violettranslations · 9 days
The Night Before Last (失踪前夜)
滅茶苦茶に息をしているから 酷い雨中に消えてった二度と会うことのない君をさ 神様だなんて誤認した
I'm breathing erratically and so when I saw your figure disappear into the pouring rain, never for us to meet again, I mistook you for God.
死にたがりの目が気味悪くて鏡見るのもやめたんだ 壊したものばかりが綺麗で無暗にねじった心臓が痛い
The look in my eyes, as if they're courting death, makes me uncomfortable, and so I've stopped looking in the mirror. All that's destroyed is beautiful—viciously twisted, my heart hurts.
水に溶けて泳ぐ記憶の所為 そばにあると霞むもの達の奴隷 漫然に食んでいる健全と謳う輝きが眩しいなんて憂う
As a consequence of this memory where I melt into the water and find myself adrift, I'm a slave to the things that grow hazy whenever they draw close. I plod along aimlessly. I bemoan the radiance I extol as appropriate for being blinding.
ららららららららら らららららららららら
La la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la la la
「苦しまなくてはいけないよ」 煙る、煙る。
"You must suffer." It smoulders, it smoulders.
眠れぬほど痛む否定が刺激的で虜になった 深く深く傷付きたいが貴方の言葉はさながら裁縫針
This denial that pains me so much I'm unable to sleep is so stimulating that I've become captive to it. I long to be wounded deeply, so deeply, and your words are as sewing needles.
舞い落ちる後悔を呆然と眺めては照らす 愛しいなんて思う
I stare dumbfounded at my regrets as they flutter to the ground and cast light on them, thinking them precious.
君に触れて保つ鮮紅の哀 無味乾燥な日々から逃げるように 何の為息をする 真髄に近付く一歩に歯止めが利いた夜
A scarlet sort of grief touches upon and preserves you, as if escaping these insipid days. Why do you breathe? That night put a stop to it, one step away from revealing its essence.
ららららららららら らららららららららら
La la la la la la la la la La la la la la la la la la la
苦しまなくてはいけないと 叩く、叩く。 数多
You must suffer, it knocks, it knocks. So many times.
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violettranslations · 24 days
Dear Dead
向かい合って 話し合って 駄目みたいだ
We face each other, we talk with each other, but it all seems pointless.
探り合ってまさぐり合って 痛い痛い痛い痛い
We grope each other, we fondle each other, but it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!
じゃれ合うって?君が撃って お釈迦なんだ
Mess around? You shoot, and now you're a dud.
口を開いてこじ開けて 甘い甘い甘い甘い
I loosen my lips, I prize your mouth open, and it's sweet, it's sweet, it's sweet, it's sweet.
Dead Dead Dear Dead Dead Dead Dear Dead
Dead Dead Dear Dead Dead Dead Dear Dead
Hold Your Mud Hold Your Mud ほうら 薄れていく
Hold Your Mud Hold Your Mud Come ooon, it's all thinning out.
Dead Dead Dear Dead Dead Dead Dear Dead
Dead Dead Dear Dead Dead Dead Dear Dead
Dead Dead Dear Dead Dead Dear
Dead Dead Dear Dead Dead Dear
It cuts me to the quick.
じゃあ中までバラそうか もう仲間じゃないもんな?
Well then, should we lay it all bare? I mean, we're not exactly friends anymore, right?
酒場で?墓場で 何を話したか 話せ話せ話せ話せジョーカー ここなら誰も来ない ここなら誰も来ないから
At a bar? At the graveyard, what were you talking about? Talk, talk, talk, talk, Joker! Nobody will find you here. I'm telling you, nobody will find you here.
いつまで?朝まで 俺と話そうか 騙せ騙せ騙せ騙せルーダー 今なら誰もいない 今なら誰もいないから
How long? Until morning, won't you talk with me? Cheat me, cheat me, cheat me, cheat me, Ruder! Nobody's here right now. I'm telling you, nobody's here right now.
それが憑いてこれに就いた 覚えてないや
Haunted by it, I ended up like this. I don't remember a thing.
食われちゃって救われちゃって 自明自明自明自明
I was devoured, I was redeemed, and it's obvious, obvious, obvious, obvious.
腹を割ってから終わって 動かないな…
I give it to you straight, everything ends, and I find I can't move...
僕の意志=俺の意志か 暗い暗い暗い暗い
So, my will = the Devil's will? How dark, how dark, how dark, how dark.
Dead Dead Dear Dead Dead Dead Dear Dead
Dead Dead Dear Dead Dead Dead Dear Dead
Hold Your Mud Hold Your Mud ほうら 零れていく
Hold Your Mud Hold Your Mud Come ooon, it's all spilling out.
Dead Dead Dear Dead Dead Dead Dear Dead
Dead Dead Dear Dead Dead Dead Dear Dead
Dead Dead Dear Dead Dead Dear
Dead Dead Dear Dead Dead Dear
It collapses from the quick.
じゃあ嬲れば円満だ なら悪魔はライアーか?
Well then, I'll just deride you and all will be well. Wouldn't that make the Devil a liar?
手繰れば?娑婆まで 何処で裏返った? バラせバラせバラせバラせ海馬
How much will you reel in? All the free world's worth. Where did it get turned around? Expose, expose, expose, expose your hippocampus!
今なら間に合うだろう 今なら間に合うだろうから
This is enough for now, isn't it? I'm telling you, this is enough for now, isn't it?
吐いたら吐いたで きっと許せないや 黙れ黙れ黙れ黙れルーダー
Even if you cough it all up, I still won't be able to forgive you. Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, Ruder!
今から誰もいない 今から僕一人だ
From now on, everyone is gone. From now on, I'm alone.
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violettranslations · 1 month
Wasted nights (徒夜)
さよなら 真っ逆さまのお日様 小夜ならきっと僕らはいない、無い、無いや 下らない光を呑み込めば 都会の藻屑
Goodbye, Mister Upside-Down Sun. We're sure that by evening, we'll be gone, gone, gone. This city will swallow up your worthless light and become your shadowy grave.
暗がり 彷徨った 失った気概は トレードしたんだ 憂いとしたんだ 僕ら 拭えない意図 星月夜に 踊らされて舞っていた
We wandered through the darkness. We've traded out the backbone we'd lost. We were filled with melancholy. We can't wipe this urge away. We danced, manipulated on a starry night.
簡単な感情 記していけば 救われた? 煩いや嫌悪や韜晦に きっと、意味などないから
If we had noted down these simple feelings would we have been saved? After all, we're sure there's no point to aggravation, disgust, or unobtrusiveness.
