, Toji taunted before he suddenly leaned in and kissed you. You couldn’t help but immediately melt into him, arms wrapping around his neck, as his one hand wrapped around your thigh and lifted it up around his hip. 
The kiss was so full of fire, so much passion and there was nothing but carnal desire and need – it was like the fact that he was a murderer, a wanted felon, flew right over your head. You simply couldn’t care less about it because, fuck, the entire situation was so incredibly hot, the fact that the cops were still around searching the premises was making you feel so tingly. 
“Mhm, princess, you taste so sweet. I wonder if your pussy tastes just as sweet, hm?”, he whispered against your lips, smirking. “Will you let me have a taste?”
“Maybe… but maybe I won’t. You’ve got to earn it, mister.”
“What a tease, princess. But you know what, you shouldn’t tease me, because believe me, I can do better than that”, he continued, before he leaned back in to kiss you once more as you grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head, your eyes going up and down over his very toned and muscular body. 
And you felt so insanely lucky to think about the fact that his body would be on top of you or underneath you in just a couple of minutes. 
“So, you wanna move this over to the bedroom or are you not that much of a gentleman and just fuck your women against a cold ass wall?”, you giggled.
“Oh, I sure as hell do not keep my women cold and standing, mh? Wouldn’t be so fair if I fuck you into oblivion and don’t give you a comfortable place to come down from the highs I give you, hm?”
“Someone’s cocky. But alas, unfortunately, there has been nothing but talk so far, honey”, you reply, giggling before you squealed in shock as he lifted you up over his shoulder. 
“Where’s the bedroom, princess?”, he asked, voice rough. “Need to teach you how to properly speak to me before I reward you with pleasure you have never felt in your life before.”
When you pointed to the room, he immediately went in and dropped you onto your bed, quickly climbing onto you, practically ripping apart your clothes. “God, princess, you’re so hot, so gorgeous underneath me”, he groaned, lips wandering down to your tits before he wrapped them around your one nipple, sucking and licking over the sensitive nub. Your body arched into him as you let out a whine and Toji smirked, enjoying the way you responded to his touch. 
“Reacting so fucking gorgeously for me, princess. Can’t wait to taste your pretty pussy”, he teased. “Did I earn it, princess?”
You nodded frantically. “Fuck, just get to it”, you whined. 
“So bossy, princess. Such a little slut for the murderer you harbored in your home and protected without knowing what dangers could possibly await you”, he snickered, “Does it excite you? Knowing you lied to cops for me, for someone you don’t even know?” Toji’s lips wandered down your body, slowly reaching your pussy and he pulled your panties aside to lick over your clit, flattening his tongue over your folds as he spread your legs apart with his hands. 
“Fuck don’t stop!”, you cried out, back arching again into his grip around your waist. 
He looked up at you, smirking as some saliva was running down his chin, and he was watching your every reaction. Toji had grown obsessed with how well you reacted to his touch, his tongue over your pussy. “Reacting so prettily for me, princess. Want more? Want me to fuck you? I’ll bring literal heaven to you, princess. If you let me.”
You were nodding once again, fingers buried in his hair as he lowered his head back again to your pussy and you felt two of his fingers against your entrance, slowly slipping in and fingering you slowly. Your eyes widened in surprise, you let out a choked sob as his fingers hit your sweet spot – you cried out as he continued with the constant stimulation. 
“Please, Toji, fuck me, please?”, you whined, attempting to pull him closer back on top of you. However, he was obviously way stronger than you and could stay where he was with no trouble at all. 
“It’s rude to interrupt a man while he’s eating, princess”, he grunted, “let me make you cum first on my mouth, princess, then I’ll fuck you.”
You whined as he increased his finger’s pace, continuing the sweet torture on your pussy with his lips as well and your hips were jolting up as you got closer to your release. A cry left your lips as you begged him not to stop and felt him smirk against your clit, promising not to stop until you came for him. 
It didn’t take too long for him to fulfil that promise. The way everything practically shattered around you had you thinking about the last time you had felt this much pleasure at once. “Holy shit”, you choked up. “That was… intense.”
“Told you, princess, I’ll bring literal heaven to you”, he smirked, slowly climbing on top of you and watching you come down from your high. “Did I keep my promise, princess?”
“You sure as hell did. But…”, you wrapped your arms around his neck as you pulled him closer for a kiss, “if you don’t put that damn cock of yours inside me anytime soon, I bet the cops will be very interested in knowing where you’re hiding.”
“You little minx… don’t worry, princess. I gave you a promise and I intend to keep it. You’re about to have the most intense night of your life.”
As he pulled down his jeans, your eyes widened as you saw his cock’s girth and length. You had already assumed that he was big, considering his big ass ego, but you didn’t expect this. He noticed your hesitation and laughed lightly. “Don’t worry, princess, I won’t hurt you.”
“You’re a wanted criminal, do you think I trust your word?”
“I promised I wouldn’t hurt you and I kept that promise. I told you I would bring you to heaven and I did keep that promise, too, didn’t I?”
You considered his arguments and shrugged. He had a good point with that. 
“So, do you believe me when I tell you I won’t hurt you?”
You nodded. 
He smiled softly at you before he aligned his tip with your entrance, pulling your panties aside once more and finally, pushed his cock inside slowly, inch by inch, slowly getting you used to his size. Your back arched when he was buried inside of you fully, a tear rolling down your cheek as your body was basically on fire. 
“You’re so tight, princess, feels so good”, he groaned, waiting for a moment to let you adjust to the stretch. “Can’t wait to fuck this tight pussy of yours.”
“Please, fuck me”, you whimpered, nails raking over his back as he slowly started a tender, gentle pace and before you knew it, he was starting to build a merciless, brutal rhythm, making your tits bounce with the frantic way he was thrusting into you.
The sound of his hips snapping against yours had your eyes rolls back, your legs were wrapped around his waist as you held onto him and you were pleading him not to stop, practically crying and he fucked you so good like you never had been before. 
“Goddamn it, princess, you’re so fucking hot when you get fucked like this. Do you like how I fuck you, hm?”, he rasped, lips wandering over your neck. His hips stuttered as pleasure like he never felt before coursed through his body, getting closer and closer to the edge. “I’m going to cum, princess, where do you want me to cum, hm? On your pretty tits? Or maybe inside of your tight, perfect pussy, hm? Give you a good old load of me and make you feel it drip down your thighs when I pick you up and fuck you against the wall over there?”
His words had your eyes roll back at the visual. “Please, inside”, you whined, sobbing as you clenched around him and finally reached your peak, coming around him again, sputtering in pleasure. “Fuck, Toji”, you practically wailed. 
“Am I keeping my promise, princess?”
“Yes, fuck, you are, stop asking me that and cum in me”, you groaned in annoyance. 
“Still so bossy, princess”, he laughed before he continued his rough pace and shortly after let out a choked breath, hips stilled as he came inside of you. Toji wasn’t moving at all, trying to come down from his high as he relaxed. “Fuck, princess, you feel so incredible.”
“Oh, honey, this was better than anything I have ever felt before.”
“I’m glad I got to prove to you how good I’ll fuck you”, he chuckled, slowly pulling out of you and laying down next to you. 
“Hey, I thought you were going to fuck me against the wall and have your cum drip down my thighs?!”
“You wanna go again?”
“Hell fucking yes”, you snorted and squealed when he got up on his feet and pulled you up before pushing you against the wall, lifting your legs around his waist as he kept you up against the wall and quickly slid his cock back inside of you, fucking you again and bringing you to yet another earth-shattering orgasm and another one. 
And the most exhilarating part of this was that you could hear the detectives through the thin walls, discussing their next move to finally find the guy who currently had his cock buried deep inside of you. 
The one who you had lied to the cops to, making you an accessory to the murder he had committed.
But you couldn’t care less about it, because goddamn, this was the best fuck you had gotten in your entire life. 
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ellecdc · 3 months
Dude in my opinion, the moonwater couple are like tidy couple? Do you get what i mean? Like they will keep everything at their place amd everything clean?
What will be their reaction if reader shows them this video and ask them if they would do the same to reader as a lesson?
It'll be cool if it can be a fic. But idk if your request is open. I just immediately went to this ask without checking it first
omg first of all - fuck that guy fr fr lolllll. Also that is such a sweet headcanon to have about moonwater - what does everyone else think? I totally agree with Regulus being super organized and tidy, but I'm not sure about Remus? Perhaps if he was with Regulus then yes, he'd be pretty tidy.
poly!moonwater x fem!reader who has hair ties and bobby pins and wears makeup
It was sort of comical the way that the three of you created some sort of spectrum of tidiness in your relationship.
Regulus was by far the tidiest of the bunch. As a matter of fact, if you didn’t see Regulus haunting the halls of your flat, you’d be hard-pressed to believe another person lived with you at all. He was so tidy, in fact, that he would often follow behind you as you tidied in order to re-tidy, though he never made a big deal about it.
“Don’t worry, mon amour, I’ll handle it. You go sit.”
He was simply just a tidy person – something that likely followed him into adulthood from his home life as a child – and he, as well as you and Remus, readily accepted that.
Remus was less tidy than Regulus but not nearly as liberal as yourself. Sometimes, you’d find Regulus picking up the odd stray half-finished cup of tea, or books that were turned face down and never returned to, but that was roughly the extent of Remus’ mess. 
Remus was what you called a piler – he had various piles of things throughout your shared home that may look random or out of place to the layperson but seemed to be the pique of organization in Remus’ mind. He was also the kind of person who would clean as he cooked and wouldn’t sit down to eat until the kitchen was cleaned up behind him.
