#yes he made some questionable life choices but who hasn't? ha ha
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At home in the shadows. Forgotten dreams.
Solas: Dragon age
Ink on paper
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bengiyo · 17 days
Get to Know Me Tag :)
I was tagged by @telomeke and shaded by @lurkingshan.
do you make your bed?
Not usually, but I don't have a partner right now. I find that I'm actually really good at cleanliness when I have people in my space regularly. I am better about taking care of things when I'm doing them for the ease of others.
what's your favourite number?
14, but I couldn't tell you why. I think it has something to do with a girl named Ciara who I sat behind in elementary school.
what is your job?
I fix things for a government agency.
if you could go back to school, would you?
Probably. I didn't really know what I wanted to do when I went to college, and was far too much a mess at the time to study what I really should have. If I could do it and maintain my expenses, I'd retrain for my preferred profession.
can you parallel park?
Yes. I am the gay who drives.
a job you had that would surprise people?
I was paid for over two years to be really good at D&D.
do you think aliens are real?
So... I gotta be honest... I hate this question. This feels as loaded as the "Do you believe in God?" question. We are not aware of the existence of life on other planets, let alone sentient life. There is nothing for me to believe in. Do I hope that there are other intelligent beings out there? Yes. I think it would be really cool to engage in communication with a species that also crawled their way out of the muck and made it to space. I think there's much we could learn from each other about life and the universe itself. But belief is such a loaded term for me as a lapsed Catholic. I do not believe in aliens, but I hope that we'll get to meet some in the future.
can you drive a manual car?
Nope! Never needed to learn.
what's your guilty pleasure?
Hmm... Nothing really anymore?
Nah, I've always worked in the public sector in a way that hasn't made it an advisable choice, and I've rarely cared enough about something to mark my body with it.
favorite color?
Purple most of the time, but my wardrobe would say I'm in my green era.
favorite type of music?
I'm a soft rock 90s kid who embraced a lot of 2000s and later alternative. I've been on a huge synthwave kick lately. However, because I grew up in the 90s and remember the era of radio, I have a deep affection for Soul and R&B, classic rock, and pop.
do you like puzzles?
Yes? But not in a way that makes me yearn for them.
any phobias?
Probably falling, but that seems like a normal one for survival purposes.
favorite childhood sport?
Baseball! I was a shortstop.
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do you talk to yourself?
Not often. I don't actually have an internal monologue, so I don't need to talk to myself often to get through it.
what movies do you adore?
This is...so difficult. I'm just going to name a ton of films: Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin, Pacific Rim, Ghost Dog, Master and Commander, The Man From Earth, The Sum of Us, Big Eden, Kill Bill 1 and 2, Knives Out, Muppet Treasure Island, Gattaca, C.R.A.Z.Y., Weekend, First Blood, Robocop, Starship Troopers, Drive My Car, Nine Days, Really Love, Set it Off, Make the Yuletide Gay, Shelter, Pig, Kiki's Delivery Service, The Digimon Movie, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Star Wars IV and V, Isa Pa With Feelings, The Way He Looks... and probably many more.
coffee or tea?
Coffee. Tea does so little for me.
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
A train conductor or an astronaut! Trains are so cool, and space is the final frontier! We have to boldly go where no one has gone before!
I'll tag @shortpplfedup, @negrowhat, @chicademartinica, @so-much-yet-to-learn and @happypotato48
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valerieofavonlea · 5 months
I think we as a fandom are overthinking the terms of the duel too much
So I just went through and reread most of Taravangian's chapters for a different theory, and something really stuck out to me, especially in RoW.
We were given some frankly kind of vague terms at the end of RoW between Dalinar and Odium, and with a long wait in between books, what else are we supposed to do other than pick apart every tiny detail and theorize? I have some thoughts.
This might get a little rambley so buckle in.
Let's establish a few things, and then I have a point, I promise. I know everyone is focusing on the draw, on not making a plan for if no one wins, because of Wit's story. That makes sense and could be obvious foreshadowing. But Dalinar in the moment kind of threw out everything Wit had carefully prepared and put together very simple terms. I still don't know that there's a whole lot of room for a draw with the terms we have, nor does Todium imply a draw when he's reviewing the deal, but a victory:
"The way to win was to make sure that, no matter the outcome, you were satisfied. Odium should never have entered a deal he could not absolutely control. 'It can still be done,' Taravangian realized, seeing the possibilities -so subtle- that his predecessor had missed. 'Yes... Dalinar has set himself up... to fail. I can beat him.'"
I'd also like to point out how Odium operates, as stated on at least two separate occasions:
"Should we write... a contract?" "Our word is the contract. I am not some spren of Honor, who seeks to obey only the strictest letter of a promise. If you have an agreement from me, I will keep it in spirit, not merely in word."
"This isn't some deal with a Voidbringer from your myths, where one tricks the other with some silly twist of language."
Now it is unclear if this is a Rayse philosophy or something the shard itself is bound to, but it is interesting nonetheless.
Now, onto my main point. Taravangian is a scheming, conniving character who spent four books paying chess, outsmarting and manipulating, and very very carefully planning. His arc in RoW is quite interesting then, as he gets dumber and dumber, he begins to see less value in the intelligence. For all his smarts, all his planning, he has managed to save just one city out of an entire planet, landed himself an execution as a traitor, and burned countless potential allies.
"Smart Taravangian has proven insufficient. Smart Taravangian has failed. He hasn't just been made intelligent. He's been given a coin and a curse. Intelligence on one side. Compass on the other. When smart, he assured that compassion was the curse. But was it really? Or was the curse that he could never have both at once?"
By the end of RoW, Taravangian has become so much a being of pure emotion that he's constantly attracting spren, and he has become the perfect vessel for a shard of pure emotion.
The old Taravangian would have chosen the scheming, the wordplay, outwitting anyone and everyone he could have. The old Taravangian would have reveled in a tiny tiny loophole or trick of wording only he could see, but he got a whole lot of nowhere with all that scheming.
"Odium had bet so much upon Dalinar being his champion. Now that was in chaos. The god bragged about his plans, but Taravangian knew firsthand that you could plan and plan and plan, but if one man's choices didn't align to your will, it didn't matter. A thousand wrong plans were no more useful than a single wrong one."
So, what if he is leaning all the way into the passion thing now rather than the intelligence he was chasing for most of his life? Because the scheming and trying to overthink didn't work out that well for him, but the emotion, the feelings, that's what got him this power (and the capacity to save everyone). So the question becomes, are we as a fandom approaching the duel incorrectly, trying to think too hard about loopholes and the specific wording, when this new version of Todium would be more likely to use an emotional approach? Something to think about.
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Isn't It Difficult Enough to Be Born Poor?
Once again, I must start this post out by saying...Fuck you @respectthepetty. You did this to me, I currently have eleven (11)...ELEVEN (this will be 12) long as all hell analysis posts about Moonlight Chicken and at least half of them are your fault. Because you started posting about colors and then I had to start thinking about my feelings when I watched television. And here we are. If you are worried about what your legacy will be as a role model. Don't be. Your legacy has been talking about colors so much you have converted half the interest in to color analysts. This one isn't about color though, I just needed to curse you out for creating an analysis demon.
All that said, let's get in to Jim and Li Ming this episode.
So, Li Ming has just had a very emotionally draining conversation with his mother, and he is trying desperately to leave the house and just go, go anywhere cause Heart's not home, when Jim comes waltzing in and accidentally blocking his exit. "Where are you going now?" and GOD LI MING DOES NOT HAVE FUCKING TIME FOR THIS.
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The most exasperated face to date. But it's not really Jim's fault that Li Ming is acting like this, he's just a casualty of war. A safe vessel that will hold all Li Ming's emotions.
"Outside." "Where?" "Don't know yet," "What do you mean?"
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Guess who's making eye contact again after a conversation with his mother where he very rarely looked in her direction????
Side note: I love this line "I haven't decided where I want to be yet," because it can be relevant to so many things and is a foundational theme of this episode, with no one acting on the choices they have before them until Gaipa's mother dies
"Then stay home and study," and here we go, another adult, telling him what to do, not being there for the conversation beforehand and having no idea they are plucking at an already frayed cord.
"I'm going to Heart's home," he tries to leave, Jim stops him.
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Li Ming already knows exactly what Jim is implying here. But his mother is home, and he's already exhausted, and he just...he just wants to leave. But he's not afraid, he's calm, if annoyed.
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He's happy to entertain the conversation, just not right now. Right now he is tired, and he just wants some time alone, some time with Heart.
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Jim, once again, does not respect Li Ming's question, and forges ahead, because he needs to know, needs to confirm his fears.
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Get, his ass Li Ming! To me, it helps so much prevent a fundamental breakdown in Li Ming and Jim's relationship here to have Li Ming know that Jim is gay as well. I think that knowledge, coupled with the exhaustion he is already feeling, just lets the rest of this conversation go over surprisingly smoothly.
"Li Ming, I'm your uncle," "Adults can do no wrong? Adults can kiss but kids can't? Is it the wrong thing to do? Is the world coming to an end?"
For Jim? The answer feels like a yes. Because Jim grew up in a very differently world than Li Ming has. He has internalized so much homophobia, not just from society but from his own sister, the person he had to rely on the most when he was young. A person whose opinions are very clearly shown to matter to Jim. Everything Jim has repeated so far in this show that is homophobic is a direct quote from his sister.
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To Jim being gay has made life so much harder for him. Hell, he himself was a victim of the legal system, with Beam's family taking all the money he and Beam had saved, because gay marriage is not recognized so they could not open a joint bank account and everything was in Beam's name. This is a very real struggle, and a possibility Li Ming himself could face one day. A reality that Li Ming has no concept of because he's eighteen, and he hasn't lived his life yet, he hasn't faced society the same way Jim has...
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But to Li Ming? Being gay isn't a big deal. Because Li Ming was raised by an openly queer man. Even if Jim is far more careful and restrained about showing physical affection or giving too much attention to Wen men in public, his friends all know. Leng teases him about it, Leng teases Gaipa about it. Jam knows about Jim. Beam's family knew. Wen literally walked in to Li Ming's room the night Wen and Jim had their "one night stand". Li Ming knows Jim is gay.
So while Jim and Beam were navigating being queer even just ten, twenty years ago with no one obviously queer elders around them to guide them, Li Ming has grown up around multiple queer seniors, one of whom is his uncle. Of course he has an entirely different perception of how significant it is to be gay. He had nothing but positive queer role models around him to guide him as he grew. Role models who were open. And I love the post from @respectthepetty and this post from @heart-ming that talk about the pressure Jim puts on himself, especially after he realizes that Li Ming is gay. All he can think about is every way that he has failed, when the fact that Li Ming is able to say so casually, so quietly, with a touch of disgust on his face: "So what? What's the big deal [that I'm gay]?" proves that he has succeeded at being a queer role model. Because Li Ming does not hate his queerness.
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I love this shot once Li Ming leaves, because there is a moment of recognition. Oh shit, Jam is here.
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Followed by Oh shit, I outed Li Ming to his (historically homophobic) Mom. Yet another thing for him to be able to blame himself for.
Something that I have really appreciated about the two Fourth and Gemini shows from this year, is that in both of them, the children are spared from their own parent's ignorance. Li Ming does not know he has been outed to his mother, and he will not hear her say the homophobic things. Jim is the one that will carry that weight. He is the one that will address her concerns, and tell her she is wrong. Li Ming does not need to experience that.
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"Was it my fault I left my child in your care?"
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And God this moment sucks so bad because you know that she is voicing his worst fear. He already blames himself, the sentiment Jam states, and Jim repeats "Li Ming might not have become gay if he didn't live with me," that is 100% what I knew Jim was thinking in this moment in Episode 6. "oh shit, Jam is gonna tell me that I rubbed off on him,"
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And it's so interesting to me the way they placed the sequence of events in Episode 7, Jim talks to Jam and Jam asks if she can blame Jim for Li Ming being gay because he wasn't gay when he lived with Jam, and JIM IS IN THAT MOMENT ABLE TO BE LIKE "what if he was that before living with me?", "What's the point of placing blame? He does nothing wrong."
When confronted with ignorance, he is able to stand up against it, speak out about it, and confront his sister's biases. But when he goes to see Wen, he repeats the same thing she did "Li Ming might not have become gay if he didn't live with me,"
Also, best part of the talk between Jim and Jam was this moment:
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Jim is finally starting to listen to his nephew's wishes. He will not make a decision as big as having Li Ming move back in with his mother. He understands that Li Ming needs to choose this. And, I will note that this is a conversation she has already asked Li Ming about, and she didn't get the answer she wanted so she has resorted to asking the family member Li Ming loves and trusts to get him to change his mind. And she holds the deed title over Jim's head about it, trying to give him the ultimatum that he can only get the deed if he helps her rob Li Ming of even more of his autonomy. And Jim finally says no. "Don't do this" he begs, and at the end of the episode he returns the deed to Jam.
