#yes i know they had an explanation but ed is 15
littlebigmouse · 4 months
Edward Elric actually perfectly average size (164 cm / 5.3 ft) for a fifteen year old child in 1914.
It's just that he's usually compared to his brother, Alphonse Elric, who appears way over 6 ft tall at the age of 14.
Alphonse is an outlier and should not have been counted.
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our-flag-means-love · 11 months
alright, so i made this playlist with the target audience of Specifically Me, but if anyone else loves both ofmd and the killers as much as i do, may i present:
Ed x Stede, as told by The Killers
15 songs, 59 minutes in total.
(also on youtube, if you don't use spotify or aren't able to listen in order, which i highly recommend)
i wanted to challenge myself to tell the story of their relationship (throughout s1 + a bit of hopeful speculation) using only songs by the band that's been rotting my brain for the past year, and i think i was able to do it surprisingly cohesively.
a brief explanation and lyric highlight for each choice can be found under the cut.
(all lyrics are taken from genius, in case some don't match what you hear or don't match what spotify says)
1. boy
this could really be read as either a stede childhood song or an ed childhood song. both? both is good.
these streets / weren't meant to house / jet-fueled engine dreams
2. When You Were Young
hoo boy, if there was ever a song about ed having religious trauma.
he doesn't look a thing like jesus / but he talks like a gentleman / like you imagined when you were young
3. I Can't Stay
sorry to go straight from one of their best songs to one of their... not best songs. but yes, stede leaving mary.
in the dark, for a while now / i can't stay, very far / i can't stay much longer / riding my decision home
4. The Man
the man, the myth, the legend, Blackbeard™, with a head made of smoke and all that.
i got skin in the game / i got a household name / i got news for you baby, you're looking at the man
5. Flesh And Bone
except, oops, he's actually a person, too. and his relationship with his near-mythical persona is a complicated one.
what are you afraid of? / and what are you made of? / flesh and bone / and i'm running out of time
6. Tidal Wave
they're falling in love, your honor.
you say this life has given you nothing / you got another thing coming
7. Andy, You're A Star
uh oh, ed's prioritizing love and happiness over his career and his fame! izzy sure isn't happy about that.
in a car with a girl / promise me she's not your world / 'cause andy, you're a star
8. Mr. Brightside
yeah, i'm sorry, i know this song is overplayed, but i had to. here comes calico jack, my beloved dumpster fire, to separate our boys.
jealousy / turning saints into the sea / swimming through sick lullabies / choking on your alibis
9. Neon Tiger
ah, here they come, that good ol' english navy looking for stede.
run neon tiger, there's a price on your head / they'll hunt you down and gut you / i'll never let 'em touch you
10. Leave The Bourbon On The Shelf
ed's time away from stede is pretty dang miserable. and for this song's eerie ending, picture his smile right before he pushes lucius overboard.
before you say goodbye / leave the bourbon on the shelf / and i'll drink it by myself / and i love you endlessly
11. Everything Will Be Alright
stede, my sweet optimistic boy, you have no idea what you're returning to.
and you don't need to compromise / i'm dreaming 'bout those dreamy eyes / i never knew, i never knew / but it's alright
12. The Rising Tide
angry! ed! breakup! song!
before life and the dream collide / 'cause the truth's gonna come and cut me open wide / and you can't escape the rising of the tide
13. Have All The Songs Been Written?
stede's apology.
i just need one more to get through to you / i can't take back what i've done wrong / i just need one more
14. All These Things That I've Done
ed coming to terms with his past, his present, and his future.
these changes ain't changing me / the cold-hearted boy i used to be
15. Bones
they've reunited for good, and now they fuck. (seriously, the following are probably my favorite lines but they don't nearly do justice to how horny this song is.)
there's someone calling / an angel whispers my name / but the message relayed is the same: / "wait 'til tomorow, you'll be fine"
if you've read this far, thank you so much for indulging this intersection of my two biggest brainrots of 2022. for making it to the end, i'll reward you with the opportunity to Behold the kiss again:
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losing10kgs · 2 months
30 Day Thinspo Challenge All In One Because I’m Bored And Trying To Prevent Cravings
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1. 175cm tall, 54kg, BMI is 17.8
2. 5’9. I like this height, but I wish I were a little taller.
3. Kate Moss. Any explanation needed?
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4. What everyone will say. And how much it will fuck up my metabolism permanently.
5. I have been stuck like this for YEARS, I want to be skinny so bad. And yes, I am doing it for me
6. No, not really. If I ever get really bad cravings, I just chew a heap of food up and spit it out (disgusting, I know, it’s so bad 😭)
7. Yes. I think mum suspects something’s wrong, but dad doesn’t care. Or if he does, he hasn’t mentioned it.
8. 2 minute side plank, 25 left lifts per leg, 50 side-lying left lifts per leg, 25 hip thrusts, 25 Russian twists with a weight, 50 butt-kicks and mb 20 or so squats if I’m up to it. I’m not very fit, I mostly just do walking.
9. I’ve had someone point out after a lost a bit that I was doing it for attention, though that didn’t actually make me feel all that bad.
10. Pizza. And crisps. And chips.
11. Don’t think I have one, tbh. I just scroll on Pinterest or twitter until I come by one I like the look of.
12. A lot of apples, and eggs. Lots of safe-foods, too, which I think definitely sets me back a bit.
13. Very unhealthily I’d say.
14. At LEAST 48 kg. Just until I don’t have to see a psychologist for ADHD meds, because she has to weigh me and if my weight gets too low, she’ll tell my mum.
15. No. I don’t eat a lot of meat in general, but I haven’t cut it out. I rlly like a good few other animal products, so I don’t think I’d ever get away with a vegan label.
16. About three or nearly four years ago
17. I’m guessing so.
18. Chocolate or garlic bread.
19. I actually am not sure. I didn’t eat much of it beforehand either.
20. Again, don’t really have one. I’m starting the ABC diet, though, so I’ll see how that goes.
21. I only really wearing baggy clothes bc I’m quite trans, but as far as I know: a medium in shirts and a UK 28 in pants. Idk
22. I’m at my lowest weight currently.
23. To The Bone didn’t help.
24. I’m not either of them, so not very highly.
25. I tried so hard to, but I don’t think I have a very active gag reflex because it never really worked.
26. I will look fanTASTIC! Honestly, though, it’d probably worry a few people, but that’s the plan.
27. Depends on whether or not I’m with friends. If I see my friends eating, then I’ll want to eat, but if they’re lot with me, I’ll either try to ignore it or (again) chew it then spit it out.
28. Yeah, why not.
29. Don’t have one. I actually think all sizes are lovely, just not on me, but everyone says that so what does it matter.
30. 10 facts:
1) I was born a girl but I don’t think I am one, which is mostly the reason why I’m doing this.
2) My ribs poke out quite clearly but I’m fairly sure that’s because I’ve got a wide ribcage 😭.
3) Skins is one of my favourite TV shows.
4) My safe-foods are garlic bread, chocolate, carbonara, peanut butter, and Nutella - once again, it’s so bad.
5) This is probably the deepest I’ve ever been in an ED, and I’ve been doing this for years now, so it’s getting serious.
6) I take ADHD medication that reduces my appetite, and I’ve only recently started them, which I’m guessing it why my weight has been dropping more than usual. HOORAY
Can’t think of any more facts, I’m not that deep.
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not-hungry-just-bored · 2 months
I think I won
I haven’t been active here for A WHILE and there’s an easy explanation:
I got pregnant and actually gave birth to a small human being.
I was soo afraid and my ✨mental health✨ made the whole pregnancy horrible. Like FUCKING HORRIBLE. I did not enjoy a single moment. I was anxious about the responsibility, about how I looked at the time, how I would look afterwards, if I’ll be a good parent, etc.
I was so anxious I had thoughts of ~sewer slide~ for months on end. I didn’t even dare to talk to my doctors about that. I cried every day bc I thought I could NEVER love this child enough. I thought my partner would HATE ME while pregnant, and especially if I didn’t love the child the right way.
So I cried a lot. Every day when I had to look at my body. Every day when I had to dress like a pregnant person. Every time my partner told me how much he loves me and will love me (and how he doesn’t care about how I look, because he will always think of me as attractive).
And then I finally told my doctor. She wanted me to got to a mental hospital instantly. So I went and they didn’t want me there (I still don’t know wtf that move was)and then I got on my meds again. It helped but now I felt guilty for the child. It might have to go through withdrawal.
But we both did great. We are happy now. And I got very lucky. I loved her the second I first held her. First thing I said about her (it was a C-section so don’t be harsh on me haha) „babe, she looks like my grandma“
Now she’s nine months. It has been hard but also lovely.
And holy fuck YES I FUCKING HATED MY BODY. But I didn’t have time to care about that. I had someone to look after. And now? Except for the tiger stripes you’ll not be able to see that I was pregnant. I was lucky I know. But I love my body. Even more than I ever did. I love the stripes that FOR ONCE are no scars from self harm. I love that I weigh a little more than before. I makes me look more age appropriate. I by far not look my age yet (people still guess my age a few years younger) but I look more like a 24 year old than I ever did. And I LOVE it 🥰
I’ve normally experienced my ED the worst whenever I was very depressed or whenever I thought of ending it all but not anymore. I’m not gonna lie: I did suffer from postpartum depression. And I’ve been through a few depressive episodes since the birth but not ONCE I thought of starving myself again.
So I think I’ve won. At least for now. And I’m happy. Not everyday. Not every hour. But generally: I’m way happier than I’ve ever been.
So if today I could talk to 15 years old me, I could honestly promise her: Things will get better. Please believe everyone who says that. I know you can’t see that right now but believe me, life wont stay as dark as it is right now.
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ramsaybaggins · 7 months
Hornberry pick up!
