rubixpsyche · 9 months
I fucking hate that the few times a character is shown to be Attractive despite [gasp] not being blonde and blue eyed, they're given brown or black hair but then they emphasize that they have beautiful pale white skin,, wow
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arundolyn · 4 months
i don't really know how to articulate this super clearly but i really appreciate that like. kuon conceptually with the 8 floaty swords behind him could very easily have turned out like a murakumo knockoff and im impressed by how visually and stylistically distinct he is. its really nice
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ghostlynimbus · 2 years
i think its so interesting that people act like Billy is the worst bully/most bigoted character in stranger things
like this little shit didnt exist:
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guinevereslancelot · 1 month
not my supervisor literally saying "my best friend is black" when defending herself from a racism accusation
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charlesswife · 1 year
Una Noche En Mónaco ii
Mateo Con Una T (Mateo with one t)
unem masterlist
pairing: charles leclerc x latina! reader
summary: after a one night stand between you and charles, he continues on with his formula one career. until two months later, you come back claiming to be pregnant with his child.
warning: bad writing, charles is a bit of an asshole at first, google translate because i dont speak french, teen pregnancy, english isnt my first language so there might be some grammatical error.
a/n: THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT YOU GUYS HAVE SHOWN IN THE FIRST EPISODE! It makes me so happy to know that you guys really liked it. I really have sooooo many ideas and twist for this book, like you guys have no idea, so always expect the unexpected hehehe
Just to clarify y/l/n is your last name. This is your story so I didn't want to give reader a last name.
second A/N: for some reason i can't write chapters on my phone because the letters are black. I have it in dark mode but i didnt have that problem before. does anyone else have that problem?
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gif is not mine!
May 2018 
Charles Leclerc was a gentleman. That's how I remember him. The way he took care of me after the several rounds of sex we had. He is definitely the kind of man I don't ever want to forget. He was very sweet and caring. 
But he was only a one-night stand. I don't really know him, as him. The fact that I have to tell him I'm pregnant with his child absolutely terrifies me. I wish my parents were here. If they were, I don't think I would be in this situation. 
Charles sent me the address where he was staying at. As I got closer to the place, I realized it was the same place where I woke up. Is this his apartment? 
Steph left me at the doorstep. I needed her as moral support, just in case things didn't go as planned. 
"Go," Steph said as she hugged me. "I'll be waiting in the car, don't worry. If he does anything, we'll sue him. You have the money for it" 
Money wasn't a problem for me. I just wanted him to be there, I'm scared and I don't want to do this alone. I know Steph is here for me, but it is not her responsibility at all, it is mine and his. 
I took a long breath and rang the bell. Steph went back to the car and after a few minutes, Charles opened the door. 
He had such a bright smile on his face. "Oh, cara mia," he pulled me into his apartment and then close the door. He grabbed my face with both of his hands and try to kiss me but I pushed him slightly by his chess. His thick brows frowned a bit and then he asked, "What's wrong?"
I looked at him in the eyes and said. "We need to talk" 
February 2023 
I walked to my bookstore with Mateo in hand. Steph was the first one to greet us. 
"Auntie!" Mateo let go of my hand and ran to my best friend. 
"Maty!" Steph got down to the level of my kid and hugged him. "Uff, why are you getting so big, huh? How is my favorite godson doing?" 
Mateo laughed. "I'm your only godson, tia" (aunt) 
"How would you know, Alexander Jules?"
"Mommy told me, and Mommy would never lie," he pointed at me. "Verdad, mami?" (right, Mommy?) he looked back at me. 
"Si, mi amor (yes, my love)" I nodded at him. "Stay with your tia (aunt) while I check stuff in the store, okay? And don't forget to pick up a book" I told him, to which he nodded. 
Mateo Alexander Jules Y/l/n is four and one quarter. He likes to remind people of that. He is the most educated boy I know, and I'm not saying that just because I'm his mother, but because it's the truth. I have seen other kids and they are horrible, ungrateful brats. I hate kids. Except for my son. I want to think I did a good job raising him. He looks a lot like Charles. From the eyes' color and shape to the dimples to the hair, to the lips. 
I walked around the store, checking books that needed to be restocked and putting some books back in place. I went to the cafe and got my regular iced coffee. 
I walked around again until I got to my favorite section. Murder & Mysteries. In there, I saw a lady. Probably in her mid-50s. Blonde hair, she was dressed casually. She was looking around at the books. Picking one up, reading the back, and then putting the book back on the shelf. 
"Do you need any help?" I asked her. 
She turned around and looked at me up and down. "Oh, dear. I thought I was alone. You work here?" 
"Something like that," This answer seemed to confuse her. "Is there anything I could help you with?" 
She turned her sight to the books again. "Well, I'm trying to find a good mystery book but none of them catches my eye. I'm looking for something similar to Alexander Y/l/n or Perla Campos. They are my favorite authors" 
I stared at her for a second. What are the odds? I looked back at the bookshelf until I found the book I was looking for. "This one should do."
She looked at the cover and asked "The Seven and 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle?" 
"It's not as near as good as what Alexander Y/l/n and Perla Campos used to write, but if you like their books, I'm sure you'll like this one," I explained as I see her read the back of the book. "Another option would be 'The Secret Inheritance' by Cassandra Matthew." (lmao idk if that book is real) 
I handed her the book and she took it gladly. She read the back and then looked at me. "These are very good suggestions! Thank you, dear. What's your name?" 
"Y/n," I told her. 
"Nice to meet you, I'm Pascale" 
August 2018 
Pregnancy wasn't easy. I never thought I would cry so much in the span of 5 minutes just because I ran out of my favorite gelato. 
Today was my fifth visit to the doctor, and I was nervous as hell. I am more bigger than a regular pregnant woman, it has me fearing for my baby's life or even mine. 
"Okay, Y/n. You know the drill. Lay down, and lift your shirt up. As always the gel is cold" Dr. Williams said. She is always so gentle with me. Maybe she pities me. 
"I have concerns," I told her. She looked at me as she was putting on the gel. "My belly looks bigger than normal, is that okay?"
"It depends, in most cases, yes. It means the baby is healthy. But let's take a look" She moved her sight to the machine. The image of my baby appears immediately in the sonogram. She moved the transducer to another spot on my belly and I could see her eyes widen a bit. She was going on up and down in the same area. "I think I have a better answer to your question." She looked at me and said, "You're having twins" 
February 2023 
"Mami, can I read Nancy Drew?" Mateo came running to me as he showed me the first book in the series. 
I looked at the book and say "I don't think so, love. It might be too much for you. This is for bigger kids" 
"But I am a big kid!" The old lady, Pascale, laughed. 
"This is your son?" she asked.
I nodded with a smile. Mateo looked at Pascale and stayed quiet. He knew it was rude to interrupt conversations. He got behind me, hiding.
Pascale tilted her head for a moment, narrowed her eyes a bit, and murmured "He kind of looks like... never mind. What's your name, little boy?" 
He looked at me for a second. "Answer her, baby. It's rude to not answer to elders" I told him.
"I'm Mateo with one T" he lifted one finger.
This made Pascale laugh again. "Nice to meet you, Mateo with one T" 
"Why don't you take the book to Tia and tell her I say to check it out" Mateo nodded and ran towards the register, he stopped for a second and came back walking. 
"Goodbye," He said to Pascale while giving her a little waving and then walking back to the register. 
"He looks like a bundle of joy," Pascale said as she sees Mateo walk away. 
"He is," I agreed. "Is there anything else I can help with?" 
"No, that's all. Thank you for the help. I'm ready to check out." 
We walked to the register and started the process to check her out. I did the usual routine. I asked if she had an account with us, which she didn't, but she decided to get one. 
"Okay, Pascale. What's your last name?"
"You can just put an L," I did as she told me. As I was checking out her books, she said "This is such a pretty bookstore. I have never been here before." 
"Thank you," I said. 
"She's the owner," Steph spoke as she was playing hands with my son, who shushed her for butting in the conversation. 
Pascale looked at me with wide eyes. I laughed at her reaction. She inserted her card and paid. I put her books in a bag and grabbed one of the coupons. "Here is a ten-percent coupon to use on your next visit!" 
"I will definitely come back. I need to tell you if I like the books or not." 
"Oh boy," I laughed.
"I might even bring one of my sons with me" Oh boy... This isn't the first time a mother has try to set me up with their kids. 
"Please do!" Steph yelled. Mateo put his small hands in her mouth and murmured a small 'no tia, don't talk'. 
"See you next time, Pascale" 
"Bye Y/n," She walked to the entrance as she passed my boy, she turned and say "Goodbye, Mateo with one T" 
After she left the store, Steph turned to me. "She didn't say goodbye to me. How rude?" 
"Jesus Christ, Steph. Why would you tell her that?" I elongated the a in 'that'. 
I know I left you guys with open scenes between the first and third scenes but everything is for a reason!!! I might do Charles POV on the next one!!! Trust the process guys, things are going to get sooo good.
If you guys don't know (just in case) Pascale is Charles' mother.
Please let me know what you think of it. I would really appreciate any type of comment, whether is your opinion or just anything! It would def motivate me to keep going. I would really appreciate if you guys like and repost as well! So other people can be aware of this story.
@mac-daddy-210 @infinite-wanders @rbrsavage @itsyogurlkel @bbygrlllllll  @nerdreader @imnotcryingyouare1 @killerangel88 @obx-mylove-things-blog @triorion @daniellarogers @insssanemind @bosinclairsgf @rb-danny @shyshva @booksobsess @ogfangirl @ravenqueen27 @masonspulisic @yunnie-f1 @simxican @ushygushybaby @graceverstappen11 @maximoff-xmen @severenswife @ferraribabe @pjofics @harrysdimple05 @mloyer @teti-menchon0604 @imagineadream @reidsworld @heavengirls111 @scentedskydreamer @christianpulisic10 @formulas-bitch @topguncultleader @hc-dutch @moonclaine @miureiz @tall-tanned-tattoo @madisontaxarn @bisexualbith  
For some reason, it's not letting me tag some of you so people make sure your tag is correct. I want everyone to get the notification and this is beyond me.
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reverie-verse · 9 months
HIIIIIIIIIIII🫨can I make a request for Anakin x Clone! Fem Reader with an Established Relatioship (particularly married) 🤭where she is switched to Obi Wans Squadron after being apart of Anakin's squadrons for a long time. Anakin isnt too happy about it so he tries to convince the council to keep you on his Battalion but it fails obviously 🙄 so when you come back from a mission he's all over you 🤭🤭
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3 Weeks Is Too Long- Anakin Skywalker x Reader
Listen y’all I know they have bunk beds in the barracks but in this imagine everyone has a cabine or a dorm ish type room that they share. But Y/N gets her own room. Cuz you know what the Republic and the Empire did them dirty. They should’ve been given a nicer place to sleep for all the shit they went through. Also this is porn with a plot I’m sorry but also not hehehe. Ummmmmm let me know if you guys want more!
Warnings; There’s a bunch ummmmmmm do I remember all of them no but I will tell you what I do remember, Overstimulation, multiple orgasms, choking if you look hard enough, P in V, fingering, oral (M & F) ummm I think that’s it 😅. If you’re a minor don’t read.
