#[ and as always; if i'm unsure of a setting; then i may hop into your dms. but i'll try to be creative! these will be one para or so. ]
yuelun · 2 months
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Also, on that note! Since the last time I made one of these, it was... the summer of last year I believe, and numerous blogs have gone inactive since then. So I wonder, how about a little starter call? I'm happy with both interactions in the era of the Guili Assembly (and even pre-it, if it fits!) and the present-day resurrection. Specify if you have a preference, and if you're a multimuse, please do let me know if you have preferred interactions.
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farshores · 1 year
I’m the anon from last post and I very sorry for not being more specific
I got se
I got the mods from nexus
I have vortex but I’m not sure if that answers the question
I’m Launching straight from steam
I’m not sure if they are enabled (is there a way to see if they are?
And again I’m very sorry if this bothers you
no worries anon you aren't bothering me none!
This is going under cut because it gets a bit long, but we're going to try and split it into a 2-step approach.
PART 1 - Checking Vortex (+ using SKSE)
Now I'm unsure which mods you have but most of them nowadays require SKSE64 and won't work if you launch from the steam launcher. In general, even if you don't run SKSE based mods, it's usually better to run straight from SKSE.
Vortex should have the option to install SKSE for you automatically and there should be a button for it in the mini-UI on the top of the app screen here. (Usually has a star icon over it by default)
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In case you don't have it/it didn't install, this video explains it rather well! Setting up SKSE in Vortex. The Nexus mods channel also has a small playlist on using Vortex in general I highly recommend watching when you get the chance, just in case I skip over something important. (Playlist here)
Now, going back to the screenshot, you can see the mods I have got a green button next to them saying "Enabled." This means they were completely installed and turned on to function in my game. If you have mods installed, but not enabled, it will show a grey button with the word disabled on it, like so
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The fix for this is to just click the arrow key next to it and choose the enable option. The button should turn green, and you just need to wait for Vortex to deploy your mods.
If not installed, the button will be blue with the words "Uninstalled" (if you had said mod installed previously) or "Never Installed," again, the fix would be to just click on the button and vortex should auto-install it. It may take a bit, depending on your computer, but try not to click the button multiple times - as Vortex will think you want to have several installations of the same mod.
That being said, Vortex can be a bit weird at times. While your mods may say enabled in the mods tab, always double check the plugins tab! 'Cus sometimes the plugins just won't enable, not sure the reasoning for this yet.
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In my case, all my plugins are up and running, but if the buttons were greyed out like with disabled mods, you just click them to turn them back green and let Vortex deploy. If you have a lot of mods, use the status box on the top of the plugin menu and click the "Disabled" filter to check for any plugins that might've slipped under the radar.
PART 2 - Do you have the right versions of your mods?
Sometimes mods not running could also be just as simple as you're using the wrong version of it. This is often the case now due to all the updates Skyrim SE had recently. Best way to approach this is to check the installed version of your game and compare it to the versions/info available on the mod pages for the mods you installed
For example, according to Vortex, I have the most recent update of Skyrim: 1.6.640.0. This is going to be the most recent version available for purchase on steam iirc - regardless of if you buy SE or get the full AE package.
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There are mods that have not updated to this version or may have separate files to accommodate. Examples for the latter being Experience (which now has a NG file, which allows it to work for all versions - but you can see in the archived files there were versions for Skyrim 1.5x and 1.6.353)
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If you go to the mods tab in Vortex and right click over the name of one of your mods, a little list should pop up with the option to open on Nexus Mods at the last slot. Use this to quickly hop over to the mod page and double check if it's compatible with your version of Skyrim, as well as check if it has any requirements you may be missing - since that can cause mods not to work as well. If not stated in the mod file descriptions, be sure check the changelogs, mod summary, and comment/posts section for more information.
Also be sure that the url states "nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition" as well! If it just has "/skyrim" in the url after the domain, you're in the mod collection for LE - meaning there's a good chance a lot of stuff there might not work. This is actually something I dealt with a lot when I first started modding my game lol.
That's all I can think of that could (hopefully) help out with the modding issues! Please let me know if I was unclear about something, I tend to word things a bit weird at times.
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ballonleaparadise · 2 years
I think it's a good thing that Hop doesn't surpass Leon as a trainer, in terms of both his and Leon's characterisation.
Hop is absolutely a skilled pokemon trainer in his own right. On the other hand, I feel like it's a good thing that he doesn't surpass his brother, even if he initially wants to. There are two main reasons for this:
Hop wouldn't be Hop without his own set of strengths and Weaknesses.
If Hop did become as strong as Leon, where would this leave his individuality? The whole point of his development in swsh is him realising that he does not need to be a carbon copy of his brother. Hop is a powerful trainer, without a doubt. His initial goal is to become a champion just like Leon. This is largely due to the pressure of being in the shadow of Leon's fame. However, during the gym challenge, he accepts that he may not have Leon's gift as a trainer. He realises "What he's got that I haven't".
During the postgame, we find that Hop has a gift for communicating with pokemon, like he does with zamazenta (or zacian in shield). He may never become an unbeatable trainer like Leon did, but he has his own unique set of talents, as a wannabe pokemon professor.
During the isle of armour dlc, we find that Hop's research is going well. He even helps you to complete a quest for Mustard. (I'm gonna ignore the fact that he didn't know the difference between nectar and honey bcs I think that was just game freak going for an easy plot device lol). We see that Hop is actually happier doing his own thing, than trying to copy Leon like he used to.
Leon also has his set of strengths and Weaknesses. He may get lost easily, but he's an admirable pokemon trainer. Similarly, Hop may not be able to reach his brother's dizzying heights, but he has the talents of a professor or scientist. If Leon and Hop were both Champions, they would not be distinctive as characters.
Hop and Leon's dynamic would be static, if it wasn't for Hop's development arc.
During the plot of swsh, we see a change in the way that Hop and Leon relate to each other. At the beginning the game, Hop idolises Leon. Meanwhile, Leon cares deeply about Hop's dreams, so gives you both a starter pokemon. Before you receive your endorsement, Leon seems conflicted about whether to give it to you and Hop. I think this is because he knows how tough it is being a trainer. Because of this, he wants to prepare Hop, by putting him in a few battles against you. When you are endorsed, Hop is cocky as ever and eager to go. I mean, he's the Champion's younger brother, so who can blame him?
The dynamic between the brothers seems fine on a superficial level. However, Hop's determination to be like Leon is the one thing which stops him from being himself. He is not Leon, but he wants to be just like him.
Similarly, Leon puts on a cartoonish persona to please Hop. This is evidenced in the way in which he addresses you: "You might even become worthy rivals for me, the unbeatable champion!" This version of himself which Leon presents to Hop and the player is just one side of his personality. We know that Leon's role as champion isn't plain sailing (as we have seen evidenced many times). Obviously, we don't see what Leon is like outside of this cut-scene. However, my guess is that Leon is scared to appear vulnerable to Hop because of his identity as a role model. This is suggested later on in the game:
When Hop runs past Leon after his defeat by Bede, Leon seems unsure how to deal with the situation. When the player encounters Leon after, he expresses concern for Hop. However, if the player chooses the response 'he lost to Bede', Leon's response is ridged: "When you lose, you've got to think on why it was you lost". I think this indicates that Leon has never been vulnerable with Hop before. If he is always trying to be a role-model for Hop, he is perhaps scared to show his emotions, in fear of seeming weak.
I think the real turning point for Leon and Hop's dynamic is not until the very end of the postgame. It is after Hop's defeat in the pokemon league when he discovers who he really is, as mentioned earlier. Leon is openly proud when Hop announces that he wants to be a pokemon professor: "As your brother... No, as your rival, you have my full support". This is arguably the first time we have seen Leon show raw emotion towards Hop. Here, he is not trying to put on an act or conceal his feelings- he is genuinely expressing how proud he is. I think this is partly because Leon is under less pressure now that he is no longer Champion. However, he is also reassured by the fact that he no longer has to put on a front for Hop: Hop has realised what he wants to do, so is no longer dependent on Leon’s approval.
Referring back to earlier, Hop is also no longer putting on an act at the end of the postgame. He knows what he wants to do, which is to take a "different path" to Leon. I think if Hop did surpass Leon as a trainer, little to none of this development would have happened. Hop would have had no reason to pursue a different dream. Similarly, Leon would have remained with the anxiety of trying to please Hop as a role-model trainer.
To summarise, I think it's better that Hop doesn't surpass Leon. The brothers differ from each other in terms of their skills and talents. Hop is a well-rounded character because of the fact that he is not gifted in the way that Leon is. Of course, Hop is a powerful trainer. However, his own gift is in a different set of skills, concerning pokemon research and science. I think this is a great message in the sense that we don't have to be what everyone expects us to be.
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instasiswetrust · 3 years
Cherry Lane Challenge Day 3 - Crow
A flutter of black, out of the corner of his left eye is what first catches his attention. His hand raises, signaling his party to stop in their tracks. There's some shuffling and a few annoyed huffs which he ignores in favor of taking careful steps towards what caught his eye in the first place.
All is still for a second and then- There. The dry sound of feathers brushing together.
Silently, he steps closer to the source of the sound. When he sees what it is, he relaxes minutely allowing himself another breath. It is but a crow, its left wing dragging over the dewy grass of the clearing. He sees no blood so he assumes it must be broken.
Another careful step takes him even closer to the scared bird, his fingers nearly brushing its feathers, so close-
"Steve, what's the hol- Is that a bird?"
Tommy and the rest of the hunting party burst into the clearing with too loud steps and raised voices, startling the bird into a frantic state once again. It squawks in its fear, broken wing fluttering pitifully as it tries to escape what it assumes to be a predator.
