#(love. british people flirt by being mean to your crush. like a ten year old pulling pigtails on the playground)
singsweetmelodies · 2 years
Katie, I have to tell you, your tags have to be the funniest thing ever, they always make me laugh!!! You’re the sweetest 💕
anon, YOU are in fact the sweetest for this message 🥺🥺❤️❤️ i have been opening my inbox on and off since yesterday just to stare at it and be like 🥰. ahhhh this is just so kind of you!! i am so glad i can make you laugh, love ❤️ that's exactly what we're here for on this hellsite, yeah? so ily ily ilysm for validating me like this mwah mwah <3333
#asks & answers#anon#loveliest lovely anons ❤️#listen i genuinely adore you for this because going insane in the tags is one of my favourite things ever#so to hear that people appreciate and enjoy it?!! blushing. grinning. doing the charles cute head duck thing#ILYSM AHHHHHHHHHHHHH 🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😘😘😘#also just for you i shall try and add something particularly insane but also funny in the tags for this particular answer#let's see#OH okay so i have something#my brain has been rather dead lately when it comes to writing (😭 i know) but i DID write the most hilarious galex line earlier today#it was all about how british people are pretty mich universally shite at flirting#(i would know i am british)#(and before anyone comes @ me with 'omg what are you on about british people and british accents are so sexy!!')#(love. british people flirt by being mean to your crush. like a ten year old pulling pigtails on the playground)#(the silent treatment is common in the great british courting process)#(genuinely half the relationships i've been in *i* have no idea how i got there because i certainly do not know how to flirt)#(i only get drunk and insult people and somehow we end up making out)#ANYWAY back to galex. yeah so i essentially wrote a bit about george realising he likes alex#and going to pierre for tips bcs oh fuck george definitely does Not know how to flirt with his best friend lmfao#and then he tries what pierre suggests and it just backfires massively (george u painfully british disaster) and it's hilarious#ANYWAY YES ANON ILY YOU ARE THE BEST THANKS SM FOR INDULGING MY INSANITY ILY ALWAYS#😘😘😘😘❤️❤️#also!#🏎 galex#because i did that hehehehe#i'm truly insane. mwah
0 notes
For A Greater Good 14/18
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not my gif just the text. Some Things Are Meant To Stay Hidden
Summary: Kate Williams, young healer and member of the Order, joins Durmstrang’s staff at Dumbledore’s request. Her mission? Find a   Death Eater and survive long enough to tell the story. Set in 1996.
Pairing: Charlie Weasley x ofc/mc
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
[Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10]
[Part 11] [Part 12] [Part 13]
5 months ago,
“You must stop at once.”
“Where is it, Karkarov?” The former headmaster looked around before returning to the conversation. 
“I don’t think you understand what you’re getting yourself into…”
“You dragged me into this ten years ago! Finish what you started.”
“I had the time to meditate about it, and now I implore you to do the same if you don’t want to end up dead.”
“He is looking for you, you know? And He’ll find you, eventually. You’re nothing but a coward. I bet the British Ministry of Magic would appreciate knowing where you are. It will take just one owl to inform my contact there.”
“Don’t try to pretend you haven’t sent someone to find me. You thought I would be so stupid to hide in the castle?”
“Tell me how to find Grindelwald’s room and you can slither back to your secret spot.”
“What do you expect to find there?”
“Something He might want.”
Karkarov scoffed.  
“What did he promise you? The resurrection stone, it’s not real. You won’t find it there and He doesn’t have it.” 
“They exist!” Agitated, the teacher approached Karkarov. “They exist and they are in that room.”
“You have no idea what you are doing.” Contemplating if he should give away his secret, he decided to put some fear in the teacher’s eyes. “Do you know how I left that abominable place they call Azkaban?”
“I know. You sang like a bird.”
“None of the names were useful to them… but perhaps the new ones will. If you behave, I won’t mention yours.”
The teacher grabbed Karkarov’s arm and exposed his mark.
“You don’t deserve this.”
“And you will never get it.”
Both of them drew out their wands as a warning.
“Who ‘s that?” Asked Karkarov.
The teacher turned and frowned at the image of Flavia Hodges leaving her classroom.
“You told me everyone was at the quidditch match.” Hodges turned and when she saw them, she was left frozen in place.
“Her sight is not her best ability but…”
“Take care of it.”
After helping Cassandra and Leron leave the classroom unseen, Kate wandered the corridors of the castle instead of going to prepare the activities for her class the following week.
Nor did she go to see Corentin, knowing that they had a project pending that they could not delay any longer.
She wanted to go home. She had had enough of the whole thing, and the possibility of not being able to return in a near future scared her. How much longer was the nightmare going to last?
A pair of eyes were on her, she sensed it, and tried to appear as unbothered as she could. The attempt at discovering who was watching her through legilimency failed, so she turned around to check her back. There was nothing out of the ordinary, just students coming and going.
As she turned to continue on her way, she came face to face with Kent Jorgensen, who only glanced at her before looking around.
“I’d like to talk to you. Not here. There are too many prying ears.”
Kate knew that Cassandra would tell Jorgensen that someone else knew the secret that they had managed to keep hidden, but she didn’t expect it to be so soon. She followed him to the front door, and they went outside. “A walk?”
“To the greenhouse.” The phrase came out as a command rather than the suggestion she had in mind.
“To the greenhouse, then.”
They walked silently the short way to Kate’s workplace and when she closed the door behind her, Jorgensen finally spoke.
“So you know.”
“Yes.” She put on some gloves to protect herself from the bite of the fanged geraniums and started placing the pots on the central table, side by side, unconsciously creating a barrier between the two. She grabbed a spray and casually started to take care of her plants.
“I think I owe you an apology.” Jorgensen commented, looking around. “You have made a very interesting place out of that old building. Where did you get the umbrella flowers?”
Kate stopped spraying the geraniums and looked him straight in the eye. “Why do you owe me an apology?” Jorgensen lowered his head.
“I misjudged you. I thought you were here for him. When... what are you doing?”
“Yesterday I gave them gumbumbles to eat. If I don’t clean their teeth, the treacle can wilt them.” While Jorgensen was talking Kate had opened a drawer and pulled out some forceps she put in the mouth of one of the geraniums so she could sprinkle a greyish substance inside.
“Leron is not conscious when he is under the influence of the Billywig. When I heard that Flavia had suffered these ‘accidents’ I thought... I was afraid for him.” Jorgensen frowned as he saw Kate put her hand into the geranium’s mouth.
“The tongue must also be cleaned,” she simply said. When she finished with that plant, she left her gadgets on the table. The time for evasion was over.
“I apologise to you too.” Jorgensen looked surprised. “I thought you were behind Flavia’s accidents.”
“And why would you think such a thing?”
“Well... you must admit that you didn’t look innocent when you talked about it.”
The professor put his hands behind his back, “So Rhode really didn’t bring you here to take him away?” Kate shook her head, hoping he would believe her.
“I’ve already told Steiner. Rhode doesn’t know anything, and if she finds out, it won’t be because of me.”
Kate continued her routine, taking care of each of the geraniums while Jorgensen eyed at her.
