#work tuesday thursday friday half of saturday and sunday
violentdevotion · 25 days
at some point i need to start going back to the gym but when 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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paradiseprincesss · 1 month
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imperfect for you - jonathan crane x reader
summary: you and jonathan spend the morning together, and you're feeling a little anxious from the stressful week you've had - but not to worry, your psychiatrist boyfriend knows exactly how to calm you down and cheer you up.
word count: 1.3k
a/n: i saw the moodboard @mothhball made for jonathan cranes mornings, and i was like i MUST write a fluffy fic about this immediately !!! also this is inspired by imperfect for you by ariana grande because as an ari stan, i had to write something based off her songs and this fit perfect with this song.
warnings: reader has a shitty week lol, minor age gap, kissing, jon spoils the reader hehehehe just fluff really <3
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it was a quiet sunday morning, the sunlight beamed through the window of you and jonathan's shared apartment, and you stirred softly, waking from your sleep. you softly opened your eyes as you quietly awoke from your slumber - but you felt the absence of arms wrapped around you.
turning around, you noticed that the other side of the bed was empty, and you glanced over to the sunshine that was starting to peek through the curtains covering your big window; it was peaceful, serene.
you could hear water running in the kitchen, and some dishes being moved around as well as what sounded like utensils. with a yawn, you reached over to the bedside table and unplugged your phone, scrolling through the notifications. after a few moments of looking through your phone and replying to a few unanswered messages from your friends, you toss the phone on the pillow beside you with a quiet little huff.
the week you had with truly a week sent from hell. nothing seemed to be going right for you - nothing! true story. it all started on monday when your alarm didn't go off, and you were embarrassingly late to your lecture, which your professor wasn't too happy about. after the last half hour of the lecture you managed to catch, you had to beg your professor to extend the deadline for an assignment you had forgotten to hand in over the previous weekend, god it was humiliating.
then tuesday rolled around, and it was like the universe was punishing you. as you were driving to the gym, the check engine light in your car flicked on.
so, wednesday came along...and you didn't have a car since it was getting serviced in the shop, and jonathan was at work but you had to get groceries. you didn't want to walk to the grocery store because you'd have to carry the heavy groceries all the way back to your apartment, so you spent a ridiculous amount of money on getting your groceries delivered.
thursday and friday came and went, nothing too crazy happened until the end of the day on friday. as you were on your way home from the mechanics, with your repaired car (were not going to talk about the financial damage that did), you received a notification on your phone that your grade was updated for the late project you handed in, and the grade was...well, it wasn't the best mark you received, let's just say that.
when it came to saturday, you spent the day napping and wallowing in self pity, because after the week you had - why wouldn't you? jonathan was unfortunately working on saturday, which was unusual but he occasionally worked an extra shift on saturday if he needed to work through any extra patient files, intake forms, prescriptions and such. after he was off work, you were already curled up in bed and fast asleep, so he quietly showered and got into bed with you.
and now, finally, were here - sunday morning.
"sweetheart?" jonathan's voice snapped you out of your mental reflection of the shit week you just had, and you quickly looked up to see your boyfriend leaning against the doorframe of the bedroom.
jonathan wasn't in his usual suit and tie - no, he was in his grey sweats (don't even get me started on what those did to you), and his black t-shirt, and his glasses.
"i called out your name because i thought i heard you and i thought you had woken up, but you didn't respond. i came in here to check on you - are you okay, sweetheart?" he asks softly, looking at you with an expression that was mixed with him being both concerned but smitten at you in your sleepy state, bedhead and all.
as soon as he finished his sentence, the tears started to fall. you didn't even notice them really, but as soon as he saw you start to cry, he was rushing to sit with you on the bed, wrapping his arms around you in hopes to comfort you. jonathan placed a chaste kiss on the top of your head and spoke softly to you.
"oh, sweetheart..." he takes his hand and tilts your chin up to look at your pretty face, and uses his thumb to wipe the tears streaming down your cheeks, "what's wrong?"
you choked back a sob as he asked you that, and you looked away, embarrassed. "i've just had such a shitty week, jon. i feel like such a failure." you mumble, feeling yourself get worked up emotionally.
"hey," he says gently, softly guiding you to look at him again, "deep breaths, my love, deep breaths. you are not a failure."
you look at him with a pouty expression and teary eyes, his words always had an effect on you. "i barely passed on my last assignment, and i just- i just feel like i fucked up. it's so stupid."
"i understand, i can't imagine how stressful that must be." he softly says to you, even though he can imagine how stressful that is, he studied to be a doctor after all - but to him, your feelings were always a top priority, he always wanted you to feel validated.
"and," you say, tears overflowing again, "since the car was in the shop, i had to get the groceries delivered to the apartment and it was expensive - and don't even get me started on the car. that was a nightmare, it was expensive to fix the stupid thing."
jonathan just chuckles softly, "i told you to use my card for things like that, sweetheart. groceries, car payments, shopping, all that - i gave you my other credit card specifically so that you wouldn't have to worry about that kind of stuff." jonathan says softly, kissing the top of your head again.
"...well, i was stressed, okay? i forgot you gave it to me." you say, looking up at him innocently.
he just shook his head and laughed softly, pulling you into a kiss, and kept his arms around you, to hold you close, keep you there, be there for you.
after a moment, you pulled away to whisper softly to him. "thank you for loving me even when i'm a mess."
he looks at you lovingly, "i'll love you under any circumstance, darling, don't be silly." he says to you, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip, the little action making your heart leap.
"before i knew you, i was always fucked up - like, so anxious all the time. emotionally distressed, i'm not even kidding...but i'm not like that since i met you." you say softly to him, as he kept you in his arms.
"you're the love of my life, you know that?" he mumbles against your lips as he leans in for another kiss, which you gladly let him do.
"you make the bad stuff delightful. i love you." you say, breathlessly, between kisses.
after he heard you say that, he kept you wrapped up in his arms, the two of you tangled slightly in between the white sheets of your shared bed, the sun gently glimmering through the window. for a moment, the world was still, just the two of you - perfection in a world of imperfection.
"i made breakfast and coffee..." he says softly, and took your hand in his, "we should have it before it gets cold."
you giggle softly with a nod, and take his hand letting him lead you into the kitchen.
these were your favourite kind of mornings, the ones spent with the man you love, the ones where you could blissfully ignore the world as you were too wrapped up in jonathans warm embrance to care about anything else.
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starfxkr · 1 month
you should do outfits throughout the week with trailer park!reader❤️
i been workin on this for you baby <3
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monday: working at your shitty job at the tiddy restaurant. your universe is barely even that just a white crop tank and the tiniest shorts ever. there's barely a dress code so you get to wear your ratty old sneakers. you get lots of tips because of your sweet babydoll face.
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tuesday: jj decides it's time to go fishing and you have no choice but to go. it's really an excuse for the two of you to have the day, you help him with the bait and everything but for the most part you sit in the cabin and relax while he does all the work. you definitely end the day ass up while he fucks you on the water.
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wednesday: errand day! you do the first half while jj's at work, going to the fish and meat market early before the crowd comes in. he had a short day that day and comes home early so the two of you can get the cabinet fillers and other odds and ends around the house. you run into the chismosas who seem to have a lot to say while you excitedly give him soaps to sniff so he can help you make a decision but he tells you to pay them no mind. you love errand day, and you do in fact feel the need to be the cutest girl in walmart.
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thursday: jj forgot to pack a lunch so you decide to go to the shop and bring it to him. you pack it in your old lunchbox and he has kind of a weird reaction but you ignore it when he gives you a kiss. he asks you to eat with him and you do, all his coworkers crack jokes about him cradle robbing but again he tells you to ignore them. he seems pissy by the end of it though.
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friday: jj takes you to the local bar. the whole time you're dancing and you get wayyyy too drunk and he ends up fingering you in the booth your sitting at. also end up fucking in the bathroom. also end up doing it again but this time with some girl you were eyeing there too. when you get home he's carrying you in his arms and putting you to bed because you still dont listen to your limits.
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saturday: unsurprisingly you feel like shit the next day but its gonna get worse. the past two days have really pissed him off and he makes you wash his truck, and you can't pout your way out of this one. it fucking sucks, its way too hot and you end up a sopping wet mess while he just sits and watches you.
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sunday: you finally get to relax, walking around in one of his massive sweaters and the two of you spending the day watching tv and pigging out because neither of you feel like cooking. you apologize for acting an ass and the whole coming to his job looking like a slut thing but he tells you not to worry bout it.
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klausysworld · 1 year
you can do a one-shot for yandere klaus mikaelson, where Hope is already a teenager and all her life she adored her parents and family and always wished that someone would love her like her father loves her mother *y/n*, but one day he was reading cases of people who had been missing for years and a case in particular of a girl who seems quite familiar to him, and he discovers that this girl is his mother years ago and he starts to investigate and discovers his father's obsession with his mother and that he kidnapped her and kept her with him until she fell in love with him, he also discovered the secret rooms of the mansion that have her mother's stolen belongings and her portraits. Obviously Hope feels cheated and disillusioned and wants to confront her father.
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Confusion, Fear, Horror.
Hope knew she was cherished by her family.
Her aunts and uncles fawned over her and brought her the best possible gifts at special occasions.
Her father always called her ‘his hope’ and made sure she knew she could always have whatever she desired.
And her mother…her mother looked at her like she was the only thing in the world that mattered. She calmed her father whenever he got mad that she was going out with friends. When Hope got home late, her mother would sort everything out. She was like a guardian angel.
So finding an image of her on a ‘missing person’s’ website was a shock. At first she thought maybe it wasn’t her, maybe a doppelgänger of sorts?
So she began to dig.
She certainly wasn’t expecting to find a secret passage way.
To find hundreds of portraits of her mother, stacks of pictures of her doing things as simple as walking down the street to standing in a towel in the window.
Clothes in boxes labelled by the year and dozens of love notes written to y/n from Klaus.
And then a note book…
Mondays ~ 2:30pm she has afternoon tea with male co-worker. Needs to stop.
