#writing series
thepenultimateword · 7 months
Old Bones Part Six
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five
CW: Blood, cannibalism, abduction and being trapped, starving, death, undead description
Vampire smelt blood. Not the sweet or savory scents they were accustomed to, but a bland, metallic flavor that simply...existed.
Their own.
As soon as they registered that truth, the lacerations on their ankles began to burn, sliced by the sharp edges of the snow as each step shattered the icy top layer.
Didn't matter. Run!
Footsteps crashed behind them.
But where next? They didn't know the way. They had not left Lav's cabin in weeks. And it was earlier in the morning than they'd originally thought. No later than 4 as the sun still hadn't come up. And it had begun to snow again.
Didn't matter. Run!
Anywhere. Anytime. Any place safe and lavender-scented and before all this happened.
Something heavy crashed into them from behind. The ice cut their cheek as they fell; a half-second later, their nose was filled with cold, stale powder. The weight lifted slightly as rough hands rolled them onto their back. Vampire blinked against the snow, making out a blur of red, and the weight plopped back on their chest.
"No, no, no!" Vampire warded them away with clawing hands, but the villager's beefy fists clasped them tight, drawing them in against their warm breast.
" It’s me! It’s me!" They kissed Vampire's knuckles. "It's Lav."
Vampire's eyes welled. "You don't-- You don't look like Lav. You don't... Your eyes...but not... What are you?"
The villager--Lav-- drew back as if slapped. Their yellow eyes drifted away from Vampire's face, fixing instead just past their shoulder. "Let me explain."
Vampire swallowed. Lav's grip had grown tight, almost painful. Worse because they couldn't seem to stop trembling, though, from the fear or the snow, they didn't know. "W-when you're done...can I go?"
Another slap. This time enough to make them drop Vampire's hands. "Yes. In fact...I've been quite expecting it. Should we go back to the house?"
Vampire shook their head rapidly. It felt like a trap. Walls they could be cornered against and kept behind. They couldn't imagine sitting down in the living room with that face across from them. They couldn't even make sense of what was going on. Was Lav even really their friend?
"Ok..." Lav said, shifting a little in the snow. Their new ruddy face was turning a bright shade of red in the cold, but they didn't even shudder. "You know I'm undead. Not like you though. You're beautiful. I'm... desecrated. You didn't have a choice in your transformation. And mine...well, it's only possible with some degree of choice."
"What are you?" Vampire said firmly, frankly tired of all this beating around the bush.
"I call myself an abomination. You'd call me a ghoul."
"A...ghoul?" Vampire blinked.
Lav thumbed away the cold dribble of blood rolling down their cheek. "You're smart. All those books. You've heard of ghouls."
Not a question, a certainty. And a correct one. Vampire had read about ghouls. They simply couldn't correlate the hideous illustrations from their books with the seeming human in front of them. The face they wore now may appear monstrous after last night, but If it weren't for those predatory eyes and the bone-chilling wrongness of their air, Vampire wouldn't have guessed anything supernatural about them.
Lav must have seen the recognition in their face and the wheels turning behind their eyes because they said, "What do you know?"
"Y-you live in graveyards," Vampire said. "You eat the dead."
"I eat the dead, true. As for the graveyard, it's more a hunting ground than a home. I much prefer my cabin. But I've never acquainted myself with another of my kind, so what do I know of others' habits. Anything else?"
Vampire shook their head. Since ghouls were apparently one of the less common creatures one could run into, the book hadn't dedicated much page space to them. And they weren't about to tell Lav the unflattering details of the entry's description. Especially when it had also offered no defenses.
"Ah." Lav's smile looked more like a grimace. "Then, unfortunately, I must be the one to give you the disturbing history of ghoulish birth."
Vampire grimaced. They weren't sure they wanted to know. There had to be a reason why Lav had kept it veiled for so long.
"I once told you my kind are not quite so simple as a bite. There are several parts to it. One, the moon: the process must last a full cycle, beginning and ending on a new moon. Two, the subject must willingly cannibalize. Three, the subject must die and with that death, make a choice: pass on permanently or return to life."
Vampire shuddered. Their death had been no picnic. Bloody. Nightmarish. Agonizing. But at least it had been quick. "So, y-you wanted to become a ghoul?"
Lav's eyes flashed. Vampire immediately shrank away, but Lav snatched them close again. It seemed meant as a comfort, but their digging grip and cold voice set Vampire's heart pounding.
"When I was 23 years old," Lav hissed in their ear. "I was abducted from my home and locked inside a tomb for thirty days. A sacrifice for a death god rumored to be plaguing our town. They were the cause of all their misfortunes, and my death would surely save them all in time for the next harvest. For four days, I starved in the dark, surrounded by the quiet dead. But, enough time passes, and anything begins looking like food. I survived on corpses' bones and spoiled flesh until the cold and the stomach sick killed me all on their own. But when the death god came for my soul, he gave me a choice. Most people don't know there's a choice. And that there's a reason almost no one chooses to stay.
"I didn't want to die. I had barely lived. I chose life. At first, it seemed like the right choice. I had escaped certain demise without consequences. Yes, something was wrong; anyone could tell that. Any extended amount of time with other people ended with their discomfort and avoidance. But I still looked like me. Sounded like me. Lived like me. And that was enough."
Lav's nails dug unconciously vicious into Vampire's shoulders. Vampire bit back a yelp. They leaned paralyzed on the again-stranger's chest, half frozen in horror, half captivated. Though Lav spoke rapidly, the words obviously came out with some difficulty. Any movement, any sound, seemed likely to send them back into silence.
Lav swallowed hard, throat bobbing against Vampire's resting head. "But I was dead. I couldn't stop the decay. Or the hunger. The craving for the things I had only eaten out of desperation before. My being twisted into something other, something monstrous. And soon enough...I was gone."
Vampire slowly pulled back, and Lav's hands slipped off them, settling in their own lap. They smiled vaguely at their snow-crusted knees, a sort of pasted-on, empty thing without any real feeling behind it. At least, not any of the good ones.
"So you...the real you..." Vampire trailed off, not exactly sure how to finish the question. It seemed insensitive to pry after such a confession. And yet so many questions churned in their head. Did Lav have a body? Were they a spirit that took others' bodies? What did Lav really look like?
Luckily, Lav seemed to understand where the thought was going.
"There's nothing left of me but old bones."
They couldn’t think of another response. This was all happening so fast. A few hours ago they were almost killed. A few hours ago Lav saved their life in a horrifying display. And now all this… Did they care that Lav had changed?
"I can shift my shape into the last human I consumed," Lav continued. "A facade for myself as much as others. I've done it enough times for it to have become commonplace, but each one still takes some getting used to. However, this body...was a less-than-savory choice."
Vampire cocked their head. Did a difference in appearance even count as a real change? They were still the same person. Even with this bulkier body, their mannerisms hadn't changed. The delicate way they folded their hands. The elegant tone of speech, so different from the villager’s harsh voice at the door last night.
Lav mistook their thoughtful look for further inquiry and rushed on. "I mostly survive on animal flesh, but every few months I must eat something human or I fall ill...as you witnessed yourself. I grew too weak on the way to the cemetery, and I needed to return to you...so I did what I must. It made you terribly uncomfortable. For that, I'm sorry."
Yesterday's conversation drifted back to them.
'Should you be getting fevers?'
'Sometimes. I’ve put something off too long, that’s all.'
So that's what they had been referring to. A few months, huh? Vampire had been with them for a few weeks, so they must have had their other form for a while. Had they been refraining for Vampire's sake? But why? They'd never hidden the fact that they ate things outside of Vampire's own comfort zone.
"So the way you looked before...when we met..."
"A traveling noble."
