#where is PV with no thoughts head empty
ghostplasmas · 23 days
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inferencesarchives · 7 months
Hello! Could you do Pure Vanilla Cookie x Fem! Ancient reader, whose kingdom is like a spiritual kingdom and The Reader Is just very stressed?? Like, very little time to eat, sleep, ect. How could PV maybe comfort her?? Have a nice day!!
`•- Time for Yourself
pure vanilla cookie x fem reader
summary: pure vanilla notices you haven't been acting like yourself lately. how does he help you feel better?
warnings: physical touch, pure vanilla is kind of a worry wart, also im not super proud of the writing on this one so im sorry if it's not as good as my other stuff :((
a/n: is it bad that when i went to the store today and saw pure vanilla extract on the shelf i thought of pure vanilla cookie
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Pure Vanilla Cookie has noticed the lack of letters you've been sending him recently.
Of course, he knows that ruling a kingdom is no simple ordeal, and, of course, there's no way you would be able to send him a letter every day. However, despite that, you've always made sure to send him letters frequently and inform him of every nifty little thing going on in your life.
That is, up until roughly three and a half weeks ago.
You used to send him letters every four or five days to keep him updated on everything going on in your kingdom, and he always wrote back when he received your letters. However, when he responded to a letter you sent about three and a half weeks ago, you hadn't written anything back to him.
He found this behavior very strange, as you were always enthusiastic about being able to talk with him whenever you got the chance. Pure Vanilla Cookie was, frankly, getting rather worried about you and how you were doing. So, he decided to take a trip over to your kingdom to see for himself what was wrong.
When he finally arrived, Pure Vanilla Cookie was quick to stride towards your castle, making haste towards your office, where you spent most of your time. Gently knocking on the door, he quietly entered the room, as to not disturb you too much. He immediately notices your eyebags, the empty coffee mugs littered around your desk, and the way you don't even glance at him when he enters the room, thinking it was just some servant needing to ask a quick question or something of the like. Needless to say, when he spoke up, you immediately turned and stared at him in surprise.
"My Dear, has everything been okay lately?" He gently asks. "Ah! Pure Vanilla Cookie? What are you doing here?" You respond, shocked. You had no idea he was coming, you had no time to prepare, you didn't want him to see you like this.
"Are you alright?" He slowly walks toward you before draping his cloak over your shoulders, "You haven't responded to my letter for weeks, and you look awfully tired. How long have you been sitting here working today?" He looks at you with worry swirling in his eyes.
As you sit there failing to answer his question, he gently places a hand on your head and caresses your hair, sighing, "You need to remember to take care of yourself, you know. You can hardly handle this much work in the state that you're in. Why don't you rest for a bit?"
You look at him with tired eyes, attempting to provide a counter-argument, "I know, I know, but-" "No buts. You're going to go lay in bed and read a nice book to help you de-stress. I'll also fetch you some tea. Then, perhaps you can take a nap. You'll feel a lot better when you wake up," He suddenly picked you up, carrying you back to your bedroom before you can even say anything. Perhaps he was right though, as you were indeed doing a lot better the next morning. Perhaps self-care really is important after all.
a/n: not me writing a fic about self-care at 2 am when i haven't slept and i am in fact not taking care of myself lmao uhhhhhh i promise ill get some sleep once i finish up the rest of the requests i swear i pinky promise i swear
thanks for reading, and remember to take care of yourself! don't be like me lmao
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tartarduck · 2 years
on luke's top-up ssr
And I must share my thoughts somewhere because
I have wanted desperately to see more of how Luke having a super-dangerous job affects their relationship (see: Peaceful Place), because most of the time the fact that he's a secret agent is just written as Luke can easily take out any of the bad guys, he's just that good at his job rather than he could seriously get hurt.
I was expecting mhy to totally skirt the suggestive PV scene (cough, SotT card voicelines, cough) with some oh-they-weren't-actually-doing-anything context but oh MAN they did not disappoint this time.
First off, I should mention that the card is like... half angst (of course). Luke comes back to MC presumably very injured (even though he insists that it's not a serious injury). NSB protocol is to not let agents out and about until they're fully healed, no matter how light their wound, but the higher-ups made an exception for him, and he arrives at MC's door with Aaron, all bandaged up and clearly not okay.
He's literally telling MC all this in a hoarse voice because he breathed in smoke from the explosion but haha, no it's just a light wound, a minor accident!
(bonus: he mentions that the reason why he managed to get out with only light wounds was because of MC's protection from afar. And he means that literally because he brings the little trinkets MC's gifted with him everywhere -- the key necklace, the badge from their visit to Hoyoland, the bracelet she gave him on his birthday.)
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Part of hiding the nature of his wounds from MC is because the information he handles is confidential. But when MC heads to the bathroom to search up how to treat his bruise, she recognises from the search results that it was blunt force trauma from a bat, not an accidental bump into the bar counter like he'd explained. Here's MC trying to put on a brave face so she can tend to his wounds quicker instead of crying in the bathroom.
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(I love lukerosa sm they're really one and the same -- while Luke's trying to downplay his physical pain, MC is doing the same with her emotions, because they don't want the other to see it, because seeing the other like that would hurt them more.)
The thing is, we've all been through Luke's relentless 'I'm actually okay and not seriously hurt at all, I don't you to be worried!', and MC has (rightfully) called him out on it quite a few times. But in this card, as she's treating his wounds, as he keeps talking about how he's not very hurt at all, his wounds and words weigh on her heart.
Luke Pearce is lying. But she knows that she shouldn't be telling him off about not keeping himself away from danger so stubbornly.
Instead, she says this:
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(This is. relationship development at its finest. Because they're both so overprotective of each other. Neither want to see the other hurt but they both realise it's something that they can't avoid sometimes.)
(Watch how hard I can CRY)
And this is where the card goes from angst. to exactly what the 3rd evolution art is implying. This is the first time I've ever seen MC's sprite with this expression:
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So it turns out that Luke Pearce did actually take some painkillers that the NSB gave him. Except that they had some side effects.
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(The Very Questionable Explanation)
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(Note: Luke's line here is actually a way of saying thank you, but the more literal translation does it more justice... I think)
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(They didn't let Luke finish his sentence :()
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Literally the next scene is MC finding that the other side of her bed is empty. And Luke calling her downstairs for breakfast.
In short, I am flabbergasted they actually just did not bother with any oh maaaaybe they did but it's all up in the air nonsense this time. Good night to all lukerosa enjoyers this whole card was a feast. There was an extra chapter and a phone call but I'll edit this post later if I feel up to it, because mainly I just wanted to rant about how happy I am with the way they handled MC dealing with Luke's job this time.
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The first night (NSFW!)
Warning - NSFW. Like, the purpose of writing this fic is just to let NSFW thoughts out of my system. For mental health upkeep. Yeah. Also, another long-ass read again. (Gon be really hard maintaining the precious mental health what with the release of Secrets of the Tomb PV and LONG HAIR VYN aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
Pairing: Vyn Richter x MC
Will this get me banned?
Rosa slid further deeper into scented bathwaters, her head poking out just enough for her to absent-mindedly blow bubbles. She stirred the waters gently with her foot, deep in thought as she contemplated her current situation.
This wasn't her bath tub.
She wasn't even in her own house.
Compared to the mostly minimalistic modern aesthetic of her own apartment, the decor style of the house she was currently in could only be loosely described as Victorian. The bathroom was mostly outfitted with ivory fixtures, with a touch of gold accents here and there. The mirror set over the marble sink even bore a fleur de lis border.
Everything could only be described as elegant.
Very much like the man of the house.
A sigh bubbled from Rosa's lips.
What am I doing?
An hour earlier, she found herself in the throes of Dr. Vyn Richter's embrace, after he confessed his feelings for her rather intimately, strongly. Rosa knew she had to cut it short--whatever was happening was highly unprofessional.
But who was she kidding? She wanted it.
She wanted to return his feelings so badly, even happy that he was the one who cut through the thick sexual tension that hung over them for months, resulting from what seemed to be mutual attraction to each other but could not acknowledge because of their current professional relationship.
Which is why instead of fleeing his residence in the Victorian Quarter, she made feeble excuses of wanting to freshen up and bathe first.
It was like she wanted something to happen. And she was probably sending off the wrong signals...
Crap. I'm so transparent. Rosa cringed into the bathwater. Totally going about this the wrong way--
Three soft knocks interrupted her train of thought.
"Rosa, are you alright?" came Dr. Richter's muffled voice through the oaken bathroom door. A twinge of concern was still apparent despite the wood filtering his voice.
"Uhm, uh...Yes," Rosa stammered. "I'm all good, Dr. Richter." She forced a bit of cheerfulness in her tone. "I like the bath that you prepared. I really appreciate you putting in rose oil..."
Dead air hung for a few moments. Rosa at this point knew that Dr. Richter isn't convinced with her reply.
And she was right.
"Rosa...I am sorry," he said through the door. "I really do apologize for losing myself earlier."
"That was highly unbecoming of me. I--" Dr. Richter pauses, then continued. "You are a lawyer. You know what actions you can take. I make no excuses for my behavior. I will accept whatever it is you decide to do.
"I'll leave now, so you can--"
Rosa herself was surprised at the forcefulness of her own voice.
"No. I need you here," she admitted. No use denying it now. "I..."
She bit her lip. "I want you too." There. I said it.
It felt almost like an eternity until he spoke again. "May I come in?"
Rosa sat herself upright in the tub, the water gently splashing around her skin. "Yeah."
The heavy bathroom door swung open, and he slipped inside, with a wry smile on his face framed by his slightly disheveled silver hair. His shirt was creased and crumpled, as if he spent the time waiting for her laying down somewhere. Probably the same sofa where he assaulted her with his kissing earlier.
He looked like a mess compared to his usual meticulously groomed self.
"I scared you," he said, his eyes downcast while wearing the empty smile. "Are you still afraid?" He politely diverted his gaze away from the naked Rosa in his bath.
"Not really," said Rosa quietly. "I was surprised, that's all,
"I meant what I said. I want you too, Dr. Richter." She smiled at the memory back when they started working on the PUA case at university. "You...you were the first one to say I was beautiful. Unique, even."
"If another man said it, I probably wouldn't believe it," Rosa looked up at the morose-looking gentleman standing by the bathroom door. "But when you did..." her voice trailed off.
"But you are." He interrupted with a whisper. Dr. Richter's expression softened as soon as he allowed his eyes the sight of Rosa naked in his bathtub. "You're beautiful," he murmured softly, appreciating her soft, wet auburn curls falling over her naked shoulders, her glistening skin in the soft warm lamp light.
He closed the distance between them and knelt beside the tub. Again, he asked for her permission.
"May I kiss you?"
Rosa nodded quietly, closing her eyes.
Strong, yet gentle fingers touched Rosa's chin and slowly guided her lips to his. His tongue slipped inside, tasting heavily of red wine. He probed her tenderly, his lips softly nibbling on her lower lip as his hand caressed her damp hair.
They kissed deeply, his wine-scented breaths intermingling with hers. Not breaking the kiss, Dr. Richter reached out and pulled Rosa closer to him, drenching his white shirt in the process.
Rosa's breasts pressed firmly against his wet shirt. Eventually the realization of her nakedness distracted her from the torrid kissing, and she feebly crossed her arms over her chest. "Ah..." she looked away, a furious blush blooming on her face despite herself.
A soft chuckle rose from Dr. Richter's smiling lips, his golden eyes sparkling. "Don't you think it is too late to be shy at this point?" he said, gently pulling down her arms. "I want to see all of you."
Rosa whimpered, obviously not knowing what she was supposed to do in this kind of situation.
Realization dawned on his face. "Ah," he murmured. "This is...your first time?"
"I'm not...I'm not experienced," Rosa admitted.
"Then," Dr. Richter said as he gathered Rosa once again in his arms, not minding the water splashing on him. "Do you want me to show you?"
There it is, again, Rosa thought in the heat haze of his embrace. He wants it to come from me. "Yes, Dr. Richter," Rosa gulped. "Show me."
"Call me by my name," he whispered into her ear as he let his hand trace the curves of her left breast. "Call me Vyn."
"Vyn..." Rosa gasped as he let his fingertip graze her nipple, feeling it harden against his touch.
"Does it feel good?" He lightly pinched it, taking care not to hurt her but to try and elicit erotic sensations. "Do you like it when I do this?"
"Nnn...ah, y-yes," Rosa's bit her finger, trying to suppress her moaning.
A predatory, self-satisfied smile manifested on Vyn's golden eyes. "Really...how about if I do this?" He bent as he took Rosa's other nipple in his mouth, his tongue teasing it to hardness.
Encouraged by Rosa's lusty exclamation, Vyn sucked on her nipple, and he tugged at her other one a bit more firmly.
"Vyn, ah, I..." Rosa found it very hard to string words together, heavily distracted by the deliciousness of whatever the silver haired man was doing to her breasts, and the growing sensation in her thighs. "What are you doing," she managed to gasp out.
Vyn let go of the breast he was nursing on. "Trying to see what makes you feel good, my darling," he murmured. "Knowing where you are...sensitive." He dipped down once again to tease Rosa's peak with his tongue.
Rosa's hand subconsciously wandered to her inner thighs, and without thinking started to touch herself under the water.
He noticed this. "Let's move this to the bed, shall we..."
On Vyn's queen-sized bed.
Rosa found herself covering her face with her hands, not knowing whether to feel confused or to let herself melt in the exquisite sensations currently assaulting her. Her legs were spread-eagled, hanging over the edge of his bed.
