#//Never once frowns; just kinda purses his lips in focus or a pout of anything
dutybcrne · 7 months
Halfdan absolutely loved each and every chance he got to participate in any tournaments in Khaenri’ah. Win or lose, he was sure to be all smiles throughout the whole event.
Except when he is in Full Focus Mode.
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vkookjamz · 4 years
|| Prologue. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
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| 𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑘𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑥 𝐶𝑎𝑡-𝐻𝑦𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑑 𝐹𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 |
"𝘉-𝘉𝘢𝘣𝘺 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭..?"
𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬'𝘴 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯. 𝘈𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩, 𝘰𝘥𝘥𝘭𝘺 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩, 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘢 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦..
Y/n's POV
Eyes now widened, you gripped the arm rest on your left. Your ears stood up, becoming stiffened along with your tail twitching in alert.
Who said that- What said that?? That definitely wasn't your conscience- It sounded- familiar, but your mind couldn't seem to come up with anything to pair the voice to.
The voice was feminine, deep and smooth it sounded almost like a mother's who was singing their child a lullaby.
But deep down in the pit of your stomach you just had a feeling it was instead masking a siren. Who's sweet sound would slowly lure you into its trap leading to your ultimate demise.
'I will awaken' 'do not fear what you are that's their job' Who is going to wake up and why would people be afraid?
You felt your head get dizzy and your body heat up. You felt as if you were about to pass out until it spoke again.
Calm yourself.
That's rich, how exactly were you supposed to do that when you're pretty sure you've gone mad.
'you're not crazy y/n- just close your eyes, take a nap, you're probably just tired and hungry that's all'
You spoke to yourself, repeating affirmations inside your mind until you heard it once again.
Growing irritated at whatever this was, you heard the eerily seducing tone giggle softly, causing you to let a snarl form on your face as you growled under your breath.
Oh come on now it's laughing at you?? How the hell was this possible- one second you're just staring at the moon on your way to dinner with the boys and now you've completely lost your shit?
Dear child, I am you. You are me.
'what are you talking about- I'm me..'
"Uh baby girl? we're here" Jungkook rubbed your back softly, tilting his head as he scanned his eyes over you.
Inhaling a deep breath from your nose, your eyes snapped open glancing around the car you saw the other members lazily unbuckling their seatbelts.
They all were getting up with slight groans and happy sighs while putting on their masks and coats, preparing to enter the restaurant you all were currently in the parking lot of.
Shaking your head you frowned your brows together confused. Had you been asleep? Was what you experienced a dream?
You didn't remember falling asleep- just looking at the moon, then everything got quiet, then the voice. Your eyes never closed, you know they didn't.
Looking back at Jungkook you blinked a few times to focus then nodded quickly. "Ah- yes I'm sorry Appa- I spaced out I guess"
He chuckled giving you a cute side smile, shaking his head he quickly threw his own coat over your shoulders, helping you out of the car and reaching down to hold your hand, knitting his fingers together with yours.
"It's alright baby, now that you had a little snooze during the drive I'm sure you should be plenty hungry yeah?" he ruffled the top of your head closing his door.
"I-I- slept..?" you frowned looking up at him, your grip on his hand tightening. Jungkook nodded looking back at you with pursed lips letting out a small laugh. "Yeah the moment we got in the car you looked out the window for a moment then passed out- I was worried at first but Namjoon-Hyung said you were probably just exhausted since- you know, first time being a human and we did a lot"
So you had fallen asleep..
Maybe what you heard was just you having a dream, after all Namjoon was right, you had done a lot since you were in your new form.
And one time when Hoseok woke up to take out the trash in the middle of the night, he swears he heard racoons talking to him- but we all thought he was just too tired and his mind was playing tricks on him. Maybe it was the same with you?
"Yah come on you two! Tae is starving!" Jimin spoke with a chuckle as he jogged down to walk beside the two of you. Wrapping an arm around both yours and Jungkook's neck.
You smiled with a nod, looking between him and Jungkook then facing the doors of the restaurant as you all approached it. Hopefully dinner would put you at ease.
~Time Skippy~
After you all had entered the restaurant, you noticed there wasn't too many people inside, which was equally good and bad.
Good because that meant you wouldn't have any trouble finding a table, or have to wait to long for your food, but bad because with no people around, the boys wouldn't have to hide their crackhead selves as they ate.
And when they ate, they would be at the peak of their crackhead energy. It was embarrassing at times but you loved it regardless- so okay maybe it wasn't BAD, just them being themselves.
"Yah where is the meat- I need meat" Namjoon spoke scrunching his nose up at the sight of the many lobsters on their table.
Taking a large bite of his own lobster Jungkook hummed singing with his cheeks stuffed. "I need you meat~"
"Jungkook please don't be like Jimin and start singing memes-"
"To be fair Hyung, you ordered a ridiculous amount of lobster-" Yoongi pointed out taking a swig of his wine.
"Oh so you want me to ask the waiter to take yours back?" Jin raised his brows eyeing the second oldest.
Yoongi pursed his lips grabbing his plate and pulled it closer to himself. "....No"
"Exactly, now hush and eat like Taehyung, he hasn't said a word since he sat down so that means he's eating well~" Jin praised continuing to eat his own plate of food.
Taehyung's head poked up, his cheeks filled with his noodles as he held a fork with meat attached to it in one hand and his other dipping into his bowl of soup.
"Wah you're eating like a pig- slow down or you'll choke-" Hoseok chuckled shaking his head as he took a small bite of his own food.
Jimin merely smirked at Hoseok's comment as Taehyung pouted then scrunched his nose to frown as he proceeded to eat. You on the other hand where just sitting watching all of the males as they joked and ate, you hadn't even touched your salmon.
"Princess you're not eating are you alright?" Yoongi nodded over to you from across his spot at the table, your ears perked from under your beanie and you nodded with a small sweet smile.
"Ah yeah uncle Yoongs, I'm just watching you all- it kinda entertains me more than eating I guess" you chuckled as you picked up your fork, beginning to dig into your meal.
"Ahh, you know- this actually reminds me of our very first meal together you know? The night Jungkook-ah brought you home and we all ate ramen in the dorms" Namjoon smiled revealing his dimples at you, as the waiter came placing his well waited for steak in front of him.
Jungkook's eyes brightened as he licked his lips nodding at the other. "Yeah Hyungs sent me out in the middle of the night to get them food when I could've been kidnapped"
"Oh shut up you muscle pig you're too heavy for anyone to kidnap" Jimin laughed leaning back in his chair, his sweet smile causing you to giggle as you looked back at a slightly offended Jungkook.
"Yah I was fifteen! you never know!" Jungkook huffed. You patted his hand gently nuzzling your head against his shoulder with a purr.
"Actually- I don't remember much of that night- what was all of your reactions when you first saw me..?" you blushed sitting up as you took a bite of your food nervously.
Everyone seemed to smile to themselves after your question, which made you a little uneasy and worried- but you were still curious.
"Well, I opened the door for Jungkook so I of course was the first to see you- but then Jungkook told me to 'sHuT uP' so I had to hold in my excitement" Jimin nodded giving a little glare to Jungkook who sat across from him.
Taehyung raised his hand and sat up clearing his throat as he took a sip of his Pepsi with a hum. "Well I was next to see you, since me and Jungkookie shared a room at that time, and he looked really excited and very fond over you so I was happy you made him happy"
You smiled pursing your lips as you looked up to Jungkook who was blushing a bit. "Then I was happy because I remember when you first saw me you pounced on me and made Kookie jealous" Tae laughed causing you to choke widening your eyes at his words.
You forgot when you were a young kitten you had a slight crush on him-
"Anyways- uh, uncle Hobi what about you?" you laughed a bit nervously as you felt the slight tension in Jungkook's body at Tae's words.
"Ahhh, when I saw you the first time I was actually even more excited than Jungkook- I was prepared to beg him to let me help take care of you but he wanted that job all to himself- I guess he wanted you to understand you belonged to him" Hoseok smiled with his mouth closed as he ruffled your head with his hand carefully.
"Yeah plus when our manager found out we had you in the dorm and that Jungkook had brought you he kinda made sure Jungkook was the one doing all your caretaking since he didn't want all of us getting side tracked when we were still in the process of debuting" Jin nodded cupping both of his cheeks as he rested his elbows on the table watching you.
"But when I saw you, you were automatically one of my children as well, it's just my instinct to be the 'eomma' of you all" he smiled winking at you as you giggled in return.
"I don't think I ever told you this Jungkook-ah- but actually our manager at that time made it up to me wether or not we would keep y/n or not-" Namjoon mentioned at Jungkook who raised his brows.
"Really Hyung? what made you say yes?- I mean I'm glad you did but- you know-" Jungkook questioned.
"Well when I saw y/n she was very tiny- and like Taehyung, I saw she made you really happy and she kinda helped you open up more with us since you were pretty shy" Namjoon replied as he gave a reassuring smile towards the younger.
"Thanks Hyung.." Jungkook smiled bowing his head once as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder protectively.
You purred pleased, becoming soft at all of their answers before you let your eyes fall to Yoongi.
"And you uncle Yoongs..?" you asked tilting your head, blinking once curiously since the older male had stayed pretty quiet the entire time.
Everyone seemed to stare at him awaiting his response, since of course he wasn't known for sharing his own feelings too often.
"Actually, I love animals so I was happy with you" Yoongi shrugged, his small answer making you pout a bit along with everyone else around the table, which he noticed.
"Aish alright alright, I thought you were really cute and I would baby you when you were a kitten and sometimes I'd have Jungkook almost get a heart attack because I'd sometimes take you to have naps with me in my office after I'd finish writing music because you helped me sleep" Yoongi sighed running a hand through his hair.
You smiled blushing as your tail twitched pleased at his words, everyone seemed to have loved you from the beginning. Most people wouldn't be so accepting of animals especially in their circumstances at that time.
As everyone proceeded to laugh and praise Yoongi for his answer, you kept your smile letting yourself slip into your own thoughts.
You saw how far they all had come from where they had started. Their company was basically nothing when they started their group, they didn't eat some nights yet they worked their asses off practicing hours on end. And through it all they had and cared for you, loved you, and basically raised you as they grew up themselves. It amazed you that from how much they've accomplished, still they are so genuine to themselves as well as with their feelings towards you. Even now that you've almost completely changed into an entirely different person, they still accept you like they did the very first day.
Finally you managed to snap yourself back to reality, looking back up to Yoongi who sighed with a smirk as he looked at everyone.
"Alright, who's getting the check"
A/n: I hope this isn't too sappy-
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honeymoonjin · 4 years
TGM Bonus Content #11
HELLO folks this was a long time coming but here is the week 2 elimination from Tae’s perspective ;;;-; also i know BC are usually irrelevant to the main story but this one has some pretty important info so i suggest you read,,,,, it’s only 1.8k 
Everything feels way too official.
It makes Taehyung’s throat dry. It was a little easier to say fuck the competition earlier with Y/n. Now, after being properly voted out and Sejin directing him to the confessional shed, things were different.
It isn’t that he regrets his decision either; it’s just a little scary leaving everyone else behind. The loneliness feels almost tangible, like a film of sweat on his palms that he can’t wipe off.
He stands outside in silence for what feels like a icy eternity. He knows what he has to do, and yet he waits at the door of the confessional instead of going inside.
Eventually, Sejin returns. He’s quiet for a moment, clearly trying to give the recently eliminated contestant space, but that’s exactly what Taehyung’s stomach turns over. His heart skips a beat when the producer gestures towards the shed, and Taehyung forces himself to speak up.
“What changes now?” Taehyung asks, voice croaky. “I can’t have sex with Y/n, I know, but what else?” He eyes the door of the shed warily. “Is this the last time I’ll use this?”
Sejin shrugs. “The confessional booth has never been an enforced requirement, it’s just preferred for the players in the show. You don’t have to come here anymore.”
“No, that’s not-” Taehyung forces himself not to feel too nervous, aware that his anxieties are making this bigger than it needs to be. “...I like kinda talking to the fans, that’s all. I wanna come back.”
“Then you’re welcome to,” the producer responds easily, before his face softens. Reaching out to place a hand on the younger man’s shoulder, Sejin gives it a reassuring squeeze. “You’re no less important on the show, and certainly no less valued amongst Y/n and the others just because you’re eliminated, okay?”
Taehyung narrows his eyes, even as the warm touch soothes him. “But you were going to send us home once we get voted out.”
Sejin breathes out slowly, lips moving silently like he’s deciding whether to speak or not. His eyes lift towards the cameras attached to the exterior wall of the house, before using the grip on Taehyung’s shoulder to step inside the shed. Kang and Shin are nowhere to be seen, and the small room is cool and quiet. “A lot of things are changing on the show,” Sejin answers carefully after he slides the door shut again, flicking the light on. “Partly because of the viewers’ response; partly because of all of you.”
“Us?” Almost like instinct, Taehyung finds himself going to sit on the stool. Sejin’s ruggedly handsome face is a little pinched as he double-checks the confessional camera is turned off, and it makes the boy worry.
“I’m telling you this because I trust you with the information, but do not forget you’re under a legal non-disclosure,” Sejin warns. After receiving a bewildered nod, he continues. “All of this was a gimmick,” he explains wearily. “The higher-ups told us our viewership was tanking due to bigger competitors and that we needed something to capture the attention of younger demographics, the 18-30 bracket, and I know from my girlfriend how addictive those reality shows on television can be. All of this - the big house, the pool, the prompts - it was all just a marketing gimmick.”
Taehyung doesn’t know how to respond. Sitting there with his mouth open like a fish seems sufficient, as Sejin continues.
“My boss just wanted all the pretty visuals and clickbait to get people’s attention. He couldn’t care less about the show or the people on it as long as the viewership increased. I don’t believe I ever told you this, but I’m from the HR department. I’m not even meant to be working directly with shoots, but the original proposal was so shocking that I applied to take it over. I tried to budget in for things like proper food and personal items, adjusted the application form to try and get genuine and safe people.” Sejin sighs out, arms crossed tightly in discomfort at the honesty. “My boss wasn’t happy about cutting corners in other areas like expensive sex toys and cameramen, but once the views started skyrocketing and the fanbase on social media began to grow, he became a little more comfortable with the idea.”
Taehyung closes his mouth with a small frown. “And now he’s happy with it?”
The producer laughs without humour. “He doesn’t get it,” Sejin admits, “can you believe that the views peak when the eight of you are together? Every breakfast, lunch, dinner, or meeting, they shoot up. Sometimes more than the actual sex, the viewers want to see you. So that’s why it’s not important that you’ve been eliminated. We made the decision to keep everyone around because I don’t think it’s wise that we separate you. And my boss wants fatter pockets, so he can’t afford risking the view drop if the house gets emptier and emptier. Do you understand?”
The masseuse nods mechanically. “Yeah, I think so.”
The uncertainty isn’t enough for Sejin, who purses his lips, brows knitted together. “Taehyung, I’m telling you this because I want you to prioritise your enjoyment here. I can see you are becoming close with some of the people in this house, and I want to encourage that. Not because of the views, but because I know they’re all good people that care about you, and you deserve to get something out of this experience. The CEO and main council of Bangasm would wring you all dry if they could, so don’t feel guilty about taking full advantage of whatever they’re giving you, whether it’s food or WiFi or, I don’t know, the pool. And please don’t forget that I’m on your side.”
Sejin clearly isn’t expecting the hug, because when Taehyung launches off the stool and wraps his arms tightly around the larger man, he stumbles back a few steps. After a moment, though, he brings his arms up to return the embrace, and Taehyung tightens his grip and savours it for a moment longer before letting go.
“I knew you were a good egg,” Taehyung announces proudly, setting himself back on the stool. “Let’s do this exit interview!”
As he sets up the camera and pulls out his phone to find the questions, the producer tries to hide his fond smile. He doesn’t do a very good job, but Taehyung chooses not to point it out.
“Okay, Week Two exit interview, Kim Taehyung,” Sejin announces in the smooth tone he always uses for anything official. Taehyung prefers his regular voice, but decides not to mention that either. “First of all, how do you feel now?”
Taehyung hums. “Should I pretend to be sad for views? I can fake cry if you want.”
Sejin sends him a warning glare, but that smile hasn’t left. “Honesty is preferred.”
“Okay,” the younger boy allows, deflating a little. “I feel okay. I was sad before, but I want to turn this into something positive, like an opportunity instead of a loss, you know?”
“And were you surprised about Y/n’s choice?”
“A little.” Taehyung pouts at Sejin’s raised brows. “I’m not lying this time! I know that I told Y/n to vote for me and we decided it, but I guess I kinda thought maybe she’d change her mind and save me. But now that it’s done, I’m really glad it’s not the others. I don’t want to see them upset.”
Sejin’s head drops, almost seeming touched by Tae’s response, though he busies himself with reading off his phone. “Is there anything you would have done differently if you could start the competition again?”
Taehyung bites his lip, thinking hard. After a few moments, a frown has graced his features. “I think I would’ve been a bit more selfish if I knew I was only going to get two weeks when everyone else got more. I just kinda wanna go back in there and kiss Y/n, but I can’t. That part definitely sucks.”
“What are you going to do now that you’ve been eliminated?”