Anakin had woken up to an empty bed, the blanket covering his waist. His eyes scanned his room, you were already gone. This was a daily routine, but every once in a while he’d hoped you’d stay in bed with him longer. He craved your warmth, he craved your touch, he craved hearing the sound of your heart beat, or the rumble of laughter that echoed in his ears. But all of that came at the price of secrecy and your marriage. The love part was the easiest thing about the situation. Anakin couldn’t complain too much, with you being the only female clone to ever been created, you were stationed with his squadron. For that he was ever grateful for. It meant that you were constantly by his side, he could protect you, care for you and most importantly be with you. Of course it was hard to spend one on one time with him, at least your presence was around him. All he had to do was look at you and be okay.
Anakin had finished getting dressed, clipping his lightsaber onto his belt. Exiting his room heading for the Grand Republic Military Base. Anakin had assumed you’d spend your time preparing for a mission, or conversing with Rex or Ahsoka only if she had beaten him there, you were very close with them. You wouldn’t have it any other way, with them it made time go by faster. That’s what you’d tell Anakin especially when he’s bossy. In those moments he’d look at the three of you and threaten to separate you, in all actuality he enjoyed it too much. He typically takes full advantage of certain situations when Obi Wan is around. Watching his brother figure become a father to all four of you made it that much more special. Telling Anakin that not only is he himself a bad influence but that his own influences influence the three of you to be bad influences. In that exact order. It was something Anakin held near and dear to his heart. Until right now in this moment when he witnessed you carrying your gear out of the 501st section of the military hangar to Obi Wan's 212th section.
You threw your remaining gear onto your starfighter jet. You had worn an all black long sleeve crop top and black leggings that go under your normal clone gear. You were beginning to suit up. Anakin expected to see you in his blue and white colors, instead he was met with a Sandy orange and white. Anakin stormed over to you, Obi Wan nowhere in sight, the other troops minded their business tending to their own preparations.
“ Y/N!” Anakin called out your name, you turned your head in his direction as you strapped on your boots
“ General?” You replied knowing you had listening ears, mainly Ahsoka and Rex who already knew about you and Anakin’s relationship.
“ What do you think you are doing? Why are you wearing Obi Wan's squadron colors?” He asked you, arms crossed, his nose flared, anger. You slide your foot off the box you used to help you strap your boots on. You scrunch your eyebrows together in confusion.
“ What do you mean why? Didn’t they tell you?” You questioned him, shaking your head as you pulled your protective chest and back plate over your head adjusting it so it fit perfectly before strapping it into place.
“ Tell me what? Who gave you those orders? Was it Obi Wan?” Anakin had become confused, his anger subsided only momentarily. He had mixed emotions, part of him hoped there was a good reason as to why Obi Wan would request you or why the council would put you on his squadron. Either way he didn’t like that you were separate from him. It made him worried, he was so used to having you around him, whether close by or a few clicks away on the battlefield, but never a whole galaxy away.
You were struggling with one of the straps in particular that you were fighting to grab. You heaved an irritated sigh. Your eyes scanned the area making sure no one was around that could see you. You turned around with your back facing Anakin. His own eyes also scanned the perimeter while his hands worked on fastening the straps. He felt your warmth deep through your clothes and into the gear. His heart yearned to be wrapped in your arms, your comfort, to have you close by his side. Again anxiety pierced his chest. His hands stayed on you even after he finished with the straps. He truly didn’t want you to go.
“Thanks and No- General Windu and General Yoda were the ones who gave me the order. They didn’t specify what my role is, for now I am just back up.-” You turned around to face Anakin. “-I’ll be gone for two weeks, three at best. Depending on the circumstances of the mission”
He was furious, his jaw tense and his hands clenched.
“ Two weeks?! That’s too long. I need you here where I can keep my eyes on you! We’ve got our own missions to handle.. I’m going to talk with the council to get them to change their minds-“
“ -Ani I can take care of myself. It's only a couple weeks and it'll be fine. The squadron will be fine without me. You’ll be fine without me. This isn’t the first time I’ve been separated from you. I’ll be back before you even notice I’m gone-“ You tried to reassure him but there was no reasoning with him.
“ Of course I’m going to notice if you’re gone! They should’ve discussed this with me! What happens if something goes wrong?”
“Woah hold on, nothing is going to happen alright? It’s nothing I haven’t done for you before. I am very capable of doing my job. What’s going on with you?”
“ It's- nothing-You're not going anywhere. I’m going to talk to the council to reconsider and find another soldier to replace you-“ Anakin growled.
“-No it’s not nothing. I am going on this mission, whether you want me to or not. So if you’ll excuse me General Skywalker I’ve got a mission to complete and prepare for” You stormed off walking back towards the direction of your barracks. Sometimes Anakin can be too overprotective and it can get in the way of things. Sometimes it made it difficult to work with one another. Both of your hearts were in the right place but at times it clashed.
Anakin sitting and stirring with his own anger, taking off to the Jedi council chamber. They were going to switch you back to your original post one way or another. He would be damned if you headed off with Obi Wan's squad. Not to say that Obi Wan wouldn’t keep you safe, he could but it was the condition and manner in which you were being taken from him. He didn’t like the fact that the council would move you without notifying him. There was chatter amongst the members of the council.
“ Young Skywalker” Mace Windu announced, all heads turning in their direction. Obi Wan standing in the middle of the room. Anakin joined him.
“ Master Windu, Obi Wan Council” He addressed them as he bowed.
“ To what do we owe the pleasure” Mace asks, hands resting on the arm chair.
“One of my commanding officers is being transported to Master Kenobi's squadron. I’m here to ask you to reconsider.” Anakin slightly looked at Obi Wan who had crossed his arms looking with disapproval. At one point His former master would remind him to stay in control of his emotions.
“ Reconsider we will not” Yoda speaks with his hand crossed on his cane.
“ The decision has been made, Young Skywalker, Obi Wan had requested for a few more reinforcements. Which we are glad to supply him with.”
“ Let me ease your mind Skywalker, your commander is not alone, each squadron is providing one soldier to accompany Obi Wan’s forces” Master Plo places a calmness to his voice, his emotion and his force signature. Anakin’s anger is still bubbling but begins to cool off not quite.
“ I see. I still don’t understand how I was failed to be informed of this decision” Anakin retorts.
“ Anakin” Obi Wan hissed.
“ Right his is, wrong he is not” Yoda nods
“ We failed to inform you simply because it was none of your concern how we moved the troops” Mace replies, the two having their own version of pissing contest to see where it would go.
“ It is my concern when one of my soldiers is placed on another force”
“ The fate of the republic is within our troops. You are asking to pull a soldier out for the sake of keeping a reputation? For what exactly?” kit Fisto asked as he squinted his eyes at Anakin.
Anakin sighed “ I-“
Obi Wan looked at him shaking his head before the council. “ -If you’ll excuse my former padawan I’m afraid he has lost sight of the bigger picture. War tends to side track anyone’s thoughts” Obi Wan was right, it was the same words he had said to Anakin and the same words Anakin said to Ahsoka. It was frustrating but all of it seems to find a way back to Anakin himself. It’s like tasting his own medicine.
“ Of course, thank you for your concern Anakin but our decision will remain the same” Mace nods his head towards, Anakin and Obi Wan dismissing them. Anakin huffed as the two walked out of the council chamber.
“ Anakin”
“ Yes Master”
“ I will take good care of Y/N” Obi Wan knew of your relationship, sure he was a little bit far behind in figuring it out but it was only because he wasn’t ready to admit Anakin’s truth. Anakin stopped in his tracks looking at his dear friend. Obi Wan placed a hand on Anakin’s shoulder. “-No harm will come to her. I promise”.
“ Thank you… Master.” Anakin nodded following his Master's movements in the direction of his starfighter. Regret filled Anakin’s chest the way you two left things off in an argument that he started. It was too late, for him to say goodbye, you would already be on the battle cruiser by now. Obi wan being the last to leave. He supposed he’d now have to wait till you get back.
Your mission was the longest three weeks of your life, you were supposed to only be there for two weeks but your mission ran a little longer. To be honest you expected that at least. When you had left you were angry and you wanted to make Anakin feel your loss. As the weeks grew on you found yourself yearning for his bed, sleeping next to him, his snide remarks and his overconfidence. You missed your friends, you missed your squad, you missed the food that you would get at the Cafeteria. Rations only got you so far. You were homesick so to speak.
You had arrived home three hours ago, you had taken off all your gear just leaving you in your black long sleeve top and black leggings. You carried your gear into your room which was one good thing you enjoyed about being the only female clone. You threw your items in the places they belonged heading back over to the Hangar. It was nearing nightfall, most clones had either gone to the cantina or to a club. The rest would be stationed in their barracks, sleeping or doing another form of activity that involved heavy breathing and sweat. You sighed. You walked over to supply area grabbing items to help break down and rebuild a separatist droid's head. You needed the battle plans and you promised Obi Wan you’d get it back to him ASAP.
Ahsoka was kind enough to bring you a few snacks from the cafeteria, you weren’t really hungry, rather you were anxiously waiting in your room for Anakin to arrive. Unfortunately Ahsoka was the one to break the bad news to you, that Anakin was going to be extremely late, hence nightfall. You were worried Anakin might not have wanted to see you because of the move between squads but the bigger part of you thought maybe not. Maybe he missed you as much as you missed him. You held the spoon in your mouth as you sucked on the chocolate pudding. You fingers typed away on the data pad as you connected to the Droid's hardware. Wires were attached to both ends of the droid's head and too your data pad. This was good you needed a distraction, half the entire 212th squad and 501st squad went out for drinks which meant that your barracks and your hall where your room was stationed was clear. You turned on some good music to help keep you distracted from Anakin and while you worked.
Anakin on the other hand was dying during the briefing. He could feel your presence nearby and it was driving him mad. He wanted to be with you and not in this-meeting. Sure Obi Wan is going over important details but Anakin’s mind refused to let him comprehend anything. His hands fisted his pants, his leg bouncing up and down. By now Anakin was counting down the minutes till he could escape. It was starting to feel like he would never leave. He was desperate for you, wanting, needing-What he needed was a plan to excuse himself. Anakin began to concoct a plan, he checked the exits of the meeting hall, he checked the alarm system , and a feebale excuse of ‘I need to use the restroom’ should suffice. Thankfully the meeting ended sooner rather than later giving him a chance to opt out of his extreme ditching plans. He took off quickly, not giving anyone a chance to stop him from getting to you.
Anakin practically ran from the Jedi temple all the way to the Republic Military Base. He had no intention of stopping till he could get to you. He could feel the anxiety and the nerves emitted from you. Normally you were calm, warm, relaxed, something was bothering you. It could’ve been the delay from meeting each other or the argument that took place three weeks ago. You two hadn’t really had the chance to talk about it. Now it was Anakin’s turn to feel the same anxiety and worry. Yet he refused, he just needed to see you, then everything will be alright. When Anakin reached the hangar, he didn’t see you, your star fighter vacant, he followed the path of your presence leading him back to your room. Anakin slowed down from a sprint, to a jog all the way down to a brisk walk. As soon as he reached your door, he opened it, there he found you, with your hair haloing around your head naturally, you were standing about the droid turning its head every other direction, then typing on the data pad. It was when you heard the sound of Anakin’s footsteps taking a step closer did you realize he was in there with you.
Reality finally setting in your heart pounded in your chest, relief flushing through your body. The worry and anxiousness evaporated from you. Your husband stood there breathing heavily, taking a step in your direction. Your eyes softened as you looked at him, Anakin couldn’t wait a second longer.
