#Anakin sensing disturbance in the force all the way from padmes: I have to go right now immediately
tennessoui · 4 months
A more perfect union was supposed to be fun 🥺 why are they so bad at this. I wouldn't have them any other way but now I'm having feelings about obiwan changing the door code 😭
obi-wan’s probably having the MOST feelings about changing the door code 😭
next chapter does feature Quinlan Vos, a kit fic favorite, so i do like to imagine that in the time between anakin leaving to get Dex’s and coming back to find the door code changed, obi-wan calls up Quinlan for emotional intervention because Quinlan knows way too much about obi-wan’s unhealthy relationship with his padawan and is the only person in the temple who doesnt think anakin and obi-wan are married
and Quin’s the good friend who takes charge of the situation and tells him to change the locks and really actually start moving on from Skywalker and getting distance because this is just making obi-wan sad and it’s clear anakin is never going to leave his wife so obi-wan needs to temper his feelings and move. on.
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ooops-i-arted · 10 months
filoni called anakin "the greatest jedi of all time" in the ahsoka sneak peak lmaooo that's wild. just the cherry on top of the slop he's been serving us in recent years.
is that why other jedi in his works are often trashed and his darling favorite oc ahsoka is so elevated in importance? is that why he doesn't know jack shit about attachments and constantly misrepresents it, because to him, jedi are the big meanies that tried preventing anakin from boning padme? someone please stop this man.
Ah, anon, did you sense a disturbance in the Force that brought you here? Instagram forced me to look at the new Ahsoka trailer about forty times today and I'm sure my saltiness is palpable. Every time I hear that orange fucktart say "Heir to the Empire" I could rip up his stupid notebook emblazoned with Ahsoka's symbol I saw in a behind the scenes post with my bare hands.
I think Filoni's Anakin (not canon Anakin, not the one in the prequel films, because TCW Anakin is NOT Anakin* and I will die on this hill) is a dear OC to Filoni, but of course not on the same level of Ahsoka. So of course he's speshul just the way Ahsoka is. The Jedi ~just don't understaaaaaaand them~ and they DESERVE special treatment and to break the rules like many an amateur writers' OCs.
*Apparently the TCW Anakin voice actor was told to "do a mix of Luke and Han" so clearly staying in-character for Anakin was never on the radar.
I did see a post I can't find now that was directed at Anakin stans, not Filoni, but it was interesting because it said basically Anakin is called the greatest Jedi of all time by his stans but they really mean "the most powerful Jedi of all time." Because he possibly/probably was, whether you go by midi-chlorians or just demonstrated power with the Force. But the post went on to say the Jedi don't value power like that, don't measure by it, so it's a fandom projection to say Anakin was the "greatest of the Jedi." Which makes sense to me, because the greatest of an organization wouldn't be the one who destroys them. And how are we measuring "greatness" anyway? Overall accomplishment? Skill with the Force? Number of people helped/saved (and do you get a penalty for people you hurt/kill)? Does Yoda win by default just because he's had longer than everyone else to rack up Jedi Greatness points and longer to practice his skills? Personally I would pick Revan, powerful in the Force, made a huge impact in her day, and her redemption (if you play Light Side like I did) was actively undoing the damage she did and defeating Malak for good, not just killing a Sith to save her own loved one and then dying. And of course I'll freely admit part of that is because she's one of my favorite characters. The point is, it's subjective. And Filoni has shown again and again he cannot be subjective about his faves. Just look at TCW Character Bo getting the Darksaber literally handed to her by the main character being shafted in his own show.
Oooo, since you're here, wanna hear an absolutely RANCID crack theory I had today? What if the whole Din Grogu thing is setting up some obscure Outer Rim tradition of taking on another's name with your own so that Filoni has an excuse to have Luke say "Oh Ahsoka, you are so wise and perfect and the Best Jedi Of All Time Who Truly Embodies What Filoni Thinks A Jedi Should Be, I would like to go by Ahsoka Luke now! Who's Padme anyway, no one important." While Filoni claps and honks like a seal as Ahsoka Luke Skywalker appears in the credits. Okay it's very silly but I put nothing past him.
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fanfictasia · 2 years
Swoon June Day 9
Spoiler: This is an excerpt from Card of Hearts
What Ahsoka really wants to do right now is talk to Anakin, but she doesn’t think she’ll even get the chance until much later. He’s busy with Council work – namely their order for him to commit treason and spy on Palpatine. No wonder he’s been shadowing the Chancellor so much. It’s as disturbing as it is infuriating, though, that they would demand something like this from him. Before she might have trusted them, but she can’t anymore. Not after what they did to her, how they turned their backs on her without a second thought the moment it pleased the Senate.
They would do the same to Anakin in a heartbeat, probably even more eagerly since they don’t seem to consider him one of theirs in the first place. So no, she does not trust their reasoning behind why they had to pick him for this this mission. (If something goes wrong, are they planning to just let him take the fall for it? Somehow, she can’t shake the feeling that that’s exactly what they have in mind, even if it’s just… unconsciously. They would anyway, even if that isn’t their plan right now.)
She would very much like to talk to Anakin and flatly inform him that there’s no way he needs to put himself in so much danger for them, but…. That will have to wait until when he’s not at the Senate building. She just needs to talk to someone though, so she finally gives in and heads for the office of the one person she’s been… ignoring a little too much as of late. It wasn’t intentional, but there was so much going on with both of them that she just hasn’t taken the time.
“Ahsoka?” Lux asks in surprise as she enters the room.
“Are you busy, or do you have time?” she queries.
“Yes, I do,” he confirms, standing up, rounding the table and pulling her into a hug, “It’s been awhile since we talked.” Only two days, but she agrees with him.
“There’s been a lot going on,” Ahsoka replies.
“You mean with your master getting back? he asks, “Because you seem… a less cheerful than I would’ve expected.”
Again, she wishes that she could tell him about Padme and Anakin, but that will have to wait until… a few weeks from now, probably. Then she can explain everything. Another rush of fear crashes through her at the thought. They’re running out of time to stop Padme’s possible death.
“The Council is being…” She wants to say ‘idiots’, but the life-long respect she’s always had for them, except for the past year or so, stops her. “…unreasonable and… frustrating.”
“I haven’t heard that in a while,” Lux replies. “What happened?”
“They’re just..” She sighs. “I can’t really tell you everything, but..”
“That’s okay,” he assures, “I don’t suppose there’s much I can do either way, but if you want to rant about it, I’ll always be willing to listen.”
“I know. Thanks,” she replies, moving a little closer, kissing him.
They pull apart after a few moments, and Ahsoka finds herself feeling the tiniest bit better after talking to him, even if it still changes nothing. She wishes she could tell him what’s bothering her the most – about Padme. “How are things with your work?” she asks, finally.
Lux’s expression promptly grows grim. “There’s… a lot going on, as I’m sure you know from Padme too. I don’t like the way the Republic is going.”
Ahsoka frowns. “What do you mean?” She doesn’t know why she suddenly feels a prickle of… something. It feels like he’s right, and it’s not just a feeling, it’s a fact she senses in the Force, and that leaves her feeling extremely uneasy.
“It’s just… I know it’s war time, the Senate has to little power now, all things considered. It’s not the kind of democracy I expected to join, but I guess we’ll see how things are when the war ends. There’s so much corruption to deal with.”
Ahsoka doesn’t know why she gets the feeling there’s something he wants to tell her, but won’t for some reason. “Yeah,” she murmurs. She doesn’t know why the words send a prickle of uneasiness through her; she doesn't know if the feeling has anything to do with what he said.
They run out of time at that, though, because Lux is called away to another meeting, and so Ahsoka goes in search of Anakin, to see if she’ll be able to find a chance to talk to him.
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
May 30: The Phantom Menace
Successfully watched The Phantom Menace in its entirety for possibly the first time in the 20+ years since it came out. I’ve tried before but I always get stuck at the pod racing scene. I’m not saying I’ve not ever seen it since I saw it in theaters but like... it’s certainly been a while.
Overall...okay. I am not a prequels apologist, sorry, original trilogy supremacy. I would not call this movie good. But it wasn’t as bad as I remembered. It was way too long--2 hours 15 minutes? it could have been done in 1 hour 45 if I’m being generous here--and had some pretty egregious nonsense in it (Jar Jar Binks; midi-chlorians). But I can forgive the nonsense because, honestly, Star Wars isn’t that complex, it does not hold up well to universe-ification (in that the harder you look at it, the less sense it makes), and so expanding the universe or story in any way was probably always going to run into that problem.
And I can kinda forgive the run time as well because I really feel like this film isn’t so much a “film” as it is a “2+ hour excuse to show off what we can do with CGI these days.” Is it beautiful? Are the costumes amazing? Are the different planets awesome? Are the various droids and aliens a lot of fun to watch? Yeah! Definitely! Even on a small screen and even in 2022. And I will 100% give it credit for having more substance than movies made today with the same purpose--the purpose of impressing people in a theater with fancy silver screen magic tricks and explosions--but it did feel like it was ultimately of that genre, especially early on.
At first I was skeptical of the political story line. I feel like the original trilogy’s strength is that it’s just not that complicated, guys. Two seconds in, you know there are good guys and bad guys and what the good guys’ basic mission is, and that’s all you need to know. When Ep I immediately started with talk of taxation, I zoned right the heck out. But I appreciated the complexity more later. Palpatine’s evil plan was actually a pretty good evil plan! Attack his own planet, and manipulate its young ruler, scared of the attack he orchestrated, to back him in taking over control of the Republican Senate. And from there he can do anything! Dastardly.
Similarly, I had somewhat mixed feelings about Anakin. I remember the movie getting mocked a lot at the time it came out for having such a cute Anakin. But I think, upon rewatching, that that’s pretty unfair. He is cute, but that’s okay. He’s 9. I think he’s disturbing too, tbh. I wasn’t getting creepy vibes when he was still in his natural habitat on Tatooine but after they left the planet, it came out pretty strong for me, and the creepiness is all the more acute for coming in this adorable shell. I think it’s that Anakin is so smart, so talented, so brave, but also so impulsive and so damaged. When he’s on Tatooine, he appears to be a kind of shining gem in the rough. But when he’s out in the larger world(s), it felt like... what’s this kid doing here?? I don’t know if that really explains my feelings well. He just looked so small. And he’s clearly not being looked after very well, and most of the people who do interact with him are not welcoming or soft, but antagonistic and scary. Then the coincidence of Qui-Gon being unable to train him, and Obi-Wan taking him on when he is not at all prepared to do so, seem like a terribly bad omen. Great power without any real guidance and a whole deep well of damage and pain that’s apparently only going to get bigger seems like it can only really lead to one place.
I think there’s something both tragic and creepy in all of that story opening up in the figure of this little boy.
But I also think having Anakin be a little older would have made his future romance with Padme less creepy (I know 5 years is not a big gap but she met him when he was a child and I have to actively force myself to just ignore that part) and made the concept of him being “too old” to train less jarring. No one says anything about Jedi ages in the original trilogy. I guess that’s because it’s Luke or no one, but still, not a word about how 19 is a little long in the tooth. It kinda comes out of nowhere--much like this attachment stuff.
In general, I don’t think the Jedi hold up very well to increased scrutiny. They worked in the original trilogy because there weren’t very many of them, they were mysterious, and they were powerful practitioners of a “forgotten” religion, which is a cool aesthetic. And LASER SWORDS. But as soon as you look at the timeline even in the first three films, it starts to fall apart: how could they be forgotten in teenage Luke Skywalker’s father was a Jedi? People have short memories in this galaxy lmao.
But maybe Anakin was one of the last. Maybe that was already the dying gasp of the Jedi. Except in the prequels, they seem pretty important. They got a whole council and stuff. But also... what do they do? Are they just knights for hire? Oh wait, they protect “peace and justice.” So they’re basically Sailor Scouts! Everything is explained now.
They also seem to be pretty bad at their jobs. Maybe we’re just encountering the weird ones? But they’re messing up pretty big time with Anakin.
I also don’t get why they need a special snowflake to “bring balance” to the Force when it seems like the good guys have everything under control. There are only ever TWO Sith compared to BUNCHES of Jedi? And the Sith are so rare that the Jedi don’t 100% believe they exist? Seems like bringing balance to the Force would mean injecting some more Evil into it. So actually....
I’m glad a lot of this movie took place on Tatooine because that’s my favorite planet. I liked a lot of the added details they gave to it: the sand apartments and the city aesthetic, and the idea of it basically being a large gangland. I wish they had kept it a little grubbier, though.The pod racing scene in particular bugged me. In addition to being about 7 minutes too long, it was just too... clean. Too big. Too much of a massive event. The Tatooine I knew in A New Hope especially was dead-end. Luke’s only piloting/shooting experience was “blasting womp rats” because that’s all there is to do. It’s all back alley stuff. I’m not saying that a dangerous contest run by gangsters and full of violence and cheating, bet on by scum, doesn’t fit with this. But it should look grubby and gross and not like a Roman Arena.
Anyway. I actually remembered the MOST about this movie compared to the other two, so even though I know people who aren’t prequel apologists think Clone Wars is the worst, I’m looking forward to watching it again. It’ll be almost like watching it for the first time.
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virtualtoybox · 2 years
okay nobody asked however tho i may be cringe i am also FREE so heres the story beats for dark lady au -
-padme survived, tho is handicapped from injuries sustained during her fight with anakin on mustafar. shes in a leadership position in the rebellion, but stays disguised as a handmaiden to the queen of alderaan as a way to protect here identity from the empire. 
-luke and leia are raised basically co-parented by the organas as well as padme and sabe. luke and padme are extremely close while her relationship with leia remains strained and distant... being a mother to her daughter was harder than was to be one to her son. she saw too much of herself in leia, and it scared her, and i think it scared leia too. a ferocity and need to change the world around her but too young to do anything about it. padme wishes she had done more about it. she tries so hard to make up for hte mistakes of her past, creating a better future for her children based on the foundation she failed to build before. 
- its around 12 years old that the children are found out by vader, and leia is singled out just by being on the wrong planet at the wrong time, just because she happened to by the first he found ina vulnerable enough position. he never planned to take leia; it didnt have to be her. 
- middle middle ive been drinking and smoking, ALL NIGHT, so suck it up you dont get the intensive leia sith training meta. maybe tomorrow. 
- ....okay just a lil. so she is fairly easy to manipulate tbqh considering shes so hunger for more and better and any sort of satisfaction that can ease the burning in her gut for just a second. palpatine offers her that in the form of force training- something her mother forbade. 
- so leia very definitely like. feels like being a sith can get her where she wants to be- where palpatine is. doing better than him. 
- a new hope is different in many ways but the one i will talk at length about is Leias assassination of emperor palpatine. vader is tasked with stopping the hotshot pilot trying to destroy the death star and comes back to give his master the bad news only to find a mangled body and his daughter wuth blood on her hands. she wont tell him what exactly happened- but that she does expect a new title. 
- emperor vader and his daughter; the dark lady arfenia (the devoted) are a very intense hand in unlovable hand fucked up power duo who feed off each other in the worst most unhealthy ways - she hates him so much, knows she needs him alive for now, shaking deep in her bones to finally kill him. he loves and would die for her easily, knows its not yet his time so he  is basically a puppet leader for his extremely disturbed daughter. 
-during this time, padme takes luke to ahsoka for force training- desperate for some form of defense against her ex husband ... against her own daughter.
- leia and han end up meeting when han is taken prisoner by vader to try and lure luke ala esb, though things go quite a bit differently to the point of Han being stuck in the cells on Leias ship. she honestly just curious as to who wouldve grabbed her brothers attention to such an extent that she visits han a bit more often than she should. they only know each other for a month. theyre only together once. its enough. 
-jaina and jacen are born 9 months later. theyre both so strong in the force, leia can already sense the power rolling off her children in waves. but one of them, the boy... hes sick. no matter what she does, she cant get him to stop crying a sickly pathetic wail- something that scared her so so bad. she could only think of one person who might be able to help- her brother, a jedi. a healer in the force. 
-she leaves jacen with luke- hiding him away just close enough for her brother to sense and safe enough to wait until he did. she knows the boy will be safe there- maybe even get to know his father. 
-ive type 1k more words than discord will allow me to send about an au no one could possibly care about besides myself and im not even to the main part of the au. might write more later but for now i thnk im gonna go put myself in niche star wars au jail (timeout in the corner)
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ilonga · 3 years
angstpril day 30
prompt: “We lost.”
notes for this au:
Yes, this is another one of Arti's-Niche-AUs-TM-that-might-become-a-multichapter-au-someday so here's some background!
- Palpatine doesn't reveal himself as the Sith to Anakin in the office - instead, he tells Anakin that he's learned of the Separatist Council's location and sends Anakin to deal with them on Mustafar - While Anakin's gone, he calls in Order 66 by himself and the clones march on the Temple - and he also sends troopers after Padme at her apartment, considering her too much of a risk to his reign too leave alive - Padme initially escapes and Obi-wan, who manages to make it back more quickly, senses a disturbance and they meet up - Aannd Padme gives birth. Awful timing, I'm so sorry Padme - So they each kind of take a baby in their arms and run for it. Padme escapes. Obi-wan does not. So, Leia is taken by the Empire and while Obi-wan eventually escapes the clones he doesn't manage to rescue Leia - They eventually find a ship and flee off planet - And then Anakin returns from Mustafar, lands on Coruscant, and is like "??????????? what the fuck happened here"
and that's basically the set up here! enjoy :D
Now that they're finally out of danger, Padme allows herself to sink to the ship's floor and break. The sobs wrack her body with their force, and she can hardly keep herself from going blind with tears. "Leia," she says softly to herself, "Oh, Leia." She'd only gotten to hold her daughter once before the Empire had taken Leia from her so cruelly—she'd been less than an hour old. An hour. And now she's—
Padme doesn't even want to think the word. Suffice to say that the Empire, only hours old, has already demonstrated that it shows no mercy. 
"I'm . . . so sorry, Padme," Obi-wan says, head bowed. "If I had only been quicker—"
"No. This isn't your fault. This was the Empire's doing." And if they're talking about things they should have done better—well, she should have never risked giving birth on Coruscant. Better to be in the middle of labor on a rickety, dangerous spaceflight to have risked Palpatine's wrath. 
"How could Palpatine have done this," she says numbly, desperately trying to shush Luke as he wails. "How could we have been so blind?"
"We were so certain a Sith was behind it all," Obi-wan whispers, more to himself than anything. "We were so certain that we'd find the Sith Master and that the war would be over. That Palpatine was just a peripheral threat."
"Well, you were wrong," she snaps, so angry all of a sudden. The Senate, her life's work—it's all been destroyed. Like it was nothing. The Jedi are dead. One of her children is dead. Her husband is—most likely dead. Why else would Palpatine have spent so long cultivating a friendship with him, after all, if not to more easily eliminate him when the time came?
"Did you find—him," she whispers, too drained to speak any louder, "at the Temple?"
"Last I heard, Palpatine sent him to Mustafar, with intel on the Separatists." Obi-wan responds just as quietly.