“He’s always been like that, you know? His wife’s death only made it worse.”
“Steiner told me you don’t want to send him to a hospital.”
“She doesn’t want to. I’ve been flirting with the idea since the day he hit Micael.” He paused, and Kate looked up as she sensed a deep sadness. “He’s my friend though, nobody knows him better than us.”
“I understand what you mean.”
“Losing the people you love is a heavy pain. As if a rock bigger than you were crushing your chest. It’s our responsibility to learn to get rid of the weight that keeps us from moving forward and go on our way with a little bit of dirt in our pockets, to remind us of what we have experienced.”
As Kate put the pots back and cleaned the soil off the table while taking glances at him. Jorgensen was left pensive for a moment and continued to speak, perhaps to himself, in a monologue he wished would help him clear his head.
“Leron took refuge in a familiar place, a dark place where he could neither see nor feel. A decision that is taking its toll on him.”
Kate sat down on one of the benches, the table still keeping the distance between them. Better that way, she thought, despite the situation with Jorgensen had taken quite a turn, she didn’t trust anyone in that school.
“Is there anything else you want to ask me?” He questioned.
“I know he’s meeting someone in the woods.” Jorgensen’s eyebrow shot to his hairline, “With whom?”
“With his supplier, of course. The Billywigs are not native to this area. That man is very elusive. Every day I fly over the forest to find him, but by the time I get down he’s gone. I have never managed to catch Leron with billywigs in his hand because he used to hide them here before entering the castle”.
Kate pondered this new information for a long time. She couldn’t imagine how she would feel if any of her friends were going through a similar situation, and she couldn’t find anything to tell Jorgensen that would help him in the least.
“It must be very difficult,” she finally said. The professor nodded and rolled up his sleeves, revealing some red scratches.
“Cassandra told me you saw one of his light episodes. But if he’s got over three billywigs in him... things get a little twisted.”
“Do you think he will get over it?”
“I’m hoping he will.”
“As we have already discussed, obtaining hybrids comprises two phases; we have already made enough crosses and we have a pure line of umbrella flowers. The next step will be to cross them again, this time with fanged geraniums”.
Kate tapped her fingers against her thigh, waiting impatiently for the class to finish. She placed a pot on the greenhouse table, with a seemingly calm geranium.
She gave several instructions on how to treat it, pointing to the teeth and thorns as points to watch for, and let them experiment on their own.
She put her hand to her chest, following the dragon-shaped silhouette of her necklace through the clothes. In a short time it would all be over.
The thought grieved her too. Over the months she had developed a special affection for these children and not only because she feared they would run around in the same hallways with a loose Death Eater, but because she genuinely liked them.
And Corentin. Oh, what would she have done without him these months? He was being of great help in her mission; both investigating and being the only thing that prevented her from collapsing completely.
“After transferring the pollen, don’t forget to cover the geranium pots.” She said almost shouting, so she could be heard among the voices of the children.
When they heard the castle bell, Kate practically pushed them out of the greenhouse, closed the door and shot out to the castle, throwing a  “See you on Friday!” Over her shoulder.
It was the day. The day Corentin and Kate agreed to start the trip to Grindelwald‘s room. Kate was a walking ball of nerves; not only for the excitement of investigating secret parts of a magnificent castle, but she would also be alone and probably in the dark.
“Here you go.” Corentin whispered, handing her the complete map.
The week prior, Kate and Corentin had done their best to find a way through Nerida’s painting. They racked their brains thinking about it until the only solution left was to find another way.
It didn’t take long for them to follow the path that led to the room and discover, to their great surprise and a touch of concern, that the starting point was a well-known place.
The library.
Now all that was needed was to find the how.
Behind the wall guarded by the librarian’s desk, Kate and Corentin were hiding in the dark.
Corentin looked at the stairs that led to the first floor of the tower where section C of the library was located. “It’s impossible for you to go up. The path ends here.”
Kate inspected the opposite wall, noticing nothing out of the ordinary. “Do you think it will have a Muggle mechanism like the painting?”
Corentin hummed, but did not answer the question.
With steady hands, Kate began to probe the stone in search of something; she did not know what, but something.
She gasped when a strange sensation ran through her body. In one corner, the wall had stopped being material to the touch and her fingertips disappeared.
She quickly reached out and looked at Corentin. “I have seen this spell before. There is... there is a door in a tower that cannot be opened. I went through it to go to a teachers’ meeting.”
She tested the wall again, this time inserting her arm up to her elbow, and took it out again, confirming her theory.
“I felt air on the other side.”
“Good luck, then.”
Kate wielded her wand a little harder than usual and with a long sigh after nodding to Corentin, ventured deep into the building.
It was not completely dark. A light could be seen in the distance. She made her way with the light emanating from her wand to the first torch. The path had narrowed in her wake without her noticing, and the space she had to manoeuvre had become limited.
The map had not yet blurred, but she didn’t risk losing it completely, so she approached it delicately towards the fire.
There was at an intersection with two possible directions and she took the one on the right as indicated on the map. The one on the left led to some stairs that went up to the first floor.
The passage became even narrower, forcing her to turn sideways and walk facing the wall. As she moved forward, she heard voices near her. They were not obvious; the sound was lost in the stone, but she could tell that she was just behind the advanced duelling classroom.
A sound of an explosion startled her, and there, pressed against two walls, she held her breath, thinking, irrationally, that the entire structure would collapse, leaving her buried and forgotten forever.
Her rational part of her brain understood that it was just a spell that had bounced off the wall, confirming that Libor Marek was on the other side.
Without wasting any more time, she kept going, as she could, the long way until it widened.
She took a deep breath and stopped.
The map was almost gone, but the last lines indicated that she had to go down the stairs right in front of her. Kate began to descend with little enthusiasm and soon reached the last step. It was on the same level as the castle kitchens.
Her footsteps echoed around her, and she wondered if anyone could hear her.
Suddenly, something else reverberated on the walls of the passage. A metallic, dry and very short sound almost imperceptible were it not for the fact that she was walking very slowly.
She stood still and waited.
She waved her light back and forth, but there was no one with her. As she moved one foot to begin her expedition again, she heard it once more, this time recognising the sound as something she should have avoided.
Behind her, part of the wall began to fall out of place; a seemingly endless stone wall closed off her path, and when she thought she could only go forward, she realised that she had been hopelessly trapped; another wall closed off the passage.
She folded the now-empty map as best she could and kept it up her sleeve so she could approach the wall freely. She cursed when she heard the noise again.
The walls began to move towards her. Kate frantically searched for something to help her escape the fate that awaited her in a few minutes. With her wand between her teeth, she groped the wall that was pushing her back and with wide eyes watched as the second one was getting closer and closer to her back.
She tried to stop them with a repelling spell, but the space was getting smaller and smaller with every second. In desperation she continued to touch the stone that was oppressing her and for a second her hand sank.
As fast as she could, she went through the rock the same way she entered the tunnel system in the library, and appeared on the other side. Several torches lit up part of the way.
Behind her, the two walls met, raising a cloud of dust that made her cough. Now there was no turning back.