Couldn’t be you, however. 
You were sure you seemed like chaos personified compared to your two boyfriends, always leaving a ‘trail of destruction’ behind you as Regulus once (lovingly) referred to it as. There was evidence of you everywhere – hair ties, bobby pins, half-finished drinks, books, magazines, and the likes. No one would have to wonder if you were home from work, seeing as your shoes were hastily tossed aside, your keys thrown onto the console table rather than hanging in their rightful place, your bag hung over the back of a chair, and your hair tie sitting on the kitchen table – all screaming “your girlfriend’s home!”
And though your boyfriends have occasionally taken the piss for your untidiness, it had never escalated to anything more than a “hey dove, can you come rinse your paint brushes that you’ve left in the sink” or a “amour, I don’t know where your makeup goes, can you come put this away?”
So, when you saw this video on Tiktok, you couldn’t help but ask them if they’d ever consider doing this to you to teach you a lesson. 
“‘Teach you a lesson’!?” Regulus repeated incredulously, already looking horrified and you hadn’t even shown him the video yet.
“Why…why does he have a hammer?” Remus asked cautiously.
Suffice it to say, the boys did not like the video.
“I’m not watching this.” Regulus spat and stood from his spot on the couch next to Remus rather abruptly. You momentarily felt bad for showing it to him, knowing that signs of even mild aggression like this could be triggering to someone who grew up in a tense household, but felt better when he turned to glower darkly at you, knowing then that his ire was only half-hearted. 
“Dovey,” Remus pleaded, his face looking horrified as he watched the man smash his girlfriend’s makeup. “Why…oh my god. If I ever do something like that to you, you fucking leave my arse, alright? Punch me right in the face whilst you’re at it, too.”
“Not me.” Regulus added, not making it very far after refusing to watch the video and leaning against the back of the couch to continue watching it over Remus’ shoulder. “Just kill me; put me right out of my misery if I insist on being such a miserable wanker.” 
You snorted a laugh as both boys scoffed derisively at the “I heart you” written on the mirror, Regulus looking thoroughly disgusted and Remus still seemingly horrified. 
“Oh, he loves her. I guess that makes it alright then.” He muttered sarcastically. “What’s this woman’s address? Tell her we’re sending her a gift card to…. what’s the store that you like?”
“Sephora; tell her we’re sending her a gift card to Sephora.”
You chuckled and leaned further into Remus’ shoulder. “You have to keep watching, he says he’s going to take her shopping for all new stuff after.”
This caused a pained groan to rip through Regulus’ throat as he began muttering angrily in French and finally wandering away. “Idiot absolu. On dit que ce n'est pas tous les hommes, mais il y a des hommes comme ça. Je ne peux même pas les appeler des hommes, plutôt des putains de bambins.”
“Why would you show me this?” Remus turned to look at you, his bottom lip jutting out comically. “This is making me so sad.”
“I wanted to know if you would resort to something like this because of my mess!” You defended.
“Oh, dove. You’re not messy, you’re just not as tidy as Mr. Clean-Freak over there.” He motioned towards the direction Regulus had gone with his head earning him a “you watch yourself monsieur les tas” from his boyfriend’s disembodied voice.
Remus pressed a lingering kiss to your lips and only broke away because he couldn’t stop smiling. “I would clean up after you for the rest of my life if it meant getting to keep you around.” He said proudly, and you felt your heart stutter in your chest.
“Remus.” You moaned, pressing another kiss to his lips. “So, you wouldn’t ruin my makeup for leaving it out?”
Remus scoffed and turned back to his book. “Not in a million years.”
“Come on amour! Get your jacket, we’re leaving.” Regulus called to you from the door. You could hear him jingling his car keys.
“Where are we going?” You called back.
“Sephora. I have to buy someone makeup now. If I can’t send some to the internet girl, I may as well spoil my own.” 
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kawataslvr · 26 days
One percent .ᐟ
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“𝜗𝜚 ﹐, ; ⟡”
Note: i totally think Ran would tease Rindou for being gay but would be super supportive tew.
P.S: Brat reader ,, Fluff to Smut ,, brat tamer rindou ,, reader has a big butt ,, reader wears only lip gloss.. retouches it a lot. ,, reader wears short-shorts ,, you two get caught ,, rindou honestly rly horny n eyes you 50% of the time ,, reader doesn’t cum
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﹒ ◠ ✩ ⊹ ﹒#1
Rindou loved women, he really did. Whenever Ran introduced you to him, he felt a new feeling. He felt the need to be pitch perfect, so Ran making small jokes about him in front of you only embarrassed him. Usually in would annoy him, but he wouldn’t mind it. Around you though? He just met you and he was already panicking. What was frustrating him the most is that he didn’t know why, no other guy had ever made his head spin like you.
Or any girl either really, i mean.. he was attracted to them.. he thought they were pretty. Sure, but.. you know maybe he just liked you because you sounded a lot like a woman! No you didn’t. You sounded like any regular guy, but you had a soft voice whenever you greeted him so was that really his fault!? It was your fault. Yeah, you had him under some sort of spell.. he slammed his head into his pillow. Screaming internally, and on the outside too apparently. Ran came into his room with a concerned and confused look on his face. He’d never seen his little brother like this.
The worst part is that Rindou didn’t even know your name because he was so distracted on well.. you.
“Rindou what the hell is wrong with you.” Ran looked at the stressed out and frustrated Rindou who was sitting on a messy bed. “Nothing.” Rindou snapped back quickly, dismissing the question and hopefully the topic. “Clearly there’s something going on, tell me.” the blond and blue swirly boy just sighed. He looked at his brother, with a blank face. No expression.
“I think i’m into your friend.” Ran was lost, still. Not like he was the brightest anyways, but he was still lost none the less. “who? I haven’t introduced you to any chicks. Most of the Chicks I hang out with are hook ups.” Rindou groaned and threw his head back along with his body back on his bed. “that’s the problem.” Ran made a shocked face “you wanna go out with one of my hook up girls!?” Rindou shook his head.
“I’m into one of your guy friends.” Rindou said under his breath “that’s pretty gay dude.” Ran said with a straight face , obviously teasing Rindou. “Shut up! If you’re not gonna help get out.” the older Haitani laughed to himself and then looked back at Rindou , turning on what he called his ‘older brother mode’. “if you actually like the dude , i’ll help you out. But he isn’t any low maintenance boy, he’s a brat.” Rindou looked a little shocked at this new informatio n, you were so nice.. at least when you were greeting him.
“but don’t mess around this guy’s feelings, that’s my guy.” Rindou swore this was the first time he ever heard Ran consider someone’s feelings— you two must be close. “alright , alright.. but I wanna see him again.. haven’t met him for that long but man i miss him.” Ran laughed at Rindou’s words, already so love struck. sure he was willing to let his little brother have his shot, but damn Rindou was head over heels for you. “You’re already M/N’s type, close enough anyways. You have a good shot.. i’ll bring him around tomorrow.” Ran never saw Rindou’s face light up any quicker
﹒ ◠ ✩ ⊹ ﹒#2
Rindou was pacing around his room panicking, Ran said he was bringing you over. He was gonna ‘leave unexpectedly’ and let you two be alone and get to know each other for a few. If it went wrong, he’d give Ran a quick text message of the cheese emoji with a flamingo top hat and magic wand next to it.. why? it was his favorite ‘underrated’ emojis according to him.
Finally, Ran finally brought you over. “Hey, M/N i’m gonna go get snacks from the convenience store real quick.” Rindou waited a minute and a few seconds just to come out after Ran left, to mentally prepare himself and so it wouldn’t look suspicious.
“oh you’re that guy from yesterday.” Rindou tried to act casual, but he was really helpless. You could tell. “Oh! Rindou?” you’re voice was as soft as he remembered it.. sweet. “yeah. i’m rindou.” you’re voice was so nice.. so were your lips. The smile they held up. Your lips looked like some sweet candy with the shiny coat of gloss on them. “it’s so nice to see you again.” Rindou couldn’t understand how the hell you were a brat according to Ran, hell he couldn’t understand how you and Ran were even friends in the first place.
Rindou sat down next to you, that’s when he noticed your shorts. Specifically how nicely they wrapped around your figure, so tightly and nicely fitted. “Ran left?” he already knew Ran left , and why. That’s the only reason he came out here.. the younger finally gaining back his confidence, a little at a time sure. “Oh yah, it was just to get snacks.” Rindou really hoped it didn’t look like he was staring.. but he was glancing over way too many times at your shorts.
He was sure they looked nicer from behind. “Ah, I see.” you looked down at the time, noticing your phone was at 1%. “oh shit.. hey, do you happen to have a charger?” Rindou nodded his head “let me see if I can find it.. I actually haven’t seen it around..” that’s bullshit. He just wanted to see if you would catch an attitude. You pouted, “you sure you can’t look?” that wasn’t that hard to do.. you’re tone already sounded annoyed. Different than your previous tone and attitude.
“sure, can you help me?” your quiet sighed and now slightly furrowed brows.. told him his answer “it’s fine, i’ll go get it myself.” he got up and went to his room, waiting a few seconds and ruffling in a drawer. All while his charger was plugged into an obvious out in the open plug. he came out empty handed, “sorry.. can’t find it.” you reapplied your lip gloss while he walked over, clearly annoyed as a consistent pout was laid on your face. One that you weren’t trying to hide.