"I almost had it, Tommy!" He turns to his companion, features set into an angry scowl. He may only be seventeen but he was the Crown Prince and they should've listened to his orders! "Why did you break position?"
Instead of answering his question, Tommy walks past him as crouches right by the bird, poking it with a stick and laughing at its resulting squawk. "Can't believe you stopped a hunting party just to save a bird, Stevie. What are you? Snow White?"
Heat rises to the prince's cheeks and he smacks the stick out of Tommy's hands. "Leave it. It's already hurt enough without you making it worse."
Tommy quirks an eyebrow, teeth bared into a nasty smirk. He gives a mock bow that makes Steve's eyes narrow.
"As you wish, milord."
And then, making sure he's got Steve full attention, he gives the injured bird a sharp kick sending it smacking against a tree with a feeble squawk.
The bird struggles to upright itself, collapses, and tries again, before eventually just laying there. Unmoving if not for the minuscule shifts of its diaphragm. All Steve can do is watch, knowing full well that if he so much dares make a move to help it again, Tommy might outright try to crush it under the sole of his boot.
Under the raucous laughter of the soldiers, he follows the hunting party back to the deer trail they were following, the back of his neck red with poorly contained rage. All thoughts of injured crows and helpless birds are stored at the back of his brain where he no longer has to think about them again.
So that night, when he walks into his chambers half-drunk on too much ale and a hearty roast, the last thing he expects is to find a girl sitting on his desk chair. Her vermillion hair is cropped short and would help her pass for a man were it not for her curvaceous figure, so distinctly female even under the black robes she wears. On her head, a crooked hat sits adorned with what he thinks are feathers.
As he steps inside, she stands up and he notices her eyes appear yellow behind her spectacles.
"Who are you?" He tries to sound authoritative, like the prince he's supposed to be, but he's too drunk to manage anything more than slurred inquisitiveness.
"Don't you recognize me?" Her lips barely move as she speaks and yet her voice comes out as a shrill squawk, not too different from the frantic sounds of the crow in the forest. It makes him flinch, taking a step back. "Maybe this will help jog your memory."
Under his watchful gaze, he sees her shift into the same crow he saw that morning. His eyes follow the bird as it flies around the room once, before landing on the chair. A blink later, and the girl from before is sitting in the same spot.
No. Not a girl.
A witch.
Because of fucking course the crow had to be a witch. That was just his life.
"Look, I'm sorry for what Tommy did to you earlier today and I truly wished to help you but if I did-"
"But if you did, your companions might've killed me while you watched." She hums, inspecting her sharp nails with clear disinterest. "Those are but excuses and we both know it."
"They are not-!"
The witch clicks her tongue disapprovingly and he finds the words he meant to say dying on his tongue. Fear rises in him, and only then does he consider that the reason she's here and not with Tommy is that he's the one she's planning to hurt.
"It is an excuse, darling." She fixes him with a sharp glare. "You're Steve Harrington, Crown Prince of the kingdom of Hawkmond. They should respect you and yet your own foot soldiers treat you like you're below the sole of their feet."
A feeble protest rises in his throat but she only has but to look, before silence descends upon him again. The worst part? She is absolutely right.
"You're weak-willed. Spineless. A disaster in the making." She huffs, taking the few steps that separate them until they are standing almost nose to nose. "I shall not allow a person like that to ruin what this kingdom could become."
In her yellow eyes, he sees rage flash however briefly, and he wonders what sort of circumstances led a witch to care this much for the outcome of a whole kingdom. It is but a split-second judgment, yet it's all he manages.
For the next thing he knows, pain radiates from every single nerve ending in his body. He falls upon his knees, writhing in agony, and through his anguished screams, he swears he can hear the witch croon in a sticky-sweet voice.
Scion of swords and kings
A curse of feather and blood
Placed upon thee
For thine will is brittle as bone
This shape thou shall keep
Til’ the day thy soul’s to pass
Unless thy lesson is learned
And thee flies with thine own wings
By the next morning, every single person in the Capitol knows Crown Prince Steve Harrington has gone missing. None a single clue left behind to find him.
He finds out pretty quickly that the best way to find food in the forest is to follow the wolves.
It's been two months since the night he was cursed, and Steve's come to the conclusion that while sometimes annoying, being a bird wasn't as awful as he first assumed it would be. Flying was nice once he managed to get the hang of it, and messing with the occasional villager while he indulged in the instinctual desire to steal shiny things was something he hadn't expected to enjoy so much.
But he really could do without the feeding.
The first few days he had outright refused to take part of any rotten bit of meal he found, no matter how appetizing it might've seemed to his new instincts.
By day four he had to give in and eat, or he risked worse injuries.
It had been a distasteful ordeal up until he had found the wolf pack during his first full moon as a crow. Night had fallen, and as he made his way through the thick trunks on unsteady talons, he had heard the first howl. For a second, he had almost considered leaving. Retaining this half-human form was still something he struggled with and he wished to enjoy the little time he had before he once again had to return to his feathery prison.
But the call of the wolves ensnared him, and he had to find them.
Except none of them were normal wolves, as he found out once morning came.
From what he has observed in the last month, most members of the pack preferred to stick to their wolf forms as much as they could. Occasionally, one or two of them would venture into the closest town for certain necessities but that was about it.
It was weird.
It was also fascinating.
They didn't seem to mind his prolonged stay, in fact, it almost looked like they welcomed him among their midst without so much as a second thought. He didn't question it, just enjoyed it for the time being although he always made sure he only shifted into his halfling form where the wolves wouldn't find him.
At least, that had been the plan.
But now, staring into the ice-blue eyes of the blonde wolf he had started thinking as his wolf, he realizes that he overlooked one tiny but very important detail.
Wolves tended to have a keen sense of smell.
Well, shit.
Silence pervades the small nook between the trees he had taken as his hiding spot away from the pack, as he simply stares back at the wolf. Waiting for something, maybe a shift, a lunge. Anything.
Except a whole minute passes with nothing happening, and Steve is starting to feel foolish.
"So is this the part where you try and eat me? Or warn me to stay away from the pack?" He chances, hoping for a reaction.
The wolf cocks its head to the side, blue eyes looking almost mocking before there's a ripple and a human is crouching in its place. A very blond, very handsome, human with ice blue eyes. Who's also kind of naked.
"The fact that you think nobody knew what you were as soon as you hopped into the clearing that night is telling." At Steve's confused look, the wolf (the man?) chuckles. Guess he was right about the mocking part. "You reek of magic, little bird. Magic and human flesh."
"Well, how was I supposed to know?" He snaps, the small feathers that cover his neck fluffing up.
"Common sense?" There's a smirk this time, along with a flash of fangs. "Did your mother not teach you about magical signatures once you came out of the egg?"
"I- ah" He falters, unsure if he should explain that he wasn't born like this but rather turned into this. He runs a talon through the feathers that have replaced his hair before sighing. "I'm a human, actually. Just got cursed to look like this."
The man-wolf hums, giving him an appraising look. "That explains a few things."
Steve scoffs, ready to stand up and leave this guy alone to go bother somebody else when suddenly he feels a heavyweight drop onto his lap. When he looks down, he's met with a pair of ice-blue eyes looking back at him.
He wonders, not for the first time, why he picked this particular wolf to stick close to out of all the others.
"Does the little birdy have a name?" That smirk is back again and it almost makes him blush. Makes him glad that his whole skin is now covered in black fluffy feathers.
"If I tell you, will you stop calling me that?"
"Nope. But I might give you my name too."
It sounds like a fair deal at least. And that way he could stop calling him man-wolf in his head.
"Steve. Hm. Not quite what I expected." It's been so long since the last time someone said his name, it feels weird hearing it now from someone that is not himself. "Mine's Billy, by the way."
"And what did you expect, Billy?" The name feels foreign on his tongue but he figures time will make it easier. After all, it's not like he ever can return to Hawksmond unless whatever conditions the witch placed upon the curse are met.
Billy shrugs, stretching languidly across Steve's lap in all his naked glory. Something that Steve's doing his best to steadfastly ignore. "Some fancy bullshit like Stefano or Guillermino."
He snorts at that, covering his mouth with a clawed talon. "Why would you even think that?"
"You look the part, little birdy."
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prettyblfan · 3 years
Coffee Shop Boy
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Chapter Two
Just as he thought by the time he had finished his shift and set off for school Sorawit managed to completely forget about his encounter with very mysterious That.
As he walked into his classroom he instantly locked eyes with his best friend Nam. Despite only being in Viangpa Mork for only 3 months him and Nam seemed to connect instantly, she practically took Sorawit under her wing because he was too gullible for his own good. During his first week of school some boys in their class convinced him that the girls toilet was actually the boys toilet, ever since then she's felt very protective over him. However, this was practically the same for Sorawit after all Nam was pretty, popular and funny a complete package so he felt like if was his job to protect from all the shameless creeps that through themselves at her.
Sorawit pulled out his seat next to Nam and smiled,
"Have you done the maths homework" he cheekily asked putting on his sweetest voice. He plan to do it this morning but all the customers decided to pack in all at once so in the end he didn't have any time to finish it.
"No, I though you would do it! that's why I didn't bother" Nam said pulling a pout while she flopped onto the desk in front of her.
"Ahh, why don't you ask one of the multiple guys who have a crush on you" Sorawit responded, despite how calm they both seemed the end result of not handing in homework was quite harsh. They'd get one or two whole weeks of detention. As they went to a very high ranked and respected school it was only natural that standards were set to such a high level, but regardless they couldn't help but think it was stupid.
