#yams is FLUSTERED (affectionate)
babymagi · 2 years
Hakuei: I don't have any good pick-up lines, so how about instead of picking you up I pin you down~? Yamraiha: WOAH WOAH WOA-
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hoejosatoru · 1 year
Got Game? Haikyu edition !
Ranking Hiakyu characters on how good they are at hitting on people. Basically does your fave has rizz or nah? 
A/n: there are sooo many haikyu characters so if I forgot your fave I'm sorry feel free to add them in wherever you want & if you disagree be nice about it or I'll bite you this took a long time there’s SO MANY OF THEM
33. Mad Dog
He’s scaring hoes. No explanation needed.
32. Aone
He was dead last until I remembered mad dog existed. He is scaring hoes as well. But like if someone could give him a chance I think he does have a good heart. He really needs to be introduced to someone or something, bc cold walking up to someone is never going to work for him I fear.
31. Ushijima 
More intimidating that scary, but still makes people nervous. He’s just like super dry and has bad social skills. Does not know how to be flirty at all. He’s cute so I think on occasion there’s girls that want him enough to look past all that but honestly he will almost always strike out unless he has a wingman (Tendo) to help balance him out.
30. Sakusa 
Bro is mean and grumpy. I also feel like he doesn’t really care for random hook ups anyway so he is not trying to pick up people a lot. On the occasion he does see someone he wants to approach, I just struggle to see him being flirty. Like you almost get the sense he is judging you when he’s talking to you. Which, to be fair, he probably is. He is another person who would benefit from having a wingman, though he won’t admit it. He’s getting past Ushijima by the skin of his teeth just because he isn’t as imposing.
29. Kita
Another one who I don’t see trying to approach too many people. I think he would come off as disinterested even if he did find you cute. Would probably try to flirt by asking weird philosophical questions. Does better than Sakusa bc his energy is slightly less intense. 
28. Yamaguchi
He’s just too awkward. He gets super shy and flustered around anyone he thinks is cute. Sometimes gets lucky when he goes for someone who finds his shyness cute, but often is shit outta luck.
27. Tsukishima
Of course Tsukki and Yams are next to each other. Tsukki is another grumpy one, but not as intense as Sakusa. He too doesn’t approach too many people, but more than Kita or Sakusa would. I could totally see him being one of those dudes that relies on being tall for getting girls. Like he thinks he doesn’t have to try that hard since he is over 6 foot💀 I think he flirts by being mean but it comes off too mean or condescending at times. Definitely tries to be more selective with who he approaches though, won’t approach anyone he doesn’t think he has a good chance with.
26. Goshiki
Talks a big game in front of his friends, but gets really nervous in front of the person. Blushes like crazy and trips over his words. Can get past that at times, but flirting definitely doesn’t come as naturally to him. 
25. Tendo
Tendo is fearless, which does help his success rate because he just will walk up to anyone he thinks is hot. Doesn't really get nervous at all. However, he is a little weird (I say that affectionately) so he's definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. Strikes out a decent amount bc of that, but honestly it doesn't really bother him at all. Will just move on to next one. He’s really just there for a good time.
24. Yamamoto
Gets very nervous around girls he thinks are hot. He gets loud when he is nervous which can freak people out. Tries his best, but either comes on really strong or really stiff. Sometimes can get past that if gets hyped up by his friends beforehand.
23. Kunimi
He’s okay at it. He’s quiet and a little snarky, which doesn’t alway connect well. I think if he is able to break the ice and get a conversation going, he has a good success rate. But if he isn’t able to get the person hooked into the conversation quickly, he fizzles out.
22. Asahi
He is like 50/50. He’s the guy who comes up to you and you get super excited because he’s cute, but he can fumble it. If he is in a nervous mood, it is really hard for him to get a convo going and be natural. Those days he is striking out more. If he is feeling confident that day, he has a really good success rate. Again, 50/50.
21. Oikawa
I know this is low but hear me out. Because girls were crazy over him in high school he really never had to try to get someone to like him. Therefore he really doesn’t have good skills in that area, especially when just approaching someone random. I think he would learn fairly quickly, but it would be a tough start.
20. Kenma
He’s kinda shy and doesn’t like approaching people bc he’s a lil lazy( but mostly nervous). However, he’s super smart and if he can figure out a way to get you to approach him, he’ll definitely do that. Can have trouble standing out to people since he is on the quieter side. But circling back to the smart thing, I think he is good at zeroing in on his type & what will get that person hooked on him. Definitely spends some time observing you before he makes a move. His success rate does go up a lot if he has a wingman, but he doesn’t NEED one like some people on this list.
 19. Tanaka
He’s very similar to Yamamoto, but I think he is just a bit better at staying calm. Just a bit. Definitely is nervous to start& can come off a little strong at first, but if you give him a chance he’s able to show he’s a good, genuine guy. Also feel like if he is with a friend his success rate goes up like crazy. Like he doesn't need the wing man to intervene for him, it’s more like having his friend there makes him feel confident and takes away his nerves. This is why he is always begging Nishinoya to come out with him.
18. Matsukawa
Middle of the road guy. I feel like he is bad at opening conversation, which hurts him. However, if someone gives him a chance for a longer conversation he does a lot better. 
17. Daichi
He’s not bad, but he’s also not amazing? Like I don’t really see him as someone who gets very nervous around people he finds cute. However, he’s not super flirty and can struggle to hold people’s interest if that makes sense? Just kinda mid tbh.
16. Koganegawa
He has like puppy dog vibes. He has a lot of fun flirting. I feel like he is a lil bit of an air head, so he doesn’t even realize he should be nervous. But since he has such positive, easy going vibes it’s super easy to talk to him. His down fall is that he can be a little too spacey and forget to follow through, ex forgets to ask for your number or tell you he thinks you’re cute.
15. Kageyama
He’s not super flirty either. But I feel like as he gets older he grows in confidence and gets better at approaching people. Let’s be honest them beautiful fucking blue eyes has him picking up most people he wants. His weakness is sometimes he’s too reserved and the other person thinks he’s not interested. Either than that a pretty solid success rate
14. Akaashi
Honestly bro is so fine he really doesn’t have to try that hard. Similar to kageyama in that he can struggle with coming off too aloof. Still, I think he’s super polite and engaging which makes him charming without even really trying
13. Lev
He also has some puppy dog vibes but I think he is more in control of it. Especially as he gets older he mellows out more. Being a professional model gave him a lot of confidence, but he still is a lil goofy on the inside, so it never comes off as cocky or anything. I could see him trying a little too hard to be suave at times that it works against him. Like it comes off a little disingenuous. But he’s a 6′4 model, he’s not struggling THAT hard to get numbers lets be real.
12. Nishinoya
He’s higher than Tanaka bc I think he comes off slightly less strong. Maybe it’s just because he’s small 💀. But he doesn’t feel intimidating even though he does come on strong. He’s able to do it in a way that’s very endearing. Also once he gets talking he’s able to reel himself in more. He’s also super funny which helps his success rate a TON.
11. Kuroo
Idk why but I can see him wanting to use like pick up lines 💀 like he thinks he’s being smoother than he really is. Kenma tells him he’s being a dork(which he is). He’s hot enough that most people will give him a chance, though. Once he gets past that he genuinely charming and doesn’t struggle to get someone’s number
10. Bokuto
Another one that can come on strong but in a way that works for him. I can deadass see him just walking up to someone and flat out telling them they’re gorgeous. And it feels so genuine(bc it is genuine) and not just like someone trying to get in your pants (even if he is trying to get in your pants). If he strikes out tho it totally kills his mood and it’s hard for him to recover.
9. Atsumu
He’s the opposite of bokuto where him calling you gorgeous sounds like he’s just trying to get in your pants 💀 but he is SUCH flirt oml. I think that can hurt him at times bc he’s laying it on a little too thick. But usually finds a good balance. Can charm the pants off most people if you give him enough time.
8. Aran
Solid flirter. Confident enough to approach you and make conversation without being overbearing. Chill and easy to talk to. Even if you don’t end up going out with him after, you still enjoy the talk you had. Also doesn’t make it weird if you decline him.
7. Sugawara
Suga is so good at getting your guard down. He’s just sweet and genuine you feel at ease with him (it’s those big brown cow eyes). So easy to talk to and is surprisingly funny. Plus when he tells you he works with kids it makes him seem even sweeter.
