#|| .. I need a bigger tea cup :c
muse-stellium · 1 year
share the astrology tea
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Oh. Lemme just uh clear my throat, ahem ahem.
SO :
Conjunction of the planet that rules anger (Mars) & the planet of the subconscious (Neptune) in Anna's natal ☕️
Possible Saturn & Moon conjunction in Anna's natal - aka Saturn starving the Moon which rules emotions☕️
^ This placement also can sometimes indicate an absent or distant father, as can Saturn in retrograde, which both sisters have 👀☕️
Nina's whole chart in general that I've gone over plenty before lol – But to see both her and Anna have Chiron, which represents core wounds & how to resolve them, in Steve's sun sign Aries.. in Nina's 8th house - the house of death and rebirth too 👀☕️
The only inner placement Nina and Anna share being the planet that rules beauty is so spot on ☕️
Nina also having a conjunction of the planets that rule intellect & thinking patterns and the planet that rules love, beauty & money. ☕️
Both Nina and Steve having Pluto in retrograde which is usually seen as a indicator of anarchism or rebellion hehehehe suddenly the comparison between Nina blowing up the movie set and Steve blowing up the Zaibatsu lab comes to mind ☕️
Steve just having so many earth sign placements in general. I've always gotten big earth sign vibes from him, to the point when I found out his supposed canon birthday is April 16th I was just ????????
Steve's a water void but it's fine he's got lots of mutable virgo placements to make up for it it's fine it's fine I hope it's fine- sir stop rationalizing your emotions and actually feel them okay thank you please don't turn into your mum thank you
Also interesting that the Moon represents the mother in astrology and Nina and Steve share a moon phase. I just think it's neat. c:
Nina having Saturn in Cancer didn't make sense to me at all until I realized 1) it's in retrograde, and 2) again she used to be nicer. — Saturn retrograde in Cancer natal usually indicates a person who feels responsible for their family, so much so to the point they usually treat their family more like a duty than an actual family. Uh ahem *points at headcanon that Nina was trained to protect their family from harm alongside Richard growing up* , *points at headcanon Nina took on legal guardianship of Anna pre T1*
Nina vertex in Pisces. And I quote "You are expected to develop selflessness and cultivate emotional or psychological insights rather than the practical, material insights that come more naturally to you. People want you to develop compassion and the ability to listen to people who may be hurting inside and simply need to know that someone cares. You may decide to serve in areas of confinement, institutions, or places where work must be done quietly behind the scenes."
... We good? That enough? Lol
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csuitebitches · 7 months
2024 Planning
I started planning for 2024 today. I’ve learned a lot this year, made mistakes, had some successes and now it’s time to take all my learnings, good or bad, and go to the next level.
I prefer starting next year’s routine from 2023’s November and December so that by the time January rolls around, I’m settled into the routine. If there’s any revisions necessary, I can do them without starting my new year on the wrong foot.
I maintain my goals on mostly short and medium term basis. This includes daily, weekly and quarterly planning (I don’t do monthly because it doesn’t work for me).
This may seem complicated (actually, it looks more complicated than it is but it’s just what helps me) but let me show you how exactly I do things.
I keep two diaries. One for daily and weekly and one for quarterly. I have a habit tracker on my phone for my daily non-Negotiables (exercise, meditation, reading and language).
The quarterly diary is my big big diary. Every quarter, it lists out all the big plans, what i want to do and who i want to be. It’s all the messy thoughts I have, all my dreams, my weaknesses, my strengths, etc etc. The only “practical” part of the diary is that there is one general plan made at the end of my mad scribbling. It has the general idea, feedback I’ve received from other people and compilation of all the advice I’ve gotten from my mentors.
2. The daily - weekly diary breaks the plan into manageable bits. I write out the week’s plan (who do i need to meet, who do i need to follow up with, any major presentation coming up, any assignment, what am i reading this week) and write a one sentence daily update on it.
I can’t use a habit tracker for this because i’m not tracking meditation or exercise on here. I’m tracking my career goals, my ambitious goals, into smaller goals. A habit tracker wouldnt cut it because I would have to elaborate more on certain things.
For example:
“20-27th Nov: Weekly list
budget presentation on Monday
1 event to attend on Tuesday. Topic: XYZ
Reading: the inheritors
reach out to mentor, schedule a meeting
7 language essays and 7 videos
Monday, 20th Nov.
work presentation: complete.
Feedback received: i need to work on XYZ.
points they raised that didnt cross my mind: XYZ
follow ups required and if yes, with who: XYZ
reading: complete. Interesting point they brought up: XYZ
essay for the day: complete.
Video complete:
Tuesday, 21st Nov
mentor meeting scheduled
event went well. Met: A, B, C who work in XYZ companies. Follow up with them next week for coffee/ drinks.
essay: complete
video: complete”
Having two diaries helps me because i can find my bigger goals without having to go through the daily entry mess. I like having the two separate.
Nov ‘23 + Dec ‘23 + Q1 2024’s goals include:
Social (meeting new people, maintaining networks)
Intellectual (biographies, documentaries, industry reports)
Personal (soft skills, language studies)
Work (presentations, courses, conferences)
A major change I’ve making this year is actively working on every single weakness I have that I know is a potential strength. I’m ignoring weaknesses that I know are 100% weaknesses like coding because there’s just no way I can sit in front of a computer and learn all that, it’s absolutely not my cup of tea and does not make me happy.
I made a list of every single weakness i have and I’m embarrassed about and ashamed of. 2024 is the year of NO shame. I’m not letting my intrusive thoughts win.
Next to each weakness I wrote out a potential solution.
Ex: not picking up the language i’m studying as fast as i want to -> write 1 short essay and a 1-2 minute video of me talking about anything in that language every single day
I’m not allowing any unnecessary negative self doubt or self talk happen. Constructive criticism is one thing, being a bitch to yourself is another. I plan to learn a lot next year.
I’ve created a manageable exposure therapy plan for myself - I aim to meet 3 new people every month and follow up with 5 new connections every month, whether it’s over chat or irl.
I’ve made a list of business biographies I’m going to read. This year I reached my reading target earlier than anticipated which I’m very happy about. Next year I’m focusing on books that are solely about business, technology and psychology.
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Jealousy Bits - Zhongli, Diluc & Alhaitham x Fem!Reader
A/N: It's my second time writing for Fem!Reader, so C&C is more than welcome! CW: Alhaitham might be a little OOC.
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Jealousy is a foreign concept for Zhongli. For eons his mind was preoccupied with more important matters than petty insecurity. Centuries passed, and never once have you given him a reason to worry. But as time passed and Zhongli, along with you, stepped down from his position, he started connecting more with his human side. He experienced many things he never got the chance to as a god - including a certain kind of longing.
"I'm leaving, dear!" You look over the contents of your purse, making sure everything necessary is contained within. Your hand moves to rest on the doorknob, but you pick up the sound of steady footsteps. 
Turning back towards the living room, you see Zhongli standing in the corridor, his eyes resting on you. "If I may ask, where are you going today?" 
"I managed to convince Ganyu to have a proper meal at Wanmin Restaurant. Poor thing needs to quit starving herself, don't you think?"
Smiling slightly, he nods. "Yes, that would be good for her health. Ever since the… choking incident, Ganyu has never been the same."
You both chuckle. Zhongli crosses his arms over his chest. 
"I shouldn't keep her waiting. You know how anxious she tends to be." Once again, you turn towards the door. 
Something sparks in his mind. The mental image of you, laughing and smiling with somebody else while he is alone evokes a specific feeling, an itch that urges him to keep you in place, here, with him. Zhongli wants to stop you, and he stretches out his arm, but thinks better of it. You turn the key in the door, and the sensation comes back. He feels the need to act. 
Zhongli clears his throat. "I… I am having tea when you return. If you'd care to join me."
When your gaze meets his amber eyes, he seems unsure, and looks down at the floor in unusual embarrassment. His arm drops back down to his side. You approach him with a smirk, resting your hand on his chest. 
"Aw, is someone jealous?" A slight blush forms on his face at your gentle touch. 
"Perhaps." He answers after a moment. 
You slide your hand into his, and squeeze it gently. It's warm and bigger than yours, his gloves adding a pleasant texture. Zhongli looks back at you when you cup his cheek with your other hand. 