Cut to soon-to-be-father Leng, talking about how expensive it is to have and raise a child. And this is something Li Ming is painfully aware of in his own right, he's held Jim's "I pay your tuition" statement right back over his head. Li Ming is aware that Jim is struggling to make ends meet, he's aware that they live in poverty.
"Don't have kids," Leng says, only partly joking, but with a smile on his face. And Li Ming has just come from a terrible conversation with his mother where he was faced with the thought of actually having to leave Jim to go back to a home he didn't used to be wanted in. "Did you ever consider abortion?" is a very answer-seeking question, it's intentional, and it's not about Leng, it's about Li "I didn't ask to be born" Ming. Leng is honest "I thought about it, but Praew's parents want a grandchild so I'm okay ot have this baby. But I can barely make it through the day, how am I supposed to raise a child?" and I think that is a wake up call for Li Ming in a way.
Jim is his parent. Jim is barely making it through the day. How is Jim supposed to raise Li Ming? No one knows, but he does it. And he does it cause he loves Li Ming.
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To preface this, if Li Ming ends up going to America and doing the Work and Travel thing, I am completely fine with that, but I am on the Interpreter!Li Ming train so I at the very least want a seedling of doubt to be planted in Li Ming's mind. And I am choosing to believe it is this moment. Right after Li Ming is faced with the actual, very real potential threat of having to leave Pattaya, Heart, Jim, his community here, he asks Leng if he would still want to stay with his parents if they were alive. Leng says "Probably not. Everyone has their own life to live. And parents cannot be with us forever," (I see you P'Aof and P'Best, you evil evil motherfuckers)
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This is Li Ming's face after Leng makes that comment. That boy is haunted and that boy is thinking. The wheels are turning. He is evaluating.
Cut to Wen and Jim. "What fight did you have with your nephew?" is literally the first question Wen asks when Jim shows up at his apartment. And I both love and hate that Wen so often has to act as the go-between. I mean from the sense that he is between the two generations and can be respected at both ends of it, it's great, and it's nice that we establish that Li Ming trusts, values, and listens to Wen, that Wen fits in this family. On the down side, I really wish Li Ming knew and could see how many times Jim has sought out council to better understand his son nephew.
Heart is Li Ming's safe zone when he feels misunderstood, Wen is Jim's.
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Jim gets done denying everything his sister said, telling her she is wrong, that being gay does not work like that, that there is no one to blame, but he internalized that shit and immediately went to Wen to try to process his feelings.
"I can't help blaming myself for it. Li Ming might not have become gay if he didn't live with me."
"How come Saleng is straight? He's been with you for a long time as well. Trust me it has nothing to do with you."
We need this scene to explain Jim's behavior. To show the struggles he is having with his internalized homophobia. To how how deeply he loves and looks up to his family. That he catches and carries the shame, the guilt, the blame of his queerness when it's called in to question by his sister. But that he is able to recognize and shed that shame when Wen asks him very simple questions. Because he knows the answer to them, you can't catch queerness, Li Ming isn't gay because of Jim, in fact, Jim being queer was a protective factor in Li Ming's own relationship to his queerness.
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"And what era are we in now?" Wen says "No one really looks for reasons why people are gay anymore."
That is the question of the hour for Jim isn't it? What era are we in now? Jim is stuck in the past. He is trapped under decades of struggle and strife, and the behavior he had to have to survive. He is shifting his paradigm, slowly but surely, and this is the question that Jim will need to answer for himself in order to better understand his nephew and in order to shed some of the weight he carries.
"What era are we in now?"
Not Jim's era. We're in an era of change.
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Jim does not remove Wen's hand. We are in an era of change.
"You are gay, aren't you? Why can't you accept your nephew is gay?"
"I can accept that. I'm just worried about him,"
This is Jim's fundamental character trait in his relationship with Li Ming. He's just worried about him.
"You do know that it's not easy being gay in this country. I can't see how he is able to lead a good life."
We are in an era of change.
"If [Li Ming] wants to tell someone you will hear it before me, trust me," Jim says.
"Because you are strict,"
Li Ming has been telling him this from the beginning, but that's his child, and it's difficult to give up that need to protect him. We are in an era of change. It is time for Jim to accept that Li Ming is growing up, and he has to start seeing Li Ming as an adult if he wants Li Ming to trust him.
So it's time to listen:
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"I hadn't seen her in 5 or 6 years. Out of the blue she showed up and told me she loves me. Do you expect me to love her back just like that?"
"Can't you love her simply because she is your mother?" Jim certainly loves her just because she is his sister. Even though she's hurt him. Even though the blame he places on himself, the internalized homophobia, all of that comes from her.
"I know I owe her gratitude. But being a mother or father should not be an excuse for everything,"
Li Ming is smart in this way, he is showing Jim that he has opinions, he has justifications for his behavior, and they go against tradition, sure, but that has always been li Ming's thing. Why do powerful people have the right to hurt us? Why do I have to love someone who's hurt me?
"But I think your mother loves you too,"
"Love can't be forced, right? Just because she gave birth to me, must I love her back? If you ask me if I love you or not, I can answer that more easily,"
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"I can easily say that I love you,"
Moonlight Chicken is a show about family, found or otherwise. Li Ming has shown his love for his uncle repeatedly in this show. In the way he steps up to take responsibility for the broken alcohol so Jim doesn't have to stress about money. In the way he listens to Jim and calms down when his emotions get too out of control. In the way he shows up for Jim's birthday party even though they fought. In the way he always looks Jim in the eye. But he hasn't said the words "I love you," to Jim, not since we've been following them at least.
Jim gives Li Ming a olive branch beer.
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And because this is literally all Li Ming has been wanting, the apologies, the trust, the honesty, the willingness and need to explain, to help Jim better understand his actions follows quickly. And Jim reciprocates that gift with his own, "I wasn't mad at you for the cigarette, I was mad at myself for demonstrating that behavior,"
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"What about Heart?" he teases "Have you tried him out already so you know you like him?" and it's not really an apology, but it doesn't have to be. Because I do think Li Ming understands where Jim was coming from, it's difficult to be gay. Uncle Jim is worried about him. But this, again, is Jim's way of showing Li Ming he is on board with their relationship. He is teasing him, and they are back to their regularly scheduled program after this.
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God, Jim loves his nephew so much. And God, this is the happiest and most carefree that I have seen Li Ming be outside of when he's spending time with Heart.
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emeraldelysian · 2 years
Lee Know ✧ You Deserve Better
Requested By: @whatudowhennooneseesyou
Pairing: Lee Know x Reader
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff
Synopsis: You were in a toxic relationship, convincing yourself that this was what you deserved. When words from your former partner and friend Lee Minho make you question your perspective, you begin to reevaluate this life you live and who you truly find comfort in.
Wordcount: 7.8K+
Warnings: Reader Has Fem. Anatomy, An Awful Boyfriend, Mentions of Weight/Eating, Fingering, Oral (F. Receiving), Dacryphilia, Praise Kink, Protected Sex, Overall Very Soft Smut
Note: I haven't posted in a while, I know. But in return for the long wait, this is the longest piece I've written to date. It took a lot of time and effort so I hope you'll show it some love.
♡︎ follow, provide feedback, or reblog if you enjoyed but please don't repost or translate!♡︎
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"Is that what you'll be wearing tonight?" asked Jeff. His voice startled you, as you were lost in thought attaching the false eyelashes. You hadn't noticed him in the reflection of the bedroom mirror.
"Yes," you replied, patting out a minor crease in your yellow dress. "Why?"
He stood at the doorway in his suit, consisting of a dinner jacket, white shirt, and black bowtie. He was just as handsome as the day you had met him. And yet, the simple sight of him made your breathing hitch and your skin prickle.
"I thought we agreed on the purple dress?" he continued, disappointment clear in his tone.
"Did we?" You asked, recalling all the days you spent trying to pick the perfect outfit for his company party. Back when you weren't picking out dresses in an effort to gain his approval, the dress you wore now wouldn't have even been a close choice in your mind. And yet, Jeff was so enthusiastic about the gift when he'd given it to you that you didn't have the heart to admit to him that you didn't like it.
"Don't you think the one I'm wearing is more suitable for the party?" You asked.
"Perhaps it was before but now it's a bit," he hesitated, "you know."
"No, no I don't know."
"Baby, don't back me into a corner. It's not fair." You used to love that nickname. Now it sounded bitter coming out of his mouth.
"No, please, go on." You said flatly.
He sighed. "Tight. It's a bit tight in the wrong places."
"Do you think I've put on weight?"
"No, no, of course not. But I know what you're like. You'll start comparing yourself to all the other women at the party. I don't know, I just... When's the last time you've been to the gym recently? I bought you that membership and the personal trainer but you've only been twice."
"Have you been checking up on me?"
"I ran into Raphael in the changing rooms and he said he hasn't seen you since the second week."
"I've been busy."
"So why did you ask me to hire him?"
"I- I didn't ask you to. You said I needed the toning." You stuttered.
"No, you asked me if you could do with firming up. Think about it, why would you ask me a question about your appearance if you didn't want me to help with your weight problem? You know that I'm a problem-solver, I'll do anything for you. When you tell me you're feeling unattractive, of course, I'm going to read in between the lines and help." He shook his head in disbelief. "Sometimes it genuinely worries me how much you forget our conversations."
You couldn't remember telling him you felt unattractive. But it's true when he said he's a problem solver. He would fix issues you didn't even know you had.
"No why don't you slip out of that dress and put on the purple one that suits you better. Do you want me to pick out the accessories too?"
"Okay," you reply, defeated. You turn back to look at your own reflection. Maybe Jeff was right. As he said many times before, you were a work in progress and he always had your best interests at heart.
He kissed the back of your neck as you checked that your eyelashes were still attached properly.
'I'm lucky to have him,' you reminded yourself, 'He deserves better but he got stuck with me.' And yet, there was still something nagging in the back of your mind. You could barely feel it, but it was still there.
You had been subdued for much of the trip there. It hasn't been until Jeff suggested it that you began worrying about how glamorous the partners of his colleagues were going to look. After a previous function, Jeff had suggested that you may benefit from facial fillers since all that your face now conveyed was tiredness compared to the once expressive, joyous look.
The party was adorned with fairy lights thing on exposed beams. An army of coordinated waiters and waitresses carried desserts and drinks around the room to the many tables surrounding the dance floor. You looked at the meal that was about to be placed in front of you and politely declined. The three courses served before this had been delicious and had Jeff not been sitting next to you, you would have happily devoured every bit. Tonight, though, you had to make sure to leave about a third of each plate untouched, in case Jeff was calorie counting on your behalf. It was only when you felt a tap on your shoulder that you pulled away from the thoughts you had been having.
There he was, Lee Minho, your former lover turned friend that you had slowly cut off at the persistent suggestions of Jeff. Whether it was jealousy or dislike, you weren't sure, but you knew he had this duality of respect for him as an artist while still not particularly enjoying his company. Somewhere inside you though, you were relieved to see his face after so long. But that feeling was buried so deep beneath the fear of the man sitting beside you, that you could barely acknowledge him.
Minho could read you like a book. He could see the confused look in your eyes as you battled between what you should do next. He gestured at the tablet sitting in the middle of the table.
"Would you like to pick a song?" He asked, hoping it would ease some of the tension. Each table had a tablet with which one could suggest a song for the DJ to play. He passed the tablet to you.
"Do you want my help?" asked Jeff.
"Why?" You asked in return, quickly understanding his look as a You Know Why before continuing, "I was just about to pick out my favorite band-"
"Really?" He chuckled. "I don't think anyone else would want to hear that-"
"I would." Minho interrupted.
Jeff moved to look at him before sending an apologetic smile. "You'll have to excuse my girlfriend. She's not very good at judging the mood of the room." You sank slowly in your chair as if being scolded by a parent. "She only listens to songs past their sell-by date. and nobody truly wants to keep something past their sell-by date, now do they?"
Minho clenched his jaw. He couldn't understand how or why you would choose a man who treated you so poorly. A waiter appeared and Jeff signaled for his attention.
"I'll have a rum and Coke. Minho?"
"A red wine, please."
"I'll have a gin and tonic," you claimed before Jeff shook his head.
"Perhaps it's best if you stick with the soft drinks, hm?"
"Hey, it's our song," Minho exclaimed as the opening bars to the music played. "Do you remember?" You nodded- it had been a favorite of both of yours. "Come on, then. Let's relive our youth." He gestured his hand out to you and as you both stood up, you caught a glimpse of your boyfriend. His disapproving expression marred your enjoyment of the moment. You felt self-conscious as with each twist of the arm or move of your foot. You couldn't wait for the song to finish, but as you hurried back to Jeff, he blanked you and walked towards the bathroom. You felt Minho's hand on your arm again as he reached the table.