6. Terushima
And then we have to total opposite. Honestly he should be lower. He comes off strong to the point of being cocky but somehow makes it work. Let’s be honest it’s the tongue ring(he definitely makes suggestive jokes about it). I also hc that he’s super tatted as an adult. I think he does well because he’s superrrrr good at picking out the girls who would be into his vibe. Also like who doesn’t wanna hook up with a bad boy every now and then?
5. Hinata
Listen. This may be high but I truly believe Hinata has good game. So good that at times he doesn’t even realize the effect he is having. I think his favorite way to flirt is getting you to do something competitive with him. Has no issue walking up to you at the beach to ask if you wanna play volleyball with him or even just asking to play beer pong at a party. He doesn’t even really have to try once you agree because he is super good at everything he does (which is a turn on) and you have a lot of fun. Great at asking you on a date without even realizing you’re being asked. Like he’ll say you should go get something to eat after playing together and you immediately agree. Then you’re like wait a second... this is totally date. And you’re very happy about it.
4. Semi
I feel like we don’t know that much about his cannon personality, but he has such a cool vibe. Liken effortlessly cool so you’re naturally drawn to him. Plus he’s super good looking like come on. Really just knows how to curate his look. He’s someone expect to be a little mean but he’s actually a sweetheart. Has you head over heels in no time.
3. Osamu
Atsumu is punching the air rn. He’s got Atsumu’s confidence but is able to keep from being too much. Subtle flirt, but super good at it nonetheless. Loves flirting with costumers who come to his shop because it gets him extra tips but also you keep coming back to order shit just so you can talk to him more. He knows he’s got you right where he wants you. He gets soooo many numbers left on receipts and absolutely will call them if he liked you.
2. Suna
God. This man. He was born to flirt look at him!! He’s so fucking smooth. He’s sorta aloof but he is really able to work that to his favor. Definitely confident enough to just walk up to you and start a convo. He is a good talker but he almost doesn't need words??? Like he can just look at you a certain way and god you’re sweating (in the best way). Easily gets anyone he sets his sights on.
1. Iwaizumi
Iwaizumi has the best game idc. He’s equally hot and approachable. Has plenty of confidence but is never cocky. Truly has a kind, warm aura that makes you feel so comfy talking to him. He’s super smart and funny. Like you just feel like you’re having a conversation you don’t even realize he’s flirting with you but you’re absolutely developing a huge crush on him. The type you talk to and immediately feel like you’ve known him forever. He truly never strikes out. It’s a gift. 
Bonus: Coach Ukai
It didn’t feel fair to compare Ukai to everyone bc he is a few years older and definitely more experienced but I couldn't leave him out. He has INSANE game. Like just look at him. He’s fine, a lil bit of a bad boy vibe, has a heart of gold (LOVES dropping in that he is a volunteer coach with kids). I think he would be sexy n fun flirt like it’s just too easy for him.
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Whats Dark choco like in the au?
I was sure I already talked about him but apparently not?? Wtf?
He has a great relationship with Dark Cacao. They are not super close but Choco knows he is there for him if he needs anything.
He is kinda shy? I cannot find the right word for him actually but he is extremely respectable and polite. He has a hard time making friends because he is too afraid to talk to people and he doesn't really know what he'd say anyway
Despite that he is very affectionate. He mirrors peoples' love languages the best he can, unsure what his own one is
He is close friends with Caramel Arrow and later on manages to become very close with both Crunchy Chip and Purple Yam as well.
He doesn't know too much about magic
He is a natural leader. Whenever someone needs his help he aids them as soon as he can but gets flustered when people call him helpful, insisting that he just does the right thing.
He has his mind set to do the right thing. He is a Neutral Good, people are more important to him than anything else
Despite everything he is unsure who he wants to be. He doesn't want to run Cacao's school once he retired but he feels like he needs to even though Cacao is encouraging him to find his own passions as well
His sword is not cursed here. He got it as a gift from Cacao when he graduated high school and set on becoming a serious warrior. He cherishes it greatly
Dark Choco is one of my favourites in this story. He has lots of character progression (example: his friendship with his roommates developing from tense to brotherly), i may dare to say that he has the second most after Vampire, but I still kept some of his in game stuff.
Despite his sword being uncursed, Choco still has a similar fate to his in game counterpart. How and why he gets where he does? Fuck around and find out /lhj
But yeah I love him. Tragic little cookie.
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lemony-snickers · 2 years
Hi!! For the soft prompts, could you do the one where reader asks their date to come stay the night? With a flustered yet eager Yamato? =w= I love your stuff! But this is my very first time requesting a fic ever lol! I hope it's okay!
hello, my dear! of course it's okay! <3 thank you so much for sending this in, i hope you like this little yams ditty!
send me a soft prompt and i’ll write a drabble
Even when he squeezed his fingers and felt your hand securely clasped in his own, Yamato wondered if maybe he was dreaming.
Because he couldn’t imagine how he’d ended up with someone so kind and funny and smart.  He rubbed his thumb gently over the back of your hand and you turned to look at him, your smile impossibly wide and happy.  He ducked away, averting his gaze as he blushed fiercely, despite the small, contented smile tugging at his mouth.
That you’d ever agreed to go out with him still seemed like a dream.  Yamato was fairly certain no one was supposed to find as much happiness as he found with you; it seems wholly improbable and honestly a little selfish.
He didn’t mind being selfish, though, it turned out, when you were looking at him the way you had at dinner, smiling brightly and laughing at his stories of Team 7.  He liked learning about your life in turn, sharing in your loving memories of your family and your team.  It was nice to have someone to share these moments with and he wondered if this was the part of him that had been missing all this time; the part of him that didn’t mind being a little goofy if it meant making you laugh.  Normally, he would be home now, tending to his plants, sharpening his ninja tools, and preparing for missions or assignments.
And while some part of him--the small kernel of his subconscious still dictated by his ROOT upbringing and his ANBU training--continued to whisper that he should be doing those things instead of holding your hand as you meandered through the village with no sense of urgency....
Well, all it took was one look at you to silence that voice because there was no way that weapons oil could compare to your scent wafting toward him on the breeze, no kunai could feel so good resting against his palm as your hand.
He felt his heart sink as your house came into view. Whether consciously or not, the two of you had taken the long way back to your door, winding through side streets and doubling back a few times to prolong your time together.
This was always his least favorite part of your dates, saying goodbye.
“I had such a nice time, Yamato,” you said, turning to face him, “thank you.”
He could feel his face heating as he shook his head.  “Thank you.  Really.  I always have fun when we’re together.”
It felt like an intimate admission, and he averted his gaze as your smile widened.
Yamato scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.  He never knew how to end these interactions.  Perhaps because he didn’t want them to end.
“Yamato...”  You punctuated your call of his name with a light squeeze of his fingers, still clasped in your own.
“Yes?” he asked, turning to look at you again.
“Would you like to come in?”
His heart fluttered at your question, but one look at the darkened sky and its many stars provided him the answer.
“It’s late.  I wouldn’t want to impose.”
You chuckled, which confused him a little.
“It’s not an imposition, believe me.”  You leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek before whispering against his ear.  “Please?”
Flustered by your sudden proximity, Yamato stammered a response, “I-I sup-pose I could c-come in for a cup of tea.”
The coy smile you shot him made him falter yet again.
“I’d be happy to make you a cup of tea, Yamato, but I’d rather you stay a little longer.”
You turned to unlock your front door, your back to him.  Yamato flexed his fingers around the empty space where your hand had been, already missing the warmth of your palm.
You glanced at him over your shoulder.  “Yes, Yamato.  I’d like you to stay.  For the night.”
The door unlocked and you stepped inside, leaving it open for him to follow without further elaboration.
Yamato’s mind raced in an attempt to keep up with you, but it failed miserably.  He felt very hot and wiped his hands down his trousers to dry his suddenly clammy palms.
“Are you coming?” you asked from somewhere inside your home, voice echoing down the hallway to the entrance
“C-coming!” he all but shouted, tripping over the threshold in his haste to keep up with you.
As the door swung closed behind him, Yamato marveled again at his luck, even as his heart slammed against his ribcage as he contemplated the coming evening.
Honestly, if this was a dream, he had no desire to wake up.