“oh don’t put on a pout.” Rindou said with a clear smirk on his face, almost as clear as your obvious pouting.. he just found it so cute. “can’t be that hard to find a stupid charger.” you were already mad over something so small.. Ran wasn’t being his usual dramatic self , he figured it out quick. “come help me then instead of acting like that.” you rolled your eyes. “fine..” sighing over dramatically and standing up.
Shit..he was right, you looked wonderful from behind in your nice little shorts. emphasis on the little. Rindou led you to his room, both of you looking for the charger inside his left pocket. “ugh..” you groaned under your breath, both of you looking over and under every single thing in his room. For a stupid charger, Rindou turned around to the lovely site of you looking under neath his desk on all fours with your back arched so the drawers wouldn’t hit you.
“i’m tired of searching.” you got up, Rindou eyeing you while you did. Reaching into your bag you pulled out your lip gloss and reapplied it, quickly and annoyed. Rindou had to admit, he loved the way you looked but there was only so much attitude he could take, it was getting on his nerves.
“you grew an attitude quick.” he smirked at your face a annoyed scrunch that went back to normal after a few seconds, it honestly surprised him how you were able to act like this in just a couple of minutes of talking to Rindou. “my phones about to die on 1%!” you complained in an almost child like voice, an annoying grating one. All he could focus on was how your ass looked in those shorts every-time you turned around. Dont get him wrong, he’s still head over heels for you but that’s an added bonus..
﹒ ◠ ✩ ⊹ ﹒#3 NSFW up ahead, MDNI.
maybe that’s what ended with your poor hole being abused while a charger was throw in front of your figure bent over Rin’s bead, his huge cock thrusting back and forth into you. Your lip gloss all smudged from the makeout session before this. “ri..rinn.. s’tmuch..” you sobbed out, already fucked out beyond comprehension on his fat cock. “charger don’t matter than fucking much anymore? My cocks the only thing charging you up.” tears rolled down your face and you felt an orgasm coming up.
Rindou could also tell you were close too apparently, he pulled out of your velvety and spongy walls.. your soft whimpers stopped, now becoming whinny bitchy complaining, like he called it “noo.. nooo!!!” you pouted, instinctively grinding back on Rindou only to get slapped on the ass harshly.
“mmnfhh..” your tears rolled down your face, all that bratty attitude from before, gone. Your orgasm had been denied, you weren’t getting your way and it was pissing you off. “geez even during sex you’re acting like a whiny little bitch” he dropped you down to your knees lining your mouth up to the tip of his cock. “if you suck me off good enough i’ll let you borrow my charger.” you whined and nodded your head opening your mouth more his cock to slide into while you liked the tip, shit so good he barely even noticed the text messages from Ran.. it had been almost an hour. Of course he was coming home.
“oh fuck..’!” you had already shoved his entire length down your throat, he could deal with the bitchiness if this was the type of treatment he would get. Hollowing your cheeks on his cock , he gripped onto your hair bobbing your hair up and down. Fucking into your throat like a flesh light.
Ran’s bad habit of not knocking really should stop after walking into scenes like this, it never will. “oh shit.” he knew you weren’t one to let a guy you liked slip by you, but this quick? Hell Rindou doing this without there even being a first date?? Ran slammed the door shut, both of you getting scared .. that had to of done something to Rindou. He came in your mouth without warning, maybe that or the fact you reached his sweet spot.. the back of your throat hit the tip of his dick and it really hit. You to his surprise swallowed all his cum, not a drop out. Geez Rindou knew you weren’t a virgin, but you were starting to seem liked an out right whore.
“n..not fair.. i didn’t get to cum..” your voice sounded desperate. “no that’s your punishment for acting like a brat over a charger.” you whined only to get a hair pull “clean up.. i’ll help you..”
﹒ ◠ ✩ ⊹ ﹒#4
ran decided to let you two have a minute or two, incase you were really enjoying yourselves. Both of you came out of the room, a walk of shame for both of you infront of ran. “i was only gone for 40 minutes.. you two really couldn’t help each other huh?” your face was like a red tomato, not that Rindou was any better. He wasn’t even looking Ran in the eyes.
you were still so hot and bothered you couldn’t muster a word, Rindou didn’t even let you keep your boxers. You were praying nobody noticed you were commando. “you two got a thing now? or is it a one time thing.” Ran laughed to himself and then smiled, it was only funny to him really. But you two did need to figure that out eventually..
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hyuckswoman · 1 month
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« yoo, how are you? » mark asks waiting by your desk as you collect your stuff 
« when did you even get there??? also we’ve been texting the whole time you know how i am » 
« my class ended a bit early so i waited by the door and when people were leaving i thought i’d just come in, also it’s called courtesy the whole asking how you’re doing, so stop complaining this is me being nice » mark says as you both head out of the class 
« righhtttt my bad sir , where are we going by the way? I don’t have classes for the rest of the day so I’m free if you want to hang out » you say 
« I told you to stop flirting with me, you’re getting desperate and it shows » mark jokes as you slightly punch his arm 
« we could grab lunch if you want to? also i don’t know where your friend is, i don’t think i saw him in your classroom but we can wait for him if you’d like » mark says looking around for hanbin you presume 
« Bin went to a party last night, he sent me a text this morning he’s wasted and hungover and basically skipped class so we don’t have to wait for him this time, also i wouldn’t act like I’m the one that likes you too much given how you practically begged me not to leave the music group » you said trying to get back at him. It was kinda annoying how he shrugged and told you that you were right without fighting back tho. 
« where the fuck are you taking me? this looks too expensive i don’t have that kind of money » you say as you guys near mark’s recommendation. you make a mental note to never trust the guy ever again when he tells you he knows a place
«  don’t worry, i got the bill » he says
« man, you’re as broke as I am don’t even pretend with this gentleman shit » you say laughing 
« dude you could’ve at least pretended for my ego, you suck. also it might look super fancy but it’s affordable don’t worry, not that i’d let you pay for your meal tho, i might be broke but I still know how to treat a lady thank you » he says holding the door of the establishment open for you 
«  I will wrestle you to the cash register don’t even play with me marcus lee » you say trailing behind him as he chuckles. you wonder if he’s making fun of your threat or if he’s laughing because of the nickname (the answer is both)
you were halfway through your meal when mark started to speak again 
« man.. isn’t it kinda crazy? » he says looking at you 
« what is? » you answer genuinely confused.. did this man think you’re sherlock holmes or something?? how would you know what he’s even talking about 
«  it’s kinda crazy how you, my diehard fan managed to be in the same music group as me. you hide your game pretty well though, sometimes i forget that you’re the president of my fan club » he says, you could see him holding back his laugh so hard. crazy how this man was openly making fun of you like that 
«  what happened to ‘let’s not talk about this ever again’? also, considering how you’ve been hyping me up these past few weeks i’d say that the roles have reversed and you’re my die hard fan now, you even said so yesterday » you reply 
« i never said any of that you are mistaking me for another man on your roster » mark answers
« let’s not lie like that we both remember the messages… and stop slut shaming me we are in public. and considering the amount of girls that want you i’d say you’re more likely to be the slut » you says hoping that’ll shut him up 
« ooo are you jealous that everybody wants me?? » he says. the answer is yes but you’ll never tell him that of course. 
« stop being so cocky before i slap that smirk off your face » you reply lowkey glaring at him
«  you didn’t deny it though » he says cockily. this man was aggravating you 
« god you’re becoming worse than hyuck. actually nevermind you are worse than hyuck constantly asking me for validation and compliments » you say smiling
« ouchhh okay i get it my bad, i’ll stop asking for validation and compliments the minute I’m 100% sure that I’m your favorite. also i don’t think it’s fair how donghyuck and jisung get to have cute nicknames while you call me marcus » he says kinda sulking 
« oh sorry my bad dork lee » you say laughing while he just gives you the middle finger « also i call you markie so you do have a cute nickname stop complaining and eat your food » you say as he just goes like « oooooh, that’s right » remembering the nickname you gave him. 
as you guys were finishing the meal you excused yourself to go to the toilet (little did he know you were actually paying the bill like the gentleman you are)
as you come back to the table you see mark trying to grab the waiter attention 
« what are you doing? stop doing that you’re giving me the ick » you say sitting back down 
« man fuck you, it’s not my fault nobody sees me i just want to pay the bill. and don’t fight me on this please » he says continuing his gesture to grab the staff’s attention 
« mark i paid the bill already that’s why no one is coming please stop » you say grabbing his hand to put it down 
« WHAT???!!!! » he replies 
« man… i can’t believe you paid the bill. next time’s one me tho » he says holding the door open for you to get out 
« is this an attempt to ask me out on a date? » you ask. yea that’s right. uno reverse bitch 
« sorry i don’t date fans » he replies. ooooooooh this man is 100% aggravating 
« by the way I texted you earlier to give you something but I’m really fucking nervous so I’ve been delaying it this whole time, but no more delaying shit I’ve got this I think. Also if you think it’s weird thennn pretend i never gave you shit ok? » he says sorta hyping himself up in the middle before opening his palm revealing a black guitar keychain 
you burst out laughing 
« I think this is worse than if you would’ve told me that you hated it. I’m literally contemplating suicide right now don’t even play with me » he says as you laugh even harder because his antics were really making it worse 
A few seconds later and in between giggles you decide to speak « no.. wait, i swear I’m not making fun of you, I swear I find this unbelievably sweet, you’ll understand why I’m laughing just give me a second » you say reaching into your bag pulling out a spiderman lego keychain you grabbed from the same store earlier to give to him as a present 
« this is for you, i bought it earlier because it reminded me of you, since you said you liked spiderman and since your twitter header is a lego character » you say finding it amusing how you both got each other a keychain
« dudeeee you need to stop doing this to me I’ll cry i love it so much, also look i got myself a guitar keychain to match yours » he says showing you the other keychain 
« i also got a keychain to match the one i got you hold on » you say showing yours 
« it’s crazy how we thought of the same thing tho, we’re like… spiritually connected » he says as the both of you start walking to head back to your apartment because even though you’ve been making fun of him for his gentleman antics, deep down (you didn’t even have to look hard to see it) mark was a good guy and no matter the time of day, he’s going to walk you back home.
you wonder if it’s because you like him but you know that if he keeps on acting the way he’s acting, this whole crush was going to be even worse than it is…
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39. double matching
previous chapter masterlist next chapter
notes: ended this on sort of a cliffhanger lolll, also this is not proofread at all sooooo idk probably a bunch of mistakes i just cba
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 9 months
Dad’s Angel
Sam and Dean x little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: just some snippets of Sam and Dean raising you, and Dean getting a surprise one day (I’m horrible at synopsis)
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“Would you sit still?”
