#you’re playing Animal Crossing New Horizons together
sundaymorningdew · 2 years
TRACK FOUR: ARABELLA | Jeon Wonwoo (M) | Preview
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pairing: 80s!wonwoo x reader
genre: opposites attract!au, 80s london, angst, fluff, smut.
synopsis: Bookish and quiet, wonwoo very much keeps himself to himself; finding comfort in the dusty shelves of the local bookstore he remains as inconspicuous as he wishes. That’s until one rainy night you come tumbling into the store; leopard print, cigarettes and whiskey, loudmouth of the party, you’re everything he’s not so why can’t he help the way his heart thuds a bit harder when you set your galaxy eyes on him.
teaser length: 1301
now playing: Arabella by Arctic Monkeys [X]
a/n: im slowly going to start teasing the tracks im happy with, but enjoy, this is my favourite one to write so far! hopefully ill have one out by christmas <3
series masterlist |
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London, 1989
“There was not a soul to be seen, nor a sound to be heard, except the dripping of the rain.”
Wonwoo never loved the rain, he never loved the way the watery whispers from the sky could change everything they touched; nor did he love the way that it could chill him to the very bone and nip at the skin of his hands like aquatic parasites leaching off his warmth. But it was on nights like this, where the winter forced the sun to slink its way back into the horizon early, pulling the inky hue of the night into the sky that he found himself liking the rain. Perched with his arms crossed in the window of Hatchards Bookstore in Piccadilly, Wonwoo found himself enjoying the way the rain reversed itself into the sky as it bounced itself off the pavement in a million tiny thunderous tumps.
Even though it wasn’t the latest in the world, 6:30 pm during the winter might as well have been the middle of the night with the way the sun shielded itself for the day. The flickering lights of London could be seen blooming from the puddles of the pavements; the cracks filling up to give the world a different view if anyone looked closely. It was rare it rained like this, no wind in sight but Wonwoo was sure that you’d be frozen to the bone all the same if you were to step out in it.
He felt glad to be within the warmth of the shop as he watched the people in the streets without protection skitter around like helpless animals looking for shelter; newspapers and briefcases alike held above heads in a makeshift refuge from the watery beast in the sky, the shoulders of lovers damp with purpose as they huddled together for warmth, and the lone soul that didn’t care if he got drenched or left to dry because it wouldn’t change their day either way. It was interesting to Wonwoo to watch how people reacted to situations out of their control, and his spot from the window was a prime people-watching space to do just that. He’d never been a people person, a close group of his choosing was all he needed, but every now and then even he liked to see how the other side of the coin lived.
Wonwoo supposed that in many ways, standing here in the window of the shop had many meanings; this wasn’t just his job, he felt a sense of calm when he was surrounded by the astute sound of nothing but the old building and gentle tinkle of the radio, with the smell of dust and paper clinging to the air, he felt still when he got to work alone with nothing but a smile given to the odd person that would come up to pay. The bookshop to many just looked like another store, but to Wonwoo, that faded green door with the croaky bell was the first step into his world.
It was a contemplative and serene home for any the entered it, it held no judgment and there was no signature to who could and couldn’t enter the place. Wonwoo saw everyone from the youngest of kids to the oldest of the old walk through the door, all with the same interest in mind, finding themselves in the pages of somewhere new. He liked the temperance of knowing that he could play a small hand in helping them with something new, it was a pause from his usually busy days out of the store, it was a second home.
Life for Wonwoo outside of that faded door was weirdly monotonous; he was only really in the city for university, and even then, he found himself in the libraries of the old college, swamped readying old classics that no one else dared to touch, finding stories in the fraying bindings of texts. He wasn’t a social man, he had his friends he would meet up on the weekends he had free, but he wasn’t a recluse either; Wonwoo didn’t love the rain, but he however did love walking in the frozen still mornings, Lady Frost licking at the skin of his nose as the blood rushed to the skin to soothe the biting kisses. He loved walking on his own and experiencing parts of life on his own, the people he needed would come into his life when they were needed themselves.
Most of all, Wonwoo didn’t believe in fate, even though he read pages upon pages of dreamers slewing their wants for a fated life, the man himself didn’t think reality worked like that; if fates were reality, then why were they confined to pages for others to read? He believed in the things that were tangible and real, like if he touched the edge of a page too hard, he’d get a cut, or it he held his skin to close to a flame it would blister, he didn’t believe in things he couldn’t see.
What he didn’t expect to see, ironically, was the presence of the faded green door flinging itself open with a screeching ding; the old bell above it desperately needing replacing. It must have been comical really to see the man of 6ft jump in place at the sign of a small bell, but his people watching, and day dreaming had been so intense he neglected to remember he was still on the clock.
He wasn’t a judge, he didn’t care how people dressed or acted, it was the end of the 80s people had lived through enough that other’s clothing didn’t faze anyone anymore; but even Wonwoo could find his own brow quirking as he took in the cause of the noise.
He felt his arms loosening from his chest as he gazed at you from your spot by the door, drenched and dripping onto the hardwood, he supposed the leopard print coat you wore once had more life to the moving fibres as the rain matted them down and clumped them in a way that made you look like you’d be pushed face first into the river. To be frankly honest it was like the rain had soaked the life of you, Wonwoo took care in spotting the way the mud stuck and tangled itself from your gator skin boots to the ripped and tugged netting that grasped it way up your thighs, the way the dress you wore probably floated and danced around the skin of your hips and thighs before the weather got its hands on you.
What struck him though, even though you hadn’t said a word or moved an inch from the spot by the door, was the way your hands grasped themselves in a fist by your hips; knuckles a sheen of white, the muscles in your covered arms shaking slightly as you pent up whatever feelings inside to the point your skin turned a nasty blush as your fingers cut into the inside of your palms. It was only then he took a look at your face, his shoulders softening slightly as he caught wind of what was up with the bursting through the door.
He wasn’t sure if it was the rain or the way your lip warbled with emotion that tarnished your face; the black running down your cheeks till they smudged into a sickly grey, and the faded brown around your mouth from where he imagined a pretty lipstick once lay, he softened up completely at the distraught look on your face, much like the weather outside you were storming with something too.
“Please tell me you’re still open,” Your voice was bubbled and thick with something he couldn’t place, like something was lodged in your throat and creeping out, “Please god tell me you’re still open.”
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mashed-potato101 · 2 years
Imagine this
|Twisted Wonderland|
Mc introduced the first years, plus Ortho, two popular games from their world: DOOM Eternal and Animal Crossing: New Horizon
ft. Vil, Riddle, Idia, and Malleus
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Let’s just say Twisted Wonderland has its own version of Nintendo Switch but the two games miraculously worked because of technology. And thanks to Ortho, he made several copies of those two games for everyone. 
Both Ace and Deuce like DOOM Eternal. Surely, they both are the type of guys playing those types of games. Deuce tried to make up excuses to not play the game; like how it’s a game for delinquents and he’s trying to be a model student. Although, the game was too addictive to him and he couldn’t stop playing. 
Epel on the other hand, fell in love with DOOM. A game where you can shoot and slay demons!? HELL YEAH! That sounds hardcore and manly! He, along with Ace and Deuce, played together every night. 
Let me tell you about these three: They are those people who would stay up late at night just to play their game, then pretend to sleep when their parent, aka Vil and Riddle, checks up on them. 
Ace and Deuce tried to do that once, but one of them accidentally left the switch on with the volume up. Riddle caught both of them in the act and confiscated their switch. 
Epel, who was on voice chat while playing with them, heard what happened and quickly fell asleep to avoid getting the same situation but with Vil. Luckily Vil didn’t catch him, but unfortunately, he doesn’t need to catch the boy that night since his eyebags already tell him enough. Epel ended up admitting he stayed up just to play his game and got his switch confiscated as well. 
You felt pity whenever you see their sad faces, so you decided to have a little chat with the two house wardens. I don’t think they blamed you at all. Sure, you did introduce the game to them, but it was their fault for taking advantage and breaking the rules. 
You manage to convince them to let the three first years play on their console, but on a few conditions: They are only allowed to play inside the Ramshackle dorm. They will need to give you their console after gaming and return to their dorm at night before curfew. Both dorm leaders trusted you for this. After all, you were the one taking care of them. Ace, Deuce, and Epel would come during the weekends to play DOOM together. You used one of the rooms in Ramshackle where you can play video games with them. 
Congratulations, the Ramshackle now officially has a gaming room. You and the rest of the first-year friend group would have a game night every Friday. Sadly for Grim, all he can do is watch you guys play because he has no thumbs.
Ace didn’t like Animal Crossing, he thought it was boring. Deuce and Epel tried the game as well, but they preferred games that are thrilling. 
Jack is not a big fan of video games, but he plays them often due to his little siblings. He tried both games but personally chose Animal Crossing over DOOM. He’s too embarrassed to admit it and only kept it to himself until one day. You were looking for Jack to ask if he could help you study one subject you’re having trouble with. You knocked at the door but there was no answer. You opened the door slightly to see him sitting on his bed with his back in front of you. He’s wearing earbuds that were fit for him. You walked closer just to see him playing on his switch. 
“Hey Jack, are you busy- Wait... Are you playing Animal Crossing?” 
Poor boy was too embarrassed and tried to make up excuses. You told him it's okay for him to play these kinds of games and there was nothing to be embarrassed about. You forgot about studying and asked him if he would like to visit your island. You two are now animal crossing buddies. Little fun fact, he gave you a flower on his first visit to your island as a gift. Such a very good boy! 
Ortho like- No, LOVES Animal Crossing. Who could blame him though? The game is very cute and peaceful! He loves interacting with the residents and befriending them. He made a copy of the game and forced Idia to play as well just so they can visit each other’s island. Surprisingly, Idia actually liked it. It may not be his cup of tea, but he understands why his little brother enjoys the game. 