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tinyjeanmarco · 3 years
I love your hcs so much, they’re always so well thought out and just warm. When you have the time could I please get modern Bertholdt relationship hcs? Ilysm
modern bertholdt relationship hc’s!
yes, yes, yes! i luv bert, he is so cute 🥺 i also really like his character. i say that about all of the characters LOL but still. i think yams did a great job creating all of these characters and how he made them change and grow. i’m glad there isn’t like a single character that is static in any way. in what i write though, he’s a pretty different character because it’s modern au. we chillin’ tho. also, thank you! i’m glad you enjoy my content, love! ٩(*•͈ ꇴ •͈*)و ̑̑❀
modern!bertholdt x gn!reader
warnings: mentions of alcohol.
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shy boy.
the first time you guys met would be at a college party that reiner dragged him to. he honestly didn’t want to go, but reiner was able to talk him into it, saying he would have fun.
tried to stick to reiner the whole time, but managed to lose him at some point. bert honestly just decided to sit alone, observing everyone.
he wasn’t sure if it would be polite to leave or not! he didn’t even like drinking, which was what everyone was doing.
so far, reiner lied, he wasn’t having fun. 
that was until you approached him. you didn’t want to see someone not enjoying themselves at an event that was supposed to be fun.
like bertholdt, you didn’t see the point in drinking though, and it seemed like you two were the only sober ones in the sea of college students.
you and bert would get along really well either because you were shy and quiet just like him, or you were loud and outgoing, trying to lift his mood somehow.
it turns out to be very effective, believe it or not. he’s glad to have someone keep him company since reiner ditched him.
you have a real long discussion about the meaning of life and other random philosophical things.
lowkey see him a a philosophy major. really suits his quiet, observant nature.
he gets a text from reiner later saying that he left the party with someone and that he didn’t have to wait up to leave.
tiny tall boy sighs, telling you his friend left, and that he might leave soon cuz that was the only reason he came.
you of course ask for his number so that you guys can keep in contact and hang out sometimes. let’s be real, there was a ~connection~ between you guys and you wanted to see where it went.
so, he agrees, and now you guys are friends!
he’s still really shy though, so you have to make the first move or else nothing will happen between you two unless someone else were to intervene.
you asked him out. date place? a museum! he really enjoys them and wants to interpret the art with you. 
while you two are out, he grabs your hand in his. it’s cute, really. he’s so nervous about it, too, blushing like a madman.
your new favorite thing is finding ways to fluster him. kiss his cheek in public? blushing and fidgety. hold his hand? blushing again. 
reiner loves teasing him about how nervous he gets around you, to which he always replies with a rushed, “shut up!”
over time though, he grows more comfortable around you and less nervous. he still gets flustered so easily though, don’t worry. your fun with that isn’t over.
he’s like a little puppy, he loves when you pet his hair and run your fingers through it affectionately, even if he is taller than you.
i see his love language as physical touch, so he will constantly hug you and make contact with you in any way he can. definitely feels most comfortable holding your hand when you guys are in public.
he likes it when you sit on his lap, arms wrapped around your middle, just kinda sitting there, relishing in the warmth you share together.
he is a funny man, he loves cracking jokes and you laugh at all of them because somehow, even if they’re not funny, they have you snorting.
he will be the big spoon, but it seems more like it’s split halfway. he definitely enjoys being the little spoon even though he’s a tall boy. it makes him feel less vulnerable if he’s wrapped up in your arms.
kithes. he has the softest lips, always applying lip balm, so kissing him is so pleasant. plus he’s such a gentle giant? always asks if he can kiss you before he does.
cradles your neck so softly with one hand as the other is on your waist or hip when he kisses you.
shy, but will square up if anyone says something to hurt you, or if anyone upsets you. man goes to the gym with reiner often so he is swole and ready to fight.
oH wait, okay, speaking of swole bert, he has like nice biceps and one of your favorite things is to cling to his arm when you’re together, pressed into his side, hands wrapped around his upper arm.
you love, love, love to feel his muscles. it’s kinda hot to you that he looks like so well put together, and is secretly BUILT.
also, since he is so stronk, you love getting piggy backs from him or have him carry you!
since we’re all over the place with these headcanons, i just feel it in my left ass cheek that he loves giving you forehead kisses.
you’re studying together and you fall asleep? he will give you a soft kiss to your forehead.
presses a kiss to the top of your head when you fall asleep on him as you’re watching a movie.
you’re the most obnoxious couple to watch movies with. you guys are always talking about what’s going on, discussing what it means and if you ever have a movie night with friends, expect them to tell you guys to shut the fuck up.
i love the idea of when you guys move in together, he tries so hard to cook for you, but he’s a disaster in the kitchen so you have to make something for you guys after he failed whatever he was making.
sometimes will fuck up his dish and be like, “... so, what do you want on your pizza?” as he pulls out his phone LOL.
sometimes he manages to successfully make something though. you cherish those times because it’s really not half bad.
still really rare though.
sorry, but bert chews with his mouth open so you’re gonna have to yell at him a lot before he begins to close his mouth while eating.
sees you’re into skin care so he starts asking you to help him make a skin care routine. he loves to have face masks on while you guys settle down for the night, watching stupid youtube videos together.
secretly loves disney movies. he would be watching frozen 2 when he thought you wouldn’t be home for another few hours. he scrambles to turn it off but as he’s fiddling with the remote, he just turns up the volume and you’re just like, “wait! restart it! i haven’t seen it yet!”
you go get changed into his clothes comfy clothes and snuggle in beside him, telling him to press play.
all the while he’s like what the fuck?
c’mon bert. don’t you know disney movies are for everyone? like you would judge him for that, smh.
he texts you pictures of cute animals all the time either saying “you,” or “reminded me of you.”
he’s so PRECIOUS.
speaking of pictures, you have a whole ass vault of pictures you have of him sleeping. it’s no secret that he sleeps in the weirdest positions. you get concerned sometimes, thinking that he’s going to kill himself in his sleep, but he’s fine thus far.
you have a funny picture of him as your phone screensaver, so when it lights up around your friends he gets shy and flustered as everyone laughs.
grumbles under his breath but you just give him kisses which flusters him even more.
overall, tall, shy boy is good boyfie. silly and very sweet. be sure to give him tons of back hugs and he will be wrapped around your finger!
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yoshkeii · 4 years
Tsukishima Kei soft n fluff~
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࿐ character: Tsukishima Kei
࿐ genre: soft n fluff
A/N: this is generally self-indulgent bc i love tsukishima sm and honestly kin him (yes. yes i kin him.) also! you can still requests soft/fluff hcs for him since this one is yknow self- yeah...
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❀ Tsukishima will rarely ever ask for cuddles, but when he does it's usually on days where he's exhausted from practice. Done with being dragged and tossed around for the day. Coming home to you is the only thing he looks forward to on days like these. His hair ruffled and messy, he'll come trudging toward you wherever you are and wrap his arms around you. Typically around your waist or stomach, as he rests his head on you or his head buried in your neck. He just stays there silently until you talk to him, "Tsuki- Wanna talk about your day?" you hummed lightly to him. But to only get a soft tired mumble, "Just stay still for a moment."
❀ He'd honestly love to have study dates with you. He'll help you with subjects you are struggling with and teaches you some helpful note-taking skills too! Sometimes he may lose some patience with you at some points because he notices you rarely ever paying attention. But you really are just admiring your boyfriend, softly smiling and spacing out about him. Till he snaps his fingers or calls out your name, making you snap out of it quickly. "Hey, pipsqueak! You listening or not?" He said softly hitting your forehead with the edge of his pencil. You nodded in reply, but Tsuki really knows you weren't.
❀ But on the other hand, he really does the same with you. Just staring at your face, finding every feature of you adorable as you focus on homework and notes. Sometimes he'll push some hair out of your face to see it more. But usually, when you catch him watching you he looks away and tries to play it off- The slight tint of blush gives it away, you can tease him all you want but he'll never admit it.
❀ Tsuki secretly loves your hands. Since it's not a big chance to have an s/o taller than him, the size difference between your guys' hands makes him get small butterflies in his stomach. Whenever you are asleep, cuddled aside from him, he'll slowly slide his fingers in between yours entwining them. Feeling your grip tightened lightly instinctively. Making him form a smile on his face. ALSO- PDA isn't his type of thing honestly, so handholding might be the only thing ya'll ever do. Maybe sometimes,, little kisses,, n stuff-
❀ You and Tsuki would definitely have matching dinosaur onesies no doubt- Or just matching onesies in general (but preferably dino ones to fulfill Tsuki's dream-) He would at first refuse to wear it but did it anyway for your sake. But we all know this man will wear it whenever like- dinosaurs guys.