"You don't have to put up with this shit," he hissed.
"With what?"
"You know what. You are not the idiot he wants everyone to think you are. I'm sorry if I'm stepping over the mark, but I can't hold my tongue any longer. Every time I see you two at one of these functions, he behaves in the same patronizing manner, and it pisses me off. I respect that you didn't want a relationship with me anymore, and I'm not saying any of this because of that. But over time, you've been cutting off your friends and people close to you. He belittles you in front of everyone at every given opportunity. Over the years, I've watched you transform from this warm, confident woman into someone who processes everything she thinks before she says it in case her boyfriend disapproves. He is a bully and you are not yourself when he is around. You yearn for something more, I can see it in your eyes. You just don't know how to find it. But there is more to you than what he is allowing you to have."
You opened your mouth, ready to offer a rebuttal to the statement he made in order to defend yourself and your boyfriend, but nothing came. You recalled all the times he would limit your relationships with others, the music you listened to, the clothing you wore, and the food you ate. You could barely leave the house without him, let alone make decisions that didn't suit his needs. It was the first time in your relationship that you couldn't bring yourself to defend him.
In that time, your boyfriend arrived and it wasn't much longer before you two had to leave. The words of your former friend stuck beside you though. Did you really change as much as he made it seem? What exactly did you yearn for?
The next day, during your break at work, you played around with your food, packed by Jeff himself with a note that reminded you not to eat anything extra besides what he had packed. It was such a silly thing, you realized, that he even had power over what you ate and how much it would be. Minho wouldn't have judged you in such a way.
Before long, you found yourself comparing things that your boyfriend did with things that Minho had once done. Your breakup all those years ago was simply a matter of timing. You both were focusing on your own careers at that point and mutually agreed to end the relationship while still remaining friends. And yet, it hadn't mattered in your case. With Jeff came the necessity to stop moving forward in the things you loved, as he was more important.
It was only then you realized that the feelings you had for Jeff were mostly just you convincing yourself that you loved him. You sacrificed your own wants and needs for a man you thought was too good for you when in reality, you wanted more. You wanted to have the career you had long forgotten. You wanted to see your friends again. You wanted- no, needed to see Minho again.
It was only then that you realized the time. 12:45. You were 15 minutes late to text your boyfriend. Every day at your shift from work, he would make it a rule for you to call him at 12:30 because it was your break time. You quickly checked your phone to find six missed calls and two text messages. Shit.
You hurried back into the toilets to call him privately. If you didn't come up with a satisfactory explanation for the delay and convince him of how sorry you were, his bad mood might stretch for days.
He answered after one ring but said nothing. You opened your mouth but just as you were about to speak, you heard Minho's voice again.
There is more to you than what he is allowing you to have.
There is more to you.
And for the first time in your relationship, you chose not to apologize to keep the peace and instead, hung up. His name flashed on your screen once more but you pressed decline. Then, you left the bathroom, made your way back to your desk, and grabbed your things.
"Everything okay?" asked your manager from his desk in the corner of the room. He was an old friend of Jeff's.
"Never better," you announced. "And now, I'm going home."
You didn't wait for his reply before exiting the building. It wouldn't be long before your manager would call your partner to report your unusual behavior. But it didn't matter because you wouldn't be returning. By the time you had reached the shared apartment ten minutes later, your boyfriend had called another six times.
There is more to you than what he is allowing you to have.
Occupied with anticipation and fretfulness, you packed a suitcase with clothes and other necessities as you pondered about where you might go. For now, you decided, it was best you at least find a room in a hotel for the night before you figured out your next plans.
By the time you left the home, it had begun to rain. You quickly sent one final text to your now ex-boyfriend, letting him know that you were done with the relationship and that he needn't worry about ever seeing you again. You shivered as you walked down the street in the cold weather. In moments like these, you wished you had a car but Jeff had said it was unnecessary; that he could drive you where you needed to go, and unless you were hiding something from him, you shouldn't mind.
Being so engulfed in your thoughts, you didn't realize you had wandered onto someone's doorstep until you reached the stairs leading up to the door. It was only then that you noticed whose house you had found yourself at.
You stood outside the doorway for about 10 minutes, wondering if you should ring the doorbell or just give up and go to a hotel. Going to a hotel would mean it would be harder for anyone to find you. Knocking on Minho's door, however, meant you could find safety in numbers.
Taking a deep breath in, you knocked on the door lightly. You waited there for a minute, before deciding to turn around and go down the steps.
'This is so stupid. Why would he want to talk to you after you cut him off. Stupid, stupid-'
"I didn't know my front steps were that stupid, kitten." You turned around, eyes wide at the realization that you had been talking to yourself out loud. The shock was quickly replaced with relief however at seeing a comforting face. Tears brimmed your eyes and you tried to swallow back the urge to cry.
"I'm sorry, Minho."
His smirk dropped into a look of concern. He looked behind you at the suitcase you were holding and quickly put two and two together.
"Hey, don't apologize, come inside. Let me get your things for you. The cats really missed you, you know."
You hoped that the rain covered your tears well enough for him not to notice as you gave him the suitcase. "Soonie and Doongie? I haven't seen them in so long, I think they probably forgot about me."
"We- I mean, they would never forget about you. I did get a new cat though, her name is Dori."
"Stop, you have a new cat? I can't wait to meet her."
The conversation flowed as you learned about the updates in Minho's life throughout the rest of the evening. He let you use his bathroom to take a warm bath and change while he made you some hot chocolate. The ease that radiated off of the two of you was something you hadn't felt in a really long time. It was a feeling that you didn't realize you missed it until you had it once again.
Late in the night, you had drifted off to sleep in the guest bedroom. Or at least, Minho hoped you did and weren't just lying there awake in panic or worry. While Minho did feel a bit tired, he couldn't help but convince himself to stay awake just a little bit longer in case you needed something. However, 'a little bit longer' turned from a few minutes to a few hours as he kept himself occupied with anything from scrolling through social media to reading a novel by Keigo Higashino.
It was around 2:00 AM when he heard your shift. Not thinking anything of it, he continued reading. It was only when he heard mumbles followed by your repeated cries of "Please, please no" that he bolted out of bed. He knocked on your door before entering.
You were still asleep, frightened whimpers spilling out of your mouth as you tossed and turned. Minho sprung into action, moving towards the bed and kneeling down beside you, gently shaking your shoulders to help you wake up.
Your eyes opened as you shot up in bed, dazed and confused at your surroundings before your eyes fell onto Minho. Immediately, your arms wrapped around him as you buried your face into his chest.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." You mumbled repeatedly as you gripped his hoodie as tightly as you could.
Minho tried to keep his composure but inside, his heart broke. You were sorry? You had nothing to apologize for. This wasn't your fault. He held you tightly to his chest, finally dealing with how weak your frame had become. It was the physical evidence of how much you withered away in the arms of the previous relationship.
You both shifted as he sat on the bed with you in his lap as he cradled your head with one hand and held you tightly with the other. He brushed his fingers through your hair, allowing you to cry onto him. Slowly, your breathing steadied itself and your tears slowed.
"It's okay. I'm here," Minho whispered, "Do you need anything?"
You shook your head no, loosening your grip on his hoodie slightly before making what you hoped was one small request. "I don't need anything. But, is it okay if you stay here with me? I don't know if I can be alone right now."
"Are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable, kitten."
"P-please?" You whimpered, wanting nothing more than to stay in his arms at that moment. And who was Minho to deny your shy request?
He laid you down onto the bed before laying down himself. He tried to keep some distance between the two of you, but it was hard since you were very adamant about holding onto him. In the end, he ended up wrapping an arm around you while you still held onto his hoodie as you both faced one another.
"You know, if you let go of my hoodie, I won't disappear." Minho chuckled, even though deep down, he loved the feeling of being able to protect you.
You smiled shyly as you loosened your grip, "Well, it's not my fault you have a really nice hoodie."
"Do you want to wear it then?"
"Are you sure? You might get cold." He couldn't help but coo at how adorable you were for caring about his well-being. Before you could protest any further, he took off his hoodie and handed it over to you. He looked the other way as you put it on.
When he finally turned back around and looked at you, he finally realized what he had done. His hoodie on you was going to be the death of him. A silence fell between both of you as you two stared at each other.
It happened so fast. One moment, you sat beside each other and the next, you had your hands locked in his hair as your lips danced together in harmony. They knew this dance, they had done it many times before. Only this time, this time, it was different. You couldn't pinpoint exactly how, but it wasn't the same.
It wasn't just two lovers kissing one another. It wasn't passionate and desperate and rushed. This was the kiss of two people who had longed for each other for years without knowing it, convincing themselves that it had been the wrong place, wrong time. This wasn't a kiss that felt like the burning sensations of fire; instead, it was languid and soft, almost domestic. You craved him now just as much as he craved you.
"Are you sure you want to do this, kitten?" He knew he wanted this desperately, to feel your body under his. To touch your skin and make you moan in the ways that only he could. But he also wanted to make sure it was something you wanted.
"Yes, yes please, Minho. I want- no I need you. Please." That's all it took before his mouth was on yours again. He kissed you with hunger, setting your nerves ablaze. It wasn't overwhelming though, as he watched your facial expressions with every move he made to ensure that you were okay. He gently laid you back down onto the bed before kissing down your jawline and neck. He paused at the point between your neck and shoulder blade before gently sucking and nipping at it.
You covered your mouth with your hand to hold back a moan. It was something that became a habit for you after your last relationship, where your previous lover scolded you for being too loud. Minho quickly realized you holding yourself back and pulled back to look at you. He gently moved your hand away from your mouth and kissed you.
"Don't hold your moans back for me, kitten. I want to hear how good I make you feel."
He caressed your cheek as you nodded in affirmation, before continuing to work. He debated on whether or not to take the hoodie off of you. Deciding to leave it on, he instead pulled it up slightly to reveal your stomach.
It felt as though he left no part of your skin untouched by him as he loved every scar, stretch, and mark of yours. To him, you were his universe. Every mark was just a star on your body that his lips and tongue would form into constellations. You were a map of space, and him, a mere astronomer.
A moan fell out of your mouth as he reached the outline of your panties. With one hand on your stomach, he used his other hand to gently rub you through your panties, eliciting a soft gasp from you.
"What color, kitten?" He asked, using the stoplight system that they had once been so accustomed to.
"Green, Minho. God, please don't stop." Thankfully, he had no intention to as long as you were fine with it.
Every move he made was careful, calculated. He wanted to make sure that you knew how beautiful you were. How much you truly meant to him. And he wouldn't stop showing it until you started believing it again.
He moved your panties to the side and ran his hand once more up against your slit.
"Hm, so wet for me already? Did you miss me that much?"
You wouldn't admit it, but you did. You missed his fingers desperately. Yet, even if you didn't say it out loud, your body gave it away, Nobody could make you react quite like he did.
You instinctively tried to close your legs but he wasn't having it. He opened your legs once more before pushing one of his digits into you. You call out his name as you brushed your fingers into his hair, gently pulling. A shaky moan slipped passed your lips as you felt him push a second finger in, and then a third, keeping his pace as he pumped in and out of you with ease.
His other hand gripped onto the outside of your leg as he left small hickeys into your inner thighs. The trail moves closer and closer to your core until finally, his lips reach your nub.
His breaths along your skin were leaving you breathless. His tongue flicked over your clit once and involuntarily, you moved your hips closer to him, trying to keep that sensation.
He laughed quietly, before brushing your tongue against your clit a few more times as he still continued to pump in and out of you. You whined as he pulled away.
"How is it, kitten?"
"S'good Minho. I'm so close. So close." Every muscle of yours was on edge as you panted. He loved how you looked beneath him, so open to his touch.
"When you feel it, just let it go. Squeeze your legs around me and moan my name." He moved back towards your heat, but instead of putting his fingers in as he did before, he licked at your opening, small strokes at first that had you trembling. You must have been soaked by then, but nothing could prepare you for the feeling of his tongue inside of you. He pumped it in and out, not leaving any curve untouched. The sensation had you gripping at the bed sheets as you tried to compose any bit of sanity and control you had left. It felt impossible though, with the overwhelming amount of pleasure. It was when his thumb landed on your clit, rubbing in circles that the combination had thrown you over the edge.
A wave of euphoria washed over you as you released, legs squeezing around his head as they shaked. You could only release a choked sob at the feeling, crying out to him at how good it felt. Once you reached the end of your high, you realized the arousal within you hadn't stopped. You needed more. You whimpered at him, trying to nonverbally signal at him what you needed.