At this question, Taehyung brightens back up again. “I want to spend time doing the things I love. Watching anime, gaming, I wanna train Mango so that maybe she can become an inside dog. And I want to get closer with the others now that I don’t have to worry about competing against them.” If Taehyung is honest with himself - which he does prefer to be - he’ll admit that he never felt like he was competing against anyone.
“Finally, since your elimination, the fans have been tweeting their reactions real-time, and the #WeLoveYouTaehyung hashtag has actually entered the trending tweets for South Korea. Is there anything you want to say to the viewers of the show, to those that support you?”
It’s hard not to tear up at the thought of people at home, cheering him on and supporting him. He blinks hard, nose twitching. “I’m sorry I couldn’t win for you. But I hope you continue to support me, and I’m going to try and chat with you all on Twitter more now. Thank you for the love.”
Sejin smiles sadly, reaching up to switch off the camera. “That’s all, buddy,” he says in a small voice, “you did well.”
Taehyung waits for the disappointment or the cold realisation to creep up inside him at those words - that’s all. But they never do. Yes, maybe Taehyung is done with the competition. Maybe he wouldn’t win the mysterious unknown prize, and maybe he’d have to restrain himself from kissing or touching Y/n like he wanted to. But there was a kind of liberation in not having to worry about that stuff anymore and just focus on enjoying himself.
An idea lights up Taehyung’s head suddenly, making a grin stretch across his lips. “Thank you, PD,” he says with a small bow, “I’ll go head upstairs now.”
Sejin reminds him that he’s in the bunks from tonight onwards for the week, but even that doesn’t damper his excited anticipation. He dashes inside, catching sight of the guys and Y/n in the kitchen, clearly preparing a meal of sorts.
Everyone’s staring at him, probably waiting to see if he’s going to put on a smile or burst into tears. Taehyung chooses the former. “I’m going upstairs to have a shower,” he says, “don’t wait up. I’ll come back down when I’m done.”
Y/n bites her lip, guilt stricken on her face, but before she can pull him into a conversation, Taehyung hurries back out and up the stairs.
For the first time in almost the whole two weeks, Taehyung locks his bedroom door.
It takes barely any time to open his computer and load the site he wants. Down the sides of the page, sponsored ads mingle with genuine ones, but the top banner is exactly what he’s after.
He clicks through, enters his credit card details, and grins when the confirmation comes up, displaying the purchase information and a link.
Thank you for your purchase! The order was successful.
Click here to go to the Bangasm TGM livestream site.
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tobiomlk · 4 years
39 for kageyama if you can ....... please :')
𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿. kageyama tobio
𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗽𝘁. #39 “don’t cry.”
𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲. hurt / comfort !!! tobio is no good with tears and i love him
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Kageyama knows it’s bad when Suga-senpai confronts him about it.
“So,” he ambushes him during lunch time, around the vending machine (Of course he waits around the vending machine, Kageyama’s favoured spot to get his daily dose of milk). “What happened?”
Kageyama frowns. “About what?”
“You know what I mean.” However, Sugawara smiles, in that nurturing way of his that always makes Kageyama feel a little lighter. And a little troubled as well, because he can’t believe how utterly transparent he could be at times.
Kageyama chooses to direct his glowering towards the vending machine, gaze flickering between a carton of milk or yogurt, a predicament he struggled with each day— but which was considerably easier to deal with, next to the one he currently had at hand, that’s it. He growls when he notices the guilt is dawning upon him, again.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Sugawa asks, gently as ever, and Kageyama wants to say no, because a part of him does not wants to talk about it. But the other part, the vulnerable, insecure one, seems to be taking over him more often than not these days, and so he decides there’s no harm in speaking to a familiar face.
Far too violently, Kageyama presses both buttons simultaneously and lets the vending machine do the decision for him. “We had a fight,” he says, quietly. 
“So I heard,” Sugawara recognizes, but Kageyama isn’t really phased about it. Suga is, like, everyone’s go-to when it came for a comforting presence. He’s reliable, a good listener, and just as great at offering advice. He’s the type of person with lots of strengths that Kageyama himself lacks, and Kageyama can’t help but envy him, just a tiny bit. “It was that bad?” he probes, and Kageyama purses his lips in a flat line.
To put it truthfully, it wasn’t supposed to be that bad. To put it very frankly, it was incredibly and thoroughly moronic of both of you to have gotten so worked up over such a silly argument. Because that’s what it was; a silly argument, a minor discussion that the two of you blowed out of proportion and allowed to scalate the way it did. Stupid, sensitive teenagers.
“Have you tried talking to them?” Sugarawa asks.
“Yes,” Kageyama replies, but he doesn’t seem precisely happy. “but they don’t wanna talk to me.”
“The cold shoulder, huh?” Sugawara sighs, very much like a father would do. “Well, they can be quite petty, too.”
Kageyama nods in silence, lacking for better words. It frustrates him to no end, to be on such terms with you, to have you completely overlooking his existence. It frustrates him. And he doesn’t even gets to apologize or raise the flag of truce because you won’t even look his way. The mere thought is enough to have him slamming his head into the wall and scream at the top of his lungs.
“What are you planning to do, then?” 
Kageyama stops himself from doing so, though. “What can I do? They’re gonna ignore me anyways.”
“But you don’t want to let things go on like this, do you?”
Kageyama’s frowns deepens (if that’s even possible), but before his brain’s broken wires can sort out a way out of this fucking mess, his focus is taken away by a tiny little drop in his right cheek— followed by another one, and other one—
“Well, no one told me that it would be raining today,” Sugawara says as he looks up, gray clouds gathering above them. “C’mon, let’s get going before we get soaked.”
Kageyama agrees, although half-heartedly. For whatever reason, the light drizzle failing upon them seems to be reminding him of something, but he can’t exactly put his finger as to what it is. He always brings his umbrella, he couldn’t possibly have forgotten it—
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“Oh, fuck it.”
Powerless, you stand at the entrance of the school as you take in how the harmless rain at the beginning of the day had evolved into a massive downpour. Most of the students proceed to head off under the shelter of their respective umbrellas; shelter you can’t afford because, mind you, you rarely cared enough to bring an umbrella of your own. 
Tobio always shared his with me, after all…
No. Don’t think about Tobio. Don’t think about Tobio and his pouty face and how he always puts up a fight before letting you get away with whatever you want, the space under his umbrella included. Don’t you think about it. You’re supposed to be mad at him, and rightfully so. He was mean (and so were you) and said mean things (and so did you) and you weren’t going to let it slide just like that. You had a pride to keep. Yes. You had one. 
(But what about him?) No, this isn’t about him. This isn’t about him. (He’s probably hurt, too) And that’s on him. He started it all (let’s be real, you kinda were at fault as well) and he’s gotta live with it. (But he tried? To apologize? Several times?) NO. You don’t wanna hear it. You’re mad, reasonably mad, and it’s perfectly warranted. You could be mad for the rest of your life, if you wanted to (but you didn’t). End of the discussion.
The rain comes down steadily. It doesn’t seem like it’s going to stop any time soon. Fuck it. You’re not letting the rain keep you stuck with your inner conflict any longer. You bend forward to make sure your shoes are strongly tied and place your backpack over your head, making the perfect shield. You’re Unstoppable now. No rain is getting into your way.
Ready, steady...
“What are you doing, dumbass?”
Go— Ok, no go.
You’re torn between offering him a snarky reply, scowling at him or simply icing him out, but once you lock eyes with Tobio all you want to do is (redacted). Oh, would you look at that, you brain has already repressed that memory!
“None of your concern,” you end up saying, immediately averting his gaze. Tobio can’t even feel glad about you finally breaking your vow of silence towards him.
“Is that so,” he replies, and you hate how defeated he sounds. How can you be mad at him if he doesn’t make it easy for you?
“Are you heading home?” he tries once again, and you’re definitely not endeared by it.
“Well, I was going to before someone stopped me.” 
“It’s raining,” he points out.
“It certainly is,” you agree.
An uncomfortable silence follows. It’s one you aren’t used to at all, especially around Tobio. It felt so wrong.
You’re oh-so interested into the tip of your shoes that it startles you a little when a familiar umbrella suddenly appears in your field of vision. You didn’t even feel Kageyama coming closer, but there he was; standing a few steps away from you, handing his very own blue-ish umbrella. It takes you a second to take in the whole situation.
“Here,” he says, not budging an inch from his position. There are so many things you could question, but you can’t even find your voice to do so. Kageyama scoffs. “Don’t give me that look. You never bring one yourself, do you?”
And then it hits you. Violently, like a sudden epiphany, even when it’s something you’ve known for a long time now.
He cares.
Seeing you aren’t trying to accept the offer, Tobio nudges the umbrella in your direction, vehemently. Nothing. He knits his brows together. He knows you’re stubborn, but so is he, and he isn’t taking a no for answer— Wait.
“... Are you crying?” 
It’s crazy how all it takes for you to crack are three words, because suddenly you’re choking on your own tears, so it’s kinda pointless to try to keep appearances now. And Kageyama dies a little, because oh my god you’re crying.
“Hey… Hey!” he flails, voice admittedly cracking. “Why are you crying? It’s— It’s something I did?”
But since you’re in no condition to speak up, his questions remain unanswered. He has never been at such a loss for words as he stares at you, sobbing and whimpering and scrubbing at your face just to let more tears stream down your cheeks, pretty much like a kid would do, which only makes it all the more heart-wrenching. All the more unbearable to witness.
Kageyama unconsciously searches in his pockets for a handkerchief or a tissue or anything that would make you stop crying, really, only to realize he doesn’t even has one of those to offer up. But there’s something in the way you cry your heart out that shakes him to the very core, that disarms him and calls for desperate measures. So, he does something he usually wouldn’t.
You flinch noticeably when a hand hesitantly brushes against your cheek. The touch is awkward, yet undeniably gentle, and you momentarily stop your crying to blink up at him through the tears. It’s blurry, but you can still make out his deep blue eyes. The way he freezes as soon as he’s caught, like he’s just broken some sort of unspoken rule by initiating physical contact and is waiting for divine retribution or something. His lips pursing in that signature pout of his. You take in every part of him, gratefully.
“You hate me?” You don’t even realize how uncalled for your question sounds until it’s out, but what is done is done, and Kageyama seems so genuinely bewildered— It’s almost laughable.
“How could I possibly hate you?”
And that’s all you need to put aside every bit of your stubborn pride.
“I don’t wanna fight anymore,” you state, finally.
Kageyama needs an actual second to register your words. “Ok,”
“I hate fighting.”
“Me too,” he admits, far too quickly to be insincere, far too unfiltered for your liking.
“I don’t wanna be mad at you,” You’re probably just running your mouth at this point, but you just can’t bring yourself to stop. “and I don’t want you to be mad at me, either.”
“I’m not mad at you.” he says, and it’s as comforting as it is nerve-wrecking. “And you don’t have to be mad, if you don’t want to.”
Sniffle. A tiny, selfish tear attempts to slip away, but Tobio wipes it before she gets too far. “So don’t cry…”
But crying does not obeys anyone’s command, so you keep sniffing and snivelling for a while until you’re finally done with it, and Tobio stays. He’d stay forever, if you’d let him.
Eventually, the rain ceases.
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memesiders · 4 years
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Part 4
Death x OC Office AU
(This one's kinda short so i hope that's okay!)
“So, you’re gonna go to some super schmancy party with your boss, huh? Sounds like the perfect setup for a romance if you ask me,” Safiya said, munching on some stale crackers. I rolled my eyes at her and kicked off my shoes, having just arrived home from work. Death had not only had Amber order me a burger, but a large fry, a salad, and a Sprite. I didn’t have to heart to tell him I preferred 7-Up, I’d just taken the drink and thanked him. I had a feeling he wouldn’t have cared if I voiced my displeasure anyway. I fell into the recliner and fished the remainder of my burger out of my bag, offering it to her.
She took it greedily and immediately started shoving it into her mouth. “Where the hell did you get this?”
“Death ordered it for me after I nearly passed out in his office,” I said. She gave me a look, brow arched, and I frowned. “What?”
“You’re telling me this man just ordered you food? Weren’t there some office muffins or something you could’ve gotten?” I shrugged, scratching my arm.
“He also got me fries and stuff.” Her eyes widened slightly. “I- I mean, there aren’t really any muffins laying around, and I wasn’t about to ask someone to share their lunch with me; I’m not that pathetic.”
“Still, he could’ve just gotten you the burger, but instead he gets you a whole ass meal? Do you have any fries left, by the way?” I pulled out the fry box and took a handful, handing the rest to Safiya. She snatched them up and started shoveling those in too. “Be careful, ZiZi, I think your boss wants to sleep with you.” I scoffed, laughing at her words. I laughed so hard my belly started to ache and tears were building in my eyes.
“Yeah right,” I wheezed, shaking my head. “If you knew him like I did, you’d know that that’s impossible.” She rolled her eyes and me and set the food down, rubbing her hands clean on her sweats.
“You barely know him. Who’s to say he’s not thinking of ways to seduce you right now?” I snorted again, shoving a few fries into my mouth. “I’m serious! Who buys their employee a whole lunch?”
“A good boss, that’s who.” It was her turn to snort. I waved her reaction away. “Death wouldn’t touch me with a ten-foot pole!” My words were probably true, but I couldn’t help but wonder; what would it be like to be in bed with a Nephilim? With Death? The people I talked to who hooked up with demons and angels said that they had seemingly unlimited stamina, and no one walked straight after a night with one of the two.
That had to be true for him then, right? Did Nephilim even like sex? After Safiya reminded me of Death’s species, she’d also drilled into me that, according to a rumor she'd heard, Nephilim were bloodthirsty, so much so that only four remained. If it was true, did he have the same bloodthirst? Did he suppress it? How did he suppress it?
Drinking? Sex? Surely, he couldn’t have put all of his time and energy into work, right? If he did… I didn’t want to think of how backed up he must be. Unless he mas-
“Earth to Aziza? Hello?” I flinched as Saf waved her hands in front of me, pulling me from my inappropriate thoughts.
“Huh?” I mumbled. She rolled her eyes and sat back down, polishing off the burger.
“I was saying, I want you to be careful. Getting involved with your boss won’t end well for you, and you need this job; we need you to have this job.” I frowned again and nodded, noticing the dark circles under her eyes.
“Don’t worry, I won’t.” She gave me an unsure look but nodded anyways. “Where’s Neema, by the way?” I wanted to change the subject as quickly as possible.
“She’s spending the night at some friend’s house. I want her to be able to eat a nice meal, so I let her go.” That wasn’t surprising; Neema always had at least three sleepovers a month so she could eat when we were running low on food.
“More ramen for us,” I joked. Safiya laughed and agreed, both of us settling down to watch a random crime show she put on. I couldn’t focus on it though. My thoughts kept drifting back to Death and Safiya’s suggestion. Did he really want to have sex with me? Why? I mean, I wasn’t a bad looking person at all, but I was just a human.
Not only that, but we’d barely known each other; he didn’t seem like the kind of man to just sleep with anyone. What if he did want me? What if he tried something at the party? Would it be okay to turn him down? Would I even want to turn him down? I thought back to his ass and felt my face warm; I didn’t need to be thinking of my boss’s butt. Nor did I need to be thinking of shredding his tidy suit off of him to get a nice look at what was underneath.
I wasn’t thinking of that, nope. I was watching TV with my big sister, that was all.
Somehow, I ended up falling asleep in the recliner. When I woke up later that night, my back was aching. As was my neck, my hips, and my legs. Not the best place to fall asleep. I twisted myself out of the chair and shuffled to my room, hearing light snores coming from Safiya’s. What a bitch, not waking me up so I could sleep in my own bed comfortably. I cracked a small smile and slipped into my room, crawling into bed. I pulled my phone out of my pajama bottoms pocket and unlocked my phone, seeing one new email.
Please send me your measurements -Amber
I exhaled deeply and shot off a reply, dropping the device onto my nightstand. I pulled the covers up over my head and fell back asleep, fiery eyes invading my dreams.
The next day was not any better. I woke up five minutes late and rushed to get to work. I changed my shirt and swept a mascara wand through my lashes, makeup still caked on from the previous day, and ran out the door. I missed my bus and had to run through the crowded streets, ducking and weaving through and under angels, demons, humans, and giant wings. I bumped into a few random pedestrians and nearly got coffee spilled on me. I felt like I’d ran a marathon by the time I got into work, my purse hanging by my wrist. Nora was soon right next to me with a fresh cup of coffee from the local vendor down the street. I took a sip, tasting chocolate, caramel, and coffee, and moaned happily.
“You’re a godsend,” I told her, falling into my chair. She laughed and took her seat, drinking from her own cup.
“I figured when I saw you running for the office that I should grab you a cup,” she said.
“Marry me.” She laughed and I smiled, sipping from my little cup of heaven.
“You’re lucky Death isn’t here yet; otherwise he might have thrown you out on sight.” I choked back a laugh and my smile widened.
“I tried my best, okay?” I gestured to my outfit. “I only had time for a shirt change and a quick comb through the hair.”