Ortho also told Idia about the gaming room in Ramshackle dorm which held a game night every Friday. You were shocked to see the shut-in dorm leader in the front of your door later that day. It turns out he wants to see the gaming room Ortho has been talking about. He was disappointed when he saw nothing other than the boys’ game consoles and very few games on the shelves. 
The next day, Idia barges himself in and brought in gaming consoles, controllers, a large screen television, and many other games with a help of magic. Congratulations again! The Ramshackle gaming room just got renovated thanks to Idia!  
“I-Idia... You don’t have to do any of this-” 
“J-Just shut up and let me do this for you. ACK! I-I MEAN- IGNORE WHAT I JUST SAID-! Ahem... You deserve a better gaming room anyways, that's why I'm doing this.” 
You also learned that most of these are brand new. You nearly had a heart attack from imagining how much all of these costs, but Idia confims there’s nothing you should be worried about. *Cough* Sugar Daddy *Cough* 
The first years entered the room and stunned to see the upgraded gaming room: LED and wall lights filled the room with colors, an L shaped sofa with a big screen tv in front of it, shelves were filled with video games, and every gaming console out and ready to be played. 
They were also surprised to see Idia in the room as well, playing on his switch. Ortho was happy to see his brother outside of his room. Idia only stayed because he was curious about what other games you have from your world. You introduced all of them to multiplayer games such as Super Smash Bros Ultimate, Mario Kart 8, etc. Even if Idia hates to be outside his comfort zone, that doesn’t stop him from being competitive in video games. 
“Ha! I win! I can’t believe you are all such noobs in this game!” 
“Dude, this is our first time playing, Idia...” 
Idia doesn’t go to your game nights anymore, but he sometimes comes by just to play with you. 
Similar to Jack, Sebek is not a big fan of video games as well. He thought they were pointless and preferred training instead. He didn’t like both games you showed them: DOOM was too gruesome and Animal Crossing doesn't show anything interesting for him. Nevertheless, he does have fun playing with his classmates. 
Sebek has been telling Lilia, Silver, and Malleus all about it as well. Malleus grew curious about one peculiar game and that is, of course, Animal Crossing. He bought himself a switch and went to you at night, asking you about the game. Before you gave him the extra copy you have, thanks to the Shroud brothers, you teach him how to use his gaming console before playing the game. 
Malleus too fell in love with Animal Crossing. The game is quite adorable and very calming. He can interact with residents normally and decorate his island. Not only that, you can visit each other’s islands too! He was very excited whenever you visit him. He would also give you gifts such as flowers and shells, and send letters everyday.
“Dear child of man, 
I hope this letter brought you well. I was watering my rose garden and surprised to see a golden rose! I want to share this lovely rose to you, who is very dear to me. I can’t wait for you to visit my island once more. 
Sincerely, Malleus.” 
He was beyond thrilled when you invited him to your island. You also mentioned to him that there would be others as well. You didn’t have to worry about Ortho and Jack in the game since they won’t recognize Malleus due to his character's name. 
Tsunotaro from Thorn Valley is here to play!
“Ehm, (Y/N)… Who’s that?” 
“Oh, he’s a friend, don’t worry :)" 
*happy dragon fae noises*
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threebooksoneplot · 1 year
Episode 16: "Dates and Dateline" (Show Notes)
listen along here
Content warnings for discussion of suicide (33:10 — 36:17) and pedophilia/murder (1:21:21 — 1:27:45)
[00:01:39] The Tumblr Q&A for Life and Death in which Stephenie Meyer admits to trying to name Carine "Carlyle"
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[00:02:20] It's "levi-OH-sa," not "levio-SAH"
I'm so sorry for 2023 harry potter reference but cmon
[00:04:58] G was not kidding about South Park being "a weird little Wild West town with like, cutouts of Cartman"
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[00:05:38] Info on the South Park episode "Tweek x Craig," in which said characters get together
[00:06:13] Chatzy, apparently still going strong
[00:06:35] The Urban Dictionary entry for TwiMDB
[00:08:50] The CW's Nancy Drew (2019)
[00:12:41] Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight saga playlists
[00:14:47] The MTV article about Mitch Hansen + the band's Spotify
[00:15:28] The "Twilight Hour" album
[00:16:44] Jacob Black.mp3
[00:17:32] A World Without You.mp3
[00:17:59] Thorns.mp3
[00:18:12] I Don't Know.mp3
[00:18:42] She is Brighter.mp3
[00:19:09] Shannon's Twilight SAT book
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[00:19:21] Nabokov’s Favorite Word is Mauve, the book that contains the “statistical analysis of Stephenie Meyer's word choice in the Twilight books” G is talking about (a recommended read!)
[00:20:28] The Bella Cullen Project
[00:21:44] Snag the download for Shannon’s "Then and Now (Alice’s Lullaby)" song here after you donate to the Quileute tribe's Move to Higher Ground fundraiser! (Don't forget to take a screenshot.)
[00:22:32] The "Edward playing music for Bella" meme
[00:23:46] Filk
[00:26:32] Shannon’s summary:
On a scale from 1-10, how weird is to hear all about your brand new girlfriend’s mom’s suicide attempts? Just asking for a friend. Beau might only be on Date #3 if we’re counting the sexy ravioli date, but he’s unlocking the first of much family trauma during this trip to the Cullen household. There’s ugly carpets, old paintings, and books and music galore! Beau is rolling with the punches in today’s chapter, and by punches I mean “tackles” because when Edythe tries to scare him, he just gets turned on about it. They make fun baseball plans with Archie and Jessamine, and if you’re quiet enough you can just barely hear Supermassive Black Hole playing in the distance. Things only get more exciting from here and I can’t wait to see the mess!
[00:31:13] G’s Animal Crossing: New Horizons recreation of Carlisle’s study, complete with Volturi painting
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[00:34:16] The Groundhog Day suicide montage (obvious content warning here)
[00:39:06] Francesco Solimena, and a few examples of his work:
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[00:39:38] The painting of Carlisle and the Volturi, as shown in New Moon and in the New Moon graphic novel
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[00:40:57] G is incorrect—Edward has not told Bella he’s killed people yet. She’s getting mixed up with the movie, in which he does tell Bella he's a murderer during the meadow scene.
[00:54:20] Shannon’s Hot Topic jalice shirt, G’s Cullen crest and Bella rings (also from Hot Topic)
[01:16:11] The What We Do in the Shadows episode "The Orgy" (+ trailer)
[01:36:38] Follow Liza on instagram here!
Another action-packed show notes! Hope you enjoyed this week's adventures in music and art :))
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productreviewspot · 1 year
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There are countless games available on Amazon, but not all of them are worth your time. To help you make the most of your gaming experience, we've compiled a list of the top games to play on Amazon right now.
"Among Us": This popular game has taken the world by storm and for good reason. You play as a member of a spaceship crew and must figure out who among you is an impostor before they kill everyone. The game is available on Amazon for PC and mobile devices.
"The Last of Us Part II": This highly-acclaimed game from Naughty Dog is a must-play for fans of action-adventure and story-driven games. You play as Ellie, a teenage girl who must navigate a post-apocalyptic world filled with danger and the infected. The game is available on Amazon for PlayStation 4.
"Animal Crossing: New Horizons": This popular life simulation game has been a hit with players of all ages. You play as a resident on a deserted island and must build a community and create a home for yourself. The game is available on Amazon for Nintendo Switch.
"Final Fantasy VII Remake": This long-awaited remake of the classic RPG game is finally here and it does not disappoint. You play as Cloud, a mercenary hired to take down the evil Shinra Corporation. The game is available on Amazon for PlayStation 4.
"Minecraft": This sandbox game has been a favorite for years and continues to be a popular choice on Amazon. You can build, explore and create your own world in this game. The game is available on Amazon for PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch.
"Red Dead Redemption 2": This critically acclaimed open-world game from Rockstar Games is set in the American frontier. You play as Arthur Morgan, a member of the outlaw Van der Linde gang. The game is available on Amazon for Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
"The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt": This open-world action RPG game from CD Projekt Red is set in a medieval fantasy world. You play as Geralt of Rivia, a monster hunter, who must find a child of prophecy in a world filled with political intrigue. The game is available on Amazon for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.
"Hollow Knight: Silksong": This action-adventure game is a sequel to the critically acclaimed Hollow Knight. You play as Hornet, a princess-protector of Hallownest, who must navigate a vast interconnected world filled with deadly enemies. The game is available on Amazon for Nintendo Switch and PC.
"Overwatch": This popular first-person shooter game from Blizzard Entertainment is set in a future where humanity is at war with robots. You play as a member of an elite team of heroes and must work together to defeat your enemies. The game is available on Amazon for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation
"Super Smash Bros. Ultimate": This fighting game from Nintendo is a must-play for fans of the series. You can play as one of many iconic characters from the Nintendo universe and battle it out with friends. The game is available on Amazon for Nintendo Switch.
These are just a few of the top games to play on Amazon right now. Whether you're into action-adventure, story-driven games, life simulation, or first-person shooters, there's something for everyone. So, grab your controller and get ready to have some fun!