“ Ani-I’m-“
He rushed to you, taking your face into his hands, his lips crashing down on yours. You both moved together, twisting your heads to deepen the kiss. Your tongues fighting against each other, the air leaving both of your lungs. Anakin’s hands found themselves lazily cupping your neck and jaw. Your hands grasped at his clothes near his hips holding onto him. His fingers eventually left your jaw and neck traveling into your hair. Your kisses changed pace, turning from rushed to languid and slow. You both pulled away from each other slightly, Anakin’s hands slid down from your neck and to your waist. His fingers dip under your top. Your hand moved upwards wrapping themselves around his neck. Both of your breathing matching, “ Don’t apologize. I'm sorry for not trusting you to handle yourself. Or the council.”
“I should’ve told you regardless if the council told you or not. But Ani, I need you to trust me enough to do my job and to love you.” You completely moved away from Anakin and walked to the other side of the room towards the bed. He sighed as he watched you moving to the side of the room near the bathroom right directly across from you. He leaned against the wall his arms across his chest. Maker, he looked sooo good and inviting. You wanted to cart your fingers through his hair, scrape your nails along his body. You want to leave marks on him just as much as he wanted to do it to you. You wanted him to hold you, you wanted to hold him-No you needed to get something off your chest first. Anakin was struggling himself after sharing that heated kiss with you, he wanted you more than anything else. You looked tempting, your hair messy from his fingers, your lips plump from the harsh and languid kisses. Your body was buzzing, he could feel it. You were distracted but you were trying to stay focused..
“ I do trust you.-” He says softly, Anakin remains in his spot, his eyes following you as you pace. You stopped in place standing in front of him. “ What I don’t trust is the war”
“ War is war, Anakin. You of all people know that. We both have jobs that involve us leaving for a certain amount of time. If anything you're a Jedi and I should be more pissed at you for leaving all the time.” Anakin removed himself from the wall taking a step another step in your direction. His face softens as he grabs your waist with his hands pulling you impossibly close. His long eyelashes fluttered against his cheeks. His eyes flicker between yours, love flowing between the two of you, heat and passion beginning to take form. He nods his head gently as he leans closer to you.
“ You’re right I tend to leave far more often than you do-“ He sighs, his hands caressing your hips as he backs you slowly up against the wall. “- My wife finally returned home after three long weeks of hard work. Home to her husband who can be overprotective at times… Who missed her more than life itself-” His nose bumps into yours, tension rising between you, your breathing picks up. His eyes half closed, yours following suit.
“ Fuck it, we can talk about this later, I missed you so much Ani” You moaned pulling him down to you, your lips colliding in a heated frenzy.
“-Good-Idea-“ Anakin replied between kisses as he grabbed at your clothes pulling them off of you. Anakin wasted no time in getting you bare and in front of him. Your hands gripped at Anakin’s clothing trying to get them off of him. Jedi clothing was-annoying and frustrating, the need for Anakin becoming overwhelming to the point his clothes were pissing you off. Anakin paid no mind, as he was too concentrated on you, feeling you, caressing you, touching you. His love for you was incredibly unconditional. Anakin’s hands were back on you, cupping your jaw, head twisting as your lips crashed into each other taking one another in. You pulled away again trying to get Anakin’s clothes off. You moaned and groaned at the same time feeling sexually aroused and flustered. Your fingers struggle to get through the first layer. Anakin however was unbothered by it and could care less if his clothes were on or off he just wanted you. He continues his trail of kisses down your cheek, jaw, and to your throat.
“ Do-you-have-to-have so many layers” you whined as you were able to pull off one layer before getting to the next. Anakin too focused on attaching his lips to yours, too focused on you.
“ I’m a Jedi Y/N. It's required to wear this many layers.” He teases you. He moved away just enough to help you remove his last layer of clothing. You were practically bouncing on your feet from anticipation. As soon as you saw his beautiful skin, your hands pushed his material away, both of you completely naked. With a wave of his hand the door locked to your bedroom. At the same time he backed you towards your desk, he used his arm to swipe the disassembled droid along with your data pad of the desk. His lips back onto yours lips never seaming to leave each other,
“ -I was-working on- that droid-“ You tell Anakin again in between kisses.
“- Hmhm- just like -you left for- three weeks-working-“
“ Anakin-” You warned him as lips landed back down onto yours another passionate and heated string of kisses. Your arousal was affecting him, he could feel through your presence, your emotions, your signature becoming increasingly evident, you were driving him mad. His lips leaving yours once more, Anakin lifted you up, throwing you down on your desk that he cleared off. He takes his gloved hand placing it on his lips, he uses his teeth, pulling at the straps helping him remove it. You propped yourself up on your hands, watching as he shamelessly pushed your already clenching thighs apart. The wetness from your body is growing immensely. He placed himself between your legs.
Anakin dropped down towards your face, his lips smashing down on yours as he hungrily takes each kiss you give him. Without warning metal fingers grip onto your breasts kneading and pulling at your nipple. While his flesh hand grips the back of your neck and some of your hair. You hiss from the sensation, Anakin let your lips go with a pop, making his way further down your body. He placed open mouth kisses down the valley of your breasts, down your stomach and on your mound stopping just before your clit. Anakin couldn’t resist the urge to satiate the hunger of tasting you. He needed to eat you, like you were his last meal. A meal he can’t seem to ever live without.
Anakin who was already massive in height, it gave him an advantage as he dropped down to his knees. Looking down he made eye contact with your sopping pussy. He couldn’t believe how wet you were. How wet he made you, pride struck his chest and heart. “ I missed this, look at how wet you are. It’s all for me?” He talks to you as he looks up in your direction. Your heart skips a beat, his lust filled eyes already darker than usual, his eyes burning through you.
You nodded “ Y-Yes” his breath fanning over your dripping hole and clit, it was driving you mad. “Ani-please” you begged. With one hand you reached over, taking hold of his beautiful hair, your fingers threading through it. Anakin smiled at how needy you were, he liked that, he liked that you needed him right then and there. The teasing was unreal for you and too much, you waited too long and he was only stalling. He was making you pay for leaving him. Anakin turned his head to the side, kissing both of your inner thighs.
“ You’re so needy, bet you should've thought about that before you left me huh?” Anakin’s flesh hand took one of your breasts in his hand, his mechanical hand, grabbing one of your legs, throwing it over his shoulder. He gave you no room to protest, his mouth immediately latching onto your dripping pussy. He licked a long strip through your folds hitting your clit, your hips jerk at the suddenness. His attack in full motion, his makes out with your pussy, wet kisses, teeth and tongue could be felt. You moaned at the feeling, you tug on his hair, as his pace changes, he groans, vibrating through you.
“ Maker- you taste-fuck- you taste so good-“the feeling of you hit him like a ton of bricks, and for a moment his eyes rolled back and shut basking in the taste of you. His tongue finding a way into your hole causing you to moan loudly, your hand gripping his hair harder than before, your hips rocking with his movement. His tongue pumping in out, the wet muscles mixing with your fluid, a wet sound echoing in the room. Anakin pulled his tongue out your hole, running it back through your folds, his nose bumping into your clit. He opened his eyes as he watched your own roll back, your head lulled to the side, your mouth hanging slightly open, your breath erotic, your body reacting to him.
“ I-Im g-gonna cum” Your body began to shake, your breathing picking up, Anakin’s pace quickening in time with you. You could feel your stomach tightened. Anakin didn’t let up, instead he pushed your legs and spread them wider. As he coaxes you through your first orgasm another one quickly builds. This time he was rougher, biting and pulling at your folds, and clit, his flesh fingers finding their way into your hole, pumping creating a squelching sound. His metal hand pushed you down on the table as he stood up devouring you. His finger pumping in at a relentless pace hitting that one specific spot every time. The air, not catching up to your lungs. He doesn’t let up as your second orgasm crashes into you. Your hands pull harder at the strands of his hair, Anakin hisses biting the side of your outer lip. He pulls away standing completely straight up, his mouth, chin, nose covered in your mess. Takes the back of his hand wiping off his face. He smiles smugly at you, you roll your eyes at him fighting a smile of your own.
He helps you stand up off the desk, your feet touching the floor. “ You look like you ate the best meal of your life”
“ That’s because I did” He says, still smiling smugly at you, he threads his hand through your hair, as you drop down to your knees. You wanted to taste him on your tongue just as much as he wanted to taste you. You were eager and excited, your mouth watering, knowing how big he was. The weight of him on your tongue and in your mouth seemed too good to be true, but it was true and he stood in front of you. You hold your hand up to Anakin whose metal hand grabs your wrist, he leans down licking a slow long wet strip up to your fingertips. He lets go of your hand and you bring it back down towards his long veiny member, his tip pink and slick with precum, You swipe your thumb on his slit mixed with your spit , your hand pumps up and down your lips touching his tip and you press a light kiss. His hips jerked a few times. You let him guide you, your mouth opening as you take him in. You look up at him watching his head tilt back, his eyes closed, his mouth open, his chest glistening with sweat. His toned chest and stomach, thick with muscle, moving with each shallow breath he took.
He took control of your head movements, making you bob your head faster, you hummed happily, whatever you couldn’t fit in your mouth you continued with your hands. Your other hand comes up to hold his hips. Anakin was letting you take the reins, which normally he didn’t, he was feeling…particularly kind tonight. Loud sounds echoed in your room. Both of Anakin's hands grabbed all of your hair pulling into a ponytail. His hisses and moans turn you on further. His hold on your hair tightens, his hips moving with your mouth. You decided to give something new a try, breathing in through your nose, you relaxed your throat as you pushed more of him into your mouth-Anakin groans loudly, his head snapped down his eyes opening as he looked at you. You were too focused on him and his sounds to even register he was looking at you. You hadn’t gotten you far to be honest, before he pulled you off of him.
“ Hey-“
“ I can’t wait that long” He growls as he forces you to stand up grabs your legs instructing you to jump, you do as he says. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. His cock rubbing against you, you whimper at the sensation. Anakin backs you both up so that your back touches the cold wall. You take one of your hands grabbing his cock you run it through your folds you, both shudder, you could feel your hole clench around nothing. Anakin pushed you up just a tad giving you room to sink down onto him, his tip entering you, both of you moaning at the feeling. You pushed down further till you bottomed out, both of you muttering a fuck. Anakin’s lips crashed on yours as his hips snapped into yours, hard slow strokes allowing you to adjust. You bit his lip before pulling away, his hips picking up the pace, going slightly faster hitting that sponge spot. His breathing heavy, his arms holding you. The squelching sound becomes louder and more in tense, his hips driving into you, slamming into your cervix. It was all driving you insane. Your moans were getting louder by the second. He pulled you off the wall pressing you impossibly closer to him. His lips captured yours, swallowing your beautiful sounds.
You gripped onto Anakin harder when he hit that exact spot. “ Ugh-Ani-damn-uuuuuh” your breath hitching in your throat your mouth hung slightly open.
“ Fuuuuccckk Y/N” Anakin moans as one hand cups the back of your neck the other wrapped around your waist crushing your body into his. His thrusts become sloppy as he carries you to your bed. He drops you onto the mattress pulling out of you, you whine at the loss of him. He centered himself between your legs, he picked up one of your legs placing it on his shoulder while the other rested on his hip. With one hand he grabs both your wrists pinning them to your chest. With his free hand he takes his cock, running it through your folds again before pushing back into you. You both moan, sharing that exact feeling. How good you both felt, how you both desired one another, how the need grew with every second.
