#thank you for the question though!
uniiiquehecrt · 8 months
Why is it a cosmic problem that the Asgardian bloodline will end with Thor? Asgard is no more - what we have is a nonmagical place on Earth where Asgardians live. When Asgard doesn't exist, who cares that there will be no heirs. The current ruler is someone to whom King Thor just gave the rulership. That's how every ruler will be made now - anyone the current ruler gives it to. Or maybe they start holding elections. Make it democratic.
They don't need heirs now. And Thor will die alone in a ditch. It doesn't matter anymore. Taika has made it so that everything in Thor's world is insignificant now. But this is a happy ending.
I... genuinely can't entirely tell if you're being sarcastic, nonny, or if this is a genuine question that perhaps I may be misreading... (and if I have, do feel free to send a follow up and correct me)
but there's quite a many problem with the royal bloodline ending with Thor from an in-universe standpoint, just as well as the trajectory of Asgard's fate from Ragnarok and Endgame onward is an insult to the worldbuilding of Earth-199999's Asgard and the Nine Realms.
There's a couple of different ways you could slice my statement and I would still argue that what I've said can be seen as true. But I'll go through the wide range of elements in your ask to best illustrate the broader strokes of my point.
but TL;DR:
Ultimately you answered your own question, and that's the best way to boil down the travesty of it all:
Q: Why is it a cosmic problem that the Asgardian bloodline will end with Thor? A: Taika has made it so that everything in Thor's world is insignificant now.
Not only this, but Thor is the lastoline of the royal family. Before which, there only existed himself, and his father, Odin. He is the last of a subspecies of alien on par with other massively powerful aliens like Titans and I would wager, potentially even more mortal Celestials like Ego. He's a being who can generate storms just because he's miffed. Once Thor is dead and gone, there will NEVER be an Asgardian who is more than just your usual 'super-strength, super-speed, super-endurance' humanoid looking alien. There will NEVER be an Asgardian with the ability to summons storms and have lightning flow through his veins.
Hela had dominion over life and death, Thor is effectively a living, breathing, walking, talking tempest, Odin can be inferred to have some kind of 'order' seeking affinity. Who knows about MCU Bor and Buri. They are INCREDIBLY ancient, and powerful beings. If MCU Asgardians are to MCU humans what D&D elves are to D&D humans, then Thor is to Asgardians what an eladrin elf is to normal elves.
And we are watching – have already watched, even, — that incredibly powerful, incredible RARE sub-species of asgardian effectively be driven to extinction.
Just think about that for a second.
(the rest has been put under a cut because this answer got long, and for that I apologize ... mostly.)
Asgard is no more - what we have is a nonmagical place on Earth where Asgardians live.
Yes. This. This is quite actually the crux of the problem of this choice. The most beautiful and compelling aspect of the MCU in Phase 1 in particular is the prospect of an alternative universe out there where, to quote Jane Foster, "magic is just science that hasn't been explained yet". A world where superheroes truly can exist and aren't cartoonishly corny as superhoes used to be depicted... I'll say pre!Raimi Spider-Man era. (Though.. the Goblin's costume is still pretty goofy.)
What made Thor stand out as an individual hero within the Avengers (both the team, and the 2012 feature), and what made him so compelling to quite a many fans new, old, or casual, was that Thor is magical. He comes from a place where magic and science are the same thing. His whole world is ethereal and timeless, it's vast and expansive, and because it's inspired by real world norse mythology — of which is itself a rich and fascinating study in and of itself — there are a thousand different directions he could be taken.
I may be speaking partly for myself, but he also further ropes in a fantasy-centric audience such as myself who largely enjoy high-fantasy, medieval inspirations, tales of chivalry, hope, love, adventure, magic, timeless knights and princes — Dark World in particular has him acting quite a bit like your typical idea of a chivalrious, regal, stately prince or honorable knight who is virtuous and kind, and who protects those who can't protect themselves.
And that's just a single aspect of what made him so unique. What made him so unbelievably lovely. Thor is lovely, and Thor is magical. His family, friends, world, and people are magical.
But as of RAGNAROK, the realm he hails from was destroyed before our eyes before we got to truly know anything about it.
As of ENDGAME and LOVE AND THUNDER, the people and culture of asgard that remain has been so watered down that they dared to make New Asgard a tourist attraction in some rinky-dink nowhere backwater coastal town no different than Puente Antiguo, New Mexico where Thor first crash-landed in the first film.