Tuesdays ~ works until 5pm. Walks home alone. Possible opening.
Wednesdays ~ gets a lift home from work,, varies between three coworkers. Kill all?
Thursdays ~ tight schedule at work-forgets her lunch. Will come in handy when courting.
Fridays ~ half day. Possible date night?
Saturdays ~ often sees friends and/or family. Need to tear her away from this.
Sundays ~ lazy days. Great days to watch her.
She blinked in confusion and slight fear before turning over the page
Favourite colour=y/f/c
Favourite food=y/f/f
Favourite song=y/f/s
Dream job=y/d/j
Favourite things to do=f/s/t
And so on.
There were pages and pages of information on her.
Hope wanted to believe that he was just an amazing boyfriend. He just loved her so much he made sure write down everything she told him. But then she found the notes
At 2:36pm I watched her go into a mans house.
4:08 I eliminated the problem.
6:29 she had a shower. Left her curtains open.
7:45 she had her dinner. Alone this time-good.
9:13 she put her favourite show on
01:53 she fell asleep on her couch-it’s okay, I moved her to her bed.
She didn’t know what to think. With the amount of times he had written in these books, it’s safe to assume he watched her daily, nightly for months, years on end.
Even after he seemed to ‘get her’, court her, he still watched her. He suspected she would cheat on him, leave him. He was more paranoid than she had ever known him to be.
And the entry he made about ‘taking’ her mother completely through her off course.
She looked through security footage of the dungeons only to watch her own mother scream and fight against her father. They were both hysterical and Hope watched in horror as her father threatened and raged at her mother.
Over the weeks she watched her mother slowly become more obedient and affectionate towards Klaus.
She watched as her mother clung to him in fear that he would leave her alone for days upon end, she noticed her fathers manipulative behaviour from the “how do I know this isn’t some ploy to make me let you go?” To “I just don’t think you truly mean it” Watching her mother beg for him to stay, pleading for him to show her some sort of affection.
She saw how her mother became reliant on him, how she began to love him because he was all she had.
She saw the photos of her mother pregnant, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol and Freya all in the background as Klaus tended to her mothers needs.
Pictures of her as a baby and how her mother sobbed as she held her, the look she had in her eyes when Klaus took Hope from her arms, the fear they held.
Hope didn’t understand.
She saw her parents in whole other light.
Every time Klaus would take something from y/n’s hands and give her a look, the way she would lower her head and apologise and he would remind her to ask before she does.
The certain looks he would give her, almost warning like when she ‘stepped out of line’
It frightened Hope.
She tried to say something to her mother but as soon as Y/n realised she knew, the utter horror on her face was enough to stop Hope.
“Hope- please, you need to be quiet, please my heart, please I promise I’ll keep you safe”
The way y/n would hold her and cry until it was Hope holding her mother and convincing her it was okay
“We can run away”
“I know it’s difficult to understand but…I do…I do love him Hope…I just…do”
Y/n feared for both of them what would happen if Hope spoke out of term. Y/n would never let anything happen to her baby but her baby was strong enough now go protect her mother too.
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gallavichthings · 3 months
GGE2024 Schedule and Posting Guidelines
Here are the schedule (with the urls of the people posting each day) and the posting guidelines (please read and follow them) for the gift exchange.
24/03 (Sunday)
25/03 (Monday)
26/03 (Tuesday)
27/03 (Wednesday)
28/03 (Thursday)
29/03 (Friday)
30/03 (Saturday)
31/03 (Sunday)
Posting guidelines:
Posting on your assigned date is recommended, but it's not a sin if you can't for any reason. RL happens, after all. These dates are just so we don't end up with several posts in a day and zero posts in another, thus allowing them more time to be truly appreciated. If you can't post on your given day, please let me know, just so I can make sure we don't have half the posts on the same day. ;)
You have to post your gift here on Tumblr, but you can host it somewhere else and post only a link here if you wish to.
On Tumblr, remember to tag (using @) both gallavichthings and your giftee (message me if you don't know their Tumblr account). Please do this on the body of the post (you can use a reblog to do so if you don't want to tag on the original post).
You can post and tag the post as you wish, though I suggest following common sense and using read more on long posts, adding related tags and a summary for fics.
Here's the AO3 Community for those who want to add their works (don’t worry, I won’t make those private). You can also make this a gift to your giftee on AO3, but that's not mandatory. (Also, checking the settings to make sure you're set to receive gifts over there if you'd like that.)
Any other questions, please send me a message in my askbox or via chat.
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kastlequill · 8 months
i/v. ‘til my pulse loses time: pulsus bisferiens
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pairing: kyle gaz garrick x f!reader word count: 1.3k synopsis: the first time you save gaz tags: whumptober, gunshot wounds, blood and injury, wound tending, hurt/comfort, medic!reader, 4+1, no y/n warnings: none ao3: read here next →
Tuesdays were unremarkable. They couldn’t compare to the infamous Mondays or halfway-mark Wednesdays, to anticipatory Thursdays or the thank-God-it’s Fridays, least of all to the relaxing Saturdays and Church-going Sundays.
The new orders you received last Tuesday, however, were anything but plain. There was nothing ordinary about getting shipped out to a classified location to provide aid to the soldiers injured during their classified missions to eliminate classified targets.
You knew next to nothing about your current assignment. High command had informed you that you’d be working as the lead on-site medic, tending to the wounded and assisting in their recovery to the best of your abilities. That was all your superiors had felt the need to tell you.
The base of operation was fairly sizable, well stocked, and even had a couple other medical personnel around to help too, so you couldn’t really complain. You’d primarily be dealing with soldiers who were designated as special operators, and, in your experience, those types made absolute dogshit patients. Only a single week had passed, yet you could already tell that some of the lot were more injury-prone than others.
A specific British SAS sergeant came to mind.
Your first time meeting him had been relatively benign; he’d entered the mess hall as you exited. Although speedily heading in different directions, he had nonetheless offered a casual salute, and you had returned his gesture with a nod of your own. Simple, polite. No fuss.
The exact opposite of how he arrived to you today, the second Tuesday of the month.
Two towering men flanked him on either side as they shouldered their half-conscious comrade into your medbay. With them came chaos. Thick English accents yelling for a medic, combat boots storming toward you, dragging in a trail of blood. They brought war to your feet and Death to your door.
Rushing over to them, you quickly scanned the sergeant’s body for damage. Preliminary assessments yielded speculative results at best: a tourniquet around his thigh told of prior heavy bleeding, and the sway of his head meant he wasn’t fully capable of supporting its weight. But nothing was certain. 
“What am I dealing with here? Concussion, gunshot wound, broken bones—?”
“—got caught in the blast radius,” interrupted a gruff voice belonging to the masked lieutenant. “Knocked ‘im back a few meters. No major visible injuries, ‘cept a bullet to the leg.” 
You swore. “Is it still inside?” 
Exit wounds typically offered a better prognosis; the energy driving forth a gunshot needed somewhere to go, and, preferably, that somewhere was far from surrounding organs or internal systems. If the piece of metal remained lodged inside of him, then you would have to remove it.
He answered with a single definitive nod. Unsurprising; of course nothing in war ever turned out for the better.
“Put him on my table. Carefully.” 
The two soldiers hauled their brother-in-arms up onto the examination table that had seen more action within a week than most ever did. Trauma to the head required immediate attention; the brain was a delicate organ, and if the explosion had badly jostled it against the walls of his skull, there could be severe damage.
Unwilling to waste a second longer, you gently parted the now-supine man’s eyelids with your fingertips to get a look at his pupils. In the midst of an unfocused sea of brown, one pupil was more dilated than the other—concussed, then. At the intensity of the blue overhead light, he reflexively squinted and shut his eyes once more.
That wouldn’t do. “Sergeant, I need you to open those eyes again, okay? Think you can track this flashlight for me?”
Being as sensitive to brightness as he was currently, it took some effort for him to pry his eyes open. They valiantly fought the urge to close whilst following the stick-end of your black flashlight from left to right, right to left. There was some unsteady shakiness to their movement, but they still appeared properly calibrated.
“You’re doing great,” you encouraged, holding his gaze as you pocketed the light. The next course of action was to check his processing of visual information. “How many fingers am I holding up?”
He blinked slowly, an inquisitive frown contorting his features. Several confusion-riddled seconds elapsed until the man decided to simply feel what he could not see. Grasping your hand in his own, he grazed your knuckles with a calloused thumb, explored the lengths of your raised fingers, puzzled out how they were configured into the shape of a peace sign. Recognition sparked in his eyes.
An endeared smile graced your lips. The only predictable constant in this profession was its unpredictability. None of your previous patients had done that before.
“Try again.” You lightly pulled your hand free and watched his own fall back to rest on his chest, physically unable to sustain the lifted position. Unfurling your ring finger to join your index and middle, three total fingers hovered in front of his face, just out of reach. “How many do you see now?”
Without using his sense of touch to determine the correct number, all the sergeant could do was sigh and reply honestly. “Six.”
“Y’can’t be serious, Gaz. The limit’s five,” his mohawked companion corrected, a hint of incredulity and amusement slipping into his tone.
“Quit taking the piss, we’ve got ten of ‘em.” The words were slurred, but intelligible. As he spoke, his brows began to furrow, the man suddenly unsure of himself. He looked at the captain, whose belated entrance managed to diffuse some of the anxiety present in the room. ���Right, sir?”
The room erupted with noise as the three other soldiers simultaneously began to talk over each other. You were able to catch the occasional bloody hell and heard yes, Gaz, that’s right and even chuckled a bit at no need to worry, you still ‘ave all ten of the little bastards.
Military folk had a specific way of coping with the consequences of war, and you didn’t think you would ever quite understand it from your side of the line. But if it worked, then it worked. What mattered was the patient’s ability to persist in spite of the world; the exact methods used to do so weren’t up for scrutiny, not by you or anyone else.
Donning a clean pair of surgical gloves, you exchanged glances with the technician and nurse on duty. “Get him a CT scan. Let’s make sure his brain’s in one piece, then we can deal with the bullet. I’ll prep the OR.”