As soon as his entered your weeping hole, he rammed his hips into you. Your body shook with each thrust, his one hand holding you down, his other coming up to your clit. Anakin could feel you getting closer, he could feel it through the force, he could feel you. He could only hear you. Your wrists struggled against his hold, you wanted nothing more than to bring him back to your lips, to hold him closer, Anakin being Anakin sensed that, somehow as concentrated, his scrunched eyebrows and closed eyes leaned down towards you, his nose brushing yours. Lips lingering onto your before engulfing then, tongue clashing, the quick nimble movements of his fingers, his gorgeous whiny groans, the way his hips moved, you were done for. You didn’t get to tell him you were close, instead your body shook violently, a loud pornographic moan left your lips, your body arched upward, white speckles dot your eyes, your head pushing back into the pillow.
Anakin thrived off of that feeling, he was close, but he needed just a few more thrusts. “ I’m close” Your body drops back down onto the mattress, your head lulling to the side. You hissed at how sensitive you are, you could feel him everywhere. You watched Anakin as a whimper left your lips, he continued pounding into you. He leans down touching his forehead against yours. His hand that held your wrists, dragged across your chest up towards your neck holding it. He barely put any pressure but by him holding it was just enough. Your hands clasp onto his forearm. The hand that rubbed at your clit reached for your leg pushing it back further. You moaned loudly, the feeling of him buried inside you, the sounds of your liquids flowing, your eroctic breathing, it drove him to his end. Anakin groaned loudly, his hips sputtering, his cum leaking into you. You both were covered in sweat and sex, with dumb smiles on your faces. Anakin kisses your cheek as he sits up pulling himself out of you.
Anakin for a moment watched as your mixed liquids leaked out of your hole, taking to two fingers he shoves it back in. “ Ani” you yelped, pushing his hand away.
“ What?”He asks as if he had done nothing wrong. You roll your eyes at him as he takes his two fingers and brings it to your mouth. You take them in, licking his fingers clean. Anakin gets up heading to your bathroom grabbing a towel and wetting it. He brings it back to you as he cleans you of the mess you both made. Once that was finished you held your arms out for Anakin, who gladly climbed back into them. Exhaustion swept through both of your bodies as Anakin floated the blanket over the both of you. Your eyes widened as you sat up quickly gripping the blanket to your chest.
“ Oh shit! I forgot about the droid!-” Anakin bursted into laughter as he watched the pure panic flashed across your face. You turned to glare at Anakin slapping his arm. “-Obi Wan is going to literally kill me” You get ready to move again when Anakin grabs a hold of you pulling you back towards him.
“He can wait”
“I was supposed to have this done tonight. Then you came in here and things happened but not that I don’t love that. I do, I love you but-“
Anakin sighs a smile gracing his lips “ I love you too, but let me help you.” Anakin sits up sliding off the bed pulling on his underwear and his trousers. He walks over picking up the droid and your data pad that laid on the ground. You smiled happily as you crawled off the bed throwing on your own bra and underwear, before you could even get to Anakin’s shirt, he floats it over to you. You threw it on quickly before taking the data pad out of his hands. Anakin fidgeted with the head, tinkering away at it. A few minutes had passed in the comfortable silence the two of you had created while working.
“ Y/N”
“ Hmm?”
“ Round 2?”
“ Anakin” You chuckled
“ 3 weeks is a long time for me”
“You’re never going to let that go are you?”
“ Nope” He put emphasis on the letter ‘P’
“ Fine but after we finish this and get the report back to Obi Wan” You shook your head typing away, a smile etched on your face.
“ So is that yes?” He asks you with a smile of his own before biting his lip.
“ Yes that is a yes” You walked over kissing his cheek before bending down to grab something else.
“ I don’t think I can wait” He growls lunging for you.
“ Anakin!-“
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tired-hellowl · 4 months
here' a comprehensive list as to every problem I have with the current *unecessary characters known as 'Glitz and Glam'
Do they expand the story/worldbuilding in any meaningful way? Do they explore a new hidden dynamic/past conjunction with a differing character and is that explored meaningfully? What was the point of having them animated when Mammon can portray the same level of humiliation/degrading/on stage lack of positive reinforcements. 😐
I'm so sorry but I view these characters as necessary garbage that caused some animators arthritis via too many patterns, not enough screen time to have meat and potatoes worth of dialogue, or really any pretense within the story whatsoever and yes this extends towards every female character on screen but let's not worry about that !!! Even if they are IMPLIED to be from the ring of envy-a color or ring we haven't seen nor meaningfully conveyed to the audience that it even is possible to go in/exists- it isn't conveyed to the audience well enough besides the visual implication of colors???? Instead of having shitty b-plots that go nowhere via Stolas and Blitz goofing off in seeing stars, Moxxie and Millie getting C-plots for no reason, or loona getting a rabies shot- all of that time could have been exploring hell, going to different rings, focusing on other characters besides the main 5, literally I would prefer a quiet episode like BoJack Horsemans 'Fish out of Water'where we can actually see the personalities of the main characters be appreciated and shown to us but that's never gonna happen :/
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What I've been worried about is not even the on screen racism/out of touch 'rap/hip-hop parody' leaves a terrible taste in my mouth, if that isn't enough then the sexualization/implication of an incest type dynamic and nothing else besides fetish bait with these characters constantly grabbing one another and not really acting like siblings moreso someone who has never had siblings attempting to write sibling banter and failing terribly :/
Why do you have a problem with 'Klown Bitch' it's so catchy! Uhm, no??? I feel bad for anyone who attempts to defend helluva/hazbin as good modern musicals let me grit my teeth in silence as to the glorification over white people dominating black culture
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Pictured above is very old concept art about twin characters and its the same hairshape viv kept to transfer over to glitz/glam- despite clearly being over designed and way too much going on Alá vivzie style. It just goes to show she recycles even from herself and not every design is always new hot and fresh :/ AND SPEAKING OF CONCEPT ART-
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Also also don't forget salems' concept designs thst got passed even though they loon toony, loony, clown enough, and definitely majorly way easier to have animated besides the mess that is the current design meta ???
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Love how you can clearly see the silhouettes being so easily identifiable comparably towards the actual amalgamated mess that is their current limbs attempting to hold onto their toothpick body for their head.
All this screams to me is viv using the artists thst try to come onto helluva and they try their best with what their given, viv only picks the best bits SHE thinks is worth her time rather then thinking about the audience or animating anything else besides overglorified white people rap 🤔
Also the episode literally presents its full internalized misogyny/racism within this episode because vivzie herself literally admitted to typing into script with a full chest that
'Women just ain't funny'
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. . .
why present misogyny within the series if you as a creator aren't willing to tackle the subject matter? Why write about it or present it as if you're smart over including the joke in your script when it isn't even funny because it just further pushes women out of the entertainment/comedy business which mind you IS ALREADY VERY WELL MALE DOMINATED SO PUTTING OTHER WOMEN DOWN TO PUT YOURSELF UP ISNT HELPING YOUR CASE VIV???
So then what was the point of adding female clowns if all you were going to do with them was make fun of them out of their expense and then profit off of the fact that they are incest coded????????????
?????????Are we watching the same fucking series????????
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 8 months
Obey Me! Beel & Belphie with a Goth MC! : basically my thoughts on what the brothers reactions would be, how they would handle having a goth partner, ext.
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Welcome to the third part of this adventure! This is the twins reactions separately but their thoughts/feelings may overlap. The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, enjoy the content. ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Goth MC! who does the make up, the white foundation the "crazy" eyeliner, the black/grey or dark color eyeshadow and blush. Classic black or red lipstick with matching nail polish on the Mc's fingers. The saggy looking hair that matches the make up, oh so well. Goth MC! Who has the unkept look, but at second glance you can tell their well kept. At least to some extent. The Mc has raggy, ripped looking outfit but upon closer inspection its clear the outfit is perfectly kept up with. Goth MC! Who has an over extent looking outfit, looking like rags on rags, and the Mc has a dead looking apperance appearing to have risen from the grave. Almost the perfect example of a goth baddie. How will the brothers react?
When Goth Mc drops into the Devildom, Beel wasn't really concerned. Beel is sweet baby boy nonjudgemental he just doesn't care what others look like or wear. As long as Mc doesn't steal his food or hurt his family, he'd be chill. It might even take him some time to notice Goth Mc's appearance. Pls be patient he's always focused on food. He's the Avatar of Gluttony dude! The first time he meets Mc he doesn't pay attention, instead complains to Lucifer about being hungry. Someone feed the poor bby.
Beel finds Goth Mc's look to be unique. He thinks its cute. He can relate to the fact that some people may find Goth Mc to be scary. People somehow find this giant teddy bear to be scary all the time! Beel isn't threatened or scared by Mc's apperance. He will gladly listen to Goth Mc rant about goth culture or dark things in general while he munches on food. Beel will also gladly accompany Mc to haunted houses as long as he has food. Dont want him to go on a rampage. Beel may raise his eyebrows even jump a little in shock, but hes ultimately a great haunted house partner. He wont leave Mc behind and will even put himself between the thing thats scaring them and Mc.
Dating with Beel is adorable! Beel likes to do Goth Mc's intrests because he likes seeing Mc happy! Beel will gladly watch anytype of horror or scary film with Mc. "I'll be focused on the popcorn anyways." Although Beel is indeed focused on the popcorn. He still takes Mc's intrests seriously, he'll watch the film's and listen to Mc rant about how it was well done or poorly executed. Beel will nod along while Mc rants and occasionally say what parts he liked.
Beel will happily go out places with Goth Mc. He thinks nothing of it, he just wants to go out to eat with someone he cares about. Such a cutie. Beel may be a gentle giant, but he will gladly use his "scary" apperance to make people leave Mc alone. The poor idiot still wants to bully Mc for being goth? Dont worry Mc! Beel's always hungry! "...its bad to eat other demons..? ....i was just trying to protect you Mc..." *sad puppy Beel* Mc! Apologize! Sweet Bby did nothing wrong! Go get him a snack!
Beel doesnt care about apperance so he isnt the best with fashion gifts. However Beel takes gifts seriously and always puts so much thought into them. If he gets something from someone and it remind him of Goth Mc, he won't hesitate to give it to them. Mc might occasionally receive goth gifts from him, but Beel mostly gives them dark colored foods. For example, a black cupcake with a bat or a skeleton. Something sweet and simple like that.
When Belphie first meets Mc in general is wack. But we wont talk about that. Goth Mc he'll give a eyebrow raise maybe even a small smirk. Belphie would defiently bully/tease Goth Mc. "...You look more dead than the skeletons inside people's coffins.. *yawn*" dont be fooled, Belphie lives for Goth Mc. Simp! Jk I just feel like belphie would really be into a Goth Mc. Belphie doesn't give a damn what someone wears. Mans can barely stay awake to care. I honestly feel like Belphie has probably been called emo or something similar. Belphie and Mc would defiantly get into playful fights over which one is better, goth or emo. Both are valid ♡
Imagine Goth Mc dating Belphie and then people at R.A.D start calling the two of them the "emo couple" the fights ..mostly playfights.. This could lead to. Like imagine some demon walking up and saying their the emo couple or calling Goth Mc, emo in general.
Goth Mc: "I'm not emo!! Belphie! you're killing my vibe" "...you think I've killed youre vibe?... *yawn* ...we both know i improved you're vibe. ...Who likes Goths anyways. *insert that cocky smirk he gives*" He says all of this playfully he is just a little shit. Just likes to tease and deflect his actual feelings.
