#you guys ever get like that? where you're not unhappy (and doing quite well in fact)
ebbpettier · 1 year
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i've written almost no independent fic in several weeks
i have enough groups of 6 sentences on each of these WIPs that i could probably milk them for a few more weekends before i have to start really scraping the barrel >:3c
(thank you to @you-remind-me-of-the-babe and @c0nsumemy5oul and @artsyunderstudy for reminding me that i actually have WIPS)
here's a chunk of the prince lindwyrm AU, which is ONLY these six sentences and about 14 pages of notes
When I was a kid, there were monsters in the world. There might still be, but nobody’s ever been far enough beyond the Wavering Wood to check.
There’s monsters in the Wood itself, everyone knows that. The few people who’ve been to the edge–or as close to the edge as anyone can get, these days–say you start to hear things once the branches close overhead. See things, too; eyes in the brush; figures in the corners of your vision; shadows with nothing casting them.
All of that, and then the Lindwyrm.
@stitchyqueer TAG YOU'RE IT
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stoopid-turtle · 7 months
moar made-up thoughts about dd's thoughts
Some of the replies on my previous post left me re-evaluating, and I don't know that I was incredibly effective at what I meant to communicate (honestly, that is really frustrating for me). So I just want to clarify and maybe add some context.
I assume it goes without saying that everybody in turtleland adores dd and gg and that we think dd is a sweetie-pie (I can't conceive of being a turtle without that belief). And as a group, dd and gg's sweet moments get highlighted a lot, which I adore. These posts I have on dd are more about stuff I don't see discussed quite as much and they're not meant to encapsulate all that dd is because, wow that's a lot. For the previous post, I'd been thinking a lot about dd's mentality and how he approaches things, as seen in SDC, because his captaining style seems really distinct in a way I wanted to dig into.
Honestly, we've known dd for years at this point, and he's grown and changed throughout that time. He's been influenced by gg and by other friends and mentors. And like most people, how he acts is variable and dependent on context. 
I do think dd was sometimes thoughtless when younger, but I don't think that's anything out of the ordinary for his age at the time, and I think he's grown out of it. In any case, it was never mean-spirited. Still, I think the way he expresses his feelings is pretty reserved and that he's not incredibly prone to sentimental gestures, like the gifts he sent Yang Kai. I think he can be thoughtful in that he's responsive when people indicate what they want, but I don't think he's the type to think up a gift idea on his own. Given that Yang Kai actually knows the guy and said as such, I don't think it's too far off-base to say that. I honestly think he probably gets help from gg with that sort of stuff, and he's likely to have gotten better at it as a result. But dd has never struck me as a sentimental guy.
(though with the captain gifts, I have no idea the logistics of how those worked, and I suspect, like most things on reality shows, that production assistants helped with suggestions and such)
I think he's a fantastic captain! I don't think I said that, because it's one of those things I assume goes without saying, especially as it's often said as such in turtledom. I think even back to Produce 101 when he was mentoring the young girls who were fawning over him. He did the cutesy dance with them to support them, even though he hates being cutesy (and bless him for it. That dance is a gift (and led to cute bts moments of gg poking fun at dd)). He's passionate about dance and he's passionate about helping other people improve (and learning from others). Dancers want to join his team because of that passion, and because dd just has a natural talent for it that is incredibly inspiring.
But he does like winning. He explicitly said as much himself. And that one episode I highlighted where his team lost is pretty tense. The rehearsals were tense, the performance was tense, dd's response to everything was tense. During one round, his team only gets 4 votes compared to, like 40 for the other team. I can't recall the score ever being so lopsided, especially when the losing team is full of top-tier dancers.
And dd's behavior then is incredibly relatable to me. He laughs about it, joking about how he only got 4 votes. But it's the laugh you get when you're really unhappy and kinda embarrassed but trying to keep a good, positive face on things (or at least, that's a strategy I have for those moments, and given dd's switch to serious-times when he's doing the team debrief, I think he's somewhat similar). 
And dd recovers well. He has a debrief with his team. He talks to Han Geng about what his team is lacking (they specifically talk about his team performance not being thematic like the others) and realizes they need a choreographer to pull everything together and give them direction. And the very first round of recruitment, he gets a choreographer for them. 
I don't think dd only likes winning. The reference to "not here to make friends" thing was a bit of rhetorical exaggeration for fun. Like I noted, he makes friends. He learns a lot and he mentors a lot, and that's definitely a big part of the draw for SDC for him. And while dd never intentionally cultivates a family atmosphere (as opposed to the other captains who explicitly tell their team that they're like a family), they come together like a family anyway. But he still likes winning, and I think he has trouble enjoying everything else as much if he's not winning. 
It's not a bad thing to be competitive like that (I once got into a fight with my wife because I kept losing in thumb wars against her. I personally know when competitiveness becomes stupid). DD has a passionate drive to succeed. This is how he's managed to excel at basically everything he tries (except cooking). I think way back to the auditions in SDC 3, when dd impresses his group by being savvy about street dance gestures (like the plagiarism gesture) and by knowing how to appeal to dancers (by having them warm up with some freestyling). He quickly overcomes any doubts the dancers have based on his idol background by being genuine, sincere, and passionate and that's why people want to join his team.
 *rereads all this* Hmmmm...feedback and replies are good. This is a better post.
Also, this judge is the one who always says nice things about dd. He's said at one point that dd has an extraordinary natural talent for dance even among professional dancers. He's right and he should say it. Best judge. A+ I hope they keep bringing him on.
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mariana-oconnor · 6 months
The Blanched Soldier pt 1
...however following an unhappy circumstance involving his writing hand and some amateur attempts at carpentry I have taken it upon myself to write to you in his stead.
What did Watson do to his hand? What carpentry was he attempting? Inquiring minds want to know.
And we're getting this one from the horse's mouth, so to speak. That'll be interesting. A lot of the drama in Watson's stories comes from the fact we don't know what Holmes is thinking and we have to try to work it out through context clues. I wonder how it will wor with Holmes as narrator.
Perhaps I have rather invited this persecution, since I have often had occasion to point out to him how superficial are his own accounts and to accuse him of pandering to popular taste instead of confining himself rigidly to facts and figures.
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I am compelled to admit that, having taken my pen in my hand, I do begin to realize that the matter must be presented in such a way as may interest the reader.
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A confederate who foresees your conclusions and course of action is always dangerous, but one to whom each development comes as a perpetual surprise, and to whom the future is always a closed book, is indeed an ideal helpmate.
An ideal helpmate for your ego, is my best guess. I'm not sure how else to take this. Also, your ability to insult Watson while trying to compliment him is, as ever, a delight. Though probably not to Watson - not that he has any legs to stand on in the matter of insulting people in his writing.
The good Watson had at that time deserted me for a wife, the only selfish action which I can recall in our association.
Wife number 2? Wife number 5? Wife number 627?
How dare Watson have other people in his life. How dare he!
“Middlesex Corps, no doubt.” “That is so. Mr. Holmes, you are a wizard.”
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“Yes, indeed. But the letter was written in the afternoon, and a good deal has happened since then. If Colonel Emsworth had not kicked me out—”
Alas, a colonel. I thought perhaps after last time ACD had got over his irrational hatred of them, but we shall see. Colonel Emsworth, I am watching you!
"He was Colonel Emsworth's only son—Emsworth, the Crimean V. C.—and he had the fighting blood in him, so it is no wonder he volunteered."
Does 'fighting blood' mean that he's just super aggressive and can't control his temper? I'm worried that's what it means. But instead of being a bad thing, it's a good thing because he's in the army and his dad's a colonel?
“Well, when the war was over, and we all got back, I wrote to his father and asked where Godfrey was. No answer. I waited a bit and then I wrote again. This time I had a reply, short and gruff. Godfrey had gone on a voyage round the world, and it was not likely that he would be back for a year."
OK, so we presumably have another case of a father covering up some 'shame' or 'scandal' that requires him to place his reputation above his child. Something's very wrong with Godfrey.
"I wrote to the mother, therefore [...] In reply I had quite an amiable answer from her and an offer to put me up for the night."
So the colonel is apparently keeping this scandal from his wife as well. The other offence of poor communication with your romantic partner is also in play. A classic Holmes tale.
“Tuxbury Old Hall is inaccessible—five miles from anywhere."
Look, I may be from Britain where distances are smaller, but even I don't think 5 miles is that far. Even if you're walking it. If you're a slow walker that's still 2 hours at most. Mr Dodd was in the army. You're telling me that an army guy thinks a 5-mile walk is inaccessible?
"...and there was his wife, who might have been older. She had been Godfrey's nurse, and I had heard him speak of her as second only to his mother in his affections, I was drawn to her in spite of her queer appearance."
You didn't describe her. What about her was queer? You can't just say that and not describe her. Does she have an elephant trunk instead of a nose? Three eyes? Do her earlobes droop to touch her shoulders?
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“He glanced at the two which I handed him, and then he tossed them back. “‘Well, what then?’ he asked. “‘I was fond of your son Godfrey, sir. Many ties and memories united us. Is it not natural that I should wonder at his sudden silence and should wish to know what has become of him?’"
I know this is't going to be, but the vibes of 'son joins army, gets boyfriend, then comes out after leaving the army, but his strict military father is a homophobic jackass' are strong with this one.
He's 'on a voyage around the world'. He 'doesn't want to talk to you'. He needs 'a complete rerst and change'.
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"The lady questioned me eagerly about her son, but the old man seemed morose and depressed. I was so bored by the whole proceeding that I made an excuse as soon as I decently could and retired to my bedroom."
You were bored? You cam here telling the woman you'd tell her about her son - who you claim to love - and then when you do the thing you promised her you would, you're too bored so you go to bed early. Clearly this woman is upset about her son and wants to hear about him. You damn well talk to her about him.
"...after a year of sleeping upon the veldt, Mr. Holmes, one is not too particular about one's quarters."
But 5 miles with a suitcase is still too far to walk and talking to one unhappy woman for one evening is too boring to endure. You must have been a terrible soldier, Mr Dodd. Apparently the only thing you managed to do in the army was sleep. Though, I suppose if all soldiers slept as much as you seem to have done, the world would be a better place.
I bet Watson wouldn't quibble at walking 5 miles. And he hurt his leg... or his arm... or some body part or other.
"'Is Godfrey dead?’ “He could not face my eyes. He was like a man hypnotized. The answer was dragged from his lips. It was a terrible and unexpected one. “‘I wish to God he was!’ he cried"
Dun dun duuuuuuuun!
A fate worse than death. Oh dear, what would be considered a fate worse than death in 1903? I mean, it obviously won't be that he's gay. I hope it isn't disability, scarring or mental illness.
It's going to be disability, scarring and mental illness, isn't it? I mean he's a man so at least it's not likely to be rape in literature of this time period, as it would almost certainly be for a female character. But I have a sneaking suspicion Godfrey's got PTSD or something like that and they're locking him up in the cellar. The title does imply some sort of physical aspect. Le sigh.
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
i saw you mention you're nonbinary and like i've wanted to ask someone cause i think im nonbinary but all my gnc friends are like binary trans i guess? and don't really have any answers for their discovery beyond like "i always really connected with girls and felt more like a girl than i did a guy" and it just leaves me questioning because i feel gross to think of myself as a boy and gross to think of myself as a girl. not sure where this is going, i guess what was the discovery process like that led you to recognize yourself as nonbinary?
hey that's a really awesome question actually!
my journey has been kind of back and forth- i identified as a binary trans guy for about. 7 years. and during that time i realized i was really, really unhappy. i was being seen as a man, or at least, not as a woman and it was making me happy, but i had to wear very traditionally masculine clothes, never wear makeup, never talk about being gay, etc. in order to pass
so, i'll kinda give you my two big moments where i realized i was nonbinary, so to speak!