“You’re gonna mess it up!”
“I won’t if you sit still,” Dean said, trying to hold your head straight as he worked with the scissors.
“Why don’t you just cut Sammy’s hair instead?” You insisted. “His is longer anyway!”
“That’s not true!” Sam glared at you from across the room.
“Yes it is.”
“No it’s not!”
“Sam, you’re yelling at a five year old, get a grip.”
“Only because she’s being a brat,” Sam grumbled.
“Yeah and she’s not the only one,” Dean said. “Ok, you’re done,” he put his scissors down and spun you around to face the mirror.
“It’s not ugly!” Your wide grin caused Dean to start laughing, and Sam looked up with a smile.
“Course it’s not ugly,” he called from the other side of the room. “Not even Dean could mess you up, you’re too pretty.” Sam chuckled when you blushed red at his comment, and his smile widened when you ran up to him and hugged his knees.
“Now it’s your turn!”
The smile dropped.
“Not a chance, angel.”
“Turn it up!”
Dean glanced back in surprise at your outburst.
“Why aren’t you asleep?”
“I was, the music waked me up, now turn it up! I like this song.”
In answer, Dean reached over and clicked off the radio.
“No way baby, it’s too late for you to be up. Even Sammy’s asleep, see?” Dean gestured to Sam, who immediately closed his eyes and pretended to sleep when you craned your neck to look at him.
When Dean looked back to see you crossing your arms stubbornly, he sighed.
“I’ll let you pick three songs to listen to tomorrow if you go to sleep right now.”
“Any three?” You grinned.
“Any three, now shut your eyes, punk.”
You slunk down in your seat immediately, closing your eyes and pulling Dean’s jacket over you for a blanket.
“Bribing a six year old,” Sam grinned once he was sure you were asleep. “Real mature.”
“It’s the only way to deal with the little angel.”
“I told you we should’ve left her at the hotel!”
“I know, I know!” Dean growled. “Let’s just find her.”
“Dude, there’s a werewolf out there, and she’s seven!”
“Would you shut up?” Dean groaned. “It wasn’t supposed to leave the warehouse, ok? I thought-“
Both boys stiffened at the sound of you screaming.
“This way,” Dean led the way down a path through the trees, Sam right at his heels.
“There!” Dean headed right for you while Sam scoured the area for the werewolf.
You were huddled behind a tree, and after a quick scan Dean sighed in relief when he saw no serious injuries. A small cut on your cheek was still bleeding, but other than that you seemed unharmed, just terrified.
“I’ve got you,” Dean lifted you into his arms, holding you in a vice grip against his chest.
“Daddy,” Dean wasn’t quite sure he’d heard you right through your sobs as you clung to him.
“Hey, it’s ok,” he cradled your head against his chest. “It’s ok, it’s Dean.”
“Daddy,” you repeated, your arms tightening around his neck.
Dean wasn’t sure how to respond, so he didn’t. Surely you were just frightened, you didn’t know what you were saying.
You couldn’t have meant it.
“I’m almost done baby,” Dean promised as he disinfected your wound. “You’re doing great.”
Sam had taken out the werewolf while Dean carried you to the Impala. Sam had been forced to drive, since you refused to let go of Dean the whole way home.
“Ok,” Dean said, placing a butterfly bandage on the small cut to keep it closed. “You’re all done.”
Dean smiled when you jumped into his arms.
“Thank you daddy,” you whispered.
“Why do you keep saying that?” Dean frowned. “It’s Dean kiddo, daddy’s not here.”
“Can I say a secret?”
“Of course.”
You leaned even closer to Dean, whispering in his ear.
“I want you to be my daddy.”
Dean glanced around to make sure Sam wasn’t within earshot.
“Why would you say that? Listen angel, daddy-“
“No,” you insisted. “He’s never here. You’re the one who-who tucks me in, and helps me with my homework, and-and saves me from the monsters.”
Dean didn’t know what to say. He’d be lying if he said that he didn’t feel the same way; he’d spent too much time acting like a dad to think of you as just a little sister. But he also didn’t want John to hear about this, he didn’t want to compete with his father about something this important. It would only hurt you.
“Baby…” Dean had no idea what he was going to say, but he didn’t have to worry about it, because you cut him off.
“Can’t I just call you that when it’s only you and me?” You pulled back enough to look Dean in the eye, and he smiled at you.
“Ok baby,” he pressed a kiss to your forehead. “You can call me whatever you want.”
You relaxed completely as Dean carried you to his bed, setting you down and pulling the covers over you.
Once he set you down, you reached your arms up in a silent demand for a hug. When he complied, you kissed his cheek before whispering to him.
“Goodnight, daddy.”
Dean couldn’t keep the grin off his face as he pulled away to look at you—his little girl.
“Goodnight, angel.”
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girlreviews · 4 months
Review #146: Parallel Lines, Blondie
Man oh man oh man. I love Blondie so much. I found this record in the Windsor Oxfam. I don’t remember exactly how old I was, but I remember what boyfriend was with me so that puts me between 15 and 18. Yeah, same guy. I actually don’t remember if he ended up getting his hands on this record or not. I think I still have it. Will rifle through my collection later to check.
Blondie was in the “being cool” wilderness for some absolutely crazy reason at that point, and nobody really gave a shit about them anymore. When I was 17 or 18 they were playing the Reading Hexagon which is honestly still just such an unbelievable insult I’m still annoyed about it. I’ll circle back to that.
Parallel Lines epitomizes the complete and total coolness and badassery of Debbie Harry. I have never wanted to be someone more than I wanted to be her. So much confidence. Such incredible cheekbones. Such commitment to art. No apologies. The voice of an angel one moment and snarling whimsical warnings, like, hey you, don’t fuck with me, the next. Always standing in front of all of those completely non-descript nobody dudes. Yeah they’re playing the music, but who cares, who are they? It’s all her. She is Blondie.
Can I pick a favorite? It opens with Hanging on the Telephone, in which she is really threatening to rip the phone clean off the wall. It might be that one. But we’ve also got the classic One Way Or Another, which needs no comment, and one of my actual favorites of all time, Heart of Glass which never fails to fuck me up, but like, it’s a god damn disco track? Like sure, yeah, let’s boogie away our heart break. And I did. And I have. And I will. And these are all SINGLES. We aren’t even discussing the actual album tracks yet. Just listen to it. Honorable mention goes to Sunday Girl, which I always really loved. It’s cute and it’s kind of sweet in a very teenage girl kind of way that worked for me since I was in fact, a teenage girl. Also, not on the official album release, but there was a version of that track where the latter half was sung entirely in French and I always really dug it.
Okay so circling back to the Hexagon. This is a weird story and I’m still not sure how I feel about it, to this day. As I said, Blondie were playing a show at the Hexagon. I was absolutely obsessed with them, and Debbie Harry. I was also 17 or 18 and spent every penny I had on going to shows, but those pennies were pretty limited. I worked as a waitress at the pub that was two doors down from my house. It was full of characters. One such character was a regular, he was in his late 40s, was very wealthy, didn’t drive, was single, and spent literally every bit of his spare time in that pub. Think on that. He paid a lot of attention to the various young women that worked there. Was he creepy? No not exactly. But did it make you uncomfortable? Yes it did. Because you never knew when he might make it weird. Everyone liked him well enough. One day out of the blue this guy presented me with five tickets to the Blondie show. I didn’t know what in the hell to say or whether to accept them. Or what it meant. Whether there were expectations attached to them. Whether it was okay to take them. I was uncomfortable. I was 17.
Here’s what happened. My Mom, who sort of knew him too, since he was always there, decided it was fine, because she wanted to go. But for it to be okay, she decided he also had to come. So we went, he came, and a few friends too. The thing is though, she never knew him like I did. I saw him every day. I saw him with the other girls that worked at the pub. I saw him drunk off his ass. I don’t know that I ever would have taken the tickets. Or if I did, I’m not sure I ever would have invited him. I feel a bit queasy about it to this day. I think in the end something really off-base happened one night between him and someone on staff and he got barred. That was usually the way it went with regulars who were there that often.