終電はずっと来ないよ、 夢想家 「このままずっとあなたと」痛いわ 厭、厭 廃らない光へ飛び込むは 無粋な鴉
The last train isn't ever going to come, dreamer. "I wish I could stay by your side, just like this, for all time..." God, that's cringe, stop it, stop! A boorish crow dives down into a feeble ray of light.
さよなら 真っ逆さまのお日様 小夜ならきっと僕らはいない、無い、無いや 下らない光を呑み込めば 都会の藻屑
Goodbye, Mister Upside-Down Sun. We're sure that by evening, we'll be gone, gone, gone. This city will swallow up your worthless light and become your shadowy grave.
「明けない夜が無いならば 何時か徒になること、 分かっていたでしょう?」
"If there's really no such thing as a night with no dawn, then you must have known that it'd all be wasted someday, right?"
ああ、 夜霧が晴れる前に
Aah, before the fog of the night lifts.
We looked out upon the somber morning glow.
The sound of wishes disappearing shattered the stillness.
さながら真夜中の死体だ 今更「みっともない」?否、 期待以外、無いな いつか見た光に誘われて 徒夜は散る
Goodbye, this is the corpse of midnight. Oh, now you call it "disgraceful"? Nay, contrary to our expectations, it's nothing of the sort. Lured off by the light we'd seen once before, this wasted night disperses.
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violettranslations · 1 month
Miss Ghost (幽霊さん)
きっと思い出す頃に化けて出るんだ あたしの体奪った幽霊 気づいたらあたり真っ暗になって あなたの後ろに立った幽霊さん
Undoubtedly, by the time you remember, I'll have become a wandering ghost. I'm a ghost that's stolen this body. Before you know it, your surroundings have gone completely black, and Miss Ghost is standing right behind you.
きっと思い出す事はないまま眠った あなたの寝顔覗いてたんだ 行く宛もないまま縋り憑いて 未練さえ残しちゃった幽霊さん
Undoubtedly, you slept without remembering a thing. I took a peek at your sleeping face. I clung to this haunting without any particular goal in mind, a Miss Ghost who went and left regrets behind.
鏡の中に窓の外 テレビの縁から見えてるの タンスとベッドに隙間のカーテン ずっとランデヴー
I can see you from within the mirror, from outside the window, and from the edge of the TV. From the space between your nightstand and your bed, from the gap in your curtains, I keep up this rendezvous with you.
あたし幽霊さん いつの間にやら何もかも 見えなくなっちゃって あたし幽霊さん 黄泉の暇で癒えぬ恋をする
I'm Miss Ghost. Next thing you know, you can't see anything at all anymore. I'm Miss Ghost, whenever I'm on leave from the underworld, I fall into this love that refuses to heal.
きっと思い出す頃に化けて出るんだ あたしの体奪った幽霊 気づいたらあたり真っ暗になって あなたの後ろに立った幽霊さん
Undoubtedly, by the time you remember, I'll have become a wandering ghost. I'm a ghost that's stolen this body. Before you know it, your surroundings have gone completely black, and Miss Ghost is standing right behind you.
ね あたし ゆめをみてるの 身体はない心のままあなたを愛せるわ
Look, I am dreaming. I may not have a body, but I can still love you to my formless heart's content.
Miss Ghost, I'm Miss Ghost.
オモイダスコトハナイヨトネムッタ あなたを見ているわ
You fell asleep, thinking there wasn't anything to remember. I'm watching you.
だけど 幽霊この声が 届く事なんかない今日も ひゅるれい抱き締めても気づかないの
But even today, this ghost's voice fails to reach you. Even when my ghostly form whistles as I hold you close, you don't feel a thing.
愛玩しわくちゃのメモリー 体外離脱もぬけのパロディー 生活感にほど遠いあたしを住まわせて 愛は心こそセオリー 生前、二十歳、仮初、解離 ちゃんとあなたを
These cherished, well-worn memories, a parody of an out-of-body experience, of casting off my skin, it's all a far cry from that at-home feel. Let me live here! Love is a theory of the heart in itself. In life, at twenty, transient, dissociated. You will be properly—
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violettranslations · 2 months
どれだけ 曖昧なままで 待てばいい こんなに 最低だ 僕を 映せないくせして 握ったままで離さない 鼓動は 悲しいほど 動くんだ
Just how long should I let everything stay uncertain like this? I can't believe it's this bad when it can't even reflect me. I can't let go when I'm clutching this tight. My heart, tragically, yet beats.
Ah 傾いた荷馬車の向かうは Ah 散らばった食べ滓の残り香 だんだんわかってきたけど 君は 散々だなって仇で返す ただ まだ わからない 体で 「がんばって」?
Ah, drifting towards the tilted wagon, Ah, the scent of scattered scraps of food lingers. Gradually, I've started to understand— you're actually kind of a mess, and you repay my goodwill with spite. And yet, while you still don't appear to understand, you say, "do your best?"
知らない ことばっか 脳裏に流されて 感染 毒性に逃げて面倒くさい あなたの感情を想像 上手くなるほど 心は 固まってしまう 凍えてく
I don't have a clue about a thing, it washes through my brain, this infection. Trying to escape this toxicity is such a pain. I imagine how you must feel. The better I get at it, the more jaded my heart becomes. It all freezes over.
Woowo one too A to Z one too A to Z 出来るだけ君を抱きしめて 伝えたい想いなんだったっけ one too A to Z one too A to Z 言葉の絡繰 剥がさないで 君以外しらない?わ
Woowo one too A to Z one too A to Z I'll embrace as much of you as I can, and—wait, what exactly were the feelings I wanted to convey to you again...? one too A to Z one too A to Z Don't peel back this play on words. I don't care about anything but you? Yeah.
散らかった部屋の片隅に思い出 離さず握ったままだった 大好きだった人 本当に本当に欲しがった物ほど 虚しいほど 邪魔になる
I clutched these memories in the corner of a chaotic room, determined not to let go. There was someone I loved. But I wanted them so, so much, enough that it hollowed me out, that they were reduced to a thorn in my side.
どれだけ 曖昧なままで 待ってたんだ? そんなに 最低か 僕は 正しさ普通って何? 動いた拍子に落としてた 鼓動は 明日はきっと 動かない。
Just how long have I let everything stay uncertain like this? Was it really that bad? What does righteousness, does normality even mean to me? It slipped free of the pulsing rhythm. I'm sure my heart won't beat tomorrow.
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violettranslations · 2 months
abortion (中絶)
⚠️WARNING: The following translation portrays elements of abortion and miscarriage. Please read at your own discretion.⚠️
敬虔に さあ 敬虔に 夢を視て生きる それだけの 経験を さあ 敬虔に 積んで生きましょ 詰んでいるでしょ
Reverently, yes, reverently, I live by the dreams I see. Why don't I live, yes, reverently, by amassing that experience alone? I'm done for, aren't I?
