#wind brings a nice cooling of the warm local weather
farsight-the-char · 26 days
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acreepqueen · 4 years
Selkie Boyfriend (Part II)
Thanks everyone for being so very patient with my inconsistent schedule!
Word Count: 1,513
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The next few days in the cottage weren’t nearly as eventful as the first few and you settled into your usual routine of relaxing. It wasn’t very often that you managed to get away from the bustle and noise of the city, but you were certainly going to enjoy every second of it. The steady drizzle of rain on your roof only made the small fire that roared in front of you all the more relaxing. You sat curled up on the floor with a book in front of a small heating stove. Unbeknownst to you before today, the house didn’t have a heating system, only AC. It had never crossed your mind as you only stayed in the house during the summer, but it had suddenly gotten rather cold and stormy. The weather felt more like a cool fall morning than a summer afternoon. Although, you weren’t complaining too much. The smell and warmth of the fire was only made more cozy by the chill.
After a couple of hours the rain came to slow stop, but the dark, murky clouds still blanketed the sky. The grasps of sleep settled on the fringes of your mind, but after the sun had set it had suddenly gotten frigid inside the cabin. You shivered and shuffled around in front of the fire, unable to truly get warm and comfortable. The thin blanket you had swiped from the bed wasn’t doing much for you at all. You supposed you would have to go into town tomorrow to get-
Your thoughts were abruptly cut off by a loud pounding on your door. Startled, you jumped to your feet. Hastily, you made your way over to it. You locked the deadbolt on the door and hesitated before opening it a little to peer out. A relieved sigh fell from your lips at the sight of familiar face. His usually fluffy blonde hair clung to his face and gave off the impression of a wet dog. You had to stifle a laugh at that thought.
“Errol? Did you need something?” you asked him as politely as you could, trying to ignore the cold wafting into the house from the front door. You were silently weeping as what little warmth you had escaped into the night. He grimaced and began to apologize.
“I am so sorry I didn’t come by earlier. I meant to give this to ya, seeing as it’s been so cold, but the storm hit before I could,” he explained, holding something out to you. In his hands was a space heater covered in plastic wrap. You couldn’t help the grin that spread across your face. 
“You have no idea how much of a lifesaver you are!!” you exclaimed, giddily taking the heater from him. He grimaced slightly at that.
“I don’t know about that. I didn’t even explain that ya have to unplug both lamps in the front room before ya use it. Otherwise the power’ll short-circuit,” he said rather sheepishly. You chuckled at that and were getting ready to thank him again when a loud crack of thunder interrupted your train of thought. As if waiting for a signal, the skies opened up once again and a torrential downpour began. Without any sort of hesitation you ushered Errol inside and he obliged gratefully. As you rushed to close the door and snuggle back up to the fire, Errol insisted on setting up the space heater. While he tinkered with it, muttering to himself in frustration when it wouldn’t turn on, you couldn’t focus on him at all. Instead, your attention lay with the sopping wet seal skin that was draped across the small kitchen table. 
Why did he always seem to be carrying it? It was incredibly odd to say the least. If the skin was a precious heirloom why did he tote it around like it was just another old coat? Once again, it was also soaked with water, practically flooding the floor beneath it. Surely, he would take better care of something that was supposed to be priceless! You didn’t have long to dwell on those thoughts, as a quiet noise of triumph stirred you from them. Your attention refocused to Errol and the heater, it seemed he had finally gotten the thing to turn on. He shot you a small smile before standing up. As you grinned back you swore something danced across his face for a moment, but it could’ve easily been a trick of the firelight. Like when you had first met, he wrung his hands out nervously as he spoke.
“Thank you for being so patient. Hopefully, ya should be warmer. I should get going...” he announced heading towards the table where the sealskin was. You stood up swiftly and grabbed his wrist as he passed by.
“You can’t be serious! At least wait a little while for the storm to clear a bit, it’s dangerous out there!” you pleaded. He looked hesitant, though as the sky lit up once more with lightning he conceded. 
“...If it wouldn’t bother ya, I guess I could,” he agreed finally. You assured him that it was completely fine and he sat down at the kitchen table next to his sealskin. You were curious, but decided to wait until he settled in a bit to pry. After all, you didn’t want to scare him off and into the storm. First, you decided to put the kettle on the stove to boil some water for some hot chocolate. 
“Would you like some hot chocolate?” you asked, watching him avoid eye contact with you as you stood over by the counter. When you really looked at him he was rather cute. He looked far younger than his demeanor suggested. You would guess he was somewhere in his twenties, though you weren’t sure. He reminded you a bit of sailor, his face youthful but weathered by the wind and spray of the sea. Was he a sailor? Or perhaps a surfer? They both seemed to fit his aesthetic nicely.
“I was wondering, what do you do for a living out here? There doesn’t seem to be much of anything except small businesses and the like,” you questioned, turning off the stove as the kettle whistled. You grabbed two mugs and the box of hot cocoa packets you’d stashed away earlier. By the time he finally answered you had already prepared the drinks and were busy lamenting the fact you forget to buy marshmallows.
“I’m...a diver?” he said. The uncertainty in his tone didn’t go unnoticed by you and you quirked an eyebrow at him as you handed him his hot chocolate. You couldn’t imagine being a diver. You loved the ocean, but something about being alone and out in the open in such a foreign place made you jittery. It was almost like something would reach from below you and drag you down deep into the watery depths. You shivered slightly and tried to shake the thought from you mind. 
“That’s really cool! Honestly, I don’t think I could do something like that,” you exclaimed, ignoring his tone. Perhaps he was just nervous around you. You had only met him recently after all. He hummed in response and took a sip of his cocoa. 
“How long have you lived here?” you asked trying to keep the conversation afloat.
“Since I was born,” he answered. Your eyes widened slightly at the statement. Not that you were doubting him, he just didn’t look or act like any of the other locals you’d seen. Everyone you’d met had been standoffish and a bit more gloomy looking. His very being reminded you of the sea, while the other locals reminded you more of the murky cliffs surrounding it. Also, everyone was much much older.
“Really now? You must know everyone in town then. They don’t seem to like strangers very much,” you said a bit more ruefully than you meant to. He chuckled slightly at this and swept a piece of blonde hair from his face.
“Not exactly, though I would say I know everything about this place,” he retorted with a grin. You couldn’t help but return his smile, it was infectious. For the first time he seemed to be comfortable around you. You didn’t want to ruin it, but you also weren’t one to pass up a perfect opportunity when it felt right into your lap. Sensing a chance to ask the real question you’d wanted answered, you took it.
“Everything? If I had a question, you swear on your honor you could answer it if it was about this place?” you challenged, unable to keep the devious smirk from your face. Errol played along and matched your expression.
“Of course,” Errol replied with faux nonchalance, taking a sip of his cocoa. You only hesitated briefly, before poking the damp seal skin on the table between both of you.
“What’s the deal with this sealskin? You seem to bring it everywhere you go. Is it really a family heirloom?” you questioned, tapping it absentmindedly as you spoke.  
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cyberdva · 4 years
house of cards- j.jk
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Summary: A vacation by the shore with a break from constant labor was all a young couple could dream of and when that time finally presented itself it was exactly what they pounced for. A tiny community on the edge of a coastline caught the attention of a young idol and his hidden lover, yet the all but homey atmosphere chipped away at an alarming rate past their arrival. Small happenings caught the eye of the sharp-witted woman, more and more occurrences kept shoving chilling encounters her way. Something was brewing and with the faith of next to no one it was in her hands to keep the life of her dearest at bay along with the force of a menacing spirit having ties to hundreds of myths, it might just be too late. Was it time for a final goodbye?
Warnings: Horror Themes, Sexual References and Romantic Scenarios, Violence, and Cursing  (Perfect Just For Your Halloween) 
Word Count: 4.7k
BTS Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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“A house made of cards, and us, inside
Even though the end is visible
Even if it’s going to collapse soon. 
A house made of cards, we’re like idiots
Even if it’s a vain dream, stay like this a little more…”
A frisk zephyr of overlooking, pristine Autumn air plunged a heavy set attack through the leaves of helpless trees. Tiny bumps formed by the hundreds along the skin of an unsuspecting idol. His mind was still set in the summer season, time was nothing but a concept to the young adult’s mind. Hours spent training and rehearsing can do that to a person. Life was hard enough trying to shield your personal life away from the public, Jungkook always thought of it like putting his memories in a small box, they never saw the light of day again. His inner frustrations boiled inside of him. He already missed out on so many important journeys in a common life. Even now at age twenty-three  he still has to beg for a break, on his knees if he has to.
“I’m telling you. Nothing’s going to go wrong. Can you please trust me for once.” His voice laced with anticipation, a weekend away from everything, from all the hell pushing its way through the cracks of its gates, felt like a dream. Which was the problem, “like a dream.” Jungkook wanted more than anything to ditch his constant rehearsals and run away with his endearing better half. If it weren’t for the constant bickering of the elders in his group the plan would’ve been set in stone. 
“Fine,” Jungkook sprung back in his girlfriend’s direction and threw his bulky arms over her shoulder, “Just this once, I don’t want Joonie to get mad at you.”
“Yeah, yeah…”
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Finally the day came, it was a risky trip, especially with the newest comeback just around the corner. Really, a miracle. In retrospect, it wasn’t the most organized plan, but the small house the couple rented was only a mere hour away. More like thirty minutes away since Jungkook was driving. Y/N would constantly poke fun with him for his reckless behavior behind the wheel, not like she was complaining. It took a good half hour just to reach the highway, the area was lined up with houses, one by one space filled the gaps and the scene trickled out.
Up and down, up and down, the two of them bobbed up and down continuously. You would think for such a mainstream road it would be in much better condition, A wave of uneasiness fell over  Y/N, her eyes crinkled while still trying to keep her composure. Her mind shifted between thoughts of car sickness or a longing of home. Up, up, up they went, the evergreen landscape quickly morphed into blue waves. Jungkook gave a quick glance her way, then again. His brows furrowed, but his eyes stayed on the road. 
“Baby? Are you doing okay? You’re not pregnant or anything, right?” Even with the joking manner his voice gave a shaky form. He cleared his throat, unsure how to continue.
"Nope, I'm ok." she hissed. This road was too crazy, the car too crazy, the whole scenario far from a nice day off. “And no I’m not pregnant yet. Relax a little bit. I just haven’t been feeling great these past few days.” She trailed off. Y/N knew it sounded silly, but as if just admitting it made it real and added a big weight on her chest.” A huff of air spilt from her mouth in a laugh. With hands gripping the edge of the window, things felt easier. Still, a small lump of anxiousness stayed embedded in the back of her mind. Something just felt wrong. There was nothing to pinpoint exactly what. 
“You’re probably just hungry or car sick,” he said. “I’m sure you’ll get over it.”
“I hope so,” Y/N replied. The tiny bit of his smile twitched in the corner of his lips. “Maybe I just left something back at the house. No big deal, no big deal.” She attentively reassured herself.
"Are you sure?" Jungkook squeaked. "We can pull over. I don’t want you to be in any pain."
"Don't worry." Y/N muttered while she chewed on her nail, it was a bad habit. She couldn’t help doing it. Relief washed over her contemplation just imaging how her old friends tried to force her out of it. Soon sorrow after, it had been forever since they last talked. “Nonsense.” A voice reasoned back, Y/N dropped reminiscing on the past quickly. She looked out the window and her mouth grew dry. So much water, she thought. All those farms way back when and none in sight. 
Small airplanes gilded with banners, advertisements for local businesses, or even insurance, it must be ironic if one of those crashes. The place looked menacing. The road became shorter and turns filled their place, looks like their next stop was to fill up the tank. Y/N could see the townsfolk, not all congregated. They speckled out every few yards or so. The vehicle stopped abruptly and Jungkook hopped out without a word. Once the cut door swung open the soft song dancing across the air went dark. Silent. The wooden and glass buildings still standing, the old-timers sitting at the gas pumps, the store shelves still full, the strangers walking. They're all strangers out here, but they've all lived here since more people have come and gone. Weathered, even at their age.  She looked to her boyfriend, her eyes widening. What if that were him? What if they both died there? Or anywhere like this, it better not come to that. She meant no offense, but these people seemed off. It could just be the way they look, but even their movements felt robotic. They were already strangers here, not like they were really going to fit in. Having the small break made Y/N’s nerves settle, the car door slammed shut and back onto the freeway it was.
Blue blurs formed again and music, louder this time, picked back up. Manufactured cool air blew onto Y/N’s face, her fingers clasped the opening shut. The feeling could be described as far from pleasurable. The small knacks in the road kept coming, the build up was painful. A glitchy GPS voice crackled on and off. 
“Dammit, I thought I fixed this.” Jungkook whacked his head against his seat. The poor man spent hours trying to mend the apparent virus filled app, Y/N grabbed the device and replaced it with hers. No bother in trying to mend it now. There was only around five minutes left until they arrived, elation flared through their veins. 
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“This is it.” Gravel crunched beneath the tires, leaving a path of marks down the long driveway. Trees cascaded down the trail, sunlight shined down past the windshield, lighting up the various screens underneath. The silhouette of the house loomed down beyond the small white garage which was accompanied by a lean basketball net attached by the top. It was homely, clearly meant for a larger family. It gave more space for random objects trying to fit that “beach theme.” Y/N swung her backpack over her right shoulder with a loud thud, Jungkook snagged his wallet from the cup holder and plopped a dark bucket hat over his head. Even with the odd setting, he couldn’t be noticed by an unsuspecting fan, it definitely wouldn’t end.
“Found the keys under the mat, you can head in.” The door was painted and off brand white, a chiseled glass pane was positioned in the center. It creaked open to reveal a balmy ambience, the kitchen laid straight ahead. A warm brown color pallet coincided with a lemon motley. A beam formed on Y/N’s face. This place lightened the foul spirit from before. The parlor was across the way, a giant TV cascaded over the wall with a slim couch behind. It was cute, except for the off setting décor. There comes a point when too many seashells overload a room. Next to that mess was a long corridor which probably led to the bedrooms, maybe even the bathroom and suddenly Y/N caught wind of a sound, like footsteps. Walking just right in front of her, right down that same hallway. Instinctively, she followed. Her hand shook with small pints of fear. More assorted paintings graced the wall, she didn’t bother stopping to poke fun. The creaking moved faster, so did she. The end of the pathway was nearing, the energy darted to the left, a children’s room. Y/N’s heart beat with fury, her mind was screaming at her to stop, far too late. A whisper swirled past her ears, it was at a nearly unintelligible decibel. The bed was perfectly made, a doorway led to the posh yard out back, and a mirror clung to the wall. No child would really want to stay here, too antiquated. Again, the murmurs returned, this time more of them and they were much louder.
“Bring her back. Bring her back.”
“What in the goddamn fu-” The glass door slammed itself shut, there was no wind, no person. Small cracks forced their way through the corners of the frame. Y/N’s eyes were stunned open, a hand covering her dropped jaw. There is no way she saw that, this has to be a joke.
A hand grabbed her shoulder, shivers ran up her arms with an ache. Her head zipped around with an instinct, her palm smashing into whatever was behind her. A mistake, Jungkook toppled down, grasping his eye. A single tear slipped down the red shot iris. His nose crinkled in distress.
“Baby!” She rushed over to him, “Are you okay? You scared the absolute shit out of me!” Her fingers pressed up against the sensitive skin which relived the man of a groan. 
He brushed her off, “It’s okay, don’t worry.” He pulled her into a quick hug and placed a kiss on her forehead. She was trying best to ignore whatever the hell just happened. “Babe,” he groaned, “It’s so good to see you again.” His body slumped onto the spare bed. Children weren’t an “issue” yet, so the room lost its charming use. In all honesty, it didn’t look really safe to begin with. Open outlets, high ledges, who knows what could happen here. Jungkook grabbed Y/N out of her thoughts, literally, and plucked the air right out of her. Soft lips powdering small kisses across the woman’s face much to her delight. A pang of red heat rose to her cheeks. It was hard to notice, but a wave of satisfaction tore through the face of the maknae. 
“You see me all the time Koo, what do you mean?’ The space radiated passion. This is all Jungkook could have ever asked for. Of course, the circumstances weren’t all the best, but still it was perfect to him. His hands roamed their way across her torso as the kiss deepened. A gasp exploded from Y/N’s mouth with her boyfriend’s lips grazing the crook of her neck.
“Koo.” Her words trembled with conflict, ”Jungkook.” His attention cracking back to actuality, hair dilated with static and all, a faint mark of his tenderness was left by a circular imprint. His smile beamed with devious pride, slowly growing bigger. 
A hand intercepted his ardor. "There’s still stuff in the car. We have to bring it in, before the sunsets please.” A slick eyeroll was the only response mustered up. 
“You’re no fun…” Jungkook slumped to the ground from the edge of the bed into a crumpled pile on the floor. His posture curved and a small pout was sent in Y/N’s direction, down to the small flick of his outer lip. Only she could barely escape his enticing puppy dog eyes. A continuous click sprouted from the disturbed blinds behind their heads, the pressure was obvious. Neither one of them made the first move, it had been so long, too long. They sensed something else though, again no one could put their finger on it.
Amusement was drawn from the other despite the odd mood, ”You’re such a child!” Y/N giggled, which got Jungkook going. He propped himself right back up with full energy bouncing off the yellow-chipped walls.
“We can do whatever you want after we get our bags, scouts honor.” Y/N delicately placed one hand on her chest, the other up on the air. Her boyfriend had absolutely no clue on what she was talking about, but still went along with the spiel best as he could. A dazed nod came from him and his slim finger grasped the ends of his hair, running them through the roots. He slid a small elastic over it all, forming a tiny bun in the back of his head. Jungkook knew it drew his girlfriend wild, that’s why he does these sorts of things. Out of the room he went, Y/N stood silently in her same place, trying to listen for something. Her mind on high alert kept driving her insane. Her only hope, maybe some Advil, was still locked in the car. Her head never moved its spot, furthering the booming discomfort she felt, staring at the large door. It wasn’t right, or it was just her imagination once more. Too soon to determine according to her. The jingling of the car keys signaled the end of her inner battle, louder and louder they went. A small crack emitted from her ankles while slipping her shoes on, accompanied by a groan. It’d been forever since the two of them went out, being locked away in your house while the days stripped away can do that to a person. Hell, it has happened! Jungkook’s hand graced her back ever so slightly, sending the woman into brief hysteria. 
“Screw you!” Y/N jabbed at the chest of her boyfriend playfully.
Jungkook dogged her blows and stuck out his tongue, “Hey! You’re being the jumpy one today!”
Instead of going all the way round the lot, the couple opted for passing through the shady back door, much to Y/N distaste.
“It’s just a door, sweetheart.” Jungkook cooed. He found the situation comical, not knowing the full story of what happened. He grabbed the handle to the exit and it slid back with haste, they were quite careful as to not rupture it even more. The landlord didn’t seem like a pleasant person from their experiences. It felt like opening a greenhouse while stepping outdoors. Even with winter approaching, the atmosphere clung to their frames likes a spider entangled in pesticide. The grass beamed an unnatural green giving it some otherworldly look. Along with the various brightly colored lawn décor, it looked god awful. 
There was a light mist floating above them, blending in with the ash sky. It was truly a freak of nature photo opt, the weather changed more promptly than usual. 
“Maybe we should buy another house like this, huh?” The boyfriend wasn’t just yet done with his rampage of witty one liners, most of which making no sense.
“I never striked you as the suburban family type of man.” Y/N patted his back.
“Dear god no, my standards aren’t that low. Imagine the neighbors.” Now that’s the real horror show. The car was already unlocked, rapidly the trunk was swung open. Just two suitcases and a medium sized bag was left. 
Parading back in didn’t take much time. Next door was the main bedroom, it was nearly identical to the other. Jungkook wheeled his belongings into a folding closet, grabbing the TV remote in the process. Finally, he could rest. Y/N did the same, afterwards she made her way towards the washroom, in hopes of placing a bag filled with various items for hygiene inside. The events that occurred minutes ago had already been mangled aside. 
A mortified shriek came from the very same room Y/N had just stumbled into. Jungkook’s head snapped right up, quickly running down the narrow hallway pictured with corny beach puns and postcards he busted the door right open. The very bags his paramour had just lugged in clatter to the cheap wooden flooring in an instant. With one hand covering her mouth, the other shakily pointed to the wall across the way.
An assortment of hundred legged creatures made their way around the right side of the room, some on the floor, even on the ceiling. Stares of horror were the only response, at least thirty of the innocents were visible.
“Dear god,” Jungkook didn’t like bugs, even more than Y/N. His nerves sprung shot and slowly made his way out of the doorway. The inamorata looked for any spray or object to hurdle their way. The only option was to scavenge through whatever chemicals that could be found in the cabinets. Her shoes slid across the floor with an edge while trying to compose herself. Her boyfriend was scared shitless and the least she could do was calm his nerves. After grabbing handfuls of bottles back she went, but Jungkook was already in her place. 
“Y/N.. you saw that right? You saw the bugs?” His voice trembled.
“What is happening… are we going insane?”
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So much continued to happen, proceeding the weird visions Jungkook and Y/N sat outside, watching the stars form. A small dinner was prepared, outdoors of course, the weather refused to make amends and discomfort was high. 
“You know, it’s getting pretty late,” Jungkook smoothed his hands around his lover’s waist. “We should go back inside and try to get some rest. We’re going to be okay.” He got up and extended his arm out as an offer to cling to. No exchange of words provided. Tiredness washed over the two, there was no point in arguing. Walking back into the shady house found only hours ago could be considered the worst choice made, but carelessness was the new fad. Both doors were locked upon entry. The house was warmer than before, Y/N stripped into a cooler outfit, Jungkook removed his lighter shirt and as soon as they hit the bed they were out like a light.
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Y/N shot straight up in the air, breathing heavily. Her head whipped around to the clock, 2:24 am. Her other half was still passed out, but he wasn’t the only other person watching them. A large, black figure stood right outside the same glass door. It looked inhuman, what seemed to be seven feet tall, a bony structure giving it the posture of a lazy school boy and it was looking right at her.
Violently shaking the man she whispered, “Someone’s outside Jungkook. Please tell me we aren’t going to die.” He awoke at an instant trying to grasp what was going on around him. Anxiety mixed with shock filled his mind. He held her back down to his chest seeking to go unnoticed.  
“We aren’t going to die. I love you so much princess, please trust me.” Empty promises, he didn’t know what was going to happen. Hope was the only option he had. Hope was the only thing that could save him. He was going to stay up as long as he could until his body gave in. They ran past the doors, the creature created haunting moans while pushing at the crystalware. He showed Y/N into the small supply closet. Sobs racked out of Y/N body, Jungkook’s tears plopped past the roots of her hair. He kept gripping harder onto her, trying to get as close as possible to her core.
“Honey, we have to stay very quiet so nobody gets to us. Okay?” He whispered.
“I know. We don’t want to get in trouble. I’ll go first.” Y/N said, quietly breathing heavily.
“Okay, you know I’ll never let anyone hurt you.” His angelic voice replied, “I’ll go get a knife. Stay right here.” Objections spewed from her mouth, but he didn’t listen.  
The distinct sound of glass shattering filled the vicinity. Then silence. The walls felt like they were closing in on them, the girl knew this might be it. She couldn’t even say goodbye since her boyfriend clamped her mouth shut with his vast palm. It was for the best, surely her head would’ve been on a platter from her cries being found.
“JK?” Y/N called out for him with a longing for his response, “Jungkook? Please come out, I think we’re okay!” So much desperation in her sore croaks. He had to be out there she knew he was.
Her hand flew up in defense as she took a deep blow to her stomach, toppling over the metal coffee table. The ringing became worse, old coffee from yesterday morning mixed with the liquid flowing from fresh, small cuts. Her arms flew up in retaliation, but Y/N’s instincts weren’t as sharp as the knife on the kitchen counter once held by the goner searching for protection. 
There wasn’t any screaming, no struggle or pain. All she could hear was the soft singing of him, they were forever young. He was gone. His smell engulfed her senses, memories, all gone. Y/N would see him soon
“A house made of cards, and us, inside
Even though the end is visible
Even if it’s going to collapse soon
A house made of cards, we’re like idiots
Even if it’s a vain dream, stay like this a little more…”
They sang, they mocked. Her mind was numb with the figure of god-knows-who hovered over her limp physique. Little to her knowledge, Jungkook’s phone laid in the grasp of their left hand with the tantalizing feeling to take a photo to capture this moment. All for nothing.
It was over, they should’ve just stayed home.
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Moral of the story: always listen to RM.
cyberdva. 2020
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Snow and Fur
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(You may need to click the image for better quality)
Happy New Year to @itstrulyastrangerthing! You were my giftee for the @sincerely-us winter gift exchange! I had such a fun time painting the fanart above and writing the fanfic below. I adored your first prompt, but you will find a little bit of your second prompt in the fic. I hope you enjoy, and may the new year bring you good things! <3
Quick Disclaimer: This is an AU where Connor is still alive, and there is healthy Bandtrees!