Image Copyright: Pixicade
#amazongamesforkid #amazongames
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sandmiral · 2 years
Animal crossing dreamie
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Animal crossing dreamie how to#
This increased from a 0.9% chance to a 1.4% chance. The new equation results in a higher chance of me finding octopi when you island-hopped. then he is unable to show up on a mystery island and thus reduces the number of octopi you can find from 3 to 2. For example, if you already have Zucker, an octopus, as a neighbor. It is impossible to find a villager on a mystery island that already resides on your main island. 12% chance that you don't need to take any more of the chat's Nook Miles Tickets. So, every time you are using a Nook Miles ticket, there is a. 12% chance of Merry showing up on the island. Going further and completing the second roll the game calculates for the specific villager, 1 divided by 805 is. There is about a 2.86% chance that a cat will appear on the island. How the heck is there a 1 in 805 chance that a specific cat will show up." Well, to make it easier for you to understand, Let's throw it into percentages instead. Now, this is probably where your logic brain goes, "There are only 391 villagers in the game. 1 in 35 chance times 1 in 23 chance gets you a 1 in 805 chance of a specific cat showing up. Multiplying these fractions together results in a 1 in 105 chance of a specific octopus villager showing up. Next, there is a 1 in 3 chance that the specific octopus villager you're looking for will be picked. There is a 1 in 35 chance that an octopus will show up. There is a pretty simple math equation to figure out the chances of getting a specific villager. For example, there are 23 different cat villagers in the game while there are only 3 octopi. Each type has a different number of villagers. The game then rolls for a specific villager in that species. There are 35 different species in the game, so there is a 1 in 35 chance that the type of animal you are looking for will be picked. Villager hunting by island hopping is horribly tedious because of how the game decides which villager will appear on the island. Otherwise, the mystery islands will be void of intelligent life and only consist of resources, bugs, fish, etc. The second requirement is an open plot on your island. By a bunch, at least you need around 100 of those. Before you make your journey out, you're going to need a couple of things. However, knowing when and where to look for these rare fish, bugs and deep-sea creatures can seriously improve a player's chances of finding them.In today's content, we're going to break down the crazy meta that is hunting by island hopping. If there are gaps, they've likely been left by some of the rarest critters in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, a handful of which can be infuriatingly elusive. At least for those who still play regularly, anyway. Updated June 14, 2022, by Tom Bowen: Given that Animal Crossing: New Horizons has now been out for more than two years, there shouldn't be too many gaps left in players' Critterpedia apps despite the fish, bugs, and deep-sea creatures cycling on a monthly basis. This list will be focusing on the rarity of the critters, the difficulty to catch each one and the amount of money they sell for (if the other two categories are equal) to help order the rarest critters in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, along with the easiest known method for catching them all.
Animal crossing dreamie how to#
RELATED: How to Send Gratitude with Flowers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons They can be found nearly anywhere on both the player's island and the special Nook Miles Islands, a visit requires a Nook Miles Ticket, purchased for 2000 Nook Miles. These creatures are classified into either the fish or the bug categories and collecting them all will prove a challenge. There are well over 100 critters in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.
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redriotkiri · 2 years
“you tell absolutely fuckin’ nobody ‘bout this. got it, shitty hair?” for such secrecy, katsuki even does his best to usher eijirou into his room, slamming the door shut behind him and sighing; what is it, exactly, that requires such necessary dodging of the others in the class? one probably wouldn’t expect a nintendo switch. or, more specifically, the game loaded up on it - animal crossing: new horizons, with a stylised version of katsuki standing in the middle of the screen, holding a net in hand. “been playing between homework. ‘n i’m showin’ ‘cause if y’got it too, i have some shit i’m willing to trade out… but i swear to fucking god, if anyone else finds out by tomorrow, you’re all dead.” / he’s really just a nerd sjfkd
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The curiosity is killing him as he follows Bakugou into his room like he has some deep, dark secret he's hiding in there. His thoughts are all over the place as he tries to imagine what it could be, what the blond could possibly need to be so cagey about, but before his mind can wander too far, he pulls out....... a Switch? Kirishima almost doesn't hide his disappointment in time, although it's quickly replaced by amusement as he settles in to sit beside his friend with a smile.
"Man, I thought you were gonna be hiding like, a body in here or something with the way you were talking." He starts with a soft laugh, leaning over to bump Katsuki gently with his shoulder. "I do have it, but my island doesn't look as nice as yours. I get distracted really easily while I'm playing, but it's a really nice game to just relax with when you're trying to wind down, isn't it? I like your little mini you. Did you get him the red eyes to match yours? I had to time travel to buy them for myself 'cause they're only available in October, they really pull islander Shima's design together though."
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cherry-letters · 4 years
[15:03] “Isn’t it late for you?”, you ask softly.
“Mh, yeah, don’t worry about it. Seriously. I’ll get enough sleep.” He sounded a bit sleepy but content nonetheless.
“Anyways, do you have your switch on hand? My museum’s opened. Wanna look at it together?”
“Sure”, you answer with a smile, “let me just plant these couple flowers and I’ll come over to your island.”
And then Taeyong took you on a tour through his island concluding it with the museum. Maybe you were too far apart to visit an actual aquarium at the moment but for now, looking at pretty tanks together in game accompanied by calming tunes and chatting about nothing and everything was good enough.
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years
Harvest Miraculous Bible
Marriage Candidates Part 1, Part 2
Soooooo a few years ago, someone who shall not be named (*cough* @jacquesthepigeon​) put the idea of a version of Harvest Moon with the Miraculous characters.
Well, actually they just wanted to know how much it would cost to commission me to draw the characters in that style, but that’s almost the same thing right?
But I can’t do anything just normal, so I essentially wrote a mock up to reskin Harvest Moon Animal Parade and make it work for Miraculous Ladybug. Yes, I did draw the characters...but this is the Game Bible to go with it, okay? I spent way too much time thinking about this reskin so I need to share what I came up with. If you’ve played Animal Parade, this’ll sound familiar.
The land of Paris is split into various districts. The main hub of commerce is Miraculous Town, where you will find shops and residences. Your farm is located just outside of the Town, which is connected to Fields (which connects to the Akuma Forest) and the Mine District. In the Mine area you'll find the Ladybug Pond.
There was once a divine tree in the middle of the Miraculous Queen’s pond. One day the tree began to weaken, the air became stagnant, and the living creatures started to leave. The Queen believes that the power from the Miraculous King, who lives high in the heavens, can be used to help the wilted plant.
PC (Player Character) is tasked by the Miraculous Queen to find the 5 Missing Miraculouses (Peacock, Turtle, Fox, Bee, and Butterfly) to summon the Miraculous King so he can use the Cat Miraculous alongside her Ladybug Miraculous in order to bring vitality back to the land, which is suffering due to the missing Miraculouses. Doing so will also bring more prosperity to your farm.
Finding the Fox         ->    Increases Ranch Animal Output
                                          Max and Alix move in
Finding the Bee         ->    Increases Crop Availability
                                          Chloe, Marc, Juleka, and Prince Ali move in
Finding the Peacock  ->    Increases Fishing and Allows Travel
                                          Kagami, Luka move in
Finding the Turtle       ->    Increases Tree and Animal Availability
                                          Lila, Felix become available bachelor/ettes
Finding the Butterfly   ->    Next Step to summoning the Miraculous King
                                          Opens short cut to Mountain Top
The obvious thing would be to make the kwami the Forest Sprites, but I ended up making them extra characters to fill out the land.
Some other changes is I think it’d be interesting if instead of choosing your gender, you chose the gender of the characters you’d want to marry. (You can play as a girl or boy but we’d do the Animal Crossing New Horizons thing for having you chose your “style”). This way you could play a boy and romance a boy or play a girl and romance a girl. And since baby making has always been a fade to black/suddenly baby due in two weeks sort of thing, we can just make it canon that the stork or the Miraculous Queen blesses you with a baby, regardless of the parents genders.
I also want to include this because I made some creative choices on some character Rivals. Rivals in Harvest Moon are characters that can marry your potential marriage candidates. For example, if you play as a boy you can marry Luna, but Luna can also marry a bachelor character, Gill, if you befriend Gill instead of Luna. They’ll get married, move in together, and even have a baby if you keep befriending Gill. That makes Gill your “Rival” for Luna, though it’s entirely up to the PC whether or not they become a couple.
So, in my reskin, Rose has the Rival option of both Juleka and Prince Ali. To get around how a Rival that matches the gender of your preferred Marriage Candidate knows if you’re romancing them yourself or because you want them to end up with the bi character, there’d be a cutscene of them coming to your house at 4 hearts and asking if your feelings are platonic or romantic. If romantic, obviously they’ll continue as a normal marriage candidate. If platonic, they’ll start romancing the bi character.
So for example, you decide you’re going to play as someone who wants to romance the girl characters AND you’ve decided you want Rose to end up with Juleka. Normally, if you want to make a couple happen, you befriend the person in the couple who matches your gender (play as a boy, befriend Gill, play as a girl, befriend Luna), so to make JuleRose happen, you start befriending Juleka. Since Juleka can be either YOUR marriage candidate or ROSE’S, when you get enough hearts to go into the “dating” phase, Juleka will show up at your house asking where your feelings lay. You tell her your feelings are platonic and she understands. Then later when entering a certain spot at a certain time, you’ll trigger Juleka and Rose’s first romantic cutscene and they’ll officially be on their way to dating.
Alternatively you could befriend Rose, who would also ask you if your feelings are platonic or romantic. Both options make Rose relieved, if you choose romance it’s because she feels the same, and if you choose platonic she’ll say it’s because she’s already caught between two people and is confused enough as is. This will prompt you to decide who you think she’d be better with - Juleka or Prince Ali - and that will trigger their romance.
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jeehye · 3 years
BNHA villain boyfriends when you’re depressed
— Shigaraki and Overhaul
— Gender Neutral!Reader
Warnings: Depression / Mental Disorders, Implied Nudity, Probably OOC Shigaraki and Overhaul. Harsh-ish Overhaul(?)
Genre: angsty fluff
A/N: This is a little more personal. Sometimes we go through the motions and that is okay. I am proud of you for even simply browsing through Tumblr. I promise you, someday it’ll get better, so hold your head high, these waves will pass. If you ever need to talk, I am always here for you. You’re doing amazing, never forget that. 