The other thing to note is that Blondie ended because Debbie Harry was with Chris Stein, who was literally dying of some rare autoimmune disease throughout their last tour. There were other factors at play, but essentially, they broke up because he was too sick and she stayed at his side and became his full-time carer. When he was well, he left her. They are, remarkably, still close friends to this day and still perform together. Just never forget that men are dogs, and that Blondie is and always will be Debbie Harry. I love her. To this day she looks better than I do in a mini skirt and I love that for her.
ETA: I checked and in fact, I do not still have Parallel Lines in my record collection, but I am quite confident it got lost when I moved back to the US. Also, I’m not 100% certain that show was at the Reading Hexagon. I just know it was a shitty venue not worthy of Blondie. This was 18 years ago. You get the idea.
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freak-accident419 · 4 months
“Hachi Machi!”
Josh Futturman x GN!Reader
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Summary: After coming back to 2017 from ‘69, Josh realizes that his and Tiger and Wolf’s interference made some ripples in his timeline, such as the gun hanging in his parent’s house, the Blapple, Ray disappearing, and ultimately Dr. Kronish working alongside Stu Camilo. He’s relieved to know that you are still his partner in this timeline, but when one thing leads to another, he discovers one small change about you.
Word Count: 2.2k
Content: 18+ smut, MDNI, more plot than porn (not very descriptive), takes place during S01E04 im pretty sure, gender neutral reader, penetration (no genitals specified), slightly ooc josh, reader has a tramp stamp
(A/n: I know that in this same episode Lyle introduces the phrase ‘hachi machi’ to Josh after these events, but fuck it. The pacing’s a bit bad, I’m tired, but I hope you enjoy regardless :) you can interpret what the tramp stamp is of, personally, i would go with the dragonfly, what about you guys?)
Josh was exhausted.
Utterly exhausted.
From going to 1969 and trying to cock block Dr. Kronish, desperately finding ways to spare the man’s life to seeing his colleagues dismember his biotic co-workers and throw them in possum incinerators, it seemed as if he’s never gotten a break. And to top it all off, Tiger kicked him off the team, making him feel useless and loser-like all over again.
There were several ripples that he and his team had caused: Kronish and Stu were now work partners, the Blapple was created because Josh left his phone in the past, Ray no longer worked at Kronish Labs, and his parents now owned a gun that hung on the wall. And so, the first thing he checked ever since he got back was making sure you two were still together—and you were.
You were still on his phone lock screen, except it was with his Blapple (Black Apple) Phone, you still had your sweet back-and-forth texts, and in his gallery, there were several photos—and maybe even new ones—of you together. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he saw this.
Being upset from how the entire day went led to Josh eating cereal alone in the kitchen. With everything going on, he barely had any time to see you, and you were even busy with your own personal stuff as well. However, a knock on his door made him perk his head up, raising a befuddled eyebrow, and walking towards the front door, opening it to see…
It’s been less than five days since he’s seen you, but this was the first time he’s seen you ever since he fucked up the present by fucking up the past. Thankfully, you remained the same as if nothing happened, and most importantly, Josh was still your boyfriend.
“You look like a sad, wet cat, dude,” you say as you lay with him on his bed, stroking his soft, brown hair. After he finished his cereal downstairs, you two went up to his room and found yourself cuddling with each other on his bed. “What’s up?”
He frowned as he went completely limp in your arms, enjoying the warmth and comfort that your body offered. He really needed this. “As I said before, it’s—it’s really hard to explain, Y/n.”
“Okay, right, but you haven’t answered my texts. I’m worried about you, Josh,” you confess, continuing to caress him gently.
Oh shit, Josh thought. He hadn’t have gotten used to the features of the Black Apple—or, well, Blapple—yet, and forgot that he even had it on him at times. And with everything with trying to ensure that Tiger and Wolf won’t kill his boss, he has been very, unfortunately preoccupied to remember to text you back.
“I’ve been really, really busy, babe, I’m sorry I never got the chance to text you back,” he replied shamefully, though feeling too calm in your arms to feel really anything else.
“Hey, don’t apologize for that, okay? Now, tell me what’s been going on with you. You can be real with me. Work? Your game? Family issues?”
“Sort of, um… It’s—It’s really hard to explain.” There was a look of bemusement and mere stress on his face, making you feel really bad for him. There was so much that he’s seen in the past few days (such as his colleagues killing or hurting nearly anyone in their way) that you didn’t deserve to be dragged into.
“You know, what, just… We don’t have to talk about it right now if you’re not ready. Alright? Just know that I’ll be here the entire time, and I’ll be here when you’re ready to talk about it. Okay, Josh?”
He was so damn lucky to have someone as amazing as you.
“Okay,” he says, his deep brown eyes looking at you, with his sweet, endearing smile that you always loved seeing. “Thank you. Thank you so much, Y/n, you really don’t know how much I appreciate it, I love you.”
You grin, placing your hand gently behind his neck to cup it. “Of course, baby. I love you too, okay? No boyfriend of mine is going to radiate sad, wet cat vibes while I’m here,” you giggle, finally pressing your soft lips to his.
The kiss was warm and affectionate, as always, and to Josh, it felt like home. It felt like he never even left to go to 1969 with the characters in his video game. It felt like he never witnessed them chopping up his biotic coworkers. He was just back at home, with you, when everything made sense.
You sensed that the kiss progressed however, with his tongue shoving past your lips to meet with yours. His hands are placed to cup your jaw and the kiss deepened.
“Okay, why do you keep insisting that I’m a sad, wet cat? Like, what does that even mean?” Josh chuckles in the kiss, his lips, however, not separating from yours.
You laugh softly and look deeply into his eyes. “You look like a cat that’s been left and drenched in the rain, like completely soaked, and your sad eyes are like… big sad brown eyes that those cats have, or something. I don’t know how else to explain it, you looked like a sad, wet cat before!”
Josh smiles. He missed this so much. He missed you so much.
“Do I still look like a sad, wet cat?” He raised an eyebrow.
You scoff playfully and smirk. “No, more like a… a pathetically horny cat.”
“Why am I still a cat in this?”
“I don’t know, you…”
“’Cause I think I resonate more with—“
“Oh my god, wait, that’s it! You’re a cat in heat!” You exclaim in realization.
He opened his mouth to reply, but paused. “Well, male cats don’t—“
“Yeah, technically, male cats don’t… You know what, doesn’t fucking matter,” you grin, pressing your lips to his once more.
Josh giggled in the kiss as he rolled on top of you, moving his lips and tongue roughly with yours. “I missed you,” he says, pulling his shirt off, then helping you with yours.
“I missed you too,” you reply breathlessly. You hoped that this moment would distract Josh from whatever he was going through, and hoped that he would tell you soon enough what it was. But time travel would be very difficult to explain.
By now, you two were completely naked against each other, holding one another, making out lustfully. Josh broke from your lips, just to press soft kisses on your neck, letting his hand move up and down your waist in the process. You let out small pleasured sighs, letting him kiss from your collarbone, throat, jawline, to your lips once more.
With his other hand, he briefly stroked his cock, until he finally began to ease into your entrance, the two of you eliciting a soft, pleasured moan, as you felt him to gradually stretch you.
“O-oh, f-fuck, you’re so tight,” he nearly whimpered, slowly moving his entire length inside you.
“Have you ever considered it was because I haven’t seen you in days?” You raise an innocent eyebrow.
He huffs amusedly, but you did have a point. “Eh, that’s fair,” he says, finally moving his hips back just to slam into you again, letting out a broken moan.
He began to slide his length in and out of you, thrusting his hips against yours as the two of you let out soft sounds of pleasure. He buried his head in your neck, leaving short kisses as his hands held onto the side of your hips in a tight grip, his cock stretching and caressing your walls.
He continued to thrust into you at a steady pace, quite frankly, an intricate rhythm that cleared his mind of The Biotic Wars entirely, the tightness around his cock giving the sensations he loved and needed. He felt so good to move in and out of you, let alone completely inside of you, feeling so close to you ever since he felt so far, from all the time travel nonsense he went through. Your breath quickened and volume increased, letting out desperate whines, repeating his name and praises under your breath.
Josh, not wanting to cum just yet, pulled out of you, giving you a soft kiss on your lips, as he planned to take you from behind. You smiled at him as your felt his grip on your hips help you lay on your stomach, getting on your knees with your head laying on the pillow, and then—
“Hachi machi!”
He exclaimed, his jaw dropped with wide eyes.
You turn your head back to look at him with a raised eyebrow. “What?”
There were a few ripples in this timeline that took place due to Josh’s interference with the past, such as the Blapple, the rifle in his kitchen, and Kronish’s partnership with Stu Camilo. He didn’t expect a change from you, as you were still thankfully his partner. Except, there really was a change that occurred from his paradoxical meddling.
You had a tattoo on the small of your back.
You had a tramp stamp.
A genuine, authentic, tramp stamp.
It was in black and blue ink, with exaggerated shading and strokes, littered elegantly on your lower back.
“You have a slutty tramp stamp…” he gasped lightly, his entire focus on your tattoo.
You let out a chuckle. “Josh—“
“Since when did you get a slutty tramp stamp?”
“I told you the story multiple times, Josh, I got it in my sophomore year of college when I wasn’t very right in the head. Josh, seriously, are you okay?” You were confused as much as him now. Why was he making it a big deal, as if it was his first time seeing it? He’s seen it multiple times before, he remembers every detail from your story, so why not now? “Because you’re acting like this is your first time seeing it, ever.”