"What do you want, kitten? Use your words like a good girl." He knew exactly what you needed, but he needed to hear you say it. You mumbled something quietly, too softly for him to hear it.
"What was that?" It was then that you looked him in the eyes.
"Lee Minho, I need you inside me," you declared more loudly, "Please."
"Well, since you asked so nicely, kitten." You watched him with half-hooded eyes as he got up from the bed and removed his pants. You swallowed as you watched him stroke himself, your pussy throbbing once more at the sight.
He licked his lips before reaching into the drawer for a condom. He unwrapped the covering before slipping it on. Minho then settled between your thighs once more. He slowly rubbed the head of his member on your slit. The action had you wiggling your hips up to meet him, wanting so desperately to feel him in you. He slowly entered you and waited for you to adjust and give the color before he continued.
You wrapped your arms around his neck once more as he moved above you. He tried to control himself from moving too erratically at the feeling of your tight walls against him. He moved slowly at first, picking up the pace gradually. Before long, his hips moved against yours fluidly. He planted kisses all over your face as he continued, watching for any signs of discomfort or distress.
His body pressed against you so closely. He pressed his lips against your forehead before placing his own onto yours. You were getting close again as the familiar tightness in your stomach came back. But this time, you were going to hold it. You wanted to finish with him.
It wasn't long before the waves hit you both as you dragged your nails against his back. You both chased your high, you clenching around him as his head landed in the crook of your neck and shoulder once more. His body then went limp next to you as you both panted, exhausted from the deed. You curled up into him as you caught your breath.
"You had that pent up in you for a while, huh kitten?"
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ramcharantitties · 1 month
Yes, Officer
Ram massaged the lotion between his hand, before wiping them on the peak of his fringe. His fingers dipped in his silky hair, setting them up. He looked at the brown uniform, the stars on his shoulder. Not enough. Ram didn't expect Angel to react like that, but he couldn't let her see either. So he walked out, and did a background check on her, as deep as he could, to understand more about her profile. All he found was a mere resemblance in their life. A traumatizing incident that took their parents away, and another elder figure guiding them to fulfill a promise, too heavy for young shoulders. But it became the motive, the ultimate goal of life. Ram snapped out of his thoughts. Maybe he was projecting- maybe he has started to look for similarities in everyone just so his own self could have some solace. Ram didn't have a choice though- he was guaranteed that red, crimson uniform if he would successfully protect Angel. She wasn't any princess- just the daughter of a very influential man who has entrusted his own responsibility on his child. He didn't want to think further about this, leaving for his duty at six in the morning.
Ram stood in the kitchen, watching Angel's breakfast. Eggs, lentils, fruits, a very balanced diet. As the plate was done setting up, he carried the tray himself to her room, a servant opening the door for him, and leaving afterwards. Angel was not in her room, her bed unmade. He stood by the table, prepared to hear the shock from her whenever she comes. Angel opened the washroom gate, rubbing her face in the towel. She kept it down, halting when she noticed the same police officer in her room.
"What are you doing here?" Ram didn't answer, opening the breakfast plate. "A servant could have gotten that for me" she stared, disbelieved. "My duty is to make sure you are safe" Ram didn't make eye contact with her again. "I think I told you I don't need your duty. Or a bodyguard. Why have you not submitted a relief from duty yet?" She stared at the man, who had kept the tray down on the table, remained silent. Angel straightened her back, "I hope you know not answering my question is a form of disrespect" "You must talk to my authority, tell them how I am not a good fit if you wish for me not to continue this duty". This must be the first time Ram has spoken directly to her. She hasn't noticed any lack on his side, and she did not want to submit a false report. Angel huffed out, sitting on her chair. She stared at the various dishes, as Ram waited for her to eat.
Truth be told, Angel lost her appetite ever since the poisoning. No matter how delicious the smell, how juicy the fruit must be, the burning pain in her chest and throat remained. Ram could see Angel's calculating face. She knew the food was safe, but she couldn't push herself to eat. She picked the jug of water and poured it in her glass, gulping it. She wiped her face, getting up. "I am full, take this back to kitchen" it was Ram's turn to be in disbelief. "You didn't eat anything" Ram asked, and Angel stopped in her tracks. "I don't eat in morning, but I am still served my breakfast. Please tell the kitchen to not prepare my breakfast from now." She pulled her closet door open, disappearing behind the wall of shades.
Ram left the room with plate full. Upon confronting such news to the kitchen, the workers were confused, but didn't press any further.
It was around noon when Angel walked out of the room, dressed elegantly for lunch with some officials. It was going to be a hard time, she was sure. With someone staring down your neck all the time, it's hard to be free. Ram followed her closely as they made their way to the conference room. He noticed the confidence, the demeanor of Angel. Ram was impressed. Upon reaching, the doors open, and Angel greeted the guests with delight. Ram made himself comfortable at the end of the room, keeping an eye on every movement from everyone. Angel talked to the ministers, dodging their sexist remark and keeping her composure. To fight for a position above men was hard, but she had the stamina to try. Soon the meeting moved to lunch and anxiety started looming over her figure. She kept smiling, taking a seat at the dinner table, with a variety of dishes splayed out in front of her. Angel took a huge sigh, which didn't go missed by Ram. Ram stepped forward and leaned closer to her ear, asking a small question- "Are you alright, Ms. Angel?" Angel's head snapped back, unexpectedly, receiving attention from others.
She faked a smile, excusing herself from the table and standing up. Confused, Ram followed her, until they were far enough from the earshot of everyone. There was no point in hiding now, if Ram was really going to be your bodyguard for 3 months. "I can't eat." She whispered, making Ram frown. "You didn't eat in the morning either. What's wrong?" Ram looked in Angel's eyes. That was the first time Angel saw the golden brown eyes, long eyelashes, the sunlight falling just right on his orbs. Angel lost track of her words. Ram snapped her out of the trance, leaving her confused. "Right" she started, looking away. "I really don't trust any dish anymore ever since I was poisoned. It doesn't feel good in my chest" Angel said lowly. Ram stared at her sad face. "Is that why you didn't eat in the morning?" Ram asked and Angel nodded. "But there are so many people, if the food is unsafe, they would be hurt too" Ram tried to make sense. "I know" Angel looked up, "but it's an irrational fear. I really can't eat until I know it's safe for me" she crossed her arms, peaking back at the table. They were waiting for her, so she should hurry up.
"What if I eat first? I know the food isn't poisoned, but if that helps you I'll take a bite first. It's not irrational, you almost died" Ram's opinion changed Angel's perspective by a lot. She thought of him as a stoic man, not believing his current behaviour. Angel walked back to the table and apologized for the delay, with Ram on his heels. She sat down on the chair, and asked the servant to help Ram with a serving of whatever she was having. The officials stared in confusion, but Angel's safety was more important for Ram right now. When Ram urged Angel to eat, she was hesitant, but decided to believe him. Finally taking a bite of cooked food after two days, she sighed, her appetite jumping. Ram saw the glinting joy on her face, satisfied that he could help her.
This is harder than I expected.
Tagging: @ramayantika @yehsahihai @vijayasena @nerdreader @panikk-attackkk @jkdaddy01
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olsenmyolsen · 8 months
Lots of Love
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master list
dark master list
Post AoU (WandaNat)
Word Count: 2.9K
TW: Mentions of Hydra, Ultron, Pietro Death
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It has been four months since Pietro Maximoff was killed by Ultron.
In those months, no one had grieved more than his sister, Wanda Maximoff.
Between leaving the only home she'd ever known in the worst state it had ever been in—the culture shock of America. Testing, training, and above all else, trying to live free once again... it hasn't exactly been easy for the young woman.
Sure, the team, The Avengers, have tried to be there for Wanda. Steve acting as a mentor and trainer for her abilities. Sam there for a good laugh when he wasn't tracking down leads for Steve's missing friend. Clint becoming somewhat of an Uncle with trips to the farm to see little fat Nathaniel and is always there to help with any questions regarding her newfound home.
For instance, a few weeks after Clint got Wanda her first-ever phone, she was confused by words and phrases being thrown at her.
"Clint." Wanda, with her accent still heavy, approached the man who had an arm around his wife as the two sat in the living room watching some reality trash. Wanda secretly stayed up late and watched the night before. "Sam texted the chat and said, lol,what does this mean?"
"It means lots of love," Clint responded without a second thought, earning a slap on the arm from Laura. "Not it doesn't." "Yes, it does." He countered. "Wanda." Laura sat up. "It used to mean lots of love. But everyone uses it to mean laugh out loud nowadays."
While Laura's explanation correct. It confused the witch even more. She looked at her phone and back to Laura. "So when I wrote, Sam Clint mentioned he was going to work on the house today and show me how to tend the horses, but all he's done is sit on the couch for the last two hours. Is this normal? He thought I was joking?" Wanda states, deeply unaware of how insulting the text sounded to none other than Clint's one good ear.
However, Laura laughs hard as Wanda stands beside the couch with an awkward feeling around her.
Clint musters up the strength within him to let Wanda know that, yes, Sam thought she was joking and that maybe she doesn't have to be Avengers-level observant when on the farm.
"Anyways, Birdman clearly doesn't understand the amount of work I do, but he will during training on Monday." Clint winks at Wanda, who shrugs. "I guess." Wanda still a little lost answers, honestly.
"Here, why don't you come sit, and I'll get started on those chores." Clint has Wanda take his place while Laura gets ready to start lunch. "You okay, though, right?" The guy with the weapon choice of two strings and stick asks, earning a nod from Wanda.
Truth be told, Wanda was doing better today. She just kept getting lost in her thoughts. She was excited to be an Avenger. To help others. Fight for the greater good. Save people from a cold, abused life she had while with Hydra. But training was exhausting. Especially when her powers grew more and more each day, that just meant pushing herself further and further.
Sometimes it worked. Like when she could lift and move Steve several feet in the air.
But there were still setbacks. And those hurt Wanda. It made her feel small, like no one would trust her if she accidentally threw Vision just a little too hard into a stack of mats one more time.
Thankfully, Vision has an indestructible head.
But you see what I mean? These last four months haven't exactly been easy for the young woman.
"You start with Romanoff this week, right?" Laura asks as she enters the room again.
There was the last little kicker—the Black Widow.
Ever since the red jacket incident, the only women on the team haven't said, well.. anything to each other. But the two women knew why. Natasha intimidated the younger woman, while Wanda's powers frightened and angered Natasha.
Years of trauma and memories were pulled back to the front of Natasha's mind in a snap, and it destroyed her. Days after the fall of Sokovia. No one saw Natasha.
Days turned into two weeks before Steve was surprised to find her alone in the vast training room before sunrise. Knuckles and feet bloodied. However, she still didn't talk. And when she did, it was in Russian. Something the old man didn't know.
The only person on the team to know Russian. To be able to communicate with Natasha was playing host to the enemy from three weeks prior.
And then the witch was back in the compound. Everyone greeted her. Except one. Everyone showed her around. Except one. Everyone apologized and tried to make conversation about the rise and fall of Ultron. Except two. Tony and Natasha. But Stark is a story for a different day.
So those weeks turned into months, and Wanda and Natasha could be in the same room, but whenever the younger one opened her mouth, the older one would leave, not without a glare or longing stare of curiosity. Those became normal.
So when the question was asked. "You start with Romanoff this week, right?" Wanda started praying to everyone and anything that Natasha Romanoff wouldn't kill her.
Wanda and Clint step into the smaller gym reserved for Wanda's training. "Don't sweat it. I talked to her." Clint tried to reassure the enhanced individual, but what he says does the opposite. "Thanks, Clint." She manages to reply through a panic hidden beneath her smile. "Should I warm up-"
"You're late!" The booming voice of Natasha scares Wanda and Clint. "In the future, Clint, if I say I want Wanda here at 7, what time do you think I mean?" Clint rubs the back of his neck, realizing his fuck up. "6:30." Wanda gives Clint a crazy look as he hides his face. "So she's late," Natasha emphasizes. "You can go."
"But I thought I would..." His voice trails off as Natasha raises her eyebrow. She's in a mood already, and Clint doesn't want to end up on the inside of a punching bag. Again. "Good luck, kid. I'll see you later." Clint frantically leaves Wanda without any protection.
"Alright. Stretch. Let's go." Natasha doesn't give Wanda any time before she's already in the middle of the floor doing a pose Wanda has never seen before.
Wanda tried her best to follow suit, but she can't bend like Natasha can. Natasha knows this, too. For the last month since Natasha got the word she'd be training Maximoff, she started doing expert-level training poses three times a day. Even on the days when she was busy, she would find a way to excuse herself to train.
So, as Nat does her moves flawlessly, Wanda falters at every step. Making a smile crack onto the Russians' face. So the little witch needs more help than she thought. Excellent.