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You didn’t know how it got so bad.
Clothes littered the floor, shoes and stuffed animals thrown all over. Plates of half eaten food and water cups stacked up; all creating a chaotic mess.
You wore a baggy shirt and undergarments, mix matched socks that were slightly coming off your feet, but you did not care.
You hadn’t cared for days now.
Everything in life was like a seemingly tedious task. Even combing your hair was almost excruciating to do, and not because you had to yank knots out of your hair, but because it consumed every fiber of your being to get out of your bed and do so.
You had no energy. No enthusiasm.
You were so tired of it; so, so tired of it all. You felt desperate as you sunk deeper and deeper into this dark abyss. It was like you were trying to reach up for air but the weight of everything was continuously dragging you down. You desperately wanted to cry out for help, but you didn’t have the energy or strength, or even humility to ask for help. And so, you just laid there, time continuously ticking by, as the world continued to move forward, and you stayed stagnant in one place.
And as the sun rose on the fifth day, you heard a creak at your door and footsteps shuffling inside your room.
Shigaraki Tomura
Shigaraki came in quietly, like he always does when visiting your room. He didn’t know what was going on with you, but he knew deep down you did not want to be alone. So, he sat on the ground of your messy bedroom, switch in hand, playing Animal Crossing.
You could hear the background music of the game and the sounds of Shigaraki fishing. Sometimes he would grunt in frustration when he failed to catch a fish, which placed a tickle of a smile on your face.
After about 30 minutes of listening to his gameplay it went dead silent. You could hear him get up from his spot and shift his body weight onto your bed, causing it to creak.
“That damn Nook is a fraud”, Shigaraki grumbled, “This stingy bastard wants me to pay 548,000 bells for an expansion! This game is literally what I hate about society and those fucking ugly villagers do not deserve homes”, he continued to rant, scratching his neck in frustration.
You could practically feel him sulking.
“Maybe…” You murmured quietly “…maybe we could play together?” You lifted your head to look at him, your face still puffy from the crying session you had.
Shigaraki hated when you cried. He hated when you got the way you did too. When he first started dating you, he had made it a promise that he would protect you from everything, and make sure you were treated with the upmost care and respect. In some ways he can’t help but feel like he failed you, but he knows blaming himself would only make you feel worse.
Shigaraki gave you a soft smile and reached for the s/c switch that was sitting on your nightstand with 4 fingers.
He handed you the switch and you booted up Animal Crossing: New Horizons. As you were getting through Isabel’s mantra, you felt Shigaraki shift in bed.
“Y/N…” He said quietly, slipping his arms around your waist and nuzzled his head into your neck.
You hummed in response, all of your attention focused on running to open your island’s gate for Shigaraki to join.
“I know you are dealing with a lot,” He continued, “but do not have to take all of the weight of world on your shoulders, you can give some of the weight to me…”. He hugged you closer and kissed the side of your jaw.
You felt tears prick your eyes, “Thank you…I honestly do not know what I would do without you”, you said meekly, wiping your face.
“Mhm…I love you Y/N”.
“Your room is so filthy; don’t you ever think about cleaning it up?”
You shuddered in your bed as you heard the monotone man step foot into your room. You could feel the man’s judgement in his voice and it made your eyes prick with tears.
“I am sorry boss”, you muttered, ashamed and disgusted with yourself. “I’ll do bett-“
“No.” He firmly said, cutting you off.
You could hear him breathe deeply, as if he was trying to muster up courage, before his gloved hand yank your body out of your bed and into his chest. Your eyes widening in disbelief.
“Sir?” You looked at him in bewilderment, knowing damn well you’re not up-to-date on his cleanliness protocol.
Suddenly, dread washed over you as you thought he was going to reconstruct you right here, or just kill you because of how you were, but he didn’t do either of those things. Instead, Kai dragged you into your bathroom.
“I told you to stop with the formality”, he grumbled underneath his mask, “now put your hands up”.
You did as you were told, and he slipped your shirt off, as well as your undergarments and socks. You felt the cold air surround you and as you were about to shiver and cover your body self-consciously, strong arms picked you up and gently placed you into the warm bath water.
Kai turned away to take off his mask and gloves off and set them neatly on the marbled vanity table before turning back to tend to you.
“Aren’t I dirty?” You muttered your eyebrows furrowing together.
His golden eyes looked at you, his face expressionless, “why else do you think I’m washing you?”, he asked in a more matter-of-fact tone, as he lathered your h/c hair with f/s shampoo.
You could feel your shoulder loosen up as he massaged your scalp, your body slowly sinking into the tub in bliss.
Kai’s eyes softened at the sight of your pure, fragile state. He saw you as someone worthy of so much and he hated when you got into your depressed states. He tried his best to build you up as much as he could, though some could argue that his methods were more-or-less tough love, but regardless the man adored you. Even if you rolled in mud and were covered head-to-toe in dog shit, he would still never view you as dirty. Kai held cleanliness next to godliness and you were a god(dess) to him.
“Don’t fall asleep on me angel”, he hummed, rinsing your hair off with the shower head.
You hummed in response, the warm water lulling you to sleep. “Too late…” you mumbled, and as soon as you said that you felt the shower head looming over you turn off and the sound of the bath tub being drained.
You were about to whine in protest when the same strong arms picked you back up and wrapped you into a warmed, soft towel.
“It is not good to fall asleep in the bath”, Kai scolded, wiping your body down and putting a new pair of clothes on you.
Once he was finished, you tried walking back to your bedroom, but he stopped you. “I am having your bedsheets changed currently so you cannot head back to bed yet. You can go once they are done.”
“Okay…thank you”, you said shyly.
Kai looked at you intensely for a moment before he wrapped his arms around you. “Y/N, I do not mind taking time out of my day to take care of you”, he said slowly, pressing his lips against your wet hair. “You’re my everything angel, I want to make sure you are always okay”.
You nodded in response, “Thank you Kai…for everything”.
“I love you angel".
Requests are Open!
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
sarah i have thought of another fic request or like a cute idea i guess! i didn’t have anyone in mind when i thought of it so you can write it for whoever you want honestly :)
okay so the reader is a streamer but streams games like animal crossing, standew valley, etc. then (insert who you’re writing for) says they don’t like that game, but later ends up buying it and the reader is like “i thought you said you didn’t like this game” and they’re like “well i like you” and they confuses their feelings and they end up playing the game together and reader gives them a tour of their island or farm
i feel like this request isn’t good, but the scenario seemed cute and i wanted to share it. sorry if this is confusing or just too specific cuz i know it can be hard to write requests like that! but yeah i hope it gives you inspiration and you like the request <3
new horizons
warnings: language, a Marvel reference (hint: natasha said it about tony), stupid idiots who don’t realize they like each other, use of pet names, Uno rage, Hasan Piker's presence
words: 1473
tags: sapnap x gn!reader
A/N: i’ve been trying to catch up a little on my requests (i’ve only got a couple so i’m not super overwhelmed) but school and outside life has been taking up most of my time so this one took me a while to make! tbh— ive never played animal crossing so i did google some of the game mechanics and i apologize if anything is inaccurate about the game…. but i liked relaxing and writing this cute one so thank you for requesting hails :3
requests/inbox status: open
“This game is trash.”
Your head quirks, fingers stopped on the screen. You’re in the process of giving your character a cute new nickname; it’s kind of hard to decide between “awkward dude” and “elderly skater”.
“Excuse me?” Your chat comes alive with emotes and ‘KEKW’s, obviously entertained by you and your almost-more-than-friends-friend.
There’s a story for that later.
Sapnap’s rough laugh comes through your headset and he audibly swallows, the sound of a water bottle dropping onto his desk echoing.
“I’m just saying—it’s boring. It’s like Minecraft but you don’t like… do anything.” The grainy image of his bearded face shifts and you see him pull out his phone.
“It’s— you can’t even compare it to Minecraft! It’s a completely different game system—you actually interact with other people live in the game.” You huff out a dramatic sigh, slumping in your chair with a pout. “Just because you go into this lucid state where all you know is ‘touch block, hit George’ doesn’t mean this game isn’t fun.” (He scoffs at your awful impression of his voice. Your viewers love it.)
“Jeez,” he mumbles, fumbling with the cap of his water bottle. “Touched a nerve there, bud.”
You roll your eyes, getting back to the village in the game.
“Don't ‘bud’ me.”
The call falls comfortably quiet, the sounds of him tapping obsessively on his phone and you clicking away filling the silence. A gentle bedroom-pop YouTube playlist remains in the background, prompting you to hum along and glance at the chat to see a flood of “check twitter” and “Y/N TWITTER!!”.
“What happened on Twitter?” You mumble, confused, and pull the website up on another monitor. Sapnap just makes a curious noise, swinging back and forth in a circle. “Oh my God,” you say to yourself, fingertips brushing your parted lips.
“Hasan Piker just followed me and retweeted one of my not even remotely political old tweets. Like from a year ago.”
“That’s— wow. Congrats?” Sapnap’s voice cracks, and his ears flush pink the tiniest bit when you glance at his face on Discord.
“I’m gonna go on record and say that he could get it.” You shake your head in disbelief.
Sapnap falls uncharacteristically non-hyper-verbal, so you look past the frenzied chat and to his screen— wait. He muted and turned his camera off.
“Um,” you start, furiously typing question marks in your private chat. “Where’d you go?” You mute and turn screen share off for your stream, concerned that he might’ve fallen off his chair and broken his neck and needs you to call the ambulance.
The characteristic ding of a twitter notification sounds through your bedroom, and you look at your phone quickly.
“That’s where I went.”
