darciewrites · 2 years
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“oh to live peacefully on such places…”
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darciewrites · 3 years
Make a move
I dare you.
Let me feel the intense passion in your eyes.
Show me the fire that burns within you, the one that burns bright when we lock eyes.
No one else sees it.
No one else knows it.
But I do.
I can feel the waves of lust shivering through the distance between us
and crawling up my spine.
The heat of your stare is
almost too much to bear
It's melting my body,
soaking through my jeans.
My lips are cracked from all the biting I do beneath my mask.
Listening to you laugh is like wind chimes made of ecstasy.
You don't know what you do to me.
It's something you'd love to come and see.
Let me taste the warmth of your tongue, so shiny and wet, so soft, just like mine.
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darciewrites · 4 years
I want to push you
up against the wall.
I want to feel you breathe
heavily into my mouth.
I want your quivers and moans to
belong to me
and what I'm doing to you.
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darciewrites · 5 years
Eager Love
I feel it blossoming 
a daisy 
too sensitive to water,
blooming at the slightest hint of moisture.
Attention is all it takes.
I'm hooked,
it's like a drug,
you're the dealer.
This happens so often.
You'd think I'd be more cautious by now
and take things
so they don't crash and ignite
and burn out before take off. 
I only want to talk to you.
I daydream about you. 
I think about you. 
I search for your attention. 
I wait for you to wake up, 
get a break,
and get out of work
so you can chat with me.
The daisy may be sensitive 
and far too eager to bloom,
but I sure don't see you
tipping your watering can upright. 
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darciewrites · 5 years
Dating isn't about finding the person who completes your puzzle;
it's about finding the person whose completed puzzle
is worth making room for
next to yours
on the table.
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darciewrites · 5 years
I've Been Doing it All Wrong.
Love isn't about finding your perfect missing piece;
it's about finishing your puzzle,
then sharing it with someone else.
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darciewrites · 5 years
I’ll love you when you’re happy, I’ll love you when you’re sad. I’ll love you when you’re cold as ice, or hot like a heating pad. I’ll love you through the tough times, until we’re old and grey, I’ll love you ‘till the sun stops rising, then I’ll love you one more day.
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darciewrites · 5 years
He made me feel like my chest was filled with helium.
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darciewrites · 7 years
I Love You.
I felt it when you looked at me. When we were laying on my bed, wrapped up in each other. My chest exploded with warmth, and I knew I had fallen for you. I'd think it when I was half asleep, and felt you pull the covers over me to keep me comfy and warm. When we were standing in my living room and you looked at me like nothing else in the world existed, I told you over and over in my head; "I'm so in love with you." I knew I couldn't deny it anymore when you were upset and over-tired and I realized I would do ANYTHING I could
to make you happy again. I was so scared I'd let it go absentmindedly when we were saying goodbye, or goodnight, or good morning. I wanted it to be special and meaningful when I told you for the first time. I wanted to be scared to say it, but eager to let you know. I wanted to be wrapped up in you, unable to keep it in anymore. I wanted to tell you over and over while we kissed and smiled and cuddled. October 3rd, 2017. We stood in Romulus, Michigan, in the North airport terminal at the JetBlue entrance. I really couldn't wait any longer.
I love you, Kyle.
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darciewrites · 7 years
I think you liked the way my warm tongue felt on your skin, how I took your shirt off and held it over your eyes, then slowly kissed you down and across your chest. You're a quiet man. You don't moan, you don't whimper, you don't gasp. It makes it hard to discover what you like and what you don't. But that big grin on your face tells me you like when I'm in control.
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darciewrites · 7 years
Suicide doesn’t end your misery; it passes it on to hundreds of others who loved you and cared about you.
Fighting for your happiness will also bring it to hundreds of others, because they will still have you in their lives.
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darciewrites · 7 years
I know it hurts. I know you feel like your heart has been shattered into a million pieces and it will never be whole again. I promise you, it will.
I know you’ve lost hope. I know you feel like the world has nothing to offer you anymore, and all happiness has left the planet. It does, and it hasn’t. I know you’re sad. I know you feel like you have failed at love and that you’re not going to be okay again. But you haven’t, and you will.
Feel sad for a short while. Let yourself cry, yell, shake, and sob. Then dry your pretty eyes, and follow these steps; Delete their number. Delete their texts. Delete the photos of them. Stop checking their twitter, their snapchat, and instagram. Let them go. You can’t move on if you keep your focus on what they’re doing now that you’re out of their life. In order to heal, you must concentrate on you, and the things that make you feel happy and safe.
Be selfish for a while. Watch the shows YOU like. Order the takeout YOU want. Go to the places YOU enjoy but never could when they were around. When you’ve realized how strong you really are, how much better you are without them, and how much worth you have, your wounds will heal, and you will be stronger than you were before.
Soon enough, you’ll go through a day, a week, a month without thinking about them or the memories that broke you into tears. The hole in your chest will shrink, the pieces of your heart will find their way back together again, and you will be whole once more.
I promise.
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darciewrites · 7 years
I really want you to text me, to call me, to tell me you want me back but I’m glad you don’t. I’d cave and collapse into your arms unable to gather the courage to say goodbye to you like I did last week.
I just want to see you, to hear you, to hug you once more but I know that we’re different now and we’ll never be the same as we were last week.
I miss you, I think. Or maybe I miss being wanted. Or maybe I’m just hurt because you never chased me and begged me to take you back.
You never tried.
That’s why I walked away in the first place. You never let me in you never tried to change you made me feel so little and I was unhappy with you.
I’ve never left anyone before. I always stayed until they left me because I thought having their love, their attention, and their company was better than being happy.
I was wrong. I deserve to be loved. I deserve to have attention. I deserve to be in good company. And I deserve to be happy.
I’m a brave warrior who for the first time chose her own happiness over someone else’s.
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darciewrites · 7 years
No relationship is better for you than a bad relationship.
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darciewrites · 7 years
3.14159 I could eat it all the time. Pumpkin, apple, banana cream too. Happy pi day to all of you!
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darciewrites · 7 years
Holy shit, you guys.
Last night was probably the hardest night I’ve had in a long time. I didn’t want to fight anymore. I lost all desire to get through this. My depression almost won. I’m surprised I got out of it and made it to this morning. Dang, that was really scary.
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darciewrites · 7 years
I Just Want to be Better
Why do I have to fight so God damn hard to be happy? Why does every thought, every opinion, every word have to be intentionally negated? Why can't I just be happy? Why do I have to fight to see the color in the world and the goodness in people. Why don't I laugh anymore? Why do I have to force myself at the end of the day to count the positive things in my life? It was automatic, effortless, and simple. What happened? How do I get out of this storm and back to safety?
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