Frailty, hypothermia, explosion and death.
生年月日いつだっけ? 鏡の中誰だっけ? 肺で息ってどうするの?って 夢視てた そんな夢を視た 視た みた ミた mいta 否、居ない 壊れていくだけだ
When is my date of birth, again? Who is it that's in the mirror, again? What am I doing, breathing with my lungs? Well, I was dreaming. I was having that sort of dream. Dream. dream. DREAM. dReam. No, not here. I'm merely breaking down.
公正に さあ 公正に 権利はどう? 五つ星ですよ 更生を さあ 公正に 生きる為の術を学ぼう
Fairly, yes, fairly, what do you think of these rights? I give them five stars. I will learn how to live, yes, fairly, for the sake of renewal.
生まれた子供 壊すオヤ共 心拍数と胎盤抱いて舌を噛むの 痛覚もまだ知らない 痴れない そんな赤子達は生きて 生きていただろ? 本能しかない 「死ぬ」ってことも知らず 遠く 羊の海で溺れ 溺れ 臍を切る
All you children born, all you parents ruinous, you bite your tongues while clutching your placentas and pulse rates. You don't yet know what pain feels like. You keep your wits about you. Those babies lived, they were alive, weren't they? It is nothing but instinct. With "death" unknown to them, they distantly sink, sink into the sea of sheep and cut into the navel.
生年月日いつだっけ? 鏡の中誰だっけ? 肺で息ってどうするの?って 夢視てた そんな夢を視た 視た みた ミた mいta 否、居ない 壊れていくだけだ
When is my date of birth, again? Who is it that's in the mirror, again? What am I doing, breathing with my lungs? Well, I was dreaming. I was having that sort of dream. Dream. dream. DREAM. dReam. No, not here. I'm merely breaking down.
生まれてきて、ありがとう。 元気に育ってくれよ。 父さんも、母さんも…… …… ……
生年月日は今日だっけ? 生誕祭は明日だっけ? 僕の生きる術なんか 元から無い 元から亡いんだ
Thank you for being born. Please, grow up healthy. Both Mommy, and Daddy...... ...... ...... Oh, my date of birth is today? Oh, my celebration of life is tomorrow? I never had any means of living from the start. I was dead from the start.
羊水が流れ出して 「おはようさん」と「さようなら」 僕を壊した罪だけは 元から無い 元から亡いんだ 厭、厭、厭、厭、否、厭!
Amniotic fluid gushes forth, both a "good morning" and a "goodbye." There was no sin that had ruined me from the start. I was dead from the start. Stop, stop, stop, stop, no, stop!
"Don't kill me"
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violettranslations · 2 months
A Scene Bleaker Than Häagen-Dazs (ハーゲンダッツ以下の殺風景)
手紙が届いた 昨日飛び降りた人から 顔も声もわからない ただのとなりのクラスの男の子
I received a letter from the kid who jumped off the roof yesterday. I have no clue what he looked or sounded like. I only know that he was a boy from the class next to mine.
手紙開いてすぐ 目に飛び込んできた言葉 天国にいる人からの想い
As soon as I opened the letter, the words jumped right out at me, expressing the feelings of someone now in the sky (heaven).
屋上 さびついた手すりから 見えるの 殺風景 無価値な夜景を見ながら あなたは最期に何を想ったの?
Gripping the rusted handrails on the rooftop, you could see that bleak scene. What were you feeling as you looked out on that worthless night sky?
夜に学校忍び込んで わたし 屋上目指すの あなたが最期に見た景色 眺めたら何かわかるかも
I sneak into the school at night, setting my sights on the rooftop. I feel like I might be able to understand a little better if I can view the same scenery you saw in your last moments.
ついに、目にした風景 だけどなんにも浮かんでこない 寂れた夜景を見てわかった
At last, I set eyes on that scene. Still, nothing in particular came to mind. And then, looking at the desolate night sky, I understood.
わたしとあなたは永遠に 悲しいくらい他人なんだ
You and I are, tragically, destined to forever be strangers to each other.
屋上 さびついた手すりから 見えるの 殺風景 無価値な夜景を見ながら あなたは最期に何を想ったの?
Gripping the rusted handrails on the rooftop, you could see that bleak scene. What were you feeling as you looked out on that worthless night sky?
強風 吹かれながら黒髪 見つめる 殺風景 あなたと同じ場所に立っても わたしは上手く悲しめない
My dark hair tossed about by a strong wind, I see that bleak scene. But even as I stand in the same place you once stood, I still can't grieve for you properly.
涙こらえて深呼吸 視線が上がって 空が見えた
Holding back my tears, I took a deep breath, lifted my gaze, and looked up at the sky.
屋上 私の頭上には 見える 星空の情景 最期にあなたが見た風景が こんな景色ならうれしいな
On that rooftop, above my head, I see a spectacular starry sky. If this is the scene you saw in your last moments, then I'd genuinely be glad.
強風 吹かれながらわたし 考える現在系 最期に見たのがこの空だと 自分勝手に願ってる
Buffeted by a strong wind, I think about the way things are now. Selfishly, I hope that this is the sky you saw in your last moments.
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violettranslations · 3 months
Please Subscribe to My Channel (チャンネル登録よろしくお願いします)
はじめまして! ぼくはずんだの妖精 ずんだもん!
Nice to meet you! I'm the soybean fairy, Zundamon!
配信活動ってやつを始めてみたいのだ おまえら! チャンネル登録 よろしくお願いします!
I wanna try this streaming thing. Hey, you! Please, subscribe to my channel!
何をすればいいのか考えてみる みんなが見てみたいことやってみる ありきたりじゃ見てもらえないから ぼくのパワーで強化効果バフをかけ盛り上げる 準備は完了 完璧な計画 必要なもんは少しの勇気だけ 刮目せよ 伝説の始まり いくぞやるぞ ホントにいくぞやるやる あっあ〜
Let me take a moment to think about what sort of things I should do. I guess I'll just do whatever everyone wants to see. But nobody'll watch if it's just the same old stuff, so I'll use my power to cast some crazy buffs and really get this party started! Preparations complete! The plan is perfect! All I need now is just a little bit of courage. Witness the birth of a legend! Here I go, I'm really doing it! It's actually happening, I'm doing it, I'm doing it! Aaaaaah~
チャチャ チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録 よろしくお願いします なのだ 高評価 拡散 いいね よろしくお願いします なのだ
Plea-plea- Please- Please, subscribe to my channel! Yeah! Please, rate highly, share, and like! Yeah!