"Am I really going to be a pretzel when I'm doing stealth missions, or is this just to punish me?" Wanda complained 45 minutes after Clint left. "It's not called the pretzel." Natasha quickly warns, making Wanda roll her eyes. "Doing stretches like this will make you more nimble." Natasha stops doing her pose and lets out a big breath before standing up in front of Wanda, lying on her back.
"You know I can move things with my mind, right?"
Now Natasha rolls her eyes. "Using your powers won't mean anything if you can't fight or escape a situation using your body. Get up."
Wanda groans, completely tired at Natasha, who hasn't even broken a sweat. She knows I'm not a widow, right? I can't just do what she does? Wanda thinks to herself as she follows Natasha across the room.
However, Wanda goes from thinking about all the stupid poses she just did, to pretzels, to watching Natasha. She walks with pressure on the front of her feet. It makes her silent, Wanda realizes. Wanda's eyes move up Natasha's legs covered by fabric, but the toned muscle underneath can still be seen. The higher Wanda goes, the more her breathing picks up.
Natasha walks in front of Wanda, aware of the wandering eyes behind her. She can sense them from miles away if she wanted to. But here, right now, Natasha feels Wanda's eyes scanning down her back to her butt. Again.
Stop staring
Wanda lifts her face to see Natasha stopping and turning to face her with a smile. Those thoughts weren't Wanda's own. Were they Nat's?!
Wanda goes to open her mouth, but Natasha stops her with a punch thrown to her hip. Not using ALL of her strength, but the Russian could've been kinder.
"Ow fuck!" Wanda screams, using her favorite American curse word. "What the hell?!" She lifts her eyes up to see Natasha with a smirk on her face in a fighting pose.
She's such a poser, Wanda thinks as the pain in her hip subsides.
"You need to be ready at all times. Observant always." Natasha takes a step towards Wanda, who puts up her hands. "So instead of staring at my ass, you could've been assessing threats!" Wanda's cheeks go red. She was caught. And those thoughts she heard were Nat's. Shit.
"Oh please, you're not the first person to ever look." Natasha snarks, dismissing Wanda's embarrassment. "Now, will you try to train or think about me some more? I can do both. Can you?" This makes Wanda want to fight. She doesn't like being called out for a mistake like this one. She didn't even mean to stare at her ass that second time! (She did.)
Plus, seeing Natasha saying this many words in this close proximity is throwing Wanda for a loop. If she didn't know any better, Wanda would think Natasha was being friendly.
"No powers. Remember." Wanda nods. "You should speak up when I talk to you, Maximoff." Wanda glares daggers that bounce off the redhead. "Yes. No powers."  Natasha smirks. This the first time she's been able to get under the skin of the person that sent her spiraling.
After circling each other once more, Wanda tries to make the first move. But Natasha was counting on it. When Wanda lunges forward, she fully extends her arm—mistake number one. Romanoff grabs Wanda's bicep and pulls her off balance before Nat sweeps Wanda's legs, causing the younger woman to fall face-first on the mat.
"Wow. Are you sure you've been training with Steve?" Natasha mocks with a smile. Whether it was her intention or not, Wanda is getting upset. But when her face, back, and ass land on the mat in succession, followed by mocks, Wanda thought she went from being upset to pissed.
It didn't help that every time the Widow got the upper hand on Wanda, she could hear Natasha's thoughts.
Red jacket
Should've grabbed here instead of here
"You're trying to fail."
Green eyes
She can't rely on her powers
"You're made of marble."
Like I said. Wanda thought she was pissed. So when she got up from the mat quicker than Natasha anticipated and charged, Natasha couldn't do anything but take the hit as the two fell to the mat again. Wanda quickly holding Natasha's hands above her head. "Finally!" Natasha exclaimed through the tiny amount of pain she felt. "It's about time you got that emo anger back."
She immediately made this a lesson that Wanda failed to see it was. Even though Wanda used all that she had without her powers, Natasha didn't flinch. 'Emo Anger.'
For the multi-hundredth time since entering the compound, Wanda was hurt. It was written on her face. Natasha could look up and see it but wasn't sure what to do. For the second time since the flight back from Sokovia, Natasha saw Wanda as something other than the opposition. She saw something else. But first...
She was about to see Wand cry.
That chipped away at the rough exterior Natasha had built up since they met. "Hey Wand-"
The tight grip Wanda had on Natasha's wrists melted away as the more petite woman started to cry. Her body sliding off of Natasha's, landing on her side. Natasha quickly and without thinking wraps her arms around Wanda, sending jolts of electricity through their bodies.
It was then Natasha realized that, yes, she was terrified of Wanda's power but not Wanda. For the last four months, Natasha had been observing Wanda. At first, it was a way to protect her team members from an outside threat, but it slowly and somehow became a crush that hadn't made itself known till this second.
As Natasha held Wanda close, the witch cried more. She was mentally tired and physically exhausted. She was sure Natasha hated her even more now, and all she wanted was her brother. She wanted to speak to him one last time. Tell him that he was loved. That her favorite shows weren't the same without his complaints. She wanted to see him.
But here she was, lying on the floor, crying into the arms of the Black Widow.
"Let it out, Wanda... It's okay.." Wanda, through her calming tears, heard the sweet murmuring of Natasha. And through more sniffles and confused thoughts, Wanda couldn't help but say: "Do you hate me?" Natasha peered over Wanda's face.
Green eyes
Pink lips
Wanda's sad-looking eyes opened wider at the sound of the other woman's thoughts. "I don't hate you, Wanda."
"But you did." Wanda counteracts. Natasha thinks as she moves a hand up and down the witches back. "I did. But that was misplaced. I'm sorry for that." Wanda couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her brain was still stuck on the thoughts from earlier.
Natasha is thinking about her.
Natasha doesn't hate her.
Natasha apologized.
Wanda looked up to see Natasha already looking at her. "Are you feeling better?" Natasha asked. "Yes. Thank you." Wanda answered, but neither one moved. Natasha kept her arms around Wanda. While Wanda kept her face near the crook of Nat's neck. "Cinnamon."
"What?" Natasha had a smile people would pay to see. Or would be killed if they saw it. "Your hair. It smells like cinnamon. The great Black Widow uses cinnamon-infused shampoo." Nat rolled her eyes but couldn't help but be happy in this moment. "Lavender." She replied. "That's what you use." Natasha looked down at the smiling teammate, who wiped her eyes free of any remaining evidence of tears.
She saw it—a smile on Wanda's face.
A smile that Natasha made happen.
Wanda pushed her head into Natasha in an effort to hide the fact that she read her thoughts and to not let Nat see her blush.
"Natasha." Wanda's muffled voice hit the spy's ears. "Yes?" Wanda was nervous on what to say next. She hadn't felt this way in a long time. "Your thoughts... I can hear them. I promise I wasn't trying. They were just loud."
When Wanda had the courage to poke her eye out of Natasha's neck, she saw her staring away. "I think we should end training. I'll let Steve know that-" "Wait, Natasha, I didn't mean-" Natasha tried her best to pull her arm out from under the witch, but the Black Widow trained Wanda. So, in one fell swoop. Wanda gripped Natasha's arm back and kicked her forward, so Natasha surprisingly was on her back once again.
In an instant, Wanda was on top of her.
"It's okay," Wanda spoke closer to Nat's face than ever before. "You're not who they made you to be." Natasha's eyes became sad, knowing that Wanda had seen the memories she made her relive months ago. "You're not made of marble, Natasha. You're made of so much more. I like you because of that."
"You like me?" Natasha's voice cracked. She was thankful no one else was around to hear that. "Well, I don't hate you. And you don't hate me." The woman on top spoke.
Slowly and carefully, Wanda began to lean into Natasha more. "Is this okay?" Wanda asked. Natasha nodded and brought her face up until their lips softly touched one another. A quick kiss turned into another and another until the nervousness was gone, and all that remained was the lust for more. "Natasha.." Wanda began to moan as Nat's roaming hands slid down Wanda's back.
Natasha smirked. An accent never made her name sound so good.
In the far corner of the gym, Clint was retracing his steps. It had been over an hour and a half, and no one had yet come out of the room. Alive or dead. So Clint took it upon himself to make sure everything was alright.
But once he saw his two teammates tangled with one another, he decided to exit and text his wife.
"I think I'm going to have to make some upgrades to the guest bedroom on the second floor."
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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uniiiquehecrt · 7 months
Why is it a cosmic problem that the Asgardian bloodline will end with Thor? Asgard is no more - what we have is a nonmagical place on Earth where Asgardians live. When Asgard doesn't exist, who cares that there will be no heirs. The current ruler is someone to whom King Thor just gave the rulership. That's how every ruler will be made now - anyone the current ruler gives it to. Or maybe they start holding elections. Make it democratic.
They don't need heirs now. And Thor will die alone in a ditch. It doesn't matter anymore. Taika has made it so that everything in Thor's world is insignificant now. But this is a happy ending.
I... genuinely can't entirely tell if you're being sarcastic, nonny, or if this is a genuine question that perhaps I may be misreading... (and if I have, do feel free to send a follow up and correct me)
but there's quite a many problem with the royal bloodline ending with Thor from an in-universe standpoint, just as well as the trajectory of Asgard's fate from Ragnarok and Endgame onward is an insult to the worldbuilding of Earth-199999's Asgard and the Nine Realms.
There's a couple of different ways you could slice my statement and I would still argue that what I've said can be seen as true. But I'll go through the wide range of elements in your ask to best illustrate the broader strokes of my point.
but TL;DR:
Ultimately you answered your own question, and that's the best way to boil down the travesty of it all:
Q: Why is it a cosmic problem that the Asgardian bloodline will end with Thor? A: Taika has made it so that everything in Thor's world is insignificant now.
Not only this, but Thor is the lastoline of the royal family. Before which, there only existed himself, and his father, Odin. He is the last of a subspecies of alien on par with other massively powerful aliens like Titans and I would wager, potentially even more mortal Celestials like Ego. He's a being who can generate storms just because he's miffed. Once Thor is dead and gone, there will NEVER be an Asgardian who is more than just your usual 'super-strength, super-speed, super-endurance' humanoid looking alien. There will NEVER be an Asgardian with the ability to summons storms and have lightning flow through his veins.
Hela had dominion over life and death, Thor is effectively a living, breathing, walking, talking tempest, Odin can be inferred to have some kind of 'order' seeking affinity. Who knows about MCU Bor and Buri. They are INCREDIBLY ancient, and powerful beings. If MCU Asgardians are to MCU humans what D&D elves are to D&D humans, then Thor is to Asgardians what an eladrin elf is to normal elves.
And we are watching – have already watched, even, — that incredibly powerful, incredible RARE sub-species of asgardian effectively be driven to extinction.
Just think about that for a second.
(the rest has been put under a cut because this answer got long, and for that I apologize ... mostly.)
Asgard is no more - what we have is a nonmagical place on Earth where Asgardians live.
Yes. This. This is quite actually the crux of the problem of this choice. The most beautiful and compelling aspect of the MCU in Phase 1 in particular is the prospect of an alternative universe out there where, to quote Jane Foster, "magic is just science that hasn't been explained yet". A world where superheroes truly can exist and aren't cartoonishly corny as superhoes used to be depicted... I'll say pre!Raimi Spider-Man era. (Though.. the Goblin's costume is still pretty goofy.)
What made Thor stand out as an individual hero within the Avengers (both the team, and the 2012 feature), and what made him so compelling to quite a many fans new, old, or casual, was that Thor is magical. He comes from a place where magic and science are the same thing. His whole world is ethereal and timeless, it's vast and expansive, and because it's inspired by real world norse mythology — of which is itself a rich and fascinating study in and of itself — there are a thousand different directions he could be taken.
I may be speaking partly for myself, but he also further ropes in a fantasy-centric audience such as myself who largely enjoy high-fantasy, medieval inspirations, tales of chivalry, hope, love, adventure, magic, timeless knights and princes — Dark World in particular has him acting quite a bit like your typical idea of a chivalrious, regal, stately prince or honorable knight who is virtuous and kind, and who protects those who can't protect themselves.
And that's just a single aspect of what made him so unique. What made him so unbelievably lovely. Thor is lovely, and Thor is magical. His family, friends, world, and people are magical.
But as of RAGNAROK, the realm he hails from was destroyed before our eyes before we got to truly know anything about it.
As of ENDGAME and LOVE AND THUNDER, the people and culture of asgard that remain has been so watered down that they dared to make New Asgard a tourist attraction in some rinky-dink nowhere backwater coastal town no different than Puente Antiguo, New Mexico where Thor first crash-landed in the first film.
Asgard used to be on par with, if not even more intriguing and full of mystery, than Wakanda, the earthen monarchy. Now it's a tourist trap that ... for some reason has "infinity gauntlet" ice cream in the heart of the town of a people devastated by Thanos twice.