He doesn't need to say anything else. There has been a squadron of clones stationed there since the start of the war.
Order 66 wouldn't have spared any Jedi.
"We lost," Padme says as Luke continues to cry for the sister he'll never meet again. "We lost everything."
Anakin comes back from Mustafar and the arrest of the Separatists to a Coruscant up in flames.
He has no idea what could be happening—one moment he was capturing the last of the Separatists, so certain that the war would finally, finally be over and now—
All the Jedi are gone. And. . . so is Padme. And Obi-wan. And Ahsoka. What is happening?
He finds the Chancellor in his office. Except the Chancellor is the Emperor now. 
And he's holding a baby in his arms.
"Anakin," Emperor Palpatine says somberly, "I am so very sorry you had to find out this way."
Anakin swallows dryly. "What—what happened?"
"The Jedi attempted a coup." What? "It had to be stopped. Necessary measures were taken. The Senate has made the decision to form an Empire, for the security and safety of the galaxy."
His head is spinning. This is all—too much.
"I. . . regret to inform you that," Palpatine sighs heavily. "Senator Amidala went into labor while you were away. She is," he closes his eyes and leans back. Anakin's heart drops down to his stomach. "dead. We all mourn her loss."
"The child," he says numbly.
"This is your daughter, Anakin." Palpatine stands up then, walking over to him and slotting the girl neatly into Anakin's arms. "Had you discussed names together?"
Anakin's arms tremble before he manages to steady them. He looks down. The girl blinks her eyes open lazily, calmer than she had been in Palpatine's arms. She gurgles.
Oh, he thinks, tracing a finger over her cheek with his flesh hand. This is his daughter. His little girl. All that's left of Padme in this galaxy. 
She's beautiful.
He blinks back tears. So he had been right, after all. It was a girl. And Padme and him will never be able to banter and tease each other over it, ever again.
They had discussed names, he remembers. Blearily, at the crack of dawn, when his nightmares had been keeping the both of them up. "Leia," he says, holding her closer.
"Her name is Leia."
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rebelsofshield · 2 years
if you could make one change to each star wars movie what would it be?
Oh interesting and challenging! Finding just one thing to fix with each movie will be hard for some and easy for others. Let's see.
The Phantom Menace
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This is a hard one. In a lot of ways The Phantom Menace's issues are much more nuanced and structural in ways that the rest of the Prequel Trilogy are not. There are the easier, lazier, meaner suggestions like ditching Jar Jar or recasting Jake Lloyd. There are the issues that need to be addressed like the rampant racial stereotyping that are definitely problems, but wouldn't necessarily improve the movie on a storytelling level. If I could ditch the racism, my second suggestion would be to make the conflict between Qui-Gon Jinn and the rest of the Jedi Council more apparent. One of the key emotional arcs of the trilogy rests on the fact that Qui-Gon is one of the few Jedi that functions in the way the Order should and isn't held as much to its dogma and political paranoia. This isn't that evident on first viewings though and it ends up being a bit unclear to most audience members. If we could just make Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's dogmatic differences a bit more clear I think it would go a long way to setting up the rest of the trilogy. We would understand just how much a student like Anakin needs a teacher like Qui-Gon and just how ill suited Obi-Wan may be as his potential master despite how much he may want to.
Attack of the Clones
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This is a messy, messy movie. It's easily the worst of the live action Star Wars films and its issues are numerous. Of the whole series, it is the movie that has aged the worst visually with terrible looking CG environments and effects. Its larger plot also doesn't really make any sense and supposedly intelligent characters like Obi-Wan and Yoda wander their way into some shockingly boneheaded decisions. However, at the end of the day, Attack of the Clones is meant to be a love story so I think that's where we need to fix this movie the most. Anakin is just simply not a likable character for much of this movie. He's arrogant, he's temperamental, he's rude, he's misogynistic, he's violent. The audience has very little reason to like him and Padme's attachment to him doesn't really make sense. I think wonders would be done by making Anakin an overall more charming and friendly character. Something not unlike his portrayal in The Clone Wars animated series. A little bit rebellious but also charismatic and likable. I also think that we shouldn't see any bit of his Dark Side tendencies until his slaughter of the Tusken camp. It makes this moment hit even harder. In the current movie, Anakin's outburst after Shmi Skywalker's death feels almost expected. If the Anakin we have been watching has been a much more approachable person, this hint at a darker side hiding beneath his surface would hit much harder and make his teary eyed confession to Padme even more tragic and disturbing.
Revenge of the Sith
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My suggestion for Revenge of the Sith is a bit similar. Anakin's fall to the Dark Side goes from zero to one hundred pretty fast. It's pretty hard to track the emotions of a man who reluctantly joins a fascist Sith Lord out of desperation to save his dead wife to a man who openly murders children just a few minutes later. I'm not saying the assault on the Jedi Temple shouldn't happen, but Anakin should be less openly involved with the assault. He should be complicit. He lets the clones in and maybe is forced to kill a Jedi or two, but reluctantly. Outside of just making Anakin's logic harder to track, having him kill children midway through the movie also means that there's no moral bottom for him to sink to. In terms of story structure, his worst moment really should be when he chokes Padme. He's turned his manger and hate into a violent outburst against the woman he loves. The person for who he's committed all this violence to protect. The thing is, once you slaughter a room of toddlers, choking your wife doesn't seem that much outside the realm of possibility.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
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Outside of killing Thandiwe Newton way too damn early in the movie, the biggest issue that Solo: A Star Wars Story has with its narrative is that it doesn't ultimately have much to say about its title character. The Han Solo we meet at A New Hope is a cynical, rogueish man that doesn't really have much of a need for personal attachment. That's not really the Han we follow in Solo. Even if he learns to shoot first, Han is pretty consistently a morally stand up guy. We never quite doubt that he's going to do the right thing. It robs the movie of a character arc and ends up muddying his narrative in the Original Trilogy in the process. If anything, Solo should be a movie about Han earning his cynicism. He can open the movie as a wide-eyed Luke Skywalker type but end the film as a man who has seen the dirty side of the galaxy and isn't prone to look at the bright side of things.
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
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Rogue One is a movie that is great on paper but awkward as hell in execution. It comes up with some really wonderful plot ideas and character concepts and then just sort of goes through the motions of a story without really giving us a reason to care. The issue is that most of Rogue One's characters don't really have a narrative arc and the ones that do evolve more or less just sort of change without really a clear indication as to why. Jyn Erso goes from apolitical to full hearted leader of the rebellion due to a murky scene involving her father's death. Cassian Andor doesn't kill Galen because....uh...Jyn was nice? And Bodhi, K2SO, Chirrut, and Baz all just kind of go along for the ride. My suggestion here might be cheating a little, but I think that we should skip the whole Eadu portion of the story. Put Galen Erso on Scarif and keep him alive longer. Trap our team on Scarif with Jyn trying to get to her father, Cassian trying to kill him, Bodhi maybe riding the line between the two, Baz trying to get him and his space husband off planet, and Chirrut advocating for all of them to fight for the greater good. You can even throw in a bit more pathos to K2 by having him go undercover longer as the kind of droid he used to be. I think having this section play out longer would allow for more time for character and also give our team more of a reason to all take part in the final battle. When they call in the rebellion to assist with the Battle on Scarif and to get the plans off planet, part of it can be with the hope of escape. But each of them gradually give that up for the greater good. It gives the Rebellion's arrival a selfish purpose (save their asses) and a selfless purpose (get the plans away) and it would force the characters to take a stand and make their sacrifice more meaningful.
A New Hope
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Making any kind of change to this movie just feels wrong. Like messing with a piece of history. So I'll just say that it should be more diverse. Almost forty five years later, the fact that this movie is almost entirely populated by white men just gets more and more glaring.
The Empire Strikes Back
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Same thing here. Making any drastic changes to what is not only the best Star Wars movie but one of the best movies ever made just feels wrong to me. I think the only thing I can maybe suggest is to give us a bit more infantry action in the Battle of Hoth? But even then, that's small.
Return of the Jedi
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The messiest and silliest of the Original Trilogy is still one of the best Star Wars films. Pretty much everything with Luke and Vader is beautifully done and some of the best stuff in the franchise. I think if anything what needs to be tweaked here a bit is Han Solo. Harrison Ford is so clearly disinterested in acting in this movie that it tanks a lot of scenes that should otherwise work. The issue is ultimately that after spending two movies with allegiances that were always leaning on being self serving, he ends up being a full on hero here. The conflict is gone. Him and Leia don't get much to do besides the gesture of a love triangle. Now I don't think we should follow Harrison's suggestion and kill Han off. I think we can instead throw a little bit of doubt into Han. The whole trilogy he's been worried about his debt owed to Jabba the Hutt. With Jabba dead, Han is free. He can do whatever he wants for the first time in his life. Is he 100% going to choose the rebellion? The answer is of course yes, but maybe his doubts about Leia and Luke's relationship factor into that. Maybe he hasn't fully forgiven Lando? Just add a bit more of that complexity back in there. Give our other leading man an arc.
The Force Awakens
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I actually think that The Force Awakens is a pretty good film and that a lot of the criticism that gets lobbed its way is a tad exaggerated. The criticisms that it functions a bit too much like a remake of A New Hope don't really reach a critical mass until we introduce Starkiller Base. At that point, the many connections between both movies just become too much to ignore. It also creates an issue in that for most of the film, the big McGuffin has been the hunt for a map to find Luke Skywalker. The big sun devouring death machine doesn't factor into that. So my suggestion? Cut it. We don't need Starkiller Base. I think by eliminating this we actually end up solving a lot of the movie's problems. Instead of Starkiller blowing up the Republic, the First Order fleet swoops in and easily takes the poorly defended capitol planets hostage. This clarifies the political situation a little. It more clearly demonstrates Leia's worries that the New Republic had underestimated the First Order threat and it also helps to establish a clear goal for the First Order which is to recapture galactic power. They aren't just nihilists, they are vengeful, control hungry fascists. Cutting Starkiller Base does create one issue though in that we still need a location to have all the great moments from The Force Awakens' third act like Han's death and the duel in the snow. My suggestion is to keep the icy forest planet exterior but just make it a base for the First Order. Keep Rey getting captured but somehow have her hold physical possession over the map to Luke when she is grabbed by Kylo. This re-centers the initial McGuffin and still gets our team in the places they need to be in for the final act. Poe and his crew lead an attack on the First Order base to give cover to Han, Finn, and Chewy while they try to rescue Rey and make sure that the First Order doesn't get the map. It also solves that weird issue where R2 just kind of decides to turn on at the end of the movie? If the plans don't actually get to D'Qar until the end of the film then that kind of solves that issue.
The Last Jedi
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I love this movie. I honestly think The Last Jedi is the most interesting thing that Disney has produced under the Star Wars brand and that it may have some rough spots but when it gets things right it is easily top tier Star Wars. However, I think that almost everyone can admit that Finn's storyline is the roughest section of the movie. I actually believe that Rian's overall map for Finn's arc is correct. Getting him to fully believe in the Resistance and not just self preservation and Rey is the right move for the character. And I think the characters of Rose and DJ are mostly doing the work they need to do. I think the issue mostly happens when Finn's arc is a little too much played for laughs. I understand the instinct in that John Boyega is a really charismatic actor that has great comedic timing and presence, but it ends up robbing this arc of some of its tension. When Rey, Kylo, and Poe's stories are all played so seriously, having so much of the humor centered on Finn ends up making him feel like a comic relief character and less like a member of the dramatic ensemble. I'm not saying I want Finn's story to be grimdark and devoid of humor but if we were to keep the basic structure but cut down on just some of the jokes and instead let Finn's conflicted loyalties and traumatic upbringing bubble to the surface a bit more, I think we would have close to a perfect film.
The Rise of Skywalker
Apparently I'm only allowed ten images on a single post so just imagine there's like a really blue rectangle above this text. Anyways, ooph, The Rise of Skywalker. Where do we start? There's just so much. But, I think the creative choice that I'll never be able to get over is Rey Palpatine. It's convoluted, confusing, and undoes some of the smart work Rian Johnson had done in the prior movie. It just doesn't work. Even more than bringing Palpatine back, inserting some unnecessary bloodline narrative is just gross. So if I have to keep Palpatine to jettison Rey Palpatine, then sure I'll do it. We can even keep some of the same structure of the story. Rey can be a vergence in the Force or some other once in a lifetime kind of Force User and Palpatine can still want to use her as a means to return to full form, but we toss all the confusing bloodline nonsense. Wouldn't fix all of it, but it does some work.
And there you have it anon! This was actually really fun. Thank you for asking and giving me a lot to think about.
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dalekofchaos · 3 years
If Vader raised Luke and Obi-Wan trained Leia
Let’s say sometime after Mustafar. Darth Vader in his meditation in his castle, Vader felt a presence he hasn’t felt since.....Padme. Since he felt his unborn child through the force. His child is alive. Sidious lied. The Jedi took his son from him. They will all pay. So here is what would happen if Vader sensed, found and raised Luke. 
Darth Vader would’ve killed Owen and Beru instantly and burned the Lars homestead
Obi-Wan would rush to face Vader. Vader would overpower Obi-Wan, mortally wound him and throw him into the burning homestead and use the force to crush the roof onto an unconscious Obi-Wan 
Darth Vader would hold a baby Luke in his hands and  for some reason Luke is not afraid, but drawn to this dark figure. 
Vader would simply say “Luke. Son...”
Vader takes Luke to his castle on Mustafar
Obi-Wan would crawl out of the remains of the Lars Homestead. Injured, but alive. Obi-Wan failed. He contacted Yoda and told him Vader found and took Luke. Yoda will simply tell him “There is another.” All he can do is call Bail for transport to Alderaan. He failed Luke, but he will not fail Leia. 
Bail and Breha would teach Leia about politics and Obi-Wan would train Leia to become a Jedi
Luke would spend his entire childhood to adulthood in the depths of Fortress Vader. Training and submerging himself in the dark side of the force. 
Vader would indoctrinate his son into hating the Jedi. Hating The Emperor and instructing his son that only together could they destroy The Emperor and the last of the Jedi.
By the events of Rogue One/A New Hope. Luke’s training would be complete. “You were weak when I found you. Now your hatred has become your strength. At last the dark side is your ally. Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth Zhoun. Rise, my son.”  Source 1. Source 2
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Luke would be Vader’s assassin. Carrying out assassinations in the name of the Empire. Killing the last of the Jedi. Enemies of The Empire. His identity is unknown to the Emperor and Rebellion, but his reputation would strike fear in the Rebel Alliance. He is simply known as “Vader’s Shadow.”
Palpatine feels a disturbance in the force, but for some reason, he cannot detect Luke. All he can sense is “a shadow”
Luke fully embraced the dark side and is consumed by it. When Master Shaak Ti tries to turn him away from his path, before killing her(What is this her 5th death????) Luke will say “My father’s fate is my own.”
Vader’s final test for his son would be to pit him against his old Padawan. Luke kills Maul with ease as he decapitates him. Luke uses Ahsoka’s need to save her friends against her and when she attempts to save them, Luke cuts Ahsoka down. 
Thrawn would request the aid of Vader, in his stead, Vader once again sends his son. Luke would kill Ezra and save Thrawn. “Lord Vader has need of you, Grand Admiral. Set up the TIE Defenders program in the Unknown Regions and return with a fleet of them.” Thrawn would call off the fleet and let Lord Zhoun deal with the Rebels. Luke would then slaughter the Rebels on Lothal
Sometime after securing Thrawn’s victory on Lothal, as a gift. Thrawn has given Vader and Luke their own personal TIE Defenders. 
Vader and Zhoun would slaughter Cal and Cere. The Holocron is theirs. 
The existence of Darth Zhoun would only be known to Vader, Admiral Piett and General Veers.(you’ll see why)
Leia had a decade of training. On Alderaan and on Dagobah. Yoda and Obi-Wan together completed Leia’s training. Leia is now a fully fledged Jedi Knight and is ready to lead the Rebellion and confront her father and brother.  art source
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Yoda and Obi-Wan would tell Leia the truth. Darth Vader is her father and his secret assassin is her brother, Luke. Due to a decade of training, Leia would prove strong and wise enough to learn the truth of her family.
Also Leia would ask about her mother. “Tell me, what was my mother like, my real mother.” “Your mother was Padme Amidala, a senator, queen and a kind and beautiful..” “Strong, was your mother. Believed in peace and diplomacy did she.” “And my father? Was he always Vader?” “Your mother loved your father. Anakin Skywalker was a good man. But he was consumed to stop the people he loved from dying. His mother was killed by the Tusken Raiders on Tatooine and the Emperor seized the opportunity to turn your father to the dark side. One day, your father was plagued by nightmares of Padme dying in childbirth, The Emperor promised him the power to save your mother, but in doing so Anakin became twisted by the dark side and became Darth Vader.” 
Leia believes her family could be turned. Obi-Wan would object. He's more machine now than man. Twisted and evil.” When insisting that Luke could be saved. Obi-Wan would be remorseful. “I failed my duty to save Luke, I should have followed Vader and staged a rescue, but you needed to be trained, you were our only hope.” 
Leia would be contacted by Bail requesting aid on Scarif. Yoda gives his blessing for Leia to go. Saying Ready to reveal herself to the galaxy, she is. Obi-Wan would join her as he must confront Vader one last time.
Leia and Obi-Wan get there just in time and they save the Rogue One Crew. Jyn personally gives Leia the plans. Obi-Wan tells her. “What is it?” All Leia can tell her master is “Hope.”
Leia would transmit the plans to the Tantive IV where her father would be there to receive the plans.
Vader and Luke board the ship to slaughter the rebels. Before they can get the Death Star plans back. They are confronted by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Leia. 
Darth Vader and Obi-Wan would duel similar to how they did in ANH aboard the ship. Leia and Obi-Wan are in desperate need to escape
Leia is able to defensively take down her brother, Obi-Wan momentarily stuns Vader and they escape with the plans.
As The Tantive IV is boarded, Leia and Obi-Wan are able to evade detection and hide in the escape pods with C-3PO and R2-D2
In place of Leia captured by the Empire, it is Bail Organa. Bail gives the plans to his daughter and pleads with Leia to leave with Master Kenobi. 
Leia and the droids wander Tatooine for a long walk. All Leia can think is “so much sand. so much fucking sand.”
Leia would store the plans in R2. Just in case something happens.
Leia is guided by Obi-Wan. “We must find passage to save Bail.”
Leia and Obi-Wan finds Mos Eisley Cantina and there they meet Han and Chewie. Leia asks for passage to Alderaan for herself and her droids no questions asked. “Is it a fast ship?” “Fast ship? You’ve never heard of The Millennium Falcon? It's the ship that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs! I've outrun Imperial starships, not the local bulk-cruisers, mind you.” All Leia can do is roll her eyes and takes Han’s word for it. Leia tells her “Once we get to Alderaan, my father Senator Organa will pay you handsomely. Say 15,000 credits?” Han just smiles that cocky Solo smile and says “you got yourself a deal princess”
Once Leia sees the Falcon. “You fly in that thing? You’re braver than I thought.” Han retorts “She'll make point five past lightspeed. She may not look like much, but she's got it where it counts, Princess. I've made a lot of special modifications myself.”