Vampire grimaced involuntarily.
"You don't need to look at me that way; I wasn't the one who killed them. I don't kill any of them if I can help it. From the looks of the carriage and the body, it was bandits. But who was I to waste a fresh body?"
"Why didn't you tell me? Why did you let yourself fall ill?"
Lav's shoulder sank, and they folded their arms tight against their chest. For truly the first time since they'd met, they seemed small. "Because I've been alone so long. And you were the first person who ever chose to stay. Even if it was out of convenience. With you around, I could pretend I was normal, like a real host with a real guest who both really enjoyed each other's company. I knew once the truth was out, you would want to leave, and I... I just wanted to pretend a little longer."
Vampire paused. The immediate denial of Lav's words dying on their tongue. They had run. And they had wanted to leave. And part of that had been because of Lav's choice of body, but the rest... They couldn't deny that a part of them had recognized Lav immediately. And they'd still run. Maybe had even been looking for excuses to do so. Lav was easy to love when they were making tea or dozing on the sofa. It was a whole different story when they were ripping people apart. Or when they looked like something Vampire had decided they shouldn't. It was the wrongness that made them run. The predator part of their friend that their instincts had always told them to flee from.
They could keep ignoring it or...
"Lav...can I see you?"
The ghoul's yellow eyes flicked unblinkingly to their own. "I don't think that's a good idea."
"I don't care. I...I want to see you. The real you. I think I have to."
If they didn't, it would keep eating at them. They'd always know they were only pretending to accept what they refused to even see. And the distrust would curdle any remains of their relationship.
Lav wet their lips. For a long while, they were quiet, the only sounds the ghostly whistle of the wind through the naked trees and the creaking of the branches as they became overladen with snow. Vampire expected them to refuse again when they said, "Can I ask one thing?"
Vampire nodded.
"Don't run. I want to say goodbye properly."
Vampire's heart skipped an uncertain beat, but they nodded again. "I won't run."
Lav rose brusquely to their feet, thoroughly patting themselves off and taking a long, deep breath.
Vampire's chest tightened. They only knew they were breathing from the faint cloud puffing in front of their face. They gripped the snow on either side of them in handfuls the icy bite grounding them just enough to keep them still.
Lav gave Vampire one last mournful glance and squeezed their eyes shut. Then their face began to melt.
Freckles and hair and ruddy skin, it all dripped away like candle wax. There was no blood or terrible cracking of bone Vampire had imagined in shapeshifting; it was liquid illusion, wet watercolor running off the page, exposing the pale paper beneath.
Vampire bit back their gasp, but a strangled whimper still escaped through their teeth.
The creature was ghastly. A skeletal thing with only dried sinews holding them together. Their tunic, once pulled taught against a broad chest, now hung like drapes off their bony frame. Exposed teeth trapped their expression in an eerie eternal grin, while their yellow eyes, bigger without lids, seemed to roll in their sockets as they looked to Vampire for a reaction.
The thought wasn't so much verbal as it was a visceral reaction.
Vampire slowly rose, legs shaking.
The creature shielded their face with a grayed hand, nails discomfortingly long and claw-like
Their instincts had always been wary around Lav, but now they were screaming.
Vampire stepped forward.
The snow had deepened since the start of their conversation, and with their legs already unsteady, the drift immediately tripped them. Lav lurched forward, catching them in cadaverous arms. In turn, Vampire slid up their hands to hold their desiccated face.
It was much colder and stiffer than while tending their fever, but Vampire stroked the raw cheekbones and haggard brow. So terrible. So familiar. They knew these bones.
"I'll stay with you."
Lav's breath hitched. Immediately, they were fleshy and warm again, buried in Vampire's neck in a fit of stifled sobs. Vampire could have gone longer; they didn't think they'd made any hint for them return to a living guise. Maybe Lav was the one uncomfortable in their own skin.
Vampire ran their fingers through the stolen red hair. "But we can't stay here."
Lav spoke muffled into their shoulder. "I'll keep you safe. If we stay in the cabin--"
Vampire forced Lav's face toward them. "Three villagers gone missing after visiting your house? They'll come investigating. And they'll find the bodies soon enough." They squirmed a little. "...Whatever you've done with them. We can't fight them all. And I don't want to. I don't think you do either."
Lav opened their mouth, eyes roiling with a surge of emotions, but the protest died on their lips.
"You can't travel in the day," they said instead.
"They'll be back before nightfall. I'll...I'll wrap up tight."
Lav frowned.
"Besides, it's winter," Vampire rushed. "The sun doesn't rise for a few more hours. Maybe we can at least get the other edge of the wood before they come looking. Find a tavern or inn to hide out in until nightfall."
"And then?" Lav said.
Vampire's brain stuttered to a stop. What was next? They'd barely survived here, and what they had managed had been mostly from hiding. Not much chance of that on the open road. But there would be more information available. More rumors. More people, maybe the inhuman variety.
"Find a clan," they said more firmly than they felt. "For the both of us.
Lav mouth pulled into a skeptical line, but they simply pulled the collar of Vampire's tunic closer around their throat. "We can talk more inside. You're not going anywhere until you've warmed up."
Vampire was suddenly aware of their aching toes, bare and several feet deep in snow. The wind whipped their cheeks and snuck up their shirt sleeves, prompting a violent shiver.
Lav hoisted them into their arms. "You really are the strangest vampire I've ever met."
"Darling, I chased you all the way out here; I'm not chasing you home."
Vampire stuttered incoherently but eventually settled tiredly against their brawny chest. They’d been through too many traumatic things in the last 24 hours, and having Lav so close was steadying, even if their outer packaging still unsettled them. They closed their eyes and concentrated on what they could feel beneath the skin, ribs, sternum, collarbones, shoulders…
They could get used to old bones.
Part Seven
Me after finishing this section:
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I know it’s not the typical attractive love interest love story, but I think it’s important for Vampire to love Lav for who and what they truly are even if it’s ugly. And it not like they’re suddenly completely ok with it all either, more they’re comfortable enough with it at the moment to move forward. They’re still going to have to accustom to the idea that the physical attraction they’ve had up to this point has all been fake. And they’re going to have to be ok with an ever changing appearance and be confident in their love for what’s on the inside. Anyway, as I finished up this section I was thinking, “this might come off kinda weird for some people” but I enjoyed writing it so that’s what matters haha
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees-deactivated @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax @pksnowie @blessupblessup @wolfeyedwitch @thedeepvoidinmyheart @cornflower-cowboy @bestblob @a-chaotic-gremlin @espresso-depresso-system @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @paleassprince @takingawildbreath @yindo @psychiclibrariesquotestoad @harpycartoons @pickleking8 @urmyhopeeee @goldenflame2516 @tobeornottobeateacher @talesofurbania1 @sweetsigyn
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70spunkstars · 5 months
a new series is comin ya’ll way and its based off my dr 🤭
it’ll release faster than the bridgerton au, which again, im sorry is taking so long to come out I have numerous obstacles that is preventing me from releasing it sooner 🫶🏽
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quakeroc · 7 months
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i'm a published transfem furry author whose newest project, a Patreon serial named STAR//CROSSED, just started its run TODAY!
it's going to be an indefinitely-running series of short stories that act as small chapters, updated monthly! the first one, Prologue 1, just dropped today, and is available for you to read immediately!
STAR//CROSSED takes place in the 2060s, after an alien species, the Pael (pronounced Pah-eel) stumbled upon Earth and revolutionized the entirety of Terran society. Everything changed overnight, from economics to culture to religion. Terrankind was thrown into turmoil, and while eventually things stabilized, and at a far higher standard than previously, the growing pains continue.