Ao3 Link
Evan fumbled with his hands. A mix of excitement and nervousness sat inside of him.
When Zoe brought the idea of adopting a dog to him one day, he thought it was perfect. The two had more than enough time to take care of one with the holiday season. Though Evan never had any experience with pets, Zoe recalled having a golden retriever, Sadie, in her childhood.
“Excited?” Zoe asks, remaining her focus on driving. The roads were a little icy in the late December weather.
Evan nods, “A little scared, but I’m excited.”
Zoe pulls into the parking lot of the animal shelter. The cold wind welcomed Evan’s face and lungs when he opened the car door, sending a chill down his spine.
Zoe intertwines her fingers into Evan’s hand.
“You ready?”
Evan looks at Zoe’s face. She gave him a subtle, reassuring smile. It was almost as her calm demeanor was seeping through her fingertips, transferring it to Evan’s hand.
Evan squeezed her hand tighter, nodding.
The shelter had a thick odar hanging in the air when the couple walked in. A lady greeted them, and Zoe explained what they were looking for. She led them to an array of dog kennels. Each dog they looked at, the lady told them their story.
Zoe looked up at Evan each time. What do you think?
Let’s keep looking. Evan would reply by shaking his head.
Soon, a dog finally caught Evan’s eyes.
A smaller dog sat in the corner of the cage. It’s back was to them, so all you could see was it’s thin light brown coat.
“This is Buddy,” the kennel lady explained to him, “six years old. We aren’t quite sure what breed he is, but we believe he is part corgi and part beagle.”
“How did he end up here?” Evan asked.
“Previous family abandoned him when he got older. They preferred cuter puppies, and traded him for a much younger, purebred dog.”
Evan’s heart ached for the dog, even feeling a little sympathy. His own father left, and traded him and his mom for another family. Evan remembered feeling hurt because of it.
Evan knew exactly what Buddy needed.
“Buddy barely moves though,” the kennel lady says, “there are more dogs over here.”
“Um… could I try to…?”
The kennel lady shrugs before unlocking the cage.
Evan slowly enters the cage. Buddy turned his head slightly, looking at Evan. Evan noticed he had amber eyes.
Evan crouched down. He extended his hand outwards, towards Buddy. The dog slowly, and cautiously, stood up, and began to approach Evan. Buddy extended his muzzle to his hand, sniffing Evan’s fingers.
Buddy inched closer. Evan slowly lowered his hand on Buddy’s back. Buddy tensed at Evan’s touch. The dog looked at Evan, and Evan worried he startled Buddy. However, Buddy relaxed, and melted in his touch.
“Well would you look at that,” the kennel lady said, “Buddy usually doesn’t like to be touched by others.”
Evan looks at Zoe, who is smiling at him.
“Can we get this one?” Evan asks.
“I don’t think we have a choice.”
Evan was getting used to having a dog around their apartment, and Buddy was used to having a home.
“You two look comfy,” Zoe smiles, holding two mugs of hot chocolate in her hands. Both mugs visibly had tall whipped cream dollops, and were sprinkled with crushed peppermint candy canes.
Evan was on the couch, Buddy on his lap. They were wrapped in a fuzzy blanket, and Buddy was enjoying the gentle scratches Evan was giving him.
Buddy had started to be relaxed when Evan or Zoe had touched him. The dog had let it’s guard down to them, and was more and more cheerful each coming day.
“Come join us,” Evan patted the spot next to him.
“Hold on, I need a photo of my two favorite boys,” Zoe pulls out her phone, setting the hot chocolate on the nearby coffee table.
Though Evan was usually camera shy, he gave Zoe a huge, goofy smile, making Zoe laugh as she snapped the photo. She then sits next to Evan on the couch. Evan wraps her some of his blanket.
“This may be my new favorite photo,” Zoe comments, “look how cute you both are.”
Evan blushes as Zoe puts her phone away. She reaches over to Evan’s lap, stroking Buddy’s fur. Buddy licks her wrist in return.
“Are we ready to start movie night?” Evan asks, sipping his drink.
“Yep,” Zoe says, popping open a fresh bag of plain popcorn. Buddy looked at Zoe, eyeing the snack. Zoe passed him a kernel. Buddy graciously accepted the treat.
“Relax,” Zoe says, “it’s not going to hurt him. Connor and I used to feed our old dog popcorn all the time.”
Evan could imagine Zoe and Connor as children, taking turns to feed Sadie handfuls of popcorn. He could also imagine Cynthia reminding them to stop feeding their dog (of course, they wouldn’t listen).
“Okay. What type of movie do you want to watch?” Evan asks, clicking the remote, scrolling through different genres.
They decided on a dog movie. It seemed fitting, since Buddy was in their arms to watch it. As Evan clicked ‘play,’ he curled into Zoe’s side.
“This is the best way to beat the cold,” Evan says, taking in the warmth of Zoe’s body.
“I’d have to agree.”
“He looks ridiculous.”
“Everyone needs to be bundled up,” Evan says, picking up Buddy, “including pets.”
Evan had dressed Buddy in a thick winter coat. Booties were on each of his paws, and the outfit was topped with a knitted dog hat.
“Besides, I think he is rocking the outfit,” Evan jokes.
Zoe hooks the dog leash to Buddy’s collar, “Whatever you say dear. You ready for a walk Bud?!”
Buddy wagged his tail, and began to pant excitly.
“Before we go, one more person has to put on some winter clothes,” Evan eyes Zoe.
“I’m wearing a coat!” Zoe exclaims, “and it’s just a walk.”
Evan grabs a scarf and hat, “It’s still twenty degrees outside. We don’t want mommy to be cold, right Buddy?”
Buddy barks in reply.
“Fine,” Zoe allows Evan to wrap her scarf around her neck, and slip her hat on her head. Once he’s done, he gives Zoe a quick kiss on the cheek.
Just as Evan is about to open the door, Zoe grabs his hand, pulling him closer to her.
“You missed,” Zoe smirks.
Evan closes his eyes, and leans into Zoe, pressing his lips to hers. Zoe’s hands wrap around the bare spots of his neck that his scarf did not cover. Evan a breath hitches at the touch, and he wraps his arms around her lower back.
A yip interrupted them. Zoe and Evan break apart. Buddy was patiently sitting on the floor, looking utterly betrayed. Zoe and Evan blush and giggle.
Zoe gives Evan one last kiss before opening the door, the cool air welcoming their faces. Buddy quickly jumped outside, hopping into the fresh, fluffy snow from the previous night. He rolled around until snow covered his muzzle.
Buddy led the way during the walk, eager to look at everything ahead of him. Evan had his arm linked to Zoe’s, admiring the winter wonderland in front of them. Dark pine trees were coated with snow. The sky was blue, and not it’s normal grey. The sun was brightly shining on their faces, and snowflakes were lazily descending from the sky.
“The weather is nice,” Evan says.
Zoe nods, “Buddy is enjoying it.”
Buddy was attempting to catch falling snowflakes into his mouth. Evan and Zoe giggled.
The only downside to the winter weather is that when snow mixes with a dirt road, then it becomes muddy. Mud puddles were formed all over the road they were walking on.
Unfortunately, Buddy jumped right into a puddle.
Evan and Zoe gasped, but Buddy loved it. He rolled around and splashed in the sticky dirt.
Evan lifted him up, holding him arms length out. Buddy was smiling as mud was dripping off him.
“Looks like someone will need a bath.”
Zoe carefully lowered Buddy into their bathtub. Buddy had a look of fear on his face. When Zoe mentioned that he needed a bath, Buddy did whatever it took to avoid it.
Even if it meant trailing mud into their apartment.
“See Bud? It’s okay,” Zoe says once his paws dipped into the water.
Buddy splashed the water, still uneasy.
“I cleaned up all the mud,” Evan enters the bathroom, “how are things going in here?”
“I’m just trying to get Buddy to calm down.”
Evan sits next to Zoe. He reaches his hand over to Buddy, scratching his ears. Buddy was still tense as Zoe gently set him down.
“See? Not that bad,” Evan assures the dog.
Zoe squirts dog shampoo into her hand. She allows Buddy to smell it before applying it, lightly massaging it into his fur. The soap helped the mud slip off with ease. Buddy became more relaxed with Evan’s presence and Zoe’s gentle motions.
“The warm water must feel nice after being in the cold,” Evan says, helping Zoe rinse the soap off.
Zoe wiggles her eyebrows, “What if we did this once we finish cleaning Buddy up?”
“I like the way you think.”
A mist of water droplets hit the couple as Buddy began to shake himself dry. The two turn to each other, before laughing.
“Guess he already showered us off,” Zoe chuckles.
Evan reaches for a soft towel, and Zoe lifts Buddy out of the tub. Evan dries the dog off before wrapping him up.
Evan was thankful that the cafe allowed dogs.
“You ready to see mommy perform?” Evan cooed, holding Buddy in one arm, and a bouquet of lavender and carnation flowers in another.
Zoe had gotten a gig to perform at a winter event at a local cafe. Evan was ecstatic to watch her perform (despite listening to her practice a couple times).
Evan finds an open table. A waiter comes by to ask him what he would like, and he just orders a tea.
The show began, and numerous small and local musicians arrived on stage, each singing a song, and playing many different types of instruments.
When it was Zoe’s turn to arrive on the stage, Evan’s heart sprang with excitement. As Zoe got her acoustic guitar tuned, her eyes traced around the crowd until they found Evan and Buddy. Once she did, Evan moved Buddy’s paw to make it look like he was waving at her. A smile appeared on Zoe’s face.
Zoe began to straighten up, and took in a deep breath. She began to strike the first chords of White Winter Hymnal. She began to sing softly and smoothly.
“I was following
I was following
I was following
I was following
I was following the pack
All swallowed in their coats
With scarves of red tied ‘round their throats
To keep their little heads
From falling in the snow
And I turned ‘round and there you go
And Michael you would fall
And turn the white snow red as strawberries in the summertime.”
Zoe stopped singing, still strumming her guitar. The guitar produced a soft, warm sound. She hummed along to the song. Evan closed his eyes, enjoying just the sound of her voice and guitar.
Zoe repeated the chorus a couple more times before finishing the song. The audience, including Evan, clapped for Zoe. Buddy began to howl, cheering on Zoe. The audience chuckled.
Zoe grinned before exiting the stage, allowing the next performer to take the stage. Evan left his seat, following Zoe behind the stage.
She beamed at Evan when he approached her.
“Amazing job! You sounded… gorgeous,” Evan compliments.
“Thank you. That means a lot.”
“Buddy also thought you sounded amazing,” Evan states.
Zoe holds her arms out, and Evan places Buddy in them. Buddy nuzzled into Zoe’s chest.
“I also got you these,” Evan displays the flowers to Zoe.
“Thanks Ev,” Zoe leans to him, and Evan pulls her into a hug.
“Do you think you can sing for us again tonight?”
“Always for you two.”
“Evan! How does Buddy look?”
Evan adjusted his tie as he looked over at Buddy, who was in Zoe’s arms. He wore a sparkly black bow tie. Evan and Zoe were planning to take him to the Murphys’ annual New Year’s Eve party. He would be able to meet Cynthia, Larry, Connor, Heidi, and their friends.
“Awwww, he looks so handsome,” Evan pet Buddy’s head.
“I tried putting the rest of his tuxedo on, but someone wasn’t cooperating,” Zoe says.
Buddy gives them a guilty look. Evan laughs.
“I think he looks amazing,” Evan says, “and so do you.”
“It isn’t too flashy, is it?” Zoe asked.
She wore a black top with a metallic gold skirt. It matched Evan’s black suit and gold tie.
“Nope. You look perfect. Don’t you agree Buddy?”
Buddy licks Zoe’s face.
“Thanks Bud,” Zoe presses a kiss to Buddy’s head.
“Could I get one?” Evan smirks.
“Buddy, could you give daddy a kiss?” Zoe teases, reaching the dog towards Evan.
“Zoeeeee,” Evan whines, giggling as Buddy licks his face as well.
Zoe playfully sticks out her tongue before kissing his cheek. Zoe sets Buddy down. Zoe noticed her phones started to buzz on the table. She picked it up. There were numerous different texts from her mom.
Cynthia: Are you and Evan coming?
Cynthia: The party has already started.
Zoe looked at the time. They were thirty minutes past the time they were supposed to arrive.
“Hey Evan.”
“Hm?” Evan asks as he combs his hair.
“We were supposed to be at my parent’s house thirty minutes ago.”
Evan stops, “I knew we shouldn’t have waited for Buddy to wake up.”
“In my defense, he was sleeping on my lap. What was I supposed to do, move and wake him up?”
“Fair point.”
“There you two are!” Cynthia scolds Zoe and Evan when they walk into the Murphy house, wearing a dark dress and holding a wine glass in tack, “what took you two so long?”
Before Zoe can explain, Cynthia sees Buddy in her arms.
“Did you guys get a dog?!”
“Mom, meet Buddy!” Zoe says.
“Well aren’t you the cutest!” Cynthia gushes over Buddy. Zoe sets Buddy onto the ground. He sniffs Cynthia curiously before allowing Cynthia to touch him. He curled up against Cynthia’s touch.
“He’s also such a sweetheart!” Cynthia coos.
Cynthia calls for everyone. At the moment Cynthia said the word “dog,” everyone quickly rushed to see. The moment eyes were laid on Buddy, he was all anyone could rave about.
“I think he’s enjoying the attention,” Evan chuckles.
Jared, Alana, and Connor were crouched on the ground. Jared got the brilliant idea of using his tie for a game of tug of war. Alana and Connor were cheering Buddy on as he pulled the tie, determined to win. Earlier, Larry slid small pieces of chicken for Buddy under the table during dinner, and Cynthia and Heidi had been showering him with belly rubs and kisses throughout the night. No one even noticed when midnight hit the clock. All eyes were on Buddy.
Evan and Zoe were sitting on the couch, watching Buddy like proud parents.
“He’s the star of the show,” Zoe agrees.
“I’m glad we adopted him,” Evan says, resting his head on Zoe’s shoulder, “he makes everyone happy. He makes me happy.”
“He makes me happy too,” Zoe plants a kiss to his forehead, returning her focus to Buddy, who tore the tie out of Jared’s hands. Alana scooped the dog in her arms as Jared claimed he let the dog win.
Evan smiled, closing his eyes. He wanted to savor this moment forever.
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mrs-hollandstan · 5 years
Make Me Love You || Frat Boy!Tom [one]
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Pairing: Frat Boy!Tom x Student!Reader
Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, mentions of sex that almost aren't mentions of sex, fuckboy Tom, mentions of domestic issues, a small confrontation
Word Count: 7,299
Author's Note: The teaser did really well for it being a teaser and I am SO glad. If you enjoy, lemme know what you think of it! 
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There are drastic differences between Los Angeles and Seattle like the weather, traffic, even the population, but there are also many similarities that make a transition from one city to the next, just the smallest bit easier. They always say that finding friends in Seattle is harder because the non-stop gloom, for a record breaking five months straight makes the locals reclusive. Of course, the heat in LA makes people just as reclusive, but the chance of meeting someone with your interests and mentality in the nearly 4 million population is more likely and easier to obtain compared to Seattle's 742,000. That is of course if you don't have ties already in one of the cities already.
One of the easiest transitioning factors for you, transferring from a community college in Los Angeles to a four year college up north in Seattle was your older brother Cole, who'd seemingly abandoned the half assed family you claimed and the muggy city the both of you had grown up in. It was nothing personal against you and you knew that, but the new person your father had become after the death of your mother shifted the feeling of your once love filled, perfect family, home to hostile and toxic. Your father and Cole hadn't gotten along the few months leading up to Cole leaving for Seattle and as you neared the transfer period for college, it was either tagging along with your dad and his new girlfriend to busy New York, or reunite with Cole after two long years and live in chilly Seattle. Not that either were a bad idea, but it came down to which of the men you grew up around was more tolerable and which school was best for you and your major. The end choice was Cole and Seattle, both of which seemed to invite you with open arms.
The plane ride saw a lot of rain and landing in a cold and dreary Seattle airport to be met with the soft, kind features of your older brother was something that excited and comforted you. His muscular arms encircled you and you squealed as he sighed, holding your body extremely close with a kiss to your temple. After gathering the rest of your belongings that hadn't already been shipped to Cole's house, he leads you out to the same car he drove up in, driving you to the small house you'd only seen in pictures and showing you to what would be your room when you stayed with him and not in your dorm with the roommates you'd already started conversing with. Despite being very protective and loving, Cole was willing to let you take the reigns on your own life and make all the adult decisions needed to get you your degree, whilst also supporting you and providing you the necessities to live if need be. Because he knew what it was like to be pressured and he made damn sure that you would never feel that with him. Which is part of the reason you chose him and Seattle over your father and Manhattan.
"So you said you've already talked to these girls like via text? They're cool? Because-"
"I have your place if I need it and I can always transfer to a different university if I feel pressured. I know Coleslaw." You complete your older brother's statement, his eyebrows knitting in a line at the nickname as you glance over your shoulder at him. You smile and bump his shoulder as you carry a box up towards your dorm room, navigating the endless, tan hallways of a place you'll be calling a second home for the next two years.
"Yes Cole, I'm in a group chat with the three of them. We're already good friends and I haven't even moved in yet." You explain to him as he hauls two more boxes after you, pausing to bring his knee up and get a more firm grip on the boxes in his hands. Dark curls fall onto his forehead, escapees from the mop atop his head that you've been begging him to cut for two months,
"What are their names? I-I can only remember Scarlett." He asks, hazel eyes trained on the bobbing lid of the top box he holds. You nod,
"Scarlett, Phoebe, and Ivey. Supposedly one of them has a boyfri- oh my god I'm so sorry!" You squeal, bouncing back into your brother who has the wind knocked out of him as you run into the front of a tall, dirty blonde boy, stunning crystalline eyes darting between you and Cole,
"S'alright love, no harm done. To me at least." The boy speaks up in a thick British accent, punctuating the statement with a chuckle as he watches Cole lean your boxes against a wall, supporting them on a knee again. He gives a tight lipped smile to the other boy as you glance between them,
"Sorry... I should really watch where I'm going." You reply through a small laugh. The blonde shakes his head as he looks down, chuckling softly, playfully,
"I'm alright. Came around the corner a little fast. You're all good." You nod and smile, brushing past him. You turn to each other, flashing one more kind smile before he passes Cole with a small greeting and heads down the hall you just came up. Cole nods at the boy before sighing and rolling his eyes,
"If that was your first introduction to college, I'd hate to see what the rest of it consists of." He mumbles. Narrowing your eyes, you cock you head and gesture to the boxes now bowing at his weight,
"I knew I shoulda stacked a third on there for you." You joke. He cocks his head, mockingly laughing along with you before he gestures down the hall and starts to follow again, watching you pause and check a small piece of paper in your hand before knocking at a grey door. It swings open with almost no time in between and a girl about your height with ombre hair that goes from an almost black to auburn and blonde at the tips and down the front of her shoulders, smiles,
"Y/N?" She asks as you set the box you carry on the floor and nod, her smile widening before she steps out into the hallway and pulls you into a hug, rocking you back and forth and squealing,
"Its about time you showed up." She says. Leaning back, she glances over your shoulder at Cole,
"Come on in you guys, your room's the first room on the right." She says as you step aside for Cole and follow him in once you pick up your own abandoned box. He sets the two he carries on the tan carpet, placing his hands on his hips with a sigh,
"Its nice. It's real open." He says as you set your own box beside his. You nod and smile, turning to your roommates as they crowd in the room. The two other girls share their hugs with you as Phoebe introduces herself to Cole now that she's already met you both at the front door. Ivey's skin is tan and the dark brown hair that's cut to rest at her shoulders, frames a beautiful, caked face that sparkles with every move. Scarlett's dark skin is just as shiny and beautiful as Ivey's and her hair is tied up with a bandana wrapped around the crown of her head. They stand back, one of Scarlett's hands in yours, one of Ivey's hands rested on your arm as you have your first, in person interaction with them. The small group shifts to Phoebe and Cole, Ivey and Scarlett introducing themselves to the taller boy. You stand in a small, comfortable circle before Scarlett sighs,
"Well... you're getting your first taste of peer pressure. We're taking you to a frat party tonight. It's like their little intro party before club rush and initiation and all that. This party sort of shows guys what its like before they make the pledge." She explains, watching you nod. Cole scoffs,
"Like she'll need the peer pressure. Can she pledge? She could be there keg king." He jokes, making the other girls in the room laugh as you look at him and mockingly laugh,
"Oh ha ha, wonder where I learned that shit? Got it from my party animal big brother." You say, watching Cole stick his tongue out as you playfully punch his ribs. He chuckles and runs the area before heading for the door,
"Why don't you guys finish getting acquainted and get Y/N comfortable while I get the two other boxes." He says. You nod, as do the other girls before he leaves the room and the three of them turn back to you,
"Are you excited? Finally living on campus and getting into that college life. Its cool right?" Ivey asks. You nod,
"Yeah, it's a little scary being... away from home, but LA isn't even where my dad is living anymore so, home is technically here now. Mostly with Cole but... here too, with the three of you." You nervously explain. They all smile at you as you look between them, already warm and inviting. Phoebe holds her hand out and you take it, letting her pull you through your door and further down the hall. She points to a closed door on the left at the very end of the hallway,
"My room," She says as she opens it to show off an already decorated and beautiful white room, fairy lights lining the roof, "this is where we have movie nights cause I have a projector." She says, her nose crinkling. You nod and smile, spinning on your heels to follow her as she opens the door across from her own,
"Scarlett's room. This is where you'll most likely find hair or makeup products you need. Maybe your own, who knows." She jokes, smiling wider as Scarlett scoffs and you look around the room, nodding at the organized vanity and makeup selection set up strategically in a corner of the room. Leaving that door open as well, Phoebe brushes past you to open the second door down,
"Bathroom. Nothing too special. We kinda all share body washes and toothpastes and stuff. It's a community." Phoebe says with a shrug, closing the door before walking to the room just across from yours,
"And here," She says in a sigh, "is Ivey's room. She's got a boyfriend so... we have to warn you in advance that any howling or screaming you hear isn't a virgin being sacrificed, it's just Ivey and her thing. Also, we have to warn that anything you find that might be disturbing is... grounds for therapy so, we're here for you." She jokes yet again, laying a hand over your shoulder. You giggle as Ivey swipes a hand over her face, mumbling explicits and disgraced words. She crosses her arms with a flat expression,
"We very rarely do anything here and there is nothing that we do that will get us caught by any of you. In the two years we've lived together, I have never been caught." She explains. You, Scarlett, and Phoebe smile and giggle at her before she swallows,
"We haven't been caught here at least. But to be fair, his brothers are nosey and don't knock." She justifies as the other two girls giggle and snicker. You frown,
"Brothers?" You quiz. Ivey nods, moving back and forth from her toes to her heels,
"He's in a frat. The frat party we're going to tonight, it's his frat." She explains. You nod and turn to Scarlett as she starts to speak,
"His brothers are pretty hot but goddamn they're like little boys. Some of them have that whole douchebag thing goin, but for the most part they're all pretty hot." She says with a wink. You nod again as she looks you over, glancing up when Cole returns with two more boxes,
"You don't happen to have a smashing dress to wear in those boxes, do you?" Scarlett asks. You shrug, glancing back at Cole when he emerges from your room before you turn back the the group with a shake of your head,
"Guess not. I have some cute clothes but I don't know if they're frat boy impressing worthy." You say. The girls smile as Cole sighs behind you,
"We're already looking for frat boys to impress?" He asks, somewhat breathless. You shrug,
"Ivey's boyfriend is part of the frat that's throwing the party tonight and the girls all say his brothers are pretty good looking." You explain. He nods, looking between the four of you. Scarlett cocks her head,
“You’re so much more willing and open-minded than most older brothers who hear this kinda stuff talked about with their younger sisters.” She says. His eyes linger on her for a moment before he shrugs,
“I’m living my own life. I don’t have time to live vicariously through her too.” He says. You smile, binding your arms around his waist. He kisses your temple,
“BUT… I will kill someone that hurts her. I will kill a frat guy.” He adds making the girls smile. You glance up at him, crinkling your nose. There’s a moment of silence before Phoebe sighs,
"Well, going back to the outfit thing, if you wanna borrow some of our clothes to piece together a rockin outfit, you're more than welcome. We can take you shopping soon." She says. You smile and nod, thanking the group collectively before Cole reaches up to rub your shoulders,
"Wanna come get your bag from my car, walk me out?" He asks. You nod, turning with him and following him down the same hallways as before until you're standing at the curb, closing the passenger side door after retrieving your duffel and regular backpack. Cole sighs, hands tucked in his pockets,
"So when do I get custody?" He jokes. You smile, playfully leaning in to punch his stomach this time,
"I'll uhh... I'll come back Sunday maybe. I dunno yet. Depends on how I cope with all this new life stuff." You say with a shrug. He nods, chewing the inside of his cheek. He looks up, searching your face for a moment as you think,
"Just have fun tonight if you go. Let loose and make new friends, ya know? Don't think that college is strictly academic. But... just be careful. Don't set your drink down anywhere, anything like that. Ya never know who you're dealin with." He warns. You nod along to him, rolling your eyes,
"Common sense Cole." You say. He nods, pulling you into him, arms wrapped around your shoulders,
"I know, I know, but if you're drugged the first day you're here with me, dad'll most definitely force you up there in New York." He tells you. Holding him with your arms wrapped around his waist, you sigh,
"I'm not gettin drugged. I'll be careful." You reason. He nods again, kissing your temple before he releases you,
"Just do me a favor and text me when you go places if you can remember. Try to remember to text me like... at least five times a day so I know you're alive." You smile up at your mother hen like older brother who holds your hand, dragging out the last few moments you have together, today. You purse your lips,
"Yeah Cole, I will. When dad texts me asking if I'm alive every twenty minutes I'll make sure to shoot you a text." He chuckles softly,
"Alright, good. I love you." You stand on your toes to kiss his cheek,
"Love you too. I'll maybe see you Sunday." You remind. He nods as he let's go of your hand and starts to round the car,
"Maybe Sunday." He repeats before climbing into his car and starting it, driving off as you stand at the curb. Despite the short distance from his house to the college, your heart aches a little. Not just because he's leaving you after only having you in his home for a day and a half, but because after he left California, you two practically never talked. He texted you and called you every once in a while but that older brother that you talked about was all a myth once he came to Seattle and you were fearful of the same thing happening this time around.
