#yes! u are pretty! your eyes of sky blue and hair of yellow! you are! BUT YOU.. YOU RE HAIR ISNT SHITTY BLACK
rubixpsyche · 9 months
I fucking hate that the few times a character is shown to be Attractive despite [gasp] not being blonde and blue eyed, they're given brown or black hair but then they emphasize that they have beautiful pale white skin,, wow
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(Now Playing: Malkuth Story)
I walked into the rec room next. The walls were a cool white, decorated with black flourishes. Soft grey carpet sat beneath the different game tables. Pictures of various bird species in strangely majestic poses, even with birds like pigeons, penguins, and cuckoos, hung on the walls. One picture of a wren sitting in a pilot's seat stood out to me for some reason. There was a small shelf by the door, holding little booklets for all the games kept in the room. Billiards, chess, checkers, all kinds of cards, and probably more that I couldn't be bothered to check.
On the second floor, there were a few arcade cabinets too, with the same scanners I saw next to the computers in the library. Bizarrely, there was also a children's play place resized for high schoolers, a ball pit, and a weird net climbing wall thing hanging above the first floor. I saw someone tangled inside it, and just like everyone else, he was unconscious.
He wore a sky blue tuxedo shirt with short, puffed sleeves, a purple sleeveless tuxedo with long, princely coat tails and shiny yellow buttons, a similarly purple bow tie, and white pants. He had boots that went from dark to light blue, with sky blue accents decorating them and fluffy white trim. His hair was a light cerulean, and he had a purple silk cap with white trim and a purple ribbon. His gloves were styled similarly, being purple with white trimming, though now, it was noticeably fluffy.
He began to slip through the holes in the net, little by little, then all at once. He jolted awake, and before I could do anything, he caught himself with his foot, then swung himself up into the air, doing a flip, then landed on the outside of the net, quivering. Somehow, his hat didn't fall off.
"Uwehhhh..." He clung to the outside of the net, looking around like a frightened rabbit or something. His eyes were blue, but faded into purple, and they were watering quite badly. "Wh-Where am I? Where is this place?"
"Hey!" I called. "Are you alright?"
"Huh? U-Um, as alright as I can be!" He said. "D-Do you, um, know what happened? I was-"
"Invited to a museum for a field trip, but then got knocked out?" I said. His eyes widened in surprise.
"Y-Yeah, exactly! How'd you know?" He asked.
"Same thing happened to me. Can you like, get back to stable ground? Clinging to that rope course thing must be tiring, and I'm pretty sure you'd prefer to talk on solid ground." I said.
"Yeah... Uweh..." He climbed back onto the second floor, dusting himself off.
"So, who are you?" I asked.
"You don't recognize me?" He tilted his head aside.
"Nnnnno? Am I supposed to?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "What, are you famous or something?"
"Yes, actually." He said, before squeaking. "Uweh! N-Not that I'm trying to brag or anything! It's just surprising! A little refreshing, even!" Oh boy, one of these sorts, huh?
"It's whatever. A name and talent would be helpful, though. Maybe I actually do know you." I said.
"Oh, right! I should introduce myself, huh?" He did a cutesy pose. "I'm Yasashī Aiichirou! I'm the Ultimate Stage Performer!"
Yasashī Aiichirou: Ultimate Stage Performer
(Voice claim: Yuki Maeda, from the Super Danganronpa Another 2 Dub)
"Do you, uh, recognize me now?" He asked.
"Yeah, I think. Your stage name has something about ice cream...?" I said.
Yasashī cringed. "Th-That's Blue Bunny... I'm the Azure Rabbit."
"Ohhh... Yeah, now I recognize you." I said. Yasashī was famed all across the world for his beautiful stage shows and wide portfolio of performance work. In short, he was like a pop idol plus a magician. Singing, dancing, and magic shows were his mainstays, but he'd also had several prolific acting roles in musicals and plays, some modeling gigs, and, supposedly, a single stand up comedy run. My mom had a few of his albums on her phone-
I was coldly reminded of the pit in my stomach as my thoughts wandered to my parents.
"So, um... Can I ask for your name and talent, then?" Yasashī asked.
"... Yashiro Fuyuki. Ultimate Knife Thrower." I said.
"Nice to meet you, Yashiro!" He smiled at me, and held out a hand to shake. I hesitated for a moment, then shook his hand.
I heard the sound of rustling plastic a little to the left. Yasashī and I turned our heads to look at the ball pit, seeing the balls moving around.
"Mmmmmph... Five more minutes, Mimiiiii..." A young girl's voice came from the pit.
Yasashī went over and rifled through the ball pit, eventually finding the young girl in question. She had shoulder length brown hair in dainty curls, with a pink bow on top. Her pink dress had white trim on the hem, with blue bows just above it. It had long sleeves with white frills at the ends. She had light pink socks with a heart pattern on top, and brown Mary Jane shoes. A brown teddy bear with blue button eyes was nestled under the pink bow tied around her waist. She had a blue button shaped purse with her. She sort of reminded me of an antique doll.