Okay so this one never got much past brainstorming but here was the stream of consciousness I dumped into my discord server when I was thinking about it:
Gets his captaincy for the act of grace, but clearly had a crush on Stede And he's out there doing captainy things and finds a dingy full of people And stede and his crew are like FUUUUCK But then hornberry leans over like "Stede? Stede Bonnet?!" in a parallel to Nigel in episode 1 but instead he helps them all on board and Stede explains everything that happens and Hornberry is just like "LETS GO GET YOU YOUR MAN!" lmao Also interesting reunion drama because it would be an english ship chasing the Revenge And then Ed would realise that Stede is on an english ship and maybe he never left the academy! But then there would be explanations and comedy and Hornberry being like "No old chap you've got it all wrong" at Ed It would be SO FUNNY Especially if Hornberry is basically like "Ed he's fucking gorgeous LOOK AT HIM" and Stede looks at Hornberry like "Wat" omg and then Hornberry could be like "Oh, Blackbeard? Oh yes, we caught him and killed him. All gone, no need to pursue him anymore wink wink" when he leaves Maybe Ed gives him his leather jacket or something as proof that Blackbeard is 'dead' I think they'd offer to let him come with them but he'd probably decline cos he seems happy in the navy and also he has a big ol crush on stede and wouldn't want to have to see him and ed, but he would tell them they're always welcome on his ship 🥺 Omg, ed pouting as Stede is surrounded by guys CLEARLY flirting but Stede is being a proper gentleman through and through Stede doesn't even realise they're all into him "Gosh these navy chaps are very nice, aren't they ed? I don't know why we were worried!" Ed gripping the edge of the table so hard his knuckles are white "yep" -_- After dinner ed stands up, grabs Stede's hand, stares pointedly at all the navy round the table, and drags Stede back to the cabin and shags him extremely loudly
Anyway, I struggled to fit it all together, so it eventually became this kinktober 2022 fic except I just made it an anonymous captain instead of Hornberry (but in my head it's still Hornberry)
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newsies dream cast, part 1
if newsies is in a constant cycle of new productions, it’s about time we get a perfect cast! this is who I’d want as the characters in a remake in the round in 2022
Jordan Fisher as Mush Meyers
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livesies was racist and cast a white guy as mush, who was an actual real mixed racial historical figure who was more than likely forced to live on the streets because it was illegal for him to even exist. therefore he gets first on this list just to make up for that even though it could never be enough to make up for that great disservice. perhaps he gets a new solo too because frankly he has always deserved one. I think Jordan would suit the role well with his astounding voice and positive attitude similar to that of a puppy, just as Mush always has.
Max Casella as Joseph Pulitzer AND Mr Wiesel
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Max also deserves so much better than what disney gave him. He continued to do disney movies and their broadway shows for twenty years and is an accredited stage actor who helped earn them some 13 Ed’s Tony’s for the stage play of the lion king which is still Disney theatricals biggest gross to this day. He actively asked to be in newsies on broadway and they wouldn’t give him a job! He loves the film so much that he was the only actor from it to show up to the broadway red carpet as well. He deserves every role. And!! Most importantly Pulitzer will finally be portrayed by a real Jewish man!
I also just think it would be very funny to see him as the man he was heckling with as Racetrack, very funny 10/10
David Moscow as Mayer Jacobs
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This is the clearest choice on the list and needs no explanation. David is still an activist in workers rights (among other things like sustainable food) to this day! (I did consider putting bernie. sanders on this list for shits and giggles but would never consider him for an actual production.)
Giuseppe Bausillo as Racetrack Higgins
This is the only member of the stage cast I would consider hiring back. He fits the role very well and Bob and Noni’s “Italian beanpole” description. He did excellent before and frankly deserves more credit for it.
Ann-Margret as Medda Larkin
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She is still out here thriving today!
Brendan Fraser as Bryan Denton
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You can 100% accredit this and the next one to @maggs-is-a-muppet but they’re right and I’m saying it louder for the people in the back.
Josh Sundquist as Crutchy
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Please look up his stand up comedy if you’ve not seen it. Very funny man and, importantly, we do not fake disabilities in this house!
On that note, do you of any young visually impaired actors who would be applicable for Kid Blink? I would gladly support them but after quite a bit of searching I’ve only found Johnny Depp, who happens to be blind in his left eye (though I think any visual difficulty would be applicable) but he is much too old for the part. I thought the thirty somethings on broadway were too old but he’s twice their age and i do think that would detract from the plot, sorry Johnny.
Ele Keats as Esther Jacobs
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You guys had to know this one was going to be on here.
Matt Bennett as David Jacobs
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I’m not saying every Jacobs needs to be a major proponent of bernie but maybe I am. Anyways his album Terminal Cases is iconic.
Auli’i Cravalho as Sarah Jacobs
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Auli’i is so talented she got most adults lifelong goal of voicing a disney princess at merely 15. She knows how to make a strong female character also nice and kind.
Christian Bale as Teddy Roosevelt
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From his initial hatred of newsies and musical kind to doing three more the next year despite swearing off them, to earning awards for the largest online following from the sheer number of newsies fan sites alone, to becoming possibly the most well known Welsh actor of all time, to singing Santa Fe every time he sees Bill Pullman in the wild, CB has gone on quite the journey of accepting his love for newsies, and it’s time that journey comes full circle. Yes we’re going to spend half the budget paying him for less than two minutes of screen time. Yes, this is very much only in the absence of Robin Williams.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Wednesday 7 November 1832
6 55
fine frosty morning F48° at 7 am – settling what remained for me to pay Miss W- expense of our journey to and expense at York – it seems the balance against me is only 5/8 – breakfast at 8 20/60 with my father – told him a good deal of what had passed with Holt last night - Off to Lidgate at 8 55 - there in ½ hour - Miss W- detained by Hinschliffe and 1 or other for about ½ hour - then sat talking till Mrs William Priestley called for ¼ hour - then about 1 came my father and Marian and on their saying Wilson and his man were in the library passage I set off home to see what they were about and got home at 1 ½ Miss W- nervous   in tears perpetually    I told her my plan of introducing her in York where she might be very comfortable and mentioned Miss Crompton to whom I would more particularly recommend her   she seemed much affected at this   we then got on the subject of my going abroad and not corresponding  reasoned her into believing me right    then spoke of Mr Ainsley [Ainsworth]     she was very nervous at last from little to more it came out that if she married him it would be from duty   I pressed for explanation    and discovered that she felt bound to him by some indiscretion     he had taught her to kiss but they had never gone so far as she and I had done   he had express[ed] pathetic sorrow    but was annoyed at the business with Mr Fraser    and she did not know whether she should have been happy with Mr F-     on Mr A-‘s account  my indignation rose against the parson  I reasoned her out of all feeling of duty or obligation towards a man who had taken such base advantage she said there was now no other obstacle between us and she should be happier with me    Cliff hill would not separate us    I asked if she was sure of this    yes quite    well then I consider half an hour and decide    in half the time she asked if I would take her and gave me her word and yes and hoped I should find her faithful and constant to me thus in a moment that I thought not of was I accepted and the matter settled I kissed her and this had hardly passed before Mrs P- came Miss W- just went upstairs and gave me the purse and yes in it before I went down to my father and sister who could little dream what had happened I promised to breakfast with Miss W- tomorrow but on my return home determined to sleep at Lidgate tonight – met Mr. Parker in returning going about Hinscliffes’ coal lease – sometime with Wilson in the library passage – in about an hour wrote 3 pages and ends to M- (having sent off note to Mr Jeremiah Rawson by Cordingley) to say I was right as to the fences of the coal leases ‘but it is not my intention at present to be entirely guided by these for as I told you on Friday you will find me rather worse to bargain with, than you would have done the 1st time you called here on the subject in question. I am sir, etc etc A. Lister’ –
 a week today since receiving her letter - scarce knew why I had but it remain by me so long unanswered certainly not from any want of affectionate remembrance ‘I have thought of you much, and often wished you were at my elbow - had it been possible for you to spend another day or 2 with me here before my leaving England I should have been glad on many accounts - mais cela ne se peut pas?  If you are to leave Lawton is not Leamington next best? Thank you Mary, for your so kind wish to see me there - I shall hope to contrive it, as I see no prospect of being able to get off from here before the middle of January - Even then I must be more or less dependent upon my aunt, and circumstances yet I hope and think to be off by that time - I have been here almost long enough’ - then about Eugenie - my aunt’s and Marian’s suspicion Mr Herbert did not really wrote the letter - but I had got over that and said what I had written in substance -  Have given Mrs N- no answer but fear I shall not have much time to spare for Bath - ‘my friend was much pleased with your brother’ hope he will be of service to her - she has plenty of faith in him - was going on admirably well till the afflicting news of the sudden death of her most particular friend - hope she is beginning to get over it and will be recovering again under Steph’s care - ‘you always tell me how much better you think Mr L-  really he ought to be congratulated on having taken a new lease of a life - I am rejoiced at your having ridden a good deal, and only hope to see you looking and being well enough to keep pace with Mr L-‘ It was thro’ inadvertence did not tell her ‘my friend and I only proposed staying 2 or 3 days in York’ and then returning straight home - M-‘s observations of Burnett not quite suite me now - ‘Surely she could keep the house for me - but Mary, it is not my intention to trust this matter to any servant if I can help it - Surely heaven in its mercy has something in store for me better than this! Do not be long in writing - I would rather hear from you, if but a few lines - tho’ I have felt bound to remember all you said to me at Lawton in May, yet for twenty years your health and happiness have been the dearest objects of my life and I am always, Mary, very entirely and especially yours A. L.’ - has just written so far at 5 20 – sealed and left for John to take to the post tonight my letter to M- ‘Lawton Hall, Lawton Cheshire’ and  dinner at 5 1/2 my aunt sitting by me - off to Lidgate in 25 minutes - and there in 25 minutes at 6 20 - Miss W- surprised but very glad to see me - she was getting low and nervous and wavering as to whether she had done right that I was rejoiced to have gone to her    she had been near sending off James with  packet she had  had from Mr Ainsworth half a dozen pages to be returned of canting told detail of particulars of the last day of Mrs A-‘s life (how she had taken dripping and pills to one poor woman and gone to thank another for cooking them a dinner ridiculous stuff) a proper letter that anyone might see    and one page of half sheet note marked private reminding her of being his affectionate Annie that he was a friend to her in her affliction and calling upon her to be one now to him  and concluding with a call upon God to bless her    as the prayer of her own Thomas Ainsworth   I remarked that this last expression was what he could only have used to a woman who had gone all lengths for him    he had said too   that she was the only one he could ‘rest upon’   and that he should send her the ‘drawing room scrapbook’    I commented pretty severely on all this and she seemed indignant    she had concluded her note written on Monday with my emendation but dated today gratefully and very truly yours    I made her write it over again merely to leave out the    gratefully    and then dating Wednesday evening    say she had just received his packet    had read the detail of the last day of her friend’s life with deep interest and returned the detail affording to his desire was much obliged by his offer of the scrapbook  but positively declined accepting it    she seemed satisfied    we talked and got on very well    had had tea in at eight - went upstairs at 10 ¼ - Miss W- poorly this evening - complained much of the back of her neck - had it rubbed with Mr Day’s ointment    first time when she was to sleep with me I did  not smell the turpentine of it much very fine day
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anhandfulgirl18 · 2 years
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(GIF credit to @fadesintoviews)
(Part One; Part Three)
20) I Don't Wanna Live Forever (feat. Zayn Malik)
Ugh, this was a really tough decision, I wish this one was more close to the first tenth songs, but I did all my calculations (yes, like Albert Einstein) and I arrived to the sad conclusion that I have to sacrifice some songs and this was one of them. When this song first came out (and in the following year) I was obsessed, but now I don't listen to it as much so I think this is a right decision.