Asgard used to be on par with, if not even more intriguing and full of mystery, than Wakanda, the earthen monarchy. Now it's a tourist trap that ... for some reason has "infinity gauntlet" ice cream in the heart of the town of a people devastated by Thanos twice.
The current ruler is someone to whom King Thor just gave the rulership. That's how every ruler will be made now [...] They don't need heirs now.
Potentially unpopular opinion (?) but I have so many issues with the decision to give Lady Valkyrie Thor's birthright that it could take an entire 10 paragraph essay for me to fully delve into all of the issues.
In short:
To say Valkyrie had a character beyond "traumatized alcoholic with a chip on her shoulder" is ... generous at best. That's not a diss, that is entirely factual. I could not tell you what her Want vs. Need is, or her character goal, or her motivations, or why she bothered to suddenly help Thor (re: lack of motivations) because she never took any action with any real agency in RAGNAROK that wasn't spurred on by Loki. ....Off screen.
I also don't think that the woman who had spent over 1,500 years MINIMUM running away from her home and her people, festering bitterness, spite and hatred towards the royal line, and who never actually respected Thor in the first place because of who his father is should have been honored the title of King. She did not deserve that. Both in general, and as a character who frankly just did not get enough screentime to really be SHOWN caring for her people, atoning for her absence and otherwise supporting, caring for, and working alongside Thor. Had she actually been shown doing any of the above in a substantial amount of screentime, perhaps then I might have felt differently, as if she earned the position more than Thor who has spent 2 solo movies (not counting RAGNAROK) earning his place as a future leader. This is likewise not entirely counting his O.S. actions of maintaining peace under his authority between Avengers and Dark World, and his personal search for the Infinity Stones post!Age of Ultron.
Valkyrie is powerful, yes, but she is ultimately still NOT an Asgardian Royal. And to your point about "this is how every ruler will be made now" — Heimdal aside, NO OTHER ASGARDIANS have special powers. It is EXCLUSIVE to Odin's bloodline. (Frigga is a practicing witch and these are two incredibly different things, since Loki was taught his magic, not born with it.) This is a GLARING worldbuilding issue further highlighted down below, but the tl;dr of it is: the only reason why Earth has been largely untouched and the Nine Realms kept safe in isolation despite the constant going-ons of the other galaxies in the universe is BECAUSE of the royal line. Odin isn't kidding around when he says he (and his bloodline) are protectors of the Nine Realms. Valkyrie is most certainly able to try, but at the end of the day she's NEVER going to be able to get through very many galactic battles without ultimately calling on Thor for assistance at the end of the day. And when her time is up? Or when Thor is finally dead and gone? There goes your ace in the hole.
But more than that, thinking about it semi-realistically from a worldbuilding perspective:
It's quite literally a cosmic problem in that there is now a galactic power imbalance. MCU!Thor comes from a version of Marvel's world where the there aren't literal gods, but there are aliens. Tons of aliens. All with varying powers and proportions and what-have-you-not. More specifically: power humanoid aliens from a realm called Asgard, that in Earth-199999 inspired the entirety of the Norse mythos of the viking age.
These aliens, governed by the ruling monarch of the realm eternal, also govern over 8 additional realms— which for all we know could range from a territory that is a singular planet (vanaheim, asgard), to potentially an entire solar system (earth and its solar system). BOTH options nine times over marks an absolutely incredible empire for a singular species of alien to claim complete control and territory over.
But they were not only able to obtain this territory but continue to safeguard it under Asgardian protection because the royal family is gifted incredible power (Thor, for instance, can change the atmosphere out of sheer mindless emotion not to mention conscious thought), and have secured and/or subdued multiple infinity stones throughout the millenia (the aether/reality stone, the tesseract/mind stone, thor has also personally endured a power stone directly to the temple, for instance), and have maintained peace for a MINIMUM of a thousand years beneath Odin's reign as All-Father, Protector of the Nine Realms.
So, if the royal family governs its own pocket dimension planet, AND maintains peace and prosperity by personally safeguarding the territories itself and of eight additional realms, all with a variety of other alien species, ecosystems, solar systems, galactic quadrants, etc. ...Who are also KNOWN to be fierce and proud warriors who have likewise safeguarded ancient and powerful alien relics the likes of the tesseract/mind stone for hundreds if not thousands of years — and you take this long-lived warrior race out of their own equation...?