In order to further integrate the two societies, some Pael are going to Earth, and some Terrans are going to join the Pael in cooperatives on other planets. Though there may be an undercurrent of tension riding behind every single interaction, it's hoped that in pairing the two peoples together, everyone's natural personalities can lead to greater things in the future.
Funnily enough, Pael are only about a centimeter tall. Makes it all a lot harder - or more fun, depending on your perspective.
Here you can see some concept art of the four main characters below! Red Haehn the maned wolf, Baz Hohera the rabbit, and both Zhelv Meyaat and Pev Ul the Pael!
all concept art by @cath0degaytube !!
baz hohera belongs to @vespidazed !!
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if you sub now, you'll be supporting me for less than a twitch.tv subscription, as well as giving me more money per payment! not only that, but you'll have over a YEAR's worth of other short stories in both the Verrillon Times and EXTIRPATION series! further, there will be other things uploaded in time, such as side stories and eventually another serial once i've cleared EXTIRPATION and the final Verrillon Times!
consider tossing me a fiver if you're 18 or above, get access to a bunch of writing both soft and loving and hardcore and dramatic, and i hope to see you around! ^_^ thanks for reading, and you can check out the prologue for STAR//CROSSED at the link!!
and if you'd like a totally free look at some of my games writing (albeit a bit old!!), or buy a digital copy of my book SLIME TIME, you can check out my itch.io at the link below!
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amaryscita · 8 months
‘You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..’
Depressed! Suguru G. x F!Reader
Okay so YAHHH first series >:)! This is part one :) pls enjoy ilysm
Mentions of Poor Hygiene, Suicidal thoughts.
(If you’re experiencing depression and suicidal thoughts please don’t be afraid to talk too me or someone.)
(I believe in you all <3)
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Now what’s on your nasty old mind? (IF YOU GET IT-)
Suguru was obviously depressed he wanted nothing more to do but lay down, sometimes he didn’t even wanna get up
Poor boy was a mess, he’d try to shun the world out. He’d try to sleep all his pain away try to forget about everything but that’s when he met you at his lowest.. if he could do you guys meeting again he’d definitely not meet like you guys did, you were a friend of Satoru, who he asked to check on Suguru
Suguru Pov
Knock knock…the door keeps knocking. I turned my head the other way trying to sleep i didn’t wanna get up. There’s no point anyways. I tried to ignore the knocking but it just never ended, i got outta bed tied my hair up into a messy bun and walked up to the door and opened it revealing a girl..
A beautiful girl her eyes those cheeks.. her lips… everything about her was just..
“Hi!!” She said with a warm smile, her smile was so warm and I’m…probably a mess.
“Hi…?” I said, i didn’t mean to sound awkward but I just didn’t know her? Never seen her around where did she come from?
“I’m Y/n!! Is this Geto..? Or Suguru?” She tilted her head, she seems so pure. Why is she around me. Why is she around my mess?
“Yeah why..? Who are you?” I eye’d her as she then smiled “Nice to meet you! Like i said I’m Y/n and Toru has asked me too check up on you!” She explained and it makes sense.
Of course Satoru would set something like this up, i sighed then forced a smile “I’m fine.” I said and closed the door
My life is too messy to drag someone like her along in it so better not.
Your Pov
You knew Suguru wasn’t okay and you promised yourself and Gojo you’d make him better and you weren’t backing down 😼
I sighed knowing he closed the door at me and then told Satoru what happened, he responded with a ‘it’s okay, you tried your best.’ Like I’m giving up on Suguru.
The next day, I stopped by a bakery and got some cookies for Suguru :)
After i got the cookies i headed back to his place, i knocked on it praying for an answer i mean it’s 3:40 pm he should be up right…?
Knock knock knock, no answer. But i didn’t give up I’ll never give up on you Suguru.
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peacefulwriting · 2 years
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Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Reader
Summary: A sunny day turns dark when someone decides to walk into the Hard Deck and start sho*ting while you were working. Jake gets the news and immediately heads to the hospital to receive devastating news.
Trigger Warning: mentions of shootings, miscarriage, blood, depression, nightmares.
Jake’s heart dropped when he looked up to see the admiral Simpson. Everyone knew that when you got called by your last name and not your call sign, that something was wrong. Jake never expected it would be him getting the bad news. 
Jake got up from his chair, his breath shaking and his heart racing, and walked out to the hallway with the admiral. 
“It’s your wife, there’s been an accident.” 
That was all it took for Jake to bolt out of the door and into his Jeep. 
His car raced through the parking lot and off base. He didn’t care if he was speeding, he didn’t care if he was going to get in trouble with the admiral, the last thing he was worried about was himself and his actions. He was only worried about Y/N.
His panic thoughts grew louder. Beads of sweat dripped from his head. He wasn’t sure what to expect, was she injured badly, was she in a coma, was she okay and had a few bruises, or was she dead? He had to pulled to the side of the road. 
Jake stumbled out of the car. Vomit creeped up his throat and spewed all over the road. He took a moment and sat down to collect his thoughts. He took a few deep breaths and swallowed, picking himself up and climbed back into his car. 
He calmed down and took off towards the hospital again. 
When he arrived, he ran in, making sure to stop at the front desk. The nurse sitting there gave him the information he needed, and he sprinted through the back door into the emergency room. 
It was like tunnel vision. 
Last time Jake had tunnel vision was when he was fighting the enemy a few years back, right after he met you. He needed to make it home safely to you or you would never forgive him. 
Y/N had been in a trauma room, you know, one of those big rooms with the big lights above the bed and all the equipment needed if someone were to code. He came upon the room and busted through the curtains. You had been laying on your side with your hand cradling your stomach and the other holding a green throw up bag. The trauma and stress made you so sick. He knew instantly what was going on but didn’t know the full extent. 
He walked up to you, caressing you close and bringing his lips to your forehead. You had been crying, tears falling upon your cheeks while in excruciating pain. 
“Someone had a gun,” you sobbed, gripping his flight suit, “they – they shot at us.” 
“Oh honey.” He said, cradling your head in his hands.
You didn’t take a bullet or get hurt at all; Penny had gotten you out of there before there was time for her to get hurt. You watched people get shot as you were escaping. You screamed in fear but also in agony as you fell to the ground. A pain struck your stomach and blood started streaming down your leg. You thought you had gotten shot but it was something more heartbreaking. You was experiencing a miscarriage. 
“The baby, the baby’s gone.” 
Your sobs were piercing. 
Anger rummaged through Jake’s veins while holding you. Not only were you shaking out of pain and fear, but Jake was also shaking. Shaking from the anger. How could someone walk into a place and start shooting? How could anybody take the lives of the innocent? He knew he had to keep his frustration in check for the sake of you.   
The mission was in 8 weeks. 
How was he going to be able to work and train for such a deadly mission while his own wife was going through the worst moment in her life? How was he supposed to show up with the motivation to fight when all he wanted to do was flight? 
Hours passed. Exhaustion caved in. Text messages rolled in. 
Rooster: I just heard the news, is Y/N, okay? 
Phoenix: OH MY GOD. Jake, are you okay? Is Y/N, okay? 
BOB: Do you guys need anything? 
Everyone had been concerned for you, but what no one knew was that you had been pregnant. Only Jake. You were 8 weeks along, both of you just hearing the heartbeat days ago. You and Jake were waiting until the 12-week mark to tell everyone, you know, in case of a miscarriage. And that is what happened. 
 Jake and you were over the moon. It was your first child. The both of you already had started planning names, how the nursery would look, and when Jake would bring the little one to the planes. What every first-time parent does. It was over in a split second. 
 As you waited for confirmation of the devastating news, the emotions were growing higher. You and Jake both knew that the medical team had to attend to the GSW victims first. You weren’t priority, and it broke both of your hearts knowing the news, just sitting in the pain of it all. 