She lost track of time as she walked. The corridor was long as it crossed the castle from side to side. Luckily for her, she didn’t need to have her wand lit. With several torches at her disposal, she turned right, where a flight of steps would bring her closer to her goal. When she reached the top, she was left in the dark again.
The feeling was strange. She was not on the main floor, but neither was she in the depths from which she had come.
With a last glance at the paper, she turned left, venturing out on the last stretch of the journey.
The tunnels drawn on the map were disappearing, but Kate had already reached her destination. She stopped at the crossroads and lit up the area with her wand.
To her left was the long awaited gate and to her right, stairs to the first floor that reached a dead end. With the map erased and no torches nearby, she sensed that that was the space where Nerida’s painting was.
With a deep breath to calm herself down, she took the metal mop and pulled, discovering that the door was open. Thinking that the last stretch to her goal had been suspiciously easy, she ventured into the room.
She immediately covered her nose and mouth with her sleeve; decades of dampness and pestilence had accumulated in the room, and the fact that the only point of ventilation was the door she entered would not help the situation.
She felt around the nearest walls and found a candlestick. Waving her wand very delicately so as not to overdo the size of the flames, she pronounced, “Incendio”.
She was startled when all the candles in the room lit up in an electric blue, revealing several disturbing elements.
She took two steps back, closing the door with her back in the process.
Recovering her temper, she approached the first thing that caught her attention: a large glass cylinder that almost reached the ceiling, filled with a green liquid that was most likely stagnant water.
A skeleton of a creature which could perfectly well have been a snake or some type of sea serpent, rested on the bottom surrounded by smaller bones. She wrinkled her nose and looked away to the rest of the room.
Just to the right of the tube was a desk filled with sketches and writings. It was not the only place where there were scrolls, though; the walls were practically wallpapered with drawings and notes. The Deathly Hallows symbol was obsessively drawn all over the place.
At the door, Kate recognised the map of Nerida recreated with several pieces of paper.
She focused on the desk where there were more documents. She frowned at the particularly dark drawings of creatures that were not exactly human, but Kate could not recognise what they were.
On one sheet of paper the word ‘Inferi’ was written.
Above the desk and completely covered by scrolls was a world map, with some pins in certain places. A small piece of paper was written on it: ‘Peverell?’
She surrounded the chair that stood in her way and came to a shelf full of jars; some empty and others with ingredients for potions.
She touched something with her foot and almost jumped up to the ceiling.
A crystal ball rested on a complex system of tubes and wires that she could not identify. With the hit, the ball vibrated for a few moments and Kate held her breath.
Relieved when the ball was finally in place, she bent down to read the label attached to it: ‘Erik Aaberg.’
“No...” She sighed. She had found the place where he had captured the obscurus.
On the ground there were more drawings, this time of several children with detailed descriptions.
In the silence, she heard her own saliva coming down her throat as she imagined how Grindelwald chose his victim.
Beyond the system that once contained an obscurus, she glimpsed the feet of a black lectern she had never seen before.
She conjured up lumos again so she could see better and stood up to read the scroll that rested there.
It looked new, and the layer of dust was not as evident as in the other objects. She unrolled it and began to read.
Alecto Carrow
Amycus Carrow
Walden Macnair
Lucius Malfoy
Narcisa Malfoy
Isidora Gonore
Thorfinn Rowle
Antonin Dolohov
Cyprus Raynott
Malina Hadwise
Corban Yaxley
Gaspar Avery
The list stopped there, but the trembling of her jaw did not. She recognised several names: Corban Yaxley had become friends with her grandfather many years ago, after he had dealt with a plague of acromantulas in the mansion where she lived as a child; Lucius Malfoy, a man from the Ministry who would not leave Mr Weasley alone, his son was studying with Charlie’s brother; Cyprus Raynott! Her father’s workmate, and the person who had come to Durmstrang to find Igor Karkarov.
She recognised Dolohov’s name from the newspapers; he was imprisoned in Azkaban for being... a Death Eater.
Would... would it be possible that... all of them...
But she couldn’t warn anyone. Not Mr. Weasley, not her father, not anyone from the Ministry. As safe as the Durmstrang post was, such a letter would be easily intercepted, and even more so if someone was waiting for it. Because that list was unequivocally what the school’s Death Eater wanted to find at all costs.
She could try to communicate via her patronus, but she had refused to learn that spell from Dumbledore, not only because she had only managed to cast her patronus once in her life but because she considered it a dangerous way to send messages.
She read the list again, but none of the teachers appeared on the paper.
An unknown sound left her frozen in place. It wasn’t footsteps or voices, but like a crackling sound around her. No, it was as if someone was writing beside her; it was a sound of a quill on paper.
She instinctively took the scroll to her ear, and the noise became more evident.
She waited for a few seconds and out of nowhere, just below Gaspar Avery, a new name appeared that made her blood run cold.
Severus Snape.
Her breath was laboured, and a heavy sensation pressed against her chest. She looked around frantically, wondering what her next step might be. She did not want to leave the room behind, but she could not stay there long either.
She rolled up the scroll again and tucked it up her sleeve in a hurry. With one last look at Grindelwald’s belongings, she headed for one of the candlesticks to extinguish the flames. As she blew, all the lights went out.
She closed the door behind her and cast some protective incantations to make it at least more difficult to enter. She checked the doorknob twice and slipped through the shadows into the dead-end corridor.
The wall was cold to the touch, there was only stone, but there had to be a way out that did not go through the hapless maze that she had come from. She murmured ‘lumos’ and bent down to look for the mechanism that had opened the painting, but this time she was on the other side of the wall, so she had little hope.
She felt a buzz as she ran her hand along the bottom of the wall which intensified as she reached the third from the right.
Practically lying on the floor, she looked for a way to operate some mechanism that would open the door. By applying a little pressure, she could feel the ‘click’.
She thought she saw the wall light up suddenly, with a blue glow that disappeared in the second, but when she got up the wand had come near her face so she didn’t give it much importance.
What had made that sound?
When she touched the wall again, she thought it had been a fatal mistake: she felt a pull in her stomach and a force that pushed her forward. Her hands went through the wall first and touched something solid again, the painting, which as she continued to be consumed by the castle, opened up as she pushed it.
In less than a couple of seconds Nerida Vulchanova had spat her out of the bowels of her fortress and from the ground, relieved that she had not hit her head, she saw the waves that had been created on the stone as she passed solidify again. The painting closed and Nerida watched her from the heights.
“Thanks... I guess.” She said to the painting.
She crawled a little until she was leaning against the wall and massaged her arm. The hidden object burned against her skin. She had to go to her room immediately and hide it; or take it with her at all times; or say ‘thank you very much’ to Rhode and leave in the first carriage to London.
To her left was an armchair which promised to be much nicer than the floor, and she mustered the courage to get up to it.
Just when she had caught her breath, someone came through the door. The shelves prevented her from seeing who had entered, but she did see the figure standing at a display case.
Effectively putting her own feelings aside, Kate sensed contradictory feelings in the stranger; a deep sadness, helplessness, confidence, arrogance.