1.) when i first found out what transgender was, it was thru a local lgbt pride alliance group. i learned what the word "Transgender" was there and it literally made my heart stop. i met a transfem person who kinda explained what being genderless was, but the term "nonbinary" wasn't in circulation at the time. i went home and started researching trans stuff and i found terms like "neutrois," "genderqueer" and "agender" and immediately vibed with those.
i identified as neutrois/agender/"other" gender for about 3 years. when i came out to my family, they didn't take it well at all. i told them to please stop calling me a girl, that i wasn't a girl, i wasn't a guy, and that i was just a person. they couldn't handle it, and i realized that most people couldn't, so i felt like i had to go full tilt into being a trans guy in order to be taken seriously. it kept me up at night because i knew deep down inside that i was different, and that this wasn't something that would just go away, and that there was nothing i could do change who i was. i didn't quite know who i was yet, all i knew is that i hated people dictating how i was to be referred to and if i was allowed to keep the beard i naturally grew due to being intersex or not
over the years i started realizing how miserable i was forcing myself to look/act like a cishet guy, because while i am partially a guy, i'm definitely not a cis or binary one
2.) 2020 rolled around and everyone was wearing masks constantly. i wanted some cloth ones around for safety, and my landlord's grandmother made me some. one of them was a cute flowery fabric, and i started wearing it around with my traditionally masc hair and clothing. someone approached me one day and went "sir? ma'am? ... i'm sorry, i can't tell." and i tell you what that gave me the most euphoria i've ever had in my life, more than being called "sir" by itself ever has
it made me remember that oh RIGHT i was my happiest when i was being referred to as something nonbinary adjacent. i still identify as genderqueer and use that term when i don't want to go into detail, or am around people who aren't very familiar with queer terms. most doctors and professionals seem to get the term genderqueer too.
i have DID and am a plural system, so there are alters in my system who still identify as neutrois, too! many of us have attachments to the terms that we used when we first came out. being a trans guy is an awesome experience and during the times in my life i've tried to stop identifying as one, it's made me really fucking sad. but that's okay!
i have several genders at once and that's rad. i'm glad you decided to ask this because coming back around to realize i'm nonbinary has made me the happiest i've been in a long time. i really am just a person !
i hope that helps!!!! thank you for asking this, i've really been wanting to talk about being nonbinary, genderqueer and "other" gender in general, and what it means to identify this way. thanks for stopping by, if you have any more questions feel free to ask = )
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holocene-sims · 8 months
thank you so much for the ask!! ❤️
🥧 Pie: Which of your characters takes care of the others around them? How do they take care of themselves?
tbh the very nice thing, i think, about my cast of characters is that most of them are very kind and caring towards others; it's rarer to find cold/uncaring characters.
however (and i know this is the obvious answer), grant is one of the most caring and generous of them all. by default, his primary method of caring is acts of service, aka making himself of use to someone. do you need someone to make you soup when you're sick, be your shoulder to cry on when you're having a shit day, or come pick you up when your car breaks down? he's your guy!
he's not super good at taking care of himself, though. lmao. but he's trying! his current method of taking care of himself is to actually heal his trauma. also, on a smaller note, he is a huge fan of a nice skincare routine and cooking a good meal, so that's one of his practical methods of cheering himself up.
btw aoife is exactly the same as him, let's be real
👻 Ghost: Do you have a character or a scene that continues to haunt you? Something or someone you wish you had done differently or just can’t stop thinking about?
automatically, there are two scenes that come to mind, and they were both some of the biggest scenes in the story thus far, so i think my unhappiness with them comes from the fact that this is a sims story and i have to take the fully developed movie from my brain and convert it into pictures and text, and it doesn't match up. no matter how aesthetic i make it or how many song links i add to make it more like the movie in my head, it never feels just right.
that said, the first scene is the end of the bachelor party scenes where grant is like blackout drunk and hallucinating/dreaming in 2x speed about his history with addiction, and even though he is engaging with addiction in that moment, he's traumatized by it. i think it all played out well as a whole BUT the flashback scenes did not feel dynamic to me, and that's what they should have been. i wanted it to feel like you're dragged along through that hell and chaos with him, and like you're experiencing the same oppression from substances and the people who encouraged it, and it just didn't because it was made out of stationary pictures. also, i hate using poses for more than two sims, so the party pics were bland.
the other scene is really just the end of the ireland trip where you learn a lot more about aoife's backstory. i didn't get to spend as much time with those parts because i was quite literally in the middle of working on them when i got the call my grandma died, so i abandoned them for a hot minute, and when i came back, i wanted so badly to be DONE with all that content because it took on some bad associations for me and i couldn't think much about it.
i do think it came out okay but i would have added a couple other scenes expanding on things there instead of pushing it off to another set of scenes. like i would have had a conversation there where someone tangibly discusses what aoife's parents were really like, and i would have expanded on that contrast of aoife the real person and aoife the embodiment of everyone else's desires because she's supposed to be a representation of a specific female archetype in art (medea/cathleen ni houlihan/aoife nic mhurchada - a category of women who've lost agency and/or everything they've ever known, and have endured things like forced marriage/love or symbolize stuff like someone else's freedom, etc.)
i did just kind of spoil aoife's design lmao but it doesn't matter anymore because the literature aspect is more of a fun fact and only relevant in one specific case (if you remember grant reading cathleen ni houlihan...) and i'll come back to it later, but if you read between the lines enough, you at least see there are two aoifes (so to speak.)
🦃 Turkey: What’s the most abundant burst of inspiration you’ve ever had? Were you able to translate that into writing?
hmm this is an interesting question! i'd say one of the most abundant inspo moments i've had was when @crazykissim and i decided on grant's future love interest 👀 i obviously can't share too much because it's a huge spoiler rn but i've had so much fun constructing the romance aspect into the story, putting twists on classic romance tropes, and developing an interesting personality and history for [REDACTED]. i've even built MULTIPLE lots for the romance arc. you know i'm serious when i build lmaooooo
it is translated into writing, though! the final versions of everything aren't quite done but i do have drafts ready and a full timeline set in stone :)
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whyme13wr · 1 year
Serendipity pt.1
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― pairing: Park Jihoon x OC
― serendipity: to discover mothing beautiful by chance or accident
― summary: Yeonseo meets him by chance but she never wants to let him go.
idol!Jihoon | student!oc | LoveAtFirstSight!au | fluff | 2k
― playlist: Let's Go Picnic - George | Aespa - I'm Unhappy | Hello Stranger - Kai | Park Jihoon - Moon & Back
a/n: here it is my first fanfic, don't be too harsh on me ;) if people actually read this I'll write part 2
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She hasn't even reached the top of the mountain yet, but she already feels like giving up. Her lungs are tight and her legs burn. She had read somewhere that walking improves both physical and mental health, and she definitely needs it now. 
With exams coming up, she has been under a lot of stress lately. She had moved to Seoul four years ago after being accepted into one of the country's top universities. It was fun to live in such a big city, a big change from the town she grew up in. However, things have been overwhelming lately and she misses her hometown, her family and her childhood friends more than ever.
She's been looking for hiking trails in Anyang. It's not too far from Seoul and will allow her to get some fresh air. At first, it was nice to be in the middle of nature, but it's been three hours since she's been on the trail and she still doesn't see the end of it. This idea seemed less ingenious. 
Eventually she reached a place where other walkers were taking a break. There were several benches to sit on. She decided to take the one furthest away. As she was making her way to it, she stumbled. Her knees hit the ground and her hands saved her from falling face first. Well, that was embarrassing. There are about ten other people here, she can't help feeling sorry for herself. She came here to make herself feel better, but she can't even do that. 
As she tries to get up, a young man approaches her, holding her water bottle. He reaches out with his other hand for her to grab it and help her to get to her feet. She's in no position to refuse him.
"Are you all right?" he asked, concern written all over his face. That fall must have been quite a show for a random stranger to come help her. 
"I'm fine, I think..." she checked her appearance for injuries. Her leggings were torn and her knees were bloody. 
"Ouch! You're bleeding, that must hurt." He said, taking in her appearance. 
“I’m not feeling the pain yet but my pride definitely took a hit. That fall was so embarrassing.” She felt her face flush.
"Don't worry, it can happen to anyone. This is yours, by the way." He says, handling her water bottle, which must have flown earlier. 
"Thank you," she says, taking it from him, "not just for the bottle, but for helping me... What's your name?"
"Don't mention it! My name is Park Jihoon." He said, holding out his hand for her to shake. 
She took it and replied, "I'm Shin Yeonseo, nice to meet you".
"Likewise," he says with the most beautiful smile, "Do you have anything to disinfect your wounds?"
"Um... No, I didn't come prepared, you see."
"I've got a first aid kit, if you want it. It's with my friends over there." He says. He points to a group of three boys. Yeonseo thought about it and felt that it was an offer she couldn't really refuse. Besides, this guy was cute and friendly. Why not spend a little more time with him? With her studies taking up most of her time, it's rare for her to meet such nice guys.
She replied: "I'd like that".
They made their way there and he introduced her to his friends.
"Guys, this is Yeonseo. Yeonseo, these are my friends Woojin, Guanlin and Jisung." 
"Nice to meet you." 
She could feel a kind of tension in the air, but not directed at her. They all had their eyes on Jihoon as if it were their eyes that did the talking.
"As you can see," he said, "Yeonseo has been injured. I offered our first aid kit since she didn't have one." 
Jisung spoke first while looking at her knees, "Ouch, that must be painful!"
She replied, "Yes, it doesn't look too good, but I'm lucky that your friend came to help me. At least I won't go home with infected wounds." They shook their heads in agreement and she followed Jihoon as he opened one of the bags and took out the kit. She began to clean her wounds with some water. Jihoon took out the disinfectant spray and asked her if he could spray it on her knees. She nodded, a blush visible on her cheeks. She definitely needed this gentleman's number. Where would she find someone like him? She was lost in thoughts about how to ask him for his number when his friends came.
Jisung said “Whenever you’re ready, how about we set off? If you’re not in too much pain, you should join us Yeonseo!” Jihoon looked at her with an hopeful look.
“I would love that! I came here alone and wouldn’t mind the company as a matter of fact.”
“You came here alone? That’s quite brave!” Guanlin said.
“None of my friends are into hiking so didn't have much choice. I wouldn’t say it’s brave.” She responded.
“I think it’s pretty brave to challenge yourself to walk for that long by yourself.” Jihoon added shyly. “Will you truly be okay though?” He added, referring to your bruised knees.
“I’m fine, don't worry about me.” She said with a smile. And with that, the five of them started to get going.
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"So how do you know each other?" Yeonseo asks. They all exchange looks. Jihoon finally replies, "We used to work together.
"Oh really?! What did you do? "
"We are dancers." Jihoon replies quickly with a bit of a nervous look on his face. She thought it was because he wasn't used to talking about himself.
"How cool! I don't know how to dance, but I admire anyone who can control their body like dancers do. Besides, you guys are young, but you're already at work, that's impressive!"
"I'm not that young myself, if I dare say so, but thank you," Jisung replied, making everyone laugh. Jihoon whispered to her that he was already over 30 and she reacted with a shocked face. 
Jisung noticed her reaction and said, "Do I look that much younger? She nodded with a broad smile. 
"And what do you do?" Jihoon says.
"I'm studying medicine at Yonsei University."
"You must be very smart, isn't Yonsei one of the best universities in Korea?" Guanlin asked.
"It is, I have always liked science and physics. It came naturally to me. But it's much harder at Yonsei. I'm no longer at the top of my class. Every student here is somehow gifted. It's weird, all my life I've been complimented on how smart I am, but in my class I'm just average.
"It must be a lot of pressure." Jihoon said.
"It's not easy, but I love it. There are no limits to what you can learn in this field. Every year there are new discoveries about the human body, so there is always something new to learn." She explained with passion in her eyes.
"So why did you come here alone?" Woojin asked.
"I'm from the country, I thought spending some time in nature would help me relax. I feel a bit homesick these days."
"I can relate to that. When I was living in Korea, I couldn't help but dream of going back to Taiwan, even though I loved my work here. But somehow I want my life back here now that I am back home. Guanlin said. Everyone nodded, understanding the nostalgia.
"Where are you from, Yeonseo?" Jihoon asked.
"I'm from Hadong." 
"Really?! A few years ago, Woojin and I actually took a trip there. It was beyond beautiful. The cherry trees looked so pretty." Jihoon said with stars in his eyes.
"No way! Not many people in Seoul know about Hadong, I'm surprised. Usually people would rather go to Busan."
"Well, we didn't regret our choice of destination. The food was delicious too!"
"If Jihoon says it's good, you have to believe him. He is not even the biggest seafood lover. Woojin added.
"It warms my heart to hear that the food from my hometown is loved."
"Do you know how to cook?" Woojin asked.
"I know my way around the kitchen, but I might be a bit rusty." She said jokingly. "It's been a long time since I cooked for anyone but myself. As a thank you for putting up with me, maybe I could cook for you."
"It's really no problem. You're fun to be around. Still, it's an offer we can't refuse. At least I can't refuse homemade food." Jihoon jokes.
"That trip was many years ago, I would love to taste Hadong's food again." Woojin added.
"Then I guess I have no choice." She smiled. "My place is pretty small though, I don't know if it will be comfortable for all of us."
"I haven't used it once since I bought my apartment, maybe you could use my kitchen." Jihoon offered.
"Yes, really!" He beamed. She couldn't help but smile back at him. "Guanlin is going back to China in a week, will you be available before he leaves?"
"Um... I don't know, I have exams at the end of the month..." Guanlin looked at her with puppy eyes, as if to say: "Please make an exception. 
"It would have been nice, but if you can't, it can't be helped." Jisung said. 
She really thought about it. She still had at least two weeks until the exams, one night of socializing wouldn't hurt, would it? Add to that the fact that she wanted to get to know Jihoon better, and she came to the conclusion that she could find the time.
"I think I can make time." 
"Great! How is Thursday? I don't have any plans that day." Guanlin suggested. Jihoon and Woojin agreed, only Jisung wouldn't be able to make it. 
"You guys enjoy yourselves without me. I have a schedule." Jisung said with a small smile.
"Send me the list of the groceries, Yeonseo, and I'll take care of it." Jihoon offered.
"Sure, send me your bank account number later so I can pay you back." 
"You find time to cook for us, that's your payment." He says warmly.
"We're about to reach the top of the mountain, guys!" Woojin tells them, some distance ahead of Jihoon and Yeonseo. Elated to have finally reached the summit, they take group selfies together. The view is definitely worth sweating and bleeding for, Yeonseo thinks to herself. The boys asked her to take pictures of them. They look like they're really close, almost like brothers. She takes a moment to look at the view while the boys goof around. Jihoon joins her a few minutes later.