“Honey, it looks like a rat got caught all up in there.” My hands flew to my hair and I groaned, feeling the dark curls sticking out everywhere. I cursed and Nora laughed, pulling a pack of scrunchies out of her bag. “I always keep some on me, in case of emergency.” She pulled off a purple one that matched my top and handed it to me. I thanked her and quickly grabbed my hair up, twisting it into some kind of presentable bun. I looked to her for approval and she gave me two thumbs up, settling my nerves a little. She looked to the side and her smile slowly fell, her lips forming a thin line. I followed her gaze and sighed when I saw who she was looking at. Strife had just walked in, dusty rose colored suit jacket slung over his shoulder and sunglasses sitting atop his head. He sauntered over to the desk and looked at Nora, his smile widening.
“Hey, Nora,” he said. She shrunk slightly in her seat and smiled politely.
“Hello, Sir,” she replied, her voice as sweet as ever. “How may I help you today?”
“We’re here to see our brother, is he in?” We? I finally noticed the behemoth behind him, my eyes widening. He was tall, taller than both brothers, white hair longer than Death’s pulled back into a bun with strands spilling out. His eyes reminded me of an angel, a strange blue tint to them, and there was a peculiar marking on his face that almost glowed orange. He was like a modern-day Hercules.
“I’m afraid not.” Strife frowned and finally noticed me, the smile immediately coming back.
“Hey, Death’s side piece,” he teased. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from throwing an insult his way. “You got the job, huh? Good on you; my brother usually doesn’t change his mind. He must love you.” I felt my face grow warm, thinking back to last night, and rolled my eyes.
“A pleasure to see you again, Strife,” I said, greeting him with an unamused smile. “You can wait for your brother in the lobby or I can find an empty office for you if you’d like.”
“Hmm… I think we’ll wait in his office.” Strife pushed away from the desk and started to take a step towards the elevator when Hercules put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.
“We can wait in the lobby,” he said, an annoyed tone to his voice. “I’m sure he won’t be long.” Strife groaned and looked back at his brother.
“C’mon, War, just this once? I want to snoop through his things. Maybe we can get past Amber with two of us-”
“I said you can either wait in the lobby or I can find an empty office for you to wait in,” I spoke up, gritting my teeth. Strife and War both ignored me.
“We wait.” Strife shook off his brother and sighed, slumping.
“You never want to have any fun. That’s why I’m the favorite brother, you know.” War and I both scoffed and Strife looked between us, pouting slightly. He puffed his chest up and threw his hands in the air. “Screw it, I’m waiting in his office.” He started towards the elevator again and I stood quickly, running after him.
“You can’t! Stop!” I ran in front of him and put my hand on his chest, halting him. He looked from my hand to my face, a smirk forming on his lips. He looked more amused than anything.
“Listen, girlie-”
“It’s Aziza.”
“Listen, Aziza, you’re cute, alright? But I need to get up there and do some snooping, so if you’ll excuse me…” He brushed me aside with ease and patted my head, continuing towards the elevators. Alright, I’ve had it with this guy! I ran and jumped up, wrapping my arms around Strife’s neck. He yelped and stumbled back, shouting curses. “What the-?”
“You’ll wait in the lobby or I can find you an empty office,” I grunted, gripping tighter as he tried to shake me off.
“War, help!” I heard no movement, but did hear a chuckle. Strife reached around, trying to grab at me. “How can a tiny human be so strong?” He stumbled into a wall, my side connecting with it, and I slid down slightly. My hands were gripping the collar of his shirt which had been pulled back and was now choking him. We were like that for a minute before I heard a loud, tired, familiar sigh.
“I just walked in,” Death said. I tipped my head back to see the Nephilim standing next to his brother, a cup of coffee in his hands. “Five seconds; I couldn’t even make it five seconds.”
“Sir!” I exclaimed. He smirked in amusement and turned his head a little.
“Miss Banks, what are you doing?”
“Uh, well…” I felt my face grow warm, the sound of Strife’s choking filling the silence. He managed to grab a hold of my shirt and yanked me off, stumbling forward and gasping for breath. I hit the ground hard and looked up at my boss, my face burning. “Your brother was trying to go into your office while you weren’t there. So, I, uh, I stopped him.”
“She did more than that,” Strife gasped, leaning against the wall. “She nearly killed me!” Death rolled his eyes at his brother and walked over to me, offering me a hand. I took it and he pulled me up with ease, like I was nothing more than a doll.
“Good.” Death patted my shoulder and moved past me, heading to the elevator. “You might yet become a permanent addition after all, Miss Banks.” I smiled after him. I looked away and saw that War was staring at me, a suspicious look on his face. I gave him an anxious smile and nodded, scurrying back to my chair. He followed after his brothers without giving me a second glance.
I fell into my seat with a grunt, kicking my heels off. “That was amazing,” Nora giggled. I smiled at her and shook my head, rubbing my temples.
“What an idiot I am,” I laughed, sitting up.
“Well, at least you aren’t in trouble.”
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k-popscenxrios · 5 years
Didn’t Ask For This Pt 7 (Roommate!JK x OC)
A/N: It’s your local slacker here! Get ready, because this chapter is probably the best yet. I feel like I say that with every post, but I honestly feel that way! Anyway, on with the show! ;p
Summary: “I didn’t know you hated me so much,” he spoke as he grabbed my wrist and once again turned me around to face him, “and quite honestly, I don’t think I’ve done anything horrible enough for you to hate me to the degree that you do.” “You say that like the hate isn’t mutual,” I remarked as he shook his head. There was a bitter smile on his face as he took a deep breath, “I think you are quite honestly one of the worst human beings I’ve had to come in contact with.”
6.3k words | drama ✞ | fluff ♡ | slight mature themes ✗
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | Finale
⇨ Masterlist ⇦
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”Hey Tae,” I smiled as I walked in the door. Jungkook walked in behind me as Taehyung glanced up at the two of us. He seemed to be a little more tense than normal, and I felt worry bubble in my stomach.
I walked over to him and sat down on the couch next to him. He tried to give me a smile, but I could tell that it was forced.
“Is everything okay?” I asked as Taehyung took a deep breath. I looked over at Jungkook as he also seemed to grow concerned at his friends sad state.
“Well, work was just plain horrible,” Taehyung bitterly laughed as I frowned and grabbed his hand to comfort him, “it’s my own fault, really. I kinda deserved it.”
“I doubt that very seriously,” I squeezed his hand, “Just tell us what happened.”
Taehyung walked in the door to his workplace as he felt nerves bubble in his stomach. He was working a shift with Jennie and Hana.
Hana was one of the sweetest girls that he had ever met. She was an old high school acquaintance, and when he started his job at the coffee shop, she was very nice to teach him all the ins and outs of the store. He already knew what he needed to brew the coffees, so she spent more time giving him tips on how to deal with certain coworkers.
When she started going over what to do and not do around Jennie, the atmosphere between them seemed to shift. Taehyung became more aware of the fact that he was working with Jennie than he was of the words Hana was saying to him.
When he met up with Jennie, she was quick to start flirting with him a decent bit. She was very eager to have a conversation with him, which in hindsight, Taehyung was pretty sure that she just wanted back in Jungkook’s life. It would explain why she seemed so excited that the two of them were not only still friends, but best friends.
Because of being blinded by Jennie and her sudden interest in him, Hana has become a second thought. Taehyung wasn’t even sure if he’d actually properly had a conversation with her after Jennie and him began flirting.
He was determined to not only apologize to the poor girl, but to ask her out on a date. He was terrified that it wasn’t going to go well, but he wasn’t going to flake out of it.
It wasn’t long before he spotted Hana standing in the back near one of their training computers. She was probably tasked with assigning the other new employees their training modules online, as well as running a few of them through a few demonstrations with their machines.
“Hey, Hana,” Taehyung greeted with a small smile as she spun around with a surprised look on her face. He didn’t fail to notice the hint of red in her cheeks over him speaking to her. “I don’t know how to best start this, but I just wanted to apologize to you.”
She slightly frowned and glanced behind him before looking in his eyes again.
“I’ve been pretty rude to you, and I have no excuse for it. I would love to take you out for dinner tonight if you’re free.”
She opened her mouth with a shocked expression on her face. She seemed almost upset over his words, and Taehyung felt himself grow increasingly nervous.
“I’m sorry, Taehyung,” she swallowed and slightly grimaced, “I’ve actually got a date tonight, already. He was the class president in high school if you remember him… Kim Namjoon?”
Taehyung raised his eyebrows and opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Namjoon? That guy? Now that Taehyung thought about it, he didn’t have a clue what that man was up to, anymore. Hoseok has been the Vice President if their class senior year, and that was Taehyung’s only tie to the guy.
“How is he?” Taehyung tried to change the subject, and Hana didn’t fail to notice why.
“He’s good. I haven’t seen him since high school, but I ran into him at the Apple Store. He works there now. He’s actually the one who fixed my phone.” Hana slightly blushed in embarrassment as Taehyung took a deep breath.
“He’s working at Apple? Just as a tech guy or…?”
“Pretty sure he’s the manager there,” Hana looked down. Taehyung bit his tongue as he just nodded and took a deep breath.
“That’s really awesome for him. Tell him Taehyung said hi when you see him tonight.”
Taehyung wasted no time turning around and almost rushing away. Hana reached out and called out his name to stop him from rushing off, but he was out of the back room before her voice left her throat.
I took a deep breath and wrapped an arm around Taehyung’s shoulders. He tried to seem like he was okay, but I could see through him easily.
“She’s probably making out with him at his unnecessarily large house that he has downtown,” Taehyung sad bitterly as I ran my fingers through his hair to try and relax him.
“Taehyung, stop,” I spoke softly, “so what if he might have more money than you? Plus, there are plenty of girls out there. You didn’t even mention this girl to me when you were in school.”
Taehyung stayed quiet at that fact.
“She’s not the only person out there. There are so many beautiful girls that are just waiting for Kim Taehyung to fall for them.”
Taehyung looked over at me and smiled sadly. He grabbed my hand that was playing with his hair and pulled it down to rest on his shoulder.
“I love you, Ari,” he squeezed my hand as I leaned in and placed a kiss on his forehead.
“I love you, too,” I responded after placing the kiss. We pulled away from each other afterward just for us to sit in silence.
“I talked to Hoseok about you,” Taehyung spoke up as both Jungkook and I seemed to simultaneously stiffen.
“What’d he say?” I was dying to look Jungkook’s way, but I was not about to freak Taehyung out. He was already upset as it is.
“He said that he was going to text you when he got home tonight. He wants to go on a real date with you,” Taehyung smiled excitedly as I tried to mimic his excitement. It’d be my first real date…
But something in my gut made me feel guilty. What did I have to feel guilty about? This really sweet, really smart guy wants to go on a real date with me!
I gave in to my urges as I looked Jungkook’s way. I couldn’t help but feel my heart being squeezed as I realized that Jungkook was indifferently scrolling through his phone. He didn’t seem to care.
...and who as I kidding? Why did I care what he was thinking or feeling? We hate each other…
I glanced at my phone, but I still didn’t have any messages. I couldn’t help but feel a little nervous about what Taehyung said. Shouldn’t he be home by now?
“Have you gotten a text?” Taehyung asked as I looked up with slightly wide eyes. I was staring at my phone a little too long…
“Yeah!” I lied as I tried to glance at Jungkook discreetly, “I didn’t think anything of it, but he sent one a bit ago. It was from an unknown number, so I didn’t open the message.”
“I’m so happy for you,” Taehyung ruffled my hair as I pouted and moved away from his hand.
“Thanks, now I’m going to my room to change. Don’t bother me.”
“Wasn’t planning on it,” Jungkook mumbled as Taehyung just laughed. I swallowed and glared his way before rushing off to my room.
It was weird having a shift without seeing Chaeyoung or Jungkook, but it was actually kind of nice. I was able to focus more on getting the job done in a timely manner instead of being distracted.
I was working the same shift as Yoongi, but he was working concessions while I was, like usual, cleaning.
It wasn’t a very busy day, to my relief, making the shift an easy one. It didn’t take me more than five minutes to clean each theater.
I was about to mark today as a very uneventful day, but when my eyes met the eyes of my old friend, Soomin, my eyes widened. A million emotions flowed within me as a huge smile appeared on her face. She rushed up to me with excitement as I smiled and tried to not freak out on the outside.
“Ari!! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you!” She opened her arms up for a hug as I responded by leaning in and wrapped my arms around her, “How have you been?”
“Pretty good,” I nodded as we pulled away from the hug, “What about you? Are you having fun at college?”
“Are you kidding?” Soomin leaned forward and her eyes grew wide with excitement, “College is the best! I have never had this many friends at once! Not to mention that I have several hot guys that are hitting on me all at once.”
“Wow,” I swallowed as I raised my eyebrows, “Sounds like you’ve been living it up!”
“Hell yeah!” She glanced around and spotted Yoongi behind one of the registers, “I see Yoongi still works here, too. Any luck?”
I shook my head and shrugged, “No. We’ve talked about it, but we’re just not right for each other.”
Soomin pursed her lips in disappointment as she seemed to be racking her brain for another topic to catch up on.
“How’s Taehyung?” she smiled as I felt relieved at her topic choice. As much as I was dying to ask, I was terrified to talk about Jungkook with her.
“He’s great! He’s actually home for the summer,” I informed as Soomin’s expression very subtly shifted to a grimace.
“You wanna know who else is home? Jeon Jungkook. I ran into him while getting groceries. He didn’t even seem to remember me,” she crossed her arms across her chest, “The guy’s an ass, but he’s so damn hot. It’s like he knows I could never hate him…”
“Whoa,” I held up a hand to stop her, “Jungkook… this guy ruined your high school experience and you don’t hate him?”
“Maybe he did,” Soomin nodded and slightly shrugged, “But I kinda see things the way he did now that I’m the one breaking the hearts.”
“That’s not a good thing,” I shook my head and creased my eyebrows. “You don’t want to be like him.”
“But if I am, he’s more likely to give me another chance, right?” Soomin winked as I gave her an incredulous look.
“Have you gone mad? No! He’s not going to have any interest in you just because you might act like he used to.” I shook my head and put a hand on my forehead. This girl was making my head hurt.
“I know there are other guys out there, but none of them have any competition with Jungkook. I mean, if you had slept with him like I did, you would understand that you can’t not live with someone as delicious as him.”
I felt disgust wash over me as I just looked at my old friend with a sad expression. I was relieved at first to see that she was having fun at college, but this was too much. Jungkook was not worth this… and he certainly won’t look her way like she wants him to…
“Soomin, you’re talking crazy here,” I shook my head, “Jungkook is the bane of your existence!” I swallowed as Soomin just laughed and looked away from me.
“I love you, Ari,” she put a hand on my shoulder as I looked down at it, “but you’ll just never understand. Jungkook is just… on another level. I love to love him.”
“Okay,” I laughed and drew a line through the air with my hand, “Screw that. Screw all of this.”
Soomin retracted her hand from me as I tried to calm myself down. Her eyes grew wide as she realized just how… angry her words were making me. “Ari…”
“This guy is literally the worst. He’s selfish and possessive, and he will never admit when he’s wrong even when he clearly is,” I rambled on as Soomin uncomfortably looked behind me. She opened her mouth to say something, but I cut her off.
“No, listen to me,” I glared as she just swallowed and closed her mouth again. Her eyes didn’t meet mine again, but I continued anyway, “This guy ruined you for nearly three years of your life, and he doesn’t even remember what you did! He only sees things in the interest of himself, and himself alone.”
“A-Ari,” she spoke as I sighed and looked in the direction of her eyes. My whole being stiffened when my eyes locked onto the eyes of the man who is just been insulting. “You didn’t mention that he works here.”
I swallowed and felt literal fear in my gut as Jungkook’s eyes pierced into mine. “I know you hate me, but you don’t have to lie about me to girls who are interested.”
I clenched my fist as my nails painfully dug into the skin on my palm. I tried not to back down as I looked at him, but his eyes scared me. He’s never looked at me like that before. “I’m trying to save her from being used by you again.”
“Who said I’d use her?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow and took a few steps closer in my direction. I took a few steps back, but when my back hit the drink counter behind me, I had nowhere to run. “You sure like to jump to conclusions.”
“Don’t you dare,” I whispered at him with a glare on my face. A sadistic smirk leaked into his features as he took a step uncomfortably close to me.
“You can’t tell me what to do,” he eyed Soomin for a couple seconds before looking back down to me.
“You called her a crazy bitch,” I whispered desperately feeling my whole being shake, “You publically humiliated her because of how much you hated her.”
“I humiliated her because she didn’t sleep with just me.”
My eyes widened as I felt rage burn in my chest. I wanted to hit him and curse him, but we were in the middle of the lobby. I was not about to cause people to complain about disgruntled employees arguing while they were supposed to be working.
“Why the hell didn’t you tell me this a week ago?” I felt my voice waver as I tried to stay calm.
“You wanna know who else slept with her?” Jungkook’s sadistic smile was making me increasingly upset. I didn’t like this smile…
I barely even had the brain capacity to realize that his cologne was filling my every sense. He definitely put on two times the amount that he normally does.
“Quite honestly, no,” I spoke as I tried to push the thought of his cologne out of my head. He’d smelled like this when he first got up in my personal space. Why was it affecting me so much right now?
“You wanna tell her?” Jungkook glanced over at Soomin as I looked at her with the same torn and confused look. “If not, I will.”
“Jungkook, just go away,” I slightly pleaded, but he wasn’t having it. He was not just pissed, he was furious.
