oceanwithouthermoon · 1 month
kubosai but its ten things i hate about you patrick and kat.
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silencesscreams · 1 year
james potter x reader
“inescapable, im not even gonna try, and if i get burned, at least we were electrified.”
a/n: maybe (just maybe) this was inspired by dress - taylor swift 🫡 also, ive had this in mind for AGES now, pls tell me about any grammar mistakes, english isn’t my first language!! also, i made up some characters just to have something to fit into the story pls dont mind that
warnings and tags: afab!reader, angstyish, uncomfortableness??, oh my god the tension, intimate and touchy relationship between friends, james mentions other girls blablabla, kissing, stitches, open wounds, falling, body shots, hickies, slighttt choking, oral sex (f receiving), praise, degradation???????? penetration, unprotected, v soft ending, use of y/n a couple of times, slow burn?? words words words. (god how i love james potter). james is a player !! r is in the mauraders group, r is v close with lily, like two years after finishing hogwarts, mauraders working together on the orderrrr
it started on your third year.
you were seated with a redhead named lily in potions, she was sweet. she was friends with boys mostly, so when you started getting close she was happy to have you as a friend.
on your first trip to hogsmeade, she came a long with you and brought four boys along with her; remus, sirius, peter and james.
james potter caught your eye as soon as you saw him for the first time, he was laughing to something sirius had said, and you swore that was the sweetest sound you had ever heard.
you bonded over the same taste in candy at honeydukes, music, books and enjoying the same sorts of jokes. not much longer, you could consider him one of your best friends.
after a while, you found out james was touchy, at least he was with you. he would play with your hands when he was bored, cracking your knuckles for you.
he’d always listen about all the gossip and talk shit on mutually hated people. lily was happy you got along, and most of her girl friends and guy friends were also your friends now, which made you incredibly happy to have found yourself in a group like that. you were happy about how a great friend james was, he was so nice to you.
well, until your sixth year. that was when james started getting girls, suddenly, over the summer, everyone started to drool over him. at first, it didn’t even bother you that much, sure, you bawled your eyes out when he skipped your usual outing in hogsmeade to go on some stupid date with some stupid girl, but it didn’t even bother you that much, did it? you dont know, but it started really to bother you at some point, sure, no one else was caring about it like you were, but maybe no one else was around him like you were. maybe no one else knew him like you did, at some points you even asked yourself if you really knew him after all those years. you even spent christmas with him once, how could you not know him? maybe you only knew what he wanted you to see. god, you hated this feeling.
around october it was really pissing you off. he barely hung out with you anymore, of course you always saw him in groups, but you liked being alone with him listening to music or doing nothing at all. james was sweet to be around. he was caring, and you liked his smell. the way his arm would always be around your shoulder.
but in november, what really pushed you over the edge, was him showing up to dinner with his neck filled with hickeys, really showing them off. he sat down next to you, as sirius and remus both eyed him, pretending they weren’t seeing shit, but they would probably joke around about it when you and the girls weren’t around. and that was it for you. you got up, got your books and left, you couldn’t stand to do this on that day. not when your clothes didn’t sit right, not when you didn’t feel clean, not when your hair was not staying how you wanted it to stay. not when you figured out you might be in love with your best friend.
“where you going?” james asked as soon as you got up, you ignored him and just started walking. your eyes just might’ve started to water and god you needed to go somewhere you could be alone.
so you found yourself in the library, sat next to the window, thinking about how you were going to explain storming off like that to your friends, and worst, to james. all of it was so fucking stressing.
“hey.” you heard someone whisper, and so you quickly dry your cheeks with your sleeves, turning around to face james.
“hi.” you whisper back, he signals to the chair next to you, asking if its taken. you shake your head in response, he smiles and sits down.
“what’s going on?” he asks, staring at you with his brows furrowed.
“don’t worry about it, you can leave. i know you have a date with that ravenclaw girl, i’m just upset. its nothing.”
“you really think i care about her?” he asks, rolling his eyes. “you’ve been quite upset these days, haven’t you?”
“yeah, i guess, don’t worry, really. you should go and have your fun.” you reply, smiling empathetically.
“i dont wanna go.” he answers quickly, he looks around, trying to find something to say. and then he sees your redish eyes.
“oh y/n, com’ere” he gets up, opening his arms, you roll your eyes playfully, getting up and hugging him. you dont know why but his hugs always made you feel better. it was like he took all of the sadness from you and just threw it out. he was wearing a new perfume. he smelled like 2 in one shampoo and lavender soap.
“you can go to your date, i’m fine. i swear.” you say, still hugging him.
“i dont wanna go. i wanna be here with you, that okay? plus, i need to catch up on history of magic.” he said, sweetly kissing the stop of your head, and afterwards, pressing his chin on top of it. and you didnt know if it was the moment or something else, but that was when you knew.
when you were sure of it all. when you needed to tell someone else or you’d explode.
“lily, i need to tell you something but you need to promise me this stays just between us. really.” you whisper as she takes a sip of her butterbeer.
“what’d you do?”
“i didn’t do shit. listen, don’t judge me, alright?” you reply, frustrated. she nods a yes. “i think i might be very into james and i have no idea how to deal with it.” you blurt out, staring at your own cup, too nervous to look at her.
“oh, i already knew that.” she answers.
“no you didn’t!” you whisper-shout at her
“i mean, it was a very firm theory. i just know you and the way you get silly around him and his dates sort of made me sure of it.” she smiles.
“god. im so stupid” you whisper, facepalming yourself.
“no you’re not. you should see the way he looks at you.” she says, grinning at how red your face is.
“lily, he’s had like, 20 girlfriends this past year, he’s not into me.” you answer, rolling you eyes.
“alright then.” she said, irony taking over her voice.
“im serious!” you reply, and she nods, still ironically.
for the rest of his 6th year, james didnt have any girlfriends. and on his 7th he had a few flings, but so did you.
“i just don’t get why you’re going out with this asshole!” james said while you walked with him to transfiguration class.
“he’s not like that, james, just give him a chance.” you smile at his horrified look to your comment.
“corrigan almost made me fall off my broom once, he actually is like that, sorry sweetheart.” he emphasized the part where he says corrigan is like that.
“james, we’re not getting married, its just a date.”
“a fourth date.”
“come on, he’s fun.”
“y/n, if you wanted fun you should be dating me.” you roll your eyes at that. “where’s he even taking you anyway?”
“madam puddifoot’s, i think” you answer, knowing exactly what was about to go on.
“oh, in his dreams. he’s gonna try to bang you i just know it.”
“at a tea shop?” you laugh.
“oh please, don’t tell me you’ll let that asshole suck your face.”
“i dont talk about who sucks YOUR face. because just let me add that this gale girl you’re going out with will probably give you a disease.” james laughs at that. “im serious! shes sick all the time, every time i see her shes coughing and sniffing and all of that.”
“that reminds me i gotta break up with her.” he sighs.
“nooo, why? i thought things were going well”
“nah, we’re just not good together.”
“maybe because every time you went out with her you used it as an excuse to spy on me and corrigan.”
“just trying to protect my closest friend. thats all” he smiles, winking at you and you swear you can melt into a puddle right there.
“shut up, you’re just doing this because you hate him.”
“im serious, darling. he IS an asshole.”
“i guess i’ll just have to figure it out myself.” you wink back at him.
“oh would you just look at that.” james whispered, looking through the window at mrs. puddifoots door.
he could ser how corrigans face was close to yours and how suddenly he kissed you, one hand on your upper thigh and the other on the back of your neck.
“is that jealousy im sensing, prongs?” sirius laughed.
“n-no! its just disgusting, he’s a prick” james was suddenly defensive.
“y/n/n seems to like him though” remus commented.
“shut up.” james said, still watching how corrigan was gripping onto you. ‘god, i hate him so much’ he thought to himself.
and that went on until you and corrigan broke up. he did end up making james fall off his broom, he had to get 20 stitches, and you cried about it. as soon as james hit the grass you were in the field, it wasn’t even a real match, just practice. you took him to the infirmary, you even held his hand.
“its just a few stitches, don’t worry about it.” he said, as the nurse started to clean the wound.
“20 is definitely not a few, just let me stay here.”
“she’s right” the nurse added, she rubbed alcohol onto the cut and james hissed.
“told you he was an asshole, hun”
“watch your mouth, mr potter” she added as he groaned again.
after you were finished with school, most of your friends went to work at the order of the phoenix, you had a part time job as a bar atender but also participated in the order. james had been trying to convince you to quit the job, specially because your ex was the manager (even though he wouldn’t admit it).
“james!” you shouted, laying down at the couch in the orders house.
“what?!” he screamed back from the kitchen, he was making those god awful scrambled eggs you said you loved because he made them with such care you were sorry for his cooking skills.
