#yes you can see my girl genius fandom peeking through
tanoraqui · 2 years
ideal silvergifting dynamic is hubris4hubris. Imagine looking at the former Lieutenant of Angband and saying, “I can fix him.” Imagine looking at not just any Finwëan (the most stubborn family in Arda except maybe Elwëans) but one of exactly 2 Finwëans who famously said, ‘actually No, this is going beyond my personal moral code and I’m Stopping, Now’ and then did stop, and saying, “I can totally convince him that world domination, by force as necessary, is a good idea.” I’m not even addressing the shared inclination to affix raw natural Power into rings.
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birdymuses · 3 years
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[ It’s Hanazwa hours I guess. Under the cut is some unedited chat logs containing Teru HCs and meta, mostly for my own purposes and for beefier bio information, but feel free to peek if you like this little bastard ]
wow, cool looking nut — 04/01/2021
sometimes I think about Teru and I get sad
Beef — 04/01/2021
How so
wow, cool looking nut — 04/01/2021
Teru is underexplored in the way most shounen secondary characters are in that we see him at one extreme of a character arc and then another but we don’t get much info on how he gets to each point or what his journey is like since he’s not Protagonist-kun and shounen tends to omit emotional journeys that arent tied to a physical conflict.
We know from canon that Teru became a monster as a result of some deep insecurity that Shigeo could recognize in him, but that's all the detail we get about it, really. Still there's evidence of what may have gone down. Teru's biggest issue is that he's isolated--physically in that he lives alone at age 14 and socially in that Teru doesn't have friends. He does well in school and gets confessions from girls. He has admirers and could get a favor from just about anybody, but that doesn't mean much. Teru doesn't have friends. He has followers, he has admirers, he has lackeys and subordinates. That’s it.  
In that sense you start to see a picture of a person who puts himself on a pedestal as a show for everybody else. He can't befriend but he can intimidate, which are almost the same thing if you squint.  He can impress and win approval or at the very least obedience in these underhanded ways that give him what almost looks like having social support, but what are those relationships?  Instead of having 0 relationships he has a hundred little nothings that amount to jack shit emotionally and don't fill whatever hole is there in his heart. He doesn't know another way and I think that's profoundly sad.
we are all lonely, aren’t we?
Related: I wonder a lot about why he lives alone. I bet that's a sad story
Beef — 04/01/2021
100 little nothings and one Mobbu
wow, cool looking nut — 04/01/2021
My man is the definition of talking loud, not saying much
and to speak on the post-mobbu years, he does a complete 180 but you can still see those narcissistic tendencies shining through in his interactions with other characters from time to time. Hell, he saw one member of Claw and was like OH SHIT FREE WAR CRIMES!!  Like, he’s not as transformed as he is trying to be.
Shounen anime will almost never show you this but I think old habits die hard and the change that Teru wants to see in himself probably comes harder than you get to see in the show
Beef — 04/01/2021
And from what we know about his personality, he's probably good at pretending it isn't hard
wow, cool looking nut — 04/01/2021
Oh for sure. I could see Teru even now having a healthy amount of insecurity about that, especially with Shigeo there to compare himself to. He doesn't know how to operate like that.  He can't help that his first impulse is not to be as invariably self sacrificing as Shigeo is. It requires rebuilding ones entire mindset from the ground up to achieve something like that. You cant just have new thoughts on a used brain without a lot of time and effort. It doesn’t work like that.
there is a moment in canon that I think about a lot where Teru VERY OFFHANDEDLY mentions that he has nightmares about his fight with Shigeo and then never mentions it again
I think about that constantly
Beef — 04/01/2021
..........wonder which parts he has nightmares about
He went through some scary shit but he chose to put Mob through some scary shit too
wow, cool looking nut — 04/01/2021
Yeahhhh,,, like not only does he bear the weight of not being able to change so easily but also that of his past actions. The constant reminder of what he almost did to Shigeo, who is somebody he clearly values extremely highly. His only close friend if we're being honest.
And there’s some mental gymnastics he could do to justify himself but I scarcely see him considering it for even a second. Yes, Shigeo is scary when provoked but that pales in comparison that he could have easily killed somebody he now adores
isnt it horrifying that you could have kept being a monster at some point or another instead of realizing
I think about Teru a lot
Beef — 04/01/2021
I imagine the feeling of trying to crush someone's windpipe with your own hands is not a sensation you just forget
esp. for someone who's been violent before, but only from behind a psychokinetic distance
wow, cool looking nut — 04/01/2021
there are a number of extremely high quality fics that explore those concepts and its like finally somebody in a fandom fucking gets me
canon wont touch this kind of shit
but like you dont just go and have a whole moral event horizon without some shit to sort through
Beef — 04/01/2021
You're right but I'm also laughing at the idea of Teru speedrunning the kind of growth most people don't do in a lifetime and going "what like it's hard?"
RIP to every other normal human being but I'm different
wow, cool looking nut — 04/01/2021
KDJFHSKH i mean fair
Considering he CANONICALLY just sees other people doing psychic techniques he's never imagined and then perfects the in an afternoon
Give this man 15 minutes and a redbull and he’ll be back like a rotisserie shithead outdoing you at your own game. Teru is kind of a fucking genius and that goes largely understated for how often it is expressed in the canon lol
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drunk-onsunlight · 3 years
Day #1: Beautiful, what's your hurry? 
Chapters: 1/12 Fandom: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Michelle Jones & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Happy Hogan/May Parker (Spider-Man), Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), spideychelle - Relationship, Betty Brant & Ned Leeds Characters: Michelle Jones, Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Betty Brant, May Parker (Spider-Man), Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Additional Tags: Spideychelle Promptmas 2020, MJ is Black Cat, Peter Parker is Spider-Man, Iron Dad, Canon? Don't Know Her, Comic Elements, Rhino is causing problems, Prowler is causing problems, Dr. Octopus is causing problems, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Morgan is a smartass, Ned Leeds is a Good Bro, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
12 days of promptmas where Peter is having fun being Spider-Man until too many bad guys are around and a certain Cat tries to kiddnap Ned in the middle of a fight (or something like that) and all he can think about is "how is he going to pretend to have a relationship with MJ on that Stark party on Christmas break?"
I'm terribly excited and proud of this fic so I hope you have as much fun reading as I had writing it. You will find short chapters and others... not so short, they are hell long (sorry, not sorry). Done with the blablabla and have fun in this 12 Days of Promptmas Remember that every chapter's concept will influence a big plot ;)
Concept 43. Roommates 2. Shopping
Dialogue 56. "Do you wanna built a snowman?" 46. "You do know that Santa's not real, right?"
December 18th - One week before Christmas Peter and MJ have been living together for two years now. They decided it was the best way to not be totally broke because of their attempt to live in NYC while college and being close to their families in Queens. And the best way for Peter to be Spider-Man and be close to the Avengers facilities without anyone knowing, including MJ. Peter didn't knew how he have managed to keep his identity hidden while living with MJ but it was good, she wasn't in danger if she didn't know about his superhero thing. Peter and MJ had strict rules about their privacy and that made everything easier. They never went to the others bedrooms for anything, at least one of them was sick and that wasn't happening frequently. So basically Peter charged his IronSpider suit without worrying about MJ finding it and probably friking out and his three different suits were on the closet or under his bed totally save. MJ had her own secrets and he wasn't the right person to sneak a peek inside her room to find out, so he respected her room, privacy and secrets as much as she respected his. Morgan has called on a Thursday claiming that she needed to spend time with his big brother on Christmas break or she will take him out of work from The Bugle on some fake news that Spider-Man was around a shopping mall she wanted to visit. The ten year old was very persistent, just like her parents. Of course he said yes, he wanted to take some pictures of Manhattan while you can still walk around Central Park, also, some early shopping for Christmas was too perfect to reject. Morgan arrived to MJ and Peter's apartment early in the morning and took a second quick breakfast with her brother and MJ. ---------
"So, Morgan! How's school going?" MJ was familiar now with the little girl and wasn't surprised of Peter's contacts with the Stark. What she never understood was how Peter ended up working for J. Jonah Jameson and not in Stark Industries, maybe his passion for photography was bigger than his love for chemistry and labs. "Pretty good, actually! I'm looking forward to High school, looks exciting" oh poor innocent soul. But she wasn't going to break her little bubble of happiness, definitely not on the holidays! "You're getting old Morgan! High school? That's big!" Peter was always cheering Morgan, no matter what. He was such a good old brother "Then you are even more old because you are in college and you have a job, too" Morgan said with her mouth full of pancakes, that MJ was pretty sure Pepper will not approve. "MJ! You are gonna let her treat us like grannies because we have a job?" Peter always tried to get MJ involved in his conversations but she still had that little observant in her from High school "Well, if we are that old then we can't go shopping today. What if we get a cold? That would be terrible for this two old people" that was the plan, shopping with Morgan but MJ had another plan for her visit to Manhattan, but they didn't need that information "noooo!!!! We have to go shopping! My dad gave me lots of money to spend on everyone’s present! I want to buy something nice for Uncle Happy and Aunt May, for mom and dad and of course for you both! Even for Ned and Betty!" yes, that was their little group now. How on earth Peter was able to keep such a strong relationship with the Starks and his security head, after two years working for their labs, was still a mystery. Well, it wasn't hard to get attached to the Parkers and with Peter always came Ned and now Betty. "Ok Morgan! Then let's go. If we are in Manhattan as soon as the shops are open we will get good presents for everyone" the little girl took her plate when the pancakes were to the kitchen and run to get her coat, scarf and gloves for the cold. "How much money do you think she actually has, Parker?" "She is ten, so maybe not much. But she is a Stark so maybe a couple hundred? Who knows? I'm gonna text Pepper just to check, if I text Tony he will probably encourage her to buy the whole shopping mall" Peter walked to his room while Morgan returned from the living room and started jumping in front on MJ to show her that she was ready to go "Ok, we will go in a few. Can you go to your brother's room for a bit while I look for my things?" "Yeap! Don't take long, MJ!" "Don't worry. I will be fast. Promise!" MJ walked to her room and locked the door. She needed to change something from her outfit without Peter and Morgan knowing. That will bring lots of questions that she wasn't ready to answer, especially to Peter. She took her bag with all the things she needed for the day and checked twice that the leather suit under her clothes wasn't visible. "MJ is back!! We can go! Let's go Pete" Morgan was bubbling with happiness so they finally went out of the little apartment. They went down the five floors and started walking through the cold streets of New York with Morgan in between them. Each holding one of her tiny hands. The girl was talking about her school friends, her new favorite topic in class and her love for science, just like his dad. Peter and Morgan were having a lovely chat about the new tech Stark was designing while MJ was waiting for her moment to leave them for a while. "How do you know all of this, Morgan? Pepper hasn't forbid you from the labs?" "Yeah, but she stopped telling me to not go there after my tenth time sneaking into the labs." "As reasonable as your dad, I see" "And you Pete. That's why you are my brother" Peter had an easy smile on his face when he talked to Morgan. It was nice to see him so relaxed, he was extremely stressed and had been for the last year. College could be a nightmare even being a genius like Peter. "Ammm, I have to go Morgan. Would you forgive me if I go for a few minutes? I promise I will be back" "Nooo!!! Why? I can talk to you more if you want. It’s just that Peter never shuts up" "Its fine Morgan. I love hearing you both talk about nerdy things, but can I tell you a secret?" the girl’s eyes light up and she moved away a little from Peter "I'm very good at keeping secrets, MJ. You can trust me" MJ got to Morgan’s level which means she was almost on her knees. "I'm going to buy Peter's present and he can't see it because it's a surprise. Can you keep that secret?" Morgan's face showed all her excitement and started nodding furiously "Then I will text Peter when I'm done, ok?" she said the last looking at Peter to let him know she was going back with them "Ok! See you MJ!!" Morgan waved at MJ while she crossed the street to a few jewelry stores. She entered one of the stores and checked that Peter and Morgan were gone before leaving to a close ally to change into her leather suit, mask and silver wig. ------ "MJ is really nice. And pretty!" if Peter never closed his mouth, Morgan was just like him, but Peter loved it "Yeah. She is really nice" "And pretty. My dad said he is a little bit afraid of her for all your stories about her in high school but I think that makes her even greater" "Well yes, she is pretty and why I never knew your dad was afraid of MJ? Now I'm gonna mock him for that" "you didn't hear it from me, Pete" "so, what where you and MJ talking about?" "No, no, it's a secret and I don't share secrets even if there are small. Like your secret, does MJ knows, by the way?" "No, she doesn't and you know that's the best thing for her so it's going to be a secret until something terrible happens like she gets in my room and I'm arriving from patrol or something like that" he didn't want to think about the possibility of MJ finding out about him being Spider-Man because patrol ended bad "How's Ned doing? Is he still your Guy in the Chair?" "Nop, he is retired. Now he has proclaimed himself as a FOS" "what's that?" "FOS as Friend of Spider-Man" "so, I'm a FOS too, right?"