"This is relaxing, right?" She nods as they enjoy the view together for a few more minutes before joining the rest of the boys.
“This picture is the best, I bet it will make the fa-” Woojin stops.
"The family is really happy, right Woojin?" Jisung saves the day for Jihoon. It's not that he wants to hide his job, but it's nice to have someone who doesn't recognise him for once. He wants to make a connection without worrying that the person only likes him because he is a celebrity. He wants to get to know Yeonseo before he tells her who he is. He doesn't have to explain this to the boys, because they understand. Unfortunately, they've all been in his position. Yeonseo doesn't seem to notice the boys' exchange of glances. Talking about all sorts of things, they begin their journey back. Eventually, Jihoon and Yeonseo stay a bit behind. Yeonseo's injuries prevented her from walking as fast as the others. The boys decided that this was a good opportunity to let Jihoon have some time alone with Yeonseo. They left, saying that they had to hurry. Yeonseo couldn't find it in her heart to complain about it at all. They talked about anything and everything all the way to the foot of the mountain where she had to wait for the bus back to Seoul. 
"We have a free seat in our car if you want, Jisung is a good driver, I promise. " Jihoon joked.
"Don't worry, my bus is almost here. Thank you though. I'll let you enjoy your time with the boys."
"Fine, I won't put any pressure on you. We should exchange numbers, by the way." He tries to say nonchalantly. She can see he's a bit nervous, but doesn't comment. She adds her number to his contact list and calls herself to save his number for later. Just then her bus arrives. She waves goodbye and says: "See you on Thursday! He waves back with a big smile and watches her bus drive away.
He meets the boys at their car, and as he gets in they look at him with expectant eyes. "What?" 
“What was that? Did you fall in love with her or what? I’ve never seen you like that with a girl dude!” Woojin adds.
"I don't know. At first I helped her out of kindness, but there's something about her I can't explain".
"Well, you've got her number and you know when you'll see her next, so well played!" Jisung said. Jihoon smiled at the thought of seeing her again.
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Yeonseo sat on the bus with a huge grin on her face. Shit, what a good day, maybe her life won't be so miserable anymore. She couldn't wait to tell her roommate about Jihoon. 
As soon as she got back to her flat, she went straight up to Minhee's room. Minhee looked surprised. "Wow, why do you have such a happy look on your face? I didn't know that walking would do that, I guess I should come with you next time".
"I met the man of my dreams," Yeonseo said, sitting on the chair by the desk while Minhee lay in her bed. He's beautiful, caring, kind, a good listener. Honestly, I could go on for hours."
"Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit," Minhee said in a joking way, "although I have to say I haven't seen you this excited in a very long time. So did you get his number?" At the same time Yeonseo gets a notification, she checks her phone and wriggles happily. Jihoon has just sent her a text message:
"Hey, this is Jihoon. I hope you got home safely. Don't forget to take care of those wounds of yours.
- I had a great time today, can't wait for Thursday. Have a good evening :)"
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adrixnadelgxdo · 8 months
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Welcome to the Neighborhood
Ike & Adriana
-*pokes his head in, looking around, then comes in properly once he sees adriana*- Oh, hey, Adriana. You're the new child minding ... looking-after ... the new childcare person? You remember me, right, Ike.
*-Adriana looks up as the door opens-* Ike... right. I remember. What can I do for you?
Oh, nothing. -*smiles a bit and moseys over, hands in his pockets*- I was just walking around and decided to come in here. I don't normally have much to do with the kids but, y'know. How're you settling in, and all that.
Alright. Still learning where everything is and getting to know the kids and their parents. Everyone is very nice.
-*leans back a little, regarding her*- You don't have to be polite with me, y'know. That's the one thing everyone knows about me. And they're not all nice.
*-looks at him with a bit of confusion -* I'm not quite sure what you mean. Everyone I've met has been nice.
-*snickering a little*- Ohhhhh-kay. Well, you can get back to me on that one.
*-Adriana still looks a bit confused but let's it go.-* I'll keep that in mind, then. *-she leans against one of the counters, keeping her eyes on Ike.-* You're friends with Ermano, right?
-*bites his lips for a moment to keep from outright braying a laugh*- Sure, yeah. I'm friends with Ermano. In the way where he'd rather have a tooth pulled without anaesthesia than have a conversation with me, but we're kinda friends.
*-that was not the answer she was expecting but she doesn't question it-* But you've known him for the past few years, right?
Sure I have. He's a good guy, if you're not counting the eternal mad-face and the allergy to happiness. -*leans forward, curious now*- Why?
*-Ike doesn't know it, but he's already kind of answered where she was going with this.-* I, uh.....I'm his ex-wife. I was going to ask if he's been happy but I guess I already have my answer.
-*his eyes go big and round at this news, mouth dropping open*- Oh ho-leee SHIT. You can't be serious. -*looks her up and down with new eyes, making no effort to hide the blatant evaluation*- Well, damn. Ermano did good for himself. I can see why he's been so grim, if you're an ex. So -- what caused it, huh? Did he cheat on you? Did you cheat on him?
*-she's not sure she likes how he seems to be studying her but she had been used to those looks-* What? No, no, nothing like that. *-the last thing she would have ever done to Ermano is cheat on him and she didn't think he would have ever done that to her. She actively avoids answering his question, though. The miscarriage was still a sore spot for her-* Is he really that unhappy?
He's miserable. I always thought it was our general situation and having to be in charge of assholes like me, but maybe now I need to revise my thinking. -*comes over and leans against her counter, nearby*- How long were you two together? Was this some kinda high school sweethearts thing? Jesus, you must've been a god damn stunning pair.
*-if that's meant to make her feel any better, it doesn't. because of course she blames herself for that. when he comes over and leans against the counter, she shifts over a bit to give him space.-* Ten years. We met in a bar.....well, I ran into him and spilled his drink on him.
-*gives a quiet crowing laugh*- Aw, man -- an honest-to-god meet cute! Shit, that's adorable. Was he smitten with you at first glance?
*-she laughs a little and shrugs-* I think so. I know I was. He was sweet and charming and his smile could light a room. And his dancing....quite literally, he swept me off my feet.
He not only smiles and is charming but he *dances*? -*shakes his head, delighted at this new information*- That's amazing. So it was love at first sight for you guys.
Yeah, something like that. He was away a lot for deployments, but in a way, it made all of those moments we did have a bit more special. He was a great husband.
-*repeats, a bit wondrously*- He was a great husband. Man. -*rubs the back of his neck*- What happened, then? Was it soldier PTSD stuff?
No, no. He....*-she pauses as she takes a deep breath-* I couldn't give him what he wanted so I let him go.
Well. I know you're purposely not being more clear about that and if it was somebody with a functioning sense of propriety and manners you were talking to, I'd let it go, but... -*shrugs, mouth screwed to the side*- Did he even wanna be let go? What was it you felt you couldn't give him?
I think so. He, uh.....he wanted a family. Kids, I mean. *-she motions around her to the classroom-* And we tried but nothing ever came of it. He wanted to be a dad so bad and I know it killed him that we couldn't make one. It didn't seem fair to keep him trapped in a marriage where he might never get that chance.
-*clenches his teeth shut for a moment before consciously relaxing his jaw*- That's ... rough. You guys were set on having a bio-kid? Adoption can be hard and all.
I know I was. The thought had crossed my mind about adoption but I was so focused on having our own. Maybe if I hadn't been so focused on getting pregnant, things would have been different.
-*dithers for a moment on asking this but then does it anyhow*- You blamed yourself. For not being able to give him a kid. So you figured he blamed you too, or he would eventually.
*-she tucks her lower lip under her teeth and sighs heavily before nodding.-* Yep, that's the gist of it.
-*pats the counter between them*- I'm sorry. That's the shits. And you two didn't keep in contact after you went splitsville?
*-she shook her head with a sad smirk on her face-* No. He, uh.....he was overseas a lot on deployments so trying to get a hold of him was next to impossible and after I left, I didn't think he'd want to hear from me. I....I know it sounds bad, but I left when he was deployed. Figured it would be easier for both of us that way.
-*shrugs a shoulder*- Ahhhh, it always sounds bad after. But in the moment sometimes the shit we do is all we can think of to do. -*drums his fingers against the counter for a minute*- He's here now, though, and you're here now. And now you know he's been miserable without you. And I'm not saying he's been pining for your love, or nothin' -- I barely know anything about you guys -- but ... it must've been hard for you both, everything ending so messy and unfinished.
*-she tucks her hands under the flaps of her jacket, almost hugging herself-* Yeah, it has been. I mean, for me, at least. I can't speak for him. I would like to talk with him, apologize for everything but it might be little too late for that. For all I know, he's already moved on.
Everyone's moved on a little bit. We had to. But it's probably still worth it for your peace of mind.
*-her smile brightens just a bit as she nods-* Yeah...yeah, you're right. Thanks, Ike.
No problem. -*raps the counter again, then straightens up and heads for the door*- Next time I'll bring a bundt cake to welcome you to the neighbourhood instead of prying into your personal history!
*-she laughs as she stays leaning against the counter and watches him leave-* I'll hold you to that.
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witchthewriter · 2 years
If the ship asks are no longer open, I apologise and feel free to ignore and delete this. But if not…
Level: 3
Fandoms: Marvel, The Umbrella Academy and Stranger Things
Energetic af, also depressed?? My counsellor says I always look sad and unhappy, even angry sometimes. Um, smart but dense. Quite dirty minded at times. Lots of anger issues. Music tastes be random. (I love Metal and Rock, but got a small spot for sad/good hearted messages like Alamo, devil town, etc. and just random over songs too.)
Pansexual, she/they, absolutely love my birds (I got 3), only got like two friends, I shoot boxes in my backyard with a bow and arrow. Im a self taught skater (since I was 7-). I hate drama, yet always get dragged into it. (I get into a lot (physical) fights cause I’m the only white kid at my school.)
Do not like my mom is putting it lightly. (Lots of mommy issues over here.) Have a randomly high pain tolerance. I built my my own treehouse?? I mean, my dad helped me take the crates apart for the wood but everything else was up to me. I can sew? LOVE Ghostbusters.
Ginger, white (as I have mentioned.) lots of freckles, face, arms, shoulders and even a few on my lips. Greenish/blue eyes. Short mid neck-shoulder hair. All over the place nest of hair. Thick thighs and a little chubby.
This got really long-
Thank you in advance!!<3
They are open!!! To anyone else if you want to be shipped? Here be the instructions 🦋    
Okay so you're an absolute vibe! Please never feel bad about being yourself, you are WONDERFUL  🌼 also I literally just realised that tree houses are just bird houses ... but for people :o
Also thank you for participating! It means so much to me!
What each ship has in common:
⋆ Stoic ⋆ Introverted ⋆ Only a few close friends ⋆ Tough on the outside but a big ol' softie on the inside ⋆ Loyal
Also they all get along with children so well??
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I ship you with Bucky Barnes! You two would live a lovely, quiet life away from too many people. He likes how hands on you are, that you can handle yourself. Bucky thinks it’s pretty impressive!!!!
・He would love having pets, animals as well as kids just gravitate towards him.
・ Bucky would help you in any situation you needed/wanted him to. And even when you didn’t want him to, he would still try to help. 
・This guy would ALWAYS have your back - his loyalty is unending. So when you show him the same loyalty, there is nothing he wouldn’t do for you
      “Love you doll, always will.” 
・Thinks your opinion is the most important - will literally base a decision on your advice
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐲
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I ship you with Diego! I think you would be such a badass couple. I mean you’re SO badass on your own, so when you’re with Diego ... wooooo... it is wild. Like you guys garner your own reputation and people never evER talk crap to or about you
・Very good, very nice bear hugs, where you feel enveloped
・Whenever you have fights, he will yell things in Spanish and you’re like ???? okay and ??? So I reckon you would pick up on words and soon know what they mean
・Yes he does get jealous because he’s a bit insecure. Doesn’t think he’s good enough for you and thinks you’ll leave him for someone better. 
・He finds it very hard to say no to you dude, you’re just so important to him that he doesn’t want to let you down
・Both being so so so so protective of each other though, always making sure each other is okay 
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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I ship you with Eddie Munson! He would totally love your demeanor; I think you would feel insecure around him at first but while spending time with him - you realise how welcoming and comfortable he is.
・You probably met in Hellfire club; whenever they needed a sub, you were their go-to.
・Piggy back rides dude; just messing about, climbing on top of each other and being absolute children. There is no responsible one out of the two of you. It is chaos. But you guys always bring the party!!!!
・I think you would have a super silly relationship. 
・ And your nicknames for each other boggle others. 
“Did you just call her, huggle buggle?” 
      “Ugh, yeah he did.”
“What does that even mean?” 
     “I- have no clue...” 
・I definitely think you're a part of the Hawkin's gang, even before you and Eddie got together.