When you made to leave, a tug on your wrist stopped you in your tracks. A quick turn of your head revealed the image of his loose yet insistent grip around you once again, unwilling to let go of what had seemingly become his sole anchorage to the land of the living.
“Don’t worry,” you said softly, squeezing his hand in yours. This—comforting the wounded—was as much a part of the healing process as medicine itself. Even the toughest of soldiers reverted to a childlike state of vulnerability after too close a brush with death. “Everything’s going to be just fine.”
The tension in his features relaxed as did his hold on you, and he lowered himself to lay flat on the table’s surface before being wheeled away by the technician. As you watched his form disappear beyond the threshold of a plastic curtain, you were struck with a near-overwhelming sense of foreboding.
Though you hoped this Gaz wouldn’t soon return with an irremediable injury, optimism had never been your strong suit.
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the-moon-devi · 1 year
𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒚 𝑰 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝒘𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒆 3 𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒌𝒔 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔...
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In my opinion the world overworks certain groups of people and we barely have time to do what we want and what we love. I believe life should be spent doing what you want. But we have evolved to something totally different. I think once people realize this. This will be a small step to gaining back power and actually living a fulfilling life instead of surviving. It's kinda absurd to think if you work 4 or 5 days a week 2 days should be enough to rest. And let's not forget the busy people out there who have children and a whole family half the time they don't actually get to rest on those days. It's OK to work hard but don't work on E because then there's no substance to your work.
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☀ Sunday- Sun day:
This is the first day of the week, look at how the planets align in the cosmos.... sun rules leo. So this is about self care. Sun represents shine so you know how people say put on your Sundays best yea this is it. You express yourself and let it all out. This is the day you truly rest and start to go inwards. This may be a day where you just do what you want and your favorite hobbies!
🌕 Monday - Moon Day:
Sounds pretty similar huh?? I think Moon day is a day where you get your home back in order. You rest & reflect. You drink water & plan out the rest of the week.
Why? Because Moon is represented by cancer. This is not a working day to me. I feel like this is when you should be cooking, self care, taking care of the home, and nurturing yourself/family!
♂ Tuesday - Mars Day:
This is pretty self explanatory. Mars is energetic! Moon Day gave you all the list of things you need to do & mars day you'll be ready to do them! You are usually doing things you usually don't have the energy for. I consider this a work day!
☿ Wednesday - Mercury:
This is air energy and we know our gemini's love to start mutiple projects. They love to learn and be on the go. I also think this is a great day for kids to go to school along with Thursday.
♃ Thursday- Jupiter:
Jupiter rules over education & expansion. This planet holds a large mass of energy and people are usually just ready to push everything out and wrap projects up from Mercury day. This is the best energy to end the work week/ school week off on. Your brain can take on a lot more and you still have the capacity to get work done. This is why I say mercury & Jupiter day are good days for kids. Maybe these should be the days where you actually teach kids and let them read and study.
♀ Friday - Venus Day:
Venus day might just be my favorite day of the week! This is when we usually get our paycheck. You want to get cute. You know some businesses let you have a free dress day or wear jeans ya know stuff like that. Your just chilling on Fridays like it's not much to do. Your in this self care energy. Getting your nails & hair done. Venus is all about self love, beauty, your style, shopping, luxury, money etc. So this day is perfect to kick start. Also a good day to go shopping! Whether that be grocery or just clothing. Venus is love as well so dates are good on this day as well.
♄ Saturday - Saturn Day:
This day you really should be taking it slow. You should be doing things that take time & patience. Idk if people notice but usually on Saturn days a lot of bad stuff happens espicially at night. So that's why I think you should stay in the house and take it slow. You should be reflecting on your week and taking time to do persistent growth. Start new healthy habits. Saturn is ruled by Capricorn. I think this is sabbath day as the religious people would say.
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It's very useful to use this method in order to plan your days out and distribute your energy for a successful week! The number of the day can also give you insight for what energy is at play.
Ex: Thursday October.25,2020
This is a number 3 day. The number 3 can represent a day where there is a abundance of energy. These are venusian & jupiterian energies at play. You may have be heavily in the energy of socializing and talking other people. There may be a lot of Joy on this day and spending a lot of money since. This is number seven day (25 = 7) this is all represented by Jupiter so there may be a lot of knowledge that you're accumulating a lot of spiritual attainment and luck.
Ps: Depending on the day you should also use your planet placement
ex: Sunday - Kayla has her Sun in Taurus 3rd house. So she should be talking to friends and resting. She should be studying/reading things that bring her joy & comfort. Or maybe your a leo rising and your sun falls in the 5th house. You should spend this day doing fun activities & hobbies. This persons sun might be in Sag so maybe they are researching or doing workouts this could be calming & apart of self care for them!
Also I say Mercury & Jupiter day should be days where kids are reading/ study because their brain and ability to concentrate will be more activated. Now mars day is the start of the week for them so they should be outside in nature and let all their lil energy out.
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I would love to make a post on numerology, I have a different pov when it comes to what the numbers mean! Let me know if you guys would like to see that & your thoughts on this post! Catch ya later lovelies! Til' next time....
~𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵 𝓴𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 xx🤎💋
𝓕𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵
𝓓𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓮 𝓓𝓮'𝓛𝓾𝔁𝔁𝓮 (masterlist)
©𝓟𝓻𝓮𝓽𝓽𝔂 𝓒𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓵 (Do not copy or steal my work)
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nepobabyeurydice · 1 month
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July 14th - July 20th, 2024
Sunday, July 14th - Meeting The Other // First Monster Attack
Monday, July 15th - Runaway // Camp Half-Blood Pickup
Tuesday, July 16th - Emergency Call // Secrets & Lies
Wednesday, July 17th - Prophecy // Abandonment
Thursday, July 18th - Year-Rounder // Social Media
Friday, July 19th - Funeral // PTO Meeting
Saturday, July 20th - Parallel Universe // We Meet Again
More Riordanverse Parents!!! More Sally, more Natalie, more Apollo, and more Amos (and Bast)! There are so many interesting things laid out that we do not touch, but now is the time to consider being put in their situation in reality and become horrified or awestruck!
Why should you participate in this?
It's fun! It has implications, it lets you develop a character's backstory, and develop the adults, who take a backseat to their world-saving (or destroying) children!
So how does it work?
The release date for fanworks is from Sunday, the 14th of July through Saturday, the 20th of July 2024.
Three months to write, create, and draw fanworks. They can be anything, web weaving, fanfic, fanart, meta, ship manifestos (i see you posally & mariahades people), playlists, and gifsets.
Any vibes you wish to bring to the event are accepted, so long as they aren't rancid to your fellow participants! Horror? You can make it worse! Rom-com? You know what you're about. Historical AU? Sure! Smut? You know what you're about.
This is an optional event, run only by me, and should be under the #riordanverseparentsweek, and it will have a AO3 collection under the same name. I'll be checking the tag daily as the event goes on, and will make a masterlist by the time all submissions are finalized!
This is an event celebrating PJO, HoO, Kane Chronicles, and Magnus Chase parents (including the gods)
It's happening from Sunday, July 14–Saturday, July 20
Submissions can be web weaving, fanfic, fanart, meta, ship manifestos, playlists, and gifsets.
the tag is riordanverseparentsweek
The spirit of the event is what matters if you don't want to follow a prompt!
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filthyjoetini · 1 year
Love is in the Air(BnB)
a/n: Part 7! Sorry it took me so long..also, this is the last part of this story but there will be an epilogue! Yay! Thank you again to @barfightzanddiscolightz​ for being so patient with me and your time and effort and friendship, I looove youu. And THANK YOU, my loves, for reading. I never could’ve imagined that this little idea of mine would become this big. I loved receiving your feedback and your messages. Anyway, enjoy!
warnings: just so many emotions. Don’t get whiplash!
wordcount: 5k
part 1 - Friday night - part 2 - Saturday - part 3 - Sunday - part 4 - Monday - part 5 - Tuesday - part 6 - Wednesday -  Epilogue
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Yawning, you toyed with the sausages and baked beans of the full English breakfast that Wesley had treated you to on your final morning at his and Joe’s flat. Occasionally, you’d take a bite of the food in front of you. You hadn’t slept at all last night, too afraid to miss precious time with Joe. The man in question was sitting beside you, silently watching you play with your food, nibbling on a fried mushroom.
Joe had fallen asleep rather quickly after a sweet kiss goodnight and yet another promise that you’d make it work. You guessed that dealing with your doubts must be very exhausting for him, so you decided to just watch him sleep. Occasionally, he would mumble in his sleep and even form fully comprehensible sentences. Some of them were odd and made no sense at all whilst others were just plain out funny. You had to pull yourself together so you wouldn’t laugh out loud. Most of the time, he slept peacefully, and you liked to think that your gentle touch through his hair and comforting back rubs played a role.
Letting out a sigh of defeat, you set down the fork next to your plate and ran both of your hands down your face.
“Everything alright, love?”, asked Wesley, his mouth full of baked beans.
“Yeah…sorry, I’m just not that hungry, but the food is delicious.", you replied apologetically.
Wesley swallowed down his bite of food and smiled at you compassionately. As you looked at his kind face, guilt washed over you because you knew how much effort he had put into the breakfast you had silently watched him prepare. Determined not to disappoint him, you picked up your fork again and forcefully stabbed a whole sausage with it, quickly biting off half of it. Joe raised an eyebrow at you, stifling a laugh, whilst Wesley couldn’t help but burst into laughter.
“Hey, you don’t need to force yourself to eat it.”, Wesley explained, still chuckling after you had swallowed your bite of sausage. “If you want, we can pack it into a container so you can take it with you and eat it on the plane.”
You nodded curtly and set down your cutlery once more, pushing your plate away from you and instead picking up your morning tea, gingerly bringing it to your lips.