"It's okay. We'll take a nice bath when I return, have tea, and then… we'll see where the evening leads us." You plant a featherlite kiss on his lips, and send him a smile before turning to leave. 
Before you can open the door, he speaks again. 
"I love you, Y/N."
"I love you as well, Morax."
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Diluc cares only for those strangers he absolutely must, but he keeps his loved ones close. Although he keeps a steady facade suggesting otherwise, he gets possessive at times - just as anybody else. Cool as he is, Diluc won’t stop himself from acting upon his feelings with his characteristic decisiveness.
His eyes skim over the paper in his hand. Thirty barrels, twenty-seven million Mora - everything seems in order. He grabs the pen and scribbles his signature. The man thanks him and leaves shortly. Diluc sighs and rubs his temple.
It was supposed to be your night out. Just some casual drinks, grape juice for him and some light alcohol for you to finish off the work week. Despite explicitly stating that he is off-work, the recent delivery of Harra Fruit extract decided to arrive at that exact moment. With who the other party was, letting one of the staff handle him would be bad for his image. Begrudgingly, Diluc welcomed the merchant and finished the deal. Although he lost an hour or so, the evening was still salvageable. 
The noble turns back from the loading bay towards the Angel’s Share back door, and pushes it open. His eyes see the familiar scene of many men and women enjoying their evening to the tune of a mediocre ballad, sounding out from the small stage. The notes are fine, but the occasional mishap doesn’t go unheard by his sensitive ears. Despite that, the tavern goers seem to pay no attention, possibly too drunk to notice. Still, if his memory serves him right, the last performer had far more lyrical talent. 
He looks around the tables Venti frequents, but doesn’t find him there. Where did this rascal go-
“Y/N, do you perhaps wield the power of Anemo? Because your beauty blew me away!”
His eyes turn sharply towards the counter. The cyan-clad bard, his back leaning against the wood, smiles in satisfaction. In front of Diluc sees you, blushing slightly and giggling. 
“That was… wow. Horrible.” You smirk. “But I’m sure you can do better.”
Diluc watches as Venti looks away, smiling, his mind rushing with ideas. He suddenly looks back at you, a wide smile on his lips. Barbatos clears his throat theatrically. 
“It’s handy I have my library card on me, because I am totally checking you out!”
Both of you laugh. Diluc furrows his brows, and his heart starts beating faster. How can such crude humor make you laugh? You never laugh as hard at his jokes…
A small blush creeps up his face as he looks on, suddenly hyper-aware of his thoughts. He brushes the shame off. He is right - this evening was supposed to be “Diluc and Y/N talking and drinking” and not “Venti and Y/N talking and drinking while Diluc handles business”. There is no way the drunkard Archon steals your attention tonight.
“Two rounds, please! One for me, and one for the prettiest Windblume in this locale!” Venti says, raising two fingers.
Charles nods and reaches for the cups, but Diluc glares at him and shakes his head slightly. The bartender makes his understanding known and turns to a different client. The aristocrat looks around the tab record and quickly finds a small piece of paper, labeled with the bard’s name. Nine rounds… That would equal seven thousand three hundred Mora. Drawing another note, he writes down the numbers and places the paper inside a mug. He leaves the serving area and circles to approach you and Venti from the side. 
The bard, too deep in his flirty conversation, fails to notice his approach. With a fairly loud sound, Diluc puts down the mug right next to Venti. His aqua eyes dart straight towards the tycoon. 
“Oh! Hello master Diluc! How is the evening going?” The innocent tone that reaches Diluc’s ears annoys him even further. 
“You ordered two drinks, I believe.” He walks in front of Venti, arms now crossed over his chest. “You will get them upon paying for the nine so far. If you don’t, I will ask you to leave. You’ve drunk enough.”
The mug is picked up, and Venti draws the paper. Upon looking at the sum, he smirks and puts the utensil down. “Why, of course! Let me get my coin pouch really quick.”
After patting his sides and drawing the leather container with a small Aha!, Venti peeks inside, and his confident smile turns into an awkward one. He chuckles. 
“It seems that I forgot most of my Mora tonight, how unfortunate, truly! Can I just… add it to my account?” Venti looks at Diluc with big, puppy eyes. The man scuffs, unmoved.
“The one counting three hundred thousand Mora? Sure. If you pay it up now, that is. Do you have the money?”
The bard smiles nervously. “Ehe~” He turns to you. ‘My oh my! Look how late it is! Sleep is important, miss Y/N, and so I will rest now. Goodnight~”
Venti evacuates with practiced ease, Diluc’s eyes burning a hole in the back of his head. You turn to look at Diluc. 
“Does he really drink this much…?” You ask, feeling a bit awkward after witnessing their interaction.
Your lover shrugs, and sits down on Venti’s place. He turns to you, a confident smile gracing his lips. 
“Well, I’m here. What about your other two wishes?”
You smile and chuckle at his unexpected goofiness, covering your mouth with your hand to stop yourself from laughing out loud. Diluc swears it’s the sweetest sound he’s ever heard from you.
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Alhaitham holds most strangers in a neutral regard. Their squabbles, bold flirts and personal drama doesn't interest him, and as such rarely anything can get him possessive and needy. Someone flirts with you? You can handle things on your own. Spending less time with him? No matter, you have things to get done as well. Talking to another man? If he is nothing more than a coworker or a friend, it's none of his business. Despite this solid and logical reasoning, Alhaitham assumed he would be jealous at some point - just in case. Yet he expected a human to be the cause, and not… an animal.
A cat, to be precise. 
It all started when, coming home from shopping, the two of you were approached by a stray. Alhaitham recalls the unfortunate creature resembled a wet, rotten rag more than an actual feline. It started meowing at you while rubbing its filthy face on your leg. Instead of repulsion, however, you felt pity for the animal. After a good five minutes of pressure and puppy eyes, Alhaitham agreed to take the cat in. On the condition that you would take responsibility and care for it, of course. 
After being taken to Amurta veterinarians, who cleaned, bandaged and prescribed the right medication to the poor animal, it started resembling an actual cat. When the researchers confirmed that the cat would be fine, it was given a name, one that stuck in his mind ever since. 
Or Ali for short. 
It was just as he expected, and true to what you promised. You fed the cat, cleaned his litter box, gave him medicine, played with and groomed him. Over time, Alibaba returned to his former glory. His fur grew back, now long and lustrous. It was mostly white, with light brown patches near his paws, tail, ears and mouth, perfectly complimenting his deep blue eyes. Alibaba soon got plump and lazy, which you found greatly adorable. He was an obedient cat with a loud purr and a gentleman's meow that stole more and more of your heart each time. 
Alhaitham didn't pay much attention to your new pet. That is, he didn't until you started calling the cat names. It's normal, he knows that. That’s just what humans do with pets. But something about you calling Ali a “handsome boy” and a “gentleman” doesn't sit right with him. He gets those compliments on occasion, but Alibaba gets it daily for just existing… 
He couldn't believe he was getting jealous over an animal. Just when he pushed the thought away, the creature already noticed his feelings. It started running away from Alhaitham, and moving away when he tried to pet it. Ali didn't even eat the food and treats he provided, but dined on yours just fine. The cat didn't restrain itself from looking smugly at Alhaitham while being praised and showered in affection by you, seemingly mocking your boyfriend. 
The whole situation was silly, and he knew it. It was only right for him to resolve his jealousy in an equally amusing way. 
One day, after returning from work, you were greeted by Alibaba, just as per usual. You went to put your things down on the table, the cat following your actions by jumping up on the furniture. It meowed, rubbing its face against your hand. You smile. 
"Who's a handsome boy?" Alibaba meows in response. "That's right! You are!" 
You move to the fridge, and grab a bag of cat food. The animal rubs its body all over your shins as you pour the food. After leaving Ali, absolutely inhaling the contents of his bowl, you go to the bedroom. You open the door and freeze. 
On the bed, resting on his side, is the shirtless Alhaitham. The sight of his chiseled chest fills your eyes, and a small blush of surprise heats up your cheeks. 
For a solid minute or so, you stand there, unsure of how to react to this unusual situation. Alhaitham looks at you with a slight smug. 
"Am I a handsome boy as well?" 