Vyn was kneeling between her thighs, his mouth intimately getting to know the inner folds of her womanhood. He reached out with both hands to cup her breasts, fondling them as his tongue explored her.
He paused to look at her from behind his long silver lashes that hid his look of pure lust. "Open your eyes, my Rosa," he breathed, and lightly sucked on her clit. "Look at me."
A loud gasp.
Vyn smiled, and sucked her again. One of his hands let go of her breast and a finger slowly pushed into her, until it was knuckle-deep inside. "Does this hurt?" he asked, his voice husky with lust.
"Don't stop..." Rosa pleaded, whimpering. She was almost crying. "I'm..."
Ah. Vyn understood that he was on the right track. He tongued her and let his finger move gently inside her folds, keeping a steady rhythm.
Eventually Rosa's back arched and she let out a yelp, her thighs clamping around his neck tightly as she shook. "Vyn...!"
The sound of her calling out his name in unbridled lust almost drove the man mad. He straddled Rosa on the bed and devoured her mouth with the same lips that was drenched with her juices. "Did you like it?" He breathed into her ear before lightly nipping her earlobe.
"Vyn..." Rosa buried her face against his neck, wrapping her arms around him. "That was...that felt good..." she panted, her eyes closed. She didn't understand what was happening to her yet, but she would later know it as the dizziness that came with a strong orgasm.
"I will always try to make you satisfied, my love," Vyn said as he held her tightly against him, relishing the fever heat of her skin against his body. "Oh...?"
Somehow Vyn could feel Rosa's hand clumsily trying to rub his hard on through his pants.
Rosa's face was still buried against his neck. "I..." A pause. "I...want to...make you feel good too," she murmured.
Vyn laughed softly in delight, finding Rosa's clumsy attempts to reciprocate delightfully adorable.
"Don't laugh!" Rosa pouted, this time finally facing him with her determined olive gaze. "It's not fair that you get to do all the work."
Still smiling at her, Vyn stood up for a moment and with deft movements removed his clothing, leaving only his unbuttoned shirt. His pale skin shone in the moonlight filtering in through the window; his silver hair forming an ethereal halo around his face. "There."
Without knowing, Rosa once again brought a hand to her face, almost in reflex at the sight of a naked man in front of her. She tried to not look directly at the sight of his hard-on, to no avail.
The innocent display left Vyn chuckling. "Well, am I to your liking?"
Rosa finally looked scandalized. "Stop teasing me!" she said in a huff. Then her face softened with a look of longing. "Come here, Vyn."
He complied, lying on his side next to Rosa. "Well?" Vyn grinned, daring her to take initiative.
She took the opportunity to initiate the kiss, then once again her hand hovered to his hardness, and tried to grip it.
The attempt was rather clumsy.
A low chuckle. Vyn held the hand trying to do the ministrations and held it to his lips. With his tongue, he slowly wet Rosa's palm with his saliva and guided it to his member. "You do it like this," he said as he closed her now wet palm around his shaft, and gently demonstrated how to do a hand job. "Ah.."
Not wanting him to see how nervous she was in her attempt to pleasure him, Rosa brought her lips to his, letting their tongues dance. She could feel Vyn's breaths grow more shallow and ragged with each movement of her hand.
With a low groan, Vyn stopped her. "No more," he gasped. "Hah...not yet."
"Vyn?" Rosa looked worried as she watched him pull away from her. "What--ah!" She exclaimed as Vyn wordlessly parted her thighs and settled himself between them, his hard-on poking at her entrance.
Suddenly a slight panic overtook her. She had an idea about how sex went, but experiencing it was...
"Shh. Don't be afraid," Vyn whispered huskily. "I'll be gentle."
Rosa gripped the sheets, bracing herself for the hurt that she was anticipating...
And he started to enter her, bit by bit, with small thrusts.
there was a little sting. Ouch. Biting her lip, Rosa adjusted her hips, trying to lessen the discomfort.
"Does it hurt?" Vyn asked, looking at her behind his hooded eyes.
"A little..." Rosa winced.
He stopped moving, pausing to let his fingers massage her clit. "Does this make it feel better?"
A gasp. "Ah...yes," Rosa moaned, feeling herself get wetter around his shaft. "Mnh!"
It was only a distraction. His entire length was now buried deep inside her.
An unreadable expression cast over Vyn Richter's golden eyes, as he looked down at her with what could be assumed as pure, unadulterated lust mixed with triumph. A smile crept to the edges of his mouth as he licked his lips.
"Shall I teach you this dance, my Rosa?" he asked. "I will not move unless you tell me to."
"Y-yes," Rosa's voice trembled.
"I can't quite hear you," Vyn couldn't resist himself from teasing the object of his obsession writhing underneath him.
"Yes! Dammit!" Rosa tightly wrapped her legs around him in a frustrated response. "Do me now!"
Vyn, despite himself, blinked at the somewhat uncharacteristic outburst. "As you wish," he murmured as he started making love to her.
Rosa was already almost fully clothed when Vyn stirred in his bed and came to.
Sunlight shone directly on to his face--in the heat of the lovemaking of last night he forgot to close the curtains properly to should have kept early morning light spilling into his room--and woke him from his deep, satisfying sleep.
"Rosa, what are you doing?" He asked, his voice still heavy with sleep. "You're still aching all over from...last night."
Rosa blushed from head to toe. "Y-yeah," she stammered. The enamored, lusty woman that was once on Vyn's bed seemed to disappear with the arrival of sunrise. "I'll cause trouble for others if I suddenly call in sick, so..."
"You mean cause trouble for Artem," Vyn muttered his colleague's name in slight distaste. "Hasn't he overworked you enough?"
Rosa hesitated before defending her partner, knowing how prone Vyn was to flashes of jealousy. "Well...he also carries his own workload, and..." she sighed.
"I really don't want to give him any reason to drop by my apartment to check on me," Rosa admitted. "He did that the last time they forced me to take a sick leave..."
"Take a few steps," Vyn ordered curtly. "Try walking a bit."
Rosa blinked. "Like...this...?" she winced. "Ow."
"You can't even walk properly." Vyn sighed as he pushed himself off the bed, stripping off the sheets the covered him. He walked towards his desk where he left his phone.
Rosa admired the full view of his nakedness as he made his call, blushing furiously. The phone call didn't ever register in her hearing; she only found herself gazing longingly at the man who took her first time last night.
"Rosa?" Vyn called out to her, catching her attention. "Were you...distracted?" A cool, indulgent golden smile curled his lips. "Are you enjoying the view?"
Focus, Rosa! "Uh, what?"
"I said earlier, change out of your work clothes." Vyn said, crossing his arms. "I'll lend you one of my shirts."
"But, what about work--"
"Heh. I guess you were enjoying the view too much," Vyn let out a small laugh. "I told your partner that you can't make it because I'm borrowing you for an emergency."
He reached out to her and started to undo the buttons of her blouse. "Today, and tonight, you will be mine, and mine alone."
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britishchick09 · 2 years
i just saw the bob’s burgers movie alriiiiight! :D
(well ok not just but ya know ;) )
it was a blast to watch! there were so many people in the theater and they were all laughing! it was like we were watching an ep of the show together! :D
spoilery thoughts about it below ;)
the trailer reminded me of the simpsons movie (which i saw in theaters back in ‘07) and while that one had big af stakes, this movie had big stakes. i liked it a lot more!
the lighting and some shots in the movie were so well done and reminded me of sailor moon eternal! :D
there were some young girls who giggled throughout the movie and it was very cute! i was 8 (going on 9 later in the year) when bob’s burgers came out so i wonder if they were too...
the little flashback to bob and linda seeing their empty restaurant was so sweet! :’)
i loved seeing so many characters! :D
i liked how gene explained the itty bitty ditty committee to rudy and darrell! it was nice for people who haven’t seen the show
also there were so many ep callbacks! a couple off the top of my head is tina’s heat rash, which is the itchy crotch from the pilot! and teddy puts ‘bob burger’ on the cart which is what he thinks bob’s name is ;)
oh yeah there was another callback when bob was lying on the floor! it was just like tina in that one season 1 ep! :D
he groans just like her! :)
everyone in the audience laughed at linda kicking bob in the nuts! :D
and the girls giggled a lot at bob’s little grill dance!
bob yelling while mort and teddy are in the restaurant brought me back to the early eps! :)
louise’s hat story is sweet :) (even if it’s a tad different than she remembered wink wink...)
i was hoping the mechanical shark would be in the sinkhole BUT THAT SKELETON THO OMG :o
louise in the hole reminded me of the taffy factory ep and i half expected taff to appear lol ;D
it was neat to see jerico again! :D
oooh i just remembered another reference! linda wishes gene luck on his math test and says ‘four!’ which is like in the ep with gene, alex and courtney playing their basement game when she randomly shouted out numbers and bob was like ‘saying random numbers isn’t math’
mickey sounded a tad off and turns out it was a different actor but it’s cool! at least it wasn’t like in his most recent ep appearance...
some of the cronies’ dances were funny :D
when bosco was at the biker bar i was like ‘come on show us the one eyed snakes!’ AND BOOM there was critter! ;D
bosco’s car was obvious cgi but that was cool cgi! :D
the cuff link looked cute! :)
i liked how ron wears chapstick just like his buddy hugo :)
tina trying to roll under the bed tho! :D
the last character i expected to see was felix’s girlfriend! :o
when the kids were going through the wharf i hoped bob and linda wouldn’t catch them! :o
erik would’ve absolutely loved mr. fischoeder’s organ! :D
the trap doors have erik vibes too! :D
grover wanting to build a mega park reminded me of pv mall turning into pv :/
it also reminded me of felix’s evil plan in the wharf 2 parter ep!
grover’s spider walk in the underground tho! :o
i thought mr. goiter would be among the merry go round horses there but he wasn’t :/ (or maybe he was and i didn’t spot him?)
some parts in the chase scene reminded me of tangled the series and what do you know mercury filmworks helped animate it! :D
some young girls ran up to the standee right after i took the pic from my last post and asked ‘where’s nat?’ unfortunately...
i was a bit bummed that nat wasn’t in it (so were the standee giggle girls i bet) but it’s ok because there were so many characters! i almost thought she’d drive by in her limo to continue the chase scene
grover BURYING THE BELCHERS ALIVE was so scary!!! :o
i loved seeing bob’s mom!!! the hat connection with louise is so sweet :’)
little bob looks like gene! or should i say travel-sized bob ;)
linda losing her spirit and bob being the one to bring hope was sweet too! :)
i don’t remember the joke exactly but linda said it in the car and everyone in the audience laughed! :D
the belchers couldn’t understand teddy through the car window but i could a bit ;)
i love how brave louise was! :D
zeke doing parkour tho! ;D
i thought it was ok that louise’s head wasn’t shown! some things can stay a secret ;)
my parents and i are usually the only ones in the theater when the end credits scene plays but there were a handful of people who stuck around! :D
overall this was an amazing movie and i’m so glad i was able to enjoy it with so many fans of the belchers! :D
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silvia7272 · 3 years
Miraculess Ladybug Salt AU: You Always Liked To Play With Fire ~ The Prologue
Hey everyone, this is a new story I wanted to introduce to you all.
I’ve been putting everything in a massive word doc because I had so many ideas and finally settled on putting it out today because it's my birthday. 29th, I may have updated it late.
So as a special treat, here’s a new series with a few original characters, ones you know or have been changed ever so slightly to fit, in a Miraculess world. (haha, you see what I did there? No… I’ll leave)
Also for anyone new, I’m a multi-shipper so I ship my characters with a bunch of other people, as I like Lukanette (Fandom Version), Daminette (Fandom Version), Felinette (PV Fandom Version), Marichat (Fandom Version) and I guess Rosannette. What’s Rosannette? Well, I guess you’ll have to find out, won’t you? (also no that’s not a typo, it is Rosannette)
Also, I guess this will just have the usual salt, maybe more, I don’t know. I kinda want it to just be about these two.
Word Count: 3912
Note: I haven’t tagged anyone just in case, this is a different series from my other, I just got really excited and wanted to write it. If you still wish to be tagged for this story please say and specify.
Also: This is a salt story, it will have OOC moments from everyone so it will be classed as an AU. If you don’t want to read that’s fine, and have a nice day.
Well, I hope you’ll enjoy it.
This is for all the people that might prefer Rosinette (like from the songfic) instead, I don’t mind but it won’t be in my main series, so I hope this will satisfy you.
(Word of warning, I believe this will be an AU where the Miraculous don’t exist, and non-canon to my official story and I believe mentions of a panic attack might be lightly mentioned, don’t know if it is, but if someone could check and I’ll make the warning clearer that would be nice)
(Fire doesn't exactly have anything to do with this story I just really liked the title)
Note: This book contains OOC scenes of Miraculous Ladybug as well as a ton of salt, so if you don't like that stuff you may scroll past and have a nice day.
In a world with no Miraculous, no Hawkmoth and no Ladybug, how does our little heroine do?
Well, it usually would be hanging out with her friends, as any other teenager would do...
But, of course, this wasn't normal. 
This was reality. It was cold, hard and definitely not welcome.
So, when this girl wishes to have some kind of adventure in her boring, mundane life...
How long does it take for her to regret it?
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Memories, it's such a simple word yet it holds so much meaning. One could either wish to forget everything from their life, and simply move forward so they could pursue their dreams. Or, simply relish in the past when they remembered how great it was, all the friends they had made, all the moments they had which were too good to let go.
But, I guess sometimes, you did have to let go. But let go of what exactly? Let go of all the happiness once you knew how it would end? No that would be too harsh and you’d turn bitter. Let go of all the sadness? But, wasn’t it an important life lesson to learn, sometimes, you just have to be sad because of the situation at hand. No amount of croissants or macarons would be able to lift your spirits back.