"No way, they always end up expecting soo much more in return, i can't handle the entitlement." Nam said dryly her voice dripping with disgust.
Sorawit knew exactly what she meant, whenever she'd show the smallest bit of kindest or even ask for a favour they always seemed to think that they deserved something in return. And that something was her body. In alot of situations although Sorawit couldn't fight he'd end up stepping in and trying to protect her.
"Umm, I guess we'll just have to settle for one week of detention then." Sorawit laughed after all his friend's safety was his top priority.
Just as both Nam and Sorawit were prepared to accept their fate one of the girls in their class came in yelling,
"Miss Jane isn't in."
It was this one line that seemed to save their lives, miss Jane was their maths and foreign language teacher as well as a tutor at the school. She was only strict because wanted the best for them but sometimes she could really be too ruthless.
As they no longer had a teacher for two of their lesson both Nam and Sorawit messed about, joking and talking the entire time.
For Sorawit the rest of the day went by without a hitch.
By the end of school Sorawit felt like death, maybe waking up at 3 am wasn't going to work for him. As he almost feel asleep against his bike Nam flicked his head.
"Are you gonna give me a ride home today or not" Nam said impatiently as she hopped onto the back of his bike (Sorawit is too much of a soft boy to be riding round on a motorbike, so he has a bicycle a yellow one at that).
Before Sorawit could respond the most obnoxious sounding voice echoed out.
Standing at the gate was a couple of boys probably a year older than them. They were all in Sorawit's eyes dressed like gangsters, their pants were unnecessarily low and they all opted for darker colours (yes this is what gangsters look like in Sorawit's mind, maybe mine too). The one that called out to Nam was tall but not that handsome the only thing that stood out about him was the polished black motorcycle next to him.
Sorawit looked at Nam puzzled.
"It's a long story, just ignore them." Nam said urging Sorawit to hurry up.
Sorawit despite being known for not being very quick witted caught on quite fast, this must be one of Nam's countless admirers.
He pulled Nam along on his adorable yellow bike and although others may not not agree with him, Nam in fact said it was too girly. Regardless Sorawit didn't see anything wrong with it. It was just the right amount of cute, the yellow made it stand out and the small daisies dotted about the bike made it even more pefect in Sorawit's eyes.
As they approached the gates they were quickly blocked, just as Sorawit had expected. However, Sorawit knew for a fact they wouldn't try anything as long as they were on school property, but unfortunately he couldn't say the same for when they had left.
"Nam let's hang out today, on me" he said eying her up and down.
"Pong, I remember telling you I was busy when you asked me yesterday." She replied obviously not interested in hanging out with him at all.
"What, busy hanging out with this loser instead." The guy now known as Pong spoke sizing up Sorawit. Eventhough he was tall Sorawit was indeed 100% bone.
"Pong." Nam warned, it was quite clear that she had enough, half because she knew that this would end alot worse for Sorawit than for her. And the other half was tired of guys constantly thinking she was interested in them.
"Nam, what does he have that I dont." Pong paused briefly looking at Sorawit before bring his eyes back to Nam.
"Now don't be stupid."
It was that line that made Sorawit snap.
"Her not wanting to hang out with you isn't being stupid." He said standing tall trying to make himself appear as tough as possible.
"What?" Pong replied before laughing along with the rest of his friends, they all looked completely amused.
Nam quickly sensed things were going to take a turn for the worst if things continued going the way that they were.
"Pong I'm seriously busy today I have a bunch of work to catch up on, I have alot more time on the weekend let's hang out then" she spoke alot softer.
"Huh, fine." Pond said a lot calmer now maybe because Nam was being a lot more docile or because a teacher was approaching.
The whole situation was over rather quickly after that, Pong and his group of friends had left before the teacher arrived and Nam had explained to that said teacher that the whole thing was a misunderstanding.
Sorawit was now sitting in the Pink Lilly attempting to complete his homework as the staff around him began to prepare for the evening shift. He was thinking about the conversation that he had with Nam while he was taking her home.
She said playing along was always the safer options especially with guys like that.
It made him worry to the point he had to convince her not to go and see him on the weekend.
"What's wrong you're pulling a pout." Ploy said squeezing his cheeks with a soft smile.
Ploy was a University student in her 20s that worked at the Pink Lily part time, she was kind and energetic but she was always in other peoples business.
"Umm I'm fine" Sorawit mumbled out before resuming his homework that he had been neglecting for the past half hour.
Before Ploy could prod for more information, Bun had stormed and was clearly in a mood. A way worse one than usual.
"Who does he think he is?" Fuming Bun slammed his hand down on the front counter.
"Why do handsome men think its okay to be so arrogant" Bun continued to rant furiously.
"P'Bun????" Sorawit called utterly confused, who could have made him so angry.
"Bun, what's wrong?" Ploy also questioned after all seeing her boss this angry was rare.
"Huh, what's wrong. You won't believe what happened today!" Bun responded quickly pulling out a seat. Finally seeming to calm down he recited what took place earlier today.
Bun had gone into work for his regular morning shift at 3am hence why he wasn't there to help ease Sorawit into his first shift. But the real trouble began after his long lunch break around 4ish when a young man was rushed in with a bullet wound, Bun was assigned to treat him. So naturally once he heard the man was accompanied by two other men he had quickly gone to question them after all bullet wounds weren't very common in Viangpa Mork. When he had confronted them he was ridiculed and mocked (more so softly teased, but okay Bun. I'll have to make a special chapter about their first meeting after all this is a That x Sorawit centered story) by a tall well dressed handsome man which only pissed him off more. He'd come to know that the arrogantly handsome man was Tan.
In his 3 months in Viangpa Mork he had only heard from other residents that Tan was one of the many sons of a very affluent family that owned multiple business in the city, and he had been doing a lot of work out here recently.
But the icing on the cake for Bun was that everyone loved him, not the police nor a single soul had come to question them or see what was going on. The whole situation was perfectly swept under the rug.
Bun had finished his story with a huff, just retelling it had seemed to annoy him.
"Wow, i mean it is expected after all rumour is that their family does dabble in..." Ploy trailed off unsure if she should finish her sentence. Tan and his family were doing way more for Viangpa Mork than the governor, in the past couple years their investments had gotten them things they never thought they'd see. Like new school buildings and more focus placed on education. They had even gotten Ploy into university through their Helping the Youth fund before that she never thought she would even have the opportunity to go.
"In what?" Sorawit asked, he hadn't been able to catch onto what she was implying like Bun had.
"Never you mind, my shift starts now so I'll see you later" Ploy wore a light smile before returning to work.
Bun had assumed it would have been something like that but he really thought Viangpa Mork was a quite and unproblematic town.
"Ah, Sorawit how was your shift this morning" Bun asked realising that he had been to caught up in himself to ask.
"It was fine but," it was at this moment that Sorawit had remembered his encounter with That.
"But what?" Bun said urging him to continue.
So, for the remainder of the evening shift until the start of the late evening shift Sorawit proceed to tell Bun about the oh so mysterious That. Although he sub consciously left out his heart pains and stomach twists that he felt around the boy, the rest of the story was relayed exactly as it happened.
After he had finished Bun had agreed the boy was strange and that in future he should try to keep his distance.
Sorawit had quickly retired for the night after he had finished talking to Bun feeling completely exhausted.
As he laid in bed,
When he was just about to fall asleep for a split second the very mysterious That flashed across his mind.
Regardless of what Bun had said earlier a part of him couldn't help but hope that just maybe he would see him again.
At last I have done, I hope you like this chapter. Cause i really do.
Oof my hate for men really showed at Nam's part, but do not worry I shall not allow for creepy old men or men at that to get their hands on her.
Any way onto the next chapter! That visiting his favourite coffee boy once again.
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Again not proof read cause I live on the edge.
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writingsbymo-mo · 5 years
I'm so excited! May I have a matchup please? I’m a depressed/socially anxious chubby 22 year old w/ glasses & short brown hair. I love cute things, horror movies (plus yanderes) & anime (which I'm embarrassed/secretive about). I’m a introverted loner, polite & loyal, but also lazy, indecisive & very self critical of my flaws. I'm a good listener for other's to vent to but awkward giving advice. I like to talk/sing to myself when alone and daydream to music. Thank you & congrats on the followers!
Thank you so much anon!!!💕💕 I hope you like who I've matched you with!!!!!😄
I match you with.......
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Wererabbit All Might/Toshinori Yagi
One night during the full moon, Toshinori had forgotten to lock the windows in his humble abode. In the streets, he heard a song coming from your window. He hopped around, dancing just below the pane and ended up brushing his foot against it. The sound alerted you to check outside. When you opened your window, you saw a large, fluffy golden rabbit smiling at you. Taken aback, you cleaned off your glasses, just to see if maybe there was a smudge, but no, he's real.
As strange as the situation was, you decided to let him in. He sat down right next to you on your bed, head resting on your soft, squishy thighs. You stroked his head, his silky golden fur glided through your fingers. The thought of letting in a mysterious large animal into your home reminded you of some odd horror films you had watched. You ended up shrugging it off from being so tired and fell asleep.
What you didn't expect when you woke up was a frail man with the same color hair as the rabbit that was in your room last night. You were frightened, unsure if you wanted to scream or throw pillows at him until he left. Before you did anything, he dropped to his knees and apologized for everything. That's when you knew, he really was the rabbit. You blushed at the thought of him in your lap while you stroked his fur that night. He seemed like a nice person. His name was Toshinori Yagi, a wererabbit.
