#...do i tag fucken all of them here??? i guess
indigo6f00ff · 5 months
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team bordtress 2
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slashingdisneypasta · 5 months
MultiVillains x Reader || Reactions
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Topic: You move into an apartment in a dodgy neighbourhood.
Characters Included: (Rarin'-to-Fuck) Buck, Dr Peter Andover, Erik Destler, Freddy Krueger, Bonus!Jason Voorhees, Ian Essko, Bonus!Madame Blavatski, Inkubus, Jim Bickerman, Bonus!Reba, Doom Room's MC, Minister Kratski, Stuart Lloyd, Wayne Jackson, Bonus!Norman Tyrus and Bonus!Dale Acton.
Tagging: @ghouletka , @grav3yardgirl , @marinerainbow , @masqueradeball , @thecourtofgraywaves , @yesthetrashbin and @your-mxnd-is-mxne .
Rarin'-To-Fuck Buck: *Stays right by the window where he can see his car so it doesn't get stolen* "Uh... nice place... " (You: Thank you! I was so jazzed to find it on the market!, it has a dishwasher and everythin- ) "I was kidding Y/N this place is a fucken dump. Lets go- "
Dr Peter Andover: "... no." (You: What. But- ) "We have rooms at the clinic, you can stay there." (You: I cant live at the clinic- ) "Ohhh yes you can."
Erik Destler: "Oh, this is near to the brothel I used to- Ehem. I mean, Y/N this is a very nice, uh... home... you found, here... " || He wants to sweep you away but also he doesn't want you questioning him on that first bit XD So I guess he's just gonna have to stalk you all the time ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ With love. For your safety.
Freddy Krueger: "You couldn't find an actual house?? Oh, and wouldja look at that! Guys with guns. *Waiving out the window* Hey fellas- " (You: Newsflash Fred its not the 60's anymore old man and you cant just b u y a h o u s e !! And put your hand down- )
Jason Voorhees: *Nope. No- Jason will not let you stay here XD He takes one look around, picks you up, and leaves.*
Ian Essko: "What filthy-fucking-hell... Oh! Wait wait wait- " (You: Don't you dare take out that black light Ian.) "What? Afraid of what you'll find in this house of horror!??"
Madame Blavatski: "Oh- this is nice. Lovely. I lived in a home just like this in my stripping days in Russia! Very lovely, very good. And you have drug dealers just two doors down, which is convenient. I already visited, they're very nice boys, and I bought you welcome-to-area 'blow'- da? They even gave discount!" *head pats*
Inkubus: *He's very calm, listening to you talk about it and show him all around, until the very end* "Y/N, love, may I ask something of you right now?" (You: Oh- sure? ^^) "Wonderful. Uh, don't be here between eleven and 3 tomorrow." (You: Why?- ) "Mmm, no particular reason... do you think these beams are good and flammable?" || If it is not clear- the man is going to burn your apartment building down so you don't live here, anymore.
Jim Bickerman: *He's been walking around peering out the windows shaking his head. When he finally looks at you waiting for his thoughts, he flashes a big smile.* "We're going gun shopping." (You: Oh no we are NOT- )
Reba: (You: So! ^^ What do you think?) "... well I noticed the police station a block away, I liked that feature."
The Doom Room's MC: "Well its better then my place, at least."
Minister Kratski: *not getting outta the limo*
Stuart Lloyd: "Y/N I saw some hooligans just down the street with switchblades. I don't think this area is safe." (You: Oh don't worry, I have a plan! ^^) "*Genuinely relieved* oh, great. Wh- what is it?" (You: I got these really big ass boots from the charity store- and I'm going to keep them just outside my door so everyone walking by thinks a lumberjack lives here!) "... ... Y/N- "
Wayne Jackson: *He's very quiet. Just wandering in and out of rooms, lookin' around* (You: ... Wayne, is everything okay?) "... preeetty sure I lived here in the 70's. Cant be sure, though." (You: Oh- ) *Pulls an open door away from a wall* "Ah! I did! Heheh, I made that w in bullet holes."
Norman Tyrus: "... no." (You: Norman- ) "Nope." (You: Not another place, Norman- ) "You're moving. You're not staying here." (You: I'm gonna stop showing you my new places.) "How about ya just find a place that doesn't have bullet holes in the front fucken door?" Dale Acton: "OH!!! I know those guys upstairs, I used to buy coke from them a couple years back! Until a deal fell through at least... hey, don't tell 'em you're with me. You'll be fine. We probably shouldn't be seen together, though, so uh... bye babe- "
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hey sweetie! could u write changbin X reader who is insecure about her body (not fitness as her sweet binnie hehe)! tnks :)
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Thank you for the request, i love this request always a sucker for a good fluff.
Changbin x Reader
Word count: 1k
Warnings : None at all ( maybe a little body shaming)
Taglist: @9900z @daceydeath (let me know if you would like to be tagged in any upcoming posts)
*Beep Beep Beep*
“Oh fuck off,” you say, rolling over and smacking down your alarm. You move out of bed and put on your workout clothes. “God, will this ever end” you hated working out; however, you needed to do it. 
You drive into the gym and spot changbin’s car, “he’s here already,” surprised he’s usually later than this. You walk around to the back of the car and grab your towel and wrist wraps. Walking into the gym, changbin spots you through the window into the foyer. He takes his headset out and waves to you. There are two people you’ve never seen before “hey, beautiful “, changbin smiles. You are so grateful that changbin is here because the two new men’s eyes follow you from the foyer to the weight room. 
The reason you usually come this early to the gym is to avoid people. Just something about people watching you while you work out makes you self-conscious. “You okay?” Changbin says, checking over his shoulder, assuming you feel uncomfortable with the two new arrivals. 
“Yeah, I’m okay, let’s just start” you start to wrap your wrists with the straps. 
Changbin becomes tense the more you two work out. “Bin isn’t working out meant to make you less tense.” 
“Huh?….oh yeah, I’m good,” he said, shaking his head; however, he couldn’t stop looking over at the two men who were now whispering and laughing. 
They both grab their towels and walk past you on the way out. “You’re so right. She is pretty for a fat girl” they both laughed, and you could see changbin stand up in anger. 
“Are you fucken kidding me…who says that to someone” he walks up to them, sizing them up as he gets closer. 
“What are you her boyfriend or something,” one of them says as he makes eye contact with changbin. You couldn’t help but feel upset. It had been a long time since anyone had spoken to you like that, and even though you had lost so much weight, people still saw you as fat. You ran past them and straight into the bathrooms. 
“You guys are dicks…she’s trying, and you two are just a bunch of fuck heads,” he says, walking into the bathroom after you. 
“Y/n, please don’t listen to two of those guys you are doing so well” he located the stall you were in and rested his head against it. 
“What’s the point bin… I wake up every day to come to this stupid gym to continue to be called fat” changbins heart broke. He had watched you become strong and healthy over the last few months. He enjoyed working out with you. It was why he woke up in the morning and came to the gym. He knew you would be there with a smile on your face to greet him. He had started to catch feelings for you. Watching how determined you were to lose all of this weight inspired him. 
“Please do think like that”, you decided to unlock the stall door. Changbin walks in and bends down, grabbing some toilet paper. 
“You have been working so hard...don't let those dickheads affect you like this” he wipes your eyes. It was somewhat gross, considering but was toilet paper but also sweet. 
“You look so pretty when you cry... it's unfair” he smiles as he brushes your cheek. 
“You're just saying that....you don't mean it” you laugh at how embarrassing you must look. 
“Can I be honest with you right now?” he said; he looked earnest. 
“Sure”, you were interested in hearing what he had to say. 
“When I came in this morning…I was pissed that those two guys were here…because I was going….I guess I was gonna let you know how I felt…I mean, how I feel” could this be what you think it is, is changbin confessing he has feelings for you in a gym stall? 
You look at him in shock, and he pauses to collect his thoughts. 
“Changbin?….did you maybe want to continue this outside of a bathroom stall” he stood up and brushed his hand on his pants. 
“Yes, please, I’d rather not have this discussion here” he puts his hand out and walks you back into the foyer. 
“So you were going to tell me how you feel” you smile at him, but suddenly he gets so shy. 
“I u-um just really want to say I am so proud of you and how far you have come…when you first got here, I used to hate coming to the gym… but lately I have enjoyed being here because of you…..and god I can’t control myself anymore I just want to kiss you right now” you both can’t believe that came out of changbins mouth right now. 
“I think you are gorgeous…your hips, your thighs, your tight ass, just everything about you when you walked in that morning, it was like god answered all my prays” there he was, the man of your dreams standing in front of you confessing his feeling for you. You started to get a feeling inside your stomach. The fact he wanted to kiss you right now was all you could think about. 
“You want to kiss me?” Was that all you could get out? 
Changbin just laughed because, after everything, he just complimented you. He lost you when he said he wanted to kiss you. “Is that all you heard?”
He walked forward and placed his hand on your cheek. This was it. You had been dreaming about this moment when a guy would confess his undying love for you and then place a kiss soon your lips. Mind you weren’t in a gym, but you’ll take the win. 
He leans in and brushed his nose against yours before closing the gap with his lips. His lips were so soft and felt like clouds that you could feel butterflies rising in your stomach as more changbin settled into the kiss. 
“I have waited for so long for that….can I ask you just one more thing?” He said with his forehead against yours. 
“Sure, what is it?” Your breath was taken away at how good that kiss was. 
“Would you want to date me, maybe?” 
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lilllithdraagon · 11 months
Snippet Sunday
Got tagged by @sillyliterature . So thank you to them 😊. I'm a bit late to the game but I'm here to play.
Rules: Revisit an old fic (or earlier chapters of your current WIP) and share a snip from:
Your first chapter
Alternatively, if you don’t write longfic, feel free to share your one-shots. Provide as much or as little commentary as you want.
Your favorite chapter
Your most challenging chapter
The fic I've chosen is The Path Not Taken by @lunadys and myself. It's actually the oldest fic I've written and also still a wip. Answers below the cut.
Frozen in panic, Lavi stood there numb as the giant reptilian bird lashed out at her with its jaws, water droplets falling from its maw. Deka yanked Lavi backwards, roughly by her collar, and pulled her up onto a rocky outcropping. The phoenix’s teeth snapped shut around Lavi’s still dangling leg before she had time to acknowledge the appendage was in danger. “Fuck,” Lavi shrieked, the pain setting her nerves on fire. Deka stomped the creature roughly in the face, dislodging it from her friend’s leg before it could get a solid grip. It flailed, scrabbling down the boulder to land in the sand with a satisfying thump, dazed for the moment. Lavi, still gasping in agony tried to staunch the bleeding. Deka didn't respond, instead nocking an arrow to her bow, and trying to figure out where it would be best to shoot the damned thing. She was thirsty, tired, and too irritable to baulk at killing something. After all, she’d done it a handful of times before. What did phoenix taste like? Determined, she loosed the arrow with a curse as it went wide. The beast hissed, having managed to dodge the projectile. "Etunash (Shit)!" She nocked another arrow. "Thing is smart-" The phoenix jumped, nearly snagging Lavi's robe. "Act now. Think later ," she whispered under her breath to steady her nerves. The phoenix clawed at the rock below them, attempting to find a way up. Deka loosed the arrow before she had a chance to second guess. The creature jumped sideways but the arrow found its flesh. Unfortunately, it was still moving. The phoenix faltered, and soon fell as another shot from Deka hit home, straight through its open jaws. "Headshot," Deka blurted in relief. She glanced around to make sure there weren't any other nasty surprises before descending back to the sand.
First Chapter: The Fuckening
Favourite Chapter: CH13 Seduction 101
This chapter has so many good scenes that it's hard to pick just one. There are plenty of more heated parts, but I really like how carefree they all get to be in this scene.
“That was… Thank you, Lavi,” Cassandra said with a soft smile, gently accepting the gift. After appraising it with almost reverence, she tied it around her neck. “It’s beautiful.” “Liar,” Lavi snickered. “I did my best, but the additions look like they were done by a blind twelve-year-old.” “Wait… did Chatterbox just give our Seeker a courting gift?” Varric chimed in with a grin. He gave a conspiratorial wink at the Iron Bull. “What?” Lavi looked between everyone in confusion. Oh, no. “I... it was a token of- Come on! Why would I bring everyone to see- ” “-and have it officially witnessed,” Bull chuckled, interrupting her smoothly. Lavi grew more mortified as she looked to Cassandra who was blushing. Not that she wasn’t attracted to the Seeker, but this was only supposed to be a gesture of friendship! “Pala ma ga . (Fuck you all)” Lavi groused. “I wasn’t- ugh, why do I bother?” “It is an older Nevarran tradition,” Cassandra chuckled, though her hand tightened on the scarf as if to defend it from removal. “I’m afraid I would have to decline. The gift is enough.” Lavi breathed a sigh of relief. “It is still widely recognized,” Solas observed with a quirk of his lips. Lavi glared at him for the betrayal. He knew. He knew that hadn’t been Lavi’s intention, and he was still making her suffer on purpose! Bull and Varric would latch onto that statement just to keep the joke going! “This dick is widely recognised.” Her accent grew thicker as she grabbed the crotch of her pants and flipped the elf off -the Aussie way- for good measure. “Truly? I‘d been certain we left Sera behind,” Solas lamented playfully. Everyone was clearly amused by her discomfort. She was going to kill them all. “Wait… do you have a-” Bull began. “If I do, it’s bigger than yours ,” Lavi snarled, and stomped her way out of the cave in embarrassment. Cassandra was trying to hide her own laughter at this point, but still resolutely kept the gift. When they returned to camp, Lavi immediately went into her tent and pretended she couldn’t overhear Varric quietly recounting the events to Blake and Sera. In that moment, she’d rather fight a brood mother than have to face everyone the next morning. “Apparently,” Varric whispered sternly. “Her dick is widely recognized.” Blake’s snickering and Sera’s manic giggling followed her into the Fade.
Omg this chapter was the biggest pain in a butt to write. You have no idea. The number of times we re-wrote it was astounding.