19) No Body, No Crime (feat. HAIM)
Another crack in my poor heart for this decision, but I do have to admit that off of all the folklore/evermore (yes, I do consider these two albums as just one huge inseparable album) this is my least favorite collab, and I don't listen to it quite as often as the other ones.
18) I Bet You Think About Me (feat. Chris Stapleton)
I have to admit that off the Red TV this is the collab that I like the least (is this sentence's syntax correct?), but that does not mean that I don't listen to it as much as the other ones. It's a really fresh, fun, upbeat song and it always puts me in a great mood, but – I've said it before – I'm an emo kid, so it's logical that I prefer the sadder collabs.
17) Breathe (feat. Colbie Caillat)
Man, this song is so fucking sad. You think the end of romantic relationship is hard, the end of a friendship is harder and this song just tears me up every time I listened to it, so obviously when I'm in a – I'm not gonna say good mood, cause that would be an hyperbole – decent mood, I naturally skip it so I don't get depressed.
16) You All Over Me (feat. Maren Morris)
This song DOES NOT deserve to be out of the top 10, but what do you wanna me to say? I had to make a choice and this is the one I made. Anyhow, I LOVE this song: when it came out I streamed it like crazy, I still listen to it, but simply not as much as I used to. Overall, among the Fearless TV's vault track, this is not one of my favs...
15) Bad Blood (feat. Kendrick Lamar)
I definitely don't have an explanation for this, I was sure this one was going to be in a higher position (I thought ninth or eighth)... Guess I was wrong. What can I say about it? Great song, a bit overrated and the lyrics are not her best ones. But who doesn't love a classic? (me, apparently).
14) That's When (feat. Keith Urban)
I'm ashamed of myself. That's all I have to say. That's all I'm gonna say.
13) Everything Has Changed (feat. Ed Sheeran)
Something is definitely wrong here: how is it possible that this song isn't in my top ten? Taylor, you have to stop making such good songs, you make it impossible for me to rank it and it drives me crazy. Anyhow, I LOVE this song, it's just that – since she released Red TV – this isn't my favorite one anymore. Your fault, TayTay.
12) Endgame (feat. Future, Ed Sheeran)
*cries in reputation*. I really don't know how happened. I really thought this was gonna be in my top 5, but I looked at the remaining songs and the only thing I know is that the second after doing this homicide (to my reputation... lol... this was a good one). I'm really ashamed of myself (pt.2).
11) Safe & Sound (feat. The Civil Wars)
Okay, last sacrifice before entering the top 10. This DOES NOT mean that this didn't hurt. Safe & Sound is a masterpiece. Great music production, such an ethereal sound *chef kiss*. And that bridge (!!) that gives me literally chills. Music perfection.
That's all for now. If you arrived this far, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and if you want to see my top 10, go check Part Three.
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forbidding-souda · 2 years
Bonjour mon ami! Is it morally wrong for a thirteen year old to write NSFW, I don’t read it. (I read the SFW stuff on your blog)
I'm going to talk in generals because I'm assuming that other minors will read this as well. Sometimes I use the word "you" in this but it's literally just the general term.
ok so my one sentence answer is do I think minors should be posting erotica?: no.
a more detailed answer is below.
tldr my 11 paragraph answer: internet erotica and porn in general as a young minor can mess up your sex life as an adult, so if you can really help it, please don't. Realistically you will not listen, so my other answer is just create a small little circle of you and other people in your age group where you can share ur work (google docs - private blog - fucking idk I don't use the internet but you're young you'll figure it out).
-Mod Souda
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I would like to preface this by saying that if you're another adult and you think minors should never ever share erotica then that is completely okay and ur allowed to and I absolutely fucking understand your pov with the legality system in mind and I 100% agree with you there also maybe once I go into my actual early 20s my opinion will change LMFAO.
if you want an explanation on the legals of posting erotica as a minor, as well as minor reading an adults erotica, here is a post explaining it in detail (it has a tldr if you're lazy): here
if you want to read the personal experience of somebody who wrote and published nsfw as a minor, here is a post detailing how they feel now as an adult: here
So here's my easier to follow answer:
One one hand I think if you should wait until you're 16-17 and ALWAYS ALWAYS clarify that you're a minor in the post (plus, a lot of minors read nsfw, and I think it would be A LOT SAFER FOR THEM to know that they're reading from another minor. might stop them from interacting with specifically 18+ labeled content because god do they do it a lot).
on the other hand - in a perfect, beautiful world, minors of any age wouldn't have to be in adult spaces. I just hope that minors can like create their own space somewhere and that we didn't all have to be intertwined in this porn quid pro quo.
personally it bothers me like 91% when someone under 15 read my nsfw. I don't mean to sound like a stereotypical adult, but it's funny because I was actually going to say "it doesn't affect you that much" and then I sat down and thought about it and I remembered literally how much it has affected me anyway. It definitely messes with you as a sexual being when you're older, when you grew up reading nsfw (it didn't mess with like emotionally or anything but I can 100% say it has an effect on how I have sex with people now). Using erotica as your sex-ed (intentionally or not) is going to have permanent effects.
Over 15? 60-65%. For any 16-17 year olds reading this that follow me, if you care (if you don't then it's not like I'm gonna piss and cry but it would be heavily appreciated) you can DM me asking if it's okay for you to read a certain fic then I would be delighted to give you an honest answer, would probably be yes, but i can name a few off the top of my head that I would not like very much.
Paraphrased from this blog I shared above: Also - a lot of minors don't understand this - but it's not about you feeling like you're fine with reading nsfw produced by an adult. It's not about if you have had more sexual experience most, so that means it's okay for you to consume shit. It's about the adult being comfortable with having their porn consumed by minors.
if ur a minor of any age and you interact with my nsfw know that I literally cannot see you doing it, neither do I even click on the page of everyone liking my shit ever. I get over 100 notifications a day. Most of them are clouded by spam likes from my friends. You get my drift.
not biased answer, the umbrella answer: if my answer has any actual sway on you - wait to publish them until like the day you're 18 (meaning - write to your hearts content because srs who's going to stop you, actually - just don't release it PUBLICLY [a small blog that's only your similar aged friends if you're too tempted? that's what i had when I was your age LMFAO. I have so many funny tales about that]). Maybe keep a collection of all the nsfw you write and save it somewhere - so that when you're older you can have this whole masterlist that you rework on. If you're like "bruh it's a long way until I'm 18 (or 16 if you're not American)" then I'm gonna say like once you're 15 that shit goes by hella fast. I was 15 like yesterday. Now I am college.
Also should I mention "it endangers minors on the internet" which I agree with to the extent that I don't exactly know what it means so I can't make this an argumentative paragraph. no one has ever explained to me what it refers to specifically but it sounds like something that is 100% correct and I hope you agree with me there. It's like - "just trust me bro".
It's just uncomfortable for the community around you because in a literal sense - you are a minor producing porn. An adult could get off on porn that you produce. That is wrong.
okay anyway as me, mod souda, i think if I read a young teens nsfw fic i would kill myself /hyperbolic /but still.
sincerely, i'm sweating,
-Mod Souda, probably upsetting somebody, and I'm so sorry /g
(i sent this to my boyfriend to proofread it so I'd know if I said something stupid [cluster b so my morals are a little more construed than everyone else's and I'm genuinely working hard and in therapy for it] and he said "It’s got a good tone to it but also I’m literally neurodivergent" so if this is absolute ass and I sound dumb as fuck then blame him /j)
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lochsides · 3 years
You Signed Up For This Review
If you're following me, you really did sign up for this review. I love that the title of this album lends itself to so many puns. Maybe that was the second indication that I would adore this album (the first being that its a Maisie Peters album). God, where do I even begin to review the pop mastery that is YSUFT? The album is both cohesive and chaotic in the best way possible. Maisie is one of those songwriters who approaches writing with quick wit and personality. That’s my biggest takeaway from this album. YSUFT has so much personality. It is very authentic while being refreshing. I’m so glad it finally here, to be consumed in all its glory. She really hit it out of the park and it was well worth the wait. There is not a single skip.
For those of you interested, below the cut you will find a review for each song. My favourites are 'I'm Trying (Not Friends)', ‘Love Him, I Don’t’, ‘Hollow’, ‘Villain’, ‘Brooklyn’, ‘Elvis Song’ and ‘Volcano’ — yes I know that’s half the album. This is my review and I make the rules. I've also included a little ranking at the very end.
You Signed Up For This — This song has so much main character energy. My favourite thing about Maisie as a songwriter is that her songwriting has a sense of humour to it. This song says so much in 3 minutes and 15 seconds. Its the perfect album opener, particularly for a debut album, but it's also a really good introduction to Maisie Peters for new listeners and old fans alike.
I'm Trying (Not Friends) — I can't decide what my favourite part of this song is: her sharp, witty songwriting or the cadence. This is what I mean when I say that the album is authentic while being refreshing. The cadence is unlike anything I’ve heard before, especially from Maisie, but the passive- aggressive lyrics are so Maisie. She has always had this unvarnished honesty to her songwriting that I really appreciate about her.
John Hughes Movie — Pop perfection! That's it, that's the review. I love the message of this song. It has a sense of self-worth and confidence despite being let down. And when I tell you I adore the fuck out of the bridge of 'JHM', it's an understatement. It was actually the perfect lead single for an album with so much main character energy.
Outdoor Pool — 'Outdoor Pool' is basically Fifteen (Maisie’s Version), when all you wanted was to be wanted. She really captured that in this song. I felt so sad listening to it because 15 really is such a delicate age. The music and production felt very cinematic to me and that really brought to life this story that she was telling. It really is almost Skins. I have so much affection for this song in like a big sister way.