“I want you to guess,” he looked down at my hands as they started to fidget nervously, “it’s someone my age…”
“Stop,” I shook my head as Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair.
“He’s a little taller than me,” Jungkook continued before placing a hand on the counter behind me.
“Jungkook, this isn’t funny,” I pleaded as he gripped the counter until his knuckles turned white.
“He has the same family name as you. What a coincidence, right?”
“You’re such an asshole,” I whispered as I shoved him away from me. I looked across the lobby to see Yoongi looking my way, and I didn’t hesitate to rush his way. I sent one more glance Soomin’s way as I felt my heart rip out of my chest.
“I didn’t get to tell you who it was, Ari!” Jungkook called out, pulling a lot of attention to the two of us. I was just thankful that there weren’t a lot of people in the lobby at this moment.
“Go to hell,” I spoke as I felt tears about to break through. No, I was not about to cry in front of this man. I was not about to go through him faking concern just to get me to depend on him. I was starting to see through his games.
“So if you have a right to hate me so much for this, it’s only fair to show this other guy just as much hate.”
I was sick of being manipulated by this douchebag.
I opened the door to the back room and spotted Yoongi immediately. I rushed his way, and he let me crash into him, giving him a hug that I really needed.
“Why is life so unfair?” I spoke with a weak voice, “Th-there’s no way that my best friend slept with… with…”
“You don’t have to say it,” Yoongi spoke into my hair, “I’m sure she didn’t do it to hurt you.”
“That explains why she never talked to me about it,” I continued talking into his shirt and I squeezed him to me, “she didn’t want me finding out that she turned around and also slept with her own best friend’s brother!”
Yoongi stayed quiet at my words as I took a deep breath. Some tears leaked from my eyes and I let them soak into his shirt. I needed to calm down before Jungkook decided to follow me back here to shout more insensitive accusations at me.
I lightly pulled away from Yoongi as he continued to look at me. He grabbed one of my hands and ran his thumb against the back of my hand. “I’m sorry, Ari…”
“God, I hate him,” I shook my head and violently wiped away my tears, “I hate that bastard. He’s toying with me and he’s having so much fun doing it.”
Yoongi stayed silent as I moved my hand out of his, “I keep thinking that we can get along and actually be civil with one another, but something always happens to make everything turn to hell.”
“Ari…” Yoongi started, but I wasn’t done.
“I don’t want to be in love with him.”
The room grew incredibly silent at my words as the both of us stiffened. Neither of us could believe what I had just admitted. I was having trouble deciphering what exactly I meant when I said that.
“No, I’m not…” I shook my head and laughed bitterly, “I’m not in love with that guy… I’m in love with the idea of him.”
“That idea?” Yoongi sounded more confused than ever, “When has that guy showed you any redeeming qualities? He just seems like a huge ass to me.”
“When he needs to be, he’s really… soft. He says the sweetest things that make me feel good inside,” I explained, “but those moments are miniscule to the amount of times that he’s pissed me off.”
“So minuscule that I didn’t know those moments existed,” Yoongi commented as I stiffened. The door to the back room was being pushed open, and I hurried to sniff and wipe all my tears away. It wouldn’t take a genius to notice that I had cried a little just by looking at my eyes, but Jungkook didn’t seem to notice.
He stayed silent and walked over to the computer to clock in. I swallowed and looked at Yoongi as Yoongi opened his mouth to say something.
“I didn’t know you were working today.”
Jungkook looked up at the two of us as he eyed me for a little longer, “I’m covering for Jaemi. She called in sick.”
I felt my dread grow as I realize that for the last two hours of my shift, I have to work on cleaning theaters with this guy.
“Great,” I nodded as I spoke through my teeth. It was starting to feel like he did this on purpose. “We’ll just split the theaters or something.”
Yoongi and I both raised our eyebrows at Jungkook as I dared myself to open my mouth.
“Excuse me? I’m the one in charge, so I make the decisions.” I swallowed and felt my eyes narrow him, “I don’t think we’ll get much done with the two of us working together.”
“How do you know that I’ll actually clean the theaters if you aren’t there to supervise me? If the theaters don’t get clean, it’ll be all on you since, you know, you’re the one in charge.”
...what a manipulative…
“C’mon man, she obviously doesn’t want to deal with you today. Cut her some slack,” Yoongi stood up for me as Jungkook looked at him. He didn’t say anything for several seconds before he took a deep breath and pulled his phone out.
“Fine. I’ll just go ask for my own theater schedule,” he spoke as he turned around and walked out of the room. I took a deep breath and swallowed, trying to calm myself down.
“Thank you,” I smiled Yoongi’s way, but the smile was weak and pathetic.
“No problem,” he nodded, “but I should get back to work. Seokjin has been on my back recently about slacking off.”
“Sounds about right,” a real laugh left my throat as my smile slowly filled out into a real one, “promise me that you’ll wait for me before you go home? You’re scheduled to get off around the same time as me.”
“I’ll wait, don’t worry.”
With that, I made my way out of the back room, only to come face to face with the girl who I used to call my best friend.
“Ari…” she swallowed as I looked away from her, “I’m sorry I never told you… We had gotten drunk at someone’s house and made a huge mistake.”
“But why… why did Jungkook announce it to the whole school?” I felt myself growing increasingly curious for the answer.
“He walked in on Taehyung and I… he got really pissed because I had slept with him the night before. He started yelling and called me a bitch… I don’t remember much else since I was drunk, but I know I made him upset and angry.”
I felt my eyebrows furrow, “He was mad that his one night stand slept with his best friend. Am I right on that?”
Soomin nodded and started playing with the hem on her shirt, “I tried to apologize to him, but he was so pissed that he didn’t listen. He shouted our secret out to the lunchroom because he was mad at not just me. He was also mad at Taehyung.”
I felt my brain having a hard time comprehending why Jungkook would be so mad over something like that. I was justified on why I was upset because that was my brother for goodness sake, but…
“Did Jungkook like you?” I bluntly asked as Soomin bit her lip. She took a deep breath and her eyebrows furrowed.
“I’m not sure… I know that he was the best sex I’ve ever had, but I’m not sure if he feels the same way,” she answered honestly as I took a few deep breaths. “I… told him that I didn’t want a relationship so that he would sleep with me, and it didn’t take me long to cave and tell him that I did want to date him.”
“Obviously he rejected me,” she continued before wrapping her arms around herself, “and I got so upset that I told myself that I was going to sleep with someone else. I didn’t seek Taehyung out, but when I spotted him, I thought…” she swallowed as I looked down and put a hand on my forehead, “I’m really sorry, Ari.”
“Setting all this crap aside,” I took a deep breath and moved my hand to the back of my neck, “why would you want to date him still?”
“I don’t know,” she shook her head and looked in the direction of the office. Jungkook was walking out of it, and I felt nauseous when our eyes locked on to one another’s. “There’s just something about him that has me coming back to him.”
Jungkook continued to look at me as I could have sworn I saw his eyes soften. I thought that he was going to walk back over to us, but when he turned around and walked toward the theaters, I felt my heart drop.
“Ari…” Soomin called as I snapped my attention back on her, “If you can’t forgive me after finding out about this, I understand… but I just want you to know that I’m sorry.”
I felt words coming out of my mouth before I had any chance to stop them, “Don’t touch Jungkook.”
Her eyebrows furrowed as I felt my face heat up. There was no use in trying to cover up my blunder, “I’ll forgive you if you move on from Jungkook.”
Soomin didn’t seem to know what to say to that as she narrowed her eyes into mine. She looked like she was thinking as she pursed her lips.
“Now… why would you care about Jungkook and I?” she continued to keep the same serious expressions on her face as I tried my hardest to not get flustered.
“I just don’t want him messing with you again. He’s done enough damage to the both of us,” I spoke with a steady voice. I felt my expression harden as Soomin seemed to believe me, “He’s not worth it.”
Soomin slowly nodded and looked off in the direction that Jungkook had just gone in. “I guess that’s fair… but I can’t promise you anything.”
I felt my heart drop at her words as she started to move away from me, “But I have to go. I promised to meet a guy somewhere nearby so I thought I’d come to say hi to you…”
I took a deep breath as my eyebrows creased. I hated to end things off on this note with her, but I wasn’t about to hold her up, “Okay… I’ll see you.”
She just nodded and walked out the front doors a couple seconds later. I felt nerves swallow me whole as I thought about the whole situation. I wanted more than anything to change my feelings for Jungkook. I’d prefer Yoongi any day…
Jungkook and I had barely seen each other for the entirety of the two hours he’d been here, and it was finally time for me to head out. I was eager to get home just so that I could curl up in my room and watch anything to get my mine off of this.
I had been finishing my last theater when Jungkook walked in to help out. We’d split the theaters up, but Jungkook got done with his before I got done with mine.
We didn’t say anything to each other as we finished up our job and started walking down the steps in the theater.
“Don’t mention any of that to Taehyung,” Jungkook broke the silence with a soft voice. His tone told me that he wasn’t trying to start an argument.
“Why not?” I asked, trying to not snap at him. I was still upset about how… harshly he put everything.
“I wasn’t supposed to tell you,” he confessed as I stopped walking and looked his way. I leaned against the wall behind me as Jungkook stopped walking and turned around to face me.
“Then why did you?” I let go of my broom and dustpan, setting them against the wall behind me.
Jungkook took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling in distress, “I was sick of you constantly arguing with me over that instance. It didn’t used to bother me back when Taehyung originally told me to never tell you, but it was just getting ridiculous.”
I swallowed and looked down.
“You’ve been hating me so much all this time, and how does it feel to finally know the truth? Your own brother is who this should be directed at,” Jungkook spoke, his voice growing more and more upset.
“Jungkook, just because you weren’t in the wrong for this one instance doesn’t make you a better person in my eyes,” I shook my head as I tried my best to glare at him, “You’ve been excessively rude at me, and quite frankly, you can be really hurtful.”
Jungkook dropped his broom and dust pan and slowly walked in my direction, “You say that like you’ve never said anything hurtful to me or about me before. What was that stuff you were saying to Soomin not even three hours ago?”
“You’re still a playboy, Jungkook,” I laughed, but it was humourless, “You just wanted my best friend for sex, and when she gave it to you, you were done with her.”
“How do you even know that I still do shit like that?” Jungkook slightly glared as he moved suffocatingly close to me again. His feet were only a foot away from me as I swallowed and leaned further into the wall, “If you get to call me a playboy, then does that give me the right to call you a loner?”
“What proof do you have that you don’t just sleep with random girls anymore? You’re off at college for God’s sake! All people do is have sex and complain about high tuition.” I shot back as I tried to not focus on the loner comment.
Jungkook stayed quiet for a couple seconds as his eyes continued to pierce mine. I felt my nerves increase by tenfold as Jungkook took a small step closer to me. His scent was filling all my senses, and my heart was going crazy.
“I guess I don’t have proof, but why do I need to prove anything to you?” he took a deep breath, his voice growing a little softer. “Besides, the only thing I cared about was telling you the truth. Wouldn’t it piss you off if someone went around bad mouthing you because of a misunderstanding?”
“I don’t think I misunderstood you,” I glared his way. I needed to stay strong and not fall for any of his advances. I couldn’t let him win this, “I still have the same opinion of you.”
“Oh, really?” he raised an eyebrow as I nodded and reached out to push him away from me. My hand landed on his chest and began pushing him away. He started to let me push him away, but in one swift motion, he grabbed my hand and pinned it against the wall.
My eyes widened as Jungkook’s grip tightened around my wrist. His free hand reached up and touched my cheek as it took all of my willpower to reach up and remove his hand from me. I looked away from him and once more tried to shove him off me, but he wasn’t having it.
His hand that had caressed my cheek suddenly grabbed my free hand, moving both hands to be pinned beside my head. His body was almost pressed completely against mine as I swallowed and dared myself to look back into his eyes.
“Tell me that you still feel the same way about me.” he mumbled as I felt my heart trying to launch out of my chest, “I want you to spit in my face right now and tell me you hate me.”
I swallowed as he just looked in my eyes. The longer the silence went on, the bigger the smirk on his face grew.
“Cat got your tongue?” he whispered as I took a deep breath. His cologne was the last straw as I swallowed and tried to pull out of his hold.
“I-I hate you,” I spoke in a weak voice as Jungkook just chuckled.
“I’m sure you do,” he was being such a cocky bastard… I wanted more than anything for me to gain super strength to smack the smug look off his face.
His nose brushed against mine as our eyes locked again. His eyes were almost predatory as I felt my nerves spike.
I was not about to become another one of those girls.
“I do,” I spoke, my voice growing in confidence, “I honestly, genuinely hate you.”
Jungkook wasn’t buying it, but he let go of my wrists. He didn’t move away from me as his hands once again moved to caress my face. I felt my heart jump as he held my face with one hand, running his hand through my hair with the other.
This scene felt reminiscent of when we almost kissed yesterday…
Jungkook didn’t say anything as he leaned into me, his lips practically ghosting over mine. His eyes didn’t leave mine as I felt by breaths become shaky. I wasn’t going to let this happen... I wasn’t going to…
“I have to be honest,” Jungkook spoke lowly as his soft and low voice rang in my ears. I didn’t know he could sound so… sexy…
“When I first moved in, I knew you’d be fun to mess with,” he continued as I felt myself growing impatient, “I thought that it would be fun to fight with you since you’re such a child.”
“Jungkook,” I almost whispered, but when his bottom lip ghosted over my top lip, I felt my voice leave me.
“The more I fight with you…” his smirk turned into a genuine smile as I moved my hands to the front of his shirt. He was taking too long. “...the more I think you’re really damn hot.”
Without another second to spare, his lips engulfed mine in a rough manner. He leaned his whole body into me as I pulled him completely against me. I even felt a whimper come from my mouth as Jungkook tilted his head, applying more pressure to the kiss. He pushed me further into the wall, his hands trailing all down my body. I heard a low moan come from his throat as I violently grabbed the collar of his shirt.
I felt myself become slightly clumsy when Jungkook licked my bottom lip, seemingly asking for entrance to my mouth. I’d only briefly kissed one other boy before, and this was completely new territory for me.
“Are you scared of my tongue or something?” Jungkook taunted as I pulled his mouth back onto mine. He let a low growl erupt in his throat as I opened my mouth, allowing him the access that he had asked for before. I felt nerves bubble in my chest as he twirled his tongue around mine, exploring my mouth with his tongue better than I ever had.
His hands that were running up and down my torso were now rooted on my hips as I felt him violently grip at them. He pulled my hips toward his as he leaned into me so far that I started to have to lean back. He smirked against my mouth as I moved my hands into his hair, roughly pulling at his roots.
“Dear God,” Jungkook moaned into me as I swallowed and let a small moan out, myself. His mouth started trailing down my neck as I closed my eyes, running my hands through his soft hair.
“You’re so,” I took a deep breath to hold back from being a moaning mess, “damn annoying…”
“Is that your way of telling me to stop?” Jungkook asked, but he didn’t stop kissing my neck. His tongue even began running along my skin as I felt myself melt into him.
“No,” I simply whined as Jungkook smirked into me. His tongue trialed all the way back up my jaw, and he wasted no time connecting our lips again. I felt my eagerness grow as I daringly wrapped one of my legs around his waist. At my movement, Jungkook pressed himself into me, one of his hands trailing it’s way down to my rear.
“Jungkook-” I felt my face heat up at how desperate I sounded. I felt so embarrassed on how turned on I had gotten, and we were supposed to be working. “Jungkook we’ll get caught if we keep this up.”
“So?” he mumbled against my lips as he captured them yet again. He continued to move his hips into mine as I put my leg back down on the ground.
“K-Kook,” I managed to say through the kiss as he sighed and pulled away from me, “Yoongi might come looking for me if I don’t go clock out in the next minute or two…”
Jungkook took a deep breath and swallowed, pulling away from me. His arms were shaking and he ran his fingers through his hair. I felt my mood shift once he stepped so far away that I couldn’t even smell his cologne anymore…
I was afraid to say anything because what was I even supposed to say after that? I didn’t want to make any good or bad assumptions on what exactly it all meant, and I was embarrassed to think about what would have happened if Jungkook had done this while at home…
I swallowed and shook my head to snap out of it as Jungkook looked my way again.
“I should go,” I whispered and pointed toward the exit, and Jungkook just nodded and waved me off. “I-I’ll see you at home.”
“Yeah,” Jungkook cleared his throat as I noticed his face flush, “See ya’.”
A/N: This chapter was so fun to write dslkjfksjh Now to just wait and see where things go from there! Once again, thank you for reading! x3
⇨ Masterlist ⇦
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mydarlingvioletine · 5 years
Just a Puppy Crush
                     Chapter Five
Ship(s): Clementine/Violet Media: The Walking Dead Game (Season 4)
Lee had brought down a couple bowls of snacks to the kids, earning an angry hiss from Clem when he stepped between her and the projected movie. Louis wasted no time digging his hands into the bowl of Cheetos, orange dust covering his lips and the tips of his fingers.
     Brody looked over at her friend as Clementine turned the lights back on, sighing before taking a napkin and wiping his face. “My God, Lou.”
Violet felt herself yawn before she could stop it. The warmth from the huge fluffy blanket that Carley had brought down to them plus the warmth of Brody and Clementine beside her was enough to put her to sleep there.