Most Challenging Chapter: CH18 A Cruel Awakening
“Keep that thing away from me,” the demon demanded, lashing out at those in the front. It stood at the edge of the great cliff, shuffling, and scrambling to find a way down. Those it hit were flung from the height to their deaths below. "Sit pretty and let me eviscerate you!" Lavi growled as she charged quickly toward the panicked creature. Her focus narrowed in on the demon, the rest of her surroundings falling away. “At least I give them choices,” Envy spat, as if reassuring itself as it lashed out. “What choices have you given them?” There was a wild energy about him that she hadn’t sensed before. It spat its words carelessly, accusing, and grating. "You give the illusion of choice," she snarled. Lavi was too angry to consider how her friends might be interpreting their argument. “You do the same thing. Stalking the flock like wolves amongst sheep!” Envy lunged for her, growing fear in its eyes, its claws raking the ground as she dove out of the way. The others had all taken positions around her. Good, that gave her a chance to land the killing blow. A barrier fell over Lavi as Envy slashed its claws at her chest. She brought her sword up, barely managing to deflect the strike. Lavi’s skills had improved greatly since she joined the Inquisition, but she was still a far cry from being a full fledged warrior. "Shut up!" She screamed as she hacked at Envy’s already wounded arm. “Hypocrite,” it snarled. The demon was herded back towards the centre of the yard as Bull charged with his axe. Cassandra was right behind it; corralling the creature as they tried to pull its attention away from Lavi. "Just die!" She threw herself at it with a scream that seemed wrenched from her. The others were forced to retreat as she swung around wildly. Envy screeched as her weapon sliced through the joint of one of its shoulders. Unlike anything made of flesh-and-blood, she hadn’t managed to amputate the limb. The wound shone for a moment, green like the Fade, as it slithered out of reach once more. She followed close behind, slamming her fist into Envy’s face, before it grappled her. The two of them struggled with one another; a tangle of limbs rolling around the courtyard, desperately trying to gain the upper hand. Bull wrangled her free and pushed her a distance behind him. She almost lost her footing and would have if Solas hadn’t grabbed her shoulder to stabilise her. “Don’t let it get in your head,” Bull snarled, bringing his axe down hard. Envy dodged again and Lavi threw another scream of incoherent rage. The demon slipped between Cassandra and another Inquisition soldier, gutting the poor man. Envy was avoiding her. She found herself growing angrier still, swatting aside Solas’ offered assistance, and charging the demon with only one thing on her mind. Bull’s warning was forgotten. Lavi was going to kill it. Solas threw another barrier over her as she descended on Envy with a series of mindless attacks. She wasn’t thinking, she was feeling everything! Everything she had lost. Everything she had sacrificed. Everything she had endured. It evaded her again and again. She could feel her lungs burning with the effort to keep up with it, her arms aching with the weight of her blade. Still she persisted. Arrows and spells whizzed by, some grazing her as they passed, but she didn’t care. None of it mattered. Only killing it mattered. “Wretched bitch!” Envy swatted Cassandra aside, jumping up along a pillar into a gravity defying, horrific perch. She heard Solas and the others yelling for her but they were muted and unimportant. Her focus was entirely on the demon. Inside her mind its words repeated as an echoed mantra. Failure. Hypocrite. Liar. Monster. Even through the anger, one thought persisted. It isn’t wrong .
Thank you again, @sillyliterature for tagging me. As far as tagging others goes, I'd like to tag @danafanel @firekittenscribbles @oxygenforthewicked and @lunadys herself because I'm curious how she would have answered. Anyone else feel free to take seeing this as an open invitation to do this yourselves.
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bananaapplewaffle · 1 year
The Rest of the Base SRs + SSR Leona Vignettes
So Much for That Trick (Part One) | Ace - Labwear
You highkey fucked up
Why are you working on a catchphrase?
Why do my ghost uncles want mandrakes
Damn whole ass side hustle
Epel knows his way around some dirt, yessire
Not you touching something Ace
I’d probs do the same
So Much for That Trick (Part Two) | Ace - Labwear
Not only is this a side hustle
But an excuse to slide through
Mans got in a groove
I mean yeah…you didn’t discuss how things would get cut
Probs gonna be 70/30
Here we go.
You fucked up, Ace.
Always on some shit I swear.
Mind if I Tag In? (Part One) | Leona - Dorm Uniform
Alright What is honey doing in this
Leona, on his way to take a nap:
Them: You wanna fight right now?
Welp there goes Jack
Playing by the book
It’s not playing smart if they get caught 
Oh is this before Book 2?
Mind if I Tag In? (Part Two) | Leona - Dorm Uniform
Oh, so he doesn’t always spend his time napping
Sometimes he plays solitaire chess!
Damn not y’all bout to get got
Them, talking shit on Jack:
Leona and Ruggie: We laugh
Them, plotting against Jack:
Leona and Ruggie: We gottem
NEARLY 30???
A 30 V 1
Mind if I Tag In? (Part Three) | Leona - Dorm Uniform
Leona is Housewarden for a reason
And I really don’t think it’s a Kalim situation 
He’s also held this position so—
I wonder if this was a part of the plan
Or if Leona really said “fuck it”
And then he let you down in the actually Book
So sorry Jack
He kinda gets better 
Will That Be All? (Part One) | Jack - Labwear
Wait, the Shaftlands is a cold place?
Always gotta do everything ya-damn-self
This man’s face is literally neutral
Will That Be All? (Part Two) | Jack - Labwear
And then he shows up in his labwear
Not calling his thickness “rugged”
Azul: “Oh fuck…I might actually need to employ him.”
Whew got a little error in the text box here
A Brighter Color (Part One) | Kalim - Ceremonial Robes
I know Jamil is fuming
Jamil… on point? Non, they’re on fleek.
This is simply not Jamil’s day
A Brighter Color (Part One) | Kalim - Ceremonial Robes
Oh! He ran into Malleus!
Okay so this was after seeing Idia in the courtyard.
And somehow they didn’t once mention it Orientation
Oh! Spoke too soon!
I guess Malleus didn’t hear Jamil then?
Poor Malleus…
Twisted Ramblings
0 notes
sinunamor · 2 years
Code: Keekers
(probably not as funny as I thought but oh well 😅)
Okay okay serious note. No pressure and if you decide to do this take all the time you need. Could I request some soft Arthur and Matt? And/or that omegaverse au you came with?
I know we have never talked but I love your art and your interpretations of these relationships (Specifically Arthur's and Al's). I just hope you're doing well my dude.
HEY YOU ACTUALLY DID THE uh fucken uhh the fuckEN THING
Now I'll post both 1 art and 1 part of the omegaverse fic I've been working on for a hot bit now:
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here we have the fambly and the preview of the fic. see, ive been messing around with OV dynamics cos i really really d i s l i k e the standard...expectations? i guess you can say, on how an OV fic is typically presented? so bear with me. this is very experimental. you'll do me a grand favor of acting as my test audience! yay or nay if it even makes sense : D
all things related to this project will be tagged "epigraphes"!
Projected Title: Èpigraphes
Projected ao3 Rating: M
Ship: FRUK
CW: OV, omegaverse
They had to abandon the paved, stone-cut wilderness for whispery fields and emerald hills. Whatever was left behind could not fit into 5 traveling trunks, every tight corner used for a few quilts, a kettle, a pot to boil potatoes, winter furs, a case of bottled oils, pigments, and graphite, a tea set, and the pups' clothes and shoes.
Clothes and shoes which will surely be outgrown next month.
Francis cleanly tore a tiny sliver of skin from the side of his thumb with his front teeth.
Arthur had not allowed for one possession, no matter how saturated it was in happy memory, to leave with them if it could not fit into a trunk. The only exception being Francis' wooden easel. It was a nuisance, however, to carry around crowded train stations and onboard ferries, but Francis could not bear to part with his treasured thing and so carried his extra burden without complaint. Oftentimes he wondered if he was merely lugging glorified kindling, from the way his omega was sending resentful glances as it clunked its way with them. Surely after 17 years, Arthur must have thought of many creative ways to be rid of it by now.
Francis began gnawing the other side of his thumb when he felt cool, calm fingers wrap around his wrist, guiding his hand down towards his lap. Without much of a tired smile, nor a huff of disapproval, Arthur wove his fingers around Francis', anchoring him center on his lap. The omega's other hand continued to be occupied, rhythmically patting the back of their napping pup’s back.
"Ha-how could there be a house out here, when there's nothing around for miles!" 
Both parents looked at their overdramatic, secondborn omega pup seated across. Their reddish, wind kissed cheek pressed heavily near the horse-pulled cab window's edge. Sights of a patch of virgin forest and herds of grazing sheep were of no interest to this little pup of 6 summers.
"We only left the fishing village not too long ago," the eldest, keener alpha pup responded, not sparing anyone a glance as they read from a tattered copy of a favorite book. "And we did pass 3 houses, I know. I counted them."
Alfred groaned in mental agony, sliding down on their seat towards the floor while puffing their cheeks in an indignant pout. "When are we gonna arrive to our house?"
"Alfred, on your seat this instant," Arthur hissed, pulling away from Francis and reaching down halfway only to quickly realize he'd smother the other little omega loosely swaddled on his lap and disturb their sleep. He frowned. "We'll go over a nasty dip on the road and then we'll all be sorry." He went back to tending to his heavily napping pup.
Alfred's defiant frown matched that of their omega father's, which was more of a response to his tone than anything else. They obeyed however, deciding then to pester Arthur instead.
"I'm booored."
Arthur sighed heavily. He could not blame Alfred for being so fastidious. Traveling here has proved challenging for all at various points and Alfred had been holding themselves well enough until now.
He smoothed down brown wavy locks of his napping pup before answering.
"Darlingheart we are nearly there," Arthur patted the pup's back once more. "Soon enough you'll know the place where I grew up. I'll show you how far our property goes. We'll have access to a fresh stream, an-and woods and rolling hills–" 
Mathieu, the alpha pup, stared blankly at the words on the page, their ears focused on the strange lightheartedness in Arthur's voice.
"--and when day is clear enough, we'll have a pretty view of the sea," Arthur nodded. "You'll grow to love it here as I did when I was a pup."
Alfred's attention was captured just enough from them to keep quiet and silently mull over Arthur's words. The cab rolled over uneven terrain, jostling the family inside. Alfred scrambled to sit upright and tucked their back into the corner of the cab.
"S'not like back home," they mumbled thoughtfully, tiny finger plucking at a threadbare patch of the once plush interior.
Francis could only feel heavy disappointment from his family. It was in Alfred's sad little blue eyes and in the way Mathieu pulled their book higher in front of them to pretend to read.
"It won't be,'' Arthur answered truthfully, his strong brow contorting slightly as he gazed upon his pup, neck and heads moving about with the sudden unsteady terrain "But we will take home with us." His hand found Francis' again and gave it a gentle squeeze. "Wherever we are. Together.
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moononastring · 2 years
I miss you and Eris and Iris. Can you give us a snippet?!?! ♥️
My darling! ♥️ A lovely anon has been asking me questions and I wrote out two snippets in the asks here and here HEHE (you can find them all in #smtbasks tag.
This was inspired by a question about Iris potentially meeting the IC. For context, this is quite a bit after Eris is High Lord and Eiris were invited to a fun dinner at Elucien's place where her sisters, their mates, and friends have been invited. Eris really didn't want to go and Iris really wanted to give him a hard time.
“I think we should go back home.”
“I think we should knock on the door instead.”
“No, I really think we should leave.”
Iris rolled her eyes and brought a hand to her hip, turning to her husband. She pointed with her other hand. “We are already here and we were invited,” she said. “What could possibly be the problem?”
Eris grimaced and then scowled, his eyes drifting to the front door of Lucien and Elain’s home. He could already hear the commotion. “The problem is that I have changed my mind. I don’t want to see these people.”
Iris shoved his shoulder and he glared at her. “You’re being childish. I want to meet everyone.”
“Why? They’re all obnoxious and infuriating.”
Iris narrowed her eyes and her lips twitched before she cleared her throat and said in the most serious of voices, “Are you worried that I’m meeting the two females you were trying to marry before me in one place?” she asked innocently. 
“No. That has nothing to do with —”
“Because it’s okay, I’m not jealous. I’m very curious to meet them.”
“Which is something I don’t understand —”
“I know they must be very beautiful.”
Eris closed his eyes and hoped someone would assassinate him on the spot. After a deep breath, he opened his eyes to glare at her.
“Are you fishing for compliments? You already know that I think you’re more beautiful than any other female I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
Iris fought back a smile and sighed dramatically instead. “It definitely doesn’t bother me that it took only three dances for you to propose to Nesta.” she said and pouted slightly. 
Eris’s hands twitched at his sides. “That is completely beside the point. I was a different person at that time.”
“Maybe.” Iris said quietly, looking down at her feet sadly for good measure. “I never got a proposal.”
“I met you the day of the wedding.” he said, a hint of desperation in his tone. “That doesn’t mean that I —”
“If anything, I should be the one feeling awkward to meet the two females you were interested in.”
“I was never interested in Mor that way —”
She glanced up at him, all earnest and sad. “Do you know what it feels like to be compared to two of the most devastatingly beautiful females that people mention all the time?”
“Iris —”
“If only you would take my feelings into account —”
“That’s exactly what I’m trying to by having us go back home —”
“So you don’t think I can handle being in the same room with them?”
“I never said —”
“Of course, you wouldn’t. I must be a wilted weed next to those two blossoming flowers.”
“Iris —”
“I thought you had more faith in me but I guess against two of your old flames, how can I compare?” she said with another dramatic sigh. “I guess if you don’t think I measure up against them, we definitely should go back home.”
Eris let out a growl and firmly gripped her by the shoulders, particularly slamming her against him and Iris looked up at him with a wide grin. “If you say one more negative word about yourself I will tear off your clothes and fuck you right on that dinner table so everyone knows exactly how fucken beautiful I think you are and how you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. So help me, Iris I will do it!” he snarled and then glared at her. “Why are you smiling?!”
Iris finally let out a laugh and easing out of his grip, she yanked him down by his shirt and pulled him in for a soft kiss even as he scowled at her. She pecked his lips gently, over and over again, only easing back when he had finally calmed down.
“I’m glad to know where I stand.” she said softly, a little smile on her lips.
“You were teasing me.” he accused softly but Iris shrugged, pulling away.
“You were getting worked up for no reason,” she said then swatted his stomach. “We’re here to have a good time so pull your High Lord pants up and stop worrying for no reason. We’re going in and that’s final.”
Eris grimaced then sighed. “Fine.” he growled.  “Your methods are evil and I don’t appreciate it.”
Iris smirked up at him. “I do like to keep you on your toes.”
Elain and Lucien had welcomed them so enthusiastically and Elain particularly had a blast introducing Iris to everyone, especially because Iris was a little shy. Mor was very nice though distant (as expected), Nesta and Feyre were very welcoming (they know how close she is to Elain and know enough about her to be friendly), Gwyn and Emerie were very sweet, Rhys had already met Iris prior to this (so had Feyre when Eris became High Lord) and was gracious as ever, Cassian was too friendly for Eris’s liking, and Azriel was quiet but calm. Jurian was annoying per usual and Vassa loud and proud. 
Everything was going well! They were having a great time!
Until Cassian, who was already tipsy had given Eris a shit-eating grin that only meant trouble and said, “I wonder if Iris and I could’ve been friends before she met you. In another lifetime, I bet her and I would’ve —”
Eris didn’t let him finish that sentence. It did not go well after that. 