She stood up, alerting the intruder. The teacher’s long earrings swayed as she bowed her head.
“Miss Williams, what brings you here?” Yankelevich commented casually. Kate approached the teacher, not to engage in conversation, but to find out what she was looking at so gloomily.
“I like to come here. It’s a quiet place.” She glanced at the display case and read the plaque of the largest trophy there was. Lena Yankelevich.
“My sister. Magnificent seeker.”
Libor Marek came through the door creating a great din, and both witches turned around. Kate took advantage of that to go to the door and say goodbye quickly, without stopping to wonder why there were so many people in that room and with the name of her former potions teacher hammering into her brain.
[Part 15]
A/N: you have no idea how hard it was to write this chapter lmao.
Tag List: @am-i-space​ @eldritchscreech​ @cazreadsstuff​ @meteora-fc​ @the-navistar-carol​
37 notes · View notes
blue-eyes-tattoos · 4 years
Fic Recs - first half of 2020 I
Given the past months’ circumstances I’ve had lots of time to read so here are my first half of 2020 fic recs. It’s a good mix of old and new I’d say.
Starting with novel length fics (> 50k):
The Recklessness In Water by LarryOn | @larryonsimon
(E, 51k, lifeguard!Harry, unemployed!Louis)
Louis Tomlinson is miserable. He's stuck on a family vacation at a lake cabin in New Hampshire when all he wants to do is bemoan his sorry existence and wallow in his sweatpants. As if the humidity and mosquitos weren't bad enough, he becomes the singular target of an obnoxious lifeguard named Harry.
Live A Thousand Lifetimes by Layne Faire | @laynefaire
(E, 58k, Ziam, Future fic, Canon compliant, exes to lovers, angst with a happy ending)
It’s 2025. After secretly writing and producing their first album in ten years, One Direction is weeks away from releasing their first new single and announcing a world tour. With the whirlwind about to begin again, Liam re-evaluates the last ten years - the fame, the money, the people who changed his life forever - and the person who walked away.
Untamed Hearts by Layne Faire | @laynefaire
(E, 69k, Ziam, enemies to friends to lovers, pining, angst, surfer!Liam, artist!Zayn, they’re all students though, side larry)
It could have been the heat of the summer sun; it might have been the silvered sheen of an early harvest moon. If he dug deep enough, Liam could find every reason ever needed to explain away what happened. In the end, though, it all came down to two meddling friends, a touch of Prince, a bit of Keats, and the moon over the ocean. Its a recipe for disaster. Or love. Probably love.
Turning Page by purpledaisy | @daisyharry
(M, 68k, famous/non-famous, famous!Harry, non-famous!Louis (kind of), football player!Louis)
AU: Harry Styles tries to get lost in a place he’s never been.  Louis Tomlinson has been perfecting the art of being lost for years. What they don’t expect to find is each other.
To The Ends Of The Earth by stylinsoncity
(M, 68k, Canon compliant, love/hate, angst)
During a yearlong hiatus, Louis visits Harry at his cabin in Idaho, where long-buried feelings ignite like the fire keeping them warm.
Fall Into Your Gravity by zarah5 | @zarah5
(E, 74k, famous/non-famous, mistaken identity, based on the German movie ‘Single By Contract’)
AU. In which Harry is an overnight pop sensation and Louis steals plants, Zayn pulls Liam's proverbial pigtails and Niall's really just pleased there are more girls for him.
Nothing But You On My Mind by nonsensedarling | @absoloutenonsense
(E, 84k, Prince Harry Styles, PR manager!Louis, enemies to lovers, Royalty AU, there’s a great plot twist btw)
Louis Tomlinson is a PR manager hired to improve the image of royal bad-boy Prince Harry Styles. Unfortunately for him, that means being faced with the Prince's constant innuendos, incessant dirty jokes, and relentless flirting. Louis just wants to make it to Princess Gemma's coronation; once she's crowned Queen, his contract is up and he never has to see the Prince again.
The Murmur Of Yearning by MediaWhore | @mediawhorefics
(M, 93k, Historical AU, slow burn)
Four years ago, Harry Styles was forced into a marriage of convenience to enrich and ally both his and his promised's families. The sudden, and slightly suspicious, death of the Marquess of Haxshire, however, brings great disturbance to Crescentfield Hall and, as his late's husband's closest male relative, Harry unexpectedly finds himself the head of a family he never felt he belonged to. Between a meddling distant cousin hellbent on inserting himself in Harry’s life, his wicked and mistrustful mother-in-law and his late husband’s advisors refusing to help or take him seriously, Harry struggles in the fight to keep what he’s earned and make the Estate finally feel like home. Luckily, he doesn’t stand completely alone and finds himself an unlikely ally in Mr Tomlinson, the elusive Land Stewart who has been taking care of the property in the shadows for years. Louis Tomlinson is caring, patient, and unlike everyone else, he doesn’t seem to think Harry committed a murder.
Paint Me In A Million Dreams by green_feelings | @greenfeelings
(M, 113k, fake relationship, hate to love, Hollywood AU)
Harry's one of Hollywood's biggest actors, has made a name for himself in prestigious films and lives the life of a superstar. There's just one thing missing to make it picture-perfect, but the one Harry's in love with is completely out of reach for him. Enter Louis, one of Hollywood's biggest actors himself, who just came out of the closet and taps new genres in the industry. When Louis sacks the role Harry auditioned for in Scorsese's next big film, their irrational feud starts. Who could have guessed it would get even worse when for promo season, their teams decide to present them as a couple for publicity? In short, Harry's in love with someone and doesn't care about dating anyone else, Louis never felt home in L.A., Liam writes love songs for someone he shouldn't write love songs to, and Niall makes everything better with good food.
Bitter Tangerine by purpledaisy | @daisyharry
(M, 120k, lovers to exes to enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn)
AU: Nine months after they break up, a twist of fate brings Harry and Louis back together at Christmas.
Empty Skies by green_feelings | @greenfeelings
(E, 134k, band AU, angst, hate, pining, and also kinda famous/non-famous, i’d add another tag but that would be a spoiler so)
For three years, Harry has been running from his past. Now, he is moving to London and pledges to fulfil his only dream -- making it big in the music industry. Not everyone has a place, though, and the competition is tough. As is his past catching up on him. Louis is part of the biggest boy band of the world, and getting there had meant a lot of hard work, as well as sacrificing parts of his heart and soul. He's still happy. Maybe not as happy as he could be, but who is he to complain? Featuring Perrie as Harry's adorable flatmate, Niall as his manager, and Liam and Zayn as Louis' bandmates.
As You Are by zarah5 | @zarah5
(E, 139k, famous/non-famous, X Factor judge!Louis, contestant!Harry, angst with a happy ending)
AU. Five years after The X Factor launched his career as a radio host and songwriter, Louis Tomlinson returns as a judge. Falling for a contestant is the last thing he needs. It's also against his contract. The only reason Harry auditions for The X Factor is because his best mate signed the two of them up as some kind of joke. Harry doesn't get the big deal—not until he's faced with this season's judges and realises that one of them used to be his desperate, impossible teenage crush.