❀ We all know that Tsukishima brings headphones anywhere he goes (whichifullyfuckingunderstand-), so he got his own playlists of course. He'll only let you and possibly, Yams, listen to them. But it's a rare chance. Sometimes he'll play his playlist in your home with the wireless speakers lingering in most of the rooms, so you know some songs that he listens to them and started to know the lyrics to some of them. If this man catches you singing one of them- Ohhh jesus- he'll swoon over you.
❀ On the musical note, he will make a playlist that reminds him of you. He wants to share it with you but is embarrassed about it since he's not known for affectionate, intimate romancy stuff. So it'll take some time for him to gain courage and man up (as Noya and Tanaka would say)
❀ Tsukishima is very observant of you and takes little notes too. He can identify if something is wrong or up with you easily.
❀ oh please kiss this man as a surprise it will make him flustered and a fucking tomato it's so cute and adorable- I-
❀ Most likely not the one to first initiate "I love you" but when he does, it's fucking special. Cherish those three words from him. P l e a s e .
❀ I'm definitely not gonna forget that this man will tease the hell out of you, still. He'll call you whiney and clingy when you yearn for cuddles. Teasing you about your height and size with jokes and comebacks. And so on- Tsuki will use anything to tease you. It's his way of showing emotion in.. his way.
❀ Tsuki isn't the one for any pet names or nicknames, I mean he'll enjoy some of them but that's very few. But he secretly yearns for one name to come out of your mouth, his first name. Kei. You used that name when you confessed to him. Hearing it softly in the end as he saw you in front of him. Your brown eyes staring away to avoid the eye contact, awkward tension building in the air. Ever since then, he rarely heard that name from you, except when you used his full ass name when he gets in trouble.
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sad-trash-times · 3 years
Some EnnoYama HeadCannons + Mentions of Family members
•Yamaguchi confessed
•it was by accident and Yamaguchi was so embarrassed about it. Ennoshita was very calm about it reassuring Yamaguchi it was okay and he actually liked him too.
•So they started dating it was towards the end of the Yamguchi's first year
•Yamaguchi in the beginning was shy about being physically affectionate. It's not a problem anymore though.
•Ennoshita completely understood and wouldn't do anything too far out of Yamaguchi's comfort zone.
•Ennoshita plays this "game" when if he walked past Yamaguchi while he's busy he'd give him a quick peck on the cheek to distract him.
•Yamaguchi always goes red.
•one day Yamaguchi had an idea so he mustered up the courage and when Ennoshita was about to play his "game" he turned his head.
•BOOM first kiss unlocked
•Yamaguchi has his own way for flustering Ennoshita and it's called ✨ back hugs ✨
•Ennoshita talking to a teammate about something volleyball-related when Yamaguchi's got the idea. surprise back hug.
•Ennoshita short circuited. forgot want he was saying. the whole shebang
•they both spoil each other rotten.
•Surprisingly to some people Ennoshita is pretty protective when it comes to his underclassmen + team. Especially Yamaguchi. (Tanaka thinks it's cause he has a younger brother himself.)
•It really starts showing when he becomes captain
•once some guy in Yamaguchi's calls was teasing about his appearance. Ennoshita wasn't having any of that.
•Ennoshita the next day of practice came with the guy who was bullying Yamaguchi and had him apologize.
•After that the guy kept his distance from Yamaguchi, Ennoshita, and the rest of the team. Nobody knows what he did to scare the guy and when they ask Ennoshita just say something like. "We just talked, I didn't hurt him if that's what you are worried about."
•which is true
•Ennoshita made one thing clear "Dont mess with Yamaguchi" (Not just of Yamaguchi but any of his team of course ❤️ )
•Yamaguchi sometimes finds it embarrassing he Ennoshita gets overprotective. very sweet and appreciated but embarrassing
•Ennoshita dialed it back some
Okay now Yamaguchi's family
• It's just Yamaguchi and his mom. His parents split up when he was younger. He doesn't really talk to his dad
•Yamaguchi's mom isn't supportive of him liking guys. She doesn't actively shun him for it but it is clear She doesn't approve.
•She'd say things like "My coworker has a daughter your age I think you'd like." Even after Yamaguchi told her about Ennoshita.
•Yamaguchi's mom does kind of come around after meeting Ennoshita and seeing how he treats Yamaguchi
Ennoshita's Family
•the Ennoshita residents LOVES Yamaguchi
•over summer they would hang out a lot with the inclusion of Ennoshita's brother a lot of the time
•Ennoshita's little brother LOVES Yamaguchi they get along great, possibly because Ennoshita's brother has a similar personality
•He calls him "Yam-Chan"
•Yamaguchi thinks it's the cutest thing ever
•"Chikara when is Yam-Chan coming over again?" "Yam-Chan can we play together?" "Yam-Chan! can you help me with this word?"
•Ennoshita's parents both work late and aren't home all that much.
•both of the brothers are used to it and have always been a bit on the self-relying side
•When Yamaguchi did meet Ennoshita's parents they were nothing but loving and still are. "You are always welcome here okay Yamaguchi."
•Ennoshita jokes about how his family likes Yamaguchi more than himself
•"They keep asking me when you're going to come back. I think they prefer you over me."
•Ennoshita's parents do invite Yamaguchi to family outings not every single one though
•Dates for the two are usually really low-key. Movie dates, reading a book together, cooking a meal, dancing or singing just having fun.
•Sometimes they might have to include Ennoshita's little brother (if nobody can watch him) so they'll got a playground and get ice cream or something they all an enjoy
•If one is sad the other will do everything he can to make him feel better
•They both text each other little reminders through the day like "You're beautiful" "I love you" "Don't forget to eat today" "I'm so happy I'm with you" "Work hard!"
•They are each other's biggest supporter
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Of Pandas And Possibilities
Hey guys! So, after endlessly discussing third year Yamaguchi with @pies-writes-and-more I decided to indulge just a little. I'm lowkey happy with this so I really hope you guys enjoy! A huge thank you to Pies for pretty much giving me the energy to post it! I love you (this totally wasn't lowkey written for you nope that would be ridiculously ridiculous)
So I tried to write this with a gender-neutral reader, if you see anything please let me know!
Yamaguchi x Reader
Your stomach had been doing flips for hours. You'd completely finished getting ready over an hour before Yamaguchi told you he'd be by to pick you up but you couldn't help it. This was your first date as a couple and you were so excited and also scared out of your mind. You and Yams had been dancing around each other for years, always pushing, always testing the waters but never diving in for fear of what would be waiting for you at the bottom, and if it would ever be worth the risk. Tsukishima and Yamaguchi had befriended you over the summer before first year and grew closer as you attended Karasuno and followed them on their volleyball journey, always supporting them however you could.
You’d always been more fond of Yamaguchi over Tsukishima, the blonde’s crassness more often than not rubbing you wrong, while Tadashi’s subtlety entranced you. (You were not naive, you were very much aware that Yamaguchi was just as mean as Tsukishima under that adorably freckled face, he just wasn’t as upfront about it as Tsukki was.) You’d begun to realize just how much fonder in your second year, which in a moment of panic and ( though you would never admit it) fear you squished all the butterflies in your stomach and told the caterpillars they were on thin fucking ice.
Third-year came around and promptly knocked you on your ass. You hadn’t seen either of your friends much over the break, they were consumed with volleyball camps and university applications and you struggled under the scholarship deadlines and the general responsibilities that came with being the oldest sibling in a one-parent household. So on the first day when Yamaguchi came into the homeroom wrapping you in a hug and lifting you off your feet, to say you were floored was an understatement. He’d grown in more ways than one in the time you’d been apart, from his height to his hair which he’d had tied back into a bun at the moment. Hours in the sun brought a beautiful tan to his skin and made his freckles more pronounced, months of work bulking his entire frame, where before he was a lean and small boy, now a solid, broad-shouldered muscled man. Behind him, Tsukishima cleared his throat with a knowing smirk gracing his face which you desired nothing more than to slap off.
Amongst the physical changes brought from under the summer sun came a few less noticeable ones unless you knew what you were looking for. Before he’d hidden in the shadow cast by Tsukishima comfortable to let him take the lead, now he’d stood beside him, confidence in every step, a sun in his own right. It was your turn to fumble on your words when he openly flirts with you, your face warming considerably. The dance you had been playing had sped up, him taking the lead twirling you around until you were breathless and dizzy.