Love Him, I Don't — Ooft, this song hurt my feelings. The production at the start with her ‘ooh’s was already chilling but then she hit me with ‘I wasn’t eating and you still said nothing’ and ‘guess that was my stubborn season’ and took me out. ‘Love Him, I Don’t’ is a song about toxicity and I’ve been there. I have friends who have been there. The lyric ‘what a waste of your twenties’ reminded me of a relationship my best friend was in. There are so many little details in this song that make it so relatable in a way the hurts. I love the melody of the pre-chorus and chorus, and then she goes and strips it back in the last verse. The whole song is a 5-star experience. It's so raw and the emotion in her vocal takes it to another level.
Psycho — Maisie Peters said feral girl summer and make it catchy. There are two bridges in this song. That should be enough to sell me, but she had to go and write ‘you made me feel so useful then so used.’ All in all though, ‘Psycho’ is probably my least favourite and that’s only because there are so many good songs on this album that outrank this.
Boy — I’m joining Maisie Peters’ fight to take away men’s rights because valid. It’s funny because I can hear Ed Sheeran’s writing in this song, mostly in the production. I love the tone throughout this song, but specifically when she says 'I can tell that you've never been hugged, boy.' It's sassy as fuck and I love that for her. My favourite aspect of 'Boy' is that the catchiest part, the one that is most likely to get stuck in our heads. is 'I can do better than this' and that feels very intentional, like a little message from Maisie reminding us that we can do better than The Boy ™️.
Hollow — 'Hollow' is such a good heartbreak ballad. It has all the makings of a great classic pop ballad, from the piano to the production to the poetic lyrics. Was it fair of her to put the lyrics 'now I'm a comma in your explanation of your learning curves and your mistakes' in the same song, in the same verse, as 'you're the one that got away and you got away with a lot' and then follow it up with a bridge of memories and 'I just miss my friend'? Let's discuss. I think the reason I, personally, love this song so much is the lyrical links to other songs like 'Villain' ('now you're kissing that girl I shouldn't worry about'), 'Volcano' ('you got away with it') and 'Tough Act' ('saying goodbye to a best friend' / 'drain it all 'til its all so hollow'). I love it when there are layers to a story.
Villain — I’ve had the hook of ‘Villain’ stuck in my head all morning. The way she explores rage in this song as something bitter that we all swallow but it burns the whole way down our throats, that dichotomy being explored through the subtlety of the production and the feral lyrics, is absolute genius. The song is told through the perspective of someone that feels wronged but they are still the villain of someone else's story and that's something I can personally relate to. I love how much angst is in the bridge, aided by the build up in the production, as she sings 'whole town's gonna hear how you messed me up.' Truly excellent songwriting.
Brooklyn — I think Maisie absolutely shines when writing songs about her sister. 'Personal Best' is my most played song on Apple Music, ever. 'Brooklyn' is almost like a continuation of that, or a deeper dive into her relationship with her sister. The storytelling aspect of this song feels very organic, like a friend telling you all about the adventure of their transatlantic trip over a cup of coffee. And the production is chef's kiss.
Elvis Song — I think this song is the one I connect with the most. The nostalgia factor always gets me and that's what this entire song is. Is the whole second verse a callout? Maybe. It's fine. If I end up calling the person this song makes me think about, it's Maisie's fault. My favourite lyric is 'I was scared to throw my heart off the edge, easier to tell myself we'd mess it up instead, so I left.' That line reads me, but it also captures the tone of regret that comes with reflection on something that ended. The production of 'Elvis Song' gives me old-flame montage vibes. I think it's the perfect candidate for an end-of-summer single.
Talking To Strangers — 'Talking To Strangers' is such a cute song. The whole concept of random people knowing such minute details about your life, that maybe even the people in your life would overlook, just because this one person that loves you so much can't help but tell everyone they meet about you is so fucking romantic. This is such a romantic song. It is 'this made me think of you' in a song except instead of telling the person you think of, you're telling literally everyone that it made you think of them.
Volcano — 'Volcano' is very reminiscent of Maisie's musical roots, which is why this song is one of my favourites. The lyrics are an actual gut punch and her vocal delivery only makes it hit harder. I think the lines that really get me each time are 'in the silence when you stood there, you just stood there' and the bits in the chorus where she sings 'and your friends said nothing' or 'and the world said nothing.' When you're in a situation that can be toxic, it fucking hurts when no one says anything. Then you look back on it and wonder 'why did no one stop you from absolutely breaking me?'
Tough Act — I think many of the songs on YUSFT accumulate to 'Tough Act' and placing it as the album closer makes so much sense in terms of closure from a lot of these stories that Maisie has shared with us. 'Tough Act' is acknowledgement and growth. I think this is best described in the lyric 'I got busy and you forgot how to miss me when I'm not much of who you grew up with.' She has come to terms with the fact that things have changed and this break up is just 'the bad part of the right thing to do.' The melody of this song is so beautiful and it's only heightened when those strings come in under the piano. Maisie's lovely vocals are the cherry on top.
Ranking the songs on this album was so difficult because each one is so outstanding. I think YSUFT is honestly one of the best pop debuts in recent history. She absolutely nailed it.
Love Him, I Don't
I'm Trying (Not Friends)
Elvis Song
Outdoor Pool
Tough Act
You Signed Up For This
Talking To Strangers
John Hughes Movie
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ellohcee · 3 years
Call Me
Okay so I want to throw this little bit out into the universe of one of my favorite instances of Jasper I've written. Context: He's a host for a dinky late night radio show and he has like... 10-15 listeners max and David is one of them, a college student who Can’t Sleep even between classes and his job, so he’s up late late listening to Jasper’s show. He calls in sometimes because Jasper is always offering advice and encouraging people to call in and chat, specifically about LGBTQ topics and David finds comfort and encouragement in their chats. They’ve been talking for a while but he still goes by the name Red. 
- - - -
“Alright you night owls, this next one goes out to my long lost buddy, Red.”
David looked up at the radio in surprise, his pencil stilling on the page.
“It’s been a while since we’ve heard from ya and we miss you dude. And I’m gonna get hella gay up in here, but that’s on brand for me, I miss you.”
David’s breath caught in his throat painfully, his heart hammering.
“So I hope you catch this, give us a call, let me know how you’re doing buddy I’m dyin’ here, don’t leave me hanging. Cause I’ve got a question for you and you wont know what until you gimme a ring. Yes I’m gonna be that guy. So call. Please.”
The music picked back up, and true to Jasper’s word, Blondie’s Call Me started playing.
The pencil had slipped from his fingers without realizing as David tried to decipher all of that, especially that last, sincere please. Jasper missed his calls? Maybe he was just worried because David had dropped off so suddenly. It had just been too nerve wracking once he realized he was crushing on the radio host. But what could Jasper possibly want to ask him? Was it good or bad?
He was still nervous and the idea of calling in downright terrified him now, but… he at least owed it to Jasper to let him know he was alive. It must have looked bad, for him to be consistently calling about once a week and then suddenly stop with no warning, going on nearly two months of silence now. Jasper was always so nice and seemingly happy to talk to him, he must be worried. Gosh, now he had to call, he felt terrible.
David had to take several steadying breaths and about twenty good minutes to work up the nerve, but he managed to eventually press call, hands shaking as he listened to the phone ring.
“What’s up caller you’re live, how’s it hangin?”
“Um, hi...” he said quietly.
He heard a soft intake of air and a shuffle. “That you Red?” Jasper asked, sounding hopeful, the excited smile evident in his voice.
“Y-yes, it’s me,” David replied.
“Aw, buddy, good to hear your voice again man, I was gettin’ worried bout you.”
“I’m so sorry I- just- life, you know?” David hedged, feeling even more guilty because he couldn’t give an honest explanation.
“I feel that, it’s cool dude, it’s just good to hear from ya. I assume you heard my call out?”
David’s heart started beating faster, so, so antsy. If it weren’t for the guilt of worrying Jasper he probably wouldn’t have had the guts to call, but he could still be a wreck about it, easily. “Yes, I did. You... had a question?”
“Yeah! You don’t mind me askin’ live?”
“Um, sure, that’s fine,” David said nervously. It couldn’t be too bad if it was something Jasper could ask on air. Right?
“Sweet. So. Last we talked your rough waves from the coming out thing were settling. You found a boyfriend yet?” the radio host asked casually.
David eyebrows shot up in surprise, his face going so very red and he was so very grateful this was a phone call, not in person because that would make it ten times worse. “Um- n-no, I- I haven’t… um, no,” he stammered uselessly. Why was this the topic??
“Awesome!” Jasper said in delight, leading to an awkward pause. “Wow fuck that sounded hella mean I am so sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. Cheese and crackers, foot in mouth Jasp, good one. Anyway! I just meant because- like, stop me if this is too weird, or hang up on me, but I was wondering if I could like… take ya on a date?”
David’s heart stopped in surprise, the blush that had just started receding coming back full force. His stomach whirled in a mix of dread and excitement, trying to go one way or the other as his brain stalled for a good long moment-
David sucked in a breath. “Is- are you- are you serious?” he asked softly, trying to keep his voice from shaking.
“Course dude!! I wouldn’t fuck around with you like that, hell no! I’m for super serious!”
“But… we’ve- you- you don’t even know what I look like,” David stammered, trying to find reason to turn him down, but so, so desperately wanting to say yes. He felt stupid for saying it the second it left his mouth, Jasper didn’t seem at all the type to place a lot of importance on appearances.
“I don’t need to! I’m sure you’re rad as hell, but I’m not a looks guy, okay? I like your personality, and I love shootin the shit with you, and you’re super nice. That’s the kinda stuff I’m into, and if you’re hella cute, which I’m sure you are, that’s a bonus!”
David stared down at his desk for a long moment, his thoughts a mess, one hand over his mouth as he took this all in. He had to take a moment to pinch the soft skin on the inside of his arm to decide that this was really happening and he hadn’t passed out at his desk into some dream where his crush happened to reciprocate-
“Reeeddd?” Jasper teased softly after another long pause, bringing him out of his panic spiral. “No pressure my dude, you can say no.”
“Yes,” David blurted shakily.
“Yeah??” Jasper asked, his voice picking up in obvious excitement and relief, despite his apparent brace for a rejection. “For real?”
“Y-yes, I’d… I’d like to,” David said softly, his face still red.
“Aw man, awesome, shit. Okay uh- no PI on air so uh- I go off air at 3, you’re usually up pretty late, yeah? Think you’ll be around?”