“OK.”, Wesley announced after he had cleared his plate, rising from the chair. “I have to leave soon…oh come on, love, no, no, no…no sad faces right now.”, he chided you softly when he noticed your teary eyes and downturned lips. Joe immediately leaned over from his chair and placed a gentle kiss to your temple, tenderly resting his hand atop yours, which was now gripping the table’s edge. He soothingly rubbed your hand, trying to get you to relax your grip. Eyes unfocused, you stared blankly at the wall across the table. You weren't ready to say goodbye to Wesley just yet; you needed more time.
Wesley, whose face was now also reflecting sadness, knelt beside you and lightly tapped his finger on your thigh. Slowly, you blinked, refocusing your gaze, and turned to face him. His hand now fully rested on your thigh, gently squeezing it.
“Love, believe me. This is hard for me too.”, he explained, a faint smile gracing his lips. “I mean, I gained a new bestie in a few short days. That doesn't happen often, you know. I’m so very glad I got to meet you, which is why I got you a little something. If you’ll follow me.”
Removing his hand from your thigh, Wesley stood up, extending his hand towards you. You looked at him, then at Joe, who managed to make you let go of the table. Now, your hand was in Joe's, his thumb tenderly caressing the side of yours. When you met his gaze, he nodded softly, released your hand, and got up as well.
“Go on. I’ll take care of the dishes.”, he said, placing another kiss on your temple before starting to clear the table. You slowly rose from your chair, placing your hand in Wesley's open palm. He gently led you out of the kitchen and into the hallway, eventually stopping in front of the commode adorned with the various photographs that hung on the wall above it. Letting go of your hand, he opened the top drawer and pulled out a small envelope. He quickly shut the drawer again and slowly turned to face you, soft smile still playing on his lips as he held out the envelope to you.
“Here, this is for you.”
Gingerly, you took it from his fingers and slowly opened it. Inside were several photographs, which you carefully extracted and examined one by one.
The first one captured the lively night at the pub when you first met Joe and Wesley's friends. It showed you twirling and laughing with Becky and Dan whilst Felix, Jack, and Oliver were pictured behind you, gulping down their pints. Standing out amongst them was Joe, whose eyes were filled with adoration as he watched you. The next photo displayed the group’s broad smiles on the day at the lake, taken by Wesley using his phone’s self-timer. It was a fantastic shot. The third photo depicted you and Joe, cuddled up and sleeping on the sofa. You had been illuminated only by the hallway's ceiling light; the rest of the room shrouded in darkness.
You looked up at Wesley with a raised eyebrow to which he just shrugged and giggled.
“You both looked adorable. I couldn’t resist.”
You playfully shoved his shoulder, then shifted your attention to the last photograph. It captured Joe and you in a tight embrace at the pub the previous night, your heads resting on each other, as you were swaying gently. Somehow, Wesley had managed to capture just the two of you, with everyone else vanishing from around you.
You stared at the picture for what felt like an eternity when you noticed a few droplets forming on its glossy surface. Gingerly, you brought your free hand to your face, tracing the stream of tears with your fingertips. Wesley, who had been watching you intently, now engulfed you in his arms, holding you close to his chest.
A faint sob escaped your body and Wesley tried to calm you down, gently rubbing your back and shushing you softly.
“Tha-ha-nk yo-uh-hu…I’m…go-ho-nna mi-hi-ss you so-ho mu-hu-hu-huuuch.”, you cried into his chest, and he let you, continuing to stroke your back. You had tried so hard not to cry but to you, goodbyes were one of the worst things to go through and always resulted in you breaking out in tears.
Once your sobs had somewhat subsided, Wesley released his embrace and took the photos from your hand, returning them to the envelope. He placed it on the commode, then took your hands in his.
With tear-streaked cheeks, you finally looked up at him, noticing the tears pooling in the corners of his eyes, which he managed to hold back. You silently wished you were as strong as him but here you were, a blubbering mess instead.
“You’re very welcome.”, he replied, swallowing hard. “I’m gonna miss you too…so much.” He turned to face the wall above the commode and spoke again. “By the way, I made copies of the pictures…well only of three of them…I can’t hang the one of you lovebirds on the sofa on the wall for everyone to see. It's a bit too intimate.”
Following his gaze, you saw three new additions to the photo wall. Sniffling, you let out a choked laugh at his reasoning, understanding the significance. It was an incredibly personal moment, and you were grateful he had captured it, even if Joe and you had been oblivious to it.
“There it is…”, Wesley smiled and hugged you once more. “I’m gonna miss that smile… can I share one more secret with you?
You nodded softly, and Wesley brought his lips to your ear.
"My loneliness wasn't the only reason I rented out Joe's room.", he confessed, prompting you to lean back and look at him, eyebrows furrowed.
"Don't give me that look. It's not that bad... well, maybe it is a little bad, but hear me out, okay? So, yes, I was feeling lonely, but the money thing was a complete lie. I'm not struggling financially. The truth is, Joe has been miserable in his love life for a while. His dates never end the way he hopes. Most women figured out who he was and only wanted one thing from him. Sure, he had his fair share of flings, but as his best mate, I knew he wanted something more serious. I tried to help him, set him up on more dates, and we even tried countless dating apps. Nothing worked. Eventually, he gave up.”, he explained as you stood there, still in his embrace, shocked and feeling sorry for Joe. You couldn't imagine how challenging it must have been for him, knowing that women were only interested because of his newfound fame.
“So, you listed the room on AirBnB? Out of all places?”, you asked incredulously.
“Yes. I mean. I had a plan. Besides, I received numerous inquiries. I went through all of them, and then I saw you, and it felt perfect."
“Jesus Christ, Wesley.”, you scolded, wriggling out of his arms. “This could have gone in a completely different direction, you know."  
“But it didn’t.”, he replied, sporting a smug grin.
“No, it didn’t…which is crazy.”, you agreed.
“Look, I noticed Joe's interest after your brief interaction the night you met. I just had to work my magic."
You rolled your eyes at him and eventually pulled him into your arms, hugging him tightly.
“Thank you.”
“It was my pleasure.”, he retorted, returning your hug. "Just one thing, don't say a word to Joe about this, or he'll tear me a new arsehole.
“OK. I won’t tell him. But you definitely deserve a new one.”, you giggled softly, releasing a deep sigh.
Wesley let go of you and clapped his hands together.
“I’m really sorry, love. But I have to get going. My boss won't be pleased if I'm late for work again.”, he pouted, beckoning you into one more hug.
“I’m gonna miss you, Wes.”
“I’m gonna miss you too, love. Have a safe flight, and text me once you've landed.”
You nodded, tears welling up in your eyes once more, but Wesley shook his head, planting a tender kiss on your now dried cheek, then releasing you for the final time.
“Take care.”
“You too.”
After Wesley had closed the door behind him, Joe enveloped you in an embrace from behind, and you leaned back into his chest.
“Are you alright?”
“Not really.”, you confessed, and he nodded, planting a gentle kiss on the top of your head. You both stood there for a few minutes, motionless, until you finally spoke up.
“I have to finish packing my things.”
Joe nodded and hesitantly let go of you, taking your hand and leading you into his bedroom where your open suitcase and backpack were on the floor. Sighing, you eyed them warily.
"I'll go grab my toiletries. Baby, would you mind putting the rest of my clothes back in my suitcase? I'd appreciate it.”, you asked Joe with a defeated tone. Nodding, he approached the bed where a few items of clothing and two pairs of shoes were still laid out. He carefully picked up the shoes and placed them inside the netted compartment of your suitcase. You observed him for a moment, then turned and walked off to the bathroom.
Grabbing your washbag, you collected your scattered belongings, finding your hairbrush in the soap dish of the bathtub alongside your razor. Half of your lotions, face creams, and other skincare products, as well as your makeup, were scattered across the sink and floor. It took you ten minutes and two more searches through the cabinets and drawers until you were certain you had everything.
Closing your washbag, you returned to Joe's room to find him standing inside your suitcase with a huge grin on his face. You stopped dead in your tracks, raising an eyebrow and gaping at him in bewilderment. Shaking your head, you couldn't help but snort.
“What are you doing, Joe?”, you asked with a light chuckle, taking slow steps in his direction.
“I packed up the last of your things. Now all you gotta do is zip it up. If I curl up in a foetal position, you might be able to smuggle me through airport security.”, he explained animatedly. You took one more step forward, stood on your tiptoes and placed a soft peck to his lips.
“Oh, how I wish I could do that.”
Taking his hands in yours, you gently tugged at them, making him step out of the suitcase. As his feet touched the ground again, he leaned down slightly, capturing your lips in another tender kiss.
“I need to call a cab soon, my flight’s at 1:00 PM and it’s already 9:30 AM.”, you said, pulling away from the kiss. Kneeling down on one knee, you brought the suitcase closer, placed your washbag inside, and zipped it up.
“You don’t need to call a cab. I can drive you to the airport.”, Joe sweetly offered, helping you up from the floor and pulling your suitcase up as well.
“No, baby, you don’t have to do that.”, you politely declined, putting on your denim jacket and checking your trouser pockets for your phone, “Besides, didn’t you have an interview scheduled for this afternoon?”
“I cancelled it. Said I had a family emergency.”, he casually confessed. Your mouth fell open and your eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets at his nonchalant admission.
“Joseph Anthony Francis Quinn! You shouldn’t have done that. You can’t just put your life on hold because of me.”, you berated him, placing your hands on your hips. Joe initially looked incredulous, not expecting such a reaction, but upon seeing your flared nostrils and furrowed brows, he burst into laughter.
“I mean it! Don’t laugh at me!”
“You’re adorable, darling.”, he commented on your anger, taking the two steps that were in between you to close the distance. “Besides, right now, you and the limited time I have left to spend with you are more important than some silly magazine interview."
His lips were now mere millimetres away from yours and his arms wrapped around your waist. You released a shuddered breath, your anger melted away to be replaced with new tears welling up in the corners of your eyes. Softly, he hushed you, moving one hand to your face, delicately wiping away the unshed tears from your eyes down your cheeks and sealing his caress with his plump lips against yours.