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f1 · 2 years
It was a disaster Hamilton says Mercedes W13 getting worse after experimental Friday in Montreal
Lewis Hamilton wasn’t mincing his words at the end of a tough Friday in Montreal, the seven-time Canadian Grand Prix winner calling the opening two practice sessions “a disaster”, as Mercedes opted for an experimental day. Hamilton finished Free Practice 1 in P8 – where he ran an experimental floor with a large cut in it on his W13, as Mercedes look to try and control their porpoising and bouncing issues – but was then a disappointing P13 in the FP2, nearly 1.3s off the pace of Red Bull’s Max Verstappen. FP2: Verstappen pips Leclerc by 0.081s to sweep Friday practice sessions in Montreal Asked how his Friday had been, Hamilton replied: “Pretty much like every Friday for us, trying lots of different things, an experimental floor on my side which didn't work. “Nothing we do generally to this car seems to work so we're trying different set-ups; me and George [Russell] went with much different set-ups in this P2 just to see if one way works and one way doesn't. I'll wait to hear how it felt for him but for me it was a disaster. “It's like the car's getting worse, it's getting more and more unhappy the more we do to it. I don't know, we'll keep working on it, it is what it is. I think this is the car for the year, so we'll just have to tough it out, and work hard on building a better car for next year.” Hamilton couldn't find a set-up sweet spot on his W13 Hamilton – the joint-most successful ever driver around Montreal, along with Michael Schumacher – added that his experience behind the wheel of the W13 had left him cold at his beloved Circuit Gilles Villeneuve. “It's not the Montreal that I know, that I'm used to and that I've experienced in my career,” said Hamilton, who took his first ever pole and victory here back in 2007. “It's the worse that I've ever felt any car here, so I'm hoping overnight we can try and make some changes. But fundamentally, it's just the fundamentals of the car, it is what it is. It's going to be a struggle. READ MORE: ‘I just had an itch to play old games’ says Hamilton after retro console video sends internet wild “It's just a monumental fight the whole time to keep it out of the wall,” he added. “When it bounces, when the car leaves the ground a lot, and then when it lands it grips up and it goes in different directions, and you're just trying to catch a car that jumps, hops, grips, hops, grips. It's tough, it keeps you on edge. And there were some big hits today. We've raised the car but it doesn't make a difference. “We've tried loads and loads of things, we've ticked them all of,” he concluded. “Those ones don't work, so we have to go and find something else. And we're way off, but it's to be expected with this car.” Russell felt Mercedes still had the potential to be third-best team this weekend Downbeat Hamilton may have been, but Russell – P6 and P7 across the two sessions – believed that Mercedes could make a step overnight that could tuck them up behind the Red Bulls and Ferraris performance-wise, despite Aston Martin’s Sebastian Vettel and Alpine’s Fernando Alonso taking a surprise P4 and P5 in FP2. “We're quite a long way off the pace compared to the front two teams, but also there's a couple of the guys, Fernando, Sebastian, they look very strong as well, so we've got work to do,” said Russell. READ MORE: How the picture has shifted for Ferrari, Red Bull and Mercedes since we last visited Montreal in 2019 “In FP2, that was probably the biggest deviation in set-up Lewis and I have had all season; we went in two very drastically different directions and we'll probably be able to find a happy medium between the two. “So we're going to be working hard, we just need to make sure we qualify ahead of the midfield. I think we've got a race car that will put us in that third-best team position spot, but obviously if we qualify a little bit out of position, it could be tricky.” via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
0 notes
romanoffsbish · 2 years
Stupid, Cupid
Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff
OC!Serena x Fem!Reader (Ex)
WandaNat x Fem!Reader
Masterlist | Chapter 2 | Words: 2,323
TW: Cheating
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Wanda's POV
"Morning" Y/N groans as she enters the kitchen, where Natasha is currently working on the crossword in the newspaper and I am making our breakfast.
"Good morning dorogoy." I coo, with my back to her while I stand over a multitude of pans.
She takes a seat next to Natasha, laying her head down onto the counter, and releasing a huff.
"Rough night milaya devushka?" Natasha questions, setting her paper to the side.
(Sweet girl)
She hums in response, slowly nodding her head, as Natasha reaches over to gently run her fingers through her hair.
"What happened?" I sincerely question, wanting to know what's causing her all this pain.
"Serena decided to break up with me a day before Valentine's day, and I have all of this stuff planned that's nonrefundable." She sighs.
My heart skips a beat at the news, partially breaking as I feel her pain radiate through me, and also because I'm selfishly happy about it. Natasha and I have wanted her to be ours since the moment she had arrived here two years ago. Serena's always been the main obstacle that kept us from that goal.
"I'm sorry, Y/N/N." Natasha coos, leaning down to place a comforting kiss to her temple. Then she lays her face down to mirror her position, and smiles at her.
"It's okay, it might hurt for a bit, but I'm honestly just relieved. It's been a long time coming. We haven't been happy in quite some time." She sighs out defeatedly.
I can feel that the pain runs deeper than she's letting on, I also do feel her relief, so I choose not to push her.
"Hey, what are you guys doing for Valentine's Day?" She asks, quickly sitting up with a hopeful smile, as she awaits our answer.
"Well, we were just going to stay in cuddling all day and watching movies." Natasha answers her.
"You're welcome to join us." I add on, hopeful she'll say yes.
"That's really sweet of you guys, but I'd never want to impose on your special day. I was actually going to offer my lunch reservations for two to Anella to you guys. I'd hate for it to go to waste, and I couldn't think of any people more deserving than the two of you." She replies, smiling widely at us.
"I don't know dorogoy..." Natasha starts to decline her.
"We'll do it, IF you will watch movies with us when we get back." I agree, while turning to place a plate of food in front of her face.
"Sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me!! Thank you Wands, these eggs are absolutely amazing!!" She beams, as she finishes her plate in under a minute.
"I'm going to go make the call and switch the name on the reservation. I'll see you two later." She goes to depart, with a quick kiss to both of our cheeks.
She runs off towards her bedroom giggling, and as soon as she's out of sight, I deflate.
"Do you ever think she'll figure out how much we love her?" I sadly question my girlfriend, using my fork to push the eggs around on my plate, having completely lost my appetite.
"One could only hope, maybe we can finally show her during movie night." Natasha sighs, finishing off the coffee in her mug, then clearing our dishes.
I'm currently on the phone with the restaurant, rearranging the reservations for tomorrow around. I'm really disappointed, because I was really looking forward to the french toast. However, Wanda and Natasha deserve the world, so this really isn't a big deal.
The whole entire reason Serena and I have been so unhappy for so long is because she hates my life as an Avenger. Apparently I can't devote enough of my time to her, and she can't be happy with what time I do have. She claims that between all the missions, paperwork and my biological need for sleep, I'm far too busy. Which is really funny, because whenever I would try to work out a date, she'd be the one who was busy.
She also seemed to be jealous of the way the redheads interacted with me, claiming they were far too affectionate. I reassured her repeatedly that she had nothing to worry about, because I genuinely did love her. Regardless of any resulting feelings for the redheads, who are virtually off limits to me, I wanted to make it work. In the end though, she was the one who cheated on me, apparently Dale the pizza guy could make the time for her; but I wouldn't tell that to the assassin or the witch. She might've ripped my metaphorical heart out, but they'd literally rip out her physical one.
I have a whole list of things to readjust, like where the flowers, and the chocolate covered strawberries are being delivered.
Nat's POV
Wanda and I are currently hanging out in our room in a comfortable silence. She's reading a new book Y/N got for her, and I'm meditating—Fury had said I need to work on my chakras.
"She was lying." I interrupt the silence that had fallen upon us, having been feeling uneasy ever since Y/N left us in the kitchen.
"I know..." Wanda sighs, closing her book and laying on her side on the bed to face me as I was sat on the floor.
"I just want to know what part she was lying about..."
"Me too Nat. I can feel her pain, it's immense, and complicated. I can also feel her relief randomly coursing through. It couldn't have been as simple as she's making it out to be, but I'm mostly unsure why she won't tell us."
"She's avoiding it Wands, that's why she was pushing the date onto us. If she focuses on other things she doesn't have to think about what ever it is that happened."
"Yeah, I'm going to the store moya lyubov', I'll make her her favorite dinner tonight, and we can shop for her and hopefully fix her Valentine's Day tomorrow."
"Sounds like a perfect plan to me. She freaking loves this holiday..." I chuckle, reminiscing on the years past.
——— 1 Year Ago ———
No One's POV
"Hey turbo, slow down, where are you off to?" Natasha asks with a smile as Y/N's speeding passed her towards the compound doors, as she rushes to get her jacket on.
"Oh, hey there Natty!! I'm actually headed to Serena's for the night, I want to make sure tomorrow's as special a day as possible. I've been so busy lately with all the Avenging, so I'm trying to make up for it." Y/N quickly rambles on.
"Oh, I'm sure you just being there with her will be plenty enough. What's your plans?"
"Well, I got her a bouquet of peonies, and a locket engraved with our initials and our anniversary on it. I plan to make her breakfast in bed, then watch some horrible chick flick because she loves them. Then we'll go for a walk through Central Park, and enjoy some gelato while feeding the ducks. I also got us dinner reservations at one of those fancy nine course restaurants." Y/N answers, listing off her never ending plans, while Natasha listens intently.
"Woah, that sounds really well thought out, Y/N/N. What does she have planned for you?"
Natasha questions, genuinely confused on when Serena's going to fit anything into the day.
"Oh, Valentine's Day is sort of my thing in our relationship, not hers." Y/N replies with a smile on her face, but Natasha picks up on the air of sadness slipping through her tone and flashing across her eyes.
Natasha's face takes up a scowl at the thought, but fades into a sweet smile as Y/N looks back up to her.
"I hope you and Wands have an amazing Valentine's day tomorrow Natty!!! I made sure to make you guys some chocolate covered strawberries, they're in my mini fridge for safety." Y/N beams, throwing herself at the redheaded assassin for a quick hug.
Natasha squeezes her tightly in her embrace, not wanting to let her go in the slightest, but reluctantly releasing her hold on her.
"You too dorogoy." She replies as Y/N leaves, turning to smile once more as she waves goodbye, and Natasha mirrors her movements.
"She doesn't deserve you..." Natasha sadly whispers to herself, before taking off to sulk with her girlfriend upstairs.
Wanda's POV
Nat and I just made it back to the compound, and began to work on the lasagna for Y/N. Natasha put the water on to boil for me, then took her rightful place at the counter to watch me do the rest.
"Friday, Where's Y/N?" Natasha asks the AI, so we could put together the things we bought her without being worried she'll see us.
"She appears to have cried herself to sleep, Miss Romanoff." The AI bluntly replies.
My heart breaks at the newfound information, and I see Natasha's face contort in anger.
"So, instead of lunch tomorrow, I say we commit a crime." Natasha nonchalantly states, smirk ever present upon her face and I can't help but to laugh at her insinuation.
"Have you ever thought that maybe that's why Y/N didn't tell us the full truth, because she knew we'd kill her for whatever it is?" I ask my girlfriend, and she just shrugs her shoulders.
She then proceeded to show me her attempt at the basket of goodies we got for Y/N, smiling widely as she finds pride in her work. I smile back, throw the lasagna into the oven, then make my way over to her.
Seems that I'll be doing everything...
Natasha's POV
Wanda's currently 'fixing' Y/N's gifts up, as she is a perfectionist, and claims my work wasn't "good enough." I'm in charge of collecting Y/N and bringing her to the library to eat lasagna with us.
I gently knock on her door, receiving nothing in return. So I gently open her door, and am met with the sounds of the most adorable snores I'd ever heard. Wanda's snores are like a chainsaw, I could get used to these ones.
As I enter her room I see it's slightly a mess, which is the opposite of its usual state. She's lying flat on her back in the middle of her bed, with one arm draped above her head still clutching onto a used tissue. Her nose is red and irritated, and her cheeks have clear tear stains. Her other arm is lying atop her stomach, and her phone is lying underneath her hand. It looks like she had fallen asleep with her phone in her hand.
The sight of her in this state absolutely breaks my heart, so I move to make quick work of the mess in her room. As soon as I'm finished I throw out all the used tissues on her bed, move her phone to her stand, then sit next to her.
"Y/N—sweetheart, it's time to wake up." I whisper, trying not to startle her, while gently shaking her awake.
"Five more minutes..." She unintelligibly mumbles. 
"No dorogoy, you already missed lunch, it's time for dinner." I lightly scold the woman, while pushing her hair back out of her face.
"Not hungry." She whines.
"Wanda made lasagna." I say, knowing this will be the hook.
Her right eye pops open, as she searched my face for I assume signs of deception, then she gently sits up and smiles.
"You should've led with that." She yawns out, stretching her arms in the air, twisting her hips, as her shirt begins to slowly ride up.
"Come on." I laugh out, standing up and extending my hand out to her, trying not to stare too obviously at her exposed abdomen.
— —
"Wands, thanks for the lasagna." Y/N quietly thanks her, as she hurriedly shoves another bite into her mouth.
"Also, Natty, thank you for cleaning my room, you really didn't have to do that."
"None of that dorogoy! We're here for you, always." I shut her down, and pull her towards me for a hug.
"Speaking of that, are you okay?" Wanda interjects.
"I'm always okay when I'm with you two." She genuinely responds, making my heart melt.
Wanda's too, as she practically steals her from me and pulls her into her embrace instead.
"If you're not ready to talk about it yet, we get it, but please remember you can always come to us. We love you, so very much, sweetheart." Wanda coos, while continuing to hold her close to her chest.
Y/N seems affected by her words, as I hear her lightly begin to sob into Wanda's chest. Wanda settles into the couch in the library, tightening her grip.