You remember the night he asked if you’d allow him to be your boyfriend, walking home from your weekly movie night after dropping Tsukishima off at his house. His jacket draped sound your shoulder to fight the chill of the October air and his hand in yours, you were positive that the stars were merely a poor imitation of the sparkle in his eyes. You’d rolled your eyes with a “Took you long enough Tadashi” and his laughter followed you up the stairs and into your dreams.
A week later saw you here, looking into the mirror and resisting the urge to change for the millionth time, instead trying to find something to occupy you while you waited for him to arrive. Your mom just laughed at your flustered state,
“Y/N the boy has seen you in sweatpants and a t-shirt after not showering for three days when you caught that stomach bug and he still asked you out. I doubt he’d even notice if you wore a potato sack, he’s usually too busy looking at you.”
The doorbell rang and you, ignoring the warmth in your face and the swarm of butterflies in your stomach, opened the door revealing a grinning Tadashi. Watching his eyes widen and cheeks redden made your stomach do a swan dive and you thought, maybe your mom had a point.
With promises to be careful and home at a respectable hour, you and Yamaguchi set off toward your destination, a festival of sorts with carnival games and amusement rides that was in town for the next few days. As you slipped into easy conversation with him, you wanted to laugh at yourself for the way you’d talked yourself up. This was Tadashi Yamaguchi, one of your best friends in the entire world, and yes the parameters of your relationship had changed but that still remained. Just now you could hold his hand whenever you wanted and his arm rested comfortably around your shoulder like it was meant to be there.
With the nerves from earlier forgotten, you proceeded to have what you were willing to bet was the best first date in history. From laughing as you watched him try, and successfully do so, win a ridiculously oversized stuffed panda which he presented to you with a smile that made your heart flutter, to clinging to his arm on the drop tower despite insisting you weren’t scared of heights,” I-I’m fine- quit laughing Yams it’s so not funny-”
A few hours later saw you both dragging your feet on your way back to your house wearing Tadashi’s hoodie and him chivalrously carrying that giant panda y’all had affectionately named Patches after his eye had popped off when Yam’s hugged its head just a little too tight prompting his eyes to widen and resulting in you getting a stitch in your side from laughing so hard. His hand was warm in yours, thumb brushing absentmindedly against his knuckles unable to tear your eyes from him. The moonlight shining off his dark hair, eyes illuminated with mirth and something you were sure was mirrored in yours, pure adoration and, at least on your part, love. The realization spreads warmth through you, settling comfortably in your chest and you resist the urge to blurt it out right then, ‘one day,’ you thought to yourself.
You arrived home way too quickly for your liking and if the way Yamaguchi was stalling you figured he’d felt the same. Standing there on your front porch, neither of you said a word, content to bask in the other's presence as long as you could before the inevitable. You were the first to break the silence,
“Thank you for tonight, I had a really amazing time.” You couldn’t fight the shy grin that crept on your face.
“I did too, I’m glad that you had a good time I mean.” He grins, scratching the back of his head nervously, face turning a brilliant pink.
“So… goodnight I guess, text me when you get home?”
“ Of course, goodnight Y/N.”
You were sure you were imagining the hesitation in his voice, but then again you weren’t ready to watch him leave either, sure that the second he did you would wake up, this being nothing but a glorious dream. You watched him walk across the yard to the sidewalk before reluctantly turning to open your door, stopped by a quick call of your name. You turned back around coming face to face with Yamaguchi who was breathing heavily. You saw a flicker of hesitation in his eyes before hearing him mutter, “Fuck it.” under his breath. Then all you could see were fireworks, and it took you a second to register what happened.
Tadashi’s lips were soft against yours, his hands gently cradling your face, you could feel him trembling against you from the nerves. He must’ve mistaken your shock for disinterest for you could feel him tense but before he could pull back you wrapped your arms around his neck returning the kiss with vigor, feeling him relax against you, his hands dropping from your face to rest against your hips. Every point where Yamaguchi touched you felt like fire, electricity burning through your veins. Yes, it was nervous and messy and new but it was him and real and amazing and you don’t think it could’ve been any more perfect.
He quickly proved you wrong with the kiss that followed.
Taglist: @thisnoodlewritesao3
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glcwyhour · 4 years
Teruyama headcanons since it’s one of my fav rare pair
(Let’s pretend they met or WILL meet)
- Teru finally had the guts to talk too Yams during his third year. Yams was pretty shy at first but realised that Teru isn’t that bad.
- Yams needed a hair cut so he went to the barber shop and Teru is the barber. They both recognized each other and chit chatted about volleyball. Eventually, they hung out and became pretty close then it bloomed into something more (eventually).
- They have secret hangouts (they both hangout with each other secretly)
- Teru convinced Yams to try dying his hair (when Yams was a second year)
- They both like soggy fries and bond over it. They share their fries at times
- Yams is taller than Teru so he lets him borrow his jacket at times 
- Yams borrows Teru’s jackets too
- Teru convinced Yams to get his ears pierced
- Yams made Teru learn what love truly is and Teru helped Yams become more self confident
- Cheesy pick up lines from Teru 24/7
- Band dates
- Teru is really affectionate which makes Yams all shy and flustered. Teru thinks it’s really cute though
- Teru counts Yams freckles
- Their first date was at McDonalds 😃
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tsuumu · 4 years
Hiii! This is a request but I also want to say I'm excited to see your works 👀 and its nice to meet you! Alr so could I request some fluffy (sfw) head canons with Tendou, Bokuto, and Yamaguchi? Where they have an s/o who loves giving and receiving affection? Just a very affectionate person overall-
tendou, bokuto and yamaguchi with an s/o that’s very affectionate.
i love this request so much! thank you for all of your kind words, anon. i hope this lived up to your expectations!
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tendou satori:
confession: i have a huge crush on tendou
• i envision tendou to be somebody who is very affectionate himself, so no doubt this would be a relationship filled with a lot of mutual pining and craving for attention.
• think surprise back hugs, where he buries his face into the nape of your neck. you could be busy doing something and feel his arms snake around your waist, pulling you to his chest.
• “you smell nice, so i’m just gonna stay right here.”
• you’d respond to his touch immediately, cue a ton of butterflies.
• he’s energetic and pretty zealous so he’d initiate harmless play-fights, teasing and tickling you until you surrender, only to carry on anyway ‘cause he likes the way he makes you laugh so hard.
• satori loves when you hold onto him, touch him, kiss him, anything of the sort in public excessively because it shows off the fact you’re his. he eats that shit up! that’s his fucking baby!
• if you attended shiratorizawa it’d be even better.
• you’d pull him into a slightly less busy spot in the school just to make out with him before class. he’d end up begging to do it every single day.
• running in the corridors whilst holding hands and laughing, yeah, you’ll be living the ‘romantic, high-school lovers’ life. you might get each other into trouble sometimes
• you would also casually sit on his lap, comb your fingers through his hair and it would straight up KILL HIM.
• satori loves when you play with his hair.
• the man is TALL. he’ll rest his chin on your head (providing you’re shorter) or kiss it all the time whilst you’re hanging out with friends.
• your romance is light-hearted, the affection exchange would be similar to grade-school love. shameless and pure. expect loud giggles with soft kisses. you’ll never be bored with tendou because he’ll make you feel young even as you grow older together.
• it’d be a tad sensual too, simply because he knows all your sweet spots like the back of his hand. damn him.
• basically tendou is the perfect man and my future husband, i rest my case.
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bokuto koutarou:
• like tendou, bokuto is very eager to reciprocate your immense affection, though i could see him being your best friend as well as your lover. and it would show clearly in the relationship.
• spontaneous dates. and i mean SPONTANEOUS.
• bokuto calling you one night telling you to get your shoes on because he’s outside and wants to drive somewhere. he emphasises the /somewhere/ because he has no clue where to go, he just wants to hold you.
• keeping your hand on his thigh or arm when he’s driving ‘cause you want his warmth at all times.
• bokuto would definitely whine for your touch like a little puppy. he’d be content until you move even an inch from him and he’s like ?!? “babe..” and pout at you until you’re back in his arms. hell, he’d just pull you back himself.
• he thinks it’s adorable when you do the same thing.