Sapnap Tweeted: “all Y/U stans can choke on my dick”.
“Jesus, Sapnap,” you say, and rapidly refresh to read the replies. This tweet was deleted. “That’s so— that barely makes sense, bro. Why— literally what?”
His snicker floods your ears and you relax in your chair. Crisis: averted. “Don’t fucking— what’s wrong with you?”
“I thought it would be funny,” he offers, shrugging, and fiddles with the straw in his water bottle, smile fading. “And also Hasan pisses me off.”
“Why, ‘cause he wants a piece of this? Jealous?” You think back to your viewers, knowing they’re probably spamming question marks and coming to ludacris conclusions about both of your absences. No offense to them. You remember your stan days very vividly.
“I mean, kinda.” He rubs once at his nose, glancing at the camera (and what feels like you) before taking a sip from his water bottle.
“Wow.” You watch one strand of his hair fall from beneath his hat and brush against his full eyebrows. “I’m uh—I’ll get back to my stream. You coming? Or is it time for a Sapnap-snack?”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” He snorts and leans his chin onto the balance of his arm.
“That means you like to take a little snack break mid-stream and come back approximately nine hours later and you didn’t even eat.”
“You know what— fuck you.” He flicks the camera as you laugh at the look on his face.
The teasing mood is easily kept as you switch games from Animal Crossing to Uno, all the while slamming Sapnap with +4’s and skipping the newly-arrived BadBoyHalo at any chance you can get. It unironically pisses him off and he has to take a Sapnap-snack break midway through (only a fifteen minute break this time, during which you and Bad take a “What Kind of Bread Are You?” quiz). The rest of the night is filled with devious cackles (you), loud and sudden bangs that sound suspiciously like someone hitting their desk in anger (Sap) and the stupid barking of Rat, AKA Lucy (Bad). She’s cute but a menace to the sound quality of Bad’s microphone. You sign off stream around 2 a.m. with various forms of thanks and kisses blown to the camera. It’s been a refreshing night, actually; you’ve been busy organizing a partnership stream all week and all your friends have been busy filming or editing or what-not. Quackity had time for a little Roblox every couple of days, though. He’s got your back.
The next time you see Sapnap is after a two hour stream of him try-harding in Valorant and you finishing responding to an email from your partnership in the VC.
“Okay, I’m back.” You hear him shift in his chair and click a couple more times on his keyboard. You perk up in your chair, closing the email browser you’d been looking at.
“Do you want to play anything else? I’m down for anything.”
“Absolutely not Uno. You can go to hell for giving me 6 cards that one time,” he jabs. You scoff, crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair.
“Okay, the +4 was on me but it’s Bad who gave you the last two. That’s not my fault, sweetie.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he mumbles, trailing off as the clicking of his keyboard stops. “Hey, um—Guess what?”
Your heart beats loud in your ears at the tone of his voice. He sounds nervous; that’s never good.
“I’m scared to guess,” you try, playing with a little Minecraft dog figurine you have on your desk with fidgety fingers. “What?”
“I bought Animal Crossing.”
Silence. You stare at his discord icon blankly, trying to reroute the wires of your brain.
“Tell me you love it.”
“Well… I haven’t actually played it— but you said you liked it, so.”
“So,” you repeat him, ears warming but continuing on. “Is that what you tell all your friends when you buy something they like? That it's because of them?”
He seems to choose his next words carefully, pausing a beat to consider your questions.
“Well, I don’t have a crush on all of my friends.”
“You—what?” You stutter, caught off guard and stumbling. What did he just say? “Don’t tell me you mean you have a crush on me.”
“I’m almost positive I just did.” His discord icon stares right back at you, taunting.
“You know, you’re very casual for someone who just admitted they like-like me.” Your cheeks flush pink and you have to press a hand to your chest to keep your breathing sounding stable.
“Yeah, I’m kind of cool like that,” he offers, a huff of a laugh punctuating his statement. The conversation moves into a lull that you can’t help but know is because of you. He must expect you to say something about it, right?
“You are very cool, Sapnap.” You tilt back in your chair, sucking in a breath to prepare yourself for your next words. “And—Isortakindofhaveacrushonyoutoo.”
He must understand you, for you can hear the grin in his voice when he asks “Really?”
“Y-yeah.” You feel like a preteen again, all shaky and giddy in front of the boy you just asked to a middle school dance.
“Um, alright. What do we do now?”
“I don’t know,” you answer genuinely and swing in a happy little circle in your chair. “We could play Animal Crossing.”
“I’m down.”
You swear you’ve never heard more beautiful words.
He keeps his camera off for most of the time you two play, too focused on creating his island and asking you questions about how to fish to turn it on. He silently flips it on when you help him decorate his lawn, needing to show you in real-time the decorations he has bought and where you think he should put them. He looks cute. I mean, of course he does. He always does.
You tell him goodbye late in the night, eyes saying a little more than just “see you tomorrow”.
You like him. He likes you.
It’s even better when you two have matching gardens.
A/N: anybody and everybody (especially my precious hailey) let me know what you think!! :]
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fuwushiguro · 3 years
The League of Villains Playing Video Games with You
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notes: okay so i bought story of seasons: olive town a few days ago and i am addicted, lmk if any of you guys have played bc i wanna talk about it hehe
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words: .8k
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·        He’s not the biggest gamer in the world but he plays to unwind sometimes
·        He isn’t up to date console wise, he still has a PS2 and a lot of old school games
·        Dabi doesn’t let you play tbh I won’t lie
·        His favourite game to play is Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
·        Homie still has a cheat sheet that he wrote when he was a kid
·        You don’t mind watching him play bc you don’t know how to play anyway
·        He’s played the game a few times over and over
·        He knows everything about everything
·        His calm and cool demeanour drops when his wanted stars go up
·        He spends an obscene amount of time banging the sex workers to take the edge off
·        You take his controller from him and straddle him on the couch
·        Baby needs some stress relief from his stress relief
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·        Another dude who you won’t be gaming with
·        He lets you watch tho
·        He’s played like 3000 hours of Breath of The Wild
·        You’re pretty impressed with his skills
·        EVERY movement he makes is fluid, he’s a master
·        (and so he should be after playing THREE THOUSAND HOURS!!!)
·        “Can I try?” you ask meekly
·        He isn’t so sure, you’ve never really played before
·        But he can always load from a previous save if you screw up
·        “Sure, I’ll put you somewhere easy to start.”
·        You spend a little while running around and getting used to the controls
·        The moment you find a horse is when it all goes wrong
·        The sound of your stressed crying, Shigaraki’s yelling and the Guardian Stalker music are enough to make you never want to play again
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·        Toga forced you to buy Friday the 13th
·        (of course her game of choice would be a horror game btw)
·        Your nervous disposition makes this game all the more amusing to play together for Toga
·        You guys will be on the phone together or using headsets while you play so you can talk to each other
·        “Where are you baby? I’m gonna kill you!!!” she’ll tease
·        “Ah no! Please don’t!” you panic, running to hide under a bed in a cabin
·        Your strategy (albeit a little stupid) is to stick with other players
·        If you’re in a group, hopefully Toga will go after someone else before she gets a chance to kill you!
·        The musical stings are making you so anxious
·        You can see Toga murder someone while you’re hiding
·        “I just killed someone! There’s so much yummy blood, shame it’s not real.”
·        She may be a psycho
·        But she’s YOUR psycho
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·        Okay so baby boy knew how much you wanted Animal Crossing: New Horizons but you couldn’t afford it
·        But whatever his baby wants, baby gets
·        So he stole it AJFDLJLFDSKLKFD (he’s a criminal tbh we are not shocked)
·        You’re wrapped up in his arms while you’re creating your character and naming your island
·        You let him make a character too so that you can play together!
·        “Does he look like me? HE’S SO CUTE!”
·        You’ve played other Animal Crossing games so you spend some time showing Jin how to play
·        You spend some time catching bugs and fishing together
·        His favourite villager is Curt bc of the little bandage on his head
·        (it reminds Jin of his scar)
·        After a little while you decide to play hide and seek
·        You’re hiding behind a tree praying that he doesn’t spot you
·        But of course he does! He starts chasing you and you’re both laughing until your sides hurt
·        “I got you fair and square! GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE CHEAT!”
Mr. Compress:
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·        Does not understand games at all
·        Also has no interest in gaming tbh
·        But Mister is getting tired of the league tormenting him when he sucks at Mario Kart 8
·        “My dear, could you help an old man out?”
·        Of course you’ll help him! So he takes a seat beside you on the couch and you hand him the controller
·        You spend a little while explaining all of the buttons to him
·        He starts off on easier routes like Moo Moo Meadows and Sunshine Airport
·        When he starts getting the hang of things you introduce him to harder routes like Rainbow Road
·        “This track is absurd!”
·        You can’t help but laugh, you knew he’d struggle but he has to learn sometime!
·        “Are you ready to race against me, Mister?” you ask him
·        He’s not sure he’ll ever be ready, but he nods anyway
·        Of course you are better, but Mister has shown definite improvement.
·        He actually manages to beat you for one race after you got taken out with a blue shell
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© 2021 dabistiktokdance
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falloutjay · 3 years
The boys, Animal Crossing New Horizon and you! (Head canons in regards to ACNH) 🌴
I've been intensely playing Animal Crossing the past few days and so I thought of this, hope you enjoy! 💐
Is really strict with his island. He got his mother to buy loads of the amiibo cards so he can only have villagers he likes.
The ones he didn't like got a net to their head everytime they dared to leave the house.
He proudly shows it off to you whenever he can.
He also let's you borrow his cards so you can have villagers you like. You're still not allowed to have his favorites though.
Only got into it because you forced him to try it.
He enjoys it like hell.