Not dwelling on it to long, you make your trip back up to your dorm room with ease, nudging the door open with your shoulder. As you kick the front door closed and head down the hall, Ivey peeks her head out of her room, smiling at you. The rest of her body appears and she sighs,
"We're all just gonna be in our rooms. When you're ready you can come raid our closets. Something cute that shows you're available but still shows that you... mean business." She explains with a shrug. You nod and set your bags just inside the door,
"Cool. Thanks. I uhm... I'm gonna do some unpacking you say, suddenly nervous now that Cole's comfort and protection isn't there. She smiles again, nodding back,
"We're leavin here at six thirty, just be ready, okay?" You give a silent okay back before heading into your own room and unpacking what you can before they bombard you with twenty questions on what you're wearing. Settling on an oversized jean jacket and white tube top from Ivey and an army green suede skirt from Scarlett, the four of you are taking mirror selfies and heading out to Scarlett's car in record time, your heart thumping loudly in pure nerves as you head into the unknown. The second you pull up in front of the Psi Sigma Tau frat house, you seem to get lightheaded as your nerves amp up. Climbing from the car, Ivey rubs your shoulders,
"The boys are gonna love you. And trust us... none of them are... too bad of assholes. Tom is probably the worse but he won't fuck with new blood." Ivey informs. You nod, following Scarlett and Phoebe up to the open front door, watching Scarlett open the screen door and walk inside, the three of them never leaving you as they lead you to the kitchen. A group of boys turn, one of them, the same you and Cole ran into earlier. He smiles as Ivey approaches him, wrapping her in his arms. They share a kiss before he looks up, eyebrows furrowing as he spots you,
"You ran into me earlier." He reminds you, watching a smile cover your face as Ivey looks to you and he chuckles,
"You did?" She asks. You nod, tucking your hands in the pockets of the jean jacket you wear,
"Uhh, yeah, I did. Cole and I were coming around a corner, the same time he was and I bumped into him." You reminisce, your cheeks burning at the thought of always seeing him now that you know one of your roommates is dating him when you made a complete ass of yourself. He chuckles again, draping his arm around Ivey's shoulders as she wraps her arms around his lean torso,
"'S alright. I told you that already. No harm, no foul." He says, smirk never leaving his lips as his frost colored eyes linger on you. You smile and nod as Ivey sighs, reaching up to proudly place her hand over his stomach,
"This is my boyfriend, Harrison. He and his best friend Tom came here together from London." She explains, looking up at him. His eyes pull away from you to look down at her. He purses his lips as he hums, satisfied,
"Got watched by this one in English so I snatched her up. Left Tom as eligible bachelor. He was pretty pissed about that one but," he glances up at you again, "he's a little bit of a ladies man. Decent enough to be the douchebag one night stand guy." He says. You nod to show that you've been listening before Harrison looks you over,
"And… not that he has a particular type or anything, but you fit the curriculum for someone he'd be into." He adds. You shake your head,
"I'm not a one night stand type of girl. If anything, I want a boyfriend. So," you look around the kitchen and living room, "which one is Tom so I know to steer clear?" You ask, letting Phoebe turn you and point through the small crowd that's already started to form in the dark, strobe lit living room. Through it, you can see a perky blonde in a tight dress leaned against a wall, talking to a striking young brunette, tight fitted tee and jeans clinging to every muscular limb that he has to offer, a black cap hanging off his head, backwards, his cute yet prominent ears poking up past the hat. You swallow your tongue at the sight of him. He's gorgeous and you can already tell that it's easier said than done with that one when it comes to steering clear of him. As if he can hear your thoughts, he glances up, spotting you and Phoebe. Your heart stops as a smile crosses his lips and he waves softly, excusing himself from the blonde to head your way. Phoebe hums before releasing you and stepping forward to hug him when he steps into the kitchen. He sets his drink down on the counter, pressing his free hand to her lower back, the two of them talking back and forth, too quiet for you to hear over the music. All you can do is stare at his beautiful face in the new light.
He truly is stunning, cream colored face stealing your breath straight from your lungs. His skin, specifically his somewhat crooked nose and full cheeks are littered with cocoa colored freckles. He practically lacks an upper lip, but his bottom lip is somewhat plump and berry colored, kissable if need be. His nose is perfect despite the bend and cute, but his eyes are what really set you off. He has beautiful dark brown eyes that are accentuated through long, angelic lashes that flutter every few words uttered from his lips or to him from Phoebe's and they almost meet his thick, trimmed eyebrows, the end of one of them tapering up wildly. His forehead is nearly covered by the dark brown hair that is voluminous and fluffy and looks completely inviting despite the snapback he wears.
His eyes cut to you suddenly like he can feel yours on him, a soft, almost demonic, hungry smile crossing his face as his tongue comes out to wet his lips. The shift in focus to you has Phoebe turning to face you, eyes still locked on Tom to gauge his reactions to you. His adam's apple bobs as he swallows, looking you over, the piercing dark eyes he's blessed with making you feel small in that one moment. And then he speaks in a somewhat deep voice enriched with a similar, tranquilizing European accent to Harrison's that makes your knees weak,
"And who do we have here?" You're broken from your thoughts by him. Phoebe turns to you,
"This is Y/N, Tom. It's the roommate Scar, Ivey, and I were talking about coming in today. She's at her first frat party ever." She replies, sultrily as Tom's eyebrows raising,
"Wow, look at you darling. Little daredevil like your roomies. Well... welcome. Your girls are some of the best here, I suppose you won't be any different." He directs to you. You swallow and smile, watching Phoebe cock her head,
"He doesn't bite Y/N." She says, her hand pressed to his stomach similar to the way Ivey did to Harrison. Tom closes his mouth to give a tight lipped smile,
"Unless you want me to." He jokes making Phoebe giggle. You nod and reach up to tuck hair behind your ear,
"Sorry... uhm... yeah, I wasn't gonna not come. I actually... think I need a drink." You say, suddenly flushed. Tom hums, looking over your shoulder,
"Why don't we slam some shots then, yeah?" He poses, pressing his hand to your lower back when you nod and follow, watching him and Phoebe pour out a row of shots. The three of you, Harrison, Scarlett, Ivey and a few other boys raise them. Phoebe sighs,
"To our ever growing group of friends." She says. You all say cheers before clinking the glasses and downing your shots. Most of the group shivers and retches at the sting, but you and Tom are primarily the only ones that don't and you don't catch it, but Tom watches you, his heart skipping a beat when all you do is set the shot glass down and lick your lips to ensure you got all of the alcohol your glass contained. You sigh before looking up wide eyed at Tom when he snaps at you,
"You're my kinda girl, get your pretty little ass over here and let's do a shot together." He demands. You glance around the group that's starting to break out into laughter before snorting,
"What?" The group laughs along with you, Tom's own face turning up into a smile,
"You didn't even flinch when you took that. Most people do. I like when a girl doesn't overreact. So let's take another shot together." He elaborates. After another moment, you nod, switching spots with Phoebe and watching Tom pour two more shots before he hands you one. You take it, only to have him lock arms with you, raising his eyebrows before the both of you throw your shots back, only hissing as it burns your chests. He steps back, tongue darting out to wet his lips before he looks at you again,
"Where the fuck have you been all my life?" He asks. You giggle, taking an opened beer from Scarlett and raising it to your lips,
"California, little British boy." You reply back snarkily, raising your eyebrows as he does, letting him watch you take a swig from the bottle you hold. A beer is offered to Tom, but he shakes his head,
"Nah, I got a game Sunday morning. With my luck I'll still be hungover for it,  won't be able to focus." He explains, his attention shifting to the party in full swing out in the living room. You walk to lean back against the counter beside Ivey, the both of you leaning so she can be the only one to hear you whisper.
"Game? So he's the stereotypical douchebag frat boy that plays football or something?" You pose. She giggles, shaking her head,
"No, he's actually pretty cool, really. He and Haz play golf so they a game Sunday. I should force you to come so we can support them." She replies with a knowing smile. You hum, sipping more from your beer bottle as Phoebe and Scarlett talk Tom up, allowing you to get a better view of him without him knowing you're staring. You swallow, Ivey giggling again as she watches you watch him. You glance at her, searching her face,
"What?" You ask. She shakes her head,
"Nothin. Need a distraction from a cute little British boy?" She asks, raising an eyebrow. You nod quickly, Ivey moving from under Harrison's arm, tugging him after her and headed straight for Scarlett and Phoebe,
"Girl dilemma ladies, its dance time." She informs the two other girls, both of their eyes landing on you before they nod and the group is excused from Tom to the middle of the living room where you find your rhythm with your roommates and Harrison, you holding Scarlett's arms around you as the two of you start to dance together.
Unbeknownst to you, Tom never strayed far. After the group abandoned him, he wandered to lean against the kitchen's doorway, eyes glued to your figure, lost in the music and your roommates. You've forgotten about him temporarily, but his mind is still fixed on you. He can't believe that the one girl that he wants more than anything just based off the concoction of sheer beauty, intelligence, boldness and valor, has just almost brushed him off. Most girls throw themselves at him and he doesn't have to ask for it, but you're different. And that's what attracts Tom the most. You're independent, tenacious and confident. You know what you want and he knows that you're the type to get it, thanks to your dad's own stubbornness you seemed to have inherited. If you were any other girl, he could've had his quick fix and been onto the next, but the way you entice him without even meaning to is what draws him in and keeps him in your clutches.
"Its impolite to stare." Another frat brother, Jeremiah jokes, bumping Tom's shoulder and effectively breaking him from his thoughts. His eyes don't leave you, but he licks his lips, Jeremiah following his eyes to your figure. Jeremiah hums,
"Who's the new girl?"
"Her name's Y/N." Tom replies almost immediately. Jeremiah blinks in surprise at the suddenness, looking Tom over. His eyes sparkle in the rainbow strobe lights that light the living room up as he watches you dance with your roommates. Jeremiah chuckles, Tom finally looking at him,
"What?" He asks. Jeremiah shrugs,
"You're the type to seduce a girl, take her to bed for one night and never talk to her again and here you are starin at this one like a fuckin tiger watchin a gazelle. What's so special about her?" Jeremiah asks. Tom shrugs, crossing his arms,
"She didn't even... care about me. Did two shots together and she didn't even care about how I started to come onto her." He mutters. Jeremiah hums, sipping the concoction in his cup, eyes crinkling at the sting,
"So she's smart. She stays away from you, she doesn't have to deal with the shit." Tom clicks his tongue, frowning as he looks at Jeremiah again,
"I'm not that bad."
"You made Delilah Rhodes cry like a middle schooler two weeks ago because you didn't call her back and she'd given you everything, including her virginity. You told her that you'd always be there for her just to get into her pants and the second you did, you dropped her." Jeremiah recalls, eyes finding you the same Tom's do. You're prettier than some of the girls Tom chooses. But he knows Tom. The second he gets you into his bed, he'll get over you. But it's about getting you there that Tom's obsessed with. Seducing you, knowing he's good enough to get any girl he wants and if he can't have you, his ego is gonna suffer a severe beating. Tom nods after a moment,
"I know, I remember." He replies nonchalantly. Jeremiah scoffs,
"What makes her different than Delilah then? Why couldn'tyou have stayed with her?" He asks. Tom's eyes linger on you for a few moments more before he looks to Jeremiah, eyes sparkling in mischief as he clears his throat,
"She doesn't want me right now like all the other girls, including Delilah did. You get that girl a little tipsy and she's out." He informs. Jeremiah looks his friend over, watching his attention divert to you again before he looks that way, sighing to himself,
"Poor girl isn't gonna know what hit her when you're done." He mutters, finishing off the drink in his hand before turning to the array of bottles behind him to make a new one. Tom is still entranced by you, unable to pull his eyes from your figure in the almost half an hour. A number of his brothers approach him and leave him to his stalking, and eventually Ivey is the first to spot him staring, leaning back to whisper in Harrison's ear. Gis hands wandering her body as he looks at his best friend, giving you a quick look over before he gives a soft chuckle and let's her lean forward into you, Scarlett, and Phoebe,
"Don't all look at once but... there's a creep watching you, Y/N, at your three o'clock." She informs. Glancing to your right, you catch Tom's eye, watching him lick his lips and purse them before looking away, almost as if he's embarassed that he's been caught. Scarlett clears hair from your shoulder,
"So what's the plan here babes? Are you giving him a show or inviting him?" She asks in your ear. You're panting, breathless from dancing. You let Phoebe slip your jacket from your shoulders, letting it hang in your elbows, her eyes locked in yours. The corners of her lips quirk,
"Fuck him... let him gawk." She says. You nod, holding her hands and feeling Scarlett's hands wander your hips. Your heart beats a little faster and you can't tell if it's because of the fact you're being watched by someone like Tom or because of the way you've been dancing since you got out here. One thing is for certain, you need another drink. Pulling Phoebe's hands, you tell her, watching her nod and hold your hand, leading you in Tom's direction. If he'd claimed that his heart didn't skip a beat when you and Phoebe beelined for him, he'd definitely be lying and he was convinced it showed in his face. Phoebe raised an eyebrow as you passed him, Tom's body turning with you, watching you sort through the alcohol on the counter and pour a drink of your choice in your cup. She leans across the counter across from him, crossing her arms and looking him over as he watches you again.
"Its creepy to stare Tom. Especially if it's a girl that doesn't know how you operate. How do you know she wants to be stared at?"
"There's nothing wrong with looking at her." Tom defends himself, eyes cutting back to her and then to you again when you shift to see the both of them. You look between them before throwing back the alcohol in the bottom of your cup before filling it with more and walking forward,
“So what, I’m like another target for you? New concubine because I don’t know who you are?” You ask. His eyebrows knit together before he scoffs and pushes himself off of the cupboard behind him, turning to face you and Phoebe,
"Did I say that? Just cause I'm looking, doesn't mean I wanna fuck you."
"So if I asked you to take me upstairs to your room, you wouldn't and then tomorrow morning, after I leave, you wouldn't completely ditch me?" You ask, standing against the counter full of alcohol. He looks between you before shaking his head softly,
“What makes you think you're my type to take you upstairs in the first place?"
"Oh please, you'd fuck a hole in a wall Holland." Phoebe chastises. Tom scoffs again, crossing his arms defensively,
"You know what, fuck you both.” He bites back before pushing through the crowd and heading upstairs, disappearing down the hall. You and Phoebe look to each other, your roommate giggling softly before she shakes her head in unsaid words. You feel instant remorse, concluding something about a man you’d just met. You were just following the lead of your girls, but it wasn’t right to be teasing him so early on. Especially when you didn’t know what he actually thought of you. Phoebe waits until you set your cup down to reach out,
“Come on. Forget about it, he’ll get over it.” She says, seeming to read your mind. You’re weary, but you take her hand and follow her back out to the dance floor, finding Scarlett, Ivey, and Harrison immediately,
“What was said?” Ivey asks worriedly, gesturing up the stairs. Harrison is just as interested and as you look between them, Phoebe catches on and steps in front of them, dragging your hands up to her shoulders,
“Drop it. He’s a sensitive little pussy and just like everything else, he’ll get over it.” She replies, eyes locked in yours. You focus back on her and Scarlett as she holds your hips again. And for another hour, you’re lost in the fun of a frat party with your new friends. There’s a dozen songs and a dozen drinks that your small group goes through. Phoebe, presenting herself now as the Tom of your small group discovers a guy that seems to take a liking to her, ditching you and Scarlett, not far, for him. Ivey and Harrison whisper back and forth a few times before they sneak off and its the three of you, plus one, tiredness starting to sink in not long after. You, Scarlett, and Phoebe find solace on a couch, sweaty and panting, Phoebe’s dancing partner long gone. She sighs, checking her phone,
“Should go find Ivey and get out of here.” She says, looking to you and Scarlett. You nod, standing,
“I’ll do it. I have to pee anyways.” You mutter, finding your way to the staircase and to a bathroom. Afterwards, you look between the two closed doors that line the hallway. Choosing the closest to the stairs, it clicks open and you push through it just slightly to peek in. Tom sits at a desk, small side lamp on. He looks up at the disturbance, frowning as you stand there, mouth slightly ajar. He surprised that seeing your face doesn't bother him considering your last interaction. But considering the number of fights he and Phoebe have had and they're still friends, he's not too surprised.
“Oh… uhm… sorry, I was looking for Harrison and Ivey.” You start. He hums and nods in understanding. He gestures over his shoulder with his chin,
“Next door. But uhm… I don’t recommend barging in like that. His headboard’s bumped the wall a few times already and trust me... walking in on them is terrifying. It's not like in the movies. They don't hide it.” He informs. You giggle, nodding, hand tightening around the doorknob as you anticipate what to say next as he focuses back at the work before him for a moment. He glances back up when you don’t move from the room. Swiveling in his chair, he faces you with furrowed brows,
“Was there something else?” He asks. Not wanting to push your boundaries too far, you straighten your body out, closing the door a small bit behind you for more privacy from the drunks in the hallway,
“Yeah. Uhm… I wanted to apologize for earlier. I-I thought it’d just be a joke, what I said, but… it was insensitive. I don’t know you and I’m sorry for joking with you and making it so personal.” You smooth out. He leans forward slightly, clasping his hands together. He gives a gentle nod,
“‘S alright. I shouldn’t have been staring. I was bein a creep.”
“No… no, I don’t mind. It’s kind of endearing and I just… I slandered you. My brother would’ve smacked the shit out of me for that one. So… I’m sorry. Hopefully we can… start over and get off on the right foot.” You clarify. He smiles softly, standing and starting towards you as you lean against the wall at your back. He sighs, pausing a few steps away,
“I appreciate it and I accept your apology. I think you and I will be A okay love. Just gotta get a little more socializing behind us.” He says, somewhat quietly. You smile and nod, pivoting on your feet,
“I like the way that sounds. You seem really cool.” You say. You share a smile, standing staring at each other for a moment. He tucks his hands in his pockets, shoulders tensing as he looks at his feet,
"I do want to officially apologize to you and I want you to accept my apology. It was creepy of me to stare and I shouldn't have been. So I'm sorry for that. I promise not to be a creep in our future endeavors." He swears. You smile and nod, reaching up to tuck hair behind your ear,
"Of course I accept your apology. We're starting over." You reassure, letting silence permeate for a few moments after Tom chuckles and nods  before you sigh,
“Well… I’ll uhh… I’ll see you around then. I gotta… get Ivey.” You remind, watching him nod before you turn and open the door, closing it behind you and heading further down the hall. Knocking at the other closed door, you wait a few minutes until Harrison pulls it open, somewhat breathless and shirtless, skin flushed,
“Hey Y/N, what’s up?”
“Hey, uhm… I’m looking for Ivey. The other girls are ready to go home so… I just thought I’d come and see if she was uhh… ready or anything?” You explain, face reddening at how stupid the explaination sounds considering you know what your roommate and her boyfriend are up to and he knows you know. He smiles, glancing over his shoulder, behind the door,
“Uhm… yeah, I think I’ll bring her home later. We’re kinda busy at the moment.” He responds with a soft chuckle. You swallow and nod, cheeks burning in embarrassment,
"Right, yeah, sorry. Uhm... just... tell her I'll see her later and uhh... goodnight to you." You reply kindly, Harrison nodding and coolly reassuring you he will before he closes the door and leaves you to head back into the crowds downstairs, finding Phoebe and Scarlett, jackets back on and leaned against cabinets, waiting for you. When you approach, they both stand up straight,
"So what's up? Did you join them or something? You were gone a while." Phoebe chastises. You click your tongue, shooting her an unamused look as Scarlett giggles softly,
"No, I ran into Tom before I found them. He and I... cleared things up. We're starting over and giving a friendship another go." You say proudly, both girls nodding, impressed,
"Nice. He's a good friend to have but uhh... you better put your hormones back in their box. You end up as more than friends, he could break your heart." Scarlett warns. You nod, pivoting on your feet and soaking the information in. She sighs to break the silence between the three of you,
"Anyways, let's get home. We're takin you shopping tomorrow once Prince Charming drops Ivey off." She says, headed for the door with you and Phoebe in tow.
It was fun letting loose for the night before classes start. Your welcome party was successful and less drunk and destructive as the movies make it out. Though somewhat dramatic with Tom, you enjoyed meeting new people and establishing relationships you wouldn't have if you'd been a hermit. But Scarlett's words weigh on you somewhat. No matter what, you and Tom would have some sort of relationship. Whether you took the bait or not and spiraled into a love affair with the beautiful curly haired boy would change your life completely. It scared you, but the idea of getting in some trouble excites you and who knows, maybe you could establish a friends with benefits type of relationship with him for a little bit of fun without the stress of a strings attached relationship. To focus on school and all of the other life changing things that were being thrusted your way, maybe it would be nice to have someone to fool around with and rant to if need be. And why not make it the pretty little British boy that you know has his eyes on you? There wouldn't be any harm in that, right?
Permanent Taglist: @embrace-themagic @delicioustommy @spiderman-n @winters-beauty @smexylemony @lolabean1998 @musiclover1263 @xxtomxo @chillinjules @sincerelyfan @justkeepdreaminganddreaming @spnobsessedmemes @holland-aisesauce @7x-7x
Series Taglist: @maybemona @spideyyeet @princess-chocolate-drop
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orangeoctopi7 · 3 years
Fly Away Home
I’ve got two ongoing Gravity Falls fics to work on and Stanuary starts in two weeks, but Hilda Season 2, man! I gotta write what I think happened to my favorite absentee character!
 * * *
It was a sunny day, and despite the strong winds, it was unseasonably warm for early Winter in Trolberg. The snow had melted in all but a few shady spots, and the weather was perfect for kite flying. Which was exactly what Hilda and her friends had decided to do for the day.
“Did you do much kite flying out in the wilderness?” Frida asked as she let a bit more slack into her kitestring. 
“Not much, no.” Hilda admitted, still struggling to keep her own kite from repeatedly nose-diving onto the nearest rooftop. “I do recall my Mum taking me out to the meadow with a kite a few times when I was really little…” she pulled too hard on her kitestring and it finally came to a rough landing atop a nearby apartment complex. “But she did most of the steering.” She gave the line a few good tugs, but the kite was caught on something, and wouldn’t come down. After a particularly harsh pull, the line snapped.
“Oh well, I guess it belongs to some Nisse now.” Hilda shrugged.
“At least when you crash a kite, it doesn’t hurt nearly as much as crashing a bike.” David reasoned. He’d brought a rather nice trick kite, with a line attached to each wing, so he could steer it better. He made it do a fancy loop and dip, before pulling back up steady.
“David, how did you get so good at kite flying?” Frida asked.
“Well, it’s easy if you’ve got a good kite. My dad thinks they’re really cool. We go out kite flying together all the time.” He shrugged. “This is my kind of excitement. The kite up there gets to deal with the raging wind and terrifying heights, while I get to stay down here with both feet firmly on the ground.”
“Not nearly as exciting as riding a Woff.” Hilda pointed out.
“Yeah, that’s kind of why I like it.” David answered.
“Oh, we had a beautiful kite-flying festival up in the Northern Counties.” Alfur reminisced. “If you’d been able to see us back then, you would have seen kites flying all across the valley every spring.”
Hilda was starting to get bored of watching her friends fly their kites when another gust of wind whistled through the park, blowing a dark-plumed bird off course, and straight into David’s kite. Both the kite and bird fell to the ground with a soft thud.
“Dyeh, I meant to do that!” The bird said, dusting itself off. 
“The Great Raven!” Hilda gasped, stepping forward to make sure her friend was ok.
“Oh, hello again.” David greeted the talking bird politely as he picked up his kite and inspected it for damage.
“That’s the Great Raven?” Frida asked incredulously. 