Or maybe that was too much of a specific example.
That was what Marinette had thought, staring at an empty glass so intently the man behind made himself disperse from the amount of time the unblinking woman just stared and never flinched.
She guessed it hadn’t all been bad, she at least had some form of happiness before it was violently ripped away, but part of her wondered, what would’ve happened if she never felt that type of happiness before? Would she have felt like she had for so long, was it the fact that she knew what being happy was like before worse? Because, as depressing as it sounded, if she hadn’t been as happy, would she have been as upset?
She would never know, she couldn’t go back in time since that was impossible, but the thought always came and went whenever she was alone with her thoughts.
So… Maybe it was for the best, that she was able to remember what real happiness felt like.
The tight feeling in your chest, butterflies in your stomach, face being so red anyone would worry if the bluenette had caught a cold instead-
Wait- this was an oddly specific kind of happiness she felt, surely she must’ve gotten mixed up with some other felling right?
So, how come she was feeling this- incredibly bright heat from her cheeks when she felt a hand on her shoulder?
We may need to go back several years.
In a classroom in Collège Françoise Dupont, a young pigtailed girl sat at the back, tears silently falling onto her knees and bawled up fists. She didn’t see any use of wiping them away, since they would just come back anyway, and it would be useless to just repeat that endless cycle. She hadn’t looked around to see anyone else’s faces, they would either just ignore her, or taunt her for just crying, for just being human.
Now you may be wondering why she was so upset? What possibly could’ve happened to make our very cheerful and sunshiny girl become so hunched over she was practically crying her eyes out? Well, the answer lies on the one girl at the front. The one girl sitting in an all too familiar place. The one girl who just ruined all of her newfound friendships.
Lila Rossi.
And boy had she hated that name.
She couldn’t stand that smirk, that thief, that scandal!
And what exactly did she do?
She lied.
Now you may be thinking that may not have been all that bad, but it was.
Every time she opened her mouth, everyone would fawn around her, even Alix, the one who seriously couldn’t care about anything to do with glamourous celebrities, was hanging on the edge of her seat to hear one of Lila’s so-called stories. She just had to guess Lila held up a treat over her head to keep her being obedient enough.
She hated Lila so much because she was just using everyone to get an easy life at school, the fastest way towards popularity she guessed, but why she thought this was the fastest way was beyond her.
She hated Lila because she had spread so many lies, so many rumours, all about her. All so out of the realm it was such a surprise they all believed her without a shred of evidence.
It had happened so fast, one day, they were all friends, smiling and laughing like there was no tomorrow, the next, she was surrounded by those faces, those faces of disgust and hatred. As if she had committed even the worst of crimes, more so than Chloé, speaking of, who was absolutely enjoying this show.
But undoubtedly. What she hated about Lila the most.
Was that technically, she didn’t have to do that much.
After so many sessions of crying, and just not believing that they could possibly leave her, a friend, like that, she started to reason with herself, that maybe it wasn’t just Lila that pushed them all away.
She thought back to before.
Before they were friends, before Alya even came to Collège, she had been alone. Chloé had always gone out of her way to relentlessly bully her, and no one wanted to be friends with her with Chloé around. So she accepted it, just hoping one day, karma would seek justice and she’d be put in her place.
So she waited.
And waited.
And waited.
And waited.
Gave up.
She accepted defeat after all the years. After the meaningless conversations with teachers that she should try and be the bigger person and rise above all of her hatred for her. Simply because they couldn’t do anything. They had no power over the mayor's Daughter. So they just let her continue her reign over the school.
She didn’t have any powers to stop her.
But then, a light of hope came.
The new girl, with ombre brown and red hair, glasses and hazel eyes. A striped t-shirt and an undeniable Aura that reeked of confidence.
As Marinette was being targeted by Chloé yet again, she came in, and for once, stood up to her. Chloé! No fear in her eyes as she, Alya, grabbed her, Marinette’s, hand and walked off to the desk at the front.
She couldn’t believe it, someone stood up to Chloé! She thought it had only been a myth, a legend, but that right there, it was real.
They became friends faster than the speed of sound.
And soon, she too was able to stand up for herself. Reclaiming her original seat back, and citing a quote her new friend had said… Then everyone had wanted to become friends… And, she felt ecstatic.
Finally. It finally came. The day she had prayed for had come. She felt nothing but pure joy.
And she didn’t want that feeling to go away.
She was terrified that the feeling would go away.
So, she thought of making sure that feeling wouldn’t go away.
That’s why she made so many ‘spare’ macaroons to give away, she didn’t spend her free nights staying up and making them, no way.
That’s why she provided so many free gifts to her friends. What? Her hand has a plaster, no she just tripped and hit herself, it had nothing to do with the gifts. Don’t worry, try your gloves on, do they fit?
That’s why she was late for class. Huh, no I’m fine, I’m not tired… But I might just rest my eyes for a bit, wake me up when something important happens.
That’s why she was so happy to realise Adrien wasn’t as bad as Chloé, the small gentle soul that he had, to graciously provide her with his own umbrella, how selfless.
And that’s why she held onto the idea of Adrien so much. The idea that he was perfect. The idea that she was in love with him.
So, she held onto it.
No, she clung to that idea because she didn’t want any chance to let go. So, she may have gone a bit overboard, with the whole, schedule thing, and the phone… And the schemes. But she believed it was harmless. No one else seemed to have any problems with it, so she believed she was in the clear.
Until she wasn’t.
And Lila used that to her advantage.
She remembered that day so vividly, just like all those other memories. The day she came. The day she would find herself in the same predicament from before, it hadn’t been that long since she had been friends with everyone in fact. She was still getting used to it, and her feelings grew as each day passed by.
She remembered when Lila introduced herself to the whole class, and at first glance, anyone would just think she was an innocent little girl. But behind that smile, behind those eyes, held a sinister intention.
She, in less than an hour, had everyone wrapped around her little finger.
Even her.
She’d been on a private jet?
Had a song written about her?
And saved Jagged Stone’s cat?
There was no way Adrien would fall for her now.
…So maybe she had been jealous of that girl before she had done anything. But she had every reason to. She, Lila, was pressed against Adrien who was happily talking to her. The love of her life! She had to do something, even if Alya had given her a disappointed look she just had to stop them from confessing their love to each other, it was inevitable now, so she followed after them to the park. If they even got too close, she was sure she could just conveniently interrupt, she just had to wait for the perfect moment, she only had a couple of hours before they would fall in love, get married, have three kids and a hamster named-
“Wow Adrien, you’re so nice to me. Y’know I really thought moving here would be just like all the other times. But you’ve really made me enjoy my first day Adrien.” She smiled so sickly sweet Marinette wanted to hurl, how dare she just hold onto his arm like that, so affectionately!
“Its no problem Lila, that’s what friends are for.” She smiled, hugging him so fast they almost lost their balance from sitting on the bench, before seemingly giving him a quick peck on his cheek, only for Adrien to turn his head towards her.
And they kissed.
However, it wasn’t a simple quick kiss, by all means, Adrien should’ve realised his mistake and pulled away.
But he didn’t, what felt like forever lasted a minute. One minute to realise that it should’ve been an accident. But they stayed like that.
It- it was over, wasn’t it? This wasn’t her being melodramatic, she just knew how it would turn out. They were going to fall in love so soon, she wouldn’t have a chance.
If only she had seen the look Lila gave, spotting her retreated form from behind a small trash can, the smirk would’ve given her shivers.
Getting back to Collège had taken longer than expected. Maybe it was the small amount of dread knowing she may have lost her love for good. Sure, there might have been Kagami as well, she had tried to sabotage her chances with Adrien too, but it always worked out in the end, Adrien always smiling as Kagami’s cheeks burned with redness. But to say they were friends afterwards.
Marinette would cringe at the fact she always felt so relieved afterwards reflecting years later at her choices. But she had always believed she would still have a chance.
Until today.
Lila came, and took him away, within hours.
And she couldn’t stop it.
Walking along the stairs to her class she had to keep her head held high, if she showed weakness, that would mean she was sad, she wasn’t sad, she couldn’t be sad. She still had all of her friends after all.
Maybe now, they could do more activities, after crying and eating a ton of ice cream of course with cheesy movies to brighten her mood up.
But, this would only be the beginning of that negative feeling.
Opening the door, she would be fully aware of something terribly wrong. At the front of the classroom, a crowd had formed, and a crowd that would soon become a routine in this classroom.
But a crowd formed around a girl, the new girl, Lila. She had seemed to be covering her eyes, water dripping down her eyes, no wait they were tears. What had happened?
She didn’t realise she had spoken those few words before heads turned around, looking- no glaring at her, why were they-? What had she done?
“Marinette I knew you could be a tad jealous but to actually do something like that” Huh? Oh no, Lila must’ve noticed she followed them, how embarrassing, and definitely not the best first impression she could’ve made.
Before she could apologise, before she could explain she really didn’t mean any harm. She didn’t have time to.
“To threaten her to never talk to Adrien again because she likes him. Well, I never thought you’d put your jealousy out like this.”
No- she didn’t- she, just saw them kiss.
She didn’t even speak with her.
Why would she say this?
Why didn’t she say anything?
Why wasn’t she defending herself?
Why was she letting them believe that so easily?
Why was it so hard to breathe?
Running out of the classroom was easier than looking at all of those faces. Those accusatory faces. She hated it, she couldn’t do- defend- explain.
She- just-
She was in a room?
The bathroom.
It didn’t matter why, as long as she was alone, she could cry to her heart's content.
The fear seeped over her just like that first time, knowing Chloé had won and would never stop, she had lost and lost everything.
Everything she had worked so hard to obtain.
Everything she had worked so hard to keep.
To make sure she didn’t have to let go.
And now it had gone.
Because it was then Marinette realised. That girl, those tears hadn’t been real, there she saw her eyes hadn’t been red or puffy, the tears’ dried up rather quickly, and the inconsistent wails made it very likely she was only doing them for effect and sympathy.
That girl. Was lying!
That must’ve been it.
No way could she be telling the truth. And no way could ‘I saw her around me and Adrien’ be translated to ‘she threatened me, I’m so scared of her’
Maybe, maybe with that, there was hope.
If she could just simply convince her friends that she was lying, then everything would be all sorted.
And maybe she and Adrien-
Wait, she was getting a little ahead of herself there.
Wiping her tears away she proudly opened the door, ready to face her fears.
Too bad her fears were much much stronger.
No matter how many times she would try to prove her innocence, it became worse.
When she tried going to the teachers, they bat an eye with her responses. Obviously not taking her seriously, and just believing it to be some teenage drama, she was pushed out of the classroom and told to try and just be nicer and make friends with her.
That was harsh but expected.
She tried talking with Alya, she turned away from her. Not wanting to hear anything come out of a crazy stalkers mouth.
That had hurt.
She tried talking with any of her other friends, y’know, the ones who ‘always’ had her back.
They too turned from her. Believing Lila without a doubt, I mean, they knew how jealous Marinette could get, it wasn’t that much of a stretch to think she would jump to that, considering the situation.
That felt like a punch to her gut.
She tried talking with Adrien, even if she did stutter and always lose her words around him. But this was more important, than a silly crush.
She wasn’t used to saying that.
But, the way he looked at her, it felt like- pity.
He told her he already knew.
He already knew? Wait- then why didn’t he say anything?
Because, as the naïve little boy stood so tall and ‘innocent’ he simply wanted to help her through his own way.
“She was only lying for attention,” He said.
“Once she finally makes some real friends, she’ll stop,” He said!
“In the meantime, you should really drop this, it would be just awful if you were to hurt Lila again. After all, she hasn’t hurt anyone, she doesn’t mean any harm”
She stood in shock.
This was the boy she had fell for?
This spineless- foolish- Son of a-
“So please Marinette, don’t cause too many problems for her, you shouldn’t be so harsh on her. If you really value our friendship, you’ll do it.” He smiled before walking off, leaving her to her thoughts.
That felt like someone had walked over to her, ripped out her heart and squashed it in the palm of her hands, all while grinning.
Why, why wasn’t she able to see before? Did her heart want to deceive her by falsifying all of his qualities? Was she just blind to bear witness to him not being as perfect as she made him out to be? Was it because she just couldn’t entertain the thought of letting go?
She didn’t know, she just hated this negative feeling. It felt so familiar. She wanted it to go away.
Unfortunately, that feeling would only grow for months.
And it was about to be worse.
“Huh? Marinette? Why are you crying? If this is about what happened this morning, don’t worry, I’ll forgive you” She was crying? Huh, when did that happen?
Whatever, more importantly.
“W-What, no you don’t have to forgive me because I did nothing wrong” Lila’s worried expression faltered for a bit before she grew ‘scared’
“H-Hey, I didn’t realise you felt like that. Oh, you poor thing” Her eyebrow snapped, she seriously didn’t like being called a thing.
“Save it, I can’t prove it but I know you’re just lying to everyone here. And you need to stop, you’re going to hurt everyone when they find out. You need to confess” Her face faltered again, but it never recovered, her once innocent eyes hardened as she smirked, a look that seemed almost natural, as if she had perfected it by looking into a mirror countless times.
“Oh, so you’ve finally figured it out? Figures, I was told you were the smartest one, and it seems like I wasn’t wrong”
“What?” Lila sighed, maybe she had put too much faith in her being the smartest.
“Ugh, you’re so young Marinette. I haven’t told the truth all my life, why the hell should I start now?” Marinette was stunned, why, why was she telling her this?
