sleepingcatemojis · 1 year
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negative stims: hitting a pillow, head, and chest - still image and gif versions!! requested by anon (link)!
feel free to use in your servers but do credit me!!
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animestsstuff2 · 8 days
YandereProHero Bakugou x quirkless reader
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I keep thinking of like yandere Bakugou with a quirkless reader, like someone he just became infatuated with and picked the perfect time to take them.
Content warning: kidnapping, implied non-con, yandereBakugou, quirkless reader, tied up, isolation, deprivation.
ProHeroBakugou, who entered the cafe you worked at one day looking to get an iced caramel coffee. His mood immediately changing when you greeted him with the brightest smile. He began coming in everytime (sometimes twice) when he was patrolling your area
ProHeroBakugou, who seen your cafe on the news as being involved in a battle. Bakugou who left his sidekicks, blasting through the sky and to the devastated area where the pros fought the villain.
ProHeroBakugou, who found you among the debris, swept your unconscious body up and took you to his apartment. ‘ProHero’ bakugou who clicked the cuff around your ankle as you stirred on the bed. A few superficial cuts littered your face and arms.
Bakugou, who greeted you with a grin when you awoke. Your eyes widening as panic settled in your chest, seeing the chain attached to your ankle as your breaths picked up and you tugged desperately at it. Your eyes whipping to meet his red ones as he grabbed your cheek. A caring smile on his face as he stared at your horror stricken self
YandereBakugou, who grew angry at your constant yelling and cursing at him, missing the sweet smiles and giggles you’d throw at him, instead you would throw anything you could grab, including the plates full of food at him. Bakugou who was believed you just needed time and patience (one he had very little of)
YandereBakugou, who realised hitting you was a guaranteed way to shut you up but the silence was more unnerving than the yelling. Bakugou who crawled into bed immediately after, wrapping his arms around your waist as his body settled itself between your legs. “C’mon doll, you were misbehavin’ you know I don’t wanna hurt you, c’mere gimme a hug”
YandereBakugou, who ignored any and all your protests when it came to physical touch. He would cuddle you in bed and the erection that pressed against your ass made you nauseous even worse was when he showered you, still being forced on a chain. This time it was connected to him. His hands running all over your body as he resisted bending you over the sink.
YandereBakugou, who began letting you have more freedom, allowing you into the living room and kitchen. He made sure all the knives were kept out of reach. A smile on his face after he convinced forced you to cook him dinner “gonna get a coffee machine too, so you can make me somethin’ sweet huh pet?”
YandereBakugou, who dragged you by your hair through the house after he came home one day to you picking at the balcony door lock. Bakugou who allowed you to roam the house whilst he was gone believing you loved him now and wouldn’t leave him.
YandereBakugou, who opened the cupboard door to see your wide wet eyes meet his. Your words muffled by the cloth gag, hands and legs rubbing against the rope that bound them. Bakugou who almost fell off balance when you practically jumped on him after being untied, fresh tears rolling down your face “m’sorry, p-please, dont leave me alone again” Bakugou who only rolled his eyes at your dramatics, it was only, what, two days?
YandereBakugou, who smiled down at you greeting him at the front door, adorned in one of his shirts as he smelled the meal you cooked from the kitchen. Bakugou who finally made you into his perfect partner no more fighting or protesting when he pulled your panties off. You just took it like a good girl “my good girl hmm”
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coolthingsguyslike · 4 months
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nanmo-wakaran · 1 month
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josselyn1021 · 4 months
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Knuckles Series 🔥
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tanyakennedy1899 · 1 month
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William x Michael stimboard
{ x x x | x | x x x }
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cruella1989 · 3 months
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(via GIPHY)
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giffypudding · 5 months
Come on work
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captain-lessship · 6 months
Frozen Over Pt. 3
Trigger Warnings (Whole Work): Canon Typical Violence, Manipluation, Abuse, President Snow being President Snow, Eventual Character Death.
Content Warning: Abuse (Only one instance in this chapter in the form of hitting and I rather be safe than sorry), blood and illness (Snow’s illness)
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You were awoken in the dead of night by one of the house tenders, he shook your shoulders. You jolted awake, “What is the matter?”
“Your grandfather is asking for you. He is declining.”
You jumped out of bed and a grabbed your house robe, tying it as you ran down the hall, calling to the tender to wake everyone else up and send for his doctor.