We're talking potential outbreaks of a new age of war the likes of those talked about in Thor (2011), in-fighting amongst the Nine Realms, invasions from outside realms of conquesting species, so on and so forth. Without Asgard and specifically a Royal Asgardian at the seat of power to maintain the balance of what has been built, (and i specify a ROYAL asgardian, aka Thor's line, because his bloodline is the only asgardian bloodline with the raw power to maintain and preserve everything long-term), well, you've effectively started a cosmic power vacuum — even if the MCU likely will never bother to explore the consequences of it.
Slight sidebar (albeit still mostly related), but:
Quite frankly one of the funniest aspects of Thor's relationships with Nick Fury and the humans that are equally as worked up about aliens existing, pointing their fingers at Thor as an example of their right to be wary (and eventually Loki and the Chutari, though those are more earned) is that they are effectively minimum-wage fast-food employees bad-mouthing he who is essentially the up-and-coming Chairman of the metaphorical "Yggdrasil's Nine Realms Fast Food Chain" without realizing who he actually is.
(Which, viewing through that lens makes the Avengers Nick Fury scene and the Tony Stark Age of Ultron scene even more hilarious despite the eventual coming of Thanos, because Thor, bless him, doesn't take ...much... offense to it until the bad-blood becomes over-bloated and geared towards the violent. RE: "My people want nothing but peace with your planet." / "Your work with the tesseract is what drew Loki to it, and his allies. It is a signal to all the realms that the earth is ready for a higher form of war.")
For all of the drama of MCU Phases 1-3, realistically speaking, Midgard is low enough on the hierarchy of Asgard's protected territories that not only would it not be targeted first by Asgard's enemies (or other conquesting alien species), but even if it WAS to be targeted, or if Asgard was in its own fit of warfare ... Earth wouldn't even know it in the first place because THAT is how good at their jobs the Asgardians are. Earth, despite being SURROUNDED by alien activity and having even been in possession of multiple infinity stones at a time throughout history, not ONCE realized that (other) aliens existed out there... during the entirety of the 1,000-some years of peace that Odin so often talked about.
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I have a random Firelight AU question for you, if you don't mind! Maybe it will be come up in future chapters so feel free not to spoil if you want to save it for then, but: what do the Parsians think when they see Azar's horse Zaal? I assume spots are common to this Maaren type of horse, but presumably not so often seen in Pars (it may be present in the genepool but none of the horses we've seen in the manga have that leopard spotting pattern).
Parsians are an equestrian people so I have no doubt they'd be checking out other people's mounts, especially a mysterious delegate from another nation. Actually, I'm getting sidetracked now but I also wonder what the general Parsian opinion about Maar is?
(I'm definitely curious to know what Daryun thinks about Zaal but I'm sure your fic will give us his thoughts on the matter at some point, lol. Let's hope Zaal and Shabrang get along well!)
Okay, I actually have not thought about this at all, so thank you for being my brain and asking this questions!
Zaal was, if I remember what I said about him correctly, mostly bred for heavy farming. And since he is in a rather mountany terrain, he has a lot more muscle and fat to keep him warm in the colder climate. His breed was already on the island when the Maarer came over from Mayram (that is also where their name came from and their "main-god"). And because the breed found in the mountains is very strong and resiliant, they were chosen for the heavier load of farming. They are usually not used for riding.
Theyr fur pattern came to be so that the horses were not as visable to preditors when heavy snowfall acurse or they had to hide in not dangerous snow drifts (at least for the horses mostly in the mountains, the ones in the more flat terrain obviously evolved a little differently). And Zaal is suppose to be completelly white - but I couldn't find pictures actual full white Noriker horses (that is the in reality breed i based Zaal on.)
The Maarer usually use more slim horses or those bred for speed and agillity for travelling and - most importantly - the militery. Some were already on the island in the grasslands (the area between the more "beachy" terrain and the mountains) others they brough with them from Maryam.
As for the Parsians, they don't really see the other types of breeds Maar has besides the ones the merchants and military uses - so similar to theirs. The only difference is that Maaren horses are generally more on the sturdier side due to the big differences in climate and terrain in their habitat.
Also, on what they think about Maar as a whole, the normal parsian citizen thinks of this really tiny kingdom that someday just popped up and is rising amonst the internatonal traders. Since it is still rather young as a kingdom, there is not much known about it. Only that they are very welcoming to everyone, allow every religion and belief and - how outlandish - have no actual slave system (this information is not as well known amongst the normal folk, more amongst nobelity and merchants.)