“Honestly, and I thought Adrien was naïve. Look, I’m not here to play games, I have this whole routine wrapped up. So just sit back, stay out of my way and I might consider making another lie that would benefit you.” It was an offer any reasonable person wouldn’t refuse.
Unfortunately for her, she didn’t want a reasonable offer.
Marinette stared, she was- she was fully aware of what she was doing?
“B-But you’re going to end up hurting everyone, you need to stop, please!” She begged.
Lila frowned.
She was just like all the rest.
“I don’t care”
“I said I don’t care, seriously don’t you get it yet? I’m here to win by all means necessary. You were in the way so I took you out. They are just little trophies to remind you of my victory. You had your chance”
She stood still, this situation felt so familiar, but she had to stay strong, she couldn’t give up now. If reasoning with her won’t work, then maybe understanding might, and she could work with that.
“Why are you doing this, do you really not care about when you get caught? About how everyone will feel when they know you promised nothing in the end?” She hoped she would see some sense. They were good people, they shouldn’t be manipulated into this, she was sure they would’ve been friends regardless of what she had promised.
“It’s because I can”
“What do you mean?”
“What I mean, dear sweet Marinette, is that because I am able to, I can. I’ve had years of practice with this, and the result always has me at the top, all that oppose me either stay at the bottom or beg for mercy from moi. It's always a delight to see their hope diminish. To realise they would do anything but to be alone.”
Alone- that word, that word stuck with her so much.
She didn’t want that- but she didn’t want her friends to be tricked either.
“Besides, you made it so easy for me, in reality. You only have yourself to blame”
“What- I didn’t even-” A finger was wagged in front of her face.
“Ah ah ah. You really should know better than that. A calendar full of Adrien’s schedule? A box full of presents for Adrien? Sabotaging dates? You’d think I’d have made it all up, it only made the end result so much greater. Seriously Marinette, I don’t even know if I’m the bad guy here, what you’ve done really isn’t appropriate behaviour. But I do know of a great therapist, they helped me through such a hard time” Lila continued to talk as Marinette zoned out. She was the bad guy? No- no that couldn’t be, that was just a harmless crush, that was just what normal teenaged girls did.
But- if it was. Then why didn’t anyone tell her it was wrong, she didn’t mean for it to be wrong. She just didn’t want them to leave, she just didn’t want to be abandoned again.
Why didn’t they say? Why didn’t she realise?
Why did she know?
Lila must’ve seen the shock as she giggled, not at all innocent.
“It was so easy manipulating all of them into telling me about this ‘crush’, once they realised just how crazy it actually was, they had no problem seeing you for the crazy stalker you are.” Lila flicked her hair up away, only for it to come back, but it didn’t matter, she made her point.
Not having the energy to look up, she would’ve noticed Lila had left her behind, laughing too, because no one had been there to overhear their absolutely private conversation. Her overall plan would not be undiscovered today, tomorrow, or the next. It wouldn’t be discovered ever.
Because she was in control.
Marinette, wasn’t in control.
Just like before, that hollow feeling from before, it was back.
And so much worse.
She hated Lila, because she made her realise, she was right. All along. And she just had to accept it.
And gave up trying.
She reverted back to how she was at the beginning of the year.
The quiet girl that no one paid attention to, alone, in the back, with nothing but her sketchbook.
Gone were the childish pigtails, it was for the better, no one said anything about then anymore.
Because she realised.
She wasn’t a child anymore.
She couldn’t be, not after this.
Hey, so I guess this was more like another prologue, so I’ll have to apologise if it seems just like the other one, but the premise is still the same so yeah.
And I think I might like the idea of a non-Miraculous world; it seems interesting since I feel like Marinette wouldn’t have as much of a confidence boost since she wouldn’t be Ladybug, please tell me that would make sense.
I think it’s interesting for how much would change and stay the same, and my OC will be making an entrance next time, however, here they are all like 13-14. The next chapter will have a time skip of 3 years, oh and Lila came in late, like around Season 3 late ok? So they already know about Kagami and Luka.
Also if you’re confused about anything feel free to ask any questions.
Cya next time.
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Note: Please tell me if I should add anything else to the card, there will be one of these cards for all 15 chapters, however, because I have uni work all updates will be slower because I really need to focus on the uni stuff, then I might be able to upload quicker.
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yandere-romanticaa · 4 years
Can i request “come and be lost in my wonderland…” for Malleus (bc i remember in the pv of the theme song where he says," I'll show you a happy ending" and i think it really suits his cocky nature? Thank you!
Anon I love you, I thought the exact same thing! God, I love Malleus so much 😢😢😢
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♡ Malleus Draconia ♡
You tossed and turned in your bed as you clung on to the sheets for some sort of comfort but sadly they did not aid you much. Creaking open your eyes you were met with darkness from your bedroom as you stared at the empty abyss in front of you, the only source of sound being your shallow breaths and thumping heart. You couldn't even remember the last time you had a proper nights sleep, one that didn't end up with you having a nightmare. The moment you closed your eyes and started to doze off, the same thing would always happen - you would suddenly find yourself stranded in a strange field, the only thing in your line of sight being endless thorny bushes and a vast dark sky filled with glowing stars. And beneath the full moon, he would always wait for you.
Well, you never really knew who he was but he sure as Hell seemed to know you. He was tall, somewhat muscly and on top of his head was a pair of devilish horns that never ceased to both amaze and frighten you. The thing that would catch your eye the most however was the cheeky little grin he would always have on his handome face, his small fangs occasionally showing. And his eyes, good grief his eyes. Never in your life did you feel so small, so weak, so stupidly helpless beneath poisonous green his gaze. Never once did the two of you exchange a single word, but it was never really needed. All he needed to do was snap his gloved fingers and you would start falling underneath the ground and just before you could hit rock bottom you could have sworn that you felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around you each and every time. That was the sad truth, never once did the macabre stranger ever utter a single word to you in your dreams.
...well, until tonight that is.
His voice was deep, much too alluring and welcoming than you'd want to admit to yourself. There was a certain edge to it however, as if the person in front of you was in a certain rush.
"Come and be lost in my wonderland..." he whispered to you in a hushed tone. You could still feel the tight grip of his strong hands against your shoulders, and now you were not so sure if what you were seeing was a mere dream anymore. It felt too real, he felt too real. His cool touch, his cold hands, this deep voice, it was just too much for you to handle on your own.
In a flash you placed your head back on to the pillow once more, desperate to just get some sleep already.
"You are too cute for your own good, you know that right?" the dark fae thought to himself as he watched you through the mirrors reflection, his green eyes piercing your back, needy for you to finally notice him. Without even trying, or even knowing that is, you were able to sweep Malleus off his feet in what felt like a single heartbeat - now it was time to pay for your transgressions.
Tags: @yourlittlerunt, @pumpkiethepie, @twst-rose-prisms, @twst-soul, @phantomness, @tiaragqueen
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bigbadredpanda · 3 years
Letter to Wei Wuxian by 西木Tiki
Settings -- Subtitles/CC -- English
Original: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gs41167DG
Posted with permission
Original song: "Painted heart" by Jane Zhang
Lyrics: 贴吧蓝忘机
Vocals: 西木Tiki
Post-production: 音乐猫
Art: 雪君
Pv: 阿率
English translation below
Letter to Wei Wuxian [1]
Plagued by nightmares, I lie awake as sleep eludes me The guqin plays sorrowfully, the notes stop before the end, the feelings within unfathomable Wangji resounds with no one to duet with, a melody is softly strummed to the empty void I long to inquire where I can find your soul I dip my brush in the ink but only haphazard strokes come out mindlessly When I come back to my senses, tears have blurred the ink The writing is a messy scrawl, the meaning undecipherable, your name fills the paper with no place left untouched Dusk falls on the Cloud Recesses, I sigh as the dying light glints blood-red Wind rustles hair, my mind a tangle of thoughts spinning relentlessly Scars in my heart, why bother with drink if it cannot drown out the pain After the anguish has passed, I look back but I am left with nothing If only I could know what faraway place I can consign this forehead ribbon
Plagued by nightmares, I lie awake as sleep eludes me The guqin plays sorrowfully, the notes stop before the end, the feelings within unfathomable Wangji resounds with no one to duet with, a melody is softly strummed to the empty void I long to inquire where I can find your soul In front of the Jingshi, white rabbits rub their heads together in pairs Ever since you left, they have covered the mountain like snowdrifts An old friend come and go like a traveler passing by, as fleeting as a mirage That face from the past, in vain I chase it in my memories to trace it [2] How I wish you could see the flowers opening and closing along the paved paths How I wish you could hear from the other shore this nocturnal elegy [3] How I wish you could know that the loquats will soon be in season, that unshakeable yearning cutting though my bones How I wish you could return to this carefree youth of former times I dip my brush in the ink but only haphazard strokes come out mindlessly When I come back to my senses, tears have blurred the ink The writing is a messy scrawl, the meaning undecipherable, your name fills the paper with no place left untouched Dusk falls on the Cloud Recesses, I sigh as the dying light glints blood-red The world is ever changeable and the road uneven with snags Unsheathing Bichen, I wish I could use it to sweep away all obstacles The waning moon sets, a lone boat is moored, I light a candle for you To illuminate your way back, this world offers many open roads
Translator’s notes
[1] The lyrics of this song are inspired by a well-known fic in the Chinese fandom with the same name. This fic has launched the popular headcanon “Inquiry for 13 years, waiting for one who will not return” that even official adaptations have leaned on (more of my thoughts on the subject here and here).
[2] This line makes use of Sizhui’s name whose characters mean individually “to think, to miss” and “to chase, to recall”.
[3] “The other shore” may also refer to the life beyond in Buddhism.
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langdxn · 4 years
the night we met | jim mason x reader
WARNINGS: Expect tears, that’s all I’m saying.
A/N: I finished watching 13 Reasons Why recently and this is my way of getting out all those emotions without turning to actual 13RW fics that nobody would read. Thank you to the anon that suggested writing this with Jim, it suits him so well! Italicised lyrics from Lord Huron - The Night We Met.
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Jim Mason left echoes wherever he went.
His unbridled laughter reverberated against the rocks in the bay, his ecstatic cheers bounced from every tiled roof, his beaming smile reflected in the sun rays gleaming on the shore.
Everywhere in Palos Verdes held a piece of him.
Some more painful than others.
“You’re the new girl,” a kind voice called above the hubbub of the house party, approaching you in your assumed position of safety in the kitchen. Steering yourself away from the established crowds of friendship groups and awkward first meetings, you anchored yourself beside the mountain of solo cups and the half-empty drinks chiller.
It almost worked. Almost.
I am not the only traveler
“Fascinating observation,” you replied with a disgruntled huff before turning to see the sun-bleached blonde standing behind you, tousled beach curls framing his tanned face. “I concede, I acquiesce to the mundane introduction of awkward teenage boy to equally uncomfortable teenage girl.”
“Way too many big words, babe,” he sighed before swooping beside you to grab a beer from the icy depths of the cooler. “I’m Jim, by the way.”
Who has not repaid his debt
“Nice to meet you, ‘Jim by the way,’” you proffered a sarcastic hand which he happily shook. “I’m ‘the new girl.’”
Jim’s brows furrowed, eyes widening as he slowly processed your wordplay.
“That’s a hell of a sense of humour you got there,” he chuckled nervously, cracking his beer open and taking a deep swig. “What brings you to PV?”
I've been searching for a trail to follow again
You leaned an elbow on the nearest kitchen counter as if settling down for a long drawn-out narrative to explain what brought you to this moment — your new house filled with total strangers, your new kitchen almost entirely destroyed by high school demolition drinking games, preppy kids wading past your cardboard boxes, varsity jacket-clad football players sneaking into your new bedroom and a particularly gorgeous surfer dude trying to chat you up.
This bizarre situation called for brutal honesty.
“My last boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend, I couldn’t face seeing them both every day so—“
Take me back to the night we met
“So you came to PV for a more complicated life?” Jim interjected, his warm smile lighting up the whole room. In an instant, it was as if you and he were the only two at the party. The commotion around you muffled to a dull roar as you gazed awkwardly down at your feet.
“I assume so,” you nodded, taking a gentle sip from your cup while maintaining eye contact with your new friend. “What’s so complicated about PV? Can’t be much worse than I went through in DC.”
And then I can tell myself
“Yeah, you say that,” Jim scratched his neck, his attempt at diverting an uncomfortable truth. “You haven’t met the Bay Boys yet.”
“The Bay Boys? Sounds like a horrendous tribute band,” you sighed through a subtle pout. “You’re not one of them?”
“Hell no,” Jim scoffed with a grin. “I’ve got a life, believe it or not—“
What the hell I'm supposed to do
“Jimmy!” A booming male voice swooped toward you before two big palms landed square on Jim’s shoulders. A stereotypical high school jock had just invited himself into your quiet conversation. “Who’s the hot chick?”
And then I can tell myself
“This is... the new girl,” Jim smiled that same innocent smile that captivated you not moments earlier. “New girl, this is Danny, king of the Bay Boys.”
The heat prickling at your cheeks wasn’t a response to meeting one of the supposedly fabled Bay Boys, nor to his reference to you as ‘the hot chick,’ but to Jim. The guy who sauntered into your life and actually gave you the time of day. The guy who smiled like the first rays of sun across the ocean in the morning.
“Come with me, babe,” Jim snapped you out of your daze, his fingers suddenly entwining with yours and pulling you across the room. “I’ll introduce you to everyone.”
Not to ride along with you
“Come on, babe,” he pressed as you lay together on the beach, gazing up at the glistening stars in the PV night sky. A sharp elbow jabbing into your ribs indicated his impatience. “You know… you know I’ll look after you, just give me a chance?”