Toshi returned again at the next moon cycle. You left a plate of vegetables set out for him that night if he returned, which he did. He loved belly rubs and laying on your stomach. It was just so comfortable to him. Scratches behind his ears made him thump his foot repeatedly until you stopped. It seems his rabbit form grew an affinity towards you. He loved your singing and listened to everything weighing on your mind when you vented.
When he reverted back, he couldn't really remember anything and once again felt bad for intruding. Seeing him so down, you shyly told him you didn't mind him staying if he was so worried about it. His eyes lit up, a bit shocked but was happy no less. From then on, he'd stay at your home the day of the full moon.
Soon, the two of you grew closer. You were shy around him in his human form for quite some time but eventually opened up. Truth is, Toshi gets a bit scared while watching horror movies, just enough to make him nervous. He watches them with you even if they do. He eventually found out your love for anime, but honestly didn't mind it at all. You were so embarrassed when he found you watching your favorite series. Turns out, Toshi started to find it rather interesting and watched it with you.
You might be a bit lazy, but Toshi makes sure to help take care of you with whatever he can. He cares deeply for you and wants to show it. Your chubbiness wasn't a problem to him. In fact, he just loved how soft your hugs felt against his frail form. It was rather comforting to him.
Whenever you criticized yourself, Toshi would always make sure to find all the positive things about you. He didn't like seeing you upset and did his best to comfort you, sometimes making your favorite food or even playing one of your favorite movies. As long as you were happy, he would be too.
Toshi usually transforms in privacy if he can, but you witnessed it one night. It was surreal seeing it all happen, always ending with the fluffy golden rabbit that always welcomed you. Petting him, you often would slip into one of your daydreams, just relaxed and at peace for once. He helped flush away your anxious thoughts and emotions, making you feel warm and happy in its place.
He'll always be there to comfort you and help you whenever you need it. You have made a difference in the heart of this wererabbit and he will cherish it forever.
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(Conversations around consent, sexual activity, and descriptions of torture and attempted suicide. I will put a little - before a paragraph with torture/assault and another - when its over. May or may not also include implied consensual activity. We'll see where this goes.)
Curtis wakes up to soft little regular whimper-moans from behind him. Unsure if his lover is dreaming of torture, or if it's a happy kind of dream, he shifts back a bit, pressing into Takashi to check. Smiling a little in relief it's definitely not torture. Sighing a little, he's awake now. And hungry. They didn't eat dinner last night. They'd gone to bed. Worth the missed meal in Curtis' opinion. However, he's ravenous.
Digging through the cupboards he finds oatmeal, spices, and dried fruit. Surprised to find so many seasonings in the cabinets of a man who rarely cooks, Curtis wonders if it's a holdover from living with Adam. Especially considering Takashi doesn't even buy himself proper self grooming products. Probably just habit to keep the spices around.
The fridge has a few flavors of almond milk. Some non dairy creamers, and not much else in it. Overall the food choices are somewhat depressing. There's more in the freezer, thankfully. Frozen meat, vegetables, and fruit. Shaking his head a little, he sighs.
But another look through the pantry shows plenty of rice, beans, potatoes...cereal. He's feeding himself.
Finding a flat pan, he starts some of the last of the bacon. Whisks some eggs in a bowl. And adds vanilla almond milk to the oatmeal with cinnamon, nutmeg, and fruit. It can sit until Takashi wakes up.
Curtis likes the simple ritual of preparing food. He doesn't mind doing this. Although once they live together he figures if he cooks, Takashi can do the shopping. He usually already does the cleaning up.
Some time later he hears a weird noise somewhere between "blech" and "ugh" accompanied by soft but vehement cursing.
"You okay?" Curtis calls when the swearing doesn't stop but he hears water running. "Did your dream not have a happy ending?" He asks, heading into the bedroom.
"If you can call it that," Shiro snaps back, voice cracking.
Takashi is naked from the waist down and he throws the washcloth into the sink as Curtis comes in. His face is red and his eyes are full of tears.
"What's wrong? You okay?"
"I don't know."
"What happened?" He gently thumbs a tear off Takashi's cheek.
"I don't know. My body never did this. I was, I was finally feeling like I was in my own skin and then this happens!"
"What, as a teen you didn't get wet dreams? God you were lucky." Stroking back Takashi's hair he gently kisses his cheek.
"I didn't even know this was possible," he protests.
"It is," Curtis assures him. "It happens. Not super common, I don't think. But yeah. It's normal."
"Not for me," Shiro protests. "Maybe the clone?"
"You had his memories and he thought he was you, right? Do you remember that happening?"
"This makes sense to me, love, I'm sorry. It's been years, right? And you have been so stressed, and so anxious, and so sick... You got a little last night... And your body wants more. Is that so awful? Years and years without any.... What'd you dream about anyway?"
Shiro turns red again, scar livid across his face. "You." He swallows. "Us."
"Oh yeah? You wanna tell me what we did that rocked your world so hard it made you come in your sleep?"
Ducking his head down, the tips of his ears are red, too. His silvery hair just makes the blush look even brighter.
"Is it embarrassing?" Curtis asks gently. "Or are you just shy about this stuff?"
"I never really talked about it with anyone. My family was.... Traditional. It was really hard to get used to the idea I liked guys at all. Adam... Had to be patient for a long time. I came out because of him. I admitted to myself... Who I was. I get to be with you because of that," he says softly. "But ... I'm not as... Blase about it as you."
"Am I allowed to ask you about it? Or tease you if it's just us? Will you be okay talking about stuff? 'Cause I'm... I'm not comfortable sleeping with you until we hash out do's and dont's." He meets Takashi's eyes. "I can wait. It's no rush. Nothing like that."
"We can talk about it," Shiro mumbles, leaning into Curtis. "I was dreaming about...us. You were um, your mouth...I think that time we talked about it has been in the back of my head this whole time."
Curtis smiles and kisses his temple. "The real thing will be a lot better," he promises. "Put some pants on, breakfast is almost ready." He slips away to make sure nothing's burning and to heat the oatmeal mix.
Shiro comes out in different sweats, still embarrassed. Still he's done worse in front of Curtis. Such as thrown up on himself in his sleep back on the Atlas. One of the first nights Curtis started checking on him. He hadn't even really woken up, either. Curtis had had to help him clean up. Change the sheets. He'd brought tea to help with his stomach. And never said a word to anyone about it. Not once.
They eat relatively quietly, seated at the counter with their knees touching.
"What time is it anyway?" Curtis mumbles, mostly to himself. Glancing at his watch he blinks. "We woke up early."
"Its 0600. I usually get up closer to 0700. Guess I have time to lie around." He smiles a little.
"What'd'ya want me to pick up at the store?" Shiro mumbles. Already trying to decide on what kind of grooming products he needs. He knows most of Curtis' favorite snacks already. The man has a sweet tooth.
"Something not frozen or dried...how long am I staying?"
Turning red he shrugs. "We haven't really had a chance to talk and I don't want to do that before work if that's okay."
"Fine by me," Curtis agrees.
Done with his food he hops up, taking the now empty dishes and heading to the sink. He cleans up automatically, glad to have something to do. For all it's a hair harder with just one hand. He has to set the dish down to swab it out. Then he loads them into the dishwasher.
Curtis contentedly watches him move around the kitchen. They've only been together a few months as a couple now. But this feels right. He loves this man. Scars and all. And he knows Takashi feels the same way. After all he's been through, it's nice to let himself again. It's nice to be loved. It's nice to know the person he's letting himself be with is worthy of it. After his partner had died, Curtis had had a string of one offs and bad decisions. And he'd treated them and himself like trash.
One of the absolute best things about Takashi is that he makes Curtis feel so loved. So wanted. So incredibly safe and special and like he matters more than anything else in the world. Takashi has this special way of focusing on him that makes him feel like he's the only other person in the world.
"If I go in early I can leave early," Curtis says, and Takashi nods a little. "Gives us more time tonight?"
"Yeah. Sounds good." He smiles a little.
It seems a little forced but they've been through a lot. "Hey how's your back feeling?"
Blinking in surprise, he stretches a little, his hand on the small of his back. "Good."
"Lemme feel," Curtis smiles. When Takashi comes around the counter and leans over to present as much of his back as possible to his partner.
"Hey look, still not purple," Curtis teases, running his fingertips up and down Takashi's back. He laughs when Takashi arches under his touch, just like a cat. "I love you so much," he says affectionately.
"I love you, too. Please don't stop," he adds.
"Well. I will have to eventually. I can't be late." But all the same he scratches up and down his partner's back. He enjoys the way Takashi shifts under his hand. Deciding that both hands might be best in this situation he shifts on the stool to make it easier to give scratches.
Eventually it's time to go. They kiss goodbye and head out together, but part ways outside the building.
Shiro sends Keith a message.
Stuck going to the store. You need anything?
Probably should grab some basics. Meet you at the store?
Sounds good. No plants.
Mom says you should bring 'your mate' a gift. Yes plants. Apparently. Or the skulls of your enemies. But that seems excessive.
That would not match his decor, no.
See you in 10.
Keith finds Shiro in the personal grooming section of the store.
He looks up when he notices the Red Paladin. "Curtis also has a problem with my taste in body wash."
"I see."
"Problem is I have no idea what to pick," Shiro shrugs.
Keith peers over in the basket. It looks like Shiro has managed to pick up fruit, vegetables, and some kind of meat in the time it took him to wait for a train to pass. "Sorry I'm late, by the way."
"Stuck at the tracks?"
"Yeah. Slowest train I've ever seen. Couldn't have been going much over 80."
"Seems like you're mostly done."
"Still need snacks. And candy of some kind. Curtis is an addict."
"Where's your protein crap you always used to get?"