Island's a bit chaotic, he doesn't really care about making it pretty or tidying up, but he talkes to his villagers a lot.
He's more keen on filling the museum and it brings him joy
It's nice to see him so enthusiastic about something so small.
Anything he already has he donates to your museum.
Really tidy town. Like. Woah. It's so neat and organized.
Wants to fill the museum like Stan, but is rather chill about it.
He's into breeding flowers.
He has all hybrids and gifts them to you when he has enough, so you can have some too.
He made a little seating area just for you guys and he is really a sucker for the holidays and always spends them together with you.
He doesn't have his own switch, but you let him have yours.
Sometimes even overnight so he can do his little surprises and play with Karen for a bit. You don't mind that, since you know he protects the switch with his life.
His surprises often entail drawing a penis with the path tool somewhere.
Otherwise he sends you cute letters from time to time with furniture or something similar attached.
His house is close to yours and you made him his parka in-game with the design tool. He refuses to wear anything else.
The most adorable island you will ever see.
Everything is incredibly cute and he takes it serious. He plays every day.
He makes lists to he keeps track of the villagers he needs to talk to, what flowers he needs etc.
When you get cute DIYs or furniture you gift it to him and he adores it.
The centerpiece of his island is a pink rose heart for you.
You got him the new Hello Kitty furniture as soon as it came out.
Messy. Island. He doesn't really pick up sticks or weed and it's funny to him how much it annoys you.
He doesn't really care about his villagers either. If he hates them, he won't talk to them and wait til they move out.
The ones he likes he keeps track of, like making sure he talked to them and sometimes gifts them stuff he doesn't need anymore.
Since he doesn't care too much, he happily gifts you anything you want if he has it.
A clean and neat island.
He makes these beautiful decorated places for your characters to sit down at while you talk over discord.
He's happy with any villager and is friendly to all.
Also happily gifts you furniture and always let's you have any villager you're interested in.
He loves the holidays and enjoys fishing a lot. Catching bugs, digging up fossils and the other stuff not so much.
Animal Farm.
He builds anything Space or Animals related and that's the overall theme for is island.
His favorite thing is crafting the celestial/zodiac furniture and the cherry blossom DIYs.
Made it big with turnips and decorates his house a lot. One room is a special place for you.
His island is neatly decorated but not as stunningly as the other guys.
He's the person who constantly forgets about his turnips.
He will buy a lot, store them in his house and only remember them when he walks into the room a week later.
You gifted him money though because you felt so bad. You don't mind doing that, because he's just so forgetful.
He build a cute little coffeeshop where you two can sit down at.
He's also into flowers and also has every single one. They are neatly organized and are a beautiful addition to his otherwise sparely decorated island.
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babytaes · 3 years
reaction to playing video games | tbz- ─ ot11 ˎˊ˗
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𝚠𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐: a few curse words, quite lengthy 
requested (anon)
✧ sangyeon∘*
Not only did whining get you places, but it also warmed your boyfriends' stone cold heart. It's a perk.
“Baby...I'm dying to play. You and the others never let me play.” You moped over to his setup and pouted as you sat at the edge.
“All right, I'll let you play once, but if you lose. So, please-.” You winked at him as you pressed your finger to his lips and grabbed a remote, settling in for the game.
“What the fuck was that, Y/N? You never told me how good you were.” He exhaled deeply and lowered his headphones. You strode out the door laughing, pushing his chair away and saying.
“See, should let me play more."
✧ jacob∘*
“DID YOU SEE MY CONTROLLER, Y/N?” As he rummaged through his room looking for it, Jacob yelled out to you.
Hearing his shouts from the living room, you swiftly grabbed the controller from the stone table and laughed your way to his man cave.
“You always leave it by the living room set up,” You say. He chuckled and kissed your forehead, thanking you as he pulled the controller from your grip.
Jacob called out to you just as you were about to walk out the door.
“Hey, want to play with me? Today, the boys are offline.” You rushed over to the chair and snuggled up close to him as you grabbed your red controller, smiling at his request.
“Mr. Bae, are you ready to be demolished?”
✧ younghoon∘*
Over the facetime call, he whispered something and pointed the iPad at your screen, tapping it to make it clearer.
“I need help with this level; I've literally asked the guys and they haven't been able to assist me. So I figured I'd consult the master.”
You let out a gasp and shook your head.
“Not sure why you didn't ask me FIRST,” you remarked, rolling your eyes, “but I guess I'll help you.”
He finally made it to the boss level after minutes of discussing the level and advising him where to go. Before kissing the screen, he turned to you and smiled broadly.
"Thank you, Y/N."
"Anytime Younghoon"
✧ hyunjae∘*
As you sat your headset down and spoke into the mic beside you, you heard a knock on the door.
“Hey guys, I'll be right back. Leave some suggestions for places to visit in the game in the chat.”
You walked out and unlocked the door after turning off your microphone and camera. Hyunjae stood in front of you, holding some containers, much to your astonishment. He strolled in with a joyful smile on his face.
“My mum insisted on me bringing some food over since you know how they are.”
You kissed his temple and went to get some chopsticks and bowls while putting some food on the table for him.
“I only have a few more rounds on my server before I can leave. You are more than welcome to observe; you may certainly benefit from it.
As he scoffed, he glanced up with a wide mouth and noodles in his mouth.
“Wow.. some sort of friend you are.”
✧ juyeon∘*
“So you're a gamer,  Not like those people who do "games" online."
Before displaying your Twitch, you pushed Juyeon and laughed. He appeared intrigued as he scanned through the videos before selecting one.
He leaned back,  head resting on your lap. As the demon rushed toward the screen, he was already dying from your reaction. You asked him a question while rolling your eyes at his state.
“Hey, do you want to be a part of my broadcast one day?” I'd be happy to show you some things.”
Before returning to his comfortable position, he glanced up from his seat and nodded his head.
“I'm thinking about subscribing because this is high-quality content.”
✧ kevin ∘*
“Have you played Animal Crossing: New Horizon?” Kevin poked your side from his laying down position, waiting for your answer.
Your eyes widened as you lowered your phone and slowly turned to face him, jaw wide open.
"Don't tell me you play Animal Crossing too?"
He showed you his Switch with a laugh and a nod of his head.
You sprung off your couch and dashed to your bag, returning with your Switch.
“You should have told me earlier; you must see my house!”
✧ new∘*
“Why don't you stop being so bad, then we can talk about my techniques.” As you scoffed, you turned your head sideways to look at New.
“Says the person who recently finished last in our team's tournament. Do you want me to check the scoreboard one more time, or are you finished?”
Sunwoo shook his head as he walked back to his room, looking at the two kids arguing.
“This is the 20th time the kids have fought this week, Sangeyon. If you don't want to do anything, I'll do it for you.”
You both turned around to see an agitated Kevin with twitching eyes.
“Forgive me, Kevin, but I'll be more mature and quiet.” As you pushed the play button on the game, you laughed.
“Bitch” New whispered under his breath as he “accidentally” killed your character off.
✧ q∘*
“Please let me play one more time, Y/N. I'll do better. “I will vanquish the Evil.” Not amused by his confidence, you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms.
“All right, but don't injure my ears for the 4th time today. I will smack you."  He gave you a wink and walked up to your game set. As he watched you set up everything, including the Oculus, Changmin tapped his legs. That dreadful thing.
As you finished prepping everything, you switched off the lights and set your LED's to purple. You took his hand in yours and kissed it many times while rubbing the back of your neck.
“I'm sure you'll be fine.” Changmin turned to face you and said "fighting" before putting on the headphones.
As you observed him, you noticed that he was doing fairly well; he was approaching a new area of the level as he frantically looked around. As his scream echoed throughout the house, you clenched your hand and squeezed your eyes.
You quickly grabbed the Oculus and yanked it off, only to be confronted by a frightened boy.
“At the very least, you made it past the first section. I'm proud.”
✧ juhaknyeon∘*
“You're killing me, Love; it's not fair.” You tossed the controller on the couch and pouted at him with your arms folded.
He laughed and walked over to your side, pausing the game.
“How about a hug and a kiss as an apology?” Next round, I'll take it easy on you.” He smiled and drew the two of you closer together. As your eyes opened, he held onto you. Grabbing your controller, you tossed a knife at his character as he collapsed to the ground. 
“BABE... “What was the point of that?”
You returned his controller to him, smirking.
“You always gotta be ready, learn from the best.”
✧ sunwoo∘*
“Babe, it's only a simple tap, hit, and swing,”  Sunwoo fought to breathe as he rested his hands on his knees.
“Wait..I-..just give me like 10 minutes,”   As you stood over his large figure, laughing at his antics, he dropped to the carpet.
“So you can dance for hours at a concert, but you can't get past the first two levels of Just Dance? Sunwoo, make it make sense.”
You watched as his face lit up with a smile and his chest rose and fell as he chuckled.
“That's different; these dances are crack. Who comes up with it?
You looked up at the TV, shaking your head, and chuckled at the title song.
*The Stealer* 
“What an ass.”
✧ eric∘*
“So, according to your buddies, you're a Mario Kart "master,” is that correct?” Eric spun around and clasped his hands together in his fancy gaming chair, cocking his head to the side.
“It depends on your willingness to face him.” He chuckled and sat you down in front of one of the monitors.
You strolled up to his setup and sat down, laughing. You took the controller and customized your bike while choosing your character, Pink Toad.
“First and foremost, ladies, I'll let you choose the level.” You chose Rainbow Road and started your engines, smirking at his arrogant face. As you thought about how this was going to be the ride of a lifetime, he winked at you.
“FINISH... AND THE CROWD GOES CRAZY. What's the number on the scoreboard? PINK TOAD TAKES FIRST PLACE AGAIN!!”
Before resetting his controller, he rolled his eyes.