“I—I just…” Josh was still in mesmerized awe, looking at how the ink was littered across your skin. You had a slutty tramp stamp. You had a slutty tramp stamp. Somehow, when he was messing with the past in 1969, the ripple effect caused Josh’s partner to have a tramp stamp tattoo. “I’ll explain later, just… holy shit, you look so good,” he expressed, running his hands over your tattoo and your ass, until he grabbed your hips, aligned them with him, and shoved his dick back inside of you.
“Holy shit,” he repeated, panting and thrusting deeply as your hands gripped on the bedsheets tightly, softly moaning as you feel immense pleasure, especially from this angle. Josh took off one hand from your hips to hold the back of your hand. He missed you so much. And you definitely missed him.
“God, this is so hot,” he breathed, letting his hand run over your tattoo as he continued to thrust deeply. You would laugh from how weird he was being right now, acting like it was the first time he’s seen it, if you weren’t too distracted by the gratifying feelings of your lover’s penetration.
His fingertips traced the ink on the small of your back, still astonished by this new discovery. His thrusts were sloppy, but well calculated as he focused on not only the pleasure the two of your bodies would experience, but also the sexy tattoo above your ass. Josh began to let out louder, desperate whines, moving both his hands onto your hips tight to gain control, pounding quickly and deeply into you.
“F-fuck, Josh,” you sighed softly, moaning with him as the sounds of his thrusting increased.
“O-oh, god… f-fuck…” Josh whimpers, feeling his hips and thighs weaken.
A few thrusts later, the two of you finally came together, Josh collapsing on your back as he panted, leaving frantic kisses on the back of your neck, still deep inside of you. You felt him hold you from behind, the butterfly kisses you received, and his hand rubbing your hip.
“Why did you act like this was the first time you’ve seen my tramp stamp?” You ask him in a gentle voice, yet still very curious, and maybe even a little concerned.
“I, uh… It’s a lot to explain,” he replied out of guilt; he really didn’t want to drag you into this.
“Josh,” you sigh, “You’ve seen it for years. Your face was completely identical to your face the first time you saw it. Seriously, I could be overthinking this, but you’ve been acting weird recently. What’s going on with you?”
“N-nothing! I just… It’s been days since I’ve seen you, and… I really missed you. You’re, like, the hottest person I know, how could I not be inexplicably aroused by you?” In this moment, Josh decided not to tell you anything about the whole thing with The Biotic Wars. He couldn’t. If you would experience the same things he did, he would ensure that it would never happen.
You chuckle lightly at his compliment. “You being honest, baby?” You ask with a raised eyebrow, turning your head to look at him. “It’s just other personal stuff?”
“Y-yeah. It’s nothing important, I promise,” he pecked your lips in reassurance, attempting to ease your worry for him.
“Okay, good,” you say, feeling him kiss down your back, letting out a soft whine as he slowly pulled out to kiss your further down. He held onto your hip, letting his grip lower to your ass as he kissed along your tramp stamp and looked up at you desperately. He could definitely get used to this.
“Fuck, please tell me you’re up for round two.”
You laugh at him, letting your hand reach his head to tangle his hair in your fingers. “Who would I be if I wasn’t?”
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prismatic-bell · 1 year
So @hejeksbs saw that post about fandom olds freaking out about IWTV stuff being posted on the AO3, and said they’re new to fandom and fandom culture and don’t understand. So congrats, Hejek, you’re one of today’s lucky 10,000. This is going to be a basic primer, but I encourage others to chime in with details. (Also, thanks for reminding me I need an Interview exhibit in the museum. I had that written down somewhere.)
So if you go back to the 1990s and early 2000s—the pre-AO3 digital years—you’re going to see an official disclaimer on just about every fic. These basically said “I don’t own anything here, please don’t sue me.” Some were quoted elaborate.
These started because of Anne Rice.
See, Anne Rice was, how can I say this nicely…an asshole? The day she died there were literally people posting crab rave and “Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead” from The Wizard of Oz on Tumblr. Because before Harry Potter fanfiction was pretty frowned upon and you might get a C&D if you didn’t keep your head down properly, but Anne Rice.
Anne Rice literally recruited her “loyal fans” to harass people who made fanworks. At least one person was doxxed to her workplace by rabid Ricers, and at the time fanfiction was taboo enough you could absolutely get fired for that. I was eleven and friends with someone who was 13 who’d just read Interview and drew this wonky I-am-a-kid-who-can’t-really-draw-yet-but-I-loved-this-SO-MUCH piece of fanart of Louis and Lestat, and she literally dipped off the internet because she got an extremely nasty “I’m suing you” threat from Rice. (Are you out there, Mercury000? It’s me, sailorsharon0722.)
Anne Rice did everything in her power to ensure there was no IWTV fandom at all. I’ve heard from people older than me that she used to host a “vampire’s ball” every year in New Orleans for her “loyal fans” but if you showed up and she felt your costume outshone her own, she’d make you leave. People didn’t dare so much as put “Lestat” and “fanfiction” in the same sentence.
And then, irony of ironies, when her reputation got so bad she was struggling to sell books, she…became a Christian and started writing Bible fanfiction to sell.
Over the years there were claims she’d changed her mind about fanfiction, but nobody ever had evidence to back this up. I even saw a dude on Quora claiming to be a close friend of hers saying we were all lying, and he got absolutely ratioed by fans going “I still have my C&D letter, you wanna fucking try again?”
Incidentally, I would like to point out that her attitude wasn’t uniform. It’s easy to say “that’s just how it was,” but Neil Gaiman has been around since the 1980s and has always appreciated fanfiction. Stephen King’s approach is “please tell me, to my face, that me explicitly writing about Cthulhu isn’t fanfiction” and otherwise pretty lassez-faire (he has no interest in knowing you’re writing fanfiction of his stuff, he just genuinely doesn’t care), and his first book was published in the early 1970s. Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek, actually accepted submissions of fanfiction scripts DURING THE SHOW’S ORIGINAL RUN, at least according to popular lore. (@dduane, can you check me on this?) Mercedes Lackey—who’s 1980s-and-1990s fantasy royalty—has been asked on Quora about why she “changed her mind about fanfiction” and her response was “I never changed my mind, I just had to talk my publisher into accepting it. I’ve always been okay with it but I had to say no because of my contract.” Sure, Diana Galbaldon was out there comparing fanfiction to rape(????), but even among those who disapproved of fanfiction, Rice’s attitude and actions were extreme. And they persisted into the 2000s, too, with her egging on fans who harassed and sent death threats to a YouTube reviewer who didn’t like one of her books.
AO3 changed ALL of that.
AO3 said “here is our well-researched legal claim that fanfiction is legal, and if someone gives you shit about works you have posted on our website, our lawyers will represent you. You can post safely here. It’s okay. We got your back.”
Even so, the fear about Anne Rice continued. And can you blame people? This woman’s name held the same power in fannish conversations as “Voldemort.” (A moniker by which I’ve actually heard her called.) She all but destroyed the old guard, on purpose.
….and then a new generation of fans happened. A new generation that didn’t remember life before AO3, had never known anyone who literally had to move house to get away from Rice’s minions’ threats and harassment. I know we use “nature is healing” as a joke on this website, but really truly, that’s what happened here. She left charred tree trunks and bushes that were old-school fans and from their ashes tiny little 2010s-fans seedlings began to grow.
The thousand-odd fics you saw in those screenshots (which I feel I should clarify are from before the new show came out—a show that must have her turning in her grave, because she was absolutely adamant that all her vampires were STRAIGHT and if you thought otherwise you were DISGUSTING, and I hope she spins so hard her corpse combusts) are absolutely shocking to us older fans because it’s like staggering out of a nuclear wasteland and spotting a little garden with signs saying “free nuclear-illness medical services” and realizing it’s real. What the fuck, what the fuck, but also, holy shit y’all we’re so proud of you. YES. Keep going. Don’t let the witch get you down.
EDIT: I’ve been informed by someone in the notes that IT ACTUALLY GETS WORSE:
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I’m not going to transcribe the whole thing because I’m on mobile and most of it is just bog-standard post notes, but what’s relevant is @theoriginalvelocipastor saying “OP forgot the part where she [Anne Rice] would take ideas from fanfiction.”
Like holy motherFUCKER this woman’s hypocrisy.
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sc0tters · 4 months
Titles and Competition | Will Smith & Ryan Leonard
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summary: when Ryan joins you guys it makes Will realise that he wants more from just his fuck buddy.
request: yes/no
warnings: p in v, oral (f & m receiving!), swearing, slight degradation.
word count: 3.07k
authors note: this was rushed but I really wanted to get it out before the weekend. also we all know the drill, welcome back to @fantillisdaylight has ideas that I write out!
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Will knew he was going to make you pay for this dangerous game you seemed to enjoy playing.
You had been in these shorts that just went over the curve of your ass and Will’s favourite spaghetti strap top that you owned. All dressed up in a look that had Will ready to have you upstairs bent over his bed on all fours. But as you stood laughing at whatever it was that Ryan whispered into your ear it made Will clench his grip around his beer bottle as he glared at you two.
Ryan had his hand pressed against the wall behind you as you nodded at whatever nonsense he had to say “you good bro?” Drew furrowed his eyebrows not knowing if he truly wanted to know what was going on.
All Will could do was grumble in response “I’m fine.” The blonde rolled his eyes as he saw Gabe laugh at him.
The Canadian native had been the one who saw you leave his housemates room one too many times and now knew that there was only so long before you were going to admit that something was going on between you and Will “fuck off dude.” As Will got up to leave neither one of the boys failed to miss how his eyes never left yours.