The doctor came in. He introduced himself to both You and Jake. He was exhausted from all the traumas that came in. 
Jake grabbed onto your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze to reassured you that he was with you. He was here.
“I know today has been exhausting for the both of you,” he started, flipping through his papers. “We’ve got the confirmation back and it does look to be a miscarriage. Your ultrasound does reveal some tissue still left in there, so we need to schedule you for a D&C -Dilation and curettage. It’s a procedure to remove the unnecessary tissue.” 
You began to cry again. Jake only squeezing your hand again. He held back tears, you were already going through so much, he didn’t want to add it. The new was finally confirmed. It was a miscarriage. Your baby had died. 
“I am so sorry to the both of you. We have printed off resources and therapy options if need be. Please, let us know if there is anything else we can do for you. We are going to get your discharge papers going and a scheduler in here to get that procedure set up.” 
Jake let go out your hand and shook the doctor’s hand. 
When the doctor stepped out, sobs were the only thing that had filled that room for what seemed to be an eternity. It took another hour for you to be discharged and scheduled. Jake had texted Simpson to ask if he could bring a new clean pair of clothes for you. Jake didn’t want anyone who he was flying with to know except for his superiors.
Admiral Simpson: I will be right there. Do you guys need anything else? 
Jake: No, thank you. 
Simpson met Jake outside, giving him the bag of clothing. He wasn’t quite sure what was going on but knew that there was a shooting. Jake didn’t share much. After all, he was the one to tell Jake that you were in accident. He thanked him and walked back into the hospital.
Jake walked back into your room, a nurse getting your IV out and wrapping it up with some coband. You finally stopped crying but your eyes were so puffy red, and you were exhausted. You experienced so much in one day and all you wanted to do was go home and sleep for days. 
The nurse went over discharged instructions and gave you some stuff to help with the extra bleeding. The nurse put your clothes that you bled through in a hospital bag and gave your hand a squeeze and let youknow that she was extremely sorry and there are helpful resources out there. 
Jake helped you out of bed and helped you into your clothing. Thankfully, it was a pair of sweatpants and a large t-shirt so that you would be comfortable. You got your sandals on and he grabbed your hand and lead you out of the place that you would dread for a long time. 
You couldn’t help but feel guilty, sad, fearful, every emotion in the book. You lost the baby and you felt like it was all her fault. I mean, you weren’t even supposed to be at work – you had been sick for the past few days, but finally felt good enough to go. If you didn’t go in, this wouldn’t have happened and you would still have the baby. 
Jake didn’t let go of your hand at all. He would periodically give your hand a gentle squeeze, looking at you to make sure you were okay, but you weren’t. You were so numb that you barely felt his hand. The only thing you could only feel was the guilt of losing the baby and the sadness of not being able to meet your special one. The first child you were going to have and you lost it. 
You hadn’t realized that they you home until Jake had shouted a little bit. You swallowed, snapping out of your daze. You cried so much that you didn’t have any more tears to cry.. 
“Hey, you with me?” 
“Y-yeah.” Your voice was flat. Monotone. No emotion at all. “I think I want to go to bed.” 
“Okay, I’ll help you to bed.” 
Jake didn’t bother to grab your blood-soaked clothing or the rest of his work stuff. His main concern was helping you. Nothing else. You both walked into the house and up the stairs, you stopped at what would have been the nursery, seeing that the door was open. You saw the rocking chair and the little bear that laid upon it. You felt your heart break even more. 
“Let’s go to bed, Hal-”  
“Get rid of it.”  
You whispered and walked towards your bedroom. Jake simple nodded. You didn’t want any reminders; you already had the worst reminder of it all. Yourself. The girl who couldn’t keep her own baby alive.  
Jake grabbed your hand, leading you down on the bed. He made sure that you had two pillows, blankets pulled up to your face and a cup of water beside you. He bent down, pursing his lips against your forehead.  
“I’m going to shower and then I’ll be in bed.”  
You sighed, closing your eyes and dozing off.  
The nightmares that followed with the coming days were enough to put someone in a mental facility. Jake woke up several times during the next week due to you having night terrors and screaming, but he stayed up to make sure you were okay. He was mentally and physically done for.  
Jake woke up to you screaming and shaking uncontrollably. He got up, and walked over to you, he gently shook your shoulders to wake you up. When you woke up from your nightmare, you just began to cry in his arms. He held you for a little while until he saw blood forming on the bed.
“I’m going to run you a bath,” he said, slipping out from your grip. You just nodded and let him go. 
He walked into their bathroom and turned on the facet, making sure to throw in some Lavender Epsom salt and lit a few candles. He knew that it had to be around 2:30 in the morning and had to be up in 3 hours for work – but making sure you were okay and comfortable was his only concern. 
He walked back out, grabbing you by the hand and helped you into the bathroom, slipping you out of your dirty clothing and into the bath tub. You instantly sunk into the water, resting your head against the wall. He let you relax while he went and changed the bedsheets.  
Jake was scared for the first time in his life.  
He was scared for you and if you would ever make it out of this dark tunnel.  
Once Jake had changed the sheets, he went back to the bathroom, you were still in the same position you were in. You hand was hanging out of the tub, he sat down against the tub, grabbing onto it.  
“Mmm, Jake?”  
“Yeah?” He whispered.  
“I’m sorry.”  
“Nothing to be sorry for, dear. For better or worse.”  
It was the first time in a week you giggled. Jake felt a little weight come off his shoulders.  
“For better or worse.”  
It was becoming to be around 3:15 and man, you were both tired. Jake drained the tub and helped you out once more. He had grabbed one of his t-shirts from one of his missions from the dresser and a pair of black cotton panties for you. He helped you into them and got you back into bed. 
He crawled in next to you, making sure to not go to close to your stomach as he knew you were very self-conscious about it all since the miscarriage. He placed his hand on your upper arm and let it rest there. They laid there until you both dozed off.
5:30 AM came sooner than he thought. It felt like he was asleep for 5 minutes and then was awake again. He turned around in his sleep and as he went to turn to kiss you good morning, he felt that the bed was empty and cold.  
He shot up, frantically searching the bedroom and then the bathroom. He shuffled towards the nursey to see if you had gone in there. No sign of you at all. He hurried down the stairs to be greeted with her in the kitchen making coffee and bagels.
You turned around and locked eyes with him. You forced a smile on your face and poured a cup of coffee, making sure to only had sugar. Jake’s favorite.  
“Good morning,” you said, walking up to him with his coffee. You reached up, planting a kiss on his soft pink lips. “I made you breakfast.”
“Thank you.”
You smiled and walked outside and sat on the deck swing with a blanket. It was may and but it was still a little chilly. You supposed your coffee as you watched the waves crash.
Jake followed and sat on the swing next to you. He had his coffee in one hand and set his other on your leg. You set yours on top of his.
“I’m sorry for everything. I’m sorry that I lost our baby.”
“Y/N, you have nothing to be sorry for. It’s okay to not be okay. You didn’t do anything wrong. Your feelings are valid. I’m here, I’m here with you. Every step of the way.”
You blinked away, tears threatening to fall out. You didn’t want him to see you crying again.
“Y/N,” he slipped his hand from under yours, grabbing it in his and bring it up to his lips. He pressed his lips against your knuckles. You turned to face him with tears in your eyes. “I know you feel alone and scared, but none of this was your fault. You had no control over this. I know none of this is going to make you feel any better, but please know that I love you and I am here. It’s okay.”
That was all it took for you to start sobbing again. You set your coffee down at your feet and moved closer into Jake. He wrapped his arms around you and you pressed your face into his chest.