"We're here." I whisper in confirmation, as I reach over to rub Y/N's back, wanting to be close to her.
She eventually cries herself to sleep again, and I find myself wiping Wanda's now tear ridden cheeks.
"I don't like seeing her so broken..." Wanda admits, as her voice cracks.
"Me neither, moya lyubov'." I whisper in response, as I let one tear fall, then I gently remove Y/N from Wands arms.
I carry her back to her room, I go to lay her down as Wanda moves to pull the duvet back on her bed. I watch as Wanda's tucking her in, while I plug her phone in. Lastly, I set a bottle of water down with a tylenol on her nightstand.
"We love you..." Wanda whispers against her hairline, then places a kiss to her forehead, as she subconsciously reacts with a sweet smile in her sleep.
"...more than you seem to realize." I add on, kissing her cheek, then turning her lights off.
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j-amespotter · 3 years
★ exile - s. b.
“you’re not my homeland anymore.”
Pairings: Sirius Black x Reader, Reader x Male!OC
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x. x. x.
Summary: Sirius is caught in the middle of a quarrel between two lovers; AU where Harry is raised by his godmother.
Genre/Warnings: angst, language, mentions of death & war, dumbledore-bashing 
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: this can be read as a stand-alone, but i plan on writing a part 2 based on the song ivy (for those who would like a semi-happier ending). let me know if you want to be on my general/a character-specific taglist. 
Sirius probably should not have stayed behind. All context clues pointed to the fact that he probably should leave the dining room. However, it was his dining room. It wasn’t his fault you were having a full-fledged argument with someone that was a complete stranger to him in his house. 
To be fair, he was still processing. Twelve years in Azkaban had him always prepared for the worst, but with Remus’s forgiveness and Harry’s acceptance of him, he was on a high. A high that, unfortunately, came crashing down the minute he discovered his girlfriend (Ex-girlfriend? There wasn’t ever actually a break-up, but Sirius got the hint pretty fast) had married in the fourteen years they spent apart. 
He supposed he should be thankful. Thanks to you and your husband, Harry grew up in a loving household. Harry had a family. 
John. His name was John. The name itself disgusted him. As he got to know John, it comforted him to find out that he was every bit a square as his name suggested. He was nice, though. Sirius couldn’t deny that. Stable. Perfect. Blonde. 
It was thrilling, actually. Watching his perfection deteriorate right there, in Sirius’s dining room. And besides the personal delight it brought to see you frown at John, Sirius had a right to be there. You were fighting about matters that concerned his godson, and he had already failed Harry for twelve years. 
“I’m telling you, (Y/N). We need to trust Dumbledore,” John argued with his wife. He sounded tired. Sirius hoped he wasn’t smirking, but at the same time, he didn’t really care. As perfect as this man seemed to be, he very obviously lacked the stamina to keep up with you. This fact satisfied him immensely. 
Sirius watched as you scoffed. “Dumbledore has got nothing to do with this. He’s my godson. I’m the one that raised him. Dumbledore stepped in when it was convenient for him – now when Harry’s grown up and useful.” 
John looked at you with an odd, doubtful expression on his face. “You weren’t the only one that raised him,” he said quietly. 
“I didn’t mean it like that…” you trailed off nervously. Sirius found it strange to see you back down so easily. He dared to hope that there was some trouble in paradise but was too well-acquainted with disappointment to let it flourish.
The three of you sat in silence for what felt like an eternity. Sirius, having remained uncharacteristically quiet in the encounter thus far, wondered if he should intervene. Before he could form a coherent thought, John broke the silence. “I don’t see why we should tell Harry the prophecy if you haven’t even told me yet.” 
For the first time all night, and quite involuntarily, you met Sirius’s eye. Out of the five people who knew of the prophecy’s full contents, only three survived. Fortunately for you, your husband did not notice the interaction – Sirius gathered that John remained blissfully unaware of your romantic history. “Nobody in the Order knows,” you said, “and nobody is supposed to know. I don’t want to tell Harry the prophecy. I just want him to know what to expect. There is danger in the Department of Mysteries, and if Dumbledore thinks Voldemort will try to lure him there, he should know it. You know how Harry is, John. If we don’t give him answers, he’ll go looking for them himself.” 
John winced at the invocation of the Dark Lord’s name. “But Dumbledore…”
“I agree with (Y/N),” interrupted Sirius finally. “It is not Dumbledore’s decision; it is ours. (Y/N)’s and mine. We are his godparents.”
John, who had no reason to dislike Sirius, stared at him in irritation. “Fine, if that’s what you think. You reap what you sow, I suppose.” With a firm glance, he turned to you. “I have sacrificed so much for you and Harry, yet you always keep me at arm’s length. Let me know when you’re ready to be a family.” With that, he got up and left the dining room. 
You flushed. Sirius felt a wave of fury at the man. How dare he throw that in your face? Selfish bastard. He waited for John’s footsteps to fade away. “Some guy you’ve got there,” he remarked sarcastically. 
Your eyes snapped in his direction. “He’s not ‘some guy.’ He’s my husband. And what business did you have, stepping in like that? I can handle myself.” 
“You didn’t ask me to leave,” Sirius pointed out without missing a beat. 
“I let you stay out of courtesy, Black. You are Harry’s godfather. I can’t change that.” 
“Good. Merlin knows you tried,” he said, glancing in the general direction of the door John just walked out. “See, we even argue better.”  
“Excuse me?”
“You don’t love him,” said Sirius matter-of-factly.
Anger flared in your eyes. “Yes, I do.” 
“Bullshit,” said Sirius, invigorated by your blazing look. “You're forgetting that I’ve seen it when you’re in love. Was on the receiving end, in fact. If you love him, you absolutely worshipped me.”
You looked at him, scandalized by the insinuation. “You’re an arse.” 
“Maybe, but one that speaks cold, hard facts.” He watched you, his pale eyes attempting to memorize your features. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” you snapped. 
“Can’t help it, love,” he said casually. It felt like fitting into an old rhythm. Sirius refused to believe you couldn’t feel the same way. 
You sat in silence for a while, but not like the awkward silence that enveloped the room when John occupied the space. You stared at your glass, lost in thought. “At least he didn’t leave.” 
Sirius swallowed heavily. “You didn’t stop me.” 
You looked indignant. “You must be joking.” 
“You’re freaking me out, Sirius. What the hell happened?” You clutched his arm, shaking him for answers. 
Sirius was inconsolable. “J-James and Lily… d-dead.” His voice cracked. 
Tears spilled out of your eyes. “N-No, that’s not possible. You said they were safe, that everything was fine!” 
He was trembling. You could barely make out his words. “The little rat…” 
“W-Who?” You were crying. Lily… your best friend… She couldn’t be dead. Bright, bubbly, perfect Lily Potter could not be dead. 
Suddenly, Sirius was standing up, wiping his eyes. “I have to go.” 
Your eyes widened. “What? Where? Where’s Harry?” 
“With Dumbledore. I have to go.” 
“Wait, don’t leave me here–” But with a crack, he was gone. 
Sirius sighed, rubbing his unkempt beard. “You didn’t come after me. You didn’t stop them from taking me. You didn’t get me out.” 
“How the hell was I supposed to do that? You didn’t tell me about switching the Secret-Keepers. You didn’t have an orphaned baby in your lap. And I saw your picture in the paper. Do you even know how deranged you looked? What was I supposed to do?”
“Goddamnit, I don’t know! Everything went wrong…” Sirius said, raising his voice slightly. “I lost my best friend.” 
“So did I,” you whispered. “Harry lost his parents. We both needed you.” 
“But I wasn’t there…” 
You shook your head. “No, you weren’t.” 
“And John was?” 
“I’m here now,” said Sirius in a resigned voice. 
“I can see that,” you joked with a sad smile. “I’m glad. We both are – Harry and me.” 
“You raised him well,” said Sirius sincerely. “James and Lily would’ve been proud of him.” 
You smiled at him like never before. His heart thudded against his chest. “I hope so. Thank you.” 
“Does he make you happy?” 
You stared at a spot over his shoulder, refusing to make eye contact. “It’s none of your concern, Sirius.” 
“It always will be, you know that.” You deserve better, he wanted to say. Better than him and me. 
You deserved someone who completed you, not just someone who fits the mold. As you bid him goodnight, Sirius couldn’t help the twinge of envy brewing in his chest. Beyond his jealousy and hatred of John, he felt sad. Sirius recognized the unhappiness in your eyes, and he felt helpless. There was nothing he could do for you anymore. 
Taglist: @iwritesiriusly​ @lunalovecroft​
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cherry-gemz · 3 years
Only You: Ransom Drysdale x You
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Summary: You and Ransom are an unlikely pair: different social classes, different personalities. But you find yourself together, but after an eventful evening, will it last?
Pairings: Ransom Drysdale x F!Reader
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: 18+, mention of smut, slight dom!/sub!, tw violence, anger, roleplaying
A/N: My entry for @the-ce-horniest-book-club drabbles. This is meant to be silly roleplay. Just what the reader and Ransom do to spicy things up. I do not condone violence or any aggressive behavior. Everyone has consent. Under 18 DNI, pls.
Prompt: "I can't believe you're ending it over something so ridiculous!"
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"I can't believe you're ending it over something so ridiculous!"
"It's not ridiculous. I saw it with my own eyes."
"You're crazy!"
"You better believe it, doll, but I'm not stupid. I know when two people have slept together."
"Ran, you need to get your eyes checked!" You spat and threw your drink at his face. The rest of the restaurant viewed the lover's spat and couldn't look away.
He wiped the drink from his face and shook the excess off from his hand. A devilish smirk appeared and then his face remained still.
Maybe I went too far, you thought. He's going to kill me.
Ransom Drysdale. His name was well known in the tri-state area: prolific playboy, a different woman on his arm every week. The only child of Richard Drysdale and Linda Thrombey, and grandson of Harlan Thrombey, a successful writer and mystery novelist extraordinaire. His arrogance and charisma originally turned you off though.
As the New England Club tennis instructor, you found yourself loathing the bratty socialite at first. His extreme good looks and physique were of course delicious to look at, but when he started up lessons with you, you nearly quit. He was a cocky son-of-a-bitch. Never much for small talk on the court.
The Thrombey's in general were self pretentious jerks; leeching off the renowned writer that started his publishing company from the ground up. Not quite old money, but definitely not new. No, the Thromby's were definitely fat cats when talking of wealth and status, but underneath all the designer clothing and flashy cars were hypocritical jerks and wankers. They weren't the self made millionaires as they proclaimed. No, Daddy Thrombey had every part in their success. Without his help, they'd be a fisherman's family.
But Ransom, oh Ransom. You were abhorrently disgusted at how he talked to the staff at the club. Shouting at the waiters when they got his whiskey or scotch order incorrect. Tossing plates at the hostess when his steak wasn't prepared to his likening. Even the pro shop boys were afraid of him that one time he went all Mcintyre on his newly strung racket.
But with you he was different. No, with you he was charming, polite...sweet even. Which made you weary even more of his intentions. He hadn't half bad at the game either, you thoroughly enjoyed playing a match with him. He took a lot of his aggression and stress out on the court and it was fun being competitive.
Eventually he asked you out for a drink, after two times of declining you accepted...mainly because you were curious of how a lazy, spoiled, man-child that was pushing early thirties, could still be so damn attractive.
So that date became two...those two dates became a month. And before you knew it, you were together six months and shocked that he was still entertained. The girls at the front desk were always flirting with him, but ever since you two were dating, he only had eyes for you.
And you for him. Until one night at a local restaurant, where while you waited for him to arrive, you sat at the bar nursing your dry martini. The man that Ransom accused you of sleeping with was attractive. A bit older than what you'd dated in the past, but attractive nonetheless.
"Here alone?" His voice was like butter as he pulled the stool next to you. You crossed your legs and flashed a thigh, your elongated stems were velvety and smooth from a wax appointment earlier that morning. You bit into the green olive and pulled it slowly off the wooden pick, your lips pursed and enticing, stained with a bordeaux wine color.
"Not exactly," you purred as you looked him up and down. His trim physique and armani suit was to be impressed by.
"Well, if you were my date I would never leave your side," he replied as he motioned to the bartender.
You leaned over the bar, pushing your chest up, giving ample viewing.
"Is that right?"
"Indeed. Why, I would kiss the ground you walk on, you're Aphrodite in the flesh."
You smile and giggle at the attention you receive. Unaware that Ransom had arrived and was watching the two of you from afar. The man slinked his hand on your thigh and you startle.
"I have a hotel room not too far from here, what do you say?"
You chest began to burn at the touch of his rough hands. Hands you were not used to. Why, the ones that would caress you down were soft, strong, and lean. Ones that never worked a day in their life.
You grab his hand and twist his wrist and unrelent. Gritting a smile through your teeth, you whisper in the intruder's ear.
"I say, if you lay another finger on me, you'll be peeing through a catheter for a week."
The man whimpered as you released your grip. Ransom barged between you two and decked him square in the jaw.
"You asshole!" He shouted as some patrons screamed. "Don't touch her."
Your intruder fell flat to the ground and everyone stared.
"C'mon, Y/N," Ransom's voice bellowed.
"I'm not done with my drink," you jest.
"I'll buy you a million more elsewhere, let's go."
The man got up slowly and rubbed his jaw, he started to yell obscenities, but security arrived and whisks him away.