"Yes, you are Morgan. That's why you have to be really careful on not speaking about Spidey outside of the labs or the facilities. Ok?" "Yeap. Got it. Don't worry about that. Mom thought me well. She talked about a few bad experiences she had because she is close to my dad and I don't want to go through any of that" Morgan was very young but very intelligent, any other kid would be screaming at the top of their lungs that their adoptive brother was a superhero just like their dad. But she knew better than that. "Hey! Look at all the snow in the park. Do you wanna built a snowman, Morgan?!" he was very excited about the possibility but Morgan not so much "I would love it but can we wait for MJ? I think she will enjoy it as much as we will" "Ok. Let me check my phone for any messages. Maybe she wrote me and we didn't notice" no new messages from MJ, but apparently Black Cat had stolen a few things from a store on the opposite side of Manhattan. The police was taking care of the case but the evidence wasn't much. They never had enough evidence when Black Cat was involved, she was becoming a problem in New York and Peter was going to pay more attention to the new dressed up villain, but first he needed to stop Rhino. He was the big problem, has been for the last year, appearing and disappearing every few months but each time he came back, he was stronger. "Did she say something?" "No yet. What if we go to that shopping mall, do some actual shopping and then back to that snowman?" "Yes! I want to buy some summer clothes to my dad and some beautiful heels to my mom! Maybe some kitchen utensils to Uncle Happy and more nice shoes for Aunt May! What do you think, Pete?" "I think we have lots of things to do then! Let's go before MJ is back. We need to buy her a present too" they walked to the shopping mall and got a few things for everyone. Morgan bought some shorts for Tony, with Iron Man's face on them, some really expensive heels for Pepper and May and different bakery supplies for Happy "I have Ned's present in Stark Industries. It's a new program my dad worked on that I think he will love. But don't tell him! It's a secret" "don't worry peanut, your secret it's save with me" "thanks Pete. Ok, what are we buying to MJ?" "I have an idea... But we have to go find somewhere affordable and that can sell me a very specific object. Santa can't bring that present from the North Pole for her" "You do know that Santa's not real, right?" "What? MORGAN! You can't say that!!" "I'm sorry Pete. Did I ruin your fantasy?" "No... But now that's a big secret you will have to keep. No one can know that Santa is not real" after Peter and Morgan went out of the store they choose for MJ's present, Peter's phone started to sound along to Jingle Bells. "Hey MJ. We done shopping here. Where are you? Do you wanna built a snowman?" "A snowman?" "Yes. Morgan wanted to wait for you to build it in the park a few block away from where we were" "Oh. Yeah. I know where, see you there in ten?" "Perfect. See you in a few" "She's coming to build the snowman?" "Yes she is" "I really like MJ, Peter" "Yeah. Me too" -----
After a small walk and some time to find the best place to build the snowman, MJ, Peter and Morgan reunited and started looking for things to complete the medium sized snowballs that they managed to make. Morgan found a few stones for the eyes, MJ took a few branches for the arms and Peter was trying to find something for the nose of the snowman. After a few minutes he found a branch that wasn't to tin as the snowman's arms but it was too long. He broke the branch in the thicker part and placed it in the snowman face. "Oh Peter! The gym is actually paying! You broke that like it was a pencil!" Morgan’s face screamed at him that that action wasn’t completely normal for a regular person "Yeeaaahhh... The, the gym! Of course!" MJ was looking at him a little bit suspicious. She still managed to hide most her emotions but after living with her, Peter learned to read her more than she thought. "Well, I need to start going to the gym too then, you have been going since high school and it's finally working apparently" Peter knew MJ wasn't stupid, or blind for the matter. She has seen him without a shirt and knew about how his body has changed through the years because of his superhero thing, but for her, and everyone else... He was just going to the gym. That was the logic explanation behind his ripped body and his very useful strength. Peter tried to move away from MJ’s suspicious face while lifting Morgan from the ground.
“I think it’s quite decent. What do you think, Em?” Peter asked MJ
“I don’t look that bad, actually! Morgan, can you rate the snowman?” They were looking at the weird snowballs with the stones for eyes and several branches around his “body”
“I give it a 7 out of 10, something is missing… A SCARF!!! He’s getting cold without a scarf” Ok, Santa wasn’t real but the snowman was getting cold. Peter and MJ shared a look and started laughing, they found funny that the snowballs were cold. Peter took his scarf off from around his neck and placed it on between the top snowball and the middle one.
“There you have it! Now he is fine and won’t get a cold” Morgan looked pleased at the snowman and took MJ’s hand in her right hand and she offered her left had to Peter.
“Ok, now it’s a ten. I think we can go and wrap all this presents on the apartment. Can we Peter?” Morgan looked a little tired
“We definitely should, maybe we can have some hot drink too” MJ wrapped her bag on her shoulder without letting go of Morgan’s hand while Peter took the six different bags from around the snowman and the three of them stared to head home.
Thanks to @spiderman-homecomeme for organising this amazing event!
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dearlazerbunny · 5 years
Lie to Me (Ch. 15 of 28)
Pairings: Loki x Reader
Genre/Ratings: M eventually (aiming for a slow burn here); warnings for kidnapping and subsequent anxiety/PTSD (will be marked before every chapter)
Words: 1900
Summary: If you had to guess what the captured, traitor, trickster god Loki Laufeyson wanted or needed at this moment, a babysitter would be far, far down on the list. (Set after the events of Avengers 1.)
SHOUTOUT TO @molmcb and @jessiejunebug, who are the best goddamn ego boosters a girl could ask for
Requested Tags: @deraniel, @iamverity,  @yasnooshka24, @wegingerangelica, @themusingsofmany, @dark-night-sky-99, @tarynkauai, @stuffandstuff-stuff, @angelicshinigami, @my-current-fandom-is, @geekysimmerthings
((So because I don’t know how to use tumblr I JUST realized that copying and pasting tags doesn’t automatically make them active... to my requested tag list, I am SO SORRY! Please forgive me! Also, surprise! Now you have a lot to binge read!))
On the fourth day you fail to visit, Loki lets himself begin to worry.
He wasn’t expecting you back right away, not after admitting just how much of a monster he actually is. But he’s come to have faith in you, to the point where even if you are going to reject him for his crimes- he wouldn’t blame you if you did- he thinks you’d at least do him the courtesy of telling him. So the first day of your absence, he waits, trying to ignore the anxiety in his chest. The second day is spent in self-loathing; the third, hating the universe at large with more viciousness than usual. But the fourth… that’s when he lets a few tendrils of doubt creep into his brain. But not about your potential sudden change of heart- no. That doesn’t sit right with him.
It’s nothing. Most likely, you’ve left, just like everyone else, once realizing the depths of the horror of the man standing in front of you. Most likely, you’re moving on with your life without involving yourself with the villain. Most likely…
Then why does he still feel uneasy?
He glances where he knows a camera is positioned, tucked into the ceiling’s seams. How closely he’s being monitored, he’s never figured out, but he has an inkling that he could hang himself by his hair and no one would bother trying to stop him. So how to get their attention? He has little magic at his disposal, not enough to conjure anything disturbing, and his cell is lacking anything remotely useful.
With a sigh, he hefts his cuffs, twisting his wrists nervously in their prisons, unsure of so many things. Using as much strength as he can gather, the manacles are hurled at the glass barrier with enough force to make his bones ache and his teeth clench.