He pressed kisses on your head and you both stayed there until you stopped crying. Crying made you feel better, it was a release. Jake being here for you and him just letting you feel the emotions without him intervening made you thankful as well. Thankful that he didn’t push you to get over it or that you can have another baby.
“We’ll get through this. I know we will baby.”
“Thank you, Jake.”
And you both stayed there until Jake had to get up to go to work. While he was getting a shower, you made the decisions to seek out help, to get a therapist. If you didn’t get help, you knew this wasn’t going to end well.
And you didn’t want to loose this battle.
A/N: omg, my heart is shattered into a million pieces???? I have a part 2 written, should I post or not? Leave a comment below!
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michelleleewise · 2 years
OK everyone!!! My brain has been all over the place and I've had alot of people ask me to tag them in oneshots, or in just everything which thank you so much!!!! I can't tell you how happy I was and am. Being me, I am sadly forgetful lol sooooooo I'm making this for anyone who wants to be tagged in everything/series or just one shots, leave me a comment pretty please. I hate that I may be forgetting people!!!! And thank you guys again soooooooo much!!! 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
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decantedenchanted · 8 months
Summer Camp (Top Gun AU)
Dedicated to @topgun-imagines (I'm counselor anon)
Length: short (less than 500 words)
Mav x reader
Part 1 (pt. 2 coming soon)
Note: I'll update this series as time goes on and what events happen
*Based off a true story*
When it came to summer camps, you never really expected to love someone at first sight. However, this camp was different. As you dropped your bags off in the room that you would be staying at for the next two days, you looked around at your fellow campers.
One camper had short black hair that was very messy, but you had a feeling that this was no ordinary person. You had a tendency to know who would be important and who wouldn't, and this guy seemed very important.
It turned out that he was a counselor and you realized he was way out of your league. After all, you were just a freshman. You decided to take a shot and talk to him anyways.
"What's your name?" you asked him, sitting down across from him on the floor.
"I'm Pete, but you can call me Mav." he responded, his eyes shining.
"Mav..." you said, knowing you would remember it instantly.
You suddenly got a warm feeling in your heart. You had been homesick for a while after coming to the camp, but this was different.
"Hey, I wish we could talk more but I have to do my counselor duties," Mav said while standing up. "I'll see you around."
You waved at him but you knew you would see him again. That night, you laid down in your sleeping bag and tried to drift off. The homesick feeling settled in again and you began to hyperventilate. Breathing in and out, you tried to calm yourself down. You decided to go downstairs and get a drink and possibly talk to the camp leader.
You tried to be quiet while walking down the stairs but ended up being face to face with Mav. You asked him if you could speak with the leader, but he said she was staying in a different cabin. Your eyes began to water again and you sat down on a bench. Mav sat across from you, trying to comfort you.
"Hey, I know how you feel. I live far away as well," he said in a low voice.
"I'm sorry you had to see me like this," you said, trying to maintain composure.
"I'm here for you if you need anything," he looked at you.
"Thank you, I'm just homesick but it hurts a lot," you said, not meeting his gaze.
Mav sat with you and talked about his life - where he was from, what he did, and even about his plans later on. As you listened to him talk, you realized you admired him a lot. Eventually, you calmed down and he walked you to your room.
"Thanks again, Mav. You really helped me," you said, meeting his gaze for the first time. "I'll see you tomorrow morning."
He smiled and walked away, and your heart began to soar.
Thoughts? Questions? Ideas? Send em in the ask box!
Anything is appreciated! <3
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On Writing Sequels
This week's blog is one on craft! While most people agonize over book 2, I prefer it over one. Read this week's blog to find out why.
I know a lot of writers writhe in angst over writing sequels or second books in a series, but I think I’m in the minority here as I actually much prefer writing sequels to the initial book. In this week’s blog, I hope I can help you to make writing sequels a little easier in the future. As per my usual writing caveat, what works for one writer doesn’t work for another, so take all writing advice…
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alovelylight · 11 months
editing/proofreading/beta reading services
Hi everyone! I want to make some cash on the side while I job-hunt.
As a writer, my poetry has been published in various literary journals (will provide link to publications if asked) and my fiction has won several prizes such as Salt Hill’s flash fiction prize. I was also a finalist for my university’s research paper award (also will provide link if asked).
Willing to proofread and edit any kind of writing, including: short stories, novel chapters, fanfiction, flash stories, poetry, creative non-fiction pieces, essays, articles, program applications, statements of purpose, etc.
Feel free to DM me for more details.
$5 - I will thoroughly proofread your document for grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
$15 - I  will proofread and edit or rewrite specifically chosen sections of your document with regards to tone, syntax, style, and clarity.
$30 - I will proofread and effectively edit your document on a line-by-line basis with regards to tone, consistency, structure, syntax, style, and clarity.
$50 - I will proofread and edit your document on a line-by-line basis as well as provide additional written feedback with regards to tone, consistency, structure, syntax, style, clarity, and more.
As a sensitivity reader:
$.05 per word - I can serve as a sensitivity reader for your story from my perspective as a lesbian Southeast Asian American / Thai immigrant who can speak Thai.
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thepenultimateword · 1 year
Date or Die Part 10
This might be so sappy you could make syrup out of it, but I give you, dear followers, the Date or Die Finale! To think I wrote part 1 as a quick little prompt fill on a whim in April; it’s crazy that its been nearly 10 months since then! Thanks for coming along for the ride!
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine
Supervillain took a long sip from their mug and squinted down their arm at the soft-colored mood board on their phone screen. The tea had gone from lukewarm to cold, allowing a ring of grainy sediment to settle at the bottom; now it swirled up and skimmed bitterly across their tastebuds, causing them to wince and stick out their tongue.
"You waited too long again," Villain said, glancing over the large stack of envelopes piled up on either side of them. How were they so good at noticing every little thing? Even when they weren't looking?
"It's gross when it's hot," Supervillain countered, forcing another sip out of pure defiance. "What do you think of this combination?"
They leaned halfway out of bed and thrust their phone in Villain's direction.
Instead of leaning out and meeting Supervillain halfway, Villain let their pen clatter to the desktop and strode over to the bed, crawling over Supervillain's legs and snuggling into their side. "Alright, let's see it."
Supervillain fought the warmth rising in their cheeks--that had been happening a lot lately--and brought the phone up to their lover's eye level.
"Oh, I like the dusty rose and dusty blue. Oh! And those string lights are beautiful. Do you think we can find some like that to put over the wedding bower? We could mix in real flowers and it would look like it's glowing!"
Supervillain cleared their throat, a well of uncontrollable affection surging up their airway as per usual. "Of course. Maybe we could go out and look at flower arrangements tomorrow?"
Villain nodded, stretching their arms and all ten fingers out in front of them before leaning back against Supervillain's chest. Supervillain had the sudden urge to kiss them. All over. Forever. Sometimes their presence still felt surreal. A dream they might wake up from at any moment.
"See something you like?" Villain said.
Supervillain jolted, averting their eyes to the wall in front of them. "How are invitations going?"
"Pretty good." Villain began playing with a lock of Supervillain's hair that had fallen across their shoulder. "Though I'm still stuck on whether or not to invite Friend."
Supervillain immediately turned their gaze back on their lover.
"My ex-best friend who tried to kill you and now is confined to a high-security prison? That Friend?"
"They invited you to theirs. It's only polite to return the favor. Besides, it's not like they can actually show up."
"No, but it's the principal of it. You try to kill my fiancee, you don't get an invite to the wedding."
"To be fair," Villain said, a sly grin curving their jaw. They twisted the lock of hair tighter around their finger and tugged just hard enough to tip their chin in their direction. "We weren't really dating when they tried to kill me."