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neoheros · 4 years
how would haikyuu boys handle getting shipped with a friend on tiktok? feat. kuroo tetsuro
kuroo tetsuro has a crippling tiktok addiction and he’s in denial about it but everyone around him knows because all he does in his free time is get on that app
that’s canon i’m not arguing with anyone about this
he’s the kind of guy to fall asleep from scrolling through his fyp and the moment he wakes up he looks for his phone under his pillow to watch more lmaooo
so anyways
you share classes with him and he’s not really the kind of guy to have crushes especially on people he’s not close with
but then one day he’s on his fyp and he stumbles on one of your videos
and he’s just like ?? woah
he recognizes you obvi, he’s not one to talk to people out of his friend group but he’s not completely ignorant to everyone else
he immediately sees that you have indeed quite the following and have almost majority of your posts going viral
so yea you can say he’d notice you more in class now
at first it was subtle, looking at you more when he’s spacing out or paying close attention to you when you’re reciting
he doesn’t even notice how he includes you more in his thought process until the day kenma pointed it out to him how he’s been a bit more distracted lately
he brushed it off thinking it wasn’t really anything serious
but then boy Oh boy !!!
he started noticing the fact that you’ve got a really nice room in your vids and your fave led lights are the red ones since you almost always use them
he’s also really into the fact that you upload more on comedic videos than dancing ones
but HONEY when you posted your take on the dance trend of savage by megan thee stallion ,,, he was GONEEEE !!!
he sent that video to kenma like five times in a row with the caption “aha brb gonna LIVE for this woman 😗✌️”
kenma be like: simp city population - u
at this point he just accepts it, like flat out he took it within himself to UNDERSTAND how much he’s crushing on you and kenma asks him if he’s gonna do anything about it and he’s like ????
like he gets how awesome he is and stuff cause duh captain of the volleyball team and most probably the most beautiful man on campus but you’re also really good in class and very attractive
not to mention that you’ve never even looked his way before
he was hurt, man !!
only he could feel as rejected as someone who actually did get rejected
nevertheless, he got over that and just woke up one day telling himself that he was gonna shoot his shot anyway !!
so one day in class, right after the lunch bell rang, he took a deep breath and rummaged his insides for every drip of confidence he could muster
he walked to your seat and you were kinda surprised because this boy right here has never once talked to you before
his opening line was “can i sit here?”
you were still really confused but then he said something about wanting to be friends and your heart was just really warm cause !!!! that’s so NICE !!
and he mentioned how he knew you from tiktok since you practically lived on his fyp
you were really embarrassed and he got to see in action how your ears turn really red when you get shy
kuroo, internally: “that’s so FUCKEN CUTE !!!!!”
he had to reassure you that it was indeed really cool that you made bomb ass tiktoks
you were so grateful cause like one minute you were having a terrible day because of your stupid teacher then bam this 6’2 beauty of a man came swooping in telling you you were terrific
you two became friends after that and it made you really happy to have someone as cool as kuroo as your best friend
kuroo likes to sit with you at lunch except when you’re with other people then he gets a bit dejected so he’s just “well damn maybe tomorrow then”
it’s all good though cause he has invited you to numerous of his practices and that’s when you SEE how amazing this man is at volleyball
one day you’re like “hey wanna do a tiktok with me?”
and he’s like “the one where you kiss me?”
you, flushed: DIPSHIT WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT !!!!1!1!1!!
you guys do the one where you dance to supalonely by benee
it went OFF !!! 700k likes and a solid ass 2.7M views because apparently the viewers really like it when kuroo dances next to you in his varsity uniform and has sweat dripping on his forehead
your comments for the next two weeks are just like “bro post another one with kuroo please PLEASE”
kuroo: guess people just like me more :)
you: leave my mentions <3
sometimes you’d get people replying to your videos with “you and kuroo look really good together”
you see them but you most likely ignore it because even if you did know how much you liked kuroo, you didn’t wanna jeopardize the friendship, yk?
anyhow due to popular demand, you include him in your videos again and every time you do they always go viral !!!
it’s very cute especially when you do the ones where you snapchat him song lyrics and he answers even if he does know it’s a trend
“can they please just get together already, we all know they’re pining but they’re too coward to say it !!”
you: ok u know what user9728182829 since u’r so good at this why don’t u be the one to make tiktoks at a volleyball court and dodge all those stray balls 😤
you were so fed up with it that you actually tell kuroo about the entirety of tiktok shipping the two of you together
he was worried that you were upset because people liked you and him dating that he thought maybe you just weren’t into him
because of the corona virus all the schools shut down and people were forced to stay in their houses for quarantine
it was sad that everything got cancelled and you weren’t allowed to see your friends anymore
but that’s ok cause kuroo insisted to facetime everyday
you: why can’t we just text
kuroo: because what if you forget what i look like 🥺
you: hey i’m not that blessed ❤️
it was like the quarantine never happened since you still saw and talked to him everyday
sometimes he’d show up at your place but refuse to come inside cause social distancing
this mfer threw rocks on your glass window just to get your attention once
kuroo: i got you those edible cookie dough in pints !!
you: omfg 🥺👉👈
then he chucks it at you because he ain’t boutta break the law to get you food 😤
it’s ok though you have really good reflexes and it only hit your elbow the first 2 times !!
you got it all on camera and posted it on tiktok and everyone in the comments were LIVID at the fact that you captioned it with “best friends b like”
“i just know that kuroo is punching the air right now.”
“imagine risking the corona and still being friend zoned.”
“when you realize kuroo is actually the president of simp city.”
other times he’d snap you at 3 in the morning asking if you want anything from starbucks
no one:
your snapchat dms at 3:28 am: you really went to bed you SN A KE !!
and when you wake up the next morning you find out that this guy is still awake and that he’s been chilling in the starbucks parking lot all morning !!!
that’s ok though because other than the fact that his sleep schedule is completely wrecked he still got you your venti strawberry acai refresher
you: thank you sm 🥺 what do i owe you
kuroo: a kiss on the cheek
you: you can have the drink back ❤️
that’s when the new tiktok trend started and people were posting the hottest guys on campus or revealing their crushes since 1st grade
you, feeling brave because school is cancelled: aight bet 😎
you do a tiktok hopping on the trend and you captioned it with “now that we aren’t coming back to school here are the boys from campus that i’d date for real”
you stall for the first 30 second by vibing to the music and when the beat drop !!
you showed a picture of kuroo and you put in the text “kinda missing him too”
you were extremely regretting this but numerous people already saw it and the comments went on and on about how unsurprising this was
press f ma’am
so one afternoon while kuroo was scrolling through his tiktok, he was surprised by the amount of notifications he was getting
cause he doesn’t even post videos ??
he’s only there to watch funny stuff and leave insulting comments on your posts cause he’s a good friend
he checks and they’re all just tags of him in this one video and he was kinda worried cause what if it was a hate post ??
but then he saw that it was yours and he’s less nervous !!!
kuroo, texting you: if you diss me in this one i’m posting the screenshot of you falling asleep on facetime
so he watches it and ??????????????
bro he went 🥺
before he messages you he went straight for the comments and !!!!!
“who knew it was kuroo before watching the whole video?”
“don’t be shy put some more photos of him !!”
“if kuroo duets this i’m gonna make sure to never fall in love unless its like this.”
“y’all he did it boys!! he graduated from the best friend zone!!”
he’s still really surprised by this and he really hopes you’re not kidding cause bro you??? like him????
thanks to that comment he saw, he decides to duet your video by using the same sound and doing the same dance with the same caption “now that we aren’t coming back to school here are the ones from campus that i’d date for real”
and they’re all just pictures of you 🥺
it blows up but before you see it on your fyp he’s already asking to facetime and when you answer you swear he’s just got the biggest smile in the world i’m :(
kuroo: lol remember when you publicly told majority of the internet how much you liked me
you: lol remember when you weren’t talking ❤️
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roguestarsailor · 3 years
my hot take on mal and why hes wonderful and why malina is the proper coupling (and im gonna shit on darkling/darklina for a bit)
*these might not be new thoughts but i want to express my love for mal and malina (and i just finished the books like a few hours ago so my brain is on fire) there was so much mal slander on the malina tags and i wanted to throw in my 2 cents!!*
- mal literally had nobody. this kid is a literal orphan! i love that he figured out what to fight for and kept his head in the game. i am a sucker for characters who needs to fight to get anywhere in life. he was gifted the tracking skill and befriending alina and thats it. characters like him have grit and a personality that makes them tough and fearless and i am always going to root for their happy endings
- this poor man has to face these super powerful beings without powers. its hella intimidating to be just regular while being surrounded by folks who can blast light, manipulate winds and waters and fabricate things from nothing. he worked with what he got and that was tracking and being physically fit to fight and i fucken applaud that!!!
- he never got in alina's way. i think whats tragic is that he internalized how much of a "low born"/"nobody" he was and saw that alina was destined for so much more and he made sure he was useful at all times. at the beginning of seige and storm, it felt like mal was hindering alina because she couldnt use her powers and that made her feel like complete shit (i wasn't team mal at that moment but what else were they suppose to do. darkling was worse tbh!!)
- he's just a kid. hes struggling! i was sad when it was confirmed that he and zoya were a thing for a bit (and has been with other girls) but thats just being a teen in a war torn society (and also hyping him up to be desirable for the audience)
- even his maturity is very much in line with him being a kid and trying to navigate being a soldier and then having to shifting his entire purpose to aligning with just alina. he was suppose to just be a soldier, and die honorably depending whos attacking who. but he rejected his training/soldier mindset and found alina because he knew she needed him! he could have died soooo many times, he lost friends but he had to roll with the punches the entire time. and again, this man got nothing going for him! just his love for alina!
- i dont think YA books appreciate the boys without power; those who aren't royalty and aren't born with wealth and poise. mal had to learn to survive at an early age and that includes learning to be likeable and social, being a skilled soldier, and tracker (but that was a gift). i love that alina also started out in a shitty position but she also learned her power and voice.
- mal lets alina be herself! I love female protagonists who are ambitious and want to stay in power but for alina, i like that she wants the ordinary things. she wants a normal life that isn't full of explosion, talk of war or politics or grand dresses. mal let her be goofy and let her be childlike-- see their banter, see their mischiefs growing up. darkling and nikolai needed her to be a summonor/weapon and a queen/leader. they demanded her to use her powers and be a face that decorated their arms; they demanded her to be this surreal being that hordes of people will follow. she has to be regal; has to be poised and laugh and smile on command; be an intimidating figure especially in this war torn country.
- mal wanted alina because she's his best friend! thats it! my favorite moment (and ended up being the sad moment) was in ruin and rising when there was a meteor shower and nikolai found alina first and them walking together arm-in-arm to go see it. mal, with a big smile on his face, was rushing to her to tell her about the shower but stopped short when he saw them together. in that paragraph, alina talked about how mal always ran to her when something that made him happy happens (ugh my sappy heart!!!)
- grishas are the marginalized group and face horrendous torture and systematic prejudges and ravka should have been a place they could feel safe. i like that darkling was fighting for them...but it falls apart when it seems he was hell bent on making sure alina fall in line. he could be that radical; thats fine but he was so obsessed with alina; he was manipulative !!
- i know we're suppose to sympathize with him because he grew up filled with hatred from his mom, grew up in a society that hates people like him and at its core, hes just a lonely boy where nobody understands him because hes soooo powerful and can live 5ever and only alina could understand him because her power measures up to him. but heres the thing, just learn to be a good person wtf??? also he had his mom???? he had someone???? also learn to make friends?? mal fucken did it and he got nobody. learn to build ships??? like nikolai who is an outcast in his own family. (im harsh to characters that live forever and refuse to budge from their original notion about the world. because u spent all that time being alive and not do a thing about that??)
- darkling just latched onto alina for her power. and he is demanding her to be his partner without understanding her and what she needs. he flirts w her, seduces her and plays her so he can be the ultimate powerful figure to lead ravka--so his goal stopped being saving grisha and demanding things from people. ugh how can anybody ship darkling and alina???
- at no point would it feel balanced if alina and darkling were a thing because alina will constantly play catch up. she will always feel like she has to be an adult and has to be this face for the people to follow. she could live with him forever and what?? learn to love him??? i guess??? doing what?? controlling ravka forever???
- anyways i love mal. i dont think hes boring. while browsing the tag for s&b and malina, it was just filled with mal slander! and this is my response to some of the hate. he's literally trying his goddamn best; he literally has no power and has to learn to defend himself the best he can. he is the type of character that has to fight for his survival, fight for his worth and fight for his love!!!! whats not to like???
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free-pool-trash · 3 years
folklore - isaac lahey {9/?}
Hey lovlies ✌🏻💕 sorry this part took so long something wasn’t sitting right with me so I rewrote it like 3 time 😫 but don’t worry I figured it out.
It’s all angst from here I’m afraid crew
Pleasssssse let me know what you think, im hanging by a thread here 😭💕
Word count: 5.1K
Warning(s): fluff at the start :), a whole bunch of swearing, blood, mentions of death, let me know if I missed any! <3
taglist (open): @makeusfreefromthisfandom​, @cece-lives-here ​, @chocolate-raspberries​, @belsandthings​, @dancing-tacos-23 , @truly-dionysus​, @britty443​, @tanyaherondale​, @furiouspockettoad​, @yunsh-17 , @random-thoughts-003​, @gloomybrieyxb​​, @linkpk88 ​, @big-galaxy-chaos​ , @im-a-stranger-thing ​​, @its-evita-here , @pad-foots , @sweetpeabellamyblakedracomalfoy , @bookswillfindyouaway ,  @what-the-hap-is-fuckening​, @awkwardnesshabitat​, @pieces-by-me , @wreny24​, @marveloucnco , @babypink224221 , @bookish-bucky @alexa-rae-dreamz , @thebookisbtr , @nxstalgicnxbxdy , @cloudy-zoey , @booknymph02 , @tairisceana let me know if you’d like to be added <3  (i had to remove some because tumblr wont let me tag them 💔)
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The next morning came by all too quickly, you’d barely gotten any sleep. Yourself and Isaac spent the whole night talking, just like you used to before the tone of your lives had changed drastically.
There was so much you needed to get off your chest, and of course Isaac had a lot to say too so that’s what the pair of you did- put everything out on the table.
You did a whole lot of talking, laughed a lot, cried a little and for the first time ever during one of your and Isaac’s late night chats there was an incredible amount of shared kisses. Those little perks of being a couple were something you could definitely get used to.
Your fingers drew circles on Isaac’s chest, the boy laid there, contently looking down at you. Your head was comfortably tucked against his shoulder, turned up at an angle so that you were still face to face.
He noted how your eyes glinted in the morning sun, watery due to lack of sleep. It was crazy to him; the effect that you had. He swore he could be on fire and all it would take to put him out was one of your reassuring smiles pointed even vaguely in his direction.
Realistically, Isaac knew he should’ve been sad- heartbroken, even. His father had just been quite brutally murdered, he should be a mess, but he wasn’t.
Maybe it had something to do with the years of trauma the man had inflicted on him or maybe it was Isaac’s new supernatural status, whatever the reason for it, Isaac wasn’t mourning the death of his father.
Instead, all he could think about was how warm your body felt against his.
“It’s morning time.” He smiled at your murmur, the smile widened when you pressed a soft kiss to his collarbone.
Isaac hummed in acknowledgment and squeezed your leg that you had thrown across his stomach. “Yeah.”
You moved your chin to rest against his chest, eyes looking into his, “We can stay here if you want. We don’t have to go to school.” You suggested but Isaac knew it was more of a plea when he saw the hopeful grin growing on your lips.
“Nah I gotta go in. I have lacrosse practice.” He spoke out, his voice low and grumbly from how tired he was.
You scoffed jokingly, pushing yourself up so your lips were hovering over his, “Lacrosse huh?”