"I always hated it. And medical says I'm healthy now... So. I didn't buy any."
Keith looks over at Shiro and notices some things that disturb him. For one, every time he reaches out to maybe pick a bottle, there's some kind of tremor in his hand. Two, he's sweating and the store is chilly. Three, he's a little flushed. Four, his eyes seem glassy. Getting in closer, he lightly squeezes Shiro's shoulder and hides his expression. Shirt is damp. He's been distressed for a while.
"What about pine? You always had some weird thing for forest scented crap."
"No, that was Adam. I was the one who liked spearmint and wintergreen."
"So why did you always smell like-.... ? Ah."
Shiro turns red. "I know Curtis likes cinnamon. But I don't see that here."
"There's stuff that's kinda minty," Keith points out. "You can buy whatever you want." Personally he thinks having to change your scent to please your partner is ridiculous. Probably why he's not much for dating. "See this one?" He cracks the lid to sniff and then hands it over, watching Shiro's hand like a hawk.
The shaking is still there. He's still beading sweat around his hairline and his hair is starting to stick to his face.
"That's kind of the problem," Shiro mutters, sniffing the bottle. It smells nice. Shampoo. Okay. So now just body wash. Maybe something for dry skin? He's been itchy lately and Curtis is probably right. He's probably drying his skin out. He can take care of himself a little better for Curtis. "Is there matching body wash?" He asks, trying to read labels without giving away the entire aisle is swimming. He's so stressed out. Which is how he ended up just grabbing a random bottle and bailing the first time around.
Keith looks at him and back at the shelf quizzically before picking it up from right in front of Shiro and handing it to him. "Says ultra cleansing. Isn't that code for: will dry your skin out?"
"Oh. Maybe I should pick something else."
Unsure of what to make of this, he shrugs. "You could just get the same brand you used to, and pick a different scent."
Shiro shifts uncomfortably. "I can't remember what it was," he admits. "I'm missing a lot here and there," he tugs absently on his bangs. Remembering how his skull had been cracked open.
"It's this stuff in the red bottles. It's got some stupid names, though." He tries to keep his expression neutral. He knew Shiro had issues remembering everything that happened while he was enslaved as a gladiator. He had no idea Shiro had also lost any time before then.
"Whatever's there is fine."
"Maybe Lance would be more helpful," Keith suggests. Then they both look at each other and laugh. "Okay so definitely not. But hey there's only four options, so."
They test out each bottle, Shiro hates the first. Keith the second. The third and fourth take a while to decide between. Shiro just picks up the matching shampoo and dumps it in.
"Do you think I need more clothes?" He asks hesitantly.
Keith kind of stares. "Judging by your apartment? Probably." Watching Shiro looking over at something on the other end of the men's care aisle, he realizes he doesn't want to help shop for the next thing. "What kind of candy? I'll grab that while you finish up here."
Realizing Keith figured it out, he turns red. "Uh. He'll eat pretty much anything that isn't black licorice. But he's kinda partial to anything sour and then chocolate with almonds or peanuts."
"Got it."
"Thanks." Shiro wanders down to the other end of the men's aisle. There's an overwhelming amount of things and he's realizing he's not sure if Curtis has preferences. And his personal comm is off at work. And Shiro isn't going to call him about condom brands on a Garrison line. They're all recorded. While he's not sure if it will be days, weeks, or months until they need any supplies he'd rather have them on hand.
Thinking about what he's used before, he doesn't see any familiar packaging and the aisle blurs in and out of his vision for a minute. There, he grabs a few things. He's not into anything all that interesting, and looking at some of the grocery-store approved toys makes him feel uncomfortable. A few things look like something the Galra would have found a way to weaponize and use and while he's sure before all this he would have been game... Now he isn't. He realizes he doesn't even really want Curtis on top of him, either. Or at least, not inside him.
He can still feel the blood running down the inside of his thighs. Sometimes just dripping steadily down without touching his body at all. They'd ripped him open in a new way. Trying to find some other way to torture and scare him. He has no idea how they guessed that, or if it was half accidental. They hadn't realized that human joints really weren't that flexible when they broke his elbow. Just testing his limits.
Shuddering he's terrified of the scarring ripping open again. Of just anything tearing into him.
Trying to imagine if he could go down on Curtis his throat tightens and he swallows hard against a gag. What if it feels like the feeding tube they'd forced down his throat? He'd been refusing to eat after. Had tried to hide the bleeding. When it stopped he'd been so depressed he'd given up hope and reopened the wound. Tore skin. Hadn't cared. He'd wanted to bleed to death. They'd stapled the wound shut, drugged him with a paralytic that did nothing about the fact he couldn't sleep, shoved a tube down his throat, and chained him spread eagle so he couldn't move so much as an inch and inflict more damage.
Keith finally can't spend more time in candy and goes back to find Shiro. He's worried. He recognizes the stricken look he sees and gently takes Shiro's hand and pulls him away. "You can't get pregnant anyway, you don't need those."
Blinking and coming to, "school really failed you, didn't it?" He asks absently.
"You're cleared of any and all diseases and so's he. Nothing he can give you or vice versa."
"Maybe he doesn't like to swallow," Shiro says conversationally, still shaky. He knows Keith hates when he talks bluntly about this kind of stuff. So it'll stop the conversation in its tracks.
Keith makes a face. "Let's go find you a shirt that isn't black or grey?" He suggests.
"I look good in those colors."
"Yeah Shiro everyone does. What colors does Curtis like?"
Everything, Shiro wants to say. Curtis is full of life and color in spite of everything. "Purple. Galaxy purple like in those hubble telescope photos..." He says softly, thinking of the prints he's seen in Curtis' apartment. "Dark blue..." His bedroom.
"Great. There you go."
"Black and grey used to bring out my eyes..." Shiro teases, fluttering his eyelashes and trying to recover from earlier.
"And match your hair." Keith just shrugs and smiles blandly.
They wander over to the clothing section and browse. Shiro ends up with a simple deep purple henley, a dark navy vneck sweater, and Keith convinces him to try a maroon vneck tee and deep green henley, too. "Add some color old man."
They drop the groceries off, Shiro throws the meat and some seasoning into the crock pot. He can't bake to save his life but he can dump things in a pot and walk away. While he's busy Keith discovers Shiro's battered running shoes. After lecturing the other man about his knees and feet taking unnecessary damage he forces Shiro back out to get new shoes.
Then he drags him to get some nicer towels, a second set of sheets, and some actual jeans, and some nice button ups so Shiro can dress up a little without going full uniform. Shiro only has 2 pairs of black pants and Keith feels odd realizing what they're doing. Maybe he he should have let Curtis do this. But Shiro started on his own. Keith just helped him finish. And made sure he had more than just the absolute bare minimum cheapest crap he could pick in two seconds.
When they get back Keith helps him load all the fabric into the wash so it'll be ready before Curtis gets back. He has a feeling the other man will appreciate all the changes. Looking at the clock he's surprised its only a little after 1400 hours.
He notices Shiro never really stops shaking, and he seems uncomfortable the whole time. Not unwilling just not himself, either. "Do you remember forcing me to pick out clothes?" He asks suddenly.
"Yeah you were a real shithead."
"Thanks for not returning the favor."
"Wouldn't know how to be that obnoxious even if I tried," Shiro smiles.
"So magnanimous."
Shiro shakes his head a little. He flops tiredly onto the couch unsure what to make of all of it.
Keith lets Shiro sleep, fear mounting in his chest cavity. He switches the laundry into the dryer. He's not sure what to do to help Shiro. But at least the man has food. Nice sheets, soft towels. New, clean clothes. The food smells good, and Keith finds himself puttering around looking for things to do, because he's afraid to leave Shiro alone.
Eventually he settles on the couch, putting a hand on Shiro's chest to feel his heartbeat. It seems steady. Normal. Healthy. But the tremors, the sweating, the indecision... It's all so concerning.
Eventually the dryer dings softly. Keith gets up and finds himself remaking the bed, folding clothes and more or less pacing around again. Somewhat amused he's the one taking care of Shiro for a change, he settles back down on the couch when the housekeeping is done, watching him sleep.
He dozes off eventually, and wakes up to the door sliding open.
Curtis smiles as Keith hastily exits, and sniffs the air appreciatively.
Kneeling down by the couch he presses a gentle kiss on Takashi's forehead. "Hey handsome," he smiles gently. "Wake up, love."
Takashi blinks awake, and smiles when he sees Curtis. Curtis gently strokes his cheek and kisses him.
"You hungry?" He asks gently. "Food smells good, what is it?"
"Brisket, and I have veggie salad in the fridge. Just needs dressing."
"Sounds good to me, you ready?"
"Yeah. Keith ran me ragged."
"I can see that. Once we eat do you just wanna go back to bed?"
"No, we should talk."
"Okay," Curtis agrees. Kissing his forehead again he stands up. Watches Takashi shift an arm under himself and sit up, and ease his body off the couch. He seems like he's moving easier. Less stiff.
Takashi quietly gets out plates and silverware, still half asleep. Pulling the salad out he has 2 choices for dressing and lets Curtis pick. Dumping food onto his plate, he settles at the counter and waits for Curtis to do the same.
When he's done serving himself, he unbuttons his uniform, and settles the jacket across the back of his chair. "Thanks for dinner."
"Of course," Takashi smiles back. They bump knees as they eat. He's happy to eat quietly, the hustle and bustle of running errands and dealing with people has him drained. The nap helps but just sitting there with his leg against Curtis' makes him feel better. That and not being required to talk around the food.
Half wondering if they should have talked first, in case he made himself sick, he breathes out a sigh through his nose.
"You okay?"