The current ruler is someone to whom King Thor just gave the rulership. That's how every ruler will be made now [...] They don't need heirs now.
Potentially unpopular opinion (?) but I have so many issues with the decision to give Lady Valkyrie Thor's birthright that it could take an entire 10 paragraph essay for me to fully delve into all of the issues.
In short:
To say Valkyrie had a character beyond "traumatized alcoholic with a chip on her shoulder" is ... generous at best. That's not a diss, that is entirely factual. I could not tell you what her Want vs. Need is, or her character goal, or her motivations, or why she bothered to suddenly help Thor (re: lack of motivations) because she never took any action with any real agency in RAGNAROK that wasn't spurred on by Loki. ....Off screen.
I also don't think that the woman who had spent over 1,500 years MINIMUM running away from her home and her people, festering bitterness, spite and hatred towards the royal line, and who never actually respected Thor in the first place because of who his father is should have been honored the title of King. She did not deserve that. Both in general, and as a character who frankly just did not get enough screentime to really be SHOWN caring for her people, atoning for her absence and otherwise supporting, caring for, and working alongside Thor. Had she actually been shown doing any of the above in a substantial amount of screentime, perhaps then I might have felt differently, as if she earned the position more than Thor who has spent 2 solo movies (not counting RAGNAROK) earning his place as a future leader. This is likewise not entirely counting his O.S. actions of maintaining peace under his authority between Avengers and Dark World, and his personal search for the Infinity Stones post!Age of Ultron.
Valkyrie is powerful, yes, but she is ultimately still NOT an Asgardian Royal. And to your point about "this is how every ruler will be made now" — Heimdal aside, NO OTHER ASGARDIANS have special powers. It is EXCLUSIVE to Odin's bloodline. (Frigga is a practicing witch and these are two incredibly different things, since Loki was taught his magic, not born with it.) This is a GLARING worldbuilding issue further highlighted down below, but the tl;dr of it is: the only reason why Earth has been largely untouched and the Nine Realms kept safe in isolation despite the constant going-ons of the other galaxies in the universe is BECAUSE of the royal line. Odin isn't kidding around when he says he (and his bloodline) are protectors of the Nine Realms. Valkyrie is most certainly able to try, but at the end of the day she's NEVER going to be able to get through very many galactic battles without ultimately calling on Thor for assistance at the end of the day. And when her time is up? Or when Thor is finally dead and gone? There goes your ace in the hole.
But more than that, thinking about it semi-realistically from a worldbuilding perspective:
It's quite literally a cosmic problem in that there is now a galactic power imbalance. MCU!Thor comes from a version of Marvel's world where the there aren't literal gods, but there are aliens. Tons of aliens. All with varying powers and proportions and what-have-you-not. More specifically: power humanoid aliens from a realm called Asgard, that in Earth-199999 inspired the entirety of the Norse mythos of the viking age.
These aliens, governed by the ruling monarch of the realm eternal, also govern over 8 additional realms— which for all we know could range from a territory that is a singular planet (vanaheim, asgard), to potentially an entire solar system (earth and its solar system). BOTH options nine times over marks an absolutely incredible empire for a singular species of alien to claim complete control and territory over.
But they were not only able to obtain this territory but continue to safeguard it under Asgardian protection because the royal family is gifted incredible power (Thor, for instance, can change the atmosphere out of sheer mindless emotion not to mention conscious thought), and have secured and/or subdued multiple infinity stones throughout the millenia (the aether/reality stone, the tesseract/mind stone, thor has also personally endured a power stone directly to the temple, for instance), and have maintained peace for a MINIMUM of a thousand years beneath Odin's reign as All-Father, Protector of the Nine Realms.
So, if the royal family governs its own pocket dimension planet, AND maintains peace and prosperity by personally safeguarding the territories itself and of eight additional realms, all with a variety of other alien species, ecosystems, solar systems, galactic quadrants, etc. ...Who are also KNOWN to be fierce and proud warriors who have likewise safeguarded ancient and powerful alien relics the likes of the tesseract/mind stone for hundreds if not thousands of years — and you take this long-lived warrior race out of their own equation...?
We're talking potential outbreaks of a new age of war the likes of those talked about in Thor (2011), in-fighting amongst the Nine Realms, invasions from outside realms of conquesting species, so on and so forth. Without Asgard and specifically a Royal Asgardian at the seat of power to maintain the balance of what has been built, (and i specify a ROYAL asgardian, aka Thor's line, because his bloodline is the only asgardian bloodline with the raw power to maintain and preserve everything long-term), well, you've effectively started a cosmic power vacuum — even if the MCU likely will never bother to explore the consequences of it.
Slight sidebar (albeit still mostly related), but:
Quite frankly one of the funniest aspects of Thor's relationships with Nick Fury and the humans that are equally as worked up about aliens existing, pointing their fingers at Thor as an example of their right to be wary (and eventually Loki and the Chutari, though those are more earned) is that they are effectively minimum-wage fast-food employees bad-mouthing he who is essentially the up-and-coming Chairman of the metaphorical "Yggdrasil's Nine Realms Fast Food Chain" without realizing who he actually is.
(Which, viewing through that lens makes the Avengers Nick Fury scene and the Tony Stark Age of Ultron scene even more hilarious despite the eventual coming of Thanos, because Thor, bless him, doesn't take ...much... offense to it until the bad-blood becomes over-bloated and geared towards the violent. RE: "My people want nothing but peace with your planet." / "Your work with the tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is a signal to all the realms that the earth is ready for a higher form of war.")
For all of the drama of MCU Phases 1-3, realistically speaking, Midgard is low enough on the hierarchy of Asgard's protected territories that not only would it not be targeted first by Asgard's enemies (or other conquesting alien species), but even if it WAS to be targeted, or if Asgard was in its own fit of warfare ... Earth wouldn't even know it in the first place because THAT is how good at their jobs the Asgardians are. Earth, despite being SURROUNDED by alien activity and having even been in possession of multiple infinity stones at a time throughout history, not ONCE realized that (other) aliens existed out there... during the entirety of the 1,000-some years of peace that Odin so often talked about.
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tooxmanyxships · 7 months
A Brocedes fic/ficlet where it’s Nico who had amnesia, but instead of forgetting the last few yrs, he forgot Lewis altogether. Others thought it’s just him getting tired of being constantly ignored, but when asked how his relationship with LH was, he’s genuinely confused and asked, ‘who’s that?’
P.S U can make Nico have a happy ever after with another, JB perhaps? 👀
P.P.S Just want to see what LH’s reaction would be when it’s his turn to be denied, forgotten even, but this time it’s permanent (or semi-permanent) choice is yours. 🤗
I hope you're ready for this pain
It had been a couple of months since Nico had come out of the hospital, mostly recovered.
They said he's been in a coma for a week in there , but of course he doesn't know that.
He can't really remember how he got into the hospital, only that there was some kind of accident with his car.
He does remember waking up to Jenson Button sitting next to his bed, holding his hand.
At first he was still quite out of it. Didn't know why Jenson was holding his hand.
At least he still knew his name and who he was, or it would have been even more awkward.
Jenson, of course, had panicked quite a bit when Nico had flinched away when he tried to cup his cheek.
The doctor had assured him that temporary amnesia was normal for people who've been in a coma. They still took him away to run some tests.
Turned out that Nico had gaps in his mind of things he couldn't remember. Things that were gone out of his memories. Would those memories ever come back? No one really knew.
However, the way Jenson cared about him and did everything he could for him would make Nico fall in love with him all over again.
But he did, eventually, remember his relationship with Jenson and they were happily together once more.
Miraculously they'd been able to keep their private life out of the media since Nico's accident, but now Sky sports was asking for an interview with their former reporter.
Nico had quit his job. Or rather a temporary leave. He wasn't sure if he was ever really going to go back though.
Jenson was still working for Sky and had told his employer that the only way they were getting this interview was if he could be there as well.
He just wanted to be there if Nico needed some help with his memory. He didn't tell Sky that though.
Nico said yes to the interview, if only because he knew he wasn't going to get out of it. And having Jenson there was a big plus.
The interview had been going pretty well, Jenson didn't have to help with the answers all that much at all, but then this weird question came - - -
"Has Lewis been in contact with you after the accident?"
"Who's that?"
There was complete silence. Even Jenson seemed to be rather shellshocked.
Nico just looked confused.
The reporter seemed to think Nico was playing a trick on him or something, because he repeated his question.
"Lewis Hamilton. Has he send you any messages?"
Nico frowned, glancing over at Jenson. "I don't - - -"
"No," Jenson jumped in, "He hasn't sent anything."
Jenson made sure that, on his face, it came across that the conversation about this subject was over.
The interviewer cleared his throat rather awkwardly and gave him some other questions once again.
Once the interview was done and the reporter was gone, Nico turned to Jenson.
"Who's this guy he asked me about?"
Jenson tenses, but manages to keep his voice neutral while answering.
"No one to be worried about."
Nico wants to ask further, but, something in Jenson's eyes tells him not to do it.
He forgets all about that name and the interview all together when he's lying in bed with his boyfriend that night.
Sometimes his partial memory loss is a good thing.
Especially for Jenson this time.
Lewis gets the link to the interview with Nico from so many people, with weird cryptic messages too, so he finally gives in and watch it.
He's retired now, so, he's got the time. That's when he's not playing on the piano and writing songs.
The interview is pretty bland, Lewis thinks, until the hears the interviewer ask Nico about him and he's suddenly all ears.
"Who is that?"
What does he mean? Who is that?!
Is he playing some sick mind game again?!
He hears the reporter repeat the question, Nico looking still completely confused, then Lewis hears and sees Jenson butt in to answer.
Something just doesn't seem right.....
He replays that scene again. And again. Againagainagainagainagain......
He finally closes the interview and grabs his phone.
He debates on texting Nico, but he ends up on some old conversation between him and Jenson and texts him instead.
- LH: Why did Nico ask who I was in that interview? -
- JB: He doesn't remember you. -
- LH: That's not funny, man -
- JB: That's because it's not a joke. Nico has some gaps in his memory since he got out of the coma. You're one of those gaps. -
Lewis just stares at his screen, gripping onto his phone way too tightly.
'You're one of those gaps'.
He's heard of people who completely recover their memories after some time. He's heard about people who haven't.
What if Nico doesn't fully recover his memories?
What if he'll never remember him?
Not even the good times.....
What if they, Nico and Lewis, become nothing but just another blip in time.
That thought alone makes Lewis feel cold and hollow.
Months after the interview, in which Jenson had to do lots of damage control, but people knew now that Nico had suffered from head trauma and sometimes couldn't remember things immediately.
It was a very weakened version of the truth, but it would just have to do.
But anyway... Months after that, it was that time for the F1 race in Monaco and Nico wanted to go and watch it. The first race he would watch live in a very, very long time.
Jenson would be there for Sky, so he wouldn't be alone.
It would be the first time since the accident that he's shown his face on any paddock, but he was sure he wanted to do it, despite Jenson's concerns.
He worried way too much, according to Nico. Everything would be completely fine.
And everything did go fine. Until it became a little too overwhelming.
So many people who wanted to talk to him. Jenson constantly hovering around him. That part was probably the first.
He finally excused himself to go and have a walk around the paddock. Alone.
Mark and DC had pulled Jenson into work business anyway, so that was his chance to get away from his watchful eye.
He was strolling along, looking around, waving to some people who greeted him, when he suddenly bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry, I----" The look on the man's face he just bumped into made him stop halfway his excuse. "Everything alright?"
As fast as it had appeared, the look on the man's face changed into something more neutral just as quick.
"Y- yeah," was that a small stutter? "Sorry. I didn't watch where I was going."
"Neither was I."
Both men were staring at each other, both with different expressions.
One was confused and curious. The other nervous and something else... Something Nico couldn't explain.
"So uh," the stranger started, "I should probably - - - “
"Do I know you?" Nico cut him off. "I know this might sound strange, but.... I feel like I.... Should know you."
And there it was. That look again. But now it was tainted with something else too.
Sadness. Pain. Longing.
"You did used to know me."
Nico feels the man's hand tentatively touch his arm and his eyes widen at the pulse he feels. The thrill that goes through his body, just by such a simple touch.
He was about to open his mouth and say something. Anything.
But then---
"Nico! There you are!"
Nico had never cursed Jenson's voice and presence as much as he did right now.
Then he realized that the hand on his arm was gone. So was the man who the hand belonged to.
He felt something against his leg and looked down to see a folded piece of paper falling down onto his foot. Maybe the man had dropped something.
He bend down and picked it up, shoving it in his pocket right before Jenson reached him.
"I was looking for you. Are you alright? "
Nico rolled his eyes but smiled, "Couldn't be better."
Jenson regarded him with a searching look, satisfied with what he saw, he drew Nico in against him with an arm around his waist.