His eyes were hooded now as he glanced down at your lips, his hands moving to grasp your waist, “Mhm.”
With a smirk you ghosted his lips with your own, you could hear his heart beating through his chest and you could feel how badly he wanted to connect his lips to yours.
“Well then I guess we better get a move on.” You whispered against his lips, pulling away abruptly and hoping out of the bed, strutting to the bathroom with a sway in your hips as you knew he was watching.
A look of disbelief was painted across his face as he shouted through the walls, “Out of all the things that have happened this week that was the most fucked up!”
You were going to kill Scott when you got your hands on him. Seriously could he have been anymore obvious?
“Scott! What the hell are you doing.” You whispered from the bleachers, knowing he could hear you.
The boy whispered back, determination clear in his voice, “There’s another werewolf. I need to find out who it is.”
He must’ve smelled it off him. So much for keeping it a secret.
“Scott stop, I know who it is.” You panicked, by the time the words left your mouth both Isaac and Scott had sent each other flying through the air.
As you made your way down from your spot on the bleachers to separate the commotion happening between your two baby werewolves, you noticed sheriff Stilinski and a few deputies making their way across the field.
The sheriff’s gaze was set on Isaac and you found your feet matching the older man’s pace in a silent race to get to the boy in question.
Unfortunately, since you were unable to use vamp speed, the sheriff had beaten you in the unspoken race. His hand had wrapped around Isaac’s bicep as he attempted to lead him away.
When you realised what was happening, you threw caution to the wind and began jogging, not even sparing Scott or Stiles a glance when they called out for you to stop.
Once you were close enough you reached out, successfully grabbing Isaac’s wrist and stopping him and the sheriff in their tracks. “What’s going on?” You demanded, looking between Isaac and the sheriff.
“They think I killed my dad.” Isaac told you quietly and you couldn’t stop the look of utter disbelief that appeared on your face as you moved to stand between Isaac and the sheriff.
“Are you kidding me?” The sheriff sighed with exhaustion at your shout. He knew it was going to be a long day when he saw his son and Scott marching toward the already escalating scene.
“Look, kid. He’s a suspect we have to hold him.” Sheriff Stilinski had been making arrests for a long time but he was sure the look you were giving him was the most venomous he’d ever seen.
“A suspect? Why? What’s your proof?” You shot out, eyebrows furrowed and fangs ready to spring from your gums.
Maybe it had something to do with the night of the full moon looming but you were finding it extremely difficult to keep your anger in check. After yesterday, you were almost certain if your rage got out out of hand there’d be no stopping you.
“We, uh, have reason to believe that Isaac had motive to kill his father. That’s all I can tell you.”
You scowled at him, easing up only slightly as you felt Isaac interlocking his fingers with yours from behind you. “That’s bullshit! He couldn’t have killed his dad because he was with me.” You lied smoothly.
The sheriff raised an eyebrow in disbelief, “With you?”
“Mhm. At my place.” You continued, ignoring the squeeze of warning you were getting from Isaac.
“Look, we have an eye witness account saying that Isaac fled his home, followed by his father and your name never came up.”
Letting out a cynical laugh you all but squared up to the man, “Yeah? And where do you think he fled to?” You asked challengingly.
You would’ve said more if Stiles hadn’t shoved himself in between yourself and his father, sporting a fake smile on his face as he started to ramble, “Hey guys! How we all doing? Good? Good. That’s really great to hear. (Y/n) can I borrow you for a second?” Stiles prompted you, nodding his head rather aggressively in an attempt to get you to stand down.
“No.” You and the sheriff spoke simultaneously, shocking Stiles.
“Young lady, I don’t think you understand the seriousness of what you’re saying. Being an accomplice to murder is a serious offence.” He told you sternly, clearly wanting to give you an opportunity to back down and walk away.
“(Y/n) come on.” Scott pleaded from behind you and you could feel the anxiety seeping off of both Stiles and Isaac.
Stiles laughed nervously, also trying to give you a fighting chance of walking away, “She’s not an accomplice! You’re not an accomplice, right?”
He fixed you with a confused look and repeated, “Right?”
“No I’m not an accomplice because Isaac didn’t kill his father!” You rebutted angrily through gritted teeth, the boys surrounding you terrified of the look on your face in that moment.
With a hard look, sheriff Stilinski took your arm in one hand and Isaac’s in the other and pulled the pair of you towards the police car, “I’m afraid I’m gonna have to take you both into holding.”
“Why the hell would you do that?” You heard Scott exclaim desperately from behind you, his voice two octaves higher than usual.
Carefully, you began to whisper quietly under your breath so that only Scott and Isaac would hear you, “Tonight’s the full moon. I’m not letting them put him in a holding cell alone. Call Derek. Come get us out.”
You didn’t glance back at Scott to check if he heard you, you simply kept walking ahead and complied with the sheriff as he placed you into the car, beside Isaac.
“Since we’re technically in prison and you’re technically part k9, does that mean you’re my bitch?” You wondered out loud, looking across the holding cell at Isaac who sat (moping) on the bench.
“Don’t make me laugh. I’m mad at you.” He grumbled and you pouted from your spot on the floor.
“It was a serious question.” You whined.
Isaac groaned, completely disregarding your question, “You’re insane? You know that don’t you?”
“Rude.” You complained, leaning your head back against the cold bars of the cell.
“No seriously. You shouldn’t be in here with me.” Isaac grumbled yet again.
“Ok, first of all, you shouldn’t even be in here in the first place because-“ you paused, took a deep breath and looked at the camera adjacent to yourself and Isaac on the wall outside the cell before shouting, “He didn’t fucking do anything!”
You had to force yourself into calming down as you felt your anger causing your heart rate to rise rapidly, you took one more deep breath and then continued what you had been saying.
“Secondly, and in all seriousness, the idea of you being in here on your own makes me feel physically sick, especially since it’s your first full moon and all this crap with the Argents going on… I just wanted to be with you.” You admitted sheepishly, picking at the sleeves of your jumper to avoid his gaze.
Isaac’s heart beat picked up at your words but you couldn’t say anything as yours had too, with a soft sigh he muttered, “You don’t have to protect me.”
“I know. I know you don’t need protection, you never have. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t strength in numbers right now.” Isaac was quiet for a second before speaking up again.
“Hey, babe?” You looked up at the sound of his voice, he was giving you a soft smile that made your heart skip a beat.
“Yeah?” Isaac was shaking his head in disbelief, he let out a short chuckle and made his way across the cement floor and slid down beside you.
You watched him fondly and couldn’t help the roaring laugh that left your mouth when he leaned in close to your ear and whispered, “I’m definitely your bitch.”
Before either of you knew it, night had fallen and you’d begun to feel antsy. Your chest grew heavy with each noise or set of passing footsteps. You paced the cell restlessly, wringing your hands together and doing your best to disregard the feeling of dread swelling up inside of you.
It wasn’t long before Isaac was holding his head in his hands, his knee jutting in the same restless manner that you were pacing.
Growls were rising from the back of his throat and you wouldn’t lie, it was making you more than a little nervous.
You slowly approached him, proceeding with extra caution you reached out and tugged on his sleeve, hoping the action would bring him a sense of familiarity and not startle him.
Isaac’s head whipped around, his eyes glowing amber when they landed on you. “What’s happening?” He asked in a growl.
As gently as you possibly could, you moved your hands to Isaac’s cheeks and did your best to ignore his changed features.
“It’s the full moon. How are you feeling?” You kept your voice quiet, again trying to accommodate his heightened senses.
Isaac only screwed his eyes shut and clenched his jaw tightly, “Like I want to rip apart everything I see within a fifty mile radius.”
Your eyes widened and you looked at the holding area door, helplessly wishing Scott would come rushing through the door.
Isaac’s face seemed, for once, not to be comfortable in your hold as he began to growl and attempt to break out of your grip.
“No, no, no. Isaac, hey. Look at me.” The wolf reluctantly stopped wiggling and fixed his gaze on yours. Your eyes were now blazing purple and you felt your own composure slipping from your grasp.
Another gutteral sound left Isaac’s throat, his clawed hands digging into your hips for some kind of leverage. “Just keep looking at me alright… God, I don’t actually know how to do this but, uhm, just think about something that’ll keep you grounded, ok?” You told him frantically, speeding through your words as you heard the approaching footsteps of someone who was definitely not Scott or Derek.
The boy in front of you nodded his head just as the door opened. No, it didn’t open, it was practically pulled off its hinges. Effectively ruining the progress you’d made with your moon crazy boyfriend.
The man who walked in was dressed like a deputy but the gushing wound and arrow sticking out of his leg gave him away as a fake. As well as that, the gun he was pointing at Isaac gave him away as a hunter.
“Oh shit.” It was your turn to growl when Isaac broke out of your grasp. He pulled the cell door clean off, and set off towards the hunter.
Immediately, you ran behind him but before you could stop the two from killing each other, something else caught your eye. And your nose. It had taken over all of your senses, actually…
The blood leaking from his leg had you frozen on the spot, your mouth watering and mind unable to focus.
By now, Isaac had tossed the hunter aside and you weren’t sure when, but at some point Stiles had entered the room and your boyfriend was now attempting to attack your main food source.
“(Y/n)! Little help here?” Stiles cried from the floor and you tried your best to pull yourself together.
It didn’t take too much strength for you to restrain Isaac, you had one arm wrapped around his shoulders and the other around his torso, successfully holding him against your chest.
You hadn’t noticed how hungry you were in the moment, you needed to eat before someone would need to restrain you.
Pushing the hunger away you tried your best to get through to the new wolf struggling against your grip.
“Remember the thing that keeps you grounded! What was it? Tell me about it.” You tried to prompt, however as soon as Isaac attempted to respond a resounding howl filled the room.
The sudden noise had caused Isaac to cower against you. His body shook against yours, reluctantly you released him from your hold, allowing him to curl up in fear against the nearest wall.
Derek stood at the head of the room, his aura screaming for command as he glowered down at Isaac before turning his gaze to you and Stiles.
“I’m the alpha.” The Hale stated pompously.
With a questioning laugh you motioned towards the mess of the room, Isaac in wolf form shaking and whining like a kicked puppy, a mercenary bleeding and unconscious on the tiles and a very rumpled up Stiles.
“What you are is a grade A ass. Where the hell were you?” Derek stiffened at your agitated tone.
The man in question cleared his throat, his authority slipping away in the presence of your glare, “Scott & I went to scope Isaac’s house.”
“And that took you six hours?” You scoffed, kneeling down next to Isaac and running a gentle hand through the scared boy’s hair.
He whimpered at your touch, only quieting down when you transferred as much calming energy as you could manage to conjure up onto him.
It was getting harder to ignore the blood lust you were feeling, the smell of blood and Stiles’ racing pulse were beginning to cloud your mind. It wasn’t the usual hunger, though. It felt far more violent. Almost as if you’d never be able to get enough no matter how much you consumed.
“I need to leave.” You stated, standing from your spot beside Isaac and fixing Derek with a hard look, “Take Isaac somewhere safe.”
“Wait hold on, where are you going?” Derek asked sternly.
“To find some blood before I start ripping people’s throats out.” You responded bluntly, not waiting for his reply, you used your speed to leave the sheriff's station.
You found yourself in the woods. Close to the old Hale house.
There was a certain scent, you couldn’t quite place it though. It was metallic, but unlike the blood you were used to, it smelled stale.
But still, it was captivating your senses and you needed to get to the bottom of it. You couldn’t decide what was more overpowering, your hunger or your curiosity.
Impatiently, you made your way through the darkened tree line, following the scent until it led you to the building you were oh so familiar with.
The Hale house stood before you, menacing as ever and reeking of old blood.
As you walked up the porch steps, the rotten stairs creaked with every shift of weight. When you finally placed your hand on the door you realised your mistake.
What felt like a billion bolts of electricity shot through your body the second your palm met the door knob.
All of your breath left your lungs as your body hit the floor. As your legs and arms seized and convulsed on the forest floor, having rolled down the porch steps with the force of the shock, a voice sounded from out of the shadows.
“Well, well, well. Look what we have here…” The voice was old and scratchy, something like a worn out vinyl, a record that had been played so often that some of the tunes now came out as a painful drawl. “Come on, let’s get her rigged up.” The man demanded and you writhed against the many pairs of hands that began dragging you to what you assumed was some kind of van.
Your vision was blurry as you attempted to get your bearings, sitting up in the van after the doors had been forcefully slammed and you were left alone.
“Le-“ You attempted to heave out words, your attempts were fruitless though as your lungs were still devoid of any oxygen.
Frustration seemed to give you the strength you needed as you finally regained enough control over your body to yell out, a very enraged, “Let me out you bastards!”
A cynical laugh came from the head of the van, “She has a lot of spunk. You’d know she was a L/n.”
“I’m going-“ You rasped yet again, fighting against the shackles that had been placed on your wrists at some point, “To fucking rip your stupid throat out! With my teeth!”
As threatening as your words were, your wheezy, out of breath voice let you down.
“Now, now. No need for that.” He spoke, only for a voice you recognised to cut him off.
“I’m starting to think this wasn’t the best idea.” It was Chris Argent. You forced yourself to move as close to the front of the van as your shackles would allow.
“What exactly do you plan on doing with an innocent seventeen year old, Mr.Argent?” You drawled, the electricity almost completely out of your system, your lungs finally working at their usual capacity again.
When the hunter didn’t grace you with a response, and you figured you couldn’t do much else right in the moment, you decided you’d poke the proverbial bear.
“You tried to kill my boyfriend tonight… it’d be a real shame if I had to retaliate.”
“Shut it.” Chris said, his voice unamused, bordering on nervous.
Bored, you clicked your tongue, “No, I don’t think I will. Anyway, unless you want me to go into graphic detail about how I’m going to disembowel both of you when I get out, tell me why you’re kidnapping me.”
The old man chimed in then, “Because you, little girl, are an abomination.”
“And you, old decrepit asshole, are getting on my last nerve. Give me a straight answer before I make you give me a straight answer.” You tugged violently at the chains, loosening them from the metal wall, to convey your point.
“Brute force will get you nowhere, little wolf.” Wolf? There was your opening. They didn’t have a clue about you.
Deciding you couldn’t give away your only edge, you played into their delusions, “Where was that a few hours ago when you sent a hitman to put down a seventeen year old boy who's never done anything worse than miss an assignment?”
He scoffed then, “No matter how sweet you think you are. You wolves are all the same. You’re all killers.”
A laugh left the back of your throat, “Are you senile or something? Last time I checked you hunter dickheads were the ones killing people.”
“That’s enough, we’re done talking.” Chris asserted, you couldn’t see either of the men you’d been speaking to but you could imagine their clenched jaws at your statement.
With a smirk you kept talking, “You killed, what was it? Oh yes. All of the Hale’s. Cora was only a little older than me at the time, Kate torched the house five years ago so that would have made Cora twelve years old when she was burned alive.”
You paused for a second, allowing your anger to seep off of you and onto them. “Tell me… what monstrosities could a twelve year old girl have committed?”
“This is your last warning.” Chris grumbled and you ignored him yet again.