“Will you be able to handle the Master for the second time now...?” you smirked.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
➳ Navigate to the Maze
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mango-bango-bby · 3 years
Hi mango!! I was wondering how dabi or hawks would react to getting their s/o a Nintendo switch with animal crossing and she ends up cuddling them a lot while playing and teaching them about the different characters? Oh by the way thank you for writing such soft yanderes! Your writing style rlly do be top tier🥺
♡ Chicken! ♡
I play way to much ACNH.... 💕💞💝💗💖 (Also, I already have a Dabi fic with this plot!!)
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Keigo plays with a small part of your hair with a calm smile. His wings are wrapped around the two of you while you sit on his lap, his red feathers protecting you from the rest of the world. Keigo rests is head on your shoulder, watching you click clack away on the joy-cons.
Keigo, being a complete push-over, had bought you a Nintendo Switch when you had asked him. Of course, being the number two hero, he had enough money to get you all the expensive games you wanted, like Pokémon Sword and Mario Cart 8 Deluxe. However you had attached yourself to Animal Crossing: New Horizons, playing it as long as you could before Keigo pulled the console out of your hands.
Keigo, having got you what you asked for, asked for affection in return. Of course, you accepted. So you’ve been sitting on his lap for probably an hour and a half at this point, your legs are falling asleep but you continue playing, selling your turnips for the hot price of five hundred bells.
Keigo truly wasn’t interested in the game you were playing, probably because he never played video games as a child. Keigo just wanted to cuddle you, so he just cuddled you and listened to your sweet voice while you explained your favorite game.
“It’s you” You giggle, moving your in-game-character to face a villager in the game who was a chicken. Keigo playfully pouts “I am not a chicken” He chuckles, you’re to cute. You lean back more into his chest, now leaning more to the side so that you can rest your cheek on his chest. Keigo now rests his head on top of yours continuing to watch you play.
“Yes, you are! You’re a chicken!” You giggle to yourself. Keigo lets out a dramatic gasp, before using his feathers to tickle your sides, causing you to burst out in laughter. “Ah! Ok, ok! You’re not a chicken! Have mercy!” You laugh loudly, before collapsing against his chest. Now that he’s not tickling you, you go back to calmly playing your game.
“You should get a Switch, then we could play together” you say softly, not moving your eyes from the screen. A self-satisfied-smile creeps onto Keigo’s face. He’s so happy with you. You’ve come so far from being scared of him or begging him for freedom. Now, you’re cuddling with him and asking him to play video games with you.
“I don’t play video games, duckling” Keigo states, matter of factly, still resting his head on top of yours. You look up at him with a pout on your face. Keigo can practically feel his heart melting in his chest. You’re eyes, instead of being focused on planting in game flowers, are know focused on his face.
“Well, then I could teach you” you say, looking back down at your console. Well, he can’t argue with that logic. Maybe he will get one, just so he can play with you.
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jj-babebank · 3 years
Camp Willowdale / JJ Maybank AU / PART 8
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Synopsis: Camp Willowdale is buzzing with new campers. It’s Caroline Windsor’s first year as a camp counsellor after attending the camp as a camper for ten years. Little does she know that this year Willowdale Lake is going to be a little different from what she is used to it being…
Warnings: future chapters may include curse words, mentions of drugs, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sexual activities, mentions of death.
Pairings: JJ Maybank x fem OC Part 1 ; Part 2 ; Part 3 ; Part 4; Part 5 ; Part 6 ; Part 7
Part 8 –
49 days of summer camp left
Caroline sat in her bed, hugging her knees against her chest. Her and JJ had the afternoon off and despite his attempts to lure her into hanging out, and her infatuation with the boy, she’d turned him down, wanting to spend a few hours alone with herself to compose her thoughts. It had been exactly two weeks since the night Madison disappeared. No one had bothered to mess with the campers since then, the bonfire area hadn’t been touched and no dead animals were found in anyone’s suitcase. To the rest of the camp, this seemed like victory; to Caroline – it seemed like the calm before the storm.
During their first day at Camp Willowdale, all of the counselors had been given a Willowdale-branded set of items they’d have to use during their stay. It came with the obvious STAFF t-shirts, sweaters and hats, but it also consisted of other things – such as the thermoses Caroline and JJ were still using to sneak whiskey into their daily routines, and notebooks in which they were advised to plan out their group’s daily schedules. Caroline however had been using her notebook for other purposes. She’d become so obsessed with Madison’s case, that every little thing that happened on camp grounds and seemed even a little out of the ordinary, immediately became a clue to her, which she’d hastily scribble down in her notebook. It had only been two weeks since the disappearance of Madison Hague and Caroline had already filled about a quarter of the pages of her hefty notebook with potential clues and leads. She kept rereading her notes, trying to think of something – anything – that they could do to help them solve the mystery, however nothing was coming to her. Ever since the dress incident, Caroline and her friends hadn’t found anything else that could relate to Madison, though Caroline was glad that none of them had given up on their mission.
Caroline was so deep in her own thoughts, she nearly jumped at the sound of a sudden knock on the door. She quickly closed her notebook and tucked it under her mattress and went to open the door, revealing a panting JJ leaning on the doorframe.
“Hey, C,” he breathed.
“JJ, what’re you doing here? I told you I -”
JJ cut her off by pushing past her and walking into her cabin, “Yeah, yeah, you wanna be alone, I know,” he sat on her bed, taking his snapback off, “but I was thinking… you’ve been so busy with the kids and with the whole Madison thing, and believe me – I really appreciate you for being like that, but -”
Caroline crossed her arms, “Where are you going with this?”
JJ sighed, “You’ve just totally forgotten how to have fun, C,” he said, “The primary reason that we all came here was to have fun and look at you – you barely eat, or sleep, or do anything other than your counselor duties and this whole Madison investigation thing…” JJ sighed again, looking at the hat in his lap and playing with its adjustable strap, “All I’m saying, C, is what if Madison really did go home and you’ve just wasted all this energy on nothing…Thing is,” JJ looked up into her eyes, “I miss you, the old you, and I know that that you’s still somewhere in there, it’s just this whole Madison thing blocking it.” he placed the hat back on his head and stood up, walking towards Caroline, “Hang out with me now,” he said, stopping directly in front of her and lifting her chin up so that she was facing him, “And I promise we’ll think about Madison later,”
Caroline couldn’t really process what was going on. JJ was touching her and standing in such an intimate distance from her, that she could basically feel his breath on her face. For a second she forgot all about Madison, and the dead owl, and the bonfire area. All she could think about was JJ Maybank, who had just told her that he misses her and wants to “hang out with her”. Caroline stood there, lost in thought. What if he was right? What if Madison really did go home and that dress never even belonged to her? What if it was Jenna Kinley’s all along and Sarah had just gotten the perfume wrong? What if JJ really did miss her because he liked her as more than a friend? No, no, that couldn’t be it. But what if –
“Um, Carrie?” JJ’s voice suddenly broke her out of her trans, “So d’you wanna do something together or -”
“Yes!” she said, a little too excitedly for her own taste, of course I’d like to hang out with you, JJ, she thought, “What do you want to do?”
JJ’s face immediately lit up at her words, “Well I was thinking perhaps a picnic?”
Caroline raised an eyebrow, “Don’t picnics require food? We don’t have access to anything unless it’s mealtime,”
“Yeah, but we do have whiskey,” JJ winked with a mischievous look on his face, walking towards the storage room of the girls’ cabin where they still had a few bottles of alcohol left.
Caroline rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless – this was going to finally be her first date with JJ Maybank. Well, sort of.
The afternoon sun was low in the sky, casting a beautiful orange reflection onto the peaceful water of lake Willowdale. Caroline and JJ had taken a seat on the lakefront, drinking their whiskeys and admiring the sunset, reminiscing the days when they were kids again.
“D’you remember that one summer when Rafe Cameron got food poisoning and ended up barfing on stage at the Will-all-hail banquet?” JJ laughed at the memory.
Caroline frowned, thinking about it, “Beats having Rafe Cameron as your counselor by a mile,”
JJ turned to look at her, eyebrows raised, “Rafe was a counselor here?” his tone almost sounding amused.
Caroline nodded, “Oh yeah,” she smirked, “For the same reason as Sarah – too stuck up for his own good so their dad shipped him over here as a punishment,”
JJ snorted, “I mean that family is pretty far up their own ass,”
“They have a sister too,” said Caroline, “I haven’t seen her around here though, so we at least know that one of them must be doing something right,”
The pair laughed at the thought of their spoiled friend and her older brother.
“Man, I missed this place,” said JJ suddenly, leaning back on his elbows.
His tone sounded different as he looked at the horizon and Caroline could sense that something wasn’t right, “Yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask -”
“Parents got divorced,” JJ quickly explained, “And unfortunately for me, my dad got custody,” he sighed, “Somehow my mom was deemed ‘incapable’ of taking care of me because she couldn’t financially afford to. Load of bullshit, if you ask me,”
“But my mom -”
“Yeah, they still talk,” said JJ, knowing what Caroline was about to say, “I still see my mom every other weekend, you know, it’s not the end of the world,” he smiled at Caroline reassuringly, “It’s just living with my old man meant working for my cut at home, which also meant summer jobs back in Kildare,”
“So that’s where you’ve been all this time…” whispered Caroline, mostly to herself, however JJ heard her.
“Yeah,” he responded, “Now that I’m old enough to be a counselor here and actually get paid for coming to summer camp I thought why not? Besides, your mom did tip mine off that you’d be here too,” he winked at Caroline, making her blush.
“Yeah, about that,” she said apologetically, “My mom likes to yap a lot, I wouldn’t take most of what she says seriously,”
“Well you are here, aren’t you?” said JJ, his face slightly leaning in towards Caroline’s.