This may take a while.
Thor has never liked scavenger hunts- he lacks the brains for riddles his brother so gleefully loves- but a chase without clues is proving even more frustrating. Every inquiry about your whereabouts is met with indifference or confusion, and his visit to your offices was fruitless, as your colleagues don’t seem capable of anything but stuttering and terror in his presence. It is quite annoying. Why Loki prefers to rule through fear he will never know.
Loki. He sees you every day, from what little he can gather- no doubt he knows of your wellbeing. But he is not allowed passage into his brother’s cell…
“Thor.” A woman’s sharp voice cuts through his thoughts. “What the hell is your brother playing at?”
Ah. Very occasionally, fortune does favor him.
Maria Hill stands tapping a brisk toe. “He’s been intent on breaking out for the better part of three hours now. Can you please go talk sense into him? If there’s any sense there to reason with,” she mutters under her breath.
“Of course. Please, lead the way.”
In the depths of SHEILD, locked behind glass, stripped of his grandeur and posturing, Loki looks more himself than he has in a long time. Thor watches the muscles in his shoulders grind to a halt as he abandons his latest attempt at what looks to be smashing his handcuffs against the barrier. Neither the glass or the manacles are any worse for wear, from what Thor can see, but his brother is noticeably exhausted.
“Thor.” The relief in Loki’s voice is palpable. “You came.”
A small spark of happiness flares in Thor’s chest. When was the last time his brother welcomed his presence? “You wished me to?”
“Obviously.” Loki sets himself down on his cot. His hands rest in his lap, and raw rings of skin peek out from underneath his bindings. “Where is Y/N?”
For a moment, Thor only blinks. “The lady Y/N? Have you not seen her? I wished to ask you the same.”
A dark shadow passes over his face. “No. I have not.”
Maria is looking between the two gods impatiently, clearly not following the conversation. “Y/N? Who are we talking about?”
Something low grumbles in the back of Loki’s throat. “Y/N Y/L/N. An archivist under your employ. She has been- assigned to me, for however long I have been in SHIELD’s grip now.”
Her eyes widen just a hint. “You’re pitching a fit about your babysitter? Is she even still still here?  I would’ve thought you’d have run her into the ground a month in.” The incredulousness in her voice makes both Thor and Loki bristle.
“You do not keep count of those under your care?” Thor asks.
“We keep track of the important ones.” When the atmosphere of the room dampens to the point of stifling at the clench of Loki’s fists and the stretching of Thor’s shoulders, Maria backtracks. “I mean- okay. Get to the point. Why are you worried about her?”
“She has been absent for the better part of four days now,” Loki grinds out from clenched teeth. “And such behavior is… unusual.”
“Aye.” Thor nods. “It is unlike her to remove herself from Loki’s side for so long.”
“Okay- okay.” The agent rubs her temples briefly. Her migraine isn’t getting any better. “I have two semi-immortal beings worried about someone we hired a year ago on a lark. Wonderful. You realize she’s just on vacation or something?”
Loki looks to Thor with a glance that clearly communicates everything he isn’t voicing. “Perhaps I could verify her whereabouts,” Thor says casually, unwilling to alert Hill to his brother’s turmoil. “To ease his mind, if nothing else.”
She sighs. “If it’ll get him to calm down, fine. Go find Stark, he’s been fiddling with the security system anyways.” She leaves mumbling something under her breath, shaking her head and looking like she needs a very strong drink.
Once she’s gone, Loki visibly deflates. “Thor-”
He holds out a hand. “I will investigate the matter,” he says calmly. “I am sure she is fine, brother.”
Loki nods. “Just- be certain.”
It strikes Thor, in that moment, that as meaningful as you are to himself, he has not begun to scratch the surface on your worth to his brother.
Stark is, as predicted, sequestered into a room full of glowing screens, his attention on all of them at once. “Sparky the Hammer-Bro. What can I do for you?”
Thor lets his eyes rove over rows of code, none of which he understands. “I need to view security recordings. The Agent Hill said you may help.”
“Uuuuuuuuuuuumsure.” The genius waves a hand, dismissing several rows of numbers. “Anything in particular?”
“Five days ago, roughly. As for what I seek- I believe I will know when I see it.”
Stark raises an eyebrow. “Cryptic. Fun times! Uno momento, por favor.” One by one, computer screens are filled with a past SHIELD, going about its business. It could be any given day- agents roam, papers filed, choice global secrets exposed and others hidden. But Thor zeroes in on the one displaying you and his brother, in some sort of tense conversation. Loki lashes out, and you reply with remarkable composure- enough to apparently reassure him you aren’t going anywhere. In his head, Thor adjusts every opinion of you he’s ever had.
You talk for a while more, underscored by Stark’s idle whistling from the corner. You leave, bag tucked under your arm, and say goodbye to a scant few colleagues. Outside, a car pulls up in front of you, and you go to open the door- only, it’s opened for you, by gloved hands belonging to an unseen being. While they grab you by the arms, another man in a suit is busy administering a blunt object to the back of your skull. You crumple into the waiting vehicle. The door is shut. It pulls smoothly away from the curb, as though you were never there at all.
To Thor’s right, static electricity shorts out a bank of monitors.
And now Tony is talking, leaning in to examine the footage- “Who- wait, isn’t that your brother’s pet? What the hell-?” But Thor is already gone, hurrying in a way that magically clears everyone from his path before he even arrives. Every thud of his heel echoes a crisp and succinct no, no, no, no, no, no
Loki has been pacing, but he pauses to turn his sharp gaze on his brother. “Well?” Thor can’t even open his mouth before green eyes turn deadly. “No.”
Thor’s mouth is suddenly dry. “Brother-”
There’s an inferno behind Loki’s voice, one that Thor has only ever seen herald destruction. “Bring me the director. Now.”
X “Let me get this straight,” Fury drawls slowly, in an obvious effort to try his prisoner’s patience. Even Thor is having to keep his fingers from curling into fists. “Your babysitter- who has apparently stuck around for the last ten months, even though by all accounts she should have run screaming from the room- has been kidnapped by a mysterious force, and you want me to release you in order to go on a harebrained rescue. Unchaperoned.”
Fury snorts. “No.”
“I would be with him,” Thor argues, “and I would not let him-”
“-escape off-world with his magic in tow? Pardon me if I’m not inclined to believe you.”
“You don’t understand!” Loki looks incredibly close to breaking something, and for the sake of their argument, Thor very much hopes he doesn’t. “She is in peril and you would sit back and do nothing-”
The director holds up a hand as the door opens and Hill slips in, holding printed camera stills. “HYDRA, most likely,” she says, pointing out various details in each photo to her boss. “Why they’d target her I have no idea.”
Fury sighs. “Fantastic. Let me ask you something, Mister mortals-are-ants-beneath-my-boot. Why the hell do you care?”
Too many thoughts to count flit across Loki’s face, and Thor has had a thousand years to catalogue every one of his brother’s expressions. “Is it not enough that I simply do?” Loki asks, apparently at a loss for words, and Thor can’t help but notice everything he isn’t saying in that one question.
“I’ll tell you everything,” he continues, almost vibrating with desperation. “Everything you want to know, that is in my power to tell. I swear it.”
Fury’s eyes narrow. “The Chitauri? The Tesseract?”
A pause. “Deal.”
Maria startles. “Nick-”
“No, Hill, don’t start with me, not now.” He nods at Loki’s cell. “If you would.”
Maria unlocks Loki’s cell and releases his manacles with the grace and poise of someone who has a revolver trained at her temple. Once his hands are free, she tenses, as though expecting a quick death- but he simply rubs his wrists, in the places they bleed slightly.
“You’re insane,” she says as Fury leads her out of the room, not bothering to lower her voice.
“Insane saved the world, once,” he shoots back. “How much worse can this be?”
“I can think of a few-”
The door closes behind them.
The two gods look at each other. “Four days is a long time,” Thor says softly, unnecessarily stating the obvious. “I would not even know where to look. Perhaps the captain would know-”
He stops as a rage of green flares up to Loki’s elbows, mirroring the fire that has suddenly blazed to life in his eyes. His voice is haunted by things unknown- “I have her.”
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demonsonthemoon · 6 years
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Pairings: N/A Word Count: 2005 Summary: Edward Elric has more scars than he wants you to think about. More scars than he wants to think about himself, but he doesn't really have a choice in the matter, most days. Note: This is one of those fics that masquerades as a character study but is really just an excuse to share my trans headcanons and talk about trauma. It's one of those fics that you hate because they're the only ones in the trans tag but you still read them because they're the only ones in the trans tag. I'm sorry.
Also available on AO3.
Edward Elric has more scars than he wants you to think about. More scars than he wants to think about himself, but he doesn't really have a choice in the matter, most days.
The ones most people know about, the most obvious ones, are the automail scars. And even then, a lot of people can't even fathom the extend of them.
Ed guesses a lot of people have a very vague idea of what losing a limb means. They imagine a stump as a clean slab of flesh hanging off one's body. They don't realize what that stump implies, what it means for a limb to be torn off, sawed away, crushed and destroyed. They can't begin to imagine what it feels like to have one's skin gape open, one's muscles sliced into, to feel one's bones crumble. Those people don't know shit.
And Ed hasn't fared the worst. Far from that. His arm and leg were torn off, but – small blessing – at least the fucked up dimension behind the door meant it happened cleanly. They weren't shredded off bit by bit. They were there, then they weren't. But even that leaves scars.
And then there's the automail itself. The thing sure looks clean when it's on. Winry is amazing at what she does, and so the metal limbs seem to grow organically out of his skin, but it's all a lie.
The prosthetic has to be linked to his nervous system, which means it can't just slot over his shoulder. It has to go in. Into the mess of scar tissue and flesh where the wound had first healed.
It figures that losing something happens so easily. But gaining things is usually messy, slow, and excruciatingly painful. Equivalent fucking exchange, Ed guesses.
Ed has lost an arm and a leg, and then he had gained new ones, and he had scars for every screw and rivet, for every wire connected however indirectly to his brain.
Most people don't think about all of that, and if he was a better peson, Ed would be fucking happy for them.