• he’s the king of lifting you up and running away with you. he loves when you jump onto his back and cling, he carries you around proudly like you’re his liddol trophy. :(
• imagine you’re just walking with your friends and he scoops you up and dashes off, you’re screaming and holding onto him whilst he’s laughing his ass off. i’m lowkey crying
• imagine running to him after he wins a big match and he picks you up and spins you around. crying even harder
• CEO of the phrase: “that’s my baby.”
• i think he’d have a ego trip every time you entered the room and immediately wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. like, regardless of whoever else is there. he’d love it.
• possessiveness. with his hand absently on your waist, hand on your shoulder, hand on your ass. i know we said fluff but sorry not sorry that man is unashamed
• bokuto is somebody that loves with his entire heart, he will give you absolutely everything in a relationship. he’d want you to know he cares for you unconditionally and would show it through the amount he touches you.
• physical touch is definitely his love language, words don’t cut it for him. he’ll appriciate someone who understands and responds in the same way.
• a match made in heaven, i think so!
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yamaguchi tadashi:
• lots of affection would leave this baby stumbling for words.
• he’s a little intimidated at first but not because he’s scared of you, most likely he really wants to make you happy and not overstep any boundaries that could make you uncomfortable.
• he’s surprised when he sees that you’re so forward, it makes his heart beat faster than its ever beaten before.
• “so you’re into that?”
• he’ll lowkey be taking notes, i’m dead. he’s so adorable.
• so he’ll start by holding your hand all the time, letting you lead him around, yams loves when your fingers intertwine. it makes him feel safe with you. it’s a slow process but eventually he’d feel comfortable with kissing you in public.
• though he’d be way too shy to do it in front of the other karasuno boys.
• ....cue you waltzing in one day to one of his practices and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, calling him your baby.
• the other boys are just stunned.
• he’s stunned too, a whole new shade of red.
• introducing yourself as his s/o would leave him weak at the knees, he loves the way it sounds when you say it.
• a blushing, stuttering mess as the other boys ask countless questions. you’d be more tham happy to answer them all, holding on to tadashi’s arm happily. he’ll pull you closer automatically, even if he’s flustered.
• yamaguchi is in love with love. he is a little more reserved but as eager to be with you as anybody else. you help bring him out of his shell and your confidence inspires him to be more individualistic.
• you’ll see that as he starts to take the wheel in the relationship. eventually, you won’t even recognise the shy boy you first met, but you’ll love him just as much.
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amburnedphoenix · 3 years
Haikyuu Boyfriend hcs 2
Here’s part two on my little fluff hcs for the haikyuu boys as bfs. 
Part one here!
Characters: Suga, Kageyama, Hinata, Yamaguchi
!!These hcs are based on the timeskip, so some spoilers ahead!!
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- Due to his early hours as a teacher he wakes up earlier than you, though he always makes breakfast for the both of you so expect to wake up to a delicious smell every morning. In exchange you make his lunches.
- Sometimes on your days off he forgets his lunch at home, meaning you have to bring it to him at the school. The first 3 times were genuine, however after seeing you would join him for lunch on your days off he purposely forgets it when you don’t have work so you eat with him.
- His class loves you, when you drop his lunch off on days you can’t stay he tends to be more lenient on his students and give them a little less work, you also bring a bag of candy to help motivate them to work hard.
- Speaking about kids, sometimes late at night when you're both tired you’ll quietly talk about the future, be it a family or not.
- It’s routine that every Saturday night you go out to meet up with his old teammates and just hang out, talk and drink together. 
-  Whenever you feel down or start talking negatively, Suga will gently bonk you on the head before talking to you about how things are positive and help lift your mood.
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- While he’s gotten a lot better at interacting with people in general he still can be awkward and fumble with his words. So he prefers to show his affection physically, quick kisses on the head or short hugs is his way of saying “I love you” when his words fail.
- You two have a certain emoji that he sends whenever he’s in a bad mood and needs space so you know. He doesn’t want to take out his frustration on you and snap as it would just be falling back into his old self from junior high.
- Once he’s in a better mood he’ll come to you, if you’re not busy he will pick you up and carry you to the bedroom. The next hour or so will be spent cuddling with him being the little spoon, he just wants to feel loved. 
- If you ask him to teach you how to play volleyball he’d try to keep calm but the smile that’s fighting it’s way onto his face and him literally shaking with excitement gives him away. How can he not be excited? His two favorite things are going to be combined; you and volleyball. 
- Like with Hinata, he’s competitive; though not as much with you. He won’t back down if you challenge him even in a teasing manner. 
- Kags will go out with you to get manicures, or just do it at home if you don’t want to leave the house. He will get them painted if you ask him too, give him a pout or puppy dog eyes to make sure he will.
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- He is a ball of energy almost all the time. He can hardly sit still, Hinata’s always bouncing one of his legs or tapping his fingers. Only is able to sit still if you're in his lap cause he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
- Tends to walk pretty fast without realizing it and has lost you in crowds before. Now he holds your hand when walking, however tends to drag you around if you don’t tell him to slow down.
- Has cocooned the two of you in a blanket while cuddling, and will do it again.
- Like with Kageyama, he’s competitive; though on a more playful scaled back way. Like splitting the grocery list and sees who can finish their list first and get to registers, loser buys the winners fav snack.
- Picked up some Portuguese from his time in Rio and when he’s feeling extra affectionate he calls you things like; “Meu amor” (my love) or “Meu mundo” (my world). Call him Meu sol (my sun) and he’ll blush a ton hugging you and mumble about how much he loves you.
- Despite his seemingly never ending energy, Sundays are your lazy days. A day in which the two of you don't get out of bed until noon, cook together, watching tv then in the evening going out for a walk in the park. It’s almost surprising how Hinata seems like a different person on these days with how calm and quiet he is.
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- He’s far from the shy awkward boy he was in highschool, he will only blush a little when you hold hands jk. Yams is confident in his affection towards you and it takes something big to get him to a flustered mess.
- His favorite place to kiss you on (other than lips) is your nose.
- He’s a huge romantic, opening doors for you, candlelight dinner, star gazing, ect. To him you are his world and he wants to spoil you with his love.
- If someone’s bothering you he will step up, having learned a lot from when he was captain he won’t hesitate to tell the person to leave. If they still won’t leave then he’ll take a page from Tsukki and be a bit more harsh about it.
- Yams always sleeps best when he’s hugging you or at least has his arm over you, while a pillow can work if you aren’t together it’s not a peaceful sleep.
- Whenever he meets up with Tsukki and Yachi he’ll bring you up often, with the way he talks about you in that “obviously whipped” way his two friends tease him about popping the question soon.
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robo-writes-haikyuu · 4 years
Karasuno Boys - Drunk Headcanons
This was requested by an anon with a few of the karasuno boys, but I felt inspired to do all of them!
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the philosophical drunk - the type that always wants to have deep discussions about things like life, death, and philosophy
Overshares a lot of personal stuff
Sweet baby just wants someone to talk to, so he opens right up when he drinks.  
He gets really sentimental about stuff. Not like in a sad way, but he likes to reminisce about stuff
Always says stuff like “You know what I miss? [Insert trend from 5+ years ago that everyone forgot about]” or “How come nobody ever talks about ______?”
Starts a lot of conversations with “What do you think about [insert mind-blowing concept here]” 
Always an educational experience 
Stoners love him
Gets brutal hangovers. Poor bby suffers the next day 
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Everyone tries to get him drunk but he has a ridiculously high alcohol tolerance
Like he needs at least 3 drinks or so before he’s even buzzed
Once the drinks hit him he’s having a great time 
He’s more of a socializer than a partier.  He’ll sit down with you and get all chatty
gets a little forgetful. will probably ask the same question over and over again because he forgot he already asked it 
Tends to overdo it on shots 
Always ends up being the responsible one tho
Takes care of those who get too drunk even when he’s absolutely sloshed 
He’ll sit with you in the bathroom to make sure you’re ok. he’ll bring gatorade and crackers and stuff to settle your stomach
Usually the first one up the next day cleaning up and making breakfast for everyone. 
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dangerously charming 
Super touchy-feely 
Gets really huggy with the boys, especially the third-years. 
If he’s sitting next to you he will rest head on your shoulder, maybe try to hold your hand or something
Will frequently try to walk by you to get to another room and gently place his hand on the small of your back as he slips by you. 