Pull Me Under by zarah5 | @zarah5
(E, 140k, fake relationship, football AU)
AU. As the first British footballer to come out at the prime of his career, it helps that Louis Tomlinson is in a long-term, committed relationship. Even if that relationship is fake. (Featuring Niall as Louis' favourite teammate, Liam as Louis' agent, and Zayn as Liam's boyfriend, who just happens to be good friends with one Harry Styles.)
BONUS (read it last year but it has to be in here)
Tired Tired Sea by MediaWhore | @mediawhorefics
(M, 113k, famous/non-famous, slow burn, hurt/comfort, pining)
As a B&B owner on the most remote of all the British Isles, Louis Tomlinson is used to spending the coldest half of the year in complete isolation, with his dog and the sea as sole companions. Until, one day, a mysterious stranger on a quest to rebuild himself rents a room for the winter.
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alarriefantasy · 5 years
Do you have a footie!louis rec?? I really love ones where he is a professional player. Thank you!!
YES, I DO! Here you go, darling!! :) :) :)
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                                      Football Louis Fic Rec
I made a map of your stars by brightbluelou
Words: 5k
or, Harry is the shy boy in the back of the class that no one really notices. Louis is the loud, outgoing football player that everybody likes.
I Long For You by itsprobablylarry
Words: 6k
Harry gets hit in the head by various objects and falls for a boy with blue eyes.
say i hate you but i always stay by clicheanna 
Words: 8k
Or the one where Harry hates Louis, he's almost sure Louis hates him, and they live together. Driving him to football practice everyday is not apart of Harry's plans, but Louis is pretty adamant if it means annoying Harry.
Satan's Got a New Headscarf by larryscape
Words: 9k
Louis: senior captain of the uni football team, president of the literary magazine club, possible theatre major, official loather of anyone who acts a certain way just to fit the theme of their Tumblr
Zayn: senior, does not understand sports, claims to not be addicted to cigarettes, is addicted to cigarettes, proud roommate and bestfriend of Louis
Liam: junior, best friend of Niall Horan and also spell-check, shows up at literary magazine club but has yet to publish anything that does not look like the twitter page of a twelve-year-old
Niall: junior, famous for sonnets about bacon and other breakfast-related items, says he is on the football team, is not really on the football team
Harry: sophomore, wearer of headscarves and skinny jeans, apparent fan of 20th century poetry, unsurprisingly dabbles in the ukulele
we're the new romantics by lovefern 
Words: 16k
Alternatively, a high school au where Louis pines and Harry is not who he seems to be. Featuring peanut butter banana milkshakes, motorcycles, and first times.
say that you can see me (i'll speak up i swear) by coffeelouis 
Words: 20k
or, the liberal arts COLLEGE AU where Harry knows Louis as the best friend of the boy he has been hopelessly in love with for years now and Louis knows Harry as this boy he wished would look away from Zayn long enough to notice him.
Monsters at Home by theteapirate
Words: 21k
High School!AU. Everyone's eyes are on Harry, the beautiful, charming new student. Harry's only got eyes for the school golden boy: football captain Louis Tomlinson, whose homophobic father complicates matters a bit.
Ain't That A Kick In The Head! by lesbianharrie, wreckingtomlinson
Words: 22k
In which Harry’s a disaster gay who doesn’t know shit about soccer, Liam drinks too many blue raspberry Coolattas, Niall knows everyone, Zayn looks dead, and Louis is Not Happy about sharing his breakout moment with “Drunk Hawaiian Guy.”
Barefoot in Blue Jeans by indiaalphawhiskey
Words: 24k
AU. Louis Tomlinson is trying desperately hard not to fall for his son’s au pair, but he can’t, for the life of him, remember why.
Find Another One, Cause She Belongs To Me by AFangirlFantasy, larrysfootballfairy
Words: 25k
or a Girl Direction Uni AU, where Louis is desperately in love with her best friend Harry, who might not be as straight as she thought, Ziam can't fool anyone, and Niall is just happy with football being her only relationship.
You Make Me Want To Sin by lonelymisfit
Words: 28k
Or the very bregruding college AU where Louis is a bad ass frat boy and Harry is a shy and conservative catholic boy who wants to know whether Louis can show him what else he can do on his knees besides pray.
so grab your passport and my hand by infinitelymint
Words: 32k
The one in which Louis plays football and Harry sings a lot, and somehow that means they're meant to be. They'll figure it out soon enough.
Galileo by 13ways
Words: 63k
Louis was captain of the state championship high school soccer team. Harry was that gorgeous, scarf-wearing, long-limbed British kid in his art class. They weren't supposed to be friends.
But somewhere along the line, Louis Tomlinson opened the locked mystery that was Harry Styles.
I hear you calling in the dead of night by Thelonelycoast
Words: 72k
No one really notices Marcel Styles. In fact, Marcel’s so invisible that if his teachers don’t call on him in lessons - and they rarely do - Marcel can go whole days without speaking to anyone other than his mum, his sister, Gemma, his cat, Dusty and the school librarian, Alma. And if he just so happens to have a tiny, miniscule crush on the footie captain, Louis Tomlinson, well, that’s no one’s business but his own. Until Louis notices him back...
This Offer Stands Forever by Tomlinsontoes
Words: 78k
Harry is who high school kids would define as a nerd, he loved going to class and studying, he was just good at school work and saw nothing wrong with liking it. He signs up to tutor students at the middle school down the road where he ends up helping Lottie Tomlinson, younger sister to the ever popular and gorgeous Louis Tomlinson who is also a senior and in a few classes of Harry's. Harry might have a crush on him and not so sure how to act around Louis but hopes he can get close to the other boy and learn everything about him.
i want you so much (but i hate your guts) by becauselarry
Words: 83k
AU in which Louis gets accepted to play for the Manchester University Alpha-Beta Football Team. The only problem: Louis is actually an Omega. He is determined to make it big in the football world, though, and he can't do that bound to an Omega team. With the help of a faked doctor's certificate and some pretty strong suppressants he is ready to fight for his dream.
That Harry Styles (Alpha, second year and youngest football captain of the A-B team in ages) doesn't seem to like him complicates matters, though.
Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow by 1Diamondinthesun 
Words: 84k
Harry spends most of his time in an empty house or a lonely darkroom, dreaming of leaving his small town for art school. He's invisible to most people. And then Louis Tomlinson sees him. Life will never be the same.
Or, the American high school AU loosely inspired by She's All That.
Bring Your Body Baby (I Could Bring You Fame)by theboyfriendstagram
Words: 84k
A self-indulgent AU that takes place over the summer of 2015. 18 year old Harry hates pining after people he can't have, and 23 year old footballer Louis loves flirting with people even though it never means anything.
For Reasons Wretched and Divine by indiaalphawhiskey
Words: 94k
Ten years ago, Harry Styles was just a nerdy kid with one friend and a debilitating crush on the captain of his school’s football team. He thought the stars were smiling down on him the day he and Louis Tomlinson were paired for their end-of-term Literature project. But because Harry’s life is decidedly not a fairytale, the budding friendship quickly leads to the least happy ending of all time.