Leia and Han bicker like an old married couple and Chewie just decided “that’s it I ship it” Obi-Wan would see the writing on the walls. “Oh, this is like watching me and Satine” 
Bail watches the destruction of Alderaan
Leia would convince Han to help her free her father. Han is hesitant, but Leia will insist “my father will be very grateful, I’m sure we can triple the rewar-” Han would say so quickly “DONE!”
Han and Leia are pretty much battle couple goals while taking down Stormtroopers and Imperial Officers in the detention center.
Leia saves her father and embraces him in a hug.
Vader and Obi-Wan duels and Obi-Wan sacrifices himself to save Leia and Bail
Bail is forever in Han’s debt. He saved his life and his daughter’s life. He will pay Han anything. Being indebted to a Hutt is no way to live a life. He pays Han what he’s owed, but asks if he can join the Rebellion after clearing the debt as the Rebellion is in dire need of good pilots. Chewie is all for it, but Han is having none of it, but looks at Leia and says “I’m not saying yes, Senator, but...maybe.” Bail sees that he’s looking at Leia and says “I see” and knows he fancies his daughter.
Leia would fly in her personal Jedi X-wing Starfighter(Just imagine a mix between Anakin’s Jedi Starfighter and an X-Wing) during the Battle Of Yavin IV Leia’s hypothetical ship would look like this(source) but realistically it would be colored blue and white
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Han would make the save and Leia would destroy the Death Star(btw Han now will not shut up that he saved Leia, ya know in a way, princess I helped destroyed the Death Star. I saved you from Vader and gave you the confidence you needed to destroy the Death Star. Sometimes I amaze even myself. Leia rolls her eyes and smiles...and blushes. Bail notices this and is happy his daughter is in love but knows she will never admit it) 
Leia would be knocked out and captured by a Wampa. Leia defeats it.
Han would save Leia. “Don’t worry, your worship I’ll save you.” Leia now wishes for death, he would not stop bringing up saving her during the Death Star, but now she owes him twice. Is the force punishing her?
Darth Vader and Darth Zhoun are on the hunt for the Jedi Princess. 
Bail requests Leia and Han to bring Master Yoda back into the fight. 
When Han and Leia escape. Bail stays behind. Darth Vader kills him and Leia feels the loss of Bail and breaks down. 
Instead of bickering and bantering, Han comforts Leia. Leia embraces Han in a hug and a kiss. Leia lets him in.
Leia and Han make it to Dagobah. Leia is very patient with her old master, but Han thinks he should be bigger. “This is Yoda?” Leia confirms and Chewie says so as well an goes “and how would you know that???” “I fought in the Clone Wars, Han” “Well, what do you want, a medal???”
Chewie would embrace Yoda in a hug. Yoda would warmly greet his old friend. “Chewbacca, missed you I did.”
Leia and Han asks Yoda to return to aid the Rebel Alliance. He doesn't have to fight but advise the leaders as what they must do. Yoda is willing, but first he must complete Leia’s training. With this, Leia tells Han to go and pay off Jabba’s debt. and kisses Han goodbye. Han says “When you’re done, meet me on Bespin, I’m going to see an old friend.”
Meanwhile aboard the Executer, Vader and Luke set in motion the plan to destroy The Emperor. Everyone aboard The Executer, especially Admiral Piett and General Veers are loyal to Vader and his son. The Emperor lies in his throne in the safety of the Imperial city, while Lord Vader is a man of action who fights on the front lines with his soldiers. They will stand by Lord Vader and his son, soon more will follow. 
Vader’s call with The Emperor happens as same, but Palpatine says “We have a new enemy. There is a great disturbance in the force. The Rebel Princess who destroyed the Death Star.” “She is just a girl, Obi-Wan and her father can no longer help her. “I have a feeling she is the daughter of Anakin Skywalker.” “How is this possible?” “Search your feelings Lord Vader, you know it to be true.” “If she can be turned, she can be a powerful ally.” “Yes...can it be done Lord Vader? “She will join us or die.”
Vader internally is pissed, but also pleased. Vader tells his son. “A Twin Sister, you have a twin sister. If she can be turned, we will destroy The Emperor and rule the galaxy as a family.” “What if my sister doesn’t join us?” “Then she will die. 
Leia’s training is complete. Yoda dubs Leia the rank of Jedi Master. Leia senses Han is in danger. Yoda tells her to go. “Be here, I shall be. May the force be with you, Master Leia.”
Despite paying off his debt to Jabba, Vader still intends to test Han Solo into carbonite freezing him. And Jabba would be overjoyed to have Han as a decoration. 
Vader orders Luke to bring his sister in the fold or kill her. “As you wish, father.”
Leia is too late. She sees Han frozen in carbonite. 
Leia feels the presence of her brother. They duel and they evenly matched. One wrong move and the fight is over. Luke cuts Leia’s hand off and asks his sister to join him and his father. Leia defiantly refuses. “Vader killed my master and my true father, I’LL NEVER JOIN YOU!” “The Jedi betrayed our father. turned our mother against him and had us separated, luckily he found me and rescued me. With our combined strength, we can destroy the Emperor and bring order to the galaxy as a family.” Leia refuses and falls..
Thanks to Yoda guiding Lando and Chewie, they find her just in time.
Despite not having Leia, Vader and Luke has everything they need to pull a coup on The Emperor
Vader has his son. Admiral Piett. Grand Admiral Thrawn. The Death Squadron. Death Troopers. A legion of TIE Defenders and more and more are drawn to Vader. Vader and Zhoun make their attack on Coruscant. 
Darth Vader and Darth Zhoun face Palpatine. The Throne room is lit up with force lightning and crimson blades. The battle is powerful and raw, but ultimately Luke and Vader overpower The Emperor. There is nowhere where Palpatine can escape to. Not Exegol or anywhere. Vader decapitates his old master. 
Vader broadcasts to the galaxy. “The Emperor is dead. I am now your Emperor. Those who serve me and my son, you will achieve greatness as we bring order to the galaxy. Those who stay loyal to The Emperor, die.” There would be a small civil war, but eventually all those who stayed loyal to Palpatine would be rounded up and killed.
Leia rescues Han. Leia does not resort to allowing herself to be captured. Nor does Leia need to be forced to wear that slave outfit. Leia gives Jabba one chance to free Han. Jabba refuses and since a Jedi would be impossible to be enslaved, he plans to feed Leia to his pet Rancor. That would be Jabba’s undoing. Leia would use animal bond/beast control on the Rancor and successfully tames the beast. After Leia convinces the Rancor to help her, Leia unleashes the beast on Jabba and his men Source
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Leia unfreezes Han, rescues Chewie, Lando and the droids. 
In addition to rescuing Han, Leia also rescues Oola and all the slaves in Jabba’s palace.
Leia and Han would fight Boba Fett. With Boba Fett at their mercy, Leia decides to save him. Leia thinking “he could be so much more.” Han makes the decision to save him.  Han and Boba Fett finally bury their rivalry and leave it in the past and shake hands. Boba would declare that Han’s bounty will no longer exists and he won’t chased by him and exits the story. This would work because it would show that Han has grown from the rogue who would shot a man dead without question in ANH to someone who is willing to find an alternate solution to his problems. It’d also give some layers to Boba Fett of being a man of honor.
Yoda dies, but tells her that she is the only hope in saving her brother and stopping Vader. 
With Vader as Emperor, he has no intentions with building a second Death Star. Instead he intends to wipe out the Rebellion from the face of the galaxy. 
Luke feels a pull to the light. After a life of darkness and evil, Luke feels remorse. He sees what his father as Emperor is doing is wrong and if he feels these feelings, it’s all over. 
The Rebellion plans to make one last ditch effort to end the Empire once and for all. A Coup. The battle on the ground would now take place in the Imperial City and the area surrounding the Imperial Palace. The dogfights between X-Wings and TIE Fighters would take place in the skies above instead of in space. The confrontation between Leia,  Luke and Vader and would take place in the Imperial Palace in The Emperor's Throne Room.
Leia would contact Luke in order to get close to the palace.
Leia feels the conflict within her brother. Luke is trying to keep her out. Eventually Leia gets in and pleads with her brother to help him destroy Vader. But Luke takes her before Vader
Vader taunts Leia that the Rebellion will die today, but they can all be saved if she gives in to the dark side and joins her family
Vader forces Luke and Leia to fight to the death. Only one can serve him. Leia refuses to join him, but Vader and Luke are not giving her a choice. 
Leia and Luke’s duel is a mix between Anakin/Obi-Wan and Vader/Luke in terms of how the fight would go. In the end. Neither Luke nor Leia can kill the other. They both deactivate their lightsabers and embrace in a hug. For the first time in a long time, Luke’s yellow eyes turn blue. This ignites the wrath of their father. 
Vader force chokes both his children with full intentions of killing them. The only thing that can save them? Leia remembers on what Obi-Wan spoke about her mother. “Our mother was Padme Amidala.” Vader is stunned and enraged by the mere mention of her name. All Vader can say is “Do. Not. Say. Her. Name.” 
Vader ignites his lightsaber preparing to kill. While Luke and Leia are ready to defend themselves. Luke lands a strike that is similar to Ahsoka’s where Vader’s face is visibly seen
With Vader down. Leia continues to speak about her mother. “She was kind and beautiful. You were deceived and betrayed by The Emperor. He turned you from the most compassionate Jedi Knight to ever live into a dark lord. You do not have to be this way. You are free. You and Luke are free. Padme loved you. Obi-Wan loved you. You are Anakin Skywalker, our father. Call off the fleet and let us bring peace to the galaxy as a family.”
Anakin concedes to his children. 
The war is over. The Empire has ended. Vader agrees to whatever punishment the Rebellion has for him. 
Leia is in charge of Luke. Leia helps Luke on his path of atonement. 
Vader is sentenced for execution. His final request. “Let me see my children one last time.” Leia and Luke are saddened, but Anakin assures his children he has made peace with his fate. His final request from his children is to take his mask off. “ Just for once, let me look on you with my own eyes.”
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passable-talent · 3 years
part 2 for the sith reader plleeeaasee????? im loving it
part one here
I’m aware of the memability of the youngling massacre and i know i promised to not make reader/anakin redeemable but,,, im gonna do it anyway. strategically it doesnt make sense to murder the next generation and also reader is constantly trying to make anakin believe they’re doing the right thing. reader doesn’t have the luxury of saying ‘do it or padme dies’. they’ve got to be smarter than palpatine was. 
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Good news: you’re a Sith Lord. Palpatine is gone. Anakin’s on your side. Also, he loves you, that’s good. 
Bad news: you now have so much more on your plate. You’ve got to activate the clones to kill the Jedi, give a speech before the Senate, accompany Anakin to Mustafar to get rid of the Separatists, there was just so much to do, and in so little time. 
So, no matter how you wished to stay in his embrace forever, you pulled from Anakin’s arms, brushing back his hair sweetly. 
“Love, we need to start moving against the Jedi,” you said softly, righting his very disheveled robes. “You have to go to the temple. I’ll be there as soon as I can, okay?”
“I can’t kill any Jedi,” he said, breaking your gaze. In response you hugged him tightly, comfortingly. You’d known he would worry about that.
“I know, I know, I’m not asking you to.” His loyalty to you was strong, but you knew it was not yet unbreakable. “The Younglings- they can be saved. I’ll take care of the Jedi, but you need to make sure they’re safe.” He nodded, fixing the last few details of his tousled robes, and kissed you one last time before he left the room.
Which left you alone, with your thoughts, and some very knotted hair. 
It took a moment to clean yourself up as well, but soon enough you could take a seat at Palpatine’s desk, calling up the communications you’d seen under his fingers a thousand times. The Clones’ slave chips would take over their will the moment you gave the order, and you bit your lip for a moment, wishing you could be there in person to see it all. But you had something much more important to do with your time. 
You pulled your hood over your head and opened your communications to all of the Clone Squadron Leaders. 
“Execute Order Sixty Six,” you said, and the words burned on your tongue. 
You didn’t really have time to waste, you see. You had to meet Anakin at the temple, ‘find’ the evidence you’d plant, rush back to the Senate, then make it to Mustafar. You had a very full schedule for the afternoon, and yet- you couldn’t help it. 
You leaned back in the chair, closed your eyes, and opened yourself to the Force. You reached out across the galaxy, feeling into the light, and the dark. Through it, you felt a thousand Jedi dying. And nothing, well, almost nothing, had ever felt so good. 
The Jedi Killer, you’d been, in the Clone Wars. And though the generation of them did not die by your saber, it was your order, your decision, your words, that had brought them down. You weren’t just a killer. You were a crusader. 
Once you’d gotten your breath back, you pulled up a different communication, one wired to a meeting hall on Mustafar, full of people you despised. Nute Gunray, Shu Mai, truly awful people. People who had come to power, and did nothing with it but collect wealth. Disgusting, truly- when one comes to power, they’re meant to wield it, just as you were. But these people only cared about their trade, their capitalism. Pitiful.
“Viceroy,” you said with a dark smile, eyes hidden beneath your cloak. 
“Lord Errar,” Nute acknowledged you with a bit of surprise in his voice, “Where is Lord Sidious?” 
“He has just a bit to take care of in the Senate,” you said with a wicked smile. Nothing made your soul spark like a well-crafted lie. “Once that’s taken care of, I will pay you a visit, to give you your reward for your help. When the night is over, my friends, you’ll be left in peace.” Giving them no time to ask questions, you closed the communication, delivering your last word to an empty office. 
The last thing you needed to do before you left was nice and easy- the press of a button. Hidden away in the far corner of the Chancellor’s desk was a button meant only for emergencies, which is certainly why you used it now, of course. The death of the chancellor was an emergency, wasn’t it?
You called a senate meeting. 
Once that was done, you knew you had only an hour before the senators would be expecting you, so you found your saber and hurried to your speeder. It didn’t take long to get to the Temple, where you had sent Anakin. He had rescued the younglings from their training, in the midst of the battlegrounds that the Temple had become, and gotten them away to their chambers, in the care of droids. He met you in the center of the temple, Jedi and Clones alike scattered around the floor. So caught up in his mission, he hadn’t noticed how long you’d been at the temple, working your way through the files. 
“I told them that I’d come back when it was safe,” he said, “The droids will take care of them.” 
“Good,” you breathed, giving him a quick kiss under the ear. You took his hand, and slowly tugged him toward the communications center of the temple. “I have to show you something.” You pulled up the files you’d been painstakingly preparing for months, crafting them, ensuring they looked as though they were written by Jedi fingers.
On them were plans from the other side of the Clone Wars, supporting the Separatists. They held details about the destruction of the Senate, the assassination of the Chancellor, without even knowing he was a Sith. And of course, your magnum opus, the most perfect thing you could’ve included- the passage that described how the Jedi would allow the Dark Side of the Force, the Sith, to rise in power so that the Jedi could shift the blame for the war to the Sith. This, you knew, would hurt Anakin most of all- that the Jedi had completely ignored their duty to fight the Dark. 
“I just don’t understand,” you said softly, shaking your head, darkness pulsing deep in your chest with a beautiful, well-crafted lie. “I thought- I thought that Sidious was behind the war. But even he was being manipulated by the Jedi, he was going to be gotten rid of so that the Jedi could control the Senate.” Anakin couldn’t look away from the holograms. 
“Anakin, I’m so sorry,” you breathed, lacing your arms around the closest of his, hoping to give him even the slightest comfort, as he accepted that the people who’d raised and trained him were so evil. Apparently.
“There’s some good news, though,” you said, motioning to one of the holograms, “We now know where the Separatist leaders are. You and I- we can go...” you paused, seeming to stumble to find the proper word. “...Remove them.” Finally breaking his eyes away from the holo, he nodded, pulling you just a bit closer. 
You kissed his cheek, giving him a moment to grieve.
“I should inform the Senate,” you said, “They’ve never met me, but I was the Chancellor’s apprentice. They’ll respect me.” His flesh hand came to your face, and you leaned into it, closing your eyes for the briefest of moments to drown in his affection. 
“Be careful,” he told you, and you nodded.
“Can you-” you said, shaking your head briefly, trying to be gentle with him. “Come with me, please. I don’t want you to stay here by yourself.” He nodded, and together you walked to your speeder, taking it to the Senate hall. 
And this- this was to be your masterpiece. 
“Senators-” you began, aligning your shoulders in a way that had you looking powerful enough to command their attention, but nervous enough they wouldn’t suspect you for foul play. “I’m afraid I have some very disturbing news for you.” 
"I was an apprentice to the late Chancellor Palpatine, a gifted and respected leader who guided our republic through the first war in generations. I’m saddened to inform you, though, that this war was not what you’ve been told.” Whispers rippled through the senate’s hall.
“The Jedi, to whom this Senate entrusted the peace of the galaxy, had given power to the Separatists, in order to stir up the war. Earlier this very day, four Jedi masters ambushed myself and the Chancellor in his office...” you trailed away, bringing up emotion to stir their sympathy.
“I only escaped thanks to one young Jedi who still represents what the Jedi Order was meant to. The Chancellor was not so lucky.” You felt it as grief rolled through the room, and fought away a smile. They believed your every word- of course they did.
“On the battlefields, the horror of the Jedi and their plans were realized, and many of them were executed for crimes against the republic, following the Chancellor’s dying wishes. His other...” You shook your head, as though disbelieving what you were about to propose. 
“His other wish on his deathbed was that I carry on his work. That I guide the Republic into a future of peace.” The energy in the room shifted, but not toward the negative. No, they trusted you. They were considering giving your former mentor’s power to you. They just needed a little more. 
“I know you’ve never seen me before, you have no reason to trust me. I implore you, honorable senate, to believe me. I will see it that this Republic is capable of recognizing traitors, as the Jedi had become. I will see to it that the remaining traitorous Jedi are hunted down and executed. I promise to lead this Senate into the future!” 
The cheer went up. 
“I vote to reorganize the Republic, into something stronger, more powerful, more capable of destroying threats to the peace!” 
The energy was beautiful, lifting you to levels of bliss you had never felt before. You were to be the most powerful Sith there had ever been, controlling the Senate, the Republic, the Sith, the Jedi. 
The Republic. Such a name didn’t have quite the ring you wanted. You were to be, what, Chancellor? No, no, that wouldn’t do. 
“Together, we will create the first Galactic Empire- a beacon of hope for the galaxy, the strongest protector of the peace that the galaxy has ever seen!” 
Emperor. Now that was a title you were proud to carry. 
“We have to hurry,” you told Anakin as you strode from the meeting hall, “The Separatists might hear word that we know their location. We’ve got to get to them before they move.” 
They hadn’t- they waited, like the proper pawns they were, for the reward you had promised them. Such a reward came in one of two forms:
Anakin’s saber, or yours. 
You had planned out everything that would happen this day, everywhere you would go, every bit of it. You knew every step, and were never caught off guard. 
Until you discovered Obi-Wan Kenobi waiting outside of your ship.