And their wine is very good as are their metals. Since those are their maingoods. That they also use magic is seen as just a rumor to explain how they are so good at defending themselfs and are so quick to arrive everywhere.
Now to Daryun. Since Vahriz has told him a little bit more about Maar due to his personal connection, he knows that Zaals breed is mostly used for agriculture and other heavy things. So he probably does a little double take when offically meeting Azar (I don't count Azars first introdaction as "their first meeting" since they don't actually talk or properly interact with each other). Maybe he will even ask her about it someday!
I have yet to think about such little scenes and Azars actual reason as to why she chose Zaal as her mount lol. Feel free to give me ideas! Chuck them at me!
I hope this answered your questions!
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suashii · 7 months
suaaaa my delicious five michelin star sushi roll! 💛 with rin being a star in the sports world, do you two have deal with a lot of prying eyes or weird media attention? how do the two of you handle it?
amiraaaa my brightest + warmest ray of sunshine! rinnie is definitely a popular player who has a ton of fans and! he’s really thankful for them! but neither of us really like being stared at and rin isn’t super big on being approached every five minutes — especially when we’re hanging out so we have a little routine if you will. whenever we’re out together he politely denies giving autographs or taking photos, just to respect our time and activities.
in our attempt to stay lowkey we both wear masks. rin covers the rest of his face with hats and i have a huge collection of sunglasses so those act as our disguises (which don’t really work bc rin is very tall and 85% of my sunglasses draw attention instead of diverting it lol)
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casdeans-pie · 9 months
may I ask why in the world you chose that for your name
You may indeed ask, thecontentsofyourfridge
asdhjhgshfj it's just a simple spn sideblog name
My username on main is Izupie, so lots of people call me Pie as a nickname - I really wanted to keep the Pie part of my name and be Casdeans-pie but somebody already took that one :/ so I stuck the ti in there cause it sounded cute
And there we go
Castideans-pie was born
So Pie is still my nickname ❤️
If I could change it without ruining a whole bunch of screenshots and links I would. But it's become this account's identity - I have mutuals and friends on here now and I don't want to have the confusion of changing it for them either too so it's here to stay!
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pastacrylic · 1 year
I'd love to know how something like your banner logo gets made! the one that looks like a little tube! it looks so cool
Haha well we definitely suck at tutorials so we won't be of much help, but basically the gist of it is that we mapped text to a cylinder shape with Illustrator's 3D tools, which we then rasterized and downscaled, then upscaled and vectorized again, to create this cool pixelly tube effect!
Here's a tutorial on how to map text to 3D shapes in Illustrator that'll explain things much better than we can:
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buckets-thought-dump · 6 months
What's wrong with using the necrodancer art for Azradon's page, at least for the moment? I think it looks pretty good.
(for context this is the art anon is talking about)
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I did consider using it! There's nothing wrong with the art itself, but I prefer not to use it for the wiki because... well he's turned away from the camera which hides like 80% of his body which isn't a good point of reference imo.
Now I do have a better reference to use which is this one:
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So then you might be wondering why didn't I just use this one? Well I don't like the pose because it's just a reference pose, and I don't like that there's a second version standing right next to him. And also I was on my phone and I didn't feel like making a cropped version and that would also not look very good.
Preferably I would like to make a new one when I find the time because I prefer to have clean character renders with a unique pose instead of them just standing there. (like smash bros renders or something)
So either that or I get lazy and end up using this ref sheet version anyway.
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bobacupcake · 8 months
your orb was really cool! How’d you make it?
i am so sorry but you will have to be more specific here becaus;e i have made. at least three orbs
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useful-boy · 1 year
So a friend told me about Maushold today and I knew immediately what I had to do
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callisteios · 5 months
I have a new uquiz for you, go on a pilgrimage with me. discover who you are.
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expelliarmus · 1 year
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goldengirlgalaxy · 1 year
After Danny has managed to smooth things over with his rogues, helping them cope with their obsessions in ways that don't cause massive property damage for the living, he ends up getting some lessons from a few of them on different topics.
Technus ends up teaching Danny how to properly overshadow and upgrade electronics.
So when, for one reason or another, Danny ends up in the DC universe, he decides to have some fun when he learns about this world's thing with superheroes.
The next time Superman is dealing with a robbery, a car suddenly appears with a black and white color scheme, and starts to heckle the robbers before stopping their car with some kind of tow line.
Wonder Woman ends up encountering a talking fan that somehow manages to produce gusts of wind strong enough to take most people off their feet.