“you’re taking anyone to sirius’s birthday tonight?” you ask, hoping to god he’d say no.
“no, mia and i broke up last month, remember?”
“of course i remember!” you were all smiley about it, you could squeal if he wasn’t there. even if it was silly, you were ansious to ask lily to come over and she’d help you pick out your outfit.
you both ended up deciding on a black dress she was willing to lend you. being so excited for something as casual as a friends birthday, was a bit stupid of you, that you could admit. but you couldn’t take your mind off of james now, sure it had been that way for like four years now, but he still was your best friend and you couldn’t do much about it. what was even worse was that his hugs, his voice, his smell, was all so addictive to you. and you tried, you really did, you just couldn’t.
when you got to the party at the order, you were a like two hours late, you got held back because of work and you still needed to get ready, but you somehow made before they sung happy birthday. you wished sirius a happy birthday, giving him his gift and a tight hug. even though you weren’t close, he was still one of the most present people in your life, and you loved that about him, and so before you could even ask, he said:
“james is in the bathroom right now, but believe me, he’s been waiting for you all night though.” you smiled.
“thank you sirius, but i have other friends took, you know?” you said.
“he’ll love the dress” he whispered, and started walking away, you knew why. him and lily have been trying to get you and james together for ages now, and so you knew that when he just walked away like that, james was coming near, probably to talk to you.
“hey” you heard, and so you turned around to face him, and honestly, he looked great. he was wearing those jeans you liked and a shirt you complimented once.
“hi” you looked at him, smiling.
“you look amazing” he said, and so you turned a bit pink.
“thank you, i really like that shirt.” you felt the need to say something back.
“really?” he was just teasing you at this point.
“really.” and you liked to tease him back.
“y/n! finally, come on, we’re taking body shots” said lily, pulling you with her, and james came along.
everyone was there, laughing having fun. it was all super sweet, like you were in school again.
well, that was until sirius decided he’d make you regret you were ever born.
“PRONGS!” he shouted, as james was staring at him from a safe distance “COME ON LETS JOIN THE GAME, ITS YOUR TURN!”
“i’m not so sure about that, i feel like its sort of y/n’s turn, right?” james smirked to you, you glared at him. god, you didn’t know if you wanted to kiss him or kill him.
“ah james, you know how they say, gentlemen’s first? i believe that’s the phrase” you found yourself very idiotic in that place.
“i’m not drinking tonight though” james winked, you were trying to get yourself out of the situation, though it only seemed to get worse.
“perfect way to solve it, hear me out, y/n takes one off of james, problem solved!” sirius didn’t seem to have any common sense when he was drunk.
“good idea sirius!” said lily loudly through the music, and so you glared at her. this was definitely going o be the lowest point of your year, being sure james would say no, you looked over to him and he just decided to say
“fine by me” and just like that the shirt you liked to much was thrown on the counter.
“oh, uhm, okay then” you felt hot and red and you were sure that was exactly how you looked and it did not feel good. you were hoping the lighting would mask i, until james said “no need to be nervous, princess” and somehow that made you even more nervous.
“you know how this works right? lick, shoot, suck?” james asked, and so you nodded a yes, staring at the ceiling. he slipped a lime wedge into his mouth, and so you begging for this torture to end because you already felt so wet it was scary.
his tongue fell upon the rind, and so he could taste the citric flavor as you sprinkled salt onto his skin, from his navel to his waistband. he felt himself blush but decided to just ignore it and try to focus on something else.
and so it begins, you didn’t know it, but maybe james was more nervous about that than you. he was begging to the universe, spirits, everything he could, to not get hard on that moment you leaned over him, your warm tongue sticking out and licking a stripe up the salt. he tried his best to suppress a groan, you smiled, nervously, as you took the shot from his stomach, he could hear sirius saying something loudly, lily screaming and remus’s laugh. and he just saw you.
leaning towards his face, you looked at him with your ‘i’m so sorry oh my god’ look, your lips falling and plucking the lime from his mouth, but when you were going to pull back, your lips touched around the wedge and you felt your whole body ignite as your lips brushed against his.
but as quick as you tasted him, as quick it was gone.
james quickly got uo and fixed himself, putting his shirt back on.
“good job” he didnt know what else to say and just hi-fived you. you smile confused.
“thanks i guess” you say, as lily pulls you to the side to discuss what happened right in front of her and wasnt just actually one of your dreams.
around three hours later the party ended, and james did actually drink, once most people were hone and you were headed to the guest room you felt a hand pulling you by your dress, holding on to the silky fabric. turning around you found yourself very up close to james potter.
“hi” you whispered.
“hi” he said lowly.
“is everything okay?” you asked, his breath smelling like mint and lemons.
“yeah” he answered, still staring “can i crash with you? ‘dont wanna go home” you nodded a yes, and suddenly his hand was on the back of your neck.
“i’m about to do something so stupid.” he whispered.
“so am i.” you answered, your eyes not really knowing where to focus, his eyes, his lips, his neck, his mouth.
“good.” he nodded, and suddenly his lips were brushing over yours, your eyes started to close and then there it was.
your lips met, softly completing one another, which involved a pulling back and crashing. his lips strong against yours, and then his tongue was brushing over your lips, qnd so you opened your mouth and god, you dont know for how long you waited. his hands now roaming your body, you felt the heat of his body, and he pulls back.
“youre so fucking pretty” he blurted out, going back to the kiss. his hands now on your lower back, you pull him towards the guest room.
and then you were both sat on the bed, your heals off and his shoes too. Your lips still attached, more and more eager by the second, and now his lips were on your neck, teasing you, as his right grabbed onto your upper thigh and your dress was riding up.
he pulled away to take off his shirt, you just stared at him, having no idea what to say next.
“hey” he was so close.
“you wanna do this? because if you don’t that’s fine by me, really, we can just forget it and pretend we were both really drunk” he started trailing off.
“no. i want you, really, i do” you were trying not to look at him because that would make you even more nervous. just like that, his lips were back on yours, his hand on your waist, laying you down on the bed, your head on the pillow as he unzipped your dress, he was back onto working on your neck, pressing kisses and nipping at it as he started to pull down your dress, his knee right between your legs, he was so so close to where you needed him.
you felt his cold hand reach for your breast, his lips trailing down to your chest, starting to suck on one nipple as his hand stimulated the other. you couldn’t help but just run your hands through his hair as you let moans escape through your mouth.
“james” you whined, as he left a trail of kissed from you chest to your inner thighs.
“yeah princess?” he looked up at you with doe eyes, right between your parted legs.
“please” you whispered.
“i cant hear you, what’s that?” he teased.
“please, i need you.” he smirked at that, pressing a kiss to the damp spot on your lace panties, your body now electrified because of the gesture.
“can i take these off?”he asked, his thumb playing with the fabric as you nod, he smiles as he pulls them down your legs. he’s using his hands to part your legs, holding on to your thighs. you can feel his breathing over your clit, he watches you as he places his thumb pad over your clit, rubbing it in slow circles and you let out a moan. his arm coming up, resting across your stomach.
embarrassment quickly turns into pleasure as he starts to kitten lick your clit.
his lips now attached as you threaded your hands into his hai, tugging and making james grunt. he’s slipping in a finger and you start to whimper.
“that feels good?” he asks, pulling his mouth off of you, you nod.
“yes, please…" he’s smiling lightly at that.
“what is it, huh? can you take another? is that it?” he teasingly asks, you whisper a yes. he watched his fingers as they slipped into you, he lets out a low groan. his fingers moving quicker as the feeling in your abdomen got stronger. his lips attach again to you clit and you whimper at the feeling. he’s flicking his tongue and his fingers are hitting the perfect spot.
“james”you whisper, he looks up at you, his fingers still going at it. “i need you now, i’m serious.”you blurt out, his fingers leave you, making you feel a empty, his thumb rubs your clit as he goes up to kiss you, you’re able to taste yourself on his mouth. you moan into the kiss as he rubs you clit. his hands leave you, he starts to take off his pants, your heart races as he unbuckles his belt.
he reaches up to pin your knees up to your chest, you can feel the bulge on his underwear as he goes up to kiss you harshly. god, he did feel big.
“you sure about it?”he asks one more time.
“yes”you quickly answer.
“good girl.” you feel you soul leave your body because of the praise. he takes a moment to palm himself through the boxers,
“fuck, need you so bad” he whispers. you moan as his pulls himself out of his boxers, his erection hitting up against his stomach. he runs his hand up and down the shaft, you can feel his tip up against you.
“shit”you whisper,
“gonna be a good girl?” he’s lining himself up against you.
“yes, please, i will” you quickly answer, giving in because of how needy you were. he presses himself closer to you, stretching you around him.