You had to make a decision fast- how you were going to play this. Obi-Wan was a talented Jedi, and possibly the one person who you’d be incapable of manipulating, thanks to that strong Jedi code. He was also the only person who Anakin might be loyal to, over you. 
So, you let Anakin have his reunion, as though you hadn’t even noticed Obi-Wan. 
You stayed close, but you hadn’t thought to make Anakin realize he’d have to stand opposed to Obi-Wan, so you had to wait for the proper moment to interject yourself. 
“Anakin, are you alright? There’s been so much happening- I was so worried.” You knew Obi-Wan had noticed you, but for all of Obi-Wan’s faults, at least he knew that you were no threat to Anakin. 
“I’m fine,” Anakin told him, and you recognized what he was feeling- he was pushing away his emotions, as the Jedi Order had always told him to. 
“Master Yoda has lost contact with Master Windu- we don’t know what happened. Do you?” 
And there it was. The moment you’d been waiting for.
“Stop,” you groaned, crossing your arms. “You know exactly what Windu was doing. You know exactly where he was today.” You stepped forward, putting yourself almost between Obi-Wan and Anakin. 
“No,” Obi-Wan said, astonished by your presence. He’d known you were there, but something about you now almost reminded him that you were barely an adult, just like Anakin. “No, sith apprentice, I don’t know what happened.” 
“That’s a lie!” you shouted, not yet bringing up your saber. You put your arm in front of Anakin, as though protecting him from Obi-Wan. “You’re done lying to him!”
“Excuse me?”
“Mace Windu along with three other Jedi masters were sent to murder the Chancellor of the Republic so that the Jedi could assume control! Anakin and I found the plans in the Jedi temple ourselves!” Obi-Wan’s expression fell, and he didn’t look away from you.
“What are you talking about?” 
You shared a glance with Anakin, and suddenly, you had an idea. 
“They didn’t even tell you?” You whispered, turning your gaze to the floor as though you were considering. You were, though, honestly- there was no reason why this needed to end with Obi-Wan dead, not if you could reel him in just as cleanly as you did Anakin. And if you failed, then to Anakin it would feel incredibly genuine that Obi-Wan would need to die, ensuring his loyalty either way.
You brought your gaze to Anakin’s, and offered him the slightest pitiful smile.
“Maybe he can be trusted,” you said, offering him the hope that his master was redeemable. Lifting your chin as though gathering your wits, you turned to Obi-Wan, something under your ribcage sparking again with the love of a good plan seeing itself through. 
“I’m sorry to tell you this, Master, but the Jedi had been plotting the death of Chancellor Palpatine, and once he was gone, they were going to assume control of the Senate. Your masters have been behind this war, all along. It’s all very-” You shook your head. “Despicable.” 
“It can’t be true,” Obi-Wan said, his voice stealing air from his lungs, his chest seeming to deflate, and this couldn’t have possibly worked out better. 
“We found the plans, in the Temple,” Anakin said, and Obi-Wan looked at his former Padawan. 
“I assure you, Master,” you said, lowering your head, “I just want the galaxy in peace. I know you aren’t inclined to believe me, I understand...” It occurred to you that if he knew the whole of the story, he might be swayed toward you.
“Anakin and I are a Dyad,” you told him, and Anakin’s entire presence in the Force pulsed with surprise. “I always thought that it meant we were destined to be enemies, but I guess the future is harder to predict than that.” Obi-Wan studied you briefly, looking over your face, trying to find any hint of dishonesty. He underestimated you- you breathed dishonesty, it was in your bloodstream. Why would he be able to see it on you?
“You are a sith, are you not?” Obi-Wan asked, presumably weighing whether or not he could trust you. 
“I was abandoned by my master, because of how I felt for Anakin,” you told him, and none of it was a flat lie. That was your specialty- you were surprisingly honest, if one listened with a close enough ear. You reached out to take Anakin’s hand, an unabashed show of affection that felt quite teenaged. “I just want him to be safe.”
“If I can trust you, (Y/N), which I’m not sure I can,” Obi-Wan said, “I’ll help restore the galaxy in every way I can.” 
-🦌 Roe
part 3
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helbertinelli · 3 years
A Different Hope
Chapter 5 - The End
Leia felt an overwhelming sense of fear grip her as she entered the throne room. She looked around at everything as she had never seen the room before. It was usually her father who had to deal with Palpatine and never her. Leia and Vader stopped by the stairs leading up to the throne. Leia was looking over at Vader, trying to follow his lead in case she had to do anything. She figured he most likely dealt with the Emperor before and he knew what it was expected to do.
"Ah Lord Vader and Princess Organa." Palpatine smiled as he was greeting them. "I gave you a job to do Lord Vader, but I found out you have not been very good to keep to it." The Emperor continued. Leia was switching from looking at Vader and at Palpatine. "Maybe you're overdue for another lesson." He added, his creepy smile still plastered on his face.
Despite being scared of the situation she was in, part of Leia felt good about Vader finally being in trouble for once. Even though it came from the wrong place, there were finally some consequences for him.
As Palpatine readied himself to shoot lightning at Vader, he reacted quickly, igniting his lightsaber and trying to block the Emperor's attack. Leia gasped quietly, stepping back quickly as she was watching in shock the two men going against each other.
"You lied to me about Padme!" Vader growled. "I did not kill her. Our child did not die. I could have been with her instead of doing your bidding all these years." He took one step up the stairs leading to the throne and Palpatine shot another stream of lightning at him that kept him from advancing temporarily. "You knew about everything, didn't you? Why did you send me on this mission? Were you expecting me to kill her too like I did so many others? So you can reveal at the end that she was my daughter?" Vader asked as rage was flowing through his entire body.
Palpatine cackled at his statement. "I have to say I had no idea she was your daughter. But that would have been quite unfortunate for you to experience, Lord Vader." Palpatine pulled Vader's lightsaber out of his hands before resuming the lightning strikes. Vader fell to his knees, screaming in pain as the electricity was frying everything in his suit. "You will learn your place though." Palpatine stood up from the throne, levitating Vader with ease, and he started contorting his mechanical left arm and legs to the point where they were about to fall out of their sockets. As Vader fell to the floor, the lightning resumed and Vader's screams filled the room once more.
"No!" Leia shouted. She was trembling in fear at the sight of Vader being tortured. She hated him, but part of her knew he was not lying about her being his daughter. Just a moment ago he repeated that claim to Palpatine. She knew it had to be true. He was her father. As much as she hated him, she could not just sit by and watch him suffer and do nothing to stop it.
Palpatine laughed again at her plea, stopping his attack on Vader to look over at her. He enjoyed the terror he saw on her face, just as much as he enjoyed the same fear Vader gave off when Palpatine stopped attacking him. Vader was breathing shallowly, his breathing was raspy and sounded even more broken than before. He was relieved that the pain stopped, but he was more worried that Palpatine might hurt Leia for trying to interfere. The Emperor started cackling louder and he resumed his lightning attack on Vader, causing the Sith Lord to cry out in pain once again.
Leia hated this feeling of powerlessness, of feeling nothing but fear and not being able to do anything about it. "Stop!" She screamed. Her shriek was followed by a wave of Force born of her fear and anger at what she was witnessing. It slammed the Emperor back into the throne and it made him lose his concentration for the lightning bolts he was shooting out of his hands.
She looked in shock at what she just did. This was like nothing she had ever experienced before, but somehow it came naturally to her right now. Although the burst of Force was unintentional, she knew it would not be perceived as such. She took deep breaths, keeping her eyes on the body of the Emperor. She did not know what to expect or what will happen if he got up. When the Emperor seemed as if he wouldn't get back up, Leia turned towards Vader to make sure he was still alive.
"Da-..." She started but then screamed in pain. Palpatine was waiting for her to be distracted to get back up and punish her. He shot lightning through her body, laughing hysterically.
"Who knew you really were your father's daughter?" He cackled. "I could teach you to control it. You could be strong. You have so much potential. All you have to do is join me." Palpatine smirked, still torturing her and leaving her unable to respond.
"Nooo!" Vader yelled, his fear of Palpatine turning his attention to his daughter now realized. "You will not take her from me!" Vader growled, clutching Palpatine's throat in a Force choke. He squeezed his fingers together as Palpatine was clawing at his throat and Leia stopped being attacked.
"Leia, go!" Vader pleaded, but she stayed put, frozen in place by fear and pain. Vader continued his choke on Palpatine. Although he was not as powerful as he once was, his desire to save his child from the Emperor filled him with immense strength. In the end, Vader let go of Palpatine once he felt the Emperor's life force gone.
"Leia..." Vader turned to look at her once it was all over. He wanted to say more but his attack on Palpatine along with the torture he just experienced took a great toll on his body and he collapsed next to his daughter.
-- Chapter 6 - Twin Suns
Anakin woke up on the couch of his and Padme's apartment on Coruscant. His head was resting on Padme's lap and Leia, who was about three years-old this time, was sitting on his chest and watching cartoons.
"What happened?" Anakin asked groggily, looking up at his wife, who was playing with his hair.
"You fell asleep watching Bantha Tales with Leia." Padme smiled, pushing Anakin's hair out of his face and running her fingers through it.
Anakin stretched out on the couch, causing Leia to wobble slightly as she was trying to keep her balance on his chest. She looked over at Anakin, frowning at him for disturbing her. He smiled at her reaction.
"I'm sorry, baby." He wrapped his arms around her, sitting up slowly and kissing her cheek. Leia ignored him, her attention dedicated to her cartoons as she started to hum along to the theme song of Bantha Tales. Anakin couldn't help but smile again. Seeing his family together filled his heart with joy.
When Vader woke up from his dream, he found himself aboard his ship. He had new limbs installed and while he was still in pain, it was just the sort that he was forced to deal with everyday. His mask and costume were removed as they both got damaged during Palpatine's torture. He was connected to various machines that ensured he was kept alive and there were droids that were there to assist him.
"Thanks for saving me from the Emperor, Lord Vader." Leia said to him once she noticed he was awake. "We're on your ship, on Alderaan. I reassembled the limbs you've lost. We're even now." She explained dryly. "My father and some other senators are working on a new way to lead the Galaxy now that the Emperor is gone."
Vader listened to her. It hurt him that Leia would not accept him and that he was still Darth Vader in her eyes. He sighed quietly. There were so many things he wanted to tell her. He did not know if she would be willing to listen to it all, but he at least had to try to ask for her forgiveness before anything else.
"Leia... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you all these years, for trusting the Emperor. I'm sorry for what I did to our family. You and Padme deserved so much better." He looked at her, finally through his eyes rather than through the lenses of his mask. He felt his eyes stinging with tears as his words and his heart were filled with regret over everything that he did and over missing out on everything that could have been. His voice was not distorted by his mask anymore and he was glad to use his own voice too to speak to her.
Leia sighed before taking a deep breath and looking over at her father. She wanted to yell at him, to throw his apology right back at him and chew him out about how it will never be enough to make up for all the pain he has caused not just her, but to everyone else in the Galaxy too. She had no more interest in fighting with him, though. His time was over and thanks to him, Palpatine was no more and the Empire was soon to share the same fate as its Emperor. Seeing him without him mask made Leia realize who Vader really was. He was not some threatening Sith Lord anymore. He looked like a regular man, a man who was hurt and sad. She could see parts of his face still resembling Anakin, but mostly she was glad that he looked nothing like the man she knew to be her biological father. That way she could still love Anakin without having to forgive Vader.
"Please forgive me, my daughter." Vader repeated, noticing the pained look on Leia's face. It broke his heart that he was not be able to help her in any way, that he could not take her pain away, that he could not make her happy.
Leia stood up, taking one last look at him before exiting his chamber and his ship.
Vader became overcome with tears as Leia left. He knew he lost her too. He was not certain that he ever had a chance of getting back to her, but he still had a sliver of hope that she would forgive him in the end and they could be a family. That remnant of hope was all gone now, though and his wails filled the ship. He was truly alone now. For the first time in his life, he realized he was truly alone. He had no more family and even Palpatine was gone this time. There was no one left but himself and the few droids that were looking after him.
He shut his eyes, still sobbing loudly when he felt a pair of hands touch his face. He felt someone pressing her forehead to his and her lips onto his. He opened his eyes to look at the woman standing in front of him.
"I'm never letting you go, Ani. You'll always have me." Padme spoke softly, caressing his face.
"She’s gone." He sniffled, drawing quick breaths as he tried to stop himself from crying. "I couldn't fix it, Padme. She hates me." His tears started again at the mention of Leia hating him.
"She'll come around. She is our daughter and deep down she cares about you too. She's headstrong like her father, but she has your kind heart too." Padme wrapped her arms around him when Vader pulled himself loose from the vertical platform where he was reassembled and he fell to his knees. "Leia isn't our only child. She has a twin brother, Luke." He looked up at her when she revealed that last part.
"We had twins?" He asked, his voice trembling. He felt both pain and happiness. Our family would have been so beautiful, he thought to himself. "Where is Luke?" He asked Padme. "Do you think he'll want me in his life? Do you think he'll want to forgive me?"
"Of course he will. And Leia will, too." She reassured, holding her husband in an embrace. "Take her with you, to Luke. He's on Tatooine."
That night, in the Organa household, Leia recounted to Bail the events that happened while Vader was her bodyguard. She had already told him that Vader was the one who killed Palpatine, but she purposefully left out the details of her being related to Vader. Now she decided it was time to tell him everything.
Although Bail knew the story of Leia being the daughter of Anakin who then turned to the dark side and only existed as Darth Vader, he still listened to his daughter tell her story. When she finished talking, Bail pulled her into a hug and placed a kiss onto her forehead. It was now his turn to reveal the rest of her story and tell her the complete story of Anakin and Padme from when he first met them until the moment Leia came home with him and her brother was sent with Obi-Wan to Tatooine.
Leia was surprised to hear she had a brother, a twin nonetheless. She was sad that they had to be separated and while she understood their reasoning for it, she was still not happy that she had to grow apart from her twin brother.
"I need to go find him. He needs to know too." She told her father and Bail agreed with her.
"I cannot come with you, but you can take C-3PO and R2-D2. They will be good traveling companions. And I will make sure you have everything you need." He smiled as Leia threw her arms around him and hugged him.
The next day, Vader showed up to the Organa residence just as Leia was packing for her journey to Tatooine.
"What do you want?" Leia frowned at the sight of him. She threw some more clothes in a suitcase, before walking back to her closet to grab others.
"Leia..." He spoke her name as softly as he could. Saying her name brought him comfort, it reminded him of his time with Padme, of the time when he believed he still could be with her and their children. "I have found out that you have a twin brother, Luke. He's on Tatooine. I need you to come with me to him. Please." He pleaded to her.
She raised her brows in surprise at his new demeanor. Leia stood silent for a while, considering her options. She did not trust Vader still, but she knew he would not try to hurt her. She was not sure how Luke would react to him, though and she decided that Luke should not have to face Vader alone. Leia knew it was probably futile to try to convince Vader not to go after his son, so she decided not to try that. She knew if she left now, he would follow and there is a chance of him finding Luke first, which she did not want happening.
"Fine. I will come with you, but I have some demands." Leia spoke, trying to sound more official than before while she finished packing. Vader nodded in agreement. "My droids will come with me, too. You cannot hurt anyone at all while I am there. I get to talk to Luke alone before you do. And you have to take both of us back to Alderaan after we find him."
"You have my word." Vader promised before taking one look at the droids, the same ones who once belonged to him and his wife.
"Well, then let's not waste any more time." Leia reached to grab her suitcase, but Vader grabbed it for her first. She looked at him, frowning at first, but then decided to let it go and allow him to help her. She walked with him towards his ship, the two droids were following behind them. He made sure to walk slower than usually so that she would not have to struggle to keep up with him, since she was much shorter than him. Leia kept looking over at him while they walked. She thought about many things. She was wondering how the journey will go for the three of them. She was worried Luke might not like her or even want to leave his current home. She knew she most likely would not leave Alderaan if anyone asked her to. She was also worried about Vader and how going to find Luke together will make her see him differently.
"You could pilot." Vader said to her once they got on the ship. He remembered the times when he was a Padawan and the joy it brought him when he was allowed to pilot. He did not know much of what Leia liked, but he figured that her being a Skywalker meant she also liked flying. He loved flying and even Padme was a great pilot even though she did not spend most of her time aboard a ship.
"Me?" She asked, taken by surprise by his request.
"Yes, if you want to."
"I wasn't that great during my practice lessons." She warned, feeling a bit embarrassed to have to admit that to Vader.
"That's not a problem. I'll help if things go bad." He assured.
"Why do you want me to pilot?" She raised her brow, looking at him. She knew he was trying to get close to her, but she also really wanted to fly. It did not happen too often that she had the chance to fly and her last instructor told her she should never be allowed to fly after Leia let the ship spin out of control before crashing it belly-up above the balcony of the Organa home.
"This was originally your mission, so you should fly." Vader answered. She nodded, not willing to tell him that she would have asked R2 or Threepio to pilot instead. She took the pilot seat while Vader sat next to her.
"Okay, R2, give us a course to Tatooine." She asked as the astromech beeped happily and plugged himself in to the ship's controls to chart a course for them. With their coordinates ready, Leia lifted the ship and took off towards Tatooine.
- I might write one-shots about Leia and Vader’s adventures while on the “road“ to Tatooine. And maybe I’ll write the story where they meet Luke. I have some more ideas of Vader teaching her a bit about the Force and even the two of them talking about the Force. Maybe Leia asking Vader to break some of the promises he’s made to her before the journey. I even thought about writing a funny one where Leia gets a crush on someone they meet and Vader is like “panik!“
- Leia will eventually come to terms that Vader is her dad and that he can change and be good again.
Chapter 1 - Her Eyes / Chapter 2 - Dreams
Chapter 3 - Anakin and Padme / Chapter 4 - The Ghosts of Polis Massa
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ashthewaterghoul · 3 years
“What if Qui-Gon Survived”
Chapter 15
TW - somewhat graphic description of blood at the end
Anakin was still concerned about his Master, but managed to push his feelings aside to take down a Trade Federation ship, for which Obi-Wan appraised him for and Padme discreetly squeezed his hand in pride. The three’s collective concern had risen back when the ship with Qui-Gon had disappeared from sight, the moment was disturbed when they caught on to Count Dooku’s trail.
“Shoot him down!” Anakin ordered.
“We’re out of rockets, sir.” The pilot replied.
“Follow him!” He suggested.
“We’re going to need help!” Padme said.
“There isn’t time, Anakin and I can handle this!” Obi-Wan shouted above the sound of the engines.
Dooku’s droid entourage suddenly turned around and started firing at the gunship. One blast rocked the gunship so much that Padme fell out along with one of the troopers.
“Padme!” Anakin yelled out for her, “Put the ship down!”
Obi-Wan feared that Anakin’s attachment to Padme could interfere with this battle, and it now has. He knew the only way to get him to go with him to Dooku.
“I cannot take Dooku alone, I’ll need your skill with me if we are to catch him!” It wasn’t a lie though.
“I don’t want to leave her!” He said with a shaky voice.
“What would she do in your position?”