I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you
“Jim, you’re too drunk,” you sighed, a playful tap landing on his wetsuit-clad chest beside you. “Ask me when you’re sober.”
“I’ll be sober in the morning and you’ll still be the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen,” he smiled to himself, scooping an arm under your head and cinching you into his chest. “And the only one that understands me. Definitely the only one that would lay with me and watch the stars like this.”
Take me back to the night we met
“That was shockingly coherent for your state of inebriation, Mason.”
“Fuck me, that was one too many big words,” Jim chuckled heartily. “You’re still avoiding the question, princess. I’m not like your ex, you’ve known that since we first met last year. Why not just see whether we can be happy together?”
I don't know what I'm supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you
You sighed wistfully, turning on your side to gaze at the beach-tousled blonde laying beside you, the moonlight bathing his features in an angelic glow.
“It’s just,” you stuttered. “What if we didn’t work out? What if we fought and fell out? I couldn’t lose you, Jim, I’d be a mess without you.”
Oh, take me back to the night we met
“You won’t lose me,” he cooed gently, drawing you in to plant a peck atop your hair. “I love you too much to let you go.”
Slowly pulling away, Jim’s gaze locked with yours. The sparkle in his eyes as the moonlight beamed down on you both, the sweet grin tugging at the corners of his lips, the hopeful hitch in his breath; his words held so much sincerity, so much meaning, that he hung on every syllable that left your tongue in response.
When the night was full of terrors
“Jim, please,” you pleaded reservedly, clenching your eyes shut as if to dismiss all thought of returning his affections. “Don’t say that unless you really mean it.”
He leaned in to hover his lips over yours.
“Baby, I’ve never meant anything more—“
And your eyes were filled with tears
Suddenly, frantic footfalls slipping on the sand approached from behind you, startling you both to attention.
“Mason, get your ass back up here,” called a male voice, no doubt one of the Bay Boys. “The party’s dying without you!”
When you had not touched me yet
Jim stuttered weakly, caught off-guard and unprepared to stand his ground for fear of looking flaky in front of you.
“Uh... yeah, sure,” he shouted back, nervously clearing his throat and weaving his hand from beneath your neck. “I’ll be right there.”
“Jim, wait—“
“Babe, I gotta go,” he insisted, staggering to his feet and helping you up to meet him, cupping your face in both trembling hands. “Look, I’ll tell you when I’m sober, just like you asked right?”
Oh, take me back to the night we met
You couldn’t conceal an eye roll as you nodded contentedly, swallowing hard as he turned to leave. A few paces across the sand, he turned to gaze at you once again.
“I’ll tell you when I’m sober!”
Not every echo recalled happy times.
“Jim, I’m worried about you,” you sighed, watching him sweep together another line on the bathroom counter.  
I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you
“Well quit it, okay?” He hissed, a snarl skewing his once radiant smile as he looked at you in the mirror. “You’re not my mom, you don’t get to tell me what to do.”
“Babe I know I’m not, I’m just trying to hel—“
“You’re not helping anybody! What is it with you, huh? You got a crush on me or something?!”
Take me back to the night we met
His hands balled into fists atop the counter, puffing furiously like a bull about to charge.
“You? I don’t even know who you are anymore, Jim,” you spat furiously through gritted teeth, arms gesticulating in the tense air between you. “You’re so out of your skull all the time, I don’t even recognise you.”
I don't know what I'm supposed to do
“Oh thanks very much, babe,” he mocked your tone, swinging around and pushing past you to leave the bathroom. “It’s nice to know how you felt about me this entire time, and it didn’t even come out with big ridiculous fucking words! That explains why you were so goddamn evasive whenever I tried to make a move on you.”
Racing behind him as he stormed through the bedroom, your vision clouded with hysteria, words you needed to say but couldn’t find, sentences you couldn’t bring yourself to form, phrases that pained you to produce into sounds.
Haunted by the ghost of you
“Jim, you only made a move on me when you were drunk or high on some fucking substance you shoved up your nose with the Bay Boys!”
“Yeah? Well you won’t have to worry about that anymore,” he paused at the front door, hand clasped around the doorknob and turning to face you. His face scrunched into a scowl, his bottom lip trembling frantically. “I’m done here, I’m done with PV and I’m fucking done with you.”
Take me back to the night we met
In a blink of an eye and a slam of the door, he was gone. Hours later, the beach sweeper found his body, face down in the sand where he once lay beside you.
Jim died thinking I hated him. He died not knowing I loved him.
I’m leaving Palos Verdes today.
Because Jim Mason left echoes wherever he went.
Some infinitely more painful than others.
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mikumanogi-blog · 3 years
2017-03-05 “Stagnation” Kubo Shiori Blog #7
Is there anybody who thought “today is Kubo’s blog day?”!
It’s Shiori’s blog~ (I didn’t make you wait did I…)
I thought I would try changing up my usual introduction.
 Hello everyone, Thank you for work hard again today. I’m Nogizaka46 3rd generation member Kubo Shiori.
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My hair is curled.
The other day something fortunate happened.
When the makeup artist was finished hair spraying my hair the can (big size) was empty. The last person that giant can of hair spray was used on was… me. Isn’t that lucky? It rarely happens (‘._.`)
 First off, I want to look back at what has happened recently. Thank you so much for the 5th Year Anniversary Birthday Live.
Hito ha naze hashiru no ka?
Tsuyogaru tsubomi,
Hane Kioku,
Harujion ga suku koro,
Shiori kumo ni note,
The 3rd generation members all stood on that stage while considering the significance behind why we were given these songs to perform.
The emotions and the scenery I had from that stage is something I will never forget for as long as I live. More than anything, seeing all the 3rd generation member towels, pen light colors surprised me...I was overjoyed. I’m a very fortunate person. Thank you.
We also did a recording for the 3rd generation song 「sanbanme no kaze」off the 17th single. Surprise…and joyfulness… (You’re probably thinking that those are the only two emotions I have, I do have a lot of other ones…) At any rate this is something I’m thankful for. The wonderful lyrics and melody, this song will forever by important to me.
I was also nervous because this was my first time doing a PV shoot, but I thought that each shoot was done with care. I received the help of many people and as my first ever shoot I was able to make it an extremely meaningful experience. Thank you very much. I want to see all my fans again. Please wait for me.  (TL note: I am assuming this is for the individual PV’s and not the music video PV)
And now… Q&A time!!!
Because I wasn’t able to do a Q&A on my previous blog I will also be answering questions asked for that blog (‘._.`)
·         Which do you like more sweet or spicy?
I like food. Recently I’ve been enjoying sweet foods!
·         Are you good or bad at physical exercise?
You probably thought I was bad at physical exercise didn’t youuu~ but that not true at all! I’m average. This year on my first sports test I was awarded an A rank!
·         Do you cook? What food is your specialty?
I may look like I do and I doo~ It makes me happy to hear my family say “delicious” after they finish eating my food.
My specialty food is…it’s hard to say, when I was younger it used to be omurice (‘._.`)
Currently my specialty is probably a type of sweet… I’m always making sweets.
·         In your middle school club, what was the toughest club activity?
Most likely the stairway dash (‘._.`) I was always sore the next day. After that was the zoo warm up (‘._.`) Duck, Bear, Seal, crocodile, , , nostalgic memories (‘._.`)
·         What are some events made a lasting impression for you from Nogizaka under construction?
There are a lot of events but, Hori Miona’s「ikimana onna」line from her version of Wakatsuki Yumi’s Hashi kun was funny! (TL note: you can find an ENG sub version on YouTube).
Speaking of Miona san, at the concert she came to talk with me. She also put up a picture of me on her blog…thank you so much. Yamazaki Rena also posted one on her blog. Thank you very much (‘._.`)
(TL Note: Kubo and Rennachi & Kubo and Miona)
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Honestly, I feel shy when meeting new people, when the senior members came to talk to me, I got tongue tied. I feel guilty… I wonder if that’s why people may think things like “Kubo is hard to approach isn’t she” I’ll continue to reflect upon my weakness from the shadows.
I honestly couldn’t speak. I also have a quiet voice… Ever since I was born I’ve been a lost cause…Despite my flaws the senior members are still nice to me. I want to talk more with the senior members about various things but because of my personality it’s probably won’t be enjoyable for them…My personality is something I need to change (‘._.`)
·         I burned myself…
Are you alright!?!? Please make sure to treat it properly so it doesn’t leave a scar (‘._.`) Pain, pain go away~ While I was saying that I um… also burned myself (‘._.`) I was half asleep and I…burned my neck with a hair iron… out of all the places it could’ve been why in such an obvious spot…I will reflect upon this mistake.
·         Are there times where you are picky or obsessed about your fashion?
Umm… well, I wear what I like without fussing over the brand. Recently I’ve been liking unique clothing~ Heading into spring I’ve been buying yellow and pink colored clothes. Renka told me “You’ve become more stylish lately” I’ve decided I want to wear more and more different types of western style clothing. I’ll do my best!
·         Can you see the towels and penlights from the stage?
Of course I can see them! Every time I spot one it makes me happy. I have some good news! Because my eyesight has gotten worse my contact lens strength has gone up, this means that I can spot everyone even easier than before! Allllright, from one end to the other I’ll find you all!
·         Show me a picture of you with twin tails!
Sure, here you go!
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I knew it was no gooood!
Oh no, my hair is covered by my hood and the picture is bluury isn’t it~
…I’m sorry. Self-reflection. Self-reflection.
 ·         Why were you crying together with Nakada Kana san in the dressing room?
On a silent Friday, my name was brought up by Nakada Kana san. Thank you very much (‘._.`)
First of all, she did not make me cry!!! There is a reason for why I was crying… The first time we started practicing for Principle was a time where I had anxiety over how things would turn out going forward. Then Kana san came and talked with me… we talked a lot about her personal stories from her Principle performance and the future. The details are already….. I’m crying. I wonder if I can become stronger…Can I really keep at it…What should I do…. These are the insecurities I showed in front of my amazing superior. (‘._.`) I am extremely grateful to Kana san (‘._.`) Thank you very much.
 ·         Are you someone that eats a lot?
Yes I am! One of my favorite phrases is, I want to eat____. Just the other day, for lunch, I ate bread, rice and beef stew. For dinner I ate 30 gyozas. After that I had waffles and strawberry daifuku. Oh I also had ice cream. I have a bottomless stomach. (from the title of my blog two blogs ago ‘There is no limit’)
·         Do you like bread?
I do!!!! For a while I was addicted to bread crusts, and I ate them plain. I would eat them while waiting for practice to start!
 ·         What is something you’ve been addicted to lately?
Yogurt with soy flour on top!!! I’ve been way too addicted this pairing. I could put roasted soybean flour on anything.
 ·         Favorite ice cream flavor?
Matcha!! After that is Soy flour!! Eastern style ice cream flavors are ◎ but as expected I can’t choose between them (‘._.`)
For this blog I am going to end the Q&A here!!! I’ll being doing it again in the future!
 What been going on recently? Speaking of which, I’m going to start with some of my worries. My shyness has gone too far, so far that I’ve had troubles taking pictures with other members. However, I know that a lot of fans are waiting and saying “post pictures with the other members!”… For my fans I plucked up the courage and I took my first ever three-person selfie since joining Nogizaka46.
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This should be a commemorative picture. Miichan, ririan, Tsuki Taro san. Thank you so much. I hope we continue to get along. 
(TL note: I’m not sure what 月太郎 (tsuki taro) means. After some research I found that 太郎月(taro dzuki) mean first moon of the new year, so she might just be calling herself a newbie).
Next, in Manatsu san’s blog, she was asked about which member she would want to be her little sister… In her answer she wrote about me…Thank you so much, Manatsu san is so kind. On the day of the 5th Year Anniversary Birthday Live I apologized to Manatsu saying “I’m really sorry for doing ‘zukkyun’ in Girl’s Rule during Principle” and Manatsu san said “no no, it’s completely fine! If anything, I’m glad that you did! Thank you so much!” Manatsu san is so kind isn’t she (‘._.`) Thank you so much for being nice to someone like me.
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Guess what, guess what, Because I I was completely sold out for the handshake event another time slot has been added. Thank you very much! I am very, very, very, VERY happy… For everyone that will come see me I’ll make sure to give you a good time.
“I’ll never be able to forget this! I want to go again! I’m cheering for you!” I’ll do my best to give you these kinds of feelings. More than anything let’s enjoy ourselves. I’m really excited to talk to everyone! I wonder if I’ll see the people I met at the meet and greet again? I’ll be waiting for you!!
 Today, for the first time in a while something happy and enjoyable happened. I was also able to make unforgettable memories.
 There’s so much I want to say but this blog has already gone on for so long… I have been told before that I really like photography and I really do. That’s why when everyone gets a hold of the new magazine I’m in I hope to bring enough interest for them to say “wow who is this girl?” I’m making sure to not slack off in order to be the kind of person that stands out in a crowd.  
Just because you work hard doesn’t mean everything is going to turn out the way you want it to, but if you don’t put in the work then it definitely won’t.
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I don’t want to be someone who is all talk and no action. I want to be someone that even though they say big things they can make them into reality. Yet even though I say that I don’t have enough confidence to talk about my own dreams. I’m a coward. I will change. I will change even more.
 In the last blog I received a lot of comments giving me advice and so I based my writing for this blog on that. The opinions that I saw most in the comments were “don’t be so stiff! Relax a bit!” Thank you very much. That’s why I decided to try and make a more relaaaaxed blog this time. What do you think?
Finally one last question from the comments!