You made the corner and didn’t stop til you reached the double sliver door of his room. You opened them quickly, “Grandfather?” You called into the room.
You saw him propped up in bed, coughing into a handkerchief. You slowly approached him. “Grandfather,” you took his free hand in yours. “You are not doing better. I sent for your doctor.” You said, voice uneven.
“They can’t do anything to help me.”
“Maybe they can give you something to ease your pain. It’s a Quarter Quell. Hopefully one of the best ones yet.”
“What about after?”
You stopped, “Then, we go to your country house. I think city air is really messing with you.”
He coughed again, sounding like he was trying to hack up his own lung. It is worse at night due to him laying down. His eyes that were irritated stared into yours, his look was apologetic, for only what the two of you knew.
He stared at you, removing his hand from yours and letting it come to your face. “You have grown up. You shouldn’t be worrying about me.”
“I am just… not ready to let you go.”
At that moment, the doctor had arrived. You looked at the doctor, “His cough is worse. Is there anything you can do to help him sleep?”
“We will try. Please go back to bed, Mr. Snow.”
You looked at your grandfather and he nodded, excusing you. As you left, you saw your younger sister by the door way.
“Let’s get you back to bed.”
“Is grandpa okay?”
You thought, “Yes, he is. Sometimes people get sick.”
As you walked her back to her room, she asked you another question, “Are you grandpa’s favorite?”
You stopped. How could you be his favorite? Memories came back to you as a pain burned on your face.
“You are doing what?” You said with restrained anger.
“It is not as bad as it-“
“Because it isn’t happening to you!” You shrieked as you jerked up and out of your seat.
“Sit down.”
“No! You shouldn’t be doing that to him! You are whoring him out like he’s nothing! He’s a person and he’s my friend.”
The look he gave you chilled you to your core.
“Your friend?”
He stood up from his chair and walked to you, you were frozen. You watched him come to you and were slowly starting to expect a close conversation but your were surprised when he slapped you across your face with the knuckles of his hand.
They were bony and made a loud pop as they were thwacked across your cheek. His ring nicked you just below your eye, a small droplet of blood came from your face. You held your face and looked at President Snow.
“If he is your friend, I am not yours.”
You smiled as you opened her bedroom door, “Grandparents don’t pick favorites.” Only closing it once she got in bed.
Silently, you walked back to your bed room. Moonlight flooded the hallway, covering it in a silver blanket. You looked up at the moon that was half full or just shy of it. You continued your walk to your room, letting it ring in your heart that Finnick was still your friend and nothing was ever going to change that.
It was a few days later that you found yourself sharply doing your eyeliner, barely breathing as you did it. You liked the bird of prey look it gave you.
Your stylist, Kimber commented on your hair texture before a small gasp came from her.
“What is it?”
“A white hair.”
You reached to where her hand was and plucked it from your scalp, it was indeed a white hair.
Kimber began listing all sorts of causes: Genetics, Vitamins Deficiencies and Bad Luck. All you could do was stare at it, it was the exact same shade as your grandfathers.
You let it fall to the ground, “Well, it could be worse. A grey hair never killed anyone.”
She smiled at you remark, “You are rather relaxed considering what you are doing this evening.
You were tasked with the announcement of the Quarter Quell. You had also been tasked with telling the public during the previous night that your grandfather would be absent during that time as he had decided to spend some time with his family. The news got a mixed reaction but many understood. Why deny an old man a visit with his family? That would be cruel!
“Oh it is nerve wracking! But I know you will make me look wonderful.”
“Obviously, I would have been fired years ago if your looks weren’t up to par, then again, I have a lovely canvas.” She winked at your reflection.
You laughed, “But the loveliest canvas of all?”
“My wife!” Kimber swooned.
“Tell me about this outfit.” You glanced to the hanger that held a high collared black suit that had a cape sewn on the back along the shoulder line.
“A design of mine. I call it ‘Future President’, like it?”
“Future president?”
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ayiemojis · 7 months
Oo can you do or have you done a chest hitting stim before? like the head hitting one
I tried I hope this is alright ^^"
(two speeds each)
Slow — Fast
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behindthesemasks · 10 days
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Chapter 16
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Mel wants answers, but the one that comes changes everything...