"Yeah. I didn't mean to wear myself out so badly, though. Sorry."
Curtis nudges his leg, "it's fine."
When he finishes he rinses off his dishes and loads them.
"You cooked, I would have cleaned up."
"You do most of the hard work in our relationship, I think," Shiro smiles. "I can handle some dishes."
Curtis frowns a bit, but decides that can be part of their conversation later. He's absolutely not going to let that slide. Their needs just look different. He smiles when Takashi pulls out a sack of candy. And then laughs when he realizes how full it is. "Trying to fatten me up?"
"I just... There'll always be some here for you."
Holding out his hand he takes Takashi's gently as he comes around the counter and tugs him in close, between his legs. Tipping his face up they kiss for a few moments. Soft and gentle. They pull away and smile. Takashi is a little pink and Curtis smiles. Seems like everything works fine now.
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jpat82 · 6 years
Wade And How I Met Your Mother
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Quack... quack... hiss...
"Damn it, Wade!" Toms eyes shot open wide, a mass of feathers taking flight as the preocular bird hopped from his chest. The credits from the movie he had been watching was rolling, he must of dozed off. Wade was pacing the living  room for the hundred time that day and what feathers he did have were ruffled.
The little bird was agitated, pacing and looking at the door every time a car drove by. Tom sighed heavily, he had tried give the angry avian a bug an hour ago and he wasn't having any of it. You had went on a girls retreat yesterday and at first the duck hadn't thought any thing of it. He slept well the first night, curling up on your side of the bed, stretching out ultimately taking over half the bed.
That all changed first thing this morning upon waking. The duck woke in the foulest of moods, nipping Tom on the lips, jolting the man out of a deep slumber followed by the ninja chopping of mostly featherless wings till Tom got out of bed. He was making a ruckus, quacking and hissing, chirping and squawking.
It didn't stop there, oh no, at breakfast when Tom set the bowl down for the annoyed bird he gave the man a dead pan look before slipping his beak under the edge and flipping it over. Duck food and bugs spilling out across the floor, Wade waddling away. Tom had to take a deep breath before cleaning the mess, and refilling the bowl. It was the first time in a long time you had left the bird with just Tom and Wade was not happy about situation.
As the day rolled on so the disgruntled animal. He marched his butt to the living room, looking up at Mickey's mouse house. He flopped and floundered till he made his way on to the couch, all while poor Tom was cleaning up the breakfast mess. Wade pushed the top of the cage off, reaching his head in and gingerly picked Mickey up by the stub of his tail. He back peddled from the cage just as Tom walked in.
"Wade, don't you even.." Was all the poor man could muster out before the dastardly bird dropped the mouse on the couch and made a bee line for the back door.
Tom rushed toward the couch, jumping over the waddling creature whose wings were stretched out behind him. It took him an hour to re-catch Mickey and get him safely back in the confines of his home. That wasn't all, as Tom went to make lunch later in the day, Wade decided it was time to go swimming... in Sherbert's tank.
The poor beta was in the bottom, hiding in the fake weeds as the duck's webbed feet flitting back and forth under the water. Water sloshed this way and that, out of the tank saturating the floor in the process. Tom groaned when he came in and saw the mess. Gently lifting the duck, getting nipped multiple times as he did.
After a while the duck just sat in his bed, glaring at the man, looking like he was blaming Tom for the reason you were missing.
"She'll be home tonight." He told the bird with a huff. He could hear the mammal grumble in response. "I know, I don't like this either, you're absolutely inconsolable without her."
That's when he had made the mistake of putting a movie on and dozing. After Wade abruptly woke him he saw the mess that had ensued. All the magazines were strewn across the floor, his tea cup face planted next to a magazine. One of the throw pillows had peck marks and stuffing pulled out, the dvds on the lowest shelf were scattered about. Tom took a deep breath and stood walking to his room.
He reached up into the closet and returned to the couch and opening the pale teal book. Wade perked his head up, his head tilting ever so slightly as his interest peeked.
"Wade, come here. Let me tell you how I met your mother." Tom stated, patting the couch while looking at the semi feathered bird.
Wade launched from his spot, wings stretched out as he rushed across the wood floor. He hopped up as he reached the plush couch, failing to get high enough and rebounded off the cushion. He hissed at the furniture before Tom leaned forward picking the bird up from the ground and set him next to him on the couch. The first picture was a selfie taken by Tom, at a local and quiet diner.
    The low lights capturing the moment perfectly.
    You walked up to the restaurant, fidgeting with the strap on your purse. Your heels clicking along the sidewalk. You closest friend set you up on a blind date, supposedly the guy was a cook and understood the operations and stress of opening a bakery.
    Secret Treats, it was your bakery. Something you had worked your whole life to, not stopping, or settling till you had it up and running. It had always been your dream to open a bakery in London, something small, cute, whimsical and most of all comfortable. And now, she was pressuring you to find the love of your life to settle down with.
    Now here you were, being seated a quiet little diner, mahogany decor and gold accents. You had chosen a simple black dress and heels, unsure of what to expect. You looked over the menu and ordered a glass of wine while you waited. You sipped on the wine and continued to look around, the diner was beautiful and warm and if you had ever thought about opening a restaurant it would been something like this.
    You continued to think to yourself as the time ticked by, five minutes turned into ten and then into fifteen. Soon it had been half an hour and the waiter gave you a sad smile as he refilled your glass. Unknown to you someone had been watching, his own date standing him up. He took a deep breath as he stood, fixing his shirt before walking across the diner floor.
    "Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice you seemed to be waiting for someone." The man stated, you could feel your cheeks flush as you looked up your eyes meeting the most endearing shade of blue you had be seen.
    "I was, but I don't think he is going to show." You replied softly, embarrassment creeping up again.
     "Do you mind if I join you? I was stood up and I don't feel like having dinner alone." He asked you softly, his hand on the back of the empty chair.
     "Actually, that would be nice." You smiled back up at him. He smiled back, and you knew you had to get know him. "I'm y/n."
    "Tom." He smiled to you as he sat down. You spent hours talking to him, getting to know him. He like you had been stood up, and who ever could stand up a man as handsome and sweet as he was needed to have their head examined.
    He spoke elegantly, his voice soft and light. And talked animatedly with his hands, his face full of expressions. You were smitten from the get go, and hoped that this would lead further then any other dates you had had in your life. His charming blues, and blondish semi curled hair, he had a clean face and was more handsome then you remembered ever seeing in a man.
“Oh dear, it’s midnight already.” Tom said softly in disbelief looking at his watch.
“Crap.” You chuckled looking up from your empty glass. “I really didn’t want this to end.”
“Neither do I, Darling.” He sighed, handing the waiter his card. “May I have your number? I’d love to take you out on a proper date.”
“Yes.” You replied a bit quickly as he handed his phone over so you could put your number in. “So this doesn’t count as a date then?”
“Well, technically it could be but we were both supposed be seeing different people.” He said as you both rose from the table.
“Their loss.” You smiled.
“Our gain.” He smiled softly back.
You walked into the quiet house setting your bags next to the door, you took in the mess. Stuffing and magazines, the tea cup on the floor, tv playing infomercials. And there on the couch was Tom head tilted back, eyes closed mouth slightly parted. Wade curled up next to him, using the man’s thigh as a pillow, and the teal scrap book in Tom’s lap.
The book was opened to the picture from restaurant you met in. You smiled to yourself remembering that night as you walked over and gently shut the book. You looked at your boys and smiled, you had come home early because you had missed them.
“Thomas.” You said gently, tapping his shoulder. His eyes fluttered open, looking about the room before they landed on you.
“Darling, why are you home?” He asked softly as you tenderly lifted Wade.
“Doesn’t matter, let’s go to bed.” You smiled, walking towards the bedroom.
@kitkatkl @octobermermaid @ajosieface @instantnoodlese @crystlblu @coffeebooksandfandom @thisismysecrethappyplace @the-wayward-robot @lokilvrr @theoneanna @devilbat @jewels2876
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ai-suru-hito-yo · 5 years
I Was Born To Love You
My first Queen fic! Woo!
Pairing: '90s!Brian May x fem!reader
Summary: It's the eve of your little sister's wedding. You've been running around ragged, planning and setting up. You're exhausted, and Brian finally convinces you to take a break and come have a celebratory drink at the pub.
Warnings: brief mentions of sex, past SugarDaddy!Brian, mentions of death, age difference, possibly terrible writing. This is based on a dream I had last night. I woke up at 3 am and had to write it.
Author's notes: It's so fluffy, I swear to God, call your dentist now, it may rot your teeth. And for the sake of this story, let's pretend Chrissie did leave Brian in the 80's, but Anita (though I LOVE HER) was never in the picture.
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This was it. The big day was right around the corner. Your sister was getting married the next day, and you could not possibly be more happy for her. As both her sister and her Maid of Honor, you had been running yourself ragged organizing and planning and helping to make sure everything was perfect for her big day. It was finally the night before, and you were exhausted. Your boyfriend was currently trying to convince you to take a much needed break.
Ugh, you hated that word. "Boyfriend"? You were both grown adults, thank you very much. He, in fact, was quite a bit older than you, which made the term, "boyfriend" seem all the more ridiculous. But what other term was there?
Your relationship had not started out on quite such a...romantic path as it was on now. You had met Brian May just a couple of years after the tragic and heartbreaking loss of Freddie Mercury. You had been working as an assistant to one of the producers of We Will Rock You, and had caught Brian's eye immediately. He invited you out for a drink after a meeting one day, and the two of you had hit it off immediately, despite having a 20 year age difference. Brian gave you his phone number and asked you not to hesitate to call the next time you had a night free.