さあということで今回はこの企画 与えられたミッションを成し遂げる 熟練の技 巧みな身のこなしで 百パーセント 実力を発揮する ぼくの手から零れ落ちないよう�� 一人残さず救いあげて見せる 慌てず騒がず落ちちちちついて いくぞやるぞ 一気にまとめガバーっと あっあ〜
And so with that in mind, here's what I've got in mind for this time: I'll be taking on a special mission! With skillful technique and an adroit bearing, I'll display 100% of my true strength! Just watch me scoop up every last one without a single drop spilling out of my hands! Don't panic, don't lose your cool, caaaaaalm down— Here I go, I'm really doing it! All in one go, in this one fell swoop— Aaaaaah~
チャチャ チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録 よろしくお願いします なのだ 高評価 拡散 いいね よろしくお願いします なのだ
Plea-plea- Please- Please, subscribe to my channel! Yeah! Please, rate highly, share, and like! Yeah!
さあということで今回はコラボレーション 対戦よろしくお願いします お願いします ぼくの強さ見せつけて理解わからせる ボコボッコにして あのちょ あのえ あの あっあ〜
And so with that in mind, this time we've got a collaboration! It's a pleasure to battle here today. Likewise. I'll show off my strength and make you realize how epic I am! I'll beat you to a pulp— Uh, wai- um—huh? Uh... Aaaah~
チャチャ チャンネル登録 ※きりたんを チャンネル登録 ※きりたんを よろしくお願いします とーほく 高評価 ※きりたんを 拡散 いいね ※きりたんを よろしくお願いします たんぽ〜
Plea-plea- Please- Please, subscribe to *Kiritan's channel! Tohoku! Please, rate *Kiritan highly, share, and like *Kiritan! Tanpo~
さあということで 今回はこの企画 洗練された無駄のない走りで 誰より速く 美しく華麗に進んで〜
And so with that in mind, here's what I've got in mind for this time: with polished, lean movements, I'll speed through faster, more beautifully, more elegantly than anyone ever—
チャチャ チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録 よろしくお願いします なのだ 高評価 拡散 いいね よろしくお願いします なのだ
Plea-plea- Please- Please, subscribe to my channel! Yeah! Please, rate highly, share, and like! Yeah!
おはようございま〜す ということで 今回は寝起きドッキリをするのだ 只今の時刻は午前5時半なのだ いまぼくはきりたんの部屋の前に来ているのだ 寝ているところを直撃して 寝ボケたきりたんを大公開してやるのだw あられもない姿が見れるかもなのだwww みんな準備はいいか? いくぞやるぞ いくぞやるぞ はっわ〜
Goooood morning! With that in mind, this time, I'm doing a wake up prank. It is, at present, half past 5 in the morning. I am just about to head into Kiritan's room. I'll land a direct hit while she's asleep, and reveal her derpy dazed expression to the world (lol). We might get to see something totally unladylike (lololol). Are you ready, everyone? Here I go, I'm really doing it! Here I go, I'm really doing it! Howwuhhh~
チャチャ チャンネル登録 やめろー チャンネル登録 するなー やめろー よろしくお願いします なのだ 高評価 やめろー 拡散 いいね するなー やめろー よろしくお願いします なのだ
Plea-plea- Please- Stop— Please, Don't you do it— Stop— subscribe to my channel! Yeah! Please, Stop— rate highly, share, Don't you do it— Stop— and like! Yeah!
面白かったら 楽しかったら 応援よろしくお願いします
If you had fun or otherwise enjoyed this video, please consider supporting us!
(Tohoku Chorus Time)
たまに辛いことも あるけれど 見てくれる人がいる限り ぼくたちは 歩いてく だから おまえらの 支援 待ってるぜ!
It gets tough sometimes, but as long as there are people out there watching our videos, we'll be able to keep going. That said, we're both eagerly awaiting your patronage!
チャチャ チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録 よろしくお願いします 高評価 拡散 いいね よろしくお願いします もっと! チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録 もっと! チャンネル登録 チャンネル登録
Plea-plea- Please- Please, subscribe to my channel! Yeah! Please, rate highly, share, and like! More! Subscribe to my channel! Subscribe to my channel! More! Subscribe to my channel! Subscribe to my channel!
いつも見てくれて ありがとね なのだ これからもどうぞ 末永くどうぞ 宜しくお願い致します なのだ
Thank you all for watching all this time! Yeah! We're very glad to have you here from now throughout the many years to come. Yeah!
今日という記念日を忘れないように 誕生日に設定しておくのだ あ〜
Ooh, how about I mark this anniversary by setting today as this channel's birthday, so I don't forget— Ah~
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violettranslations · 3 months
to apeiron (ト・アペイロン)
これで何度目の再会なんだ? 揃いも揃って御苦労な事だな。 付き合う側にもなってみなよ もう、冗談じゃないわ…
How many times have we reunited now? You've sure gone above and beyond each and every time. Why don't we give this dating thing a try? Come on, I'm not even joking...
人には“限界”というモノがあるそうだが、 一体、それは誰が決めたんだ? この際に確かめておくといいさ。 未曾有の世界で。
People all seem to have an inherent "limit" ascribed to them, but who on earth was the one to determine it? We ought to take this opportunity to investigate in this unprecedented world.
嗚呼、烏有に帰すはずの命が、 必死こいて足掻く様は(笑) (笑) (笑)
Aah, this life should've returned to the earth, but instead it's scratching and clawing for all it's worth! (lol) (lol) (lol)
杜撰な解と、存在の希薄が、 未だに闌ける脳に縋っていた。 究極的な真理の前では 到達すらも容易じゃないな。
A sloppy solution and the scarcity of existence were, even then, clinging to a superior brain. It's hardly an easy feat to arrive before the ultimate truth.
有り触れていた旋律じゃ足らずに、 貴方達は、至上を望むのか。 不可逆的な誤謬を経て、 また、試行の反芻だ。
Finding a common melody to be the slightest bit insufficient, you all desire supremacy, is that right? Committing many irreversible mistakes, you again ruminate on another attempt.
一人、また、一人と消え、 道半ばで絶えた者よ。 藻掻く事も許されずに、 唯、失意の元に下る。 見て呉れは悪くないが、 ほんの少し、違うようだ。 また、捻って出直しなよ。
One disappears, and then so does one more, those who have faded halfway through their journey. Not even allowed to struggle against their fate, they simply descend to the source of their despondency. They may not look worn on the outside, but their air is ever so slightly changed. You'd better scrap it and do it over again.
増すスピード、消えるライフ、 戦いは続く。けれど、 休むような暇はないぜ。 まだまだ、楽しませてくれ。
Speed increases, life diminishes, the fight goes on. And yet, there's not a spare moment to rest. Come on, entertain me even more.