Hanging his head, Anakin replied: “She would do her duty.”
Obi-Wan placed a consoling hand on Anakin’s back. The gunship had a tense atmosphere now, more then before. When they landed at the entrance of the hangar, they looked at each other and walked in.
Dooku was preparing his ship, when he saw the Jedi walk in.
“You’re going to pay for all the Jedi you killed today.” The younger Jedi he knew to be Anakin Skywalker stated. The other Jedi, Obi-Wan, then started to use hand signals, presumably laying out a plan.
“Of course, Obi-Wan.”
Before they had time to initiate it though, Dooku blasted a flurry of lightning their way, only to be blocked by both. Perhaps taunting would help him?
“As you can see, my Jedi powers are far beyond yours. Now, back down.”
“Never!” Anakin said, saber in the ready position.
Dooku proceeded to get his own saber out, and let the crimson blade attack the blue and green ones in front of him. The duel commenced, flashes of red, green and blue making it difficult to see which blade needed to be blocked, for all the men, resulting in Anakin and Obi-Wan nearly striking each other. When their three blades were locked together. Dooku let out another taunt.
“Master Kenobi, Padawan Skywalker, you both disappoint me. Qui-Gon holds you in such high esteem.” The mention of his old padawan’s name caused a rush of emotions to rise up the Padawan’s face. His attacks became more aggressive, more frequent, he was forgetting to block. Dooku used the moment to taunt again, “Surely you can do better.” He said as he pushed Anakin back with the Force, making him hit his head against the wall.
Obi-Wan barely had a moment to process what happened before the red blade came his way. As Obi-Wan fought the Count, Anakin was starting to come to.
Dooku managed to strike Kenobi’s arm and leg knocking him to the ground. He raised his saber, ready to take out part of the padawan lineage he left behind, but not before Anakin jumped over to protect his friend.
“Brave of you, boy. But I would have thought you had learned your lesson.”
“I am a slow learner.” Anakin quipped back.
Obi-Wan called his saber over.
“Anakin!” He shouted, throwing the saber over.
The fight continued, Anakin flawlessly adjusting to two sabers. Anakin cut the power wire, plunging the hangar into darkness, the momentary distraction allowed Anakin an advantage. The two still fought, but as it looked like Anakin was losing, a yell at the entrance saved him.
“DOOKU!” The usually calm voice of Qui-Gon Jinn yelled out, Master Yoda walking in with him, glaring at the fallen Jedi.
“Master Yoda, Master Jinn. You have interfered with our affairs for the last time.” He said disparagingly. He pushed Anakin back, his head hitting the ground as he landed by Obi-Wan’s feet.
Hands outstretched, Dooku pulled a generator off the wall, and threw it at the little green Jedi, who pushed it back, Dooku retaliated by pushing it to his old padawan, who threw it to the ground. Next, Dooku pulled a piece of the roof down on top of the two, but they easily pushed it aside.
“Powerful, you have become, Dooku. The dark side I sense in you.”
“I’ve become more powerful then any Jedi. Even you, Master Yoda.”
He unleashed another wave of lightning at Yoda, who easily caught it and pushed it back, Dooku once again deflected to Qui-Gon, who quickly got his lightsaber out to block it. The next round went out, and Yoda caught the blast, and seemed to absorb it, showing his many years of experience and knowledge.
“Much to learn you still have.” He stated.
“It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of the Force, Masters,” Dooku said, once again igniting his weapon, “but by our skills with a lightsaber.”
Yoda pulled his cloak to his side, and called his saber to him from his belt, igniting it. The three fought, with all the strength their advancing ages allowed. Qui-Gon got pushed backward, disorienting him, this moment of his confusion, allowed a window of opportunity for Dooku, he used the Force to push Jinn to the ground by his Padawans, the impact knocked him out.
Obi-Wan and a semi-conscious Anakin voiced their concern, “Master!” they simultaneously shouted.
In a moment of saber lock, Yoda said: “Fought well you have, my old Padawan.”
“This is just the beginning.” Dooku used in hand to rip a pipe from the roof and fall onto Anakin, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. This caused Yoda to break the lock and stop the pipe and move it out the way. The distraction worked as Dooku ran onto the ship and got away.
Filled with regret, Yoda called his cane over, steadying him once again. At that moment, Padme Amidala came into the hangar with a dozen troopers.
Anakin and Obi-Wan were holding Qui-Gon, a concerning amount of blood covering Anakin’s hand, all from a gushing wound on his head. Padme was happy to see her love alive, but the happiness faded when she saw the fear on the two men’s face, and the red pool they were in.
“MEDIC! NOW!” she yelled out, kneeling at Anakin’s side, trying her best to comfort him. His tears already leaving marks on his face.
You can view all chapters here
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writer1 · 3 years
A regretful Wolf and his Beauty
Chapter Seven
Beast!Rex x Fem!reader
Summary: As punishment for his actions, young prince Rex was cursed to become a monster by a witch. The only thing that saved him from his fate was an enchantress, who gave him a condition. He has to find true love in order to redeem himself and he only has until the last petal of the enchanted rose falls. Rex's family helps you by guiding your way into his heart. Rex's fate now lies in your hands.
A/N: This is a collaborative fic with @ahsokatano-thetogruta.
Warnings: Self hate, nightmares, panic attack, abandonment, mention of injury, guilt.
The sun blares through the window, reflecting off of Obi Wan's armour in just the right place to brighten up the small room. Cody lets out a quiet yawn and goes to stretch but he can't. He can't believe that he forgot that he was like this, remembering the curse and the events that happened the day before. He sighs, but then ever so slightly feels Obi Wan snuggle into him, pressing himself into Cody's table top as much as he possibly can.
Cody feels himself drift off back to sleep, but Obi Wan begins to stir. Cody chuckles with content "Good morning, Sweetheart."
Obi Wan stretches his armoured limbs out as he lets out a big yawn, his vision coming back to him as he sits up and looks down to see his boyfriend, still a desk, and then looks at himself still fully suited up in armour. "I...I thought it was all just a nightmare…" Obi Wan goes to rub his eyes, but then he hears his metal fingers scraping against his helmet, making him groan. 
Cody wants so badly just to cradle Obi Wan's face, feeling his slight stubble brush against his hand. "Oh, Obi Wan. Are you okay?" Obi Wan shakes his head. "No, I forgot about everything. I hoped it was all just a bad dream and I would wake up to see you...to see your face, and hold you while we cuddle." He sees Cody shuffle to him a bit closer.
"It'll be alright, Sweetheart. I'm right here for you. We'll get through this together. I promise." Obi Wan feels himself smile as he gets up and crouches down, wrapping his arms around Cody in a hug. "Thank you, Cyare. I'm lucky to have someone so wonderful like you in my life."
"I can say the exact same thing about you, Sweetheart." Cody leans into Obi Wan's embrace wishing he could hug him back, but this is the best that he can do while he's like this. A moment later, Obi Wan groans a little in discomfort.
“Are you okay, sweetheart?” Cody asks in a worried tone, Obi Wan stands up, stretching out his back. “Yeah, I’m just a little sore. Mostly in my back.” Cody realizes now that it probably wasn’t a good idea for Obi Wan to sleep on him.
“Maybe it would be better to sleep in the bed from now on, Obi Wan.” Obi Wan sighs, walking over and sitting on the bed. Cody shuffles over to stand in front of him. “I… I just don’t want to sleep without you, Cyare.” Cody sighs, shuffling closer to Obi Wan and pressing against him.
“I could sleep right beside the bed? Then you can place your hand on top of me and know that I’m there. Will that work, sweetheart?” Obi Wan nods, placing his hand on Cody’s scar.. “Yeah, that will work Cody. Thank you.” Cody would be smiling if he could, it makes him so happy that he could help his boyfriend. Obi Wan presses his face against Cody in a kiss, making the desk sigh with contentment. He loves being kissed by Obi Wan, even if it is different now.
“Do you think that anyone else is awake yet?” Obi Wan asks when he pulls away, and Cody hums. “Probably, hopefully the kids are still sleeping, they went to bed pretty late yesterday. And after the whole ordeal they deserve to sleep in, especially Rex.” Cody feels a spark of sadness at the thought of everything that Rex had gone through the day before, he really hopes that they can fix this, if not…
“Do you think that we can find a way to fix this, Obi Wan?” Cody asks, a tiny tremble of fear in his voice. Obi Wan sighs. “Truthfully Cody, I have no idea. Every curse I've ever read about had a condition or conditions set to end it, this one doesn’t.” Cody sighs, he was afraid of that answer. He hopes that they will find a way to end it. If not for their stakes then Rex's stake, Cody doesn’t know how being stuck as a werewolf might affect his Rex’ika mentally. Before him and Obi Wan can talk more, the door opens and both Kix and Jesse walk and float in. Kix’s face looks urgent. "Um, sorry to disturb you both." Kix looks sheepishly as Cody shuffles away from Obi Wan a little. "It's alright, Kix. What's up?"
"It's Rex, he had a nightmare. He didn't want us to come and get you because he said that he doesn't want to be any more of a burden on us than he already is." Kix feels bad that he went against Rex's wish, but he knows that he needs help right now, especially after having a nightmare.
Cody feels sadness and pain, hearing that his Rex'ika thinks that he's a burden to everyone. "Thank you for coming to me, Kix. I'll go and talk to him." He looks back at Obi Wan, who is now sitting up on the bed. "Would you like me to come with you, Cyare?" Cody nods, making Obi Wan get up and walk behind Cody who shuffles over to the door. Kix and Jesse lead the way to Rex's room as quickly as they can.
Kix stops just before the door, turning around to Cody and Obi Wan. "Rex was still sleeping when we left, so he might still be now." The both of them nod, being as quiet as they can as they push the door open to see Rex still asleep.
Rex looks so peaceful with the kids still sleeping in their same positions as they were the night before, but really inside he is hurting, being torn apart by the thought of what he has become. He whimpers a little and twitches ever so slightly. He was having another nightmare. 
Cody shuffles over to Rex, pressing his leg into Rex's arm, nudging him to try and wake him up. "Rex'ika?" Rex doesn't wake up and he moves his legs, as if he was trying to run away from something, or someone. Cody is finding it so difficult to keep nudging Rex, so Obi Wan goes over to help him out. "Rex? Rex, it's okay, Little one. You need to wake up." Obi wan shakes Rex's arm.
A moment later, Rex screams as he sits up quickly and his eyes snap open. His breathing is heavy as he struggles to get rid of the image in his mind. As Rex sits up, Fives, Kiara and Echo get thrown down. They all let out a startled yell as they fall onto Rex’s lap, after they get up and jump onto Cody, giving Rex some space. 
Rex’s scream also startled Anakin, his first thought was that Ventress had returned to hurt his friend. He jumps up, knocking Padmé off of his shoulder. She screams and keeps her eyes shut tight, too tired and shocked to remember that she can float. Her fall suddenly stops and she is left floating above the floor, she opens her eyes to see Obi Wan, arm outstretched, he had thankfully caught her using the force. 
Anakin feels so guilty “I am so sorry Padmé. Are you okay?” The little angel nods. “Yeah, I’m fine, Ani. Thanks Obi Wan.” 
“No thanks necessary, my dear.” Padme floats over to Anakin, nuzzling against him. Bly and Stutter are on the table beside Ahsoka, they had woken up as soon as Rex had screamed, and jumped onto the table. All three look at Rex, wondering what kind of nightmare he must have had. Rex sits on the bed, taking deep breaths.
His breathing becomes rapid and out of control, starting to hyperventilate. His mind floods with the visions from his nightmare, making him curl up and holding his head, trying to get rid of the horrible and terrifying thoughts plaguing his mind. His ears press back hard against his head. Everyone feels scared as they watch Rex break down, but Kix jumps straight into action. "Rex. Rex it's okay, just breathe for me, you're safe." Rex finds it difficult to concentrate as he sobs and his heart is beating out of control. Kix keeps his worry for his cousin under control. "Okay, could everyone except Jesse, Cody and Obi Wan please leave? There's too many people right now." Everyone nods at Kix as they leave, Anakin picks up Ahsoka as she is the only other one who finds it difficult to get around places. 
Once it is just the four of them and Rex, Kix begins to talk to Rex again. "It's alright, Rex. I need you to focus on your breathing, can you do that for me?" Rex finds it difficult to process what Kix is saying, but a small part of him begins to slow down his breathing. He's finding it difficult to breathe properly with all the sniffles and hiccups, making him lose focus for moments at a time. "Here, breathe with me. Take a deep breath in through your nose, holding it for five seconds…..and slowly out of your mouth. Like that, okay? Can you do that for me please?" Rex does as Kix says, inhaling a deep breath through his nose, holding it and then letting it out as gently as he can through his mouth, trying his best to hold back his sobs threatening to escape. Jesse, Cody and Obi Wan watch quietly. All they can do is hope that Rex will be okay. 
Rex's senses gradually come back to him as his heart rate slows down to a much steadier pace, doing as Kix had told him to. He feels shaky and weak as he tries to stand. "Rex, what are you doing? You need to stay sat down." Rex looks at Kix. "I-I'm fine."
"No you're not, you've just had a panic attack. You need to sit down and rest until your mind and body has recovered."
"I just…" Rex stumbles back down into the bed, letting out a sharp breath. "I just don't want to be a burden on anyone." The four of them frown as they see Rex begin to tear up again.
"You're not a burden Rex'ika, you never will be. We're here for you, no matter what." Cody wishes he could smile at Rex to comfort him some. Rex just looks down. 
"Would you like to talk about the nightmares?" Kix asks, trying not to pressure Rex into talking. 
Rex nods as he takes a shaky breath in and out. "Okay, so my dream last night, I was in the castle with everyone and Ventress was there. It was when we transformed, everything was the same except I was the only one affected. You all stayed the same.” Cody listens to his Vod’ika’s story, he really hopes that it isn’t going where he thinks it is. “When I looked around, you were all glaring at me with the most hateful expressions filled with disgust. You all hated me, even you, Bubby. That’s when I woke up.” Cody feels so much sadness for his Vod’ika, even if Rex had been the only one to transform, they would still love him. No matter what. "What was the nightmare you had just now, Rex'ika?" 
Rex presses his ears back, his expression tensing at the thought of it. "I was back in the ballroom, you were all still looking so disgusted at me. Then...then you all started shouting at me, making me feel scared and vulnerable. It was the way you shouted at me, throwing things near me to scare me off. You all kept backing me up all the way to the door. I had nowhere to go, but the doors opened up and I fell out, everyone was still scaring me away, so I ran...I ran as fast as I possibly could, and then I woke up." The thought is too much for Rex, sobbing as he finishes explaining his nightmare. They all feel so sorry for him, hating that he had dreamt of that. 
Kix and Jesse go over to him and snuggle into his fur to comfort him. Cody presses against his leg and Obi Wan sits beside him, rubbing his back. “That would never ever happen Rex’ika, even if we didn’t transform we would still love you with all of our hearts. I promise, you’re stuck with us.” Rex nods, pressing his leg against Cody, he cups Jesse and Kix on his chest and Obi Wan pulls Rex into a little side hug.
“Cody is right, Little One. that would never happen, whether we transformed or not we would have stood by you always. We love you.” Rex nods, thankful again for his amazing family. “Thank you, all of you.” Cody presses against him more.
“No thanks necessary, Rex’ika. We love you more than anything.” Everyone can hear a soft thumping as Rex’s tail starts to wag against the bed happily. Cody sighs, he’s happy that they could make Rex happy, even if it’s just for a little while. “Come on, Rex. I should check your burn and change the bandages.” Kix tells Rex, who nods.
“We’ll go do that, you guy’s can head down to the ballroom. We all need to figure out where to go from here.” Cody sighs. “Will you be okay with Kix and Jesse, Rex’ika?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine, Bubby.” Rex smiles as he follows Kix and Jesse out of the room and down the hall, heading towards his medical office. 
The three of them arrive and Rex sits down. "Jesse, could you grab some clean bandages please and take off this one please." Kix gestures at the older bandages around Rex's arm. Jesse nods as he climbs up to the cupboard where the bandages are kept. "Got them!" He hops over to the bed that Rex sits on, climbing up his arm to start unraveling the old dressing. Rex holds his arm out so it's easier for Jesse to stand and info the bandages. Jesse gasps, making Kix float quickly over to him. Kix's eyes widen as he looks confused.
"What's wrong, is it okay?" Rex sounds worried, hoping that something bad hasn't happened. "It's fine. It's more than fine actually, the burn has fully healed and the fresh skin tissue has already repaired itself. There is a bit of a scar there though. Sorry if we worried you, Rex." Kix explains, making Rex feel equally surprised.
"It's okay. Do you have any idea how?" Kix tries to think of an answer for Rex. "Hm, I don't exactly know how, but it may be because you've changed? This new form may have given you an ability to heal quicker than usual? That's my only conclusion, I'm sorry that I can't help you, Rex." Rex shakes his head.
"It's alright Kix, thank you." He pulls Kix in for a gentle hug, being careful not to hurt him. Jesse jumps in as well making them all chuckle. Kix is happy that he could help Rex, even just a little "You're welcome, Rex." 
"Let's head to the ballroom then, if you don't mind Rex." Rex nods at Kix, following him and Jesse out of the medical room. All three head to the ballroom, Rex following along behind them. His legs feel more sturdy today, he hopes to figure out how to walk on two legs today.
They Make it to the ballroom. "AUGH!! Come on!!" They turn to see Hardcase is sitting on the ground, he's been turned into an ax. He's staring at his puzzle in its box, unable to do anything since the poor guy has no hands. Jesse runs over to him.
"Do you need some help, Hardcase?" He nods his head, trying to stop the tears of frustration from falling. "I'm going to stay and help Hardcase, Okay." The two nod as Jesse dumps out the puzzle. 
"Just tell me where you want it to go Case, and I'll put it there." Hardcase nods, telling Jesse where he wants him to put the pieces.
Both Rex and Kix leave him be, the two look around. "Stop playing the music, Wreck!" They turn to see a hat rack whip a non sentient book at the piano. Rex shakes his head, chuckling to himself, it looks like Crosshair didn't change much. All the bad batch are around the piano, it seems that Hunter is a hunting knife while his baby cousin is a book. Wrecker is a grand piano too.
Rex turns to find Cody talking to Obi Wan, Plo, and Kanan. As the two walk closer they can hear what Obi Wan is saying. "I don't know what to do, Cyare. The Knight's on patrol never returned, neither did anyone else that left the castle. Me and Kanan were thinking of going out and trying to find them."
"Rex! Kix, how are you two doing?" The keldor calls out to them as he sees them approach. "We're good." Rex tells him, Cody shuffles around so that he's facing Rex.
"How's Rex's arm, Kix?" Cody asks, he hopes that it's healing alright. Kix smiles. "It's fully healed actually, must be something to do with Rex being what he is. What were you guys talking about? The Knights never returned?" 
Obi Wan strokes his nonexistent stubble in worry. "No, they haven't. Neither have little Kiara's parents or anyone else who left before the curse. Me and Kanan would like to head out and look for them, but Cody's not very happy with that plan."