Now, Harry Styles is a household name. Barely twenty-seven with two Grammy nominations to his name, the singer-songwriter is poised to take the music industry by storm with his highly anticipated third album. So, what happens when the best producer in the business is also the only person Harry’s vowed never to speak to again?
Learning to Breathe by youcomecrash
Words: 110k
He’s playing football at one of the top universities in England and he should love everything about his life right now, but instead he’s moving backwards. How does your past fit into your present? Louis is still figuring it out.
Now In A Minute by thealmightyavocado
Words: 150k
13 feels like yesterday for many people, but for Louis it actually was.
More than anything in the world, Louis Tomlinson dreams of growing up. Simply skipping over all of the awkward, embarrassing years of teenage existence and getting on with life. Real life.
So when thirteen-year-old Louis wakes up in the body of his thirty-year-old self, he expected everything in his adult life to be picture perfect. And maybe it is. He has it all…or so it seems.
Except his favorite person and lifelong best mate, Harry Styles, is totally missing from the equation and Louis doesn’t understand why. He has a lot of catching up to do and as adult life turns out to be more than what he bargained for, Louis can’t help wondering why a life that seemed so perfect, feels so empty.
Or the 13 going on 30 au that should have been done years ago.
Unbelievers by isthatyoularry
Words: 136k
It’s Louis’ senior year, and he’s dead set on doing it right. However, along with his pair of cleats, a healthy dose of sarcasm and his ridiculous best friend, he’s also got a complicated family, a terrifyingly uncertain future, and a mortal enemy making his life just that much worse. Mortal enemies “with benefits” was not exactly the plan.
Or: The one where Louis and Harry definitely aren’t friends, and football is everything.
Pull Me Under by zarah5
Words: 140k
AU. As the first British footballer to come out at the prime of his career, it helps that Louis Tomlinson is in a long-term, committed relationship. Even if that relationship is fake. (Featuring Niall as Louis' favourite teammate, Liam as Louis' agent, and Zayn as Liam's boyfriend, who just happens to be good friends with one Harry Styles.)
You've got to see yourself from far and wide by Emm77
Words: 286k
No Summary
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fanficparker · 5 years
Ocean Eyes | Haz mini series | Part 1
Pairing: (Strangers to Friends to Lovers!) (Imaginary Love Triangle!) (Accidental Adultery!) Harrison Osterfield x Reader
A/n: It was my first ever fanfic, I earlier posted it on instagram and so thought of posting it here too. It’s trash. Check my masterlist for other fics, one-shots & more parts.
Word count: 2.1K
Warning: This fic is trash. Swearing, Flirting
Description: Y/n Y/l/n, a doctor by profession, loner by destiny, having just a little celebrity crush on a British actor Tom Holland. Her whole life changes when she accidentally bumped into a blue-eyed man on a rainy dark night, who was supposed to be Tom’s best friend Harrison Osterfield. What will happen when Harrison starts to fall for her? This celebrity crush on Tom will of course create some drama ;)
Part 1…
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It was just 7 pm, but the temperature was falling rapidly. The loud pitter-patter sound of raindrops falling on the ground accompanied by the sound of splashing water under your running foot-steps triumph over mild whooshing sound of cold wind touching your skin. The streets were nearly vacant and the orange light from the street lamps reflecting over the thin layer of water, made the road appear yellowish. The night was dark, full of clouds hiding the moon and all the stars. You were trying your best not to slip on the watery road. Your spectacles were totally drenched in water making your vision extremely blurry as you ran on the road towards your destination until you bumped into someone making both of you fall on the opposite side.
The two thin files of paper that you were holding earlier dropped on the ground with your glasses. Both the files and glasses were hell important for you, so you hurriedly began searching for them.
“Sorry sir, I am very sorry. I ruined your clothes, I wish I could help you, but I have an urgent call.” You gasped not facing the man you bumped into, but he helped you collect the fallen stuff. You both stood up as he handled you the stuff. His willingness to help proved that he was absolutely generous.
“Not to worry. By the way, I am Ha…” You weren’t in the situation to lose any more time, so you simply rushed past him, ignoring his words.
The only thing you remember about him was his ocean blue eyes.
You zoomed into the charity hospital and straight away carried yourself to the operating room. It was an emergency case, you had to operate the patient as soon as possible. Because of your broken car, you were already running out of time. After an hour you finally came out wearing your white coat and removing your plastic gloves.
An old man instantly hushed towards you. His voice was shaky and his hands were fidgeting.
“How’s she? Did we lost….” You cut him and with a smile plastered on your face, consoled:“The mother is all right and congratulations it’s a boy”. The dangerous medical case was successfully handled by you Dr Y/n Y/l/n one of the top gynaecologists in the west.
The man joined his hands before you. Tears were glistening in his eyes. “You are a God, you saved my daughter, and you did it for charity. I don’t even know how to thank you.” You gently hugged him. “It’s my job” there was satisfaction and pride in your voice. You guided him to the ICU and made your steps towards the locker room to get changed into a fresh pair of clothes as the previous one were completely soaked.
Before you could enter inside the locker room you noticed a young man, standing by the wall with his eyes on you.
“Is there anything I could do for you?” you questioned reaching near him. He just looked at you and smiled finally opening his mouth after a whole ten seconds.
“I didn’t know this was the reason of your emergency” he murmured.
He had blue eyes.
“Oh My God! So you were the one I bumped into… I am really sorry” you exclaimed in the beginning with voice shrill at the end. With slightly tugged chin and raised eyebrows he gasped “I’m only gonna forgive you if you provide me with the honour to take you for a coffee or tea?”
You giggled at his cute offer and dramatic style of an offering. There was something in him that made you stop refusing his offer.
“Just gimme 10 minutes, I need to change” you smiled turning to the locker room
“Yeah, I will wait.”
You changed your clothes wearing a simple blue floral dress with tights and sweater. You saw him waiting at the reception.
“We shall now” you spoke making him nod. The rain had already paused, as you walk inside the down street cafe, ordering a tea. You were sipping your tea when he started a conversation.
“It’s pretty cold here right,” he said keeping his cup down.
“Yeah,” you said repeating his actions.
“By the way, can I know your good name?”
“Oh yeah, of course. I am Dr Y/n Y/l/n and you?”
“Dr Y/n, I’m Harrison. Harrison Osterfield ”
His style of introducing himself made you chuckle.
“You don’t need to call me doctor. You aren’t my patient”
“Maybe I’m”
“I have no idea what that means” you felt your cheeks burn realizing he was flirting with you. Something in him looked familiar until it finally struck you.
“W-wait are Harrison Osterfield friends with the actor Tom Holland, OMG. I have seen you on Instagram a lot.” you squealed in a little excitement.
“I’m glad you recognized me. Most people only recognize Tom” he said in a soft tone. You gave him a smile listening to his words as you continued sipping your tea. It was finally the time to depart. While you were walking outside the cafe he again tried to start up a conversation.