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Thanks for reading!
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quinnysnursery · 19 days
How would the littles act if they weren't feeling well? Maybe a cold or a tummy bug, what do you think would help them?
[🪄] how the littles would act when sick | preferences
people included : chris, matt, nick, nate, tara, jake & johnnie
divider credit : @yeribbon
a/n : DARLINGGG GUESS WHOS BACK FROM JAIL (how i feel bc my laptop is repaired again) (lower case intended !)
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🥤cuddle puddle
💫 usually a very hyper little but when he’s sick?
🤍 TRUST this man is attached to your hip
🥤 constantly whining about his "tummy 'urtin'"
💫 i feel like little!chris doesn't typically use a pacifier during regression but...
🤍 while sick? TRUST he's curling up on the couch with a paci
🥤 expect to watch a TON of movies on the couch
💫 "sweetheart, you need to take your medicine." "but maaa/daaa/baaa..."
🤍 ipad kid cough tbh 😞
🩹 you think un-sick matt is sensitive? you got a STORM coming when little!matt catches a cold
🦈 plushie falls off bed? tears. his nose is stuffy? tears. his favorite bottle is in the dishwasher? tears.
🫧 poor thing is just so overstimulated from his stuffed-up nose and scratchy throat that everything feels 10x bigger than usual
🩹 "m-mama/d-dada/b-baba...." "i know angel, do you need a hug?" "mhm :("
🦈 TRUST he has a plushie tucked under his arm every moment
🫧 comfort foods on must be on DECK
🩹 lots of whining/pouting
🦈 "m' don't wanna be sick anymore!" (it's been less than a day)
🫧 lots of tears met with lots of gentle words and hugs 🫶
🌟 definitely stays on the younger end of his range when sick
🗞️ absolutely GUTTED to find out he can't go to the playground for awhile
🎥 "we wouldn't wanna get other people sick, right?" "...but I wanna go :("
🌟 honestly just lots of soup and movies
🗞️ i imagine it would be really difficult for him to comfortably sleep
🎥 so....
🌟 FORTS !! with the star projector going around the ceiling !
🗞️ playing with his hair to help him settle down :(( /pos
🎥 plz send little!nick blurbs in my requests i love little!nick
🏒 grabby. hands.
🌨 lots of nonverbal communication due to his scratchy throat
⛸ this marks the beginning of little!nates babbling era™️
🏒 "mmm.... >:(" "what is it baby? how can mama/dada/baba help?"
🌨 little!nate against icky medicine
⛸ "pretty please angel?" "nuh uh!"
🏒 absolute BABY™️
🌨 sippy cups of warm tea with honey !!
⛸ live laugh love little nate
❤️ since tara is immunocompromised,
🎞️ i definitely think that she's kinda use to being sick for longer periods of time
🎵 but that does NOT mean she doesn't hate it
❤️ kinda similar to matt in the since that i feel like theres a ton of mini-tantrums due to overstimulation
🎞️ all the elevated symptoms just piling up on her? yeah she's entitled to a mini-tantrum
🎵 holding her face in your hands as she calms down :((
❤️ "i'm here sweet girl, just take a deep breath." ":("
🎞️ cuddling sugar on the couch to a disney princess movie <3
🎵 extra hugs 🫶
♣️ similar to chris, jake is a VERY hyper little
🍒 opposite to chris though, instead of the sickness being what calms him down...
♠️ it's his caregiver.
♣️ "munchkin, you need to let your body relax. it won't do you any good too be bouncing off the walls." "but mama/dada/baba....i wanna plaaay..."
🍒 very pouty to be contained to a couch
♠️ "do you wanna color a picture while mama/dada/baba cooks?" ">:c...yes...>:c"
♣️ lots of mac 'n cheese AND ipad games
🍒 "i'm not *sneeze* sick!"
♠️ first time writing little!jake so be nice 😭
🦇 similar too jake with, "i'm not *sneeze* sick!"
🌒 unlike jake though, johnnie has no problem curling up with his caregiver and having a movie marathon
🐈‍⬛ how many scooby doo movies can a little and their cg get through in a day? you'll find out soon enough!
🦇 somehow becomes even MORE of a picky eater
🌒 "johns, you love chicken nuggets." "i wanted dino nuggets...."
🐈‍⬛ LONG naps
🦇 wearing his CG's sweater when they can't cuddle
🌒 you guys remember that oogie boogie plush he liked in the spirit halloween video? TRUST that's his favorite plushie in littlespace
🐈‍⬛ save me little!johnnie save me
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noforkingclue · 16 days
The Freedom of the Press Chapter 21 (Dhawan!Master x reader)
It been a long time coming but finally coming to the end of this fic! Thank you to everyone who has stuck with it :)
The Freedom of the Press tag list:  @direbatattack
You let out a groan as the morning light filtered through the pub windows. You sat up and winced at the crick in your neck.
You jumped at the soft voice and looked over your shoulder. Ianto gave you a guilty look and held up a cup of tea which you took gratefully. He sat down on the opposite end of the booth and took a sip from his own mug. The two of you sat in awkward silence as you both struggled to find what to say.
“I had a spare room,” Ianot said eventually, “you were more than welcome to it.”
“I know,” you said and ran a thumb over the rim over your mug, “I know. It’s just…”
You ran a hand over your face and shook your head. You had already been enough of a bother and you didn’t want to put further strain on Ianto.
“I’ll be getting out of your hair soon,” you said, “O’s now back and he said that I could stay with him.”
“You don’t have to,” Ianto said quickly, and you winced at the pleading tone in his voice, “it’s no bother.”
Although he didn’t see Jack’s body you knew he was feeling the same as you. He didn’t want to be alone but you weren’t making his life any easier. His family were coming over from Wales and he needed time with them. They were in a better place to support him than you were. Mentally that is.
“My flat is still a crime scene,” you said, “but even if it wasn’t I doubt I’d be able to go back there. I’ve also been given time off work to… cope.”
“You shouldn’t be alone.”
“I’m not going to be alone. I’m staying over at O’s.”
You both jumped at the sudden knocking at the door. You both hesitated but when it continued Ianto sighed and got to his feet.
“Maybe the police have a lead.” he said
Doubtful, you thought but didn’t say, they haven’t had any so far. Why would they have some now?
But much to your surprise a familiar blonde pushed past Ianto and paused in the middle of the pub. When the Doc saw you slumped in the corner she made her way over to you. Her confidence seemed to diminish slightly when she saw your expression. You gestured for her to sit down and Ianto said,
“I’ll leave you two. I’ll, umm, make you a cuppa Doc.”
You smiled faintly as he left and said,
“He’s been wanting to keep busy.”
“I can see.”
The awkwardness settled over the two of you. The Doc bit her lip and looked out of the window. You desperately tried to find something to fill the silence.
“I’m sorry.”
The two of you spoke at the same time. You smiled, for what felt like the first time in ages and the Doc finally relaxed.
“I shouldn’t have interfered with your relationship,” she said, “or tried to.”
“And I shouldn’t have said those things about med school,” you admitted, “I didn’t know him back then and I’m sure you were just trying to look out for me.”
“I’m your friend, I always am.”
The Doc took a deep breath and bit her lip. You knew how difficult this must be for her.
“And maybe,” she continued slowly, “the person I knew isn’t that same one that you know. After all, people can change.”
The Doc gave you a half hearted smile and reached across the table and took your hand. She gave it a reassuring squeeze and said,
“Are you staying here?”
“No. No. Ianto’s family are coming down. I’m going to be giving him some space.”
“You shouldn’t be on your own. You can always stay with me.”
“In your pokey flat?”
“Hey, it’s bigger than it looks! Plenty of room for the both of us.”
“No need to worry Doc, she’ll be staying with me.”
O gave you a shy smile as he entered the pub. Immediately you ran over and wrapped your arms around him. He returned the hug and said,
“Sorry the doors were open. I hope it’s ok that I-”
You cut him off by pressing your lips briefly against his. The Doc quickly looked away and you rested your head against his chest.
“Are you ok?” he asked, “No wait, stupid question. Of course you’re not.”
“Slightly better now you’re here.”
“Right, then let’s get you packed up and over to mine.”