“Yes, I should be.”
“Supes, call back when you hear me sign off and we’ll hash stuff out, okay? Or at least do personal numbers to talk during the day.”
“O-okay,” David stammered, his mind whirling. “I’ll do that.”
“Sweet. Okay man, you sound a little wigged out so I’ll let you get back, and I will be counting the minutes til sign off,” Jasper teased.
“Okay, um, talk to you later? Bye.”
“Ta-ta for now!” Jasper sung.
David disconnected the call, his pulse still racing as he listened to Jasper on the radio once more, turning the volume back up just in time to hear.
“Oh my god, wack, holy shit you guys he said yes- fuck he’s probably listening and I sound like a giant goober- hi Red! Okay, anymore callers before we go back to music? Holy shitballs.”
A quick, incredulous laugh escaped his mouth before David could stifle it, his chest swirling with fear and elation. Jasper- Jasper had asked him on a date- and he sounded just as rattled as David felt. That helped a little to know it wasn’t just him- Jasper had just been loads better keeping a cap on his nerves while they were talking.
“You’re up caller!”
David came back from his thoughts when he heard a familiar voice, one of Jasper’s other regular callers.
“Oooooh Jasper asked a boy on a daaatteee~” she teased in delight.
“I know oh my god dude I’m still weak from it, I didn’t wanna mess up with Red but I like… really want to meet him and take him out, especially once he stopped calling? And no offense Red if you’re still there it’s TOTALLY cool cause that woke my ass up! Holy shit I still can’t believe he said yes.”
David listened all throughout the rest of Jasper’s show, all thoughts of homework lost as he leaned his elbows on the desk, hands clasped in front of his mouth. Anticipation made his nerves spike again while sitting through Jasper’s familiar sign off, where he bid goodnight to his listeners and started the after hours playlist. David waited a minute before taking a deep, deep breath and pressing the call button.
It rang only once before the line picked up, and a hopeful voice answered. “Red?”
“H-hi Jasper,” he replied.
“Hey dude! Hey, sorry to put you on the spot like that but- y’know, I figured it would be less creepy to everyone to just be upfront and ask you, instead of being like ‘hey call me after hours hoohoo wink wink,’ ya dig?”
David stifled a giggle, smiling. “I understand. It probably would’ve made me more nervous to have to wait that long, wondering what your question was,” he admitted.
“That too! I wanted to just… put it out there, figured it’d be best. So! You’re really cool with going on a date?”
“Yes, I… I’d like that. To meet you,” he added softly, flushed.
“Rad, okay, nice. So let’s just exchange numbers for tonight? I know you might not sleep anyway but it’s friggen late and I don’t want to keep either of us up too long.”
“That sounds good, I don’t want to keep you up either,” David replied. He gave his number first when Jasper gave the go-ahead, listening to the other man hum as he typed it into his phone, and a few moments later David heard a buzz near his ear.
“I just shot you a text so you have my number and can add me.”
“Got it,” David replied, pulling the phone away briefly to see a text notification at the top of the screen, a short string of peace sign emojis that made him smile.
“Awesome sauce. Well- shit, I’m really excited but again, we can talk later. Try to get some sleep, okay dude?” he asked, sounding genuinely concerned and losing his usual casual tone. “I worry bout you.”
David smiled, touched by the thought. “I’ll try.”
“Okay, I’ll text you sometime tomorrow- today, whatever, much later. Give you a chance to snooze. Night Red, and thanks for- you know. Thanks. Night!”
“Goodnight Jasper, and thank you too,” he replied softly.
“No prob, catch ya later.”
David pulled the phone away and ended the call, his heart still hammering as he tried to comprehend everything. But he decided to pack it away for later, turning off the radio and closing the long abandoned textbook. Hopefully he could get a few hours of sleep and be a tiny bit more composed when he next spoke with Jasper.
Doubtful, but it was a nice thought.
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potionsprefect · 3 years
The Familiar Face (Chapter 2)
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: After yesterday’s news, Victoria spend a day with her kids.
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: none
Category: fluff
Chapter 1 here
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Chapter Two: Always There for You
Ethan was always the first one to wake up in his house. He liked to let Victoria have a lie in, particularly when the twins were newborns as Victoria was with them all day.
It was still dark outside, which was normal considering it was the middle of winter. Slowly, he got out of bed and headed down the corridor to check on the twins in their respective rooms.
Ethan smiled when he saw them both fast asleep, breathing deeply. If someone had told Ethan this this would be his life four years ago, he wouldn’t have believed them.
Ethan bent down towards Lily’s bed and stroked her blonde hair from her face. Selfishly, he wanted her to be awake so they could spend time together. Lily was the spitting image of her mother, bright green eyes and curly blonde hair and she had Ethan wrapped around her little finger. Much like Victoria did. He couldn’t say no to his two girls.
Luke meanwhile was the spitting image of Ethan with blue eyes and brown hair. He however had Victoria’s cheeky attitude whereas Lily was very much like Ethan. She has a no nonsense attitude and at 3 years old, Ethan wasn’t sure how and when she had picked it up.
The repetitive strokes had stirred Lily from her slumber and pulled Ethan out of his daydream. Lily sat up and rubbed her eyes, smiling widely when she saw Ethan.
“Daddy!” Lily threw her arms around Ethan’s neck.
“Good morning sweetpea.” Ethan smiled giving Lily a hug, sitting her on his lap. “How did you sleep?”
“Good! Mummy, Daddy work today?” Lily asked.
“No Mummy and Daddy don’t have to work today. We’re going to spend the day with you and your brother.” Ethan smiled kissing the side of Lily’s head. “Would you like to help Daddy make breakfast?”
“Yeah! With Luke and Mummy?”
“How about we surprise Mummy with breakfast in bed? Why don’t we go wake Luke and make some pancakes?” Ethan smiled.
That seemed to wake Lily up. She got off Ethan’s lap and raced off down the hall to Luke’s room. “Don’t run!” Ethan chuckled even though there was no stopping her. Despite being a mini Ethan, when Lily was determined she was exactly like Victoria. By the time Ethan had reached the hallway, Lily was pulling Luke out of his room.
“I was asleep!” Luke rubbed his eyes.
“Come on.” Ethan said picking him up. “We’re going to make pancakes for Mummy.”
That seemed to wake Luke up and he wriggled to be put down as both kids made their way down the stairs with Ethan behind them. They were met at the bottom of the stairs by Jenner who licked the twins faces making them giggle.
In the kitchen, Ethan sorted out all the ingredients and set to work making the batter. Luke and Lily stirred the batter and helped Ethan pour it into the frying pan. Once they were brown and cooked, he served them on a plate and put it on a tray.
“Are we taking it up to mummy?” Luke asked.
“Yes. Why don’t you lead the way and I’ll carry it?” Ethan suggested.
The twins grinned and ran off out the kitchen towards the stairs and up to Victoria and Ethan’s room.
“Mummy! Mummy wake up. Breakfast!” Luke and Lily shook Victoria awake.
“Did you do all this?” Victoria looked at the twins as Ethan set the tray across her lap.
“They sure did. They’re proper chefs our twins aren’t you?” Ethan said giving Victoria a kiss as the twins climbed onto the bed.
“We hope you like it!” Luke grinned.
Victoria ate both of the pancakes made much to the excitement of Luke and Lily. Victoria knew they had a real talent for food.
After getting dressed for the day, Victoria received a text from Sienna.
Have you seen the news?!
Victoria smiled at her phone, she knew Sienna was on the ball with election knowledge. She sent back a quick: yes I know who’s the nomination.
No no no. Have you seen WHERE he is? He’s in the hospital!
Victoria stared at the text. Ed was in the hospital? Why would he start his campaign in Bloom Edenbrook of all places?
Victoria raced downstairs and saw Ethan in the living room with the twins. She shoved her phone into his hands and his eyes widened as he read the text.
“I’ll sort this. I’ll make sure Leland understands.” Ethan said heading for the door and grabbing his coat.
“You don’t have to go in. Just ring them from here.” Victoria said.
“Vic I promised I’d never let him inside the hospital. I should’ve warned the team last night. If I had anything to say about it he wouldn’t even be stood outside the hospital. It won’t take long I promise.” Ethan said giving Victoria a quick kiss before opening the front door.
“Ethan don’t do anything stupid. Meet us in the park when you’re done.” Victoria replied.
Ethan just smiled and headed out the door. Victoria headed back into the living room where Luke and Lily were playing with their toys.
“Where’s Daddy gone?” Lily asked.
“Daddy’s just popped out but he won’t be long. How do you fancy a trip to the park?” Victoria suggested.
Luke and Lily loved their trips to the park and immediately jumped to their feet. Victoria just chucked as she helped the twins into their coats and put them in their buggy. The park was only down the road but Victoria knew their little legs would get tired and she couldn’t carry them both back home.
When they reached the gates to the park Victoria’s phone buzzed. It was Sienna.
So I’ve had to give the Senator a tour of the hospital and he doesn’t recognise me? You’d think after being forced to praise him he’d recognise a doctor that kissed his ass?
So not only was Senator Ed inside Bloom Edenbrook, Sienna was the one who had to give him the tour. Wanting more answers, Victoria sent a text back:
Was anyone else with you? And did the others recognise him?
Sienna immediately replied:
The ENTIRE hospital recognised him. I got many sympathetic glances. Luckily it was over in 15 minutes.
“Mummy are you ok?” Lily asked, pulling Victoria out of her thoughts.
“Yeah I’m ok.” Victoria smiled. “Now what shall it be first? Slide or swings?”
“Swings!” Both the twins exclaimed.
Victoria chuckled as she got the twins out of the buggy and set them down on the swings. Luke and Lily giggled as they were pushed back and forth by Victoria. Not long after, Ethan joined them.
“Daddy!” Luke grinned as Ethan picked him up out the swing and gave him a hug.
“How’s my favourite human?” Ethan grinned tickling Luke making him laugh.
“No Daddy! I’m your favourite!” Lily crossed her arms from the swing.
“And here’s me thinking I held that crown.” Victoria chuckled.
“It wouldn’t be fair if I said it to one and not the other.” Ethan laughed.
The twins ran around the park for a while longer before they became tired and the family of four headed home. Luke and Lily went down for a nap whilst Victoria and Ethan sat down on the sofa.
“So Sienna text me earlier. Saying she was the one who had to give Ed the tour.” Victoria looked at Ethan.
Ethan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “There was nothing I could do about that. She was already showing him around the ER when I got there. I tried to intervene but she said she could handle it.”