“Hey, where do you live? If you want I could drop you”
“Hmm. actually, I don’t live here, my hotel is about 50 km from here, and my car is broken, so I am thinking of booking room in another nearby hotel to spend the night,” you answered genuinely.
“Oh god, that sucks… If you don’t mind you could stay at my place till your car repairs, it’s really near from here”
“Aahhh” you were confused to get into someone’s home, you just met.
“You can you can send your location to any of your relative or friend, and tell them them you are with me, this way you won’t be afraid” he said, making you look up.
“I don’t mean that I’m doubtful about you, you know” you tried, feeling embarrassed.
“No, I mean everyone should always be on a safe side, especially girls, you should really do that, the world isn’t that safe.” he convinced you. You wondered what an amazing person he was.
“I don’t wanna be a burden” you said.
“It’s totally fine, you won’t a burden, and maybe I can make you meet Tom tomorrow.” he smiled wide making his eyes crinkle.
“It’s not about Tom… I mean you are really very interesting…Okay I will” You agreed, remembering his previous words of being unrecognised.
“So.. just send your location and tell them, you’re with me, you would feel safer” he insisted and you sent the information to one of your close colleagues. This move by him, totally points about his good character, he is the type of guy who can make any stranger feel safe. You nodded, you’re were ready to go with him. He looked up through his lashes smiling, guiding you to his car. Even you both just met, still, you felt safe with him.
After just the first five minutes of being in his car, you jolted up, yelling “Oh my god god god”, making him pull the car breaks.
“What happened?”
“I forgot bringing my nightwear, my stuff, nothing…shoot” Your exaggerated reaction made him laugh.
“I got a lot of spare clothes, maybe a little big for you, but you can surely use them” he reassured igniting the engine again. You were worried about going with a stranger is a little risky, but his generous approach made you believe him. Moreover, you had an SOS function on your phone. Safety first.
But he appeared so protective.
He drove to his place which was actually not very far. He gave you a seat on the living room sofa, politely offering you dinner.
“I got pasta for dinner, would you like eating?”
“Oh yeah, why not” you agreed as you were dangerously hungry. He was placing the pasta in the microwave when you followed him into the kitchen.
“Let me help” you insisted, grabbing two serving plates. Behaving like a gentleman he didn’t allow you to work as per the ‘norms of serving a guest’. After you both finished up the food you both asked about each other’s lives.
He’s an aspiring actor, but a successful English model. He lives in London, the place you are going to shift really soon. He seemed really nice and funny. Not forgetting to mention a little flirty, but you didn’t mind.
“So y/n what’s up in your life, your parents?”
“It’s fine. And they both passed away in an accident 2 years before”
“I am extremely sorry”
“No need of sorries ”
He pressed his lips and tried to change the topic.
“Okay, I found you like movies, so what if you wanna see a movie with me tonight?!”
“OMG why not”
He surfed the Netflix and starts to choose, you quickly slide towards him and point to the movie “Me before you”, as you haven’t seen it yet.
“Oh yeah it’s a good movie, and one of my favourite novels! ” you squealed getting next to him. You noticed you came sliding too close to him so pulled back a little murmuring “sorry”.
“It’s fine, I guess we are friends now?”
“Of course”
He played the movie…
Netflix (and chill)…Hey, you just watched the movie, so don’t think otherwise…
As the movie finishes, he shuts off the TV, getting back to the conversation.
“So, you can tell me about your past life, boyfriend et cetra stuff? It’s good to know about friends.” he soothed.
“Umm… actually, to be honest, my past life was no less than a nightmare. My parents always said I was worthless and were kind of torturing me many times, hmm. I still miss them yet. And talking of boyfriend, we were incompatible. So, mutually dumped each other. Rest everything is cool, especially the weather!” you replied.
No matter how bad your past was, you were a present-living-loving person, so you didn’t mind the old memories.
What’s gone is gone.
This approach of yours, plus the innocent humour, in addition to the charitable help you did earlier was already making this blue-eyed young man attracted to you. You continued as he didn’t say anything. “I have a good life now, I know my worth, people respect me and all that stuff. But just I don’t have any family or friends. I am shifting to London probably this week, the charity week here in the USA is over, there’s a lot of work in London there, my house is still under construction and I have to find a rented flat or house to live till my home is finished. So much mess…….uggghhh.” A frustrated whimper left your lips as you held your forehead with your hands. Harrison kept his hand on your shoulder reassuring you.
“Hey you don’t need to worry, I and Tom too are going back to London so you can very well stay with us till everything is sorted out, it would be my pleasure to have you at my place.”
“What? No no… You already have done so much…I can’t….”
“Oh come on I just got you tea and pasta, it’s totally fine”
“I never thought people were so nice”
“I will take it as 'yes’” he said smiling.
“You must be uncomfortable in these clothes, you can take a shower and change” he adviced.
It was true that the tights and jacket were uncomfortable to sleep in, so you nodded and he guided you to the bathroom attached to the room, handling a sweatshirt and a trouser. After relaxing and getting changed you walked back to the living room, he too had changed into comfortable wear. He shifted his gaze towards you with an amusing grin.
“What? I know I’m shorter than you so your clothes look weird on me but—-” He cuts you words in the middle.
“You look cute!” making you flushed, so apparently, you tried to change the topic.
“By the way, I am not feeling like sleeping I guess,” you said with an enigmatic tone trying to hide the fact that you just blushed. “Umm… same! Would you like playing some cards game with me”
“But we are just 2 people”
“Right, let me call Tom, he will surely join us.”
Externally you just nodded, but from the inside, you were screaming…Tom Holland was coming, your favourite celebrity, the person you have a celebrity crush on from at least 5 years……
In about 15 mins the doorbell rung, making you nervous. Harrison received the door. Tom Holland was standing right in front of you.
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imagine-me-here · 7 years
Felix Felicis (Harry Potter)
Summary: Reader is an exchange student from Ilvermorny who has a huge crush on Draco but is convinced it’s unrequited love. (Hint: IT’S NOT) Media: Harry Potter Genre: pure fluff Warnings: middle-school language, mild Brit-speak, irresponsibly liberal use of italics and dashes--as per usual Word count: 1,685 Notes: written for the amazing @elizahackler on IG. Go follow them!
The rain was unrelenting on your first day at Hogwarts. Not even one day had passed and you were already feeling homesick. You missed the gentle layer of snow on the Ilvermorny grounds, and the comfort of the Wampus dorm. Hogwarts was cold, old, and gloomy, and everyone spoke in an unintelligible British accent. You should've just stayed in America, and you would've, if you were allowed. But your house head decided that spending a few semesters overseas would do you some good. So here you were, already predisposed to believe your year in England would be living hell. And the way things were going, or seemed like you would be right.
You waved goodbye to your parents, who had apparated with you to King's Cross, and the Hogwarts Express gently pulled away from the station. Soon after, the train was chugging along the track and you were seated in a cabin alone, earbuds in. As your favourite song came on, you glanced out the window at the scenery--verdant mountains and valleys, lush with trees in shades of emerald. You smiled to yourself. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. A new school, new opportunities to make friends, new classes to ace, field trips to London--
“What insolent idiot dare sit in my cabin?! My father will--” A tall, handsome boy with platinum blonde hair burst into your cabin, accompanied by his two friends. The badge on his cloak was the same shade of green as the trees. Slytherin, you thought.