Will try to get you to dance with him. Nothing raunchy, but not purely innocent either
Will position himself either in front or behind you, place his hands on your hips and just move to the music with you. Might twirl you around and dip you
Tries to act all innocent like what are you talking about? ;) idk what you mean ;) we’re just dancing aha ;)
mf knows exactly what he’s doing 
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Boy is so worked up all the time that when he actually has a couple drinks, he’s fucking wild lmao
Is definitely talked into doing all sorts of ridiculous shit that he would never even consider doing sober
Dance with Suga? Why not? 
Piggyback Hinata through a McDonald’s drive thru? Hell yea
Go streaking around the neighbourhood? Let’s gooooo
Gets super competitive at drinking games
Especially when playing beer pong against Noya and Tanaka 
Also gets terrible hangovers 
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LOL lightweight
Like a couple coolers in and he’s ready to go 
He’s honestly just himself but drunk. Idk how else to put it 
He’s super happy and energetic, and he gets really excited about stuff.  
Super clumsy. Always manages to break something 
Noya and Tanaka will get him to do a keg stand 
Definitely regrets it 
Terrible at drinking games but always wants to play them 
Doesn’t get too hungover the next day. Maybe has a headache or something.
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He’s basically a frat boy lol 
Rowdy and loud as hell - pretty much everything you’d expect from him
Cranks up the music loud 
Has definitely gotten noise complaints from the neighbours 
drinking 👏 games👏
Especially beer pong and sociables 
did somebody say shots???????
Tries to get all of the first years completely hammed 
Like he’ll easily finish an entire bowl of cheetos by himself 
probably why he handles his liquor so well tbh
Will try to rope the first years into shenanigans
Always ends up losing his shirt at the end of the night 
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also a lightweight lol
He’s like a combination of Hinata and Suga
He’s flirty, but not smooth if that makes sense?
He’ll try out cheesy pick up lines on you (honestly, they probably work lmao)
He gets super impulsive. Like, even more so than when he’s sober 
Has a tendency to wander off 
Feeds off of Tanaka’s energy like when sober 
Also will try to get all of the first years absolutely hammed 
Also loves drinking games and will team up with Tanaka to play beer pong against everyone 
Most likely the one that gets too drunk and Daichi or Tanaka will have to look after him and put him to bed 
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Mouthy as hell
Will try to egg on Tanaka and Noya to get them to do crazy stuff
like “oh man. It’d be such a shame if somebody stole that shopping cart over there” 
Has zero filter. You can ask him just about anything and he’ll be 100% honest with you whether you like it or not
Is a lightweight but thinks he can handle his liquor
When he’s really drunk, he tries to act sober
He’ll be in denial that he’s drunk at all
He’ll be struggling to walk and Yams offers to help him but he insists he’s fine
“But Tsukki, you’re drunk.” “No, YOU’RE drunk.”
Doesn’t get hangovers and everyone hates it 
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Super chill but hella giggly 
Kinda like Daichi in that he’s more of a socializer than a partier 
Will mostly be the one watching and recording shenanigans than participating in them
If he was ever nervous about talking to you before, he finds the courage now 
Will laugh at everything you say even if it isn’t that funny (protecc him at all costs pls)
Becomes a little more affectionate but still gets a little bashful
Super fun to tease omg (suga has a heyday with him) 
He’ll reciprocate innocent affection, but will get flustered the further you go 
You rest your head on his shoulder? He’ll return the favour by resting his head on yours 
You sit on his lap tho? His face is bright red and he giggles nervously 
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sortavibing · 3 years
hey bb! 🌸 may i request a hq matchup? i would like to be matched with a male character please 🤗
i’m a 5’2 girl with medium, brown hair with highlights. my wardrobe & personal style are like bloomcore x ethereal aesthetics!!
i’m very girly and kind of high maintenance tbh 😳👉👈 but i maintain myself! as an enfj, i’m generally bubbly and cheerful– i like to maintain a chill, happy vibe so i’m more of an optimist too. i want to be that warm and kind friend you have (i’ll be there for you) 🤗 it’s easy for me to vibe with anyone so making friends is quite easy for me! especially if i am interested in that person (either platonically or romantically), i would def approach that person! i have my chaotic moments too!! so, even though i may look demure and all, my behavior can be wild. bite me, and i’ll definitely bite back rawr 😩💗 i’m also very affectionate to my friends, but most especially my crush/bf– i just like to show em my love for em aHHH tho my social battery drains pretty quickly (netflix and chill >>>> partying) tho i am still very open to new experiences as long as they are not extreme sports or anything too exhausting. i like to think of myself as a planner, but when i am already halfway through my plan, my spontaneous side really kicks in!! well, i guess that’s fun too! in my free days, i like traveling or going on road trips or just going to some place new 🤩 i like learning about diff things/places, as well as taking lotsa lotsa photos & videos that’s why i find the joy on going on adventures– no matter how random they may seem!! i’m also creative in a way that i really like aesthetic things/places, and i like to express my creativity through photo books, scrapbooks, and travel vlogs 🌸 lastly, i am very busy in school as i am in the honor roll (#hustle!!), so there are times when i’m just so stressed and would be the big baby 😩💗 my top 3 love languages are: physical touch + quality time + gifts. i have my bratty moments too i’m sorry 🥵 pls bare w me i will snap out of it in no time...
that’s all love! tysm xoxo 🥺💗💗
hello! thank you for the request! omg you are so pretty and your aesthetic is so beautiful ack- anyways, here’s your matchup!
i match you up with yamaguchi!
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what first drew him to you was your heavenly aesthetic, and your bubbly personality. he thought you looked and acted like an angel, so he just had to get to know you better. he was a little nervous to start talking with you when you walked up to him, but your kindness quickly helped him warm up to, and he quickly started to develop a little crush on you.
since yamaguchi is pretty smart as well, you guys will always help each other with upcoming assignments and tests. i think yamaguchi would have really neat notes, and if he was borrowing yours, he would always leave little doodles and notes that say “you look cute today” or “good morning!” on the corners of the pages.
one of the first dates he took you on was to a local art fair, where you guys looked at the handmade products, tried to make a few at the interactive stands, took a ton of pictures, and showed each other things that remined each other of the other. yamaguchi bought you a golden ring that had a jeweled flower on it, and after you guys finished walking through the stands, you went to a local cafe to get drinks and snacks.
yamaguchi’s loves to link pinkies with you if you guys are walking together, and he does the little thing where he swings his arm, and your arm moves with him too and it’s so cute- but his absolute favorite form of physical affection is when he gives you forehead kisses or if you kiss him on the cheek.
he doesn’t really mind if you get a little annoyed after a long day of school, because he understands that everyone is prone to show emotions, so he is sure to give you space if you want it, or just be his normal affectionate self if you wanted that instead. 
if you ever make him a scrapbook- he will be so flustered that he wouldn’t be able to function for a good 15 minutes. to this day it is one of his most prized possessions, and if he is ever missing you, he will look through the scrapbook and remember all of the good times you had with each other. he wants to learn how to make them as well, so he can return the favor and make you a scrapbook too.
yamaguchi also prefers to just vibe at home than go into overly social situations, so every couple of weeks you guys stay home and watch a movie while doing facemasks, talking about life, and attempting to bake something you or yams saw online. the baked goods usually don’t look the best, but they taste pretty good so you guys don’t really care and call it a success.
picnic. dates. you guys go to a local park and bring a blanket and some snacks and desserts you and yams picked up from a local supermarket (or you guys made them), and just spend the afternoon outside having a super aesthetic picnic. you and yamaguchi also do that tik tok trend where you use a wine glass to cut a cake and eat it from there, and he insists that it tastes better that way.
yamaguchi also knows how to make flower crowns, so if you guys are ever outside for a longer period of time, he will just make one because he wants to do something with his hands while he’s talking to you, and when he’s done he will give it to you and take pictures of you for your photo book. he is sure to shower you with compliments because he thinks the crown makes you look like a fairy princess.
overall, you guys are such a cute supportive couple, that are so nice to each other, and it’s obvious that both of you love each other very much. yams is so whipped for you, and he is never afraid to tell you as many times as he sees fit. 
i hope you enjoyed!