“Sienna’s a strong woman, nothing could scare her.” Victoria replied.
“He didn’t seem to recognise her though which I found strange. However the minute he made eye contact with me, I knew he instantly recognised me. It took all his restraint not to say something to me. I marched straight to Leland’s office and demanded an explanation.”
“What did he say?” Victoria asked.
“He said it was the hospitals obligation to show presidential nominees who request to look round hospitals.”
“He requested to look round the hospital?!” Victoria said startled.
“I didn’t believe it either. I had to argue with Leland as to why it was a bad idea. I had to tell him, I’m sorry. I don’t want him anywhere near the hospital again.” Ethan explained.
Victoria noticed her eyes brimming with tears. Ethan had noticed it too and pulled her in for a hug, gently rubbing her back.
“Why would he want to look round the hospital where he deemed himself to feel unsafe?” Victoria wiped her eyes.
“He doesn’t want people knowing that. Americans probably don’t remember the events at Edenbrook. I sure hope Massachusetts does because he should not win this state.” Ethan replied.
“I know I said I’m not scared of him and I’m not. But seeing him in power. I... I just don’t know if I could handle it.” Victoria said tears rolling down her cheeks again.
Ethan rested his chin on top of her head, stroking her hair. When she looked up at him, he wiped her eyes, kissing her forehead.
“Whatever happens, however this turns out, I will be by your side to help you see it through. And our two beautiful children will be there to give you a million hugs when you’re feeling sad.” Ethan smiled.
The tears started flowing down Victoria’s cheeks freely again, this time because of happiness. “What did I do to deserve such a beautiful family?”
“You didn’t have to do anything. We’d do anything for you. You know that.” Ethan chuckled tightening his arms around Victoria.
Victoria snuggled into Ethan, resting her head on his chest listening to the beating sound of his heart and the gentle rise and fall of his chest.
Everything that had been thrown at Victoria in the past, she had overcome, and gained newfound confidence from. This was just something else she would have to face with her head held high.
And with her family by her side, she knew she could face anything.
— — — — —
Writing dialogue for children is difficult so I hope I’ve made it as realistic as possible. My English A level required me to study child language development so I tried to remember how much a three year old could speak and implemented it here.
Hope you enjoy this! Lmk if you would like to be tagged.
Tag list: @ohchoices @openheartfan @queencarb @genevievemd @iemcpbchoices @choicesaddict5 @schnitzelbutterfingers @alina-yol-ramsey
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worryinglyinnocent · 3 years
Fic: Haven (26/50)
Summary: They say Resembool is a haven, and they’re right. Lush pastures, quaint country town, farmers’ markets on Saturdays: a bucolic paradise.
But it’s more than that. Resembool is a haven for the runaways, the deserters, the people who don’t want to be found…
The Resembool community knows there’s something odd about Hohenheim, but they’re not going to let that stop them helping him out. This is Resembool after all, a place where no one has to hide and neighbours help neighbours, be they building a fence, chasing a sheep, or trying to save the country from an evil they inadvertently helped release centuries ago…
Or: A series of slices of life in an AU in which Hohenheim never leaves, and several broken state alchemists find hope and home in Resembool.
Rated: T
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [AO3]
Summary: Winry creates automail for Imrul.
Characters: Imrul (Scar), Winry, Ed, Pinako, Fahim (Scar’s brother)
“So, as you can see, this is the port; this will be permanently grafted onto your shoulder. And this is where we’ll attach the arm. We do it this way so that we can still do maintenance on the arm and you can wear a spare prosthetic in the meantime - or not if you don’t want to - but the point is that you don’t have to sit here for as long as it will take us to tune up the arm if it’s going to take a long time to repair it.”
Winry looks up from her explanation towards Imrul, who is listening intently. She’s finished building the prototype of his port and arm and is now taking him through the basics. To say that he was a bit sceptical of a kid designing his new arm would be an understatement, but now that he’s seen her at work and can see the finished product for himself, he doesn’t seem to be as concerned. 
“Any questions at this stage?”
He shakes his head, then nods. 
“What’s Ed doing?”
Winry looks over her shoulder towards the window, where Ed appears to be trying to get her attention. He and Al are such regular fixtures at her place that Imrul is very familiar with them. She does get the impression that he’d rather not be very familiar with them. 
She sighs and goes over, opening the window. 
“What do you want?”
“Is it finished?”
“Imrul’s arm! I’ve been giving you all this encouragement whilst you’ve been making it and I want to see the finished product.”
“Ed, it’s not even your arm! I don’t get why you’re so interested in it!”
“Well, excuse me for taking an interest in your interests.”
Winry sighs and shuts the window, going to let Ed in. Imrul is still sitting in the workroom looking over the arm and the port, and his expression is a mixture of amused, confused, and slightly worried. 
“I apologise for this idiot,” Winry says with a sigh, knocking Ed’s hand with a wrench as he goes to touch the port. “It’s not your arm, Ed! Leave it alone!”
“It’s looking great!” Ed turns to Imrul. “It’s going to be great. Winry and Granny Pinako are the best automail mechanics in town. Well, they’re the only automail mechanics in town but even if they weren’t, they’d still be the best. You’re in good hands. And Winry makes great hands!”
He picks up Imrul’s hand as proof and Winry snatches it back. 
“For goodness’ sake, Ed!”
For all Imrul is grim and dour, she thinks she sees him crack the smallest hint of a smile out of the corner of her eye. When she looks, though, it’s gone. 
“When can we do the surgery?” he asks. 
Imrul’s surgery takes place two weeks later. Fahim is with him when he wakes up after it. 
“Hey. The arm looks good.”
It feels strange, having something there after months of just about getting used to there not being anything there. He knows that he has a long road of rehabilitation and learning how to use that hand again. 
“How are you feeling?”
Honestly, he’s feeling as if he’s been run over by a stampeding cattle train and then thrown in a ditch for good measure. His shoulder is sore where the port has been grafted onto the skin, and even though he knows that the automail arm can’t feel pain, there’s still a throbbing sensation shooting up and down it. He goes to move the arm, there’s a slight clunk but other than that, nothing happens, and Fahim gently holds down on the arm to stop him trying again. 
“Dr Rockbell said not to try and move it just yet in case your shoulder gets inflamed.”
Pinako and Winry come in then, no doubt having been alerted to his state of wakefulness by Fahim’s voice. 
“Welcome back.” Pinako starts checking all the tubes that are snaking in and out of him. “How are you doing? How’s the arm?”
“It feels like my real one’s still there,” Imrul mutters, looking down at the hand that he’s seen on Winry’s workbench so many times, not really able to believe that it’s now attached to him.
“Yes, that’s normal. It’s a strange sensation, phantom pain, but it’ll fade. The nerves are just a bit confused, that’s all. They can tell that there’s something there that wasn’t there before. The surgery was a complete success, no problems at all, and we’re not anticipating any issues with you starting your rehabilitation as soon as you’ve recovered and the graft has settled down after a couple of weeks.”
Winry, who has been checking the automail, straightens up with the triumphant declaration that everything is working as it should be. Having made sure that everything’s all right, the two Rockbell women leave him alone to rest. Fahim is still there, but after helping him take some sips of water,  he doesn’t say anything for a long time, and Imrul finds his mind wandering as he begins to drowse again. 
He thinks about the kindness of strangers. The Rockbells have nothing to gain from helping him and Fahim in the way they have done, and whilst it’s never been discussed in front of him, Imrul knows that automail is not cheap and that he and Fahim can’t afford it, so his new arm has come out of the goodness of Winry’s heart. In fact, not only do they have nothing to gain, they’ve got a hell of a lot to lose if it becomes more widely known outside of Resembool and its environs that they’re running a clinic where Ishvalans are welcome. 
It makes him think that maybe, there’s some good in the world somewhere after all. Maybe not all Amestrians are the blue-eyed devils he had taken to thinking of them as towards the end when all they did was bring misery and destruction wherever they went. It’s always been the way throughout history, looking at the old bloody battles that took place before the Ishvalan genocide. Always the Amestrians fighting their way into new places and subjugating the locals. 
Resembool seems to be the miracle exception, and even though it’s such a small place in comparison to the entire rest of Amestris, it’s good to know that it exists. Imrul still isn’t entirely at home here. There’s so much potential for things to go wrong, for him and the rest of the Ishvalans sheltering here to be found out. He’s coming to realise, though, that if anything does happen, it won’t be the result of a betrayal, and that the people here, from all walks of life and all places across the map, will always protect their own - and now their own includes him and his people as well. 
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sweaterkittensahoy · 3 years
Why, yes, I have shown up on tumblr like the fucking cryptid I’ve become because a year of quarantine means time means nothing while many, many things mean...other things. 
The list of “other things” is long. It includes such lights (how or low being readers’ choice) as: 
An allergy test has revealed I have NO allergies
Which is fucking weird because I tested positive for dust 15 years ago
And I know allergies can change but I also epi-ed myself because of fish not four years ago
And yet
Maybe I can eat fish. Or maybe I have Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
And either way, I just want to know if I can eat some fucking fish
My god
my sister suddenly appeared on my twitter TL like a fucking poltergeist attached to me no matter the house
And I had to deal with THAT
If you were keeping up with me fifteen goddamn years ago on lj, you will understand why I am so fucking over this shit.
Yes, I was fucking mad my parents weren’t taking Covid seriously and no, I will NOT take that back just because my sister is pissing herself with rage that I would say anything against Mom. 
You pissed yourself. You can wear those fucking pants until you decide they’re too cold and gross and need to remove them.
Maybe if you stopped secretly reading my social media to get mad about my existence, you wouldn’t have cold piss pants problems.
And at the same time, my dad stopped talking to me for three months
Because I didn’t let him casually say Portland was going through riots
When we weren’t going through riots; we were going through police brutality
And he didn’t talk to me for 3 months
And when I finally texted him asking why he hadn’t talked to me for 3 months, he said he was “disappointed”
Which led to me calling my mother (MY MOTHER) and breaking down sobbing because I didn’t understand why my dad had decided I was a disappointment for disagreeing with him
Dad has never offered an explanation for how my refusing to let him spew bullshit to my face is disappointing.
He never found it disappointing before.
But a retired cop is still a cop.
Defund the fucking police.
And there’s more.
But fuck I’m tired.
Anyway. Hi. I hope you’re well. 
I really do. But also.