The girl sat up and stretched like she'd woken up from a nap. Her eyes were a bright blue. "..." She looked at Yasashī groggily.
"... W-Whaaaaaa?!" Well, that was a delayed reaction. "N-No way! Are you who I think you are?!" She squealed, eyes twinkling.
"Depends, hehehe..." Yasashī chuckled sheepishly. "Who are you-"
"The Easter Bunny!" The girl said. "My friends send me lots of funny pictures of you at Easter time!
"... N-Not exactly." I could see Yasashī struggling not to facepalm. "Who are you, then?"
"Oh, sure thing, Mister Easter Bunny!" She chirped. "I'm Mahoka Atsuki, Ultimate Toy Maker! It's super awesome to meet you!"
Mahoka Atsuki: Ultimate Toy Maker
(Voice claim: Bonnie, from the Pokemon X and Y anime)
"Oh, did you know? I won a cool field trip to with my sister because we were so super awesome with our talents!" Mahoka said cheerfully.
She looked around the room, a look of confusion dawning on her face. "Wait... This isn't the museum. And where's my sister?!" For the love of God, is anyone actually this ditzy?
"Did you not notice getting knocked out?" I deadpanned.
Mahoka blinked at me, looking a bit dumbfounded. "... Ohhhh... I stayed up really late last night completing a whole load of commissions, so I guess I just thought I passed out or something." Question answered. Someone actually is this much of a ditz. She tilted her head to the side. "Hey, who are you, anyway?"
"I'm Yashiro Fuyuki. I'm the Ultimate Knife Thrower." I toyed with my holster, trying to keep my irritation in check. "So, you mentioned your sister, right?"
"Right!" Mahoka said. "I hope she's OK..."
"Well, if she's in the same boat as the rest of our loved ones, I don't think you'll find her here." I said, before being immediately proven wrong. I heard someone moving around the play place.
"Mahoka...? Mahoka! Shit- Mahoka?!" A minute later, a woman rushed out of the play place. She had the same blue eyes and brown hair as Mahoka, but her hair was long and straight, with a pink flower clip and done up in a ponytail. She had a brown coat, white undershirt, a gray plaid patterned vest, and brown pants. Her shoes were pink, and she had black gloves on her hands. She rushed over to Mahoka, pushing Yasashī aside into the ball pit with an "uweh!".
"Oh thank God, you're OK..." She hugged Mahoka close, then turned to look at me, her warm demeanor rapidly cooling down. "Do you know anything about this situation?" She asked.
"Not any more than you do." I said. "So, who are you? Mahoka mentioned a Mimi earlier."
The woman gave Mahoka, who was still giving her sister a hug, a stern look. Mahoka pulled away, giving a sheepish smile.
"Ahaha... Oops." She chuckled awkwardly.
"What have I told you about talking to strangers...?" The woman sighed. "You shouldn't give away your name so easily."
"Sorry, Mirai..." Mahoka said. "... W-Wait a second-"
The woman, apparently named Mirai, gave her sister an even sterner look.
"So, uh... I guess I might as well ask for an introduction at this point." I said.
"I would have given you one anyway. I was just reprimanding my sister for being careless." She gave Mahoka a pointed expression.
"Waaaah... Sorry, Mimi..." Mahoka groaned.
"It's fine." She pat Mahoka on the head as she turned her attention back to me. "Mirai Atsuki. Ultimate Private Investigator."
(Voice claim: Naoto Shirogane, from Persona 4)
Mirai Atsuki: Ultimate Private Investigator
(AN: The link given has spoilers for Persona 4.)
"Yashiro Fuyuki. Knife Thrower." I replied. Mirai seemed a lot more no nonsense than most of the other people I'd met here, which I didn't mind in the slightest. "So, Mahoka, you brought Mirai as your plus one for the field trip, right?" Maybe that meant my parents were somewhere here...
"Yep yep! Mirai took me as her plus one too!" Mahoka chirped.
"I won the trip too. I didn't think any of my coworkers were close enough to want to come with me, so I took Mahoka along." Mirai said.
"... Wait, what?" That one small hope I'd had began to wither.
(Now Playing: Rise of the Ultimate)
"All my friends were busy today, so they couldn't come either. But if Mirai's here, that's good enough for me!" Mahoka said.
"... Got it." And then that hope died. I couldn't stop myself from scowling at that.
"Y-Yashiro? Are you OK?" Yasashī asked, sitting up in the ball pit.
"I'm fine." I said, maybe a little too harshly. "I'm going off to investigate more. Bye." And then I left, fear for my parents racing through my mind.
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