Sure you were playing a game tonight, but you weren’t stupid. That look meant follow me or you would be coming for the rest of the month “I’ll be back.” You mumbled into Ryan’s ear pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek before you followed Will up the stairs to his room.
The boys were hosting the party after the big win that the team had “there you are pretty girl.” Will was sat with his legs spread on his bed as he faced the door.
You couldn’t help but smile as the nickname had your stomach in knots “here I am.” You pressed the door softly as you shut it going to join the boy on his bed as he stopped you.
Will placed his hand up as he shook his head “you know that isn’t where you’re meant to sit.” He clicked his tongue as he motioned in fingers over to his lap.
It was a place you were used to sitting as he loved wrapping his arms around you but that was usually when you were riding him “enjoyed being such a naughty fucking girl tonight?” It was clear that he wasn’t impressed as his fingers harshly pulled you onto him when you took too long.
A whimper escaped your lips as your eyes went wide “you wanna answer me?” He added as he cocked his head as you shook yours.
Will smirked he tucked your hair behind your ear “liked the attention.” You confessed feeling your cheeks turn red.
The hockey player laughed as he nodded “you think that he could fuck you better than I can?” His vulgar words made your breath get caught in your throat as your thighs clenched around his leg.
Will was a great guy in bed, you would have never questioned that. But the fact that he was feeling jealous had you holding onto a whole new level of power “who knows?” You shrugged as you slept your amusement dance on your face.
Never was it a dull moment in bed with him and today was clearly going to show that “get out of these.” Will grumbled tapping at the waistband of your shorts.
You looked down to see how his hands fiddled with the button “I won’t ask again pretty girl.” Will warned as his voice oozed irritation as he swore you were doing this to get a reaction out of him.
Of course this was the day you were in his favourite pink panties that always seemed to take his breath away “wow.” He mumbled cupping your cheeks as he brought your lips down to his.
It was this hungry kiss that had you feeling sea sick as Will put up with fighting you for dominance as your tongues clashed “such a pretty girl.”within seconds Will had his fingers over your panties as he tore them apart with the thin lace fabric being no match for any kind of strength.
You gasped as you were back on his leg and he had a shit eating grin on his lips “liked that pair.” You frowned as it was very much so your favorite.
Will couldn’t help but smile as he peppered kisses along your jaw “you know I’ll buy you a new pair so don’t whine about it.” As his kisses grew heavier you couldn’t help but begin grinding your hips against his thigh as your eyes began to flutter.
The little bouts of air that pushed from your lips made him smirk “you wanna get yourself off like that?” Will asked as he let his hands go flat behind him as he propped his body up.
By that point it was too late for you to shake your head in complaint “want you Will.” He knew how much you enjoyed his fingers to start you off but tonight you weren’t getting that.
All he did was motion to you to start moving “make a mess on my thigh and then I’ll give you what you want.” Will smiled as he showed you that he was being serious “Will!” You complained letting your lips form a pout.
However it was clear he wasn’t interested as he simply motioned to you to hurry up and start “we don’t have all day doll.” The hockey player wasn’t going to budge.
You began to rock your hips back and forth as you tried to build up enough momentum to give yourself some pleasure whilst doing a shit enough job that made Will take over “nuh uh pretty girl.” Will could read you like an open book as he smiled beginning to help you.
Will had you locked in his grip as he took over “fuck Will.” You moaned resting your head on his shoulder as your body shook.
Will smirked as he kissed you “could have had my fingers tonight.” His words made you groan as you thought about how it “please.” You begged craving more from him.
But Will shook his head not wanting to make it that easy for you “nah pretty girl, you wanna go fuck Ryan and then get a reward from me?” Even saying his name made Will growl as he thought of how close you were with the boy.
It made it all much more straight forward to you that the blonde was clearly jealous “didn’t fuck him.” You shook your head and your eyes fluttered.
Will rolled his eyes as he slapped your thighs not enjoying your argument “don’t like to me pretty girl.” The blonde warned not taking kindly to your whines “‘m not!” You complained as you thrusted your hips back and forth desperate to come.
His hands grounded your hips making you almost fall over “you want to fuck him?” Will tan his fingers over your stomach as he growled.
Sure you two weren’t together but Will had grown comfortable with you “please let me come.” You begged as you shook your head wanting him to let his grip soften.
Will began to drive your hips himself “you wanted him don’t ya?” The hockey player taunted you as he let his teammate vividly sit in your mind “answer me when I ask you a question.” Your silence was finally no longer working as he flexed his thigh.
You chewed at your cheek as you gasped “wanna fuck Ry!” You blurted out letting your hand slap over your mouth as your eyes widened “that some fantasy of yours?” Will asked as he cocked his head.
All you could do was nod as you whimpered “words pretty girl, words.” He kissed your lips as you began to speed up your movements “you get all tired of me?” Will teased trying to calm his nerves as he thought about you wanting someone else.
What neither of you noticed was that Ryan was outside as he ended up listening to the conversation “I want you both.” Your voice was barely above a whisper as your eyes began to flutter “god my little slut huh?” Will smirked as your lips began to quiver.
His favourite tell tale that you were close as you nodded “make me come please.” You begged letting your eyes screw shut as he nipped at the skin of your neck “thought you would want us both for you.” As Will said that the door swung open leaving you to gasp.
Ryan took the sight of you two as Will smirked locking eyes with his teammate “either get in or shut the door.” The blonde grumbled taking control of you “Ry!” You moaned as your hands wrapped around Wills shoulders.
It made the boy shut the door behind him “I’m here gorgeous.” Ryan smiled as he cupped your cheeks forcing you to look up at him before he kissed you.
You felt hot as his tongue swiped across your lower lip “fuck!” You whimpered as you hit your orgasm as your body writhed against Will “ain’t she a fucking beaut when she comes?” Will asked as he tucked your hair behind your ear.
Ryan nodded as he felt his cock grow hard in his shorts when you hid your face in Wills shoulder as you realised the soaked patch that had formed on his shorts “hey pretty girl remember you said you wanted him.” Will’s voice was soft as he ran his fingers through your hair.
You couldn’t help but feel your cheeks grow warm “I do.” You nodded looking at Ryan who licked his lips “have me how you want me doll.” Both boys helped you off of Will and onto the bed next to him.
Their eyes practically pulled your shirt off as your thighs pressed together “you can get her mouth.” Will offered up as he knew he had to taste you.
The movements were quick as Ryan ended with his pants on the floor and you were straddling Wills face “this how you been thinking about it?” Ryan smiled as he rubbed his thumb along your jaw “wanted to taste you.” You whined as Will kissed your thigh “me too doll.” It seemed like clockwork as his lips latched onto your clit your mouth opened letting Ryan slot his cock between your lips.
You let out a breathy moan as you saw the two boys around you “is this what you wanted gorgeous?” Ryan smirked as his hands pulled your hair into a makeshift pony.
Your head nodded as you placed your hands landed on his thighs as you tried to steady yourself. This had truly been one of your biggest fantasies, since you got close to the two of them at the beginning of the season. As Ryan’s cock hit the back of your throat, Will slotted his tongue into your cunt.
Both boys grunted as they watched themselves use you “such a pretty girl.” Will mumbled sending shivers through your body.
You tried your hardest to not let your thighs crush the blondes head as you bobbed his teammates cock “think he complimented you doll.” Ryan let the pet names roll off of his tongue like it was nothing.
The room was sweaty as you swirled his cock on your tongue “uh.” Your words came out as a muffled noises “fuck I see why you keep her hidden.” Ryan groaned as he almost hunched over feeling your throat constrict over his cock.
Will’s smirk was something you felt from beneath him “my pretty girl.” The blonde cooed as he grazed his thumb over your clit.
Ryan let his grip soften on your hair as he moved his hand to your top “let me see your pretty fucking tits.” Your nipples hardened the moment that the air hit your breasts “you’ve got a little slut on your hands.” His condescending tone had you squirming as you nodded feeling his cock throb between your lips.
It was a hot moment between you both as you looked at him with batted eyelashes “you just want to come don’t you?” Ryan’s words made you whimper as tears formed in your waterline as his cock continued to hit your throat “such a cock hungry girl ain’t ya gorgeous?” His words began to push you over the edge as Will’s thumb settled on a steady pace.
You were left hollowing your cheeks as you wanted to get the boy off first but as his hand rolled your nipple between his fingers you couldn’t handle it anymore “fuck fuck fuck!” You chanted letting your hand replace your mouth as you began pumping his dick bringing him to an orgasm as you rode yours out “open your mouth f’me.” Ryan tapped his cock on your mouth letting his sticky release shoot as the ropes coated your lips.
Ryan swore he was in the middle of a porn film as he watched you take your thumb as you collected his release before you potted it into your mouth “fuck you’re such a beaut.” As you smiled he leaned your lips groaning as the taste of him was evident on his tongue.
Will reminded you that he was there as he tapped your thigh “you feeling better now doll?” Ryan asked as he helped you sit on the side of the bed.
The blonde took the moment to kiss you as the sight of your second orgasm glistening on his chin “she’s still my cock hungry little slut.” Will corrected him as he gripped his fingers on your chin.
As small as the gesture might have been it reminded Ryan that you weren’t his and you weren’t up for the taking “should we give him what he wants tonight?” The blonde added as he didn’t look at his teammate even as he spoke about him.
You nodded as you smiled looking at Ryan “he is asking if I should let you fuck me.” Both boys got the chance to let their eyes go over to you “what do you think about that?” Ryan twirled your hair through his fingers as he waited to hear what it was what you were going to say.