“All of these broken morals lead me to wonder; what would precious Alison think of all of this? Maybe I’ll ask her at school on Monday.” You tormented the men, readying yourself to make a break for it as you felt the van slow down.
Quietly, or as quietly as you possibly could, you freed your wrists from their shackles. Shakily you stood up and then you waited.
When the door opened you fixed the two men who were looking at you in mild shock with a smirk, “Hi.”
“How did you… those shackles were doused in mistletoe.” At the old man's shock your smirk broadened. It was something you had found out from both Damon Salvatore and Deaton. Mistletoe only weakened wolves, not vampires.
With a coy shrug you shot them a wink, “I’d really love to stay and chat but, I have homework.” With that you began to run, but the older man caught your forearm before you got a clean break.
And normally, his amount of strength wouldn’t have been able to stop you, what was really hindering your movement was the dagger he had logged in your abdomen.
Your eyes were wide and you let out a pathetic squeal of pain when he twisted the knife in your stomach, his voice was menacing as he spoke, “You’re not going anywhere.” He spat out in your face, hand firm on the dagger.
“Yes. I. Am.” You seethed through gritted teeth, containing the blood that was filling your mouth.
Using whatever strength you could muster, you threw the man away from you and took off running, the dagger still lodged in your abdomen.
When you were sure you were far enough away, you fell to your knees.
Taking a shaky breath you looked around the street you’d landed on. You weren’t sure where you were and your phone was lying abandoned on the floor of the woods. It was times like this you wish you had a howl.
Then as if it was some incredible mirage, driving down the street was a light blue jeep. “Stiles!” You screamed at the top of your lungs, dragging yourself to the edge of the road.
“Stiles! Stiles please!” You cried out, letting out a breath of relief when the jeep stopped only a few meters from you.
Within seconds Stiles was sprinting over to you, sliding the rest of the way on his knees and cupping your face with a terrified expression, “Y/n!? What hap- hu- oh dear god!” He tried his best not to gag when he noticed that you were literally impaled.
“Ok. Ok. No what happened? Wait no. Right not important.” The boy rambled and you let him lead you as he picked you up from the dirt and placed you laying down across the back seat of his jeep.
Stiles drove like a madman to the hospital, wincing when you’d whimper and muttering apologies when you’d let out a cry.
“I think you would’ve been really proud of how I handled that situation.” You jested weakly from your spot, Stiles looked at you briefly in disbelief.
“What? By getting stabbed?” He shot back.
You offered him a faint giggle, “Nah, you shoulda heard me, Sty. I was such a snarky bitch.”
“So that’s how the stabbing thing happened. Got it.”
Only a few more minutes passed before you’d arrived at the hospital. Stiles had practically dragged you in and you couldn’t help the mewls of agony you were letting out as he passed you off to Melissa.
“What the hell happened?” She screeched and all you could offer in response was a blood filled cough, causing Melissa to nod her head in understanding, “Right. Questions later.”
Aimlessly you looked around for something, anything.
You were in complete darkness, but your body stood tall and seemingly healthy, no sign of any kind of wound.
A dull, yellow light shone in the distance. Cautiously, you took a step forward and it was only then that you knew where you were.
Under your feet, which were devoid of any shoes or socks, wet leaves crunched under your weight and you found yourself, yet again, standing in front of the Hale house.
It looked how it usually did, sad and decolate. However, what was unusual was that dull light shining through one of the partially melted windows.
Humming sounded from the home, hitting your ears in perfect pitch. It brought a wave of calmness over you, tranquilizing your fears as you twisted the knob that had once sent you into a horrific shock.
The rotten hardwood cooled your feet as you shuffled thoughtlessly through the house which you used to view as a home away from home.
“You put up a great fight.” A deep voice spoke from inside the lit room.
The voice was unmistakable, but you knew that there was only one explanation for why you were hearing it. For as long as you could, you wanted to hold onto your naivety.
“Who's there?” You called in response while small steps carried you closer and closer to the room.
The voice let out a chuckle, “I think you already know.”
Finally, you arrived in the room. Confronting the voice you knew all too well.
“Good to see you again, sweetheart.” You saw his face then, standing charred and battered like a fallen angel was Peter Hale.
The sob that fell from you was impossible to stop, you didn’t waste another second, you threw yourself at the man in front of you. A teary smile found your face when he welcomed you with open arms, his arms wrapped tightly around you as you cried into his shoulder.
“Quiet now, no more tears.” He said, pulling away from you, his thumb brushing under your eye gently, sweeping the falling teardrops away.
With a sniffle you looked at your surroundings before returning your gaze to Peter, “Am I dead?” You asked meekly.
Oddly enough, you felt accepting of it. Liked it, almost. It was quiet here- wherever here was.
“Temporarily.” He answered, guiding you further into the room. It had a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling and two wooden chairs sat vacant underneath it. “Have a seat.”
Doing as told, you sat down on the chair opposite Peter. “Where are we?” You questioned, the silence, although peaceful, was overwhelming.
Peter gave you a small grin, gesturing to the room around you, “Purgatory.” He answered simply.
He stared at you then, a look in his eyes you recognised but, for the first time since you’d turned, you couldn’t feel it. It was something akin to sadness. It held love too, though.
“The next part is the hardest. When you wake up you won’t have a clue how you got there. You’ll be starving and all you’ll want to do is start tearing people apart.” He explained and your stomach dropped.
You were going to wake up and complete the transition, you’d be a fully fledged vampire and all because of some stupid knife wound.
“I won’t remember being dead?”
Peter shook his head, “You’ll remember this part, not the actual passing over part though.”
A tear slipped from your eye and you forced yourself to take in a shaky breath, “Passing over to where?”
Peter shrugged, “Don’t know. I’ve never gotten that far; too much unfinished business.” He tried to lighten the mood, but he realised there was no use as he noticed your breathing pick up and your eyes fill with tears yet again.
“You’re strong, you’ll be perfectly fine. You are my beta, after all.” He soothed, moving his chair so it would be next to yours.
You let out a croaky laugh at that, “I haven’t been strong. I’ve been drowning ever since you bit me, I haven’t done much other than fight with myself.”
“Not true. I’ve been keeping an eye on you. Keeping Derek under control is a job not everyone is up for, but you’re doing it like it’s nothing. Although, you’d be doing a lot better if I had gotten to you before Derek ripped by throat out.” He muttered the last part, obviously not happy with your trip to Mystic Falls.
“Damon told me you used to drink together.” You recalled with a smile, distracting yourself from the future of impending darkness.
Peter laughed at the memory but didn’t speak.
The dense silence returned, not for long though, distantly you heard shouts. They were more like pleads really. Or were they screams?
“Y/n! Can you hear me? Y/n! Y/n!”
Softly, you turned your head towards the doorway, the hallway light was turned on now too, “Someone’s calling me.”
Peter stood up, a heavy grief filled sigh falling from him as he offered you his hand and pulled you to your feet when you took it. “It’s almost time. But not just yet, there's one last thing you need to do.”
“What is it?” You asked, not sure if you wanted to know the answer.
Peter pulled you close, placed a kiss to the top of your head then began guiding you, arm tightly wrapped around your shoulder.
He answered you solemnly, blue eyes sparkling with unwanted wisdom, “You have to say goodbye.”
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bbrandy2002 · 3 years
Happy Birthday Jessica!
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Title: Twinsane
A/N: Jessie, You already know Burns and I are big fans of your characters and stories, in particular your Leo and Drake. The three of us made our big writing debuts at the same time in the Summer of 2019 and became fast friends that have continued through every high and low we’ve each experienced in our lives. You’ve always been a great and supportive friend with a big heart and a bit of a funny bone. We both hope you have an amazing birthday and we wish you all the best in the coming year.
This story takes place in a universe created by @jessiembruno​.
Palace -- Throne Room
Liam paced the ancient throne room, site of their infant daughter’s upcoming anointing and baptism. Everything seemed to be in place; Regina had made sure of it despite the cast on her arm from her latest sex injury. 
Still, he worried. 
Not because of terrorist threats, not because of Lilyana possibly blowing out her diaper and ruining a $2,000 christening gown. No, he had two concerns: 
His brother and his brother-in-law. 
His wife tried to console him about it, but every time she did, the new father threw his hands up in the air and said, “I don’t want to talk about that stupid pendejo. I just can’t with him --” and the fights they had afterward weren’t worth it.
Leo had passed two kidney stones on the day Lilyana was born. Liam felt bad for him; he really did. Everything he’d heard about passing kidney stones was that it was a truly painful ordeal. 
But Leo, as always, had taken things too far. 
First of all, he’d named them: Rocky and Peter. He referred to them as “the twins,” and everywhere he went, that goddamn jar went with him. It was embarrassing to be somewhere with him in public and then to hear the telltale rattling as he adjusted change in his pocket. 
That was nothing, though, compared to when he’d bought “the twins” a Silver Cross Balmoral pram at the eye-popping price tag of seven grand. It was both nicer and more expensive than Jessica and Liam’s $2,700 Bugaboo by Diesel stroller; Liam had thrown a fit. And not just because Leo had charged them both to Liam’s credit card. 
“We are carting around a royal baby! You spent seven thousand dollars on a grocery cart for your goddamn kidney stones?” 
Leo, puffing out his chest, had merely clutched the jar of medical waste to his heart. “My children are royal adjacent, thank you very much.”  
At least Drake understood that the elder Rys brother was off his rocker, but since Drake flew all the way off the handle every time the subject was mentioned, Liam tried to avoid the inevitable blowups. Just last week, there had been an … incident at a formal dinner.
“Drake, will you watch the boys while I take a piss?” Leo had extended the jar toward the surly dark-haired man. 
“Get those fucken things away from me, Leo! Those were in your fucken dick! What the fuck is wrong with you?” 
Liam had tried to calm Drake down -- Princess Lesedi looked absolutely horrified at the outburst -- but as usual, Leo just made things worse. 
Huffing loudly, he proclaimed, “Lilyana was in Jessica’s bacon hole, and I don’t hear you complaining about that, Drake. You hold her all the time, but you never take the twins when I ask! I am through with this open favoritism!”
Only Alyssa, quietly intervening and taking the jar, had prevented a full-on brawl from breaking out. But since she started to cry when Drake refused to hold her hand afterward even following a thorough handwashing, the crisis hadn’t really been averted in the end. 
Thinking of Drake only led Liam to ruminate on Mateo, his brother-in-law. Nearly a year before, when the four friends had attended a Yankees game with Jessica’s brothers, Mateo had made a sloppy pass at Alyssa without knowing she was in a relationship. 
Well, to be more precise, he’d actually talked about Alyssa in front of her face, not realizing she spoke Spanish, and told his brother “Alyssa can sit on my face.” 
The only thing that had saved the weekend from devolving into complete anarchy was that Drake didn’t know enough Spanish to translate. But someone -- probably shit-starting Leo -- had explained Mateo’s words to Drake, and now Alyssa’s new husband was out for blood. 
If any of them ruin my little princess’ day, Liam swore to himself, I will murder them. I’m king. I can pardon myself. 
Palace -- Ballroom
Lilyana was properly anointed and baptized. At the head table, overlooking the large gathering as he cradled his daughter in his arms, Liam looked over the party with a sigh of relief and scooped up another forkful of chicken tagine. Everything had gone off without a hitch, and now they just needed to feed all these people, hand the princess off to Regina or one of her doting aunts or uncles, and he could spirit his wife away to take his “royal scepter” anywhere she wanted it. 
His eyes tracked to Leo, who was in rapt conversation with Penelope across the room. When Leo pulled the jar out of his pocket, Liam threw back his entire scotch in disgust. 
Jessica, resplendent in a new Ana de Luca original, came back to the table. “God, these fucken people are intolerable, Liam. How much longer --” Her words were cut off when Liam wrapped his hand around her wrist. 
“My love, give our daughter to her grandmother. Te necesito. Ahora,” he added, eyes locked on hers. (I need you. Now.)
She took the baby from his arms and brought Lilyana to Alyssa. “The princess needs some time with her Auntie Lyss.” 
Alyssa smirked as she kissed the infant’s sweet-smelling head. “And the queen needs to get her back blown out?” 
Jessica tossed her hair. “Fuck yeah.” 
Alyssa high-fived her before she walked away. 
Palace -- Liam and Jessica’s Quarters
“You’re so gorgeous, love,” Liam grunted, gripping a fistful of Jessica’s hair and tugging her head back, exposing her throat to his lips and teeth. 
She shuddered at the feeling, reaching for his thick length. “We don’t have a lot of time …” 
“We have as much time as it takes.” He unzipped the dress and slid it down her body, admiring the curves that had only become lusher with motherhood. Lowering her to the bed, Liam’s lips moved over Jessica’s breasts and stomach. He toyed with the waistband of her underwear. 
“Liam, please --”
The panties dropped to the ground, and her plea melted into a throaty groan at the first swipe of his tongue. “Fuuuuuuuuck.” 
“Yes, love,” he said against her, working her with his hands and mouth. “Dámelo.” (Give it to me.)
She was still shaking with her release when Liam crawled over her, his rigid cock probing between her thighs. “Now, muñeca.” 
Something crashed against the door. 
Palace -- Ballroom 
To his delight, Leo had reunited with Miss Willoughby, his fourth-grade teacher. Though she was no longer as perky as he remembered and had grown an unfortunate goiter, she listened attentively to Leo’s stories about his children. 
She had had a lot of champagne. 
“Do you have a picture?” she asked at last, after Leo had regaled her with the tale of taking Peter and Rocky grocery shopping for the first time. 
“Even better than that.” Leo proudly reached into his jacket pocket. “Boys, I’d like you to meet Miss Willoughby.” 
The teacher shrank back with concern. “Leo … what -- what is that?” 
“They are Rocky and Peter.” He pointed to each stone as he introduced them. “Their birth was excruciating, but it was worth every moment of pain.” 
Miss Willoughby rubbed her misshapen throat lump. “Are those --” 
He heaved a long-suffering sigh. “Technically they are kidney stones. But the word ‘kid’ is right in there! Love makes a family, Miss Willoughby. Not your status as ‘human.’” He punctuated the last word with finger quotes of disgust.
On the other side of the room, Drake’s gaze narrowed on a familiar face. “Devereaux!” he hissed. 
Alyssa looked up from where she had been singing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” to Lilyana. “What?” 
“Is that Jess’ fucken brother?” 
She bit her lip. It was Mateo, but no way was she letting Drake get involved in a brawl at the princess’ anointing, for Christ’s sake. “I don’t remember.” 
“What do you mean, you ‘don’t remember’?” 
Waving a breezy hand, Alyssa hastily tried to defuse the situation. “Oh, I was drinking a lot that day.” 
“A lot for you. Not for your average 15-year-old,” he snickered, agreeing. 
To Alyssa’s relief, the man had slipped out of sight. “Well, be that as it may, you should let that Mateo thing go. Everything’s cool.” 
He scowled. “It is not. I know he’s here today! I’m going to find him and kick the shit out of him.” 
“You should call me Roberta.” 
Leo raised his eyebrows. “Miss Willoughby -- Roberta. I would be delighted to.” 