Dating with Belphie is playful. Belphie is always teasing Mc, and he expects MC to tease him back. He'll say the rudest comment ever, but the grin on his face tells Mc that hes just playing. Hopefully. Belphie may be playful and he may bully Mc, but hes the only one allowed to bully Mc. Some random demon comes up and trash talks Goth Mc's look well- "..*bored yawn* ....you're just mad that a walking skeleton looks better than you..." Yup. Thats his way of dealing with it. He'll insult them and Mc at the same time. Belphie is a bitch mean so if he doesn't hurt the random demons feelings he'll either put the demon to sleep. If he can't do that he'll just give the demon nightmares.
Belphie doesnt do a lot of activities, he'll just sleep next to Goth Mc as they do their thing. Scary movie? Just dont wake him up by jumping around. Make up? Belphs sleeping on Mc's lap. Weird ritual? Can he still sleep on Mc's lap while they do it? Belphie straight up doesn't care man. Just sit or lay somewhere Mc, its Belphies nap time and he needs his favorite pillow.
Belphie sleeps all the time. So gifts isn't something he just randomly does often. I feel like his gifts would be cute things like goth bed attire. Oh, he was out at the store and saw this black bat plush. No he didn't get it because it reminded him of you, Mc. He got it because its soft and comfortable. Liar. If Belphie gives Mc any other gifts he either oddly found it somewhere or had one of his older siblings get it. Belphies lazy, but that doesn't mean hes not thinking of you, Mc.
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Thats all for now! Hope you enjoyed babes!!♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! The side characters reactions will be coming soon. So stay tuned! You matter. You are loved! ‹𝟹
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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millswaffle · 4 months
its levis birthday and you want to take him out. So your searching on the internet, until you stumble across a cute tea shop. The shop is here you can create your own tea for a reasonable, and chill in the cafe area. The shop was small but had a very calming environment, with plants being set everywhere, walls painted dark colors, and warm yellow lights brighting the room. The best part about it was the amount of tea selection! You were so excited to take you most amazing husband there for his birthday. Days passed quickly, and soon it was his birthday. “Happy birthday baby!” you said as you hugged and kissed all over Levi’s face. He chuckled and kissed your nose. “ Thank you my love,” he said.
You smiled and said to him, “I have a place I wanna take you too for your birthday.” “Where?” he said looking at you confused. “Mmmm its a surprise!” you giggled and pulled Levi out of yalls apartment and into the car. You drove 20 minutes before arriving at the tea shop. “What is this place?” he says while taking off his seatbelt, curiously looking at the shop. “You surprise! Now come on before we freeze in here!” You walked out of the car and waited for him to get out. He got out and linked his hand with yours. You both walk hand and hand to the shop. Levi opens the for you and immediately you both are hit with the smell of warm deliciously inviting tea. Levi’s eyes immediately light as he scans around the cafe. Vintage porcelain teacups wonderfully and neatly lined in chocolate wooden shelves. Rows of different teas herbs nicely kept in glass jars. And the section to brew your tea and buy pastries. You smiled at how cute his face lit up, like a little kid looking around in a candy shop.
You took his hand in yours and led him more inside. “Isnt it cool? You can brew your own tea here and lounge around the seating area,” you smiled at him brightly. “W-where did you find this place?” he says. “On the internet, but come on lets make tea!” You both grab a teacup and began looking through all the different verity’s of tea herbs. Levi of course makes himself his famous black tea, and he helps you make a blend of pomegranate mint green tea (yes theres fruit too!!). You pay for pastries and the tea, then yall go find a place to sit. Levi chose the sofa next to the large window. The good thing was it wasn’t crowded, so you and Levi could sit in peace. Levi sat down first, then you sat down sideways and put your legs over his thighs. He held you legs close and took a sip of his tea. You then took a sip of your tea and immediately was surprised at how AMAZING it tasted.
“Wow baby ! you make amazing tea!” He chuckles and looks at you with his loving blue grey eyes. “Thank you pretty girl, only the best for you.” He gently takes your hand and place a soft kiss on top. You blush a bit and lean in to place a soft kiss on his lips. He smiles and gently kisses you back. Yall lean away and enjoy the silence around you two, while enjoying the teas that warmly sit in your hands. You enjoy moments like these with your husband, silently sitting in each other’s comfort, him admiring you and you admiring him. Your free hand finds its way to play with his hair, and his eyes lovingly looking into yours. “Happy birthday Levi, i love you.” He smiles and says, “i love you too and thank you my love.”
(hi guys its miliii. soooooo im getting back into writing as to why this imagine is kinda bad BUT i had to write it bc its been in my head for SO long it had to be written. dw i wll be practicing more so eventually the short stories will get better. you should def listen to laufey while reading this! anyway love yall!)
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superluver · 7 months
hiiii hope ur having a good day there, if ur requests are open, can i request suguru (suguru after premature death) with non sorcerer reader, she thought he saved her but he just wanted to get a curse from her, but then he falls for her
basically geto falling for ‘monkey’ reader ^^^ and him having an(other) existential crisis,
hope this makes sense T.T and thank u!! <3
Geto. S. - Cursed
Pairing: Geto Suguru x Reader
SORRY FOR THE WAIT ☹️☹️ If this wasn't what u were looking for (which i feel it isnt) message me again and i'll do it again, 🙏🙏
Cw: angst-ish to fluff, Mentions of murder, mental health, FEMreader, Mimiko and Nanako, a lot of monkey calling, domestic suguru
Wc: 1.6k
Description: You're cursed and Suguru wants it. Suguru having internal conflict
BEFORE YOU READ: this doesnt pertain to the story but i swearrrrr in the gojo x reader following a lot of spam has been posted please dont forget to report it
“If you’re trying to enter the building, you have to go through the back.”
Your voice is bland, tired, uninterested.. Suguru can go on and on about the monkey’s voice in front of him. He was still staring at you, though his line of vision was more like what was beside you, something that you couldn’t see. You were leaning onto a fence in an alleyway that connected your office building to the next one over, elbow and forearm holding your balance.
He stays unchanging, smiling while staring you down. It was seemingly innocent, with a hint of menacing. Suguru wanted to kill you, he thought about it really hard; The guy had been watching you for weeks now.
It was hard to not notice the curse attached to you, any sorcerer could feel its cursed energy from all of Japan. It was intense, and rightfully so.
This was a special grade, and he had to be the one to have it.
You never even glanced at him, a burning cigarette in between your lips. Hey, maybe you’d get murdered by some handsome weirdo.. that wouldn’t be so bad, right?
“Hey, if you’re going to kill me can you hurry up with it.”
Again, your voice is so tired.
This time, you finally turn your head to face him, and he finds his smile faltering. So similar to his when he was younger. Defeated, tired, and no one knew.
No one cared to find out further, and who could he even talk to? Shoko was out practicing her Reversal Cursed Technique, his juniors were still experiencing the world, and Satoru has become the strongest on his own.
So he was on his own, until he finally broke.
But, you were a monkey. What would you know about hard work. What would you know about sacrifice?
Afterall, you’re just a monkey.
Yet, he finds himself faltering. He just couldn’t kill you, and the curse beside you began pulsating. Not to mention the fact that you never questioned his monk attire.
“What,” he stutters, throat going dry. His voice is cracking, so he pauses , licking his lips before resuming. Was is always this hard to talk with a monkey? “What’s your name?” He asked you.
Your eyes inspected him, and he takes note that you haven't puffed the cigarette yet.
“You gonna smoke that?”
He doesn't know why, but the anger wells up inside of him once more. Maybe the two of you weren’t so similar after all. Smoking was something he did to cope, and now look at you, doing it for show.
“I don’t wanna smoke when someone’s talking to me, ‘s rude..” you slur, pulling out the half burned cig and pressing it down on the ash tray.
He feels his heart pang, and a mixture of emotions flood through him. How unusual, he’s never felt like this before, not even in his Highschool years.
“It’s (L/N), (Y/N). By the way.” You inform, the last but coming out weakly in whisper.
“Is that so?” He mumbles, watching you fumble into your jacket, pulling out a half empty box and flicking it open. You extend your arm out, holding the box open, and he feels his world become distorted.
Almost like a lullaby, feeling like a kid again. The world he sees is full of color, then dark, only in black and white, then nothing at all, and now he’a seeing you, the only thing with color in this monkey-ridden world. And now, back to all black and white, execpt you, now full of color.
He wonders if this has something to due with the curse on you. It’s hugging you hightly, like a snake. It’s thin, hugging your breasts, wrapped around your neck, ready to kill you, but he doesn’t want that.
Suguru blinks, time resuming as normal as he utters a thanks, taking it and using the lighter you hand out right after.
“I haven’t smoked since I was a teenager,” he confesses, and he doesn’t know why he felt the need to say that, to a monkey at that.
“Really? How’d you stop?” You ask, genuinely curious. You’d been trying to quit for years, but with the things life has been throwing at you, you think you’d end up smoking yourself to death.
Suguru glances around, thinking hard, “I decided to do what I wanted to do.” And it’s true, he decided to follow his heart and exterminate monkeys for a living. It brings him joy.
“And what’s that?” You ask him, fully intrigued with he’s talking about. He gulps, staring down at you, biting his tongue he furrows his eyebrows ag you. The damn curse, it’s doing this to him.
He grabs your wrist, staring at you darkly, and you think this is where he’ll kill you.
But he doesn't.
He covers your eyes with his large palm, and it’s unusually calloused, more than the average worker. He does it gently, despite his dark expression. Your line of sight is completely darkened, and suddenly, you feel weightless.
He didn’t kill you— he wouldn’t kill you.
“Ge— Suguru. Suguru, could you help me here?” You call him from the bedroom.
He’s 22 years old and has been living with you for two. Peering his head in, he watches you struggle in holding the matress cover down to pull it over on the other side.
“It won’t stay!” You groan, watching the other side pop out. He chuckles, walking to the opposite corner of the bed and pulling it down under it.
It feels oddly domestic when he’s with you.
When the four of you hang out, you holding the girls hands while he walks behind you three, it feels like he’s with his family.
Though sometimes he feels like he sees Satoru—
“Suguru?” You call him, your face close to his own. He catches himself holding his breath when you near, ‘monkey’ he finds his mind calling you.
His hands go to your cheeks, thumbs stroking your cheeks. Your lips part, observing his solemn facial expression. His eyes seem so.. so lonely. “What’s wrong?”
His rough hands trail down your face now, loosely around your neck. Thumb stroking your throat, applying small pressure. “I could kill you right now.” He mumbles, and the voice in his head is shouting at him, manipulating him.
All monkeys.
That’s right. When did he stray so far off from his goal? When did he stop trying to fulfill his dream?
The perfect world he was going to create, just for sorcerers. A world where his best friend didn’t have to work like a dog, a work where they could just be people. A world where peace was the only way.
It was probably when he met you.
“But you won't. Well, I hope you won't!” You chuckle sheepishly. Your fingers taking his from your neck, holding them to your lips. “You saved me in ways that you could never even imagine.” You murmur, his half lidded eyes staring down at you, at that curse he still hasn't stolen.
He didn’t save you. He stole you. Suguru Geto is a selfish man, and no better than Gojo, he’ll do whatever he can to have something. That something is you.
The curse doesn't matter to him anymore, he just wants you. He wants to rid you of this curse that hangs on you.