"Because it's dangerous in your current condition, Obi Wan! If anyone but them sees you, all they'll see is a walking talking suit of armor, they could hurt you or worse!!!" Cody feels fear in his heart, thinking about what they could do to his boyfriend. He shudders.
"We'll be okay, Cyare. I promise you." Obi Wan leans down and presses his face against Cody's table top. Nobody comments on it or seems to mind, they all know that this is their way of showing affection while in the forms that they are in. Cody feels scared "I...I just don't want to lose you, Sweetheart." Obi Wan pulls away and looks at him. 
"You won't lose me, I'll be right back before you know it. That's if we can go?" Obi Wan turns to Rex who nods his head. "Yes, just be careful out there."
"Of course, Rex. Thank you, we'll be as quick as we can be." Kanan agrees with Obi Wan. "Yes, we'll try to stay out of sight as much as we can, if not, we'll try to blend in."
Cody sighs in defeat. "Okay, just...be safe out there. Please." Obi Wan traces Cody's scar with his finger. "We will, don't worry, Cyare." He leans down again to kiss Cody before he gets ready to leave with Kanan.
"Ready to go, Obi Wan?" Kanan walks towards the door. "Yes, let's go. We'll be back soon, everyone!" Everyone waves at them as they leave, the door shutting behind the both of them.
Everyone goes back to what they are doing and Rex looks down to Cody. He seems sad. "He'll be okay Cody, he's strong." Cody nods as best he can. "Yeah, he is…I miss him already." Rex places his hand comfortingly on his brother's table top. 
A second later, Rex's stomach growls, making him feel embarrassed "Uh... I-I'm getting hungry." Cody chuckles a little, hoping that helping his Rex'ika out will take away his sadness. "How about we get you some food, yeah?" Rex nods, following Cody as he leads him to the kitchen. 
Kanan and Obi Wan are walking through the woods, this was the area the Knights were meant to patrol. Obi Wan and Kanan have found nothing to indicate that the knights would have been here. They are coming to the outskirts of the village, they come across a cottage on the very edge.
"Something's not right, the force feels almost like it was manipulated over here?" Kanan looks over at Obi Wan, he feels the same, but there's something else. The force presence feels… Familiar?
Suddenly Aayla secura comes running out of the cottage towards them, for some reason she had no armor on at all. Only peasant clothes.
"Aayla? What's going on, where's your armor?" She doesn't answer, looking at them in confusion until she looks through the gaps in their armor, seeing right through it to the other side. She runs screaming into the house, something the two knights know is not her usual behavior.
Depa Billaba then runs out. "Master! What's going on!" Kanan yells out to her, he doesn't understand what's going on, it's like they're completely different from the people they knew. But all she does is scream in fear, she lifts Obi Wan with the force and before he can even think he's smashed against a tree. The Knight falls to the ground. Obi Wan groans as he tries to stand. His back was already achy from not sleeping in the right position last night, but this has just worsened the pain, making it excruciating. 
"Obi Wan! Are you okay? We have to get out of here." Kanan rips Obi Wan to his feet, all the suit of armor can feel is pain, screaming as he's basically dragged away by Kanan, who doesn't stop running until they're miles away and getting close to the castle.
Obi Wan is in so much pain, his back hurts so much, he would have tears in his eyes if he had them. 
Rex is sitting down at the large dining table, finishing up his waffles and strawberries as Gregor brings out some cooked meat for him, to make sure that he won't feel hungry like he was yesterday. Rex gave up trying to use any cutlery, they are just way too small for him to hold now, so he dives into it with just his mouth "Mmm, fank yousho mush." Rex tries to thank Gregor with his mouthful, making him chuckle as he watches the thirteen year old boy enjoy his breakfast. "You're welcome, Rex."
Suddenly, Fives and Echo burst into the dining room, making Gregor, Rex and Cody turn their heads to look at the twins' worried expressions. "Is everything okay, you two?" Rex asks, feeling concerned for the two. "It's Obi Wan and Kanan! They're back, but Obi Wan is injured." Rex's eyes widen, looking over to Cody who would have had tears filling his eyes, but being a desk is making it difficult. The five of them rush to the ballroom to see Obi Wan with an arm wrapped around Kanan's neck for support.
"Obi Wan!!" Cody screams out, making Obi Wan look up to see his boyfriend shuffling as fast as he can to him. "Obi Wan! Sweetheart, what happened?" Cody asks fearfully.
"We…we found…" Obi Wan is unable to think straight because of the pain and how shocked he feels right now.
"We found Depa and Aayla, but they weren't the same." Rex fears that the same thing has happened to them too. "What do you mean, Kanan? Have they changed as well? Where are they?" 
Kanan frowns and shakes his head. "They haven't transformed like us, they didn't seem to remember us at all. The way they acted, the way they were dressed. It was all different. When Aayla went running and screaming from us, Depa came out of the house, that I assume they are living in, and then she threw Obi Wan against a tree. I ran as fast as I could to get him back here." All Cody feels is anger and sadness, not believing that this has happened. He knew that this was a bad idea, but all that matters right now is making sure that Obi Wan's injury isn't too serious.
Kix flies over, Kanan turns Obi Wan over and everyone gasps. His back is quite literally bent from the impact of the tree, they won't be able to fix this medically.
"Kix? What do we do." Cody asks him, a tremble in his voice. He shuffles closer to his boyfriend, pressing softly against the hand that's hanging down. Obi Wan does his best to lift his hand, placing it over Cody's scar. They're both so scared, Cody can feel Obi Wan trembling in pain.
"I… I don't know, Cody. We could get a hammer and bend it back into shape, but it would hurt him. I don't know what we can do that won't cause him excruciating pain." 
"I might be able to help with that!" Everyone turns to see a glowing woman, she has long flowing green hair. 
Her eyes are green as well. She has a long yellow dress and her voice almost sounds like it has an echo. She looks like a goddess, everyone feels absolutely terrified.
"Oh no, not another one!" Cody yells, he doesn't want them to be cursed any worse than they already are. The woman puts her hands up in surrender at the knights that raise their swords towards her and Rex hunches down over top of Fives, Echo, Kiara and Stutter. 
He growls at her angrily, Rex's chest is so close to the four that Fives has to put his candle out in fear of burning his Ori'vod again. "I am not here to curse any of you again, I promise. I'm only here to help you." She glides over to Obi Wan, Cody and Kanan tries to block her but she just floats through them.
Obi Wan looks up at her as she places her hand on his back gently, everyone watches as her hand glows and Obi Wan's back bends back into shape. But he doesn't scream in pain like expected, on the contrary he sighs in content. 
"There, all better. Do you believe that I'm trying to help now." Everyone in the room nods, including Rex. "What's your name, mam." The woman chuckles. 
"I go by many names. The Goddess, The Daughter, Morai, but you may call me The Enchantress." Rex walks over, bowing to her the best he can. " Well, I'm Prince Rex. Are you actually here to help us?" The enchantress nods." Of course, I helped your friend, didn't I." She gestures to Obi Wan, who's standing up and stretching his back out as if nothing happened. Cody is pressing himself into him, doing his best to hug Obi Wan.
"Now let me take a look at you, young man." The enchantress moves closer to Rex, he flinches as she goes to place her hand on the side of his face. "It's alright, I'm just going to look through your memories, to when this all happened. This is the work of a witch, am I correct?" Rex nods, looking a little nervous as her hand emits a warm glow by his face. "Hm, Ventress...that witch will do anything just to use her magic on anyone for fun."
"Can this be changed back, Enchantress?" Rex tries to not let his hopes get the best of him. The enchantress frowns as she finishes looking at Rex's memories, stepping back a little. "I cannot change you back. I don’t have the power to end the curse." Rex’s ears droop, and Cody shuffles over to him, he presses himself into Rex. He knows that Rex still blames himself. “But I may be able to change it.” Everyone including Rex looks up at her, Rex’s ears perk up.
"How?" Rex is confused. How will she be able to change it? "I am able to change the curse so that there will be a way to end it, if you will allow it." Rex nods frantically, looking around at his friends and family, who nod as well. “Yes, change it please.” She nods, using her powers to pick up the rose that Ventress had given them for payment. “This rose will bloom for thirteen years, when it starts to wilt you will have only two years to fall in love, and earn their love in return before the last petal falls or this curse will truly be permanent.” she makes the rose float down gently into his hands.
He looks at it with confusion and worry "Love me? Nobody would want to love something like me." Rex whimpers as he convinces himself that he'll never be loved by anyone. "This will be the only way, Prince Rex. Your fate lies only in your hands and those of your true love's. You must find your true love if you are to break this curse." The Enchantress starts to slowly fade away into glowing dust. 
"Please, there must be another way, Enchantress!" Rex begs her, wanting an easier way to correct his mistake. Once she disappears completely, Rex is filled with fear and regret. He tries to hold back the tears as he just stares at the rose in his hands. "Are you alright, Rex'ika." Rex turns around to see Cody. 
"I... I'm so sorry." Cody looks at Rex confused. "For what?" 
"That all of this has happened. The damage has been done and I feel that I'll never be able to fix this mess." Rex presses the rose gently to his forehead, sobbing a little. Cody shuffles closer, pressing himself against Rex's leg "It's alright, Rex'ika. We'll get through this together, we promise. Whatever you need, we'll be here to help you." Rex looks around to see everyone nod, making him feel a bit more hopeful to know that he has such a kind and loving family.
At least his family has hope now to break the curse, but all Rex can think about is, who could ever learn to love a monster like him?
taglist: @pinkiemme @ellie1366 @captainrexisboo @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life @lightning-wolffe
23 notes · View notes
Observations while watching The Empire Strikes Back on this, its 40th anniversary:
1. Anakin’s continual terrible choices are astounding, and I don’t understand any of them, other than to say that he is in such deep denial that he can’t fucking figure out that Sheev lied about Padme’s death from the fact that Luke exists at all.
2. Yoda. Has. Fucking. Lost. His. Mind. That entire conversation with Luke and Ben in his little hut is cracked. He’s spent 20 years, alone, in hiding after losing the war, the Republic and the Order and it warped him. 
3. Obi-Wan continues to give himself way more status than he had by claiming that Yoda was his Master. Also, a liar: “Was I any different when you trained me?” Yes. Yes you were, dummy.
4. So many dead Imperial officers. So, so many.
5. R2 spends what is likely his entire stay on Dagobah trying to tell Luke that he KNOWS this bitch Yoda. 
6. “Try not. Do or do not. There is no try.” But “Only a Sith deals in Absolutes.” SO WHICH IS IT?! 
7. Luke throws in the towel on bringing the ship back up. Anakin woulda stood there until he either brought that ship up or fucking died trying, and those are the fundamental differences between their characters. 
8. Shut up, Anakin.
9. Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher are both disgustingly pretty in this movie. 
10. Yoda continues to be vague and not very helpful about Skywalkers and Force visions. 
11. I ship Han with Leia, Luke and Lando in this movie. He has chemistry with all of them in this movie that reads like he has slept with each of them at some point, and I’m kinda here for it.
12. “I don’t want to lose you to the Emperor the way I lost Vader.” THIS IS A LOADED SENTENCE. I feel bad for Obi-Wan, but also, Obi-Wan is the one who left Anakin on Mustafar and decided not to take him with him, or kill him outright. 
13. “No. There is another.” Is he talking about Leia or Rey? I guess at the time Yoda was talking about the unnamed sister George Lucas was going to have Luke go looking for, before deciding that Leia would be said sister.
14. Leia’s Force sense tingles on Bespin when she paces their rooms, going “I DON’T LIKE THIS.” And she’s fuckin right.
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16. DINNER WITH THE FAMILY! “We would be honored if you would join us.” 
16 B. Shut up Anakin. You don’t even talk that way. 
17. Han’s torture scene, I’m relatively certain, was my first introduction to whump and hurt/comfort. So there you go. I am very basic. 
18. I shipped Han and Leia so, so very hard as a kid, and it was mostly because of the carbonite scene. And then...when Han gets frozen...his face is so god damned stupid. I can’t deal with how dumb he looks. 
19. I had a friend in school who didn’t like Star Wars, but knew I did. And so every chance she got, she would tell me that Han was stupid. As a wee one, I was very upset and offended by this. As an adult, I realize that she’s totally right, but I love that grumpy himbo fuck anyways.
20. I love that there are weird, gross Dagobah stains on Luke’s flight suit. 
21. Leia grabbing the door frame to tell Luke it’s a trap is such sister energy and I love it.
22. Mind fuck: Anakin dueling his own son, who is using his old lightsaber. Like. Can we talk about how twisted up Anakin had to be to go through with this fight against the child he so desperately wanted? God dammit, Anakin. Stop it.
23. lol Leia just standing there, letting Chewie choke out Lando is 1. Such a mood. and 2. Such an Anakin move. She is her father’s daughter. 
24. If Anakin knew Luke had been hanging out with Yoda, he woulda shit bricks. 
25. It is amazing to watch the hero of the story lose this fight. Because he loses really, really badly, and I feel like that’s not something we see much of in these big budget action films. At least not to this extent. 
26. 3P0′s “Wonderful!” was used in a lot of commercials for the trilogy when it was televised. It will be embedded in my brain forever.
27. Luke gets his hand lopped off in the same manner Anakin lost his arm is such...ugh. It’s another moment that Anakin could have recognized as being a sign that he should stop. 
27 B. I wanted to have a mech hand as a kid. I thought it was cool as hell to get maimed by a lightsaber. Please don’t judge me. I was 11. 
28. “I am your father.” It’s this enormous moment. One that Anakin squanders on the Dark Side. 
29. Luke would rather die than join the Dark Side. Anakin once felt that same way. Damn.
30. Luke reaching out to Leia is another huge moment, where we get the feeling that there might be more to her than we’ve been told so far. Which I love. She is the only main female character in the entire trilogy, and she’s given so much to do. Princess, Rebellion Leader. And now...maybe a Force sensitive! Woo! I also love the imagery of her sitting in the pilot’s seat on the Falcon. 
31. I love that Han and Lando are so similar. “It’s not my faukt!” 
32. “Ben. Why didn’t you tell me.” Because the Jedi lie about all sorts of things because they think it’s for the best. Which...yeah. Maybe they shoulda told Luke that one sooner. 
33. Shut up, Anakin.
34. LOL Lando changed into Han’s clothes. 
35. Every movie that isn’t the Prequels has a disturbing lack of Padme mentions and allusions and I hate it. I hate that George didn’t even think about who their mother was until he absolutely had to. I hate that her shadow doesn’t loom like it should. 
35 B. It hsould fuckin’ loom.
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So I was going through my Star Wars tag, and my brain crosswired the twinswap AU with that post about how, despite their respective professions, Luke takes after Padme and Leia takes after Anakin. So I’m having thoughts like:
Leia Skywalker is gonna be sneaking out to visit Old Ben Kenobi as soon as she’s as old as Anakin was in Episode 1.
Like, Luke bowed to Uncle Owen’s wishes. Leia, full of the anger she inherited from her father, Leia who in the canon trilogy gave up all possibility of a cushy political lifestyle to be a general in the rebellion, would not, I think.
Obi-Wan’s gonna be like “shit, she takes after her father” and starts Leia's Jedi training early.
“Your father’s lightsaber. He wanted you to have it when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn’t allow it.” “My uncle doesn’t allow lots of things.” "You're still not old enough."
Prince Luke Organa is going to be as compassionate a politician as Padme, and twice as fashionable.
He joins the Rebellion simply because it’s the right thing to do.
He gets away with it for as long as he does, despite being more reckless than Leia would have been, because he also inherited his mother’s silver tongue, and has a talent for smooth-talking his way out of anything. He can stand on a ship in orbit around Tattooine, surrounded by the bodies of his rebel crew, and you would believe him when he says that he’s on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan.
He's a lot more sneaky about dropping R2-D2 the Death Star plans. He gives R2 the plans, and then sneaks off to his quarters, where it will seem more believable that he doesn't know what's going on.
Vader captures Luke on the spot less because it's unbeleivable, and more because he and the Emperor have just gotten sick of this Steamed Hams bullshit.
Basically, I'm saying he will be this radiant ball of charisma, no matter what's happening.
"Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope." "Well, he's certainly handsome."
He will smile at the Imperial interrogation-bot. "Did you know that torture has a very obvious failure state? The victim will say anything to end the pain. It doesn't have to be the truth; it just has to be what they think you want to hear."
"His resistance to the mind probe is considerable. Everything he said sounded perfect, and everything he said was a lie."
(I mean that's pretty much exactly what "they're on Dantooine" was.)
Even after Alderaan is destroyed and Dantooine is confirmed abandoned, he's able to keep stringing Vader and Tarkin along for a little while longer.
Okay let's not mince words: Leia is in a lot more danger of turning to the Dark Side, throughout the entire story. Vader and the Emperor are never particularly concerned about the possibility that she won't turn to the Dark Side, but are instead worried about how much damage she'll cause in the process, and whether they'll be remotely able to get her to join them.
Leia takes the speeder back from the still-smoking Lars farmstead back to the destroyed sandcrawler already seething. She's, like, ready to pull a Tusken Massacre on the next stormtroopers she sees.
Obi-Wan elects to wait until the next day before going to Mos Eisley to give her time to cool off. His plans change the minute he senses a disturbance in the force, as if millions of voices cried out and were suddenly silenced.
This delay has a domino effect on everyone else's plots. When Greedo and then Jabba come to strong-arm Han, he doesn't have the excuse of "just give me a little longer until I get paid", and Prince Luke is a lot closer to getting executed by the time they reach the Death Star.
The fulcrum of the love triangle is not Leia, but Han.
After getting rescued, Prince Luke flirts with everyone on the Falcon except the droids (which Chewie thinks is hilarious but he politely tells him to stop), but his Force-sensitivity eventually causes him to trail off in mid-flirt with Leia before he goes "hm, I get the feeling I shouldn't flirt with you for some reason" and she realizes that she's getting the same feeling.
Chewie and R2 both relax in a way which only now calls attention to the fact that they'd been tense.
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padme-parker · 4 years
Collide / Chapter 2
[a Star Wars x Avengers crossover]
summary: You get interrogated by the Jedi Council and some calls home are made.
word count: 3,700+
warnings: my shitty writing, a few curse words, plot holes
A/N: I might’ve forgotten to edit some things out lol my bad, also this chapter is really messy but I will come back to fix it once I get the hang of writing for a series
Song(s) of the chapter: Creep by Radiohead, Home with you by FKA Twigs, and Softly by Clairo.
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read chapter one here
“Is it alright to feel this way so early? And in my blood, all the sweet nothings fallin' in love overnight” -Softly by Clairo
Anakin was walking amongst the halls with Master Obi-wan and Master Yoda when he felt it, a disturbance in the force. Obi-wan turned to him, “Do you feel it too?” Anakin had merely nodded before taking out his holo device, bringing up a map of the Jedi Temple. His eyes quickly scanned it before finding something out of place, “Look, it’s an unrecognized heat signature in the lower levels of the temple.” Of all the years he’d been living in the temple, he had never visited the lower levels. He knew of its existence and that only certain Jedi, like Master Yoda, could enter. However, he never understood why it was forbidden to enter.