·         Out of all the 3rd generation members, which member pretends to remember something the fastest?
That person is Tamami! Wow! Tomorrow is Tamami’s blog! Make sure to give it a read!!!
Kubo will write again.
(In Minachan’s blog I was temporarily recruited for a group called Nabepa (Nabe party). It doesn’t look like we can meet up often… Maybe we should try recruiting. What do you think would be good? The members are Tamami, Minachan and Ayati, and me.)
(TL Note: Minachan is Umezawa Minami)
Kubo Shiori
(TL note: trying to find a good translation for a blog title was difficult, the word used in japanese is 渋滞 which can mean either ‘congestion’ ‘delay’ or ‘stagnation’, I decided to go with stagnation because after reading this blog I got the impression that she feels like her growth as a person has become a little stagnant) 
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runningtoredemption · 4 years
Voxman SS
Happy Holidays @itsjolie99! I was your SS! I hope you like it!
He couldn’t say that the day had started any differently than it usually did. 
The professor awoke in an empty bed, his Boxman’s - who had woken up MUCH earlier - body heat finally fading from the sheets, forcing him to groggily begin to move.
He pulled his lab coat on over his silk pajamas and slipped on his fuzzy chicken slippers - a thoughtful gift from his aforementioned partner, they may look silly but they were practical; the metal catwalks of their factory home were unbearably cold in the morning without them. And they matched Boxy’s aesthetic.
The coffee pot was hot and waiting for him as he arrived in the small kitchen for the few organics that lived here now. Fink was already at the small table eager to start complaining about whatever thing she hoped would convince him to change his mind about living here with Boxman. He nodded politely as he turned his coffee into a super-saturated concoction of sugar, not even sitting down to drink the first mug.
“-and then - and then! They put me on the conveyor belt!” It wasn’t until the second cup, served in his #1 BOSS coffee cup, that Fink’s words actually, finally pierced his awakening brain.
Even the explosion that prevented him from asking Fink for more clarification was not an unusual thing in the scheme of his morning schedule, “I’m afraid you’ll have to hold that thought, Fink.”
“I dunno why you always rush to the lab at every little explosion! Boxbutt’s always fine! He’s unkillable!” And she should know, she’d tried to poison him at least three times since they moved in here.
“But the one time I don’t check is the one time he’ll actually need help,” And his usual go-to excuse reply. Grabbing a third cup of coffee, he headed down to their joint workshop.
By the time he got down there, the coffee was gone and the mug handed off to a passing Darrell, which was good. Because as soon as he opened the door the norm had finally been shaken.
The man? Cyborg? Robot? That hovered an inch or two off of the floor, in the middle of the lab was easily taller than Venomous by at least a foot. 
As the professor glanced around the room to see where Boxman got to -because this guy definitely was rocking the Boxman aesthetic so it had to be one of his creations - the being put his hands on his hips and spoke.
“How do I look, P.V?” That was Boxman’s voice, coming out of the hulking figure. That WAS Boxman. And Venomous’s mind jumped in a million different directions at once and the thought that came out of his mouth first was...
“Where did your talon go?” Any doubt that this wasn’t Boxman disappeared with the frustrated expression and the not quite a screech response.
“Really? I’m all big and handsome and that’s the first thing you notice?”
“You’re always handsome,” Venomous couldn’t stop the words from slipping out; so it was a good thing he always sounded like a smooth talker. Also, the sputtering, flustered response from Boxman was almost worth the honesty.
“Yeah - well-! Mmmph!”
“So how did you manage this? Some sort of exo-suit?” Venomous drew closer, laying a hand on the surprisingly muscly arm and giving it a test squeeze. It definitely felt like flesh.
Boxman swatted the groping hand away, before scooping Venomous up with ease. Not that it was ever really hard to pick up the noodle, “Nope, not a suit or a robot. This is all me, baby! At full potential! I call me: LORD BOXMAX!”
Venomous tensed, being picked up by Boxman wasn’t an unpleasant experience but this was quite a difference in height... 
“Alright, Lord Boxmax, but how? How did you reach your full potential?”It wasn’t like the Professor’d been working on a way to achieve something like that for years or anything. 
Boxmax shrugged, dropping PV less-than-gently, “Potion I stole from Vormulax.”
“Are you saying to stole a potion from another villain and drank it? And knowing you, you didn’t even know what it did before you took it, did you?” Cue folded arms and the look.
“You can’t say anything! You turned yourself purple testing on yourself!” Lord Boxmax huffed, arms up in the air, “I’m fine! I’m better than fine! I’m Lord Boxmax and I’m going to single-handedly destroy the plaza!”
With that proclamation, he hovered up, probably intending to bust through the ceilings and wall on the way to his target. But instead, the potion finally wore off and gravity reclaimed the cyborg, “Oh, poop.”
The former hero in him made Venomous instinctively shoot his arms to catch his round boyfriend. This was a mistake that resulted in the purple man practically flattened by his fellow villain.
“You gotta stop doing that. P.V!” Boxman chided, helping his noodle boyfr------- partner up off the floor, “I’m tiny but dense.”
“Mmm, I'll say,” Venomous agreed, stretching his back - was that a jibe at Boxman’s common sense or was he genuinely agreeing the man was heavy? “Sorry, you didn’t get to test your new form on the plaza, Box.”
The cyborg shrugged, “I’ll get another bottle next time I crossover with Vormulax’s story. Besides... I missed this.”
“Missed wha-?” Venomous started to ask when Boxman slipped his talon into professor’s hand, “Oh. Me too.”
“Ugh, gross!”
“Then don’t come down here when we’re working, Fink.”
“If I don’t then how’re you gonna know that the bots tried to make lunch n’ burned everything cuz’ you guys were down here bein’ gross fer so long! C’mon, Boss! Boxbutt! Grab a fire extinguisher n’ let's go!”
And just like that. The day was back to routine. And while the little detour had been fun... the professor was glad for things to be... as normal as they got around here.
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badlydrawndrawnings · 5 years
Semi-formal critique/rant about a lack of  P1/P5 comparisons
When the first Persona 5 PV came out, there was a general agreed consensus that Persona 5 was going to be the Persona 2 duology (with Innocent Sin being the most compared Persona 2 game) of the modern games. This consensus grew more and more as more playable characters were introduced, character info was released, and certain gameplay elements were introduced, like demon negotiation and GUNS as a secondary ranged weapon.
That last one is more of a Persona 1/SMT gameplay element but whatever.
By the time of the game’s release, and with more people playing the game/watching let’s play and walkthroughs (and the anime, and the seemingly slow release of the official manga I can only occasionally find ~not Mementos Missions btw~), this consensus was and is still around. It’s not as strong as before, but it’s there. There are also some people that like to say the two games were handle the same way (with Innocent Sin once again being the most compared Persona 2 game) via characters and certain plot points. I actually made an old post about it, right here.
With the Japanese Release of Persona 5 Royal, these claims exponentially rose again to strong levels to where I literally wanted to go into Tim Barry’s Royal Stream chat and type ‘please stop talking about persona 2 and nyary please stop talking about persona 2 and nyary.’ Why? Because after watching much of Royal to the best of my ability, I come to the realize that, Persona 5 Royal at least, is trying to be the Persona 1 of the modern games. And fair warning, I will go into major spoilers for Royal in depths, based off what is known.
We have Reiji Kido and Goro Akechi, bastard children who revenge over their father is their main goal. Yet due to one factor being present (or absent), they show the different outcomes of their fates, one being able to move on after his revenge for thirst and live a normal life with his own family, while the other who fate is unknown (in Original Persona 5; Royal will be touch upon under the read more) as his revenge possibly costed his life.
We have Masao ‘Mark’ Inaba and Ryuji Sakamoto, two good teenagers who are momma’s boys and delinquents at their school. Yet the title of delinquent is either truthfully earn because of actual delinquent-like behavior that will lead to a future career, or a title gradually earned after an accident that costed a possible future career had it never happened at all.
We have Eriko ‘Elly’ Kirishima and Ann(e) Takamaki, both who are in fact one-fourth American models. Yet given how they appear so differently, it must have factor into how are treated by other student, with one looking more of the typical Japanese person she is deem odd mostly due to her ‘eccentricities’, the other appearing more foreign with blonde hair and blue eyes due to a chance of genetics she is treated unfairly due to rumors and enforcing negative stereotypes.
Once you get into the Royal Third Semester, the comparisons grow into new levels that took me by surprise.
For one, we have Kasumi Yoshizawa. Kasumi can be best describe as the love child/clone of Maki (with that red ribbon and some parts of her personality) and Naoya (P1′s Manga Protag’s background of sorts). For you see, Kasumi is not Kasumi. She is Sumire Yoshizawa, twin of Kasumi Yoshizawa. Sumire loves the real Kasumi, but the poor girl is envious of her older and much more talented sister. It grew and grew until Sumire is full with such negativity and hate with her life as how it is and how she is, Sumire couldn’t handle it anymore and decides to go into traffic to possibility kill herself.
And the real Kasumi dies trying to save her younger. Needing counselling for her depression and guilt of what happened, Sumire’s cognitive of herself change into her believing (with someone’s help, who I will discuss) she is Kasumi and lives her life as Kasumi. It’s only until the Third Semester does Sumire remembers the truth. It took awhile, but Sumire was able to overcome everything and awaken fully, with what appears to be Kasumi herself -that’s right a dead person- becoming Cendrillon. 
So one is wondering who the heck made Sumire believe she is Kasumi? It’s none other than Takuto Maruki! Everyone figured this man shouldn’t be trust, but oh boy. We weren’t expecting any of this sorts! For one, Takuto is a Persona User. Now, adult Persona Users are canon since the first game with Takahisa Kandori, but it’s Kandori we ought to focus on (and only Kandori in Persona 1).
Kandori is nothing like Takuto. Kandori is a business man through and through, being the head president of the Sebec Branch in Mikage-Cho. Both men believe it or not, have the same goal of sorts of imposing their ideal version of the world over reality with their own means, Takuto with his Persona Powers that sort became supercharge after Yabadadoo’s defeat by the PT, Kandori with the Deva System Sebec build.
Takuto honestly has good intentions, wanting a world where people can be happy without heartache and pain, which started when his former girlfriend had to go to the hospital after her parents died (in what I think was a burglary gone wrong). In fact, Takuto’s status as an antagonist is interesting. He knows the PT and has a Co-op/Confidant with Joker. While exploiting them for his research, he does so in his belief he is going to help them and everyone else because his way is the best. In fact, Takuto believes himself so much, he wants to make sure his ideal world will happen by trying stop Joker from sending a calling call by using Goro as one weird last resort.
Because according to Takuto, the real Goro is dead. The real Goro was taken hostage on Shido’s ship, but the destruction of the Palace pretty much doom Goro to a watery grave. Because of Joker’s unknowing wish to see Goro again (if you pick the right option), Takuto was able to use his powers to start the Third Semester on 12/24, the day where Joker canonically has to turn himself in. The Goro here is in effect, Dream!Goro who is eerily just like the real Goro. When Joker decides to listen to Dream!Goro of not accept the dream world and to accept reality as it is, that’s when Takuto takes out the big guns (aka, use his Persona). After losing to the PT via Personas, Takuto makes another go at it by almost became GOD by fusing with his Persona. When he goes back to his human self, Takuto fucking fights Joker in a fist fight and you pretty much ask yourself:  how many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man? But at the end, Takuto accepts it, and is given a second chance at life.
Kandori is just a selfish prick who only cares for himself. How much of a selfish prick? When the Deva System got attached to Maki’s subconscious and her Ideal World, Kandori decides to exploits Maki’s powers (via Aki, aka, Girl in Black) as a mean to his own end of becoming GOD. He also couldn’t give a shit about the P1 crew, hating them all and likes taunting them. Kandori couldn’t care less about his half bastard brother’s revenge goal, but comments Reiji does have that Kandori blood lol. 
And believe or not, Kandori is one of the few Persona villains to win. He actually achieves his dream of being God of a new world...and feels unfilled by it. By the time the Persona 1 crew confronts him, the man is particularly wishing for death because he has nothing else to live for since who knows how long his world can last. Kandori would have probably at surrender to them if Nanjo didn’t push Kandori into one last fight. Like Takuto, Kandori fuses with his Persona (though it’s not like he planned it), but he dies in this battle, pretty much as a empty man and as a possible warning of a wrong future.
Though Kandori gets the last word by revealing to the P1 crew that he isn’t the real person they should be focusing on. That goes to the real Maki, who is still sick in her bed (as it turns out, the Maki everyone is with is the Ideal Maki of real Maki’s dream, who is nothing like her).
(I forgot to mention it, but there’s also a brief moment on 12/31 when Joker dreams of an empty and dark Shujin Academy. It’s really similar to St. Hermelin during the parts the P1 crew have get lost travel through the school.)
With that being said about Royal, one can see what Persona 1 elements show up, how it works in both the original based game and Royal re-released, and the understand how Royal is trying to be the Persona 1 of modern Persona games. Yet people are still only taking about Persona 5 and how it’s like the Persona 2 duology (mainly Persona 2 Innocent Sin; I seen way too many people discuss in the Tim Barry chat how getting posses by your Persona came from IS but it was there since the first game).
And so I finally has to ask the question I thought I would never ask:  Why do Persona fans tend to not make P1/P5 comparisons? 
Is there something about Persona 1 that makes it easy to not make these comparisons? Like, I know the earlier games aren’t easy to play (especially one; I actually can’t play in First Person games in general because I get headaches from the format after half an hour or so of gameplay). That’s why the option to watch a let play walkthrough, reading the manga, listening to the audio drama, or do a combination of all the above exist. 