The fact that my thought process is “At least I can trust tumblr to be fucking crazy in a very clear set of rules” says a lot.
A lot.
I’m not here for that, FYI. Just, like, I thought that. So there it is.
It’s been a long week in an especially long year.
Gayle, you’re oversharing.
We all know that has never stopped me.
Get vaccinated.
Punch nazis.
Eat cheese.
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cyber-flight · 5 years
Notes from the AHWM Explanation Livestream
This will be long, so fair warning! If you're on computer, you can press the spacebar to skip this post if you want!
There was CG smoke for the bomb
The last shot was running after the bomb goes off, filmed during the day
Many cursed images
(0:56 - Guns Blazing) November 5th = gunpowder treason & plot (a reference)
Ethan is the one yelling during the run
Helicopter/Car was filmed in a place formerly known as Spiderwoods (spiders, snakes, and bugs everywhere)
Mark's patented method to get rid of snakes is to tell them to fuck off
There was big black snake near the library
Chica snore-grumbles
Most of the choices were pretty evenly split in the video data
The guy who owned the field in Helicopter/Car also owned the helicopter
It was hard to get the cameraman to know that the camera is an interacting character
They filmed up to 10 pages a day
Prison was the first 2 days of shooting, as well as the part with the most characters/extras (12 people)
Mick gets typecasted in roles of authority
The Prison location is a functioning mental hospital
John was a Prisoner, first mate, and is a realtor IRL
There is no "why" to recording this to keep a broad audience and have fun after Mark was in a depression and made WKM
The Gregory Brothers / Schmoyoho made 2 renditions of I Don't Wanna Be Free (which is on Apple/iTunes/Spotify)
The musical was a production/recording nightmare on the 2nd day
They had 20 minutes max. to learn each segment; they had a choreographer helping them learn the dances
The original vocals didn't have the accent
Mark had to do the vocals, acting, blocking, etc. in 30 mins
Mick was supposed to cross frame during the top-hats-part, but they had already recorded it; the producers weren't comfortable telling Mark "no" yet, so they had Amy do it
The smashed bricks were styrofoam; Mark was typed to a rope that was pulled
The director of photography was Phillip J Roy; he took a pay cut to work on this project
Yancy's sleeve tattoo is the whole map again
Yancy's tattoos are Tiny Box Tim and Mark/Dark across his knuckles; those were Makeup's ideas
The Musical was only 1/4 of a recording day
There was 3 work weeks of shooting (15 days)
Day By Dave made a remix
Yancy was named "Prison Mark" until the fight scene started to be made in post-production, where he needed a name; Mark liked Yancy and Amy was very against it originally
Yancy killed both of his parents; Mark knew people were gonna fall in love with him anyway
"Yancy stans, go, march on"
Yancy has an emoji bandaid
Heapass (canonically) makes an appearance in Thanks and also Yes Please; he had "Heapass" on a cast, but it was on the wrong side from the camera
Holt Boggs (the cell guard) is an amazing man; he was overqualified ("soft hands")
The cell was in a green-screen soundstage, so there was more improve
Yancy was supposed to be hidden in the ceiling or beside the bed, but under the bed turned out better; he's hidden under the bed the whole scene
The Red Gemini was the camera that they used for this project
Mark just runs off frame in Thanks and also Yes Please
The audio-only part was very convenient for filming and fitting for a 1st-person perspective
Yancy's talk at the gate was Mark real-acting & the late shot of the 1st day of filming, which made all of them realize that the project could actually work
Yancy WANTS to be in prison; he knows all the ways out - he'd leave if he wanted to
The items in the box are more representational achievements
Mark needs our help to promote AHWM, through liking the video(s), commenting good things, and spreading the project; the performance of this dictates the ability to make another similar project
Mark worked for FREE for 5 months, taking no cut of the budget for himself
"Yancy is just Prison Mark with amnesia" "There could be a time-skip there; it could work"
Robert Rex, "a god walking amongst mere morals;" has always wearing the same thing; Mark didn't know that he was going to do different accents
Amy is the hand with the feather-duster
The Warden's desk moves into the hallway after a smash-cut
Mick's line had to be rewritten so it can be ambiguous; you can only tell if you were looking
The Warden embodies "big strong hands," something Mark writes into dialogue a lot (along with "trust you me"); everytime he touches something it cracks (his desk, Yancy's shoulder)
Pulling stuff from behind Mark's back was on-the-spot
The dirt joke was a prop-person and Mark throwing buckets
Mark helped Holt Boggs make a short video
The truck in Prison was a one-take-wonder; they actually bashed the truck through the wall in a such a cartoony, perfect way
The Bob/Wade skit was a reference to Prop Hunt
Mark comparing the disappointment of people not liking the video to a cup of dirt under the Christmas tree
The lid to the sewer says "a heist with markiplier"
The sewer was in an actual sewer treatment plant, which took about a week of filming; some parts were flooded so they couldn't film there; this place was scheduled to be torn down
Mark forces us to choose the Light Tunnel first
Cranbersher, GrittySugar, and Lixian collaborated for the Light Tunnel; it was originally going to be live action with a green-screen and a pre-made raft; Cranberser offered when he had a 3-month break from other projects
Amy notes that Mark did a lot of "falling"
Mark had to carry a 200 pound man and a heavy camera rig to carry Y/N
There was poison ivy, snakes, spiders, etc. on the island
The Game Grumps voiced the aliens; Erin originally was meant to play the Warden & Danny was meant to play one of the guards
Many roles fluctuated due to scheduling
Getting abducted is a reference to ADWM ("not again!")
Mark loves MatPat's scenes and acting (Build a Shelter)
There were so many mosquitos near the Cave and the actors couldn't put on bug spray because they had to preserve their makeups
There was a giant hole in the Cave from which grasshoppers rained down
They were a mile into the cave; they weren't able to staff them for 3 days, so they recorded for 2 days and had fo cut some shots
The Cave freeze-frame was unscripted; the camera director didn't tell cut and it was too funny
The Hermit was originally supposed to be Jacksepticeye but scheduling errors were in the way
Mick was originally supposed to be Crazy Ed
When the sound-guy didnt have a sound effect, one of them riffed something at the mic and it was modulated to fit as best as possible
Mark's camera loses signal/battery power
Mark has done the hot-wire-while-moving in Car before (van videos)
The blue flash during Car is you from the future/another timeline
Mark was actually driving the car; someone flashed the blue light so it was a bit dangerous
Tyler and Ethan make appearances as Zombies
Tyler actually let Mark hit him with a rock
There was a dead beaver in the shed during the Zombie Apocalypse
The Zombie Apocalypse shots were in VERY hot weather
The barricaded front door but very open back door was intentional humour
Ethan's zombie handshake was thought up on the spot
Moe was the man screaming from the fire and zombie attack, making everyone behind the camera laugh
Rosanna Pansino sings opera & speaks Chinese
The Scientist had to be broken up (the cuts are in the gunshots)
243 is a chemical identification symbol in an actual laboratory, nothing meaningful to the plot
The code leads to the AHWM website
What's truly inside the box is the real timeline, which is the team making the project
The room where the monitor was in (Amy, script manager, etc.) was locked out and no one could see what was going on, only hear it through headsets
Mark threw 2 dummies (main video, Absolutely Not!)
Chica likes to climb through the cords underneath Mark's desk
The true/canon ending is For The Greater Good, which leads to ADWM
SodaPopIn hasn't really done this before, but he went with it because he was told Mark was nice; he continued even during harsh weather, many planes, and a long take/monologue
The sandwiches are a callback to ADWM
The montage endings were inspired by the ones Amy made for ADWM
There was never any time set aside to get photos for the montages, so they had to continuously get pictures
Catherine makes an appearance in the Warfstache bit
Warfstache is just a meta joke > you respond by writing in the comments as a survey, producer Catherine is more powerful than the video-editing, ringing the bell for notifications
They rented the same place for the Warfstache bit that they used to film all the other previous Warfstache bits
Dark inserts himself wherever he feels like being
There is charity (#TeamTrees) merch for each of the egos/Mark characters in this project (including the new ones)
Edge of Sleep's last episode aired yesterday (as of the stream - 6/11/19)
A "reverse" charity livestream is happening soon
The next project(s) are already in the works
Amy originally wasn't going to work on this project until they went to Texas; she became Creative Producer once Mark put himself into too many places
Iba originally auditioned for the man in the burning truck, but his voice was so good he became the seer/guide
The project has been "cooking" since May
The next project would be a completely different project, not a continuation
Regular uploads start again tomorrow (7/11/19)
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An Error List for “Evillious Chronicles: 101“
What it sounds. I was very incensed at seeing this latest of Evillious “explanation” videos that not only was full of misinformation, but also repeatedly insults mothy as a writer for things that are clearly misunderstood or misremembered by the presenter (who doesn’t seem to have actually read the novels). Given that this video is over 2 hours long, it feels more likely than other cases that people might take the information in it seriously, and so I felt it was worthwhile to write a comprehensive (but not all-encompassing) list of the errors in it.
I am going to try not to argue with the writing critiques and just focus on factual errors.
In the interest of transparency, here is a link to the video that I am responding to [here] (epilepsy warning--the first 5 seconds or so of the video has flickering bright colors as the camera starts up).
Under a cut for length.
NOTE: I am not including errors that were later corrected (such as saying that Levia studied alternate worlds when she was a psychologist), and just to be nice I am going to leave be areas where he leaves out information or characters (which he does quite a bit especially near the end) unless he explicitly claims that the information or character does not exist.
1. The Second Period is not a real universe. It is entirely a simulation. The people within it are real, insomuch as spirit data has been made indistinguishable from real souls, but the world itself is not. They were believed to be parallel worlds because the Second Period did not realize it was a simulation and mistook the real world for an alternate universe.
2. Behemo is not a Len in appearance and Levia is not a Rin. Mothy himself said that he and Levia are not VOCALOIDS in design.
3. Behemo was not married to his maid, they were simply dating.
4. Behemo was not a member of the team that made the Second Period, he was a relative of one of the programmers.
5. HERS does not affect the First Period. It is more strongly suggested that the First Period was destroyed by nuclear fallout. HERS was deliberately created by the Second Period programmers.
6. Behemo does not go into the Second Period as himself. He creates an avatar of himself to enter into the program. At the point where Levia goes to the First Period and meets Behemo for the first time, there is no physical transference going on--all of the "inter dimensional" crossing is entirely "spirit data" ONLY. As in, no one from the Second Period went to the First Period without having bodies made to put their soul data into when they arrived.