It was late when you finally arrived back at O’s. You let out a groan as you dumped the last of your bags in his place and practically collapsed onto his sofa. O gave you an unimpressed look before glancing at your bags. He started towards them and you said,
“Leave them. They can wait for a day.”
You held out your hand and wiggled your fingers at him. O just smirked and made his way towards you.
“You need anything?” he asked, “glass of water? Food?”
“Just you.”
You grabbed his hand and tried to pull him onto the sofa. You felt better having him close. However, O hissed in pain when you grabbed his hand and quickly pulled it free. You sat up frowning when you finally noticed the bandage on his hand. It had unravelled slightly and you could see the stitches. Blood was seeping through it and a sickening feeling coiled in the pit of your stomach.
After all, it was in the same place you had slashed at The Master
“When did you get that?” you asked, “and how?”
O looked down at his hand and grimaced. When he looked back up at you all warmth from his eyes had gone. He curled his hand into a fist, causing more of the stitches to come undone.
“Well then,” he said, “I’ll admit, this wasn’t how I was expecting things to go. I think it’s time we had a little chat. Get everything out in the open, don’t you?”
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feraltuxedo · 10 months
Served Cold
Throwback to that time I wrote a twisty political scandal fic disguised as a coffeeshop AU. I'm still quite pleased with this one, it was very fun to write the twists and turns, with suave coffee snob Crowley and thirsty, thirsty Aziraphale. If you like a bit of a mystery, a bit of a plot twist, and a good deal of capital-c Clues, you'll enjoy this.
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Served Cold by FeralTuxedo M, 14205 words Summary: On a quiet Wednesday morning, a man with flaming red hair and a face tattoo saunters into a London café. But it appears that he’s there for rather more than just espresso.
This was exactly the type of customer Divinitea wanted to attract, Aziraphale thought. Modern, fashionable, rich. Too casually dressed to be a banker. No, this was someone with an undefinable job that was mostly done at posh brunch places with free wi-fi. He probably had the word entrepreneur on his business card.
He was clearly a bellend. But a very attractive one. Shame Anathema wasn’t here to admire him. Aziraphale would have to do that all by himself.
He turned to the stainless steel behemoth that was the coffee-maker, an expensive import from Italy which Anathema insisted would keep the customers coming back, and began the complicated series of steps that resulted in a steaming stream of thick black coffee pouring into a tiny and rather pretty duck-egg-blue cup.
Aziraphale served it to the stranger, placing the cup on an equally tiny saucer. The man had taken his sunglasses off by now and was watching him with curious brown eyes.
‘Is this place new? I swear it wasn’t here last year.’
‘It wasn’t,’ Aziraphale said. ‘We opened a few months ago.’
It had been a spur-of-the-moment decision, fuelled by two bottles of Chardonnay and a dangerously outraged Anathema. Gabriel, of course, had been the cause of her outrage. And Aziraphale, who’d very much been drinking to forget, had instead ended up agreeing to her harebrained idea.
But the mysterious customer didn’t need to know all that.
He took a sip of his espresso and pulled a face. Aziraphale tutted.
‘Coffee not to your liking?’
‘Well…’ The man scrunched up his nose and tipped his head from side to side. ‘Since you asked. It’s a little over in the roast.’
Aziraphale just about stopped himself from muttering You’re a little over in the roast and instead focused intently on wiping the already spotless bar top.
‘But then,’ the man continued, ‘you’re not called Divini-coffee, are you? I bet your tea is top notch.’
Despite himself, Aziraphale laughed.
‘Did the pun come first or the menu?’
‘If you must know, I wasn’t keen on serving coffee in the first place. There’s a perfectly serviceable Costa just up the road, you see, and even a little independent place for those with a more discerning palate and a bigger budget—’
‘What, so you’d rather have people go to the competition for a hot drink? That’s one way to sabotage your own business.’
‘— then my partner made the same observation, and here we are with apparently subpar espresso that’s a little over in the roast.’
‘Your partner?’
‘Junior partner,’ Aziraphale corrected. ‘She owns 30% of the business.’
‘But 100% of the business sense, by the sound of it.’
‘She’s also the one who picks and orders the coffee beans, so you better take it up with her.’
The man shielded his eyes with the side of his palm and turned his head left and right, like a ship’s captain on the lookout for land.
‘Unless your partner is invisible, I don’t seem to have an option but to take it up with you.’
‘Fine.’ Aziraphale sighed. ‘Do you want a refund?’
He hoped not. They were already in the red for this month. On the other hand, Anathema was always very quick to offer refunds, going on the rather flawed assumption that a happy customer was, somehow, preferable to actual money in the till.
‘No need for such extreme measures,’ the man said with a wink, ‘It’s leagues better than Costa at any rate. Though I will take a few minutes of your company as compensation.’
God damn, he was charming. Aziraphale detested him for it, just a little. But then, because he was Aziraphale Fell and his only two weaknesses were French pastries and arrogant men, he did sit down with him. On the edge of the chair, of course, with his back straight and one eye on the door, just to make it absolutely clear that he was at work, and not usually in the habit of lounging about with customers.
The man grinned at him, clearly relishing the awkwardness. Aziraphale stared right back, eyebrows raised. He was not going to let this stranger fluster him.
‘You could at least tell me your name, if you insist on this—’
He flapped his hands between them to make a point.
‘Crowley,’ the man said, after a drawn-out pause.
He savoured the word like a fine wine, and Aziraphale thought it suited him perfectly.
‘Crowley,’ he repeated. ‘You go by your surname?’
‘Yup. I like it that way. Maybe you should try it, too, er… Aziraphale.’
Crowley’s eyes dropped down, once again, to Aziraphale’s name badge, and lingered there much longer than necessary.
‘Oh no, I shouldn’t think so,’ Aziraphale said lightly. ‘Anyway. Do you wish to converse at all, or are you perfectly happy just to stare?’
‘Was just admiring your apron, that’s all.’
‘Thank you. My partner hates it.’
‘I take it she’s not a fan of tartan?’
‘She says it doesn’t suit her.’
‘Suits you, anyway.’
Aziraphale mumbled another thank you. He was starting to get a little hot under the collar. It wasn’t hard to figure out why. He was fairly certain he’d seen this exact scenario play out on Pornhub. Minus the tartan apron, of course.
And really… it had been a quiet morning so far. Perhaps he could lock up the front door and drag Crowley to the back room. Have him rip the apron over his head and push him against the fridge and be done with him before Anathema arrived for her shift at lunch time.
Aziraphale sighed an inward sigh and, of course, did nothing of the sort. Good lord, he really needed to get laid. But ideally not at work. He had standards, after all. Unfortunately, Crowley appeared to meet all of them.
‘What do you want to talk about, then?’ he asked, trying hard to drag his thoughts out of the gutter.
‘Anything, really. The weather? Your favourite band? The embarrassment that is our current prime minister? Bet you’ve got some interesting thoughts to share.’
Aziraphale huffed. It was clumsy flirting, certainly more clumsy than he would have expected from a man who wore his trousers quite so tight.
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lokischickadee · 11 months
Loki x gn reader
Warnings: fluff (if I missed any let me know!)
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Loki sit on the couch in his chambers, reading a book. He had his legs crossed, with a cup of tea on a table. You walk in with something hiding behind your back. "Loki can I show you something?"
"What is it?" He lowers his book, taking a sip of my tea as he stare at you curiously, with a small smile dancing on his lips.
You hold up a baby dragon. He gasps in awe. "You have a baby dragon?!" He exclaims while setting his tea down on the table beside him. "She's so precious! What's her name?" He asked excitedly, his eyes glued to the tiny dragon.
You smile. "Her name is Layla."
"Hi Layla.... Do you think I could hold her?" He ask excitedly. At the sound of his voice, the small dragon seems to turn up her head and stare at him with her large green eyes. She opens her mouth, revealing her tiny sharp fangs as she let's out a small hiss.
You tell him he can and he slowly stretch his hand out and hold it in front of the little dragon. She tilts her and sniffs my hand before taking a step forward with her two small feet and sitting on my palm, purring softly. "Oh, she's so soft!" He exclaimed, petting her small head with the pad of my thumb. "How did you get her?"
"My dad gave her to me," you respond with a smile.