He’s tried, but it seems to be feeding off of you. He would have to kill you to get it, but he can't, he won't, he refuses.
He finds the words slipping out of his mouth, he can't control himself anymore.
“I love you.”
You blink, eyes wide as you replay his words.
Those three words.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). I’m sorry.. I’m sorry..” he confesses, enveloping you in a hug. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to feel that he’s crying. The way his large back trembles in your hold. “It’s alright, don’t cry now.” You whisper, stroking his hair. “I love you very much.”
Your voice feels so quiet, and you don't think your words even reached him but when he squeezes you, pulling you even closer to him, trying to become one, you know he got it.
“Thank you, Suguru.” You thank gratefully, chin on his shoulder. “Thank you for giving me a family, thank you for giving me somewhere to belong.”
“Thank you.”
You don't even remember how the two of you ended up on the floor, holding each other while the bed stays unmade. A single pillow the both of you shared while snoozing on the ground.
Nanako and Mimiko peer into the room, heads poking in to see your laying figures. How scared they got when they grew near, thinking something happened to the two of you. But when they see your chests rise and fall, they rest easy.
Though, their gazes stayed more with your figure. Your curse was gone, no longer attached to you.
Nanako grabs her phone, a limited one only for phone calls and photos(given to her by Suguru) and snaps a couple photos of you, some serious, and some zoomed in on your faces.
Mimiko returns back, dragging a blanket from the couch and draping it over the two of you, giving you both a kiss on the cheek.
“C’mon, Nana.” Mimiko says, taking hold of her twin's hand and walking out the dimly lit room.
They should be the one’s thanking the two of you, for giving them parents that they never had.
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tu-es-gegg · 3 months
untuk hari bahasa ini, saya cubalah mengajarkan semua tentang sikit budaya melayu dan berkongsi kosa kata juga (ENG TRANSLATION)
(for this language day, I will try to teach a little about Malay culture and share vocabulary as well)
i made the original post detailing some fun stuff abt my culture of being malay (specifically from perspective living as a Malay from Singapore), i want to do an english translation so its more accessible to those who don't speak malay. This isnt an exact translation (plus im adding mroe additonal info) so keep that inmind
FIRST, what is the Malay language? This is an Austronesian language, also the national language in Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore. Malay is usually written in Latin script, also known as Rumi. There is also Jawi script based on Arabic writing. If you want to know (most) letters in Jawi, this is a video stuck in my head from Andalus (I'm bad at writing in Jawi and Arabic too, even though I study, I don't know much;;;)
Malay culture is deeply connected with Muslim culture, that's why a lot of malay festivities and celebrations revolve around the islamic calender. one such celebration is Hari Raya. there are two ceremonies; Aidilfitri and Haji, I will talk about Hari Raya Aidilfitri only because it is close this year and most well known (for context, its litterally in april this year).
The previous month is Ramadan where we fast/puasa. We do not eat from Subuh (around sunrise) to Maghrib (around sunset) (these are two of the names of the prayer times, in Islam we are supposed to pray around 5 times a day during different intervals. it goes Subuh, Zohor, Asar, Maghrib, Isyak). Before dawn, want to eat Sahur and then pray. At Maghrib, want to eat to break the fast/ berbuka puasa (usually say "buka" for short). Also in this month before Aidifilti, the family will prepare by cleaning the house for visitors, buy new baju kurung, get kuih, etc etc.
aaaa there are a lot of kuih, here's anything I can name (many are from Singapore); kuih lapis, kuih salat? ondeh ondeh, kuih bahulu, kuih dadar, BISKUT CORNFLAKES OMG does that count?. there are many more lol.
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ALSO! In Singapore, during Ramadan, there is a huge Night Market in Geylang. Not only in Geylang there is a night market but this is very popular. There are MANY stalls selling food. Everyone who buys from geylang night market knows Ramly Burger, deep-fried Oreos, vadai, KEBAB, DENGDENG. (I like to buy rolled ice cream and chicken kebab mmmm)
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In Geylang too, they will buy traditional clothes to visit family. Baju kurung (ehh for traditional clothes, women wear baju kurung, men wear baju melayu but the names are the same anyway) is the normal clothing. Often, one household will choose to coordinate colors together (but it's not mandatory, lmao my family doesn't care)
For men, they wear songkok (that flat black hat) and samping (the long scarf wrapping around the waist)
For women, wear a sarong (skirt) with a long top. If desired, will also wear a tudung (type of hijab) (i should also clarify for muslim women its their choice whether they want to habitually wear hijab. its not just specific to just baju kurung. for example i have lots of aunties that dont wear hijab at all meanwhile i have a lot of aunts who do)
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Baju kurung is also worn at other festivities, such as weddings
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(my whole childhood I attended so many weddings, this is another topic lmaooooo)
On Hari Raya Aidifilti but before going to raya (this is what we generally call going out to see family), close family in will ask for forgiveness. (it's important the forgiveness is not one-sided, the adults will also ask forgiveness from the younger family members too). Usually this is when people start crying. After that, we go RAYA!!! When in someone else's house, if you are not working now, you can get duit raya! (because I grew up in singapore surrounded by chinese influence, I also call this "angpao" too)
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OHHHH THERE IS A LOT OF FOOD;;;; My grandmother would cook a lot during Ramadan and Hari Raya. Rendang, lontong, KETUPAT OHHH KETUPAT, CHICKEN CURRY (my mother every aidifitri cooks green chicken curry, FOR HARI RAYA AIDIFITRI ONLY, ohhhhh that's my favorite part, ASBFKASB I'M HUNGRY.)
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(theres also like way more cuisine than this, iu havent even mentioned nasi goreng and nasi lemak and briyani and FUCKIGN BEGEDIL;;;;)
ketupat is kind of icon to represent Aidifilti holiday, for example:
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other icons of hari raya include: bunga api, neon string lights, bamboo torches, etc.
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I love Hari Raya even thoug my feet hurt ALOT after visiting LOTS OF FAMILY AND FRIENDS OH MY GOD:;; it's okay if you take your shoes off in the house somehow your FEET WILL HURT at the end of the day;;;;;;
uhhhh others about malay culture? we have art! A martial art is silat melayu! I don't know much about this but it's great
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there is performance art: one example is dikir barat
juga ada permainan, ada yang terkenal ialah wau (kite)
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and congkak (like that one club penguin game, mancala, im not kidding)
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there are many malay cultures that are also from indonesian culture because of its influence. (Mainly malay culture was influenced by its neighboring cultures such as from Thailand, Sumatra, Java. Malay culture were from Hinduism before then converting to Islam) That's why we have wayang kulit (natively from Java) (a lot of indonesian culture and malay cultures share similar things because of kinda their similar roots and their spread of their own culture, hence why we also have similar dishes, traditonal clothes, even our language is kinda 70% the same)
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Do you know; Singapore was discovered by Sang Nila Utama and was originally Malay kingdom (at that time the island was called Temasek before it was owned by the British) (the original indigenous of Singapore are called Orang Laut, litterally translated to "people of the sea"). That is why in Singapore, the language and the national anthem (Majulah Singapura) is in Malay. Singapore is not only for Chinese people, we Malays and Indians are also here;;;
(and im not at all from malaysia god please none of my relatives are. Malaysian is referring to the country, Malay is the language and the ethnic group)
There's a whole lot more I haven't even touched on, like lmao there's a whole thing about weddings and a whole baby shower thing.
theres also a lot of singaporean stuff i want to share i haven't even mentioned singlish but thats a post for another time
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teruthecreator · 1 year
(tw for racism, pedophilia, transphobia, child impregnation mention)
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yeah idk why y'all read this
i was originally going to just post this and have some tags with my reasonings, but i realized that opens me up to too much bullshit from people who may think i'm being unnecessarily mean or whatever. so i'm going to explain exactly why the screenshots above are something i hold issue with.
firstly, and i just want to get this out of the way, this post is not intended to be a hit piece against the creator. i've seen how she reacts to any mild-mannered or slightly joking criticism, so i know this post is probably going to not land well. but it isn't my intention to make her mad or anything--she's writing a piece of content for the internet, which means she is just as open to criticism as any other poster. and what i intend to go into in this post is criticism. i'm allowed to do this, as that is the nature of the internet. people are allowed to critique whatever they please, and if you don't want critique then you shouldn't post. simple as!
i am also making no attempts to posit myself as better than the creator. i'm not doing this for clout or moral superiority or any of that dumb shit. i simply want to discuss something that's been bothering me for a bit, while simultaneously warning people who haven't read this yet (who may be sensitive to the issues above) to steer clear. if things like casual racism or transphobia aren't properly tagged, then readers who are affected by such things run a risk reading this! same goes with people who are triggered by lewd content involving minors. i wanna make sure people are getting a more critical scope of this work than what has been hoisted up by others.
okay, now that i've gotten that out of the way, i'm going to get into my points.
firstly, the subtle and not-so-subtle racism throughout this fic, especially in relation to serizawa. i'm white, so there is only so much i can speak on without trampling over the words of other fans of color, but some of this feels so blatant it's odd it hasn't been noted earlier. it's important to note before i go into it that serizawa is specifically written as half-black half-japanese for this fic, in case the screenshots don't make it abundantly clear. but there are just too many moments of casual racism in this fic. i'm not talking about the plot point of serizawa being bullied as a kid for being mixed; i'm not mixed, so i can't speak on the accuracy there but it is well-known that black people face a lot of racism in japan. i'm talking about how it seems everyone else has these racist moments that aren't acknowledged by serizawa or the narration as being bad.
reigen hypothesizing over serizawa's exact ethnic background is just strange. yes he's a fairly observant guy (he has to be, with his job), but there is no canonical evidence to suggest he would immediately jump to theorizing whether serizawa is american or not. and the way it's posed in that first quote--"he has darker skin and the kind of hair texture that would likely indicate African ancestry"--is not great. that's an extremely inappropriate way to bring up someone's race. i don't think most people would stare at someone and be like "hmmm well your nose shape and hair texture would suggest you're of this race". it's racial essentialization that is only slightly covered up by the excuse of "oh he tweets in english". there are some other smaller moments of questionable wording, like calling serizawa's afro "sloppy" when it isnt (which btw there's another issue with the creator only referring to an afro as a "fro". it's a hairstyle; you're allowed to use the actual name of it). even if reigen cuts his hair in canon, he never states it's because serizawa's afro looks sloppy. (also there's something to be said about the casual racism baked into making your employee cut his natural hairstyle for a job, as that is a very real issue many black people face when wearing their natural hair or even protective styles in the workplace.)
i'm especially bothered by toichiro's very casual racist remarks. toichiro in this fic is a general bother of mine (most of which can be boiled down to "he would not fucking say that"), but the way she chooses to characterize him in relation to serizawa feels gross. calling a black man a slave should be a very obvious red flag, but also saying serizawa (again, as a black man) has a "brutal masculine appeal" is also extremely stereotypical and racist. and really there is just no need for it; toichiro's actions in canon prove how shitty of a guy he is without the need for him to be racist (along with other things i'll get to in a bit). as my girlfriend put it: he doesn't need to be a member of the fucking kkk to show he's a bad guy.
there's also, again, the very casual racist remark of calling serizawa a "dog". i don't care if that isn't the intent; when you are writing a character of color you need to be aware of your wording, even in insults (unless she intended to make tsuchiya racist, which i don't think she did).