“Well, yes and no.” The Raven answered. “I’m actually a Thunderbird, but due to a bit of a misunderstanding, I’ve been coming back here to be the Great Raven for the Bird Parade for years.”
“But you’re so small!”
“Well, not all the time.” The Raven defended.
“What brings you here?” Hilda asked.
“Oh, I wanted to say goodbye, before I left for home.”
“You’re leaving?” Alfur asked disappointedly. 
“Well, yeah, I’m not actually from around here!” The bird explained. “I’m actually from across the ocean. I usually head for Trolberg towards the end of summer, and get here just a few days before the Bird Parade. Then I’ll stick around until it starts getting really cold. I usually try to leave before the first big snow storm, but thanks to a certain mad scientist lady, that didn’t go as planned this year.”
“Wow, I didn’t realize you lived all the way across the ocean!” Hilda marveled. “What’s it like there?”
“A lot warmer and drier than here, that’s for sure.” The Raven puffed up his feathers, as though he was trying to capture more sunlight.
“And you fly all that way, all by yourself?” Frida  wondered.
“Well, I wouldn’t say all by myself. Plenty of other migratory birds make the trip this time of year! Y’know, I’ve been coming here every year since this place was just a little village, back when the wall was just logs and mud, and I’ve made friends with plenty of local birds. But this is my first time meeting and befriending some of the local humans!” 
Alfur cleared his throat. 
“And elves.” The Raven added. “And it’s all thanks to you, Hilda! I don’t know what would’ve happened to me if you hadn’t stepped in to help when that kid hit me with a rock. Or when I fell into the river, for that matter.”
“Well, I couldn’t just sit there and let those awful children throw rocks at birds, could I?” Hilda said modestly, as if it were a simple thing that anyone would do.
“It’s a bigger deal than I think you realize.” The Raven assured her. “You get to see different sides of people, when you can choose to be big or small. When I’m a great big Thunderbird, most everyone treats me with respect. But when I’m a little guy? Not so much. You guys are some of the few people who’ve ever been so kind to me whether I was big or small.”
“Well, we little guys have got to stick together, eh?” Alfur grinned.
The Raven smiled back. “You’ve got that right!”
“Will we see you again next year?” Frida asked. “I’ve only just met you!”
“You can count on it!” The Raven assured her. “Folks around here tend to take it as a bad omen if I don’t show up for the parade, after all!”
“Oh, Raven, before you go!” Alfur reached into wherever he always kept his notebook and pulled out a tiny camera. “I’d like to take a picture to remember you by.”
“Oh, uh, are you sure?” The Raven shuffled his feet shyly. “I’m really not very photogenic.”
“Nonsense, I’ll be happy with it no matter how it turns out.” Alfur insisted. He snapped his photo before the Raven could protest further. “Besides, I’ve been meaning to put up some more pictures around my room.”
“Well, I’d better get going while I’ve still got a few hours of sunlight left.” The Raven hopped on top of a nearby park bench, and spread his wings. “Goodbye Hilda! Goodbye Alfur! Goodbye David! Goodbye Frigga!”
“Uh, actually it’s Frida!” Frida corrected him as he flew off.
“He is very bad with new names.” Hilda assured her.
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candideangel · 4 years
Firmament Tomfoolery
A cold wind ripped through the Firmament, bringing with it the soft tufts of snow along with it, streaking across the stone, the sounds in the distance made G’raha Tia’s ear flick every so often as artisans, stonemasons, and many other workers were hard at their positions. Meanwhile he was leaning against a wall, bundled up in a coat and even with the added layers, the freezing temperature caused him to shiver. Often he was used to much warmer climes like that of the Sagoli desert, or Thanalan as a whole, but when his bard lover had invited him to come to Ishgard to take a look around the Firmament, he agreed almost instantly. He wasn’t going to deny that the spectacle was one to look at, how people came all across Eorzea to help rebuild a place broken apart by the war of dragons. Often he wondered, had this been going on while he was sleeping? 
Breathing out a soft sigh, a small cloud of mist forming from his lips, his ruby eyes would look over to where he would watch Angelique helping at one of the food stalls a warm stew of her own make this time around she had mentioned. A shade of red touched his cheeks though, because while he had seen much in his lifetime, including a future where he had become a man worthwhile, beasts of plenty, the wonders of the tower; he had never thought he would see such a uniform that the Twin Adders would allow on any person! The dress coat was a pale yellow, a collar (if one could call it that) was white, every piece fitted and hugged curves of the form it was made for. But Twelve forbid he couldn’t understand the reasoning for such a low-cut, scoop neckline, and the shortest skirt only just a finger’s breadth of revealing smalls. What was worse? Angelique kept having to bend over for some task or another, practically showing off the valley of her breasts and thighs peeking out from the skirt. While his tail twitched in slight agitation of the male audience that was certainly getting a kick out of it, and the rational part of his mind wondering why in the Seven Hells his love wasn’t wearing a real coat in this blasted weather, he was digging his nails into his arms to keep himself from wanting to go forward, scoop the beloved Warrior of Light and Darkness up into his arms and walk away.
G’raha’s breath caught for a moment in his throat when he felt her dark jade eyes meet his ruby ones, tail stiffening straight. Had...she been smirking?! By Azeyma did he want to slam his head against the brick wall behind him while his mind was starting to spin yarns and creating painted images of passion filled moments, thoughts of ripping away that damned coatee until the buttons released from the threads; freeing every last ilm of flesh that his lips would trace along. The Miqo’te’s ear gave a small flick as moans unheard to all else except him, followed by his own soft groan, tilting his heating face against the cool stone as his blood began to rush. He shouldn’t be thinking these thoughts! At least not while he was fully aware he was in public, but Gods that outfit was making it hard not to think straight. He swore that Angelique was doing this on purpose!
A shiver coursed through him as soft gloved fingertips traced along his jawline, along the scar that had remained as proof of his and the Exarch’s fusion of soul and aether, lips slightly cold would follow in their wake, but trailing up...up to his ear-- a soft breathy voice speaking so close it almost reverberated; “Raha…”
“G’raha?” Angelique’s voice broke him out of his stupor and gasping for the bitter air like a drowning man, turning his head to face the bard who was standing in front of him, tilting her head. Her arms were folded a little across her chest and eyebrow arched up in a delicate, yet confused curve. “You didn’t doze off there did you?” she asked curiously, “You didn’t respond the first time I called out to you.”
“...Fine!” his voice finally came and squeaked in a slightly higher pitch that he didn’t realize he could even go. His arms relaxed a little from their state, “I’m...I’m fine…” he spoke, clearing his throat, another cold breeze swept by and despite the shiver it almost felt like a relief to the spike in his body temperature. However, even if this was the case, G’raha would start to undo the buttons to the coat and would pull it off in order to wrap it around Angelique’s shoulders, “You on the other hand really should learn to wear a coat, you may be claimed as invincible but your body is just as mortal as the rest of us. It wouldn’t do you good if you fell ill or got frostbite.” He muttered softly, relieved when he saw the bard lightly tug it closer with a small smile.
“Of course, it just slips my mind.” Angelique replied, closing her eyes a little as she relished in the saved body heat that the coat had contained, a faint hint of citrus wafting from it, G’raha had been in the bath oil again, not that she could ever be mad since the scent to her was rather comforting. However, she was looking G’raha over for a moment, his jaw still seemed slightly tight, tail flicking ever so slightly with a touch of agitation, but was it the cold? Perhaps she had gone a little far. Reaching over she would gently take hold of his hand and give him her sweetest smile she could give him, “Come, I know of a way that will warm the both of us.”
When she had suggested a place to warm up, the Miqo’te had believed that perhaps it was going to be taking refuge in Ishgard’s Forgotten Knight, the local tavern, drinking a warm mulled wine, having a nice chat while their flesh and bones took in the heat from the nearby crackling fire. However, it seemed Angelique had something else on her mind as they had banked into a slightly cramped space of an alley almost pinning him to the wall as their lips had touched. It started out as a few simple pecks, but the deeper they became, the more the embers in their cores started to light into flames. G’raha’s fingers had found her waist in the midst of a soft moan escaping his throat while lips were pressing harder, tongues slipping past defenses, his fingers traveled down and gripped her backside gently. Gods, he could feel his head spinning at the mere thought as his fingertips found the hem of the skirt, a primal urge within wanting nothing more than to pull it away and take her right here in the alley. The thought of someone coming by caused him to shiver with anxiety as their lips parted, gasping as air finally came back into their lungs.
“Raha...tell me…” Angelique’s voice spoke softly so close to his ear that it fluttered at the sudden noise, “What were you thinking about?” 
The question almost put him to the ground, or rather he wished a hole would open and swallow him, but he decided to feign ignorance. “Wh-What do you mean, love?” he panted, swallowing a gulp of air that made the lump against his throat bob up and down for a moment.
“Mm, I may not have seen it from a distance, but your face had become so flushed, and the flick of your tail was agitated.” she replied to his question quietly, G’raha feeling the breath catch in his throat, tail stiffen a little, ears perking up for a moment when her lips suddenly started to go along the side of his neck, finding a pulse point. “It’s just us, you can tell me.” she cooed gently, almost feeling him weaken under her as she let her normal Hyur teeth graze along one of his pulse points. They all had weak points, G’raha would give her a wide eyed stare to make her melt, but hearing her voice dip to the range of something resembling melted chocolate caused his knees to practically go weak.
Taking some initiative his hands would go to her waist and squeeze, pulling the midlander’s body close that their hips were practically flushed against each other making her gasp. “I think of how so inappropriate you’re dressed, for the weather, allowing all the people to see you in such a manner. I want nothing more...than to steal you away...claw this entire coatee off your body and have you all to myself.” He would speak with a small growl deep in his throat, having her so exposed made him jealous knowing other men were eyeing her cleavage and possibly having thoughts that could’ve borderline on perverse. Despite the possessive notes in his mind...Angelique was his...and he wasn’t afraid to show it. His thoughts though were brought to a halt as Angelique pressed her lips to his again, passionately and feeling the warmth spread through every vein more than a warm alcohol filled drink ever could. 
However, it wasn’t until he could feel her hands start to move low, sliding down along the front of his coat until fingers found purchase against the belt, causing his tail to once more twitch in a moment of agitation, but gasping softly that a puff of white air formed like a cloud before him as their lips parted and she started to move down, ears twitching for a moment as he heard the clink of his belt coming undone. For a moment of shock his sluggish thoughts caught up and he scrambled to take hold of her shoulders, “W-Wait...s-someone could come here and see us…” he breathed softly, suddenly feeling anxious. He could hear kids somewhere far off, giggling and playing around the Firmament. “A-And you know...kids…”
“Relax, Raha.” Angelique breathed softly as she glanced at the ground before settling down on her knees, humming a little to herself as she started to work on his breeches. “No one comes by here. It’s as isolated as any spot.” After all, what use was an alleyway that had nothing but future construction behind it? Faintly she could feel him tremble a little, whether from cold, nerves, or a touch of excitement it was hard to tell considering their location. Instead, she decided to keep her mind on the task, starting to undo his pants, not planning on removing everything all the way, but just enough to free her Miqo’te lover’s hardening member as she had started to see in the formation of his smalls.
G’raha’s back arched as Angelique’s fingers would slowly stroke the bulge within, the fire forming deep in his core that kept certain parts of his anatomy somehow warm despite the chill that sometimes would blow through. The flames would be fanned all the more, feeling a small shock as a cold breeze met the heated flesh that the bard would slowly extract his member from the fabric prison causing a faint hiss to leave his lips.
“My, you’re quite hard already…” Angelique cooed softly, glancing up at him a moment as her fingers would wrap around the velvety flesh and stroke slowly, feeling G’raha’s fingers dig a little into her shoulders. “Your little daydreams must have been all the more powerful than you first thought.” A faint smirk formed on her lips as he gave a soft whimper in response and she decided to refrain herself from teasing him verbally. Wanting to make sure that he didn’t go too soft on her from the cold she licked her lips before parting them and started to take the tip into her mouth while her partner stiffened from the shock of the sudden warmth that encompassed him.
They were no strangers to intimacy, that much they both knew, G’raha and Angelique had come to bed together in their love. His bard lover was surprisingly vocal; he had found out during perhaps it was the first or second time they had a moment of peace together. Swallowing a lump rising in his throat and trying to swallow moans, but faint whimpers escaped him as he looked down at Angelique, a warm and wet heat embracing his member, going deeper...slowly, and deeper still. While it wasn’t the same as the fluttering walls that would grip him tightly into completion as he drove himself in harder, flesh to flesh, this tight and moist heat caused him to shake more, tongue circling slowly along the stiff veins along the sides. “A-Ange…” he breathed, fingers digging deep into the coatee, nails tugging and faintly he could hear what sounded like a small tearing sound as threads were pulled. Azeyma forgive him, he was already starting to lose himself in the thoughts, the fantasies, the memories as he had been with her.
All that came from Angelique as a response had been a small hum, causing vibrations to go from his member and going right up to his core. However, just as she was starting to take him in deeper, a whimper escaped his throat as she would soon pull away, saliva had coated his member. “N-No fair…” he breathed, praying that she wouldn’t leave him in such an exposed position.
“Relax G’raha...I figured you wouldn’t mind a little bit of fun…” the blonde purred to him, fingers starting to undo the silver fastening just under her breast, “See, no need to tear it off of me~.” She could feel his ruby gaze on hers, pupils blowing as she would soon pull aside the coatee and her own breasts free and exposed to the air, cream colored skin blending to pert pink nipples that had hardened from the chill and the excitement. Shifting herself, Angelique would move close as she could before taking his hardened member between the valley of her breasts squeezing it with the warmth.
“S-Seven hells…!” his voice spoke with the tone raising to a high pitch, never before had Angelique been as bold as she was being now. His legs were shaking a little, he could feel the plushness of her breasts holding and encompassing his cock with warmth and would slide slowly up and down along the trail and though he had closed his eyes tightly at first from the sensations, when he opened his eyes and glance down a little he could see the tip peeking from the valley his tongue often traveled, but instead of just leaving it as her breasts squeezing and rocking, each time the tip would come out, Angelique’s mouth would surround it with the warmth of her tongue, caressing along the slit and humming softly.
Though he wanted to let Angelique do as she wished, to guide him to the peak of ecstasy, a deep, and primal urge inside started to take over him. His breathing became erratic and heavy, a soft growl accompanying the groans that formed from his throat. “Mn...ah...fuck…” he cursed softly, “A-Angel my foot...you’re a succubus in disguise…” he grumbled, but as he gripped her shoulders a bit tighter he would start gaining leverage thrusting in slow, shallow movements much like how he would when he’d move within her. Often groans would rise in his throat, and Angelique a woman who usually wanted to have some form of control allowed G’raha to do as he liked, the soft sound of flesh striking against flesh, while the cushion of her breasts seemed to bounce as he did, tongue still working around the tip whenever she had a chance.
Heat, warmth and shallow thrusts, G’raha wanted more, a growl rising from him again. He could feel his member pulse, a coil tightening in his core, he was close since it was something his body often could easily recognize. Pulling his hips back, the Miqo’te looked down at Angelique who absently licked her lips a little, and his gaze lowered to see her thighs squeezing together and shifting on the cold stones. Reaching back he would take hold of the back of her head, and Angelique seemed to know just what he wanted, lips parting until the salty tang of his precum being smeared along her tongue coated it. Absently his ear would twitch despite the rough pants that were escaping him, nose twitching to the scent of obvious arousal starting to float in the air, he still listened out for any possibilities of sudden onlookers. “That’s it…” he murmured in soft praise while his lover would take him almost all the way to the point he swore he could feel the tip against the back of her throat. His hips would start rocking slowly in order to not cause her to choke by accident. “Fuck...so good...I’m close…” he muttered, that coil tightening all the more.
“Mm...mm…” The soft sound of Angelique’s moan was the only response as her cheeks hollowed and her tongue would slide along the surface of his member. While she kept one hand close to the base still slightly tucked against the stretched band of his smalls, her other timidly reaching under the skirt that held snugly against her thighs, dipping between that caused her to whimper. Hearing G’raha growl in a manner made her weak and allow the relinquish of control to him.
G’raha dug his fingers into Angelique’s hair, nails digging a little into her scalp as his breathing would start to become labord, thrusting absently faster, racing to find his release. “G-Gods...Angelique...I can’t…” he gulped a little and gripped a little tighter before the coil in his stomach threatened to break. “...I can’t….last…” he breathed, wanting more, thrusting faster until finally he swore he saw sparks in his vision, holding Angelique’s head close to the base of his member as he could feel the waves of release crash over him in bursts, lazily rolling his hips while he could feel her throat constrict a little around him as she swallowed what she could around him letting out a higher whimpered moan. His tail that had stiffened lowered slowly into a slightly more relaxed position as he could feel the tension ease and his fingers starting to release from her hair. Leaning against the wall, he was panting heavily in order to attempt and catch his breath, hazily glancing down to watch Angelique swipe away a tiny white line from the corner of her lips and thanked his stars that the gloves she wore were white in themselves.
Carefully standing up from the cold ground and G’raha had managed to situate himself for the moment, Angelique wrapped her arms around the back of his neck, leaning over and giving him a gentle kiss. The Miqo’te could taste himself on her lips, a bitter salty taste, but he would pull her close regardless, eyes closed for the moment until they would part. He could feel her gaze, staring to him like molten glass lenses and looked down at her, tail swaying ever so lazily.
“Feel better?” she purred softly hips absently nudging against his in a gentle sway. However, to her surprise G’raha gripped her thighs and squeezed them, and there was a fire in his ruby eyes that caused her legs to weaken and the growing embers spark alight once more. 
“I say I would feel sufficiently warmed, but…” G’raha had a note of warning before he slid his fingers up through the hem of her skirt, fingers hooking to her center and coaxing a shuddering gasp from her and body to tremble as he felt how soaked she was from just giving him oral pleasure. That made the fire in his eyes burn more, and he gave a faint, mischievous smirk; “However, I’m far from done with you, my little voidsent in disguise.” he growled softly to her, fingers digging in a bit against her smalls that made Angelique half collapse against him with a small moan as he had gained hold of the upper hand. 
Sweeping her up into his arms, making sure she was holding tightly he would concentrate, eyes closed as a faint blue aura surrounded them. First things first was to get out of this cold place and so somewhere much more private and away from prying eyes. The public meanwhile was unaware of the salacious activities that had occurred as sparks of purple electric energies sparked and the Warrior of Light, and the Allagan “Princeling” vanished from sight.
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cloudyyoonji · 5 years
Night Changes.
Hwang Hyunjin x Reader 
Summary: He was your summer, your autumn, your winter, and your spring.  
Genre: Fluff with lots of angst. A fluffy ending!
The summer was full of so many good memories. You both lived so dearly in each moment, reveling in the endless concerts and road trips. You were both like the wild Fae, dancing and dancing into the night with no one but each-other by your sides.
So as the leaves turned brown and dancing became afternoon strolls, you readied yourself for a blissful winter, one full of hot food and comforting nights.
Autumn bought new experiences, new ideas even. Hyunjins birthday had seemed to come quite fast, and you weren’t sure what to get him. Something meaningful perhaps? This led you to enslave Minho as your personal shopping assistant.
As you step outside, Minho at your side, the air is cool, the breeze carrying the leaves down the street in a tornado-like hustle. Padded jackets on and laces done tight, you push through into the day, cheeks left slightly red and stinging when you arrive at a small jewelry shop not too far away from the dorms.
“I think he’d like a bracelet, you know. Actually, he’ll like anything that comes from you.”
You glare up at the male, flat look on your features. “It has to be perfect, you know that. That’s why I need you to help me.”
The boy smiles, rolling his eyes before pointing to the bracelet you were looking at. “I know for a fact he’ll like that bracelet Y/N.”
You examine the bracelet carefully in your hands. “You really think so? It’s not too boring of a gift?”
Minho leans down to catch your eye, a gentle smile on his features. “Get the bracelet. He’ll love it.”
Smiling brightly, you turn to the cashier, asking her if you can purchase the bracelet.
You’re to caught up in your thoughts to notice Minho turning around, phone pressed to his ear, but when he suddenly grabs your arm as soon as the bag touches your fingertips, you know somethings wrong.
“Pull your hood up. Paparazzi know we’re here.”
And with his words, your tugging at your hood, the boy doing the same.
Both sprinting out of the shop, you try your best to ignore the flashes and focus yourself on getting to the car to get out of this flurry of people.
Breathing a sigh of relief, both of you are quick to get into the car. The sound of camera flashes almost nonexistent over the sound of the engine as you speed back to the dorms.
“Shit that was close.” Minho pants, looking back at the group of people who seem to be fading out of sight entirely. 
You nod in agreement, too puffed to even speak. The bag is held tightly in your fingers, safe from total damnation.
Minho gesture to the bag. “Are you going to hide that somewhere?”
You nod, a quick smile playing on your lips. “In the laundry, right on the top shelf where I keep the extra washing powder. He’ll never look there.”
The boy smiles, nodding. “That’s a good place indeed. He’ll never find that.”
Only a few days later, your winter coat seems to hold a different meaning, one that disguised your true intentions. You’re keen to get home, the long day of shift work at the local coffee shop making your back sore and your feet desperate for just even a second of a break. Your punching in the code to your apartment fast, craving the warmth of your heater in this cold weather.
But your shuffling feet come to a halt when you see a disgruntled Hyunjin in the living room, now standing as you’ve entered.
The silence is eerie, too eerie. It’s as if a string between you two had broken, but neither of you knows what string it is as work at desperately trying to repair it.
He’d seen it, the photos of you and Minho, more malicious then you’d expected. The news article depicts your search for the right birthday present as a secret date, a secret date with Minho.
And just like that, the leaves fade from a yellow-orange to a crumpled brown, stems bare as they face on the winter to come. 
Talking turned to screaming in one falling leaf, so much doubt anxiety just adding fuel to the fire as you fight about one photo, one photo that has been read so completely wrong it makes you sick.
As the words come flying, it is clear there can be no take backs once they leave your mouths.
And just like that, autumn becomes winter in only a few short minutes.
The temperature in your house not only dips but as does the communication with Hyunjin; frozen, damaged and dying.
It only got colder.
The air around you is cold, thick with rain that seems to turn to ice the moment it hits your skin. Much like the water below you.
Gongdong bridge is nice this time of the night, one of your favorite spots in the whole of Seoul. A spot that made you unconditionally happy. There was just something about the way the skyline met with Han River that made it so beautiful and fascinating.
But yet again, the water below seemed to reflect your missing half in the water below.
Pushing through the rain, you step closer to the railing, eyes falling to the rippling water below. The wind seeps into your bones, but you barely feel it over your eerie emptiness.
The rivers reflection of the night sky makes it appear as if an everlasting galaxy is laid across its surface. It almost looks peaceful; unsettlingly perfect. But beneath the surface is black, something much sinister than darkness itself, but somehow more comforting than the black abyss.  
And the creatures in the river, were they sleeping? Were the fish sheltered under rocks or plants lying dormant until the first rays of sun hit the water? Or were they darting around, as awake as you are now?
You lean further over the rail, desperate to catch even a glimpse of the scaley creatures below. Are you awake? Are you here with me at this ungodly hour of the night?
The voice gives you a heart attack, body turning in the direction of the voice before your mind can even register. 
Felix is walking towards you, fingers flexed over his phone. There's something a little off about his appearance; it being more tattered than it usually was - hair wet and tousled by the wind and clothes soaked by the pouring rain. The boy takes deep breathes, suggesting that perhaps he'd been running. But in this weather?
"Y/N, we've been looking for you."
"We?" You question, eyes narrowing in on the boy.
"Yes, we. Hyunjin too," He swallows, hand reaching out from his pocket to gesture at you. "Just please move away from the railing, it's making me nervous."
So you push back, standing your ground a few feet from Felix, trying not to let the boy see how shocked you are.
Felix takes out his phone, pressing it to his ear to give a few short replies to the person on the other line.
"Yeah, I've found her... Gongdong Bridge... Okay, I'll do that... Be there soon."
He steps forward, phone now tucked into his pocket, and freehand raised to grab your arm. "I'm taking you back to the dorms."
You immediately recoil, pushing your wrist out from his grip, stepping back. Fresh tears roll down your cheeks, eyes filled with more to come.
The rain couldn't mask everything. Especially not your pain.
Shaking your head, you look up at the boy who seems just as shocked as you were. 
"You're not taking me anywhere."
Soaked to the bone, your words make you shiver, light cardigan doing nothing in keeping you warm.
"Y/N please." "No," Now you're physically shaking, tears rolling with the rain. "I will not go with you. I won't see him, I won't."
This time it's not Felix, but someone else from behind you. Turning quickly, your eyes are wide and glassy; vulnerable.
It's like he was untouched by the winter, eyes still holding the same glimmer as they did in the summer, just the way you remembered them to be. Clouds of breath swirl around him, damp hair catching ever so slightly in the breeze of the winter that seemed it would never end.
As he shifts to hold out his hand to you, you immediately back up, pulling not just your soaked cardigan closer to you, but your guards too.