But is there’s something in Persona 1 in all of its materials, that makes it unworthy of talk like Persona 2 to be worthy of a comparison to Persona 5? I am in no means bashing the Persona 2 duology at all but I genuine want to know, without the need to cause discourse.We already have enough as it is. 
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violettranslations · 4 years
Empty Prayer (祈りは空っぽ)
自分が 季節が 誰もが勘違いをしている 稚拙が 俯瞰が 違った形を装い出す Myself--   the seasons--   everyone’s got the wrong idea. Childishness--  looking down from on high--   dressing them all in different shapes. 不埒な言葉が 喉から引きずり出されている 何処から来たのか 歩いて歩いて歩いている Insolent words are dragged from my throat. Where did I come from? I walk and walk and walk. 行き場を作れないままで 僕は君だ 君は僕だ 霞ん だ 透明な影の指先が蕩けて揺らいで交わる Unable to conjure a destination, I am you. You are me. The fingertips of a blurred clear shadow melt, waver, and join together. 何も聞きたくなくなっている頭の中は 正しいか間違っているか比べられなくなる 指折り数えている祈りは空っぽになった きっと きっともう 頼れないな I’ve stopped wanting to hear the thoughts in my head. I’m no longer able to tell what’s right and what’s wrong. The prayers I count on my fingers have become empty.¹ I know, I know I can’t rely on them anymore. 誓いや怒りが優しく頭痛を解いていく 誰かの風が僕らを追い越すばかりだった The vows and the anger gently relieve my headache. The draft kicked up by someone simply passed us by. ひとつひとつ違っていき僕になった 君になった 安全さを切り売りして痩せていく心や頭や言葉を Piece by piece, I became a different me. I became you. Selling safety in parts, my thinning heart and head and words-- 止めて stop them. 重ねたくなった憂いや乾き達を 飲み込んで動かないように震えを噛み殺している 身体は檻になって中身はもう溢れないし もっと揺らして I swallow down the anguish I wanted to pile up and the dry things so that unmoving, I stifle my trembling. My body has become a cage. My insides are no longer brimming over. Shake it harder. 灯りみたいな 名前みたいな 赤茶けた心根は捨ててかなきゃ 古い夏や明日の夜にも もう もう いないの Like the light, like my name, I’ve got to throw away the blackening² depths of my heart. Those old summers, and even tomorrow night, they’re all gone now. 聞きたくなくなっていた頭の中は 指折り数えている祈りは空っぽになった I’ve stopped wanting to hear the thoughts in my head. The prayers I count on my fingers have become empty. ずっと ずっと ずっと ずっと Forever forever forever forever 全て繋ぎ合っておんなじになった 生活も歌も関係も品性も生い立ちも 君が嫌なこと全部殴りたいんだけれど だって だって なんでもう 動けないんだ Everything has tied together and become one. Daily life and songs and relationships and moral character and upbringing; I want to beat up everything you hate, but but, I can’t seem to move anymore. 簡単な夢を見ないで Don’t dream of such simple things. * Though a more literal translation of the title is “Prayers Are Empty” the producer has provided the official English title “Empty Prayer” ¹ I originally translated 祈りは空っぽになった as "my prayers have become hollow" where it appears in the song, but then I noticed that at 3:04 in the PV the heart monitor reads "HEALTH: empty," and I changed "hollow" to "empty" to better preserve the reference.
² The word 赤茶ける literally means “to turn reddish-brown,” usually due to being sun-baked or, in clothing, the natural fading of dyes. As there isn’t really an equivalent word in English, I went with “blackening” instead, as I think it conveys a similar sentiment; though the original line is probably supposed to imply that the “depths of my heart” the speaker talks about are turning the red-brown of rust or dried blood.
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klbloodx · 5 years
HLS Chapter 5 - 2027.2.12 Niansi
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(Source: Google search result)
 In front of Xiao Nanzhu were two labour contracts.
 A4 paper in black and white with 365 red fingerprints under the employees’ side, while the employer’s side was still empty.
 Ever since Niansi crawled out of the fridge, Xiao Nanzhu had a very complicated and twisted expression sprawled on his face.
 Perhaps he had indeed run out of ideas on how to comment on this series of supernatural occurrences. He frowned and lifted the totally unguarded Niansi up.
 Poor Niansi was only just a frail and feeble scholar. He couldn’t even budge a single bit and instead yelled and made weird noises as he was carried to the wall on Xiao Nanzhu’s shoulder.
 Xiao Nanzhu sneered as he hung the old Huangli properly back onto the wall, and then without minding Niansi’s unceasing objection, he proceeds to shove poor soul Niansi back into the Huangli.
 “AHHHH! Xiao Nanzhu! Are you crazy?! This young man’s head! AHH! This young man’s hairstyle! This young man’s face hnnn!”
 Niansi’s wailing really sounded disgraceful and embarrassing.
 Xiao Nanzhu was annoyed too, as he saw that this weirdo could not be forcefully stuffed back in. But Niansi was really frightened by this hooligan act of Xiao Nanzhu, and he quickly took out the labour contract from within in his sleeves.
 As Xiao Nanzhu suppressed his anger and looked over it, he was left speechless. Numerous employment terms were printed on an eight-page contract, from wage benefits to the specifics of the job. The main gist of it was about how to become a Huangli Shi.
 Huangli Shi…
 Legend has it that it refers to a Fangshi who can alter the effects of seasonal solstices, solar terms, and festivals and predict each day’s fortune. Up until the modern era, due to the increase in new international holidays and memorial days, what was once in the old Huangli had new blood steadily infused in.
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(Source: Screenshot from PV)
Being the working partner of all calendar gods in the Huangli, the interests of both the Huangli Shi and the calendar gods were protected by this labour contract, so inevitably more details were added to the list.
 For example: the individual functions and origins of all of the traditional festivals; the responsibilities of season and changes in time shouldered by the solstices; even specific arrangements for calendar gods in case they needed sick days, maternity leave, or even marital leave were listed looking legit.
 Since it was already A.C 2027 now, things were more organised and well-regulated.
 The modern calendar has a mix of traditional festivals and holidays of the Gregorian calendar. Although this means that there would be an erosion of traditional and cultural values to a certain degree, some deviations were to be expected because of the way the solar calendar operates.
As such, the contemporary Huangli Shi is responsible for all calendar gods in the new civil calendar and the various traditional festivals and solstices of the past. But what was more important to Xiao Nanzhu lay at the bottom of the list of all former Huangli Shi: he saw his grandmother’s name, Xiao Ruhua, written there.
 Xiao Nanzhu’s grandmother had signed such a labour contract when she was alive, and she had concealed this from everyone. Even her own grandson had no knowledge of this.
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(Source: Baidu search result)
In Xiao Nanzhu’s memories, his grandmother never failed in foretelling any of her customers’ fortunes. Every wedding and funeral predicted by her were sure to go smoothly. There was even one time where she was able to accurately predict that a pregnant mother living in the nearby alley would have quintuplets①.
 It should be known that even hospitals can’t detect such things at the start of a pregnancy. It doesn’t make sense that an old lady who didn’t know any science could tell from a glance.
 Xiao Nanzhu also thought that she probably made a wild guess and got lucky.
 But as he recalled, he started to feel that his old lady who never liked to dance Guangchangwu②, yet could chase him down two streets at her age to beat him up, really deserved her reputation as Xiao Shenpo③.
 If it wasn’t because of how unreliable Niansi looked crawling out of the fridge telling him all this, Xiao Nanzhu would’ve seriously considered the feasibility of taking on such a job.
 However, all things aside, he was in dire need of a proper job.
 Considering the situation he was presently in, he would rather take on this strange job than to involve himself in Situ Zhang bro’s Pyramid scam pitch. Though, this job didn’t seem to be any more reliable either. Exorcising evil spirits, praying to gods, deciphering dreams, and altering fortunes——there isn’t even a scientific basis for any of those…
 Youths nowadays aren’t like those of the past. Only the elderly would still possess the heart to fear and revere the supernatural.
 Medicine and technology have advanced greatly in the modern era. It is different from when people relied on prayer for blessings and healings a thousand years ago. Everyone eventually became contemptuous towards those insensible and foolish ways that handled people’s lives like jokes. And that also led to those traditional professions that can’t be explained by science to be deemed as feudalism dross.
 Fortune telling and astrology, once golden industries that could stir up the world, became the most lambasted.
 On a second thought, this kind of thinking may have been too biased. Especially now that Xiao Nanzhu has seen the occult with his very own eyes, he could no longer bring himself to say these antagonistic words again.
 Yet this change in mindset hadn’t managed to convince him to accept the calendar gods’ offer, because he immediately realised that…
 The Huangli Shi has to work for all 365 days! Not even a single! day! off!
 “Well, there are breaks in between work for sure, and the job isn’t that intense——it’s quite a leisure most of the time… Moreover, the contract only starts next year. Everyone is still resting right now and will start work after New Years. The one you met last night was Xiaonian. He is one of the 22 traditional festivals and is in charge of fire… If you have the time, you can also let Chuyi(1st) and Chuer(2nd) help you get accustomed to the workflow as well…”
 Niansi stammered as he took out a comb to tidy up his hair. Xiao Nanzhu silently listened but didn’t show any signs of affirmation. That arrogant attitude of his made it seem as if he was looking for a fight.
 He flipped through the contract with his eyes half-opened. His laidback manner of sitting on the sofa with crossed legs as he smoked effectively concealed his thoughts. Xiao Nanzhu’s jawline gave off a cold feeling. It’s no wonder that people find him hard to get along with if they’re unfamiliar with him. However, reality has proven that Xiao Nanzhu’s personality may be even more difficult to get along with than his appearance let on.
 Niansi sat down with him but didn’t know how to start the topic.
 After all, he’s kind of familiar with Xiao Nanzhu’s temper. He couldn’t do anything about this untamed, wild horse since when he was still young. If he really didn’t want to take on this job, then their work would have to be delayed even further.
 By the time Xiao Nanzhu noticed Niansi secretly observing him from the corner of his eyes, he took out a cigarette, nipped it in between his fingers, and slowly began.
 “Sorry for just now, well… How do I address you?”
 Fiddling with a fan in his hand, Niansi in his green robes paused as he heard Xiao Nanzhu talking to him. He covered his mouth and awkwardly coughed. he then cupped his hands④ and bowed as he spoke courteously.
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(Source: Baidu search result)
“I am Niansi. I was in a panic when I came out of the fridge just now. Please pardon my bad manners…”
 Niansi spoke in a pleasant tone as if he was about to sing opera. Nevertheless, with how clean and studious he looked, it was hard to dislike him for his pedantic manners…
 Xiao Nanzhu nodded with an “oh” and couldn’t help but glance at the old Huangli that was hung back on the wall. Right now, the Huangli was flipped to the page of Niansi, which looked about the same as any other day. The only difference was that the person that should have stayed in the painting was here before him.
 Xiao Nanzhu suddenly felt absurd.
 He never have thought he would walk on such a bizarre path when he first came back home, but he guessed he had no better choice left for him anyway. It’s just that… why does this Huangli Shi thing sound so stupid…?
 Xiao Nanzhu detested the name in his heart for awhile but didn’t let it show on his face. He continued to elicit information from Niansi in front of him. Niansi was obviously a naive one as he let loose everything he knew upon hearing Xiao Nanzhu’s questions.
 “Hmm… Calendar gods would stay in the human world when they’re at work for one day and night as part of the cycle, and after that we’d return back to the Huangli and rest for a year… What we usually do is eliminate the evil spirits and disasters that linger in the human world and bring blessings to mankind. But people have since stopped believing in such things… So the scope of our customers has become gradually smaller. We could only depend on foretelling suitable dates for weddings and childbirths to feed ourselves. Of course, us calendar gods can come out even if we’re not working; it just depends on whether we’re willing to… Your grandmother used to call out Yuanxiao and the others every New Years if she couldn’t find any mahjong friends to play with all night, but I guess you wouldn’t have remembered… You were still young at that time—— only about four or five…”
 Niansi seemed excited talking about the past. Xiao Nanzhu listened quietly and found it rather interesting.
 He was actually inclined to take up the job now, but he also wanted to know more about the profession before he gave Niansi a definite answer. Thus, he didn’t interrupt Niansi and declined Situ Zhang’s calls to drink a few times.
 It’s imaginable how Situ Zhang must’ve been hopping around anxiously on the other side of the phone. Xiao Nanzhu smirked to himself for a bit and turned off his phone altogether.
 After all, this is something crucial for his future career. He wanted to be prepared and let Niansi continue to talk more about the workflow.
 It’s no wonder people say that scholarly people have great charisma: they can make everything they say to sound intelligent by simply talking. Truth is, what Niansi knew were nothing more than trivial matters and gossip about the other calendar gods; no proper business came out of his mouth. Actually, Xiao Nanzhu was very serious coming into this, but he unintentionally got lured in by all the gossip.
 “Let me tell you this secret, don’t you tell anybody else, alright?… Actually, Qixi Festival and the one on the 24th of February are on really bad terms with each other, you know the reasons right? It’s all because of their similar names… So don’t mention about Qixi during Valentine’s in two days, or else he will surely turn crazy…”
 Niansi’s advice made Xiao Nanzhu snicker. From there, Niansi introduced to him every single calendar god from Nianwu(5th) until the upcoming Valentine’s Day. However, when it comes to Chuxi, the last day of the year, Niansi skipped it.
 “What about Chuxi? Is he special?”
 Xiao Nanzhu became interested as he saw Niansi hesitate. Niansi quickly put a finger on his lips “shh!”, and snuck up to Xiao Nanzhu’s ear and whispered.