The Joker hijacks a news broadcast to announce his next plan, only for the camera system to come to life and record the mad clown getting the tied up by wires and beaten up by boom mikes.
The Flash gets some help from a living heater that can shoot flames.
Captain Marvel ends up befriending a talking vending machine that throws concussive soda cans at villains. And can also dispense normal drinks.
Someone ends up meeting a talking phone that just so happens to have a recording of the big bad's evil monologue.
Strange machines suddenly come to life all around the world, often helping various heroes. It's gotten to the point several Justice League Members are betting on who gets a mechanical partner next, and what form they're going to be in. The only thing about this mysterious hero that the Justice League knows is that he goes by the name Rotom.
(Whether or not the DC universe has Pokemon in order for them to get the reference is up to you)
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originalartblog · 1 year
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the origin story
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jeeaark · 5 months
I love Greygold! What do you think his personal quest would be if he were a companion/follower instead of a player character?
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I have yet to play the dark urge run, but I HEARD THINGS. And-and Rangers have a bounty hunter passive choice so-so why wouldn't Greygold try their shot? Gonna catch themself a new BFF or wind up dead first morning
Bonus personal quest for Tavs:
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Like. I've NOTICED that bg3 personal quests have a certain pattern involving EXTREMELY AWFUL CIRCUMSTANCES, but uh I couldn't put Greygold through that, so next best thing: animal friendship discord!
You thought Greygold's only got one personal quest? Try five.
Technically, probably a personal problem as normal Tav too, but A LOT LESS PRIORITIZED now that they're learning how to be Team Leader to a whole Different Disaster Team of all time.
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Welp. Tag tagged by @justplaggin for the game
rules: spell out your name or url with songs
I couldn't resist, and thank you very much for it, Jay/Plagg!
To challenge myself, I'm gonna see if I can stick to songs from anime East Asian shows/stories
A - All-in (Alien Stage)
L - Last Dimension (TRIGGER)
W - wi(l)d-screen baroque (Revue Starlight)
A - Artistic Partisan (ALKALOID x Valkyrie)
Y - Yumemiru Architecture (Kagehira Mika; Enstars)
A - Ame (MEZZO)
J - Joker Flag (IDOLiSH7)
Y - Yume Shizuku (Re:vale)
F - Forever Note (MEZZO)
U - Until it Dies (覃云; Link Click)
L - Lily (Luck Life; Bungo Stray Dogs)
N - Now and Then (Re:vale)
O - Or the Beautiful Golden Drop (Knights; complete version out on May 22, so have the game version)
E - Eccentric Party Night!! (Five Eccentrics)
19 songs...and I tried to find ones that I genuinely enjoy right now (RIP to me making this challenge harder), so hence, the above mostly-Japanese-dominated list.
No pressure tags: @bobisnolongerhere @lizzieonka @rosencrantzsguildenstern @msperfectsheep-posts @mahounonbinary @praise-the-lord-im-dead @nitunio @akitchenknife @teslathelame @koi0boi @mihai-florescu @forebodinglight @imissthembutitwasntadisaster and anyone else seeing this because i am now incredibly curious about what songs you will choose (im so sorry if I forgot someone)
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finemealprompt · 2 days
DP x DC Prompt #38
The observants are in a bit of a pickle, at the moment. The young Danny Fenton is refusing to be the Ghost King, saying he is too busy and doesn't want the responsibility that comes with it. Clockwork insists they don't need a king, but what does he know?
Who else could be their king? The other halfa, Vlad Masters? No, no, he'd be almost as bad as Pariah Dark. The clone? No, she's not nearly stable enough. Ruling the realms would be the definitive end of her.
That's when they remembered. There was this guy who reeked of death in Gotham. He had started a legacy, he helps lead one of the strongest team of heroes in the world, surely he'd be a great fit! He's not exactly a ghost, but beggars can't be choosers!
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bonus-links · 2 months
hello!! I just first wanted to say I really love your comic and absolutely adore the way your draw each different link! Also! I wanted to ask if it was possible to be able to pin each new update of the comic to your blog? I don’t always get to see it when it first posts, and so I’ll check back in every so often, but sometimes I’ll miss it if there’s a lot of asks posted afterwards. If that’s not to your preference though, that’s okay, I figured I’d at least ask lol anyways have a great day!
i don't really like pinning the updates to the top because there's other important links in my current pinned post. there's a link called "Latest Page" there that should take you to the latest update though! I do my best to keep it current
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