But when you notice him tug at the sleeve of his own coat, revealing a glint of silver that seems to hit you straight in the chest.
The boy scans your features for a moment, looking down at the bracelet he now cradles with his other hand.
"Minho gave it to me on my birthday. He said it was from you.”
You say nothing, eyes wide and unblinking as you stare at the item you’d come to hate, despise.
“Well,” he sighs, “I say gave, but he actually threw it at me.
Hyunjins arms drop back to his sides, hands slipping into the pockets of his coat. “He had every right to.”
Finally, you two make eye contact. It’s everything you remember, the brown bringing back so many fond memories of late night cuddles and peaceful mornings. You find yourself melting into the summer a little, losing touch of the winter you’re in, the reality you’re in.
“I had no right to say what I did to you. To Minho too.”
The words make you break, another stray tear lost to the rain.
“You know,” Hyunjin shifts his gaze to the watery horizon, now barely visible in the dark. “He told me everything a few days after it happened. How it was a surprise for me, how he felt nothing towards you, everything you said to me that night in your apartment. I was stupid, stupid enough to ignore you-”
His voice breaks off with a crack, eyes desperately searching for something lost in the distance before coming to rest on you, his lost treasure.
“You’re stupid Hyunjin.” You finally speak, eyes scanning his, your eyes as cold as the river below you both.
“I know!” He cries, “I know I am! I let the most precious thing I ever had slip out of my fingers. I loved you Y/N, I still do love you!”
“You have no idea how hard these few weeks have been” you monotone, eyes glazed over; frozen with tears. “Hwang Hyunjin we both said some terrible things.”
His gaze is now on his feet, the rain barely masking the tears rolling down his cheeks.
“But I’ve missed you too much.”
Eyes wide, his gaze snaps to you as you almost subconsciously walk towards him, attracted like a magnet.
Standing in front of each other, you can practically see just how the winter has affected him; eyes red-rimmed, breathing labored, cheeks wet with a mixture of rain and tears.
Throwing your arms around the boy, you can’t but help let out a sigh of familiarity at how it feels, how well you just fit together.
In an instance, the ice melts away. Spring ignites your senses, waking them from the harsh winter as warmth spreads up your veins, through your bloodstream.
Pulling back you see the same warmth in his eyes as they held in the summer, gleaming with a softness only you knew. His jacket around your shoulders is as warm as you remembered, hands tangled and afraid to let go.
“Will you come back? To the dorms?”
“Of course.” You smile, heart full.
The spring has bloomed at last.
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And They Were Roommates
Day 5 of Widojest Week-There’s only one bed, or Alternate Universe
Nott and Yeza's apartment is undergoing renovations, and the cute foreign grad student Jester has been crushing on needs a place to stay. What could go wrong? Super happy with this fic. You can also read it on AO3. As usual big shoutout to @3fling for all the love and support, especially this time because I wouldn’t even have a plot for this otherwise!
Working at the local coffee shop had a lot of benefits. Free coffee of course, free pastries at the end of the night, listening to whatever music the employees wanted, and the flexible hours that worked with her school schedule.
The cute redhead grad student that came in everyday was definitely a plus too.
Jester had been working at Cool Beans for four years and had seen all manner of people come through the door. As a college town it wasn’t a surprise; people came from all over and stayed a few months to a few years while they studied. Some of those people stayed but most left to go back to wherever they came from or even off to new places. Jester herself dreamed of leaving one day, venturing out into the world and discovering what was out there. But for now she was here, working towards an art degree and making the best of her situation.
The redheaded grad student was a foreigner from Germany. He spoke excellent English though his accent was a bit tough to understand at times, especially if he ever got frustrated. His name was Caleb and he had come all the way from his home country to join one of the world’s best linguistics programs. He came in every day at exactly one p.m., ordered a sandwich and an americano with an extra shot of espresso, and sat down to study for two hours before neatly cleaning his table and heading out.
Jester enjoyed people watching, trying to analyze people from the way they walk, the things they did, how they interacted with other people. Even before she had a full conversation with Caleb she noticed he was quiet, polite, and had a dry sense of humor. His wardrobe was full of earthy tones, lots of boots and plain button up shirts, adding in jackets, scarves and hats when the weather began to turn cold. On the rare occasion he came in when it didn’t seem he was studying he still carried a simple black leather notebook. He often pulled the top part of his shoulder length hair into a sort of bun, exposing the pen he regularly kept behind his right ear. Ink marks and scratches along his hand indicated he did a lot of writing and, Jester would guess, he owned a cat.
Of course, it wasn’t all just staring from a distance. Jester had begun to build a friendship with Caleb thanks to a strange change of relationships. Most often at the shop Jester shared her shift with Clay and Molly; the three of them made a trifecta of hair colors and piercings that gave the warm shop an unexpected punk vibe. Clay was a gardener of sorts and had made friends with Yeza and Nott, the lovely couple whom Caleb was staying with during his time in the States. Molly was in a band with two women named Beau and Yasha and the group usually played in a newer dive bar downtown on Saturday nights. Jester and Clay went every week to support their friend, and one day while picking up a new plant Clay had told Yeza about the shows. Knowing it was unhealthy for Caleb to spend all his time in the house studying, Nott and Yeza had immediately booked a recurring sitter for their young son and dragged Caleb down to the bar to hang out with others. The eight of them had begun to get closer, but Jester still found it difficult at times to put herself out there and really engage with Caleb.
Today however was Jester’s lucky day.
“Caleb!” The small bell chimed through the coffee shop as Nott slipped in, shutting the door quickly to keep the cold wind from freezing the customers out. The woman was on the shorter side but no one ever noticed because her personality more than made up for it. Her sense of humor among the friend group was unrivaled and she could easily drink them all under the table.
“Ya Nott, is everything all right?” Caleb looked up from his laptop where he had been hyper focused on a paper. His brow was furrowed with a mix of worry and confusion.
Jester busied herself with straightening the pastry display, which was conveniently close to Caleb’s table. She could be particularly nosy at times due to her curious nature, but now she mostly wanted to make sure everything was okay with Nott’s family.
“I’m all right Caleb, but I’m afraid I do have some bad news. The renovation plans have been moved up by two whole weeks!”
“Oh, that means…” Caleb’s voice trailed off, his face turning into a frown.
“Yeah exactly! Yeza’s mom said she can take Luke, and we have another friend we can stay with, but she only has one extra room.”
“I see. So I suppose I will need to find a place to stay in the meantime since Clay will not be back until the end of the month.”
“I’m really sorry about that Caleb! I’ll help you look, surely we can find something soon. Maybe you can stay with Beau or something?”
“He can stay with me!”
Jester fought the urge to clasp her hands over her mouth. Wow, smooth move Jester. Inviting your little crush to live with you? There’s no way this is gonna go well, she thought to herself. She hadn’t even stopped to consider the ramifications of what she had volunteered for.
Something glinted behind Nott’s eyes and she nodded her head frantically. “Yes! Yes that would be perfect! You’re just the best Jester.”
“Oh, I… I would hate to impose, Jester, that’s very kind of you…” Caleb stuttered, his hands nervously fidgeting with his scarf.
“I think it sounds like the perfect plan.” Molly emerged from the back room where he had apparently been listening to the whole conversation. “Jessie might bring you out of your shell, Mr. Caleb, and Jester, well…. You could learn some tidiness habits perhaps.”
What a wingman, Jester thought, rolling her eyes at her purple-haired friend. He smirked, twirling around and walking to the register to help another customer who had walked in.
“Don’t you have a dog? I do not know if my cat would like that.”
“Oh that’s okay! Nugget doesn’t mind cats, he won’t bother Frumpkin!” Jester smiled at Caleb, trying her hardest not to blush.
“Well, I suppose it would be the best offer I could get on such sort notice.”
Nott beamed at the two of them. “Sounds like it’s settled then! I’ll help you pack up Caleb and we’ll be right over!”
“Soooo, this is my apartment. It’s nothing crazy you know, but it’s nice and has a good view and a lot of spaaace….”
Jester could feel herself beginning to ramble as she opened the door to her studio apartment. It was extremely nice for college student standards; her mother wanted her to be comfortable so she paid for Jester’s rent, but she also wanted her daughter to learn the value of hard work, meaning Jester was responsible for her own tuition and school supplies, as well as any other necessities. All things considered it was a pretty nice arrangement.
The living room was a nice open space with a gorgeous window overlooking downtown. The kitchen and living room were decorating in bright colors with unique art sculptures spaced around. In the center of the open area close to the window sat a large easel displaying a half finished painting. A number of half-dead attempts at plant keeping were littered about the area as well.
“You have a very nice place, Jester.” Caleb was huffing a bit as he carried in a large box of his belongings. Jester herself had Frumpkin’s cat carrier and a bag of cat supplies. There was still a fair amount of stuff to bring in but this was a good start.
“So I don’t have a second room but the couch is a fold out and it’s totally comfy.” Jester sat Frumpkin’s carrier down and unlatched the door. “Here, kitty kitty kitty!”
After a second Frumpkin lazily made his way out, beginning to inspect the strange new space. The two of them watched as he began to sniff the couch, marking the edge with his scent glands.
“You are an artist?” Caleb asked, gesturing toward the easel.
“I do! I’m an art major but I don’t get to do a lot of painting stuff at my level so I like to practice it here.”
“I look forward to seeing you work.”
Jester tried not to let Caleb see her blush as she began to help him unpack. The rest of the day was spent moving boxes to make sure everything was out of Nott and Yeza’s apartment in time for the renovators to begin their work, taking only a small break for Chinese food. The conversation was timid at first, the two of them dancing around each other the way acquaintances interact at a party when their mutual friend goes to visit the bathroom. But by the end of the night the two had sunk into a comfortable rhythm. As Jester went to sleep that night, she played over the day’s event in her head, giggling every time she thought about how she had made Caleb laugh. If she didn’t have a crush before, she was certainly deep in one now.
“Jester, look out!”
Caleb’s frantic voice came from inside Jester’s room. It had been a week since Caleb had moved in, and Frumpkin and Nugget hadn’t gotten along as well as Jester had assured him they would. He had spent the last hour trying to coax his cat out from under her bed and it seemed like the persuasion had taken a turn for the worse.
Jester glanced over from her position at the easel. She was enjoying her Saturday morning routine of hot tea and painting, listening to Regina Spektor ring out through the apartment via her wireless speaker. Her trance like state was broken as she saw Frumpkin shoot down the hallway, followed by Nugget’s large body. The cat turned sharply, but the poor dog was caught unaware and his attempt to switch directions was nowhere near as smooth, throwing himself right into Jester’s easel. Thanks to Caleb’s warning however, she was able to stabilize the workspace, only losing a bit of her paint to the tarp underfoot in the process.
Caleb ran out, his red hair a frazzled halo around his head. He frantically darted into the kitchen, trying to corner Frumpkin around the island, but the cat was wise and jumped up onto the counter, knocking over one of Jester’s plants in the process.
Catching wind of what Caleb was trying to do, Jester ran to try to intercept him, but the cat was too fast and she ended up tripping over Nugget instead. She braced herself for a fall onto the hardwood floor, but felt hands attempt to catch her. Unfortunately in his rush to help, Caleb himself was off balance, sending both of them tumbling to the floor.
Jester felt her face redden at being so close to Caleb. She could feel his breath on her face and his eyes were just inches away from her own. Her mind scrambled to think of something to say, an apology or excuse or anything, but her brain was short-circuiting.
“Paint,” Caleb said, pulling her out of her panicked haze.
“Sorry, you uh, you have paint on your cheek.” 
She felt Caleb’s thumb rest on her cheek, gently wiping away a fleck of color. He still lay there though, holding her in his arms, inches from her face. She knew she ought to pull herself away, get up and clear her head, but she had to admit there was no place else she would rather be. “Thank you,” she said, barely daring to whisper.
“Your freckles are quite beautiful.” Caleb spoke breathlessly, his thumb still stroking her cheek softly. His eyes seemed transfixed, glancing over every bit of Jester’s face. She could feel his heart beat underneath her hand.
It’s now or never Jester, said the voice in the back of her head, and before she realized what she was doing she had closed the distance between him. Her lips touched his, quickly and softly before backing away. “I’m sorry Caleb, I don’t know why-”
Her voice was silenced by the sudden presence of Caleb’s lips on hers. He had kissed her back, but his held intent. Something about him was hungry, as if he had been waiting for this for months and he was going to enjoy every moment of it. She moaned into his mouth as her tongue slipped into hers and she moved her hand to the back of his head, intertwining her fingers through his hair.
Caleb suddenly moved away and Jester moved after him, craving more before realizing he had something to say. “I did not know this was a perk,” he said, chuckling lightly before kissing her again.
Jester in turn pulled away, laughing as well. “Only for really special roommates.”
“Caleb, the rennovaters are all done! You can move back in whenever you want to!”
Nott’s voice came across loud through the phone speaker, forcing Caleb to turn the volume down. It was seven in the morning and the sun was barely beginning to peek through the window of his apartment. He looked down at the woman next to him, still asleep with her blue hair splayed out across the bedsheets.
“Thank you Nott, but I don’t think that will be necessary for now.”
“Ya. I think things have worked out just fine.”
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butwhyduh · 5 years
Ain’t No Sunshine
Tom Holland x reader
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Warning: language, hints at smut
Summary: Tom remembers last summer. This is set is the 1950-ish. Tom’s family in no way behaves as they do in real life. It’s actually based on an ex boyfriend’s family. It is inspired by a romantic movie that I changed I think for the better. I won’t spoil the story by saying what it is. You don’t have to watch it to read the story. For @the-claire-bitch-project challenge.
Salty sea air was brisk as Tom collected firewood in the dying light of the spring day. Warm enough to enjoy outside but cool enough to need a jumper in the evening. He couldn’t help but think about last summer. How he had spent it with you. At his special beach.
Tom thought about the last day of summer. The last really perfect day. The two of you played on the beach. Tom grabbed you around the waist and you both went down in the sand. She shrieked like I was going to eat her, he smiled ruefully. Tom lit the wood and sat down. It was properly cool now. The soft crackling of fire blended with the crash of the tide and it lulled him into memory.
Tom remembered the first time he met you. You were wearing a sundress and sandals. You had a floppy sun hat that the wind of the beach knocked off. Tom grabbed it for you. You grinned at him, noting his freckled nose and sweet smile. You had offered to buy him an ice cream to thank him. The two of you sat under a red and white stripped umbrella, at a picnic table, the beach a stone throw away.
It was your first day of summer break. You were staying at your cousin’s house between semesters at uni. Tom was local. He worked for a carpenter. Tom walked with you on the beach. You kicked your shoes off and picked up shells. The bottom of your dress was soaked by the time you got back to your cousin’s house. She had her own story about a lovely lad she met too.
You had met up with Tom 2 days later. He had just gotten off of work. He smelled of saw dust and sweat. His damp white shirt stuck to his body. It didn’t matter because he stripped it off to jump in the water. The spot was Tom’s. He had found a tiny cove surrounded by trees as a young teen. A cliff sat snug near and on top an entire colony of birds had taken roost in the bleached trees. It was a wild place.
Tom didn’t bring anyone there. Not even his best mates knew if it. But you were different. You were his first love. Tom turned around as you pulled off your dress and jumped in the water in your undergarments. You tapped his shoulder and he turned and laughed. He could see how beautiful you were. Your hair a mess and not a stitch of makeup to be seen.
He couldn’t help but notice the way your smile lit up, the way your laughter was louder and more free, and the way your bra clung to your breasts in the cool water. He could also see the way you watched him too. The way your eyes lingered on his lips and even dipped to look at his chest when you thought he wasn’t looking. You thought the world of him. He was kind and beautiful.
Tom stirred the fire. The sun had officially set and the twilight of the day was fading. He had all but given up. You hadn’t written since October and you weren’t coming today. Should he pack up and leave? No, he thought. I’ll stay all night. Just in case. You had a pull on him that he couldn’t control.
Like the way you pulled him off the pier and into the water. Your cousin swam deeper out in the water with the boy now officially her boyfriend. You floated lazily near the shore. Your head rest on a float. Tom saw you first. He couldn’t help but admire you as he walked closer. Tom slid his shoes off as he walked on the pier.
“Hello, love,” he said smiling. You pulled your sun glasses down to look at him.
“Join me,” you said swimming close.
“I’m still in my work clothes,” Tom said. “I’ll watch.”
“No, no. Join me,” you ordered grinning. Tom shook his head. “Please,” you begged.
“Love,” Tom pleaded back. You reached your hands up and he grasped you to pull you from the water. Instead you yanked him in. Tom gasped and looked at his drenched clothing before laughing. He splashed you before pulling his shirt off. You played in the water until both of your skin burned from the sun.
Your aunt invited him and your cousin’s boyfriend over for dinner. Her breezy dinning room smelled delicious of pie as you ate a cold meal of chicken salad with cut vegetables. It was cooling after your hot day out. You must have drank 10 glasses of water with the meal.
Your aunt politely asked about each of your date. It turned out that they were friends from school. It wasn’t super surprising, being a small town an all. Harrison talked about his plans. His father owned a boat and he was working on it during the season and would work at the tackle and fish shop off season. Your aunt hummed in approval before turning to Tom to ask the same question.
“I er, don’t have a family boat,” he said awkwardly laughing. “I just work for a carpenter. Not posh, ay?”
“It’s fine. Your family?” She asked. You frowned at her probing questions. He clearly wasn’t from a well off family like Harrison.
“I haven’t really talked to them in years. I guess they’re fine,” he said rubbing his neck. Your aunt’s eyebrows about rose to her forehead before she hid the expression.
“I know where we can go for sunset,” Harrison said. He wanted to change the subject. You places your hand on Tom’s knee and rubbed softly. “Nice little hill.”
That wasn’t the first or last time I wasn’t good enough, Tom thought bitterly. He laid his blanket beside the fire and added another log. It really was night now. There was no way you would come down now.
Maybe I should move on, he thought. Maybe it was all just a summer fling and you had moved on. You had your studies and maybe a rich city boyfriend. You had just stopped writing in October. The letters had slowed down before stopping completely. The pages back in his room were weathered and wrinkled. Tom had read them an embarrassing amount of times.
But the way your lip curled when you thought you were going to surprise Tom called him back. The scent of your neck when you laid in his arms. Your hand in his when you walked. You walked with Tom just about every evening.
“...Then she said that- that she was going to fix it herself,” you laughed. Your hand swung entwined with Tom’s as you told a story. You were so animated as you talked.
“I could have popped over myself,” he said.
“I told her but she was so... adamant,” you giggled. “She’ll learn. Or she’ll have a crooked shelf.”
You looked around. You were back at Tom’s beach. Your walks always came here at one point or another. You would kiss for a while before going home. Tom pulled you close. His fingers on your side at a respectful place. He kissed you. His scent of wood and salt surrounded you in the dying light of the day.
Usually you pulled away after a few minutes. But you didn’t that day. Maybe it was young love, the beautiful day, or the end of summer nearing. That day you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer. Tom moaned against your mouth as you threaded your fingers in his hair. He wanted to do more but he would never push it.
His tongue slid from your mouth and he kissed the corner of your mouth and down to your neck. Tom cradled your waist as you leaned back to give him better access as he kissed down to your collar bone. His fingers gently pressing into your back as his thumbs rubbed the corners of your lower ribs. After a minute Tom broke the kiss.
“What do you want,” He whispered. His thumbs continued their calming movement. His lips were swollen and cheeks pink. “I need to know.”
“I want you. All of you,” you whispered back. Tom groaned before kissing your lips. He pulled away before taking your hand. He walked you both up the beach to the grass where he had a blanket that he laid down. “Were you prepared?”
“For a picnic I had planned,” he said. “Not this.”
You sat on the blanket suddenly seeming nervous. Tom sat beside you. He moved cautiously, not wanting to scare you. He leaned over to kiss you. He gently held your cheek. Tom broke the kiss.
“Tell me if you want to stop,” Tom said before gently leaning you back on the blanket. Your heart pounded and you were nervous but not because of him. He gently bent over you to kiss. His other touches were gentle too as you both laid together. It was cliche but that’s when Tom knew he was in love with you.
The first time he said it was after you begged him to meet his family. You had imagined Tom to be poor. He lived modestly and didn’t have much. But meeting his family was shocking.
Tom had finally given in and had picked you up for Sunday supper. He wore a nice button down with his jeans. He even had his normally curly hair greased down neatly. Your simple sundress almost seemed too plain but he swore it was perfect. His old beat up truck stood out in front of the tidy house where he parked.
A proper two story brick with a lovely garden sat in front of you. You looked at him in confusion. Tom smiled nervously.
“Not what you thought?”
“Well... you’re family is rather rich, Tom,” you admitted nervously. He chuckled slightly.
“They are. I’m not. I’m... kind of the black sheep of the family. Just warning you,” he said nervously. You grasped his hand before getting out.
Tom opened the gate of a white picket fence. Purple wisteria vines spilled over the fense top surrounding neat manicured yard. Next to the generously wide steps was snuggled 2 peach rose bushes still in full summer bloom. The fragrance of the yard was heavenly as you stepped on a handsome red brick walkway to the door. This was miles away from your aunt’s simple cottage with rough scrub brush and sand yard.
Tom gripped your hand and you could feel that he was nervously sweating a little. You started to feel bad. Was it really this bad? Maybe you shouldn’t have asked him to introduce you to his family. Tom cleared his throat and knocked.
A teenage boy who looked a lot like Tom answered the door. “Tom!” He cried and gave Tom a giant hug. Tom laughed and hugged him back. “It’s been too long.”
“I know, Pad. This is Y/n and this is my brother Paddy,” Tom said. You held out your hand to shake and Paddy high fived instead.
“That’s why you’ve been gone,” Paddy said as you walked in the foyer. “You went off and got a girlfriend.”
“Uh kinda,” Tom said awkwardly. He stiffened as he looked behind Paddy. A woman who could only be seen as his mother stood just as stiffly. The room was noticeably icy. She smiled and it didn’t reach her eyes but she pulled Tom into a hug and he stiffly complied.
“Hello,” she said.
“Mum, this is Y/n. Y/n this is Mum,” Tom said. She looked at you critically. Her eyes took in everything from your simple dress to your worn sandals.
“Hello,” you said nervously holding out your hand.
“I’m Nikki,” she responded. “Please come in. Harry and Sam are in the garden.”
You walked through a formal dining room that was fully set with spring seasonal tablewareand a set of glass double door framed with billowing white curtains into the backyard. Two more young men played a game of washers. They looked a lot like Tom as well. A man around Nikki’s age that looked a bit like Tom who must be their father manned a grill.
“Tom!” One brother said.
“He lives!” Said the other brother. Tom laughed a little. “Long time no see.”
“Yeah, this is Y/n. This is my brothers Harry and Sam. And my dad Dom,” Tom said quickly.
“I think supper will be ready soon,” Dom called cheerily from the grill. He seemed oblivious to the tension in the air. You and Tom sat at a wrought iron table in chairs with delicate patterned cushions.
Nikki sat down beside you both. She smiled softly as Paddy won the round of washers. The other two young men complained of cheating. “So where are you from?”
“I’m from the city but I am staying all summer with my aunt,” you answered. “You have a lovely garden.” And indeed it was with various flowers and bushes growing and blooming in the corners of the yard.
“Thank you. And who is your aunt?” She asked. You said her name and Nikki’s look turned from interest to disdain. “Oh, that’s nice.”
“Supper is done,” Dom said proudly. He carried a tray of food to the kitchen when Nikki followed. You followed the boys into the dinning room after Nikki refused your offer to help. You sat nervously before her and Dom brought in the food. Plates of sausage and chicken and bowls of salad and roast vegetables were sat on the table.
The meal began uneventfully as everyone ate. But it soon dissolved. “So Tom, when are you planning to go back to university?” Dom asked. Tom choked on his water.
“I’m apprenticing to get my carpentry certificate,” Tom answered and you could tell that it wasn’t the first time he was asked this. You even see Sam grimace.
“You could be a lawyer,” Nikki said. “You’re plenty young and you haven’t wasted too long. Your uncle could talk to-“
“No, Mum. I don’t want-“
“Right, because slumming is more your style. No offense but when this summer love spell is over I will be glad and you can finally get a worthy career.”
“My golf buddy knows people at university. I can talk to him. It’s a little late in the year to apply but I’m sure he can make an exception if I speak to him soon,” Dom said as if this was an easy fix. Tom sighed. Paddy tapped his fork on his plate in the silence.
“Dad, I’m not going to university. Ever,” Tom said trying to be controlled. It sounded like he finally said something he had been skirting around this whole time. This evening was not going well. Harry covered a nervous laugh with a cough.
“Oh and how do you plan to take your lovely date out? What about when you find a nice girl and finally settle down?” Nikki said pointedly ignoring you at this point. “Will you be poor?” She said as if it was ludicrous. You felt flushed and angry but had no idea on what to possibly say.