Supervillain swallowed hard. "Th-they didn't know that."
This villain was going to be the death of them. Where did they get off flipping their roles around, them the suave charmer and Supervillain the flustered mess?
"And I already liked you by then. I liked you before then. So on all accounts it was...utterly...completely...unacceptable."
Villain was so close, Supervillain could smell the strawberries and cream on their breath from breakfast. It blended with a hint of ginger from their tea. That matching mug set was one of the best purchases Supervillain had ever made. It made Villain's eyes shine, sort of the way they shone now, like a couple stars blinking out of an inky black firmament. Just...beautiful. They were so...so...
"S-stop teasing me!" they cried, shooting upright and out of Villain's grasp. They snatched the ends of their long hair and bundled it up over their burning face.
Villain fell on their back cackling. "But it's so fun! You're like this super scary steel trap all covered in barbs and spikes, it's the best watching you turn into jelly."
"Villain, darling." Gentle fingers slid over their shoulders as the smaller criminal draped over Supervillain's back and wrapped their arms around their neck. "You didn't know what you were getting back then, did you?"
Supervillains wrapped their hands around Villain's fists. "I did actually. I've always known you were clever, conniving, and mean, but you're also gentle, empathetic, and kind. I love every part of you."
"You're sappy." Villain nuzzled their ear.
Supervillain pecked the corner of their mouth. "You love it."
For a moment there was only warm silence, then Villain tipped halfway over their shoulder to meet their eyes. "So. Friend?"
"I don't know why you're insisting on it, but fine."
"And Friend's Spouse?"
"Really? They might actually come."
"They did testify against Friend in court."
Supervillain sighed heavily. "Fine. Whatever you want, love."
Villain grinned and dropped their weight back against the curve of their spine. "I love you."
"I...love you too."
Supervillain never thought they'd get to say that in their lifetime with such confidence, but they were immensely glad it was true.
"This was their idea, wasn't it?"
Friend sat in the far corner of their white, empty cell. A metal twin-sized bed and a plain, three-compartment chest of drawers were the only furnishings in the drab space. A framed picture of their spouse--glass removed of course--was about the only thing bringing any sort of personalness to the place. And now the wedding invitation.
"How'd you know?" Supervillain said, standing a few paces back from the glass, thumb hooked in the corners of their pockets.
Friend looked up, eyes flashing. They wore the face of young, golden-haired ship captain today. The one they'd stabbed in the back at the end of a sea heist six years ago. According to the prison guards, they did that often. Wearing faces that didn't belong to them. The prison's therapist said it was most likely a form of escapism, wanting to be anyone but themself at the moment. "Because they're petty. Like you. Like me."
A beat passed. The beat that carried the unsaid question they both held under their tongues. Did it have to be this way? Was there any universe where this turned out differently? Or were they always destined to crash and burn?
Supervillain shifted their weight to their other foot. "I didn't know jealousy would make you so homicidal."
"Everything makes me homicidal."
Supervillain chuckled humorlessly. "That's true."
The overhead light buzzed mechanically in the silence. The invitation's soft paper rustled as Friend rubbed the corners between their thumbs and forefingers.
"I know you've said you have nothing to say,'" Supervillain probed, "but..."
"It wasn't because I loved you," Friend said. Their voice snapped out cold and harsh like a whip. "I didn't. Not the way I knew you loved me. I'd known for years."
Supervillain's stomach squirmed a little. It probably shouldn't matter now, those feelings were just as nonexistent as Friend's, but they couldn't help but feel somewhat embarrassed that they'd apparently been so obvious.
The corners of the photo softened under Friend's pressure, and they slowly peeled them away, letting them flutter to the ground in little crumples of color. "I thought I wanted you with someone else. I truly did. Until you were."
"I wasn't--"
"I know. But you did fall in love. And suddenly, I knew I couldn't live without your attention. Didn't matter that I didn't want you. Still didn't want you. I just liked being your world. Having you on a string. Watching you dance to my tunes. That's probably sick, isn't it?"
"Well...that's what I always liked about you." Supervillan's eyes followed the next shreds of paper as they fell.
"But not anymore."
"No. Not anymore."
Friend stopped shredding just short of the faces and set the invitation flat on their dresser. Their eyes flicked up to meet Supervillain's through the glass.
"You're softer now."
"I'm not interested in playing with lives anymore, if that's what you mean."
Friend shrugged. "Dunno. Guess there's just an edge to you that's gone now." Their voice went softer. "I was never going to do that for you."
Once, Supervillain wouldn't have needed words to sit in Friend's presence. Their gaze had always been enough. Now they wanted nothing more than to get out and back to Villain's awaiting comfort.
"I should get going. Villain is outside."
They started toward the mouth of the hallway.
They stopped, half-turning back toward Friend.
"I hope... I hope the wedding is nice."
Supervillain nodded.
The walk to the exit was considerably lighter than it had been coming in.
Villain kicked their heels against the waxed linoleum tile. It had probably been 15 minutes since Supervillain walked back with the guards to deliver the wedding invitation to Friend. It usually took that amount of time alone to be searched, escorted in, searched again, and escorted out. Villain wasn't sure how long Supervillain would spend talking to them, but they guess they probably had at least 5 or 10 minutes longer to wait.
The door to the entrance squealed, and Villain glanced briefly over their shoulder. No sooner had the turned forward they were whirling around again.
"Oh! Hi!"
Friend's Spouse froze mid-step, shoulders hunching like a snarly dog.
"I hoped you might turn up!" Villain continued. "I mean, I knew you came in every Tuesday and Friday, but I wasn't sure if today would be one of those days when you don't come in because sometimes life happens and throws us off schedule. I also didn't know what time you usually visit so--"
"I get it," Friend's Spouse said, holding up one hand to quiet them. They looked around the waiting area a moment before nodding toward the sign-in desk. "Let me guess. Supervillain?"
"They should be done soon."
Friend's Spouse sighed but dropped into the chair next to Villain without too much of a fuss.
Villain fiddled their thumbs. "I never thanked you for what you did. Back at your house or in court. I-"
"I didn't do it for you," Friend's Spouse grumbled.
"I know. But you still did it so...thank you."
Friend's Spouse stared toward the passageway, currently empty except for the two guards at the mouth. "I just needed to stop them before they did something really wrong. And ruined something important to them."
"You're a civilian, right?" Villain said. "You're not..."
"In 'the business'? No. But I'm what you'd call a morally questionable person, so I didn't care what Friend did. Even when it came to death. But their obsession over the two of you...that did need to be stopped. As much for them as for anybody."
For not the first time, the civilian's strength impressed Villain. They didn't know if they would be able to do the same for Supervillain. Hurt them in order to help them. Then again, Villain couldn't really imagine Supervillain doing something so insane. Friend was definitely more volatile, which was saying something when Supervillain had actively held them hostage for over a month.
"Are you guys ok?" Villain said.
"Yes," Friend's Spouse said snappily. "...They're not happy with me, but at least they understand why I did it." They cleared their throat. "How are...you? Still with Supervillain apparently?"
"Yeah, we-- Oh, right!" Villain rummaged through their bag until their fingers glossed over the invitation they'd stowed away in case of this exact meeting. "Here."
Friend's Spouse stared at it for a long time. "You're seriously inviting me?"
"I came to yours."
"I kidnapped you."
"Supervillain kidnapped me; I can let it go the first time, maybe even the second." At the civilian's strange look, they added, "Nothing in villainy is typical."
"I'm pretty sure you're situation is atypical even for other atypicals."
Villain chuckled lightly. Probably true. If someone had told them the night of their almost-execution that the person holding a gun to their head would one day be their fiancee, they would have laughed, rather manically, in their face.