      She rubbed her eyes, blinking furiously to wake herself up. Clem watched her with a tired smile, softly humming as she wrapped the blanket around herself.
“Nope. It’s not even eleven, you guys can’t go to sleep yet.” Louis lightly shook Violet’s shoulders, and she gave an annoyed hum, eyes opening reluctantly.
      Brody groaned as Louis started rummaging through his bag, pulling out a deck of cards. “Let’s kick it off with a classic. Truth or dare.”
Violet rolled her eyes, but took a card from the top of the pile when Louis passed it to her. “You don’t use cards in truth or dare.”
          “You do in this version,” Louis grinned, raising his eyebrow at his card. You’d  never expect it, but Louis had a pretty good poker face when he wanted to. “Highest card gets to ask. Lowest card has to answer. You only get one question or dare per turn, so use it wisely.”
Violet looked down at her card, and her heart dropped. A four. A lump formed in her throat as Louis started waggling his eyebrows, mischief in his smile.
       Brody smiled down at her card, slamming it down on the table once Clem had taken her card. A queen.
Louis cleared his throat before lightly setting his card face-up on the coffee table. A King. Brody scowled.
     Clementine reluctantly placed her card down with a comically adorable pout on her face, raising her eyebrow at Louis as to challenge him. “Do your worst.”
Louis’ glance flipped between Violet and Clem, stroking his nonexistent beard in thought. He raised his finger victoriously in the air. “I got it. Dare, obviously. I dare you to....”
      Violet and Louis met eyes, and her heart jumped in her chest. Oh, god.
What was he going to do?
             “Get me some of James’ hair.”
As weird as it was, Violet exhaled in relief, her muscles relaxing as Clementine scoffed, and kicked his shin under the table.
      “I’m not helping you clone my brother,” Clem rolled her eyes, brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes. “Pick something else.”
Louis huffed, disappointed. He pursed his lips in thought, then dropped his eyesight on Violet.
           “Truth, then... Ever have a boyfriend?”
Clementine couldn’t cup her hand over her mouth fast enough to stifle her cackling, pulling her knees to her chest.
        “No- no, no boyfriend...” Clementine managed to utter between laughing fits. “Absolutely not.”
Louis cocked his head, cupping the sides of his face in sudden interest. “How about a girlfriend?”
       Clem rolled her eyes, picking up the deck of cards and setting her other card in the center of the table. The other kids followed suit. “You said one question per turn. Your rules, not mine.”
She passed the deck down to Brody, frowning down at her card. Brody was undeniably jubilant, holding the Ace between her fingers for all to see.
      Violet took a card from the stack, eyes flicking down to it. She twisted the card away from Brody, who was making obvious attempts at looking at everyone’s cards.
Clementine reluctantly set her card down on the table, crossing her arms and tapping her foot impatiently.
      “Oho, what are the chances?” Louis teased, picking up Clem’s two, a big shit-eating grin on his face.
“Howzaboutit, Clem? Have you ever had a girlfriend?” Brody asked, chewing on the edge of her card.
     Clementine’s expression dropped, and she let her head rest on her knees. She closed her eyes for a second before taking a shaky breath.
Violet nudged an already regretful Brody, who’s goofy demeanor quickly changed as she saw Clem lose her spark. “I’m sorry... you don’t have to answer, I’m really sorry. How about... um... what’s your favorite color?”
     Clem raised her head, a soft smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Don’t sweat it, Brody. I’ve never had a girlfriend, either. There was.. this girl I liked back at the home I was in, a long time ago. Her name was Sarah.. Her biological father regained custody of her before we could really get that close.”
Violet pursed her lips, before she set her card down on the scrap pile in the center. “Purple.”
Clementine rolled her eyes, shifting into a criss-cross applesauce position. “You asked about my favorite color. It’s purple.”
      Violet felt a kick under the table, and didn’t have to look up from the card in her hands to know it was Louis.
Brody snorted, taking a card from the top of the pile. Clementine groaned, throwing her card over her shoulder. “Your cards are fucking rigged, Lou.”
     “The cards just aren’t in your favor, Clem.” Louis sneered, placing his Jack down on the table. Violet grimaced as he held up the card she’d tossed. A three.
“Just get it over with.” Clementine sighed with annoyance, resting her head on her hands.
      Louis brightened up instantly, his posture straightening as he tapped his finger on his chin. His gaze flashed towards Violet, with a quick wink.
“Clem, you’ve been at Ericson’s for a little while. Anybody here you like-like?”
      Violet scoffed at his word choice, taking the pressure off of Clem as she stared at the card in her hand. “Seriously? ‘Like-like’? What are you, six?”
“Seven, thank you.” Louis grinned, resting his hand on his leg and tapping his knee.
      Clementine’s voice was soft and cautious, but almost a little bit exhilarated, like she’d been waiting to say something.
“Yeah, I’ve definitely got feelings for someone.” Clem practically whispered, before scratching the back of her head.
      “Oho! Who is it?” Louis pretty much squealed like he won the lottery, and a quick smile that Clementine couldn’t hide took over her face.
         “Nope, not telling.”
She said that, but there was an overwhelming feeling in Violet’s stomach that she already knew who it was, and that someone was sitting across from her, twirling one of his dreadlocks in his fingers.
       Violet cleared her throat before taking another card from the pile, hiding her disappointment behind a phony smile. “I win.” She set down her Ace card.
“And poor Brody loses.” Louis noted, nudging the red-headed girl beside him. Brody smiled encouragingly at Violet, hands folded together.
      “Alright, I’ve got one,” Violet said, tapping her nails on the coffee table. “Brody, you document everything and you’ve been here the longest. How about you tell us what you thought of us when we first got here? First impressions, that kinda stuff.”
Brody brightened up, digging into her backpack and pulling out a diary, so worn out you couldn’t even make out her name on it anymore. Louis winced, ducking his head as she started flipping pages.
      Brody, barely able to hold in her excitement, cleared her throat, her finger tracing one of the first pages of her journal.
“First up, Louis,” Brody grinned, holding the journal under the light so she could read the old, scraggly handwriting. “‘A new kid was dropped off today. He seems nice. Kinda loud, but it’s not his fault.’” She flipped a couple pages forward.
     “‘So, the new kid is... interesting. They let him on the announcements because he said he was going to advertise his idea for a new music club. I guess they trusted him enough to let him in the room alone. Marlon was taking him under his wing, and the faculty trusts Marlon. So, he locks the door behind him, right?’”
“Then, he says ‘This one goes out to Mrs. Bradley for failing me on my math test.’ Then all of the sudden, this really profane song blasts through the speakers, while he screams along to it. You could hear everyone trying to get in, yelling and pounding on the door. It cut off with the sound of the door slamming open and a really girly scream. I like the new kid.’”
        Violet and Clementine couldn’t hold in their laughter, as a flustered Louis groaned into his hands. “Marlon got in so much trouble for that. It was dumb of me.”
“Oh, Mrs. Bradley totally deserved it, dude. I stayed post for her, and she refused to be alone in the same room as me.” Violet recalled, ancient anger sparking alive in her eyes. “She found out I was gay, and said she wasn’t comfortable being around me.”
       Louis scoffed, his eyes narrowing again. “In that case, I don’t feel bad for her. Glad her ass got fired.”
Clementine pursed her lips as Brody flipped through a couple dozen pages, tapping the page once she reached an excerpt from January.
        “This one’s about Violet,” Brody explained, squinting her eyes to focus on the chicken scratch. “‘They stuck me with the new girl, and now we’re rooming together. She’s tough and kinda angry, but who wouldn’t be?’”
Clementine’s eyes landed on Violet, Brody’s words sounding like a distant murmur as she studied her features. How she raised her eyebrows at points she recollected, how she chewed on her bottom lip when being reminded of her past self. Her eyebrows knit together, the birthmark that was only visible because she was in a T-shirt.
     Violet’s eyes snapped upwards in a second, meeting hers, and Clem craned her head to the side, feigning interest in Brody’s story. Through her peripheral vision, she saw Vi take a deep inhale, one that moved her entire body. She saw her lean her head on Brody’s shoulder, a small smile on her face as she read aloud.
Clementine wasn’t listening anymore. She was focused on the way Violet tucked her forehead into Brody’s collarbone. She was talking but Clem couldn’t make anything out. They both laughed.
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zenonaa · 5 years
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Read here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18851575 Comments: It has been a while since I wrote something for ML, aha.
As magical ice spread through Paris, gradually consuming everything and everyone, Ladybug and Chat Noir stood on a building, side-by-side. Though their new transformations protected them from falling victim to the akuma’s magic, a frostiness nonetheless hung between them.
“Chat Noir, we need to set up a trap for whoever turned the city into a giant ice rink,” said Ladybug. She hurled her yo-yo. It cut through the air with a loud zip sound, and she readied herself to dash off. Her knees bent. Her brow furrowed.
Next to her, Chat Noir turned his head away and folded his arms over his chest.
“My feline instincts prefer to track and observe before I attack,” he stated. Ladybug hesitated and turned back.
He slid down the roof to a ledge, pointedly refusing to so much as glance at her. His arms uncoupled to dangle by his sides, and he puffed out his chest.
“You go your way,” he said, glaring at the distance, “and I’ll go mine.”
Confusion crumpled Ladybug’s features, and even after she had apprehended his statement, the tension in her face remained. In a purposely light tone, holding back her exasperation as best she could, she said, “Please don’t tell me you’re mad about the rose.”
The rose that he offered to her, and the rose she rejected. Chat Noir tensed, telling her that she was on the mark.
“There may be a certain chill now between us,” he replied stiffly, and he finally looked at her again.
They were so not doing this right now. Ladybug restrained a sigh.
“I get it, but we should really focus on saving Paris right now,” she said. She flicked her wrists, facing her palms up.
Chat Noir’s lips pursed.
“We don’t always have to do everything together. After all, it’s not like we’re a couple,” he told her with a harshness to his eyes.
Then, without waiting for an answer, he jumped down, landing on the pavement. Ladybug leaned forward and reached after him, but of course by that point, he was out of range.
“Chat Noir!” she cried out. She retracted her arm and shook her fists, slouching her shoulders. “Don’t get all pouty on me!”
He skated away, not looking back once. With every stride, the ice hissed as his skates collided with it. The lack of a thud, second set of scraping or whistle of wind told him that Ladybug hadn’t chased after him. Well... good. And just what he expected. And wanted. Yep.
The ice had transformed Paris into an eerie blue realm devoid almost entirely of life. It encased postboxes, lamp posts, cars and people. He passed a woman who had her leg elevated, partway through stepping forward. Near her, a man’s face was scrunched mid-scream. Some people hadn’t realised what was happening, but others seemed to, their faces suspended in indefinite terror.
Silver breaths puffed out of him. His chest still felt tight, even with the increasing distance between himself and Ladybug. After he hurtled through a couple more streets, he skidded to a stop and decided to take to the rooftops. At a greater height, Chat Noir would be able to more easily locate the villain, secretly gauge the guy’s movements and then, at the right moment, strike. He darted into an alley and sprung between two walls, propelling himself higher and higher with every leap until he popped out at the top and arrived on a roof.
Once there, he approached the edge, shielded his eyes with his hand and surveyed the area. No movement, at least in this part of Paris, and other than the wind, no sound. Chat Noir would have to be vigilant as he explored. The lack of activity everywhere didn’t just mean the villain would stick out if nearby, but Chat Noir would too.
While he could flit around the city undetected if he stayed on ground level, being up high provided a less obstructed view and as long as he paid attention to his surroundings and didn’t bound around without checking things out first, he would be better off keeping to the sky. He swiveled his head, eyes screwed up, and deeming it safe, jumped to the next building. The Eiffel Tower stood in the distance. That would be a good place to investigate so Chat Noir started heading there.
Only, once he landed on the next building, he heard a familiar voice.
“Stay back!” cried out not Ladybug, but someone else he knew, who he had been with all day. Kagami.
His eyes widened. He changed direction, sprinting and soaring from building to building as he pursued the voice. Soon, he touched down on a roof and sure enough, there was Kagami, not frozen like most of the residents in Paris. However, she was standing on a small section of uncontaminated roof that rapidly shrunk as the magical ice closed in on her.
Chat Noir rushed forward. Kagami whirled around and she had just laid her eyes on him when he scooped her up. Holding her with one arm, he gripped his baton with his other and extended it. They vaulted onto another building, then he hopped them across a few others all completely covered in ice. The reason he moved them was in case Frozer decided to check on the commotion.
Track and observe. Confront later.
He judged that they were far enough away from where he found her and stopped. Kagami pushed herself away from his chest and he adjusted his hold so he supported her with both arms. She gazed up at him wordlessly. A small smile tweaked the ends of his lips, but her lips didn’t even slightly quiver from their grim arch.
“That was a close one,” he said, for lack of anything else to say.
Silence greeted him initially. Kagami didn’t answer right away.
“Don’t you have a city to save?” she asked bluntly.
He gave a twitch then laughed. It came out forced, because it was.
“Yes, but I couldn’t let you become frozen too,” he explained.
Kagami shrugged, still with that same stern expression. “Why not? You and Ladybug will save the day and restore everything afterwards. I wouldn’t mind.”
She made a valid point, but the mention of Ladybug drew his lips into a pout.
“Why does it have to be me and Ladybug, together?” he asked. “We don’t have to do everything together. We’re not a couple.”
“But you’re a team, aren’t you?” she pointed out.
His pout flattened into a grimace.
“And I never said you were a couple either,” she replied. She cocked her head, eyeing him closely. “It sounds like you have some issues that need resolving after you save Paris.”
He turned his head to the side, clenching his jaw.
“Did you fall out with her?” she asked him.
Her gaze wouldn’t yield.
A beat passed. “Kinda,” he admitted.
Kagami blinked calmly.
“Listen, I don’t know you well enough to give advice, and if I’m honest... I don’t care,” she said.
That stung. Chat Noir winced. When Kagami resumed talking, she spoke with no inflection indicating regret or pity.
“But you have a duty to protect everyone, and if your emotions are getting in the way, then it becomes other people’s business. You mustn’t let your emotions dictate your actions or cloud your judgement,” she said.
At that moment, Chat Noir glimpsed his father in her face, and he felt like he was caged up in his bedroom at home.
“I’m not!” Chat Noir snapped, and right away he realised what he did. He cringed, and softer, he said, “Kagami, I’m sorry, I...”
“Please, you didn’t offend me in the slightest,” she said, unaffected. “The person you should be apologising to is Ladybug, because it sounds like you’re the one who went frosty on her, not the akuma.”
His frown deepened.
“You don’t seem to have good control over your emotions,” she added.
Chat Noir opened his mouth to respond but the first word got caught in his throat. At first, he thought she was wrong. Completely wrong. When he transformed, that was one of the few times he could act out and let loose his emotions. Adrien had to keep them all in, had to be perfect and not let any of his feelings escape lest someone scold him and make him feel ashamed of them...
... ah. Maybe bottling his emotions up wasn’t controlling them, or even managing them. At least, not properly. Not well. When they slipped out, he almost always fell to pieces. He wished he could speak his mind more, and be more open without fear of judgement, punishment or rejection, like... like Marinette, who always stuck by her beliefs, who didn’t just do what was expected of her. Who would go against the crowd if it meant being honest and true to herself.
Marinette... His heart skipped as he imagined her smile, her laugh, her lively unfiltered chatter... She had been at the ice rink too, so probably became frozen near the beginning of the akuma attack.
Luka was a lucky guy to have Marinette’s interest.
“I know it sucks when someone doesn’t return your affections,” Kagami said, drawing him out of his thoughts. She averted her eyes from his face. “In my case, it’s because there’s someone else.”
“Oh...” It escaped him in a breath.
“A person can change their target, but it’s not so simple as saying that,” she admitted, hunching her shoulders. “Even if it makes sense, the heart doesn’t always follow. And if your heart doesn’t want to redirect... dating someone else anyway who you’re not really interested in, and leading them on, maybe hoping you fall in love with them later, will only create a relationship full of cracks.”
Chat Noir was silent. Kagami shifted her gaze back onto him.
“Their heart’s compass may point to you with time, but until then, all you can do is wait and keep your heart open, because you might find someone just as good, or even better, instead,” she said. “You can’t rush it.”
He nodded, and they almost had a moment. Kagami hardened her features and prodded his chest.
“Also, seriously, apologise to Ladybug and save Paris,” she said. “You’ve been a brat. She doesn’t owe you anything.”
Chat Noir flinched, but then smiled a bit.
“I will,” he said, and he chuckled. “And I have been a brat today. Ladybug’s rejection really hurt, but I shouldn’t have lashed out at her for it. We’re a team, and we’re best friends. That means a lot to me.”
Agrestes were soloists in all aspects of life. His heart, therefore, could only be for one person, Ladybug, but he could still appreciate what Kagami told him even though it didn’t apply to him.
“Thanks, Kagami,” he said. He looked away, and his soft smile flatlined.
The Eiffel Tower stood in the distance.
Kagami seemed to read his mind. “You can put me down now.”
Chat Noir tensed. His eyes flickered.
“You need to save the day,” she said firmly.
A pause.
“Okay,” he said.