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badboysdoitbetter · 4 years
hello! may i please get a male haikyuu matchup? i’m a 5'3" girl. I’d say I’m curious, open-minded, analytical & talkative (I can talk for hours if not stopped hh). i enjoy learning new things (so long as I’m not being graded on it because Oh Boy do I procrastinate!) I try my best to be a good friend, & to prioritise compassion & patience. i'm very affectionate w my friends! I’d like to think I’m creative (I love to write!) but, i tend to overthink & catastrophise because ANXIETY— (1/2)✨
“(i just realized i didn’t specify,,, regular march please!) I can also be a bit sensitive & i’m prone to feeling depressed, but I’m working on it! i’m trying my hardest to be optimistic. my sense of humour is pretty “adaptable,” but it errs on the side of absurd. my interests are varied, but if i had to pick a few it’d be anthropology, history and mythology/folklore. other than writing, I spend a lot of my time trawling Wikipedia h i also enjoy reading (when I can commit to a book). thanks! 2/2 ✨”
yamaguchi’s thighs could murder me and i’d say thank you
Haikyuu : I ship you with...
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he fell H A R D in love with you the first time he saw you.
you were talking Tsukishima’s ear off about an article you read on Wikipedia and laughing at a joke you’d made, but all he took notice of was your dazzling smile and big bright eyes.
Karasuno’s pinch server’s heart skipped a beat <3
turns out, you were trying to get him to tutor you because you were tired of procrastinating on every assignment until it gave you so much anxiety that you could barely complete it anyway.
it was a very quick rejection from Tsukishima, but when you looked up to Yamaguchi with equally hopeful eyes, he was like putty in your hands.
of course, you put off studying too, and instead spent hours talking about anthropology, mythology, and begging him to teach you about volleyball.
one of the first things he noticed about you is that you laugh at your own jokes, even if no one else does. (you claim that other people ‘just don’t get it’ and he agrees wholeheartedly.)
it’s actually one of his favorite traits of yours! he appreciates that you try to be optimistic even when it seems hard, and it’s an inordinately welcome contrast to Tsuki’s pessimism.
he eventually opened up about his own struggles with self-confidence and his acne, while you told him about your troubles with anxiety and depression.
he absolutely loves the way you keep talking when you’re nervous about something, and he wouldn’t hesitate to give you the most comforting hugs whenever your anxiety/depression gets too much to handle.
he didn’t even know that you liked him until you blurted it out one day when the two of you were doing a science project together (obviously due the next day).
did someone say S T U D Y D A T E S ?
even though he loves giving hugs, he gets SO FLUSTERED when receiving them. you keep trying to explain to him that you’re just an affectionate person, but it doesn’t stop that adorable little blush from forming on his speckled cheeks.
although, that becomes an understatement when you’re around his team. if you hug him, even if it’s during breaks or before/after practice, he won’t know what to do with himself.
don’t tell him i told you, but between the adrenaline from playing volleyball and your warm body pressed against him, he gets a little...excited, if you know what i mean.
yamaguchi.exe has stopped functioning
the team loves it when you bring them snacks or help clean up after practice, and they see how much Yamaguchi’s confidence has grown since he started dating you.
Daichi is a proud captain, Suga’s happy for his son, Tanaka and Nishinoya are jealous that he got such a beautiful girlfriend, Hinata’s excited that he has someone else to talk to, and even Tsukishima seems a little bit less bitter with you around.
if their little Yams is happy, so are they :3
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strawbrieshortcake · 4 years
Hellooo, can I req a match up 👉👈... I'm 5'2" with long brown hair. I'm more on the thick side and my style is dark colors and slight emo style. My gender preference is m. I'm a virgo. I'm sarcastic and I love teasing the ppl I love but I know when to stop. I'm introverted but very talkative with people I trust. I have a hard time expression my feelings but I try to do it with ppl I trust nd love. Im also in love with and geek out abt greek mythology. - 🦉 part 1
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Hi Sweetheart! I match you with...
Tadashi Yamaguchi!!
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You and Yamaguchi would be friends from elementary, change my mind. You and Tsukishima would be friends, so on the day Tsukki made that comment to Yama’s bullies, you were there. Yams noticed you behind Tsukki (probably because you didn’t want to get involved with the problem) but the only difference you made was when you stayed behind for him. After that, he would actively try to hang out with you, during and after school.
You never cease to amaze him?? Anything you do, he is amazed. I mean, we have seen him with tsukishima, imagine how he is with you :,) It might take time, but you guys would get close. If you decide to tell him about your past, he is doing everything he can to make you happy. Of course you would notice, and might have teased him about it.
Speaking of teasing, literally tease this boy all you want LMAOOO he will get so flustered?? it’s totally worth it. You guys would call each other up at midnight, and you both would have the craziest conversations. It would include you teasing him, talking about life, and you teaching him games over the phone so you guys could play together the next day.
Now.. Tsukki?? He gets so annoyed with you guys NDJSN he just wants you guys to stop pinning after each other and just start dating already. Don’t think just because the three of you are best friends that will stop him from making remarks, “Dashi, Tsukki! Have you guys heard of that cafe that opened nearby? I heard the food was good” you would say, in which Yams would reply “ Oh! I heard that too! Maybe we should go someday..” Poor third-wheeler tsukki “Why don’t you guys just go together if you want to go so bad???” and that's how Tuskishima planned your first date.
It was fun! I mean it wasn’t awkward because you both already knew each other. A good thing about him, he will always listen to whatever you have to say. During your date, he will listen to you rant about greek mythology, tell him about the stories, the god and goddesses, ANYTHING. Bonus points if you tell him his freckles could be related to a greek story. He will listen to every. Single. Thing. You tell him. And if you want input, just tell him and he will ramble back.
After that day, you guys decided to keep on having those little dates, and you enjoyed each and every one of them. You both came out as a couple to Tsukki, he just said “Oh, you weren’t dating already?” (he sounded so salty btw) which is ANNOYING “Oh, shut up. You’re just mad that nobody likes you” Yams is proud of you :,)
I personally don’t see Yams being affectionate, in a physical way at least. I see him as someone who does things in actions, like buying gifts. He would buy you a bunch of gifts, and he will write little letters of love to you. He is really shy, so I think this would be the way he shows his love to you. But please write little letters to him too, because he is very insecure and those would boost him up so much.
Some nights, he will stay up with you the whole time if it means you tell him how you are feeling. He knows you have a lot of emotions you hide, so he will do everything in his power to reassure you it’s okay. He understands you have a hard time expressing feelings, so on nights like those mean a lot to him. “I will always be here for you, Dove.” //I got dove from the goddess Aphrodite so hehe// soft boy Yams
If you pursue writing in the future, HAVE HIM READ YOUR WORKS. I will forever stand by this, he will help you do ANYTHING. Let's say you write books, boy would stay up all night helping you edit, write, and will read over everything you wrote, while making sure you are staying healthy. In the mornings? Breakfast and such, then will tell you his thoughts about whatever you wrote. We know he is smart, hell, he is in the top classes?? He loves doing it too
Overall, your relationship is really cute! I know you stated you have a thing for protective types, but just because he may be a little shy doesn't make him any less protective of you. I mean, he does have a breaking point, we saw him that one ep with Tsukki (kinda hot ngl NE WAYS) you guys would be two cuties, everyone would ship you both! He is such a sweetheart to you :)
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ohmykhr · 5 years
Hewwoo can we have romantic some hcs about bel and yams please :'0
You sure can! Thank you for requesting, I hope you like these.
Their relationship includes a bunch of movie nights, mostly because they don’t really share that many interests - Yamamoto has tried to get Bel into baseball (and sports in general) but the blonde could care less. Even their tastes in films differ, but Bel would rather sit through an action packed movie than watch sports with him.
Bel is the worst sweater/hoodie thief on earth. Every time he sleeps over at Yamamoto’s place, he ends up borrowing his shirts and eventually stealing them. Not that Yamamoto minds, their height difference makes his shirts look somewhat loose and baggy on Bel, which he finds adorable.
In winter they like to go ice skating together, since it’s an activity both are good at. Bel is a huge show-off with his spinning and backwards skating, but Yamamoto isn’t too bad at it either. They can spend hours just skating hand in hand while catching up and talking. When there’s no ice, they like to go roller skating instead.
Being Bel’s boyfriend means he has to endure Bel sending a bunch of selfies daily. At first he saved all the pictures Bel sent to him, but soon enough his memory was full with pictures of Bel, so he had to leave some pictures unsaved.  
Yamamoto loves making Bel flustered and blush. Unexpected compliments and affectionate gestures usually get his cheeks to redden, even though he tries to hide it. 
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