"Did you know that guy?" He demanded. His east coast accent always came out thicker when he raised his voice.
You cooly take a sip of your drink, "What? Of course not."
"Yous looked like you did."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means, I'm not here for like five seconds and you already have a guy drooling over you. You let him touch you, Y/N!"
"I didn't let him do anything," you pull your compact out of your clutch and fix the crease of your eyelid makeup and brush it with your finger. You snap your compact shut and you can feel Ransom's temper build. His blood boiling, the nerve of that man. Touching you. Thinking that he could satisfy you. It got you hot that Ransom was jealous.
"Well what did you say to him? I saw you whisper in his ear!"
"I just warned him to not touch me again. I can handle myself Ran."
"You've been sleeping with him."
"That's rich, Ransom."
"Tell me I'm wrong."
You look at him dead straight in the eye, "You're wrong." His chest puffed, his cheeks red. He was showing a different side of him.
"Ransom doesn't like to share," you smirk and he slips his hand behind the small of your back.
"I won't ask again, Y/N. Let's go."
You sit up from the stool, "That was you asking?"
"You know what, Y/N…"
"We're over."
Your heart drops to your stomach and you want to puke. We're over? Why? Because of some dumb misunderstanding? Is he serious?
"I can't believe you're ending it over something so ridiculous!"
"It's not ridiculous. I saw it with my own eyes."
"You're crazy!"
"You better believe it, doll, but I'm not stupid. I know when two people have slept together."
"Ran, you need to get your eyes checked!" You spat and threw your drink at his face. The rest of the restaurant viewed the lover's spat and couldn't look away.
He wiped the drink from his face and shook the excess off from his hand. You storm out of the restaurant with him quickly behind you. Your heels pound on the cement as you turn the corner around the dark building. The sound of the harbor waves and the rocking of the boats can be heard from a distance.
You continue to stride along the brick wall, the moon shone above the inked sky.
"Y/N!" He repeated as he grasped you by the hips. You peered into his blue eyes and searched for answers. He stared intently into yours and didn't say anything. Within seconds, he smashed his lips onto yours, smearing the once perfectly colored lips. His hands cupped your face with a strong hold and you grabbed his dress shirt collar and pressed your body into his.
His hands roam up and down your silhouette, then they find themselves on your globes and he clutches your ass.
He grunts through the kiss as you sigh seductively. He peppers his kisses down your cheek to your neck and sucks on your chest, leaving a mark.
"Ran…" you say breathlessly as his left hand trails up your thigh.
"You are mine…" he coos as you nod.
"Yes, baby…"
"He had no right to touch you."
"No, it was bad. You taught him a lesson."
"You've been bad, it's your turn for a lesson," he whispers in your ear as he inserts his tongue and runs it along your lobe. Chills rub up and down your body and you build a pool between your legs.
"So bad…" you tease.
"Y/N…" he says as you grasp his excitement through his trousers.
"Did you mean it?"
"Mean what baby?" He asks as he slips a digit beneath your panties.
"That we're over," you squeak as you close your eyes and he continues to pleasure you.
"Yes…" he ramps up his ministrations and you grab his wrist, unhappy with his answer. He smiles devilishly.
He stops, but doesn't leave his hand from your folds. He looks earnestly in your eyes, even though the unlit side of the restaurant, you can tell he's exposed and being real.
"In ways that I'm done hiding, baby. No more. I want you to be my girl, I want to tell everyone."
This is the Ransom that you know, not the man who hated his family and has never had a nice thing said about him. No, he's a complicated one, but he's yours.
"W-what?" You choke. You had been on the down low all these months considering you were his tennis instructor. You'd be fired for breaching the conflict of interest with a client, and you weren rich like him. The strutiny you'd receive from his family, from the town. All eyes would be on you. He cups your cheek with his free hand.
"Move in with me, baby. I'm crazy about you. I don't want anyone else. You're it, doll."
"What do you say?" He asks as he starts to pleasure you once again and stifle a giggle.
"You are nuts," you reply as you see stars.
"Fine. But next time I choose the roleplaying, tonight got out of hand," you say and shove him playfully.
"Sure thing, baby. Whatever you say."
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anondudeao3 · 3 years
Fic Recs!
Since I'm on hiatus, I've finally had time to do some reading, and I thought I'd give some fic recommendations, since I won't be posting for quite a while. These are my absolute favourites!
(I'm splitting this into two posts — one for JayDick and one for JayTim — because now that I'm finished with the first half it's quite long)
A Love Triangle With The Same Person
By: Chrystie, kate882
Word Count: 10,031
Summary: Dick might have a bit of a thing for Jason, one of Red Hood's criminal underlings. But he's also already a little in love with Red Hood.
→ Identity porn! Who doesn't love identity porn? Very cute and sweet.
Everything I Know
By: epistemology
Word Count: 12,360
Summary: Red Hood is a little bit in love with his partner, Nightwing, who has a huge crush on Jason Todd, the hot bookstore owner, who is actually the Red Hood, who is too busy being in love to notice Dick Grayson, who's actually Nightwing.
Jason and Dick fall in love with the wrong versions of each other, and things become complicated fast.
→ More identity porn, but this one is a lot more sort of missed connections, plus it has bookshop owner Jay who was never taken in by Bruce! It really has you begging SOMETHING to happen to somehow make them see that THEY ARE EACH OTHER, THEY ARE THE ONES THEY LIKE. AHHHH IT'S THE SAME PERSON. And when it finally does happen, it's so sweet and satisfying. (I recommend checking out their other fics too! Lots of sweetness.)
Lie To Me, Darling
By: Chrystie, kate882
Word Count: 19,214
Summary: Officer Dick Grayson is undercover in the infamous Red Hood's gang trying to track down the man behind the helmet. With his former partner killed for being found out, there's a new guy in the gang to take his place. Jason doesn't seem like the average new gang recruit, and Dick may be getting more than he bargained for trying to get close to him.
→ Okay, ngl I JUST now noticed that this one is by the same people as the first one, and I specifically didn't want to put multiple fics by the same people (just say I recommend checking out their other stuff, but not rec separately), but it's too late now and I don't have a 7th JayDick fic to recc that isn't also an author repeat, and I don't want it to be uneven.
But ANYWAY. This one will fuck you up, I can't lie. Unhappy ending, but if you can brave that, ohhh it's so good. It's so damn sweet whilst the good times last, even though you know it's only temporary and it's all going to go to hell at some point... man. It hurts. But it hurts so good. It's beautiful, and I personally think it's worth the pain.
Two Birds on a Wire
By: empires, pentapus
Word Count: 20,565
Summary: Dick asks Jason for help on a case. Jason should have never agreed.
→ It's probably laughable that I'm reccing this, since pentapus is one of the authors and their art is like huge in the JayDick fandom, and the fic has more than 22.5k views, which seems to be quite a lot as far as JayDick fics go. But in the event that you haven't read it yet... This is actually the very first JayDick fic I EVER read, it introduced me to the ship, and I just reread it and it's still just as amazing, what a winner to start out with!
The dynamic between Jay and Dick, the way Dick gets so into his undercover role, Jay's emotional turmoil, the action — it's all just absolute chef's kiss! It's so hard to write action well, and these two made this fic so engaging!
All Soulmates Final, No Refunds
By: empires, salvadore
Word Count: 38,900
Summary: Mystic Waters Grande Hotel sells itself as a luxury soulmate retreat with all manner of couple’s activities. The cost is high, and all is not as it appears on the hotel’s grounds. Dick and Jason go undercover as newlywed soulmates to find out what’s behind the rash of missing persons. And dig up old feelings in the process.
→ (Since empires was collaborating with two different people of the different fics, I don't count that as a repeat).
Well firstly, this is a rare Batman!Dick JayDick! And secondly, yes, one of the ubiquitous soulmate AUs. But with some very interesting twists! Also, like TBOAW above, the action in this is amazing, and absolutely had me on the edge of my seat. Similarly, their undercover personas were lots of fun, and it was very fun to see them push each other further and further with them.
Secrets of the Sea
By: ParzivalHallows
Word Count: 42,711
Summary: Being a merperson was dangerous enough, but being a merperson captured by pirates? That's got to be one of the worst fates for a merman. Merman Dick Grayson is captured by a slave ship, where he meets Jason Todd, who's a slave on that ship. Together, the two plan an escape. However, they need to put aside their odds first, which is very difficult for the two stubborn men.
→ I have to give you fair warning first, this one is incomplete and hasn't been updated since 2017, so I don't think it's ever going to be finished (but it can't hurt to leave a nice comment!) BUT WAIT, DON'T SCROLL YET, hear me out. It's really good, okay. You do need to mind the warning tags because there is major character death (not Jay or Dick though, and since it's not complete I'm kind of choosing to believe that they're not really dead and later in the story it actually turns out that they managed to survive).
There are a lot of grim things in this story, it's really about survival, but the worldbuilding is fucking phenomenal, and the author drew me right in. The descriptions and the action and emotion, the unexpected magic that they have to figure out? It's all so cool and well done.
Steady On Forward
By: JayseHasNoGrace
Word Count: 96,287
Summary: Dick Grayson's life has never been easy, but he'd like to think it's been going better lately. He's been operating mainly out of Gotham again for almost a year, and has been in a steady relationship for just over. He knows where he stands with crime-fighting, and the family is all on pretty good terms, considering.
Things are really going pretty well.
Unfortunately, the balance doesn't last long, and old horrors from Dick's past end up dredged up alongside new ones.
This is a story about love and family, but equally so about trauma and healing from it. Please heed the warnings in the preface.
→ Alright, the final JayDick rec, the longest, and the darkest. But wait, again, don't scroll! It's also by far the most hopeful AND FLUFFY. Now, the author is NOT fucking around about heeding those warnings, there's a shitload of them and it's really heavy, hard shit. Do not get me wrong, this fic is going to HURT you. But by the end, it's going to have felt so cathartic, and you're going so feel soft and hopeful and whole. I don't know how they did it, but it's SUCH an emotional rollercoaster. Another commenter on AO3 (mach5plus1) said it better than I could:
I gave this fic my whole heart, it took it, smiled and said “awwww, I���ll take care of it!“
Then started putting pressure on it and I told it “ouch, that hurts”
The fic kept smiling and put more pressure until a piece broke off (last chapter)
and then another (this chapter)
The fic keeps doing it until my heart is shattered into pieces and it’s standing over each shard with a frown saying “oops” (the upcoming chapters)
Then, after finding each piece again and picking them up, the fic will slowly push each piece back into place.
By the end it’ll give my heart back a little different, but somehow better than it was when I gave it away.
It will crush your heart, but it will lovingly patch it back together by the end, I promise. If you can read it without getting triggered, I thought everything was well handled, and it's so worth it. (I recommend checking out their other JayDick fic too, they only have one, but it's a fluffy romcom, so if you need a break after this one, that's there!)
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maximoff56 · 3 years
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I'll do anything for you
Summary: You see marriage as pointless and cringey and when Tom agrees with you on your opinion you think nothing of it. Until one day you hear Tom talking over the phone with Harry.
Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of family issues, insecurities, guilt.
Word count: 1k+
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Tom heard you scoff from across the room, he was sitting on his laptop reading over the script his manager had sent him while you were on your phone, scrolling through Instagram.
"You alright love?" Toms voice caught your attention and you looked up from your phone. Your cousin was getting married and they kept making such a big deal out if it, so much that it was just getting irritating at this point.
"Yea, all good" you dismissed him and went back to scrolling on your phone. Your answer was not bought by Tom and a pillow was thrown at you "you are a child Thomas" You giggled and threw the pillow back at him.
"What is wrong y/n?" His voice was a bit more stern, you sighed not wanting to share the reason. Every time you brought up your opinions on marriage you were judged and out down for them, told thing like 'you're to young to know' or 'you havnt found the right person'
"My cousin is getting married, and I just don't see the appeal. They are actually like she won a Nobel prize or some shit" your eyes were set on the ground so you missed the fall of Toms face. "I personally have never seen myself getting married, it just uh doesn't feel right I guess" when you looked back up at Tom hesitantly he had covered his hurt well and he just nodded along with your statement.
"I agree completely, marriage is quite stupid, a peice of paper doesn't define your relationship" a smile crept over your face when he said that, no one you had ever dated ever agreed with you on marriage and you wrre glad you and Tom had been on the same page.
"You have no idea how relieved that made me Tommy" you jumped from where you were sitting and walked over to him, plopping down next to him on the couch "I love you, and I don't need a stupid peice of paper to prove that" you grinned and pulled him into a kiss.
He kissed back with a smile, he kept his true thoughts about marriage to himself not wanting to make you feel bad. In reality Tom had always planned on a big wedding, he was going to use his grandmothers ring what his mother promised to let him use, he was a sap for really cute weddings and just having the labels of husband and wife, he just loved the thought. Although it seemed thaf it wouldn't ve happening considering your firm beliefs on it.
"I love you too darling" Tom whispered when you pulled away from the kiss, you squealed lightly and kissed his cheek before jumping off the couch and saying something about doing some cleaning but Tom wasn't really listening.
"Fuck" Tom ran his hands down his face and let his head fall back against the couch. Silently cursing himself not telling you is true feelings.
It had been about four days since you and Tom had talked about the whole marriage thing, he was acting a bit off but you pushed it aside, that was until you figured out why.