There was no thrill through his body this time. Not even a little spark.
But it felt nice. Comfortable.
"Come on. Let's go watch this race."
Late that night, Nico wakes up to go to the bathroom. When walking back to the bedroom, he feels himself being drawn to where his jacket was hanging on a chair.
His hand dipped into the pocket of said jacket and pulled out the folded paper. His hands twitching to open it. To reveal its content.
As soon as he opened it, a quiet gasp left his lips. His hands started shaking.
In his hands was a picture. A picture of a younger him, in a karting car.
But, his eyes were drawn to the other person in the picture.
It was that man from the paddock. The younger him.
They were both smiling.
Nico wiped at his eyes when his vision blurred a little.
He'd started crying without even realizing.
But what was even weirder was that when he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he was smiling through the tears.
No matter who this man was or what their relationship had been.....
One thing was clear....
They'd probably shared some of the best days of their lives together.
Even if he might never remember.
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Day 7(because seven rhymes with heaven) for Pucci
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I'd like to think I did well on this?
Also spoilers for those who haven't seen the last episode? I think
Day Seven: Desperation
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It was a night colder than any other. After an honest days work you set out to the grocery store for some shoppings, deciding on beef tonight for dinner. Let's see... Veggies, check, prized meat, check, drink of choice, yes. As you went over a mental checklist you didn't see where you were going, and happened over a large crack in the asphalt. It tripped you up terrible, lucky with sheer panic you were able to hold most of your groceries in a death grip, but your precious cut of beef wasn't so lucky, and was sent flying.
It rocketed into the sky, rolling mid air as it plummeted back to the earth. You could only watch in horror as it all happened... But before it could splatter on to the parkway, it was caught!
The man who was able to save the meat in time was doubled over on the ground on his knee, breathing heavily at such a feat. Quickly you were at his side, thanking him profusely for his deed. A hat concealed his face until he looked up at you, and that was when you finally found out your savior.
"F-Father Pucci?? What in the world are you doing out of Green Dolphin?" You helped him into a standing position as much as you could. He kept a hand on your shoulder for balance, at the sound of your voice he smiled pleasantly. "Y/n my dear, what a pleasant surprise. I could say the same to you, alas you earned this freedom, I'm only out here on a mission." Even with just the short formality, he seemed even more winded. His gasps for breath didn't let up as more sweat pooled at his temple.
"Father you don't look too good. You look a little different too... Do I need to take you to the ER?"
"No need for that, I'm afraid. I just... Need a moment of rest."
"Well in that case–! I can give you a ride to my place, it's just around the corner!" There wasn't anything against offering a priest a ride back to your place was there? If he didn't need to go to the emergency room then the least you could do is offer him some food and a place to sit right? Luckily Pucci thanked you for the offer and accepted. You gathered your groceries and your guest into your car and made the short ride home.
You sat him on your couch with a glass of water as you put away your refrigerated goods, dinner could wait. Maybe if Pucci decided, he could even stay for a plate. But right now you just wanted to make sure he was okay. During your stay in the Aquarium, Pucci's church was a place of salvation, you got along fine with him. It was because of his help you were able to be released on parole, and given the chance at a normal life again. It was a pleasant surprise to see him outside the prison walls, but he still hasn't explained what he's doing out here.
And he did look different. Had he grown his hair out? You swear it hasn't been that long. His facial hair seemed off too, but in a way so incredibly annoying you couldn't put your finger on it.
The priest in question had drank his glass empty in one go. He looked much more refreshed but still exhausted.
"Pucci... Made you need to rest." You finally spoke up about it while placing a hand on his shoulder. He refused the offer instead trapping your hand underneath his own.
"I'm afraid there's no time for that. I must leave..." He trailed off but made no break for the door. "And yet... I can't bring myself to go."
"Is there something wrong Pucci?"
"I'm not sure how to explain it. There's something keeping me from leaving. I think... I think it's you."
You? Sure, you'd suggested the hospital and a nap, but Pucci was a grown man. He can do whatever he likes! You didn't think you were forcing him to stay. There was no time to question this anyway, because Pucci had begun to close the gap between your faces.
"Don't you see? Gravity has brought us together again. Despite needing to go the opposite direction, I was called to that grocery store to find you. I need you to complete my mission." His lips ghosted against your, you could feel his breath fanning your face. "Please. Join me in achieving Heaven."
He looked so desperate, like he was fixing to explode. It wasn't hard to admit that you wanted this with him but there was some serious religious conflict with this. "Pucci, you're a priest, that would go against your vows. Or, something. Right? We can't do that."
"To hell with it. I need you. Now." Pucci finally pressed his lips into yours, quickly opening your mouth desperate for your taste. He pushed you gently into the couch cushions so he could lay over you, his hands exploring what he could of your covered body without diving beneath your clothes. He only parted from your lips for air and you took that time to attack his throat with more kisses, turning him into a shakey puddle once you found his sweet spot. The longer this went on, your mind was clouded with thoughts of Pucci, forgetting about anything else, only desperate to see him bare of his clothes. His deliciously beautiful skin was free of any blemishes, his body was toned and god he was perfect in every way. Your hands slid across every inch of his free skin until you found his bottoms, quickly pushing them off to pump his dick in your hand. Pucci's reaction was immediate, a piercing moan as his hips began to wildly thrust into your palm as you stimulated him. His tongue tangled with yours while his hands derobed you in record speeds, and his length finally found your needy hole and pierced you deep.
Pucci chanted a soft mantra into your hair, a mix of your name and pleads for more, to be able to stay inside you forever. He lost himself in the feeling of your warm walls surrounding all of him, loosing track of how many times he had spilt his thick load inside of you until he collapsed unconscious with your chest as his pillow. It wasn't a bad spot to sleep, Pucci was warm and there wasn't any need for covers. In the arms of your lover(?), you could stay like this forever.
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randombook4idk · 10 months
rewatching rwby, and got to the part where it's revealed that Oz gave Qrow and Raven the ability to turn into birds and watching the team react negativly to it feels sort of forced.
i don't have a problem with them be shocked and questioning Oz about it (for example. Yang saying "why would you do something like that?!"), because it seems reasonable reaction.
But my problem is that in my opinion, rather than making it a big deal out of Qrow and Raven being able to turn into birds, they should have had the team be more suspicious of Oz's reason for giving Qrow and Raven the ability in the first place.
yes, if i learned someone can turn into a bird, i would too be surprised, but i wouldn't be all like "how could you, you monster! This is terrible>:("
with how Yang reacts, outright saying "how could you do something like this?!" it makes the ability sound more like a undying curse than what it really is.
after Oz tells his motives to them, why not have the team press on and keep questioning him?
i liked that Ruby asked if Oz had done this before and after hearing that no, he hasn't, the writers could have used this for Yang (the more being distrustful at the moment) or the team to then become more distrustful of him, because why would he would he decide to ask something like this to his own students who weren't much aware of Salem and all that stuff before, rather than some ally?
why Qrow and Raven of all people? does it have to do with them coming from the Branwen tribe? did Oz chose to ask them because he saw that he could use them for his plans?
did Qrow and Raven really made the choice to accept the ability or did Oz made them feel like they were the ones making the decision, by guilt tripping or pressuring them?
Qrow sees Oz in a positive light, while Raven sees him in a negative one.
could Qrow's defending of Oz and repeating over and over that it was his choice, has to do with his relationship with Oz? Did Oz make Qrow feel welcomed and loved despite his semblance and that's why Qrow was willing to accept Oz request to be turned into a bird and put his life in danger by gathering infor on Salem and searching for maidens?
could the way Raven talks about Oz do with her not trusting him for ages and her refusing to see that she may be wrong about him?
Why not show a flashback of it happening? Y'know what? Why not show two flashbacks - one from Raven's POV and the other from Qrow's POV?
Seeing eachs POV, we could then see the others view of the incident.
With Qrow's we would see why he accepted the ability and why he trusts Oz and it would make us doubt Raven's statements from the previous episode.
But with Raven's POV we could truly understand why she doesnt trust Oz and then we would start doubting Qrow's memory.
Maybe even show Oz's POV. This could show things what the twins didnt know, which them would makes us doubt Raven's distrust, because she didnt have the whole picture. Maybe, actually do agree with some of Raven's reasons not to trust the guy by showing the sketchy side of him.
Maybe make parallels between Oz aksing Pyrrha to become the Fall Maiden with him asking the twins to agree to the ability and to use to work for him.
if they wanted to paint Oz as this gray area guy, who you can't really trust, why not show it to, instead of having Raven talk on and on how Oz is this distrustful, manipulative person, only to learn that...*checks notes* he gave the twins a choice to turn into...birds...with no negative side affects...and they agreed
upon rewatch, Oz did seem sketchy when he told Pyrrha about the Maidens and i liked that, because I felt like despite being the one of the Good Guys, I still felt I couldn't fully trust him and it ends up disappointing how in Vol 5 it's hyped up by Raven how Oz isnt what he seems who did something horrible to her and Qrow, only in the next second to reveal...she can turn into a bird at will :/
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dmagedgoods · 6 months
4, 8, 13, 30 for Rowley please!
Ohhh thank you so much! 💕 4: If your Tav was a companion, where would they be found? Very early, after you collected Astarion and before you find Gale, in the wreckage of the Nautiloid, hiding in the shadows and playfully threatening the MC once they cross the area. 8: Who are they suspicious of? In the very beginning? Of Astarion more than anyone. But since Rowley falls in love with him fast, he doesn’t mind being suspicious of him, and the fact that he barely can believe a word he says for quite some time becomes painful instead of a concern for his own wellbeing. Aside from that? Rowley doesn’t trust fast in general but also doesn’t mind that distance. Everyone tends to be out for themselves, it's only natural. But at the same time, they are all in the tadpole mess together. He assumes no one in the camp will try to slit his throat (well, no one but Astarion and Lae’zel so far), and if he’s wrong about that? Well, they’ll have to overpower him first. 13: What are their thoughts on killing? Is it a necessary evil or do they enjoy it? Rowley is an assassin, he killed for a long, long time, since his late teenage years. Still, his thoughts and feelings about killing are more conflicting than one would suspect: It’s what he’s good at, sometimes he feels all his talents, all the things he has to offer at all only serve this one purpose: to take lives fast and efficiently. There hasn't been much of a choice in it when it started and not even a true question. He was able to kill, he found out early, and he wanted his brother safe, they needed the money and there only was one way to support his dreams and give him more than a life of constant fear and misery. Yes, there are moments when Rowley enjoys the killing. By now, he's free in it. Because of it. It places him out of reach. There is nothing that can limit his freedom as long as he kills without remorse. Furthermore, it comes with the satisfaction of a job well done, with the excitement of a challenge and a hunt when he is lucky, with the adrenaline that makes him feel alive instead of empty for a while, and – in personal cases – with a grim pleasure to make them pay. All of this is short-lived though and quickly replaced by cold once the deed is done. He struggles to see a purpose in life, but killing seems to take even further from glimpses of sense he spots. Over the years, he reached a point where he wanted to stop the killing altogether and use his skills for non-lethal missions instead. The death of his twin brother made him slip again, caused an abyss in him far worse than anything he felt before, and pulled him deeper into darkness and despair he tends to answer with a cold grin. But life is good for surprises, isn't it? Maybe he can find a new purpose. Maybe he already did. If he is brought to a point of caring, Rowley is able to do a lot of good without asking anything in return. If he is brought to a point of cold indifference and consumed by pain, he is able to commit atrocities (or simply destroy himself). I’m not yet sure where he’ll stand at the end of the game or if he'll stand at all. 30: What's your favorite thing about your Tav? My favorite thing about Rowley? The reckless strength and selfless, unconditional determination with which he protects those he loves. And also his admirable freedom to say and do whatever he wants. He doesn’t overthink people’s opinions about him unless it's someone he really cares about and even his dearest friends and loved ones aren't safe from his teasing or annoying behavior sometimes. Of course, he goes too far in it with those who aren’t close to him, says terrible things here and there just to trigger an interesting reaction or to put himself in the worst possible light (and portrays himself as even worse than he actually is), but aside from that and the rest of this ability? It has something uplifting, the thought of walking so unbothered and without anxiety.
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rubylarkspur22 · 6 months
In the coprotagonist Nezuko AU, what is her relationship with the Hashira?
Ask, and ye shall receive!
Nezuko's Opinions on the Hashira, Co-Protagonist AU
Kyojurou Rengoku -> Doesn't trust him at first, because of the whole "joyfully declared they should execute her and her brother" thing. On the Mugen Train, she vocalizes this lack of trust, and Kyojurou apologized before assuring her he's willing to remain civil. Her trust builds when he wakes up from his demon-induced sleep, and tells her she's doing a good job. By the time the train derailed, the two had built a mutual trust, which saved the Flame Hashira's life.