He has other scars, with other stories. Most people don't know about those.
He has one on his left elbow from a bad fall when playing with Al in Resembool. He had slipped when running by the river and scraped his arm on some rocks. Alphonse had screamed and cried. It had all seemed very dramatic they day it happened, although now Ed thinks of the memory fondly. It brings back the image of his mother teaching them how to clean a wound and then holding him and his brother in a tight hug. When he thinks about it, Ed can almost imagine he remembers the smell of her hair.
He has a knife scar on his side. There's not much of a story to tell when it comes to that one. It's pretty much what people expect from him. He got in a fight, and then he wasn't careful enough and the other guy gave him a souvenir to remember why he should.
(Of course there was a longer version to that story. It involved someone almost falling to their death and Ed feeling like it would be better to have them in prison than buried, and that one thought almost costing him his life. Kindness is dangerous in this world, and Edward knows that better than most, but he's learned to be even more dangerous than kindness itself.)
And then there are the scars on his chest. Ed doesn't usually let people come close enough to notice, but those are far cleaner than the other ones. So much so one might call them unnaturally clean. And if one did so, one might start asking inappropriate questions.
Those scars are the ones Edward resents the most.
Not because of what they stand for. Not really.
He used to have breasts, big fucking deal. That was never really Ed's problem. Or at least it wasn't anywhere near the root of it. He had been fine with the fact that he had breasts. A little bit freaked out when they had started growing, sure. Especially because he'd been precocious. But he had been fine with them. They were just pieces of fat attached to his body, like so many other parts of him.
What he hadn't been fine with were the things those breasts seemed to imply about him. What he hadn't been fine with was being called a girl, a young lady, Alphonse's sister. He had avoided it for what little childhood he'd had, because mom and Al and Winry and Granny Pinako all called him what he wanted, and he always wore his hair short and never put on dresses, so most people just assumed that he as a boy anyway, no questions asked.
But then his breasts started becoming noticeable. He could lower his voice all he wanted, but people took one look at the little nubs peeking out on his chest and they got it wrong. And then either Ed played along and pretended to be something he wasn't, or he got pissed and caused a scene and brought trouble to Al and their teacher, and despite that the people would keep on getting it wrong, only on purpose this time.
All of that, Edward had a problem with. So that was why Izumi had offered to get him something to bind his breasts with, on the one condition that he never wore it during training.
Of course Ed had said yes. And soon, the binder had become a second skin to him. Admittedly, an uncomfortable, itchy one, but it was better than the alternative. Izumi's house was still a sanctuary where he was free to wear whatever he wanted and still be acknowledged for who he was. For that he was grateful.
Up until the moment where he left it behind.
The army was something else. The army meant paperworks that Edward had filled in in a not entirely legal manner, because there wasn't really any other way.
So Edward had started wearing his binder all of the time, physical training included, not wanting anyone to notice anything that could give them an excuse to kick the 12 year-old genius out of the army.
But of course someone had to notice at some point. Someone had to notice his shortness of breath after too physical a fight, they way he pulled at his clothing even if if was loose. Someone had to notice at least one of the thousand of clues Ed couldn't help but leave in his trail.
And of course that someone would be Colonel fucking Mustang.
And the Colonel had had one simple solution to what he felt was Edward's problem.
And that solution had been alchemy.
Specifically, highly-specialized medical alchemy. Of the kind that involved a lot of money and got put down under a fake name on the paperwork.
When he offered to have the surgery paid for by the military, Mustang was not expecting to receive a negative answer. This was supposed to be an offer you couldn't refuse.
Except Ed had said no. Categorically. He knew what happened when you tried to pretend the rules didn't apply to you, when you tried to play god. He knew what happened when you used alchemy to mess with human life. He had all the scars he needed to tell that story, thank you very much.
Mustang didn't understand that. He didn't understand that Ed didn't give a shit about how many people had been satisfied with a specific doctor's services.
Ed also didn't give a shit about how Mustang even knew about all of this. The only thing he cared about was the promise he'd made to Al and himself. They had made the mistake once. They weren't ever attempting human alchemy again.
And that oath had been all good and well in theory. But in practice things had been more complicated. Ed had turned fourteen and had started getting pain in his back on a regular basis, cursing the fact his chest had developed so early.
In practice, he couldn't bear to see Al so worried about his health, couldn't bear the few but cutting comments about how he was throwing his body away, even though he should know how lucky he was to have one.
(And Al only said that because he knew there was another option possible. He only said that because he knew there was a way for Ed to feel better, even if he had rejected it.) (And whatever people said, it wasn't just about principles. It was about not inflicting his pain on another human being. It was about not being the excuse another person needed to get a taste of power and want more, and get punished for it. It was about not letting himself go through that hell again, because he didn't know if he would be able to look away from the abyss this time.)
Alphonse only said mean things to him if Ed needed to hear them.
So one day, Ed mustered up enough guts and stupidity to go knocking on Mustang's door and not puke all over his perfect uniform as soon as he opened the door. And when Ed asked him if the offer was still on the table, Mustang only made one tiny sarcastic joke, and it was about the money, and he was a gentleman about the rest of the whole fucking affair.
And so Ed found himself in a medical cabinet, having to face the fact that maybe a big part of his reluctance to do this was due to his unadulterated fear of losing any new part of his body. Hadn't he given enough? Would he even be able to recognize himself in the mirror if more of him went missing in this way? How much of yourself did you need to keep to be considered a human being?
But if he told himself it was too late to change his mind – even if that wasn't true, even if he still had a few minutes before they drugged him to alleviate the pain, even if Al would make all hell rain down on whoever tried to touch him if Ed just said a word – if he told himself it was too late, he might just manage to stick things out and get through this. And then no more binder, less back-ache, less skin irritation. No more wondering what someone would say if they found out.
Ed could breathe again, if he thought about it like that. And that was all he needed in order to nod to the doctor assistant that he could put him under, and then his thoughts were starting to slip from his grasp, and everything was much simpler like this, wasn't it?
Then he had woken up, still woozy and confused, and Al had been there to take his hand and tell him some stupid reassuring gibberish and that had felt so good Edward had almost cried. And of course he had blamed it all on the drugs, and Alphonse had indulged him even thought he knew damn well that his brother was a fucking sap and loved him so much it filled his entire world.
And when the drugs' effects had faded away, he had looked down at himself, at the gauze around his chest, and he had felt something hollow lodge in his throat. They were gone. They were just gone. And Ed was still here, still... whole somehow. He didn't actually feel like anything was missing, he was so used to the sight of an artificially flat chest. But he knew it was different now. Although nobody else would. Nobody but him and Al, and Colonel fucking Mustang, for some reason. That wasn't something Ed wanted to think about. There were a lot of things related to Roy Mustang that Edward actively tried not to think about. It just made his life a lot easier.
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ontowanderlust · 6 years
2 AM
Note: It’s been a while since I last posted (Never mind that last post in some months ago) and since it’s the end of the semester, I think a reprieve from all those jargons is something I deserve. So with that, I wrote this to celebrate my freedom from school! 
Let me tell you guys that this one is a one-shot, albeit really long. I apologize for that but I really don't want to cut this into parts. While it has been fun to write Once Upon A Time imagines, as well as Peter Pan imagines, I am going to take an indefinite hiatus on that fandom. This is because there has been so much going on on that series that I found it too difficult to catch on (It would take the whole of my summer should I want to catch up with that show.) To my followers who are waiting for more imagines, I sincerely apologize. I made you guys wait for nothing. However, if you are here just for the sake of reading my stories, then you guys are in luck!
Also, I’ve been seeing many stories with time as their titles, so I thought, why not jump in and contribute my two cents worth, ey?
So since I couldn’t post this last Christmas night, I decided to post it now where, I believe, some of you are still celebrating Christmas! (Or if you do celebrate it.) Don’t expect much, the ending has been rushed and well, this doesn’t make any sense, so read at your own risk!
PS: Yes, somehow, it is also based from a somewhat poem of mine. I only realized it just now.
Prompt:  2:00 AM/ Two insomniacs going for an adventure of their own./ “Let’s do something crazy,”
“You know staying in the park during this hour could be a dangerous thing,” The words were sprouting before you could even comprehend what you were saying. “There could be uh… burglars or thieves that may mug you and leave you to death or something.” You continued, prompting the person who was sitting on the park bench to turn to look at you. 
You stifled a groan. Of course, the stranger you are talking to is a guy; a freaking guy with a well-defined body structure. 
‘That means he works out, genius.’ You thought as you shifted your footing as he continued to stare at you, no doubt with amusement playing on his features. “Oh… you’re a guy. Well, I think you can handle yourself so I’m just going to uh, go… yep-“ you said, turning around to the other way so as you won’t be able to pass him by as you walk. 
“Don’t you think it applies to you too as well?” he called out to you before you could even take a step.  
You paused, scoffing to yourself. “My dad taught me self-defence. I’m pretty sure I can handle myself.” Your subconscious is telling you to leave already as you have already embarrassed yourself already, not to mention, you have a strict schedule that you would like to see it done but you couldn’t help yourself. 
You hated being painted as a small girl who is incapable of protecting herself. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that,” Is it just you or is the voice sounded louder and… nearer? 
You turned around only to smack on to a hard chest, making you groan out loud.  
“Oh my god, I’m sorry I didn’t know you’d turn around suddenly!” You are vaguely aware that his hand was cradling your head while the other was rubbing your forehead, hoping he could alleviate the pain.  
‘Golden opportunity.’ You smirked to yourself, manueuvring quickly, twisting his forearm behind his back as he yelped in surprise and pain.  
“She strikes, she scores!” you couldn’t help it but be smug about it as you peeked through the curtain of his brown curls to see his reaction. “Told you I could defend myself.” You added for good measure before gently releasing him. 
Chuckling, he studied you with an amused look on his face. “Alright, duly noted.” He said. “I’m sorry for that, I didn’t mean for it to sound…judgmental.” 
You nodded, absentmindedly as you took a step back, grabbing the opportunity to study his features. 
He is cute. For a freakishly tall dude, you could see that he is blessed with good looks and his voice… judging with the way he spoke, you could see that has the potential- wait, hang on. 