“of course you are.”he says lowly, “tell me if you want me to stop, okay?”he says, and you nod. he pushes himself into you just in one stroke, the sudden stretch makes you moan breathlessly. he groans into the crook of your neck, biting down on a soft spot. “still so tight. you feel so good, princess” he praises, and wastes no time and starts to move, shallowly rolling his hips up to you. he kisses your neck as you moan.
“oh my god”you whimper. he’s trusting harder now, starting to pick up a pace. you moan as he trusts forward, filling you up so well. you were starting to adjust to his size. your hands were back on his hair, holding on to it for dear life.
"fuck, james, harder please." he cocks an eyebrow, then pulls out to the tip, you whine at the loss,
"you asked for it, alright?” he thrusts forward roughly, filling you up with his cock, you feel him even deeper this time, the press of him against your walls making you whine louder as he thrusted even harder,
"can you take this, hun?" he fucks into you rapidly, mocking you, pushing you against the headboard, "you said you wanted it harder, didnt you?" your cheeks start to burn up. “you feel so fucking good” he groaned, the heat in your stomach building up again. you were blabbing incoherent phrases, all similar to ‘fuck please’ and ‘holy shit, oh my god james’. he’s filling you up perfectly and your walls start to tighten against him.
the sound of the slap of skin fills up the room, the base of him stimulating your clit along with his thumb, his right hand reaches up to your neck, squeezing lightly. he can tell your close, the way your hips started to buck up, grinding needily. you yelp as he throws your legs over his shoulders, fucking you even deeper and hitting your g-spot.
“need it so bad, please” you whimper and he hums at that.
“need what?” he’s back to the teasing again.
“i need to cum, please.”he’s fucking into you faster and harder than before. you clamped around him desperately, your high building up. he felt it, his hand pinching your clit as you moan in pleasure. his thrust only getting harder along with your whining. you just couldn’t hold it in anymore.
“you can cum princess, don’t worry” his thumb rolls on your clit faster, just like his thrusts. you came with a cry of his name, walls clenched around him as you gripped the back of his neck. seeing you, head thrown back in ecstasy, in pleasure as you cry out his name has him groaning, head dropped into the crook of your neck as his thrusts get faster and sharper, the overstimulation of it drawing out high keening noises from your throat, his cock nudging against your cervix as he spills inside of you.
"fuck, so good for me, princess," he kisses your shoulder, "such a good girl," he murmurs.
he pulls out slowly, putting himself back in his boxers, and lays you down when you mumble that you're too sore to sit up. he grins at that and you shove him, "what-? i'm just proud of myself that's all."
“you’re an idiot, you know that, right?” you tease him.
“you have no idea. i’ve loved you since i was seventeen.” he smiles, a bit nervous with his confession. and you pull him into a kiss.
“i’ve been in love with you since the first time i saw you” you whisper, and he lays down next to you, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head.
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savannahsdeath · 10 months
heyyy could u write something where like reader is about to shower but starts to get really insecure and kinda has a breakdown, BUT ellie reassures her. (pls also give reader stretch marks bc i've been so insecure abt mine lately and i have them literally everywhere. thighs, hips, even on my boobs lol) <3
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! but tbh its minors safe this time i think ??
writers note: just a reminder youre all beautiful no matter what!! beauty standards or wtv was it called are something we shouldnt base our life on but we sadly do. self love is the key to happiness and dont let other people ruin it!!🩷🩷and to our lovely anon, you dont need to worry about stretch marks. trust me, most of people dont even pay attention to them! its nothing 'special in a bad way'. i lately got some too, right before my holidays and theyre sooo visible through my summer clothes but its something you can get used to be comfortable with. please, anon, dont think less of yourself because of them nor any other insecurities. and this comes to everyone!!💞
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it was already late so you were getting ready to take a shower to not waste any more time. you put your clothes on a nearby shelf. you stood in front of the mirror in your underwear only, looking for anything that could be possibly pointed out, like you didn't have enough insecurities already. feeling rather self-conscious, you were examining your reflection for any flaws or imperfections. every detail of your body was being inspected up-close, from the lines on your stomach, to the size of your thighs, to the shape of your shoulders and face. your eyes were scanning every inch of you, seeking any signs of something you could hate, even if others wouldn't notice them. you couldn't help but wonder if the things you were stressing over were even worth worrying about, or if you were just creating problems where they didn't exist.
either way, you couldn't help but hate them. and since you mostly focused on bad things and you didn't see your advantages - you hated yourself. in your eyes your whole body could change. or even should change.
the more you stared at yourself in the mirror, picking apart every little thing, the more you hated what you saw. it felt like nothing was good enough, like every little imperfection needed to be changed or worked on. you felt like you could never measure up to this impossible standard, like your entire body was inadequate. the insecurities were eating away at you, gnawing away until any confidence or self-love you might've had was gone.
that was the moment your eyes beginned to get glossy. you didn't cry though, oh, no. you hated the way you look when you cry, just like everything else, so you tried your best to hold back tears. the floodgates were beginning to open, but you held them back with everything you had. you despised the way you looked when you cried: the tears down your cheeks, your puffy eyes, all those disgusting, revolting imperfections. as much as you hated your flaws, you despised your crying face even more. you would never let anyone see you like that, never.
suddenly, your girlfriend and roommate in one, knocked on the door. "everything okay in there?"
she must notice you're taking your time instead of simply taking a shower already.
you stayed silent, knowing if you try to open your mouth you couldn't control what comes from them. you'd probably break down and the thick door won't be enough to mute your pathetic sobs.
you didn't want to answer, but then again, you knew if you stayed quiet, your girlfriend would eventually come in and check on you. you had to keep yourself together. you couldn't fall apart right in front of her like that.
you let out a shaky breath and replied, "yeah, everything's fine." you could feel your voice cracking with each word, but you were determined not to let her see you in such a sorry state.
what if she sees me the way i see myself?
your girlfriend wasn't fooled by your shaky reply. even if you denied it, she knew something was wrong. she heard the emotion in your voice and could sense the struggle to keep yourself together. without another word, she opened the door and walked in.
"what's wrong, pretty girl?" she asked when she didn't saw your glossy eyes yet.
you, on the other hand, couldn't control yourself anymore. the nickname 'pretty girl' hit you instantly, thinking you're anything but pretty.
those two words hit you harder than a punch to the gut, evoking a strong reaction that you tried to mask. you took a deep breath to steady your voice so that you didn't break, but it was impossible to sound completely calm when you felt so much pain just from those two words.
"nothing." you muttered quietly, but your voice sounded more like a choke than a word.
she hugged you from behind, looking in the same, unlucky mirror. her hands softly touched the scretch marks on your hips as she hold onto them, gently rocking you back and forth.
you wanted nothing more than to reject this hug and flee from your own reflection in the mirror, but you were too weak to pull away.
"nothing?" she asked gently, planting little kisses from your neck to shoulders.
you felt a wave of shame and embarrassment wash over you as your girlfriend's touch revealed the marks on your hips. she immediately spotted them and caressed them with her soft hands.
it all felt too much. you were fighting so hard to hold yourself together, but when she touched you, it all came crashing down. the tears finally escaped and you began to sob, clinging onto her tightly as you broke down. "no... not nothing..."
she held you close, feeling your warmth as her arms wrapped around you and her hands comforted your pain. she rubbed your back and kissed your neck as she tried to soothe you. "shh, come here, it's okay..." she whispered gently.
she led you over to the bed and laid you down. she carefully took off her shirt, leaving on only her bra and boxers, then laid down with you, hugging you tightly. she kissed your neck, your face, brushed your hair back, caressed your body, your stretch marks, your insecurities (at least the ones she knew about), anything to try and comfort you. she whispered words of reassurance and love as she tried to fill you with the affection you felt you lacked. "i love you, my pretty girl... i love you." she repeated those words again and again, hoping you'd believe that someone could love you, and that someone was her.
ellie continued to hold you tightly as you cried into her. your tears soaked into her bra, but she didn't mind; you'd done that many times before. she rubbed your back in soothing circles as she let you let it all out, and she made small shushing noises in your ear. your sobs turned into whimpers and then into a soft murmur, and as your emotions died down, she gently wiped away the tears, replacing them with kisses.
as she noticed you calmed down she slightly pulled away to get a better look at you. "can you tell me what's wrong now?"
"i... it's just..." you started, and your voice broke as you tried to find the words. your girlfriend gave you her undivided attention, focusing on you and only you. "i- i don't feel pretty... i don't feel good enough... i don't feel... enough."
with her eyes looking deep into yours, you couldn't help but be vulnerable as you opened up to her. your insecurities and flaws, the things you tried so hard to hide, were all laid bare in front of her now.
a pang of guilt hit you in that moment.
what am i doing?
ellie was so sweet and loving, and you felt like you were just taking advantage of her kindness. like you're just an attention seeker.
but before you could say anything, she pressed a finger to your lips.