Chat Noir put her down carefully and dashed off. Ice began to crawl up Kagami’s legs. She ignored it, staring after him, and her pensive expression remained on her face when the ice devoured her whole.
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missblanchette · 5 years
Rumor Has It [6/10]
Series: Hypnosis Mic
Characters: Izanami Hifumi/Yumeno Gentaro; Minor Jinguji Jakurai/Kannonzaka Doppo
Rating: T
Summary: Thousands of hearts broke that day. With tears shed and cries resounding to the heavens, each grief-stricken woman wondered how this could possibly happen. In the year 20XX of the H. Era, Matenrou’s MC GIGOLO and Fling Posse’s MC Phantom were officially in a relationship.
Except they weren’t, actually.
Notes: The first part kiiinda reads like a chat fic LMAO I tried to make the images as small as possible while still being readable, but there’s a link to the high res of the chats if you click on the day of the week!
Words: 3,470 + a looot of text messages lol
ko-fi // Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | You can read this on AO3! Thank you for reading~! Hope you guys enjoy~! ( ゚▽゚)/
Ch. 6: Head Over Heels
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"Er, Hifumi? A little help here?" Doppo said, juggling two bowls of curry udon in his hands.
"Gimme o~ne sec, Doppo-chin," singsonged Hifumi as he snapped pictures of the food. Three weeks wasn't that long in retrospect, but it felt like three decades since he was able to cook anything saucier than omurice. Sure, he couldn't do it all on his own, but with some (read: a lot of) direction, Doppo could whip something up. At the very least, it actually looked like udon and not a glob of goo like that time Doppo heated up cup noodles.
"What are you doing?"
"Sending pics to Yumenon." Hifumi hummed as he scrolled through his camera roll, unsure of which ones to send. They all looked good so he sent every single one. "I told him we were cooking, so I wanted to show him what a great job you did. Oh, I should show Doc, too!"
Hands too busy to hide his face, Doppo looked away. "It's not that great..."
"Of course it is!" Texts sent, Hifumi pocketed his phone and grabbed a bowl from Doppo. Skipping over to the dining room, the savory scent of the broth wafted throughout. "Ooh, smells yummy~"
"I just did what you told me to." Putting down the rest of the food, Doppo busied himself with setting up the table.
"And you're the one who did the actual cooking. It looks great, so be proud of yourself!"
Flopping into his seat, Doppo sighed. "Well, it doesn't matter if it doesn't taste great."
"Aw, c'mon, it's not like you burnt anything this time," Hifumi said, shoving him playfully. "I'm sure it's, like, edible."
Doppo grunted ("Whatever you say" in Dopponese), but he eyed the food nonetheless. Smiling, Hifumi plopped into his seat and clapped his hands together.
"Let's eat, then?"
Doppo followed suit. "Let's eat."
Not wasting a second, Hifumi grabbed his chopsticks and slurped up some udon. The richness of the curry and the mild sweetness hitting his tongue, his eyes widened and he melted into the flavor.
"Oh my God, Doppo-chin, this is good!"
Rubbing the back of his neck, Doppo looked down at his bowl. He hadn't touched his food yet. "You mean that?"
"Why wouldn't I? Like, okay, maybe the noodles are a little too soft and maybe it's kinda salty, but It’s so savory and rich! I gotta let Doc know!"
"You don't have to, it's not that big of a deal --"
"It totally is, it's your first not-crappy meal! Doc's gonna be so impressed~" Faster than Doppo could blink, Hifumi shot Matenrou's group chat with nothing but stickers and cheers for his food. He gasped then, seeing the next name on his contacts. "I'll let Yumenon know, too."
"Yumeno-san, huh..." Brow creasing, Doppo took a bite of his food. "You've been talking to him a lot recently."
All his focus on LINE, Hifumi nodded. "Yeah! He's pretty fun to talk to, actually."
"That's nice..." Trailing off, Doppo tapped his chopsticks against the edge of his bowl in a steady rhythm. "Hey, Jinguji-san and I are planning on going out tomorrow, and we wanted to know if you wanted to come? I know it's tiring staying home all day."
Hifumi's head snapped up. "Boy, do I! Where are we going? Fishing?"
"No fishing for you yet --" Hifumi pouted, to which Doppo huffed out a laugh. "-- but we're going out for lunch."
"Ooh, where? Can we get Italian?"
"Italian sounds good.”
"Yay! How 'bout after? Are we doing anything?"
"We didn't have anything in mind, but we can do something if you want to."
"Why don't we go to Sakuragaoka-cho Street?"
"Sakuragaoka-cho...?" The tapping quickened. "Isn't that in Shibuya?"
"I don't know, Hifumi..."
"Awww, c'mon, Doppo-chin." He took Doppo's hand from across the table and bounced it up and down, putting an end to the tapping. "I think you'll like it there. It's like really pretty and quiet and there's tons of cafes along the street, so you can relax a little! Doc, too."
Lips pursing, Doppo gave him a once over. If he had anything to say, he didn't and welp, that was Doppo for you. Instead, he sighed that sigh of his -- the light, relenting one rather than the heavy, exasperated one. Small as it was, he smiled.
"We'll see," he said, his grip on Hifumi's hand tightening.
The next morning, Hifumi woke up bright and early for the day that awaited him; his excitement made more palpable when he saw he had a text from Gentaro.
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Heart leaping, Hifumi replied immediately.
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Though he was far from impatient, never had waiting for a text felt so long. Tick, tick, tick, the seconds ticked by and --
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His shoulders sagged, lips curling down as he read Gentaro's message. But as he began typing a reply, his phone pinged.
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Perking up, he grinned.
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With that, Hifumi hopped out of bed. Today was already looking to be good, but now it had to be great -- no, amazing! He was going to have fun for two, after all.
It was a once in a blue moon occasion that he was able to hang out with Doppo, let alone him and Jakurai at once. A shame this time was because of his medical leave, but. Whatever. The reason wasn't important. As promised, Doppo and Jakurai took him out for Italian -- the real, fancy kind, much to his delight. What wasn't so delightful, though, was how they paid for his food despite his protests. No matter! He'd just have to get back at them by cooking a super yummy meal the next time they were all able to get together.
Again, he lost two-against-one when deciding what to do after lunch -- or more like Jakurai suggested somewhere else and Doppo went "Anywhere is fine with me, but..." which pretty much meant "Yeah, let's go with Jinguji-san's idea" -- but he couldn't deny that Shinjuku Gyoen was a nice place. What really mattered to him, anyways, was that he was there with Doppo and Jakurai. With an arm linked with each of theirs, even he could appreciate the calm and quiet of the park. How couldn't he, when Doppo’s blood vessels weren’t on the verge of popping for once and Jakurai, too, wasn't tense with stress. Speaking of which...
A grin growing on his face, Hifumi dropped his hands to grab onto Doppo's and Jakurai's. He swung their hands about in an arc once, twice, three times before hopping back from his place in the middle and clasping their hands together.
Pausing, Doppo narrowed his eyes at him. The blush coloring his cheeks didn't help him much, though.
"What are you doing?"
"Hifumi." Despite his glare, Doppo hadn't let go of Jakurai's hand.
"What?" he said, waving him off. "You guys are a couple, so you gotta act like one!"
Doppo heaved a sigh, the exasperated one. "My coworkers already ask me enough about you and Yumeno-san, I don't need them hounding me about Jinguji-san either."
"Actually, Doppo-kun --" Jakurai cut in before Hifumi could speak again. Holding Doppo's hand to his chest, a light pink dusted his cheeks in spite of the calm expression he wore. "-- there aren't too many people out here, so perhaps it wouldn't hurt to indulge in Hifumi-kun for now?"
Stuttering, Doppo's face reddened. "W-Well, I guess not..."
More than happy to play cupid, Hifumi wrapped his arms around them and pushed them forward with a laugh. They chattered on about life and the like as they continued strolling through the park, Hifumi more than eager to listen to Doppo's and Jakurai's work stories since home wasn't exactly the most exciting place. All the while, the wind swept by and sent the sakura petals flying in their direction.
"Maybe we should make you a flower crown, Doc." Hifumi giggled, picking off the petals that'd gotten caught in Jakurai's hair. From his palms, the breeze carried the petals away and they drifted into the sky; counting them off one by one, the scene reminded him of another outing that took place a while ago. "Y'know, this is kinda like when I went out with Yumenon the other day!"
"'Yumenon'?" Jakurai asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Ah, he means Yumeno-san."
"Yeppers! I dropped by Shibuya last week and ran into him."
Jakurai let out a low hum. "I wasn’t aware you two were that close."
"Yeah, we started talking lots after the the whole stabbing incident. Look, see." Pulling out his phone, he opened up his LINE chat with Gentaro and shoved it into Jakurai's face. "Hey, we should take a selfie! Let him know what we're up to."
"Perhaps later, Hifumi-kun." Jakurai's lips tugged up, the smile not quite reaching his eyes. He took a cursory glance at the screen before gently nudging Hifumi's hand away. "While I'm glad you're making friends, I advise you to be cautious around Yumeno-kun."
Hifumi’s steps slowed down, his brows furrowing. "What? Why?"
"Yumeno-kun is a member of Fling Posse, yes?" Blue irises clouding over, Jakurai brought their stroll to a stop. "Then certainly he has agreed to Amemura-kun's terms and Amemura-kun is... not the most trustworthy person out there."
Hifumi pouted. "Aw, Dr. Jakurai..."
"It's weird, though, isn't it?" Doppo piped up. Biting his lip, his gaze shifted from the ground to Hifumi. "That he came to our apartment when he shouldn't have known where we lived? And didn't you say he called you before this whole thing happened? That seems kind of suspicious to me..."
Pout turned frown, Hifumi started shaking Doppo's arm. "I mean... yeah, but...!"
Jakurai placed a hand on Hifumi’s shoulder, calming him down a bit.
"I do not wish to jump to conclusions, but Doppo-kun has a point. All of this seems rather sudden, so I think it would be wise to keep your guard up."
"You guys make it sound like he's some kinda bad guy..."
"Maybe he's not as good as he seems," Doppo said, barely audible.
"Nope!" Hifumi slapped his hands over his ears. "Don't wanna hear it!"
"Hifumi --"
"You guys are taking this waaay too seriously."
Taking a step back, Hifumi met Doppo's gaze, then Jakurai's. He'd seen those wary looks in their eyes before -- too many times to count from Doppo, always there to keep him from jumping headfirst into things; from Jakurai, whenever his past got brought up, regardless of how many reassurances he gave. Usually he could appreciate their levelheadedness, but accusing a friend was different than getting into trouble. Especially when they didn't know him like he did.
"There's no way Yumenon's a bad guy... Like, have you read his books? Or even seen the work he puts into them?" He continued, his hands clenching at his sides and his nails digging into his skin. A book filled with notes and dreams came to mind, fantastical stories woven about people passing by; the look on Gentaro’s face as he covered every detail and spun each tale one of pure joy. "He puts so much care and effort into what he does! And the stories themselves, there's so much emotion in them. There's a lonely kinda feel to them, but there's always a happy ending -- like, there's always hope no matter what!"
He paused, trying to make sense of Doppo and Jakurai's reactions. Nothing, except for silence and stares. They listened -- they always listened -- but he needed them to understand as well.
"When you write something like that, I can't believe someone like him could be bad..." Softly, Hifumi said, "I don't wanna believe someone like him could be bad."
Far and few between was it that his voice dipped so quietly, but he’d dropped to a whisper once he'd finished. Unfurling his fingers, he hadn't realized how hard he'd been clenching his hands until the cuts left behind began to sting. His words hanging in the air, the only thing keeping the silence from falling over was the pounding of his heart in his ears.
For better or for worse, Jakurai was always a pillar of calmness and now was no exception; his eyes holding no hint of either acceptance or rejection. Meanwhile, Doppo looked to Jakurai hesitantly -- a sign that he had an answer but was unsure of himself. Jakurai met his gaze and after a moment, they shared a nod.
Jakurai's lips tugged up first, the smile lifting a weight off Hifumi’s chest. "If that's what you believe, Hifumi-kun, then I will have to put my faith in your judgement."
"I guess, but..." Doppo glanced around before looking back at him, worry etched onto his face. "If he does anything to you, you have to tell us, okay?"
"'Course, Doppo-chin." He beamed, taking Doppo's hand and squeezing it. "But like I said, you don't gotta worry about a thing; Yumenon's a good guy through and through!"
Doppo's frown deepened. "If you say so..."
"Hey, now, no frowning! We're out here for fun, aren't we?" he said and tugged the corners of Doppo's lips up. Mood brightening, he spotted a food cart over to the side of the park. "Look, they're selling takoyaki. C'mon!"
Grabbing Jakurai’s hand, Hifumi ran off with the two of them stumbling behind.
"Hifumi, your injury!"
As all fun days did, their outing ended much too soon, but he and Jakurai of all people knew that Doppo's social battery only lasted so long. With the sun steadily setting, they parted ways with Jakurai at the train station. Though they invited him to stay over for the night, he couldn't since he had work in the morning. Disappointing as it was, Hifumi didn’t dwell on it and focused on dragging Doppo up to their apartment.
Not bothering to change out of his clothes yet, Doppo crashed face first into the couch. Laughter bubbling up, Hifumi jumped in beside him and Doppo scooched over to make room. Their arms tangled together, Doppo let out a deep sigh -- the last of his energy leaving with that breath. The quiet allowing him to mull over everything that happened today, Hifumi remembered Gentaro's texts from this morning and gasped. Squirming about, he patted his pockets.
"What are you getting all antsy for?" came Doppo's muffled voice.
"I gotta tell Yumenon about our day," he said, pulling out his phone. "I invited him to come, but he said he couldn't so he told me to have fun for him."
Doppo snorted. "Honestly, the way you talk about him makes it sound like you're in love with him."
Finger hovering above Gentaro's name, Hifumi froze.
Love was a funny thing. He loved fishing and he loved cooking, but he also loved Doppo and he loved Jakurai. While he loved all of them equally, they weren't exactly the same kind of love. That was to say, there was a lot to love in the world, and he had a lot to give! Try as he might, though, striking up relationships of any kind wasn't exactly his strong suit. Doppo said it was because he didn't watch what he said, but he always thought it better to say things how they were.
And maybe, yeah, that was where everything went wrong when he first met Gentaro. His clothes were weird and he wasn't afraid to point that out, but Hifumi learned to love that part of him -- just like he learned to love all the other things about him. Subdued as he was, his clothes helped him stand out and made him unique. Sometimes he said one thing and did another, but he knew his heart was always in the right place; he could see it in the way he put his all into his work and treated his posse. Most of all, he found it easy to be around him. Their back-and-forth became natural with their bad blood behind them, something he never realized was missing his whole life. From the pretentious writer to the whimsical storyteller, he'd come to care for him and all that he did.
But even if he could love Gentaro, to be in love seemed a grander thought. For all the love he had and gave, Hifumi had never felt that spark or that flutter of the heart; none of the fireworks nor the giddy excitement. At least, not until Gentaro came along. Not until he’d shared his worlds with him, not until he’d seen the smile on his face as he created stories with passion, not until he’d heard his airy laughter that tinkled in his ears.
Hifumi loved Gentaro. And perhaps, he was in love with him, too.
"You're right," Hifumi said softly.
Picking up his head, Doppo let out a flat "What."
"You're right, Doppo-chin." He shook him, voice growing louder. "I'm in love with Yumenon!"
"No, what, I was -- I was just joking." Doppo grabbed his hand, stopping the shaking. "You've only known him for like a week or two, you can't possibly be in love with him!"
"Well... I wanna be in love with him," he said, because if he wasn't in love with him now, then surely one day he would be. Quality over quantity they said, and so time was but a small factor if the moments they shared meant anything. "I wanna go on dates with him, and hold hands with him, and be with him!"
"You already do that stuff with me and Jinguji-san, what makes him any different?"
"This!" Hifumi pointed to his heart. "I love you and Dr. Jakurai, but... Yumenon makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside."
Doppo squinted. "Do you hear yourself?"
"Loud and clear. I wanna be in love with Yumenon!"
"He's our rival."
"The battle season's over, so it doesn't matter, right?"
"You barely know him."
"Then I'll get to know him better."
"You've seen what's happened already --" Doppo jabbed a finger towards Hifumi’s abdomen. "-- the backlash is going to get worse."
"So what? People can do whatever they wanna do."
"You're... really serious about this, aren't you?"
"Sure am!" Hifumi said with no hesitation. "Why wouldn't I be?"
Cautious eyes running over him, Doppo fell silent. A million thoughts ran through Hifumi's mind, anything and everything to convince him about Gentaro, but he knew Doppo needed quiet to think. All he could do now was clutch onto Doppo's hands as he waited for his response.
"If he makes you happy then..." He took a deep breath, another beat passing. "I guess it's fine."
Breaking into a grin, Hifumi cheered and threw his arms around Doppo. He squeezed him as tightly as he could, rocking him back and forth.
"He does, he makes me really happy! I think you'll like him a lot, too, Doppo-chin!" Before Doppo could reply, he gasped and pulled back from the hug. Unlocking his phone, he continued on, "I should let him know how I feel right now! It'll be really fun, we can like go on double dates and --"
"Wait, wait, wait, slow down there." Doppo held him back. "You're going to confess to him through text ? He won't take you seriously like that."