…ちょっとギアを上げすぎたか? そんじゃ一度、落ち着こうか。
...Do you think we haven't gone a little too hard, too fast here? Yeah, why don't we take a minute to calm down some.
防衛、正当性、逃走本能。 遊泳、汎用性、延命処置。 開眼、大団円、押し問答。
Defense, legitimacy, flight instinct. Staying afloat, versatility, life-prolonging measures. Enlightenment, denouement, verbal tug-of-war.
I'm starting to understand heartlessness.
現在、最終戦の前段階。 方法は、屹度、気付いている。 収斂する意識をキープして、
Just now, we've taken the first step towards the final battle. Our methods are, of course, known. We will keep a collective consciousness,
and continue the challenge.
なあ! 終焉に向けた最後の狂奏 偽りだって、本当に為って、 幻想に過ぎぬ讃美を頂戴! 叫んだ声は、掻き消えていった。 貴方に対する挑戦状は、 愈々以て、最終局面。 まだまだ気を抜くには早計だ。 私はこの程度では無いから。
Hey! A final competition (mad performance) as we approached the end. Though it is false, it will become truth, so illusory though it may be, hand over your extolment! The voice I'd screamed hoarse vanished into thin air. The letter of challenge I've addressed to you is at last in its final phase. It's still much too early to let your guard down. This is far from the best I can do.
悠久の刻を模る音像 憧れだって、近くになって “想像”に過ぎなかった思考も いつしか、“創造”に化けたようだ 私が発した挑戦状は、 希望か、将又絶望なのか。 嘗ての自分を置き去りにして、 限界すら超越した究極へ!
A stereo image takes the shape of an eternal moment. I longed for it, and so I got close, and it was as if all of my thoughts amounting to nothing more than mere "imaginings" would one day morph into "creations." Is the letter of challenge I issued hope, or is it despair? Leaving the person I used to be behind, I transcend even my limits in pursuit of the ultimate!
Sure, congratulations.
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violettranslations · 3 months
Laughably (ちゃんちゃら)
来世でまたお会いしましょう 今度は楽しませてね すくんだ足と くすんだ瞳 生まれ変わるの待ってるわ
We'll meet again in the next life, so for now, go on and entertain me, yeah? Our legs frozen in place and our eyes dulled and gray, we're waiting to be reborn.
さしずめあんたは水の底 陽の光全部眩しくて 睨んでるように 見えるだけ それすらわかっていないだけ
When all's said and done, you're deep in the water. The sun's light is just too bright for you. It's almost as if you're glaring up at it. You don't even understand something as simple as that.
イタい 苦い 辛い 痴態 ヤバい ひどい 暗い 未体験は怖い けど 期待 したい じゃない! それ あんたが決めなきゃしょーもない!
It hurts, it smarts, it stings, this foolishness is insane. It's so cruel, so dark, I'm scared of the unknown. But it's not like I want to get my hopes up! Things like that you gotta decide for yourself, or it's all pointless!
片腹痛いわ 大概にせえや 未発展な見限りで 徒花になるには まだ 美しすぎる ちゃんちゃらおかしいわ あんたの想像なんて 所詮dpi60 あはは! くるしゅうないわ
I'm busting a gut! Give it a rest, wouldja? You're far too beautiful to be rendered fruitless by one underdeveloped abandonment. Your imagination is laughably absurd! After all, we're at dpi 60, ahaha! So please, feel free.
どんなお話もむかし、むかしは めでたしだけ見据えたでしょう どんな強さも初めは弱さ 証明してやればいい
Every story has its sights set on happily ever after from the second it hits long, long ago, right? And, likewise, all strength begins as weakness. Go on ahead and prove it.
イタい 苦い 辛い 痴態 ヤバい ひどい 暗い 未体験に弱い けど もったいない じゃない! ねえ あんたが怯んじゃしょーがない!
It hurts, it smarts, it stings, this foolishness is insane. It's so cruel, so dark, I'm weak to the unknown. But it's not like it was all a waste! Come on, now, there's no use quailing in fright!
諦めた気になんて なってたって 未発展な見限りで 鼓動は赦してくれない "好き"は強いから ちゃんちゃらおかしいわ まだここはプロローグよ ドラマチックが控えてる あはは! くるしゅうないわ
Even if I start to feel like giving up, the beat of my heart won't allow me to at one underdeveloped abandonment. My "love" is too strong. How laughably absurd! This is still just the prologue! We've got plenty of dramatics in store, ahaha! So please, feel free.
何を選ぶ? どこを目指す? 身の丈 まだ 成長中 全て見えた気になるのは 16の悪い癖 夢の、人生の始まり
What should I choose? Where should I look? I haven't even finished growing yet. I was 16 when I developed the bad habit of thinking I could see it all. That was the beginning of my dream, my life.
You gotta decide for yourself, or it's all pointless!
片腹痛いわ 大概にせえや 未発展な見限りで 徒花になるには まだ 美しすぎる ちゃんちゃらおかしいわ あんたの想像なんて 所詮dpi60 あはは! くるしゅうないわ
I'm busting a gut! Give it a rest, wouldja? You're far too beautiful to be rendered fruitless by one underdeveloped abandonment. Your imagination is laughably absurd! After all, we're at dpi 60, ahaha! So please, feel free.
道のりに決まりなんてない すべてを糧にするだけ 二歩目がいつになってもいい いま 一歩を踏み出して
This journey has no rules. Everything we encounter is mere nourishment for our growth. We can take the second step whenever we'd like. Right now, we take the first step forward,
waiting to be reborn.
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violettranslations · 4 months
あの日 君と結んだのは 特別な『紐』
On that day, a special kind of "cord" wove its way around you.
着慣れないフリルで 下見をしたカフェで 似合ってるだなんて 当たり前だよって
Wearing frills I'm not used to, at a cafe I'd scoped out beforehand, you, naturally, tell me I look good.
「憧れ」 言われて 嬉しくなる だって 『紐』は強く結ぶ そうと 思っていた
You tell me you 'look up to me,' and that makes me so happy. After all, this is the "cord" that so tightly binds us together. Yes, that's what I had thought.
君が あっちに行きたいと言っても 私は こっちが好きなの もう 知らないよ こんな『紐』 切ってしまおう
You say that you want to go that way, but I like my way better. I just don't know anymore. Why don't we go ahead and cut this pointless "cord?"
ふわふわ 見えない「誰か」 私を浮かべて居る? ごめんね 夢を見たの
Light as a feather, is "someone" out there thinking of me? I'm sorry, I was dreaming.
近づいて 絡まって 繕って
I approach it, get tangled up in it, touch it up,
『紐』はちゃんと 付いている
and see that this "cord" is properly tied.
夢の中で だったとしても 一時も離さないと 誓うよ 『Film』
It may have only been in my dreams, but I swear that I won't let it go for even a second, "Film."