“Are you that Stitches guy?” 
You could tell you confused him with your sudden statement with his furrowed eyebrow as any indication. You were about to clarify what you had just said when you heard his laughter. 
And not just any laughter, mind you. It was that ‘I-can’t-breathe-because-I’m-laughing-way-too-hard’ kind of laughter.  
Scowling, you were about to scold him when you noticed that tiny little detail that should’ve never escaped your scrutiny, making you freeze on the spot.  
“I’m sorry,” he chuckled, wiping his tear of laughter as he looked down on you, allowing a full access view on his pair of eyes.  
Sobering up, he let a small amused smile escape his lips. “Stitches guy?” he echoed, snapping you out of your erratic thoughts. “I'm confused. Are you referring to surgeons or…?” 
Rolling your eyes, you playfully shoved him away. “Shut up, I think you know what I'm talking about.” You could feel your ears heating up a bit, an indication you are indeed embarrassed.  
Just how may times would you make a fool of yourself in front of this guy? 
“No, I don't.” 
You heaved out a sigh. “Yes you do. Look, are you going to introduce yourself or am I going to keep calling you Stitches guy?” 
He is curious, curious whether you really don't know him or just pretending you don't. His gaze isn't piercing, yet it is enough for pretenders to avert their eyes.  
You stood your ground. 
You relaxed as you held out your hand for him. “Y/N.” you said as he took your hand for a shake and held it on far tighter. 
When you met his alarmed look, you let out a small smile, probably the first of the night. “Let’s do something crazy,”  
“I don't know about you, but the sign clearly says ‘Close',” Shawn pointed out as you excitedly whipped your phone out as you started taking photos of the huge building in front of you, playing with the angles and taking advantage of the dim lights of the city. 
“Gee, I've been wondering what that sign meant. Thanks for your unwanted pessimistic opinion, Shawn.” You said sarcastically, rolling your eyes at his remark.  
While you were letting out, that inner fan girl of yours, he simply stood there, arms crossed across his chest, watching you with amusement- not fully comprehending your excitement seeing as you couldn't even come inside to take a look at the exhibition.  
“Do you want to take a selfie with me?” you asked suddenly, putting a halt on his racing thoughts.  
“Well, well. And here I thought, little Miss Y/N don't know this Stitches guy.” He playfully remarked as he sauntered his way towards you, taking your phone as he angled it for a better view. “If you’re gonna ask for an autograph, I might charge you for it.”  
“Just take the damn photo, Shawn.” You growled, emphasizing his name as he chuckled and obliged to your request.  
Satisfied with the photos, you took your phone back and turned to give him your full attention. “Ready for our next destination?”  
Shawn tilted his head. “Are you always like this? A whirlwind?” he asked as you nodded with a serious look on your face. “You know, you could be a murderer and no one would know.” he told you as he caught your pace and started walking away from the building of British Museum.  
“Then how come you let me drag you all the way here?” You asked. “You could've left the moment I started taking pictures of the museum.” You stared at him, silently giving him the out to this whole ordeal even if you didn't want to.  
There's something more than what means the eye to this situation you found yourself in and you are determined to finish this through. Although, even if that's the case, you wouldn't want this guy to do something he was forced to do hence, why you are offering him an out.   
For what felt like an eternity- you weren't the type to wait-, he smiled down at you, eyes crinkling in delight. "And miss the opportunity to be caught up in this whirlwind? Never."  
With a satisfied smile, you gestured for him to follow you as you took off for your next destination. 
"Here it is, pop star!" You're so close to squealing in delight as you ignored the pants coming from your companion, staring at the building before you in awe. "The national gallery!"  
"How..." He paused as he stared at you in disbelief while you smiled at him, your heart beating wildly because of that run is currently being ignored in favor of the beauty in front of you. "How...are you even... not tired right now?" He managed to say after he caught his breathing. 
You raised an eyebrow at him, amused to see that this guy- the one who had proudly claimed that he works out once a day- had been panting just after running for few minutes. You supposed it's because it's night and he is supposed to rest at this time; you, on the other hand, may not be as gym enthusiast as him, but you've done this almost every other night. You're used to this kind of adventure. "Alright, here." You finally said as you forced his knees apart, pushed him in a squatting position and guided his elbows to his thighs. "Breathe, Mendes."  
 "Why do-" 
"Just keep on breathing, right there, while I take photos of this magnificent building right here." You stated as he stared at you with confused look. “And while you're at it, you could tell me more about yourself.”  
His eyebrows furrowed. “Yeah, like what?” 
You shrugged. “I dunno. Maybe like, how come you had gotten tired just after some blocks worth of running when it is obvious that you work out.” You teased. “No, really it would be nice if you tell me about yourself.” 
“There’s google and wikipedia for that, Y/N.” He got up as he took his phone from you and started taking selfies of both of you with the magnificent background behind you.  
You laughed. “Arrogant much?” you nudged his side. “It would be nice if you tell me about yourself.” You repeated, emphasizing what you meant.  
He looked down on you as you met his gaze, forgetting about the camera for a moment.  
You nodded. “Weird but meaningful stuff kinda like… how I love winter even though I am perpetually cold, or like I've always thought Draco could use more background story than just of a bully, or I've always wanted to see the world but to see it in my perspective. That kind of stuff.”  
His jaw went slack. “You’re a Draco fan?” his lips slightly formed a sneer. “Let me guess, you're a Slytherin, aren't you?” 
“Oh gosh, don't tell me you're a Gryffindor?” you threw the question back, adding a sneer of your own, taking your phone back from his slackened hand. “And here I thought, you're an awesome person to spend time with-even with potential wimpiness here- I seriously should question my life choice then.”  
“You started it!” you giggled as you watched the boy before you slowly peeled his defenses away. You could tell that his wariness of you had started to wane just by allowing him to see glimpses of yourself. And you may not admit it out loud, but you could also feel a little bit of your wariness wash down as he began to peel himself out of his defenses.  
“No, but seriously. I… actually am more comfortable with tea than with coffee, I love singing in front of my fans even if it's overwhelming at times, I honestly think that Gryffindor is the coolest house among the four, and I miss my family a lot.”  
You couldn't help but smile as you held out your hand for him. “You forgot: ‘and I am a wimp even if I go to the gym every day.’”  
“Shut up.”  
“Are you sure you haven't heard of my music before?” he asked as you walked slowly, matching each other's pace, basking the peacefulness the night is giving to the two of you.  
“Hmm? My kind of music is more of All Time Low, Green Day, and Fall Out Boy.” You answered him, kicking pebbles along the way. “Though your song comes up to the radio once or twice so I might have listened to it, why?” 
He shook his head. “Nothing, it's just that… this reminds me of the music video I've had for one of my songs.”  
You looked up, stopping in the middle of the deserted Trafalgar Square. “Is that so?” you called out to him, making him stop in his tracks as well, turning back to you. “Do you think..."  
He made his way back to you. "Do I think...?" He prompted, raising his eyebrows at you whilst showing an impish grin- an indication that he may have an inkling as to what you're supposed to ask. You shook your head, deciding against it since it would inflate his ego and decided to continue on with your walk. "Aw, come on Y/N! What were you about to say?" He protested.  
"Nothing," you playfully called back to him. "We still have time to-" 
"She pulls me in enough to keep me guessing..." You froze on your tracks, eyes widening at his soft voice in contrast of the noise of the screeching cars, and rushing trains from below, the sound of typical night life in a big city like this.  
"And maybe, I should stop and start confessing... confessing, yeah." You looked back only to meet his intense gaze, making you smirk as he stopped singing when he saw the expression painted on your face.  
"Nothing," you immediately answered to which he looked at you with disbelief, prompting you to explain yourself. "No wonder girls swoon over you." You said, dismissively. 
"Including you?" He asked with a playful glint in his eyes, catching up onto you as you looked down your watch. 1:45 am. Just in time for one more stop, then. You thought as you scoffed light-heartedly.  
"It would take more than serenading for me to fall for you, popstar." You told him as you offered your hand for him. "Ready for one more landmark?" You asked as his head turned to you in such speed that you thought he would get a whiplash.  
You rolled your eyes as you easily molded your hands onto his, noticing the warmth it brings even though it is cold out on a chilly London evening. "I know I'm imposing on your alone time, and I might be stealing away your beloved sleep but I really need to see this last destination, okay?" You explained as your legs already moving to your destination as you wanted to get there on time. "And this adventure wouldn't be possible without the stranger I had dragged along with so... popstar, will you see this last landmark with me?" 
It was his turn to scoff playfully. "Like you'd have to ask," 
You stifled a smile as you dragged him, breaking into a run throughout the illuminated city.  
"Houses of Parliament?" Shawn asked you as your run died into stroll. "You wanted to see the houses of parliament?" He echoed.  
"You sound as if you're not amazed with this, Mendes." You countered to which he rolled his eyes at. "And besides, I'm here just to see Big Ben up close."  
"You know, you could have gone with the viewing deck, right?"  
"You're ruining the moment," 
"What moment?" 
You paused, giving him a glare. "The momentous occasion where my childhood dream comes true." You told him as if he should know about that tiny detail. "Honestly, popstar, were you even listening to me earlier?" You asked to which he gave you a sheepish grin in return. "I don't know why I chose you to come with me." You playfully sighed, turning your attention to the humongous clock as he went by your side and joined you.  
"Y/N..." He called out. "I should've asked you this earlier... right even before we started with this whole thing but I kept on forgetting, and now that you brought it up- Why did you go out tonight? Weren't you afraid that there might be thugs out during the night...?" He settled. "Shouldn't you be back on your hotel and carried on with the sightseeing at a normal hour?" 
"I’m an insomniac, I couldn’t sleep and so I settle this by going out all night- or at least go home when I get tired.” you answered. “Lately, I’ve been wide awake so I told my mom that maybe I needed to get out of the country and explore other cities. Hence, why I decided to go sightseeing.” 
He looked at you, surprised at your answer. Out of all the answers he was imagining, this was not what he had expected. "What?" 
"Unbelievable, right?” you told him as you resumed walking. “I think you have more questions, so fire it up!”