Lips puckering, Hifumi tilted his head. "Really? Then what should I do?"
Doppo's mouth hung open as if to speak, but he stared blankly at him.
"Sorry, I don't really know..." Face scrunching up, his tongue poked out in thought. "Take him out or something? Do something meaningful, I guess."
"Meaningful, meaningful, meaningful..." He mulled over the suggestion, bobbing his head slowly. Doppo had a point, now that he thought about it; their short time together meant they didn't have as many moments with each other -- even less were those that were actually good. Still, one memory in particular stood out: an impromptu day out filled with flowers and fantasies.
"Oh, I know! I'll take him out and get him roses and make it super duper romantic~"
"That... sounds nice, yeah." Doppo nodded, a small smile on his lips. "Good luck, Hifumi. I hope it works out."
He patted his shoulder and flashed a V-sign. "No need to hope, it'll work out for sure! Just you see, Doppo-chin."
Heart flying over the moon, Hifumi turned his attention to his phone screen. Gentaro's name stared back at him, and he grew giddy with all the things he wanted to say to him: “You’re so pretty!” and “You’re amazing!!” and “I love you!!!” among other things right at the tip of his fingers. It took everything in him to keep all of it to himself, but he knew they could say everything they wanted to say once he confessed. The perfect plan in mind, Hifumi wasted no time opening up his chat with Gentaro.
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welovekpopscenarios · 6 years
More Valuable than Riches (Fortune Hunter! I.M x Reader)
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Admin: Mimi
Fandom: Monsta X
Genre: Fluff
Pairing: I.M/Changkyun x Reader
Warnings: Small mention of violence
Word Count: 2172
A/N: I’m not really happy with this, it didn’t turn out as adventure-y as I wanted but I wanted to get it out before I think too much about it and leave it sitting there forever, never to see the light of day again. It seems kinda rushed at the end but I hope you still like it. Happy reading, as usual! (was this inspired by uncharted? You bet your booty it was)
Since Changkyun was a young lad, with chubby fingers that pried open the libraries history books and small dark eyes that absorbed each word on the ancient, worn pages of pirates, explorers and others alike, he wanted to be an explorer. A great discoverer, who would uncover lost lands and find old tombs, digging deep into the history of the earth to become one of the greatest men in the world – but of course, life doesn’t always work the way we want it to.
Instead of fame and glory, all Changkyun became was an infamous fortune hunter (a fancier term for thief, as Jooheon had put it), stuck in a lousy Indonesian ruin trying to solve an impossible puzzle (because of course people had to make things difficult when they could be solved in a matter of minutes), and with a smart ass who liked to point out his misfortune every waking moment, as if he wasn’t already aware of the miserable turn his life took.
“So if I turn the dial here, the light on the wall moves over there…” he mumbled, brows furrowed and a sweaty forehead creased in concentration as he focused his attention on the current puzzle in front of him. He was amazed at how he was able to solve the other bizarre puzzles he had encountered on this journey before finding himself in the middle of the Indonesian jungle in a run-down temple trying to figure out the next clue before moving on. This one was proving quite difficult so far, however. But it’s not like you were helping in any way.
“Gosh, it’s so hot out,” you whined, opting to recline on a broken stone slab in the middle of the room rather than aid Changkyun in the impossible task of opening the mysterious door. “Do you have a fan?”
“Well, my mom used to always tell me she was proud of my achievements,” Changkyun began, a minuscule smirk flashing on his face once he heard your dramatic groan followed by a sarcastic laugh. “But, no. I don’t have a fan. Want me to ask the hotel to turn up the AC?” he mocked.
“Do, and file a complaint while you’re at it. The service here is terrible, it’s like the workers are dead,” you chimed, flinging a pebble towards the remains of some poor unfortunate soul who thought himself smart enough to handle the puzzle in here too. Maybe Changkyun will join him. Well, he hopes, anyway, with how little progress he’s making with the puzzle. He sighs out in frustration as he turns another useless dial.
“So…” you droned, sitting up and scuffing the ends of your boots against the gravel littering the ground. “You nearly got it, bud?” Another sigh from Changkyun, this one louder and wearier than the last. “I’ll take that as a no. I wish I brought a book with me, if I knew you were gonna take this long.”
Changkyun turned to face you, a brow raised, and indignation etched into his dirtied and sweat ridden face. “You could, oh I don’t know, help?” he commented, frowning when a wry smile spread across your lips.
“I could,” you began, “but I’m just the hired help who was never really hired, remember? You’re the brains of us two, and you’re the one who wanted to go after this treasure to begin with. Besides, I’m no good at these weird ass puzzles, so just leave the fighting to me.”
Changkyun grumbled incoherently, taking a step back from the dials. His cocoa coloured eyes roved over the mysterious contraption, hands poised on his hips and a furrow to his brow as you watched his face take on a look of pure concentration. It was something you admired about him, admittedly, how intelligent he truly was behind that mask of humour and his dedication to pursuing his childhood dream. A dream that took a slightly different, more illegal turn, but still, he was doing what he wanted, and you envied him for having his life seemingly sorted out while you still drifted in and out of messy brawler jobs that you hated.
Lost in your thoughts you missed what he had said until a pebble was chucked in your direction.
“What?” you snapped, rubbing your knee from where the impact of the pebble hit you.
Changkyun pursed his lips and narrowed those chocolate eyes of his. Yikes, not a look you enjoy aimed at yourself. “You’re not stupid, you know,” he remarked, eyes scrutinising your form, and suddenly this blazing hot temple felt as cold as Antarctica under his gaze. “Far from it. So uh…don’t sell yourself short,” he shuffled awkwardly, gaze flitting between the ancient puzzle and you, at a loss of what to focus on as a silence descended upon the temple. He cleared his throat and swallowed. “Help me with this, will you? Or else we’ll never get out of here and you’ll never get to fulfil your dream of taking a bath in a solid gold tub.”
Feeling unusually fuzzy after his backhanded compliment, you rose from your spot and moved to stand beside him, your arm brushing against his muscled one that left you with the same familiar sparks you’ve been feeling every time he was close to you.
“What do you need me to do, Captain?” you joked, a half assed way to cover your blushing form in the mask of humour and waving a hand in your face to fight against the heat of the jungle. Changkyun seemingly took no notice, having averted his eyes and moved his body away from yours to stand at one end of the puzzle. He nodded his head towards the opposite end of where he stood.
“Go to that end of the puzzle, we’ll see if we can finish this damned thing together,” he grunted, flicking through the pages of his notebook. You did as told, fiddling cautiously with the dials, all displaying different symbols and letters ranging from crosses to stars, A-Z, and everything in between. Why were pirates so stingy with their gold? Did they have to make everything as complicated as this?
Changkyun began giving orders as soon as you were ready - “turn that one”, “try that one”, “ok that one’s broken, let’s just put that one aside”, “ok nevermind, that was actually a large snail shell”, but to no avail after a full hour of bickering. Fed up of hearing the word ‘dial’ once more, you changed the topic of conversation.
“What made you want to do this kind of stuff?” you asked. Changkyun paused, glanced at you out of the corner of his eyes before returning them to the notebook in his hands. “I’ve always wanted to be an adventurer when I was younger. I wanted to discover new places and find riches, ever since I was a kid. I can remember reading every book about pirates I could find in the library, I went there so much, the librarian eventually just gave me a book to keep for free,” he said fondly, fingers tapping idly at the worn leather cover of his notebook. You smiled warmly at the image of a toothless Changkyun hounding anyone who would listen the stories of the worlds most famous pirates.
“And how did it work out?” you questioned. He looked up in confusion, a light ‘hm?’ reverberating in his chest. “The fortune finding,” you clarified with a smirk. Changkyun gave a wry laugh, his eyes scanning the dingy cave you both landed yourselves in in search of these so called ‘riches’.
“Well, I’ve found none so far-“ you cackled loudly, “-but! I think we’re onto something good here. I really do. Plus, with the views and adventure we’ve seen so far, I think it makes it all worth it. Don’t you?” he grinned, and oh. Oh no. That smile was more dangerous than any fight you’ve been in, because it made you weaker than a kitten and gave you the strongest butterflies you’ve ever felt. Damn you, Im Changkyun. Why must you be so imperfectly perfect?
“What about you?”
“What do you mean?” you replied, moving to sit on the stone slab like before. Changkyun followed, sitting on the opposite end but close enough that you could feel the summer heat radiating off his bronzed skin.
“Why did you decide to be a security-type person?” he asked awkwardly, unsure of how to phrase your ‘occupation’. Should have been blunt and just said ‘thug’. You sighed, rubbing your neck.
“I didn’t really, it just kind of happened, grew up that way. Got into a lot of fights when I was younger, did some defence classes and boxing, got into bar fights more than I ever went to school, and then one day a guy comes up to me and offers me a job to be his protection for a while. I needed the cash, took the job, and doing these types of jobs is all I’ve been doing ever since. Not good for anything much other than that,” you mumbled sombrely, eyes trained on your boots.
“Don’t say that,” Changkyun argued, but you cut him off with a scoff.
“Why not? It’s the truth. I’m only good for putting a fist to someone’s face and ruining lives-“ a sharp pain to your forehead interrupted your self-deprecating speech, and you looked up with a scowl to see Changkyun’s hand raised mid-flick, a pout on his handsome face that made it look years younger. It suits him.
“Stop,” he demands, sticking out his tongue childishly.
“Stop what?”
“All that negative talk, bad mumbo jumbo, not good. You’re amazing.”
As if this jungle couldn’t get any damned hotter your face just flared as hot as the sun at his words. He too realised his bluntness and coughed awkwardly a few times before continuing. “Since we started this expedition you’ve been annoying, cheeky, a pain in my ass-“
“Oh thanks, I really appreciate that,” you droned, but he shushed you quickly.
“But… you’ve been nothing but amazing and helpful since the day I met you. You’re strong, kind, well-abled, cute, independent, funny, intelligent, and overall one of the best people I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. I am not worthy to stand in such a divine presence,” he whined dramatically, falling to his knees and bowing at your feet. You smiled bashfully, near ready to flick him right back over his kind words and goofy actions, but you remembered something.
“Wait, go back. What was that you said?”
“Uh…you’re one of the best people I know?”
“You’re intelligent?”
“Back again.”
“You’re funny and independent?”
“One more,” you smirked, enjoyed how the tips of his ears turned pink despite his attempt at feigning nonchalance.
“You’re strong?”
“Go forward,” you sighed good-naturedly, crossing your arms as you stared down at him.
“You’re…you’re cute,” he mumbled shyly, refusing to meet your gaze. You laughed quietly and leaned forward to get a better look at his face.
“Yeah well, you are. You’re beautiful. Anyone would be a fool not to see it,” he said quickly, still not raising his head to look at you. His words made a comfortable warmth spread over you – not the blistering heat kind like all around you. It made you feel liked, wanted – accepted.
“I…thank you. You’re not so shabby yourself,” you joked mildly, noticing the growing smirk on his lips. “How long have you thought that I was cute?”
“Oh, you know. Since the day I met you, I guess,” he shrugged nervously, standing up to face away from you and towards the puzzle again. Your jaw dropped in shock.
“Changkyun, that’s over a year ago!” you exclaimed.
“You know what they say about pining,” he simply replied, fiddling with his notebook once again. Pining? Oh lord save you, he was going to be the end of you.
“I don’t know, what do they say,” you inquired.
“Oh, I don’t know either. I was hoping you knew,” he sassed, and it was like he was back to normal with his front of humour to deflect situations he did not feel confident in.
“Well,” you began, “we need to finish this puzzle as soon as possible so we can find our riches, get back to our hotel and you can take me on a real date. Somewhere classy. Like KFC.”
Changkyun turned to stare at you in mild shock for a moment, until a grin spread across his lips and a light rosy hue dusted his dirty cheeks. “Yeah, you’re right. Let’s get going, shall we?”
Safe to say, after spending hours solving the puzzle, the only thing you received for your efforts was another clue pointing to another damned puzzle somewhere in Malaysia that would no doubt require more climbing, searching, and thinking. But, as you sat next to Changkyun, watching as he drove by the coast in his 4x4, you’d like to think something more valuable was discovered in that ruin. Something completely priceless.
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just-jordie-things · 7 years
Flirt - Theo Raeken
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warnings: swearing, mentions of sexual activities, lotso alcohol so underaged drinking, very belated request word count: 4535 (THATS WHAT IM TALKIN ABOUT I WROTE IT IN 1 DAY) requested by anon! again sorry the request took me forever to get to ya, but i didn’t forget! although I did change some things around... hope you still like it tho
“Kiss me if I’m wrong, but dinosaurs still exist right?”
 You turned from where you stood on the steps of the school, and rose an eyebrow at Theo Raeken.  He winked, bounding up the stairs towards you.  “And how are you this mornings, darling flower?” You rolled your eyes, but let him walk next to you anyways.
 “I am absolutely wonderful now that I have Mr Raeken escorting me into the building.  And you?”
 “Well I do find myself fancying walking with you, flower” He replied.  You laughed to yourself as you headed into the school.
 “Nice chatting as always Raeken.  See you later”
 “Adios Chica”
 He watched you walk off to your locker, and he paused in the hall.  You met up with your friend, Kira, as you always did.  Theo let out a sigh.  Sure, he flirted around, it was like his trademark.  But he didn’t flirt to anyone the way he flirted with you.  He pursued you.  You… the girl unaware of what his past truly was.  Sure, he’d been told by Scott that you knew about the more… supernatural side of Beacon Hills.  Basically that you knew about the McCall pack, but wasn’t involved.  He persisted on knowing more about you, but Scott only cared to share your knowledge on the werewolves banshees and kitsunes.
 But he was aware that you had no clue of his own involvement, including his chimera status.
 You were at your locker with Kira, the girl pushing you into answering her daily questions about your encounters with Theo.
 “Did he use a pickup line? He always does, what’d he say today? Was it cute? Do you think you like him?”
 “Hey hey hey” You said with a chuckle.  “Kye, I love you, but this is getting out of hand.  Theo’s… popular.  You think he’s gonna go for some random girl like me? No.  He’s not” Kira made a pout.
 “I don’t know girly… he seems like he’s really into you” You crinkled your nose and shook your head.
 “No… no I doubt he’s like that”
“Doubt who’s like what?” Lydia asked, having popped out of nowhere.  Already using the mirror on your locker door to fix up her lip gloss.
 “y/n don’t think that Theo likes her” Kira said.  Lydia rolled her eyes.
 “Oh please, I haven’t ever seen a boy salivate that much.  And I’ve taken Stiles to get curly fries” She said with a short laugh.  “Seriously, just go for it.  What’ve you got to lose?”
 “My dignity?” You said sarcastically.  Kira rolled her eyes with Lydia this time.
 “You’re not even gonna take a real chance?” She asked.  You pursed your lips.
 “Maybe if Lyds gets me tipsy enough at her next party” You said.  Your friends sighed.
 “Come on y/n, that’s totally not fair” Kira said in a defeated tone.  “You flirt with hi,, and he flirts back.  You’re both into each other, why not just… you know” Kira began wildly clapping her hands.  Lydia’s brows furrowed.
 “Hatefuck each other?” The banshee guessed.  You slapped a hand over your mouth to stifle your laughter.
 “What!?” Kira asked with wide eyes.  Oh the innocence of this fox would never not be funny to you.  “No- no! I meant- I meant get together!” Kira began to clap again, this time sending you and Lydia into pity giggles and head shakes.
 “No sweetie… no that’s not what that means.  Like at all” Lydia said, wrapping an arm around the kitsune’s shoulders as the three of you began to walk to class.
“Oh my God…. I do that when I’m talking to people all the time…” Kira mumbled, making you both laugh again as you went into class. 
You ended up unable to focus during the entire class.  You were too busy wondering about what the girls had told you about Theo.  Sure, you were kinda interested.  A cute boy who flirts with you? Who wouldn’t be interested.  But you were certain that his intentions weren’t to have a romantic evening at dinner and a movie.  No, Theo Raeken seemed more like a one night stand kind of guy.  
Theo sighed as he sat down at his picnic table outside for lunch.  Yeah, for a ‘popular’ and big flirt, he ate lunch alone.  After his encounters with the McCall pack, Stiles had a thing for glaring him down in the cafeteria.  Or the hallways.  Or class.  And once he accidentally walked into the bathroom while Stiles was already there.  Usually he didn’t mind the alone time, in fact he quite enjoyed it.  He was able to get back into the swing of things.  Focus on classes, raising grades.  As well as keeping his cool and forgetting about the past.
 But he knew you were in the lunchroom.  Laughing and smiling with your friends… who happened to be the McCall pack but Theo would risk getting the evil eye from Stiles to listen in on your giggling.  But then he’d also have to go through the hassle of finding a table and alas, he had no friends.  Hayden was the closest thing to a friend he had… but last he heard she was part of Scott’s pack now and likely wanted nothing to do with him.
 You wandered outside, needing a break from your group of friends.  Well, needing a break from Stiles and Lydia’s clinginess, from Kira’s continued questions, Scott’s check up on your grades, Malia’s… well Malia didn’t do anything you loved Malia, but you needed a break from everyone really.  No one was out there, a nice empty space of picnic tables.  You took in a deep breath and looked over the area…. Your eyes landed on Theo.  Your brows furrowed at the sight.  Theo Raeken ate lunch alone?