"He just gave you an actual, real-life dragon?" Loki asks curiously, looking in amazement at the little creature in his hands. "Has he got any more? Because I'd take one." He let out a soft giggle and continue to pet the small dragon.
"Yeah! This is not the only one he has."
"A dragon army! Are any of his dragons bigger?" He asks in awe. Loki gently scoops the baby dragon up into his arms and cradle her in them, rocking her a little. He gives her a little kiss on the top of her head. She closes her large green eyes and purrs some more, nuzzling her head against the side of his arm.
Your heart melts at the sight. "He has two full grown ones."
"How big is a full grown dragon? Have you tried riding any?" He asks excitedly. The little dragon lets out a small hiss as she looks towards him. Loki smiles and pet her some more as she begins to curl up in the cradle of his arms.
You giggle at his reaction to the dragon. "They are huge! Yeah I have ridden them a few times."
"That's so awesome!" He exclaims excitedly. "Which one did you ride?" The small dragon lets out a little squeaky roar before opening her large green eyes and letting out an even smaller squeak as she snuggles more comfortably into the cradle of his arms.
"I rode the first one he got. Her name is Queen," you respond.
"Queen, huh?" He strokes the small dragon in my arms while he speaks. "What are the others called? And what is it like flying on a dragon? Does the wind mess up your hair? Does it feel good?"
You pet the dragon and smile at him. "It feels so amazing and freeing. Do you wanna ride one?"
"I would love to!" He exclaims excitedly. "What do I need to do? Do I need a saddle or something? How do I control her? Is she scary to ride? I know nothing about dragons."
"No you don't need anything. She is gentle and will make sure you don't fall," you say while you giggle.
"Wow... You know how I said you were cool?" He asks excitedly, continuing to pet the dragon in my arms. "You just got even cooler!" He looks back at Layla. "Do I get to keep this little baby dragon? She feels so warm. She's like hot, fluffy blanket that purrs." The little dragon lets out a hiss before she starts purring again as her eyes close and she tries to get more comfortable in his arms.
An eager smile spreads across my face. "That's it?! No saddle, no reins? Just hop on and hope she knows where to go?" He asks excitedly. "Does she understand human language? Or Norse?
"The ones we have understand English and Greek," you respond.
"So I could command her in English? Wow, she's really smart... Can they do other things? Like... breathe fire? Do you have any other magic dragons?" He asks excitedly, still petting the small dragon in his arms. She's purring loudly again and seems to be slowly falling asleep. He smiles at the small, precious dragon. "I think she likes me."
You smile at the adorable sight. "Yeah they breathe fire, she only esponds when you ask her nicely."
"Wow..." He breathe in awe as he try to picture how much destruction the fire of a full grown dragon would unleash. The small dragon is definitely asleep at this point, her head resting on my arm as she cuddles against it. Loki smile fondly down at her, continuing to gently pet her."I have to say, I have never had someone offer to let me ride their live fire-breathing dragon before." He says with a soft chuckle. "Do I get to wear some sort of armour or something, or am I just bareback? I don't want to be thrown off."
You lay next to him. "Just go bareback and hold on to her neck."
"No armour? Well, I guess I'll be hanging on for dear life!" Loki says with a laugh. "Do dragons like it when you give them little scratches and rubs? Or do you think that'll just annoy her?"
You cuddle up to him and smile. "Yeah they love it. They love attention!"
He smiles and let out a small giggle. "Well, I guess I just found my new favourite creature." He says enthusiastically, giving the small dragon a tickle underneath her chin. She lets out a soft squeak, her eyes fluttering open slightly. "Awww... so cute!" He exclaims, my eyes glued to the adorable dragon.
You giggle and reply, "They love people who are calm. She bit your brother and growled. I've never seen her react that way before."
My jaw drops. "She bit Thor?!" He exclaims. "Why would she do that!? I will admit, he can be rather loud and boisterous, but why would she bite him?"
You have a look of anger on your face. "He was being too loud and rough with her. He slapped her and I had to punched him."
Loki's eyes widen. He knew Thor was loud and boisterous, but he was being downright cruel to a dragon?! "He slapped her?! What the heck, Thor?!" He exclaims, shaking his head in disgust. "How could he do that?"
You shake your head in disgust at the memory. "I don't know. I was shocked too."
"That's the equivalent of smacking a giant puppy," Loki shakes his head. "How could he even think that would be an okay thing to do?"
"I don't know but I punched him and broke his nose," you say as you smirk at the memory with pride.
Loki grins and let out a soft laugh.
"Did you?" He exclaims excitedly. "Did he stop bothering the poor little dragon after that?" The small dragon snuggles further into the cradle of my arms as he continues to stroke her, her purring growing louder.
You smile. "Yeah he stopped. I was on my way to show you when i ran into him."
"Well, he deserves a broken nose, so he can consider himself lucky!" He laughz. "What a cruel thing to do to such a precious creature." Loki continue to snuggle the small dragon in his arms, her purring starting to grow louder as she falls deeper into a sleep. "So... Is she the only baby dragon you've got? Or are there others?"
"Shes the baby from the two adults."
"Oh, she's a little baby?!" Loki replies, even more excited now that his new favourite creature is a baby! The small little dragon seems to sense his excitement and let's out a small squeak at the change in tone of my voice. She begins to purr even louder from the new attention. "Is she hatched from an egg?"
You laugh. "Yeah she was, like a chicken."
"Wow... That's so cool!" Loki says excitedly. "Do they hatch from eggs really small? Do they grow up really fast? Does she have an egg you can show me?!" I pet the small dragon some more, letting out a delighted "awww" when the small dragon purrs louder. She's completely passed out at this point, curled up snuggly in the cradle of my arms as she snoozes.
You lay your head on his Shoulder. "They hatch the size she is now."
"So they just come out ready to go? That's fascinating! Don't she ever get hungry or thirsty? When she hatches, who gives them food and water?" Loki continues to pet the small baby dragon in my arms while talking with a smile. She's so small but her purring is loud and makes my heart melt. She's so precious he could just squeeze her!
"She feeds off of her mom for 4 weeks and then she can eat small pieces of meat."
"So they come out of the egg and are ready for food right away?! And the mom actually feeds them with her milk? Do dragons have nipples?" Loki says curiously, not even thinking about how weird that question sounds with a dragon literally asleep in Loki's arms.
"Yeah the females have them," you say, giggling.
"Wow... That's so interesting!" He say excitedly. "And then after 4 weeks she's big enough to eat small bits of meat? Like rats or something?" He asks curiously. The small dragon in his arms starts dreaming and makes the cutest little noise, letting out a soft little squeak that sounds like she's purring... but... in her sleep? He laughs softly but keep petting the small dragon.
"Yeah and peices of steak and chicken."
"Wow... That's so cool!" Loki says excitedly, continuing to pet and snuggle the sleeping dragon. "How long does it take for them to grow to their full size? Do they grow fast or slow like humans? He let out an awed sigh. "And where do the dragons get born? Do they have their own nests?"
You smile at his enthusiasm. "It takes 100 years to get full size and yes they have nests like birds."
"Wow... 100 years? That's a long time! So... Do the other dragons live to be hundreds of years old as well?" Loki asks curiously. The small baby dragon seems to be dreaming again, nuzzling her nose against his arm and making another soft squeak that sounds like purring. He laughs softly. "Oh, this small little creature is just the cutest little thing!"
"Yeah they live 10,000 years," you say with a smile.
"They live ten thousand years?!" Loki exclaims in awe. "That's so long! Can they be killed? What happens if one dies?" The small dragon begins to stir a little. He let out a soft chuckle and gently continue petting her, trying to keep her settled and asleep.
"Yeah they are bulletproof and they turn to ash when they die," you say in response.
"Wow... That's so strong and tough!" say excitedly. "Do they ever get sick? Do they eat normal food like humans? How do they hunt?" The small dragon in his arms starts to wake up and he stopz talking, watching in delight as her eyes open and she starts wiggling her way towards the middle of Loki's arms, purring loudly as she wakes up.
You smile at the baby rolling around in Loki's arms. "They love calm people."