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TW: violence, guns, hitting, threats, someone has a gun aimed at them
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During the ride back to the hotel, Case and Mel had changed their whole dynamic.    He found she wasn’t nearly the princess that he had believed her to be; and she found he wasn’t nearly as serious and dour as she’d thought him to be.  By the time that they pulled into the underground garage to park, they were laughing and cutting up like they’d been friends for years.  Case never lost sight of the fact that someone had just tried to kill everyone in the last SUV he had driven, and was ever vigilant now that their means of escape was greatly reduced.  
After assessing the area and deeming it safe, he let Mel out her side, casually draping an arm around her slim shoulders and pulling her in close like they were lovers.  Looking down at her, he gave her a grin and a wink as he started to lead her towards the doors into the hotel.  Her arm looped around his waist as she hip bumped him.  He had to give her credit, she picked up on non-verbal cues a lot better than most he’d had to guard over the years.   And the fact that she had shot Andreas, and had a bead on Donovan at the dig site, gave him a healthy respect for her skills and also the strength of character she possessed.
All the way up to the top floor, the two looked like a couple returning to their room for the night.  He considered walking that way in to see Erik and Cam, but decided that he didn’t feel like getting shot by Erik.  Lord knew that he was as twitchy as Klaus right now, since it was Andreas that they were trying to get information out of, and who was part of this whole plot to take out Alexander.
Once they had reached their floor, they went straight to the room that Erik, Cam, and Andreas were in.   Case noticed the way Mel visibly tensed as her hand landed on the doorknob; she had not been nearly as relaxed as she’d acted.  Damn, she was good.  They could use her on some of the missions they went on, that was if Ambrose wouldn’t lose his mind in the process.  Hell, might be more fun if he did.
Erik and Cam were over by one wall talking when Case and Mel walked in. Andreas’s eyes went wide seeing the petite female again.  It was clear he remembered their previous conversation and was in no hurry for a repeat.  Before Case could stop her, she was before the male again with her gun drawn and pointing firmly at his manhood.
“I just got back from what had to be the least enjoyable car ride I’ve ever had.  I am getting seriously tired of being fucking shot at Andreas.  SERIOUSLY. FUCKING. TIRED.  Now you are going to tell me who the fuck ordered this, and you’re going to do it now; because my patience ended somewhere between here and the dig site while I was in the back of that SUV.”  The distinctive click of the safety being turned off was heard and none of the other men moved.  They had to hand it to her, the woman knew how to make an entrance and a statement…all at the same time.
“They…they weren’t supposed to shoot at you.  You’re not even supposed to be here.  No one wants to piss off Ambrose, they’d be stupid to.”  Andreas was stuttering and stumbling over words in his haste to get them out.  He wasn’t so much afraid of dying; however, his cousin and Cam had been inflicting pain on him already, but nothing like she was about to.
“A name, Andreas.  NOW!”  He felt the gun move slightly, and another click sounded, which was the hammer being pulled back.  Now all that separated him from pain he’d wish he’d be dead from, was a twitch of her finger.  “I don’t think you’re getting how tired I am of games.”   The other men glanced at each other, they all had to remember not to piss her off in the future.
“Oglesby.  It was Oglesby.  He doesn’t want the relics coming out of that dig site.  Dear god, don’t kill me!  It was Oglesby.”  Tears started to form at the corners of his eyes.  
“WHO is Oglesby?”  She pressed the gun further against his groin.
“You LIE!”  Erik growled and his fist struck the side of Andreas’s face making a sickening thud and a crunch that may mean that Andreas’s jaw was broken.
Mel stepped back and looked at Erik, gun now at her side. “Who is Oglesby, Erik?”  
“Get out Mel.”  
“WHO. IS. HE?”  Her teeth were clenched, and she was not backing down.  She was done being pushed around.
In a flash, Erik had taken the weapon, and the barrel was up against her forehead.  “GET. OUT!  Cam…Case…get her the fuck out of here, and stay out too.  I will deal with this.”  
Mel stood frozen.  Tears of betrayal and anger stung at her eyes, but she couldn’t even force herself to move.  She felt male hands grab her shoulders; slowly and gently they began to pull her back. 