見慣れたベンチで 君と二人きりで 明日も暇? なんて 知っているのに こうして
I'm alone with you on a bench we often sit at. Are you free tomorrow, too? I ask, as if I don't already know the answer.
暇な日 決まって 君といるのを選んで 『紐』を強く結ぶ そうと 決めたのだから
Every spare moment I have, I choose to spend with you, as this "cord" tightly binds us together. Yes, that was my own decision.
君が あっちに行きたいときでも 次は聞いてと 言えるから
Even when you want to go that way, I can just get you to listen to me next time.
でも 忍び寄る「影」が 『紐』を 切ってしまう
Still, those creeping 'shadows' and bound to cut this "cord" before long.
ふわふわ 見えない「何か」 私を絡めて居る? どうして 邪魔をするの?
Light as a feather, is 'something' out there tangling itself around me? Why is it getting in my way?
近づいて 絡ま▽☆ 〇△×□
I approach it, get tangled ▽☆ 〇△×□
『紐』はちゃんと 付いている 答えて 「誰」だったとしても 二度と『紐』を 切らせないと 守るよ 『Film』
This "cord" is properly tied. Answer me! 'Whoever' it was, I promise that I will never let this "cord" be cut again, "Film."
次に『紐』が引かれたとき 必ず「その正体」を暴こう
The next time something tugs on this "cord" I will expose its 'true nature' without fail.
そしてあの日と同じように 『紐』が狙われたとき ついに私は突き止めた
And then, the moment the "cord" was targeted as it had been on that day, I at last pinpointed the culprit.
「それ」は 想像を絶する程に 大量で 複雑に絡み合った 七色の「糸」
'It' was an astoundingly massive amount of them, intricately woven together. It was a swath of rainbow-colored 'strings.'
こんなの 知りたくなかった 直してくれたのも 『紐』を 切ってしまったのも 全部…
I had no idea this could happen. That you'd fixed it for us, or that I'd gone and cut this "cord" already, none of it...
ふわふわ 見えない「糸」で 『思い出』が霞んでく やめてよ もう やめてよ!
Light as a feather, some 'string' out there is banishing my "memories" into obscurity. Stop it! Just stop it already!
近づいて居る 絡まって居る 繕って居る
I'm getting closer. I'm tangling up in it. I'm touching it up.
『紐』をちゃんと 守れるかな? 決めるよ 間違ったとしても 「糸」と『紐』 離さないと
Can I really protect this "cord" properly? I've decided. No matter how I might screw up, I will never let go of this 'string' or this "cord."
夢の中で だったとしても 君だけを選んでいたい さようなら 「Fil」
It may have only been in my dreams, but you are still the only choice I want to make. Goodbye, "Fil"
二年後の同じ場所 『シュシュ』に縛られた君を見た 次の二人が無事に 『「真理」』に気付くことを願おう
Two years later, at that same place, I spotted you, that "hair scrunchie" tight around your wrist. I hope that the next two people will realize the "'truth'" without coming to harm.
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violettranslations · 4 months
Deflowering (破瓜)
誰とも繋がらない赤い糸 絡まったまま朝を待とう 優しい雨が空を縫い付けて 綺麗な夜が紛い物
Entwined with this red thread of mine that doesn't connect to anyone, I wait for the morning. The gentle rain weaves its way through the sky. This beautiful night is a total sham.
螺旋の中を巡り巡って 眠らずとも朝が来る 濁った排水溝 ベランダの雨 全て洗い流しました
Going round and round in its own spiral, the morning comes again whether or not I fall asleep. The gutters grew muddy as rain fell on the veranda, washing everything away.
両手を零れ落ちて行く 感情的な破瓜
This emotional deflowering spills over from my cupped hands.
使わないまま捨てた言の葉は 寂しさを連れ迷っている 生きる意味なら外のゴミ箱へ 袖に付いた紅い化粧
These words that I threw away without ever using have lost their way with my loneliness in tow. The meaning of life? That'd be in the trashcan outside. My scarlet makeup stains my sleeve.
春を迎えたような柔らかい日差しが指 薄暗い部屋の中で昨日の化粧を落とし 巻き付いた紅い糸の先に目線を落とし ふっているか、また絡まっているだけな どちらを私は望んでるのでしょうか
—As if to welcome the spring, the soft sunlight enveloped my fingers— —In this dimly-lit room, I remove yesterday's makeup— —I glance down towards where the scarlet thread coiled around my finger leads— —not knowing if it's loose, or if I'm just entwined with it again— Which is it that I want, I wonder?
より簡単にかつ確実に 蝕まれる日々の渦 水で流す錠剤の意味 劣情を飼い殺すんだ
The days are a whirlpool that eat away at me more easily, and more definitively, as well. I wash this pill down with a gulp of water to quash the carnal desires within me.
あゝまた思い出す 雨ノ匂イ きっと僕は僕を騙せない
Ah, I remember now. What the rain smelled like. I know I'm incapable of fooling myself.
傘を持たずに逃げた夢の中 拙い愛が染み込んでいる 生きる意味ならとうに灰の中 雨に滲む紅い化粧
In a dream where I fled without an umbrella this shoddy love seeps into me. The meaning of life? It's long since burned to ash. My scarlet makeup runs in the rain.
遠くなる夢と現実は 感情的な破瓜
This receding sensation of dream and reality is an emotional deflowering.
誰とも繋がらない赤い糸 絡まったまま朝を待てど
No matter how long I wait for the morning entwined with this red thread of mine that doesn't connect to anyone,
I can't bring myself to laugh.
今すぐ空を縫い付けて 綺麗な夜が紛い物
It now weaves its way through the sky. This beautiful night is a total sham.
The meaning of life? It's long since burned to ash.
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violettranslations · 4 months
Piranha (ピラニア)
ただ足んなくて寂しくて満たされないから そのエゴの押し付け合い もうたくさんだ
It's just not enough, I'm so lonely, so unfulfilled. I've about had it with all of you shoving your egos on each other!
たった一つの絶望それだけで 投げ出したって嘘ついたって 助けは来ないよ 「もう無理死にたい」それだけで 死ぬ覚悟無いくせに 甘えんな
One point of despair: that's all it took. Even if you toss it away, no matter what lies you may tell, there's no one coming to save you. "I can't do this anymore, I want to die." That's all it took. But you're not even prepared to die. Don't be such a child.
孤独に浸るあなたはもう 愛に溺れることしか 生きる意味を見出せないの?
Basking in loneliness like you are, can you even find meaning in life outside of drowning yourself in love?
ただ足んなくて寂しくて満たされないから そのエゴの押し付け合い もうたくさんだ 大胆に死んだって忘れちゃうから 一つ一つ噛み締めてほら どう生きたい?