"Just this one more, why did you drag me with you? You could've ignored me and went on with your adventure." he asked, gently tugging on your wrist so as to stop you from walking.
You looked up, silently studying his features which have been illuminated by the city lights. Slowly, you could feel your senses ignoring your surroundings as you reached out, silently asking him permission to continue.
When you didn’t receive any protests, you began tracing the dark linings marking him. "It's your eyes," you answered, reveling in the silence from the stunned boy in front of you. "That's why I dragged you with me." 
You slowly caressed the lines. "You couldn't sleep, that's why you were at the park earlier, isn't it?"  
Wordlessly, he nodded at you as you smiled bitterly.  
"I... you’re right. I could’ve just ignored you but... well, you’ve got this look on your face and I couldn’t ignored that.”
 “I-uh…" his eyes searched yours, as you retrieved your hands and shoved them in your pockets.
"It's the fans." He sighed, running his hand through his hair. "Sometimes.... I feel like what I do isn't enough to keep them satisfied. There's always something missing from me, or I dunno..." 
 You couldn't help but to scoff, catching him in surprise. "Well, people are never going to be satisfied, popstar." You told him, averting your gaze from him back to the view of the city lights. "You could give them the world, and they would still be looking for more. I guess, it just intensified because you are a public figure but you know what? Even if there are people out there who gives you hate, you just remember that there are far more important things to worry about and I mean about those people that mattered to you. Those people that kept on believing in you ever since day one." 
"Have I told you how dramatic you are?" He asked, making you turn to him only to see him smiling down at you. "I mean, we've only spent what? Two hours together but I can already tell how dramatic you are." 
You rolled your eyes. "You just ruined my greatest speech I've given to a stranger," 
He laughed. "Sorry," 
You shook your head with a smile as you looked at the iconic large clock in front of you before turning back to him. "Come on, I think you should go back to your hotel before your manager sends for a search party." 
"And you?" 
You smiled. "I'll be on my way as well. That way, you won't say that I am stalking you or something." You could tell that he wanted to protest but you shook your head. “I’ll be fine, Shawn. Don’t worry. And hey, maybe we’ll see each other again.”
“Alright then,” he settled as you nodded at him in acknowledgement as you began walking backwards. “Promise me, next time we see each other, we’d sightsee on a normal hour.”
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teamendgame-blog · 7 years
Back at it again with the long post and theories...
Oh hey Rosewood residents,
Kate here <3 And I'm back at it again with the long post and theories! First things first, I was out of commission for 2 weeks with the worst flu and ear infection of my life.. coincidentally the same week PLL was NOT on. I BLAME YOU FOR THIS, MARLENE!! I also ended my Memorial Day weekend with a trip to the ER, so it’s been less than fun over here...
But while I've been too sick and weak to type, I’m never too sick to think so grab a little snack (and a PLL-mom approved glass of wine) and buckle in to hear my crazy take on this ride that is Pretty Little Liars EndgAme! I'm going to break my thoughts down into sections so y'all can easily skip around if you would like!
First things first (I'm the realest)... (I am also old and found that funny - don't judge me!) Let's travel back to what feels like forever ago... and the reveal that Ali is, indeed, carrying Emily's baby. I wanted to make the following point but then was bedridden, so the original thought comes before we viewed 7x15... *WHO'S YOUR DADDY -- THE ALI/EMILY BABY REVEAL*
Yup. They went there. We finally have confirmation (btw, BRILLIANT acting by Sasha in the reveal scene at the baby store!) that Ali is carrying Emily's stolen-egg baby. I saw a lot of reaction to this in the fandom, a lot of "I knew this would happen" (the best one being my amazing brother's live blog response!) and a lot of "I was afraid they would do this".. I saw a lot of comments bashing the storyline and a lot praising it for reiterating just how well-and-truly-evil AD actually is. But I didn't see ANY reaction that mirrored my own... IN A SHOW WHERE SO LITTLE IS ABLE TO BE FIGURED OUT (by a fandom who spends hours and hours rewatching, blogging, theorizing, screen-capturing), WHY DID THEY MAKE THIS SO OBVIOUS?! Yes, I realize I could be giving the showrunners too much credit here, but as an adult in her mid-thirties who has spent an abnormal amount of time trying to figure out answers and outcomes for this show and constantly figuring out NOTHING, WHY WAS THIS SO EASY TO DEDUCE. Well, to answer that I'm going to reference a movie many of you are probably to young to have seen... Years ago, a brilliant suspense/mystery movie called The Others came out (it starred Nicole Kidman - remember her!?) Anyway, the movie was awesome and mysterious and about halfway through anyone who is paying attention starts to put together the clues and its SO exciting but then you almost get annoyed that the characters in the movie aren't putting 2 and 2 together, but you're all proud of yourself for figuring it out, and BAM! Seriously out of left field the twist comes and you realize you were COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY WRONG and just lead to believe you'd figured it out... [side note: I watched this movie multiple times after my first viewing with friends who were seeing it for the first time and let me tell you, at the same point that I originally "figured out the mystery" they did too and were SO DAMN SMUG about it, one going as far to say "You know, I actually find it sooo hard to enjoy movies like this because I'm too smart and always figure it out and get bored waiting for the ending"... yeah, she shut up really fucking quick when she saw she was wrong). ANYWAYS (sorry, I ramble)... I'm kind of wondering if this whole Ali/Emily baby thing was made obvious to throw us off in a way. So many of us saw it coming and because we had "figured it out", we didn't think to look beyond waiting for the confirmation that we were right.. MARK MY WORDS, THERE IS MORE TO THIS THAN WE ARE SEEING because we've all been so stuck on having figured it out or being mad about it... What I keep coming back to is who the father is and who did the insemination... Ali tells Emily she remembers the procedure when she was locked up in Welby. THIS IS A HUGE CLUE OR POINT TO CONSIDER. I mean, clearly all official places in Rosewood are run by a bunch of dumbfucks (Rosewood Police, I'm looking at you.... until the delicious Furey showed up that is) and yes, clearly "Rollins" was lying about his identity in order to be a practicing doctor there... but they ARE NOT going to let some rando in a black hoodie and gloves come in with a turkey baster and shove it up some patient's hoo-ha. THIS HAD TO BE AN INSIDE JOB! Maybe Rollins was playing the AD game and was forced to do it? That I don't know. We DO know that AD stole Emily's eggs... so somehow, Emily's eggs were fertilized and inseminated into Ali... I'm still thinking on this one... I would love if someone would think about it too and tell me their thoughts because seriously, I think they duped us here (brilliantly!) by making the baby storyline obvious and having us focus on THAT rather than the real clues being shared...
Now that we've seen 7x15 and know that Ali is going through with the pregnancy and know that Emily wants the baby and know that they are trying to figure out who the father is, I feel like I am right in their being more to this.
Before I theorize, I just want to point out that I feel this was one of the best PLL episodes ever and don't think Troian's directing is a coincidence.... clearly this woman is talented, thoughtful and really GETS how this show should be done. Absolutely brilliant from start to stop and OH MAN the acting has been spot on from all of them..  And now onto the details.
Ohhhh Ostinato. You shady little bastard!! Gavin and I noticed at the same time that Ezra had a small, clear earpiece in his ear while he and Aria were arguing (as he was preparing to head to the airport). Now, let me start with this: I DO NOT BELIEVE FOR ONE SECOND THAT HE IS TROTTING OFF TO HELP NICOLE. I have been SOOOOO suspicious for a long while now about this... we only have his word that he's "helping Nicole". Yes yes, there was the article Aria saw in the magazine while she was with Holden, but those pictures were all clearly taken on the same day. Do I think *some* of the times he's gone he's been with Nicole? Yes... But the little hidden earpiece was a major point for me that he's hiding a shit ton!! Gavin and I saw it and he included a post with screenshots, so check it out! Ostinato is up to NO GOOD!!!
FURTHERMORE - let’s discuss this whole Wren & Ezra business... From the previous episode’s sneak-peek both Gavin and I were CONVINCED that he and Wren weren’t meeting for the first time... and after seeing the episode, I am even MORE convinced! There is NO WAY these two are being introduced for the first time (great acting, boys!) And beyond THAT... let’s look at the following facts -- Ezra was SO set on going to see “Nicole” that he had the fight with Aria (again, as I said above, I don’t believe for a hot second that he was flying off to Maine to see Nicole and her family...) We saw on the flight boards that there were a bunch of delays... then Spencer spots Ezra as she and Wren are clearly arguing... Ezra and Wren “meet”.... and then Ezra magically decides to skip out on going away!? NOT BUYING IT!! I think he stayed in Rosewood because of Wren... AND THEN when Ezra is telling Aria that his flight wasn’t delayed he just “didn’t get on it”... and then the camera pans over to his bag and we see a glow like from a phone ringing.. MY MONEY IS ON THAT CALL BEING FROM WREN!!!
So I hadn’t crossed Mona off my suspect list... until the last episode. Again with the brilliant acting! Her fan-girling over the board game while at the same time the devastation crossing her face that she didn’t create it... pure genius AND also really changed my mind on her possibly being involved... I think we all need to pay attention to the “clues” that Mona gave us about who could have made the game... WHO IS THIS MONSTER!! 
- Fuck, that comic book is cool... I gotta say, this whole Charles and Lucas friendship surprised the hell out of me and I LOVE IT! 
- As many have pointed out, did you see how the “A” in Lucas’s signature on the comic is the “A” a?! Lucas was TOP of my suspect list... but with a revel regarding him coming tonight I don’t think he’s the final AD... AGGH!
- WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THE NUMBER 214!!!!?!?! Its shit like this that gives me hope that this storyline has been brewing all along....
- How long before Snapchat releases that creepy-ass Aria filter!? Honestly though, that was super amazingly creepy! I’ve seen a lot of people say the face looks like Paige, like Sydney, like Melissa (my first comparison was to Marlene actually...) but I feel like the clip at the end (YAY FOR AN A ENDING!) indicated that the face and voice are completely digitally generated and not someone talking live with some sort of filter on... Maybe cause AD has a British accent (WREN WREN WREN) or a recognizable voice to the PLL!? 