"no. shut your mouth." she said sternly, and you couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "that's not true. i don't wanna hear it, not another word." she leaned in and pressed her soft lips to yours.
you found yourself sitting on her lap, as she stroked your hair, whispering something or kissing you from time to time. you told her all about it, about what and how you feel. and she listened.
you were so lost in your emotional story you didn't even notice the way she slowly took off her rings - one by one, and placed them on a bedside shelf.
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fuxuannie · 1 year
okay listen listen listen. what are ur thoughts on enemies to lovers w dan heng.
OR OR OR WITH GEPARD (idk how thatll work but the idea is very appealing to me AHUEHDUE)
(also i saw it was ur birthday yesterday!! happy belated birthday 🥳🥳 stay healthy n safe, dont forget to hydrate and eat :D)
- idk can i be 😟 anon (my face 24/7 LMAO)
↳ pairing : (seperate) gepard landau & dan heng x gender neutral reader
↳ synopsis : request ♡
↳ authors note : dan hengs is more or less a joke bc i genuinely couldnt think of much for him im SORRYANSBDNS thank you smmm for the sweet messages they rlly warm my heart
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When the peace between the Overworld and Underworld was established, you and Gepard both agreed that it didn't mean that suddenly you and him were buddy-buddy now. However, with Seele and Bronya becoming allies, it meant that you and Gepard were more often than not being assigned to work side by side.
And with that arrangment coming along, that's what brought you here. In an abandoned building, sitting on a bed with Gepard kneeling between your legs as he bandaged your bruises. "You know, if anyone sees this the angle looks really-"
"Shut up."
You smirk at his fluster, seeing the slight shade of pink that he tries to hide. In return, he not so nicely pulls on the bandages around you, tightening them in a way that was nearly suffocating. "Ow!-"
You won't deny that Gepard was an insanely pretty man, his soft skin and gentle features complimented his.. annoyingly kind soul for those who needed his assistance. He was loved by many, and you couldn't really blame people. Just cause you both were on opposite sides didn't mean you couldn't acknowledge his determination to protect others.
"Your injuries are fatal. We can move by morning, just rest for now."
You look around the room, mostly to ignore how he takes off his heavy armor to to rest properly. "You know it's.. there's only one relatively comfortable place to sleep in, right? Or in other words.. there's only one bed?"
Gepard nods with a sigh, your eyes finally turning back to him as he tries to lay on the floor and use his arm as a pillow. "Yeah. And you're hurt, so you can have it."
He ignores your pitiful stare, closing his eyes until he hears you clear your throat and opening one of them slightly. "It's.. cold. And there's.. enough room."
"Oh? And won't this look like a suggestive-"
"Shut up!"
You ignore his laughter as he stands up, feeling him ruffle your hair as you look up at him. "Asshole. Just.. sleep, will you?"
"Gladly. If it means I won't have to look at your face anymore."
"You know I'm pretty." "Maybe, but you're infuriating."
"Wait, what?"
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Maybe that description was a little detailed, but wouldn't it be funny if you were DAN HENG's ex and you were so pissed at him you joined the Stellaron Hunters. Blade himself started hating him a little more after hearing you rant about him for the 10th time in a day. (He's more pissed that he made you that way and now has to deal with it.)
So when you caught up to him in Luofu, even if you swore to Blade you wouldn't do anything until his business with Dan Heng was over, you just couldn't resist just having a little bite. Just for your own enjoyment.
"How have you been?" "I've been better, especially since you're holding a knife to my throat and pinning me against a wall."
You scoff at his remark while pushing the blade closer towards his neck, not quite enough to cut but grazing his skin to a point he can feel the cold metal. "Shut up."
"Good to know you're still angry at me."
"Why wouldn't I be? You left me with nothing but a poorly written note that had nothing but 'Goodbye.' on it."
That got a little reaction out of him which was him clearing his throat. "Seems like you haven't forgotten either."
"No it's more.. did you not see the other one I left you?" "There was another??"
You and him exchange awkward glances, you eventually pull the knife away from his neck and take a few steps back.
"If it matters at all, you're still really pretty."
"Seriously, now of all times I-"
You laugh a little, causing the familiar feeling of Dan Heng's heart skipping a beat as he looks off to the side. "..Whatever. Just because we had this.. whatever this was, it doesn't mean you're off the hook. You're still gonna be a dead man, I promise you that much."
Dan Heng watched you leave the shadows, until you were out of sight was when he laughed a little. "It's a little odd I found that stupidly attractive but.." He shrugs to himself, not like anyone will know.
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(Context: im thinking abt my post canon au, i explained on my ao3, u dont even have to read it just know its there)
Mizu revealing her being a woman to taigen AFTER he confesses his feelings to mizu AFTER being bested during their duel once again is literally so fucking personal to me. Jesus fuck... FUCK. Like. How overwhelmingly loved she must feel. How SEEN. Truly for once n not just but loved and wanted!!! Its so personal to me. Just. Taigen, losing, n then immediately leaning in for a kiss. Mizu is lost cuz what?? Why?? N taigen just. Confesses, but hes holding back cuz mizus reaction was not great and he doesn't wanna ruin the friendship they've formed these past months, they've grown so close so fast n its scary but so exciting n so right but if mizu doesnt want this then nothing is happening n its ok he has a CHOICE. Like. FUCK!! N then mizu telling taigen to wait and that night she reveals it. And its just sooo fucking intimate. Its so soft. And maybe taigen is confused but one look at how small mizu is making herself, like shielding herself from him. Like he gets it. The danger of it all. And its his promise to protect her if she ever needs to that does her in cuz. SHE HAS A CHOICE. TO BE PROTECTED OR NOT. THATS SO IMPORTANT TO HER. Yes, she can protect herself. Yes, it feels good to be protected. Yknow??
Mizu revealing her being a woman to akemi totally by accident AFTER they just had an argument abt women's choices in society AFTER mizu accidentally took one (1) big sip of sake, n then deciding fuck it im gonna win this argument, guess what akemi. And that's how akemi finds out. N Mizu thinks akemi is going to hate her, n she does for a bit in silence, but mostly shes just hurt? For herself AND for Mizu. Cause she understands, so suddenly, so intimately, how hard being a woman is and how mizu has had to hide as a man to survive (not even for plot reasons that we know, mizu being mixed AND a woman? Death sentence). And she just hurts. And they thought they'd always have this weird rift between them but they cry and they let it out (for Mizu, for the first time in YEARS) and its just. Its so emotional n so important and so personal and intimate. Its maybe winter all over again, a year has passed since theyd seen each other in kyoto, so much has changed and yet not rly and. They've grown but in different ways. Akemi, in taking life by the reins n being assertive and strong and so dangerously intelligent like shes always been but now, now its crucial to be that. And Mizu in realizing that she truly, truly wants to be loved so badly but to be loved is to be vulnerable and thats what scares her the most, to be weak; but ure only strong if u can be weak too, and thats what she learns. And i think this is where they really get deep into their feelings. Before it was a crush, an annoying one. Now? Oh bby theyre down bad. Yes they are.
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ravilson23 · 10 days
The Full Moon ep is finally here! Warning, this post has a ton of spoilers.
I think it may be the best episode of the second season. Though i feel like its still nowhere near as good as ep 6 and 7 of the first one. I like the starting song, the contrast is good and the emotions of characters are clear. Its also a nice set up.
I especially love how everyone interacts with each other in this episode. Moxxie and Blitz seem like friends and their talk about sex is hilarious cause of Moxxies attitude. "Fuck him good, sir " was a brilliant line only because he was the one to say it. He seems too proper for this, maybe too shy. Blitzos good mood and his cackle after teasing Mox was also good to hear. Maybe cause he wasnt offensive this time. Anyway it just brought a lot of joy since its quite some time since they had a moment like this.
Then we have Blitz and his shopping trip. I liked when he went to buy candles. I think it has really shown that for Blitz sex isnt and probably never was about intimacy. He understands mood just as "horny" and honestly its very fitting. Though its not shocking i heve never thought about it . We know he is afraid of intimacy, but i thought about it strictly as an emotional closeness. I didnt think that sex could be so... one-dimensional for him in general.