Holy shit, this was it. Caroline was about to kiss JJ Maybank after a decade of fawning over him. Shit, shit, shit, she hadn’t really kissed anyone since that idiot from her class planted one on her at prom. What if she was a bad kisser? What if she’d forgotten how to kiss? As JJ closed his eyes and leaned even closer, Caroline decided to push the doubtful thoughts to the side as she closed her eyes too, leaning in towards him too. Their faces were inches apart, hearts pounding in their chests and, just as their lips were finally about to meet –
“There you are!” Sarah’s loud voice came from the hill behind them, startling them and making them both jump and immediately pull apart and straighten up. John B stumbled after her.
Caroline coughed awkwardly, trying to cover up the shame and embarrassment she was currently feeling, “Sarah… what are you doing here?”
With a knowing smirk on her face, Sarah put both hands on her hips, “Nothing,” she sing-sang, obviously finding the whole situation hilarious, “I’m sure it can wait,” she winked down at Caroline, while John B was waving around frantically behind Sarah at JJ, mouthing the words “DID YOU BONE?!” quite obviously.
JJ groaned as he stood up, helping Caroline up as well, “We’re all yours now, Sarah, what’s up?”
“Well me and John B had the afternoon free as well, so we went out front to his van and you’ll never believe what was taped to the door,”
“Wait, why’d you go to his van in the first place?”
Sarah rolled her eyes, “That’s beside the point now, Carrie, look” she shoved a piece of paper in the girl’s hands.
As Caroline unfolded the paper, the group gathered around her to look at what was written on it - 41° 56’ 54.3732” N, 87° 39’ 19.2024” W.
“I have no idea what that means though,” confessed Sarah.
“Looks like coordinates to me,” said JJ.
“Hey, that’s what I said!” gasped John B, “But Sarah didn’t want to believe me,”
“Does anyone know how to read geographical coordinates?” JJ looked at his friends.
“Do I look like Google Maps to you?” asked Sarah.
“You’re right,” Caroline said as an idea sparked in her mind, “We can’t read coordinates, but I know someone who can,”
“I’m just saying, Miss P,” JJ spoke confidently once the group was inside Pricilla’s office, “Now’s about the best time to host the traditional yearly treasure hunt,”
Pricilla squinted up at JJ through her pink glasses from where she was sat at her desk, “Keep talking, Maybank,”
“Don’t you think it’s a bit odd that it’s already been two weeks and none of these kids can read a compass yet?” continued JJ, earning a slow nod from the camp director, “Think about it, Miss P – Willowdale ain’t Willowdale without its treasure hunt,”
As JJ spoke, the rest of the group were silently praying behind him that his charismatic way with manipulating will work on Pricilla, giving them an excuse to ask her to decipher the mysterious coordinates they had gotten their hands onto. The old lady leaned back in her old leather chair and looked at JJ skeptically for a while, adding to the already built up tension.
“Give me a few days to map out the course and set up the coordinates,” she finally spoke, causing everyone in the group to silently cheer behind JJ. As they thanked her and turned to leave, she spoke up again, “Oh, and Maybank,” she called, everyone turning to look at her, “No funny business,”
A/N: Finally some normal camp activities. Thank you for reading so far, I would greatly appreciate you letting me know what you think about the story and the characters xxx
tags: @k-k0129 ; @hayleyy-l ; @marvellover04 ; @dumbasscorn ; @thrown-off-her-rhythm
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ygo5dsmonth2021 · 3 years
Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds Month 2021 Prompts!
Your prompts for 2021! Please note, they are only a suggestion, you can make something else, AND you can always submit something late!
Day 1 (7/7): Yusei Go! 
Time to kick off the next Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's month with our shooting star protagonist, Yusei Fudo! Make sure to also wish your favorite star boy happy birthday!
Day 2 (7/8): Well-Oiled Machine
This year's theme is D-Wheels/Duel Runners! Which bike is your favorite? Or what would your own custom bike look like?
Day 3 (7/9): Yin & Yang
The clash of good vs evil, equal and opposite, light and dark, is such a classic! What two sides of the same coin in this dynamic stands out to you?
Day 4 (7/10): Training Wheels 
With a blast of pure, raw energy comes Rua/Leo! He might not be the best at what he does, but his determination and love for his sister is the stuff that makes us root for him!
Day 5 (7/11): Synchro Power!
Riding duels wouldn't be complete without the gorgeous, star power of synchro monsters! Which synchro makes you want to accelerate most?!
Day 6 (7/12): Driving Slow on Sunday Mornings
Everybody knows the first rule of driving is to crank up the tunes! Would that be any of the OPs or EDs or did you have another song in mind to drive by?
Day 7 (7/13): Slow & Steady
Say hello to fairy tales with Ruka/Luna's day! She's a bit on the shy side, retreating into fairy tales, but don't let that fool you! Ruka has the skills and the sarcasm to come back swinging!
Day 8 (7/14): Time for an Upgrade
5D's is a unique Yugioh series in that so many characters come chock full of awesome powers! Psychics duelists, Signer powers, and advanced synchro summoning? Which personal power upgrade is your favorite?
Day 9 (7/15): New Suits
All the characters have unique styles and outfits, but maybe you'd love to see Ruka cosplay as a fairy? Maybe Kiryu dressed as a zombie? What outfits or cosplay speak to you?
Day 10 (7/16): Pit Stop 1
Congrats! You made it to Free Day 1! Use this day to introduce yourself, throw up a quick doodle, or take a break and relax. The pit crew will take care of the rest.
Day 11 (7/17): Blackbird
Fly off into the sky with Crow, the Bullet, Hogan! He might seem rough and scrappy, but Crow also has a heart of gold that cares for kids, friends, and family. Show this bird of a feather some love!
Day 12 (7/18): Don't Game and Drive!
Of course, we wouldn't have card games on motorcycles if this were true! What's your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's video game to play when you're not driving? Legacy? Duel Links? Over the Nexus?
Day 13 (7/19): Across Land and Sea
There are so many different storylines and arcs in 5D's! Was the Fortune Cup your favorite? Maybe Crash Town? What arc speaks to you?
Day 14 (7/20): Wheel of Fortune
All hail the King, Jack Atlas! This man burst onto stage and into our hearts. Jack might be a little selfish and over the top, but he cares deeply for his friends, and, apparently, coffee.
Day 15 (7/21): Decals
Do you have some 5D's merch on hand? Maybe a commission you treasure? A keychain you've had your eye on if only you had the funds? What's some of the best merch you're happy to have out in the world?
Day 16 (7/22): Quantum Realms
In another universe... Would Aki make a great pirate? Perhaps Yusei would be a dashing swordsman? What if Crow switched place with Qrow from the RWBY universe? Whatever you come up with, enjoy AU day!
Day 17 (7/23): Bloody Kiss
Pitch dark flowers unfurl in the name of Aki Izayoi! Never underestimate this dark beauty and her thorns! Have a day to honor this Black Rose.
Day 18 (7/24): Broken Down
Our emotions can flow one way to the other. Some days we're on top of the world, and others we're at the bottom of the ocean. Our favorite characters are no exception. Will you lean into the angst or give your fave a break today?
Day 19: (7/25): You Give Bikers a Bad Name
Here's to the villains! No heroic journey would be complete without the antagonists in the way to challenge our heroes! Which villain is your favorite?
Day 20 (7/26): Pit Stop 2
Phew! Congratulations, you made it to the next Free Day! Take this day to relax, keep things lowkey, and let the pit crew take the steering wheel for a bit.
Day 21 (7/27): Delta Eagle
Obtain Clear Mind today with Bruno! He's a little bit complicated, okay, a lot complicated, but Bruno's role is certainly interesting. What do you love about this dual-life mystery man?
Day 22 (7/28): Workshopping at the Garage
What's your favorite writer, artist, editor, or cosplayer? Take this day to give each of your faves that continues to keep the fandom a live a shout out!
Day 23 (7/29): Team Spirit!
5D's is all about the teams and teamwork to get the job done! What team speaks to you most and why? Is it the snazzy uniforms?
Day 24 (7/30): Giganto L
Depression, thy middle name is Kiryu Kyosuke. This man has seen some sh*t and then some. But Kiryu has also grown through his journey, and it's time to give him the credit he deserves.
Day 25 (7/31): Bonding with Your Biker Gang
It's OC appreciation day! Does your friend have a cool OC? Did you make a self insert to join the characters in their story? Show us where your OCs fit in!
Day 26 (8/1): Life is a Highway
It's travel day! Did you just love some of the locations the characters went to? Did you wish you could have seen Misty in Paris? Or maybe Ruka traveling to Australia could be fun? Take today to make a post card or show us screenshots of the best locations in the show!
Day 27 (8/2): Intersections
Ah, intersections, like crossroads of destiny. Except today is Crossover day! Maybe you wish Team 5D's met Avatar Korra? Or what would the Sk8 anime crew do in the 5D's universe?
Day 28 (8/3): Crewmates
We can't forget the other characters out of the spotlight that make the whole show complete! Show Martha some love, or Rally! It's their turn to shine!
Day 29 (8/4): Planetary Gears
What star-crossed ships just seem to fit perfectly together? Or do you want to show off a crack ship for fun? Maybe you have an OC you ship with a Canon character? Never underestimate the love of friendship either! Today is all about love!
Day 30 (8/5): Pit Stop 3
Be proud of yourself and take a breather! You made it to the last Free Day! Use today to take a breather to make it to the final stretch and finish strong! You can do it!
Day 31 (8/6): Over the Horizon
Our last day is here, such a bittersweet ending but at least there will be next year to look forward to! Take today to look over the horizon, towards the future, hoping for better days and times together.
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