You had woken up and Tom had already been awake and he was sitting on the couch, phone in hand. You were going to go surprise but you stopped when you heard him talk.
"I know Harry, it's just. I've already dug myself into a hole, how am I just supposed to tell her. I just feel like I've done something wrong but I don't knw" Tom sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
"Look Tom, she loves you everyone can see it. So what if she doesn't want to get married, does it mean that much to you" you couldn't hear what Harry had said but Tom sure could.
"I know she loves me Harry but I've always pictured this whole big thing when I get married, and now she thinks I hate it just as much as she does, she called it pointless Harry, I don't know how to tell her" you felt awful as you turned away and walked back to your bedroom that you shared with Tom.
You flung yourself down on the bed and ran your hands up snd down your face. You should have noticed that Tom was lying about his opinions on marriage, you guys have been together for three years, you were just so blind sighted that you didn't notice.
"Darlin, oh hey I didn't know you were awake yet" Tom walked into the bedroom, he wore a smile on his face, one you couldn't bring yourself to match "Whats going on, why are you grumpy" he pouted and sat next you while you stayed laying down. "Babe" Tom grabbed one of your hand and interlaced your fingers with his "Talk to me"
"Why didn't you just tell me?" You sat up and Tom gave you some space to get comfortable before he answered.
"What are you on about" he looked confused, he genuinely didn't know what you were on about. There hadn't been much that he hadn't told you of then the marri-
"You love the idea if getting married" you sighed and looked over at your boyfriend who's face dropped as her kept his eye locked on your hand that was in his.
Tom took a deep breath "You just, you seemed to hate it so much. I didn't want to start a fight or anything, we don't need to get married it's just something I always thought I was gonna do"
"Tom, I hate the idea if marriage because my family was torn apart because my parents stayed in an unhappy marriage, same thing with my uncle, they were a great couple but then they got married and that all just went away. I don't want that to happen, I really am sorry that I hate the idea so much. If it's a deal breaker I totally understand" Tom knew you had problems with family and he sympathized with you on that but he just couldn't wrap his head around why you blamed marriage but he knew he didn't want to lose you and if that ment not getting married, he would survive.
"Its not a deal breaker darling, I promise. It's just something I need to adjust to, you know. I would never pressure you into something you wouldn't want to do. I love you" he captured your lips in his and you kissed back immediately.
It had been about 3 months since Tom had agreed to not get married, you knew it was hurting him deep down but he was pushing it away for your sake and that just make you feel worse.
So now you were sitting at your kitchen table awaiting Tom from returning from two months away for filming. Usually you were excited about him coming home but you were nervous, you had dicided that if getting married would make Tom happy, you'd do it. It wasn't that big if a deal, right?
You didn't have time to think about it anymore when when door to your house swung open "Y/n! Hey I'm ho-" he was cut off when you flung yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. Tessa too has also came running from her place of the couch.
"Welk hello to you to darling" he chuckled, his bags long forgotten as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him if that was even possible.
"Marry me" you blurted out when you pulled your face away from the crook of his neck. His eyes widened in pure shock but you had a shit eating grin in your face.
"But uh y-you said it was pointless" Tom couldn't help the smile that played on his lip though, he seriously hoped you were being genuine about this because be didn't want you to feel pressured.
"Yea Tommy I know, but I mean so much to you to have a wedding and though I find it cheesy and sappy. It makes you happy, and when you're happy I'm happy. So what do you say?" You knew that you'd have to figure out a way for you both to enjoy the wedding but right now the look on Toms face was all you needed.
"Yes of course I'll marry you" pulling you into another kiss, you giggled when he tried pulling you closer to him, "Thank you" he whispered against your lips here he pulled away "you don't have to do this for me you know"
"I'll do anything for you"
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wonglix · 4 years
➺ ᴛʀᴀᴘᴘᴇᴅ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ
⤷ y/n x jeno (+ best friend!renjun)
⤷ you and jeno have been endlessly flirting with each other for months now, neither of you taking the next step of officially asking the other out - and it’s driving everyone around you insane. imagine renjun’s frustration when he gets stuck in a broken elevator with you two lovebirds for hours on end.
⤷ fluff
⤷ 2.0k words
⤷ warning: cursing
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"y/n, you're here to visit me, your best friend, not that little loverboy of yours," renjun groaned after you asked him if jeno was around somewhere as well. a small chuckle blew past your lips, and you lightly smack renjun's arm, the boy looking at you with an unamused expression. "he's not my lover boy, injun." he looks at you with raised brows, "but you wish he were, and that's the point you thirsty little shit." you gasp, both of you bursting out in laughter. renjun wasn't wrong, quite the opposite actually: it's clear to most people at first glance that you and jeno are very much interested in each other. no one knows why you two don't just finally start dating; the constant shy glances and flirty conversations getting on everyone's nerves.
"are you two ever going to get together or am i damned to listen to your stupid flirting for eternity?" renjun mumbles out between bites of watermelon, the teasing smirk on his lips aggravating you only the slightest bit. you let out a hum while thinking about it, the question making you think for a bit. shrugging you look at renjun, "honestly? i don't know. i guess we both enjoy the chase. what if it gets weird between us once we start dating you know?" renjun nods and seems to seriously think about what you said, a small sigh leaving him, "you've known renjun for as long as i have, i'm pretty sure you two would fit together quite well," he chomps down on another piece of melon, giving you some time to think about his words. "also, i'm pretty sure the two of you wouldn't turn down other people if it really was about the chase."
you furrow your brows in confusion and renjun takes it as his cue to elaborate, "there were a few people that asked jeno out, and he turned down all of them. well, and you turned down those two guys from your history class too, didn't you? i'm pretty sure if the two of you only enjoyed a good chase, you wouldn't turn down people to mingle with. you two genuinely like each other, i'm sure of that. and as much as the two of you flirting annoys me, i just want you to be happy," renjun finishes, leaning over to steal a few pieces of melon from you. it's like renjun opened your eyes for you, the realisation that you're genuinely, completely, absolutely infatuated with lee jeno making your ears burn up.
renjun chuckles at the redness of your ears and the look of realisation on your face, "now you only need your loverboy to realise the same thing." you blink at him, and suddenly you feel helpless; it has been so easy to enjoy your back and forth with jeno, the flirty remarks and teasing touches always were easy to reciprocate, but now? now that you were aware of the weight of your feelings for him you felt like you've wasted so much time just idling about, so much time you maybe could've already spent in his arms.
renjun had stolen the rest of your fruits at this point, but you couldn't find it in you to care - your fingers were itching with excitement at the prospect of seeing jeno, the thought of spending any more time apart from him making your head spin. luckily for you, you agreed to a movie night with the rest of the dreamies. while you were on your way to the elevator to head to the dorms, you were trying to come up with a smooth way to open up about your feelings to jeno. renjun was rambling on about something you didn't really pay attention to, thoughts of jeno clouding your mind.
it's like fate decided to play cupid for the day because right there in the elevator was standing jeno, the surprised smile on his face quickly turning into a flirtatious one once he spotted you. "well hello there, precious. going up or down?" renjun let's out a whine, pushing past you to get into the elevator. "listen, i don't care what you two do once we're at the dorms, but please, please spare me until then. i don't think i'll survive that disgusting flirtatious bullshit." jeno snorts at that, throwing his arm around renjun's shoulder while you're getting in the elevator, pressing the button to get all of you to the ground floor.
"would you rather i flirt with you, jun?" jeno's voice was disgustingly sweet, and renjun shoved him away from himself, both you and jeno bursting out in small giggles. renjun grumbles annoyed and presses the button, the doors of the elevator closing smoothly. the elevator barely started moving when it stopped abruptly, the lights flickering above you. the three of you stayed silent for a second; waiting for the elevator to start moving again. it didn't.
"uhm..." jeno started, not really knowing what to say. turning to renjun you let out a shaky breath, "what do we do now?" renjun shrugged before experimentally pressing the emergency button, a loud sound ringing through the small lift. it took a few seconds until a voice spoke up, inquiring about the emergency. "yeah, uhm, we're stuck in the elevator." the lady on the other end hummed, faint typing being heard in the background. "alright, there's good news, and there's bad news. the good news is, don't worry, you're safe. don't panic and just sit it out until emergency services arrive," her voice was calm and comforting, though what she said next did anything but comfort you, "the bad news is that it's probably going to take a few hours until you're going to get out of there." it was silent for a second, jeno suddenly piping up, "a few hours? isn't there a janitor or something that can let us out?" the lady sighed, "no, i'm sorry. it's a bit more complicated than that. there's nothing we can do, so i suggest you get comfortable in the meantime. i'll make sure to contact the company that there are three people stuck in the elevator."
here you were, sitting on the elevator floor next to renjun, jeno sitting across from you. you had been talking about whatever came to mind for the past hour, the three of you slowly running out of topics to discuss. "i can't believe we're stuck," you whined for the approximately sixth time, head buried in your hands. "well, at least i'm here. it'd probably be even better without jun, like some prolonged game of seven minutes in heaven." jeno snorted at his own remark, renjun only grumbling out a small "more like hell."
after endless rounds of rock-paper-scissors and somewhat passionate discussions about whether water is indeed wet or not (which it isn't), the three of you reached a point of silence. it wasn't uncomfortable, but you wouldn't call it comfortable either - you were kind of just sitting there, and you were slowly starting to drift off. your head fell onto renjun's shoulder, renjun shifting a bit to make it a bit more comfortable to you, the boy already had gotten used to it over all this time as your best friend.
judging by the deep frow on jeno's face, he didn't seem to know that things like that were quite common for you and renjun. you were long gone at that point, sleep tugging on your conscience and dragging you into a deep slumber while renjun had to hold back from snickering at jeno's unhappy expression.
jeno was nearly burning holes through renjun at this point, "are you really jealous even though you two aren't even dating?" renjun had a teasing grin etched onto his face, jeno not being able to answer in more than a few stammers for a second. "w-what?" renjun snorted at the reaction, rolling his eyes at his friend.
"cmon, id be dead if looks could kill jeno. it's clear you two like each other so please just get it over with, i can't deal with two lovesick idiots at once." jeno was about to protest renjun's teasing until the words registered in his mind. "wait, two lovesick idiots?"
renjun can't help but let out an annoyed groan, "oh please! you can't tell me you're that dense, the two of you are so in love with each other its actually disgusting," you let out a whine when renjun gestures with his arms wildly, the movement momentarily ripping you out of your slumber.
jeno's silent for a bit, his gaze focused on you and your sleeping face; if there's anyone that should know how you're feeling, it should be renjun, right? jeno gulps, his gaze drifting back to renjun, "and...and how should i go about it? just, i don't know, ask them out or-" "YES!" renjun couldn't take it anymore; no one was leaving this elevator until the two of you finally sorted your feelings for each other out.
you're startled awake by renjun's outburst, tired eyes looking around in confusion. your eyes meet jeno's, and he feels his heartbeat ring in his ears, cheeks heating up and without much thought, without any plan on how exactly to go about it, jeno suddenly blurts out: "i like you, y/n."
confusion and sleep were still clouding your mind, so your first reaction was to stutter a bit, a frown on your face. "y-you- you what?" renjun sat next to you awkwardly, his eyes drifting back and forth between you and his friend. jeno cleared his throat, his nerves making his throat dry up, "i-i like you, and-...uhm, and i'm pretty sure you like me too."
you blink at him, a soft blush spreading on your cheeks; the sudden confession catching you off guard. you're stunned into silence, your brain still not working on its full capacity. "come on, answer him. don't make him wait, that's just cruel," renjun chimes suddenly in like some sort of referee, making you blush even more.
"uhm, y-yeah. i do, i like you too, jeno." you spluttered out, renjun mumbling a small "finally" you decided to ignore. jeno suddenly breaks out in the brightest smile you've ever seen and leans forward, his arms wrapping around you as he pulls you over to his side. "now you can sleep on me, where you belong."
"guys please, i got you together so please stop with the disgusting flirt talk or whatever this is supposed to be. please, until we're out of here, i beg you," renjun whined at the two of you, jeno grinning triumphantly as he wraps his arm around your shoulder and pulls you closer.
"jun, come on. did you expect us to stop once we're dating?" "we're dating?" your teasing made the cocky look on jeno's face drop, big eyes looking back at you in confusion. "uhm, yeah? i thought you know since we both-"
jeno was just too cute for his own good at that moment, so you lean forward and interrupt his defensive rambling with a soft kiss to his lips. it shuts him up and makes renjun let out a disgusted groan, small giggles escaping you. "i was joking, jeno."
the boy lets out a sigh of relief at that, elbowing you lightly, "don't play with my feelings like that!" giggling you nuzzle further into his side, "never, jeno."
it took another two hours until you were finally rescued, renjun letting out a giant sigh of relief after finally being able to leave the two of you alone. it's understandable; the poor boy had to listen to you and jeno's new-couple-talk for the last hours, the sweet compliments and cute giggles making him want to throw up. instead of joining the others for the planned movie night, you and jeno decided - to renjun's delight - to retreat into his room to spend some time together and finally take each other up on the flirtatious comments you've thrown at each other for the past months.
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msmarvelwrites · 4 years
Vienna Waits
Summary: The reader has a hard time around the holidays because it brings up a lot of unhappy memories. Bucky knows trauma all too well and he’s always there to lend some Christmas cheer. 