Next we have cherubs. Tbh i didnt like this part mostly cause i dont think like it changed anything. If they were killed, well that would be awesome especially since i see no reason why it didnt happen already. They had been beaten and yet the I.M.P. has just send them back. Makes no sense, they are assasins and the cherubs are their enemies. Unless cherubs cant be killed without blessed weapons then well its somewhat fine. But still nothing they did was interesting or suprising. It feels like they were there to fill half of the time so the ep wouldnt be too short. Unless its more of a set up. But if so it still was somewhat weak. Maybe as i was so interested in Stolitz i just didnt have enough patience to care about cherubs. The fight was fun though, as was their reaction to Blitzos shopping. I am glad the I.M.P. got a chance to shine too. Especially Moxxie and his bitch line.
So now one last thing left. The ending. Obviously the best part. I loved how confused was Blitz and honestly i think his anger was understandable. After all he had no idea how Stolas felt and how he planned to end their arrangment. Blitz was both vulnerable and safe thanks to their deal, he was in a position of a "plaything" but also didnt have to be emotionally invested. He clearly hates himself, is insecure and generally cant imagine someone truly wanting him. So its not suprising that he reacted the way he did. In a way Stolas once again was the one to decide everything. He started the deal and then ended it. Without talking with Blitz. And to be clear, i dont think its fair to really blame Stolas. He tried his best. But well, they both lack the understanding. Stolas isnt aware that Blitz didnt believe in his love because of his own self-hatred. He now believes that Blitz simply hates Stolas. And Blitz really didnt have time to comprehend anything that happened so he acted harshly and in the end didnt even get the chance to apologise. I would like to also say sth about music in this scene. The fact that it was very emotional right from the beginnig even when Blitz was still in horny mood, it just selled it. It felt like real life when sth is wrong, but u notice it a little too late and then u just kind of crumble, get down from your high way too quickly and get a whiplash. It made it painfull to watch. I didnt cry though i heard many people did.
Anyway i am rather excited to see what will happen next and i really hope the episodes will hold some standard. Cause boy, the second season failed me a little to often.
Thanks for reading, hope u found sth interesting and sorry for any grammar mistakes and such.
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oodlesofowls · 1 year
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Feel free to use any of these as pfps WITH CREDIT!!
More pride flags below the cut as well as my aro hunter headcanons :)
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this one is prob controversial to an extent because of huntlow becoming basically canon but i dont care so here u go.
hunter has always given me aro vibes not for any huge reason mostly just cuz i like interpreting him that way. hunter grew up in the emperors coven and never had time for romance, and id like to think that even after leaving he just didn’t even think of it much. i think he would be very surprised by how much he cares about others and how capacity he has for enjoying literary anything. being allowed to feel things and having the time to do so would probably be very new to him so even if he just got a squish i think it would feel like a really big deal. hunter grew up with very strict rules so the idea of him delving into relationship anarchy and allowing his relationships to naturally build and be equally important in different ways would be so good for him. also i think he would be very invested in his lil found family and that would be very very important to him. his attachment to belos above all else would make a larger family and support system so comforting i love that for himmm!!!
also i think he and willow would be in a qpr but still be very independent. they would see each other as people they can trust and go to for anything but not as their only scource of comfort. they would prob be semi cuddly but not super into pda. they hold hands like everywhere they go tho lol. also i think willow would introduce him to what being aro is and explain a lot of terms and he would just be like “oh, i do that”
alsoo the emerald trio (willow hunter and gus) is SO GOOOD and i love their lil found family vibes ^^!! i like to imagine them all moving in together in the future and comforting each other after long days and theyre just so sweet!!!
anyway ill wrap this up with some mini hcs lol
hunter would have a messy relationship with touch and would only let a few people be cuddly with him
he hates holding hands when the fingers are intertwined (cuz its sweaty and uncomfy) but loves like grasping hands like this ->🤝
he is ace and sex repulsed but romance ambivalent (replused when it comes to some things but not all and favorable when it comes to people hes close to)
willow asked him to get married cuz she wanted the tax benefits and he was just like “yea ok whatever u say”
also side not Hunter is SO TRANS IDC WHICH WAY HE JUST IS
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collegeoflore · 2 months
OC meme!
tagged by @aliasknives!! thank you love :3
tagging @menzoberranzans @elminsters @tadpole-apocalypse @undead-potatoes and anyone else who wants to do it :3c
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Full name: xarrai. just xarrai lol. they’ve never once used their last name and so that gave me an excuse to never make one up for them :)
Gender: sure. whatever. (transfem flavor)
Sexuality: bi/pan/who cares
Pronouns: any
Family: they don’t remember if they ever met their father or not, and while their mother and at least two half siblings live in neverwinter, they don’t speak at all
Birthplace: the outer city, somewhere between wyrm’s crossing and the basilisk gate
Job: bard, courtesan, information broker, pickpocket, con artist, professional drunkard, etc etc etc. post-game, they add adventurer and (reluctantly) bard college instructor. (jury is still out on if the xarrastarion harper ending is canon in which case they add harper to the list even more reluctantly LOL)
Phobias: loss of autonomy, The Church Of Bane As A Whole lol
Guilty pleasures: if you asked, xarrai would tell you they’re a true hedonist and would never feel guilty for any pleasure. but if you dig deep enough into the trunk they had stashed at the elfsong you will find a collection of some of the worst romance novels in faerun buried under fancy dresses and thigh high boots that they would VEHEMENTLY deny is theirs. they don’t Like these books but they are obsessed with them the way people hate watch reality television LMAO
Hobbies: reading, leather working, writing (mostly music or poetry), stick n poke tattoos, drunkenly making out with strangers at the blushing mermaid, petty theft. obvs they sing and play their lyre but that’s part of their day job so i’m not sure if it counts under hobbies? lmao
Alignment: chaotic neutral, leaning a littleeee chaotic good by the end of act 3. a little.
Sins: most of them if we’re being fully honest. lmao
Virtues: self-control, vigilance, freedom (is that a virtue? whatever.)
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
this section was such a challenge for xar they r very much an Everything All At Once guy lol. take these answers with a grain of salt ig
OTP: astarion, unfortunately for everyone involved
Acceptable Ships: gale (but it never really works out for them,) technically they romance halsin in game as well but it’s not really romantic. tbh u could make an argument for them with most of the companions and it wouldn’t be That outlandish
OT3: i mean like astarion/xarrai/halsin is vaguely canon but they’re never Serious with halsin, though perhaps they get a little more romantically involved with him post-game? realistically i think xar just keeps a rotating cast of other partners coming in and out of their life until the end of time and i rly dont see astarion ever having an issue with it. they would get bored without hearts to break tbh. its enrichment.
Brotp: karlachhhh forever and ever. after she dies, they’re probably closest with gale (sorry gale lol)
Notp: it’s not technically a notp but i am obsessed with how badly xarrai wants jaheira and how she turns them down every time. ur never gonna get that milf honey but u can keep trying
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catmaidetho · 10 months
not really an etho question but related, do you have headcanons about redstone :? like, its toxicity, its effect on skin, maybe etho has some redstone related injuries or his skin is just fucked up cuz of it. or if you don't have your own headcanons, which ones do u like??
i got pinned in a discord server for very plainly saying, "all redstoners are insane because they have radiation poisoning." because redstone is absolutely radioactive. it's mostly stable, the way plutonium is, but if you power that shit? why do you think it glows? that's radioactivity, baby!!!
it won't kill you, and the average minecrafter probably won't experience any detrimental health effects, but people like etho who've made a career out of working with it are definitely at risk. the average, small redstone contraption has about as much radiation in it as an x-ray. larger contraptions you can definitely feel the heat radiating off of them if the wires aren't enclosed properly.
etho's definitely had a few close calls in the early days (grabbing live redstone wires when machines start going off the fritz and burning his hands, for example) but he's gotten better with time. both of his eyes used to be black, but while building the nexus it started raining and a redstone wire jumped and slapped him in the face. he still hates having to make sure all his redstone is entirely covered by blocks, but the other hermits are like "that's a safety hazard. please cover your redstone i dont want radiation poisoning from just flying past your base."
i also think redstone dust stains like nothing else. like how flamingos are pink from all the shrimp they eat, the tips of redstoners' fingers and their nails are permanently stained red from constant handling. impulse learned to wear gloves early on, and his fingertips have mostly healed back to a normal color. tango and etho are both in the camp of "if i cant physically feel the redstone on my fingers, i feel like i dont know what i'm doing" so they just suffer. doc is simply immune because creeper/robot logic.
(cw vomit) eating redstone makes you very, very ill. unless you're mumbo "killsalot" jumbo who for some reason is just immune. he's accidentally put redstone instead of sugar in his coffee more times than he can count and never gotten sick. etho, on the other hand! while very bored, he decided to eat a redstone torch like it was pocky and then was throwing up blood for three days. (he'd do it again, it doesnt even taste that bad. "etho you were throwing up so much blood we all thought you were going to die" "okay and? it tasted like sweettarts.")