 “Hey Raeken” You called, walking down the steps and into the courtyard.  He looked up from a book.  A book.  You never pegged him for a reading guy. 
“Hey l/n” He replied.  You stood in front of his table, next to the bench across from him.  “Well sit down if you like, but if you’re ditching this early I’d get your ass moving” He said with a light hearted chuckle.  You shook your head and sat across from him, setting your bag next to you.
“I don’t ditch.  I don’t want to get in trouble” Theo laughed.  “What? Is there something funny about my wanting to have a good education?” You asked.  You shook his head, pursing his lips and putting his hands up in surrender.
“Oh no, I just don’t expect any less from you lovely y/n” He said.  You raised an eyebrow.
“And what does that mean?” You asked, folding your hands together and setting them on a table.
“It means, toots” He started.  “You wouldn’t ditch, if I gave you all the money in my wallet, right now” You thought about it for a moment.
“Hm” He rolled his eyes.
“Are you seriously contemplating it? Please, I see you getting the bite from Scott before leaving school grounds before the final bell has rung”
You sat in silence for a full minute before Theo realized his mistake.
His eyes widened and jaw slacked, unsure of how to cover for such a colossal screw up.
Before he could even come up with something to say, you were already responding.
“Well at least Scott’s an alpha.  I don’t suppose I’d like to be a part of your sorry ass ‘half animal’ chimera pack” You said with a scoff and a smirk.  Again, leaving him with wide eyes and a hung open mouth.  “Shut the trap dear, you’ll catch flies” You winked, and slung your bag over your shoulder.
“You.. you knew?”
“I gotta go hun” You said, standing from your seat and making your way towards the school again.  “Don’t wanna be late for class” Theo shook his head, left a stunned mute in his lonesome.
 The next morning you were getting out of Stiles’ jeep, and tiredly walking yourself up the steps of the school.  Nothing had happened to make you this tired, it was just one of those mornings.  The kind where you were jeans converse and a sweatshirt, a messy bun on your head and a coffee in your hand.  Well, Stiles did spend the whole drive to the school telling you terrible things about Theo, so that wore you out.  At least all his arguments were things you already knew.  
‘I mean, look at the gel in his hair’
‘He flirts around a lot’
‘He eats lunch all by himself’
‘There’s a reason he’s got no friends’
To be honest, everything he used just made you feel bad for Theo.  He really didn’t have friends… at least not ones you ever saw him hang out with.  You frowned at the thought, and looked to Stiles as you walked towards the school together.
“Did he have friends ever? Like in elementary school or anything?” You asked.  Having been new to Beacon Hills in the eighth grade, you hadn’t known Theo until he had supposedly moved back in the beginning of your senior year.
“Yeah.  Me and Scott” Stiles said, tugging on the strings of his jacket.
“Scott and I” You corrected with a mumble.  But didn’t push the subject any more.  He’d only argue against you.  If you even breathed Theo’s name, you were sure Stiles would pop up with five more text based facts about why you should steer clear of him.  Most of them relating back to ‘because he’s evil’.
Was he? Would you even know? All that Kira had oh so secretly filled you in on was that Theo was a chimera, and for a short while he had a pack of chimeras that consisted of Tracy, Josh, Hayden and Corey.  Hayden and Corey being the only friends you had to talk to about whether or not Theo was a villain.
Josh and Tracy had mysteriously disappeared a few months back… maybe you should be doing some more investigating.
“Kira!” You called, ditching Stiles and rushing over to your petite asian friend.
“Kay bye” Stiles muttered, trying to hide his embarrassment of you leaving him alone by searching for Scott or Lydia.
“Hi” Kira said with a chipper tone but a confused look.  “What…? Did you forget to do the Econ homework cause I did too and I was gonna ask Lydia for help on it-”
“Tell me about Theo” You said bluntly.  Her eyes widened to a round almond shape.
“Tell me Kira, I need to know”
Meanwhile across the hall, Theo perked up at the sound of his name being spoken in a recognizably soft tone.  He looked over from where he was putting his coat in his locker, to where you stood just down the hall with Kira.  Just far enough that he could listen in without getting caught.  His ear perked as he stuffed his bag with books to look busy.
“... I mean Scott wasn’t dead dead, well, he was, but only for a few minutes!” Kira said quickly.  Theo could hear the quickening in your heartbeat.
You were scared.
He shook his head, furrowing his brows as he continued to listen to the conversation against his better judgement.
“He… he k- he killed Scott?” You stuttered over your words, speaking quietly.  Theo looked down the hall now, meeting Kira’s eyes.  Your back was turned to him.
“Yes” She answered, maintaining eye contact with him.
He wanted to glare, he wanted to slam his locker, maybe storm down there and deliver a nice ‘fuck you’ to the thunder kitsune.
But he couldn’t.  He could only stare longingly at the back of your head.  Kira looked at him again, giving a slight frown.  He wondered if she meant it as an apology, or just for pity.  The bell rang, and he heard you and Kira exchange goodbyes.
When you turned around, you began walking down the hallway quickly.  He could see you tightly clutching a binder to your chest.  He turned slightly, making himself more visible to you, and he contemplated saying something, but he didn’t know how, or what to even say 
You saw him before he could finish his thought.  Your eyes widened, and you stepped further away from him, walking closer to the opposite wall of lockers.
“Don’t” You said in the most serious tone you could muster.  “Don’t talk to me”
 He opened his mouth, but closed it instantly.  He could see the tears in your eyes, and didn’t want to push you anymore than he already had.
“You- how- how dare you” You said with a snarl.  “How dare you”
I’m sorry, he wanted to say.  I’m sorry for everything, I should’ve told you, I should’ve been honest about everything.
“You, Theo Raeken” You looked away for a moment, then shook your head as you stared back at him.  “You’re a terrible person” You told him, voice cracking.  You opened your lips to say something else, but couldn’t bring yourself to do it.  So you settled for shaking your head again.   
You walked off, and Theo was left in an empty hallway. 
“What an asshole! What a total dickwad!” You exclaimed, swigging back a drink of your beer as you sat on Lydia’s sofa.  She sighed, looking over at Kira and Malia, who were curled up on the recliner.  Malia had fallen asleep within the first two hours of the girls night sleepover.
“Look, y/n can I tell you something? Like, some real and solid advice?” You shrugged and nodded, taking a few more drinks.  “I think… I think he’s better now.  Since he’s come back”
“What!?” You exclaimed, and Kira shot you a look, gesturing to her sleeping girlfriend.  “Sorry I just- Lyd” You said her name in a breathy laugh.  “He, he killed Scott, Kira told me everything he did, he hit you too and nearly killed you in EIchen how can-”
“Yes, he did horrid, and awful things” Lydia said.  “But he was literally dragged down, to the pits of hell, for months… I think he’s learned a lesson or two”
 You let this sink in whilst chugging down the rest of your beer.
“Anyways, I invited him to my party tomorrow night.  Well, I invited everyone, but still, he said he’d be there so” Lydia shrugged, pretending to care about her fingernails but she was watching you out of the corner of her eye.  “Maybe you can talk to him, or something”
Maybe you could.
 Theo closed the front door behind him, almost being shoved against it by the mass amount of dancing bodies in Lydia Martin’s living room.  He swiftly moved past them and made his way to the kitchen.  Then double checked his phone.
Lydia Martin: come to the kitchen when you get here Lydia Martin: i’ll put wolfsbane in your drink.  You’ll need it
He ended up pushing a few people aside and promptly apologizing.  When he reached the Martin kitchen, he saw Lydia there, pouring and mixing drinks, handing out beer bottles and red solo cups.  At the dining table some girl was dancing on it and a ring of guys took shots of toxic liquid god knows what 
“Ah Mr Raeken!” Lydia grinned, waving him over.  “Hey, Mal take my spot” She said, Malia instantly trading places with her.  Lydia grabbed two plastic cups and met Theo at the kitchen entrance.  “Come with me” She told him, and he blindly followed her to the backyard.  He was surprised no one was back here.
“Are you gonna kill me-”
“Nope” Lydia handed up one of the cups, and when he took it she drank from hers.
“Okay… and why’d you want me to come tonight? I mean thanks but-”
“Cut the bullshit you only came cause you knew y/n would be here” Theo snapped his mouth shut and Lydia giggled.  “I knew it! Cute” She took another drink, slightly swaying to the loud music inside, muffled out here.
“Yeah.. yeah I did but she doesn’t want to talk to me anyways so..” Theo shrugged, taking a whiff of his drink.  When he smelled the wolfsbane he took a small sip, and was surprised by the old yet familiar sensation of liquor running down his throat.
“Anywho.  She’s dancing with Kira.  You should go ask to talk to her” Theo snorted at that.
“Yeah, thanks sweets, but she’d rather shove a stick up my ass first” Lydia crinkled her nose and cringed at the image in her head, but shook her head to get rid of it.
“Okay… but you’re wrong” Lydia said, using her ‘Sweetie I’m smarter than you so I know what I’m talking about’ voice.
“I’m wrong?” Theo asked, drinking more of whatever it was Lydia had made for him.
“Yeah.  You are.  You don’t think that I explained to her the whole story?” Lydia asked, her tone becoming softer.  Theo looked at her, then looked down at the cup in his hands.  “Because I did” She said, maneuvering her head so their eyes would meet, hoping he’d see her sincerity.  “Listen to my heartbeat am I lying? y/n likes you, and I can see it, and I know it, you think I’d let her just be pissed at you over something she didn’t yet understand-”
“Okay but why do you care? Why are you helping me? Won’t your boyfriend be mad?” Theo asked.  Lydia smiled, and shook her head 
“I’m not here for Stiles.  I’m here for y/n” She said kindly.  “Just go find her” She added, then headed inside.
Theo thought about just standing in the backyard, drinking his liquor and contemplating the strange shit that was his life.  But after a second he knew he couldn’t be this close without trying to talk to you.
He went back inside, and pushed his way through the crowd in the living room.
When he saw you, dancing too cutely for your outfit of choice, his heart melted.
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You were wearing a black cocktail dress that fell to your upper thigh, enough that when you jumped as you danced, he could just barely see the smooth curve of your ass.  You spun around, revealing a beer bottle in one hand, the other happily raised as you danced to the EDM music playing.  You were laughing and smiling, eyes closed in euphoria, and if Theo had his scents right, drunkenness.  He frowned slightly, instantly worried for your own well being.
Your eyes fluttered open, instantly landing on him.  The only non moving thing in the crowd, about four feet away.  He was surprised when you didn’t scowl, or frown.  The smallest of smiles still stayed present on your lips.  After a moment, you lowered your arms and looked down at your feet, silently giving yourself reassurance.
Then you walked up to him, somehow managing to balance in your high heels.  He watched you, pretty much ready to hold his arms out to catch you if you were to fall.
“Hey” You managed quietly.  Theo looked dramatically to the left, then the right, before pointing to himself
“Me?” You nodded.  “You’re talking to me?” You giggled this time, nodding, and holding your bottle to your chest.
“Yes, I’m talking to you Theo” You said.  He smiled at you and bowed his head slightly.
“Well then the pleasure is all mine” You laughed again, and nodded your head off to the side 
“You want to go outside?” You asked him, and he nodded.
“Sure” WIth that he followed behind you to the back door, just like he had for Lydia.  When he passed her and Malia in the kitchen handing out drinks like before, the strawberry blonde gave him a hidden thumbs up.  Though he didn’t know if she meant it for him or you.  He opened the door and held it as you walked out, giving him another small smile in thanks.  He closed it when you stepped outside.
He admired you for a moment as you stared up at the inky blue night sky, counting the stars in your head, as many as you could.  After a while he knew he had to say something.
“Look, I figure you wanna talk about the other day, so um, if you have any questions I don’t mind-” You turned around, your beautiful eyes meeting his and Theo found himself trailing off.
“What?” You asked, your innocent voice quiet and soft.  You set your bottle down on the concrete patio with a little clink.  “Why’d you stop?” You asked, walking back to him.
“Sorry I just..” He stopped again, and you raised your eyebrows in impatience.  “I don’t know.  Waiting for you to ask questions I guess” You nodded, pursing your lips as you thought.
“Are you evil?” He snorted a laugh.
“I’d like to think not, but don’t ask Stiles that” he said, making you chuckle as well.  “Is that all you got? Not exactly what I was expecting”
 “Did… did you kill Tracy and Josh?” You asked.  His mouth opened, then closed.  Then opened again…. Then closed again.  You got your answer that way.  “Why?”
 “I can’t… I can’t answer that in a way that will ever make sense to you” He said honestly.  “Or me, quite frankly” You nodded, looking down at the ground and rubbing your shoe on the concrete.  “Look, I did a lot of terrible things, but I want- I need you to know that i regret every moment of it, every single one of them.  And if I could take it back I would in an instant” You looked up, eyes meeting his again.
 “I’ll take your word for it” You said softly.  He half smiled at you.
 “Any other questions?” You thought for a few seconds, taking off your shoes in the meantime and wandering into the grass in your bare and aching feet.
 “Come up with me” You said, pointing off to a tree.  Theo looked up, seeing a tree house in it.
“I never thought Lydia would be a treehouse building kind of girl” Theo chuckled, and you did too, shaking your head.
“No, it’s old.  She’s had it here longer than I’ve been around” You told him, climbing up the trunk to where the ladder was.
“How long have you been around? Did you go to Beacon Hills Elementary? Cause I think I would’ve remembered you” You were thankful he was on the ladder below you, so he wouldn’t see your blush.
“No, I didn’t move here till the middle of eighth grade” You told him, climbing into the box that was once a prized treehouse.  Theo crawled in shortly after you.  “But I didn’t meet Scott and Stiles and Allison till freshmen year, I was friends with just Lydia till then” You said.
“Allison?” You looked over at him, your features falling.
“Yeah.. yeah we uh… we lost her” You said solemnly.  Theo nodded, barely recognizing the name from something Scott had briefly mentioned a while back.  “But she’s in a much better place now, so” You nodded off, looking desperately for a conversation changer.
“So what’s your college future look like?” Theo asked.  You raised an eyebrow, sitting on the planked floor against the wall.
“My college future?” You repeated, and he nodded.
“You get questions, I get questions.  It’s the game” You nodded, smiling at the idea of the game.
“Alright, I’ll play.  I applied for a few places, but I really just want to get into NYC” You said.
“Why so far?”
“Nope, my turn for a question” You said.  “Why’d you come to Lydia’s party?”
“Hoping to find you miss y/n” He stated unashamedly.  “Why do you want to go to NYC?”
“Because it’s far and I want to explore on my own.  Gain a sense of freedom and independence you know?” Theo smiled at that, and nodded.  “Mr Raeken” You began in a deep formal voice, and making him laugh.  “Do you have the hots for moi?” He chuckled at the question.
“I do believe so, miss y/n” He said, shuffling over closer next to you.  For a moment you thought he was going to lean over and kiss you, maybe wrap an arm around you, but he did neither.  “And do you for me?” You looked over and smiled at him, fully aware of the mere two inches between your lips and his.  You nodded your head just barely.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were a chimera to begin with?” You asked quietly.
“I didn’t want to scare you off so soon” He replied in the same volume.  You watched his eyes flicker down to your lips for a moment, then back to your own.  “Did you hate me when Kira told you… things?” He asked.  You shook your head, choosing to keep silent in this answer.  He watched you inch closer just a little 
“Do you want to kiss me?” You murmured.  Theo rose a hand, his fingertips dusting lightly over your cheek before cupping it.
“Yes” He said, your eyes trained on his lips as he spoke the single word.
“Then do it”
It only took him half a second before his lips slanted against yours, making you see stars behind your closed eyes.  Your hands slid up behind his neck, into his hair and resting in the soft locks.  You hummed in pleasure, scooting forward and moving your lips in sync with his.  You felt him smile against you, and you parted briefly.
“Wow” You whispered, eyes still shut and nose bumping his.  Theo chuckled, opening his eyes to find yours still closed.
“How would you feel on going out tomorrow night with the bad guy?” He asked you, and you opened your eyes, pressing your cheek against his warm palm.
“I would love to go out tomorrow night with a… a good guy in training” You said with a bright smile and small giggle.  With that answer he leaned back in and kissed you shortly, to which you pulled him right back in for a satisfyingly longer kiss.
“I like the sound of that better” Theo said, and you smiled again.
“Me too” You said, hands resting on his shoulders.  You stared at him for a moment, then moved closer on your knees, and straddled over his lap.  
Theo watched your actions, his arms falling from holding your face gently.  You both looked down as you sat yourself on his thighs, then met eyes again.  You smiled shyly, and leaned down to press your lips to his again.  His hands rested on your hips, then encircled around your waist to embrace you against him.  Your lips moved together in a soft dance.  He did even try to stick his tongue down your throat, showing you nothing but affection and gentleness.  You smiled against his lips, giving him one last, longing kiss.  You both parted slowly.
“I would like to fall in love with you” He told you, making you laugh softly and shake your head.  He brushed back the fallen strands of hair.
“I’d like to fall in love with you as well, Mr Raeken” You responded.
And you very well did.
hope it was everything you dreamed Xx
xoxo ~ jordie
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