What did you all think!? Any comments, ideas or further pieces to examine!? I can’t wait to hear what you think and can’t wait to see tonight’s episode!!!!! 
Kisses, -K
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xadoheandterra · 7 years
Title: Wanted Fandoms: Overwatch | Harry Potter Characters: Gabriel Reyes, James Potter, Lily Potter, Lena “Tracer” Oxten, Jesse McCree, Angela Ziegler, Jack Morrison Tags: Swearing, uncomfortable with needles, somewhat naughty medical practice, drugging your boss so he can sleep with his boyfriend, or the other way around, pre-fall, established r76 Summary:  Gabriel didn’t know. He kind of blew up before he had the chance to find out, but that wasn’t an excuse. Gabriel couldn’t count it as an excuse because he could’ve tried to at least check in. Now, a mercenary, a killer, an assassin, and suddenly he finds himself…well, dealing with this shit. Talon is definitely not the best place to raise a kid. An undead smoke monster filled with rage is definitely not fit to be a dad, but here he is, dealing with this shit. Fuck
Gabriel stretched lazily as he stepped off the plane with James and Lily trailing behind him. The entire trip was rather refreshing in that no one spoke a word and he got a few minutes to rest his eyes and not think about things. Lena dashed in front of him with a blur of blue, waved, and then raced back away Gabriel rolled his eyes.
“Damned kid,” he grumbled, fished around for another smoke, and lit it up. Gabriel glanced back to James and Lily who stared wide eyed and somewhat open mouthed. “She does that a lot.”
“How,” James squeaked.
“Fuck if I know the specifics,” Gabriel grunted. “Figure only Winston has any fucking idea what Lena’s capable of these days.” He leaned back and then gestured for them to follow along. “Short end of it? She’s fast. Any more than that you’ll have to ask Lena herself.” The girl wouldn’t divulge the truth, Gabriel knew that much, especially not to a pair of unknown possible not civvies. They didn’t choose Lena for the flight program for shits and giggles after all. Her track record with the RAF sang enough of her praises, but it was the covert side of things that cinched it.
Pity Lena went with Overwatch. Gabriel stuffed his hands into his pockets. Blackwatch could’ve used the girl’s talent, before it went up into the burning flames that the division now was.
“Angela’s this way,” Gabriel started down the halls without any another words. He kept himself fully aware of where James and Lily where although he let them have a semblance of privacy in their whispered little conversations. Obviously they weren’t quite enough for Gabriel’s hearing, but everything out of their mouths was the typical childish awe that he’d seen out of most civilians on an Overwatch base for the first time.
Lily eventually grew brave and moved up to walk beside Gabriel. She looked nervous, so he gave her the time she needed to spit out her obvious question. It was only when James moved up beside her and grabbed her hand that Lily seemed to steel herself.
“What is…Angela like?” Lily asked.
Gabriel sighed. Kids, he thought tiredly. “Stupidly optimistic,” Gabriel eventually said. He pulled the cigarette from his teeth and pinched the butt. “Wants to save everyone, that type of bullshit. Complete genius, though. You won’t find a better doctor, especially at her age.” Gabriel glanced back to the kids. “She’s not much older than either of you.” He tried to think about how long ago it was that they brought her to Overwatch. She couldn’t have been, christ, more than twenty at the time? Same time they pulled in Genji; in fact she joined because of the kid. Saved his life with the help of Winston.
Gabriel frowned. How long ago was that? Golden days of Blackwatch, merely eight years after he’d yanked Jesse out of Deadlock. Genji’d been…what, twenty-one? So young, and already so horribly fucked over. In the grand scheme of things it couldn’t have been that long ago, Genji was nowhere near thirty yet, but between the recovery and then the missions—and now this fucking mess—Gabriel couldn’t pinpoint the dates. How old even was Genji now? How old was Jesse? Fuck, Gabriel couldn’t even remember the last time they’d sat down and just celebrated another day alive.
For a moment Gabriel wondered where the days, the years, went. Ever since the reveal of Blackwatch to the public his sense of time grew more and more skewered. It didn’t help that Jack seemed more likely to yell at him these days than actually talk, and the amount of stress he found himself under…Gabriel rubbed at his eyes. He was only thankful he hadn’t had another heart attack. Fuck this mess would just pile on the rest of the shit, in the end, wouldn’t it? Proof that what Petras and the other political dickbags claimed was true—that Gabriel Reyes was nothing more than a complete fuck up.
Gabriel didn’t even realize he’d stopped walking in the hall to rub at his temples until Jesse tapped him on the shoulder. He blinked and then frowned.
“Jesse?” Gabriel muttered.
“Ang sent me to find out where ya were,” Jesse said lowly. “Lena stopped by fifteen minutes ago.” Jesse smiled and waved over Gabriel’s shoulder at James and Lily. “Purdy sure you were worryin’ yer tag-alongs, jefe.”
Shit. Gabriel sighed and shook his head. “I’m fine,” he grumbled.
“Yer sure?” Jesse asked. He tilted his head back to look Gabriel up and down, to which Gabriel just rolled his eyes.
“Yes, Jesse,” Gabriel grunted. “Just a headache.”
Jesse frowned for a minute, but then stepped back. “I’ll walk ya jes in case of another headache,” he said, utterly cheerful and more for the two kids who hovered uncertainly. Gabriel gave them a wane sort of smile. “Anyway Ang’ have my hide if’n I don’t escort ya’ll like a proper gent.”
Gabriel huffed and flicked the Stetson off of Jesse’s head with a faint smirk. “Yes, a proper gent.” Jesse rolled his eyes and retrieved his hat. “Introduce yourself, cabrón.”
Jesse perched his hat back on his head and tipped it in the direction of James and Lily. “Jesse McCree, sir, ma’am.” He turned on heel and kept pace with Gabriel when the older man started walking again. Jesse side-eyed Gabriel for a moment and tilted his hat back down with a small frown. “You look like shit, Gabe,” Jesse eventually said under his breath.
Gabriel grunted.
“’M serious,” Jesse growled. When Gabriel refused to grace Jesse’s concern with a response he sighed. “Ang’s called Genji in for a check up.”
Gabriel’s head snapped to Jesse. “What? Why?”
“Dunno,” Jesse shrugged.
“He’s grounded what the hell did he do now?” Gabriel grunted and ground his teeth together.
“Fuck if I know,” Jesse scowled. “Ain’t like he wanna deal with me these days.” Jesse glanced to him. “Prolly overworked himself in trainin’ ‘gain.”
“Fuck that kid,” Gabriel shook his head with a sigh. “Get a hold of me when.”
“Sure thing,” Jesse nodded, and Gabriel could see some of the tension ease out of the kid’s shoulders. He wondered just what his sharp command told Jesse, before Gabriel decided it didn’t matter much. “Oh, fair warnin’? Jack’s on th’ warpath.”
“Duly noted,” Gabriel responded dryly. He already expected as much.
Jesse came to a stop and hooked his fingers into his belt loops. For a minute the young man rocked on his heels, then tipped his hat to James and Lily, and then to Gabriel.
“Well I’ve held up my end of th’deal,” Jesse said. “Safely delivered t’Ang. See ya’ll later.” He walked off and left Gabriel to open the door.
Gabriel glanced back at the young couple and jerked his head after Jesse.
“Kid means well,” he said eventually. He watched James mouth ‘kid’ almost as if he couldn’t quite believe it, and Gabriel smirked. “Anyway, this is Angela’s…office.” Gabriel couldn’t hide the slight distaste that left his mouth at the words. He sighed, and pushed open the door.
The room was sterile, like pretty much any medical facility and doubly so for Overwatch facilities. Gabriel led James and Lily into the room and peeked around to find out where Angela was specifically—he saw her hunched over at a computer screen, pen being ground between her teeth as she looked over something. Gabriel caught sight of a familiar logo—SEP—before Angela realized he was there. She jerked and shut off the computer and quickly bustled her way over to them.
“I see Jesse found you,” Angela nodded. “Table,” she said shortly and gave a smile to James and Lily.
“I’m fine,” Gabriel grumbled.
“I’ll be the one to decide that,” Angela said without looking at him. “Table.” Grumbling Gabriel headed over to the table and sat himself upon it. He kicked his feet up, shifted, and got himself comfortable laying down. He propped his head up with his arms, and kicked one knee up as he stared at the ceiling. Angela calmly introduced herself to James and Lily while he did this.
“I’m Dr. Angela Zeigler, although you can call me Healer if you prefer.” Gabriel didn’t pay attention to James and Lily’s response, instead cataloging the term away for future reference. “Gabriel! The scan can’t work if you aren’t laying down properly,” Angela chided.
Gabriel huffed, and shifted to lay flat. “Sure thing, doc,” he grumbled irritably.
Angela lead James and Lily over, introduced them to the paperwork and calmly informed them to read through everything before she made her way back over to Gabriel. Gabriel glanced to the kids to see that they were taking Angela’s words seriously, thank fuck for small mercies, and refocused his attention onto the young Swiss doctor.
“Fuck no,” Gabriel grunted and moved to sit up when he saw the needle and vials in her hands.
“Ah!” Angela pushed him back down and gave him a stern glare. “None of that.”
Gabriel gave Angela the best put upon face he could make as she shifted around and directed him to pull off his hoodie. Gabriel did so reluctantly, and then refused to watch her apply the tunicate.
“Tell me what happened last night,” Angela commanded, then sighed a second later. “Fist, Gabriel. Honestly.”
Gabriel grunted and formed a fist. He kept his gaze steadily forward while Angela felt around for his vein. “What’s more to say?” he said. “I got drunk.”
“How much did you drink?” Angela asked. “What brought this behavior on? Any pain?” When Gabriel kept silent she added as she slipped the needle into the vein, “You can tell me, or you can tell Jack when he gets here.”
“Bitch,” Gabriel growled under his breath. Angela smacked him over the head and he sighed, winced when he felt the first vial attach to the needle, and then began to recount the events as he could recall them.
“Jack and I argued,” Gabriel reported dispassionately. “I felt like shit and decided to go out for a while.”
“To London?”
“I wanted to get away,” Gabriel ground out. “Ended up at this ritzy place with a decent bar. Good drinks, none of it really doing shit for me though.”