Erik’s face was a mask of rage as Case slowly guided Mel away from him.  Whatever that name meant, Erik might have just signed his own death warrant.  One twitch and Mel was too close for it to be anything but a kill shot.  She seemed in shock though, and he was afraid if he pulled her backwards any faster, she’d fall.  Thankfully as soon as they were far enough away, Cam stepped in between the gun and Mel, meaning he’d take a chest shot instead of  one to the head.
“I hope you know what you’re doing Erik.  Ambrose will hear about this,”  Cam said calmly as he kept himself between Mel and the gun till they were out of the room and the door closed.
Mel leaned up against the wall across the hallway, bent at the waist with her hands on her knees.  She was fighting panic.  One of the men she trusted most had just put the barrel of a gun, with the safety off, and hammer back, against her forehead.  The look he had in his eyes said he would have pulled the trigger too.  After a few deep breaths, she pulled her phone out and dialed Klaus.
As she listened to the soft ringing in her ear, she saw Case and Cam discussing something, and verifying they both had their weapons.  Klaus’s answer told her that he was irritated, but he should know she wouldn’t just call for anything.  “Klaus, Erik just had a gun to my head.  Who the fuck is Oglesby.”  A curt reply and he hung up.  She stared at the phone in disbelief.  She dialed him again but it went straight to voicemail.  Hanging up, she threw her phone against the opposite wall, then walked towards the suite.
Case and Cam had both pulled out their phones to call Nic and Ambrose when Mel’s crashed into the wall and shattered.  Phone calls were forgotten for the moment as they followed Mel.  They had to make sure she got into the suite okay.  After what had just happened, they weren’t sure she was going to stay in the hotel, and now she wasn’t armed anymore.  If something happened to her. they would both be dead, but at least their deaths would be quick. Erik was going to suffer first, and she might not even have to be dead first for it.
Melania walked through the doors to the suite after sliding her card, and the men stayed outside.  After being shot at in the SUV, and now having a gun to her head, they thought she might like some space.  They weren’t going to leave from outside that door though.  If Erik decided he wanted to make his point more clearly, they were going to stop him.  This whole trip had gone massively sideways in an instant.
While they were waiting, they repeatedly called Nic and Ambrose, even calling Klaus a few times. No one was answering.  They did get a hold of Alexander, Cade and Dez.  All was quiet at the hospital, Sasha had been moved to a private, posh room, and that’s where they were all held up as well.  As soon as it was dark and quiet, they’d slip out and be on their way back.  All three were shocked to hear what Erik had done, but none knew who Oglesby was, or why Erik would react like that.  
After they hung up, all three at the hospital were ready to head back to the hotel whether it was dark or not.  None of them doubted that Cam and Case had it well in hand back at the hotel, but if Erik had lost his mind, there could still be bloodshed.  They also wanted to beat Ambrose, Nic, and Klaus back to at least keep Erik alive long enough to find out what the fuck was going on.  It wasn’t like the man to go off half-cocked, and for him to have literally put a gun against Mel’s head, he had to have completely lost his mind.
Hours passed, more phone calls to Ambrose, Nic, and Klaus were made with no answer, and the interior of the suite remained eerily quiet.  Finally Case and Cam decided they were tired of waiting in the hall.  Knocking on the door first, Cam slid his copy of the master key for the floor through the locking mechanism and heard the soft click of the door unlocking.  Slowly pushing it open he called out for Mel.  Silence greeted him like an adversary.
Neither man liked the cold feel of stale air and the lack of sound that enveloped them like a thick blanket as they entered.  The feeling of dread grew in the pit of their stomachs. as if someone were adding stones one by one to the bottom of the well, as they searched all rooms to find them empty.  There was no sign of Mel or how she’d gotten out.  They were truly and royally fucked now.  They blew up the voicemail and text messages of Ambrose and Nic, this was not good.  Case called the guys at the hospital and found out that they were just getting ready to leave since the doctor had made the last check of the night on Sasha.  Word was passed on of what had happened, and they promised to be on the lookout for Mel as they headed back to the hotel.  