In all the years you had spent on this planet, no one had gone out of their way for you like Joe had done multiple times these past few days. And that fact showed you how much he already cared for you. It was just very overwhelming for you to accept even the tiniest and most common gestures.
Reluctantly, you pulled away from his lips and cleared your throat, averting your eyes and looking down at your hands.
“Thank you.”, you whispered softly. “And sorry for chiding you.”
Chuckling softly, Joe shook his head and bent down to pick up your backpack, swiftly slinging it over his shoulder.
“It’s fine…go put on your shoes. We have to leave in five minutes otherwise you’re gonna miss your flight.”
At first, you didn’t move a muscle. Missing your flight seemed like a great idea, but then Joe moved behind you, placed his hands on your shoulders, and shoved you towards the hallway.
“Wait! I need to say bye to your bedroom!”
He rolled his eyes and went back to get your suitcase.
“Fine. I’ll wait by the door.”
He grabbed your suitcase by the handle and pulled it behind him to the bedroom door, playfully slapping your bum as he passed you, causing you to yelp softly.
“Idiot.”, you muttered under your breath, then turning to take one last look at his bedroom. You would miss his incredibly comfortable bed, which was ten times better than yours at home. And you would miss his so called “organised chaos”. But most of all, you would miss the time spent together in this very room. With a sigh, you turned and walked out of his room, closing the door behind you. Just as you were about to make your way down the hallway, the open living room door caught your attention. Glancing at Joe, who was now impatiently waiting by the front door and tapping his wrist, you nodded towards the living room, asking permission to say goodbye to it as well. He rolled his eyes once more, and you peeked inside the living room, soft smile on your face.
“Goodbye, living room. I will miss you.”, you said, then turned to the sofa, feigning disgust. "Although I won't miss you. You evil piece of furniture."
You heard a snort coming from down the hallway, followed by a whiny voice.
“Babe. Come oooon! It’s 10 o’clock! We have to go now.”
“OK, fine. I’m coming. Just tell me to my face that you want to get rid of me.”, you replied, exaggeratingly stomping towards him, crouching down, and deliberately putting on your shoes at an extra slow pace.
“Yes. Please. I can't stand having you around and taking up Wes's and my space any longer.”, he deadpanned, grabbing your hand and opening the door, practically dragging you out of the flat. You then rushed down the stairwell and out of the house to one of the parking spaces on the street where his car was parked.
He placed your suitcase in the boot before climbing into the driver’s seat and handing you your backpack.
“You ready?”
“OK. Let’s go.”
Hand in hand with Joe, you patiently stood in the short queue at your airline's check-in counter, waiting to drop off your luggage. You thanked whoever was up in the sky that online check-in existed in these times you were living in because London’s traffic had once again proven to be a nightmare. It took you a gruelling hour and 15 minutes to reach London City Airport from his flat, and time was slowly but surely ticking away. You were well aware that in a couple of minutes you had to say goodbye to Joe and the uncertainty, not knowing when you would see him again, weighed heavily on your mind.
“…thank you. Here’s your receipt.”, the lady at the counter, whose professional smile showed a trace of sympathy, spoke to you, holding out your passport and receipt for you to take. Your mind being elsewhere, you didn’t notice that she was talking to you. Joe smiled at her and took your documents, exiting the queue to your left. As London City Airport was relatively small, you knew that taking the escalators upstairs would lead you directly to airport security. However, you weren't ready to go just yet because it meant leaving Joe behind.
Joe led you away from the bustling crowd, finding a quiet corner, his face displaying a sad smile. Seeing him like this almost made you break down on the spot. He spoke to you, but his words didn't register as you just saw him holding up his hand towards you, signalling for you to wait a moment. It finally sank in that this was it; you had to say goodbye. Your flight would start boarding in an hour. Shit - this means I only have 15 minutes to say goodbye to him. I’m not ready. No. No. Please. I am not ready!
Unaware of your inner turmoil, Joe had one hand rummaging through his pocket, his forehead creased in concentration, and his tongue peeked out from between his lips. You were blanky staring at him, tears burning in your eyes and lips trembling.
With a soft ahh he pulled something out from his trousers’ pocket and held it up in front of your face. Refocusing your eyes, you saw a delicate golden necklace, but what caught your attention was what dangled from it. You glanced at Joe’s hand and sure enough, his favourite ring was missing. The bulky sterling silver ring provided a striking contrast to the slender chain.
Your lips quivered and he motioned wordlessly for you to turn around which you did instantly. Once he had closed the clasp and laid the necklace gently against your skin, you turned around, covering your face with your hands as tears now silently flowed down your cheeks.
“You shouldn’t have, Joe.”, you mumbled into your hands. “This is your favourite ring.”
“And you’re my favourite person, so it’s only right that you keep it.”, he pulled you into his arms and you slung yours around his neck tightly, leaning up to press your lips against his. Suddenly, you felt a cool sensation on your arms and pulled back slightly to look up at who you now certainly could call the most important person in your life. He also had tears spilling down his face as he fought to hold back a trembling sob.
“Baby.”, you cooed softly trough your tears, pecking his lips again. “Thank you so much. I’m gonna wear it every day…I’m really sorry, I don’t have anything to give to you.”
“You don’t have to.”, he whispered back, his voice filled with tenderness. “Spending the past few days with you was enough to fill me with happiness. I will cherish every second right here.” He took one arm from around you and placed it over his heart, smiling softly through his tears, causing you to sob even harder.
Placing both hands on either side of your face, he drew you in for another deep, passionate kiss, caressing the apples of your cheeks with his thumbs. You kissed him back, leaving both his and your lips slightly swollen. Pulling back slightly, Joe whispered against your lips.
“Wanna know a secret?”
You nodded in response.
“I really, really like like you and I’m gonna miss you so so much.”
Sniffling, you nodded again, opening your mouth slightly to speak against his lips.
“Wanna know a secret too?”
Now it was his turn to nod, a small smile gracing his lips.
“I really, really like like you too and I’m also gonna miss you so so much.”
You were now both smiling against each other’s lips, tears still streaming down your faces, leaving salty trails on your chins, and staining your shirts and the floor below.
“Good thing we’re on the same page.”, Joe uttered, removing one of his hands from your face and wiping his with the sleeve of his thin jumper. “Otherwise, I might have had to take back my ring.”
You shook your head at his statement, pulling him closer to you again. He wrapped one arm around your shoulder and moved his other hand, that was still on your face, to wipe away your tears.
“Come one, darling. Time to go upstairs.”
You nodded softly and he let go of you, taking your hand in his once more. Slowly, you two made your way up the escalators to where the queue for checking the boarding passes started. Joe pulled you aside once more, holding your hands in his.
“This is it.”, he started, and you nodded, taking a deep breath. “Please call me when you’ve landed. If you forget, I will take the next flight and personally make sure you got home safely.”
You tilted your head to the side, a quaint smile forming on your lips.
“Is that a promise?”
“Babe. No. It should be a threat.”, he groaned, throwing his head back.
“Sounds like a promise, though.”
“Shush, I’m not finished yet.”, he hushed you, letting go of your hands and briefly covering your mouth with his hand. “Please call me.”
You nodded, and he continued.
“I promise, I’m gonna call you every day. We can FaceTime. I love FaceTiming, even when I'm abroad for work, which will be soon. I'm heading to the United States for some conventions, and then I'll be filming my next major film in Morocco - Gladiator 2, baby! Can you believe it? But I'll call you whenever I can, even if it's the middle of the night for me or the early hours of the day. We'll make it work.”, he rambled, his hand still covering your mouth. It was kind of cute, listening to his word vomit.
You gingerly removed his hand from your lips and tenderly held it in yours.
“We also need to finish watching Stranger Things.”, you declared, glancing up at him, searching for his warm chocolate eyes.
“Oh, yes. We can schedule FaceTime dates and watch Stranger Things together.”, he smiled and nodded softly, leaning down to give your lips another peck. Just as he pulled away, your phone vibrated in your pocket, signalling that your flight would begin boarding soon. A lump formed in your throat. This was now it. This was goodbye. Overwhelmed, you couldn't hold back your emotions any longer. They had been building up inside of you for the better part of the last 24 hours and you just couldn’t hold it in anymore. Your body shook violently with sobs and Joe pulled you into his chest, swaying you gently. Kissing your forehead, he whispered that everything’s going to be OK. You nodded stiffly against his pecs trying to regain composure. Giving yourself a couple of moments to even out your erratic breathing, you swallowed hard.
“I have to go now.”, you croaked out and Joe nodded against your hair. He cupped your face for one final time, placing the sweetest, most emotionally charged kiss on your lips, which you returned with equal fervour.
Pulling back, he kissed the side of your mouth, your cheek, and finally your temple before grudgingly letting go of you completely, leading you to the end of the queue. He stood beside you until your boarding card was checked and you were guided through the gate to join another queue for the security check. He gave you one final peck, and then you were out of his reach.
Joe had moved to a corner where he could still see you slowly advancing towards the luggage and body scanners. He was rubbing at his face, wiping away his tears and sniffling loudly, but kept his eyes trained on you and you did the same. With every second step you took, you would turn around and search his face. When it was time to turn the corner, you saw Joe blow you a kiss, which you caught and pressed against your chest. Returning the gesture, you blew a kiss back, and he even made a locking motion over his heart. You snorted softly, a small smile forming on your lips as you shook your head and waved one last time before disappearing behind the wall.
Joe watched you vanish around the corner, your hand still up and waving with that smile on your lips he had grown to adore, his hand still mid-air. He lingered there for about ten minutes before an airport staff member informed him that he couldn't stay in that area and asked him to return to the check-in hall. He apologised profusely and swiftly made his way down the escalator by himself when his phone chimed in his pocket. He took it out and saw a new WhatsApp message from you. You had made it through security and were now on your way to the gate. He smiled down at your message and immediately responded with a string of heart emojis, asking you to keep him updated.