“Master Yoda, what should we do?”
“Go down, you must. Alert the others, I will.” He gave Master Yoda a nod before taking off with Obi-wan. Using the holo map to guide him, he found himself in front of a large steel door. He placed his hand on the door, seeing if it’d budge, but it didn’t move an inch. Beckoning forth the force within him, he imagined the door opening. A warmth that spread from his heart to the tips of his finger, encompassing his entire being until he felt the door shift. Pushing the door open, he put away his holo device, his lightsaber now in his grasp.
“They’re close Master, I can feel it.” Obi-wan took the lead, using the force to guide him to the person they were looking for. It didn’t take the two very long to find them, well more like her. Anakin took notice as to how she was gripping onto the wall for dear life. With her back to them, he couldn’t see her face. Only the outline of her figure, clad in all black. Who are you?
Obi-wan ignited his saber, Anakin following. “Stop right there! Turn around and face us sith!” Oh, so apparently I’m a sith now. Anakin furrowed his eyebrows, why could he hear her thoughts? His ears picked up on the approaching footsteps, as he felt the other Jedi enter the room, his shoulders slightly tensing.
The girl raised her arms slowly, showing defeat. Turning around, his eyes immediately found hers. He watched as her eyes moved across the room until they landed on his. He let his eyes widen for a fraction of a second, before composing himself. He realizes that he’s seen her before, in his dreams. The ones where her beauty overtook him, and they’d spend their time together in the meadows. When he dreamt about her, he felt at peace. He felt whole. Even after waking up, only to find Padme at his side, he could still feel her lingering touch. He had always wondered why the force was showing him visions of her, of their future together. Now, he knew why. He felt a tug in his chest, the force insisting that he move closer. To take you in his embrace and never let go.
He watched as you blinked, licking your lips before uttering his name. He watched as your knees buckled, sending you to the floor. He watched as your eyes shut, your body going limp.
It’s you.
He was angry at the force. Why would they send him to you, after he had gotten married to the love of his life. The force had also shown him visions of Padme and him, their life together. He knew it was one full of joy and happiness, the force assured him of that.
“Anakin? Anakin, I asked you a question,” He was broken out of his reverie by Obi-wan, “Do you know that girl?”
“No, I don’t know her.”
Anakin found himself in your room, the steady beeping of the machine was beginning to frustrate him. He needed you to wake, he needed to know why you were here, in this exact moment. Why not earlier? Before he had fallen in love with Padme? He wasn’t sure, all he knew was that he couldn’t leave Padme, especially now that she was carrying his child.
He walked closer to your bed, before sitting on the edge of it. He observed your face, she looks the same. She even smelt the same, like a meadow of flowers with a hint of something fruity. He took his time to observe you, not knowing if he’d ever see you again. What was the Jedi Counsel going to do to you? He gently brushed a lock of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear. Brushing his knuckles softly over your cheeks, he was interrupted by his holo device pinging. Signaling that he was needed elsewhere. He didn’t want to leave your side, but he has a life to get back to. He looked at you one last time before swiftly turning away, leaving you alone once more.
A few hours later, you regained consciousness. Sound was the first sense that came back to you, and all you could hear was the stupid beeping of the machine. The next sense that came was sight. Your eyes scanned around the room, noticing the IV that was hooked onto you, along with the heart rate monitor attached to your index finger. Using your free hand, you ripped off the monitor and IV, the beeping of the machine stopped, only to be replaced by a flatline sound. Oh my stars, does this thing ever shut up. Before you could make it to the door, it flew open. Obi-wan, Anakin, and Master Yoda walked in.
“Where do you think you’re going, sith.” Obi-wan asked.
You titled you head to the side, “What makes you think I’m a sith?”
“What other force user would be able to cunningly sneak into the temple unnoticed?” Although his face was completely serious, his voice held a sarcastic tone. “Besides, who wears all black in a Jedi temple?” You gave him a pointed look.
“Uh, Anakin. Duh.” Turning to face Anakin, you also gave him a pointed look. Both brows furrowed as you called him out.
“And exactly how do you know Anakin?” Right, you forgot that they were going to question you. Luckily for you, Fury had gone over the plan with you a couple of times, so you knew what to do.
“I’ll tell you, only if you bring me to the Jedi council.”
Standing in front of the council was more intimidating than you thought. Especially when your eyes landed on Master Windu’s. You couldn’t tell who was scarier, Fury or Windu. As intimidated as you were, you were also amazed. Gazing through the windows, you could see the flying shuttles and speeders, something Earth certainly didn’t have.
“Right Miss…” There was a pause, they waited for you to say your name.
Remember, no real names. Why? ‘Cause Fury said so, “Alyra.”
“Just Alyra? No last name?” Obi-wan questioned
“Yep,” the pop of your ‘p’ echoed throughout the silent room, “Just Alyra. No middle or last name. Mysterious right?” You said, wiggling your eyebrows, trying to lighten the mood. When no one laughed or cracked a slight smile, you gave them a tight smile. Right, the Jedi don’t like having fun.
“So Miss Alyra, please do tell us why you’re here.” Fu- Master Windu’s voice booms, showing that he isn’t in the mood for jokes.
“It’s extremely vital that you explain to the Jedi Council the reasoning for your arrival. And I don’t care how much you admire that Anakin Skywalker, don’t do anything that will forever alter their timeline. We need him to turn, because we need the Death Star.”
“So, you want me to watch and do nothing as Anakin suffers? Absolutely nothing. Also, how the hell am I supposed to acquire the Death Star?”
“Correct, I trust that you can do that. Right, agent L/N? As for the Death Star, just make sure you get close to Skywalker, close enough that he won’t kill you when he turns, but not too close.” You assumed Fury hadn’t watched any of the prequels because Anakin killed and pushed away literally everyone who was close to him.
You swallowed before swiftly nodding, “right.” you replied. Your mouth had gotten dry all of a sudden. You’d be damned if Fury thought you weren’t going to do anything to help Anakin. You couldn’t imagine yourself holding the knowledge of their future, Anakin’s future, and not doing anything to help. You didn’t know what you were going to do, but you sure as hell knew that you weren’t going to sit around idly. Something had to change.
How were you supposed to explain to the Council that billions of lives were being threatened, and that the only way to save them was through a weapon that doesn’t exist yet. On top of that, it was a weapon created by the empire. There was no way Fury’s plan was going to work without questions arising, so you created a plan of your own. Of course one that Fury would approve of.
“I’m here because not only is my planet being threatened, but so is yours, and every other planet in this universe. The only way to stop it from happening is if you train me.”
“Before we can even decide on if we should train you or not, please do tell us, how did you find out about our existence.” Taking a deep breath, you composed yourself before telling them the story.
“Long ago, there was a Jedi named George Lucas.” You glanced at Master Yoda, noticing his eyes light up as he remembered him. “He was a powerful Jedi, gifted with foresight. Almost always, his visions came true. One night, he dreamt of the destruction of Coruscant and it’s people. At the time, he didn’t know that it didn’t only affect Coruscant, but the whole universe. Scared of being caught in the destruction, he warned his friends, Jedi or not. Together they fled using the bridge, coming to my home planet. There, they started their new lives. George Lucas then created comics and movies to serve as a reminder to himself and his friends of their home. He did his best to replicate Coruscant, but I must say, it’s more beautiful in person.” I can’t wait to see Naboo though. You smiled, a frown soon emerging. This means that I can never tell Anakin of his future, not even a little. They wouldn’t believe me.
You cleared your throat before speaking again, “If that’s all, I’d like to go for a walk.” You waited for one of the Jedi to reply.
“Alright, you have 30 minutes. We expect you to be back once those 30 minutes are over. In the meantime, we will be discussing your stay here.” Master Windu said, waving his hand to dismiss you.
Quickly walking out of the room, you began to wander around aimlessly. You took in your surroundings, admiring the new environment. Who knows, you were probably going to hate it as time passed. The vibration coming from your chest startled you, picking up the necklace you pressed the button. A hologram of Director Fury and Mr. Stark came up.
“Hey kid, how are you holding up in there?”
“Well, I think I’ve got everything under control. I’ve told them about the mission,” well not really, “So far, everything is going as planned.”
“Alright agent L/N, if that is all, I’ll be ending the call no-”
“Wait, wait, wait! Can I speak to Peter, pretty puhhhleasee! Come on Fury, you owe me this.” You watched as Fury rolled his eyes and huffed out a fine, soon after Peter came into frame. “O. M. G. Peter you’ll never guess where I am.” You panned the device around the hall, showing off the Jedi Temple.
“Holy crap! You're in the freaking Jedi Temple. That’s so cool!” You heard feet shuffling behind you, “Hey, I’ve gotta go, but I’ll call you later Peter. See ya!” You shut off the device before a voice was heard behind you.
“Were you talking to someone?” Anakin’s voice rang out from behind you, turning around you found him resting against a pillar, looking casual as ever.
“Yes I was, Mr. Skywalker. However, that information doesn’t concern your prying ears.” you smirked.
“And that is where you are wrong Miss Alyra. You see it does in fact concern me, do you think the Jedi Council knows of this device.” He strided up to you, gently grasping your necklace. You were able to get a good whiff of his scent, he smelt like strawberries and cinnamon. It was a peculiar combination but it worked together. Honestly, that was probably the most attractive thing about him, besides his face. You could stare at it all day. There was just something so mesmerizing about his face, it demanded your attention.
“Why are you staring at my face?” He asked
“Hmm, oh nothing. I just thought I’d never see you in real life.”
“Real life? What do you mean in real life?” His brows furrowed, making the scar on his face more prominent. Shit, not even a day in Coruscant and you had already blown your cover, “Have you,” He inhales deeply before continuing, “Have you seen me in your dreams too?”
Wait, what? Sure, maybe you had a sexual dream about him every once in a while, but you didn’t expect him to dream about you too. “Umm, yes…?” It’s too late to stick to the original plan now.
“So, you’ve seen it then? Visions of us, in the meadow?”
“Yes, I was… unaware that you were having these dreams too. I thought I was going crazy.” Maybe you are.
“Well, we’ve only known each other for a short period of time, so it wouldn’t be plausible for you to know. However, I do suggest we talk about this tomorrow. I’m afraid we have to get back to the council now.” He motioned for you to go first, following closely behind you. The two of you walked in a comfortable silence until the doors of the Council came into view.
“Well, here goes nothing.”
“The Jedi Council has come to the decision that we will train you,” You let out a breath, “But you need to tell us of the threat first.”
“In my system, there is a moon filled with powerful beings. Their greediness and selfishness will ultimately lead to their demise. There was a famine, the poor and weak struggled the most, while the strong thrived for a short amount of time. However, once the food was all gone, everyone perished. Except for one. His name is Thanos. Struck with grief, he sought after power. Enough power to eliminate half of the universe. He…. He wants to spare us the grief of losing our loved ones to selfishness, but fails to realize how much anguish we will be in if half of the universe just disappears. That’s why we need your help. Without your knowledge and technology, we wouldn’t be able to save the universe. But once my training is over, I will need others to help me.” There was a pause, you let the words sink in before speaking again, “Like I said, they are powerful beings. But even they cannot survive a famine. The only reason Thanos survived was because he was exiled. An acquaintance of mine saw this, through a vision. So it hasn’t happened yet, but it will soon. So the sooner I can get trained, the better. But I will need others to train with me too. I cannot take down a titan alone.”
“It’s settled then, Kenobi and Skywalker, you will train alongside Alyra to help her. We will send more Jedi if needed.” After Master Windu dismissed the council, Obi-wan came up to you to formally introduce himself. Of course, he didn’t need to, you had already known who everyone was. But for the sake of the plan, you had to act like you didn’t.
“Hello there! I am Obi-wan Kenobi. I’d like to apologize for my behaviour earlier.”
“Oh, there’s no need to apologize. But thanks I guess.”
“I assume no one has shown you to your quarters yet?” You nod, “Let me show you the way then.”
Anakin watched as the two of you left, a gentle laugh escaping your lips. Although Obi-wan’s hands were clasped behind his back, Anakin didn’t like the way he was so close to you. The furrow of his brows were noticeable as he felt the jealousy grow in him. Snap out of it, you just met her. He took big strides in order to catch up to the two of you.
“Hey! Wait up.” Hearing Anakin's voice made the two of you stop in your tracks. “Where are you two heading?”
“I was just going to take Miss Alyra to her quarters. Anyhow, since your quarters seem to be closer to hers, I think you should take her instead.” Obi-wan stated, giving Anakin the information he needed before leaving.
“Well, it looks like your room is right across from mine.” He began to lead the way, taking smaller steps to make sure you kept up.
“Tell me Anakin, what’s it like living on Coruscant?” You’d been curious, life as an avenger was grueling, although you did travel many places for missions, it was never for leisure. Living in New York for most of your life, you lacked knowledge about culture and life in general outside of America. So being in a new environment like Coruscant was quite exciting to you, but it was also scary. Give or take a few Jedi, some senators, and siths; you barely knew anyone.
“Well, I’m not gonna say I love it, because I don’t. But Coruscant does have its perks. There are many different cultures here, you’ll never get tired of it. Plus there’s no sand here, I fucking hate sand. It just-”
“-gets everywhere. Yeah I don’t like sand either. There’s a lot of branches and broken shells in it, making it hard to walk on.” You finished his sentence for him. Not realizing what you said before it was already out of your mouth, you gave him a sheepish smile. Anakin gave you a smile in return.
As your quarters came into view, Anakin grew nervous. He didn’t want the conversation to end, “About tomorrow, how about I pick you up for some breakfast, then we can explore the lower levels of Coruscant while you tell me about your home?”
You looked to the floor, biting your lip to keep you from smiling like an idiot, “Yeah, I’d really like that.” you continued to stare at the floor as you felt your cheeks heat up. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Anakin.” Finally meeting his gaze, you gave him a small smile.
“Sweet dreams, Alyra.” You watched as Anakin disappeared into his room before entering yours. Truth be told, you weren’t expecting much from the Jedi. The room was moderately decorated, only containing necessities. The bed itself looked like a bag of rocks, but was surprisingly comfortable. Going into the refresher, you were delighted to find that it wasn’t some outdated 90’s looking bathroom, but a more modern one. There was a single sink, along with some counter space where you could put your toiletries. A circular mirror was hanging above the sink, giving the bathroom some style. Everything in the bathroom had been so monotone, the same shade of white. Except the shower curtain, which was a very light gray.
Walking out of the bathroom, you noticed a door which presumably led to your closet. In it you found Jedi robes already hanging, there was also some sleep wear too. The robe itself was black, just like Anakins. However your clothing had been variations of white and gray. What a weird combination for a Jedi. It felt weird to be calling yourself a Jedi, it just didn’t feel right.
You decided to take a quick shower before calling Peter again. Turning on the shower, you watched as the water fell from the shower head attached to the ceiling. To your disbelief, the water was already hot when you jumped in. You thought it would’ve taken a while for it to warm up or that the Jedi absolutely loved taking cold showers. They hadn’t given you any shampoo or body wash, so you just let the hot water do its magic. I should probably tell Ani that I need some tomorrow while we're in the lower levels. Stepping out, you hastily dried yourself before putting on your night clothes.
Sitting on the bed, you took off your necklace. Pressing the button to turn on the device, you scrolled through the hologram screen until Peter’s name came up. Clicking on his name, you waited for it to connect. After a couple of seconds waiting, the video connected.
“Y/N!” He said eagerly
“Hi Peter! How are you? It feels like ages since I last saw you.” It had been only mere hours since you had left, while for you it’d been almost two days.
“Honestly things have been...okay. It’s just not the same without you around y’know?” You could hear the hesitation in his voice, as if he was hiding something.
“What do you mean okay? What happened?”
“I meant to tell you this before you left, but everything happened so quickly, and then you were gone before I knew it.” He pauses, taking a deep breath, “Umm…. MJ and I broke up.”
“What, why? Peter what happened?” Before he could answer, the hologram disappeared and the call ended. You tried to call him back but the call wouldn’t go through. Giving up, you let out a sigh. It’s probably for the best, I need to get some sleep.
Crawling into the covers, you situated yourself before finding a comfortable position. Thoughts of Peter and Mj lingered throughout your mind as you tried to fall asleep. You decided not to think about them for the rest of the night, and instead think of your day tomorrow with Anakin. Soon your breathing slowed down, a smile could be seen on your lips as you fell asleep.
somewhere in the Star Wars galaxy
Darth Sidious sits on his throne, hood pulled up to hide his face. He too, felt the disturbance in the force. Reaching into the force, he sought to find the person responsible for the disturbance. Quickly finding his answer, he lets out a vicious cackle.
so, the last of the Andarae bloodline has returned.
read ch 3 here
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Lost and Found
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Anakin Skywalker x Reader
Summary: Set slightly before ROTS, the war with the Separatists was at an all time high. The war was being fought on all fronts, with the Jedi at the forefront of almost every battle. Anakin and his 501st regiment are on their way to meet up with Obi-Wan and his fleet to help protect a planet that’s about to be attacked by the droid army. Anakin begins to feel something in the Force, that leads him to finding something he thought was long lost.
part 01/10 “a surprise”
Word Count: 4.5k
an: so this is kinda like a mix of the movies and tcw series. as far as anakins mannerisms and development but!! i hope you enjoy, im very passionate about these star wars stories right now :) also!! don’t come at me for anakin/padme’s relationship sorry but im working around that
thank you again to @omg-i-am-lord-voldemort for reading through this. you’re the best :)
spotify playlist to listen to while you’re reading!
There was a disturbance in the Force.
It felt like a cry for help, it felt like a desperate clawing at a life that is fading. But one thing that Anakin Skywalker knew was that he heard his name being called for.
It happened in the dark moments of the night, the stars laid out around the cruise ship he commanded, somewhere near the Outer Rim. He had just managed to fall asleep, but the voice still rang in his ears.
He had stirred awake, his eyes staring into the darkness of his small cabin, and he sat upwards, the blanket he had over his torso falling into his lap. He was confused, but he knew, he knew, he had heard the voice, felt it in his soul. He had tried to meditate to reconnect with that voice, that feeling, but he couldn’t find it again.
He was scheduled to meet up with Obi-Wan the following day to continue on a joint mission to an Outer Rim planet that the Separatists were attempting to invade. There was a large colony, an ally of the Republic, that was facing imminent attack by the droid army, and Obi-Wan and him were being sent to protect the people, along with the 501st squadron.
Obi-Wan stood alongside Anakin as they were being briefed on the mission at hand, but all Anakin could think about was speaking with his master about what he had felt, and if maybe he felt it too. He wasn’t paying much attention as Captain Rex went over the information they had on the colony, the man who was their elected ruler, the terrain, everything Rex had said went in one ear and out the other. Not that Anakin would ever admit that to anyone.
Finally, Obi-Wan had motioned for his padawan to follow him to their ships to leave to the planet below. Anakin’s strides matched his, and Obi-Wan was the first to speak.
“Is something troubling you?”