“How much did you have?” Angela questioned. She switched out the vials. “How long were you drinking?”
“Dunno,” Gabriel refrained from shrugging if only by the grace of Angela’s rather hard grasp on his shoulder. “Five, maybe six of some fruity bullshit. Couple of hours?”
“What was this ‘fruity bullshit,’” Angela questioned. She switched vials again.
“Just normal fruity bullshit,” Gabriel said.
“And it got you blackout drunk?” Angela raised her eyebrows at him.
“No,” Gabriel drew out slowly, “that was after the fruity shit. Fire something or other.”
“Firewhisky,” Lily pipped up. “About eight glasses of it by the time I found him, according to the bar tender.”
Angela pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes onto Gabriel, almost accusing. The next vial for blood hilted onto the needle a little more harshly and Gabriel winced.
“How many did you have?” Angela questioned, her voice cold.
Shit. Gabriel rubbed at the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily. Angela switched vials again.
“Can’t remember,” he eventually said. “How many more fucking blood samples are you going to take?”
“As many as I need,” Angela said sharply.
“Demon,” Gabriel hissed and Angela laughed in the way that most people associated with an angel. Gabriel could hear the subtle mocking tones under it. She made a gesture for him to continue speaking and here Gabriel did shrug, pleased at Angela’s outraged huff at how it upset her drawing of his blood. She snapped the tunicate off his arm and finished up her last vial while he answered. “Vaguely remember running into Lily. Rest of it’s lost.”
“Wonderful,” Angela mumbled. She placed a cotton ball over where the needle rested and pulled her hand away. Gabriel easily reached up and held the ball in place when Angela moved off to the side. She settled the vials into something that Gabriel couldn’t quite see, and then reached into a drawer for something else. She shoved two bottles into his chest—one glowed a faint blue, the other yellow.
A nano-booster and health booster, Gabriel noted dryly.
“Your liver so far seems fine,” Angela told him. “A little worse for wear, but within normal parameters. Your kidney’s have me worried.”
Gabriel grunted and popped the cap on the yellow drink.
“The nano-booster first, Gabriel,” Angela scolded him and Gabriel rolled his eyes. He popped the lid back onto the health booster and popped open the nano-booster instead.
“You know I hate the side effects of these things,” he told Angela and tossed back the drink.
“Jack will help you,” Angela dismissed casually. “He’ll be here in a minute.”
“I wouldn’t count on that,” Gabriel grunted. He doubted Jack would be happy to help him out after this mess.
“Doctor’s orders,” Angela shot him a sly smile and Gabriel groaned. Great.
“Get out of my sex life, doc,” he said tiredly.
“I don’t think I will,” Angela countered calmly. She turned back to James and Lily while Gabriel drank the health booster next. “Any questions?”
“Not so far, ma’am,” Lily said, although she shot a worried glance to Gabriel.
“He’s fine, Mrs. Potter,” Angela said lightly. “Just a stubborn old man.”
Gabriel groaned, flopped back onto the table as he felt the two booster’s race through his system, and calmly flipped Angela the bird. He could already feel the liquid fire bounce back and forth the minute it was picked up by the aged nanites he’d been stuffed with back during his SEP days after a nasty series of injections. Gabriel closed his eyes to block off the sudden sensitivity that wanted to overwhelm him. He wished he could turn off his ears because that was definitely the sound of Jack Morrison’s boots out in the hall.
The door slipped open and Gabriel turned his head in that direction with a somewhat incoherent mumble in Spanish.
“Angela?” Jack asked. “He’s all yours, Strike Commander,” Angela informed Jack calmly. “Bed rest until my results are in.”
“Really, Angela?” Jack sighed. He was right next to Gabriel now—Gabriel could feel him. He reached out a hand and grabbed at that tacky blue jacket and buried his face into Jack’s stomach.
“Smell nice,” he mumbled.
“I’m worried about his kidney’s, Jack,” Angela said quietly, although it still felt terribly loud to Gabriel. Gabriel wrapped both arms around Jack’s waist and mumbled something about no hips and a flat ass.
“I know, Gabe,” Jack grumbled back and hauled him up off the table. “Come on…”
“Missed you,” Gabriel said and leaned heavily into Jack’s shoulder. He buried his face into the other man’s neck.
“That’s the medicine talking,” Jack rolled his eyes.
“S’not,” Gabriel clutched at Jack tightly. “I fucked up. Missed you ‘n’ fucked up.”
For a moment Jack was silent and Gabriel tightened his grip, wanted to convey how sorry he was while he tried to block out the rush of the booster as it raced and wrecked havoc on his system. Eventually Jack sighed and gripped him tightly around the waist and pulled him just a bit closer.
“Missed you too, asshole,” he said softly, placed a kiss to Gabriel’s temple, and started to haul him out of the room. “Let’s get you to bed.”
Gabriel groaned. He didn’t want to sleep.
“I’ll take care of you, cariño,” Jack whispered. The word sent a shudder straight through Gabriel—he always did like to hear Jack utter Spanish; it reminded him of how much of a complete sap the other man could be. Gabriel squinted his eyes and peered up at Jack as the man practically dragged him from Angela’s office and the medical center.
“Fucking pandejo you did that on purpose,” Gabriel growled, and Jack smirked at him somewhat pleased. If that smirk didn’t make Gabriel weak at the knees in moments like this, Christ, it just reminded him how much he loved this man. “Wish I wasn’t drugged.”
“Hush,” Jack said. “I got you.”
Yeah, Gabriel thought. You do.
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hobyblackarchive · 7 years
Victorian AU: Cloxface
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Written for: Femslash February Trope Bingo (3/25) Trope: Historical AU Fandom: The Hunger Games Ship: Clove/Foxface Words: 804
Notes: Lowkey nsfw, told from Katniss’ perspective, and contains a bit of Everlark
“Katniss, it’s time to go visit our new neighbors,” Peeta said.
“I’m just glad I didn’t have to slave away at supper all night,” Katniss said.
“Katniss, you don’t slave away at supper all night, you barely even help,” Peeta said. “I do all the cooking.” Peeta’s job was somewhat unusual, being a knocker-up. His job was to wake up customers for their day. It was surprisingly taxing if the customer lived on higher up floors, but it left him a lot of time at home. He did a lot of the cooking and baking whereas Katniss did a lot of the cleaning and housework.
“Who are these new neighbors anyway?” Katniss asked. “How do you know them?”
“I, umm… woke them up yesterday and told them I could wake them up regularly if they wanted,” Peeta said.
“Oh, so now you’re waking people up for free?” Katniss asked.
“Just the one time, Katniss! I promise,” Peeta said. “Besides, they invited us to dinner that will make up for it.”
The two of them went over to the new neighbors house and a smiling redhead answered the door. “Hello! You must be Katniss. Peeta’s told me a lot about you. I’m Marissa, but you can call me Foxface.”
“Foxface? Why do people call you that?” Katniss asked.
“It’s a secret,” another woman said, appearing in the doorway. She had dark hair and stern eyes. “I’m Clove.” She didn’t bother with any pleasantries.
“Peeta, you didn’t tell me they were both women,” Katniss said, surprised.
“Oh, yes,” Foxface said, quickly. “You know how it is. Easier to pay for things with two people!”
“What do you do for a living?” Katniss asked.
“I work at the factory,” Clove said.
“I’m a schoolteacher,” Foxface said, smiling.
“Wow, that’s impressive,” Katniss said. School teaching was mainly a male profession.
“She’s a genius,” Clove said.
“Oh, no,” Foxface said. “I’m not a genius. I just love to read.”
“I’m a reader, too,” Peeta said. “Can’t get enough.”
Katniss glared at Peeta, thinking he might be flirting.
“Well, come on then,” Clove said. “Supper’s ready.”
The meal was quite extravagant, obviously Marissa and Clove had gone all out for their guests. Mostly Marissa and Peeta talked as they were the more sociable ones. Clove and Katniss shared the odd glare at each Peeta, who appeared to be perhaps too sociable and almost into the realm of flirtatious.
Clove ushered them out quite quickly after, almost in a rude fashion. Katniss didn’t mind. She would like to be at home. She could knit while Peeta read, a quiet night for them.
“They’re a couple,” Peeta said on the way out.
“What?” Katniss asked. “What do you mean?”
“I mean they’re together, romantically.”
“No way! That’s impossible. Women can’t do that… Can they?” Katniss asked.
“Well, it seems like they can and they are,” Peeta said. “It’s kind of cute.”
“You’re making this up,” Katniss said.
“I saw them this morning. When I went to wake them up they didn’t answer. And then I looked through the window…” Peeta asked.
“Oh my God, you were peeping on girls!” Katniss said, slapping his arm.
“It wasn’t like that!” Peeta said. “They were dressed and everything, they were just snogging!”
“I don’t believe you. About any of it,” Katniss said.
“Well, what if we go look through the window again. The walls are thin we can hear what they’re saying. If we keep quiet I might be able to prove it,” Peeta said.
Katniss looked at him skeptically, but she was curious.
They went by the bedroom window and ducked so that their neighbors wouldn’t see them. They listened staying silent.
“I’m so glad they’re gone,” Clove said. “Company is exhausting. I’d rather it was just you and me.”
“I thought they were kind of nice,” Marissa said. “But you’re right, I’d rather be alone with you.”
“They’re in the bedroom together,” Katniss whispered.
Peeta held a finger to his lips as if to shush her. Her looked just over the edge of the window. “There, they’re doing it again. Snogging, I mean. Look.”
Katniss looked up slightly as was fascinated by what she was seeing. They were in fact kissing, much more passionately than she had figured. There was probably tongue and everything. Clove’s hand reached for Marissa’s breast where it peeked out over her corset.
“Oh, wow,” Katniss said.
Foxface was turning around and Clove was untying her dress very slowly, moving Marissa’s hair away in order to kiss her neck. Soon the dress fell to the floor, and then the corset. Clove was pushing Foxface back on the bed and spreading her legs.
“Uh, Katniss?” Peeta said. “Why are you still looking?”
Katniss remembered herself. “I think you’re right. I think they’re a couple,” she whispered.
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