"Well, that explains why she likes me so much!" Loki laughs softly, stroking the small dragon in his arms. "I guess they can sense if a person has a good soul or something...Wow...So are baby dragons super common or really rare?" The small dragon in his arms turns to face us and opens her large green eyes. She hisses at loki yet again before her eyes go wide as she opens her mouth and lets out the smallest, littlest squeak of a roar. We laugh softly and loki pets her head. "Such big roars from such a little thing - you might scare the humans!" I say with a laugh.
You watch loki interact with her with so much love in his eyes. "Do you think she's dreaming about being a big dragon, flying around and breathing fire?" You say before breaking out into soft laughter. "Or maybe she just wants you to be a big warm pillow for her to nap on. Did you know they act just like dogs?"
"Wow... You're telling me these huge and powerful Dragons act like dogs? That's so cute!" I say excitedly. "Are they big and scary and mean like people think they are? Or are they just friendly and gentle giants?"
You giggle before responding. "They are gentle unless you hurt their owner or babies then they roast you alive."
An image of a dragon breathing fire on a person flashes across his mind and chills Loki to the core. "That sounds absolutely horrifying," he exclaims, his voice full of emotion. "Do they ever accidentally kill each other when they fight? Do the adult dragons ever fight?"
"No they are just playful and sweet unless provoked," you say with a smile.
"So they're just big fluffy cats with wings!? That's adorable!" Loki says excitedly, letting out a small laugh.
You laugh. "Yeah they are big attention hogs."
"The more you tell me about these dragons the cuter they get!" Loki laughs excitedly. "How do they show their affection? How do they express love for someone?"
"They lick and purr," you say with a laugh.
"Oh my gosh!" Loki whispers as a soft laugh escapes his lips. "That's so cute!" He hugs the small dragon close to his chest and stroke her gently. "That's such a perfect way to show love," Loki says softly. "Do they do anything else to show that they love people?"
"They will play fight with you like puppies and kittens."
Loki start to pet the small dragon in his arms again and looks at you with love in his eyes. "Thank you for showing her to me! She is the most adorable creature I have ever seen!."
You smile at him. "You're welcome my love."
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contentwithit · 27 days
Flare tips for crohn's disease
2 and a half weeks trying to fight a flare here's my tips that help. These haven't fixed my flare
Food: Limit food, amount and kinds of food.
Juices, teas, water, mixed health drinks are key.
I started with OMAD (one meal a day) of light things cooked carrots, sweet potato, yogurt, rice, potatoes. Small amounts of lean meat, even cutting meat out for a couple weeks. Starting with a small plate. After 2 weeks I had a bigger plate, stop eating before you're "full" or your going to feel awful.
On days I couldn't hold to one meal a day, tea with honey was a big one, and then I worked up to yogurt and some cheese and a v8 veggie drink. Eating one yogurt cup, one babybel cheese and a 150ml v8 was enough to fill me up like I had eaten a big meal.
My calories usually stay within 1200-2000, mostly the lower side, it's not about being healthy it's about surviving for me.
Supplements: space them out but you'll need lots
Probiotic, I found one of on amazon doesn't need to be fancy take on empty stomach in the morning works best for me
A green drink, super foods vitamin kind of thing that's like 20 calories that's usually breakfast.
Multivitamin, any one a day one will work usually at night
Vitamin D, I take like 5000iu a day. Usually at night
Omega3 I like the gummies I aim for 3 a day throughout
Vitamin C, I felt like I was also sick so extra vitamin C is always good for that. Whenever you feel like it
Echinacea, I was getting sick so I added that I don't normally take it.
If you're flaring this might help, talk to your doctor, this is my own experience. I'm still feeling sick so it hasn't fixed me it's just helping so I can go to work and live my life somewhat.
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someoneinjersey · 4 months
made it through the weekend and even was able to go get some things done before we went and picked Bizzy up from her babysitter. i got my oil changed and i wanted to throw a fit because it cost $68. Ten years ago I could go right down the road and get an oil change for less than $25. what the actual fuck. so goddamn aggravating. told my mom about it and how as usual i'm not even a week into the month and basically all my disability money is gone. all she said was "welcome to adulthood. sad." and i swear i wanted to reach through the phone and shake the shit outta her. last week or the week before, kate and i had a big not-fight and during our talk afterwards we discussed how since my mom is my single biggest trigger and/or the source of seemingly unrelated triggers, i need to go back and make more boundaries or reinforce the ones i tried to put in place a while ago. and i was like hm, okay, i'll have to think about how i can broach the subject of say, being in contact like once a week unless something comes up maybe. then the very next day mom hit me with "you know i think if you didn't come to see me in october i wouldn't have survived" and i just threw my fucking hands in the air and gave up. idk what to fucking do and i don't have a therapist anymore and i'm extra moody about it all right now because i started my period four days late.
in any case regarding money, i was able to not mooch off kate all weekend since we went away so early in the month, and so the only things i "treated" myself to (besides food which is 50/50 on whether or not it's a treat or making life easier or whatever) was a denim boiler suit from walmart, potting soil, four pots, and a grow lamp so i can repot and move the four plants that live on the kitchen windowsill. i've never kept plants alive this long so i don't intend on letting them die yet, so they're getting bigger pots and new soil and i'll likely move them into my bedroom. probably switch night stands and stick them on the one in the far corner with the grow lamp. i wish we had places to put them out in the house but A we get zero sun B the aloe plant and chrysanthemum aren't good for the cats and C i'm the only one that takes care of them anyway so they might as well just stay in my space. and it's also like, is it "treating" myself to something if it's keeping a living thing alive? idk. and the denim boilersuit looks so fucking cute i have no regrets spending $28 on it.
it's still incredibly weird drinking coffee every day but it has been helping my moods, surprisingly. i also make myself have a cup of tea (usually decaffeinated green tea) before bed. i'm still keeping up with my planner, though i'm letting myself slide when it comes to my little goal of reading every day. if i blow through too many stories too fast i burn out, so i'm taking my current book slowly and giving myself some grace to take days off. i've eaten like shit since thursday what with being away from home (and today being busy and too tired to cook) so i've noticed i feel not as good in that respect but i can get back on track maybe by tomorrow. maybe. still being exhausted and also being in my period doesn't really bode well for having the energy to make healthy meals or being able to deny my period mood cravings. i have a very unhealthy relationship with food. my feelings inside turn foul and evil if i can't have exactly what i want to eat when i want it if i have a craving. it might actually be psychotic.
i have some things i've been wanting to write, little fanfic ideas. or maybe not so little. but i can't activate that switch in my brain to actually do it. i have hang ups. a lot of them. bah
oh and i left my apple watch on the other side of the state like a fuckin champ. night yall
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repurpose-yourself · 2 years
Travel Trembles (2/4)
I am 10 flights in using this program and it's great! The terror I used to experience stepping foot on a plane couldn't have been more debilitating. Even five years ago, I had become so panicked that the plane had to turn around 30 minutes into the flight and return to the airport.
But not anymore. What a strange idea I thought initially - transforming people into objects so they may escape their flying fears. Ask me now, I'll shout its benefits from the roof tops. It has really released me from paralyzing anxiety and allowed me to function as a person once again... at least, when I am a person.
Every experience has been wonderful. The airlines respect my choices and my fellow travelers are very kind. Personally, men are more my cup of tea and every time so far my preferences have been respected. I've been a baseball cap, a seat belt extension, even a seat cushion!
Today, I am taking a five hour flight around the neck of a man by the name of Carl. He had asked for a neck pillow during booking and it seemed like a good option for me. He is, after all, supporting my needs of an anxiety free flight. The least I could do was support his neck.
Carl was a man of a thicker build. Not fat but also not muscular. Average, I guess. Bigger than average, though. My soft 'C' shaped pillow body pressed around his tender skin, the warmth of his body radiating into my inanimate existence.
Normally I do not know who my flight companions are beforehand. In Carl's case, I learned his name thanks to the passenger sitting to the right, his wife.
At times Carl was wide awake, looking around the cabin or down at his phone. But most of the time he was fast asleep, a quiet snore escaping from his mouth. His head would flop from side to side, compressing my body in various places. It wasn't uncomfortable by any means, just some pressure. I took satisfaction in knowing he felt relaxed enough to sleep with me around his neck, meaning this arrangement was mutually beneficial.
The five hour flight had been uneventful, much to my satisfaction. It was nice to spend it around this man's neck instead of sitting in a seat myself, struggling to remain calm. And while travelers usually don't speak to their living object counterpart, Carl did have something to say upon handing me over at the gate desk.