Your eyes traveled between them both as you smiled “want your cock like that.” You nodded pressing a kiss to Wills temple as you had a feeling that you wouldn’t get the chance to sleep with Ryan again.
It warmed the blondes heart to know that you cared about him like that “you gonna let me take your mouth then pretty girl?” As much as Will might be jealous that he’s sharing you, you were still his girl and were gonna be treated like that.
Ryan and flipped you over as he had you on your knees “god this is a sight.” He groaned running his cock over your slit “she’s my perfect little girl.” Will smiled as he kissed your lips.
Watching you make out with him as your hands cupped his cheeks it had Ryan feeling neglected “fuck!” Ryan gritted his teeth as your cunt swallowed his cock.
Both of you were still sensitive from his first orgasm and your second and it meant that you knew you weren’t going to last long as he bottomed you out “you gonna squeeze his cock like you know how to?” Will cooed as you whimpered feeling the boy settle into a quicker pace.
The sounds of thrusts echoed through the room as Ryan let his hand move to your clit “treating me like she was made for me.” He looked over your head to Wills who only responded with a glare.
Will smirked as he brought his hands over your breasts where he began teasing your nipples “she knows she’s only for me though don’t you?” His question was only met with silence “don’t you pretty girl?” Will wasn’t one for acting messy but there wasn’t anything more in that moment that he wanted than to piss Ryan off.
You cried as you nodded “I’m yours Will.” You moaned only making the boy swear he was on cloud nine as Ryan hit a spot that was deep within your cunt.
Will missed seeing your face scrunch like that to his own cock as he made the mental note that he needed to fuck you the next morning so your cunt would remember his cock last “fuck I’m gonna come.” You announced as you let your head drop.
The boys smirked as they egged you on “just go ahead pretty girl.” Will mumbled tapping your cheek as he motioned to you to come “let me feel how tight your cunt is when you come.” Ryan ordered finally feeling his cock practically burst as you came.
Your body writhed in the spot as your legs shook it triggered his own orgasm “right there!” Ryan groaned as he let his eyes screw shut until he rode his orgasm out.
As Ryan slid his cock out of you he had to keep his hands on your sides to keep you from collapsing “hey there pretty girl.” Will sighed as he kissed your forehead trying to keep you from falling asleep.
Your lips formed a smile as you blinked at him “think you need a bath.” He added as you rested against his duvet “you can go.” The blonde did little to hide his current dislike for teammate in that moment.
Ryan couldn’t go to protest as you seemed to melt in Wills arms “see you later gorgeous.” Ryan got one last chance to kiss your lips before he got his clothes on and left.
You thought you were getting a bath but instead Will just pulled you into his arms “Will?” Your voice was barely above a whisper as you looked up at him.
He ended up staring right down at you as he smiled “like you a lot.” You mumbled letting out a sigh as you rested your head on his chest.
His hands ran through your hair as you two stayed there “think I’m in love with you.” But of course as the words left his lips it had turned out that you instead were sleeping as you had dozed off when the comfort of his warmth had you feeling like you were in a blanket.
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jamiedryssnail · 4 months
Safe now
Love of my Life Au
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Warnings : fighting, swearing, underage drinking, and attempted SA
He was 6,1 and on the hockey team guys knew to keep clear of him and his girl. Obviously he is the biggest sweetheart but if you didn’t know this well then good luck because he can be intimidating when he wants to.
He always has a need to hold her, go to the bathroom with her, get her drinks so they don’t get spiked. He is protective but he knows he needs to be because you don’t know what types you get at big parties like this.
He also knows that all the hockey boys will look out for each others girls. Madi especially I mean she is practically hockey royalty and they are all like her older brothers. There is also the factor that her brothers would kill you if anything happened to her. Now if you think Rutger looks intimidating try her three NHL player brothers Quinn, Jack, and Luke.
Mads was not drinking at all just Coke Zero for her. She is a very serious athlete and her mum Ellen always said athletes don’t drink in the season. This came as more of a suggestion to her brothers ( jack ) but she took it to heart. Always wanting to perform her best and not take any chances of being sick, dehydrated, or tired.
Hence why Rut thought it was fine for her to go to the bathroom by herself. She hadn’t been drinking and the bathroom was in view from we’re they were standing, talking to Mark and Ethan. “Just meet me right back here as soon as you are done” he noted as he was very cautious of his girl. “It’s one of the biggest parties of the year who knows who is here mads, ok” he says making his point clear.
If it was any other party he would have been fine and more at ease. But Michigan had just won the rose bowl so it was hectic and everyone was there drunk off their asses. He had heard of many cases at parties like this of girls getting spiked or assaulted by guys. “Ok baby I’ll be quick, then maybe we could head home yeah” she said in a suggestive tone. Mads wondered off into the crowd seeing the huge line for the bathroom. There had to be at least twelve people ahead of her.
As she waited in the line she saw Dylan duke her long time best friend. “Dyl, we’re have you been all night” she asked knowing just why he had been preoccupied. “Oh shut up she is pretty ok and she thinks I’m hot” “Sure, Dylan” she joked.
As they chit chatted she gave rut a little wave before he looked away smiling re entering the conversation he was having.
“Oh my god what are these people doing in the bathroom” She exclaimed obviously busting to pee. “Mads don’t wait in this queue just go upstairs, it’s what I’ve been using”. Dylan says directing her
Unsure Madi made her way upstairs passing a few couples that couldn’t seem to wait til they got home to get with each other. As she made her way to the top she looked in a few rooms for a free bathroom. Accidentally walking in on a few couples getting at it she got a few ‘what the hell’s’ and ‘do you minds’. She finally found a free one and quickly used it.
Quickly using it and then touching up her makeup for the night ahead with rut she opened the door ready to go downstairs. As she started walking out she saw a guy she had never seen before looking directly at her. “Hey Mads right?” He asked “It’s Madison.” She said sternly trying to get out of there as soon as possible. She so did not feel like having a conversation with a gross stranger who obviously just wanted to get in her pants. Mads tried to exit but he grabbed her arm and whispered in her ear “ I don’t really care what your name is or how you say it you have a decent rack so you better shut the fuck up” Madi then trying to scream and kick her way out causing some kind of attention.
The guy put her hand over her mouth and dragged her back into the bathroom locking the door. She tried to fight back but he wasn’t budging instead hitting her in the face making her drowsy. She kept trying to push him away but he was a big dude and was to strong.
As she felt the blood start drip down from the top of her face she couldn’t help but cry.
Rutgers Pov,
“Hey has anyone seen Mads”
He had been asking everyone at the party for the last ten minutes.
“Rut hey dude mads just went to the toilet upstairs”
“Alone are you fucking with me” he said fuming at Dylan for even thinking that was ok. Rutger knows what guys are like and he was ready to beat the shit out of anyone.
Rutger rushed upstairs and searched everywhere to find one bathroom door locked. He banged on it then to hear Madi’s soft pleas to stop and get off her.
“Open up you asshole” Rutger screamed he swore the whole party had heard him but he didn’t care, he just wanted to hold mads. Luckily the guy had only just locked the door so nothing major had happened.
Finally the guy opened up the door expecting some guy who drank to much beer and needed the restroom. Before he knew it there was a guy jumping on him punching him repeatedly until he had blood all over his face. “Fucking touch her again and I’ll fucking kill you” he yelled like someone had died. Luca and Dylan seeing this run to pull Rut off the guy, then something catches ruts eyes. Madi standing frail and scared a few feet away. He goes to hold her and then sees blood. She has a cut on her upper eyebrow.
“You son of a bitch you laid hands on my girl” Rutger yells knowing he can’t do anything because he has to hold mads. “Oh fuck off as if you’d be dating her if she wasn’t a Hughes and didn’t have a rack”. Then the guy spoke up again “she’s a slut you know what have ur hooker looking girlfriend”. At this point Rutger was beyond pissed he couldn’t believe his ears.
“Fucking say it again I dare you” “As if you’d be dating her if she wasn’t a Hughes and didn’t have a rack she’s a good hit admit it” Rutger then decided to leave it until he heard a “Yea go have my sloppy seconds I got to her first tonight” and with that the guy was almost passed out on the floor from another hit. Luca lunges to towards him telling him to leave before they call the cops.
“Oh my girl you poor thing come here” rut says to mads. “I’m sorry for not being there I’m horrible” he whispers. “No Rut you were there don’t blame yourself for others actions, please baby”. Madi said
Rutger and Mads slowly walk down stairs trying to exit the house and get back to someone’s dorm. He did not let go of her at all after that. Finally finding the front yard Rutger picks her up and puts her in his car. “Oh sweet girl I’m never going to let anyone hurt you again”.
When they get to Madi’s dorm Rutger grabs the first aid kit Madi uses to clean him up after he gets into fights at games. He carefully dabs a cotton bud and some disinfectant oil for her cut. He then fixes himself up knowing his girl is to tired to do it for him like usual.
Rutger helps madi out of her little dress and into one of her (his) shirts and his boxers. He can’t help at smile at his beautiful girl almost drowning in his clothes.
After they both get into comfy clothes they find themselves cuddled up in bundles of blankets and pillows holding each other. Rutger is just happy she is safe now, and when I tell you he will never let her go again i mean never. He is walking her to and from every class, holding her tightly at parties, and taking her to her training. Anyway let’s just say Rut is content but also not looking forward to her brothers finding out especially jack.
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