It's just not enough, I'm so lonely, so unfulfilled. I've about had it with all of you shoving your egos on each other! Even if I die boldly, I'll just forget about it later. Go on, think it over very carefully: how do you want to live?
たった一つの失望それだけで 捨てられたって騙されたって 情けないから笑 「もう無理死にたい」それだけで また罪を重ねて自分を失う
One point of frustration: that's all it took. No matter who may abandon me or how they may deceive me, I'm still so pathetic. (lol) "I can't do this anymore, I want to die." That's all it took. I repeat sin after sin, and again, I lose myself.
空回って本当は傷つけたくないの 自分でも分かってる 上手くいかないや 辛くて怖くて愛されたいの もし許してくれるならもう一度、、、
I spin my wheels like this, but the truth is, I don't want to hurt anybody. Even I can tell. Nothing's going right. It hurts, I'm so scared, I wish someone loved me. But if you could forgive me, then maybe...
ただ足んなくて寂しくて満たされなくても 噛みついて飲み込むだけ もう知らないよ 泣いたって死んだって消えちゃったとしても 私以外笑顔なら今日から どう生きてこう
It's just not enough, no matter how lonely, how unfulfilled I am, I can only feel myself snap before biting the feeling back down. I don't even care anymore. If I were to cry, if I were to die, or if I were to disappear, and everyone but me smiled, how would I live on from today?
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violettranslations · 4 months
小さくもしたたかに咲く様 わたしもそんなふうにいたいのに 愛おしさも 恋しさも ずっと前から隠しもってるの
Though small, it blooms valiantly. I wish I could be like that, too. But for a long time now, I've been keeping this adoration, this fondness hidden.
体調はどうですか? こちらはどうにも暑さが 長引いてるんですが 周辺の街が赤いんです
How is your health? Here, the heat has been dragging on terribly, and it's turned the outskirts of the town red.
そんなんで毎日が せわしなく流れて去っていくんです
As a result, each day hurriedly passes on by.
黄色い花が咲き もういい匂いもしてきたな あの人のいる場所も 同じ匂いがするんだろう
The yellow flowers are blooming. They're emitting quite a pleasant scent, aren't they? That person ought to be able to smell them, too, wherever they are.
そんなんで毎日が 虚しくも儚く去っていくんです 季節の香と共に
As a result, each day pointlessly and idly passes on by alongside the fragrance of the seasons.
肌寒い午後の夕暮れにさ 涙が止まらなくなったよ 愛おしくても 恋しくても ずっとずっとずっとこれからもずっと…
You see, on a chilly afternoon like that, I couldn't hold back my tears anymore. I've got to keep this adoration, this fondness hidden forever and ever and ever, now and forever more...
胸は痛くないですか? 苦しみが消えなくなっても 熱は出してないですか? 憎しみが冷めなくなっても
Does your heart not hurt? Even though this pain has stopped fading. Are you not burning up inside? Even though this hatred won't cool.
生きていればいいんですよ 生きていればいいんですよ なんて 言いたいけど
It's okay to keep on living. It's okay to keep on living. Well, I wish I could say that, but...
体調はどうですか? こちらはどうにも寒さが 押し寄せているんですが 周辺の街が淡いんです
How is your health? Here, the cold has been surging down on us, and it's turned the outskirts of the town pale.
そんなんで毎日が あっけなくすっと流れていくんです
As a result, each day swiftly and unsatisfyingly passes on by.
黄色い花が落ち もういい匂いもしないかな あの人に似たような かすかに残る優しさで
The yellow flowers fall to the ground. I suppose they won't be emitting that pleasant scent anymore. Just like how only a faint hint of that person's kindness remains in their wake.
こんなにも毎日を 健気にも強く育んでいくんです 季節の香とともに
This is how I am gallantly, resiliently cultivating each day alongside the fragrance of the seasons.
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violettranslations · 5 months
Balancer (バランサー)
平行線上 半ば 曖昧返答 たられば 半端な癖が嫌んなった
If there happened to be some noncommittal reply halfway between these conflicting viewpoints, I'd have since gotten sick of this half-assed habit.
シャーデンフロイデ 洒落がくどいね 嫌いになれそうな夜に
Schadenfreude Chic is quite gaudy, huh? I could come to hate it on a night like this.
ひどく綺麗に見えて あざとい笑みに塵崩されて
It looks so horribly beautiful, and it crumbles to dust at a sly smile.
フラグ  天来のバランサー 論外の未練がある ハイライト 裏側にダークライトなびく 毎秒のジレンマ 快感なるものが 知れたら 仕方がないことだと 改め立ち往生 考える事をやめたら 何この掃き溜めのような感情
Flag Divine balancer I'm dealing with unwarranted regrets. Highlight, and on the flip side, darklight flows. These pleasant sensations, they inspire a dilemma every second. If you know, then there's nothing I can do about it, and I'm brought to a standstill once again. So I stop thinking, and then— what's this garbage heap of emotions I'm left with?
敢えてそう言うのなら 関心無くさよなら 妄想は I wanna do ループ
If you're gonna go out of your way to say that, then I have no qualms about saying goodbye. My wildest fantasies exist as a loop of "I wanna do"
これはひどいね こんな思い出 引き裂かれないようにしてる
They're pretty cruel, huh? These memories. I make sure that nothing will tear them apart.
一人一つの宴  人は永遠にしがない上辺
A lone feast of one. People will always appear worthless on the outside.
音沙汰の無いあの映画 お涙頂戴 南無阿弥陀 もういらないんだよ 耳を刺す愛の歌 ta-ta-ta-tara-ta こたえるから
I've heard nothing of that movie. What a tearjerker! May it rest in peace. I don't need it anymore, this love song that grates on my ears, ta-ta-ta-tara-ta I'll give my answer eventually, alright?
天来のバランサー 論外の未練がある ハイライト 裏側にダークライトなびく ヒントある行動にDing dong 鳴る鼓動 気付いても 言葉と心持ちは釣り合わないもの 考えても無理だと知る 最後の晩餐を前に踊ろう また不���に想ってしまう今日
Divine balancer I'm dealing with unwarranted regrets. Highlight, and on the flip side, darklight flows. Even if I realize that my heartbeat goes "Ding dong" at each suggestive action, my words and my feelings just won't ever balance out. I realize that dwelling on it is pointless. So let's get up and dance before the Last Supper. Again, I think of today unbidden.
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violettranslations · 5 months
Fake Smile (アイソワライ)
嘘に嘘を 塗りたくって 機械みたいに ただ頷く日々 無機質な心で うわべ飾って 今日も僕は いい子にしてる
Compounding lies upon lies, I spend my days bobbing my head like some sort of machine. With an inorganic heart, I put on airs and behave like a good little girl again today.