"Man, you are comfortable!" he said, his voice deep and soothing, "I hope I get you on my return flight home."
If I had a heart at that moment, it would have fluttered. After being dropped into a small box of other objects to be turned back to human, I could only think about Carl and his sincere kindness.
'Me too, Carl, me too...'
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anoiaa · 2 years
Yuuichi Katagiri X Classroom of the elite
The olympia was filled with loud screams from all corners, the first, second and third years were participating in the Sports festival. The first years were eager and thrilled at having their first ever sport “competition” as it was a chance for those who weren’t academically gifted to shine at at last. Katagiri Yuuichi of class C stood unmoved by the cheerful aura around him, so did the rest of his class. Ryuuen was planning to sabotage the exam and put class D at a disadvantage. He has scared a girl who sat next to him in class into complying with his schemes, and he was unhappy about it. 
Yuuichi’s throat had dried up so he left the small group of his class to get some water from the vending machine. He felt a sense of relief as he left the grass, stepping on the cold concrete floor that led to the larger buildings. He approached the vending machine on the side if the stairs and had a bottle of water. 
“Hello there, you’re from class C aren’t you?” The person who called out to him was Sakayanagi. He hadn’t noticed that she was sitting on a bench near him the whole time, but he ignored her. “fufu, are all class C students like this? what a pity. I was hoping to pass some time with a friendly chatter.” Yuuichi too, knew that this was just one of her ways to get rid of boredom, and he wouldn’t flatter her by entertaining her any more or less. “What do you think of your leader? if you don’t mind answering.” Yuuichi felt the urgent need to sigh. He had been laying low in his class with very average grades and didn’t mind business that didn’t concern him, and for that he had managed to step away from Ryueen’s predator gaze, but to say that he wasn’t bothered would be a lie itself. He glanced over at the clock on his wrist, it had been ten minutes since he left. 
“I don’t mind him.” he said, now eager to strike a conversation. Sakayanagi, though she didn’t show it, was slightly surprised by the calmness in his voice. He sounded mature, like he had lived a life differrently from any teenager at their school. She felt impressed by her analysis and looked at him from her cup of hot tea. “I was surprised to hear the results of the Cruise ship test, and the island test as well. It seems like the lower ranks are really doing their best.” At this, Yuuichi couldn’t tell whether she was mocking or mocking. but he was sure it was both. 
“Then you should watch your back, you might get dethroned from your position if you lay low for too long, Sakayanagi-san.”
“Oh my, did you perhaps feel insulted by my comment? I apologize” she said, feeling bigger again, not a single ounce of apologetic remark in her voice. She sipped her cup satisfied, as if this young man wasn’t mature anymore but a child in her eyes again for grieving under her game. Yuuichi remarked this, but he didn’t want to disrupt her moment of ode. He simply left, silently, as if he hadn’t been there in the first place. 
Yuuichi would participate in the tag of war and 1200m dash. This of course was the conclusion made by his class leader. Ryuuen did have a little doubt about Yuuichi. He had well defined muscles and he seemed sturdy than any average guy. But unfortunately, he scored a 40 on grip strength. It wasn’t enough to lower his guard though, Ryuuen was vigilant, as if waiting for him to emerge. He had after all, taken time to investigate the grip machine and ensure no errors were made, and felt slightly reassured when he came to this conclusion ‘he was average’.
So far, things were smooth. Ryuuen was messing up with Sudo, which would enrage him and perhaps make him quit the game. Yuuichi saw through Ryuuen and he felt a bit concerned about what he might do without restriction from the Rules--“No violence” that is. It was time for the tag of war, and class C won thanks to Albert. A few moments later, A class C student was “gravely” injured and Class D’s captain Horikita Suzune was called urgently to the infirmary room. Yuuichi watched her as she left the compound.
It was time, 1200m dash. Yuuichi was standing on the far end of the track, on his side stood two other students from different classes and grades, and shortly after them was the student council president, Manabu Horikita. He stood alongside another first year student whom Yuuichi was yet to know the name. 
There was a gun shot that startled Yuuichi, and they all raced.
Comment for a Part 2!
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landograndprix · 1 year
Hey I was that anon that sent the message about engagement. I’m so glad to see that what I said didn’t offend you as that wasn’t my intent; especially b/c after sending it I felt like I had trauma dump about something that could have just been a light hearted post. I will say that I try to be as obnoxiously over the top in my praise for those blogs that create amazing content and are also kind to their audience; almost as a small way of showing those in my sphere that this blog is safe to interact w/ (also how sad is that, that you have to feel out how a blog on the internet is likely to interact with people). I agree with you that it seem that some people are willing to take the abuse b/c the content that is produce is so incredible, I wasn’t able to though. There have been blogs that I just unfollowed and if a mutual reblog then I’m willing to read and like, maybe even comment. But there are other that 100% received a block. There is no content on this hellsite that I’m willing to let effect my mental health or allow myself to reblog that could be a danger to my mutuals.
I also think having discussions like this are a good way to change the culture of the F1 fandom; b/c until we except that there is an issue in the community and work together to address the problem I don’t think it will get any better. And while this community has some truly excellent creator and content consumers; I’ve notice an extremely high turn over rate for both. It seems that we gain and lose both at a much high rate than other communities; and I think it has a lot to do with how we both interact and gatekeep.
Oh no, there was no need to feel bad after sending it, It takes a village to offend me! 😉
I completely understand people who unfollow/block people who are not their cup of tea and with most blogs I do too but my fear of missing out on content that I do enjoy is bigger than that– that and I usually just roll my eyes and ignore their weird morals, I'm not going to lower myself to their standards but last night might've struck a nerve i didn't know i had😅
And I agree, the gate keeping in this fandom is like nothing else I've seen and I've been in so many fandoms already. I've been watching this sport for years but only got really involved in this kinda content at the end of last season but the negative posts about people just joining the fandom made me shut my mouth about being new here because girl, I'm not, I'm just new in your world 😅 and the whole oh you dts fan is so lame..cool, you got into the sport because of the series? welcome, ask me anything you want to know! The more the merrier! 😃 but maybe that's just me though, couldn't relate to trying to gatekeep something that makes someone happy.
Sadly, I'm convinced fandoms in general will always be a toxic place to be in but it's up to ourselves to make it less toxic so yes, discussing these kind of things should be happening between more people (even if might not help)
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antimony-medusa · 2 years
I won’t lie I don’t understand the internet’s obsession with digging up dirt from years ago. If you like him now, if he isn’t saying terrible shit now, if it’s been years… why bother, man. Why bother. That’s so much energy they could use elsewhere. Perhaps yelling at people who are using slurs at people today right now. Or on a drawing or something. I don’t say touch grass very often bc it’s used against autistics a lot and I dislike it but these people really do need to like. Go have a picnic in nature or a cup of tea by a rainy window and like. Take a fuckin break. Yeesh.
I think a) sometimes bigoted comments are just so much that they recontextualize everything they've ever said and you're just like "i'm out", and for some people these cancellation threads are those comments, and sometimes they're like "just in case it is that bad for someone else I better circulate it". b) And also there's definitely a tendancy on the internet (and especially on twitter), to treat anything that happened in the past as exactly the same as if bad message was dug out of a discord/tweeted/said/whatever today. And I think that one in particular ignores that sometimes a) certain stuff was normalized that we now know was bad but that knowledge was not necessarily wide spread b) language shifts, what is actually acceptable to say now may be unacceptable in the future, c) people smarten up and change.
I just— *flops onto the couch* it's so much energy and anger, and I get where it's coming from, I really do, but I do not think it's actually helping right now. Like yeah, if someone broke free from shitty joke history and now would never say those things, I see why someone might want to bring the shitty joke history to light, but I don't think it actually increases the stock of justice in the world that much. Like how much actual happiness and safety in the world goes up because someone's bad jokes got paraded in front of a new and bigger and more vulnerable audience? Who knows!
Anyways this is why I'm mostly on tumblr now, in the side of tumblr that is calm. And whenever I want to participate in a cancellation mob I block them and give money to charity instead.