He decided to leave the airport only once your flight had taken off, so he walked over to the waiting area and sat down on one of the seats. Whilst waiting for another update from you, his mind raced. He calculated dates and made mental adjustments, opening his calendar app to confirm his thoughts. Bingo. He was right. He quickly opened his contacts, scrolling through until he found this one particular person he was looking for.
Just as he was about to press the call button you updated him once more that you had boarded the plane which was now taxiing toward the runway and that you already missed him terribly. He replied that he missed you too and wished you the safest flight of all flights that had ever taken place and finished it off with the kissy-face emoji. You quickly sent one back yourself, informing him that you were switching to airplane mode now.
His last reply which read: “OK. Please call me when you’ve landed. You promised.”, showed only one tick, indicating that your phone was now truly in airplane mode. Sighing, Joe closed WhatsApp and returned to his contacts and pressed the call button.
He stood up slowly from the row of seats, making his way toward the exit of the airport and the car park. Joe almost hung up after the fourth ring when suddenly, the person he was looking for, answered the phone.
“Hey, Alex. Are you busy? No?...Good. Uhm, I just checked my calendar and realised I have nothing scheduled after wrapping up my new project…keep it that way.”
Taglist: @ohmeg @daleyeahson @lma1986 @palomahasenteredthechat @mandyjo8719 @aysheashea @eddiebaemunson @xlilithb @freakymunson @sidthedollface2 @i-wont-run-this-time @plk-18 @miserybeans @kylakins88 @deadspellz @thehillzhaveeyez @kayleeelena97 @foreverjosephquinn @punctualhowell @icallhimjoey @ghostinthebackofyourhead @siriuslysmoking @hollster88​ @cancankiki​ @definitionwanderlust​ @eriancrow @1paire2vans​ @theonewiththecrackedmind​ @fromasgardandback​ @captainonaboat​ 
crossed out = couldn’t tag​
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ms-m-astrologer · 23 days
Cosmic Events: June 2024
Executive Summary: very short void Moons, very long Opportunity Periods, heavy mutable energy at the beginning.
Lunar Phases
Monday, June 3, 02:36 UT - Balsamic Moon, 28°01’ Aries
Thursday, June 6, 12:38 UT - New Moon, 16°18’ Gemini
Growing up a little bit. “Things” are in the process of change, and we want to meet it with maturity and graciousness. Trying to suss out the future in order to make the best of it. Recognizing when something is over and moving on.
Monday, June 10, 04:34 UT - Crescent Moon, 4°48’ Leo
Friday, June 14, 05:18 UT - First Quarter Moon, 23°39’ Virgo
Tuesday, June 18, 07:15 UT - Gibbous Moon, 12°33’ Scorpio
Saturday, June 22, 01:08 UT - Full Moon, 1°07’ Capricorn
Trying to do our own thing, but the damned world keeps intruding itself. We have to adjust. Steady, hard work with a practical endpoint is a good outlet.
Tuesday, June 25, 12:15 UT - Disseminating Moon, 19°25’ Aquarius
Friday, June 28, 21:53 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 7°40’ Aries
Void of Course Moon
Sunday, June 2, 22:04 UT (Aries) - Monday, June 3, 05:55 UT (Taurus)
Wednesday, June 5, 08:09 UT (Taurus) - 08:36 UT (Gemini)
Friday, June 7, 12:16 UT (Gemini) - 12:41 UT (Cancer)
Sunday, June 9, 19:05 UT (Cancer) - 19:29 UT (Leo)
Tuesday, June 11, 19:16 UT (Leo) - Wednesday, June 12, 05:39 UT (Virgo)
At 10 hours 23 minutes, this is the longest void Moon in June.
Friday, June 14, 17:54 UT (Virgo) - 18:12 UT (Libra)
Monday, June 17, 06:05 UT (Libra) - 06:38 UT (Scorpio)
Wednesday, June 19, 16:19 UT (Scorpio) - 16:32 UT (Sagittarius)
Friday, June 21, 22:58 UT (Sagittarius) - 23:08 UT (Capricorn)
Monday, June 24, 03:05 UT (Capricorn) - 03:14 UT (Aquarius)
Tuesday, June 25, 22:30 UT (Aquarius) - Wednesday, June 26, 06:08 UT (Pisces)
Friday, June 28, 08:45 UT (Pisces) - 08:52 UT (Aries)
At seven minutes in length, this is the shortest void Moon in June.
Sunday, June 30, 04:56 UT (Aries) - 12:00 UT (Taurus)
(Note that out of 13 void Moons, eight of them are under half an hour long in total - and one more is only 33 minutes long. This is because Neptune is very late in Pisces, moving from 29°40’ to 29°56’ during June.)
Transiting Ceres/Capricorn is retrograde all month.
Transiting Pallas/Scorpio is retrograde all month.
Transiting Juno/Virgo is in her post-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Saturn begins the month in its pre-retrograde shadow; it stations retrograde on Saturday, June 29.
Transiting Pluto/Aquarius is retrograde all month.
Monday, June 3 - transiting Mercury enters Gemini
Sunday, June 9 - transiting Mars enters Taurus
Monday, June 17 - transiting Venus enters Cancer
Monday, June 17 - transiting Mercury enters Cancer
Wednesday, June 19 - transiting Vesta enters Leo
Thursday, June 20 - transiting Sun enters Cancer
(Aka the Cancer Solstice.)
Opportunity Periods
Tuesday, June 4, 23:04 UT - Wednesday, June 5, 08:36 UT. “This Last Quarter Moon OP is a good time to get organized, let go of what is no longer necessary, and finish up projects.”
Friday, June 7, 12:41 UT - Sunday, June 9, 19:29 UT. “Long OP while the Moon goes through the entire sign of Cancer, great for finding or expressing love after your emotions are renewed.”
Friday, June 14, 18:12 UT - Monday, June 17, 06:05 UT. “An excellent waxing Moon OP for commerce, arts, networking, or partying.”
Wednesday, June 19, 05:24 UT - 16:19 UT. “Short OP filled with intense emotions. Good for deep thinking and reflection.”
Thursday, June 27, 14:57 UT - Friday, June 28, 08:52 UT. “This is a good opportunity for connections as well as expressing love and compassion.”
Et Cetera
The Cancer Solstice takes place on Thursday, June 20, at 20:51 UT. It’s much like the Full Moon chart of the next day; only the Moon moves very much. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus are all together in Cancer, sextile Mars/Taurus - which is a great setup for minding our own business. But….
The Sag Moon is the apex of a mutable t-square, though. Mutable = new problems arising, dealing with responsibilities (Saturn is involved). Something happens, and burying our heads in the sand is the wrong approach.
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thatfreshi · 8 months
Radio Silent (Uni AU P. 10)
tw - mentions of abuse, themes of anxiety, general insecurity
The night fizzles out the way you expect it to, disappearing without a word to your friends in the diner, letting your new, yet reluctant friend, drive you home. You'd simply deal with Shadowheart when she got back to the dorm.
Just as Astarion said, he's gone the next morning, but the two of you text quite often. He finds it easier to talk to you through pixels on a screen, where he can pretend like you're not this very real person who knows far too much about him. On the plane ride to LA, he doesn't sleep, which isn't odd for him. Instead, he thinks about the past couple of days and how you've wriggled your way into his life, into his head. Instead of trying to put his feelings into tangible sentences, he makes a playlist while waiting the hours away and catches up on some much-needed reading.
Thursday comes around, and the group is pissed at him, as you expected them to be.
"Damnit, he's the reason we picked my lunch break to do this during anyways! You think he'd at least stick to plans like a reasonable individual."
"Gale, it's not like he chose to go on a spur-of-the-moment trip to California. It's a work thing, not in his control."
You almost sound a little angry when the words come out, knowing that he's probably going through some hell that all your friends don't know about. Gale picks up on this sentiment, and leaves the conversation at that, mumbling something about how they'll all just update him on the project details later. Indeed, you all talk in the group chat with him about plans for the upcoming assignment, which he sporadically responds to. Although, he always responds to your texts, even if he ignores the group chat. Astarion argues with himself about it in his head, trying to reason with himself, saying things like 'it's just because the group chat is overwhelming.' For how good of a liar he is, he's not good at lying to himself.
Friday morning, he goes radio silent, which you're not concerned by at first. He's busy, probably busier than you've ever been in your life. Yet, he had made time to text you since Monday night. It starts to worry you when Saturday and Sunday both pass with nothing new. You hold yourself back from asking if everything's alright, knowing if something is stressing him out it's probably better to just let him deal with it and get back to you. And yet, you don't talk to him until he's back, and you're not even the first one to hear that he's back on campus.
"Oh yeah, I saw him in the elevator earlier. Tried being nice like you said, I even waved! You should be proud. Doesn't seem like he appreciated it though."
Shadow rolls her eyes, almost covered by her bangs that she desperately needs to trim. You're not sure exactly why, but you rush to his dorm room, knocking frantically. It's Monday night, which is surprising. You could've sworn he said he'd be back Tuesday morning, but maybe you misremembered. The door creaks open.
"Oh, hello Tav."
Astarion's eyes are weary, which you chalk up to not being able to sleep on the plane.
"Hello? You haven't texted me since Thursday, what the hell? I thought you like died or something."
"Nope, not dead, very much alive. Got wrapped up in some work affairs over the weekend, fashion people can be quite dramatic. Either way, I apologize. I'm still quite new to the 'having a genuine friend' thing."
"Well, how's your arm?"
He scoffs.
"It's... it's fine. Weird to have someone ask."
At this point, he's opened the door and let you in. You're welcomed to a sight of half un-packed luggage and a stack of leather binded books on the coffee table.
"Holy shit Astarion, did you rob a bookstore while you were in California?"
"Nope, all from the library. Missing out on a week of school when you're a senior here comes with its disadvantages. For example, I have had no time to work on my thesis essay, and I've barely even unpacked from the trip itself. Although, I did snag this."
He takes out a garment bag that has been carefully finessed to fit in his suitcase without wrinkling whatever is hidden inside. His fingers nimbly move to unzip the bag, revealing a white faux fur coat.