Anakin shook his head, “I was hoping to speak with you about something I had felt last night, there was a disturbance in the Force, I felt.. Like something, or someone, was calling for help.”
“Yes,” Obi-Wan replied, “I felt it too.”
“I had never felt something that strong,” Anakin continued, “it felt.. close. And I could’ve sworn I heard my name as well.”
“Hm,” Obi-Wan paused, as the two men waited for a lift to arrive, he stroked his beard, “I can’t say I felt that presence.”
The turbo lift had arrived and opened for them to enter. When they did it proceeded to close, and whisk them towards their ship bay.
“But I know it,” Anakin said, “someone called for me.”
The lift opened, and Anakin took a step out, and Obi-Wan followed, “You may be right, but Anakin,” he paused and Anakin looked behind him at his Master, who held a stern gaze, “please be alert on this mission, I fear we are closer to the source than anticipated.”
“Yes, Master.” Anakin answered. The two men nodded their farewells and went their separate ways - Anakin to his ship and Obi-Wan to his. Both ships were to lead a handful of Clone ships down to the surface, and to begin setting up a defense against the anticipated attack. Anakin neared his ship and nodded towards the Clones he passed on the way, and set his hands on ship, his pal R2-D2 whirled around to face him in the droid slot.
“You ready R2?” He asked, climbing into the small cockpit, and settled in for the relatively short trip down. R2 chirped happily at him, and he smiled, flipping a few switches and the engine of the aircraft coming to life. The clear top slid closed as Anakin put a lightweight headset on, and he readied his ship to lift from the ground.
“Try not to fly too hastily,” Obi-Wan’s voice rang in his ears, and Anakin just grinned.
“Can’t promise you that Master.”
The sunlight was prominent through the sparse trees that lined the ground of the city. Mostly a rocky terrain, absolutely not to be confused with Geonosis he’d say, there was a bountiful piece of land the city resided on that was home to a trickle of a river, and a few trees that stood gorgeously large in the middle of the city. The hot planet was otherwise rather calm and cool here, the old natives would say this was because of the fact it was a holy place, but he chalked it up to just being one of the planets characteristics. He was standing in front of his humbly appointed advisors, each who had their eyes locked to the ground, and watched as the Republic vessels landed before him.
How lucky for him to be the host of two Jedi and the famous 501st regime. What an honor!
He cared deeply about honor.
He watched for a moment as the two Jedi hopped out their respective ships, and the large carriers opened to reveal dozens of clone troopers. He smiled at the two gentleman who began to make their way over, and he moved to meet them halfway.
“Master Kenobi and Master Skywalker,” he greeted, clasping his hands together and bowing his head slightly, “it is the highest honor to meet you, even under the dire circumstances.”
“Governor Shuule, thank you for offering to meet with us,” Obi-Wan greeted, his padawan quiet as he observed the surroundings.
“Of course, once we were paid a visit by Count Dooku, I had to alert the Republic immediately,” he nodded as he spoke, “my highest concern is the safety of my people.”
“As is ours,” Obi-Wan replied, and the governor motioned for the two men to follow him into the polished government building.
The words leaving Governor Shuule’s mouth seemed lined with honey, sweet and silky but sticky. He spoke about how the residents of this “fine city” were those who fled their worlds seeking a safe place to call home, and every person they passed by offered a smile - yet they didn’t feel genuine.
There was a disturbance in the Force.
Anakin could still feel it! It kept him on edge, and he allowed his Master to do a majority of the speaking. His mind, on the other hand, wondered, trying to make sense of this feeling-
-that’s how most of the day had passed without him even realizing. The Governor was offering them a chance to clean up before dinner was served. But of course we’ve already sent some food for your troops, he said as they were leaving the room. Anakin let out a pent up sigh, and Obi-Wan chuckled.
“I have never seen you so pensive, Anakin.”
“I’m sorry Master,” he replied and the two began to walk down the corridor towards the exit to outside, there, Rex and Fives were standing with a couple others, discussing something, “but honestly this place gives me the chills.”
“It feels too perfect,” Obi-Wan replied, earning a nod of the head from his Padawan, and as they neared the clones, all but Rex and Fives went off to their posts, and the two remaining clones stood a little straighter, holding their helmets on their hips and ready to give their reports.
“Sir, the outside wall has been secured and set with troops around the perimeter, keeping watch for the night. Most of the civilians have been accounted-“
“Most?” Anakin interjected, receiving a nod from Fives.
“Yes sir, there’s about 3 dozen unaccounted for.”
“That’s far too many,” Obi-Wan replied, there was a happy holler from down which they came. Looking over their shoulders the Governor was waving to them from near the room they came, dinner must have been ready. The two Jedi glanced at one another, almost like reading one another’s mind, and Obi-Wan nodded, leaving Anakin alone with his troops.
“I want you two to search this place, top to bottom,” he ordered, talking lowly for only them to hear, “something feels off, and I want to know what that is. Especially with that many people just unaccounted for.”
“Yes sir,” the two clones said in almost perfect unison, and Anakin nodded, following his Masters footsteps to join the Governor and a few others for a meal.
The sun had set a while ago, the grounds were dark all along the buildings, some lights illuminating the small residential buildings, others turned off as the two clone troopers walked down the road. The city was like a large circle, making it a bit easier to know where they were going. Both men were chatting as they walked alongside one another, glancing in either direction for anything they hadn’t yet noticed.
“It’s getting late,” Fives commented at one point as they were about to round the corner back towards the front of the largest building, the center of it all, that housed the Governor.
“You heard Commander Skywalker, search top to bottom.”
“Yeah,” Fives scoffed, “search top to bottom of what? Dirt?”
Rex stopped and faced the other clone, tapping his friend on the arm, “We do what we were told, take a look again and see if we missed anything.”
“Alright alright, fine,” the other replied, and they both faced the front of the city, but Rex shoved his arm forward for his friend to stop, giving a quiet stop order, and Fives followed his gaze.
In the distance, they saw Governor Shuule exiting one of the resident buildings, glancing around for anyone who was watching. The two clones quickly stepped around the corner of the nearest building to hide in the shadows, kneeling to the ground to stay as quiet as possible. Rex quickly turned his helmet light off and peered around the corner once again.
Governor Shuule quickly moved around the corner of the door, shutting it tightly behind him and seeming to release a pent up breath. His body relaxed for a moment before straightening and spinning around to face the entrance of his own palace (although he wouldn’t call it that, it was a “home to many”).
Rex’s stomach dropped for a moment, watching the man almost float back inside, carrying himself with as much pride as Dooku did.
“What was that about?” Fives finally spoke, and Rex looked back at him.
“No idea. Wanna find out?”
“Don’t even need to ask,” Fives replied, and both clones carefully made their way to the dark home the Governor had just left.
It was a normal cottage, well as normal as the other ones had looked at least. The outer wall was made of rock, keeping with the design of the tall mountains found nearby, with a metal door and normal windows. Not suspicious at all, unless someone is sneaking out of it of course. Of course, it was locked by a hand scanner, but Rex scoffed.
“Easy,” he mumbled, pulling something from his utility belt and dusting it onto the panel. It was silent for a few moments before beeping happily, and the metal door slid open. Both clones stepped carefully inside, and activated the lights on their helmets once again.
The outside of the building made it look as if there was a large room you were entering into, but that wasn’t the case. The clones stood on a small landing, but the ground beneath them descended down into a dark pit, stairs seeming to twist around a corner. Rex took the lead, taking quiet steps down the stairs, Fives just a few steps behind.
“What do you think he is keeping down here?” Fives questioned, earning a shrug from his companion.
“Something he doesn’t want us to know about,” Rex offered.
The stairs seemed to just keep spiraling, leading the two men deeper and deeper into the ground. The rocky texture was similar to the rest of the planet, with a hung light every once in awhile. How anyone could see down here without proper light, they didn’t know. The deeper they went, there were noises that seemed to resonate louder with each step.
Rex lifted his hand and stopped walking, Fives halting his movements and glancing down, “What is it?”
“There’s an opening,” Rex replied, motioning to the few steps left that were brightly lit, indicating an opening that had some source of light in it. The noise they could make out clearly now sounded like chatter around a room, “Proceed with caution, we don’t know what we’re about to walk into.”
“Yes, sir,” Fives replied, and the two made their final steps down, not prepared for what they were about to see.
The room was a large cave, littered with what they could imagine were the 30 missing souls. There were so many different species, and as they stepped down into the opening, in awe, a group off to the side turned around.
“What the-“
“Clones! We’re saved!”
“They’ve found us!”
Voices began to radiate in the rocky cavern, and with a glance between the two, Rex and Fives took a couple steps forward towards the group that was approaching them. A Twilek, a couple humans, and a Quarren stood in front of them.
“What is going on here?” Rex questioned.
“Shuule has imprisoned us down here,” the Quarren replied, his voice hoarse, “many of us are sick, in desperate need of medical attention.”
“How many of you are there?” Fives asked next.
“Thirty in total,” the Twilek spoke next, her eyes were dark and droopy, “about a dozen are sick, we haven’t eaten in days.”
Fives looked to Rex, who glanced only for a moment at him, “Why would Shuule hide his own people down here with no food?”
“His people..” a human voice managed from the back, causing the Twilek and Quarren to move out of the way. Behind them stood a human female, whose face looked hollow around the cheeks, and skin that had hints of purple like they were freezing. Definitely the worst of the crowd, they were being helped stood up by another on their side.
“Shuule has made his mark in this world by.. by stealing people from their homes.. families,” their voice shook with each word, and as they spoke the crowd only seemed to grow, “and bringing them here to be his slaves.”
Anakin hated slave owners. It made his skin crawl and blood boil when Rex told him over their comm links. Obi-Wan and Anakin had excused themselves when their commas blinked green, indicating a message coming in. Obi-Wan quickly turned to his Padawan, who he had to grasp onto.
“That dirty, no good lying son of a-“
“Anakin!” Obi-Wan’s voice was more forceful this time, making his Padawan stop, breathing heavily with his fists clenched, “We cannot make a hasty judgement right now, we don’t know what Shuule is capable of.”
“Oh I can tell you what he’s capable of that disgusting-“
“Our best course of action,” he interrupted, “is to have Rex and Fives evacuate those who are locked away, get them to a medical ship and then the rest to safety. Return them to their homes if we can.”
Anakin shook his head, finally letting out a more calmed tone of voice, “You’re right, Master. We‘ll distract him, and have the men evacuate those people.”
Looking at the same rocky walls everyday was torture in a new way. And you had been a slave on Tatooine until you were of age and your parents debts were paid off. Needless to say, these orange rocks made you feel crazier then the hot sand of your early life.
You were the first to revolt against Shuule. You had earned you freedom from Tatooine and he stole that from you the day before you were set to leave that desert planet. You were tired of having to wait hand and foot on a man you had hoped to just perish one day.
It’s what he deserved for everything he had done, to everyone here.
You said no to his orders, stunning him and others. He turned around so quickly with his hand fiercely against your face. It had stung, but you didn’t back down.
You said no.
He promptly locked you down here. It was a shock that he had it ready for a situation like this but you weren’t surprised, he was capable of the dirtiest and lowest of things. The first two nights you curled into a ball against this stupid rock and didn’t sleep much.
He visited you two days later, carrying food and water on a silver platter and kneeling in front of you. He had honey eyes and a somber look on his face, offering your sad soul the water first. You took it. That was your mistake. He let you finish everything, really you had inhaled it but there was no difference, with a smug grin. That was when he told you.
“You chose this ending my love.. but don’t worry, the poison should work soon enough.”
You were dying. That bastard poisoned you, and almost everyone else who came down here. You had tried to warn them not to eat the food, and some had listened, but the call of hunger was too strong for some. It had only been a few days, most surviving off just water but we all knew that wouldn’t be able to last forever.
“What are we going to do?” your Quarren friend asked. There was a group of you, the first ones who had been down here, that were looked to as leaders. The ones who wanted to revolt in the first place. Ultimately, the ones who caused this mess.
“Someone will come. Someone will find us,” you managed, your voice weak and you rested your back against another’s.
“How do you know that?”
“I have hope,” you smiled.
Then here they were. The clones now identified as Commander Rex and Fives. They walked around, scanning everyone and counting each head. As soldiers do. When they came to you, Fives was the one to speak to you first.
“What’s your name?”
“(Y/N),” you managed. Your group of friends surrounded you, letting you rest against the rocky wall, your arms laid in your lap and your eyes tired. They looked at you with pity.
You hated that.
“And your last name?” Rex had asked.
You shook your head, “Don’t-“ you closed your eyes, your breath hitching in your throat.
“It’s okay,” Fives places his heavy hand over yours, “we’re going to help you. I promise.”
You nodded, opening your eyes to meet the face of the two men before you, “I know.. I knew you would come.”
“You did,” Rex more so said then asked.
You offered a weak smile, “Maybe not you two specifically.. but I knew someone would. Better now than later.”
“Was that a joke?” Gives asked you, earning a nod from you in response. They chuckled for a moment, before there was a sudden shake in the ground.
“That can’t be good,” Fives commented, both of them standing and placing their helmets on.
“Go up and see what the devil is going on,” Rex commanded. Fives responded with a yes sir and hurried back up the stairs. Others in the cave began to chatter, and your friends all knelt down to help you up.
You felt you didn’t have much longer, but maybe if you could just manage up those stairs-
Rex stood and put his helmet back on, and Fives was scurrying back down, “Sir! The door is blocked. The droids have attacked the city, General Kenobi has sent some of the others to secure the rest of the people, but we cannot get out the way we came.”
Those nearby began to talk louder, what were they to do now? Rex looked all around, before noticing in the distance what seemed to be an opening, maybe a way out. He pointed where the cave opened to darkness.
“Where does that lead?” He asked.
“That.. It shouldn’t go anywhere.” One of your friends answered.
“Well we need to try,” Rex said, “we have to try and get out of here, and survive. It’s our best bet.”
You nodded in agreement, struggling to hold yourself up even with the help of others. They were weak as well, but Captain Rex and Fives were quick to hold you upright. They motioned for your friends to let them help you, and they obliged.
“Thank you,” you said to them both.
“We wouldn’t dream of leaving you behind,” Fives commented, earning a small laugh from you. That made him smile beneath his helmet, all while Rex shook his head. Not the time or place, he thought.
People hurried down the dark cave opening, it was almost like a perfectly made hallway. Where did it go? No one knew. The only lights guiding them were produced from the helmets of the clone troopers. It felt like you were walking forever, but maybe that was just because your strength was leaving your body. A couple times the men had to almost lift you enough that your feet glided across the ground.
You told yourself you would not die on this planet.
The crowd seemed to come to a stop, the people in front of you becoming more and more vocal. Rex and Fives, while carrying you at this point, had to push their way through the crowd.
Your stomach dropped at the sight, maybe even theirs as well. The cave did come to a large opening.
But it was completely blocked by boulders. Something must have caved in. Needless to say, you were trapped. Some people began to weep. The ground still occasionally shook as a battle raged up top, some words filtered through your mind.
We’re trapped!
I can’t go back, my legs are too weak.
I just want to go home.
“Put me down,” you mustered, earning a glance from Rex, “please just put me down.”
They set you back down enough to where your feet touched the ground, your legs wobbled a bit under the pressure, but you released your arms that were hung around each clones shoulders. You took a step forward, and those around you parted slightly.
“(Y/N)-“ a voice said, you’re not too sure who said it, not in that moment.
“I’m not dying like this,” you said, pausing only for a moment as the rest of the people in front of you, “we are not dying like this. Not here, not in this place,” you were finally in front of everyone gazing at the rocks in front of you, “I had hope and I could feel someone would come and find us, and I’m not giving that hope up.”
You had never done this before. Not really. It was only ever just a feeling that you would follow. You took a breath and with closed eyes, you just focused on that feeling. You didn’t know what you were doing, but the silence you had once heard filled your ears in a tone that felt like you were fading yourself.
But then your skin felt warm.
Your eyes fluttered open only for a moment, and the rocks that were once in front of you were know gone, seemingly placed somewhere else in the canyon that was now opened to you. Those around you hurried past you, but your legs buckled from below you.
Rex was the one who caught you before you hit the ground, your eyes closed tightly and skin cool to the touch. What he had just witnessed was something he believed only a Jedi could do. The com on his wrist blinked green, Fives was busy keeping everyone together, and checking on those who had to lower themselves to the ground to sit.
“Captain Rex, please come in,” the voice called. He could recognize it as General Skywalker any day, he knelt down as he held you in his free arm.
“Sir, we’ve managed to get out the cave, but-“
“That’s great, we’re sending a medical transport to your location now.”
“Yes sir,” Rex replies into the com, “but General-“
“We can discuss it when we return to the ship, but right now we need to focus on getting everyone to safety, and Shuule in for his conviction.”
“Yes, sir,” he replied, focusing down at your nearly lifeless body.
How did you get here?
When your eyes finally reopened you were in a bed, a blanket over top your body, and the room was large, fitting multiple people in a row on each of your sides. Your head fell to the side as you tried to find something of familiarity, only seeing a medical droid a few beds down, along with the clone you had come to know as Fives. He glanced up at just the right moment, saying something to the droid, before making his way over.
“How’re we feeling?” he asked you. Your head rolled back so you were looking straight at the ceiling, the medical droid coming over to read your vitals.
“I feel.. Good. Better than before,” you answered, earning a nod and small smile.
“I’ve been tasked with trying to locate everybody’s home worlds, and finding them a way back to their families, so can you tell me-”
“I don’t have a home,” you cut him off, your eyes were locked with his but he diverted them away from yours. He cleared his throat, and moved out the way as the medical droid asked you if he could sit you upright. You nodded, pushing yourself up on your elbows as it adjusted your pillows, and helped you slide backwards into a sitting position.
“Where were you hoping to go then?”
You thought about it for a moment, “I don’t really know.. When I was freed I had bought passage on the next ship out, I didn’t care where. I was going to look for someone.”
“And who was that?” he asked you.
Anakin was walking alongside his Master towards the bay they had converted into a place to house the refugees. The two were engrossed in a conversation, being followed by Rex behind them. They were heading to follow up with Fives about what he has documented so far. Anakin had to postpone his debriefing with Captain Rex for the moment as they awaited new orders about getting these people back to their homes.
Obi-Wan had told Anakin he was proud of him and how he handled Shuule, and not letting his anger dictate his actions. Anakin nodded, but he was still disgusted with the whole ordeal. He had yet to completely process the last 24 hours, especially with his lack of sleep, but he did feel more at ease.
The Force felt oddly calm.
The doors to the bay opened for the three man group, and they entered still having a casual discussion.
“The Council will have to act fast in this regard,” Obi-Wan was commenting. Anakin nodded, and they neared where Fives stood, “they may decide to send smaller vessels, avoid any kind of detection-”
Anakin paused. No one besides Padme called him Ani, but it certainly was not her voice that quietly filled the room. It was uncertain, laced with a sweetness he hadn’t heard in awhile. Everyone was watching, and Anakin’s body faced the source of the voice. His mouth parted slightly in confusion, processing what was in front of him.
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