It had taken a further month after that night before you felt brave enough to make that call. Was it a joke? There's no way this world-famous, wealthy, talented, kind-hearted, legendary, beautiful rock-star could be interested in somebody as plain and simple and "average Joe" as you. You made the call anyway, pulling on your big girl panties and taking the risk. Brian invited you along for dinner and more drinks, an invitation which you gladly accepted, and you ended up spending that night in his bed. It was the next morning, after another round of amazing sex, that Brian made a proposition, one which you found you could not refuse. More world-rocking sex and "night-time" companionship in exchange for wining, dining, and anything else your heart desired, even financial compensation.
It had been three years now, and somewhere around two years ago, your relationship had changed. Shifted. Wining and dining became dates walking through the moonlit garden of Brian's country home, gazing at the stars, or visits to any and every museum you could find (you adored museums). Occasional companionship became listening to Brian break down over missing his father and Freddie, and holding him as he continued to feel hopeless about the future. Anything your heart desired shifted to longing looks from hazel eyes, and a beautiful smile framed by dark bouncing curls. Sex soon turned to love-making, and you found yourselves staying in bed together afterwards, holding each other as you slept, and trading lazy kisses in the morning.
When you introduced Brian to your parents, he was introduced as your boyfriend (oh, that word again). Your mother was very wary of your age difference and of Brian's rockstar lifestyle. Your dad and sister, on the other hand, were huge fans and completely starstruck. Eventually, they all saw how happy you made each other and how serious you were about your relationship, and so Brian May the famous rockstar soon became Brian, your kind, sweet, doting boyfriend (?)
The soft sound of Brian's sweet voice pulled you from your musings, and you shook your head a little to clear it and focus on what he was saying.
"Y/N, my love, you need a break. The rehearsal and dinner went swimmingly, if I may say so," Brian lifted your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles softly, then reached out his free hand to rest against your jaw, long fingers tangling into your soft hair. "There's nothing more you can do tonight. The church is ready, the reception venue is ready. Come on, darling. Let the caterers finish setting up, and let's go grab a drink, eh? We can go to that pub we went to last week. It was quiet, and it's big enough we can invite everyone along!"
You turned your head to kiss Brian's palm where it rested against your face, and nodded. You knew he preferred this particular pub because no one there recognized him. Or if they did, they had the courtesy not to act like it.
"Yes, alright. Let me make sure everyone knows where we're going, and I'll meet you outside in 5 minutes." You kissed Brian quickly and moved over to where the rest of the wedding party were gathered in conversation.
When you arrived at the pub, Brian quickly hopped out of the car and came around to open your door as you checked your makeup in your compact mirror. Deeming it acceptable for a quiet night of drinks, you got out of the car. Brian pushed the door shut, and stopped you with a hand on your hip.
"You look beautiful, as always," he said once you turned to look at him. You blushed, and ducked your head. You still had trouble at times with how freely and openly he would compliment you. "I think this dress is my favorite."
You had worn a simple, strappy dress for the evening, light blue with a pattern of roses. It was mostly backless and flowy, as it was early summer and quite warm, even for mid June.
You pushed up on your toes to kiss Brian again, a silent thank you for the compliment. You lingered for a moment, smiling against his lips, before you pulled away, trailing your hand down his arm to his hand. You interlaced your fingers and led him toward the pub.
"I'll get drinks while you get a table?" You nodded, and moved off toward a corner and a comfy-looking booth. You sat down facing the door, just in time for it to open again and to see some familiar faces come through. You waved to your cousin, his wife, and your brother to join you. Your cousin and his wife approached, sitting on the opposite side of the large booth, while your brother, Ethan, approached Brian at the bar.
"Hello, Adam," you greeted. "Hello, Jenisa. Glad you could join us!"
"Of course!" Jenisa answered, pushing her long hair behind her shoulder. "I've been dying for a gin and something all evening, and to catch up with you, but you've kept us all so busy with all the planning and setting up, I barely had a second to say hello!"
You winced slightly. "Sorry about that, J. It's just, Liv's my only sister, and my best friend. I want everything to be perfect."
Jenisa patted your hand on top of the table. "There's no need to apologize, dear! Of course you want the best for her, and we're happy to help."
"Yeah, it's no problem at all, really," Adam chimed in. "Besides, you know she'll be there to repay the favor one day."
You choked on air for a moment, glancing over Adam's shoulder toward the bar. Brian was laughing at something Ethan was saying, shoulders shaking and curls bouncing in that way they always did when he laughed. He truly was breathtaking. You were so distracted by Brian's beautiful smile that you missed the look Adam and Jenisa shared.
"So," Jenisa said, calling your attention back to the table. You looked at her with a dreamy smile still plastered on your face. She grinned. "When's it gonna be your turn?"
You choked on nothing again, eyes widening ever so slightly. You were unsure how to answer that. Marriage was something you had always wanted. You also knew you wanted a family of your own, to be a mother, but it was one of the farthest things from your mind at the moment, which was ironic, considering you were caught up in the middle of wedding planning at the moment. Luckily, you were saved by Brian and Ethan returning to the table with everyone's drinks. Brian set your cider down in front of you before sliding in next to you with his own lager. Your brother slid in next to Adam and Jenisa, distributing their drinks to them.
"Brian bought this round. Cheers, mate!" Ethan tapped his glass against Brian's before taking a long pull.
"Thanks, love," you pressed a quick kiss to Brian's shoulder. "Next round's on me." Brian simply swiped a finger softly down your nose and smiled at you.
You heard the bell above the door ring again, and Liv, your soon-to-be-brother-in-law Michael, and his two brothers entered the pub. You called your sister's name and waved her over. She and the boys took a seat at the next table after greeting everybody and giving Michael their drink orders.
Brian leaned over from his seat next to you to address your sister. "Are you nervous for the big day?"
Your sister giggled and rolled her eyes fondly. "Bri, you've known me for 2 years. When am I not nervous?"
Brian chuckled. "Well, you've no reason to be. I'm sure you'll be a beautiful bride, and you've left everything in the most capable hands I can think of."
Liv leaned around Brian to catch your eye and give you a small but meaningful smile. "Yeah, I know I did. Thanks, Bri. I feel a little less nervous now."
You shifted a little closer to Brian in your seat and intertwined your left arm under his right, taking his hand where it rested on the table and lacing his calloused fingers with your own. He looked down at you and shared a private smile. You felt a little less nervous now, too. Everything would be alright.
As the evening passed into night, more of your family and friends came and went from the quiet pub, most just stopping in for a drink and a quick congratulations to the bride and groom.
By now you were leaning fully into Brian, who had put his arm around you without breaking your hands apart, so your arm was now crossed over your chest and holding his hand on your shoulder. Honestly, it helped, as you were leaning into Brian so close in hope of stealing some of his body heat. Your dress now seemed like a terrible idea, as you discovered you had chosen a seat directly under an air conditioner vent. Every 20 minutes or so, the system would kick on and blow cold air on you, raising goosebumps on your exposed shoulders and arms. Brian, clothed in all black, seemed to radiate heat, and you were taking full advantage of that.
Another shiver passed through you as you felt the cold air hit your skin again. Brian had noticed the past couple times it happened, and finally spoke up about it, abandoning the conversation he had been involved in with your brother and cousin about what shenanigans they had gotten up to in college.
"Y/N are you okay?" He asked, tilting his head down close to your face. You turned your head, not realizing how close he was, nearly knocking your nose against his. You could feel his warm breath fanning gently over your skin and it felt wonderful.
"Yes, love," you answered with a smile. "I'm great."
"You're shivering. Are you sure you're alright? Do you want to go home?"
You pressed a firm kiss to his lips to silence him. "No, I'm fine. Just keep holding me?"
"Of course, dear. Always."
You entered the pub's small restroom, turning to close the door, when your way was blocked by somebody leaning against it. You opened the door again and your sister quickly entered behind you, closing and locking the door.
"What do you want, brat? I need to pee."
"I won't stop you," she replied. "I just wanted a moment in private to tell you how much I appreciate everything you're doing for me. I reckon tomorrow we'll be too caught up in everything and then I'll be off on my honeymoon. I don't want to forget to tell you that I love you and appreciate everything you've done for me. You're the best big sister a girl could ever hope for."
She pulled you into a bone-crushing hug, knocking the wind out of you for a moment. You wrapped your arms around her and returned the squeeze as hard as you could.
"Ow! Okay, okay, I feel the love!" Liv stepped back from your embrace and looked at you again before adding, "You know I'll be there to return the favor if you should need me some day."
You pulled her into a gentler embrace before pulling back and pushing her toward the door. "Thank you. Now, get out, I still need to pee."
When you returned to the table a few minutes later, you were considerably warmer for having gotten up to move around a bit. You noticed Brian had moved over into your unoccupied seat under the vent. He had a funny look on his face, and seemed a little lost in his own world.. The look melted into another gorgeous smile, though, as you sat down again and snuggled back into him.
You soon became engrossed in the conversation your brother was having with Jenisa about cryptozoology, ("Nessie is as real as you and me, sitting here!") content to listen to them arguing from where you were leaned back against Brian's shoulder behind you. You barked out a laugh at another one of Ethan's stupid arguments. Brian tensed behind you for a moment, and you felt more than heard him take a deep breath before leaning down to speak lowly into your ear.
"I have something for you."
Curiosity piqued, you sat up and turned toward him. The nervous look was back again, and you met it with an open look of earnestness. He fumbled in the pocket of his trousers for a moment, before producing a small red box and placing it on the edge of the table directly in front of you. You looked at it, then back at him, then back at the box. Realizing Brian was not about to say another word, you opened the box, before letting out a squeal and quickly shutting it again. You snatched it off the table and held it in your lap, laughing nervously as most of your party turned to look at you.