Finally Cam’s phone sounded the familiar chime of an incoming call.  Unfortunately the usually lively tune sounded as if a death dirge this time, and when he looked down he saw Ambrose’s number.  The weight in his stomach only seemed to grow when he hit the green button to answer, then put the man on speaker phone so they could both talk to him.  “Yeah boss, we got a problem…a big one.  Mel is missing.”  Cam replied to his boss’s first words. Case’s eyes closed at the pure rage that radiated out of the phone with Ambrose’s reply.  “Boss, Erik went off the rails when Mel got the name Oglesby out of Andreas as being who’s behind this.  He damn well put a fucking gun to her head and told her to get out of the room.  Boss, Cam had to step in between them because he didn’t lower the damn thing the whole time we were getting her out of the room.  Head shot boss, he would have taken a head shot.”  Case was alternating between pissed as hell and worried for the woman.  She was unarmed as far as he knew and missing with someone out there that was after their team.  If she had been kidnapped, she would be leveraged to get them to hand over at least Alexander.   
“FUCK!”  The word almost made Cam’s phone vibrate in his hand.  “Oglesby is who killed Erik and Klaus’s parents.  Get your asses out there and find her.” Ambrose’s voice vibrated through the small speaker on the phone, then got quieter. “If ANYTHING happens to my granddaughter because your brother couldn’t contain his fucking goddamned temper, I’m going to kill him my own damn self.”  Cam and Case looked at each other, shit had just gotten worse.  Ambrose’s voice came back loud again. “Find her.  That isn’t a nice request, that’s a goddamned order.  We’re on our way back.”
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dividers/banners : @cafekitsune
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coolthingsguyslike · 13 days
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nanmo-wakaran · 2 months
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mochi making
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josselyn1021 · 4 months
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Sonic and Knuckles are the same cowboys
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simmyfrobby · 17 days
No playoff poetry this year?
sorry pal. my silly little poetry edits are a hobby not a full time job.
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topgunruinedme · 2 years
Come back to me - Part 1
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Master List - Come back to me Next chapter - Part 2
Synopsis: After a bad fight with Maverick, she finds herself with no one to fall on.
Maverick x reader / Iceman x reader
A/N - Anyone who would like to be tagged in the future post of this series please leave a comment :) Happy readings everyone!
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She knew he was a prick when she met him, she knew he was dangerous, unpredictable.
But she hadn’t expected this, he really went south after Goose. He went out drinking every night, she blankly ignored his unfaithful flirting with other woman.
She knew it would be hard, she knew he needed time.
She stared at him in shock clutching her burning check, he glared at her. How dare he.
Her jaw ticked and she clenched her teeth, spinning around grabbing her keys form the table and out the door.
The car started and sped out of the driveway of their house, how dare he hit her. After all she had gone through for him? All she had put up with?
A small part of her yearned for the old Maverick the one who took her out on dates and complemented her, instead of the drunk that criticised her clothing.
She shoved the car into park as it skitter across the gravel parking spaces of Hard Decks. The door slammed behind her as she walked into the bar, penny wasn’t working today. Thank god for small mercies she could stand to look at the woman who shamelessly flirted with her boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend, if you had a say in it.
She dropped into the seat at the bar after receiving a glass of whiskey, she needed something strong and fast. Someone slid into the space next to her, a pair of aviator sunglasses were placed into the bar top.
A hand holding a glass came into her vision using his pinky to raise her chin to look at him, Tom silently studied her bruise rapidly forming on her face.
Iceman, someone she had only met once and seen twice. One of Maverick flight mates, not one of friendly terms she gathered form the limited interactions she had seen between them.
A frown pulled at his lips in displeasure, he relinquished his position placing his glass down on the bar, placing m his cold slightly wet hand form the consecration of the glass onto the forming bruise.
She signed closing her eyes as it helped still the throbbing, “did he do this?”.
The sharpness of the tone couldn’t be missed she opened her eye to look at him, he was looking at the mark as if it had personally offends him.
“He didn’t mean it” she mumbled about his palm as she learnt into his cooling hand, his eyes narrowed and gritted his teeth “bullshit”.
Her phone started to ring and she pulled back reluctantly pulling it form her pocket bunking in anger as Maverick name appeared on the screen.
“Do you have somewhere to go tonight?” The question caught her of guard, the aviator was already collecting his keys and glasses from the bar top chucking down a few notes as a tip or to cover the drinks she wasn’t sure.
“You don’t know me” she said deflecting the question, he nodded over to some other men playing pool in the back and she faintly recognised one. Was he an aviator as well?
“Well your going to have to get to know me, because I’m not sending you back to that house” he placed a hand ion her lower back not to low it was indecent but a respectable height he lead her out into the night.
Maybe Iceman wasn’t that bad after all.
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