As if on queue, the steady clack of Supervillain's shoes traveled up the hallway, growing louder and louder with each step. Villain burst to their feet before the other villain had even entered view.
“Hey,” Supervillain greeted, passing the double guards and immediately interlocking fingers with Villain. A moment later they noticed their company. “Hey, [Friend’s Spouse]. I think they’re itching to see you.”
Friend’s Spouse forced a smile that looked more like a grimace and rose to their feet.
"Well,” Villain hung to Supervillain’s arm and shot Friend’s Spouse one more what-they-hoped-was-friendly look. “Address is on the invitation if you decide to drop by."
"I'll think about it," Friend's Spouse said, then softer. "Er...thank you."
With that, they made their way to the sign-in desk without a second glance.
The wedding had lots of chamomile and no cinnamon. The table of kettles, each set to boil on its own hot plate, filled the room with heady steam, each flavor coming together so the air practically bathed in the sweet, floral aromas.
Supervillain spun Villain under their arm, catching them on their chest before they could fully stumble.
"I thought your last wedding would have put you off from heels," they said, eyes all googly and soft as they tipped their forehead against Villain's.
"Well, you know me. I'm a glutton for punishment." Villain quirked a sly smile and slid their arms up around Supervillain's neck. "But hey, heels saved my life! ...Or was it cinnamon?"
Supervillain swayed them back and forth. "Don't know...but you were adorable."
"You wanted me dead," Villain scoffed. They didn't know when that had become a natural thing to say, but somehow it escaped their lips without eliciting so much as a shiver.
"I could still appreciate your cuteness. Especially when your little nose got all runny and your voice all squeaky and--"
Villain interrupted them with a quick kiss on the mouth.
"I think that's quite enough," they said as they pulled back.
Supervillain stumbled the next dance step, face flushed a bright, pretty pink.
"Aww, your so cuu-"
Supervillain's lips crashed back against their own.
Suddenly Villain couldn't hear the music, or the "ooos" of their guests, all that mattered was the steady pressure of Supervillain's hands on their hips, the soft warmth against their mouth, and the taste of honied chamomile. Their heart pounded so hard they felt dizzy. When Supervillain finally let them breathe again they swayed like a drunk.
Supervillain remained close enough for their breath to tickle their face. "Honey, you may be a villain, but I'm a supervillain. Don't you ever forget that."
Villain's mind had become nothing but blank static, so they nodded dumbly.
Supervillain grinned, something between wicked and smitten. "Want to make a bargain?"
Villain rested their head against Supervillain's pounding heart, letting the beats steady them as they gripped the lapels of their suit coat. “Sounds like our style. Let's hear it."
"Nothing serious, just…that we stay together until we die.”
“I think that was part of our vows,” Villain said with a chuckle. “Til death do us part and all that?”
“It’s different.”
The song came to a close, and Supervillain guided them by the hand back to their table, paying little attention to the of well-wishers that ambushed them along the way. Villain really wasn’t sure how many of the people were really happy for them and how many just wanted on Supervillain’s good side.
“How is it different?” Villain said, breaking them from the uncomfortable scowl before it could fully plaster their face.
“People break those vows all the time. We didn’t break our bargain…”
Villain pushed a lock of hair behind Supervillain’s ear. “And what are the consequences of breaking said bargain?”
Villain’s eyes widened, and Supervillain smirked.
“Not really. …I suppose nothing.”
Villain pondered a moment. “You know, death might not be such a bad idea…” As soon as it left their mouth, they quickly held up both hands. “Not in real life! I meant as pretend! A-and not with threats to each other, but maybe sometimes we could pretend that there’s a bigger threat, and we have to stick together to survive.”
Supervillain nodded slowly. “I like it.” They paused. “We’re weird, aren’t we?”
“Oh, that became clear long ago.”
Supervillain shrugged and picked up their wine glass of deep blackberry tea, lukewarm from neglect by now.
“Married or die?”
Villain grinned, rising their golden glass of chamomile glass in return. They clinked the glasses together as their hands found each other beneath the table.
“Married or die.”
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii i @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax @pksnowie @blessupblessup @wolfeyedwitch @thedeepvoidinmyheart @cornflower-cowboy @bestblob @a-chaotic-gremlin @espresso-depresso-system @prompt-fills-and-writing-spills @paleassprince @takingawildbreath @yindo @psychiclibrariesquotestoad @harpycartoons @pickleking8 @urmyhopeeee
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jazminetoad · 2 years
The Light and the Dark
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A/N: This is a piece I wrote at the beginning of the year, and since I haven't been feeling motivated to write anything right now I've decided to post it.
Trigger Warning!
You stand in the middle of a stage, lights fixated on you. The brightness grounds you, keeping you in place as a reminder the darkness is witnessing your every move, patiently waiting for you to stumble and fall into their void. You feel the eyes of change and the unknown on you, making you uneasy as they erase the dependable familiarity that always supported you. You’re uncomfortable with silence walking around so you go to speak, but your voice is taken by fear, not wanting you to spill out timid and foolish words. You felt out of place and wished to leave, to go back the way you came, but the darkness of the crowd rises until they’re black walls, trapping you inside a room with no doors and no windows.
The light remains but you no longer desire to be in it since it no longer brought you any warmth; you’re starving for the comfort darkness gave you when it wrapped its shadows around you and hid your form from the preying eyes of the world. You try to crawl out of the spotlight, reaching for the dark corner, but you feel the chains of obligation wrap around your limbs, pulling you down to prevent you from escaping. Peer pressure sits on your back, whispering reminders into your ear. What will happen if you disappoint, what will happen if you don’t follow like everyone else. It brews the thoughts of the consequences in your mind; dread stands next to you while watching it approach. 
You feel sick, unable to breathe because of pressure weighing on your back. You attempt to free yourself from obligation’s chains only for stress to come and press your head down to the floor. You hear the sound of cracking; it’s loud, and through the cracks voices seep into your head. They stir the burdens you hold in your mind, adding their dump into the mix. You feel it all boil inside, more and more. It’s vibrating your body, adding to the pain stress is feeding you. You feel it begin to boil over as water builds up in your eyes until you can’t take it anymore, and it explodes. 
You cry out blood murder, tears washing away the mask you wore, displaying your pained and distressed state. Your cries grow louder, drowning the noises in your head. You break out of the chains and begin clawing at the ground, tearing at your mind, ripping apart every single thing that tormented you. Your final strike is the boundaries fear created, you kick it down, and it falls onto your stability, and you finally stop; Your mind is now gone, the light is burnt out, and you feel yourself go limp. You’re caught by welcoming arms and you feel yourself at ease. You look up and smile when you’re greeted by insanity.
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jdfitzroy · 17 days
THE NOVEL, On Finer Details
A new post on my continuing experience of writing and editing a novel.
As I complete the editing of my first novel (part 1 of a trilogy), I turn attention to laying the plan for book 2. But while planning this, I find myself reflecting on book 1’s journey. Too often, I would get sidetracked in the writing process. Fiddly details like names, the starting sentence/paragraph or overall structure kept interfering with the flow. And too often, I would stop to resolve…
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aceri1485 · 2 months
Running Away
Chapter 1: An old friend and a fresh start
Synopsis: A Kpop star leaves Korea to run away from drama and start over, reconnect with himself and figure out if he still wants to make music or if its time to move on.
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a/n: Finally ready to start posting ahhh here we go! This idea has been on my mind for literally years so I'm excited to finally dedicate some time to it. I'm guessing it will be a longer series - this first part is meant to be a quick introduction to see what people think.
“What the hell are you doing here?” 