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clatterbane · 2 years
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On the plus side today, Mr. C inadvertently provided me with a good excuse to pick up some more coffee paraphernalia. 😁 Thankfully now that I do have proper health coverage, so we're not quite so broke for the moment!
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He wasn't really thinking about the grind when he decided to pick up some preground Ottoman Bosnian coffee that caught his eye earlier.
There is A LOT of Turkish/Arabic/Balkan coffee hereabouts. (And yeah, besides the actual brewing/serving variations between styles? It can all get political quick. Not to leave out the Greeks, but there aren't nearly the number of immigrants from there locally.)
Anyway, that very much includes at our nearest supermarket in a particularly immigrant-heavy part of town ("Your personal grocery store with food from around the world")--which seems to be Turkish owned. Their sizeable coffee (and tea) aisle has a much bigger selection of assorted Ottoman varieties than anything else, with pretty much all of that coffee preground finer than espresso. It would choke any brewing method we've already got immediately, just way too fine.
(There are also not too surprisingly a number of other shops selling the stuff near us--and hopefully more whole bean stuff too!--but the assortment there is particularly impressive. Should get some pics of the coffee and tea next time I make it over there.)
I've been wanting to set myself loose more on their coffee assortment like the proverbial kid in a candy store basically since we moved into this place, but haven't had any good means of actually brewing or drinking it at home. Besides mugloads of the "small cooking pot" approach, which would certainly be doable but not ideal! And I've been holding off lately since funds have been tight.
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But, this was just the prompt I needed to pull the trigger on some (fairly cheap) quick gratification. 😊 Yeah, I could--and no doubt ethically should--just find something locally. Probably readily available too! But, that is way trickier than it should be right now for my disabled ass.
In the end, I decided to go for a set of two different sizes of cezve, which should be good to make enough for one or two people at a time. Like with moka pots, you really want to match the size to how much you're brewing. I did consider stainless instead of the classic copper, but those would be too small to work on our induction stove burners without a plate iron skillet under them anyway. From experience. 😒
Plus just a set of cheap and cheerful ceramic espresso cups. The included stand was a major deciding factor there, tbh. Shouldn't take up too much space in here, even if we end up not using them super much.
Planning to divide it up and stash most of it in the freezer until we need it. Not sure how much it will help considering the super-fine grind which may already be super stale, but we'll see. Couldn't really hurt. ¯\_(ツ)_/��
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icecoldwilliams · 2 years
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|| 𝒀𝒆𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔   💜   ✲・*:・゚✲・゚:*  ˚ₓ  
|| my brain has been gaslighting tf out of me with these making me think I posted this collection already but? I can't find it on the blog so I don't??? Think??? I did??? Feel free to call me out if I actually did lol, but anyway!
Nina's disconnection with her own emotions usually allows her to see the bigger picture with a rational outlook. Thus she is actually quite excellent with advice. And by that I mean her advice can range anywhere between deep metaphysical and vague statements that'll drive your muse insane for weeks, possibly longer, to simply bluntly telling your muse that they're a moron. 🙃 She typically saves the deeper more meaningful words for those that manage to interest her. If she doesn't like your muse she will tell them to their face, and then some.
If I didn't already make this clear in my last headcanons post, thanks to a long family line of successful assassins via her fathers side of the family and her own extensive successful career, Nina is richy rich rich. Rich af. She never necessarily feels the need to show off or brag, but assume all her money comes from her work with the Zaibatsu or that she only worked at the Zaibatsu for the pay, and she will absolutely flex on your muse to prove them wrong. c:
She's very detail oriented and curious. She's the type to fix the tiniest of details when she notices them, especially with those she cares about. From smoothing their lapel / dress, straightening their tie etc. to noticing something of theirs broke and almost immediately buying them a new one. Usually without herself even acknowledging that she did. – She doesn't do it looking for appreciation, in her mind she simply notices a potential problem and fixes it.
 Her favorite holiday is Halloween. Not only bc Ireland's Halloween parades seem like the stuff of dreams omg, mostly bc scaring people???? Her wheelhouse??????? Hello????? — Thus it should go without saying that she is an absolute nightmare to anyone that knows her on Halloween. Leaving a decapitated robot head of an Alisa clone for Lars to find is the least she can do, be-fucking-ware 💜
 Canonically Nina is a big fan of Tom from Tom & Jerry. On some rare days off she can be found nursing a cup of tea from a novelty mug, in Tom pajama pants, with the old cartoons on for background noise as she reads a book on her tablet. – Tom is #1, but also you can bet sass master Bugs Bunny is a close second for her.
 Outside of keeping her Aikido and Koppojutsu skills sharp, one of Nina's favorite ways to stay fit is aerial yoga. She will just casually hang upside down in front of you if you interrupt her chill time. Do not.
And finally I recently realized I never mentioned this one here outside of a lil dash com thing so! Yes the blonde bomb does occasionally don full on disguises on her missions, though it is kinda rare for her to. Her own stealth typically suffices for her usual quick hits, but for more complicated jobs that require her to go a little undercover, she may wear a wig, and switch up her contour a bit. Maybe even contacts. — One thing she does more frequently however, she uses pseudonyms almost on a daily basis. A favorite of hers being Diana 🤭💜
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ariannawrites · 7 months
Chapter prev continues
Kitana's sister Arianna looks at her daughter and for a moment she seems sad. Then it struck her what was wrong and she spoke to Kallie "Child will you please fetch your mug and put the special leaves in it..The celebration tea." Arianna waits patiently on child Kallie to rejoin the table with the requested items. She reaches for Kallie's cup and adds a touch of sugar with the sugar thing in the lazy Susan on the table then automatically adds the same amount of sugar to Cassius' mug and stirs twice clockwise and once counter clockwise. An odd gesture for sure but Cassius had turned his focus to the tea in front of him. It seemed if he wanted to get the heck out of here, he was going to have to drink the tea.
Katana spoke softly to her sister, "No tea for yourself Sister?" Ari glanced at Kallie and replied "Not this time, we just really need to hurry this along right now. " Katana's eyes widen and she jumps up and hurries the children outside abruptly. Turns out Kallie's sister Mercie was on the way but the Sisters didn't tell them that day. Mercie came later in a very big way but that's a story for another day.
Katana stood long enough to tell the two of them, Kallie and Cassius, to stay in the side garden and then she flipped the shop sign to "Closed" and shut the door. The suddenness of the door closing abruptly startled Kallie, who was already heading into the fenced in area.
Kallie shrugged off the Sisters and their odd conversation, immediately skipping over to her favorite flowers in the yard. She gave a "come here" wave and Cassius jogged over to her.
"We didn't get to the name part of the talk inside so what IS your name? Does it really start with a C like Aunt Kitana guessed? Why did you come here anyway?" Kallie flitted around and through some of the flowers as she asked these things and Cassius took a deep breath before answering.
"Okay so..My name is Cassius Tatterwood. My dad brought me on some kind of antique hunt. He's always collecting things and we have to hang out in some weird places sometimes. He told me to just mind my own business while he "took care of things". Then I wandered around this place and I saw one of those chicks stuck in a fence."He pointed over towards the chickens gathered in the barn yard. "When I went to help, it wiggled out of the fence and the bigger chickens were staring at me!" His eyes got wide and he put his arms out like a chicken flapping feathers."They ruffled their feathers and started running towards me so I took off and ended up jumping behind a barrel to hide. Your Aunt Kitana came along and pounded her staff on the ground and all the chickens fell asleep!" He stomped his foot on the ground when he mentioned the staff. "That's probably the weirdest thing I've ever seen so I didn't argue with her when she took me inside and I hadn't told her anything yet when you guys came in." He gestures towards the shop and then crosses his arms in an exasperated motion.
Kallie studies Cassius and then tidies up the small bouquet of flowers in her hand. "Aunt Kitana has been working on a new way to keep her chickens gathered up. She put a whistle in the staff that only the chickens hear and you have to be fast with it. Maybe she figured it out while Mommy and me were gone." She handed the flowers to Cassius and smiled. "I can tell you what all the flowers here are called, but I won't cause it's pretty boring. You can be my friend if you want to. I don't have very many friends. I have one more friend that's a boy, he lives in the big brown house on the other side of the barn. His name is Arwyn. His dad goes away and fights wars. We always have a party when he comes home."
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