Giyuu Tomioka -> She's not exactly happy with him for stabbing her and f***ing off shortly after. Yeah, he was doing his job, but that stab wound freaking hurt! Later, they bond over their older sibling sacrificing themselves for their sake. It does end with Nezuko slapping Giyuu for the self-deprecating BS, but Giyuu can now tell Shinobu he has a friend. He's happy about that.
Shinobu Kochou -> Didn't trust her anywhere near as far as she could throw her. Considering she constantly smells like wisteria, and works with poison specifically made to kill demons, Nezuko feels she's well within her rights to be skittish around the Insect Hashira. Eventually, the two girls talk, and Shinobu admits she's okay with demons that don't eat humans because that was the world Kanae wanted. They bond pretty quickly after that, partially over wanting to bring their older siblings' dreams to fruition.
Tengen Uzui -> Finds him weird. Not much else to say. She was ready for violence when he tried to kidnap Aoi and Naho. She also questioned his strategic choices by having her brother(who she knows can't lie for s***), and their two best friends with unknown honesty capabilities and little to no skill in stealth, do a covert infiltration op(The covert op part of this went about as she expected. Tanjirou got noticed right away as a man, Inosuke punched a person while chasing the demon, and Zenitsu vanished.). They're at least chill working together when Gyutaro shows up.
Mitsuri Kanroji -> Absolutely adores her, she's the big sister Nezuko never knew she wanted. Nezuko is more than happy to spend time with Mitsuri, and trusts the Love Hashira with her life. Plus, Mitsuri gives great hugs, even if they crush Nezuko's spine into dust at times. Good thing she regenerates!
Gyomei Himejima -> Mountain. That was her first thought when she laid eyes on this man. He's chill, when he's not insisting on killing her and Tanjirou or that she's possessed Tanjirou. Didn't appreciate either of those sentiments. But some conversation leads to a mutual understanding, and they talk about the guilt they feel for not being able to save those close to them in the midst of a demon attack.
Muichirou Tokito -> Someone who's her age and hasn't tried to kill her. Second favourite after Mitsuri.
Sanemi Shinazugawa -> Does not like him. Four stab wounds is an excessive amount of stab wounds, he insulted Tanjirou, and she is all for ending his bloodline. And then he bullies Genya, her fellow member of the "Second Oldest Child" Squad and the "Demon, But Not Evil" Squad. It takes a lot of self-restraint to not permanently sterilize the man and shatter his kneecaps.
Obanai Iguro -> He only gets points because Mitsuri likes him. Other than that, Nezuko is sending him death glares, and he is sending them right back. And even Mitsuri's affection won't stop them from flipping each other off and making silent threats of violence.
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holocene-sims · 7 months
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july 20, 2021 7:30 a.m. ireland
[grant] but what actually made you leave? what was the motivation?
[aoife] well, you spend your whole life doing one thing and it’s a real swift kick in the bollocks when you’re forced a change in trajectory. one minute, you’re farming land in your family’s name, and the next, you’re meant to marry and tend someone else’s land in someone else’s name.
[grant] that makes sense. it's a total directional change. and you were already independent, so going into a partnership is kind of losing all that you’re used to. it doesn't matter how you find the relationship, you still have to make concessions.
[aoife] see, you’re smart!
[aoife] but my parents didn’t feel any of those were worthy problems. they had plans for me and i ruined them. they had different ideals of what i could do to help them as an adult. i won’t blame them, though. every parent has dreams for their children and we all push them too hard once in a while. find me a parent who hasn't done that.
[aoife] and for my father, well, i suppose he felt like he'd done everything in the world in his power to make a perfect country, and i think he took personal offense to me disagreeing with one part of the way things were.
[aoife] but i sacrificed everything for our family farm. i don't believe i slighted anyone. i did what had to be done. for one, i barely went to school, never finished even primary school, because my work was the priority. i gave up the only chance of an education and more, and i was meant to walk away from the fruits of my labor.
[aoife] i was young and somewhat bullish. in the heat of it all, i felt betrayed by their asking me to marry.
[grant] and they did, too.
[aoife] they did.
[aoife] now me? i was so hurt, i told them i'd first live with the yanks in america before i'd give up my name and my family for some man.
[aoife] but are those two options not the same?
[grant] i guess one is by choice, though.
[grant] but did you, um, leave to make a point?
[aoife] what point?
[grant] like, “this is how desperate and serious i am, please let me stay at home with you."
[aoife] and now you're too smart. but you’re bang on.
[grant] did they ever get it?
[aoife] they died resenting me.
[aoife] never mattered how hard i tried to prove i wanted to do right by them and look after the family, they never understood. there’s that rehearsed betrayal line. my siblings didn’t come up with it alone.
[aoife] i kept my surname. i taught my children, my grandchildren, and now my great-grandchildren to know irish and i'd death glare at you if you dared use the colonizer’s tongue without good reason. i retold all the stories i heard as a girl, brought you home for visits...
[aoife] i did everything for you kids that they taught me and wanted from me, but it never made them happy with me again.
[aoife] listen, my parents were glad you all existed and to their standards, had good times with you here, but yes, they’d still look at me like they were embarrassed of me.
[grant] but they were just casually cool with seámus and róisín being in america?
[aoife] oh, jesus. i don’t know. they knew seámus hated farming, so i suppose they knew his whole life he’d never stay, and róisín...well, talk about egos. she has notions.
[aoife] their leaving was no surprise. mine was.
[grant] something something, you were a good girl and did everything asked of you your whole life, so they thought you’d do it one more time.
[grant] and now a whole bunch of people make fun of you for the things you did do "right" because suddenly, those things weren't "enough" to please them. you disappointed someone once and they let it stain every other part of you.
[grant] do you still wish you hadn't left? do you wish you lived here?
[aoife] i love you so dearly but that is a question only a man could ask.
[aoife] very bold of you. never ask me that again.
[grant] that was stupid. i'm sorry. i didn’t mean it that way but i see your point and agree. we did just have a whole conversation about how making the decision as a woman to leave and break up a family’s standing fucks up everything.
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tendertendrils1 · 1 year
Someone asked me some great questions about R&R Ravio on Ao3 and I wrote an entire essay in response. It seems a shame for it to languish there, so it's getting chucked to the tumblr void as well!
I'm paraphrasing the questions but they were, roughly:
Is the relationship emotionally fulfilling for Ravio too?
Does Ravio have self-worth issues like Link does?
And whether he gets nervous when trying new things with Link/if he's always been nervous.
Readmore for length, minor spoilers, and non-explicit mentions of sex.
Some of this I'd already thought about and decided on, some of it I am winging and reserve the right to possibly change my mind on later.
Ravio is nervous in general and was at the start of their relationship too! He hid behind the hood and the exaggerated persona we see so much of in the game. Part of his development has been opening up and letting Link see him, both figuratively and literally. He has actually gained a lot of confidence over the course of the series. Putting the hood on during a rough sex scene is a tool for him and his mental state in the same way some of the toys he uses on Link are tools to help Link get into the right mindset. So some of his nerves come from when he's trying not to lean on those tools, or like the first time they had sex where Link could actually see his face: he was very nervous then. He's usually not nervous about introducing new kinky things because he's good at reading people in general and increasingly Link in particular. He's a salesman at heart; he knows how to present things so they'll appeal to the person he's talking to. He's got a pretty solid idea now on the kinds of things Link likes, what he'll tolerate, and what Link might be nervous about but will probably enjoy anyway. There are some things he hasn't wanted to risk trying, though.
Their relationship is emotionally fulfilling for him too! He does find great satisfaction in their sex life. He likes the control. It's an ego boost to be able to do those things to THE HERO, and successfully navigating Link's emotions and physical reactions so they both come away satisfied makes him feel very good about himself. It's manipulation in a way that he can feel good about! But as anyone wise will tell you, caretakers sometimes need people to lean on too. Ravio asking for gentle sex is him expressing a need that isn't getting entirely fulfilled. It's something they will continue to work on so Ravio can be happy in the relationship long-term. Link being okay with visiting Lorule and going with Ravio was one little example of the ways Link can be supportive of Ravio in return. As time goes on and Ravio continues to open up about himself, Link will keep discovering other ways he can contribute to Ravio's emotional well-being. Ravio's traumas are a little less obvious than Link's in part because of the point of view and in part because his are older and he's had more time to deal with them, but they are present and they will likely start to come out more over time. So in a way, yes, for now he is taking on the larger emotional load of the two of them, but I believe that is true of nearly anyone who is in a relationship with someone who is unwell in the way Link is unwell. That doesn't mean it will stay that way, or that he's not getting enough out of it even now to be happy.
Ravio's primary self-worth issue comes from him actually thinking of himself a coward. (He berates himself for leaving Lorule to get help, for example, even though it worked out and both Hilda and Zelda have told him he made the right choice. And all involved have acknowledged how difficult that choice was.) He also knows that some of the things he's good at (i.e. manipulation) can be pretty sleazy. He's done plenty of less than moral things in his life to survive. But he considers himself worthy of love, and he's found ways to make at least some peace with his talents. So that's a 50/50 on the self worth issues. More on this one TBD.
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isalabells · 11 months
I am very curious why Ted going back to the US to be there for his son is him making the mistakes as his dad and a real tragedy. Or did I read your tags wrong and you didn’t mean it this way?
Anon, I never meant to insinuate that this is him making the same mistakes as his dad, nor do I think my tags suggests that. But it's Ted fearing he is making the same mistake as his dad that is the driving force for his ill-advised decision. (That being said, i've seen the Ted's gonna end up like his dad eventually take flying around here, and while -- even in the face of the final scenes -- this is too horrid and bleak a thought even for me I can't entirely refute it, so there's that.) As for your other question, hoo boi- I recommend going back to the post I reblogged and scrolling through some of the tags because there's a lot of people out there who've articulated it way more eloquently than I am currently capable of, and my answer is nothing but a potpourri of all these thoughts.
But let me ask you in return- Did Ted look happy to you? Did he? Did his constant dissociating throughout the episode and him being emotionally closed off and unresponsive to all the people who love and care for him so deeply, him forcefully shutting them all out so he could be A Good Dad and soldier on and do what must be done because he fears otherwise he will make Henry feel like his Dad made him feel (which in itself is a loaded thought, and I bet Sharon could dismantle it within two sessions) make you feel all warm and fuzzy? Him more or less being pushed into this decision because his mom was guilt tripping him and going through with it bc he is under the misguided impression that he has to break-the-cycle in order to prevent impending doom for Henry (guys pls this isn't Succession).
I know there's a post making rounds where people are being outraged bc how dare anyone say choosing to be a parent is the inferior choice here, why do you want Ted to abandon his child and like- I'm genuinely sorry if you feel that way.
The implication that Ted not living within close proximity to Henry renders him a bad father is just bonkers. Emotional availability and taking care of your kid, being involved in their life is not necessarily tied to local distance at all. In all those three years, Ted hasn't neglected Henry once? Hell, with all the constant facetiming and irregular visits and whatnot he's probably kept more up to date with his kid than a good chunk of parents do despite living under the same roof as their offsprings.
Emphasizing the importance of the nuclear family (one that technically doesn't even exist anymore in Ted's case) and telegraphing that this is the main if not only way to be A Good Father seems like such a shocking conservative and nearsighted move for this show, and, pardon me, a very US-American one as well. All of this seems quite tone deaf, but it wouldn't be the first time this season (maybe one day @hubba1892 will bless us all with the essay on TL taking a stand on defying Super League and pushing for 50+1 rule vs. City being a major advertising factor for the show.)
Obiously, this is strongly influenced by me being a firm believer that parenthood shouldn't swallow your whole identity. Playing at pretend happy family and, as someone else put it so nicely, sacrificing your happiness for the sake of your kid is not healthy, and it will gain your kid nothing in the end. Ted seeing himself as nothing but a vessel to fix other people's lives and help them become the best version of themselves only to remove himself from the situation, nay, the entire story (literally and metaphorically, cf him suggesting Trent change the title) once the job is done without a thought or care for his own wants and needs, let alone his happiness is just so deeply saddening. "But the second to last ep showed that they're all gonna be fine without him!!" Yes, that's exactly the point, he should stay because the wants to, not because they need him.
Now Ted 'ain't nobody in this room alone' Lasso is quite literally all alone in the big vast room that is Kansas, with his main people being Henry (a literal child), Michelle and his mom, two people who both make him fucking miserable. A less pointed take would be that he doesn't even have to stay at Richmond specifically. The opportunities that he now has at his disposal in the UK bc of his success story are endless; lots of possibilities for him to continue doing what he loves without being stuck in the depression show that is coaching little league for funsies, quenching all of his wants and needs and dreams and aspiration.
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