取り繕った仮面で 掻き消されていく『ホントウ』 分かり合ったフリして 顔色伺う
We drown out the "truth" with these masks we've perfected. We pretend that we've come to an understanding while carefully searching each other's expressions.
やりたくないことやらされて ああ 自分の意思など無い 無い 無い  聞きたくないこと聞かされて ああ 今日も今日とて愛 愛 愛 愛 アイソワライ
I'm being forced to act all these ways I don't wanna act, aah! My own will is gone, gone, gone from the equation! I'm being forced to listed to all these things I don't wanna hear, aah! Day after day, I wear this fa-fa-fa-fa-fake smile.
人形みたいな 笑顔纏って 今日も僕は 自分を守る
Donned with a smile like some sort of doll, I protect myself again today.
ツギハギだらけに 飲み込まれていく感情 忍ばせた素顔に 誰も気付かず
I swallow all of my mishmashed emotions back down. No one suspects that I've been hiding my true face.
したくもないことさせられて 存在意義など無い 無い 無い 見たくないもの見せられて 傷つき傷つけ愛 愛 愛 愛 アイソワライ
I'm being made to do all these things I don't wanna do, I've got no, no, no reason to exist! I'm being forced to look at all these things I don't wanna see, it hurts me, and I hurt it back with this fa-fa-fa-fa-fake smile.
ウソツキまみれの こんな世界で 居場所はどこにもない ない ない
There's no, no, no place where I belong in this world chock full of liars.
心だなんて 不自由なもの 僕にはいらない ない ない ない ない
The "heart" is such a rigid thing. I have no, no, no, no, no need for it!
くるしくないよ くるしくないよ 僕に痛みは 無い 無い 無い 壊れた人形 みたいにほらほら あれあれ おかしいな
It doesn't hurt! It doesn't hurt! The pain is gone, gone, gone! I'm like some sort of broken doll, look, see, my oh my, how strange!
もう 笑えないや…
I can't smile anymore...
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violettranslations · 5 months
A Disease Called Beggary (病名コジキ)
宵に高まってやがてせん妄 鼓膜奥から吐き出す喧噪 心に軋む不和から 宙に放るわ 病道連れ 病名コジキ
It swells in the night before culminating as delirium. My eardrums spew this uproar out from within. I take it from this screeching discord in my heart and fling it into the air. This sickness that I carry with me is a disease called beggary.
頭は 空 伽藍洞の底から 不安 湧いて吐いた 巣食いな 花 ささくれ心は ノイズ掛かって悶えている 薬はまた未来もやに隠した 緩い疎外感と 絶え間無い耳障りな信号 血潮濁して窓の中
My head is empty. From its cavernous depths, my anxiety wells forth, and spews from me. Flowers nest. My frayed heart is writhing in agony, shrouded in noise. My medicine is again hidden within the haze of the future. I've got a weak feeling of alienation and this signal that's constantly buzzing in my ears. Splashes of blood stain the inside of my window.
揺るがないのは確かな幻聴 毒は染み渡って空炎症 震え止まらぬ朝 繰り返し裂か 一発で掻き消す裏技
The only constant is the voices I hear without fail. Poison permeates this imagined inflammation. I haven't stopped trembling all morning, my flesh splits over and over. This cheat code drowns it all out in one shot.
教えて 先生 先生 私 頭が壊れてしまった 痛いのさ 辛いのさ 今すぐここから助けてよ 答えて 先生 先生 私 心が砕けてしまった 怖いのさ ヤバいのさ 本当の事を教えて
Tell me, doctor, doctor! My brain has broken down. It hurts, it's so painful. Save me from this right now! Answer me, doctor, doctor! My heart has been smashed to pieces. I'm scared, this is awful. Tell me the truth!
堪えた 殻 今際の病室で 破綻 微睡んだ くらくら 御覧 くたびれ烏が 眼玉咥えて落ちていく 見上げたなら 星一つ流れた また 心音は途絶えた ぱか かち割り中身は キチガイ水に溢れている
I bore with it, in my shell, on the brink of death in my hospital bed, I broke down, and dozed off. Swirly-whirly, look, that battered crow is falling to the ground with an eyeball in its beak. When I looked up, a star shot by. Again, my heartbeat came to a stop. Po-pop. My crushed-ice body is overflowing with unhinged water.
とめどなく流れてゆく静穏 じきに視界崩れまた邂逅 暴れ始めた空 稲妻咲か 一発でお見舞いさよなら
This tranquility flowed on ceaselessly. Soon, my vision collapsed, and we happened upon each other again. The sky began to rage, the lightning bloomed. A visit and a goodbye, all in one shot.
教えて 先生 先生 私 頭が狂ってしまった 苦しくて 哀しくて 今すぐここから脱してよ 答えて 先生 先生 私 心が潰れてしまった 消えていく その前に 本当の名前教えて
Tell me, doctor, doctor! My brain has gone all screwy. It's agonizing, it's devastating. Get me out of this right now! Answer me, doctor, doctor! My heart has been crushed to nothing. I'm disappearing. Before I fade away, tell me your real name!
頭は 空 伽藍洞の底から 不安 湧いて吐いた 薬はまた未来もやに隠した 緩い疎外感と 堪えた 殻 今際の病室で 破綻 微睡んだ 見上げたなら 星一つ流れた また 心音は途絶えた
My head is empty. From its cavernous depths, my anxiety wells forth, and spews from me. My medicine is again hidden within the haze of the future. I've got this weak feeling of alienation. I bore with it, in my shell, on the brink of death in my hospital bed, I broke down, and dozed off. When I looked up, a star shot by. Again, my heartbeat came to a stop.
病道連れ 旅は道連れ
This sickness that I carry with me is a journey all its own.
教えて 先生 先生 私 頭が壊れてしまった 痛いのさ 辛いのさ 今すぐここから助けてよ 答えて 先生 先生 私 心が砕けてしまった 怖いのさ ヤバいのさ 本当の事を教えて
Tell me, doctor, doctor! My brain has broken down. It hurts, it's so painful. Rescue me right now! Answer me, doctor, doctor! My heart has been smashed to pieces. I'm scared, this is awful. Tell me the truth!
宵に高まってやがてせん妄 鼓膜奥から吐き出す喧噪 心に軋む不和から 宙に放るわ 病道連れ 病名コジキ
It swells in the night before culminating as delirium. My eardrums spew this uproar out from within. I take it from this screeching discord in my heart and fling it into the air. This sickness that I carry with me is a disease called beggary.
病名コジキ 騒ぐな騒ぐなコジキ
It's a disease called beggary. Settle down, settle down, beggar!
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