“My nice girl is sitting right here but don’t worry about that because we are leaving. I’m so sorry, love,” Tom said to you standing. You stood and followed. Normally you would thank your host but you had just been thoroughly insulted. Tom was furious. His face was red and his shoulders clenched as he walked to the truck. “I’m so sorry and I understand if you don’t want to go out anymore. I shouldn’t have brought-“
“It’s okay,” you said softly. “I’m not going anywhere. Your family is insane but you can’t control them. I’m proud of you.”
“I love you,” Tom said suddenly. You flushed at his words.
“You..love me?” You asked. You had never heard anyone tell you that romantically.
“I do. You should have ran away after that but you didn’t,” Tom said.
“Probably a bad idea. What am I thinking?” You joked.
“Who knows. Clearly I’m the smart one because I found a catch and I’m not letting her go,” Tom said as he drove back to your aunt’s house.
“Not even at the end of summer?” You asked.
“Definitely not. Forever,” Tom said threading his fingers in yours. A few minutes later he pulled into your aunt’s driveway. He leaned over and kissed you slowly. It was a kiss to say that he loved you. His fingers brushed your cheek before sliding his tongue in your mouth. The sound of the sceeen door slamming broke your kiss as your cousin walked out. She grinned at you both before walking down the street, most certainly to meet a certain gentleman.
Tom laid on the blanket he had brought. His eyes were glazed as he stared into the fire. The dying embers felt like his heart as the night grew late. It wasn’t long until he fell asleep alone on the beach.
He woke up to the sound of sea gulls and the light of an early morning sun piercing even through his closed eyes. Tom sat up and stretched his neck. Had he really slept there all night? You were truly gone. He had been in denial all night but now it was real. He started rolling up his blanket and tossed sand on the already cold ash.
He heard a sound. The wind covered most of it. He looked around to see nothing. Tom heard it again and saw you running. The sand dipping ridiculously into your sandals, your bag flapped wildly.
“Tom! Thomas!” You yelled and Tom stood confused. He couldn’t believe you were real. “Tom,” you yelped one last time before running straight into his arms. He held you stiffly. You pulled away to grasp his face. You would have kissed him if not for the look he gave you.
“Why?” Tom said looking. You looked surprised.
“Sam told me. I saw him at university. I didn’t know. I thought you stopped talking to me,” you said. “I didn’t know that you wanted to meet. I took the first train. I’m so sorry.”
“You didn’t get my letters?”
“No. You stopped writing and so I thought you didn’t want to talk to me any more. Then he said you were waiting for me,” you said. Tom pushed your hair from your face in the wind. He bent over and kissed you. The kiss that he waited almost a year to do. Something he thought he’d never do again.
“How did you not get my letters?” Tom asked. You shook your head in confusion. “I think I know. Come on.”
He pulled you with him to his truck. He quickly started driving back into town. He drove to his parents house.
“Mum! Mother!” He called and she quickly came from her sitting room with the newspaper still in hand.
“What son?” She asked confused.
“Did you stop my post?”
“What ever are you talking about?” She said frowning. She sat the paper on an end table.
“I wrote 3 letters to Y/n that were never delivered. Did you stop them from being sent,” Tom asked. You stood there awkwardly. Your fingers were clasped with Tom’s. He hadn’t let go since you returned.
“I would never stop your postage, Thomas. That is illegal,” she snapped, highly insulted. “I don’t like you, yes,” she said to you. “But I wouldn’t purposely do that. Thomas can make his own mistakes.”
“Stop acting like she’s a mistake. She’s the best woman in town,” Tom said. You both walked out of the house. He walked back to his truck and drove to the post office.
“My letters weren’t delivered. I want to know why,” Tom said. The postman knew everyone in town. He gave Tom a look before looking your way.
“Is he bothering you, Miss?”
“What? No,” you said confused.
“Well your aunt warned me of him. Said he were stalking you and to not deliver letters to or from him and you,” the man admitted.
“He’s never stalked me. She just didn’t want me to get his letters,” you said angry. It was your turn to grab his hand and pull him up the truck. He drove without saying anything but was occasionally looking over at you. You sat with your hands in fists with your jaw clenched. You almost looked like you wanted to fist fight your aunt.
When he pulled in the drive you almost leapt from the truck before it even stopped. Tom tried to hurry to follow you. You rushed in the house to see your aunt making tea for herself. She smiled and went to welcome you when Tom followed you.
“Why?” You asked. You felt like crying but held it back.
“What?” She tried to play innocent.
“You told the post office Tom was stalking me. Why would you do that?” You said. Your voice felt raw and your eyes watered. She calmly put down the tea kettle and sighed. You wanted her to be angry. Why was she so stupidly calm?
“I did it for you. To protect you,” she started.
“From what? Being with Tom?” You spat back. Tom was mad but this was a family matter.
“You should know about his family. They are snakes, the lot of them,” she said. She looked at Tom nastily. He glared back. “I dated his dear uncle years ago and he moved to go to uni and said he would write and did until he found a new girl and I was forgotten.”
“And that makes the family bad?” You said.
“When I tried to contact him through his family they said he was busy with school when they knew he was dating someone else from university,” she said as if that makes sense.
“You’re just bitter. Tom was waiting for me and stayed out all night waiting for me and I didn’t show. He thought I didn’t want to talk so he stopped writing,” you said emotionally before calming. “I won’t be visiting this summer.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Where are you going?” She called as you pulled Tom out the door. You made it to the car before you burst into tears. Tom rubbed your back.
“Where do you want to go, darling?” He said gently.
“To your house. Please,” you said and he drove quietly. Tom didn’t know what to say. He was used to being the black sheep. His family was regularly treating him poorly. To find out suddenly was all new to him.
He opened the screen door to his modest home. You walked in and hugged him. Your smell that he missed for all those months was there.
It took a few months for you to speak to your cousin who swore she never knew about it and a few years to talk to your aunt and things were never good. Tom was always the black sheep of his family. He never inherited a thing from his parents. They refused unless he went to university like they wanted. You finished school and moved back with Tom the next summer to work as a nurse. He opened his own carpentry shop a few years later. You were never rich but were very happy.
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dva-xo · 5 years
To Have and To Hold (Arthur Morgan x Reader)
Summary: Sequel to A Winning Hand, found here. Arthur and Reader spend the day in Valentine. FLUFF
The ride to Valentine was short. You kept waiting for Arthur to bring up what happened last night, but he managed to avoid discussing it. You even mentioned how he must’ve taken all of Uncle’s money playing poker, but he just laughed and changed the subject. After a while, you began to think that he had been too drunk and forgotten the whole thing. But if that were true, why did he bring you a coffee this morning and invite you to Valentine with him? Either way, you decided to wait for him to bring up the subject before saying anything about it.
It was mid-morning when you arrived. You both hitched your horses outside of the saloon and entered together. Arthur walked to the bar to order two bowls of oatmeal, and you took a seat at a table near a window. You could sense that a few of the locals were watching you. They were no doubt familiar with Arthur, as a man like him is not easily forgotten. However, you imagined that, unless he was accompanied by other men from camp, he traveled to Valentine alone. They must have been surprised to see you with him.
As Arthur joined you, he placed the bowls down on the table and took a seat across from you. You expected that, if Arthur actually did remember last night, he would bring it up over breakfast as the two of you sat face-to-face. However, he barely said a word as he ate and breakfast was over rather quickly.
As you were leaving the saloon, Arthur mentioned that he needed to make a stop by the general store. You decided to visit the local hotel for a bath and agreed to meet him at the store after you were finished.
Because it was the middle of the day, the hotel was pretty quiet. The hotel clerk had one of his workers run you a bath, and you gratefully paid him 25 cents before walking to the back where the bath was kept. As you stripped off your clothes and lowered your body into the warm water, you immediately felt tension leave your body and your muscles relaxed.
Now that you were alone, you had time to process the events that had occurred in the last 24 hours. When it came to any kind of physical contact, Arthur was very detached. He wasn’t the type to hug people around camp. Heck, you barely saw him give anyone a high five or a handshake. So, why would he keep you in his lap last night if he didn’t feel something for you? And why wasn’t he saying anything about it? You took a deep sigh and started to scrub your arms. And why did it bother you so much?
You finished washing your body and put on some fresh clothes you had stored in your satchel. You thanked the clerk as you walked out of the hotel and back onto the streets of Valentine. As you approached the general store, you could see Arthur strapping some newly purchased items onto his horse. In his hand he held a leather-bound book with a vibrant cover.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with a book in your hand, Arthur. You’re not turning into Dutch are you?,” you teased.
Arthur shoved the book into his satchel. “This ain’t mine. I bought it for Jack. The kid’s been askin’ for books lately.”
You gave an understanding nod and smiled. Arthur Morgan---notorious outlaw and caring uncle.
“That’s not all,” Arthur said as he reached into his satchel, “I also got this.” He pulled out a black leather gun holster with silver studs and vine tooling. “For you.”
“Oh, Arthur,” you gasped, taking the holster in your hands, “It’s beautiful, thank you.”
Arthur gave a shy smile and replied, “I figured you might need a new one. I saw last night that yours was a little worn down. Plus, I thought this one would go good with your belt.”
Last night. You debated on pressing him further, but he spoke before you could decide.
“So, now what?” he asked as he mounted his horse.
“Well, I thought we would return to camp,” you replied, fastening your new holster onto your belt.
Arthur didn’t respond, but instead gave a nod.
You sensed a change in Arthur’s mood and asked, “Did you have something else in mind?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “I just thought maybe we could go fishing or something. It’s a nice afternoon and I don’t feel like spendin’ it doin’ chores.”
You laughed. “Well, you have a point there. Fishing it is.” You unhitched your horse from the post and mounted your saddle. “After you.”
Arthur led you to a shady spot along the Dakota River. You both quickly assembled your fishing poles and applied your bait. As you cast your line into the water, you kicked off your boots and sat down on the cool grass. Arthur cast his line in the opposite direction of yours. Once he was satisfied with the spot of his line, he dug his heel into the soft dirt, creating a small hole. He then inserted his fishing pole into the ground, and leaned it against some rocks so that there was no slack in the line.
“There,” Arthur said, sounding pleased. “Anything worth catchin’ should make the pole move.” He retrieved his journal from his satchel and sat against a nearby tree.
This was how you passed the rest of the afternoon---Arthur writing in his journal as you sat along the river bank. Over the span of a few hours, you each caught a couple of fish, and Arthur suggested them for dinner. As he built a fire and prepared the fish, you picked some spices from a nearby field. Although the weather remained clear, you could see some clouds rolling in, which brought a cool, crisp wind.
As you ate dinner, Arthur sat against the tree and watched the sunset. “It’s gettin’ late.”
“Yeah,”  you responded, taking a large bite out of a bread roll Arthur had bought from the store earlier, “We better head back soon.”
Arthur’s eyes left the sunset and turned to you. He gave an amused smile at the sight of you chewing happily.
“What?” you asked, grinning.
Arthur smiled softly and replied, “I don’t want to take you back. I want to keep you all to myself.”
His response caught you off guard, and you looked to the ground. Heat rushed to your cheeks and you could feel yourself blushing. Although you had looked away, you could feel that Arthur’s eyes hadn’t left you.
“Well,” you began timidly, “If we leave now, we probably won’t make it back to camp until night time. What if we make camp and head back tomorrow morning?”
Arthur gave a pleased smile and nodded. “Sounds good to me.”
After dinner, you and Arthur unloaded items from your horses to set up camp. As you began to assemble your tent, you noticed that Arthur only had his bedroll.
“No tent? I saw some clouds earlier. They looked like they might bring some rain.”
Arthur shook his head. “I’ll be fine. I had to leave my old tent in a hurry. I didn’t have time to pack it up.”
You smirked, “I don’t want to know why.” Arthur chuckled and came over to help you.
It was dark by the time you had both laid out your bedrolls. The wind had picked up, so you grabbed a couple of blankets from your saddle. Arthur refused the one that you offered him, so you took both into your tent. You removed your boots and gun belt in an effort to get more comfortable. As you lay down, a light rain began to fall. Sleeping in the rain wasn’t too bad. You had done it many times. But the chilling wind was far from pleasant, and you imagined that Arthur wasn’t very comfortable.
“Hey, Arthur?” you called out, poking your head out from the tent.
He was laying on his back with his legs crossed at the ankles while his hands rested on his stomach. He turned his head to you as he responded, “Yeah?”
“It’s starting to rain pretty good. I, uh,  wouldn’t mind if you joined me in here.”
Arthur turned his head back towards the sky and closed his eyes, “I’m okay, darlin’. Don’t worry about me.”
The rain began to fall harder. “Arthur, I’m not going to let you sleep in the rain.”
“I’d take up all the room in your tent. I don’t want to be a bother. Now please, get some sleep and stop worryin’ about me.”
You let out a frustrated sigh. Why was he being so difficult? Wasn’t he the one that said he wanted to keep you to himself? Wasn’t he the one who had invited you to join him on his trip to Valentine? Wasn’t he the one who had bought you a gift?
Then it finally hit you. He had spent the entire day being sweet on you. Now it was your turn to show how you felt. If you wanted him in your tent, you had to ask him.
“Arthur.” You said his name in a tone that made him lift his head and look at you. “Please come here.”
His eyes studied you, trying to decide whether you actually wanted him, or if you were just being nice. For a moment, the only thing filling the silence between you was the sound of the rain falling on your tent. Finally, he spoke, “Are you sure, darlin’?”
You gave a reassuring nod and responded, “I want to fall asleep in your arms again.”
Convinced, Arthur  sat up and gathered his bedroll while you made room for him inside your tent.  Arthur made his way inside, and you were barely able to close the flaps of the tent before you felt his arms wrap around your waist and pull you effortlessly into his lap, your back landing against his chest. Despite the little time he had spent in the rain, his shirt was soaked, and cold. You sat up on your knees and turned to face him. You removed his bandana and discarded it in a corner. As your fingers started to unbutton his shirt, his hands caught your wrists and he gave you a confused grin.
“You’re freezing. If you stay in this shirt all night, you’ll get sick.”
He nodded and released your wrists, untucking his shirt from his pants to make it easier for you. Once you had his shirt unbuttoned, you pushed it over his shoulders, and let it fall to the ground. His bare skin felt good under your hands, and you found yourself running them over his muscular chest. Arthur let out a soft chuckle as he watched you admiring his body.
“I’m startin’ to think this wasn’t about me gettin’ sick.”
You rolled your eyes at his teasing and reached for one of the blankets. “Here,” you wrapped it around his shoulders before laying down onto your bedroll, turning your back to him.
“Thank you, darlin’,” he responded. He reached for the other blanket and draped it over your body. You felt him lower his body next to yours. With ease, he reached one arm around your waist, another around your shoulders, and pulled your body into his.
The warmth of his body was comforting, and the soft sound of the rain against your tent was soothing. Your eyes immediately grew heavy, and you fell asleep to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
Notes: So, I apologize that this isn’t as fluffy as Part 1, but I’m planning on writing a Part 3 that is probably going to be super fluffy. So stay tuned...
As always, thanks to @verai-marcel for being my beta reader! 
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dandyfics · 5 years
taste ; lee minho ☆
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— summary: as many say, even the smallest things can create small clusters of happiness. what if that happiness comes from somewhere familiar? perhaps the local creamery you’ve grown too fond of?
— genre: fluff, a whole lot of fluff, ft. other skz members — pairings: ice-cream boy!minho x office worker!reader — word count: 2.6k — warnings: explicit language, cursing 
— author note: beware of spelling & grammar errors ! this was based on some random sub reddit so uhm– it doesn’t really have a theme ?? but i hope you enjoy my first **published** fic nonetheless bubs ! and of course, gender neutral !
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You hate Mondays. The endless demands from your co-workers to grab some coffee, the hideous traffic anywhere you go, your boss shouting like a bewildered orangutan, and of course the ravenous feeling that washes in your stomach. You fear that you’re not going to make it by the time lunch break rolls in.
Obviously, this doesn’t only apply on Mondays. But the fateful day decided to be a special snowflake to you and your work ethic, which makes it ten times shittier than any other day. Not to mention the hefty piles of paperwork that you need to finish at home before August. A year into the work experience in Seo’s Publishing & Co. and you still struggle to get that promotion you’ve been opting since January. At least they pay you well.
But you weren’t alone on that exact Monday. Summer and it’s endless supplies of heat waves decided to enter your life before you even know it. As Han Jisung likes to say, what a great time to be alive. Not.
“It’s so fucking hot.” Felix limps on his desk chair, frantically fanning himself with a big blue binder. You, on the other hand, already prepared long before with two hand fans screeching atop your desk. “Why is the AC off?”
“Because Mr. Seo said ‘fuck global warming’, which is ironic since his office has two air conditioners that are always on,” Kim Seungmin says, plopping on his chair before turning on his brand new industrial fan that he keeps on bragging about since the beginning of July, claiming that he’s got the weather ‘under control’. Felix doesn’t respond at this rate, instead, he oggles weirdly at the fan Seungmin got from God-knows-where.
You groan miserably. “Turn that damn thing off, you’re perpetuating hot air onto my face.”
“I’ll do that. Once Jisung stops wasting all the cold air from the fridge.”
“I swear to God, Han. If you eat my frozen waffle once again.” Typical Felix who will always protect his food. That kid will protect his cream cheese bagel even if WWIII decided to occur.
Jisung frowns childishly. “It’s just too hot. I’m evaporating, literally.”
“Maybe it’s because I’m in the room.” Hwang Hyunjin merrily waltzes into the conversation, earning a few annoyed gazes and grouses from his co-workers.
“Choke on a baguette.” Seungmin grunts, throwing a crumpled printer paper at him. “Your presence isn’t needed here anymore, not after that promotion of yours.” Hyunjin smiles smugly, taking a sip from his ‘Best Uncle’ coffee cup. 
Yearly promotions have gotten a toll on you, ever since Hyunjin got his place as the assistants’ assistant, he’s been moved to the 3rd-floor cubicle; located right next to the main office, which – you’ve guessed it – is completed with a working air conditioner. Big headed Hyunjin has and will never stop mentioning it. ‘We’ll stay together till one of us gets fired’ my ass.
“You’re just jealous because I earned that cool cubicle on the 3rd floor. Unlike y’all peasants who rely on factory industry fans.” Hyunjin scoffs, emphasizing on the last sentence. Seungmin chokes on his coffee mug.
“You got a problem with Becky?”
“It has a name?” Jisung half-whispers at you, earning a shrug.
“Shut up, Hyunjin, just go back to your fancy little office and do your five stacks of paperwork that you haven’t touched since last week.” You quip, earning a high five from Felix. “Oh, and neither your niece nor nephew likes you, Hwang.”
Hyunjin gasps dramatically, hiding his graphic cup from your sight. “How DARE you.” Jisung cackles his ass off as if he’s enjoying some random Netflix show, watching Hyunjin as he takes an indignant sip from his cup whilst trying to explain that his niece just ‘mildly dislike him and nothing more’. You – being the only one with a sane state of mind – take a glance at the clock.
“Oh, shit. It’s already 12.” You murmur. “Anyone down to get out and grab lunch? I’m not talking to you, Hyunjin.” Felix goes in for another cheeky high five as Hyunjin flouts.
Seungmin pushes his glasses from the bridge of his nose, sighing. “Look, Y/N. As hungry as I am, I’m not going to burn into a crisp of bacon outside in this weather.” He retorts, continuing on his Pdf file. “Fun fact, it’s almost 34° Celcius outside. I’d rather starve to death than sweat to death.” Jisung sheepishly agrees, engulfing in the cold fridge air.
You turn to Felix sympathetically, expecting him to join you. “Can’t you see that I’m hyperventilating?” Felix whines like a wet dog, thudding his head repeatedly on his messy desk. You click your tongue at the pathetic sight.
“Okay, so no one’s gonna join me?” You ask for the last time. Rethinking again about getting burned in the midst of the July air. Was it worth it? Should you really drag one of your co-workers in the ungodly weather?
You huff, disappointed lacing your features as a genius idea draws onto your mind. “Well, I’m heading to the creamery near the park. Don’t come at me trying to get a lick from my rocky-road cone.”
“Shit, ice cream sounds great right now!” Jisung squeaks from the floor.
“Please, Y/N, can you get me the mint chocolate one? I need something to cool me off.” Felix jolts from his seat seemingly refreshed and youthful again. Seungmin cheers from his desk, presumably also in the mood for something cold and creamy. Hyunjin screeches like a pterodactyl from the corner of your eye, screaming something about chocolate.
Your co-workers haven’t really grown up, have they?
“Suddenly I’m your servant? Nice try.” You reply playfully, raising an eyebrow at your half-melting co-workers. They all groan in unison. “Nothing is free. Everything comes with a pri–”
Jisung surges from his butt. “Tell you what, I’ll buy you dinner. Chinese at that place you always wanted to visit!” He offers, making the others try to think of a better deal than his. “Only if you get me the cheesecake ice cream.”
Seungmin follows up. “Y/N, if you get me a cup of cookies and cream, I’ll finish reviewing that book for you. Oh, and also a stack of your paperwork. What do you say?” Jisung boos at Seungmin’s boring choice of flavor.
“I’ll give you a foot massage!” Felix adds.
“Tempting.” You snicker smugly before turning to Hyunjin. “Aren’t you going to offer me something, Hwang? Anything?”
Hyunjin avoids eye contact with you before crooning. “Fine, I’ll give you a ride in my convertible for the rest of the month.” You mentally tap yourself in the back for getting great deals just for a bucket of cheap ice cream. Drastic time does require drastic measures, they say. You grab your bag and walk towards the elevator with a jolly good feeling.
“You all got yourself a deal. Better be ready for that foot massage, Lix.”
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Dori Creamery. The sweet scent of vanilla and cream whiffs onto you as you walk near the entrance. You spent almost all of your college days being a customer in the said creamery. The place is medium sized, petite but fancy. The light neapolitan colors being the aesthetic of the shop brings back all the memories. You recall the seconds when you had your first date, celebrating your graduation with a cup of mango-sorbet, and your heartbreak spent accompanied by a tube of berry delight.
You liked the place. No, you loved the place. Hints of nostalgia always hit you whenever you enter the calming aura of the room, only this time, the creamery is packed with people. And not just any people; sweaty, loud, body-odor inducing people.
You managed to squeeze in the back of the line, avoiding the nasty body-sweat that lingers around. You can also go to another shop, but hey, where’s the fun in that? If you can’t even get some ice cream, what’s even the point?
“Excuse me, coming through.” You mumble as some guy nearly bumps you out of the line. The whiff of wind in the room is prominent, but the body heat everyone seems to be sharing nearly evaporates you apart.
You opted on scrolling through your phone while you wait for the person at the very front to make up their mind about ‘I’m on a low sugar diet but I really want to try the strawberry shortcake, should I?’. After a while, the line started to dry out, until there’s only you and a few others before you.
Everything was fine and dandy until you feel a force coming from beside you, nearly shoving you down to the floor. “Hey, what the hell?” You scold. A woman suddenly stands in front of you, cutting your precious time and line.
“I’m in a hurry.” She claims, whipping her head to decide on her order.
If you’re in a hurry why the fuck did you stop for ice cream?  A rasp of vexation coils in you, leaving you to do nothing but scowl at the woman. The heat isn’t helping either. A part of you wanted to flip everything off – including the woman – but you remind yourself that you’re no cavemen and it’s just some ice cream, it’s no big deal.
You couldn’t do much but sigh and wait for your turn, hoping that no one else would do something as ignorant as she did. Not even a single sorry? Great, just what you needed.
The woman finally decided on a pistachio order and storms off with a receipt in one hand and a double-scoop cone on the other. You irkly glance before walking towards the counter, repeating the order in your head.
“Uh, hi. I would like a cone of–”
“Rocky road with whipped cream?”
“Yeah, that. And– wait, how did you know?” You eyed the cashier, who’s smiling meekly at you. Nearly staring in awe, you almost forget about the whole order after meeting the enthralling smile painted on his face. “Do I… know you?”
He chuckles lightly, handing his co-worker a slip of paper. “No, it’s just that you always order that. Don’t you ever get bored of it?”
“It’s too good to be bored with.” You say, beaming idly. Finally, a nice–decent human being with good manners. “So, you’re not new here?” You mention, raising an eyebrow. The boy beams, reminding you of the Cheshire Cat – mere charisma laced in his smile. 
He shakes his head, denying your question. “Actually, I own this place.”
Your eyes widen. “Really? How come I’ve never seen you before?”
“You ask a lot of questions.” The boy teases. “I mostly work at the kitchen, perfecting my secret recipe. But I always know my customers.” He playfully answers. “Oh, and if you don’t mind, I added your order to that woman’s receipt. Can you imagine cutting a line just for a cone of caramel and pistachio?” Your eyes widen. Not so sweet after all, huh?
“Wh– isn’t that illegal or some shit?” You ask, worrying that your favorite ice cream parlor will shut down because of the FBI finding out about your stupid cone of rocky road. The boy shrugs innocently.
“Not if you don’t get caught.” He winks.