She set down her flute. “You certainly grew up handsome …” 
Smoothing his blond locks back into place, Leo gave her a rakish grin. “Why, Roberta. How forward of you.” 
“Is there somewhere we can get away?” She reached out and gripped his ass with surprising strength. 
“I guess that depends on how much you’ve had to drink.” 
“The perfect amount.” Her hand slid around to the front, grappling with the front of his pants. 
“Whoooooooa. Well, in that case, yes. We can get away.” 
Alyssa handed Lilyana to Drake in another attempt at distraction, nervous about the way he was pacing the room. “Uh, I have to use the bathroom. Can you take the baby?”
He was already cooing at Lilyana, assuaging Alyssa’s nerves until she made out the words. “And Uncle Drake’s gonna beat the fuck out of your Uncle Mateo ... yes, he is! Yes, he is!”
“Drake!” she gritted. 
“Because nofuckingone talks about your Auntie Lyssa like that; no, they do not!” he continued in a singsong voice, ignoring Alyssa completely. 
She rolled her eyes and headed out of the ballroom, content that he at least wouldn’t start any physical fights with a baby in his arms. 
Palace -- Liam and Jessica’s Quarters
Jessica sat up with a start, unfortunately bending Liam’s manhood at an awkward angle. He screamed. 
“Who the fuck is at the door?” Her shrewd eyes, trained to find danger, scanned the room. She threw Liam’s jacket on -- their size difference meant it fit her like a gigantic robe -- and grabbed her taser. 
“Love, wait!” Liam struggled up from the bed, wincing at the pain in his dick. 
“Goddammit, Leo!” Jessica screeched upon throwing the door open. 
Her brother-in-law’s bare ass, driving rhythmically toward a faceless someone who was pressed against the opposite wall, greeted her. 
“Jess! Fuck!” Leo slowed. “Sorry, Roberta, hang on.” Continuing to hold her against him as a shield, he craned his head around to look at her. “I’m a little busy right now. What?” 
She slammed the door closed. “Liam, get dressed.” 
“What the fuck is going on?” The king complied, his good mood completely dissipated. 
“Your fucken brother is banging someone outside our door. I’m pretty sure his ass is the crashing sound we heard. His naked ass touched the door. I’m having maintenance replace it tomorrow!” 
Palace -- Hallway Outside Liam and Jessica’s Quarters
Leo struggled back into his pants, grateful that his partner had kept her dress on. “Miss W -- Roberta, I’m really sorry, but we’re going to have to cut this short. Er, not that anything about me is short, obviously. But I’m pretty sure my brother’s about to come out here --” 
The door flew open. “LEO, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!” Liam raged. 
“Run!” Leo grabbed Roberta’s hand and took off running down the corridor, jacket in his other hand. 
Palace -- Ballroom 
Alyssa hadn’t come back, but the more Drake stared at the man he had noticed earlier, the more he was convinced it was Mateo Garcia. 
That fucker. 
Lilyana had fallen asleep against his chest. He wasn’t going to disturb her or put her in danger, but … 
Drake looked at the abandoned plates of cake on their table. Steadying the baby with his left arm, he picked up a handful of cake and squeezed it experimentally in his fist. Maybe he hadn’t played ball with Liam and Maxwell in a few years, but he still had a decent arm. 
He rose, stalking closer to his target but staying close to the exit for a quick getaway. 
Drake raised his arm and fired. 
The handful of cake exploded against the man’s face. Spluttering, Mateo whipped his head around and roared, “What the fuck was that?” 
Drake and Lilyana slipped out the nearest door, almost colliding with a sweaty Leo, panic in his eyes. 
Leo grabbed Drake’s shoulders, careful to avoid Lilyana’s head. “Drake! We have a crisis on our hands!” 
He listened to Leo with only half his attention; his other ear focused uneasily on the new commotion of screaming and -- was that breaking glass? -- inside the ballroom. 
“So I need you to come on the search mission with me,” Leo finished. 
Drake shook his head to clear it, registering an older woman with a prominent goiter slinking back into the ballroom. “The fuck are you talking about? Did you just finish having sex with that woman?” He jerked a thumb toward Roberta.
The blond man scowled. “I didn’t get to finish, and neither did she, thanks to Jess and Liam’s drama.” 
“But the --” Drake gestured to his neck. 
Leo waved it off. “I hit it from behind. No distracting visuals that way.” 
“You, dickhead!” Drake grimaced. “Thanks for the mental image.” 
“My pleasure. Now, we need to go. Find someone to take the baby. I need you completely focused.” 
“On what? Where the fuck are we going?” 
“Have you not been listening to me? Jesus, Drake! I need you to help me find the twins!” Leo raked his hand through his hair, making it stand on end as his blue eyes burned with obsessive fire. “I took my jacket off when I was nailing Miss Willoughby -- er, Roberta -- and the jar must have fallen out. My children are missing, Drake!” 
Drake nestled Lilyana against his chest and covered one of her ears. “You -- you have lost the fucken plot, Leo. I am not searching for your -- your -- dick rocks!” 
“You were there at their birth, Drake. It hurts me that you take no interest in your godstones.” 
“Stop calling them my ‘godstones’! That is not even a goddamn word --” Drake broke off his rant as Alyssa appeared in the hallway, covered in red. “Jesus Christ! Baby!” He thrust Lilyana into Leo’s waiting arms; the baby woke up and began to cry. “What happened?” 
“Huh? You made the baby cry!” Alyssa went to take Lilyana, but Drake grabbed her.
“Look at you, Devereaux! Where are you bleeding from?” Frantic, he tugged the neckline of her dress aside, exposing her bra. She slapped his hand away. 
“Stop! I’m not bleeding!” 
“But --” He gestured to the bright stain marring her light blue dress. 
She looked down. “Oh, that. Someone dumped gazpacho on me when I was walking through the ballroom.” 
Alyssa pointed. “It’s anarchy in there; didn’t you notice?” 
The men peered into the room. Roughly 40 people, most screaming, flung food at each other, ducking to avoid flying lunch items and using plates and -- in several concerning cases -- overturned tables as shields. 
“What happened?” Leo looked concerned. 
Alyssa noted the guilty look on Drake’s face as she rocked and tried to shush Lilyana. “I think this baby needs to eat. Have you seen Liam or Jess?” 
The question seemed to snap Leo back to reality. “You should look for them, Lyss. Head them off --”
“What do you mean ‘head them off’?” 
But Leo continued, “And in the meantime, Drake and I need to find the twins!” He grabbed a loudly-protesting Drake by the arm and dragged him down the hall. 
A moment after they turned the corner, Alyssa, still rocking the baby, was startled by her voice from behind her. She turned her head to see Liam and Jessica stalking rapidly toward her. “Oh, I’m so glad you’re back!” 
Jessica took Lilyana, cuddling her. “Let’s go eat.” Stepping into the ballroom, she shrieked, “What the fuck?” 
“I need you to help me file a missing persons report,” Leo said 15 minutes later, after they had repeatedly combed the hallways looking for the jar of kidney stones. “My children are in danger!” 
“Stop calling them your fucken children!” 
Leo pressed his lips together with frustration. “I went through two hours of labor and five minutes of pushing, all for your GODSTONES! The least you can do is help report the twins’ disappearance and bring them back to their Papi Chulo.” 
He was saved from Drake’s wrathful retort by a notification on Drake’s phone. “Oh, no you don’t,” Drake muttered, typing furiously on his keyboard. 
“What are you doing?” Leo huffed impatiently. 
“Someone outbid me for this lure I really want.” Drake finished typing and sucked in a breath. “Ohhhhh shit.” 
“What now?” 
Raking a hand through his hair, Drake extended his phone toward Leo. “Uhhhhh, I think you better look at this.” 
“HOberta69? Drake, don’t buy anything from a seller with that name -- holy shit!” he exclaimed as he looked closer. 
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He clicked the link; the phone screen filled with his own image. “Yeah,” video Leo said, “it hurt like a son of a bitch when I pushed these li’l fellers out, but that’s parenthood!” He held up the jar and shook it. “The rascals.” 
Drake covered his face with his palm. “You are so fucken embarrassing.” 
“This fucken kidnapper! I give her the best two-pump-chumpin’ she’s ever had and this is how the old bag repays me? Oh, the fucken humanity! I will hunt her down! I will throw her in the dungeons! I will --”
“She’s basically holding them for ransom,” Drake said reasonably. “Maybe if you message her …” 
But Leo had already clicked the “buy it now” option. “Thank God I still have Liam’s credit card saved to my account.” 
Drake’s eyes widened. “You paid for the dick rocks? With Liam’s credit card? You know he’s gonna fucken kill you?” 
“Calm your tits, Drake.” Leo heaved a heavy sigh. “You and Alyssa haven’t created a family yet. The first lesson you’re gonna learn when the time comes, though, is that parenthood is full of bullshit sacrifice … and Liam is the lucky guy who gets to make that sacrifice.” 
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queen-fenestra · 3 years
okay so, i wrote some solangelo fanfiction and here it is. also, @wundersimp you said you would be interested and also tagging @simping-for-solangelo and @bookingfangirl
“It isn’t the 1900’s anymore, Nico. Nobody except stuck-up, homophobic drew is gonna hate on you. Just please, come outside. Please. Just come to the dining pavilion with me. You have to eat,” Will said, pacing the Hades cabin. Drew Tanaka had seen Nico and Will holding hands. It had been the first time, after Will had spent weeks trying to convince Nico that hardly anyone at camp would at him. As Will had just said, it wasn’t the 1900’s anymore. Drew had been put on kitchen duty for the next month, and had to do all her activities supervised by the Stoll brothers. They could hand out as many even remotely fair punishments, as long as Katie approved. Katie was the only one who could make Travis do something, and, more impressively, make him not do something. Though Drew was getting a very fair punishment, her words didn’t stop hurting Nico. now he wouldn’t leave his cabin, or talk to anyone. Will had iris messaged Jason, Reyna, and Hazel, and they came immediately, but Nico wouldn’t let them into his cabin. Will came to Nico’s door today and knocked. He had heard no sound and went in, seeing Nico pointedly ignoring him.
“Yeah, alright. Sure,” said Nico dryly, “I have sooo much proof of that, considering what happened.” Nico sounded like he was heavily rolling his eyes. His voice was filled with so much sarcasm that it hurt Will to hear it.
“Nico, Drew is an asshole, but others aren’t like her. Just come outside. Doctors orders?” Will finished, sounding uncertain as to whether saying doctors orders would help.
“Why should I come outside. I have KD stocked up, and I don’t want to. And nobody wants to see me.” 
“Nico, KD isn’t good for you. And you need water.” Will pleaded. Nico pointed to the tap.
“One good reason, Will.” Nico said. 
“Because I love you Nico. That's why.” Will said. He was done with Nico’s shit. He was playing the ace up his sleeve. He looked at Nico. Nico started shaking, and Will rushed over to him. Will carried Nico to the couch.
“Did you not believe that I loved you? That I cared? I came to your cabin every goddamn day, hoping to see you. Your pretty face, your chocolaty brown eyes. I wanted to hear your voice, even if it was just you telling me to scram. I missed you.”
“Nobody likes me, I’m the loner. Everyone thinks I’m creepy. Son of Hades, raiser of the dead, now the weird gay kid. They all wish I would leave. I don’t know why I haven’t yet. No one can like me. It’s not natural,” Nico said, struggling to escape Will’s iron grasp.
“Nico, please,” Will begged, reaching out to brush a tear out of Nico’s eye, “Please. Not everyone will always like you. If you’re holding out for universal popularity, you’re going to be in here a long time.” Nico looked down into Will’s begging face.
“That sounds like it’s from something you made me read or watch,” said Nico, glaring accusingly into Will’s eyes. Will hid a grin.
“Maybe. I’ll tell you if you come outside with me,” cajoled Will, gazing hopefully up at Nico.
“No. You may like me, but everyone else wants me gone. I don’t want to go outside, just to have other people wishing I was gone.” Nico said, looking away from Will. 
“Nico, I know eight people other than me who care. Three of whom came earlier this week to get you out of this cabin. Reyna, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Percy, Annabeth, Leo, and Piper would hate a world without you. They were so concerned, Reyna, Hazel, and Jason came and sat outside your cabin for three days. Travis and Connor brought them food because they thought their cause was worthy. Travis and Connor cared. Other campers came and sat with them as you blatantly ignored all the people who cared about you because you didn’t believe people could care about you since Bianca died. But people do care. And you thinking that they don’t hurts them as much as it hurts you, because they think they aren’t being good enough to you. They think they hurt you in some way. But they didn’t and they deserve better than what you’re giving them. I understand that you’re hurting, and that Drew is a little shit and you have full permission to hate her, but we just want you back. Tell me Nico, when you say ‘other people’ hate you, do they have a face. Who are they?” Will asked. He let out all his emotions to try to get through to Nico. 
“You wanna know who other peoples faces are?” yelled Nico, “You wanna know? It’s Drew, yes, but also the kids at camp Jupiter sneering at Hazel and I as we walked past. It’s my dad as he told me I wasn’t as good as my sister and never would be, as he took Percy and locked him up, even after I asked my dad for a favour, saying it was for my crush. It’s the aphrodite kids shoving Percy and Annabeth into the lake. It’s Travis and Connor teasing me about HAVING A CRUSH ON ANNABETH when I saved them all from destruction at the battle of manhattan. It’s cupid- it’s cupid outing me in front of Jason in croatia.” Nico’s voice broke as he started sobbing. Will pulled him back onto the couch as he crumpled into tears. 
“Nico, people hurt you. I recognize that. But Hazel and Jason and Reyna and I sitting outside your cabin trying to help you aren’t those people. Your dad tried to make it up to you, he gave you a french zombie chauffeur. Travis and Connor tried to help us, bringing us meals in support of you. Cupid doesn’t matter. He’s an ocean away. All these people who mentioned aren’t going to attack you the moment you step outside your door. Come outside.”
“Fine then,” said Will, “I’ve tried everything. Bye I guess.” He stood up and left. He wasn’t always calm and cool. He most often felt like an elastic band stretched almost to breaking point. And sometimes he snapped. He wasn’t the carefree, relaxed guy they always saw. He had his fair share of hurt. He had seen his siblings die, sometimes in his hands, as he tried desperately to save them. All the fallen campers, an inch away from death, lying around him at the end of the battle, knowing he couldn’t save them all. All the hours he worked in the infirmary after the warriors of the battle who got all the credit relaxed. All the times he needed a shoulder to cry on and having to be someone else’s shoulder. All that. 
Nico left his cabin as soon as Will was out of sight. Not to go eat food or be with other people, but to be with Bianca. He shadow traveled to Zeus’s fist, where he had said goodbye to Bianca. Now he was saying goodbye to times with Will. He still shouldn’t have been shadow traveling and was almost incorporeal when he arrived. He sat there, sobbing silently into his knees. He wanted to disintegrate into the earth. He ran his dagger along his arms and legs, drawing trickles of blood. He didn’t want to leave, so he didn’t. 