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gennabi · 2 years
Hiiii i didnt know wether ur request r open or not, if its not them im sorry and you can ignore this request. Can i request dating headcannons for Opera-san from Mairimashita!Iruma-kun? If you dont want to then its ok, you can ignore this request!
luv ur works! <3 remember to stay hydrated and eat 3 meals a day!
it's actually closed but this made my day, giggling just thinking abt it heh so here ya go 😚 awww thank you so much for loving them!! im honoured 😭🙆‍♂️ i will!! you too anon, please stay healthy n take care of urself <33
dating headcanons
opera x reader (no prns) • 0.6k
romantic; fluff
[ self explanatory title , opera's a little soft bcs yes , cw cussing ]
m!ik masterlist | main masterlist
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─does that thing where they would ask for the time you wake up and sleep just so they could text you good morning and good night 🥺
─opera's love language is acts of service bcs i say so
─they love to spoil you!!!
─from letting you sleep in for five more minutes to smtg like
─bathing you and washing your hair themselves when you come home tired, wordlessly massaging your shoulders as you doze off in the bathtub
─also a little mean teasing shit. the funny (or lowkey scary) thing is opera teases with a straight face. straight up spitting lies as if they're facts. if you're oblivious, goodluck figuring out if they're actually being serious or just teasing.
─"y/n, i've heard a rumour that if you don't kiss a certain red-haired butler, iruma is going to hate you and won't talk to you ever again."
"that's not true, he would never do such a thing─"
"you're saying i'm lying when i literally spend day and night in the same castle with him? wow, y/n, i expected better from you."
─they did get their kiss in the end so it all works out i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/��
─also the type to play around with hair if you have them. you'll do cute and weird hairstyles on each other during sleepovers awww omg imagine opera w the cat ears hairstyle hfffffjjf
─speaking of sleepovers, would definitely be into face masks n shit but only views them as a "privilege/sleepover thing" if that makes sense
─mostly the big spoon but that's because they like to come in bed later than you, checking buttler stuffs for next morning yk, but if they're having an off day tomorrow, would definitely ask to be the little spoon and your heart just squeezes when their ears do that happy flap 🥺😭😭
─your dates are either staying in or some low-tension stuffs like picnics or having a walk through the streets at night kind of thing, they just like to hang around with you and listen to you talk and ramble :') <33
─loves it when you give them a headpat, like one where you do to actual cats
─they just grab your hand n brings it to their head and you ruffle. the first time iruma and sullivan saw it, they dropped their knees to the ground bcs OPERA PURRED??@$$?&
─when you're having a bad day, opera's ears are down all day :( they feel so bad when you feel bad, what's this. their sweetheart not feeling good? oh no :(
─go to extreme lengths to make you feel better (as u fucking deserve yeah!)
─mf bought a new comforter just so you can lie down comfortably in bed bless sullivan's debit card amen 🙏
─doesn't let you move at all like you wanna go to the kitchen? no need to worry. opera will bring the kitchen to you instead 🫡 *not sure if it'll show but its supposed to be the salute emoji
─spoon feeds you :( <3 and yk the thg they do when they sing a lullaby and pat iruma's body to sleep? yeah, they do that shit too. except they're lying beside you because what if a certain bald demon decides to disturb you in your sleep by being loud? no way they're letting that happen🤕
─also LOVES giving you nicknames 💔💔💔 more so the slightly corny ones lmao
─the thing is they do it so smoothly and with their blank signature face even you didn't notice it the first time.
─"do you prefer something light or heavy for tomorrow’s breakfast, lovebug?"
"_ would be nice─ wait what"
─opera's fav place to kiss is your fingers sighs just imagine you talking to them as they play with your fingers and hum as they give each a delicate peck. also has a habit of kissing the inside of ur hands when u cup their cheeks WAHHH 😭😭💗
okay that's it im going to stop here before i go insane and cry more bcs opera's not real </3
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Another brain moment….. (I formed a thought) I think that in a poly relationship with stsg a lot of problems that would occur in regular relationships with only one of the boys would become much easier to work around and figure out. For example, One of these things, I think, is satorus dislike for emotional vulnerability and sincerity because it makes him uncomfortable and/or scared, since those things can be used against him (which he knows is irrational because you and suguru would never use those things against him, he knows). But then when you add suguru into the mix, communication about these things would become a lot easier — because it means he’s there to step in when he knows satorus usually endearing childishness isn’t necessary in the situation and is most likely upsetting you. Because emotional vulnerability, I think, comes a bit easier to suguru than it does to satoru and he’s there if you really want to have a serious conversation about things that either of them do that might be upsetting you. Obvi not hate to my gorgeous babygirl princess wifey satoru! But he’s got trauma and trauma comes with trauma responses that make things like showing his emotions to people (even if he would hang all the stars in the night sky for them) hard and suguru is just the perfect man to help both him and you with that. Ughhhh I love them so hard….. I need to wrap them both up in a fluffy blanket and kiss them silly :((
STSG ANON u’re back!!! and here to feed us once again!!!!!!! :D
I AGREEEEEEEE U GET THEM. i trust u w my life. this is so real so true AND such a genuinely interesting discussion …. this is just me spitballing my thoughts so might be a little incoherent but!!
i think that individually both satoru and suguru have their issues, mostly related to intimacy and emotional aspects, and i think having each other would help them deal with that. not that i dont think reader could help them improve because they definitely could!! but i think the relationship benefits so much from all three of you.
first of all!! like u already mentioned anon; satoru absolutely has issues with showing emotions and being vulnerable and thats something that i think suguru in particular would be so good at managing. hes patient and gentle and he would never judge either one of you. def the best communicator too!! i see suguru as the anchor of the relationship, in a way, a safe place for you both.
and and and!! i love how u mention this: he’s there if you really want to have a serious conversation about things that either of them do that might be upsetting you. bc!! its so true & important!! i think theyre both caring and understanding and very kind, but theyre not perfect, and even suguru can probably appear a little condescending and arrogant sometimes.
but i think u’re so right anon — sugu will take ur worries seriously, and i think gojo would step up if sugu wasn’t hearing u out. (which wouldnt be a common occurence at all but like.. i think that if he’s 100% convinced that he’s in the right and maybe feeling more stressed than usual then its kinda like talking to a brick wall lol. but when that happens gojo knows he has to step in and make sure both of u communicate properly <33)
and on the topic of suguru… here’s the thing. i think sugu and gojo have very similar issues, they just deal with them differently. i see suguru as a bit of a hypocrite; he urges you and satoru to open up, but wont really do so himself. in a way i think he might be even more closed off than satoru. he’s in tune w his emotions and definitely good at dealing w them himself which is why i think he chooses not to talk to you about it — because why should he bother you with something he can handle just fine on his own? and in this case his tendency to just give and give works against him, because obv you want him to open up to you too!!
and i think this bottling up of emotions is something toru would be good at managing. because he would push suguru, maybe a little too much, maybe they’d argue for a while — but suguru would open up. for sure. i think he’d benefit from that push. and if you’re there to be a kind of mediator, to soothe him while satoru takes the more assertive role, then i think things would work out well. you just balance each other out!!
and and and!!! i think these two are such a good duo. sugu covers the bases that gojo doesnt and vice versa, and i think that no matter what issues reader has they could manage it. intimacy issues, trust issues, emotional issues in general — they can handle it!! sugu is just so endlessly patient and easy to open up to, and satoru can give you the push you need while also being so endlessly supportive and reassuring and i think they could fix me i mean you.
i got carried away again phskdjd I LOVE HEARING UR THOUGHTS ANON <333 i ALSO need to bundle them up in blankets and kiss them silly . tysm for feeding my poly stsg brainrot ily 🥺🥺
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mcl38 · 6 months
unpopular opinion but i think carlos would hate lando by now if he had stayed at mclaren. lando was basically matching him that second year and u could see from their quali records that lando had more raw pace. and he's only continued to improve in consistency, race pace, tyre management, etc. since then. like i think the whole "carlando" dynamic would have ended horribly (but funnily for me) if he hadn't left.
hm. im actually not sure abt that
i saw this opinion on my dash literally like an hour ago and like i respect it as a hypothetical, but i just think carlos is the type to swallow his frustrations and play nice for the team as long as the team is being nice to him. (and i do think mclaren wouldve continued to be nice to him) (i have my own biases idk as me abt team orders and u'll get another essay)
so far, mclaren have not been in a position to b fighting for championships, so realistically even if carlos stayed the dynamic wouldnt have climbed that extra step of competitiveness. what would have changed would b - as u rightly pointed out - their teammate delta. they deffo would b way closer (and lando would maybe edge him out) but i dont think it would b the dominance landos had over his other teammates in 2021-2023. carlos has been landos strongest teammate in f1 so far (obvs this is mostly bc oscar is a rookie), and he has a very fun-to-watch talent thats clearly manifested itself since he moved to ferrari: not necessarily to drive the fastest or best, but to get the most points. man's probably one of the smartest drivers out there on track currently (barring his repeated divebombs into car 81 oops) and it rly shows. what lando would have on him in terms of consistency and raw pace carlos makes up for in scrappiness and adaptability.