"Uh, leg cramp. Don't mind me!"
As everyone returned to their conversations, you turned toward Brian more and opened the box again. Inside sat the most beautiful ring you'd ever seen. A simple, thin, white gold band with a small but beautiful cutting of your birthstone. On either side of the stone were small Celtic trinity knots. Your hand covered your mouth as you tried to restrain from gasping. You looked up at Brian, who was watching you closely.
"Brian, I...I dont know what to say."
"Um, I mean, you don't have to say anything? You don't even have to keep it, honestly. I've had it for quite some time now, but I never said anything because I never thought you would accept it. It's just, you mean so much to me and you've helped me so much. I don't think you understand how you helped me after...well, after. Through Rog's fits over trying to finish the last album, and John falling apart. And I know that's a lot of emotional baggage, and you deserve someone young and carefree, but I guess I just got caught up in the moment with weddings on our minds and you look so beautiful tonight, and--what are you doing?"
You took the ring out of the box and examined it again before looking up into beautiful hazel eyes. Eyes you'd be happy to look into for the rest of your days. Well, you thought, at least now I'll have a better word than "boyfriend".
"Which finger do I put this on?"
Mmkay, there it is. If you'd like a visual reference to the dress and the ring, there are links embedded. However, if you'd rather not interrupt the flow, there are descriptions. The example ring has a sapphire because that's my birthstone.
I have possible ideas for more if this is well received. Let me know what you think!
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maxheadley · 6 years
A Little Confession.
Timothy's Imaginations: Chapter 10
Tad bobbed his leg up and down unyieldingly. He sat in the waiting room of a lonely clinic, where the walls were painted an unsatisfying shade of orange and the chairs were damningly uncomfortable. The clinic needed some serious TLC. The cracks in the leather of the chairs bothered him more than the disgusting orange walls. He shifted his numb bum about twenty times to find a comfortable position, though the position eventually became apparent it wasn't comfortable at all. Only briefly. He listened to the tick tock of the large antique grandfather clock next to him to focus on anything else other than his increasing worry about his best friend and erratic typing of the desk nurse.
He'd most likely freak out if the clock hadn't been ticking in his ear. The one thing he liked, something consistent, something unchanging. A clock never changed from it's ticking pattern to irregularities. He sighed, glancing at the clock reading where the hand rested. He'd been stuck in the waiting for about an hour. How long did it take for a doctor to examine their patients? Surely not this long, Tad thought disdainfully.
Suddenly, the door that lead towards the rooms where patients were examined swung open revealing a young doctor dressed in some tan slacks, a ugly blue sweater, normal shoes, and a oversized lab coat. He carried a clipboard and his overly large round eyeglasses were slipping down to the bridge of his nose. Behind him, Winnie walked, rubbing her paling tan arm awkwardly. Her nerves were frayed. He suspected. "Thaddeus.." Winnie pushed past the unaware doctor and hugged him tightly. Something felt wrong, but he didn't ask. He would probably hear it from the Doctor.
He kissed her temple as the man approached. "I am unsure what Winnie's infected with but we've drawn blood and had her do a urine test and we'll receive the results a couple days. But in the meantime, I've prescribed her some antibiotics to flush out the cold and help stabilize her breathing." The Doctor said so quickly, Tad had troubling putting the words into sentences.
"Okay, thank you. Is that all?" Tad was itching to get out of there. His paranoia began to bother him and he had a feeling a panic attack was on the rise. Something about this place seemed off. Surreal. Unethical.
"No.." The Doctor shot him a startled expression. "There's one other thing.. I have to ask why does she have a small incision on her throat?"
Tad wrinkled his nose, remembering how Winnie described Harley's attack and how the wire scraped across her throat drawing a few beads of unnecessary bloodshed. "Alarming as this may sound, she scratches her neck when she's extremely nervous and sometimes uses sharp objects and it causes scrapes or small cuts. It's no big deal." He lied, not wanting to divulge the truth to a complete and under stranger.
The man raised his unattractive, bushy eyebrows almost to his brown hairline. "Probably would be wise if you um made sure she doesn't use any sharp objects to inherently self harm."
"Yeah, I'll do my best." Tad awkwardly muttered.
Winnie settled on the comfortable seat of Tad's truck. She buckled up as he jogged around the vehicle to get himself in. He seemed tense. Something was off. She suspected the problem was the awkward, sterile setting of the clinic. He had always avoided being around doctors or hospitals, and rarely did her ever step foot inside a place that reminded him of a hospital. She observed him buckling his seatbelt and insert the key in the ignition.
Finally, after several minutes of observing his fast movements and frantic biting of his lower lip, she placed a small, clammy hand on his thin thigh and squeezed to gather his attention. She knew her voice was hoarse and didn't want to startle him using her froggy voice.
He placed one of his hands over hers and sighed, leaning the back of head onto the glass, smushing the long uncut pale hair against his skull. He closed his dark green eyes briefly. "I have to tell you something." He hadn't ignited the engine though the keys remained in the ignition, so he turned his entire body to face hers and lifted one shaky hand to caress her pale, sickly cheek. "And it may be awkward for us afterward. But promise me we'll be friends still?" He squeezed his eyes closed as if expecting her to reject him or something.
Winnie would never.
"I promise. Now, what is it?" She asked, trying to clear the saliva that gathered at the back of her throat away. Her voice never sounded more terrible than right then.
He opened her eyes and leaned forward about as much as he could do the seatbelt, and smashed his lips straight into hers. To her surprise, she allowed him. She could feel something in her core blooming as he kissed her consistently for those brief few seconds. She frowned, when he stopped and leaned back slightly. "I am in love with you. Have been for the past couple of years but seeing you be abused and hurt by others has made me realized I needed to tell and show you that I'd do anything to make you feel loved the way you deserved." He said breathless.
Beads of sweat sparkled on his tan forehead. His eyes were alight with passion and a film of undisguised love. How could she extinguish such a beautiful thing like him? He was perfection disguised under glasses and a giant sweater with either his nose in a book or his eyes trained on a laptop screen. He was a fire shrouded by a cloak of shadows. He needed to shine. Who was she to let the flames burn out? She couldn't.
"And I wish for you to be mine. In the ways that count." Tad said, breaking Winnie out of her small reverie. The innocent, vulnerable expression on his damningly handsome face pleased with her.
She pressed her index finger against the swollen bottom lip of his. She met his eyes. She saw the possibilities swirling in them, the countless opportunities and adventures they could have, the ideas they could attempt to create, side by side, together.
She knew what she had to do.
"Are you sure it is me you want?"
"I am positive you are what I need and want."
"Okay." Winnie licked her bottom lip drawing his eyes to her lips. "I'll be yours."
With that she sealed their new relationship with a simple, sweet kiss. One, which, warmed the inner broken parts of her heart.
After picking up Winnie's prescribed medication, Tad drove them back to the cabin to ignite the plan they devised and decided on the drive back. Winnie had her fever-ridden forehead pressed against the cool glass of the window. Her bright blue eyes suddenly brighter than they had been in many days. She watched the trees race past, listening to the tires of Tad's truck crunch over the pebbles and dirt, and the roar of the engine.
She couldn't shake the fear gathering in her belly as they neared their destination. What if their plan went wrong? What if the others tried to poke holes in their plan and mess everything up? Or what if Harley and Timothy retaliated and someone got hurt? She couldn't bare seeing another person hurt. Everyone was hurt enough already.
"Tad.. Did you call Wren like I asked?" Winnie asked, lifting her head up and adjusting her sitting position.
"Yes. He's meeting us there. I gave him the directions and told him to lay low and not attract any attention. If he did, we're screwed." He squinted at the rain stained windshield, the glare of the sun obviously bothering him.
"Wren's pretty intelligent. He's cunning and manipulative, " She paused, having to cough. "And he's resourceful. He'd weave his way out of any situation." She added, after about a minute.
Tad parked in the driveway of the cabin and glanced at her. "God. I hope this works." He muttered, unbuckling his seat.
Winnie scooted across the worn seat and cupped his cheeks. She kissed his lips lightly. "I promise you it'll work." She gave him a small, confident smile.
Tad opened his door and helped her out, not responding other than a measly nod. She suspected her had doubts nothing would go right. She grabbed the bag of medicine from the seat and started for the cabin, when a loud strange whistle caught her attention. She depicted where the whistling came from and saw Wren perched in a tree several yards away looking weirdly like Tarzan except wearing regular clothes and his hair was not long.
She made a quick, subtle gesture to Tad and detoured into the woods. She stopped at the foot of the large oak tree Wren sat in. "What in the world are you doing up there?" She shouted, but quietly. If she attracted her mother's attention, it was all over. Everything would go downhill from there.
Wren hopped down from the sturdy branch and landed neatly on his feet. He brushed a couple discolored leaves off his head and adjusted the misplaced strands before answering. "I was scouting out the location, figuring out the best place to strike." He said, like he did not just impressively leap from a tree and not break a leg.
"And did you?" Tad popped up beside Winnie casting subtle glances over his shoulder. Probably hoping Terra wasn't staring out the window.
"There's a backdoor and a large window that is weirdly open I could sneak through as long as you two provide a good enough diversion to help me get through without being captured." Wren said, flatly.
Winnie sighed, running a shaky hand through her black curls. "I'm sure we're in enough trouble to distract the hell out of my Ma and Davie."
"I don't disagree." Muttered Tad.
"Okay. So what do you want me to do once I'm in?"
"Well.." Winnie began.
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