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: mentions/flashbacks of assult, ptsd, 18+, swearing, but truly a fluff piece...
Word Count: 2.5k
Authors Note: Hi again! It’s ya girl, back at it again with the plot all to based on her own predicaments. Please read the warnings because the last thing I’d ever want to do is trigger anyone- but at it’s core I wrote this as an aid. Like My Girl, this was written to bring us together, because we are so much stronger that way! This is also my first submission to the Merry Hoemas Challange, so with that please enjoy! Sending love and light to all you beautiful holiday babies.
Thank you to @amythedvdhoarder  @chrissquares @drabblewithfrannybarnes @pumpkin-and-pine and @starlightcrystalline for hosting this holiday challange!
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It was, of course, the most wonderful time of year. Christmas Eve at the Avengers Compound. 
The snow cascading from the dark sky acted as a sheet of white as you nervously sipped on your tea, checking the time once again. Your best friend was supposed to be back from his solo mission hours ago, and yet here you were, alone and completely overwhelmed. 
He was always better at these things. Always knowing how to avoid the holiday slump with ease. Bucky was who you turned to when you needed a quick coping mechanism. 
Christmas with the world's mightiest heroes had its perks for sure, but this was certainly not one of them. The joyous holiday music echoing through the Avenger hq living room was doing nothing to settle your nerves. In fact, quite the opposite. It lingered around you, pulling memories you buried deep down in the back of your mind. 
“I really think it’s better if I just head home… It’s getting really bad out there and…”
His lips cut you off, lazily trailing down your neck as the taste of bile rose into your throat. He was just drunk, you thought. So were you. You had given him the wrong idea. If you just explained you didn't want him to touch you… 
He would understand, you thought… You really did. 
“Honey, I’m home” Bucky called, cackling to himself as he shook off the snow caked to his winter coat. His voice shot you back into the dimly lit living room you now resided. 
You lunged from the recliner, spinning around the corner to find Bucky, hands full of gift bags and a candy cane dangling out of his mouth as a goofy grin tugged at the corner of his lips. 
“Where the hell have you been?” You tried to sound angry, but he was just so damn cute.
“Okay, first of all, you're welcome.” He scoffed sarcastically, gesturing to the gift bags as he placed them on the floor. “And second, you're the one who sent me out in the middle of a snowstorm for last minute christmas presents… So, you get what you get.” He chuckled. 
“No, no, I appreciate you- it… I appreciate it so much Buck.” You stumbled, though you didn't let the blush creep onto your cheeks before you spoke again, “You know how I get this time of year.” You sighed, crossing the room to help him with his bags of gifts. It wasn't lost on Bucky that the holiday season was difficult for a lot of the team, including yourself. Though he didn’t know everything about your past and how it brought you here, to the team, and one of the most ruthless fighters the Avengers had ever seen, he did know it was rough and dark and definitely off limits to talk about. Bucky didn't mind, however. As long as he had you by his side. 
“Ya know, if you help me wrap these gifts there might be a Christmas movie marathon in your future.” He wiggled his brows causing you to laugh. 
“That really sounds like a lose-lose on my end here, Buck.” you giggled.
“Are you by any chance at all into hot chocolate?” he bribed, though you would have caved regardless. Any time spent with Bucky was all you wanted for Christmas. 
Once all the presents were wrapped, Bucky was true to his word, puttering into the kitchen, whipping up his famous hot chocolate recipe. Honestly, if the world knew the famous Winter Soldier was as jolly was he is, they probably wouldn't believe it. Something about Christmas just brought out the best in him. 
“So,” You started as you sipped on your whip cream topped hot chocolate. “What is it about this holiday?” You pried, looking up at Bucky as he wiped a dollop of cream off the tip of your nose. 
“I don’t really know. Getting my memories back after all that time, Christmas with my Ma and sisters was always so clear…” He paused, his eyes fixing themselves on the floor. “I guess it’s one of the only really decent memories I have.” 
You only stared at Bucky for a moment as you let the words sink in. He never really spoke about his family and what, if anything he remembered. You never pushed him, thankful that he respected you the same. Though you had only been friends for a year now, those things just aren't privy to your relationship. 
“You never told me that before.” You finally spoke, watching as his eyes met with yours. 
“Yeah well, it’s hard to talk about sometimes. But… I don't know. I trust you, doll. More than anyone, I think. You kind of pull it outta’ me.” He sighed into that goofy smile you loved so much. You wanted to tell him that there was no one in this world that you trusted more, that you could and would be an open book for him, if that's what he wanted… But you supposed it went without saying. Instead, you rested you head on his shoulder, sinking back into the couch as you watched whatever sappy Christmas movie Bucky had picked out for you to watch. 
It wasn't long before the compound started to buzz with disembodied voices and echoing footsteps. A team was getting back tonight, and soon the living room would be filled with your friends booming laughter. 
You let your mind wander, tiptoeing into the darkest parts of your unconscious as the movie faded further and further away…
Your body shook, hard. You heard yourself plead, begging him to stop. Could feel the tears wet and hot as they rolled down your cheeks pooling onto your chest as he wiped them away. Such an act of kindness in such a nauseating scene. Your whole body ached with how hard you were trembling. So weak. You knew it, and now he did too-
Wanda was the first to round the corner, plopping herself down on the couch between you and Bucky, almost sitting right on your lap. 
“Good evening!” She chimed, resting her head against your shoulder in a complete and utter disregard of yours and Bucky’s closeness. Wanda was always the best at diffusing tension you hadn't even realised was there. Though now, as she sat there, it was very apparent that's exactly what it was. However you were thankful for her halting your train of thought. 
“Hello, darling.” Bucky chuckled as you wrapped your arms around her.
Tony rounded the corner next, snickering when he saw the three of you bundled up on the couch together. “Well, isn't that sweet. The trauma triplets are back together.” 
“Dont hate us cause’ you ain’t us, Tony.” You sang, watching as he rolled his eyes and puttered off to his lab. 
“So, any plans for this evening?” Wanda asked, grabbing your mug of hot chocolate without a second thought and taking a sip. 
“This is kind of it. Most of the team is back home with their family.” You explained, looking behind Wanda's head to Bucky, “Do you have any plans with Stevie?” You asked.
“Nope.” He popped the P. “Just us tonight. Steve’s out on a solo mission until tomorrow morning.” 
“About that… Nat is actually setting me up tonight. A double date, I think? So, it's just you guys tonight.” Wanda spoke sheepishly. 
Bucky and you both gapped at her before you finally spoke, “Traitor.” You glared while she only chuckled, shoving you playfully.  
“You guys will get along just fine without me. Just don’t watch The Holiday until I’m back! You guys know that’s my favourite”
As the compound quieted down for the night, you and Bucky fell into your daily routine of  comfortable silence. It was just like every other day, or at least that's what you tried to tell yourself as the end credits of another holiday movie started rolling onto the screen. 
“So,” Bucky finally spoke, shifting in his seat to reach for something out of your eyeline. “It’s technically christmas now… And, I know we said no gifts, but I saw this and it was just so you. I had to pick it up.”
Your eyes landed on the small velvet box in his hands, your breath hitching in your throat for a moment as your brain forze. You could feel your body trembling as he held it out, waiting for a reaction, but all you could do was stare. 
“Such a good little thing.” He finally spoke. Your eyes were so glazed over you couldn't quite tell where his voice was emulating from. You could hear his belt, feel his hands on either side of your face as he whispered in your ear. “Happy Christmas, baby.” He chided, dropping the small velvet box in your hands as he left the room. 
You couldn't bear to touch it, whipping it across the room as it shattered open, the small diamond necklace rolling across the hardwood floor as it tumbled to the ground with a harsh crack. Your fingers burned where the rough velvet had been, and you remembered thinking you'd feel this way forever. 
“Y/n?” Bucky spoke your name and it shocked you back to reality. You blinked at him, tears welling in your eyes as you stared at him. He looked absolutely terrified and it broke your heart. Absolutely tore you apart that you could ever be the reason for that face. 
“Hm? Oh, yes. I’m so sorry, I was so far away there for a moment.” You reached out but before you could take the small box, his hands covered your own and he let his thumb stroke your skin, sending a shiver up your arms and all around your neck. 
“You know I would never judge you, right?” He smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. “God knows you've never judged me. I’m here. Whatever it is, it’s not your fault.” 
The words hit you like a ton of bricks. ‘Not your fault.’ Did he know? There was no possible way. You had Fury burn your physiatric evaluation from when you first started a year ago. No one knew. This was a fresh start, and there way no way that- 
“I can see your mind turning, and I just want to assure you, we are good. Okay? You and me, that's easy. It’s always been that way. Whenever you're ready, if you ever want to talk… I’m here, alright? Always.” His voice melted over you like a warm bath, calming you as you met his gaze. There was a sweetness you haven't seen before. It was new and yet there was something familiar about it. Had he always looked at you that way? Surely you would have remembered as it sent butterflies to explode in your stomach. 
He dropped the rectabled box in your hands and you finally felt the weight of it. Definitely heavier than a necklace, though you guess that wasn't really Bucky’s style anyways. 
You slowly clicked the box open, your eyes falling on the small black object resting on the pillow inside. 
“It’s a knife?” You spoke, just above a whisper as your hands traveled over the cool metal looking up at Bucky in surprise. 
Bucky chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck as he explained. “Remember that mission a year back? I think it was one of our firsts.” 
“Vienna.” You chimed, the memory coming back to you now. 
“You stole my knife.” He laughed, shaking his head at the memory. “I remember, I had it in my hand, you ran out of ammo and in a flash it was in your hands. Those Hydra punks didn't see you coming. God, doll. That had to be the hottest-” He blushed, clearing his throat, “I mean, that was the coolest thing I've ever seen. Been trying to find you one like it ever since.”
“Oh, Buck.” You signed, gripping the knife in your hands and effortlessly flipping it through your fingers as it sparkled in the dim lighting. 
“Do you like it?” He hummed. 
“Like it? I absolutely love it… I feel like such an ass for not getting you anything.” You confessed, averting your eyes to the floor. 
You flinched as Bucky’s cool metal fingers tipped your head up, and he tried not to notice, though the reaction wasn't lost on him. He really didn't know about your past, but trauma knew trauma. 
“Darling, this…” He motioned to you, “This is all I need for Christmas.” His voice was like honey in tea, warm and sweet and so smooth. 
“You flirt.” You giggled, shoving him playfully as you placed the knife back in its box and resting it on the coffee table.  
“I would never.” He sarcastically gasped, causing you to laugh at his dramatics. Bucky wasn't truly himself around the others, but you wished sometimes they could see his goofy side. Though it warmed your heart he reserved it for you. 
“What do you say? One more movie before we call it a night?” You asked, relaxing into his shoulder as you clicked through the options. Bucky’s silence caught your attention, pulling you back to his gaze. He stared at you as if startled by your words. 
“What?” You chuckled nervously, raising a brow when he didn't speak. 
“You're willinging requesting we watch a Christmas movie? Are you feeling okay?” He jested, lifting his flesh palm to your forehead as if to check your temperature. You swatted him away, rolling your eyes as you did so. 
“I’m fine. I just…” You watch him carefully as his laughter faded and he focused on you. “I never really thought I could enjoy Christmas. Someone stole that luxury away from me a very long time ago, but with you… With you it comes so easy. I know it must be hard, but you never let it show. I honestly can't tell you the last time I’ve properly laughed like that during the holidays. God, it's been years and yet here we are. You just pull it out of me.” 
Bucky smiled softly, holding his hands out for yours and you quickly accepted the gesture. His eyes crinkled at the corners as he grinned pulling you into his chest as he hugged you. It was something that was very new, and yet just felt right. Like this was how your bodies were meant to be, fit together like puzzle pieces. 
“Doll, I’ll pull it out for you whenever you want.” He cooed, sarcasm lacing his words and your head fell back, laughter bubbling out of your chest. 
“God, I love you.” You finally got out, but as soon as the words left your lips you knew how impulsive you had been. Bucky stilled beside you but you kept your eyes trained on the ceiling above, terrified to meet his gaze. It wasn't a big deal, just two friends admiring each other. You knew, however if you were honest it was much more than that. Bucky felt it too. 
“Darling,” He murmured, so low you almost didn’t hear him. Your eyes slowly returned to his as your heart nearly jumped from your chest. “You’ve had me wrapped around your finger since Vienna. You’re it for me. Always have been, I think.” 
You stared at him for a moment, unsure of where your voice went as your mouth ran dry. 
“As if I even need to say it, I love you too.” 
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Divider made by the wonderful @chrissquares 
Thank you 3000 to my amazing friends @cutie1365 and @sweeterthanthis for their endless support and constant grammatical corrections. I’d be forever dyslexic without you guys... (I kind of will I think, but ya’ll make it a hell of a lot easier on me)
@sweeterthanthis​@cutie1365 @whateveriwant @drabblewithfrannybarnes @amythedvdhoarder @chrissquares @pumpkin-and-pine @starlightcrystalline @kalesrebellion @projectcampbell @calwitch @sycochick @sassy-pelican @mollygetssherlockcoffee​ @amateuratheart @officialmarvelbaby @a-really-bi-girl @fairislesheets
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