Hajoon looked up from his phone, pulling a knock off brand Airpod from his ear, ready to be annoyed at whoever was interrupting his PubG mobile game, only to break out into a grin when he saw who it was. 
“Siwoo! Your flight landed early!” he said to the man who had interrupted him. Siwoo stood in front of him, arms crossed. It was clear he had tried to dress not to draw attention - black hoodie, loose fit grey joggers, a black face mask, hair falling down into his eyes, no luggage but a single black hard shell carry on beside him - but even with his face covered, it was hard to deny that the 6 ft man was drawing the gaze of every woman, and more than a few men, in the vicinity. Game forgotten, Hajoon put his phone in his pocket and opened his arms wide for a hug. 
“I said,” started Siwoo, stepping back and putting a hand out to stop Hajoon from stepping closer, “what the hell are you doing here?” 
Hajoon sighed, arms dropping to his sides, “I thought you’d be happy to see a friendly face after such a long flight.” Siwoo glanced over his shoulder, catching two girls waiting for their luggage staring at him and whispering to each other behind their hands, “I was trying not to cause a scene, man.” The two girls, caught, blushed and turned away quickly, pretending to be really interested in a suitcase going by them on the carousel. Hajoon looked over Siwoo's shoulder to see who he was looking at, then rolled his eyes, “Siwoo, you’re joking right? I am not the problem here - you draw attention to yourself just by existing.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Siwoo asked, crossing his arms again as if attempting to make himself smaller. “C’mon, man. This is Vancouver. It doesn’t matter if you're wearing plain clothes, there are still people around here who will recognize that your sweater is from the 2019 D’Antidote drop and your shoes are one-of-one Nikes. Not to mention your suitcase is Gucci - and in immaculate condition. Seriously, did you take it out of the wrapping just for this trip?” Hajoon teased, pretending to wipe a speck of dust off of Siwoo’s suitcase. Siwoo blushed, “Its from the 2020 drop, actually,” he said, pulling at the sleeve of his hoodie self-consciously, “but besides - everyone must think they’re just knock-offs.” “Mhmm..” Hajoon wrapped an arm around Siwoo and started guiding him towards the exit, “and none of them noticed that you were in first class and breezed through customs first either I bet.” 
“I - I guess I didn’t think -” Siwoo stuttered, but Hajoon shushed him. “Don’t worry about it man. Let’s just get out of here.” 
“Fine.” Siwoo said, then fell silent for a moment as they walked away from the baggage carousels towards the promise of sunlight outside. “I am glad to see you, Hajoon. It was… a long flight.” “I bet, man,” Hajoon said, patting Siwoo on the back, “I’m glad you got here safe. You can tell me about it later, okay?” Siwoo smiled for the first time since getting on the plane back in Seoul. Before that, he had smiled only to his mother as she hugged him goodbye - an empty smile, meant only to reassure her that everything was going to work out - and before that he hadn’t smiled in, well, months. The media had attributed his low demeanour to smoulder, being fashionably sad, haughty and disinterested. The fans thought he was upset about some secret breakup, a relationship gone sour, and rumours ran wild about who it could have been and why they must have broken up. His family didn’t ask much, just knew that the pressures of his work were building, and left him to his own devices. 
Siwoo sighed to himself, then shook his head slightly to clear the cloud forming in his mind as he and Hajoon stepped outside. Shading his eyes from the sun, Siwoo looked around, “So, where did you park?” “Park?” Hajoon said, turning to him, “I didn’t.. I didn’t drive here man. We’re taking a taxi.” Siwoo baulked, “A taxi? What, why?” The grin forming on Hajoon’s face was starting to worry him, “Don’t you have a car here?”
At this, Hajoon outright laughed, “Oh man, am I about to blow your mind. Did you forget what you were signing up for?” Hajoon grabbed Siwoo’s suitcase and rolled it to the back of the line of people waiting for taxis, “Welcome to being a nobody, man. You’ll get used to it.” 
Siwoo was quiet in the taxi, fiddling with the rings on his fingers and letting Hajoon give the driver the address and make small talk. As they passed industrial pathways mixed in with apartment buildings, over unfamiliar bridges from which you could see both the mountains and the ocean, and through winding suburbs with hedge upon hedge and seemingly pointless roundabouts, Siwoo felt the fatigue of travel finally settling in. By the time Hajoon and Siwoo stepped out of the cab in front of an unassuming apartment building on the edge of downtown, he was barely hiding his yawns. 
Both stopped and looked up at the building, savouring the warmth of the sunlight on their backs and the pink-orange haze coming from the light hitting the windows of the apartment building. Then, without saying a word, they started towards the front door, Siwoo’s suitcase wheels clacking over the cracked sidewalk. “I picked up the key this morning,” Hajoon said, pulling an envelope out of his back pocket and handing it to Siwoo, “I hope its okay, but I went in to make sure everything was alright and left your lease papers on the kitchen counter. Here, watch -” he punched in the code to the front door, making sure Siwoo was paying attention. 
Siwoo shook a small key out of the envelope, “Thanks, man. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” 
“Hey, buy me dinner once you’re settled in and we’ll call it even,” Hajoon smiled, “Oh, by the way, your landlord wanted to meet you today but I convinced her to come by tomorrow afternoon instead.” 
“Thank you,” Siwoo sighed again, “I don’t think dinner will be enough for how much I owe you.” He hesitated at the threshold, “Did you want to come up and see the place?” 
“No, that’s okay - like I said, I saw it earlier today,” Hajoon said, “and besides, I know you must be tired.”
“I’m not tired, I swear!” Siwoo said through an unconcealable yawn, causing the two to break out laughing.
“Sure, man, whatever you say,” Hajoon said, laughter dying down, “Just shoot me a text tomorrow, yeah? I live just a couple blocks away.” He held his arms open for a hug again, raising his eyebrows at Siwoo.
Siwoo smiled, then gave Hajoon a hug, squeezing tight and patting him on the back, “I will. Thanks again.”
Siwoo stood at the front door to the building until Hajoon had walked away around the corner, then turned to fully enter the building. He glanced down at the envelope again to check the apartment number - 404 - then looked around the tiny lobby of the building.
“I.. thought he was joking.” he said to himself under his breath, realising that Hajoon was being serious when he told him there was no elevator in the building. After taking a moment, the fact that he would need to do four flights of stairs before finally collapsing into a bed after almost 12 hours of travel really sinking in, Siwoo started up the stairs.
Because really, what could 4 flights of stairs do to stop him from his fresh start after everything he had already endured?
To be continued...
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tariah23 · 2 months
The manga industry, especially JUMP, needs to hurry up and do away with weekly scheduling for mangaka. There needs to better regulations put into place for their health and safety because this is pitiful. Two weeks - monthly updates should’ve already been the standard for the manga industry at this point. These money grabbers will only continue to put the lives of these artists at stake for the sake of capitalism unless some serious changes are implemented.
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callme-l · 3 months
I saw a lot of people happy with the 4 pearls, I decided to give a tip to non-readers
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Hey kids, (a series to help push me through my tougher days)
it's your mom.
It's a Thursday in January 2024 and we celebrated your grandpa's 62th birthday yesterday with everyone. It was a good time, your grandpa was happy and we had hotpot for his birthday dinner and his current favourite cake - vanilla crepe cake from Fleur De Lys.
I'm also currently still unemployed, so I'm doing my best to make the most of my days during this waiting period. I'm diving into SEO and I'm sending out applications almost everyday, weekly definitely.
My mental health is still holding up though! Keeping strong, doing my best to not fall into a self-pity party for one each day. One thing your late grandma said was to keep your mind strong so the rest of you doesn't slide. So I'm working on becoming more mentally strong.
That's a quick check-in from me. Love you so much. <3
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