"Now, do I wear too much white? Absolutely, but passing up on this? I could never."
You almost feel bad, not knowing anything about clothes or what makes them cool, but to your credit, you know it's a nice coat. He slips it on, happy with his latest thievery.
"Well, what do you think? Is it stunning, or is it stunning?"
In that moment, while you're about to make some quip like 'go look for yourself, you realize he has no mirrors in the dorm, not even in the bathroom that you've only ever caught a glance of.
"I would say look for yourself, but you don't have any mirrors. That's shocking."
"Well, I had the one in the bathroom removed. Guess I'm just not particularly a fan of reflections."
"How come?"
He stares at a detail on the sleeve of the coat.
"You get tired of seeing your face after a while."
"Well, I think it looks fabulous, and so do you."
"Wish I felt just as fabulous."
He lets out a small laugh, shrugging his way out of the blinding fabric. There's something left unsaid in the air, you can feel it as he goes to hang up his new treasure.
"What really happened this weekend?"
Astarion tenses, almost dropping the hanger he so delicately placed the jacket on.
"I... I'd rather not say. I know I told you a lot the other night, but there are truly some things best left as skeletons in the closet. Maybe in time, but not today. I can't today."
"That's okay. I was just worried, that's all."
"Funny, I'm so used to people prying all the time. It's pleasant, getting to have secrets when I talk to you."
He comes back out into the living room.
"Would you like to stay for a while? You don't have to help unpack or anything, just be here."
"Sure, as long as you don't mind. And I would gladly help you unpack. Besides, you have a master thesis to get back to."
"I suppose I do. Thanks, I won't forget this."
"What, like you need to trade some favor back or something? Because that's not necessary."
"You're too nice for your own good."
The pale man puts some soft R&B on, and the two of you go ahead and start putting all his things away. Although, he doesn't let you handle any of his nice clothes. You learn that the hard way when he bats your hand away from a pair of very expensive jeans.
"They're just jeans, I promise I won't taint them!"
"Yes, they are just jeans, but they're also 800-dollar jeans, and I am not risking it."
You continue to ask him about various articles of clothing, what shoots he took them from. He remembers every single one. Although, he does skip out on some details, brushing past parts of his tales without a second thought. You don't mind though, knowing it's probably just things he isn't ready to talk about. At some point you become distracted by the stack of books on the nearby table, and start looking at all the titles. They're all related to ethics, morality, or philosophy in some way, but particularly focused on the psychology of abusers and the abused.
"I thought you weren't a philosophy person?"
Astarion's voice almost makes you jump, taking you out of reading the back of one of the books.
"Is this what you're doing your thesis on?"
"I mean I'd like to, but I'm still not sure. Feel as though the head of the department will be surprised when I present it to him."
"How come?"
"Because I've always made my projects, lifeless, I guess. I've always written and studied by the book, never touched on emotional topics. Just don't want people asking questions."
"So, what specifically are you going to look into?"
"The philosophy of abusers, how power imbalances change our moral codes, that kind of thing."
You lightly place the book back in the stack.
"I think you should do it. If anyone asks, just say you were curious about it."
"That's true, I am known to be quite curious. Now, are you going to help me with the rest of this, or have you given up?"
The night passes by too fast for his liking, as the two of you talk while he prepares for the week ahead. It's past midnight when you finally check your phone, seeing that you've received a couple of cheeky messages about your absence from Shadow.
"Is it late already?"
Astarion checks him phone as well.
"Perhaps it's time for you to go get some sleep darling. After all, not everyone is as extreme of an insomniac as I am."
"Yeah, I guess I should probably get back. Happy you're back though, and that you're okay."
Without really thinking about it, you go for a side hug, and make your way to the door.
"See you tomorrow?"
"Sure. See you tomorrow Tav."
And his smile is warmer than normal, knowing there's something to look forward to after a torturous night of barely any sleep. Maybe opening up to a single soul isn't so bad after all.
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basketsys · 9 months
Having, thoughts, about q!Phil and how he's doing in the birdhouse...like
(long post, headcannon on detail are after cut divided by days, open if you want to cry)
(might update as days pass by, maybe)
Day 1, Friday: Crying, nesting, more crying, he fell asleep with the floatie and the beanie in the makeshift nest (it's hay, it's literally hay on the floor, it's so thin he's basically sleeping on the floor)
Day 2, Saturday : Actually taking in his surroundings, he's still shredding tears but he's also collecting any single thing he sees as food. Also he moved the table and chest to the side so he could have easier access to the food on the bottom floor.
Day 3, Sunday: He's finally setting free the caged birds, let's them eat the food he collected and the empty cages are in the darkest corner of the birdhouse, but of rage is staring to brew as he's freeing them. (also they may be sleeping in the same nest as him as a thank you)
Day 4, Monday: Since he doesn't see the sun anymore he's just sleeping when he feels tired, and since crying DOES makes you more tired his sleeping schedule may be fucked, sleeping at the hours he's usually awake, dreaming of a land where's he's free and he's flying everywhere he wants (hardcore dreaming hc let's go)
Day 5, Tuesday: He's starting to go ape shit, he's staring at the door, meneceanly. Sometimes the birds are catching his attention so he doesn't feel as alone, they know he's going through it and that he's keeping it in. He may or may not slept when he should've and without knowing it he's falling asleep like that, sat in front of the door, in hopes of it being opened.
Day 6, Wednesday: He actually slept in the first half of the day without knowing. He was dreaming again. The fact that he's feeling freedom in his dreams and comes back to reality in his enclosure was the last drop to spill the cup. So he started to get feral, scratching at the door, trying to make it budge, leaving marks on the metal, banging on it. Then on the walls, it was starting to get to him the fact that this has such big windows yet they were patched, that didn't kept him from trying to break them (didn't work). The birds inside were flying as high as they could to not get hit or hurt by him, watching in pity and sorrow for him. It took a while for him to stop scratching and cussing out the federation but when he did all the birds got to him and tried to confort him as he was starting to fist on his feathers and pull on them. It was brutal.
Day 7, Thursday: Food was starting to run low, all the hay he could've find was noticibly not enough for a lot of birds and a human sized bird. So he stopped eating from it and had the only real food he brought, Chayanne's noodle soup. He'll figure out what to have next time he's hungry, surely............maybe he could munch on the gapple's he brought if he gets hungry........
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studentbyday · 11 months
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day 21-23 // 100doc && day 33-38 // 100dop
sunday: i finished filter less but it seems a waste of a post to just post that so i'm compiling several days into one post (also hopefully this way i'll spend less time on social media lol edit: idk how well that worked...😅).
monday: read + studied some chemistry
tuesday: more chemistry (didn't get to finish all the chapters for this week ofc 🙄)
wednesday: finished 1st chem chapter. halfway through the 2nd.
thursday: slowly getting through the 2nd half of the last chem chapter for this week. finally got recover to return actual images. but valgrind is still throwing errors so gotta fix that...
friday: fixed valgrind errors. 1 and 1/2 sections of the chem chapter left to go and then i'm done with the readings. i hope i'll be able to finish them tmr as well as the quiz and lab report AND start that data structures lecture... 😬
saturday: finished chem chapter, quiz, and started lab report
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t3a-tan · 10 months
How would human Oliver react to finding a borrower James?
I'm happy with this one ^^
Oliver lived a fairly quiet life. He worked as a child psychologist throughout the week. On Thursdays he ordered a takeaway and would finish his leftovers on Friday, on Saturdays he went to the library to check out and return books, he tended to his garden every couple of days, and on Sundays he mowed some of his elderly neighbors' lawns.
Most mornings he had toast or cereal. Every other Sunday he had a full English. On Fridays he went out for a cream tea— scones with jam and clotted cream were his favorite after all. On Tuesdays he gave some jars of handmade jam around the neighbourhood, and sometimes a few extra treats if he made them.
He went to a local sandwich shop for lunch every day other than on weekends, where he always ordered the same egg salad sandwich. He always got cheese and onion crisps, always had a medium coffee, always sat in the same seat by the window.
He had a routine and he stuck to it.
To his coworkers he was known as a good worker; polite, well-received, compassionate. He wasn't friends with anyone though.
This didn't upset him in the slightest. He liked his quiet life, and whenever he got close to others they ultimately ended up discovering his past, rumours would spread, and then everyone would treat him differently again.
He had gotten used to the usual pitying looks when he was younger after he became an orphan— then the disturbed looks when he wasn't fazed by the loss at all. That passed. Now people presumed he had grieved already so it wasn't so difficult.
But then his cousins went missing.
Just a few months before he received his doctorate he got a call— an awful horrible and truly terrible call. It informed him that his uncle and aunt, his guardians, had been shot dead, and his two younger cousins had gone missing.
He graduated the year after instead.
But now he lived a quiet life. A quiet life, waiting, hoping to receive another call telling him his cousins were found alive. Rumours had initially spread saying he was responsible and even though he had been cleared by the police every time, people still talked about it.
So things were fine like this. Quiet. Sometimes a bit lonely, but nothing Oliver couldn't handle. He stuck to his routine and that was that.
Well… That was that until as he began pouring cereal into his bowl of milk, a tiny man fell out along with it. Oliver froze, staring down at the man in a mixture of shock, disbelief, and pure confusion. The man in turn, after right himself, stared straight back at him.
"...uhm… Hello there..?" Oliver wasn't sure why exactly there was a tiny man sitting in his bowl of shreddies soaked in milk, but he was sure that there was a tiny man there. As baffling as it was, it was better than a rat falling out.
Was this some form of mutated rodent? No. They looked entirely human all aside from their incredibly diminutive size. Oliver began cycling through every myth and fairytale he had read that might give him something else to go off of… though perhaps this was just a shrunken man..?
He received no response to his greeting— aside from a frightened look. That's fair, Oliver thought, I imagine it must be rather disorienting to fall out of a cereal box at half past six in the morning.
To remedy that fact, Oliver first considered picking the tiny man up with his fingers to get him out of the bowl…but on second thought, he wanted to avoid getting his fingers covered in milk. Instead he picked up his spoon, very carefully bringing it towards the man in order to scoop him out onto a dishcloth or something— though he stopped the moment he heard the tiny man cry out.