secondly, the eugenics/child pregnancy bit. it is surreal to even have to write this, but i seriously do not understand the purpose of either of these bits in the story. they are so minor yet so jarring you can't help but wonder why they're there. once again, i do not think you need to have toichiro doing esper eugenics just to prove he is an evil guy. he has nuance, and by making him casually reference child pregnancy (like that isn't an INSANE thing to say) reduces that nuance to nothing. that's the only reason i could see why that bit was included: to make toichiro look worse. but, even still, the author is running the risk of potentially triggering victims of csa or people who don't want to see that by not properly tagging the mention of it (or, at the very least, warning readers in the intro notes). the only other explanation for it would maybe be shock factor??? but that's a pretty shitty thing to use for shock factor, if i'm honest. also the fact that the esper eugenics was referenced again in a more recent chapter just has me very disturbed and confused. there isn't a canonical explanation for why we see less espers who are women than espers who are men, but that doesn't mean we need to jump to fucking Eugenics. it's weird!
thirdly (and this is probably one of my biggest problems and the main reason i wanted to make this post), the weirdly lewd/sexual language shou uses constantly, along with referring to reigen as a pedo or a creep at several points. frankly, i think it's pretty fucking gross for someone in their near-40's to be writing a 12-year-old talking so casually about sex like that's normal. which, i'm sorry, but it's not. yes, teens know about sex and like to joke about lewd shit. but a 12-year-old is not about to make references to a grown man's virginity. 12-year-olds draw dicks on their desk bc they think it's funny. 12-year-olds say the word "buttfuck" because it has the words "butt" and "fuck" in it, and those are the two funniest words on earth to a kid that age. i literally do not understand the purpose of having shou be so lewd all the time. for one, it doesn't make sense for his character. shou is shown time and time again to be extremely mature for his age, but that maturity extends to shit like assembling a counter-terrorism unit and extending a hand to his father to allow him to try again. and even then he's still just as naive as any other kid his age! the omake where he's telling his guys to go to the "far right corner" based on ritsu’s advice proves that he still has plenty of blindspots that are indicative of his age. leaning into this raunchy, lewd version of shou is just weird. and, again, i think it is made a bit weirder given the author's age!!! not ageshaming or whatever--i'm 23 and i write fanfic, clearly i cannot judge there--but it is just extremely inappropriate in my opinion. also having shou be more versed in sextalk than serizawa is odd too and speaks to a larger issue of serizawa's infantilzation throughout this fic, but that's something i can get into in another post if people want an explanation.
also, the way she constantly calls reigen a creep and even has him being accused of being a pedophile during the twitter cancellation is extremely inappropriate when, again, there is NO CANONICAL BASIS FOR THIS! everyone just calls him a fraud and a scammer during separation arc; there is never a reference to reigen being seen as a pedophile in that arc. and, yes, while there are versions of mob psycho where reigen is very clearly written as a creep (looking very specifically at the netflix adaptation), that doesn't mean it's good. honestly, the creep mentions all just feel like really poor jokes that do not land in the slightest.
finally, the transphobia (aka WHY IS SHIMAZAKI A CHASER). i literally do not know what else to say other than: why? why is this a thing? why is he a chaser? what is the purpose of this? is it a joke? i feel like it's supposed to be, but seeing as the author is cis i don't think that's a joke she should really be making. it not only comes out of left field, but it's just kind of a weird thing to ascribe to a character for no reason. not to mention, it's uncomfortable! trans women deal with enough creepy antics from cis men in real life--why must they be accosted by this guy too? it's just weird and uncomfortable.
i wanna round out this post by saying, once again, that i'm not trying to attack anyone with this post. but i do hope people come away from this with a new perspective on this work, and maybe think twice before recommending it uncritically to someone. to the author specifically, i hope you can read my post without rage or indignance blinding you. i might be a little blunt or rude in parts, but it's only because i'm passionate and i don't mince my words when it comes to things i'm passionate about. to the readers, understand i am not judging you for reading this fic without noticing these things. your own life experiences will give you certain blindspots and there's nothing wrong with that. i have plenty of blindspots of my own! it's what makes us human.
there is more i could say, but this post is long enough. i ask that if you come to me in my inbox or in dms about this that you treat me with respect, as i will do that for you. writing something like this took a lot out of me, as i'm usually not so open about my opinion on shit like this.
have a good day :-)
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benny-the-spaceman · 24 days
one of these days im going to release my tlm drafting headcanons from my notes app purgatory and that day is Today.
...under the cut
• Fairly good at drawing. Somehow able to draw straight lines without a ruler perfectly fine every single time but otherwise nothing super noteworthy (he does brag about this constantly however)
• Drafts in white and yellow posca pen??? will use white colored pencil for finer detail however, specifically one of those mechanical colored pencils
• Drafts on black paper because he thinks it makes his designs cooler (it doesn't)
• Dimensions in imperial and would be annoyed if you dare even *insinuate* he use metric. no justification here
• Doodles around his drafts, specifically likes to doodle bats and himself because he, once again, thanks it makes his drafts cooler (the bats kinda do)
• Refuses to leave notes on his designs. you either know what to do or you don't
• Does however write his drawing title obnoxiously large
• Used autocad for like a day, hated it, switched to solidworks and never went back
• Buys autodesk licenses for the rest of the masterbuilders. unwillingly, mind you, wyldstyle just knows his credit card information and abuses it
• Good at drawing exclusively spaceships. big shock i know
• The king of eyeballing a line or an angle and then labelling it however the fuck he wants. proper measurements take time he could spend drafting or making more spaceships, he'll save measuring and straightedges for drafts he deems important enough
• Uses blueprinting paper. there's no practical purpose for this, he just digs it
• Drafts with whatever writing utensil is on hand
• He gets inspired quite often so he usually keeps a drafting notepad on him just in case
• Leaves a *lot* of notes. Most of them are completely unnecessary and are a funny contrast to his haphazard dimensioning
• Pretty dang good at autocad! Usually reserves it for projects that require a lot more collaboration however
• Usually drafts in metric, can dimension in imperial but prefers not to
• 100% sets autocad to the light background like a monster
• Do not give him any 3d modelling software, he might blow up the computer
• Either really good or really bad at drawings (obvs leaning towards bad. we remember the break in plans)
• Dimensions in imperial. I cant justify this one he just does. god bless america or something idk
• Owns a couple drafting pencils but rarely uses them, most of the time he drafts in marker or pen much to the chagrin of anyone who needs to read his drafts (or delight if you're unikitty)
• Started learning how to use autocad after taco tuesday and he's actually pretty good at it! he does use an architectural dimstyle for everything though which is particularly annoying when he's quite often not drafting buildings now
• Has labelled and colored layers 👍 enough said
• Uses disgustingly thick lineweights. horrible.
• Rarely if ever 3d models so he's not good at it, he mostly works on things that 2d conveys better anyways
• Although he's not the best drafter of the master builders, his construction background makes him the best at reading drafts, give him a unikitty draft and he can decipher it like it's nothing
• Probably the best at drafting of the master builders, he's got the age advantage and lots of practice from making ships
• Drafts in pencil, quill, or charcoal depending
• Who needs straightedges or angle stencils when youre basically a pirate cyborg, expect robot like precision
• Doesn't use standard measuring conventions, instead opts to use the dumbest things possible. The Sea cow's units of measurement were seagulls. It isnt that he cant do normal units of measurement, he just prefers his made up ones
• Makes his drafting paper by himself
• Pretty good with 2d and 3d modelling surprisingly. He doesn't like either, however, he much prefers drafting on paper
• Leaves an average amount of notes on his drafts but has the most disgustingly fancy cursive and writes in his piratey english. Often a nightmare to read if you aren't used to his writing
• Will sometimes do blueprint swaps with Benny wherein they critique each other's work. not sure when they started doing it, but it's become a weekly activity for them
• Worst drafter of the main masterbuilder crew. Most people think it's because she's a cat but no she just doesnt take drafting seriously in the slightest
• Drafts like she's making an arts and crafts project. She has put several bottles of glitter on singular drafts and she will do it again
• Dimensions in rainbows, no knows what this means other than emmet
• Gives the longest, most complicated titles possible
• No such thing as straight lines
• Is entirely capable of drafting properly, just refuses to
• Leaves notes that are entirely unrelated to the draft. she wont tell you how youre supposed to connect two objects but she *will* tell you about the sandwich she ate while making the draft
• Doesnt use autocad, looks too boring
• Didnt use any 3d modelling softwares until she realized you can change the appearance of materials. that was a game changer. still much prefers drafting on paper though
• Likes drafting with emmet sometimes since he seems to be the only person who understands her drawings. to this day no one understands how he does it
• Going blind has, surprisingly, not made him much worse at drafting, just changed his process a bit
• Drafts in pencil
• Probably the person who least frequently drafts of the main masterbuilders. On account of just not needing to and also on account of being dead
• Dimensions in the old anglo-saxon units of measurement
• Doesn't title his drafts and doesnt see a point in doing so
• Leaves the most vague, utterly confusing notes on his drawings. theyre still related to the drawings unlike unikitty's notes, but theyre very odd
• Doesn't use autocad or 3d modelling softwares, partially because he wouldnt really be able to on account of being blind but also partially because he doesn't really know what they are
• There isnt really much to say about his drafting skills he's about as normal of a drafter as a masterbuilder can be
• An engineering teacher's dream student. She may not have the amount of experience metalbeard has but she's still very skilled
• Doesn't like drafting on paper and won't if she doesn't have to
• When she does draft on paper she uses a drafting mechanical pencils. she also 100% collects them
• dimensions in metric to exactly 3 decimal places
• leaves very few if any notes (always very concise ones if included)
• has a case of staedtler stencils that she bought 4 years ago and never uses
• picked up a habit of doodling on drafts from batman but will never admit she got the habit from him
• Autocad PRO. Also really damn good at solidworks and fusion. Give this girl a computer and she'll give you a motorcycle assembly within the hour
• Specializes in automotives
• Spends time with Emmet on the weekends teaching him how to use digital drafting softwares (this process was incredibly frusturating at first but gets easier with time)
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Hellow, i just reblogged that post about the cauldron loving elain and I have been seized with a need to figure out what the hell is going on with that so I shall read one (1) chapter if acomaf to bring me closer to my goal. For the record, I did know about the cauldron loving elain and hating nesta because idk, nesta was angry and annoying when she was dunked into it but elain was just so sweet and demure about it probably, i did not think it was. romantic love. but this is a sjm book so I was foolish to assume there would be a male character whos not insanely horny. Actually, is the cauldron even male? He is in the german version but thats just bc the word cauldron is masculine grammatically. Quick someone draw like, a tumblr sexyman humanized version of the cauldron. actually no, tumblrsexymen are traditionally twinks and sjm hates those. Quick someone draw like, a super buff shirtless man with golden hair, or whatever the color of the cauldron is
anyway, PREVIOUSLY ON: THE FLAMES AND DARKNESS LIVEBLOG we had the Court on Nightmares Under The Mountain Reenactment Scene as I like to call it and can we talk about how Feyre has known Rhys for like a year and only liked him for like half a year and yet she was perfectly fine sitting in his lap nacked and letting herself be sexualized by him. Like, I dont even have any kind of sexual trauma, you would still need to build up sooooo many years of friendship and good will for me to do that for you and you would NOT be allowed to jerk me off!! whatever, lets get on with this, its time for chapter 43