 “Chuxi is different from all of us, I shouldn’t tell you anymore, mn. You’ll know it when you see him, en en……”
 Xiao Nanzhu didn’t bother to ask further seeing Niansi being so stealthy.
 In any case, he’ll meet him in a few days. No matter how difficult he was to get along with, it’ll only just be for a  day. Up until this point, Xiao Nanzhu was convinced to try working as the glorious Huangli Shi for awhile. Niansi also mentioned that he could quit whenever he likes——he just needed to help them find a new boss if he left.
 Because a portion of the Huangli Shi’s income goes to the calendar gods, the quality of the Huangli Shi’s life would directly affect theirs. The few days before the end of the year would be his probationary period. After New Years, they would continue discussing this.
 Night arrived unknowingly after the long talk. Xiao Nanzhu didn’t seem to invite Niansi to stay for dinner, while Niansi knowingly said “I’m going home for dinner. Your grandmother also didn’t provide meals for us last time.”
 He tidied up the contract signed by Xiao Nanzhu before he left But as soon as he was about to go, Xiao Nanzhu suddenly thought of something and called him back, then handed him a tortoise⑤ from the kitchen.
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(Source: Baidu search result, soft-shell turtles bite really hard and can dash across the road at very fast speed.)
 Niansi was rather dumbfounded holding this big tortoise. Xiao Nanzhu looked and grinned as he pointed at the Huangli on the wall.
 “Help me give this to Xiaonian and say this is my compensation, so don’t cry anymore. Aren’t turtles much more long-lived than carps? Whaddya say?”
 1. I did my research and apparently, twins can only be detected around 5-6 weeks, provided that the mother did an early scan. I assume the pregnancy was less than 5-6 weeks in, but I’m not sure about quintuplets, that’s amazing!
2. Guangchangwu 广场舞:It also means open-air fitness dancing, it’s a popular hobby among the middle-aged and onwards women (mostly) in China to dance together in the evening or at night in an open space to stay fit and make friends.
3. Shenpo 神婆:Something similar to witch or sorceress. 
4. To cup one’s hand 拱手:This is an important form of etiquette in ancient China. This kind of salutation was formed during the Zhou Dynasty, it has transformed throughout history and there’re different forms of salutations when meeting different kinds of people. 
5. Wangba 王八:This can both mean tortoise or bastard. Usually refers to Chinese soft-shell turtles (鳖) which are really different from the harmless and slow tortoise which can be kept as pets, as seen from calling someone a wangba is a vulgarity suggests how hated and aggressive this animal is. 
This chapter is edited by Noxeru.
Chuxi is finally mentioned by Xiao Nanzhu in this chapter!! Although he still hasn’t made an appearance yet, let me know what you guys think? :))
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thegospelofnagisa · 5 years
Chapter 10 summary
1. Magius beat the shit down of megucas. 
Touka soloed Yachiyo Kanagi Momoko
Alina played with Tsuruno and Felicia
Nemu played with Kaede and Rena
2. Eve somehow broke the chain by herself (cuz she sensed walpy aka food coming)
3. Touka says yay we won and let the worn out megucas do whatever they want
4. Iroha still tries to make lolis accept that Ui memory was real
5. lolis still say .no but Alina is quite interested in the memory
6. Magius returns to their place (where all the electronic devices are present)
7. Eve is heading toward the city (cuz Walpy is coming from South and Eve is located on North)
8. Mikazuki tries to stop Eve but it’s hard
9. Mitama arrives at the forest and sees the eve got released
10. Amanes call Mitama with telepathy (Amane personal magic allows them to do long range telepathy - just how they did in AS9) to help them dealing with Mifuyu at the adjustor’s
11. Mitama heads toward the adjustor’s EX: in the meantime, Magius is resting at their place. Touka and Nemu are pissed about the memory shit while Alina’s going high for them having such troubled faces and Alina sees some point in Iroha memory wonders if that would explain why she’s with lolis Alina doesn’t even know why she’s with Touka and Nemu 12. in Minagi, Hinano squad and Nanaka squads are fighting with Walpy minions   
13. they see Eve sending her minions (the swallows) toward the city 14. Hinanos decided to defend the city by fighting minions 15. Mitama meets Amanes and tells them Mifuyu is kinda alive but in a comatose
16. They cannot do anything but keep protecting the city as Mifuyu wanted 17. They go outside@and sees penguin minions all over the city 18. The minions are making some nests and fighting walpy minions (to collect energy from walpy minions and stock those into the nest) uh.. forgot a thing around 9: Mitama tells Iroha that it’s likely that a magical girl is still inside Eve’s body (thus a soul gem) (Mitama knows this from what she has read from Magius’s memory when she adjusted Magius) and Eve is like a body formed by external energy
So basically Mitama’s saying ‘it’s okay to destroy the external body = eve so you can fight eve’ so mikazuki’s direction is set to stop Eve and save Ui and thus they’re trying to find Eve’s weakness while fighting, Momoko feels Eve’s magical energy is shifting from one place (Eve’s body) to other place (Eve’s arms) quickly and Felicia while fighting finds out Eve’s torso was shining when Eve was trying something so they’re speculating that gimmik must be tied to Eve’s weakness at that time Amanes contact Mikazuki via telepathy
Tells them what they found out about Eve when they were experimenting with Magius Magius and Amanes, before Magius went to nuts (like before Chapter 6), were inspecting Eve to find out the mechanism What they found was that the jewelries on her body are something like a barrier keeping her body stable (since it’s a body formed by external energy, very unstable by nature) and the big gem on her necklace (the square red one) is the core jewel that’s spreading energy across other gems so the big gem is the weakness by breaking this gem, Eve would not be able to keep her body stable and dismiss however, Eve started to move again Mikazuki begins to make a plan to stop her By binding her (kaede’s plant magic, mami’s ribbons, kyouko’s barrier) and then Amane arrives with ~40 feathers at this time, Walpy has arrived at the shore or something that megucas feel the presence of Walpy PMHQ goes to help the other Kamihama megucas fighting Walpy minions and stop Walpy and remaining megucas manages to bind eve to a tall building they put an attack on Eve’s necklace but wasn’t strong enough to destroy it Eve counter attacked and then the PV stuff happened Iroha is the only one standing Shooting an arrow at the necklace once again and 10-2 ends
summary for part 3 of chapter 10:
Iroha made a wish to let the dying Ui recover. Touka on the other hand learn of PMs from a book written by her uncle. The girls get caught up one day in a witch barrier and witness Iroha hunting witches and sees QB as described in her uncle’s book.
QB approached Touka for contract, and the latter tried to hack QB for info, but Earth tech is too weak to understand the complicated QB network and the attempt fails. Touka gets info from QB using the good old Q&A instead.
She shared what she learnt with Ui and Nemu whom are all horrified with what will eventually happen to Iroha. Ui especially since she sees her sister exhausted ever since she recovered back to health. They all wanted to ensure Iroha survives, so Touka shares with them her plan:
They all contract to become PMs and take take away each component of QB’s function, Ui taking away the ability to convert malice, Touka to transform malice to energy and Nemu materialization. They will form the cycle and pass the energy to the universe as well, ensuring no witches, happy PM while keeping the universe alive. At the same time, they can recover from their condition and the 4 can tour Kamihama as they like.
QB is surprised by their wish, but warns them that they might lack the causality to power their wish. The trio decides to gamble for their sister and for themselves, and QB is reduced to an empty shell and took the form of little QB.
Unfortunately, the power is too much for Ui and she gets corrupted really quickly as she absorbs malice from around the world. Touka cannot transform the malice fast enough and is close to corruption, and Nemu is unable to materialize stuff to use the energy. Alina who happens to be lured by the malice (knew Ui and Touka by chance) cast a barrier since she do not know what is happening.
The only way to save Ui is to hide her existence in an empty shell, and this is where little QB comes to play.
While Touka and Nemu fear of the unknown if Ui’s existence is removed, they fear even more of her death and corruption into a witch, so they seal her inside small QB while her original body becomes Eve.
Without Ui, the world starts to fill in the blanks themselves, and the plan to save Iroha and PMs gets perverted by Alina’s desire to create chaos to get more of people’s negative emotions of her art, while losing the Tamaki sisters’ positive influence turned Touka and Nemu into selfish brats and twist their wish into the lines of Alina.
The key to restoring Ui and their memories is to have one who has Ui’s existence carved into her deep into the soul (Iroha) and little QB come into physical contact with Ui, and this is what happen this chapter.
As Yachiyo and the rest are still down though conscious from Eve’s malice beam, Iroha shoots herself to the gem which is trapping Ui. She and Little QB coming into contact with Ui restore Touka and Nemu’s memories, and they three teamed up to free Ui from Eve.
The succeed, and Ui is awoken. She notes that she knows what has happened since it was like a nightmare. While Touka and Nemu apologize, they did not regret of the plan to try save Iroha and PMs, though they regret on how it eventually became as Ui gets comatose and the city and other PMs are also caught in the mess.
The sisters understood they did whatever they could back then, and they all agreed that before pointing fingers, dealing with The Night that is coming is top priority. Eve is down for now since it lost her operator.
Most likely Alina will fuse with Eve for the final showdown since she is the most messed up one.
That gor intense really quickly, what can I say? Finally everything got revealed, I wasn’t expecting them to save Ui this quickly, I thought she’d be beyond salvation but hey, it does sound nice, it’s a shame we won’t get to see a bit epic showdown between Walpurgisnacht and Eve, unless Alina fuses with it as you theoriize, well there you go peolpe, Alina is pure unadultered evil, still feel like defending..........What I am sure of course they will, nutjobs.
But hey, really cool chapter honestly, I hope the next one is even more insane.
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sambart93 · 5 years
2018.12.14 Twin Paradox One Man Live Vol.5 [Report]
So this was requested to be finished first out of the lot of reviews I couldn’t have yet to finish and release, so here we go! Unfortunately I do not remember too much about the concert, but I hope this is good enough for everyone.
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☆ So the venue is located next to a pet shop so while waiting to enter the Live House, me and my friend went into the pet shop and oh me, oh my, the dogs and the cats were so gorgeous! Me and my friend were choosing our favourites and taking pictures and just ‘aww-ing’ at them all! They were so cute!!
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☆ Eventually we did go into the Live House xD and I immediately understood why and how they had sold out; the venue was TINY. Probably one of, if not, the smallest venues I’ve ever been to for TwinPara. We had to keep budging forward, keep budging forward and it was pretty uncomfortable. The place was packed, which is good! But they could’ve easily gotten and could’ve easily sold out a slightly larger venue.
☆ When we entered the venue, they gave us all a Christmas card (which was random; the messages were all random), which was super cute!
☆ While we were waiting for the show to begin, I absolutely freaked out because the two girls in front of me were looking at Siwon’s and Yesung’s (members of Super Junior) instagrams!! I was so internally freaking and spent the entire time thinking ‘shit should I talk to them?!?!?’ because I really wanted to know if they had gone to the concert at the beginning of the month and who was their favourite etc. Thinking back, I probably should’ve just asked and started the conversation but we all know what I’m like: shy and introverted.
☆ Also the guests/kankeisha that came to join were: Tanaka Ryousei, Thinking Dogs’ Members, Sato Chuki, and some others
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The Show
Unfortunately, I don’t remember too much about their show. 
☆ I didn’t actually know until the day before that they had requested a dress code for the concert (good job I had checked before going, but it really was written right at the bottom of the information page): wear red. So I went in a red shirt and had a red scarf. My friend, however, did not know about the dress code, so I lent her my scarf ^_^ 
Everyone was in red, including the boys and the band. During one of the MCs they spoke about what red items they were wearing:
Kaname’s hair was red The drummer’s drum pad was red. The guitarist had a red pick and red scarf. The bassist had a red pick and a red glove on his right hand. And YuuKun.... well in true YuuKun style, he lifted his shirt up and revealed his RED underpants xD OF COURSE the crowd lost it! And I was just like ‘WHY am I not surprised?!?!?’ He would do something totally silly like that haha But I kind of wish they had all worn just a bit more red, seen as we (the crowd) were pretty much head to toe in red!
☆ They definitely did more songs than talking/MC-ing this time around, and I can never remember what order they sing their songs - sorry! But they did all the usual hits: Departure, Still, Standing Place, Impulse Rain etc. They did one or two Christmas song covers too (obviously). 
☆ They debuted 2 New Songs!!: Empty and Kazumi. I absolutely adore both of them and cannot wait for their PVs and for their Single releases which they announced would be in March!! So exciting! 
☆ Also there was one more song that was new to me which they had debuted at their previous live back in September, but I was unable to attend that one due to my parents coming to Japan to visit me. That song was very good too! But I don’t remember the title *sad*
☆ They announced TWO THINGS at the show: New Single Release and Release Events in March! As well as One Man Live Volume 6 for their Birthday on April 7th! Me and my friend (we always go together) already have our tickets for that one! ^_^ Already super excited for both of them!
☆ Because I am a silly billy and lost my Bancho New Years Event ticket, I missed them announcing that they would be leaving Bancho Boys after this New Year event, but when I got the news, I was so freaking excited! I don’t know how other fans nor how fans at the venue reacted and felt, but my immediate thought was excitement. They don’t need Bancho anymore, they get enough work at lives and concerts, and they’re mature enough and old enough to be able to stand on their own now. They have a loyal following. I am not worried about them at all! I am just super excited as to where they go next! And they’re still under Sony Music so it’s not like they’re completely without an agent/manager/company.
And that’s that!! This one was requested so this one is being posted first! Although some others have been scheduled and finished!
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