"Don't eat me..! Jesus—" The man exclaimed, splashing about in the bowl to get away from his spoon. Oliver shut his eyes for a moment as a few drops of milk splashed onto the lenses of his glasses. Opening his eyes again, Oliver's brows furrowed in confusion.
"Eat you? Why on Earth would I do such an awful thing..?" Oliver took off his glasses, wiping them off on his shirt and reminding himself to clean them properly later. Placing them back on his face, Oliver found himself looking down at the clearly shaken little man once more, taking note of the fear that was apparent in their expression and body language.
He waved the spoon slightly to bring the man's attention onto it again.
"I only intended to get you out of the bowl and onto a dry surface, as I'm sure it's not particularly comfortable steeping in milk and soggy cereal." He placed the spoon back down. "I suppose I should have asked permission beforehand though… My apologies. Do you require assistance?"
The tiny man went from looking horrified to seeming completely lost— Oliver wasn't sure why… he hadn't said anything out of the ordinary had he? He was working on not overcomplicating everything he said but it was hard when he was simply talking in the same way he thought.
"I-I…no?" It was spoken more as a question, but Oliver respected it nonetheless, putting his spoon down and moving away from the bowl. He opened his dishes cupboard, taking out a new bowl and pouring milk into it once again. He looked into the cereal box first this time before pouring shreddies into the bowl of milk just to make sure this wasn't a repeat incident.
He looked towards his previous bowl, seeing that the man had yet to move. Somewhat confused, Oliver walked back over, setting his new breakfast down onto the countertop just beside it before pulling up a stool, not yet sitting.
"Although you may do as you wish, I would prefer to clean that bowl and put it away sooner rather than later. Are you sure you don't need any help at all?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. That seemed to snap the tiny man out of his frozen state as they quickly scrambled into action and pulled themself out of the bowl, dripping milk all over the counter.
Satisfied, Oliver picked up the bowl, draining the milk into the sink before dumping the soggy shreddies into the bin. As much as he didn't like waste he didn't plan on eating a breakfast someone had been sitting in. He grabbed a paper towel before walking back over, offering it to the man.
They stumbled back away from his hand, but Oliver didn't falter— he even offered a reassuring smile.
"I'll clean the counter after so don't worry about making a mess. You may leave— though I suggest drying off first. Feel free, also, to wash off in the sink." He waited patiently, observing how hesitant the tiny man was to accept the towel. After thirty seconds had passed and the man had made no progress, Oliver tilted his head, pulling away slightly.
"Are you afraid of me..?" He asked, not offended in the slightest. Hardly even surprised either— considering the size difference it would just be instinctual to fear him, but he thought he was at least being calm and gentle enough to dissipate that slightly. The man met his eyes— his were brown. A nice deep shade of it, Oliver noted.
Although he sensed that they had a response hanging on the edge of their tongue, Oliver didn't get to hear it as they suddenly ran off. Although startled, Oliver didn't make any attempts to stop them, watching with some interest as they opened up a hidden entrance into the walls and quickly hid away inside.
Oliver stayed silent for a few moments after, processing the events that had just happened.
"..my name is Oliver, by the way."
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helix-studios117 · 2 months
Halo Reloaded - Spartan-II Training Schedule
I've wanted to flesh this out for while, but here we go. Note: this seems impossible... it's because it is.
General Information:
From Monday through Friday (except Wednesday), they start every morning with stretching, then they do 50 jumping jacks; after a quick breather, they do the following routine below.
100 total squats, push-ups, chin-ups, crunches and sit-ups. 50 of these every morning after the jumping jacks, then they do another 50 before bed.
Go to class, listen to a lecture on tactics used by the Spartans of Greece and the Roman Empire. This goes from 1000 to 1200 (Lunch Break), from 1300 to 1500 is recess at the obstacle-course where parkour and acrobatics are to be practiced, then class resumes from 1600 to 1800.
Night-Routine, then bed.
After a one hour break from the morning routine, they go on a one kilometer run with small sand-bags tied to every Spartan-cadet's ankles. (A work-out routine inspired by Rocky Marciano.)
They practice swimming for an hour from 1900 to 2000 shortly after class.
After a one hour break from the morning routine, they step into a VR-simulator that trains them to eject from drop-pods.
At 1900 to 2000, they spar with each other; two per circle (every pair gets an individual circle). The art is a martial-art native only to the Spartans called "Spartan-Kata"; it's heavily influenced by four martial-arts: Krav Maga, Collegiate Wrestling, Judo and Kali. One is armed with tonfas and is on the offensive, the other is unarmed and on the defensive; the unarmed opponent gets a turn to be on the offense while the armed opponent learns to be defensive. They switch offensive/defensive positions at 30 minutes into the sparring session.
Break on both the morning and evenings. It's just lessons for the entire day. They don't even do the morning/night routines, they just wake up, recover, go to class and return to bed.
In the morning, they play a game of CTF in the Zero-Grav Chamber using laser-guns that respond to their Zero-Grav Suits' sensors. (It's just Ender's Game.)
In the evening, they learn to disassemble, clean and reassemble their guns (don't worry, they're not loaded) for the first 30 minutes; in the last 30 minutes, they go to the targeting range to practice their aim. From ages 8 - 11, they use laser-guns (similar ones seen in the Zero-Grav Chamer); they are taught fire-arm safety and how to properly use guns, then from ages 12 - 16, they're taught to practice with real-gunloaded with live-rounds.
They do their usual morning and night routine, though they go to class for the first half of the day; after lunch, they don't go to recess. For the rest of the day onward, they do a group "survival-activity" that they must complete before the day is over. If any Spartan fails to complete the exercise and return to the training-facility, ONI personnel will personally collect them and return them back to base with the usual penalty for failure/coming-in-last being no dinner.
Rest & Recovery Day. No class or training, obstacle-course is always open.
Rest & Recovery Day. No class or training, obstacle-course is always open.
Breakfast: Lots of organic-eggs (either scrambled or over-easy, depends on what the cadet wants) and scalloped potatoes, a slice of ham with a side of plain-crackers. Drinks are a glass of water.
Lunch: Fried-Chicken and fish with brown rice and a side of mashed-potatoes slathered in gravy. Drinks are orange-juice.
Dinner: Turkey slathered with gravy and ice-cream covered in hot-fudge syrup. Drinks are a glass of milk.
Class-Snacks: Plain-Crackers with a glass of milk and a side of Vitamin-Gummy packs.
Additional Information:
Every night, the Spartans sleep to white-noise.
After getting themselves in bed, they are first treated with story-time as they fall asleep; Deja, the AI that teaches the Spartans in Halsey's absence, reads them stories from ancient Greece, namely the stories from Classical Mythology, but sometimes real events thay transpired then, too. Deja swaps over to white-noise once everyone has fallen asleep.
All of this was done from ages 8 to 16. In John's case, due to him being the youngest by two years, 6 to 14.
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[CN] Victor’s Carbon Pen and Glass Bead Event (Day 5)
⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for content yet to be released on the global server! ⌚
✦ thursday || friday || saturday || sunday || monday || tuesday || wednesday
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【High School Affiliated to Loveland University Second Year (Section 1) Semester Schedule - Monday】
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“My desire to cross the Yellow River is stopped by frozen water. An attempt to go up Mount Taihang is frustrated by snow. In my leisure time, I go fishing on shore in greenish water. Suddenly I’m dreaming while riding a boat sailing near the sun… The road is tough! It’s very tough! It branches out into many other paths. Where am I now…”
As Victor pulls on the rope, he silently recites these verses in his heart.
He should have no problems in the upcoming Chinese class dictation test.
[Tidbits]: The poem Victor rehearses here is a very famous piece by a Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai, who was exiled from the imperial court. The poem expresses his disappointment, frustration, as well as hopefulness.
The chemistry teacher has always been the most well-liked among everyone because she never goes beyond the scheduled time for classes. However, Victor knows that it’s only because she is too busy as the curriculum coordinator.
As the lecturer imparts grammar lessons systematically, Victor subconsciously thinks that this usually quirky and enthusiastic young man is, in fact, an outstanding teacher.
However, when there are only ten minutes left until the end of the class and the other party complacently launches a new English trivia activity, Victor withdraws his opinion.
“After reviewing everyone’s test scores, I must say you guys are indeed the lowest-performing batch I’ve ever taught.”
Knitting his brows into a frown, Victor looks at the exam paper in his hand with a score of 92, contemplating how he needs to work harder to achieve a higher score next time.
“Who wants to come to the blackboard and solve this function?”
The classroom lapses into silence, everyone avoiding eye contact with the teacher. Victor has never been the one to deliberately draw the spotlight to himself, so he begins contemplating his solution while remaining seated.
Looking at the answer on his paper, Victor casually shifts his gaze ahead and twirls his pen. Even if Old Gao catches him, it won’t be a big deal.
“Someone come to board and solve this problem? Did you guys not understand what I said?”
“Sigh, such indifference. Zheng Xi, come up here and explain this on my behalf.”
“Surely, one of our friends will come up to the board and solve this problem, right?”
The classroom sinks into silence, the eyes of everyone darting around. Victor, who always naturally keeps his eyes straight ahead, now lowers his head ever so slightly—— of course, he has lowered his head just a little bit.
He’s also unsure about this problem.
“Vic, the teacher can feel your enthusiasm from here.”
“Step forward and demonstrate your skills.”
The gentle tone, calm and steady, without any ups and downs, evenly erodes the determination of each student.
Therefore, it’s often the case that teachers who are overly gentle can be quite frightening.
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As Victor holds the chalk and marks how the distribution of plants is influenced by geographical locations, he sneaks in a quiet yawn, away from everyone’s view with his back to the class. Only God knows how long he’s been holding it in.
But it’s also good, at least answering a question can liven things up a bit. He can work on today’s biology homework during the second half of the class.
✧ next stop: Tuesday
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