“Nico?” Will called tentatively, “Are you here?” the door to the Hades cabin creaked slightly as he opened it. There was not a living thing in it. Nico wasn’t there. Where was Nico. Nico. If Nico was gone… Nico. No. Where was Nico. 
Okay Will, Will thought to himself, don’t panic. Where would Nico go? I have no fucken clue. Who knew Nico the longest? Percy. Who knows Nico the best? Jason or Reyna or Hazel. Problem, they are all the way on the west coast. Guess I gotta go see Percy.
Percy set his homework down and walked towards the door of his apartment. Why did people come right when he was starting his schoolwork? He got distracted and never got back on track. Percy opened the door and was met by Will. Will looked very anxious, so Percy let him in.
“Please say there isn’t another war and you’re here to recruit me for it,” sighed Percy, already resigned to his fate.
“No,” Will assured him, “It’s not that. It’s Nico. He left. I don’t know where he is. Do you have any idea where he could be hiding?”
“Yeah,” said Percy, “I’ll take you there. Follow me.” They walked down to the street, where Paul’s prius was parked, and drove to camp.
Nico felt like an asshole. He had driven Will away from him, just like everybody else he cared about. He had been so annoying his sister had joined the hunt. Percy had mistrusted him so much after his father had tricked Nico, and now he always felt that Percy didn’t fully trust him. The members of the argoⅡ had been glad to get rid of him when he left with Reyna. Why did this always happen to him? He couldn’t have other people in his life. It didn’t work for him. As soon as he got attached to someone they always left. He didn’t deserve them.
When Percy and Will got to camp, Percy set off at a fast pace towards the forest. They walked through the woods in a straight line, never varying in their direction. Will soon realized where they headed. They were a couple of meters away from the clearing around zeus’ fist, when Percy stopped. 
“This is my best guess,” said Percy, “He said goodbye to Bianca here. This is where he’d go if he lost someone. You might want to go alone. I’ll wait back at the big house. Annabeth told me something I should tell Chiron.” Percy turned around and walked back the way they had come. Will stepped into the clearing.
“Nico?” he called tentatively, “Are you there?” He looked and saw a crumpled from leaning against the rocks. “Nico!” Will rushed to Nico. Nico was sobbing and had blood running over his arms. He had scratched his werewolf cuts open.
“I’m sorry Will,” Nico sobbed into Will’s shirt, “You don’t deserve me. I’m sorry.”
“Shhh,” Will whispered, “Don’t be sorry. I know this is hard for you. We don’t have to go back right now. We can stay here, but we have to go back eventually. We can stay here for a while though.” He comforted Nico, letting Nico sob into his shirt. It was too much for Nico. He had just made up his mind to run away to the yukon, where he wouldn’t bother anyone again. He had no idea how long he sat there, sobbing into Will’s shirt. 
“I’m sorry that I’m difficult, Will. I’m sorry I made you snap.”
“Nico, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
“Let’s go back to camp. I’m hungry.” Hearing Nico say he wanted to go back to camp made Will smile. They headed out of the woods to the dining pavilion, where Nico ate healthy food, doctor’s orders. And Nico sat at the Apollo table, doctor's orders.
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spiralesbian · 4 years
here’s my full Stranger Avatar Sasha Archivist timeline:
(also, thanks to @artbyblastweave for being so interested in my lil au!)
sasha james is hired as the head archivist of the magnus institute!
her assistants are jon, tim, and martin
tim takes the thematic role of martin (aka getting tormented by my worm wife jane, and stays in the archives)
sasha reads thru statements and is a skeptic! she really does not believe it’s real until jane comes along.
“tim……………………..did you die here?”
“no, but every time i come to work i die a little more inside.”
cute timsha moment in the supply closet tho.
until martin kool-aid-mans through the door and gets them out of there
jon used to work in artefact storage so he hides in there. he’ll be fine
i actually can’t remember how they all get out but they do it KKJSDGFJHD
sasha takes everyone’s statements. tim is fucked up, martin is also fucked up, jon is actually fine though he seems pretty normal about this whole situation most definitely.
sasha realizes this is a bit more than a regular archivist job.
sasha gets paranoid of course. she learns more about gertrude because she never got the chance to meet her
she takes a statement from a guy named michael shelley. weird dude. then helen shows up :)
jon is most definitely himself he is just a normal regular grumpy jon i swear :)
sasha starts to manifest her powers a little bit. she doesn’t know it, but she is an avatar of the stranger, and a prisoner of the eye.
she starts to notice more things about jon? similar to this comic but with jon
eventually she + tim + martin help get jon out of the grip of the NotJon. this is my au and i get to choose who dies (it’s no one because i miss the s1 archival assistants too much).
jon is pretty fucked up from this though and at like a season-3-tim mindset already.
fucking goddamn leitner avatar of the fucking whore shows up to trap the NotJon in one of his shitty fucking novels. fuck this guy tho
he’s like Sasha We Must Talk and shes like okay but stay 8 ft away from me at all times you bitch
she leaves the room for 10 minutes and pipe murder occurs. good riddance
wait are the cops in the season i genuinely can’t remember. if they are, their roles don’t change very much. melanie and sasha feud, battle of the bi queens
uh oh! girlie’s be framed for murder! she crashes at her ex gf georgie’s flat. also the admiral is there don’t think i would EVER cut him out of this story
(also jon is georgie’s ex too because i think that would be fun JDHBFHS)
sasha learns abt an upcoming web ritual (mirroring the unknowing), all that shit. gets kidnapped a ton of times, as usual.
helen is like “i am going to kill you because i hate gertrude <3 i was that dumb bitch’s assistant for too long” but michael busts out of the door like Hi Guys and traps her in the hallway.
sasha also gives her statement about a leitner she found as a child that marked her. its a stranger book and we learn her edgy orphan origin story how her parents were both murked by the stranger. fucked up if true!
back at the archives jon is like so fucking tired of this shit honestly and now martin is also pretty paranoid. also jm romance subplot is still very present!
tim is just trying to protect sasha at all times and he’s pissed she keeps leaving the country and getting fucking kidnapped
(remember when jon persuades the traffic cop?) sasha starts to fill her archivist role in a different way. she can shapeshift into the subject of a statement and uses her affiliation with the eye to coerce statements or info out of people. (example: if she needed a live statement from the guy in #90 Body Builder, she could temporarily make herself look like jared hopworth to the guy and ask “what happened to me?” or “what did i do?” and the guy would be like well he built some fucken bodies i guess let me tell you all about it) while reading the statements in america that refuel her, she fully shapeshifts into the statement giver while reading out loud.
once again i truly can’t remember daisy + basira’s roles until the end of the season. also melanie get shot by the ghost at some point
anyways sasha gets kidnapped by trevor and julia and they gerry lays out all the shit for her and she’s like ah! i’m fucked
tim offhand mentions the web ritual to martin and he loses his shit cause he’s marked by the web blah blah this isn’t a web!martin thing i swear i just need someone to fill tim’s role in the ritual and a lonely ritual would be fucking boring as hell as we learned from ass man peter lukas. i hate that man
so they make the plan to stop the web ritual (which is fucking hard when the offense knows your every move) so sasha, basira, daisy, jon, and martin go.
tim stays back at the institute to burn shit and distract elias. elias does some fucked up shit as usual and it makes me sad
the ritual starts! they have a plan to blow it up and run but like. u know how it goes
instead of the unknowing-stranger-dream-sequence, we get everyone kinda mixed up in a huge spider’s web on the big stage and its still quite confusing because this ritual not only manipulates the prey, but also the prey’s perceived reality. the web is also in current control of the buried coffin cause they think that shit is kinda fun. they yeet daisy into it.
hard to describe what happens, but basira keeps her cool, jon is a bit lost in his own mind, sasha tries to use her powers to escape but fails. she manages to get through to martin through the strings and mounds of spiders and she tosses him the detonator.
[squishing spider noises]
martin doesn't die, i told you i can't kill the og archival assistants! he does lose most of one leg though, he took the blunt of the explosion.
sasha in da hospital in da coma. tim is mad he can’t wake her up and then my man ollie says “ur fucked up mate” and she wakes up
(and because coma jon has such wild hair controversy, i’m establishing that her head was shaved when she was in the coma. it grows back thru s4. it she keeps one side shaved cause she’s cool)
meanwhile tim is recruited by that dumbass man you know who i don’t even wanna say his stupid fucking name
sasha gets daisy out of the buried. they become avatar pals!
(there is the biggest blank in my memory where all of season four should be. at this point i should just relisten to the entire fucking show but i would literally just forget it all again)
melanie says hm. fuck this! and blinds herself. she goes to live with georgie (and that’s the moment jon and sasha realize they are both georgie’s exes FHFHDJD)
tim continues to fight the lonely pull. he thinks that since p*ter l*kas is tied to the institute, he can blind himself out cause melanie was successful. he is wrong. he is also interrupted by elias midway, and only blinds one eye, and loses most of his sight in the other. elias’s hold on him is weak, but this just drives him way farther into the lonely.
gotta be honest i remember the end of season four but like i couldn’t visualize what was happening at the end so i like don’t understand what happened JGDKFJGD but sasha intervenes (???) and peter yeets tim into the lonely (???) and sasha jumps in (??????) after him. elias is just there i guess?
instead of “look at me martin,” sasha finds tim and at this point her form is warped and hard to recognize because of stranger powers, and tim is almost 100% blind, so she says “don’t look at me, see me. see me tim, it’s me.” and finally creates a clear image of herself. “it’s...it’s you. you’re my sasha.”
they break free and go to scotland i guess KHSDDKDSF
idk what happens with jon and martin im losing continuity at this point. fuck it, they smooch <3
“ah these are the statements.”
“yes. basira said last week she’d send some up as soon as the archives weren’t a crime scene. and she wasn’t sure which ones you’ve read already, so she, she just said she’d send a bunch.”
“.........Hello Sasha.”
(alternate ending: personally i think sasha would read through each statement before speaking them aloud cause that’s what i would fucking do, so she would get this statement and be like “lmao tim come look at this elias trying to prank me dumb bitch think i’ll start the apocalypse for him. fucking little puny bitch boy. anyways what do you want for dinner?”)
“just. listen.”
“...i’m dead. and you have been chosen to be my replacement as head archivist. hopefully, this means you, jon, but if someone else is hearing this, and elias has made a different choice for some reason, then these words are still very much intended for you.”
sasha in full stranger avatar mode and is like 8ft tall and her faces shift a lot as they go through the realms. except the stranger is the second to last one (the panopticon is last obviously).
helen and michael actually talk shit out in the spiral hallway and now they are mlm wlw solidarity and both like tim and sasha are such bi and trans icons <3 this is so fun don’t you love the fearpocalypse <3
oh daisy n basira trapped in the hunt, and jon and martin are trapped in the stranger. wtgfs + the admiral are like in space or some shit idk but they are ok :)
not much to report other than she is my monster wife <3
i really don’t have many theories to how everything in s5 is gonna pan out, and i would like to closely mirror the actual show, so maybe as we get closer to the end i’ll build more on to this! thanks a lot for all the notes on my first sarchivist post!! also if u wanna make art this specific au DEF tag me in it i’d love to see!!
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ofkanes · 4 years
me   pulling   up   wayyy   later   than   expected   :   👀👀,   fhdjs   hi   !!   i’m   nik   but   u   can   call   me   nikolaj   (   b99   stans   only      😤)   &   i’m   here   to   bring   my   mess   of   a   baby   kane   !!   ok   so   i’m   literally   too   excited   for   this   group   pls   don’t   @   me   .   before   i   start   i   just   wanna   say   that   all   ur   intros   ??   shakespeare   is   quaking   !!   send   tweet   .
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[   jack   gilinsky   ,   he   /   him   ,   twenty   two   ,   cis   male   ]   do   my   eyes   deceive   me   ,   or   did   i   just   see   (   KANE   MORGAN   )   getting   out   of   the   car   in   hunnington   ?   i   guess   (   HE’S   )   living   around   (   ROCK   SPRINGS   )   ,   which   i   could’ve   guessed   .   hopefully   they   can   keep   their   (   -   SHORT   TEMPERED   &   -   COMPLACENT   )   shit   to   theirselves �� ,   and   focus   on   being   (   +   ADAPTABLE   &   +   CHARMING   )   to   avoid   any   problems   .   and   for   the   love   of   god   ,   lets   hope   they   don’t   talk   about   the   (   HIDDEN   )   thing   .
ok lemme say that i envisioned kane as a movie bby , you’ll get what i mean in 2 secs . 
his two parents are both movie directors , his mother is an actress turned movie director . the morgan surname is well - known across the silver screens everywhere , not one that people take it lightly . here’s some background about his parents . 
tim morgan : father , but mostly known of his work as a movie director , i wanna say he has the career claim of frank darabont ( directed : the shawnshank redemption , the green mile , mary shelley’s frankestein , the walking dead ... etc ) . he earned his name despite being , at first , a nerdy film school student . very proud person , definitely snobbish . 
ingrid jackson - morgan : mother , but also a very good actress , i was thinking she had the career claim of michelle pfeiffer (  scarface , grease 2 , batman returns , hairspray , murder on the orient express ... etc ) . she comes from a line of models & actresses , so it’s no surprise there . 
now you have young kane morgan , now im ashamed to say he was named after citizen kane , his parent’s favourite movie ( rlly no taste ngl ) & you’ll never guess his middle name .... brando . that’s it , i’m cancelling him . 
but basically he’s a little accident that happened before the marriage , oops ? so really , an unhappy surprise for ms & mr morgan . his mother wasn’t very happy w his arrival because all she wanted to do was to work on movies & NOT take care of a child . 
don’t worry , cuz kane rlly felt that unhappiness ooze outta her . gr8 nannies though , he loves them . 
his father was happy to have someone to teach all his knowledge to , nerd alert , but that was one of the few moments he appreciated kane . that’s it . 
so one could imagine the disaster of a kid being brought up by movie stars ( read : nannies ) , not a stranger to cameras , red carpets & all that good stuff . 
ofc he was a child actor , his parents tried to put him in almost every movie they could , spreading that good morgan family name n all . kane didn’t think much of it , until he was old enough to understand .
he was definitely a little bratty , demanding attention from everyone all the time . being as fickle as they come , but that’s only because his parents didn’t give a flying fuck . 
as he grew up , still on the spotlight , he liked to be on & off the camera . some years , he yearned to be the center of attention & other’s he hated the job . very hard to keep up with . 
when he turned sixteen , he had his first ( & probably not last ) proper hollywood breakdown , almost as bad as brittany circa 2007 . he got a good role & was introduced to the bad side of hollywood . parties , drugs , shady people & all that good stuff . he was influenceable & fell into all the traps . it was only 2 years later that his parents were able to snap him out of it . they ofc paid all the tabloids to keep the good name out of their articles , but if you do your research , you’ll find some pretty pics of lil morgan . 
since then , he has cleaned up his act . ofc he took a couple of years off , went to college, tried to focus on himself & discover who he was ( he wasn’t only a morgan , he was kane !! who is kane ?? ) & he only started starring in roles recently , post college graduation . 
he just got off his first acting job post - hiatus & it’s a blockbuster . i was thinking maybe inspired on those coming of age movies ( à la hot summer nights but w more traction ) & people are freaking out !! kane morgan on the big screen ?? WHAT ?? he came back to nc before he decides on what to do next .
ok so you can already guess that kane morgan is no humble kid . i like to think he has layers , but ppl can’t be bothered to look through all of them . 
some would say that his major problems stem from the fact that his parents didn’t give him enough attention & the public gave him too much . 
having your parents’ attention ? that’s so 2002 . 
for the press i like to think he has this movie star facade down . you know the old charming james dean smile , handsome but kind . loves the underdog , very humble about his social standing . generous , outgoing & loved by everyone . 
idk i never met james dean , all the information i have on him is taylor swift’s song : style .  
now if we dig a little deeper , he’s still quite the charmer ( c’mon he’s an actor after all ) , but maybe not as humble nor kind . he can be quite rude & entitled , but has some good jokes . don’t get him completely wrong , he’s still a bit generous ( he gives 25% tips wow ) . likes a good party , but knows his limits . always down for a good time . 
if we go even deeper , oof , he’s a bit broken . never learned to love properly , all he has it’s movies , which we can all agree are shit if you’re gonna base your attachment type on it . he lives on his own little world & likes to keeps his guards up . a sweetheart really , you can see past all the snobby film critic bullshit & he’s just a boy who wanna have fun & have a good life like all those people on the screen . 
you   would   fucken   think   im   a   film   major   but   NO   ,   i’m   not   even   that   fancy   w   movies   .   and   after   all   reading   all   those   movies   titles   ur   head   must   be   spinning   ,   MINE   IS   !!   but   ily   &   ur   an   absolute   queen   /   king   /   monarch   if   you   read   thru   all   of   this   !!   let   me   tag   my   plot   page   below   hehe   ,   it’s   were   we   get   angstyyy   !
plot page babey
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llamamicrowave · 4 years
My Big Family on AO3
Jojo sibling AU Stands still exits. Jonathan has a slightly stronger version of hermit purple. And to compensate for such a weak stand he and Joseph learned Hamon. Johnny and Gappy are their cousins who live in America. Ships in tags
Pure cringe. Beware..