I hate that Rhysand is being all like "i shouldnt have brought you, i didnt want you to see this side of me" when its like, buddy you didnt have to do all this shit you couldve just walked in an been like "Im your high lord and demand your orb" and they wouldve given it to you because youre their high lord and youre demanding their orb. And if he thought they wouldnt have given it to him, he couldve easily come up with a different distraction he just went with the one that sexualizes Feyre because hes weirdo. Like, if hes so cruel on every other day then he shouldve acted really nicely, greeted Keir by giving him the biggest hug and being like "uncleeeee!! :D long time no see :)" and Feyre should have been dressed up as like, the embodiment of spring in pastel green soft shades of pink and but Rhysand still treats with the utmost kindness and respect, now that would throw the Hewn City for a loop
Okay so the reason Rhys broke keirs arm is because the word 'whore' triggered him which is understandable but like, Feyre thought of herself as the Highlords Whore in a very deliberate parallel to Rhysand being known as Amarantha's Whore and Im pretty sure she even straightup thought something about being in the position he had for so many years but she was like, horny about it and the narrative just isnt acknowledging it. Like, theyre not talking about it even though their mindlink was presumably open the whole time bc I remember them flirting through the link, and Feyre isnt even like "oh man, I feel bad for thinking that when its so upsetting to him" its so weird
Rhysand basically said "I will never try to protect you by locking you away, instead I will protect you by killing anyone who upsets you, even when they dont actually upset you and they just upset me" like he and Tamlin are not fundamentally any different from each other, its just that Rhysand is a coldblooded murderer. but its fine cuz he wears black leather i guess
I just realized. Rhysand had a boner when Feyre was sitting in his lap. did that go away when he broke Keirs arm or did he walk out of that meeting with his dick fully hard
Listen, maybe its just because its 3am and Im a little sleepdeprived but this conversation barely makes any sense, these bozos are just completely talking past each other at this point
Rhysand just said something about how Tamlin just locked Feyre up and let her waste away and almost die and Feyre was gonna say "He was trying his best" but Rhys interrupted her like "Dont compare me to him, stop comparing us" when she didnt say anything about that ??? my guy is projecting so hard rn he thinks theyre having a conversation that theyre not even having
And like i would argue that Feyre doesnt even compare Rhysand and Tamlin that much, the narrative definitely does it a LOT, but Ive been reading Feyres thoughts throughout this whole ordeal and I feel like she barely even thought about Tamlin since she sent him that letter
This scene is supposed this big turning point for their relationship and its clearly meant to be really emotional but the only emotion i can feel rn is annoyance with Rhysand because its like, he did have genuinely traumatic things that happened to him but not only is he barely affected by any of them, those are not even the things that the narrative brings up whenever its trying to get me to sympathise with him instead its always just "whaaaaaaa everyone thinks Im nasty and evil just because i keep doing nasty and evil things T-T"
Feyre is being very cruel but in a kinda funny way because its directed at Rhysand rn, i would insert the quote but I am in no state to translate anything at the moment but shes basically like "of course you have to hide your true self from your friends, they wouldnt wanna hang out with otherwise, you burden"
Idk why but the prose being like "my arrow struck him too deep" is so funny to me, it has the same energy as the vampire fics i read where the weird gay one gets his heart broken and he goes "it wouldve hurt less if he staked me in the heart"
Feyre is like "i cant believe he was so vulnerable and shared his sorrows with me and just threw all of it in his face" and I could not give less of a shit, but ive been on a big emotional abuse kick lately so now Im thinking about what if Feyre was just faking having feelings for Rhys in order to make him fall in love with her and be vulnerable with her only to then tell him the truth and reject the mating bond and make him completely break down as revenge for UTM. now that would actually be empowering
Now Feyre is thinking about how shes been using Rhysand for a long time now and come onnnnnn there is such a big power difference between them, I genuinely think its basically impossible for her to do that. Like, hes the most powerful guy in the history of guys or whatever, if anything you were doing bothered him that much he could simply make you stop doing it. hm. now Im thinking about what if rhysand was actually a huge masochist. Now that would actually be hot
Feyre is talking about how all the members of the inner circle suffered and are traumatized and theyve all learned to live with it and, not to extend too much sympathy to Rhysand, but all of the ICs major traumatic events happened centuries ago, his traumatic event happened one (1) year ago and it lasted 49 years i think its gonna take a little more time till hes all better
ughhhhhhh dont remind me of Amrens stupid romance subplot im gonna kill myself
Starfall is called Die Nacht der fallenden Sterne [the night of the calling stars] in german which is so much cooler and more whimsical, shoutout to my gal pal Alexandra Ernst for attempting to reinsert atleast a little bit of whimsy into this joyless world
Also, apparently its expected that Rhysand spend the first starfall in fifty years with his people, his people in this case referring to the Verlarians in the city that no one knows exists and not the people living in his courts actual capital. then again, i guess those bozos are all trapped under a mountain and wouldnt be able to watch it anyway so who cares
Amren said "hes not lucky to have us, we're lucky to have him" like yeah, hes paying you all exorbitant salaries just for being his buddies
God, amrens jacking rhys off so hard rn I cant believe she didnt wanna have sex with him when he asked
btw Im not even gonna dignify all that vaguely meta bullshit about how Tamlin is the golden prince and rhysand is the villain in the stories but the villain in stories is the guy who locks maidens away in towers and rhys freed her with anx kind of commentary because its just stupid, its just sjm bashing you over the head with how subversive she is when Tamlin and Rhysand are basically the same guy with different aesthetics at this point, like Feyre is not making a choice between the goodboy hero and the badboy villain, shes making a choice between a Bad Boy with a Heart of Gold (green) and a Bad Boy with a Heart of Gold (black)
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correctproseka · 8 months
So @queer-prosekai told me to do my own top 10 list of the sets + my favorite card of each, so here's some rules i set for myself
1- i have to REALLY like the full set, not just really like a card but a little less to the others (cough Saki in no seek no find, for one example. Though other sets have also triggered this rule)
2- i also am judging by card only, not the story, however. I am not completely good at this because a lot of the cards that are already good get to be way better because of the event behind it.
3- only counting the trained cards, not untrained, it would be a very different list.
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Oh my poor child are you okay??? Going past how much i like this event. Which would get me here writing for hours mind you. I also just really like the set. The dark colors and the fact that in all 3 cards you can barely see color- its black and then each has their own color showing up, An has red, Toya has blue and Rin has white. It just gives a fucking impact on you looking at them. Would not change a thing, really.
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Anyone else remembers qhen this set just totally broke us? Oh my god. I do. Shizuku in a suit. An in this pretty ass dress. I just cjsjcjsmcjsncjdj. It was mainly those two that really hit for me, specially An. But when it hit it hit hard man
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It was the first lim set, so it was really simple compared to what we get now. But simple doesn't mean bad. I really love the colors and idk man i have a soft spot for it i cant defend everything my brain is a dvd logo bouncing around😭
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Angel Minori is one of the prettiest sets ever, it just isnt higher because personally i like some others more, doesn't mean this shit isnt fucking gorgeous. The lightning, the setting. I love this mmj card with everyone in it bc this is such a beautiful place???? Just. Licks this set like an ice cream then cries bc i ate the pretty ass set.
6: Someday, from the depths of despair
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Lowkey i did not expect this one to be this high before i made this list. But it is just gorgeous setting, gorgeous lightning. It just makes my brain go brrrr looking at it.
5- What lies behind lies ahead
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The hermit set has people in a chokehold for years, and for good reason. The hairstyles are pretty, the au ideas one can get out of it are yummy. AND THE CARD THEMSELVES ARE SO CKSJFKDK. All of them having this golden thing around as if hermit was a story told to us by images. It just could be a poster. Its certainly pretty enough to.
4: Our escape for survival
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Sorry for the amount of niigo here. It will happen again. Niigo never misses. Anyways i just love this set sm. The lightning, muffled colors and backgrounds just hit so fucking hard. The rain shared on the 3 cards from the set is so symbolical and so is the clock and the engines on Mafuyu's and Luka's card. It tells us a story before we even read the event and that is beautiful.
3: Close game offline
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I had to skip this set and i am still sad about it. Man the the the cmsucksjcjx aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa viddygame and neon.
2- Unnamed Harmony
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I like silly, your honor. I also like water. Saki's card has both /hj. No but really i just really like the outfits and colors and just everything in this set it would be a CRIME to not have this here as a Saki stan. Just look at it!!!!
1: Draw your bow in this white world
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.. so, who's surprised? I can barely even find a favorite card in this set. From Kaitos . Kaito. (Does he need more?), Shizuku's gracefulness and beautifulness and Mafuyu just pretty and badass breaking the "screen"/mirror/window with an arrow. Its just soooooo ancjamvjsjchsjxncnsicjsv chomps.
Knock the future, which light up the fire took it off on a technicality (i like 3/3 cards on light up the fire and 2/3 on knock the future bc Honami is very meh compared to the others to me)
Anyways if anyone else wants to do this as a challenge id love it. And @probably-not-niigo i challenge u to do the same
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benbunny · 27 days
HIIIIII !!!!! i’ve sort of taken a break from dollblr lately because all but 1 of my dolls are tucked away in a storage box with really no potential to come out of the box anytime soon 😞 but in the meantime, i’ve been going through Dollie Withdrawal….so i found dolls small enough to have in my tiny new space! these are my first ball jointed dolls, and they’re SO tiny (11.5-12.5cm!!!!). pictures and face-paint progress below!
so this is what they looked like fresh out of the package. theyre from artpractic on etsy, and i think they’re 3D printed. all of their tiny little joints bend and move just like a larger BJD, it’s so cool!! they’re also the only “adult” size dolls i’ve ever had i think, except for Barbies. i purchased them planning to make 2 of the main characters from the Faeries of Dreamdark series (if anyone is familiar with those — 2 middle grade/young adult fairy fantasy books that came out in the mid 2000s). the characters are actually younger, sort of generically young teenagers (although faeries age slower, so theyre both over 100 years old). these are the wings i was thinking about, based on the character’s’ descriptions
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first i dyed the male doll with Rit to match the character (who’s from what’s basically faerie India), which worked ok. it isnt too patchy, and he’ll be wearing long pants and sleeves sooner or later, so that will hide the parts that didnt take the dye too well. i used watercolor pencils to give them both some body blushing and basic coloring, then went in with acrylic paint and the tiniest little brush i could find for the details. i think it’s not too bad for my first full face paint, especially not on faces the size of my pinky nail!! i also used acrylic paint for body details like scars — the characters are a warrior and a guardian, so they have their fair share of scars and injuries throughout the book. i also gave the male doll top surgery scars, because the character has always read as trans to me
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i can’t quite decide which wings for one of them, though. for context, this character Hirik Mothmage has big moth wings that are described as black and ruby hawkmoth wings. personally, i always imagined him with silk moth wings, no idea why. either way, these are my two options: neither are hawkmoth wings, so it’s just based on what looks better. he’ll have brownish-black hair and also big brown moth antennae above his eyebrows, if that gives a fuller picture
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the other character is Whisper Silksinger. she’s a scamperer, not able to fly, which is why her wings are so much smaller
this has been so fun though, and it’s really scratching my Dollie itch. i’ve always stayed away from itty bitty dolls like this, because i’m clumsy and not very dextrous and tend to fumble around blindly with anything smaller than a Barbie doll, but it’s been a fun challenge! now i have to figure out hair and then clothing. not sure if trying to make a wig will be easier, or if i should just glue the hair right onto their heads, lol
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