You scoff, an unfamiliar feeling clusters in your stomach, just like the thrill of first crushes but with a different – slightly bizzare taste. “I’m still ordering something else, though. Tell me, is the rocky road free?” You ask, still unsure of what just happened. Free ice cream isn’t something you get every day, come to think of it. He pretends to think for a while before nodding.
“But,” He says. “You have to do me a favor in return.” You raise your eyebrow, preparing yourself for any stupid favor he has in mind. The blossoming feelings doesn’t stop pounding in you, and suddenly it’s middle school all over again. “How about your number? That seems fair, yeah?” He smiles coyly. You snort.
“Sir, am I hearing things wrong or are you flirting with me?”
“Well, do you want your precious rocky road cone or not?” He playfully sniggers at you. You cognitively slap yourself back alive, lured in by his small tricks. You had no choice, do you? Hey, at least the boy’s cute.
You grab a piece of tissue from the counter without answering. “Do you have a pen?” Handing you a pen, he rests his head on top of his palm, watching you write down your number carefully – trying not to rip the tissue or create a hole. He smirks in satisfaction, watching you as your face washes in a flustered demand. “What’s your name?”
“Minho. Lee Minho.”
“As in the actor? Wow, I’ve never thought he’ll be selling ice cream downtown.”
“I wish.” You giggle at his response, handing him the nearly ripped tissue paper. 
“I’m Y/N, by the way.” You say, awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck. Minho slides the paper on his pocket, handing you a cone of rocky road with whipped cream and sliced strawberries on top as an extra dressing. “Thanks, I’m also ordering two medium buckets of cookies and cream with chocolate and mint-choco with blueberry cheesecake. No toppings, please.” You finally excecute the order after countless unsuccessful rehearsals in your head.
Minho writes down the order before sliding the paper towards his co-worker who seems to be wiggling his eyebrows from your view. “Wow, that’s a lot to eat in one sitting. No toppings?” You shake your head again.
“It’s for my co-workers. Oh, and spit on the chocolate one, if you may.”
“Kinky, but it’s not something I’ve never tried before,”
“I’m just kidding, geez.” You huff, trying to hide the bubbling smile as you wonder, trying to imagine what happened to occur that precise course of action.
“You work at the publishing company now, huh?” He asks, pointing at your nametag as he passes your two buckets of ice cream. You nod enthusiastically. “I remember you coming here late at night in your pajamas doing calculus while shoving cookie dough up to your face. Good times.”
A coral blush crept from your cheeks. “Okay, now you just sound creepy.”
“Well,” He says, his face panning closer to you as you flinch back in surprise. “I’d like to stay and chat, Y/N. But you’re holding the line.” Minho reminds you, cocking his head towards the line. “Let’s continue some other day, yeah?”
You glance at the clock and then at the line behind you. “Oh shit, you’re right.” Clicking your tongue, you mention silently. Disappointed that you have to go back to your crusty co-workers, who’s probably whining over the fact that you’re still not back yet. “How much for the two tubes?”
“Twenty five.” He answers watching you run swiftly through your wallet. “But if you’re willing to go to dinner with me next Saturday, it’s free.” Minho says. Your heart does a cartwheel as you stare into the boy, wiggling his eyebrows at you. What more can you ask from a good looking guy like him? Cheeky bastard.
“How can I say no to that?” The coral blush that tinges on your cheeks fades into a deep red. “To be honest, I’m baffled. You sure know a lot about me, but I don’t know much about you, Minho.”
He hums. “Let’s fix that, shall we?”
“You got yourself a date, Mister. Now if you’ll excuse me, someone at the office owes me a foot massage.” Minho winks one last time before you leave the ice cream parlor.
With heart in your hand and ice cream in the other, you walk out the creamery with a delighted feeling. Maybe, just maybe, you’ll melt away like ice cream in scorching hot weather if you think about the ice cream boy too much.
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beckzorz · 5 years
Out of Nowhere (3/21)
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes/OFC Summary: An offhand comment at work draws Jesse Kaplan into the orbit of Bucky Barnes. Bucky’s excited at the prospect of normalcy, but there’s nothing normal about falling in love with the Winter Soldier. Words: 3518 A/N: The awkward duo is at it again 😛 And now that Bucky’s in the picture, the picture is all about Bucky 😉 SPOILER ALERT: henley™. And the song for this chapter is one of my absolute favorite songs to dance to!!! “Bienvenue Dans Ma Vie” by Nikki Yanofsky.
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     XXX-XXX-XXXX      Yesterday, 8:22 PM
Jesse: Bucky Barnes
     Today, 9:37 AM
Jesse: Hi, this is Jesse Kaplan. Marilyn is at Brooklyn Methodist. Have a nice day! XXX-XXX-XXXX: ok ty
On Tuesday morning, Jesse got a call from Marilyn on her way to the printer.
“Marilyn, hi, how are you doing?”
“Oh, I’m hanging in there.” Marilyn sounded reasonably chipper. “I wanted to thank you for going to the Stark benefit for me.”
“Oh, of course,” Jesse said. “I had a nice time. A friend was there, and there was a band, so we got to dance.”
“You met Bucky too,” Marilyn added. “Thank you for letting him know where I am. He brought flowers.”
“Wow,” Jesse said, eyebrows raised. Barnes had already visited? With all his extra abilities and famous connections, she’d hardly expected him to make it to the hospital at all. Wasn’t he busy? Jesse held her phone in place with her shoulder as she sorted the flyers. “That was nice of him.”
“Wasn’t it? Anyway, I wanted to ask a favor. The doctor told me I needed to wait one more day for surgery since my ankle is still so swollen. I left a book in my cube and I was wondering if you could bring it over after work.”
“Uh, sure.” Jesse winced. So much for making that stir fry.
“Thank you so much, Jesse. I’m just insanely bored. TV only distracts me for so long. Every home makeover is basically the same. How many times can I watch them knock down a non-supporting wall?”
Jesse laughed as she finally got all the flyers arranged under one arm. “I get it! I’ll see you later. May your day pass quickly!”
“You too!”
Brooklyn Methodist Hospital was closer to BCEI’s office than Jesse’s apartment, but the best stop on the 3 train still left her with a ten minute walk. She slogged through the humid streets, studying the people she passed with mild curiosity, plus a little grin for the few who caught her eye.
By the time Jesse arrived at the front desk, her hair was more frizz than curl. She got directions to Marilyn’s ward. On her way there, she ducked into a bathroom to smooth back her hair and wipe her face.
She studied herself in the mirror with pursed lips, then reapplied her lip balm and pinched some color into her pale cheeks.
A little better.
When she reached the right room, she heard someone else talking with Marilyn before she could see inside.
Jesse paused, curious, but the quiet man’s voice stopped mid-sentence.
It had to be Sergeant Barnes, Jesse realized. He’d heard her come, and he’d heard her stop. Why was he here? He’d come yesterday. Did he have nothing else to do?
Well, no point in lingering at the door. Jesse went in.
Marilyn was sitting up in a bed by the window; the other bed was empty. Barnes was in a chair under the window, elbows on his knees, head framed by a bouquet on the sill. He was frowning at the door, but once she came in he sat up, frown fading. He looked much less severe today. His shoulder-length hair was down and tucked behind one ear, and his jeans and henley shirt were as unthreatening as anything. And—she tried not to stare—he wasn’t wearing gloves. His left hand was black matte metal, shot through with gold.
“Jesse! I’m so glad you could make it,” Marilyn said. Jesse tore her gaze from Barnes. Marilyn’s curly hair was limper than usual and her ankle was elevated and in a cast, but other than that she looked normal.
“Hi,” Jesse said. She went and handed Marilyn her book. Barnes stood up as she approached, but Jesse quickly hopped up onto the other bed before he could offer her his chair. He sat back down slowly, narrowed eyes fixed on her. Jesse did her best to focus on Marilyn. “How are you doing?”
“Oh, I’m alright,” Marilyn said. “I’ll be better once I can get out of here. At least here I get the good painkillers.”
Jesse snorted. “That’s something.”
“And good company—Bucky came back.” Marilyn smiled at Barnes, but he was still watching Jesse. “He says you dance wonderfully,” Marilyn added, smirking a little.
At that, Barnes jerked in his chair. “Ah,” he started, but said no more. Inwardly, Jesse was giddy at the compliment, but she tried not to show it. Poor guy probably wouldn’t be able to handle it.
“Well, thanks again for the dance,” she said lightly. “It was… nice.” A flush crawled up her face as the memory of it came back to her, and she turned to Marilyn to avoid Barnes’ suddenly suspicious stare. “So… surgery tomorrow?”
“That’s the plan. How’s the fort holding up?”
“Work? Oh, we’re managing.”
Barnes cleared his throat. Jesse reluctantly looked over at him, half afraid she wouldn’t be able to look away.
“What exactly do you do?” he asked her.
“Um, admin stuff,” Jesse said. “I answer phones, print things. You know. And—”
“Jesse helps everyone,” Marilyn interrupted. “She’s the one who suggested we reach out to you.”
“Really?” He raised his eyebrows at Jesse with frank appraisal.
Jesse scooted back on the bed and crossed her legs, a little embarrassed. It had only been an offhand remark; how was she supposed to know Marilyn would take it seriously? Or that the Winter Soldier had a philanthropic streak? “After one old man had to go to the hospital, I figured we should find one more… hardy?”
Barnes snorted. He pressed his lips together in a vain effort to hide a smile, but his amusement was clear. Was he laughing at her?
“Hardy!” he chortled. “I guess that’s true.”
“Yes, well…” Jesse stared at her hands tucked between her legs. She was never going to have a normal interaction with this guy, was she? If they weren’t both being awkward, one or the other was bound to be. The only time that hadn’t happened was when they were dancing, but it wasn’t like the Winter Soldier was going to show up at the weekly dances.
Jesse looked sideways at Barnes as Marilyn asked him about his health. The constant awkwardness was a shame, really. He’d danced so well. As good as dancing with Mike, who was her favorite…
A real shame.
“I’m going to get going,” Jesse said. She hopped down from the hospital bed, wincing—damn, they really knew how to kill backs in hospitals—and gave a little wave.
Barnes stood up. “I should head out too,” he said. “Marilyn, good luck tomorrow.” He shook her hand gently.
“Bye you two! Be good.” Marilyn settled in with her book, though Jesse could have sworn Marilyn winked at her, out of Barnes’ sight. Jesse pursed her lips, half annoyed and half amused. Once Barnes was done holding the door, he’d probably abandon her and stalk away to whatever rock he was living under.
Barnes, however, did not stalk off at the first opportunity. Jesse was already scrounging for her phone when he fell into step beside her.
“So all this is your doing,” he said.
Jesse abandoned the search for her phone. “All what?”
“The work,” he explained, glancing sidelong at her. “Getting me involved. Do you have all the ideas?”
Jesse’s cheeks warmed. “Not all of them,” she said. “I just… make suggestions.”
“Right,” he said.
Once she pushed the down button, Jesse stared up determinedly at the muted television by the elevators. She was not going to stare at Barnes, or his arms. Local news and typo-ridden closed captioning, she could handle.
     [ unusually height end number of break ins have      [ been reported   around the burrough. Be sure      [ to lock your doors and windows when  leaving      [ your home.            Weather tonight—
The elevator dinged. Barnes stepped forward, then paused.
“After you,” he said.
“Why thank you,” Jesse said primly. She led the way in, pushed the lobby button, and leaned against the wall. The metal was cool against her bare arms. Barnes stood against the opposite wall, facing her.
“Do you go dancing a lot?” he asked.
“Once or twice a week,” she said. She smiled wryly. “I don’t know if that’s a lot.”
Barnes whistled low. “Sounds like a lot to me.”
“Well, there are people who go almost every night.”
“Why don’t you?”
“I believe in diversification.” Jesse grinned, and Barnes barked out a laugh as the elevator doors chimed open.
“Smart,” he said, eyes crinkling with a smile.
“I do my best,” Jesse quipped. She pressed her lips together, trying to keep from grinning like a loon as she led the way out. Two compliments from awkward Bucky Barnes in ten minutes? Who wouldn’t be delighted?
They both paused in the shade of the awning. Barnes stared out at the street; Jesse let out a tiny, wistful sigh. What a profile.
A thought struck her as she glanced back at the hospital entrance. If Barnes could afford to visit Marilyn two days straight on such short notice, how busy could he possibly be?
“You should come dancing sometime,” she blurted.
Barnes stiffened, then turned his head to frown at her. Jesse swallowed, suddenly nervous.
“If you want,” she added quickly. What on earth had possessed her?
“When?” His commanding tone was the same he’d used when he’d asked for her phone on Sunday night.
“Oh, um, Thursdays are when I tend to go.”
“Text me the address,” he said brusquely. He looked again up and down the street.
“Okay.” There was no wind, and she was standing quite still, but she felt as though she was standing in the wake of a sudden storm. What had happened to the friendly man of a minute ago? He’d vanished, and all that remained was a shuttered shell. “I… guess I’ll see you around.”
“Mm.” Barnes nodded once in her direction, eyes still elsewhere. He turned on his heel and left.
If he had been a few inches shorter, Jesse would have lost sight of him in half a moment. As it was, she could see his head bobbing away, getting smaller and smaller. Then he turned a corner and was gone.
Francisco, Jesse’s roommate, was already eating dinner at their kitchen table by the time she got back to the apartment.
“Hey, Jesse.”
“Hi, Fran,” Jesse said. She slid out of her shoes, left them in the pile by the door, and collapsed in the chair across from Fran with a sigh. “How’re you?”
“Less exhausted than you,” he said, eyebrows raised. “What happened?”
“Oh, god. Nothing bad. Just a long errand. My coworker Marilyn, the one who broke her ankle, asked me to bring her a book from work to the hospital, and—” She cut herself off. Fran wasn’t a gossip, but was it right to tell him about her awkward meetings with Bucky Barnes? Maybe, maybe not. Better to err on the side of caution. “It’s hot, and I’m starving,” she finished with a sheepish grin.
Fran laughed. “Poor Jesse. Good news is that I made enough for you, too.” He pointed his veggie-laden fork towards the counter. A wok full of stir-fry!
“Ooooh, thank you!” Jesse popped to her feet and began putting together a plate. “So how was your day?”
“Fine, just finishing up everything before vacation. One week! I’m so ready for it,” Fran sighed. He pushed his dark bangs back from his eyes. “Do you know my boss was asking me if I’d have wifi?”
“Aren’t you going to Iceland?” Jesse asked. She slid back into her seat and dug in.
“Yes!” Fran laughed. “I told him no.”
“Good call. No, an excellent call.”
Once they’d both finished eating, Jesse took both plates and got to cleaning. Fran had made dinner, so it was her job to clean up. That was their system, and it worked.
Jesse liked Fran. They’d lived together for close to two years without any major conflicts, which was a small miracle considering they had no dishwasher. Jesse’s last roommate had left dishes out overnight at least three times a week even with a dishwasher. Fran was much cleaner. Plus, he didn’t bother her in the evenings, which meant she could shutter herself in her room, flop down onto her indented mattress, and think.
What was up with Bucky Barnes? She didn’t know what to make of him. She could easily understand his awkwardness—who wouldn’t be overwhelmed and underprepared for socializing after all he’d gone through? Being a soldier in active combat was enough to change most people, and Barnes had suffered so much more. On top of losing his arm, he’d lost his autonomy, his sense of self…
She couldn’t imagine surviving all that.
Well, she would probably survive it, but she wouldn’t come out okay.
So how did Barnes manage those brief, wonderful moments? Just the thought of his soft smile and sincere compliments made her cheeks warm. Once her mind jumped from there to the memory of dancing with him, she knew her attempts at serious contemplation was a lost cause.
Jesse pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes. She really shouldn’t be thinking about it so much—it was one dance! Just one!—but she couldn’t help it. Bucky Barnes was awkward, occasionally frightening, but there was no escaping the heady intoxication of being held in his arms, not even days later.
She rolled over and grabbed her phone from her bedside table. She still hadn’t added his name into her contact list. He’d only texted her to thank her for Marilyn’s hospital, and there’d been no reason to think she’d ever correspond with him again. But he’d asked her to text him again. She could do it. She could text him where to go for the dancing tomorrow, and maybe he’d come, and maybe they’d dance again.
Or she could… not text him. She could ignore his request, forget her blundering suggestion that he go dancing at all, and move on with her life. Keep the memory of him locked away for quiet moments, immutable and sepia-toned like all old things.
Jesse sighed. Much though that would be easier on her mental state, it wasn’t fair to him. She’d said she would text him, and it wasn’t right to break her word to him. What would that say to him? He wasn’t worth her time? She didn’t follow through? He was a horrible person and she was afraid of him?
She shuddered. No, her feelings were her own to manage.
God help her, she’d do her best to manage them.
    XXX-XXX-XXXX     Today, 9:02 PM
Jesse: Thursdays is Frim Fram Jam at 412 8th Ave, 4th Floor, near Penn Station. Jesse: It starts at 9pm, cover is $10
    9:21 PM
Jesse: Hope you can make it!
By the time Jesse got to the Thursday dance, she was too nervous to smile. She clutched her bag to her side as she scanned the crowd. But Bucky Barnes was nowhere to be seen.
She sighed. She should have expected this. Of course he wouldn’t show.
Changing into her suede-bottom dance shoes only took a minute, and in another minute she was dancing. Three songs went by where she danced with various acquaintances, but whenever she wasn’t forcing smiles at her partner, she stared across the room with a mix of hope and dread.
Why couldn’t she just relax? She hated being like this. The anxiety made her sick to her stomach. Dancing was all about joy, but she couldn’t manage more than a scrap of happiness tonight.
After she’d sent her text, she’d tried desperately hard not to think about the ramifications of inviting Bucky Barnes dancing. And she’d done a good job of it. No more speculating about what he’d think of her, no worrying about her face or her clothes or her hair… Well, no more worrying than usual. She’d completely avoided thinking about what would happen if he didn’t come.
Maybe she would have been more prepared for the disappointment settling in her gut if she had thought about it.
Jesse smiled absently at her latest partner and went to grab her water bottle. That might help settle her stomach. As she was drinking, Mike ambled over. Jesse quickly put her bottle away and smiled. Dancing with Mike always cheered her up. Hopefully tonight it would work its usual magic.
“Hi, Mike,” she said. “Long time no see.”
“How’s it going?” Mike asked.
“Oh, I’m okay. Nothing…” Jesse trailed off; past Mike, someone had just come in. Someone tall and pale with dark hair and a henley shirt. “Nothing much going on,” she said quickly. “Excuse me!”
She abandoned Mike with a quick smile, heart pounding. As she approached the check-in table, Bucky glanced up. His expression was guarded, but her own face split into a smile.
“You made it!” she exclaimed.
Bucky edged his way into the room. He wasn’t frowning, but he was clearly not yet comfortable. Jesse’s smile faded. She glanced around, wondering what he made of the space. The lighting was more dim than harsh, but there weren’t any dark corners. Just people’s things stuffed on and under chairs lining the edge of the room. Plus full-length mirrors on some of the walls, as in any good dance studio. It seemed entirely safe to her, but she’d grown used to it over the years.
“How are you doing?” she asked.
“Fine,” he said. A muscle twitched in his jaw, and he let out a breath between his teeth before looking at her full-on for the first time. “It’s crowded.”
“Is it?” Jesse blinked, genuinely startled—there was still plenty of room. People were doing full swingouts, for goodness sake. She thought back to her first forays into swing dancing and winced. Yeah, plenty crowded.
“Compared with outside,” he amended. He shook out his shoulders and rolled his head around on his neck. His tension dissipated somewhat, to Jesse’s relief. “For what it is, it’s not really crowded.”
“I was gonna say,” Jesse said with a grin. She hooked her fingers into her back pocket and tapped her hip in time with the music. The current song was close to ending. She glanced up at Barnes, trying to be discreet. Did she dare ask him to dance? She wanted to dance with him, no question, but what would he make of her? He’d asked her before… Wasn’t that how they’d done it back in the day? Would asking him make her seem strange, overeager? Was she just grasping at straws? Was anxiety getting the better of her?
“How are you?” he asked.
“Oh, I’m okay.” Jesse pulled her hands out of her pockets and twined them together behind her back. “‘Nothing new under the sun.’”
“What?” He frowned, confused.
“It’s just a bible quote,” Jesse said quickly. “Kohelet—Ecclesiastes, I guess you might know it by. All nihilistic and so on.” At his raised eyebrow, she added, “Fortunately, I am reasonably satisfied by what is already under the sun.”
Barnes shook his head with a chuckle. “Smart.”
That was the third time he’d called her smart. Was he somehow deprived of intelligent company?
“I mean, there’s this, isn’t there?” Jesse gestured towards the dancers, all of them moving amongst each other in a mass of contentment. The music was upbeat, and best of all, no one had come to bother him yet.
“So there is,” he said.
The song ended, and one of Jesse’s favorites began to play. She instinctively glanced around to look for Mike—she always looked for him when this song began.
“Wanna dance?” Barnes asked, disrupting her search.
“Oh—yes please!” Jesse’s heart leapt, and she took his offered hand with a fresh bounce in her step. “I love this song.”
He kept them to the edge of the dance floor, away from as many eyes as possible. When he drew Jesse in to start off, her eyes slid shut in bliss. They were too close to see each other’s faces. Free from the fear of scrutiny, Jesse could finally relax.
It was as good as their first dance together—his solid arm held her close and secure, his quiet breathing in time with her own. He was wearing a glove over his metal hand again. Aside from the texture of the leather, the hand felt as real as her own. Could he tell if she tightened her grip just a litte?
She opened her eyes once they started dancing more apart, with sendouts and spins and swingouts. Jesse sang under her breath, her smile broad. Barnes was more sedate, but a small smile brushed his lips whenever their eyes met.
The only odd moment that whole song was when Jesse was looking elsewhere and she caught Mike’s eye. She smiled, but all he did was stare, lips parted, at her.
And at Bucky Barnes.
The next time she looked in his direction, Mike was gone.
    XXX-XXX-XXXX      Today, 5:43 AM
XXX-XXX-XXXX: ty for the dances
     6:34 AM
Jesse: Thank you too! Jesse: ☺
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staticscreenwriting · 6 years
thinking only autumn thoughts - Billy Hargrove
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Synopsis: Autumn is magic. Billy is soft. 
A/N: I don’t even know what this is I just liked writing it. Please let me know what you think. Thanks :)
“October Country . . . that country where it is always turning late in the year. That country where the hills are fog and the rivers are mist; where noons go quickly, dusks and twilights linger, and mid-nights stay [...]
That country whose people are autumn people, thinking only autumn thoughts. Whose people passing at night on the empty walks sound like rain. . . . “
Hawkins Indiana isn’t a spectacular town by all means. It’s small and old and boring. It’s not particularly pretty to look at either with it’s peeling paint and rusty nails and dirty shop windows.
But there’s a certain time of year, just a few days almost over by the time you realize it, where things change. It’s a feeling in the air. A whisper in the wind. A scent that reminds you of childhood memories you thought long forgotten.
It’s when all is painted in the last hues of reds and orange but fall knows it’s time to go and let winter take over. The air is cold a crips and nips at your nose and blushes your cheeks but it’s still warm enough to take walks along the fields.
That’s when he met her. He was new in town and angry. Always angry. And sad. And she was — alive. Even now, years later, he’s not sure what he ever did right for things to fall into place the way they did that night.
He was hanging out at yet another party of yet another classmate he didn’t give a shit about. And he was miserable and bored and filled with teenage angst and repressed emotions. And there she was, in the middle of a crowd, ripped jeans and a madonna shirt and bright pink lipstick. Her hair was permed to the max and she wore the ugliest hoop earrings he’d ever seen. It wasn’t like he fell in love with her then, but there was something about her that intrigued him. She looked like a downright mess. Like she was the physical embodiment of how he felt inside. Hell, she was drinking one of those disgusting wine coolers. If that doesn’t scream misery to you, what does ?
He saw her again, a few days later. Sitting on the front porch of her house, just a few down from his. She looked sad again. Still beautiful. And when she caught his eye, she started to smile. Her hair was flowing in the wind and her cheeks were flushed and the tip of her nose was red from the cold and Billy, for the first time in his life, thought that maybe he was falling in love.
Things changed that day, when they started talking. About the weather and school and Hawkins and their shared hatred of the town and how all they wanted was to get out.
They spent that night together, at the playground behind their houses. Just talking. About the misery of a lost childhood and a fuck up youth. About their families and how messed up they were. About mother and the absence of those. About heartbreak and life. And love.
And since that night things were never the same again.
Every year for all the years he’s spent in Hawkins Indiana that was his favorite time. Because she seemed to come alive then. With her hair flowing in the wind and Halloween gone and forgotten and Christmas still a month away she was — almost weightless.
And every Thanksgiving, when the nuclear families stepped up a notch in pretending to be perfect, they’d suffer through a fake display of familiar love and comfort waiting for the right moment to slip away and meet up.
The diner was almost deserted that night, obviously. Families had better things to do than have their Thanksgiving meal at the local diner with the soggy fries and the burned burger patties. But to them it was good. It was everything.