“...hear about this,” he continued, his voice barely above a whisper. You pulled out an earbud and stood up straightaway, trying to leave the cabin as fast as you could.
“I'm...sorry,” the boy said. His eyes flickered to your Wampus crest. “Um, it's alright. You can stay.”
But you were already awkwardly standing in the doorway, and sitting back down with someone who had just called you an idiot would be even more awkward.
“Sorry,” you breathed, as you shuffled off to find another cabin. You plopped down as your senses came back.
Damn. He is cute.
The sorting hat took under two seconds to place you in the house of ambition and cunning. You smiled as you made your way to their table, but your grin was wiped off your face as you saw that the only free seat was next to the blonde boy you had encountered on the train. Begrudgingly, you sat down next to him.
“Sorry about that incident on the train,” he apologised. “I thought you were someone else.”
“It's alright. I'm used to it, being an exchange student and all. Except most of the time people really mean it.”
“Malfoy. Draco Malfoy,” he said, extending his hand. “Pleased to meet you.”
You shook it firmly. “(Y/N) (L/N). Likewise.”
Dishes upon dishes of roast beef and chicken, vegetables and potatoes, casseroles, and twenty different kinds of soup and salad were set upon the table. Draco reached for a pitcher of pumpkin juice and offered to pour you some.
“I’ve never any, but I'd love to try some,” You said, holding out your goblet. “Back home they usually had apple-cranberry pop.”
“Pop? Like a fizzy drink?”
You laughed. “Right. Of course. Yes, like a ‘fizzy drink’.” You took a sip of the juice. It was incredibly smooth and slightly sweet, flavoured with a touch of honey and a bit of cinnamon. “This is delicious.”
“I know.” Draco passed you a few dishes and you loaded up your plates. Every dish was something different, and although the menu was missing a few items you had loved at Ilvermorny, you were sure you had a few new favourites.
After dinner, you brought your stuff down to the Slytherin dungeon and changed into your pajamas, barely awake. It had been a long day, and you were incredibly tired. You just caught a glance of Draco as he passed your room, and the two of you waved goodnight, a small smile on your face.
Draco really wanted to read History of Wizards Combatting Evil in the 19th Century. Really. He had asked for extra credit in Defense Against Dark Arts, so he should only be able to keep up with his work. But he kept reading the same sentence over and over again, not really processing it. His mind was on something else entirely--not Elvira Doraville’s crusade to ban the Unforgivable Curses in 1870, but (Y/N), the Ilvermorny exchange student and newest member of Slytherin.
Over the course of the dinner, their conversation ranged from school to Muggle movies to international affairs. It only took Draco a few minutes to tell she was kind enough for Hufflepuff, had boldness that would match a Gryffindor’s, and matched wits with the best of them in Ravenclaw. He had tried his hardest to befriend her, but even despite her upbeat personality, Draco had a sinking feeling that she was just trying to be nice, and tomorrow she would pretend he never existed. He had, after all, called her an insolent idiot, so he wouldn't expect her to want to associate with him. But if, on the off chance, she did like him…
Draco shut his book and leaned down, reaching between the wooden slats supporting his mattress. He emerged with a small black notebook, which had, scrawled on the inside in a six-year-old’s handwriting, “Propurty of Draco Malfoy”. Every wish, hope, dream, and desire he had had for the past ten years had been recorded on these sheets. He opened to a blank page, grabbed a quill and ink, and scribbled as his top priority:
I want (Y/N) to like me.
The next morning was cold and clear, but there was a thin, glistening layer of snow covering the Hogwarts grounds. You quickly got dressed in your new Slytherin robes and made your way down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Your eyes scanned the table quickly, secretly hoping to find Draco and sit next to him. But you only saw him for a minute as he carried a bowl out the hall, your eyes meeting his for a moment before he turned away.
Draco spent the next day avoiding her, or at least, trying to. Instead of talking about yesterday's Transfiguration homework enthusiastically at the Slytherin table, he grabbed some oatmeal and left as quickly as possible, lest he see (Y/N). The rest of the day was conducted in the same manner. He actually payed attention in Divination and finished his Astrology map before anyone else, giving him a good half-hour of free time--a curse in disguise, because any free time was time spent thinking of (Y/N).
After classes ended, he sent Crabbe to tell Madam Hooch that he would be missing Quidditch practice due to a cold, and promptly made his way to the abandoned first-floor girl's bathroom.
Out of his school pack he pulled an Ashwinder egg, a squill bulb, tincture of thyme and a few other ingredients--the ingredients needed to make Felix Felicis. After nearly an hour of laborious stirring, chopping, more stirring, juicing, and even more stirring, the luck potion was ready. Just a single sip and (Y/N) would fall head over heels.
Draco packed up his potions kit and poured the dregs of the mixture down the toilet (Moaning Myrtle would just have to deal with it). He threw his pack over his shoulder and hastened out of the room, not looking where he was going.
This is ridiculous, you thought. Absolutely ridiculous. Despite the train incident, you liked Draco. A lot. And you thought he liked you back. He was even, maybe, flirting with you last night at dinner. But now, all of a sudden, he was ice-cold. Maybe all the rumours you had heard about him were true, that the only thing he really cared about were his grades and his family name. You angrily walked down the hall. How stupid I was, to believe he actually liked me back. He really is just like they all say: a selfish, condescending--
In a split second, you were being tossed head over heels, or at least it felt like that. You were mere inches away from cracking your head on the marble floor when a hand reached out and caught you. You eyes roamed up the pale arm, past the black and dark green robes, and you found yourself staring into the silvery-blue eyes of Draco Malfoy. Wordlessly, he pulled you back to your feet. It was only now that you noticed a shimmery gold liquid spilled on the floor, and an empty vial in Draco’s hands. It didn’t take a top grade in Potions to recognise is as Felix Felicis, one of the most difficult potions to make.
“I’m sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going,” You said quietly.
He picked up the books you had dropped on the floor and handed them to you, your fingers brushing against each other. His eyes met yours, and your gaze lingered a little too long, some kind of magnetic force keeping you staring at each other
“Draco, I...” your sentence trailed off as he leaned in closer and closer. One of his hands reached up and cupped your cheek. Slowly, your lips met his, his other hand travelling to rest on the small of your back. You deepened the kiss and wrapped your arms around his waist. After nearly a minute, you broke away, gasping for air.
“I really fancy you, (Y/N). And I know I’ve been acting like a prick, but only because I was nervous around you. Scared, even, that you wouldn’t like me. I thought if I made the potion, I would have a better chance with you.”
“‘Fancy’? Oh, you mean you like me,” you teased.
Draco rolled his eyes. “Yes, I ‘like you’.”
“And just so you know, you don’t need any luck potion to get me to like you. I was already head over heels. Quite literally.”
He pulled you closer for another kiss. “I guess wishes do really do come true.”
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