so thats what the situation would look like in my head - close in the wdc rankings but w different strengths, likely often going for diff strategies and setups. lando 'i have a reputation for getting along with my teammates' norris (actual quote) and carlos, who clearly maintains a soft spot for lando & has had to adapt to a bunch of diff team dynamics with general success, would have to probably actively work at their relationship to keep it amicable, but i think theyd probably manage to do it. if anything they'd get closer than they are currently, which is not that close (mostly bc lando can't golf as much as he used to, they live in diff countries now, and lando struggles to juggle more than like 2.5 friends at a time)
so like yeah. if even charles (who destroyed the competitive psyche of a 4 time world champion with his dimples, tragic backstory, and a well placed monza win) cant make carlos break out of his friendliness (friendly, not friends - yes ive seen the pierre quote going around, yes im also aware he was mostly saying those things as a spiderman-printed band-aid over his intrateam dynamic's massive fuck-off gaping wound) then i dont see how lando could. i think a lot of the way lando deals w the social / human side of f1 is thru what he learned from carlos anyways, so they have quite compatible ways of working thru things. tldr i dont think lando would need to have sympathy for carlos anyways but if he did way that thing to a journo carlos would laughs in spanish and hit him in the balls or smth
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neopuppy · 7 months
its kinda sad lmao imagine signing up to become a musician and your boss tells you you have to rub on a bunch of dudes that you hate or your career won't take off
heechul is the president of gay4pay imo
I mostly only think the sad part is that some of these guys are probably very good friends irl(nomin, mahae) and anything they do bc they’re that comfortable around each other is easily made into way more…
it makes me think- wow im very comfortable with my best friend but even then I am not an affectionate or touchy person, I dont even like to hug- and I cant imagine 1000s of people making assumptions that we are not close bc of that vs if we were extremely touchy people would assume we are more than just friends
like shipping is mostly harmless if ur normal abt it, I enjoy all the fan service etc, but it’s definitely to the point- at least on the twt side where if u say “jeno could be straight” a crowd will maul u and call u homophobic or something😭
to each their own! I have to hear my ult bias(jungwoo) is gay gay gay from everyone and their mother like idc rly, any of these idols being gay is not my business unless they let us know
its very contradictory the whole gay/straight/bi/pan etc discussion bc most of the time its giving ‘hes gay bc I cant stand the thought of him with a woman who isn’t me.’
and THAT is something SM figured out a longgggggg time ago
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fionajames · 8 months
how the wound heals
this is a bit short, but here. supposed to be hurt/comfort but more hurt. like, 70/30 instead of 50/50. this is for @lovejoysoots, so you can blame them for making u cry/j (dont actually, their amazing and he's my friend and epic.) (u can blame me).
Anyways, enjoy, i hope this makes u cry (i say lovingly)
Ahsoka stared at the wall across from her, studying every scratch and inch of it. She’d been doing that for what felt like hours, waiting on Rex’s return as the emotionless numb infesting her grew with every passing second.
Some things we can’t stop, she thought, the image of Jesse ready to shoot them appearing in her head. She flinched, thinking of his laugh and warm presence, and then the lifeless look in his eyes when they’d discovered his body.
The door opened and she turned to it half-heartedly, watching Rex shuffle inside and close it behind him, pulling his hood off. The bags under his eyes reflected her own as he sat down next to her, draping an arm over her shoulders wordlessly.
“It’s not your fault, Vod’ika,” he whispered and she sniffled, feeling her heart ache. Ahsoka desperately tried to cling onto any maturity her body contained, but all of a sudden, she felt like a child. Like her fourteen-year-old self, seeing her first friend die. A clone who’d cheered her up after Teth, had died in the next battle.
“Maybe it is,” she murmured, tears filling up her eyes and collecting in her lashes like raindrops. One fell to roll down her cheek and she brushed it away. Rex’s face softened in despair, pulling her into him for a hug. That was all it took for her to crack. Ahsoka let out a cry as she sobbed, burying her face in the crook of his neck as Rex soothingly stroked her lekku.
“There was nothing you could do.” Rex closed his eyes as his own tears fell from his golden eyes. Holding his sister close to him, he whispered comfort to her in words of velvet. “Nothing.”
Ahsoka weeped as the pain of the Order hit her again. “He’s dead, because of me. They all died, because of me.” She remembered the shattering feeling of Anakin's cries, the cries that made her instinctively turn to Rex. She’d barely had any time to think about it at that moment when she was fired upon, but now, it was all she thought about.
“Nothing” Rex repeated, tightening his grip on her as though he feared she might disappear. Ahsoka was the only thing Rex had, and Rex was the only thing Ahsoka had. But due to their situation, they had to split up. “One more week.”
Ahsoka nodded, scrambling to stand. Rex looked in heartbreak at her crestfallen face.
Oh, she was still just a kid. 
So was he. 
“I don’t want to separate,” she told him gently. Ahsoka thought of the time she and Barriss had been on the transport when the mind controlling worms had taken over. They’d separated, and their situation had only worsened.
Rex stood, wrapping his arms around her again. They stood and hugged in mostly silence, sniffles here in there as their sorrow encased them. But at least they weren’t alone.
“We have to,” Rex whispered his response, rocking them back and forth slightly. “For both of our safeties.”
“I don’t want to leave you,” she croaked out and he smiled sympathetically at his younger sister.
“It’s for my safety,” he replied, knowing that the only way to convince her was to remind her that he was keeping him safe. Ahsoka cared about Rex above herself, and he hated it, but it was true. It was a bit hypocritical of him - honestly - as he cared about her over himself. They were brother and sister, best friends, and it showed. “Just as I’m doing for you.”
“One more week?” Ahsoka pleaded, he nodded, even though he’d already agreed.
“One more week.”
alright, hope i see some tears.
love y'all, have a goodday/night
request stuff please im on my hands and knees begging.
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spamgyu · 2 months
Hi love,
Alright, I'll start off with this, the wonwoo fluff, girl, I hope you know that good fluff IS about the most mundane things and yeah, you got me all giggly while reading this one, so I'd say you're fucking good at writing fluff( as if your pretty boy series isn't enough proof of that).
Next, the Alex Kwon update, it's absolutely hilarious, but the way I can totally see this happening, like, alex having to pay them to stay away from Alex!yn and telling her they're all red flags. Also, Andrew, Sam and Chris not being on his close friends, loll, girl I was laughing reading them complain. The cutest thing though, the Alex or alex✨️ was so adorable and I loved the update, it felt like early compensation for the pain you're about to put us through with the hoshi idol angst.
Now, minghao with lv, god I've been wanting to see this happen for so long but oh god, ge looked so gooooood. Seeing him Jackson makes me so happy, I love seeing the members interact with their friends. You see, I have quite a weird connection, I started off as a bts and blackpink fan, got to know Jackson through namjoon and then svt through jungkook, so watching all these groups interact is like my source of happiness. When I tell you, I was over the moon seeing lisa and mingyu interact, they're absolutely hilarious, the way gyu looked so done with her while she seemed to have the time of her life annoying him. Sorry, I got distracted, the whole point is Hao looked absolutely fucking amazing in that denim on denim look.
Okay, I see people talking about how they can't afford to stan more then one group, and I totally get that, like I have serious brainrot because of stanning more than one group(can't say I regret it though). To give you an idea of how deep my brainrot runs, I stan 5 groups, 4 boy bands and 1 girl group. When I tell you that I'm rotting, I mean I genuinely am, because just one grp is enough to drive someone crazy and yet, I choose to do so with 5 groups. The fact that I started off as a cubic doesn't help my case either, because I was instantly drawn to these 13 men being unhinged. It's been years and I still haven't gotten used to this, and to be quite honest, idk if I ever will.
As for disconnected calls part 2, umm, I would actually love you even more if it was angst(just a personal opinion) but like, I can't guarantee I'll be alive to tell you how much I love it, because, well, cheol angst is one of my weaknesses, I can't say I've fully recovered from the pain from the 1st part and the apartment we don't share.