He told her he loved her there. With the pink neon lights lighting up her face like she was a character in the Blade Runner movie.
And she told him she loved him back.
It was a good time in Hawkins, the bridge between fall and winter. Where things are cold but they felt so warm inside.
Only winter inevitably came. And it came with cold and fury and heartbreak.
It’s years later that he gets to witness another Thanksgiving in Hawkins. Another magical moment between fall and winter. Only it doesn’t seem to magical when he arrives.
The occasion isn’t a happy one to begin with. It’s not the long awaited bonding of his patchwork family. No. He’s not being welcomed with open arms.
He’s welcomed by a frail looking Neil in a hospital bed hooked to machines, connected by tubes.
His dad is dying. That’s the inevitable truth of it all and Billy has no idea how to feel about this. This situation is so strangely familiar but so very different.
When it was his mom, he was a kid and he didn’t know shit about life and death and mortality. He just knew that his mom was there one day and the next she was in the hospital and then she was dead and he was sad and angry.
This time he knows so much more but his head is still kind of empty. As is his heart. His mother’s passing hit him deeply. She was this wonderful woman who held nothing but kindness and love in her heart. Neil is an abusive asshole.
But he’s still his dad and no matter how much Billy tries to deny it, he’s still just a broken boy asking for a sign of approval, a hint of pride, a tiny sliver of love from his dad.
All he gets is a snarky remark about his new haircut and a snort when he tells Neil about his job at a center for troubled youth.
So he bids Max and Susann goodbye and goes to the one place that holds good memories for him.
Only when he enters the diner it’s not a good feeling that washes over him. There’s the nostalgia of what this place holds sure, but it all feels less magical and way more sad when he has to face it alone.
He asks for a piece of pumpkin pie, which he doesn’t even particularly like but (Y/N) always loved it and some stupid ass part of his brain thinks that maybe that can bring them closer even if she’s not here.
“ You look like you could use some company “ Clarice, the waitress says but Billy declines. Not because he doesn’t like her, in fact she’s always treated him nicely when im and (Y/N) came around, no he’s just really shit at small talk. And that’s what she’s gonna expect from him.
So she walks off and for a moment he’s left alone with his soggy fries and a U2 song playing over the stereo.
Then the clicking of heels catches his attention and it’s just ridiculous how fast his heart starts to beat when he looks up and is greeted by (Y/N) walking towards him. Like it hasn’t been years since they have last seen each other. Like they haven’t broken up a long time ago. Like their last meeting wasn’t yelling and tears and heartbreak and throwing clothes out of windows.
But it all feels like a lifetimes ago. Like it happened to two completely different people. And all that’s there right now is this immense warmth spreading through his body and consuming him.
“ Hi “ she says and smiles and suddenly the diner isn’t so sad anymore.
She looks so different. Her hair isn’t permed anymore and the lipstick is now red instead of hot pink and she’s wearing gold studs instead of pink hopps but there’s still that shimmer of wonder and passion in her eyes and she’s still smiling like the girl she used to be. She’s a different person now but she’s still everything good in the world. At least to Billy.
“ Hi “
“ Can I sit down ? “
What a question.
“ Of course “
They’re quiet for a moment but there’s a tension building. Like the air before a thunderstorm. Electric.
“ I like the haircut. It suits you, I always told you. “
She had. But the mullet was his thing. The physical rebellion against his dad’s stupid rules and restrictions. Also he looked fucking cool and anyone who says differently is clearly wrong.
“ Thanks. You look — “ Billy knows he’s biased.This girl is part of all his happy memories of the last few years. She could be wearing a paper bag and shave her head and dye her eyebrows green and he’d still think she is gorgeous.
“ — good “
That’s fucking lame, honestly. But his heart is beating way too fast to come up with a proper answer.
“ Clarice called me, thought you looked sad. Like you could use some company “
They just fall back into conversation, like nothing has happened. Like they’re old friends who don’t have a shit ton of baggage. Who don’t have a backstory. Who didn’t love too fast, too hard, too much.
“ … and he’s dying. We know it. He knows it. I just — I feel like I should be sad, you know ? Like I should feel something. But I don’t. I don’t even feel relieved I just feel indifferent “
By the time they get to his father’s condition they’ve shared 3 milkshakes and (Y/N) has finished his piece of pumpkin pie.
“ Does that make me a bad person ? A bad son ? “
When she places her hand on his in comfort, Billy thinks he might die of a heart attack. Also he thinks he’s being fucking ridiculous. What is this ? A stupid John Hughes movie ? Fuck no.
“ Absolutely not ! This man has been making your life a living hell, Billy. You don’t have to be sad about him dying. I mean I get why you’re not happy, he’s still your dad. But you don’t owe him sadness. You don’t “
He hasn’t realized until now but she’s right, he felt like he might be owing Neil a certain kind of reaction. Sadness or pity or a hint of gratitude for — well for what exactly ?
“ He might be your father but he never stepped up to actually do his job as a dad. You’re allowed to feel the way you feel about it. “
Life gets overwhelming for Billy a lot of times. It moves too fast and sometimes he feels like it’s all spinning out of control. Like the world is turning and he’s gonna fall off. And then his breathing gets fast and his heart starts beating and his palms get clammy.
A girl from the youth center, Emma, she feels like that too, she told him. She’s 7 and she’s smart and she’s dealing with a family so much like his own, it breaks his heart. “ But then I think of my sister and my friends and my favorite song and the feeling in my tummy when I ride the teacup ride at the carnival and things don’t seem so bad no more “.
Billy looks up at (Y/N) and thinks of what they’ve been through and kissing her for the first time and them dancing to time after time at the prom he didn’t even want to go to but did anyway and had a good time and about the feeling of holding her in his arms during those magical fall nights. And then things don’t seem so bad no more, indeed.
“ Why did we break up ? “
If he’s being quite honest with himself, he knows why. It’s not one specific reason but an amalgamation of so many things. They just seem so pointless and trivial in the grand scheme of things now that he looks at it all as an adult.
“ Because we sucked “
“ We didn’t “
“ Yeah we kinda did. Billy we were both so caught in our own teenage angst and felt so miserable all the time. We were toxic for each other “.
“ What are you talking about ? You were the only thing in my life that wasn’t toxic. You were the only good thing ! “
“ See ? That’s the problem. We were so dependent on each other. I was waiting for you to fix me and trying to fix you at the same time. That’s not healthy, Billy. “
It’s the truth now that he thinks about it. While they were together, Billy hasn’t really made a move on bettering himself, not really. Yeah he’d calmed down considerably but none of those positive changes he’d ever given himself credit for. It was her that changed him and her he changed for.
And maybe his love wasn’t what made her life better either. Maybe that was all her doing. Maybe it was just growing up.
“ Do you really think we were that bad ? “ he asks and he’s scared of the answer. He doesn’t for one minute think about her regretting their time together.
“ If you’re asking me if I would do it all again, knowing what I know now. Then yes. Because I loved you Billy and when we were good we were spectacular. “
A silence settles upon them again as Billy ponders about their relationship. He’s glad she doesn’t regret giving him a chance. He doesn’t think he could live another day knowing the one person that showed him love in the last decade regrets just that.
“ So I told you why I’m back, why are you back ? “
If there’s one person that hates Hawkins just as much as he doesn, it’s (Y/N). Seeing her back here all grown up and mature, really surprises him.
“ I felt homesick. I know my family isn’t perfect but ya know, distance makes the heart grow fonder and all that shit. “
He might’ve not seen her in years but Billy can still tell she’s lying. Some things never change.
“ That’s bullshit. You hated Hawkins, what changed ? “
(Y/N) cracks a grin because of course he could tell that she wasn’t honest. It’s Billy.
“ I don’t think I hated Hawkins as much as I hated myself in it. It was just easy to blame everything on the town and the people except of taking a look at myself, you know ? “
“ Sure, doesn’t answer the question though “
“ Well, remember after prom when we sat by the quarry and you asked me what I wanted to do after school and I told you I wanted to write a book and you told me you wanted to help kids who are going through what you went through ? “
“ I do “
It was the first night Billy ever told anyone about his plans for the future. He wasn’t really one to spill his guts to people, still isn’t. So this meant a great deal. Especially since he didn’t really believe his plan was ever going to come true anyway. But she had been so honest and vulnerable with him then, it only felt fair to give something back.
“ I have been trying to write this stupid book for years and I just feel blank whenever I start a new idea. So I really started thinking about what it is that I want to write about, what makes me feel. Sad, angry, happy — just anything, really. And it all came back to Hawkins. Hawkins and you “.
Billy doesn’t think he’s the kind of guy people write books about. He’s not special or intriguing or even particularly funny. But this is (Y/N) and she’s always seen him differently.
“ So I came back here, for Thanksgiving. For the red leaves and the cold wind and that short time a year where things seem — lighter”
So it isn’t just his nostalgia clouded imagination that makes that time of year look magical to him, if she feels it to it must mean something. Anything.
“ You were always happier that time of the year and I could never figure out what it was “
“ It’s when I met you “
It’s like a thunderstorm rolling through his body. Lighting strike to the heart. He’s played this scenario over in his head for so many times but never has he thought he was the reason for her happiness. That he made such a difference.
“ I still love you “
That’s the fundamental truth of it all, really. He loves her and he’s never stopped. Not saying it out loud seems like a disservice to both of them.
He’s not become a better man for her, he did that for himself. But the better man he is now, he’s deserving of her love. He’s someone that’s good enough for the woman she is now.
“ Do you think we still stand a chance ? “
She softly takes his hand in hers again, her hands still so much smaller than his and way softer, way warmer.
“ The kids we used to be ? Absolutely not. We can’t go back to that. But the people were are now ? I don’t see why not. I like who you are now. I like that you went out and did what you always wanted to do. That you’re so soft on the inside and loving and that you put so much effort into helping kids. I like that you still show up here when your dad is sick even if you have every reason not to. I could love you now. “
Really that’s enough for him.
“ Can I kiss you “
She nods and leans towards him. And she feels warm and tastes like pie and cigarettes and her.
And suddenly the magic was back, full force. And no winter and no cold and no frost would take it from him this time.
It’s another late fall a year or two later when they sit on a swing set much like the one behind their houses when they were younger and more bitter.
Her hair is still flowing in the wind the way it always did and he cheeks have not lost the subtle blush brought on by the cold.
One gloved hand holds on to the chain of the swing while the other grabs tightly to the book she’s reading from. Aloud and with so much passion and love in her voice, it makes Billy’s heart grow 3 sizes at least.
It’s a special time of the year for a different reason now. All of the year is magic now that they’re together again with no underlying anger no repressed sadness, no misery. Just them.
It’s special now for it’s when she holds the finished product of many sleepless night in her hands. Of tears and frustration and more love and passion and longing that she could ever properly describe.
And Billy, he holds the other special thing in his arms. The one that graced them just a few weeks earlier when the air was still warm. She’s tiny and perfect and she’s all Billy and (Y/N) ever wanted in life. It’s her first fall, her first time on a swing, softly rocking in her father’s arms. Her first spark of magic.
“ … and as they sit on the porch, coated in the golden glow of a setting october sun, all is well and warm in their hearts. For maybe obstacles had to be overcome and mountains had to be climbed in order to end up here. Sometimes people meet at the wrong time in life when things are cold and bitter and filled with a sadness that is too much for two people to contain. But sometimes, and they both know how rare these are, sometimes there’s a right time. A second chance. For people who are meant to be together. They were granted such a chance and so they took it, reaching out and grabbing it and never letting go, ever.
So that october evening, with the red sun setting upon the horizon they were both so very aware that with all odds against them, they still managed to come out just fine in the end. Like boats against the current they managed to reach the shore, not unharmed but alive. Maybe more alive than ever before.
And with the waves it washed away the hurt and the bitterness and all that was left was them and love and magic. “
When she finishes reading she looks up at him with a shy glance. She’s nervous. This is the most vulnerable she’s ever felt. This is years of work and dreams she’s been harboring for a lifetime.
“ Do you like it ? “
“ You wrote a book about us “ Billy says and smiles.
“ No “ (Y/N) replies “ I wrote a book about love, we just happen to have a lot of that in our lives. “
Hawkins Indiana isn’t a spectacular town by all means. It’s small and old and boring. It’s not particularly pretty to look at either with it’s peeling paint and rusty nails and dirty shop windows.
But there’s people here that can change things, that make it worth it. It’s a feeling in the air. A whisper in the wind. A scent that reminds you of childhood memories you thought long forgotten. It’s the smile on her face when she looks at Billy and the sound of his daughter’s heartbeat and the love that surrounds them. Always. He knows it sounds cheesy but there’s no denying that it’s all a little magical.
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bitway-arts · 5 years
@enfubu HEY HIRO MERRY CHRISTMAS!! I wrote you some older enfubu holiday style...I hope you enjoy!!
Fubuki begins to slide his jacket off his shoulders, letting it roll off his arms. He catches it before it can completely fall off, taking it into his hands and then holding it up properly for Endou to slip his own arms into the sleeves. He had noticed the other beginning to shiver, most likely thanks to Hokkaido's colder weather. Even if he was already wearing a festive sweater, the cold seemed to manage to get past it. So, Fubuki decided to lend him his jacket to add an extra layer of warmth to protect him from the colder winds.
"You sure you'll be okay, Shirou? I don't want you to get cold either…" Endou manages to say without any chattering teeth. A look of worry crosses his face to the thought of stealing warmth from the other and leaving him in only a long sleeved shirt.
"I'll be fine," Fubuki reassures. "It's not the first time I've gone out without a jacket on."
Endou keeps that worried look, staring at the other, but decides to believe him. Fubuki would definitely be okay! Thinking about it, it may have been a silly question to ask. The other had lived in this type of weather all of his life, so Fubuki was used to all of this. But, even if he was, it didn't stop Endou from taking a hold of his hand, letting his bigger one envelop the other's.
"Then, I'll make sure your hand is kept warm, okay?" He replies with a big grin.
This causes Fubuki to chuckle, make a smile appear, a real rather than polite one. Endou was still a cute dork, even after all these years.
"Fine by me. Now, let's keep going, shall we?"
They both break into bigger smiles, hands squeezing each other's before looking ahead. They continue their walk along the streets of Fubuki's hometown. The town always had a bit of a Christmas feel to it year round, even if the locals would say otherwise. Maybe it was just the snowy weather or the lights from the shops and street lamps that lit the streets or the huge, towering tree that remained in the center of the town that made it seem festive to those who weren't familiar with the area.
During the holiday season, there definitely was more snow, more lights that were displayed and actually went with the holiday theme, and, of course, the tree would be decorated with tons of ornaments. Placed underneath it would be boxes designed to look like presents. The area around it was filled with more lights, trying to make the scene pleasing to the eyes. Over the years it had grown into a popular attraction for those visiting, especially for couples.
And this year, Fubuki had wanted to bring Endou up to his home to show it to him. While it was nothing special to him, having seen it year after year, he thought the other might enjoy it. To have that childish awe he had when he saw it for the first time as a kid.
He wasn't disappointed when he saw those brown eyes light up. It had reminded Fubuki of how his eyes would shine whenever their old team had come up with some new move. The gray haired male was certain that if they were younger, Endou would have made a dash towards the tree, excitedly running around it and praising how cool it was. The image was so clear in his head; it made him chuckle.
"It's so cool, Shirou!" He gasps, unintentionally raising their held hands for a moment.
"It is, huh?" He replies, although his gaze was on Endou rather than the tree. He already had the image of that overgrown tree stuck in his head, he was certain that he could point out which ornament hung from which branch while blindfolded. Right now, Endou was the one he'd rather be looking at.
His smile was so heartwarming, infectious. It was so charming and yet…it had fallen for a moment. Not entirely, but it changed enough to cause a look of confusion to cross Fubuki's features.
"Are you cold?" Endou asks while turning to look at him.
"Huh?" Fubuki blinks. The weather was chilly, even for a local like him, but it wasn't anything extreme. "Why do you ask?"
Endou squeezes their intertwined hands. "I can feel you shivering a little." He points out. "I kinda thought for a while that you didn't get cold."
It's an attempt at a little joke and it does make Fubuki chuckle.
"I guess even I get cold sometimes." He shrugs. "I'm fine though, really."
Endou gives a pout and Fubuki knows that he's not getting off the hook that easily. But, that pout disappears as quickly as it had been thrown on his features, quickly forming into a smile. He releases Fubuki's hand from his own before throwing his arms around the other into a warm embrace.
"I'll just have to keep you warm then!"
Fubuki blinks, having been caught off guard by the sudden hug, but lets out a laugh. Arms wrap around Endou and he lets his head rest against his. Feeling his body against his did make him feel warmer, all while making him realize just how cold he felt too. Endou was always warm though, he thought. But right now, he felt especially warm. God, he wished he could just keep hugging him here, to get rid of the cold and just to be in his arms.
The taller pulls back after a while, keeping that smile as he looks to Endou. Fubuki can't help it and leans in for a quick and sweet kiss. He wanted to make it longer, but decides to throw in an eskimo kiss, gaining a little giggle from the other man.
"Maybe I should get cold more often then," Fubuki says.
"I don't want you getting sick…" Endou mumbles, "but, I'll warm you up as much as I can to make sure it doesn't happen."
Fubuki pulls him into another hug, sharing warmth. Endou offers to give back his jacket, but Fubuki insists that he really does need it more. He almost gets it back when that worried look appears on his face once more. But when they go back home, Fubuki promises to make it up to him with a nice warm cup of hot chocolate- for both of them.
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papatonyinsandiego · 6 years
Instructional Video:  Kinky Playing Without Toys
Years ago, I started posting reviews and demos of kinky toys.  There are many, all over the Internet.
I recently realized that I have never done an instructional video where I specifically avoid using any form of toys or props (with one glorious exception, in today's video).
Reason #1
Why would anybody play kinky without toys?  Because it’s an incredibly powerful and effective form of seduction.  When I train new Sirs, I will bring them to a big gathering of Leathermen, Bears, Daddies and Boys.  I will say “Watch this,” as I look around the room.
I lock eyes with a complete stranger across the room.  I smile, and he smiles. I go up to him, and put my hand in the middle of his chest, as I pleasantly scratch him in the middle of his back.  EVERYBODY likes that.  
My leg, arm and chest are in contact with him while this is going on - it’s a form of vertical cuddling.  I am NOT rubbing my cock on him.  He’s still happy and receptive, and making it very plain with happy noises, so I continue.
I will use variations of the video’s techniques on him, bringing him to a peak of pleasure and excitement.  At NO point am I using any words.  Just “yummy” noises, to let him know that he is pleasing me.
Then, I will wind up the action, hug him and thank him, and bring him over to my wide-eyed protégés.  I then ask him to re-tell the story of what just happened, so that my younger Sir mentees can learn.
My intention is to show them that men are STARVED for confident, calm, non-bullying assertiveness.  I am playing that complete stranger like a violin, starting from nothing, and the men in the crowd who are watching this are envious of the man who I chose as my playmate.  He is going to remember that brief scene for the rest of his life.
I was showing them that a high-quality, confident Sir is always in demand in our Tribe.
Reason #2
Years ago, a prospective slave freaked out (he forgot to bring his meds) and dead-bolted me out of our hotel room during the entirety of Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend.  I was wearing shorts, t-shirt and tennis shoes at the time.    In Washington DC winter weather.  My options were limited.
I was quite upset, and had no place to sleep for three days. While striding through crowds of fully-leathered-up men, a young cub invited me to play with him.  He said that my evident self-confidence drew his eye.
I had NO toys to play with (they were locked in the room with the slave), but I had my leather belt, and I had the techniques in the video.  He was quite satisfied when we parted ways at the end of the weekend, and we have stayed in touch.
As to the slave:  He finally let me get my luggage in time for the flight.  No, when it came to being added to my Leather Family, he didn’t make the cut.
On With The Show!
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Here is the link to the video itself
This  video shows a small part of an actual scene, captured at a local leather bar.  The style of play is subtle to watch on video, but INTENSE to experience, up close.  
I am using pressure-points (a lot), tickling, licking, breathing upon wet flesh, spanking, nibbling, gentle touch, FIRM touch, upper-body strength, safe body-punching, ice-water (can never get enough of that) and scratching.
Play By Play Explanation
00:00 - Foreplay, using fingertips.  Notice that I am NOT being sexually aggressive.  Going at the butthole and the genitals right away, is what beginners do.  This is not a porn film. Masterful players are subtle and seductive, working their way up to supreme pleasure.
00:30 - Applying upper-body strength to restrain, while warming up the ass and thighs.  This conveys a sense of being "taken over" by a Dominant.
00:40 - Changing the tempo, and varying the stimulation, however briefly. NEVER just go bang-bang-bang continuously, as if beating a drum.  The goal is to cause arcing and sparking in the sub's brain circuitry.
01:35 - Using my beard and stubble to vary the stimulation, and then BITING.  Most of this action involves nearly biting (scraping the teeth along the skin), rather than actually chomping down.  When any biting occurs, it is in the form of a nip, using the just the edges of two teeth, one on the upper jaw, and one on the lower.  When you nip, do it hard enough to evoke a noticeable response, and then back off.  Doing this rarely, and then nearly biting some more, creates a natural, anticipatory tension in the sub's mind: "Oh lordy - is it going to happen again?"  When nipping, move around.  Don't just concentrate upon one spot.
02:00 - After licking and biting, blowing upon the wet area, to rapidly cause a cooling sensation.
02:10 - Starting again with the biting, but adding more forceful gripping, and growling, in as authentically lustful of a way as possible. This causes the sub's subconscious brain to panic a bit.  This causes the Fight or Flight Response to kick in, and the endorphins will start pumping like water from a faucet.
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My favorite pressure points for kinky play.  
There are MANY others, but not as useful for play.
02:20 - Pressure points.  The obvious ones to start with are the sides of the torso. Many folks are ticklish.  Many folks also can stifle the ticklish response, which can fool many Sirs.  Don't assume that they aren't ticklish, when they are being stoic.  You just haven't broken down their barriers yet.  Trust will cause that to happen.
02:30 - Pressure points, again.  Armpit, followed by...
02:40 - Inner thigh.  This is truly worth finding. Center of the inner thigh, just under the genitals. There are tendons that join up there, and when your firm fingers dig in between them, it causes a wonderful response.
03:00 - Warning the sub that things are about to go up a notch, and obtaining verbal assent.  Then, following through.  Intent, followed by action.  This establishes credibility.
03:20 - This is not a hairy sub.  However, tugging (and maybe even yanking) a few hairs where you can find them, is highly stimulating.
03:45 - Dousing with ice water.  I find it hard to resist doing this in bar demos. Total shock to the system, particularly if there is no warning.  That is why I was gesticulating, rather than using words that would warn the sub what was coming up.  That is a large container of bubbly water with lime juice.  I NEVER do kinky play when using alcohol, or any other substance that could impair my judgment. This would be unethical.  In the last forty years, I have seen too many scenes that have gone wrong (sometimes horribly wrong), when either or both players are not fully present.
03:55 - Spreading the wetness around.  Later, I like to fan the wet area with a flogger, but that is outside the topic of Playing Without Toys.
04:25 - Again, firm grasp, with biting.
05:10 - Slapping, then punching.  You will notice that I am ONLY doing this to the larger muscles which can handle it, not to areas where the bones are close to the surface.
05:45 - My personal goal for ass-spanking is to strike at the area of the ass above the butthole.  Everything else is just warmup.  This area can be spanked very hard, AFTER a nice, long amount of warmup.  This reminds the sub of what happened, as they drive home.  Normally, I work both sides of the ass equally.  In this case, since I am performing for the camera, I can't do as even of a job, without blocking the camera view.
After the Video Ends
There was much more to the scene, involving Florentine and regular-style flogging, and MUCH aftercare, cuddling and talking.  I omitted this because my play-partner was wary of having his face on video, and I respect that.
My Playmate's Reaction
Activity such as this is extremely emotive. I tend to immerse myself in the moment. Thoughts of past or future only interfere with my understanding of the now. Afterward, the experience in its specifics fade but I retain the overall emotion. When I speak in generalities it's often because the correct words cannot precisely express my intent.
Often, moments after an encounter, the lingering sensations and accompanying emotion will obliterate any distinguishable vocabulary leaving me with 'that was fun'. In this case I was alight and reeling from sensations. Sensations pleasurable, painful, and others that fall somewhere in between.
Papa Tony brought me through moments of endurance and through some sensory loudness. The ice water, a pleasurable surprise. The tickles that create an interior tempest rather than an external impact. The fur tugging, a welcomed spirit of humor. The bites that are high, bright, loud punctuation. That night Papa Tony had exposed, controlled, and brought to the surface my innate nature.
Watching the video is interesting. I can now visually equate actions with what, before viewing the video, I only had sensory memories. Memories from my skin, muscle and bone. The visual overview, in my opinion, does not compare to the physical stimulation I was feeling in that moment. At times the video shows activity that seems so small, so slight that one can almost overlook it but from the sensation point of view, it was a huge moment. I'm a very visual person, but often times a touch is worth a thousand pictures.
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