7. The Climb One was never a real rocket ship. Behemo in the First Period tricked the programs into thinking they were on a ship going to another world, but what he actually did was create bodies for them in the First Period that he downloaded them into, using a real world equivalent Climb One to make them think they'd traveled there physically. This is why the Second Period individuals believe they are on a new world, rather than realizing they are on Earth (which they renamed Gudnatia, incidentally).
8. No one survived the Climb One crash (except Luna Hadzuki, I believe). This is why they were trapped in the ship, because they had no physical bodies to leave with and their data was stuck onboard.
9. Levia's motivation to destroy the world does seem to be implied to be a result of her HER, however Behemo's motivations are slanted more towards "starting over and doing a better job next time". This is why he drops it later when the world has already progressed.
10. The phrase is "Mem Aleph", not "Mem Alpha".
--. The Venom is not why Eve's twins were stillborn (however, with this note I am going to forgive anything that goes against recent revelations in the OSS novel because it may not be widespread fan knowledge at this point).
11. Pretty much the entire timeline of Project Ma as he describes it is wrong. Adam and Eve were a part of the first Project Ma, not something separate from it, and Seth only became in charge of the project after Adam and Eve disappeared. The Clockworkers only became involved in the 7th iteration of the project, not the first. Meta's part of the project took place during the 2nd iteration (his notes indicate he is aware that he f--ed up the timeline, but they don't adequately explain what the correct information is so I am still counting it as an error).
12. Seth does not spread HERS unintentionally--HERS is not a disease that you can catch during your lifetime (except in Judgment era when all the rules are being explicitly subverted). It is a genetic anomaly that you have from birth. It is extremely rare, though less rare if your parents have it.
13. It is actually explained pretty well--there's an entire segment of the Venomania novel's prologue that explains how it works.
14. Levia and Behemo's motive for reaching out to Kiril is because they were tired of waiting for the project to succeed (given its numerous failures) and wanted to use him to get a body to escape the arc with. They did not tell Kiril to kill everyone, they simply told him to put Elluka's body in the arc. The explosion was an unintended consequence of his actions.
15. The Climb One is not in a dungeon, it is in a religious temple.
16.The cat that becomes Irina is not a live cat. It is a cat plushy with a Black Box inside it. 
17. The spelling of “Grettle”.
18. Meta very explicitly has HERS.
19. Hansel and Gretel are kidnapped some time after Meta escapes, not the very same day.
20. Hansel and Gretel are abandoned by Adam and Eve in the woods, and they kill them once they find their way back home. They do not kill them just because they discovered they were adopted.
21. Eve's soul was never split into 7. The demons were people from the Climb One, yes, but they were reborn into demons via Hansel and Gretel. Eve simply "became" the Demon of Sloth.
22. Irregulars are explained. They are people born outside of the world's rules who are able to perform "Re_Birthday events", which destroy and rebuild things (often on a large scale such as reshaping the world, but it can be on a small scale as Hansel and Gretel show).
23. The explosion did not bring Elluka back from the dead. The Clockwork Secret Art Kiril used before the explosion repaired the decay of her body so that it was a usable vessel, which is how Levia and Behemo were able to get inside.
24. Behemo does not go to the moon after the explosion. He goes inside Elluka's body with Levia, but remains dormant. He only goes to the moon after Ma is formed.
25. Levia was not cured of HERS (this is vague, but her HERS is suggested to be why she tried to destroy the world as Nemesis).
26. Elluka's original body does not become "decrepit" after swapping with Lukana, it just ages normally.
27. Her name is Banica, not Bianca.
28. The deal with Gluttony was to keep Banica from dying of her morbid obesity, and to pursue dangerous cuisine. It was not because she wanted to be thin.
29. Carlos is not in line for the throne of Marlon.
30. Carlos got over her being overweight, but he did think negatively of Banica for her weight on first meeting her.
31. Carlos never cooked human meat for Banica.
32. Arth does not give birth to Allen and Riliane, Anne does (yes, I know he probably just misspoke but he said it multiple times).
33. Riliane was possessed by Gluttony in the childhood incident that separated her from Allen, not Pride. Pride only occurred later.
34. Elluka was the one who went to Held looking for new apprentices, Held did not call her back.
35. Michaela and Gumillia were forest spirits in between being crewmember data and becoming human.
36. Kyle is not a descendant of Conchita. He is the descendant of one of Carlos' brothers.
37. Allen killing Leonhart is closer in the timeline to Riliane's downfall than the video implies.
38. Michaela was not employed by Kyle in Marlon. Michaela and Clarith were employed by Keel in Elphegort, who was friends with Kyle.
39. Riliane's Green Hunting genocide was a result of not knowing which green-haired girl was Kyle's crush, and so killing them all to get this one person. It was not simply to get revenge on green-haired people.
40. Kyle and Germaine partially allow Allen's death for revenge (Kyle because he thinks Allen killed Michaela, Germaine because Allen killed Leonhart). It is not just for the sake of the public.
41. The demon of Pride was no longer in Riliane by the time of the twin switch (I don't recall if it's said explicitly but I believe the implication is that Ney took it when she escaped).
42. The doll is a doll. It does not look like a person--it is doll sized. People perceive it as looking human due to Eve's brainwashing power. There is of course also the issue of how this video describes Eve's soul as "breaking" is incorrect, which is made especially clear here, but that was covered earlier.
43. Kaspar was not a doctor. Margarita's father was the doctor.
44. The Duel of Merrigod Plateau does not occur during the Sloth event. It occurs much later.
45. Pere Noel is in Lucifenia, not Marlon.
46. Pere Noel is the name of the crime organization, not the name of its leader.
47. His name is Lemy not Lenny.
48. Irina is entirely behind Pere Noel, not just one of its main operators--she is the leader and founder.
49. Irina did not bring Lemy to the duel of Merrigod, he went there on his own.
50. Gumillia and Elluka did not have the vessel of Sloth during the duel. Eve was inside Elluka's body at the time, which is why she was present.
51. Gumillia did not die when she was sent to the Hellish Yard (this is, in fact, why she can't leave to the Heavenly Yard).
52. Seth does not promise to allow Gumillia to survive being in the Hellish Yard with demon powers. He promises to use his scientific expertise to solve the problem.
53. Kayo is not a hairdresser, she is...as the name of her song implies...a tailor. She cuts clothes. Not. Hair.
...Am I being trolled?
54, 55. Not only does he not bring up any of the plot twists of the Tailor novel (primarily that Kayo's actions were not done out of her psychosis but a result of a deliberate revenge plot), but he makes no indication that he's aware they're a thing, so I'm going to say that's two errors.
56, 57. The timeline for the Greed arc is messed up (again, does not seem to know what happens in the novel). Gallerian does not become a greedy judge until after he loses Michelle, which is waaaay after he met Ma, and way after their affair. He does not do this out of simple greed, but because he needs the resources to collect the vessels of sin, which he hopes to use to bring Michelle back to life, in a sense (I'm oversimplifying here but the point is I’m adding another two errors).
58. Gallerian is not actually a sin contractor.
59. Ma knew that Gallerian was her son and deliberately had a child with him while knowing this.
60. Nemesis is her birth name, it is not a name that she took for herself.
61. Ma did not put Eve into the doll, she put Irina into the doll. Irina is Master of the Court.
62. Ma does not have her own soul (this is why she tries to absorb other beings to, in a sense, create one for herself). She is consciousness without a soul.
63. Gallerian does not “abandon” Nemesis. He had no idea she existed until she came to kill him. He didn’t even know she was working for him in PN.
64. The "sins" do not "manifest" in the Theater arc until after Gallerian's death.
65. The way that the theater arc is described as coming about is wrong (Waiter is revealed to be Lilith Baldured, Gear is just Adam, etc). Again--doesn't seem to be familiar with events of the later books despite referencing reveals that are shown in them.
66. Seth as the mask is not able to shapeshift. It is Grim the End, the vessel that he is inside, that can shapeshift.
67. Hanma somewhat took care of Nemesis in her infancy--she was not completely alone.
68. Nemesis did not kill Michelle out of wrath. It was accidental. She didn’t even know that she’d done it.
69. Gallerian does not actually believe the Clockworker's Doll is human, he just believes that Michelle’s spirit is inside it.
70. The Pere Noel of Gallerian's era is not the same organization from Lemy's era. They only share a name.
71. Nemesis did not have to break into anything to get Punishment, she was in charge as the dictator of Elphegort.
72. No one is alive after the world's end except for Nemesis. They are still dead. They are disembodied souls.
--. Capriccio Farce is really the only primary, clear evidence that Allen is the one inside Master of the Court, Re_Birthday is not necessarily about the Irregular that she births, and Waiter's name does not necessarily mean she is waiting for Allen to be born to MOTC specifically (this is too contentious for me to list it as an error though, but my point is the level of retconning is not necessarily as severe as he makes it sound--I believe mothy began retconning this much sooner than people think).
73. Adam and Eve are blonde because they are Irregulars. This is also how they do the Court ending, not a result of “all the stuff their souls have been through”.
74. The Court ending people are not trying to kill the demons, they are trying to collect the contractors’ souls specifically--Ma tried to make a soul for herself using the demons but found them inadequate, and so she instead sought to use the contractors for the demons to sustain herself.
75. The contractors are not possessed anymore, but they do still have the abilities that their contracts gave them.
76. Very large inaccuracies here on how the confrontation with Ma goes but to sum up--Ma was lying dormant in Riliane's soul to stop herself from completely disintegrating into nothingness. She activates herself when all the sinners are assembled and draws them into her consciousness to remain stable, essentially becoming a conglomeration of all of them with Riliane’s appearance. This is incomplete because she does not catch Nemesis.
77. Gallerian is not part of the Court Ending, because he was drawn into the Ma conglomerate and was not present in the theater when it started.
--. Ironically, his (albeit brief) description of how the Court Ending functions is the one I believe to be the most accurate.
78. Most of the Second Period people did not ever learn that they were a simulation (save for Sickle and potentially Held).
79. It's not confirmed that Allen and Riliane fall in love in the Fourth Period (or that it's even them in 10 Minute Love).
80. Seth's motives for saving the world are explained. He is not "evil for evil's sake", he does things out of scientific curiosity. He still has HERS, but his goal as an HER has already been fulfilled with the destruction of the world.
All of this is not including the host of things he omits that, if present, would have made the events sound much more coherent.
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