Anyway, how have you been?
hi omg – wow im so late replying buuuut
thank u i KDNWKD i think i think too much about fluff bc ??? idk ?? i hate cheesy things and i feel like people wont like what i think is cute so then i never actually go through with it but AHHH THANK U
alex kwon just dont want the boys annoying him in the gc bc lbr the guys wont ever comment or swipe up on Alex!yn bc like theyre dumb but theyre not pigs... anyways its alex's way of not wanting to show his lover boy side to the boys
i loooveeddd the denim look sm and i loooove when we get svt interactions with other idols (imo it humanizes them) anywaysss
KFNENF yeah i stan multiple groups and im mostly casual stan for all but svt (but tbh some carats may think im casual for svt bc i dont really go crazy with purchasing merch) anyways now that it's concert season my pockets are HURTING
LASTLY disconnected calls pt2 will be angst and maybe equally as painful as the apartment we wont share....... i havent fully written out ehe BUT NOTED
also i am.......... okay ish.... work is.... work and i am ....... surviving lmfaoooo
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yuukei-yikes · 11 months
Okay okay okay I have a very specific itch to hear about Mekakushi Dan sensory needs and bc you're the first person I can think of who has drawn them stimming I thought your askbox was the perfect place to launch myself. If you have thoughts here pls feed me. Bonus points for Takane's sensory needs + challenges before becoming a computer program and post str bc I do think her needs would be different than they were before?? I think not having a body for 2 years would do that to you
HI ok i dont have a lot of headcanons in general its mostly haruka and takane and mostly takane. i think haruka is the one ive drawn stimming the most Like i just think that guy would flap his little hands around yknow.
so im sorry i dont have hcs for the whole mekadan. IF UR INTERESTED IN A PARTICULAR MEKADAN GUY u can ask me and I'll come up with something >:3 it just feels overwhelming to think of it all at once. and also u said takane and you know damn well im abt to talk for 1 million hours
ok. takane❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ sorry this isn't sensory needs but girl.. takanes Gamer Secret being found out... idk man it's like. this bitch had been MASKING‼️‼️‼️
even in hs days i think takane feels weird about Touching with her hands. she doesn't have the cartoonishly large sleeves she has as ene, but i think she pulls down her sleeves over her hands like in this specific manga panel i indeed have in speed dial
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i wish it appeared more often bc its a cute shoutout to ene later on and also WOOO THIS BITCH HAS SENSORY ISSUES!!! i made a comic abt it once but haruka designing actor with the bigass sleeves because he observed that takane pulls down her sleeves. *bite bite bite bite bite* also this panel has always been a fave of mine bc of autism creature takane and also bc the desk is like. at haruka's chest and he looks like he's sitting on the ground
i also think its very funny to imagine takane kicking ass in games while holding the controller with her sleeves over it and everyone's like ?????girl what. ofc she probably has specific textures she hates and all that, takane doesnt feel weird about touching as a whole.
in several instances of yuukei yesterday haruka and takane casually touch each other and while thats obviously cuz they're close friends, a lot of close friends dont act that way or arent comfortable with touch yknow!! in fact takanes the one to start most physical interactions with him. i could be crazy enough to go and check but im gonna trust my memory. and bc i love art where ene is jumping on shintaro and stuff i like to think takane is Actually touchy with ppl she trusts. also she doesnt register personal space sometimes, and ends up standing too close without noticing until someone points it out. i guess this is a bit contrary to a typical takane interpretation (UR STANDING TOO CLOSE DUMBASS🙄🙄🙄🙄 tsundere moment) but i think it's a fun spin to it. i think kenjirou is the one to most point it out like Girl step BACK ur all in my zone and she's like UGH WHATEVER and haruka also notices but never rly says anything. he probably loves it lol haruka's so overdue physical connection he loves that takane doesn't mind touching him or being close to him. also since they have a big height difference its not like she's all up on his face. i think takane starts letting go more once her ene secret's out and stops caring so much but it sorta comes back when ayano and shintaro join the group. i think shintaro especially would point out UGH WHY ARE YOU STANDING SO CLOSE TO ME or even question why she's so close to haruka or ayano. haruka and ayano are all like NOOO DONT WORRY I DONT MIND but takanes already mortified and is more self aware
another one. takane with her big old headphones. yeah yeah uses them disconnected to get haruka's attention Whatever she also uses them bc she prefers hearing stuff muffled instead of hearing it directly 👍 when she gets overwhelmed she puts those things on with the music to the max and just logs out for a min
OH also this is a canon one😼😼😼 her leg bouncy thing. shintaro points it out in the seventh novel that takane is bouncing her leg and says it's a nervous habit he never noticed on her but TO ME. SHE DOES THAT❤️ takane has huge leg bouncer energy i bet she makes the whole table shake and everyone asks her to quit it and she says Damn ok sorry and stops it for a total of 50 seconds before starting again
anyways in summary hs takane is like. tends not to notice personal space, hates touching stuff with her hands, likes having control over what or how she hears, and has a tough time staying still. POST STR... its all to the max. takane is overly aware of everything. all 5 senses are as much of a nightmare as they are a relief and it's all mixed together!!!!
ok her sensory needs that she already had pre ene are still there but completely amped up, except the personal space one. now everyone is always too close and literally just opening her eyes (HEH!! OPENING EYES!!!!) is super overwhelming bc WHOA EVERYTHING IS SO CLOSE AND HUGE AND HD. i could imagine comparing it to like, wearing contacts for the first time for any fellow glasses wearing people. like u know this, youve seen all this. but suddenly youre watching it differently without a frame around ur eyes and it just feels weird. for takane the frame was a screen instead of the glasses yknow. and to her its A LOT
i think post str takane keeps using her powers and having meltdowns because on top of all the existentialism she has to deal with being alive and everything, suddenly She Cannot Control Anything And It Is A Nightmare. she can't handle the lack of control she has over her needs and body temperature. just feeling hungry or sweating after walking for a little in summer makes her upset. bc she gets her body back during summer so GOOD LUCK WITH THAT GIRL. the clothes she wears feel all insane and irritated and nauseous!!! awful!!! even showers feel strange bc AUGGHHH so much is touching her at once!!! she also hates eating soooo yeah also a thing. i think she's always been a picky eater but post str its like she will only eat like 2 things or something
ON THE OTHER HAND.... it suddenly goes on the opposite end. like for a few days she's nightmare overstim city and then she's SUPER understim and COMPLETELYYYYY over eager about having a body and horribly indulges in like. overeating and running around <- overeating (especially when u usually avoid eating), awful for ur tummy. running a lot when u have chronic pains, also awful for ur pains later. sooo nothing she wont pay the price for later. it needs to get pointed out to her she needs to find a balance and cant have all or nothing (by haruka probably)
the personal space thing comes back here like she gets So touchy and needs hug or death. i think she can be all happy hugging haruka and all of a sudden pushes him away and is like WHOA I NEED TO GET OUT OF MY BODY RIGHT NOW MAYBE RIP MY SKIN OFF TOO MAYBE so it's rly like a light switch all of a sudden she can get overwhelmed with it and revert. like jumping back and forth between seeking and avoiding sensation.
i drew this once but haruka with his arms inside of takane's sleeves LOLLL i think skin to skin rly helps her when she's feeling like she needs sensation. a big part of the sudden overindulgence is OUGH IM REAL!!!! bc like i said takane isnt just dealing with having a body again she's dealing with having her Life again. being alive again. and she LOVES being alive. and the avoidance of all these sensations sometimes piles up and ends on the opposite like I NEED TO EAT💥💥💥I NEED TO SCREAM💥💥💥💥I NEED TO RUN AND HUG AND KISS AND DANCE AND SWIM💥💥💥 yknow. so yeah haruka helps her a lot with it when she needs touching and hugging 🙏🙏🙏 cuz he also wont get offended if she's suddenly like Ok get away from me before i explode🙏
also post str takane To Me also has mobility issues like haruka does bc all her muscles are atrophied from yknow Not moving for 2 years so it's like, even more that she has to deal with. physical therapy is incredibly invasive to her too so it's extra difficult. i think haruka and her do it together and that's why haruka is so on top of what's going on with her, he's the closest and sees her whenever she's the most vulnerable. also their situations are So similar they cant help just gravitating to each other for support. i also think haruka's the one to always point out to her when she's overindulging like Hey i love that ur rly enjoying that bigmac but i can already see you wanting to rip out ur organs later tonight so maybe dont eat a third one.
anyways ermmm takane's biggest challenge is Stop resorting to opening eyes whenever it gets too bad. like i also got sensory issues and assuming whoever is reading also does imagine having the option to just Jump out of ur body when its feeling Awful. ofc ur gonna take it when ur feeling like that. but it doesn't help takane to do it. while it helps her to calm down, it's not good in the long run. she actively wants a PHYSICAL life and work on all this. takane never wanted to die and is super motivated to get better but it's not quick or easy!!! eventually she finds a good balance i think. she's still a rly touchy person who hates grabbing her phone directly without the sleeves in the middle and will only eat like 3 things❤️ but also a hug lover❤️
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