Chapter 1
School Sux PT.1Chapter Text
Ships (Minor but exist)
-JonaErina (The only important one)
-Joseph x Suzi Q x Ceaser (Leave me alone)
-Very minor GioTrish
-Jolyne x Ermes
Jonathan POV
Hi! My name is Jonathan Joestar! A little about my self? Well, I'm 26, I have 4 younger siblings that I take care of since my father is always working. But it's fine I love taking care of them! I have a girlfriend, her name is Erina Pendleton and I'm planning to propose to her soon! Please don't tell her that, or any of my bothers, I don't want them to roast me for being a softy again.
Even though I am the oldest I can't be there some times, so when I'm not there my brother Joseph is in charge. But Joseph sometimes can be... How can I say this without sounding rude? Stupid? Immature? Idiotic? Well, yes to all of those.
Since Joseph can be a bit dumb at times, dad gives responsibly to Jotaro. He's pretty chill but sometimes can come off as rude. It's all a fake though, he loves marine life (especially dolphins lol) and when he was ten he told me he wanted to be a Marine Biologist! So in short, he's a dork.
Then there's Josuke and Jolyne the twins. There the youngest in the family. Josuke is the oldest by a few minutes. He's a goofball but can be serious if needed. Like if someone insults his hair he could go as some might say, Apeshit.
Jolyne, our only sister. Her personality is much like Jotaro. She just says whatever she wants, whenever she wants. I can't really say much about her since I'm being blackmailed by her and Jotaro. They're so alike it's scary.
I know I said I only had 4 siblings but there's another I didn't mention. 3 years before Joseph was born my father adopted a "friend" of his's son, Dio Brando. Dio was, excuse my language, a dick ever since we were kids. He ran over my dog Danny with one of his "friends" cars. As soon as Dio turned 18 he moved to Italy to become a lawyer. But that wasn't the last time I saw him.
While in Italy Dio, had a child with a woman he didn't even know. That woman neglected her son and allowed her husband to abuse him.
"She would leave days at a time and leave little food for him." I looked at the toddler sleeping in his arms, he had black hair and a cute bowl cut. "He's only a kid, he can't survive like that," Dio said to me.
"I can't let him have the same childhood as me." he looked dead into my eyes. I finally understood where he was coming from torturing me all these years.
"..." I stayed quiet.
"But I'm not taking care of this kid."
And now he lives with us! His name is Giorno Giovanna-Brando-Joestar. He is only a year younger then Josuke and Jolnye. And that's my family!
And remember when I said my dad works a lot, that was a lie...
He died on Jotaro's 11th birthday. He and my stepmother were hit by a drunk driver. Jotaro blames himself for the crash. It's not his fault though, he had no control over it. He was only a kid. I'm sorry to drop this on you now but with my father's death made me like a father figure to them. Dad would be proud.
Jonathan- 26
Johnny- 22
Joseph- 20
Jo2uke- 19
Jotaro- 17
Josuke- 16
Jolyne- 16
Giorno- 15
Narrator POV
Jonathan woke up first as normal and recapped his schedule,
Ok, so I have to make breakfast, Make sure they're ready for school, go to work, and meet up with Erina, and? What else do I have to do? ...Oh yeah! Take away Joseph's phone for getting arrested yesterday! Next time he should, you know, not try and run over his WHEELCHAIR BOND COUSIN! Goodness, I got angry again, sorry about that.
Jonathan arose from his bed and began his morning routine. He showered, washed his face, brushed his teeth, and got ready for the day.
He then started to make breakfast for his big family.
Joseph likes bacon with coffee.
Jotaro likes toast with coffee.
Josuke likes eggs with juice.
Jolyne likes yogurt with coffee.
And Giorno likes vegan pancakes with tea.
Oh yeah, Johnny, and Gappy and/or Jo2uke are staying with us! I wonder what they want? I'll just make them eggs.
A door opens from upstairs. Giorno walks out from his room to the bathroom to get ready for school. He liked waking up before the rest of his family.
When Giorno was done getting ready he walked down the stairs, and greeted Jonathan as he sat down.
"Good Morning, Jonathan."
"Good Morning! Did you sleep well?" Jonathan asked.
"Yeah, I think s-" He was cut off by a door slamming shut. Very loudly.
"Must be Jotaro. Jolyne must have gotten in the bathroom first." Giorno commented.
Jonathan laughed. "I guess so."
"Good Morning, retards!" Jolyne came prancing down the stairs.
"Jolyne, that isn't nice," Jonathan said sternly.
"You're right, Joseph isn't here right now." she sat down. Jonathan sighed. saying nothing back to her, defeated.
"Where is Joseph anyway?" Giorno asks.
Jonathan scoffs, "I told him to be awake at 6:00 sharp."
"Why 6:00?" Jolyne asked
"That's his punishment for trying to run over Johnny yesterday."
"Ohh yeah! I remember now!"
"Your next line will be, 'The things he'll do for 20 bucks,'!" a voice from inside the pantry spoke.
"The things he'll do for 20 bucks- JOSEPH!" Jolyne yelled.
Joseph popped out of the pantry fully dressed and looking proud.
"I've been up since 4 am!" he said proudly.
"Did you have another nightmare?" Jotaro said sarcastically walking down the stairs.
"Yes actually, Ocean Man!"
"What did you say?" Jotaro asked sternly. Even though Joseph was 3 years older than him they were about the same size.
"He called you, OCEAN. MAN! O-C-E-A-N M-A-N!" Josuke called from the upstairs bathroom.
"Fuck off." Jotaro sat down. "Langage, Jotaro!" Jonathan told him.
"Joot, you seem more pissy than usual, are you on your period?" Jolyne asked smugly.
"Jolyne, I'm not in a good mood and I want you to know I will not hesitate to choke you out and then feed it to your simp."
"Anasui is not a simp!" Jolyne defended.
"Funny, how you knew who I was talking about without saying his name."
"Have fun at school!" Jonathan yelled at his younger siblings.
"Yeah, fun and school don't mix well," Jolyne yelled back.
Joseph usually carpools with Ceasar and Smokey. Jotaro drives him and his friends to school with Jonathan's car. (Jonathan drives there dads car to work). Jolyne caught a ride with her girlfriend Ermes. Josuke walked with his friends Okuyasu and Koichi. And Giorno either walked by himself or ride with his older friend Bruno, today he was alone with his thoughts.
Joseph POV
"Ugh, collage sucks!" I groaned. "Suck it up buttercup It's only the beginning of the year," Ceasar said, reading a book.
We were in the library supposed to be studying but I got a bit distracted. See Suzi Q was also in the library, by herself. Nobody around her, the perfect opportunity to ask her out, but this blonde bubble-blowing bitc-
"Stop staring at Suzi, it's starting to get creeping now," Ceasar said still looking at the book.
"And why should I?"
"1. We should be studying, and 2. Your so small no girl wants to date you." that asshole wrote something in his notebook.
I. Was. Annoyed to say the least. I mean it's true, BUT YOU DON'T SAY IT! So I did the only rational thing, put him in a headlock.
Good thing the library was empty except for a couple of people who were used to our bullshit by now.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU BUFFOON!?" Ceasar said, or at least tried too.
Ha, get rekt, bitch.
Jotaro POV
"Ugh, I hate school."
"Can you stop being edgy for 5 seconds?" Polnareff asked.
"Can you guys stop arguing and actually help!" Avdol said while he was doing the science assignment, I don't know why. Fucken dork.
"Kakyoin is literally sleeping!" Polnareff wined.
"Kakyoin has had a long day."
"Yeah... what are we talking about?"
"So, sleeping beauty is finally up," I say.
"I know you meant that as an insult but I'm taking it as a compliment, Aurora was fabulous!" Kak laughed like the maniacal little gay shit he is.
"Aww, you guys are so cute!"
"Polnareff focus on the experiment!-" the test tube cut him off, by exploding.
"Finally something exciting," I said because it was fucking epic.
"I mean this would not have happened Joot and Kak weren't flirting with each other."
Josuke POV
"Math is hardddddd."
"It's not that hard, Oku."
"Okuyasu, you should probably pay attention to my lesson instead of complaining." our math and gym/Hamon teacher Lisa-Lisa said to my friend Okuyasu, and trust me no one wants to get on her bad side, the last person to do that was Joseph, he still has nightmares, and he graduated.
"Yes, Josuke?"
"Is this going to be on the test?" I ask so I could know what to remember.
"Most of it will. But if you're asking me if you should listen in class or not, the answer is yes." it felt like she stared into my soul at that list part.
The bell rang
Lunch finally! Freedom at last!
"Your homework is to study for the quiz I'm giving you on an undisclosed date!"
Giorno POV
I walk over to bleachers outside of school where my friends (And Abbacchio) usually eat.
"Hey, guys." I quietly say. Right now there is only, Bruno, Abbacchio, Mista, and... Trish. Anyways as soon as Fugo and Narancia get here the peace will be ruined. Right now Bruno was talking to Mista and Trish about some party this Friday, and Abbacchio was on his phone with headphones on.
"Hello Giorno, how was your morning," Bruno asked.
"Eh, it was fine. Jolyne almost got ORAed."
"What else is new," Trish said drinking her mineral water. Wow shes really pretty, what?
"SUP BITCHES!" Narancia ran up to the bleachers with Fugo following behind him, sighing. Well, that was fun while it lasted.
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bananaapplewaffle · 2 years
Vignettes [Set 2] [Savanaclaw & Scarabia]
Something’s Still Off… | Jack - PE Uniform
He be running!!
Oh damn, Deuce finna be running too
How about y'all take a break???
I Was Impressed (Part One) | Jack - Ceremonial Robes
Back at it again with my mans in these robes
The cleaners may be expensive but its less work
Just go take some money from Leona
Oh god he Ace fucken go
Ace out here finna cheat with his card tricks
Break everything Jack
Unleash the Beast
Did Jack feel like he had to act a certain way around Riddle to make it seem like he wasn't just some brute?
I Was Impressed (Part Two) | Jack - Ceremonial Robes
Ah one of these games
Riddle: "I dare him. I dare him to cheat."
This so cute
Jack is such a good boy
Laugh While You Can (Part One) | Jack - Beans Camo
I hate this yellow ass hair
Damn got the both of them
Damn Ruggie was there too
We didn't stand a chance
Bully him
Azul, Jack is right.
You might want to try working on your stamina.
Just because you're in a magic school doesn't mean bad things won't happen.
I could never lol
Why the fuck are your siblings playing tag for 6 hours straight
god i can hear it
"Y'all better choose! In or out!"
Oh we have a front gate?
"What is it, boy? Ya smell something'?"
Jack took it in stride tho
The amount of Fucks that Floyd does not give.
Laugh While You Can (Part Two) | Jack - Beans Camo
How has Azul not been like
"Ah, he's in a dower mood. Collect him and let us continue."
Okay nevermind
He said fuck around and find out
Not Floyd being pissed that he got on the Famer's Team
Jack my beloved honest good boi
(not even gonna touch on the Azul calling Ruggie vice dorm leader here)
The girls are finna fight
If Floyd could use hands
this would be over in an instant
Don't Worry, I Got This (Part One) | Ruggie - Ceremonial Robes
Define fat cats...
I mean.... the uniforms are kinda cute i guess
Azul not you tryna steal from wamen's pocketbooks...
God Kalim. Love ya, I do. But I could never deal with you.
Don't Worry, I Got This (Part Two) | Ruggie - Ceremonial Robes
Wait... why is a track meet bringing in females from afar?
(Even tho this whole all boy's school simply does not exist for me lol).
These two make a scary good duo....
also ruggie has a scary good talent for leading
Ruggie, take Leona's place as second born prince
Damn he....
I don't even care if its not, it is now.
Agreements with Jamil (Part One) | Kalim - Labwear
what a great start
oh no
oooh Disney Castle vibes
Jamil, baby no. It was just Kalim being Kalim.
Kalim no!
He looks so upset
...oh my god Kalim please stop and listen
Oh? He also invited Floyd?
damn they said
"um we literally had zero plans in going but go off king"
okay now i feel like Ruggie was actually planning to go
but he's also blowing up like this so he can get something liek a favor out of it
Shite mans was prepared to take a coupla plates home
Agreements with Jamil (Part Two) | Kalim - Labwear
This is going to be the worse party to have never happened
Oh Ruggie! You're still here!
Damn Ruggie finna eat good good
You right
Y'all leaving the food there
Me and Grim gonna find it and eat it
Good Luck, Charlie.
You Have Plenty of Time (Part One) | Jamil - Ceremonial Robes
Ah, after our little setting everything on fire incident at the beginning.
what are you doing here
but also
he's built that big
Y'all are all pussies for not wanting to go to the baddest dorms on campus.
I've beat her up plenty of time
(Gravity is the spell to use btw)
You Have Plenty of Time (Part Two) | Jamil - Ceremonial Robes
I love Sebek
Damn why is it so dark
Not y'all dimming the lights in the Diasomnia Hallway
Kalim such a sweetheart
Kalim sent Jamil a compliment!
Jamil.exe has stop working!
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Twisted Ramblings
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